CS>Royal Raymond Rife Sample frequency list, part 1

2015-02-24 Thread Brooks Bradley
   To whom it may be of interest:  We have, over the immediately-past
20 years,
conducted a consequential number of "research investigations"  involving
Royal Rife type plasma machines.
We have received many requests for information containing "the most
and effective..frequency identifiers--for a General list of
pathogenic afflictions".
  Although we ceased our direct investigations of this technology in
calendar 2005,
one of our principal investigators  commented that it seemed regrettable
that we had never
conducted an intense literature search for Accurate, Generalized,
frequency  charts---identifying
the most reliable/effective frequencies for addressing a majority of the
"mainline" pathogenic
insults affecting present society.   Reviewing our data banks, recently,
it occurred to us that we had never answered (in a useful manner) the MANY
this information.  I wish to, although in belated fashion, address (at
least in a partial sense) our being remiss in having
been unable to properly address these many requests.  While time, and
circumstance mitigate against my offering
a "proofed" listing...I have chosen (after several days comparative
investigation)...a list that appears to
offer a reasonably acceptable, general listing of a majority of the "core"
afflictions vulnerable to "Effectively Demonstrated "Rife-type technology,
Be advised.we are not familiar with the company posting
this---particularlist, and have no pecuniary or
other financial interest in their endeavors, whatsoever. They just seem to
offer one of the more easily-acceptable/
understandable frequency groupings.
   This, particular grouping of frequencies, is to us, representative
of the more "mainstream" efforts.and should be
easily comprehended by the general public.Constructing a Rife
Technology Plasma Generator  based upon DR.
Jim Bare's researches, is not a small investmentand that alone
recommends researchers obtain the most
effective technical foundation, possible. CURRENT PARTS COST...IN TODAY'S
    Sincerely,  Brooks
Bradley.  Eric Harborne Research Foundation.
p.s.  A comment of possible interest:  We achieved SPLENDID EXPERIMENTAL
SUCCESSES during our Rife Technology investigations (Circa 1992 through
2005) for conditions varying from "tenacious parasites" to many of
the most THREATENING viral insults.

Re: CS>Treatment for Eye Floaters

2015-01-15 Thread Brooks Bradley
While we  have not conducted any dedicated research on the phenomenon,
we have received commentary by some of our colleagues that varying
combinations of  DMSO (5% by volume), plus glutathione (various
volumes)employed as eye drops have evinced
measurable improvement.within short time-spans ( e.g.,14 to 20 days.).
Conducting a Search Engine
inquiry (Gppgle, Dogpile, etc.) might prove to be worthwhile.
  Sincerely.   Brooks Bradley.

On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 9:44 AM, sol  wrote:

> Jasmine Mykal wrote:
>> I've had floaters for years. Mine are like rainbow tunnels and mostly on
>> the left. Eating fruit resolves them faster so I assume mine stem from low
>> blood sugar as RaVen mentioned. I hope they don't become unbearable, I
>> haven't found a permanent 'fix' outside of surgery.
>>  I got numerous and annoying floaters in both eyes after having vitreous
> detachments in both eyes some years ago. My eye surgeon told me (and I
> confirmed with online searching) that the surgery for floaters is quite
> risky. I have ruled out that as a possibility for me. I was also told that
> over time the brain learns to "edit out" the floaters, and have found that
> to be mainly true. At first they drove me nearly insane, but after the
> passage of time they are only bothersome when my eyes are very tired, or
> very dry, or sometimes under certain light conditions.
> Most of the time I simply do not notice them anymore unless I concentrate
> on them. (I also had cataract surgery a few years ago but that was after
> the vitreous detachments/floaters, for a while I noticed the floaters more
> again, but that also stopped with a little time).
> sol
> ---
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> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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> List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

Fwd: CS>Unbelievable!

2013-12-06 Thread Brooks Bradley
-- Forwarded message --
From: dAVId 
Date: Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Unbelievable!
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

Hey, this is no BS, just use gymena sylvestre extract, I use a 55 percent
from Pforlife.com, bout sixty bux a pound on your doorstep, they pay about
twenty from India, but we have to make a living. Anyhoo, I take a little
less then a level teaspoon twice a day, mixed in aleo vera juice, DMSO a
teaspoon, an ounce of nopal juice, hundred mgs of iodine
and grit my teeth and get it down, taste like old coffee with charcoal in
it. Knot everyone would take it raw.
But it has lowered my chloresterol, triglicerides, lost about twenty pounds
in six weeks, awesome at keeping my blood glucose at 100 thereabouts, I
have done my research and do not find a down side. Just awesome stuff.
Most important it removes the biofilm from candida, and perhaps cancer,
tumors, so medication, I take two teaspoons of CS, 500PPM, which kills
candida. I had a severe case of systemic candida, because of leukemia, some
of my skin
has peeled.  Do a christmas present for yourself. and get some, if you are
over fifty, have a disease, you have candida and may not know it, but it
will kick your butt all the way to the grave,
david lubbock tx.

On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Gladys Williams wrote:

>  Just one modifying-comment--we have prosecuted considerable research
addressing the parameters outlined by David's post.  All of the substances
he mentioned have
in fact--demonstrated to be of positive consequence.  I can do no
better than to suggest
a single modification to his basic protocol.  To wit:  we discovered,
relatively early-on in our
evaluations (circa 2005), that the addition of 200 mcg of selenium
daily...resulted in an
approximately 50% protocol effectiveness.  Our supposition was that the
selenium effect on the
iodine component was largely responsible for the positive effects increase.
Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley/

> Lena--  I also have Candida.  Have heard a bunch about diet, etc.  Am a
> new vegetarian.

CS>Coconut Oil & Peanut Butter: New Advances for Alzheimer's

2013-11-19 Thread Brooks Bradley

  Some list members might find encouragement for
implementing unprocessed coconut oil
as a complimentary support protocol for Alzheimer's challenges.  The
above-referenced article posted
by Dr. Joseph Mercola's website will furnish some degree of
backgroundplus information on the
general success of other research organizations that are addressing the
problems of Alzheimer,s
  I mention this posting,most especially, because of the
which we experienced in our evaluations using unprocessed coconut oil as
for mildto severe..Alzheimer's insults being exhibited by our
volunteer population.  Our evaluations
proved to be quite successful in mitigating against the progression of
Alzheimer's in 8 out of the 10
members of our volunteer subjects.  We considered these results to be Very
Encouraging.  Our
evaluations ran for one year and were concluded approximately one year
ago.  We do not furnish
ANY FORM of data streams.to ANY  outside organizations
therefore are not beholden to
any outside group--government-based, or otherwise.  I make this posting
simply to encourage
list members motivated by personal involvement or specific interest
challenges manifesting among family members and/or professional
associates-for their direct
investigation into this, particular protocol.   I will state,confidently,
that our measurable success rate
wasessentially..better that 50%in degee-of-remission
(Root-mean-square-average) of the
symptoms among the positive response population (8 out of 10).  While this
study was anecdotal
in nature, the data stream was quite definitive...and objectively
quantified via easily calculated,
repeatable, evaluation criteria.
 Sincerely,  Brooks Badley.
we post is ONLY the direct results from our EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS.

CS>Inquiry about Archives.

2013-07-19 Thread Brooks Bradley
  My apologies to everyone reference obtaining information about our
list archives.  Luckily, I stumbled across a methodology that enabled me to
locate the obvious.  I was not aware of our latest arrangements with our ISP
and did not have---on file---the url for our archives.  If there is anyone
else out there
who is in the same boat as I was  I offer the url for our archives.
   I just hope I do not foul up thissimple transmission.  Conditions
appear to indicate my obtaining an intellectual seeing-eye-dog.soon.
 Sincerely,   Brooks Brfadley

CS>List Archives

2013-07-19 Thread Brooks Bradley
Does anyone know if we have any Archival information available at present?.
I have sent Mike an inquiry, but maybe, someone else knows whether or not
we still have access to our recent history.
I would appreciate information from anyone with viable knowledge
of whether or not we do, in fact, have access to the archives.
 Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

Re: CS>Brooks Bradley Contact info.

2013-07-06 Thread Brooks Bradley
Hello Jim, long timeno contact.  My email address is the same one
on my postings to the Silver-List.bradlebro...@gmail.com
   Be Well, Brooks.

On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 12:54 AM, Jim Holmes  wrote:

> Hello all,
> Does anyone have Brook's direct e-mail, or a link to his institute?
> Jim

CS>Fwd: Lipo-C fan

2013-06-30 Thread Brooks Bradley
-- Forwarded message --
From: Brooks Bradley 
Date: Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: Lipo-C fan
To: Michael Brown 

Dear Michael,
You are not intruding...in the .leastby using my personal email
address.  It
gives me and my associates, a feeling of genuine warmth from your personal
relative to the possible beneficial effects of your DIY  LET.
  There are many modifying variations possible within the effective
for making DIY Liposomal-type solutions.  While it is true the parent
solution of most
non-commercial, DIY fluids have a tendency to accumulate agglomerations of
particles..the actual effectiveness of the "originally-formed"
is not principally affected.  To wit:  A majority of the liposomes
generated in the
formation process..remain, essentially, unaffected by moderate changes
in storage
environment (e.g. temperatures between 32 F. and 75 F.)...for periods
up to 60 days.
At least that has been our experience.  It is, however, to be noted that
storage in direct sunlight
especially if the solution is dark in color... could result in some
degree of liposomal destabilization.
We do not know this to be the actual case, however it remains a possibility
in view of absence of
evaluation tests on our part.  Do not confuse solution behavior of the
unincorporated "carrier components"
such as the non-compounded lecithin component...with the VERY STABLE
LIPOSOMAL elements formed
during the original generation reaction.  Distinct meniscus lines [definite
fluid separation lines] are not a cause
for alarm.]  They just represent the non-reactive elements still extent
among the parent solution constituents (e.g.
free lecithin remaining after super-saturation is reached by Ascorbic acid
This is not rocket science, although there are those who would
have you believe otherwise.  Do remember
the CHIEF ACTOR here..is MOTHER NATUREnot some human genius.
 If the fluid separtions bother you, I suggest you just shake
the bottle vigorously.  All of the agglomerated
solutions are just excess...even then, they furnish some degree value.
e.g. The free lecithin is a very powerful
emulsifier.for a very long litany of foodstuffs. Lecithin is the MOST
USED EMULSIFIER in the entire food industry.
   Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  The "shelf life" cannot be verified without a scanning electron
microscope  or equivalent.  Unless there i s ome
form of foreign-body contamination or  an extended period of
"bacteria-friendly"  environment (read...temperaures
above 55 degdrees F)  one has little to concern themselves
aboutrelative to potential "spoilage" of their home made

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Michael Brown

> Hope I'm not intruding by using this address, and I will not misuse it, it
> was just such a relief to see you are a "real" person! I have been making
> lipo-c for 6 mos. now and cannot thank you enough for your research and
> valuable information. I am quite sure it is responsible for halting my
> liver cancer, and allowing me to steadily recover from a massive
> hemorrhagic stroke! I would be happy to testify as to it's effectiveness
> should it ever be of any use to anyone. If I may ask a question, I have
> been using the straight AA formula as it seems to work better for me, and
> was wondering if you ever found a way to extend the shelf life. I seem to
> get about 6-8 days in the fridg. Am a member of the DIY-LET group and
> have exchanged info with them for almost a year now. If I may mention your
> existence, I am sure many people would love to know you're alive and
> well. Is it ok to ask you questions?  Thanks again, respectfully yours, 
> mlbrown
>[image: *:D big grin]


2013-06-30 Thread Brooks Bradley
  There is a large collection of peer-reviewed type information
available on
the effects of certain B vitamins..on the mitigation/control of
insults.  Not the least of which is the long-running research of Dr. Roger
(University of Texas).going back 40 years.  ( Dr. Williams work was/is
in my opinion).
The most pronounced beneficial action of B-6 (especially for carpal
tunnel syndrome
presentationsis claimed to be "effectiveness in improving the function
of the synovium
sheath surrounding the tendons".
  Actually, B-6 is one of the additional substances we have
included in our ":updated"
protocols addressing CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome) and "trigger finger" type
insults.  The reason I did not mention this in
my initial response, is because of the fact that our evaluations---for this
inclusionare of too short a time-span
to generate reliable conclusions (two months).  However, the results...to
datehave been splendid.
  Our most promising protocol is one in which the volunteer starts
with a initial dosage of 300 mg daily, for
a period of 3 daysfollowed by a dosage of 100 mg dailyon a
continuing basis.
   We have achieved total remediation in 11 out of 11 volunteers
participating in this experimental
protocol.  Since adopting a slight variation of this protocol (some time
ago) I have been TOTALLY free
of ANY "trigger finger" insultswhatsoever.  Interestingly, it was my
own discomfort from a mild, but
continuing presentation of the condition, which prompted our interest in
the original evaluations.
  My congratulations to the individual who posted the excellent
results achieved in her personal
usage of B-6 type amendments.
          Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

p.s.   It may be of note to mention B-6 (even in elevated dosage  e.g. 400
mg) has displayed no

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 10:37 PM, Bob Banever wrote:

> ** ** **
> That’s interesting.  After researching the vitamin I cannot find any
> reference to your wife’s condition, nor any reason why this would work for
> it.  Not to say it hasn’t done the job, just can’t find any reason for it.
> ** **
>  --
> *From:* Del [mailto:d...@altsystem.com]
> *Sent:* Saturday, June 29, 2013 8:17 PM
> *To:* **silver-list@eskimo.com**
> *Subject:* Fw: CS>Fwd: PLEASE HELP RE MY HUSBAND..
> ** **
> My wife has completely solved her trigger finger problem through the use
> of this product:
> http://www.amazon.com/Thorne-Research-Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate-Vegetarian/dp/B005P0JHS6/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1372561544&sr=8-3&keywords=thorne+pyridoxal+5%27+phosphate
> It is a form of B vitamin (B6?).  She advises taking two to three capsules
> a day for about a week, then reducing to one a day until symptoms have
> disappeared.  There are no negative side effects that we know of.  The cure
> has been complete, but it may recur, in which case you take this product
> again.  
> Del
> Brooks,
> my husband, my dear husband is suffering from trigger finger of the ring
> finger on the left hand, for the last 3 weeks. Nothing can be done with
> conventional medicine for this problem. Can you please suggest something.
> His symptoms are : very difficult to bend the finger from the first knuckle
> away from the palm, if he bends the finger, it locks up, then he has to
> manually unlock it. Intermittent pain.
>   Bless You,
>Glenda Mason


2013-06-29 Thread Brooks Bradley
-- Forwarded message --
From: Brooks Bradley 
Date: Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 12:25 PM
To: glendajma...@aol.com

-- Forwarded message --
From: Brooks Bradley 
Date: Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 12:15 PM
To: glendajma...@aol.com

Dear Glenda,
 You have my sympathy regarding your husband's "trigger finger"
presentation.  First, no one seems to know the "exact" cause of
"trigger finger".  However, it is patently obvious that at least some
of Neuralgia is involved.  Interestingly, I have, personally experienced
but persistent effects of this muscle/nerve type insult.
   I first experienced it in the little finger of my left hand.  It
would present,
unbidden, at various times during the day.and without warning.  We
this affliction and decided upon a "test" protocol.  While we can present no
"double-blind" based evidence to validate our results..I have enjoyed a
rapid improvement and 90% favorable resolution from this insult.  The basis
our protocol was HIGH-GRADE  Omega 3 fish oil (Puritan's Pride...the
supplement company..
..has an acceptable product at quite reasonable cost)--Dosage 6 each of
1200 mg. daily
in capsule formpreferably, divided into 2 separate dosages;   800 mg.
of Alpha Lipoic Acid, Daily (taken in 2 , separate 400 mg doses); 200 mg of
B-6 (in either one or two doses) .  Additionally, the inclusion of 400 mg
of Pineapple Bromelain (taken in 2
separate doses between mealsat least 30 minutes isolated from any food
intake), helped measurably to delay the occurrence of the seizure episodes.
Measurable improvement presented within the first 5 dayspronounced
improvement within 10 days
and a 90% reduction in episodes within 20 days.  At presentas I
continue with this protocol (45 days into the evaluation)
I have had only one---very lightattack, during the past two
weeks...and it "self-resolved" within 10 seconds of occurrence.
 Given your description of your husband's physical insult (if it
was me) I would consider experimenting with this simple
systemic support protocol.  I have, very recently, introduced a couple more
elements into the over-all protocol---but within too short of a time frame
to verify any measurable beneficial effect.
  I hope these comments prove to be of value to you in your
personal researches.
Best Regards,   Brooks.
p.s.  The reason for the "qualifying" comment about Bromelain is that
bromelain  is a naturally-occurring
digestive enzyme which will act upon (combine with) many foodstuffs that it
encounters within the alimentary
tract-which cancels bromelain 's ability to otherwise benefit other
systemic functions in the body.  e.g.  Bromelain
is a VERY POWERFUL  lean-tissue inflammation control, but becomes
unavailable for such "systemic" support
if there are food constituents in the stomach.  When combined with 2000 mg.
of Turmeric and 2000 mg. of Boswellia
daily2000 mg of Bromelain enzyme furnishes one of the most POWERFUL
addresses for systemic arthritis conditions
.we have EVER evaluated.  Note:  90% of the adults over 55 years of
agein the U.S.are presenting to
some form of arthritis within the articulating joints of the body..on a
continuing basis.  A circumstance which is quite
profitable for the patent-drug makers..but HORRENDOUS in long-term
effect upon those taking NSAID compounds
for short-term relief of pain and associated discomforts.  It is a
demonstrable fact that ALL NSAIDS (Non-steroidal
Anti-inflammation Drugs), including aspirin...which is less insulting than
the patented synthetics..are TOXIC to the
general SYSTEMIC health of human beingsMOST ESPECIALLY the LIVER and
the entire digestive tract..

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 10:34 AM,  wrote:

> Brooks,
> my husband, my dear husband is suffering from trigger finger of the ring
> finger on the left hand, for the last 3 weeks. Nothing can be done with
> conventional medicine for this problem. Can you please suggest something.
> His symptoms are : very difficult to bend the finger from the first knuckle
> away from the palm, if he bends the finger, it locks up, then he has to
> manually unlock it. Intermittent pain.
>   Bless You,
>Glenda Mason

Re: CS>Brooks Cataract data

2013-03-08 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Dear Roger,
  If you are considering "self-experimentation" and/or
protocols developed for evaluations involving cats or dogs, etc..I
suggest you consider DIY approach, using readily-available "bulk
quantity" substances.  e.g.  We used bulk Carnosine
powder (about $25.00 for 50 grams) [source was Beyond-a-Century.com ].  One
might use Carnitine, instead for Carnosine, but there is better
evidence for the
Carnosine  derivative over the Carnitine ..in such applications as
elements in addressing cataract presentations.  One of the most simple, and
effective combinations which we employed is one wherein a solution of
1% [or even 2% in some cases], by volume, of  Saturated-solution of
Carnosine is
mixed with 5% undiluted DMSO, by volume.and the remaining 97%/98%,
by volume, is distilled water.  The parent stock (the mixed solution)
will last quite some time (some months), if not subjected to freezing
and/or heating cycles.
   Applications of these eye-drops one to 3 times daily, yielded
excellent responses for the vast majority of experimental cases
(animal pets and humans  alike).of better than
80%, from among our experimental subjects.
If you are considering the use of the Carnitine fraction,
instead of the Carnosine..I suggest you read up on the EXACT
differences via a web search.
Actually, we accomplished EVEN BETTER RESULTS from a solution
containing a couple of other non-toxic amendments---but I will not
their inclusionas our data involving their inclusion is far
too limited for a general extrapolation.
Incidentally, our research achieved SPLENDID EFFECTS from the
utilization of astaxanthin  (and this was accomplished some YEARS
before the
current episode of general endorsements by the mainstream alternative health
communityfor using astaxanthin).  Additionally, oral incorporation
of astaxanthin
has demonstrated (especially recently) to be UNUSUALLY effective in
addressing macular degeneration.  Achieving corrective influence in
some cases,
and prevention of advancementin approximately 75% of all volunteers.
To our present knowledge, NO OTHER extant protocol (chemical or mechanical)
has displayed ANY measurable influence on macular degeneration.  Our
results were the result of anecdotal (as against double-blind)
protocols, so are susceptible to denigration from the extremist
segment of the allopathic community.
  I suggest you prosecute a general Web-search on astaxanthin
as a supportive protocol for macular degenerationyou should
receive much
useful information/data.
       Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.


On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Roger Barker  wrote:
> Hi Brooks, thanks for this most useful post on treatments for cataracts. In
> the first one, where you mention NAC, could I ask you what would constitute
> a 'mild solution' and would I be right in thinking the body of this solution
> would be distilled water?
> Many thanks, Roger B
> NZ
> On 9/03/2013, at 6:17 AM, Jim Holmes wrote:
> Sometime back, this was posted.
> Because of the quite positive results we have achieved in some limited, but
> definitive, investigationsI am moved to call two supporting substances
> to the attention of list members. From among a number of candidates
> addressed in searching for the most economical/effective modalities for
> attenuating/preventing cataracts.we achieved our best---and most rapid
> success using NAC (n-acetyl L-carnosine)..for cataract presentations.
> This substance, in mild solution, (amended with low-percentage DMSO [ 5%] by
> volume)...effected very powerful
> beneficial influence upon the cross-linked proteins which cause the clouding
> of the normally
> clear tissue fields (i.e. cataracts). This simple protocol yielded (in our
> view) splendid,
> non-invasive, results.for literallypennies. Very positive benefits
> were achieved in ALL of the early-onset presentations and sufficient
> improvement in 80% of the ADVANCED PRESENTATIONS.to avoid or postpone
> surgical interventions.
> The second substanceone relating to age related macular degeneration
> (ARMD) we found to be of positive effect, was a pigment occurring in a
> marine form of Red Algae. Actually, it is a carotenoid and related to both
> lutein and beta-carotene in structure.but exhibits more powerful
> antioxidant effects. It is a natural dye occurring in such red algae as
> Gigartina. The substance is Astaxanthin.and it demonstrated to be the
> STAR in our Dry-type ARMD studies. In addition to yielding very strong
> benefit in our ARMD evaluations, Astaxanthin favorably improved the time
> response, when used as an ancillary support for the volunteers with
> cataracts.
> We do not recommend 

Re: CS>Atten: Brooks

2012-11-09 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Beth,
   The volumetric difference would, best, be supplied by
increasing the colloidal silver fraction...to yield the 100% total
number for the, total, complex solution.
Sincerely,  Brooks.
p.s.  Some established, external, insults may require a continuing of
the protocol for up to 21 daysbefore complete favorable resolution
is achieved.

On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 8:23 AM, Beth Harrison
> Dear Brooks,
> Your post referenced below caught my eye.  I have a daughter with a scaly
> patch on her lower lip.
> She had it biopsied some time ago and it came back as hemangioma.  Surgical
> removal was recommended, but
> hasn't happened yet.  It continues to slough off every few days, and seems
> to be spreading. I am
> wondering if your protocol below might help that.  However I am not clear on
> it-- please clarify if possible.
> It seems to be
> 25-50% by volume DMSO
> 25% 10 ppm colloidal silver
> 25% supersaturated sodium bicarb solution.
> So if we used the lower range of DMSO, what would make up the  other 25%, to
> bring it to 100%?
> Thanks so much!
> Beth H
>>   One simple protocol we found useful...and effective for topical
>> address of a majority of the fungal insults ...was a solution
>> containing any of a range of DMSO strengths from 25% to 50% (by
>> volume), mixed with 25% (by volume) supersaturated sodium bicarbonate
>> (e.g. where limit of solution dissolved is reached  Identifiable
>> by the fact that undissolved  sodium fraction will start to collect in
>> the bottom of your mixing  container). Adding 25% (by volume) 10 ppm
>> colloidal silver is a useful option.  This is a very forgiving
>> compound and may be used on experimental subjects with confidence (at
>> least we have found it so) to be free of contravening effects.
>>   Just apply, generously, to the affected areas
>> every 2 to 4 hours for one 24 hour period and once
>> every 6 hours for the following 48 hour period
>> yielded excellent results for a majority of ALL skin
>> surface insults we tested in our research.
>>   I hope these comments are of value to your
>> experimental investigations.
>>  I must go now.
>>  Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.
>> p.s.  Additionally, we found a majority of all skin carcinomas (as
>> well as those presenting in the mouth and upper throat)  responded
>> VERY POSITIVELY  to repeated spraying ( once every two hours during
>> the
>> day using a 10% (by volume) DMSO X saturated bicarbonate of soda
>> solution (by volume) .continued  on a 2 hour interval
>> basis--until favorably resolved, or a maximum of 14 days total.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org
> Unsubscribe:
>  <mailto:silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com?subject=unsubscribe>
> Archives:  http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html
> Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
> List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

Fwd: CS>Atten: Brooks

2012-10-28 Thread Brooks Bradley
-- Forwarded message --
From: Brooks Bradley 
Date: Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Atten: Brooks
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

The answer to  your question is yes.  Nearly all
fungus-containing mediums respond quite favorably to common bicarbonate of soda
   One simple protocol we found useful...and effective for topical
address of a majority of the fungal insults ...was a solution
containing any of a range of DMSO strengths from 25% to 50% (by
volume), mixed with 25% (by volume) supersaturated sodium bicarbonate
(e.g. where limit of solution dissolved is reached  Identifiable
by the fact that undissolved  sodium fraction will start to collect in
the bottom of your mixing  container). Adding 25% (by volume) 10 ppm
colloidal silver is a useful option.  This is a very forgiving
compound and may be used on experimental subjects with confidence (at
least we have found it so) to be free of contravening effects.
   Just apply, generously, to the affected areas
every 2 to 4 hours for one 24 hour period and once
every 6 hours for the following 48 hour period
yielded excellent results for a majority of ALL skin
surface insults we tested in our research.
   I hope these comments are of value to your
experimental investigations.
  I must go now.
  Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  Additionally, we found a majority of all skin carcinomas (as
well as those presenting in the mouth and upper throat)  responded
VERY POSITIVELY  to repeated spraying ( once every two hours during
day using a 10% (by volume) DMSO X saturated bicarbonate of soda
solution (90% by volume) .continued  on a 2 hour interval
basis--until favorably resolved, or a maximum of 14 days total.

