Re: RealLens 2

2014-07-14 Thread Andy Jones
# You mean this old chestnut?
def dispFix( badDispatch ):
import win32com.client.dynamic
# Re-Wraps a bad dispatch into a working one:
return win32com.client.dynamic.Dispatch(badDispatch)

# Ah... the one thing I won't miss about Softimage.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Francois Lord wrote:

  We've always been patching our installs because of all the legacy code we
 I don't even know how to code for the unpatched version!

 On 14-Jul-14 17:45, Steven Caron wrote:

 personally, i have stopped patching python installs and just re wrap it as
 i need it and/or use methods which i know are more stable...

 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Francois Lord

  H... right.
 (Like most people) You're using the python that comes with Softimage, the
 one that's not patched for dynamic dispatch.
 I didn't think of that. I'll have to dive deep and fix this then.
 Oh well, to be continued.

 On 14-Jul-14 17:01, Tim Crowson wrote:

 Thanks Francois, but perhaps I've installed it incorrectly... I get the
 camera primitive, but I get the following errors... I installed it via
 'Install Addon...' and restarted Soft 2014 SP2, and I just get this:

 *# ERROR : Traceback (most recent call last):*
 *#   File Script Block 2, line 97, in RealLens2Prop_DefineLayout*
 *# oLayout.clear()*
 *#   File C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2014
 SP2\Application\python\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line
 465, in __getattr__*
 *# raise AttributeError('%s' object has no attribute '%s' %
 (repr(self), attr))*
 *# AttributeError: 'win32com.gen_py.Softimage|XSI Object Model Library
 v1.5.PPGLayout instance at 0x545390152' object has no attribute 'clear'*
 *#  - [line 96 in
 *# ERROR : Traceback (most recent call last):*
 *#   File Script Block 2, line 97, in RealLens2Prop_DefineLayout*
 *# oLayout.clear()*
 *#   File C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2014
 SP2\Application\python\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line
 465, in __getattr__*
 *# raise AttributeError('%s' object has no attribute '%s' %
 (repr(self), attr))*
 *# AttributeError: 'win32com.gen_py.Softimage|XSI Object Model Library
 v1.5.PPGLayout instance at 0x544332680' object has no attribute 'clear'*
 *#  - [line 96 in
 *# ERROR : Traceback (most recent call last):*
 *#   File Script Block 2, line 284, in ApplyRealLens2_Execute*
 *# oCProp = oCamera.AddProperty( RealLens2Prop, False, RealLens )*
 *#   File COMObject unknown, line 3, in AddProperty*
 *#   File C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2014
 SP2\Application\python\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line
 276, in _ApplyTypes_*
 *# result = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(*(dispid, LCID, wFlags,
 retType, argTypes) + args)*
 *# COM Error: OLE error 0x80020101 - [line 283 in
 *# ERROR : OLE error 0x80020101*


 On 7/14/2014 3:41 PM, Francois Lord wrote:

 Hi List.

 I finally updated my old plugin RealLens, 9 years later (!).

 It now creates a camera rig, applies the plugin on the camera and stays
 live on the camera.

 Get - Primitive - Camera - RealLens2

 We've been using it in production here at Oblique since Febuary. It seems
 to work fine. If you find any bugs or have any comments, feel free to ping




Re: Any recommended tutorials/training on building Maya plugins in Python?

2014-04-17 Thread Andy Jones
You can pass a string command to maya.utils.executeDeferred like this:


I guess that will run your code when Maya finally goes idle or something.
 There may also be some trickery you can do that will force Maya to
evaluate the main menu early.

Just don't try to parent a menu to 'renderView' because apparently that
never exists, and when it does, it's volatile.  So maybe you could do it
with some kind of callback...  I think maybe it's the same for other
volatile windows, but I haven't really tried.

Apparently there's a callback specifically for adding render passes to the
render view menu, but not for adding menu items to it in general?  Very
odd.  The Maya callbacks kind of seem like a random assortment of hooks
asked for by various studios at various times.

Best of luck!

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 6:30 AM, Tim Crowson

  And no this isn't the only place I'm asking this :-)

 I'm getting into the Maya API and I need to port some of our tools over
 from Soft. Google gives me all kinds of interesting links, but I'm curious
 to know from people here who have done dev work for both Soft and Maya
 (there's so many of you, I know right?) if you can recommend resources for
 learning how to create a proper Python-based plugin in Maya. Basically,
 what's the equivalent to the XSI Addon or the self-installing plugin? Stuff
 like that. I think I can figure out the deployment side of things. I'm just
 wondering what's required for a Python plugin to be a python plugin in
 Maya. Would be nice to have *Ye Olde SDK Wizarde* around

 And on another note

 I know this isn't a Maya list but since I'm here and you've read this
 far... here's something on the weird chance you might know... I've been
 messing around in Maya 2015 with my to have a custom menu pop
 up in the menu bar at launch. But the file seems get run *prior
 to* the Maya Window being initialized, so it fails to add my menu because
 it can't get the main window to which it needs to add the menu. The main
 window is simply returned as a NoneType object. The function looks
 something like this...

 *def buildMenu():*
 *ptr = mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()  # at launch this returns None*
 *? **mayaWindow = shiboken.wrapInstance(long(ptr), QtGui.QWidget)*

 *mainMenu ='MyMenu', p=mayaWindow, l='My Menu')*
 *cmds.menuItem(p=mainMenu, d=True, dl='Some Divider')*
 *cmds.menuItem(p=mainMenu, l='Some Tool')*

 The error comes from *wrapInstance(long(ptr))*, because ptr is being
 returned as *None*.

 Anyway, on the off-chance...


 *Tim Crowson **Lead CG Artist*

 *Magnetic Dreams, Inc. *2525 Lebanon Pike, Bldg C, Suite 101, Nashville,
 TN 37214
 *Ph*  615.885.6801 | *Fax*  615.889.4768 |

HQV Causing Major Slowness with File Save and Reference Model Updates

2014-04-15 Thread Andy Jones
*April 15, 2014*

Discovered by Security Researchers Gibli, Barosin, Pancres, Friedman,
Akita, Jones, Panisset, Barbieri and Piparo

Psyop experienced a Eureka moment today, when an artist discovered that
updating referenced models was nearly two orders of magnitude faster when
done through RDP (remote desktop protocol) rather than on a local

Simultaneously, a different artist in LA encountered issues with slowness
saving files in Softimage, and a quick test confirmed that saving the scene
via RDP was also two orders of magnitude faster.  This led to a flurry of
troubleshooting, and we have since narrowed the problem down to Softimage's
High Quality Viewport feature.

The speed-ups after disabling HQV are nothing short of mind-blowing.  For
example, unloading a referenced model took 250 seconds before the fix, and
only 3 seconds after the fix.  Meanwhile, a scene that took 15 minutes to
save saved in only 30 seconds after the fix was deployed.

One artist's wife was quoted as saying, Thanks to the Qualitybleed bug
being fixed, my husband finally comes home from work on time!  Now if I can
just get him to stop spending all his free time watching Houdini

Note that the high quality viewport preference that causes the
problem is *enabled
by default*, Psyop doesn't generally use HQV in our scenes, *so people are
likely to be affected by this problem whether they are HQV users or not*.

To fix the problem, affected softimage users can run the following Python
Application.SetValue(preferences.Display.high_quality_viewport, False, )

There is still much research to be done to find out what kinds of
scenes/models are more susceptible to the problem, but we thought we'd
bring it up now in case it's costing others time.  Given that the problem
was tied in with RDP, it's likely that video drivers could be playing a
role, but so far we weren't able to find any settings that would magically
eliminate the problem without just disabling HQV entirely.

Psyop is on a mix of NVidia Quadros and we ran tests with a few different
drivers, including the recommended ones.  We also saw the same problem
across two different workstation images, in both Softimage 2013 and
Softimage 2014, and on a remote worker's home workstation.  So we have
reason to suspect it's not a highly specific aspect of our configuration
that was causing the problem.  No testing has been done yet on Linux.

We will be sure to keep this list updated as more information becomes
available.  Share your stories in the comments below if you have been
affected by this ~100X slowdown in performance, or if you encounter a
workstation that is somehow unaffected.

Re: Sort Controller - Open Source Release!

2014-04-03 Thread Andy Jones
I'm very biased of course, but I have to say I'm a huge fan of this tool
:)  Thanks for putting the release together, Jonah!

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 6:03 PM, Ognjen Vukovic wrote:

 Thank you so much, this is an amazing tool.

 On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 2:53 AM, Jason S wrote:

  On 04/03/14 20:10, Jonah Friedman wrote:

 So if geometry is added to your characters, or more characters were
 your passes can be kept up to date by keeping the sort groups in the
 assets up to date.

 Overall though, it's very simple to use and none of our lighters has had
 any problems picking it up.
 The Sort Controller allows a lot of different workflows and these can be
 as simple or complicated as they need to be, and it's not an all or nothing
 It works on jobs of all sizes and has served us well for many years.

  Man.. can't count how many times this would have been invaluable..
 Thank you!

  On 04/03/14 20:10, Jonah Friedman wrote:
  By adding a layer of proceduralism to passes and partitions, the Sort
 Controller puts Softimage passes another five years ahead of... well..
 never mind!

   That would come to ~..17 ..and counting

Re: LUTs in region render clipping

2014-03-25 Thread Andy Jones
Some thoughts/guesses:

From the command line you posted, it seems like the lut you have is trying
to go from linear to your viewing space, correct?

