2001-06-23 Thread Roland Mathis

Thanks for your help Uwe and Robin. I found Robins mail also funny until
he made fun of me. Yes, it's true I should have read the FAQ and should
have stated my OS (Redhat Linux 7.0 i386) and logging tool (multilog). I
just thought this is kind of standard. What I don't understand why Robin
cannot write something like: check the FAQ for answers about how to
archive all incoming and outgoing mail and second I cannot help you if you
don't tell me your OS and logging tool. It is basically the same, but
a lot more friendly. If you just look how much energy people and I mean
PEOPLE have to talk about everything else than the question I orginally
had, it is hard to believe how difficult it is to remind somebody to read
the FAQ or just to ignore boring questions.

On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Robin S. Socha wrote:

 * Bill Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010622 13:22]:
  Russell Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:

  Then don't ask a public mailing list for help.  Instead, go to one of
  the suppliers of commercial support.  How to know which is reliable?
  Watch this mailing list, and see who's been around longest (has the
  most established reputation to protect), and who supplies the most
  clueful answers.

 I'd buy your suport every day, Russel. And I mean it.

  Well put.  Very much in the spirit of user supported software...

 May I kindly ask you to, like, get a life? Russel offers commercial
 support. He's contributing here *A LOT*. You, on the other hand, are a
 whining luser.

  Russ, I'm not saying they shouldn't give us the information needed to
  help them.  I'm just of the opinion we shouldn't jump down every
  newbie's throat just because they are a little over cautious.

 What dictionary did you look cautious up in? Or are you referring to the
 OP's overly cautious use of the recommended reading aka FAQ?

  Put yourself in their shoes.

 Eh. That's what alt.rec.suicide is for.

  Imagine walking up to an Automated Teller Machine and seeing a guy,
  presumably a maintenance worker, adjusting the electronics.  He says,
  The card reader and pad aren't working.  Just give me your card and
  PIN number and I'll swipe it back here.

 | Port   State   Service
 | 21/tcp openftp
 | 22/tcp openssh
 | 23/tcp opentelnet
 | 25/tcp opensmtp
 | 79/tcp openfinger
 | 80/tcp openhttp
 | 111/tcpfilteredsunrpc
 | 199/tcpopensmux
 | 443/tcpopenhttps
 | 512/tcpopenexec
 | 513/tcpopenlogin
 | 514/tcpopenshell
 | 515/tcpopenprinter
 | 3306/tcp   openmysql
 | TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
 |  Difficulty=74755 (Worthy challenge)
 | Remote operating system guess: BSDI BSD/OS 3.0-3.1 (or possibly MacOS, NetBSD)

 Would you like me to tell you the programs and version numbers to go
 along with that, too, Sir?

  Would YOU hand over your card? - happy cracking, luser. Do you need any
 help running nmap?

  All he wants to do it help you, right?

 Since putting them down is a non-op, yes.

  Think about it...

 Talking to yourself a lot, eh?


2001-06-23 Thread Charles Cazabon

Roland Mathis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What I don't understand why Robin cannot write something like: check the FAQ
 for answers about how to archive all incoming and outgoing mail and second I
 cannot help you if you don't tell me your OS and logging tool.

Because if we did this for every person who sent a message to the list without
reading the FAQ, etc., we wouldn't have time to do anything else.  Besides, it
gets boring sending the same thing to the mailing list twenty times a day.
Yes, it's that bad sometimes.

 it is hard to believe how difficult it is to remind somebody to read
 the FAQ or just to ignore boring questions.

The reminder is on the page of Dan's site where it says to do all this
_before_ sending your question to the mailing list.  We can't help it that you
appear to have not followed those instructions.

No bitterness here; just trying to show you _why_ you received the response
you did.

Charles Cazabon[EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPL'ed software available at:


2001-06-23 Thread Henning Brauer

On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 06:25:13PM +0800, Roland Mathis wrote:
 Yes, it's true I should have read the FAQ and should
 have stated my OS (Redhat Linux 7.0 i386) and logging tool (multilog). I
 just thought this is kind of standard. 

