Re: [pmapper-users] shplink is undefined when querying rasters

2015-07-02 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Does it works without "SelectionManagement" plugin ?

Le 02/07/2015 16:45, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
> Hi,
> I've been updating my pMapper application, with new versions of core and 
> plugins code, and I realized now that rasters query no longer works. I have 
> the raster configurations in the mapfile like:
> ...
> "RESULT_FIELDS" "class,value_0,x,y"
> "RESULT_HEADERS" "Classe,Valor,CoordX,CoordY"
> and when I do a 'Identify', the pmQueryContainer appears, but empty; the 
> pmIndicatorContainer remain always rotating; and I get this error:
> TypeError: val[0].shplink is undefined  --->  js_session.php:348:2347
> $.extend(PM.Plugin,{SelectionManagement:{dlgOptions:{width:400,height:330,left:250,top:250,resizeable:true,newsize:true,container:'pmSavSelectionContainer',name:_p('selectionManagement_savSelectionDlg')},selectMethode:
>  'new',useMenuDlg: false,obj_results_links:{},init: function(){var link=' class="selectionManagement_linkImg" 
> ';link+='alt="'+_p('selectionManagement_removeSelected__object')+'" 
> ';link+='title="'+_p('selectionManagement_removeSelected__object')+'" 
> ';link+='onclick="javascript:PM.Plugin.SelectionManagement.removeObjectFromSelection(\'--shpLayer--\',\'--shpIndex--\')"';link+='> ';this.obj_results_links={"selectionManagement_removeSelected__header":
> link};if(typeof(PM.ini.pluginsConfig.selectionManagement)!='undefined'){if(typeof(PM.ini.pluginsConfig.selectionManagement.useMenuDlg)!='undefined'){if(PM.ini.pluginsConfig.selectionManagement.useMenuDlg==1){this.useMenuDlg=true;,removeObjectFromSelection:
>  function(layer,shapeIndex){var 
> url=PM_PLUGIN_LOCATION+"/selectionManagement/x_selectionManagement.php";var 
> params=SID;params+='&operation=remove_selected';params+='&layerName='+layer;params+='&objIndex='+shapeIndex;$.ajax({url:
>  url,dataType: "json",type: "POST",data: params,success: 
> function(response){PM.Query.writeQResult(response.queryResult,PM.infoWin);if(response.queryResult==0){PM.Map.clearInfo();}},error:
> function(XMLHttpRequest,textStatus,errorThrown){if(window.console){console.log(errorThrown);}}});},extendQueryLayersHeaders
>  : function(queryLayers,tplName){if(queryLayers&&tplName !='iquery'){for(var 
> iLayer=0;iLayer currentLayer=queryLayers[iLayer];$.each(this.obj_results_links,function(name,value){currentLayer.header.push(_p(name));currentLayer.stdheader.push(_p(name));});}};return
>  queryLayers;},extendQueryLayersValues: 
> function(queryLayers,tplName){if(queryLayers&&tplName !='iquery'){for(var 
> iLayer=0;iLayer currentLayer=queryLayers[iLayer];var 
> links=this.obj_results_links;$.each(currentLayer.values,function(iVal,val){var
>  objValues=val;$.each(links,function(name,link){var 
> newlink=link.replace(/--shpLayer--/g,val[0].shplink[0]);newlink=newlink.replace(/--shpIndex--/g,val[0].shplink[1]);val.push(newlink);});});}};return
>  queryLayers;},removeSelection: function(){var 
> urlreq=PM_PLUGIN_LOCATION+"/selectionManagement/x_selectionManagement.php";var
>  params=SID;params+="&operation=remove_selection";$.ajax({url: 
> urlreq,dataType: "json",type: "POST",data: params,success: 
> function(response){PM.Map.clearInfo();},error: 
> function(response){alert("Echec de la 
> suppression");}});if($('#pmQueryContainer').length>0){$('#pmQueryContainer 
> .jqmClose').click();}},reloadSelection: function(){var 
> urlreq=PM_PLUGIN_LOCATION+"/selectionManagement/x_selectionManagement.php";var
>  params=SID;params+="&operation=reload_selection";$.ajax({url: 
> urlreq,dataType: "json",type: "POST",data: params,success: 
> function(response){PM.Query.writeQResult(response.queryResult,PM.infoWin);},error:
> function(response){alert(_p("selectionManagement_reloadError"));}});},reloadMap:
>  function(remove){var 
> mapurl=PM_XAJAX_LOCATION+'x_load.php?'+SID+'&zoom_type=zoompoint';if(remove){PM.extentSelectedFeatures=null;};PM.Map.updateMap(mapurl);},addSelectionOperator:
>  function(container,pluginName,bInline){var 
> pluginRealName=pluginName.replace('Plugin.','');var text=' id="'+pluginRealName+'_selOperators" 
> class="selOperators';if(bInline){text+=',selOperators_inline';};text+='" 
> border=1">';if(!bInline){text+=''+_p('selectionManagement_selOperator_text')+'';};text+='';text+='  id="'+pluginRealName+'_selOperator_new" class="selOperator_new_on" 
> onclick="javascript:PM.'+pluginName+'.setSelection(\'new\')" 
> alt="'+_p('selectionManagement_selOperator_new_text')+'" 
> title="'+_p('selectionManagement_selOperator_new_text')+'">';text+=' id="'+pluginRealName+'_selOperator_add" class="selOperator_add_on" 
> onclick="javascript:PM.'+pluginName+'.setSelection(\'add\')" 
> alt="'+_p('selectionManagement_selOperator_add_text')+'" 
> title="'+_p('selectionManagement_selOperator_add_text')+'">';text+=' id="'+pluginRealName+'_selOperator_intersec" class="selOperator_intersec_on" 
> onclick="javascript:PM.'+pluginName+'.setSelection(\'intersec\')" 
> a

Re: [pmapper-users] Plugin multimedia_files with GROUP name

2015-05-18 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Thanks for the bug report

Le 18/05/2015 15:44, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
> I realized the reason for the multimedia_files plugin does not work, just as 
> I had described in the previous email. Actually I was testing with a group of 
> layers (2 layers with the same GROUP name) and the multimedia_files does not. 
> If I eliminate the GROUP tag and apply the "MULTIMEDIA_FIELDS" to each of the 
> layers, then it runs smoothly.
> As the layers that make up the group can have exactly the same structure in 
> terms of attributes, it might be interesting to provide the multimedia_files 
> also for groups, but I do not know if that is easy to implement. Perhaps for 
> a future update of the plugin.
> Thank you very much!
> Best regards,
> Pedro Venâncio

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Re: [pmapper-users] Selection Management Plugin

2015-05-15 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Try to search if the "jsModifyQueryResultsFunctions" exists in your 
pmapper version.

Le 15/05/2015 11:54, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> Thank you for your answer!
> No, I'm with an older version of pMapper, however I've made several updates 
> to the latest version of the code, and I have almost everything working well. 
> The exception is that option in the SelectionManagement, all the rest of this 
> plugin works well. That's why I came to ask you if there is any option that I 
> should put in some pmapper core file to enable this option, since in the 
> plugin folder is all updated.
> Thank you very much!
> Best regards!
> Pedro
> - Mensagem original -
>> DE: Thomas RAFFIN 
>> Para: Pedro Venâncio ; PMapper Mailing List 
>> Cc:
>> Enviadas: Sexta-feira, 15, Maio 2015 9:40:00
>> Assunto: Re: [pmapper-users] Selection Management Plugin
>> Hi,
>> Are you sure you have the latest version of pmapper? For me it works
>> with the last one.
>> Le 14/05/2015 16:51, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
>>>   Hi Thomas,
>>>   I have a few relatively old pMapper applications (4.1.x ... 4.2.x), and
>> have been updating them and adding the latest plugins.
>>>   For instance, with the SelectionManagement plugin, everything works fine,
>> except removeObjectFromSelection button:
>>>   It simply does not appear.
>>>   I have to change any specific setting for this button appears on the
>> results of selections and queries (QueryContainer)?
>>>   Thank you very much Thomas!
>>>   Best regards,
>>>   Pedro

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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Selection Management Plugin

2015-05-15 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Are you sure you have the latest version of pmapper? For me it works 
with the last one.

Le 14/05/2015 16:51, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> I have a few relatively old pMapper applications (4.1.x ... 4.2.x), and have 
> been updating them and adding the latest plugins.
> For instance, with the SelectionManagement plugin, everything works fine, 
> except removeObjectFromSelection button:
> It simply does not appear.
> I have to change any specific setting for this button appears on the results 
> of selections and queries (QueryContainer)?
> Thank you very much Thomas!
> Best regards,
> Pedro

One dashboard for servers and applications across Physical-Virtual-Cloud 
Widest out-of-the-box monitoring support with 50+ applications
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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Projection error

2015-01-28 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

I don't really use proj4s plugin, so I'm not sure but I think you have 
to define the projection (3857 here):
-  in the XML (already done as I see below)
- in JS
 - in your js_config.php :
Proj4js.defs["EPSG:2154"]="+proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=44 +lat_0=46.5 
+lon_0=3 +x_0=70 +y_0=660 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 
+units=m +no_defs  ";
 - or with the correct js file in pmapper/plugins/proj4js/defs


Le 28/01/2015 11:03, Andreas Douvalis a écrit :
> Can you help me with the javascript error bellow?
> "NetworkError: 404 Not Found - /pmapper/projCode/null.js"
> My map projection is :
>  "init=epsg:3857"
> and my config xml
>  init=epsg:3857
>  init=epsg:4326
>  init=epsg:2100
>  init=epsg:900913
>  init=epsg:2100
>  init=epsg:4326
>  init=epsg:3857
>  init=epsg:900913
> --
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Re: [pmapper-users] Drawing; Images, ...

2015-01-06 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Found (thanks you jose)! It depends on js configuration, compression 
level and method, etc ...

Just commited right now.


Le 06/01/2015 10:27, Thomas RAFFIN a écrit :
> Hi
> What about your PHP error log file please?
> Le 30/12/2014 01:29, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
>> Hi Thomas,
>> First of all, thank you very much for these improvements!
>> I've been trying to update the Drawing plugin of one pmapper application, 
>> but the "Export result" is not working. It opens a new tab in browser, stays 
>> a little bit loading ../plugins/drawing/x_drawExport.php page, and then I 
>> get "NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error" (on firebug).
>> What could be going wrong?
>> Thank you very much!
>> Best regards,
>> Pedro
>> - Mensagem original -
>>> DE: Thomas RAFFIN
>>> Para: pmapper-users
>>> Hi,
>>> I've just committed few things in pmapper4 trunk version. Here is a
>>> quick changelog:
>>> - new plugin: "multimedia_files" to show images in the result window
>>> - drawing with more features: save file, reload, zoom to all, change
>>> properties for already drawn features, change comment, uniformize somme
>>> properties for all features of the same type, ...
>>> - measure2: change color for already drawn features
>>> - query editor: add operator at cursor position
>>> - selection management: remove whole layer
>>> - ...
>>> Feel free to add documentation in the wiki or correct few bugs in
>>> drawing plugin (or other):
>>> - dynamic window for properties opened at the beginning
>>> - buttons at the bottom of the main drawing window are badly positioned
>>> - ...
>>> Bye
>>> Thomas
> --
> Dive into the World of Parallel Programming! The Go Parallel Website,
> sponsored by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your
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> look and join the conversation now.
> ___
> pmapper-users mailing list

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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Drawing; Images, ...

2015-01-06 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

What about your PHP error log file please?

Le 30/12/2014 01:29, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> First of all, thank you very much for these improvements!
> I've been trying to update the Drawing plugin of one pmapper application, but 
> the "Export result" is not working. It opens a new tab in browser, stays a 
> little bit loading ../plugins/drawing/x_drawExport.php page, and then I get 
> "NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error" (on firebug).
> What could be going wrong?
> Thank you very much!
> Best regards,
> Pedro
> - Mensagem original -
>> DE: Thomas RAFFIN
>> Para: pmapper-users
>> Hi,
>> I've just committed few things in pmapper4 trunk version. Here is a
>> quick changelog:
>> - new plugin: "multimedia_files" to show images in the result window
>> - drawing with more features: save file, reload, zoom to all, change
>> properties for already drawn features, change comment, uniformize somme
>> properties for all features of the same type, ...
>> - measure2: change color for already drawn features
>> - query editor: add operator at cursor position
>> - selection management: remove whole layer
>> - ...
>> Feel free to add documentation in the wiki or correct few bugs in
>> drawing plugin (or other):
>> - dynamic window for properties opened at the beginning
>> - buttons at the bottom of the main drawing window are badly positioned
>> - ...
>> Bye
>> Thomas

Dive into the World of Parallel Programming! The Go Parallel Website,
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Re: [pmapper-users] Drawing; Images, ...

2014-12-22 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Dynamic window bug should be solved!

Le 19/12/2014 22:50, Thomas RAFFIN a écrit :
> Hi,
> I've just committed few things in pmapper4 trunk version. Here is a
> quick changelog:
> - new plugin: "multimedia_files" to show images in the result window
> - drawing with more features: save file, reload, zoom to all, change
> properties for already drawn features, change comment, uniformize somme
> properties for all features of the same type, ...
> - measure2: change color for already drawn features
> - query editor: add operator at cursor position
> - selection management: remove whole layer
> - ...
> Feel free to add documentation in the wiki or correct few bugs in
> drawing plugin (or other):
> - dynamic window for properties opened at the beginning
> - buttons at the bottom of the main drawing window are badly positioned
> - ...
> Bye
> Thomas
> --
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> ___
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pmapper-users mailing list

[pmapper-users] Drawing; Images, ...

2014-12-19 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

I've just committed few things in pmapper4 trunk version. Here is a 
quick changelog:
- new plugin: "multimedia_files" to show images in the result window
- drawing with more features: save file, reload, zoom to all, change 
properties for already drawn features, change comment, uniformize somme 
properties for all features of the same type, ...
- measure2: change color for already drawn features
- query editor: add operator at cursor position
- selection management: remove whole layer
- ...

Feel free to add documentation in the wiki or correct few bugs in 
drawing plugin (or other):
- dynamic window for properties opened at the beginning
- buttons at the bottom of the main drawing window are badly positioned
- ...



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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] bug with draw printable shapes over the map (drawing plugin)

2014-11-12 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Man will update drawing and measure2 plugins ASAP:
- measure2: modify color of already drawn features
- drawing:
 - modify drawing properties (color, outline color, comment, symbol, 
symbol size, label size, ...) of already drawn features
 - equalize some properties (color, outline color, symbol size, 
label size) of all features that have the same type
 - add rectangle and annotation types
 - save (and restore) drawing in a text file
 - zoom all
 - zoom 1 feature


Le 30/10/2014 12:37, jose mvm a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> Thank You Very Much
> I suggest, if it possible, to change the colors of drawings like to change
> the colors of the the saved selections.
> I suppose too that it would be very interesting to change the line border
> thickness (width) of the drawings.
> Thanks again
> Best Regards
> José
> 2014-10-30 10:58 GMT+00:00 Thomas RAFFIN [via pmapper-users -- p.mapper
> users mailing list] :
>> Hi,
>> Try to add this line in printdlg.phtml (in pmapper directory):
>> require_once('incphp/group.php');
>> just before all the other includes / requires lines.
>> For me:
>> require_once('incphp/group.php');
>> require_once("incphp/pmsession.php");
>> require_once("incphp/common.php");
>> require_once("incphp/globals.php");
>> require_once("incphp/print/printxml.php");
>> If it solve the issue I will commit it for next version.
>> Thomas
>> Le 11/09/2014 15:37, jose mvm a écrit :
>>> 2 layers overlapped - the second layer with 50% of transparency, without
>>> drawings:
>>> screen image:
>>> <
>>> print image (pdf):
>>> <
>>> 2 layers overlapped - the second layer with 50% of transparency, with a
>>> circle shape:
>>> screen image:
>>> <
>>> print image (pdf):
>>> <
>>> CONCLUSION: the transparency/opacity value of the layers is always
>> ignored
>>> by the pdf generator system whenever there's a drawing over the map.
>>> Any user who has detected this problem?
>>> I hope someone can help me.
>>> Thank you very much Thomas Raffin and all pmapper Users
>>> Jose
>>> --
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>>   To unsubscribe from bug with draw printable shapes over the map (drawing
>> plugin), click here
>> <

Re: [pmapper-users] photo plugin

2014-10-31 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
An other option: try to add a js function at the beginning of 
PM.modifyQueryResultsFunctions array.

Maybe you have to send an empty array if you what to stop query result 

for instance:

 parseResultsForImagesOnly: function(queryLayers, tplName) {
 var ret = queryLayers;
 if (queryLayers && tplName != 'iquery') {
 for (var iLayer = 0 ; iLayer < queryLayers.length ; 
iLayer++) {
 var currentLayer = queryLayers[iLayer];
 // check layer name and do what you want
 var layerName  = typeof(currentLayer.values[0]) != 
'undefined') ? currentLayer.values[0][0].shplink[0] : '';
 if (layerName  == 'xxx') {
 // .
 // .
 // .
 // .
 ret = [];
 return ret;

Not tested, just for the idea...



Le 31/10/2014 17:52, Valerio a écrit :
> Hi,
> ok..I will try.
> Actually, it'd be a second query window: one (still active) that opens 
> a normal table, the other that opens a window with only images or 
> other fields from db.
> thanks
> Valerio
> 2014-10-31 17:44 GMT+01:00 Thomas RAFFIN  <>>:
> Hi
> I think you only have to change the template in pm.query.js to
> change the behavior. But I didn't try it...
> Le 31/10/2014 17:34, Valerio a écrit :
>> ​ Hi Thomas,
>> ​ Your plugin for thumbnails would be very useful​ if published
>> on pmapper 4!!
>> Moreover, do you know the existence of a plugin that open
>> directly an image (bypassing query result window), as showed in
>> youtube video linked by Firdaus?
>> thank you very much
>> regards
>> Valerio
>> 2014-10-30 17:37 GMT+01:00 Thomas RAFFIN > <>>:
>> Hi,
>> We've got a plugin that could do the job:
>> It transform a field value a thumbnail (add the extension
>> jpeg, png, ...
>> if needed) with link that will open the image in an other
>> browser page.
>> It requires to publish the directory that contains the images
>> on the
>> web., and a specific METADATA tag in your layer.
>> If it is what you want, tell me and I will check if it is
>> possible to
>> publish it on pmapper4.
>> Thomas
>> Le 29/10/2014 19:11,
>> ​ ​
>> Firdaus firdaus a écrit :
>> > dear All,
>> >
>> > anyone has plugin in pmapper for displaying photo ?
>> >
>> > I saw a video in
>> youtube
>> <> where
>> > it is using pmapper.
>> >
>> > thanks for your help in advance
>> >
>> --
>> > ___
>> > pmapper-users mailing list
>> >
>> <>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> ___
>> pmapper-users mailing list
>> <>

pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] photo plugin

2014-10-31 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
And the thumbnails size is in CSS if I remember...

Le 31/10/2014 17:44, Thomas RAFFIN a écrit :
> Hi
> I think you only have to change the template in pm.query.js to change
> the behavior. But I didn't try it...
> Le 31/10/2014 17:34, Valerio a écrit :
>> ​ Hi Thomas,
>> ​ Your plugin for thumbnails would be very useful​ if published on
>> pmapper 4!!
>> Moreover, do you know the existence of a plugin that open directly an
>> image (bypassing query result window), as showed in youtube video
>> linked by Firdaus?
>> thank you very much
>> regards
>> Valerio
>> 2014-10-30 17:37 GMT+01:00 Thomas RAFFIN > <>>:
>>  Hi,
>>  We've got a plugin that could do the job:
>>  It transform a field value a thumbnail (add the extension jpeg,
>>  png, ...
>>  if needed) with link that will open the image in an other browser
>>  page.
>>  It requires to publish the directory that contains the images on the
>>  web., and a specific METADATA tag in your layer.
>>  If it is what you want, tell me and I will check if it is possible to
>>  publish it on pmapper4.
>>  Thomas
>>  Le 29/10/2014 19:11,
>>  ​ ​
>>  Firdaus firdaus a écrit :
>>  > dear All,
>>  >
>>  > anyone has plugin in pmapper for displaying photo ?
>>  >
>>  > I saw a video in
>>  youtube
>>  <> where
>>  > it is using pmapper.
>>  >
>>  > thanks for your help in advance
>>  >
>> --
>>  > ___
>>  > pmapper-users mailing list
>>  >
>>  <>
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>> --
>>  ___
>>  pmapper-users mailing list
>>  <>
> --
> ___
> pmapper-users mailing list

pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] photo plugin

2014-10-31 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

I think you only have to change the template in pm.query.js to change 
the behavior. But I didn't try it...

