Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Kathleen Lu via talk
On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 3:27 PM Nuno Caldeira 

> Your complaint about LiveStream is that their attribution is completely
> missing, not that it's behind a click. I agree that it's missing and that
> it should be somewhere. It's not clear at all where they are getting their
> data (the rendering looks like Leaflet). If they are looking into it, then
> why not believe they are looking into it? They will probably fix it after
> they figure it out. DJI fixed it after investigating, and it took them a
> while to investigate as well.
> By inspecting their code from the link i shared you get. src=
> ";
> unless they are using Mapbox without their attribution which i presume
> would be unauthorized use of Mapboxeither that or are premium clients
> (i did asked them that, they didn't reply obviously). None the less I gave
> up on asking Mapbox to make sure their clients comply with our license and
> their terms of service, as they ignore it. Which is a shame coming from a
> OSMF corporate member. Anyway i have asked, several times, even public,
> another OSMF corporate member to do the same, still displaying HERE logo on
> our data. Probably they take HERE seriously (legal) and not OSMF or OSM
> contributors.
> So maybe it is an unauthorized use of Mapbox. Anyone can sign up free. You
should report it to Mapbox.

> About DJI, i presume you know they stopped using Altitude Angel (the
> company that omitted the attribution and runs
> and are now using Mapbox instead as you can see here
> Mapbox owns me a cup of tea for
> another client, oh well i can refuse that cup of tea for adding the
> attribution proudly and not behind "i" or even omitting. Sometimes i think
> they are ashamed of using OSM data instead of proudly showing it. It's not
> about the data, it's what you do with it that matters and Mapbox does it
> well, but hiding the source is dirty.
How do you know that they stopped using Altitude Angel? I can see from the
map that they use Mapbox now, but can't they use more than one data source?

> "reasonably calculated" means "reasonable." What does reasonable mean?
> Well a court would look at what other people in the industry do. Do others
> in the industry list attribution, especially to multiple data sources,
> after a click (or many clicks)? Yes, all the time.
> Discussing the reasonable definition is nonsense. Also comparing us to the
> others in the industry is not reasonable as we do not accept money for
> providing data or removing attribution.
That might be your opinion, but I think a court would disagree. Courts
often look at norms in order to interpret a licence.

> Why not 100 click attribution? well that wasn't, isn't and never will be
> the spirit of open data. Unless OSMF is going against it's owns Objects of
> the foundation articles:
> 3. The Foundation is established for the purposes listed below:
> (1) encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free
> geospatial data; and (2) providing geospatial data for anybody to use and
> share.
>  The objects don't say anything about strict attribution requirements. In
fact, requirements that are too strict will *discourage* the "distribution
of free geospatial data" by making it too difficult to use. That's the
opposite of "providing geospatial data for anybody to use and share."

> A court would also look at what OSM does. Does OSM list its data sources
> after a link? Yes, sometimes two links (first to
>, then to
> Some of this data is
> also under ODbL! Why is this not reasonable?
> Thanks for the suggestion, maybe we should fix it and give the example of
> one click only, just to avoid unreasonable interpretations. Anyway it's
> this kind of misleading interpretation of adding a simply “© OpenStreetMap
> contributors” to the data they are using, like it was some kind of secret
> (probably is for none OSMers and general public) that places OSMF projet at
> risk as it clearly does not encourage anything.
Great, so now you are saying that OSM has been doing it wrong since the

> And you are pointing to the wrong version of CC-BY, btw, 4.0 came out long
> after the license change, but since "reasonable" is the standard, Creative
> Commons itself gives as an example of "best practices" attribution for
> multiple sources this page:
> Click on "Course Terms of Use" to see a list of attributions.
> well 4 c) says of CC-BY-SA 2.0 says:
> If you distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly
> digitally perform the Work or any Derivative Works or Collective Works, *You
> must keep intact all copyright notices* for the Work 

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Nuno Caldeira
Your complaint about LiveStream is that their attribution is 
completely missing, not that it's behind a click. I agree that it's 
missing and that it should be somewhere. It's not clear at all where 
they are getting their data (the rendering looks like Leaflet). If 
they are looking into it, then why not believe they are looking into 
it? They will probably fix it after they figure it out. DJI fixed it 
after investigating, and it took them a while to investigate as well.

By inspecting their code from the link i shared you get. 
unless they are using Mapbox without their attribution which i presume 
would be unauthorized use of Mapboxeither that or are premium 
clients (i did asked them that, they didn't reply obviously). None the 
less I gave up on asking Mapbox to make sure their clients comply with 
our license and their terms of service, as they ignore it. Which is a 
shame coming from a OSMF corporate member. Anyway i have asked, several 
times, even public, another OSMF corporate member to do the same, still 
displaying HERE logo on our data. Probably they take HERE seriously 
(legal) and not OSMF or OSM contributors.

About DJI, i presume you know they stopped using Altitude Angel (the 
company that omitted the attribution and runs and are now using Mapbox instead as you can 
see here Mapbox owns me a cup of 
tea for another client, oh well i can refuse that cup of tea for adding 
the attribution proudly and not behind "i" or even omitting. Sometimes i 
think they are ashamed of using OSM data instead of proudly showing it. 
It's not about the data, it's what you do with it that matters and 
Mapbox does it well, but hiding the source is dirty.

"reasonably calculated" means "reasonable." What does reasonable mean? 
Well a court would look at what other people in the industry do. Do 
others in the industry list attribution, especially to multiple data 
sources, after a click (or many clicks)? Yes, all the time.

Discussing the reasonable definition is nonsense. Also comparing us to 
the others in the industry is not reasonable as we do not accept money 
for providing data or removing attribution.

Why not 100 click attribution? well that wasn't, isn't and never will be 
the spirit of open data. Unless OSMF is going against it's owns Objects 
of the foundation articles:


3. The Foundation is established for the purposes listed below:

(1) encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free
geospatial data; and
(2) providing geospatial data for anybody to use and share.

A court would also look at what OSM does. Does OSM list its data 
sources after a link? Yes, sometimes two links (first to, then to Some of this data 
is also under ODbL! Why is this not reasonable?

Thanks for the suggestion, maybe we should fix it and give the example 
of one click only, just to avoid unreasonable interpretations. Anyway 
it's this kind of misleading interpretation of adding a simply “© 
OpenStreetMap contributors” to the data they are using, like it was some 
kind of secret (probably is for none OSMers and general public) that 
places OSMF projet at risk as it clearly does not encourage anything.

And you are pointing to the wrong version of CC-BY, btw, 4.0 came out 
long after the license change, but since "reasonable" is the standard, 
Creative Commons itself gives as an example of "best practices" 
attribution for multiple sources this page: Click on "Course Terms 
of Use" to see a list of attributions.

well 4 c) says of CC-BY-SA 2.0 says:

If you distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly 
digitally perform the Work or any Derivative Works or Collective 
Works, _*You must keep intact all copyright notices*_ for the Work and 
give the Original Author credit reasonable to the medium or means You 
are utilizing by conveying the name (or pseudonym if applicable) of 
the Original Author if supplied; the title of the Work if supplied; to 
the extent reasonably practicable, the Uniform Resource Identifier, if 
any, _*that Licensor specifies to be associated with the Work*_

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] "state" は「京都府」じゃなくて、「近畿地方」です?

2019-08-09 Thread tomoya muramoto
Hi Jeffrey,

I don't know much about nominatim technology, but `place=state` is wrong in
Japan. We don't use it for now.

See the addressing scheme in Japan.

In this case
is right.
(Note: region=近畿地方 is not a part of Japanese addressing system)

Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Lantmäteriets öppna data

2019-08-09 Thread Eva Lindberg
Tack Andreas, det var bra att veta om höjdkurvorna. Där jag har tittat i 
OSM har de 20 m mellanrum, i terrängkartan finns de med 5 m mellanrum 
och de stämmer bättre med verkligheten på de ställen jag har tittat. Jag 
vet inte varifrån höjdkurvorna i OSM kommer.

Riksantikvarieämbetets öppna data med lämningsinformation har licens CCO 
1.0 så det är bara att plocka.

Det jag är ute efter är som sagt att få in data i områden där det inte 
finns något alls just nu. Titta gärna på länken i mitt första inlägg. Om 
jag eller någon annan ska rita in objekt från satellitbilder eller 
flygfoton eller mäta in dem med handhållen GPS blir det med stor 
sannolikhet mindre korrekt än Lantmäteriets (eller Trafikverkets) kartor 
och jag skulle hellre koncentrera mig på saker som inte finns karterade 
någon annanstans som tex lokala namn och detaljer som inte finns på 
vanliga kartor.

Terrängkartan har stora byggnader som objekt. Det finns även objekt för 
hus och gårdar, men vid närmare eftertanke går de inte att använda som 
byggnader. Det är i princip ett hus/gård per tomt och jag vet inte om de 
går att använda på något sätt. De symboliserar ju bebyggda tomter. Kan 
man använda den informationen på något sätt? Det finns även andra 
intressanta kategorier i skiktet bs som kyrkor och vindkraftverk.

Jag har startat den här diskussionen för att jag försöker följa 
instruktionerna för att importera data, som jag för övrigt tycker är 
vettiga. Jag vill helt enkelt veta om det finns intresse för att få in 
denna information i OSM. Om det är fler som är intresserade av att få in 
informationen för områden som de vill kartera så vill jag gärna 
diskutera med dem. Om ingen är intresserad så vill jag i så fall ta in 
informationen för områden som jag har intresse för, i första hand 
området i min länk och i förlängningen hela Anundsjö församling och 
andra delar av Örnsköldsviks kommun där inget finns för tillfället.

On 2019-08-09 12:34, Andreas Vilén wrote:

Höjdkurvorna finns om du byter till cykellagret. Dessa kurvor är
hämtade från en annan källa och finns inte i osm-databasen. Vad jag
vet finns ingen aktiv datamodell för höjdkurvor på osm, och data går
därmed inte heller att importera med någon form av etablerade taggar.


Skickat från min iPhone

9 aug. 2019 kl. 09:46 skrev Christian Asker 

Hej. Det är dessvärre inte så enkelt att man bara kan plocka data från 
olika datakällor. Licensen på den öppna datan måste vara kompatibel 
med OSMs licens (ODBL) vilket i praktikten innebär CC0 eller ODBL. I 
en del fall har även data "skänkts" till OSM, men det innebär ju i 
praktiken att den skänkta datan hamnar under ODBL licensen.

Jag håller med dig om din lista överlag, men ortsnamnen är nog bättre 
i Ekonomiska kartan, i alla fall på landet. Sen är det oftast ett 
ganska saftigt arbete att importera data eftersom det oftast redan 
finns vissa objekt av det slag man vill importera. Detta innebär 
nästan alltid manuellt arbete vilket tar tid.

I Terrängkartan som är fri (öppen data) finns väl bara stora byggnader 
med? I alla fall var det så när jag laddade ner den senast.

Du är välkommen att importera data till OSM så länge licensen på datat 
tillåter detta. Se bara till så att du inte tar bort något som 
faktiskt stämmer bättre med verkligheten än just Terrängkartan. 
Dessutom behöver en hel del objekt justeras för att ligga rätt, som vi 
redan diskuterat.

Jag är lite nyfiken på var du har sett höjdkurvor i OSM?

Mvh ChristianA

Den 2019-08-08 kl. 16:08, skrev Eva Lindberg:
Hej! När det gäller ytor har jag skrivit att jag inte tror att 
terrängkartan är den bästa källan, i alla fall för skog och annan 
natur. De markklasser som jag tror kan vara användbara i 
terrängkartan är tätbebyggt område, industriområde och vatten.

Det borde dock vara ovanligt att det finns skog som står som åker på 
terrängkartan, terrängkartan kommer från Lantmäteriets basdata och 
det uppdateras när nya flygfoton kommer vilket är vart 2-4 år 
beroende på var i landet man är.

Nu förstår jag vad du menar med att en del objekt ligger på fel 
ställe. Det är alltså pga att terrängkartan är ritad för att gå bra 
att läsa. När det gäller stora vägar är kanske Trafikverkets karta 
bättre och den är väl redan på gång att läggas in eller har lagts in 
om jag fattar rätt.

Men det finns information där terrängkartan är den bästa källan:
-Stigar eller traktorvägar som du skriver
-De flesta ortsnamn och terrängnamn
-Höjdkurvor finns med 5 m intervall och kommer förmodligen från den 
nationella höjdmodellen som är mycket noggrann. Även 
höjdangivelser/siffror finns.
-Bäckar samt att storleken på vattendrag är mer korrekt i 
terrängkartan än nuvarande OSM där jag har kollat
-Vändplaner och vägbommar finns med, det hittar jag inte i 
Trafikverkets data

-Kraftledningar, viktigt för att orientera sig i terräng
-Byggnader utanför tätort, både stora och mindre hus/gårdar.

Re: [Talk-si] divje in neustrezno spreminjanje klasifikacije poti

2019-08-09 Thread Damjan Gerl

Blaž Lorger je 9.8.2019 ob 18:34 napisal:


Ali kdo pozna tega ( "genija"?

Zgleda da je več ali manj naključno dvignil rang poti. Marsikje je 
traktorske vlake, ki niso prevozne niti s terenskimi vozili, 
klasificiral kot normalne ceste.

Mislim da bi bilo najbolje preprosto revertati vse njegove spremembe. 
Kolikor lahko ocenim je skoraj vse kar je naredil, verjetno kar vse 
kar je naredil, bilo spreminjanje klasifikacije poti.

Ima kdo izkušnje z masovnimi reverti?


Nisem pogledal, če pa je res kot pišeš se javi na osm in ga najprej za 
nekaj časa blokirajo. Za revert pa, če je malo, gre z josm revert 
pluginom, drugače pa se tudi lahko vpraša na osm in to uredijo oni. 
Najbolje pa to storiti čim prej, da se ne naberejo še drugi editi povrhu.


Talk-si mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 09 August 2019, Kathleen Lu wrote:
> "reasonably calculated" means "reasonable." [...]

I am sorry but this is completely distorting the ODbL.

"reasonably calculated to make any Person that uses, ... aware" means 
that the calculation on what effect the specific form of attribution 
chosen is going to have on the awareness of the person about the data 
used needs to be performed in a reasonable fashion.

If the attribution required to accomplish that is reasonable from the 
perspective of the wannabe data user for their desired use case or if 
it is comparable to possible attribution requirements of other geodata 
sources produced by people who are paid for their work has zero effect 
on the fulfilment of the requirements of the license.

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Kathleen Lu via talk
Your complaint about LiveStream is that their attribution is completely
missing, not that it's behind a click. I agree that it's missing and that
it should be somewhere. It's not clear at all where they are getting their
data (the rendering looks like Leaflet). If they are looking into it, then
why not believe they are looking into it? They will probably fix it after
they figure it out. DJI fixed it after investigating, and it took them a
while to investigate as well.

"reasonably calculated" means "reasonable." What does reasonable mean? Well
a court would look at what other people in the industry do. Do others in
the industry list attribution, especially to multiple data sources, after a
click (or many clicks)? Yes, all the time.
A court would also look at what OSM does. Does OSM list its data sources
after a link? Yes, sometimes two links (first to, then to Some of this data is
also under ODbL! Why is this not reasonable?

And you are pointing to the wrong version of CC-BY, btw, 4.0 came out long
after the license change, but since "reasonable" is the standard, Creative
Commons itself gives as an example of "best practices" attribution for
multiple sources this page:
Click on "Course Terms of Use" to see a list of attributions.

