Re: Forwarding a mail with full header and attachments

2015-07-03 Thread Richard Hart
Apple’s complete phishing/spam/fraud page is at
It contains all the email addresses. You don’t need to take any special 
measures to include headers. They simply will be forwarded too.


 On Jul 03, 15, at 10:59 AM, Frank Mitchell wrote:
 I have just received a phishing email pretending to have been sent by Apple. 
 I want to forward full information about it to Apple.
 What is the best way of forwarding the email to them with its full Header and 
 any attachments?
 Using PM version 6.2.1 build 4668 on an iMac with Yosemite OSX 10.10.4

Re: PowerMail won't connect to iCloud

2013-11-20 Thread Richard Hart
Thanks, Geoff. That works for me, now, too.
Except for the sending part. That just returns a network error from PowerMail.

Richard Hart

Geoff wrote wrote:

Just to report that PowerMail is now working with iCloud iMap!

My set up:

   User account ID: My Apple Id (without the
   Incoming mail server:
   [X] Save Password: my password
   [X] Use secure connection  [X] Use port: 993
   [X] On a dedicated secure port

   Outgoing SMTP Server:
   [X] Authenticate as user: My Apple Id (without the
   Password: my password
   [X] Use secure connection
   [X] Using the STARTTLS command


Re: Big problem: Cannot send anymore

2012-09-05 Thread Richard Hart
Investigate these possibilities first:
A bad address in the To: list will prevent the message from going to anyone. 
Find out which address it is.
If that's not the case, then your ISP might have changed the SMTP settings for 
outgoing mail. That might be as simple as the address of the mail server. Has 
your ISP sent you any recent notices that you might have missed?
I highly doubt that this has anything to do with PowerMail. To demonstrate 
that, try to send messages from Apple Mail, using the same settings for 
outgoing mail. I'll bet that Mail has the same issue(s).

Richard Hart

Rene wrote:

PM 6.1.3
Mac OS 10.6.8

At once I cannot send out any mails from PM anymore.
By clicking on send the mails go at once to the exit folder, but
stand there in queue, each of them with this little watch sign.

But I can _receive_ mails!

I don't know what the sending problem is.

I've rebuilt all on PM what can be rebuilt by pressing command and
option keys on startup. But it didn't help.

What to do?

View Message in Chrome

2011-12-05 Thread Richard Hart
View Message in Web Browser does not work for me when Chrome is my default 
It works for Safari and for Firefox, but not for Chrome.
Does this square the experience of the rest of you?

Richard Hart

Re: Time for an update!

2010-01-19 Thread Richard Hart
I agree with Michael. I would never allow my employees to use an email
client that did not allow me to turn off the display of inline images.
To display inline images by default is inconsiderate because it is too

Richard Hart

You wrote:

A-NO-NE Music ( wrote:

 What standard now is Apple Mail.

Apple Mail has a hidden preference (DisableInlineAttachmentViewing;
you can set it using the shell) governing whether attachments are
displayed inline. Contrary to what George supposed, Apple Mail doesn't
care about the author's intentions.

Anyway, if Apple Mail was the yardstick against all other mail clients
were to be measured, why would anyone be using something else? I for one
am glad there are alternatives to Apple Mail. PM could surely be
improved, but making it more like Apple Mail is not what I would call an

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

WWW (personal):
WWW (professional):

Re: Eavesdropping on email

2009-08-22 Thread Richard Hart
Nope. This is Internet myth territory.

If you display email as HTML, someone can embed in the message an image
that is loaded via a URL request. That someone now knows that you
requested the image and can deduce that you probably viewed his message
as HTML.

If you trust the person who sent the HTML message, you are OK.
If you do not know the person who sent the HTML message, don't view as HTML.
If it is not an HTML message, relax.

Richard Hart

Cheshire wrote:

I very rarely click on links in email, and 99% of the
forwarded email I get is never opened. So, I want to 
know if it is really possible for someone to know 
what email I open using PowerMail?

Microsoft Exchange

2008-10-14 Thread Richard Hart
I have searched the list archives, but I cannot find any way to set up
PowerMail to access email on a Microsoft Exchange server. I know people
have done it, and that PM cannot send messages using an Exchange
address. But can it receive messages?


Re: Review of Power Mail

2008-06-19 Thread Richard Hart
Paul wrote:

Could I PLEASE BE REMOVED from this list???

Please stop shouting.

Re: Review of Power Mail in new MacWorld magazine

2008-06-15 Thread Richard Hart
Jeremy Hughes wrote:

incremental backups (Retrospect, Time Machine, whatever)
have to back up the entire database each time it changes.

