Re: Is qmail best reserved for mailing list server purposes only?

2001-04-30 Thread David L. Nicol

Russ Allbery wrote:

 Rather, it tries to bounce them and the bounce bounces as undeliverable.
 The solution is for ORBS to stop probing systems from which no spam has
 ever been sent and for which there is no reason to suspect a lack of

they were a lot easier to igore when they were still calling
themselves dorkslayers

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Parse, munge, repeat.

Re: Is qmail best reserved for mailing list server purposes only?

2001-04-30 Thread David L. Nicol

Oleg Polyakov wrote:

 I'm not sure how qmail works if you are sending 100 messages
 from server to another one.
 Does it open 100 connections concurrently?

it opens maxconcurrency connections. It doesn't have per-site
concurrency limit, unles you patch it.  It is reccommended, if
you are having a problem killing a particular smtp peer, to 
trap all outgoing mail for it by defining it as a local virtual host,
and then passing the stack of mail in the local virtual host's
MailDir to the peer with something called serialmail.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Parse, munge, repeat.

Re: Pop goes my weasel

2001-04-23 Thread David L. Nicol

 Meuse, Andy wrote:
 Hey all,
 A few accounts on my qmail server recieve 1000 emails a day.
 Sometimes these don't get checked for weeks. The mail is also kept on the
 server for a few weeks so the CUR dir gets pretty massive.
 It's all been running fine for months with no config change, but
 now when a user tries to pop the account the cpu% on the server maxes
 out. If the user quits Outlook and then starts again, a second pop
 process starts on the qmail server and the cpu% splits between them. If I
 kill the processes it all just starts again.
 The only way around it I've found is to delete messages from the
 CUR dir down to about 1000 or so.
 The server is a dual 500 with half a gig of ram and the desktops
 are 700s with 256 and the connectivity is not an issue.
 Anyone know of some tweak that might help me? Or do y'all need
 more info?

I rewrote my pop daemon to only serve 200 messages at once.  When
there more messages than that I need to make several requests.

You might experiment with some internal scaling tool that makes
a new directory every few thousand mails and moves all the mail from
the MailDir/new directory into the newly created directory, and a 
pop daemon (again, assuming you are writing your own pop daemon) that
knows about this multiple directory arrangement and naming scheme
(new+timestamp would work well)

That way you could avoid the too-many-entries-in-directory problem
tht you appear to be having.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Described as awesome by users

Re: X-Sender

2001-03-20 Thread David L. Nicol

 Which qmail process write the X-Sender field in the headers? I would like
 to remove it, or to rewrite it, because it uses the name of my
 host/domain, which are not real. BTW, how can i rewrite any header of my
 outgoing mail?
 David Gmez
 "The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of
  whether submarines can swim." -- Edsger W. Dijkstra

I wrote a patch to have qmail-smtpd add the hostname to an incomplete
 Sender: header you could do something similar to leave the sender field
the hell out.

My patches are at

 Yes, it's true. But another idea of mine emerges - is there a way (in
 qmail) to _globally_ add my custom header to all outgoing mail ?
 Lukasz Felsztukier

Edit your qmail-remote program to stick it in there

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  He who says it's impossible shouldn't interrupt the one doing it.

Re: Clustering qmail servers

2001-02-19 Thread David L. Nicol

Tracy R Reed wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 09, 2001 at 01:08:47PM -0600, Herbie wrote:
  Well the simplest way is to have one machine act as the gateway for all
  mail and create alias files to forward the mail onto the second machine. I
  used a simple perl script from a flat file to create the .qmail alias's.
 I guess that could work but there is no easy automated way to manage so
 many qmail files and we already have 1760 in there already. I think I'll
 just have my qmail-queue wrapper rewrite the envelope recipient address
 and add a headerline which is basically what qmail-alias does when it
 forwards an email on somewhere else. I was just wondering if anyone came
 up with a more correct solution but it seems not.

I'd think a NFS solution would be appropriate, so the SMTP boxes and the POP
boxes can all be different boxes, that access the same user directories.  This
is the whole point of maintaining MailDir NFS-safety isn't it?

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  "Nothing in the definition of the word `word' says that a 
  word has to be in a dictionary to be called one." -- Anu Garg

Re: Load Balancing

2001-02-09 Thread David L. Nicol

 I have a server called MLM and 4 servers called
 MLM is a central server with Qmail and EZMLM, and the other servers are
 the RELAY

Run this to start your load balancing:

perl -e'chdir"/var/control/";while(1){sleep(1);system "echo :MLM${\(++$n%4 + 1)}sr_"; 
rename "sr_","smtproutes"}'

you might want to change the sleep interval to something higher.
Or change your relays to MLM0,1,2,3 so you can leave out the +1

Multi-level marketing sucks though

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  "I don't care how they do it in New York"

QMTP protocol spec question

2001-02-01 Thread David L. Nicol

the QMTP spec includes:

 8. Examples
A client opens a connection and sends the concatenation of the
following strings:
   "246:" 0a
  "Received: (qmail-queue invoked by uid 0);"
  " 29 Jul 1996 09:36:40 -" 0a
  "Date: 29 Jul 1996 11:35:35 -" 0a
  "Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]" 0a
  "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]" 0a
  "To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (D. J. Bernstein)" 0a
  "This is a test." 0a ","
   "24:" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" ","
   "30:" "26:[EMAIL PROTECTED]," ","
   "356:" 0d
  "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]" 0d 0a
  "To:" 0d 0a
  "   Hate." 22 "The Quoting" 22
  "," 0d 0a
  "   " 22 "\\Backslashes!" 22
  "" 0d 0a
  0d 0a
  "The recipient addresses here could"
  " have been encoded in SMTP as" 0d 0a
  "" 0d 0a
  "   RCPT TO:Hate.The\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]" 0d 0a
  "   RCPT TO:\\[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 0d 0a
  0d 0a
  "This ends with a partial last line, right here" ","
   "0:" ","
   "83:" "39:Hate.The [EMAIL PROTECTED],"
  "36:\[EMAIL PROTECTED]," ","
The server sends the following response, indicating acceptance:
   "21:Kok 838640135 qp 1390,"
   "21:Kok 838640135 qp 1391,"
   "21:Kok 838640135 qp 1391,"
The client closes the connection.

I am confused.  Why are there three responses for two recip. addrs?
The zero length is the envelope sender -- Is that acceptable?

Is the is the second server response doubled
in the document?

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  "gorkulator borked.  Please investigate."

Re: Using a RAMDISK for /var/qmail/queue thoughts ?

2001-01-26 Thread David L. Nicol

David Dyer-Bennet wrote:

 Um, most reporting measured results from optimizing high-traffic
 qmail-based mail servers have found that disk activity on the queue
 disk is the first limit they hit.

How about, if the first delivery fails, pass it off to a server with
some disks.  Why not pre-process with qmail-remote before queueing?

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Five seconds of light is a lot of data.

Re: A firestorm of protest?

2001-01-19 Thread David L. Nicol

Chris Garrigues wrote:

  "Upgrade" suggests adding features, rather more than "patch" does;
  patches are often released to fix bugs.
 How about "addition" or "extension"?

we need something that vaguely impugns the patch, without implying
that the patch is required, and we wish to keep current meaning of
"patch" and be consistent with all current habits.

My nomination is, drumroll please

"non-standard option"

or , even more impugnly,

"unsupported option"

These could even be ranked in order of sanity, from the ones
that get mentioned all the time on the list, to the ones that
are heretical to "official" reccommendations.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse"

Re: Dot in email adress

2001-01-16 Thread David L. Nicol

James R Grinter wrote:
 "David L. Nicol" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  What exactly is the threat this is supposed to guard against?  Is
  it directory descending on vms, or access to the .. directory somehow?
 I think it's along the lines of something like 'user-/../foo@domain'
 which would naively search for '.qmail-/../foo'. Replacing '.' is an
 easy way to prevent it ever being possible.

Yes, but dot appears so many places -- would not replacing slash
be a better solution?

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"people with fish eyes and brown socks"

Re: Dot in email adress

2001-01-11 Thread David L. Nicol

Johan Almqvist wrote:
 man 5 dot-qmail
 replace the dot (.) with a colon (:) in the name of the .qmail file, ie

that man page says:
   WARNING: For security, qmail-local replaces any dots in ext with colons
   before checking .qmail-ext.  For convenience, qmail-local converts any
   uppercase letters in ext to lowercase.

