Re: SUMMARY: FS#10849 - Sleep timer options: persistent duration and start on boot

2011-08-23 Thread alex wallis

all of the above sounds good.
changes to Cancel Sleep Timer (hh:mm), showing the remaining


all of the above sounds good, I do have a suggestion which I think could 
be useful for the rockbox voice users such as myself.
I think its very good that the sleep timer menu will now show the 
remaining time, but the sleep timer menu takes several button presses to 
get to, so perhaps an option could be added so that you could set a 
voice announcement of the remaining time to the wps hotkey, or some 
combination of keys.

Re: Google Summer of Code 2011 ideas needed!

2011-03-06 Thread alex wallis

What about extending the aiff codec to play a wider variety of aiff files?
I know rockbox supports playback of those files, but at the moment the 
files have to meet certain specific conditions in order to play. I have 
several files which for some reason rockbox doesn't like.
I am not suggesting the idea just so I can play my files, but it would 
benefit everyone if the conditions for aiff playback weren't so specific.

Re: Google Summer of Code 2011 ideas needed!

2011-03-06 Thread alex wallis

On 06/03/2011 18:59, Mike Giacomelli wrote:

  What about extending the aiff codec to play a wider variety of aiff

We already support something like 2 dozen AIFF formats. If you want to
add another I don't mind, but I think this is more like a few hours
work, not a GSOC project.

aah, well seeing as I am not a coder, I don't really know what's 
involved, but it was just a thought.
I just thought of it, as my files won't play under rockbox, and I am not 
sure why, I just presumed it might be because of the specifications in 
the manual which say how aiff files should be in order for rockbox to 
play them.

idea for formalising committal of new features.

2010-08-23 Thread alex wallis
Hi list,
I have an idea for streamlining the committal of new features, and
wonder what the list thinks.

At the moment, it seems to me that committal of patches works on the
basis that if someone with svn access is interested enough then a
patch gets committed, but if it doesn't impact on people directly then
nothing gets done or people seem to think well someone else will
probably get around to committing that.

So this is my idea, in edition to normal commiters being able to make
changes to svn,
Perhaps the release coordinator could have some kind of responsibility
for reviewing new patches that introduce features, or if someone wants
something putting in, the coordinator  can be contacted directly about

Basically I am suggesting that adding of new features needs to become
more formalised rather than it just being down to anyone who has svn
access and who feels like committing something. I think there needs to
be a set procedure for requesting a patch be put in rather than just
sending out a message to the mailing list, asking on the forums or
asking on irc and hoping someone notices.

I mean look at how many old open patches are on the tracker, I suspect
if most of them were reviewed they are probably out of date, or no
longer even relevant due to the length of time they have been open, as
there are several on there that are several years old.
I would suggest the reason a lot of them haven't been closed or
committed is down to apathy and there being no formal procedures for
managing the tracker.

Perhaps the tracker should be reviewed once a year or something to
decide what should be done about outstanding tasks.
Anyway, these are just my thoughts.
What do people think?

Re: idea for formalising committal of new features.

2010-08-23 Thread alex wallis
On 8/23/10, Dave Hooper wrote:
 I would say that it's about more than just committing it. If nobody with
 commit access cares enough about committing a patch, then who is going to
 maintain, bugfix, and document (and translate) that feature, and going
 forward ensure that the feature remains correctly documented and tested? I
 would suggest we don't need to formalise a procedure to get patches
 committed; but we might need to formalise something more on ownership after
 something has been committed. For patches that already include full
 documentation and no bugs, maybe all that's required indeed is agreement
 amongst developers that the patch gets committed and becomes an accepted
 part of rockbox trunk, but that might be less likely if it's a feature that
 developers themselves have no interest in. But also (speaking generally now)
 there are probably a number of patches that don't tick these boxes
 currently, and for those the trick might be to do all the work upfront and
 then try to convince devs that it is ready for inclusion.

That's all very true, but at the moment, the tracker is a mess full of
old patches, with nobody making a clear decision about what to do with

The bug tracker is even worse than the patch tracker for this.

The reason I suggest formalising inclusion of new features is because
it seems to me that you can ask for things to be committed, and nine
times out of ten, either there is no will to actually do anything even
if people like the idea, or a few people say they don't like an idea
and it gets rejected just on their say so.

Re: fs#10766

2010-08-12 Thread alex wallis
(I think it gets more complicated though if the skip mode also works when 
paused; if so, you probably don't want it to start playing when you 
hit-pause-to-cancel-binary-skip, so maybe a different method is needed...   or 
just leave it with a hidden 5-sec timeout, really)

I don't understand the above point can you please explain what you mean?

I think consistency is important in rockbox. So, if pause was going to be used 
to reset the time, it should also pause the audio I think as well when pressed.

Re: fs#10766

2010-08-12 Thread alex wallis
I just mean the converse: if the music was already paused, you probably don't 
want to unpause it just to cancel the binary skipping.

  OK, well why couldn't you have a long press of pause would cancel?

  I don't think that would conflict with anything would it?

  so a short press would pause or resume the audio, and a long press would 

  Alternatively, perhaps a long press could be used to undo the last skip?

  What do you think?

Re: fs#10766

2010-08-12 Thread alex wallis
I just mean the converse: if the music was already paused, you probably don't 
want to unpause it just to cancel the binary skipping.
  On 12 Aug 2010 18:19, alex wallis wrote:
   (I think it gets more complicated though if the skip mode also works when 
paused; if so, you probably don't want it to start playing when you 
hit-pause-to-cancel-binary-skip, so maybe a different method is needed... or 
just leave it with a hidden 5-sec timeout, really)
   I don't understand the above point can you please explain what you mean?
   I think consistency is important in rockbox. So, if pause was going to be 
used to reset the time, it should also pause the audio I think as well when 

  Hi, sorry for the double post.

  But I just had a thought, either a long press of play/pause

  could be used for canceling the timing, or alternatively as an undo skip 

  But I also just thought of a third option.

  What about a quick double press on the button? Similar to a double click with 
a mouse button, that would be another option to explore for use with undo or 
canceling the mode.

Re: fs#10766

2010-08-11 Thread alex wallis

What happens if / when you make a mistake and jump the wrong direction?

Well if you press the opposite direction to the one you intended, you are 
skipped in the other direction, half the distance of your previous jump, so 
of course you have to go back in the other direction to get back to where 
you want to be.

Bare in mind though, that what is on the tracker isn't the latest version. 

Re: fs#10766

2010-08-11 Thread alex wallis

What happens if / when you make a mistake and jump the wrong direction?

Well if you press the opposite direction to the one you intended, you are 
skipped in the other direction, half the distance of your previous jump, so 
of course you have to go back in the other direction to get back to where 
you want to be.

Bare in mind though, that what is on the tracker isn't the latest version. 

Re: fs#10766

2010-08-11 Thread alex wallis
  I think David Hall's point was about what happens if you press the wrong 
direction. E.g. let's say you're in the middle and you press right by mistake 
(you meant to press left). Subsequently, no amount of pressing left again will 
ever take you further left than the midpoint. You msut wait for the secret 
timeout and then start again (no 'undo')

  Oh yes, I see your point. Well, I guess maybe Sean is best qualified to 
answer that one, but how could you build an undo feature in?

  Given that a single press of left or right will do the binary skip in eather 
direction, and a rapid press of left or right twice quickly, will jump you to 
the next or previous track on the latest version.respectively.

  The only option I can see for an undo feature would be either a single or 
double press of up or down.
  What do you think?

Re: fs#10766

2010-08-11 Thread alex wallis
Well, one problem is that it's a modal interface without any indicator - I 
wouldn't personally mind having to wait 5 secs for the binary jump mode to 
finish but there's no visible (or audible?) way of knowing. A real undo would 
be limited to the availability of target keys (and their original meanings, 
which imo should not change for the sake of the binary jump mode being 
activated). So perhaps add Undo Last Skip to the context menu?

That could be an interesting option.
I do think Thomas is right, maybe a true undo would be making it a bit 
complicated, but I can also see your point of why an undo would also be good.

Perhaps you could have some subtle click sound play just to indicate when 
search mode had timed out, as five seconds isn't a long time to wait at all 


2010-08-10 Thread alex wallis

Hi list.
I am writing to suggest committing fs#10766

this patch adds a new method of moving through audio files to the skip 
length option called binary skip.

At first it does sound quite complex, but I have been using this patch for a 
while now, and routinely use it when I have a long audio book that I first 
start listening to on the computer, and then want to carry on listening to 
on my 140.

Basically what the patch does is if your at the start of a file and you have 
binary skip enabled, is when you skip forward in the file, you are jumped to 
half way through the file.
if you then go back or forward in either direction, you are then taken half 
the distance of your first jump, and each jump after that moves you in 
smaller and smaller amounts to enable you to home in on the area of the 
track you want to continue listening from.

The idea is quite complicated to explain but it does make navigating around 
long audio files very easy.

Also, Sean put in a few features that are not present on the latest patch in 
the tracker.

One is that a rapid click of the keys that move you in the file will jump to 
the next track as they would normally do if binary skip wasn't turned on.

Another useful feature is that voice announcements are made after every jump 
telling you where you are in the file.
But I hope when Sean has time that this will be made configurable, as I feel 
if this is to be committed it should certainly be configurable weather to 
get the speech announcements or not.

But I really like his concept, and it does add a very nice level of 
flexibility to long audio track navigation.

I do also feel a jump to time feature would also be very useful,but I use 
fs#10766 almost every day when I am out and about. But jump to time would 
also be useful if I knew exactly where I wanted to get to.

question about setting up ccache with rockbox toolchain.

2010-08-06 Thread alex wallis

Hi list.

I only recently realised that in order to take advantage of ccache when 
compiling rockbox I actually needed to configure it.

I have a few questions that I hope someone might be able to help me with.

Firstly, what sort of cash size will I need? At the moment, ccache is set to 
use the default cash size of 1 gb.

Also, what is the number of files I should set the cash to hold?

Next, because rockbox can be compiled for multiple targets, does each target 
that uses gcc need to have its own cash?

I also have two versions of the rockbox code, in separate folders, one for 
working with patches and an unmodified version that has no changes, do these 
also need to have independent cashes, and if so how should these be set up?

Lastly, what compilers in the toolchain do I need to set up ccache to use?

At the moment, so far I have created one symlink just for gcc, but I assume 
I also need to create another for the arm-ebi compiler?

how should I refer to it when creating my symlink?

Many thanks for your help.

request for task closure.

2010-08-01 Thread alex wallis

I am wondering if someone could please close
for me? As it doesn't look like its possible for a person who opened a task 
to close it.
The reason I would like it closed is because since the patch was committed 
to change how list voicing works, this task is no longer relevant, as the 
implemented solution works a lot better than the old beep idea.

Many thanks for your help,

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 5331 (20100801) __

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question about setting up build client

2010-07-17 Thread alex wallis

Hi list.
I feel I am now ready to set my computer up to run as a build client for 
rockbox as compilation seems to work fine for me, using this virtual machine 
although I still haven't managed to shrink its virtual disc, I am still 
trying to work out how exactly to do that.

But anyway, I have one question I hope someone might be able to answer for 

I believe I have set everything up correctly from a technical point of view.
However on the wiki page it says
Set -username to your IRC nickname, so we know who runs the client.

I haven't ever used the rockbox irc channel and don't feel I am likely to do 
so, I prefer to use the mailing lists and I am on both the ordinary users 
list and the development list.

However I am quite happy to provide a name, I was thinking of just my name 
as one word so alexwallis.

So this is my question, is there some procedure I need to follow to register 
this as my official irc name? As I see all the big irc users have a page 
where there irc names are listed along with there real ones.
As I say I doubt I will ever use irc, but obviously I guess someone needs to 
know what my irc name would be in case I should  ever need to use it.

Many thanks for your help.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 5287 (20100717) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

Re: assistance with logging output of make command to a file.

2010-05-26 Thread alex wallis

  On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 10:08 PM, alex wallis 

Hi list,

  Hi Alex , 

It logs the bit about generating dependencies and then just seems to stop 

the command I have been using is
make  /rockbox/log.txt

  I have used the same output redirection method you used and it works for me. 
I'm just speculating, but could it be a path problem ?
  Did you try just typing : make  log.txt ?

  Hi, sorry for the late response. 

  the problem is the command isn't logging the actual errors, just the stuff 
that happens before they come up.

  however the error I am getting is something like
  cc1 the value is two large for the defined data type, 
  that's very roughly what it is, it happens very early in the build process on 
some files in the tools folder. 
  I wish I could have captured the output so you could see the exact error.

