Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-13 Thread robert luis rabello

first consider the source:

"Dr Andrew Snelling is a geologist with a B.Sc. (Hons) from The 
University of New South Wales and a Ph. D. from The University of 
Sydney, but now also works full-time with the Creation Science 
Foundation where he contributes to Creation Ex Nihilo magazine and edits 
the Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal. He resides in Brisbane, 

So he's a creationist.  Big deal!

	You're wearing a wizard's hat on your web site.  Does that detract 
from your credibility or the legitimacy of the arguments you espouse? 
 I understand and accept that you do not ascribe the origin of life 
and the environment that sustains it to supernatural means, (despite 
your wizard's hat!), but I expect that a man of your intellect and 
education should limit commentary to the substance of the argument.

Second, the example you cite doesn't negate the technique, it just calls 
for caution in selecting a site with an appropriate geomorphology to 
ensure an accurate date, free from confounding variables. what the 
article really says is that Koongarra, Australia is not a good site for 

Did you miss the introduction?  Let me quote it for you:

	"However, it is important to remember that all radiometric dating 
methods are based on three main assumptions:-

   1. The physico-chemical system must have always been closed. Thus 
no parent, daughter or other decay products within the system can have 
been removed, and no parent, daughter or other decay products from 
outside the system can have been added.
   2. The system must initially have contained none of its daughter 
elements or decay products, or at the very least we need to know the 
starting conditions/state of the decay system.
   3. The decay rate, referred to as the half-life of the radioactive 
parent element, must have always been the same, that is, constant.

The highly speculative nature of all radiometric dating methods 
becomes apparent when one realizes that none of the above assumptions 
is either valid or provable. Put simply, none of these assumptions can 
have been observed to have always been true throughout the supposed 
millions of years the radioactive elements have presumed to have been 

	This is hardly calling for caution in the Koongarra, Australia case 
alone.  The author calls into question the underlying assumptions of 
all radiometric dating methods, according to what he has written 
above.  Dr. Snelling criticizes the application of uranium - thorium - 
lead in general, then presents 5 points from the Koongarra 
mineralization data to demonstrate why this particular formation 
cannot be accurately dated by the U - Th - Pb method.  Here's another 

	"Indeed, the U- Th-Pb system is well known to be prone to open system 
behaviour, with U being particularly geochemically mobile, meaning 
that U is readily lost from the crystal lattices of the minerals used 
for 'dating', including zircons. Pb is also prone to diffusion from 
minerals. Thus it is questionable as to why this radiometric 'dating' 
method is still used. Instead, it is increasingly being applied in 
more sophisticated ways to geological 'dating' problems."

	He's indicting the whole process with statements of this nature. 
Now, geology is not my field, but I read English well enough to 
comprehend that this man disputes long age chronology using 
radiometric methods because he contends:

	"As with all the other apparent isochron 'ages', these results from 
the weathered rocks and soils have no apparent geological meaning, 
because there is no geological event to which these 'ages' might 

Now you write here:

radiometric dating, when performed by experienced scientists, and 
reviewed by peers, is the best method for determining the ages on lots 
of stuff, and far and away better than consulting the often transcribed 
oral history of a desert tribe from thousands of years ago.

	But Dr. Snelling is not arguing that the Hebrew creation poem 
presents a superior, scientific explanation.  He's claiming that the 
conclusions drawn from radiometric dating methods that he describes as 
an "open system" present an invalid means of determining the age of 
geologic formations.  That is the essence of his argument.

	In the event that you haven't actually read the oral history of that 
particular desert tribe, nowhere does it state the age of the earth. 
Short age creation chronology is a problem codified on our behalf by 
Bishop Ussher, not the Hebrews.

Lets talk about protein first, the stuff dna codes for.  Hemoglobin is a good example.  It is the oxygen carrier for 
distribution of oxygen in a great number of animals.  If I look at the 
specific amino acid sequence in hemoglobin, I see that is my hemoglobin 
is essentially identical to the hemoglobin of every human on the planet. 
(ok if you have tay-sachs disease or sickle cell anemia, you have a 
single amino

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-13 Thread Keith Addison

  This is a fascinating idea (tapping into the energy of the ether) 
that seems to be producing results. The Japanese are reported to be 
the world leaders in this field. It is easy to see why the interest 
is so intense there.

It's easy to see why they might be interested in alternative energy 
sources, since they have to import so much of their energy and have 
their Kyoto Protocol commitments to meet, but if you lived here you'd 
hardly know it, except for all the solar.

But saying that of course they'd be interested shores up the 
preceding claim that the Japanese are world leaders in this research. 
Westerners seem very ready to believe that the Japanese would be way 
ahead in this or that advanced field, and the ever-practical Japanese 
wouldn't bother if it were all nonsense, would they? What's really 
attractive about it is that it's so difficult to check, it proves 
nothing if you can't find anything in English. So the idea seems to 
be regularly coopted by people needing some credence for perhaps 
dubious claims.

No doubt there are Japanese researchers fiddling with all sorts of 
exotic things in various physics labs (though their nuclear power 
industry fails to impress), but we're rather involved in alternative 
energy issues here in Japan and we've heard nothing of anyone here 
leading the world by tapping into the energy of the ether, nor of any 
interest in such a thing. I'm not saying it's not true, but I'd like 
to see some references, especially urls. They can be in Japanese, 
that's okay with us.

If you can't find any references maybe you should stop saying this, 
because there's a good chance it isn't true. Subjects such as these 
are fraught with hogwash and fraud and hearsay and rumour and 
conspiracisms, you need to pick your way through it all with great 
care if you're not going to be gulled.

Sorry for talking too much. Best wishes, D. Mindock

That's what it's for. However, please note what it says in the list rules:

"Anything that has to do with energy has relevance for biofuels 
issues. Similarly, though the focus is on "ready-to-use" 
technologies, discussion of all alternative energy technologies and 
topics is welcome. ("Free energy" scams might not be very welcome.)"



- Original Message - From: "Chuck Elsholz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 7:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device


I was just wondering where the "over-unity" power is coming from. Also, has
anyone referenced Dr. Bruce DePalma or the Space Power Generator, or the
work of Dr. Searl and his devices?
Happy to see great interest in a better and smarter world.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-13 Thread bob allen


big snip

Humor me for a minute, and have a read.  I'd be very interested in
your critique of the article.  Remember, I'm interested in truth and
if the article has flaws or errors or whatever I'd like to know
about it.  There are other articles that address the problems
in the other processes cited above.

first consider the source:

"Dr Andrew Snelling is a geologist with a B.Sc. (Hons) from The 
University of New South Wales and a Ph. D. from The University of 
Sydney, but now also works full-time with the Creation Science 
Foundation where he contributes to Creation Ex Nihilo magazine and edits 
the Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal. He resides in Brisbane, Australia.

Second, the example you cite doesn't negate the technique, it just calls 
for caution in selecting a site with an appropriate geomorphology to 
ensure an accurate date, free from confounding variables. what the 
article really says is that Koongarra, Australia is not a good site for 
dating.  I have no problem with the report other than the o so loaded 


Now tim, you have claimed that measurements are off by orders of 
magnitude.  could you provide me with such evidence?  Who has 
reproducibly got such variance?  And I don't mean due to incompetence.

I'm trying to find the actual paper (to make sure that I can read
the context), but my reference includes the following:
"Processes of rock alteration may render a volcanic rock useless for 
potassium-argon dating . . We have analyzed several devitrified glasses 
of known age, and all have yielded ages that are too young. Some gave 
virtually zero ages, although the geologic evidence suggested that 
devitrification took place shortly after the formation of a deposit." 
*J.F. Evernden, et. al., "K / A Dates and Cenozoic Mannalian Chronology 
of North America," in American Journal of Science, February 1964, p. 154.

Granted, there have been a number of 'studies' done that have hand
selected rock samples that exhibit discordant ages.  However,
"so frauds have occured. they don't negate the theory."

We should be able to examine the processes in use, and discuss
flaws in reasoning as well as results.

By the way, many of the presuppositions of these methods you've
stated have primary flaws in reasoning that invalidates their
results.  Such as I've explained in a prior post about radioactive
half life.

As I recall you questioned the stability of the half-lives of 
radioactive isotopes? Doesn't your computer(s) keep track of time via 
an atomic clock? at least by reference ?  Again I would like to see 
any any evidence as to the variance in half-lives.

I'm not suggesting that radio-active half-lives have changed.
What's in view is variances between the different methods
used.  For example, the isotope ratio at the time of the
formation of the sample, or  ion migrate in and out of the
sample (the assumption of a closed system).

vide infra

radiometric dating, when performed by experienced scientists, and 
reviewed by peers, is the best method for determining the ages on lots 
of stuff, and far and away better than consulting the often transcribed 
oral history of a desert tribe from thousands of years ago.

Look, an unobserved series of historical events happened.  No
transitional species have ever been found (notwithstanding several
publications' attempts to present them from time to time) that
has stood up to scrutiny.

what?  just in terms of human evolution, australopithecenes 
evolutionarily precede  "homo" genera.  Within Homo, are a series of 
species such as erectus, habilis, and on and on.  And if you look at 
the dna the relationships are overwellminingly obvious.  There is a 
gradual change in the dna as you move across the spectrum of life.  
My dna is more like a chimpanzee's than the chimpanzee's is like a 
gorilla's.  Put another way, the dna of a sea squirt is more like 
mine than it is to a salmonella bacteria.  One must really try hard 
to not see the relationships among life.

So you're saying that DNA has been collected from all the skeleton
fragments that were used to construct this tree of descent?  I'd
be interested to see that.  What is the degree of sequence match
between the australopithecenes skeleton and one of us?

dna doesn't survive more than a few ten's of thousands of years, under 
the best of circumstances.  Fossils don't have dna.  The dna is from 
extant species.  the closer the dna sequences, the closer the 
phylogenetic relationship.

Since there are no DNA sequences in the fossils, then how do you
make the link?  Do I understand you to mean that you look at
living species today that seem to have the characteristics of
the fossils?  I mean, at one point dinosaurs were believed to be

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-12 Thread Tim Brodie

Thanks for your reply.  I appreciate your respectful tone.

bob allen wrote:

Tim Brodie wrote:

I'm always interested that people use the *Theory* of Evolution as
an example of Science.  At best you could call it an hypothesis,
since to be science a theory must be observable and repeatable.

things like phyolgenetic relationships, as indicated via the 
similarity of the dna of the genome are certainly observable and 

This tells us that living things in general are organized using
similar building blocks, and that plants are organized in similar
ways to other plants, etc.  It doesn't necessarily demand conclusions
about origins.

actually, all like is assembled alike, use the same genetic code. 
Applying Occam's razor, the best solution is that there is a 
evolutionary relationship

The best solution would be your first statement that "all like is 
assembled alike, use the same genetic code."  There is nothing

causal past this statement that can be gleaned from scientific
inquiry.  Past this point are just guesses (educated or otherwise).

As I've looked into this idea of evolution, what I've found is alot
of conjecture and interdisciplinary circular reasoning.  Stories
that constantly change.  Comets this year, asteriods last year,
volcanoes the year before.

If you are talking about the mass extinctions which have occured from 
time to time over a hundreds of millions of years, then different 
extinctions have been discussed in the context of different events. 
Nothing here contradicts the simple notion that the diversity of life 
we see is due to random mutations selected for by various forces.

Perhaps the comment wasn't helpful; I'm trying to challenge the
notion that explanations more often than not have nothing to do
with historical events, or historical processes.

 I still don't understand what you are getting at here

Lot's of articles have been written as to how and why President Kennedy
got shot.  Without a real observer all they are is conjecture.  However,
the President was shot during a specific sequence of events that are
historical.  They happened.  We can argue all we want that things
must have happened in a certain sequence, but we will only be correct
if and when we actually guess the real historical sequence of events.

The question of origins really comes down to whether or not we have
a reliable observer of the events.  If we say we don't, then really
all we are left with is conjecture.

What is, is that pile of fossilized bones.  What we don't have, is
an understanding of the real historical events that 'generated'
them.  So we invent what we consider to be plausible stories to
explain it; like the tiger story Keith referred to earlier.

"These fossils are x-millions of years old" say the *biologists*
"because they're found in rock x-millions of years old."  "These rocks
are x-millions of years old" say the *archiologists* "because these
fossils are in them, and we know that these animals lived x-millions of
years ago."

Actually, there are a whole bunch of methods for dating. In addition 
to  stragraphy, there are numerous radioactive decay series, with 
overlapping half-lives, archeomagnetic dating which utilizes the 
meandreings of the magnetic poles, obsidian hydration, fission track, 
amino acid racemization, and on and on.  There is no circular 
reasoning here.  the methods are essentially indipendently verifiabe, 
and a ages determined from first principles.

