Re: Comments on upgrade to PowerMail 6

2011-08-17 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Winston Weinmann ( wrote:

 3. I'm on OS 10.4 on a PPC PowerBook. So effectively I'm running a
 different version of the program (PPC vs. Intel).

I've got a G5 with 10.4 somewhere, but not here, so at the moment I cannot 
check this.

 4. The highlight color looks slightly darker to me in PM than in the
 Finder, but that's probably optical illusion. Maybe it's just that
 messages that are labeled have black text in PM when highlighted.
 Unlabeled messages have white text when highlighted. The black text is
 very hard to read with the highlight.

What I am seeing is that the black text of unlabeled messages is displayed 
inverted (i.e. as white) when highlighted whereas the colored text of labeled 
messages retains its color even when it is highlighted. Not all the 
combinations of highlight color and label color make for equally readable pairs 
but I haven't found a combination that was really unreadable. My preferred 
highlight color is yellow, though; that may make a difference.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Comments on upgrade to PowerMail 6

2011-08-16 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Winston Weinmann ( wrote:

 3. Dragging a message from the In Tray to a folder doesn't show the
 message dragging.

It does on my Macs (iMac and MacBook Pro) so that's quite odd; PM displays a 
semi-transparent letter icon and subject text when dragging a message. (I'm 
using PM 6.1 under Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.7.)

 4. The highlight on a message being read in the In Tray is too bright.
 It's also almost impossible to read a message name that has been
 labeled, as these go dark against the blue highlight. Nor can you see
 how it's labeled. Definitely a step backward.

The highlight color is the highlight color selected in the system-wide 
preferences, i.e. the same color used by the Finder etc.. Do you see a 
different color?

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Change Body Text?

2011-05-19 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Tom Dillon ( wrote:

TL;DR How can I change the body of a received message?

While I haven't tried it, I think the same restrictions apply as they
would when you were editing the message manually. You cannot change the
body text (or anything else for that matter) of a received or sent
message; you have to copy it before you can make changes (to the copy).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: HTML display no longer working in 6.0.6

2010-12-22 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Peter Lovell ( wrote:

 I find that HTML display is no longer working for me in PM 6.0.6 (the
 final version).

 Is anyone else seeing this?

Works for me; I didn't observe any changes in this area with 6.0.6.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: 2 GB limit

2010-11-12 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Jim Pistrang ( wrote:

 I just pruned my DB to keep it under the 2GB limit, so it only has a
 little over 25,000 emails.

 Do you really mean 25,000?

 My PM database is under 600 MB with 90,000 messages.

For what it's worth, I have found that on average my messages take up 10
KB in the message database. Should that trend continue the 2 GB limit
would be good for 200,000 messages which would be adequate for my needs.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: 2 GB limit

2010-11-11 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Jeremy Hughes ( wrote:

 I'm not sure what's so wrong with having thousands of message files -
 most application packages (e.g. Safari) contain thousands of resource files.

Just try to copy one 1 MB file versus 1000 files of 1 KB each ... Not to
mention that a monolithic files takes up less space. For the same reason
I am not a big fan of the package idea; even moving rather than copying
a package takes more time. Sometimes when I have to copy a package
containing thousands of files to a slow medium I first compress the
package to a ZIP archive and copy that. Even when the total file size
wouldn't be significantly smaller, copying a single file is so much
faster as to make this worthwhile.

So I'm all for the monolithic database approach. I don't care if a
backup needs to copy the whole file - copying a single file is fast.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Creator Codes

2010-11-11 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Tobias Jung ( wrote:

 So my question is: Who is responsible for this?
 Is it PowerMail or OS X?
 And is it possible to change the default creator code for certain file

I've just checked the attachments and most of the HTML files didn't have
a creator code; also some other types of files were mostly missing
creator codes. Of those which had a creator code assigned I suppose that
they had that code to begin with. I don't think PM is assigning creator
codes on its own.

Using MSIE (of all things) as the creator code of an HTML file would
be quite odd anyway. Who is still using Internet Explorer these days
(under Mac OS X)?

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: 2 GB limit

2010-11-11 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Jeremy Hughes ( wrote:

 How often do you copy or move your mail folder?

Every time I do a backup. Actually if I do a complete backup, copying
the message database is the fastest part and nothing to worry about;
it's copying the attachments folder that takes time (lots of mostly
small files, you see?).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: powermail-discuss Digest #2886 - 10/01/10

2010-10-01 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Judith Beiss ( wrote:

 PM 6.0.5 does not have HTML Interpreter.

It certainly does, just like previous versions of PM did.

 I always download email as text and, it does seem
 to me, that images within an email opened w/o that blue little square
 box with a question mark in it.

Text-based mails don't contain inline images, only images as
attachments. You should be able to open these image files by double
clicking. You don't see those little square boxes with question marks
outside HTML mails and only when you have told PM not to load these
images automatically (you can load the images using the popup menu at
the bottom of the window).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Can't Export to other formats

2010-08-02 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
MB ( wrote:

 Would the typical user be led to believe that the features of the PM
 database format is lost when export to say, Unix box format, and it was
 possible to select other formats after having selected to export all of
 the database? I think not.
 Are there any features of the PM DB-format, except being able to keep
 metadata for future import to another version of PM, that is worth even

I'm not sure I get the point you are trying to make, but anyway: If I
remember correctly only the PowerMail format preserves the read/unread
status that one may want to keep.

