Re: [Talk-it] Segnalazione probabile errore OSM

2015-11-01 Thread Aury88
ciao nelson,
per la segnalazione di un errore puoi usare il tasto su a forma di
baloon altrimenti se sei iscritto ad osm puoi anche vedere l'utente che ha
tracciato le vie e contattarlo tramite mail per fargli le domande...

altrimenti, male che vada, puoi, come hai fatto, chiedere qui e aspettare
che qualcuno della zona noti la tua richiesta quel caso sarebbe stato
meglio nel titolo di errore indicare la zona a cui ti riferisci e non usare
le coordinate ma un link diretto all'area della mappa in questione...così è
un po' troppo criptico...

io intanto controllo se c'è un db cartografico libero  del comune di messina
con cui poter fare un confronto, noi no possiamo usare googlemap, o altre
fonti coperte da copyright, neanche per fare un confronto...oltre al fatto
che ho visto molto spesso su GMap ci sono errori (più sulle posizioni che
sui nomi delle vie) e molti di quelli sospetto sono inseriti volutamente per
individuare le copie illecite della propria mappa.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Segnalazione probabile errore OSM

2015-11-01 Thread Federico Cortese
2015-11-01 7:44 GMT+01:00 Andrea Nelson Mauro |

> In sostanza per un lavoro che sto facendo mi sono accorto che in questo
> punto ( 38.19180049853966 - 15.533101558685301 ) le strade tracciate sono
> abbastanza diverse tra Gmaps e OSM, e quelle segnalate su OSM sono
> presumibilmente sbagliate (dico presumibilmente, perché non abito in zona e
> non ho visto con i miei occhi): mi è stata effettivamente citata una Via
> Nocera, che su OSM sembra assente.

Non so se si chiamasse Via Nocera, ma effettivamente in quel punto
mancava una strada riportata invece sulle foto Bing, quindi ho
provveduto ad aggiungerla.
In realtà sempre dalla foto Bing si vedono degli ostacoli all'ingresso
della strada che potrebbero essere dei cancelli ma non ne ho la
certezza, quindi servirebbe l'aiuto di qualcuno che conosce la zona.
Ad ogni modo grazie per la segnalazione e se dovessi ricontrare altri
errori o oggetti mancanti, non esitare a segnalarlo, come ha suggerito
Aury oppure qui in lista.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Thread jonathan


On 01/11/2015 09:46, Stuart Reynolds wrote:

I don't like it for the simple reason that I think it will fail to win over new 
Uk users. There are plenty of people who just want to use default tiles to show 
a location on - sports pitch, scout hall, whatever - and those people will 
inevitably go to Google. Sure, we understand the differences between a map and 
data, but we need to engage first and then draw them into making active 
improvements. And this won't do that because it is so contrary to people's 


Sent from my iPhone

On 1 Nov 2015, at 09:39, Lester Caine  wrote:

On 01/11/15 07:22, Ed Loach wrote:

It very simple, the colours should match the road sign colours: Blue,

Green, Red!


Was waiting for someone to pick that one up, and yes it has been some
time since red was dropped from the legal framework and therefore the
highway code. But the Blue and Green are well documented and just what
traffic is restricted from accessing a motorway drummed into people.

It would be interesting to find out if our French colleagues have any
plans to switch their servers to the new style, but I expect they will
be a lot more considerate! The default style they provide is actually a
better one for the UK than the 'old' style was (wish I'd found it
sooner!), but along with a few useful variations related to France BOTH
are available. So I would anticipate that the new style will simply
become an option there?

Back to the 'Red' question, and the simplification introduced between
Primary and non-Primary routes. A quick search on google produces no
easy answers, and Wikipedia has references to all the legislation, but
many of the links to VIEW the facts no longer work. It's this disregard
for maintaining history that annoys me most.

The bottom line is that 'non-primary' routes are any road used to link
primary routes, and INCLUDES tertiary routes in many rural areas. Apart
from the way the the style suddenly appeared rather than a proper roll
out, my only complaint about the new style is that tertiary routes are
not included in the 'non-primary' grouping. ADD that to the orange
routes and it will fix that particular bug. As for the new style ... no
I don't find it particularly useful at all.

The use of red, orange and yellow to rate the non-primary routes is
really only a matter of following the OS conventions. It is one of the
areas that I have actually adjusted in my own clone of the style and is
a little different on the French version.

p.s. - Anybody still got signs with red backgrounds in their area?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Josm Fehler beim Upload

2015-11-01 Thread Michael Paulmann
Super hat geklappt,

vielen Dank.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: malenki [] 
Gesendet: Sonntag, 1. November 2015 02:06
Betreff: Re: [Talk-de] Josm Fehler beim Upload

Es scheint, dass die (neu angelegte) Relation mit der ID -76843 den neu 
angelegten Weg mit der ID -84975 benötigt, dieser aber nicht (mehr?) vorhanden 
Schnell-und-schmutzig-Lösung: Die Datenebene als osm-Datei speichern, mit 
Texteditor öffnen und aus der Relation -76843 den Verweis auf Weg
-84975 entfernen. Abspeichern, geänderte osm-Datei mit JOSM öffnen, hochladen.

On Sat, 31 Oct 2015 23:30:11 +,
Michael Paulmann wrote:

> ich erhalte den Fehler "Der OSM-Server ... meldet eine fehlerhafte 
> Anfrage. Fehlermeldung (englisch): Placeholder Way not found for 
> reference -84975 in relation -76843"
> Ich habe jetzt schon ziemlich lange gesucht wie ich einen Weg über die 
> Reference finde, jedoch ich habe keine Lösung in JOSM oder sonst 
> gefunden. Wie kann ich das lösen?

Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Dalsi preklady wiki

2015-11-01 Thread Pavel Machek
On Fri 2015-10-23 14:20:18, Dalibor Jelínek wrote:
> Ahoj,
> zase jsem trochu prekladal, tak se na to, prosim, podivejte.
> Zejmena na strance voltage bych byl rad, kdyby si sekci o HVDC precetl
> nejaky elektroinzenyr,
> protoze nektere termity jsem si dost cucal z prstu. :-(

trasformovnu (power=substation) ... tohle je divny termit.

1 metr na 100 000 voltů. -> 100kV ?

Systémy HVDC -> Stejnosmerne systemy (HVDC) ?

...zemnící elektrodě, může, ale nesmí být namontován na..

nesmi -> nemusi?

(To "mono-polární" je taky divny termin).

Pokud stožáry vedení HVDC nesou také vodič používaný jako návratový
zemněný vodič, pak jeho napětí musí být popsáno jako „napětí HVDC ;
0“, pokud ne, pak nastavte pouze napětí HVDC. Pro střídavá vedení
nesoucí zemněný návratový vodič schématu HVDC, nastavte napětí jako
„AC napětí ; 0“ a jako frekvenci dejte “AC frekvence ; 0”.

Tohle je dost tezky na pochopeni (a on i ten original je dost

Kdyz budu mit 1000V stejnosmernych s navratovym vodicem, pisu
voltage=1000;0 . Kdyz mam stridave vedeni na kterem je taky navratovy
vodic pro stejnosmerne vedeni, pisu voltage=99000;0, frequency=50;0


(cesky, pictures)

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 273

2015-11-01 Thread Tom Ka
Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 273 týdeníku weeklyOSM:

Téma čísla: Dirty není jen špína

* Tipy na budovy z RUIAN na
* Trasy KCT pres HOT taskman na ostro.
* Zmapování nového nádraži v Birminghamu
* Valná hromada nadace OSM
* Map Compare od BBBike se 140ti mapami.
* Data 1-SRTM dostupná pro celý svět.

Pěkné počtení...

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] La mappa di OSM ha un nuovo schema colori

2015-11-01 Thread Davio
Nettamente migliore

Ora però non vorrei che questo "declassamento" di colori delle secondary e
primary non porti ad una proliferazione delle primary :D


View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Thread Marc Gemis
On Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 10:59 PM, Colin Smale  wrote:

> The change could have been managed better, like proper announcements a
> couple of months ahead of time, with a date - "On 30th October OSM will
> switch to a new stylesheet for the standard map. For information about what
> this will mean for you, click here" on some main

The change has been discussed since June of this year. Where ? on the
general talk mailing list and on Mateusz' diary. Each entry was also
mentioned in the weeklyOSM (and isn't the announcement for that posted on
this list) ?

The exact date was never announced, but the style is always updated
whenever "it is ready".

As was mentioned elsewhere, the colours of a map are part of the locale
culture. Before arriving to OpenStreetMap, I had never seen such a "weird"
colour scheme. I grew up with Falck and Michelin maps. The current style
reminds me of the latter. The German-style ( reminds of of
the former. It took me several years before I learned that the colours were
well known in the UK.

We do need local styles, the French replace e.g. post offices and railway
station icons with the symbols of their  national companies. And I believe
a baguette is representing a bakery. Some asian countries do not like the
hamburger for fast food.

