Re: Logrotating with multilog

2001-08-14 Thread Adrian Ho

On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 03:16:12PM +0200, Frank Tegtmeyer wrote:
> To add something to Hennings answer: from daemontools 0.75 on multilog
> does also switch the log when receiving a SIGALRM.

And to add to Frank's 8-): There's a patch for daemontools < 0.75 in
that mailing list's archive <>.  It
rotates on a SIGHUP, but that's easily changed.  Search for "multilog
rotate signal".

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: readproctitle service errors?

2001-08-10 Thread Adrian Ho

On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 07:12:37AM +0100, Ross Cooney wrote:
> >I'm worried that "readproctitle service errors: " indicates an error.
> > 
> > What is readproctile?
> >
> Seems that this is a xinetd/inetd should use tcpserver instead.

Nope, it's part of daemontools since 0.75 -- the svscanboot process is
another clue.  See <> for the latest docs.

And to answer the original poster's question: No, there's no error that
anyone can see at this point.  Do continue.  8-)

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: routing mail with user-specific tokens in addresses

2001-08-03 Thread Adrian Ho

On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 07:42:30PM -0700, Bela Lubkin wrote:
> I've been able to test for certain that none of "user=token@domain",
> "user+token@domain", "user-token@domain", or "user.token@domain" are
> being processed in the desired manner.

Qmail uses "-" as the extension delimiter (similar to MMDF's "="), so if
user-token@domain doesn't work, and ~user exists on your qmail server,
you're probably missing ~user/.qmail-default.  "man dot-qmail" and read
the EXTENSION ADDRESSES section for details.

> MY QUESTION: is there any way this could be set up in a global fashion,
> rather than listing every single user in some config file?

Edit conf-break in the qmail sources, "make setup check".

> If possible I'd like to set up several different characters for this, so
> that "user+token@domain" and "user-token@domain" would also work (I
> frequently encounter web pages which will not accept "=" as an email
> address character; I'm sure other characters are similarly burdened -- I
> want a whole pallette of choices to try.)

Why not just stick to a single delimiter (like qmail's "-", which seems to 
be universally accepted)?

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: rblsmtpd and's DNS servers

2001-08-03 Thread Adrian Ho

On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 02:58:08PM -0400, Derek Callaway wrote:
> /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u 7791 -g 2108 -v 0 smtp fixcrio 
>/usr/local/bin/rblsmtpd -t 7 /usr/local/bin/rblsmtpd -t 7 -r 
>/usr/local/bin/rblsmtpd -t 7 -r ' relay problem - see 
>>' /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 
>| /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t n100 s100 
>/var/log/smtp &

Two quick observations:

[1] A single rblsmtpd instance can take multiple -r options, so your
command line can be /much/ shorter and more efficiently executed.

[2] Are you actually most concerned about quickly accepting mail from
/local/ (or known-good) clients?  If so, set up your own anti-RBL
list and make it the first list to be checked.

Read <> for more details on both
the above.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Qmail process under root...

2001-08-02 Thread Adrian Ho

On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 12:40:39PM +0200, NDSoftware wrote:
> It'sn normal this (qmail process under root):

What, qmail-lspawn?  Certainly -- it must be able to set the appropriate
[ug]id when spawning qmail-local to do local deliveries, else all your
users' mail will be owned by qmail.  8-)

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: rblsmtpd

2001-08-02 Thread Adrian Ho

On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 03:33:53PM +0800, Lars Hansson wrote:
> The problem is that rblsmtpd doesnt seem to do any lookup to it at all.

Actually, I'd bet it's a DNS problem, not an rblsmtpd one.  I'd also bet
you made the erroneous assumption that '-a' tells
rblsmtpd to send TXT queries directly to

It does no such thing -- all rblsmtpd queries are done via your DNS
resolver, and therefore follow all the normal DNS delegation rules.  If
running 'dig ns' from your qmail server returns 0 records,
that's a 50-foot blinking neon sign that your DNS setup needs fixing.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: smtpfwdd[352]: can't open semaphore file in "/var/smtpd/mqueue" (Permission denied) - bye!

2001-08-01 Thread Adrian Ho

On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 11:25:39PM -0800, Jon Reynolds wrote:
> The Subject of this email is the error i get at startup after i hit ctrl+c,
> when i reboot my system(freebsd4.3rc2)it hangs when trying to start qmail it
> looks like this:
> [1] 220
>   qmail
> status: loal 0/10 remote 0/20
> at this point it hangs and will go no further until i hit ctrl+c when that
> is done i get the:
> smtpfwdd[352]: can't open semaphore file in "/var/smtpd/mqueue" (Permission
> denied) - bye!

I don't use xBSD myself, but a quick Google search suggests you're running
Obtuse smtpd/smtpfwdd (an SMTP store/forward proxy) on your system.  The
first question you gotta ask yourself is: Why would you need it?  Try
disabling it and see what happens.

> This is my first time installing qmail and it has been a harrowing
> experience :)

Probably because you didn't follow <>.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: qmail and virtual IPs

2001-07-31 Thread Adrian Ho

On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 09:03:42AM +0200, Martin Hasenbein wrote:
> My server has the and the mailserver should run on
> But when I'm now sending eMails its acting from the, not
> from the virtual ip-address. How can I change that?