  But I have done some googling, and I actually now believe the problem is 
nothing to do with the rockbox code or how my path is set up.

  according to what I have read on google about very similar types of errors, 
the problem actually relates to how gcc works when it is working with folders 
  that are being shared between windows and linux using cifs, or smbfs.

  According to what I have read, I need to put a few extra options in my 
/etc/fstab file, to enable some option called nounix and maybe another one 
called noserverino, I am having a little trouble adding the commands, but of 
course this is beyond the scope of this list, and I am sure I will get it 
figured out eventually with a bit of googling, it may just take me a few days.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 5147 (20100526) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

assistance with logging output of make command to a file.

2010-05-24 Thread alex wallis

Hi list,

wondering if someone could please tell me how I log all output of the make 
command to a text file?

the reason I want to know is because I have just set up a rockbox build 
environment running vinux which is a version of linux made accessible for 
the visually impaired out of the box, now based off ubuntu.
It is being run as a virtual machine by the latest version of vmware work 
I am pretty sure everything is set up right, I used the script 
in tools to install all the cross compilers, and then added them to my 
export path in my /etc/profile.

When I generated the make file, I didn't get any errors or warnings.

However, when I actually enter the make command I get a load of errors, and 
would like some assistance from the list diagnosing what the problem is.

I have googled around, and I find plenty of sites saying how to log output 
from the terminal, however when I enter the command most of the sites seem 
to give, it logs some output to a text file but not the actual errors.
It logs the bit about generating dependencies and then just seems to stop 

the command I have been using is
make  /rockbox/log.txt

Once I have all this set up and working I will then make a vm version and an 
installable iso available for anyone interested. 

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 5142 (20100524) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

Re: Google Summer of Code

2010-04-27 Thread alex wallis
My GSoC project, as I mentioned, will mainly consist of porting the Flite 
text-to-speech engine for use in core Rockbox (and, hopefully, plugins). This 
will be quite the task and will involve, among other things, adding the 
infrastructure for loadable TTS engines and integration alongside the current 
voice system.

That's about it, really. If you have any questions, feel free to ask (be it by 
email or in IRC).

Thanks for listening/reading!


Hi. I wish you good luck with your project, and would be very pleased if a tts 
does get integrated into rockbox.

I am happy to help test out any code on target that kind of thing if it would 
be of use, I have an h140.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
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Re: Proposal to update GCC for ARM

2010-03-08 Thread alex wallis

Are there any opinions?

I don't use flac very much, so a slow down doesn't bother me if its not 

however, one question, what about the irivers, do they free any ram or gain 
any binsize? 

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 4925 (20100308) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

problem using rockboxdev script to download cross compilers.

2009-11-30 Thread alex wallis

Hi list.
I am wondering if someone could please help me with a problem I am having 
downloading the cross compilers using the rockboxdev script, and also answer 
a few questions regarding target cpus.

firstly, are there only 3 types of cross compiler I need to download? as the 
wiki page on cross compilers talks about 3, but reading the window once the 
script is run is a little bit tricky with my screen reader, so that's why I 
am asking.
I want to get all of the cross compilers, because eventually I want to get 
this machine running a build server it more than meets the recquirements.

Now on to my problem I am having with getting one of the cross compilers.

I was trying to get the sh-1 cross compiler, and I put in s for the target, 
but something must have gone wrong when the file was downloaded as I get a 
message about unexpected end of archive.

So my question is could someone please tell me where I need to go in order 
to delete that corrupted file and start again?

I realise the path is given where files are downloaded when the script is 
run, but it is not the easiest dialogue to read with a screen reader. So I 
would appreciate it if someone could tell me the path please and the file 
name to remove.

Many thanks for your help.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 4650 (20091130) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

Re: setting up linux for compiling rockbox.

2009-11-30 Thread alex wallis

Hi, many thanks for your reply.

The problem with the shared folder may this: The created folder is a virtual 
one and if you share this via vmware, it is still on the vm hard disk. Try 
to take the folder on your real OS and share it from there to the machine.

Could you please tell me how I go about doing this? I understand about 
folder sharing in windows, but am not at all sure about how to do this under 
linux, or what I would need to do to get windows to share my rockbox folder 
with the virtual machine.

Many thanks for your help.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature 
database 4650 (20091130) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

building accessible vmware images to work with rockbox.

2009-10-02 Thread alex wallis

Hi list.
I hope this is the write list to post the following question, as it is to do 
with rockbox compilation.

Through my connections at college, I have just encountered a person who has 
extensive experience of working with linux, and of making it accessible.

I have been in touch with him and talked to him about rockbox as at the 
moment, for blind users the only option if we want to compile rockbox 
without help is to use cygwin or to switch to a propper linux environment. I 
would prefer to run a vmware image as then I can continue working in windows 
while stuff to do with rockbox is going on in the background.

The guy I talked to seemed interested in assisting me with creating an 
accessible vmware image to compile rockbox, and also to turn my computer 
into a build server.

He has suggested the best approach is to create an image from scratch, 
rather than trying to make the current vmware images accessible.

So hear are my questions,
if he assists me, what packages would he need to put into a distribution in 
order for me to compile rockbox? is it just the ones for cygwin, as in if he 
just puts in the packages that are listed for selection when you set up a 
cygwin environment would that be ok?
if he follows the list given on the rockbox site I mean, are there 
particular versions he would need to put into a distribution.

My next question is what packages would need to be put into a distribution 
in order for him to make me an accessible build client? as I have been keen 
to dedicate computing time to the project, but obviously couldn't til now 
because of only having cygwin, and not wanting to have to reboot my computer 
just to run the client.

Last question, if he creates me accessible vmware images that can be used 
for compiling rockbox or running a build client, would there be any interest 
in hosting them so that other people could take advantage of them if they 
wanted to get rid of cygwin? 

Re: building accessible vmware images to work with Rockbox.

2009-10-02 Thread alex wallis


I also am seeing this as a possible good way to go for myself too.  I work 
in vmware but I am unable to get a desent ubuntu or Debian based system 

Hi. I realise this is going slightly off topic, but just as a side note 
regarding your issue with not having a good vmware image to work with, have 
you tried vinux?
the author of it is the guy who is interested in helping me. vinux is 
designed to be accessible out of the box, it includes braille support, 
speech and magnification. the author provides several versions, a live cd 
version, a USB pen drive version and a vmware image.
I am hoping to meet with him next week to actually talk about how to put 
this accessible vmware image or images together for rockbox.

if you are interested, the url for vinux is

I am not sure what packages should be included to get a build client 
accessible, which is what interests me, and then of course I would like some 
kind of separate system to compile rockbox with for my own personal use.

I am not sure if I was thinking of a script exactly to automate the process, 
I guess having some kind of gui would be quite nice as its more fun pressing 
buttons and selecting options than typing commands though I have a feeling 
it might be complex to put something together so perhaps command line is 
best. I guess also the commands should be quite similar to those used in 

question about r22419:

2009-08-19 Thread alex wallis

Hi list.
I am wondering if someone might be able to answer the following question for 
me about r22419:
which adds a feature to the rockbox info screen displaying the amount of 
space used by the skin buffer.

the notes for the revision say
 show the skin buffer size as well as the used amount in the rockbox info 

I am running rockbox on an h140, I compiled a fresh build today from the 
latest source and also generated a new voice.
In the rockbox info screen I am seeing information telling me the skin 
buffer size is 6.44 kilobytes. However I am not seeing any information 
saying how much of that is used.

Is that normal for the h140? or is this information simply not being voiced?
Sorry for the question, but I am just slightly confused as it sounds like I 
should be seeing two pieces of information in the rockbox info screen about 
the skin buffer not just one. 

Re: question about r22419:

2009-08-19 Thread alex wallis

pray tell... how? doing it the same way as the disk info adds a
useless string, and really if you are relying on voice then there is a
damn good chance you wont be loading big themes so it wont matter

Hi. Following that argument, why bother voicing any of the visual 
information under rockbox info? such as album art size?
I think just because we won't be loading big themes that's no reason not to 
voice the other information.

as again following your argument, people who rely on voice might not care 
about any of the information to do with skin buffer. I think both bits of 
information should be voiced just for completeness,as it seems crazy to 
voice one bit of info but not the other. 

Re: Rockbox Presentation for New York Linux Users Group on 19 August 2009

2009-08-07 Thread alex wallis


I need to create a PowerPoint presentation (well, okay, not strictly
PowerPoint; I'm using
OpenDocument Presentation ;) ) to show as I talk, but I will also be
using UI sims to show
off the interface and show people how it works.

Hi. Just a thought, but could you use forgive me I can't remember the 
spelling of his name, but could you use Tomers work on hid to control the 
presentation? that way you could actually demonstrate a live feature of 
rockbox, as I am sure he said one thing it could be used for was controlling 
power point presentations, this is just a thought of course. 

Re: question about resyncing patch after wps code cleanup.

2009-08-01 Thread alex wallis

  code cleanup.

   So if someone could please tell me what file I should be patching instead 
   gwps.c I would appreciate it.

  Look through each of the functions your patch changes, and find them in 
  the current source code.  For this you can look at the SVN commit logs or
   use grep -r to search for them in the source code.

  Hi thanks for your reply, luckily I think this patch is fairly simple, and 
actually all I had to do was change the patch file so that it patched 
/apps/music_screen.c probably not a very neat way to do things, as the file is 
patched with an offset of 266 lines, but seeing as this patch is only for my 
use, and all it does is insert functions I guess it doesn't really matter.

Re: fs #10336

2009-07-31 Thread alex wallis

or was your question what happens if you are on a file or folder name and 
release the joystick. well, in that event the name is spelled out. I 
don't have a problem with this, as if you are just scrolling by single up 
or down movements of the joystick you need to keep track of where you 
are. but if you are scrolling to the end or the beginning my argument is 
you should know where you are going to end up, and so it would be good if 
releasing the joystick cut the speech off.

Yes, this is what I meant.

If simply releasing the button were to truncate voice output, then it 
would do it even if you're only moving up and down one item at a time and 
that would make voice navigation useless.

I suppose it could do this:
a) Only if the button was held (i.e. you moved multiple items due to key 

b) Or only if you're at the top/bottom of a list?
c) Or only if both of the above apply?

Hi. If I understand your suggestion right, I think c would probably be the 
best option. My idea would be that speech output is not cut off by releasing 
of the joystick, unless you are scrolling to the top or bottom of a list in 
the file browser, this would result in the file name or folder name being 
read, or in my case spelled which is why I think this feature would be 
useful. releasing of the joystick would result in the speech being stopped.

Of course, scrolling single items and having the speech cut off when the 
joystick is released would not be desirable at all, even if you were 
reaching the top or bottom of a list.

I'd prefer to keep it simple... ;-)

Yes I agree, I like the sound of the idea in my own mind, but I have a 
feeling of course I would actually have to see it in practice to get a 
feeling if it was really desirable. 

fs #10336

2009-07-29 Thread alex wallis

I am wondering, would it be possible for this to be resynced please? as it 
appears to have gone out of sync recently.

I also tried posting a comment in the tracker with a suggestion for 
improvement, if this could be implemented, do you think it might be possible 
to commit fs #10336? the reason I am writing to the dev list is that My last 
comment on the task did not elicit a response, I am guessing pondlife didn't 
notice it or something.

for reference, my comment with the suggestion for improvement in the tracker 
However, I think what would be good would be if your browsing in the file 
browser particularly if you are using spelling of file or folder names would
be that if you scroll to the beginning or end of a list by holding up or 
down, as soon as you release the joystick spelling of the file or folder 
is interrupted. I think this would be good because otherwise you have to 
listen to a huge long name. Whereas if releasing the joystick cut the speech 

it means you don't have to put up with this information.
That is the only problem I have with this patch though. If my above idea 
could be introduced I would be quite happy to use this instead of Stephanes 


Re: fs #10336

2009-07-29 Thread alex wallis

Hi Alex,

I'm probably not going to get time to look at this before the 9th of 
August, but I'd very much like to see it committed as long as it doesn't 
break anything.

 However, I think what would be good would be if your browsing in the 
file browser particularly if you are using spelling of file or folder 
names would
be that if you scroll to the beginning or end of a list by holding up or 
down, as soon as you release the joystick spelling of the file or folder 
is interrupted. I think this would be good because otherwise you have to 
listen to a huge long name. Whereas if releasing the joystick cut the 
speech off it means you don't have to put up with this information.