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 11:38 AM Nuno Caldeira 

> Where in CC-BY-SA's license does it say that attribution must be on top of
> an image
> As written on CC-BY-SA
> *Attribution*.
> If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified form), You must:
> retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor with the Licensed
> Material:
>1. identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed Material and any
>others designated to receive attribution, in any r*easonable manner
>requested by the Licensor* (including by pseudonym if designated);
>  in 3 a 1 A 1
> that no interaction is allowed???
> it says:
> 4.3 Notice for using output (Contents). Creating and Using a Produced
> Work does not require the notice in Section 4.2. However, if you
> Publicly Use a Produced Work, *You must include a notice associated with*
> * the Produced Work* reasonably calculated to make any Person that uses,
> *views,* accesses, interacts with, or is *otherwise exposed* to the
> Produced
> Work aware that Content was obtained from the Database, Derivative
> Database, or the Database as part of a Collective Database, and that it
> is available under this License.
> If you can explain me how  "reasonably calculated" to anyone that views or
> is exposed means that no attribution must be visibly on the Produced work.
> Feel free, i would like to know.
> Unless OSMF when we switched from CC to ODbL mislead the contributors and
> it's contributor terms, which i highly doubt.
> Let's do an exercise.
> LiveStream, a company of Vimeo uses OSM data on their website via a third
> party provider (Mapbox). I contacted LiveStream to comply with the license,
> they reply they are not using OSM data. Strange since i see my
> contributions on it, maybe they are not aware (being premium clients
> doesn't allow you to remove the attribution, other than the service
> provider, Mapbox). Asked them who sold them my data without complying with
> the license that i agreed my content to be distributed under. For over one
> month their legal department is still checking this.
> Link with a map example (feel free to browse to your contribution area),
> click on the "i" for the map to display
> printscreen of the
> map
> Now the questions:
> 1 - Are they fulfilling the license?
> a) yes
> B) no
> 2 - Who's responsible?
> a) Mapbox
> b) LiveStream/Vimeo
> But following your "Where in CC-BY-SA's license does it say that
> attribution must be on top of an image or that no interaction is allowed",
> i have search all LiveStream website and there's no notice at all of OSM
> data.
> 3 - Who's not aware?
> a) Mapbox, an OSMF corporate member
> b) LiveStream/Vimeo, client of Mapbox
> c) contributors/OSMF
> Às 18:56 de 09/08/2019, Kathleen Lu escreveu:
> Where in CC-BY-SA's license does it say that attribution must be on top of
> an image or that no interaction is allowed???
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 10:17 AM Nuno Caldeira <
>> wrote:
>> So you are saying that when we switched from CC to ODbL, the bellow quote
>> was not true?
>> Both licenses are “By Attribution” and “Share Alike”.
>> Also the license is clear, anyone that views, i don't have to interact to
>> acknowledge the 

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 09 August 2019, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> For better understanding, you claimed "this looks pretty much like
> being written by corporate representatives", and I pointed out that
> one of the items in point 2 that you object to was written by me in
> 2012, so not a corporate representative, and has been at
> ever since.

Then let me rephrase:

It looks pretty much like being put together by corporate 

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 09 August 2019, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> These new guidelines say that, for 480px+ screens, hiding OSM
> attribution behind a click is not acceptable.

Unless "OpenStreetMap data accounts for a minority (less than 50%) part 
of the visible map rendering" - which is the case for almost all 
commercial maps.

> That's unambiguous all 
> we need. Fussing about what other logos might be on the map is a
> diversion and is not supported by the ODbL.

I don't think anyone but you talked about logos here.

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Traductions de page wiki OSM en français

2019-08-09 Thread
Le 09/08/2019 à 16:06, deuzeffe a écrit :
> Hello,
> DeepL est de bien meilleur conseil que gg.

+ 1 ! ! ! (


> HTH.


Si ma réponse n'a pas résolu ton problème, c'est que tu n'as pas posé la
bonne question

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Christoph Hormann wrote:
> Just for understanding what second rate attribution is:  For example 
> the map on the bottom right of:
> printing a prominent "Zeit Online" below the map (self attribution) but 
> showing OSM attribution only on user activity.

Right. The problem there is not that the "Zeit Online" attribution is too
big. The problem is that the OSM attribution is not compliant. Don't make
the issue more complex than it needs to be.

> The purpose of the guideline is to give practical guidiance how 
> to comply with the license.

And if the guidance suggests something that is not in the licence, it will
be - rightly - ignored, and we will have made no progress.

Community Guidelines explain how to apply the ODbL to real-world situations
("ambiguity or grey area in the specific and practical context of the Open
Database License"). You say "it can of course suggest things that are not
strictly required by the license", and sure, it could. It could also tell me
what the weather will be like tomorrow and the relevance of Martin Luther to
21st century religious thought. But that's not what Community Guidelines are
there for. They are here to explain how to apply the ODbL. If you want
somewhere to post good advice that isn't in the ODbL, I believe you have a

> > Your point 2 is objecting to something I wrote in 2012 when I
> > was editing a magazine about inland waterways and has been on
> > ever since, so nope. :)
> You are free to disagree with me but i hope you do not consider 
> this statement to be an argument on the matter.
> For better understanding:  Point 2 refers to a certain pattern in 
> the design of the document and lists a number of example to 
> demonstrate that.  You could argue the observation of there being 
> such a pattern or you could argue the individual examples.  You 
> however did neither of these in your statement.

For better understanding, you claimed "this looks pretty much like 
being written by corporate representatives", and I pointed out that one 
of the items in point 2 that you object to was written by me in 2012,
so not a corporate representative, and has been at
ever since.


Sent from:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

If you look at Apple Maps, and for example zoomed into some place in Denmark, 
there is an i-button which brings you to an overlay which has a TomTom logo and 
a link „and others“
while in Denmark the data is from OpenStreetMap. IMHO this second rate 
attribution clearly goes against „reasonably calculated“ because it’s 

I know this, but let's not confuse the matter by calling this "second 
rate attribution". It isn't. It's no attribution.

These new guidelines say that, for 480px+ screens, hiding OSM 
attribution behind a click is not acceptable. That's unambiguous all we 
need. Fussing about what other logos might be on the map is a diversion 
and is not supported by the ODbL.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Nuno Caldeira

. Plus, if anyone went to court trying to enforce something that OSMF 
recommended that was outside the licence, they would lose, and perhaps 
be forced by the court to pay attorney's fees.

Maybe individual contributors might feel "scary" of the attorney fees, 
but probably not these contributors (some even shared under CC):

Our contributors are thousands of individuals. We also include 
openly-licensed data from national mapping agencies and other sources, 
among them:

  * *Austria*: Contains data from Stadt Wien
 (under CC BY
), Land

and Land Tirol (under CC BY AT with amendments


  * *Australia*: Contains data sourced from PSMA Australia Limited

licensed by the Commonwealth of Australia under CC BY 4.0
  * *Canada*: Contains data from GeoBase®, GeoGratis (© Department of
Natural Resources Canada), CanVec (© Department of Natural
Resources Canada), and StatCan (Geography Division, Statistics
  * *Finland*: Contains data from the National Land Survey of
Finland's Topographic Database and other datasets, under the NLSFI
  * *France*: Contains data sourced from Direction Générale des Impôts.
  * *Netherlands*: Contains © AND data, 2007 (
  * *New Zealand*: Contains data sourced from the LINZ Data Service
 and licensed for reuse under CC BY
4.0 .
  * *Slovenia*: Contains data from the Surveying and Mapping Authority
 and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry
and Food  (public information of
  * *Spain*: Contains data sourced from the Spanish National
Geographic Institute (IGN ) and National
Cartographic System (SCNE ) licensed for
reuse under CC BY 4.0 .
  * *South Africa*: Contains data sourced from Chief Directorate:
National Geo-Spatial Information , State
copyright reserved.
  * *United Kingdom*: Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright
and database right 2010-19.


Would be interesting to hear from these agencies what their thoughts of 
the lack of attribution or different interpretation of ODbL. Probably 
not happy and would certainly arm OSMF reputation.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 09 August 2019, Kathleen Lu wrote:
> I disagree that there is no harm. [...]

Not sure if you noticed but my argument was the inherent asymmetry of 
the situation when creating a guideline with recommendations.  If there 
is harm like "hurt feelings" from erring on the side of caution in a 
guideline is completely beside the point.

The credibility point does decidedly *not* go both ways.  The OSMF is 
not a neutral intermediary, it has the obligation to represent the 
interests of the project and not those of outside data users.  As Nuno 
linked to the OSMF right now points out the reasons why we ask for 

"We want you to attribute OpenStreetMap, i.e. you show users and viewers 
of whatever you do with our data clearly where you got the data from. A 
lot of contributors have spent and spend a lot of time and effort 
adding data from virtually every country in the world. We would also 
like people to know about our project and perhaps use or contribute 
data themselves."

It is completely acceptable and even expected that the OSMF asks for and 
encourages attribution of OSM beyond the minimum required by the 
license.  That this would result in the loss of trust from anyone seems 

And by the way if i try to follow your line of reasoning: you 
interestingly did not mention the most significant harm resulting from 
potentially unneccessary requirements:  Lost profits.

Ein Schelm wer böses dabei denkt...

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Nuno Caldeira
Where in CC-BY-SA's license does it say that attribution must be on 
top of an image

As written on CC-BY-SA


If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified form), You must:

retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor with the 
Licensed Material:

 1. identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed Material and any
others designated to receive attribution, in any r_*easonable
manner requested by the Licensor*_ (including by pseudonym if

 in 3 a 1 A 1

that no interaction is allowed???

it says:

4.3 Notice for using output (Contents). Creating and Using a Produced
Work does not require the notice in Section 4.2. However, if you
Publicly Use a Produced Work, _You must include a notice associated with__
__the Produced Work_ reasonably calculated to make any Person that uses,
_views,_ accesses, interacts with, or is _otherwise exposed_ to the 

Work aware that Content was obtained from the Database, Derivative
Database, or the Database as part of a Collective Database, and that it
is available under this License.
If you can explain me how  "reasonably calculated" to anyone that views 
or is exposed means that no attribution must be visibly on the Produced 
work. Feel free, i would like to know.

Unless OSMF when we switched from CC to ODbL mislead the contributors 
and it's contributor terms, which i highly doubt.

Let's do an exercise.

LiveStream, a company of Vimeo uses OSM data on their website via a 
third party provider (Mapbox). I contacted LiveStream to comply with the 
license, they reply they are not using OSM data. Strange since i see my 
contributions on it, maybe they are not aware (being premium clients 
doesn't allow you to remove the attribution, other than the service 
provider, Mapbox). Asked them who sold them my data without complying 
with the license that i agreed my content to be distributed under. For 
over one month their legal department is still checking this.

Link with a map example (feel free to browse to your contribution area), 
click on the "i" for the map to display printscreen of 
the map

Now the questions:

1 - Are they fulfilling the license?

a) yes

B) no

2 - Who's responsible?

a) Mapbox

b) LiveStream/Vimeo

But following your "Where in CC-BY-SA's license does it say that 
attribution must be on top of an image or that no interaction is 
allowed", i have search all LiveStream website and there's no notice at 
all of OSM data.

3 - Who's not aware?

a) Mapbox, an OSMF corporate member

b) LiveStream/Vimeo, client of Mapbox

c) contributors/OSMF

Às 18:56 de 09/08/2019, Kathleen Lu escreveu:
Where in CC-BY-SA's license does it say that attribution must be on 
top of an image or that no interaction is allowed???

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 10:17 AM Nuno Caldeira>> 

So you are saying that when we switched from CC to ODbL, the
bellow quote was not true?

Both licenses are “By Attribution” and “Share Alike”.

Also the license is clear, anyone that views, i don't have to
interact to acknowledge the notice.

Às 18:08 de 09/08/2019, Kathleen Lu escreveu:

Guidelines by the licensor

On legal advice, *what a Licensor says carries weight with
users of our data and, potentially, to a judge*. A court
would make a final decision on the issue, however we hope
these guidelines are helpful to *avoid *disputes arising in
the first place and can be considered by the courts in
coming to their verdict. 


Nuno, you are quoting this like it's the law, but what you have
quoted here isn't the *law*, it's what *OSMF* thinks *might*
happen and what motivates OSMF to put out guidelines. Frankly,
OSMF can choose to change the language you have quoted as a part
of changing the guidelines!
Under the law, the licensor's opinion, as one party to the
contract, is taken into consideration. However, it is *not* the
only thing that matters. The words of the licence matter more,
and if there is a conflict between what the licensor thinks and
what the licence says, the words of the licence will control. In
that case, the licensor is simply "wrong" (and there are plenty
of cases where that was the end result).
You are right that we hope to avoid disputes by setting out
reasonable guidelines, but if OSMF sets out guidelines that are
unreasonable and not tied to the language of the licence, then no
one, either users of the data or judges, will listen to 

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 9. Aug 2019, at 14:19, Richard Fairhurst  wrote:
> But you can't start requiring that "the OpenStreetMap attribution needs to
> be at least on the same level of 
> prominence and visibility as... other data providers, designers, service
> providers or publicists", because that's not in the ODbL.

If you look at Apple Maps, and for example zoomed into some place in Denmark, 
there is an i-button which brings you to an overlay which has a TomTom logo and 
a link „and others“ 
while in Denmark the data is from OpenStreetMap. IMHO this second rate 
attribution clearly goes against „reasonably calculated“ because it’s 

Cheers Martin 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Kathleen Lu via talk
I disagree that there is no harm. The credibility point goes both ways.
While no one could sue OSMF for recommending something that is not required
by the license, OSMF would lose the trust of data users, mappers, and any
adjudicative tribunals.
And it would be misleading and harmful to anyone who sought to enforce the
licence, causing, at the very least, confusion, arguments and hurt
feelings. Plus, if anyone went to court trying to enforce something that
OSMF recommended that was outside the licence, they would lose, and perhaps
be forced by the court to pay attorney's fees. While this would probably
not cause financial harm to OSMF, but it would be very damaging to the

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 10:29 AM Christoph Hormann  wrote:

> On Friday 09 August 2019, Kathleen Lu wrote:
> > You are right that we hope to avoid disputes by setting out
> > reasonable guidelines, but if OSMF sets out guidelines that are
> > unreasonable and not tied to the language of the licence, then no
> > one, either users of the data or judges, will listen to OSMF, and,
> > under the law, rightly so.
> The key point is that it is fine if the guidelines deviate from the
> license on the side of caution, i.e. as Richard puts it: requiring
> something that is not in the license.  That is possibly suboptimal but
> there is no serious harm to err on the side of caution.  No data user
> could sue the OSMF for in the guidelines recommending something that is
> not required by the license.  OTOH if the guidelines recommend
> something that is not allowed by the license that is a serious problem,
> it defeats the whole purpose of the guideline and endangers the
> credibility of the OSMF both with mappers and data users.
> In the current form i have the impression that the guideline draft tries
> to state the most lenient interpretation of the license w.r.t.
> attribution that is imaginable which is not obviously wrong (and in
> case of the 50 percent rule i think it goes beyond that - this is
> obviously not compatible with the license from my point of view).  I
> find this kind of - well - reckless.
> --
> Christoph Hormann
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Kathleen Lu via talk
Where in CC-BY-SA's license does it say that attribution must be on top of
an image or that no interaction is allowed???