Standard?? ok, using multilog is quite common. The unix running is surely
not standard. The percentage of non-linux unix systems running djbware is
significantly higher than for most other widespread software I might guess.

I remeber a mail from djb: don't waste your time by guessing what the user
could have meant. He's absolutely right.

 What I don't understand why Robin
 cannot write something like: check the FAQ for answers about how to
 archive all incoming and outgoing mail and second I cannot help you if you
 don't tell me your OS and logging tool. 

Well, some of us (inlucing me) are just tired of that.

* Henning Brauer, [EMAIL PROTECTED], *
* Roedingsmarkt 14, 20459 Hamburg, Germany   *
Unix is very simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity.
(Dennis Ritchie)


2001-06-23 Thread Adam McKenna

On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 06:25:13PM +0800, Roland Mathis wrote:
 Thanks for your help Uwe and Robin. I found Robins mail also funny until
 he made fun of me.

Translation:  I saw how Robin treated people who posted messages that made it
obvious that they had not done any research on their own, but this did not
dissuade me from posting a similar message.

Apparently Robin is slacking off.



2001-06-22 Thread Lars Hansson

 This is in response to your email about the ?loss of 
 email ghost.?
[rantings snipped]

- Hello, Joe's Car Service. How may I be of service?
- Ah yes, it's my car. It doesn't start
- Ah, I see. What make is it?
- Oh well, I'm afraid I can't tell you that
- Uhmm...why not?
- Well, you never know. So many car thieves these days. You might find out
where it is and come and steal it
- We would not do that sir. We're a respectable company
- Well, I can not know that for sure...
- Aha. So, can you give us your address so we can come and have a look at
it at your home then?
- Heavens no! You might rob my house at night if I tell you where I live!
- Oh well, I'm afraid we can't help you then, sir
- WHAT!! WHY NOT! I'm only asking for help
- But sir...



2001-06-22 Thread Jörgen Persson

On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 06:26:03AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is in response to your email about the “loss of 
 email ghost.”


Why make a public discussion out of this?? A private mail to Socha is
probably more efficient and definitely more polite.

I can understand Socha though. You shouldn't operate a mail service
unless you know a couple of basic things like your operating system and
your shell.

I can't help someone that doesn't know his/her own service -- are they
using inetd, xinetd, tcpserver with daemontools under SysV or BSD? 

Either get the knowledge or buy it. This is the reason why most of my
mail to this list is references to Bernsteins FAQ -- to help people to
find the knowledge. You are truly vulnerable without it.



2001-06-22 Thread Kirti S. Bajwa

 First of all, fuck you and the horse you road in on. 
This guy is asking for help, not to be harassed.

Please leave the poor horse out.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 11:26 PM

This is in response to your email about the loss of 
email ghost.

First of all, fuck you and the horse you road in on. 
This guy is asking for help, not to be harassed.

Second, you demonstrated your own incompetence; your 
lack of understanding basic rules of security is quite 
obvious in your quote below:

Yes, but the degree of incompetence you've already 
displayed by not
 giving us any idea of your network environment, your 
operating system,
 and the exect setup you're running (including, most 
importantly, the
 logging tool) suggests that you wouldn't understand 

What the fuck else do you want from the guy? His 
passwords, IP range, hours of operation and social 
security number?

When crackers, AKA, hackers, go looking for a network to 
exploit, they often start with forums, UseNet, etc to 
find out as much as they can about an administrator, his 
network and level of expertise. Kevin Mitnick relied on 
social engineering for 90 percent of his exploits.

Who the fuck are you anyway? Hey asshole, the Internet 
is a co-op. You probably run Linux too, another 
cooperative effort where some geeky Scandinavian 
programmer relied on the contributions and input from 
others via the Internet to start his little binary 

Have you ever answered a post in a positive manner? 
Actually helped someone? Or are you that guy in college 
that raised his hand and repeated what the instructor 
said so you would sound smart? Why do you feel you are 
in the position to fuck with people seeking help? Robin, 
are you male or female? Well, either way you are a 
little bitch!