If I understand you correctly, this should be a seperate patch. 
Personallly, I'd rather not interrupt the speech as I normally want to 
stop the list scrolling and then hear where I'm at in full.

but presumably if your holding down the joystick to go to the end or 
beginning of a list of files or menus, you should already know where you 
want to be and what you will hear.
the speech not interrupting isn't really an issue for menus, but I don't 
want to hear a massive folder name if I know that's where I was aiming for 
in the first place in the file browser, but of course mine is one oppinion, 
so I say let the majority rule. 

Re: fs #10336

2009-07-29 Thread alex wallis

Hi Alex,

OK, I've done a quick resync, but not tested the patch - please do so and 
report back on Flyspray.

but presumably if your holding down the joystick to go to the end or 
beginning of a list of files or menus, you should already know where you 
want to be and what you will hear.
the speech not interrupting isn't really an issue for menus, but I don't 
want to hear a massive folder name if I know that's where I was aiming 
for in the first place in the file browser, but of course mine is one 
oppinion, so I say let the majority rule.

I see your point, but still think this should be a seperate patch.  Hiow 
does the current (unpatched) code handle this situation?

I am not arguing about the interruption of the speech being a separate 

However in answer to your question, if you remember the hole point of fs# 
10336 is that without it the speech does not announce an item when you 
scroll to the beginning or end of a list by holding up or down.
10336 simply makes the speech announce items at the end or beginning of a 
list if you scroll to it by holding up or down.

or was your question what happens if you are on a file or folder name and 
release the joystick. well, in that event the name is spelled out. I don't 
have a problem with this, as if you are just scrolling by single up or down 
movements of the joystick you need to keep track of where you are. but if 
you are scrolling to the end or the beginning my argument is you should know 
where you are going to end up, and so it would be good if releasing the 
joystick cut the speech off. 

Re: Run a build client!

2009-07-27 Thread alex wallis

Well I would be very happy to run an environment as a vmware image or 
something, however the rockbox images do not include any form of speech 
accessibility I guess to keep the size down.

Wasn't there some guy a while back who was going to investigate the 
possibility of making an accessible vmware image for use with rockbox?

If an accessible vmware image became available I would be quite happy to run 
Would a 1.80 ghz laptop with 512 mb of ram be any use to the system? 

Re: Run a build client!

2009-07-27 Thread alex wallis

On Mon, 27 Jul 2009, alex wallis wrote:

Would a 1.80 ghz laptop with 512 mb of ram be any use to the system?

Yes it would indeed. We have several much slower machines already 
participating and they are doing good!

OK, well I would be very happy to run a build client, but for the moment 
till either a version of the rockbox vmware image is made accessible or I 
can find an image with speech already added in I can't do anything.

As unfortunately speech is needed in the image because a windows screen 
reader can't read anything in the image itself. So unfortunately I guess I 
need to find someone who can create a custom image for me with the speech 

I don't feel I have the knowledge for this, because the most widely used 
screen reader for linux especially for command line work called speakup 
needs to be patched into a linux kernel, and I wouldn't have the first clue 
about how to start building my own kernel, or even how to put it into a 
linux distro let alone a vmware image. 

status of fs #9067

2009-07-14 Thread alex wallis

I was wondering, does anyone know if anything is happening with fs#9067?

I tried e mailing tom ross and leaving a comment in the tracker, but I guess 
maybe he doesn't watch the task or didn't get my e mail.

The reason I ask, is that he said several months ago he was hoping to have 
free time to work on it and commit it.

However the task itself hasn't been updated since march, and has gone out of 

So I was just wondering if there is anything new I might be able to try out, 
or if it has been resynced, but not put on the tracker.

Sorry for writing to the mailing list, but as I didn't get an e mail reply 
or a reply on the tracker task, I figured maybe the mailing list is the best 
way to attract mr. Rosses attention. 

question about disc accesses

2009-06-24 Thread alex wallis

Hi list.
I was wondering if anyone knows why I might be seeing the following 
I have noticed that some times if I am listening to a dynamic playlist of 
around four hours give or take, when I get to the last track which would 
usually be around ten minutes in length, shortly before the end of the track 
literally a few minutes I get a disc spin up.
Then once the track ends the disc spins back up in order to load my next 
I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts why I might be getting this odd 
spin up shortly before the end of the last track.

It doesn't always happen, but it does happen fairly often.
I have the dircache option enabled, usually I get one disc spin up around 
half way through a playlist, and then some times this odd spin up shortly 
before its end.

Wasn't fs #9621 going to try to deal with disc accesses?
I did try having this patch applied on my build once, but unfortunately I 
found that whenever I wound back in a file my disc got spun up so I 
discarded that patch, but I guess maybe that's because it needs a bit of 
working on. 

Re: question about disc accesses

2009-06-24 Thread alex wallis

2009/6/24 alex wallis

Hi list.
I was wondering if anyone knows why I might be seeing the following
I have noticed that some times if I am listening to a dynamic playlist of
around four hours give or take, when I get to the last track which would
usually be around ten minutes in length, shortly before the end of the 

literally a few minutes I get a disc spin up.
Then once the track ends the disc spins back up in order to load my next
I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts why I might be getting this 

spin up shortly before the end of the last track.
It doesn't always happen, but it does happen fairly often.
I have the dircache option enabled, usually I get one disc spin up around
half way through a playlist, and then some times this odd spin up shortly
before its end.

Wasn't fs #9621 going to try to deal with disc accesses?
I did try having this patch applied on my build once, but unfortunately I
found that whenever I wound back in a file my disc got spun up so I
discarded that patch, but I guess maybe that's because it needs a bit of
working on.

once again... this is not the correct mailing list...

anyway, it could be spinning up for a number of reasons.. the obvious
two are have you got it set to random folder advance? and its probably
saving the playlist position or scrobbler or something

Sorry for posting to the wrong list I didn't think.
To answer your questions, I do not have the player set to random folder 
I don't get why the player would be saving the playlist position if the file 
has say two or three minutes till it finishes, then it needs to start 
playing the next folder.
What did you mean exactly, when you said the player might be saving the 

Re: mp3 of devcon meetings?

2009-06-23 Thread alex wallis

I believe petur was looking at re-doing the mp3, since the one he posted 
earlier has sound coming from only the left channel - which is a bit odd.
yeah, well, I'm a bit overloaded (and tired) as well, so the odd one is 
still up there. I'll have a look later on.
No rush, I will wait and grab the propper version, after all I would 
probably only end up grabbing a corrected version anyway. 

mp3 of devcon meetings?

2009-06-22 Thread alex wallis

Hi list.
I have read the summary of what was decided at the recently concluded 
devcon, however I was just wondering if the mp3 of the meetings has been 
as I looked at my messages carefully but couldn't find any reference apart 
from the one on daniels site saying he hoped to post it later.

Thanks for any help.

Re: Replaygain without a setting, and other menu cleaning.

2009-06-19 Thread alex wallis


pondlife wrote:

Sorry - I misread that.

(I do think that the basic menu layout is a bigger usability issue than 
the points you've raised  though - General settings indeed ;-) )

While the general layout is a problem, aside from replaygain the two 
screens I've mentioned are very hard to use on scrollwheel targets without 
a manual on hand and without advanced warning you won't know they're going 
to be so different and are unlikely to look them up in advance after 
learning the basic controls of Rockbox. Especially the pitch screen, which 
would require live experimentation to learn the controls.

While the overall layout is a bigger problem, these problems are ones 
that a user will have a harder time coping with (I think) in the shorter 
term sense, because they aren't something that can be resolved by simple 
observation - they require actual experimentation, and in some cases may 
even trick a user into thinking something is impossible. With the menus, 
you can just iterate through all the lists until you see the option you 
want isn't there. With the pitch screen you may not even realize the 
screen can be toggled to different modes at all without the manual.
So why not have some kind of menu when you first enter the pitch screen with 
the three modes to select from. 

Re: Replaygain without a setting, and other menu cleaning.

2009-06-19 Thread alex wallis

alex wallis wrote:

but if I understand your idea right, this would mean a user then has two 
things to alter if they want to change both pitch and speedh. I like 
having the flexibility of the three settings of just pitch, pitch and 
speed together and just speed. Removing one would create more work for a 
user if they want to change them together.

How often do you want to increase the pitch exactly the same amount as the 
speed increase, so that the pitch is 30% higher AND the runtime of the 
file is 30% shorter? It's only for these very specific cases that there 
would be more for the user to do.
Well actually, I use the option of being able to change both at the same 
time quite a bit when listening to music. Some times I just change the pitch 
without speed, though this is less frequent, but I do use all three modes.
I just feel having all three modes gives a maximum level of flexibility to a 

Re: jdgordon: r21307 - trunk/apps

2009-06-17 Thread alex wallis

Jonathan Gordon wrote:

OK, nice patch... still not as clean as mine (I'm entitled to my
opinion..) but if thats what it takes to be accepted so be it. I'll
test it out tonight

What about the subject of this thread?  Will you be reverting r21307?



My vote is to revert it as it just seems odd to have the menu change when 
there is nothing to resume. also I would have thought most people won't 
bother starting playback from the menu but will just hit play directly from 
the file browser once they turn there player on. 

Re: jdgordon: r21307 - trunk/apps

2009-06-16 Thread alex wallis

That was Llorean's proposal to get around the frustrating splash which
happens if you try to start playback when there is no playlist
available, and there is no way of knowing that. I would still rather
have done a dismissable splash, but whatever...

2009/6/16 pondlife

I agree, the previous wording made more sense.

Could we not remove the menu item when it won't do anything useful?


That would be fine too, however there is the whole argument against
disappearing menu items, and having the order change for blind users.

The change doesn't change the wording except when there is nothing
there. It will still be Resume playback if its started up with a
valid playlist.

I don't see what's wrong with the old behaviour.
Have I understood this right, that the behaviour has been changed so that if 
there is nothing to resume the resume playback option is renamed? is that 
I would have thought most people when they switch there players on are not 
going to go through the menu to the resume playback option, surely they will 
just press the play button or whatever it is called on there target which 
will start playback if there is anything to resume. Which would make this 
menu renaming when there is nothing to resume redundant and confusing. 
Because if they don't go through the menu to resume playback they won't know 
there is nothing to resume till they hit the play button meaning the menu 
renaming is pointless.
Of course if there is nothing to resume a blind user will get a message 
saying this.
So why exactly would someone go to the trouble of resuming playback from the 
I don't particularly like the idea of disappearing menu items, I think it 
could easily confuse people and they could spend a lot of time looking for a 
disappeared item. 

Re: Simpler solution?

2009-06-15 Thread alex wallis

pondlife wrote:
As I see it, the problem is that list entries are never voiced until the 
button is released (and 0.25 of a second has passed).

If list.c is modified so that first and last entries are voiced 
immediately, I don't think we'd need this beep, right?

That's more or less what it sounds like to me. It seems like a bug to me 
that the last entry in either direction isn't voiced as long as the button 
is held down.

Having the beep rather than the speech is more efficient than waiting for 
two or three letters to be read in a file name.

A beep is not as intrusive as speech
The beep you hear it and then its over but the speech will begin reading the 
hole file name which I would find annoying.
Plus, imagine for whatever reason your finger slips from the joystick or 
wheel before you reach what you have been looking for. You will hear the 
speech starting to read, so some people if they were impatient might think 
they had reached what they were looking for.
The beep is a nice safety measure against this possibility. 

Re: Simpler solution?

2009-06-15 Thread alex wallis

alex wallis wrote:

Having the beep rather than the speech is more efficient than waiting for 
two or three letters to be read in a file name.

You don't need to wait for two or three letters to be read. The voice 
won't stop unless it's the last item in the list.

A beep is not as intrusive as speech
The beep you hear it and then its over but the speech will begin reading 
the hole file name which I would find annoying.

The filename will still be read *after* the beep anyway, so I don't 
understand this point at all.
That is not entirely correct, the file name is read after the beep if you 
are just going up or down with the joystick with single movements, however 
if you hold the joystick down in a given direction you just hear the beep. 
Admittedly it gets played continuously until you release the joystick, 
however this is an issue I guess that could be corrected.
Why not give people this patch, but also a setting to enable it so that 
pondlifes speech option of having the first and last items read can be used 
as an alternative.
After all, some people like beeps such as me, other people would probably 
prefer pondlifes solution if they are holding down the joystick or wheel to 
go up or down.
Plus, imagine for whatever reason your finger slips from the joystick or 
wheel before you reach what you have been looking for. You will hear the 
speech starting to read, so some people if they were impatient might 
think they had reached what they were looking for.

No, they won't, unless they're not thinking at all.
There is such a thing as a mistake, and as I said what happens if you have 
multiple names that are nearly identical, the beep will flag instantly if 
they are on the beginning name or the second or third name as if they don't 
hear it they know they are at the second or third one.

