Re: host email/web on ADSL

2002-01-13 Thread gary

Dear all,

Thanks for all advise...
as I still busy with other training
so will try it later...

Really appreciate all valuable input on this...


- Original Message -
From: "Dave Ihnat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: host email/web on ADSL

> On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 08:56:04PM -0400, Rob Wolfe wrote:
> > not to piddle on anyone's parade but...
> Aw, gw'an.  Have some phun.
> > Didn't we have this line of discussion just in the last week or two
> > Cable (or maybe it was another Redhat related list).
> I think it was another list, but it's relevant here.
> > I am going to jump in at the beginning and remind anyone thinking
> > about doing this that they should read their service agreement very
> > carefully as it is entirely possible that they are contractually
> > forbidden to host servers on "home" ADSL lines.
> Generally speaking, the DSL/ADSL providers are somewhat clueful, and
> don't worry much about it.  Possibly the best, in the US, at least,
> is DirecTV, which not only doesn't have anything about servers in its
> service agreeement, but acknowledges the presence of Unix & Linux in its
> installation documentation.  Moreover, they use DHCP as a mechanism for
> initial IP assignment, but don't dynamically reassign IP addresses on a
> whim (e.g., power loss)
> Cable providers are most wired about restriction of service.  The techs
> will, in some cases, tell you the truth--for instance, I was assured
> that AT&T Cable doesn't explicitly scan for servers, but will send a
> nastygram if you're being a "bad neighbor" with excessive bandwidth use,
> and it seemed to be the case--but it's catch-as-catch-can.
> I, personally, never had a problem with AT&T Cable, but I just ran my
> sendmail and web server for myself, and I blocked every IP address from
> their corporate range, too, so I couldn't be easily probed.  A friend
> today just told me he didn't, and got a mild nastygram telling him to
> shut down his mail server.
> OTOH, RCN Cable is allegedly very, very nasty, really using DHCP to switch
> IP addresses on something as trivial as a power cycle on the cable modem,
> and actively and aggressively scanning for "servers".
> YMMV.  Essentially, look for a Linux/Unix-friendly provider if you can.
> Otherwise, be religious about honoring the intended spirit of the
> if not the letter, and tell them politely how silly they're being if
> on it; but be ready to move.
> Cheers, and G'luck,
> --
> Dave Ihnat
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

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Re: Matrox G400 resolution problem

2002-01-13 Thread Peter Peltonen

On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 03:03:06PM +0100, Massimo Alonzo wrote:
> What do you think about the Beta Drivers for Linux from Matrox, I mean do
> they works ( I cannot loose my data)?

I tried them a few weeks ago. I did not notice any difference in the 
quality of picture. The strange thing was that when I logout I had to wait 
for a ten seconds for gdm to give me the login screen. When I switched 
back to standard RH72 drivers everything came back to normal. 


Redhat-list mailing list

Boot problem- root already mounted(?) and inits

2002-01-13 Thread Brandon Dorman

Hey guys,

Some of you may  remember my grub and windows problem of a bit ago.  Well 
following that I reinstalled yesterday, and everything worked fine for 24 
hours until i went in windows to do some final cleanup... so I thought.

Upon reboot, I was greeted by hell.  After it initialized the USB 
controller, I got something like this:
"mounting root filesystem in read/write mode...   [error]/ mounted 
already or bad option

then later on in the boot it would tell me it couldn't write to stuff like 
gpm and stuff, then at the end of all the error messages, up came:

init: Id "1" respawning too fast: disabled for five minutes"
(and it then went to say the same thing for 2, 3, 4, 6, 5)

If I could boot into it somehow I could get the logs in /var/log/syslog and 
/var/log/messages but i dont know the bootimage.  This is a stock RH 7.2 
box.  Thank you very much, I sure hope we can fix this without me 
reinstalling again.


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ip and port redirection

2002-01-13 Thread Lewi

i'm just wondering can i redirect connection if someone ssh to my linux box, i want to 
direct that to another server that i want it.

Lewi Supranata .K
ICQ: 50643061

Description: PGP signature

Re[2]: apache suexec support?

2002-01-13 Thread Badger

Hello David,

Sunday, January 13, 2002, 10:59:26 AM, you wrote:

DT> Hash: SHA1

DT> Simons wrote:

>>i'm going to set the apache web server, and the users have
>>"/home//html" as the web root, and the "/home//cgi-bin"
>>as the cgi-bin. the users will got a sub-domain hosting.
>>i know that i need to have "User" and "Group" in  directive,
>>but what should the value of --suexec-docroot and --suexec-userdir options
>>when doing apache configuration?

DT> suexec in user dirs should work without any specific configuration
DT> directives;  that's got nothing to do with --suexec-docroot.  The
DT> thing to be aware of is that there doesn't seem to be any way to
DT> change DOCROOT at run time, so choose --suexec-docroot carefully.  
DT> Whatever's compiled into suexec is the way it's gonna be, and suexec
DT> will only work under that parent dir.

DT> I would love for someone to correct me on this if I'm wrong, but I 
DT> can't find anything in the docs about it.

DT> - -d

How does one go about changing the apache rpm source and recompiling
to get an rpm with the custom configured paramters such as the suexec
docroot ?  Is there a reference for somewhere that aids in modifying
the source rpm so one can produce the custom rpm ?


Best regards,
 Badgermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Redhat-list mailing list

help with FAX.

2002-01-13 Thread sachin lamsoge

Hi all,

I also wanted some program to send FAX. Although i
don't have any modem. But i have a CISCO AS5300 which
has FAX capabilities and both my PC AND CISCO AS5300
are on LAN. Can i still use the command "fax" to send
fax. Is any modifications required. Is there anything
else which can be used.

please help

--- Manoj Naik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try hylafax.
> Manoj
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Massimo Alonzo
> Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 7:34 PM
> Subject: Fax Program
> Hi!
> Can you suggest me a good program to send a fax?
> Thanks
> Massimo
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

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Re: Checking MD5

2002-01-13 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 18:25 13 Jan 2002, Pieter De Wit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| How do I check the MD5 sig. using RedHat. Say I have downloaded the new isos
| how do I check that they are 100% ?

md5sum *.iso

And compare againt the file MD5SUMS from the same directory the ISOs came from.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reaching consensus in a group often is confused with finding the right
answer. - Norman Maier

Redhat-list mailing list

Checking MD5

2002-01-13 Thread Pieter De Wit

Hello Everyone,

How do I check the MD5 sig. using RedHat. Say I have downloaded the new isos
how do I check that they are 100% ?



Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Matrox G400 resolution problem

2002-01-13 Thread Hidong Kim


Good to know.

Trond Eivind Glomsrød wrote:
> Hidong Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Did you install Red Hat 7.2 fresh on this machine?  If so, XFree86 4 was
> > installed, and the configuration file you're using is
> > /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.  You really don't need 32 bpp color depth.  24
> > bpp will give you 16 million colors which should be fine for most
> > applications.
> Those are identical (the Matrox driver won't even start if you just
> change 24 to 32).
> --
> Trond Eivind Glomsrød
> Red Hat, Inc.
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: apache suexec support?

2002-01-13 Thread Chad and Doria Skinner

> All the specs are hard compiled into suexec for security reasons.
> But that's not so bad - you just recompile suexec to suit your
> environment.

Do you know what the default values for the --suexec-docroot
and --suexec-userdir are on RH?

Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-13 Thread Chad and Doria Skinner

> Also, something else, maybe this is supposed to happen,
> when I type in the address, then the port for MySQL, it
> gives me this ..
> LÿjHost '' is not allowed to connect
> to this MySQL server
> Is this supposed to happen? I think it is, because it doesn't
> have a web server built in, right?

This is caused by MySQL's authentication mechanism. It will, I believe, give
you the same error whether you are using perl or php or the mysql client on
a remote machine.

In order to log into the server from a remote client you will have to grant
access to a user from the client. You can also grant access to a user from
anymachine, but it would be most likely be more secure to limit access. Look
at the mysql docs for the GRANT command and it will explain the process
better that I ever could.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: samba: connecting to W2K from RH Linux

2002-01-13 Thread Lewi

first, you can try to specify username to connect to winbox with option -U
and check the sharing permission in winbox, what permission they have to allow some to 
connect to, because samba without specify a username, take your active login to 
connect, and maybe the username doesn't match with winbox has.

On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 08:47:09PM -0500, - - wrote:
> Hi all,
> I see a lot of messages about samba going around.  I also have a problem 
> with samba and can't really figure out. Hopefully someone more experienced 
> can point me out what I've been doing wrong. Anyway, I've set up samba 
> server on RH Linux 7.2 and my w2k box can see the share from Network 
> Neigborhood. However, when I do:
> #smbmount //w2k_box_name/d /mnt/win
> it prompts for a password.  Since I haven't set a password to get into my 
> w2k box, I put empty password and then get
> "26491: session setup failed: ERRDOS -ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)  SMB 
> connection failed."
> I think I'm misssing some configurations on w2k side, but I'm not sure.  Any 
> inputs are appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> kero
> _
> MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: 
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Lewi Supranata .K
ICQ: 50643061

Description: PGP signature

RE: Fax Program

2002-01-13 Thread Manoj Naik

Try hylafax.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Massimo Alonzo
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 7:34 PM
Subject: Fax Program


Can you suggest me a good program to send a fax?


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Re: Unused Swap

2002-01-13 Thread ABrady

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 20:34:44 -0600
Robert Canary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> implied:

> This is a RHL 7.1 install.
> When I do a swapon -s to see how much swap is being used it always
> "zero".  Even if I put the CPU under load it still shows zero.  It is
> only a 586 with 127M so I know it needs some swap, but apparently it
> is not using it, at least according to swapon -s it is not using it.
> Anyone else seen this sort of behavior?

Sure. It all depends on what you're running and how long it's been doing
it. I had an old P150 with 96M that almost never swapped. I now have a
P400 with 384M that is currently using 41-42M swap. I also have tons
more running now than I used to have.

