Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2014-05-27 Thread Paul-Olivier Dehaye
Just adding a link to a track ticket that is relevant:

On Monday, July 8, 2013 12:23:21 PM UTC+2, vdelecroix wrote:
> Hi,
> I do like the project find_stat but do not like the way it intends to do 
> it. In that sense, I mostly agree with Nathann objections.
> Following Thierry, why combinatorial maps are not implemented as morphisms 
> between two proper parents ? We could add some semantic to morphisms 
> (injectivity/surjectivity/bijectivity, ...) which is definitely useful. 
> Note that some semantic is already there as a morphism might be a map 
> between sets or a map between between graded objects. It is possible to 
> implement a decorator that actually creates a morphism from a method 
> (@morphism_from_method) and cache it somewhere. I think that it should not 
> transform a method to a combinatorial map (which was one of the main 
> Nathann's objection) but it might be useful that such decorator exists. 
> Then, the problem is what method is not an actual morphism between two 
> parents (do we want decorators everywhere) ? Where do we register the 
> morphisms (in the parent, in a database) ?
> Another problem is that given a parent, it is not possible to determine 
> all the morphisms from or to that parent ("possible" here means that such 
> function will never exists, because most of the objects and morphisms are 
> dynamically created with the coercion framework and that set of morphisms 
> is potentially infinite). Nevertheless, coercion framework takes care about 
> somewhat "natural" morphisms and combinatorial maps are somewhat opposite 
> (ie non trivial transformations). But still, some semantic might be applied 
> to coercion morphisms.
> There are several obstruction to such project:
>  - an object (let say the partition [3,2,1]) may have several parent 
> (Partitions of 6, Partitions graded by the length, ...) but the 
> combinatorial map exists somewhat independently of the parent
>  - we need to convince Nathann that it would be good to have the parent 
> Graphs ;-)
> Best
> Vincent

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-07-08 Thread vdelecroix

I do like the project find_stat but do not like the way it intends to do 
it. In that sense, I mostly agree with Nathann objections.

Following Thierry, why combinatorial maps are not implemented as morphisms 
between two proper parents ? We could add some semantic to morphisms 
(injectivity/surjectivity/bijectivity, ...) which is definitely useful. 
Note that some semantic is already there as a morphism might be a map 
between sets or a map between between graded objects. It is possible to 
implement a decorator that actually creates a morphism from a method 
(@morphism_from_method) and cache it somewhere. I think that it should not 
transform a method to a combinatorial map (which was one of the main 
Nathann's objection) but it might be useful that such decorator exists. 
Then, the problem is what method is not an actual morphism between two 
parents (do we want decorators everywhere) ? Where do we register the 
morphisms (in the parent, in a database) ?

Another problem is that given a parent, it is not possible to determine all 
the morphisms from or to that parent ("possible" here means that such 
function will never exists, because most of the objects and morphisms are 
dynamically created with the coercion framework and that set of morphisms 
is potentially infinite). Nevertheless, coercion framework takes care about 
somewhat "natural" morphisms and combinatorial maps are somewhat opposite 
(ie non trivial transformations). But still, some semantic might be applied 
to coercion morphisms.

There are several obstruction to such project:
 - an object (let say the partition [3,2,1]) may have several parent 
(Partitions of 6, Partitions graded by the length, ...) but the 
combinatorial map exists somewhat independently of the parent
 - we need to convince Nathann that it would be good to have the parent 
Graphs ;-)


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-07-01 Thread Thierry

i first want to say that i love you all, i am not deeply involved in
sage-graphs nor sage-combinat, nor representing any community. Just my
two cents about this thread and the related tickets.

- I disagree that this thread reached a consensus.

- I disagree that functionalities in Sage can not be added in relation
  with external purposes. Actually, the success of Sage over both faster
  and more reliable other free mathematical software (don't feed the
  troll) is, imho, due to its social ability to easily include people's
  contribution. Somehow, its "poor" but inclusive design allow everyone
  to share its piece of code there, and i like to promote this.

The main issue is about design, not about the right to exist.

First hint

I like how Sebastien explains how to design classes and i think it could
help here :

Shortly, we write algorithms. They answer questions. Identifying classes
containing them as methods is identifying the entities to which you ask
the question.

Let us have a look at the .to_partition() method introduced in the Graph

Its name may make sense from the algebraic combinatorialist point of
view, but is definitely more cryptic than
`.connected_component_sizes_partition()`, which corresponds to its
one-line implementation. Here, the semantics about what you precisely
ask to the given graph is removed.

With such a name, one could imagine that `G.to_partition()` groups the
vertices by degrees. Each map g whose domain is the set of vertices of a
graph naturally creates a partition (the partition associated to the
equivalence relation f(u) == f(v)). We can imagine tons of such maps,
e.g. the number of triangles v belongs to, or the maximal number of
disjoint path from v to v, or the cardinal of the connected components
of its first neighborhood, such objects are not so artificial as they
actually appear in graph theory.

All those maps are interesting, but the name `.to_partition()` itself
states that this is not such a question you ask to a graph G, and that
there is a design issue (and changing the name will not solve the
issue). The name of the method `.to_partition()` is quite clear: it ask
"give me a map from the set of graphs to the set of partitions".

Let us have a look to the .to_poset() method,,
In particular, the comments state: 



If a user want the Hasse diagram of a poset, she asks the question "what
is your Hasse diagram" to the given poset. Here, the user is assumed not
to think of transforming the poset into a Hasse diagram, the user is
asking (again) the question "Is there a natural map from the class of
posets to the class of graphs?"

This is a legitimate question, some class in Sage should answer it.

To whom should the user ask those questions ? Not to a graph or to a
poset, but to a quiver (in a board sense: an organized set of arrows).
This entity knows which arrows exist between posets and graphs, between
graphs and partitions, and so on.

The current implementation asks this question to a given poset "Hey you,
3-element poset, could you tell me what maps are there from your whole
family and the set of graphs ?".

In this thread, you plan to ask the question <>, should you
ask this question to a length-2 Dyck path ? 

The same holds for the `to_partition` method : it is not assumed to
answer the question "what is the sequence of cardinals of connected
components of G", it aims to answer the question "give me an arrow
between graphs and partitions".

A class is not the domain of the method, it is the entity you ask your
question. Hence, you should not store an arrow into its domain, you
should store it into a quiver. 

Second hint.

- <>. 

- <>

- <>

- <>

This nice idea does not correspond to what actually happens. De facto,
the proposed implementation is not a tagging system to add semantics in
existing methods: the current implementation implies creating artificial
methods that are of no use to the class they belong to.

When i say artificial, i mean that the method does not answer a question
that a user may ask to the associated object. If, given graph, i want to
find the partition corresponding to the list of cardinals of its
connected components, i will never look for an existing method achieving
that. The method only exists to host the decorator.

Perhaps adding a decorator to backlink from a method to its
corresponding arrow in the quiver might make sense in some very
particular cases, but having to create an artificial method to be able
to tag it with a decorator in order to construct an arrow is just

This is a hint that decorators may not be appropriate to organ

Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-28 Thread Nathann Cohen
Hellooo !

>> but I do think that this .to_partition() and .to_graph() are not valuable
>> to Sage
> My impression is that you only care because it is "your" graph code.

I think that I would have said the same if you had patched any other class,
but I look closely at what happens to graphs in Sage, of course, and did
not notice it before. The reason why I looked at these decorators in the
first place was because of a question I asked during the last Sage Days in
Orsay, about find_stat. I said that I had a "not very kind" question, and
asked how the decorators were implemented because I had been scared by the
immutability decorators before. At that time I had no idea that Graphs were
somehow involved.

>> Well, don't want to be forced to run that code when I work on graphs. Is
>> that a problem ? O_o
> Somehow yes since you consider your negligible disadvantage (as you said
> yourself) more important than advantages for others.

It's a pity that I gave this impression, for I really do not think that
this is how I behave. I really tried to say that there were alternatives.
We were even discussing how it could be replaced by a non-intrusive
decorator in the last post !

> I'll see if I gonna try to change the implementation, but currently I
> of asking if the combinat people want to keep it as it is (and remove the
> two methods from graphs), or if I just patch it - I don't see why I should
> spend more time on that...

Because one always feels responsible of what one puts into Sage. That's
actually a nice thing ! :-P

Anyway I am glad that this fight is now over. And I'm sorry that you found
me aggressive. When I talk about maths or coding it's just about what is
right or wrong. It's just about technical things. And I would have been
pleased to go get a beer with you anytime during this exchange, and it can
still happen whenever we will meet again :-P

Good evening :-)


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-28 Thread Christian Stump

> What could possibly be wrong with the existing Poset.hasse_diagram() 
> method ?


> Well. It's a bit hard to grep the conversions that can be obtained from 
> the constructors, though :-P

All I wanted to show is that we didn't invent the "to_???" methods which 
you call "unusual Sage syntax". 

> MyObject(MyOtherObject) is a cool thing to write when there is no doubt 
as to how the object should be converted.

This becomes a little problematic if the user is not aware that "MyObject" 
even exists, while she is seeing it in tab completion with the "to_???" 

> Though we already have a P.hasse_diagram() for that.

This is not a bad example, DiGraph(P) might be okay to come up with, but 
would a given user figure out that he should do HasseDiagram(P) in order to 
get the Hasse diagram (and to import it first, since it's not in the global 

> Trying DiGraph(my_poset) to get its associated digraph (hasse diagram) is 
rather sensible to me, while Partition(my_graph) to get your partition 
would be totally crazy because there is no natural partition associated 
with a graph.