If they're looking
for the end of the list, they'll simply press up once at the beginning of 
the list. If they're looking for anything other than the end of the list, 
they'll need to listen to what the list entry's name is anyway, to 
determine whether it's the item they're seeking or not.
I don't agree with that argument, assume they know there item is three from 
the bottom, they scroll to the end of the list, knowing instantly they 
reached it when they hear the beep, they can then just go up rapidly a few 
times and bang they know they are on there item. Admittedly I guess the same 
would be true if pondlifes solution was used though.
Seriously, half of your reasons for it seem to assume the person wants to 
get to the end of the list. If this is the case, it's significantly easier 
to just go up at the top than wait for a beep while scrolling.
That assumes they are not down in the middle of a huge folder the beep 
indicates when either top or bottom is reached.
The other half of your cases seem to assume the user is looking for 
something, in which case the end of the list is mostly irrelevant since 
that's not what they're looking for, and since scrolling will stop at the 
end of the list anyway, when they reach it, they'll hear that it's an item 
that's after the one they're looking for and start scrolling backward, 
which is something they'd have to do anyway.

Instead of stating reasons why you think it's good, why not describe a 
normal use where you need the beep for the player to be usable - what 
would you be doing that requires knowing when you've specifically reached 
the end of the list (rather than any item that is after the one you're 
seeking), but where the end of the list is not your destination?
The beep simply helps me keep track of my location in terms of where I am in 
a given list of files or folders. I did not know till now that holding the 
joystick in a given direction would allow me to stop at the end or beginning 
of the list.
So I have been scrolling by rapidly moving up or down, and listening for 
that beep which told me instantly I had gone to the top or bottom of a list. 
But I don't really use it as a reference point when looking for a particular 

Re: committal of patch

2009-06-15 Thread alex wallis


That's neat.  Since the lists are circular, I would never have thought
that holding the key down, which normally repeats, would stop at the
list ends.  It is inconsistent behaviour from a UI design point of view,
but a handy feature to have.  I never new about it either.  If it is in
the manual, I must have missed it.

Incidentally, Alex, my trick for getting quickly to the beginning of a
directory is to back up to the previous level (left arrow) and enter the
directory again (right arrow).  To get to the end, I do the same thing
followed by a press of the up arrow.  The two downsides of my method are
that it involves a disk spin-up each time you do it and, of course, you
can't do it on the root directory since the Files item on the main menu
places you on the file that was highlighted the last time you were in
the file browser.
Why don't you enable the dircache option? I find for me at least it means I 
have a lot fewer disc spin ups, which I like as of course drives are 
increasingly hard to find these days.


Re: End of list beep

2009-06-15 Thread alex wallis


Incidentally, searching for a particular subdirectory/file buried in a
directory somewhere is much easier on the iriver H1xx/3xx players with
the LCD remote since one of the buttons allows you to skip through the
list  a bunch of tracks at  a time.

Could you please tell me how this is done with the remote?
as the manual doesn't seem to contain descriptions of either the lcd or non 
lcd iriver remotes.
I have opened a tracker task on this problem. 

another suggestion for committal

2009-06-15 Thread alex wallis

Hi list.
I have another suggestion for committal.
That is the last two files I uploaded to fs #8006
I like the last version there specifically because not only does it give you 
a beep when the charger is removed or inserted into the player, but the 
beep_tune patch means that a short sequence of beeps is played so you can 
instantly know if you accidentally pulled the charger out or when its in 
that the player is charging.
As otherwise you get no feedback at all to indicate that charging is working 
so you could easily find yourself trying to charge your player on a wall 
socket that isn't working and not realise this. But fs #8006 would tell you 
that the player wasn't charging if you didn't hear the beep. 

Re: another suggestion for committal

2009-06-15 Thread alex wallis

Am Mo, 15.06.2009, 13:58, schrieb alex wallis:

Hi list.
I have another suggestion for committal.
That is the last two files I uploaded to fs #8006
I like the last version there specifically because not only does it give
a beep when the charger is removed or inserted into the player, but the
beep_tune patch means that a short sequence of beeps is played so you can
instantly know if you accidentally pulled the charger out or when its in
that the player is charging.
As otherwise you get no feedback at all to indicate that charging is
so you could easily find yourself trying to charge your player on a wall
socket that isn't working and not realise this. But fs #8006 would tell
that the player wasn't charging if you didn't hear the beep.

We shouldn't overuse the beep. The more you use it, the less it means.
Announcing pluging in or out could be very well done using voice. That
could even differentiate between USB connection or charging only.

Best regards.

I agree about not over using the beep, however do you really need a huge 
speech message to tell you either the player is charging or the charger has 
been disconnected? the beep_tune patch allows a sequence of beeps differing 
in duration and length to play to give us an instant notification if the 
charger has been connected or disconnected. 

Re: Advanced Solution

2009-06-15 Thread alex wallis

To add to the beep feature discussion in WM6 when you have lots of
contacts and start scrolling through them for a few seconds you get a
large letter appear on the screen which you then scroll through the
alphabet rather than the contacts. This allows you to jump to the
contact beginning with that letter very quickly.

With speech and this feature in Rockbox it would allow much more
efficient track/dir finding in Rockbox for both sighted and non sighted

So have I understood your suggestion right, what you are suggesting is that 
if a person is scrolling through a large list of files by holding down up or 
down instead of moving through the list of files they get taken to a list of 
the alphabet, from which they then select a given letter and once selected 
are jumped to the start of the section in there list of files that begins 
with that letter?

I hope my message is clear.
The question is though how would you deal with numbers and non alphabet 
characters with such a feature? I think this feature would have to have some 
kind of setting as well. 

Re: another suggestion for committal

2009-06-15 Thread alex wallis

alex wallis wrote:

I agree about not over using the beep, however do you really need a huge 
speech message to tell you either the player is charging or the charger 
has been disconnected? the beep_tune patch allows a sequence of beeps 
differing in duration and length to play to give us an instant 
notification if the charger has been connected or disconnected.

Someone who's never used Rockbox before will know what's happening when a 
voice says Charger Connected or USB Mode or Charger Disconnected or 
USB Disconnected. Meanwhile, a new user will have no clue what Beep 
beep bep means without having to reference a manual, something 
that may not be an option the first time they encounter it.

Good point I hadn't considered that I guess I am used to using the version 
of fs #8006 that I use.
I believe there is already a version of the patch up there that voices 
connection and disconnection information isn't there? 

Re: Advanced Solution

2009-06-15 Thread alex wallis

This has been requested many times (in the same vein as being able to
jump to the next start letter...) and yes its nice, its not really
possible I have an idea how to do it but it wont look nearly as
good as it does in WM...

Why is it not really possible?
Even if it doesn't look as good as WM, I would say that is far outweighed by 
the fact it would make navigation a lot more efficient.
What's your idea anyway? maybe if you bounce it off the list it might spark 
a further idea in someone else.

2009/6/15 alex wallis

To add to the beep feature discussion in WM6 when you have lots of
contacts and start scrolling through them for a few seconds you get a
large letter appear on the screen which you then scroll through the
alphabet rather than the contacts. This allows you to jump to the
contact beginning with that letter very quickly.

With speech and this feature in Rockbox it would allow much more
efficient track/dir finding in Rockbox for both sighted and non sighted

So have I understood your suggestion right, what you are suggesting is 
if a person is scrolling through a large list of files by holding down up 
down instead of moving through the list of files they get taken to a list 
the alphabet, from which they then select a given letter and once 

are jumped to the start of the section in there list of files that begins
with that letter?
I hope my message is clear.
The question is though how would you deal with numbers and non alphabet
characters with such a feature? I think this feature would have to have 

kind of setting as well.

Re: another suggestion for committal

2009-06-15 Thread alex wallis

Barmy idea time!

If you'd like beeps rather than spoken announcements, perhaps you could 
make your own voice file with beeps in...?  You could have the whole lot 
in morse ;-)


Lol that's quite funny. Unfortunately I don't no morse, but also I should 
imagine it would be very challenging to use.
Its not I prefer beeps over voice, its just some times I think they would 
alert you a lot quicker to some information than a huge spoken announcement. 
But I take on board that beeps wouldn't mean a lot to the average user so 
perhaps spoken messages are better. 

Re: committal of patch

2009-06-15 Thread alex wallis

  2009/6/15 Dominik Riebeling

We don't. We beep on manual track changes. Not on playlist end or
automatic track changes. (At least not on my e200 with a current build
and Track Skip Beep enabled.)

  I think Thomas means that we *should*, not that we do. 

  If that is thomas's thinking, I don't really like the idea of a beep 
happening when an automatic track change happens, I would find it intrusive.
  I don't use beep when I do a manual track skip, because at least to my ears 
when I do it sounds like the beep is slightly distorting I don't know how to 
describe it. I don't know if that's a code issue or a minor player hardware 
issue. Though interestingly none of the other beeps my player produces sound 
kind of distorted as the track change one does. The level I have it set at 
doesn't make a difference to what I am noticing.

Re: committal of patch

2009-06-14 Thread alex wallis

They're simply two very different notifications, they just happen to both 
beep as their means of notifying you. That being said, I'm not really sure 
I understand why an end-of-list beep is necessary. If you're looking at 
the screen, it obviously isn't. If you're managing blind and using voice, 
you'll hear the start of the voice entry for the last thing in the list at 
the same time you would hear a beep if it were enabled.
This is true, however navigating without this beep and simply relying on the 
speech for information to find out when you have reached either end of a 
list or menu makes navigation slower. Particularly in the case of files and 
folders, because just suppose for a second you wanted to know if you were at 
the end or beginning of the list, but at either end you had multiple entries 
beginning with the same letter or phrase, assuming you don't use talk clips 
which i don't, you will have to listen to the spelling of the name part way 
through to figure out are you on the exact end of the list, or maybe two or 
three items from one end.
The beep simply gives you a very quick alert saying either you have gone to 
far and gone past what your looking for, or you have reached it.

It simply saves a lot of time with navigation.
If you didn't have this beep
Given that you navigate lists to get to a specific option, if you're 
scrolling you'll need to listen to the voiced entries anyway to find the 
option you want. When do you need to know you're at the bottom, without 
needing to know what any of the list entries are, including the last one?
see above, if its a massive list of files or folders particularly if they 
are almost identical in terms of there names.
As a note: when navigating with voice, can't you already tell you're on 
the last entry by holding down until it stops changing entries? Since 
moving to the next entry should interrupt the voicing, as soon as it stops 
cutting off voicing and starts to read the whole entry, you'll know you're 
at the last one.
I have found in the past that doing that can some times crash the player, 
but also this is not a very efficient way for a blind user to navigate, as 
if you are just holding down the joystick and looking for particular things 
you could easily miss them. at the moment, lists and menus wrap, so I am not 
sure wouldn't you just wrap around?
also, just as a note, the beep comes in a while before the speech, there is 
a noticeable gap, making it more efficient than relying on the speech.

What exactly is the intended purpose of this feature?

to make navigation easier particularly in huge lists.
I think though that perhaps this option needs its own setting, but I agree 
with previous posts from this thread perhaps beep settings need to be under 
some kind of category of there own. I think each form of beep should have 
its own setting though as not everyone would want all beeps. 

Re: committal of patch

2009-06-14 Thread alex wallis

Thomas Martitiz wrote:

I can imagine that it speeds up browsing for the blinds. And that's what 
Alex is reporting. Why can't you believe it?

Best regards,

I'm trying to understand exactly how this feature is used because so far 
he's only described it as it lets me identify the end of the list and 
I'd really like to know the use-case for spotting the end of the list 
since most lists you're looking for a specific entry in, and you should 
only ever reach the end if the last entry is the one you want.

Hi Paul I understand you want to know why I find this patch useful.
Well I actually didn't know that holding the joystick in a given direction 
continuously would take me to the end of a list and stop me there,

as a side note, perhaps the manual should be updated to say this?
however I just did a test, and once I was holding the joystick in a given 
direction to scroll through the menu, the speech wasn't playing, which I 
would find annoying if it was constantly trying to say things. The only 
reason I knew scrolling to the end of the main menu had finished was because 
I heard the beeping from the patch playing to indicate the end of the list 
had been reached.
If the beeping hadn't been playing I wouldn't have known that scrolling had 
stopped and the end of the menu was reached.
The same behaviour is also true in the file browser, so your information 
about holding the joystick and this patch should make browsing a lot quicker 
for me.
I find the beep patch most useful though in the file browser as I have 
already said, but it is still nice to have it in menus.
as for how long the beep happens before the speech, I haven't actually timed 
it, but I would estimate maybe half a second? you could always try the patch 
out yourself perhaps? 