I'm sure you did not mean to include the word whatever.
The word whatever implies that ALL backup programs suffer this defficiency.

Richard Hart

Re: Review of Power Mail in new MacWorld magazine

2008-06-11 Thread Richard Hart
Well, all of the comments left below the MacWorld review got their
The publication has posted (and mailed to commentors) as special response.
Very defensive. And unusual.

Richard Hart

Re: Does PM break long lines in outgoing messages?

2008-02-27 Thread Richard Hart
It's a function of the email client that receives it.

By the way, your example URL works just fine with a click in PowerMail
-- even though the line is broken.

Some email clients are good, some or not so good.

Richard Hart

Bill Courington wrote:

Some correspondents complain that a message from me containing a long
URL arrives with a linefeed breaking it into two lines. Clicking the
link in their mail client then does not work.

Here's an example:

Re: Thanksgiving

2007-11-25 Thread Richard Hart
Very inventive. Thank you for sharing with us. Especially the tuba!

I like the player you display. Is that DewPlayer?

Hiro wrote:


Re: Time Machine and Powermail

2007-11-12 Thread Richard Hart
Lecoat wrote:

Which rather brings us back, full circle, to the point I made a couple
of weeks ago: that I find an automated and regular backup strategy is
made difficult by Powermail, 

I respectfully disagree.

First, my experience with SuperDuper is different from yours. It
automatically backs up my disk drive while PowerMail is running. I have
no problems restoring my mail. 

Second, your discomfort was amplified by the introduction of Time
Machine, not by PowerMail. Time Machine is an application designed to
eat up your disk space quickly. It continually makes copy after copy of
very large files such as FileMaker solutions, Final Cut Pro render
files, mail databases, etc.

There are many files on our computers that are large, change
incrementally, and cause Time Machine to create a whole new
multimegabyte copy. If you change a phone number in a FileMaker contacts
file, the entire 1GB file will be copied yet again by Time Machine.
Should FileMaker split up my record entries into separate files?

I could be wrong, but in my opinion, this is an Apple issue.


Re: Time Machine and Powermail

2007-11-12 Thread Richard Hart
Mikael wrote:

I thought there were backup apps that actually could 
backup only the data that was different in the file.

Not that I'm aware of. Incremental backup is for FILES that have
changed, not data inside a file.


Re: Embedding a logo

2007-05-19 Thread Richard Hart
You wrote:

How do I embed a logo in my text signature?

I strongly recommend you not. Many, if not most, of your correspondents
will find it annoying and some will actually ask you to stop anyway.

Richard Hart

Re: HTML globe button behaviour

2007-04-25 Thread Richard Hart
Rick Lecoat wrote:

Is there any way to change prefs to [view in Web browser] 
via a quick click rather than having to click and hold?

I vote for that behavior, too. I never choose View HTML. I always
choose to see it in my browser.

Richard Hart

Re: Error -199

2007-04-18 Thread Richard Hart
Mikael wrote:

Try to see if the address book is bad in the non-working folder. 
I've had a similar problem resolved replacing that.

If I copy the Address Book from the non-working folder, I do have
trouble, so maybe that was it.


Re: Error -199

2007-04-12 Thread richard . hart
It seems to be neither a User Prefs problem, nor a volume read problem.
The error travels with the folder, not with Preferences.
Command-option launching PowerMail and checking all the boxes to rebuild
everything returns the same Error -199.

I have:
DriveSTUP/~/Mail/PowerMail Files/
DriveBKUP/~/Mail/PowerMail Files/

DriveSTUP is my Startup drive.
DriveBKUP is a backup that is 1 week old.

PowerMail opens the one on DriveBKUP OK, whether I start up from either
PowerMail throws an Error -199 when I try to open the one on DriveSTUP,
whether I start up from either drive.
PowerMail throws an Error -199 when copy the problem mail folder from
DriveSTUP to any other rdrive, including DriveBKP.

If something is corrupt, what is it?
Is there any way to recover that database?

Re: Error -199

2007-04-12 Thread Richard Hart
I solved my problem using egg cloning.

I have a Bad PowerMail Files folder.
(PowerMail can not open it.)
I have a Good PowerMail Files folder.
(PowerMail CAN open it.)

(1) Duplicate the Good folder.
(2) Copy Message Database from the 
Bad folder to the Good folder, 
overwriting the existing Databse.
(3) Switch User to the hybrid folder.