Is it possible your issues are stemming from

a) linear luts coming from linear space generally only get applied to the
data between 0 and 1 (because, where do you stop?)

b) it takes a lot of values to encode linear space linearly, and you may be
seeing significant quantization.  The difference between the lut in xsi and
in nuke could possibly be due to different interpolation modes between the
two programs.  Maybe Nuke is doing a better job approximating a curved
response between data points in the lut?  I'm just speculating.

I'm not sure why the lut would look overexposed in xsi.  Maybe it's the
same quantization thing as b?

Can you confirm what colorspaces the original 3dl is mapping between?

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 12:16 PM, Simon van de Lagemaat wrote:

 Here's what my comp guy is saying. Seems like most people who have success
 aren't converting their luts but instead are creating them from scratch.

 We're converting a 3dl lut with ociobakelut

 We're using ociobakelut with config-free baking.

 We want to convert it to a .csp file to use in XSI

 current command is

 ociobakelut --lut lut.3dl --format cinespace lut.csp

 However when we  load the lut.csp into soft without pre-conditioning we
 don't get a match? Colour kinda looks ballpark but it looks over exposed

 Loading the .csp back into nuke and it matches with the .3dl ?

 On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 10:52 AM, Andy Jones wrote:

 Maybe you need to add a shaperspace?

 ociobakelut.exe --iconfig ocio_config_path --format cinespace
 --inputspace inputspace shaperspace lg10 --outputspace outputspace
 --looks looks output_path

 On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Simon van de Lagemaat wrote:

 2013 w the sp

 On Monday, March 24, 2014, Jens Lindgren

 What version of Softimage are you using?


 On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 12:11 AM, Simon van de Lagemaat wrote:

 Trying to get a show lut going in the region render and we're getting
 consistent clipping in the highlights no matter what type of lut (csp and
 cube) we try and no amount of preconditioning is helping... is this just a
 case of the region render not being fp?  Is there a possible fix for this
 I'm not aware of?

 Jens Lindgren
 Lead Technical Director
 Magoo 3D Studios

Re: LUTs in region render clipping

2014-03-24 Thread Andy Jones
Maybe you need to add a shaperspace?

ociobakelut.exe --iconfig ocio_config_path --format cinespace
--inputspace inputspace shaperspace lg10 --outputspace outputspace
--looks looks output_path

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Simon van de Lagemaat wrote:

 2013 w the sp

 On Monday, March 24, 2014, Jens Lindgren

 What version of Softimage are you using?


 On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 12:11 AM, Simon van de Lagemaat wrote:

 Trying to get a show lut going in the region render and we're getting
 consistent clipping in the highlights no matter what type of lut (csp and
 cube) we try and no amount of preconditioning is helping... is this just a
 case of the region render not being fp?  Is there a possible fix for this
 I'm not aware of?

 Jens Lindgren
 Lead Technical Director
 Magoo 3D Studios

Re: Top List of ICE Nodes That Cover 80% of What You Do With The Toolset

2014-03-20 Thread Andy Jones
Now that I understand the history of ICE a little better, I can see that I
was wrong to balk at naming the top ICE nodes I need.  Here's my updated

car cdr cons eq atom cons quote

I suppose I won't really need defun, since Maya will let me just add the
same nodes over and over again with a mel script.

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 11:56 PM, Raffaele Fragapane wrote:

 The functional programming throwback has officially pushed this
 conversation into the twilight zone and right out the other end of it into
 some unexplored surreal territory.
 Thanks to all involved, it'll stay with me for the rest of my life and
 make me giggle every time I'll think of it.

Re: Softimage transition webinar is starting in 10 minutes

2014-03-17 Thread Andy Jones
Maybe they turned off the Softimage webinar right in the middle of us
watching it in order to free up some bandwidth for a Maya webinar?

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 9:28 AM, Dan Pejril wrote:

  Great job Autodesk! You can't even get a webinar to work properly and we
 are supposed to believe you can fix Maya by gutting Softimage
 Useless so far!

 On 3/17/2014 12:18 PM, Ognjen Vukovic wrote:

 Thanks autodesk, i just put my foot through a 500 $ dell monitor.

 On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Nicolas Esposito 3dv...@gmail.comwrote:

 Smooth streaming here...they look a bit scared though
 SPOLIER: Softimage go open source will never happen

 2014-03-17 17:08 GMT+01:00 Rob Chapman

  it stutters - have to keep clicking on it for playback. hopefully this
 will be recorded right?

 On 17 March 2014 16:05, Marc-Andre Carbonneau wrote:

  It's actually not working for me. L anyone got it to work?

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *
 *Sent:* 17 mars 2014 11:59
 *Subject:* Re: Softimage transition webinar is starting in 10 minutes

 Thank you for the link Marc.  I'm finally in the acceptance stage of
 grief and am resigning myself to using Maya, learning Houdini and
 continuing to use Softimage as is.  I hope they show of some of the
 upcoming Maya Humanization plans (not just shove ICE into maya).  Again,
 best of luck to all Softimage users out there, but this just fucking
 sucks...  And though this hurts me, best of luck to Autodesk as well too.

 Dan Pejril
 Upbeat Unique

Re: Top List of ICE Nodes That Cover 80% of What You Do With The Toolset

2014-03-16 Thread Andy Jones
 Let me ask a very open question to Paul Doyle. Paul when people say the
 creators of ICE work at Fabric do you agree? Many on the Bifrost team would
 argue they were just as much a part of it than the hard working guys at
 Fabric. I think it is great that there are two companies following this
 path and that will only mean competition which is a good thing but I do
 believe there are many people who came together and not just 1-2 who drove
 the whole thing.

I don't know what the answer to this is, but as a customer I really don't
care that much. I'm far more interested in which development team is
innovating and working on not only giving us back what we're losing with
ICE, but also addressing its limitations. Given that AD just offed ICE
without having a replacement ready, it's going to be a tough sell to
convince me AD has a solid vision for the future of the software they sell.

AD has all the advantages in terms of size and market share, and I'm 100%
confident that there are still some truly exceptional developers working
there -- some of whom no doubt worked directly on ICE. I'm also 100%
confident the Titanic had a lot of great sailors on board when it sank.
Even a tiny lifeboat becomes awfully appealing when the captain of the ship
drives it into an iceberg.  Let alone a Chinook helicopter (which is how I
see Fabric Engine in this analogy. For those who don't think a Chinook
helicopter is good enough, remember the Titanic sank in 1912).

Since you brought them into this, I'd like to ask an open question to your
devs who worked on ICE:  Do they feel like their talents are being put to
good use?  If so, how?

I think comparing a list of answers to questions like that would be a lot
more productive than counting how many of the people who worked on ICE
haven't left AD yet.

Top List of ICE Nodes That Cover 80% of What You Do With The Toolset

2014-03-15 Thread Andy Jones
On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Chris Vienneau

 Do you guys think there is a top list of nodes in ICE and compounds you
 all use that cover 80% of what you do with the toolset?


Re: Top List of ICE Nodes That Cover 80% of What You Do With The Toolset

2014-03-15 Thread Andy Jones

On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 12:31 PM, Bradley Gabe wrote:

 This is what concerns me about the future for where Autodesk takes their
 DCC flagships. Bullet-point thinking.

 It's not any specific list of ICE nodes that make it so powerful and
 useful, rather it's how well it plays within the data structures of the
 rest of the application.

 Everyone who ever looked at ICE from the outside, without ever going into
 the daily battle that is production, simply saw it as a particle system
 (and maybe tipped their hat to it's clever ability to multiprocesses). And
 despite the SI community's repeated insistence ICE was far more important
 than that, a particle system is precisely how it was marketed by Autodesk,
 providing continuing evidence that Autodesk didn't know what they actually
 had, didn't want to listen to the people who were actually using it... or
 didn't care.

 In real estate, they say the most important things are location, location,
 location. In CG production, the most important things are workarounds,
 workarounds, workarounds. ICE has provided SI users with a highly potent,
 splendidly integrated, reasonably artist friendly, visual node based
 toolkit for discovering and developing production workarounds, without
 having to resort to coding for every little thing. Particle effects are
 merely a byproduct of the system.

 It was through interacting with ICE that I developed a much more profound
 understanding of CG data structures, an intuitive sense of how the linear
 algebra drives transforms, of how I could influence operators to do the
 things I could only imagine in times past. Every day in production is a day
 of experiment and discovery using ICE. Do you have any idea how empowering
 that feels after years of waiting for technical help from developers that
 never arrived?

 Furthermore, after years of tech experimenting and workarounds with ICE,
 my ability to develop non-ICE tools for animation, deformation, etc, had
 increased drastically. Tools that used to require a week for me to work out
 the math, I could develop in less than a day, because ICE had both provided
 me with enough practice to greatly enhance my thinking, but also because I
 could use it as a prototype laboratory to quickly hash out more difficult
 concepts, prior to sitting down to write out the code.

 If you're wondering why people are concerned about life without XSI, these
 are some pretty major reasons. You're going to have to convince us the
 future of node-based work in Maya/Max isn't a bullet point list of nodes
 for creating particle or fluid sim effects. Rather, that it's a fully
 developed, operator development kit, from which particles, fluids,
 simulations, and all kinds of production workarounds, workarounds,
 workarounds are possible!