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Can't Export to other formats

2010-08-01 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Tim Lapin ( wrote:

 I just tried to export my mail and found that only the PowerMail
 exchange option is selectable.  All other choices (T-Bird, Apple Mail,
 Unix...) are greyed out.

 I even closed the browser window to see if having a window onto the
 database was preventing it from working but no go.

That's what you get when you try to export the entire message database.
If you export just the selected messages (even when all messages in the
database are selected) you will find that all the export options are

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Anyone at home?

2010-03-16 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
C. A. Niemiec ( wrote:

Just got yours now and never received my own reply to the list, namely:

Is anyone at home at this list?

Support isn't working, submitting a bug doesn't get a result. Sending a
message to the list takes weeks to get even an error message.

It's like their mail server steadily drops people and gets a manual
reboot every few weeks.

Rather quiet at my end with just 54 messages for 2010.

That's odd; I had received that message on March 13, a few minutes after
you had sent it.

The listserver was apparently dead for a couple of weeks, probably all
of February, but has been working reliably for most of March now. Having
said that, the PowerMail discussions list has never been a particularly
active one; nothing new here.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Time for an update!

2010-01-26 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Jeremy Hughes ( wrote:

 I've been using PowerMail for maybe eight years, and Claris Emailer for
 about six years before that. The only way I have managed to continue
 using PowerMail is by moving some of my older mailing list emails
 (Carbon-Dev, Cocoa-Dev etc.) into Apple Mail. Which means I can't search
 them in PowerMail.

I've been using PowerMail for 9 or 10 years and still I am not likely to
hit the 2 GB limit anytime soon. I guess some people archive more mails
than others. It would certainly be preferrable if the GB limit limit was
eventually lifted, but it isn't a pressing issue for me.

 The other thing that I find tiresome with PowerMail's monolithic
 database is that the entire database needs to be backed up on a daily
 basis. With Apple Mail, the only mailboxes that get backed up in an
 incremental backup are the ones that have new emails.

That might help if some mailboxes were updated much less frequently than
the others. In my case I don't really see how I could divide incoming
mail in such a way that all of the mailboxes wouldn't be updated on a
daily basis anyway. So while maintaining one or even more than one
message database does create issues with some backup strategies, I don't
see any obvious solution - one database per mailbox might be a better
solution for some users, but not for all. Storing messages as individual
files would solve this particular issue, but at the same time create
other issues.

It would be nice if PowerMail had its own built-in backup solution
synchronizing its databases with backup databases at regular and user-
selectable intervals.

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Time for an update!

2010-01-22 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
George Henne ( wrote:

 An html mail with embedded images is a perfectly reasonable thing to
 expect your browser to display properly.

And PowerMail does. Depending on your preferences settings, PM will
either display all the embedded images in HTML mail, or just those sent
with the mail as an attachment. Or it will choose a plain text version,
if available (which happens to be my preference).

There are some remaining issues with HTML mails in PM, such as being
unable to select text or links not working reliably, but displaying
embedded images in HTML mails just works.

I have a hunch the mails you are talking about are actually plain text
mails with attached images interspersed with the text.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Time for an update!

2010-01-22 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
George Henne ( wrote:

 Here's the html in the message. The attachments get named Image001.jpg,
 Image002.jpg ..., probably by PowerMail.

That's odd. I've never seen anything like that, in all the years I've
been using PowerMail.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Time for an update!

2010-01-22 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Peter Lovell ( wrote:

 The naming is done by the sender as part of the MIME stuff.
 Powermail might change the name by adding a number if the name is
 already used, but that's all the change I've ever seen.

The Image001 ... part would be the filename chosen by the sender. If
there is already a file with this name in the attachments folder, PM
will append a number to the filename and adjust the references to those
files to match the change. I have lots of HTML mails with attached image
files such as Image001 139.jpg (where the attachment was originally
named Image001.jpg) which display just fine.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Time for an update!

2010-01-16 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
George Henne ( wrote:

 1. .ics files can't update Calendar.

Works for me; double clicking an .ics attachment opens iCal which offers
to add it to some calendar.

 2. Links inside html emails do not open in many cases.

Yep. Works a little better than before, but still not completely reliably.

 3. Emails with inline pictures do not display the pictures inline - they
 only appear as attachments.

Is there an actual email format with inline images, I mean distinct from
HTML? I thought that inline images in non-HTML mail were just regular
attachments that some mail clients preferred to display inline.
Personally I prefer images to be listed separately from the mail text
itself (and not opened unless I choose to), but maybe there could be an

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Time for an update!

2010-01-16 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
George Henne ( wrote:

 For me, the attachments end up as part of the body of the text version
 of the message - Powermail does not detect the attachment. The mail
 program on the iPhone recognizes the attachment properly.

I've just tried sending from iCal 4.0.1 to PM 6.0.3 and the .ics file
was recognized as an attachment alright.