Le 31/10/2014 17:34, Valerio a écrit :
> ​ Hi Thomas,
> ​ Your plugin for thumbnails would be very useful​ if published on 
> pmapper 4!!
> Moreover, do you know the existence of a plugin that open directly an 
> image (bypassing query result window), as showed in youtube video 
> linked by Firdaus?
> thank you very much
> regards
> Valerio
> 2014-10-30 17:37 GMT+01:00 Thomas RAFFIN  <>>:
> Hi,
> We've got a plugin that could do the job:
> It transform a field value a thumbnail (add the extension jpeg,
> png, ...
> if needed) with link that will open the image in an other browser
> page.
> It requires to publish the directory that contains the images on the
> web., and a specific METADATA tag in your layer.
> If it is what you want, tell me and I will check if it is possible to
> publish it on pmapper4.
> Thomas
> Le 29/10/2014 19:11,
> ​ ​
> Firdaus firdaus a écrit :
> > dear All,
> >
> > anyone has plugin in pmapper for displaying photo ?
> >
> > I saw a video in
> youtube
> <> where
> > it is using pmapper.
> >
> > thanks for your help in advance
> >
> --
> > ___
> > pmapper-users mailing list
> >
> <>
> >
> >
> >
> --
> ___
> pmapper-users mailing list
> <>

pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] photo plugin

2014-10-31 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

We didn't use BLOB (with postgreSQL we had bad experience on it!!) but 
classical file storage on the server.

It should be easy if someone want to hack the plugin and add an upload 


Le 31/10/2014 07:38, Raffaele Morelli a écrit :
> On 30/10/14 at 09:35am, Thomas wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We've got a plugin that could do the job:
>> It transform a field value a thumbnail (add the extension jpeg, png, ... if
>> needed) with link that will open the image in an other browser page.
>> It requires to publish the directory that contains the images on the web.,
>> and a specific METADATA tag in your layer.
>> If it is what you want, tell me and I will check if it is possible to
>> publish it on pmapper4.
>> Thomas
> It should be possible to use blobs as table fields and "parse" query result to
> cast the mime type. Main choice is how do you manage to upload the image, ie
> using pmapper4 attributes editor or something else on the db side.
> How do you implement it?
> Raffaele

pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] photo plugin

2014-10-30 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Unfortunately I'm not able to add the image example...

Le 30/10/2014 17:37, Thomas RAFFIN a écrit :


We've got a plugin that could do the job:

It transform a field value a thumbnail (add the extension jpeg, png, ...
if needed) with link that will open the image in an other browser page.

It requires to publish the directory that contains the images on the
web., and a specific METADATA tag in your layer.

If it is what you want, tell me and I will check if it is possible to
publish it on pmapper4.


Le 29/10/2014 19:11, Firdaus firdaus a écrit :

dear All,

anyone has plugin in pmapper for displaying photo ?

I saw a video in youtube  where
it is using pmapper.

thanks for your help in advance
pmapper-users mailing list

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Re: [pmapper-users] photo plugin

2014-10-30 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

We've got a plugin that could do the job:

It transform a field value a thumbnail (add the extension jpeg, png, ... 
if needed) with link that will open the image in an other browser page.

It requires to publish the directory that contains the images on the 
web., and a specific METADATA tag in your layer.

If it is what you want, tell me and I will check if it is possible to 
publish it on pmapper4.


Le 29/10/2014 19:11, Firdaus firdaus a écrit :
> dear All,
> anyone has plugin in pmapper for displaying photo ?
> I saw a video in youtube  where
> it is using pmapper.
> thanks for your help in advance
> --
> ___
> pmapper-users mailing list

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Re: [pmapper-users] bug with draw printable shapes over the map (drawing plugin)

2014-10-30 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Try to add this line in printdlg.phtml (in pmapper directory):
just before all the other includes / requires lines.

For me:

If it solve the issue I will commit it for next version.


Le 11/09/2014 15:37, jose mvm a écrit :
> 2 layers overlapped - the second layer with 50% of transparency, without
> drawings:
> screen image:
> <>
> print image (pdf):
> <>
> 2 layers overlapped - the second layer with 50% of transparency, with a
> circle shape:
> screen image:
> <>
> print image (pdf):
> <>
> CONCLUSION: the transparency/opacity value of the layers is always ignored
> by the pdf generator system whenever there's a drawing over the map.
> Any user who has detected this problem?
> I hope someone can help me.
> Thank you very much Thomas Raffin and all pmapper Users
> Jose
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Re: [pmapper-users] PMapper5 : PM_RESULT_FIELDS order not observed

2014-10-29 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

I think it should be better to use "isset($recIn[$fld])" instead of 
"array_key_exists($fld, $recIn)" by considering performance.

Le 14/10/2014 19:10, Armin Burger a écrit :
> On 10/14/2014 07:50 AM, Raffaele Morelli wrote:
>> On 14/10/14 at 12:32am, Armin Burger wrote:
>>> yes, I guess this was always the way how it worked aslo in older
>>> versions. It's not just for Postgis but also shapefile layers etc.
>>> The change to make it behave as you expected is to modify the
>>> lib/query/query.php file at line 229 replacing the 4 subsequent lines
>>> with the following ones:
>>>foreach ($resultFields as $fld) {
>>>if (array_key_exists($fld, $recIn)) {
>>>$rec[$fld] = $recIn[$fld];
>>> Maybe a bit of testing would be needed but it could be changed in the
>>> main code to always work like that, I agree that it seems more logic...
>>> armin
>> Tested a little and works smoothly. IMHO it should be committed because when
>> dealing with query results it's really useful to rearrange fields order and 
>> left
>> db query untouched (even more with shapefile's dbf, I guess).
> OK, committed to svn trunk
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Re: [pmapper-users] RES: Attribute search

2014-09-17 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

After few search, it already works, but you have to specify 1 entry in 
search.xml for each layer (and not 1 for the whole group). This could be 
useful for suggest or options fields or sql_where if the queries are not 
the same in different layer in the same group...

==> 1 entry for each layer (not group !) you want to search in.
==>  Just add the attribut "groupname".


Hope this helps


Le 22/07/2014 12:03, Thomas RAFFIN a écrit :
> Hi,
> My version doesn't works with groups, sorry...
> Le 17/07/2014 21:38, Thomas RAFFIN a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I think I've got this code.
>> I will check it tomorrow.
>> Le 17/07/2014 19:39, Juliano C. P. Agostinho a écrit :
>>> Thank you.
>>> I will try implement one search to groups if I  have success I will send to
>>> you.
>>> -Mensagem original-
>>> De: Armin Burger []
>>> Enviada em: quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2014 14:16
>>> Para: Juliano C. P. Agostinho; >>
>>> ""
>>> Assunto: Re: [pmapper-users] Attribute search
>>> Attribute searches just work on layers, not groups. So in your case you have
>>> to decide which of the grouped layers to use for the search. In principal it
>>> would be possible to use the same mechanism as for identify (collecting
>>> results for layers of a group) but that was never implemented.
>>> /a
>>> On 07/17/2014 06:37 PM, Juliano C. P. Agostinho wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have one problem, I have 2 SHAPEfiles (point and polygon) and I want
>>>> search in both.
>>>> Exemple:
>>>> I want search Topdown's city in all SHP's (point and polygon) in same
>>> time.
>>>> Is there one way?
>>>> LAYER
>>>> NAME "City"
>>>> MAXSCALE 7000
>>>> DATA City_polig.shp"
>>>> CLASS
>>>> NAME " "
>>>> STYLE
>>>>OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128
>>>>LINECAP butt
>>>>WIDTH 2
>>>> END
>>>> TEMPLATE void
>>>> END
>>>>  "DESCRIPTION" "city"
>>>>  "RESULT_HEADERS" "Name"
>>>>  "LAYER_ENCODING" "ISO-8859-1"
>>>>  "ows_title"  "City"
>>>> END
>>>> END
>>>> LAYER
>>>> NAME "City"
>>>> MAXSCALE 7000
>>>> DATA "City_point.shp"
>>>> CLASS
>>>> NAME " "

Re: [pmapper-users] Print pdf in pmapper 4.3.2 change size font

2014-09-03 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Now I remember this problem ;-)

Le 03/09/2014 14:12, nando_gcia a écrit :
> I finally solved the problem: At the beginning of the map file must always
> have these two lines:
> Thank you all for your cooperation.
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Re: [pmapper-users] Print pdf in pmapper 4.3.2 change size font

2014-09-03 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
On my workstation:
- pmapper 4 (trunk version)
- MapServer (Windows) 6.2.1
- demo data
printing HTML and PDF give the same results. I've printed them an 
manually superpose the papers, font size are the same at the same scale 
and feet exactly...

Other question: what is your output format please ?

Le 03/09/2014 11:47, nando_gcia a écrit :
> Hi, my map file is in UNITS-> METERS and LABEL tag code is:
> FONT "vera"
> TYPE truetype
> SIZE 10
> COLOR 0 0 0
> OUTLINECOLOR 255,255,128
> TRUE antialiasing
> I've just tested with Mapserver 6.0.1 and 6.2.1 in Windows and Ubuntu
> Server:
> - Mapserver image in the browser -> OK
> - PDF (from pmapper print functionality) -> RESIZE SIZED
> - HTML "print" (from pmapper print functionality) -> OK
> - Image generation (from "donwload" pmapper functionality) -> OK
> I also tried changing the value  1  with the value 2 in
> the xml file pmapper and the error continues. I've even changed the font to
> FreeSans and others.
> Any other ideas?
> --
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Re: [pmapper-users] Print pdf in pmapper 4.3.2 change size font

2014-09-03 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

That's not what I would like to say. I thought your specific MapServer 
version (6.0.1) could not be well supported in pmapper. That's why I 
suggested to upgrade to 6.2.x or 6.4.x.

I've just tested with:
- pmapper image in the browser
- PDF (from pmapper print functionality)
- HTML "print" (from pmapper print functionality)
- image generation (from "donwload" pmapper functionality)
All text are well sized.

Maybe there is an issue with LABEL parameter in mapfile... Here is the 
one I've tested
 FONT "vera"
 COLOR 0 0 0

What are your LABEL part please? And the MAP->UNITS value (meters, 
pixels ?) ? I'm in meters.

Le 03/09/2014 07:33, nando_gcia a écrit :
> Hi Armin, I have tried your solution but no difference, still the same
> result. Thomas Raffin says mapserver version does not support well pmappper
> this is true?
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Re: [pmapper-users] selectionManagement plugin

2014-07-28 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

What did you mean with drawing: it doesn't works for you?

Le 28/07/2014 10:56, jose mvm a écrit :
> Good morning Thomas,
> in my opinion, this plugin is really a very great progress for the pmapper
> project.
> it would be important to be able to do the same for drawings... ;-)
> Thank you very much for your excellent work!!!
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Re: [pmapper-users] selectionManagement plugin

2014-07-28 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

You're right. Some other plugins activated could hide those missing 
includes. But with only SelectionManagement plugin activated I've got 
the error too.
the only solution is to use GraphicalQueries and other wonderfull 
plugins for instance ;-)

No, I've just committed the correction.

Thanks Jose for the bug report and Armin for the correction.


Le 26/07/2014 18:40, jose mvm a écrit :
> Hi Armin :-)
> Thank you very much for your very very precious help!!!
> Best Regards
> José
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Re: [pmapper-users] view labels at deeper zoom levels

2014-07-24 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

It's a MapServer question.

Le 24/07/2014 11:36, harpinder singh a écrit :
> Hello
> Is it possible to configure pmapper to view labels of some layers at deeper 
> zoom levels only ?
> regards,
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Re: [pmapper-users] PMapper 5

2014-07-24 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

As far as I'm concerned, none of "mine" plugins are ported to pm5. They 
will be, but not in the next few months...

Le 24/07/2014 10:42, Chris Jackson a écrit :
> Hi all
> As PMapper moves towards a 4.4 release, I was just wondering if any
> progress was being made with PMapper 5 - (is there a newer beta release as
> bugs ave been found etc?)  Out of interest how many of the PMapper 4
> plugins work with v5?
> Cheers
> Chris
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Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper4: new plugins and options

2014-07-23 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Le 23/07/2014 10:37, jose mvm a écrit :
> good morning Thomas and Armin - the sun rises earlier in France!
> ok, the small php notice disappears with new revision of layerview.php.
> thanks for your explain about clientdynamiclayers plugin - yes i have my
> code all updated.
> really, i can do intersections using a buffer! - but not with selections
> from the searchtool or queryeditor.

The "operators" for selections only considers objects and their ids, not 
their geometry. So you have to compare things about the same layers:
- your current selection contains countries (and others layers objects, 
why not: towns, ...)
- your will make a new attribute search on countries (by name for instance)
- with the operator intersection
- the result will be : the towns from your search that were in your 
previous selection.

> save selections do not work with my installation yet - and I think this
> plugin is very interesting too.

Really? Have you try with a clean pmapper install and demo date? What 
type are your layers (SHP, postgis, ...) ?

> Thanks
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Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper4: new plugins and options

2014-07-23 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
You can use buffer in the graphical queries to intersect geometries.

Intersection of selection is the elements that are in both of 2 selections.

Le 22/07/2014 22:30, jose mvm a écrit :
> i'm sorry.
> i can get intersections within only a single layer.
> but I suppose the intersection operation works with different layers...
> eg: intersect the points from one layer (POINT) that are completely within
> the polygon feature (from another layer/POLYGON)...
> or is not this the purpose of the tool? if not, then my only problem is to
> save the selections.
> Thanks again
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Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper4: new plugins and options

2014-07-23 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
In the slectionManagement README.TXT, there is :

 > Dependancies:
 > - plugins/common/
 > - plugins/clientDynamicLayers/*

Have you got those files i?n your pmapper? Are they up-to-date?

Le 22/07/2014 21:53, jose mvm a écrit :
> ok, my php errors level is on the maximum for to help me to understand and
> report the problems.
> but i have a fatal error when i try to save the selections as i showed:
> [22-Jul-2014 16:40:46 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function
> getLayersByGroupOrLayerName() in
> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/plugins/clientdynamiclayers/clientDynamicLayers.php
> on line 461
> and basicaly i can't get intersections (and i have no php errors about it).
> Thank you very much Armin Burger
> Congratulations for your great work!!!
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Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper4: new plugins and options

2014-07-23 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Le 22/07/2014 18:51, jose mvm a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> after update the pmapper code, i found some questions and difficulties:
> - when pmapper start up php notice apeears (repeatedly):
> [22-Jul-2014 16:06:49 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: dynamicClasses
> in /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/incphp/layerview.php on line 218
> but no problem...

Just a small notice, no pb. It will be solved solved in a future revision.

> - when i make a search the table of results appears closed by default... (no
> probem too)
> but my main problem, possibly, is that I don't understand the philosophy,
> the goal, the mechanism and operation of the "clientDynamicLayers". i don't
> understand the "examples" contained in plugin.

This is not a plugin, but a part of code shared by few others plugins: 
drawing, measure2, exportPoints, SelectionManagement, ... Its goal is to 
add dynamic data from your browser to server part of pmapper.

If you have development skills the code in example is to add in your js 
console (Firebug in Firefox for instance). Be careful to the coordinates 
in the examples: they have have to fit with your map. And you have to 
add the to your real (I've just commited 
a small correction for MapServer >= 6: )

> and without this dependence plugin, the selectionManagement plugin doesn't
> work correctly. i can't save selections.

Yes it is a dependency: you can't use selectionManagement without 

> Thanks in advence
> Best regards

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Re: [pmapper-users] RES: Attribute search

2014-07-22 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

My version doesn't works with groups, sorry...

Le 17/07/2014 21:38, Thomas RAFFIN a écrit :
> Hi,
> I think I've got this code.
> I will check it tomorrow.
> Le 17/07/2014 19:39, Juliano C. P. Agostinho a écrit :
>> Thank you.
>> I will try implement one search to groups if I  have success I will send to
>> you.
>> -Mensagem original-
>> De: Armin Burger []
>> Enviada em: quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2014 14:16
>> Para: Juliano C. P. Agostinho; >>
>> ""
>> Assunto: Re: [pmapper-users] Attribute search
>> Attribute searches just work on layers, not groups. So in your case you have
>> to decide which of the grouped layers to use for the search. In principal it
>> would be possible to use the same mechanism as for identify (collecting
>> results for layers of a group) but that was never implemented.
>> /a
>> On 07/17/2014 06:37 PM, Juliano C. P. Agostinho wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have one problem, I have 2 SHAPEfiles (point and polygon) and I want
>>> search in both.
>>> Exemple:
>>> I want search Topdown's city in all SHP's (point and polygon) in same
>> time.
>>> Is there one way?
>>>NAME "City"
>>>MAXSCALE 7000
>>>DATA City_polig.shp"
>>>NAME " "
>>>   OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128
>>>   LINECAP butt
>>>   WIDTH 2
>>>   PATTERN 5 5 END
>>>TEMPLATE void
>>> "DESCRIPTION" "city"
>>> "LAYER_ENCODING" "ISO-8859-1"
>>> "ows_title"  "City"
>>>NAME "City"
>>>MAXSCALE 7000
>>>DATA "City_point.shp"
>>>NAME " "
>>>   SYMBOL "circle1"
>>>   COLOR 128 128 128
>>>   SIZE 10
>>>TEMPLATE void
>>> "DESCRIPTION" "city"
>>>         "LAYER_ENCODING" "ISO-8859-1"
>>> "ows_title"  "City"

Re: [pmapper-users] intersect with selection management plugin

2014-07-21 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Now search operators are available for pre-definied search.

Le 17/07/2014 13:30, Thomas RAFFIN a écrit :
> I send your mail to the mailing-list after a small "cleaning"...
> Concerning "intersect with current selection" it is working well on my
> local pmapper copy? I'm trying to commit all local modification in
> pmapper4 trunk version.
> For search operators, I'm looking what is missing in pmapper4 trunk
> version to allow it...
> bye
> Thomas
> Le 16/07/2014 18:13, jose macau a écrit :
>> my initial post ("This post has NOT been accepted by the mailing list
>> yet."), i don't know know why, i don't now if you can see it...
>> title: intersect with selection management plugin
>> post:
>> hi,
>> i'm trying to use "intersect with current selection" (through the
>> graphical queries plugin or query editor plugin) but i can´t get any
>> results.
>> i have no php errors, only php notices:
>> first selection:
>> [15-Jul-2014 10:38:06 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in
>> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/incphp/xajax/x_select.php on line 96
>> [15-Jul-2014 10:38:15 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: JSON_Results
>> in
>> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/plugins/graphicalqueries/x_graphicalqueries.php
>> on line 19
>> [15-Jul-2014 10:38:15 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: poly in
>> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/plugins/graphicalqueries/x_graphicalqueries.php
>> on line 28
>> [15-Jul-2014 10:38:16 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in
>> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/incphp/xajax/x_select.php on line 96
>> intersect with current selection:
>> [15-Jul-2014 10:40:25 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: poly in
>> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/plugins/graphicalqueries/x_graphicalqueries.php
>> on line 28
>> [15-Jul-2014 10:40:25 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 1 in
>> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/plugins/common/ on line 421
>> [15-Jul-2014 10:40:25 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of
>> non-object in
>> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/plugins/common/ on line 421
>> [15-Jul-2014 10:40:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in
>> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/incphp/xajax/x_select.php on line 96
>> and another question:
>> it´s possible to load the selection management plugin with search tool
>> plugin (like with the graphical queries plugin and query editor plugin)?
>> thanks
>> best regards,
>> José
>> 2014-07-16 16:26 GMT+01:00 jose macau > <>>:
>>  Ok, magnificent!!!
>>  Thank you very much Thomas.
>>  But the my initial question was intersect with selection
>>  management plugin.
>>  I get the "replace selection", the "add to current selection",
>>  the"exclude from the current selection" but not the "intersect
>>  with current selection" operation.
>>  2014-07-16 16:08 GMT+01:00 Thomas RAFFIN >  <>>:
>>  Found!
>>  In plugins/queryeditor/queryeditor.js, function
>>  "setLayerName", near line 134, you should have (like here:
>>  var options = '\n';
>>  with a "#" sign. In your code it is a "%".
> --
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[pmapper-users] pmapper4: new plugins and options

2014-07-21 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Hi all,

There are few new plugins and options available in pampper4. I will 
quickly described the changes here, but for more information plugins are 
documented in pmapper wiki (here: ) and in their own  
README file.

- Selection Management (enhancement / big rewritten):
 - now you can save, restore, merge, etc... your selections. See
for a quick view
 - operators are available on pre-defined search, graphical queries, 
query editor (something like a small SQL editor), ...
 - ...

