Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-26 Thread Steve Reed

Hi all, 

I'm attempting to set up qmail on Mandrake 8.0. I do create 
the /var/qmail directory, but when qmail compiles nothing goes 
into this directory. Of course then when you run ./config it 
barfs because it can't find certain things in /var/qmail. Yes, 
I'm logged on as root. 

Also, when running the IDS script, I can't see that any 
directories were created in the /var directory either. 

I've reloaded Mandrake 3 times from scratch and it's still doing 
the same thing. Also tried gcc instead of cc and it makes no 

What am I doing wrong? 

BTW, the /var directory resides on a separate physical drive in 
the machine - a Linux RAID 1 (mirror), to be precise, so there 
are two drives in fact. The /var directory shows up nicely and 
is perfectly accessible. I can't imagine this would be creating 
the problem. 

Many thanks, 


Re: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-26 Thread Daniel Kelley

> I'm attempting to set up qmail on Mandrake 8.0. I do create 
> the /var/qmail directory, but when qmail compiles nothing goes 
> into this directory. Of course then when you run ./config it 
> barfs because it can't find certain things in /var/qmail. Yes, 
> I'm logged on as root. 

config does not fail because of anything in /var/qmail;  it fails if it
can't find your server's name in DNS.  Use config-fast instead.

> Also, when running the IDS script, I can't see that any 
> directories were created in the /var directory either. 

1. IDS is not a script that's included with qmail.
2. if you did create a IDS script off of INSTALL.ids (a la LWQ), it
doesn't create any directories anywhere.  It adds user accounts and groups
to your system.

> I've reloaded Mandrake 3 times from scratch and it's still doing 
> the same thing. Also tried gcc instead of cc and it makes no 
> difference. 

none of these things have anything to do with installing qmail.

> What am I doing wrong? 

you need to read and understand the various INSTALL. files included with
your qmail distribution.

> BTW, the /var directory resides on a separate physical drive in 
> the machine - a Linux RAID 1 (mirror), to be precise, so there 
> are two drives in fact. The /var directory shows up nicely and 
> is perfectly accessible. I can't imagine this would be creating 
> the problem. 

It's not.  You need to better understand the qmail install process. start
by reading the documentation included with qmail, then visit


Re: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-26 Thread Steve Reed

I'm sitting on a T-1 and the DNS is not a problem.  After 
compiling, when ./config runs, every time it tries to do 
something it says "no such file or directory".  Following your 
suggestion, I tried config-fast and had the same results.

I've got Life with Qmail printed out in its entirety and have 
been following the installation instructions step by step.  I 
also have the Blum book "Running Qmail" and have also tried his 
step-by-step instructions.

I do get a compile, but after the compile there is NOTHING in 
the /var/qmail directory.  After running config or config-fast 
there is still nothing in the /var/qmail directory.

I realize I must be doing something fundamentally wrong here, 
and I promise you I would not be bothering this mailing list had 
I not first spent hours in front of the server, read through the 
install instructions in complete details, and reloaded the 
server several times.

So, I'm stumped.  Why is config (or config-fast) unhappy?


> > I'm attempting to set up qmail on Mandrake 8.0. I do create 
> > the /var/qmail directory, but when qmail compiles nothing 
> > into this directory. Of course then when you run ./config it 
> > barfs because it can't find certain things in /var/qmail. 
> > I'm logged on as root. 
> config does not fail because of anything in /var/qmail;  it 
fails if it
> can't find your server's name in DNS.  Use config-fast instead.
> > Also, when running the IDS script, I can't see that any 
> > directories were created in the /var directory either. 
> 1. IDS is not a script that's included with qmail.
> 2. if you did create a IDS script off of INSTALL.ids (a la 
LWQ), it
> doesn't create any directories anywhere.  It adds user 
accounts and groups
> to your system.
> > I've reloaded Mandrake 3 times from scratch and it's still 
> > the same thing. Also tried gcc instead of cc and it makes no 
> > difference. 
> none of these things have anything to do with installing qmail.
> > What am I doing wrong? 
> you need to read and understand the various INSTALL. files 
included with
> your qmail distribution.
> > BTW, the /var directory resides on a separate physical drive 
> > the machine - a Linux RAID 1 (mirror), to be precise, so 
> > are two drives in fact. The /var directory shows up nicely 
> > is perfectly accessible. I can't imagine this would be 
> > the problem. 
> It's not.  You need to better understand the qmail install 
process. start
> by reading the documentation included with qmail, then visit
> Dan

Re: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-26 Thread Adrian Ho

On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 01:30:30PM +1200, Steve Reed wrote:
> I'm attempting to set up qmail on Mandrake 8.0. I do create 
> the /var/qmail directory, but when qmail compiles nothing goes 
> into this directory.

Did you 'make setup check'?

Or did you change conf-qmail to some directory other than /var/qmail?

- Adrian

Re: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread Adrian Ho

On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 02:43:15PM +1200, Steve Reed wrote:
> So, I'm stumped.  Why is config (or config-fast) unhappy?

Because it's expecting dirs and stuff in /var/qmail that aren't there.

Run "strings - install | grep /" and look for a fully-qualified path
(ie. starting with a slash) that doesn't look system-related.  In your
case, since you didn't change conf-qmail, you should see /var/qmail.
If you see something else instead, that's where all your qmail stuff got
installed -- all you gotta do is figure out why it went there.  8-)

- Adrian

Re: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Reed

Well I think I may have located the source of the trouble but 
it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail and the Running 
qmail book want the /var/qmail directory created while logged in 
as root. That gives ownership to the user root in the group 
root. Then, the qmail-specific groups and users are added. The 
problem is that when I run linuxconf and look at the created 
users, I receive a warning that the home directory of /var/qmail 
has an invalid owner and group. Could this be the cause of my 
problems? I'm not exactly a newbie to file and directory 
permissions, but in reading all the qmail documentation I can 
lay my hands on I see nothing that indicates I need to change 
the ownership and group of /var/qmail from root/root. 
Nevertheless, linuxconf is whining and my compile goes nowhere, 
and this all smells like a permissions issue. 

I'm running Mandrake 8. 

Thanks for your patient help. 


> On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 02:43:15PM +1200, Steve Reed wrote:
> > So, I'm stumped.  Why is config (or config-fast) unhappy?
> Because it's expecting dirs and stuff in /var/qmail that 
aren't there.
> Run "strings - install | grep /" and look for a fully-
qualified path
> (ie. starting with a slash) that doesn't look system-related.  
In your
> case, since you didn't change conf-qmail, you should 
see /var/qmail.
> If you see something else instead, that's where all your qmail 
stuff got
> installed -- all you gotta do is figure out why it went 
there.  8-)
> - Adrian

Re: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Reed

Excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall.  OK, there 
now that that's over withhas anyone else had trouble 
installing qmail on Mandrake 8?  

I'm following the instructions to the letter and the darn thing 
won't install.  I'd much rather find the reason for it and fix 
it than install an older version of the operating system, which 
can present other issues.  


> I am also new at this and the first thing I had to do
> was stop using linuxconf. Linuxconf seems to have a
> mind of its own and it will regularly change ownership
> based on its own set of rules. BTW, I don't know
> exactly why. The second thing I did was rebuild my
> machine with Mandrake 7.2 (from 8.0)
> I had all kinds of trouble with mandrake 8 in all
> different apps. 
> So far with mandrake 7.2 back online all my installs
> have been clean. 
> I use the command line mostly and webmin to look at
> users and groups...
> Tina
> --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well I think I may have located the source of the
> > trouble but 
> > it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail and
> > the Running 
> > qmail book want the /var/qmail directory created
> > while logged in 
> > as root. That gives ownership to the user root in
> > the group 
> > root. Then, the qmail-specific groups and users are
> > added. The 
> > problem is that when I run linuxconf and look at the
> > created 
> > users, I receive a warning that the home directory
> > of /var/qmail 
> > has an invalid owner and group. Could this be the
> > cause of my 
> > problems? I'm not exactly a newbie to file and
> > directory 
> > permissions, but in reading all the qmail
> > documentation I can 
> > lay my hands on I see nothing that indicates I need
> > to change 
> > the ownership and group of /var/qmail from
> > root/root. 
> > Nevertheless, linuxconf is whining and my compile
> > goes nowhere, 
> > and this all smells like a permissions issue. 
> > 
> > I'm running Mandrake 8. 
> > 
> > Thanks for your patient help. 
> > 
> > Steve. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 02:43:15PM +1200, Steve
> > Reed wrote:
> > > > So, I'm stumped.  Why is config (or config-fast)
> > unhappy?
> > > 
> > > Because it's expecting dirs and stuff in
> > /var/qmail that 
> > aren't there.
> > > 
> > > Run "strings - install | grep /" and look for a
> > fully-
> > qualified path
> > > (ie. starting with a slash) that doesn't look
> > system-related.  
> > In your
> > > case, since you didn't change conf-qmail, you
> > should 
> > see /var/qmail.
> > > If you see something else instead, that's where
> > all your qmail 
> > stuff got
> > > installed -- all you gotta do is figure out why it
> > went 
> > there.  8-)
> > > 
> > > - Adrian
> > > 
> > 
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

Re: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread pop corn

I have the same question about ownership/permissions for all of /var/qmail 
directories and files. I made some changes manually, but am very 
uncomfortable with my current settings.

When I first got into qmail, I thought that making the custom qmail accounts 
were part of making it bulletproof, but there doesn't seem to be much 
requirement to keep things from being owned by root.