Richard Hart

Error -199

2007-04-11 Thread Richard Hart
When I double-click my Mail Database, or attempt to Switch User
Environment... to it, PowerMail reports Error -199.

Does anyone know what that means?

Richard Hart

Re: Thank you Michael Tsai and SpamSieve

2007-03-17 Thread Richard Hart
Barbara wrote:

 spam free e-mail

I'm dying to know how you dealt with the current #1 spam, which I find
impossible to filter, even with SPAM sieve. I'm talking about the
relatively recent random-text/random-name scourge, also known as 
Bayesian poisoning. Nonsense sentences and randomly generated names are
driving me crazy.
Please tell me how you filtered those. I'm inundated.

Richard Hart

Re: text clippings

2007-03-15 Thread Richard Hart
When you click on the little document-with-turned-up-corner just beneath
the word Recipients in the New Message window, what do you see? Does it
just do nothing? Do some clippings work, or does EVERY clipping you ever
entered fail to appear?

Richard Hart

Judith wrote:

How do I add a text clipping to the end of my outgoing emails?
I would have thought it would work as do the text signatures 
under Setup in the PM menu bar, but somehow I haven't been 
able to make it work. I have a text clipping typed in and 
a name in the description window, but it does not come up 
as an option for emails. What am I missing?

Re: AOL ok?

2007-02-23 Thread Richard Hart
It works well. The only reason I don't use PowerMail exclusively for AOL
is that I like to be able to click on AOL's button that reads, Report
as SPAM.

Dave wrote:

anybody here using PowerMail for their AOL mail?

Ricahrd Hart

Re: Ultimate Spam

2007-01-30 Thread Richard Hart
By this do you mean that, if you have been spoofed as the return
address, you will receive the bounce warnings from the mailer daemon?

Richard Hart

Alan wrote:

Please don't ever bounce spam--it only adds to the 
frustrations of us Joes who have been Jobbed.

Ultimate Spam

2007-01-29 Thread Richard Hart
(1) Does any hosting service or ISP offer you the capability to bounce
spam? I know many offer excellent SPAM sequestering tools, even deleting
offending messages so you never have to see them.

But what I'd like to do is have my mail server bounce messages from
specific IP addresses. For this service, I would switch mail service
providers in a heartbeat.

(2) What is the best way to deal with the relatively recent phenomenon
of GIF spam. You know the ones. The Subject and body are random text.
The attachment is a graphic containing the spam pitch. I haven't been
able to derive a common identifier for them in the headers, and they are
not easy to define in a spam rule. 

Richard Hart

New for PowerMail

2006-12-06 Thread Richard Hart
Sidewinder now supports PowerMail. Has anyone tried it? Is it worth $19.95?

Richard Hart

Re: Send eMail with FileMaker

2006-10-19 Thread Richard Hart
I accidentally deleted this whole thread. What was the upshot? Class?
Anyone? Buehler?

Richard Hart

Re: Copying address bug still there

2006-10-10 Thread Richard Hart
I get the same behavior.

Richard Hart

Alan Harper wrote:

Open PowerMail's address book, open a contact in the address book, click
on an email address for that contact and Copy. A message pops up: An
error occurred: Error -4989. Luckily, the email address does go onto
the clipboard.

Re: 2nd item in list stuck as highlighted

2006-09-27 Thread Richard Hart
Yes. I had this problem for a long time, and it stumped PowerMail support.

I can't give you specific steps to apply, but I do know it has something
to do with number of messages in the database. At the time, I had more
than 5,000 messages. For unrelated reasons, I reduced this to about
3,000, and the problem disappeared.


Sean wrote:

If I switch from whatever mailbox I'm in to a different one, the 2nd
email in the list becomes highlighted.  It doesn't matter what column
I'm sorted by.  In fact, if I resort, the 2nd item stays selected (that
is, not the same email, just whichever is 2nd in the list).  If I click
a different email, that one becomes highlighted too, but the 2nd in the
list stays highlighted also.  It's sticky.  I can only get it
unhighlighted by selecting it then unselecting it.  Quitting and
relaunching it solves the problem.

Anyone else ever see this?

Re: Windows-Compatible Zipping

2006-09-21 Thread Richard Hart
To all who have experienced recipients unable to open emailed zip files:
Are you absolutely sure you did not send that zip file using 

Encoding: Binhex (Macintosh)

at the bottom of the new message window? It is the default. And it will
stymie Windows recipients every time.

Richard Hart

Re: Hanging downloads

2006-07-13 Thread Richard Hart

In our case, I have narrowed it down to SPAM with illegal characters.
There is one particular type of SPAM that puts every conceivable key
combination and unicode structure in the title to get your attention. It
also causes mail servers to choke.

