Re: deflecting attacks

2009-08-22 Thread Jorey Bump
Martijn de Munnik wrote, at 08/22/2009 02:06 PM:

 I use fail2ban with ipf on Solaris 10. When a host produces to many 5xx
 errors or sends to much spam it is banned in the firewall.
 failregex = reject: RCPT from (.*)\[HOST\]: 5\d\d
 ban time 1h
 failregex = Passed SPAM, \[HOST\]
 ban time 10m
 When a host is banned multiple short times it gets banned for 1 day. It
 should be easy to get this working with iptables.

While fail2ban is an excellent tool (as is the recent module in
iptables), don't go overboard. For example, keep in mind that SMTP is a
very different animal than SSH or HTTP when determining sane amounts of
time to block a host. It's relatively safe to block repeat offenders
from SSH/HTTP because they usually represent connections from individual
clients (although you might catch a proxy or network behind a NAT). But
legitimate SMTP connections tend to come from a shared resource, such as
an MTA representing thousands of clients. Don't set yourself up for a
DoS by allowing someone to easily block Gmail, AOL, etc. at your site
simply by sending a few spam messages.

Re: Wildcard certs - why only one level deep?

2009-08-07 Thread Jorey Bump
Chris Simmons wrote, at 08/07/2009 05:19 PM:

 In testing (and by reading the archives) I have found that postfix only
 supports one level of wildcard SSL certificates. That is to say, I can
 get a certificate for * that will match
 and, but won’t match or
 Is there a particular reason behind this implementation, and is there
 any way to work around it? I understand that  wildcard certs can be
 considered a security risk, but is the risk really much greater if it
 includes a longer hostname?


'nuff said.

Re: Reverse DNS requirement

2009-08-03 Thread Jorey Bump
Robert Schetterer wrote, at 08/03/2009 03:40 PM:

 lost mail to where ? gone universe *g?
 the mail got rejected at last with a debug code
 so the sender may take his brain to fix its problem
 or try to reach you by phone , valid mailservers etc
 if the sender cant fix it you can simply whitelist
 them by ip or else for reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname
 mail must always be supported
 using reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname is relativly save these
 spam days ,shows every day work here, the few problems a year are easy
 to fix, make sure that you have very good dns resolves ( i.e use local
 dns cache too)
 i changed the reject code to 550, to let senders know at once about the
 the problem, for fighting bots it very effective ,and dont break your head
 about crying users behind if the senders cant show bounces and call it
 lost mail *g

In this particular case, human senders are rarely the issue. As you
suggest, they will often find ways to communicate to the recipient that
there is a problem. Unfortunately, a substantial portion of the messages
rejected by reject_unknown_(reverse_)client_hostname are sent by
automated processes using misconfigured software or machines that bypass
the more sensibly configured relays for a domain. Nobody will attempt to
contact the recipient, who will often determine there is a problem when
it is too late. Maintaining whitelists isn't an attractive option when
there is already too much guesswork involved.

Re: sieve instead procmail?

2009-07-24 Thread Jorey Bump
Michael Monnerie wrote, at 07/23/2009 10:33 AM:

 I just need a sieve that can call an external program to deliver mails. 
 Is that really not existing?

Sieve is deliberately crippled in this way:

One of its design goals was to reduce the chance of users performing
potentially insecure actions. It's not a drop-in replacement for
programs like procmail.

Re: Mutt, postfix setup for multiple e-mail accounts

2009-07-07 Thread Jorey Bump
Vikas Rawal wrote, at 07/06/2009 07:41 PM:
 On my laptop, I use mutt with postfix for sending e-mails

FWIW, recent development versions of mutt support SMTP:

I haven't tried it yet, but I plan to. Although I used mutt often, lack
of built-in SMTP client support was becoming a real showstopper.

Re: ISP being blocked by us

2009-06-26 Thread Jorey Bump
Ignacio Garcia wrote, at 06/26/2009 08:38 AM:


Both of these rules are absurd. An MX record is only relevant when
determining the destination for a domain's email. It has *nothing* to do
with relaying to other sites. You should remove these silly checks.

Re: rejecting client=unknown[]

2009-06-23 Thread Jorey Bump
LuKreme wrote, at 06/23/2009 02:58 AM:
 On 22-Jun-2009, at 18:29, mouss wrote:
 Is there anyway to, if not outright reject anyone whose DNS shows up as
 unknown to at least tempfail them with a Ooops, your DNS is not
 resolving, try back later or something?
 if you insist, you could use one of

 but use at your own risks. In particular, reject_unknown_client_hostname
 (previously: reject_unknown_client) _will_ block or delay legitimate
 Will it block or delay it? Can I set the error code to a tempfail
 instead of a outright rejection. Blocking legitimate mail that fails dns
 checks is one thing, rejecting it outright is another thing altogether.

When using the default response code (450) the practical effect is that
the sending MTA will continually try to resend the message and you will
continually deny it until it gives up. Thus, it is blocked, at higher
expense for both sides. The only *true* delay will occur when the sender
fixes DNS or you relax your restriction, allowing the message to be

You are correct that changing unknown_client_reject_code to 550 is not
something that should be considered lightly.

Re: Postifix-v-Spamassassin BLOCK SMTP

2009-06-23 Thread Jorey Bump
Steve wrote, at 06/23/2009 04:21 AM:
 Silly question. Currently I have Postfix using Spamassassin as a content
 filter thus;
 smtp  inet  n   -   -   -   10   smtpd
 -o content_filter=spamassassin
 spamassassin unix - n   n   -   -   pipe
 user=spamd argv=/usr/bin/spamc -f -e
 /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -f ${sender} ${recipient}
 It's nice and dandy but could this be changed to filter and reject at an
 SMTP level rather than after accepting the message?

I use spampd (Spam Proxy Daemon) to do this:

It doesn't look like it's being developed anymore, but I continue to use
it with latest versions of Postfix and SpamAssassin.

I believe you can also use amavisd-new as a before-queue content filter,
but the documentation strongly discouraged it the last time I looked.

 I'm only running a small server with a few mails per minute - so it's
 not going to kill it.

Then you're a good candidate. I doubt if it scales well to large volume

 I can block at SMTP level with Postfix native Body Filter.

Actually, I use a header_checks rule:

 /X-Spam-Level: \*{5,}/ REJECT

It works very well, and I can adjust the number in relation to the
default SpamAssassin required_score. I highly recommend leaving
required_score at the default of 5 and only adjusting individual rules
as needed. The collective wisdom of the SpamAssassin devs has served me
well, for the most part.

 The reason I ask is this bounce;
 ... host[] said: 550 5.7.1
 Blocked by
 SpamAssassin (in reply to end of DATA command)

Whether you use a milter or a before-queue content filter to reject
during SMTP, be sure you have implemented as many low-cost measures
beforehand as possible. Processing by SpamAssassin always represents a
relatively significant resource hit, so try to limit it to the few
messages that survive the gauntlet of other, cheaper, techniques.

Re: Postifix-v-Spamassassin BLOCK SMTP

2009-06-23 Thread Jorey Bump
EASY wrote, at 06/23/2009 09:12 AM:
 Joey wrote:
 Actually, I use a header_checks rule:

  /X-Spam-Level: \*{5,}/ REJECT
 I wrote;
 I looked at this myself and asked 'hang on, what if I put a header
 filter in for X-Spam-Level'. I assumed (and that is all it was) that it
 was not fed into the content filter until *after* Postfix had accepted
 the whole message. ? ? If that is the case and it tried to bounce this
 I'm not entirely sure of the carnage this would create. I'll have to
 play with it as this looks like to easy and obvious to miss! 
 And yep, having tested it - that does not work as intended;
 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as C4E83AC0C6
 So it takes it and then has to bounce it :-(
 It then tries to 'bounce' and could end up joe-jobbing some innocent
 person. I just did.

I assume you tested it with your current after-queue content filter. You
must use it with a before-queue content filter (AKA smtpd proxy):

Set up spampd as a before-queue content filter, and header/body_checks
will reject during SMTP.

Re: Regular expression with fighting against spam

2009-06-19 Thread Jorey Bump
Jaroslaw Grzabel wrote, at 06/19/2009 10:44 AM:

 Not in the times when IPS's are obligated to run smart hosts for their
 customers and relay mails also for all hosting customers in the times
 when mobile operators gives you a possibility to connect from any place
 on the world using each time when you're connected different IP address.

For relaying, SMTP AUTH on port 587 solves this problem entirely.

 How do you imagine to create 45k users with 10-15k domains ? It's faster
 to create access lists/maps and filter everything. Creating something
 like openrelay server but with stricts ACL.

If your server is an MX for a domain, it MUST NOT accept mail for
invalid recipients. Doing so creates backscatter and potentially creates
problems for all other domains on the Internet.

 To defend I'm asking simply
 just only for a one rule which will exclude pipe from the address.

To be fair, your original question reveals that you are somewhat
unfamiliar with basic concepts of email administration, and that is why
noone is eager to help you shoot yourself in the foot, especially if it
means the bullet may ricochet off the floor and hit us.

That said, you must escape the pipe:

 /^\|/ REJECT

And you must also apply this rule to the envelope sender, not the From:
header. See the Postfix docs for more information.

But it's a moot point. You are fixing the wrong problem.

 Anyway you have no other choice in such a solution as smart host is.

You are mistaken. Please do more research and fix your configuration
according to best practices.


2009-06-17 Thread Jorey Bump
Postfix wrote, at 06/16/2009 11:23 PM:
 I am trying to setup SSL connections.
 I have it setup as the instructions say:
 smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/sslbundle.crt
 smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/server.crt
 smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/server.key
 smtpd_tls_received_header = yes
 smtpd_tls_session_cache_database =
 tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
 smtpd_tls_security_level = may
 smtpd_use_tls = yes
 smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes
 smtpd_tls_loglevel = 3
 If I telnet I get:
 250-SIZE 1024
 250 DSN
 showing STARTTLS is in there.
 But when I setup my email client to use ssl for outgoing, I just get an

You left out the important part: What is the error?

 If I add
 -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes
 To the file for smtp, then it works, but the server will not
 receive any incoming mail since it is trying to use ssl.

Undo that change. You shouldn't need to tweak the settings for smtp in As you've discovered, this doesn't really work.

 The only way I can make it work is to setup the file with the
 smtps file for port 465 with the -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes (as the
 default file has) and change my email client to use ssl with
 port 465 as the outgoing server.

Okay, your client understands smtps and isn't complaining about the
certificates. That's a potentially good sign. What client are you using?
Have you tried another?

 Then I can receive email normally and use ssl to send out the email from
 the client.

This is hopeful. It indicates that at least some of your settings are

 Is this the normal way? I can't use port 25 for optional ssl
 connections? (as in users trying to send mail use ssl, but incoming mail
 from other servers don't have to use ssl)

STARTTLS on port 25 is conventional, submission using STARTTLS on port
587 is preferable, and smtps (wrapper mode) on port 465 is deprecated
and should only be enabled if you need to support legacy clients.

We need to see the relevant lines from your server's maillog, the output
of postconf -n, and more precise details about your client configuration
and error messages. Try not to reveal your login credentials, which may
be only trivially disguised.

Also be aware that antivirus programs and firewalls can break encrypted
connections to mail servers. You may need to disable them while you are
troubleshooting and find workarounds if they are the source of the problem.

Re: backup mx and with header checks

2009-06-15 Thread Jorey Bump
Terry L. Inzauro wrote, at 06/15/2009 01:52 PM:

 I like the idea of verifying addresses, but this stuck out.
 snip from the Postfix Address Verification Howto
 The sender/recipient address verification feature described in this document 
 is suitable only for low-traffic sites. It
 performs poorly under high load; excessive sender address verification 
 activity may even cause your site to be blacklisted by
 some providers. See the Limitations section below for details.
 what does the author consider as being low traffic?

As long as you follow Noel's advice and don't accidentally the whole
Internet, you'll be fine. :)

Furthermore, you may want to configure the optional persistent
verification database and tweak the settings as needed to reduce
excessive probes to the domain:

Keep in mind that this approach (recipient address verification) is
better suited for gateways and is a somewhat imperfect match for a
backup MX. If the primary goes offline, there is still a risk that your
backup server will reject legitimate addresses that are not present in
the cache. Nonetheless, it is better than becoming a backscatter source
(though a real dump of valid recipients is far preferable).

Re: Webmail

2009-05-19 Thread Jorey Bump
Carlos Williams wrote, at 05/19/2009 02:04 PM:
 On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Just E. Mail 
 Thank you all.

 I am going with roundcube:
 It's really eacy to install. Main thing is making sure you have PHP
 5.2+ installed on Apache and also configuring your MySQL database
 which is super easy if you follow the wiki.
 I did this on RHEL / CentOS and it worked great! If you need any more
 assistance, please let me know. There are a few things I wish I had
 known before it went live that I know now. I don't know
 your environment so if you need more info, please let me know!
 PS - They had a great forums but its down now for some reason. Their
 support forums is re-directed to some crazy Pokemon type page...

I routinely block attack probes aimed at Roundcube. These have been
active daily since January. I'm not concerned, because I don't use
Roundcube and I am not intending to malign it here. But I recommend that
you take a close look at its security history in light of these recent
attacks, and see if there has been an adequate response. As with all
applications, especially public facing ones, be sure to keep abreast of
all security updates.

Re: question on permit_sasl_authenticated and check_sender_access

2009-05-06 Thread Jorey Bump
Charles Marcus wrote, at 05/06/2009 06:38 AM:
 On 5/6/2009, Gaël Lams ( wrote:
 I modified and configure submission that way:
 submission inet n  -   n   -   -   smtpd
 -o smtpd_enforce_tls=yes
 -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
 -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject

 What version of postfix was this?
 I believe newer versions (I'm on 2.5.6) should be something like:
 submission inet  n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
   -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
   -o smtpd_tls_auth_only=yes
   -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject

The OP might also benefit from changing the last line to:

  -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject

This will override the corresponding smtpd_recipient_restrictions in and provide a simpler configuration appropriate to the
submission service. Tweak as needed.

Re: question on permit_sasl_authenticated and check_sender_access

2009-05-06 Thread Jorey Bump
Charles Marcus wrote, at 05/06/2009 08:48 AM:
 On 5/6/2009 8:37 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:
 I modified and configure submission that way:
 submission inet n  -   n   -   -   smtpd
 -o smtpd_enforce_tls=yes
 -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
 -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
 What version of postfix was this?

 I believe newer versions (I'm on 2.5.6) should be something like:

 submission inet  n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
   -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
   -o smtpd_tls_auth_only=yes
   -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
 The OP might also benefit from changing the last line to:

   -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject

 This will override the corresponding smtpd_recipient_restrictions in and provide a simpler configuration appropriate to the
 submission service. Tweak as needed.
 Hmmm... I'm wondering what the effective difference is (maybe I should
 change mine too?)...