I've currently been up 14 days. I usually don't start using any swap
until sometime late in the first or near the beginning of the second
day. I keep an x-session going all of the time the thing is running and
I have gobs of services, firewalling, firewall monitoring, log
monitoring and so on.

Microsoft: The company that made email dangerous.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Unused Swap

2002-01-13 Thread Devon

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 13 January 2002 09:34 pm, Robert Canary wrote:
> This is a RHL 7.1 install.
> When I do a swapon -s to see how much swap is being used it always
> "zero".  Even if I put the CPU under load it still shows zero.  It is
> only a 586 with 127M so I know it needs some swap, but apparently it is
> not using it, at least according to swapon -s it is not using it.
> Anyone else seen this sort of behavior?

Yes, but my machine isn't swapping. ;)

A minor storm with a few inches of wet heavy snow this morning knocked 
the power out for several hours. (Ended an uptime of ~120 days in the 
process.) Since the machine has been up only a few hours, it hasn't 
needed to start swapping.

What does 'free' report?

Here's what I get:

$ /sbin/swapon -s
FilenameTypeSize  UsedPriority
/dev/hda10   partition   7867040-1

$ free
  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:   512720   449608   63112 300 219260 117996
- -/+ buffers/cache: 112352 400368
Swap:786704   0   786704

$ uptime
  9:42pm  up  9:53,  8 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.01, 1.00

- -D

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re: USB zips

2002-01-13 Thread archie benton

I've been using a USB 250 iomega zip drive with Redhat 7.2 without any 
trouble at all. I had to do nothing except plug the drive into the USB 
port and it was recognized. Works better with redhat than it does with a 
windoze machine (you gotta load some software before it'll work!)


Redhat-list mailing list

Unused Swap

2002-01-13 Thread Robert Canary

This is a RHL 7.1 install.

When I do a swapon -s to see how much swap is being used it always
"zero".  Even if I put the CPU under load it still shows zero.  It is
only a 586 with 127M so I know it needs some swap, but apparently it is
not using it, at least according to swapon -s it is not using it.

Anyone else seen this sort of behavior?

robert canary
system services
(270)298-9331 Office
(270)298-7449 Fax

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Re: custom RPMs (was re: apache suexec support)

2002-01-13 Thread Devon

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 13 January 2002 08:53 pm, David Talkington wrote:
> Badger wrote:
> >How does one go about changing the apache rpm source and recompiling
> >to get an rpm with the custom configured paramters such as the suexec
> >docroot ?  Is there a reference for somewhere that aids in modifying
> >the source rpm so one can produce the custom rpm ?
> I don't mess with RPM for servers, so I'm the wrong guy to ask.
> There are others here (Chuck Mead leaps to mind) who build their own
> RPMs, and can probably quickly direct you to the right docs ...

I haven't done it, and I'm not an expert by any stretch of the 

That said, I believe you should be able to do it via the configure 
options in the apache spec file. specifically:
$ grep suexec apache.spec
--enable-suexec \
--suexec-docroot=%{contentdir} \
--suexec-uidmin=51 --suexec-gidmin=51 \

You can modify apache.spec, and then 'rpm -bb apache.spec' to rebuild the 
apache rpm.

Hope that helps,

- -D

- -- 

pgp key:

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Redhat-list mailing list

Re: CDROM Not Mounting

2002-01-13 Thread fred smith

On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 04:36:36PM -0500, Jake McHenry wrote:
> Hello everyone, I just got done installing RH7.2, from a CD, and now that the 
>install is complete, I can't mount the cdrom drive. It just says ..
> mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
> there is a sym link in /dev pointing /dev/cdrom to /dev/hdc, which I
> also tried.
> Upon bootup, it says my cdrom is hdc.
> Can anyone help me get this thing mounted?

The best way is to go to and download ALL the errata for
7.2. One of them will fix this problem. The others fix a variety of
other problems, some security, some just functional (like the whole
series of printing updates).

Over the last few weeks this has been asked many times, and others have
posted a temporary workaround for it (which I don't happen to recall
because the first thing I did was get and install all the errata).

good luck!
 Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, 
keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
- Proverbs 15:3 (niv) -

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Matrox G400 resolution problem

2002-01-13 Thread Trond Eivind Glomsrød

Hidong Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Did you install Red Hat 7.2 fresh on this machine?  If so, XFree86 4 was
> installed, and the configuration file you're using is
> /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.  You really don't need 32 bpp color depth.  24
> bpp will give you 16 million colors which should be fine for most
> applications. 

Those are identical (the Matrox driver won't even start if you just
change 24 to 32).

Trond Eivind Glomsrød
Red Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: custom RPMs (was re: apache suexec support)

2002-01-13 Thread Chuck Mead

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, David Talkington posted the following:
DT>Hash: SHA1
DT>Badger wrote:
DT>>Hello David, 
DT>>How does one go about changing the apache rpm source and recompiling
DT>>to get an rpm with the custom configured paramters such as the suexec
DT>>docroot ?  Is there a reference for somewhere that aids in modifying
DT>>the source rpm so one can produce the custom rpm ?
DT>I don't mess with RPM for servers, so I'm the wrong guy to ask.  
DT>There are others here (Chuck Mead leaps to mind) who build their own
DT>RPMs, and can probably quickly direct you to the right docs ...

rpm -i apache*src.rpm
cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
vi apache.spec

Edit to your hearts content.

rpm -ba apache.spec
rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/apache*i386.rpm

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Redhat-list mailing list

custom RPMs (was re: apache suexec support)

2002-01-13 Thread David Talkington

Hash: SHA1

Badger wrote:

>Hello David, 

>How does one go about changing the apache rpm source and recompiling
>to get an rpm with the custom configured paramters such as the suexec
>docroot ?  Is there a reference for somewhere that aids in modifying
>the source rpm so one can produce the custom rpm ?

I don't mess with RPM for servers, so I'm the wrong guy to ask.  
There are others here (Chuck Mead leaps to mind) who build their own
RPMs, and can probably quickly direct you to the right docs ...

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key:
- --

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


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samba: connecting to W2K from RH Linux

2002-01-13 Thread - -

Hi all,

I see a lot of messages about samba going around.  I also have a problem 
with samba and can't really figure out. Hopefully someone more experienced 
can point me out what I've been doing wrong. Anyway, I've set up samba 
server on RH Linux 7.2 and my w2k box can see the share from Network 
Neigborhood. However, when I do:

#smbmount //w2k_box_name/d /mnt/win

it prompts for a password.  Since I haven't set a password to get into my 
w2k box, I put empty password and then get

"26491: session setup failed: ERRDOS -ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)  SMB 
connection failed."

I think I'm misssing some configurations on w2k side, but I'm not sure.  Any 
inputs are appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-13 Thread cgalpin

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, David Talkington wrote:
> To address the question as it now stands, the answer is, yessir, if
> you're already proficient with Perl and have a lot of code already in
> place, you absolutely can stick with Perl, and do not need to learn
> PHP just to move your data out of text files and into a database.  Of
> course, your job will be a lot easier if your code is well written in
> discreet functions, so that you can just replace those portions which
> reach for a text file with new functions that query a database.

And to add to these wise words by David, another good reason to stick with
Perl is the DBI/DBD modules. Why? Well as great php is, it sucks when it
comes to database abstraction. If you use standard SQL, switching from
MySQL to Postgresql (or say Oracle) will be far easier using Perl than

By all means learn php for your next project.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: apache suexec support?

2002-01-13 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 10:59 13 Jan 2002, David Talkington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| suexec in user dirs should work without any specific configuration
| directives;  that's got nothing to do with --suexec-docroot.  The
| thing to be aware of is that there doesn't seem to be any way to
| change DOCROOT at run time, so choose --suexec-docroot carefully.  
| Whatever's compiled into suexec is the way it's gonna be, and suexec
| will only work under that parent dir.
| I would love for someone to correct me on this if I'm wrong, but I 
| can't find anything in the docs about it.

All the specs are hard compiled into suexec for security reasons.

But that's not so bad - you just recompile suexec to suit your environment.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743[EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's tougher for guys.  They get more jealous.  - Aaron Spelling

Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-13 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 14:13 13 Jan 2002, Jake McHenry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Ok, well, it's not my choice. My boss told me on Friday that he wan't to be
| using a MySQL database because it would be better. I don't ask questions.

Always ask questions.

| Right now, the perl scripts that I have wrote, write all the info to a plain
| text file. I know by using MySQL it would be more secure,

This is false.

| but there are no
| reasons that I know of why it sould be more secure. I have our network
| locked down pretty tight, and the only people that have access to the actual
| text file is my boss and I. If it would be easier to just stick with what I
| know, perl, that would be great.

You can. Make sure your perl has the DBI modules and the DBD::Msql-mysql... module.

| When I compiled apache last time, I didn't
| include any perl options, so would I have to recompile it to add the DBI
| functions?

No. Just install in your perl libraries and go.

| 1) the user enters data (general info, cc #, flight plans, etc.) and it
| writes it to a plain text file.
| 2) it's not using MySQL
| 3) Just so that it uses MySQL, all the data we currently have, and future
| data, needs to be converted into a MySQL database.

This isn't too hard. Make some tables. Access the tables.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I guess what really peeves me is that these stupid comments are
taken SERIOUSLY by the gnomes that run this university, they'll
be carefully perused by the morons who decide on my salary, some
little half-wit who moans that learning is *BORING* will be having
an impact on my ability to pay my bills.

Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-13 Thread Remo Mattei

Hi guys can someone suggest any ecom software for redhat.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: CDROM Not Mounting

2002-01-13 Thread Kjetil Tjensvold

There is a bug in RH 7.2 about mounting cdroms.
Go to rc.sysinit and comment out modprobe "cdrom"
and modprobe "ide-cd"
Type in the bottom of the file modprobe
ide-scsi>/dev/null 2>&1

--- Jake McHenry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev:
> Hello everyone, I just got done installing RH7.2,
> from a CD, and now that the install is complete, I
> can't mount the cdrom drive. It just says ..
> mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
> there is a sym link in /dev pointing /dev/cdrom to
> /dev/hdc, which I also tried.
> Upon bootup, it says my cdrom is hdc.
> Can anyone help me get this thing mounted?
> Thanks,
> Jake

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Re: run-levels

2002-01-13 Thread Nick Wilson

Hash: SHA1

* On 13-01-02 at 23:49 
* Blake Thornton said

> > Hi
> > Can someone please tell me which file I have to edit to have the boot
> > process wind up at run level 3.
> > I did this once before but have been re-installing and now can't work
> > out how to stop X from starting.
> /etc/inittab

Thanks guys.

