IBM Thinkpad T23: linux-wlan-ng with Prism 2.5 chipset andredhat-config-network

2003-02-13 Thread Rodolfo J. Paiz

I have managed to use a SRPM to make an RPM, and installed linux-wlan-ng
drivers for my Wi-Fi 802.11b adapter using the SRPM found here:

The interface came up as 'wlan0' and works great, assuming an Access
Point with no encryption. So far so good. However:

 o kudzu detects no new hardware
 o redhat-config-network shows no new hardware
 o I cannot use the "Profiles" with my new wireless adapter
 o I cannot easily shut it down when I want to use _only_ my wired LAN

Can anyone offer advice on either helping the Red Hat config tool see my
new card, or on manually shutting down the radio on the adapter or
creating multiple config files for it?

Thanks in advance!

Rodolfo J. Paiz

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Re: CD Burn sw

2003-02-13 Thread Edward Dekkers
> /At the moment the answer is no. In the near future there are no plans
> to provide support for these systems/.

Patience grasshoppers. I've been using Linux since 5.2, but it is only now
that what I'm reading and seeing around me here in Perth, Australia, that
I'm beginning to see a huge amount of light at the end of my tunnel.

Mark my words. It will not be as long as I once thought that software
companies not developing for Linux WILL get left behind.


Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services P/L

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Re: MailMan how-to?

2003-02-13 Thread Rodolfo J. Paiz
On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 10:26, Jody Cleveland wrote:
> > > Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today
> > 
> > This type of crap doesn't belong on this mailing list.

How is that inappropriate? I thought it was rather funny.

Rodolfo J. Paiz

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Re: Complete novice: Monitor won't work with RH8

2003-02-13 Thread Edward Dekkers
> Any on-board video that is not supported by the main XFree86 servers
> should be bypassed in favor of a supported video card. I often threw in a
> decent Trident card ($30-50) into all SiS systems until XFree86 started
> supporting SiS video directly, and saved myself a world of pain.

Amen to that Todd! Please note I do not disagree with you.

However, it is a shame 845 is not supported properly. I have to admit I love
the boards. Stable as a rock.

But, yes, I've thrown an old TNT2 in my server to have no hassles with X.
Works fantastic.


Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services P/L

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Re: alt + f1 command?

2003-02-13 Thread Mail Lists
It's ctrl + F1 that switches desktops.  ctrl+Alt+Fx switches terminals.


> i've installed RH 8.0 and was wondering what happened
> to the alt. + f1 command to switch to different
> desktops...
> so far RH 8.0, is runnin' pretty good, a bit of a
> resource hog, but no worst than XP.
> =
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Re: CD Burn sw

2003-02-13 Thread Bruce A. Mallett
K3b or eroaster

jdaues wrote:

Can anyone recommend a good CD Burning app?
I've tried KOnCD, which gives numerous errors and X-CD-Roast, which I 
can't even figure out how to use, the GUI is designed so poorly.

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Re: NIS passwords

2003-02-13 Thread Gordon Messmer
On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 18:52, Kirby Clements wrote:
> I am having trouble finding out which line to put into /etc/passwd and 
> /etc/group and so on.

None.  Just use 'authconfig' to configure NIS authentication.  That's

>  I have read that the line: +::
>   will work for all users in the passwd file, as long as one places 
> it before all normal users.

That should be after the normal users, but isn't required on any recent
version of Red Hat Linux.

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USB Flash Memory

2003-02-13 Thread John Daues
I'm looking to buy a USB flash memory.
A colleague has a Cig@r Pro 256.
I was able to connect to it in RH 7..3, so if nothing else, I can go 
with that.
Anything else to consider?

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Re: CD Burn sw

2003-02-13 Thread jdaues
According to Ahead's website, Nero does not support Linux, so I'm a 
little confused by your reply

   Is Nero also going to be developed for MAC / Linux as well?

/At the moment the answer is no. In the near future there are no plans 
to provide support for these systems/.


jdaues wrote:

Can anyone recommend a good CD Burning app?
I've tried KOnCD, which gives numerous errors and X-CD-Roast, which I
can't even figure out how to use, the GUI is designed so poorly.

I'm using Nero ( It is come from CD-RW machine...)

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Re: CD Burn sw

2003-02-13 Thread Ryan McDougall
On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 19:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> jdaues wrote:
> > Hello,
> > Can anyone recommend a good CD Burning app?
> > I've tried KOnCD, which gives numerous errors and X-CD-Roast, which I
> > can't even figure out how to use, the GUI is designed so poorly.
> > Thanks.
> I'm using Nero ( It is come from CD-RW machine...)

Nero is windows only, is it not? Discussing windows apps is a little off
topic, wouldnt you say?

CD burning apps are an area that linux really lacks in, but to be fair I
cant even get Nero to work on w2k. :)

XCDroast is odd, but you can figure it out...


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Re: Complete novice: Monitor won't work with RH8

2003-02-13 Thread Josef Oduwo
I have no trouble at the console - only when I attempt to startx.

How would I go about using a PCI or AGP video card? I was under the 
impression Intel 845 cards are supported by RH...

Original Message Follows
From: "Todd A. Jacobs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Complete novice: Monitor won't work with RH8
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 16:15:59 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Josef Oduwo wrote:

> Well, I see "wrong" colors and either a garbled or no screen at all.

Is your video card even supported? Is the garbling only in X, or at your
console, too? If you have trouble at the console, it's either your video
card or your monitor/cabling.

If you have on-board video, have you tried using a PCI or AGP video card

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Re: CD Burn sw

2003-02-13 Thread edwardspl
jdaues wrote:

> Hello,
> Can anyone recommend a good CD Burning app?
> I've tried KOnCD, which gives numerous errors and X-CD-Roast, which I
> can't even figure out how to use, the GUI is designed so poorly.
> Thanks.

I'm using Nero ( It is come from CD-RW machine...)

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NIS passwords

2003-02-13 Thread Kirby Clements
This is an issue regarding NIS - if this is not appropriate for this 
list, no fret taken.

I am having trouble finding out which line to put into /etc/passwd and 
/etc/group and so on. I have read that the line: +::
 will work for all users in the passwd file, as long as one places 
it before all normal users. I have been trying to use the line for one 
user, not to break anyone else's account momentarily, as the following: 
 +tom::  and I have tried +tom:*:
  None of this is causing issues on the NIS server, and the server 
is also the client. I have one other box running as a client as well, 
ofcourse, and all is well as far as rpc goes, rpc.yppasswd on the 
master, and ypbind, etc. These boxes are updated from the RHN as of 

So, the test is to change the passwd with passwd only, not yppasswd (I 
have just read - apperently built in now to ypserv ?), and then I go to 
the other client box and see if I can log in with the new password. Is 
this correct, or rather, shouldn't this be an example of how to use 
NIS? I am feeling that something with the actual passwd and group files 
is not being done right. As well, nsswitch.conf has not been touched, 
apparently only for NIS+. The domainname has been set and ypwhich 
recognizes everything. Any clues would be cool. I cannot seem to find 
one solid answer on the lines needed for the files that use the maps.


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CD Burn sw

2003-02-13 Thread jdaues
Can anyone recommend a good CD Burning app?
I've tried KOnCD, which gives numerous errors and X-CD-Roast, which I 
can't even figure out how to use, the GUI is designed so poorly.

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/boot/module-info files

2003-02-13 Thread Fredo

I was searching on module-info creation too.
After customizing a kernel for RH7.3 a new custom /boot/module-info 
files was missing. I guess it is installed automatically after 
installing a new kernel-package but it also can be created manually 
with modinfo as part of anaconda. Creating a kernel yourself 
won't do the job. The machine booted anyway without any problem.
Since the redhat installer "anaconda" and related files are not present 
on the machine I guess it won' t be needed.

For your information:
I found something on module-info with an earlier RH kernel version at:

best rgds,

Fredo - Nihon

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Re: Strange error with redhat-config-nfs

2003-02-13 Thread Caleb Groom
On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 18:30, Michael Mansour wrote:
> Hi,
> I started to use/try-out redhat-config-nfs, after
> saving my first file, I can no longer re-run it
> without getting the following error:
> [root@hippo data01]# redhat-config-nfs
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/usr/share/redhat-config-nfs/",
> line 29, in ?
> mainWindow.mainWindow()
>   File "/usr/share/redhat-config-nfs/",
> line 141, in __init__
> self.exports = nfsBackend.NfsBackend()
>   File "/usr/share/redhat-config-nfs/",
> line 31, in __init__
> self.parseFile()
>   File "/usr/share/redhat-config-nfs/",
> line 89, in parseFile
> hostname, options = string.split(tokens[1], "(")
> ValueError: unpack list of wrong size
> Any ideas?
> Also, how can I report this error to redhat
> themselves?
> Michael.
> __
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You can report bugs on  Make sure you do an
_extensive_ search before you post a bug because most of the time
somebody has already had your problem.  Heck they may even have a work
around listed or maybe the Red Hat developers have posted a fix in

Bugzilla, it's your friend.

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Re: To firewall or not to firewall (was Re: What is the disadvantage of Linux firewall...)

2003-02-13 Thread Edward Dekkers
Sigh. I don't normally get into this sort of thing, so I'll make it quick.

A simple iptables script that doesn't allow anything to come in from the
external interface generally takes me less than 5 minutes to set up (less if
I just copy it from another box).

The cost of 5 minutes of my day can be far outweighted by a rooted box
because 'oops - we missed something'. It could mean going on-site and
re-setting up the box again fully from scratch to be safe.

Firewall? Cheapest insurance my customers pay.


Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services P/L

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Re: Complete novice: Monitor won't work with RH8

2003-02-13 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, 14 Feb 2003, Edward Dekkers wrote:

> As per his original post, he has one of those 845 Intel Extreme chipset
> graphics. I know a lot of people have had problems with that. He's

Any on-board video that is not supported by the main XFree86 servers
should be bypassed in favor of a supported video card. I often threw in a
decent Trident card ($30-50) into all SiS systems until XFree86 started
supporting SiS video directly, and saved myself a world of pain.

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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Re: Complete novice: Monitor won't work with RH8

2003-02-13 Thread Edward Dekkers
> > Well, I see "wrong" colors and either a garbled or no screen at all.
> Is your video card even supported? Is the garbling only in X, or at your
> console, too? If you have trouble at the console, it's either your video
> card or your monitor/cabling.
> If you have on-board video, have you tried using a PCI or AGP video card
> instead?

As per his original post, he has one of those 845 Intel Extreme chipset
graphics. I know a lot of people have had problems with that. He's already
said he's downloaded the drivers from the Intel site, but the problems

I'm thinking the drivers are NOT installed properly by the sounds of it.

Maybe he should tell us what he did to install them?


Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services P/L

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Re: SCSI CD Recording Problems

2003-02-13 Thread T. Ribbrock
On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 04:50:00PM -0500, John Aldrich wrote:
> One other thing... I've got an Advansys ABP940U SCSI card and I've 
> double-checked my termination and my CDRW is on the latest firmware (2 years 
> old...)

Last time I had problems like that (with a Yamaha CRW 8824, as it
happens, and a Adaptec 2940UW, later 2940U2W), I seemed to be some kind of 
"dislike" between the SCSI DVD and the rest - I moved the DVD to the end
of the chain (where I had a Plextor Ultraplex 40 before) and everything
started working again.

The time before that (same setup, without the DVD), I got the problems
'cause aparently the SCSI cable was bad (at least the problems went
away after changing the cable - even though I've used the same cable
for hard drives for ages...).

I still have the feeling that I'm having more of these problems since
I've upgraded from RHL 6.2 to 7.3, though the seem to have gotten less
since the latest kernel updates...

Basically, you're not alone - and while over the years I found SCSI to
be a lot more reliable and easier to set up than IDE, it still *can*
be voodoo sometimes. Maybe you ran into such a case. I'd definitely
try swapping drives around (i.e. move a different one to the end of
the chain). I'd also try a different cable in any case. Another thing
would be to check whether your SCSI adapter has options to reduce the
interface speed for the writer and play with that. Sorry that I don't
have any specific suggestions, but sometimes throwing ideas around can
help, too... :-}


==> RH List Archive: <==
Thomas Ribbrock 
  "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"

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Re: Hardware browser hangs system

2003-02-13 Thread Mike Pugh
On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 20:42, Mats Tegner wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> What exactly does the Hardware Browser in the System Tools do?
> When I run it my system locks up entirely and I have to turn of the
> power and check the file system on the next boot.
I had a problem with the hardware browser, which I reported to RH
support... and it was due to me having a firewire card in the machine,
and was fixed by editing a config file with the added definition for the
firewire card.

The exact details can be found by looking on the redhat bugzilla
website, and searching for bug report number 81339.

Hope this helps!


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RE: Sound Card

2003-02-13 Thread Patrick Nelson
Antonio Burzio wrote:
I have a Sondblaster Audigy... how can i configure red hat 8.0 to make it

I have had a lot of success with alsa.  If you cant get it working try  

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Re: Scripting help

2003-02-13 Thread Darryl Harvey
And the one I like and use is;

It's a winner


At 04:17 PM 13/02/2003 -0800, you wrote:

hi arden, gordon, et al,

i tried out several shell books (including o'reilly), but the one i kept 
and keep using is below. chock full of examples (for bash) and 
task-oriented -- i.e., "how to do x" (and an example).. "how to do y" (and 
another example) etc etc. in fact, i have to keep stealing my own copy 
back from people borrowing it indefinitely and finding it "hard" to return! :P

bruce blinn, "portable shell programming: an extensive collection of 
bourne shell examples". with diskette. isbn 0-13-451494-7

at amazon:

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eth0 failure

2003-02-13 Thread karl rentsch
Hi all,

I'm having trouble getting my ethernet to work after swapping motherboards.
New details are:
- NEXCOM Peak 650 single board computer
- Integrated Intel 82559 ethernet
- RH 6.0
>From what I've found out I should be using the EtherExpressPro/100 (eepro100.o)

At boot the ethernet initialisation is delayed and ifconfig shows that eth0 
does not exist.  I tried to modprobe the eepro100.o driver but get a message 
something like "module init is busy".  Since lsmod shows no eepr100 I figured 
this was due to an IRQ or ioport conflict however /proc/pci shows the 
ethernet controller (IRQ=11 & IO=0xc000), but /proc/interrupts does not show 
any conflicting device on IRQ 11.

I'm a little new to this and am starting to run out of ideas.
Hope someone can help.

Karl Rentsch
PS. Upgrading to a newer version of RH is a last resort due to other setups.

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Strange error with redhat-config-nfs

2003-02-13 Thread Michael Mansour

I started to use/try-out redhat-config-nfs, after
saving my first file, I can no longer re-run it
without getting the following error:

[root@hippo data01]# redhat-config-nfs
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 29, in ?
  File "/usr/share/redhat-config-nfs/",
line 141, in __init__
self.exports = nfsBackend.NfsBackend()
  File "/usr/share/redhat-config-nfs/",
line 31, in __init__
  File "/usr/share/redhat-config-nfs/",
line 89, in parseFile
hostname, options = string.split(tokens[1], "(")
ValueError: unpack list of wrong size

Any ideas?

Also, how can I report this error to redhat


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Re: email

2003-02-13 Thread Raymundo M. Vega
exactly, that's what i checked, *there is no* host under that name,
it is a subdomain. It may be a resolver problem not a mail problem.


Todd A. Jacobs wrote:

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Joel Lopez wrote:

mailer=esmtp, pri=30354, [],
dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection refused by

Seems pretty clear that is refusing your SMTP 
connections for some reason. You can try a manual SMTP connection, or 
contact the postmaster for help.

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RE: email

2003-02-13 Thread Joel Lopez

so it looks like I can send email to my home account at AT&T but can't send
it to

so email is kind of working.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Todd A. Jacobs
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 4:11 PM
Subject: RE: email

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Joel Lopez wrote:

> mailer=esmtp, pri=30354, [],
> dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection refused by

Seems pretty clear that is refusing your SMTP
connections for some reason. You can try a manual SMTP connection, or
contact the postmaster for help.

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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Re: Scripting help

2003-02-13 Thread Jeff Stern
hi arden, gordon, et al,

i tried out several shell books (including o'reilly), but the one i kept 
and keep using is below. chock full of examples (for bash) and 
task-oriented -- i.e., "how to do x" (and an example).. "how to do y" 
(and another example) etc etc. in fact, i have to keep stealing my own 
copy back from people borrowing it indefinitely and finding it "hard" to 
return! :P

bruce blinn, "portable shell programming: an extensive collection of 
bourne shell examples". with diskette. isbn 0-13-451494-7

at amazon:

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Re: Complete novice: Monitor won't work with RH8

2003-02-13 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Josef Oduwo wrote:

> Well, I see "wrong" colors and either a garbled or no screen at all.

Is your video card even supported? Is the garbling only in X, or at your
console, too? If you have trouble at the console, it's either your video
card or your monitor/cabling.

If you have on-board video, have you tried using a PCI or AGP video card

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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RE: Can't mount volume on Mac OS 10.3 server

2003-02-13 Thread Milanuk, Monte

> -Original Message-
> From: Werner Morawitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 3:22 PM
> Subject: Can't mount volume on Mac OS 10.3 server
> I'm running redhat Linux 7.2, and am trying to mount
> an nfs volume being exported by a Mac OS 10.3 server.
> at the command prompt, as root:
> I use the command mount:
> mount -t nfs xserver:/Fileserver /serverhome
> and get the error message:
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock onf
> xserver:/Fileserver or too many mounted systems.

Hmmm... it's been a while since I've futzed w/ NFS, and *not* w/ my eMac

First suggestion:  try man mount, to make sure that you have the syntax
right.  It looks correct, but I don't have a *nix box in front of me as I
type this, so YMMV.  The way I remember doing it was like:

mount -t nfs lansvr:/home /home

Another thing that drove me up the wall w/ RH and their ipchains firewall
tool was that by default, it blocks part of the NFS communication, making it
damn hard(impossible?) to mount anything.  Try disabling the firewall on the
RedHat machine, and possibly on the OS X machine as well, and try it again.
Then you can figure out which firewall was blocking you.  But I think the
request just times out when the firewall is being a PITA.  

In any event, try the Linux Documentation Procect ( NFS-HOWTO.



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RE: email

2003-02-13 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Joel Lopez wrote:

> mailer=esmtp, pri=30354, [],
> dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection refused by

Seems pretty clear that is refusing your SMTP 
connections for some reason. You can try a manual SMTP connection, or 
contact the postmaster for help.

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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Re: email

2003-02-13 Thread Raymundo M. Vega
sorry you must be root to run it.


Joel Lopez wrote:

ps -axp | grep 25

returns: ps: error: Process ID list syntax error

telnet localhost 25 works fine.  I can telnet to it.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Raymundo M. Vega
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: email

There are several things you can check:

- is sendmail daemon running?
- check /var/log/messages for clues
- MX record is needed only to receive email without hostname,
   just domainname on the envelope

this for now post some more information like the output

ps -axp | grep 25

this should show if the daemon is running, what address it is bind to

also try telnet localhost 25

and post results

hope it helps


Joel Lopez wrote:


I've been trying to get email working on my machine but can't seem to get


going.  I was able to send for a day but I'm not sure what I changed.

I've been trying to configure sendmail but I don't have an mx record.


else can I use just so the machine can send email.  I've installed a forum
software package and it needs to be able to send email.


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Re: Complete novice: Monitor won't work with RH8

2003-02-13 Thread Josef Oduwo
Well, I see "wrong" colors and either a garbled or no screen at all.

I have put the refresh setting as 60Hz which goes with the monitor specs. Do 
you think I should do a re-install?

Original Message Follows
Subject: Re: Complete novice: Monitor won't work with RH8
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 20:23:10 +0800

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Josef Oduwo wrote:

> Screen keeps flickering and I can't see anything

When you say "flickering" do you mean you may see the colors and such of
what would make a good display but the screen is not stable?

If so, then it sounds as if the refresh settings in your XF86Config file
is incorrect.  What are the specs for your monitor and how does that
compare with what is in the file?