The map was UK-centric, now it is less. But it is still western oriented.
So yes, please go ahead to make your local style, OpenStreetMap will be
better in the end.


m (from Belgium)
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] La mappa di OSM ha un nuovo schema colori

2015-11-01 Thread Aury88
Davio wrote
> Mi era preso un colpo...per un attimo avevo creduto che qualcuno avesse
> riclassificato tutte le strade italiane :D
> Davide

ci ho pensato anche io il primo secondo xD,
fortunatamente è da tempo che seguo la discussione dietro questi
cambiamenti, quindi ci sono arrivato quasi subito ;-)
che te ne pare? nelle zone da te coperte, specialmente in ambito urbano, il
nuovo stile è stato un miglioramento o un peggioramento secondo te?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Thread Stuart Reynolds
I don't like it for the simple reason that I think it will fail to win over new 
Uk users. There are plenty of people who just want to use default tiles to show 
a location on - sports pitch, scout hall, whatever - and those people will 
inevitably go to Google. Sure, we understand the differences between a map and 
data, but we need to engage first and then draw them into making active 
improvements. And this won't do that because it is so contrary to people's 


Sent from my iPhone

> On 1 Nov 2015, at 09:39, Lester Caine  wrote:
> On 01/11/15 07:22, Ed Loach wrote:
>>> It very simple, the colours should match the road sign colours: Blue,
>> Green, Red!
>> Red?
> Was waiting for someone to pick that one up, and yes it has been some
> time since red was dropped from the legal framework and therefore the
> highway code. But the Blue and Green are well documented and just what
> traffic is restricted from accessing a motorway drummed into people.
> It would be interesting to find out if our French colleagues have any
> plans to switch their servers to the new style, but I expect they will
> be a lot more considerate! The default style they provide is actually a
> better one for the UK than the 'old' style was (wish I'd found it
> sooner!), but along with a few useful variations related to France BOTH
> are available. So I would anticipate that the new style will simply
> become an option there?
> Back to the 'Red' question, and the simplification introduced between
> Primary and non-Primary routes. A quick search on google produces no
> easy answers, and Wikipedia has references to all the legislation, but
> many of the links to VIEW the facts no longer work. It's this disregard
> for maintaining history that annoys me most.
> The bottom line is that 'non-primary' routes are any road used to link
> primary routes, and INCLUDES tertiary routes in many rural areas. Apart
> from the way the the style suddenly appeared rather than a proper roll
> out, my only complaint about the new style is that tertiary routes are
> not included in the 'non-primary' grouping. ADD that to the orange
> routes and it will fix that particular bug. As for the new style ... no
> I don't find it particularly useful at all.
> The use of red, orange and yellow to rate the non-primary routes is
> really only a matter of following the OS conventions. It is one of the
> areas that I have actually adjusted in my own clone of the style and is
> a little different on the French version.
> p.s. - Anybody still got signs with red backgrounds in their area?
> -- 
> Lester Caine - G8HFL
> -
> Contact -
> L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
> EnquirySolve -
> Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
> Rainbow Digital Media -
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Restoring a usable map service!

2015-11-01 Thread jonathan

Form over function, the scourge of modern society.

On 01/11/2015 10:18, tony wroblewski wrote:

The current problem I see with the new default style is that it's very
very difficult to now plan routes on a zoomed out map. I can't clearly
see, for example, what is or isn't a motorway around Birmingham.
Although the new theme looks nice, it is much less practical than the
old one

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-it] Segnalazione probabile errore OSM

2015-11-01 Thread Andrea Nelson Mauro |
Ciao a tutti,

Non so se lo sto segnalando nel punto giusto (e chiedo scusa se sbaglio, ma
non ho trovato un facile pulsante "Segnala un errore").

In sostanza per un lavoro che sto facendo mi sono accorto che in questo
punto ( 38.19180049853966 - 15.533101558685301 ) le strade tracciate sono
abbastanza diverse tra Gmaps e OSM, e quelle segnalate su OSM sono
presumibilmente sbagliate (dico presumibilmente, perché non abito in zona e
non ho visto con i miei occhi): mi è stata effettivamente citata una Via
Nocera, che su OSM sembra assente.

Questa mail dunque per capire come occorre procedere per verificare ed
eventualmente correggere


Andrea Nelson Mauro - Datajournalist
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-11-01 Thread morray
Am 31.10.2015 um 14:32 schrieb Greg Troxel:
> I haven't seen the underlying data on tag frequency
> brought into the debate; arguably that should be the core of the
> discussion.
the underlying tag frequency is pretty clear. According to taginfo [1]

148 065 amenity
226 shop
132 health_facility:type
91  disused:amenity
68  healthcare
38  symbol
34  type

actually the most sensible would be in my opinion the healthcare one,
but given the data best would probably be to unify the few other tagging
styles after crosschecking that it is really a pharmacy



talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Neue Farben im Kartenstil?

2015-11-01 Thread morray
Siehe hier
Am 01.11.2015 um 11:22 schrieb Manuel Reimer:
> Woran liegt's? Mal wieder Anpassungen am Stil? Muss jetzt irgendwie
> umgetaggt werden oder ist das mit den farblosen Straßen so gewollt?

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-it] [Un po' OT] Geocoding con mmqgis

2015-11-01 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Ho provato il plugin con nominatim, ma non capisco come posizioni i punti
dal solo nome sella strada... pare che non consideri il civico. Qualcuno lo
ha usato? Come fare a fargli leggere anche il civico?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Neue Farben im Kartenstil?

2015-11-01 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Sunday 01 November 2015, Andreas Labres wrote:
> > Der 'farblosere' Gesamteindruck kommt vor allem, weil
> > highway=tertiary jetzt weiß ist und sich nur noch in der
> > Linienbreite von unclassified/residential unterscheidet. Das ist im
> > Vorfeld kontrovers diskutiert worden...
> Es spräche ja nix dagegen, die tertiary blassgelb zu machen...

In Anbetracht der umfangreichen Versuche und Diskussionen die hierzu 
gemacht wurden ist es grundsätzlich recht unwahrscheinlich, dass jemand 
spontan eine Idee hat, die noch nicht probiert wurde.  Die Bewertung 
der verschiedenen Möglichkeiten (wie 'es spräche ja nix dagegen') ist 
natürlich immer subjektiv.

Christoph Hormann

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Thread Lester Caine
On 01/11/15 07:22, Ed Loach wrote:
>> It very simple, the colours should match the road sign colours: Blue,
> Green, Red!
> Red?

Was waiting for someone to pick that one up, and yes it has been some
time since red was dropped from the legal framework and therefore the
highway code. But the Blue and Green are well documented and just what
traffic is restricted from accessing a motorway drummed into people.

It would be interesting to find out if our French colleagues have any
plans to switch their servers to the new style, but I expect they will
be a lot more considerate! The default style they provide is actually a
better one for the UK than the 'old' style was (wish I'd found it
sooner!), but along with a few useful variations related to France BOTH
are available. So I would anticipate that the new style will simply
become an option there?

Back to the 'Red' question, and the simplification introduced between
Primary and non-Primary routes. A quick search on google produces no
easy answers, and Wikipedia has references to all the legislation, but
many of the links to VIEW the facts no longer work. It's this disregard
for maintaining history that annoys me most.

The bottom line is that 'non-primary' routes are any road used to link
primary routes, and INCLUDES tertiary routes in many rural areas. Apart
from the way the the style suddenly appeared rather than a proper roll
out, my only complaint about the new style is that tertiary routes are
not included in the 'non-primary' grouping. ADD that to the orange
routes and it will fix that particular bug. As for the new style ... no
I don't find it particularly useful at all.

The use of red, orange and yellow to rate the non-primary routes is
really only a matter of following the OS conventions. It is one of the
areas that I have actually adjusted in my own clone of the style and is
a little different on the French version.

p.s. - Anybody still got signs with red backgrounds in their area?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-de] Neue Farben im Kartenstil?

2015-11-01 Thread Manuel Reimer


ich hatte ja erste Bedenken ich habe beim Eintragen einen Fehler 
gemacht, aber das scheint sich wohl über die ganze Karte durchzuziehen.

Aktuell werden die Straßen etwas "farbloser". Zumindest in meiner Region 
gibt es so Langsam nurnoch weiße Straßen und die farbige Unterscheidung 
geht verloren.

Woran liegt's? Mal wieder Anpassungen am Stil? Muss jetzt irgendwie 
umgetaggt werden oder ist das mit den farblosen Straßen so gewollt?



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Neue Farben im Kartenstil?

2015-11-01 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Sunday 01 November 2015, Manuel Reimer wrote:
> ich hatte ja erste Bedenken ich habe beim Eintragen einen Fehler
> gemacht, aber das scheint sich wohl über die ganze Karte
> durchzuziehen.
> Aktuell werden die Straßen etwas "farbloser". Zumindest in meiner
> Region gibt es so Langsam nurnoch weiße Straßen und die farbige
> Unterscheidung geht verloren.

Der 'farblosere' Gesamteindruck kommt vor allem, weil highway=tertiary 
jetzt weiß ist und sich nur noch in der Linienbreite von 
unclassified/residential unterscheidet.  Das ist im Vorfeld kontrovers 
diskutiert worden:

und wird sicher umstritten bleiben.  Insgesamt ist es aber denke ich 
klar ein enormer Gewinn für das Gesamtbild, dass grün und blau aus der 
Farbpalette für die Straßen rausfallen.

Christoph Hormann

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Neue Farben im Kartenstil?

2015-11-01 Thread Andreas Labres
On 01.11.15 13:27, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> Der 'farblosere' Gesamteindruck kommt vor allem, weil highway=tertiary jetzt
> weiß ist und sich nur noch in der Linienbreite von unclassified/residential
> unterscheidet. Das ist im Vorfeld kontrovers diskutiert worden... 

Es spräche ja nix dagegen, die tertiary blassgelb zu machen...

[x] dafür

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] La mappa di OSM ha un nuovo schema colori

2015-11-01 Thread Federico Cortese
2015-11-01 8:52 GMT+01:00 Aury88 :
> fortunatamente è da tempo che seguo la discussione dietro questi
> cambiamenti, quindi ci sono arrivato quasi subito ;-)
> che te ne pare? nelle zone da te coperte, specialmente in ambito urbano, il
> nuovo stile è stato un miglioramento o un peggioramento secondo te?

Io mi ero innamorato del nuovo stile già vedendolo sulla pagina di
Mateusz Konieczny.
Ora non posso che confermare, la mappa è molto più pulita. Secondo me
è un altro grande passo avanti dopo quello dei fabbricati di qualche
tempo fa.
L'unica mia preouccupazione è che il mappatore dell'ultima ora tenda a
"promuovere" le tertiary a secondary per vederle colorate sulla mappa,
ora che invece sono bianche come le residenziali e le unclassified,
nonostante abbiano una larghezza maggiore.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Dalsi preklady wiki

2015-11-01 Thread Pavel Machek

> > nejaky elektroinzenyr,
> > 
> > protoze nektere termity jsem si dost cucal z prstu. :-(
> trasformovnu (power=substation) ... tohle je divny termit.
> 1 metr na 100 000 voltů. -> 100kV ?
> Systémy HVDC -> Stejnosmerne systemy (HVDC) ?

