heavy load servers

2001-04-11 Thread qmail qmail

Though my topic has been discussed n times on list
I get to know that for a millions users yu should
netapp/nfs storage talking to many frontends which may
be one or two smtp and/or pop and/or imap servers
talking to the same mailstore(netapp)

My doubt is to is there a certain metric where yu
decide how many such fronts will be required  if i
have 1 million users and about  1000 transactions at
ANY GIVEN POINT OF TIME (transaction can be incoming
outgoing etc -total transactions-any nature)

I am sure this topic has been a much discussed topics
a number of times,but this is all i need 

Thanx in advance


Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: | preline -f sed -n p ... => Is it dangerous/improper?

2001-04-26 Thread qmail

> > I'd like to ask you: is this procedure dangerous? There is the 
> > possibility
> > of loosing messages, receive attacks, or something I can't imagine now?

> Yes.  You said $$ was the PID; that can wrap (especially if you're on a > 
> system
> with 15- or 16--bit PIDs), and you get a filename collision -- and lose 
> mail.
Oh, don't say that! Are you shure??

> So why not do something like ``NEWSENDER="$SENDER" forward ...'' ?
I didn't understand your suggestion. Could you explain it better?

> > 
> > Charles
> > -- 
> > ---
> > Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
> > Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.
> > ---

Re: | preline -f sed -n p ... => Is it dangerous/improper?

2001-04-26 Thread qmail

 OH, do you know the variable name wich refers to the qmail-local messages
 names? If I use the same name that qmail-local uses I wouldn't have name
 collisions, right? 
 Is it possible?
> Charles Cazabon escritas:
> > qmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 
> > > I need to redirect all unrecognized messages for a virtual domain to a
> > > directory where another program(maildirsmtp) will catch it and send it to
> > > another mailserver.
> > > 
> > > To let the unrecognized messages into the specified directory, i'm using
> > > the following .qmail-default command line:
> > > 
> > > | preline -f sed -n p > ./some_user/Maildir/new/mail-"$$"
> > [...] 
> > > I'd like to ask you: is this procedure dangerous? There is the possibility
> > > of loosing messages, receive attacks, or something I can't imagine now?
> > 
> > Yes.  You said $$ was the PID; that can wrap (especially if you're on a system
> > with 15- or 16--bit PIDs), and you get a filename collision -- and lose mail.
> > 
> > > You can ask me " Why don't you use the "| forward ..." command?"
> > > Because it makes the $SENDER of the messages turn to the forwarded user
> > > when resending the messages - and this doesn't fit my needs. I need the
> > > original $SENDER of the messages preserved when sending the messages again
> > > with the maildirsmtp.
> > 
> > So why not do something like ``NEWSENDER="$SENDER" forward ...'' ?
> > 
> > Charles
> > -- 
> > ---
> > Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
> > Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.
> > ---

qmail-lspawn / qmail-local

2001-05-19 Thread qmail

Hi all,

1.  I need to get qmail-lspawn to deliver into

2. My footer program will identify the type of message, 
add the appropricate footer and feed the mail into

3. I need next to feed the mail from 
into qmail-local for local delevery.

Step 2 works quite ok on my remote mail, 
What I need help with is step 1 and step 3.

It might also be an idea to change qmail-lspawn 
to be some kind of wrapper, 
and feed into the real qmail-lspawn.

Help is much appriciated
thanks in advance

Sri Lanka.

A saying of the Buddha from http://metta.lk/ 
He who wholly subdues evil deeds both small and great, is called a monk because he has 
overcome all evil. 
Random Dhammapada Verse 265  

sending mail using qmail-inject

2001-05-24 Thread Qmail

Is it possible to script qmail-inject to send a full bodied message from the
command line?

I'm trying something like this:

( echo to: alerts@XYZnet ; echo from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; echo subject: logs ;
grep '@customer.com' /var/log/qmail/* ) | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

I get the header, ok, but no body?



webmail rpm !

2001-06-15 Thread Qmail

i m looking for an RPM of a web based mail client for qmail which will work
on redhat 7.1. i have q mail running on it perfectly.

is there any website to check mails of a pop3 account similar to

Best Regards,
Arun Hubballi,

mail copies !

2001-06-20 Thread Qmail

hi friends,
i m new to qmail or any mail server.
i want to forward mails from one account to multiple accountshow do i do

what are .qmail files

secondly i want to know about ~alias and .qmail files where can i get
detailed help on this.

Best Regards,
Arun Hubballi

mail copies !

2001-06-20 Thread Qmail

hi friends,
i m new to qmail or any mail server.
i want to forward mails from one account to multiple accountshow do i do

what are .qmail files

secondly i want to know about ~alias and .qmail files where can i get
detailed help on this.

best regards
arun hubballi

mail copies !

2001-06-21 Thread Qmail

hi friends,
i m new to qmail or any mail server.
i want to forward mails from one account to multiple accountshow do i do

what are .qmail files

secondly i want to know about ~alias and .qmail files where can i get
detailed help on this.

best regards
arun hubballi

pop3 response delay !

2001-06-22 Thread Qmail

hello friends,

i m using a redhat 7.1 system, with qmail installed on it. qmail is working
The pop3 clients like outlook express takes a long time to
connect and respond. also when i telnet to this server on port 110 or 25 or
to port 23 it takes a long time for the prompt to appear. (on the local, the
prompt comes immediately)
my DNS is working correctly. The reverse resolution is also correct. The
delay is there even if i use the ip address instead of the domain name.
what should i do to fix this delay

best regards
arun hubballi

SMTP Error !

2001-06-24 Thread Qmail

i have qmail installed and working on my server. when i m trying to send a
mail using the smtp server i get the message attached below. i have
mail.ccipl.com and ccipl.com added to the rcpthosts, locals, plusdomain and
me. what could me the problem. what changes should i make to get it working

The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by
the server. The rejected e-mail address was '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.
Subject 'Re: [010622-18982-0047]', Account: 'Arun Hubballi', Server:
'mail.ccipl.com', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '553 sorry, that domain
isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No,
Server Error: 553, Error Number: 0x800CCC79

best regards
Arun Hubballi

auto responder!

2001-06-30 Thread Qmail

i tried installing Bruce Guenter,s auto responder and added an entry in the
.qmail file for some users as per the instruction given on the site. but the
responder is not working.
can any one explain how exactly to use the auto responder. how to configure

best regards
Arun Hubballi

Relaying problem

2001-07-04 Thread qmail


Sorry, in advance if this is a little off-topic but..

I have two qmail installations, one is my main system with POP and
SqWebmail and suchlike. Its been running for agaes and works great.

I recently set up a second totally basic qmail installation intented for
sending only for a particular project. The return address for bounces and
replies is an address on the main server.

Problem. I am getting a lot of bounces that from other services that accuse
my system of relaying. Why are they refusing my messages? I suspect it is
something to do with having a reply address on a different server. Anybody
know for sure?


Relaying problem

2001-07-04 Thread qmail


A typical bounce message looks like this...

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at mms-research3.marketingms.com.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 554 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Recipient address rejected: Relay
access denied
Giving up on

I am sending out several thousand messages a day (no I'm not a spammer -
just a market research company, not 'quite' the same thing). Mostly it is
working OK. I was concerned as I literally never seen this bounce message



Charles Cazabon writes:

> qmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > I recently set up a second totally basic qmail installation intented for
> > sending only for a particular project. The return address for bounces and
> > replies is an address on the main server.
> Fine.
> > Problem. I am getting a lot of bounces that from other services that accuse
> > my system of relaying. Why are they refusing my messages? I suspect it is
> > something to do with having a reply address on a different server. Anybody
> > know for sure?
> Give us an example of one of the bounces.  If they're doing this, they're
> refusing much legitimate mail (as they are with yours).
> Charles
> -- 
> ---
> Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
> ---

Re: qmail bcc function problem

2001-07-04 Thread qmail

I would be EXTREMELY surprised if this is down to qmail!

Have you posted your question on an Outlook newsgroup?


Philip N. Han writes:

> Hi,
> We have over 800 members and sent out newsletters using the Bcc function
> within Microsoft Outlook via qmail server.
> Up to three weeks ago everything worked fine then we started to get a few (3
> or 4) return e-mails telling us that all the email addresses were showing up
> in the body portion of the e-mail message. And, in some cases attached files
> do not arrive.
> I checked all settings in Outlook and even reinstalled the program but this
> did not solve the problem.
> The question now is  -  could the problem involve qmail server?
> We just installed qmail scanner from  http://qmail-scanner.sourceforge.net/
> .
> Thanks for any help.
> Philip N. Han

Attachment blocking

2001-07-06 Thread qmail


Anybody think of a way of blocking ALL email attachments to a particular
virtual domain. My other domains should receive them as normal.

The messages to the domain in question are large in volume, processed
automatically, and plagued by virus files. Simply blocking mail with
attachments would be my prefered solution.


Virus scanning

2001-07-06 Thread qmail


Anybody care to recommend a good setup for scanning messages going through
qmail for viruses.

I see in the qmail website add-ons for doing this which obviously attach to
an existing virus scanner.

Has anybody actually done it, and so can recommend a working setup?


smtp Daemon!

2001-07-08 Thread Qmail

I am running qmail on redhat 7.1. qmail is working fine. outlook is used to
fetch mails via pop3.
when i restart the server, qmail smtpd gives a problem.

while sending a outlook says connecting and waits without any action.
when i telnet to port 25 on the server it again dosent reply.
when i do a ps, i get see more than 1 smtpd running. (the number varies,
some times 3 some times 4 )

when i replaced the file /var/qmail/service/smtpd/run (rights 755, and
sticky bit set for smtpd directory)

what could be the problem and how do i resolve it.