As I wrote above, DiGraph sounds reasonable to me as well, HasseDiagram 
much less reasonable, while Partition would indeed be stupid.

> all that matters to me is that there is a function from A to B and that's 
another map for find_stat"

Let me emphasize this once more here, if it where only to get it in 
findstat, there would be no problem at all to patch everything we need, and 
apply it on top of a fresh Sage - we do that already for other stuff we do 
not think to be valuable for Sage itself.

All I do is arguing that I consider the changes to be valuable for Sage, or 
equivalently, for other people who use Sage.

> but I do think that this .to_partition() and .to_graph() are not valuable 
to Sage

My impression is that you only care because it is "your" graph code. But 
nevertheless, several people wrote in this thread that they do not like 
these maps, so I'd suggest to remove them again (I wouldn't call it a 
majority but I do understand that it is arguable to say "we have a method 
that provides the connected components, so why should we add another giving 
their sizes").

> And as I understand why it would be useful for find_stat (you want to add 
maps, and you can only do so with decorators on functions, i.e. not on 
constructors) I think that this explanation is right :-P

It would have taken me 30 min to undo the changes, and patch them for 
myself on top of Sage, while this discussion took certainly more time. So I 
must have had another reason to discuss...

> Well, don't want to be forced to run that code when I work on graphs. Is 
that a problem ? O_o

Somehow yes since you consider your negligible disadvantage (as you said 
yourself) more important than advantages for others.

> With the decorator above I wouldn't have to run your code as soon as I 
call a method which bears your decorator.

I'll see if I gonna try to change the implementation, but currently I think 
of asking if the combinat people want to keep it as it is (and remove the 
two methods from graphs), or if I just patch it - I don't see why I should 
spend more time on that...



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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-28 Thread Nathann Cohen
Hell !

> I don't agree on the
> situation for Poset, identifying a (finite) poset with its Hasse
> diagram is very natural, so "to_directed_graph" seems to be very
> natural to me.

What could possibly be wrong with the existing Poset.hasse_diagram() method

> Where do I find this description of the "Sage's usual syntax"? greping
> "def to_" yields tons of other examples where this is used: it is
> actually used all over combiantorics (to_composition, to_permutation,
> to_matrix, to_graph, to_dyck_word, to_binary_tree, +100 others).

Well. It's a bit hard to grep the conversions that can be obtained from the
constructors, though :-P

But converting an object, when the function is very natural, through the
image's constructor is rather widespread..

n = Integer(5)
nn = int(n)
n = Integer(nn)

Same with floats, algebras and modules I guess, and with pretty much
everything when we can actually modify the image's class. Graphs accept one
thousand of different inputs, but I guess that this is only done when there
is no ambiguity over what the expected result is. There is no way to fo
that for

graphs.PetersenGraph().sparse6_string() # outputs a string

or for .to_dictionary().

> Did
> you even implement "to_directed"/"to_undirected" for (Di)Graphs
> yourself?

I don't think I did O_o

Actually, I did not !

~/sage/sage/graphs$ hg blame | grep "def to_undirected"
 8830: def to_undirected(self):
~/sage/sage/graphs$ hg log -r 8830
changeset:   8830:dbe53cb3e5f7
user:Robert L. Miller 
date:Sat Mar 08 21:43:17 2008 -0800
summary: Flattened patch for ticket #2433

I don't think I even new that Sage existed at that time. I probably did not
know what a graph was at that time, for the matter :-P

> Why does your antipathy not apply there as well?

My antipathy is boundless. I even hate myself for being so antipathic.

Joke apart Christian, I'm just discussing code there. There is nothing
personal at all, you are definitely a cool guy and I really have nothing
against you. It's just code problems O_o

> I am totally okay with replacing the methods in your suggested way,
> once this becomes common sense and we do the same for the other
> examples as well.

Your post actually made me think about it for a while, and I cannot say
that I like very much to have all these conversions written in the
Constructor after all. For the developpers it mostly means that totally
unrelated code will be gathered in the same place (conversions from very
different objects to a common one), though for users it does make a big
difference. MyObject(MyOtherObject) is a cool thing to write when there is
no doubt as to how the object should be converted.
And as you said yourself, saying that the digraph associated with a graph
is its hasse diagram is very natural.
Though we already have a P.hasse_diagram() for that.

> Moreover, I wonder why you do not apply comment "this breaks tab
> completion" here as well.

Because to me tab completion is useful to find out new functions, new
things that the object can do. Things that you would not think that the
object can do otherwise. Or if you don't know the name.
Trying DiGraph(my_poset) to get its associated digraph (hasse diagram) is
rather sensible to me, while Partition(my_graph) to get your partition
would be totally crazy because there is no natural partition associated
with a graph.

The point is that if you begin to create a method whose name is precisely
"MyClass.to_", there are to me two alternatives
* If the conversion is natural it should rather be called
* If it is not natural, and if you don't think useful to rename the
function to something that actually gives a hint of what it does, to me it
screams "I don't care what the function does, all that matters to me is
that there is a function from A to B and that's another map for find_stat"

> And without Dima's comment? Other objections that particularly apply
> to our new methods (rather than being general comments for many
> methods, just applied to this situation)?

Well, I just know two of these methods, the ones I named above. To me the
Poset.to_graph() can be obtained through the very natural
Graph(Poset.hasse_diagram()), and can become Graph(your_poset) if you think
that it realler matters somehow (though I don't see how). For the
.to_partition like I said above, to me it screams "I don't care what the
function actually does, I'm just adding a map for find_stat".

> What do you mean by "consider Sage to a dependence of FindStat"? Being
> dependent as it depends on say GAP?

GAP is a software of its own, and we don't change GAP's code to help with
Sage's interface to it. Sage is a software of its own, and find_stat
shouldn't change Sage's code to help with its interface to it.

> This is not the case, and we did
> not implement anything that we do not consider valuable for Sage.

It's just my personal advice, but I

[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-28 Thread Sébastien Labbé
On Friday, June 21, 2013 10:43:13 PM UTC+2, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> I think a decorator like this makes the code unreadable, and if it can 
> be avoided then it should be avoided. 


My opinion is very close to the one of Dima in this thread. I believe we 
should avoid to spread such decorator in the Sage code base.

Results of computations made by FindStat shoud not depend on the number of 
combinatorial map decorators that are in the Sage code. There might be some 
interesting results that FindStat could find but does not just because 
there is no decorators for it. In the long term, the actual design tends to 
add decorators to more and more methods in Sage to improve FindStat and I 
do not agree with this. I think FindStat should return the best results 
possible no matter the presence/absence of decorators.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-26 Thread Christian Stump

> I think this is a terrible pattern. There is nothing wrong with having 
> lots of methods, Python works just fine. Whereas a monolithic 
> has_property(foo) method is difficult to write, document, and maintain 
> precisely because it goes against the OOP spirit---its a procedural design 
> shoehorned into Python. 
I didn't actually want to suggest these changes. These are just as good or 
as bad as deleting a method others find useful in order to have the tab 
completion not being overloaded...

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Fwd: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-26 Thread Christian Stump
Thanks Nicolas for clearing up the discussion! in general, I agree
with your statements, though

to (5): I do still find the overhead here negligible, so I am not
volunteering in the very near future.

to (6) and as well to Nathann's similar complaint: agreed, what about
size_of_connected_components or connected_component_sizes (to have it
close to connected_components in tab completion). I don't agree on the
situation for Poset, identifying a (finite) poset with its Hasse
diagram is very natural, so "to_directed_graph" seems to be very
natural to me.

to (7): this is true, and we already do that. So what about deleting
the method Poset.to_graph again from Sage (and we just keep it applied
as a patch on top of Sage - as we already do e.g. with a common parent
for all finite Cartan types).

Concerning Nathann's last mail:

> The function Poset.to_graph() can be replaced by Graph(the_poset) as Dima
> pointed out, which makes much more sense in Sage's usual syntax than
> Poset.to_graph().
> ...
> What do you think ?

Where do I find this description of the "Sage's usual syntax"? greping
"def to_" yields tons of other examples where this is used: it is
actually used all over combiantorics (to_composition, to_permutation,
to_matrix, to_graph, to_dyck_word, to_binary_tree, +100 others). Did
you even implement "to_directed"/"to_undirected" for (Di)Graphs
yourself? Why does your antipathy not apply there as well?

I am totally okay with replacing the methods in your suggested way,
once this becomes common sense and we do the same for the other
examples as well.

Moreover, I wonder why you do not apply comment "this breaks tab
completion" here as well.

> I pointed out many, many, many times other problems. For instance I relayed
> Dima's comment that Graph(my_poset) makes more sense. I am pretty sure I
> wrote that at least 5 times in the emails.

And without Dima's comment? Other objections that particularly apply
to our new methods (rather than being general comments for many
methods, just applied to this situation)?

> But yes, of course, knowing that you add these things in Sage just because
> you need them for a third party software is something that I do not like at
> all. I don't consider Sage to be a dependence of find_stat.

What do you mean by "consider Sage to a dependence of FindStat"? Being
dependent as it depends on say GAP? This is not the case, and we did
not implement anything that we do not consider valuable for Sage. If
we agree that it would be better for Sage to not have e.g.
Poset.to_graph, then we do not put it in (or rather remove it again).

> Once more, the decorator can stay a decorator and not create a class between
> the former method and Graph, by just registering the method somewhere else
> and returning the function it received without changing it.

How do I do that explicitly? How do I register all combinatorial maps
in a given class at once? I could start playing with this a bit -
though I still do not see ANY problem with the current implementation
(I only see that @Nathann doesn't like it).