Help me out here.  Produce one sample of rock that has been dated
by any three of these methods that come within an order of magnitude
of each other.  I'll be really glad to see it; I've looked. Perhaps
I just haven't connected with the right information.

ok,   from Dalrymple, G. Brent (1991) The Age of the Earth. Stanford 
University Press, 474 pp.

Some of the oldest rocks on earth are found in Western Greenland. 
Because of their great age, they have been especially well studied. The 
table below gives the ages, in billions of years, from twelve different 
studies using five different techniques on one particular rock formation 
in Western Greenland, the Amitsoq gneisses.

Technique Age Range (billion years)
uranium-lead 3.60±0.05
lead-lead 3.56±0.10
lead-lead 3.74±0.12
lead-lead 3.62±0.13
rubidium-strontium 3.64±0.06
rubidium-strontium 3.62±0.14
rubidium-strontium 3.67±0.09
rubidium-strontium 3.66±0.10
rubidium-strontium 3.61±0.22
rubidium-strontium 3.56±0.14
lutetium-hafnium 3.55±0.22
samarium-neodymium 3.56±0.20
(compiled from Dalrymple, 1991)
Note that scientists give their results with a stated uncertainty. They 
take into account all the possible errors and give a range within which 
they are 95% sure that the actual value lies. The top number, 3.60±0.05, 
refers to the range 3.60+0.05 to 3.60-0.05. The size of this range is 
every bit as important

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-12 Thread robert luis rabello

Hi All,

I really don´t care much for this so I´ll keep it quick. I agree with your
comments Bob. Folks who don´t understand DNA well have great difficulty with
this evolution stuff.

	Additionally, some of us who understand DNA well have great 
difficulty accepting this "evolution stuff" as fact.  It's a theory 
and should be understood as such.

There have also been many religious frauds, with the
"Shroud of Turin" coming immediately to mind.

	It's interesting that you should mention this.  I read a book by Dr. 
Leoncio A. Garza - Valdes entitled "The DNA of God?" which examines 
the Shroud of Turin in a very different, and perhaps more rigorous, 
light than has been espoused in the past.  Dr. Garza - Valdes studied 
smear samples from the occipital region of the shroud's dorsal image 
using a microscope, histochemical techniques (including Mallory's 
Prussian blue reaction and Wright's stain), and immunohisto-chemical 
techniques.  He concluded that the smears present on the shroud 
consist of cellular material, rather than crystalline substance, as 
would be the case had the smears been produced by pigment.  These 
smears have been almost entirely replaced by fungi and bacteria, 
though some cell structures remain.  (They won't, however, for long!)

	Different scientists, looking at the same evidence, draw contrasting 
conclusions.  Using samples lifted from the shroud, Drs. Baima 
Bollone, John Heller and Alan Adler reported that the stains consist 
of human blood.  Dr. Walter McCrone, examining the very same samples, 
reported that no blood appears on the shroud, and the results of his 
examinations have been widely distributed.  However, Dr. Garza - 
Valdes isolated human DNA from the shroud (tests performed at the PCR 
lab at U Texas, San Antonio)  and cloned three gene segments.  He 
concludes that the stains are indeed, human blood from a male.

	Now, Dr. Garza - Valdes specializes in the study of Mayan artifacts. 
 Many of these were used in ceremonial blood letting, and on the 
objects exposed to human blood and sweat, a bioplastic sheen that 
results from microbial processes develops over time.  Dr. Garza - 
Valdes examined the Shroud of Turin and concluded that the image 
appearing on it is the result of this bioplastic sheen, an image that 
would have taken several hundred years to become visible to the naked 
eye.  (In brief, bacteria exist on the entire artifact.  Where blood 
and sweat soaked into the fabric, the culture would grow as it 
consumed these substances.  Areas of the highest bacterial growth 
produce the greatest percentage of bioplastic "waste"; the 
accumulation of which appears as a human image to our minds.)

What of the famous radiocarbon dating?

	The question as it relates to the Shroud of Turin is this:  What 
precisely is being measured by the radiocarbon dating?  The acid - 
base - acid method most often used to clean samples has no impact on 
the bacteria present on the material, nor of the bioplastic coating 
over the flax fibers.  With a higher concentration of sodium 
hydroxide, the flax could be destroyed, but the bioplastic tubules 
that had grown around the fibers remained intact.  More than 60 
percent of the material remaining on the Shroud of Turin consists of 
this bioplastic material; a sufficient proportion to skew the results.

	In other words, there is nothing wrong with the dating method, but 
the dating method is not measuring what we intend it to measure.  The 
results from radiocarbon dating performed in 1988 (which showed a date 
range between 1260 and 1390) are likely skewed by the interference of 
more recent microbiological activity.  The December 1994 radiocarbon 
dating performed on crushed samples from the shroud's threads (with 
the bioplastic tubules chemically removed and filtered) showed a date 
range between 5000 and 4200 years of age because of the Tris-borate 
buffer used in the test contains some carbon and ALSO skewed the results.

	So, what's the truth?  Even if we could ascertain a 1st century age 
for the shroud, would that evidence conclusively prove that the Shroud 
of Turin was, in fact, the burial cloth of Jesus Christ?  Hardly!

	My point in all of this is that we should be careful about drawing 
conclusions based upon evidence that we may not fully understand. 
Science is a method, not an interpretation; a question, not 
necessarily the answer.  We need to keep our minds open as information 
comes to light, understanding that intelligent people approach the 
evidence from differing frames of reference, and as a result, will 
view the outcome through the lens of their own perspective.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind>

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-12 Thread Chuck Elsholz

Thanks for the response. I am familiar with Bearden and Maxwell, as well as
Hyperdimentional Physics ala Hogland. Aetherial Theory is being worked on
all over the world. The impacts will be tremendous. The work in Russia on
Torsion Waves is also quite impressive. Dr. Bruce DePalma created the simple
yet impressive "spinning ball" experiment as well as his own "over unity"
device called the N-Machine.
I am wondering if anyone is familiar with Faraday's Homopolar Motor. Does it
produce "extra" energy?

-Original Message-
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 01:23:59 -0500
From: "D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Yo Chuck,
I think it comes from the ratio of output power to input power. So 10
watts out for one watt in would
give 10/1 = 10. Some devices are giving 200 times the input for the output.
I believe the triple coated beads
of Patterson give such a figure. One of the tenets of science is that the
experiment must be reproducible. Patterson's
device was checked by three top-flight labs by building the device from
scratch using Patterson's design and his
beads which he supplied. The
labs all got the same result, a large output figure, but none were able to
figure out why or how the devices were working. They just work. I don't know
if Patterson himself knows exactly how they work. Inventors use intuition
and trial and error a lot. He is a chemist, retired from Dow.
I've heard of Searle, an Englishman I believe. But DePalma is a new name
to me. Of course, we need to always acknowledge
Nikola Tesla who was way ahead of everyone. I am reading a biography about
him. He was/is an amazing genius, perhaps
even moreso than Einstein. He built his machines and ran tests on them, all
in his mind. He could make adjustments and retest, all without ever building
the device. When he finally did build a device, it was not only a finished
product, but one never conceived by anyone else. His professor told him that
no one would ever build an AC motor. Tesla did this and a lot more. He felt
he could do anything he wanted with electricity.
Over unity doesn't explain where the energy is coming from, of course.
That is still being hashed out, (google Tom Bearden)even as intrepid
inventors build machines that are somehow tapping into this tremendous
energy field that is everywhere. It appears that if this energy (aka the
ether) was not present, we would not be present either. It is easy to forget
that we are built of atoms and are subject to all the unseen forces in the
This is a fascinating idea (tapping into the energy of the ether) that
seems to be producing results. The Japanese are reported to be the world
leaders in this field. It is easy to see why the interest is so intense
there. Here in the US of A, there seems to be an effort to make this field
of endeavor something beneath "real" science, whatever real science is
supposed to be. You could be labeled as gullible or worse for even bringing
up the subject. Remember that for five years after the Wright Brothers flew
at Kittyhawk, the New York Times called it a hoax. The magazine Scientific
American also took a dim view of the Wright Brothers. So the Wright Brothers
went to France where they were greeted as heroes. Only then did they get the
respect they deserved here in the US. Pioneers are almost always castigated
by "experts". There always seems to be an entrenched group who want to
preserve the status quo, regardless of the cost.
We have our retro government in Wash DC which is denying reality. Next
year the Toyota Prius loses its tax credit of $2000 while the Hummer keeps
its $25000 credit. Go figure. Do you think they would be the least bit
interested in an over-unity device? Their only interest is to discourage it
everyway that they can. Even making biodiesel in your own garage for your
own use is likely to be discouraged if it ever gets to be more than an
annoyance to Big Oil.
Sorry for talking too much. Best wishes, D. Mindock

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-12 Thread bob allen

bob allen wrote:

Tim Brodie wrote:

I'm always interested that people use the *Theory* of Evolution as
an example of Science.  At best you could call it an hypothesis,
since to be science a theory must be observable and repeatable.

things like phyolgenetic relationships, as indicated via the 
similarity of the dna of the genome are certainly observable and 

This tells us that living things in general are organized using
similar building blocks, and that plants are organized in similar
ways to other plants, etc.  It doesn't necessarily demand conclusions
about origins.

actually, all like is assembled alike, use the same genetic code. 
Applying Occam's razor, the best solution is that there is a 
evolutionary relationship

As I've looked into this idea of evolution, what I've found is alot
of conjecture and interdisciplinary circular reasoning.  Stories
that constantly change.  Comets this year, asteriods last year,
volcanoes the year before.

If you are talking about the mass extinctions which have occured from 
time to time over a hundreds of millions of years, then different 
extinctions have been discussed in the context of different events. 
Nothing here contradicts the simple notion that the diversity of life 
we see is due to random mutations selected for by various forces.

Perhaps the comment wasn't helpful; I'm trying to challenge the
notion that explanations more often than not have nothing to do
with historical events, or historical processes.

 I still don't understand what you are getting at here

"These fossils are x-millions of years old" say the *biologists*
"because they're found in rock x-millions of years old."  "These rocks
are x-millions of years old" say the *archiologists* "because these
fossils are in them, and we know that these animals lived x-millions of
years ago."

Actually, there are a whole bunch of methods for dating. In addition 
to  stragraphy, there are numerous radioactive decay series, with 
overlapping half-lives, archeomagnetic dating which utilizes the 
meandreings of the magnetic poles, obsidian hydration, fission track, 
amino acid racemization, and on and on.  There is no circular 
reasoning here.  the methods are essentially indipendently verifiabe, 
and a ages determined from first principles.

Help me out here.  Produce one sample of rock that has been dated
by any three of these methods that come within an order of magnitude
of each other.  I'll be really glad to see it; I've looked. Perhaps
I just haven't connected with the right information.

ok,   from Dalrymple, G. Brent (1991) The Age of the Earth. Stanford 
University Press, 474 pp.

Some of the oldest rocks on earth are found in Western Greenland. 
Because of their great age, they have been especially well studied. The 
table below gives the ages, in billions of years, from twelve different 
studies using five different techniques on one particular rock formation 
in Western Greenland, the Amitsoq gneisses.

Technique   Age Range (billion years)
lead-lead   3.56±0.10
lead-lead   3.74±0.12
lead-lead   3.62±0.13
rubidium-strontium  3.64±0.06
rubidium-strontium  3.62±0.14
rubidium-strontium  3.67±0.09
rubidium-strontium  3.66±0.10
rubidium-strontium  3.61±0.22
rubidium-strontium  3.56±0.14
samarium-neodymium  3.56±0.20
(compiled from Dalrymple, 1991)
Note that scientists give their results with a stated uncertainty. They 
take into account all the possible errors and give a range within which 
they are 95% sure that the actual value lies. The top number, 3.60±0.05, 
refers to the range 3.60+0.05 to 3.60-0.05. The size of this range is 
every bit as important as the actual number. A number with a small 
uncertainty range is more accurate than a number with a larger range. 
For the numbers given above, one can see that all of the ranges overlap 
and agree between 3.62 and 3.65 billion years as the age of the rock. 
Several studies also showed that, because of the great ages of these 
rocks, they have been through several mild metamorphic heating events 
that disturbed the ages given by potassium-bearing minerals (not listed 
here). As pointed out earlier, different radiometric dating methods 
agree with each other most of the time, over many thousands of 
measurements. Other examples of agreement between a number of different 
measurements of the same rocks are given in the references below..