 Once again, Mail on the iPhone displays the message as the author
 intended. If you would prefer to see it another way, then it should be a
 preference, not the default action.

I was wondering about the as the author intended part - is there
actually a standard way to specify that images should be displayed
inline, other than using HTML? Because technically those inline images
are still attachments.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Time for an update!

2010-01-16 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
A-NO-NE Music ( wrote:

 What standard now is Apple Mail.

Apple Mail has a hidden preference (DisableInlineAttachmentViewing;
you can set it using the shell) governing whether attachments are
displayed inline. Contrary to what George supposed, Apple Mail doesn't
care about the author's intentions.

Anyway, if Apple Mail was the yardstick against all other mail clients
were to be measured, why would anyone be using something else? I for one
am glad there are alternatives to Apple Mail. PM could surely be
improved, but making it more like Apple Mail is not what I would call an

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Time for an update!

2010-01-16 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
George Henne ( wrote:

 The messages are in html, with embedded images. Once again, something
 PowerMail should handle gracefully.

But PM already does display images inline if they are embedded within
HTML messages (if you have set its preferences that way). What it
doesn't do is to display images inline if they are attachments of non-
HTML messages (whereas Apple Mail generally does).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Eavesdropping on email

2009-08-22 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
cheshirekat ( wrote:

 For instance, I discovered this Web Site today, http:// and wondered if this really works. It
 claims to be able to know when the email was received, when it was
 opened, whether attachments were opened, and how long the email was
 opened for. Are they able to gather this information from PowerMail?

I doubt it. They would have to enlist the services of every developer of
mail clients so they would all implement some secret protocol (probably
making them all insanely rich in the process, or why else would they
comply?) -- not really a likely scenario. It is much more likely that
they are just embedding some hidden image in the mail that resides on
their server so they can extract access data from their log files. That,
however, would be easy enough to prevent, simply by telling PM not to
load images from external servers by default (which is what I do anyway).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Network Interface Error

2009-08-22 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Mark Gerber ( wrote:

 Lately, PowerMail has been giving me this error when sending a message:

 A Network Interface Error Occurred
 Class=NETP; What=100; When=1

 It then fails to send the message, yet leaves it designated as Waiting.
 When I try to send it again a few minutes later, it will usually go
 through without a problem.

These terse and not very informative error message often indicate an
authentication problem -- maybe you have to check mails first before you
can send mails. Something like that.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Display of Chinese characters in PowerMail

2009-06-13 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Martin Ruettenauer ( wrote:

 OT remark: It is somehow astonishing to me that neither Apple nor a
 third party seems to offer a Chinese handwriting system for Mac OS X.
 There has been one for OS 9 and G3 processors. I still run a blueberry
 iMac, exclusively for that purpose. I could live with the iPhone
 workaround but would love to receive those emails with PowerMail.

Wasn't that announced for Snow Leopard just a few days ago at the WWDC?

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Dotted e-mail addresses

2009-06-07 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Leonard Morgenstern ( wrote:

 I recently sent an e-mail to a woman whose address contained a dot. It
 bounced. I received the following message. (I have changed the address
 to protect her privacy.)

 Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
 I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
 This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out. does not like recipient.
 Remote host said: 553 5.3.0 Addressee
 unknown, relay=[]
 Giving up on
 --- Below this line is a copy of the message.
 [original message omitted]

 After several tries, I sent it successfully using Apple's Mail program.
 I don't know whether the problem lies in PowerMail or

Most likely it is neither. PowerMail had delivered the mail to your
mailserver, i.e., and yahoo received the message alright. At
that point, PM was done with it and took charge, trying to
deliver the message to the recipient's mail server, namely But then the latter complained to that the
intended recipient was unknown, so gave up and relayed the
error message back to you. Since you were eventually successful, I
suppose this was a temporary glitch and that the recipient's server was
at fault. Either that, or the address you used with PM contained an
error. Mail servers are quite unforgiving when dealing with even the
smallest of typos.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Problem with Powermail Addressbook and the PostCentral

2009-02-19 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Marko Hehl ( wrote:

 Okay a additional question, at Apple Mail there is a nice option which I
 missed a lot in Powermail. The option for showing the X-Mailer at the PM
 short header. At PM I must show at the long header to getting
 information about the X-Mailer. This is not so nice. Is there also a
 option, like at Apple Mail, to show the X-Mailer at the short Header?

No, I don't think so; the header fields shown in the short header
display aren't configurable. On the other hand, you could define an
AppleScript to display the desired enfo; for example:

tell application PowerMail
set theMessages to current messages
repeat with msg in theMessages
set theHeaders to the headers of msg as string
set HeaderLinesCount to the number of paragraphs in theHeaders
repeat with n from 1 to HeaderLinesCount
set aHeaderLine to paragraph n of theHeaders
if aHeaderLine starts with X-Mailer: then
set theXMailer to (characters 11 thru -1 of 
aHeaderLine) as string
display dialog theXMailer buttons {OK} 
default button 1
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell

There may be a better way, but it works (and it beats scrolling down to
the X-Mailer line in the long headers).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Problem with Powermail Addressbook and the PostCentral

2009-02-15 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Marko Hehl ( wrote:

 If I click at the Dock
 icon no window will open! I have to use the shortcuts or the window

When you close any PowerMail window before quitting the app, PM will
remember your decision and not open those windows automatically when you
open PM again. Just remember not to close any windows when you really
want to quit PM.