(A mozna bych tam pridal poznamku ze v cechach zadny takovy system

(cesky, pictures)

Talk-cz mailing list

[OSRM-talk] OSRM demo server down

2015-11-01 Thread Sander Deryckere

I just noticed that the demo site, and routes on through
ORSM are down.

As I didn't see an announcement or mail about it, I thought I should
mention it.


OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Restoring a usable map service!

2015-11-01 Thread Lester Caine
On 31/10/15 21:51, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> As for the remainder of your posting, about a "single base" and how all
> this is somehow related to a few colours changing on the map, I
> think you lost me there.

Answered the colour problem in the thread on New Map Style.

The problem with setting up a tile server is the GENERATION of the tiles
and how that can be modified to provide the other element I've been
banging on about. Viewing the UK at a point in time rather than simply
providing what is the current often incorrect view of the country.
(Roads around Coventry are still wrong while the older views were
actually better). I switched from Apache to Nginx on the servers for the
performance improvements it gives working with the PHP sites I manage,
and it SHOULD be simple to get Nginx to front access to both the tile
server and the editing tools for playing with the style sheets. It
proxies everything else happily enough and serves all the PHP static
material directly.

I got to but I
need to pull the nice county boundary twiddle from the French style
sheet now and work out why some mass 'farm' areas still display
incorrectly. That one is a tagging problem in the data! was where I was back in August,
but I've not been able to get back to that since, and the current fire
fighting will add further to that delay :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-ca] weeklyOSM 275

2015-11-01 Thread Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue 275, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:


weeklyOSM is brought to you by

Jinal Foflia
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-GB] weekly 275 in English available - have fun

2015-11-01 Thread Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 275, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
openstreetmap world: Enjoy!
weeklyOSM is brought to you by

## Manfred Reiter - -
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-br] Nova aparência do mapa padrão

2015-11-01 Thread Ivaldo Nunes de Magalhães
Realmente ficou péssimo - o contraste já era ruim. O argumento de que
confunde com rios e matas é fraco pois as vias geralmente seguem um padrão
mais linear enquanto que os rios são muito curvos e as mata áreas, de modo
que a diferença é clara, mesmo para o usuário mais leigo.

Interessante que no modo edição (iD editor) as corres antigas ainda estão
lá. Será que também vai mudar?


*Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro* marcioviniciusmp em

*Sábado Outubro 31 13:38:26 UTC 2015*

   - Mensagem anterior: [Talk-br] Nova aparência do mapa padrão
   - *Mensagens classificadas por:* [ date ]

[ thread ]

[ subject ]

[ author ]


É triste ver como colaboradores do OSM ainda usam o Google Maps como
referência. Não precisamos de outro Google Maps (cujo principal defeito,
diga-se de passagem, é justamente o visual do mapa, difícil de enxergar,
com pouco contraste). Acho péssimo tomar como ponto de partida para a
modificação desse porte em um projeto colaborativo as decisões tomadas
unilateralmente sabe-se lá por quem dentro de uma empresa privada e fechada
(sem realmente sabermos o que o levou a tal decisão).

Concordo que algumas cores confundiam mesmo (sofria em menor grau do mesmo
problema de falta de contraste do Google Maps), mas não acho que seja algo
que se resolva apenas mudando as cores (porque elas vão confundir com
outras coisas). Linhas de contorno, intensidade, contraste, espessuras,
padrões de preenchimento, etc. poderiam ter sido trabalhados. Do jeito que
está continuou confuso, e com o agravante de menos informativo
(simplesmente eliminando a visualização de determinados tipos de vias em
certos níveis de zoom).

Enfim, não pude participar da discussão (além de nem ter tomado
conhecimento, eu não teria podido me dedicar mesmo nesses últimos meses),
só posso lamentar e ajudar a melhorar daqui pra frente (imagino que apenas
2 meses não tenham sido o tempo total de discussão, especialmente
considerando o grande número de manifestações críticas). De qualquer forma,
não acho que ficou tão ruim, mas certamente poderia ter ficado muito
melhor. Para algumas situações parece ter melhorado, para outras piorou

Obrigado por compartilhar, Nelson.

- - - ·

Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro

Em 31 de outubro de 2015 10:46, Imagens SM>> escreveu:

>* A ideia da mudança surgiu para que estradas renderizadas em verde não
*>* se camuflasse em matos e as em azul em água. O visual é só questão de
*>* se acostumar.
*>>* Em 31/10/15, talk-br-request em
*>* talk-br-request em
*>* escreveu:
*>* > Enviar submissões para a lista de discussão Talk-br para
*>* >   talk-br em

*>* >
*>* > Para se cadastrar ou descadastrar via WWW, visite o endereço
*>* >

*>* > ou, via email, envie uma mensagem com a palavra 'help' no assunto ou
*>* > corpo da mensagem para
*>* >   talk-br-request em

*>* >
*>* > Você poderá entrar em contato com a pessoa que gerencia a lista pelo
*>* > endereço
*>* >   talk-br-owner em

*>* >
*>* > Quando responder, por favor edite sua linha Assunto assim ela será
*>* > mais específica que "Re: Contents of Talk-br digest..."
*>* >
*>* >
*>* > Tópicos de Hoje:
*>* >
*>* >1. Nova aparência do mapa padrão (Nelson A. de Oliveira)
*>* >2. Re: Nova aparência do mapa padrão (Gerald Weber)
*>* >
*>* >
*>* > --
*>* >
*>* > Message: 1
*>* > Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2015 00:16:16 -0200
*>* > From: "Nelson A. de Oliveira">>
*>* > To: OSM talk-br>>
*>* > Subject: [Talk-br] Nova aparência do mapa padrão
*>* > Message-ID:
*>* >   * wNg em 

Re: [Talk-de] Neue Farben im Kartenstil?

2015-11-01 Thread Peter Wendorff

Hallo Manuel,

umgetagged werden muss natürlich nicht,
Tags sollten darstellen, was vorhanden ist, und sich gerade nicht an der 
Darstellung in einer Karte orientieren.


Am 01.11.2015 um 11:22 schrieb Manuel Reimer:


ich hatte ja erste Bedenken ich habe beim Eintragen einen Fehler
gemacht, aber das scheint sich wohl über die ganze Karte durchzuziehen.

Aktuell werden die Straßen etwas "farbloser". Zumindest in meiner Region
gibt es so Langsam nurnoch weiße Straßen und die farbige Unterscheidung
geht verloren.

Woran liegt's? Mal wieder Anpassungen am Stil? Muss jetzt irgendwie
umgetaggt werden oder ist das mit den farblosen Straßen so gewollt?



Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Restoring a usable map service!

2015-11-01 Thread Dave F.

On 31/10/2015 19:51, Frederik Ramm wrote:

We must not allow ourselves to feel like we are a commercial service

I thought the main reason for this rerender /was/ to be more like them, 
to appease the 'why doesn't it look like Google' brigade.

As Fredrick points out we're (almost) all volunteers, all contributing 
to OSM to improve it's quality; be that typing in zeros & ones or, as I 
did yesterday, get wet feet trudging do a survey through a particularly 
boggy wood. All contributors have equal rights to be proud OSM & equal 
rights to criticise.

Dave F.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] La mappa di OSM ha un nuovo schema colori

2015-11-01 Thread Aury88
Federico Cortese wrote
> Io mi ero innamorato del nuovo stile già vedendolo sulla pagina di
> Mateusz Konieczny.
> Ora non posso che confermare, la mappa è molto più pulita. Secondo me
> è un altro grande passo avanti dopo quello dei fabbricati di qualche
> tempo fa.
> L'unica mia preouccupazione è che il mappatore dell'ultima ora tenda a
> "promuovere" le tertiary a secondary per vederle colorate sulla mappa,
> ora che invece sono bianche come le residenziali e le unclassified,
> nonostante abbiano una larghezza maggiore.
> Ciao
> Federico

condivido tutto anche le preoccupazioni...per gli zoom inferiori non
dovrebbe esserci problema visto che le tertiary vengono renderizzate diverse
dalle unclassified (che sono segnate credo con una linea fine grigia mentre
le residential non vengono mostrate proprio), mentre per gli zoom superiori
il render simile potrebbe indurre qualcuno a mappare scorrettamente le
è stato un motivo di forte dibattito mi sembra di ricordare...a qualcuno
questo render non piaceva proprio per questo...personalmente sono d'accordo
sulla scelta di usare lo stesso colore lasciando diverso solo lo spessore e
il livello di primo render, però capisco anche l'obiezione di renderizzare
in maniera simile strade che tendenzialmente hanno livelli di importanza

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-ko] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-11-01 Thread Max
There seems to be some momentum in the development for the rendering of
the main OSM style osm carto.

Have you noticed any oddities or bugs in Korea?

Maybe it's a good time to sumbit a ticket to change the horrible font
for Korean? What do you suggest? The Nanum Gothic from Naver is under a
free license and is AFAIK the only suitable candidate.
Is the place to post issues. I could do that but wanted your input for
anything font related.