Now tim, you have claimed that measurements are off by orders of 
magnitude.  could you provide me with such evidence?  Who has 
reproducibly got such variance?  And I don't mean due to incompetence.

By the way, many of the presuppositions of these methods you've
stated have primary flaws in reasoning that i

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-12 Thread D. Mindock

   Very well put! I think we need to not to be afraid to admit that we 
hardly know anything

at all. It is the mystery of it all that makes life so delicious.
Peace and gratitude, D. Mindock

- Original Message - 
From: "Tom Irwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 5:56 PM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

Hi All,

I really don´t care much for this so I´ll keep it quick. I agree with your
comments Bob. Folks who don´t understand DNA well have great difficulty with
this evolution stuff. There have also been many religious frauds, with the
"Shroud of Turin" coming immediately to mind. I´m not an agnostic. If
anything I think folks should have an even larger idea of God rather than a
small simplistic one. I mean where did the energy for the Big Bang come from
anyway? It was large enough to spread the entire universe out from something
extremely small and yet spawned fusion reactions in stars. Last I read,
fusion reactions are the most powerful reactions we´ve actually seen. So at
some point there had to be a "Power" greater than a fusion reaction. Call
that whatever you will. It´s difficult for me to look into the night sky,
see the beauty, and not believe there´s something else greater than mankind.


Tom Irwin

-Original Message-
From: bob allen
Sent: 11/04/05 17:57
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

Tim Brodie wrote:

I'm always interested that people use the *Theory* of Evolution as
an example of Science.  At best you could call it an hypothesis,
since to be science a theory must be observable and repeatable.

things like phyolgenetic relationships, as indicated via the similarity
of the dna of the genome are certainly observable and repeatable

As I've looked into this idea of evolution, what I've found is alot
of conjecture and interdisciplinary circular reasoning.  Stories
that constantly change.  Comets this year, asteriods last year,
volcanoes the year before.

If you are talking about the mass extinctions which have occured from
time to time over a hundreds of millions of years, then different
extinctions have been discussed in the context of different events.
Nothing here contradicts the simple notion that the diversity of life we

see is due to random mutations selected for by various forces.

"These fossils are x-millions of years old" say the *biologists*
"because they're found in rock x-millions of years old."  "These rocks
are x-millions of years old" say the *archiologists* "because these
fossils are in them, and we know that these animals lived x-millions


years ago."

Actually, there are a whole bunch of methods for dating. In addition to
 stragraphy, there are numerous radioactive decay series, with
overlapping half-lives, archeomagnetic dating which utilizes the
meandreings of the magnetic poles, obsidian hydration, fission track,
amino acid racemization, and on and on.  There is no circular reasoning
here.  the methods are essentially indipendently verifiabe, and a ages
determined from first principles.

Look, an unobserved series of historical events happened.  No
transitional species have ever been found (notwithstanding several
publications' attempts to present them from time to time) that
has stood up to scrutiny.

what?  just in terms of human evolution, australopithecenes
evolutionarily precede  "homo" genera.  Within Homo, are a series of
species such as erectus, habilis, and on and on.  And if you look at the

dna the relationships are overwellminingly obvious.  There is a gradual
change in the dna as you move across the spectrum of life.  My dna is
more like a chimpanzee's than the chimpanzee's is like a gorilla's.  Put

another way, the dna of a sea squirt is more like mine than it is to a
salmonella bacteria.  One must really try hard to not see the
relationships among life.

  Remember whole hominid skulls fashioned

from one pig's tooth?  No?  That's because it isn't of general
interest to the evolutionary *scientists*, and thus we still find
Piltdown stories being published in children's 'science' textbooks.

so frauds have occured. they don't negate the theory.

Evolution is not science, it's a worldview that fits a set of
religious beliefs and as such is really only a religious
precursor.  Certainly not science.

criminently, there is nothing religious about recognizing that the
easiest way to explain biological diversity is random mutations and
selective pressure to create what we have in the world around us.

Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" — Richard Feynman
[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]


Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-12 Thread D. Mindock

   I think it comes from the ratio of output power to input power. So 10 
watts out for one watt in would
give 10/1 = 10. Some devices are giving 200 times the input for the output. 
I believe the triple coated beads
of Patterson give such a figure. One of the tenets of science is that the 
experiment must be reproducible. Patterson's
device was checked by three top-flight labs by building the device from 
scratch using Patterson's design and his

beads which he supplied. The
labs all got the same result, a large output figure, but none were able to 
figure out why or how the devices were working. They just work. I don't know 
if Patterson himself knows exactly how they work. Inventors use intuition 
and trial and error a lot. He is a chemist, retired from Dow.
   I've heard of Searle, an Englishman I believe. But DePalma is a new name 
to me. Of course, we need to always acknowledge
Nikola Tesla who was way ahead of everyone. I am reading a biography about 
him. He was/is an amazing genius, perhaps
even moreso than Einstein. He built his machines and ran tests on them, all 
in his mind. He could make adjustments and retest, all without ever building 
the device. When he finally did build a device, it was not only a finished 
product, but one never conceived by anyone else. His professor told him that 
no one would ever build an AC motor. Tesla did this and a lot more. He felt 
he could do anything he wanted with electricity.
   Over unity doesn't explain where the energy is coming from, of course. 
That is still being hashed out, (google Tom Bearden)even as intrepid 
inventors build machines that are somehow tapping into this tremendous 
energy field that is everywhere. It appears that if this energy (aka the 
ether) was not present, we would not be present either. It is easy to forget 
that we are built of atoms and are subject to all the unseen forces in the 
   This is a fascinating idea (tapping into the energy of the ether) that 
seems to be producing results. The Japanese are reported to be the world 
leaders in this field. It is easy to see why the interest is so intense 
there. Here in the US of A, there seems to be an effort to make this field 
of endeavor something beneath "real" science, whatever real science is 
supposed to be. You could be labeled as gullible or worse for even bringing 
up the subject. Remember that for five years after the Wright Brothers flew 
at Kittyhawk, the New York Times called it a hoax. The magazine Scientific 
American also took a dim view of the Wright Brothers. So the Wright Brothers 
went to France where they were greeted as heroes. Only then did they get the 
respect they deserved here in the US. Pioneers are almost always castigated 
by "experts". There always seems to be an entrenched group who want to 
preserve the status quo, regardless of the cost.
   We have our retro government in Wash DC which is denying reality. Next 
year the Toyota Prius loses its tax credit of $2000 while the Hummer keeps 
its $25000 credit. Go figure. Do you think they would be the least bit 
interested in an over-unity device? Their only interest is to discourage it 
everyway that they can. Even making biodiesel in your own garage for your 
own use is likely to be discouraged if it ever gets to be more than an 
annoyance to Big Oil.

Sorry for talking too much. Best wishes, D. Mindock

- Original Message - 
From: "Chuck Elsholz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 7:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

I was just wondering where the "over-unity" power is coming from. Also, 

anyone referenced Dr. Bruce DePalma or the Space Power Generator, or the
work of Dr. Searl and his devices?
Happy to see great interest in a better and smarter world.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-12 Thread Tim Brodie

Tim Brodie wrote:

I'm always interested that people use the *Theory* of Evolution as
an example of Science.  At best you could call it an hypothesis,
since to be science a theory must be observable and repeatable.

things like phyolgenetic relationships, as indicated via the similarity 
of the dna of the genome are certainly observable and repeatable

This tells us that living things in general are organized using
similar building blocks, and that plants are organized in similar
ways to other plants, etc.  It doesn't necessarily demand conclusions
about origins.

As I've looked into this idea of evolution, what I've found is alot
of conjecture and interdisciplinary circular reasoning.  Stories
that constantly change.  Comets this year, asteriods last year,
volcanoes the year before.

If you are talking about the mass extinctions which have occured from 
time to time over a hundreds of millions of years, then different 
extinctions have been discussed in the context of different events. 
Nothing here contradicts the simple notion that the diversity of life we 
see is due to random mutations selected for by various forces.

Perhaps the comment wasn't helpful; I'm trying to challenge the
notion that explanations more often than not have nothing to do
with historical events, or historical processes.

"These fossils are x-millions of years old" say the *biologists*
"because they're found in rock x-millions of years old."  "These rocks
are x-millions of years old" say the *archiologists* "because these
fossils are in them, and we know that these animals lived x-millions of
years ago."

Actually, there are a whole bunch of methods for dating. In addition to 
 stragraphy, there are numerous radioactive decay series, with 
overlapping half-lives, archeomagnetic dating which utilizes the 
meandreings of the magnetic poles, obsidian hydration, fission track, 
amino acid racemization, and on and on.  There is no circular reasoning 
here.  the methods are essentially indipendently verifiabe, and a ages 
determined from first principles.

Help me out here.  Produce one sample of rock that has been dated
by any three of these methods that come within an order of magnitude
of each other.  I'll be really glad to see it; I've looked. Perhaps
I just haven't connected with the right information.

By the way, many of the presuppositions of these methods you've
stated have primary flaws in reasoning that invalidates their
results.  Such as I've explained in a prior post about radioactive
half life.

Look, an unobserved series of historical events happened.  No
transitional species have ever been found (notwithstanding several
publications' attempts to present them from time to time) that
has stood up to scrutiny.

what?  just in terms of human evolution, australopithecenes 
evolutionarily precede  "homo" genera.  Within Homo, are a series of 
species such as erectus, habilis, and on and on.  And if you look at the 
dna the relationships are overwellminingly obvious.  There is a gradual 
change in the dna as you move across the spectrum of life.  My dna is 
more like a chimpanzee's than the chimpanzee's is like a gorilla's.  Put 
another way, the dna of a sea squirt is more like mine than it is to a 
salmonella bacteria.  One must really try hard to not see the 
relationships among life.

So you're saying that DNA has been collected from all the skeleton
fragments that were used to construct this tree of descent?  I'd
be interested to see that.  What is the degree of sequence match
between the australopithecenes skeleton and one of us?

  Remember whole hominid skulls fashioned

from one pig's tooth?  No?  That's because it isn't of general
interest to the evolutionary *scientists*, and thus we still find
Piltdown stories being published in children's 'science' textbooks.

so frauds have occured. they don't negate the theory.

Agreed, they don't.  Why are science textbooks publishers so
incredibly sloppy to keep publishing this tripe?  Anyone?

Evolution is not science, it's a worldview that fits a set of
religious beliefs and as such is really only a religious
precursor.  Certainly not science.



there is nothing religious about recognizing that the 
easiest way to explain biological diversity is random mutations and 
selective pressure to create what we have in the world around us.

Others on the forum suggest that religion is all about having
faith in spite of contradictory objective facts.  It's also
about creating a story to satisfy deep human spiritual needs.
Myths to give greater meaning and purpose to life.  (By the
way, I'm not a religious person)

Evolution is far from the easiest way to explain the diversity
of life, but it is the most convenient.

Best regards... Tim

We do not see things as they are; we see things as we are.

Tim Brodie, IT Manager:SysAdmin:S/W Developer, DWI California
501 S Idaho St, Suite 190, La Habra, CA 90631 USA
Phone: 310-766-2338 Fax: 562

RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-12 Thread Tom Irwin

Hi All,

I really don´t care much for this so I´ll keep it quick. I agree with your
comments Bob. Folks who don´t understand DNA well have great difficulty with
this evolution stuff. There have also been many religious frauds, with the
"Shroud of Turin" coming immediately to mind. I´m not an agnostic. If
anything I think folks should have an even larger idea of God rather than a
small simplistic one. I mean where did the energy for the Big Bang come from
anyway? It was large enough to spread the entire universe out from something
extremely small and yet spawned fusion reactions in stars. Last I read,
fusion reactions are the most powerful reactions we´ve actually seen. So at
some point there had to be a "Power" greater than a fusion reaction. Call
that whatever you will. It´s difficult for me to look into the night sky,
see the beauty, and not believe there´s something else greater than mankind.


Tom Irwin

-Original Message-
From: bob allen
Sent: 11/04/05 17:57
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

Tim Brodie wrote:

> I'm always interested that people use the *Theory* of Evolution as
> an example of Science.  At best you could call it an hypothesis,
> since to be science a theory must be observable and repeatable.

things like phyolgenetic relationships, as indicated via the similarity 
of the dna of the genome are certainly observable and repeatable

> As I've looked into this idea of evolution, what I've found is alot
> of conjecture and interdisciplinary circular reasoning.  Stories
> that constantly change.  Comets this year, asteriods last year,
> volcanoes the year before.

If you are talking about the mass extinctions which have occured from 
time to time over a hundreds of millions of years, then different 
extinctions have been discussed in the context of different events. 
Nothing here contradicts the simple notion that the diversity of life we

see is due to random mutations selected for by various forces.