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

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RE: email

2003-02-13 Thread Joe Polk
 Okay, first do you have any firewalls setup? Did you choose any type of
 security settings upon install? Also, are there any DNS entries out
 there for you? For instance, if you ping you server by can it be seen outside your LAN? Where is your name
 record registered? Is there a DNS record for you on the nameservers you
 specified for your record? You can have mail setup and running but if no
 one can find you and you can't find anyone via DNS then little will
 happen. Start are your /etc/hosts file and make sure you have an entry
 for your server and it's static IP (this is in addtion to
> On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 18:33, Joel Lopez wrote:
> > I am using a static ip.
> > 
> > I think I do have an mx record but since my email isn't working I'm not
> > sure.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joe Polk
> > Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 3:27 PM
> > Subject: RE: email
> > 
> > 
> > Well, there is still some missing info. Are you on a static IP from your
> > ISP? If not, do you have any kinda dynamic name service you use like
> > DYNDNS?  You say you don't have an MX record, but that's okay. You still
> > have to have some way for outside servers to know that your IP address
> > matches a hostname. That's where static addresses come in, but even if
> > you have a dynamic address, you can use a service like to
> > give you a hostname that you can post your ever-changing ip address to
> > so that you always have a name match up to your system. In addition, you
> > should consider sending all outbound mail to your ISP's SMTP server so
> > that if mail is ever sent to a host like AOL, their reverse lookups will
> > always match back to a static SMTP originator.  Give us alittle more
> > info on your system like static/dynamic.
> > 
> > <>
> > 
> > On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 18:17, Joel Lopez wrote:
> > > My mail log says:
> > >
> > > Feb 13 14:23:52 tux sendmail[3608]: h1DMNqJW003608: from=root, size=62,
> > > class=0, nrcpts=1,
> > > msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > > relay=root@localhost
> > > Feb 13 14:23:52 tux sendmail[3610]: h1DMNqJW003610:
> > > from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=376, class=0, nrcpts=1,
> > > msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, proto=ESMTP,
> > > daemon=MTA, relay=localhost.localdomain []
> > > Feb 13 14:23:53 tux sendmail[3608]: h1DMNqYV003608:
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED], ctladdr=root (0/0), delay=00:00:01,
> > > xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=relay, pri=30040, relay=localhost.localdomain.
> > > [], dsn=2.0.0, stat= Sent (h1DMNqJW003610 Message accepted for
> > > delivery)
> > > Feb 13 14:23:53 tux sendmail[3612]: h1DMNqJW003610:
> > > to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > > ctladdr=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (0/0), delay=00:00:01,
> > xdelay=00:00:00,
> > > mailer=esmtp, pri=30354, [],
> > > dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection refused by
> > >
> > > The daemon is running and my config file is set to the defaul settings.
> > >
> > > thanks,
> > > Joel
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Todd A. Jacobs
> > > Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 2:59 PM
> > > Subject: Re: email
> > >
> > >
> > > On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Joel Lopez wrote:
> > >
> > > > I've been trying to get email working on my machine but can't seem to
> > > > get it going.  I was able to send for a day but I'm not sure what I
> > > > changed.
> > >
> > > That's exceptionally vague. What email package? What do your logs say? Is
> > > the daemon running? What do your config files look like?
> > >
> > > --
> > > "Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > redhat-list mailing list
> > > unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > redhat-list mailing list
> > > unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > redhat-list mailing list
> > unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > redhat-list mailing list
> > unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe
> >

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Re: Running .exe files on RH8

2003-02-13 Thread Joe Polk
WINE can run some .exe files, but to run Windows games you may want to
check out or look for Linux binaries of your
favorite games. Unreal Tournament, Quake3, and many others offer Linux
binaries and ports for their games.


On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 18:31, Tom F. wrote:
> Is there any way to run .exe files on RH8? If not, how do I install 
> Windows games?
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

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RE: email

2003-02-13 Thread Joel Lopez
ps -axp | grep 25

returns: ps: error: Process ID list syntax error

telnet localhost 25 works fine.  I can telnet to it.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Raymundo M. Vega
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: email

There are several things you can check:

- is sendmail daemon running?
- check /var/log/messages for clues
- MX record is needed only to receive email without hostname,
   just domainname on the envelope

this for now post some more information like the output

ps -axp | grep 25

this should show if the daemon is running, what address it is bind to

also try telnet localhost 25

and post results

hope it helps


Joel Lopez wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been trying to get email working on my machine but can't seem to get
> going.  I was able to send for a day but I'm not sure what I changed.
> I've been trying to configure sendmail but I don't have an mx record.
> else can I use just so the machine can send email.  I've installed a forum
> software package and it needs to be able to send email.
> Thanks,
> Joel

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Re: email

2003-02-13 Thread Raymundo M. Vega
I checked and i think you have a problem in the resolver, the
host does not exists, it is a subdomain
and its mail exchanger is (


Joel Lopez wrote:

My mail log says:

Feb 13 14:23:52 tux sendmail[3608]: h1DMNqJW003608: from=root, size=62,
class=0, nrcpts=1,
Feb 13 14:23:52 tux sendmail[3610]: h1DMNqJW003610:
from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=376, class=0, nrcpts=1,
msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, proto=ESMTP,
daemon=MTA, relay=localhost.localdomain []
Feb 13 14:23:53 tux sendmail[3608]: h1DMNqYV003608:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], ctladdr=root (0/0), delay=00:00:01,
xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=relay, pri=30040, relay=localhost.localdomain.
[], dsn=2.0.0, stat= Sent (h1DMNqJW003610 Message accepted for
Feb 13 14:23:53 tux sendmail[3612]: h1DMNqJW003610:
ctladdr=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (0/0), delay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:00,
mailer=esmtp, pri=30354, [],
dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection refused by

The daemon is running and my config file is set to the defaul settings.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Todd A. Jacobs
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: email

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Joel Lopez wrote:

I've been trying to get email working on my machine but can't seem to
get it going.  I was able to send for a day but I'm not sure what I

That's exceptionally vague. What email package? What do your logs say? Is
the daemon running? What do your config files look like?

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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RE: Running .exe files on RH8

2003-02-13 Thread Milanuk, Monte

> -Original Message-
> From: Tom F. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 3:31 PM
> Subject: Running .exe files on RH8
> Is there any way to run .exe files on RH8? If not, how do I install 
> Windows games?

Generally speaking, you don't.  Completely different operating systems,
filesystem structures, memory management, etc.  *nix systems in general
don't rely on the M$ convention of file name suffixes to determine what the
file is (i.e. *.exe = executable), which is a relic from the old 8.3 file
name limitations, which hasn't been an issue in *nix systems for many years,

That said, there are some ways to work around this.  Either use an emulator
such as Virtual PC, or VMWare that actually runs a full version of a 'guest'
operating system on the host machine, in a virtual sandbox (so when the game
causes the M$ OS to crap itself, it doesn't affect the host machine at all),
or there is the Wine Project (Commercial equivalent is the CodeWeavers
CrossOver plugin $25) that allows you to run some Windows programs on Linux.
Not every program works w/ this approach, and in either case, games tend to
push the envelope the hardest, making them the least likely to work

Good luck,


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RE: email

2003-02-13 Thread Joel Lopez
I am using a static ip.

I think I do have an mx record but since my email isn't working I'm not

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joe Polk
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 3:27 PM
Subject: RE: email

Well, there is still some missing info. Are you on a static IP from your
ISP? If not, do you have any kinda dynamic name service you use like
DYNDNS?  You say you don't have an MX record, but that's okay. You still
have to have some way for outside servers to know that your IP address
matches a hostname. That's where static addresses come in, but even if
you have a dynamic address, you can use a service like to
give you a hostname that you can post your ever-changing ip address to
so that you always have a name match up to your system. In addition, you
should consider sending all outbound mail to your ISP's SMTP server so
that if mail is ever sent to a host like AOL, their reverse lookups will
always match back to a static SMTP originator.  Give us alittle more
info on your system like static/dynamic.


On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 18:17, Joel Lopez wrote:
> My mail log says:
> Feb 13 14:23:52 tux sendmail[3608]: h1DMNqJW003608: from=root, size=62,
> class=0, nrcpts=1,
> msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> relay=root@localhost
> Feb 13 14:23:52 tux sendmail[3610]: h1DMNqJW003610:
> from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=376, class=0, nrcpts=1,
> msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, proto=ESMTP,
> daemon=MTA, relay=localhost.localdomain []
> Feb 13 14:23:53 tux sendmail[3608]: h1DMNqYV003608:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], ctladdr=root (0/0), delay=00:00:01,
> xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=relay, pri=30040, relay=localhost.localdomain.
> [], dsn=2.0.0, stat= Sent (h1DMNqJW003610 Message accepted for
> delivery)
> Feb 13 14:23:53 tux sendmail[3612]: h1DMNqJW003610:
> ctladdr=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (0/0), delay=00:00:01,
> mailer=esmtp, pri=30354, [],
> dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection refused by
> The daemon is running and my config file is set to the defaul settings.
> thanks,
> Joel
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Todd A. Jacobs
> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 2:59 PM
> Subject: Re: email
> On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Joel Lopez wrote:
> > I've been trying to get email working on my machine but can't seem to
> > get it going.  I was able to send for a day but I'm not sure what I
> > changed.
> That's exceptionally vague. What email package? What do your logs say? Is
> the daemon running? What do your config files look like?
> --
> "Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"
> --
> redhat-list mailing list
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Running .exe files on RH8

2003-02-13 Thread Tom F.
Is there any way to run .exe files on RH8? If not, how do I install 
Windows games?

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RE: email

2003-02-13 Thread Joe Polk
Well, there is still some missing info. Are you on a static IP from your
ISP? If not, do you have any kinda dynamic name service you use like
DYNDNS?  You say you don't have an MX record, but that's okay. You still
have to have some way for outside servers to know that your IP address
matches a hostname. That's where static addresses come in, but even if
you have a dynamic address, you can use a service like to
give you a hostname that you can post your ever-changing ip address to
so that you always have a name match up to your system. In addition, you
should consider sending all outbound mail to your ISP's SMTP server so
that if mail is ever sent to a host like AOL, their reverse lookups will
always match back to a static SMTP originator.  Give us alittle more
info on your system like static/dynamic.


On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 18:17, Joel Lopez wrote:
> My mail log says:
> Feb 13 14:23:52 tux sendmail[3608]: h1DMNqJW003608: from=root, size=62,
> class=0, nrcpts=1,
> msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> relay=root@localhost
> Feb 13 14:23:52 tux sendmail[3610]: h1DMNqJW003610:
> from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=376, class=0, nrcpts=1,
> msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, proto=ESMTP,
> daemon=MTA, relay=localhost.localdomain []
> Feb 13 14:23:53 tux sendmail[3608]: h1DMNqYV003608:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], ctladdr=root (0/0), delay=00:00:01,
> xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=relay, pri=30040, relay=localhost.localdomain.
> [], dsn=2.0.0, stat= Sent (h1DMNqJW003610 Message accepted for
> delivery)
> Feb 13 14:23:53 tux sendmail[3612]: h1DMNqJW003610:
> ctladdr=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (0/0), delay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:00,
> mailer=esmtp, pri=30354, [],
> dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection refused by
> The daemon is running and my config file is set to the defaul settings.
> thanks,
> Joel
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Todd A. Jacobs
> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 2:59 PM
> Subject: Re: email
> On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Joel Lopez wrote:
> > I've been trying to get email working on my machine but can't seem to
> > get it going.  I was able to send for a day but I'm not sure what I
> > changed.
> That's exceptionally vague. What email package? What do your logs say? Is
> the daemon running? What do your config files look like?
> --
> "Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"
> --
> redhat-list mailing list
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> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
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Re: email

2003-02-13 Thread Raymundo M. Vega
There are several things you can check:

- is sendmail daemon running?
- check /var/log/messages for clues
- MX record is needed only to receive email without hostname,
  just domainname on the envelope

this for now post some more information like the output

ps -axp | grep 25

this should show if the daemon is running, what address it is bind to

also try telnet localhost 25

and post results

hope it helps


Joel Lopez wrote:


I've been trying to get email working on my machine but can't seem to get it
going.  I was able to send for a day but I'm not sure what I changed.