What exactly is the threat this is supposed to guard against?  Is
it directory descending on vms, or access to the .. directory somehow?
I am not aware of a special case where dots in a file name will 
unexpectedly hork a unix file system -- is it an obsolete fear, or a current
one that I don't know about?

This seems, without knowing what the threat is, an arbitrary exception.

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"people with fish eyes and brown socks"

fifo smtproutes Re: Qmail and Large Scale Dynamic Mailings

2001-01-11 Thread David L. Nicol

what if /var/qmail/control/smtproutes was replaced with a fifo that
gave a different relay every time it was read?

unlink '/var/qmail/control/smtproutes';
system 'mkfifo /var/qmail/control/smtproutes';
$c=$count % 5;  # or however many there are
open R,"/var/qmail/control/smtproutes"; #block until it is read
print R ":bsdrelay$\n";

Will the above cause unexpected freezes?

A less intensive solution might be to overwrite the tenth
character in the static file every few seconds, to load up that

"Collin B. McClendon" wrote:
 Sounds good.
 -Original Message-
 From: David L. Nicol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 9:58 AM
 To: Collin B. McClendon
 Subject: Re: Qmail and Large Scale Dynamic Mailings
 several slave BSD boxes with high concurrencies and a hacked qmail-remote
 that round-robins through them.

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"people with fish eyes and brown socks"

Re: emulating sendmail's user@host.REDIRECT feature?

2001-01-08 Thread David L. Nicol

Matt Harrington wrote:

 Great!  that does it.  Any idea how to include a newline in the error
 along the lines of...
 | bouncesaying '\nMy new address is:\n\[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

how about

| bouncesaying [EMAIL PROTECTED] echo My new address is

More than that, opening up bouncesaying.c and adding
your own verbiage should not be too difficult; or
making any other program that exits 100.

Does that work, or does the bounce protocol only have room
for a one-line reason?

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "the toad doesn't know..."

Re: footer patch??

2001-01-08 Thread David L. Nicol

Johan Almqvist wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:00:24PM +0100, BOFH wrote:
  is there any patch, which add some text at the bottom of each sending
 It can be done using the QMAILQUEUE patch by Bruce G - but it's dangerous
 as it may break MIME. Or complicated, as you'll have to parse the MIME
 message, add the footer and then en-MIME it again.

if you don't mind jamming it on at end of MIME,you could open up qmail-remote
and stick it within blast(), like this:

char *Footer =  "\r\nAlmqvist Industries makes no claims of\r\n"
"the accurracy of any claims made by any of\r\n"
"our employees.\r\n"; /* new */

void blast()
  int r;
  char ch;

  for (;;) {
r = substdio_get(ssin,ch,1);
if (r == 0) break;
if (r == -1) temp_read();
if (ch == '.')
while (ch != '\n') {
  r = substdio_get(ssin,ch,1);
  if (r == 0) perm_partialline();
  if (r == -1) temp_read();

  substdio_put(smtpto,Footer,strlen(Footer),102); /* new */
  flagcritical = 1;

Does that work?

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  "Warning: may contain incomprehensible strings of random letters"

Re: Backup Qmail Server

2001-01-05 Thread David L. Nicol

 On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, Michael Hornby wrote:
  My ultimate goal is to have my home server accept any mail that is being
  sent to any e-mail address being hosted on the main server, and to
  indefinitely try to forward it to the main server. This way, when the main
  server returns, it will receive all the mail it missed while it was down.
  All the e-mail will then continue to be stored on the main server, and users
  can login there to retrieve it.

 the only extra thing you have to do is make sure is in
 rcpthosts on and also does not appear in locals or
 virtualdomains on that machine. (if it does then you have to do htings
 slightly differently)

There's also rigging something to kill -ALRM the home server when the
main server wakes up, if it has been down a while; as long as that won't
smother it, setting concurrencyremote on home low should help.

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "the toad doesn't know..."

Re: Attachment-based relaying

2000-12-27 Thread David L. Nicol

Brett Randall wrote:
 how to intercept mail that our users send through our mail server,
 check the size of the mail, and if it exceeds a certain size (say,
 5mb), then it relays the mail to another qmail relay, otherwise the
 current relay treats it as normal outgoing e-mail.

 Does anyone have ideas as to how I would implement this? TIA

you could alter your qmail-remote, to connect to your peer that uses
the alternate interface instead of the proper destination, when the
size is too big.  Sort of like the hack to defer when a message is
too big but instead of deferring the peer-address is changed.

For a starting point here is how to find the file size of the message
within qmail-remote.c

 #include sys/stat.h
 int instat;
 fstat( ssin.fd, instat);

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Today in art class, draw your sword

Re: Qmail and Large Scale Dynamic Mailings

2000-12-19 Thread David L. Nicol

if the newsletters are all the same, you could pre-process
the list, organizing by recipent domain and starting qmail-remote
processes with a few dozen recipients, and only give qmail
the ones that don't go through on the first attempt, and even then
after some back-off time.  That way you won't clog up all incoming
channels somewhere, denying service, and getting barred.

Some perl code that can work with qmail-remote is available

You could open one channel per recipent domain by inserting

fork and next;

right after the for(keys %Recipients) line.  Adding a random
backoff timer, something like

sleep(rand 3600)

before invoking qmail-inject might ease things too, as long as
your machine has enough swap space to have all these forked perls
sitting around sleeping.


Henning Brauer wrote:
 Am Mittwoch,  6. Dezember 2000 22:04 schrieb Thomas Duterme:
   How about increasing your concurrencyremote to something
   like 100?  you most likely are hitting your limits.
  Good point.  Will try that tonight.  I've gotten some
  problems before from ISP's blocking us
  when I went up to 240...I'm not quite sure what the highest
  polite limit on this should be.
 Hmm, even with 20 concurrent connections our servers was blocked by some
 braindead freemailer's servers when one of our customers sent out a
 I don't think there is a common "highest polite limit", you have to figure it
 out for your country, even for your typical recipients.
 Henning Brauer |  BS Web Services
 Hostmaster BSWS|  Roedingsmarkt 14
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  20459 Hamburg|  Germany

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

patch to be kind to broken MUAs that do not include host name on a sender line

2000-12-07 Thread David L. Nicol

a pathologially selective listserv that needs to be replaced
brought to my attention the fact that my MUA has been inserting
 Sender: david
line in the headers of my messages, out of accordance with rfc 850
which apparently specifies that the host-name is supposed to go there.

Rather than change MUA, I have modified qmail-smtpd.c to add
to incomplete sender lines it might receive.
Here's what I did:

*** 345,350 
--- 348,380 
+ void TweakSendera(pch)
+ char *pch;
+ {   /* add @host to sender header if not provided */
+char *qch;
+   qch = "(ABBAZA)";
+   while (*qch){ qmail_put(qqt,qch++,1); }
+ }
+ void TweakSender(pch)
+ char *pch;
+ {   /* add @host to sender header if not provided */
+char ch;
+char *qch;
+for(ch = *pch; ch != '\r' ;substdio_get(ssin,ch,1)){
+ if (ch == '@') {*pch = ch; return; }/* no tweaking required */
+ put(ch);
+} /* finishing the loop means \r was encountered before @ */
+ *pch = ch;
+ qmail_put(qqt,"@",1);
+ qch = remotehost;
+ while (*qch){ qmail_put(qqt,qch++,1); }
+ }
  void blast(hops)
  int *hops;
*** 355,361 
int flagmaybex; /* 1 if this line might match RECEIVED, if fih */
int flagmaybey; /* 1 if this line might match \r\n, if fih */
int flagmaybez; /* 1 if this line might match DELIVERED, if fih */
state = 1;
*hops = 0;
flaginheader = 1;
--- 385,392 
int flagmaybex; /* 1 if this line might match RECEIVED, if fih */
int flagmaybey; /* 1 if this line might match \r\n, if fih */
int flagmaybez; /* 1 if this line might match DELIVERED, if fih */
!   int flagmaybes; /* 1 if this line might match SENDER, if fih */
state = 1;
*hops = 0;
flaginheader = 1;
*** 369,379 
  if (pos  8)
if (ch != "received"[pos]) if (ch != "RECEIVED"[pos]) flagmaybex = 0;
  if (flagmaybex) if (pos == 7) ++*hops;
  if (pos  2) if (ch != "\r\n"[pos]) flagmaybey = 0;
  if (flagmaybey) if (pos == 1) flaginheader = 0;
!   if (ch == '\n') { pos = 0; flagmaybex = flagmaybey = flagmaybez = 1; }
  switch(state) {
case 0:
--- 400,413 
  if (pos  8)
if (ch != "received"[pos]) if (ch != "RECEIVED"[pos]) flagmaybex = 0;
  if (flagmaybex) if (pos == 7) ++*hops;
+ if (pos  6)
+   if (ch != "sender"[pos]) if (ch != "SENDER"[pos]) flagmaybes = 0;
+ if (flagmaybes) if (pos == 6) TweakSender(ch);
  if (pos  2) if (ch != "\r\n"[pos]) flagmaybey = 0;
  if (flagmaybey) if (pos == 1) flaginheader = 0;
!   if (ch == '\n') { pos = 0; flagmaybes = flagmaybex = flagmaybey = flagmaybez = 
1; }
  switch(state) {
case 0:

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: secrets and lies

2000-12-01 Thread David L. Nicol

Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 18:34:59 -0800
From: Greg White [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I can't see any circumstances where any of Dan's sofware can be deemed
closed source.
 It is not the case that all software is either open source or closed
 source.  There is a broad continuum of licensing possibilities.
 I already mentioned an important freedom which Dan does not permit.
 The lack of that freedom means that Dan's software is not open source.
 Saying that Dan's software is not open source does not mean that it is
 closed source.  Dan's software is almost open source, it just isn't
 quite all the way there.
 Ian appears to be a GPL'd qmail clone, more or
less.  Why not use it instead, you want a GPL MTA?

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just when you think you're finally safe, the poets reappear

Re: 1.04---not

2000-12-01 Thread David L. Nicol

Felix von Leitner wrote:

  At least: has anybody thought about implementing MXPS:
 Several people have.
 But it is not worth the bother until a noticable part of the Internet
 uses it.

What is the advantage of MXPS over SMTP options?  It seems like
the SMTP option framework is flexible enough to do anything with,
for instance encryption or compression, within the confines of your

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just when you think you're finally safe, the poets reappear

Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-22 Thread David L. Nicol

 Instead, it poses the question: do you have the legal right to use the
 web, in the absence of explicit copyright notices on every document
 element you encounter?

Laws are never about what is allowed.  Laws are about what is prohibited.

Re: return receipts

2000-11-21 Thread David L. Nicol

Yes, exactly.  Without doubt the behavior of this typically
underhyped feature, like the rest of the dot-qmail file system, 
depends on which .qmail file is selected, for fine control over
which of the various inboxes will receive delivery notifications
and which e-mail address will appear to be the deliveree.

Andy Bradford wrote:
 Thus said "David L. Nicol" on Mon, 20 Nov 2000 20:12:46 CST:
  What about the "notification on delivery" stuff -- is that not
  an MTA feature?  Is it deprecated?  Rather it would be a feature
  of the MDA, has anyone added it to qmail-local?
 You mean something like what is covered in "man qreceipt" ?  It depends
 on what the user is expecting I guess...  If it is
 Disposition-Notification-To then it has nothing to do with the MTA,
 however, if it is Notice-Requested-Upon-Delivery-To then that is
 [---[system uptime]]
   8:24pm  up 18 days, 22:43,  4 users,  load average: 1.11, 1.11, 1.04

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I must report that I am in the fortunate position of having logged 
and categorized my nightmares over the past 37 years."
   -- Bob Dehnhardt

Re: Backing up IMAP Maildir's ?

2000-11-21 Thread David L. Nicol

I see the question as, "How do I freeze IMAP so it
doesn't change anything?"  

That's usually the backup issue, how to get the file system
to hold still while you back it up.  OSF1 advfs has a "clone"
operation for this purpose, I do not know if other file systems
offer similar functionality, of declaring an instant freeze
and then tracking changed pages so that life can go on and the
backup taken at the moment of the cloning.

Without such a facility, you need to shut off whatever causes
changes when the backup happens, or resign yourself to failing
the consistency-check pass of your backup method.

Shutting off mail delivery and imap access (by killing qmail-send
and doing whatever it takes to shut off imap service) during
a scheduled, planned, outage-for-backups time is one way to do it

With plenty of disk space, another possible solution would be to
use tar to take a momentary snapshot, such as it is, of your 
user's situations, and then back up all the username.tar files,
which will not be dynamicly changing.  That way you don't actually
back up (with consistency check) your dynamic user spaces, you back up
(to tape) the copies of them.

Dave Sill wrote:
 "Dennis" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, I'm asking the question again...
 Why? If you didn't like the first answers, you should say why.
 Is there a formal way of backing up IMAP Maildir's ?
 There's nothing magic about maildirs. Your normal backup utilities
 (tar, dump, etc.) will handle them prefectly well.

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I must report that I am in the fortunate position of having logged 
and categorized my nightmares over the past 37 years."
   -- Bob Dehnhardt

Re: return receipts

2000-11-20 Thread David L. Nicol

Gerry Boudreaux wrote:
 This is a MUA, not a MTA issue...
 If the MUA honors the receipt request then the MTA will carry it.
 Hope this helps

What about the "notification on delivery" stuff -- is that not
an MTA feature?  Is it deprecated?  Rather it would be a feature
of the MDA, has anyone added it to qmail-local?

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I must report that I am in the fortunate position of having logged 
and categorized my nightmares over the past 37 years."
   -- Bob Dehnhardt

Re: OT: a real MUA for X? (was qmail list reply-to)

2000-10-19 Thread David L. Nicol

Brett Randall wrote:

 Under X? Try Gnus. It doesn't just work properly in strange
 situations, it works properly in normal situations as well!

don't you have to learn all the saxophone-esque emacs keyboard
things to use it?

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I don't watch TV, I have no telephone, and I vote

Re: Hard linking messages between maildirs

2000-08-28 Thread David L. Nicol

Paul Jarc wrote:
 "Slider" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  There is an easier solution!
  If [EMAIL PROTECTED] wants all mail that goes to him to be copied to
  another maildir as well as for him to get a copy to go to another maildir.
 That doesn't cover my situation at all.  This has nothing to do with
 delivery addresses.  I just want my user agent to copy individual
 messages, selected by the user, from one maildir to another.

The way I read the documentation, one of the points of the maildir
system is that it allows distribution by hard linking.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 safety first: seat-belt wearers for Nader in 2000

Re: having two different routes for pop3 connections

2000-08-28 Thread David L. Nicol

NERvOus wrote:
 Dear qmail gurus,
 I have a pop3 server which has got 2 ip addresses and is connected
 through 2 carriers.

 Is there a way to let them choose a unique hostname and automagically have them
 to use when they connect through isp "X" and when they use some other isp?

allocate a hostname with both addresses as A records.

If their pop3 client isn't doing some checking to select the best
of the alternatives (I'm not aware of any that do, but it wouldn't
be hard to add to an open source one) then they're stuck connecting
to the one listed first.

I don't know if djdns can be configured to give out A records in
a different order depending on the source of the query, if it _can_
and your users are using their ISP-provided DNS servers (they probably
are) then you can do it.

But altogether this is a DNS issue and belongs on the djdns list which
surely exists.

Re: masquerading internal adress for external mail

2000-08-28 Thread David L. Nicol

Since Dave Sill himself didn't come up with the answer to your question,
it looks like you're going to have to patch something to do that rewrite
for you.

What to patch?  How to patch it?  These are your questions now.

Soon, you too will be reading the qmail mailing list, accumulating for
weeks in a folder all its own, until you see someone in need of your patch,
someone in the same situation you are now in.

And you will be able to send them an e-mail saying "Yes, that is possible,
in fact I solved that five years ago.  Here's a link to my patch!"