You'll need to patch qmail-remote for this.  Go to <>
and search for either "fixed IP address" or "bind the local address".  I
personally prefer the latter, as the mechanism used (bindroutes) is more
flexible, but the former is easier to configure if you only ever have a
single IP address to bind to.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: sendmail virtualusertable

2001-07-30 Thread Adrian Ho

On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 02:00:57PM +0800, kengheng wrote:
> install fastforward, then you can do all the virtual email alias in
> /etc/aliases

<>.  Search for "virtual domain" and you'll
have a solution, recommended by no less a personage than DJB himself,
that doesn't require anything other than stock qmail.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: VirtualUser/Aliases Help..

2001-07-29 Thread Adrian Ho

[Please wrap your lines.]

On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 07:25:35PM +1200, Craig Spiers wrote:
> Sorry if this has been covered anywhere else..

It's in the qmail docs.  8-)

> Ive got an address [EMAIL PROTECTED] being forwarded to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (this is done from /etc/aliases and works fine)

I assume you're using fastforward?

> but.. if there is a shell user locally called "craig" email is delivered
> there rather than being forwarded to the remote mailserver.. which
> means.. /etc/aliases isnt being looked at if the domain is listed
> as local..

Read /var/qmail/doc/PIC.rem2local to see why.  (In fact, read
/var/qmail/doc/PIC.* to see how qmail's mail-routing logic works.)

> Any ideas?

If you own the local user account "craig", then just call fastforward in
~craig/.qmail-default.  Better yet, make it "&[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and
save the overhead of a program delivery for each message.

If someone else owns it, one of you has to give up control of

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: User Masquerading...I think that's what I need?

2001-07-29 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 02:26:28AM -0400, Konstantin Rozinov wrote:
> But, what if I have the need for multiple user masqueradings (like
> for ukon and joe and john)?

Like Greg said, this is properly done at the MUA level.  I personally
use both pine (don't ask) and mutt, and both can be configured to
automagically insert the appropriate sender address in replies.

In fact, you're looking at it in action right now -- you don't think I use
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for all my mail, do you? 8-)

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Program Delivery to PHP Script

2001-07-29 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 06:19:03AM -0400, Philip Mak wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, PHP Webmaster wrote:
> > |/usr/bin/lynx -post_data "http://..parser.php";
> > [...]
> > deferral: Your terminal lacks the ability to clear the
> > screen_or_position_the_cursor./_/
> Perhaps there is an option that can tell lynx not to expect a terminal.
> How about lynx -post_data -source?

Either -source or -dump should work, with three provisos:

[1] Unless the output is actually meaningful, there's no sense in having
it appear in your qmail log -- redirect stdout + stderr to /dev/null

[2] Be careful about lynx's error return codes -- qmail uses specific
error codes to mean various things ("man qmail-command").  You
probably want to wrap lynx in a script that handles lynx's error
returns in an intelligent fashion.

[3] I haven't used PHP myself, but IIRC, POSTed data is expected to be in
a specific format.  Simply dumping mail headers and bodies like that
may not work at all, or worse, break your server in weird and horrible

In the final analysis, Philip is right: You're much better off running a
PHP standalone interpreter for this than your current hack job.  You may
be even better off reusing someone else's work -- go to and
search for Mail2DB (its description even contains a...remark about
combining PHP and .qmail).

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Fastforward question (was Re: Mail Forwarding Service)

2001-07-28 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sat, Jul 28, 2001 at 04:21:29PM +0200, Peter van Dijk wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 28, 2001 at 09:35:32PM +0800, Adrian Ho wrote:
> >   |forward `my-redirector $RECIPIENT`
> That's not what he means. This still reads the message and reinjects
> it.

Oops!  That means it's time to hit the sack.  8-)

But since I'm still (barely) conscious...

> His proposal (which I have been pondering about for months already
> :) means that a program can tell qmail 'send this mail you are trying
> to give to me, to this address' without reinjection. This could save a
> lot of disk bandwidth, IMHO.

Unless the destination address happens to be in a virtual domain on the
same machine, in which case the standard reinjection actually trumps the
above by one unneeded SMTP transaction from the machine to itself.

In any case, it sounds to me like we're entering the realm of pinhole
optimization (or some equivalent concept).  Is the performance boost
worth the kinks it'll likely introduce in the existing qmail architecture?
I'm not sure...

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Fastforward question (was Re: Mail Forwarding Service)

2001-07-28 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sat, Jul 28, 2001 at 07:28:04AM -0400, Philip Mak wrote:
> I wonder if in the future, they'll make an "alias delivery" option in
> qmail; that is, it calls an external program, but instead of sending the
> entire message to the program, it just sends the "RCPT TO:" address to the
> program and the program returns to it which mailbox(es) should be
> delivered to.