On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 12:57 PM, MaryAnn Helland
> Dear Brooks -- your "p.s." response below made me wonder -- do you know if
> DMSO or anything else can be used for toenail fungus?  Thanks.
> MA
> ________
> From: Brooks Bradley 
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Sent: Sat, October 27, 2012 1:03:48 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>stye in the eye
> p.s.  It might be of value for list members to consider the useful
> application of DMSO---at strengths up to 99% concentration-as a
> direct address for "ingrown" toe nails and heavily-calloused areas of
> the foot (the tissue-softening effects are...many times
> superlativeand immediate, (especially when combined with a CS
> component for pathogen control..
> ..
> On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Paula Perry  wrote:
>> I hope someone has a good suggestion for a stye in the eye. I put cs in it
>> a few times and don't see anything happening. I am not sure of the strength
>> of the cs because the generator didn't seem to stay on very long. Anything
>> else that works?
>> Thanks,
>> Paula
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org
>> Unsubscribe:
>>  <mailto:silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com?subject=unsubscribe>
>> Archives:
>>  http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html
>> Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
>> List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

Re: CS>Atten: Brooks

2012-10-28 Thread Brooks Bradley
The answer to  your question is yes.  Nearly all
fungus-containing mediums respond quite favorably to common bicarbonate of soda
   One simple protocol we found useful...and effective for topical
address of a majority of the fungal insults ...was a solution
containing any of a range of DMSO strengths from 25% to 50% (by
volume), mixed with 25% (by volume) supersaturated sodium bicarbonate
(e.g. where limit of solution dissolved is reached  Identifiable
by the fact that undissolved  sodium fraction will start to collect in
the bottom of your mixing  container). Adding 25% (by volume) 10 ppm
colloidal silver is a useful option.  This is a very forgiving
compound and may be used on experimental subjects with confidence (at
least we have found it so) to be free of contravening effects.
   Just apply, generously, to the affected areas
every 2 to 4 hours for one 24 hour period and once
every 6 hours for the following 48 hour period
yielded excellent results for a majority of ALL skin
surface insults we tested in our research.
   I hope these comments are of value to your
experimental investigations.
  I must go now.
  Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  Additionally, we found a majority of all skin carcinomas (as
well as those presenting in the mouth and upper throat)  responded
VERY POSITIVELY  to repeated spraying ( once every two hours during
day using a 10% (by volume) DMSO X saturated bicarbonate of soda
solution (by volume) .continued  on a 2 hour interval
basis--until favorably resolved, or a maximum of 14 days total.

On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 12:57 PM, MaryAnn Helland
> Dear Brooks -- your "p.s." response below made me wonder -- do you know if
> DMSO or anything else can be used for toenail fungus?  Thanks.
> MA
> ________
> From: Brooks Bradley 
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Sent: Sat, October 27, 2012 1:03:48 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>stye in the eye
> p.s.  It might be of value for list members to consider the useful
> application of DMSO---at strengths up to 99% concentration-as a
> direct address for "ingrown" toe nails and heavily-calloused areas of
> the foot (the tissue-softening effects are...many times
> superlativeand immediate, (especially when combined with a CS
> component for pathogen control..
> ..
> On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Paula Perry  wrote:
>> I hope someone has a good suggestion for a stye in the eye. I put cs in it
>> a few times and don't see anything happening. I am not sure of the strength
>> of the cs because the generator didn't seem to stay on very long. Anything
>> else that works?
>> Thanks,
>> Paula
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org
>> Unsubscribe:
>>  <mailto:silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com?subject=unsubscribe>
>> Archives:
>>  http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html
>> Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
>> List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

Re: CS>stye in the eye

2012-10-27 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Paula,
We have achieved excellent response to the application of  95% (BY
protocol medium-applied generously (2 to 3 drops) via eye-dropper;
 for a whole litany of various eye insults... practically all of
the menu of the most frequent bacterial and/or viral insults
presenting as surface presentations on the eyeand the skin
surfaces interfacing with the eyeball proper.  These results were
achieved in the vast majority of our evaluations
involving our EXPERIMENTAL medical evaluations...
for both animal pets and human volunteer populations.
The principal reason for limiting the DMSO fraction to
5%.is because of the very HIGH hygroscopic characteristic
exhibited by DMSO.  e.g.
DMSO displays a VERY HIGH affinity for water and
will generate moderate---but sometimes disturbing.
temperature rises as it rushes to combine with the water molecule.
However, DMSO is NOT A TISSUE BURNERand does not (at least  in our
inflict true organic damage on sensitive living tissue
(including the eyes) even in concentrations as high as 25% strength
DMSO (BY VOLUME).   However, at
such high concentrations, the subject would experience
VERY UNCOMFORTABLE effects from the---momentarytissue-warming effects.
 However, in some cases,involving extensive
conjunctivitis of the eye-lid surfaces..a short-term, but
sometimes alarming (to the subject) stinging will
present-even though it will abate within 3o to 6o seconds-in
all of the cases within our experience.

Sincerely,Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  It might be of value for list members to consider the useful
application of DMSO---at strengths up to 99% concentration-as a
direct address for "ingrown" toe nails and heavily-calloused areas of
the foot (the tissue-softening effects are...many times
superlativeand immediate, (especially when combined with a CS
component for pathogen control..

On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Paula Perry  wrote:
> I hope someone has a good suggestion for a stye in the eye. I put cs in it a 
> few times and don't see anything happening. I am not sure of the strength of 
> the cs because the generator didn't seem to stay on very long. Anything else 
> that works?
> Thanks,
> Paula
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org
> Unsubscribe:
>   <mailto:silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com?subject=unsubscribe>
> Archives:
>   http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html
> Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
> List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

Re: CS>Doorway exercise

2012-10-01 Thread Brooks Bradley
   Dear Melly,
 I encourage you to obtain some knee-length compression stockings (
Ames Hosiery has
demonstrated to be equal to ANY of the major manufacturers...and at
one-third the price.  Just purchase
about 30 mmg strength  (surgical weight) IN YOUR GENERAL FOOT SIZE.  This
type of compression hose
has proven to be of enormous benefit to our various volunteers  suffering
from a litany of compromising insults
involving the lower extremities (especially the knees and ankles).
Compression hose mitigate against nearly
all of the complications resulting from presenting afflictions which cause
all forms of swelling and peripheral
neuralgia .  This protocol yields PRONOUNCED relief from the interstitial
swelling presented from the fluid leakage into the tissue beds surrounding
the articulating joints...via its ability to substitute for the weakened (or
 missing) lean muscle beds (caused by atrophying --or compromising by
conditions such as diabetes).
Do remember to take the hose off at night and replace them in the morning.
  This simple protocol has demonstrated to aid a majority of all our
volunteer population  suffering from either knee or ankle insults involving
joint stability/strength..regardless of their chronological age.  The
effects for sufferers of pronounced neuralgia have, many times, enjoyed
almost, instantaneous (e.g within
hours)  relief from pain/discomfort.  Many times, the aid furnished to the
venous-side of the cardiovascular system
is sufficient to re-establish the efficiency of the valves to a point of
STOPPING the interstitial leakage.entirely.
My best wishes for your success in your personal experimental
health procedures researches.
  Sincerely, Brooks.
p.s.   Be sure the hose are "surgical strength/weight".   If you have
leakage sufficient to fill the "hollow-area"
just below the ankle-joint...you will-in all probability, notice a
PRONOUNCED  reduction in swellingthe first day.

 Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 7:50 PM, Melly Bag  wrote:

> My chiro also instructed me to do this.  Good for shoulder and spine as
> well as lymph nodes.  Problem, is i have weak ankles.
> Melly
> =
> On 9/26/2012 12:00 AM, sol wrote:
> > That is the method I use too.
> > sol
> >
> > Bruce Anderson wrote:
> >> How 'bout the one I use? Stand in a doorway, hold on if you like, raise
> up on your toes and drop gently back to the floor with your heels. Talk
> about cheap! Even I can afford it.
> >> Bruce A
> >
> >

Re: CS>Prostatitis

2012-09-03 Thread Brooks Bradley
The suggestion (in my opinion) given by Ted
Tofflemire, is of definite value.
We conducted rather extensive investigations involving various
protocol treatments
addressing various stages of BHP (benign hypertrophic
Prostatitis)...several years ago.
>From among the more effective modalitiesthe employment of beta
relative phytosterols --proved by a large margin
(4X)..unquestionably the most powerful.
The most effective (and certainly the most economical)
procedure was a daily dosage of
1200 milligrams (divided into 2 equal doses) of  a phytosterol complex
(which included approximately
50% beta sitosterol),   We used 1/2 teaspoon of the powder.given
once before noon and once just before bedtime, daily.  We use quite
large amounts of this type substance, therefore, cost becomes a
Swanson makes a very good product, but we utilize a company named
Beyond-a-Centurybecause of the
advantages of lower product costin bulk-size quantities.  Our
purchasing agent informs me that we pay about
$12.00 for a 100 Gram bottle of the powder.  We are not
affiliatedin any way.with this company---or any other, for
that matter.  I am not recommending that you purchase this product
from them--it just comes to
mind that we use them, primarily, for this substance.
  As I do not post very frequently, any more, simply because of
time demands (and the fact I will be 85
my next birthday).  However, since I am posting now I will relate a
comment on Specific and
Non-Specific general inflammation.  It has proven to our satisfaction,
that a  high percentage of systemic and
localized inflammatory response to various insults.is both poorly
recognized and even more poorly addressed
for  the nature/effects upon vibrant human health.  We developed,
about 2 years ago, a very simple,
non-toxic, but quite effective, support protocol for these general
inflammations "of indeterminate SPECIFIC cause").  Our protocol, in
these experimental addresses, included daily quantities : 2000 mg of
Bromelain enzyme, 1000 mg of Boswellia  extract capsules,  2000 mg
Turmeric, and 20,00- units (approximately 33 mg)
of Serrapeptase enzyme.  This volume was divided into 2 separate
doses...one before noon and the other
just before bedtime.  Measurable, additional benefit resulted from
adding  1000 mg CMO (Cetyl Myristoleate)-
although its addition was not as critical as was each of the other components.
   Our results for both acute and long-term inflammation, using
this simple address, exceededby
almost one order of magnitudethe positive results obtained from
among any/all of the other candidate
protocols evaluated.  I can only say...in layman's termsour
results were SENSATIONAL...sometimes
yielding major improvement onset within 5 days (this in view of the
fact that some of these chronic
presentations were of  5 years standing.).
Some among the list membership might want to consider such an
approach in some of their
experimental medical research endeavors.
  Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

p.s.  If you inquire from Beyond-a-century, be sure to type
Phytosterol Complex in the search window for their
products (they have a rather large inventory and many products are
close in name.)
  Do be sure to utilize a mixture of all of the substances every
time a dose is given.  Several (especially Boswellia and Bromelain) of
these substances yield a synergistic reaction yielding a quite
powerful multiplication of effect.

On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Tel Tofflemire  wrote:
> Tel Tofflemire
> From: Tel Tofflemire 
> To: "silver-list@eskimo.com" 
> Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 12:21 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Prostatitis
>  Try - Bata Sitosterol pill, Sold by Swansons , it is quite cheap, and works
> for most men. One pill per day is what,  I take once per day in the morning,
> otherwise you get up in the night too much. This is the best there is for
> the mens problem, It's cheap, &  they don't want you to know about it yet,
> not till they get the price up more, There are several other companies
> selling it at 5 x the price.  Colloidal Silver helps also, but not as fast !
> Tel Tofflemire
> From: Ken&Chris 
> To: "silver-list@eskimo.com" 
> Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2012 4:23 PM
> Subject: CS>Prostatitis
> New here. Researching for hubby.
> Hubby has recurring prostatitis that comes back every  3-4 months,
> antibiotic never seems to clear this up. He's not keen on trying silver
> water and skeptical of it helping. Sounds like a difficult disease to
> control.
> Anyone have dosage suggestions and time period of treatment and maintance
> dose
> Will t

CS>Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

2012-08-02 Thread Brooks Bradley
-- Forwarded message --
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem 
Date: Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 6:20 PM
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
To: bradlebro...@gmail.com

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


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Received: by with SMTP id h7mr29088035eem.35.1343949638662; Thu,
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Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2012 18:20:38 -0500
Subject: Variation forMethod of disrupting the chlorella cell wall by
 cell rupture - Nakayama, Hideo
From: Brooks Bradley 
To: silver-l...@eskimo.coml
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

This site gives an interesting and useful explanation of a
successful cell-wall rupturing process for chlorella.
My post is to notify interested list researchers that by, simply,
substituting a simple Ultrasonic
energy source  for the high intensity pressure gradient function
(outlined in the patent brief), one can,
successfully, obtain quite high "liposomal" encapsulations exhibiting
about 50% conversion.
One necessary  modification to their ingredient mix is that
approximately 40% (by weight) of lecithin is required as
one component to the parent mix.  Otherwise, nothing else is required
beyond the standard procedure
utilized in producing liposomal vitamin Cusing ultrasonic energy
as the prime mover.
This information is sent in an effort to encourage
do-it-yourself researchers to develop their
personally-tailored methodology for useful, home made "broken
cell-wall chlorella"in preference
to expending rather significant expenditures for the commercially
available products currently on the market..'
In any event, this is simply an encouragement.as I DO NOT
have time or energy to engage in
extended dialog with the general list membership.  Nor do I believe it
is a requirement for one to enjoy measured
success in their efforts.
    Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

Re: Brooks / Re: CS>Arthritis

2012-05-31 Thread Brooks Bradley
No, I am suggesting this protocol be considered in addition to CMO.
Sincerely,  Brooks

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 10:27 PM, Jane MacRoss
> Dear Brooks are you recommending this protocol in place of the CMO protocol?
> Best,
> Jane
> - Original Message - From: "Brooks Bradley" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:41 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Arthritis
>        Dear Asif,
> Our research group has conducted investigations/evaluations of a
> number of protocols
> designed to alleviate the more pernicious effects of the various
> arthritis insults. One of the crown jewels for addressing arthritic
> insults to the articulating joints, has proven to be CMO.  I have,
> over the last few years, made brief posts as to our progress.
>       Recently, we restarted some of our evaluationsmost
> especially those involving enzymatic
> approaches.  Central to these evaluations were bromelain and
> serrapeptase .  Additionally, boswellia
> was evaluated to demonstrate effective inflamation reduction/control
> for presentations non-responsive
> to the conventional allopathic NISAID family (that is, as long-term,
> non-toxic, addresses).
> One can Google these substances for general informationbut should
> be advised that CONVENTIONAL, allopathic medicine is quite out-spoken
> in their criticism ,demonstrated by their
> unrelenting  attacks against these alternative substances.
>        Suffice it is for me to say that our researches demonstrate
> each of these substances to be of genuine value in reducing the pain
> and swelling presenting in joint tissue and environs.   Bosewellia
> revealed to be especially helpful in addressing pain issues
> accompanying intense inflammation.
> Serrapeptase was, at the very least, 50% to 100% more effective than a
> variety of patented drugs...
> at least among those we evaluated.  Additionally, the cost difference
> in the allopathic, patented types,
> over the alternative enzyme-based materials.was at least ten to
> one--in favor of the agternative  materials.
>          I encourage list members to use their browsing systems to
> further investigate these substances for themselves.
>          I now include one of the more effective protocols which we
> developedin our EXPERIMENTAL medical endeavors.
>          Boswellia (preferably capsule form) 500 mg  {twice daily):
> Serrapeptase (free powder or capsules)  20 mg (twice daily) :
> Bromelain (free powder of capsule)  1000mg (twice daily.)
>      NOTE  These substances work MUCH better when ingested on an
> empty stomach.  Bromelain and serrapeptaseespecially.  Taking one
> of the protocols just before bedtime yielded better results.
> It is of substance to note that one obtained best results when
> consuming 8 ounces of plain water
> each time the volunteer ingested the three-substance combination.
> They were, all, consumed  togethersimultaneously, both
> times.daily.
>                               I must go now,  Sincerely,   Brooks
> Bradlery.
>   p.s.  I almost forgot..we were able to achieve NOTICEABLE
> improvement in at least 50%
> of all caseswithin the first 4 days.and PRONOUNCED IMPROVMENT
> in 75% of all cases---within 14 days.  It should be noted that
> some of these cases had calendar histories greater than one year.  It
> is true that the more powerful NSAID's did yield much more rapid pain
> relief within the first
> 24 hour time-envelope .but ALL NSAID substances presented some
> unwelcome, sometimes TOXIC reactions among some of the body's more
> susceptible (liver, pancreas and  digestive) systemswhen they were
> consumed for.continuous times beyond 10 days. At least that was our
> experience.
> On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 10:37 AM, Asif Nathekar
>  wrote:
>> Hi silver list,
>> I wonder if you you guys have any good treatments for arthritis in the
>> joints. Knees and fingers especially.
>> The person has been taking around 10ml of 15ppm silver once a day and
>> reports its helps.
>> The person is being put on increased painkillers for this condition which
>> has its own side effects .
>> So I seek the wisdom of the usually very helpful people here.
>> Thank you.
>> Peace to all.
>> Asif.
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>> Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org
>> Unsubscribe:
>> <mailto:silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com?subjectunsubscribe>
>> Archives:
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html
>> Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
>> List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>
> -
> No virus found in this message.
> Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
> Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2425/5034 - Release Date: 05/30/12

Re: CS>Arthritis

2012-05-30 Thread Brooks Bradley
 Dear Asif,
Our research group has conducted investigations/evaluations of a
number of protocols
designed to alleviate the more pernicious effects of the various
arthritis insults. One of the crown jewels for addressing arthritic
insults to the articulating joints, has proven to be CMO.  I have,
over the last few years, made brief posts as to our progress.
Recently, we restarted some of our evaluationsmost
especially those involving enzymatic
approaches.  Central to these evaluations were bromelain and
serrapeptase .  Additionally, boswellia
was evaluated to demonstrate effective inflamation reduction/control
for presentations non-responsive
to the conventional allopathic NISAID family (that is, as long-term,
non-toxic, addresses).
One can Google these substances for general informationbut should
be advised that CONVENTIONAL, allopathic medicine is quite out-spoken
in their criticism ,demonstrated by their
unrelenting  attacks against these alternative substances.
 Suffice it is for me to say that our researches demonstrate
each of these substances to be of genuine value in reducing the pain
and swelling presenting in joint tissue and environs.   Bosewellia
revealed to be especially helpful in addressing pain issues
accompanying intense inflammation.
Serrapeptase was, at the very least, 50% to 100% more effective than a
variety of patented drugs...
at least among those we evaluated.  Additionally, the cost difference
in the allopathic, patented types,
over the alternative enzyme-based materials.was at least ten to
one--in favor of the agternative  materials.
   I encourage list members to use their browsing systems to
further investigate these substances for themselves.
   I now include one of the more effective protocols which we
developedin our EXPERIMENTAL medical endeavors.
   Boswellia (preferably capsule form) 500 mg  {twice daily):
Serrapeptase (free powder or capsules)  20 mg (twice daily) :
Bromelain (free powder of capsule)  1000mg (twice daily.)
   NOTE  These substances work MUCH better when ingested on an
empty stomach.  Bromelain and serrapeptaseespecially.  Taking one
of the protocols just before bedtime yielded better results.
It is of substance to note that one obtained best results when
consuming 8 ounces of plain water
each time the volunteer ingested the three-substance combination.
They were, all, consumed  togethersimultaneously, both

I must go now,  Sincerely,   Brooks
p.s.  I almost forgot..we were able to achieve NOTICEABLE
improvement in at least 50%
of all caseswithin the first 4 days.and PRONOUNCED IMPROVMENT
in 75% of all cases---within 14 days.  It should be noted that
some of these cases had calendar histories greater than one year.  It
is true that the more powerful NSAID's did yield much more rapid pain
relief within the first
24 hour time-envelope .but ALL NSAID substances presented some
unwelcome, sometimes TOXIC reactions among some of the body's more
susceptible (liver, pancreas and  digestive) systemswhen they were
consumed for.continuous times beyond 10 days. At least that was our

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 10:37 AM, Asif Nathekar
> Hi silver list,
> I wonder if you you guys have any good treatments for arthritis in the 
> joints. Knees and fingers especially.
> The person has been taking around 10ml of 15ppm silver once a day and reports 
> its helps.
> The person is being put on increased painkillers for this condition which has 
> its own side effects .
> So I seek the wisdom of the usually very helpful people here.
> Thank you.
> Peace to all.
> Asif.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
>  http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Beck zapper

2012-02-04 Thread Brooks Bradley
 The Beck zapper is a very useful device (at least it has
been in our researches), however,
there are...at present..several other---more recent designs;  more
powerful in effect than is the original
device developed by Robert.  A brief survey of the Internet using
"zapper"  as the key word, will illicit
a number of valid references.  If you are unsuccessful email me
personally and I will attempt to offer
some useful guidance in your search.
        Brooks Bradley.   Harborne Research Foundation.

On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 4:53 PM, asif nathekar  wrote:
> Hi group,
> Has anyone got any anecdotes for the beck zapper to share
> As I want to use one on my mate with the boils  if it's potentially effective
> Thanks
> Sent from my iPhone
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org
> Unsubscribe:
>  <mailto:silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com?subject=unsubscribe>
> Archives:
>  http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html
> Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
> List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

Re: CS>CS and - Parvo

2012-02-04 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Joyce,
We have evaluated various applications of CS for topical
insults.in hundreds of cases over
the immediately-past 15 years.  The most effective address was found
to be 10 to 20 ppm strength,
diluted with 10% (by volume) DMSO.  Higher DMSO fractions were used
(on some occasions) in
special challenges.  However, no matter which strengths used, the DMSO
fraction was CRITICAL
for insuring high-speed response and for rapid infiltration through
scabs, mucus layers., etc.  One of
the most desirable attributes of using DMSO is its ability to
transport entrained substances across dense
mucous fields (e.g. Lungs presenting bi-lateral viral pneumonia).
  Good Luck in your health researches,
Brooks Bradley.

On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 11:00 AM, vicki hood  wrote:
> Parvo accumulates and spreads from the large intestine.  An enema o flush
> out the parvo concentration and then another enema in half hour can
> sometimes  save the dog.  CS by mouth  along with electrolytes and any other
> hydration is a lifesaver.  Stay up all night and hydrate even if it has to
> be with an eyedropper.  Often times parvo arrives with its own vaccine. Know
> the signs and don't ignore parvo diagnosis because you just had your pet
> vaccinated.  Joyce Miller and others you can spread the word of the
> ingredients and the danger in vaccines once you read vaclib.org and other
> documentation.  Follow the money train.  Big pharma can take all the hypos
> and put them where the sun don't shine.
> - Original Message - From: "Joyce Miller" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 8:18 PM
> Subject: CS>CS and dogs
> Took a dog to the vet this week -- it was a rescue dog and he had
> serious irritations on the front of his neck and he had just been
> neutered to get him ready for his new home.
> The clinic that did the neutering gave me some spray for the neck and
> said I could also use it on the incision site. The dog really fought
> me -- no way did he want me to do that.
> So I took him to my vet the next day, and she took one look at the
> name of the spray and said that that product contains alcohol and of
> course that would really burn the skin, making the irritation worse
> and causing his incision to be quite pinkish read. I asked her what to
> use instead.
> Now, she is NOT an alternative vet, but she is a great diagnostician
> and she respects the health of our dogs. She said that the best thing
> to use for skin irritations on dogs is colloidal silver.
> I brought the dog home, started using colloidal silver (my husband
> makes ours and we always have plenty available). The dog still
> struggled, but the irritation started to heal. The dog left for his
> permanent today, and I sent the CS with him, both the little spray
> bottle and another bottle so they can refill the spray, and told them
> what our vet said to do.
> This is something that I will be posting to the dog lists that I own
> and the dog lists that I am on, but before I do, I wanted to ask this
> list if anyone else has done this and what more they can tell me about
> using CS for dogs with skin issues or other issues.
> Thanks,
> Joyce Miller
> --
> "Self care is never a selfish act – it is simply good stewardship of
> the only gift that I have.” Parker Palmer
> http://dearjubilee-joyce.blogspot.com
> www.dearjubilee.com
> --
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Re: CS>OT - DE

2011-10-28 Thread Brooks Bradley
   Dear PT,
   We have evaluated via many different
scenarios--different protocols
involving large animals and humans, throughout the immediately-past 25
all without any compromising incidents.  There is one caution I would
offerif one
is not aware of the potential dangersand that is to BE SURE to use
ONLY the amorphous
form of DE.  This is VERY IMPORTANT, AS THE SWIMMING POOL TYPE has been heated
to an elevated temperature, which causes a collapse of the random
crystal structure---resulting
in a very real threat to human healthespecially if inhaled.  The
amorphous form is that which   is
normally distributed by agricultural and feed stores.
 We HAVE experienced cases where subjects encountered
presentations somewhat similar to those you report.
In almost every case, a hydration condition was involved.  DE is quite
hygroscopic.  As a matter of general course, we found
that one  tablespoon of DE requires a minimum of 6 ounces (better with
8) of water (not juices or carbonated drinks).in order
to provide an optimal alimentary environment.
   Diatomaceous  Earth can, under certain circumstances,
become a factor in unwanted agglomeration...in
the presence multiple chemical mixtures.  However, as a general
rule...it is quite benign and does not generate any
negative catalytic consequences.and never any undesirable chemical
 reactions.  At least, that has been  our experience.
   Best Regards,   Brooks.