Davide Giunchi wrote:
 Hi all.
 I have a qmail smtp-pop3 server under linux that administer 30 internal user 
account, this is only an internal server so the internal adresses aren't really 
present on the net, i would like that if an internal users send an e-mail to the 
external word the "From:" field would masquerade his internal adress with an unique 
adress (the only adress that is present on the internet).
 A friend of mine say me that in sendmail there's this possibility and i'm sure that 
this is possible in qmail too, how can i do?
 Thanks  Davide.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 safety first: seat-belt wearers for Nader in 2000

Re: Open letter

2000-08-08 Thread David L. Nicol

Hash: SHA1

"Ihnen, David" wrote:

 Maybe an extra-low-effort system would consist of a simply speaking a
 keyword into a microphone

I would find this more troublesome than typing my passphrase.

- -- 
  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Originator of the world's first combination bassinet and table saw
Version: perl -pe '$_=unpack("u*",$_);'
Comment: 92G5S="!!;F]T:5R(%!EFP@2%C:V5R"@``


Re: send to group functionality ?

2000-08-08 Thread David L. Nicol

  Is there an easy way to just send to all users in a linux group,
  instead of having to use an alias file?

You mean group, as in, a line in /etc/group, right?

Lets say I have a message in a file called syl2000fall.txt and
I want to send it to everyone in the group called chem507.

I think this would do it:

mail `grep ^chem507 /etc/group | cut -f4 -d:`  syl2000fall.txt

Some light tweaking may be required, but mail will accept
comma-delimited recipients, YMMV.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Originator of the world's first combination bassinet and table saw

Re: Sort maildir and send smallest first

2000-08-08 Thread David L. Nicol

I recall from an earlier discussion of a similar problem that a
perceived consensus was reached that a good way to do this kind
of thing is to patch qmail-remote so that if
the message is too big to send, it appears as a temporary error
without even attempting to connect.
also the definition of "too big to send" is read in from the file
system in such a way that it can be easily monitored, and easily 
manipulated by a cron job.  Something like the (non)existence of

After the status changes, an ALRM signal is generated to reprocess
all backed up mail (most of which is there due to being oversize,
it is hoped) and that is that.

I do not know if this approach can be applied to maildirsmtp and

Peter van Dijk wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 08:45:34AM +0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would like to have qmail changed to do a
  sort mailbox by seize and
  send the smallest first.
  ... The larger
  messages could then go at night where the x minutes is set to a higher

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Originator of the world's first combination bassinet and table saw

Re: stop postmaster to make more acounts..

2000-08-08 Thread David L. Nicol

Dave Sill wrote:
 Geir Ove =?iso-8859-1?Q?=D8ksnes?= [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My customers have paid for like 100 email accounts
 and one postmaster account...  how to i restrict him
 from making more than 100 email accounts?...
 this is on a virtual domain..
 Run a cron job periodically that removes/disables any .qmail*-default
 files and any .qmail* files in excess of 100.

better to monitor his overuse and bill him for it

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Originator of the world's first combination bassinet and table saw

news: redhat switches to postfix + mailman

2000-07-25 Thread David L. Nicol

This just came in; submitted for your discussion:

 Attention all List Members:
 We are in the process of migrating all Red Hat lists from the current list
 manager software/server running qmail/Smartlist to a new server running
 postfix and GNU Mailman (*). Within the next week you will receive more
 information about this migration including information on how to access your
 membership, including subscribe/unsubscribe information and instructions on
 how to set your preferences  for your membership on the list.  The preferences
 include setting/unsetting digest mode, temporarily disabling delivery, and the
 option of receiving your own posts.  This migration will not only address
 performace issues that have arisen due to the number of lists/members on Red
 Hat lists, but also highly improve ease of use for list members.  Your
 patience is greatly appreciated.
 Thank you for your attention
 Kambiz Aghaiepour
 (*) For information on Mailman, see
 \o__O  o   Kambiz Aghaiepour, RHCE  -Phone: (919) 524-7423   o   o
   \_  /|\  -=   Red Hat, Inc.   =-  |\|  Pager: (800) 946-4646  //\ //\
|\  |\  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  | |  Pager  Pin #: 1412622   //  //
   / /  |/  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   |\  ||

shorter file names in the queue

2000-07-14 Thread David L. Nicol

It is true that qmail doesn't do anything with the inode-filename
mapping after it is made, besides have unique file names, and that
replacing that algorithm (which certainly succeeds in providing
insight into How The File System Works) with a different algorithm
that also guarantees uniqueness would break nothing?

 Original Message 
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 21:38:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: dean gaudet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: (reiserfs) Re: Jedi's qmail reiserfs integration status report

On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Hans Reiser wrote:

 I strongly believe that it is not deep programming to find a portable version of
 the algorithm.


i'm not sure how few bits you guys want... but there's the code i put into
apache 1.3 for mod_unique_id which generates a 112-bit unique id subject
to a bunch of completely reasonable constraints.  see for documentation.  
feel free to snarf the code under any license -- it's essentially
unchanged since when i put it in there.

it's basically a timestamp, local_ip_address, pid, counter tuple.

we replaced qmail's filename generation with this at cp -- mostly because
we're still living with solaris 2.6 and it doesn't cache filenames longer
than 31 characters; the shorter filenames helped a bunch.


Re: List all users

2000-06-06 Thread David L. Nicol

You mean something like this?

cut -f6 -d:  /etc/passwd | xargs -i echo grep "''" "{}""/.qmail-*" | sh

Ari Arantes Filho wrote:
 Is there some script to list all users including the content of each

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visualize creamed corn

Re: system rebooted, sendmail took over, how do I send those messages now

2000-06-05 Thread David L. Nicol

Susan Short wrote:

 Next question, is there another way I can send this mail without getting
 sendmail to work?

One way to proceed is to divide up the queue into messages, and then
feed each message into qmail-inject. 

You will need to "crack" your sendmail's method of storing its queue,
but it shouldn't be difficult.

Once you have figured it out, feed each message into qmail-inject.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visualize creamed corn

Recipe For A Good Book On Qmail

2000-05-31 Thread David L. Nicol

Here I go stating the obvious again, but it seems what we are saying is
that the archives of this list, plus the documentation that already is
in existence, makes up a "book" for those who can access it, ergo

what is required might not be an _author_ to create a new, comprehensive
restatement but rather an __editor__ to select from the documentation
which exists (man pages, LWQ, FAQ lists, et cetera) and compile a compendium.

This editor would preferably _NOT_ be someone who "knows a lot about qmail"
they would be a quality technical writer with perhaps gardening background.

This editor would be assigned the task, they would have to start from zero
(zero being a PC with the debian potato installed on it by someone else)
and configure and maintain, telling their story and including the documents
they find most helpful (with permission of the various authors).  That's the
first half, in which Linda Potter goes from zero to MTA administrator.

For the second half, Linda Potter (our fictionalized hero) builds on the
experiences in the first half, going on to install custom patches, to do 
what exactly?  Maybe the first half is all that is needed.

Potato to qmail+EZMLM in five or six short chapters.

I addition to people participating in this thread on the qmail list,
I am CCing a retired technical writer who teaches at UMKC in case this
project might appeal to them for collaboration later this summer.

Russ Allbery wrote:
 Rodney Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Qmail  ezmlm is now getting so popular that someone has to get their
  arse in gear and get a book to print. The Idea is a certain winner so
  com'on O'reilly, Que, or Sam's if your listening in get your finger out
  guys where drowning out here.
 I don't believe that publisher interest is the hold-up.  To publish a
 book, someone has to write it first, and one would hope that the people
 doing so would actually know a decent amount about qmail.  :)  Those
 people are somewhat rare; qmail hasn't been around for that long yet.
 Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  find / -name core|perl -ne'chomp;unlink'

Re: Recipe For A Good Book On Qmail

2000-05-31 Thread David L. Nicol

"John R. Levine" wrote:
 This editor would preferably _NOT_ be someone who "knows a lot about qmail"
 they would be a quality technical writer with perhaps gardening background.
 Having written quite a lot of technical books, I can say that's not
 likely to work, especially with an editor who doesn't know the
 material.  The qmail list is a swell way to get specific questions
 answered, but it's a lousy way to get introduced to qmail, and also
 not a very good way to get answers to questions that aren't phrased

I left out that the "book" would have to go through a beta period
of sorts, with public comment, and a "find the bugs" program with
money for the first to discover an inaccuracy or make an incremental
improvement.  It could be The First Bazaar-Style Technical Manual.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Qmail on a linux cluster

2000-05-17 Thread David L. Nicol

Does NetFiler let you run other programs on it?  I would 
put one instance of qmail on the netfiler, and insert little
tcp-server-protected relay pipes on the other machines to answer
port 25.  Use maildir.