$ cd /var/qmail
$ ls -las
total 68
   4 drwxr-xr-x   12 aliasnofiles  4096
   4 drwxr-xr-x   18 root root 4096
   4 -rw-r--r--1 qmails   qmail  24 .bash_logout
   4 -rw-r--r--1 qmails   qmail 230 .bash_profile
   4 -rw-r--r--1 qmails   qmail 124 .bashrc
   4 drwxr-sr-x2 aliasnofiles  4096 alias
   4 drwxr-xr-x2 root qmail4096 bin
   4 drwxr-xr-x2 root qmail4096 boot
   4 drwxr-xr-x2 root qmail4096 control
   4 drwxr-xr-x2 root qmail4096 doc
   4 drwxr-xr-x6 root root 4096 log
   4 drwxr-xr-x   10 root qmail4096 man
   4 drwxr-x---   11 qmailq   qmail4096 queue
   4 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  212 rc
   4 drwxr-xr-x6 root root 4096 supervise
   4 drwxr-xr-x2 root qmail4096 users
$ ls -las supervise
total 24
   4 drwxr-xr-x6 root root 4096
   4 drwxr-xr-x   12 aliasnofiles  4096
   4 drwxr-xr-t4 root root 4096 courier-imap
   4 drwxr-xr-t4 root root 4096 qmail-pop3d
   4 drwxr-xr-t4 root root 4096 qmail-send
   4 drwxr-xr-t4 root root 4096 qmail-smtpd

$ $ ls -las /service
total 8
   4 drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096
   4 drwxr-xr-x   18 root root 4096
   0 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   34 courier-imap -> 
   0 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   33 qmail-pop3d -> 
   0 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   32 qmail-send -> 
   0 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   33 qmail-smtpd -> 

>From: Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Yvette 'Tina' Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Problem with VAR directory during install
>Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 19:37:05 -0400
>Excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall.  OK, there
>now that that's over withhas anyone else had trouble
>installing qmail on Mandrake 8?
>I'm following the instructions to the letter and the darn thing
>won't install.  I'd much rather find the reason for it and fix
>it than install an older version of the operating system, which
>can present other issues.
> > I am also new at this and the first thing I had to do
> > was stop using linuxconf. Linuxconf seems to have a
> > mind of its own and it will regularly change ownership
> > based on its own set of rules. BTW, I don't know
> > exactly why. The second thing I did was rebuild my
> > machine with Mandrake 7.2 (from 8.0)
> >
> > I had all kinds of trouble with mandrake 8 in all
> > different apps.
> >
> > So far with mandrake 7.2 back online all my installs
> > have been clean.
> >
> > I use the command line mostly and webmin to look at
> > users and groups...
> >
> > Tina
> >
> >
> > --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Well I think I may have located the source of the
> > > trouble but
> > > it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail and
> > > the Running
> > > qmail book want the /var/qmail directory created
> > > while logged in
> > > as root. That gives ownership to the user root in
> > > the group
> > > root. Then, the qmail-specific groups and users are
> > > added. The
> > > problem is that when I run linuxconf and look at the
> > > created
> > > users, I receive a warning that the home directory
> > > of /var/qmail
> > > has an invalid owner and group. Could this be the
> > > cause of my
> > > problems? I'm not exactly a newbie to file and
> > > directory
> > > permissions, but in reading all the qmail
> > > documentation I can
> > > lay my hands on I see nothing that indicates I need
> > > to change
> > > the ownership and group of /var/qmail from
> > > root/root.
> > > Nevertheless, linuxconf is whining and my compile
> > > goes nowhere,
> > > and this all smells like a permissions issue.
> > >
> > > I'm running Mandrake 8.
> > >
> > > Thanks

Re: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread Charles Cazabon

Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well I think I may have located the source of the trouble but 
> it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail and the Running 
> qmail book want the /var/qmail directory created while logged in 
> as root.

Yes.  It should also be mode 755.

> That gives ownership to the user root in the group root. Then, the
> qmail-specific groups and users are added. The problem is that when I run
> linuxconf and look at the created users, I receive a warning that the home
> directory of /var/qmail has an invalid owner and group.

That can't be quite the right error message; perhaps more along the lines of
"these users (qmailq, qmails, etc) don't own their home directories (which are
all set to /var/qmail)"?

> Could this be the cause of my problems?

No.  It's a bogus error/warning -- there's nothing wrong with configuring the
qmail users this way.

> I'm not exactly a newbie to file and directory permissions, but in reading
> all the qmail documentation I can lay my hands on I see nothing that
> indicates I need to change the ownership and group of /var/qmail from
> root/root. 

You don't.

> Nevertheless, linuxconf is whining and my compile goes nowhere, and this all
> smells like a permissions issue. 

I don't use linuxconf -- it simply makes too many mistakes like this, and then
tries to "correct" the problems behind your back.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Re: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread Steve Reed

Thanks.  In the meantime, I'm almost finished downloading the 
very latest ISOs for Mandrake 8 (dated 6-19).  I'll reload the 
box and try again.

> I have that on my workstation.. Give me a few as I don't have 
any mailer
> installed on it at all right now.. I'll copy the setup files 
over to it and
> give it a try and let ya know.
> I just built that workstation tuesday and have not had time to 
do anything
> on it so it is as basic and completely void as you can get I 
dare say.
> --JT
> - Original Message -
> From: "Steve Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "System Administrator" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Steve Reed"
> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 2:46 PM
> Subject: Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install
> > I'm running Mandrake 8.0.
> >
> > > I'm Running Linux Mandrake 7.2 and actually have 6 seperate
> > qmail installs
> > > running on that machine and have been running on it for 
over a
> > year. The OS
> > > actually started out as Mandrake 7.0 then upgraded to 7.1 
> > then 7.2 and
> > > have not had any problems. Now I thought maybe it was the
> > latest Mandrake
> > > you might be having problems with so I edited my files and
> > installed a 7th
> > > qmail service on my machine and it compiled just fine.
> > Then I deleted it
> > > and did it again.. Still compiled just fine.. I have no 
> > what is going
> > > on with your system but it is not an OS level issue unless
> > there is
> > > something physically wrong with your OS installation
> > itself I sugest
> > > doing a recopilation of the OS and try qmail again..
> > >
> > > Side note I use the gz download of qmail not the RPM so if
> > your using the
> > > RPM package ignore this message then ;)
> > >
> > > cheers
> > >
> > > --JT
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "Steve Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: "Charles Cazabon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> > > Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 1:47 PM
> > > Subject: Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during 
> > >
> > >
> > > > The compile runs, but when it's all over with there is
> > nothing
> > > > in the /var/qmail directory to work with.
> > > >
> > > > -Steve
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > I've checked everything except the phase of the moon 
> > my
> > > > white blood cell
> > > > > > count.  I've probably memorized the docs by now.  
> > will
> > > > simply NOT
> > > > > > compile correctly on the latest Mandrake.
> > > > >
> > > > > You said earlier that the problem was "nothing ends up
> > > > in /var/qmail/".
> > > > > Now you say it doesn't compile.  Which is true?  If it
> > doesn't
> > > > compile, you
> > > > > should expect anything to end up in /var/qmail/, 
> > > > that's the "setup"
> > > > > (install) step, which comes after compiling is 
> > > > >
> > > > > If you want further help, please run the following 
> > > > Make sure
> > > > > qmail-1.03.tar.gz is in /usr/local/src/ first.  Adjust 
> > > > path to bash as
> > > > > necessary.  This will do a vanilla compile & install of
> > > > unpatched qmail 1.03.
> > > > >
> > > > > #!/bin/bash
> > > > > (
> > > > >   mv /var/qmail /var/qmail.old
> > > > >   rm -rf /usr/local/src/qmail-1.03
> > > > >   cd /usr/local/src
> > > > >   gunzip -c qmail-1.03.tar.gz | tar -xf - qmail-
> > > > >   cd qmail-1.03
> > > > >   make setup check
> > > > > ) >/tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt 2>&1
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Then post /tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt on the web 
> > and
> > > > send a URL to
> > > > > this list.  We need to see all of the output of the 
> > > > process, I think, to
> > > > > find what your problem is.
> > > > >
> > > > > Charles
> > > > > --
> > > > > ---

> > 
> > > > 
> > > > > Charles Cazabon
> > > > > GPL'ed software available at:
> > > >
> > > > > ---

> > 
> > > > 
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Re: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread pop corn

1) So, no one knows of any definitive ownership rules for all of qmail?
2) Why is it ok for /var/qmail to be owned by root:root?

>From: "pop corn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Problem with VAR directory during install
>Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 00:20:25 -
>I have the same question about ownership/permissions for all of /var/qmail
>directories and files. I made some changes manually, but am very
>uncomfortable with my current settings.
>When I first got into qmail, I thought that making the custom qmail 
>were part of making it bulletproof, but there doesn't seem to be much
>requirement to keep things from being owned by root.
>$ cd /var/qmail
>$ ls -las
>total 68
>   4 drwxr-xr-x   12 aliasnofiles  4096
>   4 drwxr-xr-x   18 root root 4096
>   4 -rw-r--r--1 qmails   qmail  24 .bash_logout
>   4 -rw-r--r--1 qmails   qmail 230 .bash_profile
>   4 -rw-r--r--1 qmails   qmail 124 .bashrc
>   4 drwxr-sr-x2 aliasnofiles  4096 alias
>   4 drwxr-xr-x2 root qmail4096 bin
>   4 drwxr-xr-x2 root qmail4096 boot
>   4 drwxr-xr-x2 root qmail4096 control
>   4 drwxr-xr-x2 root qmail4096 doc
>   4 drwxr-xr-x6 root root 4096 log
>   4 drwxr-xr-x   10 root qmail4096 man
>   4 drwxr-x---   11 qmailq   qmail4096 queue
>   4 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  212 rc
>   4 drwxr-xr-x6 root root 4096 supervise
>   4 drwxr-xr-x2 root qmail4096 users
>$ ls -las supervise
>total 24
>   4 drwxr-xr-x6 root root 4096
>   4 drwxr-xr-x   12 aliasnofiles  4096
>   4 drwxr-xr-t4 root root 4096 courier-imap
>   4 drwxr-xr-t4 root root 4096 qmail-pop3d
>   4 drwxr-xr-t4 root root 4096 qmail-send
>   4 drwxr-xr-t4 root root 4096 qmail-smtpd
>$ $ ls -las /service
>total 8
>   4 drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096
>   4 drwxr-xr-x   18 root root 4096
>   0 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   34 courier-imap ->
>   0 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   33 qmail-pop3d ->
>   0 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   32 qmail-send ->
>   0 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   33 qmail-smtpd ->
>>From: Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: Yvette 'Tina' Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Problem with VAR directory during install
>>Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 19:37:05 -0400
>>Excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall.  OK, there
>>now that that's over withhas anyone else had trouble
>>installing qmail on Mandrake 8?
>>I'm following the instructions to the letter and the darn thing
>>won't install.  I'd much rather find the reason for it and fix
>>it than install an older version of the operating system, which
>>can present other issues.
>> > I am also new at this and the first thing I had to do
>> > was stop using linuxconf. Linuxconf seems to have a
>> > mind of its own and it will regularly change ownership
>> > based on its own set of rules. BTW, I don't know
>> > exactly why. The second thing I did was rebuild my
>> > machine with Mandrake 7.2 (from 8.0)
>> >
>> > I had all kinds of trouble with mandrake 8 in all
>> > different apps.
>> >
>> > So far with mandrake 7.2 back online all my installs
>> > have been clean.
>> >
>> > I use the command line mostly and webmin to look at
>> > users and groups...
>> >
>> > Tina
>> >
>> >
>> > --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > Well I think I may have located the source of the
>> > > trouble but
>> > > it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail and
>> > > the Running
>> > > qmail book want the /var/qmail directory created
>> > > while logged in
>> > > as root. That gives ownership to the user root in
>> > > the group
>> > > root. Then, the qmail-specific groups and users are
>> > > added. The
>> > > problem is that when I run linuxconf and look at the
>> > > created
>> > > users, I receive a warning that the home directory

Re: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Reed


I installed Mandrake using the 2 CDs, the latest distro 
(downloaded the ISOs and burned the CDs).  It seemed to install 
perfectly fine.