If the downloading fails to proceed a second time, I must use a web
client to delete the offending message.


Hiro wrote:

Interestingly, in my case, it has been 100% Spam mails that hangs, but
the source code of the mail itself doesn't show any suspicious code nor

Strange Crash

2005-09-01 Thread Richard Hart

Message originally sent on: Saturday, August 20, 2005 9:47:18 AM

I'm hoping a Mac expert can help me out here.

I have a strange problem since I updated my PowerMail to 5.2.1.

The program works fine for me, the Admin user. No problems.

However, it crashes for every other user, including newly-created users.
When an existing user launches the program, the PowerMail icon bounces in
the Dock but never opens. Force Quit is the only solution.

I created a new user and immediately launched PowerMail. It does the same
thing -- bounces in the Dock and eventually crashes the Macintosh.

I have repaired disk permissions and trashed the PowerMail Prefs file and
~/Library folder. No change.

Yet it continues to work just fine for the Admin user.

Any ideas?

Machine details:

iMac (Summer 2000)
OS X 10.3.9
764 MB RAM

Richard Hart

Strange Crash

2005-08-21 Thread Richard Hart

I'm hoping a Mac expert can help me out here.

I have a strange problem since I updated my PowerMail to 5.2.1.

The program works fine for me, the Admin user. No problems.

However, it crashes for every other user, including newly-created users.
When an existing user launches the program, the PowerMail icon bounces in
the Dock but never opens. Force Quit is the only solution.

I created a new user and immediately launched PowerMail. It does the same
thing -- bounces in the Dock and eventually crashes the Macintosh.

I have repaired disk permissions and trashed the PowerMail Prefs file and
~/Library folder. No change.

Yet it continues to work just fine for the Admin user.

Any ideas?

Machine details:

iMac (Summer 2000)
OS X 10.3.9
764 MB RAM

Richard Hart

Re: Leaving PowerMail...

2005-06-14 Thread Richard Hart

Xavier was just venting. I can sympathise with him, but if you read
between the lines of his message, he couldn't have been serious.

Why? Because switching to Apple Mail just doesn't make sense. Mail has
had more problems with OS 10.4 than any email program, and it was written
by Apple! Here is just partial list:

-- spinning beachball while checking mail
-- lost mail
-- inability to view message
-- inability to quit
-- inability to erase messages

He was just venting.

Xavier wrote:

I'm really sad to say it, but I took the decision to migrate to
Mail by the end of this week because no reliable solution is
popping up from ctmdev after the awful OsX10.4/PM5.2 upgrade.


5.2 Spinning Beachball

2005-06-06 Thread Richard Hart

Is anyone else experiencing a gradual corruption of 5.2 databases?

Here are the symptoms:

PM 5.2 works fine for 4 or 5 days. Then, every action begins with a
spinning beach ball for a few seconds. Then a spinning beach ball for a
few minutes. Eventually, the beach ball spins forever. The database
becomes unreadable.

I had this identical experience on an iMac, a Dual 2GHz G5, a 733MHz G4,
and a new iBook. The first uses a dial-up connection, the next two a DSL
router, and the fourth a wireless connection. The only common link is
that they are all using OS 10.3.9.

I have reverted them all to PM 5.1, and they are working fine, using a
backup of the 5.1 version of the databases.

However, the 5.2 databases appear to be unrecoverable.

Richard Hart

Re: Re-Wrap Quoted Lines

2005-06-02 Thread Richard Hart

Daniele Procida wrote:

I'd like to be able to rewrap lines that I have
quoted, like the one above, at the touch of a button.
If anyone uses MacSOUP for news then they will know 
how useful this is (MacSOUP can rewrap several levels 
of quoted text instantly an neatly).

What you are looking for is SmartWrap, a word service which appears in
your Services menu in every application. It's default keyboard shortcut
is Shift-Cmd-A, but you can change that.


Re: PM5.2 date

2005-05-27 Thread Richard Hart

Dates do not start with a comma in my list view.
OS 10.4.1, PM 5.2


Hiroaki wrote:

I now see the date in the mail list view is starting
with comma.

Re: Display of HTML mails

2005-05-26 Thread Richard Hart

I experience the same behavior.


Gunther Bohnert wrote:

I'm having problems displaying HTML mails.

My standard setup is to prefer the text version if available and not
load external images automatically. So if I switch to HTML display I
have the 'load images' button available. But klicking this won't load
the images. If I change the setup to load images automatically all works
fine. Loading the file in Safari works fine as well.

