RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
Forgot to say--no I didn't build the frex.  It's software you download.
Then you can run it through just the computer (which is all I have right
now) or you can hook up plasma balls.  Ken is working on a write up to teach
people how to do this themselves.  He use to sell plasma balls with the
wiring already installed, but people would hook them to the computer wrong
and would burn out the plasma.  He's such a great and honest guy that he'd
replace the balls for them so it became just too expensive so he quit.  But
he's going to tell us how to build our own.  And there is another type of
thing you can hook up to FreX but I can't think of it right now.

It does everything any other frequency device does--runs frequencies!  It
has all the different frequencies built into it--the ones by different
people.  And it has the problems/diseases.  So you pick the problem then
show the frequencies and then you tell the software to send out the
frequencies.  Easy!  But the least working method is just running the freqs
through the computer speakers--yet some people get good results.

There's a guy that Ken knows that is building something to add to FreX (like
you would the plasma balls) that's suppose to be excellent.  I'm waiting for
that.  Don't know what it will cost though.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett [] 

Did you build the FREX or get it from someone? I looked at the site earlier:

What kinds of things does it do?

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Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Removing Silver Tarnish

2012-05-09 Thread Jane MacRoss
I loved chemistry - it seems so logical - I preferred biology though to see 
how things worked but really because I could illustrate it and thus remember 
everything I learned - well nearly everything! Guess the two satisfy the 
right and the left brain!

Learning something like balancing the equation as in chemistry helps us 
understand all of lfe here - all has to balance - people forget this 


From: "Mike Monett" 

Chemistry is so easy - at least the stuff we deal with. It is impossible 

understand something unless you can view the equations and see how it

I wish more people took an interest in doing this. You don't need a
graduate level course - just learn how to balance equations. There are 
good tutorials on the web. And the more you learn, the easier it becomes 

learn more. So you have a nice feedback loop going. And there is so much
satisfaction in being able to look at an equation and being able to read
it, and understand what is going on.

The reason it is so good to learn how to balance equations, is you have to
go through all the things in your mind as you are reading an equation.
Having to do all the individual steps forces your mind to pay attention to
each one.

When you are done, your mind says "Voila! That's how it works!"

And now you have learned something new!

And each one you do makes it easier to do the next one, so you quickly
build up a large understanding of how things work. This makes it easy to
learn more.

I find if an author cannot write a balanced equation to describe what he 

talking about, he usually gets it wrong. Without correct equations, it is
so easy to make mistakes it's not even funny. But the equations force you
to stay on the straight and narrow, and you are more likely to get it 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett [] 

You sure have collected a lot of different healing methods! I wonder how
many others there are you haven't mentioned yet:)

Oh, lots and lots.  :)  Been at this alternative stuff for over 25 years
now, ever since I had cancer.  Just love to 'collect' information on
healing.  Never sick here so don't have a lot to experiment with, but I
usually try things out when I can, just to see.

I think some of the BEST methods are the easiest and are free to do.  My
favorite is The Emotion Code, then EFT, then DMT, then MIR.  The Emotion
Code is remarkable and uses muscle testing to release trapped emotions.  EFT
is a more complicated tapping procedure but once you learn it it's
invaluable.  DMT is a simplified tapping procedure that works wonders for
physical problems.  MIR is a new method I've just learned that I think will
be very powerful, and is super simple to do.

These emotional things SEEM to be 1) too simple to work 2) most people don't
understand the emotional part of illness

Because they are simple and free people often overlook them and don't
understand their power.  And then most people do not understand the
underlying reason for illness, which is almost always buried in emotions.
Even if you cure the physical problem if you don't deal with the emotions
the problem simply comes back, usually in the same form but a different
area, but sometimes even in the same area.  That's why it's so common for a
person to get cancer again--the doctor's famous '5 year' thing (if you make
it 5 years cancer free you could possibly stay cancer free) because most
people get it back in under 5 years.  Just because you have it cut out,
burnt out, etc, but you have NOT addressed the emotional aspects, the
thought processes and looked for some spiritual answers, it just comes back.
Address those 3 and you are almost sure never to be bothered by cancer

It is said--and I believe it, that everything starts on the spiritual level
and if corrected there we'd never get sick.  But we are almost totally
unaware of the spirit level.

>From there it goes to the mental level.  Again, if we were aware and fixed
the mental issue we would never get sick.

Then it goes emotional level.  If we stopped it there we'd never get sick.
But we simply don't understand our emotions, let alone deal with them.  So
because we don't, then the body takes on physical symptoms of illness.  We
can't ignore that like we can emotions, thoughts and spirit.  

So though we may fix the physical symptoms, if we haven't dealt with the
emotions especially, but also the thoughts and spirit, then illness simply
comes back.  And usually dealing with the emotions kind of also takes care
of the thoughts that go along since thoughts and emotions are very closely
linked.  The spirit--well, any truly healthy person has a healthy spiritual
side.  You cannot live in darkness and be healthy.  But it does help to
address the spiritual side when ill, because that allows the physical 'cure'
to happen faster.

We are such wondrous beings!

Oh shoot--how can I forget the SEM water cards and the SSS cards?  They are
also free and very powerful.  :)  and they work through the frequency


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Removing Silver Tarnish

2012-05-09 Thread Mike Monett
"Jane MacRoss"  wrote:
>Thanks Mike - I remember hearing about this ages ago and wondering how it 

Thanks, Jane. That was thoughtful of you.

Chemistry is so easy - at least the stuff we deal with. It is impossible to
understand something unless you can view the equations and see how it

I wish more people took an interest in doing this. You don't need a
graduate level course - just learn how to balance equations. There are many
good tutorials on the web. And the more you learn, the easier it becomes to
learn more. So you have a nice feedback loop going. And there is so much
satisfaction in being able to look at an equation and being able to read
it, and understand what is going on.

The reason it is so good to learn how to balance equations, is you have to
go through all the things in your mind as you are reading an equation.
Having to do all the individual steps forces your mind to pay attention to
each one.

When you are done, your mind says "Voila! That's how it works!"

And now you have learned something new!

And each one you do makes it easier to do the next one, so you quickly
build up a large understanding of how things work. This makes it easy to
learn more. 

I find if an author cannot write a balanced equation to describe what he is
talking about, he usually gets it wrong. Without correct equations, it is
so easy to make mistakes it's not even funny. But the equations force you
to stay on the straight and narrow, and you are more likely to get it right.


Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Mike Monett
"Mike Monett"  wrote:
>"Renee"  wrote:
>>I DO hope it works for you.  What a blessing huh?  Do let us know.  If it's
>>that good it may be worth saving up for.  It's hard to distinguish which
>>device is worth the money because there are so many, and a number of people
>>on various lists have different machines and most all love the ones they
>>have.  So it's hard to say which one to spend money on.


It's on the way. Should get it next week. I expect it will take some time
to learn how to use it. My girlfriend tried to show me how to use the SE-5,
but I was always too hyper from business. Things have calmed down since I
retired, but now I have to fight to concentrate due to the mold toxins.
Hopefully the instrument is as easy to use as the instuctions indicate.

If it works, I will certainly let you know!

You sure have collected a lot of different healing methods! I wonder how
many others there are you haven't mentioned yet:)


Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Removing Silver Tarnish

2012-05-09 Thread Jane MacRoss
Thanks Mike - I remember hearing about this ages ago and wondering how it 


 There is  another  way to remove the  tarnish  without  damaging the
 silver. A  simple  electrolysis  can transfer  the  sulfur  from the
 silver to  another  metal, such as aluminum,  and  leave  the silver

 The usual  method  is  to  place the article  in  a  pan  lined with
 aluminum foil.  Add  some  baking soda and hot  water  and  watch in
 amazement as the silver starts to shine. You can easily  clean large
 objects this way. Here's an example:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Removing Silver Tarnish

2012-05-09 Thread Mike Monett
"Mike Monett"  wrote:

>  The usual  method  is  to  place the article  in  a  pan  lined with
>  aluminum foil.  Add  some  baking soda and hot  water  and  watch in
>  amazement as the silver starts to shine. You can easily  clean large
>  objects this way. Here's an example:
>  Another example uses the same method to clean silver  tableware. You
>  can see how quickly the sulfur is removed:

Sorry, I got the links swapped. The top one belongs on the bottom and

Sorry for the confusion.


Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Removing Silver Tarnish

2012-05-09 Thread Mike Monett
  To All,

  There has  been  a lively discussion  on  preventing  silver tarnish
  lately, and a lot of good suggestions were posted, such as enclosing
  articles in plastic bags.

  Unfortunately, sulfur  is  a  very  penetrating  atom  and  can pass
  through a  thin  polyethylene film quite easily.  So  ultimately the
  silver will get tarnished.

  Silver polish  can remove the tarnish, but it will also  remove some
  silver. Eventually the details will be lost and the article  will be

  There is  another  way to remove the  tarnish  without  damaging the
  silver. A  simple  electrolysis  can transfer  the  sulfur  from the
  silver to  another  metal, such as aluminum,  and  leave  the silver

  The usual  method  is  to  place the article  in  a  pan  lined with
  aluminum foil.  Add  some  baking soda and hot  water  and  watch in
  amazement as the silver starts to shine. You can easily  clean large
  objects this way. Here's an example:

  Another example uses the same method to clean silver  tableware. You
  can see how quickly the sulfur is removed:

  For those who might be interested, the chemistry is easy.

  First, hydrogen sulfide plus a bit of water combines with the silver
  and forms silver sulfide:

  2Ag(s) + H2S(g) = Ag2S(s) + H2(g)

  Now comes  the  magic  part. When  you  place  dissimilar  metals in
  contact in  an  electrolyte, a small  voltage  is  developed between

  You can  see which metal takes a positive voltage by looking  at the
  Galvanic Series.  You  will  find aluminum is near  the  top  of the
  graph, so it takes a positive voltage. Silver is near the bottom, so
  it becomes negative with respect to the aluminum:

  The baking soda becomes the electrolyte when it is added to water.

  It does  not take part in the chemistry, but merely allows  the ions
  to flow in the solution.

  The reaction at the silver cathode is

  3Ag2S + 6e- --> 6Ag + 3S(2-)

  This says 3 molecules of silver sulfide accept 6  negative electrons
  from the  aluminum.  This restores the silver back  to  its original
  state and leaves 3 negative sulfur ions in the solution.

  The reaction at the aluminum anode is

  2Al - 6e- --> 2Al(3+)

  This says  2  aluminum atoms release 6 electrons to  the  silver and
  become 2 positive aluminum ions.

  Now we  have  a match made in heaven. The aluminum  and  sulfur ions
  could combine and form aluminum sulfide:

  2Al(3+) + 3S(2-) --> Al2S3

  However, this  will  quickly decomposes back to the  ionic  state in
  water, so  the aluminum foil doesn't show any change  in  color. You
  simply toss  the  ions down the drain when  you  flush  the solution

  And now  you  have nice shiny silver without  the  elbow  grease and
  without damaging the silver.

  I am  working  on  a  similar   method  to  remove  sulfur  from the
  electrodes in a cs generator, but may be running into  problems with
  residual or secondary contamination. I won't know which until  a new
  shipment of silver arrives, hopefully soon.


  Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>bacteria, Jane's Silver Platter

2012-05-09 Thread Jane MacRoss

Thank you :)) But it's on display!

(As a nurse I have been in homes where there are plastic covers on the 
cahirs - but not in this home!)

sells Pacific Silvercloth Zippered Bags up to 36"x36".

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Silverlungs product

2012-05-09 Thread Ole Alstrup
Anyone tested this?

Re: CS>bacteria, Jane's Silver Platter

2012-05-09 Thread Guyot Léna
I've seen Pacific Silvercloth available by the yard, so you could make  
to your own specs. You've just inspired me to get some cotton flannel  
and treat with CS to see if that might be effective; soak, allow to  
dry, etc., because Pacific cloth doesn't recommend laundering the  
cloth, so whatever is in it is only deposited there.

Be well,
On May 9, 2012, at 2:59 PM,  wrote:
sells Pacific Silvercloth Zippered Bags up to 36"x36".

This was the first company that showed up on an Internet search for  
Pacific Silvercloth, mentioned by Guyot Léna.

Maybe other companies have lower prices.

-Original Message- From: Jane MacRoss
Sent: Wednesday, 09 May, 2012 12:17
Subject: Re: CS>bacteria

Thanks Debbie - my silver platter is 24" in diameter - but that would  

with other things. cutlery etc.


I put mine in a plastic zip lock bag...Debbie

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Pulse Electro-Magnetic Field Device

2012-05-09 Thread Melly Bag
Hi Mary,
I read your post about the PEMF device experience with great interest.
Do you mind telling us the brand name of your device?
Many thanks.

RE: CS>Nenah Sylver

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
Do you mean Spectro-Chrome colored light therapy?  I LOVE S-C.  Use it
whenever we've had a need to and it always works great.





From: Shirley Reed [] 

When I requested that some of the 'brighter lights' on this list check out
colored light therapy, Nenah was the only one who did so

RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
It's in the message.  Read where I started to say I'd do it when I got back,
but then I found it and put it in.


-Original Message-
From: Lisa [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 3:47 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous:
Open-mindedness to healing modalities

Yes, please send a link for the frex device...

-Original Message-
From: Renee [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 2:02 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous:
Open-mindedness to healing modalities

Oh, the only 'electric' lists I'm on is Dr. Loyds, Frex and
microelectricgermkiller.  I'm sure there are other good ones but since I
don't have any machines (other than the Godzilla I put together and the FREX
which I just recently got) and don't understand electronics enough to build
one, these are the only ones I'm on.  Godzilla is a simple 6 volt battery
that works wonders for wounds, teeth, etc.  FREX is a frequency device that
does amazing things.  You can download the whole frex software for free and
run everything--the only thing is it is set to run for x amount of time and
then you have to start it back up again, whereas if you buy the program you
can set it to continous loop or however long you want it and it will run.
It contains about all the different frequencies that are well known.

Maybe someone else will tell us some good lists to join.  If you are
interested in FREX I can send the link.  Going to be leaving the house for a
few hours in just a moment so don't have time to--well, wait--here it is:  
here's dr loyd's list

neither is specific for the frex or Dr. Loyd's devices, but Dr. Loyd works
long distance with people and has remedies and tincture to buy.  Frex's list
owner, Ken, is a chiropractor in Australia and very well informed about
alternative health protocols.  Lots of good information there.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett [] 

Thanks, Renee. If it works, I'll let you know. I tried to join two Yahoo
groups but have not heard from the moderators. Can you tell me what other
lists to look for?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Lisa
Yes, please send a link for the frex device...

-Original Message-
From: Renee [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 2:02 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous:
Open-mindedness to healing modalities

Oh, the only 'electric' lists I'm on is Dr. Loyds, Frex and
microelectricgermkiller.  I'm sure there are other good ones but since I
don't have any machines (other than the Godzilla I put together and the FREX
which I just recently got) and don't understand electronics enough to build
one, these are the only ones I'm on.  Godzilla is a simple 6 volt battery
that works wonders for wounds, teeth, etc.  FREX is a frequency device that
does amazing things.  You can download the whole frex software for free and
run everything--the only thing is it is set to run for x amount of time and
then you have to start it back up again, whereas if you buy the program you
can set it to continous loop or however long you want it and it will run.
It contains about all the different frequencies that are well known.

Maybe someone else will tell us some good lists to join.  If you are
interested in FREX I can send the link.  Going to be leaving the house for a
few hours in just a moment so don't have time to--well, wait--here it is:  
here's dr loyd's list

neither is specific for the frex or Dr. Loyd's devices, but Dr. Loyd works
long distance with people and has remedies and tincture to buy.  Frex's list
owner, Ken, is a chiropractor in Australia and very well informed about
alternative health protocols.  Lots of good information there.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett [] 

Thanks, Renee. If it works, I'll let you know. I tried to join two Yahoo
groups but have not heard from the moderators. Can you tell me what other
lists to look for?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Keeping the same polarity rods

2012-05-09 Thread mgperrault

Why do the grey whiskers get formed on the electrode?