"Matthew S. Crocker" wrote:
  I'm building a new mail server/pop server cluster.
  The cluster will be built using 5 VA linux boxes and a Network Appliance
 NetFiler.  One of the boxes will be a LinuxDirector running the Linux
 Virtual Server kernel patch. I want all machines to handle SMTP/POP3/IMAP
 using qmail.  User directories will be NFS mounted from the netfiler. Mail
 queue's can either be local or NFS mounted. 

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
drawn to the speed and performance

Re: Purpose of this list

2000-05-17 Thread David L. Nicol

Brad Johnson wrote:

 The other section that doesn't exist (or does it? It's not easy to find) is
 "Qmail for users" which would talk about qmail just from the perspective of
 the *nix user, with the userland commands, without mixing it all in with the
 admin info.

there's man dot-qmail

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
drawn to the speed and performance

Re: distributed redundnat queue architecture (for M Bowman)

2000-05-16 Thread David L. Nicol

Peter van Dijk wrote:

  this [hypothetical] architecture could result in something similar
  to usenet

 Do note that usenet was never designed to guarantee message delivery.
 Usenet was designed for non-reliable wide-scale messaging.

I just meant, it is another architecture where you have redunant
data on widely spaced peers.

Later, imagining that Bowman wants to guarantee to the corporal in the
battlefield who has e-mailed his situation in to HQ, that his smtp 250
from the server means the message will get through even if his immediate
mail server gets hit by a missle immediately after sending the code.

To implement this, the server would, before issuing the 250, open
a channel to a peer and copy the message as far away as possible -- or
even attempt immediate delivery -- all BEFORE giving the 250 response.

So, 250 on this smtpd does not merely mean "I have taken responsibility
for transferring this message" but "I have transferred the message off site

destination MUAs would need to discard based on redundant message IDs,
et cetera

I'll stop now...


2000-05-15 Thread David L. Nicol

Make sure you have round-robin turned on in your DNS, assuming
that both POP servers have the same name.

If that doesn't work, bother half your users and have them change
their settings to point to the second machine.

I don't see what is saved by this arrangement, over having all
the users connect directly to the machine with the mailboxes:

all you gain is complexity and additional possible points of failure.

NFS isn't free, those packets need to get read off the disk and
written to the LAN just the same as if the MUA connects directly.

Jhun Hubac wrote:
 Is there a way that I can back-up my pop server? I'm using qmail for my two
 servers (both have SMTP  POP3 service).
 No problem of having redundant SMTP servers but it seems that the MUA
 (clients) are polling on only 1 of the two servers.  I'm using NIS/NFS to
 distribute information between the two, so their home directories are on a
 different LINUX machine and the accounts are based on a NIS master.  Is
 there a work-around for this?

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
drawn to the speed and performance

Re: Disable telnet to port 110

2000-05-15 Thread David L. Nicol

How about a really short time-out?  Automated POP3 clients 
waste no time typing at the prompt --  Mark could analyze the
delay his MUAs have between connection and sending auth commands;
and patch pop3d accordingly.  Or he could patch pop3 to  require
(not just accept) encrypted authentications, maybe in addition to
the timing thing.

Paul Farber wrote:
 I think the original poster is just 'scared' because the POP3 protocol
 uses cleartext command (telnet, perl script, python) could connect up and
 get mail.
 Thinking that telneting to 110 and giving the same commands at a console
 is somehow 'hacking' a system.
 It will blow thier mind when they telnet to port 25 and can actually SEND
 Paul Farber
 Farber Technology
 Ph  570-628-5303
 Fax 570-628-5545
 On Mon, 15 May 2000, Aaron L. Meehan wrote:
  It's difficult to answer a nonsensical question.
   At 05/14/2000 05:48 AM Sunday, Mark Lo wrote:
 I would like to disable telnet to port 110, but still
   let my user to retrive mail via mail client at port 110??  (using

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
drawn to the speed and performance

distributed redundnat queue architecture (for M Bowman)

2000-05-15 Thread David L. Nicol

Michael Boman wrote:
 A server goes down [and the mail should been taken care of by
 another server, automatically and samlessly.]
 A single point of failure is not an option.
 Best regards
  Michael Boman

At the cost of more WAN traffic, you could add patches so
that on delivery failures, in addition to a message being added to
the local queue it also gets copied to one or more other peers for
queuing.  Whenever a message that was queued gets successfully
delivered, a notification message is sent to the associated peer,
so it can dequeue its redundant message.

Implementing this would require:

full description of the redundancy protocol

implementing the protocol in the software

Depending on the various costs (WAN bandwitdh, CPU, storage space,
programmer time) this architecture could result in something similar
to usenet, with each extended queue storage server contacting the
others at regular intervals with a list of message-IDs it has received,
so that all of them get multiple chances to receive the same message
stuck in the queue.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
drawn to the speed and performance

Re: spool vs individual files

2000-05-12 Thread David L. Nicol

Dave Sill wrote:

 Large mbox mailboxes are huge, unwieldy files. Large maildir mailboxes
 are huge, unwieldy directories--most filesystems don't handle them
 efficiently after they grow to a few thousand files.

DEC/Compaq ADVFS handles huge directories without trouble, using
a hashed directory table that grows as needed.

For linux, reiserfs supposedly doesn't care about directory size
as it blurs the directory_entry / file_data distinction.

I should have qmail running over reiserfs any day now, and will give
a report when I do

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You discover uranium: collect $240,000

Re: origins of Bracketed Quad notation

2000-05-09 Thread David L. Nicol

Peter van Dijk wrote:

 [the 821] definition is incorrect, in that it allows stuff like
 I think this was superseded in a later RFC.

Thanks, all!

I wonder if Postel meant for constructions such as Peter's error
to signify numeric addresses internal to private networks.  This
would be in keeping with 821's emphasis on source routing.
  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

origins of Bracketed Quad notation

2000-05-08 Thread David L. Nicol

Can anyone point me to the IETF RFC describing e-mail addresses
of the form david@[]   Although web pages refer to
this construction as a "821-compliant address" I found no discussion
of referring to hosts by anything other than names within 821.

"Lord Macbeth knew he was approaching the SITE of the rout
 from the SIGHT of odd body parts scattered on the blasted heath."

Re: Antigen found =love-letter-for-you.txt.vbs file

2000-05-05 Thread David L. Nicol

Kai MacTane wrote:
 At 5/5/2000 11:54 AM -0600, ANTIGEN_HOUSTON wrote or quoted:
 Antigen for Exchange found LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs matching
 =love-letter-for-you.txt.vbs file filter.
 The file is currently Detected.  The message, "Re: hack for filtering "i
 love you" worm", was sent from Kai MacTane  and was discovered in IMC
 Queues\Inbound located at Matchlogic/MATCHLOGIC/HOUSTON.
 Hmmm. Looks like someone's already filtering on just the string I sent out.
 I wonder if they're filtering all .vbs files?

Our exchange admin is.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Lord Macbeth knew he was approaching the SITE of the rout
 from the SIGHT of odd body parts scattered on the blasted heath."

Re: Future of qmail: will it care about viri/worms/etc?

2000-05-05 Thread David L. Nicol

Keith Warno wrote:
 there should be no need to "hack" qmail

And there isn't!  Why do people persist on insecure MUAs?

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Lord Macbeth knew he was approaching the SITE of the rout
 from the SIGHT of odd body parts scattered on the blasted heath."

multiple rcpt patch idea etc

2000-05-04 Thread David L. Nicol

Dave Kitabjian wrote:
 Dave S,
 I'm having trouble accepting this logic. You mention 3 options:
 "Say you're an MTA, and one of your users sends a message to three
 people on There are several ways you could do this.
 1. You could open an SMTP connection to hostx, send a copy of
 the message to the first user, send a copy to the second user, send a
 copy to the third user, then close the connection.
 2. You could start three processes, each of which opens an SMTP
 connection to hostx, sends a copy of the message to one of the users,
 then closes the connection.
 3. You could open an SMTP connection to host, send a copy of the
 message addressed to all three users, then close the connection. "
 and that qmail uses option #2. Clearly, the rank of efficiency is, from
 best to worst,: 3, 1, 2

You have analyzed the situation (or part of it at least) correctly.