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 10:17 AM Nuno Caldeira 

> So you are saying that when we switched from CC to ODbL, the bellow quote
> was not true?
> Both licenses are “By Attribution” and “Share Alike”.
> Also the license is clear, anyone that views, i don't have to interact to
> acknowledge the notice.
> Às 18:08 de 09/08/2019, Kathleen Lu escreveu:
> Guidelines by the licensor
>> On legal advice, *what a Licensor says carries weight with users of our
>> data and, potentially, to a judge*. A court would make a final decision
>> on the issue, however we hope these guidelines are helpful to *avoid 
>> *disputes
>> arising in the first place and can be considered by the courts in coming to
>> their verdict.
>> from
> Nuno, you are quoting this like it's the law, but what you have quoted
> here isn't the *law*, it's what *OSMF* thinks *might* happen and what
> motivates OSMF to put out guidelines. Frankly, OSMF can choose to change
> the language you have quoted as a part of changing the guidelines!
> Under the law, the licensor's opinion, as one party to the contract, is
> taken into consideration. However, it is *not* the only thing that matters.
> The words of the licence matter more, and if there is a conflict between
> what the licensor thinks and what the licence says, the words of the
> licence will control. In that case, the licensor is simply "wrong" (and
> there are plenty of cases where that was the end result).
> You are right that we hope to avoid disputes by setting out reasonable
> guidelines, but if OSMF sets out guidelines that are unreasonable and not
> tied to the language of the licence, then no one, either users of the data
> or judges, will listen to OSMF, and, under the law, rightly so.
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] TfL cycle data published

2019-08-09 Thread Martin - CycleStreets

On Fri, 2 Aug 2019, Martin - CycleStreets wrote:

I've sent a follow-up e-mail to the OSMF Licensing Working Group, which 
compiles all the various statements from Transport for London, and 
includes various e-mails where these statements were originally made, so 
that the LWG will hopefully be able to give a clear judgement now.

I'm pleased to say that they have now given a judgement, as below. As you 
can see, they've given a positive statement that the data as licensed *is* 
permissible to use as a source for use in OpenStreetMap.

This decision will be reflected in their minutes which should be published 
in due course at:

I will shortly be circulating a proposed mapping of CID -> OSM attributes, 
reflecting the published schema of the finalised version of the dataset, 
for comment.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2019 23:36:57 +0200
From: Simon Poole
To: Martin Lucas-Smith - CycleStreets
Cc: Legal / License Working Group
Subject: Re: Licensing compatibility of TfL Cycling Infrastructure Database for 

Dear Martin,

As indicated we had a quick look at this at our meeting this evening and 
believe that it is unproblematic to use this data in or as a source for 

Thank you for documenting this so well and if you have the opportunity, 
please convey our gratitude to TfL for making the data available and taking 
the trouble to ensure that it is usable on the presented licensing terms, 
which, unluckily, is not the norm.

Kind regards


for the OSMF LWG

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 09 August 2019, Kathleen Lu wrote:
> You are right that we hope to avoid disputes by setting out
> reasonable guidelines, but if OSMF sets out guidelines that are
> unreasonable and not tied to the language of the licence, then no
> one, either users of the data or judges, will listen to OSMF, and,
> under the law, rightly so.

The key point is that it is fine if the guidelines deviate from the 
license on the side of caution, i.e. as Richard puts it: requiring 
something that is not in the license.  That is possibly suboptimal but 
there is no serious harm to err on the side of caution.  No data user 
could sue the OSMF for in the guidelines recommending something that is 
not required by the license.  OTOH if the guidelines recommend 
something that is not allowed by the license that is a serious problem, 
it defeats the whole purpose of the guideline and endangers the 
credibility of the OSMF both with mappers and data users.

In the current form i have the impression that the guideline draft tries 
to state the most lenient interpretation of the license w.r.t. 
attribution that is imaginable which is not obviously wrong (and in 
case of the 50 percent rule i think it goes beyond that - this is 
obviously not compatible with the license from my point of view).  I 
find this kind of - well - reckless.

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 09 August 2019, Dave F via talk wrote:
> Hi
> Static Images.
> "Static images should be generally attributed the same way as dynamic
> images, " I agree & a way to enable users to easily add attribution
> needs to be created. The Share>Image feature on the main page should
> automatically image stamp the attribution into the corner. "images of
> areas less 10’000 m2or fewer than 100 features do not require
> attribution." For a static image I'm struggling to see what the area
> coverage or the number of items contained has to do with adding an
> attribution - an image is an image, irrelevant of size. DaveF

I think the idea is that if you create a map based on an insubstantial 
amount of OSM data no attribution is required - this derives from 
the "Substantial" Guideline.

If you now crop from a larger map a rectangle that equally contains only 
an insubstantial amount of OSM data it makes sense to treat this the 
same way.  This would only apply to individual small images though - 
not to pages systematically showing lots of different crops.  This 
restriction, which would match the "Substantial" Guideline, is missing 
so far.

I am not sure about the origin of the 10k m^2 limit - that is not in 
the "Substantial" Guideline at the moment.

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Nuno Caldeira
So you are saying that when we switched from CC to ODbL, the bellow 
quote was not true?

Both licenses are “By Attribution” and “Share Alike”.

Also the license is clear, anyone that views, i don't have to interact 
to acknowledge the notice.

Às 18:08 de 09/08/2019, Kathleen Lu escreveu:

Guidelines by the licensor

On legal advice, *what a Licensor says carries weight with users
of our data and, potentially, to a judge*. A court would make a
final decision on the issue, however we hope these guidelines are
helpful to *avoid *disputes arising in the first place and can be
considered by the courts in coming to their verdict. 


Nuno, you are quoting this like it's the law, but what you have quoted 
here isn't the *law*, it's what *OSMF* thinks *might* happen and what 
motivates OSMF to put out guidelines. Frankly, OSMF can choose to 
change the language you have quoted as a part of changing the guidelines!
Under the law, the licensor's opinion, as one party to the contract, 
is taken into consideration. However, it is *not* the only thing that 
matters. The words of the licence matter more, and if there is a 
conflict between what the licensor thinks and what the licence says, 
the words of the licence will control. In that case, the licensor is 
simply "wrong" (and there are plenty of cases where that was the end 
You are right that we hope to avoid disputes by setting out reasonable 
guidelines, but if OSMF sets out guidelines that are unreasonable and 
not tied to the language of the licence, then no one, either users of 
the data or judges, will listen to OSMF, and, under the law, rightly so.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Pierre Béland via talk
I agree, this would be more snappy and more international. It woulrd not be 
necessary to translate the attribution for various languages.   By shortening 
the attribution, their would be less excuses to not attribute on the map.


Le vendredi 9 août 2019 10 h 40 min 27 s UTC−4, Frederik Ramm 
 a écrit :  

I wonder if we could perhaps get rid of the "Contributors" mention

The term "OpenStreetMap Contributors" is the unwieldy; it just sounds
strange to say "this is a map made by OpenStreetMap contributors" when
what we really want to say is "this is OpenStreetMap". When translated
into German, you would have to say "OpenStreetMap-Beitragende" or, more
correctly, "Beitragende zu OpenStreetMap", which to the un-initiated
sounds a bit strange and kind of dilutes the OpenStreetMap brand by
adding things before or after. I am pretty sure that there are languages
where grammar in fact requires that the "contributors" be placed before
OSM (as in my "Beitragende zu OpenStreetMap" example) and where no
grammatically correct way exists to place OSM first.

I know, OpenStreetMap is not a legal entity and therefore cannot be said
to own the copyright. Then again, "(c) OpenStreetMap contributors" is
not technically correct either, as there are many ways in which you can
contribute to OSM, but only some of them will earn you a share of the
copyright in the map. Someone who contributes to OSM by giving us money,
or writing code, or organising meetups, is not part of the group that
holds the rights in the map.

I would find a simple "(c) OpenStreetMap" better, more snappy, more
recognizable than if we demand that the "contributors" are mentioned.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Kathleen Lu via talk
> Guidelines by the licensor
> On legal advice, *what a Licensor says carries weight with users of our
> data and, potentially, to a judge*. A court would make a final decision
> on the issue, however we hope these guidelines are helpful to *avoid *disputes
> arising in the first place and can be considered by the courts in coming to
> their verdict.
> from

Nuno, you are quoting this like it's the law, but what you have quoted here
isn't the *law*, it's what *OSMF* thinks *might* happen and what motivates
OSMF to put out guidelines. Frankly, OSMF can choose to change the language
you have quoted as a part of changing the guidelines!
Under the law, the licensor's opinion, as one party to the contract, is
taken into consideration. However, it is *not* the only thing that matters.
The words of the licence matter more, and if there is a conflict between
what the licensor thinks and what the licence says, the words of the
licence will control. In that case, the licensor is simply "wrong" (and
there are plenty of cases where that was the end result).
You are right that we hope to avoid disputes by setting out reasonable
guidelines, but if OSMF sets out guidelines that are unreasonable and not
tied to the language of the licence, then no one, either users of the data
or judges, will listen to OSMF, and, under the law, rightly so.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Nuno Caldeira

* What's the guidance on scenarios where software does not ship with OSM
data, and does not display online maps, but e.g. allows downloading map
data for offline use? Would it be acceptable to make the license
information part of the download process, or is it still required that
attribution is visible on-screen during use?


From my perspective, the user is aware of the map source and must be 
sure of the terms of it. Example Arcgis or QGIS software, both allow to 
use OSM as basemap or download the data. They do not show the license.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Traductions de page wiki OSM en français

2019-08-09 Thread lenny.libre

Le 09/08/2019 à 16:06, deuzeffe a écrit :


DeepL est de bien meilleur conseil que gg.


+1 je l'utilise quand j'ai des trous pour le wiki de josm

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Nuno Caldeira

Às 14:56 de 09/08/2019, Christoph Hormann escreveu:

On Friday 09 August 2019, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
It is a community guideline - a recommendation of the community on how
to work with OSM data to comply with the license.  No data user has to
follow the guideline - the only binding document is the license itself.
The purpose of the guideline is to give practical guidiance how to
comply with the license.  The Guidelines should never suggest something
that would violate the license (like as mentioned the 50 percent rule)
but it can of course suggest things that are not strictly required by
the license.  And saying "if you attribute in this way that is
perfectly fine with the community" is useful even if "this way" goes
beyond the minimum requirements of the license.

Guidelines by the licensor

On legal advice, *what a Licensor says carries weight with users of 
our data and, potentially, to a judge*. A court would make a final 
decision on the issue, however we hope these guidelines are helpful to 
*avoid *disputes arising in the first place and can be considered by 
the courts in coming to their verdict. 


what companies are doing, is exactly the opposite, they justify their 
actions based on the license interpretation to their own interests, not 
taking into account what the licensor says.

The license is clear:

4.3 Notice for using output (Contents). Creating and Using a Produced
Work does not require the notice in Section 4.2. However, if you
Publicly Use a Produced Work, You must*include a notice* associated with
the *Produced Work reasonably calculated to make any Person* that uses,
*views*, accesses, interacts with, *or is otherwise exposed to the 

**Work aware that Content was obtained from *the Database, Derivative
Database, or the Database as part of a Collective Database, and that it
is available under this License.
Unless someone can explain me how i'm i suppose to see the notice when 
i'm view or am exposed to their produced work if they are not showing it 
visibly and clearly without me having to interact to either click an "i" 
icon or go through endless submenus to figure out what's the map source. 
the word "interacts" is there for a reason...

And i also think rejecting second rate attribution is perfectly in line
with and supported by the "reasonably calculated" requirement of the
ODbL since with a significantly less prominent attribution of OSM
compared to other attributions given this is less the case.  In the
case linked to above for example removing the "Zeit Online" would
increase the likelihood that a page visitor - when asked - could
correctly identify the map source because they would be more likely to
look under the 'i' than if they have the obvious other explanation (map
produced by Zeit Online out of thin air) being presented as the
simplest answer.

quoting ODbL:

4.8 Licensing of others. You may not sublicense the Database.

They must keep the notice intact, therefore attributing OSM.

When we switched from CC to ODbL, this was documented as:

Both licenses are “By Attribution” and “Share Alike”.

Ditching the attribution for second rate attribution is not only unfair, 
does not meet this and also goes against OSMF objects of the foundation 
Unless someone explains me how we are promoting the growdth, development 
and distribution of free geospatial data to those that are not aware of 
it by hiding the source of the wonderful maps those companies do with 
the data from this lovely community.

you show users and viewers of whatever you do with our data clearly 
where you got the data from. A lot of contributors have spent and 
spend a lot of time and effort adding data from virtually every 
country in the world. We would also like people to know about our 
project and perhaps use or contribute data themselves.

Also it's crucial the attribution has in marketing and promotion of the 
project. Or are we having a Working group for that?

About omitting permanently the "contributors" part by me is fine, but i 
truly hope the argument of "lack of space to display" will not be used 
like it's being abusively justified like it is now.

talk mailing list

[Talk-si] divje in neustrezno spreminjanje klasifikacije poti

2019-08-09 Thread Blaž Lorger


Ali kdo pozna tega ( "genija"?

Zgleda da je več ali manj naključno dvignil rang poti. Marsikje je 
traktorske vlake, ki niso prevozne niti s terenskimi vozili, 
klasificiral kot normalne ceste.

Mislim da bi bilo najbolje preprosto revertati vse njegove spremembe. 
Kolikor lahko ocenim je skoraj vse kar je naredil, verjetno kar vse kar 
je naredil, bilo spreminjanje klasifikacije poti.

Ima kdo izkušnje z masovnimi reverti?


Talk-si mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Tobias Knerr
Thank you for your work! I believe that clearly documenting our
expectations is a very important step towards solving the current
problems surrounding attribution. It will help well-intentioned data
users to avoid accidentally messing up OSM attribution, and it leaves
fewer excuses for the less well-intentioned ones – making it easier for
us to put pressure on them to improve their practices.

I do have a couple of questions/comments about the current draft:

* Can you confirm that the current attribution practices on Wikipedia
and many similar projects would be covered by the "small images" case?

* I believe video games/simulations should be given similar treatment as
fictional movie productions by permitting attribution in the credits as
an alternative to the current options. Not allowing this seems to
contradict the larger "in a location where customarily attribution would
be expected" principle, as rolling credits are customary for many gaming
genres. (I'm mostly thinking of traditional PC or console games here,
not so much of mobile apps.)

* What's the guidance on scenarios where software does not ship with OSM
data, and does not display online maps, but e.g. allows downloading map
data for offline use? Would it be acceptable to make the license
information part of the download process, or is it still required that
attribution is visible on-screen during use?


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wegstücke Emscher Region (NRW)

2019-08-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 9. Aug 2019, at 12:06, Martin Scholtes  wrote:
> kann mittels access=no oder anderen Werten eine
> Zugangsbeschränkung verhängt werden.

besser ist private bei Wegen, die begangen werden können, aber nicht durch die 
Allgemeinheit, Betriebswege sind meistens access=private

Gruß Martin 
Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-ja] 国土地理院地図

2019-08-09 Thread kkondo
など)に顕著なずれも見られるようです。これに従って編集作業したと思われる道路が現在の OSM にも見られます(例えば、経緯度 132.8830 35.3861 

また、新聞報道でも、「関門トンネルも位置誤り国土地理院地図50メートルずれ」日本経済新聞 2019/8/2

Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Dave F via talk


Static Images.