If you put a barrier, I used a paper towel, you see they form on the 
paper.  Shaking it loose, it fell to the bottom.  Adding hydrogen 
peroxide dissolved it to a clear seemingly fine batch.


On 5/9/2012 6:09 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

At 02:46 AM 5/9/2012 +1030, you wrote:
Well, here's another take on it.  And I don't mean to tread on 
anyones toes, just stating my opinion.

I personally don't subscribe to the reverse polarity business.  It's 
fine for those who prefer to set and forget, but every time that 
polarity is automatically reversed, whatever hydroxides blah blah 
that appears on the electrode will be removed {blown off} from that 
electrode - and where does that stuff end up?  it remains in the 
water, in whatever form, and probly ends up laying on the surface of 
the water or on the bottom of the storage vessel which means one will 
have to either decant or filter it out.  If I'm wrong here, then I am 
sure someone will state as much quick enough, but then that's why we 
are here is it not - opinion exchange.

##  I used to think that, and if the current is high, [or stir speed 
too fast] it likely does get blown off.
 After slowing his stir speed down to 30 RPM, Fred Sprague [Smart 
Silver / Custom electronics LLC, a polarity reversing controlled 
current gen] solved a problem that had mystified him for 7 
yearsmega sparklies. [Silver Hydroxide chunks in the water]
However, after much experimentation it would seem that the byproducts 
are re converted back into their respective former components for the 
most part...saving you a lot of silver and reducing bottom sludge and 
cleaner electrodes too.


CS>Nenah Sylver

2012-05-09 Thread Shirley Reed
When I requested that some of the 'brighter lights' on this list check out 
colored light therapy, Nenah was the only one who did so.  And she did it right 
and over time so she came up with the verdict that it was a very good 'stand 
alone' therapy.  I think I recall that phrase correctly.  To my knowledge, she 
never talks unless she speaks from knowledge and experience.  So, Nenah, let 
your caravan move right on!!    imho    pj

Re: CS>bacteria, Jane's Silver Platter

2012-05-09 Thread Smitty
Is there a reason food storage isn't listed ?

> This was the first company that showed up on an Internet search for
> Pacific Silvercloth, mentioned by Guyot Léna.
> Maybe other companies have lower prices.

Re: CS>bacteria

2012-05-09 Thread devorahg99
I have found really big storage bags at the dollar store here in my area that 
seal up too..Your welcome :)

Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile

Jane MacRoss  wrote:

>Thanks Debbie - my silver platter is 24" in diameter - but that would work 
>with other things. cutlery etc.
>>I put mine in a plastic zip lock bag...Debbie
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
>Off-Topic discussions: 
>List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous

2012-05-09 Thread Smitty
Per Google =

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 8:44 AM, MaryAnn Helland wrote:

> OK -- now you've got me curious.  What is a pemf device?  And do you have
> a link to the one that you have?
> MA
>  --
> *From:* "" 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Wed, May 9, 2012 9:48:12 AM
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous
>  Nenah, Is the best!!!
> I use another pemf device so far it has cured me of a torn rotator cuff,
> healed a root canal, 3 broken bones in my hand.
>   I am currently working with a 98 yr old woman who had MD, i have used
> the device 5 times, she was totally blind in rt eye now she can see but
> with a film, her left eye is so much better, she is now writing letters and
> her penmanship is awesome.  it has cured her incontinence, pain in
> shoulders, and back and her knees.  She is walking straight again without
> her walker.  She no longer wears her hearing aids, this I was not targeting
> but it happened anyway.
> There are many many more cures from myself and her but this is to give you
> a few.
> She is going to eye dr in 2 weeks, we will see then.
> Mary
>  --
> *From:* "" 
> *To:*
> *Cc:* Tel Tofflemire 
> *Sent:* Tue, May 8, 2012 11:14:15 AM
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous
> Years ago, shortly after I signed up, Nenah was among the first to respond
> to my post about my wife's (and my own) significant health problems, and
> she did so with detailed, compassionate, and constructive suggestions. I
> will always be grateful for her kindness.
> Terry
>  Tel Tofflemire  wrote:
> =
> Hey Sweetie,
> Your always welcome here, I have read your stuff for many years and it's
> always good, and well thought out.
> Personally I think some on the list don't have anything else to do and
> just try to
> start a new thing.  sorta. ??  Oh well I am busy too, so you guys leave
> Dr.Nenah
> alone she is a smart lady.
> Tel Tofflemire
> From: Nenah Sylver 
> To:
> Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 10:30 PM
> Subject: RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous
> If someone doesn’t agree with others, being nasty is uncalled
> for. You can simply say, “I don’t agree,” and explain why.
> I brought up my electromedicine article because there was a
> discussion on this group about macular degeneration, which evolved into
> the use
> of LEDs, which my article discusses. So I thought my writing might prove
> helpful.
> For those of you who use Rife Therapy and know that it indeed
> works, you might be interested to know that over the course of several
> decades,
> there have been a few thousand articles published on the use of EM fields /
> pulsed magnetic fields / pulsed electrical fields etc. to heal infectious
> and degenerative
> conditions and restore cell function. Here is a link to the articles that
> were published
> in respected medical journals.
>   You’ll have to do some digging, but it’s a fascinating
> site and your searches may be worth it.
> Interestingly, the name “Rife” is not used in
> these articles (to the best of my knowledge) due to the hostility that the
> name
> can elicit at times. As we have seen here. But it’s similar therapy.
> All the best,
> Nenah
> Nenah Sylver, PhD
> author, the NEW Rife Handbook (2011)
> Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy(2004)
> VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Mike Monett
Thanks, Renee,

Godzilla is DC, so that's plain copper iontophoreses which is perfectly
legitimate. The only problem is the local volume it can treat and the
difficulty of getting pure copper and keeping it clean. I hope you are not
using sponges - they will simply inject whatever crud they contain into the
flesh. Better to rest the copper against the jaw and hold it there with a
moistened cotton swab like the ones dentists use to put in an extracted
tooth to get the bleeding. Although as soon as got home, I would pull it
out and soak another one in cs. It killed the pain and stopped the bleeding.

I think you will find the SilverCell to work a bit better than
iontophoreses since it floods the entire mouth with cs, so it gets the
cavities and the gums all in one go. Another week or so and I should have
the new silver.

Did you build the FREX or get it from someone? I looked at the site earlier:

What kinds of things does it do?

It sounds very much like the FScan2, which I plan on building for the ABPA

Thanks for the links. I'll sign up right away.

Mike Monett

Renee wrote:
>Oh, the only 'electric' lists I'm on is Dr. Loyds, Frex and
>microelectricgermkiller.  I'm sure there are other good ones but since I
>don't have any machines (other than the Godzilla I put together and the FREX
>which I just recently got) and don't understand electronics enough to build
>one, these are the only ones I'm on.  Godzilla is a simple 6 volt battery
>that works wonders for wounds, teeth, etc.  FREX is a frequency device that
>does amazing things.  You can download the whole frex software for free and
>run everything--the only thing is it is set to run for x amount of time and
>then you have to start it back up again, whereas if you buy the program you
>can set it to continous loop or however long you want it and it will run.
>It contains about all the different frequencies that are well known.
>Maybe someone else will tell us some good lists to join.  If you are
>interested in FREX I can send the link.  Going to be leaving the house for a
>few hours in just a moment so don't have time to--well, wait--here it is:
>here's dr loyd's list
>neither is specific for the frex or Dr. Loyd's devices, but Dr. Loyd works
>long distance with people and has remedies and tincture to buy.  Frex's list
>owner, Ken, is a chiropractor in Australia and very well informed about
>alternative health protocols.  Lots of good information there.
>-Original Message-
>From: Mike Monett []
>Thanks, Renee. If it works, I'll let you know. I tried to join two Yahoo
>groups but have not heard from the moderators. Can you tell me what other
>lists to look for?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>bacteria, Jane's Silver Platter

2012-05-09 Thread kagi88
sells Pacific Silvercloth Zippered Bags up to 36"x36".