 Sent from my iPhone

 On Mar 15, 2014, at 12:00 PM, Andy Jones wrote:

 On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Chris Vienneau wrote:

 Do you guys think there is a top list of nodes in ICE and compounds you
 all use that cover 80% of what you do with the toolset?


Re: Maya feature request from Softimage users

2014-03-08 Thread Andy Jones
We should really just release ours.  We'd just have to get it cleared with
our CTO.  But since I built the original version back in the mid 2000s when
I was at PLF, it's probably something we can make happen pretty easily. I
think we'll also likely want it out there as reference material for a
Fabric based scene assembler.

We also have an event-based script property thing we made recently, which
people might find cool.  Not earthshattering, but kinda fun, and would let
you do the sorting automatically if you want.

Re: contribution maps, let's keep in mind that the special sauce that makes
that work in Maya is also a big reason Mental Ray became unusable in Maya.
They put so much garbage in the MR version of the Maya shading engine that
scenes would sometimes render faster in Soft by an order of magnitude.  I
spent some time at one point trying to get rid of it, but it was so
complicated I eventually realized that even if I found a solution there was
no way I could enforce it.  I even looked into stripping it via a geometry
shader at one point.  I think they designed contribution maps without
raytracing in mind or something.  It's not just contribution maps, but the
whole magic maya BS that they tried to cram in there.  MayaGlow and

Also, as mentioned, they're not the same thing as partitions anyway.

I could say people should save some time and not bother learning Maya, but
the truth is, it's really valuable for learning what not to do in 3D
software.  Kind of like how it's important to study history so as not to
repeat it.

On Saturday, March 8, 2014, Andy Goehler

 On Mar 08, 2014, at 23:47, Jonah Friedman 

 You manually update them by hitting sort or sort all. Also have a check
 function that checks to see if anything is unsorted and report what.

 Sounds like something I'll start implementing on Monday.

 Thanks for the inspiration.


Re: Save Softimage Petition

2014-03-05 Thread Andy Jones
So, 1500 people and counting isn't enough to at least let it keep
collecting dust like Composite or Matchmover, apparently.  Yeah, right.

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 5:10 AM, Daniel Brassard dbrassar...@gmail.comwrote:


 On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 7:30 AM, Ognjen Vukovic wrote:

 I am really really gutted right now, i am probably one of the younger
 users on the mailing list, i was introduced to softimage back around 2010
 and since then my life got a lot easier and i really enjoyed my work.
 Everything was just so much fun and i had much less overtime.I was
 seriously investing in softimage, i started to learn python because of soft
 and ice was something i was dead set on mastering. Damn, its just
 awefull And i seriously cannot even begging to understand how it is for
 most of you long time users, im seriously very very sorry, and i think this
 is just bullshit. This petition needs to get more exposure and it would be
 best spread across linkedin and facebook or whatever.

 On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 1:11 PM, michael johansson mich...@lowend.sewrote:


 2014-03-05 12:32 GMT+01:00 Ognjen Vukovic


 On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Byungchul Kang k...@cgndev.comwrote:


 2014-03-05 20:16 GMT+09:00 Chris Marshall

 Signed. There's over 1000 on there now, which is more than I thought
 there'd be. Well done!

 On 5 March 2014 11:03, Nicolas Esposito wrote:

 Done, please share, maybe something can be done ( hopefully ) but I
 don't trust Autodesk at all

 2014-03-05 11:53 GMT+01:00 Eric Mootz

  hell, yes: DONE!


 Chris Marshall
 Mint Motion Limited
 029 20 37 27 57
 07730 533 115

 *Byungchul Kang* | MBC CG TEAM []

 Michael Johansson
 Artist/Senior Lecturer/Researcher
 Kristianstad University
 Digital Design
 29188 Kristianstad

 Grönegatan 4a
 222 24 Lund

Re: Softimage 2015 Last Release Announcement

2014-03-05 Thread Andy Jones
If it helps, Angus, as someone who deals with interviewing and
crewing/staffing people, I can tell you that for us, it is far more
important to find people who understand how to seek out the best tool they
can find for every job and actually put it to use, rather than people who
just want to tick a box in a list of job requirements.  Ticking the box is
of course important for freelancers at a more senior level on short term
gigs, but at the junior level, what we care about is potential, the drive
to push that potential, and personality.  (And outstanding artistic and/or
technical abilities, of course).

For example, all things being equal, a kid who walks in and can actually
hold his own in a conversation with me about how to migrate his skillset
from Softimage often stands a way better chance than someone who comes in
and says he knows Maya.  (We are mostly Maya based in LA).

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 7:27 AM, Angus Davidson

  When we switched from maya to softimage we had an immediate improvement
 in what they were able to deliver. I have no regrets about that. I can
 understand their frustration though, the job market is hard when your
 starting out and they dont really have anywhere else to vent. Sparing with
 Luc Eric has given me a thick skin ;)

  Just shows how AD$K's decision has much bigger knock on effects then
 they realise.

 *From:* Maurício PC []
 *Sent:* 05 March 2014 05:19 PM
 *Subject:* Re: Softimage 2015 Last Release Announcement

   If your students are slamming you Angus, they are stupid. The knowledge
 of Softimage is easily transferable as it teach you how to think properly.

  I'm certain they would be less artists if they started with the
 Maya-hell. Oh well ... I'm almost buying this Modo 701 special offer. Damn.

 On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 7:13 AM, Angus Davidson

   Great getting past students slamming our decision to teach Softimage
 on facebook. Not sorry for teaching the best software for DCC. However we
 will have to teach something else from next year ;(

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 - your source for bad fx

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 between the University and outsiders are subject to South African Law unless 
 the University agrees in writing to the contrary.

Re: A way forward - We are kingmakers.

2014-03-05 Thread Andy Jones
I'll take a stab (although I haven't really spent any time using it).

Often in production, we face problems that need solving.  They can be
generic problems that are common across a studio, like fur or grass, or
they can be show-specific, like create time-lapse footage of a building
being constructed.  These examples are fairly small in scope, but studios
may have even broader needs, like We'd like a way to visualize our models
quickly, without turntables, with an embedded Shotgun page for doing

There are lots of tools at our disposal for solving these things, but the
most powerful toolsets all exist with various DCC packages.  So any
solution you come up with tends to be tightly coupled with one package.
 For example, a studio might come up with a good procedural forest solution
in Houdini, but then every time they want to use it, they have to make sure
they have a Houdini artist to run it.  If the rest of the show is in Maya,
you now have to deal with porting lots of assets over, and the additional

Or, more often, the technical artist or rnd person gets asked to simply
port the tool over to the other package. Once you port the tool, you now
have two separate sets of code to keep up to date, and eventually you have
to hire more technical artists and RnD guys to keep up with demand.  And
the ones you have are unhappy because they're spending time keeping code in
sync and porting features back and forth, rather than making cool stuff
artists want.

Perhaps the most common situation is that we see all of the issues above in
advance, and opt to have an artist figure it out themselves, or do it by
hand.  Not because us technical guys are lazy beer-sipping jerks, but
because it's actually cheaper to do it the hard way than to make a tool
that will have to get rewritten by the time you use it again.

From what they've released so far, Fabric Engine goes a long way towards
remedying these kinds of situations, and does so in a very clever way,
that's geared for extremely high performance and flexibility.

At its core, Fabric Engine gives us an API for graphics built with
multi-threading and optimized machine level compiling in mind.  With the
Splice integrations in various DCC packages, we gain a direct way to
integrate tools built in Fabric Engine into all our DCC packages with a
single implementation.  The tool you make for Maya Splice works in
Softimage Splice, and does so far more elegantly than any one-off tool a TD
is likely to create.  Magic.

So, for the artist, it means your studio can build better tools faster, and
make better use of them across packages.  Gone are the days of seeing what
someone has in tool X and wishing you had it in Y.  Also, gone are the days
of worrying about building a toolset for a package (say, Softimage) and
losing your RD investment overnight because a publicly traded corporation
thinks you should be using a clunky pile of aging Mel scripts with serious
scalability and workflow problems instead.

***If Fabric Engine can improve the return on investment of RnD, you not
only make better use of the RnD resources, but in the long term, you are
incentivized to increase the RnD budget.***

Now, taking it one step further, we've made use of sites like,
xsibase, creative crash, etc.  Imagine if every new script or tool someone
wrote could work in all the Spliced packages!  The same arguments about RnD
budgets at the company level apply to the community efforts as well.  Not
only do we get better utilization from the efforts people are making, but
there's also a stronger incentive for developers to make more tools,
because they can reach a wider audience.  And on top of that, FE gives you
a license for personal use, so there's nothing stopping individuals from
contributing tools right now.

The situation we're in now is a chicken/egg scenario.  In order for all of
the above to take off and revolutionize our industry, we need an audience
of studios and individuals ready to consume all of these tools people will
make.  It's still very early days, so it's not in any way too late for this
to happen -- if anything it's probably closer to being too soon.  What I
mean is, this isn't like Softimage, where the industry is turning a blind
eye to a great tool.  It's exactly the opposite, as some studios (MPC,
Hybride) have already site licensed, when the tools are just getting off
the ground.

Given what's happening right now, there's a very unique opportunity with a
captive audience of Softimage users on a 2-year ticking clock.  Just by
showing an increase of interest and sales, the value of FE is already
growing on paper, which can help a young company get where they need to go
even faster.