That's trivially done today -- no extra options required:

  |forward `my-redirector $RECIPIENT`

Sounds like you haven't read "The Big Qmail Picture" by Andre Oppermann
<>.  Three years old and only 4 pages long, but
still very useful for illuminating the little-known corners of qmail.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Fastforward question (was Re: Mail Forwarding Service)

2001-07-28 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sat, Jul 28, 2001 at 05:34:59AM -0400, Philip Mak wrote:
> Hmm, looks like it could work. The "Speed tests" section of
> says that it takes only 6 seconds to
> regenerate an alias db with 5 entries. I could run a cron job every
> two hours to regenerate the cdb.

I'd be more worried about speed of delivery than speed of DB regeneration.
Note that it's still a program delivery, albeit done through a more
efficient program than your existing perlDB script.

As an aside, has anyone done any performance comparisons between
fastforward and .qmail-forwarding for large numbers of aliases (>10,000)?

> My question about fastforward is: Will my existing .qmail-* files stop
> working?

fastforward is traditionally invoked in ~alias/.qmail-default, so unless
you have some other delivery instructions already in that file, everything
else should still work.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Mail Forwarding Service

2001-07-28 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sat, Jul 28, 2001 at 02:44:45AM -0400, Philip Mak wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Jul 2001, Adrian Ho wrote:
> > Why use a program delivery when you can use .qmail forward directives?
> > "man dot-qmail" for details, and create the necessary .qmail files
> > (probably .qmail-youralias in the same directory you put your domain's
> > .qmail-default).
> Well, there's over 10,000 e-mail addresses that would have to be
> forwarded. Wouldn't I have to create a .qmail- file for everyone in
> the MySQL database


> (would there be a filesystem efficiency issue when I have 10,000 files
> in the directory?),

Certainly much less than running a perl+DB script on every incoming
message.  If you're really worried about filesystem performance (almost no
one is), go with qmail-ldap instead (see for the URL).

> and also keep these files synchronized with inserts, updates and
> deletes done to the MySQL database?

Unless you're in a habit of editing your DB directly, just add
the necessary (but trivial) instructions in your DB scripts to
update/create/delete .qmail-* accordingly.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Mail Forwarding Service

2001-07-27 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sat, Jul 28, 2001 at 02:11:09AM -0400, Philip Mak wrote:
> I am using qmail to run a mail forwarding service. When the mail server
> receives a message at [EMAIL PROTECTED], it looks up the alias in a MySQL
> database and forwards the message to an e-mail address given in the MySQL
> database.

Why use a program delivery when you can use .qmail forward directives?
"man dot-qmail" for details, and create the necessary .qmail files
(probably .qmail-youralias in the same directory you put your domain's

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Sublist (Was: Virus-infected listmembers)

2001-07-27 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sat, Jul 28, 2001 at 12:54:51AM +, qmail wrote:
> Sorry but GIMP does not even compare to Photoshop 6 

A Swiss Army knife does not even compare to a fully-loaded toolbox, but
if your needs can be met by a Swiss Army knife, carrying and maintaining
a fully-loaded toolbox is not the brightest of ideas.

And what does all this have to do with qmail?  IMO, qmail's like a Swiss
Army knife -- it won't handle every task under the sun by itself, but
it's compact, tool-oriented, and surprisingly capable once you understand
its features.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: rblsmtpd

2001-07-27 Thread Adrian Ho

On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 11:50:19PM +0200, NDSoftware wrote:
> [xxx@xxx /home]# rblsmtpd: pid 7941: 451 Open relay.
> Please see
> rblsmtpd: pid 8799: 451 Open relay. Please see
> Why this warning aren't in the qmail log ?

Show us the rblsmtpd startup script (if you're running qmail, probably the
qmail-smtpd startup script).

> It's possible to make a path for rblsmtpd, for what the postmaster can
> receipt message in blacklist (for help the admin who have a mail server
> blacklisted).

That turns rblsmtpd from an IP-level ACL enforcer to a mail proxy, so
it's more like a brand-new program.  You're much better off running a
proper filtering SMTP proxy for this purpose.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Selective relaying problem

2001-07-27 Thread Adrian Ho

On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 02:54:49PM +, Michele Schiavo wrote:
> Help me i use Xinetd and I'm not to be able to set RELAY client. 

I don't use xinetd myself, but "man xinetd.conf" says you're wrong.
(Hint: Search for the "env" attribute.)

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: stderr not a tty.

2001-07-25 Thread Adrian Ho

On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 03:44:20PM +1000, Russell Davies wrote:
> |sh -c 'HOME=/home/russd; . $HOME/r/bin/sh/filter' 2>/dev/null

"man qmail-command".  Almost every construct in the above line is
unnecessary, AFAICT, unless you have a weird filter program or something.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts

2001-07-25 Thread Adrian Ho

On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 02:11:43PM +1000, Christian wrote:
> But all I did is delete tcp.smp and rewrite it exactly the same!
> the only difference that there could have been is a space ..

If you rewrote it and left out a space, it can't possibly be "exactly the
same", can it?  That's sloppy thinking, and DJB's software generally
doesn't reward sloppy thinking.

> Can a space throw this out ???

Yes.  <>, "Rule format" section.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Help with procmail...