In this particular case, either will probably just work. The main
advantage is that it matches the approach used in (handling all
restrictions in smtpd_recipient_restrictions), so the override makes it
possible to avoid restrictions specifically targeting the server's role
as an MX.

Another minor advantage is that the configuration will continue to work
if permit_sasl_authenticated is removed from
smtpd_recipient_restrictions in (if the decision is ever made to
 disallow submission on port 25, restricting authenticated users to
submission port 587).

It's slightly more portable, but only when assuming the common practice
of handling all restrictions in smtpd_recipient_restrictions.

Re: question on permit_sasl_authenticated and check_sender_access

2009-05-06 Thread Jorey Bump
Charles Marcus wrote, at 05/06/2009 09:38 AM:
 On 5/6/2009 9:03 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:
 Another minor advantage is that the configuration will continue to work
 if permit_sasl_authenticated is removed from
 smtpd_recipient_restrictions in (if the decision is ever made to
  disallow submission on port 25, restricting authenticated users to
 submission port 587).
 I thought that it would still work this way when it is set to
 client_restrictions? Why would removing this restriction from
 recipient_restrictions in cause this setting in to no
 longer reject unauthenticated sasl sessions on the submission port?

It will still reject (most) unauthenticated submissions, since they
can't get past your smtpd_client_restrictions. That's not the issue.

If the smtpd_recipient_restrictions in are not overridden in for the submission service, then they still apply. So, even if
your submission service's smtpd_client_restrictions contains
permit_sasl_authenticated, the authenticated user's messages to external
domains will likely be rejected during RCPT TO if
permit_sasl_authenticated is removed from smtpd_recipient_restrictions
in (thanks to Sahil for pointing this out in an earlier thread).

In other words, getting past smtpd_client_restrictions doesn't guarantee
getting past smtpd_recipient_restrictions.

You can test this by temporarily removing permit_sasl_authenticated from
smtpd_recipient_restrictions in and attempting to relay a
message to an external domain as an authenticated user via the
submission port. With your current settings, the message should be
rejected (unless permitted by something else, like mynetworks). If
you're never going to disallow submission on port 25, don't worry about
it. As always, YMMV depending on your configuration.

 It's slightly more portable, but only when assuming the common practice
 of handling all restrictions in smtpd_recipient_restrictions.
 Understood with respect to, but we're talking about I
 really thought that it was better to be more specific in in
 this case. Hmm, guess I have more reading to do...

Yes, it is. That's why you have to consider the global settings in and override them appropriately in

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-05-01 Thread Jorey Bump
Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/30/2009 10:31 PM:
 On Apr 24, 2009, at 9:43 PM, Jorey Bump wrote:

 Since one of the purposes of the submission port is to support road
 warriors, I feel it should be as secure as possible and the entire
 communication should be encrypted.
 I am in a bad spot in this regard, because of some of the faults of my
 current email server.  It is pushed a bit to move users to 587, but the
 server does not support SSL/TLS.  It would be very hard for me to get
 them to all change their settings to use SSL/TLS.  I would love to make
 587 the default secure port, I just do not thing I can put my users in
 that situation.
 If postfix can log in a way that I can tell what is going on, and over
 time, I can make a call a day, and convert people over to TLS,
 eventually I will flip this switch.

You can alter the name syslog uses for the submission service by adding:

  -o syslog_name=postfix-submission

I recommend setting up port 587 correctly and securely from the start
and migrating users gradually. Since they are already changing
configuration settings, have them switch to TLS at the same time, so it
doesn't have to be dealt with later. The new log name will aid in
troubleshooting. You'll be able to tell who is still authenticating on
port 25 because it will be logged under a different name. Just grep for
sasl_username in your logs.

 In some cases, I allow the use of a secure mechanism without TLS on port
 25. This protects the login, but not the message contents. I don't allow
 unencrypted plaintext logins.
 I am leaning back on this idea again.  Have to hash that out from the
 standpoint of a proxy.  I am just do not know if I gain anything by
 putting all user MUA traffic on a non port 25 port.  I know the proxy
 tries to learn from users sending emails, and white list the recipients,
 I do not know if that learning is port bound or not.

Well, that's another potential advantage of using port 587: you can
spare authenticated users (and your system) from filter/proxy scans.

Note that some environments still want to scan outgoing mail. Once
again, the fact that you're using an alternate port allows you to
customize settings to suit the purpose, so it can be another win.

 It's up to you. I use SMTP AUTH for webmail, partly because it provides
 better logging for troubleshooting.
 Good point.  What webmail are you using?  Does it globally SMTP AUTH via
 a config file and a smtp account, or is each user login it's own SMTP
 AUTH case, which is where you are picking up the logging data specific
 to the sender under that specific account?

I use SquirrelMail, which uses individual login credentials for both
IMAP access and SMTP AUTH. It's nice to have the user information in the
logs. In fact, if you are using Roundcube, make sure it's fully patched.
There is a vulnerability that is still being probed for daily against
likely locations for it on web servers.

 Default autoconfiguration appears to use ports 25, 465,  587 and SSL if
 detected. The server I tested supports all of these and the mechanism
 list is PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 DIGEST-MD5. After autoconfiguration, Apple
 Mail used STARTTLS and the PLAIN mechanism on port 25 to send a message.
 Are there are good reasons to support PLAIN and LOGIN and PASSWORD?  I
 have told all our users to use MD5 Challenge Response.  Maybe I would
 aid Apple Mail in figuring out which to pick, it seems to always fall
 back on PASSWORD iirc.  Perhaps other desktop clients do not support md5

PLAIN  LOGIN are almost universally supported, and are safe to use over
an encrypted channel. If you force encryption for plaintext logins, you
get peace of mind and your users get more flexibility when configuring
clients (which I've found to be a big win as they point and click randomly).

I've also had to support some enterprise applications that have
severely limited SMTP capabilities, so this extra flexibility comes in

 A friend of mine signed up for some cheapo hosting account, and they had
 a apple script to set it up.  It did not work, but I have been meaning
 to swipe it and fix it.  It looks very simple to deal with, and you can
 shove the users login name in, so all they do is run it, connect to get
 email, enter in their password, and click remember and they are done.
 I would bet I can alter the default port in this script as well.

That's one option, but you might be better off going with the
autoconfiguration and providing instructions where that fails. Asking
users to run scripts is sending the wrong message, IMHO. It just makes
them more vulnerable to phishing and other exploits that rely on bad

 You'll have to refer to your SASL implementation to see what mechanisms
 you can support. There can be some additional overhead with the secure
 mechanisms, but it's nice to have the flexibility. Also, some MUAs
 behaved unpredictably when certain mechanisms were absent as
 autoconfiguration was being developed

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-05-01 Thread Jorey Bump
Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/30/2009 10:11 PM:

 What happens is, under heavy MTA load on port 25, I will run out of
 connection slots on port 25.

Have you investigated the nature of this problem?

 By moving users to 587, I do not care
 about port 25 connection slots.  MTA's will try again later if busy.

You might be chasing a red herring. If your server is overloaded, there
is a reason why, and there may be more effective remediation techniques
available. Improving your submission service is good, but it might not
deliver the performance payoff you're expecting.

 What do you guys think?
 My end goal here is to get this all working, and then change these ports
 to, for example, 25 - 2525 and 587 - 587587 unless there is some other
 convention.  I am going to put a anti spam proxy in front of all this.

If you still have a heavy load, consider separating your MX entirely
from submission, using separate instances/machines. It's generally
easier to move the MX, since MUA configurations don't care about it.

 I just do not want to add too much to my learning curve, so first, get
 postfix to where I understand it, then toggle the ports and put the
 proxy in.  It should blindly pass the traffic, I assume in much the same
 way stunnel does.
 I am open to any and all advice on this matter to make this work best. 
 I have a feeling later on down the road I will need to learn exactly
 what things to disable in postfix, as it should not do any bouncing at
 all, anything that will lead to backsplatter, since I am putting a proxy
 ahead of it.

FWIW, a poorly implemented proxy can do more harm than good. A lot of
sites just toss them in, and don't pay attention to finer details like
DNS settings and recipient validation.

 I am still not entirely clear.  The docs:
  I am still not entirely clear. The docs: Do not configure client
  certificates unless you must present client TLS certificates to one or
  more servers. Client certificates are not usually needed, and can
  problems in configurations that work well without them. The
  setting is to let the defaults stand
 That supports your statement.  What is confusing, is most of the
 tutorials for setting up Postfix have a section on setting these up. 

Trust the Postfix documentation, not random tutorials.

 Indeed, the ones I set up used a specific host name, and when I  smtp,
 or pop or imap, I am asked to authorize the self signed cert, as at this
 time I do not have a purchased cert from a CA.

That's something else. You get that prompt from the server certificate
(smtpd_tls_cert_file), which you need. That is different from the client
certificate (smtp_tls_cert_file), which you obviously don't need.

 What is the correct way to not use certs for MTA's, but to present one
 to the MUA?

 # server TLS parameters
 smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/yoshino.meidokon.net_key
 smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/yoshino.meidokon.net_crt
 smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes  -- as mentioned, user can only auth on a
 secure connection
 smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1
 smtpd_tls_received_header = yes
 You have the two cert, ahhh, smtp*d*.  Ok, I think I get it, that is for
 MUA traffic, and you present them a cert authorization when they are
 auth'ing.  So I can even use the current certs I have in place now?

These are for all client connections that use STARTTLS, not just MUAs.
The difference is that MTAs typically don't quit if they can't verify
the cert (check it against a root certificate store), so using a
self-signed cert is adequate.

It is increasingly harder to support MUAs with noncommercial certs,
however. You can get basic ones fairly cheaply, so I recommend it to
avoid annoying warnings to your users.

 # client TLS parameters, forward mail via TLS if possible
 smtp_tls_security_level = may
 I had this one already I believe.

This is what you need for your server to connect *as a client* to other
MTAs, opportunistically using STARTTLS when offered.

 The wrapper mode is probably a Outlook issue, or at least an older buggy
 MUA client issue?  I do not have any easy access to Outlook.  How do you
 go about testing before deployment?

Don't set it up until you have everything else working properly (TLS,
submission, etc.). Then wait until you find a need for it. Normally, the
 Postfix defaults in will suffice (assuming your distribution
hasn't fiddled with them).

 smtp_tls_cert_file   = /opt/local/etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem
 smtp_tls_key_file= /opt/local/etc/ssl/private/dovecot.pem


 smtp_tls_security_level  = may


 smtp_tls_session_cache_database  =

Keep if you need it.

 smtpd_sasl_security_options  = noanonymous

Change to noanonymous, noplaintext if you don't want passwords sent in
the clear.

 smtpd_tls_ask_ccert  = yes


 smtpd_tls_cert_file  = /opt/local/etc/ssl/certs/postfix.pem

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-05-01 Thread Jorey Bump
Victor Duchovni wrote, at 05/01/2009 10:26 AM:
 On Fri, May 01, 2009 at 10:19:40AM -0400, Jorey Bump wrote:

FTR: No, I didn't! :)

 My end goal here is to get this all working, and then change these ports
 to, for example, 25 - 2525 and 587 - 587587 unless there is some other
 convention.  I am going to put a anti spam proxy in front of all this.
 There is no port 587587, the TCP port range (over both IPv4 and IPv6) is
 from 0 to 65535, but 0 means unspecified at the socket API level. In
 any case 587587 is usually equivalent to its residue mod 2^16 which is
 63299, not a good port to choose for a service (dynamic port range on
 most systems).

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-05-01 Thread Jorey Bump
Scott Haneda wrote, at 05/01/2009 08:37 PM:
 On May 1, 2009, at 7:19 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:

 The difference is that MTAs typically don't quit if they can't verify
 the cert (check it against a root certificate store), so using a
 self-signed cert is adequate.

 # client TLS parameters, forward mail via TLS if possible
 smtp_tls_security_level = may

 I had this one already I believe.

 This is what you need for your server to connect *as a client* to other
 MTAs, opportunistically using STARTTLS when offered.
 In a previous sentence you used the word 'typically' in regards to if
 the MTA will quit or not on seeing a cert.  What is the risk here?

Most connecting MTAs will still encrypt the communication if they cannot
*verify* the certificate, so there is little risk of sniffing on the
wire. Some policies will require verification, but that usually implies
a special relationship.

 If I
 understand, this gives an opportunistic ability for MTA to MTA
 discussion to be secure, falling back on the old plain method if it is
 not available.


 Is there really a lot of exploiting going on in-between one MTA and
 another?  From what I can tell, this would boil down to a rogue person
 at some router between me and say, gmails servers, that wanted to
 intercept traffic.  Just does not seem likely.

Which is why most MX hosts and relays use encryption opportunistically
instead of enforcing it. Perhaps the days are numbered even for this
innocent approach...

 smtpd_sasl_security_options  = noanonymous

 Change to noanonymous, noplaintext if you don't want passwords sent in
 the clear.
 If I set this to noanonymous, noplaintext to confirm, if any of my
 current users are using an authenticated plain text login method, they
 would fail to login?

In many cases, yes, because plaintext mechanisms won't even be offered
unless the channel is encrypted. However, some clients might
automatically use the remaining secure mechanisms that are still offered.

 This then gets my phone ringing, where I can help them make the changes
 to either use a non plain text login method, with auth, or use a plain
 style login with crypto.  I think I have that correct.


 submission inet  n - n -
 - smtpd
 -o smtpd_tls_security_level=may
 -o smtpd_tls_auth_only=no
 -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
 -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated

 IMHO, too weak for port 587.
 Can we explore your HO on this.  I have helped many a friend set up
 email for any number of the 9.99 a month ISP's out there, the are all
 offering normal 25, some alt submission port, and some SSL port as
 well.  I am yet to see any particular mandate that the submission port
 be crypto mandated.  Not that I want to just follow the examples set by
 others, as often is the case, they are doing it wrong anyway.
 I am just not seeing why a user can not auth with no crypto.  Or, are
 you taking the stance that users really do not know about this stuff,
 and it would be best if you protect their actions on their behalf?

No, I'm more interested in protecting the integrity of the submission
service on port 587, and prefer to see it locked down as tightly as
possible. The main reason is to prevent a breakdown in security that
could lead ISPs to block port 587 as many have done with port 25. I've
seen misguided configurations that duplicate port 25 settings on port
587, making the port a fully functioning MX that can be abused by spammers.

Another reason is that some hotels and internet cafes arrogantly try to
proxy email connections, and that's a lot more threatening than
unencrypted MTA to MTA communication. TLS helps mitigate this, as it is
really hard to proxy encrypted connections without generating a warning
(unless they trick you into installing a root certificate in your client).