> "These fossils are x-millions of years old" say the *biologists*
> "because they're found in rock x-millions of years old."  "These rocks
> are x-millions of years old" say the *archiologists* "because these
> fossils are in them, and we know that these animals lived x-millions
> years ago."

Actually, there are a whole bunch of methods for dating. In addition to 
  stragraphy, there are numerous radioactive decay series, with 
overlapping half-lives, archeomagnetic dating which utilizes the 
meandreings of the magnetic poles, obsidian hydration, fission track, 
amino acid racemization, and on and on.  There is no circular reasoning 
here.  the methods are essentially indipendently verifiabe, and a ages 
determined from first principles.

> Look, an unobserved series of historical events happened.  No
> transitional species have ever been found (notwithstanding several
> publications' attempts to present them from time to time) that
> has stood up to scrutiny.

what?  just in terms of human evolution, australopithecenes 
evolutionarily precede  "homo" genera.  Within Homo, are a series of 
species such as erectus, habilis, and on and on.  And if you look at the

dna the relationships are overwellminingly obvious.  There is a gradual 
change in the dna as you move across the spectrum of life.  My dna is 
more like a chimpanzee's than the chimpanzee's is like a gorilla's.  Put

another way, the dna of a sea squirt is more like mine than it is to a 
salmonella bacteria.  One must really try hard to not see the 
relationships among life.

   Remember whole hominid skulls fashioned
> from one pig's tooth?  No?  That's because it isn't of general
> interest to the evolutionary *scientists*, and thus we still find
> Piltdown stories being published in children's 'science' textbooks.

so frauds have occured. they don't negate the theory.

> Evolution is not science, it's a worldview that fits a set of
> religious beliefs and as such is really only a religious
> precursor.  Certainly not science.

criminently, there is nothing religious about recognizing that the 
easiest way to explain biological diversity is random mutations and 
selective pressure to create what we have in the world around us.

Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" — Richard Feynman
[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-11 Thread bob allen

I'm always interested that people use the *Theory* of Evolution as
an example of Science.  At best you could call it an hypothesis,
since to be science a theory must be observable and repeatable.

things like phyolgenetic relationships, as indicated via the similarity 
of the dna of the genome are certainly observable and repeatable

As I've looked into this idea of evolution, what I've found is alot
of conjecture and interdisciplinary circular reasoning.  Stories
that constantly change.  Comets this year, asteriods last year,
volcanoes the year before.

If you are talking about the mass extinctions which have occured from 
time to time over a hundreds of millions of years, then different 
extinctions have been discussed in the context of different events. 
Nothing here contradicts the simple notion that the diversity of life we 
see is due to random mutations selected for by various forces.

"These fossils are x-millions of years old" say the *biologists*
"because they're found in rock x-millions of years old."  "These rocks
are x-millions of years old" say the *archiologists* "because these
fossils are in them, and we know that these animals lived x-millions of
years ago."

Actually, there are a whole bunch of methods for dating. In addition to 
 stragraphy, there are numerous radioactive decay series, with 
overlapping half-lives, archeomagnetic dating which utilizes the 
meandreings of the magnetic poles, obsidian hydration, fission track, 
amino acid racemization, and on and on.  There is no circular reasoning 
here.  the methods are essentially indipendently verifiabe, and a ages 
determined from first principles.

Look, an unobserved series of historical events happened.  No
transitional species have ever been found (notwithstanding several
publications' attempts to present them from time to time) that
has stood up to scrutiny.

what?  just in terms of human evolution, australopithecenes 
evolutionarily precede  "homo" genera.  Within Homo, are a series of 
species such as erectus, habilis, and on and on.  And if you look at the 
dna the relationships are overwellminingly obvious.  There is a gradual 
change in the dna as you move across the spectrum of life.  My dna is 
more like a chimpanzee's than the chimpanzee's is like a gorilla's.  Put 
another way, the dna of a sea squirt is more like mine than it is to a 
salmonella bacteria.  One must really try hard to not see the 
relationships among life.

  Remember whole hominid skulls fashioned

from one pig's tooth?  No?  That's because it isn't of general
interest to the evolutionary *scientists*, and thus we still find
Piltdown stories being published in children's 'science' textbooks.

so frauds have occured. they don't negate the theory.

Evolution is not science, it's a worldview that fits a set of
religious beliefs and as such is really only a religious
precursor.  Certainly not science.

criminently, there is nothing religious about recognizing that the 
easiest way to explain biological diversity is random mutations and 
selective pressure to create what we have in the world around us.

Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" — Richard Feynman
[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-11 Thread Michael Redler

Hi Chuck,
That's a question we're all asking. I wish the phrase "over-unity" was never 
coined because it negates the more important (and only reasonable) question 
being asked about the device.
Where is the energy coming from?  

Chuck Elsholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I was just wondering where the "over-unity" power is coming from. Also, has
>anyone referenced Dr. Bruce DePalma or the Space Power Generator, or the
>work of Dr. Searl and his devices?
>Happy to see great interest in a better and smarter world.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-11 Thread Chuck Elsholz

>I was just wondering where the "over-unity" power is coming from. Also, has
>anyone referenced Dr. Bruce DePalma or the Space Power Generator, or the
>work of Dr. Searl and his devices?
>Happy to see great interest in a better and smarter world.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-10 Thread Tim Brodie

Evolution is not science, it's a worldview that fits a set of
religious beliefs and as such is really only a religious
precursor.  Certainly not science.

And what of the fact that I can place selective pressure on bacteria in 
a culture and get them to evolve a new trait, like, oh say, antibotic 
resistance? And then I can publish how I did it, and then Bob, who is 
1000 miles away, can replicate it exactly, without us ever having met or 

Adaptation represents a loss of genetic information, not a gain.
Evolution represents a systemic gain of information, since we move
from lower completity to higher complexity over great spans of time.
From virus to single cells to multi-cells, etc.

We can breed out sensitivity to a particular antibiotic, but we aren't 
creating a new organism. We still have the same kind of bacterium,

although it's adaptation may look like a different 'color'.

We've been breeding dogs for centuries and selecting for various
traits.  We still only have dogs.

Best regards... Tim
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-09 Thread Keith Addison
gt; and really small ones on the front and then the car would run
> downhill and you wouldn't need the engine.
> Best wishes
> Keith
> >Hi All,
> >
> >One of my favorite devices was the Transmographier from Calvin and Hobbes.
> >Then there was the Flux Capacitor from "Buckaroo Banzai in the Fifth
> >Dimension" later stolen by the "Back to the Future" series. Remember any
> >more folks?
> >
> >Tom with a smile
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Keith Addison
> >Sent: 9/04/05 5:26
> >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
> >
> > >For some good articles on unconventional energy,
> >
> >Energy is energy. Unconventional energy sources? If they actually
> >produced any energy rather than just smoke and hot air then they
> >wouldn't be unconventional for long, conspiracism notwithstanding.
> >
> > >see and read their pdf file, a free
> > >download. There's a couple dozen articles there. If you read them,
> > >you'll get a real sense of what's going
> > >on.
> >
> >What is going on other than a lot of talk, claims, hot air and smoke,
> >and conspiracy theories? Anyhing at all?
> >
> > >You won't find it here in this forum.
> >
> >I wonder why that might be? LOL!
> >
> >Peace to you too.
> >
> >Best wishes
> >
> >Keith
> >
> >
> > >Peace, D. Mindock

Darryl McMahon
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-09 Thread Keith Addison

extensions of the second law of thermodynamics"  or "Origins of Oil 
and the Abiotic Theory"  , but no energy to be found.

The latter is particularly galling to me as a scientist, and a 
continuing source of confusion.  the word theory used by a scientist 
is defined as an overarching explanation of a large set of data, 
with bazillions of studies supporting the concept.  The basic atomic 
theory and the theory of evolution come to mind.  The problem is 
those with a less pedantic bent use the word theory in the sense of 
conjecture or notion or maybe even hypothesis.


Aw, Bob, you mean Timothy Leary's Theory ain't nowt but condeckchair? 
Now there's a sad thing.

But I must agree with you about this. On the other hand, it's also 
true to say that the august edifice of science is pretty damn' good 
at ignoring excellent and watertight scientific work that doesn't 
conform to its comfortable assumptions, as one of those articles 
notes, and these days it's pretty corrupt with it, bought and owned, 
far to often, with he who pay's the piper very much calling the tune. 
And the results, which are then offered as "science". Scylla and 
Charybdis. Like life, eh?



D. Mindock wrote:
For some good articles on unconventional energy, see and read their pdf file, a free
download. There's a couple dozen articles there. If you read them, 
you'll get a real sense of what's going

on. You won't find it here in this forum.
Peace, D. Mindock

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-09 Thread John Hayes

Evolution is not science, it's a worldview that fits a set of
religious beliefs and as such is really only a religious
precursor.  Certainly not science.

And what of the fact that I can place selective pressure on bacteria in 
a culture and get them to evolve a new trait, like, oh say, antibotic 
resistance? And then I can publish how I did it, and then Bob, who is 
1000 miles away, can replicate it exactly, without us ever having met or 

Not science you say? I beg to differ.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-09 Thread Tim Brodie

The latter is particularly galling to me as a scientist, and a 
continuing source of confusion.  the word theory used by a scientist is 
defined as an overarching explanation of a large set of data, with 
bazillions of studies supporting the concept.  The basic atomic theory 
and the theory of evolution come to mind.


I'm always interested that people use the *Theory* of Evolution as
an example of Science.  At best you could call it an hypothesis,
since to be science a theory must be observable and repeatable.

As I've looked into this idea of evolution, what I've found is alot
of conjecture and interdisciplinary circular reasoning.  Stories
that constantly change.  Comets this year, asteriods last year,
volcanoes the year before.

"These fossils are x-millions of years old" say the *biologists*
"because they're found in rock x-millions of years old."  "These rocks
are x-millions of years old" say the *archiologists* "because these
fossils are in them, and we know that these animals lived x-millions of
years ago."

Look, an unobserved series of historical events happened.  No
transitional species have ever been found (notwithstanding several
publications' attempts to present them from time to time) that
has stood up to scrutiny.  Remember whole hominid skulls fashioned
from one pig's tooth?  No?  That's because it isn't of general
interest to the evolutionary *scientists*, and thus we still find
Piltdown stories being published in children's 'science' textbooks.

Evolution is not science, it's a worldview that fits a set of
religious beliefs and as such is really only a religious
precursor.  Certainly not science.

Best regards... Tim
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-09 Thread Darryl McMahon

Keith (and all),

I've always been a fan of the internal gravity drive system you have described 
here.  However, please note the huge penalty encountered when you need to 
Also problematic when climbing very steep inclines.  The low-tech version of 
is simply to plan all your trips so that you always drive downhill.

There is also the water/hydrogen fuel system which is so popular in weblore of 
late.  Personally, I think more research is required into the potential for 
spraying steam into the combustion chamber with the hydrogen to increase the 
expansion rate, producing more power, and obtaining more energy from the same 
amount of water fuel.

Having some experience with electric drive systems, I have had discussions on 
other techniques.  Having batteries to store electrical energy opens several 
additional options.

There is the potential for stringing energy collection webbing over the vehicle 
collect cosmic or zero-point energy to charge the batteries continuously.  (Due 
the low voltage, a network of capacitors and voltage doublers - which obviously 
double the energy available - is likely required as well, but you know, no 
investment is too large when we're talking free energy.  Naturally "ultra-
capacitors" improve the efficiency relative to those older, conventional 

The Tesla electric car provides incontrovertible evidence that this is a viable 
approach (if only it still existed or anyone actually had any idea how it 

My personal favourite remains the "generator on one wheel" energy 
system.  Simply put a generator one wheel of the electric car, and use it to 
produce electricity to charge the batteries while driving.  The car will never 
out of charge this way.  I have been approached so many times about this 
that I am prepared to provide a fully functional electric car to anyone who 
to pursue this research for a mere Cdn$15,000.00.  This to hasten the necessary 
research and prototyping or the individual or consortium that will inevitably 
become rich beyond our dreams by perfecting this technology.  (Caveats:  I only 
have one testbed available, so it is first-come, first-serve - cash, money 
order or 
certified cheque.  If demand warrants, I will try to supply additional 
but only in the name of stimulating competition to encourage faster development 
this technology.)

I'll cut this short as I have to meet with a potential business partner this 
afternoon, but would love to get into the mechanics of a wind-generator-powered 
electric car, which would obviously be charged by the high wind speed of the 
vehicle traveling on the road turning the turbine blades.