2001-06-22 Thread Charles Cazabon


 This guy is asking for help, [...]
 What the fuck else do you want from the guy? His 
 passwords, IP range, hours of operation and social 
 security number?

If we think it's relevant to the problem in question, yes.  If he doesn't want
to give that information to the list, he can hire a qmail consultant to fix
his system for him.  We can't work blind, and even if we could, it's not worth
the hassle.

Robin was entirely correct in his (rather witty) writeup.

Charles Cazabon[EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPL'ed software available at:


2001-06-22 Thread Bill Andersen

Lars Hansson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
- Hello, Joe's Car Service. How may I be of service?
- Ah yes, it's my car. It doesn't start
- Ah, I see. What make is it?
- Oh well, I'm afraid I can't tell you that
- Uhmm...why not?
- Well, you never know. So many car thieves these days. You might find out
where it is and come and steal it
- We would not do that sir. We're a respectable company
- Well, I can not know that for sure...
- Aha. So, can you give us your address so we can come and have a look at
it at your home then?
- Heavens no! You might rob my house at night if I tell you where I live!
- Oh well, I'm afraid we can't help you then, sir
- WHAT!! WHY NOT! I'm only asking for help
- But sir...

And then there are these two conversations that took
place in Dallas, Texas. Late 1999.

First call:
Hello, Joe's Car Service.  How may I be of service?
Ah yes, I need someone to pick up my Chevy Suburban
 at 1234 Anystreet, it won't start this morning.
 I'm taking a cab to work.
Ok, sir.  We'll take care of it.  Goodbye.

Second call:
Hello, Joe's Car Service.  How may I be of service?
Hi, I called this morning about the Chevy Suburban.  Did
 you have any luck with it?.
Uh, sir.  We thought you got it started and took it
 on to work.  It wasn't there when we went to pick it up...

CAUSE: Someone had tapped into the car shop's phone
line and beat them to the address.  3 vehicles THAT DAY!
Of course, after getting to the 3rd address and NO vehicle,
they started getting suspicious.

MORAL OF THE STORY:  Don't EVER think it can't happen to you.

I know, I know.  You have to give out enough info to get help.
But some people are a little more cautious than others.  Remember,
they DON'T know YOU.  And with all the inflated news propaganda
about the Internet and how people can steal you blind, we should
at least understand someone's reluctance to just spill it all out
in a public group.  In any event, Robin's attack on these individuals
accomplishes NOTHING.

But then again, I'm sure that doesn't surprise anyone on this list.


2001-06-22 Thread Charles Cazabon

Bill Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know, I know.  You have to give out enough info to get help.
 But some people are a little more cautious than others.  Remember,
 they DON'T know YOU.  And with all the inflated news propaganda
 about the Internet and how people can steal you blind, we should
 at least understand someone's reluctance to just spill it all out
 in a public group.

Nope.  If you're running a mail server, you should have enough technical
knowledge to not be vulnerable to mass hysteria about technology.  Otherwise,
go back to your stone knives and raw mastodon meat.

 In any event, Robin's attack on these individuals accomplishes NOTHING.

Sure it does; it gave me a well-needed chuckle in the middle of a rough day.

Charles Cazabon[EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPL'ed software available at:


2001-06-22 Thread Russell Nelson

Bill Andersen writes:
  I know, I know.  You have to give out enough info to get help.
  But some people are a little more cautious than others.  Remember,
  they DON'T know YOU.  And with all the inflated news propaganda
  about the Internet and how people can steal you blind, we should
  at least understand someone's reluctance to just spill it all out
  in a public group.

Then don't ask a public mailing list for help.  Instead, go to one of
the suppliers of commercial support.  How to know which is reliable?
Watch this mailing list, and see who's been around longest (has the
most established reputation to protect), and who supplies the most
clueful answers.

-russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | 
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | #exclude windows.h
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | 


2001-06-22 Thread Daniel Duclos

On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Charles Cazabon wrote:

 Bill Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I know, I know.  You have to give out enough info to get help.
  But some people are a little more cautious than others.  Remember,
  they DON'T know YOU.  And with all the inflated news propaganda
  about the Internet and how people can steal you blind, we should
  at least understand someone's reluctance to just spill it all out
  in a public group.

 Nope.  If you're running a mail server, you should have enough technical
 knowledge to not be vulnerable to mass hysteria about technology.  Otherwise,
 go back to your stone knives and raw mastodon meat.

  In any event, Robin's attack on these individuals accomplishes NOTHING.

 Sure it does; it gave me a well-needed chuckle in the middle of a rough day.

indeed =)

The more I see, the less I understand people... I mean, a guy come and
asks for the impossible for free. Then, altough people want to help for
free, they say they could not do the impossible, the guy gets pissed. Go


Daniel Lobato Duclos - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Stand for something, or you will fall for nothing.


2001-06-22 Thread MarkD

On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 10:21:32AM -0500, Bill Andersen allegedly wrote:

 And then there are these two conversations that took
 place in Dallas, Texas. Late 1999.
 First call:
 Hello, Joe's Car Service.  How may I be of service?
 Ah yes, I need someone to pick up my Chevy Suburban
  at 1234 Anystreet, it won't start this morning.
  I'm taking a cab to work.
 Ok, sir.  We'll take care of it.  Goodbye.
 Second call:
 Hello, Joe's Car Service.  How may I be of service?
 Hi, I called this morning about the Chevy Suburban.  Did
  you have any luck with it?.
 Uh, sir.  We thought you got it started and took it
  on to work.  It wasn't there when we went to pick it up...
 CAUSE: Someone had tapped into the car shop's phone
 line and beat them to the address.  3 vehicles THAT DAY!
 Of course, after getting to the 3rd address and NO vehicle,
 they started getting suspicious.
 MORAL OF THE STORY:  Don't EVER think it can't happen to you.

TRUE MORAL OF THE STORY: If you really really need to get your car
started in a hurry, use a car thief.



2001-06-22 Thread MarkD

On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 12:11:00PM -0400, Russell Nelson allegedly wrote:

 How to know which is reliable?  Watch this mailing list, and see
 who's been around longest (has the most established reputation to
 protect), and who's name begins with R.

If you say so Russ.

Heh heh.


2001-06-22 Thread Jurjen Oskam

On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 06:26:03AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What the fuck else do you want from the guy? His 
 passwords, IP range, hours of operation and social 
 security number?

He's asking for FREE ADVICE. No problem, but for CORRECT advice DETAILS are
needed. If he needs secrecy or confidentiality, get a consultant to help
under an NDA.

What I find great about this list that there is an enormous amount of
expertise and knowledge here. What I even find greater is that there is NO
baby-sitting here. New users are welcome, but they are expected to *read*
the FAQ and manual.

 are you male or female? Well, either way you are a 
 little bitch!

As they say: FOAD.
  Jurjen Oskam * for PGP key * Q265230
  pro-life bombing bush hacker attack USA president 2600 decss assassinate
nuclear strike terrorism gun control eta military disrupt economy encryption
3:12pm  up 33 days, 15:55,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00


2001-06-22 Thread Bill Andersen

Charles Cazabon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
Nope.  If you're running a mail server, you should have enough technical
knowledge to not be vulnerable to mass hysteria about technology.
go back to your stone knives and raw mastodon meat.

However, you are making the assumption the user wants to actually run
a mail server.  I've helped a few individuals that have no desire to
commercially run a mail server.  They simply want to set one up for their
own use in order TO LEARN how it all works.  Heck, my qmail box at my
house only has 3 users.  Me, my wife and my son.  I thought it would be
interesting to see if I could set up qmail and a Linux box at my house
(on DSL) and host my own domain.  I have no NEED for a mail server at
my house.  I've got an ISP that uses qmail that I could be using.  I just
wanted to learn.  Hey, I got it working and learned a lot about Linux/qmail.