This was the first company that showed up on an Internet search for Pacific 
Silvercloth, mentioned by Guyot Léna.

Maybe other companies have lower prices.

-Original Message- 
From: Jane MacRoss

Sent: Wednesday, 09 May, 2012 12:17
Subject: Re: CS>bacteria

Thanks Debbie - my silver platter is 24" in diameter - but that would work
with other things. cutlery etc.


I put mine in a plastic zip lock bag...Debbie

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous

2012-05-09 Thread MaryAnn Helland
OK -- now you've got me curious.  What is a pemf device?  And do you have a 
to the one that you have?

From: "" 
Sent: Wed, May 9, 2012 9:48:12 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous

Nenah, Is the best!!!
I use another pemf device so far it has cured me of a torn rotator cuff, healed 
a root canal, 3 broken bones in my hand.
  I am currently working with a 98 yr old woman who had MD, i have used the 
device 5 times, she was totally blind in rt eye now she can see but with a 
her left eye is so much better, she is now writing letters and her penmanship 
awesome.  it has cured her incontinence, pain in shoulders, and back and her 
knees.  She is walking straight again without her walker.  She no longer wears 
her hearing aids, this I was not targeting but it happened anyway.
There are many many more cures from myself and her but this is to give you a 
She is going to eye dr in 2 weeks, we will see then.

From: "" 
Cc: Tel Tofflemire 
Sent: Tue, May 8, 2012 11:14:15 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous

Years ago, shortly after I signed up, Nenah was among the first to respond to 
post about my wife's (and my own) significant health problems, and she did so 
with detailed, compassionate, and constructive suggestions. I will always be 
grateful for her kindness.


 Tel Tofflemire  wrote: 

Hey Sweetie, 
Your always welcome here, I have read your stuff for many years and it's always 
good, and well thought out. 
Personally I think some on the list don't have anything else to do and just try 
start a new thing.  sorta. ??  Oh well I am busy too, so you guys leave Dr.Nenah
alone she is a smart lady.
Tel Tofflemire

From: Nenah Sylver 
Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 10:30 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous

If someone doesn’t agree with others, being nasty is uncalled
for. You can simply say, “I don’t agree,” and explain why.
I brought up my electromedicine article because there was a
discussion on this group about macular degeneration, which evolved into the use
of LEDs, which my article discusses. So I thought my writing might prove
For those of you who use Rife Therapy and know that it indeed
works, you might be interested to know that over the course of several decades,
there have been a few thousand articles published on the use of EM fields /
pulsed magnetic fields / pulsed electrical fields etc. to heal infectious and 
conditions and restore cell function. Here is a link to the articles that were 
in respected medical journals.
  You’ll have to do some digging, but it’s a fascinating
site and your searches may be worth it.
Interestingly, the name “Rife” is not used in
these articles (to the best of my knowledge) due to the hostility that the name
can elicit at times. As we have seen here. But it’s similar therapy.
All the best,
Nenah Sylver, PhD
author, the NEW Rife Handbook (2011)
Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy(2004)
VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification;

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
Oh, the only 'electric' lists I'm on is Dr. Loyds, Frex and
microelectricgermkiller.  I'm sure there are other good ones but since I
don't have any machines (other than the Godzilla I put together and the FREX
which I just recently got) and don't understand electronics enough to build
one, these are the only ones I'm on.  Godzilla is a simple 6 volt battery
that works wonders for wounds, teeth, etc.  FREX is a frequency device that
does amazing things.  You can download the whole frex software for free and
run everything--the only thing is it is set to run for x amount of time and
then you have to start it back up again, whereas if you buy the program you
can set it to continous loop or however long you want it and it will run.
It contains about all the different frequencies that are well known.

Maybe someone else will tell us some good lists to join.  If you are
interested in FREX I can send the link.  Going to be leaving the house for a
few hours in just a moment so don't have time to--well, wait--here it is:  
here's dr loyd's list

neither is specific for the frex or Dr. Loyd's devices, but Dr. Loyd works
long distance with people and has remedies and tincture to buy.  Frex's list
owner, Ken, is a chiropractor in Australia and very well informed about
alternative health protocols.  Lots of good information there.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Monett [] 

Thanks, Renee. If it works, I'll let you know. I tried to join two Yahoo
groups but have not heard from the moderators. Can you tell me what other
lists to look for?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
Yes, I was just thinking about the cost of their ‘special digital’ thing—and
how it would work.  You can put just one image on a flash drive, but their
info made it sound like because it wasn’t being ‘seen’ by the machine, it
wouldn’t send rebound messages.  Of course, their green sheet doesn’t show
an actual image, but they were making it sound as if it contained  the
digital image.


But like you—I think the hair sample is fine.  That’s how all the black
boxes I’ve ever seen worked—on spit, blood, hair, a Polaroid even a
signature written in ink by the person.  So I don’t really see a need for
that expensive piece of equipment.





An ABPA A2 can only send to one subject at a time, so a thumb-drive with
other photos would be counter-productive. Again, my ABPA A2 gets the frx to
me using my DNA from hair sample in the input well. That's the way quantum
entanglement works. I still have some Polaroid film for my camera, but
prefer samples. They're more convenient and work just as well. Léna 

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Guyot Léna
An ABPA A2 can only send to one subject at a time, so a thumb-drive  
with other photos would be counter-productive. Again, my ABPA A2 gets  
the frx to me using my DNA from hair sample in the input well. That's  
the way quantum entanglement works. I still have some Polaroid film  
for my camera, but prefer samples. They're more convenient and work  
just as well. Léna

On May 9, 2012, at 11:08 AM, Renee wrote:

Whew--that digital explanation sounds like a bunch of nonsense.  A  
image is a digital image, whether it's in a flash drive, on a computer  
or in
his device.  The idea that his device is the only one that makes a  
loop just
sounds phony.  The way they make it sound would be like you'd have to  
do the

photo taking to have that in the device, because otherwise, if someone
across the country took their own photo and sent you the digital image  
you stored that digital image into their device--how would it still  
the person, since it wasn't taken with the device itself?  They are  
their device will take any digital image and then track it--but how is  

possible if it's a still digital image taken days, weeks, months ago?

So basically what they have is something that you input a digital image
into, then it 'transfers' that image to that flat green (probably metal)
sheet that fits into the photo well on the machine.  Then supposedly  
it will

track the person.  Maybe because it's on the plate  which fits?

If that's the case then buying one of those little keychain things  
that hold
x number of digital photos should work too, because they'd fit in the  

and would contain the digital image.

Because the Awhatever machine did the tracking for the Polaroid, which  
if a digital is input into the slot/well, then it should be able to  
track it
too.  And a cheap way of fitting an actual digital image into that  
slot, and
not a printed out copy of the digital image (which probably wouldn't  
work as

it wouldn't have the digital signal) then a small digital image holder
should do the same thing as it will have the image actually showing  
while a
flash drive simply contains the image but doesn't show it.  I think  
all they
are doing is showing the image inside the slot so the machine can  
'see' it

like it 'saw' the Polaroid.

At least that's my theory.  :)


-Original Message-

There is a digital interface so you can input photos. I think the  
for the photo is a bit different than simply running  frequencies  
it. They claim it works as good as the Polaroid, but it is very  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Mike Monett
"Renee"  wrote:
>I DO hope it works for you.  What a blessing huh?  Do let us know.  If it's
>that good it may be worth saving up for.  It's hard to distinguish which
>device is worth the money because there are so many, and a number of people
>on various lists have different machines and most all love the ones they
>have.  So it's hard to say which one to spend money on.

Thanks, Renee. If it works, I'll let you know. I tried to join two Yahoo
groups but have not heard from the moderators. Can you tell me what other
lists to look for?


Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>bacteria

2012-05-09 Thread Guyot Léna
There's a somewhat expensive flannel called Pacific cloth (google  
it) , which is impregnated with silver and draws tarnishing agents to  
it, rather than the silverware in which it shelters. Often cases are  
lined with it and travel pouches are used for jewelry. I've been  
wondering if saturating flannel with CS could do the same thing.