2001-07-24 Thread Adrian Ho

On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 08:55:03PM +0200, Xavier Pegenaute wrote:
> Now, how we can put $h (host), $f (From ), $u (dest) ..??

"man qmail-command".  You'll probably have to write a wrapper script
to substitute the appropriate environment variables in your procmail
command line, but that shouldn't be too difficult.  8-)

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Compiling on Solaris 8

2001-07-24 Thread Adrian Ho

On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 08:02:20AM -0700, Mike Jimenez wrote:
> I do have gcc Installed? And I am able to compile other programs with no
> errors.

Like Keary said, /use/ it.  Either:

echo "gcc -O2" > conf-cc
echo "gcc -s" > conf-ld

or fix your path so that it doesn't pick up /usr/ucb/cc first.

> > /usr/ucb/cc:  language optional software package not installed

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Qmail resending multiple times...

2001-07-24 Thread Adrian Ho

On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 08:39:27AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This is indicative of the Mimesweeper machine not being able to handle the
> volume being passed it from the qmail machine.

If Mimesweeper's really closing down the connection for that reason, and
without returning any status code, that's an RFC 2821 violation (Section
3.9, para 2).  You could hit them with that, if you're so inclined.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2001-07-24 Thread Adrian Ho

On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 01:37:50PM +0200, Andreas Grip wrote:
> I know, this has been in the list too many times...

Then you should've just pointed to, for instance:


As for the "arguments" for and against, it's more a matter of questioning
why the requester would want to do it, to see if there might be a neater
way of achieving his/her objective without hacking code.  Happens all the
time 'round these parts.  8-)

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Inode allocation / qmail-queue?

2001-07-23 Thread Adrian Ho

On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 01:30:01PM +1200, Jason Haar wrote:
> I'm currently about to go live with new ReiserFS based Qmail servers, and
> haven't noticed any problem. If there is, I'd certainly like to know... :-)

I'm running qmail on several boxen, all ReiserFS-only.  Not a single
problem to date, though I did use Bruce Guenter's syncdir patch, so that
could be construed as "cheating".  8-)

Also read the Qmail-ReiserFS Integration HOWTO:

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: A word on blocking

2001-07-23 Thread Adrian Ho

On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 03:55:34AM -0400, Jeff Palmer wrote:
> Or you might want to consider RFC compliance.

Since you mentioned it, please reread RFC 2821, section 4.5.1, last
para, cross-referencing RFC 2119 for the definition of "SHOULD".

In the matter under discussion (a grevious spam attack against mail
providers hosting thousands of users), blocking all incoming mail from
a specific IP address does /not/ contravene any RFC I've seen.

It's also a step I don't take lightly.  If I block off all mail from
your IP address, instead of simply filtering out the offending stuff or
telling my users to delete it and get on with their lives, it means you
committed a grevious faux pas, intentional or otherwise, against my site
and my users.  If I'm not up to my eyeballs in support calls, I might
take the time to craft and apply an appropriate filter.  Otherwise,
I slam the door shut and get on with the other stuff.

And as I mentioned, it's not as if I'm cutting off the only means that the
offending site admin can communicate with me, nor does it take a lot of
effort to discover those other channels.

> Of course,  everyone has their own opinions.   Mine happens to be "comply
> with the standards. Thats what they were written for."

If you can find a standards document anywhere that says unequivocally
that mail to postmaster MUST be accepted under any and all circumstances,
and therefore that my choice of actions is wrong in a "legal" sense,
please let me know where I can find it.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: A word on blocking

2001-07-22 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 11:31:34AM +0200, Andrzej Kukula wrote:
> So the owner of the company sent an explanation and apologies to
> postmasters and roots, but almost all of them bounced. This is
> unusual.

This is admittedly a site-dependent thing, but I'd be surprised if there
were many admins who'd voluntarily leave themselves open to a known spam
source while closing it off for their users.

> My suggestion is: when you configure MTA to not accept e-mail from a
> source, it should allow that source to send mail to at least root,
> postmaster and hostmaster, or some other configurable accounts.

Leave /well-known/ accounts open to more spam?  Why?

And why should I lower shields on the basis of a potentially insincere
email apology from a potentially incompetent admin to whom I haven't
spoken a single word?  My users would call me stupid, and rightly so.

I think it's reasonable to expect any offending admin to:

[a] find out my contact number by whatever means (suggesting competence)

[b] call me personally to apologize and explain (suggesting sincerity)

[c] suffer through whatever interrogation methods I choose to ascertain
whether I should trust him/her and lower shields (confirming
    competence and sincerity)

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Qmail Loglevel

2001-07-21 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 06:40:19PM +0700, Danar Prabandaru wrote:
> Does anyone know what each qmail loglevel does?
> I've tried loglevel 0 and loglevel 5 and know the different. But I can't
> see the different of loglevel 1-4.