That's my pitch.  No affiliations with FE whatsoever, but that's how I
see it playing out.  No guarantees it will happen, but I do believe the
potential is there.

It's important to note that a move in the direction of FE by no means has
to be a move away from other DCCs.  Just as 

Re: let me fan the flames....

2014-03-05 Thread Andy Jones
I sort of agree about the Max userbase, but they will lose Max market share
at an ever increasing rate due to all the rumors having dramatically more
credibility now.  If you're a Max user, would you hedge your bets on them
not killing it, or would you learn something else?  And if you're a company
and everyone seems to be moving away from Max, would you invest in it?

They would have to make a really grand gesture to establish faith that it's
moving forward, and having watched the grand gesture for Maya, I'm not sure
they're capable of it being grand enough.

Also, a lot of Max's staying power has been due to FX.  With an influx of
Houdini talent, and lost trust form 3rd party devs as well, it'll be an
uphill battle keeping their position in FX in place.

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 11:27 AM, Rares Halmagean ra...@rarebrush.comwrote:

  The market place will force AD to consolidate it's resources on one
 package, or significantly modify existing apps, or it fails regardless of
 user base. The competition is only getting stiffer and it can't hold onto
 multiple packages in their current state. That's my thought anyway.

 On 3/5/2014 1:10 PM, Steven Caron wrote:

 i agree with the first two, just 3dsmax has too much installed user base.
 i know we are mad and we are making a stink about it... but if they axed
 max?! autodesk might have to consider extra security...

 On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Jordi Bares wrote:

  The writing is on the wall. This is my take.

  1 - Mudbox is next as Zbrush has truly wiped the market.

  2 - Morion Builder next as they implement some tech in maya.

  3 - 3DMax goes next.

  Anyone want to bet?


 *Rares Halmagean ___ *visual development
 and 3d character  content creation.

Re: let me fan the flames....

2014-03-05 Thread Andy Jones
Maybe they're planning to migrate the rest of their dev team to Maya and
replace it with one new guy?

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 5:02 PM, Alok Gandhi alok.gandhi2...@gmail.comwrote:

 I don't think Max is going anywhere. The last I heard, AD was looking for
 a principal max engineer. I interviewed fir the same a couple of months ago.

Re: A way forward - We are kingmakers.

2014-03-04 Thread Andy Jones
Since the rumor/news broke (and to a certain extent, before that as well),
I've been putting some serious thought into plans for the future, and I
want to share a few thoughts, as I think this storm will be best weathered
together.  Every studio is different, of course, so what works for me right
now may not work for everyone. To be clear, these are my own speculations
at this time, and NOT any kind of formal plan for my employer.  The
community discussion will have a big impact on our own internal
discussions, though, so I think it is important to be part of the dialog.

As we all plow forward, the hope is that we will leave a trail that makes
it easier for anyone who eventually finds themselves on the same pathway.


For us, the biggest hole left by Softimage's demise will be lighting and
scene assembly.  This, and FX, are the main areas where we currently
utilize Softimage, particularly in our NY office, but in LA as well.

I'm going to run through some of the options I've looked at, leading up to
what I think will be a good solution at the bottom.  Process of elimination


I've spent some (non-hands-on) time looking at Katana, and while it is a
solid, powerful, scaleable solution to scene assembly, I feel it is
actually too open-ended at the surface to address our needs.  I'm also not
satisfied with how it presents shader networks to the end user.  I
appreciate the flexibility of a nodal system at the core of an application,
but what I actually want is a simplified UI that exposes all of that
procedural power in a direct and consistent way.  I could see where Katana
would work well for larger scale projects, but I have major concerns about
how it would fare in small 1-10 man operations for commercials.

A key requirement for me in a scene aggregator is also the ability to have
an ICE-like procedural layer passing data directly to the renderer without
caching to disk.  Caching is great for things with a certain data to
computational complexity ratio, but in so many cases, you're better off
either with a procedural callback, or data in memory.  Simple grass
systems, feathers, hair, fur, rocks, leaves, fuzz, etc.  Largely with the
help of ICE, we have graduated to an era where surfaces that need it can
have more than just high res textures and displacement.  The issues above
are likely fixable in Katana, but getting a procedural FX framework is far
less likely to happen in the timeframe we'd need.

For us, Katana being Linux only, also happens to be an issue (though one we
could work around with enough motivation).


With my last two jobs having been mostly in Maya studios, I don't consider
Maya an option for scene assembly.  The big beefs I have here are
essentially the same as what I mentioned with Katana, plus the frequency of
instability, and the lack of compartmentalization in the data model.  Not
being able to group sets and namespaces being nothing more than a naming
convention are also big issues.  Obviously, people, including ourselves do
some great work lighting in Maya, but I work with some of the smartest and
most talented Maya people I know, and it is a simple fact that their days
are longer and harder than they should be because of Maya, and that
situation hasn't changed at all in the last 5 years, aside from the work
that's been done by Chaos Group and Solid Angle and the MtoA community.

One would think that Maya would actually be a pretty good choice, which I
suppose is how we've ended up in this predicament we're in now, and people
thinking they've chosen a winning horse with Maya.  But the fact is, there
has been little done to improve the situation for far too long, and some of
the problems seem to be far too deeply rooted in the software to get
fixed.  It's not entirely negligence on AD's part, as there are a lot of
big studios relying on certain things in Maya NOT changing.


I'm not actually finished assessing Houdini's potential for scene assembly
and lighting, but I'm already aware of a couple of big issues there.
First, Houdini's pricing model is not structured to be conducive to
in-process rendering.  This means that any run-time procedurals need to be
specially built for each renderer.  For example, if you wanted to avoid
writing a grass system to disk, you would need to use something special
purpose to generate the grass at render time (in the best case scenario
leveraging an existing hair procedural) or simply write every blade of
grass out to an ifd/ass.  With the work SideFX is doing on Houdini engine,
maybe there's some hope to get a swiss army knife Houdini procedural into
the renderers, but it doesn't seem like that's the usage case they have in
mind for Houdini engine.

Price is the other big issue with Houdini for scene assembly.  I have every
intention of making use of Houdini as a core FX package, and the price
(while still high) is more tenable in that department. As a studio, we
already own a smattering of 

Re: A way forward - We are kingmakers.

2014-03-04 Thread Andy Jones
Yes, that's totally my bad.  I should have already given you a shout out
about FabricArnold.  You, and guys like you, are the reason I think doing
scene assembly in Fabric is such a likely reality.  It's a huge
contribution already.

I need to get my feet wet in Fabric Engine myself, but I'm hoping to be
able to focus some effort on this stuff as well :)

 hey andy
 this is the first step in creating something like the 'stage' demo from
 fabric engine...
 i am excited about this and would love to collaborate with others in
 making this a possibility. i agree and understand all you have outlined

Re: A way forward - We are kingmakers.

2014-03-04 Thread Andy Jones
Many studios having the same problems at the same time is a HUGE
opportunity if we leverage it properly.

I completely agree about the collaboration that will be necessary from
users.  However, for studios' part, I know a lot of places are interested
in Fabric already, even if they haven't actually bought licenses yet.  So
if part of the incentive was some kind of agreement for the FE guys to help
nurture a scene assembly tool to life quickly, it might help tip the scale
for whatever cost/benefit analysis places are doing.  The devs working on
Fabric are truly some of the best in the world (and from what I understand,
a big part of the reason AD bought Softimage to begin with).  They are a
big part of the equation for what will happen in the future, even if they
don't end up wanting to build a scene assembler as a supported product in
itself (or who knows -- maybe they will?).

It would be great to get a little (or big?) list of studios that are
interested in this sort of project (or other ones) and possibly have some
kind of summit with the FE guys about what it would take to fast-track FE
into certain critical areas of production, assuming a certain number of
licenses were purchased.  No commitments at this point -- just a list of
interested parties who might be curious enough to be part of the
conversation, pending whatever other conversations need to be had with
superiors.  I.e., it's understood that nobody is speaking for their
companies at this point.  Just indicating that they think their company
*might* be interested.

I'll start:


On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Felix Geremus

 You are probably right. But these times are a little bit different and
 maybe that's exactly the one chance inside all this mess. We're all sitting
 in the same boat at the same time. I know a lot of studios who entirely
 rely on Softimage for lighting. All of these will have to spend time and
 thus money to move on to another pipeline during the next two years anyway.
 So why not invest at least parts of this time into the same thing?
 Individuals are great, and the community should absolutely try. But it's so
 hard to put something like this together in your spare time. A few studios
 supporting and profiting from this effort would accelerate the whole
 process immensely. And about showing potential: wasn't Stage, and all the
 other fabric applications build for exactly this reason? To show the
 potential of such a project?

 2014-03-04 21:55 GMT+01:00 Steven Caron

 it is a bit harder for visual effects vendors/studios, in an already
 difficult market, spending money on software development (not their core
 business) is a hard sell. seeing a product or product in development on the
 other hand drums up interest which leads to real investment and
 collaboration. they need to see if their ideas are aligned with others on
 the project. don't take my comment as discouragement, it is just how i see
 it... for now it will be on individuals to come together on a project which
 shows potential. i hope we, the remaining softimage community, can do that
 together. again, not discouragement to any studio which wants to partner to
 make something happen...