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:23 PM, PTFerrance  wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone developed intestinal issues after using DE?  I’m not even taking
> the recommended dosage but after a few days I end up with intestinal issues.
> Thanks.
> PT

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CS>General commentary

2011-07-18 Thread Brooks Bradley
  I deem this information to be of sufficient, potential
impact,  to merit a posting.
We have, on several different occasions, conducted evaluations of
potential value..which
were levied on promising protocols designed to mitigate the awful
effects of Alzheimer's.
None of them proved effective.up to this present time.  A few
months ago I ran across the researches (involving her personal
experiences) and adaptations, while searching for
an effective address for her 53 year old husband's sudden-onset
Alzheimer's challenge..
of the efforts of a medical [professional.  Her name is Dr. Mary
Newport.  I encourage interested list members to conduct a
search-engine inquiry on her efforts and results.
I was so impressed that I have convinced others (among my
associates), to conduct
a limited, anecdotal, evaluation of a similar type.  Our early results
(covering the immediately-past six weeks) have been promising indeed.
 The centerpiece of her protocol is UNMODIFIED coconut
oil.  I believe one can
locate quite adequate analysis of her activities relating to this
caseon the Internet.
  I will, at a later date, post a general summary of our
research results.
      Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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Re: CS>Diabetes

2011-06-06 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Dear Melly,
   Each session will vary somewhat (usually between 20 and 30
minutes) basede upon individual cases.  If one has
plenty of time.45 minutes is excellent .   Remember, the DMSO is a
critical componentas it determines both speed and
effectiveness of EIS transfer and O2 penetration.Performing the protocol
three times each 24 hours proved most effective
especially in long-standing cases.  Otherwise, twice daily gave quie
acceptable results.  In most cases, tissue granulation became visibly
evident within 4 to 5 days.  Granulation  is quite easy to seeas the
tissue in the rim surrounding the ulsce will begin to present  a pinkish
flesh-tone color and the purple/redness classically presenting from these
surface ulcerations fades in-concert..as the new tissue generation
proceeds.  This simple protocol succeeded sometimes.when all else had
failed.  The general protocol , in a majority of cases, will be required
for the entire period necessary for complete---satisfactory, resolution.
This means, until the ulcer is completely closed and healed, requiring .
  One may obviously assume that a sufferer of peripheral; neuralgia
extremity and'or its complications would be well-served to utilize "quality"
compression stockings on a continuing (probably permanentlybasis).   I have
employed them continuously for the immediately-past  15 years---
with nothing but SPLENDID results.
   I wish you the very best in your personal, experimental, health
maintenance   program.
 Sincerely,  *B*rooks

On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 11:46 PM, Melly Bag  wrote:

> Hi Brooks,
> Thank you so much for giving us info on remedies for diabetes
> complications.
> How long should each session of the EIS/DMSO/Oxygen last, and how many
> times a day?
> I truly appreciate all your wonderful posts. You are a God sent to us.
> Melly

CS>Earlier Post on Diabetic Complications ref. peripheral circulation

2011-06-04 Thread Brooks Bradley
  My apologies for this tardy follow-up on my
earlier post.  My email client went haywire, just
as I was sending the email and I was forced to attend
previously-scheduled business.  Unfortunately,
it is something of an effort for me to construct such lengthy
postingsand a disillusionment when such effort goes awry.
That said, here is the gist of the remainder of my ill-fated
post.   While the utilization of compression hose gave the
most rapid response to the swelling issues, there were a couple of
other self-help protocols which yielded quite effective
results. One being the use of Alpha Lipoic Acid, used as a direct aid
in managing/stabilizing glucose levels and as a VERY
effective support for the liver.  The insult to the liver (from
diabetes) is sometimes as great.even more pronounced..than
that experienced by the pancreas.  The wonderful work performed by Dr.
Bert Berkson  on Alpha Lipoic Acid beneficial effects
has revolutionized (in some quarters) the "systemic" approach  to
addressing diabetes..most especially Type II.  We found that
400 mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), taken twice daily yielded POWERFUL
assistance, both in glucose management (lowering the insulin
requirement dramatically), and in the swift abatement of the more
aggravating  effects of peripheral neuralgia (burning, tingling and/or
directly at the high pain-sites--and most especially the
feet/ankles.ALA has demonstrated to be powerful, rapid-acting,
non-toxicand LOW COST,
and  the additional effect of multiplying the effectiveness of vitamin
C and E...resulting from its ability to recover (in situ) a
majority of the principal
components..and recirculate them.
There is one,other, protocol which is designed to mitigate
against the discouraging, constantly-expanding  effects of slow and/or
non-healing ulcerations
attendant to many/most of the long-standing cases of diabetes.  The
major challenge, which prevents new-tissue granulation and progressive
the result of poor circulation.  Blood thinners do, sometimes, provide
some measure of relief.but are in general poor methodology for
correcting non-healing ulcers.
The lack of oxygen to the insulted tissue beds is the main problem.
Our simple protocol of utilizing 10 to 15 ppm EIS (colloidal silver)
at 80% by volume, mixed
with FULL-STRENGTH DMSO  at  20% by volumesprayed liberally upon
the ulcer proper and encased  (the entire foot-ankle-calf region) in a
small garbage bag
filled with 100% oxygen, furnished an excellent modality for
initiating/sustaining new-tissue granulation ---and, subsequently,
healing of the ulcer.  We found that by
simply inserting a small plastic tube inside the plastic bag and
securing the top with a rubber band---worked quite well.  We found
that maintaining about20 psi discharge
pressure level from the artist's air-brush assembly, worked quite
well.  Actually, any reasonable pressure from the airbrush assembly
(even down to 10 psi differential)
sufficient to keep the garbage bag inflated, was acceptable.  While my
posting may seem complicated to some, in actuality, it is quite
 Employing the foregoing O2  X  DMSO/EIS protocol, we were
able, in some cases, to effectively correct some foot/ankle
non-healing ulcers of over 18 months
standing and 1" in diameter---and to do soin less than 4 weeks.
 My apologies for such a lengthy post, but I hope the central
stream of information clear.and simple---enough to be of some
value to interested list members.

Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

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2011-06-02 Thread Brooks Bradley
   Dear Gladys,
 Peripheral neuralgia is a common...and
seriouscomplication of diabetes
insults.  We have conducted extensive research on alternative
protocols for addressing
 the ancillary insults accompanying diabetes challenges.  We did, in
fact, develop several
simple, effective protocols which yielded quite helpful results.  I
will outline, briefly. a couple of the
more effective ones:   First, a brief statement of what actually is
manifesting to cause the extremities
swelling:  any for of insult which causes the return blood supply
(venous, returning to the heart) to not be fully scavenged (returned
to the heart)will allow the blood to pool  and various components
to leaking into the surrounding tissue beds (this is, generally, most
pronounced the further away from the heart that you get).
Any bodily geometry which allows the extremity to be elevated
upwards.more nearly to level with the heart---
is, generally, quite beneficial in reducing/controlling the edema
(swelling itself).  Poorly-closing or leaking valves in the veins
greatly exacerbate this condition (older persons, especially those
losing lean muscle mass more rapidly.encounter more challenging
conditions.than do others
One, quite simple protocol which has demonstrated to be of
PRONOUNCED aid for this, particular, insult is the use of compression
These are special stockings which apply constant  compression on the
foot, ankle and calf  (at a preset level).which aid measurably in
controlling/preventing a large measure of the fluid escape into the
tissues surrounding the major veins in the legs and feet.   We hae
found that Ames Hosiery
Company is one of the better suppliers of quality stockings (and MUCH
CHEAPER IN PRICE). One has to make a general determination as to what
compression level to use.  We have found that, generally, 20 hg
(actually, a measure in millimeters of pressure) compression factor is
about the minimum
effective level.  If the swelling is quite pronounced and completely
fills te normal indentures around the ankle bonethen around 30 hg
would be required.
In my own case  (I had a pronounced pre-diabetic condition which
pre3sented about 20 years ago...and the compression hose proved a
God-send in my case) I utilized 30 hg compression strength and
achieved EXCELLENT control of the swelling.  I wore the stockings
during the day and removed them at night, just before I went to bed.
I replaced them in each morning, upon arising.  We utilized this
technique on a number of our volunteersall with qujite
effective result.and some---as in my casewith total effective control.
We found that the SURGICAL WEIGHT hose were FAR more effective
and lasted MUCH  longer before wearing out  (many months).  Unless

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Gladys Williams  wrote:
> Hi list--I was recently diagnosed with Diabetes.  In addition I have Lower
> Limb
> Lymphedema so my legs swell and go back down daily.  This has created a
> very very serious circulation problem in my big toe.  Have taken two courses
> of antibiotics  and the toe is very red and has two blisters. I'm really
> scared,
> any advice??   Gladys

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CS>How To Make Non-glycerin Soap | LIVESTRONG.COM

2011-05-24 Thread Brooks Bradley
   I neglected to include this, second, variation for making
glycerin-free soap, in my
previous email.Brooks Bradley.


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CS>How to Make Non-Glycerin Soap | eHow.com

2011-05-24 Thread Brooks Bradley
  This is the best I can doin answer to the
question about non-glycerin soap.
It is very difficult to purchase non-glycerin soap from commercial
sourcesbusiness marketeers
have, simply, eliminated the general demand for such soaps.
 It has been quite some time since we have been
involved with Dr. Judd's oral hygiene
research.so I do not have any up-to-date sources for purchasing
glycerin-free soap from commercial soures.
My apologies for being unable to assist you
further.Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.


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CS>Save Your Teeth and Be Well!

2011-05-24 Thread Brooks Bradley
This is an excellent summary of Dr. Gerard Judd's re-enamelization
protocol .

Brooks Bradley.


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2011-05-01 Thread Brooks Bradley

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CS>Earlier Post on Domestic Magnetic Fields

2011-04-30 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Recently, I received an Off-List email from one of our
more erudite technical researchers.  The criticism
was well-meant... and well-deserved on my part.  The gentleman's
specific objection was to my inference relating to possible
radiation hazard from leakage of the front seal of the microwave.  His
criticism is quite valid---and deserved.  Not because
of any devious intent on my partbut, certainly, because my
statement appeared WITHOUT any FIRST PERSON
data support.  My comment was THIRD PERSON commentary, obtained from
the writings of Roger Coghill (a Cambridge educated
researcher who specializes in the biological effects of magnetic
fields.  I considered his stated qualifications to be
at the time.  My statement relating to the distance interval in front
of the microwave, was a direct reference from Mr. Coghill's book  on
magnets..(data table page 43) given without ancillary comment or
consideration of control parameters...
 Conversely, the gentleman calling me to task...had
prosecuted actual tests on microwave ovens, which confirmed the safety
 (based upon legal requirements)  of normally functioning microwave
ovens. His FIRST PERSON  data revealed only one unit, from
many evaluated---that exhibited detectable seal leakage.
  While quite conversant with most facets of technologies
surrounding the generation, distribution and control of
microwave energies..I have no direct experience with testing
microwave ovensor evaluations of their  limitations.
  I apologize for my shortcomings in this matter.  It has,
always, been my desire and intent to covey only the truth, as I
perceive it, to all on this list.
I will endeavor to be more vigilant avoiding such imprecise commentary
in any future posts.
   Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

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CS>Domestic Magnetic Fields

2011-04-21 Thread Brooks Bradley
In a recent conversation among our peers, a comment by
one;person peaked my interest.
The remark related to electrically-generated magnetic fields
presenting among common household
appliances/devices.  I was surprised to hear that the typical hair
dryer generates a magnetic field of
17,440 nanotesla (nT) at 60 hz, when the discharge nozzle is held 2
inches from the head (QUITE A COMMON DISTANCE).
Since the average household
(background) magnetic field is 40 to 50 nT and adverse effects for
humans start to appear at about
200nTthis should RED FLAG  users of hair dryers.  The field
strength of a magnet is inversely proportional
to the distance from it.  Such evidence recommends the user of
hand-held hair dryer keep the discharge  nozzle no CLOSER
   We have conducted much research into the benefits of using
magnetic devices for human health support.and continue to do so.
However, there are certain cautions which should be observedand
this seems to one of them.  This is especially so when considering
that a majority of helpful magnetic devices employ non-oscillating
frequencies of less than 10 hz;   DC sources or permanent magnets.
Household AC power is supplied at 60hz and 110 to 220 volts AC
   I have one other comment to make regarding household
appliances.  The vast majority of American families employ the use of
a microwave
oven.  There is, in most cases, a suggested comment by the food
companies (included in the Cooking Directions  section) which states
one should allow the
foodstuff to remain in the ovenor to be allowed to sit for two or
so minutesbefore consuming.  The implication being that such
allows an improved heat
dispersion throughout the foodstuff.  However, a more accurate
analysis could be that the food company does this to mitigate against
the effects of a possible
lawsuit which might be encountered .for a condition caused or
aggravated by cellular radiation exposure.  Few among the general
public are aware that
residual "microwave frequency" radiation DOES NOT vanish
instantaneously  with the removal of power from the magnetron tube
(when power is turned off).
Actually, there is a time lapse varying from 2 to, sometimes, 4
minutes BEFORE  the radiation actually dissipates from the target
foodstuff cell structure.
It is quite feasible for someone to extract food from a microwave and
ingest it BEFORE the radiation envelop completely dissipates.  If you
are tempted
to disregard this comment as inconsequential, I would remind you that
the typical microwave oven manufacturers are allowed to generate
exposure levels
of around 5000mW/cm2 (thats Milli-watts)and in 1950's, Operation
Pandora"s Box revealed that exposure levels of  18uW/cm2  (that's
MICRO-WATTS) caused the U.S. Embassy
staff in Moscow, USSR, to present with the highest level of cancer
incidence per head of population---IN THE WORLD.   The microwave oven
power levels were measured 20" IN FRONT of the microwave window.
WINDOW  while it is operating.

Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

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Re: CS>Brooks - what doses of Lipo-C were used?

2011-04-21 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Dorothy,
 I would not recommend the use of ANY tap water source.  There
are multiple reasons for this, but one will suffice.
To wit:  There are just too many possible contaminants present in most
tap water sources.  And I do not mean just pathogenic
ones.There is no way to determine how the many chemical elements,
possibly  present would affect the end product.  e.g.  many
potentially toxic members of the metal family...and or saltscould
easily be encapsulated and delivered DIRECTLY into the INTER-CELLULAR
environment of the body..not a very desirable prospect.
   Be Regards,  Brooks.

On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 3:05 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick  wrote:
> Good morning Brooks, I'm sorry to barge in on this theme but have a question 
> to do with liposomal VC i.e. in your home-made version, is it necessary to 
> use distilled water over tap water?  I just wondered what the difference 
> would be or would it make it less efficacious. Many thanks,  dee
> On 21 Apr 2011, at 00:09, Brooks Bradley wrote:
>> Dear David,
>>       We HAVE NOT used liposomal encapsulated Vitamin  C as a
>> standalone protocol..in addressing
>> cancer presentations in any experimental mammal evaluations.  If I
>> have indicated otherwise, my apologies.
>>        As relates to dosages utilized by other, mainstream,
>> researchers (e.g. Dr. Thomas E. Levy, in conjunction with Livon
>> Laboratories).executing a Google-type search engine should yield
>> some useful information.
>>         Generally, we have found that a 1/5th  Liposomal  equivalency
>> (e.g. 5 grams of Liposomal-encapsulated Vitamin C substitued
>> for 25 grams conventional sodium ascorbate) -yields equal...or
>> better... results--than does the
>> conventional sodium ascorbate... and even better against ascorbic
>> acid solutions.  The largest dosages...of which we are aware... to
>> have been utilized by researchers is about 40 grams per day-of
>> NON-LIPOSOMAL  C.  In most cases divided into three to four doses (to
>> maintain acceptable titers within the cardiovascular system.)  This
>> would equate to, roughly, 8 grams of Liposomal product.using the
>> ratio stated above.  Actually, my fiqures are VERY CONSERVATIVE, as
>> some cases of which we are aware furnished quantitative
>> results of 10 to 1.in favor of the Liposomal modality.
>>           One genuine advantage to Liposomal Vit.  C is that the
>> "bowel tolerance" challenge is circumvented.
>>            I believe that Dr. Mathias Rath has evaluated the usage of
>> Liposomally-encapsulated Vit. C in recently past
>> evaluations (but am not positive of this).  If so, his findings would
>> justify serious considerationas I regard him as one of the few
>> really, "leading-edge" researchers in this part of the cancer
>> treatment  modality arena.
>>             My apologies for being unable to supply a more definitive
>> and useful response to your inquiry.
>>                                                      Sincerely, Brooks 
>> Bradley.
> --
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Re: CS>silver ionotophoresis for cancer friend

2011-04-20 Thread Brooks Bradley
I believe you would be well-served to investigate the work of /Dr. Tullio
Simoncini.  His work with sodium bicarbonate (over the
immediately-past 15 years) has
demonstrated to be of great value.  Actually, his earliest and most
rqapide successes
were cases addressing alimentary system (especially stomach cancer)
breast cancer in women.
Just Google for his website.
   Sincerely,Brooks Braqdley.

p.s.  A very non-toxic support protocol is Dr. E. Budwig 's  cottage
cheese and flaxseed (or coconut) oil
protocol.  It has demonstrated to be VERY useful in a wide variety of
carcinoma insults.  This simple protocol was developed
by this splendid German lady (six-time Nobel Laurate nominee) .
Positive results manifest...in maqny cases.within 5 days of
inception..and complete resolution within 30 days is not uncommon.
 At least such has been the information we have received from
colleagues utilizing this protocol as an ancillary support function.

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 9:20 PM, David AuBuchon
> My friends colon tumor has grown and can now be felt underneath the
> skin.  Is silver ionotophoresis able to be used on tumors like that?
> I don't really understand it.  Or is it something you need the cancer
> to already be outside the skin?
> If it is possible, can someone please tell me about how to get it set
> up?  I am just looking into locally applied treatment options to add
> to his treatment, since the tumor can now be felt near the surface.
> Thanks,
> ~David
> --
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Re: CS>Brooks - what doses of Lipo-C were used?

2011-04-20 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear David,
   We HAVE NOT used liposomal encapsulated Vitamin  C as a
standalone protocol..in addressing
cancer presentations in any experimental mammal evaluations.  If I
have indicated otherwise, my apologies.
As relates to dosages utilized by other, mainstream,
researchers (e.g. Dr. Thomas E. Levy, in conjunction with Livon
Laboratories).executing a Google-type search engine should yield
some useful information.
 Generally, we have found that a 1/5th  Liposomal  equivalency
(e.g. 5 grams of Liposomal-encapsulated Vitamin C substitued
for 25 grams conventional sodium ascorbate) -yields equal...or
better... results--than does the
conventional sodium ascorbate... and even better against ascorbic
acid solutions.  The largest dosages...of which we are aware... to
have been utilized by researchers is about 40 grams per day-of
NON-LIPOSOMAL  C.  In most cases divided into three to four doses (to
maintain acceptable titers within the cardiovascular system.)  This
would equate to, roughly, 8 grams of Liposomal product.using the
ratio stated above.  Actually, my fiqures are VERY CONSERVATIVE, as
some cases of which we are aware furnished quantitative
results of 10 to 1.in favor of the Liposomal modality.
   One genuine advantage to Liposomal Vit.  C is that the
"bowel tolerance" challenge is circumvented.
I believe that Dr. Mathias Rath has evaluated the usage of
Liposomally-encapsulated Vit. C in recently past
evaluations (but am not positive of this).  If so, his findings would
justify serious considerationas I regard him as one of the few
really, "leading-edge" researchers in this part of the cancer
treatment  modality arena.
 My apologies for being unable to supply a more definitive
and useful response to your inquiry.
      Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 1:55 PM, David AuBuchon
> Question for Brooks or anyone that knows.
> What doses of lipo-C were used in your research for treating cancer patients?
> Thanks,
> ~David
> --
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Re: CS> poor immune system

2011-04-02 Thread Brooks Bradley
  We have investigated...and researched.this phenomena
quite intensely.  However, most of our work was prosecuted before
2001.  Our very best, and immediate,  positive responses were achieved
via varying combination of Colloidal Silver, hydrogen-peroxide,
(and/or sodium perborate), DMSO and sodium-bicarbonate  fractions. One
of the more effective protocols demonstrated to be as follows:
brushing teeth with soft-bristle tooth brush covered with sodium
bicarb or sodium perborate and rinsing with clear water (quite
frequently, extensive bleeding of the gum presents.a natural
condition given the extensive bacterial insult and swelling of the
tissue beds);   next,  gargling full-strength H202 (about a
tablespoon) for about 20 seconds and expectorating foam and residue
(did not rinse afterward) ;  next, using 90%  10 ppm CS (by volume) X
10% Full-strength DMSO (by volume), gargle about 2 tbls. for
approximately 20 seconds and expectorate.  DID NOT RINSE THE MOUTH.
This protocol was repeated three times daily (about 3-4 hours between
each routine).
   Sensitivity of the tooth X gum interface occurs quite
frequently (in the early stages of this treatment).
   Our investigations covered about 24 calendar months and
successful..even against advanced cases of "trench-mouth" type
bacterial presentations.
We were never challenged by a case we were not able to
positively reconcile
using this type of protocol.  A majority of ALL cases were pain-free
within 5 days and
experiencing "tissue-tightening" around the teeth by that time period.
   I hope these comments are of some value to
you in your personal health, experimental researches.
     Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

p.s.  Incidentally, we developed a very simple variation using most of
the components (excepting the sodium-based fractions)for
addressing a wide spectrum of ear insults
with UNIVERSALLY POSITIVE results.   Some, among children especially,
had proven to
be non-responsive to the entire litany of antibiotic-based family of
patented drugsand had
been lingering for 6 to 8 weekswith NO favorable
resolution.---responded TOTALLY,
within less than 24 hours

p.s.  Our researches have served to magnify the ridiculous state of
affairs presently extant within the allopathic community-most
especially for conditions responsive to some of
the most fundamentalinexpensive..methodologies.
Please remember.we DO NOT GIVE MEDICAL ADVICE or prescribe ANY form
of medical treatmentfor ANY condition.  The foregoing commentary
is based upon our

On 4/2/11, Guyot Léna  wrote:
> Google oil-pulling. One really good regime among many. Get Closys II
> tooth-paste and mouth wash (Walgreen's).
> On Apr 2, 2011, at 9:52 AM, martsmai...@aol.com wrote:
>Please give information for 54 year old woman with infected gum
> disease. Her teeth are falling out it is so bad. Any ideas on how to
> help her immune system

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Re: CS>Question re: Cetyl Myristoleate

2011-03-24 Thread Brooks Bradley
About 280 mg. Be Well.   Brooks.

On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 9:58 PM, Jim Holmes  wrote:
> Thank you Brooks,
> Can you direct me to a conversion from #2 Caps to mg?
> Jim
> On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 2:25 PM, Brooks Bradley 
> wrote:
>>             Hello Jim,
>> Although we have used both types of CMO ( Vegetable and Animal bases),
>> our results (admittedly anecdotal)
>> do endorse  CMO of animal origin..as superior--in effective
>> result.  This said, I would encourage total vegetarians
>> to employ Vegetable-base CMO-with high confidence in its positive
>> result.
>>                             Be Well,   Brooks.
>> On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 6:42 PM, Jim Holmes 
>> wrote:
>> > Hello all,
>> >
>> > I have just began to research CM.
>> >
>> > There appear to be both vegetable and animal sources.
>> >
>> > 1.  What is the difference between them, in efficacy, side effects, and
>> > cost?
>> >
>> > 2.  Any other comments or recommendations are welcome.
>> >
>> >  Jim
>> >
>> >
>> --
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>> List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

Re: CS>Question re: Cetyl Myristoleate

2011-03-19 Thread Brooks Bradley
 Hello Jim,
Although we have used both types of CMO ( Vegetable and Animal bases),
our results (admittedly anecdotal)
do endorse  CMO of animal origin..as superior--in effective
result.  This said, I would encourage total vegetarians
to employ Vegetable-base CMO-with high confidence in its positive result.
 Be Well,   Brooks.

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 6:42 PM, Jim Holmes  wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have just began to research CM.
> There appear to be both vegetable and animal sources.
> 1.  What is the difference between them, in efficacy, side effects, and
> cost?
> 2.  Any other comments or recommendations are welcome.
>  Jim

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  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Osteoarthritis Question

2011-03-15 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Lisa,
   Unfortunately I cannot help you in outlining a successful
method of extracting/concentrating a CMO fraction
from animal processing residue.  I am instructed that there are
several distinct steps (more than 4) requiredplus
some definitive process-control procedures required, which might place
successful extraction/concentration beyond
the immediate talents of the DIY amateur.
I will make further inquiries and if a usable protocol is
available, I will send it along to you.