Assuming you're talking about syslog priority codes, "man splogger"
will tell you how it determines which codes to use.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: disallowing certain remote recipients

2001-07-20 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 02:08:50AM +0800, Adrian Ho wrote:
> where ~alias/.qmail-trashcan contains:

Sorry, I meant ~alias/.qmail-trashcan-default, of course.  8-)

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: disallowing certain remote recipients

2001-07-20 Thread Adrian Ho

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 11:38:31AM -0500, Joshua Nichols wrote:
> I'd like to be able to "block" certain outbound addresses at the
> qmail-send or qmail-remote level.

virtualdomains should do it for you.  Something like:


where ~alias/.qmail-trashcan contains:


Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: .qmail scripting

2001-07-20 Thread Adrian Ho

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 03:46:07PM +, Philipp Steinkrüger wrote:
> |/bin/cat $1 | $SENDER 

This is a Truly Useless Use Of cat (ISTR someone collecting these things
in one DJB-run list or another 8-).  It's equivalent to:


"man qmail-command" to see why.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archived @:  <>
Useful URLs: <> <>
 <> <>

Re: .qmail scripting

2001-07-20 Thread Adrian Ho

[Please don't start a new thread by replying to a previous one.  That
screws up threading for those of us who use decent MUAs.]

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 10:47:08AM -0400, Steve wrote:
> [...] I have looked around I haven't seen any documentation that
> describes what the inputs are and what the output options are

Either you haven't looked hard enough, or you didn't get enough sleep
before you started.  Two man pages included with qmail itself document
everything you need to know[*]: dot-qmail(5) & qmail-command(8).

[*] Except how to write scripts.  8-)

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archived @:  <>
Useful URLs: <> <>
 <> <>

Re: qmail, tdma, logging (long)

2001-07-18 Thread Adrian Ho

On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 12:15:29PM -0400, Mark Jeftovic wrote:
> |/home/myprivacy/inbound
> |/usr/local/tmda/bin/tmda-filter
> |/home/myprivacy/outbound
> The "inbound" program simply hands off to tmda-filter, conditionally, by
> writing the entire email to STDOUT, is this the proper way to do it?

No, you should use exit codes instead.  "man dot-qmail", specifically
the ERROR HANDLING section.  "man qmail-command" for details on the
exit codes recognized.

> I was opening a pipe to tmda-filter but I couldn't figure out a way to
> then make successful responses to tmda challenges fall through to my
> "outbound" program.

See above.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archived @:  <>
Useful URLs: <> <>
 <> <>

Re: autoresponder install....cjk

2001-07-17 Thread Adrian Ho

On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 11:15:38AM +0300, Constantine Koulis wrote:
> I download the autoresponder program from of Bruce Guenter
> but i dont know how to INSTALL it.

Unpack tarball, "make all install".

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archived @:  <>
Useful URLs: <> <>
 <> <>

Re: supervise question

2001-07-15 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 04:47:00PM -0500, David Dahl wrote:
> This is in /var/log/messages and syslog
> [...]
> i'm not sure what all of this means...

That looks like a report from Mandrake's security manager (I assume that's
what you're running on that box).

Check the output of:

svstat /service/*

If you see one or more services up for 0 seconds, that's the service you
want to check out -- it's failing to start properly.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archived @:  <>
Useful URLs: <> <>
 <> <>

Re: vacation does not reply to sender

2001-07-13 Thread Adrian Ho

On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 07:46:05PM +0200, Johannes Marchart wrote:
> BUT using "preline" is no good (I/O Buffers.)

Why?  Have you encountered a problem with it?

> When my .qmail looks like
> |/usr/local/bin/vacation john
> ./Maildir
> the user gets mail but the sender *no* vacation message

RTFM: 'man preline' indicates that it prepends From_, Return-Path and
Delivered-To.  If vacation depends on any one of those lines (likely,
given its purpose), it'll obviously fail without preline's help.

Adrian HoTinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archived @:  <>
Useful URLs: <> <>
 <> <>

Re: blocking from-addresses (badmailfrom)

2001-07-12 Thread Adrian Ho

On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 10:53:31AM -0500, Q wrote:
> Does anyone have any personal recommendations as far as the AV software
> on the page goes?

Check the archives: , search for
"anti-virus".  Also .

- Adrian

Re: rblsmtpd seems to violate RFC1123, 5.2.7

2001-07-12 Thread Adrian Ho

On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 11:27:23AM +0200, torben fjerdingstad wrote:
> rblsmtpd with qmail does not accept mail from a blacklisted
> IP to postmaster@my-qmail-host, does it?


> That seems to me like as a violation of rfc1123, 5.2.7 which says:


>5.2.7  RCPT Command: RFC-821 Section 4.1.1
>   A host that supports a receiver-SMTP MUST support the reserved
>   mailbox "Postmaster".

Note the wording.  It says that the receiver-SMTP MUST accept and deliver
mail to postmaster@your-qmail-host.  It doesn't say that the receiver-SMTP
MUST accept such mail /from every possible source/.

What you want requires a RBL-aware mail proxy with destination address
overrides.  rblsmtpd won't do it for you, not without a significant amount
of hacking.

- Adrian

Re: Qmail and NAT

2001-07-12 Thread Adrian Ho

On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 11:51:12AM +0200, Federico wrote:
> I've wrote in smtproutes

That doesn't relay mail for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; you need another line:

- Adrian

Re: timestamp wrong

2001-07-11 Thread Adrian Ho

On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 05:20:30PM +1000, Chris Herrmann wrote:
> Any ideas what the variable TZ means, if & how I should use it here, and if
> not, how to get the delivery of messages reporting the correct time?