I want to use qmail because it seems to have the best 
reputation.  Mandrake comes with Postfix, which I chose to not 
install.  From what I've read online, Postfix isn't exactly a 
top choice.


> Did you use one CD for the mandrake 8 install or the two CD?  
Mandrake 8 really
> went out the door with issues.
> I would use RH7.1 or Mandrake 7.1 I have installed qmail fine 
on both.  Mandrake
> 8 has some bad code in the CD -- also, Mandrake can be made 
secure as a server,
> but it installs a lot of client-side crap.
> sorry if that doesn't help,
> davidu
> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 4:37 PM
> To: Yvette 'Tina' Martinez
> Subject: Re: Problem with VAR directory during install
> Excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall.  OK, there
> now that that's over withhas anyone else had trouble
> installing qmail on Mandrake 8?
> I'm following the instructions to the letter and the darn thing
> won't install.  I'd much rather find the reason for it and fix
> it than install an older version of the operating system, which
> can present other issues.
> -Steve
> > I am also new at this and the first thing I had to do
> > was stop using linuxconf. Linuxconf seems to have a
> > mind of its own and it will regularly change ownership
> > based on its own set of rules. BTW, I don't know
> > exactly why. The second thing I did was rebuild my
> > machine with Mandrake 7.2 (from 8.0)
> >
> > I had all kinds of trouble with mandrake 8 in all
> > different apps.
> >
> > So far with mandrake 7.2 back online all my installs
> > have been clean.
> >
> > I use the command line mostly and webmin to look at
> > users and groups...
> >
> > Tina
> >
> >
> > --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Well I think I may have located the source of the
> > > trouble but
> > > it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail and
> > > the Running
> > > qmail book want the /var/qmail directory created
> > > while logged in
> > > as root. That gives ownership to the user root in
> > > the group
> > > root. Then, the qmail-specific groups and users are
> > > added. The
> > > problem is that when I run linuxconf and look at the
> > > created
> > > users, I receive a warning that the home directory
> > > of /var/qmail
> > > has an invalid owner and group. Could this be the
> > > cause of my
> > > problems? I'm not exactly a newbie to file and
> > > directory
> > > permissions, but in reading all the qmail
> > > documentation I can
> > > lay my hands on I see nothing that indicates I need
> > > to change
> > > the ownership and group of /var/qmail from
> > > root/root.
> > > Nevertheless, linuxconf is whining and my compile
> > > goes nowhere,
> > > and this all smells like a permissions issue.
> > >
> > > I'm running Mandrake 8.
> > >
> > > Thanks for your patient help.
> > >
> > > Steve.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > > On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 02:43:15PM +1200, Steve
> > > Reed wrote:
> > > > > So, I'm stumped.  Why is config (or config-fast)
> > > unhappy?
> > > >
> > > > Because it's expecting dirs and stuff in
> > > /var/qmail that
> > > aren't there.
> > > >
> > > > Run "strings - install | grep /" and look for a
> > > fully-
> > > qualified path
> > > > (ie. starting with a slash) that doesn't look
> > > system-related.
> > > In your
> > > > case, since you didn't change conf-qmail, you
> > > should
> > > see /var/qmail.
> > > > If you see something else instead, that's where
> > > all your qmail
> > > stuff got
> > > > installed -- all you gotta do is figure out why it
> > > went
> > > there.  8-)
> > > >
> > > > - Adrian
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail
> >
> >

RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread Tim Hunter

Just for the sake of argument I have a Mandrake 8 machine that runs qmail
fine with the directions from LWQ
I also have a Mandrake Cooker machine (pre8.1) that I installed qmail fine.

Nothing wierd, just word for word from LWQ.
Still I prefer debian but this was for a friend who likes the "ease" of
Mandrake, and true enough its pretty simple.

-Original Message-
From: Steve Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 8:24 PM
To: David U.
Subject: Re: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install


I installed Mandrake using the 2 CDs, the latest distro
(downloaded the ISOs and burned the CDs).  It seemed to install
perfectly fine.

I want to use qmail because it seems to have the best
reputation.  Mandrake comes with Postfix, which I chose to not
install.  From what I've read online, Postfix isn't exactly a
top choice.


> Did you use one CD for the mandrake 8 install or the two CD?
Mandrake 8 really
> went out the door with issues.
> I would use RH7.1 or Mandrake 7.1 I have installed qmail fine
on both.  Mandrake
> 8 has some bad code in the CD -- also, Mandrake can be made
secure as a server,
> but it installs a lot of client-side crap.
> sorry if that doesn't help,
> davidu
> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 4:37 PM
> To: Yvette 'Tina' Martinez
> Subject: Re: Problem with VAR directory during install
> Excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall.  OK, there
> now that that's over withhas anyone else had trouble
> installing qmail on Mandrake 8?
> I'm following the instructions to the letter and the darn thing
> won't install.  I'd much rather find the reason for it and fix
> it than install an older version of the operating system, which
> can present other issues.
> -Steve
> > I am also new at this and the first thing I had to do
> > was stop using linuxconf. Linuxconf seems to have a
> > mind of its own and it will regularly change ownership
> > based on its own set of rules. BTW, I don't know
> > exactly why. The second thing I did was rebuild my
> > machine with Mandrake 7.2 (from 8.0)
> >
> > I had all kinds of trouble with mandrake 8 in all
> > different apps.
> >
> > So far with mandrake 7.2 back online all my installs
> > have been clean.
> >
> > I use the command line mostly and webmin to look at
> > users and groups...
> >
> > Tina
> >
> >
> > --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Well I think I may have located the source of the
> > > trouble but
> > > it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail and
> > > the Running
> > > qmail book want the /var/qmail directory created
> > > while logged in
> > > as root. That gives ownership to the user root in
> > > the group
> > > root. Then, the qmail-specific groups and users are
> > > added. The
> > > problem is that when I run linuxconf and look at the
> > > created
> > > users, I receive a warning that the home directory
> > > of /var/qmail
> > > has an invalid owner and group. Could this be the
> > > cause of my
> > > problems? I'm not exactly a newbie to file and
> > > directory
> > > permissions, but in reading all the qmail
> > > documentation I can
> > > lay my hands on I see nothing that indicates I need
> > > to change
> > > the ownership and group of /var/qmail from
> > > root/root.
> > > Nevertheless, linuxconf is whining and my compile
> > > goes nowhere,
> > > and this all smells like a permissions issue.
> > >
> > > I'm running Mandrake 8.
> > >
> > > Thanks for your patient help.
> > >
> > > Steve.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > > On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 02:43:15PM +1200, Steve
> > > Reed wrote:
> > > > > So, I'm stumped.  Why is config (or config-fast)
> > > unhappy?
> > > >
> > > > Because it's expecting dirs and stuff in
> > > /var/qmail that
> > > aren't there.
> > > >
> > > > Run "strings - install | grep /" and look for a
> > > fully-
> > > qualified path
> > > > (ie. starting with a slash) that doesn't look
> > > system-related.
> > > In your
> > > > case, since you didn't change conf-qmail, you
> > > should
> > > see /var/qmail.
> > > > If you see something else instead, that's where
> > > all your qmail
> > > stuff got
> > > > installed -- all you gotta do is figure out why it
> > > went
> > > there.  8-)
> > > >
> > > > - Adrian
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail
> >
> >

Re: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Reed

Well I guess that kind of puts the nail in the coffin.  Mandrake 
is supposed to be a top-notch distro - too bad they barfed all 
over version 8.  I'll go snag the 7.2 ISOs and start all over 

Good thing, this mailing list!