Thing is, Dan optimized for SECURITY not EFFICIENCY.  There exists or
may exist a class of broken  MTA which cannot process multiple receipts
correctly; or which leaks bcc information during a multiple receipt.

I wrote some code that pre-invokes qmail-remote, feel free to give
me credit when you use it, it is at
and I will be revising is as needed (into its own file most likely)

Before I patch qmail-smtpd to do essentially that preprocess when
there are multiple recipients, instead of whatever it normally does,
somebody talk me out of it?

My thought is, if mail only gets into the queue after it has
been attempted once, then mail in the queue has already failed at
least once and properly should be attempted in trickles.  And also

Chris Hardie writes:
 Clearly it's a complicated issue, but it seems that as broadband access to
 the net becomes more common, businesses are going to expect to be able to
 use one "interface" to do all their communications, be it plain text
 messages or large multi-megabyte file transfers.  I cringe every time
 someone sends me a 7 MB mail message, but it's difficult to explain to
 them why this is a bad idea.
 I'd be interested to hear if anyone's found a good general solution to
 this in a production/business environment.

One approach might be to rig the MTA to unpack attachments, give them
unique and secret file names, store them in per-user directories 
where a http server on the MTA host can see them (but not server directory
indexes) and replace the attachments with links to the files.  This 
would have the effect of server-side-selecting the "view attachments as
links" option present in some MUAs.

Fine-grained administrative control could be asserted over how much
space in e-mail attachments you may have before the last used gets
cleared to make space, and so forth.  This is what Scott Gifford
suggested, although he wanted to add password-protection instead
of giving unique, random file names.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Lord Macbeth knew he was approaching the SITE of the rout
 from the SIGHT of odd body parts scattered on the blasted heath."

VMS mail.mai files?

2000-05-04 Thread David L. Nicol

Anyone got any
.mai conversion tools?

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Lord Macbeth knew he was approaching the SITE of the rout
 from the SIGHT of odd body parts scattered on the blasted heath."

Re: opinion on my proposed setup!

2000-04-20 Thread David L. Nicol

Madhav wrote:

 This setup actually provides protection from any failure.

Once it's running, pull the plug on the nfs server...


2000-04-18 Thread David L. Nicol

Peter van Dijk wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 17, 2000 at 07:08:39PM -0400, Len Budney wrote:
  "Luis Bezerra" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   [edited out]
  Or are you an autoresponder? If so, are you available under the GPL?
  Maybe I can run you from procmail, to annoy people who annoy me.
 If not GPL, then we'll just reverse-engineer him and open the source up
 anyway :)


Re: using perl to send a list message (with qmail)

2000-04-18 Thread David L. Nicol

Not tested.  May provoke unpleasent censure.  Use at own risk.

   open (LIST,"/home/justin/www/cgi-bin/lovely_people.list");
   foreach (LIST) {
 #send mail to "$_"

  2)this list has about 1000 people, and it takes more than a couple minutes
  for  perl to go through that all,making my program look like its hanging

There's always

fork and goto GLADTHATSOVER
close STDOUT;
open (LIST,"/home/justin/www/cgi-bin/lovely_people.list");
foreach (LIST) {
  #send mail to "$_"


And since you've now got all the time you need to process the list,
you can even save bandwidth by arranging them by destination host
and invoking qmail-remote directly:

my($name,$host) = m/^\s*([^@]+)\@([^@]+)\s*\Z/ or next;
$Recipients{$host} = [ $name.'@'.$host, @{$Recipients{$host}}];
for(keys %Recipents){
  $/ = "\0";#match qmail-remote's idea of how to end a report item
  open QR,"/var/qmail/bin/qmail-remote $_ justin\
$This = shift @{$Recipients{$_}};
next if $This =~ m/^K/; # delivery successful
# otherwise, queue it up for later
system"/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject -r -fjustin\

Good lord!  I'm instructing the world how to send thousands of e-mails
from within a CGI!  Please use this for good and not for evil!  
I'd better insert some tactical syntactic problems...

While we're at it, would anyone like some blue prints for atomic

delivery hiccup involving MDaemon.v2.7.SP4.R and hacked 250 reply

2000-04-10 Thread David L. Nicol

I'd like to think it's my fault, for altering smtpd.c to have cute
messages, but this has never happened before, so it could mean that
MDaemon got confused by the non-standard 250 code, saying more
than "250 ok" like others do, and returned the buffer in a
rcpt to: command.

I'm looking at these headers:

(qmail 501888 invoked by alias); 10 Apr 2000
20:55:05 -
250 ok yes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(qmail 501889 invoked from network); 10 Apr 2000
20:54:54 -
from (HELO ( by with SMTP; 10 Apr 2000 20:54:54
from [] by []
with SMTP (MDaemon.v2.7.SP4.R) for
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 10 Apr 2000
15:46:50 -0500

Apparently qmail on tesla delivered this to "250 ok yes
[EMAIL PROTECTED]" which fell through to
me, instead of queueing it and re-sending it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] like
was supposed to happen.

I have forwarded the message to the correct recipient, but I would like
prevent this from happening again.

I am guessing that I need to include a dash after the OK in the replies,
like microsoft exchange has, to fix this.  Reviewing the relevant
documentation, that is,, I am
led to understand that a SMTP response of "250 ok yes sir" is every
bit as valid as exchange's "250 OK - Recipient [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
so I am not changing my server.


 David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Nobody wants a hammer with racing stripes and a horn." - Greg Knauss

Re: Encryption and t-shirts

2000-02-25 Thread David L. Nicol

Greg Owen wrote:
  Or how about
Front: "Don't queue mail with sendmail"
Back: "Send mail with qmail"
 I'd buy that one.

If someone else can do the art I can get them printed

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to know how to display a email...

2000-02-24 Thread David L. Nicol

Michael Boman wrote:

 Problem with the solution:
 How the heck can I in a email see if I need to display it as english,
 chinese or japanise text?

This question has ZERO to do with the operation of the MTA (beyond
if it is passing 8-bit unicodes cleanly or suchlike.)

I'd ask comp.lang.perl.misc, assuming you're going to be doing this
parsing using Perl.

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-02-22 Thread David L. Nicol


Anyone have any reiserfs stories?  

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   e is one key to the right from w

Re: Restrict Times

2000-02-04 Thread David L. Nicol

Director tecnico del Nodo Nicarao -- Juan Navas wrote:
 I was wondering if any of you know of any qmail feature that allows
 restrict E-Mail checking at a specific time of the day
 Juan Navas
 System Administrator
 Managua, Nicaragua

The general solution to this kind of thing is to hack and add, if
not already available, a feature by which the behavior you want to
modify is controllable by a configuration file, and then to write
two scripts to modify the configuration file for on and off, and
invoke the scripts from the crontab.

Don't know what you mean by "E-Mail checking" so can't be any more
   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I would vote for a Trump/Hightower reform ticket

Re: Corel Linux ships with qmail installed, but not running

1999-12-27 Thread David L. Nicol

"Chris L. Mason" wrote:

 Perhaps Corel is planning to use qmail in future versions and it just wasn't
 ready for 1.0?  I've been waiting awhile for a Linux distribution to come
 out that uses qmail as the default MTA (or at least offers the choice of
 using it over sendmail in the installation.)

I think linux distributors are waiting for qmail to be able to combine
non-VERP messages for same remote machine into single transmissions;
or perhaps for a configuration GUI. (it would thave to be standard
and extensible, so qmail extensions could extend the GUI as well)

Where's your distribution, then, Chris?

Does not the existence of easily available qmail RPMs qualify?

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   grep -v 0 /proc/*/where

Re: Should qmail immediately reject relaying? [was Re: Qmail is relaying external mail]

1999-12-23 Thread David L. Nicol

what keeps spammers from faking envelope-from and using
include-in-bounce features to relay spam content?  

Is it possible that a subject of "failure notice" will
some day not be sufficient to prevent this possibility?


Stopping big messages until later

1999-12-13 Thread David L. Nicol

Thinking about this situation over the weekend I concluded that
the sanest thing to do would be to hack qmail-remote so it
checks file-size and marks temporary failures for oversize mails during
peak times.  This could be done by reading a file size from an external
file, and having the file size modified by something run from cron; or
the policy could be written into the patch (which would make the patch
too site-specific to share.)