- Export Layer (new): export whole layer data in shape file (without 
selection on the contrary to export plugin)

- Export Points (new): export some user-defined points in a text file

- Size up and Down Object (enhancement): increase size or objects, and 
can now change label scale limit

- Menu Dlg (new): add additional tools concerning selection in a menu 
instead of at the end of selection window

- Switch Layers (enhancement): checked / unchecked all layer of 1 
category. Now you can see category state even if it is closed

- TOC Action Menu (new): just add a button near layers to open its 
contextual menu

- Unit And Projection (new): display informations concerning unit and 
projection near coordinates

- Transparency2 (enhancement): transparency / opacity can be set to 
initial value

- corrections in Query Editor (something like a small SQL editor), 
Drawing, Export

New options (see here: 
for details):
- compact result window --> hideResultLimit
- query on not visible groups at current scale --> queryOnInvisibleGroup

If no serious bugs are reported soon, a new pmapper 4.4 will soon be 



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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] RES: Attribute search

2014-07-17 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

I think I've got this code.

I will check it tomorrow.

Le 17/07/2014 19:39, Juliano C. P. Agostinho a écrit :
> Thank you.
> I will try implement one search to groups if I  have success I will send to
> you.
> -Mensagem original-
> De: Armin Burger []
> Enviada em: quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2014 14:16
> Para: Juliano C. P. Agostinho; >>
> ""
> Assunto: Re: [pmapper-users] Attribute search
> Attribute searches just work on layers, not groups. So in your case you have
> to decide which of the grouped layers to use for the search. In principal it
> would be possible to use the same mechanism as for identify (collecting
> results for layers of a group) but that was never implemented.
> /a
> On 07/17/2014 06:37 PM, Juliano C. P. Agostinho wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have one problem, I have 2 SHAPEfiles (point and polygon) and I want
>> search in both.
>> Exemple:
>> I want search Topdown's city in all SHP's (point and polygon) in same
> time.
>> Is there one way?
>>   LAYER
>>   NAME "City"
>>   MAXSCALE 7000
>>   DATA City_polig.shp"
>>   CLASS
>>   NAME " "
>>   STYLE
>>  OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128
>>  LINECAP butt
>>  WIDTH 2
>>   END
>>   TEMPLATE void
>>   END
>>"DESCRIPTION" "city"
>>"ows_title"  "City"
>>   END
>>   END
>>   LAYER
>>   NAME "City"
>>   MAXSCALE 7000
>>   DATA "City_point.shp"
>>   CLASS
>>   NAME " "
>>   STYLE
>>  SYMBOL "circle1"
>>  COLOR 128 128 128
>>  SIZE 10
>>   END
>>   TEMPLATE void
>>   END
>>"DESCRIPTION" "city"
>>"ows_title"  "City"
>>   END
>>   END
> --
>> Want fast and easy access to all the code in your enterprise? Index and
>> search up to 200,000 lines of code with a free copy of Black Duck
>> Code Sight - the same software that powers the world's largest code
>> search on Ohloh, the Black Duck Open Hub! Try it now.
>> _

Re: [pmapper-users] intersect with selection management plugin

2014-07-17 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
I send your mail to the mailing-list after a small "cleaning"...

Concerning "intersect with current selection" it is working well on my 
local pmapper copy? I'm trying to commit all local modification in 
pmapper4 trunk version.

For search operators, I'm looking what is missing in pmapper4 trunk 
version to allow it...



Le 16/07/2014 18:13, jose macau a écrit :
> my initial post ("This post has NOT been accepted by the mailing list 
> yet."), i don't know know why, i don't now if you can see it...
> title: intersect with selection management plugin
> post:
> hi,
> i'm trying to use "intersect with current selection" (through the 
> graphical queries plugin or query editor plugin) but i can´t get any 
> results.
> i have no php errors, only php notices:
> first selection:
> [15-Jul-2014 10:38:06 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in 
> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/incphp/xajax/x_select.php on line 96
> [15-Jul-2014 10:38:15 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: JSON_Results 
> in 
> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/plugins/graphicalqueries/x_graphicalqueries.php 
> on line 19
> [15-Jul-2014 10:38:15 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: poly in 
> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/plugins/graphicalqueries/x_graphicalqueries.php 
> on line 28
> [15-Jul-2014 10:38:16 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in 
> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/incphp/xajax/x_select.php on line 96
> intersect with current selection:
> [15-Jul-2014 10:40:25 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: poly in 
> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/plugins/graphicalqueries/x_graphicalqueries.php 
> on line 28
> [15-Jul-2014 10:40:25 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 1 in 
> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/plugins/common/ on line 421
> [15-Jul-2014 10:40:25 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of 
> non-object in 
> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/plugins/common/ on line 421
> [15-Jul-2014 10:40:26 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 0 in 
> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/incphp/xajax/x_select.php on line 96
> and another question:
> it´s possible to load the selection management plugin with search tool 
> plugin (like with the graphical queries plugin and query editor plugin)?
> thanks
> best regards,
> José
> 2014-07-16 16:26 GMT+01:00 jose macau  <>>:
> Ok, magnificent!!!
> Thank you very much Thomas.
> But the my initial question was intersect with selection
> management plugin.
> I get the "replace selection", the "add to current selection",
> the"exclude from the current selection" but not the "intersect
> with current selection" operation.
> 2014-07-16 16:08 GMT+01:00 Thomas RAFFIN  <>>:
> Found!
> In plugins/queryeditor/queryeditor.js, function
> "setLayerName", near line 134, you should have (like here:
> var options = '\n';
> with a "#" sign. In your code it is a "%".

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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Print pdf in pmapper 4.3.2 change size font

2014-07-17 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

I think it is due to MapServer version that is not correctly supported 
in pmapper.

You should try to upgrade to MapsErver 6.2 or 6.4.

Le 17/07/2014 13:19, nando_gcia a écrit :
> Print pdf in pmapper 4.3.2 change size font
> Hi, I have installed pmapper 4.3.2, mapserver 6.0.1 and my question is that
> the font size increases when a pdf printing is performed?. Otherwise the
> font size is equal to the plane.
> Attached images to view.
> Pmapper 1st option: print as image in the browser
> <>
> Pmapper 2nd option: print as pdf in the browser
> <>
> Pmapper 3rd option: download image with resolution as
> <>
> Why in pdf print change the font size?
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the pmapper-users -- p.mapper users mailing list mailing list 
> archive at
> --
> Want fast and easy access to all the code in your enterprise? Index and
> search up to 200,000 lines of code with a free copy of Black Duck
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> ___
> pmapper-users mailing list


Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] intersect with selection management plugin

2014-07-16 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
As seen together, it was due to local errors in your js file.

Le 16/07/2014 13:08, jose mvm a écrit :
> <>
> the query editor pugin automatically detect the field type.
> the error ocurs when i presse "add".
> <>
> <>
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the pmapper-users -- p.mapper users mailing list mailing list 
> archive at
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> Want fast and easy access to all the code in your enterprise? Index and
> search up to 200,000 lines of code with a free copy of Black Duck
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Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
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26106 Romans cedex

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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] intersect with selection management plugin

2014-07-16 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Well, the "getFieldType(ecopontos_gesamb, %)" in error log tell us that 
the plugin is trying to read the data type for a table named 
"(ecopontos_gesamb" and an attribute named "%"...

Can you send me:
- a screenhsot of the query editor dialog just after selecting this 
field en its type (that is not automatically return due to this error)
- the query parameters (GET en POST) (with Firebug in Firefox, or 
development tool in chrome)

Le 16/07/2014 12:26, jose mvm a écrit :
> Hi Thomas!
> Here is an example:
>   NAME "GESAMB_EcoPontos"
>   CONNECTION " port=5432 dbname=pmapper user=xxx
> password=xxx"
>   DATA "the_geom FROM ecopontos_gesamb USING UNIQUE gid"
>   CLASSITEM "tipo"
>   TEMPLATE "void"
>   DESCRIPTION "GESAMB - Ecopontos"
>   RESULT_FIELDS "numero, papel, embalagens, vidro, pilhao, oleao, 
> tipo,
> propriet, observ, freguesia, first_lug1, designacao"
>   RESULT_HEADERS "Numero, Papel, Embalagens, Vidro, Pilhao, 
> Oleao, Tipo,
> Proprietario, Observacoes, Freguesia, Localidade, Local"
>   END
>   NAME 'Ecoponto'
>   EXPRESSION 'Superfície'
>   COLOR 62 118 181
>   SYMBOL 'square'
>   SIZE 10
>   END
>   END
>   NAME 'Vidrao'
>   EXPRESSION "Vidrão"
>   COLOR 87 200 92
>   SYMBOL 'circle'
>   SIZE 10
>   END 
>   END 
> ===
> The
> "ERROR - Easy_MDB2 - getFieldType(ecopontos_gesamb, %) - : MDB2 Error: not
> found"
> occurs with all layers whenever I use queryeditor plugin, although the table
> shows the desired results.
> Thank you very much for your help.
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the pmapper-users -- p.mapper users mailing list mailing list 
> archive at
> --
> Want fast and easy access to all the code in your enterprise? Index and
> search up to 200,000 lines of code with a free copy of Black Duck
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Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
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Re: [pmapper-users] intersect with selection management plugin

2014-07-16 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Can you write here your layer definition please (ie: the mapfile part).

Le 15/07/2014 21:47, jose mvm a écrit :
> I also get these errors and notices when i search with query editor plugin:
> [15-Jul-2014 19:45:10 UTC] ERROR - Easy_MDB2 -
> getFieldType(ecopontos_gesamb, %) - :
> MDB2 Error: not found
> [15-Jul-2014 19:45:10 UTC] ERROR - Easy_MDB2 -
> getFieldType(ecopontos_gesamb, %) - :
> MDB2 Error: not found
> [15-Jul-2014 19:45:11 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: fldName in
> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/incphp/query/query.php on line 721
> [15-Jul-2014 19:45:12 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: mode in
> /var/www/pmapper-4.3.2/plugins/queryeditor/x_queryeditor.php on line 304
> but query shows the expected results.
> thanks
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the pmapper-users -- p.mapper users mailing list mailing list 
> archive at
> --
> Want fast and easy access to all the code in your enterprise? Index and
> search up to 200,000 lines of code with a free copy of Black Duck
> Code Sight - the same software that powers the world's largest code
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> ___
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Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] QueryEditor - query replace not working

2014-07-10 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
And there was a bug with parenthesis and "AND", "OR" buttons.

Le 11/07/2014 00:33, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
> Thank you very much Thomas!
> Best regards,
> Pedro
>> DE: Thomas RAFFIN
>> Concerning "accent insensitive search", I don't know how to do this.
>> I've just commited the correction, and added the date type. It
>  requires the new directory: plugins/common/jquery.ui
>> bye
>> Thomas


Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Hyperlink is not a function

2014-07-10 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

There are "/ /" instead of "//" in the code you send. I think this could 
create js errors in your browser, no?

Le 10/07/2014 13:58, Fernando a écrit :
> Hello, I have installed mapserver 5.6, pmapper  4.3.2 and use alternative 
> template "plainlayout3", I'm not using the default template. I have in the 
> attribute table of a shp file a column called "pdf_files", in which I keep 
> the name of the pdf file.
> In the map file I have placed the following:
> ...
> "RESULT_FIELDS" "id, pdf_files"
> "RESULT_HYPERLINK" "pdf_files | | Link to pdf detail"
> ...
> And finally I have to modify the file custom.js. In the folder 
> "pmapper-4.3.2\config\plainlayout3" this file does not exist, but if in 
> "pmapper-4.3.2\config\default" yes. I have copied it to the folder 
> plainlayout3 and changed as follows:
> $. extend (PM.Custom,
> {
>   / / Sample Hyperlink function for result window
>   openHyperlink: function (layer, fldName, fldValue) {
>   switch (layer) {
>   case 'shp_data':
>   / / if (fldName == 'CITY_NAME') {
>   linkUrl var = 'http:/' + '/ localhost / sitejob / files 
> /' + fldValue;
> (linkUrl, 'wikiquery');
>   / / this.openHyperlinkDialog (linkUrl);
>   / /}
>   break;
>   default:
>   alert ('See function in Custom.js openHyperlink:' + layer + 
> '-' + fldName + '-' + fldValue);
>   }
>   },
> When I use the Identify function, the result table is opened and pdf_files 
> column show the "Link to pdf detail" text appears with the code "javascript: 
> PM.Custom.openHyperlink ('shp_data', 'pdf_files',' data1.pdf ')" but when I 
> click on it Mozilla Firefox console displays the following error:
> TypeError: PM.Custom.openHyperlink is not a function
> Please, how I can fix it? Thanks a lot.
> --
> Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
> Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
> Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
> Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
> ___
> pmapper-users mailing list


Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] QueryEditor - query replace not working

2014-07-10 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Concerning "accent insensitive search", I don't know how to do this.

I've just commited the correction, and added the date type. It requires 
the new directory: plugins/common/jquery.ui



Le 10/07/2014 12:39, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> The "case insensitive" is already implemented, but not the "accent 
> insensitive". That is, a search with "abílio" is different of "abilio", and 
> it would be great if they could be considered equals.
> Thanks Thomas!
> Best regards,
> Pedro
> - Mensagem original -
>> DE: Thomas RAFFIN
>> I will commit the insensitive search too (I thought it was already done)...
>> Le 10/07/2014 12:12, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
>>>   Hi Thomas,
>>>   Yes, it solves the problem!
>>>   I think you can correct it in the code.
>>>   Just one more question, do you see any way to become a search "accent
>> insensitive"? Something like "ilike" for case insensitive?
>>>   Thank you very much!
>>>   Best regards,
>>>   Pedro
>>>   - Mensagem original -
>>>>   DE: Thomas RAFFIN
>>>>   hi,
>>>>   Try with this line please: query = query.replace(/%/g,'%25');
>>>>   If it is OK for you I will correct it in pmapper.
>>>>   Thomas


Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] QueryEditor - query replace not working

2014-07-10 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
I will commit the insensitive search too (I thought it was already done)...

Le 10/07/2014 12:12, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> Yes, it solves the problem!
> I think you can correct it in the code.
> Just one more question, do you see any way to become a search "accent 
> insensitive"? Something like "ilike" for case insensitive?
> Thank you very much!
> Best regards,
> Pedro
> - Mensagem original -
>> DE: Thomas RAFFIN
>> hi,
>> Try with this line please: query = query.replace(/%/g,'%25');
>> If it is OK for you I will correct it in pmapper.
>> Thomas


Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] QueryEditor - query replace not working

2014-07-10 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Try with this line please: query = query.replace(/%/g,'%25');

If it is OK for you I will correct it in pmapper.


Le 10/07/2014 01:11, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
> Hi,
> I found something strange in QueryEditor plugin. By doing a search like this
> [nome_1] ILIKE '%pedro%'
> OR
> [nome_2] ILIKE '%campos%'
> it does not give the expected result of the second clause. It seems to me 
> that there may be a bug.
> The query POST is (firebug):
> &operation=query&layername=tipo&layerType=shape&query=[nome_1] ILIKE 
> '%25pedro%' OR [nome_2] ILIKE '%campos%'
> and the pm_debug.log:
> [09-Jul-2014 23:17:25] P.MAPPER debug info
> Parameters for REQUEST array
> file: query.php->q_execAttributeQuery
>   Array
> (
>  [operation] => query
>  [layername] => tipo
>  [layerType] => postgis
>  [query] => [nome_1] ILIKE '%pedro%'
> OR
> [nome_2] ILIKE 'Êmpos%'
>  [externalSearchDefinition] => 1
>  [mode] => search
>  [layerName] => tipo
>  [firstFld] => nome_1
>  [qStr] =>  nome_1 ~* 'pedro' OR  nome_2 ~* '^Êmpos'
> )
> [09-Jul-2014 23:17:25] P.MAPPER debug info
> P.MAPPER-DEBUG: squery.php/dumpPGQueryResults() - SQL Cmd:
>   SELECT id,
>   ST_xmin(box3d(the_geom)),
>   ST_ymin(box3d(the_geom)),
>   ST_xmax(box3d(the_geom)),
>   ST_ymax(box3d(the_geom)),
>   id,tipo,nome_1,nome_2,nome_3,comprada,observ
>  FROM edificios.casas
> WHERE  nome_1 ~* 'pedro' OR  nome_2 ~* '^Êmpos'
> LIMIT 301
> That is, it replaces "%campos%" by "Êmpos%". In fact, it replaces the "%ca" 
> by "Ê" and "%ce" by "Î". And this is because this line on queryeditor.js
> query = query.replace('%','%25');
> apparently only works for the first "%" of the first clause of WHERE. In the 
> second clause, it does not replace the "%" by "%25", which will not prevent 
> "%ca" to be replaced by "Ê".
> Anyone confirms?
> Thank you very much.
> Best regards,
> Pedro
> --
> Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
> Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
> Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
> Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
> ___
> pmapper-users mailing list


Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Enable Export to Excel in pmapper 4.3.2

2014-04-09 Thread Thomas RAFFIN


This doc is partially here too:
- (not the right 

Maybe it could be interesting to add your parts in the wiki.

Le 09/04/2014 10:50, Fernando a écrit :
> MS4W - MapServer 4 Windows - version 3.0.2
> Apache 2.2.17 (with OpenSSL 0.9.8o)PHP 5.3.6GDAL 1.8.0MapServer CGI 5.6.6 at 
> /cgi-bin/mapserv.exePmapper 4.3.2.
> 1) Download the file
> 2) Execute C:\ms4w\Apache\php>c:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin\php.exe go-pear.phar
> 3) Are you installing a system-wide PEAR or a local copy?
>  (system|local) [system] : local
>  Please confirm local copy by typing 'yes' : yes
> 4)  Below is a suggested file layout for your new PEAR installation.  To
> change individual locations, type the number in front of the
> directory.  Type 'all' to change all of them or simply press Enter to
> accept these locations.
>   1. Installation base ($prefix)   : C:\ms4w\Apache\php
>   2. Temporary directory for processing: C:\ms4w\Apache\php\tmp
>   3. Temporary directory for downloads : C:\ms4w\Apache\php\tmp
>   4. Binaries directory: C:\ms4w\Apache\php
>   5. PHP code directory ($php_dir) : C:\ms4w\Apache\php\pear
>   6. Documentation directory   : C:\ms4w\Apache\php\docs
>   7. Data directory: C:\ms4w\Apache\php\data
>   8. User-modifiable configuration files directory : C:\ms4w\Apache\php\cfg
>   9. Public Web Files directory: C:\ms4w\Apache\php\www
> 10. Tests directory   : C:\ms4w\Apache\php\tests
> 11. Name of configuration file: 
> C:\ms4w\Apache\php\pear.ini
> 12. Path to CLI php.exe   : C:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin
> 1-12, 'all' or Enter to continue: enter
> 5) Would you like to alter php.ini ? [Y/n] : y
> Thanks for using go-pear!
> 6) Execute C:\ms4w\Apache\php>pear install channel://
> downloading OLE-1.0.0RC2.tgz ...
> Starting to download OLE-1.0.0RC2.tgz (13,981 bytes)
> .done: 13,981 bytes
> install ok: channel://
> 7) Execute C:\ms4w\Apache\php>pear install 
> channel://
> downloading Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.3.tgz ...
> Starting to download Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.3.tgz (57,258 bytes)
> .done: 57,258 bytes
> install ok: channel://
> that's all!!
> --
> Put Bad Developers to Shame
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> ___
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Re: [pmapper-users] Query editor source code issues?

2014-04-08 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

I've just committed small corrections in the query editor concerning 
text fields and operators like "contains", stard with", ... for SHP files.

Jose, your messages are not visible on pmapper the mailing list...