"Static images should be generally attributed the same way as dynamic 
images, " I agree & a way to enable users to easily add attribution 
needs to be created. The Share>Image feature on the main page should 
automatically image stamp the attribution into the corner. "images of 
areas less 10’000 m2or fewer than 100 features do not require 
attribution." For a static image I'm struggling to see what the area 
coverage or the number of items contained has to do with adding an 
attribution - an image is an image, irrelevant of size. DaveF On 
09/08/2019 08:41, Simon Poole wrote:

As we've mentioned multiple times over the last months, the LWG decided
last year to consolidate all attribution guidance in to one document and
address some of the use cases that have become common over the last 7
years that previously had none. Particularly in the light of the
parallel discussions about attribution on larger social media platforms
we need to make up our minds what we actually want, and define concrete
minimum requirements for acceptable attribution. To not do this just
provides the excuse of pointing to the cacophony of voices all saying
something different.

We've been working on and off on the document for a while, and are now
largely finished. Going forward we intend to wikify the document and
make it available for public comment together with a BoF session at SotM
next month (which probably means that we'll have to appropriate a coffee
break). You can have a glimpse at the text here
the few things that are not nailed down belong to those that we would
appreciate feedback on.


PS: the number of coffee breaks permitting we might want to appropriate
another one for the discussion of a tile licence change.

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I concur, this becomes long and unwieldy fast in my own language and to fully 
capture it requires a full sentence, with a comma for clarity even.

Behind OpenStreetMap the brand we have contributors amongst others.

9. ágúst 2019 kl. 14:40, skrifaði "Frederik Ramm" :

> Hi,
> I wonder if we could perhaps get rid of the "Contributors" mention
> altogether.
> The term "OpenStreetMap Contributors" is the unwieldy; it just sounds
> strange to say "this is a map made by OpenStreetMap contributors" when
> what we really want to say is "this is OpenStreetMap". When translated
> into German, you would have to say "OpenStreetMap-Beitragende" or, more
> correctly, "Beitragende zu OpenStreetMap", which to the un-initiated
> sounds a bit strange and kind of dilutes the OpenStreetMap brand by
> adding things before or after. I am pretty sure that there are languages
> where grammar in fact requires that the "contributors" be placed before
> OSM (as in my "Beitragende zu OpenStreetMap" example) and where no
> grammatically correct way exists to place OSM first.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Clifford Snow
On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 7:35 AM Frederik Ramm  wrote:

> Hi,
> I wonder if we could perhaps get rid of the "Contributors" mention
> altogether.

I agree, I've often felt that the OpenStreetMap Contributors was unwieldy.
If we agree to the change, I imagine that OpenStreetMap would need to be
redefined to include its data contributors.


OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Frederik Ramm

I wonder if we could perhaps get rid of the "Contributors" mention

The term "OpenStreetMap Contributors" is the unwieldy; it just sounds
strange to say "this is a map made by OpenStreetMap contributors" when
what we really want to say is "this is OpenStreetMap". When translated
into German, you would have to say "OpenStreetMap-Beitragende" or, more
correctly, "Beitragende zu OpenStreetMap", which to the un-initiated
sounds a bit strange and kind of dilutes the OpenStreetMap brand by
adding things before or after. I am pretty sure that there are languages
where grammar in fact requires that the "contributors" be placed before
OSM (as in my "Beitragende zu OpenStreetMap" example) and where no
grammatically correct way exists to place OSM first.

I know, OpenStreetMap is not a legal entity and therefore cannot be said
to own the copyright. Then again, "(c) OpenStreetMap contributors" is
not technically correct either, as there are many ways in which you can
contribute to OSM, but only some of them will earn you a share of the
copyright in the map. Someone who contributes to OSM by giving us money,
or writing code, or organising meetups, is not part of the group that
holds the rights in the map.

I would find a simple "(c) OpenStreetMap" better, more snappy, more
recognizable than if we demand that the "contributors" are mentioned.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Andy Mabbett
On Fri, 9 Aug 2019 at 08:41, Simon Poole  wrote:

> to consolidate all attribution guidance in to one document

Some thoughts:

> (without "www") works, and should be
preferred (several occurrences).

> Our requested attribution is "© OpenStreetMap contributors".

Add "or the equivalent in the local language".

Change "requested" to "preferred", since other forms are allowable.

> You should qualify the credit to explain what OSM content you are
> using. For example, if you have rendered OSM data to your own
> design, you may wish to use "Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors".

Confusion between "should" and "may".

> If OpenStreetMap data accounts for a minority (less than
> 50%) part of the visible map rendering...

The concerns others have raised could be addressed by changing this to
"If less than 50% of the data used for the visible map rendering is
from OpenStreetMap..."

> Except for small images

"small" is subjective; give a definition.

>Applications that incorporate a geocoder must credit OpenStreetMap

Change to "Applications that incorporate a geocoder that uses
OpenStreetMap data must credit OpenStreetMap"

> or in a footnote/endnote if that is where other credits appear and/or in the 
> "acknowledgements" section

Change to "or in a footnote/endnote and/or in the 'acknowledgements'
section, whichever is where other credits appear"

> Tv, film or video

Typo; should be "TV, film or video"

Andy Mabbett

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Traductions de page wiki OSM en français

2019-08-09 Thread deuzeffe


DeepL est de bien meilleur conseil que gg.


On 09/08/2019 15:24, gnrc69 via Talk-fr wrote:

Hello tous,

Je viens de terminer la traduction en FR des pages :

Si certains veulent faire une relecture, car mon prof de langue a encore 
beaucoup à apprendre, il s'appelle !

PS: ATTENTION pour "abandoned", il existe une page EN et partiellement 
FR dont la traduction 
est à terminer ;
mais aussi une page EN non traduite en FR qui devrait se limiter 
aux recommandations de non-utilisation de abandoned=*

Il pourrait aussi être judicieux de fusionner les deux pages.

gnrc69 OSM Lyon

*De: *"severin.menard via Talk-fr" 
*À: *,
*Cc: *"severin.menard" 
*Envoyé: *Jeudi 11 Juillet 2019 22:03:58
*Objet: * [OSM-talk-fr] Traductions de page wiki OSM en français

Bonsoir à tous,

J'ai traduit en français la semaine dernière la page wiki intitulée /Any 
tag you like/ qui explique les fondamentaux de la création d'attributs 
dans OSM :

J'ai remarqué que pas mal de pages wiki en lien dans cette page 
restaient en mal de traduction en français, si certains sont motivés :

Même chose pour certaines clés, par exemple :


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 09 August 2019, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:
> I think we move in different mapper communities as "mapping for the
> reward of being recognized by external data users" has never even
> been on my list, or of those mappers I know, of reasons for why we
> map.

Please don't twist my words - i have not said mappers are "mapping for 
the reward of being recognized by external data users".  I said "While 
elsewhere people generating geodata are almost always rewarded for 
their work also in other form (like salery) in OSM the only recognition 
mappers receive from external data users is the attribution required by 
the license".  That is a huge difference.

The growth of the mapper community and in particular the increase in the 
number of mappers who are externally motivated to map (like paid 
mappers or mappers in organized humanitarian mapping projects) can 
certainly lead to the impression that those mappers whose commitment 
depends on the social contract between mappers and data users being 
honored by the data users are not strictly needed any more for the 
project to survive.  I would not be too sure about that though.  
Research on social networks in general typically shows that the 
function and attractiveness of a network to participants often depends 
on a relatively small number of participants.  And in particular power 
mappers who might have over many years mapped a significant fraction of 
their home town and environment are quite likely to become demotivated 
when they see that data users increasingly just rip off their work and 
can't be bothered to even acknowledge their contribution in a very 
basic and collective fashion.  With mapper retention over longer time 
being an issue in general this is a significant problem.

Note that this idea of the function of attribution in OSM is not my 
invention, this is a matter that has been discussed plenty of times 
over the years with the basic point i am trying to make here being 
agreed on by many different people.  Obviously there are also many 
mappers who don't care about attribution and who would be fine or would 
even prefer if OSM data was PD.  But that is not my point here.  
Because also those mappers are to a large fraction fully aware that 
this view is not universal.

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 09 August 2019, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> > It does not in any way address the problem of second rate
> > attribution (i.e. someone else - usually the service provider of
> > the map service or the media outlet publishing the map) is being
> > attributed more prominently than OSM.
> That is not something that the ODbL requires. There are licences with
> an obnoxious advertising clause but ODbL isn't one.
> "Second rate attribution" is not a problem. [...]

Just for understanding what second rate attribution is:  For example the 
map on the bottom right of:

printing a prominent "Zeit Online" below the map (self attribution) but 
showing OSM attribution only on user activity.

> But you can't start requiring that "the OpenStreetMap attribution
> needs to be at least on the same level of
> prominence and visibility as... other data providers, designers,
> service providers or publicists", because that's not in the ODbL.

It is a community guideline - a recommendation of the community on how 
to work with OSM data to comply with the license.  No data user has to 
follow the guideline - the only binding document is the license itself.  
The purpose of the guideline is to give practical guidiance how to 
comply with the license.  The Guidelines should never suggest something 
that would violate the license (like as mentioned the 50 percent rule) 
but it can of course suggest things that are not strictly required by 
the license.  And saying "if you attribute in this way that is 
perfectly fine with the community" is useful even if "this way" goes 
beyond the minimum requirements of the license.

And i also think rejecting second rate attribution is perfectly in line 
with and supported by the "reasonably calculated" requirement of the 
ODbL since with a significantly less prominent attribution of OSM 
compared to other attributions given this is less the case.  In the 
case linked to above for example removing the "Zeit Online" would 
increase the likelihood that a page visitor - when asked - could 
correctly identify the map source because they would be more likely to 
look under the 'i' than if they have the obvious other explanation (map 
produced by Zeit Online out of thin air) being presented as the 
simplest answer.

> Your point 2 is objecting to something I wrote in 2012 when I was
> editing a magazine about inland waterways and has been on
> ever since, so nope. :)

You are free to disagree with me but i hope you do not consider this 
statement to be an argument on the matter.

For better understanding:  Point 2 refers to a certain pattern in the 
design of the document and lists a number of example to demonstrate 
that.  You could argue the observation of there being such a pattern or 
you could argue the individual examples.  You however did neither of 
these in your statement.

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wegstücke Emscher Region (NRW)

2019-08-09 Thread Volker Schmidt
Eine interessante, von vielen unterschaetzte, Methode um JOSM-Newcomer beim
Start zu helfen ist editing im screen-sharing Betrieb z.B. mit Skype.
Funktioniert unabhaengig von der geografischen Distanz. Bedingung ist
natuerlich eine gute Internet-Verbindung.

Volker (der zweite - ich sitze in Italien)

On Fri, 9 Aug 2019 at 13:01, Volker via Talk-de 

> Und vor allem vorher klären, ob die Quellen OSM kompatibel sind.
> Am 09.08.2019 um 11:27 schrieb chris66 via Talk-de:
> > Hallo Nora,
> >
> >> a) Auf welche Art und Weise könnte man die vorliegenden Daten am
> >> zeiteffizientesten UND im Sinne von OSM zielführendsten einarbeiten?
> >> Import von shp-Dateien (??), manuelles Einarbeiten?
> > Manuell, da ein Import bestehende Daten doppeln würde.
> >
> >> b) Welches Browser-Format (zb JOSM?) sollte man dafür nutzen? Im
> >> beginners' guide steht als Schritt 2: upload data und in schritt 3: mit
> >> josm bearbeiten. ist das hierfür auch zutreffend?
> >
> > Als Editor sei JOSM empfohlen.
> >
> >> c) Wäre ich als unerfahrene Person diejenige, die das am besten
> >> einfügt oder würde das üblicherweise jemand anders tun, der sich
> >> damit bereits auskennt um fehler zu vermeiden? Oder hängt das von der
> >> Vorgehensweise ab?
> >
> > Am besten wäre natürlich selber machen. Nach den ersten Edits
> > diese durch die Community begutachten lassen.
> >
> >> d) was wäre der tag für die Straßen, die noch nicht öffentlich sind,
> >> vermutlich sowas wie "special road type/service“?
> >
> > Als Wegeklassen (highway=*) kommen in Frage:
> > footway/cycleway/path/service mit passenden access-Tags, zB. access=no
> > / private.
> >
> >> e) gibt es zur Diskussion dessen eine kleinere lokale zuständige
> >> Gruppe für NRW oder das Ruhrgebiet ... oder eine thematisch
> >> passendere ... oder bin ich hier richtig?
> >
> > Es gibt lokale Usergruppen / Stammtische.
> >
> > Chris
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-de mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Traductions de page wiki OSM en français

2019-08-09 Thread gnrc69 via Talk-fr
Hello tous, 

Je viens de terminer la traduction en FR des pages : 

Si certains veulent faire une relecture, car mon prof de langue a encore 
beaucoup à apprendre, il s'appelle ! 

PS: ATTENTION pour "abandoned", il existe une page EN et partiellement FR dont la traduction est à 
terminer ; 
mais aussi une page EN non traduite en FR qui devrait se limiter aux 
recommandations de non-utilisation de abandoned=* 
Il pourrait aussi être judicieux de fusionner les deux pages. 

gnrc69 OSM Lyon 

- Mail original -

De: "severin.menard via Talk-fr"  
Cc: "severin.menard"  
Envoyé: Jeudi 11 Juillet 2019 22:03:58 
Objet:  [OSM-talk-fr] Traductions de page wiki OSM en français 

Bonsoir à tous, 

J'ai traduit en français la semaine dernière la page wiki intitulée Any tag you 
like qui explique les fondamentaux de la création d'attributs dans OSM : 

J'ai remarqué que pas mal de pages wiki en lien dans cette page restaient en 
mal de traduction en français, si certains sont motivés : 

Même chose pour certaines clés, par exemple : : 


Talk-fr mailing list 

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Appel aux Nantais et environs - vérification de contributions

2019-08-09 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret
oh puis il à fait ça avec une tablette?

Le ven. 9 août 2019 à 15:07, Stéphane Péneau  a
écrit :

> Le plus concret que j'ai trouvé, c'est un avis d'enquête pour
> expropriations, qui courait jusqu'en mars 2019.
> Le 09/08/2019 à 14:59, Stéphane Péneau a écrit :
> > C'est un peu trop loin pour que je fasse un déplacement par là, mais
> > en croisant toutes les sources disponibles, dont le forum sarah, le
> > département, la site de la commune, je ne trouve absolument rien. Ca
> > reste un projet, c'est tout.
> > Je pense qu'il faut faire un/des revert
> >
> > Stf
> >
> > Le 09/08/2019 à 14:45, David Crochet a écrit :
> >> Bonjour
> >>
> >> Si des géographiquement-proche (Saint-Étienne-de-Montluc, à l'ouest
> >> de Nantes sur la D17)pouvait vérifier les travaux de cet utilisateur
> >> :
> >>
> >> Ses contributions me semble plus que douteuses
> >>
> >> Cordialement
> >>
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-fr mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Jérôme Seigneuret
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Appel aux Nantais et environs - vérification de contributions

2019-08-09 Thread Stéphane Péneau
Le plus concret que j'ai trouvé, c'est un avis d'enquête pour 
expropriations, qui courait jusqu'en mars 2019.

Le 09/08/2019 à 14:59, Stéphane Péneau a écrit :
C'est un peu trop loin pour que je fasse un déplacement par là, mais 
en croisant toutes les sources disponibles, dont le forum sarah, le 
département, la site de la commune, je ne trouve absolument rien. Ca 
reste un projet, c'est tout.