I've been trying to configure sendmail but I don't have an mx record.  What
else can I use just so the machine can send email.  I've installed a forum
software package and it needs to be able to send email.


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Can't mount volume on Mac OS 10.3 server

2003-02-13 Thread Werner Morawitz
I'm running redhat Linux 7.2, and am trying to mount
an nfs volume being exported by a Mac OS 10.3 server.

at the command prompt, as root:
I use the command mount:
mount -t nfs xserver:/Fileserver /serverhome

and get the error message:
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock onf
xserver:/Fileserver or too many mounted systems.

As far as I can tell, there aren't too many mounted
systems (on the client, or server).

Any ideas on how to proceed would be greatly


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RE: email

2003-02-13 Thread Joel Lopez
My mail log says:

Feb 13 14:23:52 tux sendmail[3608]: h1DMNqJW003608: from=root, size=62,
class=0, nrcpts=1,
Feb 13 14:23:52 tux sendmail[3610]: h1DMNqJW003610:
from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=376, class=0, nrcpts=1,
msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, proto=ESMTP,
daemon=MTA, relay=localhost.localdomain []
Feb 13 14:23:53 tux sendmail[3608]: h1DMNqYV003608:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], ctladdr=root (0/0), delay=00:00:01,
xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=relay, pri=30040, relay=localhost.localdomain.
[], dsn=2.0.0, stat= Sent (h1DMNqJW003610 Message accepted for
Feb 13 14:23:53 tux sendmail[3612]: h1DMNqJW003610:
ctladdr=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (0/0), delay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:00,
mailer=esmtp, pri=30354, [],
dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection refused by

The daemon is running and my config file is set to the defaul settings.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Todd A. Jacobs
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: email

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Joel Lopez wrote:

> I've been trying to get email working on my machine but can't seem to
> get it going.  I was able to send for a day but I'm not sure what I
> changed.

That's exceptionally vague. What email package? What do your logs say? Is
the daemon running? What do your config files look like?

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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Re: Sound Card

2003-02-13 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Antonio Burzio wrote:

> I have a Sondblaster Audigy... how can i configure red hat 8.0 to make
> it works?

Check the hardware compatibility guide, and see if it's supported.

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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Re: email

2003-02-13 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Joel Lopez wrote:

> I've been trying to get email working on my machine but can't seem to
> get it going.  I was able to send for a day but I'm not sure what I
> changed.

That's exceptionally vague. What email package? What do your logs say? Is 
the daemon running? What do your config files look like?

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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Sound Card

2003-02-13 Thread Antonio Burzio

I have a Sondblaster
Audigy... how can i
configure red hat 8.0 to make it works?



Serial ATA controller

2003-02-13 Thread Antonio Burzio

I’m using windows XP
and I want to make a dual boot with Red Hat 8.0. In windows I have the hard
disk configured as Promise 1+0 stripe/raid0 scsi
disk device and I’m using FASTTRACK 376 controller for XP. I
can’t find any driver to use during linux
installation. How can I do??




2003-02-13 Thread Joel Lopez

I've been trying to get email working on my machine but can't seem to get it
going.  I was able to send for a day but I'm not sure what I changed.

I've been trying to configure sendmail but I don't have an mx record.  What
else can I use just so the machine can send email.  I've installed a forum
software package and it needs to be able to send email.


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Re: Users accounts

2003-02-13 Thread Ze Ji Li
Hi there,

For nfs: man mount, man exports, man nfs and :)

on your old_system:
1) make sure your nfs daemon and file locking stuff running
2) modify your /etc/exports so your file_system can be mounted on the

on your new_system:
1) make sure your portmap is running
2) mount old_system:/file_system /mount_point

as for tar:
you can just tar the whole dir up, ftp them over the new_system and extract



- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: Users accounts

> Ze Ji Li wrote:
> > 2) nfs mount your old redhat's home dir to the new machine.
> Would you mind to tell me how to create NFS ?
> > 3) to move everything from one place to another place, use
> > cd fromdir; tar cf - . | (cd todir; tar xpf -)
> I know tar -zvxf *.tar.gz only...
> So, which / what command of tar for using backup /  move everything from
> place to another place ?
> Thank for your help !
> Ed.
> --
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RE: iptables firewall configuration - getting the 2 nics to communicate

2003-02-13 Thread Ajay Sharma
> yes... i do believe it is set up for masquerading. I am fairly new at
> this and I am having to learn as I go ... would you mind elaborating
> on the difference (just briefly)

When I was learning how to use iptables, this tutorial really helped:

I was able to setup the company firewall after reading it a few times, 
so you might be able to follow the steps and get an idea of what's the 


Satyajot (Ajay) Sharma 

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Re: alt + f1 command?

2003-02-13 Thread jkinz
On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 01:50:53PM -0800, CM Miller wrote:
> i've installed RH 8.0 and was wondering what happened
> to the alt. + f1 command to switch to different
> desktops...

When you are in X-windows (and I assume you are) you have to 
use "Ctrl-Alt-F1" to get to virtual console 1 which is normally
reached by pressing "Alt-F1".

You can return to X-windows from there by pressing "Alt-F7"

"Ctrl-Alt-" will get you to that virtual console
from X-windows, but ordinary installs will not have anything on
F7 - f12 console so all you will get is a blank screen 
on those upper end consoles.

Jeff Kinz, Emergent Research,  Hudson, MA.  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" copyright 2003.  Use is restricted. Any use is an 
acceptance of the offer at

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Re: alt + f1 command?

2003-02-13 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, CM Miller wrote:

> i've installed RH 8.0 and was wondering what happened to the alt. + f1
> command to switch to different desktops...

If you're in X, use CTRL-ALT-F instead. ALT-F1 is usually mapped to 
virtual screens by the window manager.

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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alt + f1 command?

2003-02-13 Thread CM Miller

i've installed RH 8.0 and was wondering what happened
to the alt. + f1 command to switch to different

so far RH 8.0, is runnin' pretty good, a bit of a
resource hog, but no worst than XP. 

Winning an argument on the internet is like getting 1st place at the Special Olympics

GAIM ID:  cmmiller1973

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Undefined subroutine &XML::DOM::DocumentType HELP!

2003-02-13 Thread copopod
I'm running a program that utilizes both Perl and Java and upon running the program, 
it computes, then stops and spits out:

Undefined subroutine &XML::DOM::DocumentType called at 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/XML/ line 3475

Looking at the file, the package Documenttype is there. Does anyone know of 
this problem and how to correct it? I'm using RH8.0.

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Re: ldconfig and non existing files

2003-02-13 Thread John Nichel
That did it.  Thanks.

Dave Young wrote:

[dave@hat-trick:/etc]% grep -ri updatedb cron*
cron.daily/slocate.cron:/usr/bin/updatedb -f "nfs,smbfs,ncpfs,proc,devpts" -e 

type the update -f "blah blah" part...


On Thursday 13 February 2003 12:35 pm, John Nichel wrote:


  I'm having some trouble with some old pspell library files.  I tar'd
up the old files, then removed them from /usr/lib.  I then ran ldconfig.
 However, when I do a 'locate libpspell', it still shows the old
libraries in /usr/lib, even though they aren't there anymore.  How do I
make these go away so that my system won't think they are there?

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Re: To firewall or not to firewall (was Re: What is the disadvantage of Linux firewall...)

2003-02-13 Thread Shannon Neumann
I have been following this thread all day with equal amounts of amusement
and contempt.  First of all, let me say that I by no means think that
firewalls are the silver bullet solution for network security.  As others
have pointed out, firewalls can cause a false sense of security in some
cases.  However, saying that Redhat is "secure enough" out of the box is
like saying that the locks on my car are good enough, so why should I have
an alarm?  The answer is because it makes the other guy (the one with no
alarm [firewall]) an easier target.  Face it, if I have a decent firewall
in place that drops all incoming packets and you have even a single port
open, then you are going to the target and I am not.

Also, the attitude that "Windows sucks and Linux rocks" is the kind of
elitist notion that drives many potention linux converts back to Windows. 
It sounds like you have blind faith in a Operating system that is equally
capable of being cracked.  Again, don't get me wrong.  My non-windows
boxes outnumber my Windows machines 4 to 1, but that doesn't mean that
Windows is not the right tool for certain jobs.

Just my 2 pennies.

Shannon Neumann
Neumannweb Computers

>  I would agree that there is something to be said for learning to batten
> down your linux boxen. However, keeping things  behind a firewall is
> just good practice. Yes, it may give one a false sense of security, but
> it also gives one a safe place to learn and grow; i.e. behind the
> firewall. With a firewall, you can limit the ports available from the
> outside straight away. True you can do that with a Linux box from the
> outset, but there may be things you want to do in the meantime that
> require those services.  I think in general, having a firewall in place
>  is always a plus and having more of them limits the number of hacked
> boxes and launching pads for other exploits. No it's not a cure-all, as
> so many have pointed out. But I'd still recommend everyone having one.
>  <>
>> On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 15:18, Bill Anderson wrote:
>> > On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 12:01, Kent Borg wrote:
>> > > On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 11:58:58AM -0600, Dave Ihnat wrote:
>> > > > On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 10:02:54AM -0500, Kent Borg wrote:
>> > > > > On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 07:56:23AM -0600, Dave Ihnat wrote:
>> > > > > > We all urgently push you to implement a firewall...any
>> firewall...
>> > > > >
>> > > > > No we don't (with or without smilies), I do not advise a
>> firewall unless you are trying to protect some MS Windows
>> garbage and that is a losing battle you are better off not
>> trying to fight.
>> > > > > <>
>> > > >
>> > > > With all due respect, not only is that a very misguided
>> attitude, it's a dangerous one to promulgate.
>> > >
>> > > First, a point of order: if you are sincere about the "with all
>> due respect"-part, then don't suggest that I am a cracker.
>> > >
>> > > > Read what you said
>> > >
>> > > I wrote a short post describing how to make and keep a Red Hat
>> system secure.  I glossed over some details, but I still think it
>> was pretty good, and damn specific, given how short it was.
>> >
>> > My problem with the method you propose is that it requires you to be
>> able to determine vulnerabilities before they happen.Say you are
>> attending a Linux Expo, or some other event that takes you away from
>> your machine(s) for the day. That morning a vulnerability is
>> announced that has an exploit. Your machine(s) is(are) vulnerable
>> until you update it. If it is a network exploitable vulnerability.
>> >
>> > Specific? Well, do you like to print, and run lpd? it's had problems
>> in the past.
>> >
>> >
>> > > You assert that it won't work.  OK, be specific.  Reread what I
>> posted.  Assume that such a RH 7.0 system has been on the
>> internet, maintained as I described, without a firewall, for the
>> last two years. Tell me how it got rooted during time.  Be
>> specific.
>> >
>> > It's maintainer was at work, and it was a home machine running the
>> vulnerable LPRng and did not update the machine until they were a)
>> aware of the problem, and b) able to update to a fixed version. For
>> example:
>> >
>> >
>> > An example clipped from an incident report:
>> > --
>> > Port 515 on our network was scanned from over the weekend.
>>  Here's some information on the LPRng exploits attempted against
>> several  RedHat Linus 7.x hosts. The intruder attempts to create a
>> file called  /dev/whoa/reg. It looks like they intend for reg to
>> open port 8282 with  root privileges. They then edit xinetd.conf
>> file and restart xinetd to  open the port. Evidence of these changes
>> was cleared from compromised  hosts once the intruder installed his
>> kit. A password protected guest  account with a GID of 0 was created
>> on one compromised host. The  following files were also changed: du,
>> find, ls, netstat, passwd, ping,  psr, and 