 I certainly can appreciate that.  Having to deal with hundreds of iPhone
 users, and desktop users, when I toggle this switch may prove less than
 fun.  Since my old server does not support SSL/TLS, it is not like I can
 send an email out, tell them to switch, and then mass move everyone to
 postfix.  This is going to be a throw the switch, and start answering
 phone calls.
 I do really like the idea of all users being secure.  Perhaps I will set
 up a new MX, run the old and the new at the same time, and migrate one
 domain at a time, that would remove the throw the switch support burden.
 Not really liking the idea of using a new domain for setting up the
 postifx server.  I am pretty sure I can not do this in the same domain,
 as the second I add in a MX pointing to the new postfix server, that is
 going to break everything.

You have your work cut out for you.

 What specifically about smtps was it that you ended up determining you
 needed it?

I needed to support legacy clients. I don't enable it on new servers,
though, unless there's a demonstrated need.

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-04-24 Thread Jorey Bump
Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/24/2009 07:58 AM:

 I am a little confused about and  Is there overlap in
 some of the settings? Do some settings exist in both files, or at least
 are interchangable?  If this is the case, under what conditions do you
 decide to do so?

From master(5) []:

-o name=value
   Override  the  named  configuration
   parameter. The parameter value can refer  to
   other parameters as $name etc., just like in  See postconf(5) for syntax.

As implied, it's useful when you need to override the settings in to get different behaviour appropriate to the service you're
setting up in (submission, reinjection from proxy/filter, etc.).

 I successfully sent emails through this system as unauthenticated,
 authenticated, with tls, and with ssl. This is a migration, and I would
 like to have minimal email client settings needing change.  My old
 server did not have SSL or TLS.
 Old Server:
 port 25 = normal inbound, plus smtp auth'd users
 port 587 = forced auth'd users
 I am willing to disallow user connection to port 25.  How do I do this? 
 In or Right now, I believe I only have this:
 [snip... ]
 smtp  inet  n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
 I believe I need to add a restriction in there to stop clients from

There was a recent thread on this subject, worth reading:

 For port 587 submission, I want to offer SSL, TLS, and non encrypted to
 cover the users who will not want to change their settings.  I can not
 seem to get this to work, it is either no encryption, or forced encryption.
 [snip... ]
 submission inet n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
   -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
   -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
   -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated
   -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING


-o smtpd_tls_security_level=may
-o smtpd_tls_auth_only=no

I think it's normally a bad idea not to enforce TLS on the submission
port, but if you're using a secure mechanism and want to prevent weaker
ones, add:

-o smtpd_sasl_security_options=noanonymous,noplaintext
-o smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options=noanonymous

 * Do I even need the milter line?

Good question. It may depend on whether or not you use milters. I don't,
but I leave it in because I don't want issues later if I decide to
deploy a milter.

 Port 465, I believe will be reserved exclusively for SSL?  Port 587 does
 the TLS, is that correct?  Or is the SSL just wrapping around the TLS?
 [snip... ]
 465 inet  n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
   -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes
   -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
   -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
   -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING

This is for legacy support. I suggest you don't activate it until you're
sure you need it. Wrapper mode is different from offering STARTTLS.
Nearly all modern clients support STARTTLS. If someone absolutely needs
port 465, that could be a red flag that the user needs an upgrade.
However, some webmail programs might have poor support for STARTTLS,
forcing you to enable smtps if you require an encrypted connection.

 In Apple Mail, there are auth options of ntlm, md5 Challenge-Reponse,
 Kerberos, and Password.  In Thunderbird I notices there are no such
 options.  Which are used in Thunderbird?  What is the best to use, or is
 it only applicable if you are choosing to not use SSL/TLS?

Thunderbird has a Use secure authentication checkbox that supports
multiple mechanisms (independent of SSL/TLS). Unfortunately, *it*
decides which one to use, which I find very frustrating. I'm happy for
mail clients to select the best mechanisms available for easy
autoconfiguration, but it would be nice to have the ability to set them
explicitly (for troubleshooting or security reasons).

In any case, it's good practice to check this box if the server supports
secure mechanisms, for a little extra protection beyond SSL/TLS.

 I have been pretty up and down the docs, this is somehow not making a
 lot of sense.  I think once I understand what crosses over in config
 from and, it will make more sense.
 postconf -n

 smtp_tls_cert_file = /opt/local/etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem
 smtp_tls_key_file = /opt/local/etc/ssl/private/dovecot.pem

If you're not using client certificate authentication (and you probably
aren't), delete those lines.

 smtp_tls_security_level = may

This is good.

 smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks   

You can remove permit_sasl_authenticated from here if you don't want to
offer authenticated submission on port 25...

 smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes

...and change this to no (or remove the line, 

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-04-24 Thread Jorey Bump
Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/24/2009 07:41 PM:
 Thanks for this, this is getting me on track, comments interspersed
 On Apr 24, 2009, at 6:51 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:
 Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/24/2009 07:58 AM:

 I am a little confused about and  Is there overlap in
 some of the settings? Do some settings exist in both files, or at least
 are interchangable?  If this is the case, under what conditions do you
 decide to do so?

 From master(5) []:

 -o name=value
   Override  the  named  configuration
   parameter. The parameter value can refer  to
   other parameters as $name etc., just like in  See postconf(5) for syntax.

 As implied, it's useful when you need to override the settings in to get different behaviour appropriate to the service you're
 setting up in (submission, reinjection from proxy/filter,
 I have a little affliction against man type pages, they never seem to
 make a lot of sense to me :)  This section does though.  Just to be
 clear, this is a full blown over-ride, in that deleting the
 corresponding value from would do nothing to the server, so long
 as it exists in

Yes. But keep in mind that most settings have a default value. It's
healthy to define a base configuration in, where your needs
differ from the defaults, then only apply overrides in where

 For port 587 submission, I want to offer SSL, TLS, and non encrypted to
 cover the users who will not want to change their settings.


-o smtpd_tls_security_level=may
-o smtpd_tls_auth_only=no

 I think it's normally a bad idea not to enforce TLS on the submission
 port, but if you're using a secure mechanism and want to prevent weaker
 ones, add:

-o smtpd_sasl_security_options=noanonymous,noplaintext
-o smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options=noanonymous
 If you do not like a lack of TLS enforcement on the submission port what
 do you suggest for users who just do not care enough to use any TLS? 

I suggest they use it if they want to send mail. :)

Since one of the purposes of the submission port is to support road
warriors, I feel it should be as secure as possible and the entire
communication should be encrypted.

 You let them work on port 25?

In some cases, I allow the use of a secure mechanism without TLS on port
25. This protects the login, but not the message contents. I don't allow
unencrypted plaintext logins.

 I could go that route, but I am really
 trying to find a way to do traffic isolation.  If I know no client
 connections are made on 25, from a troubleshooting perspective alone, it
 seems to make things simpler on me.

I think it's reasonable. Just give your users advance notice so they can
change their settings.

 Glad you brought up webmail.  I am going to use Roundcube, on the same
 machine, worst case, on a close machine, in the same subnet.  Since I
 have the nynetworks setting set to allow mail, all should be ok?  I do
 not want to deal with AUTH for SMTP in webmail, it is going to be local
 to local, I see no point in securing that part.  Is that correct?

It's up to you. I use SMTP AUTH for webmail, partly because it provides
better logging for troubleshooting.

 I am confused about your comments about 465.  Reading it makes me think
 that 465 is sort of a last resort option.  I am not understanding the
 difference between SSL and TLS.  If I was setting up a email client, and
 could use TLS versus SSL, my logic would be to use SSL, it seems the
 better option, but I do not know why.
 Are you saying SSL email is the lesser of the options, and I should use
 TLS when I can?

I'm saying that smtps (wrapper mode on port 465) is deprecated in favor
of STARTTLS on ports 25 or 587.

 So the ideal situation is using TLS on a non 25 submission port?

Ideally, STARTTLS on the standardized submission port 587.

 Do you know how this related to Apple Mail?  There is no setting in the
 SMTP section to opt for SSL versus TLS?  Use SSL is the only checkbox
 there is.  I take it if you do not select that, it will use TLS if it
 can, but do so in a invisible way?

Default autoconfiguration appears to use ports 25, 465,  587 and SSL if
detected. The server I tested supports all of these and the mechanism
list is PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 DIGEST-MD5. After autoconfiguration, Apple
Mail used STARTTLS and the PLAIN mechanism on port 25 to send a message.

I assume it follows an algorithm to determine a fallback strategy for
trying the other ports if its first choice is not available. Although I
would have preferred it start with port 587, the choice it made is
acceptably secure. If you only offer port 587, it probably won't pose
any problems (as long as it remembers the other ports are unavailable).

In any case, you can set the port  mechanism explicitly, and it will
negotiate TLS/SSL appropriately for either wrapper mode or STARTTLS

Re: Postfix telnet authentication

2009-04-13 Thread Jorey Bump
Antonis Rizopoulos wrote, at 04/13/2009 09:55 AM:

 When I connect to my server, from different networks, to port 25 I am
 able to send emails to local users only without authenticate! It's like
 bypassing Cyrus-SASL.

No, in this particular case it is not about you being allowed to *send*
mail, it is about your users *receiving* mail addressed to them. There
is a big difference.

 I know, of course, that I cannot block access to that port and allow
 only authenticated users to send emails, because I won't receive mails
 from web sites. But I think this is a huge security issue for my mail

How so? The rest of the Internet can send messages to your users without
authenticating. Why should your users be more restricted in this case?

SMTP AUTH is about granting your users the privilege to use your server
to relay mail to *external* domains.

Re: alias with no primary domain

2009-04-11 Thread Jorey Bump
M.A. GEERTSMA wrote, at 04/11/2009 09:08 AM:
 I configured my server with no/fake (primary) domain. So I only serve 4
 virtual domains.
 But then the /etc/alias file is of no use for these domains. Is it true
 that I have to use the /etc/postfix/virtual for definining all possible
 email adresses? Or is there a way I can use a alias file for virtual
 domains too?

You'll have to define all of a domain's possible addresses in
virtual_alias_maps, but some configurations will still allow you to
direct these addresses to an alias defined in alias_maps (I do this for
all of my administrative addresses).

Is there a specific problem you are trying to solve?

Re: Dumb question - How can I be sure that SMTP authentication is really working.

2009-04-11 Thread Jorey Bump
KLaM Postmaster wrote, at 04/11/2009 03:23 PM:
 KLaM Postmaster wrote:
 How can I be sure that SMTP authentication is really working. I have
 been trying to determine is there is a reliable way of checking is my
 SMTP authentication  is working,
 I think it is working, but as I an only test from within my own network
 I am not 100% certain, Is the a tool or site that would allow me to
 verify this.

 Follow-up when I look in the my Mailllog I see this sort of thing:
 Apr 11 15:17:51 localhost postfix/smtpd[26037]: Anonymous TLS connection
 established from unknown[]: TLSv1 with cipher
 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
 which makes me think that it is working, however is it normal for the
 connection to be anonymous?

That log entry is about TLS and has nothing to do with SMTP AUTH.

It's easy enough to confirm that SMTP AUTH is working by using a
standard mail client to send a message to an external domain.

You might want to configure and test the submission service on port 587
as you do this, because it is customary to restrict this service to
authenticated users and exclude $mynetworks (so being on the same
network is not likely to pose a problem). In most cases, you can
uncomment the submission service in and use the defaults.

Run your tests, then check your log for lines containing sasl_username
or sasl_method.

There are also tools available to check your configuration, depending on
 what type of authentication you're using.

Re: Sender with invalid domain

2009-04-10 Thread Jorey Bump wrote, at 04/10/2009 12:08 PM:

 Currently I block email with
 smtpd_sender_restrictions  =
check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/access
 smtpd_data_restrictions =
 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/agencies
check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/access
check_helo_access pcre:/etc/postfix/helo_checks
 I've got a customer who has their  Mailer-Daemon address configured to
 respond with an invalid domain so they get rejected:
 Apr  9 16:53:44 agencymail postfix/smtpd[1703]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT
 from [x.x.x.x]: 450 4.1.8 Sender address rejected: Domain not
 I'd like to be able to whitelist so it won't reject
 (trying to convince them to fix it, but you know how it goes).   With
 the above config, I think I would need to update /etc/postfix/access,
 but also change the order to:
 smtpd_sender_restrictions  =
check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/access  
 would I also need to do something withreject_non_fqdn_sender ?

Yes, that would also need to follow the map. I recommend that you
dedicate separate maps to check_sender_access and check_client_access;
combining everything into one map is risky. I use the default of
smtpd_delay_reject = yes and organize everything under
smtpd_recipient_restrictions, so the pertinent part looks like this:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/sender
reject_rbl_client ...

The addresses I want to whitelist are in /etc/postfix/sender:


Note that I'm only allowing delivery to my domains; they don't get relay

If you want/need to continue using smtpd_sender_restrictions, you might
need a more elaborate configuration. Otherwise, put it under
smtpd_recipient_restrictions and be done with it.

Re: reverse lookups

2009-04-10 Thread Jorey Bump
ghe wrote, at 04/10/2009 02:54 PM:

 Oh, dear! I'm not sure what, if anything, I can do about this, but
 thanks to you all for the response(s). Maybe a non-caching name server
 might help.

You've only indicated that an authenticated client's IP address does not
reliably provide a reverse lookup. Why is that a problem? Is the
connection being rejected? Authenticated users should be exempted from
such checks. Provide the output of postconf -n.

 I'm thinking it's getting to be time to turn
 reject_unknown_sender_domain into a full reject instead of just a
 warning, but if DNS isn't working quite right.

What is wrong with the sender's domain (MAIL FROM:)? You don't mention
it in any of your posts. The unknown client issue you reported only
involves resolving the connecting IP and is unrelated to
reject_unknown_sender_domain (which is normally safe to reject, with
varying philosophies on *when* is the best time to reject it).

Of course, if you mention this only because you think your DNS is
unreliable, it is a concern. But the type of problem you're reporting is
often isolated to a few domains. If you're logging warnings for
reject_unknown_sender_domain, you should be able to review the logs to
see if there is a regular problem with your DNS (but this would also be
apparent for outgoing messages, in a much more serious way).

Re: Spam list (dns hostnames)

2009-04-10 Thread Jorey Bump
M.A. GEERTSMA wrote, at 04/10/2009 03:13 PM:

 I will replace the 3 lines by the 1, but would that be double because of
 btw, MailScanner uses a local file: phishing.bad.sites.conf which is
 updated regulary.

You're missing the point, and comparing two unrelated features.

reject_rbl_client incurs the cost of a DNS lookup, but it's relatively
inexpensive. is reliable enough for outright
rejections, which can spare you the overhead of further processing

If the message continues to the filter, and that filter decides to do
another lookup, caching should make it even less expensive, but you can
 probably exclude a particular RBL if you really feel the tuning is

None of the information you've provided indicates a duplication of
effort, so I wouldn't worry about it until it becomes a problem. To
improve performance, you want to use as many lightweight techniques as
possible to *avoid* invoking MailScanner/SpamAssassin in the first
place, saving it for the few that trickle through your initial gauntlet.