Re: committal of patch

2009-06-14 Thread alex wallis

alex wallis wrote:

however I just did a test, and once I was holding the joystick in a given 
direction to scroll through the menu, the speech wasn't playing, which I 
would find annoying if it was constantly trying to say things. The only 
reason I knew scrolling to the end of the main menu had finished was 
because I heard the beeping from the patch playing to indicate the end of 
the list had been reached.

So, if it started the voice for the last item in the list when the end of 
the list was reached, would your problem be solved without needing this 

it would be solved but it would lead to slower browsing.
as at the moment, I hear the beep from the patch and I know instantly I have 
reached the end of the menu or list.
however, if the speech started to play for the last item in the list, I feel 
I would take longer to react to it as I would start to think about what 
letters or option I was being read.
A beep is very short and easily attracts my attention something that speech 
probably wouldn't do.
As I would take a few seconds to think about what was being read, but with 
the beep I know instantly what it means.
Also, depending on the speed of the voice being used to make the voice file, 
it would probably take a lot longer to start reading whatever it was 
supposed to than a beep would take to play. Especially if it was a file name 
being spelled, as a beep is over like that, but by the time I react to the 
speech, the speech may have read two, three or four letters of a name. 

question about committal of fs #8894

2009-06-12 Thread alex wallis
Hi just wondering when fs #8894 was committed earlier today was part of it 
missed out?
as I am fairly sure that the last patch that was put up made changes to the 
manual in the pitch screen section to talk about the time stretch feature of 
adjusting speed without changing pitch.
however, I can't see any of those changes at all. which makes me curious if 
either part of it was missed out or even if the wrong version of the patch 
was committed.

as at the moment, the manual says
It is not possible to change the pitch without changing the playback speed 
and vice versa.
No mention is made at all of being able to adjust speed without changing 
As I understand it, three modes are given, the ability to change pitch and 
have the speed change accordingly, the ability to have pitch change without 
changing the speed, and the ability to just have speed change without 
affecting pitch.
Pleas note I have been looking at the manual for h120/h140. 

Re: question about committal of fs #8894

2009-06-12 Thread alex wallis
Hi just wondering when fs #8894 was committed earlier today was part of it 
missed out?
as I am fairly sure that the last patch that was put up made changes to the 
manual in the pitch screen section to talk about the time stretch feature of 
adjusting speed without changing pitch.


  The manuals are only built once a day - so the change commited this morning 
won't be reflected in them yet. Download them again tomorrow morning however, 
and it should be there. Or you can build it yourself.

  Thanks for the information I did not know the manual was only built once a 

Re: question about committal of fs #8894

2009-06-12 Thread alex wallis

  2009/6/12 alex wallis
  Thanks for the information I did not know the manual was only built once a 

  The title says on the manual page Daily built manuals. Could we make it 
more obvious ?

  Lol I guess not, normally when I am browsing a page I am looking for 
particular information, guess I missed the title.

Re: a dev question about the Sansa Clip

2009-05-31 Thread alex wallis

Rafaël Carré wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Le Sat, 30 May 2009 15:40:00 -0500,
Scott Berry a écrit :

Hello there,

At the moment I only have Windows.  I do use Linux but do not have it
set up for my Net book.  Is there a way to do this through Windows?

You can use cygwin environment, see

If you use Linux, I advise you to use it rather than cygwin since
cygwin can be very problematic.

- -- 
Rafaël Carré

I have had good success with Debian Linux running under Windows Vista 
64-bit using VirtualBox.  I don't know how well that would work on a 
netbook, and I do not know how easy it is for a blind person to set up, 
but it is Real Linux, and Real Windows.

I am not really that used to linux, but I can speak from the perspective of 
a blind user.
I should imagine in theory you could get a screen reader working in a 
virtual environment, however you would need sighted help, and as far as I 
know there are no sites that make virtual machines available with screen 
readers installed in them when you download them.

This is just an observation not a criticism but I know rockbox does not 
provide a screen reader in the various virtual machines it makes available I 
guess because only a tiny minority of people would use it and also because 
it would increase the size of a package being made available.

Unfortunately you would have to install a linux screen reader into a virtual 
machine no getting away from it because once you switch the virtual machine 
on, jaws will not be able to read you anything that the machine itself is 
doing, you have to have a linux screen reader for that.
Personally I would love to get away from cygwin for my rockbox needs and 
switch to a virtual machine but it would be complicated to set up, and 
unfortunately people in my house are not that technical and probably do not 
have the patients to help me set up a proper virtual machine that is 
accessible I can use for working with rockbox.
However if someone was to make one available or was interested in the 
possibility of trying to make one available I would jump at the chance to 
use it as I just find cygwin so slow to use, but unfortunately it seems to 
be the easiest option at the moment.
If I could get an accessible virtual environment I would be interested in 
helping out by being a build server for example, but it needs an accessible 
virtual machine.

I hope the above info has been of use.

Re: question about sleep timer code

2009-05-27 Thread alex wallis

2009/5/26 alex wallis

Hi list.
Today I decided to sit down and have a real serious go at getting fs#8630
working with current svn code.
Luckily two of the files were fairly easy to fix, and I was able to work 

where the code should go in the latest file versions.
However, I am not at all sure about what needs to be done in
A lot of the code looks broadly the same, however I am finding the code a
little bit hard to read, as there don't seem to be many comments in this
section, and there seem to have been a few changes to main_menu.c since 

last sync of the patch that I have which is for r. 18277.
I would appreciate any advice. I can post the latest sync I do have to 
tracker if that would help. There are just a few lines that have been 

in since the last sync

As far as I can tell, fs#8630 simply moves most of the code relating to 

sleep timer into /apps/settings_list.c out of main_menu.c it also adds an
int into settings.h
the things that I am not sure about when I am resyncing are an if 

that relates to if a target has an rtc, if I need to stick that in
/apps/settings_list.c as it is bundled in with the sleep timer code.
There are also bits of code that relate to rounding up of values. So I 
appreciate some advice. Let me no and I can stick the last sync of the 

up on the tracker.
I hope it was ok to post this question to the list.
Thanks for any help.

yes this is the right list for it...

I can't see anything difficult about syncing that, its all code which
is just moved from one file to another (like you said), so just put it
anywhere at the top of settings_list.c.
I'm pretty sure that the sleep timer doesnt need the rtc, so make sure
the code is all outside of any #if blocks.

Hi thanks for your reply.
I moved the code into settings_list.c from main_menu.c, and the code 

However I am having some problems that I would appreciate some help with.
During the build process I get a message saying that sleep_timer is defined 
but not used. Also, when I run the build on target, the sleep_timer option 
is no longer voiced, and when I press select on it the player locks up and I 
have to hard reset, so guessing I have seriously broken something. 

question about sleep timer code

2009-05-26 Thread alex wallis

Hi list.
Today I decided to sit down and have a real serious go at getting fs#8630 
working with current svn code.
Luckily two of the files were fairly easy to fix, and I was able to work out 
where the code should go in the latest file versions.
However, I am not at all sure about what needs to be done in 
A lot of the code looks broadly the same, however I am finding the code a 
little bit hard to read, as there don't seem to be many comments in this 
section, and there seem to have been a few changes to main_menu.c since the 
last sync of the patch that I have which is for r. 18277.
I would appreciate any advice. I can post the latest sync I do have to the 
tracker if that would help. There are just a few lines that have been added 
in since the last sync

As far as I can tell, fs#8630 simply moves most of the code relating to the 
sleep timer into /apps/settings_list.c out of main_menu.c it also adds an 
int into settings.h
the things that I am not sure about when I am resyncing are an if statement 
that relates to if a target has an rtc, if I need to stick that in 
/apps/settings_list.c as it is bundled in with the sleep timer code.
There are also bits of code that relate to rounding up of values. So I would 
appreciate some advice. Let me no and I can stick the last sync of the patch 
up on the tracker.

I hope it was ok to post this question to the list.
Thanks for any help.

question about using svn

2009-05-19 Thread alex wallis

I have a question about using svn that I hope someone can help me with. How 
do I get a diff created showing me the differences between the local version 
of a file, and the latest version on svn?
I tried the command svn diff talk.c from the apps folder, and my computer 
sat there for a bit before returning me to the prompt in cygwin. It didn't 
create a diff showing me the differences.

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: question about using svn

2009-05-19 Thread alex wallis

  Am 19.05.2009 22:10, schrieb Jonathan Gordon:

2009/5/19 alex wallis
I have a question about using svn that I hope someone can help me with. How
do I get a diff created showing me the differences between the local version
of a file, and the latest version on svn?
I tried the command svn diff talk.c from the apps folder, and my computer
sat there for a bit before returning me to the prompt in cygwin. It didn't
create a diff showing me the differences.
Any help would be appreciated.

amazingly.. if there is nothing changed, it wont display any changes!
  He's missing the  (as in: svn diff  talk.c), that's why it's doing nothing.
  Thanks for your help, I tried the command you suggested, svn diff  talk.c 
from the apps folder, and I am still getting nothing.
  Where exactly should the diff files be being placed? and am I right in 
thinking it would be called something like talk.c.diff?
  I looked in the apps folder but can't see anything like that.
  I no there are differences between my local and svn copies, as I have got 
r.20976 on my computer, and talk.c was updated in r.20977. The reason I want to 
know about the exact differences is because a few patches I run have stopped 
working so I want to see if its just a case of changing line numbers in them, 
or if I have to do something a bit more substantial.

Re: question about using svn

2009-05-19 Thread alex wallis

alex wallis wrote:
 I no there are differences between my local and svn copies, as I have 
got r.20976 on my computer, and talk.c was updated in r.20977. The reason 
I want to know about the exact differences is because a few patches I run 
have stopped working so I want to see if its just a case of changing line 
numbers in them, or if I have to do something a bit more substantial.

You didn't mention that you were trying to diff between two SVN revisions. 
Most people were giving you help on how to diff between locally modified 
files and whatever revision your local copy was.

Try svn diff -r 20976:20977 talk.c I think.**

Hi thanks for your help, I got a bit more in the diff than I needed, as it 
gave me a full diff between r.20976 and r. 20977 but I still got the info I 
needed now I just need to figure out what to do with these stupid patches 
lol I am hoping its just going to be a case of changing line numbering 

question about hid in rockbox

2009-05-16 Thread alex wallis

I know that one of the gsoc projects is to try to introduce hid to rockbox.
I have read the hid entry on wikipedia, so I understand basically what it 
is, I was wondering is this going to make life for programmers easier, or 
will actual rockbox users see benefits from the introduction of hid?
If so, what kind of benefits might they be? 

question about USB connection of h140 to pc.

2009-05-16 Thread alex wallis

I have a question about the connection of an h140 to my pc.
Before rockbox is put on a 140, when you connect it through USB to the 
computer the player automatically switches on and powers up. However when 
you install rockbox, you always have to switch the player on manually then 
connect it.
So I was wondering why does this change in behaviour happen? is this 
automatic switch on a feature that just hasn't been put into rockbox yet? 

Re: question about hid in rockbox

2009-05-16 Thread alex wallis

I have read the hid entry on wikipedia, so I understand basically what it 
is, I was wondering is this going to make life for programmers easier, or will 
actual rockbox users see benefits from the introduction of hid?
If so, what kind of benefits might they be? 

  Alex, my GSoC work is composed of two somewhat different parts. The first 
part is making the DAP enumerate as HID, which is in simple words making it 
enumerate to the operating system as a sort of multimedia keyboard. Today, the 
keypad has no use when the player is connected to the computer. With my work it 
will be possible to send the computer key presses, like controlling volume and 
skipping tracks. 
  I am not trying to demean your work in any way, but if a user has there 
player connected to the computer at the same time as listening to music, why 
would they want to be able to use the player for adjusting volume and skipping 
tracks? as presumably they would be listening to music with winamp or a similar 
program which can be used to change volume and skip tracks anyway.
  In the future, it would be easier for developers to add any other keyboard 
mappings, such as using Rockbox as a Power-Point remote control.
  I can sort of see the benefits of this, although I guess you would have to be 
connected to a computer for that?
  This work is useful both for users and developers.
  It should make it easier for developers to create / merge additional class 
drivers to Rockbox, such as making Rockbox recognized as an MTP device (as some 
players in the market do).
  What exactly is an mtp device?

guidance with compiling rbutil under windows

2009-05-15 Thread alex wallis

I was wondering, could I have some guidance with compiling rockbox utility 
under windows? as I have decided its probably a good idea for me to be able 
to build my own binaries when patches for it are posted in order to test for 

I have tried to follow the directions given in the rockbox utility 
development wiki, but I have almost certainly done something wrong or not 
done something I should have as the build keeps failing.
I think really there should be some kind of guide to compiling rockbox 
utility that details exactly how to do it

like there is for rb code.
Anyway, what I have done is as follows.
I downloaded and installed the qt sdk for windows, making sure to grab the 
version that said it came with mingw.
I installed it, then I saw on the rockbox utility development page that the 
version of mingw that comes with the sdk is not sufficient for what we need, 
so then I went to the mingw site and pulled down the automated installer for 
the latest package.
I selected full install, and  to install it under the qt folder in the mingw 
folder. However I didn't delete any of the existing files that were there.
Next I downloaded the windows api v3.11 as directed by the rockbox 
development wiki and put its files where it said they should go.
After that I tried to build the utility, by loading the qt command prompt, 
going to the rbutil folder, typing qmake and then gmingw32-make

after around half an hour the build failed.
I am guessing I have probably missed out a lot of steps and not configured a 
lot of things, as there wasn't too much info on the development wiki page.
In fact, I couldn't locate one thing it said I needed,called librspeex as it 
didn't provide a download link.

so I would appreciate any help.