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 1:38 PM, Lisa  wrote:
> Thank you Brooks for this information! I wonder if you have any idea as to
> how to extract Cetyl Myristoleate from animal fat and actually processing it
> oneself? I've got an abundance of organic/grass fed beef suet and know that
> that is where CM can be derived...but have no clue as to how to accomplish
> it (and have looked online with little success). Would you happen to know?
> Kindly,
> Lisa
> -----Original Message-
> From: Brooks Bradley [mailto:bradlebro...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 1:36 PM
> To: day.sut...@gmail.com
> Cc: Silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>Osteoarthritis Question
>                                  Dear Day,
>                                  We have been unsuccessful in
> achieving any benefit from CS.as an address for
> any form of arthritis.  However, we HAVE  achieved "near phenomenal"
> results in addressing the entire
> litany of arthritis insults (all forms)  affecting any of the
> articulating joints in the human body
> via the implementation of a simple Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO) protocol.
> Independent researches confirmed.year ago
> (circa 1975) that  CMO was VERY EFFECTIVE in controlling/remedying the
> negative influence of T-cells within the
> joint capsules of all articulating jointsamong higher
> mammalsincluding humans.
>                        I will not burden you with an extended litany
> of the documented causes of the various presentations of
> arthritis manifesting among humans..but I will summarize the
> DOCUMENTED research efforts of reliable, INDEPENDENT
> RESEARCH SCIENTISTS.  Basically, what seems to occur within the human
> community is that sometime near mid-=life
> (usually around 55 years chronologically) the T-cells present in the
> fluid of the articulating joints (most especially the extremities)
> seem to lose the ability to differentiate between LIVE and DEAD tissue
> (within the capsule joint area).  What this means is that
> the T-cells, literally, begin to consume a portion of ALL exposed
> tissue within the synovial fluid within the capsuled environment.
> This leads to tissue erosion---sometimes quite rapid.  This attack
> affects both ligaments and cartilagewithout differentation /
> preference.  What CMO does is that it, simply, TURNS OFF the
> T-cellsthus, stopping the insult.  The body, then, can effect
> repairs and maintain the restoration effect.  As a general rule, only
> one 10 day protocol of 6 capsules (divided into 3 dosages)
> daily (#2 gelatin size) has, generally, been sufficient to remedy the
> -at least such has been our experience since we inaugurated this
> protocol in 1994.  In about 85% of the cases ONLY one
> course of the protocol was required for a long-term or permanent
> effect.  Additionally, we have determined  the validity of
> the claim that CMO demonstrates excellent efficacy as a BENEFICIAL
> reduced levels  of around 400 to 500 mg daily).
>             I can , with confidence, state that we have achieved what
> we regard as near-miraculous results among a large population of
> volunteers
> (over the immediately-past 15 years) through the application of this
> simple protocol.  CMO is completely non-toxic (actually, it is quite
> near to butter.in composition).
>             CMO may be obtained from a myriad of sources, via the
> internet.  If one is concerned with cost, I recommend obtaining  CMO
> in bulk form.  Our most reliable supplier of powdered CMO, in both
> efficacy and pricehas been Beyond-a-Century.  We have NO
> connection,
> what-so-ever with that supplierthey are just the best we have
> encounteredfor this type product.
>                                     I wish you well in your
> experimental endeavors,   Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
> --
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> List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

CS>Osteoarthritis Question

2011-03-14 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Dear Day,
  We have been unsuccessful in
achieving any benefit from CS.as an address for
any form of arthritis.  However, we HAVE  achieved "near phenomenal"
results in addressing the entire
litany of arthritis insults (all forms)  affecting any of the
articulating joints in the human body
via the implementation of a simple Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO) protocol.
Independent researches confirmed.year ago
(circa 1975) that  CMO was VERY EFFECTIVE in controlling/remedying the
negative influence of T-cells within the
joint capsules of all articulating jointsamong higher
mammalsincluding humans.
I will not burden you with an extended litany
of the documented causes of the various presentations of
arthritis manifesting among humans..but I will summarize the
DOCUMENTED research efforts of reliable, INDEPENDENT
RESEARCH SCIENTISTS.  Basically, what seems to occur within the human
community is that sometime near mid-=life
(usually around 55 years chronologically) the T-cells present in the
fluid of the articulating joints (most especially the extremities)
seem to lose the ability to differentiate between LIVE and DEAD tissue
(within the capsule joint area).  What this means is that
the T-cells, literally, begin to consume a portion of ALL exposed
tissue within the synovial fluid within the capsuled environment.
This leads to tissue erosion---sometimes quite rapid.  This attack
affects both ligaments and cartilagewithout differentation /
preference.  What CMO does is that it, simply, TURNS OFF the
T-cellsthus, stopping the insult.  The body, then, can effect
repairs and maintain the restoration effect.  As a general rule, only
one 10 day protocol of 6 capsules (divided into 3 dosages)
daily (#2 gelatin size) has, generally, been sufficient to remedy the
-at least such has been our experience since we inaugurated this
protocol in 1994.  In about 85% of the cases ONLY one
course of the protocol was required for a long-term or permanent
effect.  Additionally, we have determined  the validity of
the claim that CMO demonstrates excellent efficacy as a BENEFICIAL
reduced levels  of around 400 to 500 mg daily).
 I can , with confidence, state that we have achieved what
we regard as near-miraculous results among a large population of
(over the immediately-past 15 years) through the application of this
simple protocol.  CMO is completely non-toxic (actually, it is quite
near to butter.in composition).
 CMO may be obtained from a myriad of sources, via the
internet.  If one is concerned with cost, I recommend obtaining  CMO
in bulk form.  Our most reliable supplier of powdered CMO, in both
efficacy and pricehas been Beyond-a-Century.  We have NO
what-so-ever with that supplierthey are just the best we have
encounteredfor this type product.
 I wish you well in your
experimental endeavors,   Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

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  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


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List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

Re: Turneric / Re: CS>Chronic Myleoprolific Blood Disease

2011-03-12 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Dear Jane,
   We have no data or experience relative to the effects of
Cooking...on turmeric.
I apologize, but am unable to assist you in this matter.
Sincerely,  Brooks.

On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 5:21 AM, Jane MacRoss
> Brooks if one was going to take turmeric from the grocer rather as capsules
> I have read that it is more potent if cooked first would you have any
> comment on that?
> Thanks
> Jane
> - Original Message - From: "Brooks Bradley" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2011 9:36 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Chronic Myleoprolific Blood Disease
> Dear Ruth,
>     While we have hads no direwcxt experience in addresses possible
> protocols for any of the
> family of myleoprolific blood disorders, we HAVE received information
> stating that Turmeric has exhibited
> positive effectssome quite dramatic--when taken at quite
> pronounced dosages (e.g.  2400 mg , 3 times daily).
> One independent researcher  (Christian Wilde by name) has been very
> active in researching the benefits of Turmeric for
> a variety of cardiovascular insults.and has related some VERY
> promising results.   Turmeric when utilized in concert with
> adult stem cell therapy...has displayed some amazing results
> (according to Christian).  Mr. Wilde is an independent health-research
> investigator, recognized as a reliable researcher, by much of the
> alternative/experimental medical community, both in thew USA--and
> in Europe.
>                              I wish  you well in your endeavors to
> assist your family member,
>                                                             Brooks
> p.s.  I experienced quite measurable benefits from moderate dosages of
> Turmeric powder (as an ancillary support)...after a 30 day course
> of 600 mg daily, capsulesingested for a mild.but chronic,
> cardiovascular challenge.
> --
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> List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

Re: CS>Chronic Myleoprolific Blood Disease

2011-03-11 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Ruth,
  While we have hads no direwcxt experience in addresses possible
protocols for any of the
family of myleoprolific blood disorders, we HAVE received information
stating that Turmeric has exhibited
positive effectssome quite dramatic--when taken at quite
pronounced dosages (e.g.  2400 mg , 3 times daily).
One independent researcher  (Christian Wilde by name) has been very
active in researching the benefits of Turmeric for
a variety of cardiovascular insults.and has related some VERY
promising results.   Turmeric when utilized in concert with
adult stem cell therapy...has displayed some amazing results
(according to Christian).  Mr. Wilde is an independent health-research
investigator, recognized as a reliable researcher, by much of the
alternative/experimental medical community, both in thew USA--and
in Europe.
   I wish  you well in your endeavors to
assist your family member,
p.s.  I experienced quite measurable benefits from moderate dosages of
Turmeric powder (as an ancillary support)...after a 30 day course
of 600 mg daily, capsulesingested for a mild.but chronic,
cardiovascular challenge.

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Ruth Bertella  wrote:
> Just got a message concerning my young cousin, she's in her 30's, 3 kids...
> and she has been given the above diagnosis and is getting shots to build up
> her blood so they can do further testing hopefully by the end of May.   It
> said she will ultimately need surgery that will leave her unable to take
> care of her children.  She is not willing to have surgery if it leaves her
> unable to care for her family, and she's open to alternative suggestions.
> I'm in shock, and haven't researched this yet so I know nothing about it,
> but thought I would throw this out there to see if any of y'all have any
> suggestions.  I forwarded her the group address and some info on LDN, but my
> brain has frozen up on me at the moment.  I'm also sending this separately
> to the Crock list, so I apologize in advance if you get this twice.
> Thanks in advance for your usual wonderful suggestions!!
> Ruth
> --
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> Off-Topic discussions: 
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Re: CS>for Brooks

2011-02-17 Thread Brooks Bradley
Hello Pt,

Thank you for the "heads-up".  I am completely unaware that my
firewall may have been outflanked.  I will have a virus sweep run
immediately.   About once every two years someone manages to invade my
   Best Regards,Brooks.

Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 7:36 PM, PT Ferrance  wrote:
> Hi Brooks,
> I just wanted to let you know I think someone got into your computer.  I
> received an invite from you to some retail establishment in San Francisco.
> I thought you should know.
> PT

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>The Beck Blood Electrifier Schematic and Parts List: ATTENTION REID HARVEY

2011-01-18 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Dear Reid,
   Although somewhat dated relative to devices currently
available, this is a copy of Bob's original
circuittogether with a parts list.   We have constructed many of
these little deviceswith great success
in their application.  although one can add a frequency shifting
device.we have found that it does not seem to justify
the extra effort.
 I hope this helps. Best Regards,   Brooks.
p.s.   The total parts cost was very economical (about $35.00at
the time..circa 1998--99.


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Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Newest Research on the Dangers of Soy:COMMENT

2011-01-14 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Dave,
   The processing technology.used during the isolation
procedures..mitigate against the
compromising effects of unprocessed soybeansleaving the
lecithin fraction free of the adverse
components.in active form.
   Sincerely,  Brooks.

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Dave Darrin  wrote:
> Brooks
>   That fits in exactly with my opinion of Soy But I didn't have the research
> at hand to use for argumentation.
> Thank you for that. My question for you is where does that fit in with the
> use of soy lecithin. Won't that cause the same problems as mentioned with
> the use in Lipo C?
> Dave
> On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Brooks Bradley 
> wrote:
>>    While not a scientifically underpinned with a documented research
>> effort by Mercola and associates, this commentary offers the lay
>> public
>> information that is (in my opinion) of definite value in ones efforts
>> to determine the larger truth about the general issue of
>> humans (and birds) consuming "raw" soybean products.including the
>> beans themselves.
>>     I determined, over 40 years ago, the toxicity of unprocessed
>> soybeans VERY adverse effect on the health/conditioning
>> of Racing Homing Pigeons.  Unless the beans were subjected to elevated
>> heat (+325 F) for a minimum of 5 minutes..to
>> defeat the digestion-inhibiting components..bowel compromises
>> presented immediately.  Other digestive challenges manifested quite
>> rapidly
>> and caused these highly-conditioned athletes to suffer major/rapid
>> deterioration in "racing form".
>>      I concur with the general tenor of this article.
>>                                            Sincerely,  Bradley
>> http://www.mercola.com/article/soy/avoid_soy.htm
>> --
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>> List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

CS>Newest Research on the Dangers of Soy:COMMENT

2011-01-13 Thread Brooks Bradley
While not a scientifically underpinned with a documented research
effort by Mercola and associates, this commentary offers the lay
information that is (in my opinion) of definite value in ones efforts
to determine the larger truth about the general issue of
humans (and birds) consuming "raw" soybean products.including the
beans themselves.
 I determined, over 40 years ago, the toxicity of unprocessed
soybeans VERY adverse effect on the health/conditioning
of Racing Homing Pigeons.  Unless the beans were subjected to elevated
heat (+325 F) for a minimum of 5 minutes..to
defeat the digestion-inhibiting components..bowel compromises
presented immediately.  Other digestive challenges manifested quite
and caused these highly-conditioned athletes to suffer major/rapid
deterioration in "racing form".
  I concur with the general tenor of this article.
Sincerely,  Bradley


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cardiovascular disease

2011-01-08 Thread Brooks Bradley
Hello PT,
  The article you refer to is both interesting...and helpful.  I
am stimulated to relate a
brief synopsis of our recent experiences relating to experimental
research on the complete spectrum of cardiac
arrhythmia presentationsand their' fellow travelers".  Early on,
in our literature searches we came across the work of   George Eby
and William Halcomb.  Our early experiments yielded very promising
results...so much so---that we expanded our endeavors in this
investigation.   Without relating laborious details I summarize:  The
simple protocol involving the use of Taurine and L-Alanine yielded
very powerful positive response among volunteers presenting with both
Premature Atrial Contractions ([PAC) and Premature Ventricular
Contractions (PVC).  Using the dosage range recommended in their
research (i.e.  approximately 12 grams Taurine and 4 to 6 grams L
Alanine.in divided (2) doses...per day), we were successful in
mitigating against the occurence
of both of these challenges.  Some of the volunteers were beyond 82
yearsand had been manifesting
pronounced "skips, pauses and rhythm excursions"..FOR
YEARS..enjoyed total corrections of ALL
VARIATIONS in normal heartbeat.  This, ALONE, was the most striking
positive effect that we have EVER
WITNESSED.in any cardiovascular research endeavor that we have
ever undertaken.  Just, simply, amazing.
The correction rate was 90% among a population of 14 subjects and the
TOTAL positive correction percentage
(from the entire experimental group) was over 80%.   This was almost
unbelievable.for us.   I was one of the volunteers..having
suffered from both contraction excursionsand pauses.for over
20 years.   After about 20 days on the protocol, my pauses and
ventricular variations were reduced by 10%.   After 4
months..reduced by 80%.  It is hard to express my surprise...and
delight---just like getting a 25% increase in cardiac output.
I will not extend this diatribe any longer, but I strongly
suggest that interested/concerned members
conduct a Google search for Eby and Halcomb's Interenet
articles..and make a considered judgment
relating to the possible benefits of this "totally non-toxic",
vascular system support protocol.
I must go now.Best Regards to All for the coming year,
Brooks Bradley.

On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 11:51 AM, PT Ferrance  wrote:
> This article was posted on another list I am on.  I thought the information
> fascinating and potentially of great assistance to those with cardiovascular
> disease.  Much of it is technical but much of it is readable by people like
> myself (non-hard science types).  I thought it might be of interest to some
> on this list.  I'm going to try and figure out the formula.  My parents and
> all of my grandparents had cardiovascular issues.
> PT
> http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/riddick/chap22.htm

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Re: CS>Re: DRY EYES ~ Urine

2010-12-09 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Lisa,
 In the overwhelming majority of casesstrong-smelling urine is
the result of systemic dehydration.  That is, not ENOUGH water
is ingested for optimum functioning of the body's systems.  Fluid
volumes drop FIRST among the more tolerant (less critical) components
and last among the most critical
(the brain dies last from dehydration).  Urine taken from a
well-hydrated, basically healthy, person should be almost clear to
very light yellow in color and be very slightly saline
in taste...almost like sea water water diluted 4X.
 This observation is past on as general informationnot medical
advice or diagnosis.

Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 5:27 PM, Lisa  wrote:
> I've actually gotten involved in urine therapy -- but didn't keep it up
> because I just couldn't get used to the smell after rubbing it on my skin
> etc. Is there any way to mask the odor or make it easier?
> Lisa
> -Original Message-
> From: Louise Larabie [mailto:louis...@gozoom.ca]
> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 11:03 AM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: RE: CS>Re: DRY EYES ~ Urine
> Tears are diluted urine so seems that would be OK to me.
> Some use urine to get better skin for instance.
> Fermented urine is use for burns.
> Potentized urine is used for remedies (homeopathic) in low potency, tends to
> balance the body and high potency for urine infections.
> Louise
> From: Melly Bag [mailto:tita_...@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 3:09 PM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>Re: DRY EYES
> Brooks,
> Would it be ok for a diabetic to use her/his own urine for your formula?
> Thanks.
> Melly
> --- On Sun, 12/5/10, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
>  wrote:
> From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 
> Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #906
> To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
> Date: Sunday, December 5, 2010, 9:02 PM
> --
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CS>Dry Eyes Protocol

2010-12-05 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Recently, prompted by several inquiries about any  "dry
eyes" research we might have conducted earlier I have deemed it
worthwhile to make this  post.
Circa 1996 to 2004, we conducted a number of limited investigations on
substances useful in addressing "dry eye" challenges.
Early-on we discovered that a majority of commercially-available
products were based upon the principal ingredient
Carbamide is "synthetic urine"...but the pharma trade avoids informing
the public of this slight duplicity.
Long ago our investigations confirmed the value of human urine in
addressing a number of health maintenance and pathogenic
treatment modalities.  One effective protocol which surfaced
"early-on" was the efficacy of employing "self-produced" urine as a
or adjunctive address for almost any challenge affected by variations
in "saline or saline-buffered" fluids required by the body for health
...most especially in cases involving pronounced variations in
body hydrology.  Among these, dry eyes"...especially among the
geriatric population'.
proved to be quite responsive to a DIY protocol we developed.   Simple
in nature, but very effective in resultthis methodology involved
more than the combination of electrically-isolated colloidal silver
and the volunteer's own urine sample.
   The protocol proper:  Using urine obtained from a
"mid-stream-catch" (e.g. near the middle of the evacuation) , mix with
5 to 10 ppm EIS at
a ratio of 2 parts urine to 1 part EIS.  Place in eye-dropper bottle
and store either at room temperature or refrigerate if desired (not a
unless very long storage is anticipated).
   Application was once just before retiring at night and once
immediately upon rising from night's sleep.   The results were
"splendid"..equal to or superior to Murine and
similar commercial products and at enormous cost-savings.
e.g.  Murine at $21.00 per ounce  and the DIY product so cheap only an
estimate of less than 5 cents could be made.
   Dry eyes can vary from a slight inconvenience to major
complications.  Some cases of chronic systemic  dehydration result in
the eye surfaces (due to tear fluid insufficiency)
becoming so dry that the person experiences severe discomfort from the
friction of the lid against the eyeball  proper.  Sometimes, even mild
fluid deficiencies results in the eye-lids
.sticking together so securely they require on use their fingers to
separate them.
   Some volunteer cases required the protocol to be used as
frequently as once every two waking hours...but this was the
   Comment of substance:  It is not recommended that the urine
sample used be heated or denatured in any wayprior to or after
into the CS solution.  Uncontaminated urine is of itself.quite sterile.
I hope
this simple protocol is of some value to the list membership.  It has
proven to be quite helpful to many of our volunteers--
most especially the older ones.

 Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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CS>Promising Wrinkled lSkin Treatment

2010-11-02 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Recently, while evaluating various
Do-it-Yourself protocols for alleviating some of the more
pronounced effects of wrinkled skin around the face (especially the
eyes) and on the hands..we came upon
a quite effective protocol.  Not only measurably effective, but quite
economical in cost.
  The protocol consisted of diluting hydrolyzed
collagen powder with distilled water ( substituted 10 ppm CS in cases
presenting with skin abrasions), and mixing with undiluted DMSO as
follows:  (1) into about 1 cup of distilled water or CS,
added powdered hydrolyzed collagen to saturation point (no more powder
would go into solution) (2)  using this solution as the
parent (75% by volume), mixed in DMSO (25% by volume) and allowed to
cool to room temperature.
   Candidate skin surface was prepared by light
washing/rinsing, using weak soap solution.  Damp drying and
applying, generously.the Collagen X DMSO solution (using care
about the eyes, due to the hygroscopic nature of DMSO).
Allow 5 to 10 minutes for proper absorption.  A shiny surface
appearance is quite normalas is a slightly sticky feel on the
when moved across the treated surface.
Obvious Results:  Immediately, it becomes
evident that the very small wrinkles are noticeably reduced in
(a result of the hydrating of the outer skin layers), as the tiny
valleys appear to "fill-in" as the entrained moisture penetrates AND
While the larger wrinkles (containing the higher densities of
"free-standing" lean tissue) present a much lower degree of
they do enjoy a "noticeable/marked" improvement in softness-due,
primarily, to the improved hydration.
 Overall enhancement in skin softness and
general pliability,  presents immediately and is evident to even the
most skeptical
(at least that has been our, repeatable, experience).
  When this protocol is repeated twice daily,
the general improvement in reduced wrinkling effect and skin surface
becomes quite evident.
   Note:  Due to the residual effect of the
excess collagen on the skin surface (gives a glazed appearance), a
might desire to remove this...simply by wiping with a damp
cloth--before applying make-up or just leaving it "au natural"
after the wiping.
   We achieved similar results with several
different suppliers' hydrolyzed collagen product, but the most
appeared to be the "Instantized" variety from Beyond-a-Century.  We
purchased the Hydrolyzed Collagen in the 1 lb. containers
at reasonable cost from all suppliers.
It is of note that care is recommended
when applying the DMSO X COLLAGEN  solution close to the eyes.
there is no demonstrated danger in case some material got on to the
eyeball and/or the lid..the hygroscopic effect of even 25% DMSO
could result in sensations akin to "burning"..  Therefore, care in
application should be shown.
I hope this information is of value to
some of the list members..in their personal experimental health
        Sincerely,Brooks Bradley.
p.s.   There is, some, evidence that entrained collagen is
"depositing" in the lean tissue fractions underlying the skin layers.
We have not
employed testing that would, conclusively, substantiate this
indication.  Such testing involves rather costly endeavors..and we
are not in the cosmetics
business.so will not undertake such action.  However, such
measures might well appeal to persons who are, commercially,  active
in this field.

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Re: CS>Active Hydrogen vs Negative Hydrogen Ions.

2010-09-28 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Paul,
 I have insufficient time to address your questions in any useful
detail.  I can relate that
Patrick Flanagan's work (most all of the "original" effort on
structured water was the
result of his wife, Gail's research) resulting in Microhydrin (trade
name of original product).
We conducted exensive evaluations of Microhydrin circa 1998
-2003...ALL with excellent
results.  The most distinctive effects were the very positive increase
in biological
parameters subject to variations in usable oxygen.  H- , yielded
positive effects similar to Negative ion
generatorsbut much more rapid effects.  I do not have intimate
knowldege of Volkov's work, hence am unable to
render useful comment.  One element we found to be importantthe
Oxygen Reduction Potential (regardless of
of source) is of enormous consequenceto the orderly/healthy
maintenance of general health parameters.
  I must go know.please forgive my abruptness.
       Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.
On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 12:16 PM, paul catania  wrote:
> Mr. Bradley,
> Have your experiments with water ever taken you towards the benefits of
> negative hydrogen ions vs. positive hydrogen ions?
> Which is the better of the two?
> Are they both beneficial in differing ways?
> Can they co-exist?
> I would really appreciate any light you could shed on this for me, as the
> research of Dr. Patrick Flanagan and Drs. Volkov and Kostenko seem to
> contradict each other.
> Sincerely,
> Paul Catania

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Re: CS>Re: Distilled water for water vortex

2010-09-27 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Melly,
   Yes, distilled water is subject to the same forces as water
containing various mineral
   Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 11:49 AM, Melly Bag  wrote:

> Mr. Bradley,
> We only use distilled water because our municipal water is very high in
> flouride.
> Can distilled water be used to  make vortex-magnetized-structured water?
> Thanks.
> Melly
> --- On *Mon, 9/27/10, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com <
> silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com>* wrote:
> From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 
> Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #790
> To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
> Date: Monday, September 27, 2010, 1:03 AM


2010-09-20 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Paul,
   It is encouraging to observe list researchers...such as
yourself.experimenting with
existing devices in an effort to obtain devices superior to what the
market customarily
 Since we have not attempted to use materials generated from
"circulating" water
structuring material in a confined container---I cannot offer useful
comment on the efficacy of such an approach.
All of our material has been produced via a "one-pass" arrangement
wherein the subject material
is exposed to both a magnetic field and vortex
formation.simultaneously.one-time only.
My principal concern for using any form of " standing-wave"
vortex would be possible destabilizing effects
occurring because of possible non-laminar flow manifesting as a result
of chaotic mixing at the bottom
 of the vortex.  The question becomes, What is the actual effect of
continuous re-introductionfrom the centrifugal discharge at the
bottom vortex  section of the liquid components?  I have no
real idea.  It would, indeed, be interesting to determine if one could
be "reinforcing" the structuring phenomenon, or "continually
disrupting" the structuring processthrough the use of such a
device as your modified blender?
   My apologies for being unable to assist you further in
this, particular, matter.
       Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 6:49 PM, paul catania  wrote:
> Dear Brooks and group,
> I don't know what the inside of a "vitalizer plus" looks like, but after
> reading your suggestions, I started to play around with an old blender of
> mine. I took out the bottom criss-crossed blade assembly, and with a pair of
> pliers, made the cross shaped blades parallel so that both blades were one
> on top of another, facing in the same direction. I then tried to bend the
> ends of each up as far as I could, so as to end up with two U shaped blades,
> one slightly bigger than the other, on top of each other, facing in the same
> direction.
> Filling the container up with water, placing the blender on the low setting,
> and pulsing the lowest speed button, produces a nice little vortex. I also
> placed a heavy rubber band on the outside of the receptacle to hold two of
> Peter Kulish's magnets, 180 degrees apart from each other.
> According to your research, Brooks, can this be a valid method of producing
> structured water?
> Can I use plain tap water with a pinch of Himalayan sea salt?
> How can I measure the quality, or lack thereof, of the water produced?
> Thanks, Paul
> - Original Message - From: "Brooks Bradley" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:11 PM
>>                      Dear Paul,
>>           About 15 years ago, inspired by the works of  Walter
>> Schaubergerwe investigated (extensively) a number of various
>> means for "structuring" ordinary tap-water.  By structuring, I mean
>> modifying the micro-particle spectrum of what is, sometimes, referred
>> to
>> as the crystal-structure of water.  Briefly, the theory is to modify
>> the alignment of the atomic/sub-atomic particle structure of
>> waterfrom
>> a random/chaotic...to an arranged linear relationship.  We employed a
>> number of different approaches, including charged electrical fields;
>> chemically-seeded catalyst solutions and various vortex-based
>> approaches.  Some success was achieved from most of the approaches.
>> However, the most cost-effective...by far.proved to be a simple
>> permanent-magnet  X physical vortex generation systemavailable to
>> the DIY
>> person-for several dollars.
>>            The theory-of-operation is simply to expose a liquid
>> experiencing  a vortex geometry...to a relatively-high, fixed
>> magnetic field.
>> The most operationally acceptable, cost-limiting  system we were able
>> to facilitate consisted of two 2 liter soft-drink bottles (connected
>> to-to-top),
>> with the top bottle having two "strong" rare-earth or neodymium
>> magnets taped in a 180 degree relation, as close to the bottle mouth
>> as physically
>> acceptable.  One physical modification was employed on the "top"
>> bottle. The modification was to cut the bottom (which becomes the top)
>> of the
>> upper bottomoff, to form a funnel of desired size.  It makes no
>> difference which magnet has its N or S pole facing inso long as
>> the OTHER
>> magnet has the opposite pole facing the first magnet.   In our initial

CS>Fwd: Water Vortex Magnetizer: COMMENT

2010-09-16 Thread Brooks Bradley
-- Forwarded message --
From: Brooks Bradley 
Date: Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 5:33 PM
Subject: Water Vortex Magnetizer: COMMENT
To: Silver-list@eskimo.com

        About one our ago I sent an email referencing our experiences
with water structuring.  Due to my faulty memory, I
failed to include some simple construction details which enable the
DIY individual to AVOID COMPLETELY, the expense
and effort of obtaining a commercial version of the double-female
coupling for connecting the two bottles together.
        All that is required is to obtain two of the plastic tops
from any two liter drink bottles and secure them (top-to-top)
together by gluing or plastic weldingnext, drill a 3/8 to 1/2 inch
hole (your choice) through both, simultaneously.  Dress the hole
if desired.by lightly sanding with sandpaper wrapped around a
pencil.  You now have a serviceable connector for,
essentially, no additional cost.  Some commercial connections cost as
much as $35...and do not offer any, better results
than does this little home-made innovation.
                                              Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s. Earlier I attempted to send a similar email to this one...it
bounced.  I hope to have better luckthis time.