> I downloaded the ISO's and burned CDS for 7.2.  I
> purchased the cd for 8.0 and installed from it. 
> I chose qmail because of its reputation as well as the
> availability of add-ons. For example there is a good
> free webmail program I got from inter7 which supports
> virtual hosts and webmin has a module to support
> remote admin. 
> I couldn't install my firewall under 8 and ximian
> gnome upgrade install was also not supported
> I couldn't get daemontools to compile without errors
> either. 
> I gave up spending so much time trying to figure out
> what was wrong and went back to 7.2
> T.
> --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I installed Mandrake using the 2 CDs, the latest
> > distro 
> > (downloaded the ISOs and burned the CDs).  It seemed
> > to install 
> > perfectly fine.
> > 
> > I want to use qmail because it seems to have the
> > best 
> > reputation.  Mandrake comes with Postfix, which I
> > chose to not 
> > install.  From what I've read online, Postfix isn't
> > exactly a 
> > top choice.
> > 
> > Steve
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > Did you use one CD for the mandrake 8 install or
> > the two CD?  
> > Mandrake 8 really
> > > went out the door with issues.
> > > 
> > > I would use RH7.1 or Mandrake 7.1 I have installed
> > qmail fine 
> > on both.  Mandrake
> > > 8 has some bad code in the CD -- also, Mandrake
> > can be made 
> > secure as a server,
> > > but it installs a lot of client-side crap.
> > > 
> > > sorry if that doesn't help,
> > > davidu
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Steve Reed
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 4:37 PM
> > > To: Yvette 'Tina' Martinez
> > > Subject: Re: Problem with VAR directory during
> > install
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Excuse me while I go bang my head against the
> > wall.  OK, there
> > > now that that's over withhas anyone else had
> > trouble
> > > installing qmail on Mandrake 8?
> > > 
> > > I'm following the instructions to the letter and
> > the darn thing
> > > won't install.  I'd much rather find the reason
> > for it and fix
> > > it than install an older version of the operating
> > system, which
> > > can present other issues.
> > > 
> > > -Steve
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > I am also new at this and the first thing I had
> > to do
> > > > was stop using linuxconf. Linuxconf seems to
> > have a
> > > > mind of its own and it will regularly change
> > ownership
> > > > based on its own set of rules. BTW, I don't know
> > > > exactly why. The second thing I did was rebuild
> > my
> > > > machine with Mandrake 7.2 (from 8.0)
> > > >
> > > > I had all kinds of trouble with mandrake 8 in
> > all
> > > > different apps.
> > > >
> > > > So far with mandrake 7.2 back online all my
> > installs
> > > > have been clean.
> > > >
> > > > I use the command line mostly and webmin to look
> > at
> > > > users and groups...
> > > >
> > > > Tina
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > > > Well I think I may have located the source of
> > the
> > > > > trouble but
> > > > > it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail
> > and
> > > > > the Running
> > > > > qmail book want the /var/qmail directory
> > created
> > > > > while logged in
> > > > > as root. That gives ownership to the user root
> > in
> > > > > the group
> > > > > root. Then, the qmail-specific groups and
> > users are
> > > > > added. The
> > > > > problem is that when I run linuxconf and look
> > at the
> > > > > created
> > > > > users, I receive a warning that the h

Re: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Reed

Well I guess that kind of puts the nail in the coffin.  Mandrake 
is supposed to be a top-notch distro - too bad they barfed all 
over version 8.  I'll go snag the 7.2 ISOs and start all over 

Good thing, this mailing list!


> I downloaded the ISO's and burned CDS for 7.2.  I
> purchased the cd for 8.0 and installed from it. 
> I chose qmail because of its reputation as well as the
> availability of add-ons. For example there is a good
> free webmail program I got from inter7 which supports
> virtual hosts and webmin has a module to support
> remote admin. 
> I couldn't install my firewall under 8 and ximian
> gnome upgrade install was also not supported
> I couldn't get daemontools to compile without errors
> either. 
> I gave up spending so much time trying to figure out
> what was wrong and went back to 7.2
> T.
> --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I installed Mandrake using the 2 CDs, the latest
> > distro 
> > (downloaded the ISOs and burned the CDs).  It seemed
> > to install 
> > perfectly fine.
> > 
> > I want to use qmail because it seems to have the
> > best 
> > reputation.  Mandrake comes with Postfix, which I
> > chose to not 
> > install.  From what I've read online, Postfix isn't
> > exactly a 
> > top choice.
> > 
> > Steve
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > Did you use one CD for the mandrake 8 install or
> > the two CD?  
> > Mandrake 8 really
> > > went out the door with issues.
> > > 
> > > I would use RH7.1 or Mandrake 7.1 I have installed
> > qmail fine 
> > on both.  Mandrake
> > > 8 has some bad code in the CD -- also, Mandrake
> > can be made 
> > secure as a server,
> > > but it installs a lot of client-side crap.
> > > 
> > > sorry if that doesn't help,
> > > davidu
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Steve Reed
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 4:37 PM
> > > To: Yvette 'Tina' Martinez
> > > Subject: Re: Problem with VAR directory during
> > install
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Excuse me while I go bang my head against the
> > wall.  OK, there
> > > now that that's over withhas anyone else had
> > trouble
> > > installing qmail on Mandrake 8?
> > > 
> > > I'm following the instructions to the letter and
> > the darn thing
> > > won't install.  I'd much rather find the reason
> > for it and fix
> > > it than install an older version of the operating
> > system, which
> > > can present other issues.
> > > 
> > > -Steve
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > I am also new at this and the first thing I had
> > to do
> > > > was stop using linuxconf. Linuxconf seems to
> > have a
> > > > mind of its own and it will regularly change
> > ownership
> > > > based on its own set of rules. BTW, I don't know
> > > > exactly why. The second thing I did was rebuild
> > my
> > > > machine with Mandrake 7.2 (from 8.0)
> > > >
> > > > I had all kinds of trouble with mandrake 8 in
> > all
> > > > different apps.
> > > >
> > > > So far with mandrake 7.2 back online all my
> > installs
> > > > have been clean.
> > > >
> > > > I use the command line mostly and webmin to look
> > at
> > > > users and groups...
> > > >
> > > > Tina
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > > > Well I think I may have located the source of
> > the
> > > > > trouble but
> > > > > it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail
> > and
> > > > > the Running
> > > > > qmail book want the /var/qmail directory
> > created
> > > > > while logged in
> > > > > as root. That gives ownership to the user root
> > in
> > > > > the group
> > > > > root. Then, the qmail-specific groups and
> > users are
> > > > > added. The
> > > > > problem is that when I run linuxconf and look
> > at the
> > > > > created
> > > > > users, I receive a warning that the h

Re: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Reed

Well I guess that kind of puts the nail in the coffin.  Mandrake 
is supposed to be a top-notch distro - too bad they barfed all 
over version 8.  I'll go snag the 7.2 ISOs and start all over 

Good thing, this mailing list!


> I downloaded the ISO's and burned CDS for 7.2.  I
> purchased the cd for 8.0 and installed from it. 
> I chose qmail because of its reputation as well as the
> availability of add-ons. For example there is a good
> free webmail program I got from inter7 which supports
> virtual hosts and webmin has a module to support
> remote admin. 
> I couldn't install my firewall under 8 and ximian
> gnome upgrade install was also not supported
> I couldn't get daemontools to compile without errors
> either. 
> I gave up spending so much time trying to figure out
> what was wrong and went back to 7.2
> T.
> --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I installed Mandrake using the 2 CDs, the latest
> > distro 
> > (downloaded the ISOs and burned the CDs).  It seemed
> > to install 
> > perfectly fine.
> > 
> > I want to use qmail because it seems to have the
> > best 
> > reputation.  Mandrake comes with Postfix, which I
> > chose to not 
> > install.  From what I've read online, Postfix isn't
> > exactly a 
> > top choice.
> > 
> > Steve
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > Did you use one CD for the mandrake 8 install or
> > the two CD?  
> > Mandrake 8 really
> > > went out the door with issues.
> > > 
> > > I would use RH7.1 or Mandrake 7.1 I have installed
> > qmail fine 
> > on both.  Mandrake
> > > 8 has some bad code in the CD -- also, Mandrake
> > can be made 
> > secure as a server,
> > > but it installs a lot of client-side crap.
> > > 
> > > sorry if that doesn't help,
> > > davidu
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Steve Reed
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 4:37 PM
> > > To: Yvette 'Tina' Martinez
> > > Subject: Re: Problem with VAR directory during
> > install
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Excuse me while I go bang my head against the
> > wall.  OK, there
> > > now that that's over withhas anyone else had
> > trouble
> > > installing qmail on Mandrake 8?
> > > 
> > > I'm following the instructions to the letter and
> > the darn thing
> > > won't install.  I'd much rather find the reason
> > for it and fix
> > > it than install an older version of the operating
> > system, which
> > > can present other issues.
> > > 
> > > -Steve
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > I am also new at this and the first thing I had
> > to do
> > > > was stop using linuxconf. Linuxconf seems to
> > have a
> > > > mind of its own and it will regularly change
> > ownership
> > > > based on its own set of rules. BTW, I don't know
> > > > exactly why. The second thing I did was rebuild
> > my
> > > > machine with Mandrake 7.2 (from 8.0)
> > > >
> > > > I had all kinds of trouble with mandrake 8 in
> > all
> > > > different apps.
> > > >
> > > > So far with mandrake 7.2 back online all my
> > installs
> > > > have been clean.
> > > >
> > > > I use the command line mostly and webmin to look
> > at
> > > > users and groups...
> > > >
> > > > Tina
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > > > Well I think I may have located the source of
> > the
> > > > > trouble but
> > > > > it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail
> > and
> > > > > the Running
> > > > > qmail book want the /var/qmail directory
> > created
> > > > > while logged in
> > > > > as root. That gives ownership to the user root
> > in
> > > > > the group
> > > > > root. Then, the qmail-specific groups and
> > users are
> > > > > added. The
> > > > > problem is that when I run linuxconf and look
> > at the
> > > > > created
> > > > > users, I receive a warning that the h

Re: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread Adam McKenna

On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 01:03:37PM +1200, Steve Reed wrote:
> Well I guess that kind of puts the nail in the coffin.  Mandrake 
> is supposed to be a top-notch distro

Er, since when?


Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Reed

Hmmm...I wonder why my Mandrake 8 install won't cooperate.  I've 
reloaded the OS a half dozen times, each time more careful than 
the previous, and to make a long story short when you do the 
make absolutely nothing goes into the /var/qmail directory.  The 
install basically goes nowhere.  I also noticed that this 
directory has owner as root and group as root, which is the way 
it should be if you follow the instructions to the letter, but 
linuxconf whines that the qmail special users don't have access 
to the /var/qmail directory because they are in different groups.

One thing:  the /var directory is actually two 17GB SCSI drives 
running in Linux Raid 1 (mirroring).  Do you think it's possible 
the mirroring is screwing things up?