I've answered this question previously; see:

- Adrian

Re: 39,696 emails later...

2001-07-11 Thread Adrian Ho

On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 03:30:45PM +0900, lists wrote:
> qmailr 26008  0.0  0.5   888  568  ??  S 3:16PM   0:00.00 qmail-remote
> query-return-31053-rtag

Try 'ps -efwww' -- it may be instructive to see all the args to

- Adrian

Re: Qmail refuses to deliver if the user account dir is world-writeable

2001-07-10 Thread Adrian Ho

On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 12:41:22PM +0800, Foo Ji-Haw wrote:
> How can I make qmail deliver incoming mails anyway, to user accounts which
> are world-writeable?

Hack the source.  You're pretty much on your own on this one, I think.

A more appropriate question: Why are your users' home dirs world-writable?

- Adrian

Re: Forwarding Nightmare

2001-07-10 Thread Adrian Ho

On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 11:37:10AM +0900, lists wrote:
> I then sent a test message to the user.
> qmail has continually been sending messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED] all
> night at a frightening speed.
> I estimate around 25,000 mails have been sent so far.

What Do The Logs Say?  It sounds like the MX is botching the
SMTP conversation.

- Adrian

Re: qmailadmin and vpopmail

2001-07-10 Thread Adrian Ho

On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 02:37:44PM +0700, Essy Ren wrote:
> I've try install qmailadmin and there's a strange msg appear like this
> when i input the domain name and password that I've create with vpopmail
> what's my misconfiguration ? 
> [...]
> More information about this error may be available in the server error log. 

Have you actually read the server error log, or are you asking us to read
it for you?  I charge US$10K/min/km (separation distance) for telepathic
scans, triple that if the target is non-human.  8-)

- Adrian

Re: autoresponder: saving copy of messages

2001-07-09 Thread Adrian Ho

On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 12:59:17PM +0200, Jens Hassler wrote:
> So... How can save a copy of the incoming message into the users Maildir and
> send back a short autoresponder message?

'man dot-qmail'.  It clearly says that ".qmail contains one OR MORE lines"
(emphasis my own).

- Adrian

Re: qmail-queue-patch and qmail-scanner

2001-07-08 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 09:19:19PM +0200, Andreas Grip wrote:
> Well, a smtp-server receiving a lot of mail can reach the limit of
> maximum allowed simultanius connection. If the smtp server close the
> connection faster there will be more time over and the server is able to
> receive more mail. So I think a server, that are faster with closing the
> connection should be more efficient.

If scanning incoming mail takes that long, either upgrade your hardware
or push the scanning problem to the end-users (ie. get them to buy an
anti-virus package or something).

Trying to accept even more mail, when you're already having trouble
clearing the mail you've already received, is IMO A Really Bad Idea In
A World Full Of Bad Ideas.

- Adrian

Re: qmail Installation

2001-06-28 Thread Adrian Ho

On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 01:09:17PM +1200, Steve Reed wrote:
> OK, done.  I recompiled again with the same results and you can 
> access the log here:

Did you read Charles' mail?  The last few lines of the log should've told
you exactly what went wrong.  Unless Mandrake totally reworked their RPMs
when going from 7.2 to 8.0, I'll bet you didn't install the groff RPM.

- Adrian

Re: Error in patching Qmail with Krzysztof Dabrowski 's SMTP-AUTH patch

2001-06-28 Thread Adrian Ho

On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 09:36:49AM -0400, Joshua Nichols wrote:
> Well first, if you're using gnu patch (which you should be) that
> command is malformed.

Probably a typo, since there was obviously some data for patch to work on.

> If it weren't, I may guess "wrong -pnum".

No, the output clearly shows that qmail-smtpd.c was correctly found, so -p
problems don't factor into this.

My guess is that Charrua applied another patch before this one that
inserted a whole bunch of stuff at the top of qmail-smtpd.c, thus throwing
this patch off.  Either that, or he typo'd again and accidentally blanked
qmail-smtpd.c (it's happened to me before 8-).

Charrua, your best bet is to delete the whole source tree and unpack it
again.  If you applied more than one patch that affects qmail-smtpd.c, try
changing the order in which you apply them.

- Adrian

Re: Alter bounce messages?

2001-06-27 Thread Adrian Ho

On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 10:43:07AM -0400, Mark Douglas wrote:
> If I leave the original bounce message in place, and just translate it and
> add my comments at the bottom, would that still be acceptable for QSBMF?

Only if you append it to the intro paragraph (ie. no blank lines in
between).  As Charles pointed out,


has all the details.

- Adrian

Re: setting quotas. . .

2001-06-27 Thread Adrian Ho

On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 08:07:35AM -0500, Norvell Spearman wrote:
> I'm probably confused; I've never set quotas on a Linux server before.

Did you check out the other man pages listed in the SEE ALSO section of
the quotacheck man page?  If you didn't, you should have -- you would then
have discovered exactly what creates the quota.{user,group} files.  (Hint:
They're created when you turn quotas on.)