 Forwarded Message 
Subject: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 22:01:34 +0100
From: Matthijs Melissen 
To: OpenStreetMap , osm-dev List

Dear all,

Today, v2.36.0 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet has been
released and rolled out to the servers. It might
still take a couple of days before all tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include:

* Major rewrite of road and railway rendering, as part of Mateusz
Konieczny's Google Summer of Code project. See
for more information.
* Added rendering of the following tags:
  - amenity=fountain
  - amenity=car_wash
  - historic=wayside_cross and man_made=cross
  - shop=bag
  - shop=outdoor
  - power=plant (labels)
* Changed rendering of the following objects:
  - Placenames (new algorithm for deciding what placenames to render
on low zoomlevels)
  - Road shields
  - Oneway arrows
  - Glaciers
  - Marina labels
  - Station labels
* Dropped rendering of the following tags:
  - amenity=car_sharing (not relevant for the general public)
  - shop=antique (use shop=antiques)
  - shop=betting (use shop=lottery or shop=bookmaker)
  - shop=delicatessen (use shop=deli)
  - shop=dive (use shop=scuba_diving)
  - shop=fish (use shop=seafood, shop=pet, shop=angling or
  - shop=gambling (use shop=lottery, shop=bookmaker, or
  - shop=insurance (use office=insurance)
  - shop=pharmacy (use office=pharmacy)
  - shop=bags (use shop=bag)
* Various other bug fixes and minor improvements.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

-- Matthijs

talk mailing list

Talk-ko mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-11-01 Thread Colin Smale

Is a pharmacy not the same as shop=chemist with dispensing=yes? To my
mind it sounds like it. If there is a distinction, isn't it getting a
bit academic? 

On 2015-11-01 12:51, Richard wrote: 

> On Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 09:01:04AM +1100, Warin wrote: On 31/10/2015 8:10 AM, 
> Matthijs Melissen wrote: On 30 October 2015 at 22:01, Matthijs Melissen 
>  wrote:   - shop=pharmacy (use office=pharmacy) 
> This should be amenity=pharmacy instead of office=pharmacy, of course.

No. In a perfect world it should be


Description : A shop where a pharmacist sells medications.

So "a shop"!:-)

My definition ... shop ... a place where physical goods are sold. 

not long ago (maybe even today?) pharmacies  were not only selling goods
also producing many kinds of ointments and possibly other things as
by the prescribing physician.

So "shop" would be a too narrow definition.


talk mailing list ___
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-11-01 Thread Max
On 2015년 11월 01일 20:51, Richard wrote:
> not long ago (maybe even today?) pharmacies  were not only selling goods but 
> also producing many kinds of ointments and possibly other things as ordered 
> by the prescribing physician.
> So "shop" would be a too narrow definition.

With that argument you should also change stuff like shop=florist,
because they aren't just selling the flowers they buy in bulk, they
actually make arrangements and bouquets and stuff...

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-11-01 Thread nicolas . alvarez

> El 30/10/2015, a las 19:01, Warin <> escribió:
>> On 31/10/2015 8:10 AM, Matthijs Melissen wrote:
>>> On 30 October 2015 at 22:01, Matthijs Melissen  
>>> wrote:
>>>   - shop=pharmacy (use office=pharmacy)
>> This should be amenity=pharmacy instead of office=pharmacy, of course.
> No. In a perfect world it should be
> shop=pharmacy
> Description : A shop where a pharmacist sells medications.
> So "a shop"!:-)   
> My definition ... shop ... a place where physical goods are sold.

I agree in principle. But it's too late to do a change like that:

Amenity is here to stay.
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2015

2015-11-01 Thread Maurizio Napolitano
2015-11-01 19:54 GMT+01:00 Simone Cortesi :
> Ciao,
> ho aggiunto alla pagina wiki di osmit il fatto che sia stato annullato.

Hai fatto bene.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-11-01 Thread nicolas . alvarez

> El 1/11/2015, a las 9:39, Max  escribió:
>> On 2015년 11월 01일 20:51, Richard wrote:
>> not long ago (maybe even today?) pharmacies  were not only selling goods but 
>> also producing many kinds of ointments and possibly other things as ordered 
>> by the prescribing physician.
>> So "shop" would be a too narrow definition.
> With that argument you should also change stuff like shop=florist,
> because they aren't just selling the flowers they buy in bulk, they
> actually make arrangements and bouquets and stuff...

Okay everyone...

The renderer should render the tags people actually use. amenity=pharmacy is 
used 1000 times more than other options, so osm-carto is doing the right thing 
by using that one and only that one.

If you want to discuss changing the tag for pharmacies, make a new thread, 
perhaps in the tagging@ mailing list.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] OSRM demo server down

2015-11-01 Thread Patrick Niklaus
Oh damn. Thanks. Looking at the logs this might take some time to fix.

On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 1:19 PM, Sander Deryckere  wrote:
> Hi,
> I just noticed that the demo site, and routes on through ORSM
> are down.
> As I didn't see an announcement or mail about it, I thought I should mention
> it.
> Regards,
> Sander
> ___
> OSRM-talk mailing list

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Map rendering errors

2015-11-01 Thread Bruno Remy
The tile's rendering seems to be OK : I'v addes some items (trees) and they
appear on tiles.

I've also created ans deleted one driveway and the regeneration of new tile
keeps the "fantom driveway" anyway.

By the evidence, this is a database problem in osm2pgsql

schema , witch is used by Mapnik's rendering process.
The most probable hypothesis is : some old nodes and old ways still exists
in 'OldNode' and 'OldWay' tables, with the "visible" status as 'true'
instead of 'false'.
See the shema for reference:

My suggested solution:
Create a brand new collection of nodes with the position of "all fantom
nodes", and sending'them to the Tech tem of OSM. They'll be able to run a
query into the
'OldNode' and 'OldWay' tables and switch the "visible" status from 'true'
to 'false'.

Any others ideas/suggestions?


2015-10-31 5:19 GMT-04:00 Pierre Béland :

> The techs seem to have too many tiles to revise.  I dirtied the tile
> (addding suffix /dirty) and not corrected yet.
> Pierre
> --
> *De :* Bernie Connors 
> *À :*
> *Envoyé le :* Samedi 31 octobre 2015 3h26
> *Objet :* [Talk-ca] Map rendering errors
> Hello,
>   I have done extensive editing with Potlatch2 for the Cape Breton
> University campus in Sydney, NS.  My son is a student at CBU and I have
> visited the campus several times.  The Bing imagery appears to be fairly
> recent and good quality.  The edits were completed more than one week ago,
> maybe two weeks but some of the map tiles still don't appear to match the
> vector data.  Here are some examples:
>  * Shannon School of Business building - it should be rectangular -
>  * Technology Centre building - shape does not match Potlatch2 vectors -
>  * Library building - there appears to be extra lines that could be ghosts
> of the previous vectors -
>   99% of the edits I made in this area are reflected in the
> OpenStreetMap tiles but the above items are a few examples where the map
> tiles do not match the vectors that I can see with Potlatch 2.  I am
> certain I have waited long enough for the OSM servers to update the tiles.
> Does anybody have an idea why the tiles do not match the vectors?
> Thanks,
> Bernie.
> --
> Bernie Connors
> New Maryland, NB
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list

Bruno Remy
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Thread News

On 10/31/2015 09:57 PM, jonathan wrote:

I don't like it.

It very simple, the colours should match the road sign colours: Blue,
Green, Red!

Anything else is just form over function.

+1 the discussion on red notwithstanding

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-11-01 Thread Lester Caine
On 01/11/15 12:39, Max wrote:
>> not long ago (maybe even today?) pharmacies  were not only selling goods but 
>> > also producing many kinds of ointments and possibly other things as 
>> > ordered 
>> > by the prescribing physician.
>> > 
>> > So "shop" would be a too narrow definition.
> With that argument you should also change stuff like shop=florist,
> because they aren't just selling the flowers they buy in bulk, they
> actually make arrangements and bouquets and stuff...

The irritating bit is the miss match of things like amenity, shop and
now 'healthcare'. In my tag list the local doctors surgery is an
building=clinic and has within it an amenity=doctor, nurse, dentist and
pharmacy. Just as my local hospital has various additional amenities
such as podiatrist (who CAN be a medical practitioner here!),
optometrist and the like. But just down the road from the doctors is a
shop=chemist which also provides a dispensing pharmacy amenity and has a
visiting podiatrist. The doctors pharmacy carries out no over the
counter sales ( apart from the extra tax con ;) ) so is an amenity,
while the chemist is clearly a shop providing various amenities, some of
which may not be 'healthcare' ... do we really need yet another
complicated tag in this mix?

Adding 'office' as another option of "A place predominantly selling
services." also confuses the picture. The building is an office,
shopping_mall or retail premise, and once again, the amenity provided is
the job function. The estate agent is next to the chemist's shop in the
same building, so tag the building 'retail', and each unit with is

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Thread Mark Goodge

On 31/10/2015 22:27, Chris Hill wrote:

We should all keep in mind that the standard map on the OSM website is
not OSM. It is just a single render as an example of what is possible.
There are thousands of renders out there (I must have made more than a
dozen). Making your own map tiles in your own style is not that hard and
not very hard or expensive to host if you have a real need to do it.

Easy for you and me, maybe. But not easy for the average user of online 

I don't disagree with the basic argument that OSM is fundamentally about 
the data, not the visual appearance of the website at But, to the vast majority of users of OSM 
(that is, the type of user who is not represented on these mailing 
lists), the website *is* OpenStreetMap. If we are serious about making 
OSM a resource for the ordinary web user, as an alternative to Google 
and Bing, then we need to take those users into account. So the UX of 
the default presentation of OSM does matter, and matters a lot.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New Map Style feedback

2015-11-01 Thread Tom Hughes

On 01/11/15 17:09, Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap) wrote:

The ability for OSM to render the “British” colours alongside the new style 
colours would depend on what resources they have, but I will support adding an 
alternative layer to the main site that uses the “British” colours, as soon as 
the alternative tile server goes live: it is clear that there is no clear 
standard for how roads are coloured. I will suggest however that the “British” 
stylesheet be based from the main openstreetmap-carto style, in order to ease 

Why do you think a British style should get special treatment I wonder?

Should we have a French style and a US style and a Chinese style and...

I mean how exactly do you propose to decide which national styles should 
get special treatment?