> Just for the sake of argument I have a Mandrake 8 machine that 
runs qmail
> fine with the directions from LWQ
> I also have a Mandrake Cooker machine (pre8.1) that I 
installed qmail fine.
> Nothing wierd, just word for word from LWQ.
> Still I prefer debian but this was for a friend who likes 
the "ease" of
> Mandrake, and true enough its pretty simple.
> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 8:24 PM
> To: David U.
> Subject: Re: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install
> Hi,
> I installed Mandrake using the 2 CDs, the latest distro
> (downloaded the ISOs and burned the CDs).  It seemed to install
> perfectly fine.
> I want to use qmail because it seems to have the best
> reputation.  Mandrake comes with Postfix, which I chose to not
> install.  From what I've read online, Postfix isn't exactly a
> top choice.
> Steve
> > Did you use one CD for the mandrake 8 install or the two CD?
> Mandrake 8 really
> > went out the door with issues.
> >
> > I would use RH7.1 or Mandrake 7.1 I have installed qmail fine
> on both.  Mandrake
> > 8 has some bad code in the CD -- also, Mandrake can be made
> secure as a server,
> > but it installs a lot of client-side crap.
> >
> > sorry if that doesn't help,
> > davidu
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Steve Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 4:37 PM
> > To: Yvette 'Tina' Martinez
> > Subject: Re: Problem with VAR directory during install
> >
> >
> > Excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall.  OK, 
> > now that that's over withhas anyone else had trouble
> > installing qmail on Mandrake 8?
> >
> > I'm following the instructions to the letter and the darn 
> > won't install.  I'd much rather find the reason for it and 
> > it than install an older version of the operating system, 
> > can present other issues.
> >
> > -Steve
> >
> >
> > > I am also new at this and the first thing I had to do
> > > was stop using linuxconf. Linuxconf seems to have a
> > > mind of its own and it will regularly change ownership
> > > based on its own set of rules. BTW, I don't know
> > > exactly why. The second thing I did was rebuild my
> > > machine with Mandrake 7.2 (from 8.0)
> > >
> > > I had all kinds of trouble with mandrake 8 in all
> > > different apps.
> > >
> > > So far with mandrake 7.2 back online all my installs
> > > have been clean.
> > >
> > > I use the command line mostly and webmin to look at
> > > users and groups...
> > >
> > > Tina
> > >
> > >
> > > --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Well I think I may have located the source of the
> > > > trouble but
> > > > it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail and
> > > > the Running
> > > > qmail book want the /var/qmail directory created
> > > > while logged in
> > > > as root. That gives ownership to the user root in
> > > > the group
> > > > root. Then, the qmail-specific groups and users are
> > > > added. The
> > > > problem is that when I run linuxconf and look at the
> > > > created
> > > > users, I receive a warning that the home directory
> > > > of /var/qmail
> > > > has an invalid owner and group. Could this be the
> > > > cause of my
> > > > problems? I'm not exactly a newbie to file and
> > > > directory
> > > > permissions, but in rea

Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Reed

Hmmm...I wonder why my Mandrake 8 install won't cooperate.  I've 
reloaded the OS a half dozen times, each time more careful than 
the previous, and to make a long story short when you do the 
make absolutely nothing goes into the /var/qmail directory.  The 
install basically goes nowhere.  I also noticed that this 
directory has owner as root and group as root, which is the way 
it should be if you follow the instructions to the letter, but 
linuxconf whines that the qmail special users don't have access 
to the /var/qmail directory because they are in different groups.

One thing:  the /var directory is actually two 17GB SCSI drives 
running in Linux Raid 1 (mirroring).  Do you think it's possible 
the mirroring is screwing things up?


> Just for the sake of argument I have a Mandrake 8 machine that 
runs qmail
> fine with the directions from LWQ
> I also have a Mandrake Cooker machine (pre8.1) that I 
installed qmail fine.
> Nothing wierd, just word for word from LWQ.
> Still I prefer debian but this was for a friend who likes 
the "ease" of
> Mandrake, and true enough its pretty simple.
> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 8:24 PM
> To: David U.
> Subject: Re: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install
> Hi,
> I installed Mandrake using the 2 CDs, the latest distro
> (downloaded the ISOs and burned the CDs).  It seemed to install
> perfectly fine.
> I want to use qmail because it seems to have the best
> reputation.  Mandrake comes with Postfix, which I chose to not
> install.  From what I've read online, Postfix isn't exactly a
> top choice.
> Steve
> > Did you use one CD for the mandrake 8 install or the two CD?
> Mandrake 8 really
> > went out the door with issues.
> >
> > I would use RH7.1 or Mandrake 7.1 I have installed qmail fine
> on both.  Mandrake
> > 8 has some bad code in the CD -- also, Mandrake can be made
> secure as a server,
> > but it installs a lot of client-side crap.
> >
> > sorry if that doesn't help,
> > davidu
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Steve Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 4:37 PM
> > To: Yvette 'Tina' Martinez
> > Subject: Re: Problem with VAR directory during install
> >
> >
> > Excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall.  OK, 
> > now that that's over withhas anyone else had trouble
> > installing qmail on Mandrake 8?
> >
> > I'm following the instructions to the letter and the darn 
> > won't install.  I'd much rather find the reason for it and 
> > it than install an older version of the operating system, 
> > can present other issues.
> >
> > -Steve
> >
> >
> > > I am also new at this and the first thing I had to do
> > > was stop using linuxconf. Linuxconf seems to have a
> > > mind of its own and it will regularly change ownership
> > > based on its own set of rules. BTW, I don't know
> > > exactly why. The second thing I did was rebuild my
> > > machine with Mandrake 7.2 (from 8.0)
> > >
> > > I had all kinds of trouble with mandrake 8 in all
> > > different apps.
> > >
> > > So far with mandrake 7.2 back online all my installs
> > > have been clean.
> > >
> > > I use the command line mostly and webmin to look at
> > > users and groups...
> > >
> > > Tina
> > >
> > >
> > > --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Well I think I may have located the source of the
> > > > trouble but
> > > > it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail and
> > > > the Running
> > > > qmail book want the /var/qmail directory created
> > > > while logged in
> > > > as root. That gives ownership to the user root in
> > > > the group
> > > > root. Then, the qmail-specific groups and users are
> > > > added. The
> > > > problem is that when I run linuxconf and look at the
> > > > created
> > > > users, I receive a warning that the home directory
> > > > of /var/qmail
> > > > has an invalid owner and group. Could this be the
> > > > cause of my
> > > > problems? I'm not exactly a newbie to file and
> > > > directory
> > > > permissions, but in rea

Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Reed

Hmmm...I wonder why my Mandrake 8 install won't cooperate.  I've 
reloaded the OS a half dozen times, each time more careful than 
the previous, and to make a long story short when you do the 
make absolutely nothing goes into the /var/qmail directory.  The 
install basically goes nowhere.  I also noticed that this 
directory has owner as root and group as root, which is the way 
it should be if you follow the instructions to the letter, but 
linuxconf whines that the qmail special users don't have access 
to the /var/qmail directory because they are in different groups.

One thing:  the /var directory is actually two 17GB SCSI drives 
running in Linux Raid 1 (mirroring).  Do you think it's possible 
the mirroring is screwing things up?


> Just for the sake of argument I have a Mandrake 8 machine that 
runs qmail
> fine with the directions from LWQ
> I also have a Mandrake Cooker machine (pre8.1) that I 
installed qmail fine.
> Nothing wierd, just word for word from LWQ.
> Still I prefer debian but this was for a friend who likes 
the "ease" of
> Mandrake, and true enough its pretty simple.
> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 8:24 PM
> To: David U.
> Subject: Re: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install
> Hi,
> I installed Mandrake using the 2 CDs, the latest distro
> (downloaded the ISOs and burned the CDs).  It seemed to install
> perfectly fine.
> I want to use qmail because it seems to have the best
> reputation.  Mandrake comes with Postfix, which I chose to not
> install.  From what I've read online, Postfix isn't exactly a
> top choice.
> Steve
> > Did you use one CD for the mandrake 8 install or the two CD?
> Mandrake 8 really
> > went out the door with issues.
> >
> > I would use RH7.1 or Mandrake 7.1 I have installed qmail fine
> on both.  Mandrake
> > 8 has some bad code in the CD -- also, Mandrake can be made
> secure as a server,
> > but it installs a lot of client-side crap.
> >
> > sorry if that doesn't help,
> > davidu
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Steve Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 4:37 PM
> > To: Yvette 'Tina' Martinez
> > Subject: Re: Problem with VAR directory during install
> >
> >
> > Excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall.  OK, 
> > now that that's over withhas anyone else had trouble
> > installing qmail on Mandrake 8?
> >
> > I'm following the instructions to the letter and the darn 
> > won't install.  I'd much rather find the reason for it and 
> > it than install an older version of the operating system, 
> > can present other issues.
> >
> > -Steve
> >
> >
> > > I am also new at this and the first thing I had to do
> > > was stop using linuxconf. Linuxconf seems to have a
> > > mind of its own and it will regularly change ownership
> > > based on its own set of rules. BTW, I don't know
> > > exactly why. The second thing I did was rebuild my
> > > machine with Mandrake 7.2 (from 8.0)
> > >
> > > I had all kinds of trouble with mandrake 8 in all
> > > different apps.
> > >
> > > So far with mandrake 7.2 back online all my installs
> > > have been clean.
> > >
> > > I use the command line mostly and webmin to look at
> > > users and groups...
> > >
> > > Tina
> > >
> > >
> > > --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Well I think I may have located the source of the
> > > > trouble but
> > > > it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail and
> > > > the Running
> > > > qmail book want the /var/qmail directory created
> > > > while logged in
> > > > as root. That gives ownership to the user root in
> > > > the group
> > > > root. Then, the qmail-specific groups and users are
> > > > added. The
> > > > problem is that when I run linuxconf and look at the
> > > > created
> > > > users, I receive a warning that the home directory
> > > > of /var/qmail
> > > > has an invalid owner and group. Could this be the
> > > > cause of my
> > > > problems? I'm not exactly a newbie to file and
> > > > directory
> > > > permissions, but in rea

Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Reed

Hmmm...I wonder why my Mandrake 8 install won't cooperate.  I've 
reloaded the OS a half dozen times, each time more careful than 
the previous, and to make a long story short when you do the 
make absolutely nothing goes into the /var/qmail directory.  The 
install basically goes nowhere.  I also noticed that this 
directory has owner as root and group as root, which is the way 
it should be if you follow the instructions to the letter, but 
linuxconf whines that the qmail special users don't have access 
to the /var/qmail directory because they are in different groups.