Best Regards,
Arun Hubballi,

fastforward says ok but qmail says sorry, no mailbox...

2001-07-21 Thread qmail

Hi all,

I'm having trouble getting forwarding to work. I have a
virtual domain for which I want all mail to use the aliases



| fastforward -d /etc/aliases.cdb

When I test fastforward using the aliases database from the
command line:
env [EMAIL PROTECTED] fastforward -n
it returns:
which is correct;

however, sending mail to that address:
bounces returning with an error:
  sorry, no mailbox here by that name  #5.1.1

log file:
...starting delivery 1 ... to local
delivery 1 ... failure: Sorry, no mailbox ...

I think the logfile tells me that the rule in
qmail/control/virtualdomains works and that the message is
making it into qmail-local.

This seems like it should be simple but I've been on this
for a couple of days now. I've RTFMed and been through lwq,
the faqs and the mail archives and can't figure out what I'm

Any suggestions would be very welcome : -)

Mike Wright

Re: Sublist (Was: Virus-infected listmembers)

2001-07-27 Thread qmail

Sorry but GIMP does not even compare to Photoshop 6 

just my .002 and yes i use both on a daily basis for both digital and print 


Smithj writes: 

> Use GIMP :) 
> (unix or windows based).. 
>> I'm in the same boat with all the bookkeeping and office stuff that I have to deal 
>with constantly on the W machine and the server stuck in the dungeon in the back 
>office.  I telnet to it often, but find it just easier to use the MS product close at 
>hand.  And, ditto about photoshop.  It is a
> Jonathan Smith 

after using .forward, can use also have copy of the message?

2001-08-08 Thread qmail

can .forward remain a copy to original user email maildir?
what is the difference between
in .forward file?

Mandrake 8.0 with postfix

2001-08-08 Thread qmail

Q1.) I am setuping with Mandrake 8.0 kernal 2.4.3, how can I remove all
Q2.) Should I stop all the pop3 and IMAP service in Xinetd?
Q3.) I should use courier-imap and qmail-pop3?
Q4.) I have many existing email account with user name like
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is it ok?
Q5.) Is it I should install dot-forward package b4 install qmail? my
.forward file don't work,
how to check what error by./instcheck?

Thanks a lot!
Qmail user

my .forward don't work,what can I do?

2001-08-09 Thread qmail

I tested the qmail delivery by:
echo to: user | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

then I find a queue in ~user/Maildir/new/

when I add a .forward file under ~user with content:

and do the delivery test again :
echo to: user | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

it still have a queue inside ~user/Maildir/new

and I go to ~someone/Maildir/new, there are nothing.

is it mean that my dot-forward don't work?

how can I check the what happen to dot-forward package, any error
message it will generate after make setup check?
or how to use the ./instcheck ?

Thanks a lot~

Re: my .forward don't work,what can I do?

2001-08-09 Thread qmail

Brett Randall wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 09 Aug 2001 21:24:52 -0400, qmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > Great, it works, I forward to [EMAIL PROTECTED] la, but what
> > problem I have in setup .forward?  I don't have any error message I
> > still can't forward the message by dot-forward
> What do your logs say? I have tried and persisted to point out that
> you don't need .forward, but since you obviously aren't taking the
> hint, tail -f /var/log/qmail/send/current, send a test message, and
> tell us what it says.
> > in my .qmail file:
> >
> > |dot-forward .forward
> > ./Maildir/
> Just for the fun of it, try putting /var/qmail/bin/dot-forward.
> Oh, what the hell. While you're at it, ls -l
> /var/qmail/bin/dot-forward and give us the output.
> --
> Customer: "I'm running Windows '98"
> Tech: "Yes."
> Customer: "My computer isn't working now."
> Tech: "Yes, you said that."

" haha windows 98 and Me" 
Dear Brett,
I also try usr /var/qmail/bin/dot-forward in .qmail, still don't work.
ls -l /var/qmail/bin/dot-forward:
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root29604 Aug  9 18:34

what ownership should it be? ..

rblsmtpd and 'tagging' emails

2001-08-12 Thread Qmail

Hi Folks,

Is there any way to use rblsmtpd to simply set a header in qmail, rather
than bouncing emails?




2001-08-12 Thread qmail

After I test the qmail-smtpd and qmail-send is ok,it seems to me ok.
I try to install qmail-pop3d and start this service.
I add the run script in /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-pop3d
I use the method to test the checkpasswd program, the response is ok.
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 200 /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -R
-H -l 0 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup sbs01.helka.com.hk
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 2>&1

but I find a process:
root  8461  0.0  0.0 00 ?Z11:17   0:00

How to copy outoging messages?

2001-08-13 Thread qmail

Can qmail manager each outgoing email?
if yes,then how to manager each email account that will  send a copy of 
message to his/her manager?

Re: How to copy outoging messages?

2001-08-14 Thread qmail

I have about 50 users and they are in 5 groups.
I want to copy each group user outgoing message to their manager like a cc /bcc message.
I already compile qmail with extra.h. and see the FAQ of administration part,
but I still don't know how to make each email message in individual files like a single queue.
Moreover, I think it is more convenience for me to setup a qmail can copy
all incoming and outgoing email to a email account like forward.
Thank you for attentions.
Peter van Dijk wrote:
On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 10:22:25PM +0800, qmail wrote:[snip]
  where can find example of manager outgoing email messages?
Follow-up to the list, do not reply to me. Thank you.Greetz, Peter

alternative inittab entry

2001-08-14 Thread qmail

Hello right now I start qmail with "csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &' 1> /dev/null"
and "tcpserver -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u1003 -g102 0 smtp
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd &" 

this is what I have in my /etc/inittab file:
qm:123456:respawn:/usr/local/bin/tcpserver  -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u1003
 -g102 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 

It works great but every now and then I get the dreaded spawning too fast
wait blah blah blah. 

I was just curious if maybe my entry was wrong or if maybe their was a
simplier way to set it up. 

And before you say it yes I know about LWQ and it's a great concept I just
like things simple and neat  =). 

thanks for any information that might help, Mike 

Limit email file seize for some users

2000-07-01 Thread qmail


I would like to limit some of my users to file seizes not above 1 MB

How do I implement that.


Re: Limit email file seize for some users

2000-07-03 Thread qmail

On Sun, Jul 02, 2000 at 07:51:00AM +0200, Steffan Hoeke wrote:

> > I would like to limit some of my users to file seizes not above 1 MB
> > How do I implement that.
> man qmail-smtpd:
> Maximum  number  of  bytes allowed in a message, or 0
> for no limit.  Default: 0.  If a message exceeds this
> limit,  qmail-smtpd returns a permanent error code to
> the client; in contrast,  if  the  disk  is  full  or
> qmail-smtpd   hits   a  resource  limit,  qmail-smtpd
> returns a temporary error code.
> databytes counts bytes as  stored  on  disk,  not  as
> transmitted  through  the network.  It does not count
>     the  qmail-smtpd  Received  line,   the   qmail-queue
> Received line, or the envelope.
> If  the  environment  variable  DATABYTES  is set, it
> overrides databytes.

What is the format of the file ?

# ---
# databytes for qmail
# ---

> AFAIK there's no easy way to implement a per-user basis.
> Or you'd have to try to experiment with setting DATABYTES in tcprules/
> tcpserver.
> databytes should be in /var/qmail/control 

Thank you for giving the directory of the file
I do not find that in the man pages.

I suppose the best would be to implement some user disk quota 


Email list management software that "supports" qmail?

2000-07-09 Thread Qmail

Hi Folks,

I'm looking for a GNU/GPL/Freeware email management package that is "happy"
with Qmail.

Specifically, I need to be able to send emails to 100,000+ "subscribers" on
a weekly basis. 

I'd also like to be able to automatically remove bounces, support
blacklists, etc.

Something in MySQL or otherwise would be great.


Sort maildir and send smallest first

2000-07-25 Thread qmail

Hi all,

I am running a free popmail server using Autoturn and getting my mail via
a dialup link from my mail server  metta.lk  to  col7.metta.lk and things
are working well for the larst year or so.

I find that qmail is taking my maildir and sending 

I would like to have qmail changed to do a 
sort mailbox by seize and 
send the smallest first.

My reason is that I might have someone with a large 1-2 MB attachment to
be sent and I do not like to send that during daytime when phone charges
are very high, but would like to send smaller messages first 
and then I let cron cut the connection after x minutes. The larger
messages could then go at night where the x minutes is set to a higher

I would much appriciate if someone could tell me if this is possible
and could help me with a hack on the source files to send smallest first.

I am presently using qmail-smtpd and do not mind changing to qmail-qmtpd
as that is what is recommended for faster transfer.

Thank you in advance

Re: Sort maildir and send smallest first

2000-07-30 Thread qmail

On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 06:19:00PM +0200, Peter van Dijk wrote:

> I have considered a similar change, having 2 maildirsmtp's running, one for
> mails under 32kbyte, one for bigger mails. That would do too.
> Looking at how maildirsmtp works, this shouldn't be that hard.

Thanks for your reply,

What do you suggest ? 
a script to move the larger mail into a seperate IP and then login
to that IP and get the bigger mail at night ?
or have you something else in mind. 


qmail IMAP & SSL

2000-07-30 Thread qmail

On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 07:50:09PM -0700, Jacob Scott wrote:

Hi Jacob
> I would be interested as well. I can help with IMAP SSL if you need it.