> Christian please. I made the comment above many many many times. You CAN
> change your decorator this way, and you have to find a way to add methods to
> your database without creating method in Sage.

This is not about FindStat. I want to have all combinatorial map in a
given class in Sage, so I can start playing with them! And I do want
to do that automatically. I have quite some code for that, just like
others have code for their research that does depend on methods and
functions in Sage.

> For instance if you want to have a map from a binary matrix to a Digraph, or
> something like that. You cannot think of adding a .to_graph() method to
> matrices for such a thing !

This is right, and we do not plan to do so! But we do now have a class
AlternatingSignMatrix for which we do want to implement and use such

> 1) it forces you to create methods for your maps which is not always justified

it doesn't force you to do so, simply don't use the decorator. If I
want to add this decorator afterwards, I want to create these methods
and find them useful.

> 2) Currently it adds useless computations to some methods, which does not 
> cost any time but is definitely a bad design 

> Now that you have read them, please give me your opinion on them.

As written above, how would you do it, so that the function
combinatorial_maps_in_class(cls) can provide the desired information?

It seems to be an often used behaviour when providing a patch for
Sage: do provide a first implementation that fits your needs (without
disturbing others), and then you or someone else provides an
improvement after a while. This is just happening here.

> Christian : at the very very very least, and unless there is a way to query
> find_stat in Sage (and a meaning to that), what you can easily do is make
> the @combinatorial_map in Sage do *NOTHING*

That is wrong, I do want to use the above method in my code, a

Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-26 Thread Nathann Cohen
> If I had a method like that to code and if I were unable to find a good
name for it, I just wouldn't include it. Because this function can be
written in three lines, so it's not very bad if it is not already written.
> sizes = {}
> for cc in g.connected_components():
> sizes[len(cc)] = sizes.get(len(cc),0) + 1

My mistake, this code does something more complicated that what #14734
does. #14734 is actually another one-liner.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-26 Thread Nathann Cohen
> Let me try to draw a consensus (in fact I believe it's already there),

The day I learn how to say things like that with a straight face I will
enter politics :-P

> (1) Per se, adding semantic information to Sage is a good thing (e.g.

> (1') It's interesting to explore what can possibly be done with such
semantic information

> (2) Using a decorator on the function XXX is one possible syntax for
> achieving (1). Another alternative is to add the info to the
> documentation string. Another is to have a separate "database".
> Etc.

> (3) There are some advantages in using a decorator:

> (4) The overhead of the combinatorial_map decorator upon loading a
> Python file is negligible.

> (5) The overhead of the combinatorial_map decorator upon calling the
> function is currently non trivial.
Well. I would say that is *is* trivial, but that it is not a good design.

>  But it could be made to zero by
> having the decorator return the decorated function as is.
> findstat would just need to instrument the Sage code to have the
> decorator register the function to its database.

I think that I wrote that in each of my last 1000 emails.

> Volunteers?

If I patch find_stat there will be side-effects :-P

> (6) The name of some of the recently added methods could be improved:

> - Graph.to_partition is ambiguous: there are many ways to make a
>   partition out of a graph (degree sequence, size of connected
>   components, ...).
>   Suggestions for improvements?

If I had a method like that to code and if I were unable to find a good
name for it, I just wouldn't include it. Because this function can be
written in three lines, so it's not very bad if it is not already written.

sizes = {}
for cc in g.connected_components():
sizes[len(cc)] = sizes.get(len(cc),0) + 1

> - Poset.to_graph is ambiguous: there are several ways to make an

I have 4 lines of Sage to add to that :

sage: posets.PentagonPoset().hasse_diagram()
Digraph on 5 vertices
sage: posets.PentagonPoset().hasse_diagram().transitive_closure()
Transitive closure of : Digraph on 5 vertices
sage: Graph(posets.PentagonPoset().hasse_diagram())
Graph on 5 vertices
sage: Graph(posets.PentagonPoset().hasse_diagram().transitive_closure())
Transitive closure of : Graph on 5 vertices

Honestly. They are all one-liners already. What's the problem with that ?

> (7) It would be nice for the findstat project to have an alternative
> mean to declare some of the combinatorial maps either in its own
> source code or database.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-26 Thread Volker Braun
On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 10:19:52 AM UTC-4, Christian Stump wrote:

> or replacing the almost 50 "is_???" by 
> "has_property(???)", including "antisymmetric" which should rather be 
> "is_antisymmetric"

I think this is a terrible pattern. There is nothing wrong with having lots 
of methods, Python works just fine. Whereas a monolithic has_property(foo) 
method is difficult to write, document, and maintain precisely because it 
goes against the OOP spirit---its a procedural design shoehorned into 

If we want to improve the user experience when tab-expanding then we should 
improve the tab expansion and not bend over backwards in the class layout. 
In particular, the tab expansion could easily collect bar.is_...() methods 
and just print a summary bar.is_(99 further methods) if there is a large 

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-26 Thread Nicolas M. Thiery
Dear all,

Let me try to draw a consensus (in fact I believe it's already there),
so that we can ignore the irrelevant historical details of the
discussion and move forward toward what we can do to improve the

Here are a couple statements that might be agreed upon by everybody:

(1) Per se, adding semantic information to Sage is a good thing (e.g.
function XXX is actually an isomorphism). Of course this good
thing is to be put into balance with other good things, among
which is performance.

(1') It's interesting to explore what can possibly be done with such
semantic information; it's great that findstat is doing that.
And we will certainly find other use cases.

(2) Using a decorator on the function XXX is one possible syntax for
achieving (1). Another alternative is to add the info to the
documentation string. Another is to have a separate "database".

(3) There are some advantages in using a decorator:

- It's checked by the Python parser; so the odds of a syntax error
  not getting detected is low.

- Code locality: information about XXX is close to XXX.

- Part of the Sage library is already tagged using this syntax.

(4) The overhead of the combinatorial_map decorator upon loading a
Python file is negligible.

(5) The overhead of the combinatorial_map decorator upon calling the
function is currently non trivial. But it could be made to zero by
having the decorator return the decorated function as is.

findstat would just need to instrument the Sage code to have the
decorator register the function to its database.


(6) The name of some of the recently added methods could be improved:

- Graph.to_partition is ambiguous: there are many ways to make a
  partition out of a graph (degree sequence, size of connected
  components, ...).

  Suggestions for improvements?

- Poset.to_graph is ambiguous: there are several ways to make an
  unoriented graph out of a poset (e.g. hasse diagram or its
  transitive closure). Note that the alternative syntax
  Graph(poset) has the same problem.

  My personal recommendation would be:

  - Add a combinatorial map decorator on Poset.hasse_diagram
  - Add a combinatorial map from oriented to non oriented graph
(which possibly calls for a syntax to declare that a
constructor implements a combinatorial map between two sets)
  - Use transitivity


(7) It would be nice for the findstat project to have an alternative
mean to declare some of the combinatorial maps either in its own
source code or database. Two use cases:

- As a temporary mean to move forward quicker than Sage when needed.

- For some methods that are so trivial that their addition to Sage
  is subject to controversy.

Please let me know (concisely) in case of disagreement on one of the
points above or if I left out some important point in the discussion.

Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil"

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-26 Thread Nathann Cohen
Hello !

> I keep voting for having the methods added to Graphs and to Posets. I
> just looked again at the list of methods for graphs, and there are 280
> of them. For me (and some others, whichever reason we might have)
> these two methods are useful for our "mathematics research" and that
> makes it already a strong case for keeping them.

The function Poset.to_graph() can be replaced by Graph(the_poset) as Dima
pointed out, which makes much more sense in Sage's usual syntax than
Poset.to_graph(). You can still do the operation that you need for your
research, and this seems to be a much more natural way to implement it in
Sage. What do you think ?

My comment about your .to_partition() method is that its name does not give
the slightest idea of what it does. Do you agree that this objection is
valid ? At the very least I think that it should be renamed.

> If you feel like
> there are too many methods, why not deleting "am" as a shortcut for
> "adjacency_matrix",

It's a good idea.

> or replacing the almost 50 "is_???" by
> "has_property(???)",

It breaks tab-completion, and it becomes harder to find the list of such

> including "antisymmetric" which should rather be
> "is_antisymmetric",

Oh, good idea. Do you create the patch, or do I write it ?

> or replacing all "to_???" by a single method.

Tab completion again.

> If
> there is a majority to delete them, or a particular reason why exactly
> these methods out of the 280 should be deleted (I do not see either of
> the two in this discussion currently), I would certainly be okay with
> doing so.

Yeah, I agree with you about antisymmetric and adjacency matrix.

> Simply "you want these methods for a 3rd party project, and
> I don't like that" is not convincing to me.

I pointed out many, many, many times other problems. For instance I relayed
Dima's comment that Graph(my_poset) makes more sense. I am pretty sure I
wrote that at least 5 times in the emails.

But yes, of course, knowing that you add these things in Sage just because
you need them for a third party software is something that I do not like at
all. I don't consider Sage to be a dependence of find_stat.

> Concerning the general design of the combinatorial_map decorator: I
> implemented it in a way which did not interfere with other peoples
> code or usage of Sage AND it made Sage better for several users. I
> think that makes it a valid contribution.

Once more, the decorator can stay a decorator and not create a class
between the former method and Graph, by just registering the method
somewhere else and returning the function it received without changing it.

> It might have downsides. But you basically wrote "I don't like it the
> way it is done" without giving any reason.

Christian please. I made the comment above many many many times. You CAN
change your decorator this way, and you have to find a way to add methods
to your database without creating method in Sage. If only to be able to add
to find_stat all the coercions that exist in our constructors and that do
not correspond to methods.
For instance if you want to have a map from a binary matrix to a Digraph,
or something like that. You cannot think of adding a .to_graph() method to
matrices for such a thing !