And if I read your requirements correctly, qmail already does what you
want, with no special configuration needed.  Read PIC.* and the relevant
qmail-* man pages (in this case, qmail-queue and qmail-send) to see why.

- Adrian

Re: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread Adrian Ho

On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 02:43:15PM +1200, Steve Reed wrote:
> So, I'm stumped.  Why is config (or config-fast) unhappy?

Because it's expecting dirs and stuff in /var/qmail that aren't there.

Run "strings - install | grep /" and look for a fully-qualified path
(ie. starting with a slash) that doesn't look system-related.  In your
case, since you didn't change conf-qmail, you should see /var/qmail.
If you see something else instead, that's where all your qmail stuff got
installed -- all you gotta do is figure out why it went there.  8-)

- Adrian

Re: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-26 Thread Adrian Ho

On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 01:30:30PM +1200, Steve Reed wrote:
> I'm attempting to set up qmail on Mandrake 8.0. I do create 
> the /var/qmail directory, but when qmail compiles nothing goes 
> into this directory.

Did you 'make setup check'?

Or did you change conf-qmail to some directory other than /var/qmail?

- Adrian

Re: problem starting qmail

2001-06-25 Thread Adrian Ho

On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 01:59:45PM +0100, pat moffatt wrote:
> svok: fatal: unable to chdir to /services/qmail-send: file does not exist qmail-send 
>service no running

There's at least one (and possibly two) typos in each of your log lines,
and quite possibly some editing as well.  So how are we supposed to trust
this info you're giving us?

Try again (ie. cut-n-paste / grep / use an editor / whatever).  To help you,
we need the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth.

- Adrian

Re: [Q] qmail and supervise

2001-06-18 Thread Adrian Ho

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Charles Cazabon wrote:

> I could be mistaken, but I believe this behaviour depends on the order
> of the various lines in inittab -- if you put svscan before the stuff
> called in the standard runlevels, it should work.

SysVinit, which I believe is quite common on Linux systems, constructs a
linked list in pretty much the same order listed in /etc/inittab, so your
method would work here.

However, this "feature" is usually poorly documented (if at all), so
caveat implementor as always.


RE: New Broadcast Message!!!

2001-06-08 Thread Adrian Ho

On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Kirti S. Bajwa wrote:

> >> Rolf vd Breemer : Wrote..
> If you're using Maildir's, you could just do "mail * blablabla" in /home.
> Rolf:
> Call me stupid, but I have no idea what you are recommending. I am a newbie
> in qmail. Can you be little more specific? Yes, I I am using Maildir.

It's nothing to do with qmail, and everything to do with letting your
shell do the "hard" work.

Rolf's assuming that all the users in question have their home directories
rooted in /home (ie. /home/bob, /home/alice, /home/greg, etc.).

If that's the case, then Rolf's saying the following will work:

$ cd /home $ mail -s "Shutdown Announcement" * <

Re: Broadcast Message??

2001-06-08 Thread Adrian Ho

On Fri, 8 Jun 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> the answer is yes and the program is linked on last I
> checked.

And the name of the program is...?


Re: Multiple Location

2001-06-06 Thread Adrian Ho

On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Adrian Ho wrote:

> You can either have a central server that knows where everyone is, and the
> 10 local servers simply relay non-local mail to it, or replicate that
> knowledge amongst the 10 local servers.  Either way:
> <>

And for the central routing server:



Re: Multiple Location

2001-06-06 Thread Adrian Ho

On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Lye On Siong Johnny wrote:

> I have the follow scenario. Assuming my office is separate into 10
> different locations, with about 50 staff in each location. Is that
> anyway whereby I can configure a mail server or something equivalent
> at each location such that the machine will know which are the local
> user, and send it to the local machine, and if not, they will send it
> out. This is to reduce the amount of out-going traffic

You can either have a central server that knows where everyone is, and the
10 local servers simply relay non-local mail to it, or replicate that
knowledge amongst the 10 local servers.  Either way:



Re[2]: Oops,I guess Sendmail wasn't secure after all...

2001-06-02 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sat, 2 Jun 2001, Boris wrote:

> There should be one file to download and the makefile should do nearly
> everything neccessary. I should not spend days to understand the
> different modules as a newbie, it takes too much time.

I would argue that you /should/ take the time.  Qmail's power lies in its
amazing flexibility and configurability, but the downside is that it's
easy to get things not quite the way you wanted it.

As a wise man once said (or words to that effect), "If you can't find the
time to do it right, how will you find the time to do it over?"  IMO, this
applies to qmail in spades (and most of DJB's software in general).

If you're in a hurry, the mail-related stuff bundled with your favorite
distro (hopefully at least postfix-quality) is probably a better choice.
That'll at least get you up and running till you can find the time to
Understand And Do The Right Thing, or until a security compromise or
broken setup forces you to make time.  8-)


RE: MailDir stopped working

2001-06-02 Thread Adrian Ho

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Robert Schmid wrote:

> So, why am I no longer able to access Mailboxes without symlinks?