Je pense qu'il faut faire un/des revert


Le 09/08/2019 à 14:45, David Crochet a écrit :


Si des géographiquement-proche (Saint-Étienne-de-Montluc, à l'ouest 
de Nantes sur la D17)pouvait vérifier les travaux de cet utilisateur 

Ses contributions me semble plus que douteuses


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Appel aux Nantais et environs - vérification de contributions

2019-08-09 Thread Stéphane Péneau
C'est un peu trop loin pour que je fasse un déplacement par là, mais en 
croisant toutes les sources disponibles, dont le forum sarah, le 
département, la site de la commune, je ne trouve absolument rien. Ca 
reste un projet, c'est tout.

Je pense qu'il faut faire un/des revert


Le 09/08/2019 à 14:45, David Crochet a écrit :


Si des géographiquement-proche (Saint-Étienne-de-Montluc, à l'ouest de 
Nantes sur la D17)pouvait vérifier les travaux de cet utilisateur :

Ses contributions me semble plus que douteuses


Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Appel aux Nantais et environs - vérification de contributions

2019-08-09 Thread David Crochet


Si des géographiquement-proche (Saint-Étienne-de-Montluc, à l'ouest de 
Nantes sur la D17)pouvait vérifier les travaux de cet utilisateur :

Ses contributions me semble plus que douteuses


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carte des limites de vitesseq

2019-08-09 Thread f . dos . santos
C'est très drole : ils ont inversé les liens :-)

- Mail original -
De: "althio" 
À: "Discussions sur OSM en français" 
Envoyé: Vendredi 9 Août 2019 14:15:37
Objet: Re: [OSM-talk-fr]  Carte des limites de vitesseq

C'est maintenant plus clair et officiel, avec une page de redirection et une 
annonce : 

On Mon, 29 Jul 2019 at 13:09, Eric SIBERT < > wrote: 

Le 29/07/2019 à 10:45, Christian Quest a écrit : 
> HTTPS même 503 pour moi... le service ne semble plus opérationnel... :( 

Je pense qu'ils ont laissé tombé. Déjà, avant, ça ramait. Ça ne doit 
plus faire partie de leur business model. 


> > itoworld fournissait des cartes thématiques des données OSM dont la 
> > carte des limites de vitesse : 
> > 
> > Un service alternatif? 

Talk-fr mailing list 

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Christoph Hormann wrote:
> It does not in any way address the problem of second rate attribution 
> (i.e. someone else - usually the service provider of the map service 
> or the media outlet publishing the map) is being attributed more 
> prominently than OSM.

That is not something that the ODbL requires. There are licences with an
obnoxious advertising clause but ODbL isn't one.

"Second rate attribution" is not a problem. If Mapco[1] want to put a big
Mapco logo on their maps, that is absolutely fine and dandy according to the

The problem is when there is a big Mapco logo on the map; no OSM attribution
other than the infamous "(i)"; and the latter is justified by saying
"there's no room" when the former clearly disproves that. This is an
infringement of ODbL 4.3 and our favourite "reasonably calculated" clause.

But you can't start requiring that "the OpenStreetMap attribution needs to
be at least on the same level of 
prominence and visibility as... other data providers, designers, service
providers or publicists", because that's not in the ODbL.

> Overall i think this is totally unacceptable and looks pretty much 
> like being written by corporate representatives

Your point 2 is objecting to something I wrote in 2012 when I was editing a
magazine about inland waterways and has been on ever
since, so nope. :)


[1] let's be honest, we're mostly talking about Mapbox and Carto here

Sent from:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
I think we move in different mapper communities as "mapping for the reward of 
being recognized by external data users" has never even been on my list, or of 
those mappers I know, of reasons for why we map.

Of course everyones self-image is their own, so I don't know about your claim 
of there being a fundamental one for the whole community.

Just my 2 krónur.

-- /OSM: Stalfur

9. ágúst 2019 kl. 11:15, skrifaði "Christoph Hormann" :

> And frankly it also contradicts the fundamental self-image of the mapper 
> community. As has been discussed plenty of times the way geodata is 
> generated in OSM is fundamentally different from other geodata sources. 
> While elsewhere people generating geodata are almost always rewarded 
> for their work also in other form (like salery) in OSM the only 
> recognition mappers receive from external data users is the attribution 
> required by the license. Putting OSM on the same level as other data 
> providers like you do above is totally inappropriate.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Nuno Caldeira
About the 50% exception. i recently had to be unpleasant with Fatmap 
(their app and website, after 2 months of zero 
action from their side. Source after my 
message on the 3rd of August, they contacted me via private message, to 
which i explained how to attribute, linking to copyright page, OSMF 
guidelines and license terms. They stated:

"Thank you - yes our mapping and tech teams are in touch with them 
both now. _We have over 20 different providers for our map_, all with 
different requirements and different integrations. So we are working 
out the best solution!"

To which i replied i had nothing to do with the other sources, how they 
must fulfil the other sources attribution (if applies)  and they should 
comply with our attribution as required. They then replied:

Once we have found a solution together with the OSM and MapBox teams, 
I will let you know!"
i asked them with whom of OSM/OSMF they are speaking to, they never 
replied back. Can anyone from OSMF tell me with who they are working in 
OSM/OSMF? I would like to know or if they are just saying they are 
talking to, when they are not. AFAIK we do not open exceptions about 
this subject.

Another concern i have by their reply is Mapbox teams dictating how and 
when the attribution must be displayed. This being said, i start to 
believe we should remove the 50% exception (how would we actually know 
if it's 51% OSM or 49%?), because it will be used as a loophole to avoid 
the attribution. Fatmap example is a perfect of Christoph concern about 
corporate usage. We shouldn't place our data/derivate with attribution 
with the same usage of paid map data/derivates that is not subject to 
attribution if paid for.

It's just another example to the long list of example of Strava, 
Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo Livestream (Mapbox client, that has their 
legal dept checking if they should attribute or not) and more that are 
using OSM without attributing at all. As i have shared on other lists, 
_*it's a shame*_ most of these lack of attribution examples i gave comes 
first or second handed from corporate members of OSMF (Facebook and 
Mapbox). Up until they give an example of how to be good citizens of 
OSM, these guidelines won't solve the issue. For months, both of these 
companies have been silence about it and OSMF board too. Which results 
in the lack of attribution being a "normal thing", when it's not.

Sadly i'm starting to believe these lack of attribution will only be 
solved once a contributor (individual or a national agency that provided 
data to OSM under the license) sues one of these companies. As we know 
as soon as someone does not comply with the license (or formally 
informed by the licensor) it's rights are terminated. If a contributor 
wants to sue for their content that they licensed to OSMF to be 
distributed only under ODbL, they are legit to take action. If this 
occurs, i fear it will damage OSM/OSMF image and fear of usage of data. 
which is not what we want and will affect OSMF OBJECTS 
All of it can be avoided by simply doing what's on the license, instead 
of arguing if it should or not attribute open data that they are using 
for free without crediting.

Mea culpa as i also helped on this guidance. We do need to improve it, 
so feel free to suggest, share concerns.

Às 12:06 de 09/08/2019, Christoph Hormann escreveu:

I am strongly against this in the current form because it addresses none
of the major issues about corporate attribution of OSM (or lack

1) It does not in any way address the problem of second rate attribution
(i.e. someone else - usually the service provider of the map service or
the media outlet publishing the map) is being attributed more
prominently than OSM.  The '50 percent rule' you invented:

"If OpenStreetMap data accounts for a minority (less than 50%) part of
the visible map rendering, attribution with other sources on a separate
page that is visible after user interaction is acceptable."

is ridiculous because 50 percent of the map area being functionally
empty is essentially a property of most maps, in particular at large
scales or high zoom levels.  There is no basis in the ODbL for allowing
attribution in a case where attribution is required that is
not "reasonably calculated to make any person [...] aware".  Therefore
i would consider that rule in clear violation of the license.

And frankly it also contradicts the fundamental self-image of the mapper
community.  As has been discussed plenty of times the way geodata is
generated in OSM is fundamentally different from other geodata sources.
While elsewhere people generating geodata are almost always rewarded
for their work also in other form (like salery) in OSM the only
recognition mappers receive from external data users is the attribution
required by the 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carte des limites de vitesseq

2019-08-09 Thread althio
C'est maintenant plus clair et officiel, avec une page de redirection et
une annonce :

On Mon, 29 Jul 2019 at 13:09, Eric SIBERT  wrote:

> Le 29/07/2019 à 10:45, Christian Quest a écrit :
> > HTTPS même 503 pour moi... le service ne semble plus opérationnel... :(
> Je pense qu'ils ont laissé tombé. Déjà, avant, ça ramait. Ça ne doit
> plus faire partie de leur business model.
> Eric
> >  > itoworld fournissait des cartes thématiques des données OSM dont
> la
> >  > carte des limites de vitesse :
> >  >
> >  > Un service alternatif?
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Richard Fairhurst
SimonPoole wrote:
> the few things that are not nailed down belong to those that we 
> would appreciate feedback on.

This is really good, and very much in accordance with both the text of the
ODbL and the long-standing precedents set by the page.
Thank you.

Two small wording clarifications:

"If OpenStreetMap data accounts for a minority (less than 50%) part of the
visible map rendering, attribution with other sources on a separate page
that is visible after user interaction is acceptable."

This probably needs to be qualified to the "currently visible map
rendering", and "50%" phrased as "50% of objects" or similar - just to
clarify the (quite likely) scenario where a map uses OSM data in (say)
Turkey, TomTom everywhere else, and Natural Earth for coastlines/land.

"It is permissible to use a mechanism to collapse the attribution as long as
it is initially fully visible"

This would be better as "It is permissible to provide a user-activated
mechanism to...". There are apps which flash up an OSM credit for under a
second, after which it disappears (including one terrific iOS mapping app
which I would otherwise recommend).


Sent from:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Track -> Chemin rural

2019-08-09 Thread Stéphane Péneau

Mon avis correspond assez bien à ton résumé.

J'ajouterai qu'on n'utilise pas track pour :
La voie qui permet d'accéder à des habitations
La voie dans la parcelle privée qui permet au proprio d'accéder à son 
garage derrière la maison

La voie principale qui permet d'accéder à l'entrée d'une ferme.


Le 08/08/2019 à 16:56, marc marc a écrit :

Le 08.08.19 à 15:53, a écrit :

LE gros problème, c'est que nous discutons entre français, avec nos
habitudes et notre expérience françaises, sur une terminologie et une
classification fortement marquées par les américains.

si cela te rassure, le hasard fait qu'il y a en ce moment le même genre
de discussion sur la ml tagging mondiale.

par ailleurs unclassified das osm, c'est de l'anglais britannique :)
et non américain.
c'est le 4ieme niveau hiérarchique de route, en dessous de tertiaire

quelqu'un peux résumer les avis d'ici ?

les avis sur tagging sont (à mes risques et périls vu le nombre
de messages) :
- certains ont confondu unclassified avec inconnu (highway=road).
après échange, ils ont corrigés le tir.
- certains ont confondu unclassified avec "sans classification".
certains sont d'accord que c'était une erreur. d'autres "auteurs"
de cette erreur ne sont pas là pour en discuter.
- il semble y avoir un assez grand nombre pour insister sur le fait
que unclassified est un type de voie non minuscule, utilisé pour le
transit entre hameau, voie principale dans une zone industrielle,
voie rurale de liaison entre zone résidentielle.
le point "d’achoppement" actuel et que certains voudraient que
unclassified soie mieux "mis au dessus" de residentiel.
puisque des unclassied semblent exister au UK en pleine zone
résidentielle (ndlr : je prend des pincettes par manque d'exemple
simple dans les échanges), cela aurait du sens, même si en France,
la décentralisation a rendu bancal la classification historique
- pas grand monde voire personne sur tagging ne semble avoir un soucis
de différentiation entre track et les autres.
track à mes yeux est hors "réseau routier", c'est un chemin agricole,
forestrier, agriculture, loisir (parc). c'est typiquement le chemin que
vous ne prenez jamais en voiture malgré que la largeur le permet
Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Rowmaps importing in South Gloucestershire

2019-08-09 Thread Andy Townsend
There are certainly places where the rights-of-way as signed don't match what 
appears on e.g. OS Landranger - I was in one south of York just a couple of 
days ago.  There in fact the OS data (including OS Opendata / older OS maps 
which have been traced into OSM) doesn't match what's on the ground now - a 
former airfield has been reclaimed for farming and other purposes and the 
former airfield's service roads don't always exist at all any more.  There's 
also a public footpath that abruptly stops at the River Wharfe.

Maybe a compromise might be (assuming the licence is suitable) importing only 
the "designation" tag for entirely new footways (i.e. without a highway tag at 

That way there's no danger of general purpose map users (which would tend to be 
using maps based on "highway" tags) being misled, and it would still be 
possible for people seeking out these paths to find them and survey them.

One place where a PRoW import could help is where people have added data 
remotely such as Amazon-traced service roads, tracks and driveways.  This 
doesn't avoid the need for a survey, but it does add another dimension to the 
traced data.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Track -> Chemin rural

2019-08-09 Thread Stéphane Péneau

Le 08/08/2019 à 15:53, a écrit :

Le 08/08/2019 à 13:49, Stéphane Péneau a écrit :
Le gros problème de toute cette discussion, c'est qu'il n'y a pas 
d'exemple, de lien vers un highway d'Osm.


LE gros problème, c'est que nous discutons entre français, avec nos 
habitudes et notre expérience françaises, sur une terminologie et une 
classification fortement marquées par les américains.

Je suis d'accord avec toi, et je vais même aller encore plus loin : Même 
en restant en France, la terminologie utilisée pour nommer certains 
toponymes est variable selon les régions. Par exemple, par chez moi un 
"village" c'est un petit regroupement d'habitation en dehors du bourg de 
la commune, ce qu'on tag généralement comme "hamlet".

D'où ma demande d'exemple concret.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Track -> Chemin rural

2019-08-09 Thread Stéphane Péneau

Le 08/08/2019 à 14:43, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :

Pour le cas du chemin rural oui je garderai que la D56.

Je ne suis pas de ton avis. 
me semble très bien en unclassified.

pour l'exemple demandé. J'ai encore du travail par ici.

Cette voie dessert des habitations, pour moi ce ne doit pas être un 
track, mais service ou unclassified. Je pencherais pour service.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Track -> Chemin rural

2019-08-09 Thread Rpnpif via Talk-fr
Le  8 août 2019, marc marc a écrit :

> track à mes yeux est hors "réseau routier", c'est un chemin agricole, 
> forestrier, agriculture, loisir (parc). c'est typiquement le chemin que
> vous ne prenez jamais en voiture malgré que la largeur le permet

Que vous ne prenez presque jamais parce qu'il n'y a que rarement
interdiction formelle (en France) si l'état du chemin le permet.
Sinon d'accord.

Alain Rpnpif

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Yves
Hi Simon,
This guideline is a great piece of work, thanks a lot to all the participants.
Inevitably, this will be too much or not enough for anybody, however I find the 
content reasonable and in line with what I understood from current written 
A few more mockups, notably for minimaps and apps would be great.
After all the text is clear enough and I would find the "yes, but we want to 
let the designer some freedom" argument a bit hypocritical.