- -- 

Nick Wilson

Tel:+45 3325 0688
Fax:+45 3325 0677

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
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Re: USB zips

2002-01-13 Thread Art Ross

Michael Scottaline wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 16:02:38 -0500
> Art Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled in frustration:
> > I'm considering purchasing a USB zip but wanted to know how well it will
> > work in Linux.  After you install Linux how will it be mounted.  The
> > system that I have now uses an IDE zip on the Secondary Master, so when
> > it's mounted I use the driver /dev/hdc4.
> >   How do you mount the USB  zip if supported?
> >   Best Regards,
> >   Art
> I run RH 7.2 on two laptops and a desktop.  On all three machines, my
> experience was identical with USB Zip250 drives: plug it in, a /zip250.0
> directory is automagically created in the /mnt directory.  /etc/fstab is
> automagically edited to include an appropriate line for the new drive.
> Absolutely fscking AMAZING!!!  No user intervention what-so-ever!!!  Just
> go to a terminal of your choice, enter "mount /mnt/zip250.0" and your
> mounted an ready to go.  Amazing!! Mike
> --
> "Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring,
> fighting, killing, and dreadful idolatry took place there."
> Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, mid 16th Century
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

  Thanks for the quick response.  This really makes thing easier than the
IDE zips.
  Best Regards,

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: run-levels

2002-01-13 Thread Blake Thornton

> Hi
> Can someone please tell me which file I have to edit to have the boot
> process wind up at run level 3.
> I did this once before but have been re-installing and now can't work
> out how to stop X from starting.


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: run-levels

2002-01-13 Thread Mike Burger


On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, Nick Wilson wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi
> Can someone please tell me which file I have to edit to have the boot
> process wind up at run level 3.
> I did this once before but have been re-installing and now can't work
> out how to stop X from starting.
> Much thanks 
> - -- 
> Nick Wilson
> Tel:  +45 3325 0688
> Fax:  +45 3325 0677
> Web:
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see
> zhCtGDLrazK8TUdfP5yXSvI=
> =bPdj
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

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2002-01-13 Thread Nick Wilson

Hash: SHA1

Can someone please tell me which file I have to edit to have the boot
process wind up at run level 3.
I did this once before but have been re-installing and now can't work
out how to stop X from starting.

Much thanks 
- -- 

Nick Wilson

Tel:+45 3325 0688
Fax:+45 3325 0677

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: mounting win98 parttion issue

2002-01-13 Thread Dominic Mitchell

Art Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Are you mounting these two partitions to different mount points?
Yes.  But I have tried to mount only one Win98 partition at once.

> What type of error messages are you receiving?  

type fs incorrect, option incorrect, superblock incorrect on
/dev/hda10 or too many files system mounted.

> Are you providing the type of filesystem in the mount command?

I have tried it at the command line and from the specification in
/etc/fstab.  The c drive mounts fine on /mnt/win98 but not

Any idea?

Dominic Mitchell

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: mounting win98 parttion issue

2002-01-13 Thread Dominic Mitchell

"Pieter De Wit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is the partion FAT32 ?

Yes, both /dev/hda1 and /hda10 are FAT32.  Is there any issues
there? /dev/hda1 is roughly 8 Gig and /dev/hda10 ~ 13Gig.


> - Original Message - From: "Dominic Mitchell"
> Saturday, January 12, 2002 3:23 AM Subject: mounting win98
> parttion issue
> >  Hi,
> > 
> > I have just configured a dual system.  There are 2 win98
> >partition one on /dev/hda1 and the other on /dev/hda10.  I can
> >mount the /dev/hda1 no problem but it complains about mounting
> >the second one.  It seems to have either problem with the size of
> >the partition (13 G ) or with the number of partition being
> >mounted.
> > 
> > 
> > Any pointer to solve this issue?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- Dominic Mitchell
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> ___ Redhat-list
> mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dominic Mitchell

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: mounting win98 parttion issue

2002-01-13 Thread Dominic Mitchell

John P Verel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi.
> I do exactly what you want to do.  Here's the germane entries from my /etc/fstab:
> /dev/hda1   /mnt/vfat   vfat 
>user,owner,exec,dev,suid,rw,conv=auto,uid=500,gid=500,auto 0 0
> /dev/hdb1   /mnt/ddrive vfat 
>user,owner,exec,dev,suid,rw,conv=auto,uid=500,gid=500,auto 0 0
> This works perfectly for me, under RH7.2, kernel as above.  Note that these
> partitions are automounted.  This may or may not be what you want.

I have tried these options for the Win98 d: but to not avail.  I
can mount the c: drive easily.  This is not the case for the d:
drive located on /dev/hda10

The message I am getting is:

type fs incorrect, option incorrect, superblock incorrect on
/dev/hda10 or too many files system mounted.

This is strange since with the same options I mount the c: drive.
The fs type is exactly the same for /dev/hda1 ( c drive ) and
/dev/hda10 ( drive ) 

I have

/ /dev/hda2
swap  /dev/hda3
/usr  /dev/hda5
/var  /dev/hda7
/tmp  /dev/hda8
/home /dev/hda9

The win98 stuff is on ( this is not mounted automatically ):

/dev/hda10   /mnt/data

I have just reformated /dev/hda10 is case there might have been a
problem there. Everything looks fine on that side.

Any idea what is wrong?  

Dominic Mitchell

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: USB zips

2002-01-13 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 16:02:38 -0500
Art Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled in frustration:

> I'm considering purchasing a USB zip but wanted to know how well it will
> work in Linux.  After you install Linux how will it be mounted.  The
> system that I have now uses an IDE zip on the Secondary Master, so when
> it's mounted I use the driver /dev/hdc4.
>   How do you mount the USB  zip if supported?
>   Best Regards,
>   Art
I run RH 7.2 on two laptops and a desktop.  On all three machines, my
experience was identical with USB Zip250 drives: plug it in, a /zip250.0
directory is automagically created in the /mnt directory.  /etc/fstab is
automagically edited to include an appropriate line for the new drive. 
Absolutely fscking AMAZING!!!  No user intervention what-so-ever!!!  Just
go to a terminal of your choice, enter "mount /mnt/zip250.0" and your
mounted an ready to go.  Amazing!! Mike

"Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring,
fighting, killing, and dreadful idolatry took place there."
Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, mid 16th Century

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: mounting win98 parttion issue

2002-01-13 Thread Dominic Mitchell

Art Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> John P Verel wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > I do exactly what you want to do.  Here's the germane entries from my /etc/fstab:
> >
> > /dev/hda1   /mnt/vfat   vfat 
>user,owner,exec,dev,suid,rw,conv=auto,uid=500,gid=500,auto 0 0
> > /dev/hdb1   /mnt/ddrive vfat 
>user,owner,exec,dev,suid,rw,conv=auto,uid=500,gid=500,auto 0 0
> >
> > This works perfectly for me, under RH7.2, kernel as above.  Note that these
> > partitions are automounted.  This may or may not be what you want.
> >

> I noticed that the second line in your /etc/fstab mounts hdb1.  This is a primary 
>slave HD not
> /dev/hda10.  Is this part of the problem?
>   Best Regards,
>   Art

This is not part of my partition table.  I do not have a second
hard drive on that machine.

The exact error message I get is 

type fs incorrect, option incorrect, superblock incorrect on
/dev/hda10 or too many files system mounted.

However, I can mount /dev/hda1 (win98 LBA fat 32) without these

I really would like to use that part to share data between

Thanks for your help.

Dominic Mitchell

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: using linux in a microsoft environment

2002-01-13 Thread Ben Logan

You might find something interesting by perusing the HOWTOs.  In
particular, you might glean some info from the DOS-Win-to-Linux-HOWTO.

Just a thought...


On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 12:22:34PM -0500, rpjday wrote:
> that's not what i'm after here.  the goal is to show people how to,
> using linux, do the same things they're used to doing in windows.
> if it turns out to be even easier/better in linux, that's a bonus.

Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
OpenPGP Key KeyID: A1ADD1F0

She blinded me with science!

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: CDROM Not Mounting

2002-01-13 Thread Devon

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 13 January 2002 04:36 pm, Jake McHenry wrote:
> Hello everyone, I just got done installing RH7.2, from a CD, and now
> that the install is complete, I can't mount the cdrom drive. It just
> says ..
> mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
> there is a sym link in /dev pointing /dev/cdrom to /dev/hdc, which I
> also tried.
> Upon bootup, it says my cdrom is hdc.
> Can anyone help me get this thing mounted?

Hi Jake,

You should apply all the available updates, which will fix the problem.

For the time being, 'depmode -ae' should also fix it.


Hope that helps,

- -D

- -- 

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2002-01-13 Thread Thomas Bergstam

Hash: SHA1

Check out:

and perhaps:

Some tip to get there.

- - Original Message - 
From: "Jake McHenry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jack Bowling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "RedHat List"
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: MySQL

Ok, I'll look into using my existing scripts, only adding the MySQL
to it.
What will I need to change/add in the scripts to access the database?
Will I
need to add any other packages? Currently, this is what I have



Are there any docs on webpage scripting and MySQL? How do I access
database from the webpage?

Thanks again,

Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for non-commercial use 


Redhat-list mailing list

CDROM Not Mounting

2002-01-13 Thread Jake McHenry

Hello everyone, I just got done installing RH7.2, 
from a CD, and now that the install is complete, I can't mount the cdrom drive. 
It just says ..
mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block 
there is a sym link in /dev pointing /dev/cdrom to 
/dev/hdc, which I also tried.
Upon bootup, it says my cdrom is hdc.
Can anyone help me get this thing 

Re: Fax Program

2002-01-13 Thread Anthony E. Greene

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, Massimo Alonzo wrote:
>Can you suggest me a good program to send a fax?