Darryl McMahon
(physics is so limiting compared to our imaginations)

> Hi Tom
> I liked a friend's wonderfully simple plan for cutting car fuel 
> consumption by 100% - and emissions too, therefore, though we didn't 
> think much about emissions back then.
> He said all you had to do was to put really big wheels on the back 
> and really small ones on the front and then the car would run 
> downhill and you wouldn't need the engine.
> Best wishes
> Keith
> >Hi All,
> >
> >One of my favorite devices was the Transmographier from Calvin and Hobbes.
> >Then there was the Flux Capacitor from "Buckaroo Banzai in the Fifth
> >Dimension" later stolen by the "Back to the Future" series. Remember any
> >more folks?
> >
> >Tom with a smile
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Keith Addison
> >Sent: 9/04/05 5:26
> >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
> >
> > >For some good articles on unconventional energy,
> >
> >Energy is energy. Unconventional energy sources? If they actually
> >produced any energy rather than just smoke and hot air then they
> >wouldn't be unconventional for long, conspiracism notwithstanding.
> >
> > >see and read their pdf file, a free
> > >download. There's a couple dozen articles there. If you read them,
> > >you'll get a real sense of what's going
> > >on.
> >
> >What is going on other than a lot of talk, claims, hot air and smoke,
> >and conspiracy theories? Anyhing at all?
> >
> > >You won't find it here in this forum.
> >
> >I wonder why that might be? LOL!
> >
> >Peace to you too.
> >
> >Best wishes
> >
> >Keith
> >
> >
> > >Peace, D. Mindock

Darryl McMahon
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-09 Thread bob allen

extensions of the second law of thermodynamics"  or 
"Origins of Oil and the Abiotic Theory"  , but no energy to 
be found.

The latter is particularly galling to me as a scientist, and 
a continuing source of confusion.  the word theory used by a 
scientist is defined as an overarching explanation of a 
large set of data, with bazillions of studies supporting the 
concept.  The basic atomic theory and the theory of 
evolution come to mind.  The problem is those with a less 
pedantic bent use the word theory in the sense of conjecture 
or notion or maybe even hypothesis.


D. Mindock wrote:
For some good articles on unconventional energy, see and read their pdf file, a free
download. There's a couple dozen articles there. If you read them, 
you'll get a real sense of what's going

on. You won't find it here in this forum.
Peace, D. Mindock

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" - Richard Feynman
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-09 Thread Keith Addison

I liked a friend's wonderfully simple plan for cutting car fuel 
consumption by 100% - and emissions too, therefore, though we didn't 
think much about emissions back then.

He said all you had to do was to put really big wheels on the back 
and really small ones on the front and then the car would run 
downhill and you wouldn't need the engine.

Best wishes


Hi All,

One of my favorite devices was the Transmographier from Calvin and Hobbes.
Then there was the Flux Capacitor from "Buckaroo Banzai in the Fifth
Dimension" later stolen by the "Back to the Future" series. Remember any
more folks?

Tom with a smile

-Original Message-
From: Keith Addison
Sent: 9/04/05 5:26
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

>For some good articles on unconventional energy,

Energy is energy. Unconventional energy sources? If they actually
produced any energy rather than just smoke and hot air then they
wouldn't be unconventional for long, conspiracism notwithstanding.

>see and read their pdf file, a free
>download. There's a couple dozen articles there. If you read them,
>you'll get a real sense of what's going

What is going on other than a lot of talk, claims, hot air and smoke,
and conspiracy theories? Anyhing at all?

>You won't find it here in this forum.

I wonder why that might be? LOL!

Peace to you too.

Best wishes


>Peace, D. Mindock

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-09 Thread Tom Irwin

Hi All,

One of my favorite devices was the Transmographier from Calvin and Hobbes.
Then there was the Flux Capacitor from "Buckaroo Banzai in the Fifth
Dimension" later stolen by the "Back to the Future" series. Remember any
more folks?

Tom with a smile  

-Original Message-
From: Keith Addison
Sent: 9/04/05 5:26
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

>For some good articles on unconventional energy,

Energy is energy. Unconventional energy sources? If they actually 
produced any energy rather than just smoke and hot air then they 
wouldn't be unconventional for long, conspiracism notwithstanding.

>see and read their pdf file, a free
>download. There's a couple dozen articles there. If you read them, 
>you'll get a real sense of what's going

What is going on other than a lot of talk, claims, hot air and smoke, 
and conspiracy theories? Anyhing at all?

>You won't find it here in this forum.

I wonder why that might be? LOL!

Peace to you too.

Best wishes


>Peace, D. Mindock

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-09 Thread Keith Addison

Energy is energy. Unconventional energy sources? If they actually 
produced any energy rather than just smoke and hot air then they 
wouldn't be unconventional for long, conspiracism notwithstanding.

see and read their pdf file, a free
download. There's a couple dozen articles there. If you read them, 
you'll get a real sense of what's going


What is going on other than a lot of talk, claims, hot air and smoke, 
and conspiracy theories? Anyhing at all?

You won't find it here in this forum.

I wonder why that might be? LOL!

Peace to you too.

Best wishes


Peace, D. Mindock

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-09 Thread D. Mindock

and read their pdf file, a free
download. There's a couple dozen articles there. If you read them, you'll 
get a real sense of what's going

on. You won't find it here in this forum.
Peace, D. Mindock

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-08 Thread Rick Littrell

I believe there is a Ferengie trader in your area that might be able to 
help but it will cost you.  Then again look on the bright side.  At 
least the Ferengie aren't Halliburton.  If they were you'd really get 


Kirk McLoren wrote:

Yes, I am actually hoping to put a couple of fusion units together since I 
can't find a source of dilithium crystals on this remote forgotten outpost. 
Would you accept half a pound of pure unobtanium as payment?

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Common sense is actually quite uncommon in some circles. Most of the 
"free" energy people I have talked with seem to have a large 
emotional investment in their paradigm, be it concern about energy 
shortage to perceiving themselves as victims of a cabal.

Your points are valid but I don't think the average Lutec fan will 
understand you.

Great invention Keith. Will a Pepsi bottle work just as well?

LOL! No, Kirk, it has to be a Dr Pepsi bottle. Do I see you getting 
out your chequebook?






Jurie Vorster wrote:
Not an expert in any particular field but common sense and a bit of
logic tells me...

1) The "how-it-works" stuff claims that the *permanent* magnet provides
energy in keeping the object suspended from the roof equating to a
electromagnet holding it up there but expending energy instead. WELL,
how would LUTEC explain the energy content of PERMANENT GLUE holding up
the object... or what about hanging it from a PERMANENT HOOK that is
screwed into the ceiling?

2) In the device, the magnets moves towards the steel thus giving
inertial energy to the armature... then a counter electromagnetic field
is applied to "neutralise" the magnetic properties of the steel thus
allowing the permanent magnets to rotate past freely. This
"neutralising" pulse needs to be long enough so that the next "step" can
initiate or until the "back-step" that will slow down the magnets (thus
reducing its inertial energy) pull is less than the "forward-step" pull.

AT BEST, the amount of energy to "neutralise" the steel magnetic effect
will equal the amount of inertial energy generated by the pull of the
magnets towards the steel... no GAIN. Thus there will be only loss of
total energy and the efficiency of the "smoothing" effect as per patent
description will be related to the losses in the electronics to control
the "neutralising" field coils and mechanical resistance etc...

My theory is that if someone can find a MATERIAL that cuts or shield a
magnetic field in "line-of-sight" to achieve the "neutralising" effect
proposed by the LUTEC device creator, can such a device be possible. No
such material exists to my knowledge as the magnetic field would curl
around the "shield" and still slow down the permanent magnets.

Some savvy boffin may be able to come up with such a material that could
even be made to mechanically rotate into and out of the "line-of-sight"
with the permanent magnets... not unlike these film-strip movie
projectors synchronises field frames onto the viewing screen.

My longwinded two cents worth.

Can we now get back to Bio Diesel!?!?


-----Original Message-
Behalf Of Chris
Sent: 03 April 2005 03:07
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

OK Keith, be nice.


I've developed this wonderful technique of producing cold
fusion in a Dr Pepper bottle, just add the secret ingredients and
shake it 3.5 times... Interested?


Do you Yahoo!?
Better first dates. More second dates. Yahoo! Personals 

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-08 Thread Keith Addison

Yes, I am actually hoping to put a couple of fusion units together

To make them breed, you mean? Aren't you mixing technologies a bit?

since I can't find a source of dilithium crystals on this remote 
forgotten outpost.

Yes, life can be tough out here on Planet Earth. Some folks on 
Ganymede were giving it away for nothing, or so they claimed, but you 
know what they say about Ganymedeans bearing gifts. Probably got 
anti-deuterium in it, boom! Warped sense of humour, those Ganymedeans.

Would you accept half a pound of pure unobtanium as payment?

Per watt produced of course? Yes, please direct the bulk carrier to 
Kobe rather than Osaka, it's more convenient for us. You can make up 
the bulk with 10% tincanium if you wish.

Take care Kirk




Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Common sense is actually quite uncommon in some circles. Most of the
>"free" energy people I have talked with seem to have a large
>emotional investment in their paradigm, be it concern about energy
>shortage to perceiving themselves as victims of a cabal.
>Your points are valid but I don't think the average Lutec fan will
>understand you.
>Great invention Keith. Will a Pepsi bottle work just as well?

LOL! No, Kirk, it has to be a Dr Pepsi bottle. Do I see you getting
out your chequebook?




>Jurie Vorster wrote:
>Not an expert in any particular field but common sense and a bit of
>logic tells me...
>1) The "how-it-works" stuff claims that the *permanent* magnet provides
>energy in keeping the object suspended from the roof equating to a
>electromagnet holding it up there but expending energy instead. WELL,
>how would LUTEC explain the energy content of PERMANENT GLUE holding up
>the object... or what about hanging it from a PERMANENT HOOK that is
>screwed into the ceiling?
>2) In the device, the magnets moves towards the steel thus giving
>inertial energy to the armature... then a counter electromagnetic field
>is applied to "neutralise" the magnetic properties of the steel thus
>allowing the permanent magnets to rotate past freely. This
>"neutralising" pulse needs to be long enough so that the next "step" can
>initiate or until the "back-step" that will slow down the magnets (thus
>reducing its inertial energy) pull is less than the "forward-step" pull.
>AT BEST, the amount of energy to "neutralise" the steel magnetic effect
>will equal the amount of inertial energy generated by the pull of the
>magnets towards the steel... no GAIN. Thus there will be only loss of
>total energy and the efficiency of the "smoothing" effect as per patent
>description will be related to the losses in the electronics to control
>the "neutralising" field coils and mechanical resistance etc...
>My theory is that if someone can find a MATERIAL that cuts or shield a
>magnetic field in "line-of-sight" to achieve the "neutralising" effect
>proposed by the LUTEC device creator, can such a device be possible. No
>such material exists to my knowledge as the magnetic field would curl
>around the "shield" and still slow down the permanent magnets.
>Some savvy boffin may be able to come up with such a material that could
>even be made to mechanically rotate into and out of the "line-of-sight"
>with the permanent magnets... not unlike these film-strip movie
>projectors synchronises field frames onto the viewing screen.
>My longwinded two cents worth.
>Can we now get back to Bio Diesel!?!?
>-Original Message-
>Behalf Of Chris
>Sent: 03 April 2005 03:07
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
>OK Keith, be nice.
> >I've developed this wonderful technique of producing cold
> > fusion in a Dr Pepper bottle, just add the secret ingredients and
> > shake it 3.5 times... Interested?
> >
> > Keith

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-07 Thread Kirk McLoren

Yes, I am actually hoping to put a couple of fusion units together since I 
can't find a source of dilithium crystals on this remote forgotten outpost. 
Would you accept half a pound of pure unobtanium as payment?

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Common sense is actually quite uncommon in some circles. Most of the 
>"free" energy people I have talked with seem to have a large 
>emotional investment in their paradigm, be it concern about energy 
>shortage to perceiving themselves as victims of a cabal.
>Your points are valid but I don't think the average Lutec fan will 
>understand you.
>Great invention Keith. Will a Pepsi bottle work just as well?

LOL! No, Kirk, it has to be a Dr Pepsi bottle. Do I see you getting 
out your chequebook?