Be well,
On May 9, 2012, at 11:06 AM, Jane MacRoss wrote:

All my silverware tarnishes - how can I stop this happening?


From: Ode Coyote

There is no freekin way that silver is going to "tarnish" without  
any source of Sulphur present.

RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
I DO hope it works for you.  What a blessing huh?  Do let us know.  If it's
that good it may be worth saving up for.  It's hard to distinguish which
device is worth the money because there are so many, and a number of people
on various lists have different machines and most all love the ones they
have.  So it's hard to say which one to spend money on.


-Original Message-

This would be so nice if it works and gets rid of these headaches. I sure
would like to be able to sleep longer than 3 or 4 hours, and not wake  up
clogged full of spores with a splitting headache and all the other crap
from the toxins.


Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>bacteria

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
If you go to a jewelry store you should be able to buy non-tarnish paper.  It's 
a paper impregnated with something that will stop tarnish.  You can put it into 
a box with silver and the silver will stay nice for a long time.

Things that you want to set out to look at and occasionally use you put car wax 
on.  Polish the silver so it shines, then put a thin coating of a good car way. 
 Rub that (buff) and there you are--sealed from the air so no tarnish.  Jewelry 
stores (who don't like to tell you this little secret) will wax their big 
pieces and set them out.  Then all they have to do is dust them.

You can't, naturally, do this for inside something like a pitcher or tea pot 
that you will be drinking out of, but you can on the outside of it, or vases or 
plates or whatever.  So long as your food isn't coming into direct contact with 
the car wax you will be fine for the occasional use of a waxed item.


-Original Message-
I put mine in a plastic zip lock bag...Debbie

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>bacteria

2012-05-09 Thread devorahg99
I put mine in a plastic zip lock bag...Debbie

Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile

Jane MacRoss  wrote:

>All my silverware tarnishes - how can I stop this happening?
>  From: Ode Coyote 
>There is no freekin way that silver is going to "tarnish" without any 
> source of Sulphur 
> present.N��[ެ���+��^��^u�+�g��جr�,�x�Yh�֥J)oz�n����'���rب��m
> ,�[ޮXR{.n�+���j)m�ȥ�kz���׬�)�r�r

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Mike Monett
"Renee"  wrote:
>Whew--that digital explanation sounds like a bunch of nonsense.  A digital
>image is a digital image, whether it's in a flash drive, on a computer or in
>his device.  The idea that his device is the only one that makes a loop just
>sounds phony.  The way they make it sound would be like you'd have to do the
>photo taking to have that in the device, because otherwise, if someone
>across the country took their own photo and sent you the digital image then
>you stored that digital image into their device--how would it still 'track'
>the person, since it wasn't taken with the device itself?  They are saying
>their device will take any digital image and then track it--but how is that
>possible if it's a still digital image taken days, weeks, months ago?
>So basically what they have is something that you input a digital image
>into, then it 'transfers' that image to that flat green (probably metal)
>sheet that fits into the photo well on the machine.  Then supposedly it will
>track the person.  Maybe because it's on the plate  which fits?
>If that's the case then buying one of those little keychain things that hold
>x number of digital photos should work too, because they'd fit in the slot
>and would contain the digital image.  
>Because the Awhatever machine did the tracking for the Polaroid, which means
>if a digital is input into the slot/well, then it should be able to track it
>too.  And a cheap way of fitting an actual digital image into that slot, and
>not a printed out copy of the digital image (which probably wouldn't work as
>it wouldn't have the digital signal) then a small digital image holder
>should do the same thing as it will have the image actually showing while a
>flash drive simply contains the image but doesn't show it.  I think all they
>are doing is showing the image inside the slot so the machine can 'see' it
>like it 'saw' the Polaroid. 
>At least that's my theory.  :)

I have no idea how it would work either, but it sounds pricey. Anyway, I
got the shipping info from James and transferred the funds to my Paypal
account, so I'm ready to go ahead with the order as soon as he replies.

This would be so nice if it works and gets rid of these headaches. I sure
would like to be able to sleep longer than 3 or 4 hours, and not wake  up
clogged full of spores with a splitting headache and all the other crap
from the toxins.


Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Mike Monett
Guyot Léna  wrote:
>I got my ABPA A2 because it's what the frequency foundation had used  
>effectively for delivering my frx. Was far too sick then to do the  
>homework you may need to do now. Won't engage in recommendations.



Thanks for the info. You have one, it works, and you are still using it.
The manufacturer claims equal performance to the SE-5. That's good enough
for me.

I have looked at reviews of the other machines but none seem to have as
complete  a set of specifications as the ABPA. I'll try it and if I get
anywhere close to the performance of the SE-5 I'll be happy.


Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
Whew--that digital explanation sounds like a bunch of nonsense.  A digital
image is a digital image, whether it's in a flash drive, on a computer or in
his device.  The idea that his device is the only one that makes a loop just
sounds phony.  The way they make it sound would be like you'd have to do the
photo taking to have that in the device, because otherwise, if someone
across the country took their own photo and sent you the digital image then
you stored that digital image into their device--how would it still 'track'
the person, since it wasn't taken with the device itself?  They are saying
their device will take any digital image and then track it--but how is that
possible if it's a still digital image taken days, weeks, months ago?

So basically what they have is something that you input a digital image
into, then it 'transfers' that image to that flat green (probably metal)
sheet that fits into the photo well on the machine.  Then supposedly it will
track the person.  Maybe because it's on the plate  which fits?

If that's the case then buying one of those little keychain things that hold
x number of digital photos should work too, because they'd fit in the slot
and would contain the digital image.  

Because the Awhatever machine did the tracking for the Polaroid, which means
if a digital is input into the slot/well, then it should be able to track it
too.  And a cheap way of fitting an actual digital image into that slot, and
not a printed out copy of the digital image (which probably wouldn't work as
it wouldn't have the digital signal) then a small digital image holder
should do the same thing as it will have the image actually showing while a
flash drive simply contains the image but doesn't show it.  I think all they
are doing is showing the image inside the slot so the machine can 'see' it
like it 'saw' the Polaroid. 

At least that's my theory.  :)


-Original Message-

There is a digital interface so you can input photos. I think the purpose
for the photo is a bit different than simply running  frequencies through
it. They claim it works as good as the Polaroid, but it is very expensive:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>bacteria

2012-05-09 Thread Jane MacRoss
All my silverware tarnishes - how can I stop this happening?


  From: Ode Coyote 

There is no freekin way that silver is going to "tarnish" without any 
source of Sulphur present.

RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
Hey Lena.  So you run both most of the time.  Is the Fscan hooked up to the
ABPA 2 or do you run them separate?  Just curious.  I’m glad you found
something that works since I’ve read how bad lyme is for most people.  A
terrible thing.





After 45+ years of Lyme, I'm unwilling to lose any ground at the moment.  Be


Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Guyot Léna
There's a special interface connector that enables them to work  
Thanks, Lyme IS a monstrous and complex disease and I've very lucky to  
have come through its tunnel so far. Patience is the main thing,  
followed by methodical treatment: no days off.

Be well,

On May 9, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Renee wrote:

Hey Lena.  So you run both most of the time.  Is the Fscan hooked up  
to the ABPA 2 or do you run them separate?  Just curious.  I’m glad  
you found something that works since I’ve read how bad lyme is for  
most people.  A terrible thing.


After 45+ years of Lyme, I'm unwilling to lose any ground at the  
moment.  Be well,


Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous

2012-05-09 Thread PT Ferrance
Hi Mary,
Which PEMF do you use?  I have been talking about them with a colleague and it 
is nice to know which ones give good results.