Re: passing data from html form to a php script

2003-02-13 Thread Caleb Groom
On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 14:42, Rick Henderson wrote:
> Hello all.  My first question to the list.  Hope someone can help.  Here it
> is.
> I have a that runs via php system command.  The process picks up values from
> php which got them from an html form.  It works no problem on rh7.1.  But on
> rh8.0, it does not work.  There is a diff ver of php, older on 7.1 of
> course.
> The problem is that the variables do not have a value on the php4.2.2 but
> they do have a value on 4.0.0p11 
> here is an example of the machine 7.1 that works
> tyler rdh: bash-2.04$ unitcd="WY" export unitcd
> tyler rdh: bash-2.04$ ./view.php
> X-Powered-By: PHP/4.0.4pl1
> Content-type: text/html
> WY_roster.html
> tyler rdh: bash-2.04$
> now an example of the machine 8.0 where php does not work
> [rdh@ford ins]$ unitcd="WY" export unitcd
> [rdh@ford ins]$ ./view.php
> X-Powered-By: PHP/4.2.2
> Content-type: text/html
> _roster.html
> [rdh@ford ins]$
> here is asimple php script 
> #!/usr/bin/php
>$unitname = "${unitcd}_roster.html";
>   echo "$unitname\n" ;
> ?>
> Thanks
> Rick Henderson
> (936) 291-5356

More than likely your PHP configuration has changed to turn off


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Re: share port 80 apache and squid

2003-02-13 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Jordi Curià wrote:

> I want to share port 80 with proxy squid and apache, it's posible?

Sure, if you write yourself a custom redirector and bind it to port 80, 
and configure both squid and apache to listen on other ports.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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Re: wireless LAN rh8

2003-02-13 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Simpson, Doug wrote:

> I have just installed RH8 on an ibm laptop.  I have a 3com wireless LAN
> OfficeConnect PC Card.  I cannot find drivers for this card for RH8.  
> Does anyone have any insight into getting this to work on RH8?

Check out the wireless-tools and wlan-ng home pages, and see if your 
chipset is supported. If not, you'll have to buy a compatible card or an 
access point.

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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Re: Bash pattern matching

2003-02-13 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Vikram Goyal wrote:

> ls Mail/.log\.[0-9]*$(($(date +'%y')-1))-[01]*$(($(date +'%m')-1))-*

Run "set -x" before running your command, so that you can see how bash is 
expanding your command line. My guess is that the files that aren't 
matching don't have enough digits in them.

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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passing data from html form to a php script

2003-02-13 Thread Rick Henderson
Hello all.  My first question to the list.  Hope someone can help.  Here it

I have a that runs via php system command.  The process picks up values from
php which got them from an html form.  It works no problem on rh7.1.  But on
rh8.0, it does not work.  There is a diff ver of php, older on 7.1 of

The problem is that the variables do not have a value on the php4.2.2 but
they do have a value on 4.0.0p11 

here is an example of the machine 7.1 that works

tyler rdh: bash-2.04$ unitcd="WY" export unitcd
tyler rdh: bash-2.04$ ./view.php
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.0.4pl1
Content-type: text/html

tyler rdh: bash-2.04$

now an example of the machine 8.0 where php does not work
[rdh@ford ins]$ unitcd="WY" export unitcd
[rdh@ford ins]$ ./view.php
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.2.2
Content-type: text/html

[rdh@ford ins]$

here is asimple php script 


Rick Henderson
(936) 291-5356

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Re: What is the disadvantage of Linux firewall, rather then usingready to use firewall (checkpoint, trustix, cyberguard, watchguard etc)

2003-02-13 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Kent Borg wrote:

> These days Red Hat ships quite secure.  Keep it up to date, use good

Oh, come this a troll? I usually have to spend a whole day
installing a Red Hat box: an hour or two for the install, and the rest of
the day locking down the default configuration. Red Hat is *not* secure by

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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Re: To firewall or not to firewall (was Re: What is thedisadvantage of Linux firewall...)

2003-02-13 Thread Joe Polk
 I would agree that there is something to be said for learning to batten
 down your linux boxen. However, keeping things  behind a firewall is
 just good practice. Yes, it may give one a false sense of security, but
 it also gives one a safe place to learn and grow; i.e. behind the
 firewall. With a firewall, you can limit the ports available from the
 outside straight away. True you can do that with a Linux box from the
 outset, but there may be things you want to do in the meantime that
 require those services.  I think in general, having a firewall in place 
 is always a plus and having more of them limits the number of hacked
 boxes and launching pads for other exploits. No it's not a cure-all, as
 so many have pointed out. But I'd still recommend everyone having one.
> On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 15:18, Bill Anderson wrote:
> > On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 12:01, Kent Borg wrote:
> > > On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 11:58:58AM -0600, Dave Ihnat wrote:
> > > > On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 10:02:54AM -0500, Kent Borg wrote:
> > > > > On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 07:56:23AM -0600, Dave Ihnat wrote:
> > > > > > We all urgently push you to implement a firewall...any firewall...
> > > > > 
> > > > > No we don't (with or without smilies), I do not advise a firewall
> > > > > unless you are trying to protect some MS Windows garbage and that is a
> > > > > losing battle you are better off not trying to fight.  
> > > > > <>
> > > > 
> > > > With all due respect, not only is that a very misguided attitude, it's a
> > > > dangerous one to promulgate.
> > > 
> > > First, a point of order: if you are sincere about the "with all due
> > > respect"-part, then don't suggest that I am a cracker.
> > > 
> > > > Read what you said
> > > 
> > > I wrote a short post describing how to make and keep a Red Hat system
> > > secure.  I glossed over some details, but I still think it was pretty
> > > good, and damn specific, given how short it was.
> > 
> > My problem with the method you propose is that it requires you to be
> > able to determine vulnerabilities before they happen.Say you are
> > attending a Linux Expo, or some other event that takes you away from
> > your machine(s) for the day. That morning a vulnerability is announced
> > that has an exploit. Your machine(s) is(are) vulnerable until you update
> > it. If it is a network exploitable vulnerability.
> > 
> > Specific? Well, do you like to print, and run lpd? it's had problems in
> > the past.
> > 
> > 
> > > You assert that it won't work.  OK, be specific.  Reread what I
> > > posted.  Assume that such a RH 7.0 system has been on the internet,
> > > maintained as I described, without a firewall, for the last two years.
> > > Tell me how it got rooted during time.  Be specific.
> > 
> > It's maintainer was at work, and it was a home machine running the
> > vulnerable LPRng and did not update the machine until they were a) aware
> > of the problem, and b) able to update to a fixed version. For example:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > An example clipped from an incident report:
> > --
> > Port 515 on our network was scanned from over the weekend. 
> > Here's some information on the LPRng exploits attempted against several 
> > RedHat Linus 7.x hosts. The intruder attempts to create a file called 
> > /dev/whoa/reg. It looks like they intend for reg to open port 8282 with 
> > root privileges. They then edit xinetd.conf file and restart xinetd to 
> > open the port. Evidence of these changes was cleared from compromised 
> > hosts once the intruder installed his kit. A password protected guest 
> > account with a GID of 0 was created on one compromised host. The 
> > following files were also changed: du, find, ls, netstat, passwd, ping, 
> > psr, and su. 
> > -
> > 
> > Running X-Windows on said system? Uh-oh, there's another potential
> > problem (especially if xdm was enabled).
> > 
> > Ascii-only email/web? Pine, Mutt (CAN-2002-0001) and lynx have had their
> > problems w/security as well. Pam has had it's problems, which in at
> > least one case allowed users to get another's access credentials.
> > 
> > The problem with your method is that it does not "think like a cracker".
> > It "thinks" like someone who believes they are faster and superior to
> > the cracking ability. IMO, that is as bad as relying solely on a
> > firewall. Security is not an item, it is a process and mindset. 
> > 
> > While it is true for all systems that there is a period of vulnerability
> > between the finding/reporting of the vulnerability/exploit and the
> > updating of the system, by not using a firewall, you pile more openings
> > on top of ones that affect, for example, bind or mod_ssl. There are
> > exploits that allow the remote attacker to get a non-root local access.
> > Combine this with a local-root exploit and bam, You have a problem.
> > 
> > IMO, this is as dangerous as "we have a firewall, who cares?".
> >

Re: What is the disadvantage of Linux firewall, rather then usingready to use firewall (checkpoint, trustix, cyberguard, watchguard etc)

2003-02-13 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Budi Febrianto wrote:

> What are the different if I using RHL 8 as firewall, rather than using
> pre-built firewall. They say that the pre-built firewall come with
> hardened operating system, I think Linux already did.

A packet filter is a packet filter. Some of the commercial firewalls
support integrated proxies and a nice GUI. They also cost a lot more. You
can spend a couple hundred for a cheap box with Linux and iptables and
SOCKS, or $15,000 for a Nokia box with Check Point. Neither is "better."
They're different products.

And Red Hat is *not* haredened out of the box; you will need to do that
yourself or with the help of a tool like Bastille. Then again, a Solaris
or Windows box isn't "hardened" out of the box, either...even if you load
Check Point on it. If you want a somewhat-hardened system out of the box, 
use OpenBSD.

Define your security requirements, and then see which product will meet
your needs better. If you don't understand your security requirements, you
can't make an informed decision. And for heaven's sake, don't leave your
security decisions up to random strangers on the net.