Tom Hughes (

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Segnalazione probabile errore OSM

2015-11-01 Thread Andrea Nelson Mauro
Ciao a tutti, grazie per il feedback

In effetti il motivo per cui non ho cliccato subito su "Aggiungi una nota"
è che essendo niubbio di inserimento dati OSM non volevo far danni. Magari
un pulsante "Segnala un errore" sarebbe più diretti in termini di UI-UX (mi
piacerebbe leggere la discussione in cui si è deciso di inserire "Aggiungi
una nota", se l'avete intercettata mi piacerebbe avere un link)

Non sono però niubbio del mondo dei dati e vivaddio, come dice Martin, che
tutte le fonti posso essere consultate, ovviamente :)
Ho visto che è stato disegnato il tracciato della zona e vi ringrazio. Non
riesco a dare più info perché non sono sul posto (ci vado in vacanza a
natale, in tal caso cercherò di fare un sopralluogo se sarà ancora

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Segnalazione probabile errore OSM

2015-11-01 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 01.11.2015 um 08:48 schrieb Aury88 :
> noi no possiamo usare googlemap, o altre
> fonti coperte da copyright, neanche per fare un confronto..

per fare un confronto possiamo usare qualsiasi fonte, ma non possiamo prendere 
informazioni da quello fonte, invece possiamo poi fare rilievi e capire sul 
luogo cosa c'è da fare.

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk] How to Tag the Invisible objects in OSM

2015-11-01 Thread Pierre Béland
I just added the NoFeature mapcss style to the JOSM 

>From the JOSM Edit / Preference Menu, you can select Map Setting / Map Pain 
>Style, select NoFeature Style in the list.

The objective of this style is to focus on the invisible objects, the ones that 
have no Major tag to relate to a OSM Feature such as Highway, building, 
natural, landuse, amenity, etc. 
If you use other styles, assure to place the NoFeature Style at the bottom of 
the Mappaint list. When you select it, the visible Features are hidden and the 
focus is placed on the Invisible objects, coloring them in red.  It should 
facilitate to spot these objects and evaluate which proper tag represent them. 
Either there is no major tag (key / value combinations we generally find in the 
Map Features wiki page), there is syntax error, or an unexperienced contributor 
simply added a note instead of using the appropriate tags.   
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Toppe attributive

2015-11-01 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Ecco pronte le toppe :-)

Il 28/ott/2015 09:52 "Martin Koppenhoefer"  ha

> 2015-10-28 9:35 GMT+01:00 Cascafico Giovanni :
>> ...Poi volevo completare la toppa con qualcosa di promozionale per OSM in
>> inglese o magari in tedesco, visto che gran parte dei passanti dell' "Alpe
>> Adria trail" sono austriaci.
> la promozione storica di OSM in Germania è "Unterwegs für eine freie
> Weltkarte" (~in giro per un mappa mondo open)
>> Sarebbe troppo per un adesivo 70x37mm?
> quello lo deve decidere te ;-)
> Ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-GB] New Map Style feedback

2015-11-01 Thread Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap)
Hi all,

I have been gathering thoughts from the talk-gb list and my main concern now is 
how the tertiary roads are shown, especially in countries where people map 
roads according to quality and hierarchy (and there are more than one). In 
Greece, tertiary roads connect all villages while in Thailand, tertiary roads 
have an important use in referring to roads with four digit numbers.

While I believe that the new rendering has potential, I am suggesting that in 
order to resolve concerns about the portrayal of tertiary roads, the motorways 
on the mainstream style should be blue, purple or violet instead of the current 
shade of rose. This would free up rose for trunk roads, red for primary roads 
and so on until yellow for tertiary.

The ability for OSM to render the “British” colours alongside the new style 
colours would depend on what resources they have, but I will support adding an 
alternative layer to the main site that uses the “British” colours, as soon as 
the alternative tile server goes live: it is clear that there is no clear 
standard for how roads are coloured. I will suggest however that the “British” 
stylesheet be based from the main openstreetmap-carto style, in order to ease 


— Amaroussi
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Thread jonathan


On 01/11/2015 16:59, Mark Goodge wrote:

On 31/10/2015 22:27, Chris Hill wrote:

We should all keep in mind that the standard map on the OSM website is
not OSM. It is just a single render as an example of what is possible.
There are thousands of renders out there (I must have made more than a
dozen). Making your own map tiles in your own style is not that hard and
not very hard or expensive to host if you have a real need to do it.

Easy for you and me, maybe. But not easy for the average user of 
online maps.

I don't disagree with the basic argument that OSM is fundamentally 
about the data, not the visual appearance of the website at But, to the vast majority of users of OSM 
(that is, the type of user who is not represented on these mailing 
lists), the website *is* OpenStreetMap. If we are serious about making 
OSM a resource for the ordinary web user, as an alternative to Google 
and Bing, then we need to take those users into account. So the UX of 
the default presentation of OSM does matter, and matters a lot.


Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] La mappa di OSM ha un nuovo schema colori

2015-11-01 Thread Aury88
non penso...alla fine sia primary che secondary hanno un proprio
problema può sorgere solo con le tertiary che hanno lo stesso colore delle
unclassified e delle residential.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Digest Talk-br, volume 86, assunto 1

2015-11-01 Thread belnuovo
0U98zUwW0Y-0o2eU08793C7U-psHBNVx_HZJxLSvk-kw em
> < >>
>*>* > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>*>* >
>*>* > Obrigado Nelson por avisar a gente desta alteração.
>*>* >
>*>* > Eu vi o estilo novo e achei decepcionante. Estradas terciárias agora não
>*>* > tem cor mais, que péssima idéia. Motorway e trunk ficaram muito mais
>*>* > difíceis de identificar.
>*>* >
>*>* > Enquanto isto o velho problema de identificar estradas não-pavimentadas
>*>* > continua sendo ignorado.
>*>* >
>*>* > É uma pena, tanto esforço para chegar num resultado tão pobre,
>*>* introduzindo
>*>* > problemas novos ao invés de resolver problemas existentes.
>*>* >
>*>* > abraços e bom final de semana
>*>* >
>*>* > Gerald
>*>* >
>*>* >
>*>* >
>*>* > 2015-10-31 0:16 GMT-02:00 Nelson A. de Oliveira < >>:
>*>* >
>*>* >> Repassando o que o Marcos enviou na talk-pt.
>*>* >>
>*>* >>
>*>* >> ===
>*>* >> Olá a todos,
>*>* >>
>*>* >> Como já devem ter reparado, o mapa padrão sofreu uma grande alteração,
>*>* >> nomeadamente na forma como renderiza as estradas e esta mensagem tenta
>*>* >> dar a conhecer a história por detrás disto.
>*>* >>
>*>* >> O protótipo desta alteração foi trazida à mesa por Mateusz Konieczny a
>*>* >> 9 de maio depois de este ter começado uma discussão onde comparava o
>*>* >> mapa usado pelo Google Maps com o oferecido pelo OSM e como este
>*>* >> último pode ser melhorado usando os princípios do anterior. [1]
>*>* >>
>*>* >> A sua proposta foi submetida para revisão a 14 de agosto, depois de
>*>* >> ouvidas as queixas e sugestões de outros utilizadores. [2]
>*>* >>
>*>* >> Desde dessa data o projeto entrou num processo de discussão pública na
>*>* >> página GitHub que é onde ocorre o desenvolvido do mapa padrão. [3]
>*>* >>
>*>* >> Finalmente, a 30 de outubro, depois de revisto, debatido e corrigido,
>*>* >> chegou a hora de implementa-lo a nível global. [4]
>*>* >>
>*>* >> [1] -
>< >
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>*>* >> --
>*>* >> Um Abraço,
>*>* >> Marcos Oliveira
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Talk-br mailing list

[talk-ph] What3Words

2015-11-01 Thread Jim Morgan
Thought this was interesting, but probably not very practical. Its basically an 
easy way of verbally sharing a geographic location. The idea is that the globe 
is chopped up into 3x3 metre squares, and each square gets assigned 3 unique 
words. eg, I'll meet you at study.recently.fattest



   datalude: information security

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Restoring a usable map service!

2015-11-01 Thread Marc Gemis
On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 11:18 AM, tony wroblewski 

> or isn't a motorway and I think it's almost universally accepted (In
> Europe at least), that motorways are shown in blue.

In Belgium international motorways (E-roads, e.g. E19) are indicated with
white on green signs.
National motorways (A-roads, e.g. A12) with black on white.
The printed maps that I remember used red and yellow for motorways, similar
to the rendering in the current German map:  see [1]

I had never seen a blue motorway before OSM.



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Neue Farben im Kartenstil?

2015-11-01 Thread malenki
On Sun, 1 Nov 2015 13:49:39 +0100,
Andreas Labres wrote:

> On 01.11.15 13:27, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> > Der 'farblosere' Gesamteindruck kommt vor allem, weil
> > highway=tertiary jetzt weiß ist und sich nur noch in der
> > Linienbreite von unclassified/residential unterscheidet. Das ist im
> > Vorfeld kontrovers diskutiert worden...   
> Es spräche ja nix dagegen, die tertiary blassgelb zu machen...

Dann wäre der Unterschied zu primary recht gering.

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-us] CrossCountryRoads

2015-11-01 Thread Martijn van Exel
Hi all,

Just stumbled on, one of many (?) 'road geek' web
sites hosting images and videos of (mostly) freeway scenery. Pretty cool
and useful. I sent the proprietor of the site a message asking if we may
use the images and videos to improve OSM.

Does anyone know of any others we may use? Is this useful / interesting?

Here's what I sent:

Hello Tom,

I found your web site via Facebook. I was already a member of some 'road
geek' type groups and this one was suggested to me. Very cool.

I don't know if you know about OpenStreetMap, the open (wiki-style) map of
the world? I was wondering if contributors to the OpenStreetMap project may
use the images / videos on this web site to help improve OpenStreetMap with
more signpost / lane / speed limit and other information that may be
gleaned from these images and videos?