This behaviour started after the update to 10.3.9 and continued with
Tiger and PM 5.2.

Re: Still Love PowerMail but...

2005-03-08 Thread Richard Hart

Mel wrote:

At the foundation of contemporary
computer technology is the digital 
graphic communication machine.

OK. But that is not an argument for HTML email. That's what a web page is for.

Snail mail composed on a typewriter is virtually non-existent because
such communication is merely verbal and the graphic encoding potential of
the page is a missed opportunity to communicate more effectively.

No. Lack of graphics is NOT what killed the typewriter. The reason is
that (1) it takes too long to use a typewriter, (2) you don't have a copy
of what you've typed, (3) it's much too difficult to correct mistakes,
(4) there is no spell checker, (5) there is only one thing you can do
with a typewriter, (6) a letter costs $0.50 to send; email costs nothing,
(7) etc.

For eMail, the ballooning data transfer over the net is due to mail
attachments... and if we can attach images, why not go ahead and show
them in the composition window (instead of just listing them).

A much better solution is to provide a link in the email message. If the
recipient doesn't care to see or save the images, she merely deletes the
message. Attaching HTML/images delays communication; it does not enhance
it, because a single click will show everything anyway.

In short, a simple link trumps HTML display every time.


View HTML in Browser [u]

2005-02-21 Thread Richard Hart

I just noticed a problem with the method PowerMail uses to display HTML
mail in a Browser.: Your are able to display only one at a time.

Open more than one message and try to view them side-by-side in Safari.
You will get this error message:

A file error occurred
File is busy

Apparently, since PowerMail writes a temporary html file to disk, it can
display only that temporary page. There is a way to work around it: Save
each message as an HTML file. But it's an extra step for each document.

Richard Hart

Script Locations

2004-12-11 Thread Richard Hart

PowerMail stores scripts in 2 locations. One contains the default (built-
in scripts). The other contains your scripts.

Your scripts appear in the PowerMail scripts menu under the gray Custom
Scripts heading. They are stored here:

~/Mail/PowerMail Folder/Custom Scripts/

You can access this folder simply by selecting Open user's folder from
the PowerMail scripts menu.

The second location is inside the PowerMail program:

PowerMail 5.1/PowerMail 5.1/Contents/MacOS/PowerMail Additions/PowerMail

You can access this folder simply by selecting Open PowerMail Additions
from the PowerMail scripts menu.

Here you will find all the default scripts. The long list of default
scripts confuses and delays me, especially since I use only 2 of them. So
I remove those that I don't need. NOTE: I am not instructing you to do
this. I am merely explaining what I do.

Richard Hart

Re: Copying Body's Content

2004-12-11 Thread Richard Hart

Giovanni Andreani wrote:

Another curious thing: where are PowerMail's Scripts stored?

PowerMail scripts are stored in 2 locations.
See my message Script Locations in another thread.

Richard Hart

Re: delete ONE email?

2004-12-01 Thread Richard Hart

To clarify kename's response:
On rare occasion, you encounter a message that causes problems when you
select it. If you cannot select it, you cannot delete it. The trick is to
select it as part of a group. For example, select any other message, then
shift-click the offending message. Or drag a selection rectangle around
both. Then you can delete both messages at once.

m wrote:

entire trash deletes except for this piece 
of spam which has an attachment. 

How can I isolate it

R. Hart

Re: Feature request: Reply to list command

2004-11-22 Thread Richard Hart

Shane Stanley wrote:

... in some people's *opinion*.


Less than convincing, IMO.

I agree. PowerMail makes this very clear and simple to do. An extra
button would just clutter the tool bar.


Re: Deleteing Messages in Trash

2004-09-28 Thread Richard Hart

Rene Merz wrote:

(Shift-Command-Backspace on some keyboards)

Does NOT work in the trash folder!

It does in every version of PowerMail I've ever used, including 5.0.1
under OS X. However, I believe Larry is using OS 9.


Re: Deleteing Messages in Trash

2004-09-28 Thread Richard Hart

Larry Samberg wrote:

a command that would let me do it manually would suffice

The same command as the Finder uses:

(Shift-Command-Backspace on some keyboards)

28th Line

2004-09-07 Thread Richard Hart

PowerMail support has no idea what's going on, so I'd like to find out
whether anyone else is experiencing this.

PowerMail 5.0.1
OS X 10.3.5

In every folder, the 28th item is highlighted as though it is selected.
It is not selected, however. If I click on any other message, I can open
it, delete it, etc. But that 28th message always remains highlighted.