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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Re: ldconfig and non existing files

2003-02-13 Thread Dave Young
[dave@hat-trick:/etc]% grep -ri updatedb cron*
cron.daily/slocate.cron:/usr/bin/updatedb -f "nfs,smbfs,ncpfs,proc,devpts" -e 

type the update -f "blah blah" part...


On Thursday 13 February 2003 12:35 pm, John Nichel wrote:
> Hello,
>I'm having some trouble with some old pspell library files.  I tar'd
> up the old files, then removed them from /usr/lib.  I then ran ldconfig.
>   However, when I do a 'locate libpspell', it still shows the old
> libraries in /usr/lib, even though they aren't there anymore.  How do I
> make these go away so that my system won't think they are there?

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ldconfig and non existing files

2003-02-13 Thread John Nichel

  I'm having some trouble with some old pspell library files.  I tar'd 
up the old files, then removed them from /usr/lib.  I then ran ldconfig. 
 However, when I do a 'locate libpspell', it still shows the old 
libraries in /usr/lib, even though they aren't there anymore.  How do I 
make these go away so that my system won't think they are there?

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To firewall or not to firewall (was Re: What is the disadvantageof Linux firewall...)

2003-02-13 Thread Bill Anderson
On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 12:01, Kent Borg wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 11:58:58AM -0600, Dave Ihnat wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 10:02:54AM -0500, Kent Borg wrote:
> > > On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 07:56:23AM -0600, Dave Ihnat wrote:
> > > > We all urgently push you to implement a firewall...any firewall...
> > > 
> > > No we don't (with or without smilies), I do not advise a firewall
> > > unless you are trying to protect some MS Windows garbage and that is a
> > > losing battle you are better off not trying to fight.  
> > > <>
> > 
> > With all due respect, not only is that a very misguided attitude, it's a
> > dangerous one to promulgate.
> First, a point of order: if you are sincere about the "with all due
> respect"-part, then don't suggest that I am a cracker.
> > Read what you said
> I wrote a short post describing how to make and keep a Red Hat system
> secure.  I glossed over some details, but I still think it was pretty
> good, and damn specific, given how short it was.

My problem with the method you propose is that it requires you to be
able to determine vulnerabilities before they happen.Say you are
attending a Linux Expo, or some other event that takes you away from
your machine(s) for the day. That morning a vulnerability is announced
that has an exploit. Your machine(s) is(are) vulnerable until you update
it. If it is a network exploitable vulnerability.

Specific? Well, do you like to print, and run lpd? it's had problems in
the past.

> You assert that it won't work.  OK, be specific.  Reread what I
> posted.  Assume that such a RH 7.0 system has been on the internet,
> maintained as I described, without a firewall, for the last two years.
> Tell me how it got rooted during time.  Be specific.

It's maintainer was at work, and it was a home machine running the
vulnerable LPRng and did not update the machine until they were a) aware
of the problem, and b) able to update to a fixed version. For example:

An example clipped from an incident report:
Port 515 on our network was scanned from over the weekend. 
Here's some information on the LPRng exploits attempted against several 
RedHat Linus 7.x hosts. The intruder attempts to create a file called 
/dev/whoa/reg. It looks like they intend for reg to open port 8282 with 
root privileges. They then edit xinetd.conf file and restart xinetd to 
open the port. Evidence of these changes was cleared from compromised 
hosts once the intruder installed his kit. A password protected guest 
account with a GID of 0 was created on one compromised host. The 
following files were also changed: du, find, ls, netstat, passwd, ping, 
psr, and su. 

Running X-Windows on said system? Uh-oh, there's another potential
problem (especially if xdm was enabled).

Ascii-only email/web? Pine, Mutt (CAN-2002-0001) and lynx have had their
problems w/security as well. Pam has had it's problems, which in at
least one case allowed users to get another's access credentials.

The problem with your method is that it does not "think like a cracker".
It "thinks" like someone who believes they are faster and superior to
the cracking ability. IMO, that is as bad as relying solely on a
firewall. Security is not an item, it is a process and mindset. 

While it is true for all systems that there is a period of vulnerability
between the finding/reporting of the vulnerability/exploit and the
updating of the system, by not using a firewall, you pile more openings
on top of ones that affect, for example, bind or mod_ssl. There are
exploits that allow the remote attacker to get a non-root local access.
Combine this with a local-root exploit and bam, You have a problem.

IMO, this is as dangerous as "we have a firewall, who cares?".

Bill Anderson
RHCE #807302597505773

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Re: Fwd: how to activate acl support at the kernel.src.rpm ?

2003-02-13 Thread earthtirol
Am Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2003 19:16 schrieb Ed Wilts:
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 08:03:56PM +, earthtirol wrote:
> > Am Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2003 18:45 schrieb Ed Wilts:
> > > On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 07:27:47PM +, earthtirol wrote:
> > > > how do i activate the ext2/3-acl supput a the rh80 kernel.src.rpm?
> > >
> > > ACL support was originally in the release but was pulled because it
> > > wasn't stable.  Are you sure you want to turn it on?
> >
> > yes
> The official site for the Linux ACL project is at
> Hopefully the patch is in Red Hat's kernel but
> just not configured in.  The step-by-step guide at the above link does
> tell you how to configure the kernel.
> Happy hacking,
> .../Ed
the acl support is patched an activated in all kernel config files
but till building the line "acl = yes" is removed and i cant find
where rh remove this

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Re: Bash pattern matching

2003-02-13 Thread Vikram Goyal

-Original Message-
From: Ronald Hermans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 02:40:54PM +0100
To RedhatList
Subject: RE: Bash pattern matching

> Its is complaining about:
> perl-DBI
> perl_DBD-MySQL
> perl(CGI)
> perl(DBI)

Ya, Are you sure. I thought it was apache-2.0 - Php - Postgre  and
kernel 2.9 compiled for PIV 2THz running on I386;-)

> > -Original Message-
> > From: Vikram Goyal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: donderdag 13 februari 2003 13:50
> > To: RedhatList
> > Subject: Bash pattern matching
> > 
> > 
> > Hello All,
> > 
> > The files in one of my dir are:
> > .  .. .aliases   .aliases.sav   attach
> > dean   inbox  interestinglists  
> > .log.02-01-11
> > .log.02-01-12  .log.02-01-13  .log.03-02-01  .log.03-02-02  
> > .log.03-02-03
> > .log.03-02-04  .log.03-02-05  .log.03-02-06  .log.2-01-11   
> > .log.2-1-11
> > .log.2-1-12.msgid.cache   sent   .tmp   trash
> > 
> > I want bash to match the following pattern in file listing but it
> > dosen't do that. Can you point what I am doing wrong.
> > 
> > ls Mail/.log\.[0-9]*$(($(date +'%y')-1))-[01]*$(($(date +'%m')-1))-*
> > 
> > Output is:
> > Mail/.log.02-01-11  Mail/.log.02-01-12  Mail/.log.02-01-13
> > 
> > The asterix is not being considered.
> > Why the files .log.2-01-11 .log.2-1-11 .log.2-1-12 are not matched?
> > Any solution...
> > 
> > Thanks.

vikram...<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You have a message from the operator.
Registered Linux User #285795

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Re: Fwd: how to activate acl support at the kernel.src.rpm ?

2003-02-13 Thread Ed Wilts
On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 08:03:56PM +, earthtirol wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2003 18:45 schrieb Ed Wilts:
> > On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 07:27:47PM +, earthtirol wrote:
> > > how do i activate the ext2/3-acl supput a the rh80 kernel.src.rpm?
> >
> > ACL support was originally in the release but was pulled because it
> > wasn't stable.  Are you sure you want to turn it on?
> yes

The official site for the Linux ACL project is at Hopefully the patch is in Red Hat's kernel but
just not configured in.  The step-by-step guide at the above link does
tell you how to configure the kernel.

Happy hacking,

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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Re: friewall

2003-02-13 Thread Carl Riches
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Patrick Law wrote:

> Hi,
> I have heard there is/are a linux firewall which can boot from CD and save
> the configuration in a diskette.
> Anyone know about it? Can recommend me a few that you think is good?
> Thanks first.

Perhaps you are thinking of Gibraltar Firewall:


This is a package based on Debian.  We have four of these deployed, and it
seems to work well.

Carl G. Riches
Software Engineer
Department of Mathematics
Box 354350  voice: 206-543-5082 or 206-616-3636
University of Washingtonfax:   206-543-0397
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Re: Fwd: how to activate acl support at the kernel.src.rpm ?

2003-02-13 Thread earthtirol
Am Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2003 18:45 schrieb Ed Wilts:
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 07:27:47PM +, earthtirol wrote:
> > how do i activate the ext2/3-acl supput a the rh80 kernel.src.rpm?
> ACL support was originally in the release but was pulled because it
> wasn't stable.  Are you sure you want to turn it on?


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Re: What is the disadvantage of Linux firewall, rather then using ready to use firewall (checkpoint, trustix, cyberguard, watchguard etc)

2003-02-13 Thread Kent Borg
On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 11:58:58AM -0600, Dave Ihnat wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 10:02:54AM -0500, Kent Borg wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 07:56:23AM -0600, Dave Ihnat wrote:
> > > We all urgently push you to implement a firewall...any firewall...
> > 
> > No we don't (with or without smilies), I do not advise a firewall
> > unless you are trying to protect some MS Windows garbage and that is a
> > losing battle you are better off not trying to fight.  
> > <>
> With all due respect, not only is that a very misguided attitude, it's a
> dangerous one to promulgate.

First, a point of order: if you are sincere about the "with all due
respect"-part, then don't suggest that I am a cracker.

> Read what you said

I wrote a short post describing how to make and keep a Red Hat system
secure.  I glossed over some details, but I still think it was pretty
good, and damn specific, given how short it was.

You assert that it won't work.  OK, be specific.  Reread what I
posted.  Assume that such a RH 7.0 system has been on the internet,
maintained as I described, without a firewall, for the last two years.
Tell me how it got rooted during time.  Be specific.


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Re: Fwd: how to activate acl support at the kernel.src.rpm ?

2003-02-13 Thread Ed Wilts
On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 07:27:47PM +, earthtirol wrote:
> how do i activate the ext2/3-acl supput a the rh80 kernel.src.rpm?

ACL support was originally in the release but was pulled because it
wasn't stable.  Are you sure you want to turn it on?

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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RE: PHP and PostgreSQL

2003-02-13 Thread Marius Andreiana
On Mi, 2003-02-12 at 19:30, Joel Lopez wrote:
> I don't have a data/postgresql.conf file.
it's created when you start postgresql for the first time 
( service postgresql start ), don't create it by hand
(as it has been mentioned, it's in /var/lib/pgsql/data )

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Fwd: how to activate acl support at the kernel.src.rpm ?

2003-02-13 Thread earthtirol

how do i activate the ext2/3-acl supput a the rh80 kernel.src.rpm?