>Jurie Vorster wrote:
>Not an expert in any particular field but common sense and a bit of
>logic tells me...
>1) The "how-it-works" stuff claims that the *permanent* magnet provides
>energy in keeping the object suspended from the roof equating to a
>electromagnet holding it up there but expending energy instead. WELL,
>how would LUTEC explain the energy content of PERMANENT GLUE holding up
>the object... or what about hanging it from a PERMANENT HOOK that is
>screwed into the ceiling?
>2) In the device, the magnets moves towards the steel thus giving
>inertial energy to the armature... then a counter electromagnetic field
>is applied to "neutralise" the magnetic properties of the steel thus
>allowing the permanent magnets to rotate past freely. This
>"neutralising" pulse needs to be long enough so that the next "step" can
>initiate or until the "back-step" that will slow down the magnets (thus
>reducing its inertial energy) pull is less than the "forward-step" pull.
>AT BEST, the amount of energy to "neutralise" the steel magnetic effect
>will equal the amount of inertial energy generated by the pull of the
>magnets towards the steel... no GAIN. Thus there will be only loss of
>total energy and the efficiency of the "smoothing" effect as per patent
>description will be related to the losses in the electronics to control
>the "neutralising" field coils and mechanical resistance etc...
>My theory is that if someone can find a MATERIAL that cuts or shield a
>magnetic field in "line-of-sight" to achieve the "neutralising" effect
>proposed by the LUTEC device creator, can such a device be possible. No
>such material exists to my knowledge as the magnetic field would curl
>around the "shield" and still slow down the permanent magnets.
>Some savvy boffin may be able to come up with such a material that could
>even be made to mechanically rotate into and out of the "line-of-sight"
>with the permanent magnets... not unlike these film-strip movie
>projectors synchronises field frames onto the viewing screen.
>My longwinded two cents worth.
>Can we now get back to Bio Diesel!?!?
>-Original Message-
>Behalf Of Chris
>Sent: 03 April 2005 03:07
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
>OK Keith, be nice.
> >I've developed this wonderful technique of producing cold
> > fusion in a Dr Pepper bottle, just add the secret ingredients and
> > shake it 3.5 times... Interested?
> >
> > Keith

Do you Yahoo!?
 Better first dates. More second dates. Yahoo! Personals 
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-07 Thread Keith Addison

"free" energy people I have talked with seem to have a large 
emotional investment in their paradigm, be it concern about energy 
shortage to perceiving themselves as victims of a cabal.

Your points are valid but I don't think the average Lutec fan will 
understand you.

Great invention Keith. Will a Pepsi bottle work just as well?

LOL! No, Kirk, it has to be a Dr Pepsi bottle. Do I see you getting 
out your chequebook?





Jurie Vorster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Not an expert in any particular field but common sense and a bit of
logic tells me...

1) The "how-it-works" stuff claims that the *permanent* magnet provides
energy in keeping the object suspended from the roof equating to a
electromagnet holding it up there but expending energy instead. WELL,
how would LUTEC explain the energy content of PERMANENT GLUE holding up
the object... or what about hanging it from a PERMANENT HOOK that is
screwed into the ceiling?

2) In the device, the magnets moves towards the steel thus giving
inertial energy to the armature... then a counter electromagnetic field
is applied to "neutralise" the magnetic properties of the steel thus
allowing the permanent magnets to rotate past freely. This
"neutralising" pulse needs to be long enough so that the next "step" can
initiate or until the "back-step" that will slow down the magnets (thus
reducing its inertial energy) pull is less than the "forward-step" pull.

AT BEST, the amount of energy to "neutralise" the steel magnetic effect
will equal the amount of inertial energy generated by the pull of the
magnets towards the steel... no GAIN. Thus there will be only loss of
total energy and the efficiency of the "smoothing" effect as per patent
description will be related to the losses in the electronics to control
the "neutralising" field coils and mechanical resistance etc...

My theory is that if someone can find a MATERIAL that cuts or shield a
magnetic field in "line-of-sight" to achieve the "neutralising" effect
proposed by the LUTEC device creator, can such a device be possible. No
such material exists to my knowledge as the magnetic field would curl
around the "shield" and still slow down the permanent magnets.

Some savvy boffin may be able to come up with such a material that could
even be made to mechanically rotate into and out of the "line-of-sight"
with the permanent magnets... not unlike these film-strip movie
projectors synchronises field frames onto the viewing screen.

My longwinded two cents worth.

Can we now get back to Bio Diesel!?!?


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Chris
Sent: 03 April 2005 03:07
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

OK Keith, be nice.

>I've developed this wonderful technique of producing cold
> fusion in a Dr Pepper bottle, just add the secret ingredients and
> shake it 3.5 times... Interested?
> Keith

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-07 Thread Kirk McLoren

Common sense is actually quite uncommon in some circles. Most of the "free" 
energy people I have talked with seem to have a large emotional investment in 
their paradigm, be it concern about energy shortage to perceiving themselves as 
victims of a cabal.
Your points are valid but I don't think the average Lutec fan will understand 
Great invention Keith. Will a Pepsi bottle work just as well?

Jurie Vorster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Not an expert in any particular field but common sense and a bit of
logic tells me...

1) The "how-it-works" stuff claims that the *permanent* magnet provides
energy in keeping the object suspended from the roof equating to a
electromagnet holding it up there but expending energy instead. WELL,
how would LUTEC explain the energy content of PERMANENT GLUE holding up
the object... or what about hanging it from a PERMANENT HOOK that is
screwed into the ceiling?

2) In the device, the magnets moves towards the steel thus giving
inertial energy to the armature... then a counter electromagnetic field
is applied to "neutralise" the magnetic properties of the steel thus
allowing the permanent magnets to rotate past freely. This
"neutralising" pulse needs to be long enough so that the next "step" can
initiate or until the "back-step" that will slow down the magnets (thus
reducing its inertial energy) pull is less than the "forward-step" pull.

AT BEST, the amount of energy to "neutralise" the steel magnetic effect
will equal the amount of inertial energy generated by the pull of the
magnets towards the steel... no GAIN. Thus there will be only loss of
total energy and the efficiency of the "smoothing" effect as per patent
description will be related to the losses in the electronics to control
the "neutralising" field coils and mechanical resistance etc...

My theory is that if someone can find a MATERIAL that cuts or shield a
magnetic field in "line-of-sight" to achieve the "neutralising" effect
proposed by the LUTEC device creator, can such a device be possible. No
such material exists to my knowledge as the magnetic field would curl
around the "shield" and still slow down the permanent magnets.

Some savvy boffin may be able to come up with such a material that could
even be made to mechanically rotate into and out of the "line-of-sight"
with the permanent magnets... not unlike these film-strip movie
projectors synchronises field frames onto the viewing screen.

My longwinded two cents worth.

Can we now get back to Bio Diesel!?!?


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Chris
Sent: 03 April 2005 03:07
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

OK Keith, be nice.

>I've developed this wonderful technique of producing cold 
> fusion in a Dr Pepper bottle, just add the secret ingredients and 
> shake it 3.5 times... Interested?
> Keith

Do you Yahoo!?
 Better first dates. More second dates. Yahoo! Personals 
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-07 Thread Keith Addison

Thanks for the comments, but...

My longwinded two cents worth.

You can be as longwinded as you like.

Can we now get back to Bio Diesel!?!?

No, in a word. This is not a biodiesel list, it's a biofuels list, 
and that's not just a quibble.

When you joined the list you were sent a "Welcome" message, which 
you're obliged to read. It referred to the List rules, which you're 
also obliged to read. The List rules are here:

They say this, among other things:

Some newcomers don't realize at first that it's a *biofuels* list, 
not just about how to make biodiesel. Biofuels is a much more 
wide-ranging subject and it comes with a context. With such an 
international membership, what has "nothing to do with biofuels" is 
a matter of opinion. Anything that has to do with energy has 
relevance for biofuels issues. Similarly, though the focus is on 
"ready-to-use" technologies, discussion of all alternative energy 
technologies and topics is welcome. ("Free energy" scams might not 
be very welcome.) [But they're not banned - K]

So the discussion is free and open. That is a long-established 
tradition of the list, much discussed and endorsed by the majority 
of the list membership. There aren't a lot of rules, but that is one 
of them: no calls for restricted discussion. It's a discussion list, 
not a less-discussion list.

That said, the Biofuel list is also a very good place to learn how 
to make and use biodiesel, with about the best resources there are 
and many experienced biodieselers who are happy to help.

That rule is stricty enforced. Saying something like "Can we now get 
back to Bio Diesel!?!?" could get you booted and banned.

Anyway, there's plenty of room for everything, nobody is forcing you 
to read anything you don't want to read. Messages have 
subject-headers. Technical discussions on direct biofuels issues 
continue all the time. If what you want to discuss is not being 
discussed, then start your own thread. If you find that other 
people's posts that you are not interested in are hampering you then 
you need to improve your email skills. See:

Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-07 Thread Jurie Vorster

Not an expert in any particular field but common sense and a bit of
logic tells me...

1) The "how-it-works" stuff claims that the *permanent* magnet provides
energy in keeping the object suspended from the roof equating to a
electromagnet holding it up there but expending energy instead.  WELL,
how would LUTEC explain the energy content of PERMANENT GLUE holding up
the object... or what about hanging it from a PERMANENT HOOK that is
screwed into the ceiling?

2) In the device, the magnets moves towards the steel thus giving
inertial energy to the armature... then a counter electromagnetic field
is applied to "neutralise" the magnetic properties of the steel thus
allowing the permanent magnets to rotate past freely.  This
"neutralising" pulse needs to be long enough so that the next "step" can
initiate or until the "back-step" that will slow down the magnets (thus
reducing its inertial energy) pull is less than the "forward-step" pull.

 AT BEST, the amount of energy to "neutralise" the steel magnetic effect
will equal the amount of inertial energy generated by the pull of the
magnets towards the steel... no GAIN.  Thus there will be only loss of
total energy and the efficiency of the "smoothing" effect as per patent
description will be related to the losses in the electronics to control
the "neutralising" field coils and mechanical resistance etc...

My theory is that if someone can find a MATERIAL that cuts or shield a
magnetic field in "line-of-sight" to achieve the "neutralising" effect
proposed by the LUTEC device creator, can such a device be possible.  No
such material exists to my knowledge as the magnetic field would curl
around the "shield" and still slow down the permanent magnets.

Some savvy boffin may be able to come up with such a material that could
even be made to mechanically rotate into and out of the "line-of-sight"
with the permanent magnets... not unlike these film-strip movie
projectors synchronises field frames onto the viewing screen.

My longwinded two cents worth.

Can we now get back to Bio Diesel!?!?


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Chris
Sent: 03 April 2005 03:07
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

OK Keith, be nice.

 >I've developed this wonderful technique of producing cold 
> fusion in a Dr Pepper bottle, just add the secret ingredients and 
> shake it 3.5 times... Interested?
> Keith

78 Chevy Custom DeLuxe
'85 300TD
'02 Subaru Outback

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-02 Thread Chris

>I've developed this wonderful technique of producing cold 
fusion in a Dr Pepper bottle, just add the secret ingredients and 
shake it 3.5 times... Interested?


78 Chevy Custom DeLuxe
'85 300TD
'02 Subaru Outback

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-02 Thread Michael Redler

"over unity" is certainly a name that will give Lutec
a lot of grief. It's a little like saying "the Lutec
magic device". Claims about using the Earths EM field
for power generation has been around for a while. They
are often called Methernitha generators, named after
the Swiss society who were one of the first to make
the claim.

Although I don't understand the principles of the
device in question and I find it very difficult to
believe, I wonder if there was a similar response to
ideas like wireless communications.

I understand the laws of thermodynamics and would
agree that you can't get something for nothing. But, I
just wonder if there is an explaination as to
where/what the energy is converted from/to and we
haven't heard it yet.


--- Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Keith,
> >
> >I'll take two! Ah heck, make it a six pack.
> Okay, Craig, 20% discount on sixpacks, that's
> $5,000, cheap at half the price.
> Keith
> >  - Original Message -
> >  From: Keith
> Addison<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 12:42 PM
> >  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity
> device
> >
> >
> >  Hi Craig
> >
> >  >Keith,
> >  >I haven't laughed that hard in the past 74 3/8
> hours! Oh well I put
> >  >a stop payment on my $1,000 check just to get in
> line to order the
> >  >15:1 energy unit! Still looking for that cold
> fusion guy from RONCO!
> >
> >  :-) Great, isn't it? Humans, you gotta love 'em!
> >
> >  While you've got your checkbook handy... Never
> mind the guy from
> >  RONCO, I've developed this wonderful technique of
> producing cold
> >  fusion in a Dr Pepper bottle, just add the secret
> ingredients and
> >  shake it 3.5 times... Interested?
> >
> >  Keith
> >
> >
> >  >  - Original Message -
> >  >  From: Keith 
>Addison<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>
> >  >  To: 
> >  >  Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 8:11 AM
> >  >  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity
> device
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >  >I see why they call it down under now.   
> Perpetural motion 
> >isn't possible
> >  >  >on this planet.   I think not in this
> universe.This guy 
> >has slid over
> >  >  >into another dimension or what?
> >  >  >
> >  >  >JD2005
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >  Eric Krieg lists 78 free energy scams here,
> doesn't seem to get into
> >  >  the zero-point stuff and instant cold fusion,
> so there's all that
> >  >  besides:
> >  > 
> >tml>>
> >  >  Eric's history of Perpetual Motion and Free
> Energy Machines
> >  >
> >  >  Plus:
> >  >  How to become a Free Energy con man
> >  > 
> > >
> >  >
> >  >  And:
> >  >  The Museum of Unworkable Devices
> >  >
> > 
> >d<>
> >  >simanek/museum/unwork.htm>
> >  >
> >  >  Enjoy!
> >  >
> >  >  Keith
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >  >- Original Message -
> >  >  >From: D. Mindock
> >  >  >To: 
> >  >  >Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:45 AM
> >  >  >Subject: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity
> device
> >  >  >
> >  >  >
> >  >  >This device (see attached pic) is due for
> release, starting in Australia
> >  >  >where Lutec Pty Ltd is located...
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-02 Thread Chris Bennett

"Convenience plus, no more black outs, brown outs, interruptions because 
of line maintenance, lightning strike, heavy rain, strong wind, fire, 
cyclone, flood, poor maintenance at power stations."

Even if it doesnt provide free energy, this suggests that the magnetic 
fields inside the device somehow shield your property from rain, 
cyclones, wind and floods, maybe this would be a better marketing angle?

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-02 Thread Keith Addison

I'll take two! Ah heck, make it a six pack.

Okay, Craig, 20% discount on sixpacks, that's $5,000, cheap at half the price.


 - Original Message -
 From: Keith Addison<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 12:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

 Hi Craig

 >I haven't laughed that hard in the past 74 3/8 hours! Oh well I put
 >a stop payment on my $1,000 check just to get in line to order the
 >15:1 energy unit! Still looking for that cold fusion guy from RONCO!

 :-) Great, isn't it? Humans, you gotta love 'em!

 While you've got your checkbook handy... Never mind the guy from
 RONCO, I've developed this wonderful technique of producing cold
 fusion in a Dr Pepper bottle, just add the secret ingredients and
 shake it 3.5 times... Interested?


 >  - Original Message -
 >  From: Keith 
Addison<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
 >  To: 

 >  Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 8:11 AM
 >  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
 >  >I see why they call it down under now.Perpetural motion 
isn't possible
 >  >on this planet.   I think not in this universe.This guy 
has slid over

 >  >into another dimension or what?
 >  >
 >  >JD2005
 >  Eric Krieg lists 78 free energy scams here, doesn't seem to get into
 >  the zero-point stuff and instant cold fusion, so there's all that
 >  besides:

 >  Eric's history of Perpetual Motion and Free Energy Machines
 >  Plus:
 >  How to become a Free Energy con man

 >  And:
 >  The Museum of Unworkable Devices

 >  Enjoy!
 >  Keith
 >  >- Original Message -
 >  >From: D. Mindock
 >  >To: 
 >  >Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:45 AM
 >  >Subject: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
 >  >
 >  >
 >  >This device (see attached pic) is due for release, starting in Australia
 >  >where Lutec Pty Ltd is located...

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-02 Thread Keith Addison

do I sign..":-)


Sign on the cheque Malcolm, in the usual way, don't forget to add the 
right number of noughts.



-Original Message-
Of Keith Addison
Sent: 01 April 2005 20:43
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

Hi Craig

>I haven't laughed that hard in the past 74 3/8 hours! Oh well I put
>a stop payment on my $1,000 check just to get in line to order the
>15:1 energy unit! Still looking for that cold fusion guy from RONCO!

:-) Great, isn't it? Humans, you gotta love 'em!

While you've got your checkbook handy... Never mind the guy from
RONCO, I've developed this wonderful technique of producing cold
fusion in a Dr Pepper bottle, just add the secret ingredients and
shake it 3.5 times... Interested?


>  - Original Message -
>  From: Keith Addison<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 8:11 AM
>  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
>  >I see why they call it down under now.Perpetural motion isn't
>  >on this planet.   I think not in this universe.This guy has slid
>  >into another dimension or what?
>  >
>  >JD2005
>  Eric Krieg lists 78 free energy scams here, doesn't seem to get into
>  the zero-point stuff and instant cold fusion, so there's all that
>  besides:
>  Eric's history of Perpetual Motion and Free Energy Machines
>  Plus:
>  How to become a Free Energy con man
>  And:
>  The Museum of Unworkable Devices
>  Enjoy!
>  Keith
>  >- Original Message -
>  >From: D. Mindock
>  >To: 
>  >Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:45 AM
>  >Subject: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
>  >
>  >
>  >This device (see attached pic) is due for release, starting in Australia
>  >where Lutec Pty Ltd is located...

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-02 Thread Tom Irwin

Greetings all,

If nothing else, well said! There is much we do not know about magnetism in
general. I am facinated by the life of Nicola Tesla. He seems far ahead of
his time. When something goes against what many of us have been taught and
accept as truth we often react critically. As a scientist I accept this
criticism even when harse as relatively benign. It«s part of the scientific
process. We in science do not really prove anything. We rather good at
disproving things. But no scientist worth his salt will give you anything
more than a probability that something is the truth. I appreciate your input
but with this, as the saying goes, I«m from Missouri I have to be shown.


Tom Irwin 

-Original Message-
From: D. Mindock
Sent: 1/04/05 5:10
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

To All,
I must say first of all that I was only acting as the bearer of the 
information. I also did
not say that I believed it was real, only that I hoped that it was.
wrong with
that? If you read the Lutec website you will see that they do not want
money, even if you
offered it to them. (My friend Renee has known co-inventor John since
early 80's when he was
working on this device. She later lost contact with him when he moved to

Santa Cruz.
She was surprised, relieved, and very happy to see that John might have 
finally got the
device to work.)
Now for Michael's point that no energy is produced since force x
distance = 
I don't know, but if the magnet is counteracting the force of gravity,
seems that something
energetic must be doing this. Let's do a mental experiment. Suppose that
steel bearing is
precisely balancing the force of gravity so that the bearing is
suspended in 
space. Now let's
introduce a very small magnet next to the bigger one that holding the 
bearing suspended.
What will happen? The bearing will rise against the force of gravity
it contacts the magnet.
Work was done, obviously. But now the magnet is not doing classical work

since the bearing is in contact
with it. No movement implies no energy expenditure. Only potential
remains. The inventors
compare this situation to one using an electromagnet. If an
electromagnet is 
used you must pump current through the coil
winding to make the magnetic force arise. To hold the bearing in place 
against the force of gravity you must expend energy
to hold the bearing. Energy is used up as the current goes through the 
windings. The magnet does this for "free".
That's their argument. Is it sound? Well, if the windings and source had

zero resistance, the loss would be zero, and
it too would be "free". So it doesn't seem to be a valid argument. Maybe

they were using baby talk to
explain a complex idea? But by simplifying they missed the mark. It
could be 
that this device is
working in spite of an imperfect knowledge, by the inventors, of it. 
Inventors do a huge amount of trial
and error steps as they try to perfect their concept. And most are not
in quantum physics.
WRT the patent, it is always safer to make the lesser claim. I think

that's what they did. In a field
as controversial as this, it is the pragmatic thing to do.
It could be that the device is working but the reasons given are not
actual ones. It could be because
of some unknown reaction. The bottom line to me is the measurements. If
energy output is greater than
the energy input then it's "working". It is very nice indeed though to
how/why the device is doing
what it's doing. It might take a lot of lab analysis to get to that
point. I 
would hope that some top flight
lab is doing this kind of work on the Lutec device. (and others, but
leave them aside).
As I implied from my original message, I HOPE the Lutec device is
I won't bet $1000 on it, for sure!
Maybe $1.
If it isn't the one we're all waiting for, from what I have read by some

very smart people, it is only a matter of time before the Casimir Force
what it represents, really is harnessed, now that it's existence is
These physicists subject themselves to the disdain of their peers but 
nevertheless forge ahead. We should all be thankful that such people
exist. In the past, all inventors/researchers of really new technology
ridiculed, some were even jailed or worse. (Big Oil
must be very fearful that this technology gets out without their total 
control of it.)
Peace and light, D. Mindock  P.S. I don't consider this subject to be
It is about energy and that's what biofuel is.

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Nehring" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

> Hi,
> I've been on the list for a couple months now, readi

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-02 Thread J.L.Burney

- Original Message - 
From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

Hi Craig

I haven't laughed that hard in the past 74 3/8 hours! Oh well I put a stop 
payment on my $1,000 check just to get in line to order the 15:1 energy 
unit! Still looking for that cold fusion guy from RONCO!

:-) Great, isn't it? Humans, you gotta love 'em!

While you've got your checkbook handy... Never mind the guy from RONCO, 
I've developed this wonderful technique of producing cold fusion in a Dr 
Pepper bottle, just add the secret ingredients and shake it 3.5 times... 


 - Original Message -
 From: Keith Addison<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 8:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

 >I see why they call it down under now.Perpetural motion isn't 
 >on this planet.   I think not in this universe.This guy has slid 

 >into another dimension or what?

 Eric Krieg lists 78 free energy scams here, doesn't seem to get into
 the zero-point stuff and instant cold fusion, so there's all that
 Eric's history of Perpetual Motion and Free Energy Machines

 How to become a Free Energy con man<>

 The Museum of Unworkable Devices< 



 >----- Original Message -
 >From: D. Mindock
 >Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:45 AM
 >Subject: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
 >This device (see attached pic) is due for release, starting in 

 >where Lutec Pty Ltd is located...

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable): 

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-02 Thread J.L.Burney

entail huge men standing in the doorway to the guys home.threatening to make 
the guy disappear if he pursues this technology. surprisingly I have seen 
this device before a local guy around here was on the news saying " the U.S. 
wont give him a patent on the devise". the basic argument people have with 
this device is that if you ground the machine it only produces less than 8 
percent of the input, however ungrounded it produces like 1500 times the 
energy you put into it. even if the universe grants this machine "special 
privileges to ignore the law of thermal dynamics" the only way to get it to 
work is to leave the whole system ungrounded.
- Original Message - 
From: "D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:45 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

This device (see attached pic) is due for release, starting in Australia 
where Lutec Pty Ltd is located, and then
to all countries where licensing is completed. This device can furnish the 
all the electricity
needed by the average home and runs on battery power. It produces 15 times 
more energy
than it uses from the battery input. It's installed in the home where it's 
to be used.
See their website at: It appears to be the real deal. Let's 
hope it is.
Peace and light, D. Mindock  P.S. It is interesting that the Australian 
government would not provide
any startup help whatsoever. Let's hope nothing stops the release of this 
new technology. It does
seem that every time something like this comes along it is trashed by vested 
powers. It is not hard
to imagine this technology powering cars and trucks, producing zero 
pollution and unlimited


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable): 

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-02 Thread Craig Harris


I'll take two! Ah heck, make it a six pack.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Keith Addison<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 12:42 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

  Hi Craig

  >I haven't laughed that hard in the past 74 3/8 hours! Oh well I put 
  >a stop payment on my $1,000 check just to get in line to order the 
  >15:1 energy unit! Still looking for that cold fusion guy from RONCO!

  :-) Great, isn't it? Humans, you gotta love 'em!

  While you've got your checkbook handy... Never mind the guy from 
  RONCO, I've developed this wonderful technique of producing cold 
  fusion in a Dr Pepper bottle, just add the secret ingredients and 
  shake it 3.5 times... Interested?


  >  - Original Message -
  >  From: Keith Addison<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
  >  Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 8:11 AM
  >  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
  >  >I see why they call it down under now.Perpetural motion isn't possible
  >  >on this planet.   I think not in this universe.This guy has slid over
  >  >into another dimension or what?
  >  >
  >  >JD2005
  >  Eric Krieg lists 78 free energy scams here, doesn't seem to get into
  >  the zero-point stuff and instant cold fusion, so there's all that
  >  besides:
  >  Eric's history of Perpetual Motion and Free Energy Machines
  >  Plus:
  >  How to become a Free Energy con man
  >  And:
  >  The Museum of Unworkable Devices
  >  Enjoy!
  >  Keith
  >  >- Original Message -
  >  >From: D. Mindock
  >  >To: 
  >  >Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:45 AM
  >  >Subject: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
  >  >
  >  >
  >  >This device (see attached pic) is due for release, starting in Australia
  >  >where Lutec Pty Ltd is located...