--- On Wed, 5/9/12,  wrote:

Subject: Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous
Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 2:47 PM

Nenah, Is the best!!!
I use another pemf device so far it has cured me of a torn rotator cuff, healed 
a root canal, 3 broken bones in my hand.
  I am currently working with a 98 yr old woman who had MD, i have used the 
device 5 times, she was totally blind in rt eye now she can see but with a 
film, her left eye is so much better, she is now writing letters and her 
penmanship is awesome.  it has cured her incontinence, pain in shoulders, and 
back and her knees.  She is walking straight again without her walker.  She no 
longer wears her hearing aids, this I was not targeting but it happened anyway.
There are many many more cures from myself and her but this is to give you a 
She is going to eye dr in 2 weeks, we will see then.

From: "" 
Cc: Tel Tofflemire 
Sent: Tue, May 8, 2012 11:14:15 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous

 Years ago, shortly after I signed up, Nenah was among the first to respond to 
my post about my wife's (and my own) significant health problems, and she did 
so with detailed, compassionate, and constructive suggestions. I will always be 
grateful for her


 Tel Tofflemire  wrote: 

Hey Sweetie, 
Your always welcome here, I have read your stuff for many years and it's always 
good, and well thought out. 
Personally I think some on the list don't have anything else to do and just try 
start a new thing.  sorta. ??  Oh well I am busy too, so you guys leave Dr.Nenah
alone she is a smart lady.
Tel Tofflemire

 From: Nenah Sylver 
Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 10:30 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous

If someone doesn’t agree with others, being nasty is uncalled
for. You can simply say, “I don’t agree,” and explain why.
I brought up my electromedicine article because there was a
discussion on this group about macular degeneration, which evolved into the use
of LEDs, which my article discusses. So I thought my writing might prove
For those of you who use Rife Therapy and know that it indeed
works, you might be interested to know that over the course of several decades,
there have been a few thousand articles published on the use of EM fields /
pulsed magnetic fields / pulsed electrical fields etc. to heal infectious and 
conditions and restore cell function. Here is a link to the articles that were 
in respected medical journals.
  You’ll have to do some digging, but it’s a fascinating
site and your searches may be worth it.
Interestingly, the name “Rife” is not used in
these articles (to the best of my knowledge) due to the hostility that the name
can elicit at times. As we have seen here. But it’s similar therapy.
All the best,
Nenah Sylver, PhD
author, the NEW Rife Handbook (2011)
Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy(2004)
VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification;

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Keeping the same polarity rods

2012-05-09 Thread Ode Coyote

At 02:46 AM 5/9/2012 +1030, you wrote:
Well, here's another take on it.  And I don't mean to tread on anyones 
toes, just stating my opinion.

I personally don't subscribe to the reverse polarity business.  It's fine 
for those who prefer to set and forget, but every time that polarity is 
automatically reversed, whatever hydroxides blah blah that appears on the 
electrode will be removed {blown off} from that electrode - and where does 
that stuff end up?  it remains in the water, in whatever form, and probly 
ends up laying on the surface of the water or on the bottom of the storage 
vessel which means one will have to either decant or filter it out.  If 
I'm wrong here, then I am sure someone will state as much quick enough, 
but then that's why we are here is it not - opinion exchange.

##  I used to think that, and if the current is high, [or stir speed too 
fast] it likely does get blown off.
 After slowing his stir speed down to 30 RPM, Fred Sprague [Smart Silver / 
Custom electronics LLC, a polarity reversing controlled current gen] solved 
a problem that had mystified him for 7 yearsmega sparklies. [Silver 
Hydroxide chunks in the water]
However, after much experimentation it would seem that the byproducts are 
re converted back into their respective former components for the most 
part...saving you a lot of silver and reducing bottom sludge and cleaner 
electrodes too.


Re: CS>bacteria

2012-05-09 Thread Ode Coyote

At 12:37 PM 5/7/2012 -0400, you wrote:

  Re: CS>bacteria

  Ode Coyote
  Mon, 07 May 2012 04:13:10 -0700

  > I've gone as high as 87 uS...but it went deep yellow in a few days
  > and eventually dropped back to 30 uS.

  > PPM unknown, but well over 87.

  > 25 to  30  uS  is  easy, but  not  generally  very  stable staying
  > colorless...depends on the water mostly.

  > Ode


  87uS down to 30uS is a 65% drop.

  That is  the worst case of contamination I have seen so far.  I have
  seen a 60% drop, but you have it beat by a mile.

##  Absolutely not
It was simply far exceeding the solubility limits of the water, forcing 
silver ions to make nonconductive molecules with whatever there is around, 
namely, Oxygen in the air.
The yellow was simply suspended Silver Oxide, proven by its destruction and 
clearing of the pigment after adding a bit of Hydrogen Peroxide.

Contaminated water CAN be a problem, and more of a potential problem the 
higher you go past 30 uS where the conductivity rise rate at a constant 
current goes nonlinear...but in that case it wasn't.


  I will  use your post as a reference from now on to show how  bad it
  can get.

  The big question is where is it coming from. If it were sulfide, the
  cs would  be deep amber. So it has to be something  else.  One guess
  might be  interactions from the hematite stirrer. This  material has
  many crevices that can contain anything.

  I don't  know what else could be causing the contamination,  but one
  of the  first  things I will do when I get  the  SilverCell assembly
  instructions posted will be to fire up the Silverpuppy I bought from
  you, document  the  circuit  in LTspice, modify  it  so  I  can take
  measurements, and start running brews to find out what is going on.

  I will of course post all the information I come across.


  Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous

2012-05-09 Thread Ode Coyote

   Mike is right...all electron flow  in a liquid is carried by 
electrochemical reactions... ions and anions [unless there is enough power 
to form an ionized  plasma gas channel ]

 The process of forming these chemical [probably] generates heat.
Made very fast... a LOT of heat, vaporizing the liquid into an ionizing gas.
[Mike can confirm or clarify]

In the case of the Zappers, the main electrochemicals are formed from the 
salt in the blood [Hypochlorous Acid and Sodium Hydroxide as the dominating 
metal hydroxide ] and can build up in the skin faster than the circulation 
can dilute them, causing chemical burns.

Hypochlorous Acid is a grand disinfectant. ..similar to MMS
Zappers can and do work as many will attest, but not the way Back says they do.

Some mainstream confirmation:


At 10:05 AM 5/8/2012 -0400, you wrote:

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Mike Monett 
<> wrote:

  But he forgot to tell people that electrons cannot flow in water, and 

cannot reach pathogens to kill them.

Tell that to the thousands of people electrocuted in their bathtub. 
Current is the flow of charge; and guess what charge is?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous

2012-05-09 Thread mborgert
Nenah, Is the best!!!
I use another pemf device so far it has cured me of a torn rotator cuff, healed 
a root canal, 3 broken bones in my hand.
  I am currently working with a 98 yr old woman who had MD, i have used the 
device 5 times, she was totally blind in rt eye now she can see but with a 
her left eye is so much better, she is now writing letters and her penmanship 
awesome.  it has cured her incontinence, pain in shoulders, and back and her 
knees.  She is walking straight again without her walker.  She no longer wears 
her hearing aids, this I was not targeting but it happened anyway.
There are many many more cures from myself and her but this is to give you a 
She is going to eye dr in 2 weeks, we will see then.

From: "" 
Cc: Tel Tofflemire 
Sent: Tue, May 8, 2012 11:14:15 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous

Years ago, shortly after I signed up, Nenah was among the first to respond to 
post about my wife's (and my own) significant health problems, and she did so 
with detailed, compassionate, and constructive suggestions. I will always be 
grateful for her kindness.


 Tel Tofflemire  wrote: 

Hey Sweetie, 
Your always welcome here, I have read your stuff for many years and it's always 
good, and well thought out. 
Personally I think some on the list don't have anything else to do and just try 
start a new thing.  sorta. ??  Oh well I am busy too, so you guys leave Dr.Nenah
alone she is a smart lady.
Tel Tofflemire

From: NenahSylver 
Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 10:30 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous

If someone doesn’t agree with others, being nasty is uncalled
for. You can simply say, “I don’t agree,” and explain why.
I brought up my electromedicine article because there was a
discussion on this group about macular degeneration, which evolved into the use
of LEDs, which my article discusses. So I thought my writing might prove
For those of you who use Rife Therapy and know that it indeed
works, you might be interested to know that over the course of several decades,
there have been a few thousand articles published on the use of EM fields /
pulsed magnetic fields / pulsed electrical fields etc. to heal infectious and 
conditions and restore cell function. Here is a link to the articles that were 
in respected medical journals.
  You’ll have to do some digging, but it’s a fascinating
site and your searches may be worth it.
Interestingly, the name “Rife” is not used in
these articles (to the best of my knowledge) due to the hostility that the name
can elicit at times. As we have seen here. But it’s similar therapy.
All the best,
NenahSylver, PhD
author, the NEW Rife Handbook (2011)
Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy(2004)
VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification;

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Mike Monett

I have a lot to learn about this unit, but I found the user manual. They
won't let you have it on the main site.