There is a script named "fax" that works with efax. It was included in my
RH62 and RH72 setups. It's simple. To send a fax, just create a Postscript
or text file and use the command:

  fax send PhoneNumber

The Print-To-File feature of X productivity apps create a Postscript file.
There are graphical front ends to efax, but the included fax script works
well enough for the occasional fax that i've never bothered to use the GUI

- -- 
Anthony E. Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
PGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26 C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
Chat: AOL/Yahoo: TonyG05
Linux. The choice of a GNU generation 

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Anthony E. Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0x6C94239D


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Squid + IPtables + FTP

2002-01-13 Thread Patrick Lankhorst

Now that I'm redaing my own post, I realise I 
didn't put my actual question in it.
Browsing FTP sites with IE doesn't work when the 
firewall is down (squid's still up) but downloading files from FTP servers ( for instance) is working 
It's as if browsing FTP sites is handled by the 
masquerading bit of IPtables, though I told IE to use the proxy server. I hope 
someone can figure this one out.

  I have a strange problem: I have Squid 2.4 
  running, and an IPtables firewall, both on the same RH 7.2 box. The box acts 
  as a router for 1 win box. When both squid and the firewall are running, I can 
  access every FTP site I like. However, when I stop the firewall I can't 
  reach any FTP site anymore. IE waits for about 2 mins. then it seems to reach 
  the FTP-site, but then, after 30 secs., comes with a timeout message. When I 
  start the firewall script again, everythings fine again.
  IE on my win box is configured to use the proxy 
  for all protocols.
  Notes: The firewall is configured for 
  masquerading (due to games not working through the proxy) and when i stop the 
  firewall script the last two rules are:
  iptables -F INPUT
  iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT

USB zips

2002-01-13 Thread Art Ross

I'm considering purchasing a USB zip but wanted to know how well it will
work in Linux.  After you install Linux how will it be mounted.  The
system that I have now uses an IDE zip on the Secondary Master, so when
it's mounted I use the driver /dev/hdc4.
  How do you mount the USB  zip if supported?
  Best Regards,

Redhat-list mailing list

ftp problem

2002-01-13 Thread adrian kok

Hi all

I have ftp problem as follows:
Please help

[root@mail linux]# ftp
Connected to
220 FTP server (Version
wu-2.6.1-16.7x.1) ready.
Name ( aug
331 Password required for aug.
230 User aug logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> bin
200 Type set to I.
ftp> mput menu.txt
mput menu.txt ? y
502 Illegal PORT Command
ftp: bind: Address already in use

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Get your free address at

Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-13 Thread David Talkington

Hash: SHA1

Jake McHenry wrote:

>> Ok, hold the fone, phriend.  This is all very vague and makes no
>> sense to me.

>Ok, well, it's not my choice. My boss told me on Friday that he wan't to be
>using a MySQL database because it would be better. I don't ask questions.
>Right now, the perl scripts that I have wrote, write all the info to a plain
>text file. I know by using MySQL it would be more secure, but there are no
>reasons that I know of why it sould be more secure. I have our network
>locked down pretty tight, and the only people that have access to the actual
>text file is my boss and I. If it would be easier to just stick with what I
>know, perl, that would be great. When I compiled apache last time, I didn't
>include any perl options, so would I have to recompile it to add the DBI

>> Please answer these questions, for your own benefit and for ours:
>> 1. What goal does your application currently accomplish?
>> 2. What goal does it not accomplish that your boss would like to
>> accomplish?
>> 3. What exactly are you being asked to change to in order to satisfy
>> #2?

>answers to questions ...
>1) the user enters data (general info, cc #, flight plans, etc.) and it
>writes it to a plain text file.
>2) it's not using MySQL
>3) Just so that it uses MySQL, all the data we currently have, and future
>data, needs to be converted into a MySQL database.

Ok, that makes more sense.  Sorry if I'm dense, but all that talk
about PHP lost me, because it wasn't part of your question or problem
as you stated it.  No one will argue about the above in principle;  
there are very good reasons for using a database instead of text
files.  Performance, extendability, maintainability will certainly be
better served; security maybe, though that depends on your situation 
and needs.

To address the question as it now stands, the answer is, yessir, if
you're already proficient with Perl and have a lot of code already in
place, you absolutely can stick with Perl, and do not need to learn
PHP just to move your data out of text files and into a database.  Of
course, your job will be a lot easier if your code is well written in
discreet functions, so that you can just replace those portions which
reach for a text file with new functions that query a database.

And nope, you do not need to do anything to Apache to make this work,
though you eventually may want to add mod_perl if performance becomes
a concern.

To that end, I highly recommend a book by Paul DuBois called "MySQL
and Perl for the Web".  (This is the same guy that wrote "MySQL" for
New Riders.)  This book has a wealth of details and examples of
exactly what you need right now.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

Cheers -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key:
- --

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-13 Thread Jake McHenry

Ok, well, it's not my choice. My boss told me on Friday that he wan't to be
using a MySQL database because it would be better. I don't ask questions.
Right now, the perl scripts that I have wrote, write all the info to a plain
text file. I know by using MySQL it would be more secure, but there are no
reasons that I know of why it sould be more secure. I have our network
locked down pretty tight, and the only people that have access to the actual
text file is my boss and I. If it would be easier to just stick with what I
know, perl, that would be great. When I compiled apache last time, I didn't
include any perl options, so would I have to recompile it to add the DBI

answers to questions ...

1) the user enters data (general info, cc #, flight plans, etc.) and it
writes it to a plain text file.
2) it's not using MySQL
3) Just so that it uses MySQL, all the data we currently have, and future
data, needs to be converted into a MySQL database.


- Original Message -
From: "David Talkington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: MySQL

> Hash: SHA1
> Jake McHenry wrote:
> >Hello everyone. I am kinda disturbed about what my boss wants me to
> >do. I have spent the past 6 months creating a web-based database all
> >with perl scripts. It works great! But he now want's me to convert
> >it to MySQL. I have MySQL installed, up and running. I can connect
> >to it from the local machine.
> >
> >The problem is, what do I do now? I've read articles on using MySQL
> >and PHP together for web access, but I don't have PHP installed. How
> >else can I access the database? Say maybe using perl?
> Ok, hold the fone, phriend.  This is all very vague and makes no
> sense to me.
> Please answer these questions, for your own benefit and for ours:
> 1. What goal does your application currently accomplish?
> 2. What goal does it not accomplish that your boss would like to
> accomplish?
> 3. What exactly are you being asked to change to in order to satisfy
> #2?
> So far in this thread, I haven't even been able to figure out what
> you're trying to do, let alone why you think PHP will help you!
> Maybe what you meant to say was "convert it to PHP", instead of
> "convert it to MySQL"?  If so, the answers to #1 and #2 above will
> help us a lot, even if the response turns out to be "you don't need to
> do that".  Perl is perfectly capable of talking to MySQL.
> Peace, and good luck.
> - -d
> - --
> David Talkington
> PGP key:
> - --
> Version: PGP 6.5.8
> Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6
> di0iV2yAOv63MGDoveUEpV0b
> =EJbo
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-13 Thread fred smith

Yes, IPFWADM, not IPchains or whatever is newer!

I'm still running an IP Masq box here with a 2.0.36 kernel. I'm trying
to add some ipfwadm rules to punch a hole so sendmail can work thru the
"firewall" with my ISP. (I've been using uucp for years, now I'm switching
to a fixed IP address and ETRN.)

So I dig up the firewall-HOWTO and read the section on IPFWADM and see
there are two examples there for doing what I think is what I want to do.
Here's what the HOWTO shows:

#allow incoming email
/sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 1024:65535 -D 25
#allow email connections to outside email servers
/sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 25 -D 1024:65535

I've modified that slightly by putting: 1) the address of the smtp server
at my ISP where these two rules have "" and the internal-to-my-LAN
address of the machine where sendmail actually runs (it's not running on
the ip masq box itself as a security measure) where the example shows

When I submit those two rules to ipfwadm I get back an error message 
(sorry I don't have the exact wording) about "multiple commands" (or
"too many commands", and I get it once for each of these rules.

I don't have a clue about what it's complaining about. Each option I'm
using is listed in the ipfwadm man page. The only thing that looks
perhaps weird to me is that for the -b option, the man page says:

   -b Bidirectional mode.  The rule will  match  with  IP
  packets  in  both  directions.  This option is only
  valid in combination with the  append,  insert,  or
  delete commands.

I'm not entirely certain I follow this.

Is there someone here who understands IPFWADM (rather than doing a
cookbook thing like I'm forced to do in lieu of knowing what I'm doing)
who can help enlighten me as to 1) what's the problem here, and 2) how
to really do what I want to do?


 Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  "For him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his 
 glorious presence without fault and with great joy--to the only God our Savior
 be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before
 all ages, now and forevermore! Amen."
- Jude 1:24,25 (niv) -

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: apache suexec support?

2002-01-13 Thread David Talkington

Hash: SHA1

Simons wrote:

>i'm going to set the apache web server, and the users have
>"/home//html" as the web root, and the "/home//cgi-bin"
>as the cgi-bin. the users will got a sub-domain hosting.
>i know that i need to have "User" and "Group" in  directive,
>but what should the value of --suexec-docroot and --suexec-userdir options
>when doing apache configuration?

suexec in user dirs should work without any specific configuration
directives;  that's got nothing to do with --suexec-docroot.  The
thing to be aware of is that there doesn't seem to be any way to
change DOCROOT at run time, so choose --suexec-docroot carefully.  
Whatever's compiled into suexec is the way it's gonna be, and suexec
will only work under that parent dir.

I would love for someone to correct me on this if I'm wrong, but I 
can't find anything in the docs about it.