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CS>Water Vortex Magnetizer: COMMENT

2010-09-16 Thread Brooks Bradley
 About one our ago I sent an email referencing our experiences
with water structuring.  Due to my faulty memory, I
failed to include some simple construction details which enable the
DIY individual to AVOID COMPLETELY, the expense
and effort of obtaining a commercial version of the double-female
coupling for connecting the two bottles together.
 All that is required is to obtain two of the plastic tops
from any two liter drink bottles and secure them (top-to-top)
together by gluing or plastic weldingnext, drill a 3/8 to 1/2 inch
hole (your choice) through both, simultaneously.  Dress the hole
if desired.by lightly sanding with sandpaper wrapped around a
pencil.  You now have a serviceable connector for,
essentially, no additional cost.  Some commercial connections cost as
much as $35...and do not offer any, better results
than does this little home-made innovation.
   Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s. Earlier I attempted to send a similar email to this one...it
bounced.  I hope to have better luckthis time.

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CS>Water Vortex Magnetizer and ORMUS M-State Concentrator

2010-09-16 Thread Brooks Bradley
   This is a picture of a "type" vortex
venturi to which I referred in my recent email .
While the cost is UNACCEPTABLE.it does serve to illustrate the
type of interface I suggested for generating
a vortex using two soft-drink bottles.  Anyone can make one of their
own, if they have to means for gluing/plastic
welding.two bottle caps together.  Even secure taping will work.
  One means ( which I failed to remember during my post) for
MAKING  YOUR OWN vortex generator coupling
is to take two 2 liter bottle capsbore a 3/8  to 1/2 inch hole
[your choice]  through each of them.glue them together
in a top-to-top relationship.and you have your own
coupling--at no additional cost.   Just attach the coupling
to the top and bottom sections of the generator assembly I just
outlined a few moments agoand you are in business.
   Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.


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CS>Sources: Food Grade H202 (35%)

2010-08-26 Thread Brooks Bradley
Look at listings on the Left Hand Margin of this website and
click on  Listing note referring to finding source near you.   All of
the lower states are listed.
Good Luck in your research endeavors.
Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.


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CS>Hydrogen Peroxide, Nasal Sprayer & Garden Applications By Bill Munro

2010-08-25 Thread Brooks Bradley
   Persons interested in obtaining
information relating to Bill Munro's  H2O2 protocol.will find it
Brooks  Bradley.


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CS>G-Strophanthin – A “New” Approach for Heart Disease : World Research Foundation

2010-08-09 Thread Brooks Bradley
I send this url to interested list
members based upon our EXCELLENT results achieved among our
volunteers.   Unfortunately, the mainstream press ( apparently
influenced by interests conflicting with those of the public-at-large)
has been quite
active in denigrating the demonstrated effectiveness of this
substance-in cases involving myocardial infarct  insults..both
as a preventive agent
and as a supporting protocol-AFTER presentation.   Because this
substance IS "dosage-sensitive" in that it demonstrates effects
similar to
curare (derris cube root derivative), furnishes critics with a golden
opportunity to condemn the benefits of strophantin-containing
elements.   I send this reference as information ONLY.
This modality recommends itself as worthy of SERIOUS consideration
among the family of protocols addressing both prevention and treatment
of infarcts and associated complications.
 The attached url is a typical one
(from Alternative Medical sources) found on the Internetand is
sent simply to
encourage list members to initiate their own investigations.  I
believe many will discover genuine value in doing so.

Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.


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CS>Club Soda Gets Rid of Fire Ants?

2010-07-20 Thread Brooks Bradley
Before launching into a "headlong" pursuit of the
CO2 generation protocolone might find this commentary
useful/interesting.   I do
not have enough documented data to issue any useful comments.
However, our research using amorphous diatomaceous earth revealed
that NOTHING WE EMPLOYED equaled the ability to incite fire ants to
move to another location...as did a generous sprinkling of DE all
over the top of the mound.   About a pint of material for a mound 20"
in diameter.   Additionally, we enjoyed a "high-speed"  disabling of
quite large
numbers ants.within, literally, seconds of applying the powdered
DE.  One should note the VIOLENT reaction of all of the ants which
come into direct contact
with the DE-as it infiltrates all of the joints/appendages of each ant.

Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley


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CS>New Owners of Effective Micro-organisms

2010-06-09 Thread Brooks Bradley
This is the website for the present owners of the EM products
developed by Dr. Higa.
Brooks Bradley/


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2010-06-08 Thread Brooks Bradley
Here is some useful  information relating to the origin and
applications for  EM products.  Dr. Higa has performed EXCELLENT
research in this field.  We have evaluated, and
used, this substance in our botanical research.for many
years---and many uses..always with SPLENDID results.
  The small company which offered the patented product
elements.has been sold to a larger oneand now, the company
has, recently, been sold again.  I believe
the name of the present owner  may be found at   Http:// www.emearth.com
  If not, just Google for it.
Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.


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Re: [RE]CS>Liposomal Encapsulation Technique:COMMENT

2010-05-10 Thread Brooks Bradley
 Hello Dee,
It is not a requirement that liposomal encapsulated vitamin C be taken on an empty stomach.
However, some feel that because of differences in alimentary characteristics, that it is easier for the
body to respond more rapidly.  We have not found this to be so...in our experiments.  Others may have
experienced different results.
  Best Regards,  Brooks.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [RE]CS>Liposomal Encapsulation Technique:COMMENT
 Date : Mon, 10 May 2010 14:05:39 +0100
 From : Dorothy Fitzpatrick 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

Dear Brookes, can you tell me if the liposomal Vit C should be ingested on an empty stomach please, or does it not matter?  Many thanks...dee

On 10 May 2010, at 00:28, Brooks Bradley wrote:

> Dear Doug, 
> In answer to your question, I offer the following: if in fact I did say 5 grams of Liposomal 
> encapsulated Vitamin C was equal to 50 Grams administered I.V.---then my original statement was in error, for which apologize. 
> What I SHOULD have stated is that it was "EQUIVALENT BIOLOGICALLY to 50 grams administered ORALLY". My statement would have, then, been both correct---and as I had intended. It is the degree of bio-availability at insulted environment of the body, which 
> actually matters. 
> Just a word about what constitutes the difference. When vitamin C is administered in the traditional manner (excepting intravenously), it is done so orally. Vitamin C (remember it is water-soluble) ingested orally, thus does require a special "intestinal active" transport system to actually enter the bloodstream. This active transport system measurably restricts bio-availability. In his recent studies, Dr. G.L. Groff demonstrated that less than 2,000 mg of a 12,000mg dose of water-borne vitamin C actually crosses the intestinal barrier. Additionally, he determined that the bio-availability continues to decrease dramaticallyas dose size increases. Extrapolation of Groff's data a 16,000 mg dose would deliver only about 2,000 mg into the bloodstreamjust about 12% availability. 
> To the contrary, properly-prepared liposome-encapsulated vitamin C IS NOT WATER-SOLUBLE. It passes directly through the intestinal barrier (like water through window-screen)with no active transport system necessary---and absent the gastric insult of gas, cramps, and/or diarrhea normally associated with high doses of water-soluble forms of vitamin C. 
> Recently, pharmacologist Dr. Steve Hickey demonstrated "blood levels nearly double those once thought theoretically possible" with an oral administration of Vitamin C. e.g. Two packets of 1,000 mg packets of Lipo-Spheric Vitamin C can deliver more Vitamin C to the blood than thirty-two (32) 500 MG TABLETS of any other water-soluble product on the market. 
> Using liposome encapsulation technology to deliver various therapeutic agents to specified tissues of the body, is several decades old-however, using it for Vitamin C is quite new. There is a book available by Dr. Robert Milne, MD, (PC Liposomal Encapsulation Technology) which describes, in detail, the power of this delivery system.together with with the many benefits yielded by the essential phospholipids used in encapsulating these agents. 
> In a post-publication commentary, Dr. Milne states: 
> "The Vitamin C filled nano-spheres slip right by the enzymes, in your saliva, your digestive juices, the bile salts, and other elements that breakdown unprotected Vitamin C. Injured cells throughout your body recognize the needed phospholipids in each liposome. As the liposomes attach themselves to these damaged cells, the liposomal phospholipids are "stolen" for cellular repair. This causes the Liposomal bubbles to burst, which releases their Vitamin C in and around the compromised cell. Plus, liposomal Vitamin C avoids the binders and fillers required by tablet Vitamin C, which have no nutritional or health value." 
> I must go now, but do hope this information has been of value. 
> Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 

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List Owner: Mike Devour 

[RE]CS>Liposomal Encapsulation Technique:COMMENT

2010-05-09 Thread Brooks Bradley

   Dear Doug,
 In answer to your question, I offer the following:  if in fact I did say 5 grams of Liposomal
encapsulated Vitamin C was equal to 50 Grams administered I.V.---then my original statement was in error, for which apologize.
What I SHOULD have stated is that it was "EQUIVALENT BIOLOGICALLY to 50 grams administered ORALLY".  My statement would have, then, been both correct---and as I had intended.  It is the degree of bio-availability at insulted environment of the body, which
actually matters.
  Just a word about what constitutes the difference.  When vitamin C is administered in the traditional manner (excepting intravenously), it is done so orally. Vitamin C  (remember it is water-soluble) ingested orally, thus does require a special "intestinal active" transport system to actually enter the bloodstream.  This active transport system measurably restricts bio-availability.  In his recent studies, Dr. G.L. Groff demonstrated that less than 2,000 mg of a 12,000mg dose of water-borne vitamin C actually crosses the intestinal barrier.  Additionally, he determined that the bio-availability continues to decrease dramaticallyas dose size increases. Extrapolation of Groff's data a 16,000 mg dose would deliver only about 2,000 mg into the bloodstreamjust about 12% availability.   
   To the contrary, properly-prepared liposome-encapsulated vitamin C IS NOT WATER-SOLUBLE.  It passes directly through the intestinal barrier (like water through window-screen)with no active transport system necessary---and absent the gastric insult of gas, cramps, and/or diarrhea normally associated with high doses of water-soluble forms of vitamin C.
Recently, pharmacologist Dr. Steve Hickey demonstrated "blood levels nearly double those once thought theoretically possible" with an oral administration of Vitamin C.  e.g. Two packets of 1,000 mg packets of Lipo-Spheric Vitamin C can deliver more Vitamin C to the blood than thirty-two (32) 500 MG TABLETS of any other water-soluble product on the market.
Using liposome encapsulation technology to deliver various therapeutic agents to specified tissues of the body, is several decades old-however, using it for Vitamin C is quite new.  There is a book available by Dr. Robert Milne, MD, (PC Liposomal Encapsulation Technology) which describes, in detail, the power of this delivery system.together with with the many benefits yielded by the essential phospholipids used in encapsulating these agents.
 In a post-publication commentary, Dr. Milne states:
 "The Vitamin C filled nano-spheres slip right by the enzymes, in your saliva, your digestive juices, the bile salts, and other elements that breakdown unprotected Vitamin C.  Injured cells throughout your body recognize the needed phospholipids in each liposome.  As the liposomes attach themselves to these damaged cells, the liposomal phospholipids are "stolen" for cellular repair.  This causes the Liposomal bubbles to burst, which releases their Vitamin C in and around the compromised cell.  Plus, liposomal Vitamin C avoids the binders and fillers required by tablet Vitamin C, which have no nutritional or health value."
I must go now, but do hope this information has been of value.
   Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.   

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : CS>Liposomal Encapsulation Technique
 Date : Sat, 8 May 2010 10:41:34 -0500
 From : "polo" 
 To : 


One thing that has been bothering me about your lipsomal technique for a while is what I believe to be your statement to the effect that 5 grams of Vitamin C which has been encased by liposomes is equal to 50 grams of Vitamin C that has been given intravenously.  Did you write this and if so, how could this really be? At best, doesn't chemical logic say that 5 grams of Vitamin C can be no better than 5 grams, no matter what? How can 5 grams of liposomal Vit C be more effective than 5 grams given intravenously or is liposomal Vit C some how protected in the blood plasma better? What is the physiological mechanism behind this concept?



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Researcher Reference

2010-03-29 Thread Brooks Bradley
   I am  moved to share with the
list membership, the website of a man I consider to be one of the
truly UNIQUE researchers in the field of human HEALTH  (not primarily
disease treatment).
Dr. John Apsley is.in addition to being an outstanding medical
physician-a most gifted researcher in the field of "biological
vitality".. affecting the entire Western World segment of the
human race.  At least, this
is my opinion---admittedly a prejudiced one.
   His website is of recent origin and
is focused...primarily..on his non-profit efforts to assist in
raising the health levels of the world's general populations.
 Dr. Apsley's website acknowledges
a list of individuals I include as powerful influences in the
acquisition of my personal paradigm/education in the areas addressing
the "human health condition".
In fact, I was genuinely, and most pleasantly, shocked to see such a
listing of so many of my icons of unselfish servants to humanity.
I am not proselytizing for any
"special cause" with this post...but rather, sharing what I
believe you may agree-to be a fascinating belief system  relative
to the foundations of human health
outlined and supported by the life-work  of a group of truly dedicated

      Namaste,  Brooks Bradley.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

Re: CS>Cross Post on Cheap Ultrasonic Cleaners:COMMENT

2010-03-15 Thread Brooks Bradley
 Dear Annie,
   Rife Frequencies are the result of imposing (mixing) one frequency (usually somewhere between about 10 cycles per second to 20,000cps)upon
a single carrier wave in the Megahertz range [some use around 11,000,000 cps and some use about 27,000,000generally) which results in a "modulated" output 
of a "distinctive" square wavewhich contains thousands of secondary frequencies occurring within each square wave envelope. The real problem is 
determining the genuinely "effective" resultant frequency which actually destroys the pathogen. That is, there is NO PRESENTLY EXISTING methodology for determining which specific frequencyEXACTLY--- (from among the thousands present in the plasma field---that is creating the resonance which destroys 
the pathogen.)  The only thing one knows, for sure, is the INPUT FREQUENCY imposed on the carrier wave..not the actual KILLING frequency.  This said, one could...if they possessed an acceptable Rife Generation System with an ADEQUATE  power amplifier.and a precise/stable Frequency Generatoruse it to drive
a piezoelectric (crystal) or even a "well-filtered" magnetic transducer.  
Ultrasound generators for US Cleaners generally employ frequencies between 20 KHZ (20,000 cps) and 40 KHZ.  Both the wave shape (sinusoidal or square)
and the power levelshave definite effects upon the efficiency of the cleaner.as does the type of transducer being used (piezoelectric or magnetic).
Piezoelectric transducers (crystals) are more efficient at using square wavesthan are any of the wire-wound component assemblies presently used in many cheaper units. Most of the more acceptable units are driven by about 38 KHZ power signals.  Many magnetic transducers become VERY inefficient at frequencies this highif only because of the powerful resistance (Inductive Reactance) to the rapidly changing voltages.
I do not mean to pontificate, but sometimes we are lead to OBVIOUS conclusions which are not altogether reliable.  That is why I have taken the time to elaborate, somewhat, on this aspect of the two technologies.  
Bottom Line:  It is MARKEDLY less expensive to purchase an acceptable Ultrasonic Cleaner.than ANY form (Gas Plasma or Contact Plate) of Rife Generation system.  (about $80.00 versus $1000. plus).
        Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.   

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>Cross Post on Cheap Ultrasonic Cleaners
 Date : Mon, 15 Mar 2010 13:50:23 -0500
 From : Annie B Smythe 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

That's very interesting, if it's just a frequency 
generator, would Rife frequencies work?


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Norton, Steve wrote:
> FYI.
> *From:* Norton, Steve
> *Sent:* Monday, March 15, 2010 8:42 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* WARNING liposomal vitamin C
> Paul,
> Thanks for the warning and for the info on the construction of the cheap 
> ultrasonic cleaner. I have a number of unused ultrasonic humidifiers and 
> have considered removing and using the ultrasonic transducers for 
> several other applications. It appears that they may indeed be suitable 
> for use in ultrasonic cleaner applications easier than I thought if all 
> you have to do is glue the transducer to the bottom of a metal pan.
> -  Steve N
> *From:* [mailto: *On Behalf Of *Paul
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 14, 2010 5:23 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* WARNING liposomal vitamin C
> I bought a cheap Chinese ultrasonic bath to make liposomal vitamin C a
> few months ago. It worked quite well for that purpose, but I found that
> it wasn't sealed very well, and when pouring out the contents, some
> liquid could find its way inside the unit. I should have done something
> about this, but didn't. A few days ago my unit caught fire, probably due
> to this poor design, and if I had left it unattended, it could have been
> much more serious.
> I have since bought a more expensive ultrasonic bath which seems to work
> better, and is well sealed so that liquid can't get inside.
> Not just a case of "buy cheap, get cheap", more "buy cheap, burn your
> house down!"
> I just thought I should pass this around in case anyone else has bought
> a cheap ultrasonic bath.
> It should be possible to seal around the metal bath part using a hot
> glue gun, or other sealant.
> Incidentally, when I took the gadget apart I found it is simply a
> frequency generator, an amplifier and an ultrasonic transducer glued to
> the bottom of the metal bath.
> Paul
> __._,_.___
> ,___

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Potassium Deficiency Information

2010-03-10 Thread Brooks Bradley
  I impose on the good offices of the list membership's
collective patience..but I believe this information is
exceptionally valuable to the "lay-person" audience
and also to the studied academics among us.  Joe Vialls has been dead
for several years now...but he was...in trutha real warrior for
the just cause of informing the public
of many of the cardinal elements critical to vibrant health in human
beings.  It is my belief that this information is of genuine value to
most people, if only for its address of the critical role
potassium plays.together with valid observations pointing out the
almost "deliberate" attempts by portions of the allopathic community
to marginalize the "critical" role adequate levels of
potassium play in maintaining sound health.
           Sincerely, Brooks Bradley/


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

CS>Resveratrol and Sir2 Research

2010-02-23 Thread Brooks Bradley
 During a recently-past exploratory
investigation   on the effectiveness of life-extension via restricted
caloric intake, we came across some work which greatly excited our
Our investigations had been centered upon Sir2 (a member of the
sirtuin family of enzymes), which is a known aid in protecting cells
and delaying cell death.   As early as 2004 several researchers had ,
established the beneficial effects of "overexpressing"
Sir2upon subjects who were following a restricted caloric
diet.  In the original experiments with flies.life extensions of
57% were achieved.  Conversely,
the controls displayed no life extensions.During our
investigations, we happened upon some work being done on utilizing
Resveratrol as  a complementary stimulant to supporting  the Sir2
actions for life extension.
We were, immediately struck, by the stand-alone effectiveness
displayed by  Resveratrol.in aiding in the prevention of a number
of systemic insults---including hearing loss.  However,  it was the
suppression of angiogenesis
in cancer evaluations by other research organizationswhich
commanded our closest attention.
 To shorten this diatribe, I simply
state that our initial investigations do tend to confirm the
synergistic effects of Resveratrol with supplementary sources of
Sir2..to be very substantial.  I include a non-technical
information flyer by one of many suppliers of Resveratrol to
provide those not conversant with this area of investigation.at
all.  Please acknowledge I am not endorsing their products, I have no
knowledge..at all...of the
usefulness/applicability of their products.   One can, simply, ignore
or minimize the commercial hype relating to the peculiar superiority
of their brand of nostrums.
  I would encourage interested list
members to conduct a web search on Sir2 and Resveratrol..there is
much useful information available on the Internet.

 I hope these comments are of value to some list members.

Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>

Re: [RE]CS>Arthritis- ? for Brooks B.: TARDY RESPONSE

2010-02-18 Thread Brooks Bradley
Hello Dan,
 NO!  However, gelatin works VERY WELL as a substitute for the various chondroitin
products.  In fact gelatin has the additional advantage of not offering any type of compromising influence, whatsoever.   This is in contrast to the suggestion of some authorities  (i.e. William Campbell Douglass)
that certain types of chondroitin products DO present the potential for health compromises.  
Be Well,  Brooks.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [RE]CS>Arthritis- ? for Brooks B.: TARDY RESPONSE
 Date : Thu, 18 Feb 2010 12:53:34 -0600
 From : Dan Nave 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

Do you think that the gelatin would work as a substitute for glucosamine?


On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Brooks Bradley  wrote:
> Dear Patty,
> Please accept my apologies for this belated responseI just lost your
> email in the melee of life.
> First, if you are considering using supplemental gelatin as a continuing
> protocol (not a bad idea for many people), I woujld suggest you make an
> Internet inquiry for bulk gelatin. Several suppliers offer it for less than
> $13.00 per lb. The recommended dosagegiven by several of the
> suppliers is one level tablespoon mixed into water or your preferred
> juice, cold drink, etc..on a daily basisas a prophylactic protocol.
> For circumstances where one is experiencing brittle fingernails and/or
> constantly-splitting ends (many times an indication of low systemic
> protein).this protocol worked best (for us) when used 3 times
> dailyuntil noticeable improvement (usually about 7 days) and then
> reduced to the prophylactic
> dosage. Beef gelatin is approximately 90% protein, and highly digestible by
> human beings. Gelatin derivatives make up a very high percentage of all
> chitin-based material found in the human body (e.g. fingernails, between
> articulating joints, etc.).
> As a majority of the U.S. population seems to ingest insufficient protein
> (mostly the result of excessive refined carbohydrate intake)increasing
> numbers of various health-based challenges seem to present with each passing
> year.
> Our animal evaluations (circa 2003) involving Celebrex, resulted in VERY
> NEGATIVE resultssome involving health presentations of a VERY
> threatening nature. Our undesirable results began to appear AFTER the second
> or third week of use and continued to increase with usage time increases.
> Interestingly, human evaluations by other...mainstream
> researchers...(published at a later date) revealed to confirm some of our
> most disturbing findings.
> Ancillary Comment: I noted that someone commented in a post to the
> list...that MSM tasted bitter to them. That is an "unfailing" characteristic
> of MSM. ALL MSM has a very bitter tastewhen it comes into direct contact
> with the linings of the mouth and upper throat. This characteristic is
> tolerated in various degree by the human community. To some---like me---it
> is quite tolerablebut still demonstrably bitter. To others MSM is so
> bitter that it generates a very strong gag-reflex (in which case the better
> alternative is to take the MSM in capsule form). Taking MSM in pill form is
> another...but sometimes uncomfortable, option. The reason being, that the
> 1000 to 1500 mg tablets are quite large and constitute a REAL challenge for
> some. to swallow.
> Ref your gelatin/water question. The gelatin is the active agent, but cannot
> properly react in the system without a sufficiently hydrated environment.
> Shortest answer: They are BOTH important.
> Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
> -[ Received Mail Content ]--
> Subject : CS>Arthritis- ? for Brooks B.
> Date : Wed, 3 Feb 2010 20:35:55 -0800 (PST)
> From : Pat 
> To : silver-list@eskimo.com
> I've been thinking about using gelatin, but it's been so busy the last
> several weeks with my daughter and her family visiting. Now, holding the
> small box which contains four packets, I'm wondering what to do with it.
> Would it be effective to make it into jello using juice and water. That
> would require four packets of gelatin and four cups of liquid. That would be
> two cups more per box than what you consumed, wouldn't it? But no way could
> I eat that four times a day! Do you think the gelatin is effective or is it
> mostly the increased intake of water? How long would one need to use this?
> I'm doing well with using Thorvin kelp. Luckily, I like the lecithin,
> because the kelp tastes way too fishy for me, but I have no trouble getting
> a teaspoon of each down once a day.
> I just started taking my glucosami

[RE]CS>Arthritis- ? for Brooks B.: TARDY RESPONSE

2010-02-17 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Dear Patty,
  Please accept my apologies for this belated responseI just lost your email in the melee of life.
  First, if you are considering using supplemental gelatin as a continuing protocol (not a bad idea for many people), I woujld suggest you make an Internet inquiry for bulk gelatin.  Several suppliers offer it for less than $13.00 per lb.  The recommended dosagegiven by several of the suppliers is one level tablespoon mixed into water or your preferred juice, cold drink, etc..on a daily basisas a prophylactic protocol.  For circumstances where one is experiencing brittle fingernails and/or constantly-splitting ends (many times an indication of low systemic protein).this protocol worked best (for us) when used 3 times dailyuntil noticeable improvement (usually about 7 days) and then reduced to the prophylactic 
dosage.  Beef gelatin is approximately 90% protein, and highly digestible by human beings.  Gelatin derivatives make up a very high percentage of all chitin-based material found in the human body (e.g. fingernails, between articulating joints, etc.).
As a majority of the U.S. population seems to ingest insufficient protein (mostly the result of excessive refined carbohydrate intake)increasing numbers of various health-based challenges seem to present with each passing year. 
   Our animal evaluations (circa 2003) involving Celebrex, resulted in VERY NEGATIVE resultssome involving health presentations of a VERY threatening nature.  Our undesirable results began to appear AFTER the second or third week of use and continued to increase with usage time increases.  Interestingly, human evaluations by other...mainstream researchers...(published at a later date) revealed to confirm some of our most disturbing findings.
   Ancillary Comment:  I noted that someone commented in a post to the list...that MSM tasted bitter to them.  That is an "unfailing" characteristic of MSM.  ALL MSM has a very bitter tastewhen it comes into direct contact with the linings of the mouth and upper throat.  This characteristic is tolerated in various degree by the human community.  To some---like me---it is quite tolerablebut still demonstrably bitter.  To others MSM is so bitter that it generates a very strong gag-reflex (in which case the better alternative is to take the MSM in capsule form). Taking MSM in pill form is another...but sometimes uncomfortable, option.  The reason being, that the 1000 to 1500 mg tablets are quite large and constitute a REAL challenge for
some. to swallow.  
  Ref your gelatin/water question.   The gelatin is the active agent, but cannot properly react in the system without a sufficiently hydrated environment.  Shortest answer:  They are BOTH important.
Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : CS>Arthritis- ? for Brooks B.
 Date : Wed, 3 Feb 2010 20:35:55 -0800 (PST)
 From : Pat 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

I've been thinking about using gelatin, but it's been so busy the last several weeks with my daughter and her family visiting.  Now, holding the small box which contains four packets, I'm wondering what to do with it.  Would it be effective to make it into jello using juice and water.  That would require four packets of gelatin and four cups of liquid.  That would be two cups more per box than what you consumed, wouldn't it?  But no way could I eat that four times a day!  Do you think the gelatin is effective or is it mostly the increased intake of water?  How long would one need to use this?