I would be interested in a bit of help with IMAP  and perhaps SSL also
You obviously have good reasons for installing SSL other wise you would
have not done so.
I would much appreciate to know how important SSL is.

I intend to install Courier IMAP with sqwebmail for a webmail server. 

I would also like to know the ports that I am required to keep open in our
firewall for IMAP to work 
Sri Lanka

Re: Sort maildir and send smallest first

2000-08-01 Thread qmail

On Sun, Jul 30, 2000 at 08:26:59PM +0200, Peter van Dijk wrote:

Hi Peter,

> > a script to move the larger mail into a seperate IP and then login
> > to that IP and get the bigger mail at night ?
> > or have you something else in mind. 

> When you run 'maildirsmtp', that in turn runs maildirserial which runs
> tcpclient which runs serialsmtp.
> Changing maildirsmtp's operation to, for  example, handling bigger messages
> in a separate thread, would only require patching/replacing maildirserial
> to spawn two tcpclient+serialsmtp's instead of one. Filtering at delivery
> seems useless to me because that would mean you spread your mail over 2
> Maildirs.  

Fortunately or unfortunately I am not able to generate a patch like that.
If someone would like to help with a patch then I would like to test it
out, but writing it, that I could not do.

What I have done for the time being and it works me as a stop gap till
further things are developed.

Thanks for you tips, and please let me know what you come up with.

Sri Lanka


# this script is running during Day time

# this will move large messages to the /var/qmail/alias/pppdir2 directory
find /var/qmail/alias/pppdir/ -size +30 -exec mv {} /var/qmail/alias/pppdir2/new/ \;

# This will send and recive mail the moment the ppp connection is up
# To close the ppp connection when there is no more activity.
# you put idle -25 in an option file called option.autoturn

export PATH
maildirsmtp ~alias/pppdir alias-ppp- metta.lk


# this script is run at Night.

# this will move large messages to the /var/qmail/alias/pppdir2 directory
mv /var/qmail/alias/pppdir2/new/* /var/qmail/alias/pppdir/new

# This will send and recive mail the moment the ppp connection is up
export PATH
maildirsmtp ~alias/pppdir alias-ppp- metta.lk

1 5 * * * cp -f /etc/ppp/ip-up.local.small /etc/ppp/ip-up.local
1 22 * * * cp -f /etc/ppp/ip-up.local.large /etc/ppp/ip-up.local

I have done something similar on the incoming server side.
My OS's are Redhat 6.0

 A saying of the Buddha from http://metta.lk/ 
Having slain mother (craving) and father (conceit) and two warrior kings (views based 
on eternalism and nihilism), and having destroy a country (sense-avenues and 
sense-objects) together with its revenue officer (attachment), ungrieving goes the 
Brahmana (Arahant). 
Random Dhammapada Verse 294 

Re: Sort maildir and send smallest first

2000-08-08 Thread qmail

On Tue, Aug 08, 2000 at 05:05:21PM +, David L. Nicol wrote:
> I recall from an earlier discussion of a similar problem that a
> perceived consensus was reached that a good way to do this kind
> of thing is to patch qmail-remote so that if
> the message is too big to send, it appears as a temporary error
> without even attempting to connect.
> also the definition of "too big to send" is read in from the file
> system in such a way that it can be easily monitored, and easily 
> manipulated by a cron job.  Something like the (non)existence of
> /var/mail/control/okay-to-send-big. 
> After the status changes, an ALRM signal is generated to reprocess
> all backed up mail (most of which is there due to being oversize,
> it is hoped) and that is that.

Thanks. Sounds interesting.

If anyone of you remember what to seach for then I shall search the

Perhaps I could search the body of text for qmail-remote ?


Re: Sort maildir and send smallest first

2000-08-08 Thread qmail

On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 07:02:19AM +0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 08, 2000 at 05:05:21PM +, David L. Nicol wrote:
> > I recall from an earlier discussion of a similar problem that a
> > perceived consensus was reached that a good way to do this kind
> Thanks. Sounds interesting.
> If anyone of you remember what to seach for then I shall search the
> archives. 
> Perhaps I could search the body of text for qmail-remote ?

Sorry for that one.
That was not possible, I got far too many entries.
I should have checked before sending.
Any guess would be useful, 
I have almost all of last years mail on my server.


Re: How to hold queue until later?

2000-08-15 Thread qmail

On Mon, Aug 14, 2000 at 07:23:12PM +1000, Brett Randall wrote:


> We are planning on installing a number of RAS boxes around Sydney that dial
> in from our subsidiaries at preset times and transfer mail that has been
> held in each location (ie sent from the client but held at the server), and
> download mail that's waiting to be transferred to that location.

Have a look at autoturn at the qmail website
we use that and are quite satisfied with that.
Mail is sent and got while phone prices are low.
using cron to send and receive mail.


 A saying of the Buddha from http://metta.lk/ 
This, indeed, is refuge secure. This, indeed, is refuge supreme. By seeking such a 
refuge is one released from all sorrow. 
Random Dhammapada Verse 192 


1999-07-26 Thread qmail

Hi all,

I have installed AutoTURN and serial mail

I have not quite understood the instructions in serial mail
and I see different usages on this list mentioned by Dave and others

Could you kindly indicate where I can get a lwq or HOWTO on serial mail.


serial mail

1999-08-02 Thread qmail

Hi all,

I have a strange problem on my serial mail,
It was working well and now suddenly it gives this error
on my client side (narada.col7.metta.lk)

export PATH
/usr/local/bin/maildirsmtp ~alias/pppdir alias-ppp- dhamma.metta.lk

serialsmtp: fatal: network read error: timed out
serialsmtp: fatal: network read error: timed out
serialsmtp: fatal: network read error: timed out
maildirserial: fatal: making no progress, giving up

in /var/log/messages
Aug  1 21:42:47 narada identd[1872]: Connection from dhamma.metta.lk
Aug  1 21:42:47 narada identd[1872]: from: ( dhamma.metta.lk ) for: 
1057, 25
Aug  1 21:42:47 narada identd[1872]: Returned: 1057 , 25 : NO-USER
Aug  1 21:43:02 narada identd[1873]: Connection from dhamma.metta.lk
Aug  1 21:43:02 narada identd[1873]: from: ( dhamma.metta.lk ) for: 
1058, 25
Aug  1 21:43:02 narada identd[1873]: Returned: 1058 , 25 : NO-USER

Suggestions are very welcome


1999-08-02 Thread qmail

Hi Dave,

My script to activate the sending of mail over the serial link
is like this:

Please let me know if you see any errors.

export PATH

/usr/local/bin/maildirsmtp /var/qmail/alias/pppdir alias-ppp-  \  metta.lk

when I execute the script it gives the below error

[root@narada /]# ./mail-out
/usr/local/bin/maildirsmtp: syntax error near unexpected token 
/usr/local/bin/maildirsmtp: /usr/local/bin/maildirsmtp: line 1: 
`execve("/var/qmail/alias/pppdir", ["/var/qmail/alias/pppdir", "alias-ppp-", 
"metta.lk"], [/* 18 vars */]) = 0'
[root@narada /]#

Any hints where I should look ?
there are no errors in /var/log/messages
nor in /var/log/qmail/

thanking you for your replies.


1999-08-02 Thread qmail

Hi Dave and others,

I must appologize for the below error messages

I had done a real foolish thing and overwritten my maildirsmtp 

It works again.


>My script to activate the sending of mail over the serial link
>is like this:

>Please let me know if you see any errors.
>export PATH
>/usr/local/bin/maildirsmtp /var/qmail/alias/pppdir alias-ppp-  \
>  metta.lk

>when I execute the script it gives the below error

>[root@narada /]# ./mail-out
>/usr/local/bin/maildirsmtp: syntax error near unexpected token 
>/usr/local/bin/maildirsmtp: /usr/local/bin/maildirsmtp:
> line 1: `execve("/var/qmail/alias/pppdir", ["/var/qmail/alias/pppdir",
> "alias-ppp-", "metta.lk"], [/* 18 vars */]) = 0'

Case Sensitive

1999-08-23 Thread qmail

Hi all,

I have qmail working quite satisfactory
with help from lwq and all of you.

I have now made 2 accounts
and have now found that
mail to the account [EMAIL PROTECTED]
goes to the account [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is qmail not case sensitive  ?
or is it linux that is doing this ?


Case Sensitive

1999-08-25 Thread qmail

Subject: RE: Case Sensitive

On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, Daniluk, Cris wrote:

Hi all of you,

Thank you all very much for this discussion
I learned a lot from that.

The buttom line of it all is: I USE QMAIL
and I cannot use capital letters in my local email accounts.
I accept that as the way it all works.

Thanks again for the help.


Subject: RE: Case Sensitive

On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, Daniluk, Cris wrote:

Hi all of you,

Thank you all very much for this discussion
I learned a lot from that.

The buttom line of it all is: I USE QMAIL
and I cannot use capital letters in my local email accounts.
I accept that as the way it all works.

Thanks again for the help.


>>> This is very inaccurate.
>>> I spent the last week reading over the SMTP RFC and
>>> here's a quote from page 3 section 2:
>>> [quote from rfc822]

>>>You are rigtht. I was wrong.
>>>The SMTP is clear on the case sensitivity.

>>>But I hope that people don't draw false conclusions from this.

>>>Neither about me or how the should use the case-freedom
>>>the the SMTP protocol gives them ;-)

Webpage "Send"

1999-09-10 Thread qmail

Hi qmailers

I neet to make a Webpage that can be sent 
by clicking a "Send" buttom.
just like you find in Hotmail.com
and so many other places.

Which program do I call in qmail for this to be done.