Thank you for your consideration!
Martijn van Exel
OpenStreetMap US

Martijn van Exel
skype: mvexel
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] weeklyOSM 275

2015-11-01 Thread Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue 275, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:


weeklyOSM is brought to you by

Jinal Foflia
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Posuny trasovaných budov

2015-11-01 Thread Marián Kyral
No tak to je špatné. To budeš muset počkat až se to do KM dostane. Zatím
bych to asi nechal tak.


Dne 30.10.2015 v 20:30 Petr Schönmann napsal(a):
> Koukal jsem na RUIAN coz je videt v obrazku, tam je to posunute.
> CUZK:KM je v oblasti stary preskenovany, tam to nejde poznat vubec.
> Dne 30. října 2015 7:03 Marián Kyral  > napsal(a):
> Ahoj. Porovnej to s katastrálními mapami. Natrasované budovy by
> měly na KM sedět.
> Marián
> *Odesílatel:* "Petr Schönmann"  >
> *Odesláno:* 30. října 2015 5:41:00 SEČ
> *Komu:* OpenStreetMap Czech Republic  >
> *Předmět:* [Talk-cz] Posuny trasovaných budov
> Ahoj !
> Koukal jsem na  že bych si
> natrasoval nějaké budovy co jsou nabídnuty na mapování v tipech.
> Inu otevřel jsem nějakou obec a hle už zmapováno. Petr1868 mě
> předběhl. Koukám na ty budovy a všechny jsou tak trochu posunuté,
> ale čas je nový. Klikám v traceru u sebe a posune se přesně na
> podklad co mám stažen aktivováním vrstvy v JOSM. Sedí jak prdel na
> hrnec. Kdo tedy má špatné nastavení ? Nemám tam mít třeba nějaký
> posun, nebo holt Petr má v JOSM nastaven nějaký posun, že trasuje
> o chlup mimo ?
> Infoobrázek v příloze
> Talk-cz mailing list
> -- Odesláno z mého telefonu s Androidem pomocí pošty K-9 Mail.
> Omluvte prosím moji stručnost.
> ___ Talk-cz mailing
> list 
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Thread jonathan


On 01/11/2015 16:53, Mark Goodge wrote:

On 01/11/2015 09:46, Stuart Reynolds wrote:

I don't like it for the simple reason that I think it will fail to
win over new Uk users. There are plenty of people who just want to
use default tiles to show a location on - sports pitch, scout hall,
whatever - and those people will inevitably go to Google. Sure, we
understand the differences between a map and data, but we need to
engage first and then draw them into making active improvements. And
this won't do that because it is so contrary to people's experience.

I agree. I think that meeting ordinary, non-map-geek (and 
non-technical) users' expectations is important.

It used to be the case that both Google and Bing used local mapping 
conventions for their colours. So, for example, in the UK, motorways 
were blue, while primary routes were green, while in France  toll 
autoroutes were green and non-toll autoroutes were red. Those colours 
may be arbitrary, but they were well-established. But both Google and 
Bing decided to stop following local conventions and impose a single, 
global style based on a US-style classification of roads.

That really doesn't work very well. In particular, it breaks really 
badly for Google, because their classification system doesn't map onto 
UK usage. You end up with stupidities such as slip roads at junctions 
being coloured differently to the roads they serve, for example, and 
an inability to distinguish between A roads and unclassified roads 
based simply on colour (and width of a line really isn't good enough, 
particularly at overview levels).

When Google made that change, therefore, it provided an excellent 
opportunity to evangelise for OpenStreetMap, precisely because OSM 
hadn't made the same mistake.

Now, I appreciate that OSM had the opposite problem, in that it 
imposed a UK-style colour scheme on the rest of the world (due to the 
lack of ability for local colour schemes). So something did need to be 
done about that. But I am not at all convinced that the right thing 
has been done about it.

To begin with, I find myself agreeing with the comments made by others 
(possibly more intemperately, but no less valid for all that) that 
creating a system to allow different countries to use different colour 
schemes (like the old Google and Bing did) would have been a better 
option than simply changing the colours. But, assuming that, for 
whatever reason, that's impractical and the colours did need to be 
changed, I still think that the new colours are a long way short of 

Specifically, I think that white is the wrong colour for anything 
other than an urban street or a farm track. It's too indistinguishable 
from the background and makes it hard to get a visual overview of the 
local road network. I have a feeling that this choice may have been 
driven by mappers who work primarily in urban areas, where white does 
work. But for rural roads, it just plain doesn't.

At the other end of the scale, I think that the three shades of 
red/orange used for motorways and A roads are too similar. While they 
are different enough to be distinguishable when placed next to each 
other, the colours shouldn't need the presence of a comparator to be 
identifiable. If you see a section of road on its own with no 
surrounding context (and, again, this is more of an issue for mid-zoom 
levels in rural areas), you have to make a conscious effort to think 
about the colour to be sure whether it's a trunk or non-trunk A road, 
or a trunk road or a motorway.

That's bad UI. The colours should be different enough that if you see 
a line of just one colour on an otherwise entirely featurless 
background, it is immediately obvious (to someone who knows the 
colours) what category of road it is. I'm not intrinsically wedded to 
the idea that motorways must be blue, or that trunk roads must be 
green. But I am certain that whatever colours are chosen should be 
chosen with clarity in mind.


Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Route planning (was:Re: Restoring a usable map service!)

2015-11-01 Thread Paul Bivand
Now, as opposed to when Rob's survey was done, I'd think a UK render would be 

However, I voted this to be less important for a UK chapter, because I feel 
that the limited number of meetups I've been to have a tendency to default to 
techy talk rather than encouraging mappers (and how to handle complex schemas 
in the wiki)

The number one job of a UK group should be encouraging both more mappers to 
join and stay, and to encourage more (appropriate) mapping. Defaulting to 
conversations in Ruby or whatever doesn't help.

Meanwhile, I actually want a style based on 1st series OS with hachures. 
Selfishly, this is because the default hillshading sun direction (?Northwest?) 
hides many steep hills in my area, e.g. North Downs ridge, whereas the hachure 
maps have no sun direction but show slopes wherever they occur. 

One thing might help in the present issues though - because 1st series was 
black and white, road importance was distinguished by both thickness (in some 
cases supposed to be representative of actual width) but also the road edges 
have differing thicknesses. The differing importance of roads are clear to the 

Paul Bivand (paulbiv)

On Sunday 01 Nov 2015 12:17:06 wrote:
> Tangentially from the "we want our old colours back" discussion, I
> recently had a go** at showing "stuff that's more useful"* at lower zooms:
> that roughly corresponds to
> .  At this zoom level
> it's essentially a subset of what OSM Carto use to show.
> However I'm not convinced that "route planning" is a sensible addition
> to what the "standard map" is supposed to show; it already has a fairly
> impossible job specification (show everything to provide mapper
> feedback, but still "look nice").  If you want a "route planning" map
> then (for now at least) use MQ Open
> which at
> this zoom works really well.
> With regard to whether there's a place for a "UK standard" style, Rob's
> survey back in August (see
> and
> s6lU/edit?pli=1 ) had that as one of the lower priorities.  If someone
> creates a map style that works here and people use it, great, but it won't
> happen on its own and any number of mailing list posts won't make it happen
> either.  Lots of people already use "their own" map styles, and there's
> no "correct" answer to most of the questions a new style has to answer-
> see the difference between
> and
> , for one example of two solutions to the same problem.
> There are already lots of available maps using OSM data, including 5
> different ones on the site itself.  To complain that the colours
> on one of them have changed (after substantial discussion on github, in
> numerous mailing list posts and lots and lots of OSM diary entries) is
> to miss the point somewhat.
> Cheers,
> Andy (SomeoneElse)
> * here in the UK.  It's not intended as a suggestion for's
> "standard map style" as by definition that's an International style.
> ** mostly in
> On 01/11/2015 10:18, tony wroblewski wrote:
> > I much prefer that style in your screengrab. It clearly shows what is
> > or isn't a motorway and I think it's almost universally accepted (In
> > Europe at least), that motorways are shown in blue.
> > 
> > The current problem I see with the new default style is that it's very
> > very difficult to now plan routes on a zoomed out map. I can't clearly
> > see, for example, what is or isn't a motorway around Birmingham.
> > Although the new theme looks nice, it is much less practical than the
> > old one
> > 
> > On 1 November 2015 at 11:02, Lester Caine  wrote:
> >> On 31/10/15 21:51, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> >>> As for the remainder of your posting, about a "single base" and how all
> >>> this is somehow related to a few colours changing on the map, I
> >>> think you lost me there.
> >> 
> >> Answered the colour problem in the thread on New Map Style.
> >> 
> >> The problem with setting up a tile server is the GENERATION of the tiles
> >> and how that can be modified to provide the other element I've been
> >> banging on about. Viewing the UK at a point in time rather than simply
> >> providing what is the current often incorrect view of the country.
> >> (Roads around Coventry are still wrong while the older views were
> >> actually better). I switched from Apache to Nginx on the servers for the
> >> performance improvements it gives working with the PHP sites I manage,
> >> and it SHOULD be simple to get Nginx to front access to both the tile
> >> server and the 

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Thread Marc Gemis
On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 1:38 PM, Dave F.  wrote:

> . I fully understand about not being able to set a deadline, but the
> actual amendments being implemented in this major update could have been
> listed a bit clearer. The static image here:
> doesn't make them obvious. Is there an explanation page I've missed?

Are those diary entries


of any help ? Perhaps there are some more since June, in which the process
of the development of the new style was explained.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2015

2015-11-01 Thread Simone Cortesi
ho aggiunto alla pagina wiki di osmit il fatto che sia stato annullato.