Re: DNS verification

2009-04-08 Thread Jorey Bump
berny wrote, at 04/08/2009 05:41 AM:

 2. If yes,  what type do you use?
a) only PTR check [reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname]
b) or PTR=A check [reject_unknown_client_hostname]
 3. What are your experiencies and opinion to it?

I have found it unsafe to use either. At the very least, it will reject
mail from poorly run (but legitimate) mailing lists. There are also an
alarming number of schools, government and other nonprofit sites that
cannot make it past these checks due to poorly configured DNS and the
lack of expertise to correct it. At the extreme end, some major
registrars cannot pass these checks, which could put domains at risk for
recipients who depend on email reminders to renew their domain

It's a shame, because enforcing these checks would have a noticeable
impact on spam, especially FCrDNS:

Sadly, I have been unable to uncover a method to use FCrDNS in a scoring
system. Ideally, I would like to use SpamAssassin, but if anyone knows
of another way, please share.

In any case, you can review the potential impact of the above directives
by including this in smtpd_(client|recipient)_restrictions:

  warn_if_reject reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname
  warn_if_reject reject_unknown_client_hostname

Watch your logs and monitor potential rejections. Be aware, however,
that it can take months to reveal something truly serious (like a yearly
notification from a registrar).

Re: DNS verification

2009-04-08 Thread Jorey Bump
Henrik K wrote, at 04/08/2009 09:54 AM:
 On Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 09:09:58AM -0400, Jorey Bump wrote:
 It's a shame, because enforcing these checks would have a noticeable
 impact on spam, especially FCrDNS:

 Sadly, I have been unable to uncover a method to use FCrDNS in a scoring
 system. Ideally, I would like to use SpamAssassin, but if anyone knows
 of another way, please share.
 Don't bother looking too hard. :) Postfix records FCrDNS in Received-headers
 (unknown if not matching) and SpamAssassin uses that information in
 RDNS_NONE rule.

Funny, I took that rule at face value and assumed it only indicated a
missing PTR. Even funnier, I've been incrementally raising the score for
 months (currently at 4 points) looking for the sweet spot, so it seems
I've been checking FCrDNS all along. Thanks for the info! Time to notch
it up another point...

Re: DNS verification

2009-04-08 Thread Jorey Bump
Jorey Bump wrote, at 04/08/2009 09:09 AM:

 At the extreme end, some major
 registrars cannot pass these checks, which could put domains at risk for
 recipients who depend on email reminders to renew their domain

I guess we can add PayPal to the list of major players with poorly
configured DNS:

$ host domain name pointer
$ host
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

It's surprising that PayPal, the target of so many phishing exploits,
doesn't have squeaky clean DNS configured for its mail servers.

Re: my mailserver has been blacklisted

2009-03-26 Thread Jorey Bump
Ivan Ricotti wrote, at 03/26/2009 06:59 AM:

 I suspect that some windows users in my network is sending spam... and
 the question is: how can I prevent this acting on postfix?

Don't speculate. Read your logs.

Re: saslauthd with realm support

2009-03-16 Thread Jorey Bump
Victor Duchovni wrote, at 03/16/2009 10:10 AM:
 On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 02:29:17PM +0530, ram wrote:
 For smtp-auth configuration, some users put full emailid as username ,
 some use just the userid part of email-id(before '@'). Can postfix
 always authenticate with userid. Can this be done only for email-ids of
 some domain 
 Postfix passes the data received from the SASL client verbatim to the
 SASL library. The rest is up to the SASL library.

For clarification, what happens when smtpd_sasl_local_domain is set?
Does the presence or absence of a realm in the login alter Postfix

Re: non-alpha HELO

2009-03-14 Thread Jorey Bump
LuKreme wrote, at 03/14/2009 12:19 PM:
 On 13-Mar-2009, at 14:51, Jorey Bump wrote:
 submission inet n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
 -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
 -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
 -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
 Yeah, once I get TLS setup.  I am running 2.5.6.  I did change the
 submission port to
 o smtpd_enforce_tls=no -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
 -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
 -o syslog_name=postfix/submit
 Just to see what would get logged, I went ahead and tried to use this. 
 I knew it wouldn't work, but I was hoping for useful error messages.  I
 got this:
 submit/smtpd[32686]: connect from[]
 submit/smtpd[32686]: lost connection after EHLO from[]
 submit/smtpd[32686]: disconnect from[]
 submit/smtpd[32686]: connect from[]
 submit/smtpd[32686]: timeout after UNKNOWN from[]
 submit/smtpd[32686]: disconnect from[]
 Not that useful...

Actually, the specially designated syslog_name can be very useful,
especially for troubleshooting  migration. To see who's using the new
port, use something like this:

 grep sasl /var/log/maillog | grep submit

To see who's not:

 grep sasl /var/log/maillog | grep -v submit

Re: Export User

2009-03-13 Thread Jorey Bump
Sasa wrote, at 03/13/2009 09:08 AM:

 How can I Export my postfix users (my users are stored in
 sasldblistusers2 and I have 2.3.3 postfix version) for then to import in
 a new server postfix server (with 2.5.6 postfix version)?
 Thanks in advance.

As long as you're compiling against the same Cyrus SASL, there is no
need to export users when you upgrade Postfix. It will recognize the
same sasldb2.

If you need to transfer your sasldb2 to a new machine, it will depend on
the underlying database format/version used. In many cases, you can
simply copy it. But, if the formats are incompatible, you may have to
dump it to text, then recreate it on the new machine.

Re: non-alpha HELO

2009-03-13 Thread Jorey Bump
Bill Cole wrote, at 03/13/2009 10:23 AM:
 Jorey Bump wrote, On 3/13/09 8:51 AM:
 LuKreme wrote, at 03/13/2009 07:22 AM:

 So I thought I'd see if anyone else thought that a helo in the form
 [] SHOULD be allowed. I mean, as far as I recall, this is
 still technically allowed, right?

 A bracketed IP address is valid in a HELO/EHLO, but is so rare in
 legitimate mail that it's still worth blocking. 
 It should be noted that this is true only for mail transport, not mail
 For the people still supporting the antiquated model of accepting mail
 submission via SMTP rather than a proper port 587 daemon, it is
 important to  make allowances for the fact that MUA's frequently have no
 better choice for their HELO argument than an IP literal, and sometimes
 even that is pretty lousy (i.e. an ephemeral RFC1918 private IP)

MUA HELOs are problematic in many ways. But you're absolutely right,
this is best handled by delaying this sort of check_helo_access until
smtpd_recipient_restrictions, after permit_mynetworks 
permit_sasl_authenticated, if you support submission on SMTP port 25 on
an MX server.

Re: Export User

2009-03-13 Thread Jorey Bump
Sasa wrote, at 03/13/2009 10:58 AM:
 Jorey Bump wrote:
 If you need to transfer your sasldb2 to a new machine, it will depend on
 the underlying database format/version used. In many cases, you can
 simply copy it. But, if the formats are incompatible, you may have to
 dump it to text, then recreate it on the new machine.
 yes, I want transfer sasldb2 users to another mail server, on my current
 mail server I have:
 and for to create user I use:
 #saslpasswd2 -c -u -a smtpauth test
 On the new mail server I have:
 With this configuration can I simply copy sasldb2 file from current
 server to new server ?

It seems highly probable. It's harmless to test it. In fact, you can run
this command on both machines to verify the format:

 file /etc/sasldb2

If you don't have an sasldb2 on the new machine, just create one by
adding an entry with saslpasswd2. If they're the same type, a simple
copy should work.

Of course, you could just go ahead and copy it and see if it works.
Remember to make backups on both machines.

Re: non-alpha HELO

2009-03-13 Thread Jorey Bump
LuKreme wrote, at 03/13/2009 11:53 AM:
 On 13-Mar-2009, at 09:04, Jorey Bump wrote:
 For the people still supporting the antiquated model of accepting mail
 submission via SMTP rather than a proper port 587 daemon, it is
 important to  make allowances for the fact that MUA's frequently have no
 better choice for their HELO argument than an IP literal, and sometimes
 even that is pretty lousy (i.e. an ephemeral RFC1918 private IP)

 MUA HELOs are problematic in many ways. But you're absolutely right,
 this is best handled by delaying this sort of check_helo_access until
 smtpd_recipient_restrictions, after permit_mynetworks 
 permit_sasl_authenticated, if you support submission on SMTP port 25 on
 an MX server.
 OK, this piqued my interest.  I have 587 setup, and I also have a couple
 of alternate ports in the 1025+ range to deal with any users unlucky
 enough to be behind draconian ISPs, but I do still accept mail on port
 25.  In fact, I wasn't even aware that you could force users to use the
 submission port.
 Where's the read me on configuring for this, as I think it
 might be worth looking at.

Forcing users to submit mail to port 587 basically means dropping
support for relaying to external domains on port 25. This poses less of
a problem now than it did in the past, since nearly all modern clients
support STARTTLS on alternate ports. Essentially, you remove
permit_mynetworks  permit_sasl_authenticated from your
smtpd_*_restrictions in, so they will no longer be exempt from
the more strict checks (although a handful may still be able to send
directly to the domains you handle). If you configure port 587 properly
(the default in is usually fine), you can notify your users to
switch. Then it's basically rinse, lather, repeat until you have a
minority that need to be targeted individually. Once you've migrated
users to your satisfaction, remove support from

BTW, what ISPs are blocking port 587? This is disturbingly wrong.

Re: Export User

2009-03-13 Thread Jorey Bump
Sasa wrote, at 03/13/2009 11:35 AM:

 On current mail server I have:
 [r...@mail ~]# file /etc/sasldb2
 /etc/sasldb2: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 8, native byte-order)
 on new mail server I have:
 [r...@mail ~]# file /etc/sasldb2
 /etc/sasldb2: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 9, native byte-order)
 ..the version is different, this is can be a problem ?

Unfortunately, it might. But Berkeley DB provides decent tools for
dumping databases, so you should be able to easily dump the contents on
the old machine then load them on the new one. I use gdbm for sasldb2,
however, so you'll need to do some research or ask on the appropriate
list. I think db_dump and db_load will do the trick, but I'm not aware
of the steps. Also keep in mind that it's possible to have multiple
versions of Berkely DB installed, so watch out for possible conflicts.

Re: non-alpha HELO

2009-03-13 Thread Jorey Bump
LuKreme wrote, at 03/13/2009 04:26 PM:
 On 13-Mar-2009, at 10:49, Bill Cole wrote:
 If you have a good port 587 config in, you may need no
 changes there. My submission entry for a server that accepts no port
 25 submission from outside the LAN is:

 -o smtpd_enforce_tls=yes -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
 -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
 -o syslog_name=postfix/submit
 -o smtpd_milters=

 (If your doesn't define smtpd_milters, the last line is
 That's nice to see.  My is quite old, and the submission port
 info is... lemme look
 Oh, my
 587   inet  n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
 That's it. Lemme at least change that.

Here's an example for a recent Postfix:

submission inet n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
  -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
  -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING

 I wish more clients were like in this respect, its default is
 to try 25, 465, and 587, so if all my users were using, I could
 just switch things and it would 'do the right thing'.

Is that true after initial configuration? It would be odd for a client
to start probing alternate ports outside of a configuration wizard.

Re: non-alpha HELO

2009-03-13 Thread Jorey Bump
Sahil Tandon wrote, at 03/13/2009 08:36 PM:
 Jorey Bump wrote:
 LuKreme wrote, at 03/13/2009 04:26 PM:
 On 13-Mar-2009, at 10:49, Bill Cole wrote:

 If you have a good port 587 config in, you may need no
 changes there. My submission entry for a server that accepts no port
 25 submission from outside the LAN is:

 -o smtpd_enforce_tls=yes -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
 -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
 -o syslog_name=postfix/submit
 -o smtpd_milters=

 (If your doesn't define smtpd_milters, the last line is
 That's nice to see.  My is quite old, and the submission port
 info is... lemme look

 Oh, my

 587   inet  n   -   n   -   -   smtpd

 That's it. Lemme at least change that.

 Here's an example for a recent Postfix:

 submission inet n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
   -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
   -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
   -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
 One point of clarification for others who may get tripped up by the
 subtle difference between these two examples.  In Bill's version,
 smtpd_recipient_restrictions contains permit_sasl_authenticated, whereas
 the latter is set in Jorey's smtpd_client_restrictions.  I believe one
 needs to permit_sasl in recipient_restrictions; at least in the context
 of this thread, where it is suggested that you remove permit_mynetworks
  permit_sasl_authenticated from your smtpd_*_restrictions in
  Otherwise SASL authenticated clients will be unable to relay (probably
 blocked by reject_unauth_destination at RCPT TO).

Quite right. My example is from a site that still has
permit_sasl_authenticated in smtpd_recipient_restrictions in If
you remove that, you need to adjust the submission service accordingly:

submission inet n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
  -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
  -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
  -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING

This is also true of smtps (port 465) if you need to support older clients:

smtps inet  n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
  -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes
  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
  -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
  -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING

It may also be unnecessary or undesirable to remove permit_mynetworks
from smtpd_*_restrictions in, depending on how you're using it.

Re: Unable To Track Spam in Mail Logs = :(

2009-03-11 Thread Jorey Bump
Carlos Williams wrote, at 03/11/2009 11:19 AM:
 I just had a ticket come in regards to a user who just last week
 started receiving a crazy amount of spam emails that he has never had
 an issue with. I checked the mail logs (/var/log/mail.log) and was
 unable to find anything. I checked the spam emails the user still had
 on his client and copied the message headers:

This will be logged.

 Received: from (unknown [])

As will this IP.

 Now I am wondering why I am unable to find any of these messages in my logs:
 mail:~# cat /var/log/mail.log | grep -i
 mail:~# cat /var/log/mail.log | grep -i 3B3311FA41E0
 mail:~# cat /var/log/mail.log | grep -i
 Am I searching for this incorrectly or in the wrong directory?  Thanks
 for any help!

Debian logs email funny. Try this, and work from there:

  egrep '(|' /var/log/mail*

If that turns up nothing, you may need to look at /etc/syslog.conf (or
whatever Debian uses) to see how syslog is configured to log mail.

Re: Plus addressing not delivering to folder

2009-03-06 Thread Jorey Bump
Charles Marcus wrote, at 03/06/2009 02:27 PM:

 I want to be able to use plussed addresses in such a way that if such a
 message comes in and a subfolder matches the extension, the message will
 be delivered to that subfolder, and if there is no matching subfolder,
 it is just delivered to the Inbox.

Cyrus IMAPd supports this behaviour.

Re: Configuration advice

2009-03-04 Thread Jorey Bump
Emmanuel Seyman wrote, at 03/04/2009 02:03 PM:

 What's the best way to do this? If I install SA on the first domain
 and remove the MX, spammers will still be able to
 send spam to it directly. Is setting up SA on both machines the simplest
 way to go?