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Re: wireless LAN rh8

2003-02-13 Thread Pete Nuwayser
What works for me:

Go to and punch in the FCC ID printed on
the 3com card.  Look for a photograph of the internal chipset.  If
possible try to get the exact chip number off the photograph.  Search
google for the chip number and "RH 8" or something like that.

Also I consult the wiki at:

though I didn't see you specific card on the list.


On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 11:19, Simpson, Doug wrote:
> I have just installed RH8 on an ibm laptop.  I have a 3com wireless LAN
> OfficeConnect PC Card.  I cannot find drivers for this card for RH8.  Does
> anyone have any insight into getting this to work on RH8?
> Thanks,
> Doug
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
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Pete Nuwayser   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Federal Trade Commission -  Washington, DC

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Re: What is the disadvantage of Linux firewall, rather then using ready to use firewall (checkpoint, trustix, cyberguard, watchguard etc)

2003-02-13 Thread Dave Ihnat
On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 10:02:54AM -0500, Kent Borg wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 07:56:23AM -0600, Dave Ihnat wrote:
> > We all urgently push you to implement a firewall...any firewall...
> No we don't (with or without smilies), I do not advise a firewall
> unless you are trying to protect some MS Windows garbage and that is a
> losing battle you are better off not trying to fight.  
> <>

With all due respect, not only is that a very misguided attitude, it's a
dangerous one to promulgate.

No, a firewall is NOT the be-all and end-all of security; no tool
can be.  Security is a mindset and a process, not a bunch of tools.

In that process, for systems exposed to the outside world--or even
within an organization with different divisions or departments that
require compartmentalization--a firewall provides a critical control
and auditing point.

Read what you said--effectively, RedHat has had to preen dozens of
packages, each and every one of which may be network-capable, written
by people with a wide disparity of skills, approaches, and experience.
At any time, you may load, upgrade, or remove components from the
system--or even make a change to the configuration alone that opens one
or more of these to intrusion.  There IS no way to protect against this
in all cases--specifically, anything you've explicitly permitted to access
the world outside your firewall has to be watched--but at least inadvertent
exposure is prevented by a proper firewall.

Probably the thing that most distresses me about your attitude is
that your system is the kind that gets owned and causes ME problems.
Or maybe you're very, very vigilant and quite knowledgable, and spend
your spare time auditing the system and watching the logs, and are lucky
enough not to get owned.  Even so, you're taking a more labor-intensive
and risky road, and are still more likely to have an error open you to a

But much worse, you're telling--encouraging--evangelizing for OTHER people
to do it your way.  And of all the people out there, I can guarantee
you that there are many who will NOT be able to audit their systems,
will NOT be able to button them down and *keep* them buttoned down.  You're
doing us all a great disservice.

Unless, of course, you're really a cracker and are encouraging this to make
your life easier; then you're providing a service to *your* community.
Dave Ihnat

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Re: Kppp Jams taskbar when not loged in as root?

2003-02-13 Thread Michael Scottaline
On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 12:33, Wayne Lampiasi wrote:
> I am having a problem with kppp. when I log in as root, I can connect
> to the net. when I log in under my main user profile, kppp won't load
> without asking for the root password. Even after giving redhat the
> root password kppp then connect's to the net and jams my taskbar
> freezing my icons ??? This does not happen when loged in as root. I
> tried using redhat.config.user apps to change my user id and group to
> a higher level, but I am doing somthing wrong. ?? Thank you,

Try this:
Change the icon command line to /usr/bin/kppp 
as root, change the permissions on/usr/bin/kppp to allow users or a new
group to execute
make the same change of permissions on /usr/bin/consolehelper
if necessary create the icon for kppp on the desktop, rather than the
taskbar (if you're using kde; if you're using gnome this may not be

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Re: AS/400 and Redhat

2003-02-13 Thread Dean Hoffman
Not sure about the hardware, but the earliest software version of an AS400
that will support Linux in V5R1 (this one is V3R7).  To get V5R1 from IBM
would be a very expensive process unless you have software subscription on
this box (which I doubt).  Also you must have the 400 operating system on it
and you have to create an LPAR to install Linux (not a particular easy
task). An IBM link on implementation of Linux for a 400 is:

Hope this helps.Dean
- Original Message -
From: "Steveo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:01 AM
Subject: AS/400 and Redhat

> Just curious but I wanted to know if I could run Redhat on this machine:
> Steveo (aka Haiku)
> --
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Re: share port 80 apache and squid

2003-02-13 Thread Peter Kiem

> I want to share port 80 with proxy squid and apache, it's posible?

Only on different IP addresses.

Only ONE service can listen on an IP Address/Port combination at one

| Peter Kiem.^.   | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
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Kppp Jams taskbar when not loged in as root?

2003-02-13 Thread Wayne Lampiasi
I am having a problem with kppp.  when I log in as root, I can connect to the net. when I log in under
my main user profile, kppp won't load without asking
for the root password. Even after giving redhat the root password kppp then connect's to the net and jams my taskbar freezing my icons ???
This does not happen when loged in as root.
I tried using redhat.config.user apps to change my user id and group to a higher level, but I am doing
somthing wrong. ??

Thank you,
Wayne (WL44)
Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: accessing read hat user manager

2003-02-13 Thread Michel Donais
> -- 
Thank's Caleb,

This bug fix was the solution.


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share port 80 apache and squid

2003-02-13 Thread Jordi Curià
I want to share port 80 with proxy squid and apache, it's posible?

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wireless LAN rh8

2003-02-13 Thread Simpson, Doug
I have just installed RH8 on an ibm laptop.  I have a 3com wireless LAN
OfficeConnect PC Card.  I cannot find drivers for this card for RH8.  Does
anyone have any insight into getting this to work on RH8?

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AS/400 and Redhat

2003-02-13 Thread Steveo
Just curious but I wanted to know if I could run Redhat on this machine:
Steveo (aka Haiku)

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Redhat Phoebe, USB 2 Hard Drive

2003-02-13 Thread Weekley, Arnold (C)(STP)
I just purchased a new system. It has a  MSI KT3 Ultra2 KT333 Socket A Mainboard,
an AMD Athlon 2100+ processor and a 80gb Western Digital drive.
I've loaded Phoebe (Beta 2) for testing. In general, things look good. The
primary problem I'm having is when I copy files from an Iomega USB 2 Hard drive
(40gb) to my home directory, the copy locks up after copying for awhile. When
it locks up, I can still perform other system functions, but cannot kill the
copy and cannot browse the usb hard drive. I've done a , logged
in as root and executed "halt". The system won't shutdown though, because it
says /home is busy and can't be unmounted. I've had to turn the power off to
finish the shutdown. I can do this (hard shutdown) while testing, but would
rather not when I make the system my primary computer.

I searched google and found that there are some USB 2 issues with kernels prior
to 2.4.21-pre3, in particular with the VIA USB controller.

My primary question is: Is there a way I can force a clean shutdown when 
unmount won't?

2nd question is: Does anybody know if Redhat will be incorporating the USB
fixes in 8.1 final? I plan on submitting a bug to bugzilla tonight, but thought
I'd ask.

Arnold Weekley 
Guidant Corporation 
4100 Hamline Ave. North 
St. Paul, MN  55112-5798 
Tel: 651-582-7610 Fax: 651-582-5096 

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Re: CDWriter Speed

2003-02-13 Thread Ed . Greshko
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Adam Voigt wrote:

> I'd appreciate any ideas.

In your original message you could have told us the make and model and
hoped that someone has the same one you dobut it is too late to do
that now  :-)

--  for all your firewall needs

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Re: What is the disadvantage of Linux firewall, rather then usingready to use firewall (checkpoint, trustix, cyberguard, watchguard etc)

2003-02-13 Thread Rodolfo J. Paiz
On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 22:59, Budi Febrianto wrote:
> I'm playing around with RHL 8 to set up firewall with iptables.
> With Pentium II 300, 64 MB, 4 GB SCSI HD, 2 NIC's 100 Mbps. I think it
> enough.

Enough if you use text mode. I run a good firewall on a Pentium/166 with
64 MB, a 1GB EIDE disk, and two 10 Mbps NIC's. So far my 40 users aren't
complaining at all. :-)

> I configure firewall based on Rusty's IPTABLES How to.
> Well, it works and I think it secure enough.

If you are asking this type of question, you probably want to at least
try out some of the packages which build you a firewall configuration.
It's not that hard to make a mistake.

Personally, I would recommend that you use Shorewall (
to build your firewall. Very simple to use and pretty secure.

> What are the different if I using RHL 8 as firewall, rather than using
> pre-built firewall. They say that the pre-built firewall come with hardened
> operating system, I think Linux already did.

Linux is more flexible and more capable. You will be able to get a
better picture of what your users do, detect abuse, provide proxying,
block spam, and do other stuff should you so desire. (You don't
necessarily want to do all this, but you can.) Linux is also cheaper
overall and, if the box breaks, you can have another one online in 30

The prebuilt firewalls are more expensive, more limited, and not as
easily replaceable. However, they are easier to use if you have no
experience and do provide a quick, functional, drop-in solution. Look at
stuff like the Netgear FR318, which for $150 will give you an 8-port
switch in addition to a firewall with stateful inspection, DHCP, and

I would recommend Linux, but be aware that this will require more
learning and more of a time investment on your part to ensure you
understand what you're running. If you don't have that time or don't
want to put in the effort, either get someone else to build it for you
or buy one of the prebuilt things.

Rodolfo J. Paiz

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RE: CDWriter Speed

2003-02-13 Thread ric
I've found with mine, that cdrecord pretty much defaults to the proper
speed. Even if I try to set to "wrong" (to high for example), it will
correct, and use the proper speed.

I'd suggest no worrying about it. Put a blank disk in, and give it a whirl
(pun intended). See what it does. It may not be as bing an issue as you


> Yep. No dice.
> On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 10:46, Dan Jallits wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Have you tried the manufacturer's website? There should be some
> technical documentation for your product. I mean come on there's
> manuals on  the web to build atomic weapons. Anyhow, that would be
> my recommendation.
> - -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Adam Voigt
> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 9:31 AM
> Subject: CDWriter Speed
> I have a CDWriter that was just laying around that I just put in my
> computer, the problem is I don't remember what speed it is, and  a
> search on google doesn't help either. Is there any way to read  like
> a /proc variable or something to try and figure it out?
> It's an internal SCSI one, so I already tried reading
> /proc/scsi/scsi
> without luck, it just gives name info, no speed.
> I'd appreciate any ideas.
> - --
> Adam Voigt ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> The Cryptocomm Group
> My GPG Key:
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)
> Comment: For info see
> iEYEARECAAYFAj5LvcIACgkQUhfuBU5zU4MhggCgwwhlsb0mkzvl9kZKv/e6VLp1
> IiAAoLahxQ/ziYYSp9WGlm9ocjtmTbIc
> =h5p4
> --
> redhat-list mailing list
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> --
> Adam Voigt ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> The Cryptocomm Group
> My GPG Key:

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RE: CDWriter Speed

2003-02-13 Thread Adam Voigt

Yep. No dice.