Does any of you have a sample page 
that you would like to help me with.

Thanks in advance

Re: Webpage "Send"

1999-09-11 Thread qmail

On Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 02:21:33PM -0400, James Smallacombe wrote:

Hi James,
thank you for your reply,
> > I neet to make a Webpage that can be sent 
> > by clicking a "Send" buttom.
> > just like you find in Hotmail.com
> > and so many other places.
> > Which program do I call in qmail for this to be done.
> the sendmail wrapper.  If you installed qmail correctly per the
> instructions, it should already have the appropriate symlink in place.

I used lwq for my installation.
Sorry for my confusion with words. 
I only have 1 wrapper and that is

Is it the link in /usr/sbin/ you are talking about
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   23 Aug 15 22:11 sendmail ->


footnote inject on server

1999-09-13 Thread qmail

Hi all,

I run a freemail domain in Sri Lanka called "metta.lk"
with a few sub-domains for mail.

We would like to put a notice at the buttom of all mail 
passing our server 

How do I do that in qmail.

Thanks in advance

Re: footnote inject on server

1999-09-14 Thread qmail

On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 01:46:01PM -0400, David Harris wrote:

> > I run a freemail domain in Sri Lanka called "metta.lk"
> > with a few sub-domains for mail.
> > We would like to put a notice at the buttom of all mail
> > passing our server
> > How do I do that in qmail.
> Why would you want qmail to do that? Seems to me that the web-mail program
> should insert the footnote for you. Most free web-mail programs are capable of
> inserting the footnote.

I run it as an ordinary pop server with free dial-in
and not as a web-mail server.

Your help is much appriciated.


Re: maildir structure

1999-09-20 Thread qmail

On Sun, Sep 19, 1999 at 12:56:45AM +0200, LRiva wrote:

Hi Lorenzo,

> I have two rather stupid questions as I'm a newbie with Qmail.
> I've just installed Qmail and set it to use maildir-like mailboxes.

> The question is:
> Mutt ask me to specify a file to use as spool mailbox: how should I set this ?

I also use Maildir and have had to put the following lines in my
/etc/Muttrc file

set folder="~/Maildir"
set mbox="~/Maildir"
set mbox_type="Maildir"
set sendmail="/usr/lib/sendmail" #this should though not be nessary now.
set spoolfile="~/Maildir"

> What are the function of the /tmp and /cur maildir subdirectories ?

Maildir/new/ is where new mail goes into
Maildir/cur/ is where readmail goes into
Maildir/tmp/ is possibly for Mutt's temporary files if any. 

> Excuse me if they're RTFM, but I didn't found the answers in the manuals...

have a try and see if if works.
I did for me.


Re: autoturn

1999-10-05 Thread qmail

Hi all,

I had a small mishap with a hacker 
who played a bit with my mail server. the result was a full reinstall, 
the best I could do to get rid of any programs installed 

In my setup I have 2 machines which use AutoTURN to send mail to my

I have done the setup using Dave's advice and his "lwq"
but this time when I install I must have missed something in the serial
setup as the AutoTURN will not work

Help is much appriciated.

ppp link

when I invoke the ppp connection from the subdomain then mail goes out to
"metta.lk" for delivery.
but the AutoTURN connection is not made 

I see mail in /var/qmail/autoturn/new/

I see a connection made from col7.metta.lk
939108968.281973 tcpserver: pid 19679 from
939108968.821487 tcpserver: ok 19679 metta.lk:
939108971.651536 tcpserver: end 19679 status 0
939108971.651798 tcpserver: status: 1/40
939109599.374155 tcpserver: end 19597 status 0
939109599.374190 tcpserver: status: 0/40

I see the PPP connection is up.

[root@dhamma qmail]# pppstats
3098 26  1 11  0  | 1276 27  2 11  14

when I manually execute the command on in the
after having got the connection from
the subdomain "col7.metta.lk" the I get the error

[root@dhamma autoturn]# /var/local/bin/setlock -nx $TCPREMOTEIP/seriallock
/usr/local/bin/maildirsmtp $TCPREMOTEIP autoturn-$TCPREMOTEIP-
bash: /var/local/bin/setlock: No such file or directory

what is the file missing (setlock is there)

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root10128 Oct  1 23:40 setlock

my /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd-wrapper   looks like this
export PATH
ulimit -d 1024
exec /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd ${1+"$@"}
cd /var/qmail/autoturn
exec /usr/local/bin/setlock -nx $TCPREMOTEIP/seriallock \
/usr/local/bin/maildirsmtp $TCPREMOTEIP autoturn-$TCPREMOTEIP- \

I can ping the local subdomain from main domain

[root@dhamma qmail]# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=240.6 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=220.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=210.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=210.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=210.0 ms

--- ping statistics ---
6 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 16% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 210.0/218.1/240.6 ms

var qmail locals

1998-12-23 Thread qmail

 I saw this somewere in the man pages but for the life of me I can't find
it now. I want to have a machine see *.domain.com as local what is the
syntax??? I tried 


this didn't werk??? and I can't find what I read before:(

Qmail and content filtering?

1999-04-09 Thread Qmail

Hi Folks,

I'm looking for the best place to insert a content filter into the qmail
process for inbound mail. 

I need to filter inbound SMTP for only certain domains by routing them
through an application we wrote. I then need to be able to deliver the
message locally or remotely. 

It looks like in between qmail-queue and qmail-send is the best place.
Lance Ware
949-348-8668 fax 

 Lance Ware (E-mail 2).vcf

Re: Urgent Please

1999-10-25 Thread qmail

On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 09:45:23PM +0500, Ranjan Koirala wrote:


This is likely a DNS Problem.
Goto www.domtools.com/
Look for "dlint" and try dlint from that site. 
See if your domainname resolves correctly from the outside world.
See if it resolves reverse from that site.

Just a guess

> I have just setup qmail for my ISP server, I have got my DNS and MX
> everything setup properly. But most of my clients are getting bounced
> message when they send to other addresses around the world. 
> This is the content of the bounced message,
> Connected to but sender was rejected.
> Remote host said: 501 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Sender domain must exist
> This is just a copy lot of my clients are getting this and out side users
> also can not send the email to our address.
> Pls somebody give us the reason for this.
> Warm Regards,
> Ran

  Though one were to live a hundred years lazy and effortless, the
  life of a single day is better if one makes a real effort. 112

550 cannot route to sender

1999-11-13 Thread qmail

Hi all,

I have set up Qmail on "metta.lk" (
and use autoturn to get my mail to "col7.metta.lk" (
Everything works quite well.

To some domains I get messages like the below returned by Mailer Daemon.

Is this a DNS problem on my machine 
or is it because I am on local IPs

If you have the time please do a "dig" at my server 
to see it I have anything wrong in the DNS.
it works all well from my side, but perhaps not from outside.

A suggestion on how to overcome it would be much appreciated


- failed after I sent the message.
Remote host said: 550 rejected: cannot route to sender

can one route to (col7.metta.lk) as a local IP failed after I sent the message.
Remote host said: 550 rejected: cannot route to sender

Connected to but sender was rejected.
Remote host said: 501 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Sender domain must exist

Re: tcpserver starting problem

1999-11-14 Thread qmail

> > I tried putting this script in  inetd.conf file to start the tcpserver service
> > but I dont seem to be starting the service. I am using Red Hat 6.1
> > 
> > 
> > tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup domainname \
> > /bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &
> > 
> > tcpserver -c 400 -v -u 503 -g 502 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd \
> > 2 >&1 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 &   

Hi John,

"Life with qmail" has a script:


But NOTE: it requires daemontools 0.53 and WON'T WORK with 0.61.

but it works.

  He who by here and now abandoning craving, has gone forth a homeless
  wanderer, the search for pleasure extinguished - that is what I call a
  brahmin. 416

Re: 550 cannot route to sender

1999-11-14 Thread qmail

On Sun, Nov 14, 1999 at 10:01:29PM +0100, Nagy Balazs wrote:


> > I have set up Qmail on "metta.lk" (
> > and use autoturn to get my mail to "col7.metta.lk" (
> > Everything works quite well.
> This is not true.  You assigned a local IP address to your computer.  I can
> advice that use two name service.  One for the intranet (on
> for example), and one for internet.

I have "named" running on metta.lk
and "named" running on col7.metta.lk

>  The only record in the internet DNS
> zone have to be an MX record for your autoturn server.

Could you kindly give an example
> I'm sorry but the question shows you missed the point.

Sorry to be dumb, but I do not quite understand what I have missed,
Kindly explain or direct me to a paper.


> Regards: Kevin (Balazs) @ synergon

Re: 550 cannot route to sender

1999-11-17 Thread qmail

On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 01:54:32PM +0100, Nagy Balazs wrote:


Thank you for having a look at my problem.

> > >  The only record in the internet DNS
> > > zone have to be an MX record for your autoturn server.
> > Could you kindly give an example
> It seems the problem is solved now:
> col7.metta.lk.17h46m59s IN MX  10 metta.lk.
> col7.metta.lk.16h53m38s IN NS  server1.tradenetsl.lk.
> col7.metta.lk.16h53m38s IN NS  dhamma.metta.lk.

I still get messages returned but not the error cannot route to sender 
I think I gave the below error also.
I cannot understand what I should do to correct this.