Le 01/10/2013 15:48, Thomas RAFFIN a écrit :
> Hi,
> Thanks for your contribution. Indeed I never use SHP files, so your
> corrections are welcome...
> Replies below...
> Le 01/10/2013 14:47, Sylvain Arabeyre a écrit :
>> Dear all,
>> While using the query editor plugin, I've came across some troubles. As I
>> am not sure whereas the problems I've encountered are related to the source
>> code or to my local installation, I send you the errors (and corrections
>> I've made) for anybody to evaluate if the source code must be modified or
>> not.
>> I run pmapper 4.3.1 on windows 7 and XP with the ms4W package (MS4W 3.0.6
>> with Mapserver 6.0.3).
> I think you should try MapServer 6.2.1 from here:
>> First of all, I found out that when trying to query a field whith text, the
>> query wouldn't retrieve any results. I went to see the pm_debug.log (in
>> \ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.3.1\plugins\queryeditor\) and found out that
>> the query string which was passed to Mapserver was not correct.
>> Here is an example of what was on pm_debug.log:
>> [30-Sep-2013 19:32:34] P.MAPPER debug info
>> Parameters for REQUEST array
>> file: query.php->q_execAttributeQuery
>> (
>>   [PHPSESSID] => rdpo6s4e0ktp14a2uhr216lik7
>>   [operation] => query
>>   [layername] => Conduta
>>   [layerType] => shape
>>   [query] => [Material] ILIKE 'PVC'
>>   [selectMethode] => new
>>   [externalSearchDefinition] => 1
>>   [mode] => search
>>   [layerName] => Conduta
>>   [firstFld] => MATERIAU
>>   [qStr] => (( "[MATERIAU]" ~ /^PVC$/))
>> )
>> What should have been passed to Mapserver is this:
>> (
>>   [PHPSESSID] => vq055tjimjg95k7ur1902839g5
>>   [operation] => query
>>   [layername] => Conduta
>>   [layerType] => shape
>>   [query] => [Material] ILIKE 'pvc'
>>   [selectMethode] => new
>>   [externalSearchDefinition] => 1
>>   [mode] => search
>>   [layerName] => Conduta
>>   [firstFld] => MATERIAU
>>   [qStr] => (( "[MATERIAU]" ~ 'pvc'))
>> )
>> Therefore, I changed the following in
>> "\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.3.1\plugins\queryeditor\x_queryeditor.php":
>> $modifiedQueryTmp =
>> preg_replace("/([^\[]*)\[([^\]]*)\]\s*([^\s]*)\s*'([^']*[^\\\])'/", "$1
>> \"[$2]\" $3 /'$4'/", $modifiedQueryWithoutEOL); (around line 134 in my file)
>> to
>> $modifiedQueryTmp =
>> preg_replace("/([^\[]*)\[([^\]]*)\]\s*([^\s]*)\s*'([^']*[^\\\])'/", "$1
>> \"[$2]\" $3 '$4'", $modifiedQueryWithoutEOL);
>> so that the string that is passed to Mapserver is compliant with the
>> Mapserver expressions.
> OK, will be committed soon...
>> Another "error" I came across with was, again, related to the syntax and
>> the query string passed to Mapserver (it was not compliant with Mapserver
>> expressions) with the term "ILIKE".
>> Line 136 in x_queryeditor.php, I changed the following
>> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace(" ILIKE ", " =~ ", $modifiedQueryTmp);
>> to
>> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace(" ILIKE ", " ~", $modifiedQueryTmp);
>> This last one can also be changed to
>> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace(" ILIKE ", " =*", $modifiedQueryTmp);
> OK, will be committed soon...
>> Finally, I also had to modify the file
>> ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.3.1\plugins\queryeditor\queryeditor.js also
>> because of errors related to the query string passed to Mapserver. Line
>> 393, I changed:
>> } else if (attrOperator == 'different') {
>> queryPartToAdd += ' <> ' + attrVal;"
>> to
>> } else if (attrOperator == 'different') {
>> queryPartToAdd += ' != ' + attrVal;
>> so that the string passed to Mapserver complies with Ma

Re: [pmapper-users] Poor image quality on pmapper

2014-02-18 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

You have to use the same outputformat than with your CGI: (search 
""; and "altImgFormat").


Le 18/02/2014 12:58, Marcello Benigno a écrit :
> Hello all,
> In my application a Landsat image appear coarse when viewed in pmapper, for 
> the
> same when viewed via cgi-bin. Could anyone help me on this?
> Application:
> Thanks in Advance,

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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] query editor - text coloumns - no records selected - final

2014-01-03 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
And maybe ask in the MS4W mailing list if you need more recent update.

Le 03/01/2014 12:33, Thomas RAFFIN a écrit :
> Search the mailing list: I think it has already been explained here
> (just a zip to add to your current MS4W or something like that).
> Le 03/01/2014 12:23, harpinder singh a écrit :
>> Thanks for the reply,
>> I will try the new package, But please let me know how to upgrade my ms4w 
>> with the latest
>> pmapper,
>> Also regarding the link you had sent, i have tried the modifications in the 
>> x_queryeditor.php
>> file but only two string options work: 'equal' and 'different' .
>> rest options 'start with', 'ends with', 'contain' and 'does not contain' do 
>> not work. any
>> solution.
>> part of the x_queryeditor.php is as follows:
>> // SHP :
>> if ($layerType == 1) {
>> $_REQUEST['layerType'] = 'shape';
>> $_REQUEST['firstFld'] = $firstFld;
>> $modifiedQueryTmp = 
>> preg_replace("/([^\[]*)\[([^\]]*)\]\s*([^\s]*)\s*'([^']*[^\\\])'/", "$1 \"
>> [$2]\" $3 '$4'", $modifiedQueryWithoutEOL);
>> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace(" LIKE ", " = ", $modifiedQueryTmp);
>> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace(" ILIKE ", " =*", $modifiedQueryTmp);
>> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace(" LIKE ", " =~ ", $modifiedQueryTmp);
>> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace("/'%", "/", $modifiedQueryTmp);
>> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace("%'/", "/", $modifiedQueryTmp);
>> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace("/'", "/^", $modifiedQueryTmp);
>> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace("'/", "$/", $modifiedQueryTmp);
>> regards
>> harpinder
>> On Fri, 03 Jan 2014 15:08:56 +0530  wrote
>>> Hi,
>> As Thomas referred, you should try the last version of pmapper.
>> If you're not into it, you can have a look at this post
>> .
>> It might help you.
>> Regards.
>> Sylvain.
>> harpinder singh wrote
>>> Hello!
>>> I am using
>>> MapServer 4 Windows - version 3.0.6 on windows XP.
>>> pmapper 4.3.1 - BUILD 2013-04-04
>>> PHP 5.4.3
>>> MapServer CGI 6.0.3
>>> I am using shapefiles for my project. The problem is that when i query
>>> text columns in the
>>> query editor, no record are selected. But, when I use numeric field
>>> queryeditor is working
>>> fine.
>>> Log of numeric column giving no error:
>>> [03-Jan-2014 07:39:45] P.MAPPER debug info
>>> Parameters for REQUEST array
>>> file: query.php->q_execAttributeQuery
>>> Array
>>> (
>>> [operation] => query
>>> [layername] => mogavill
>>> [layerType] => shape
>>> [query] => [AREA] new
>>> [externalSearchDefinition] => 1
>>> [mode] => search
>>> [layerName] => mogavill
>>> [firstFld] => AREA

Re: [pmapper-users] query editor - text coloumns - no records selected - final

2014-01-03 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
olve it.
>> --
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> View this message in context: http://pmapper-users-p-mapper-users-mailing-
> tp4025441p4025443.html
> Sent from the pmapper-users -- p.mapper users mailing list mailing list 
> archive at
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> ___
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> Rapidly troubleshoot problems before they affect your business. Most IT
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> affects their revenue. With AppDynamics, you get 100% visibility into your
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> ___
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Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

Rapidly troubleshoot problems before they affect your business. Most IT 
organizations don't have a clear picture of how application performance 
affects their revenue. With AppDynamics, you get 100% visibility into your 
Java,.NET, & PHP application. Start your 15-day FREE TRIAL of AppDynamics Pro!
pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] query editor - text coloumns - no records selected - final

2014-01-03 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

First thing is to try with the last pmapper 4:


Le 03/01/2014 09:13, harpinder singh a écrit :
> Hello!
> I am using
> MapServer 4 Windows - version 3.0.6 on windows XP.
> pmapper 4.3.1 - BUILD 2013-04-04
> PHP 5.4.3
> MapServer CGI 6.0.3
> I am using shapefiles for my project. The problem is that when i query text 
> columns in the
> query editor, no record are selected. But, when I use numeric field 
> queryeditor is working
> fine.
> Log of numeric column giving no error:
> [03-Jan-2014 07:39:45] P.MAPPER debug info
> Parameters for REQUEST array
> file: query.php->q_execAttributeQuery
>   Array
> (
>  [operation] => query
>  [layername] => mogavill
>  [layerType] => shape
>  [query] => [AREA] new
>  [externalSearchDefinition] => 1
>  [mode] => search
>  [layerName] => mogavill
>  [firstFld] => AREA
>  [qStr] => (([AREA]q_execAttributeQuery
>   Array
> (
>  [operation] => query
>  [layername] => mogavill
>  [layerType] => shape
>  [query] => [VILLAGE_NA] LIKE 'M%'
>  [selectMethode] => new
>  [externalSearchDefinition] => 1
>  [mode] => search
>  [layerName] => mogavill
>  [firstFld] => VILLAGE_NA
>  [qStr] => (( "[VILLAGE_NA]" = /^M/))
> )
> Kindly provide a solution as it is urgent. I think the problem is with the 
> query string, but
> not able to solve it.
> --
> Rapidly troubleshoot problems before they affect your business. Most IT
> organizations don't have a clear picture of how application performance
> affects their revenue. With AppDynamics, you get 100% visibility into your
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> ___
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Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

Rapidly troubleshoot problems before they affect your business. Most IT 
organizations don't have a clear picture of how application performance 
affects their revenue. With AppDynamics, you get 100% visibility into your 
Java,.NET, & PHP application. Start your 15-day FREE TRIAL of AppDynamics Pro!
pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper5 plugins

2013-10-07 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Le 04/10/2013 19:09, Gis Newbye a écrit :
> These plugins come with the pmapper version released? Where i can find 
> them?
> If it is possible can you share with us, so that we can let you know 
> if all is fine and/or report bugs?
> Thanks in advance

In pmapper 4 there are all included.

> 2013/10/4 Thomas RAFFIN>>
> Hi,
> Most of plugins I've (or my team) developed are planned to be
> ported to
> pmapper5, but there is no date, pmapper5 is not a stable version, we
> don't use it at the moment...
> Some of those plugins:
> - addbuttonstogroups
> - displaymarker
> - drawing
> - graphicalqueries
> - measure2
> - ms_auto_refmap
> - queryeditor
> - roundedboxes
> - searchtool
> - selectionManagement
> - sizeUpDownObj
> - themesandviews
> - transparency2
> - unitAndProj
> Le 04/10/2013 07:50, Luciano Martin Galletti a écrit :
> > I think that there is still no support for pmapper5 and most of
> plugins were developed (also from other user and not Armin) for v4
> and not "upgraded" for pmapper5.But maybe Armin can tell us more.
> >> Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 22:30:32 -0700
> >> From: <>
> >> To:
> <>
> >> Subject: [pmapper-users] pmapper5 plugins
> >>
> >> As i am using pmapper 4.3.1 which has available of different
> plugins. so i am
> >> upgrading to pmapper 5 and i want to know is there also plugins
> available
> >> same as pmapper 4.3.1 or in development phase?
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> suman
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> View this message in context:
> >> Sent from the pmapper-users -- p.mapper users mailing list
> mailing list archive at
> >>
> >>
> --
> >> October Webinars: Code for Performance
> >> Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application
> performance.
> >> Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get
> the most from
> >> the latest Intel processors and coprocessors. See abstracts and
> register >
> >>
> >> ___
> >> pmapper-users mailing list
> >>
> <>
> >>
> >
> >
> --
> > October Webinars: Code for Performance
> > Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
> > Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get
> the most from
> > the latest Intel processors and coprocessors. See abstracts and
> register >
> >
> > ___
> > pmapper-users mailing list
> >
> <>
> >
> >
> >
> --
> October Webinars: Code for Performance
>     Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
> Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get
> the most from
> the latest Intel processors and coprocessors. See abstracts and
> register >
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> pmapper-users mailing list
> <>


Chef de Projet Internet

Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper5 plugins

2013-10-04 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Most of plugins I've (or my team) developed are planned to be ported to 
pmapper5, but there is no date, pmapper5 is not a stable version, we 
don't use it at the moment...

Some of those plugins:
- addbuttonstogroups
- displaymarker
- drawing
- graphicalqueries
- measure2
- ms_auto_refmap
- queryeditor
- roundedboxes
- searchtool
- selectionManagement
- sizeUpDownObj
- themesandviews
- transparency2
- unitAndProj

Le 04/10/2013 07:50, Luciano Martin Galletti a écrit :
> I think that there is still no support for pmapper5 and most of plugins were 
> developed (also from other user and not Armin) for v4 and not "upgraded" for 
> pmapper5.But maybe Armin can tell us more.
>> Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 22:30:32 -0700
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: [pmapper-users] pmapper5 plugins
>> As i am using pmapper 4.3.1 which has available of different plugins. so i am
>> upgrading to pmapper 5 and i want to know is there also plugins available
>> same as pmapper 4.3.1 or in development phase?
>> Best regards,
>> suman
>> --
>> View this message in context: 
>> Sent from the pmapper-users -- p.mapper users mailing list mailing list 
>> archive at
>> --
>> October Webinars: Code for Performance
>> Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
>> Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get the most from
>> the latest Intel processors and coprocessors. See abstracts and register >
>> ___
>> pmapper-users mailing list
> --
> October Webinars: Code for Performance
> Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
> Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get the most from
> the latest Intel processors and coprocessors. See abstracts and register >
> ___
> pmapper-users mailing list

October Webinars: Code for Performance
Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get the most from 
the latest Intel processors and coprocessors. See abstracts and register >
pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Query editor source code issues?

2013-10-01 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Thanks for your contribution. Indeed I never use SHP files, so your 
corrections are welcome...

Replies below...

Le 01/10/2013 14:47, Sylvain Arabeyre a écrit :
> Dear all,
> While using the query editor plugin, I've came across some troubles. As I
> am not sure whereas the problems I've encountered are related to the source
> code or to my local installation, I send you the errors (and corrections
> I've made) for anybody to evaluate if the source code must be modified or
> not.
> I run pmapper 4.3.1 on windows 7 and XP with the ms4W package (MS4W 3.0.6
> with Mapserver 6.0.3).

I think you should try MapServer 6.2.1 from here:

> First of all, I found out that when trying to query a field whith text, the
> query wouldn't retrieve any results. I went to see the pm_debug.log (in
> \ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.3.1\plugins\queryeditor\) and found out that
> the query string which was passed to Mapserver was not correct.
> Here is an example of what was on pm_debug.log:
> [30-Sep-2013 19:32:34] P.MAPPER debug info
> Parameters for REQUEST array
> file: query.php->q_execAttributeQuery
>   Array
> (
>  [PHPSESSID] => rdpo6s4e0ktp14a2uhr216lik7
>  [operation] => query
>  [layername] => Conduta
>  [layerType] => shape
>  [query] => [Material] ILIKE 'PVC'
>  [selectMethode] => new
>  [externalSearchDefinition] => 1
>  [mode] => search
>  [layerName] => Conduta
>  [firstFld] => MATERIAU
>  [qStr] => (( "[MATERIAU]" ~ /^PVC$/))
> )
> What should have been passed to Mapserver is this:
>   Array
> (
>  [PHPSESSID] => vq055tjimjg95k7ur1902839g5
>  [operation] => query
>  [layername] => Conduta
>  [layerType] => shape
>  [query] => [Material] ILIKE 'pvc'
>  [selectMethode] => new
>  [externalSearchDefinition] => 1
>  [mode] => search
>  [layerName] => Conduta
>  [firstFld] => MATERIAU
>  [qStr] => (( "[MATERIAU]" ~ 'pvc'))
> )
> Therefore, I changed the following in
> "\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.3.1\plugins\queryeditor\x_queryeditor.php":
> $modifiedQueryTmp =
> preg_replace("/([^\[]*)\[([^\]]*)\]\s*([^\s]*)\s*'([^']*[^\\\])'/", "$1
> \"[$2]\" $3 /'$4'/", $modifiedQueryWithoutEOL); (around line 134 in my file)
> to
> $modifiedQueryTmp =
> preg_replace("/([^\[]*)\[([^\]]*)\]\s*([^\s]*)\s*'([^']*[^\\\])'/", "$1
> \"[$2]\" $3 '$4'", $modifiedQueryWithoutEOL);
> so that the string that is passed to Mapserver is compliant with the
> Mapserver expressions.

OK, will be committed soon...

> Another "error" I came across with was, again, related to the syntax and
> the query string passed to Mapserver (it was not compliant with Mapserver
> expressions) with the term "ILIKE".
> Line 136 in x_queryeditor.php, I changed the following
> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace(" ILIKE ", " =~ ", $modifiedQueryTmp);
> to
> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace(" ILIKE ", " ~", $modifiedQueryTmp);
> This last one can also be changed to
> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace(" ILIKE ", " =*", $modifiedQueryTmp);

OK, will be committed soon...

> Finally, I also had to modify the file
> ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.3.1\plugins\queryeditor\queryeditor.js also
> because of errors related to the query string passed to Mapserver. Line
> 393, I changed:
> } else if (attrOperator == 'different') {
> queryPartToAdd += ' <> ' + attrVal;"
> to
> } else if (attrOperator == 'different') {
> queryPartToAdd += ' != ' + attrVal;
> so that the string passed to Mapserver complies with Mapserver expressions
> ie, to get "attribute value is different from value", Mapserver must
> read "[ATTRIBUTE]!=VALUE" instead of "[ATTRIBUTE]<>VALUE".

I've kept the previous code with the "!=" and added in the PHP something 
like that for SHP files :

$modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace(" != ", " <> ", $modifiedQueryTmp);

> I also made an optional change in queryeditordlg.phtml as I find more
> "user-friendly" to have the symbol "≠" instead of "!=" for the user to read
> "is different from". Line 148 in queryeditordlg.phtml, I changed
> "!="
> to
>   "≠"
> This last one is not critical but I think, for people who are not used to
> programming languages, it would make it easier for a common user to
> understand the "≠" instead of "!="

Of course, you're right!

> Anybody knows if the changes I've made are related to my local installation
> or if it's a code-related issue?Some people I know who are using pmapper
> with ms4w have also encountered the same problems and solved them with the
> suggestions I make in this post.
> Best regards,
> Sylvain Arabeyre.

Thanks again.

> --
> October Webinars: Code for Performance
> Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
> Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get the most from
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Re: [pmapper-users] Plugins effects

2013-09-26 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

-  clientdynamiclayers is not a real plugin, because it is the base for 
other ones.
- selectionManagement has a README file. Here are the first lines:
"Plugin to manage selection:
- tools to load all / remove all / and remove objects from the query 
container table,
- selection or search operators like add / exclude / intersect / replace."
The others, I don't know.

Le 26/09/2013 16:57, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I just looked over the plugins available and have no clue what the
> following are doing:
> - clientdynamiclayers
> - dynlayercat
> - dynlayersample
> - dynlayertxt
> - selectionManagement
> I know I should try them, but these ones doesn't come with a readme file.
> Could anyone describe briefly what they are used for?
> Thx!
> Chris
> --
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> Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
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Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get the most from 
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Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper5 MS4W

2013-09-26 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Maybe you need to restart Apache with administrator rights.

In the command line you can see MapServer version like that:
c:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin>mapserv.exe -v

If the version is not correct, try to ask on the MS4W mailing-list.