>  An example: You mentioned
> that it does run code each time the method is called, and this cannot
> be avoided in the current implementation.

It *CAN*, if the decorator returns the method exactly as it found it. It
can do whatever it wants and register the function and all informations
needed in a find_stat module in Sage, i.e. wherever you want but without
modifying the method itself.

> This is true for ANY method

I don't understand that.

> You and others asked if it slows down the methods or the
> initialization of objects, and we did disprove both.

Indeed. And it was obviously necessary to ask this question. I am pretty
sure that you did it yourself before you implemented this decorator.

> You said that you do not like decorators, that's okay but your
> personal preference.

Thank you.

> You do not like that the method gets a thin layer around, but you did
> not argue why this is (or might become) a problem - so far, the
> infected methods seemed to be doing okay.

Can you tell me why you need this layer ? If you don't, you can simplify
your code by removing it.

> If you do not like its design (for whatever reason),

1) it forces you to create methods for your maps which is not always
2) Currently it adds useless computations to some methods, which does not
cost any time but is definitely a bad design 

> feel free to
> provide improvements and discuss your improvements

Now that you have read them, please give me your opinion on them.

> However such improvements might
> look like, I want to stay able to ask which methods for a
> "combinatorial set" are maps to "combinatorial sets" (see the method
> combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_maps_in_class), and (though
> this would 

Fwd: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-26 Thread Christian Stump
Hi Nathan --

> I was thinking of our find_stat battle from one week ago, and I
> wondered if you could answer the questions I raised in my answer to
> your post. In particular (but not only) about the methods added to
> Graph and Poset ?...

Given the level of "shrillness" to which you certainly contributed, I
didn't actually plan to answer again. But okay...

I keep voting for having the methods added to Graphs and to Posets. I
just looked again at the list of methods for graphs, and there are 280
of them. For me (and some others, whichever reason we might have)
these two methods are useful for our "mathematics research" and that
makes it already a strong case for keeping them. If you feel like
there are too many methods, why not deleting "am" as a shortcut for
"adjacency_matrix", or replacing the almost 50 "is_???" by
"has_property(???)", including "antisymmetric" which should rather be
"is_antisymmetric", or replacing all "to_???" by a single method. If
there is a majority to delete them, or a particular reason why exactly
these methods out of the 280 should be deleted (I do not see either of
the two in this discussion currently), I would certainly be okay with
doing so. Simply "you want these methods for a 3rd party project, and
I don't like that" is not convincing to me.

Concerning the general design of the combinatorial_map decorator: I
implemented it in a way which did not interfere with other peoples
code or usage of Sage AND it made Sage better for several users. I
think that makes it a valid contribution.

It might have downsides. But you basically wrote "I don't like it the
way it is done" without giving any reason. An example: You mentioned
that it does run code each time the method is called, and this cannot
be avoided in the current implementation. This is true for ANY method
in Sage, with or without this decorator.
You and others asked if it slows down the methods or the
initialization of objects, and we did disprove both.
You said that you do not like decorators, that's okay but your
personal preference.
You do not like that the method gets a thin layer around, but you did
not argue why this is (or might become) a problem - so far, the
infected methods seemed to be doing okay.

If you do not like its design (for whatever reason), feel free to
provide improvements and discuss your improvements (I did ask about
the combiatorial_map decorator at various occasions, including the
mailing list, and no one complained). However such improvements might
look like, I want to stay able to ask which methods for a
"combinatorial set" are maps to "combinatorial sets" (see the method
combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_maps_in_class), and (though
this would only come in a little while in the current implementation)
I want to tag such maps with mathematical information (okay, the
docstring could be used for such information, but this could become
complicated since the docstring is then used to provide the user with
infos, and to be (partially) machine interpretable at the same time).

Cheers, Christian

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-26 Thread Nathann Cohen
Helloo Christian.

I was thinking of our find_stat battle from one week ago, and I
wondered if you could answer the questions I raised in my answer to
your post. In particular (but not only) about the methods added to
Graph and Poset ?...



On 20 June 2013 18:19, Nathann Cohen  wrote:
> Hellooo !!
>> Thanks Nathann for starting the discussion (though I sometimes think that
>> being a little less aggressive wouldn't hurt).
> Yes, sorry about that. But it takes a lifetime to get people to admit the
> most elementary things. I mean, my first message contained two lines of
> which I said "please tell me if you acknowledge this or not", and so far
> nobody cared even to answer "no" to them.
>> Let me start with what the positive sides of a combinatorial_map decorator
>> are for us (and I think several of the combinat people do agree here):
> Hmm I probably agree with all advantages, what find_stat does is nice
> and useful. But a decorator is not to me a clean way to do it. That' s
> really the only thing I have been defending all along. Wrapping the method
> into classes instead of just registering them somewhere, and requiring the
> addition of new Sage methods just because find_stat needs them.
> Those are really the only points that I try to make. But I probably agree
> with all advantages that you list below, it's just totally unrelated.
>> - we obtain a better image of which maps between combinatorial collections
>> exist (see in particular the graph at the bottom of
>>, and the linked more detailed pdf, this is not
>> only
>> interesting for FindStat but provides a nice visualization of how many
>> combinatorial objects in Sage are linked together),
> That's cool.
> +1
>> - we can thus easier work on completing the picture. Indeed, we
>> implemented
>> many (~20-30 would be my guess, but I don't know) new maps between
>> combinatorial objects that are interesting for combinatorialists (even
>> those
>> not interested in FindStat).
> That's cool.
> +1
>> - we can automatize checks if maps do indeed map to the proper codomain
>> (e.g., StandardTableau.conjugate
>> returned a Tableau, and not a StandardTableau as desired, see #14258),
> That's cool.
> +1
>> - we can automatize many corner case checks (of course, such checks should
>> as well go into the doctests, but if
>> we automatically apply all these maps on hundreds of elements including
>> corner cases, we already found various bugs in the pre-existing code that
>> were not captured by the doc tests, see e.g. #14724, #14718, #13624).
> That's cool.
> +1
>> - we would like more mathematical information to the decorator (though
>> this
>> is not yet done). This would provide more refined automated requests like
>> "Which bijections between Dyck paths and NoncrossingSetPartitions are
>> implemented?". Currently, we can only ask "Which maps from Dyck paths to
>> NoncrossingSetPartitions are implemented?", but I think that is nice to
>> get
>> as well.
> That's cool.
> +1
> But still totally unrelated to the points I try to make.
>> - I implemented the decorator word by word following the (old)
>> cached_method
>> decorator, this might have been good or not, but it was the best I was
>> able
>> to do.
> Well, just returning the function as it is while registering the decorator's
> information somewhere seems to be nice.
> The decorator could even add some information to the docstring so that this
> information would automatically appear in the doc !
>> - Nathann himself tested that the cost of the wrapper when calling the
>> method is very much negligible, here is a test when creating the object
> The correct phrasing for this changed since, and will from now on be called
> masturbation.
>> if there is any better test to check this issue, please do so.
> Well, I called the methods while you created the class, but really it's
> pretty much for free. Only the code has no reason at all to be run when the
> function is called. And if you want to improve your decorator perhaps you
> will add more stuff to it, and if you do it like that then it means that the
> stuff that you will add in the decorator necessarily stays free, from fear
> that it would add a non-negligible amount of computations when the function
> is called.
> Honestly, if you just register the functions somewhere else and do not
> change them at all I would be very happy.
> Besides, it would mean that there is a way to add more functions and
> information to your database WITHOUT creating additional Sage methods, and
> this would be nice because as Dima said here, Graph(my_poset) makes much
> more sense that my_poset.to_graph().
> And there is this .to_partition() method too, which to me was only added
> because of find_stat.
>> Anyway, the current implementation might be good enough to use, or someone
>> might provide a better implementation, but this is

[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-22 Thread Dima Pasechnik
On 2013-06-22, Volker Braun  wrote:
> --=_Part_5_26369588.1371859450149
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On Friday, June 21, 2013 1:43:13 PM UTC-7, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>> Why does one even need a decorator in Simon's proposal? 
Thanks Volker, I started writing code generating code 30+ years ago...
> I think a decorator like this makes the code unreadable, and if it can 
>> be avoided then it should be avoided. 
> That is not the general consensus

I don't think it's general consensus that if project B needs something
from classes A0, A1, ... it must directly modify classes A0, A1,...
(already full of methods), just because it's the 1st thought the crossed
the designer's minds, and because they have the numbers to muscle this
design in.  IMHO B could very well derive from classes A0, A1,... and
place its extra methods in these derivations. Using decorators or
schmuckerators or whatever it sees fit.

One advantage of such design is that the code of B is located in one
place, instead of being all over the A0, A1,...


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[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-21 Thread Volker Braun

On Friday, June 21, 2013 1:43:13 PM UTC-7, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> Why does one even need a decorator in Simon's proposal? 

I think a decorator like this makes the code unreadable, and if it can 
> be avoided then it should be avoided. 

That is not the general consensus

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[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-21 Thread Dima Pasechnik
On 2013-06-20, Volker Braun  wrote:
> --=_Part_2218_21876941.1371741153226
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On Thursday, June 20, 2013 12:17:48 AM UTC-7, Simon King wrote:
>> And this should really not be done on the level of the method being 
>> registered. There should be a database of "useful combinatorial maps", and 
>> the decorator should do nothing more than adding a method to this 
>> database. 
> But that is just an implementation detail, once you have the decorator in 
> place in the sources you can change its behavior. For performance-critical 

Why does one even need a decorator in Simon's proposal?
I think a decorator like this makes the code unreadable, and if it can
be avoided then it should be avoided.
To me it's akin to graffity saying "XYZ was here" sprayed over the code
for no clear purpose (except known to XYZ only)...