I'm doing well with using Thorvin kelp.  Luckily, I like the lecithin, because the kelp tastes way too fishy for me, but I have no trouble getting a teaspoon of each down once a day.

I just started taking my glucosamine, chondriotin, and MSM today, once again.  A friend of mine has been able to discontinue her Celebrex anti-inflammatory and uses nothing for pain since she started that plus fish oil and vitamin D.  She had had significant pain, especially in her knee.


From: Brooks Bradley 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Mon, December 21, 2009 6:55:48 PM
Subject: [RE]CS>Spinal Arthritis

Dear Steve, 
Your wife has my heartfelt sympathy.  I suffered from PRONOUNCED ankylosing spondylitis 
for many years (between ages of 30 and 50), during which interval the allopathic community failed to gain ANY  distinct relief.for me.  My case was considerably aggravated by the fact I have a congenital deformation of the 5th lower lumbar (a region which very often presents a major insult).  Circa about 1980, I was forced to start sleeping on an inclined 
2" X 12" X 8' wooden plank..with the head-end resting on the outer edge of a heavy captain's chair.in order to obtain any measurable degree of pain relief-not to mentio

CS>Why science cannot conquer cancer/AIDS without your help

2010-02-14 Thread Brooks Bradley
  I have been debating with myself of late
about whether or not to make this post.  My hesitation comes from my
reticence to attempt to "openly" influence others
in their focus of attention.  However,  some things do make
impositions worthwhile and at  my stage in life "I am not buying Green
Bananas"  : > ) .I was stimulated to investigate Dr. Ling's work
by  a really "brilliant" younger Dr.,
John Apsley,by name.  John did a really splendid job on a recent
interview  (Feb. 11, 2010 ) with George Noory on Coast-to-Coast radio.
 Members who happen to be able listen to that program will,
in my view.find it to be absolutely FASCINATING.  Present
subscribers to the program can pick it up in the Coast-to-Coast
archvies.  Just the information on Dr. Alexis Carrel and Dr. Tulio
Simoncini, alone, makes it more
than worthwhile.   Dr. Apsley 's 20 year  research in the field of
"colloidal chemistry", especially as relates to cancer addresses,
isto mejust dynamite.  Additionally, the information relating
to the dynamics
of the "sodium pump" in human physiology...is most powerful information.
 At the very least, I believe most list
members will be well-rewarded by a trip to Dr. Ling's
website..stimulating reading  ( to me it was )!

 Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: [RE]CS>Anecdotal information:ANSWER.

2010-02-11 Thread Brooks Bradley
   Dear Harvey,
 Please forgive my tardy response, but it is only by chance I checked my Junk mail box file a few moments ago and
found the body of your message.  I do not know why it went to the Junk file.
  My answer to your first question is:  we checked for particle size as a major parameter.  Second, the power level,
in watts driving the transducer DOES affect the particle size (AT Least we found it so). The higher the power, the smaller the
majority of the particles (condition held until power levels of our largest lead zirconate-titanate transducers went beyond 1000 watts per transducer.)  No effective reduction occurred beyond these power levels (Power Spectral Density evaluations).  However, it WAS NOT necessary to reach these power levels to obtain excellent nano-size liposomes.  200 watts driving a transducer at 38K Hertzyielded excellent results.even with the high-power lead zirconate units.The larger Harbor Freight unit does, in fact, yield smaller particle liposomes (but the particle size from the small unit was perfectly acceptable for our experiments---and the results gained were, also, quite acceptable as effective..in our in vitro evaluations).  It should be noted;  to get reliable population density numbers, the samples had to be dehydrated completelybefore viewing with the scanning electron microscope (the same problem is encountered with colloidal silver particle evaluatio!
 ns).   Ultrasonic energy aggitating does facilitate the increased creation of nano-size particles.  In fact, Ultrasonic energy was the FIRST energy source to actually achieve this level of size reduction (so I am informed by staff members more conversant with this technology...than am I). Diffraction grating came later. 
  While we  have not conducted detailed analyses using calcium ascorbate as the vitamin C component, there seems to be
no contravening reason that would seriously modify the excellent results we enjoyed with sodium ascorbate.  However, the coefficient of absorption for sodium ascorbate in higher mammals does indicate to be superior to calcium ascorbate (so I am informed).  The principal reason calcium carbonate is utilized by most commercial vendors is to mitigate against the alimentary challenges presented to someby the acid form (ascorbic acid).  The absorptive ability of sodium ascorbate in humans---as against that of ascorbic acid, demonstrates to be over two orders of magnitude ( about 3000 times according to Dr. Gerard Judd). 
  One comment I might add:  If a subject is orally consuming LARGE quantities (over 20 grams daily) of vitamin C (especially in the ascorbate form), additional improvement levels, via liposomal additions, in addressing the existing insult may be less than striking (especially if the subject presents with excellent systemic absorption characteristics)if only because influence levels of the current dosage regimen are reaching near the upper "practical" limits for vitamin Cin these cases.  However, I have no measured corroboration for such a phenomenon.
  I hope these comments have been an aid toward addressing the intent of your questions.
Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [RE]CS>Anecdotal information
 Date : Wed, 10 Feb 2010 16:18:41 -0600
 From : Harvey br 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

Hello Brooks:

I will apologize for "butting in" but did not know how to reach you 
except for the sliver list.

I am on another list where we are making your "home brew" of Lecithin 
and Ascorbic Acid and some of us who are already taking Vitamin C in the 
Calcium nano form are not seeing any results from the home brew on 
top of our normal regimen.

This raised the question of whether your electron microscope tests

1.  Checked only the encapsulation process or
2.  Checked for size of the encapsulated Vitamin C to see if it was 
br.  If PSD cannot be achieved via ultrasonic encapsulation, then we 
were only adding to our existing GI tract loading of Vitamin C and this 
might account for the "non results".  Some of us are close to bowel 
tolerance using Calcium br several times a day so, a little more 
Vitamin C via the GI tract route might not be perceptible.

We have used inexpensive to reasonably expensive ultrasonic cleaners in 
the process as the thought crossed my mind of whether the strength of 
cavitation tied to Metzler would produce a smaller encapsulate.

Any info you can share about your electron microscope analysis of the 
the particle size of the encapsulate would be greatly appreciated.

I will apologize for this being slightly off topic but think that many 
on the silver list will also be very interested in this topic of 
encapsulation of Vitamin C.

Harvey brHouston, Tex

DMSO br wrote:
> Hi Brooks -- thank y

Re: [RE]CS>Anecdotal information: Comment

2010-02-10 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear MaryAnn,
 My apologies for any linguistic embellishmentsI certainly mean to "express to" not "impress" the general reader.
However, as a well-meaning teacher during the bulk of my 50 year career in general society, I did try to emphasize that written "words" are, in general, sub-vocal expressions of thought.  If one accepts that premise thenin point-of-fact, properly utilized, words become shortcuts in thinking.  I realize my habitual expressions may appear unseemly to many.but I hope they do not offendit is, simply, an existing affliction of habit by an aging intellect.  Please do not take my asides seriously.   My comment about "micronizing" was just an aside similar to "gilding-the-lily" or embellishment.
First, tissue granulation is a desirable occurrencethis is nature's "normal" way-it IS
normal healing. That is what happens when an open wound heals itself. The new tissue expands progressively and knits together 
whenever it meets new-growth tissue approaching from surrounding areas of the injury.  Adding the DMSO does, indeed, offer drainage supportas it effectively penetrates mucous fields and obstructing tissue debriswhile transporting any entrained treatment substance.
Interestingly, in-point-of-fact, if you kept your ear rings installedyou were actually assisting the entrance of
any effective medicinal treatment---if only through their movement preventing accumulation of static debris inside the pierced holes of the ear lobes.
A little-known fact not generally announced by the allopathic medical community is that Colloidal Silver is one of the really powerful bactericidal and virus inhibiting agents---to which these pathogens have small ability to either neutralize or
to mutate against.  This characteristic, alone, makes Colloidal Silver one of the few substances available to existing medicinethat can be saturated into a non-sterile bandage and "stuffed" into as deep penetrating wound and left for extended 
periods of time (days)the only proviso being that one must keep the bandage saturated with the colloidal silverin order to maintain the pathogen-controlling conditions.  Additionally, it would not be advisable to leave the material plug in place more than 2 or 3 (at most) days.  This, particular, protocol has allowed knowledgeable physicians to treat, otherwise un-cleanable, contaminateddeep-penetration wounds.  Such is a blessing.  Just ask some poor soul who has experienced having
a deep-wound gauze-plug removed and replaced 3 times dailywhat it felt like?  
 Do not apologize for infringing upon me or my time.  Any question, honestly askedmerits an honest answer.
  Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [RE]CS>Anecdotal information
 Date : Wed, 10 Feb 2010 13:47:19 -0800 (PST)
 From : MaryAnn Helland 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

Hi Brooks -- thank you for your response -- but sometimes you talk *over my head*!  lol

I don't know what you mean by "micronizing this protocol".

And are you saying that if I don't add DMSO to the CS, that I will create a tissue-granulation within the earlobes, rather than normal healing?  And that adding the DMSO will facilitate the constant drainage that you referred to?

Sorry to have to require more of your time.


From: Brooks Bradley 

Subject : CS>Anecdotal information

Dear MaryAnn, 
We have found that the addition of as little as 5% DMSO (by volume) to the parent solution of CSresults 
in, almost, an-order-of=magnitude increase in penetration/effectivity.even on deep-peneration wounds. When applied 
immediately after an application of Hydrogen Peroxide (even the 3.5% commercial norm)-and allowing sufficient time 
for the foaming action to cease before application of the CS X DMSO mix.will appreciably accelerate the beneficial effects. 
This simple protocol has demonstrated to be effective against a multitude of quite noxious and slow-responding 
open-wound insults. 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 
p.s. Forgive my micronizing this protocol, but it is vital...for acceptable,immediate. results, that ALL deep-penetration 
wounds (most especially in the early stages) be maintained in a "constant-drainage" condition. Interestingly, the colloidal 
silver based protocol will, "unaided" by ancillary measuresfacilitate a very powerful tissue-granulation occurrence. 

Date : Wed, 10 Feb 2010 09:09:38 -0800 (PST)

From : MaryAnn Helland 

To : silver-list@eskimo.com

Recently, someone here asked for anecdotal evidence of the use of EIS with positive results.  Here's one for ya. 

Last week, I had my ears pierced.  The store that did the piercing was very c

[RE]CS>Anecdotal information

2010-02-10 Thread Brooks Bradley

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : CS>Anecdotal information
  Dear MaryAnn,
   We have found that the addition of as little as 5% DMSO (by volume) to the parent solution of CSresults
in, almost, an-order-of=magnitude increase in penetration/effectivity.even on deep-peneration wounds.  When applied
immediately after an application of Hydrogen Peroxide (even the 3.5% commercial norm)-and allowing sufficient time
for the foaming action to cease before application of the CS X DMSO mix.will appreciably accelerate the beneficial effects.
This simple protocol has demonstrated to be effective against a multitude of quite noxious and slow-responding
open-wound insults.
Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  Forgive my micronizing this protocol, but it is vital...for acceptable,immediate. results, that ALL deep-penetration
wounds (most especially in the early stages) be maintained in a "constant-drainage" condition.  Interestingly, the colloidal
silver based protocol will, "unaided" by ancillary measuresfacilitate a very powerful tissue-granulation occurrence.

 Date : Wed, 10 Feb 2010 09:09:38 -0800 (PST)
 From : MaryAnn Helland 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

Recently, someone here asked for anecdotal evidence of the use of EIS with positive results.  Here's one for ya.

Last week, I had my ears pierced.  The store that did the piercing was very careful to keep the piercing sites and everything around them as sterile as possible, instructed me in after-care, and provided me with a bottle of their own brand of antiseptic solution, to be applied three times a day for a minimum of two weeks.

Despite diligent care and application of their product, by yesterday both earlobes were swollen and red, hot(ish) to the touch and were sore and itching.  It has become increasingly difficult to sleep the past few nights because regardless of head position on the pillow, one sore ear or the other was being compressed -- and I don't do well trying to sleep on my back, or sitting up.

Last night I took matters into my own hands, and filled up a small *nasal spray* bottle with CS and applied it liberally to the back and front of each earlobe, trying very hard to get it into the openings as well.  That was around 7:00.  By the time I went to bed (around midnight), the earlobes felt much better, and I was able to sleep very easily with only minor discomfort.  By this morning, the ear with the least problems was no longer swollen, and I could manipulate the earring with no discomfort whatsoever.  The worst of the two earlobes was vastly improved -- with a reduction in swelling, and only moderate discomfort when moving the earring.  I expect that by tomorrow, it will look and feel as good as the other.  

So -- there ya have it.  Nothing life-saving to be sure, but evidence of EIS solving an infection problem.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Arthritis- ? for Brooks B.SUGGESTION

2010-02-04 Thread Brooks Bradley
We have found that if the subject (human or other higher mammal)is presenting with pronounced pain...in ANY articulating joint in the body, the most "rapidly effective", single, standalone, substance has demonsrtated to be Methyl Sulphonyl Methane (MSM), at a minimum of 4000 mg daily (6000 mg initially for most, for three to four days...to raise the titer sufficiently to accelerate correction).  The speed of our results varied markedly (depending upon age, metabolism, general health---and existing ancillary challenges).
For long-term improvement/stabilization...NOTHING equaled CMO for maintaining a pain-free circumstance.
  I must go now, but I relate that our results were "objective" in general nature and were, sometimes, achieved in subjects who had been expressing continual "high-order" pain for years (6 years in one case).
Do understand that MSM is an "unusual" form of sulphur.without which many biological processes are severely compromised in the body.
 I take 10 grams dailyand have done so for the immediately-past 12 years, with nothing but splendid results.  Others
may have experienced different results.  However, when used in conjunction with other, demonstrated, positive-effect protocols (especially CMO and some form of collagen-enhancing substancee.g. gelatin), improvements have approached an order of magnitude- in some cases.
     Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>Arthritis- ? for Brooks B.
 Date : Wed, 3 Feb 2010 21:07:46 -0800 (PST)
 From : Steve G 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

Some people swear by glucosamine and chondroitin, but that stuff has never done anything for me.  I wish it would though.   Maybe DMSO will help.   

Steve G.

--- On Wed, 2/3/10, Pat  wrote:

From: Pat 
Subject: CS>Arthritis- ? for Brooks B.
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2010, 11:35 PM

I just started taking my glucosamine, chondriotin, and MSM today, once again.  A friend of mine has been able to discontinue her Celebrex anti-inflammatory and uses nothing for pain since she started that plus fish oil and vitamin D.  She had had significant pain, especially in her knee.




The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>My earlier Post on Dr. Patricia Carrington's EFT Choices

2010-01-31 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear list members,
   My most sincere apologies..I just found out that the
"powers-that-be" have removed  ALL of the U=Tube videos for the 2009
EFT Conference.  It is
almost unbelievable--they were still there day-before-yesterday.
Here is my "fall-back" position.  While the information at this url is
much more limited in scope
and absent the dynamism of Dr. Carrington's personal excellent
delivery..the information should be of positive effect for all
those who read it.
At risk of tedious redundancy, I repeat..we have achieved
our "very best" results (especially among  those cases of MAJOR
anxiety challenges) through our
implementation of Dr. Carrington's  Choices protocol modification.
            Sincerely, Brooks Bradley


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Anxiety/Depression Thread....Comment

2010-01-31 Thread Brooks Bradley
 Although using the EFT methodology has, already, been suggested
by other list members..I have an ancillary recommendation.  The
lady physician giving this video presentation at the 2000 Tapping
World Summit relates a simple modification to the parent program,
which has,
simply, worked near miraculous results for us--most especially in
the more challenging cases.  Her implementation of the CHOICES method
GREATLY increases the positive effects..and does so in an
IMMEDIATE fashion.  I believe all list members utilizing any form of
Emotional Freedom
Technique will find this modification to be a quite powerful---and
immediateimprovement over the original "mantra" used.  This is not
to say that the original
declarative statements are invalid..but that that this protocol
improvement is a major oneindeed. At least in my opinion.
  Sincerely,    Brooks Bradley.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Burning Feet: Extended Commentary. ERROR CORRECTION

2010-01-24 Thread Brooks Bradley
 In the second paragraph there is an error.  I struck a wrong key and failed to catch it.  The error relates to the volume for 
the methyl B-12.  The lower-case "i" should not be there.  The true dosage should read 1000 mcg. 
No excusesbeyond senility. Brooks.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>Burning Feet: Extended Commentary.
 Date : Sun, 24 Jan 2010 13:29:23 -0500 (EST)
 From : "Brooks Bradley" 
 To : 

  Hello Bob,
  We have not conducted any dedicated studies directly evaluating ALA, either singly or in combination...for lingual nerve insults.
  However, I have had some personal experiences with the benefits of ALA for facial neuralgia, associated with upper tooth problems.  1000 mg of ALA daily, furnished me with complete relief in about 48 hours (the pain from the neuralgia was VERY intense from the initial insult).  Before instituting the ALA component, no acceptable relief appeared from any protocol introduced.  Some, small, degree of pain relief was achievedin the beginning---from Ibuprofen-type analgesicsbut this was short-lived and required unacceptably-high dosages.  Some relief was achieved utilizing 4% lidocaine...in a topical settingas an address to the more intolerable episodes.  This was, always, a last-ditch effort.
   Later, I added Methyl B-12 to my 500 mg ALA daily prophylactic protocol.  Presently, I maintain a i1000 mcg of sublingual Methyl B-12 and 400 mg of ALA (for several reasons, not just for neuralgia).
   My personal inquiries from other researchers seems to confirm the individual variation in effective minimum prophylactic dosages of both ALA and B-12.required to relieve/maintain control parameters for varying types of neural trauma.
One observation:  I am aware of some cases that required substantial dosages of both ALA and B-12 introduced via IV.in order to achieve rapid relief, for presentations of severe pain among test subjects. This was especially so
in some diabetic-related scenarios.  
I apologize for being unable to furnish you more useful information.  You have my genuine sympathy and good wishes for a rapid and complete resolution of your condition.  I can testify, personally, to the degree of discomfort caused by your condition.
 Best Regards,   Brooks.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>Burning Feet:  Extended Commentary.
 Date : Sat, 23 Jan 2010 21:59:43 -0800
 From : "Bob Banever" 
 To : 


  Have you done or do you know of any studies done on lingual nerve damage with resultant paresthesia/dysesthesia?  I have burning pain on the right side of my tongue from an injection of articaine 30 months ago.  I'm wondering if B1, B12, and ALA might give me some relief or if you've heard of any other protocol that might help.  Looking forward to your response.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Brooks Bradley 
  To: Silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 2:47 PM
  Subject: CS>Burning Feet: Extended Commentary.

  Now that my, original, comment has come through...I will conclude my comments on this topic. 
  First, however, I wish to rectify a misstatement made in my earlier post (caused by hasteI trust). 
  In the concluding paragraphs I commented on two improved types of B-12as being presently available. This was 
  in error. Actually, what I meant to say that there were " two improved members of the vitamin B family" presently available. 
  They are Benfotiamin (a B-1 form), which greatly improves cell penetration...and is a pronounced improvement over most of the earlier representatives of the B-1 family. This B-1 form has demonstrated to be a noticeable improvement over earlier types 
  offered by the commercial market. The beneficial effects...especially for challenges presented by diabetes complications--- 
  are quite striking. Benfotiamin and Methyl B-12 demonstrate to act in synergistic manner when used simultaneouslyas 
  a peripheral neuropathic protocol. 
  The other vitamin is Methyl B-12 (methylcobalamine). This form is MUCH more soluble to tissue...than is the standard cobalamine form. Methyl-cobalamine is, also, quite effective as an ancillary protocol for autism in children (most especially below the age of 10 years). 

  This substance is well-tolerated by a majority of the general population, and oral ingestion is quite effective and adequate for maintaining satisfactory blood titers. Although IV was, is, more immediately effectiveand more completely utilizedthan is sublingually ingested forms of Methyl B-12..the sublingual administration shows to be about 50% as active (by volume), as are IV administrations. (At least that has been our experience). 
  We were privy to studies conducted by other research 

Re: CS>Burning Feet: Extended Commentary.

2010-01-24 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Hello Bob,
  We have not conducted any dedicated studies directly evaluating ALA, either singly or in combination...for lingual nerve insults.
  However, I have had some personal experiences with the benefits of ALA for facial neuralgia, associated with upper tooth problems.  1000 mg of ALA daily, furnished me with complete relief in about 48 hours (the pain from the neuralgia was VERY intense from the initial insult).  Before instituting the ALA component, no acceptable relief appeared from any protocol introduced.  Some, small, degree of pain relief was achievedin the beginning---from Ibuprofen-type analgesicsbut this was short-lived and required unacceptably-high dosages.  Some relief was achieved utilizing 4% lidocaine...in a topical settingas an address to the more intolerable episodes.  This was, always, a last-ditch effort.
   Later, I added Methyl B-12 to my 500 mg ALA daily prophylactic protocol.  Presently, I maintain a i1000 mcg of sublingual Methyl B-12 and 400 mg of ALA (for several reasons, not just for neuralgia).
   My personal inquiries from other researchers seems to confirm the individual variation in effective minimum prophylactic dosages of both ALA and B-12.required to relieve/maintain control parameters for varying types of neural trauma.
One observation:  I am aware of some cases that required substantial dosages of both ALA and B-12 introduced via IV.in order to achieve rapid relief, for presentations of severe pain among test subjects. This was especially so
in some diabetic-related scenarios.  
I apologize for being unable to furnish you more useful information.  You have my genuine sympathy and good wishes for a rapid and complete resolution of your condition.  I can testify, personally, to the degree of discomfort caused by your condition.
 Best Regards,   Brooks.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>Burning Feet:  Extended Commentary.
 Date : Sat, 23 Jan 2010 21:59:43 -0800
 From : "Bob Banever" 
 To : 


  Have you done or do you know of any studies done on lingual nerve damage with resultant paresthesia/dysesthesia?  I have burning pain on the right side of my tongue from an injection of articaine 30 months ago.  I'm wondering if B1, B12, and ALA might give me some relief or if you've heard of any other protocol that might help.  Looking forward to your response.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Brooks Bradley 
  To: Silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 2:47 PM
  Subject: CS>Burning Feet: Extended Commentary.

  Now that my, original, comment has come through...I will conclude my comments on this topic. 
  First, however, I wish to rectify a misstatement made in my earlier post (caused by hasteI trust). 
  In the concluding paragraphs I commented on two improved types of B-12as being presently available. This was 
  in error. Actually, what I meant to say that there were " two improved members of the vitamin B family" presently available. 
  They are Benfotiamin (a B-1 form), which greatly improves cell penetration...and is a pronounced improvement over most of the earlier representatives of the B-1 family. This B-1 form has demonstrated to be a noticeable improvement over earlier types 
  offered by the commercial market. The beneficial effects...especially for challenges presented by diabetes complications--- 
  are quite striking. Benfotiamin and Methyl B-12 demonstrate to act in synergistic manner when used simultaneouslyas 
  a peripheral neuropathic protocol. 
  The other vitamin is Methyl B-12 (methylcobalamine). This form is MUCH more soluble to tissue...than is the standard cobalamine form. Methyl-cobalamine is, also, quite effective as an ancillary protocol for autism in children (most especially below the age of 10 years). 

  This substance is well-tolerated by a majority of the general population, and oral ingestion is quite effective and adequate for maintaining satisfactory blood titers. Although IV was, is, more immediately effectiveand more completely utilizedthan is sublingually ingested forms of Methyl B-12..the sublingual administration shows to be about 50% as active (by volume), as are IV administrations. (At least that has been our experience). 
  We were privy to studies conducted by other research organizations, which revealed some very powerful effects of B-12 upon diabetic related peripheral neuropathy insults. e.g. One study revealed that IV injections of 2500 mcg of B-12 provided very substantial control/improvement in neuropathy presentations. Presenting symptoms (burning, itching, coldness, etc.) were well-resolvedsometimes in hours, and did not require other injections for intervals of...sometimesas great at 3 months. In some cases the "standard" protocol

CS>Burning Feet: Extended Commentary.

2010-01-23 Thread Brooks Bradley
   Now that my, original, comment has come through...I will conclude my comments on this topic.
   First, however, I wish to rectify a misstatement made in my earlier post (caused by hasteI trust).
   In the concluding paragraphs I commented on two improved types of B-12as being presently available.  This was
in error.  Actually, what I meant to say that there were " two improved members of the vitamin B family" presently available.
They are Benfotiamin (a B-1 form), which greatly improves cell penetration...and is a pronounced improvement over most of the earlier representatives of the B-1 family.  This B-1 form has demonstrated to be a noticeable improvement over earlier types
offered by the commercial market.  The beneficial effects...especially for challenges presented by diabetes complications---
are quite striking.  Benfotiamin and Methyl B-12 demonstrate to act in synergistic manner when used simultaneouslyas
a peripheral neuropathic protocol.
The other vitamin is Methyl B-12  (methylcobalamine).  This form is MUCH more soluble to tissue...than is the standard cobalamine  form.  Methyl-cobalamine is, also, quite effective as an ancillary protocol for autism in children (most especially below the age of 10 years).   