Le 9 août 2019 09:41:25 GMT+02:00, Simon Poole  a écrit :
>As we've mentioned multiple times over the last months, the LWG decided
>last year to consolidate all attribution guidance in to one document
>address some of the use cases that have become common over the last 7
>years that previously had none. Particularly in the light of the
>parallel discussions about attribution on larger social media platforms
>we need to make up our minds what we actually want, and define concrete
>minimum requirements for acceptable attribution. To not do this just
>provides the excuse of pointing to the cacophony of voices all saying
>something different. 
>We've been working on and off on the document for a while, and are now
>largely finished. Going forward we intend to wikify the document and
>make it available for public comment together with a BoF session at
>next month (which probably means that we'll have to appropriate a
>break). You can have a glimpse at the text here
>the few things that are not nailed down belong to those that we would
>appreciate feedback on.
>PS: the number of coffee breaks permitting we might want to appropriate
>another one for the discussion of a tile licence change.
talk mailing list

[Talk-de] OSM-Geburtstag (und Party in Karlsruhe)

2019-08-09 Thread Frederik Ramm

morgen wird vielerorts

Hier bei uns in Karlsruhe treffen wir uns um 10:00 auf einen Sekt im
Geofabrik-Büro, dann wollen wir mappen gehen, ab 16:00 gibt es dann
(aller Voraussicht nach) Geburtstagstorte und später Pizza sponsored by

Wer nicht den ganzen Tag Zeit hat, ist gern auch spontan nur zum Sekt am
Vormittag oder nur zu Kaffee+Kuchen/Pizza am Nachmittag willkommen.


PS: Das Büro hat inzwischen auch eine Klimaanlage ;)

Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Christoph Hormann

I am strongly against this in the current form because it addresses none 
of the major issues about corporate attribution of OSM (or lack 

1) It does not in any way address the problem of second rate attribution 
(i.e. someone else - usually the service provider of the map service or 
the media outlet publishing the map) is being attributed more 
prominently than OSM.  The '50 percent rule' you invented:

"If OpenStreetMap data accounts for a minority (less than 50%) part of 
the visible map rendering, attribution with other sources on a separate 
page that is visible after user interaction is acceptable."

is ridiculous because 50 percent of the map area being functionally 
empty is essentially a property of most maps, in particular at large 
scales or high zoom levels.  There is no basis in the ODbL for allowing 
attribution in a case where attribution is required that is 
not "reasonably calculated to make any person [...] aware".  Therefore 
i would consider that rule in clear violation of the license.

And frankly it also contradicts the fundamental self-image of the mapper 
community.  As has been discussed plenty of times the way geodata is 
generated in OSM is fundamentally different from other geodata sources.  
While elsewhere people generating geodata are almost always rewarded 
for their work also in other form (like salery) in OSM the only 
recognition mappers receive from external data users is the attribution 
required by the license.  Putting OSM on the same level as other data 
providers like you do above is totally inappropriate.

As previously said my suggestion for regulating this is:

"If anyone else is attributed in the context of a work based on OSM data 
(like other data providers, designers, service providers or publicists) 
the OpenStreetMap attribution needs to be at least on the same level of 
prominence and visibility as those."

2) Also beyond that you formulate more exceptions than actual 
requirements and where you formulate requirements they are put in 
obviously weasely terms or are tightly limited to very specific 

* "you may omit the word "contributors" if space is limited" - since 
space is always limited obviously this is a bogus requirement with no 
practical effect.  So you essentially say "© OpenStreetMap" is always 

A suitable rule would be:

"if space is so limited that printing '© OpenStreetMap contributors' at 
a legible text size would take an unreasonable amount of space you can 
shorten this to '© OpenStreetMap'"

* "Except for small images, attribution must be visible [...]" - being 
vague here while being precise with the 480 pixel in case of mobile 
applications is remarkable.  But even more remarkable is that there is 
no attribution requirement given for these "small images" - which can 
be interpreted as if no attribution is required for small images at 

* Naturally the section on "Geocoding - Search" would be generic on any 
non-visual interactive applications using OSM data.  Limiting these 
requirements strictly to geocoding is questionable.

* Declaring printing the URL as the only and a sufficient method "to 
make any Person [...] aware that [...] is available under this License" 
in non-digital/non-interactive applications does not seem a good way to 
implement the idea of the license.  Mentioning the license directly (© 
OpenStreetMap - source data available under ODbL) seems a more suitable 
and should at least be an equally allowable method of attribution in 
such cases.

3) Your paragraph about "Machine learning models" is essentially out of 
place in an attribution guideline.  The whole idea of a produced work 
becoming a derivative database is extremely delicate and with various 
issues.  The concept of derivative databases and produced works depends 
on an uninterrupted chain of responsibility from the original database 
via derivative database to produced work.  Interrupting this chain by 
allowing a produced work to be turned back into a derivative database 
essentially breaks the license.

The very purpose of a machine learning system is to generate semantic 
data and a common property of such systems is that when run on the 
training scenario they more or less reproduce the training data.  
Considering this an exceptional use case is highly questionable.

Sneaking this into an attribution guideline is ill-advised IMO.  
It seems this has been looked at purely from the perspective of 
corporate OSM data users and not from the perspective of hobby mappers.  
I see no reason other than corporate greed why machine learning models 
trained with OSM data should not be considered derivative databases.

4) The most obvious practical guideline to fulfill the "reasonably 
calculated" would be that the attribution would need to be designed in 
a way that at least 50 percent of the map users could, when asked about 
the origin of the map they are looking at, quickly and without much 
difficulty point to 

Re: [Talk-de] Wegstücke Emscher Region (NRW)

2019-08-09 Thread Volker via Talk-de
Und vor allem vorher klären, ob die Quellen OSM kompatibel sind.

Am 09.08.2019 um 11:27 schrieb chris66 via Talk-de:
> Hallo Nora,
>> a) Auf welche Art und Weise könnte man die vorliegenden Daten am
>> zeiteffizientesten UND im Sinne von OSM zielführendsten einarbeiten?
>> Import von shp-Dateien (??), manuelles Einarbeiten? 
> Manuell, da ein Import bestehende Daten doppeln würde.
>> b) Welches Browser-Format (zb JOSM?) sollte man dafür nutzen? Im
>> beginners' guide steht als Schritt 2: upload data und in schritt 3: mit
>> josm bearbeiten. ist das hierfür auch zutreffend?
> Als Editor sei JOSM empfohlen.
>> c) Wäre ich als unerfahrene Person diejenige, die das am besten
>> einfügt oder würde das üblicherweise jemand anders tun, der sich
>> damit bereits auskennt um fehler zu vermeiden? Oder hängt das von der
>> Vorgehensweise ab?
> Am besten wäre natürlich selber machen. Nach den ersten Edits
> diese durch die Community begutachten lassen.
>> d) was wäre der tag für die Straßen, die noch nicht öffentlich sind,
>> vermutlich sowas wie "special road type/service“?
> Als Wegeklassen (highway=*) kommen in Frage:
> footway/cycleway/path/service mit passenden access-Tags, zB. access=no
> / private.
>> e) gibt es zur Diskussion dessen eine kleinere lokale zuständige
>> Gruppe für NRW oder das Ruhrgebiet ... oder eine thematisch
>> passendere ... oder bin ich hier richtig?
> Es gibt lokale Usergruppen / Stammtische.
> Chris
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Rowmaps importing in South Gloucestershire

2019-08-09 Thread Dave F via Talk-GB
. While there's nothing listed there, it's definitely not ok to use
the data in OSM.


Just because one person isn't aware of a fact, it doesn't make it untrue.
No one person has authority over other OSM contributors.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Rowmaps importing in South Gloucestershire

2019-08-09 Thread ael
On Thu, Aug 08, 2019 at 11:05:44PM +0100, Neil Matthews wrote:
> In light of some recent edits in South Gloucestershire -- is it ok to
> import unsurveyed footpaths based simply on rowmaps data?

Apart from the licensing issue, many of these sorts of edits are simply
wrong.  I had to correct several "ficticious" footways in my local area
which simply didn't exist on the ground, and sometimes crossed rivers at
alleged fords. It was simply dangerous to direct people to try to walk
what was perhaps an historic right of way. Ground survey nearly always
needed. I concede that good imagery evidence can sometimes do if there
are no local mappers.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Lantmäteriets öppna data

2019-08-09 Thread Andreas Vilén
Höjdkurvorna finns om du byter till cykellagret. Dessa kurvor är hämtade från 
en annan källa och finns inte i osm-databasen. Vad jag vet finns ingen aktiv 
datamodell för höjdkurvor på osm, och data går därmed inte heller att importera 
med någon form av etablerade taggar.


Skickat från min iPhone

> 9 aug. 2019 kl. 09:46 skrev Christian Asker :
> Hej. Det är dessvärre inte så enkelt att man bara kan plocka data från olika 
> datakällor. Licensen på den öppna datan måste vara kompatibel med OSMs licens 
> (ODBL) vilket i praktikten innebär CC0 eller ODBL. I en del fall har även 
> data "skänkts" till OSM, men det innebär ju i praktiken att den skänkta datan 
> hamnar under ODBL licensen.
> Jag håller med dig om din lista överlag, men ortsnamnen är nog bättre i 
> Ekonomiska kartan, i alla fall på landet. Sen är det oftast ett ganska 
> saftigt arbete att importera data eftersom det oftast redan finns vissa 
> objekt av det slag man vill importera. Detta innebär nästan alltid manuellt 
> arbete vilket tar tid.
> I Terrängkartan som är fri (öppen data) finns väl bara stora byggnader med? I 
> alla fall var det så när jag laddade ner den senast.
> Du är välkommen att importera data till OSM så länge licensen på datat 
> tillåter detta. Se bara till så att du inte tar bort något som faktiskt 
> stämmer bättre med verkligheten än just Terrängkartan. Dessutom behöver en 
> hel del objekt justeras för att ligga rätt, som vi redan diskuterat.
> Jag är lite nyfiken på var du har sett höjdkurvor i OSM?
> Mvh ChristianA
>> Den 2019-08-08 kl. 16:08, skrev Eva Lindberg:
>> Hej! När det gäller ytor har jag skrivit att jag inte tror att terrängkartan 
>> är den bästa källan, i alla fall för skog och annan natur. De markklasser 
>> som jag tror kan vara användbara i terrängkartan är tätbebyggt område, 
>> industriområde och vatten.
>> Det borde dock vara ovanligt att det finns skog som står som åker på 
>> terrängkartan, terrängkartan kommer från Lantmäteriets basdata och det 
>> uppdateras när nya flygfoton kommer vilket är vart 2-4 år beroende på var i 
>> landet man är.
>> Nu förstår jag vad du menar med att en del objekt ligger på fel ställe. Det 
>> är alltså pga att terrängkartan är ritad för att gå bra att läsa. När det 
>> gäller stora vägar är kanske Trafikverkets karta bättre och den är väl redan 
>> på gång att läggas in eller har lagts in om jag fattar rätt.
>> Men det finns information där terrängkartan är den bästa källan:
>> -Stigar eller traktorvägar som du skriver
>> -De flesta ortsnamn och terrängnamn
>> -Höjdkurvor finns med 5 m intervall och kommer förmodligen från den 
>> nationella höjdmodellen som är mycket noggrann. Även höjdangivelser/siffror 
>> finns.
>> -Bäckar samt att storleken på vattendrag är mer korrekt i terrängkartan än 
>> nuvarande OSM där jag har kollat
>> -Vändplaner och vägbommar finns med, det hittar jag inte i Trafikverkets data
>> -Kraftledningar, viktigt för att orientera sig i terräng
>> -Byggnader utanför tätort, både stora och mindre hus/gårdar.
>> Fornminnen är en annan sak, det skulle jag helst ta från 
>> Riksantikvarieämbetets öppna data.
>>> On 2019-08-08 14:13, Christian Asker wrote:
>>> Hej. Terrängkartan är lite knepig eftersom själva datat är anpassat
>>> för att objekt inte ska ligga ovanpå varandra för mycket (så att
>>> kartan blir för plottrig). Det innebär att en del objekts positioner
>>> har justerats. Tex vägar kan ligga 10 meter fel jämfört med
>>> Trafikverkets data.
>>> Ytor (som skog tex) består dessutom av väldigt stora multipolygoner,
>>> som är svåra att hantera. När jag försökte att importera Terrängkartan
>>> upplevde jag att det var mindre jobb att helt enkelt rita ytor för
>>> hand utifrån flyg-/satellit-foton. Dessutom stämmer inte alltid
>>> markanvändningen i Terrängkartan med verkligheten; i de områden jag
>>> har provat har en hel del åkermark blivit skog under de senaste
>>> decennierna och Terrängkartan verkar inte ha uppdaterats...
>>> I slutändan har jag mest importerat traktorvägar, lite stigar,
>>> fornlämningar och liknande från Terrängkartan; resten har visat sig
>>> inte vara mödan värt. Detta är dock bara min personliga åsikt; det kan
>>> ju hända att någon som är mer GIS-kompetent än jag har andra
>>> erfarenhetet.
>>> Jag har skrivit lite om det här i min OSM-dagbok:
>>> Där kan du även se bilder som förklarar vad jag menar.
>>> Mvh ChristianA
 Den 2019-08-08 kl. 13:41, skrev Eva Lindberg:
 Tack för svar! Dessa inlägg hade jag inte sett. Har diskussionen fortsatt 
 Som jag skrev nedan tror jag också att NMD är bättre än terrängkartan för 
 markklasser. Framförallt för att den är gjord för att klassa mark medan 
 det blir lite konstigt med markklasser i vektorformat av orsaker som togs 
 upp i tråden som du 

Re: [Talk-GB] Rowmaps importing in South Gloucestershire

2019-08-09 Thread Dave F via Talk-GB

Hi Neil.

I contacted SG recently regarding as updated dataset under OGL v3. A 
Nicola Chidley from SG said I should use their set on rowmaps. An IT 
officer also said they were given OS copyright exemption in 2016.

As it's designated paths being added other tags as well as highway 
should be added as appropriate

prow_ref=* (This should be as given by the Local Authority & not some 
made up concoction which is useful to none.)


If the contributor's adding a an unwalked path, a fixme=survey required 
tag would be useful.

I will try to obtain a more up to date version than 2013, but I won't 
hold my breath


On 08/08/2019 23:05, Neil Matthews wrote:

In light of some recent edits in South Gloucestershire -- is it ok to
import unsurveyed footpaths based simply on rowmaps data?


Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] JA: Available Dataの改定提案の議論について

2019-08-09 Thread Talk-ja 経由

On Thursday, August 8, 2019, 4:06:25 PM GMT+9, ISHIKAWA Takayuki (Talk-ja 経由) 
>(2) 今回の議論に直接含まれてはいないのですが、そもそも「用例」という語がまずいと思います。


一応解説します。例えば、F1 という地物には T1, T2, T3, …という tags があり、それぞれ R1a, R1b; R2a, R2b, R2c; 
R3a; …が情報源であるとします。個人情報だから不適正、という判断は、Rxy ではなく (Fx に付随する) Tx 
に対してなされます。つまり、情報源が何であろうと、個人宅の name が記されることは原則として望ましくないのです。それに対し、Wikipedia 
からの情報が不適正、という判断は、Rxy として充分ではないということを意味するだけであり、他の Rxz が情報源として適正であれば、Tx 
を入力しても構いません。なので、「出典」「資料」「情報源」等と書いておけば Rxy 


Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wegstücke Emscher Region (NRW)

2019-08-09 Thread Martin Scholtes

ich ergänze mal hier:

Am 09.08.2019 um 11:27 schrieb chris66 via Talk-de:
> Hallo Nora,
>> a) Auf welche Art und Weise könnte man die vorliegenden Daten am
>> zeiteffizientesten UND im Sinne von OSM zielführendsten einarbeiten?
>> Import von shp-Dateien (??), manuelles Einarbeiten? 
> Manuell, da ein Import bestehende Daten doppeln würde.
Genau, ein Import würde wie Arbeit mit sich bringen, zu schauen, welche
Wege sind doppelt.
>> b) Welches Browser-Format (zb JOSM?) sollte man dafür nutzen? Im
>> beginners' guide steht als Schritt 2: upload data und in schritt 3: mit
>> josm bearbeiten. ist das hierfür auch zutreffend?
> Als Editor sei JOSM empfohlen.
JOSM ist ein JAVA-Programm zum Bearbeiten der OSM-Datenbank. Es ist ein
sehr mächtiges und umfangreiches Programm, jedoch wenn man es kennt
macht die Arbeit gleich mehr Spaß.
>> c) Wäre ich als unerfahrene Person diejenige, die das am besten
>> einfügt oder würde das üblicherweise jemand anders tun, der sich
>> damit bereits auskennt um fehler zu vermeiden? Oder hängt das von der
>> Vorgehensweise ab?
> Am besten wäre natürlich selber machen. Nach den ersten Edits
> diese durch die Community begutachten lassen.
Prinzipiell ist das euch überlassen. Es macht aber auch Sinn es selbst,
mit einigen Kontrollblicken erfahreneren Usern, die Daten selbst
einzupflegen. Ich hoffe das ihr dann ihn Zukunft selbst noch andere
Sachen beitragt.
>> d) was wäre der tag für die Straßen, die noch nicht öffentlich sind,
>> vermutlich sowas wie "special road type/service“?
> Als Wegeklassen (highway=*) kommen in Frage:
> footway/cycleway/path/service mit passenden access-Tags, zB. access=no
> / private.
Straßen bzw. Wege werden allgemein mit dem Key highway beschrieben.
Dabei gibt es je nach Nutzung des Wege unterschiedliche Schemata. Das
OSM-Wiki kann da aber einem sehr weiter helfen. Für Wege, welche noch
nicht öffentlich sind, kann mittels access=no oder anderen Werten eine
Zugangsbeschränkung verhängt werden. In DE erfassen wir "immer" das was
vor Ort ersichtlich ist.
>> e) gibt es zur Diskussion dessen eine kleinere lokale zuständige
>> Gruppe für NRW oder das Ruhrgebiet ... oder eine thematisch
>> passendere ... oder bin ich hier richtig?
> Es gibt lokale Usergruppen / Stammtische.

Ja wir haben eine Ruhrpott-Gruppe. Siehe hier:

Unter Treffen findest du die Stammtische der lokalen Gruppen.

Allgemein bist du aber hier auch nicht gänzlich verkehrt. Zudem haben
wir noch das Forum und eine Telegram-Gruppe.

Tom hat es bereits geschrieben. Es wäre interessant, von wem die Daten
stammen und ob diese überhaupt aufgrund Lizenz-Bestimmungen für uns
nutzbar sind.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Martin Scholtes

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wegstücke Emscher Region (NRW)

2019-08-09 Thread Tom Pfeifer

Hallo Nora,

etwas Sorgen bereitet mir noch diese Aussage:

> Die shp-File selbst dürfen wir nur Projekt-Intern benutzen, also nicht an 3. 

Hier muss unbedingt geklärt werden, ob der Rechteinhaber der Dateien der Ableitung von Inhalten nach 
OpenStreetMap zustimmt, in einem solchen Fall bitte schriftlich, und die Genehmigung veröffentlichen.

Bitte lies zuerst hier:
und dann hier hinsichtlich der Offenlegung der Genehmigung:


On 09.08.2019 11:27, chris66 via Talk-de wrote:

Hallo Nora,

a) Auf welche Art und Weise könnte man die vorliegenden Daten am
zeiteffizientesten UND im Sinne von OSM zielführendsten einarbeiten?
Import von shp-Dateien (??), manuelles Einarbeiten? 

Manuell, da ein Import bestehende Daten doppeln würde.

b) Welches Browser-Format (zb JOSM?) sollte man dafür nutzen? Im
beginners' guide steht als Schritt 2: upload data und in schritt 3: mit
josm bearbeiten. ist das hierfür auch zutreffend?

Als Editor sei JOSM empfohlen.

c) Wäre ich als unerfahrene Person diejenige, die das am besten einfügt oder würde das 
üblicherweise jemand anders tun, der sich damit bereits auskennt um fehler zu vermeiden? Oder 
hängt das von der Vorgehensweise ab?

Am besten wäre natürlich selber machen. Nach den ersten Edits
diese durch die Community begutachten lassen.

d) was wäre der tag für die Straßen, die noch nicht öffentlich sind, vermutlich sowas wie "special 
road type/service“?

Als Wegeklassen (highway=*) kommen in Frage: footway/cycleway/path/service mit passenden 
access-Tags, zB. access=no / private.

e) gibt es zur Diskussion dessen eine kleinere lokale zuständige Gruppe für NRW oder das 
Ruhrgebiet ... oder eine thematisch passendere ... oder bin ich hier richtig?

Es gibt lokale Usergruppen / Stammtische.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wegstücke Emscher Region (NRW)

2019-08-09 Thread chris66 via Talk-de

Hallo Nora,

a) Auf welche Art und Weise könnte man die vorliegenden Daten am
zeiteffizientesten UND im Sinne von OSM zielführendsten einarbeiten?
Import von shp-Dateien (??), manuelles Einarbeiten? 

Manuell, da ein Import bestehende Daten doppeln würde.

b) Welches Browser-Format (zb JOSM?) sollte man dafür nutzen? Im
beginners' guide steht als Schritt 2: upload data und in schritt 3: mit
josm bearbeiten. ist das hierfür auch zutreffend?

Als Editor sei JOSM empfohlen.

c) Wäre ich als unerfahrene Person diejenige, die das am besten einfügt 
oder würde das üblicherweise jemand anders tun, der sich damit bereits 
auskennt um fehler zu vermeiden? Oder hängt das von der Vorgehensweise ab?

Am besten wäre natürlich selber machen. Nach den ersten Edits
diese durch die Community begutachten lassen.

d) was wäre der tag für die Straßen, die noch nicht öffentlich sind, 
vermutlich sowas wie "special road type/service“?

Als Wegeklassen (highway=*) kommen in Frage: 
footway/cycleway/path/service mit passenden access-Tags, zB. access=no / 

e) gibt es zur Diskussion dessen eine kleinere lokale zuständige Gruppe 
für NRW oder das Ruhrgebiet ... oder eine thematisch passendere ... oder 
bin ich hier richtig?

Es gibt lokale Usergruppen / Stammtische.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Panneaux de signalisation manquant

2019-08-09 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret
Oui c'est vrai qu'il y a aussi cette situation faite avec JOSM. C'est le
cas sur les autres? Il me semble que ID refuse la fusion en cas de conflit
de clé.

Le ven. 9 août 2019 à 10:48, JB  a écrit :

> Le 09/08/2019 à 09:59, Francois Gouget a écrit :
> > maxspeed=50;80
> Souvent le résultat du « merge » de deux highway avec des maxspeed
> différents, rassemblés par défaut dans la clé finale avec un
> point-virgule en séparateur.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Jérôme Seigneuret
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Panneaux de signalisation manquant

2019-08-09 Thread JB

Le 09/08/2019 à 09:59, Francois Gouget a écrit :

Souvent le résultat du « merge » de deux highway avec des maxspeed 
différents, rassemblés par défaut dans la clé finale avec un 
point-virgule en séparateur.

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-de] Wegstücke Emscher Region (NRW)

2019-08-09 Thread Nora Schramm

ich bin neu bei OSM und Teil eines Teams des Instituts IMobiS der 
Universität Duisburg-Essen. Uns liegen Shape-Dateien zu den 
Betriebswegen in der Emscher Region (entlang des Flusses Emscher, 
Ruhrgebiet) vor, die wir gerne in OSM eintragen wollen. Für unsere 
Zwecke brauchen wir nur die eingespeisten Daten für 4 Lupenraumregionen, 
aber es wäre ja schön, wenn die Informationen für alle auf OSM verfügbar 
würden. Einige dieser Wege sind derzeit noch nicht für die 
Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Andere sind es bereits oder werden es in den 
nächsten Monaten / Jahren (Radwege, Fußwege).

Ich habe verschiedene Fragen, da ich noch nie etwas in OSM eingespeist 
habe und mich mit einem Großteil der Terminologie in den Wiki-Guides, 
sowie mit der Vorgehensweise auch nicht genau auskenne:
a) Auf welche Art und Weise könnte man die vorliegenden Daten am 
zeiteffizientesten UND im Sinne von OSM zielführendsten einarbeiten? 
Import von shp-Dateien (??), manuelles Einarbeiten? Die shp-File selbst 
dürfen wir nur Projekt-Intern benutzen, also nicht an 3. weitergeben.
b) Welches Browser-Format (zb JOSM?) sollte man dafür nutzen? Im 
beginners' guide steht als Schritt 2: upload data und in schritt 3: mit 
josm bearbeiten. ist das hierfür auch zutreffend?
c) Wäre ich als unerfahrene Person diejenige, die das am besten einfügt 
oder würde das üblicherweise jemand anders tun, der sich damit bereits 
auskennt um fehler zu vermeiden? Oder hängt das von der Vorgehensweise 
d) was wäre der tag für die Straßen, die noch nicht öffentlich sind, 
vermutlich sowas wie "special road type/service“?
e) gibt es zur Diskussion dessen eine kleinere lokale zuständige Gruppe 
für NRW oder das Ruhrgebiet ... oder eine thematisch passendere ... oder 
bin ich hier richtig?



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Panneaux de signalisation manquant

2019-08-09 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret
Ok je veux bien pour l'histoire du maxspeed type. C'est juste une habitude

Ce que je souhaite faire c'est clairement identifier les conflits de
vitesse faute de signalisation clair. L'analyse QA ne te permettra pas
d'identifier les conflits d'où la double vitesse dans maxspeed.
En effet c'est une erreur mais c'est une erreur terrain. L'absence d'info
ne m'aidera pas d'où un tag ou une note exploitable pour la présenter en

Le ven. 9 août 2019 à 10:06, marc marc  a écrit :

> Le 08.08.19 à 17:06, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :
> > Bref pour le moment je vais faire des notes:
> j'ai n'ai pas compris quel problème exact tu essayes de résoudre
> mais faire des notes pour remplacer une analyse QA me semble une
> mauvaise idée.
> autre exemple : ceux qui mettent des fixme=tel tag est absent
> cela se voit que le tag est absent, pas besoin de mettre
> un tag pour dire qu'un autre n'est pas présent.
> s'il y a un problème, le mieux serrait une analyse osmose.
> > source:maxspeed
> abandonnons le au profit de maxspeed:type
> le type de limitation (implicite, explicite, de zone)
> n'est pas la même chose que la source de l'info (survey, mapillary, ...)
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Jérôme Seigneuret
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [talk-au] [Pacific] Considering future Open Geospatial conferences in Oceania

2019-08-09 Thread John Bryant
Hi Edwin, thanks a lot for that. Great to hear from you & Dominic that
there is energy for FOSS4G & SotM in the Pacific :)

One of the critical components for conference success is a group of
energetic people who will lead the way. At this stage we're looking for
those people, willing to do the hard work to bring the conference to their
region. We don't have a formal process at this point, but last year the
Wellington team put in a Letter of Intent [1], which was very helpful... I
think something like this would help a lot! But we're also happy to just
begin a conversation around what would be involved.



On Fri, 9 Aug 2019 at 03:18, Edwin Liava'a  wrote:

> Hi John,
> Very well received and please find herewith my proposed answer to your 2
> questions.
> 2020: FOSS4G SotM Oceania: Where?
> * How about Fiji?
> 2021: FOSS4G-International Should we bid for it?
> * Yes
> Best regards,
> Edwin
> On Thu, 8 Aug 2019 at 21:20, John Bryant  wrote:
>> Hi all, please see the following message below:
>> “What should we do about upcoming conferences for Free and Open Source
>> Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) and State of the Map (SotM) within our
>> Oceania region?”
>> Image by @mapmakerdavid
>> We didn’t have an answer to this question at the last OSGeo Oceania board
>> meeting. At the moment, no one is volunteering to chair. No one is backing
>> a city with commitment, and that is a problem we hope to solve.
>> Pertinent is that the international FOSS4G will be held somewhere outside
>> of Europe or North America in 2021 and a call for a two-page Expression Of
>> Interest is coming in September
>> . We have a very 
>> compelling
>> case
>> for bringing the international community to our region, if we try.
>> Are you keen to see FOSS4G & SotM continue in our region? Do you have
>> ideas about where and how? Would you like to help make it happen? Are you
>> interested in mentoring or being mentored by a bunch of committed
>> volunteers who have worked on prior FOSS4G events? If so, why don’t you
>> talk to us? Come join our email list
>>  and introduce
>> yourself. We particularly want to hear ideas about what we should do about
>> FOSS4G in the next two years.
>> Some history:
>>2009: FOSS4G-International in Sydney. During the global financial
>>crisis, we had lower attendance than expected, but managed to stay
>>profitable when similar conferences were losing money.
>>2018: FOSS4G SotM Oceania in Melbourne. Exceeded expectations for
>>size, sponsorship, activities, and engagement.
>>2019: FOSS4G SotM Oceania Wellington
>>: Has already exceeded sponsorship
>>targets and sold out early bird tickets within a week.
>>*2020: FOSS4G SotM Oceania: Where?*
>>*2021: FOSS4G-International Should we bid for it?*
>> We are looking forward to hearing from you,
>> John Bryant (OSGeo Oceania president) and Cameron Shorter (scribe).
>> ___
>> pacific-islands mailing list
> --
> Edwin Liava'a
> Chief Executive Officer
> Tonga Cable Limited
> Vuna Road, Sopu
> P O Box 33, Nuku’alofa, Tonga
> Telephone: (+676) 21616
> Web: | Email:
> "Always At Your Service"
> This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and
> may contain confidential information. If you have received this message in
> error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it. Please do not
> use copy or disclose the information contained in this message or any
> attachment. Any views or opinions expressed by the author of this email do
> not necessarily reflect the views of the Tonga Cable Limited (TCL). This
> message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment may
> still contain software viruses which could damage your computer system, you
> are advised to perform your own checks.
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Panneaux de signalisation manquant

2019-08-09 Thread marc marc
Le 08.08.19 à 17:06, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :
> Bref pour le moment je vais faire des notes:

j'ai n'ai pas compris quel problème exact tu essayes de résoudre
mais faire des notes pour remplacer une analyse QA me semble une 
mauvaise idée.
autre exemple : ceux qui mettent des fixme=tel tag est absent
cela se voit que le tag est absent, pas besoin de mettre
un tag pour dire qu'un autre n'est pas présent.
s'il y a un problème, le mieux serrait une analyse osmose.