It's certainly more flexible. You can adjust SA scores on the list
server in a way that might be too restrictive or inappropriate on the

Re: submission port requiring starttls even when set not to (Resolved)

2009-03-04 Thread Jorey Bump
J.P. Trosclair wrote, at 03/04/2009 04:05 PM:
 LuKreme wrote:
 On 4-Mar-2009, at 13:08, J.P. Trosclair wrote:
 submission inet n   -   -   -   -   smtpd
  -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt


 I didn't explicitly add it. It was a left over from the default for the postfix package on debian 5.0. It's gone and
 everything is good, for now.

Put it back. smtpd_enforce_tls is deprecated since Postfix 2.3 and
smtpd_tls_security_level should be used instead.

Furthermore, you should leave it set to encrypt. Part of the value of
running a submission service on port 587 is that it allows you to
severely restrict connections in a way that is acceptable to ISPs, who
are blocking outgoing connections to SMTP port 25. If admins begin
relaxing the restrictions on port 587 without understanding the
ramifications, ISPs might start blocking it, too, which is bad for
residential and roaming users who need it in order to relay mail through
the desired server. An important part of this is encrypting all
connections to port 587.

It's easy enough to set up another (local) port in that will
serve your purpose (or someone might even be able to suggest an
alternative approach).

Re: submission port requiring starttls even when set not to (Resolved)

2009-03-04 Thread Jorey Bump
LuKreme wrote, at 03/04/2009 05:24 PM:
 On 4-Mar-2009, at 14:33, Jorey Bump wrote:
 smtpd_tls_security_level should be used instead.
 Not if you don't want to force TLS on the submission port it shouldn't.

The context is irrelevant. smtpd_tls_security_level is the new parameter
that replaces smtpd_enforce_tls, which is still available for backwards

postconf(5) has this to say about smtpd_enforce_tls:

  This  feature  is  available  in  Postfix  2.2  and  later.  With
  Postfix 2.3 and later use smtpd_tls_security_level instead.

Re: submission port requiring starttls even when set not to (Resolved)

2009-03-04 Thread Jorey Bump
J.P. Trosclair wrote, at 03/04/2009 05:01 PM:

 I'll research the smtpd_tls_security_level option further. It didn't
 present a problem until I started working on this specific feature with
 the white lists. I have created another smtpd instance to forward white
 listed domains to rather than trying to utilize the submission port. I
 felt like I was over-complicating (because of archiving with *_bcc_maps
 and duplicate mails) the functionality of the submission service and
 thus headed down a bumpy road, maybe I'm wrong about this though. At the
 same time the submission service seems like the ideal place to hand this
 mail over to for final delivery since it's intended (for us) to allow
 trusted clients to bypass filtering and spam checks.

Yes, it can be. For example, it's perfectly reasonable to include
mynetworks in the submission port's smtpd_client_restrictions, then add
whitelisted hosts to mynetworks. But this is really true only for hosts
under your control, and not recommended for whitelisting whole external
domains. For obvious reasons, it would be insane to add to

Unfortunately, your originally proposed solution weakens security for
all clients using the submission port, including authenticating clients.
A workaround is possible with these settings:

 -o smtpd_tls_security_level=may
 -o smtpd_tls_auth_only=yes

But I would discourage this approach on the public submission port, as
it's best to provide maximum security by encrypting all connections.
When you must relax this restriction, add another port to that
you can fine-tune for the intended purpose. This also allows you to
apply firewall rules that would be inappropriate for a public submission
service on port 587, enabling you to lock it down tightly.

Re: submission port requiring starttls even when set not to (Resolved)

2009-03-04 Thread Jorey Bump
LuKreme wrote, at 03/04/2009 09:25 PM:
 On 4-Mar-2009, at 19:12, Jorey Bump wrote:
 LuKreme wrote, at 03/04/2009 05:24 PM:
 On 4-Mar-2009, at 14:33, Jorey Bump wrote:
 smtpd_tls_security_level should be used instead.

 Not if you don't want to force TLS on the submission port it shouldn't.

 The context is irrelevant.
 Of course the context is relevant since the original poster did not want
 TLS *AT ALL* on the submission port.  Which syntax is right for enabling
 a feature he DOESN'T WANT is silliness.

Please read postconf(5). The recommended syntax for disabling TLS is:


The deprecated syntax is:


The OP was using both parameters with conflicting values:

 -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
 -o smtpd_enforce_tls=no

He solved his original problem by removing the recommended parameter and
leaving the deprecated one. In this case, he should have removed
smtpd_enforce_tls and set smtpd_tls_security_level appropriately.

It is not silliness to advise him to use the recommended syntax. Nor is
it inappropriate to point out the pitfalls of the proposed setting,
especially when he asked for suggestions.

Re: a problem with catch-all alias handling in virtuals

2009-02-20 Thread Jorey Bump
Andi Raicu wrote, at 02/20/2009 04:47 AM:

 I don't want to be in the situation where I didn't create an account to
 the new server and emails that were supposed to be recieved are now,
 well, kind of lost; so I need a catch-all email.

Anyone who decides to distribute an email address without ensuring it
works deserves to lose mail. You need to focus on a policy for
provisioning new email addresses and a system to support it. If you try
to use catch-alls for this perceived need, you will certainly fail.

 But there is a problem! If I do that, then ANY email sent to, even though it has a valid user in
 virtual_mailbox_maps, will go to!

Whatever you do, do you really want to be responsible for searching
through the lostnfound account because some pinhead *thinks* it *might*
contain an important message to some ambiguous nonexistent address? Do
you really want to burden someone else with this task? Catch-alls are
almost always filled to the brim with spam, viruses and phishing
exploits. Do you want to risk any of these being forwarded by mistake?
Catch-alls are also a notorious black hole for messages with typos in
the recipient address, so you'll have to regularly check the account for
those. It's far better for the message to be rejected so the sender is
aware of the typo and has an opportunity to resend the message correctly.

Anything you do to try to make this work will most likely result in an
unmaintainable mess. Demand that your users only use real addresses that
have been properly assigned to them.

Re: Replacing Message-Id for SASL authenticated senders

2009-02-08 Thread Jorey Bump
Victor Duchovni wrote, at 02/08/2009 03:37 PM:
 On Sun, Feb 08, 2009 at 09:08:32PM +0100, mouss wrote:
 No, I was referring to the Sent folder, populated by the MUA, either
 in a local disk or using IMAP.
 I know some people clever-enough to set Sent == Inbox, yes this is not
 very common.

I do this, and also use the Thunderbird feature Place replies in the
folder of the message being replied to to keep the entire thread in a
single folder. This makes it a lot easier to review the thread in
progress and then properly archive it.

 I personally have rules that tag outgoing mail into non-default Fcc
 folders, replies are moved there too, and correct threading is expected.
 Still, clearly this will do only modest harm if any for some sets of users.

Some MUAs are better than others at organizing threads. Nonetheless, I'd
be more than a little miffed if an admin broke threading and justified
it because most users are unaware of the feature.

Re: Blocking spam/address

2009-02-06 Thread Jorey Bump
Nandini Mocherla wrote, at 02/06/2009 12:49 PM:

 I am new to postfix and thinking for a way to block the email address
 which does not come from that domain. For example, if someone with a email sends to a list it must come from a server in the
 domain else it should be rejected.  Is it possible to do this?

Have you thought this through? For example, nearly all legitimate messages come from a server in the domain. That's
just the tip of a rather huge iceberg. A rule like this will reject an
enormous amount of legitimate mail. Don't take my word for it, review
your mail logs and see for yourself.

Re: Name service error for name=localhost type=AAAA: Host not found

2009-01-28 Thread Jorey Bump
Dave ( wrote, at 01/28/2009 07:26 PM:

 I am not finding any solution. Here is my error:
 Jan 28 19:18:23 ubuntu postfix/smtp[27317]: 13n20:
 to=r...@localhost, relay=none, delay=8, delays=7.9/0.01/0/0,
 dsn=5.4.4, status=bounced (Host or domain name not found. Name service
 error for name=localhost type=: Host not found)
 If I send to just root, it is delivered perfectly. But to
 r...@localhost, I get this error. And the problem is that I have
 services on my machine that use the @localhost type of email
 addressing. I'd rather not change those settings because my goal is to
 just get all the notifications that any thing running on my server might
 want to send to me.

Check the output of:

 postconf inet_protocols

If you don't need IPv6 support, set it to:

 inet_protocols = ipv4

in That's the default, but maybe Ubuntu (or someone) has
changed it.

Re: how to filter

2009-01-27 Thread Jorey Bump
Tolga wrote, at 01/27/2009 08:19 AM:
 Heiko Wundram yazmış:

 I filter on the header


 which catches everything (AFAICT) that comes in over the list.
 or by the From: line

Your own message proves this to be incorrect:

  From: Tolga

Re: I thought I had a send-only Postfix server, but I see someone connected to it!

2009-01-27 Thread Jorey Bump
MountainX wrote, at 01/27/2009 11:35 AM:

 In my opinion, the opportunity for Linux to rise to greater heights starts

Please get off your soapbox. If you have a question about Postfix, ask
it. If you don't understand the answer and have more questions, ask
them. If you want to say thanks, do so briefly, but it isn't usually
necessary if it adds nothing to the thread.

 The reason I think (hope) a discussion such as the one is not off topic is
 because it relates to the manner in which I (or any newbie) can expect to
 interact with this list in the future. 

It's off-topic because Linux advocacy has nothing to do with Postfix,
which runs on a variety of platforms. Please restrict your comments to
your original question or let the thread come to a natural close. The
rest is just noise that won't help other users (including newbies) who
search the archive for answers to specific questions.

Re: Blocking certain outbound domains?

2009-01-21 Thread Jorey Bump
Todd A. Jacobs wrote, at 01/21/2009 03:42 PM:
 Based on the feedback that I've gotten, I've made the following changes:
 smtpd_client_restrictions = 
   check_recipient_mx_access hash:/etc/postfix/mx_access
   check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_access
   check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/domain_access
   check_helo_access hash:/etc/postfix/helo_access
   check_policy_service inet:
 Most of the suggestions were to put check_recipient_mx_access into
 smtpd_recipient_restriction, but I'm concerned about how that will
 impact the allow/deny order of the existing smtpd_client_restrictions I
 have in place, and which seem to be working well.

Logically, it doesn't make sense to perform recipient checks before you
know the recipient.

 One of the things I don't want kiboshed is the rules that allow mail to
 postmaster to go through even if other rules would disallow it. I also
 don't want to check the hash tables twice if I don't have to, but
 I don't know if there's really any performance penalty if I do.

Because you're using the default smtpd_delay_reject = yes,
smtpd_(client|helo|sender)_restrictions will all be evaluated at RCPT
TO, so it's usually unnecessary to repeat restrictions. This is one
reason people throw everything in smtpd_recipient_restrictions, in the
order they want. Your configuration above risks being affected if you
ever change smtpd_delay_reject to no.

Re: forcing authenticated users to use port 587?

2009-01-09 Thread Jorey Bump
Sahil Tandon wrote, at 01/08/2009 11:37 PM:
 Jeff Weinberger wrote:
 Also you noted:

 In the final step of my scenario, that's the behavior I want to  
 Will that simple step work?
 Yes. You can completely disable submission on port 25 and prevent
 relaying to destinations you don't accept by hosts outside of  
 Does smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no completely disable submission and  
 prevent relaying for hosts I don't accept? or is there more I have to  
 make sure I do?
 This disables submission via SASL authenticated clients on port 25.

My statement was an overqualified mouthful, while Sahil's response to
your followup is succinct (and correct), but only one part of the puzzle.

You need to understand that authentication (establishing a user's
identity) is separate from authorization (granting access to a
resource). smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes provides a user the opportunity
to establish an identity, but doesn't allow relaying by itself. That is
achieved by the appropriate placement of permit_sasl_authenticated
(among other things).

I mention this because you have another option that may make more sense
in your scenario: During migration, leave smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
in, but remove permit_sasl_authenticated from any of the
smtpd_*_restrictions in (after you've properly configured and
tested the submission service in, of course). The advantage of
this is that users will be allowed to authenticate, but will not be able
to relay to external destinations. This will be easier to troubleshoot,
and based on the relaying denied error, you can simply instruct your
users to change their outgoing SMTP to use port 587. In addition, they
will probably still be able to send email to you, if your server also
handles mail for your destination (or allows unauthenticated relaying to
the MX that does). Once all current users have migrated, you can set
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no, if you like (unless you want the same
environment in place for new users).

The danger of beginning migration with smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no is
that the users may mess up their configurations trying to fix it, and
they won't have an immediate way to contact you via email.

Re: getting dns error

2009-01-09 Thread Jorey Bump
Sahil Tandon wrote, at 01/08/2009 10:06 PM:
 James D. Parra wrote:
 I am getting the following error when sending to the below mail server.  I
 added the name of our internal relay server to our public dns and a ptr
 record, but I am still getting the error below.

 said: 554 5.7.1 unknown[]: Client host rejected: rDNS/DNS
 validation failed. Please setup matching DNS and rDNS records:(in reply
 to RCPT TO command)

 Is there something else I need to add the postfix server? This is an
 internal mail relay server, behind a firewall and not accessible to the
 public. It only sends mail for our internal users and does not receive mail.
 % host domain name pointer
 % host
 Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
 Fix that.

Or if your MX is also a relay, use that instead (either directly or as a
smarthost for your internal relay):

$ host mail is handled by 10
$ host has address
$ host domain name pointer

Re: forcing authenticated users to use port 587?

2009-01-08 Thread Jorey Bump
Jeff Weinberger wrote, at 01/08/2009 12:10 AM:
 Based on good practice and the help and urging of some of the gurus on this
 list, I am moving my users to using the submission service (port 587)
 instead of port 25 to send mail from their mail clients.
 Once most of them move, I'd like to start warning the ones who don't that
 they should (ok, maybe just bugging them). But then I was thinking I might
 eventually want to require that they use port 587.
 My question is really two-fold:
 1) using the controls in postfix, is it possible to prevent authenticated
 users from using port 25 to submit mail? Is there a construct that would do
 that without interfering with incoming mail from anywhere?

Yes, you can simply set smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no (which is the
default, so you could also remove the line, but being explicit might be
more helpful in this case). You can also remove
permit_sasl_authenticated from smtpd_*_restrictions, but it might be
wise to leave it in place for the time being (it shouldn't cause any
problems). Your submission service in should already have -o
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes in it.

Keep in mind, however, that some users will still be able to use port 25
to send messages to domains that the server accepts mail for. To them,
it may seem that relaying works inconsistently.

 2) even if it's possible, it is advisable (I know no one is shy about
 offering opinions here, and I hope if you have one, you'll voice it :) )?

The decision to restrict mail submission to port 587 depends on your
needs. I manage some environments where this is enforced. I actually
like the separation, but it sometimes requires additional support for
legacy clients (achieved in various ways).