 Also the actual post will not showing the mails correctly. So
 I have to disable these and use now the simple notification.

I take it that with actual post you are referring to the Recent mail
window (Aktuelle Post in the German version) -- actual doesn't have
the same meaning as aktuell in German. I never use it (never saw any
benefits it offered) and thus haven't encountered any problems, but some
users were compaining about this window not keeping its content between
restarts (which wouldn't concern me even if I did use it, as I never
quit PM anyway).

 The next problem is the Addressbook sync. It will not work correctly so
 I have also disable the whole Adressbook sync!

There are some well-known issues with the Address Book sync; still, I
keep it turned on so I have access to mail addresses defined in the
system-wide Address Book. Actually I would prefer PM to rely on Apple's
Address Book exclusively, rather than even attempting a synchronization.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: PM6 clippings and URL behaviors changed?

2009-01-09 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Tom Bulat ( wrote:

 I'm now using PM6 and I went to drag a URL into my e-mail and instead of
 being entered into my text document it becomes an attachment, same thing
 happens with clippings.

I can confirm that text clippings get added as attachments (not sure it
worked before). URLs dragged from Safari, Firefox, or a text editor, on
the other hand, are inserted as text enclosed within  into the body
text, just as it should be.

 Also, I used to be able to select text and drag and drop it from Subject
 lines, and now that isn't do-able anymore either.

I have no idea whether it used to work before (I prefer copypaste to
dragdrop myself), but indeed it doesn't work with the current version.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: 6.0 Crashing

2009-01-08 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Alan Harper ( wrote:

 Matthias--could you explain in more detail? I use Pathfinder too. Does
 it cause this problem, or fix this problem? Which version of StuffIt do
 you suspect?

And btw, does PM really rely on StuffIt? After all, it doesn't support
creating StuffIt archives anymore. (I still have some version of StuffIt
installed, but I have stopped using it a long time ago.)

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: 6.0 Crashing

2009-01-07 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Alan Harper ( wrote:

 PM 6 is crashing on me a few times a week. I can't discover any pattern
 to the crashes, but they are usually ( 50%) followed by a 6-minute
 reindexing when I relaunch PM. It makes it difficult to respond quickly
 to emails!

 Has anyone else found this? Any thoughts on how to minimize crashing?

In my experience, PM 6 (and PM 5 before) crashes rarely, but when it
does, it is invariably when I try to send some mail with a large
attachment. At the stage when PM is supposed to do the zipping and
encoding of the attachment prior to actually sending the message, it
just displays the spinning beachball, then either crashes or freezes
until I do a force quit. When I re-open PM, it usually has to rebuild
its index; after that I find the outgoing message in the Out basket and
can dispatch it without problem.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: [ANN] PowerMail 6.0 universal released

2008-12-06 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Mark Gerber ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 There was an announcement about the public beta that was sent to the
 list a week or so ago. The coupon code should be in that text.

Indeed it was, but I also received an announcement of the final version
today, again including the coupon code (but otherwise identical to the
announcement on the list).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: SpamSieve Statistics

2008-10-15 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Jeremy Hughes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Showing Statistics Since
 14/10/2008 12:00

Maybe you should set the date to a year ago or so. You are looking at
the statistics for just one day.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: One other wish for PM6

2008-09-01 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Rene Merz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I do not know this problem.
 In such a case my PM sends _all_ other messages from all _other_ accounts.

 It seems that your problem has nothing to do with a possible down of
 your VPN server but with a down of your general _internet_-connection.
 In such a case, of course, PM cannot send any mail to anywhere.

Same here. I have set PM to deal with all accounts in parallel, and it
does. On the other hand, I would wish PM's error messages to be more
descriptive. PM doesn't, for example, tell me that there was a problem
with a failed authorization attempt, or an SMTP server not relaying
mail, but only says that an error occurred. Even when I ask it to tell
me more, all I get are cryptic error codes that don't provide any
indication (intelligible by me) of what, exactly, went wrong.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: reason for HTML-only?

2008-08-23 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Tim Lapin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 You miss the point, I think.  These messages cannot be displayed by PM
 in any mode.  I have received a few myself.

So far, this thread was about HTML-only mails, and PM has no problems
displaying HTML-only mails that I am aware of. There is an issue with
mails containing multiple HTML parts or combinations of HTML and plain
text parts, but that's a different matter. In those cases, the
individual parts can only be displayed in a web browser.

 PowerMail, however, is the fly in the ointment with its monolithic

Hmm .. actually, I prefer monolithic databases, if only for the fact
that monolithic files copy much much faster than folders containing a
myriad of small files.

But then, I don't use Time Machine. Even when PM's mail database was
dissolved into many small files, other databases, virtual disks and such
won't be going away.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: reason for HTML-only?

2008-08-23 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Tim Lapin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Exactly what I and others have written.