> paths, one should definitely use an implementation that registers it once. 
> E.g. during doctesting one can then check that the methods labelled with 
> the decorator are exactly the ones in the registry of maps.
> Contrary to what Nathan believes, creating the same map again and again in 
> a tight loop is not a case that needs to be optimized. In fact, this 
> special case could be optimized best by maintaining a cache in the 
> decorator if it were relevant. 

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-21 Thread Florent Hivert
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 09:48:32AM +0200, Nathann Cohen wrote:
> And yet my preacher tells me that God's cosmic plan makes sense. This guy's
> crazy.

On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 08:05:36AM -0700, Volker Braun wrote:
> I did read the source before posting on the subject, and your message makes 
> no sense in that context. 
>   * Decorators have their place. 
>   * A non-decorator way to add maps to the database should be added 
> eventually.
>   * Premature optimizations are bad.

You should add:

* Don't mess with the missionary man ;-) !



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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-21 Thread Volker Braun
I did read the source before posting on the subject, and your message makes 
no sense in that context. 
  * Decorators have their place. 
  * A non-decorator way to add maps to the database should be added 
  * Premature optimizations are bad.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-21 Thread Nathann Cohen
> One could add a special keyword argument to disable the wrapping in
CombinatorialMap and just use the decorator to add it to the registry. Its
a viable optimization. But I don't see a need for that unless there is any
need for it.

So, let me sum it up, and correct me if I am wrong somewhere :

* You don't know why this class is wrapped, and the code would be simpler
if it were not wrapped
* Useless code is run each time the function is run and it can be removed
* The one who originally implemented it like that seems to say (and it
would be nice if he could confirm that) that the class was just created
like that because of a copy and paste, and there was no intent behind this

As a result, nobody knows why it is implemented like that, yet you call a
simplification "optimization", and we should keep code even though nobody
has any clue what it is there for.
Because it is (quote) "potentially useful", and of course nobody can guess
in which way (please prove me wrong and tell me why).

And there is also this problem of forcing us to add Sage method for each
find_stat map which will stand for as long as there will not be a manual
way to add a map in the database, and even though I asked this question in
my first email, so far it is systematically ignored by the defenders of the
current implementation.

And yet my preacher tells me that God's cosmic plan makes sense. This guy's


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[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread leif

kcrisman wrote:

The shrillness level has gotten a
little higher than really necessary, certainly than customary on this list.

We haven't seen illustrations of the effect of the @bushy_tail 
decorators yet... :P


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[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread leif

Volker Braun wrote:

Right now there is not really anything, thats a question of
what the find_stat roadmap is.

But I don't see a need for that unless there
is any need for it.



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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread Volker Braun
On Thursday, June 20, 2013 9:34:48 AM UTC-7, Nathann Cohen wrote:

> More seriously, wouldn't changing the decorator to something that 
> registers the method and not change it do the trick

There decorator performs two functions currently:
 1) label the method as a combinatorial map
 2) transform the output into a special "map" class

Both are potentially useful. Having a map instead of just the image enables 
you to attach more functionality in the future, e.g. composition of maps. 
Right now there is not really anything, thats a question of what the 
find_stat roadmap is.

One could add a special keyword argument to disable the wrapping in 
CombinatorialMap and just use the decorator to add it to the registry. Its 
a viable optimization. But I don't see a need for that unless there is any 
need for it.

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[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread kcrisman

Or other beverage as appropriate :)  The shrillness level has gotten a 
>> little higher than really necessary, certainly than customary on this list.
>  Does your comment apply in particular to my last post? I certainly did 
> not want to be shrill - sorry if that was your impression when reading my 
> post.

I was just referring to the general level; it wasn't aimed at any one post 
in particular.  Your last post and Nathann's post immediately following the 
post I'm replying to both seem very much in the spirit of a good discussion 

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread Nathann Cohen
Hello !

> Please propose a mechanism that
>   * Only occupies a single line of code

I propose that we immediately strip Sage's sources of all its `\n`

>   * Outside of the method body, so it is separated from the actual

I propose that we shuffle the lines of each file, and keep it running until
everything that is find_stat related lies outside of the related method.

>   * But not in a separate file, since that is hard to keep in sync

Let us also put all Sage's code in a unique file.

>   * If it appears in the documentation, it must be doctestable and flag
syntax errors

We should also implement something that screams when the names of the
variables used in the doctests are french words. I do this mistake often.

More seriously, wouldn't changing the decorator to something that registers
the method and not change it do the trick ? We could also add entries
manually to the database, that is without creating the corresponding method.

It's highly probable that these two ideas may have been mentionned in this
mailing list already.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread Nathann Cohen
Hellooo !!

> Thanks Nathann for starting the discussion (though I sometimes think that
> being a little less aggressive wouldn't hurt).

Yes, sorry about that. But it takes a lifetime to get people to admit the
most elementary things. I mean, my first message contained two lines of
which I said "please tell me if you acknowledge this or not", and so far
nobody cared even to answer "no" to them.

> Let me start with what the positive sides of a combinatorial_map decorator
> are for us (and I think several of the combinat people do agree here):

Hmm I probably agree with all advantages, what find_stat does is nice
and useful. But a decorator is not to me a clean way to do it. That' s
really the only thing I have been defending all along. Wrapping the method
into classes instead of just registering them somewhere, and requiring the
addition of new Sage methods just because find_stat needs them.

Those are really the only points that I try to make. But I probably agree
with all advantages that you list below, it's just totally unrelated.

> - we obtain a better image of which maps between combinatorial collections
> exist (see in particular the graph at the bottom of
>, and the linked more detailed pdf, this is not
> interesting for FindStat but provides a nice visualization of how many
> combinatorial objects in Sage are linked together),

That's cool.

> - we can thus easier work on completing the picture. Indeed, we
> many (~20-30 would be my guess, but I don't know) new maps between
> combinatorial objects that are interesting for combinatorialists (even
> not interested in FindStat).

That's cool.

> - we can automatize checks if maps do indeed map to the proper codomain
> (e.g., StandardTableau.conjugate
> returned a Tableau, and not a StandardTableau as desired, see #14258),

That's cool.

> - we can automatize many corner case checks (of course, such checks should
> as well go into the doctests, but if
> we automatically apply all these maps on hundreds of elements including
> corner cases, we already found various bugs in the pre-existing code that
> were not captured by the doc tests, see e.g. #14724, #14718, #13624).

That's cool.

> - we would like more mathematical information to the decorator (though
> is not yet done). This would provide more refined automated requests like
> "Which bijections between Dyck paths and NoncrossingSetPartitions are
> implemented?". Currently, we can only ask "Which maps from Dyck paths to
> NoncrossingSetPartitions are implemented?", but I think that is nice to
> as well.

That's cool.

But still totally unrelated to the points I try to make.

> - I implemented the decorator word by word following the (old)
> decorator, this might have been good or not, but it was the best I was
> to do.

Well, just returning the function as it is while registering the
decorator's information somewhere seems to be nice.

The decorator could even add some information to the docstring so that this
information would automatically appear in the doc !

> - Nathann himself tested that the cost of the wrapper when calling the
> method is very much negligible, here is a test when creating the object

The correct phrasing for this changed since, and will from now on be called

> if there is any better test to check this issue, please do so.

Well, I called the methods while you created the class, but really it's
pretty much for free. Only the code has no reason at all to be run when the
function is called. And if you want to improve your decorator perhaps you
will add more stuff to it, and if you do it like that then it means that
the stuff that you will add in the decorator necessarily stays free, from
fear that it would add a non-negligible amount of computations when the
function is called.
Honestly, if you just register the functions somewhere else and do not
change them at all I would be very happy.

Besides, it would mean that there is a way to add more functions and
information to your database WITHOUT creating additional Sage methods, and
this would be nice because as Dima said here, Graph(my_poset) makes much
more sense that my_poset.to_graph().
And there is this .to_partition() method too, which to me was only added
because of find_stat.

> Anyway, the current implementation might be good enough to use, or someone
> might provide a better implementation, but this is not the point for me,
> - if I understand it right - it's not the point for Nathann either. Two of
> his point are yet to be answered/discussed a bit further:
> "Right now, find_stat seems to work with decorators over Sage's functions.
> It is all very nice. But then whenever some addition must be made to
> find_stat's combinatorial maps there must be a corresponding Sage
> and I think that adding functions to Sage just because find_stat needs
> is really going too far.

[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread Christian Stump
On Thursday, June 20, 2013 5:59:55 PM UTC+2, kcrisman wrote:

> Or other beverage as appropriate :)  The shrillness level has gotten a 
> little higher than really necessary, certainly than customary on this list.

 Does your comment apply in particular to my last post? I certainly did not 
want to be shrill - sorry if that was your impression when reading my post.

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[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread kcrisman

> Having said that, the gals and guys responsible for #14734 and #14732 are 
> at 
> Sagedays 49 now, go and buy them the necessary amount of beer to have 
> all this sorted out :-) 

Or other beverage as appropriate :)  The shrillness level has gotten a 
little higher than really necessary, certainly than customary on this list. 

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[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread Christian Stump
Dear all,

Thanks Nathann for starting the discussion (though I sometimes think that 
being a little less aggressive wouldn't hurt).