 On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 12:34 PM, Felix Geremus wrote:

 So now that Softimage will be gone, isn't there room or even need for
 collaboration here? Before everybody tries to build something themselves,
 shouldn't people try to bundle forces? And I'm not only talking about
 individuals here. I'm talking about small to medium size companies who
 couldn't afford to build something like this alone.


2014-02-12 Thread Andy Jones
I would not recommend these, if it's the set I'm thinking of.  There was
one set we bought years and years ago, which turned out to basically be bad
cg environments rendered as spheres with really bad emissive surfaces, and
lacking a proper linear workflow.  Some of their early photographic HDRIs
also didn't seem to be in linear space.

I think maybe once they got into the extreme high-res ones they started
getting better?

Another thing about HDRIs -- early on you could get something out of using
a good HDRI in some other environment.  These days, not so much.  The
standard is set by people projecting an HDRI taken from their original
scene onto geometry.  And in many cases, people are rebuilding the
important lights more specifically with corresponding native light sources.
 I don't know your specific application, so take it with a grain of salt,
but reflecting a random HDRI from Dosch onto your cg just isn't really
cutting it anymore.

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 8:04 PM, Leoung O'Young digim...@digimata.comwrote:

 Anyone have used the HDRI imagery from Dosch Design?
 We are thinking of purchasing it.


Re: rumor, Soft dead within the next year

2014-01-02 Thread Andy Jones
It doesn't change anything about the job market, but one thing to keep in
mind about rumors from Autodesk:

I may have it wrong, as I'm by no means a lawyer but I believe if there
were an actual rumor about Autodesk's plans that wasn't issued publicly in
a press release, it would be illegal, since people in the know could sell
Autodesk stock on any rumors that Softimage would be getting shelved (the
assumption being that the surge of new Houdini  Modo users would have some
negative impact on AD stock prices).

It's certainly possible for a legitimate leak of information to occur, but
it most likely wouldn't be coming from anyone who _really_ knows what the
plan is.  If it were, that person would be taking a very big risk.

Point being, I would take anything labeled as a rumor with a grain of
salt.  I'm not naive -- most things like this do originate somewhere.  My
guess would be that most such rumors are coming from AD employees trying to
fend off ongoing questions about the future from industry people like us.
 So they might have some grain of truth behind them, but anything with a
timestamp like within the year is likely to be somebody's own speculation.

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Stephen Davidson magic...@bellsouth.netwrote:

 I am extremely lucky to work freelance, so that I am not directed to use
 particular software for any particular project. As long as it looks good,
 my customers are oblivious to what software I am using.

 Whenever I did work for a production facility, on site, I have always
 to justify their license purchase. It has a lot to do with the length of
 that I have on Softimage.

 So... I use what works best for me ... Softimage ... has since version 1.0
 At least, with all my 3D work. I have tried 3D Max and Maya, just to see if
 they could improve my workflow. I guess I am too entrenched in Softimage
 to be able to wrap my head around other 3D app's interface. The others
 just seem so clumsy. I realize it is because I am used to a certain
 workflow that I have developed over the years. The recent addition of
 render software has improved the render speeds, and quality, immensely.
 I doubt RedShift would put that much effort into supporting Softimage, as
 well as
 Maya, if they thought Softimage was going away any time soon.

 If Softimage goes away, which I doubt it will, I will probably learn to
 Blender, as open source seems to live on forever. It probably has something
 to do with the cost. :)

 BTW... didn't Maya used to be called Wavefront ?

 Happy New Year, all!

 On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Mirko Jankovic

 taking refuge in Maya??
 No thank you! better slow but painless death in never improved SI, like
 falling asleep slowly.. then looong torture and painful life in Maya!
 No thank you!
 SI.. I'm going down with you.. in the next 10-20 years...

 On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Jeffrey Dates jda...@kungfukoi.comwrote:

 I'd think whomever makes the suite of scripts and plugins for Maya for
 the Softimage refugees soon to be converting over would certainly have a
 built-in base of users.

 I also think there is an opportunity for a Fabric Engine Developer to
 capture some of the refugees with the same thinking...

 On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 6:22 AM, Szabolcs Matefy szabol...@crytek.comwrote:

 Actually, I am fairly experienced with Maya, yet I feel that it's a
 wheelchair with square wheels compared to Softimage. However, I see
 development in Maya a lot more than in Softimage. Houdini is quite out of
 my scope, being a character artist :).

 The fact is, if I want to get hired by a game development company, I
 have to learn Maya and Max, and I have to promote it. So my current project
 of Vinnie Jones went into Maya, and yes, it's quite painful, because some
 things are rather clumsy in Maya...:( But I want to get hired, and the
 companies who I want to work for are mostly Maya based companies. Max is
  pain in the ass, really, clumsy, mediocre, etc.

 UK is on my list to get a job there, but last year I was too
 lazy...This year I want to change a lot, and take my family to a better
 place :)



 I hope that new Softimage will have a lot more for us, and will kick
 some Max and Maya ass. Chris Chia, will it?

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Tim Leydecker
 Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 11:37 AM
 Subject: Re: rumor, Soft dead within the next year

 Hey Szabolcs,

 even with your credentials? Fauna, a Tutor, etc.

 Judging on your email address, I would have thought you´d be 3DsMax
 centric at work, due to the Z-up preferences of the Cryengine and the
 tools/plugins available for a solid 3DSMaxCryengine workflow.

 Here´s a few Maya secrets I´d like to share:

 Embrace Maya accepting that you will need a 

Python Shader Definition - Geometry Shader Output Type?

2013-12-30 Thread Andy Jones
Has anyone attempted to make a custom shader definition for a Mental Ray
geometry shader?  I've been trying to define the right output type (the
dark grey thing), but none of the available constants seem to work.  (I
actually tried them all one by one, including other values not documented).

I found the docs of all the different types:,topicNumber=si_om_siShaderParameterDataType_html

Also, I found this:,topicNumber=si_om_XSIApplication_RegisterShaderCustomParameterType_html

Which would theoretically let me add my own type?  Perhaps I just need to
make a definition for the existing geometry shader input type?

Any thoughts?

Re: Autodesk´s Sales model

2013-10-16 Thread Andy Jones
I think there's a separate argument about how much support should
actually cost for Softimage, given the amount of work being done on
the AD side.  Provided the support price is in line with the support
being provided, I can see where getting rid of upgrades simplifies
things a lot.  So, I'm not opposed to the idea, but I think it would
help the pill go down easier if the support price were lowered some to
reflect the efficiencies being gained by AD by getting rid of

Thinking as a collective of users, we also gain more from people
staying on the latest version and keeping the new stuff well-tested.
I know there are all kinds of production considerations concerning
stability, etc, which still apply, but if every place has access to
the latest stuff, it will likely still go into use sooner, regardless
of how conservative a studio chooses to be with running new versions.

And I agree, the price of support should have dropped to at least half
as soon as Stephen left the building.

On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 7:08 AM, Eric Thivierge wrote:
 Support was worth it when Stephen Blair was there. :)

 To be fair, the support was worth it to get bugs confirmed and have them
 provide workarounds if possible or QFEs if available to fix those issues. At
 larger studios the AD Consulting is worth it when you can get it when you're
 in the trenches and need bugs fixed asap that are blocking.

 Eric T.

 On Wednesday, October 16, 2013 9:59:28 AM, Mirko Jankovic wrote:

 Is it? would be interesting pool how many of guys used support. Most
 of the people, maybe I'm wrong but got that impression, are first
 coming to list and forums for any help.
 Could be mistaken. I guess support is more important on larger
 systems, trying to install on different OS and need some expert advice
 but on small environments and studios.. not much problems there? :)
 Again could be mistaken.. but someone else recently mentioned never
 ever needed support but also looking first in forums

Re: Would you like to recover your scene?

2013-09-08 Thread Andy Jones
Yeah, my point isn't that replaying the commands is currently a viable
alternative for scene recovery (though I would say it's better than
nothing in the cases where the auto-recovery fails).  Just that it
could be a really good solution, if some more effort were put into
ensuring every interaction got logged as a command of some kind.  And
since a lot of people rely on command logging as a way to build
scripts, they'd be killing two birds with one stone.  The plugin is
just a proof of concept.

A journaling approach just seems like a better way to deal with file
recovery than a weird last-second binary dump, especially given that
the dump often contains the thing causing the crash in the first place
and has no way to handle things like power outages, auto-logouts, etc.

There's no reason 3D software can't be as robust with file recovery as
Nuke is.  Even if there are commands that can't be logged for some
reason, you could have a special dirty state that triggers a normal
auto-save in those instances to ensure that the journal-based recovery
can still work properly.

On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 8:58 PM, Matt Lind wrote:
 My only beef with your plugin is it cannot account for commands which do not
 log.  There’s a good probability the scene your plugin generates is not an
 accurate representation of what last state of the scene actually was before
 it crashed.  Animation edits, for example, do not log at all.  Custom tools
 flagged to not log, or tools called from self installing commands do not log

 Back in good ol’ days of XSI v6.x when we were treading water to get
 anything to function in XSI without exploding, I desperately tried to
 salvage crashed scenes using a similar technique, but because many commands
 were not logged it was not possible to salvage work or even rebuild it
 enough to send to Softimage to diagnose the cause of the crash to get it
 fixed.  Critical missing steps caused the rebuild script to error out, or if
 it was lucky enough to get to the end without error, the end result was not
 at all like what it should’ve been.