This thread started with the question:

 Do anyone here have clue on what possible reasons there could be to
 choosing to send HTML-only messages, instead of mixed messages without a
 pure text part as well?

Then the thread got hijacked and now you are complaining about the well-
known issue of PM being unable to make multiple HTML parts into
something it can display. It might have been better to start a new
thread if you want to discuss this (although I don't think anything has
changed since Jérôme explained CTM's take the issue on 6/20/2008).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: reason for HTML-only?

2008-08-23 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Matthias Schmidt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Regarding the database, weather people prefer monolithic databases or
 not, it doesn't matter. The current backup technology doesn't prefer
 this structure.

 Same thing with priority and some other features. All mail clients do
 support that stuff, PM doesn't ...

 PM doesn't define the standards, the major players do, so PM should
 stick with it.

Years ago, I switched to PM because (coming from Claris Emailer) I felt
immediately at home with it. I still do. For a while, I had been forced
to use Outlook, which I despised, and I've tried Apple's Mail, which I
thought was a bit strange. PM is still the mail client I like best. Now
from time to time, there are people complaining about how PM isn't more
like mail client X, Y, or Z. But if I preferred X, Y, or Z, I would have
switched to one of those a long time ago. As it happens, I like the
basic philosophy behind PM. There is certainly room for improvement, no
doubt about that, but basically, PM's just fine. I would hate it to turn
into a replica of one of the competing clients. Diversity is a good
thing, and certainly preferrable to following standards that aren't even

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Mail Filtering

2008-07-14 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Joe Hallett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Here is the problem: We frequently receive messages that are addressed
 to each of us as individuals. The filters treat each copy as if it were
 a new message. This results in forwarding duplicate copies, confusing
 our filing and labeling system, and causing extra manual effort to sort
 things out.

 How can I flag these messages and apply unique processing depending upon
 whether our names both appear in the address fields?

In this case, there are really two messages being sent; it is not a case
of as if. Of course, you can filter for messages sent to both of you
(both addresses appearing in TO fields), but there will still be
duplicate mails to be dealt with -- there will always be two separate
mails, both addressed to both of you.

You might filter for mails that are (1) addressed to you, (2) addressed
to your wife, and (3) retrieved using you wife's account, and discard
those. Then you can apply all the normal actions to the copy retrieved
using your own account. Assuming that you both regularly retrieve mails
from all accounts, rather than just your own, this should work
reasonably well. Otherwise, your will wife would see those mails only
after you have retrieved yours.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
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Re: Show Hide PM

2008-07-08 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Michael Lewis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I have the hiding issue and have HTML viewing turned off. I have chosen
 to use the button at the bottom of the message to tun on the HTML or
 view in a browser. Would webkit still be the causing the hiding issue
 even when HTML viewing is off? I am using PowerMail 5.6.3 in Mac OS X

I think I've got a problem hiding PM once or twice, but that was months
ago and hasn't happened ever since. It was probably just the command-H
bug that got fixed in 5.6.3. I cannot reproduce the problem under
10.4.11 now (or under 10.5, for that matter), even when some HTML mail
is displayed. PM hides and shows just fine.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
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Re: Review of Power Mail

2008-06-15 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Bill Lane ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 When html mail arrives,
 PowerMail wants you to make a choice... open your web browser to read
 it, download the images, or read it as plain text (which sometimes turns
 out to be a blank screen).  Other mail programs assume you want to read
 it, unless it's spam.

Isn't that just a matter of setting PowerMail's preferences? I have set
it to prefer the plain text part of the mail, if it exists, and not to
load the images in advance. If I want to see the HTML part including the
images, I have to switch to HTML using the pop-up menu. But that is just
my choice, and I could have told it to favour HTML mail and load
embedded images, if I wanted to.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Review of Power Mail

2008-06-15 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Tim Lapin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 While I too prefer plain text e-mail I agree that more and more
 legitimate e-mail is now in HTML format.  Unfortunately, PM doesn't
 really know what to do with it.  Such e-mail might be readable in plain
 text but it also might result in a blank page.

If the mail is HTML-only, PM displays HTML. If it contains just plain
text, it displays plain text. If there are both HTML and plain text
parts, PM displays whatever you've selected as your preference, and when
you want to see the other part of the mail, there is a pop-up menu
allowing you to select that. What else could PM possibly do, I wonder?

(There are some mails I particularly despise, namely those that have
both an HTML and a text part, but where the plain text only tells me to
look for the real content in the HTML part. PM doesn't realize that the
plain text part doesn't include any real content, but I cannot blame it
for that.)

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
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Re: browser setting question

2008-04-30 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Gerald F. Carroll ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 The way i have done it in the past is to start up Apples Safari and in
 the preferences there is a setting for default browser.

These are two quite different defaults: setting the default browser for
handling the http protocol (which you can do in Safari, for example, or
with MisFox) on the one hand, and setting the default application for
opening .html (or .htm) files on the other, which is usually done in the
info window invoked in the Finder. With attachments, only the latter
applies; the default browser setting is irrelevant and will be ignored.
For example, you could select Safari as your default browser and still
have .html files open with your favorite HTML editor.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
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Re: exporting message status

2008-01-13 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Rick Lecoat ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I'm not on the latest version of PM but can anyone tell me whether
 5.6.1 still has the issue of every message exported (whether read,
 unread, redirected, forwarded, or whatever) getting imported as 'Unread'?