It's not harmful on its own, but it's so confusing, that I am always
afraid I will delete the wrong message when I click on the trash icon.

Anyone else see this?


Re: Group Mail List

2004-08-27 Thread Richard Hart

alan harper wrote:

Double click the group in the Address book and drag over the ones you want?

That works, but I'm trying to reduce the steps. It would be nice to have
a preference that said, Show groups as individuals in Recipients.


Group Mail List

2004-08-27 Thread Richard Hart

When I compose a message to a group, the name of the group shows up in
the Recipients box.

If I want to delete one or two people from a large group for this
particular message, I must save, close and reopen the composed message to
see the group members broken out. Is there an easier way to have the
group show up as a list right from the start without having to go through


Re: More AppleScripts

2004-06-30 Thread Richard Hart

Reba wrote:

I updated my AppleScript downloads on my .Mac page and added a few more
AppleScripts. Here is a direct link where you can read about the scripts
and download them simultaneously.

Thank you, thank you. These are a great service to the community.


Re: double click in title bar problem

2004-05-24 Thread Richard Hart

Bob Parks wrote:

I normally read new mail from the Recent Mail window.  When I double
click on a message to open it in a new window to read it, the message
will open up with the title bar appearing on top of where I just double
clicked.  The new window interprets this as a minimize command and
shrinks itself down into the dock, which is NOT what I want to have happen.

It would be fine to just disable the double click title bar to minimize
function, since the yellow button right next to there does the same thing.

Is there any way to get around this behaviour?

I have the same problem. I can't seem to find a way around it.


Re: searching

2004-05-18 Thread Richard Hart

David Gordon wrote:

I can't find _any_ messages when I try to
find them both at the same time

It sounds as though you're searching for John AND Jane. They can't both
send the same message. What you want is to find a message from John OR
Jane. I cannot find a way to perform an OR search, though. So how are you
doing the OR part?

Richard Hart

Re: Screen re-draw problems

2004-05-18 Thread Richard Hart

Stuart wrote:

I've got another re-draw problem. Selecting one or more messages in the
Spam folder or Recent Mail, control/right click and select Move to
Mail Trash moves the messages but leaves the image of the deleted stuff
overlaid at the top of the Mail Browser screen.

Been there for me in 4 and in all 5 betas. OS 10.2.8

I can verify this problem. It happens to me on 10.3.3, 10.3.1 on a G5 and
G4 with more than 1GB RAM.

Richard Hart

Re: PM5b26 - next message not selected

2004-05-17 Thread Richard Hart

Pat O'Halloran wrote:

After moving a message to trash the next message is no longer selected.
The prefs are correctly set to do so.

This is true for me too.

Select a message.
Click on the trash can.
After the selected message disappears, the next message in the list is
not selected. It has been in all previous versions.

Richard Hart

Re: Threads

2004-05-12 Thread Richard Hart

Barbara Needham wrote:

OS X Mail does group all these together, but not with continuous indenting.

Oh, I get it, finally. Threading is really sorting with indenting.


Re: Threads

2004-05-11 Thread Richard Hart

Someone wrote:

For me threads are of no use.

I agree. Sorting by subject also sorts by thread. So threading is already


Re: AOL Error

2004-05-11 Thread Richard Hart

Anthony Sanna wrote:

Try to clear the IMAP cache from the advanced settings of the account
window (button clear now).

Thanks Jerome.  When I do this PM crashes.

It crashes for me, too. The same way.

Richard Hart

Re: AOL Email

2004-05-07 Thread Richard Hart

Actually, this site was publicized on this list about a month ago. Can't
beat the list.

Leo wrote:

Thanks to Leo Laporte of TechTV's The Screen Savers for 
publicizing this Web site, ,
which shows you how to configure your e-mail program step by 

Richard Hart

Re: Dummy messages

2004-04-29 Thread Richard Hart

Jeremy Hughes wrote:

This used to happen to me. I used a program called 
POPmonitor to delete the bogus messages.

Mail Siphon works too.


Re: [OT] Alias Support

2004-04-26 Thread Richard Hart

This is why he is known as John Perry Blowhard.

A writer's magazine a few years ago published an analysis of his
ramblings, and it was pretty funny. The mixed metaphors and malapropisms
are alone are worth a chuckle.

There used to be a joke among the faculty at MIT: When you look up
Nicholas Negroponte in the faculty directory, its says, See John Perry

John Perry Barlow:

It's not the data universe only, it's human conversation.
They want to turn it into a one-way flow that they have entirely
monetized. I look at the collective human mind as a kind of
ecosystem. They want to clear cut it. They want to go into the
rainforest of human thought and mow the thing down.