First remove one symlink (say, yours).  Then send yourself some test mail,
and manually check your Mailbox file.  If it's in there, then your POP
daemon config is broken, as Tim Hunter suggested.

If not, then something's probably changed with your qmail setup, in which
case the output of qmail-showctl is a first step towards solving your


Re: qmail does not handle timezones properly?

2001-05-13 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sun, 13 May 2001, Patrick Starrenburg wrote:

> Peter van Dijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >qmail uses - because it is the receiving MUA's task to display the
> >date in the format the user desires. If your MUA is unable to do so,
> >complain to the MUA author.
> It does, pls check my original mail. You will see that the MUA fully and
> correctly inserts the Date: field including TZ offset.

Yes, and thanks to qmail's insistence on using -, it's clear that your
TZ setting is wrong (see my reply to your original mail).

> >qmail uses - because only if all headers use the same timezone,
> >reliable debugging is possible.
> ?? This logic seems a red herring to me.

- lets you worry about just one thing (does machine X have the correct
UTC?) rather than several things (does machine X have the correct local
time?  did X's admin set TZ correctly at initial installation?  is X's
current idea of TZ correct for this time of year?  did X's MTA take all
the above into account _and_ print the timestamp correctly?)

- lets you quickly see MTA hop intervals without having to mentally
add/subtract GMT offsets (easy to get wrong when you're in a hurry or
suffering from sleep deprivation).

In short, it's mind-boggling why most MTAs _don't_ use -.


Re: qmail does not handle timezones properly?

2001-05-13 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sun, 13 May 2001, Patrick Starrenburg wrote:

> I sent the mail from the client at 19:22 GMT +0200 (western Europe summer
> time) it arrived back to me about a minute later and displays on my client
> MUA as being received at **23:23** hours, i.e. four hours in the future!
> [...]
> The client PC clock said 17:22 (+0200) correct time, the Linux box
> said 17:22 and is setup correctly with TZ = GMT +0200.

I assume the 17:22 was a typo, and you really meant to type 19:22.

I think your problem is due to a fundamental misunderstanding of signed
GMT offset notation for TZ.  A positive offset is actually treated as a
location _behind_ UTC (ie. _west_ of the Greenwich meridian).  I can't
recall the reasoning behind this seemingly counter-intuitive notation, but
the timezone-related tools I've examined all use this convention.

This, of course, neatly accounts for the 4-hour discrepancy you're seeing.

If you want to continue using GMT offset notation on your system, you
should therefore set TZ to GST-2 (or something similar -- it's been a
while since I played with timezone info).

It may actually work better if you use a locale-name setting for TZ; the
tzselect program (if you have it) will work it out for you.  For instance,
if you're living in Austria, the proper value is "Europe/Vienna".


Re: Some hints please

2001-04-05 Thread Adrian Ho

On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Marco Calistri wrote:

> Hi Dave,Thank you very much,about dns I put the as 3rd nameserver
> into my /etc/resolv.conf,the previous 2 are the ISP's nameservers.

Since most (all?) resolver libraries query resolv.conf's nameserver list
in order, your dnscache will _never_ be queried so long as either or both
of your ISP's nameservers are reachable and responding.

I have never found any reason to list a locally-maintained dnscache
anywhere else but #1 in resolv.conf.  I'm curious to know if you've found
such a reason.

> I was aiming to avoid some of the "unknown" messages from my mail's headers
> Anyway it sounds strange (to me) that my localdns can't find my hostname!!

As noted above, your ISP's nameservers are being queried first.  Since (I
presume) they don't know about your domain, what you're getting is not
surprising at all.


Re: Mail Parsing

2001-04-05 Thread Adrian Ho

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Csaba Bobak wrote:

> > Our good buddy DJB has been there and done that.  Take a look at:
> >
> Sorry for a bit OT question but how to use it?

Looks like you haven't even tried it, so the only applicable advice is:

Download <>, unpack tarball,
read README, read INSTALL, install, read man pages, play around.


Re: newbie: qmail + vpopmail

2001-03-22 Thread Adrian Ho

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Robin S. Socha wrote:

> Packages suck.

Short, sharp and entirely "motherhood" in nature.  I like it.  8-)

> I'm running 5 different operating systems. And just one set of
> supervise scripts. Go figure. It's nice to have binary packages for
> certain things, but qmail is not one of them. YMMV.

No package manager I know stops you from creating and installing a qmail
package that puts the stuff Where Dan Wants Them, and generally respects  Since that URL says nothing about
packages[*], and everything about Where Things Go, does this suck?

[*] For _that_,  Which doesn't condemn
packages like you did, but suggests a neater way to implement them.


Re: About splogger's fac? 2? 3?

2001-03-11 Thread Adrian Ho

On Sun, 11 Mar 2001, Todd A. Jacobs wrote:

> On Mon, 12 Mar 2001 wrote:
> > What's the meaning of "fac"? Is it use in syslog?
> Facility. It's the log level used by syslogd.

As you said, that's the log _level_.  That's derived by splogger from the
text at the beginning of your logged messages.

The facility code defines the type of program that's logging the message
(kernel, mail, etc.).  Look in /usr/include/syslog.h for the possible
facility codes.