I think the outcome of last year's discussion of this issue was that
there is no standard status field that PM could export and that Mail
would read, so the read/unread status cannot be preserved. Status seems
to be something that every mail clients implements in its own proprietary way.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: deleted accounts

2008-01-08 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Rick Lecoat ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I have found that deleting the account from PM means that any messages
 that were retrieved from that account no longer have an account
 associated with them (which makes sense). But I don't like having
 'holes' in PM's information database -- that sort of thing can only
 cause trouble if PM looks for some info that it expects and it isn't
 there. So before deleting accounts  A, B, C, D  E I've been amending
 them to be associated with account X. The only way I could find to do
 this was to set up a filter and run it manually on search-for results. A
 bit of a fiddle but worth it because now I don't have any messages with
 the 'account' part of their info left blank; they all reflect the
 correct new accounts.

I suppose an AppleScript could do the job, but honestly, I wouldn't
bother. As far as I can tell (and I've deleted a couple of obsolete
accounts so far), PowerMail can deal with account-less mail just fine;
it doesn't really expect this link to exist. And the account link
associated with an archived mail isn't terribly important anyway -- I
mean, as long as I can still tell that some mail was sent to a certain
obsolete address of mine, why should I care whether that mail was
retrieved via the account once associated with that address? The only
use of that info (that I can think of) would be that I might want to
reply to that mail using the same account. But if the account doesn't
exist anymore, there's no reason to even try.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
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Re: Sending, Compress and attachment Question

2007-11-29 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Hans Gomme ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 1st Why I can't see when a Attachment ist compressed (ZIP)?

With the pop-up menus at the bottom of the mail window, you can select
the coding and the compression (zip or none) of attachments.

 2nd Is it possible to make into the mail a list of
 attachments like hat:

 1. example1.doc (100KB)
 2. example2.pdf (10KB)

This kind of info is displayed at the bottom of the mail window.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
WWW (professional):

Re: Threading

2007-11-26 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Hans Glomme ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 - reciept- and reading confirmation

There is no way to be sure someone has really read your mail unless
they've said so, and anyway, a request for automatic confirmation can be
construed as an intrusion on privacy. If PowerMail should support this
feature in a future version, I would instantly turn it off. This kind of
information is nobody's business unless I decide it is.

 - Threading

I've never used a mail client that supported threading, so I don't know
_what_ I miss -- but I cannot say that I miss it. All I hear is people
complaining about threading not working reliably. For example, I have
subscribed to several mailing lists in digest mode. When I am replying
to a message within a digest, I am necessarily breaking the thread;
there's nothing I can do about it.

 - In some clients also the possibility to filter for mailing lists

Maybe I don't understand what you are missing, but I have filters set up
for all the mailing lists I have subscribed to. What is it that filters
should do that they don't do already?

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
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Re: Threading

2007-11-26 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Hans Gomme ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Ok show me the filter for list-id ;) Because the list-id
is allways the same address. In some lists you have the
list mail into cc in other ones from an also in reply to.

Well, if there is a list-id (whatever that is) in the header, then you
can filter for it (select Anderes Feld ... if it's not in the standard
list of header fields).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
WWW (professional):

Re: Threading

2007-11-26 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Hans Glomme ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Sorry to say it ;) You are wrong here an example header from a mailman
 list and that's a header what is strict RFC:

Well, it is as I (and others) have said: If there is a list-id field
in the header (not for this list, as far as I can tell), then you can
filter for it using Other field ... (I had mentioned the German
localization Anderes Feld..., assuming you were German).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
WWW (professional):

Re: Threading

2007-11-26 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Hans Gomme ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I'm not sure but I think normal the MUA's I know do the
 threading by using the message ID. Normal every thread have
 a starting message id and if you look for example the
 message ID here (Message-Id:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]) will be during
 the thread allways the same (local part) only if a reply of
 a reply follows the host part change.

 But I'm not the real expert in this thing I only think to
 remember to read something bout the threading and how it
 normal works in MUA's.

The message ID will be different for each mail within a thread, but
there is an In-Reply-To field that contains the message ID of the
message replied to; this is used for threading. For example, copying
from the header of your message:


[EMAIL PROTECTED] is the ID of Barbara's message
that you replied to.

However, sometimes threading doesn't work, either because someone
participating in an exchange doesn't use reply or because the reply is
to a message within a digest (which has its own message ID that is not
connected to any thread). Or someone hits Reply, but edits the subject
as he really wants to start a new thread. In the first case, the thread
breaks up into two subthreads, and in the second case, mail clients
supporting threading will display the message within a thread it doesn't
belong to.

 The List-id field was only a smal problem for me. And for
 me it's not so necessary like the possibility to sort by

But thankfully, filtering for List-id isn't a problem at all; you can do
it if you want. If the mail headers do contain a List-id field, that is:
of the 16 mailing lists I've subscribed to, only 6 use list-id.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
WWW (professional):

Re: Bug report PM addressbook and apostrophes (copy)

2007-11-15 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Sean McBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 When using a name containing an apostrophe in the name part ( I have yet
 to see such an email address)

 And you will never see one, because accented letters (and all other
 characters outside the ASCII character set, plus some ASCII characters)
 are not allowed in mail addresses.