On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 10:46, Dan Jallits wrote:


Hash: SHA1

Have you tried the manufacturer's website? There should be some technical documentation for your product. I mean come on there's manuals on  the web to build atomic weapons. Anyhow, that would be my recommendation.


- -Original Message-

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Adam Voigt

Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 9:31 AM


Subject: CDWriter Speed


I have a CDWriter that was just laying around that I just put in my 

computer, the problem is I don't remember what speed it is, and 

a search on google doesn't help either. Is there any way to read 

like a /proc variable or something to try and figure it out? 

It's an internal SCSI one, so I already tried reading /proc/scsi/scsi 

without luck, it just gives name info, no speed. 

I'd appreciate any ideas. 

- -- 


The Cryptocomm Group

My GPG Key:



Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)

Comment: For info see






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The Cryptocomm Group
My GPG Key:

RE: CDWriter Speed

2003-02-13 Thread Dan Jallits
Hash: SHA1

Have you tried the manufacturer's website? There should be some technical 
documentation for your product. I mean come on there's manuals on  the web to build 
atomic weapons. Anyhow, that would be my recommendation.
- -Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
Adam Voigt
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 9:31 AM
Subject: CDWriter Speed
I have a CDWriter that was just laying around that I just put in my 
computer, the problem is I don't remember what speed it is, and 
a search on google doesn't help either. Is there any way to read 
like a /proc variable or something to try and figure it out? 

It's an internal SCSI one, so I already tried reading /proc/scsi/scsi 
without luck, it just gives name info, no speed. 

I'd appreciate any ideas. 
- -- 
The Cryptocomm Group
My GPG Key:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)
Comment: For info see


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RedHat 7.3, PHP, and Pspell

2003-02-13 Thread John Nichel
Hello guys and gals,

  I'm having a slight problem compiling PHP 4.3 "--with-pspel" on a 7.3 
machine  The install of aspell .50.x and the English language file went 
fine, and php configure's fine.  However, about half way thru compiling 
PHP, I get the below errors.  Anyone know why this may be happening?  I 
posted this on PHP's mailing list yesterday, but all I got back was 
blank stares.

-lcrypt -lresolv -lm -ldl -lnsl -lcrypt  -o sapi/cli/php
ext/mysql/libmysql/my_tempnam.o: In function `my_tempnam':
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/mysql/libmysql/my_tempnam.c:103: the use of 
`tempnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
ext/pspell/pspell.o: In function `zif_pspell_new':
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:129: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:131: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:136: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:143: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:150: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:165: undefined reference to 
more undefined references to `pspell_config_replace' follow
ext/pspell/pspell.o: In function `zif_pspell_new':
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:174: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:175: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:177: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:178: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:182: undefined reference to 
ext/pspell/pspell.o: In function `zif_pspell_new_personal':
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:206: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:209: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:210: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:213: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:218: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:225: undefined reference to 
more undefined references to `pspell_config_replace' follow
ext/pspell/pspell.o: In function `zif_pspell_new_personal':
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:256: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:257: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:259: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:260: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:264: undefined reference to 
ext/pspell/pspell.o: In function `zif_pspell_new_config':
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:291: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:293: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:294: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:298: undefined reference to 
ext/pspell/pspell.o: In function `zif_pspell_check':
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:326: undefined reference to 
ext/pspell/pspell.o: In function `zif_pspell_suggest':
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:362: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:364: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:367: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:368: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:370: undefined reference to 
ext/pspell/pspell.o: In function `zif_pspell_store_replacement':
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:399: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:400: undefined reference to 
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:403: undefined reference to 
ext/pspell/pspell.o: In function `zif_pspell_add_to_personal':
/usr/local/src/php-4.3.0/ext/pspell/pspell.c:436: undefined reference to 

CDWriter Speed

2003-02-13 Thread Adam Voigt

I have a CDWriter that was just laying around that I just put in my 

computer, the problem is I don't remember what speed it is, and

a search on google doesn't help either. Is there any way to read

like a /proc variable or something to try and figure it out?

It's an internal SCSI one, so I already tried reading /proc/scsi/scsi

without luck, it just gives name info, no speed.

I'd appreciate any ideas.

The Cryptocomm Group
My GPG Key:

RE: What is the disadvantage of Linux firewall, rather then using ready to use firewall (checkpoint, trustix, cyberguard, watchguard etc)

2003-02-13 Thread Dan Jallits
Hash: SHA1

Well said!

- -Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
Kent Borg
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: What is the disadvantage of Linux firewall, rather then using ready to 
use firewall (checkpoint, trustix, cyberguard, watchguard etc)

On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 07:56:23AM -0600, Dave Ihnat wrote:
> We all urgently push you to implement a firewall...any firewall...

No we don't (with or without smilies), I do not advise a firewall
unless you are trying to protect some MS Windows garbage and that is a
losing battle you are better off not trying to fight.  

These days Red Hat ships quite secure.  Keep it up to date, use good
passwords--passwords that you don't reuse elsewhere, turn off services
you don't use, and be extremely careful about customizing things you
don't understand or you can quickly open up holes Red Hat carefully
didn't open.  Be a bit nervous about Open Office and its scripting, it
is new and might start supporting some MS scripting nasties.  Be
nervous about Javascript, it is not Java and was not designed with
security in mind.  Use a dumb e-mail program that doesn't try to do
fancy stuff for you, ASCII text e-mail is safe, the fancier you get
beyond that the riskier it is.

Do all that and what do you need a firewall for?  Have a firewall and
you will be complacent and not do all that but still be vulnerable to
many risks.

Firewalls are treated as single magic bullets when security has to be
bit by bit.  A big part of being secure in Red Hat is the enormous
work Red Hat has done on all the bits.

- -kb, the Kent who considers firewalls medieval.

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RHN Notification Tool and Kernel ?

2003-02-13 Thread Stone, Timothy
I have recently updated my 7.0 box to 8.0. So far so good...

In the interest of making sure that my RHL 8.0 install was up to snuff with some of 
the latest security fixes I executed RHN from the GNOME Panel (pulsing red "!"). 
Everything was updated *except* I skipped the kernel updates.

Now having skipped the kernel updates what kind of hiccups lurk in the corners if I 
now choose to update the kernel, post updating everything else? (Reason: I routinely 
build packages from source for this box and as I have never played with kernel 
updating/customization...something about the RHN blurb has me fearing a kernel update 
and not being able to build new programs or run existing ones.)

Thanks in advance for advice!

Warmest Regards,

 * Timothy Stone  . Sun Certified Java Programmer
 * Web Master . tstone at cityofhbg dot com
 * City of Harrisburg . 717.255.7297
 * Pennsylvania USA   . 717.903.9162
 * "Censorship always defeats its own purpose,
 *  for it creates in the end the kind of society 
 *  that is incapable of exercising real discretion."
 *  --Henry Steele Commager, Historian

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Re: What is the disadvantage of Linux firewall, rather then using ready to use firewall (checkpoint, trustix, cyberguard, watchguard etc)

2003-02-13 Thread Kent Borg
On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 07:56:23AM -0600, Dave Ihnat wrote:
> We all urgently push you to implement a firewall...any firewall...

No we don't (with or without smilies), I do not advise a firewall
unless you are trying to protect some MS Windows garbage and that is a
losing battle you are better off not trying to fight.  

These days Red Hat ships quite secure.  Keep it up to date, use good
passwords--passwords that you don't reuse elsewhere, turn off services
you don't use, and be extremely careful about customizing things you
don't understand or you can quickly open up holes Red Hat carefully
didn't open.  Be a bit nervous about Open Office and its scripting, it
is new and might start supporting some MS scripting nasties.  Be
nervous about Javascript, it is not Java and was not designed with
security in mind.  Use a dumb e-mail program that doesn't try to do
fancy stuff for you, ASCII text e-mail is safe, the fancier you get
beyond that the riskier it is.

Do all that and what do you need a firewall for?  Have a firewall and
you will be complacent and not do all that but still be vulnerable to
many risks.

Firewalls are treated as single magic bullets when security has to be
bit by bit.  A big part of being secure in Red Hat is the enormous
work Red Hat has done on all the bits.

-kb, the Kent who considers firewalls medieval.

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RE: RPM and dependancies

2003-02-13 Thread Ronald Hermans
Thanx. The message about apt-for-rpm etc came just after I posted my last
I'm checking that out now.

Thanx list, for the help.

-Original Message-
From: Eduardo Silva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: donderdag 13 februari 2003 15:41
Subject: Re: RPM and dependancies

I think that someone has already metioned apt-for-rpm and use the apt-get.
This tends to resolve all dependecies well enough and it is console based.

Download it from


Ronald Hermans wrote:

I know, What I mean is, that the X application that we use to install a rpm
resolves the dependancies itself. I'm looking for the console equivalent of
that. Something like the gnome rpm manager but then console based.

-Original Message-
From: Caleb Groom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: donderdag 13 februari 2003 15:10
Subject: RE: RPM and dependancies

On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 07:44, Ronald Hermans wrote:

Sorry, replied to the wrong message:

Its is complaining about:
All of those packages are on the original Red Hat CDs.

I have the 3 CDs copied to a directory on my server for 
ftping (so I can
fire off kickstart installs).  Here are the perl packages:



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Eduardo Silva
Wireless Network Engineer
ESN - 587 4664 PSTN - 91 709 4664 NEW
Mobile 600 595 219

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Re: RPM and dependancies

2003-02-13 Thread Eduardo Silva

I think that someone has already metioned apt-for-rpm and use the apt-get.
This tends to resolve all dependecies well enough and it is console based.

Download it from


Ronald Hermans wrote:

  I know, What I mean is, that the X application that we use to install a rpm
resolves the dependancies itself. I'm looking for the console equivalent of
that. Something like the gnome rpm manager but then console based.

-Original Message-
From: Caleb Groom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: donderdag 13 februari 2003 15:10
Subject: RE: RPM and dependancies

On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 07:44, Ronald Hermans wrote:

  Sorry, replied to the wrong message:

Its is complaining about:

All of those packages are on the original Red Hat CDs.

I have the 3 CDs copied to a directory on my server for 
ftping (so I can
fire off kickstart installs).  Here are the perl packages:



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Eduardo Silva
Wireless Network Engineer
ESN – 587 4664 PSTN - 91 709 4664 NEW
Mobile 600 595 219


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