 This substance is well-tolerated by a majority of the general population, and oral ingestion is quite effective and adequate for maintaining satisfactory blood titers.  Although IV was, is, more immediately effectiveand more completely utilizedthan is  sublingually ingested forms of Methyl B-12..the sublingual administration shows to be about 50% as active (by volume), as are IV administrations.  (At least that has been our experience).
   We were privy to studies conducted by other research organizations, which revealed some very powerful effects of B-12 upon diabetic related peripheral neuropathy insults.  e.g. One study revealed that IV injections of 2500 mcg of B-12 provided very substantial control/improvement in neuropathy presentations.  Presenting symptoms (burning, itching, coldness, etc.) were well-resolvedsometimes in hours, and did not require other injections for intervals of...sometimesas great at 3 months.  In some cases the "standard" protocol of 2500 mcg IV once each month was many times, soon extended to once every 3 months.and in some cases to several years in time.  
As Alpha Lipoic Acid was unknown (to us) as an available address for diabetes-related peripheral neuralgiaat the time of our investigations.no data was available to us---at that time--- on ALA beneficial effects.  However, since the 1998-99 time frame, we have accumulated a sizable data base on the positive influence of ALA on peripheral neuralgia.  Our recent investigations have, sometimes, shown "stunning" and immediate (within hours on occasion) relief.  The most profound effects related to burning/itching of the feet and toes.  A majority of these "experimental investigations" required 800 to 1000 mcg (minimum) to effect such rapid responses.
We did not observe a single case of negative "side-effects" from the higher volumes of ALA...used by the experimental volunteers.  
I hope these comments prove to be of some value to list members conducting their own experimental researaches.
     Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

[FW][RE]CS>Burning feet

2010-01-23 Thread Brooks Bradley
This is my last attempt to send this post.in this form.  I someone received it earlier, I would appreciate
knowing of it.Sioncerely,  Brooks Bradley.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : [RE]CS>Burning feet
 Date : Thu, 21 Jan 2010 18:34:35 -0500 (EST)
 From : "Brooks Bradley" 
 To : 

 Dear Raine,
 From your brief statement I am led to believe you are presenting with peripheral neuralgia...which is 
a pretty name for a condition which is expressing as a nerve insult (caused, usually, by one of two presentationsdiabetic  
complications and/or non-diabetic physical injuries, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and sometimes, toxin loads in the system.
  We conducted some rather detailed investigations circa 1998-99 and were  somewhat successful in gaining quite useful results.  One indication that the insult is diabetic (or at least from cardiovascular origin) is there "usually" presents some degree of swelling in the feet and/or anklesespecially near the day's end.  The actual swelling...in these cases is, almost entirely, based upon leakage of fluids into the surrounding tissue...due to insufficient scavenging (getting the fluids back to the heartfrom the venous side).  Even if the person is suffering from improper glucose management, a marked degree of control is possible.via compression stockings.  This protocol is safe, useful and economical.  It is based upon the fact that increasing the compression load on the tissue beds surrounding the veins reduces the enlargements allowed by the leaking valves (causes the swelling) and aids the valves proper to completely close and thus prevent the "!
 pooling effect". We have effected surprising results from this simple protocol---many times.  One successful methodology is as follows:  (1) Obtain some quality
compression hose (below the knee length, if there is no swelling at or above the knee joint).  If the swelling that occurs is minor, select a 15--20 mmHg (that is the pressure rating) compression strength.  If there is significant swelling of the toes, feet and ankles, select 20--30 mmHg in Surgical Weight.  Wear the hose during the day and take them off at night.  I believe you will be surprised how effective this simple protocol is.
Do note that many of the Name-Brand suppliers of support stockings have quite high  prices.  We evaluated about four of the name brands and found little difference in their quality--or prices.  In fact, we were able to locate a generic-type supplier whose products proved to be the equal of a majority of the name brands.  The company name is Ames Walker and they are located in New Jersey...I believe.  This is not a plug for them, but we saved many hundreds of dollars with their products...
a Google search will give you their websiteif you are interested.  
 If one is presenting with pronounced swelling of the feet and ankles (and especially if it does not ALL reduce by each morning).the situation requires IMMEDIATE intervention by professional medical agencies.
  One thing to remember is that one of the worst things a person with compromised extremity circulation can do is to STAND IDLY for extended periods of time during the day.  The reason being that as there is no powerful pumping source on the venous side of the cardiovascular system (unlike the arterial, high pressure side);  without the muscle stimulation of walking, venous stasis (poor circulation) occurs, together with its ever-present swelling of the interstitial tissues adjacent to the veins.  If the "challenged" person has a desk job, one of the best things they can do...during the dayis to prop their feet up
up on the desk or a chair {ideally where the feet are at the same level as the heart}for a few minutesevery chance they get.  It will help---ENORMOUSLY!  This little trick really helps to scavenge the deoxygenated blood on the venous side.
If the primary insult is from causes other that diabetic, then long-term correction is...probablynot achievable without additional support protocols.  Our most successful protocols for aiding/correcting actual nerve insultsinvolved members of the B vitamin family. I do not at present have sufficient time or finger-strength for continued typing, to go into detail.  I will attempt to elaborate some on this tomorrow.  Meantime I offer this:  Subliminal B-12 proved to be the linchpin in our successful protocols.  That is not to say the B-1 and some of the others were not required.but B-12 was the real strength for our effective addresses.
  There are two special types of B-12 which proved to be almost an order of magnitude in superiorityto the
common type most readily offered by the commercial market.  I will post a description of these substances and the simple mode of 
administrationin our experi

Re: CS>one for brooks

2010-01-20 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Hello Bob,
We have never encountered any compromising effects from using DMSO fractions as high as 20% (by volume) for external, topical open wounds and blunt force trauma insults presenting with open lesions.  We have used concentrations of DMSO as high as 50% (by volume)but the parent solutions were amended with 1% (by volume) of 2% (strength) of Lidocainefor discomfort control.   We have used 5% (BY VOLUME) OF FULL-STRENGTH DMSO, in various parent solutions, in direct applicationfor many
conditions involving the eyes, of many different animal species---including humans (myself for example).  Unless their is an open
lesion presenting it is highly unlikely any form of discomfort or stinging would be experienced.  In any event, we are unaware of 
any adverse pain reaction or tissue insult from the application of DMSO to any of the epithelial tissues in the body.  
 I would remind you that DMSO is quite hygroscopic and thus quite effective in aiding in drying the exposed surfaces of
all epithelial tissue beds.
  As testimony to the absence of cell-damage or toxicity from DMSO, is the fact that Dr. Stanley Jacob (the father of the DMSO research effort) consumes a tablespoon of UNDILUTED DMSO daily-and has done so for the past 20+ years.  All without any, but health-supporting results. 
   NOTE:  The foregoing comments are made with the understanding that substances/components which do---in themselves---present
a possible tissue-compromising feature.will be entrained and transported across mucous barriers and into any tissue form extant in the human or animal body, through their being combined with DMSO.  
 Best Regards,   Brooks.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>one for brooks
 Date : Tue, 19 Jan 2010 18:54:23 -0800
 From : "Bob Banever" 
 To : 


When you get the chance I have one question for you regarding DMSO and CS.  That is is it safe to mix 5 - 10% DMSO and CS to use as a nasal and sinus wash?  Since DMSO is so effective at breaking the mucosal barrier it would seem to me an effective way of dealing with germs in the sinus cavity.  Looking forward to your response.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Brooks Bradley 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 5:18 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>one for brooks

  I have only a few moments of time, at present. However, I offer a couple of comments on your inquiry. 
  First, there are a wide variety of enzymes which will act as solvents/penetrants of MANY membrane-type tissues/films. Bromelain 
  is one (a very effective one) of many. Some enzymes are "narrow spectrum" in effect and some are "wide spectrum". I have no knowledge of the effects of specific enzymes on the effectiveness/enhancement of antibiotics. 
  Briefly, the most effective liposomal substances are...as a general rulethe smallest in particle size. Ultrasonic 
  devices and HIGH PRESSURE DIFFRACTION DEVICES are, at present, the most effective for accomplishing this. Conventional air compressors could serve, quite adequately, in a large number of applications. The proviso being that one is aware that geometry 
  of the discharge assembly is of great importance (small particles are vital to non-injurious success). 
  We have utilized 90% colloidal silver X 10% DMSO SOLUTIONS to very powerful effect in addressing serious pulmonary insults in equines (all ages). We have not used enzymes in direct-address situations involving horses. Primarily, because nothing we have ever evaluated has approached the ability of DMSO as a mucous-barrier penetrating agent. Coarse-particled 
  gases (liquid mixtures) pose a potential threat for enabling pneumonia-type insults. 
  Liposomal encapsulation does, indeed, offer some profound advantages.especially when utilized through proper 
  supporting equipment. However, I would counsel that "fiddling/experimenting" with pulmonary challenges among horses, by inexperienced persons (even professionals), is a very DANGEROUS endeavor. The least threatening/effective protocols we have ever utilized involved oxygen-driven fluids which were micro-sized and furnished via systems of the re-breather type. 
  I must go now. I hope these comments are of value to you. 
  Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

Subject : Re: CS>one for brooks

Date : Tue, 19 Jan 2010 12:58:16 -0600

From : Dan Nave 

To : silver-list@eskimo.com

Oral bromelain was reported to be very effective in potentiating 

antibiotics. I think this is due to it's action in 

penetrating/dissolving biofilms, or some similar action. 


On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 9:47 AM, polo wrote: 

> Hopefully Brooks will have time to consider and comment on this. 


> I h

Re: CS>one for brooks

2010-01-20 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Dear Doug,
  I was not trying to pontificate when I made the cautionary statement in my previous post.  Certainly, I do not mean to discourage persons from experimental investigations relating to animal...or human---health.  My intention was to remind people that introducing foreign substances into the pulmonary tract of "any" higher mammal carries a certain degree of riskwhich is not minor in potential compromise. I too, have owned, raced and cared-for, thoroughbred race horses for over 50 years and have---during that interval---encountered a majority of the threats---and their consequences---that can occur over such a time-span.
   I can understand your personal feelings and I certainly agree with the logic of your comment relating to " a logical manner"...in your approach to this endeavor.  I have witnessed some of the most atrocious events involving the ineptitude of humans in their "well-intentioned" treatments of horsesthat I am over-sensitive.to a fault.
 My Sincerest Encouragement in your Equine Endeavors.Brooks Bradley.   

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>one for brooks
 Date : Tue, 19 Jan 2010 23:39:18 -0600
 From : "polo" 
 To : 


Thanks for your time and insight. 

Yes, I have used DMSO/CS and find it very efficient in biofilm conditions. The only problem is that most USA horse racing jurisdiction have DMSO on a banned substance list. Not good for on going treatment, and it is one impetus for me to find new protocols.

I am a bit taken aback by your warning of not "fiddling/experimenting",  even if I were a professional of which I do consider myself. I have been treating racehorses for over 30 years. I would suspect, if you see some of these animals come back to the saddling area gushing blood from their nostrils, you might change your mind. Particularly when our vets seem powerless to help. All they can offer is a few CCs of lasix as a preventive. I should think some fiddling and experimenting in a logical manner would be very much to the benefit of these animals. I have never caused harm yet.

I think you misunderstood me. I was not trying to produce liposomal CS via the ultrasonic or compressor type nebulizers. I was using them as a delivery device only for a home-made liposomal CS product made under your recommendations (only using CS instead of Vit C) from the harbor fright ultrasound cleanerand only then placing the finished liposomal CS product in one or the other type of that nebulizer for delivery into the lungs. 

At any rate, thanks again.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Brooks Bradley 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:18 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>one for brooks

  I have only a few moments of time, at present. However, I offer a couple of comments on your inquiry. 
  First, there are a wide variety of enzymes which will act as solvents/penetrants of MANY membrane-type tissues/films. Bromelain 
  is one (a very effective one) of many. Some enzymes are "narrow spectrum" in effect and some are "wide spectrum". I have no knowledge of the effects of specific enzymes on the effectiveness/enhancement of antibiotics. 
  Briefly, the most effective liposomal substances are...as a general rulethe smallest in particle size. Ultrasonic 
  devices and HIGH PRESSURE DIFFRACTION DEVICES are, at present, the most effective for accomplishing this. Conventional air compressors could serve, quite adequately, in a large number of applications. The proviso being that one is aware that geometry 
  of the discharge assembly is of great importance (small particles are vital to non-injurious success). 
  We have utilized 90% colloidal silver X 10% DMSO SOLUTIONS to very powerful effect in addressing serious pulmonary insults in equines (all ages). We have not used enzymes in direct-address situations involving horses. Primarily, because nothing we have ever evaluated has approached the ability of DMSO as a mucous-barrier penetrating agent. Coarse-particled 
  gases (liquid mixtures) pose a potential threat for enabling pneumonia-type insults. 
  Liposomal encapsulation does, indeed, offer some profound advantages.especially when utilized through proper 
  supporting equipment. However, I would counsel that "fiddling/experimenting" with pulmonary challenges among horses, by inexperienced persons (even professionals), is a very DANGEROUS endeavor. The least threatening/effective protocols we have ever utilized involved oxygen-driven fluids which were micro-sized and furnished via systems of the re-breather type. 
  I must go now. I hope these comments are of value to you. 
  Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, 

Re: CS>one for brooks

2010-01-19 Thread Brooks Bradley
  I have only a few moments of time, at present.  However, I offer a couple of comments on your inquiry.
First, there  are a wide variety of enzymes which will act as solvents/penetrants of MANY membrane-type tissues/films.  Bromelain
is one (a very effective one) of many.  Some enzymes are "narrow spectrum" in effect and some are "wide spectrum".  I have no knowledge of the effects of specific enzymes on the effectiveness/enhancement of antibiotics.   
  Briefly, the most effective liposomal substances are...as a general rulethe smallest in particle size.  Ultrasonic
devices and HIGH PRESSURE DIFFRACTION DEVICES are, at present, the most effective for accomplishing this.  Conventional air compressors could serve, quite adequately, in a large number of applications.  The proviso being that one is aware that geometry
of the discharge assembly is of great importance (small particles are vital to non-injurious success).
  We have utilized 90% colloidal silver X 10% DMSO SOLUTIONS to very powerful effect in addressing serious pulmonary insults in equines (all ages).  We have not used enzymes in direct-address situations involving horses.  Primarily, because nothing we have ever evaluated has approached the ability of DMSO as a mucous-barrier  penetrating agent.  Coarse-particled 
gases (liquid mixtures) pose a potential threat for enabling pneumonia-type insults.
  Liposomal encapsulation does, indeed, offer some profound advantages.especially when utilized through proper
supporting equipment.  However, I would counsel that "fiddling/experimenting" with pulmonary challenges among horses, by inexperienced persons (even professionals), is a very DANGEROUS endeavor.  The least threatening/effective protocols we have ever utilized involved oxygen-driven fluids which were micro-sized and furnished via systems of the re-breather type.
  I must go now.  I hope these comments are of value to you.
            Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>one for brooks
 Date : Tue, 19 Jan 2010 12:58:16 -0600
 From : Dan Nave 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

Oral bromelain was reported to be very effective in potentiating
antibiotics.  I think this is due to it's action in
penetrating/dissolving biofilms, or some similar action.


On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 9:47 AM, polo  wrote:
> Hopefully Brooks will have time to consider and comment on this.
>     I have long been interested in protocols that will efficiently attack
> biofilm infections. It seems that inhaled (nebulized) liposomal
> medications are very effective in penetrating very difficult to treat lung
> biofilms. Some recent studies have suggested that liposomal antibiotics are
> superb treatments. Here is one:
> http://jac.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/61/4/859
>     The above study used a compressor type of nebulizer (nebulizer PARI LC
> Star).   Anyway, I would like to try liposomal colloidal silver in a
> nebulizer for biofilm lung infections, particularly in racehorses. Normally
> we use ultrasonic nebulizers as opposed to the older compressor type
> nebulizers as was used in the above study. Ultrasound nebulizers vaporize
> the medication into super small droplets that can be pushed into the lung
> via an air jet. The older compressor type uses a small air compressor to
> vaporize the inhaled medication producing larger medication particles to be
> breathed in. Naturally, the ultrasound nebulizer technology produces small
> droplet size which is more conducive to lung inhalation efficacy.
>     What I would like to know, do you see any problems with producing
> colloidal silver liposomes using your home made protocol and (2) would an
> ultrasonic nebulizer be detrimental to the liposomal structure? Would an
> older compressor type nebulizer as used in the study be better in putting
> liposomes into solution for inhalation purposes or would the newer utrasonic
> nebulizers not over-whelming affect liposomal structure upon vaporzation or
> might it even be beneficial?
>     As a side note, I want to add that heavy metals seem particularly
> effective against biofilms of which I would venture a guess that colloidal
> silver would be a superb medication, if one could only get it to be absorbed
> by the biofilm. Liposomal technology may be the key!
> doug

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Question about diabetes:COMMENT TO MARSHALL.

2010-01-18 Thread Brooks Bradley
 My Apologies,
 I had just initiated a post to you and "accidentally" struck a transmission key.
 What I intended to say is that about 20% of our insulin-dependent Type II volunteersespecially those requiring 40+ units dailyrequired upwards of 800 mg of ALA (sometimes for as long as 7 days) in order to achieve acceptable stabilization parameters.  This was especially prevalent among presenting cases of peripheral neuralgia. Interestingly, among a majority of these volunteersthe "maintenance dosage" of insulin required, diminished ;measurablysometimes, dramatically.  In almost all circumstances, a minimum of 400 mg of ALA remained a requirement for maintaining stable results affecting the key systemic indicators.  One problem was recurrent (unexplainably so...to us).  It was the rather high incidence of volunteers who, after achieving very acceptable control parameters.either reduced the ALA (and many times other elements), or stopped it altogether.  Problems re-occurred in EVERY casewithin no less than 30 days.  The principal explanat!
 ion given was that they "felt so good" they thought they could reduce their rather demanding supplement schedule.  As a general rulethe older the subject, the more pronounced this tendency presented.
 I might add that because of the rather linear decline in the positive effects of ALA (sometimes as long as 14 days)
there is a temptation to eliminate various components/protocolsfrom ones successful, present, regime.
Best Regards,  Brooks.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>Question about diabetes:COMMENT TO MARSHALL.
 Date : Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:05:38 -0500
 From : Marshall Dudley 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

Thank you for the information. I just checked and she is getting 200 mg 
per day in her "Blood Glucose Success" supplement from Solaray.  I will 
see if I can get her to take some additional ALA.

Once again, thanks for the information.


Brooks Bradley wrote:
> Hello Marshall,
> Some weeks ago I had intended to mention this item to you. I know it 
> is a challenge for your wife to ingest
> such a variety of substances in her diabetes program...but I would 
> STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to consider including alpha lipoic acid
> in the basic regime. My reasons include: the VERY POWERFUL modulating 
> effects of ALA on both the liver and the pancreas;
> the immune system modulation benefits; the glucose level stabilization 
> characteristics; the rapid relief characteristics involving peripheral 
> neuralgia occurrences; the splendid improvements in magnifying the 
> benefits of vitamin C and E (circulating in the system); plus, 
> accomplishing these activities in a toxin-free manner. No other, 
> single, element we have EVER evaluated approaches the direct, 
> positive, benefits of ALA on the general health and functional 
> performance of the pancreas and liver---as did the addition of this 
> substance into all of the diabetic-support protocols being actively 
> researched. One of the most pronounced benefits of ALA presented from 
> its splendid aid in stabilizing against dynamic fluctuations in 
> circulating glucose levels. In some cases, the improvement in insulin 
> demand was strikingand large excursions ( especially overshoots) 
> became rare, or disappeared altogether.immediately (within days), 
> after including ALA in the research met! hodology.
> We found 400 to 500 mg of ALA daily.to be an effective 
> prophylactic dosage for a majority of participating 
> volunteers...in our experimental evaluation studies.
> Warmest Personal Regards, Brooks.
> p.s. ALA demonstrated to be the centerpiece, not a peripheral 
> influence.. within the arena of our research
> involving adult-onbset Type II diabetes.
> -[ Received Mail Content ]--
> *Subject : *Re: CS>Question about diabetes
> *Date : *Fri, 15 Jan 2010 11:33:16 -0500
> *From : *Marshall Dudley 
> *To : *silver-l...@eskimo.com
> Carlene Yasak wrote:
> > To Marshall and other contributors to the list,
> >
> > An alternative treatment for diabetes was mentioned some time back
> > that was very interesting. I seem to remember that one of the posts
> > concerned Marshall's wife. I can't find it in my silverlist
> file. If
> > anyone remembers this, could you please post it again and bring
> us up
> > to date on any further developments.
> >
> > Thank you for this and also for


2010-01-18 Thread Brooks Bradley

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>Question about diabetes:COMMENT TO MARSHALL.
 Date : Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:05:38 -0500
 From : Marshall Dudley 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

Thank you for the information. I just checked and she is getting 200 mg 
per day in her "Blood Glucose Success" supplement from Solaray.  I will 
see if I can get her to take some additional ALA.

Once again, thanks for the information.


Brooks Bradley wrote:
> Hello Marshall,
> Some weeks ago I had intended to mention this item to you. I know it 
> is a challenge for your wife to ingest
> such a variety of substances in her diabetes program...but I would 
> STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to consider including alpha lipoic acid
> in the basic regime. My reasons include: the VERY POWERFUL modulating 
> effects of ALA on both the liver and the pancreas;
> the immune system modulation benefits; the glucose level stabilization 
> characteristics; the rapid relief characteristics involving peripheral 
> neuralgia occurrences; the splendid improvements in magnifying the 
> benefits of vitamin C and E (circulating in the system); plus, 
> accomplishing these activities in a toxin-free manner. No other, 
> single, element we have EVER evaluated approaches the direct, 
> positive, benefits of ALA on the general health and functional 
> performance of the pancreas and liver---as did the addition of this 
> substance into all of the diabetic-support protocols being actively 
> researched. One of the most pronounced benefits of ALA presented from 
> its splendid aid in stabilizing against dynamic fluctuations in 
> circulating glucose levels. In some cases, the improvement in insulin 
> demand was strikingand large excursions ( especially overshoots) 
> became rare, or disappeared altogether.immediately (within days), 
> after including ALA in the research met! hodology.
> We found 400 to 500 mg of ALA daily.to be an effective 
> prophylactic dosage for a majority of participating 
> volunteers...in our experimental evaluation studies.
> Warmest Personal Regards, Brooks.
> p.s. ALA demonstrated to be the centerpiece, not a peripheral 
> influence.. within the arena of our research
> involving adult-onbset Type II diabetes.
> -[ Received Mail Content ]--
> *Subject : *Re: CS>Question about diabetes
> *Date : *Fri, 15 Jan 2010 11:33:16 -0500
> *From : *Marshall Dudley 
> *To : *silver-l...@eskimo.com
> Carlene Yasak wrote:
> > To Marshall and other contributors to the list,
> >
> > An alternative treatment for diabetes was mentioned some time back
> > that was very interesting. I seem to remember that one of the posts
> > concerned Marshall's wife. I can't find it in my silverlist
> file. If
> > anyone remembers this, could you please post it again and bring
> us up
> > to date on any further developments.
> >
> > Thank you for this and also for all the many posts on this list
> > explaining how things work and sharing your experiences. It's very
> > helpful.
> >
> > Blessings to you all,
> > Carlene
> >
> >
> My wife was taking two diabetes medicines, one at night which
> increased
> insulin sensitivity, and one in the morning that increased insulin
> production. She no longer takes the one in the morning, but is still
> taking the one at night. She hopes to eventually get off the one at
> night. This is what she has done:
> 2 months of chelation
> takes a glucose enhancer that contains things like cinnamon when
> she eats
> Is taking Agaricus Blazei when she eats
> Takes serrapeptase (more for blood pressure than glucose though) and
> magnesium/calcium in the mornings
> lost around 50 pounds
> It is hard to say what has and has not helped since she started
> many at
> the same time. Her fasting blood sugar is typically running
> between 90
> and 130 now upon awakening.
> Marshall
> -- 
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS>Question about diabetes:COMMENT TO MARSHALL.

2010-01-15 Thread Brooks Bradley
 Hello Marshall,
 Some weeks ago I had intended to mention this item to you.  I know it is a challenge for your wife to ingest 
such a variety of substances in her diabetes program...but I would STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to consider including alpha lipoic acid
in the basic regime.  My reasons include:  the VERY POWERFUL modulating effects of ALA on both the liver and the pancreas;
the immune system modulation benefits;  the glucose level stabilization characteristics; the rapid relief characteristics involving peripheral neuralgia occurrences; the splendid improvements in magnifying the benefits of vitamin C and E (circulating in the system);  plus, accomplishing these activities in a toxin-free manner.  No other, single, element we have EVER evaluated approaches the direct, positive, benefits of ALA on the general health and functional performance of the pancreas and liver---as did the addition of this substance into all of the diabetic-support protocols being actively researched. One of the most pronounced benefits of ALA presented from its splendid aid in stabilizing against dynamic fluctuations in circulating glucose levels.  In some cases, the  improvement in insulin demand was strikingand large excursions ( especially overshoots) became rare, or disappeared altogether.immediately (within days), after including ALA in the research met!
We found 400 to 500 mg of ALA daily.to be an effective prophylactic dosage for a majority of participating volunteers...in our experimental evaluation studies. 
Warmest Personal Regards,Brooks.

p.s.  ALA demonstrated to be the centerpiece, not a peripheral influence.. within the arena of our research
involving adult-onbset Type II diabetes. 