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key:
- --

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Squid + IPtables + FTP

2002-01-13 Thread David Talkington

Hash: SHA1

Patrick Lankhorst wrote:

>I have a strange problem: I have Squid 2.4 running, and an IPtables
>firewall, both on the same RH 7.2 box. The box acts as a router for
>1 win box. When both squid and the firewall are running, I can
>access every FTP site I like. However, when I stop the firewall I
>can't reach any FTP site anymore. IE waits for about 2 mins. then it
>seems to reach the FTP-site, but then, after 30 secs., comes with a
>timeout message. When I start the firewall script again, everythings
>fine again. IE on my win box is configured to use the proxy for all
>Notes: The firewall is configured for masquerading (due to games not
>working through the proxy) and when i stop the firewall script the
>last two rules are:
>iptables -F INPUT
>iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT

# iptables -F

You only flushed the INPUT table; you probably also need to clean out 

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key:
- --

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-13 Thread David Talkington

Hash: SHA1

Jake McHenry wrote:

>Hello everyone. I am kinda disturbed about what my boss wants me to
>do. I have spent the past 6 months creating a web-based database all
>with perl scripts. It works great! But he now want's me to convert
>it to MySQL. I have MySQL installed, up and running. I can connect
>to it from the local machine.
>The problem is, what do I do now? I've read articles on using MySQL
>and PHP together for web access, but I don't have PHP installed. How
>else can I access the database? Say maybe using perl?

Ok, hold the fone, phriend.  This is all very vague and makes no 
sense to me.

Please answer these questions, for your own benefit and for ours: 

1. What goal does your application currently accomplish?

2. What goal does it not accomplish that your boss would like to 

3. What exactly are you being asked to change to in order to satisfy

So far in this thread, I haven't even been able to figure out what
you're trying to do, let alone why you think PHP will help you!  
Maybe what you meant to say was "convert it to PHP", instead of
"convert it to MySQL"?  If so, the answers to #1 and #2 above will
help us a lot, even if the response turns out to be "you don't need to
do that".  Perl is perfectly capable of talking to MySQL.

Peace, and good luck.

- -d 

- --
David Talkington

PGP key:
- --

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6


Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-13 Thread Jake McHenry

Thanks! Another question, what does MySQL-DBI-perl-bin do? Do I need this

Thanks everyone,

- Original Message -
From: "Jonathan Bartlett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "RedHat List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Jack Bowling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: MySQL

> use DBI;
> my $dbh = DBI->connect("CONNECTSTRINGGOESHERE", "whateveryourusernameis",
> "whateveryourpasswordis");
> my ($x, $y, $z);
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare("Select X, Y, Z from whatever where something =
> somethingelse") || die("error preparing statement");
> $sth->execute || die("error executing statement");
> while(($x, $y, $z) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
> {
> }
> $dbh->do("insert into whatever (a, b, c) VALUES ('valuea', 'valueb',
> 'valuec');
> You can get more info by doing
> perldoc DBI
> You can find out what your connect string should be by reading MySQL's
> driver docs (perldoc DBD::MySQL maybe, I forget).
> Anyway, the preceding code was from my head, and probably has errors.
> Also, you can get DBI errror meessages from the variable $DBI::errstr I
> believe.
> Jon
> On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, Jake McHenry wrote:
> > Ok, I'll look into using my existing scripts, only adding the MySQL to
> > What will I need to change/add in the scripts to access the database?
Will I
> > need to add any other packages? Currently, this is what I have
> >
> > perl-5.6.0-9
> > groff-perl-1.16-7
> > perl-DBI-1.18-1
> >
> > MySQL-3.23.47-1
> > MySQL-devel-3.23.47-1
> > MySQL-client-3.23.47-1
> > MySQL-shared-3.23.47-1
> >
> >
> > Are there any docs on webpage scripting and MySQL? How do I access the
> > database from the webpage?
> >
> > Thanks again,
> > Jake
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Jack Bowling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Jake McHenry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 10:29 AM
> > Subject: Re: MySQL
> >
> >
> > > ** Reply to message from Jake McHenry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
> > Sun, 13 Jan 2002 08:32:43 -0500
> > >
> > > Yes, keep the perl-DBI. It may come in handy. If you are asking which
> > version of PHP to use, get the latest which is 4.0x,
> > >
> > > jb
> > >
> > >
> > > > Should I keep the perl-DBI rpm that I installed for this? Will I
need it
> > for
> > > > anything with PHP? Does anyone recommend any specific version?
> > > >
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Jake
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > - Original Message -
> > > > From: "Jack Bowling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > To: "Jake McHenry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 9:43 PM
> > > > Subject: Re: MySQL
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > ** Reply to message from Jake McHenry
> > > > Sat, 12 Jan 2002 20:24:07 -0500
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > > Hello everyone. I am kinda disturbed about what my boss wants me
> > do.
> > > > I have spent the past 6 months creating a web-based database all
> > perl
> > > > scripts. It works great! But he now want's me to convert it to
> > have
> > > > MySQL installed, up and running. I can connect to it from the local
> > machine.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > The problem is, what do I do now? I've read articles on using
> > and
> > > > PHP together for web access, but I don't have PHP installed. How
> > can I
> > > > access the database? Say maybe using perl?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Also, something else, maybe this is supposed to happen, when I
> > in
> > > > the address, then the port for MySQL, it gives me this ..
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > LÿjHost '' is not allowed to connect to this
> > MySQL
> > > > server
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Is this supposed to happen? I think it is, because it doesn't
have a
> > web
> > > > server built in, right?
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thanks in advance,
> > > > > > Jake
> > > > >
> > > > > Jake - Although not exactly what you wanted, check out Jonathon
> > > > Daugherty's Solomon MySQL Web Interface 2.0.5 at
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > It is GPL'ed so you should be able to mix and match if needed. Or
> > least
> > > > see how Jon has done things.
> > > > >
> > > > > Jack
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Redhat-list mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

apache suexec support?

2002-01-13 Thread Simons


i'm going to set the apache web server, and the users have
"/home//html" as the web root, and the "/home//cgi-bin"
as the cgi-bin. the users will got a sub-domain hosting.

i know that i need to have "User" and "Group" in  directive,
but what should the value of --suexec-docroot and --suexec-userdir options
when doing apache configuration?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Matrox G400 resolution problem

2002-01-13 Thread Hidong Kim


I don't have any experience with the G400.  But I thought Matrox cards
worked really well with Linux.  We have several machines here with
Millennium IIs and G200s, and they work great.  In fact, I remember a
few years ago when the G400 came out, I read an article on the Internet
about how good Quake on Linux looked with the G400.  Have you tried a
different monitor?  That's the only thing I can think of at this point. 
I'm all tapped out of ideas.  Good luck,


Massimo Alonzo wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Jan 2002, Hidong Kim wrote:
> > Did you install Red Hat 7.2 fresh on this machine?
> Yes!
> > If so, XFree86 4 was installed, and the configuration file you're
> > using is /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.  You really don't need 32 bpp color
> > depth.  24 bpp will give you 16 million colors which should be fine
> > for most applications.
> Done!
> > The only thing I see in your Xf86Config-4 which is different from mine
> > is the View Port line.  This is what my file looks like:
> >
> > Subsection "Display"
> > Depth   24
> > Modes   "1280x1024" "640x480" "800x600" "1024x768"
> > ViewPort0 0
> > EndSubsection
> >
> >From "man XF86Config"
>  ViewPort  x0 y0
>   This  optional  entry sets the upper left corner of
>   the initial display.  This is  only  relevant  when
>   the virtual screen resolution is different from the
>   resolution of the  initial  video  mode.   If  this
>   entry  is  not given, then the initial display will
>   be centered in the virtual display area.
> >
> > Also, have you set the vertical and horizontal refresh rates as
> > specified in the monitor's manual?
> >
> >
>  They were already set.
> I still have problems and they're really evident when I use applications
> like nedit (grey background).
> Have you a Matrox G400?
> What do you think about the Beta Drivers for Linux from Matrox, I mean do
> they works ( I cannot loose my data)?
> Thanks
> Massimo
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Does linux have any Autocad like software?

2002-01-13 Thread Manuel A. Camacho Q.

Dave Lopez wrote:
> Im just wondering if there are any autocad-like in linux? thanks..
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

VariCAD, LinuxCAD. They are not OpenSource, but they do 3D and
mechanical calculations.


Redhat-list mailing list

Squid + IPtables + FTP

2002-01-13 Thread Patrick Lankhorst

I have a strange problem: I have Squid 2.4 running, 
and an IPtables firewall, both on the same RH 7.2 box. The box acts as a router 
for 1 win box. When both squid and the firewall are running, I can access every 
FTP site I like. However, when I stop the firewall I can't reach any FTP 
site anymore. IE waits for about 2 mins. then it seems to reach the FTP-site, 
but then, after 30 secs., comes with a timeout message. When I start the 
firewall script again, everythings fine again.
IE on my win box is configured to use the proxy for 
all protocols.
Notes: The firewall is configured for masquerading 
(due to games not working through the proxy) and when i stop the firewall script 
the last two rules are:
iptables -F INPUT
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT

Re: using linux in a microsoft environment

2002-01-13 Thread rpjday

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:

> >   to begin, one could list simple things like mtools to 
> > access dos floppies, 
> You don't need mtools for that.  You only need mtools for accessing them
> when they aren't mounted

um, i know.  but for windows folks, using mtools is a simpler solution
if you don't want to teach them about mounting and unmounting, and
the mtools commands are conveniently similar to the corresponding
windows commands.

> > "xpdf" to read PDF documents,
> Actually, Gnome Ghostview, or even Adobe Acrobat work a lot better

and they would be listed as well.  i wasn't trying to be exhaustive,
just trying to give people an idea of what i was trying to do.
> >   are there any good sites/articles out there along this
> > vein?  this is just the kind of document that would interest
> > a number of my clients.  and if i can't find docs just like
> > this, then i guess i'll just have to write one. :-)
> I'll try to pull up some pointers for you.  An even better document would
> be listing things you can only do really well in Linux.

that's not what i'm after here.  the goal is to show people how to,
using linux, do the same things they're used to doing in windows.
if it turns out to be even easier/better in linux, that's a bonus.


Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Fax Program

2002-01-13 Thread Daniel L Quigley-Skillin

In fact several of the GUI's out there interface directly with efax.  

Agreed, Freshmeat is a good place to look.

> The (very few) times I've needed to send a fax, I used efax.  
> It is command-line based, but I like it.
> I know there are some GUI ones...seems like I downloaded one 
> and never installed it, but a search on Freshmeat should turn them up.
> Regards,
> Ben

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: using linux in a microsoft environment

2002-01-13 Thread Jonathan Bartlett

>   to begin, one could list simple things like mtools to 
> access dos floppies, 

You don't need mtools for that.  You only need mtools for accessing them
when they aren't mounted

> "xpdf" to read PDF documents,
Actually, Gnome Ghostview, or even Adobe Acrobat work a lot better

>   are there any good sites/articles out there along this
> vein?  this is just the kind of document that would interest
> a number of my clients.  and if i can't find docs just like
> this, then i guess i'll just have to write one. :-)

I'll try to pull up some pointers for you.  An even better document would
be listing things you can only do really well in Linux.


> rday
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-13 Thread Jonathan Bartlett

use DBI;

my $dbh = DBI->connect("CONNECTSTRINGGOESHERE", "whateveryourusernameis",

my ($x, $y, $z);

my $sth = $dbh->prepare("Select X, Y, Z from whatever where something =
somethingelse") || die("error preparing statement");

$sth->execute || die("error executing statement");

while(($x, $y, $z) = $sth->fetchrow_array)


$dbh->do("insert into whatever (a, b, c) VALUES ('valuea', 'valueb',

You can get more info by doing 

perldoc DBI

You can find out what your connect string should be by reading MySQL's
driver docs (perldoc DBD::MySQL maybe, I forget).

Anyway, the preceding code was from my head, and probably has errors.
Also, you can get DBI errror meessages from the variable $DBI::errstr I


On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, Jake McHenry wrote:

> Ok, I'll look into using my existing scripts, only adding the MySQL to it.
> What will I need to change/add in the scripts to access the database? Will I
> need to add any other packages? Currently, this is what I have installed...
> perl-5.6.0-9
> groff-perl-1.16-7
> perl-DBI-1.18-1
> MySQL-3.23.47-1
> MySQL-devel-3.23.47-1
> MySQL-client-3.23.47-1
> MySQL-shared-3.23.47-1
> Are there any docs on webpage scripting and MySQL? How do I access the
> database from the webpage?
> Thanks again,
> Jake
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jack Bowling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Jake McHenry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 10:29 AM
> Subject: Re: MySQL
> > ** Reply to message from Jake McHenry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
> Sun, 13 Jan 2002 08:32:43 -0500
> >
> > Yes, keep the perl-DBI. It may come in handy. If you are asking which
> version of PHP to use, get the latest which is 4.0x,
> >
> > jb
> >
> >
> > > Should I keep the perl-DBI rpm that I installed for this? Will I need it
> for
> > > anything with PHP? Does anyone recommend any specific version?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Jake
> > >
> > >
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "Jack Bowling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: "Jake McHenry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 9:43 PM
> > > Subject: Re: MySQL
> > >
> > >
> > > > ** Reply to message from Jake McHenry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
> > > Sat, 12 Jan 2002 20:24:07 -0500
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Hello everyone. I am kinda disturbed about what my boss wants me to
> do.
> > > I have spent the past 6 months creating a web-based database all with
> perl
> > > scripts. It works great! But he now want's me to convert it to MySQL. I
> have
> > > MySQL installed, up and running. I can connect to it from the local
> machine.
> > > > >
> > > > > The problem is, what do I do now? I've read articles on using MySQL
> and
> > > PHP together for web access, but I don't have PHP installed. How else
> can I
> > > access the database? Say maybe using perl?
> > > > >
> > > > > Also, something else, maybe this is supposed to happen, when I type
> in
> > > the address, then the port for MySQL, it gives me this ..
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > LÿjHost '' is not allowed to connect to this
> > > server
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Is this supposed to happen? I think it is, because it doesn't have a
> web
> > > server built in, right?
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks in advance,
> > > > > Jake
> > > >
> > > > Jake - Although not exactly what you wanted, check out Jonathon
> > > Daugherty's Solomon MySQL Web Interface 2.0.5 at
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > It is GPL'ed so you should be able to mix and match if needed. Or at
> least
> > > see how Jon has done things.
> > > >
> > > > Jack
> > > >
> > > >
> >
> >
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Does linux have any Autocad like software?

2002-01-13 Thread Jonathan Bartlett

QCad does 2D CAD.


On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, Dave Lopez wrote:

> Im just wondering if there are any autocad-like in linux? thanks..
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: help all of my os gone

2002-01-13 Thread Ben Logan

Did you try

# mount -t ext3 /dev/hda2 /mnt/

It still may not work, but it looks like that particular error is
caused by trying to mount an ext3 filesystem as ext2.

Hope you get it worked out,

On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 08:00:02PM -0500, Lewi wrote:
> but when i mount hda2, errors shows up
> lewi:~# mount -t ext2 /dev/hda2 /mnt/
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2,
>or too many mounted file systems
> i have formatted all partition on hda with ext3
> what i can do now? if i dont remember it exactly.

Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
OpenPGP Key KeyID: A1ADD1F0

The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents and the second half
by our children.
-- Clarence Darrow

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Does linux have any Autocad like software?

2002-01-13 Thread Ben Logan

I don't know what Autocad is like, but I really like QCad for what I
need to do.  XFig is also good for illustrations (say for books and
things), but QCad is better for technical drawings, IMHO.


On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 10:28:58PM +0800, Dave Lopez wrote:
> Im just wondering if there are any autocad-like in linux? thanks..

Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
OpenPGP Key KeyID: A1ADD1F0

No house is childproofed unless the little darlings are in straitjackets.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Fax Program

2002-01-13 Thread Ben Logan

The (very few) times I've needed to send a fax, I used efax.  It is
command-line based, but I like it.

I know there are some GUI ones...seems like I downloaded one and never
installed it, but a search on Freshmeat should turn them up.


On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 03:04:29PM +0100, Massimo Alonzo wrote:
> Hi!
> Can you suggest me a good program to send a fax?

Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
OpenPGP Key KeyID: A1ADD1F0

People say I live in my own little fantasy world... well, at least they
*know* me there!
-- D.L. Roth

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ssh via browser?

2002-01-13 Thread Jesus Ortega (a.k.a. Nitebirdz)

On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, gregory mott wrote:

> if i want to be able to get into my redhat box from the internet via a 
> browser, is there a handy plugin or whatever that provides the same level 
> of security and peace of mind as ssh?

Webmin has a module that allows you to do this.  You connect to the system
via port 1 using your browser, and then launch the ssh module for a 
regular shell.  I suppose it's not as secure though because the connection
takes place via the Webmin daemon, and I ignore if that connection is secured
at all.  My guess is that it's possible to use SSL for Webmin too.


Linux XFS-->

Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-13 Thread Jake McHenry

Ok, I'll look into using my existing scripts, only adding the MySQL to it.
What will I need to change/add in the scripts to access the database? Will I
need to add any other packages? Currently, this is what I have installed...



Are there any docs on webpage scripting and MySQL? How do I access the
database from the webpage?

Thanks again,

- Original Message -
From: "Jack Bowling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jake McHenry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: MySQL

> ** Reply to message from Jake McHenry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
Sun, 13 Jan 2002 08:32:43 -0500
> Yes, keep the perl-DBI. It may come in handy. If you are asking which
version of PHP to use, get the latest which is 4.0x,
> jb
> > Should I keep the perl-DBI rpm that I installed for this? Will I need it
> > anything with PHP? Does anyone recommend any specific version?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jake
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Jack Bowling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Jake McHenry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 9:43 PM
> > Subject: Re: MySQL
> >
> >
> > > ** Reply to message from Jake McHenry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
> > Sat, 12 Jan 2002 20:24:07 -0500
> > >
> > >
> > > > Hello everyone. I am kinda disturbed about what my boss wants me to
> > I have spent the past 6 months creating a web-based database all with
> > scripts. It works great! But he now want's me to convert it to MySQL. I
> > MySQL installed, up and running. I can connect to it from the local
> > > >
> > > > The problem is, what do I do now? I've read articles on using MySQL
> > PHP together for web access, but I don't have PHP installed. How else
can I
> > access the database? Say maybe using perl?
> > > >
> > > > Also, something else, maybe this is supposed to happen, when I type
> > the address, then the port for MySQL, it gives me this ..
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > LÿjHost '' is not allowed to connect to this
> > server
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Is this supposed to happen? I think it is, because it doesn't have a
> > server built in, right?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks in advance,
> > > > Jake
> > >
> > > Jake - Although not exactly what you wanted, check out Jonathon
> > Daugherty's Solomon MySQL Web Interface 2.0.5 at
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > It is GPL'ed so you should be able to mix and match if needed. Or at
> > see how Jon has done things.
> > >
> > > Jack
> > >
> > >

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Email Problems[Solved]

2002-01-13 Thread Sarig Scudder
Title: RE: Email Problems[Solved]


Thanks for the input on this problem but the new ipchain rule didn't help. I put logging on all of the rules that I thought applied and only the outbound rule was ever logged even though I could see the traffic going back and forth on the modem. The problem turned out to be the values I had set in the MTU/MRU values in the PPP Options file. I had them set around 572 and when I increased them to 1500 everything started to work.

After I get the other Firewall tools up and running I may tackle converting the ipchains rules to iptables rules.

I like to thank eveyone on the list who has helped me with getting my Firewall this far. It is truly amazing how much better the support is from this list than many of the "Professional" support lines I deal with.



2002-01-13 Thread Jeff Bearer

PHP is easy to install as a RPM (requires apache was installed as a rpm)
or from source.  If you build it from source, you can compile it as a
apache module and as long as your apache was configured with DSO support
then you can plug php into it.  you can also configure PHP directly into
apache, this requires that you recompile apache.  If you benchmark the
two the later will be faster, now if it's noticable, I don't know.