Let me start with what the positive sides of a combinatorial_map decorator 
are for us (and I think several of the combinat people do agree here):

- we obtain a better image of which maps between combinatorial collections 
exist (see in particular the graph at the bottom of, and the linked more detailed pdf, this is not 
only interesting for FindStat but provides a nice visualization of how many 
combinatorial objects in Sage are linked together),

- we can thus easier work on completing the picture. Indeed, we implemented 
many (~20-30 would be my guess, but I don't know) new maps between 
combinatorial objects that are interesting for combinatorialists (even 
those not interested in FindStat).

- we can automatize checks if maps do indeed map to the proper codomain 
(e.g., StandardTableau.conjugate
returned a Tableau, and not a StandardTableau as desired, see #14258),

- we can automatize many corner case checks (of course, such checks should 
as well go into the doctests, but if
we automatically apply all these maps on hundreds of elements including 
corner cases, we already found various bugs in the pre-existing code that 
were not captured by the doc tests, see e.g. #14724, #14718, #13624).

- we would like more mathematical information to the decorator (though this 
is not yet done). This would provide more refined automated requests like 
"Which bijections between Dyck paths and NoncrossingSetPartitions are 
implemented?". Currently, we can only ask "Which maps from Dyck paths to 
NoncrossingSetPartitions are implemented?", but I think that is nice to get 
as well.

Some words on the current implementation:

- I implemented the decorator word by word following the (old) 
cached_method decorator, this might have been good or not, but it was the 
best I was able to do.

- Nathann himself tested that the cost of the wrapper when calling the 
method is very much negligible, here is a test when creating the object

sage: class A:
: def a(self,x):
: return x

sage: class B:
: @combinatorial_map
: def b(self,x):
: return x

sage: %timeit AA = A()
100 loops, best of 3: 250 ns per loop

sage: %timeit BB = B()
100 loops, best of 3: 249 ns per loop

if there is any better test to check this issue, please do so.

Anyway, the current implementation might be good enough to use, or someone 
might provide a better implementation, but this is not the point for me, 
and - if I understand it right - it's not the point for Nathann either. Two 
of his point are yet to be answered/discussed a bit further:

"Right now, find_stat seems to work with decorators over Sage's functions. 
It is all very nice. But then whenever some addition must be made to 
find_stat's combinatorial maps there must be a corresponding Sage function, 
and I think that adding functions to Sage just because find_stat needs them 
is really going too far. "

My answer: it is right that - in the current implementation - we need to 
implement a map between combinatorial collections in Sage and decorate it 
with @combinatorial_map in order to use this map in FindStat. But we only 
want to use maps in FindStat that are interesting for mathematicians, and 
if this is the case, then it should be very valid to have this map as well 
in Sage. If anyone is interested I could provide a list with methods we 
implemented for (or better in) Sage because we wanted to have them in 
FindStat. We can then see if it would have better to implement all these 
maps in a different project without allowing Sage users to use them as well.

"But it is a website and an independent project, and I don't see why on 
earth Sage should now be developped according to find_stat's needs."

My answer: All we do is to decorate maps between certain combinatorial 
collections to provide further information about this map. We then use this 
information in FindStat, but this information is not only useful for 
FindStat (at least in my opinion), see as well my comments above about the 
"positive sides". There might be something not perfect in the actual 
implementation, but the so far discussed drawbacks seem to be very little, 
compared to the advantage that a user is e.g. not annoyed anymore that the 
conjugate of a StandardTableau is not standard anymore, or that there are 
now all these new maps between the objects implemented. Anyway, if there is 
a better way of achieving such possibilities I am very positive of doing so 
(though this will again use someone's time that she might want to use 
differently). And: we are Sage users and/or developers, so if we want Sage 
to do sth for us that doesn't hurt (@Nathann: except for philosophical 
reasons), I don't see the point of not getting Sage doing it for us (as 
others did similar things before, according t

Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread Volker Braun
On Thursday, June 20, 2013 8:33:47 AM UTC-7, Nathann Cohen wrote:

> WHY should this 
> thing be implemented like that when there are non-intrusive ways to 
> make find_stat work ?" 

Please propose a mechanism that
  * Only occupies a single line of code
  * Outside of the method body, so it is separated from the actual 
  * But not in a separate file, since that is hard to keep in sync
  * If it appears in the documentation, it must be doctestable and flag 
syntax errors

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread Volker Braun
On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 11:20:39 PM UTC-7, Nathann Cohen wrote:
> sage: from sage.combinat.combinatorial_map import combinatorial_map
> sage: class C:
> : @combinatorial_map
> : def a(self,x):
> : return x+1

Thats not a benchmark, thats masturbating over the call overhead. Unless 
you can think of a use case where generating the map repeatedly in a tight 
loop is even remotely useful you'll have to accept the fact that one will 
want to create the graph and do something with the output. So a sane 
comparison would be something like this:

sage: def doit_method():
: g = Graph({0:{1:'x',3:'a'}, 2:{5:'out'}})
: part = g.to_partition()
: part.is_empty()
sage: def doit_manually():
: g = Graph({0:{1:'x',3:'a'}, 2:{5:'out'}})
: part = Partition(sorted([len(y) for y in 
g.connected_components()], reverse=True))
: part.is_empty()
sage: timeit('doit_manually()')
625 loops, best of 3: 108 µs per loop
sage: timeit('doit_method()')
625 loops, best of 3: 114 µs per loop

Which means that the extra method call and decorator add perhaps 5% 
overhead in a ridiculously simple graph.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread Nathann Cohen
> Thats not a benchmark, thats masturbating over the call overhead.

Volker, could you please read aloud the sentence which followed
immediately this example of code ?

"That's a 3x in a non-existing case, which make it almost negligible
for any application, and that is not even my point. WHY should this
thing be implemented like that when there are non-intrusive ways to
make find_stat work ?"


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread Volker Braun
On Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:37:07 AM UTC-7, Stefan wrote:

> Nathann's complaint about the out-of-control growth of methods of the 
> Graph object is a very valid issue

I think we talked about that a few months ago. One should first evaluate 
whether all / most methods really make sense for all graphs. If not, they 
should probably be factored out into mixin classes that are dynamically 
added if the graph has the requisite property. In any case, thats another 

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[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread Volker Braun
On Thursday, June 20, 2013 12:17:48 AM UTC-7, Simon King wrote:

> And this should really not be done on the level of the method being 
> registered. There should be a database of "useful combinatorial maps", and 
> the decorator should do nothing more than adding a method to this 
> database. 

But that is just an implementation detail, once you have the decorator in 
place in the sources you can change its behavior. For performance-critical 
paths, one should definitely use an implementation that registers it once. 
E.g. during doctesting one can then check that the methods labelled with 
the decorator are exactly the ones in the registry of maps.

Contrary to what Nathan believes, creating the same map again and again in 
a tight loop is not a case that needs to be optimized. In fact, this 
special case could be optimized best by maintaining a cache in the 
decorator if it were relevant. 

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread Stefan

> > First of all, before ranting about speed someone should measure the slow
> > down. If I remember correctly, we already did it once with Christian and 
> the
> > slow down was less than 10% which is in my opinion perfectly acceptable. 
> If an
> > error was made, it is that we didn't keep any trace of that experiment.

Question: is this a slowdown only in the function call under scrutiny, or a 
slowdown in the construction of the object? The acceptability of the former 
depends on whether the function is likely to be used in time-critical 
applications, the second is definitely unacceptable for an object like 

Nathann's complaint about the out-of-control growth of methods of the Graph 
object is a very valid issue. In fact, I wonder if it's time to do some 
redesign and cleanup? Maybe have a graph algorithm database, just like 
you've got a graph construction database? Like





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[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread Dima Pasechnik
On 2013-06-20, Simon King  wrote:
> Hi!
> On 2013-06-20, Nathann Cohen  wrote:
>> And I can also add to this comment that you can actually implement this
>> feature using decorators at no cost, because you can do this without
>> changing the function at all. If you want a decorator that does that
>> @find_stat_properties(surjective = True, from=whatever, to=whatever2)
>> and registers the method in some database in Sage, then the decorator can
>> return the very function it has been given and there is nothing wrong with
>> that. Right now there is a class in the middle, though.
> +1
> From what we heard at SD49, this is about registering certain methods as
> "being useful to apply when exploring combinatorial statistics".
> *Registering*
> And this should really not be done on the level of the method being
> registered. There should be a database of "useful combinatorial maps", and
> the decorator should do nothing more than adding a method to this database.

for this one does not even need a decorator put anywhere in the code...

> Actually, I can imagine that this would make life *easier* for the find_stat
> people.
> Best regards,
> Simon

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[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread Dima Pasechnik
On 2013-06-19, Nathann Cohen  wrote:
> --20cf301ee7a5191d5204df850b33
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hello everybody !
> I just noticed in today's release the presence of two tickets that I had
> missed while they were being reviewed, and I really regret it.
> Those two tickets are #14734 and #14732. Each of them adds to Graph and
> Poset a one-line method which I personnally find totally useless. Of
> course, while I don't see the point of these methods, I don't expect to
> find everything that Sage can do meaningful, as I have after all my own
> personnal restricted field of interest, *but* the fact that these functions
> could be written in 30 characters really makes me think harder.

Deliberately ignoring the decorator technicalities, I think both #14734
and #14732 have been wrongly designed. (Throw rotten tomatoes at me

Regarding #14734: well, if one adds to Graph a grow_bushy_tail() method
indeed this goes too far. I personally don't get why Bushy_Tail cannot
get a constructor from Graph instead.  This would only be justified if
growing bushy tails inside Graph is more efficient than doing it outside
of it.