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>Question about diabetes
 Date : Fri, 15 Jan 2010 11:33:16 -0500
 From : Marshall Dudley 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

Carlene Yasak wrote:
> To Marshall and other contributors to the list,
> An alternative treatment for diabetes was mentioned some time back 
> that was very interesting.  I seem to remember that one of the posts 
> concerned Marshall's wife.  I can't find it in my silverlist file.  If 
> anyone remembers this, could you please post it again and bring us up 
> to date on any further developments.
> Thank you for this and also for all the many posts on this list 
> explaining how things work and sharing your experiences.   It's very 
> helpful.
> Blessings to you all,
> Carlene
My wife was taking two diabetes medicines, one at night which increased 
insulin sensitivity, and one in the morning that increased insulin 
production.  She no longer takes the one in the morning, but is still 
taking the one at night. She hopes to eventually get off the one at 
night.  This is what she has done:

2 months of chelation
takes a glucose enhancer that contains things like cinnamon when she eats
Is taking Agaricus Blazei when she eats
Takes serrapeptase (more for blood pressure than glucose though) and 
magnesium/calcium in the mornings
lost around 50 pounds

It is hard to say what has and has not helped since she started many at 
the same time.  Her fasting blood sugar is typically running between 90 
and 130 now upon awakening.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Comment of Possible Interest

2010-01-13 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Steve,
   I do not think there would be any, significant, reduction in the acceptable speed of absorption.of the blender-generated liposomes
as against the smaller ones from the U>S> cleaner devices (in the digestive system)..especially in view of the fact that the alimentary tract can absorb a very wide variety of particle sizes.  It is true, however, that smaller size particles will pass in greater volume---for a given time, than
will larger particles.  Unless encountering "much" larger particles than almost any of the liposomal products generated (including those produced naturally
during normal digestive processes) through use of mechanical and/or chemical means.the experimenter should have little reason toward concerns for
either speed or completeness of absorption across the alimentary system epithelial tissues.  However, do understand, there is an enormous difference in size accommodation ability between that of the alimentary system...and that of a human hair follicle.
 Best Regards, Brooks.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : RE: CS>Comment of Possible Interest
 Date : Wed, 13 Jan 2010 13:52:45 -0600
 From : "Norton, Steve" 
 To : 

Thanks Brooks. But I do have one question. Would the larger size of the liposomes created by a blender reduce absorption through the intestinal wall?
Thanks again,

From: Brooks Bradley [mailto:brooks76...@lycos.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 11:45 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Comment of Possible Interest

An associate of mine called my attention to an item that piqued my interestand I thought I might do likewisefor some among the List Members. 
He informed me that Micro-encapsulation utilizing liposome-generation techniques, is being successfully employed by the cosmetics industry. Most especially for enhancing the appearance (and apparently the health) of the hair. 
He relates success in delaying/correcting early-onset color loss among a rather wide age spectrum. He advises that this recent development is not...as yet...very widespread. 
The intriguing element, to me, was that this system seems to employ liposomal technology (although they do not inform the customer of their "technology"). 
There is one company, Kronos, by name.which provides a complete spectrum of products...although effectivedo not appear to be cheap. 
My feeling in the matter is that interested (especially the vain ones) list members might consider making their own products utilizing their ultrasonic cleaners. The methodology would be the very same procedure used to generate their liposomal vitamin C. Some, minor, experimentation might be required to "fine tune" their end product.but quite useful results should be easily achieved. 
One word of caution might be in orderthe use of blenders (even the high-speed/power units like Vitamix) might not yield particle mass SMALL enough to pass through the hair follicles. Ultrasonically produced material should do quite wellas would high-pressure X diffraction grate formed liposomes. We have not submitted the "blender-generated" materials to the lab for EXTENSIVE size-measurement, but we didearly on---determine that although highly-confined X high velocity liposomal vitamin C produced via Vitamix-quality blenders yielded excellent homogenization and stability. The actual size of the liposomes formed, appears to a large extentreliant upon the shearing "force" of impact or THE ultrasonic energy effect. 
These comments are made for general interest only. However, some 
enterprising list member involved ion the cosmetics industrymight have more than just a passing interest. 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Comment of Possible Interest

2010-01-13 Thread Brooks Bradley
  An associate of mine called my attention to an item that piqued my interestand I thought I might do likewisefor some among the List Members.
  He informed me that Micro-encapsulation utilizing liposome-generation techniques, is being successfully employed by the cosmetics industry.  Most especially for enhancing the appearance (and apparently the health) of the hair.
He relates success in delaying/correcting early-onset color loss among a rather wide age spectrum.  He advises that this recent development is not...as yet...very widespread.
   The intriguing element, to me, was that this system seems to employ liposomal technology (although they do not inform the customer of their "technology").
There is one company, Kronos, by name.which provides a complete spectrum of products...although effectivedo not appear to be cheap.
   My feeling in the matter is that interested (especially the vain ones) list members might consider making their own products utilizing their ultrasonic cleaners.  The methodology would be the very same procedure used to generate their liposomal vitamin C. Some, minor, experimentation might be required to "fine tune" their end product.but quite useful results should be easily achieved.
One word of caution might be in orderthe use of blenders (even the high-speed/power units like Vitamix) might not yield particle mass SMALL enough to pass through the hair follicles.  Ultrasonically produced material should do quite wellas would high-pressure X diffraction grate formed liposomes.  We have not submitted the "blender-generated" materials to the lab for EXTENSIVE size-measurement, but we didearly on---determine that although highly-confined X high velocity liposomal vitamin C produced via Vitamix-quality blenders yielded excellent homogenization and stability.  The actual size of the liposomes formed, appears to a large extentreliant upon the shearing "force" of impact or THE ultrasonic energy effect.
   These comments are made for general interest only.  However, some
enterprising list member involved ion the cosmetics industrymight have more than just a passing interest.
  Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

[RE]CS>Vitamin C and Hardening of the Arteries:COMMENT

2010-01-11 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Steve,
We have evaluated High Dosage vitamin C  INTENSIVELY, SINCE CIRCA 1975.  Although I have no way of disproving the allegations to which you refer.I can not bring myself to even consider such claims to have actual merit.  We have, directly, prosecutedliterallyhundreds of evaluations (involving almost 2000 people)involving vitamin C (in all of its various chemical configurations)...All without a single DETECTABLE adverse agent of influence.  Although our studies were NOT double-blind in naturethe experimental subjects were ALL subjected to BEFORE and AFTER- SYSTEMIC AND BLOOD CHEMISTRY evaluated parameters.  We never encountered a volunteer subject who manifested ANY challenge or insult (except loose stools; if one considers that adverse) from vitamin C dosages as high as 30 grams dailyover periods of time as long as 4 months, continually.  The only detectable/measurable consequences presented were UNIVERSALLY positive.  However, there were, some!
 times, surprising conditions.although all were positive in nature.  e.g.  We did encounter a number of individuals (sometimes as high as 10% of the entire test group of 45 persons) who did not display ANY measurable benefits until the dosage of vitamin C reached 10 grams daily.  The spectrum of beneficial responses were, sometimes,simply breath-taking.   In one limited study we compared the effects of saturated solutions of vitamin C against a wide array of conventional antibiotics as the principal address for deep penetrating wounds and major lacerations.  Not a single ONE of the antibiotics proved superior to the vitamin C..and a majority (7 antibiotics) proved to be considerably less effective.  Some antibiotics proved no better than tap water.
   I am not recommending that ANYONE take ANY AMOUNT of vitamin C---in ANY FORM.  These comments are merely a simple synopsis of our DIRECT RESEARCH EXPERIENCES involving experimental volunteers.during the immediately-past 30+ years (a much longer period than we have been a chartered research foundation).
   I have experienced a deep and direct relationship (principally a professional one)with many facets of the conventional medical profession over the last 50 years. A majority of all these people proved to be well-intentioned, professionally honest and for the most part---capable.  I have witnessed what I would characterize as ASTOUNDING.an almost total domination of both the professional and economic parameters of the national medical arena (research as well as the major elements of direct practice )by elements OUTSIDE the physical practice of the art.  I will not comment on what I believe the complete nature of this influence to be.  
  However, one particularly vexing consequence of having a profit-oriented, cartel-like, control over ANY human endeavor involving the general population of a people is...that by definitionthe continued expansion of such "artificial constructs" requires a dedication to net business Income.not the health and vitality of the general population.except as an accidental corollary.   This observation is so obvious that it mitigates against ANY reasonable rebuttal involving common sense. 
   I now close this epistle, hopefully, before it requires Mike Devour to declare me out-of-bounds.
Thankfully, or rather mercifully, he has allowed me such an incoherent ravingat least once a yearwithout giving me the heave-ho.  I did it early this year.because I am so long-in-the-tooth that I may not make another year :>) .
May Each of You Enjoy the Grandest Year of This Life,  
  Namaste, Brooks Bradley.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : CS>Vitamin C and Hardening of the Arteries
 Date : Mon, 11 Jan 2010 17:07:02 -0600
 From : "Norton, Steve" 
 To : 

I sent this once but received back an error message. Trying again.

I ran across the following info that says that Vitamin C  may cause
hardening of the arteries. I am used to seeing info saying that Vitamin
C is good for the arteries such as the link further down. I don't take
very high doses of Vitamin C, 500 - 1000 mg, but now I am concerned.
Anyone have better data?
- Steve N



"Ascorbic Acid Causes Hardening of the Arteries?
It seems hardly likely that taking high doses of vitamin C (ascorbic
acid) can cause thickening or hardening of the arteries since so many
people have taken high doses for a long time. Yet researchers from the
University of California reported just that on March 2, 2000. People who
took 500 mgs of ascorbic acid had a 2.5 times faster progression of
thickening of the carotid artery (hardening of the arteries) than people
who took no supplement.

CS>Unidentified subject!

2010-01-09 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Circa about 12 months ago, I posted some information relative to research (some of it peculiar to our staff)relating to the value of using a simple "humming" technique for aiding/relieving some cases of persistent sinus blockage involving mucous accumulations.  Several months later we evaluated several deep-breathing protocols for aiding in poor oxygen intake (the most effective one being the technique Wayne Fugitt posted at his website).  There is yet, another protocol we have recently stumbled upon, which promises
quite effective aid in addressing many of the more challenging/chronic pulmonary insults.  The protocol involves a very simple mechanical device invented by an acoustics engineer named Sandy Hawkins. The device is nothing more than type of vibrating reed fabricated from a plastic tube and a reed-thin strip which vibrates the chestdislodging mucous accumulations/impacted debris located in the lungs.  Rapid,favorable, results
have been reported by a research group with whom we exchange information on a regular basis. 
   For those interested in reviewing an article on Mr. Hawkins efforts---and results---one may 
obtain a copy of the December 2009  issue of Popular Science Magazine.
  Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>YouTube - LDN 2008 Dr Burt Berkson Best of part 1

2010-01-06 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Dan,
 Yes, it is quite acceptable to use ALA as an oral protocol..for an extensive list of insults.  However, if the presenting insult is of MAJOR
CONSEQUENCE (e.g.  Toxemia, diabetic surge, fulminating pathogens, massive liver enzyme fluctuations, etc.)  There is no substitute for IMMEDIATE IV administered by 
health professionals. Do understand, it requires upwards of 2000 mg to be administered.several times---in a single day, to effect the life-saving qualities required for Amanita poisoning..
 We have found, in our experimental researches, that 400 mg daily (for most Type II presentations) does a SPLENDID job of modulating a majority of
the negative effects of diabetes.  The beneficial effects go beyond the liver,proper, and include the pancreas.  One of the genuinely positive effects Alpha Lipoic Acid is
that it demonstrates a splendid support of the endocrine system.providing biological support which relieves the pancreas of much of its duty in responding to systemic challenges 
requiring ENZYMATIC supportin addition to its, normal,  alimentary tract supports.  ALA, thus, measurably lowers the demands on the pancreas for extraordinary enzyme support. I do not k
have the timeat present...to elaborate on the mechanics of how this is accomplished, but will say that the ability of ALA to "recycle" both vitamin C and Vitamin E-produces
enormous systemic advantages to both the liver and the pancreas.  Persons presenting with neuralgia of the extremities (especially the feet and ankles), VERY often obtain immediate
(within hours) relief of the burning/itching discomforts..just by taking around 500 mg of ALA and repeating the protocol twice daily until total relief is achieved.  Sustained
levels of around 400 mg (once daily) proved to be (as a general rule) quite adequate for mitigating against recurring episodes.
  While we have found no single MAGIC BULLET to be a "complete" curative agent for all the insults affecting the liver and supporting systems..Alpha Lipoic Acid is the CLOSEST
thing to such. 
 Interested parties can do no better (in my opinion) than to obtain a copy of Dr. Berkson's Book "The Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough"...if a knowledge of the many benefits/uses of ALA 
are of real importance to them.
 In my own case, I take 400 mg of ALA dailyto splendid effect, I might add.  My father was a diabetic, and suffered many complications before his death.  His twin sister died from complications of Type II diabetes, at 64 years of age. Their mother died of Type II complicationsat a young age.  My only brother suffered from Type II diabetes from the age of 55, until his
 death at 84 (this past Feb.).  Although I have been and still am.considered to be "considerably above average" in expressing vital health, I experienced several pre-diabetic complications around the age of 50.  Some form of glucose management challenge did remain present, off and on, until I instituted a "home made" liver-support" program.(age58) which, although somewhat modified--I continue to this day. I consider ALA to be the LYNCH PIN in my present program.which is based upon diet (type and origin of food is the most criticalI believe). Without Marine Kelp as a continuing supplement,I have found that NOTHING  has proved completely successful in my glucose management program.
   Although I do not...as a general rule...modify my commentary with personal experienceI feel that in this case, its emphasis might serve to benefit.
   I hope these comments have been of some value to you.and others who may have kindred questions.
         Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>YouTube - LDN 2008 Dr Burt Berkson Best of part 1
 Date : Tue, 5 Jan 2010 18:02:12 -0600
 From : Dan Nave 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com


I watched the video, and he indicates that he used intravenous ALA.
Is it possible to use the oral ALA instead?  And at what dose?

Very interesting, thanks,


On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 5:03 PM, Brooks Bradley  wrote:
>                                           I believe many on the list
> will find this video series by Dr. Burt Berkson to be most informative
> and useful.  Dr. Berkson has demonstrated to be the leading
> investigator  on the effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid  (ALA) as
> the principal , EFFECTIVE,  address for a majority of the known liver
> insults of chemical and pathogenic origin.  This video highlights the
> increased benefit of combining Low Dose Naltrexone  (LDN) with
> ALA...for certain cancer ionsults.
>                                          This is the researcher who,
> SINGLE-HANDED,  uncovered the near-miraculous effects of ALA for
> cont

CS>The Low Dose Naltrexone Homepage

2010-01-04 Thread Brooks Bradley
 In the recent past, some
measurable traffic transpired relative to Low Dose Naltrexone as a
protocol for several challenging insults.  While someone may have,
already, passed this url on to the List
I have not seen it  (which would be no surprise---given my existing
intellectual capabilities).  In any event, this website does a quite
useful job in its general explanations...at least I found it so.

   Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>YouTube - LDN 2008 Dr Burt Berkson Best of part 1

2010-01-03 Thread Brooks Bradley
   I believe many on the list
will find this video series by Dr. Burt Berkson to be most informative
and useful.  Dr. Berkson has demonstrated to be the leading
investigator  on the effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid  (ALA) as
the principal , EFFECTIVE,  address for a majority of the known liver
insults of chemical and pathogenic origin.  This video highlights the
increased benefit of combining Low Dose Naltrexone  (LDN) with
ALA...for certain cancer ionsults.
  This is the researcher who,
SINGLE-HANDED,  uncovered the near-miraculous effects of ALA for
controlling/abating the toxic effects of poisonous  mushrooms
(particularly,  the Deathcap Amanita).

 Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CMO Background Info

2009-12-23 Thread Brooks Bradley
   Dear Pat, 
I will take a moment to comment on your CMO protocol.  First, disagreeable as it may appear, we have found that for no observable reasonthe vegetable-based CMO products DO NOT achieve the degree of positive responseas do the ANIMAL-derived CMO products.  Originally, this posed something of a problem for meas I am a vegetarian (but do consume lacto-ovo (milk/eggs) products;  especially eggs.  As CMO is a mid-chain fatty acid-type substance, it is somewhat compromised in efficacy when consumed with kindred/similar compoundsespecially butter and other similar saturated fats.  This said, one can profitably ingest CMO AT ANY TIME;  but with lessened effect when taken with other foodstuffsespecially animal fats and whole-milk products.  We have NOT  achieved universal success in our trials using ANY vegetable-based CMO PRODUCT. Others may well have achieved different results.
 Additionally, I would call your attention to the fact that in the VAST majority of our volunteer cases, clearly-evidenced benefits of the CMO support protocols DID NOT manifest until around the 25th to 40th day of the protocol.  This condition prevailed whether or not the protocol was stopped at 10 days.or continued uninterrupted for 35 days continuously.
  I would call your attention to the fact (observable to us) that the most powerful benefits of CMO present in cases displaying major insults DIRECTLY IN THE ARTICULATING JOINT
environment.  Bursitis-type presentations centered in the lean-tissue beds surrounding the articulating joints, respond with considerably less powerful effectespecially when CMO is used as a standalone protocol. It might be worth pointing out, at this point, that ALMOST ALL
strains/bruises (blunt-force- trauma), have responded remarkably-well to various Aloe Vera and DMSO regimesadded as adjunct components. Most especially in traumatised muscle cases.  
One further point;  we have determined (to our satisfaction) that FRESH aloe vera, obtained directly off of the plant issometimesan order-of-magnitude more powerful in effects
than ANY commercially available material (this includes aloe of organic source).  We have no
knowledge why this condition should prevail.but do suspect the answer may be of enzymatic nature.  
   One final comment of a general nature:  I noted your comment about your hydration
challenge.  I would STRONGLY encourage you to consider a SCHEDULED HYDRATION program (experimental of course.  To wit:
try to arrange for consuming ancillary quantities of water daily.  e.g.  consume a 10 to 12 ounce glass of ordinary tap-water (or bottled) three times daily, between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.m.  Although the additional 30 ounces will---in all probability---not raise your volume to  MINIMUM BASELINE if you are currently drinking less than 80 ouncesit would in all probability
 probability, keep you above the automatic water-conservation demands initiated by the bodyin all cases where fluid availability forces priority measures.  The dynamics of water conservation by the body are fascinating...and quite unrelenting in nature.  The first areas to be limited are the, peripheral, non-life critical tissues and structural members;  the next are the minor systems (including some of the endocrine components).  The lungs, heart, and brain are the last to shut down.  Interestingly, except in rather rare circumstances.there is little or no pain attendant with death from systemic dehydration.excepting cases involving attendant physical insults.  We stand convinced that more humans (especially in the Western cultures) suffer from more medically-definable afflictions caused by chronic "cell thirst"  (at least 60%)...than ALL others combined.  
I will close this epistle now.hoping you have found some of it useful.
P.S.  Our researches have confirmed (to our satisfaction) that the average adult (20 to 55 years)
and 150 lbs of body mass, requires a minimum of 85 ounces of water daily..for acceptable
health parameters to be maintained.  Just add up your known, average, water volume intake per day.I believe most will be shocked at their determination of the figure.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>CMO  Background Info
 Date : Wed, 23 Dec 2009 10:06:13 -0800 (PST)
 From : Pat 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

Thanks for the info Brooks.  Also for the gelatin info.  I'd always scoffed at people using gelatin for their fingernails, but maybe I'll have to eat my words. I bought some today.  Also, I'm using the lecithin and kelp and have no problem swallowing it.  The kelp tastes exactly like I thought it wouldkinda green  lol.   So many things have benefits that we can't imagine.  

I know I don't get enough fluids, too.  When away from home, I hate public bathrooms and therefore withhold liquids.  Then I don't want to make up for all

CS>CMO Background Info

2009-12-23 Thread Brooks Bradley
  This url is in reply to the recent inquiry Steverelative to 
what CMO is (Cetyl Myristoleate) and the general mechanism  of of its 
effects.  While the information in this little booklet is somewhat 
dated...it is, nonetheless, of considerable value  in obtaining a useful 
basis for evaluating

the more salient features of  CMO's effects.
   We now know of additional benefits (e.g.  powerful immune system 
modulation) of CMOnot known at the time the author wrote her booklet.
I believe one will find the bulk of the information to be of 
some value.

Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

[RE]CS>Spinal Arthritis

2009-12-21 Thread Brooks Bradley
  Dear Steve,
  Your wife has my heartfelt sympathy.  I suffered from PRONOUNCED ankylosing spondylitis
for many years (between ages of 30 and 50), during which interval the allopathic community failed to gain ANY  distinct relief.for me.  My case was considerably aggravated by the fact I have a congenital deformation of the 5th lower lumbar (a region which very often presents a major insult).  Circa about 1980, I was forced to start sleeping on an inclined 
2" X 12" X 8' wooden plank..with the head-end resting on the outer edge of a heavy captain's chair.in order to obtain any measurable degree of pain relief-not to mention sleep.  By 1990 (via continual pain killers, hot saunas and a HIGH-tenison, compression-type spinal brace), the discomfortand outright pain, although episodic in naturehad reached a point that nothing I attempted effected any measurable pain reductionfor any extended period of time (hours).  Quite serendipitously, I stumbled across a medical article by some Chinese researcheron the benefits of utilizing gelatin obtained from cattle carcasses (plain 
Knox-type) aiding in the re-establishment of eroded cartilage-type tissues.  As a "drowning man would grasp at a straw", I initiated a protocol which included a pronounced intake of Knox gelatin (about four small boxes daily).  I began to enjoy noticeable improvement within 5 daysand PRONOUNCED improvement-within 20 days.  Overjoyed, I informed my associates of this splendid turn of events.  Several of them  (five, in fact) were experiencing similarif not as overpoweringdisagreeable spinal presentations.  All five initiated my basic protocol.  When two of them reported similar WONDERFUL results,
as minethree reported little, if any, marked relief.  Puzzled, I closely interrogated each as to their EXACT protocol.  At first I could determine NO detectable variationbut upon more refined questioning, I determined there was one, fundamental difference.  That, being that the two positive responders were consuming a second glass of water with each dosage (with 8 ounce glasses, this equals 32 ounces of additional water).  As this research occurred some years prior to Dr. Batmanhelidj's seminal work on the very powerful effects 
of systemic dehydration upon the human body..it had never occurred to me (OR the allopathic medical community) that chronic dehydration was such a powerful player in a very large number of chronic/systemic afflictions suffered by humans.most especially OLDER ONES.  Upon repeating the original protocol, with the addition of the added water intake, 
all three of the volunteers experienced very powerful improvements.  Two enjoyed considerably better gains in general relief over the next 30 days, and the third individual did gain what he described as "enormous pain abatement".  Four of the five original subjects required no additional address, of any kind, other than a scheduled increase in daily water consumption.  The fourth, gained very significant relief, but continued to "backslide" on maintaining his increased water intakeresulting in periodic relapses.
  Additionally, I was spurred to investigate the condition of chronic dehydration in the elderly (65 and over), and was shocked to find that the "thirst reflex" in persons (especially men) diminishes as much as 50%-and, sometimes, is life-threatening" --
without ANY recognizable medical or behavior symptoms.
  I hasten to advise that over the immediately past 17 years we have learned of other improvements in personal healthcare which have resulted in a vast improvement in addresses for arthritis..especially articulating-joint presentations.  I do not have the time, at present, to elaborate in detail, on all of our useful discoveries (the bulk of which are at present known to the entire alternative community), but will add a brief statement as to what we have experienced to be one of the most effective and economical.generalprotocols, for supporting acceptable joint health in human beings.
   One simple regimen is as follows:  MSM---6 grams as a prophylactic);  Glucosamine Sulphate2000 mg; Chrondroitin---3000 mg (either as a purchased supplement or in the form of a nutritional gelatin);  1 heaping teaspoon of marine kelp (acts as a wide-spectrum catalyst--for many systemic reactions;  while optional, the following is strongly recommended for ANYONE who has had articulating-joint compromises at ANY point in their health history:  CMO---1 level teaspoon, preferably divided into two doses.  This is only a prophylactic dosage.and far to small for addressing major insults.
   While we have experienced very acceptable results from MANY different substances, found outside of the allopathic nostrums, those listed above yielded the most favorable responses.considering efficacy , non-to

Re: CS>Mushroom Related Post...Lost in Space

2009-12-18 Thread Brooks Bradley
Hello Marshall,
I appreciate your interest and willingness to help.  Going to my sent messages was the first thing I did.  Nothing there.  I have never experienced anything quite like this.  I am on a wireless ISP system, and sometimes, we experience spikes which cause a complete loss of the data trainbut in very case I have received an immediate notification of the trouble.  Additionally, such a failure requires a reboot.  Possibly I could have done something unwittingly...at my stage in life I, frequently, do not know if I am washing---or hanging out!
   Best Regards,  Brooks.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: CS>Mushroom Related Post...Lost in Space
 Date : Fri, 18 Dec 2009 15:06:26 -0500
 From : Marshall Dudley 
 To : silver-list@eskimo.com

Depending on what email client you are using, normally you can go to the 
"sent" mailbox and retrieve any email that has been sent, copy and paste 
it into a new email and send it.


Brooks Bradley wrote:
>Using my other mailer, I submitted a rather lengthy
> post on effects and uses of six of the most widely-used medical
> mushrooms and their extracts.  Unfortunately the post failed to come
> through.and I rarely retain a draft copy---of any of my emails.
> Therefore, it was lost.evidently.  It was somewhat lengthy and I
> have only limited time
> for such communications.  It saddens me that it, evidently, was lost..
>  At present, I am not up to recomposing it.
> Maybe in a few days I will regain the impetus and mental energy to
> submit a more brief, but sufficient,  message..
> containing the essentials of my intent.   I noticed that the url I
> referenced (using my other mailer) for the section on ALA did come
> through.
>Longevity challenges mental acuity (at least in my case).
>     Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Mushroom Related Post...Lost in Space

2009-12-17 Thread Brooks Bradley
   Using my other mailer, I submitted a rather lengthy
post on effects and uses of six of the most widely-used medical
mushrooms and their extracts.  Unfortunately the post failed to come
through.and I rarely retain a draft copy---of any of my emails.
Therefore, it was lost.evidently.  It was somewhat lengthy and I
have only limited time
for such communications.  It saddens me that it, evidently, was lost..
 At present, I am not up to recomposing it.
Maybe in a few days I will regain the impetus and mental energy to
submit a more brief, but sufficient,  message..
containing the essentials of my intent.   I noticed that the url I
referenced (using my other mailer) for the section on ALA did come
   Longevity challenges mental acuity (at least in my case).
Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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