In other environments with a more diverse and general population, I
continue to allow submission on port 25, but only with mechanisms that
are considered secure. You'll probably want to begin with this
arrangement, as you are suggesting. It's kinder to your users, if you're
not in any rush. The important thing is that you're opening port 587
(with sane settings) to support road warriors and users whose ISPs block
outgoing connections to port 25. This move benefits them as much (if not
more) as you.

Re: forcing authenticated users to use port 587?

2009-01-08 Thread Jorey Bump
Chris Babcock wrote, at 01/08/2009 03:19 AM:
 On Wed, 7 Jan 2009 21:10:57 -0800
 Jeff Weinberger wrote:
 1) using the controls in postfix, is it possible to prevent  
 users from using port 25 to submit mail? Is there a construct that  
 would do
 that without interfering with incoming mail from anywhere?
 Your smtpd_recipient_restrictions... Right now they're probably the same
 for the smptd daemons listening on ports 25 and 587 and they include
 one or more permit_* directives, probably permit_mynetworks and
 permit_sasl_authenticated. You'll remove those permit_* restrictions,
 except possibly permit_mynetworks from and replace them with
 an override (-o switch) on the submission service in
 submission inet n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
   -o smtpd_enforce_tls=yes
   -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
   -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
   -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject

Better to uncomment the default submission settings in your
and work from that, if needed. In recent versions of Postfix, this is:

submission inet n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
  -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
  -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING

Before editing the settings provided with your version of Postfix,
please take time to understand what you are doing. The defaults are very
sane, and rarely need adjusting.

 2) even if it's possible, it is advisable (I know no one is shy about
 offering opinions here, and I hope if you have one, you'll voice  
 it :) )?
 It's an extension of a great security model, but one of the things that
 makes that model work is that it has been made easy to implement. It's
 possible to break things like scripts that need to send mail off the
 server with a fairly insignificant gain in security. It's not hard to
 do, but you do need to know the system well to do it because it's at
 least 2 steps off from any of the documented deployment recipes. 
 I'd do it for a small hobby server like mine just because it's my idea
 of a good time. I'd also do it for corporate situations where
 mynetworks includes machines that aren't in a room with a lock on the
 door, but not if it meant reconfiguring every PHP app and shell script
 that sends mail out of the company to authenticate itself.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing. I've found that applications and
devices with poor SMTP support deserve a security audit that often
reveals other weaknesses. If they're not immediately fixable, it's
useful to isolate them on a separate and secure relay while waiting for
them to be upgraded or replaced.

Re: forcing authenticated users to use port 587?

2009-01-08 Thread Jorey Bump
Jeff Weinberger wrote, at 01/08/2009 09:27 AM:

 Setting smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no would mean that no authentication is
 required on port 25, but if I understand it correctly, it wouldn't
 actually stop an authenticated user from sending mail through port 25.
 If they tried to authenticate on port 25 with smtpd_sasl_auth_enable =
 no, would postfix refuse the connection?

Actually, smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no means that authentication is not
enabled. IOW, Postfix won't offer 250-AUTH [mech list] after HELO/EHLO.
Attempts to authenticate will generate an error. Most modern clients are
intelligent enough to detect the absence of AUTH and will not attempt to
authenticate. Good ones will abort and notify the user. Bad ones might
attempt to continue, in case the server will still accept the message.
If the domain is a destination your server handles, it will probably
accept the message, otherwise it will reject it.

 In the final step of my scenario, that's the behavior I want to achieve.
 Will that simple step work?

Yes. You can completely disable submission on port 25 and prevent
relaying to destinations you don't accept by hosts outside of mynetworks.

Re: Question regarding reject_unlisted_sender

2009-01-07 Thread Jorey Bump
Bill Landry wrote, at 01/07/2009 01:11 PM:

 However, RFCs 2821  5321 seem to state that rejection after MAIL TO
 is valid and should be properly handled by the sending server.  So my
 question is why does Postfix waits until after the RCPT TO phase
 before rejecting the sender address?  

That's merely a side effect of the default setting smtpd_delay_reject =
yes. Postfix can be configured to reject at any appropriate point, if
desired. The default is sane, though, because it allows access to the
recipient address when troubleshooting logs.

 Are there issue that can arise if
 the receiving server rejects the message immediately after MAIL TO
 rather then after RCPT TO is received?


Earlier rejections would prevent recipient addresses and possibly other
useful information from being logged. You might get a slight performance
boost, though.

Re: email retry problem

2009-01-07 Thread Jorey Bump
jittinan suwanrueangsri wrote, at 01/07/2009 02:15 PM:

 In our environment
 1. a user can not connect to other mailserver directly such as gmail,aol
 etc. except our mailserver.
 2. a user have right to use his/her other domain sender (aol,gmail) in
 message which have to relay via our mailserver.if our policy allow user
 to send only our sender domain we can authenticate his/her right but it
 's impossible to know which sender is his/her account in gmail or aol.we
 can not connect to their database .
 3.a user need to use dynamic ip address so we can not create
 allow/reject policy by source ip ,dnsbl checking or other technique base
 on source ip.
 4. our mailserver  is in situation same as previous post(retry
 problem).There are too many emails  are pending in mailserver so it
 affect to other email sending process is slow down because of
 unnecessary retry.we sure these messages are bad .

It sounds like you (or your ISP) is blocking outgoing connections to
port 25 and you are trying to get around this block or minimize its
effect. If that's the case don't bother. Use your mail server to relay
and handle mail for your own domain only. If users want to relay mail
via other email service providers, they can use webmail or the
submission port 587. Encouraging them to use your relay for domains you
don't control will only complicate things and interfere with the
delivery of the messages (as you seem to be discovering).

Re: Does a policy server exist to filter on domain age/creation?

2008-12-20 Thread Jorey Bump
Justin Piszcz wrote, at 12/20/2008 05:43 AM:
 $ whois
 Record created on:2008-12-15 11:45:30.0
 Domain Expires on:2009-12-15 11:45:31.0
 A 1-second life domain name.

What do you mean? The domain expires in one year and a second from its
creation date.

 First, is there an existing policy server out there that checks how many
 days old a domain is?

If so, it would probably end up working a lot like greylisting. You'd
get a similar effect scoring with the SpamCop dnsbl, since it penalizes
fresh domains.

 I know there is an RHSBL for it but this seems rather odd, if the domain
 has expired/etc it would be nice to filter on these statistics..

True. There's no reason to accept mail from a long-expired domain (but
your example hasn't expired).

[BTW, there appears to be a problem with the DNS for your domain, Your nameservers are not responding.]

Re: how to send mail to gmail account

2008-12-19 Thread Jorey Bump
Jose Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa wrote, at 12/19/2008 08:47 PM:
 On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 7:19 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:
 Jose Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa wrote, at 12/18/2008 06:28 AM:

 I think you should send more info on your config, for example:

 MX record for your domain.
 myhostname entry from

 these two should match.
 There is no requirement that these match. They are completely unrelated.
 I said: should.  There are some spam filters which uses the hostname
 provided by the server and make several verifications like:
 + Is the hostname listed as a MX for the domain?

Such a filter would be broken. MX records are used only to specify the
destination for a domain's mail, not the origin. Don't take my word for
it, look at your maillog. You will immediately see that the client host
is unlikely to match any MX record for much, if not most, of the
legitimate mail you accept (it certainly won't for gmail, hotmail,
etc.). Your own message doesn't even pass this test.

In Postfix, $myhostname is the default for multiple settings, as seen
when running this command:

 postconf -d | grep myhostname

Not a single one of them has anything to do with the MX record. There is
absolutely no benefit in having $myhostname match your domain's MX
record. Suggesting that this will solve a configuration problem is a red

 + Does the hostname *forward* resolve to the IP I'm being contacted from?

I agree that would be nice, but requiring the HELO/EHLO hostname to
resolve to the client IP address would reject an unacceptable amount of
legitimate mail (at least on my systems).

 + Does the IP *reverse* resolve to the hostname?

See above. For some international email, you can't even expect the
client IP address to resolve to a PTR at all (although the situation
seems to be improving).

Strictly speaking, it would be useful to score based on FCrDNS:

But that begins only with a reverse lookup on the client IP address and
doesn't consider the HELO/EHLO hostname at all.

Re: how to send mail to gmail account

2008-12-18 Thread Jorey Bump
Jose Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa wrote, at 12/18/2008 06:28 AM:

 I think you should send more info on your config, for example:
 MX record for your domain.
 myhostname entry from
 these two should match.

There is no requirement that these match. They are completely unrelated.

The OP needs to describe the problem more accurately. In general, no
special configuration is required to send mail to any domain.

Re: Minimal MTA/ MDA for local mail only?

2008-12-11 Thread Jorey Bump
Gaute Amundsen wrote, at 12/11/2008 07:25 AM:
 Slightly OT this, but I can't think on any other obvious place to ask, and an 
 hour of googling turned up little.
 The question:
 What are my options if I don't want to run a full blown mail server, and 
 really only want all mail delivered to a single local mbox or maildir?
 There seems to be a number for minimal sendmal replacements that do smtp 
 but none that delivers locally, and I don't think procmail or maildrop can 
 impersonate /usr/bin/sendmail directly..
 Basically I run smartmontools and a number of cronjobs on my laptop and I 
 to get the reports and alerts, but I want to avoid the overhead of running 
 maintaining a full mailserver.
 I have a sneaky feeling that I am somehow not seeing the forest for all the 
 trees, or my assumptions are wrong, but I can't put my finger on it..

Minimal MTAs are usually developed for use with MUAs that don't include
SMTP (such as Mutt) or to easily provide a way to use a relayhost on a
per-user basis (so your outgoing messages don't get bounced). Therefore,
they tend not to deal with local delivery.

The good news is that the MTA provided with your distribution (either
postfix or sendmail) is usually trivially easy to set up for local
delivery, especially if the mail is locally generated. You might need to
run the daemon, but the overhead is negligible, and modern distributions
improve security by having it listen only on localhost by default. If
you want to support a more complicated environment (such as running a
local IMAP server), you may need additional tweaks, but if you simply
want to read local system notifications, you usually need nothing more
than the default MTA and an MUA (mail, nail, mutt, pine, kmail, etc.).
The benefit you receive is that these widely used MTAs tend to handle
mail more correctly, due to years of use and development.

Re: spammers using my mailserver trough webmai

2008-12-11 Thread Jorey Bump
Gerardo Herzig wrote, at 12/11/2008 12:32 PM:
 Hi all. Im facing a ugly situation. Some spammer is using the webmail to
  send spam. The thing is, hes using an actual account/password (from my
 server)to authenticate agains the webmail, and then sending mail from
 Since i have
 smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated,
 permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination
 This dude is authenticated, so...what can i do? Cant i restrict or check
 the address which is sending and forbidde those which are not of my domain?

This seems easy: Simply reset the password.

If it was stolen, notify the original user immediately and explain what
happened. Some users share login credentials among multiple accounts, so
they deserve to know in order to change the password everywhere it is
used. They may also need to fix a compromised machine or be educated on
phishing attacks.

If it's a user that is doing the spamming, delete their account.

Re: spammers using my mailserver trough webmai

2008-12-11 Thread Jorey Bump
Gerardo Herzig wrote, at 12/11/2008 12:47 PM:
 Victor Duchovni wrote:
 Change the password for the compromised account. Or do you offer free
 Well, yes, that an option. But seems like a partial solution. About the
 postfix configuration: There is anything i can do to avoid an account
 @uklotto (or whatever is not my domain) send mail trough my server? Crap
 i feel not :(

That's merely a symptom of your real problem: you have a compromised
account, giving the spammer full access to your resource. As long as
they can authenticate, they will find workarounds to any restrictions
you put in place that still allow other authenticated users to send
mail. For example, you really don't want them to start using your domain
in a forged sender address. You must reset the password and/or delete
the account. Do it sooner than later to avoid being blacklisted.

Re: TLS Logging

2008-11-19 Thread Jorey Bump
Larry Stone wrote, at 11/19/2008 01:50 PM:

 You have a client connecting to a server with your self-signed
 certificate (signed by a CA of your own creation). Connections to it do
 not generate verification failures. Does the client have your
 self-created CA's root certificate on it? If so, then it can verify the
 self-signed certificate.

By definition, a self-signed certificate is a certificate signed with
its own key, not one you sign yourself. If you create your own CA and
sign certificates with its key, verification of those certificates only
depends on your root CA certificate being trusted. This allows you to
distribute a single certificate to verify an unlimited number of signed
certificates. Obviously, deploying a single self-signed certificate per
host doesn't scale well.

 As near as I can understand, the only practical difference between
 certificates signed by a well-known CA and one signed by your own CA is
 how widely distributed you can expect the CA root certificate to be.


 a well-known CA, you expect every Internet connected computer to have
 the root certificate. For a self-created CA, you can only expect to find
 the root certificate on client systems you've put it on (which is why I
 keep a copy of my self-created CA's root certificate on my keychain
 drive). A self-created CA root certificate, once installed on a client
 system, has the same status as a root certificate from a well-known CA.

Yep. Which is why you shouldn't rule out a serious ass-whooping if
someone catches you installing your CA root certificate in their client
without permission. :)

It's far better for me to create an exception for the few hosts using
your CA than to unquestionably accept any certificate it has signed,
setting the stage for a possible man-in-the-middle attack.

Re: stop accepting mail and clear mailq

2008-11-19 Thread Jorey Bump
J.P. Trosclair wrote, at 11/19/2008 08:14 PM:
 On Nov 19, 2008, at 6:06 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
 To stop receiving mail from the network, comment out the network
 facing smtpd entry in, do postfix reload, and look
 for warnings in the maillog file.

 You can get a lot fancier and set up an access rule that replies
 with 421 Service unavailable for migration.

 Thanks for the info, I'll look into taking this approach.

You only mention your MX needs. If the server also offers submission
service, you will need to plan carefully. In order to be transparent,
your users shouldn't need to change client configuration. If you can
afford to deny access to your human users during the outage, you may
still need to accommodate web applications or mailing lists. Some of
these do not fail gracefully when there is a connection error, so make
sure the admins are aware of the downtime so they can plan accordingly.

Re: Backscatter issues with non-delivery notifications

2008-11-03 Thread Jorey Bump
Dave Buchanan (Abo Ltd) wrote, at 11/03/2008 10:32 AM:
 Dear postfix users
 I have re-configured our postfix mailservers to remove catch all aliases to 
 remove the ammount of mail accepted. 
 I know have one more issue to resolve with respect to non delivery 
 notifications - backscatter
 the setup is as follows
 This is what happens to an e-mail that has spam / virus etc from 
 Mail is accepted by our servers for delivery and then passed on to [EMAIL 
 The mailserver rejects this mail with a 550 error 
 our mailserver then sends a non-delivery notification to the sender
 If the sender has been dreamed up by the spammer etc then they receive 
 unwanted mail 
 I would like to know how to turn these non-delivery e-mails off in postfix

Forwarding is a particularly sticky issue, because it was once a
relatively useful feature. These days it's a lot more trouble than it's
worth, so avoid it whenever possible. If you can't do that, then you
need to improve your own antispam defenses so your server is the one
rejecting the message during the SMTP session. This will have more
benefits in the long run than trying to selectively disable bounce
notifications. The rule of thumb is to try not to accept messages that
can't/won't ultimately be delivered.