Same applies to #14732: why on Earth it makes Posets vomit ((c) V.Braun)
Graphs all of a sudden? Shouldn't rather Graph get a constructor from

Having said that, the gals and guys responsible for #14734 and #14732 are at
Sagedays 49 now, go and buy them the necessary amount of beer to have
all this sorted out :-)


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[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-20 Thread Simon King

On 2013-06-20, Nathann Cohen  wrote:
> And I can also add to this comment that you can actually implement this
> feature using decorators at no cost, because you can do this without
> changing the function at all. If you want a decorator that does that
> @find_stat_properties(surjective = True, from=whatever, to=whatever2)
> and registers the method in some database in Sage, then the decorator can
> return the very function it has been given and there is nothing wrong with
> that. Right now there is a class in the middle, though.


>From what we heard at SD49, this is about registering certain methods as
"being useful to apply when exploring combinatorial statistics".


And this should really not be done on the level of the method being
registered. There should be a database of "useful combinatorial maps", and
the decorator should do nothing more than adding a method to this database.

Actually, I can imagine that this would make life *easier* for the find_stat

Best regards,

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread Nathann Cohen
> > It certainly will change Sage positively completely independently from
> > find_stat. We definitely need to tag combinatorial maps to know for
> > whether they are injective surjective of bijective..
> You do, and I said in a previous email that something like that could be
achieved by adding information to the docstrings. Zero cost, and it even
adds the information to the documentation. I NEVER F claimed that
this information was useless. I said that it should be rewritten in such a
way that we never have to pay for it when we run computations, as it seems

And I can also add to this comment that you can actually implement this
feature using decorators at no cost, because you can do this without
changing the function at all. If you want a decorator that does that

@find_stat_properties(surjective = True, from=whatever, to=whatever2)

and registers the method in some database in Sage, then the decorator can
return the very function it has been given and there is nothing wrong with
that. Right now there is a class in the middle, though.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread Nathann Cohen
Hello !

> First of all, before ranting about speed someone should measure the slow
> down. If I remember correctly, we already did it once with Christian and
> slow down was less than 10% which is in my opinion perfectly acceptable.
If an
> error was made, it is that we didn't keep any trace of that experiment.

Okay. Then welcome to the graph code where a 10% speedup is not acceptable.
I just slept in my office because I want to rewrite 14535 properly, without
any slowdown.

But that's not the point. Why would you accept a 10% slowdown in exchange
for NOTHING ? What is the added value for Sage of configuring find_stat's
database using decorators when we could do it in a different way that does
not put find_stat's code between Sage code and its users ?

10% is what I was told to accept on #14535 in exchange for the mutability
of graphs. This would slow ALL graphs down, not only immutable one. Why is
it so easy for you to slow down other people's code in exchange for the
features you want ? Some people sweat for the percents !

> If there is a significant slow down, I'm pretty sure that the
> can be achieved with close to zero and maybe even zero slow down. The
> combinatorial map decorator create a new class only for adding a few
> to a function. On can directly add attribute to a function without
creating a
> new class. There is *ZERO* slow down while calling the function, and a
> decorator is certainly the good way to do it:
> sage: def add_bla(f):
> : f.is_combinatorial_bla = True
> : return f
> sage: @add_bla
> : def toto(x):
> : return x+1
> sage: toto.is_combinatorial_bla
> True
> sage: toto(x)
> x + 1
> sage: def tata(x):
> : return x+1
> sage: %timeit toto(x)
> 10 loops, best of 3: 17.4 us per loop
> sage: %timeit tata(x)
> 10 loops, best of 3: 17.5 us per loop

How dishonnest is that ? Why on earth did not you make the test using the
actual combinatorial_map decorator ?

sage: from sage.combinat.combinatorial_map import combinatorial_map
sage: class C:
: @combinatorial_map
: def a(self,x):
: return x+1
: def b(self,x):
: return x+1
sage: c = C()
sage: %timeit c.a(5)
100 loops, best of 3: 1.03 us per loop
sage: %timeit c.b(5)
100 loops, best of 3: 343 ns per loop

That's a 3x in a non-existing case, which make it almost negligible for any
application, and that is not even my point. WHY should this thing be
implemented like that when there are non-intrusive ways to make find_stat
work ?

> It certainly will change Sage positively completely independently from
> find_stat. We definitely need to tag combinatorial maps to know for
> whether they are injective surjective of bijective..

You do, and I said in a previous email that something like that could be
achieved by adding information to the docstrings. Zero cost, and it even
adds the information to the documentation. I NEVER F claimed that
this information was useless. I said that it should be rewritten in such a
way that we never have to pay for it when we run computations, as it seems


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread Nathann Cohen
Helloo !

> 1) Does this really slow things down in any significant way, or could a
universal implementation of it in many objects do so? (Where significant
might have different tolerances for different people.)

I don't think that it currently does slow anything down very much, but what
I claim is that this code should not even been run in mathematical parts of
Sage by persons who do not care about find_stat. I will post a timing in
answer to Florent's very dishonest message.

> 2) Does the change to making certain things be CombinatorialMap class
substantially (negatively) change Sage functionality (including available
methods, introspection and tab-completion)?

No, I don't think so and I never claimed it. What it does, however, is
encourage the creation of new methods that have no interest for Sage users
and only matter to find_stat, which is why it should be implemented on
their side, not on ours.

> 3) Would it make more sense for this to be a patch applied to Sage by the
FindStat folks?  It doesn't seem like it would exactly be a really hard
one, nor one that would need frequent rebasing.

I"m obviously all for it.

> Usually we are in the position of downstream, and we don't ask upstream
projects to do things unique to Sage (for instance, Maxima and Pari have
their own design decision that would make this annoying); at the same time,
helping a downstream project without any substantial effort has some merit
for consideration, though I'd be worried about precedent.

Yep. Feature request is something, but "rewrite what they have to solve our
problems" definitely isn't respectful.


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[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread Andrey Novoseltsev
On Jun 19, 12:37 pm, Nathann Cohen  wrote:
> If I see a code that does unnecessary computations and if there is a way to
> improve it, I try to make this improvement.

Sorry, could not resist remembering lines from you patch on #13747

(e for e in level)

later replaced with


when the correct version was definitely



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[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread Jason Grout

On 6/19/13 10:20 AM, Nathann Cohen wrote:

But then whenever some addition must be made to find_stat's
combinatorial maps there must be a corresponding Sage function, and I
think that adding functions to Sage just because find_stat needs them is
really going too far.

As a hypothetical, what if Sage absorbed the findstat database as 
another spkg?

(okay, I'm going back to coding...)


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread Andrew Mathas
I agree with Nathan's comments: if the find_stat decorators are adding 
significant overhead then they need to be looked at.

As Volker said, however, before we start this conversation we should 
profile them to find out what the cost is (unlike Floent I would not find a 
10% slow-down acceptable:).

On the question whether the find_stat people should be adding decorators 
for their own (nefarious?:) purposes, well, every bit of sage code that I 
have written has been for use in my own own independent research projects - 
or to make sage more the way I would like it. I think that this is not 
uncommon, so I don't see an issue here. The real question is whether the 
find_stat group are adding functionality which other sage uses find useful. 
I think that having "indepdent" applications of sage is also very 
advantageous to the sage project.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread kcrisman

On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 6:35:42 PM UTC-4, fhivert wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 03:02:27PM -0700, kcrisman wrote: 
> > Having read this (and the tickets), I guess I have three questions. 
> > 
> > 1) Does this really slow things down in any significant way, or could a 
> > universal implementation of it in many objects do so? (Where significant 
> > might have different tolerances for different people.) 
> First of all, before ranting about speed someone should measure the slow 
> down. 

I didn't rant, just asked, since Nathann ranted :-)

> > 2) Does the change to making certain things be CombinatorialMap class 
> > substantially (negatively) change Sage functionality (including 
> available 
> > methods, introspection and tab-completion)? 
> It certainly will change Sage positively completely independently from 
> find_stat. We definitely need to tag combinatorial maps to know for 
> example 
> whether they are injective surjective of bijective.. 
Right, but will it change any functionality?  I assume it inherits from 
something in a nice way, but I could imagine this to be annoying.  Other 
decorators, at least at one time, made command-line introspection not that 
useful, if I recall correctly.  But that might be irrelevant here.

I don't really have a horse in the running here, but it is a nice 
opportunity for the community to think about its relation to downstream 
projects, of which there are now several.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread Florent Hivert
On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 03:02:27PM -0700, kcrisman wrote:
> Having read this (and the tickets), I guess I have three questions.
> 1) Does this really slow things down in any significant way, or could a
> universal implementation of it in many objects do so? (Where significant
> might have different tolerances for different people.)

First of all, before ranting about speed someone should measure the slow
down. If I remember correctly, we already did it once with Christian and the
slow down was less than 10% which is in my opinion perfectly acceptable. If an
error was made, it is that we didn't keep any trace of that experiment.

If there is a significant slow down, I'm pretty sure that the functionality
can be achieved with close to zero and maybe even zero slow down. The
combinatorial map decorator create a new class only for adding a few attribute
to a function. On can directly add attribute to a function without creating a
new class. There is *ZERO* slow down while calling the function, and a
decorator is certainly the good way to do it:

sage: def add_bla(f): 
: f.is_combinatorial_bla = True
: return f
sage: @add_bla
: def toto(x):
: return x+1
sage: toto.is_combinatorial_bla
sage: toto(x)
x + 1
sage: def tata(x):
: return x+1
sage: %timeit toto(x)
10 loops, best of 3: 17.4 us per loop
sage: %timeit tata(x)
10 loops, best of 3: 17.5 us per loop

And even if this trick doesn't solve the problem, Cythonizing properly the
decorator should reduce the slow down in a vast amount.