One thing:  the /var directory is actually two 17GB SCSI drives 
running in Linux Raid 1 (mirroring).  Do you think it's possible 
the mirroring is screwing things up?


> Just for the sake of argument I have a Mandrake 8 machine that 
runs qmail
> fine with the directions from LWQ
> I also have a Mandrake Cooker machine (pre8.1) that I 
installed qmail fine.
> Nothing wierd, just word for word from LWQ.
> Still I prefer debian but this was for a friend who likes 
the "ease" of
> Mandrake, and true enough its pretty simple.
> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 8:24 PM
> To: David U.
> Subject: Re: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install
> Hi,
> I installed Mandrake using the 2 CDs, the latest distro
> (downloaded the ISOs and burned the CDs).  It seemed to install
> perfectly fine.
> I want to use qmail because it seems to have the best
> reputation.  Mandrake comes with Postfix, which I chose to not
> install.  From what I've read online, Postfix isn't exactly a
> top choice.
> Steve
> > Did you use one CD for the mandrake 8 install or the two CD?
> Mandrake 8 really
> > went out the door with issues.
> >
> > I would use RH7.1 or Mandrake 7.1 I have installed qmail fine
> on both.  Mandrake
> > 8 has some bad code in the CD -- also, Mandrake can be made
> secure as a server,
> > but it installs a lot of client-side crap.
> >
> > sorry if that doesn't help,
> > davidu
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Steve Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 4:37 PM
> > To: Yvette 'Tina' Martinez
> > Subject: Re: Problem with VAR directory during install
> >
> >
> > Excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall.  OK, 
> > now that that's over withhas anyone else had trouble
> > installing qmail on Mandrake 8?
> >
> > I'm following the instructions to the letter and the darn 
> > won't install.  I'd much rather find the reason for it and 
> > it than install an older version of the operating system, 
> > can present other issues.
> >
> > -Steve
> >
> >
> > > I am also new at this and the first thing I had to do
> > > was stop using linuxconf. Linuxconf seems to have a
> > > mind of its own and it will regularly change ownership
> > > based on its own set of rules. BTW, I don't know
> > > exactly why. The second thing I did was rebuild my
> > > machine with Mandrake 7.2 (from 8.0)
> > >
> > > I had all kinds of trouble with mandrake 8 in all
> > > different apps.
> > >
> > > So far with mandrake 7.2 back online all my installs
> > > have been clean.
> > >
> > > I use the command line mostly and webmin to look at
> > > users and groups...
> > >
> > > Tina
> > >
> > >
> > > --- Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Well I think I may have located the source of the
> > > > trouble but
> > > > it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail and
> > > > the Running
> > > > qmail book want the /var/qmail directory created
> > > > while logged in
> > > > as root. That gives ownership to the user root in
> > > > the group
> > > > root. Then, the qmail-specific groups and users are
> > > > added. The
> > > > problem is that when I run linuxconf and look at the
> > > > created
> > > > users, I receive a warning that the home directory
> > > > of /var/qmail
> > > > has an invalid owner and group. Could this be the
> > > > cause of my
> > > > problems? I'm not exactly a newbie to file and
> > > > directory
> > > > permissions, but in rea

Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread Charles Cazabon

Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmmm...I wonder why my Mandrake 8 install won't cooperate.  I've 
> reloaded the OS a half dozen times, each time more careful than 
> the previous, and to make a long story short when you do the 
> make absolutely nothing goes into the /var/qmail directory.  The 
> install basically goes nowhere.

I assume you've checked the basics, like the ownership and permissions on /,
/var, and /var/qmail?

> One thing:  the /var directory is actually two 17GB SCSI drives 
> running in Linux Raid 1 (mirroring).  Do you think it's possible 
> the mirroring is screwing things up?

I wouldn't suspect so; IDE RAID/mirroring works well on one of our older
machines, but that's with a RedHat-shipped kernel.  I don't know what
Mandrake's kernels are like.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread Charles Cazabon

Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've checked everything except the phase of the moon and my white blood cell
> count.  I've probably memorized the docs by now.  qmail will simply NOT
> compile correctly on the latest Mandrake.

You said earlier that the problem was "nothing ends up in /var/qmail/".
Now you say it doesn't compile.  Which is true?  If it doesn't compile, you
should expect anything to end up in /var/qmail/, because that's the "setup"
(install) step, which comes after compiling is complete.

If you want further help, please run the following script.  Make sure
qmail-1.03.tar.gz is in /usr/local/src/ first.  Adjust the path to bash as
necessary.  This will do a vanilla compile & install of unpatched qmail 1.03. 

  mv /var/qmail /var/qmail.old
  rm -rf /usr/local/src/qmail-1.03
  cd /usr/local/src
  gunzip -c qmail-1.03.tar.gz | tar -xf - qmail-1.03.tar.gz
  cd qmail-1.03
  make setup check
) >/tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt 2>&1

Then post /tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt on the web somewhere, and send a URL to
this list.  We need to see all of the output of the build process, I think, to
find what your problem is.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread Steve Reed

The compile runs, but when it's all over with there is nothing 
in the /var/qmail directory to work with.


> Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've checked everything except the phase of the moon and my 
white blood cell
> > count.  I've probably memorized the docs by now.  qmail will 
simply NOT
> > compile correctly on the latest Mandrake.
> You said earlier that the problem was "nothing ends up 
in /var/qmail/".
> Now you say it doesn't compile.  Which is true?  If it doesn't 
compile, you
> should expect anything to end up in /var/qmail/, because 
that's the "setup"
> (install) step, which comes after compiling is complete.
> If you want further help, please run the following script.  
Make sure
> qmail-1.03.tar.gz is in /usr/local/src/ first.  Adjust the 
path to bash as
> necessary.  This will do a vanilla compile & install of 
unpatched qmail 1.03. 
> #!/bin/bash
> (
>   mv /var/qmail /var/qmail.old
>   rm -rf /usr/local/src/qmail-1.03
>   cd /usr/local/src
>   gunzip -c qmail-1.03.tar.gz | tar -xf - qmail-1.03.tar.gz
>   cd qmail-1.03
>   make setup check
> ) >/tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt 2>&1
> Then post /tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt on the web somewhere, and 
send a URL to
> this list.  We need to see all of the output of the build 
process, I think, to
> find what your problem is.
> Charles
> -- 
> ---

> Charles Cazabon
> GPL'ed software available at:
> ---


Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread System Administrator

I'm Running Linux Mandrake 7.2 and actually have 6 seperate qmail installs
running on that machine and have been running on it for over a year. The OS
actually started out as Mandrake 7.0 then upgraded to 7.1 and then 7.2 and
have not had any problems. Now I thought maybe it was the latest Mandrake
you might be having problems with so I edited my files and installed a 7th
qmail service on my machine and it compiled just fine. Then I deleted it
and did it again.. Still compiled just fine.. I have no idea what is going
on with your system but it is not an OS level issue unless there is
something physically wrong with your OS installation itself I sugest
doing a recopilation of the OS and try qmail again..

Side note I use the gz download of qmail not the RPM so if your using the
RPM package ignore this message then ;)


- Original Message -
From: "Steve Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Charles Cazabon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

> The compile runs, but when it's all over with there is nothing
> in the /var/qmail directory to work with.
> -Steve
> > Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I've checked everything except the phase of the moon and my
> white blood cell
> > > count.  I've probably memorized the docs by now.  qmail will
> simply NOT
> > > compile correctly on the latest Mandrake.
> >
> > You said earlier that the problem was "nothing ends up
> in /var/qmail/".
> > Now you say it doesn't compile.  Which is true?  If it doesn't
> compile, you
> > should expect anything to end up in /var/qmail/, because
> that's the "setup"
> > (install) step, which comes after compiling is complete.
> >
> > If you want further help, please run the following script.
> Make sure
> > qmail-1.03.tar.gz is in /usr/local/src/ first.  Adjust the
> path to bash as
> > necessary.  This will do a vanilla compile & install of
> unpatched qmail 1.03.
> >
> > #!/bin/bash
> > (
> >   mv /var/qmail /var/qmail.old
> >   rm -rf /usr/local/src/qmail-1.03
> >   cd /usr/local/src
> >   gunzip -c qmail-1.03.tar.gz | tar -xf - qmail-1.03.tar.gz
> >   cd qmail-1.03
> >   make setup check
> > ) >/tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt 2>&1
> >
> >
> > Then post /tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt on the web somewhere, and
> send a URL to
> > this list.  We need to see all of the output of the build
> process, I think, to
> > find what your problem is.
> >
> > Charles
> > --
> > ---
> > Charles Cazabon
> > GPL'ed software available at:
> > ---
> >

RE: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread Tim Hunter

so you ran "make setup check" and nothing was in /var/qmail ?

-Original Message-
From: Steve Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 4:47 PM
To: Charles Cazabon; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

The compile runs, but when it's all over with there is nothing 
in the /var/qmail directory to work with.


> Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've checked everything except the phase of the moon and my 
white blood cell
> > count.  I've probably memorized the docs by now.  qmail will 
simply NOT
> > compile correctly on the latest Mandrake.
> You said earlier that the problem was "nothing ends up 
in /var/qmail/".
> Now you say it doesn't compile.  Which is true?  If it doesn't 
compile, you
> should expect anything to end up in /var/qmail/, because 
that's the "setup"
> (install) step, which comes after compiling is complete.
> If you want further help, please run the following script.  
Make sure
> qmail-1.03.tar.gz is in /usr/local/src/ first.  Adjust the 
path to bash as
> necessary.  This will do a vanilla compile & install of 
unpatched qmail 1.03. 
> #!/bin/bash
> (
>   mv /var/qmail /var/qmail.old
>   rm -rf /usr/local/src/qmail-1.03
>   cd /usr/local/src
>   gunzip -c qmail-1.03.tar.gz | tar -xf - qmail-1.03.tar.gz
>   cd qmail-1.03
>   make setup check
> ) >/tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt 2>&1
> Then post /tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt on the web somewhere, and 
send a URL to
> this list.  We need to see all of the output of the build 
process, I think, to
> find what your problem is.
> Charles
> -- 
> ---

> Charles Cazabon
> GPL'ed software available at:
> ---


Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread Steve Reed

I'm running Mandrake 8.0.  