 See also:

Just to clear that up: with never, I didn't intend to mean never
until the heat-death of the universe, just never, given current
internet standards. MB had mentioned that he had yet to see such an
email address, but it wasn't like there was someone out there with an
email address containing accented or umlauted characters, and once this
person would write MB, he would eventually see such an email address. He
hasn't seen such an email address because there aren't any.

Obviously, current restrictions can be lifted and characters outside the
ASCII range will some day be allowed in email addresses. When that
happens, PowerMail should be updated to conform to the new standard.
Until then, it should conform to (and even enforce) the current standard.

(Now, personally, I am not a big fan of international email addresses,
even when perhaps I should, given that my name contains a character
outside the ASCII range. But that's a different issue.)

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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Re: Did I make a huge mistake here?

2007-11-14 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
John Maylone ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Then when PM finally opened, the newest mail showing in the database
 was dated October 22, 2006..13 months ago.

Could it be that PowerMail found the wrong database -- an old backup
version perhaps? This seems to be the most likely explanation, given the

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
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Re: Bug report PM addressbook and apostrophes (copy)

2007-11-13 Thread Michael J . Hußmann

 Interesting. Can you try and put this fake address in your PowerMail
 address bok, not Apple Address book:


 and report how that works? What is the displayed name?

The displayed name is Eva Holgén, just as it should be.

 Today it isn't. Never? I don't think so. There are umlauts in
 web URLs now. At least under some top domains.

Yes, the current standard might change some day. But as of today, only a
subset of ASCII characters are allowed, and if PowerMail doesn't accept
anything else, that's just correct behaviour. What good would it do you
if you could enter an address that must be wrong?

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
WWW (professional):

Re: Time Machine discussion.

2007-11-13 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Jeremy Hughes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Anyway, even if the mail database was split into several databases, you
 could still run against the 2 GB limit.

 Yes, and you could split a large folder into two smaller folders to deal
 with this.

Yes, you could, but it's an awkward solution. For example, I have set up
folders for the 15+ mailing lists I'm on. Some contain just a few
hundred of mails, the largest one nearly 12.000, but that's OK -- I
wouldn't want to arbitrarily divide these 12.000 mails into different

 Wouldn't lifting the 2 GB limit be a more straight-forward remedy?

 Maybe, but PowerMail have said they're not going to do this.

Not going to do this as in never ever? I don't think so. CTM doesn't
seem to believe the 2 GB limit creates a serious issue for the
overwhelming majority of users, but when this limit should detract a
growing number of potential customers from using PowerMail, I am
convinced they would take the trouble of lifting this restriction, even
if it means converting a lot of code from 32 to 64 bits.

 In any case, it doesn't solve the backup problem.

Neither does the multiple database approach. But it's a different
problem anyway. The main issue with Time Machine backups is the risk of
corruption, but the ball is in Apple's court here. With Apple's own
Aperture being incompatible with Time Machine precisely because of the
risk of creating corruption, I think it's prudent to wait and see what
Apple's going to do about it.

 As you said, you don't use email very heavily and your database is much
 smaller than 2 GB. For those of us who have larger databases, the way
 that PowerMail currently behaves is a problem.

Until today, I would have said I do use email heavily; it's my main
means of communication in my job. I just don't keep that many mails,
even when I would keep a mail rather than deleting it when in doubt.
Also, I'm on digest mode on most of the more active mailing lists. I
really wonder how many users of PowerMail actually hit the 2 GB limit

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
WWW (professional):

Re: Bug report PM addressbook and apostrophes (copy)

2007-11-13 Thread Michael J . Hußmann

 You're missing the obvious here. The part I have difficulties with is
 NOT the actual mail address in itself, but the name part that come
 BEFORE the mail address.

I know; I just added my remark about accented characters in email
addresses because you had mentioned those as well in your message to
CTM. In my experience, PowerMail has no trouble whatsoever in dealing
with accented or umlauted characters in real names. It doesn't accept
those characters in an email addresses (as you mentioned), but that's
correct behaviour.

 The address is between brackets and we
 are both in agreement what characters can be contained there. However
 the name part is still an integral part of the header. I have had
 several problems with accented and umlaut characters there.

Yes, and I am unable to reproduce these problems with PowerMail 5.5.3.
And I never experienced an issue like this in the past, with previous
versions of PowerMail (which I've been using since 2000, migrating from
Claris Emailer).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
WWW (professional):

Re: Bug report PM addressbook and apostrophes (copy)

2007-11-13 Thread Michael J . Hußmann

 Could you please try again, and this time *type* the accented characters?

Ah, I see! Now I get the same behaviour you are experiencing! So there's
a bug in the code accepting keyboard input in the address book. It works
just fine if I enter the name in the mail's address field directly. This
should narrow the issue down far enough for CTM to quickly fix it.