Re: AOL Again

2004-04-26 Thread Richard Hart

Anthony Sanna wrote:

OK...  So now I've got a connection to my AOL accounts - cool - but how
do I disconnect?  After I've finished with the AOL mail, the status
remains Connected to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Way down in the lower right corner of the Browser window (next to the
resize icon) you'll see a gray circle with an x in it. Click the x.

Richard Hart

Re: Spam folder

2004-04-25 Thread Richard Hart

You wrote:

I now don't see the point
of having the spam folder

The Spam folder is both a safety feature and a convenience.

It is a safety feature because it enables the rest of us to train our
spam applications. During training, you can validate messages in the Spam
folder as positive or false spam -- black list or white list. The Spam
application learns from what you do. Without it, non-spam messages would
end up in the Trash.

What's wrong with that? Well, for the rest of us, we don't want to weed
through pages of mail that we deliberately deleted, intermingled with all
that mail that was placed in the trash by a Spam filter. You evidently
get so few email messages that it doesn't matter to you, and that's fine.

It's a convenience because providing the user with a pre-named folder for
this holding area is much kinder than instructing the user, Make your
own folder. Call it whatever you want.

Richard Hart

Re: PM5 and AOL

2004-04-23 Thread Richard Hart

You wrote:

Thanks.  The setup worked.  Question, however...  Do you have to be
logged on to AOL (via AOL) for the IMAP setup to work?

Nope. It works fine even if you're not connected to AOL. By the way, AOL
is beta testing a Web interace to check AOL mail from, say, a public
library or a travelers' terminal in the Singapore airpot.

Richard Hart

Re: powermail-discuss Digest #1724 - 02/02/04

2004-04-23 Thread Richard Hart

In my response, I changed the subject of this thread to Message from
Hell. The trick worked.


Re: Message from Hell

2004-04-23 Thread Richard Hart

Bill Stecher wrote:

which freezes the program when I single-click
on it, so that I can't trash it.

A trick that works for me is to select more than one message at the same time.

(1) Select a message--any message but the problem one.
Hold down the shift key and select the problem message.
Now delete.


(2) Drag a selection rectangle around the problem message
and its neighbor. Then delete.

Richard Hart

Re: PM5 and AOL

2004-04-23 Thread Richard Hart

Tony Sanna wrote:

What else needs to be set up to make this work?

All your questions should be answered on this page:

Richard Hart

Re: Etiquette

2004-04-23 Thread Richard Hart

Harry O' wrote:

Excuse me is this now a french mailing list?

Um, you forgot to add the little smiley face at the end of your question.
It looks like this :) A colon followed by a right parenthesis.

Richard Hart

Re: PM5 and AOL

2004-04-22 Thread Richard Hart

Anthony Sanna wrote:

How do you go about setting up a PM - AOL account?

Set it up as an IMAP account. Check the box to use Port 143. Your
username is your AOL user name.

It has worked great in PM 4. I'm having a little trouble with PM 5, but
it could just be my machine.

Richard Hart

Re: Which SpamSieve?

2004-04-22 Thread Richard Hart

Bob Moody wrote:

Spam blockers are unnecessary.

You are contradicting yourself. You act as your own spam blocker. If spam
blockers were unnecessary, than why would you take actions to block spam?
You can't have it both ways.

Just use your web browser to log into your pop account using webmail.

This is just silly.

Richard Hart

Re: PM 5 icons and some observations

2004-04-22 Thread Richard Hart

David Gordon wrote:

I must say I'm not that impressed by the new icons in 
the toolbars. Take for example the Mark as Spam. 
Is that a fly? What has a fly got to do with spam? And 
Mark as Good doesn't follow the theme (or vis versa).
I'm not sure Reply, Forward or Redirect are clear 

I disagree. I LIKE the new icons. They make perfect sense.

Scott T. Hards wrote:

Frankly, I found the fly to be obvious and intuitive.
I mean, what are flies attracted to the most, right?

I agree.

I'll agree that the difference between forward and 
redirect is not obvious.  That's best done with a
tail of some kind on the arrows.  Forward could be 
a straight arrow pointed right, while the redirect 
arrow could look like a ricochet bouncing off the 
letter icon.

I disagree. A ricochet means the mail bounced.
I believe the forward and redirect icon are better and
more meaningful than any I've seen on email clients
so far.

Keep the new icons!