I thank you for your help

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at metta.lk.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

Connected to but sender was rejected.
Remote host said: 501 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Sender domain must exist

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: (qmail 16316 invoked from network); 17 Nov 1999 01:52:25 -
Received: from col7.metta.lk (HELO metta.lk) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  by dhamma.metta.lk with SMTP; 17 Nov 1999 01:52:25 -
Received: (qmail 5562 invoked by uid 523); 17 Nov 1999 01:14:13 -
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 07:14:13 +0600
To: Rainer Klier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Docu ?
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.4us
In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; from Rainer Klier on Tue, Nov
+1999 at 10:15:45AM +0100

On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 10:15:45AM +0100, Rainer Klier wrote:

Hi there ...


Re: Mail forwarding on qmail

1999-12-07 Thread qmail

On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 06:20:34PM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> 2. I'd like to make a copy all incoming email of a user account to another
> user account. Is it possible to do that at qmail? How it works? I have
> tried to make an entry at .qmail file to forward the mail, but no mail left
> at the original account. How to COPY instead of FORWARD?

this is what my .qmail file looks like


this puts one message in the Maildir and one message to the account

Best Regards,
  All processes are painful. When one sees this with understanding, then
  one is disillusioned with the things of suffering. This is the Path of
  Purification. 278

Re: 550 cannot route to sender

1999-12-11 Thread qmail

On Wed, Nov 17, 1999 at 12:35:42PM +0100, Nagy Balazs wrote:


> col7.metta.lk.  3h21m IN NS server1.tradenetsl.lk.
> col7.metta.lk.  3h21m IN NS dhamma.metta.lk. 
> col7.metta.lk.  3h31m35s IN MX 10 metta.lk. 
> col7.metta.lk.  23h58m23s IN A 
> //  This is a problem.  You have to erase the A record from the outer 
> // metta.lk zone.  That server can store all messages which come to col7 to 
> // a folder (ie. ~alias/, but qmail doesn't have to have that
> // dns entry.

Thank you very much for your answer, and sorry for the long silence.
We have had to change our IP's and that caused a bit of problems.

Without the A record in the zone file
when I do a "nslookup col7.metta.lk" I get host not found
If i put the A record back in the zone file then it is ok

Below is my col7.metta.lk zone file.
Would it be ok to put the ip of metta.lk as an A record 
inplace of the entry.
Please see the sample below.

$ORIGIN col7.metta.lk.
@   IN  SOA narada.col7.metta.lk.
hostmaster.col7.metta.lk. (
1999120601 ; serial
3600 ; refresh
900 ; retry
1209600 ; expire
43200 ; default_ttl
IN  NS  metta.lk.
IN  NS  server1.tradenetsl.lk.
IN  MX  10  metta.lk.
//***IN  A
//***IN  A
narada.col7.metta.lk.   IN  CNAME   col7.metta.lk.

I could also remove the col7.metta.lk zone file 
and make a  CNAME in the  metta.lk zone file.

Which of the 2 ways is the correct way ?

below is the metta.lk zone file with the CNAME entry.

$ORIGIN metta.lk.
@   IN  SOA dhamma.metta.lk. hostmaster.metta.lk. (
1999120601 ; serial
3600 ; refresh
900 ; retry
1209600 ; expire
43200 ; default_ttl
IN  NS  metta.lk.
IN  NS  server1.tradenetsl.lk.
@   IN  MX  10  metta.lk.
www IN  CNAME   metta.lk.
WWW IN  CNAME   metta.lk.
dhamma  IN  CNAME   metta.lk.
//*** col7.metta.lk.  IN  CNAME   metta.lk.

Thank you very much for your assistance

using procmail with qmail+/Maildir+vpopmail

1999-12-12 Thread qmail

hi all!

i've got troubles and a question :)
i can't manage to install procmail. currently i am using qmail-local to
deliver mails. i also use the /Maildir format and vpopmail. i couldn't find
a howto or documentation how to install procmail with
qmail+maildir+vpopmail. hope you can help me!

thx in advance


Re: Help with Lotus Notes

1999-12-17 Thread qmail

On 17 Dec 99, at 13:06, Alexander Jernejcic wrote:

> Hi Ari,
> be carefull with this: make sure, the customer has the pop3 module for 
> his lotus notes server. this is a rather expensive addon!

Since Notes Release 4.5 there will be Servertasks for smtp, pop3, 
imap and ldap. Notes is also able to use a vendor-specific service 
on Port 1352 for replication of Notes-Databases and the delivery of 
mail. If your customer uses this services Notes will do all of the 
dialup stuff (not NT) and the ISP must also host a Notesserver (for 
collecting and sending the mail). So check that your customer has 
configured and started an Notes smtp-mta for generic smtp 
mailservices. A Problem regarding this solution would be that 
Notes will send all outgoing mail directly with queuing it for a later 

It would be a good idea using a small Linux-Box at the customers 
side running qmail (as mail-proxy), and for dail-up/serialmail. 
Perhaps you should also add an HTTP-Proxy as special service for 
new customers ;-> 

- Roland

Re: Help with Lotus Notes

1999-12-17 Thread qmail

On 17 Dec 99, at 16:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> mailservices. A Problem regarding this solution would be that 
> Notes will send all outgoing mail directly with queuing it for a later 
> delivery!

Sorry typo!!! Notes send all mail directly **without** queuing it for 
later delivery.

> It would be a good idea using a small Linux-Box at the customers 
> side running qmail (as mail-proxy), and for dail-up/serialmail. 
> Perhaps you should also add an HTTP-Proxy as special service for 
> new customers ;-> 
> - Roland

Windows Mailing list

1999-12-20 Thread qmail

Hi all,

I am sorry to present a Non qmail on this list.
I need a few Windows Mailing lists.

Purpose: I need to find out where to buy 
some cheap licenses for Windows/Word/Office etc.

Thank you for tolerating this on this list

Random Dhammapada Verse 156 
They who have not led the Holy Life, who in youth had not acquired wealth, he like 
worn out bows, sighing after the past. 

Re: Windows Mailing list

1999-12-21 Thread qmail

On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 08:03:29PM -0600, Troy Frericks wrote:

Hi Troy,

> Totally inappropriate question, you knew it, and still posted?  What a
> waste of band width.  

Please take my apology.
> Did you try yahoo, altavista, hotbot, aj, webcrawler, or a host of other
> web search engines?

I searched on the web for 6 hours and got nothing of any use.
I have had very much help from the Linux platform and perhaps this might
help me also. (sorry for the flames it caused)
> Did you know that microsoft has special licensing which makes these
> products "cheap" to hardware vendors as an incentive to included them with
> the hardware sale?  Buy a new pentinum, and they will "throw in"
> windows/office (includes word).

Yes I am aware of that, and perhaps someone running Linux on a PC might
sell his license to me.
> BTW, why the hurry to run out and buy just licenses?

I am a Buddhist monk, and my daily duty is to encourage persons
not to  "kill"   "steal"   etc.
so how can I run unlicensed software (double morals, isn't it)

I run a number of "free mail servers" in Sri Lanka,
all of them have Linux and qmail,
but we also need Windows as most persons are only used to Windows.

Sri Lanka is not a very rich country and we cannot afford very much,
that is how I am thinking of buying some second hand licensed software.

People are upgrading to other systems.
Many persons on Linux machines would have licenses,
and would perhaps sell them to me.

Perhaps others could put me onto some place where I could get it without
having to pay for New Software.

Please drop me a line if you can help.
All I need is a Original CD and the License documents
No books etc.

Again my apology for this on this list.

Best regards

> #
> At 05:56 PM 12/20/99 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I am sorry to present a Non qmail on this list.
> >I need a few Windows Mailing lists.
> >
> >Purpose: I need to find out where to buy 
> >some cheap licenses for Windows/Word/Office etc.
> >
> >Thank you for tolerating this on this list
> >Jacob
Random Dhammapada Verse 173 
Whosoever, by a good deed, covers the evil done, such a one illuminates this world 
like the moon freed from clouds. 

footnote inject on server

2000-01-03 Thread qmail

Dear "David Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sorry for the rather late reply to your help on my mail footer.
I run Redhat 6.0 and am using Dave's LWQ for my setup.

I did the patch to qmail as per your email but I get no footer on the
mail. Your advice on where to look for errors is much appriciated.

I put the perl script in this file:
ulimit -d 1024
exec /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd ${1+"$@"}

Is that the right place for it 
or should it be in the Dave's startup script.

echo -n " qmail-smtpd"
supervise /var/supervise/qmail/smtpd tcpserver -v -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb \
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd-wrapper 2>&1 | setuser qmaill accustamp | \
setuser qmaill cyclog /var/log/qmail/smtpd &

echo "."

below is the footer-add.pl
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  164 Jan  3 22:02 footer-add.pl
use strict;
if ( $ENV{'TCPLOCALIP'} eq "" ) {
$ENV{'FOOTER'} = "\n--\n col7.metta.lk \n";
exec @ARGV;
die "exec failed"

When I execute the perl script by hand I get this error
[root@narada bin]# ./footer-add.pl
exec failed at ./footer-add.pl line 7.
and this is what comes in my qmail messages
946921518.144139 tcpserver: status: 1/40
946921518.144721 tcpserver: pid 1245 from
946921519.073927 tcpserver: ok 1245 narada.col7.metta.lk:
946921519.131552 exec failed at /var/qmail/bin/footer-add.pl line 7.
946921522.264221 tcpserver: end 1245 status 0
946921522.264426 tcpserver: status: 0/40

Best regards

Mail to all users

2000-01-06 Thread qmail

Hi all,

I have several accounts on my server,
and would like to have an easy way of sending news to all users.
A note on how to do that would be appreciated

best regards

 A saying of the Buddha from http://metta.lk/ 
Empty this boat, O Bhikkhu! Emptied by you it will move swiftly. Cutting off lust and 
hatred, to Nibbana you will thereby go. 
Random Dhammapada Verse 369 

need help with open-smtp4

2000-01-06 Thread qmail

hi all!
can someone please explain how to install the open-smtp4.tar.gz from russ

thx in advance

greets, michael

Re: Mail to all users

2000-01-07 Thread qmail

On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 10:10:31AM -0500, Russell Nelson wrote:


I user ~/Maildir/ 
and qmail-pop3d

man qmail-pop3d did not give me the details of how to send mail to all
users. Is there a small description somewhere else.