That's the only way to get rid of my stone knives and raw meat! LEARN!

Your philosophy says, if you're not technically knowledgeable, you
have no business trying to learn how to use a mail server.  How the
heck do you become technically knowledgeable then?

OK, maybe the way some people had to learn was by asking uneducated
questions and then getting the shit kicked out of them for asking.
I'm sure someone's father out there used that approach when they
were a child.  Maybe it's why they always do the same to other



2001-06-22 Thread Bill Andersen

Russell Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
Then don't ask a public mailing list for help.  Instead, go to one of
the suppliers of commercial support.  How to know which is reliable?
Watch this mailing list, and see who's been around longest (has the
most established reputation to protect), and who supplies the most
clueful answers.

Well put.  Very much in the spirit of user supported software...

Russ, I'm not saying they shouldn't give us the information needed
to help them.  I'm just of the opinion we shouldn't jump down every
newbie's throat just because they are a little over cautious.

Put yourself in their shoes.  Imagine walking up to an Automated Teller
Machine and seeing a guy, presumably a maintenance worker, adjusting
the electronics.  He says, The card reader and pad aren't working.
Just give me your card and PIN number and I'll swipe it back here.

Would YOU hand over your card?

All he wants to do it help you, right?

Think about it...


2001-06-22 Thread Robin S. Socha

* Bill Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010622 13:13]:

 Your philosophy says, if you're not technically knowledgeable, you
 have no business trying to learn how to use a mail server.  How the
 heck do you become technically knowledgeable then?

And just for the record:

| Please read FAQ, PIC.*, and the other documentation in the 
| qmail package before sending your question to the qmail mailing list. 

Not to mention, as well as Dave's, Adam's and a lot of
other people's contributed documentation. Which part of there are only
very, very few things not already explained about qmail out there did
you not understand?


2001-06-22 Thread Robin S. Socha

* Bill Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010622 13:22]:
 Russell Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:

 Then don't ask a public mailing list for help.  Instead, go to one of
 the suppliers of commercial support.  How to know which is reliable?
 Watch this mailing list, and see who's been around longest (has the
 most established reputation to protect), and who supplies the most
 clueful answers.

I'd buy your suport every day, Russel. And I mean it.

 Well put.  Very much in the spirit of user supported software...

May I kindly ask you to, like, get a life? Russel offers commercial
support. He's contributing here *A LOT*. You, on the other hand, are a
whining luser.

 Russ, I'm not saying they shouldn't give us the information needed to
 help them.  I'm just of the opinion we shouldn't jump down every
 newbie's throat just because they are a little over cautious.

What dictionary did you look cautious up in? Or are you referring to the
OP's overly cautious use of the recommended reading aka FAQ?

 Put yourself in their shoes.  

Eh. That's what alt.rec.suicide is for.

 Imagine walking up to an Automated Teller Machine and seeing a guy,
 presumably a maintenance worker, adjusting the electronics.  He says,
 The card reader and pad aren't working.  Just give me your card and
 PIN number and I'll swipe it back here.

| Port   State   Service
| 21/tcp openftp 
| 22/tcp openssh 
| 23/tcp opentelnet  
| 25/tcp opensmtp
| 79/tcp openfinger  
| 80/tcp openhttp
| 111/tcpfilteredsunrpc  
| 199/tcpopensmux
| 443/tcpopenhttps   
| 512/tcpopenexec
| 513/tcpopenlogin   
| 514/tcpopenshell   
| 515/tcpopenprinter 
| 3306/tcp   openmysql   
| TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
|  Difficulty=74755 (Worthy challenge)
| Remote operating system guess: BSDI BSD/OS 3.0-3.1 (or possibly MacOS, NetBSD)

Would you like me to tell you the programs and version numbers to go
along with that, too, Sir?