Richard Hart

Re: SpamSieve problems

2004-04-21 Thread Richard Hart

Mikael Byström wrote:

Have you set the accounts for which SpamSieve should be active?

There is no way to set the accounts. (If there is, someone has gone out
of his way to make it very difficult to find.)

There is no check box in PowerMail's filters window. There is no
reference for accounts in SpamSieve's preferences panel, and the
SpamSieve manual makes no mention of setting accounts.

Richard Hart

PM5 and AOL

2004-04-21 Thread Richard Hart

I've already reported this to support, but I'd like to know whether
anyone else has tried PowerMail 5 with AOL.

I get a fatal crash whenever PM5 attempts to log onto AOL (via IMAP, of
course). The error error log reports a problem with CIMAPCache.

Richard Hart

Re: Eliminating trashed folders

2004-04-13 Thread Richard Hart

Nick Keck wrote:

I have a number of folders in my trash folder that won't disappear,

Try File-Database-Rebuid Index...

That has worked for me in the past. You might also try Compact Database.

Richard Hart

Re: Sending via AOL

2004-04-13 Thread Richard Hart

You wrote:

I can read my AOL mail okay, but cannot send anything. I've got my 
receiving panel set to connect to, port 587, set to 
authenticate with my username (normalized to charliez) and password 
entered, and secured connection not checked.

Only use when aol is your internet service provider.

For example, my Internet connection is provided by Covad. Therefore, my
Outgoing SMTP Server is -- NOT

With that setting, I can send and receive just fine using PowerMail and
my AOL account.

Richard Hart

AOL Mail

2004-04-12 Thread Richard Hart

Is anyone else using PowerMail to retrieve AOL mail?

I began to do it this morning, but I've run into a curiosity: There
appears to be no Deleted Messages folder.

Apple's mail displays deleted messages in their own folder in
PowerMail. AOL does not. When you delete a message on AOL's IMAP server,
it becomes grayed out, but it never goes away.

Anyone found a way to trash them?

Richard Hart

Re: Applescript for Saving multiple messages to disk

2004-04-07 Thread Richard Hart

Dragging a folder full of messages to the Desktop has many drawbacks.
First, your new document has to include EVERY message in the folder. What
if you want to select only certain messages? What if you want to save
only a single thread? What if you want no header information except Date:
and Sender:?

Saving PowerMail messages as plain text -- even custom text -- has a long
and illustrious history. It begins with Apple's wonderful Claris eMailer.
David Cortright at Claris wrote the first AppleScript to do this. With
only minor modification, it worked on PowerMail right out of the box when
PowerMail first shipped (thanks to PowerMail's eMailer roots).

Unfortunately, many of the scripts run only on OS 9, because they require
a certain scripting addition (Tanaka's OSAX). They could be found at the
old, which apparently doesn't
exist anymore.

During PowerMail's early days,  Japanese user Kuribo
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote an improved version specifically for
PowerMail. That one's not available online anymore, but you can find a
newer, more sophisticated version at

The difference is that it does not save a file; it opens the selected
messages directly in your favorite word processor--as one document.
That's why it's named Open With TextEditer. Also, take a look at W.
Eric Tyson's Convert to XML, which is easily convertible.

Based on the work of others, I have made my own custom AppleScript to
open the messages I have selected in a new document in OS X's TextEdit
and in my favorite word processor Nisus Writer Express.

Why NWX? It has a macro menu into which you can place your own
AppleScripts, Perl scripts and native Nisus Writer macro scripts. With
that combo, you can write an AppleScript that will not only copy your
selected messages into new text, but automatically massage that text into
perfect a perfect document. That is to say, stripped of all garbage found
in messages on popular lists, with nicely formed paragraphs stripped of
all but single blank lines. All with one click.

Richard Hart

Re: switching from To to CC

2004-03-19 Thread Richard Hart

H.R. Riggs wrote:

Is there a keyboard shortcut to switch from To to CC when addressing email?

I have never been able to find one. And it's something I miss a lot from
Claris eMailer.


Undisclosing Recipients

2004-03-12 Thread Richard Hart

I would like to send a message to a group of people but not have anyone
on the list see the name of anyone else on the list.

I cannot find a way to address undisclosed recipients in the PowerMail manual.

Richard Hart

Re: Threaded Messages

2004-03-12 Thread Richard Hart

Barbara Needham wrote:

It would be great if some sort of message threading 
were to be included in the new PM.

Sorry if I'm misinterpreting what you need, but sorting by Subject
displays threads for me. It should for you too.