> 2) Does the change to making certain things be CombinatorialMap class 
> substantially (negatively) change Sage functionality (including available 
> methods, introspection and tab-completion)?

It certainly will change Sage positively completely independently from
find_stat. We definitely need to tag combinatorial maps to know for example
whether they are injective surjective of bijective..

> 3) Would it make more sense for this to be a patch applied to Sage by the 
> FindStat folks?  It doesn't seem like it would exactly be a really hard 
> one, nor one that would need frequent rebasing.

See my previous remark !


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread Volker Braun
On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 1:57:11 PM UTC-7, Nathann Cohen wrote:
> I am glad to know that there is a general-purpose rule to tell me that 
> I should refrain from thinking. 

Au contraire, I'm trying to encourage you to think. And the most important 
rule about building fast software is to find the place where it matters to 
spend your effort on, instead of going off on tangents about how this or 
that could have been done more efficiently.

If you don't want to listen to me how about the Cython tutorial 
"Never optimize without having profiled. Let me repeat this: Never optimize 
without having profiled your code. Your thoughts about which part of your 
code takes too much time are wrong. At least, mine are always wrong."

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread kcrisman
Having read this (and the tickets), I guess I have three questions.

1) Does this really slow things down in any significant way, or could a 
universal implementation of it in many objects do so? (Where significant 
might have different tolerances for different people.)

2) Does the change to making certain things be CombinatorialMap class 
substantially (negatively) change Sage functionality (including available 
methods, introspection and tab-completion)?

3) Would it make more sense for this to be a patch applied to Sage by the 
FindStat folks?  It doesn't seem like it would exactly be a really hard 
one, nor one that would need frequent rebasing.

Usually we are in the position of downstream, and we don't ask upstream 
projects to do things unique to Sage (for instance, Maxima and Pari have 
their own design decision that would make this annoying); at the same time, 
helping a downstream project without any substantial effort has some merit 
for consideration, though I'd be worried about precedent.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread tom d
Indeed, the whole reason many of us do any work on Sage is to help our 
research projects.  The principle of helping Sage to help our individual 
mathematical pursuits is actually what makes it consistently stronger as a 

Find Stat is a great tool for the community, and I think there are other 
contexts even inside of Sage where identifying maps between combinatorial 
objects could be quite helpful.  (We were thinking today about objects with 
representations as different kinds of combinatorial objects, with different 
algorithms available in the different representations; having an explicit 
list of maps between such objects could be useful for some type-switching 
or coercion.)


On Thursday, June 20, 2013 12:13:24 AM UTC+3, John Cremona wrote:
> I confess that I did not understand Nathan's objection, not being 
> familiar with find_stat or the kind of decorator used in that added 
> function.  But I myself have added functions to Sage to help a 
> separate project which uses Sage, namely the lmfdb (see 
> cost to Sage users who never work with 
> elliptic curves and their labels seems trivial, and it never occurred 
> to me that anyone would object to such functionality. 
> Perhaps I completely misunderstood though. 
> John 
> On 19 June 2013 21:57, Nathann Cohen > 
> wrote: 
> >> Everything can be rewritten more efficiently, just at a cost in code 
> size / 
> >> maintainability and human effort. Much like Python itself, decorators 
> are a 
> >> way to make code smaller and easier to read for humans, at a certain 
> >> performance penalty. Don't optimize for speed until profiling showed 
> that 
> >> this is a performance bottleneck. 
> > 
> > I am glad to know that there is a general-purpose rule to tell me that 
> > I should refrain from thinking. I guess that this also answers my 
> > other points about the development model. 
> > 
> > Thank you very much, 
> > 
> > Nathann 
> > 
> > -- 
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> > 
> > 

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread John Cremona
I confess that I did not understand Nathan's objection, not being
familiar with find_stat or the kind of decorator used in that added
function.  But I myself have added functions to Sage to help a
separate project which uses Sage, namely the lmfdb (see cost to Sage users who never work with
elliptic curves and their labels seems trivial, and it never occurred
to me that anyone would object to such functionality.

Perhaps I completely misunderstood though.


On 19 June 2013 21:57, Nathann Cohen  wrote:
>> Everything can be rewritten more efficiently, just at a cost in code size /
>> maintainability and human effort. Much like Python itself, decorators are a
>> way to make code smaller and easier to read for humans, at a certain
>> performance penalty. Don't optimize for speed until profiling showed that
>> this is a performance bottleneck.
> I am glad to know that there is a general-purpose rule to tell me that
> I should refrain from thinking. I guess that this also answers my
> other points about the development model.
> Thank you very much,
> Nathann
> --
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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread Nathann Cohen
> Everything can be rewritten more efficiently, just at a cost in code size /
> maintainability and human effort. Much like Python itself, decorators are a
> way to make code smaller and easier to read for humans, at a certain
> performance penalty. Don't optimize for speed until profiling showed that
> this is a performance bottleneck.

I am glad to know that there is a general-purpose rule to tell me that
I should refrain from thinking. I guess that this also answers my
other points about the development model.

Thank you very much,


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread Volker Braun
On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 1:25:22 PM UTC-7, Nathann Cohen wrote:

> But I am pretty sure that my point was mostly that decorators are not 
> adapted in this situation, and that it can apparently be rewritten more 
> efficiently.

Everything can be rewritten more efficiently, just at a cost in code size / 
maintainability and human effort. Much like Python itself, decorators are a 
way to make code smaller and easier to read for humans, at a certain 
performance penalty. Don't optimize for speed until profiling showed that 
this is a performance bottleneck.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread Nathann Cohen
> If that is the case then why are you writing a rambling page-long post
> speed penalty of decorators?


Volker, did you fail to notice that an email can make several points at
once ? I mean, how come you reduced my 1000 lines to one sentence saying
something that I never claimed ? Decorators have their own interests. I
played with "@parallel" yesterday. But I am pretty sure that my point was
mostly that decorators are not adapted in this situation, and that it can
apparently be rewritten more efficiently.

That was for the "speed" part.

For the "development model" part, I claimed that it was not very sound to
require that any map that is useful in find_stat should become a method in
Sage. I'm pretty sure that I mentionned that too.

> How about we ask somebody who actually works on combinatorics whether this
> is a useful method. If not, remove it.

Well, I do work on graphs from time to time.

But even if my opinion was of any importance, or if I reached on your scale
the height of somebody who actually works on combinatorics, it would not be
sufficient to say that a function should be removed. I can't prove that
something is useless, what I can do is say that it has been added for wrong



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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread Volker Braun
On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:37:03 PM UTC-7, Nathann Cohen wrote:

> > What exactly is your objection?
> Mainly, that the addition of a code in Sage could be justified by saying 
> that "it is needed by a third-party software, even though it has no use in 
> Sage". That's my main objection.

If that is the case then why are you writing a rambling page-long post 
about speed penalty of decorators? 

How about we ask somebody who actually works on combinatorics whether this 
is a useful method. If not, remove it.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread Nathann Cohen
Hellooo !

> What exactly is your objection?

Mainly, that the addition of a code in Sage could be justified by saying
that "it is needed by a third-party software, even though it has no use in
Sage". That's my main objection.

> * Is the to_partition() method too obscure that nobody / too few people
have a use for it?

Well. I find the name *REALLY* vague for a start. Especially when we
already have one thousand "connected components" functions with very
explicit names.

Then, I obviously cannot say that nobody needs that. I dont, that's for
sure, but that's only me. This being said, as far as I can tell the only
reason for adding this function is to create a map for find_stat. And I
can't stand this way of doing things.

Then there is the problem of the manyyy methods we already have in
those two classes, and the related comment I added to the ticket.

> * Is the decorator overhead (which is just a constant factor, that is,
the same complexity) too much?

Come on Volker. You don't just read about computers, you use them too. How
can you talk about "constant factors" ? Everything is a constant, even the
different between Cython and Python, and between Cython and C.

I object to that because it does not appear to be necessary at all, and
because it can eventually be added to functions to which it will add a
non-negligible factor. So why should we pay anything for that when we can
do it for free ? It does not make sense to pay *anything* for find_stat
even when the code you run has nothing to do with it !

> * Do you object, in principle, to anything that uses more than the
absolute minimum of machine instructions?

If I see a code that does unnecessary computations and if there is a way to
improve it, I try to make this improvement. In this case, the development
of find_stat impacts many functions and there is no justification for that.
Why should we keep it this way ?

> Why are you using and interpreted language and not a compiled language?

Well, I need stuff that is in Sage, and Sage is written in Python. So I
write Python.

When I can, I write Cython code. More generally, the dirtiness of my
personal code is my own problem. The dirtiness of what I put into Sage is
everybody's problem, so I try to keep it to a minimum.

> Or better, why not hand-crafted assembler?

Jeroen would refuse the patch because it wouldn't be platform-independent,
and I hate to make Jeroen angry. Otherwise I would obviously rewrite
everything I see in assembly.


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[sage-devel] Re: find_stat in Sage, the combinatorial_map decorator and its consequences

2013-06-19 Thread Volker Braun
What exactly is your objection?

* Is the to_partition() method too obscure that nobody / too few people 
have a use for it?

* Is the decorator overhead (which is just a constant factor, that is, the 
same complexity) too much?

* Do you object, in principle, to anything that uses more than the absolute 
minimum of machine instructions? Why are you using and interpreted language 
and not a compiled language? Or better, why not hand-crafted assembler?

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