Le 26/09/2013 12:06, Solly a écrit :
> Thank you Thomas
> I have downloaded 6.2.0 beta4 and extracted to the same root where I have
> ms4w installation and search mapserve and setnv.bat , install and restart
> apache  but the web still shows the previous version . am not sure where I
> went wrong
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Thomas RAFFIN [via pmapper-users --
> p.mapper users mailing list] wrote:
>> MS4W 3.0.6 seams to contains MapServer 6.0.3, so try to upgrade
>> MapServer to 6.2-beta4 here:
>> Le 26/09/2013 10:37, Solly a écrit :
>>> Am using MS4W-Mapserver 4 Windows -version 3.0.6
>>> I do see the file epsg file under ms4w\proj\nad   but I am not sure
>> where
>>> do I suppose to copy to
>>> Please help
>>> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 4:43 PM, Chris forum [via pmapper-users --
>> p.mapper
>>> users mailing list] <[hidden 
>>> email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4025320&i=0>>
>> wrote:
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> Solly, do you mean version 6.0.3?
>>>> About your error, as found here:
>>>> msProcessProjection(): No such file or directory
>>>> Error displayed when trying to refer to an epsg file.
>>>> The message tells you that MapServer cannot find the epsg file.
>>>> On Windows, the default location of the epsg file is *c:\proj\nad*.
>> MS4W
>>>> users will find the epsg file in *\ms4w\proj\nad*.
>>>> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Solly Vuso <[hidden email]<
>> http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4025317&i=0>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Version 3.0.6
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Thomas RAFFIN <[hidden email]<
>> http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4025317&i=1>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> What is your MapServer version?
>>>>>> Le 25/09/2013 14:47, Solly a écrit :
>>>>>>> Thank you Thomas
>>>>>>> I got this common error
>>>>>>> Warning: ms_newMapObj(): [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection():
>>>> No
>>>>>> such
>>>>>>> file or directory in C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\lib\globals.php
>>>> on
>>>>>> line
>>>>>>> 66
>>>>>>> Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'MapScriptException' with message
>>>>>> 'Failed to
>>>>>>> open map file
>>>>>>> "C:/ms4w/apps/pmapper/pmapper5/config/default/"' in
>>>>>>> C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\lib\globals.php:66 Stack trace: #0
>>>>>>> C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\lib\globals.php(66):
>>>>>>> ms_newMapObj('C:/ms4w/apps/pm...') #1
>>>>>>> C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\index.phtml(17):
>>>>>>> require_once('C:\ms4w\apps\pm...') #2 {main} thrown in
>>>>>>> C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\lib\globals.php on line 66
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> View this message in context:
>>>>>>> Sent from the pmapper-users -- p.mapper users mailing list mailing
>>>> list
>>>>>> archive at
>> --
>>>>>>> October Webinars: Code for Performance
>>>>>>> Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
>>>>>>> Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get the
>>>>> most
>>>>>> from
>>>>>>> the latest Intel proces

Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper5 MS4W

2013-09-26 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
MS4W 3.0.6 seams to contains MapServer 6.0.3, so try to upgrade 
MapServer to 6.2-beta4 here:

Le 26/09/2013 10:37, Solly a écrit :
> Am using MS4W-Mapserver 4 Windows -version 3.0.6
> I do see the file epsg file under ms4w\proj\nad   but I am not sure where
> do I suppose to copy to
> Please help
> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 4:43 PM, Chris forum [via pmapper-users -- p.mapper
> users mailing list]  wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Solly, do you mean version 6.0.3?
>> About your error, as found here:
>> msProcessProjection(): No such file or directory
>> Error displayed when trying to refer to an epsg file.
>> The message tells you that MapServer cannot find the epsg file.
>> On Windows, the default location of the epsg file is *c:\proj\nad*. MS4W
>> users will find the epsg file in *\ms4w\proj\nad*.
>> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Solly Vuso <[hidden 
>> email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4025317&i=0>>
>> wrote:
>>> Version 3.0.6
>>> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Thomas RAFFIN <[hidden 
>>> email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4025317&i=1>>
>> wrote:
>>>> What is your MapServer version?
>>>> Le 25/09/2013 14:47, Solly a écrit :
>>>>> Thank you Thomas
>>>>> I got this common error
>>>>> Warning: ms_newMapObj(): [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection():
>> No
>>>> such
>>>>> file or directory in C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\lib\globals.php
>> on
>>>> line
>>>>> 66
>>>>> Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'MapScriptException' with message
>>>> 'Failed to
>>>>> open map file
>>>>> "C:/ms4w/apps/pmapper/pmapper5/config/default/"' in
>>>>> C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\lib\globals.php:66 Stack trace: #0
>>>>> C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\lib\globals.php(66):
>>>>> ms_newMapObj('C:/ms4w/apps/pm...') #1
>>>>> C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\index.phtml(17):
>>>>> require_once('C:\ms4w\apps\pm...') #2 {main} thrown in
>>>>> C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\lib\globals.php on line 66
>>>>> --
>>>>> View this message in context:
>>>>> Sent from the pmapper-users -- p.mapper users mailing list mailing
>> list
>>>> archive at
>> --
>>>>> October Webinars: Code for Performance
>>>>> Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
>>>>> Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get the
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>>> register
>>>>> ___
>>>>> pmapper-users mailing list
>>>>> [hidden email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4025317&i=2>
>>>> --
>>>> Thomas RAFFIN
>>>> Chef de Projet Internet
>>>> [hidden email] 
>>>> <http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4025317&i=3><mailto:[hidden
>> email] <http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4025317&i=4>>  Sirap
>> <>
>>>> : 04 75 72 84 10
>>>> Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
>>>> Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
>>>> 26106 Romans cedex
>> --
>>>> October Webinars: Code for Performance
>>>> Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
>>>> Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, 

Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper5 MS4W

2013-09-25 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
What is your MapServer version?

Le 25/09/2013 14:47, Solly a écrit :
> Thank you Thomas
> I got this common error
> Warning: ms_newMapObj(): [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection(): No such
> file or directory in C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\lib\globals.php on line
> 66
> Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'MapScriptException' with message 'Failed to
> open map file
> "C:/ms4w/apps/pmapper/pmapper5/config/default/"' in
> C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\lib\globals.php:66 Stack trace: #0
> C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\lib\globals.php(66):
> ms_newMapObj('C:/ms4w/apps/pm...') #1
> C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\index.phtml(17):
> require_once('C:\ms4w\apps\pm...') #2 {main} thrown in
> C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper5\lib\globals.php on line 66
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the pmapper-users -- p.mapper users mailing list mailing list 
> archive at
> --
> October Webinars: Code for Performance
> Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
> Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get the most from
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Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

October Webinars: Code for Performance
Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get the most from 
the latest Intel processors and coprocessors. See abstracts and register >
pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper5 MS4W

2013-09-25 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

I think you just have to:
- copy the pmapper5 folder in c:/ms4w/apps/pmapper5 for instance
- publish it with a file in c:/ms4w/attpd.d/httpd_pmapper5.conf like the 
- restart apache

Le 25/09/2013 13:03, Solly a écrit :
> Hi
> I started using pmapper from the previous version 4.3.1 and I ran it on
> windows, now I downloaded the latest version pmaper5 and the demodata and
> now I do not know how to install it since I do not see the ms4w folders
> (apache,apps and hattpd.d
> Can someone please assist me on how to get pamapper running
> Thank you
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the pmapper-users -- p.mapper users mailing list mailing list 
> archive at
> --
> October Webinars: Code for Performance
> Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
> Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get the most from
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Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

October Webinars: Code for Performance
Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance.
Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get the most from 
the latest Intel processors and coprocessors. See abstracts and register >
pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper little bugs

2013-09-23 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

The bug was introduced in 1306 while trying to correct an other one.

Now it should be OK in 1321.


Le 23/09/2013 10:05, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi all,
> It looks like is down since last week. Apache 
> reboot needed ; )
> Thomas> Did you happen to check the hyperlink text bug?
> Regards,
> Chris
> On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 5:46 PM, Thomas RAFFIN  <>> wrote:
> Hi
> I know this bug and I think I've just forgotten to commit it in
> pmapper...
> I will check it tomorrow
> Bye
> Thomas
> Le 18/09/2013 17:17, Chris forum a écrit :
> > Hi Armin,
> >
> > I needed some time to rework my project, I am now ready to insert it
> > (almost) easily into any new revision. That's what I am going to
> do now
> > with rev 1320 to validate your last fix.
> >
> > Aside from that, I have noticed a new bug that has appeared with
> rev 1314:
> > the resulting value of a graphical query, displayed into the
> result table,
> > should be transformed into a link when "RESULT_HYPERLINK" is
> specified in
> > the mapfile.
> > Prior to rev1314, the text of the link was the resulting value.
> > Now, the text consists of the name of the attribute.
> >
> > In other words, Firebug now shows
> > '*attribute_name*'
> >
> > instead of
> > **'*attribute_value*'
> >
> > >From what I see, the problem comes from the modifications made
> into the
> > initgroups.php file, _getHyperFieldList function.
> > Can not find what is wong in it though...
> >
> > Chris
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Armin Burger
>>> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> On 07/22/2013 10:34 AM, Chris forum wrote:
> >>> 5)
> >>> The mouse right click to pan the map is great.
> >>> But if the Zoom out tool is selected (minus magnifier) when
> doing so, the
> >>> map is also zoomed out.
> >>> Is that on purpose?
> >>
> >> this should now be fixed, see
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> armin
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> --
> >> Introducing Performance Central, a new site from SourceForge and
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> >> ___
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> >>
> <>
> >>
> >>
> >
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>     > 1,500+ hours of tutorials including VisualStudio 2012, Windows
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> > Mobile, Cloud, Java, and UX Design. Lowest price ever! Ends 9/20/13.
> >
> > ___
> > pmapper-users mailing list
> >
> <>
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Thomas RAFFIN
> Chef de Projet Internet
> <>
> < <>>  Sirap
> <> Tel
> : 04 75 72 84 10
> Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
> Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
> 26106 Romans cedex
> ---

Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper little bugs

2013-09-18 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

I know this bug and I think I've just forgotten to commit it in pmapper...

I will check it tomorrow



Le 18/09/2013 17:17, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi Armin,
> I needed some time to rework my project, I am now ready to insert it
> (almost) easily into any new revision. That's what I am going to do now
> with rev 1320 to validate your last fix.
> Aside from that, I have noticed a new bug that has appeared with rev 1314:
> the resulting value of a graphical query, displayed into the result table,
> should be transformed into a link when "RESULT_HYPERLINK" is specified in
> the mapfile.
> Prior to rev1314, the text of the link was the resulting value.
> Now, the text consists of the name of the attribute.
> In other words, Firebug now shows
> '*attribute_name*'
> instead of
> **'*attribute_value*'
> >From what I see, the problem comes from the modifications made into the
> initgroups.php file, _getHyperFieldList function.
> Can not find what is wong in it though...
> Chris
> On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Armin Burger  wrote:
>> On 07/22/2013 10:34 AM, Chris forum wrote:
>>> 5)
>>> The mouse right click to pan the map is great.
>>> But if the Zoom out tool is selected (minus magnifier) when doing so, the
>>> map is also zoomed out.
>>> Is that on purpose?
>> this should now be fixed, see
>> armin
>> --
>> Introducing Performance Central, a new site from SourceForge and
>> AppDynamics. Performance Central is your source for news, insights,
>> analysis and resources for efficient Application Performance Management.
>> Visit us today!
>> ___
>> pmapper-users mailing list
> --
> LIMITED TIME SALE - Full Year of Microsoft Training For Just $49.99!
> 1,500+ hours of tutorials including VisualStudio 2012, Windows 8, SharePoint
> 2013, SQL 2012, MVC 4, more. BEST VALUE: New Multi-Library Power Pack includes
> Mobile, Cloud, Java, and UX Design. Lowest price ever! Ends 9/20/13.
> ___
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Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

LIMITED TIME SALE - Full Year of Microsoft Training For Just $49.99!
1,500+ hours of tutorials including VisualStudio 2012, Windows 8, SharePoint
2013, SQL 2012, MVC 4, more. BEST VALUE: New Multi-Library Power Pack includes
Mobile, Cloud, Java, and UX Design. Lowest price ever! Ends 9/20/13.
pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Internal Server Error with postgis search

2013-09-18 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
The layer name is not "geopnh" but "rede_viaria".

You have to replace in your search.xml:




Le 18/09/2013 15:19, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> Yes, of course. Here it is:
>  NAME "rede_viaria"
>  CONNECTION "user=xxx password=xxx dbname=cartografia_oficial 
> host=localhost options='-c client_encoding=LATIN1'"
>  DATA "the_geom from rede_viaria.geopnh using unique id_0"
>  TEMPLATE void
>  "init=epsg:3763"
>  END
>  "DESCRIPTION" "Rede Viaria"
>  "RESULT_FIELDS" "id_0,arteria,r_cp4,r_cp3"
>  "RESULT_HEADERS" "ID,Nome da Rua,CP 4,CP 3"
>      "ows_title"  "Rede Viaria"
>  END
>  Name 'rede_viaria'
>  COLOR 250 0 0
>  END
> Thank you very much!
> - Original Message -
> From: Thomas RAFFIN
> Hi,
> Could you send the layer definition in the mapfile please (layer named
> "geopnh")?
> Thomas
> Le 18/09/2013 14:02, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> Some new information about the error that I reported yesterday.
>> A search to a layer on the same database, that works well, shows the 
>> following result on pm_debug.log:
>> [18-Sep-2013 13:15:47] P.MAPPER debug info
>> XML->//definition
>> SimpleXMLElement Object
>> (
>>[@attributes] => Array
>>[type] => suggest
>>[connectiontype] => db
>>[minlength] => 1
>>[startleft] => 0
>>[sort] => asc
>>[comment] => SimpleXMLElement Object
>>[dsn] => pgsql://xxx:xxx@localhost/pinhel_20
>>[sql] => SELECT DISTINCT rua FROM data.ruas WHERE rua ~* '[search]' 
>> ORDER BY rua
>> )
>> [18-Sep-2013 13:15:50] P.MAPPER debug info
>> request
>> Array
>> (
>>[searchitem] => n_rua2
>>[fldname] => rua
>>[q] => norto
>>[limit] => 0
>>[timestamp] => 1379502950458
>> )
>> [18-Sep-2013 13:15:50] P.MAPPER debug info
>> Parameters for attribute search file: suggest.php function: __construct
>> Array
>> (
>>[type] => db
>>[sort] => asc
>>[minlength] => 1
>>[regexleft] =>
>>[startleft] => 0
>>[dependfld] =>
>>[dsn] => pgsql://xxx:xxx@localhost/pinhel_20
>>[encoding] => UTF-8
>>[sql] => SELECT DISTINCT rua FROM data.ruas WHERE rua ~* '[search]' 
>> ORDER BY rua
>>[dependfldval] =>
>> )
>> [18-Sep-2013 13:15:50] P.MAPPER debug info
>> SELECT DISTINCT rua FROM data.ruas WHERE rua ~* 'norto' ORDER BY rua
>> [18-Sep-2013 13:15:51] P.MAPPER debug info
>> Searcharray in search.php->getSearchParameters()
>> Array
>> (
>>[rua] => Rua Norton de Matos
>>[mode] => search
>> )
>> [18-Sep-2013 13:15:51] P.MAPPER debug info
>> Parameters for searchArray
>> file: query.php->q_execAttributeQuery
>> Array
>> (
>>[rua] => Rua Norton de Matos
>>[mode] => search
>> )
>> [18-Sep-2013 13:15:51] P.MAPPER debug info
>> Parameters for searchParams
>> file: query.php->q_execAttributeQuery
>> Array
>> (
>>[layerName] => ruas
>>[layerType] => postgis
>>[firstFld] => rua
>>[qStr] =>   rua ILIKE '%Rua Norton de Matos%'
>> )
>> [18-Sep-2013 13:15:51] P.MAPPER debug info
>> P.MAPPER-DEBUG: squery.php/dumpPGQueryResults() - SQL Cmd:
>> SELECT n_rua,
>> ST_xmin(box3d(the_geom)),
>> ST_ymin(box3d(the_geom)),
>> ST_xmax(box3d(the_geom)),
>> ST_ymax(box3d(the_geom)),

Re: [pmapper-users] Internal Server Error with postgis search

2013-09-18 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
ug info
>   SELECT DISTINCT arteria FROM rede_viaria.geopnh WHERE arteria ~* 'no' ORDER 
> BY arteria
> [18-Sep-2013 13:15:21] P.MAPPER debug info
> request
>   Array
> (
>  [searchitem] => n_rede_viaria
>  [fldname] => arteria
>  [q] => norto
>  [limit] => 0
>  [timestamp] => 137950292
> )
> [18-Sep-2013 13:15:21] P.MAPPER debug info
> Parameters for attribute search file: suggest.php function: __construct
>   Array
> (
>  [type] => db
>  [sort] => asc
>  [minlength] => 1
>  [regexleft] =>
>  [startleft] => 0
>  [dependfld] =>
>  [dsn] => pgsql://xxx:xxx@localhost/cartografia_oficial
>  [encoding] => UTF-8
>  [sql] => SELECT DISTINCT arteria FROM rede_viaria.geopnh WHERE arteria 
> ~* '[search]' ORDER BY arteria
>  [dependfldval] =>
> )
> [18-Sep-2013 13:15:21] P.MAPPER debug info
>   SELECT DISTINCT arteria FROM rede_viaria.geopnh WHERE arteria ~* 'norto' 
> ORDER BY arteria
> [18-Sep-2013 13:15:22] P.MAPPER debug info
> Searcharray in search.php->getSearchParameters()
>   Array
> (
>  [arteria] => R NORTON DE MATOS
>  [mode] => search
> )
> and on php_errors.log:
> [18-Sep-2013 11:15:22 UTC] PHP Warning:  mapObj::getLayerByName(): 
> getLayerByName failed for : geopnh
> , in /var/pmapper/incphp/query/search.php on line 116
> [18-Sep-2013 11:15:22 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function 
> getMetaData() on a non-object in /var/pmapper/incphp/query/search.php on line 
> 213
> I have already tried the solutions proposed in this thread
> but unsuccessfully.
> Anyone have suggestions?
> Thank you very much!
> Best regards,
> Pedro
> - Original Message -
> From: Pedro Venâncio
> To: pmapper-users
> Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 6:55 PM
> Subject: Internal Server Error with postgis search
> Hi,
> I'm using (yet) pmapper 4.2 and I'm having difficulty creating a postgis 
> search. Despite being using pmapper 4.2, I've done this update 
> and I have other searches working 
> properly.
> The search that does not work is this one:
>   wildcard="0">
>   minlength="1" startleft="0" sort="asc">
>   encoding="UTF-8">pgsql://xx:xx@localhost/cartografia_oficial
>  SELECT DISTINCT arteria FROM rede_viaria.geopnh 
> WHERE arteria ~* '[search]' ORDER BY arteria
> With this, the suggestions appears as I write the name, but when I click on 
> one of the suggestions I get (on firebug) an Internal Server Error - 
> pm_cjs.js (linha 38)
> POST http://localhost/incphp/xajax/x_info.php500 Internal Server Error
> 6ms
> and on Send (Post): &findlist=0&arteria=R NORTON DE 
> MATOS&=Consultar&searchitem=n_rede_viaria&mode=search
> May it be a result of the content of "arteria" field be in uppercase? How can 
> I get around this?
> Thank you very much!
> Best regards,
> Pedro
> --
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LIMITED TIME SALE - Full Year of Microsoft Training For Just $49.99!
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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Plugins modifications

2013-07-29 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Indeed I've modified the core code to compress files in the same order 
than if they were included without compression (in my version js files 
are not included in js_session.php).

It is complicated to compare with the "clean pmapper code", because

1) my version is using differently the configuration directory
- "common directory" : /pmapper/config/common/js_config.php *.js *.css
- optionally defined in the final configuration in 
"XXX" : 
/pmapper/config/XXX/js_config.php *.js *.css
- optionally defined in the final configuration in 
"YYY" : 
/pmapper/config/YYY/js_config.php *.js *.css

2) I have modified the behaviour of 
"YYY" to include an intermediate 

3) the compressed js are not included at the same place in the 2 versions

4) I've added parameters in the config.xml to indicates what have to be 
compressed: js_base, js_plugins, js_config, js_config_reference, 
css_plugins_files, css_config_files

To illustrate points 1 and 2, for instance I'm using configurations like 
that :
- config_XX-01.xml (with pm_config_common = XX-common and 
pm_config_location = XX-01)
 => merged with config_XX-common.xml (with pm_config_location_common 
= XX-common)
 => merged with config_common.xml
 => merged with "common/._startup_/.defaults.xml"
So the XML is the compilation of defaults + common + XX-common + XX-01 
and the directories : common + XX-common + XX-01
- config_XX-02.xml : same as CC-01, but with pm_config_location = XX-02 
and different parameters in the XML
- config_YY-01.xml : 
So the XML is addition of defaults + common + YY-common + YY-01 and the 
directories : common + YY-common + YY-01

NB: config_XX-01 and config_YY-01 could use the same pm_config_location 
- config_XX-01 => common + XX-common + 01
- config_YY-01 => common + YY-common + 01

or don't define "pm_config_location" at all (just change the logo, 
title, mapfile, ... define in the xml):
- config_XX-01, 02, 03, ... => common + XX-common
- config_YY-01, 02, 03, ... => common + YY-common

I didn't add it in pmapper, because it will change the way to define the 
configs files.


Le 29/07/2013 11:37, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> Just checked, even with
> 5
> the custom.js is still read before the plugins JS file
> What compression function are you using and where?
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 10:48 AM, Thomas RAFFIN  <>> wrote:
> Hi,
> Try to inactivate the compression (debug level = 5 I think) and
> tell us
> if the custom.js is before or after the plugins files please?
> AFAIK I don't use the same compression functions than in "standard"
> pmapper. So all js files are compressed in the same order than if they
> were included without compression. So the custom.js (and all other
> config/xxx/yyy.js files) is included AFTER all the plugins js files.
> Thomas
> Le 29/07/2013 09:53, Chris forum a écrit :
> > Ok I see.
> > Thanx for the tips, I am going to try adding a custom_plugin.js
> file.
> > I will also check if the plugins I modified are available as a
> class.
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 7:04 PM, Armin Burger
> >
> >> The problem is that the custom.js file from your config
> directory is
> >> loaded before the plugin JS files, so they will not have any effect
> >>
> >> The cleanest way would be to separate the custom JS files from the
> >> default JS files. Currently there is a a single check and all are
> >> referenced at the same time. Since Thomas is probably using this
> >> functionality more often I leave it to him to decide if the
> main code
> >> should be changed accordingly.
> >>
> >> A fast workaround would be to use something like a
> "custom_plugin.js"
> >> and reference this in the classical way (

Re: [pmapper-users] Plugins modifications

2013-07-29 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Try to inactivate the compression (debug level = 5 I think) and tell us 
if the custom.js is before or after the plugins files please?

AFAIK I don't use the same compression functions than in "standard" 
pmapper. So all js files are compressed in the same order than if they 
were included without compression. So the custom.js (and all other 
config/xxx/yyy.js files) is included AFTER all the plugins js files.