> source:maxspeed

abandonnons le au profit de maxspeed:type
le type de limitation (implicite, explicite, de zone)
n'est pas la même chose que la source de l'info (survey, mapillary, ...)
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Panneaux de signalisation manquant

2019-08-09 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret
La plupart du temps ce sont des conflits de vitesses. L'autre possibilité
c'est des cas de vitesse et de position de voie en lien avec le modèle

Le ven. 9 août 2019 à 10:00, Francois Gouget  a écrit :

> On Thu, 8 Aug 2019, Jérôme Seigneuret wrote:
> [...]
> > vous pensez quoi de ça :
> >
> > note=#highwayspeedconflict + maxspeed=50;80 +
> > source:maxspeed=FR:urban;FR:rural
> maxspeed=50;80 Osmose n'aime pas : pas une valeur numérique.
> Il y a déjà un certain nombre d'erreurs à cause de champs 50;90 dont je
> n'ai aucune idée de ce que l'auteur voulait dire :
>  * 50 dans un sens et 90 dans l'autre ?
>  * 50 à certaines heures et 90 à d'autres ?
>  * 50 pour certains véhicules et 90 pour d'autres ?
>  * 50 sur un bout de la rue et 90 sur l'autre ?
> Donc à proscrire de mon point de vue.
> 50;90
> 50;70 (là au moins il y a un fixme)
> 70;50 (différent de 50;70 ?)
> --
> Francois Gouget
>Chemistry professors never die, they just fail to
> react.___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Jérôme Seigneuret
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Panneaux de signalisation manquant

2019-08-09 Thread Francois Gouget
On Thu, 8 Aug 2019, Jérôme Seigneuret wrote:
> vous pensez quoi de ça :
> note=#highwayspeedconflict + maxspeed=50;80 +
> source:maxspeed=FR:urban;FR:rural

maxspeed=50;80 Osmose n'aime pas : pas une valeur numérique.

Il y a déjà un certain nombre d'erreurs à cause de champs 50;90 dont je 
n'ai aucune idée de ce que l'auteur voulait dire :
 * 50 dans un sens et 90 dans l'autre ?
 * 50 à certaines heures et 90 à d'autres ?
 * 50 pour certains véhicules et 90 pour d'autres ?
 * 50 sur un bout de la rue et 90 sur l'autre ?

Donc à proscrire de mon point de vue.


50;70 (là au moins il y a un fixme)

70;50 (différent de 50;70 ?)

Francois Gouget
   Chemistry professors never die, they just fail to react.___
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-lv] Fwd: Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Rihards
Potenciāli interesanti - jauno "attribution" noteikumu darba versija.
Noteiks, kā jānorāda autortiesības.

Neizdevās pārsūtīt normāli, skat. pielikumu.

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: [Osmf-talk] Attribution guideline status update
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2019 09:41:25 +0200
From: Simon Poole 
To: openstreetmap ,

This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156)
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="8WU4QNUkYGQ9n7H3ovQCRXRt2o2HPELRK";
From: Simon Poole 
To: openstreetmap ,
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Attribution guideline status update

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Language: en-GB

As we've mentioned multiple times over the last months, the LWG decided
last year to consolidate all attribution guidance in to one document and
address some of the use cases that have become common over the last 7
years that previously had none. Particularly in the light of the
parallel discussions about attribution on larger social media platforms
we need to make up our minds what we actually want, and define concrete
minimum requirements for acceptable attribution. To not do this just
provides the excuse of pointing to the cacophony of voices all saying
something different.=C2=A0

We've been working on and off on the document for a while, and are now
largely finished. Going forward we intend to wikify the document and
make it available for public comment together with a BoF session at SotM
next month (which probably means that we'll have to appropriate a coffee
break). You can have a glimpse at the text here
the few things that are not nailed down belong to those that we would
appreciate feedback on.


PS: the number of coffee breaks permitting we might want to appropriate
another one for the discussion of a tile licence change.


Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"
Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc"




Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Lantmäteriets öppna data

2019-08-09 Thread Christian Asker
Hej. Det är dessvärre inte så enkelt att man bara kan plocka data från 
olika datakällor. Licensen på den öppna datan måste vara kompatibel med 
OSMs licens (ODBL) vilket i praktikten innebär CC0 eller ODBL. I en del 
fall har även data "skänkts" till OSM, men det innebär ju i praktiken 
att den skänkta datan hamnar under ODBL licensen.

Jag håller med dig om din lista överlag, men ortsnamnen är nog bättre i 
Ekonomiska kartan, i alla fall på landet. Sen är det oftast ett ganska 
saftigt arbete att importera data eftersom det oftast redan finns vissa 
objekt av det slag man vill importera. Detta innebär nästan alltid 
manuellt arbete vilket tar tid.

I Terrängkartan som är fri (öppen data) finns väl bara stora byggnader 
med? I alla fall var det så när jag laddade ner den senast.

Du är välkommen att importera data till OSM så länge licensen på datat 
tillåter detta. Se bara till så att du inte tar bort något som faktiskt 
stämmer bättre med verkligheten än just Terrängkartan. Dessutom behöver 
en hel del objekt justeras för att ligga rätt, som vi redan diskuterat.

Jag är lite nyfiken på var du har sett höjdkurvor i OSM?

Mvh ChristianA

Den 2019-08-08 kl. 16:08, skrev Eva Lindberg:
Hej! När det gäller ytor har jag skrivit att jag inte tror att 
terrängkartan är den bästa källan, i alla fall för skog och annan 
natur. De markklasser som jag tror kan vara användbara i terrängkartan 
är tätbebyggt område, industriområde och vatten.

Det borde dock vara ovanligt att det finns skog som står som åker på 
terrängkartan, terrängkartan kommer från Lantmäteriets basdata och det 
uppdateras när nya flygfoton kommer vilket är vart 2-4 år beroende på 
var i landet man är.

Nu förstår jag vad du menar med att en del objekt ligger på fel 
ställe. Det är alltså pga att terrängkartan är ritad för att gå bra 
att läsa. När det gäller stora vägar är kanske Trafikverkets karta 
bättre och den är väl redan på gång att läggas in eller har lagts in 
om jag fattar rätt.

Men det finns information där terrängkartan är den bästa källan:
-Stigar eller traktorvägar som du skriver
-De flesta ortsnamn och terrängnamn
-Höjdkurvor finns med 5 m intervall och kommer förmodligen från den 
nationella höjdmodellen som är mycket noggrann. Även 
höjdangivelser/siffror finns.
-Bäckar samt att storleken på vattendrag är mer korrekt i 
terrängkartan än nuvarande OSM där jag har kollat
-Vändplaner och vägbommar finns med, det hittar jag inte i 
Trafikverkets data

-Kraftledningar, viktigt för att orientera sig i terräng
-Byggnader utanför tätort, både stora och mindre hus/gårdar.

Fornminnen är en annan sak, det skulle jag helst ta från 
Riksantikvarieämbetets öppna data.

On 2019-08-08 14:13, Christian Asker wrote:

Hej. Terrängkartan är lite knepig eftersom själva datat är anpassat
för att objekt inte ska ligga ovanpå varandra för mycket (så att
kartan blir för plottrig). Det innebär att en del objekts positioner
har justerats. Tex vägar kan ligga 10 meter fel jämfört med
Trafikverkets data.

Ytor (som skog tex) består dessutom av väldigt stora multipolygoner,
som är svåra att hantera. När jag försökte att importera Terrängkartan
upplevde jag att det var mindre jobb att helt enkelt rita ytor för
hand utifrån flyg-/satellit-foton. Dessutom stämmer inte alltid
markanvändningen i Terrängkartan med verkligheten; i de områden jag
har provat har en hel del åkermark blivit skog under de senaste
decennierna och Terrängkartan verkar inte ha uppdaterats...

I slutändan har jag mest importerat traktorvägar, lite stigar,
fornlämningar och liknande från Terrängkartan; resten har visat sig
inte vara mödan värt. Detta är dock bara min personliga åsikt; det kan
ju hända att någon som är mer GIS-kompetent än jag har andra

Jag har skrivit lite om det här i min OSM-dagbok:

Där kan du även se bilder som förklarar vad jag menar.

Mvh ChristianA

Den 2019-08-08 kl. 13:41, skrev Eva Lindberg:
Tack för svar! Dessa inlägg hade jag inte sett. Har diskussionen 
fortsatt senare?

Som jag skrev nedan tror jag också att NMD är bättre än 
terrängkartan för markklasser. Framförallt för att den är gjord för 
att klassa mark medan det blir lite konstigt med markklasser i 
vektorformat av orsaker som togs upp i tråden som du länkade till. 
Dessutom är NMD bra för att den har fler klasser än de som finns i 
terrängkartan. Nackdelar med NMD är som någon tog upp dels att en 
klass som tex skog kan ha hål eftersom enstaka fläckar blir klassade 
som något annat och dels felklassning som kan bli bättre med 
manuella metoder vilket ligger till grund för tex terrängkartan. 
Sedan har ju NMD fördelen att den kan uppdateras regelbundet medan 
terrängkartan kan ha fel pga att data är föråldrade.

Men det jag är ute efter är framförallt vektorobjekt som vägar, hus 
och vattendrag som finns i terrängkartan. Det finns stora områden i 
Sverige som inte är karterade alls i OSM och där skulle de 

[OSM-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-08-09 Thread Simon Poole
As we've mentioned multiple times over the last months, the LWG decided
last year to consolidate all attribution guidance in to one document and
address some of the use cases that have become common over the last 7
years that previously had none. Particularly in the light of the
parallel discussions about attribution on larger social media platforms
we need to make up our minds what we actually want, and define concrete
minimum requirements for acceptable attribution. To not do this just
provides the excuse of pointing to the cacophony of voices all saying
something different. 

We've been working on and off on the document for a while, and are now
largely finished. Going forward we intend to wikify the document and
make it available for public comment together with a BoF session at SotM
next month (which probably means that we'll have to appropriate a coffee
break). You can have a glimpse at the text here
the few things that are not nailed down belong to those that we would
appreciate feedback on.


PS: the number of coffee breaks permitting we might want to appropriate
another one for the discussion of a tile licence change.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Rowmaps importing in South Gloucestershire

2019-08-09 Thread Adam Snape

I'm in agreement with Rob re:licensing. The good news is that lhe OS is now
fine with the OSM-compliant Open Government Licence (version 3), so if you
ask the council for an updated dataset they will be able to release the
data under the appropriate licence. [I was actually in the process of doing
this systematically for all the local authorities but haven't had much time
to continue that for a while (maybe over the winter...).]

Regarding the thornier issue of whether to import rights of way I think it
does add useful information and (providing the source is tagged) I don't
see that it hinders others efforts to map the physically existing route.
What, of course, we absolutely must avoid is overzealous contributors
'correcting' others' ground surveyed information by aligning routes to the
definitive line or changing access tags to match the dataset.

Kind regards,


On Thu, 8 Aug 2019, 23:06 Neil Matthews,  wrote:

> In light of some recent edits in South Gloucestershire -- is it ok to
> import unsurveyed footpaths based simply on rowmaps data?
> Thanks,
> Neil
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Solar project: Press interview

2019-08-09 Thread Dan S
Hi Rob,

I'd be happy to


Op do 8 aug. 2019 om 23:08 schreef Rob Nickerson :
> Hi all,
> I've been a bit slow to the solar mapping project but have now picked up the 
> baton for outreach. If we can get some press lined up do we have any 
> volunteers to speak with them?
> Thanks,
> Rob
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

[Diversity-talk] Fwd: Survey on global and local communities in OpenStreetMap

2019-08-09 Thread Rory McCann

The OSM Foundation is trying to find out more about the OSM community/ies!

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Survey on global and local communities in OpenStreetMap
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2019 13:59:34 +0300
From: Dorothea Kazazi 


The following survey on global and local communities in OpenStreetMap 
was developed by board members. The survey is not quantitative and its 
aim is to stimulate  discussions in local communities and at the Local 
Chapters Congress at SotM.

~ The survey will run for two weeks.
~ Only one question is mandatory: "How can we share your answers?".

There is more information on the scope of the survey and approach on the 
opening page.

warm greetings,


Links you can share for different languages:

English (Base language):
Chinese (Simplified):
Chinese (Traditional; Hong Kong):

Portuguese (Brazilian):

talk mailing list

Diversity-talk mailing list
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Contact the mods (private):

[Diversity-talk] Fwd: International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

2019-08-09 Thread Rory McCann

Might be interesting

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
Date:   Thu, 8 Aug 2019 22:31:07 + (UTC)
From:   Suchith Anand via talk 
Reply-To:   Suchith Anand 
To: Osm-talk 

The International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 
is 9 August. This day 
recognizes the achievements and contributions of the world's 370 million 
indigenous people who live in more than 90 countries.

I wish to join the world in honouring and acknowledging the resilience, 
dignity and strength of indigenous peoples around the world.GEO 
community are marking this day by announcing the launch of the GEO Week 
2019 Hackathon,an innovative hackathon to advance the use of Earth 
observation (EO) data by and for youth in indigenous communities. The 
hackathon is being managed by Diana Mastracci with support from the GEO 
community. The hackathon will address EO-based challenges and will be 
co-designed by indigenous youth throughout the world. The goal is to 
encourage the co-development of innovative EO-based applications that 
are locally relevant and enhance the communities way of learning. It 
will promote the use of open EO data among indigenous communities and 
ultimately to co-design locally relevant free and open source software. 
This will result in new means for aligning local/ traditional knowledge 
and science co-production across cultural and generational lines.[1],[2].

Details at

Join us for the GEO Week 2019 and the GEO Ministerial Summitin Canberra, 
Australia (4-9th Nov 2019). Canberra means ‘meeting place’ in Ngunnawal, 
the local indigenous language. Recognizing the history of the land and 
its traditional custodians, GEO Week will bring together diverse people 
and cultures to support and sustain our planet and communities.

Best wishes,




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Re: [Talk-GB] Rowmaps importing in South Gloucestershire

2019-08-09 Thread Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
On Thu, 8 Aug 2019 at 23:06, Neil Matthews  wrote:
> In light of some recent edits in South Gloucestershire -- is it ok to
> import unsurveyed footpaths based simply on rowmaps data?

Based on the licensing information at my view would be "no". According
to what's written there,the data on Rowmaps was only licensed by South
Gloucestershire Council under the (old) OS OpenData Licence. This
licence is not compatible with the ODbL used by OSM, due to the viral
attribution that would be required even in produced works. I believe
that what's written on the Rowmaps page is misleading, as to be used
under a different licence (e.g. the OGL v3) the rights holder (i.e.
the Council) would need to explicitly re-license their data -- OS
cannot unilaterally do it for them. (I guess it's possible that
whoever is doing the editing has contacted the council directly and
got permission to use the data under the OGL, although I don't see
this documented anywhere.)

There's also the separate question of whether it's a good idea to
import PRoW routes solely from (correctly licensed) external data. I
don't think this is a good idea, since we want to capture the actual
route on the ground as well as the definitive line. Without a ground
survey, local knowledge, or the use of aerial imagery (e.g. for
visible tracks) you won't be able to know the former. The data on
Rowmaps is also somewhat old -- it would be better to request an up to
date copy from the Council.

Finally on a practical level, any license to use the data will almost
certainly require some attribution from OSM if it's used. I can't see
anything related to South Gloucestershire on the contributors page at
. While there's nothing listed there, it's definitely not ok to use
the data in OSM.


PS: I've got a list of licences and availability of PRoW data for
different councils at , which
I try to keep up to date. Please let me know of any corrections you
spot that need making.

Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list