>>>qmail-pop3d is based on a program contributed by Russ Nelson.

Thanks Russell,

>  > If you use qmail-pop3d, I think there's a patch on www.qmail.org to
>  > give that functionality.
> No, not just a patch, it's a completely separate program.  It uses
> the Bernstein Chaining(tm) of qmail-pop3d.
> -- 
> -russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://russnelson.com
> Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | "Ask not what your country
> 521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | can force other people to
> Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | do for you..."  -Perry M.

 A saying of the Buddha from http://metta.lk/ 
By self do you censure yourself. By self do you examine yourself. Self-guarded and 
mindful, O Bhikkhu, you will live happily. 
Random Dhammapada Verse 379 

Logging information about each email.

2000-02-01 Thread Qmail

Hi Folks,

I'm wondering the best place/way to log details about each email to a
database of some sort.
Specifically I need to log, from address, to address, and email size.

Any hints on where to start?



Linux Patch for fsync of metdata

2000-02-02 Thread Qmail

Hi Folks,

I'm curious if I need this patch on RH 6.1 or higher? 



Usage "accounting" with Qmail in Real Time?

2000-02-03 Thread Qmail

Hi Folks,

I'm trying to put together a solution for a custom application for a

Essentially for each email sent I want to generate a confirming email
to the sender and to a third party with date, time, and file size. I
this to occur immediately and automatically. 

Any thoughts on this? Or where it should be integrated and the easies


need help with POP3...

2000-04-30 Thread qmail

I just installed qmail for the first time and I am having problems
finalizing the installation.
I checked the FAQs and they helped me solve some of the issues, but there
is still one that is bugging me and I bet you it's a stupid one...

I am trying to use Maildir for mail delivery. 
I created one test user with the /Maildir/ architecture and he receives
mail allright. if I do a "ls -FR" I see the following:
[jcrespo@mail jcrespo]$ ls -FR Maildir/
cur/  new/  tmp/


957123822.1010.mail.stgo.cl  957124467.1133.mail.stgo.cl


so the mails do arrive... But I can't seem to pick them up!!
Both pine and "mail" work with a single file.. as does POP3
So when ever i check the mailbox remotely via port 110 it tells me that
the mailbox is empty.
 The MAIL env. variable is MAIL=/home/jcrespo/Maildir

I thought I had it configured at one point.. before I killed sendmail for
good, that Maildir was actually a file, not a directory.
Also.. Since I have to execute makemaildir for each new user.. is there a
way that I can "tie" that command with uesradd? i am using redhat 6.1.


Got local mail working.. not remote.

2000-04-30 Thread qmail

I am using qmail with Mailbox instead of Maildir.
Sending and chekcing mail locally using elm, mail, pine etc works great.
But when I connect via ipop3d it always tells me that I have no mail.
It is reading from /var/spool/mail as oposed /home/user/Mailbox.

So I was going to install qmail-pop but reading the manuals it seems as if
that is ONLY for Maildir scenarios.

what did I miss. i know it's something stupid cuz I think I had it working
a few hours ago.


send mail to remote hosts...

2000-04-30 Thread qmail

I have come down to my last obstacle.
Sending mail remotely.
The machine name where I isntalled qmail is mail.stgo.cl, stgo.cl resolved
to another IP. 
When  I try to send an email to a remote host I get the following:
/home/miturbe:> telnet 0 25
Connected to 0.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mail.stgo.cl ESMTP
250 ok
553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)
221 mail.stgo.cl
Connection closed by foreign host.

In control/defaultdomain I have "stgo.cl"
In control/locals I have stgo.cl and mail.stgo.cl
In control/me I have stgo.cl and mail.stgo.cl
both control/plusdomain and rcpthosts are empty...
I tried to place stgo.cl and mail.stgo.cl in both files but it did not
work either.

I would like to configure it so that it will accept mail from anyone
whos "mail from:" is mail.santiago.cl or santiago.cl, regardless where
they are in the world.

Thanks again...

qmail slowing down after a while (was: NFS slowness with MAILDIR)

2000-05-17 Thread qmail

any results on the below questions from the qmail list? I feel like I'm
experiencing the very same behaviour in my test environment. But IMHO
not necessarilly related to NFS or Solaris (same with linux). Both POP3
and SMTP seem to be affected.


   From: Curtis Generous 
   Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 20:12:46 -0500 (EST)
We have several sparcs (solaris 2.6) sharing user's maildirs via NFS on
a Netapp 760 filer.  We have noticed that when we first boot the
machines, we get great performance.

After the first 24 hours though, the same # of users cause the load on
these machines to slow down substantially.

By the 2nd day, these machines feel like molasses, and the only way to
fix this is a reboot.  The bottleneck appears to be NFS related.
We run NFS vers 2/UDP between the SPARCS and the NetApp.

Has anyone seen this kind of behavior before while running qmail?
[It doesn't seem to be related to qmail at all as far as we can tell]



SOLVED: qmail slowing down after a while

2000-05-19 Thread qmail

power saving...

sorry for the disturbance...


On Fri, 19 May 2000 03:11:43 +0200, qmail wrote:

> Claudio,
> sorry, detailed information will take some more time (we are trying to
> track down things as exact as possible).
> For now:
> - patch is qmail-ldap-1.03-2401.patch
> - no imap around
> - my mistake: pop3 is NOT affected, Curtis was right
> - we're producing high load on smtp using "postal"
> - BTW: symptoms appeared on systems with daemontools-0.53,
>   just upgraded these, no results yet...
> 'll be back...
> so long, TIA
> /Ekki
> ------
> On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 04:39:22PM +0200, qmail wrote:
> > Hi,
> > any results on the below questions from the qmail list? I feel like
> I'm
> > experiencing the very same behaviour in my test environment. But IMHO
> > not necessarilly related to NFS or Solaris (same with linux). Both
> POP3
> > and SMTP seem to be affected.
> >
> Which patch do you use?
> And could you locate the possible bottleneck?
> Have a look at ps, top, netstat and perhaps lsof.
> I can not test this. I'm sorry.
> There could be a problem with the imap connections. A lot of tcp
> sessions
> to the imap server in the TIME_WAIT or simmilar state.
> We know about this problem and try to fix that (with cldap perhaps)

Re: A good book for qmail

2000-05-30 Thread qmail

On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 11:57:31AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have been on this list for about a year,
and it has made a very good book on Qmail by now.


> Can anyone recommend a good all round book for qmail?

qmail footer

2000-06-21 Thread qmail

Hi all,

I run a local free pop server 
and would like to insert a footer on the mail.

I have followed Dave's LWQ to the letter in my setup 
and qmail works fine for about a year.

I tried to use the patch for inserting a footer in qmail
written by David Harris.

I have compiled qmail with the patch and it works OK, 
but the perl script is not quite understood by me and gives errors.

>use strict;
>if ( $ENV{'TCPLOCALIP'} eq "x.x.x.x" ) {
>$ENV{'FOOTER'} = "\n--\n http://metta.lk \n";
>exec @ARGV;
>die "exec failed"

the command:
exec @ARGV; 
does not execute,

Is "@ARGV;" some shortened form 
that I should have known before I started all this ?
Kindly give me a helping hand.

>Toss the above little program in a file named something like
>and then add it just before "qmail-smtpd" in your tcpserver or inetd.conf
> - David Harris

I am running Hedhat 6.0 and perl is installed and working.


Virus Filtering "in front" of mail server

2000-12-06 Thread Qmail

Hi Folks,

I'd dearly love to add Virus and additional spam filtering to our mail

Our problem is, many moons ago we hacked vmailmgr to allow our customers web
based control of email for their domains, etc.

So we now have multiple servers running Qmail 1.01, hacked vmailmgr, pop
before SMTP, and our admin web interface.

We would really like to scrap and start over, but migration for 150+
domains/users would be quite painful.

Hence I'm trying to work up a system to put "in front" of our existing mail
servers that will do virus filtering, and perhaps more spam filtering than
just what's available from the RBL. 

The two main issues I see are:

Synchronizing the domains to accept/forward mail for.
Authentication IPs/users who are allowed to relay.

It seems like rsync, plus perhaps some scripts could accomplish this, but I
wanted to throw my problem out there and see if others have had similar


a problem about hostname/virtual domain

2000-12-12 Thread qmail

Hi all,

I have installed qmail, sqwebmail, vpopmail, vqsignup.
My machine name is "mail.metta.lk"

The installation has been done on a Redhat 7.0 
and sqwebmail is in the dir /home/vpopmail/
I have generated the domain name  "metta.lk" in the dir below using the
given program.


I can login to the webserver, 
create accounts on the server, 
and send mail from the server.

But the server does not deliver mail to the virtual domain "metta.lk"
The MX has been set correctly in the dns and mail is going to
mail.metta.lk but returned. see message below.

I have a feeling that the conflict is because the domain name "metta.lk" 
and the virtual domain name "metta.lk" is the same,
and I have not told qmail correctly that it should
deliver incoming mail addressed to "metta.lk"  to a virtual domain,
it instead tries to deliver that mail to itself.