2015-10-28 10:51 GMT+01:00 Maurizio Napolitano :
> 2015-10-21 14:31 GMT+02:00 Simone Cortesi :
>> 2015-10-21 12:33 GMT+02:00 Leonardo :
>>> Mi associo all'idea di Paolo, se fate qualcosa a Padova ci sono :)
>> in altro thread ho mandato una proposta per il 21-22 novembre a Bologna.
> Ho avuto ora il tempo di rileggere il thread.
> Se ho ben inteso OSMIT a Siena salta.
> Simone ha proposto un evento "osmico" dal 21 al 22 novembre a Bologna,
> Se Siena salta per pochi partecipanti e quello di Bologna ne ha già qualcuno
> in più, allora che OSMIT 2015 sia l'evento di Bologna.
> La ho sparata grossa?
> Ciao
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Nature Reserves

2015-11-01 Thread SK53
Designation tag is already is use to discriminate between LNRs & NNRs (I'm
not quite sure what partiticular status LNRs have but it is referred to as
a designation on the Magic site). Otherwise no: most NRs will be a mosaic
of different physical types, even woods will have rides, ponds, and little
meadows. Parks are a special case: most will think of them as parks rather
than NRs (although visits will be for the nature), which is why I was
wondering about a nature_reserve=yes tag rather than a duplicate way. I
also suspect that most such cases will be in cities: although the odd
country park may figure.


On 1 November 2015 at 21:42, Rob Nickerson 

> Do you think there is a need to separate the legal (i.e. LNR, NNR) from
> the "physical" (landuse of grass, wood etc or leisure=park) by making use
> of the designation tag? We ended up doing this for rights of way.
> Regards,
> Rob
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-it] Segnalazione probabile errore OSM

2015-11-01 Thread John Doe
Quando vi serve qualcosa a Messina potete anche scrivere a me.
Ho visto la modifica di Federico.
Le due barriere sono due cancelli.
Manca anche la parte frontale dei palazzi, quella più bassa di fronte alla
Via Direzione d'Artiglieria.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Nova aparência do mapa padrão

2015-11-01 Thread Rui Oliveira

Na minha opinião, não acho que fizesse muita falta uma alteração de estilo
de mapa. Mas não é isso que me preocupa. Estive  agora a editar com o ID, e
reparei que os tipos de estradas do estilo renderizado em modo de edição é
o mesmo que a versão anterior. Penso que poderiam também ter feito essa
alteração no editor, de modo a evitar confusão de muitos notatos que estão
a editar pela primeira vez (i.e. vão editar uma auto-estrada a vermelho e
aparece-lhes a azul no modo de edição).

Lamento apenas que na nova versão do estilo, se tenha optado substituir
cores mais frias (ex: azul) e por uma predominância de cores quentes. Seria
também interessante que deixassem o anterior estilo como opção no OSM, mas
pelo que vi optaram de o remover completamente, estando apenas acessíves
como alternativa os do costume ( ciclismo, transportes públicos, mapquest
open e humanitário) Para o meu gosto alguns dos melhores estilos usam
precisamente cores mais neutras e menos carregadas.

Gosto bastante do tema predominante da  mapbox , "o mapbox streets" (tema
usado pelo foursquare, duckduckgo e como opcional no precisamente
pela sua utilização mais equilibrada de cores e aspecto minimalista. Penso
que se a fundação tivesse pedido à mapbox para criar um novo estilo, ela de
bom gosto aceitaria o desafio e criaria algo um pouco mais equilibrado .
Perdeu-se uma grande opurtunidade.

De qualquer forma já acompanhava o desenvolvimento deste estlo, embora não
soubesse que iria entrar em default tão depressa. Agradeço ao Marcos por
ter se dado ao trabalho de transmitir esta ideia e fundamentação à
Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Dalsi preklady wiki

2015-11-01 Thread Michal Pustějovský

Elektroinženýr sice nejsem, ale u některých pojmů můžu poradit.

Dne 01.11.2015 v 9:34 Pavel Machek napsal(a):

On Fri 2015-10-23 14:20:18, Dalibor Jelínek wrote:


zase jsem trochu prekladal, tak se na to, prosim, podivejte.

Zejmena na strance voltage bych byl rad, kdyby si sekci o HVDC precetl
nejaky elektroinzenyr,

protoze nektere termity jsem si dost cucal z prstu. :-(

trasformovnu (power=substation) ... tohle je divny termit.

Elektrická stanice / Stanice (el.) rozvodné sítě. Další specifikaci 
určuje tag substation=* (rozvodna, místní rozvodna, transformační 
stanice, ...).

1 metr na 100 000 voltů. -> 100kV ?

Narážejí na délku izolátorů na  stožárech, viz tento obrázek 
Podlé jejich délky (výšky) lze jednoznačně určit velikost napětí 
přenášeného danou linku. Čím větší napětí, tím dále od kabelu musí být 
ocelová konstrukce -> tím delší izolátor.

Systémy HVDC -> Stejnosmerne systemy (HVDC) ?

High Voltage Direct Current -> Stejnosměrný systém vysokého napětí

...zemnící elektrodě, může, ale nesmí být namontován na..

nesmi -> nemusi?

Logický nesmysl. Netuším, co je správně. osobně bych tipoval zápor.

(To "mono-polární" je taky divny termin).

Mono-polární se standardně používá. Ekvivalentem je jednopólový.

Pokud stožáry vedení HVDC nesou také vodič používaný jako návratový
zemněný vodič, pak jeho napětí musí být popsáno jako „napětí HVDC ;
0“, pokud ne, pak nastavte pouze napětí HVDC. Pro střídavá vedení
nesoucí zemněný návratový vodič schématu HVDC, nastavte napětí jako
„AC napětí ; 0“ a jako frekvenci dejte “AC frekvence ; 0”.

Tohle je dost tezky na pochopeni (a on i ten original je dost

V kombinovaném systému bude mít nulovací vodič jiné napětí vzhledem k AC 
a vzhledem k DC. Tohle je příliš technické, asi bych to neuváděl (nebo 
alespoň odkázal na AJ verzi). Navíc tento systém se u nás ani nevyskytuje.

Kdyz budu mit 1000V stejnosmernych s navratovym vodicem, pisu
voltage=1000;0 . Kdyz mam stridave vedeni na kterem je taky navratovy
vodic pro stejnosmerne vedeni, pisu voltage=99000;0, frequency=50;0


Snad z toho něco vydoluješ,

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Nova aparência do mapa padrão

2015-11-01 Thread Nelson A. de Oliveira
2015-11-01 10:35 GMT-02:00 Ivaldo Nunes de Magalhães :
> Interessante que no modo edição (iD editor) as corres antigas ainda estão
> lá. Será que também vai mudar?

Vai ser atualizado:

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Digest Talk-br, volume 86, assunto 1

2015-11-01 Thread belnuovo
0U98zUwW0Y-0o2eU08793C7U-psHBNVx_HZJxLSvk-kw em
> < >>
>*>* > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>*>* >
>*>* > Obrigado Nelson por avisar a gente desta alteração.
>*>* >
>*>* > Eu vi o estilo novo e achei decepcionante. Estradas terciárias agora não
>*>* > tem cor mais, que péssima idéia. Motorway e trunk ficaram muito mais
>*>* > difíceis de identificar.
>*>* >
>*>* > Enquanto isto o velho problema de identificar estradas não-pavimentadas
>*>* > continua sendo ignorado.
>*>* >
>*>* > É uma pena, tanto esforço para chegar num resultado tão pobre,
>*>* introduzindo
>*>* > problemas novos ao invés de resolver problemas existentes.
>*>* >
>*>* > abraços e bom final de semana
>*>* >
>*>* > Gerald
>*>* >
>*>* >
>*>* >
>*>* > 2015-10-31 0:16 GMT-02:00 Nelson A. de Oliveira < >>:
>*>* >
>*>* >> Repassando o que o Marcos enviou na talk-pt.
>*>* >>
>*>* >>
>*>* >> ===
>*>* >> Olá a todos,
>*>* >>
>*>* >> Como já devem ter reparado, o mapa padrão sofreu uma grande alteração,
>*>* >> nomeadamente na forma como renderiza as estradas e esta mensagem tenta
>*>* >> dar a conhecer a história por detrás disto.
>*>* >>
>*>* >> O protótipo desta alteração foi trazida à mesa por Mateusz Konieczny a
>*>* >> 9 de maio depois de este ter começado uma discussão onde comparava o
>*>* >> mapa usado pelo Google Maps com o oferecido pelo OSM e como este
>*>* >> último pode ser melhorado usando os princípios do anterior. [1]
>*>* >>
>*>* >> A sua proposta foi submetida para revisão a 14 de agosto, depois de
>*>* >> ouvidas as queixas e sugestões de outros utilizadores. [2]
>*>* >>
>*>* >> Desde dessa data o projeto entrou num processo de discussão pública na
>*>* >> página GitHub que é onde ocorre o desenvolvido do mapa padrão. [3]
>*>* >>
>*>* >> Finalmente, a 30 de outubro, depois de revisto, debatido e corrigido,
>*>* >> chegou a hora de implementa-lo a nível global. [4]
>*>* >>
>*>* >> [1] -
>< >
>*>* >> [2] -
>< >
>*>* >> [3] -
>< >
>*>* >> [4] -
>*>* >>
>< >
>*>* >>
>*>* >> --
>*>* >> Um Abraço,
>*>* >> Marcos Oliveira
>*>* >>
>*>* >> ___
>*>* >> Talk-br mailing list
>*>* >> Talk-br em
>< >
>*>* >>
>< >
>*>* >>
>*>* > -- Próxima Parte --
>*>* > Um anexo em HTML foi limpo...
>*>* > URL:
>*>* > <
> >
>*>* >
>*>* >
>*>* > --
>*>* >
>*>* > Subject: Legenda do Digest
>*>* >
>*>* > ___
>*>* > Talk-br mailing list
>*>* > Talk-br em
>< >
>*>* >
>< >
>*>* >
>*>* >
>*>* > --
>*>* >
>*>* > Fim da Digest Talk-br, volume 85, assunto 27
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[OSRM-talk] Demo Server Down

2015-11-01 Thread Patrick Niklaus

The data on the demo server seems to have gotten corrupted. We are
currently reverting back to an older dataset, while we investigate
what went wrong. Should be all up and running in a few hours.


OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Sémiologie en cours de mise à jour

2015-11-01 Thread Philippe Verdy
Un article a été posté à ce sujet sur le blog.

Mais je comprends toutefois le changement : le site reste encore
aujourd'hui celui dont les serveurs de rendus sont les plus puissants et
les plus vite à jour, mais le besoin s'est développé pour en augmenter la
lisibilité moins sur le plan technique (pour les contributeurs) que sur le
plan des utilisateurs finals (et notamment pour l'intégration comme fond de
cate générique plus facilement réutilisable pour créer des cartes
dérivées). Au fil du temps et avec l'enrichissement des données, il était
devenu difficile de pouvoir surajouter une couche transparente permettant
de montrer clairement autre chose que ce rendu générique.
Mais il est clair que ce nouveau style n'a pas été vraiment concerté au
plan international et qu'il s'oriente plus sur les usages faits pour
répondre à la demande de sites tiers et ressembler un peu plus à ce que
propose par exemple Google en terme d'intégrabilité.

A la clé il y a peut-être justement des apports financiers supplémentaires
par des partenaires plus nombreux. Si c'est la motivation, on aurait aimé
en voir quelques mots sur le blog de la fondation.

Ceci dit cela ne reste qu'un rendu par défaut, et si le style ne plait pas
pour la France, il y en a d'autres, commerciaux (Mapquest) ou non
(notamment OSM France, OSM Allemagne, rendu Hot, rendu OpenCycleMap). Ce
nouveau style a sa vie propre pour un usage anglophone. Mais contrairement
à ce que dit l'article, il n'est pas le fruit de nombreuses contributions
mais la plupart viennent de deux ou trois utilisateurs qui ont une emprise
très forte sur le projet et y ont de nombreux privilèges (notamment
pnorman). Mais on ne peut pas vraiement parler de contribution coopérative
car la plupart de ceux qui sont listés n'ont pu y ajouter qu'une ou deux
petites corrections mineures.

Ce style a cependant évolué avec le temps en copiant des idées
testées sur les styles français et allemands (iconographie, poisitonnement
des libellés...), mais en abandonnant en revanche l'aspect trop "patchwork"
qui repoussait de nombreux utilisateurs tiers (qui en sont pas directement
concernés par l'importation de données).
Ce style ne remplace pas les rendus alternatifs, au contraire il leur donne
une autonomie et une identité plus forte sur ce qu'ils veulent montrer.
Peut-être qu'un jour offrira plus d'espace ensuite pour des rendus
plus nombreux, plus techniques ou plus thématiques.

Personnellement je ne vois rien de choquant à cette évolution sur le site
principal, ce style est plus neutre, et visuellement plus réussi que celui
qui héritait de certains choix un peu rapides du passé mais pas très adapté
à une production et une promotion efficace du projet (une place qui
progressivement avait été délaissée à Mapquest dans une vision plus fermée
où son rendu petit à petit intègre des choix commerciaux "à la Google"),
mais éloignait les partenaires de la Fondation OSM, plus encleints à
acheter des services à Mapquest pour leur cartographie en ligne, plutôt que
d'aider à financer la Fondation.

Espérons que le style aura sa place parmi ceux proposés, mais pour
cela il nous faudra aussi des capacités supplémentaires sur les serveurs et
en terme de bande passante avant de le voir proposé à tout le monde. C'est
déjà bien qu'OSM France héberge (avec beaucoup de peine déjà) le rendu HOT
(mais ce nouveau rendu est de facture comparable visuellement, et
peut-être que ce style HOT n'est plus nécessaire, et qu'on pourrait migrer
les capacités actuellement consacrées pour HOT vers le rendu français).
S'il y a plus de partenariats, peut-être que la Fondation pourra aussi
héberger aussi sur ses serveurs d'autres styles (y compris le rendu .fr)

Quoi qu'il en soit, il y a eu peu de discussions réellement ouvertes sur
cette évolution et on peut regretter cette mise en place aussi brutale du
jour au lendemain (dans le passé les évolutions étaient beaucoup plus
incrémentales). Et puis il faut reconnaitre qu'en rendant moins visible le
réseau routier, il y a plus de place pour montrer des détails plus fins. Je
trouve ça plutôt bien,

Mais ce n'est certainement pas fini et le diable se cache dans les détails,
il y aura d'autres évolutions ou corrections

(On attend encore une bien meilleure gestion des libellés, à commencer par
le choix des noms de villes visibles, incohérent sur les premiers niveaux
de zoom, et sur lequel les rendus et Mapquest restent encore bien
meilleurs que le rendu, puisque ce dernier n'a pas évolué sur ce
point depuis des lustres et qui est toujours aussi mauvais... et toujours
aussi moche sur les premiers niveaux à fond blanc où il devrait être bien
plus facile de se repérer rapidement : sur ces premiers niveaux Mapquest
reste encore bien meilleur que tous les autres rendus OSM, sans toutefois
parvenir à égaler les rendus statiques tels que les fonds de cartes de

[OSM-talk] Call For papers Geospatial devroom @FOSDEM 2016

2015-11-01 Thread Sebastiaan Couwenberg
 Forwarded Message 
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Call For papers Geospatial devroom @FOSDEM 2016
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 08:22:03 +0100
From: Johan Van de Wauw 
To: OSGeo Discussions , LocationTech Working
Group discussion list 

Please forward!

FOSDEM is a free and non-commercial event bringing together about 5000
developers in Brussels, Belgium. The goal is to provide open source
software developers and communities a place to meet and share
thoughts. The participation is free of charge, although donations are
welcome. The next edition will take place the last weekend ofJanuary
30 - 31 2016. This year for the second time there will be a Geospatial
devroomon Sunday 31/1/2016, organised by members of the OSGeo,
Locationtech and OpenStreetMap communities.

Geospatial technology is becoming rapidly mainstream. The idea
underpinning the geospatial devroom is bringing together developers
with different backgrounds to disclosethe opportunities offered by
cutting-edge open source geospatial technologies. Due to the success
of last years devroom, a Belgium local chapter of OSGeo, was
founded, and is now taking part of the organisation of the devroom as
driving community.

The Geospatial devroom is the place to talk about the state of the art
of open, geo-related data, free and open source geospatial software
and its ecosystem. This includes standards and tools, e.g. spatial
databases, online mapping tools, geospatial services, used for
collecting, storing, delivering, analysing, and visualizing geodata.
We welcome submissions about:

* Web and desktop GIS applications
* Interoperable geospatial web services and specifications
* Collection of data using sensors/drones/satellites
* Open hardware for geospatial applications
* Geo-analytic algorithms/libraries
* Geospatial extensions for classical databases (indexes, operations)
and dedicated databases
* Collaborative editing/versioning of geodata
* Big geodata, scalable GIS applications
* Volunteered Geograpic information - Crowdsourced data


Are you thrilled to present your work to other open source developers?
Would you like to run a discussion? Any other ideas? Please submit
your proposal using the Pentabarf event planning tool at:

Make sure to select the 'Geospatial devroom' as  'Track'. Please,
specify in the notes if you prefer for your presentation either a
short timeslot (lightning talks ~10 minutes) or along timeslot (20
minutes presentation + discussion). However, note that time slots are
indicative and will be assigned according to the needs of the session.

The DEADLINE for submissions is Tuesday **1st December 2015**.
Notification of acceptance will be sent to the Authors by Friday
11/12/2015 at the latest.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch
with the organisers of the devroom at!

Johan Van de Wauw
Margherita Di Leo
Astrid Emde
Anne Ghisla
Martin Hammitzsch
Andy Petrella
Dirk Frigne
Olivier Courtin
Thomas Gratier

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Workshop na OpenAltu

2015-11-01 Thread Jachym Cepicky

so 31. 10. 2015 v 20:02 odesílatel Ladislav Nesnera 

> Doplním jednu zákulisní - od Martina Tesaře máme v záloze "OpenStreetMap
> pro volný čas i byznys",

teď mi přes nos proběhla nezaručená zpráva, že někde v licenci je napsáno,
že se  OSM nesmí používat pro komerční účely -mohl by to někdo případně



> kdyby nám někdo vypadl. Pro OSM příznivé mi přijdou i "Staré mapy a
> dobrovolníci" - výchozí podklad je OSM.
> Rozhodně budeme rádi, když nám pomůžete akci šířit do světa. Sám mám
> radost z toho, jaký obsah se naskládal a bylo by fakt škoda, kdyby si těch
> víc jak 80 přednášek a dílen někdo nevyposlechl z toho nejhloupějšího
> důvodu - nevěděl by o konfeře (zdaleka není jen pro lidi IT "postižené" -
> Web je jasný, sociální sítě:
>- Diaspora - 
>- Facebook - 
>- G+ -
>- Twitter -
> Díky moc a za týden vás rádi uvidíme - místa je spousta, zabrali jsme celý
> On 29/10/15 12:45, Miroslav Suchy wrote:
> Ahoj,
> 7.11 na Brnenskem FIT VUT budu mit workshop jak mapovat pro OSM.
> Na programu je to od 15:30 do 17:00, ale po tomhle workshopu uz tam nic neni 
> takze je tam moznost zustat drive.
> To povidani co mam nachystane bude pro uplne zacatecniky - tedy asi nic pro 
> zdejsi osazenstvo. Nicmene:
> * uvitam pokud kdokoliv ze starsich a zkusenejsich prijde. Sice mapuji uz 
> hodne let, ale stale je spousta veci ktere
> nevim, takze pokud budu mit pomocnou ruku/hlas v publiku, tak se nebudu vubec 
> zlobit.
> * pokud mate nejake dotazy nebo jine veci, ktere se vam nechtelo resit po 
> emailu, tak v sobotu bude super sance se
> zeptat na cokoliv na zivo.
> * po skonceni workshopu tam muzeme jeste chvili posedet (nebo se presunout do 
> hospy) a pobavit se o obecne o OSM. S
> nedanvym nasazenim taskmanu si myslim ze tech temat bude i docela dost :)
> Mirek
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