Re: report on accessibility problems of rockbox utility

2009-05-14 Thread alex wallis

Hi Alex,

I didn't mean your question was OT, I meant my interjection!  I was simply 
trying to say that once you can use RBUtil then the pool issue is a 

If you could maybe have a sighted user configure the TTS options in RBUtil 
(a one-off thing), then it sounds like you'll be able to use it via the 
menu bar:  Actions  Accessibility  Create Voice File, then ALT-I (for 
Install). The following keystrokes are equivalent:   ALT-S, A, V, ALT-I.

None of this should (of course) put you and Dominik off fixing up the Jaws 
issues, but I hope it's helpful - probably easier than mucking about with 
Cygwin, I'd think.
Yes eventually I would like to switch to using rbutil for voice generation, 
however as well as the jaws issues, there is still that bug in qt which has 
been reported that means voices are not listed, meaning if I understand it 
right, that once I select sapi I can't select a particular voice I want to 
use for voice generation. Unless of course the utility will use the voice I 
have as my default system voice, which is a partial work around though not 
ideal as it would be good to select what sapi voice to use from within the 

Re: report on accessibility problems of rockbox utility

2009-05-14 Thread alex wallis

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Dominik Wenger 

The current bug in rbutil prevents all sapi function from working.
So no, unless this bug is fixed (or the windows binary is built with a
earlier version if Qt) no voice generation with Sapi will work.

The latest svn binary I provided is built with Qt 4.5.0 which didn't
seem to be affected by the resources copy bug that caused the SAPI
voices to cease working.

When you say latest binary, did you post one today, including the patch that 
was posted a few hours ago? sorry I wasn't sure from your above message. 

Re: report on accessibility problems of rockbox utility

2009-05-14 Thread alex wallis

alex wallis schrieb:
Yes eventually I would like to switch to using rbutil for voice 
generation, however as well as the jaws issues, there is still that bug 
in qt which has been reported that means voices are not listed, meaning 
if I understand it right, that once I select sapi I can't select a 
particular voice I want to use for voice generation. Unless of course the 
utility will use the voice I have as my default system voice, which is a 
partial work around though not ideal as it would be good to select what 
sapi voice to use from within the utility.

The current bug in rbutil prevents all sapi function from working.
So no, unless this bug is fixed (or the windows binary is built with a 
earlier version if Qt) no voice generation with Sapi will work.
But wouldn't building with an earlier version of qt result in a loss of 
accessibility features? with luck the bug will be fixed, I heard that 
trolltech is fairly helpful when it comes to accessibility. 

Re: report on accessibility problems of rockbox utility

2009-05-13 Thread alex wallis

alex wallis schrieb:

Firstly none of the boxes with number values that change when you press 
up or down arrows are announced when you make changes, you have to tab 
out of and back into them, so the same problem from 1.2.1 is still 

Ofcourse, we didnt change anything for that. But i am investigating the 

However as requested I pressed spacebar on the combo boxes and once they 
had expanded jaws is able to read items as they change. I actually didn't 
know that spacebar expanded combo boxes.
However I think that the issue where combo box values are not read unless 
space is pressed on the box first should be fixed because I think a lot 
of people will just assume they can go up and down in the box without 
pressing space on it first.
Also, once you have pressed space on a box and its items are being read 
by jaws, once you have found the item you are looking for you then can't 
do anything. As pressing tab will not move you out of the box, and if you 
press escape your selection is cancelled and you are back at square one
Yes, surely the voicing of the comboboxes should be fixed. I was just 
asking you to try this, so i get a better chance to find the problem.
Also if you expand a combobox with space, use enter to select the 
value :-)

I will give that a try and let you know if it works.
Also, spacebar on the combo boxes to expand them and get them read does 
not work on that one who's value is not read when it is changed even when 
you tab out of and back into it. The box I am talking about is the one 
next to the language selection box if you press tab once you are on it. 
Pressing spacebar on it doesn't seem to expand it and its values are not 
read if you change them. In fact you are given no indication of any 
changes when you press up or down arrow.

I think, that you are in the Sapi Configuration dialog and the box which 
doesnt speak, is the Voice selection. And this Box is empty, because of 
the bug bluebrother mentioned earlier. And if its Empty, it is ofcourse 
correct to not speak anything.

But are the Titles for this Boxes correctly spoken ?
Do you mean the titles for the combo boxes? if so, no none of the titles for 
combo boxes are spoken.
Under encoder settings as well as the boxes with number values not being 
read when they are changed, there is also a check box who's title is not 
announced, to find it move to the box who's default value is set at ten 
and press tab once, you are then on the box who's title isn't being 

But the titles of the other boxes are readout ?
Yes that's right, they appear to be read out correctly. Both the title on 
the check box for use sapi four and narrow band check box are read out.
Also keep in mind, that the configuration dialog for TTS and Encoders 
change depending on which TTS/Encoder you selected.

I see, I did not realise this.

To you other mails:
- The main menu contains both the manual and the info tab. But they are 
probably not very interesting for blind users. (Its the last two tabs, 
after the Uninstallation tab)
When you say menu do you actually mean the menu bar with options such as 
accessibility and extras etc. In my mind I think of the menu bar as being 
separate from the tabs, but allowing you to do the same as you can normally 
on them.

- Yes the voice generation in rbutil surely can be improved, as there are 
still missing features if you compare against the buildsystem. (POOL 
support for reusing clips, and voicestring correction for example)

But as always we dont have enough time todo all we want :-)

Lol yes never enough time in the day.
Speaking of the build system and pool support, can you please tell me the 
exact syntax I need to use to get it working? as I am sure I am putting in 
the right commands, but cygwin doesn't seem to be using them, and is not 
placing the voice clips where I tell it.
I would like to store the voice clips in a folder called voice located 
inside my build dir.
If you could please tell me the exact command I should put into cygwin to do 
this I would appreciate it.
Does cygwin need to have any particular packages or versions of packages 
installed for pool support to work? as I guess either I am doing something 
wrong or something isn't working properly with cygwin.

I checked the entry on voice in the wiki, but couldn't see any information 
about pool support, I will edit the entry to include information on pool 
support if you can tell me how to get it working correctly. As I guess a lot 
of cygwin users might want to reuse voice clips. 

Re: report on accessibility problems of rockbox utility

2009-05-13 Thread alex wallis

alex wallis schrieb:

But are the Titles for this Boxes correctly spoken ?
Do you mean the titles for the combo boxes? if so, no none of the titles 
for combo boxes are spoken.

Could you please make sure again, that you are using the new version of 
rbutil (the link bluebrother gave you). Because the newer version shouldnt 
have a useSapi4 checkbox :-)
Sorry, I have now used the version that bluebrother made available, I have 
now posted information in the tracker entry regarding combo boxes.
I am just curious, why does the version of rockbox utility bluebrother made 
available not have a use sapi four check box? is support for sapi four being 

When you say menu do you actually mean the menu bar with options such as 
accessibility and extras etc. In my mind I think of the menu bar as being 
separate from the tabs, but allowing you to do the same as you can 
normally on them.

I am sorry, with this i meant the main-screen, so not any Menu :-).
If you are on the first Tab (Quickstart, the one with complete and small 
Installation) you press ctrl+tab 5 times, and get to the Tab with the 
Manual information. The tab after this, contains the Info screen.
I was able to locate the manual screen using your directions, and it appears 
to be accessible with jaws. However, although I was able to download a 
manual for my player no problem, I could not open an on line version in my 
browser. No matter what I pressed, I couldn't click the link to open the on 
line manual.
I think I also located the info tab, but when I navigated around it, all I 
was seeing was a blank field that jaws was not able to read anything from.
However, I am not running a daily build on my player it is a custom one, 
would that make a difference to the info tab? I haven't posted in the 
tracker task about this problem yet.
Speaking of the build system and pool support, can you please tell me the 
exact syntax I need to use to get it working? as I am sure I am putting 
in the right commands, but cygwin doesn't seem to be using them, and is 
not placing the voice clips where I tell it.
To get the buildsystem to use a POOL of voiceclips, define a enviroment 
variable named POOL which points to the directory you want to store the 

So in cygwin type:
export POOL=voice before you type the make voice command.

Many thanks for the information I think I no what I was doing wrong, I was 
putting a / before voice. 

Re: problem with using pool command to store voice clips

2009-05-13 Thread alex wallis

voice clips

alex wallis wrote:

For some reason, I can't get the pool command to work with cygwin to 
store voice clips.

I have tried using both pool=voice and pool=/voice

You need to write POOL in all uppercase.

Many thanks for this, I didn't realise the case was important, I will try 
again with the command. 

Re: new binary of rockbox utility for me to test.

2009-05-13 Thread alex wallis

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 5:51 PM, alex wallis wrote:

I see that Domonoky has posted a patch to fs #10205 that should deal with
some accessibility problems.
I am happy to test it, if someone could make available a binary including
this patch.

Binary of current svn with the latest patch of that task applied at
the same location I posted yesterday:

Thanks for the binary, I am giving my feedback here, as its very detailed, 
and I get the feeling that huge comments are not encouraged on the tracker.
So my feedback is as follows on the version with the patches applied from fs 

With the set of patches applied from this task, some problems have been 
solved, and new ones created.
The biggest problem which has been created, is that the menu system is now 
completely inaccessible.
If you press alt to access the menus, jaws is able to read the menu bar as 
you move along it items such as file and actions. However if you go into a 
menu, jaws will read you the first item, and then if you press up or down it 
won't read anything else, you get no indication of changing the menu 

Several problems have been solved now, the titles on all tabs appear to be 
being read correctly, but there are still problems with the titles of some 
combo boxes and spin boxes. Which I will detail below.

If you go into the option called create voice files, but don't click the 
button to change generation settings, the language combo box title is not 
read, you simply get the first language in the list read.
The next problem we encounter is if we change the synthesizer being used to 
generate the voice. The title of the combo box listing them is read, and if 
you go up and down in it as your selection changes it is read.
However if you then click the button to configure tts, jaws does not 
announce the title of the synthesizer you have selected to use, instead even 
if your selection says sapi, when you select configure tts, jaws reads the 
title of the dialogue as espeak configuration.
However under tts configuration, the title of the language selection box is 
read correctly with jaws, and I am able to navigate it.
Other controls in the configure tts dialogue are voiced correctly, these are 
the edit field called options, the voice combo box, and the speed spin box.
All controls in the configure encoder dialogue seem to be voiced correctly, 
at least there titles are read.
However, none of the spin boxes are read when you make changes to them, you 
have to still tab away and back to them. So the titles of the spin boxes are 
read, but not changes.
There are still some things that are not being voiced, one tab title I can't 
understand at all with jaws, this is still under the generation settings 
change dialogue, the tab title I can't understand is located between the tts 
and encoder settings, and the tab called language.

On the tab called language, I am seeing a single edit field, who's title is 
not being read.
Back in the main create voice files dialogue, there is one spin box who's 
title is still not being read, to find it, if you place yourself on the 
cancel button and press tab once you will find it, its default value is 500.

There is also one edit field who's title is not being read under the install 
talk files dialogue. To find it, place yourself on the cancel button, press 
tab once and you will find it, if you press tab again from it you find 
yourself on the brows button.
Just as a general note, its not a good idea to rely on narrator for your 
accessibility tests, narrator functions very differently to a screen reader, 
and it is not intended to be one. There are a lot of things narrator can't 
read that jaws can, so narrator will not give you accurate test results.
There is a jaws demo available that you could download and install on your 
system. I can get its url for you if you like. 