Looking at the the qmail-remote.c program, I suppose the patch would
first define an error handler like all the other error handlers :

void temp_policy_size() { out("Z\
Message is too large to send during peak time. (#4.3.0)\n"); zerodie();

Then, find a place where we can stat the message text  No, we can't
at all because qmail-remote reads stdin -- although we could read stdin 
until we have enough, and issue the error the same place djb issues the
"out of memory" temporary system error --

no, we appear to be reading stdin and passing it to remote in
little pieces? The sending is done within the smtp() call -- in which 
we learn that a new temp_* message is a breakable convention, as the
cquit("Z..") will work too -- or is that just within the smtp

Anyway, the message gets sent within blast(), which reads from ssin,
doubles line-starting dots, and writes to smtpto, one character at a


In order to implement a size-driven policy completely within
you could allocate a buffer large enough to hold an entire
size-compliant message and load it from stdin, before looking up hosts
and dns and so forth.  If you get to the end of my buffer and we are
size-rationing, I would temp_policy_size() and that's that.

Later, when the smtp session is under way, blast() would read and send
buffer,  before reading stdin, if there is any stdin left to read,
we're not in peak hours.

Alternately, you could have two qmail-remote programs, the original one
one that reads into a limited buffer, and then refers to it within
instead of reading ssin, and have your cron job switch the link at 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-remote between /var/qmail/bin/qmail-remote_original
and /var/qmail/bin/qmail-remote_size-policy at the transition times,

0 8 * * * ln -f  /var/qmail/bin/qmail-remote_size-policy
0 20 * * * ln -f  /var/qmail/bin/qmail-remote_original

Since qmail-rspawn finds the program to run by having execvp consult the
system, this will work.  To be supersuper safe you could add a wait and
once before exiting with error condition somewhere near the execvp in

That way you don't have to mess with new control files any.

There are some rough edges in there;  when I write my qmail-inspired MTA
I think I'll have the qmail-remote analogue take a file name as an
and be responsible for setting the delivered flags itself instead of 
simply reporting delivery status; this will of course make my system
vulnerable to stack-smashing attacks from remote SMTP servers, which
then have sufficient privilege to do some damage, should the OS I will
using be vulnerable to such things.

Ari Arantes Filho wrote:
 You are totally right:
  What ari appears to me to be asking for is a way to derail large e-mails
  into a secondary queue:  He wants email to flow 24/z for little memos,
  but attachments above a threshold must wait until off-peak.
 I'm using the qmail-hold patch, so I can create a control/holdremote (with
 1), send HUP the qmail-send and the queue is paused. But at this time, all
 messages will be stopped. I would like to stop only the big one.

Re: Stopping big messages until later

1999-12-13 Thread David L. Nicol

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote, but did not CC everyone:
 On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 01:57:59 + , "David L. Nicol" writes:
  Looking at the the qmail-remote.c program, I suppose the patch would
  first define an error handler like all the other error handlers :
  void temp_policy_size() { out("Z\
  Message is too large to send during peak time. (#4.3.0)\n"); zerodie();
  Then, find a place where we can stat the message text  No, we can't
  at all because qmail-remote reads stdin -- although we could read stdin
  until we have enough, and issue the error the same place djb issues the
  "out of memory" temporary system error --
 Actually, you could just use fstat() on stdin.  That
 would give you the file size, since qmail-remote's
 stdin should be a regular file.
 I like the idea of modifying external state from a
 cron job -- that makes it much more flexible.
 The one gotcha is that qmail-send's back-off might
 skip the "big message window," so you should probably
 ALRM qmail-send when you switch policy.
 Chris Mikkelson  | Setting delivery schedules is easy enough using the
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I Ching, astrology, psychic hotlines, or any of the
  | well-known scatomantic and necromantic methodologies.
  | Meeting your prophetic deadlines, though, is another
  | bowl of entrails.   -- Stan Kelly-Bootle

Re: How to send a message after

1999-12-10 Thread David L. Nicol

What ari appears to me to be asking for is a way to derail large e-mails
into a secondary queue:  He wants email to flow 24/z for little memos,
but attachments above a threshold must wait until off-peak. 

A variety of approaches come to mind.  Disabling _all_ outgoing e-mail
until off-peak times is not one of them.

Some point in the process must be selected for removal/insertion, and
a size-based gateway installed there.

Read your source code, Ari, I look forward to seeing your upcoming

Ari Arantes Filho wrote:
 The user sends the email, not me!!!
 - Original Message -
 To: Ari Arantes Filho [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, December 10, 1999 1:42 AM
 Subject: Re: How to send a message after
  run your mail program in night;-)
  On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, Ari Arantes Filho wrote:
   Supose I'm supervising the qmail queue and see a message with (2
   attachments of 2mb each for 5 different addresses). This message will
   consume a lot of my link, so I want to send this message during the
   How to do this?
   Best regards,

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Safeguard your finances against 
 the great Beanie crash of 2000

Re: secondary mail relay: rcpthosts AND SMTPROUTES

1999-12-08 Thread David L. Nicol

Steve Vertigan wrote:
 if it was really a lower priority why did the error
 message begin "I am listed as the *primary mx* for this host"?

Because there's a bug in the way the determination of "primary MX"
is made.  I have not looked at the source code of how the determination
is made.

$ dig mx

;  DiG 2.2  mx 
;; ANSWERS:   86400   MX  5   86400   MX  20   86400   MX  200

I suppose that now someone is going to try and tell me that 200  5 ?

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sendmail Virtusertable equivalent?

1999-12-08 Thread David L. Nicol

Peter Gradwell wrote:

 [1] Which is why, if your mail server is the best MX preference host

How does qmail make this determination?  Does it get the preference
fields from the dns and choose the lowest one, or does it rely on
a system call? qmail-remote.c refers to subroutined defined in dns.c,
but the comments are sparse

Re: secondary mail relay: rcpthosts AND SMTPROUTES

1999-12-08 Thread David L. Nicol

"Timothy L. Mayo" wrote:

  domain.tld.   86400   MX  200 nnn.nn.nn.nnn
 This is your problem.
 An MX record may ONLY point to a A record machine name.  Fix your DNS and
 I can guarantee that the rcpthosts-only entry will work.

Hmm.  having readjusted the dns to serve a name instead of a number
on a test domain, it does not appear to bounce.  I am not
removing my smtproutes entries, to reduce dns load, and to prevent
messages getting forwarded around between multiple secondaries.

I would like to see qmail-remote.c adjusted to account for this
particular flavor of misconfiguration, which is clear enough to
enough MTAs to cause the machine at nnn.nn.nn.nnn to receive
plenty of e-mails, yet which causes qmail-remote.c to mistakenly
determine that the local machine is the best-choice server for
a domain, in release 2.0.

Re: secondary mail relay: rcpthosts AND SMTPROUTES

1999-12-06 Thread David L. Nicol

"Timothy L. Mayo" wrote:
 On Mon, 6 Dec 1999, David L. Nicol wrote:
  And add a line in control/smtproutes too; otherwise you'll
  bounce messages as qmail mistakenly interprets that it is supposed
  to be the end recipient.  This starts happening only after you
  actually modify the MX records.
 No.  An smtproutes entry is NOT needed.  The only time you would have a
 problem would be if you placed your server at the same MX or higher
 priority as the machine you were serving as the secondary for.  (Remeber
 that a HIGHER MX number is a LOWER priority.)
 Timothy L. Mayo mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Senior Systems Administrator

Yes, that is what I thought, too, until I did it.  The primary MX has
priority five, the secondary has priority 20, and I set the qmail box
to have priority 200 and what happened to the occasional piece of
e-mail that got to it?  It was bounced, with a message that said
"Although I am listed as the primary mx for this host, I haven't a
clue what to do with this piece of e-mail." (from memory.)

After concernedly rereading the FAQ I added lines to smtproutes
and things are now working properly: the occasional piece of overflow
wanders into the box in question is now held briefly and then forwarded.

The fact that I had no "locals" file may have had something to do with 
it; although the documentation seems to say that a locals file is not
needed if you only accept local mail for "me."