Le 29/07/2013 09:53, Chris forum a écrit :
> Ok I see.
> Thanx for the tips, I am going to try adding a custom_plugin.js file.
> I will also check if the plugins I modified are available as a class.
> On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 7:04 PM, Armin Burger wrote:
>> The problem is that the custom.js file from your config directory is
>> loaded before the plugin JS files, so they will not have any effect
>> The cleanest way would be to separate the custom JS files from the
>> default JS files. Currently there is a a single check and all are
>> referenced at the same time. Since Thomas is probably using this
>> functionality more often I leave it to him to decide if the main code
>> should be changed accordingly.
>> A fast workaround would be to use something like a "custom_plugin.js"
>> and reference this in the classical way (

Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper little bugs

2013-07-26 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Thanks fo your bug reports and feedbacks.

Le 26/07/2013 08:54, Chris forum a écrit :
> *Drawing annotations*
> Thanx, should have found it by myself..*
> custom.js*
> Ok, must have added that comma once by mistake... sorry.
> *pm.query.js*
> Ok also, was trusting my text editor who was waiting for an ending 
> parenthesis for \(
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 5:32 PM, Thomas RAFFIN  <>> wrote:
> Le 25/07/2013 15:27, Chris forum a écrit :
> > As I don't feel confident enough to commit, here under a few
> minor things I
> > have found out:
> >
> > *legend.php*
> > $html .= ""; should be move before the } instead of after
> it (line 73)
> >
> > $html .= $this->writeClasses($grpName, $classList);
> >  $html .= "";
> >  }
> >
> ok, you're right
> > *custom.js*
> > a comma needs to be removed after the } at the end of showGroupInfo:
> > function(groupId)
> I don't see it.
> There is a missing ";"
> > *pm.query.js* (I didn't tried to correct it yet)
> > Some parenthesis are missing in the parseLocale: function(v)
> I don't see it.
> > *uielement.php*
> > The scale text is not verticaly centered into the box.
> Margin-top needs to
> > be set at 3px instead of 0 in the public static function
> scaleForm():
> >
> > " .
> _p("Scale") . " 1:
> > 
> I think I've commited it in the CSS. Try to clear your cache in your
> browser, maybe it is already solved?
> --
> See everything from the browser to the database with AppDynamics
> Get end-to-end visibility with application monitoring from AppDynamics
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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper little bugs

2013-07-25 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Drawing annotations: just add
   COLOR [color]
in your, layer "drawAnnotation", in the label part.

Le 25/07/2013 16:21, Chris forum a écrit :
> Just tried the trunk out, there is no point 2) anymore! Graphical queries
> plugin works fine even with a non full screen browser window! : )
> Good job Thomas!
> I noticed Measure2 and Drawing plugins now use a red cross instead of a
> thrash bin.
> But Drawing plugin still writes annotations in grey only.
> I didn't use other plugins you have modified so I can not check them.
> Timingmap plugin still doesn't like a resetsession=ALL, but I guess we need
> Walter Lorenzetti here to help us.

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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper little bugs

2013-07-25 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Le 25/07/2013 15:27, Chris forum a écrit :
> As I don't feel confident enough to commit, here under a few minor things I
> have found out:
> *legend.php*
> $html .= ""; should be move before the } instead of after it (line 73)
> $html .= $this->writeClasses($grpName, $classList);
>  $html .= "";
>  }

ok, you're right

> *custom.js*
> a comma needs to be removed after the } at the end of showGroupInfo:
> function(groupId)

I don't see it.

There is a missing ";"

> *pm.query.js* (I didn't tried to correct it yet)
> Some parenthesis are missing in the parseLocale: function(v)

I don't see it.

> *uielement.php*
> The scale text is not verticaly centered into the box. Margin-top needs to
> be set at 3px instead of 0 in the public static function scaleForm():
> " . _p("Scale") . " 1:

I think I've commited it in the CSS. Try to clear your cache in your 
browser, maybe it is already solved?

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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper little bugs

2013-07-25 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Chris, I've just committed the correction concerning scaledenom and 
queries, and also few plugins updates (drawing, measure2, selection 
management, graphical queries, queryeditor, export (PDF, SHP, OGR, DXF), 
...). Feel free to try the trunk version for pmapper...

Be careful with the new version of plugins: you need a full 
"pmapper/plugins" directory up-to-date.


Le 24/07/2013 14:54, Thomas RAFFIN a écrit :
> I think it is due setExtent and setSize order calls...
> Le 24/07/2013 14:51, Chris forum a écrit :
>> Point 2) is a weird one!
>> I just found out the problem only appears when the browser window is
>> reduced.
>> Queries work fine on both IE and Firefox on a full screen window. But when
>> the window is shrinked to a certain size, the following PHP error shows up:
>> PHP Warning:  mapObj::queryByPoint(): [MapServer Error]: msQueryByPoint():
>> No matching record(s) found.
>> Same behaviour on different machines and different pmapper solutions.
>> No clue what is happening...
>> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Chris forum  wrote:
>>> 1)
>>> Cool, I will try that!
>>> 2)
>>> I checked with the following test layer:
>>>  NAME "batiments_test"
>>>  DATA "gc_data/BATI_POL"
>>> "DESCRIPTION" "Bâtiments TEST"
>>>  END
>>>  TEMPLATE void
>>>  OPACITY 50
>>>  CLASS
>>> NAME "bati_test"
>>>OUTLINECOLOR 40 40 40
>>>COLOR 172 172 172
>>> END
>>>  END
>>> END
>>> But as soon as I uncomment the MAXSCADENOM line, I can not get an info any
>>> more until I scale down to 3100.
>>> I also tried with another layer which initially didn't use a MAXSCALDENOM
>>> tag. Same behaviour when I add one.
>>> I finally added the Identify tool, but same story...
>>> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 2:35 PM, Thomas RAFFIN  wrote:
>>>> Le 22/07/2013 14:28, Chris forum a écrit :
>>>>> Hey Thomas,
>>>>> Thx for your reply!
>>>>> 1)
>>>>> Here is what I've found in my php.ini
>>>>> ; After this number of seconds, stored data will be seen as 'garbage'
>>>> and
>>>>> ; cleaned up by the garbage collection process.
>>>>> ;
>>>>> session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
>>>>> Will raise this value to see how it works, but I am confident you
>>>>> pointed out the right setting.
>>>> You can try to use the "timingmap" plugin to refresh the map every X
>>>> minutes ( < 1440 seconds ) to keep the sessions alive while the browser
>>>> is open (call an home made PHP page through AJAX to do something like
>>>> that).
>>>>> 2)
>>>>> I should have mentionned the problem occurs with polygon layers, i. e.
>>>>> buildings.
>>>>> I don't think it has something to do with the TOLERANCE. At a scale of
>>>>> 3100 even a very small polygon (3-4px long) responds to the query,
>>>>> while at 4500 a big polygon (100px long) can not be selected.
>>>>> Oh, I realise now I am actually not using the Identfy tool, but
>>>>> graphicalqueries_point tool instead. The problem happens also with the
>>>>> graphicalqueries_polygon tool.
>>>> Are you able to try on a new layer copy from the one that is grouped?
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Thomas RAFFIN >>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>   Le 22/07/2013 10:34, Chris forum a écrit :
>>>>>   > Hi all,
>>>>>   >
>>>>>   > I am very glad to annonce that pmapper 4.3.1 has officially
>>>>>   replaced  the
>>>>>   > old Cartoweb solution here in my local city administation! \o/
>>>>>   >
>>>>>   >

Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper little bugs

2013-07-24 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
I think it is due setExtent and setSize order calls...

Le 24/07/2013 14:51, Chris forum a écrit :
> Point 2) is a weird one!
> I just found out the problem only appears when the browser window is
> reduced.
> Queries work fine on both IE and Firefox on a full screen window. But when
> the window is shrinked to a certain size, the following PHP error shows up:
> PHP Warning:  mapObj::queryByPoint(): [MapServer Error]: msQueryByPoint():
> No matching record(s) found.
> Same behaviour on different machines and different pmapper solutions.
> No clue what is happening...
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Chris forum  wrote:
>> 1)
>> Cool, I will try that!
>> 2)
>> I checked with the following test layer:
>> NAME "batiments_test"
>> DATA "gc_data/BATI_POL"
>>"DESCRIPTION" "Bâtiments TEST"
>> END
>> TEMPLATE void
>>NAME "bati_test"
>>   OUTLINECOLOR 40 40 40
>>   COLOR 172 172 172
>> END
>> END
>> But as soon as I uncomment the MAXSCADENOM line, I can not get an info any
>> more until I scale down to 3100.
>> I also tried with another layer which initially didn't use a MAXSCALDENOM
>> tag. Same behaviour when I add one.
>> I finally added the Identify tool, but same story...
>> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 2:35 PM, Thomas RAFFIN  wrote:
>>> Le 22/07/2013 14:28, Chris forum a écrit :
>>>> Hey Thomas,
>>>> Thx for your reply!
>>>> 1)
>>>> Here is what I've found in my php.ini
>>>> ; After this number of seconds, stored data will be seen as 'garbage'
>>> and
>>>> ; cleaned up by the garbage collection process.
>>>> ;
>>>> session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
>>>> Will raise this value to see how it works, but I am confident you
>>>> pointed out the right setting.
>>> You can try to use the "timingmap" plugin to refresh the map every X
>>> minutes ( < 1440 seconds ) to keep the sessions alive while the browser
>>> is open (call an home made PHP page through AJAX to do something like
>>> that).
>>>> 2)
>>>> I should have mentionned the problem occurs with polygon layers, i. e.
>>>> buildings.
>>>> I don't think it has something to do with the TOLERANCE. At a scale of
>>>> 3100 even a very small polygon (3-4px long) responds to the query,
>>>> while at 4500 a big polygon (100px long) can not be selected.
>>>> Oh, I realise now I am actually not using the Identfy tool, but
>>>> graphicalqueries_point tool instead. The problem happens also with the
>>>> graphicalqueries_polygon tool.
>>> Are you able to try on a new layer copy from the one that is grouped?
>>>> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Thomas RAFFIN >>> <>> wrote:
>>>>  Le 22/07/2013 10:34, Chris forum a écrit :
>>>>  > Hi all,
>>>>  >
>>>>  > I am very glad to annonce that pmapper 4.3.1 has officially
>>>>  replaced  the
>>>>  > old Cartoweb solution here in my local city administation! \o/
>>>>  >
>>>>  > It so much pleasant to work with pmapper, thanx a lot to Armin,
>>>>  Thomas and
>>>>  > all who built this tool and helped me got it working!
>>>>  >
>>>>  > However, here under some little things that could still be
>>>>  improved, if you
>>>>  > have any idea how to solve them...
>>>>  Hi,
>>>>  Nice to have good feedback ;-)
>>>>  >
>>>>  > pmapper 4.3 (Plainlayout4 / swap legend tab)
>>>>  > mapserver 6.2
>>>>  > php 5.3.3-7
>>>>  > Debian server
>>>>  >
>>>>  > 1)
>>>>  > When not used 

Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper little bugs

2013-07-22 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Le 22/07/2013 14:28, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hey Thomas,
> Thx for your reply!
> 1)
> Here is what I've found in my php.ini
> ; After this number of seconds, stored data will be seen as 'garbage' and
> ; cleaned up by the garbage collection process.
> ;
> session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
> Will raise this value to see how it works, but I am confident you 
> pointed out the right setting.

You can try to use the "timingmap" plugin to refresh the map every X 
minutes ( < 1440 seconds ) to keep the sessions alive while the browser 
is open (call an home made PHP page through AJAX to do something like that).

> 2)
> I should have mentionned the problem occurs with polygon layers, i. e. 
> buildings.
> I don't think it has something to do with the TOLERANCE. At a scale of 
> 3100 even a very small polygon (3-4px long) responds to the query, 
> while at 4500 a big polygon (100px long) can not be selected.
> Oh, I realise now I am actually not using the Identfy tool, but 
> graphicalqueries_point tool instead. The problem happens also with the 
> graphicalqueries_polygon tool.

Are you able to try on a new layer copy from the one that is grouped?

> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Thomas RAFFIN  <>> wrote:
> Le 22/07/2013 10:34, Chris forum a écrit :
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am very glad to annonce that pmapper 4.3.1 has officially
> replaced  the
> > old Cartoweb solution here in my local city administation! \o/
> >
> > It so much pleasant to work with pmapper, thanx a lot to Armin,
> Thomas and
> > all who built this tool and helped me got it working!
> >
> > However, here under some little things that could still be
> improved, if you
> > have any idea how to solve them...
> Hi,
> Nice to have good feedback ;-)
> >
> > pmapper 4.3 (Plainlayout4 / swap legend tab)
> > mapserver 6.2
> > php 5.3.3-7
> > Debian server
> >
> > 1)
> > When not used during some time (x minutes?) and then an action
> is done,
> > pmapper stops responding and get stuck at the "Loading" image in
> front of
> > the map.
> > Is there a session duration or something?
> Yes, it should be the PHP Session duration. As I remember, wioth
> Debian,
> you have to modify gc_maxlifetime in your PHP.ini because a cron task
> will delete too old session files.
> >
> > 2)
> > At a scale of 4500, even though all layers from a group are
> visible on the
> > main map (MAXSCALEDENOM 4990), the query (identify) tool doesn't
> retrieve
> > any information.
> > I have to zoom closer, at a scale of 3100, to get some results
> with the
> > query tool.
> If you are talking about point layers, maybe you have a "mouse
> capture"
> problem. Try to increase the MAP\LAYER\TOLERANCE (and choose a good
> >
> > 3)
> > As Pedro said some days earlier, an '@' in an attribute value is
> replaced
> > by an 'Email' in the result of a query.
> > It happens on my project with two shapefile layers.
> >
> > 4) The generated URL window stays open even when an action is
> done (pan,
> > zoom, new layer displayed, ...). An thus the proposed link is no
> more
> > representing the displayed map.
> >
> > 5)
> > The mouse right click to pan the map is great.
> > But if the Zoom out tool is selected (minus magnifier) when
> doing so, the
> > map is also zoomed out.
> > Is that on purpose?
> >
> > 6)
> > Plugin LocateXY only accepts a 'circle' symbol. When I try to
> display a
> > cross symbol, a square or any other symbols (defined in the
> > I get a triangle (?!) symbol on the map.
> >
> > 7)
> > Plugin Drawing
> > Text, no matter what color is chosen, is diplayed in grey on the map
> >
> > Cheers
> > Chris
> >
> --
> > See everything from the browser to the database with AppDynamics
> > Get end-to-end visibility with application monitoring from
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Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper little bugs

2013-07-22 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Le 22/07/2013 10:34, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I am very glad to annonce that pmapper 4.3.1 has officially replaced  the
> old Cartoweb solution here in my local city administation! \o/
> It so much pleasant to work with pmapper, thanx a lot to Armin, Thomas and
> all who built this tool and helped me got it working!
> However, here under some little things that could still be improved, if you
> have any idea how to solve them...


Nice to have good feedback ;-)

> pmapper 4.3 (Plainlayout4 / swap legend tab)
> mapserver 6.2
> php 5.3.3-7
> Debian server
> 1)
> When not used during some time (x minutes?) and then an action is done,
> pmapper stops responding and get stuck at the "Loading" image in front of
> the map.
> Is there a session duration or something?

Yes, it should be the PHP Session duration. As I remember, wioth Debian, 
you have to modify gc_maxlifetime in your PHP.ini because a cron task 
will delete too old session files.

> 2)
> At a scale of 4500, even though all layers from a group are visible on the
> main map (MAXSCALEDENOM 4990), the query (identify) tool doesn't retrieve
> any information.
> I have to zoom closer, at a scale of 3100, to get some results with the
> query tool.

If you are talking about point layers, maybe you have a "mouse capture" 
problem. Try to increase the MAP\LAYER\TOLERANCE (and choose a good 

> 3)
> As Pedro said some days earlier, an '@' in an attribute value is replaced
> by an 'Email' in the result of a query.
> It happens on my project with two shapefile layers.
> 4) The generated URL window stays open even when an action is done (pan,
> zoom, new layer displayed, ...). An thus the proposed link is no more
> representing the displayed map.
> 5)
> The mouse right click to pan the map is great.
> But if the Zoom out tool is selected (minus magnifier) when doing so, the
> map is also zoomed out.
> Is that on purpose?
> 6)
> Plugin LocateXY only accepts a 'circle' symbol. When I try to display a
> cross symbol, a square or any other symbols (defined in the,
> I get a triangle (?!) symbol on the map.
> 7)
> Plugin Drawing
> Text, no matter what color is chosen, is diplayed in grey on the map
> Cheers
> Chris
> --
> See everything from the browser to the database with AppDynamics
> Get end-to-end visibility with application monitoring from AppDynamics
> Isolate bottlenecks and diagnose root cause in seconds.
> Start your free trial of AppDynamics Pro today!
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Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Slovak translation update

2013-07-19 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Thanks for this contribution Ivan.

Le 19/07/2013 11:06, Ivan Mincik a écrit :
> Hi,
> I did Slovak translation update for p.mapper 4.3.1. It is attached to
> this email.
> Thanks to all people working on this nice software.
> --
> See everything from the browser to the database with AppDynamics
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Re: [pmapper-users] Dont work my queryeditor plugin

2013-07-18 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

As in your other thread concerning the same issue: "I think you should 
try an up-to-date version..."


Le 18/07/2013 21:07, franq17 a écrit :
> Hello..
> Queryeditor results don t show me in windows and the console javascript say
> this error:
> Notice: undefined index fldName in ../query/query.php on line 722
> --
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> See everything from the browser to the database with AppDynamics
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Re: [pmapper-users] QueryEditor problem

2013-07-16 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
I think you should try an up-to-date version...

Le 16/07/2013 05:38, franq17 a écrit :
> I have pmapper v.4
> --
> View this message in context: 
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Re: [pmapper-users] QueryEditor problem

2013-07-15 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

What is your pmapper version please?

Le 15/07/2013 18:21, franq17 a écrit :
> Hello..Can Help me with this error?..Invalid JSON: Notice: Undefined
> variable: mode in
> /var/www/html/pmapper4/plugins/queryeditor/x_queryeditor.php on line 184
> --
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Re: [pmapper-users] pMapper is making the replacement of at symbol by Email text

2013-07-09 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Does the "Email" string exist in your pmapper/incphp/ ?

Le 06/07/2013 01:20, Pedro Venâncio a écrit :
> Hi all,
> pMapper is making the replacement of '@' by 'Email'.
> Data is stored in a postgis table, and the field content is 
> ''.
> Identify tool in pmapper shows '', as you can 
> see in the image:
> If I put the field as hyperlink, in the Identify window already appears 
> correctly, but the hyperlink is not working as intended, since the link gets 
>, as you can see in the image: 
> I wonder what is causing this replacement? I've already tested with several 
> browsers (Firefox, Chrome, IE), both on Linux and Windows.
> Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Pedro
> --
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Re: [pmapper-users] Graphical queries doesn't update attribute table and map with "exclude from current selection" and "intersect with current selection"

2013-06-06 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

In pmapper/plugins/graphicalqueries/graphicalqueries.js, comment the 
line 40.
It should now be:
and will become:


Le 05/06/2013 15:51, Sylvain Arabeyre a écrit :
> Thanks a lot!
> The plugin now works perfectly!
> Another question related to this plugin:
> How can I remove the button "Buffer zone since this selection" that appears
> at the bottom of the attribute table?
> --
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Re: [pmapper-users] excel download

2013-06-06 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

This is the same issue that previously posted concerning Graphical 
queries plugin. Some part of PHP code are a little bit too old and some 
warnings are written in your PHP error log.

Try to update the PEAR libs: OLE, Excel_Spreadsheet, ... and if it is 
not sufficiant, change your php.ini as you mentioned in a previous e-mail.