  Biofuel mailing list

  Biofuel at Journey to Forever:<>

  Biofuel archives at (searchable):<>
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-01 Thread malcolm maclure

Lol, love it..".ermI'm a misguided prattI'll subscribe where
do I sign..":-)

-Original Message-
Of Keith Addison
Sent: 01 April 2005 20:43
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

Hi Craig

>I haven't laughed that hard in the past 74 3/8 hours! Oh well I put 
>a stop payment on my $1,000 check just to get in line to order the 
>15:1 energy unit! Still looking for that cold fusion guy from RONCO!

:-) Great, isn't it? Humans, you gotta love 'em!

While you've got your checkbook handy... Never mind the guy from 
RONCO, I've developed this wonderful technique of producing cold 
fusion in a Dr Pepper bottle, just add the secret ingredients and 
shake it 3.5 times... Interested?


>  - Original Message -
>  From: Keith Addison<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 8:11 AM
>  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
>  >I see why they call it down under now.Perpetural motion isn't
>  >on this planet.   I think not in this universe.This guy has slid
>  >into another dimension or what?
>  >
>  >JD2005
>  Eric Krieg lists 78 free energy scams here, doesn't seem to get into
>  the zero-point stuff and instant cold fusion, so there's all that
>  besides:
>  Eric's history of Perpetual Motion and Free Energy Machines
>  Plus:
>  How to become a Free Energy con man
>  And:
>  The Museum of Unworkable Devices
>  Enjoy!
>  Keith
>  >- Original Message -
>  >From: D. Mindock
>  >To: 
>  >Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:45 AM
>  >Subject: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
>  >
>  >
>  >This device (see attached pic) is due for release, starting in Australia
>  >where Lutec Pty Ltd is located...

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-01 Thread Keith Addison

I haven't laughed that hard in the past 74 3/8 hours! Oh well I put 
a stop payment on my $1,000 check just to get in line to order the 
15:1 energy unit! Still looking for that cold fusion guy from RONCO!

:-) Great, isn't it? Humans, you gotta love 'em!

While you've got your checkbook handy... Never mind the guy from 
RONCO, I've developed this wonderful technique of producing cold 
fusion in a Dr Pepper bottle, just add the secret ingredients and 
shake it 3.5 times... Interested?


 - Original Message -
 From: Keith Addison<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 8:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

 >I see why they call it down under now.Perpetural motion isn't possible
 >on this planet.   I think not in this universe.This guy has slid over
 >into another dimension or what?

 Eric Krieg lists 78 free energy scams here, doesn't seem to get into
 the zero-point stuff and instant cold fusion, so there's all that
 Eric's history of Perpetual Motion and Free Energy Machines

 How to become a Free Energy con man<>

 The Museum of Unworkable Devices< 



 >- Original Message -----
 >From: D. Mindock
 >Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:45 AM
 >Subject: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
 >This device (see attached pic) is due for release, starting in Australia
 >where Lutec Pty Ltd is located...

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-01 Thread Craig Harris

I haven't laughed that hard in the past 74 3/8 hours! Oh well I put a stop 
payment on my $1,000 check just to get in line to order the 15:1 energy unit! 
Still looking for that cold fusion guy from RONCO! 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Keith Addison<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 8:11 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

  >I see why they call it down under now.Perpetural motion isn't possible
  >on this planet.   I think not in this universe.This guy has slid over
  >into another dimension or what?

  Eric Krieg lists 78 free energy scams here, doesn't seem to get into 
  the zero-point stuff and instant cold fusion, so there's all that 
  Eric's history of Perpetual Motion and Free Energy Machines

  How to become a Free Energy con man<>

  The Museum of Unworkable Devices<>



  >- Original Message -
  >From: D. Mindock
  >Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:45 AM
  >Subject: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device
  >This device (see attached pic) is due for release, starting in Australia
  >where Lutec Pty Ltd is located...

  Biofuel mailing list

  Biofuel at Journey to Forever:<>

  Biofuel archives at (searchable):<>
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-01 Thread D. Mindock

I must say first of all that I was only acting as the bearer of the 
information. I also did
not say that I believed it was real, only that I hoped that it was. Anything 
wrong with
that? If you read the Lutec website you will see that they do not want your 
money, even if you
offered it to them. (My friend Renee has known co-inventor John since the 
early 80's when he was
working on this device. She later lost contact with him when he moved to 
Santa Cruz.
She was surprised, relieved, and very happy to see that John might have 
finally got the

device to work.)
Now for Michael's point that no energy is produced since force x distance = 
I don't know, but if the magnet is counteracting the force of gravity, it 
seems that something
energetic must be doing this. Let's do a mental experiment. Suppose that a 
steel bearing is
precisely balancing the force of gravity so that the bearing is suspended in 
space. Now let's
introduce a very small magnet next to the bigger one that holding the 
bearing suspended.
What will happen? The bearing will rise against the force of gravity until 
it contacts the magnet.
Work was done, obviously. But now the magnet is not doing classical work 
since the bearing is in contact
with it. No movement implies no energy expenditure. Only potential energy 
remains. The inventors
compare this situation to one using an electromagnet. If an electromagnet is 
used you must pump current through the coil
winding to make the magnetic force arise. To hold the bearing in place 
against the force of gravity you must expend energy
to hold the bearing. Energy is used up as the current goes through the 
windings. The magnet does this for "free".
That's their argument. Is it sound? Well, if the windings and source had 
zero resistance, the loss would be zero, and
it too would be "free". So it doesn't seem to be a valid argument. Maybe 
they were using baby talk to
explain a complex idea? But by simplifying they missed the mark. It could be 
that this device is
working in spite of an imperfect knowledge, by the inventors, of it. 
Inventors do a huge amount of trial
and error steps as they try to perfect their concept. And most are not PhD's 
in quantum physics.
   WRT the patent, it is always safer to make the lesser claim. I think 
that's what they did. In a field

as controversial as this, it is the pragmatic thing to do.
   It could be that the device is working but the reasons given are not the 
actual ones. It could be because
of some unknown reaction. The bottom line to me is the measurements. If the 
energy output is greater than
the energy input then it's "working". It is very nice indeed though to know 
how/why the device is doing
what it's doing. It might take a lot of lab analysis to get to that point. I 
would hope that some top flight
lab is doing this kind of work on the Lutec device. (and others, but let's 
leave them aside).
   As I implied from my original message, I HOPE the Lutec device is real. 
I won't bet $1000 on it, for sure!

Maybe $1.
If it isn't the one we're all waiting for, from what I have read by some 
very smart people, it is only a matter of time before the Casimir Force and 
what it represents, really is harnessed, now that it's existence is proven. 
These physicists subject themselves to the disdain of their peers but 
nevertheless forge ahead. We should all be thankful that such people
exist. In the past, all inventors/researchers of really new technology were 
ridiculed, some were even jailed or worse. (Big Oil
must be very fearful that this technology gets out without their total 
control of it.)
Peace and light, D. Mindock  P.S. I don't consider this subject to be spam. 
It is about energy and that's what biofuel is.

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Nehring" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

I've been on the list for a couple months now, reading happily, but have
yet to post anything. So first, hi everyone:-).
Internet scams or jokes are among my favorites, just because sometimes
they're so funny and sometimes they're just so clever. I have to admit
that this is pretty clever. First, there is reference to a US Patent
application on their website. After do a little searching, I found a
patent (granted) as described by them. US Patent number  6,630,806
viewable at:,630,806.WKU.&OS=PN/6,630,806&RS=PN/6,630,806

(Here one can note the inefficiency of the US patent office, since the
website address includes the patent number 3 times, where one time would
have sufficed).
However, the patent is not for an unlimited energy 

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-04-01 Thread Keith Addison

on this planet.   I think not in this universe.This guy has slid over
into another dimension or what?


Eric Krieg lists 78 free energy scams here, doesn't seem to get into 
the zero-point stuff and instant cold fusion, so there's all that 
Eric's history of Perpetual Motion and Free Energy Machines

How to become a Free Energy con man

The Museum of Unworkable Devices



- Original Message -
From: D. Mindock
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:45 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

This device (see attached pic) is due for release, starting in Australia
where Lutec Pty Ltd is located...

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-03-31 Thread Henri Naths

approximately since man first rubbed two sticks together.
- Original Message - 
From: "D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: 31 March, 2005 1:45 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

This device (see attached pic) is due for release, starting in Australia 
where Lutec Pty Ltd is located, and then
to all countries where licensing is completed. This device can furnish the 
all the electricity
needed by the average home and runs on battery power. It produces 15 times 
more energy
than it uses from the battery input. It's installed in the home where it's 
to be used.
See their website at: It appears to be the real deal. Let's 
hope it is.
Peace and light, D. Mindock  P.S. It is interesting that the Australian 
government would not provide
any startup help whatsoever. Let's hope nothing stops the release of this 
new technology. It does
seem that every time something like this comes along it is trashed by vested 
powers. It is not hard
to imagine this technology powering cars and trucks, producing zero 
pollution and unlimited


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable): 

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-03-31 Thread JD2005

I see why they call it down under now.Perpetural motion isn't possible
on this planet.   I think not in this universe.This guy has slid over
into another dimension or what?

- Original Message -
From: D. Mindock
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:45 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

This device (see attached pic) is due for release, starting in Australia
where Lutec Pty Ltd is located...

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-03-31 Thread Michael Nehring

I've been on the list for a couple months now, reading happily, but have
yet to post anything. So first, hi everyone:-).
Internet scams or jokes are among my favorites, just because sometimes
they're so funny and sometimes they're just so clever. I have to admit
that this is pretty clever. First, there is reference to a US Patent
application on their website. After do a little searching, I found a
patent (granted) as described by them. US Patent number  6,630,806
viewable at:,630,806.WKU.&OS=PN/6,630,806&RS=PN/6,630,806

(Here one can note the inefficiency of the US patent office, since the
website address includes the patent number 3 times, where one time would
have sufficed).
However, the patent is not for an unlimited energy machine, but rather
"[t]he present invention is aimed at providing an improved rotary device
which operates with improved efficiency compared to conventional rotary

So it seems they just invented a smoother motor, perhaps.

Basically their claim says that they will extract the stored energy from
perminant magnets. I invite those who believe that claim to read:

The most important point is:
 Point 1.  Under ideal conditions the electrical power output generated
when you
move a conductor through a magnetic field is exactly equal to the
mechanical power
input needed to move the conductor.

A more complete debunking can be found here:

So if you happen to be someone who's looking to invest in green projects,
don't give these people a cent (or whatever the lowest value of your own
currency may be).

Just one quote from the second debunking article which I find really good:
"Where do the inventors think the energy is coming from? Their response to
this article claims that a permanent magnet holding up a heavy iron object
for a long time is doing work, ie supplying energy. We point out that the
formula for work is the force acting multiplied by the distance moved,
thus zero movement gives zero energy."

Ok, I hope that wasn't all too long.

Have a nice day everyone,
- Original Message -
From: "D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:45 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

This device (see attached pic) is due for release, starting in Australia
where Lutec Pty Ltd is located, and then
to all countries where licensing is completed. This device can furnish the
all the electricity
needed by the average home and runs on battery power. It produces 15 times
more energy
than it uses from the battery input. It's installed in the home where it's
to be used.
See their website at: It appears to be the real deal.
Let's hope it is.
Peace and light, D. Mindock  P.S. It is interesting that the Australian
government would not provide
any startup help whatsoever. Let's hope nothing stops the release of this
new technology. It does
seem that every time something like this comes along it is trashed by
vested powers. It is not hard
to imagine this technology powering cars and trucks, producing zero
pollution and unlimited

> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

[Biofuel] The Lutec over unity device

2005-03-31 Thread D. Mindock

This device (see attached pic) is due for release, starting in Australia where 
Lutec Pty Ltd is located, and then
to all countries where licensing is completed. This device can furnish the all 
the electricity
needed by the average home and runs on battery power. It produces 15 times more 
than it uses from the battery input. It's installed in the home where it's to 
be used.
See their website at: It appears to be the real deal. Let's 
hope it is.
Peace and light, D. Mindock  P.S. It is interesting that the Australian 
government would not provide
any startup help whatsoever. Let's hope nothing stops the release of this new 
technology. It does
seem that every time something like this comes along it is trashed by vested 
powers. It is not hard
to imagine this technology powering cars and trucks, producing zero pollution 
and unlimited 
Attachment converted: Handmade:D. Mindock.vcf 1 (TEXT/TBB6) (000BEC61)
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):