The moral of the story?  Set up test cases before altering your
systems, no matter how well-documented and "authoritatively" asserted
feature may be.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Corel Linux is Debian with qmail preinstalled

Re: Rewriting without date header in a perl oneliner

1999-11-09 Thread David L. Nicol

 I read the documentation of qmail-inject and it would do what I want
 if I could filter out the old "Date" line.
 I can't (almost) write in Perl. I can write a C program. But first I
 wanted to know if there is some already done script/program which
 would delete a chosen line from RFC822 header. I don't want to
 reinvent a wheel.

I've been reinventing wheels for decades.  Here's a perl one-liner
for you to strip out the first date header and pass everything else:
(will be odd but not fatal if the date header wraps.)

perl -ne 'print if($m or ($m = /^Date:/ and next) or ($m = ! /\w/) or 1

Which goes through every line in the file and prints it, except
for the first time the line starts Date, unless of course if
that is after the first blank line.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  End Daylight Savings Time in the year 2000 --just say NO

Re: qmail remote delivery logic

1999-11-08 Thread David L. Nicol

We have the source; let's fix it.

What the people with the problem are asking for appears to
be for qmail to not split up identical mails intended for
multiple recipients at identical hosts.  These are real problems
and poo-pooing them as degenerate cases or something produces nothing.

In terms of modifying, this might not be the "extensive
rewrite" that "life with qmail" claims it will be.  I see two
parts to change:

We want (1)the part that splits messages with multiple recipients
to group by mail-host-name and merely split by mail-host-name,
and also (2) that qmail-remote can issue multiple rcpt-to instructions
in these cases.  That is all.  Two patches. Three, with (3)
regarding who has received and who has errorred adjusted to work with

People who are running mailing lists (which need VERPS) behind
links are not covered by this patch proporal: They need to form
and rent servers with good connections.

Looking at the chart

 qmail-smtpd --- qmail-queue --- qmail-send --- qmail-rspawn ---
   / |  \
qmail-inject _/ qmail-clean  \_ qmail-lspawn ---

it is not exactly clear at which point a mail that is CCd to


gets split into three messages.  (by smtpd, queue or send?)

man pages indicate ... that qmail-remote "sends the message
to one or more recipients at a remote host."  Which means that
it still hasn't been split up when qmail-remote gets it, and that
qmail-remote is the only program that would need to be patched.

Is this accurate, that messages withmultiple recipients are
associated with a single queue entry until they are delivered
and cleaned up, and that all delivery multiplexing happens within
qmail-remote? If so, qmail-remote is the only part of the system
which needs to be tweaked, and the groundwork is already there.

Pavel Kankovsky wrote:
 On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Dave Sill wrote:
  I think Postfix just sorts by FQDN, so it doesn't have to do 10,000
  DNS lookups before it starts delivering. But by doing that, it
  potentially misses a lot of combining for different FQDN's with the
  same MX.
 "A lot" being a speculation or based on real-world data? evil grin

qmail-remote has to look up the MX records too, so adding a switch
to just sort by host name or wait until all the mx queries are back
sorting would not be that hard; but this advanced optimization would
only make sense as something to toss in AFTER sorting and grouping by
is in place, at that point it's simply adjusting the sort/group method,
it isn't introducing any new architectural features.
  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 End Daylight Savings Time in our lifetime

qmail - PMDF weirdness

1999-11-01 Thread David L. Nicol

The situation is, that messages for certain (but not all) recipients
on a VMS-PMDF system do not get delivered from qmail.  PMDF issues
odd error messages or drops the connections, on only these users.
Messages to other users go through fine.

I have a sloppy working fix of setting up a smtproute to the
PMDF box through a relay running (boo, hiss) sendmail.  Messages
to these same users neither bounce nor hang up in sendmail's queue:
these users don't have full mailboxes or something like that.

Does anyone have an idea what might be happening and how to fix it?

Here are qmail's two styles of log entries from the failed attempts:

Oct 26 00:46:51 gungadin qmail: 940916811.156160 delivery 30: deferral:

Oct 26 14:45:45 gungadin qmail: 940967145.640832 delivery 60: deferral:

The PMDF site has a mention of qmail relating to the periods which
end SMTP data, but that is all.

The messages involved in these failed delivery attempts were identical
to messages to other PMDF users which went through without difficulty.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

X-Face headers

1999-10-31 Thread David L. Nicol

Russell Nelson  (apparently a xfmail user) wrote:


Is there any way to see these if you don't have XFmail?  Would
a preprocessor that converts them into attached inline MIME gifs
be too too too tricky? Procmail rule?  Pestering
wish list to replace the Customizable N-Thing with the X-Face
would result in much greater popularity of X-Faces, re-tacking
them onto messages as a trailing (or leading) inline picture would
work too and wouldn't require changes to MUAs that already can
see inline graphics.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It is difficult to tell if your employees are doing real work
   or just goofing off when tools and games have the same GUI. 
-- Dennis Chao

RFC: backoff enhancement idea

1999-10-26 Thread David L. Nicol

I have one user whose mailbox drops connections on a machine that
is up and generally accepting mail.

Currently this user has five messages waiting to be sent to
them, each one getting progressively longer retry times.

I would like to see the retry time for new message for a remote
address that already has a temporary failure associated with it
start at the current longer delay time, instead of each message
backing off on its own schedule.

Sound good?  Would this require much additional space within
qmail-send?  Perhaps a file of backoff times could be maintained
and read only when a delivery has temporarily failed, to prevent
additional memory use by qmail-send

What thinks everyone?

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enough already.

Re: Any thoughts on instant messaging vs. smtp

1999-10-25 Thread David L. Nicol

Eric Dahnke wrote:
 I understand the pros and cons of each, but am interested in knowing if
 there is anyone on this list who thinks instant messaging has a chance
 of upseating smtp.
 - cheers Eric

"talk" is as least as old as SMTP.  Did the appearance of
the telephone eliminate the postal service? Hardly.

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enough already, Noam Chomsky for president

binmail on tru64 version 5.0

1999-10-25 Thread David L. Nicol

bin/mail on osf5 / DU5.0 / Compaq trucluster64.

tru64 binmail cannot take the -f switch, as -f means something
different here than it means to the system 7 syntax as given
in all the /var/qmail/boot examples.

I have determined that I can get a successful qmail delivery
using OS-proved /bin/mail with this /var/qmail/rc file:


# Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
# Using binmail to deliver messages to /var/spool/mail/$USER by default.
# on tru64 bin/mail, -f is a switch to specify an alternate mbox file
# so use -d only

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start \
'|preline -f /bin/mail -d "$USER"' \
splogger qmail

   David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enough already, Noam Chomsky for president

Re: spambait?

1999-01-03 Thread David L. Nicol

I'd like to play too -- is there an address to forward my trapped spam
if I was to set up a couple clearly marked spam addresses and stick them
on my web pages?  I have control over virtmaps and aliases files on
several domains right now

"John R. Levine" wrote:

 The closest automated thing is the MAPS RSS which lists open relays
 that send spam.  Many spam traps (including mine) autoforward stuff
 for testing and listing.  To prevent spoofing, people who the manager
 knows get passwords to put in the submissions that let them bypass his
 manual scrutiny.
 It works pretty well, blocks a lot of spam for me.

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 End Daylight Savings Time in our lifetime

Re: Command-line mailer

1999-01-03 Thread David L. Nicol

mpack can be incorporated into your packing schemes, instead of
using one part of a larger higher=level abstraction  

Jason Haar wrote:
 Sending an attachment as you do requires something more sophisticated than
 mailsubj. I'd use mutt - darn near the best mailer money can't buy!!!

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 End Daylight Savings Time in our lifetime

Re: extracting passwords from NTMail?

1999-01-03 Thread David L. Nicol

Theodore Cekan wrote:
 I will be converting our NTMail installation to qmail.  Does anyone know if
 there is a way to extract passwords in plain text from NTMail?

Keep the NTmail server up during a transitional period, and write
a fallback script to your password database that checks mismatches
against the NTmail server using pop3.  You can even get
the libntlm package and use NTLM authentications during your
transitional period but that is may be silly.

So you aren't extracting them, but trapping them, which is more work
but means the users jsut have to log in during the transitional period
instead of assigning them new passwords at transition time.

POP3 checkers are easy to write, I can send you UMKCs if you need.

libntlm is by Grant Edwards; is used in recent Fetchmail releases;
his FTP space is

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 End Daylight Savings Time in our lifetime