Re: problem with using pool command to store voice clips

2009-05-13 Thread alex wallis

as a general rule... in the unix world (so cygwin also) case is always
important... and even if it wasnt.. when someone types POOL=blaa it
should be a hint that it might be important

I appreciate what you say, and I will bare that in mind for the future. The 
pool command is now working. I don't get why they make the command case 
sensitive though, is a lower case pool used for something different to upper 
case POOL?

Re: new binary of rockbox utility for me to test.

2009-05-13 Thread alex wallis

alex wallis wrote:

  I get the feeling that huge comments are not encouraged on the tracker.

May I ask where this impression comes from?

The entire point of the tracker is for bug reports or patches and the 
comments on those reports and patches. These comments can be any size, and 
are welcome in any size necessary to convey the appropriate information. 
In fact, it's strongly encourage that comments go there so that future 
developers on that patch can see the train of thoughts and discussion 
leading up to its current state in a single place.

If there's somewhere on the Rockbox website that suggests longer comments 
are unwelcome, please, let me know so I can see about clearing up any 
confusion around exactly what is said.
There isn't a particular part of the website that says long comments are not 
allowed, Its just I have never really scene any monster sized comments on 
tasks before, and I didn't want to go posting something really huge. I was 
worried there might be some kind of unwritten rule, and I didn't fancy 
getting my throat jumped down so I thought I was playing safe by posting to 
the mailing list. 

Re: report on accessibility problems of rockbox utility

2009-05-12 Thread alex wallis

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 6:35 PM, alex wallis wrote:
OK, the version of the utility I am running is v 1.2.1 is this not 

with the latest svn code?

No. Rockbox Utility isn't build regularly as the main Rockbox itself
is. Instead, we make releases every now and then. The rework Dominik
talked about is in svn, but the changes haven't been made available in
a release.
I've just made a new binary available from svn. This is not a release
and some internal things have been changed lately, so it may contain
other issues. I'll try to update that binary every now and then. You
can get it here:

Hi thanks for making the binary available.

I have just downloaded it, and here are my observations.

Firstly none of the boxes with number values that change when you press up 
or down arrows are announced when you make changes, you have to tab out of 
and back into them, so the same problem from 1.2.1 is still present.
The same is still true of combo boxes when you tab to them if you simply hit 
down arrow the value changes but it is not spoken.
However as requested I pressed spacebar on the combo boxes and once they had 
expanded jaws is able to read items as they change. I actually didn't know 
that spacebar expanded combo boxes.
However I think that the issue where combo box values are not read unless 
space is pressed on the box first should be fixed because I think a lot of 
people will just assume they can go up and down in the box without pressing 
space on it first.
Also, once you have pressed space on a box and its items are being read by 
jaws, once you have found the item you are looking for you then can't do 
anything. As pressing tab will not move you out of the box, and if you press 
escape your selection is cancelled and you are back at square one.
Also, spacebar on the combo boxes to expand them and get them read does not 
work on that one who's value is not read when it is changed even when you 
tab out of and back into it. The box I am talking about is the one next to 
the language selection box if you press tab once you are on it. Pressing 
spacebar on it doesn't seem to expand it and its values are not read if you 
change them. In fact you are given no indication of any changes when you 
press up or down arrow.

Under encoder settings as well as the boxes with number values not being 
read when they are changed, there is also a check box who's title is not 
announced, to find it move to the box who's default value is set at ten and 
press tab once, you are then on the box who's title isn't being announced.

I have also looked at the about dialogue, and little seems to have changed 
in it, however now when I go into the about box, when I tab around the 
controls I am seeing an edit field with a list of names, but the title of 
this field is not read out, and of course just seeing that random list of 
names I have no idea what it means.

Also, when you tab to the box containing the license it is not possible to 
scroll through it with the arrow keys meaning that if you want to read it 
you have to listen to the hole lot being read because when you hit down it 
will start reading from the top again. 

feature suggestion for rockbox utility

2009-05-12 Thread alex wallis

I have an idea which I would like to see added to the feature request 
section if discussion can agree that it would be a useful feature.

What I would like to see would be the ability for the rockbox utility to 
save voice clips that it uses to make a voice in a user specifiable folder 
for reuse next time a voice is generated.

as often, a lot of clips don't change so it would save a lot of time if 
clips could be saved and reused when making a new voice, obviously 
generating new ones or replacing out of date ones where appropriate.

I know it is possible to do this with cygwin, but I think this could be a 
useful feature for the utility as well.
For example clips that don't change often are the menus and settings within 
It takes me around an hour and a half to make a voice for rockbox because 
firstly normally I use cygwin, but also I use a very high quality 
synthesizer, so if clips could be saved with the utility it would make a 
difference for me but also for the build process in general I am thinking. 

can't find some items listed as being features of rbutil

2009-05-12 Thread alex wallis

I was just looking at the wiki entry for rockbox utility, and I was looking 
at the features of the utility that it lists. There are a few that I can't 
So I am wondering are these just accessibility issues, or are they not 
features of the rockbox utility?

In the feature list the wiki says
. Manual
. Access to the Manual of your device
. Info
. Shows all installed parts of Rockbox
I can't find either of the above options on the menus or tabs.

Re: report on accessibility problems of rockbox utility

2009-05-12 Thread alex wallis

Just to report, that rockbox installation on player is accessible with jaws, 
its possible to read the status of installation.

Uninstallation is also accessible, I am able to set the options fine.
I haven't tested install of voice file, but my feeling is that there is no 
reason why this won't be accessible with jaws.

I haven't tested uninstalling of bootloader or installing of bootloader.
Is this supported by the h140? as in doing it from the utility.
I assume that you have to put the firmware file that a given operation needs 
on the player for the utility to be able to process it? so if your 
installing a patched firmware file, and if your uninstalling a clean file. I 
imagine the bootloader doesn't download and patch files for you or download 
clean files if your uninstalling. 

accessibility of the rockbox utility

2009-05-10 Thread alex wallis

Hi list.
I was just doing some research into qt, and I ran across a document 
detailing a lot of features that allow qt applications to work with 
technology such as screen readers.

I guess implementing this would require a lot of code rewriting, especially 
as the utility isn't written in the latest qt. Am I right in thinking there 
isn't a tool to automate converting the code to work with the latest qt?

anyway for those who might be interested the url I ran across is

Re: accessibility of the rockbox utility

2009-05-10 Thread alex wallis


Well, maybe it would be best to start with the basics: how do you (or
in general, how do blind people) expect it to work? Say, you
downloaded this program (which doesn't need to be Rockbox Utility) and
started it. You don't know the program, so how do you figure how to
use it? Are you moving around with the mouse, trying to hover all
buttons and stuff to get them read? Do you use the Tab key to go
through all items you can select and expect them to be voiced? Do you
use the Alt button to activate the menu and go through that with the
arrow keys? Or something completely different?

All your questions sound quite sensible, and I can fully appreciate you 
don't know how we do things. So to try and answer your questions.
Blind people generally prefer a gui interface, as the majority of us use 
windows, and find it a lot easier to just select buttons in dialogues or go 
through menus rather than type into a command line which is a lot more 
fiddly and time consuming.

The majority of us use the keyboard, because its a lot easier to do things 
than mess around with a mouse, though screen readers such as window eyes do 
have a feature where you can move your mouse and it will try to speak things 
as you move over them. But as I said most people prefer the keyboard.
Generally when I start out with a new program the first thing I do is read 
its documentation to get an idea of how it all works, that way I have a 
basic understanding of the interface and know if I am going to be dealing 
with menus or tabs or in a lot of cases both.
If I am navigating an interface with tabs I will be using tab to move 
between the various elements on a given page, and then if there is another 
tab I want to go to I will either hold down control and press tab, or if I 
am right on the part that will change the tab I will press right arrow.
Either way when I press whatever keystroke I decide to change tabs with I 
will then expect jaws to announce the title of the new tab that I have just 
moved to. Its obviously quite important that titles of controls and tabs are 
announced as after a time I will know my way around the interface and be 
able to think where things are in relation to each other. If titles of 
controls and tabs are not announced, but we are just told that something is 
a button or a tab, then basically the application is inaccessible, as we 
won't have a clue what's what and what happens if we select a given button.

We tend to activate buttons in dialogues or on tabs with  enter or spacebar.

Speaking for myself at this point I am sure people have other oppinions, but 
I don't tend to have a visual idea in my mind of what a given program is 
like, I usually have an idea after exploring the layout of the interface.

To answer your question about the menus, I activate them with the alt key, I 
then expect to be able to move right or left along a menu bar, and then to 
be able to use the down arrow to open a given menu which will obviously 
contain items and maybe other sub menus.

I guess the first start for me giving input is to do an accessibility
comparison between jaws and nvda to examine the accessibility diferences.

Yes, that would definitely be a good thing. Also, you should make sure
to test with the latest version of Rockbox Utility, as there have been
issues in Qt itself in the past. Generally speaking, newer versions of
Rockbox Utility use newer versions of Qt, thus newer versions of
Rockbox Utility should always be better from the accessibility point
of view. I wouldn't be surprised if some issues are still around in
Qt, but I definitely know that accessibility of Qt itself improved,
which directly affects Rockbox Utility.
I pulled down the compiled executable from the rockbox site. Is that the 
latest version I assume the utility is also built on a daily basis.

Also, what exactly do you mean when you ask how a blind user sees the
interface, the question is kind of broad. Are you asking how we navigate 

user interfaces of applications?

Yes, like this. My naive view on this topic is that I as sighted user
have a visual impression of the application, so you need to have an
impression of the application as well. For example, I consider the
menu as a tree-like view: you have one top-level node File with the
childs Install Rockbox Utility on player, Configure and Exit.
Then there is another top-level node Actions with other childs. On
the other hand, as sighted user I'm more driven by the visual
appearance -- i.e. the buttons and tabs in the main interface rather
than the menu. What impression does a blind user have? Is it more
menu-centric? Are the tabs considered to have some specific structure?
Generally speaking for myself I consider all programs being different, so I 
don't expect things to be in a particular order, and I am equally happy 
dealing with menus or tabs. From a layout point of view, I think the 
interface is fine, it just needs accessibility fixing, which I am happy to 

report on accessibility problems of rockbox utility

2009-05-10 Thread alex wallis

As promised I have been having a look at the rockbox utility with jaws, and 
actually I must say since I last had a propper look at it a lot of 
accessibility problems seem to have been ironed out.
However there are a few major ones that I can still see that I will now 
describe. These were all encountered with the latest version of rockbox 
utility, and the latest version of jaws.

Firstly in the configuration dialog, the titles of the tabs are not read.
So although I can read the contents of a given tab the title of it is not 
read to me when I go into it, jaws just says tab, meaning that I have to 
explore the controls to work out which tab I am on.

In fact, throughout the utility the titles of none of the tabs are read.

We have more serious accessibility problems though in the create voice file 

These are as follows
firstly when you click the button to change the voice file generation 
settings, in the combo box that contains the lists of possible synthesizers 
that can be used for voice generation when you arrow up or down this box is 
not read.
However if you hit the down arrow for example to change the synth to flight, 
and then tab to the next control in the dialog and then shift tab back this 
box is read. Obviously the correct behaviour for the screen reader should be 
that each time the synthesizer option is changed it should be read without 
having to tab out of and back into the combo box.
The next problem is a bit harder to describe, outside the box to change 
voice generation settings there is a box who's default value is set at 500. 
There are two problems with this box, firstly its title is not read meaning 
that a blind user has no idea what this box controls. Secondly, if you arrow 
up and down within the box as the value changes jaws will not read the value 
to you as it is changed. However if you tab out of and back into the box it 
is read.

The same problem is true of the box that controls the language of the 
generated voice, its title is not read, the only reason I know it controls 
the language of the voice to be generated is because the default value is at 
English. The contents of this box are not read when it is changed either so 
for example if you change from English to Spanish you wouldn't know you had 
done this till you tabbed out of the box and back into it.

There is one combo box under configure tts that is not read at all, even if 
you tab out of and back into it. To locate it, if you are on the box to set 
the language, hit tab once and you are on the box that will not read at all, 
so obviously I have no idea what this particular box does.

If you stay focused on this box that will not read, and then press your tab 
key once there is a box that has numbers you can change, its default value 
is 0, again jaws will not read the value as you change it, you have to tab 
away from and back to the box, also its title is not read meaning that we 
don't no what the box actually controls.

Next to this box is a blank edit field, jaws just reads edit when I tab into 
it, so I have no idea what is supposed to go in there.

The configure encoder settings suffer from similar problems.