 Would YOU hand over your card? - happy cracking, luser. Do you need any
help running nmap?

 All he wants to do it help you, right?

Since putting them down is a non-op, yes.

 Think about it...

Talking to yourself a lot, eh?


2001-06-22 Thread Russell Nelson

Bill Andersen writes:
  Russ, I'm not saying they shouldn't give us the information needed
  to help them.  I'm just of the opinion we shouldn't jump down every
  newbie's throat just because they are a little over cautious.

We don't jump down every newbie's throat.  Just every fifth one, to
serve as an example to the rest.  And then we put his head up on a

Like I said before: pick a reliable consultant from
How to know which is reliable?  Watch this mailing list, and see who's
been around longest (has the most established reputation to protect),
whose name begins with R, and when you've picked me, call
1-800-233-7351 with your credit card in hand.  Operators are standing
by!  Call now!

No, all MarkD's funning aside, I take *no* responsibility for the
quality of the performance of people listed on, and I say so right there.  You've got
to have some way to figure out who knows what they're doing, and who's
a turkey.  If you know of a better method than reading postings to
this mailing list, please 'fess up!

-russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | 
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | #exclude windows.h
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | 


2001-06-22 Thread Russell Nelson

Robin S. Socha writes:
  I'd buy your support any day, Russel. And I mean it.

Once, just once I'd like to see people mis-spel my name as Rusell.
Just once.  Why does anybody think that a trailing 'L' is optiona?
You don't ever see your name spelled Robi Socha, do you?  Huh?
Betcha don't, do ya?  And it's not like my name wasn't properly quoted
inside the message you responded two.  And I don't want to hear any
guff about English not being your native language not being English.
This is not spelling, this is typing.  There it was in all its glory,
Russell, with both of it's deserved, earned, highly-decorated, and
self-important L's.  If you're not up to the task of spelling Russell
today; if that's too many letters to type, you should feel free to
spell it Russ.

  OP's overly cautious use of the recommended reading aka FAQ?

And it's getting to the point where you don't even need
English-language skills.  We've got qmail documentation in Russian,
Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, German, and now French.
And except for the fact that all Indian computer techs can speak fluent
English, you'd see Hindi documentation as well.  Hrm.'s
Hindi page crashes Netscape.  That's okay, Netscape crashes just by
looking at it.  Um, say, did you know that the Hindi word for
colocation is colocation?

Note to Chinese qmail users: you've got a billion people living in
your country.  Surely one of them can write some Chinese-language
qmail documentation.  Get on it.

-russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | 
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | #exclude windows.h
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | 


2001-06-22 Thread Kirti S. Bajwa

 I'm sure someone's father out there used that approach when they
were a child.  Maybe it's why they always do the same to other

Agree.. 1G % 


-Original Message-
From: Bill Andersen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 10:55 AM
To: Charles Cazabon; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Charles Cazabon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
Nope.  If you're running a mail server, you should have enough technical
knowledge to not be vulnerable to mass hysteria about technology.
go back to your stone knives and raw mastodon meat.

However, you are making the assumption the user wants to actually run
a mail server.  I've helped a few individuals that have no desire to
commercially run a mail server.  They simply want to set one up for their
own use in order TO LEARN how it all works.  Heck, my qmail box at my
house only has 3 users.  Me, my wife and my son.  I thought it would be
interesting to see if I could set up qmail and a Linux box at my house
(on DSL) and host my own domain.  I have no NEED for a mail server at
my house.  I've got an ISP that uses qmail that I could be using.  I just
wanted to learn.  Hey, I got it working and learned a lot about Linux/qmail.

That's the only way to get rid of my stone knives and raw meat! LEARN!

Your philosophy says, if you're not technically knowledgeable, you
have no business trying to learn how to use a mail server.  How the
heck do you become technically knowledgeable then?