Also keep in mind that there are alternatives to forwarding. There are
many client side solutions that enable you to automatically move mail
from one account to another.

Re: Check MX entry before virtual domains maps

2008-11-03 Thread Jorey Bump
M. wrote, at 11/03/2008 01:51 PM:

 4. user can add *any* domain he wants to my postfix's virtual domains
 maps by perl script. If that particular domain is listed in virtual
 domains maps postfix will not check MX record. I want to avoid it. I
 need to force postfix to use DNS before checking internal maps. 

This will break troubleshooting (I migrated an MX this weekend, and
relied on the ability to locally test mail delivery before changing the
MX in DNS).

You need to improve your provisioning process:

- When you add a destination, require proof of domain ownership
(confirmation from one of the contacts in the whois record, if possible).

- Once ownership is verified, add the user and update a table that lists
which domains they can manage. Modify your script to restrict users
according to this table.

- Separate your MX from your submission service. This enforces MX
lookups for outgoing mail, so that messages are relayed to the proper
server. It also prevents mail from being sent to your server if the
domain changes its MX record without notifying you.

Re: Check MX entry before virtual domains maps

2008-11-03 Thread Jorey Bump
Wietse Venema wrote, at 11/03/2008 03:06 PM:
 On Mon, 2008-11-03 at 19:32 +0100, mouss wrote:
 and the problem is? If they control the domain, then you have no problem!
 OK, I will try to explain that by example:

 0. user buys domain

 1. user adds mx record to his domain

 2. user adds (by perl script) entry to virtual domains maps in my
 postfix ( to inform postfix that it is final destination
 for this domain. 
 Before allowing step 2 to proceed, your provisioning system should
 check that your system is listed as MX server for this domain.
 It makes no sense to do that check upon every mail transaction.

Although checking the MX record before provisioning would provide the
ultimate verification, it would expose the domain to the possibility of
lost mail, since it requires the customer to change the MX before the
destination is ready to accept mail (resulting in a permanent error).
This could cause problems if the customer is migrating from a working
system (but is obviously less of a problem if this is the first MX for
the domain and addresses aren't in circulation, yet). It seems to me
that, for many cases, best practice mandates that the MX record should
not point to the destination until it is ready.

Re: Check MX entry before virtual domains maps

2008-11-03 Thread Jorey Bump
M. wrote, at 11/03/2008 03:41 PM:
 On Mon, 2008-11-03 at 15:26 -0500, Jorey Bump wrote:
 Although checking the MX record before provisioning would provide the
 ultimate verification, it would expose the domain to the possibility of
 lost mail, since it requires the customer to change the MX before the
 destination is ready to accept mail (resulting in a permanent error).
 This could cause problems if the customer is migrating from a working
 system (but is obviously less of a problem if this is the first MX for
 the domain and addresses aren't in circulation, yet). It seems to me
 that, for many cases, best practice mandates that the MX record should
 not point to the destination until it is ready.
 Yep, this is exactly what I was thinking about ;)
 Maybe there is workaround to this problem using transports, relays or

Separating your MX from your submission service still appears to offer
the best protection. There are multiple ways to achieve this, depending
on the flexibility you require. This makes your MX less likely to ever
need to relay to an external domain, so its own configuration wouldn't
cause conflicts. Your submission service would always resolve the
destination MX, and since it's not an MX itself, it wouldn't interfere,

I recently had a client experience the type of trouble you're
describing. Their developer partially configured DNS and mail at another
host, but gave up when it proved to be too complicated. As a result, DNS
for the domain was hijacked for all customers of that hosting company
(my DNS server was still the SOA, so the rest of the Internet wasn't
affected). Now the developer and other important domains could no longer
communicate with my client, as they were using the hosting company's
resolver, which pointed to their own MX, which rejected the unknown
users (fortunately). Once I determined the problem, the developer
deleted the account, and everything started working again. Separation of
the MX and submission service (each using a resolver independent of the
hosting company's authoritative SOA servers) would have prevented this mess.

This approach will help with your original problem, but you'll still
need to improve your provisioning process, so your users can't hijack
other domains.

Re: Virtual Alias Rejection issues

2008-11-02 Thread Jorey Bump
Dave Buchanan (Abo Ltd) wrote, at 11/02/2008 02:03 PM:

 virtual_alias_domains = domain_one.tld domain_two.tld
 virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
 /etc/postfix/virtual  contains
 Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  is accepted and delivered as expected
 Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is rejected in the original conversation as expected
 Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is accepted in the original conversation but then 
 later bounced
 It appears the the conversion from [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED] is 
 not runnign during the original conversation -
 which would be (in my humble opinion) a better way to reject the message
 Am I missing something

From virtual(5):

   @domain address, address, ...
  Redirect mail for other users in domain to address.
  This form has the lowest precedence.

  Note:  @domain  is a wild-card. With this form, the
  Postfix SMTP server accepts mail for any  recipient
  in  domain,  regardless  of  whether that recipient
  exists.  This may turn  your  mail  system  into  a
  backscatter  source: Postfix first accepts mail for
  non-existent recipients and then  tries  to  return
  that  mail  as  undeliverable to the often forged
  sender address.

Don't implement wild-cards unless you can assure the message will be
delivered to a valid recipient (who will then receive a lot of spam).

Re: Which FileSystem do you use on your postfix server?

2008-10-30 Thread Jorey Bump
Victor Duchovni wrote, at 10/30/2008 12:44 PM:

 Past reports of ReiserFS on this list indicate that it falls short
 of reasonable (i.e. perfect) data integrity expectations.

I also value data integrity over performance and will add that XFS never
made it out of my punishment closet into a production system. On Linux,
I use ext3 and have never lost data, even in the worst of conditions.

Re: Best anti-spam

2008-10-22 Thread Jorey Bump
Richard Foley wrote, at 10/22/2008 07:56 AM:
 On Wednesday 22 October 2008 01:27:51 Terry Carmen wrote:


 spam_ip_regex file:

 /[ax]dsl.*\..*\..*/i 450 AUTO_XDSL Email Rejected. You appear to be 
 connecting from a Dynamic IP address. 
 /client.*\..*\..*/i   450 AUTO_CLIENT Email Rejected. You appear to 
 be connecting from a Dynamic IP address.
 /cable.*\..*\..*/i   450 AUTO_CABLE Email Rejected. You appear to be 
 connecting from a Dynamic IP address.
 /dial.*\..*\..*/i 450 AUTO_DIAL Email Rejected. You appear to be 
 connecting from a Dynamic IP address. 

 This looks fairly useful.  Does anyone else have any experience with this 
 approach, who might be able to offer insight into whether it's valid or not?

You can see for yourself:

 egrep '[ax]dsl.*\..*\..*' /var/log/maillog

These expressions seem a little too simple, since they could easily
produce false positives (, for example). You'd want to
find something that is tuned to target common residential host names.

Is it valid? That's open to debate. DNS is hard enough to grok without
mandating which names are acceptable for specific services, but you're
free to adopt whatever local policy you want. Caveat emptor.

Re: Finally blocking some spam

2008-10-17 Thread Jorey Bump
Joey wrote, at 10/17/2008 09:14 PM:
 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of j debert
 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 11:26 AM
 Subject: Re: Finally blocking some spam
 That's still too simple. You're simply counting connections again. How 
 many of those connection attempts are hosts retrying (sending the same 
 mail)? You do not have the data to tell you what is going on.

 Get rid of your tainted IP and ensure that your domain is also not 
 tainted. Once a domain or username is tainted, it seems to stay that 
 way apparently forever.

 Hi Jorey,

No, that was J Debert. :)

 Any suggestions you have to help me reduce the load on the servers, and the 
 junk in the mailbox are welcome, and I can assure you I will try just about 
 anything as you can see by my blanketed IP method which for reference has 
 reduced spam by over 75%, and yes blocked a few legit users.

Analyze. You're right that stopping abusers at the firewall can help to
reduce load. But the you posted has everything but the kitchen
sink in it. It probably wouldn't hurt to trim it a bit, if there's
little return. For example, an RBL that doesn't block much and is slow
can add latency that will hurt overall performance. Some checks are more
expensive than others, and need to earn their keep.

Re: Finally blocking some spam

2008-10-13 Thread Jorey Bump
Joey wrote, at 10/13/2008 11:57 AM:

 For us greylisting was a problem because it put a big delay on email when you 
 were sitting waiting for a message from someone you were talking to, but that 
 catches A LOT of email.

Consider Nolisting. It doesn't have the delay associated with
greylisting, and will turn away the first wave of connections from spambots:

If your concern is reducing load on your server, this will help decrease
 obviously spammy connections without introducing much overhead at all.

 Basically you take a list of IP blocks by country or manual lists like so:
 These above connected to my server over the past 24 hours about 4K times.
 You feed these into iptables like so
 iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp -j LOG --log-prefix 
 iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j DROP
 you can then tail /var/log/messages and see how many times you get SPAM-BLOCK 
 I wrote a script to tail messages and count the amount of times SPAM-BLOCK 
 entry shows up.
 When I run that script I get the original line from messages along with the 
 first part of the line which shows:
 [RunTime:20 seconds]--[Spam:242]--[MsgHour:43560.00]-- Original Message here
 That's how I know the numbers I represented in my email.
 Here is an example of an additional line which is generated by a similar 
 application tailing maillog:
 TMsg:6644]---[GMsg:227 3%]---[TSpam:6416 97%]-[RunTime:1 hour, 20 minutes 
 and 34 seconds]---
 While I did check that I was getting spam from these sources in some cases, I 
 went blindly to those top spam countries.  My clients are good about letting 
 me know when they aren’t getting email.

It's no surprise to anyone here that the overwhelming number of delivery
attempts are spam. As a result, it's easy to fool yourself into thinking
you're making a dent against spam when you're actually exposing ham to
increased risk. I can tell you from experience that outright blocking of
countries is a Bad Thing. It's unsustainable and will eventually come
back to bite you.

This doesn't mean that all networks are the same. When I developed
Unlisting, I discovered it was too aggressive for general use. But I
have been using Selective Unlisting with some success, targeting
networks with bad reputations, while allowing most of the legitimate
mail through. If you try Nolisting and are happy with the results,
consider implementing Selective Unlisting (but be warned that the
configuration is far more complex and must be implemented with care):

Selective Unlisting relies on the ipt_recent module, and requires that
the first MX always rejects, and the second MX only accepts connections
if the first has been tried:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s -d --dport 25 -m
recent --set --name UNLIST -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s -d --dport 25 -m
recent --rcheck --name UNLIST --seconds 4000 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s -d --dport 25 -j
REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset

In this example, is the suspect network, is the
primary (nonfunctioning) MX, and is the secondary
(functioning) MX. This is most easily set up on a single machine, but it
can also be configured on a transparent filtering bridge. You can target
as many networks as you like. But read the documentation carefully and
understand the caveats. And definitely try Nolisting first, along with
other techniques that are lightweight and safer than country blocks.

Re: Finally blocking some spam

2008-10-13 Thread Jorey Bump
Joey wrote, at 10/13/2008 01:42 PM:

 You reach a point where the money we think we are profiting from
 services sucks up all our time and resources and somehow we have to
 reduce that overhead and SPAM. Imagine that we are blocking millions
 of spam messages a month through various methods and we have clients
 complaining about spam... what are we to do.  It gets really old.

No argument here. :)

Of the remaining spam that gets past my defenses, nearly all of it could
be stopped by the following:

1. Require Forward Confirmed reverse DNS (FCrDNS), where the IPs must
match in a IP - name - IP lookup.

2. Require reverse DNS (rDNS), where the connecting host must have a PTR
record, returning a (valid) host name in an IP - name lookup.

3. Require encrypted connections via STARTTLS.

FCrDNS offers a lot of promise, but if Network Solutions can't even get
it right (when its parent company, Verisign, controls a huge chunk of
DNS), there's little hope that other sites will. I'd like to apply the
ipt_recent module to hosts without FCrDNS, but there is little desire
for filter developers to base rules on realtime DNS lookups, since it
can introduce significant overhead and a host of other serious problems.
Selective greylisting aimed at FCrDNS offers some hope, however, as many
of the offenders don't appear to retry.

Many school and government sites (not to mention China) can't seem to
configure rDNS and FCrDNS properly. I have given up trying to contact
offending sites. Too often, they decide the solution is simply to drop
the recipient from a mailing list, instead of correcting their DNS
records to improve the robustness of their mailings. It's a shame,
because things got pretty quiet on my test domains during the weeks I
implemented reject_unknown_(reverse_)client_hostname.

Requiring encryption is a pipe dream, and as Wietse has mentioned,
introduces a greater risk of exposing bugs as a result of linking to a
large base of external code.

Re: Finally blocking some spam

2008-10-13 Thread Jorey Bump
Joey wrote, at 10/13/2008 05:10 PM:

 I can only tell you that in 4 days we have blocked at the firewall level (
 on only 1 server )
 161,166 connections from Poland
 1,184,747 connections from Turkey
 418,162 connections from Russia
 53,656 connections from Czech
 1,613,636 connections from Asia
 129,428 connections from UK
 Just for reference on one of the other servers 2,193,894 connections from
 I don't think anyone can argue that these numbers are not the pattern of
 NORMAL servers, or of legit email.
 We maybe support 400-500 users total! No way 1 Million legit messages are
 coming in from Turkey today, this week or even this month.

connections != messages

Make sure you count the hosts, not the number of packets that were
attempted. In many cases, each host is only trying to send one message.
Blocking can skew the numbers (but the ones you report are still rather

Consider that your IP address has become tainted. If you've been using
it for a long time (or inherited an IP with a history), there is a
possibility that a number of these attempts are automated and not even
aimed at your users. In that case, try moving to a new IP address with
no SMTP history.

You might also monitor the target recipients, to see if an address (or
domain) has become an attractor for some reason. This can be done
maliciously, and is enough of an excuse to retire the address.

Re: TLS on port 25

2008-10-08 Thread Jorey Bump
Jake Vickers wrote, at 10/08/2008 10:49 AM:
 Are there good reasons to NOT use TLS on port 25? (ie: in -o
 Curious as to if it breaks things for certain clients or something.

There's a good reason not to *require* STARTTLS on port 25, if you want
to allow connections from client MTAs that don't do TLS.

I configure opportunistic TLS at the global level in

 smtp_tls_security_level = may

But I require it for the submission service in

submission inet n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
  -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject

Note that smtpd_use_tls and smtpd_enforce_tls have been obsoleted by

There are probably cases where specialized servers handle high traffic
mail that doesn't require encryption, in order to reduce the
computational overhead and stretch the hardware dollar.