> I'm Running Linux Mandrake 7.2 and actually have 6 seperate 
qmail installs
> running on that machine and have been running on it for over a 
year. The OS
> actually started out as Mandrake 7.0 then upgraded to 7.1 and 
then 7.2 and
> have not had any problems. Now I thought maybe it was the 
latest Mandrake
> you might be having problems with so I edited my files and 
installed a 7th
> qmail service on my machine and it compiled just fine. 
Then I deleted it
> and did it again.. Still compiled just fine.. I have no idea 
what is going
> on with your system but it is not an OS level issue unless 
there is
> something physically wrong with your OS installation 
itself I sugest
> doing a recopilation of the OS and try qmail again..
> Side note I use the gz download of qmail not the RPM so if 
your using the
> RPM package ignore this message then ;)
> cheers
> --JT
> - Original Message -
> From: "Steve Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Charles Cazabon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 1:47 PM
> Subject: Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install
> > The compile runs, but when it's all over with there is 
> > in the /var/qmail directory to work with.
> >
> > -Steve
> >
> >
> > > Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I've checked everything except the phase of the moon and 
> > white blood cell
> > > > count.  I've probably memorized the docs by now.  qmail 
> > simply NOT
> > > > compile correctly on the latest Mandrake.
> > >
> > > You said earlier that the problem was "nothing ends up
> > in /var/qmail/".
> > > Now you say it doesn't compile.  Which is true?  If it 
> > compile, you
> > > should expect anything to end up in /var/qmail/, because
> > that's the "setup"
> > > (install) step, which comes after compiling is complete.
> > >
> > > If you want further help, please run the following script.
> > Make sure
> > > qmail-1.03.tar.gz is in /usr/local/src/ first.  Adjust the
> > path to bash as
> > > necessary.  This will do a vanilla compile & install of
> > unpatched qmail 1.03.
> > >
> > > #!/bin/bash
> > > (
> > >   mv /var/qmail /var/qmail.old
> > >   rm -rf /usr/local/src/qmail-1.03
> > >   cd /usr/local/src
> > >   gunzip -c qmail-1.03.tar.gz | tar -xf - qmail-1.03.tar.gz
> > >   cd qmail-1.03
> > >   make setup check
> > > ) >/tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt 2>&1
> > >
> > >
> > > Then post /tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt on the web somewhere, 
> > send a URL to
> > > this list.  We need to see all of the output of the build
> > process, I think, to
> > > find what your problem is.
> > >
> > > Charles
> > > --
> > > ---

> > 
> > > Charles Cazabon
> > > GPL'ed software available at:
> >
> > > ---

> > 
> > >
> >
> >

Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread System Administrator

I have that on my workstation.. Give me a few as I don't have any mailer
installed on it at all right now.. I'll copy the setup files over to it and
give it a try and let ya know.

I just built that workstation tuesday and have not had time to do anything
on it so it is as basic and completely void as you can get I dare say.

- Original Message -
From: "Steve Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "System Administrator" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Steve Reed"
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

> I'm running Mandrake 8.0.
> > I'm Running Linux Mandrake 7.2 and actually have 6 seperate
> qmail installs
> > running on that machine and have been running on it for over a
> year. The OS
> > actually started out as Mandrake 7.0 then upgraded to 7.1 and
> then 7.2 and
> > have not had any problems. Now I thought maybe it was the
> latest Mandrake
> > you might be having problems with so I edited my files and
> installed a 7th
> > qmail service on my machine and it compiled just fine.
> Then I deleted it
> > and did it again.. Still compiled just fine.. I have no idea
> what is going
> > on with your system but it is not an OS level issue unless
> there is
> > something physically wrong with your OS installation
> itself I sugest
> > doing a recopilation of the OS and try qmail again..
> >
> > Side note I use the gz download of qmail not the RPM so if
> your using the
> > RPM package ignore this message then ;)
> >
> > cheers
> >
> > --JT
> > ----- Original Message -
> > From: "Steve Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Charles Cazabon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> > Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 1:47 PM
> > Subject: Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install
> >
> >
> > > The compile runs, but when it's all over with there is
> nothing
> > > in the /var/qmail directory to work with.
> > >
> > > -Steve
> > >
> > >
> > > > Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > I've checked everything except the phase of the moon and
> my
> > > white blood cell
> > > > > count.  I've probably memorized the docs by now.  qmail
> will
> > > simply NOT
> > > > > compile correctly on the latest Mandrake.
> > > >
> > > > You said earlier that the problem was "nothing ends up
> > > in /var/qmail/".
> > > > Now you say it doesn't compile.  Which is true?  If it
> doesn't
> > > compile, you
> > > > should expect anything to end up in /var/qmail/, because
> > > that's the "setup"
> > > > (install) step, which comes after compiling is complete.
> > > >
> > > > If you want further help, please run the following script.
> > > Make sure
> > > > qmail-1.03.tar.gz is in /usr/local/src/ first.  Adjust the
> > > path to bash as
> > > > necessary.  This will do a vanilla compile & install of
> > > unpatched qmail 1.03.
> > > >
> > > > #!/bin/bash
> > > > (
> > > >   mv /var/qmail /var/qmail.old
> > > >   rm -rf /usr/local/src/qmail-1.03
> > > >   cd /usr/local/src
> > > >   gunzip -c qmail-1.03.tar.gz | tar -xf - qmail-1.03.tar.gz
> > > >   cd qmail-1.03
> > > >   make setup check
> > > > ) >/tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt 2>&1
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Then post /tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt on the web somewhere,
> and
> > > send a URL to
> > > > this list.  We need to see all of the output of the build
> > > process, I think, to
> > > > find what your problem is.
> > > >
> > > > Charles
> > > > --
> > > > ---
> > > 
> > > > Charles Cazabon
> > > > GPL'ed software available at:
> > >
> > > > ---
> > > 
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Re: RE: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread Steve Reed

Exactly.  I'm running Mandrake 8.0, have reloaded from scratch 
over a half dozen times, double checked and triple checked the 
permissions, etc.  The compile does run.  But when it's over 
with the /var/qmail directory is as empty as the bottom of a dry 


> so you ran "make setup check" and nothing was in /var/qmail ?
> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 4:47 PM
> To: Charles Cazabon; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install
> The compile runs, but when it's all over with there is nothing 
> in the /var/qmail directory to work with.
> -Steve
> > Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I've checked everything except the phase of the moon and 
> white blood cell
> > > count.  I've probably memorized the docs by now.  qmail 
> simply NOT
> > > compile correctly on the latest Mandrake.
> > 
> > You said earlier that the problem was "nothing ends up 
> in /var/qmail/".
> > Now you say it doesn't compile.  Which is true?  If it 
> compile, you
> > should expect anything to end up in /var/qmail/, because 
> that's the "setup"
> > (install) step, which comes after compiling is complete.
> > 
> > If you want further help, please run the following script.  
> Make sure
> > qmail-1.03.tar.gz is in /usr/local/src/ first.  Adjust the 
> path to bash as
> > necessary.  This will do a vanilla compile & install of 
> unpatched qmail 1.03. 
> > 
> > #!/bin/bash
> > (
> >   mv /var/qmail /var/qmail.old
> >   rm -rf /usr/local/src/qmail-1.03
> >   cd /usr/local/src
> >   gunzip -c qmail-1.03.tar.gz | tar -xf - qmail-1.03.tar.gz
> >   cd qmail-1.03
> >   make setup check
> > ) >/tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt 2>&1
> > 
> > 
> > Then post /tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt on the web somewhere, and 
> send a URL to
> > this list.  We need to see all of the output of the build 
> process, I think, to
> > find what your problem is.
> > 
> > Charles
> > -- 
> > -
> > Charles Cazabon
> > GPL'ed software available at:  
> > -
> > 

Re: RE: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread Charles Cazabon

Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The compile does run.  But when it's over 
> with the /var/qmail directory is as empty as the bottom of a dry 
> well.  

The only proof that the compile and install goes correctly is your word -- and
since nothing ends up in /var/qmail, obviously that's incorrect.

The last time you said this, I requested you post a copmlete log of the "make
setup check" procedure so we could see it.  You've ignored that, twice.  No
one can help you without that information.

If you don't want to post that information to the list (or put it on a web
server and post the URL), hire a qmail consultant to fix it for you.  The list
can't be of any help if you won't give us the information we need.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Re: RE: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread Steve Reed

I sincerely apologize for overlooking your request for the setup 
log.  Will recompile now and post one.


> Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The compile does run.  But when it's over 
> > with the /var/qmail directory is as empty as the bottom of a 
> > well.  
> The only proof that the compile and install goes correctly is 
your word -- and
> since nothing ends up in /var/qmail, obviously that's 
> The last time you said this, I requested you post a copmlete 
log of the "make
> setup check" procedure so we could see it.  You've ignored 
that, twice.  No
> one can help you without that information.
> If you don't want to post that information to the list (or put 
it on a web
> server and post the URL), hire a qmail consultant to fix it 
for you.  The list
> can't be of any help if you won't give us the information we 
> Charles
> -- 
> ---

> Charles Cazabon
> GPL'ed software available at:
> ---


Re: RE: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread James Stevens

Sorry Charles, I believe he got distracted by me.. I'm the one with the
Mandrake 8 box that it is working on and we were communicating via email and
not the list.. So the reason why he hasn't gotten to it yet was because of
me.. Anyways, he's done everything I have done and he is still having the
problem. I just asked him to do what you mentioned and hopefully he will do
it soon as I really want to see whats up with this. Question though.. I've
been told it makes no difference but I always (for the past year anyways)
install qmail using 'make setup check' then 'make setup' People have told me
this is repetitve but thats the way I do it (shrug) Question now is just for
clarification with this problem.. Does it make a diff or not?