 [] On Behalf Of Andy Jones
 Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 8:44 PM
 Subject: Re: Would you like to recover your scene?

 I've said this before, but the script log comes really really close to
 implementing journalling which is the thing that made filesystems more
 robust in the 2000's.  the binary dump emergency save thing is really kind
 of a silly way to attack the problem of replaying a journal of operations.
 If Autodesk realized this, they'd prioritize the completeness of command
 logging and build a simple toolset for replaying the unsaved operation

 I sent my repeatHistory plugin to the beta list a while ago and got
 crickets.  Maybe I'll try again...

 All it does is parse the script log for the last open or save operation and
 them exec the remainder.  It would work even better with an event that sets
 the script log path on scene open/save.

 On Friday, September 6, 2013, Jeremie Passerin wrote:

 Got issue with the auto-recover lately, but the scene was actualy properly
 saved before crashing. just needed to load it manually.

 On 6 September 2013 13:18, Eric Thivierge wrote:

 You're doing it wrong...

 On September-06-13 4:15:36 PM, Eric Lampi wrote:

 SoftImage: Hey Eric, I see that you crashed.. How would you like to
 recover your scene?

 Eric: Sure that would be great! Go right ahead, bring it on back!

 SoftImage You'll get nothing and like it!



 Freelance 3D and VFX animator

Re: Would you like to recover your scene?

2013-09-08 Thread Andy Jones
I'd love an ascii scene file format as much as the next guy, but
people still lose plenty of unsaved changes with Maya ascii.  Aside
from general hackability, the big advantage of .ma is being able to
fix broken scenes after they've been saved.

On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Toonafish wrote:
 Word !  That would save sooo many lives.

 - Ronald

 On 9/7/2013 18:23, Octavian Ureche wrote:

 Native ascii scene file format. Period.
 Though we've been asking for it forever now.


 On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 6:58 AM, Matt Lind wrote:

 My only beef with your plugin is it cannot account for commands which do
 not log.  There’s a good probability the scene your plugin generates is not
 an accurate representation of what last state of the scene actually was
 before it crashed.  Animation edits, for example, do not log at all.  Custom
 tools flagged to not log, or tools called from self installing commands do
 not log either.

 Back in good ol’ days of XSI v6.x when we were treading water to get
 anything to function in XSI without exploding, I desperately tried to
 salvage crashed scenes using a similar technique, but because many commands
 were not logged it was not possible to salvage work or even rebuild it
 enough to send to Softimage to diagnose the cause of the crash to get it
 fixed.  Critical missing steps caused the rebuild script to error out, or if
 it was lucky enough to get to the end without error, the end result was not
 at all like what it should’ve been.


 [] On Behalf Of Andy Jones
 Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 8:44 PM
 Subject: Re: Would you like to recover your scene?

 I've said this before, but the script log comes really really close to
 implementing journalling which is the thing that made filesystems more
 robust in the 2000's.  the binary dump emergency save thing is really kind
 of a silly way to attack the problem of replaying a journal of operations.
 If Autodesk realized this, they'd prioritize the completeness of command
 logging and build a simple toolset for replaying the unsaved operation

 I sent my repeatHistory plugin to the beta list a while ago and got
 crickets.  Maybe I'll try again...

 All it does is parse the script log for the last open or save operation
 and them exec the remainder.  It would work even better with an event that
 sets the script log path on scene open/save.

 On Friday, September 6, 2013, Jeremie Passerin wrote:

 Got issue with the auto-recover lately, but the scene was actualy properly
 saved before crashing. just needed to load it manually.

 On 6 September 2013 13:18, Eric Thivierge wrote:

 You're doing it wrong...

 On September-06-13 4:15:36 PM, Eric Lampi wrote:

 SoftImage: Hey Eric, I see that you crashed.. How would you like to
 recover your scene?

 Eric: Sure that would be great! Go right ahead, bring it on back!

 SoftImage You'll get nothing and like it!



 Freelance 3D and VFX animator

 Octavian Ureche
  +40 732 774 313 (GMT+2)
  Animation  Visual Effects

 Ronald van Vemden
 3D Graphics  Animation
 Cyberfish Laboratories |
 Toonafish |
 tel. +31(0)20 5289291
 fax  +31(0)20 5289292

Re: Would you like to recover your scene?

2013-09-08 Thread Andy Jones
I 100% agree and am fully in favor of an ascii scene format.  Just
pointing out that it alone unfortunately doesn't solve the crash
recovery problem.

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 3:23 AM, Angus Davidson wrote:
 An Ascii file format really is a must. Apart from being able to hack and 
 restore file (which saved many of my students when we were still using Maya, 
 it also allow Czars Git plugin to become far more useful. To be able to run 
 diffs on a scene to find out whats actually changed  would be amazing.

 Kind regards

 From: Andy Jones []
 Sent: 08 September 2013 10:15 AM
 Subject: Re: Would you like to recover your scene?

 I'd love an ascii scene file format as much as the next guy, but
 people still lose plenty of unsaved changes with Maya ascii.  Aside
 from general hackability, the big advantage of .ma is being able to
 fix broken scenes after they've been saved.

 On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Toonafish wrote:
 Word !  That would save sooo many lives.

 - Ronald

 On 9/7/2013 18:23, Octavian Ureche wrote:

 Native ascii scene file format. Period.
 Though we've been asking for it forever now.


 On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 6:58 AM, Matt Lind wrote:

 My only beef with your plugin is it cannot account for commands which do
 not log.  There’s a good probability the scene your plugin generates is not
 an accurate representation of what last state of the scene actually was
 before it crashed.  Animation edits, for example, do not log at all.  Custom
 tools flagged to not log, or tools called from self installing commands do
 not log either.

 Back in good ol’ days of XSI v6.x when we were treading water to get
 anything to function in XSI without exploding, I desperately tried to
 salvage crashed scenes using a similar technique, but because many commands
 were not logged it was not possible to salvage work or even rebuild it
 enough to send to Softimage to diagnose the cause of the crash to get it
 fixed.  Critical missing steps caused the rebuild script to error out, or if
 it was lucky enough to get to the end without error, the end result was not
 at all like what it should’ve been.


 [] On Behalf Of Andy Jones
 Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 8:44 PM
 Subject: Re: Would you like to recover your scene?

 I've said this before, but the script log comes really really close to
 implementing journalling which is the thing that made filesystems more
 robust in the 2000's.  the binary dump emergency save thing is really kind
 of a silly way to attack the problem of replaying a journal of operations.
 If Autodesk realized this, they'd prioritize the completeness of command
 logging and build a simple toolset for replaying the unsaved operation

 I sent my repeatHistory plugin to the beta list a while ago and got
 crickets.  Maybe I'll try again...

 All it does is parse the script log for the last open or save operation
 and them exec the remainder.  It would work even better with an event that
 sets the script log path on scene open/save.

 On Friday, September 6, 2013, Jeremie Passerin wrote:

 Got issue with the auto-recover lately, but the scene was actualy properly
 saved before crashing. just needed to load it manually.

 On 6 September 2013 13:18, Eric Thivierge wrote:

 You're doing it wrong...

 On September-06-13 4:15:36 PM, Eric Lampi wrote:

 SoftImage: Hey Eric, I see that you crashed.. How would you like to
 recover your scene?

 Eric: Sure that would be great! Go right ahead, bring it on back!

 SoftImage You'll get nothing and like it!



 Freelance 3D and VFX animator

 Octavian Ureche
  +40 732 774 313 (GMT+2)
  Animation  Visual Effects

 Ronald van Vemden
 3D Graphics  Animation
 Cyberfish Laboratories |
 Toonafish |
 tel. +31(0)20 5289291
 fax  +31(0)20 5289292

 table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 
 td align=left style=text-align:justify;font face=arial,sans-serif 
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 original message. You may not copy or disseminate this communication without 
 the permission of the University. Only authorised signatories are competent 
 to enter into agreements on behalf of the University

Re: Would you like to recover your scene?

2013-09-06 Thread Andy Jones
I've said this before, but the script log comes really really close to
implementing journalling which is the thing that made filesystems more
robust in the 2000's.  the binary dump emergency save thing is really kind
of a silly way to attack the problem of replaying a journal of operations.
 If Autodesk realized this, they'd prioritize the completeness of command
logging and build a simple toolset for replaying the unsaved operation

I sent my repeatHistory plugin to the beta list a while ago and got
crickets.  Maybe I'll try again...

All it does is parse the script log for the last open or save operation and
them exec the remainder.  It would work even better with an event that sets
the script log path on scene open/save.

On Friday, September 6, 2013, Jeremie Passerin wrote:

 Got issue with the auto-recover lately, but the scene was actualy properly
 saved before crashing. just needed to load it manually.

 On 6 September 2013 13:18, Eric Thivierge 
 ethivie...@hybride.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');

 You're doing it wrong...

 On September-06-13 4:15:36 PM, Eric Lampi wrote:

 SoftImage: Hey Eric, I see that you crashed.. How would you like to
 recover your scene?

 Eric: Sure that would be great! Go right ahead, bring it on back!

 SoftImage You'll get nothing and like it!



 Freelance 3D and VFX animator**user7979713/3d-work

Re: something to cheer you guys up a bit :)

2013-08-01 Thread Andy Jones
Stop.  Fabricate and listen?

On Thursday, August 1, 2013, Miquel Campos wrote:

 I am in the Fabric Engine list. The Splice list is another one?