The contents of /var/qmail/control is as follows:
-rw-r--r--1 root root   11 Nov 28 11:45 defaultdelivery
-rw-r--r--1 root root9 Nov 28 11:34 defaultdomain
-rw-r--r--1 root root   34 Dec 12 14:05 locals
-rw---1 root root0 Dec  8 18:33 locals.lock
-rw-r--r--1 root root   14 Nov 28 11:34 me
-rw-r--r--1 root root9 Nov 28 11:34 plusdomain
-rw-r--r--1 root root   49 Dec 12 14:07 rcpthosts
-rw---1 root root0 Dec  8 18:33 rcpthosts.lock
-rw-r--r--1 root root   18 Dec  8 18:33 virtualdomains
-rw---1 root root0 Dec  8 18:33 virtualdomains.lock

I suspect the virtualdomains incorrect.
below is the returned message.

Your advice is much appriciated
Sri Lanka.

Date: 12 Dec 2000 08:14:59 -
Subject: failure notice

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at mail.metta.lk.
I tried to deliver a bounce message to this address, but the bounce

Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

--- Below this line is the original bounce.

Return-Path: <>
Received: (qmail 886 invoked for bounce); 12 Dec 2000 08:14:59 -
Date: 12 Dec 2000 08:14:59 -
Subject: failure notice

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at mail.metta.lk.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: (qmail 879 invoked by uid 508); 12 Dec 2000 08:14:58 -
From: "metta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: test after putting metta.lk in locals
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 08:14:58 GMT
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Test after putting metta.lk in

Get a free webmail account from http://metta.lk
If one holds oneself dear, one should protect oneself well. During every
one of the three watches the wise man should keep vigil. Random Dhammapada
Verse 157


Re: a problem about hostname/virtual domain

2000-12-12 Thread qmail

On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 11:24:55AM -0600, Charles Cazabon wrote:

> > I have installed qmail, sqwebmail, vpopmail, vqsignup.
> > My machine name is "mail.metta.lk"
> [...] 
> > I have generated the domain name  "metta.lk" in the dir below using the
> > given program.
> > /home/vpopmail/domains/metta.lk/
> Hmm, vpopmail.  It handles virtualdomains a little differently from stock
> qmail, IIRC.  I'm not a vpopmail user, so I can't help you there.
> > But the server does not deliver mail to the virtual domain "metta.lk"
> > The MX has been set correctly in the dns and mail is going to
> > mail.metta.lk but returned. see message below.
> > 
> > I have a feeling that the conflict is because the domain name "metta.lk" 
> > and the virtual domain name "metta.lk" is the same,
> > and I have not told qmail correctly that it should
> > deliver incoming mail addressed to "metta.lk"  to a virtual domain,
> > it instead tries to deliver that mail to itself.
> > 
> > The contents of /var/qmail/control is as follows:
> Post the contents of the files
> /var/qmail/control/{locals,virtualdomains,rcpthosts} .
> You probably have "metta.lk" in locals, while it should be only in
> rcpthosts and virtualdomains.  locals should probably only contain
> 'localhost' and 'mail.metta.lk'.

I have tried several ways
I also just tried the setup suggested by you
but mail is still not going to domain.
below are the files /var/qmail/control/

-rw-r--r--1 root root9 Nov 28 11:34 defaultdomain
-rw-r--r--1 root root   34 Dec 12 14:05 locals
-rw-r--r--1 root root   49 Dec 12 14:07 rcpthosts
-rw-r--r--1 root root   18 Dec  8 18:33 virtualdomains

Thanks for the help.
with best regards
Sri Lanka.

Re: a problem about hostname/virtual domain

2000-12-14 Thread qmail

On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 01:52:14PM -0500, Tim Hunter wrote:

> First Excuse my Outlook 2000, corp standard.
> The only files you need to be concerned with for virtual hosts using
> vpopmail:
> /var/qmail/control/rcthosts
> metta.lk
> /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains
> metta.lk:metta.lk
> /var/qmail/users/assign
> +metta.lk-:metta.lk:512:5002:/home/vpopmail/domains/metta.lk:-::
> /home/vpopmail/domains/metta.lk/vpasswd
> relevant password entries
> All of these changes would have been made if you added the domain with
> ~vpopmail/bin/vadddomain metta.lk
> I would suggest deleting the domain ~vpopmail/bin/vdeldomain metta.lk
> and readding it, something is severely screwed up.

Thanks for the replies.
You are quite right.
I re-installed from the OS onwards and it works now.
Thanks for the clear notes from everyone.

Sri Lanka. 

.qmail files with vpopmail/sqwebmail

2000-12-16 Thread qmail

Hi all

I have installed 
qmail / vpopmail / vqsignup / sqwebmail

I have and account in the dir 


I want to keep a copy in the Maildir of "name-of-account" 
and want to forward a copy of the mail to another account

In qmail I would generate a file 

# copy of mail in Maildir
# copy of mail to Mr abc

but this does not seem to work that way with vpopmail

Help is much appriciated

best regards
Sri Lanka.

Re: Virtual Domain Tools

2001-01-02 Thread qmail

On Sat, Feb 07, 2037 at 04:58:02AM -0500, Aaron Carr wrote:

> Does anyone know anywhere to find or happen to have any RPMs for the Inter7
> programs QmailAdmin, and vpopmail?  I have an RH 7 server, and the Inter7
> programs don't seem to want to install in their current format.  I keep
> getting the error no acceptable cc found in $PATH

Something must be wrong in your settings,
I have installed vpopmail and it went fine on my RH 7.0


Re: footer patch??

2001-01-09 Thread qmail

On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 11:00:08AM +0100, Johan Almqvist wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 03:34:17PM -0600, David L. Nicol wrote:
> > if you don't mind jamming it on at end of MIME,you could open up qmail-remote
> > and stick it within blast(), like this:
> > char *Footer =  "\r\nAlmqvist Industries makes no claims of\r\n"
> > "the accurracy of any claims made by any of\r\n"
> > "our employees.\r\n"; /* new */
> That would stick it in all mail that goes off the system. That may or may
> not be wanted. QMAILQUEUE patch would let you control that from tcprules.
> (Use one queueing program for mail that needs the footer and the original
> qmail-queue for the rest).

One would also want to scan the file and see if it is in html format or txt format
as the footer at the end of an html format would not make much sence.

One would have to write a small program that will scan the file, 
identify what format the mail is in, 
then add the message that is appropriate for the format.

I would much appriciate to know if anyone has done that 

Sri Lanka.

Re: unsubscribe rkirby@mylineup.com

2001-01-23 Thread qmail

I would think someone skilled enough to run a SMTP server would know how
to unsubscribe from a mailing list.

With ezmlm-style lists, you send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In this case, that would be [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Sam

> unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Needing to inject ALOT of queued Email back into system.

2001-01-24 Thread qmail

Did the spammer run a Rumpelstilksken on your system (for a in `cat
/usr/dict/words` ; do cat spam | mail $[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; done), or did the
spammer attempt to use you as a relay?  Or do you have so many users that
when someone sends mail to all of them at once, it kills your servers?

I am surprised that you can not put the mess directory back in at
/var/qmail/queue/mess, then restart qmail.  This should restore things
back to a chugging normal pace.

> Anyway, I really hope there'll be some way to save some of the Email (try to
> pull the To: info out? )

Ugh, if you have completely lost the envelope information, then you will
have to use '/var/qmail/bin/sendmail -t' on each and every one of the
messages, where the To/Cc is to an address in your rcpthosts.  Do this
wrong, and a lot of duplicate mail will go out to mailing lists and what

> Greg

- Sam

Re: linking /usr/sbin/sendmail to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail ?

2001-01-24 Thread qmail

> I read in a howto that you should link the old sendmail scripts in
> /usr/sbin/sendmail to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail, but i havent got any sendmail
> scripts under /var/qmail/bin/... Is this right?

Actually, you should have /usr/sbin/sendmail (and, while you are at it
/usr/lib/sendmail) both be links to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail.  This way,
legacy apps and scripts which pipe to sendmail will still work.

> I cant get qmail to listen to port 25, even if qmail is running.. Port 110
> is listening but it closed connection after about 5 secs.

Qmail needs another tool, such as inetd (ugh) or tcpserver (ucspi-tcp) to
listen on port 25.

> Is /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject the script that takes over sendmails old
> jobs?

Sorta.  qmail-inject is called by /var/qmail/bin/sendmail as a local
program you pipe outgoing mail to.

Sendmail is one big app that can, depending on its mood:

* Listen on port 25

* Update the alaias database

* Pipe local mail to remote machines

* etc.

Qmail, on the other hand, is a series of small apps, which makes it a lot
leaner, faster, and more secure than sendmail.  Very useful if you get the
kind of mail traffic, say, egroups gets.

- Sam

The joy of Qmail

2001-01-25 Thread qmail

As a personal note, I apologize for my last posting chewing out someone
for sending an unsubscribe request to the list.  It was a personal email
which I inadvertently posted to the list.

For anyone wondering how to get off this list, just send a friendly email
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Or send a rude note about how
terrible Qmail is.  Doesn't matter what you say, as long as you say it to

>>Well my answer to this is "don't use qmail"<<

This note from Patrick intrigued me.  It intrigued me because I remember
myself being so frustrated with Qmail, I cursed and said "The only reason
I am using Qmail is because it is too hard to switch over to something
else."  There were times when I wanted to scream in frustration.

One exmaple:  What happens to qmail-smtpd if qmail-queue does not have the
correct suid permissions?  The helpful error message 'unable to open qq'
comes up.  I finally resolved this by reading the source code of qmail,
which, to address another of Patrick's concerns, was fairly easy to read.