Once you download the PHP source the install doc has good directions on
how to compile apache and php.

But like Brian keeps saying, it shouldn't be too difficult to add mysql
hooks into you perl app. 

On Sat, 2002-01-12 at 21:20, Jake McHenry wrote:
> Ok, I have DBI-perl-bin installed, from a rpm, if that helps. And, yes, all
> connections are denied unless you specify the -u user and -p option. So that
> is good.
> If it would be easier to use PHP, what do I have to do to get that up and
> running? Difficult? I know that's going to take a little time to learn, but
> no biggie. Are there RPMS that I download for PHP, or do I have to recompile
> apache, again? :)
> Thanks for the help,
> Jake
> - Original Message -
> From: "Brian Ashe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 8:54 PM
> Subject: Re: MySQL
> > Jake,
> >
> > On Saturday 12 January 2002 08:24, you babbled something about:
> > > Hello everyone. I am kinda disturbed about what my boss wants me to do.
> I
> > > have spent the past 6 months creating a web-based database all with perl
> > > scripts. It works great! But he now want's me to convert it to MySQL. I
> > > have MySQL installed, up and running. I can connect to it from the local
> > > machine.
> > >
> > > The problem is, what do I do now? I've read articles on using MySQL and
> > > together for web access, but I don't have PHP installed. How else can I
> > > access the database? Say maybe using perl?
> >
> > Well, I think PHP would be better, but not after you have already done so
> > much work. ;)
> >
> > You should look into the DBI:DBD modules for Perl. They will get you
> > connected to just about any RDBMS you might need to. Quite easy to learn
> and
> > use.
> >
> > > Also, something else, maybe this is supposed to happen, when I type in
> the
> > > address, then the port for MySQL, it gives me this ..
> > >
> > > LÿjHost '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL
> > > server
> > >
> > > Is this supposed to happen? I think it is, because it doesn't have a web
> > > server built in, right?
> >
> > Are you saying that you are putting this into your web browser?
> > Then, yeah, that wont work.
> > The webserver will pass it off to your CGI's then that will connect to the
> DB
> > backend.
> > MySQL was also rejecting you because it should be configured to reject
> > everything except localhost by default. This wont cause you problems
> though.
> > You don't really want anyone else connecting directly to your MySQL server
> > (except in certain circumstances, that are not likely what you are dealing
> > with).
> >
> > --
> > Brian Ashe CTO
> > Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Redhat-list mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
Jeff Bearer, RHCE

Redhat-list mailing list


2002-01-13 Thread Aishah Taylor

Hello Jake:


Go to for the information your seeking. Next,  I think 
that you have to set up a user account for

winxp. Also, go to for the information your seeking.  You might want to look 
at Nusphere Mysql,  that company offers mysql, php, and perl in one package that work 


>Should I keep the perl-DBI rpm that I installed for this? Will I need it for
>anything with PHP? Does anyone recommend any specific version?
>- Original Message -
>From: "Jack Bowling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Jake McHenry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 9:43 PM
>Subject: Re: MySQL
>>** Reply to message from Jake McHenry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
>Sat, 12 Jan 2002 20:24:07 -0500
>>>Hello everyone. I am kinda disturbed about what my boss wants me to do.
>I have spent the past 6 months creating a web-based database all with perl
>scripts. It works great! But he now want's me to convert it to MySQL. I have
>MySQL installed, up and running. I can connect to it from the local machine.
>>>The problem is, what do I do now? I've read articles on using MySQL and
>PHP together for web access, but I don't have PHP installed. How else can I
>access the database? Say maybe using perl?
>>>Also, something else, maybe this is supposed to happen, when I type in
>the address, then the port for MySQL, it gives me this ..
>>>LÿjHost '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL
>>>Is this supposed to happen? I think it is, because it doesn't have a web
>server built in, right?
>>>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>>Thanks in advance,
>>Jake - Although not exactly what you wanted, check out Jonathon
>Daugherty's Solomon MySQL Web Interface 2.0.5 at
>>It is GPL'ed so you should be able to mix and match if needed. Or at least
>see how Jon has done things.
>Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Does linux have any Autocad like software?

2002-01-13 Thread Jeff Bearer

I saw at least 2 on there jcad and qcad but have never uesd either.

On Sun, 2002-01-13 at 09:28, Dave Lopez wrote:
> Im just wondering if there are any autocad-like in linux? thanks..
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list
Jeff Bearer, RHCE

Redhat-list mailing list

Does linux have any Autocad like software?

2002-01-13 Thread Dave Lopez

Im just wondering if there are any autocad-like in linux? thanks..

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Help with copy.

2002-01-13 Thread Lewi

On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 02:06:19PM +0100, Mikael Mossberg wrote:
> I hope someone can help me :
> I want to copy the whole content of a harddisk to a new empty disk.
> Now I boot from the sourcedisk and want the target disk
> to be an exact copy of the source including bootsector.
> Thanks
> Mikael

maybe it can help
Partition Image
 by François Dupoux - Wednesday, September 13th 2000 12:17 EST

About: Partition Image is a Linux/UNIX utility similar to Symantec's Ghost. This 
uility saves partitions in the EXT2, Reiserfs, NTFS, HPFS, FAT16, and FAT32 file 
system formats to an image file. The image file can be compressed with gzip or bzip2 
in order to save disk space, and it can be split in order to fit onto a series of 
floppy disks. This program can be useful for backup purposes. A boot/root disk is also 
provided, allowing you to run Partition Image without Linux installed on the hard disk.

from freshmeat

Lewi Supranata .K
ICQ: 50643061

Description: PGP signature

Fax Program

2002-01-13 Thread Massimo Alonzo


Can you suggest me a good program to send a fax?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Matrox G400 resolution problem

2002-01-13 Thread Massimo Alonzo

On Sat, 12 Jan 2002, Hidong Kim wrote:

> Did you install Red Hat 7.2 fresh on this machine?  

> If so, XFree86 4 was installed, and the configuration file you're
> using is /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.  You really don't need 32 bpp color
> depth.  24 bpp will give you 16 million colors which should be fine
> for most applications.  


> The only thing I see in your Xf86Config-4 which is different from mine
> is the View Port line.  This is what my file looks like:
> Subsection "Display"
> Depth   24
> Modes   "1280x1024" "640x480" "800x600" "1024x768"
> ViewPort0 0
> EndSubsection

>From "man XF86Config"
 ViewPort  x0 y0
  This  optional  entry sets the upper left corner of
  the initial display.  This is  only  relevant  when
  the virtual screen resolution is different from the
  resolution of the  initial  video  mode.   If  this
  entry  is  not given, then the initial display will
  be centered in the virtual display area.

> Also, have you set the vertical and horizontal refresh rates as
> specified in the monitor's manual?  
 They were already set.

I still have problems and they're really evident when I use applications
like nedit (grey background).  

Have you a Matrox G400?  

What do you think about the Beta Drivers for Linux from Matrox, I mean do
they works ( I cannot loose my data)?


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: help all of my os gone

2002-01-13 Thread Lewi

when i create partition with disk druid which can make a ext3 type of a partition (i 
running it with redhat 7.2 installation)
now my hda look like this

hda1BootPrimary   Linux 4194.90
hda2Primary   Linux ext2   [/home]   526.42
hda3Primary   Linux 3668.48
hda5Logical   Linux  271.44
Logical   Free Space   0.04*
hda6NC  Logical   Linux  271.41*
Logical   Free Space   0.04*
hda7NC  Logical   Linux  271.41*
Logical   Free Space   0.04*
hda8NC  Logical   Linux ext21052.81*
Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1247 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

now /dev/hda2 can be recognize and the data still exist, but the others can't

btw i want to know when disk druid write the partition table in the installationor if 
i running cfdisk what type i must choose

On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 08:00:02PM -0500, Lewi wrote:
> thereis only one second that smoothwall formated my hda, (i hope so)
> but while i'am watching that mk2fs with linux is so fast even on the large space,
> i think the data can't be deleted so fast, 
> i don't remember exactly size of my each partition, 
> now my hda look like this
>   cfdisk 2.10f
>   Disk Drive: /dev/hda
> Size: 10262568960 bytes
>   Heads: 255   Sectors per Track: 63   Cylinders: 1247
> NameFlags  Part Type  FS Type  [Label]Size (MB)
>  --
> hda1NC  Primary   Linux swap  24.68
> hda2BootPrimary   Linux10232.25
> but when i mount hda2, errors shows up
> lewi:~# mount -t ext2 /dev/hda2 /mnt/
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2,
>or too many mounted file systems
> i have formatted all partition on hda with ext3
> what i can do now? if i dont remember it exactly.
> where i can find information about this?
> On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 06:36:09AM -0600, ABrady wrote:
> > On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 19:35:19 -0500
> > Lewi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> implied:
> > 
> > > hi, 
> > > i have a problem, all data on my first hardisk is destroy, :(
> > > just a few minutes ago, i want to try install smothwall on my
> > > computer, while smothwall asking me where hda i want to install,
> > > smothwall is destroying all of my data including my two redhat in that
> > > hd, just a second :(. 
> > > 
> > > but in that second i press reset button,
> > > can i recover that? because there is important data in that hd, 
> > > does anyone have experience with that? 
> > 
> > It depends on how far into it you got. If it fdisked the drive, you can
> > maybe recover it by fdisking it again into the layout that was on it. If
> > it formatted the drive, chances are slimmer, but you might be able to
> > recover some with fdisk and a few other tools (too lengthy to explain
> > now, and I'm not necessarily the expert on those tools). If it started
> > writing, you're probably SOL on recovery.
> > 
> > There are a few others that do the same thing as smoothwall (wipe it all
> > out and write). This needs to be a lesson: _ALWAYS_ research those
> > all-in-one firewall/gateway/router/server packages because most of them
> > use the same trick of wiping it all out.
> > 
> > Sorry I can't be of more assistance. Maybe with a little more
> > information
> > 
> > -- 
> > An NT server can be run by any idiot, and usually is.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Redhat-list mailing list
> >
> -- 
> ichtus
> --
> Lewi Supranata .K
> ICQ: 50643061

Lewi Supranata .K
ICQ: 50643061

Description: PGP signature


2002-01-13 Thread Jake McHenry

Should I keep the perl-DBI rpm that I installed for this? Will I need it for
anything with PHP? Does anyone recommend any specific version?