 Miquel Campos

 2013/8/1 Helge Mathee javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',

  still looking for beta testers, I'll push on this next week, so anybody
 who wants to drive the development a little let me know, or just sign
 up for the splice list. ( javascript:_e({},
 'cvml', '');)

 On 8/1/2013 8:44 PM, Alan Fregtman wrote:

 Awesome news indeed! :)

  Can't wait to see what we can... *fabricate.*

 On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Miquel Campos{}, 'cvml', 

 +1  Super great news!


 Miquel Campos

 2013/8/1 Eric Thivierge javascript:_e({},
 'cvml', '');

 Don't count on it! Since my bug fix requests go unanswered for
 Softimage as of late, my new solution across all applications is to start
 leaving notes on cars and in mailboxes along with animal sacrifices. :D

 Seriously though, this is great news guys and thanks for pushing ahead
 with this. I'm looking forward to getting this going and what the future
 will hold for us.

 Eric Thivierge
 Character TD / RnD
 Hybride Technologies

 On August-01-13 12:49:21 PM, Paul Doyle wrote:

 Eric might stop stalking the Montreal employees as well, which would
 be nice.

Re: Car-setup

2013-07-09 Thread Andy Jones
One tip is to make sure you've got a plan in mind for how to deal with
the wheels.  There are a few different ways to solve it.  Probably the
simplest is to render with full 3D motion blur, and use enough
transform steps so that the wheels don't do strange things.  Of
course, this can have an impact on render times, depending on what
you're using and how your settings are dialed.

Another option is to us a pre-blurred spinny wheel image.  Or you can
apply a sort of elliptical blur in comp prior to post motion blur.
Neither of these techniques produce a physically accurate image,
however.  True motion blur of wheel rims is a really unique-looking
thing that is difficult to recreate by other means.

Another option I've used in the past was to temporally oversample and
use a motion interpolated retime, such as kronos/oflow/twixtor.  At
the time, I used a OpenGL so that the render times were low enough to
make oversampling viable.

Really, for me this was one of the big reasons I decided that the long
term future for rendering will be full 3d motion blur, and I try to
build my lighting/compositing workflows with that in mind.

On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Pingo van der Brinkloev wrote:
 No car lovers out there :)

 On 06/07/2013, at 22.41, Pingo van der Brinkloev wrote:


 I have an upcoming project where a car(3D) is driving inbetween shapes, that 
 turn out to be a logo. It's gonna be semi realistic, so I need to make the 
 cars movements believable. I have a fast edit (quick cuts), so I'm probably 
 going to animate by hand (don't think I need dynamics). But if anybody has 
 some heads up, dos and don'ts about car-related animation it'd be greatly 
 appreciated. It's a Formula1 btw.



Re: 2014-2013

2013-07-06 Thread Andy Jones
You may also want to consider exporting .mi files and having your farm
service render using mr standalone if they have it.  Or you could possibly
do something similar with stand-ins/archives.  There are often similar
workflows for other renderers.

And just a not on the 5 render nodes from command line, if you use a
different renderer than mental ray, or are doing non-mental ray processing,
you can run unlimited command line instances using the -processing flag.
 I haven't done it myself, but I suspect using vray with -processing can be
pretty cost effective, since you get some rendernodes with your interactive
license (right?)

On Friday, July 5, 2013, Manny Papamanos wrote:

 Converting a scene is wasted time imo and may yield bad results at render
 due to passes and data that doesn’t port over.
 Personally, I would override the render manager and just render with
 xsibatch –render [“scenepath”] –skip
 in a command prompt.
 You can run on 5 separate terminals to one SI license.

 Manny Papamanos
 Autodesk Softimage and MotionBuilder Support

 From: javascript:; [mailto: javascript:;] On Behalf Of Rob
 Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 8:31 AM
 To: javascript:;
 Subject: Re: 2014-2013

 or try an earlier .xsi version export of the scene made into a model...?

 On 5 July 2013 12:41, Sandy Sutherland 
 sandy.mailli...@gmail.comjavascript:; javascript:; wrote:
 Well you could write out caches - then export obj of geometry - go into
 the previous Softimage, import the obj - load the cache onto it and redo
 the texture - UV should go with the obj - camera you could try fbx.


 On 2013/07/05 12:38 PM, Pingo van der Brinkloev wrote:
 I don't evern have caches. This scene is so simple. I'm using 2 texture
 maps and everything else is super simple animation and geo.

 Isn't there a cheat? Somehow to get soft to think it's a 2013 scene?


 On 05/07/2013, at 12.33, Sandy Sutherland 
 sandy.mailli...@gmail.comjavascript:; javascript:; wrote:

Re: Softimage 2013/2014 Irradiance Particles - IP Optimize still single threaded?

2013-03-31 Thread Andy Jones
Yeah, I agree.  I'm assuming the xsibatch license tokens are tied in with
Mental Ray licensing.  Given that -processing already allows you to do
everything but render, it would be very strange to prevent you from kicking
off the execution of a 3rd party plugin.

On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 10:30 AM, Steven Caron wrote:

 i doubt it, processing flag is there for that exact reason. we have been
 using for a long time, 2007 maybe. they obviously only care about one
 renderer. requiring another softimage license would be cost prohibative.
 they could do a lot of damage if they change this!

Re: Softimage 2013/2014 Irradiance Particles - IP Optimize still single threaded?

2013-03-29 Thread Andy Jones
Sort of as an aside, we were talking license counts the other day and
discovered the -processing license flag.  If you didn't know about this,
it seems to allow you to not only process scenes with an arbitrary number
of Softimage instances, but also lets you render using 3rd party renderers
without pulling the limited xsibatch tokens.  From what I can tell, you
essentially have unlimited command line Softimages, but a fixed number of
mental rays.  Good news for people looking at 3rd party renderers, as you
don't have to factor in the cost of bundled mental ray as you expand your
farm, and you don't have to worry about implementing an .ass file pipeline
(unless you want to for other reasons).  I'm not sure it's actually changed
anything in terms of what we would have bought, as we've got a fair number
of xsibatch already, but it's just nice to know, and it's making it much
easier to roll out a hybrid workflow.

Re: Difference between a force and a velocity ?

2013-02-13 Thread Andy Jones
The example of running around on a track is wrong unless you're on a
stationary planet.  Way to confuse Olivier, guys :(

Here's my stab:  Definitions aside, velocity describes how something is
moving at an instant in time.  Force, however, is more closely related to
how an object will accelerate over time (in that the acceleration of the
object is directly proportional to the forces acting upon it).  So if a
force is acting on an object, that will cause it to start moving
differently as time passes, like what happens when you drop something.
 When you drop a ball, gravity (a force) causes its downward velocity to
increase more and more as time passes.

A noteworthy exception to this simple explanation of forces and velocity
are forces that are actually dependent on velocity.  In practice, one of
the most common such forces is the force of friction with a surface, such
as a table top (or even the surface of air against the object, which is a
component of the drag force affecting an object traveling through a
medium).  For example, as an object travels faster and faster through the
air, the force of friction with the air will increase.  This is why when
you first drop a ball it speeds up on its way down, but once it's falling
fast enough, it will stop speeding up and continue at a constant speed (and
constant velocity, if you're a stickler for terminology).  Once the ball is
falling at a fixed speed, you know that the force of gravity and the force
of drag/friction are equal and opposite, such that they cancel out.

This is of course ignoring secondary effects, such as the heat generated by
the people below arguing over email forums about how physics works.  In
this case, as the arguing increases, the amount of hot air released
increases, and the air surrounding the ball becomes thinner, reducing the
drag force on the ball, and causing it to fall even faster, thereby
increasing the speed at which the ball hits its intended target, hopefully
reminding that target that it's silly to get worked up over Newtonian
physics, since it's a simplified approximation of reality anyway.

- Andy

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Raffaele Fragapane wrote:

 I don't have an account, please feel free to do so in my place. I googled
 it though, didn't do all the post myself ;)

 On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Steven Caron wrote:

 please add...

 On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Raffaele Fragapane wrote:

 Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it
 and let them flee like the dogs they are!

Re: Camera mapping heavily distorted in viewport

2012-11-07 Thread Andy Jones
I believe the problem is because opengl texture mapping functions implement
linear interpolation of the UVs at the vertices, but a camera projection
does not interpolate linearly.  In order to do a proper hardware-based
camera projection, you would need to interpolate the UVs as part of the
fragment/pixel shading code.  Otherwise, they'd need to add some sort of
camera projection texturing mode to the OpenGL standard (assuming they
haven't already?  I'm not super current on these things.)

By subdividing, you gradually converge on a better and better piecewise
linear approximation of the camera projection.  Like how integrals work.  A
trick I've used in the past is to apply the camera projection to a diced
clone of my object, so that I can do all my modeling, etc underneath, on
the lower res object.

- Andy

On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 8:59 AM, Andi Farhall wrote:

 I've found simple cameramapped planes need some subdivisions to play nice.