OK, maybe the way some people had to learn was by asking uneducated
questions and then getting the shit kicked out of them for asking.
I'm sure someone's father out there used that approach when they
were a child.  Maybe it's why they always do the same to other



2001-06-22 Thread Guillermo Villasana Cardoza

hey... is it ok if we only use Rus ;) j/k

so Russell... thanks for all your input here at the list 
PS: And just to make you happy : Rusell :D

- Original Message - 
From: Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: qmai maiing ist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 1:09 PM

 Robin S. Socha writes:
   I'd buy your support any day, Russel. And I mean it.
 Once, just once I'd like to see people mis-spel my name as Rusell.
 Just once.  Why does anybody think that a trailing 'L' is optiona?
 You don't ever see your name spelled Robi Socha, do you?  Huh?
 Betcha don't, do ya?  And it's not like my name wasn't properly quoted
 inside the message you responded two.  And I don't want to hear any
 guff about English not being your native language not being English.
 This is not spelling, this is typing.  There it was in all its glory,
 Russell, with both of it's deserved, earned, highly-decorated, and
 self-important L's.  If you're not up to the task of spelling Russell
 today; if that's too many letters to type, you should feel free to
 spell it Russ.
   OP's overly cautious use of the recommended reading aka FAQ?
 And it's getting to the point where you don't even need
 English-language skills.  We've got qmail documentation in Russian,
 Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, German, and now French.
 And except for the fact that all Indian computer techs can speak fluent
 English, you'd see Hindi documentation as well.  Hrm.'s
 Hindi page crashes Netscape.  That's okay, Netscape crashes just by
 looking at it.  Um, say, did you know that the Hindi word for
 colocation is colocation?
 Note to Chinese qmail users: you've got a billion people living in
 your country.  Surely one of them can write some Chinese-language
 qmail documentation.  Get on it.
 -russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | 
 521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | #exclude windows.h
 Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | 


2001-06-22 Thread Dave Sill

Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Once, just once I'd like to see people mis-spel my name as Rusell.
Just once.  Why does anybody think that a trailing 'L' is optiona?

Blame Randal Schwartz...or his parents.

Or maybe this guy:



2001-06-22 Thread Jeremy Suo-Anttila

Ok now i am confused WTF is Robin? Male? Female? 86 Year Old Hermaphidite
east Dallas Whore? Throw me a bone here please.

Thanks Russell Russ Rus Russel or whatever it is for all your help.



2001-06-22 Thread Jeff Palmer

Whoa,calm down there big guy,   yer scaring me!

Jeff Palmer

P.S.   this was just a comment to lighten the mood.
Please don't even reply to it (praises/flames not needed.)

On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Russell Nelson wrote:

 Robin S. Socha writes:
   I'd buy your support any day, Russel. And I mean it.

 Once, just once I'd like to see people mis-spel my name as Rusell.
 Just once.  Why does anybody think that a trailing 'L' is optiona?
 You don't ever see your name spelled Robi Socha, do you?  Huh?
 Betcha don't, do ya?  And it's not like my name wasn't properly quoted
 inside the message you responded two.  And I don't want to hear any
 guff about English not being your native language not being English.
 This is not spelling, this is typing.  There it was in all its glory,
 Russell, with both of it's deserved, earned, highly-decorated, and
 self-important L's.  If you're not up to the task of spelling Russell
 today; if that's too many letters to type, you should feel free to
 spell it Russ.

   OP's overly cautious use of the recommended reading aka FAQ?

 And it's getting to the point where you don't even need
 English-language skills.  We've got qmail documentation in Russian,
 Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, German, and now French.
 And except for the fact that all Indian computer techs can speak fluent
 English, you'd see Hindi documentation as well.  Hrm.'s
 Hindi page crashes Netscape.  That's okay, Netscape crashes just by
 looking at it.  Um, say, did you know that the Hindi word for
 colocation is colocation?

 Note to Chinese qmail users: you've got a billion people living in
 your country.  Surely one of them can write some Chinese-language
 qmail documentation.  Get on it.

 -russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok |
 521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | #exclude windows.h
 Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   |