Le 05/06/2013 17:37, Sylvain Arabeyre a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I've had the same problem with the export plugin and tried the suggestion
> from Suman (with pmapper 4.3.1 - ms4w version 3.0.6).
> However, once I made the correction suggested, I got the following errors
> from php_errors.log:
> PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method OLE::Asc2Ucs() should not be called
> statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
> C:\ms4w\Apache\php\pear\Spreadsheet\Excel\Writer\Workbook.php on line 573
> PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method System::tmpdir() should not be
> called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
> C:\ms4w\Apache\php\pear\OLE\PPS\File.php on line 50
> PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method System::tmpdir() should not be
> called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
> C:\ms4w\Apache\php\pear\OLE\PPS\Root.php on line 56
> PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method OLE::Asc2Ucs() should not be called
> statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
> C:\ms4w\Apache\php\pear\OLE\PPS\Root.php on line 59
> PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method OLE::LocalDate2OLE() should not be
> called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
> C:\ms4w\Apache\php\pear\OLE\PPS.php on line 190
> PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method OLE::LocalDate2OLE() should not be
> called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
> C:\ms4w\Apache\php\pear\OLE\PPS.php on line 191
> PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method OLE::LocalDate2OLE() should not be
> called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
> C:\ms4w\Apache\php\pear\OLE\PPS.php on line 190
> PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method OLE::LocalDate2OLE() should not be
> called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
> C:\ms4w\Apache\php\pear\OLE\PPS.php on line 191
> I noticed that if I modify the error_reporting parameter from "E_ALL &
> ~E_NOTICE" (default value) to "E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT" in php.ini,
> the errors mentioned above do not occur and the export to excel plugin works
> fine...
> Nevertheless, I'm not sure of the consequences of modifying the
> error_reporting parameter on my pmapper application!
> Any hint?
> Thanks.
> Sylvain.
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Re: [pmapper-users] Graphical queries doesn't update attribute table and map with "exclude from current selection" and "intersect with current selection"

2013-06-05 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Can you try to add:
$newSelectObj[1] = new stdClass();
just before the mentioned lines please?

I've just commit here to avoid this warning :

Le 05/06/2013 15:29, Sylvain Arabeyre a écrit :
> Hi,
> With error_reporting set to  "E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE" (default) in php.ini, the
> errors from "\plugins\graphicalqueries\php_errors.log" are:
>   --> "PHP Warning:  Creating default object from empty value in
> C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.3.1\plugins\common\ on
> line 272" for the "Remove the current selection" tool.
>   --> "PHP Warning:  Creating default object from empty value in
> C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.3.1\plugins\common\ on
> line 440" for the "Intersect with current selection" tool
> Thanks.
> Sylvain.
> --
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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Graphical queries doesn't update attribute table and map with "exclude from current selection" and "intersect with current selection"

2013-06-05 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Could you send the lines relative to the plugin in you PHP error log 
file (with your previous parameter) that you should have with the first 
parameter and not with the 2d one?

Le 05/06/2013 13:28, Sylvain Arabeyre a écrit :
> Dear all,
> I finally succeeded to get the gaphical queries plugin to work properly.
> In the php.ini file, I changed the error_reporting from "error_reporting =
> E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE" to "error_reporting = E_ALL & E_STRICT".
> As I have no knowledge of php, I would like to know what are the
> consequences of this change in my pmapper application?
> Thanks.
> Sylvain.
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Re: [pmapper-users] GraphicalQueries plugin

2013-05-16 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Le 16/05/2013 11:22, Chris forum a écrit :
> Apache error log is indeed reporting an error related to 
> graphiclaqueries.css.
> Just had to fix the url for each buttons, like:
> url('images/add_down.gif');
> replaced with
> url('../../images/buttons/chameleon/add_down.gif');

I will check that.

> This is a high level plugin, congrats Thomas!

Thanks !

> So high level I am afraid most users of my company will get lost ;-)
> I am going to modify it to a light version which only let the user 
> selecting objects from all layers by drawing a polygon.

I think you just have to ad only 1 button (polygon) in your toolbox, and 
modify CSS to hide options you don't want, and modify js to check the 
checkbox for all layers.

> On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 4:47 PM, Chris forum  <>> wrote:
> My mistake here I sorry...
> I had moved the mapToolArea into the uiLayoutSouth div, so the
> window with checkboxes was hidden down there somewhere.
> mapToolArea is now back into the uiLayoutCenter div and everything
> is back to normal!
> As you said, there must be something to fix with the buttons
> though, they are not displayed into the area 'Opération sur les
> sélections'.
> Will check that now.
> On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Chris forum  <>> wrote:
> Great, thx for the fast answer and for the example link!
> On my project, when I select the tool, the help is displayed
> and the drop down menu with the layers also. But the window
> with the check boxes (query on all layers / buffer)  is missing.
> Now that I see how it is supposed to work, I will try to find
> what's wrong here.
> From what I see there is no error in Firebug.
> I will let you know If I get it to work!
> On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 3:41 PM, Thomas RAFFIN
>>> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> The points you are talking about are already implemented
> in the plugin.
> You should have 5 tools (point, line, ...) and few options
> for them
> (chose a layer or select all layers, buffer with distance
> to specify,
> ...), like in this example:
> (just click
> on the "imagemap" on the right to open pmapper)
> I think there is a problem with CSS that doesn't make the
> options
> available. I will try to debug it ASAP. But are you able
> to debug with
> Firebug for instance?
> Thomas
> Le 14/05/2013 15:24, Chris forum a écrit :
> > Hi Armin, Thomas, all
> >
> > Armin>
> > It looks like Apache need a restart, I can not reach
> <>
> > <> since yesterday. ;-)
> >
> > Thomas>
> > I have just added the GraphicalQueries polygon tool into
> my project.
> > So far it works well, very similar to the Select tool
> but using a
> > polygon instead of a rectangle.
> >
> > However, I must be missing something...
> >
> > 1) The result window is displaying a Buffer button, how
> is it supposed
> > to work? Pushing it has not effect here.
> >
> > 2) Like the Identify tool, I would like to perform the
> query on all
> > the visible layers. I guess this is already implemented
> from what I
> > see in graphicalqueries.js (GraphicalQueries_AllLayer).
> If I am right,
> > how can I do such queries instead of specifiyng a single
> layer from
> > the drop down menu?
> >
> > 3) Actually I don't see any window with the buttons
> provided with the
> > plugin, or any window proposing actions on selection
> (reload,
> > intersect, ...)
> >
> > I am really interested in seeing all those functions!
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Chris
> >

Re: [pmapper-users] GraphicalQueries plugin

2013-05-14 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Hi Chris,

The points you are talking about are already implemented in the plugin.

You should have 5 tools (point, line, ...) and few options for them 
(chose a layer or select all layers, buffer with distance to specify, 
...), like in this example: (just click 
on the "imagemap" on the right to open pmapper)

I think there is a problem with CSS that doesn't make the options 
available. I will try to debug it ASAP. But are you able to debug with 
Firebug for instance?


Le 14/05/2013 15:24, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi Armin, Thomas, all
> Armin>
> It looks like Apache need a restart, I can not reach 
>  since yesterday. ;-)
> Thomas>
> I have just added the GraphicalQueries polygon tool into my project.
> So far it works well, very similar to the Select tool but using a 
> polygon instead of a rectangle.
> However, I must be missing something...
> 1) The result window is displaying a Buffer button, how is it supposed 
> to work? Pushing it has not effect here.
> 2) Like the Identify tool, I would like to perform the query on all 
> the visible layers. I guess this is already implemented from what I 
> see in graphicalqueries.js (GraphicalQueries_AllLayer). If I am right, 
> how can I do such queries instead of specifiyng a single layer from 
> the drop down menu?
> 3) Actually I don't see any window with the buttons provided with the 
> plugin, or any window proposing actions on selection (reload, 
> intersect, ...)
> I am really interested in seeing all those functions!
> Kind regards,
> Chris

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Re: [pmapper-users] join to postgresql table problem

2013-04-26 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Moreover you can use a long query to execute (or a view) in the 
LAYER->DATA parameter. And then specify only the geometric table (it 
requires all fields that are used for drawing : attributes binding, 

This one will be used for drawing, graphical queries, etc... by 
replacing on the fly the DATA string. Whereas the "normal" DATA string 
will be used to retrieve attributes values for selections results, 
attribute queries, ...


Le 26/04/2013 09:26, Suman a écrit :
> hello Valerio,
> sorry for late reply, if you r still searching the answer and anybody
> searching for this answer. then here is solution.
> As you asked for to display joined records from external table in query
> identify div window, you need to query from DATA tag in map file. like this.
>NAME "Building Footprint"
>TYPE polygon
>   CONNECTION "dbname=databasename host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres
> password=xxx"
>   DATA "geom FROM (SELECT a.geom as geom, a.gid as gid, b.tole as tole_b1,
> b.houseid as houseid, b.photono as photono FROM tbl_building a,
> tbl_socio_economic b WHERE a.join_id = b.join_id) AS building_socio USING
> UNIQUE gid"
>  "DESCRIPTION" "Building Footprint"
>  "RESULT_FIELDS" "tole_b1,houseid,photono,area,funct_use"
>  "RESULT_HEADERS" "tole_b1,houseid,photono,AREA,funct_use"
>  "ows_title"  "Ward"
>END  # Metadata
>  Name 'All'
>  COLOR 223 219 212
>  OUTLINECOLOR 223 219 212
>END  # Class
> END  # Layer
> And i am using pmapper 4.2.0...
> and you can query as more field as you can specifying in DATA query.
> cheers,
> suman
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Re: [pmapper-users] Drawing plugin - Dissapear objects

2013-04-22 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Could you test this please: try to zoom a lot and the new circles you 
will draw will maybe appear if there are fully contained in the map 
viewable extent.

In more recent version of pmapper we have rewritten the way to draw 
circle. So the circles are drawn, but you can't add comments on them...

I think you should update your pmapper and MapServer versions...


Le 22/04/2013 14:28, Cristian Balbontin a écrit :
> Hi guys, I am using pmapper 4.2 with mapserver 6.0.2 (MS4W 3.0.4) on
> Windows 7.
> You know why the objects (Circles and Comments/Annotations) are disappears,
> I attached screenshoot showing the problem.
> The objects are drawing OK, but at refresh the map they are hiding
> How can I solved this problem??
> Best Regards,
> --
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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] search.xml with 2 fields

2013-04-03 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
The compress js version is certainly not up-to-date.

Try to change your configuration like this:

Armin, could you update the js compress files please?

Le 03/04/2013 14:35, Chris forum a écrit :
> Still no luck here...
> I copy/paste your search above, replacing the test shema with public 
> one, but the second field is still not proposing anything.
> Here under the content of the pm_debug.log, with 'abe'->Abeilles and 
> '2' values used in the fields.
> Looking at the last line of the log, I have tried to replace 
> '[dependfldval]' with 'Abeilles' in search.xml, and the second field 
> this time proposed me values to choose from!
> Shouldn't the last line of the log contain 'Abeilles' instead of 
> '[dependfldval]'? It looks like the substitution is not done.
> [03-Apr-2013 13:44:46] P.MAPPER debug info
>  Validation of search.xml file succeeded
> [03-Apr-2013 13:44:49] P.MAPPER debug info
> XML->//definition
>  SimpleXMLElement Object
> (
> [@attributes] => Array
> (
> [type] => suggest
> [connectiontype] => db
> [minlength] => 1
> [startleft] => 1
> [sort] => asc
> [nosubmit] => 1
> )
> [dsn] => @
> [sql] => SELECT DISTINCT lastname FROM 
> public.goeland_addresse_lausanne WHERE lastname IS NOT NULL ORDER BY 
> lastname
> [comment] => SimpleXMLElement Object
> (
> )
> )
> [03-Apr-2013 13:44:49] P.MAPPER debug info
> XML->//definition
>  SimpleXMLElement Object
> (
> [@attributes] => Array
> (
> [type] => suggest
> [connectiontype] => db
> [sort] => asc
> [minlength] => 0
> [dependfld] => lastname
> )
> [dsn] => @
> [sql] => SELECT DISTINCT numero FROM 
> public.goeland_addresse_lausanne WHERE numero::text ~* '^[search]' and 
> lastname = '[dependfldval]' ORDER BY numero
> )
> [03-Apr-2013 13:44:51] P.MAPPER debug info
> request
>  Array
> (
> [searchitem] => goeland_adresses
> [fldname] => lastname
> [q] => abe
> [limit] => 0
> [timestamp] => 1364989492518
> )
> [03-Apr-2013 13:44:51] P.MAPPER debug info
> Parameters for attribute search file: suggest.php function: __construct
>  Array
> (
> [type] => db
> [sort] => asc
> [minlength] => 1
> [regexleft] =>
> [startleft] => 1
> [dsn] => pgsql://user:pass@localhost:5432/goeland
> [encoding] => UTF-8
> [sql] => SELECT DISTINCT lastname FROM 
> public.goeland_addresse_lausanne WHERE lastname IS NOT NULL ORDER BY 
> lastname
> [dependFields] => Array
> (
> )
> )
> [03-Apr-2013 13:44:51] P.MAPPER debug info
>  SELECT DISTINCT lastname FROM public.goeland_addresse_lausanne WHERE 
> lastname IS NOT NULL ORDER BY lastname
> [03-Apr-2013 13:45:39] P.MAPPER debug info
> request
>  Array
> (
> [searchitem] => goeland_adresses
> [fldname] => numero
> [q] => 2
> [limit] => 0
> [timestamp] => 1364989540505
> [dependfldval] => Abeilles
> )
> [03-Apr-2013 13:45:39] P.MAPPER debug info
> Parameters for attribute search file: suggest.php function: __construct
>  Array
> (
> [type] => db
> [sort] => asc
> [minlength] => 0
> [regexleft] =>
> [startleft] => 0
> [dsn] => pgsql://user:pass@localhost:5432/goeland
> [encoding] => UTF-8
> [sql] => SELECT DISTINCT numero FROM 
> public.goeland_addresse_lausanne WHERE numero::text ~* '^[search]' and 
> lastname = '[dependfldval]' ORDER BY numero
> [dependFields] => Array
> (
> )
> )
> [03-Apr-2013 13:45:39] P.MAPPER debug info
>  SELECT DISTINCT numero FROM public.goeland_addresse_lausanne WHERE 
> numero::text ~* '^2' and lastname = '[dependfldval]' ORDER BY numero
> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Thomas RAFFIN  <>> wrote:
> Hi,
> With your data and this search definition it worked yesterday:
>  minlength="1" startleft="1" sort="asc" nosubmit="1">
> test.goeland_addresse_lausanne WHERE lastname IS NOT NULL ORDER B

Re: [pmapper-users] search.xml with 2 fields

2013-04-03 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

With your data and this search definition it worked yesterday:

test.goeland_addresse_lausanne WHERE lastname IS NOT NULL ORDER BY 


test.goeland_addresse_lausanne WHERE numero::text ~* '^[search]' and 
lastname = '[dependfldval]' ORDER BY numero

Take a look on the dsn that don't need to be re-specified. But it 
requires 1 character or more.
The table is in the "test" schema here.

Le 03/04/2013 10:06, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> Thx a lot for the explanation, I have chosen to use the nosubmit="1" 
> parameter.
> First field works now, the query is not launched anymore when a 
> suggested street name is clicked:
>  startleft="1" sort="asc" *nosubmit="1"*>
> So I am a step further, there is still a problem though with the 
> second field: it doesn't suggest anything:
>  minlength="1" dependfld="lastname">
> Did you manage to test my data? Does it work on your system?
> Here, if I choose the street name "Abeilles" and then type "2" in the 
> second field, nothing is proposed while the numbers "23" , "25", "27" 
> and "29" are in the db (the one I sent you).
> Sorry to insist...
> Chris
> On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 6:05 PM, Thomas RAFFIN  <>> wrote:
> OK, it is due to bad configuration.
> You could do one of those:
> - Unactivate auto submit for suggested fields ==> set
> "PM.suggestLaunchSearch = false;" in js_config.php (applies to all
> suggested fields!)
> - keep "PM.suggestLaunchSearch = true;" and add to each definition
> where it is needed the "nosubmit" parameter to "1" like this for
> instance:
>  startleft="1" sort="asc" nosubmit="1">
> Bye
> Thomas
> Le 02/04/2013 15:43, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> Please find attached the necessary files to reproduce my
> environment.
> Thanx a lot!
> Chris

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Re: [pmapper-users] search.xml with 2 fields

2013-04-02 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
OK, it is due to bad configuration.

You could do one of those:
- Unactivate auto submit for suggested fields ==> set 
"PM.suggestLaunchSearch = false;" in js_config.php (applies to all 
suggested fields!)
- keep "PM.suggestLaunchSearch = true;" and add to each definition where 
it is needed the "nosubmit" parameter to "1" like this for instance:



Le 02/04/2013 15:43, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> Please find attached the necessary files to reproduce my environment.
> Thanx a lot!
> Chris

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Re: [pmapper-users] search.xml with 2 fields

2013-04-02 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Le 02/04/2013 10:08, Chris forum a écrit :
> Still struggling with the search function.
> To resume what I am experiencing with a 2 fields search, which 
> consists in finding a street name and then a building number on this 
> street:
> 1) It looks like I can not set the first field search mode to 
> 'options', my postgis table is too big (~10'000 rows).
> If I do, even though the values are there (Firebug can lists the 
> option values), they are not displayed in the drop down menu.
> 2) When I set the first field mode to 'suggest', it works but the 
> query is launched as soon as I click on a proposed value.
> So when I click on a street name, the query is done before I can 
> specify a building number.

I don't remember how to do this, but i'm sure a suggest field is able to 
not send search

> Is a two fields search supposed to work with both fields using 
> 'suggest' mode?
> If so, do you have any idea why the search doesn't wait for the second 
> input before launching the query?

I will check code, but it shoudl work as you discribed.

> Any working exemple available?
> Link to the gisdb postgis table used in the dev search.xml?

Could you send me small SQL scripts to create and populate DB (and the 
corresponding mapfile layer part) please?

> Thanx,
> Chris
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 3:56 PM, Chris forum  <>> wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> Thx for your fast reply!
> The  of my last message was related to a shapefile for
> a test. That's why I didn't add an SQL query in it as I didn't see
> any shapefile example with an sql tag.
> Anyway, I just tried to add:
> WHERE TYPE = '[dependfldval]'  AND NUMBER ~* '[search]' ORDER BY
> But the second field is still not filtered... : (
> From what I see, you example with 2 fields is dealing with a PGSQL
> table.
> Here is what I have:
>  wildcard="2">
>  startleft="1" sort="asc">
> pgsql://user:pass@localhost/db
> SELECT DISTINCT Address_field FROM public.Address_table WHERE
> Address_field IS NOT NULL ORDER BY Address_field
> onchange="$('#pmsfld_number_field').val('').flushCache()"
>  wildcard="2">
> sort="asc" minlength="3" dependfld="Address_field">
> public.goeland_addresse_lausanne WHERE Number_field ~* '^[search]'
> {and Address_field = '[dependfldval]'} ORDER BY Number_field
> First field works, but the query is made as soon as I choose one
> entry in the list. No chance to select anything on the 2nd field.
> If I switch the first field mode to 'options', the drop down menu
> comes empty. Actually the values are in there, but just not
> displayed... very strange.
> In case the problem is there, here under the related layer of my
> mapfile:
>NAME "Address_table"
>DATA "geom from Address_table using unique idaddress using
> srid=21781"
>CONNECTION "user=user password=pass dbname=db host=localhost
>     port=5432"
>   "DESCRIPTION" "Addresses"
>   "RESULT_FIELDS" "idaddress, Address_table, Number_field"
>"RESULT_HEADERS" "ID, Street, Nb"
>"ows_title" "addresses"
>  SYMBOL "circle"
>  COLOR 255 0 125
>  SIZE 6
>   END
> Do you see anything wrong/missing?
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Thomas RAFFIN  <>> wrote:
> I think you have to define the SQL query for suggest option
> with depend
> field val. Here is an example for the 2d field that depend on

Re: [pmapper-users] search.xml with 2 fields

2013-03-27 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
I think you have to define the SQL query for suggest option with depend 
field val. Here is an example for the 2d field that depend on field1

 SELECT DISTINCT field2 FROM schema.table WHERE 
field1 = '[dependfldval]'  AND field2 ~* '[search]' ORDER BY field2

NB: it is possible to use many depend fields, but if it doesn't works 
already, maybe I've forgotten to commit something...
 SELECT DISTINCT field2 FROM schema.table WHERE 
field1 = '[dependfldval]' AND field2 ~* '[search]' ORDER BY att1
 SELECT DISTINCT field3 FROM schema.table WHERE 
field1 = '[dependfldval_field1 ]' AND field2 = '[dependfldval_field2]' 
AND field3 ~* '[search]' ORDER BY field3

Le 27/03/2013 14:15, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I am having a hard time getting to work a search with 2 fields, second one
> being dependant of the first one.
> I especially would like to do that with data coming from PGSQL .
> I know there are examples in the search.xml of the wiki, but I am not able
> to reproduce them with the demo data:
> - "Cities Options Suggest MS": P.MAPPER ERROR: This version of PHP does
> support dBase functions
> - "Communes Suggest PG": I can not find where to download the PGSQL
> database gisdb
> Does anyone have a link where to get gisdb database?
> Here under what I tried with my own shapefile data.
> This sort of work, but the second field is not filtered according to what
> has been chosen on the first field.
>  wildcard="2">
>   sort="asc" firstoption="*">
>   showfield="TYPE"/>
> onchange="$('#pmsfld_NUMBER').val('').flushCache()"
> minlength="1" startleft="1" sort="asc" dependfld="TYPE">
> showfield="NUMBER"/>
> Regards,
> Chris
> --
> Own the Future-Intel® Level Up Game Demo Contest 2013
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Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
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Re: [pmapper-users] Print dialog window

2013-03-21 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
And to solve your problem, you can specify the printdlg size (in 
config/common/custom.js for instance):
PM.Dlg.printDlgOptions.width = 380;
PM.Dlg.printDlgOptions.height= 400;

Le 21/03/2013 15:02, Thomas RAFFIN a écrit :
> Well I think your code didn't work because it modify CSS before elements
> are inserted, no?
> Le 21/03/2013 14:55, Chris forum a écrit :
>> Hi Thomas,
>> Thx, your suggestion works, advanced options are now displayed.
>> But the dialog window is not resized accordingly.
>> Actually, after many tries, I realized that what I have added in
>> custom.js is not read!
>> Avanced options are displayed only because of the css display:block
>> Is it right to start with:
>> $.extend(*PM.Pmapper*,
>> Do you notice something else wrong in my custom.js add?
>> Chris
>> On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Thomas RAFFIN > <>> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  I think you should try to add this in your config/common/custom.css :
>>  .printdlg div.printdlg_advanced {
>>   display: block;
>>  }
>>  Thomas
>>  Le 21/03/2013 10:58, Chris forum a écrit :
>>  > Hello all,
>>  >
>>  > I would like the print advanced options (paper size, orientation
>>  ,title,
>>  > ...) displayed by default when one hit the 'print' link.
>>  > I have tried to add the following into the custom.js file of my
>>  project:
>>  > $.extend(PM.Pmapper,
>>  > {
>>  > openPrint: function() {
>>  >this.createDnRDlg(this.printDlgOptions, _p('Print Settings'),
>>  > 'printdlg.phtml?'+SID);
>>  >$('#pmDlgContainer div.printdlg_advanced').show();
>>  >var height = ($.browser.msie &&
>>  (parseInt($.browser.version) <= 7.0))
>>  > ? $('#printdlg').height() : $('#printdlg').innerHeight();
>>  >$('#pmDlgContainer').height(parseInt(height) + 60);
>>  >this.adaptDWin($('#pmDlgContainer'));
>>  > }
>>  > });
>>  >
>>  > Not working so far... Do you see what I am missing?
>>  >
>>  > Thx!
>>  > Chris
>>  >
>> ----------
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>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  --
>>  Thomas RAFFIN
>>  Chef de Projet Internet
>> <>
>>  < <>>  Sirap
>>  <> Tel
>>  : 04 75 72 84 10
>>  Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
>>  Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
>>  26106 Romans cedex
>> --
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Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
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26106 Romans cedex

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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Print dialog window

2013-03-21 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Well I think your code didn't work because it modify CSS before elements 
are inserted, no?