- Original Message -
From: "Charles Cazabon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

> Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The compile does run.  But when it's over
> > with the /var/qmail directory is as empty as the bottom of a dry
> > well.
> The only proof that the compile and install goes correctly is your word --
> since nothing ends up in /var/qmail, obviously that's incorrect.
> The last time you said this, I requested you post a copmlete log of the
> setup check" procedure so we could see it.  You've ignored that, twice.
> one can help you without that information.
> If you don't want to post that information to the list (or put it on a web
> server and post the URL), hire a qmail consultant to fix it for you.  The
> can't be of any help if you won't give us the information we need.
> Charles
> --
> ---
> Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GPL'ed software available at:
> ---

Re: RE: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread Steve Reed

OK, the text file is attached with what occurs during the "make 
setup check".


[root@mail root]# cd /usr/local/src/qmail-1.03
[root@mail qmail-1.03]# make setup check
( cat; \
echo CC=\'`head -1 conf-cc`\'; \
echo LD=\'`head -1 conf-ld`\' \
) >
cat > make-load
chmod 755 make-load
cat > find-systype
chmod 755 find-systype
./find-systype > systype
( cat; ./make-load "`cat systype`" ) > load
chmod 755 load
cat > make-compile
chmod 755 make-compile
( cat; ./make-compile "`cat systype`" ) > \
chmod 755 compile
( ( ./compile tryvfork.c && ./load tryvfork ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& cat fork.h2 || cat fork.h1 ) > fork.h
rm -f tryvfork.o tryvfork
./compile qmail-local.c
qmail-local.c: In function `main':
qmail-local.c:448: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'
./compile qmail.c
./compile quote.c
./compile now.c
./compile gfrom.c
./compile myctime.c
./compile slurpclose.c
cat > make-makelib
chmod 755 make-makelib
( cat; ./make-makelib "`cat systype`" ) > \
chmod 755 makelib
./compile case_diffb.c
./compile case_diffs.c
./compile case_lowerb.c
./compile case_lowers.c
./compile case_starts.c
./makelib case.a case_diffb.o case_diffs.o case_lowerb.o \
case_lowers.o case_starts.o
./compile getln.c
./compile getln2.c
./makelib getln.a getln.o getln2.o
./compile subgetopt.c
./compile sgetopt.c
./makelib getopt.a subgetopt.o sgetopt.o
./compile sig_alarm.c
( ( ./compile trysgprm.c && ./load trysgprm ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASSIGPROCMASK 1 || exit 0 ) > hassgprm.h
rm -f trysgprm.o trysgprm
./compile sig_block.c
( ( ./compile trysgact.c && ./load trysgact ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASSIGACTION 1 || exit 0 ) > hassgact.h
rm -f trysgact.o trysgact
./compile sig_catch.c
./compile sig_pause.c
./compile sig_pipe.c
./compile sig_child.c
./compile sig_hup.c
./compile sig_term.c
./compile sig_bug.c
./compile sig_misc.c
./makelib sig.a sig_alarm.o sig_block.o sig_catch.o \
sig_pause.o sig_pipe.o sig_child.o sig_hup.o sig_term.o \
sig_bug.o sig_misc.o
./compile open_append.c
./compile open_excl.c
./compile open_read.c
./compile open_trunc.c
./compile open_write.c
./makelib open.a open_append.o open_excl.o open_read.o \
open_trunc.o open_write.o
./compile seek_cur.c
./compile seek_end.c
./compile seek_set.c
./compile seek_trunc.c
./makelib seek.a seek_cur.o seek_end.o seek_set.o \
( ( ./compile tryflock.c && ./load tryflock ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASFLOCK 1 || exit 0 ) > hasflock.h
rm -f tryflock.o tryflock
./compile lock_ex.c
./compile lock_exnb.c
./compile lock_un.c
./makelib lock.a lock_ex.o lock_exnb.o lock_un.o
./compile fd_copy.c
./compile fd_move.c
./makelib fd.a fd_copy.o fd_move.o
( ( ./compile trywaitp.c && ./load trywaitp ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASWAITPID 1 || exit 0 ) > haswaitp.h
rm -f trywaitp.o trywaitp
./compile wait_pid.c
./compile wait_nohang.c
./makelib wait.a wait_pid.o wait_nohang.o
./compile env.c
./compile envread.c
./makelib env.a env.o envread.o
./compile stralloc_eady.c
./compile stralloc_pend.c
./compile stralloc_copy.c
./compile stralloc_opys.c
./compile stralloc_opyb.c
./compile stralloc_cat.c
./compile stralloc_cats.c
./compile stralloc_catb.c
./compile stralloc_arts.c
./makelib stralloc.a stralloc_eady.o stralloc_pend.o \
stralloc_copy.o stralloc_opys.o stralloc_opyb.o \
stralloc_cat.o stralloc_cats.o stralloc_catb.o \
./compile alloc.c
./compile alloc_re.c
./makelib alloc.a alloc.o alloc_re.o
./compile strerr_sys.c
./compile strerr_die.c
./makelib strerr.a strerr_sys.o strerr_die.o
./compile substdio.c
./compile substdi.c
./compile substdo.c
./compile subfderr.c
./compile subfdout.c
./compile subfdouts.c
./compile subfdin.c
./compile subfdins.c
./compile substdio_copy.c
./makelib substdio.a substdio.o substdi.o substdo.o \
subfderr.o subfdout.o subfdouts.o subfdin.o subfdins.o \
./compile error.c
./compile error_str.c
./compile error_temp.c
./makelib error.a error.o error_str.o error_temp.o
./compile str_len.c
./compile str_diff.c
./compile str_diffn.c
./compile str_cpy.c
./compile str_chr.c
./compile str_rchr.c
./compile str_start.c
./compile byte_chr.c
./compile byte_rchr.c
./compile byte_diff.c
./compile byte_copy.c
./compile byte_cr.c
./compile byte_zero.c
./makelib str.a str_len.o str_diff.o str_diffn.o str_cpy.o \
str_chr.o str_rchr.o str_start.o byte_chr.o byte_rchr.o \
byte_diff.o byte_copy.o byte_cr.o byte_zero.o
./compile fmt_str.c
./compile fmt_strn.c
./compile fmt_uint.c
./compile fmt_uint0.c
./compile fmt_ulong.c
./compile scan_ulong.c
./compile scan_8long.c
./makelib fs.a fmt_str.o fmt_strn.o fmt_uint.o fmt_uint0.o \
fmt_ulong.o scan_ulong.o scan_8long.o
./compile datetime.c
./compile datetime_un.c
./makelib datetime.a datetime.o datetime_un.o
./compile auto-str.c
auto-str.c: In fun

Re: RE: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread Charles Cazabon

Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, the text file is attached with what occurs during the "make 
> setup check".
> chmod 755 binm3+df
> nroff -man qmail-local.8 > qmail-local.0
> /bin/sh: nroff: command not found
> make: *** [qmail-local.0] Error 127
> [root@mail qmail-1.03]#

And there's your problem -- no roff, so make broke before getting to the
installation step.  Install roff/nroff and try again.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Re: RE: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread Charles Cazabon

James Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So the reason why he hasn't gotten to it yet was because of
> me.. Anyways, he's done everything I have done and he is still having the
> problem.

That's okay.  Looks like a simple problem; he was missing a tool (nroff), so
the make couldn't complete.

> I've been told it makes no difference but I always (for the past year
> anyways) install qmail using 'make setup check' then 'make setup' People
> have told me this is repetitve but thats the way I do it (shrug) Question
> now is just for clarification with this problem.. Does it make a diff or
> not?

It shouldn't make a difference.  When you do "make setup check" it's like
doing "make setup" followed by "make check".  Running "make setup" again when
it's done should just exit with "nothing to do" or a similar message from
make, as none of the files which are dependencies for the targets have

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

Re: RE: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread Steve Reed

Installed Groff and all is well now.  Criminy!  Mandrake 8.0 
apparently doesn't install Groff as part of the load.  I RPM'd 
it in and all is fine.  

The beer is on me tonight.


> James Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So the reason why he hasn't gotten to it yet was because of
> > me.. Anyways, he's done everything I have done and he is 
still having the
> > problem.
> That's okay.  Looks like a simple problem; he was missing a 
tool (nroff), so
> the make couldn't complete.
> > I've been told it makes no difference but I always (for the 
past year
> > anyways) install qmail using 'make setup check' then 'make 
setup' People
> > have told me this is repetitve but thats the way I do it 
(shrug) Question
> > now is just for clarification with this problem.. Does it 
make a diff or
> > not?
> It shouldn't make a difference.  When you do "make setup 
check" it's like
> doing "make setup" followed by "make check".  Running "make 
setup" again when
> it's done should just exit with "nothing to do" or a similar 
message from
> make, as none of the files which are dependencies for the 
targets have
> changed.
> Charles
> -- 
> ---

> Charles Cazabon
> GPL'ed software available at:
> ---


Re: RE: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

2001-06-28 Thread James Stevens

Nod, I saw that I commented back to him also ... nroff I believe is part of
a standard install although I don't have any standard machines here anymore
(sigh) but at anyrate I sent him the man page so he could research it

And yes it always exits out with 'nothing to do.' but thats when I know it
will work and it always does so it's just a habit of mine now... Laugh

- Original Message -
From: "Charles Cazabon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install

> James Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So the reason why he hasn't gotten to it yet was because of
> > me.. Anyways, he's done everything I have done and he is still having
> > problem.
> That's okay.  Looks like a simple problem; he was missing a tool (nroff),
> the make couldn't complete.
> > I've been told it makes no difference but I always (for the past year
> > anyways) install qmail using 'make setup check' then 'make setup' People
> > have told me this is repetitve but thats the way I do it (shrug)
> > now is just for clarification with this problem.. Does it make a diff or
> > not?
> It shouldn't make a difference.  When you do "make setup check" it's like
> doing "make setup" followed by "make check".  Running "make setup" again
> it's done should just exit with "nothing to do" or a similar message from
> make, as none of the files which are dependencies for the targets have
> changed.
> Charles
> --
> ---
> Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GPL'ed software available at:
> ---