 ** **


 ** **

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Szabolcs Matefy
 *Sent:* 07 November 2012 08:38
 *Subject:* Camera mapping heavily distorted in viewport

 ** **

 Hey folks, I was in trouble in the last two days. I had an image of a
 room, and I had to build up the room’s walls using simple planes. The image
 is then cameramapped (or projected) back onto these planes. I wanted to
 show the client the stuff in the viewport, and I was horrified, that the
 texture of the image was distorted to the point when I decided I can’t show
 this to the client. I had to subdivide the planes about ten or more times
 to have some decent camera mapping. In render it was OK, but the client
 wanted to render it with HQV. Any idea? I’m especially interested a
 solution that doesn’t involve too much geometry…

 ** **


 ** **


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Re: Object Label Channel... Nevermind

2012-10-19 Thread Andy Jones
Multiplying by coverage is only half of it.  You also need to get a 1-pixel
edge around your hard matte, and multiply that by the inverse of the
pixel coverage, then add the result to the first part.  So:

Good Matte = (Aliased Matte) * Pixel Coverage + (1-pixel edge of Aliased
Matte) * (1 - Pixel Coverage).

There's a good chance that will be too much math in AfterEffects, and your
compositor will give up.  In Nuke, you can build a gizmo, and it ends up
being pretty manageable.  If you're working with someone else using AE, I
recommend generating mattes for them (potentially using the coverage pass
as described), to keep the complexity down in the actual comp.

Also, keep in mind, this technique doesn't work well with semi-transparent
objects, motion blur, or depth of field.  It only solves the problem for
hard cg edges.

- Andy

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Byron Nash wrote:

 Thanks for the info Eric and Ciaran. I will give that a shot.

 On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 12:05 PM, Eric Lampi wrote:

 Hey Ed,

 Here you go. They were talking about an ObjectID shader, but it seems
 like this is pretty much the same thing as the current Object Label channel.


 On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Ed Manning wrote:

 hey eric -- could you post the links you found? (I'm feeling to lazy to
 google that string myself!)  ;-)

 On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Eric Lampi ericla...@gmail.comwrote:

 Murphy's Law applied to email lists, 5 minutes after you send off a
 help post, you find what you need. I did a search on ObjectID instead of
 Object Label after seeing someone refer to it...

 Thanks anyway,


 Freelance 3D and VFX animator

 Freelance 3D and VFX animator

Re: Raafal

2012-10-11 Thread Andy Jones
Maybe it was a decease and desist.  Zing.

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Matt Lind ml...@carbinestudios.comwrote:

 Author died?  I heard the project was given a 'cease and desist' order
 from the courts for copyright/patent infringement.


 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Luc-Eric Rousseau
 Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 10:20 AM
 Subject: Re: Raafal

 a fun fact for everyone.

 A french guy did start to make a Softimage|3D (not XSI) open source clone
 back in the late 1990s!
 It was called Moonlight|3D!  (yep, cloned the | pipe as well)

 Here is a screenshot:

 The author died around the year 2000. Moonlight 3D still continues today,
 but in name only; the new team writes in Java and they have dropped the
 Softimage legacy.

Re: Raafal

2012-10-10 Thread Andy Jones
The 2020's appeared as a holographic avatar and recommended that the
buttons be enormous, 3-dimensional, and semi-transparent, so you can use
them with a gestural display on augmented reality headwear.

On Wednesday, October 10, 2012, Eric Thivierge wrote:

 Maybe that's because you're from the 80s era? :P  The 1990s called and
 want their fuzzy bevels and oblong rounded corners back.

 Eric Thivierge

 On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 9:26 AM, Greg Punchatz 
 g...@janimation.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');

  Why not?..they make me feel warm and fuzzy ;)

 *Greg Punchatz*
  *Sr. Creative Director*

Re: Running Softimage from the network (central install)

2012-10-09 Thread Andy Jones
I can't speak from personal experience with Softimage running from a
network, but one thing to keep in mind is that Linux (specifically NFS)
does a much better job than Windows (specifically CIFS/SMB) of caching
files and not always pounding the network over and over again for the same

I like the rsync idea a lot.  Anytime files are being read multiple times,
and rarely written is a good place to deploy that sort of strategy.  On
Centos 6, there's a thing called FS-Cache that does persistent caching of
network files.  At the last place I worked, we talked about it briefly, in
the context of application deployment, but it was still too early for
Centos 6.  And now I'm back on Windows :(

- Andy

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 8:28 PM, Alan Fregtman alan.fregt...@gmail.comwrote:

 At work when we start up XSI we rsync from the network copy so it's local
 but updates can be deployed easily should we make a change. (Linux, too.)

 On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 8:25 PM, Raffaele Fragapane wrote:

 It can be done easily enough, and we do it for test versions before they
 are rolled out to local deployment, and I did it at home for a hwile,
 mostly for shits and giggles.

 These days it's not bad at all, but of course the loading times will go
 up a chunk depending on network related factors, but not by absurd amounts
 unless you run a sloth of a network.

 This is on linux, no idea on windows.

 On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 6:38 AM, Jens Lindgren wrote:

 Hehe yeah I know it could be slow, but I just want to test it.
 We're running Nuke from the network and it loads really fast.


Re: In case you missed it..

2012-09-12 Thread Andy Jones
I find it kind of hilarious that the only reason any Softimage users
want there to be a Softimage suite is so that they'll feel like
they're being treated fairly.  None of us actually wants to pay
extra money for a bonus Maya or Max license.  I'd love to see the
Softimage diagram to go alongside the Maya/Max diagram.  I think it
would be something like this:

The Area of Excellence

The Area of Access to Cheap Labor
Maya, fbx

The Area of Access to Some Good 3rd Party Plugins

The Area of Unfair Marketing
The Area

I'm mostly kidding of course, but I think there's also a nugget of
truth.  If Autodesk pushed Softimage as a standalone product and
succeeded, good luck selling people suites of redundant products.

Re: ICE in Maya is an engineer's worst nightmare

2012-09-06 Thread Andy Jones
I really think the fact that Sony built Katana to manage their large
scene complexity rather than somehow pipelining Maya speaks to a
fundamental lack of scalability inherent in the organization of the
scene graph.  Look at a render layer in the hypergraph.  There are
nodes, but the nodes that exist have little regard for streamlining

I think for scalability beyond what ICE and lots of RAM offers, you
have to be thinking in terms of cloud computing, cluster computing,
and similar distributed models.  GPU computing essentially follows a
similar need for a mapReduce scheme as well, as you need to be able to
manage the large data sets in a massively parallel way in order for
them to be useful.  Honestly, though, I think building scalability on
this magnitude is far more feasible for specialized tools designed to
solve a particular problem (like a massive fluid sim) than as a
modified framework for a general application.  The reason is that
unless you're talking about a specific tool (city generator, fluid
sim, etc) actual scene content is human-bound, and therefore already
mapReduced by the production workflow.  Beyond that, the scene graph's
purpose is to be a top-down interface to the entire scene graph.  By
it's nature it either fits everything at once, or has to load pieces
on demand and/or use a proxy representation system in order to be
useful as a complete view of your scene.

Personally, I think for any of the big 3 apps, the scalability answer
actually has more to do with offloading than changing the
architecture.  And the irony there is that offloading is actually a
relatively simple problem to solve, compared to modifying node-based
workflows.  Exocortex will probably streamline it between the three
apps long before Autodesk does.  I mean, they're already well on their
way with their Alembic plugin products.

Once scenes are offloading efficiently, you simply design your
specialty software to talk to the same offloading protocol, or act as
a plug-in in software that already speaks that protocol.

The bleeding edge for scene scalability is found in render software,
not DCC apps.  And it's pretty much always been that way.

- Andy

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 9:30 AM, Williams, Wayne wrote:
 What I'd like to know is how the devs feel about the core of Maya in 
 comparison to Soft now that they have access to the code (I'm guessing this 
 is the case, please let me know if wrong).  Are there any things you devs see 
 that were done extremely well in Maya and Soft could have taken a cue from in 
 that regard or vice versa? I realize that you can't go into specifics but 
 figured I'd put the general question out there.

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Stefan Kubicek
 Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2012 12:05 PM
 Subject: Re: ICE in Maya is an engineer's worst nightmare

 Fair enough and agreed on, but why would Maya be a better candidate to be 
 developed in that direction than any other app?

 On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 11:22 AM, Stefan Kubicek 
 Scalability is a good buzzword, but what does it actually mean?

 In the specific context of FX, scalability means very large number of
 objects, billions of particles, huge fluid grids, etc. Stuff that may
 not even fit in RAM at once.  Juhani's mention of Katana is a good
 one; it doesn't just everything in RAM at once and process it the way
 traditional apps do, it creates a receipe that will run in the
 renderer as needed.  For very large data sets, different tools and
 approach are required other than just adding more RAM to a single PC
 and doing things the old way.  It's also difficult to reference,
 track, change  all those assets if the system isn't thought for that.
 Again, truck vs family car.

 Does it mean you can process more data in the same amount of time
 compared to another app? And what kind of data? Procedural geometry?
 Rendered Images? Does it mean you can load more assets into the same
 amount of available RAM on a machine compared to another app?

 How would the automation of such processes need to look like to scale well?
 Scripted? C++? Node-based like ICE?
 Multithreading across the board? Or is it a question of architecture
 rather than which programming language was used to implement it (scripted 
 vs C++)?
 What does Maya offer in this regard, or where does it differ, to
 scale well/better than Soft or app X in your opinion?

 In my experience Softimage offers pretty much the same mechanisms to
 automate processes and handle scene complexity as Maya does, + ICE on
 top, and I found it can load a good chunk more data simultaneously
 than Maya can fit into the same amount of memory, especially when it
 comes to working with textures and realtime shaders. That was up
 until two versions ago, maybe that has changed?