If you are focused on the cancel button and press tab you find a box with a 
default value of 1.0, jaws doesn't read the value as it changes, and also 
doesn't read its title so I don't no what its for.
The same problem is true of the box that is next to the checkbox that says 
narrow band for its title, you press tab and find a box with a default value 
of 8.0, again, no indication from jaws of its title or what it might be for, 
and the value is not read as you change it with the up and down arrow keys, 
you can only find out what it is by tabbing away and back to the box.
The same problem is true for the box next to that that has a default value 
of 10.

Also, jaws is not able to read any information in either of the about boxes 
propperly, though it does read some kind of web address when you go to the 
option that is just called about, but it doesn't read any version 
information or anything. Also, the address is not read propperly.
Interestingly, jaws is able to read the box that lists the different players 
that rockbox can be installed on with no problem.

I hope my information has been of help, if you have any questions please 
feel free to ask, and let me no if you make changes and I will be happy to 
test them to see if they make any difference.

status of fs #9067

2009-05-06 Thread alex wallis


I was just wondering if there has been any improvements made to fs #9067. As 
I think that Tom Ross said he aimed to try to commit after the 3.2 release 
which I believe occurred fairly recently.
I am looking forward to seeing this committed. 

Re: Bring me your broken MP4s, your twitchy AACs and other non-working m4a's

2009-05-06 Thread alex wallis

I have a nice load of aac files that won't play with rockbox, they are all 
part of the same album, so I suspect I will probably only need to send you 
one file.

So just wondering, do you want me to e mail it to you?
or should I upload it to a site such as send space. the first track which is 
what I plan to send you is just over three mb.
Of course if you would prefer I can upload the hole album, let me no what 
you want me to do. 

Re: DevCon 2009

2009-04-09 Thread alex wallis

Unless somebody speaks up it will be June 19-21. Please update the wiki page
if you intend to come or not, and if you plan to stay in the hotel I
arranged. All info about this can also be found in the wiki page.

Hi I am considering trying to make it to this years event, but have a few 

I am not a programmer though trying to learn.
I was wondering do people think there might be value in a non programmer 
attending? not sure how much use I could be to discussions.

Also, would people have any objections to a blind rb user attending?
have any of the blind rb users ever attended before?

Thanks for your help.

Re: question about changes to the content on the rockbox homepage

2009-04-01 Thread alex wallis

alex wallis wrote:

Hi list.
I was just keeping my usual eye on the rockbox site today and noticed a 
few things I am wondering if someone could please explain.

Firstly in the news section, what exactly does
After months of negotiations, Apple has finally agreed to our terms and 
Rockbox is now an enthusiasic part of Apple's development team! mean?
There is no link to get more information on what this means for rockbox 
and what exactly this partnership relates to.

My second question is
why has svn access been disabled? I wasn't planning to do a checkout 

but all it says on the page next to it is
see news and irc.
I didn't see anything in the news section about why svn access has been 

Just curious that's all, so hope someone can clear these issues up for 

I assure you, new information will be out tomorrow absolutely clearing up 
both of these issues.

I see, but tell me does the svn access have anything to do with the new 
apple partnership?
I hope apple isn't going to start being able to dictate the course of the 
project and what is and is not going to be included such as support or lack 
of for various formats etc. 

Re: question about changes to the content on the rockbox homepage

2009-04-01 Thread alex wallis

Are you in a timezone where it is not yet midday?

I don't understand your question.

I am currently digging through the irc logs, and what I am reading is 
beginning to disturb me I really really hope rockbox hasn't sold out to 
apple and is not restricting development to a few hand picked people.
I also really hope the project isn't going closed source and that we will 
still be able to build from source with patches created by ordinary users, 
and we won't be forced to have restrictions imposed on us by apple.
I will be very disappointed if the apple hardware is the only players being 
developed for.

I think its a very bad move posting news items like this and disabling svn 
access with no announcements as to the reason why. I think the people 
responsible should have waited till they were completely free to give 
explanations and posted announcements and explanations together.

Re: question about changes to the content on the rockbox homepage

2009-04-01 Thread alex wallis

Noone sold out... We merely came to a mututal agreement with the fine
people at Apple to discontinue support for all other targets and work
exclusivly on ipods and their upcoming devices... The great news here
(other than the wonderful cash bonus most of us will get :D ) is the
coming support for the entire ipod product range (including the
iphone!).. but we have to keep this hush for now...

You say you have not sold us out? your dropping support for all other 
devices to concentrate exclusively on apple products, I think that is really 
narrowing the projects focus.

I see this as a betrayal of the projects principles and selling us out.

Your abandoning all other rockbox users.

I hope someone sets up an alternative project to rockbox.

I think the community should have been consulted on the hole idea of doing 

I think the way this has just been announced as a done deal is extremely 
under handed and I can't believe this has been allowed to happen, and i 
think the phrase cash bonus says it all. 

concerned about proposal to intigrate tts into rb core

2009-03-27 Thread alex wallis

Hi list.
I haven't really been following the gsoc 2009 ideas, however having scene a 
few mails about the idea of intigrating tts into the rb core I felt I should 
write to the list

and express a few concerns.
For anyone who hasn't read the page with the proposal it is located at

I have no problem with the idea in principle with integrating tts into the 
core, I think it is a really good idea, I can see how it could solve a lot 
of accessibility headakes and some things not being voiced.
However my main concern is if this is accepted, completed and intigrated 
into rockbox, would this be used as a way to drop support for the old voices 
completely, in other words we would have no more lang files, we wouldn't be 
able to generate our own voices and we would be forced to use the intigrated 

My reason for asking this is that I could see myself using such an 
intigrated tts maybe for file browsing, but I wouldn't choose to use it 
routinely as I find the espeak voice horrible to use and very hard to 
understand, I don't no anyone who actually chooses to use this voice in day 
to day computer use, it would be a bit like someone using jaws with a 
default Microsoft voice.

I prefer to generate my own voices currently for rockbox as I use very high 
quality human sounding synths to make my voices.

If the two systems will be allowed to run along side each other then I am 
all in favour of intigrating tts into rockbox.

My other reason for being concerned about the espeak tts is that I have to 
concentrate to understand it when I have to listen to it, but what about 
people who are hard of hearing? how will they manage with such a tts.

These are just my thoughts.

question about location of information in lang files

2009-03-21 Thread alex wallis

Hi list.

I have a question about location of information in lang files that I hope 
someone can help me with.

What I would like to know is does it matter in a lang file where information 
is put, provided the rules are followed with regards to formatting and 
conventions of structure.

For example, if a patch wants to put something after line 100 but the patch 
is out of date and it can't be fitted there but the phrase it wants to put 
in is still needed and the rest of the patch applied OK, would it be ok to 
just stick it at the end of the lang file.

My reason for asking this is that I would like to test out the work that Tom 
Ross has been doing in FS #9067.

However I am making a custom build and also including a load of patches made 
by Sdoyon. But because of the major changes made buy fs #9067 most of the 
lang file patches he created won't apply, even though the other bits of most 
of his patches will apply.
So provided things don't have to be stuck in particular areas of the lang 
file what I am planning to do is just copy and paste the various things that 
his patches need at the end of the file. Even if that makes it look untidy 
its only for my own personal use.

Thanks very much for any help.

Re: question about location of information in lang files

2009-03-21 Thread alex wallis
The order of the phrases in the lang files do not matter. Genlang will sort 
them automatically and the strings will be loaded to the correct array index by 
Thanks for that information.
Regarding FS #9067, make sure you are using the latest patch posted in the task 
(sorted_genlang.2.diff). Most of the lang files are unchanged from SVN. The 
only lang files that are modified are english.lang and espanol.lang.

That's fine, as I use English.

Just wondering, at the moment using the latest diff from fs #9067 which plugins 
are currently voiced?

From what I can tell it seems to be blackjack, chessbox and chopper is that 
about it?
I was wondering how do you go about working out what strings for a given plugin 
need to go in the lang file? as I might give some of the others a go at least 
for english.lang

I was just wondering with the chessbox plugin when a game is being played will 
the voice give you feedback when you move around the board for example if you 
are on an empty square or on a square with a peace what peace it is?

Re: question about location of information in lang files

2009-03-21 Thread alex wallis
lang files

  The voice changes in FS #9067 are more of a proof of concept at this point. 
Splashes and menus should be automatically voiced due to the ID2P() macro. 
Blackjack also includes some explicit voice changes and in theory you could 
probably play a hand or two without using the screen.

  The actual voicing is just roughly done for Blackjack and so it is fairly 
confusing. I haven't touched any other plugins at this point other than 
Blackjack, Chopper, and Chessbox. Basically all strings in a plugin will be 
moved to the lang files unless it makes sense for them to be hardcoded. 
Blackjack's start page is untranslated because I plan on reworking it with a 
menu at some point.

  I see, do you think it might be possible for me to play chess without having 
to look at the screen?

  I would be very interested in playing solitaire, what would be the best way 
to make a start translating its strings? if I managed to get anywhere I would 
upload a patch to fs #9067 as guess any strings translated into the lang file 
would help when it comes to putting them into there own files.
  Am I right in thinking chopper is a graphical game that a person would need 
site in order to play?

Re: how is strnatcmp aka Interpret numbers while sorting supposedto sort?

2009-03-18 Thread alex wallis

Maybe we should just see if various FLOSS file browsers have a common
natural sort, and use it, so that our files are likely to show up in the 
host's browser the same order as they show up in ours?

Now this idea I like, personally I think sorting should work the same way it 
does in windows.

I guess if people don't like the way files are sorted they can always rename 

Re: how is strnatcmp aka Interpret numbers while sorting supposedtosort?

2009-03-18 Thread alex wallis

alex wallis wrote:

Now this idea I like, personally I think sorting should work the same way 
it does in windows.

Windows isn't FLOSS and I very much doubt their algorithm is public.

I see, I didn't no this, just out of interest what is floss exactly?
I guess if people don't like the way files are sorted they can always 
rename them.

No, actually they can't if the sorting tries to be too intelligent. By 
this argument, we should just keep our original sort and turn off all 
others, since it at least will never try to guess anything, and strictly 
use the filenames. It's the only way for renaming to be predictable and 

I think rockbox should include some sort of sorting, and not literally use 
the file names. Before 8314 it used to drive me mad that sorting went 1 10 
etc. I really like the fact numbers are now sorted in the correct order. I 
can't really enter into the sorting debate very much as I hate leading 0s in 
file names, I like my file names to mostly be simple either being labled 1, 
2,3 or 01, 02, 03.

if file names include .s I like 1.1 1.2 1.3 etc.
I make a point of removing leading 0s from names. 

Re: FS#9873 - Utilise buttons for playlisting

2009-03-04 Thread alex wallis

I am more in favour of setting up a mechanism where spare buttons
could be mapped flexibly to much more than just adding tracks to
playlists..., jump to fm/rec/some menu item/etc

Hi. Now please correct me if I am wrong, but what you wrote above sounds a 
bit like having the ability to configure buttons through different options. 
I thought that configurable buttons was something the rb project was dead 
against, although I disagree with this policy but anyway just thought I 
would throw my points in. 

reassembling h140

2009-02-28 Thread alex wallis

Hi list.
I am sorry for writing on this topic. However I am having real problems 
getting my h140 reassembled.

I was wondering is there anyone in the UK who knows about assembling of 
h140s who might be able to physically help?
I wasn't able to do any of the physical disassembly myself as I am blind, so 
I got my dad to help.

the problem I am having is that my original player developed several 
problems, the joystick was beginning to go, and the remote wasn't 
functioning properly even on the original firmware. I tried with several 
remotes, however the same problem seemed to be happening with all three, so 
I knew it was a problem with the players boards.

So I got a new player from ebay.
I decided to install my old 2200 MA battery and my old hard drive into the 
new player from ebay.

My old player disassembled fine using the guides from

However the player I got from ebay was a nightmare, I believe that the 
original person who sold it to me must have got it second hand himself from 
someone who tried to do stuff to it but didn't no what they were doing as 
the threads on several screws were gone.

However eventually the player was disassembled. But then my dad found for 
some reason he wasn't able to install the battery into the player from ebay, 
and he can't seem to get it to go back into the original player it came 

So at the moment both players are scattered over the table in bits, and we 
don't have a clue what to do.

If there is someone in the UK who might be able to help that I could either 
send the players to or deliver them in person I would be very grateful for 
any help.

As I am now without an mp3 player.

I have asked on for some help, but thought I would ask on 
this list as well.

I decided to post to this list as I thought this list would probably have 
more people on it who know about the hardware side of stuff than the 
ordinary users list.

Any advice would be very welcome.

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