Le 21/03/2013 14:55, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> Thx, your suggestion works, advanced options are now displayed.
> But the dialog window is not resized accordingly.
> Actually, after many tries, I realized that what I have added in 
> custom.js is not read!
> Avanced options are displayed only because of the css display:block
> Is it right to start with:
> $.extend(*PM.Pmapper*,
> Do you notice something else wrong in my custom.js add?
> Chris
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Thomas RAFFIN  <>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think you should try to add this in your config/common/custom.css :
> .printdlg div.printdlg_advanced {
>  display: block;
> }
> Thomas
> Le 21/03/2013 10:58, Chris forum a écrit :
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I would like the print advanced options (paper size, orientation
> ,title,
> > ...) displayed by default when one hit the 'print' link.
> > I have tried to add the following into the custom.js file of my
> project:
> > $.extend(PM.Pmapper,
> > {
> > openPrint: function() {
> >this.createDnRDlg(this.printDlgOptions, _p('Print Settings'),
> > 'printdlg.phtml?'+SID);
> >$('#pmDlgContainer div.printdlg_advanced').show();
> >var height = ($.browser.msie &&
> (parseInt($.browser.version) <= 7.0))
> > ? $('#printdlg').height() : $('#printdlg').innerHeight();
> >$('#pmDlgContainer').height(parseInt(height) + 60);
> >this.adaptDWin($('#pmDlgContainer'));
> > }
> > });
> >
> > Not working so far... Do you see what I am missing?
> >
> > Thx!
> > Chris
> >
> --
> > Everyone hates slow websites. So do we.
> > Make your web apps faster with AppDynamics
> > Download AppDynamics Lite for free today:
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> > ___
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> >
> <>
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Thomas RAFFIN
> Chef de Projet Internet
> <>
> < <>>  Sirap
> <> Tel
> : 04 75 72 84 10
> Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
> Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
> 26106 Romans cedex
> ------
> Everyone hates slow websites. So do we.
> Make your web apps faster with AppDynamics
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Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

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pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Print dialog window

2013-03-21 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

I think you should try to add this in your config/common/custom.css :

.printdlg div.printdlg_advanced {
 display: block;


Le 21/03/2013 10:58, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hello all,
> I would like the print advanced options (paper size, orientation ,title,
> ...) displayed by default when one hit the 'print' link.
> I have tried to add the following into the custom.js file of my project:
> $.extend(PM.Pmapper,
> {
> openPrint: function() {
>this.createDnRDlg(this.printDlgOptions, _p('Print Settings'),
> 'printdlg.phtml?'+SID);
>$('#pmDlgContainer div.printdlg_advanced').show();
>var height = ($.browser.msie && (parseInt($.browser.version) <= 7.0))
> ? $('#printdlg').height() : $('#printdlg').innerHeight();
>$('#pmDlgContainer').height(parseInt(height) + 60);
> }
> });
> Not working so far... Do you see what I am missing?
> Thx!
> Chris
> --
> Everyone hates slow websites. So do we.
> Make your web apps faster with AppDynamics
> Download AppDynamics Lite for free today:
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Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
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Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

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Re: [pmapper-users] scalebar in pdf print

2013-03-11 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

What is your pmapper version please?

Conversion between meters and km should be automatic recent versions.


Le 08/03/2013 16:01, Pietro Laranci a écrit :
> how can I hide the scalebar on pdf print or convert it to km units?
> thanks
> pietro
> --
> Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester
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Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester  
Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and "remains a good choice" in the  
endpoint security space. For insight on selecting the right partner to 
tackle endpoint security challenges, access the full report.
pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Hello!

2013-02-18 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Le 18/02/2013 11:19, Chris forum a écrit :
>>> Put the generated/temp files from Mapserver on a RAM disk (IMAGEPATH
>>> parameter of the mapfile).
>> Have you got doc for this point please?
> Here under how it is set up on my Debian server, for a 8GB directory on
> RAM:
> mkdir /data/disk_on_ram/
> mount -o size=8G -t tmpfs tmpfs /data/disk_on_ram/
> mkdir /data/disk_on_ram/pmapper_temp
> chown www-data:users /data/disk_on_ram/pmapper_temp/
> Then to let Apache use it:
> In /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
> Include /etc/apache2/pmapper_tmpdir.conf
> In /etc/apache2/pmapper_tmpdir.conf
> #Alias /tmp/ /data/dataweb/tmp/
>  AllowOverride All
>  Options All
>  Order allow,deny
>  Allow from all
> In /data/dataweb/tmp/
> ln -s /data/disk_on_ram/pmapper_temp/
> Finally in the mapfile:
> IMAGEPATH "/data/disk_on_ram/pmapper_temp/"
> IMAGEURL "/tmp/pmapper_temp/"
>> For Raster data, you can use tiles (use gdaltindex) and then create the
>> QIX file.
> Also with raster data, gdaladdo is very usefull as it adds pyramidal / less
> detailed views of the image (downsampling), in the image itself. Mapserver
> knows how to use them depending on the scale of the map.
> On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Thomas RAFFIN  wrote:
>> Le 18/02/2013 10:15, Chris forum a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> Yllka> Interesting topic! If possible, don't forget to show us your final
>>> results!
>>> Thomas> Thanx, very interesting tip! Should try it asap!
>>> (On your example, beware on the UNIQUE typo ; )
>> Oops!
>>> With a Shapefile, using an index file (QIX) speeds up data visualisation
>>> for sure.
>> In this case, don't specify file extension in the "DATA".
>>> Tiling to speed up access to WMS layers, with TileCache or the Mapserver
>>> Mapcache.
>>> Put the generated/temp files from Mapserver on a RAM disk (IMAGEPATH
>>> parameter of the mapfile).
>> Have you got doc for this point please?
>> For Raster data, you can use tiles (use gdaltindex) and then create the
>> QIX file.
>> Generally, be careful with mapserver on the fly re-projection. It is to
>> avoid if you want to speed up MapServer response.
>>> Chris
>>> On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Thomas RAFFIN  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I've made a hack in pmapper few years ago. This one allows you to
>>>> specify 2 data sources for each layer:
>>>> LAYER
>>>>DATA "the_geom FROM your_heavy_view USING UNQIUE gid"
>>>>PM_RESULT_DATASUBSTITION "the_geom FROM your_geo_table USING
>>>> UNQIUE gid"
>>>> END
>>>> For instance " your_heavy_view" is a view that join a geographical table
>>>> ("your_geo_table") with many other tables. The attributes "the_geom" and
>>>> "gid" have to be the same names and values in both table and view.
>>>> The "DATA" value is the habitual one whereas "PM_RESULT_DATASUBSTITION"
>>>> is used to draw / select / query graphically / etc... to speed up
>> pmapper.
>>>> Be careful : all attributes used for label, classitem, binding, etc..
>>>> have to be in the main table.
>>>> It has only been tested with postgreSQL/postigs but could works with
>>>> other data types.
>>>> Thomas
>>>> Le 16/02/2013 18:35, yllka baci a écrit :
>>>>> Hello Pmapper users
>>>>> I'm going to write a paper on techniques that speed up data
>> visualisation
>>>>> on Web GIS applications.
>>>>> Can any one of you tell me the techniques  that he (she) knows?
>>>>> ps: will be the main reference of this paper :) thank you
>>>> very
>>>>> much for the support.
>>>> --
>> --
>>>> The Go Parallel Website, sponsored by Intel - in partnership with
>> Geeknet,

Re: [pmapper-users] Hello!

2013-02-18 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Le 18/02/2013 10:15, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi,
> Yllka> Interesting topic! If possible, don't forget to show us your final
> results!
> Thomas> Thanx, very interesting tip! Should try it asap!
> (On your example, beware on the UNIQUE typo ; )


> With a Shapefile, using an index file (QIX) speeds up data visualisation
> for sure.

In this case, don't specify file extension in the "DATA".

> Tiling to speed up access to WMS layers, with TileCache or the Mapserver
> Mapcache.
> Put the generated/temp files from Mapserver on a RAM disk (IMAGEPATH
> parameter of the mapfile).

Have you got doc for this point please?

For Raster data, you can use tiles (use gdaltindex) and then create the 
QIX file.

Generally, be careful with mapserver on the fly re-projection. It is to 
avoid if you want to speed up MapServer response.

> Chris
> On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Thomas RAFFIN  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've made a hack in pmapper few years ago. This one allows you to
>> specify 2 data sources for each layer:
>>   .
>>   DATA "the_geom FROM your_heavy_view USING UNQIUE gid"
>>   PM_RESULT_DATASUBSTITION "the_geom FROM your_geo_table USING
>> UNQIUE gid"
>>   ...
>>   END
>>   ...
>> END
>> For instance " your_heavy_view" is a view that join a geographical table
>> ("your_geo_table") with many other tables. The attributes "the_geom" and
>> "gid" have to be the same names and values in both table and view.
>> The "DATA" value is the habitual one whereas "PM_RESULT_DATASUBSTITION"
>> is used to draw / select / query graphically / etc... to speed up pmapper.
>> Be careful : all attributes used for label, classitem, binding, etc..
>> have to be in the main table.
>> It has only been tested with postgreSQL/postigs but could works with
>> other data types.
>> Thomas
>> Le 16/02/2013 18:35, yllka baci a écrit :
>>> Hello Pmapper users
>>> I'm going to write a paper on techniques that speed up data visualisation
>>> on Web GIS applications.
>>> Can any one of you tell me the techniques  that he (she) knows?
>>> ps: will be the main reference of this paper :) thank you
>> very
>>> much for the support.
>> --
>> --
>> The Go Parallel Website, sponsored by Intel - in partnership with Geeknet,
>> is your hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly
>> thought
>> leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials, tech docs,
>> whitepapers, evaluation guides, and opinion stories. Check out the most
>> recent posts - join the conversation now.
>> ___
>> pmapper-users mailing list
> --
> The Go Parallel Website, sponsored by Intel - in partnership with Geeknet,
> is your hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought
> leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials, tech docs,
> whitepapers, evaluation guides, and opinion stories. Check out the most
> recent posts - join the conversation now.
> ___
> pmapper-users mailing list


Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

The Go Parallel Website, sponsored by Intel - in partnership with Geeknet, 
is your hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought 
leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials, tech docs, 
whitepapers, evaluation guides, and opinion stories. Check out the most 
recent posts - join the conversation now.
pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] Hello!

2013-02-18 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

I've made a hack in pmapper few years ago. This one allows you to 
specify 2 data sources for each layer:
 DATA "the_geom FROM your_heavy_view USING UNQIUE gid"
 PM_RESULT_DATASUBSTITION "the_geom FROM your_geo_table USING 

For instance " your_heavy_view" is a view that join a geographical table 
("your_geo_table") with many other tables. The attributes "the_geom" and 
"gid" have to be the same names and values in both table and view.

The "DATA" value is the habitual one whereas "PM_RESULT_DATASUBSTITION" 
is used to draw / select / query graphically / etc... to speed up pmapper.

Be careful : all attributes used for label, classitem, binding, etc.. 
have to be in the main table.

It has only been tested with postgreSQL/postigs but could works with 
other data types.


Le 16/02/2013 18:35, yllka baci a écrit :
> Hello Pmapper users
> I'm going to write a paper on techniques that speed up data visualisation
> on Web GIS applications.
> Can any one of you tell me the techniques  that he (she) knows?
> ps: will be the main reference of this paper :) thank you very
> much for the support.


The Go Parallel Website, sponsored by Intel - in partnership with Geeknet, 
is your hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought 
leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials, tech docs, 
whitepapers, evaluation guides, and opinion stories. Check out the most 
recent posts - join the conversation now.
pmapper-users mailing list

Re: [pmapper-users] mapToolArea position and JS files compress tool

2013-02-15 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Hi Chris,

You should try to extend PM.Init and not PM.Custom?


Le 14/02/2013 14:45, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I would like the"mapToolArea" div to be displayed in the "uiLayoutSouth" div
> (class="ui-layout-south"), especially for the 'measure2' and 'drawing
> (circle)' plugins. Now it shows up in the "ui-layout-center" div.
> I hope it won't have any bad side effects.
> In javascript/src/pm.init.js there is:
> domElements: function() {
>  $('').id('mapToolArea').appendTo('.ui-layout-center');
>  },
> So I guess it is where to change the code. But the pm.init.js file is
> merged with other JS into the single pm_cjs.js file, as stated in the user
> manual, using the utils/compress_js.
> I am not able to find this utility. Is it still available somewhere?
> The manual also recommends to add any modifications into a separate JS
> file, like /config/.../custom.js.
> So I tried the following:
> $.extend(PM.Custom,
> {
> //pm.init.js modification
> domElements: function() {
>  $('').id('mapToolArea').appendTo('.ui-layout-south');
>  }
> });
> But without success... the"mapToolArea" div stays in the ui-layout-center.
> Any tips would be much appreciated! : )
> regards,
> Chris
> --
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> ___
> pmapper-users mailing list


Chef de Projet Internet <>  Sirap <> 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

Free Next-Gen Firewall Hardware Offer
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Re: [pmapper-users] pmapper 4.30 - Coordinates plugin - Display 2 projections

2013-02-12 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

I think this parameter is badly loaded if there is only one element : a 
string should have been converted to an array.


Le 12/02/2013 14:24, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Have a strange problem with the Coordinates plugin, it works fine with 1
> mapPrj and 2+ prj declared int the config file.
> But if I only want to have 1 mapPrj and 1 prj, there is an alert message:
> "Missing entries for plugin config. See PHP error log"
> and  apache shows the following error:
> [Tue Feb 12 13:21:04 2013] [error] [client] PHP Warning:
> projectionObj::__construct(): [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection():
> proj error "projection not named" for "l"\n in
> /data/dataweb/web/dev/newgc_svn/pmapper430/plugins/coordinates/projection.php
> on line 13, referer:
> http://myserver/pmapper430/map_guichetcarto02.phtml?config=guichetcarto02&resetsession=ALL
> My config file contains:
>  init=epsg:4326
> For a check, I have added the following debug in
> /plugins/coordinates/x_coords.php, after $prjList = $prjCfg['prj']; (line27)
> *throw(new Exception("prjList: " . count($prjList)));*
> If I only keep  the mapPrj in the config file, apache error log shows:
> Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'prjList: 0'
> if I add one prj in the config file:
> Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'prjList: *4*'
> if I add two prj:
> Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'prjList: 2'
> three prj:
> Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'prjList: 3'
> Any idea why the prjlist is counting 4 instead of 1 projection?
> Thanx,
> Chris
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Re: [pmapper-users] Drawing plugin

2013-02-07 Thread Thomas RAFFIN

Le 07/02/2013 17:16, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Working on a pmapper 4.3 project, just installed the 'Drawing' plugin.
> Works well,



> except for some details:


> 1) ESC key doesn't erase the last point of a POLYGON or a LINE (as stated
> in the info text), but the entire drawing

I will check the text. The key should be :
- DEL to remove the last point
- ESC to delete the entire drawing

> 2) For the CIRCLE, there is no window poping up letting us adding a
> comment. Must be an issue with that layer, as the Labelitem tag was
> commented in the source. Any more info on that?

We didn't know how to draw circle (it was with MS 5.4) except like it is 
done in the (see "drawCircle" layer) : unit is meter and 
size is the radius value. If you have an other solution, feel free to 
post it.

> 3) If the map is panned and the center of a CIRCLE is no more visible, the
> entire circle is not displayed

Yes, due to point 2...

> 4) It misses an offset (0 -14 in my project) not to have the POINT hidden
> behind its label

Feel free to change the, the symbols, etc... in your project.

> (5) Styles have to be modified if using Mapserver 6, no symbol needed
> anymore for polygons or lines)

Does it works with hatched polygons in your project?

> (6) Code is waiting for .png image button, .gif provided ;)

Where please?

> Did anyone encountered the same and found a way to solve points 1), 2) and
> 3)?

1: just change the language file.
2 and 3: try to change the layer type from point to circle and customize 
the But I remember other bugs due to small or big scales...

> Finally, where is stated the max length of a comment? Looks like text with
> lots of characters are not displayed, which is good, but I would like to
> add it to the info text.

How many characters for instance please?

> Thanx
> Chris



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Re: [pmapper-users] Pmapper5

2013-01-24 Thread Thomas RAFFIN
Bonjour (ça nous change de l'espagnol ;-))

Il faut aussi garder à l'esprit que pm5 n'étant pas encore stable, est 
donc beaucoup moins déployé. Donc moins d'aide disponible de la part des 
utilisateurs, évidemment.

Alors si tu parles anglais, ça augmente aussi le nombre de réponses...



Le 24/01/2013 11:58, Mouanis LAHLOU a écrit :
> Bonjour Christophe
> Pouvez vous SVP passer par le forum de pmapper comme ça tous le monde peut
> en profiter.
> Ce que je te recommande c'est de commencer par une seule couche et si ça ne
> marche pas tu peut soumettre tes fichiers de configurations (xml et map) à
> la communauté pour trouver les failles.
> Cordialement
> Le 24 janvier 2013 10:26, Chris forum  a écrit :
>> Bonjour Mouanis,
>> J'ai découvert votre carte de fertilité grâce à la mailing list des
>> utilisateurs de pmapper, toutes mes félicitations c'est très réussi!
>> Je suis également en train de transférer mon projet de pmapper 4.3 à
>> pmapper 5, mais je rencontre des difficultés.
>> Pour l'instant seuls les fonds Google et OSM s'affichent, mais pas mes
>> données shapefile. Des tuiles roses apparaissent à leur place et je
>> n'arrive pas à déterminer d'où vient le problème (aucune erreur dans les
>> logs).
>> J'espère éventuellement obtenir de l'aide grâce à la mailing-list, mais
>> j'ai peu d'espoir... C'est pourquoi je me permets de faire appel à vous.
>> Seriez-vous prêt à me fournir une copie de votre projet?
>> Je pourrais alors simplement faire les adaptations relatives à mon serveur
>> et remplacer vos données par les miennes.
>> Je conçois très bien que ma demande puisse vous paraître inappropriée,
>> mais s'agissant d'un logiciel open source, j'espère que vous serez d'accord
>> d'y répondre positivement.
>> Avec mes meilleures salutations,
>> Christophe


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