It appears I usually enter names and addresses into the address book
from the context menue (which doesn't have this issue, as does copypaste).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
WWW (professional):

Re: Bug report PM addressbook and apostrophes (copy)

2007-11-13 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Michael J. Hußmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Ah, I see! Now I get the same behaviour you are experiencing! So there's
 a bug in the code accepting keyboard input in the address book. It works
 just fine if I enter the name in the mail's address field directly. This
 should narrow the issue down far enough for CTM to quickly fix it.

This appears to be a problem not with accented characters as such, but
with dead keys like `, ´, or ~. CTM developers in Geneva wouldn't
experience this problem as they can type most of those accented
characters directly on their French keyboards, without resorting to dead keys.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
WWW (professional):

Re: Time Machine discussion.

2007-11-12 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Jeremy Hughes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I *really* wish PowerMail would follow other email programs in splitting
 its database into separate databases for each email folder:

I'm not sure I'd agree. I suppose that the internal handling of mails is
much simpler and faster if every mail resides within a single database.

 1. This would solve the problem of the 2 GB limit. Currently, I have to
 compact my database every two to three weeks. Eventually (perhaps within
 the next year) I will have to switch to a different email client.

After more than seven years of using PowerMail, it appears that I'm not
likely to hit the 2 GB within the next decade at least, but maybe I am
an exception. Anyway, even if the mail database was split into several
databases, you could still run against the 2 GB limit. Wouldn't lifting
the 2 GB limit be a more straight-forward remedy?

 2. Backing up a single database that is nearly 2 GB in size, whether
 it's done hourly with Time Machine or daily with Retrospect (or another
 backup program), is wasteful of backup time and resources.

With a couple of databases, it would be just the same -- unless some
folders were rarely used and thus wouldn't need to be saved with each
backup. Unfortunately, folders whose content rarely changes typically
contain a relatively small number of mails (for just that reason), so
even when these folders weren't included in every backup, the disk space
saved would be negligible. With my setup, most folders receive mails all
the time, so it wouldn't make much of a difference anyway. However, the
problem Time Machine has with big files that are frequently changed is a
general one, and not just for database files; virtual volumes for
example are suffering from the same problem. Even Apple's Aperture is
affected. This problem isn't likely to go away, so I would say it is up
to Apple to provide a solution. Maybe Apple hadn't thought of this when
designing Time Machine, but eventually, they will have to.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
WWW (professional):

Re: Bug report PM addressbook and apostrophes (copy)

2007-11-12 Thread Michael J . Hußmann

 When using a name containing an apostrophe in the name part ( I have yet
 to see such an email address) then the displayed name will be shortened
 to the letters prior to the letter with an apostrophe. So Camilla
 Berndzén will be shortened to Camilla Berndz for example.
 Worse is that if you type Berndzén as in my example with the previous
 mentioned data in the PM adressbook, then nothing is found if you get to
 the letter with the apostrophe. If you only type Bernd you do find the
 person. This could easily be overlooked if the user unknowingly types fast.

 Further comment for the list:
 I have been and continue to be a bit surprised with how badly PowerMail
 handles umlauts (å, ä, ö, ü) and apostrophes (á, é, à, è, í, ì and so
 on), especially considering CTM is a swiss outfit and several of the
 languages spoken in Switzerland do make use of both umlauts or apostrophes.

You are really talking about accented letters here, not apostrophes. á
is a single character, not an a and an apostrophe. But anyway, I'm not
seeing any of this in PowerMail. So far, I've experienced no problems
with names containing accented characters, umlauted characters, or other
characters outside the ASCII range (and my address book contains quite a
few of these).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
WWW (professional):

Re: Bug report PM addressbook and apostrophes (copy)

2007-11-12 Thread Michael J . Hußmann

 When using a name containing an apostrophe in the name part ( I have yet
 to see such an email address)

And you will never see one, because accented letters (and all other
characters outside the ASCII character set, plus some ASCII characters)
are not allowed in mail addresses.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
WWW (professional):

Re: Exporting from PowerMail - all mail is Unread

2007-09-21 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Jeremy Hughes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 It's disappointing that no one from CTM has commented on this, or on the
 basic problem of the 2 GB limit.

 The last official comment I saw about the 2 GB problem was that they're
 not planning to do anything to address it.

I suppose the 2 GB limit isn't much of a concern to CTM, as few users
are affected by it. I've been using PowerMail for seven years now (since
April 2000, as that's the date of the oldest mails I have archived), and
even though I send and receive lots of mails and tend to keep mails
rather than delete them when in doubt, my message database is still
under 200 MB. As you can guess, I am not at all concerned about the 2 GB
limit, as I am not likely to ever hit that 2 GB limit during my
lifetime. Maybe that's a fairly typical user experience?

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
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Re: Applescript not triggering, WAS Attachment link failing

2007-04-30 Thread Michael J . Hußmann
Rick Lecoat ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 (Actually I had never noticed the Applescript option as a filter
 *condition* before. How does that work? I mean, how is 'Applescript' a
 true or false condition?)

It seems that you can write custom filter conditions with AppleScript --
take a look at the supplied example script (AppleScript filter
condition example.scpt) that can serve as a starting point.

Actually, I hadn't noticed this one either, but it's an interesting feature.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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