There is a digital interface so you can input photos. I think the purpose
for the photo is a bit different than simply running  frequencies through
it. They claim it works as good as the Polaroid, but it is very expensive:


Here is some more product info:


Mike Monett

"Renee"  wrote:
>I wish I could afford one.  Reading about it--hardly anyone has a Polaroid
>camera anymore and they've stopped making the film, though a secondary
>company still makes small batches of the necessary film.  So since almost no
>one will be able to take a Polaroid photo of themselves or their clients,
>how will this machine work?  Most black boxes will accept spit or blood.
>Some say digital images, though others say a digital does not contain the
>necessary frequencies for the machine to 'attach' to.
>And--if the machine does all that it says it does, why would anyone need to
>attach a frequency device to run frequencies through it?  It sounds like it
>does enough work on its own to not need external frequencies.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Keeping the same polarity rods

2012-05-09 Thread Ode Coyote

  Select at random.
Don't worry about it.


At 08:38 AM 5/8/2012 -0300, you wrote:


As a beginner i have yet some newbie doubts... After some reading one can 
find opposite directions about the inversion or not of the electrical 
polarity applied on the silver rods.
Sometimes the suggestion is to keep the positive and the negative always 
in the same rods. Other times the indication is to switch polarities each 
new batch of CS production.

What is the indication in this list ?

Thomas TS.

Re: CS>bacteria

2012-05-09 Thread Ode Coyote

There is no freekin way that silver is going to "tarnish" without any 
source of Sulphur present.

Mike is "out to lunch" chasing fairies in selective cognition la la land.
If he actually catches one THEN maybe the cell will "work" the way he says 
it should.

..much like some already do, at least in part,  even as he "says" they 
don't and those that USE them refute the negative claims.

Ignore enough facts, insert enough fantasies... and anything can be made true.

Clue:  "DC gen, Reverse Osmosis membrane filter"


  I also  monitor  the brew for contamination, and  am  apparently the
  only one  on the planet who pays any attention to  this  problem. It
  can be very severe. Most vendors of cs generators claim it  does not
  exist. They  must have some miracle cure for silver tarnish  that no
  one else knows about.

  I am having bad contamination issues at the moment that I  am having
  problems tracing, but you can see some of the data at my Yahoo forum

  I also  have  a  preliminary web site  that  discusses  some  of the
  advantages. It is at

  I posted brief instructions for you on how to build one at

  Please let me know if you have any more questions.


  Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Guyot Léna

Hi Renée,
I've used mine effectively with hair samples in the input well. I just  
update the sample every few months.

I'd use the ABPA A2 exclusively for convenience sake, and it's got  
about 1000 pages of programming in it, but the complexities of Lyme  
have proved to require more so I use the FScan most of the time as  
well, with the ABPA A2 as a holding/balancing pattern for when I don't  
have electricity. Sometime, I may stop the FScan for a couple months'  
test and see what happens. After 45+ years of Lyme, I'm unwilling to  
lose any ground at the moment.  Be well,

On May 9, 2012, at 10:09 AM, Renee wrote:

I wish I could afford one.  Reading about it--hardly anyone has a  

camera anymore and they've stopped making the film, though a secondary
company still makes small batches of the necessary film.  So since  
almost no
one will be able to take a Polaroid photo of themselves or their  

how will this machine work?  Most black boxes will accept spit or blood.
Some say digital images, though others say a digital does not contain  

necessary frequencies for the machine to 'attach' to.

And--if the machine does all that it says it does, why would anyone  
need to
attach a frequency device to run frequencies through it?  It sounds  
like it

does enough work on its own to not need external frequencies.


-Original Message-

I looked at some of the other machines, but the ABPA A2 appears to be  

closest to the SE-5.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Guyot Léna
I got my ABPA A2 because it's what the frequency foundation had used  
effectively for delivering my frx. Was far too sick then to do the  
homework you may need to do now. Won't engage in recommendations.

On May 9, 2012, at 9:50 AM, Mike Monett wrote:


I looked at some of the other machines, but the ABPA A2 appears to be  

closest to the SE-5.

I trust that you looked at them also, and decided on the ABPA, so I  
will do
the same. I will place an order for one today as soon as I get your  

Is there anything else I should get with it?

I won't need the interface adapter. I will make my own FScan 2 and it  
have the correct level to drive the ABPA so I can do the same thing  
you are


The Vortex Cable looks like it is essential for the things I want to do.
Fortunately it comes with the unit.

Do the pads work? Is there a reason to get them?

Here is the url I am looking at. Is it the correct one?


Mike Monett

"Mike Monett"  wrote:

Guyot Léna  wrote:

I no longer use electrodes.  I also used electrode pads for a while,
but skin envetually got irritated by the adhesives. My hand-holds  
gold-plated, I believe. Haven't looked at them in almost 5 years  
getting an ABPA A2 to deliver the frx. I chose to be untethered.  

normal life easier and 24/7 treatment possible, except when unplugged
on the road. Then I use the  ABPA A2 (battery-driven, then) for
balancing only. I plug in the FScan when we get into new campground
and then go on my merry way, wherever. Léna

Now we are getting somewhere. I used to own two SE-5's which are an
extraordinary radionics device. I used to travel around the world on
business, and dealing with customer's problems and the fatigue of  
would really sap your energy. I'd call my girlfriend in California  
and ask
her to put me on the machine, and within minutes the pain would  
drain away

and I would start to be rejeuvinated.

The ABPA A2 looks like it works on much the same principles, but it  
lacks a

sticky pad for diagnosis:

However, they do say it has the same range as the SE-5. Not  
surprising. I
found the results equally as powerful in Tokyo or Edinborough, or  
else I happened to be. I would be very interested in getting back  
into this


I have a lot more faith in this arrangement than trying to explain the
pathogens are killed by direct contact with the electric field as in  
Clark/Rife devices. That explanation just doesn't make any sense  
from an
engineering point of view. But I will duplicate the FScan 2 just to  


For some reason the print on the ABPA A2 manual is too small for me to

How do you use the ABPA A2 to detect the frequencies that need  


Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:



Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
Hmmm, that's exactly what my cousin, who worked in computers for the
government (when they took up whole rooms, he was sent to fix them), told me
25 years ago when I asked him what he thought of the Comodor 64.  He told
me-"outside of maybe keeping track of recipes, there's nothing in a computer
anyone needs.  They say it does word processing.  You can still write
letters on a typewriter so who needs word processing.  Save your money and
in a short while you'll see these sitting at garage sales for $10".







From: Tel Tofflemire [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous:
Open-mindedness to healing modalities


This junk has come and gone over the years, but people still pay $1,000's of
dollars to try it.  We can see it all in a yard sale in a few years, so save
your money & Wait for the garage sale.

Tel, Herbalist

RE: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Renee
I wish I could afford one.  Reading about it--hardly anyone has a Polaroid
camera anymore and they've stopped making the film, though a secondary
company still makes small batches of the necessary film.  So since almost no
one will be able to take a Polaroid photo of themselves or their clients,
how will this machine work?  Most black boxes will accept spit or blood.
Some say digital images, though others say a digital does not contain the
necessary frequencies for the machine to 'attach' to.

And--if the machine does all that it says it does, why would anyone need to
attach a frequency device to run frequencies through it?  It sounds like it
does enough work on its own to not need external frequencies.