Personally, I think there's a strong case for enforcing encryption,
which could offer some relief from spambots (albeit temporary, until
they catch up and add TLS functionality). Unfortunately, this is
currently not feasible if you want to receive mail.

Re: Fighting SPAM

2008-10-06 Thread Jorey Bump
Marky Yehezkiel (SNC) wrote, at 10/06/2008 10:17 PM:

 I just wondering is there any way in postfix that can check port 25 of
 sender is open or not.

Why do you assume that a legitimate relay must also accept connections
on port 25? There's no requirement that an MX must also be the source of
outgoing mail for a domain. The method you propose would reject mail
from many large ESPs (such as Gmail) or a number of mailing list services.

Re: SASL configuration woes

2008-10-03 Thread Jorey Bump
Stephen Holmes wrote, at 10/03/2008 11:44 AM:
 Hi PostFixers,
 I'm now running postfix/dovecot/mysql in SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 SP2
 and I wanted to secure the SMTP connections.  I've tried to follow one
 or more tutorials, but so far to no avail.  The server is up and running
 and Thunderbird seems to use SMTP over TLS but when I issue a telnet
 localhost 25 I get...
 EHLO localhost
 250-SIZE 1024
 250 DSN
 I can see the STARTTLS, but not the AUTH statements.  My postconf output

 smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes

You've wisely configured postfix to offer AUTH only via STARTTLS, so it
won't appear until the session is renegotiated and encrypted. telnet is
not up to troubleshooting this task. You've confirmed with a client that
it works, but you can also use openssl:

 openssl s_client -starttls smtp -debug -connect localhost:25

Re: Use of X509v3 Subject Alternative Name

2008-10-03 Thread Jorey Bump
Victor Duchovni wrote, at 10/03/2008 12:35 PM:
 On Fri, Oct 03, 2008 at 10:22:59AM -0400, Jorey Bump wrote:
 I'm curious about the use of X509v3 Subject Alternative Name in
 certificates, and if they pose any problems when used in production.
 No, these are preferred to CommonName when used to verify DNS names.
 See RFC 5280.
 For example, if I obtain a certificate with the Common Name of for primary use over HTTP, and add an X509v3 Subject
 Alternative Name of for dual use over SMTP (server) and
  HTTP (for webmail), will there be issues? Is support widespread enough
 to safely implement this approach (assuming I can get a commercial cert
 Who do you expect to be checking your SMTP certificate? (Hint: most
 MTAs cannot be configured to check it, and those that can be, are not
 so configured by default).

Currently, my smtpd_tls_cert_file is generated by a local CA and other
MTAs connect to it without any problem, even though the CN
( doesn't match the MX name ( I haven't
 generated a local cert that uses DNS Subject Alternative Names, so I'll
have to give that a test.

However, user mail clients will attempt to verify the certificate (for
SMTP and IMAP), as will web browsers (for HTTPS). Since this is becoming
increasingly more difficult to overcome for nontechnical users as these
clients become more strict, I'm wondering if this approach is feasible,
compared to deploying multiple or wildcard certs. Will most modern
clients recognize the correct name, or is support still lacking?

 This said (or asked rhetorically), when Postfix is checking certs it
 will verify subjectAltName. Sendmail can only verify the CN (you can
 probably count on one hand the Sendmail sites with CN constraints in their
 access files).

So, MTA verification isn't much of an issue today, but the safest
approach would be to use the most likely name sought by a connecting MTA
 as the CN, then list it and additional names as DNS Subject Alternative
Names, correct? Deciding which name to use as the CN is one of the
reasons I'm asking.

Re: Stupidly simple problem...

2008-09-25 Thread Jorey Bump
Kurt Buff wrote, at 09/25/2008 12:47 PM:

 I'm getting messages in /var/log/maillog about mail looping back to
 myself, and the mail is discarded.

 Sep 25 03:01:21 loki postfix/smtp[24894]: 021951A4CEC:
 to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=none, delay=0.01, delays=0.01/0/0/0,
 dsn=5.4.6, status=bounced (mail for loops back to
 Sep 25 03:01:21 loki postfix/qmgr[58371]: 021951A4CEC: removed
 postconf -n
 mydestination =
 mydomain =
 myhostname =


mydestination = $myhostname, localhost


The mail is addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED], so you should accept it.
Your alias will forward it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How spammy is my mail?

2008-09-24 Thread Jorey Bump
Neil wrote, at 09/24/2008 06:19 AM:
 What's the best way to see what spam traits my mail server and mails are
 exhibiting?  Is there some place I can submit a mail or send a test mail
 and get back some sort of report, or the like?

Check your IP address to see if it's on any RBLs:

Check your DNS for any misconfigurations:

AFTER you've read up on the subject enough to test if your server is an
open relay (for example, by using telnet from an *external* network),
confirm your findings by checking with an external tool:

It's not wise to implicitly trust any 3rd party open relay test. The
onus is on you to attempt secure your system first.

Re: postfix accepting mail for

2008-09-11 Thread Jorey Bump
Jason Noble wrote, at 09/11/2008 08:08 AM:
 On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 16:35 +0200, mouss wrote:
 Jorey Bump wrote:

 Set up a separate DNS server if you want to block ad sites for your your
 LAN users. I do this, but I simply make the local DNS server
 authoritative for the offensive domains (or subdomains) and point them
 all to the same zone file, which has no A records defined. Why anyone
 would point these to or any other IP address is beyond me.

 and is even dangerous. it allows a stranger to make you do a query on a 
 local service. with FCSR and XSS attacks being so common these days, 
 this is unwise. What would happens if say you get to click on

 this is also the reason why it is not recommended to put private IPs in 
 public dns zones ( -

 What about just pointing to

That can be even worse, since is reserved for the default
network. See RFC 3330 ( - Addresses in this block refer to source hosts on this
   network.  Address may be used as a source address for this
   host on this network; other addresses within may be used to
   refer to specified hosts on this network [RFC1700, page 4].

Don't be surprised if you ping and it hits (depending
on the platform).

On my local DNS server (using bind) at the end of named.conf, I put this

 include /var/named/dummy.conf;

dummy.conf defines the zones of various spamming domains, all pointing
to the same file, with my server set as master:

 zone {
type master;
file master/dummy;
allow-transfer { localhost; };

 zone {
type master;
file master/dummy;
allow-transfer { localhost; };

/var/named/master/dummy is a simple zone file with no A records defined,
so lookups on the domain will return nothing, and subdomains will always
fail with NXDOMAIN:

 @   IN  SOA ns.localdomain.hostmaster.ns.localdomain. (
2006121001 ; serial
8h ; refresh
2h ; retry
7d ; expire
1h ; default_ttl
 ; Name servers
 @   IN  NS  ns.localdomain.

But this is getting off-topic. Note that this is only for serving
recursive lookups to my local network. I would never have Postfix or any
other important service use this for a resolver.

On a related note, one of the authoritative DNS servers (
for your domain (, allows recursive lookups from the
Internet. That's crazy. You should drop it or ask to disable
recursive lookups.

Re: ldap+cyrus+virtual_mailbox_maps :no mailbox associated

2008-09-06 Thread Jorey Bump

mouss wrote, at 09/06/2008 05:12 AM:

TOUZEAU DAVID wrote:[/var/run/cyrus/socket/lmtp]: RCPT TO:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

so you see. postfix says RCPT TO:[EMAIL PROTECTED].

Sep  6 10:55:18 pc-touzeau postfix/lmtp[19755]:[/var/run/cyrus/socket/lmtp]: DATA
Sep  6 10:55:18 pc-touzeau cyrus/lmtpunix[19756]: 
verify_user(user.david^t) failed: Mailbox does not exist

and cyrus doesn't like the recipient. (looks like the '.' became a '^' 
in the log or maybe elsewhere?).

By default, Cyrus IMAPd does not allow . in user or folder names, and 
will convert it to ^. Such recipient addresses can be supported by 
using aliases that point to users without a . in the name.

This is what the OP is trying to do, and needs Postfix to perform the 
lookup via LDAP to make the translation. I don't use LDAP, but it looks 
like it's time for postconf -n.

Re: FW: Virtual Interface

2008-09-02 Thread Jorey Bump

Marcel Grandemange wrote, at 09/02/2008 01:48 PM:

If postfix could simply send mail from the virtual address our issues 
would be solved

Re: FW: Virtual Interface

2008-09-02 Thread Jorey Bump

Marcel Grandemange wrote, at 09/02/2008 02:45 PM:

I tried according to docs set bind address to and the virtual ip,
It still sends mail out main interface.

You asked how to bind the postfix smtp client to your virtual IP 
address, which is  described here:

interface != IP address

I don't see how controlling the origin interface will solve your 
problem, unless you've described it poorly. I have used 
smtp_bind_address to control the IP address of outgoing SMTP connections 
on a server that had another blacklisted IP address. It worked fine, if 
this is what you are attempting to do.

Re: question with SASL

2008-09-01 Thread Jorey Bump

Jake Vickers wrote, at 09/01/2008 10:08 AM:
I currently have all my users using the submission port for outgoing 
mail. They cannot send on port 25 at this time, and according to all of 
the online tests I have tried I am not an open relay or backscatter sprayer.

My currently shows:

smtp  inet  n   -   -   -   -   smtpd
  -o smtpd_use_tls=no
  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=no
  -o content_filter=smtp-amavis:[]:10024

If I change smtpd_sasl_auth_enable to yes, it allows some devices 
(handhelds, Treo, etc.) to send on port 25 if authenticated, but I want 
to make sure that this does not turn me into a relay or anything before 
doing so.  I have attempted to relay through it while it's enabled, and 
they were denied.  I decided to err on the side of caution and check 
with the experts here before just doing it in case there were any 
pitfalls or gotchas I do not know about.

In addition to what mouss said, be sure to allow only secure 
authentication mechanisms, so that passwords aren't sent in the clear. 
You indicate this is for road warriors, who may not always be on a 
secure network. Ideally, you'll want to encrypt the entire 
communication, if the target devices support it.

Re: [OT] Using [EMAIL PROTECTED] [was: best way for website sending emails]

2008-08-26 Thread Jorey Bump

Charles Marcus wrote, at 08/26/2008 08:57 AM:

On 8/26/2008, Robert Schetterer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

as far i know
blacklist reputation
is only related to
answering hostmaster@
by rfc 

My understanding is the RFC only requires postmaster and abuse to be
valid, NOT webmaster - and I've NEVER used hostmaster for anything...

I've used it for DNS issues, since the hostmaster address is commonly 
used as the contact in SOA records. I don't think it's an RFC 
requirement to use 'hostmaster@', though, so one should check first:

 $ dig +short -t SOA 2007051703 7200 3600 1209600 86400

Note that the '@' is replaced by a '.' in the email address.

In any case, I think blacklisting based on hostmaster contact would be 
problematic, since an SOA record can exist at an arbitrary level. You'll 
ultimately find one, but you need to be careful how you apply this 
information so you don't punish the wrong party.

Re: SASL query

2008-08-14 Thread Jorey Bump

Patrick Ben Koetter wrote, at 08/14/2008 08:22 AM:

The order in which mechanisms are listed in $mech_list or in which they are
announced as SMTP capability is irrelevant. The client chooses the best
mechanism by it's own logic.

Note that this has become a blessing from a support point of view, 
because modern clients will rarely send passwords in the clear if a 
better mechanism is available. Many users are stabbing in the dark and 
stop at the first configuration that works, so this approach offers a 
little more protection.

Re: mail aliases spam

2008-08-14 Thread Jorey Bump

John Heim wrote, at 08/14/2008 02:09 PM:

postconf on the mta:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = reject_non_fqdn_sender, 
ain, permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination, check_sender_access 

/postfix/access, permit

Try this:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/access
warn_if_reject reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname
warn_if_reject reject_unknown_client_hostname
check_helo_access pcre:/etc/postfix/helo
reject_rbl_client insert favorite RBL here

In my experience, reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname and 
reject_unknown_client_hostname produce false positives. However, the 
numbers have gone down, and several members of this list have reported 
the risk to be acceptable, so I am rejecting them with pretty good 
results. I am reporting misconfigurations to the legitimate sites and 
crossing my fingers. I've prepended warn_if_reject to these lines, so 
you can evaluate them before committing. I do *not* recommend changing 
unknown_client_reject_code from its default of 450. While it may result 
in more log lines from retries, I can testify from experience that DNS 
errors do happen and you don't want to permanently reject mail due to a 
transient DNS failure.

Use the check_helo_access map to effectively catch some popular obvious 
spam. In /etc/postfix/helo, I have (among others):

# Block illegal unbracketed IP addresses and bare numbers (including 

# Examples:, 12345678, -12345678
/^[\d\.-]*$/ REJECT Unacceptable hostname in helo

# Block legal IPv4 address literals (bracketed IP addresses) due to 
surge in spam
# NOTE: Make sure your site does not need to support address literals in 

# Example: []
/^\[[\d\.]*\]$/ REJECT Policy prohibits address literals in helo

# Block localhost (unusual in HELO)
/^localhost(\.localdomain)?$/ REJECT Unacceptable hostname in helo

In addition, my first line of defense is Nolisting, which still works 
effectively against certain zombies and helps to reduce load upfront, 
using any packet filter:

I supplement this with Selective Unlisting (which relies on iptables at 
the moment):

With all of these in place, you are in a good position to add some RBLs 
without overloading them.  At the very least, consider, 
which to date has been safe enough to use for outright rejection (others 
you may want to continue to score in SA).

Re: Question with postfix and DNS and e-mails.

2008-08-08 Thread Jorey Bump

Justin Piszcz wrote, at 08/08/2008 07:53 AM:

On the server w/ postfix:

$ host domain name pointer domain name pointer

When it re-connected (after greylisting, then it works, what's going on)?

Aug  8 07:46:30 l1 postfix/smtpd[10502]: connect from[]

Multiple PTR records tend to be returned in a round robin fashion:

$ host domain name pointer domain name pointer

$ host domain name pointer domain name pointer

Re: Question with postfix and DNS and e-mails.

2008-08-08 Thread Jorey Bump

Please keep responses on the list:

Justin Piszcz wrote, at 08/08/2008 10:27 AM:

On Fri, 8 Aug 2008, Jorey Bump wrote:

Justin Piszcz wrote, at 08/08/2008 07:53 AM:

Multiple PTR records tend to be returned in a round robin fashion:

$ host domain name pointer domain name pointer

$ host domain name pointer domain name pointer

So there is no way to make it lookup multiple records to allow the 
whitelisting to go through the first time?

Besides allowing IPs/are there any work arounds you are aware of?

Based on your log samples, this doesn't seem to interfere with the 
delivery of the message. What are you trying to work around?

In any case, it's a remote configuration problem. You're better off 
contacting the other domain to let them know of the problem. Trying to 
adapt your configuration to the misconfigurations of others grows old soon.