After using Qmail for four years, I have gotten to the point that I know
the big gotchas.  (The other big gotcha is that qmail binaries have the
uids of the qmail users hard coded in them.)

I hope Patrick finds what he is looking for.  He mentioned Postfix--maybe
this will meet his needs better.  I know that Qmail, whicle being very
powerful, is not the easiest MTA to get used to.  My main qualm with
Postfix is that it is not flexible enough to work with the program I wrote
and have up at http://kiwispam.sourceforge.net.  Postfix only has a single
"umbrella" or "default" address per virtualdomain, and does not have "plus

- Sam

Re: Subtle qmail bug? (was Re: Handling an MX record of or127.0.0.1)

2001-01-26 Thread qmail

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Markus Stumpf wrote:

> If AOL or hotmail would decide to change their MX records to your mailserver
> this will for sure also cause you problems.

Actually, Qmail works fine as an incoming MX for Hotmail.com.
mail.hotmail.com, one of Hotmail's incoming mx machines, runs Qmail. [1]

While not quite on the same scale as hotmail/AOL, egroups.com is not
exactly a low-traffice mail server.  egroups has a single incoming mail
exchanger, which runs Qmail.

This is one of the reasons I like Qmail--it can scale up to just about any
level of mail traffic out there.

- Sam

[1] Qmail's fingerprint is that it accepts the
MAIL FROM: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in the SMTP session being shortened

Re: Things I have noted

2001-01-26 Thread qmail

On 26 Jan 2001, James R Grinter wrote:

> On the subject of notifications, it's becoming more of a problem
> because of "similar" domains - you should have typed
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and instead type "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". The
> latter doesn't even accept mail deliveries, so it hangs around in the
> queue for too long.

I have had emails that took literally a month to get delivered.  It was
nice that Qmail kept the message in the queue that long, since the message
would have not been delivered to him if I was using a MTA that gives up
after five days.

The problem with "there is a delay in delivering the message"-type mails
is that the average user never takes the time to read those messages, and
thinks that they mean that the mail has bounced.

- Sam

Re: stupid question of the year award!

2001-01-26 Thread qmail

On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Virginia Chism wrote:

> >  "Life with qmail"
> I have seen this mentioned several, times lately.  Where can I find this
> document?


And, oh, while I am here, I would like to inform everyone that, to
unsubscribe from the list, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've mentioned this before, and I will mention this again.

- Sam

Re: qmailconfig

2001-01-26 Thread qmail

> Hi,
> Where is the tcpserver config ?
> Can you help me tou configure this ?
> Thanks

Look at the documentation for tcpserver, which is part of the ucspi-tcp
package.  http://cr.yp.to has a link to the ucspi-tcp documentation.

- Sam

Hotmail and Qmail (was Re: Subtle qmail bug?)

2001-01-27 Thread qmail

On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, Peter van Dijk wrote:

> The mail.hotmail.com that I just telnetted to on port 25 did not
> except this shortened version. It was also completely unsimilar to
> qmail-smtpd.

Hummumph.  Thanks for pointing that out.

I think we have caught hotmail.com in the act of changing over from QMail
to some other email system.  mail.hotmail.com was running Qmail just
yesterday, though all of the other machines were running whatever it is
they are running now.

I know that Hotmail, according to qmail.org, until recently, used Qmail
for the outgoing mail.

I will make some wild speculations as to why it is Hotmail switched over.
My speculations:

* This new mail system may have a lot of spam-protection built in.  AOL,
  seems to be using the same email system.

* Microsoft, for marketing reasons, obviously does not want it to be known
  that they use a Unix+Qmail system.

- Sam (Who is both amused and mildly disturbed that walmart.com uses
   Apache but pretends to use IIS)

Re: quotas

2001-01-27 Thread qmail

> I have add a 'vmailmgrquotas' file in /var/qmail/control/
> What have I to do to made qmail read this file ?
> whitch daemon must be restarted ?

qmail-send needs to be restarted.  e.g.

kill -HUP 186


    kill 186 ; /var/qmail/rc &

- Sam

>   186 ?S  0:00 qmail-send

footer in email

2001-03-05 Thread qmail

Hi all,

I have tried to implement adding a footer to my outgoing email messages
the messages are standard text files with lines over 100 letters

When trying to send the mail out using serialsmtp I get the following

serialsmtp: fatal: SMTP cannot transfer messages with partial final lines
serialsmtp: fatal: SMTP cannot transfer messages with partial final lines
serialsmtp: fatal: SMTP cannot transfer messages with partial final lines
maildirserial: fatal: making no progress, giving up

What is ment by partial final lines ?

Is there a max length of a line in the email format 
that I have to use for the footer.

I notice that the lines in html files are broken with =(eol)
and then going on to the next line.

Please point me to some info on this.

with best regards
Sri Lanka.

easiest way to queue and de-queue mail for exchange.

2001-03-30 Thread Qmail

Any suggestions are appreciated.

We are looking for some way to help out a few dozen exchange customers while
northpoint is down.



footer in email

2001-04-01 Thread qmail

Hi all,

We have managed to implement adding a footer to our outgoing email
messages and would like to put up the program source somewhere for qmail.

The program is written in Pascal,
and is written for /Maildir/ and we implement it with auto-turn.
It scans the email and 
1  Identify the text component and put a message at the end of the text part 
2  Identify the html component and put a message at the end of the html part

The footer is in 2 separate text files which can be easily customized 
We have made cron change the random messages

We can put up a web-page with the source code in it and a small how-to
implement it. Please let me know what to do.

with best regards
Sri Lanka.

A saying of the Buddha from http://metta.lk/ 
He who has laid aside the cudgel in his dealings with beings, whether feeble or strong 
who neither harms nor kills, - him I call a Brahmana. 
Random Dhammapada Verse 405  

Strange return of mail

2001-04-08 Thread qmail

Hi all,

I Run RH6.2 and Qmail1.03 with Autoturn.

I have a user that get his mail returned when sending mail to this address.

To: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Uta=2C_Alfred_Leimb=F6ck?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The mail is returned with the below message,

> > This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
> > Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

but a copy of the mail sent is actually also going out the the user,
or at lest I can see it on my machine waiting to go out.

How to explain that ?

with best regards
Sri Lanka.


From: "Bhikkhu Mettavihari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: failure notice
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 21:48:52 +0530
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.3825.400
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.3825.400

- Original Message -
From: "Island Hermitage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mettavihari Bhikkhu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 9:40 PM
Subject: Fw: failure notice

> Here is your demonic monster:
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 9:01 PM
> Subject: failure notice
> > Hi. This is the qmail-send program at narada.col7.metta.lk.
> > I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
> addresses.
> > This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
> >
> > Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)
> >
> > --- Below this line is a copy of the message.
> >
> > Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Received: (qmail 3156 invoked from network); 8 Apr 2001 15:31:01 -
> > Received: from unknown (HELO ih) (
> >   by narada.col7.metta.lk with SMTP; 8 Apr 2001 15:31:01 -
> > Message-ID: <012701c0c045$43043700$030a@ih>
> > From: "Island Hermitage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Uta=2C_Alfred_Leimb=F6ck?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: IH-Besuch
> > Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 21:31:04 +0530
> > MIME-Version: 1.0
> > Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

A saying of the Buddha from http://metta.lk/ 
Long is the night to the wakeful; long is the league to the weary; long is the samsara 
to the foolish who know not the Sublime Truth. 
Random Dhammapada Verse 60  
> > boundary="=_NextPart_000_0117_01C0C073.372F6980"
> > X-Priority: 3
> > X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> > X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.3825.400
> > X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.3825.400
> >
> > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> >
> > --=_NextPart_000_0117_01C0C073.372F6980
> > Content-Type: text/plain;
> > charset="iso-8859-1"
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> >
> > Liebe Leute!=20
> >
> > (Damit es =FCbersichtlicher ist: blau von mir)=20
> >
> > Das ist aber ein sch=F6ner eMail-Name: Erdmotte. Klingt sehr lieb. Woher
> > haben Sie den?=20
> >
> > Danke f=FCr die Message vom April 08, 2001=20
> >
> > Subject: Mini- Discs=20
> >
> > k=F6nnen Sie sich noch an uns erinnern?=20
> >
> > ja - ich kann mich erinnern. Es war ein erfreulicher Besuch.=20
> >
> > eine Bekannte von uns=20
> >
> >   in Sri Lanka. Helga Kanders wird bei Ihnen anrufen und einen =
> > Ort=20
> >
> >   vereinbaren,=20
> >
> > wenn Helga Kanders Interesse hat, dann kann sie auch die IH besuchen. =
> > Das sollte sich schon arrangieren lassen.=20
> >
> > Vorschlag: ...Haus bei der Bootsanlegestelle.=20
> >
> > ginge nat=FCrlich auch, aber besser ist sicher ein Besuch. Aber das kann
> > ich dann evt. am Telefon vorschlagen.=20
> >
> > Telefonate sind am Besten ca. 21 Uhr.=20
> >
> > Ungeeignete Zeit f=FCr Telefon und Abholung: 10.30 h bis 13 h. Sonst =
> > geht es eigentlich fast "immer". Auch haben wir den Telefon-Rekorder, =
> > der manchmal funktioniert.=20
> >
> > Eventuell kommt auch=20
> >
> > Walter Oppelt vorbei, er ist f=FCr 2 Wochen in Sri Lanka.=20
> >
> > auch er ist herzlich willkommen. Vielleicht kann er zugleich mit Fr. =
> > He

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