- Original Message -
From: "Jack Bowling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jake McHenry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: MySQL

> ** Reply to message from Jake McHenry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
Sat, 12 Jan 2002 20:24:07 -0500
> > Hello everyone. I am kinda disturbed about what my boss wants me to do.
I have spent the past 6 months creating a web-based database all with perl
scripts. It works great! But he now want's me to convert it to MySQL. I have
MySQL installed, up and running. I can connect to it from the local machine.
> >
> > The problem is, what do I do now? I've read articles on using MySQL and
PHP together for web access, but I don't have PHP installed. How else can I
access the database? Say maybe using perl?
> >
> > Also, something else, maybe this is supposed to happen, when I type in
the address, then the port for MySQL, it gives me this ..
> >
> >
> > LÿjHost '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL
> >
> >
> > Is this supposed to happen? I think it is, because it doesn't have a web
server built in, right?
> >
> >
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Jake
> Jake - Although not exactly what you wanted, check out Jonathon
Daugherty's Solomon MySQL Web Interface 2.0.5 at
> It is GPL'ed so you should be able to mix and match if needed. Or at least
see how Jon has done things.
> Jack

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Setting Up DSL

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Neidorff

Did you try a speed test at some place like


On Sat, 12 Jan 2002, Thomas V. Fischer wrote:

> All,
> Can anyone give me pointers on setting up DSL correctly? I have followed the 
>rp-pppoe recommendations/steps.
> I can connect but the connection seems to be very slow (no faster than my previous 
>ISDN connection)..
> anyone give me recommendations...
> thanks
> Thomas Fischer, CCNA, MCSE 
>  Systems, Networks & Security Consultant
>ICQ# 46284714 

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Help with copy.

2002-01-13 Thread Dale Kosan

I think the dd comand is what you want, something like "dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb 
bs=1024" This would make an exact copy of /dev/hda on /dev/hdb with a block size of 
1024. Some one will correct me if I am mistaken.


ICQ# 55846749

Registered Linux user #191829

A Cherokee Prayer:

Oh Great Spirit,

Help me always to speak the truth quietly,

to listen with an open mind when others speak

and to remember the peace that may be found in 


Description: PGP signature

Help with copy.

2002-01-13 Thread Mikael Mossberg

I hope someone can help me :
I want to copy the whole content of a harddisk 
to a new empty disk.
Now I boot from the sourcedisk and want the target 
to be an exact copy of the source including 

Re: help all of my os gone

2002-01-13 Thread Lewi

thereis only one second that smoothwall formated my hda, (i hope so)
but while i'am watching that mk2fs with linux is so fast even on the large space,
i think the data can't be deleted so fast, 

i don't remember exactly size of my each partition, 
now my hda look like this
  cfdisk 2.10f

  Disk Drive: /dev/hda
Size: 10262568960 bytes
  Heads: 255   Sectors per Track: 63   Cylinders: 1247

NameFlags  Part Type  FS Type  [Label]Size (MB)
hda1NC  Primary   Linux swap  24.68
hda2BootPrimary   Linux10232.25

but when i mount hda2, errors shows up
lewi:~# mount -t ext2 /dev/hda2 /mnt/
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2,
   or too many mounted file systems
i have formatted all partition on hda with ext3
what i can do now? if i dont remember it exactly.

where i can find information about this?

On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 06:36:09AM -0600, ABrady wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 19:35:19 -0500
> Lewi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> implied:
> > hi, 
> > i have a problem, all data on my first hardisk is destroy, :(
> > just a few minutes ago, i want to try install smothwall on my
> > computer, while smothwall asking me where hda i want to install,
> > smothwall is destroying all of my data including my two redhat in that
> > hd, just a second :(. 
> > 
> > but in that second i press reset button,
> > can i recover that? because there is important data in that hd, 
> > does anyone have experience with that? 
> It depends on how far into it you got. If it fdisked the drive, you can
> maybe recover it by fdisking it again into the layout that was on it. If
> it formatted the drive, chances are slimmer, but you might be able to
> recover some with fdisk and a few other tools (too lengthy to explain
> now, and I'm not necessarily the expert on those tools). If it started
> writing, you're probably SOL on recovery.
> There are a few others that do the same thing as smoothwall (wipe it all
> out and write). This needs to be a lesson: _ALWAYS_ research those
> all-in-one firewall/gateway/router/server packages because most of them
> use the same trick of wiping it all out.
> Sorry I can't be of more assistance. Maybe with a little more
> information
> -- 
> An NT server can be run by any idiot, and usually is.
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Lewi Supranata .K
ICQ: 50643061

Description: PGP signature

Re: help all of my os gone

2002-01-13 Thread ABrady

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 19:35:19 -0500
Lewi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> implied:

> hi, 
> i have a problem, all data on my first hardisk is destroy, :(
> just a few minutes ago, i want to try install smothwall on my
> computer, while smothwall asking me where hda i want to install,
> smothwall is destroying all of my data including my two redhat in that
> hd, just a second :(. 
> but in that second i press reset button,
> can i recover that? because there is important data in that hd, 
> does anyone have experience with that? 

It depends on how far into it you got. If it fdisked the drive, you can
maybe recover it by fdisking it again into the layout that was on it. If
it formatted the drive, chances are slimmer, but you might be able to
recover some with fdisk and a few other tools (too lengthy to explain
now, and I'm not necessarily the expert on those tools). If it started
writing, you're probably SOL on recovery.

There are a few others that do the same thing as smoothwall (wipe it all
out and write). This needs to be a lesson: _ALWAYS_ research those
all-in-one firewall/gateway/router/server packages because most of them
use the same trick of wiping it all out.

Sorry I can't be of more assistance. Maybe with a little more

An NT server can be run by any idiot, and usually is.

Redhat-list mailing list

help all of my os gone

2002-01-13 Thread Lewi

i have a problem, all data on my first hardisk is destroy, :(
just a few minutes ago, i want to try install smothwall on my computer, while 
smothwall asking me where hda i want to install, smothwall is destroying all of my 
data including my two redhat in that hd, just a second :(. 

but in that second i press reset button,
can i recover that? because there is important data in that hd, 
does anyone have experience with that? 

Lewi Supranata .K
ICQ: 50643061

Description: PGP signature

Re: Keyboard entry of Extended ASCII Characters

2002-01-13 Thread Ben Logan

At the Linux console, you can do the same thing mentioned on that
site, except that you don't need the leading zeros.  For example,
ALT+49 results in a '1' being printed.

Under X, you might find helpful.
I found out that I didn't need to do anything but

xmodmap -e 'keycode 78=Multi_key'

Even though the ScrollLock line didn't appear in my XF86Config-4 file,
it is apparently set by default.  If that works for you, you can add
it to your .xinitrc file (or .xsession if that's the one you use).

You might also want to take a look at
which appears to cover the topic pretty thoroughly.


On Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 08:10:28PM -0500, William J. Salvino wrote:
> Is there any way to enter the ASCII characters across Linux applications via the
> keyboard as one can do with Windows applications as described:

Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
OpenPGP Key KeyID: A1ADD1F0

A nuclear war can ruin your whole day.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Linuxconf [was: having problems configuring network cards]

2002-01-13 Thread Ben Logan

On Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 06:37:57PM -0500, Devon wrote:
> Linuxconf has been depreciated since Red Hat Linux 7.1, I believe. It is 
> still included on the install disks, but is not installed by default on a 
> new install.

Thanks, that's good to know.  I rarely used it so I won't miss it. :)
> My configuration tool of choice is my handy text editor, combined with 
> the documentation for whatever I am attempting to configure. Seems to 
> cause less trouble than anything else, and I know that I get the 
> configuration I intended.

Agreed.  I usually run into trouble when I try to setup something
completely from scratch, but if I already have something to go on, I
would much rather hand-edit the config files.

I was somewhat worried that 7.2 was going to be less friendly in that
regard.  Given the GUI-centric trend, I have this fear that they are
going to phase out the shell scripts and text config files in place of
something which can't be so easily tweaked.  I don't mind "user
friendly" GUI frontends as long as that's all they are.


Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
OpenPGP Key KeyID: A1ADD1F0

I don't care for the Sugar Smacks commercial.  I don't like the idea of
a frog jumping on my Breakfast.
-- Lowell, Chicago Reader 10/15/82

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ssh via browser?

2002-01-13 Thread Martin Sieben

Try Works fine for me.


On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, gregory mott wrote:

> if i want to be able to get into my redhat box from the internet via a 
> browser, is there a handy plugin or whatever that provides the same level 
> of security and peace of mind as ssh?
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

He was a fiddler, and consequently a rogue.
-- Jonathon Swift

Redhat-list mailing list

using linux in a microsoft environment

2002-01-13 Thread rpjday

  something i've wanted to do for a while is write up a 
document listing the various ways/tools to start using 
linux apps in a microsoft environment.  not a detailed
description of every tool, just a brief paragraph or two,
followed by a pointer to more info.

  to begin, one could list simple things like mtools to 
access dos floppies, "xpdf" to read PDF documents,
cdrecord/xcdroast to burning CDs, and working up to 
office suites such as star office, samba for file/print
sharing and so on.  no detailed install/config info,
just pointers -- a place to get started.

  i recall, some time back, running across an article 
someone had written that looked a lot like this -- how
to start replacing MS software with corresponding
linux apps, but i stupidly misplaced the pointer to that

  are there any good sites/articles out there along this
vein?  this is just the kind of document that would interest
a number of my clients.  and if i can't find docs just like
this, then i guess i'll just have to write one. :-)


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