-Original Message-

I looked at some of the other machines, but the ABPA A2 appears to be the
closest to the SE-5. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Tel Tofflemire
This junk has come and gone over the years, but people still pay  
$1,000's of dollars to try it.  We can see it all in a yard sale in a  
few years, so save your money & Wait for the garage sale.

Tel, Herbalist

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Mike Monett

I looked at some of the other machines, but the ABPA A2 appears to be the
closest to the SE-5. 

I trust that you looked at them also, and decided on the ABPA, so I will do
the same. I will place an order for one today as soon as I get your reply.
Is there anything else I should get with it?

I won't need the interface adapter. I will make my own FScan 2 and it will
have the correct level to drive the ABPA so I can do the same thing you are

The Vortex Cable looks like it is essential for the things I want to do.
Fortunately it comes with the unit.

Do the pads work? Is there a reason to get them?

Here is the url I am looking at. Is it the correct one?


Mike Monett

"Mike Monett"  wrote:
>Guyot Léna  wrote:
>>I no longer use electrodes.  I also used electrode pads for a while,
>>but skin envetually got irritated by the adhesives. My hand-holds were
>>gold-plated, I believe. Haven't looked at them in almost 5 years since
>>getting an ABPA A2 to deliver the frx. I chose to be untethered. Makes
>>normal life easier and 24/7 treatment possible, except when unplugged
>>on the road. Then I use the  ABPA A2 (battery-driven, then) for
>>balancing only. I plug in the FScan when we get into new campground
>>and then go on my merry way, wherever. Léna
>Now we are getting somewhere. I used to own two SE-5's which are an
>extraordinary radionics device. I used to travel around the world on
>business, and dealing with customer's problems and the fatigue of travel
>would really sap your energy. I'd call my girlfriend in California and ask
>her to put me on the machine, and within minutes the pain would drain away
>and I would start to be rejeuvinated.
>The ABPA A2 looks like it works on much the same principles, but it lacks a
>sticky pad for diagnosis:
>However, they do say it has the same range as the SE-5. Not surprising. I
>found the results equally as powerful in Tokyo or Edinborough, or anywhere
>else I happened to be. I would be very interested in getting back into this
>I have a lot more faith in this arrangement than trying to explain the
>pathogens are killed by direct contact with the electric field as in the
>Clark/Rife devices. That explanation just doesn't make any sense from an
>engineering point of view. But I will duplicate the FScan 2 just to get
>For some reason the print on the ABPA A2 manual is too small for me to
>How do you use the ABPA A2 to detect the frequencies that need treating?
>Mike Monett
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
>Off-Topic discussions: 
>List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Keeping the same polarity rods

2012-05-09 Thread Thomas Soares
2012/5/8 Neville Munn 

>  Well, here's another take on it.  And I don't mean to tread on anyones
> toes, just stating my opinion.
> I personally don't subscribe to the reverse polarity business.  It's fine
> for those who prefer to set and forget, but every time that polarity is
> automatically reversed, whatever hydroxides blah blah that appears on the
> electrode will be removed {blown off} from that electrode - and where does
> that stuff end up?  it remains in the water, in whatever form, and probly
> ends up laying on the surface of the water or on the bottom of the storage
> vessel which means one will have to either decant or filter it out.  If I'm
> wrong here, then I am sure someone will state as much quick enough, but
> then that's why we are here is it not - opinion exchange.

Appreciate the opinions here...

I have been brewing with 0.5 at the beginning until to 3 mA after about 80
minutes continuously . To keep below 3 mA at the end it requires vigorous
agitation of the solution.

This is by seeding the distiled water with a little of the previous batch
of CS.

My opinion is that it is good to have a large surface contact of the silver
rods with the water. The anode looses metal to the solution so its surface
becomes rough. So after a number of runs it would be useful to switch
polarities the have both electrodes with similar surface area and
consequently same electrochemical behavior.

Comments ?

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous

2012-05-09 Thread Mike Monett
"Mike Monett"  wrote:

>Yes, this is called iontophoresis. For example, copper is an excellent
>antibiotic. Hwever, it corrodes easily and can pick up all kinds of
>unwanted contamination. This would be injected into the flesh along with
>the copper ions.
>The velocity of the copper ions is very low since the applied
>electromagnetic field is so small. The ions would have to migrate through
>the small space between the cells and won't get very far. So the volume of
>flesh involved is very low, and mainly just the area in the immediate
>vicinity of the positive electrode.
>The negative electrode releases hydrogen gas and hydroxide ions, the same
>as in regular silver electrolysis and the electrolysis of water.
>The current for iontophoresis is very low, perhaps in the hundreds of
>microamperes. The amount of copper released into the skin is very small.
>You can do a Faraday calculation to see how much is delivered.
>For example, a current of 250uA for 45 minutes would deliver about 22ppm to
>a volume of 1 cubic centimeter.
>This might be of some use for infections that are close to the surface,
>such as abcesses and tooth problems, etc. However, using a high-ionic cs
>sublingually will work much better for dental problems and also work with
>the immune system to kill pathogens throughout the body.
>Mike Monett

The copper ions would have one significant advantage over silver in

Silver ions combine with the chlorine from the sodium and potassium salts
in the blood plasma and form silver chloride, AgCl. The equation is

Ag+ + OH- + Na+ + Cl- --> AgCl + Na+ + OH-

AgCl is mostly insoluble and precipitates out as a white solid. Here is an
example of a Salt Test after sublingual absorption compared to the same cs
raw. Note the sublingual dispersion is a bit darker, but both dispersions
completely block the black card behind the shot glass:

This shows very little silver is absorbed into the bloodstream, only 25
parts per billion in a typical male. This is far too low to have any effect
on pathogens, certainly viruses, but it is all that is needed for the
immune system to do its job.

Silver chloride is much less effective as an antibiotic than plain Ag+. I
have heard numbers of 300 times less effective up to 10,000 times poorer.

Copper doesn't have this problem, and is apparently second only to silver
as an antibiotic.

The reason copper avoids the problem is the huge solubility of copper(II)
chloride. It is 75.7 g/100 mL at 25C. I expect the equation would be

Cu++ + 2OH- + 2Na+ + 2Cl- --> CuCl2 + 2NaOH

or something like that. But the CuCl2 would remain in solution at only 25
ppm, so the result would be Cu-- + 2Cl-, and the copper would be free to
attack pathogens.

The only problem is getting pure samples of copper and keeping them clean.

So for a localized infection, copper might be worth trying. For other
infections, or anything to do with viruses, sublingual silver might be more


Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Was: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous: Open-mindedness to healing modalities

2012-05-09 Thread Mike Monett
Guyot Léna  wrote:

>I no longer use electrodes.  I also used electrode pads for a while,
>but skin envetually got irritated by the adhesives. My hand-holds were
>gold-plated, I believe. Haven't looked at them in almost 5 years since
>getting an ABPA A2 to deliver the frx. I chose to be untethered. Makes
>normal life easier and 24/7 treatment possible, except when unplugged
>on the road. Then I use the  ABPA A2 (battery-driven, then) for
>balancing only. I plug in the FScan when we get into new campground
>and then go on my merry way, wherever. Léna

Now we are getting somewhere. I used to own two SE-5's which are an
extraordinary radionics device. I used to travel around the world on
business, and dealing with customer's problems and the fatigue of travel
would really sap your energy. I'd call my girlfriend in California and ask
her to put me on the machine, and within minutes the pain would drain away
and I would start to be rejeuvinated.

The ABPA A2 looks like it works on much the same principles, but it lacks a
sticky pad for diagnosis:

However, they do say it has the same range as the SE-5. Not surprising. I
found the results equally as powerful in Tokyo or Edinborough, or anywhere
else I happened to be. I would be very interested in getting back into this

I have a lot more faith in this arrangement than trying to explain the
pathogens are killed by direct contact with the electric field as in the
Clark/Rife devices. That explanation just doesn't make any sense from an
engineering point of view. But I will duplicate the FScan 2 just to get

For some reason the print on the ABPA A2 manual is too small for me to

How do you use the ABPA A2 to detect the frequencies that need treating?


Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour