[OSM-talk] Mapping Homes for the Elderly (hot targets of COVID-19)

2020-03-25 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Hi All,

Terrible body counts in homes for the elderly (« EHPAD, ou Maisons de
retraite » in French) are starting to appear in news headlines in France
and Spain now, a few days after Italy…

This is a follow up to my previous message (that did not make it back to
my input mailbox):

It has since been independently confirmed, by Nicolas Moyroud, a long
time leading OSM contributor in Southern France, that Homes for the
Elderly are a highly sensitive theme in the context of COVID-19, well
worth of urgent care from OSM mappers.

Nicolas reported that Homes for the Elderly had been identified by
Firefighters as a theme that needed improvement in the cartography of
the alert system.
Just imagine emergency rescuers being called in for urgent help, and
having to waste time geolocating where the call comes from…

His email can be found online here:

And this is in Southern France, probably one of the areas in OSM
database with most details, as can be measured by the size of OSM data
download for an area.
(In case this can be taken as an indicator of the coverage of this type
of amenities in OSM…)

So PLEASE also take care of mapping Elderly Homes, as this may help to
rescue aged persons in your local area or country…

To make it clear, in case of potential « losses in translation », this
is about collective institutions that house persons of high age. [1]
(Not about individual houses, which would be private information).

(See OSM tags such as nursing_home, as amenity or social_facility, with

Take good care of yourselves, and of our Elders as much as you can,



[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nursing_home_care

“Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.” Transparency 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping Elderly Homes, Health Systems, and Place names and boundaries (was : [CrisisMappers] Re: COVID-19 Response)

2020-03-21 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Sending this message again, this time without the included email
attachment, to fit under the 40 kb size limit, hopefully.

Jorieke message can also be found here:


Le 21/03/2020 à 10:06, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :
> Hi,
> Sharing today with the International OSM Community this message, that
> I sent to talk-fr yesterday, after seeing the positive reaction that
> it received here.
> The idea comes from the CrisisMappers mailing list, that is
> reactivating in front of the Coronavirus crisis, after several years
> of slow activity (since the high times of Haiti 2010 Earthquake response…)
> A suggestion for each local OSM Community is to map the Elderly homes
> on their territory: make sure that the very sensitive amenities in
> front of COVID-19 such as Elderly homes are well, and exhaustively,
> mapped in OSM.
> “In Italy in some of the elderly homes lost already more than 80% of
> their patients”…
> This data could in parallel be used as a basis for dynamic maps, for
> example of risk exposure, or protection measures, etc…
> Another relevant mapping theme that has been proposed, and adhered to,
> on talk-fr, is mapping the Health Systems. From Intensive Care Units,
> and their capabilities (number of beds, number of negative pressure
> rooms, etc…), all the way, thru more general hospitals and clinics, to
> individual physicists and other health care workers, pharmacies, etc…
> As Jorieke stated (from the point of view of MSF) on HOT mailing list,
> in thread “COVID-19 - How you can help” (see her email included as
> attachment), health facilities and Place Names (also of villages,
> neighborhoods, etc…), and Boundaries of these are useful for
> epidemiologist and other health professionals to do contact tracing,
> and mapping of cases.
> Please feel free to adapt and forward this to your local communities.
> Take good care, of Yourself, and of Others in the measure of Your
> possibilities.
> Best wishes,
> Jean-Guilhem
> http://twitter.com/jgVisov
> Le 20/03/2020 à 12:18, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> Je partage avec vous ce message de la liste CrisisMappers, qui se
>> réactive face à la crise du coronavirus, après plusieurs années de
>> fonctionnement au ralenti. (Depuis la grande époque du « pic » de la
>> réponse à la crise du tremblement de terre de 2010 en Haïti…)
>> Il contient plusieurs idées pertinentes.
>> Dont une que peut prendre en charge la communauté OSM France pour le
>> territoire national : s’assurer que les lieux très sensibles face au
>> COVID-19 que sont les maisons de retraites et les EHPAD sont bien, et
>> exhaustivement, cartographiés dans OSM (en Italie, certaines maisons
>> de retraite ont déjà perdu plus de 80 % de leurs pensionnaires…) Ces
>> données peuvent en parallèle servir de base à des cartes dynamiques,
>> par exemple sur le risque d’exposition ou les mesures de protection.
>> (Et j’ai bien vu aussi le thème des services de réanimation, et
>> peut-être plus largement des capacités du système de santé, proposé
>> par Donat. Un thème n’exclut pas l’autre, et il y a certainement
>> assez de monde sur cette liste pour améliorer la cartographie de
>> plusieurs thèmes sensibles en parallèle. D’autres suggestions
>> judicieuses seraient d’ailleurs aussi les bienvenues. Et chacun·e
>> pourra choisir le thème sur lequel elle ou il se sent le plus à même
>> de contribuer le plus utilement, et le plus efficacement, en priorité.)
>> Prenez bien soin de vous, et des autres si vous le pouvez.
>> Jean-Guilhem
>>  Message transféré 
>> Sujet :  Re: [CrisisMappers] Re: COVID-19 Response
>> Date :   Wed, 18 Mar 2020 23:32:47 +0200
>> De : Giedrius K 
>> Répondre à : crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
>> Pour :   crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
>> I see that focus of the talk/discussion is the COVID-19 Response in
>> United States, right? China, where society in most of the cases
>> listens, what the government says, while Europe, United States and
>> other western countries are more liberal and experience some issues
>> now. Liberal - I mean that they are not forced to stay in quarantine,
>> they are asked, but not forced. Thus our all elderly depends on
>> infected, if they will obey the rules or not.
>> Viewing from First-Responders (Crisis Mappers), I think the best
>> approach in that case would be:
>> 1. Develop a solution, which w

[OSM-talk] Haïti : CNIGS aerial cover / couverture aérienne du CNIGS

2016-10-25 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
(Version en français ci-dessous)


An aerial reference cover of the western end of Tiburon Peninsula has
been made available by CNIGS (Centre National de l'Information
Géographique et Spatiale), Haiti national mapping agency. It was taken
in 2014-2015, with a resolution of 25 cm. It is hosted by OpenStreetMap
France. A few tiles and strips are currently missing, due to the
difficulty of connections with Haiti.

If you are to realign data or images, you should use it as reference.


(This same layer was first started with coverage of the areas covered by
drones after hurricane Matthew).

Best wishes,


PS : After some "post-factual" messages, it could be necessary to recall
that my messages to the h...@openstreetmap.org mailing list have been
delayed and even often completely blocked since more than a year. That
is why I also now address them to the Talk list, so that this be visible
publically. No justification whatsoever was ever given, in spite of many
requests - not even an example of an inappropriate email.
My last blocked emails were about drone images after Matthew. By the
way, that subject was considered interesting enough by AFP to publish
this article by Amélie Baron, that appeared around the World:
These repeated blocks, against OSM lists rules and simple human decency,
constitute abuse of entrusted power. And it is certainly not for general

Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum



Une couverture aérienne de référence de l'extrémité ouest de la
Péninsule de Tiburon a été rendue disponible par le CNIGS (Centre
National de l'Information Géographique et Spatiale), l'institut
géographique national haïtien. Elle a été prise en 2014-2015, avec une
résolution de 25 cm. Elle est hébergée par OpenStreetMap France.
Quelques dalles et bandes manquent pour le moment, en raison des
difficultés de connexion avec Haïti.

Si vous réalignez des données ou des images, vous devriez l'utiliser
comme référence.


(Cette même couche a commencé par contenir une couverture des zones dont
des images ont été prises par drone après le cyclone Matthew).

Bien cordialement,


PS : Après certains messages "post-factuels", il pourrait être
nécessaire de rappeler que mes messages à la liste h...@openstreetmap.org
sont retardés et même souvent carrément bloqués depuis plus d'un an.
C'est pour cela que je les adresse aussi à la liste Talk, pour que ceci
soit visible publiquement. Aucune justification n'en a été donnée,
malgré de nombreuses demandes - ne serait-ce que par un exemple de
courriel inapproprié.
Mes derniers courriels bloqués étaient à propos d'images drone après
Matthew. Au passage, ce sujet a paru assez intéressant à l'AFP pour
publier cet article d'Amélie Baron, repris un peu partout dans le monde
Ces blocages répétés, contraires aux règles de fonctionnement des listes
d'OpenStreetMap, et à la simple décence humaine, constituent un abus
d'un pouvoir confié. Et ce n'est certainement pas pour l'intérêt général.

Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum

"Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain."
Transparency International

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping damage in Jérémie from UAV images / Cartographie de dégâts à Jérémie à partir d'images drone

2016-10-17 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Les photos drone brutes prises par Fred Moine à Jérémie le 7 octobre
sont visibles, ainsi que l'orthomosaïque qui en est dérivée, sur :


Les images prises aux Cayes ce week-end sont en cours de traitement.

Tout renfort serait le bienvenu pour aider à cartographier la réalité
que montrent ces images, et contribuer ainsi à l'organisation de l'aide
en Haïti.



Raw drone photos taken by Fred Moine in Jérémie on Oct 7 are visible,
along with derived orthomosaic, on:


Images taken in Les Cayes this week-end are being processed.

Help would be welcome to map the reality shown by these images, and thus
contribute to organizing relief in Haiti.

Best wishes,


Twitter @jgVisov

Le 14/10/2016 à 21:53, Severin Menard a écrit :
> Hi,
> Just allowing this important email from Jean-Guilhem to reach the hot
> list subscribers. Please read below.
> Severin
> -- Message transféré --
> De : "Jean-Guilhem Cailton" mailto:j...@arkemie.com>>
> Date : 14 oct. 2016 18:17
> Objet : [Talk-ht] Mapping damage in Jérémie from UAV images /
> Cartographie de dégâts à Jérémie à partir d'images drone
> À : "HOT@OSM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team)"  <mailto:h...@openstreetmap.org>>
> Cc : "OSM-talk"  <mailto:talk@openstreetmap.org>>,  <mailto:talk...@openstreetmap.org>>, 
> Hi,
> According to Fred Moine - and as you may know from several journalist
> and evaluation reports, the situation in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew
> is very serious, with a combination of factors including cholera,
> hunger, etc...
> This TM project aims to map damage in Jérémie, from 5 cm resolution
> drone imagery, taken by Fred, whom the Government of Haiti had sent
> there to take images for damage assessment:
> http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/63
> <http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/63>
> More help would be welcome, especially from persons with a remote
> sensing background, or experienced mappers.
> Best wishes,
> Jean-Guilhem
> https://twitter.com/jgVisov
> Le 13/10/2016 à 09:18, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :
> > Bonjour,
> >
> > Un nouveau projet vise à cartographier les dégâts à Jérémie à partir
> > d'imagerie drone à 5 cm de résolution, obtenue par Frédéric
> Moine, que
> > le gouvernement d'Haïti y a envoyé pour prendre des images avec les
> > drones de Potentiel 3.0 (http://potentiel3-0.org) :
> > http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/63
> <http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/63>
> >
> > Bien cordialement,
> >
> > Jean-Guilhem
> >
> --
> "Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain."
> Transparency International
> https://www.transparency.org/whatwedo/publication/preventing_corruption_in_humanitarian_operations
> <https://www.transparency.org/whatwedo/publication/preventing_corruption_in_humanitarian_operations>
> ___
> Talk-ht mailing list
> talk...@openstreetmap.org <mailto:talk...@openstreetmap.org>
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ht
> <https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ht>
> Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate
> (http://translate.google.com) pour traduire les messages.
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> h...@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

"Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain."
Transparency International
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Mapping damage in Jérémie from UAV images / Cartographie de dégâts à Jérémie à partir d'images drone

2016-10-14 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

According to Fred Moine - and as you may know from several journalist
and evaluation reports, the situation in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew
is very serious, with a combination of factors including cholera,
hunger, etc...

This TM project aims to map damage in Jérémie, from 5 cm resolution
drone imagery, taken by Fred, whom the Government of Haiti had sent
there to take images for damage assessment:


More help would be welcome, especially from persons with a remote
sensing background, or experienced mappers.

Best wishes,



Le 13/10/2016 à 09:18, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Un nouveau projet vise à cartographier les dégâts à Jérémie à partir
> d'imagerie drone à 5 cm de résolution, obtenue par Frédéric Moine, que
> le gouvernement d'Haïti y a envoyé pour prendre des images avec les
> drones de Potentiel 3.0 (http://potentiel3-0.org) :
> http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/63
> Bien cordialement,
> Jean-Guilhem

"Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain."
Transparency International

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Fwd: Re: Hurricane Matthew: Jérémie Post Event Imagery - from drone now available

2016-10-13 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Forwarding this to the talk mailing list, as the censors of the
h...@openstreetmap.org mailing list are still in action.

 Message transféré 
Sujet : Re: Hurricane Matthew: Jérémie Post Event Imagery - from drone
now available
Date :  Thu, 13 Oct 2016 09:18:05 +0200
De :Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Pour :  Mike Thompson , HOT 


The instructions for that project
(http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/44) - "for very experienced
mappers" - asked to use "Bing as common geometrical reference (or other
imagery that was used for OSM mapping of these area)", as is generally
considered good practice in OSM mapping - unless you have good reasons
to know that you have a better reference (and also time to adjust

Note that there is now a project to map damage from UAV 5 cm imagery, of
interest to the Government of Haiti who sent Fred there to fly Potentiel
3.0 (http://potentiel3-0.org) drones :

Best wishes,


Le 13/10/2016 à 05:06, Mike Thompson a écrit :
> To complicate matters, it seems that some of the mapping on this
> project was done under a project on some other tasking manager using a
> different imagery source
> (tms[23]:http://imagery.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/haiti_pleiades_201610/{zoom}/{x}/{y}
> <http://imagery.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/haiti_pleiades_201610/%7Bzoom%7D/%7Bx%7D/%7By%7D>)
> which does not align with either Bing or the imagery for this project
> (tms[22]:http://oam-tiles.s3.amazonaws.com/9ac2a651-43b7-4e46-b4c9-c7aa013a289c/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
> <http://oam-tiles.s3.amazonaws.com/9ac2a651-43b7-4e46-b4c9-c7aa013a289c/%7Bzoom%7D/%7Bx%7D/%7By%7D.png>).
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 8:48 PM, Mike Thompson  <mailto:miketh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Suggest the instructions for this and similar tasks explicitly
> state that existing mapping is to be realigned to new imagery (if
> that is in fact what is desired).  The instructions imply this
> when they say "...but all final mapping and validation should use
> this imagery for validation." 
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> h...@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

"Tant qu’on n’aura pas compris que le cerveau est une machine à dominer,
on ne pourra pas lutter efficacement contre ces hiérarchies aliénantes."
Dominique Dupagne, La revanche du rameur
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-ht] Mapping damage around Jérémie after Matthew / Cartographie des dégâts autour de Jérémie après Matthew

2016-10-10 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Pleiades satellites images taken after Hurricane Matthew, acquired
within the framework of the International Charter Space and Major
Disasters, have been made available by CNES and Airbus DS for OSM
mapping*. They cover in particular Jérémie and Les Cayes.

They are available in these TMS layers:

NIR, colored using near infrared as red:

(And also in png, in addition to jpeg, with tiles larger and slower to
load if bandwidth is limited, but with a transparent background:

A task manager project around Jérémie explains how visible damage can be
mapped in OSM, according to BAR methodology:


Detailed damage information could make it possible for help to be
dispatched also to isolated affected villages and hamlets.

You are very welcome to ask any question you may have.

Also, a SPOT6 cover of all the western part of Tiburon Peninsula, taken
on October 8, with a resolution of 1.5 m, is available* on:

and in version NIR (near infrared):

Best wishes,


*: Web licence for use with OSM:



En complément au message précédent d'hier ci-dessous, l'image des Cayes
dans la couche TMS a été remplacée par une image plus récente sans nuage.

Par ailleurs, une couverture SPOT6 de tout l'ouest de la Péninsule de
Tiburon, prise le 8 octobre, avec une résolution d'1,5 m, est disponible
sur :

et en version NIR (proche infrarouge) :

Le 09/10/2016 à 17:11, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Des images des satellite Pléiades prises après le passage du cyclone
> Matthew, acquises dans le cadre de la Charte internationale Espace et
> catastrophes majeures, ont été mises à disposition pour contribuer à
> OpenStreetMap. Elles couvrent en particulier Jérémie et Les Cayes.
> Elles sont disponibles dans ces couches TMS :
> tms[23]:http://imagery.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/haiti_pleiades_201610/{zoom}/{x}/{y}
> NIR, colorée en utilisant le proche infrarouge comme rouge :
> tms[23]:http://imagery.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/haiti_pleiades_201610_nir/{zoom}/{x}/{y}
> Et aussi en png, en plus du jpeg, dont si les tuiles sont plus grosses
> et lentes à charger si la bande passante est limitée, mais qui autorise
> un fond transparent :
> tms[23]:http://imagery.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/haiti_pleiades_201610_png/{zoom}/{x}/{y}
> tms[23]:http://imagery.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/haiti_pleiades_201610_nir_png/{zoom}/{x}/{y}
> Un projet de gestionnaire de tâche explique comment les dégâts visibles
> peuvent être cartographiés dans OSM en y adaptant la méthodologie BAR,
> sur une zone autour de Jérémie :
> http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/44
> Pour l'instant, il n'est rédigé qu'en français. Si certains participants
> aux mapathons en Haïti et ailleurs - que je félicite et salue
> amicalement au passage - sont intéressés et ont des questions, qu'ils
> n'hésitent pas à les poser.
> Amitiés,
> Jean-Guilhem

"Tant qu’on n’aura pas compris que le cerveau est une machine à dominer,
on ne pourra pas lutter efficacement contre ces hiérarchies aliénantes."
Dominique Dupagne, La revanche du rameur
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 26/02/2016 12:26, Martin Koppenhoefer a écrit :
> 2016-02-26 12:09 GMT+01:00 Jean-Guilhem Cailton  <mailto:j...@arkemie.com>>:
> I might agree with your political preoccupation. However, I don't
> think
> that this crisis is the right time to change established OSM practice
> for Fiji.
> acting like this will just establish this questionable practise more
> and more, and next time someone raises the issue it will be even
> harder to discuss alternatives, "because it has always been done like
> this and is very established". If you don't agree with adding "en" to
> the key for English names, please at least add Fijian and Hindi names
> with the same priority (where they exist), i.e. also in the general
> name tag like it is done in all multilingual areas.
> Cheers,
> Martin

Martin, you are very welcome to contribute to the naming effort, for
example if you are aware of usable sources for Fijian and Hindi names.

Maybe you'll agree that a geographical database with names for villages,
even in what you consider to be "English", can be more useful than one
without - which is the current situation in many parts of Fiji?

Best regards,


"On ne m’ôtera pas de l’idée que, pendant la dernière guerre mondiale,
de nombreux juifs ont eu une attitude carrément hostile à l’égard du
régime nazi." Pierre Desproges
"I won't be deprived of the idea that, during the last world war, many
Jews had a downright hostile attitude toward the Nazi regime."
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 26/02/2016 12:12, Mateusz Konieczny a écrit :
> On Fri, 26 Feb 2016 10:01:40 +0100
> Jean-Guilhem Cailton  wrote:
>> For names used in news or social media reports, you can find their
>> location using (...) and Bing
>> (or other allowed satellite imagery).
> AFAIK only Bing satellite imagery is on suitable license. And satellite
> imagery is totally useless for purposes of linking names and
> settlements. 
> AFAIK names and other elements on Bing maps may not be legally copied
> to OSM.

Hi Mateusz,

There are other providers who allow their imagery to be used for OSM
mapping, like Mapbox for example, or major satellite imagery providers
directly, specially in times of crises.

Satellite imagery is useful in connection with roughly georeferenced AMS
maps to check the accurate location of settlements.

I was specifically referring to Bing imagery.

Best regards,


"On ne m’ôtera pas de l’idée que, pendant la dernière guerre mondiale,
de nombreux juifs ont eu une attitude carrément hostile à l’égard du
régime nazi." Pierre Desproges
"I won't be deprived of the idea that, during the last world war, many
Jews had a downright hostile attitude toward the Nazi regime."

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Hi Martin,

I might agree with your political preoccupation. However, I don't think
that this crisis is the right time to change established OSM practice
for Fiji.

Best regards,



"On ne m’ôtera pas de l’idée que, pendant la dernière guerre mondiale,
de nombreux juifs ont eu une attitude carrément hostile à l’égard du
régime nazi." Pierre Desproges
"I won't be deprived of the idea that, during the last world war, many
Jews had a downright hostile attitude toward the Nazi regime."

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 26/02/2016 10:16, Martin Koppenhoefer a écrit :
> 2016-02-26 10:05 GMT+01:00 Jean-Guilhem Cailton  <mailto:j...@arkemie.com>>:
> > are these names English or fiji or hindi?
> >
> > cheers
> > Martin
> >
> They are "name" found in reports from Fijian officials or medias -
> that
> apparently use English, an official language in Fiji (I haven't seen
> Fijian news reports in other languages - yet) - and often found in the
> "name" tag in OSM in Fiji. And in 1944 US topo maps for "old_name".
> I find it problematic to make remote edits based on foreign maps and
> add names in a foreign language as main names, although because of
> colonization this foreign language is apparently used as lingua
> franca. I see this as kind of ungoing colonization, where I'd actually
> expect people use names in their first language to refer to the places
> they live. From a quick internet search it appears that English isn't
> the first language for a vast majority of people living in Fiji. My
> suggestion is to use the tags name:en and old_name:en for names and
> old names in English.
> Cheers,
> Martin

Apparently your point of view about "ungoing colonization" is not shared
by Fidjian officials, news media, nor by OSM mappers of Fiji so far.

Best regards,


"On ne m’ôtera pas de l’idée que, pendant la dernière guerre mondiale,
de nombreux juifs ont eu une attitude carrément hostile à l’égard du
régime nazi." Pierre Desproges
"I won't be deprived of the idea that, during the last world war, many
Jews had a downright hostile attitude toward the Nazi regime."
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 26/02/2016 08:49, Martin Koppenhoefer a écrit :
> sent from a phone
> Am 26.02.2016 um 07:08 schrieb Mateusz Konieczny :
>>> Note that names currently in use are often a simplified form of these
>>> "old" names, and that it is straightforward to recognize current names
>>> in old names.
>>> For example, on Koro Island, here is a list of correspondences old
>>> name
>>> - current name:
>>> Kande - Kade
>>> Nambuna - Nabuna
>>> Nangaindamu - Naqaidamu
>>> Sinuvatha - Sinuvaca
>>> Namathu - Namacu
>>> Mundu - Mudu
> are these names English or fiji or hindi?
> cheers 
> Martin 

They are "name" found in reports from Fijian officials or medias - that
apparently use English, an official language in Fiji (I haven't seen
Fijian news reports in other languages - yet) - and often found in the
"name" tag in OSM in Fiji. And in 1944 US topo maps for "old_name".



"On ne m’ôtera pas de l’idée que, pendant la dernière guerre mondiale,
de nombreux juifs ont eu une attitude carrément hostile à l’égard du
régime nazi." Pierre Desproges
"I won't be deprived of the idea that, during the last world war, many
Jews had a downright hostile attitude toward the Nazi regime."

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 26/02/2016 07:08, Mateusz Konieczny a écrit :
> On Fri, 26 Feb 2016 02:02:23 +0100
> Jean-Guilhem Cailton  wrote:
>> Note that names currently in use are often a simplified form of these
>> "old" names, and that it is straightforward to recognize current names
>> in old names.
>> For example, on Koro Island, here is a list of correspondences old
>> name
>> - current name:
>> Kande - Kade
>> Nambuna - Nabuna
>> Nangaindamu - Naqaidamu
>> Sinuvatha - Sinuvaca
>> Namathu - Namacu
>> Mundu - Mudu
> Is there any reliable method without copyright problems to check
> whatever given name should go into name or old_name tag?

Hi Mateusz,

Thank you for your interest.

For names used in news or social media reports, you can find their
location using public domain AMS map (and possibly old_name) and Bing
(or other allowed satellite imagery).

Mappers wishing to help add names in OSM for Fiji can contact me, and
I'll share access to a spreadsheet where we collect place names that are
missing in OSM, and that we come across in news or social media reports.

Best wishes,


"On ne m’ôtera pas de l’idée que, pendant la dernière guerre mondiale,
de nombreux juifs ont eu une attitude carrément hostile à l’égard du
régime nazi." Pierre Desproges
"I won't be deprived of the idea that, during the last world war, many
Jews had a downright hostile attitude toward the Nazi regime."

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-25 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Fiji was severely hit by category 5 cyclone Winston, the second most
powerful recorded in the Southern hemisphere.

If you look at OSM data for Fiji, you may notice that names are lacking
for many villages, whose extent has been or can be mapped from Bing

A source to locate village names can be public domain US Army Map
Service 1:250,000 1944 topo maps. A layer with the whole series covering
Fiji is available at:


Tiles can be accessed at:

A WMS link suitable for JOSM is:

Note that names currently in use are often a simplified form of these
"old" names, and that it is straightforward to recognize current names
in old names.

For example, on Koro Island, here is a list of correspondences old name
- current name:
Kande - Kade
Nambuna - Nabuna
Nangaindamu - Naqaidamu
Sinuvatha - Sinuvaca
Namathu - Namacu
Mundu - Mudu

There are also many names that haven't changed.

This map from UN OCHA shows cyclone track, strongest wind strips, and
current names of islands:

This map of news and social media reports can provide other examples of
currently used place names:

Best wishes,


"On ne m’ôtera pas de l’idée que, pendant la dernière guerre mondiale,
de nombreux juifs ont eu une attitude carrément hostile à l’égard du
régime nazi." Pierre Desproges
"I won't be deprived of the idea that, during the last world war, many
Jews had a downright hostile attitude toward the Nazi regime."

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] International Womens Day - Mapping locations and dates of incidents on OpenStreetMaps

2016-02-20 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Hi Mhairi and Russ,

Yes, Ushahidi (with instances hosted for example at crowdmap.com) is an
alternative to uMap. From my point of view, having used both on various
cases, the main criterion to choose between the two if whether the
general public will be entering and locating directly the incident
reports, or whether it'll mainly be you and a team entering and locating
them, even approximately, from social media reports. In the first case,
the extra administrator approval step of Ushahidi is justified,
otherwise I'd rather use uMap.

Kind regards,


Le 19/02/2016 15:46, Russell Deffner a écrit :
> Hi Mhairi,
> This might be a good case for building an Ushahidi instance
> (https://www.ushahidi.com/) – as with Quakemaps.org that our partners
> at KLL built, the type of data (incident time, place, type) could be
> similar to reports of response needs. I think this type of data is not
> ‘recommended’ for OSM as you wouldn’t necessarily want it linked to a
> business or such solely based on occurrence and is not something you
> ‘survey’ like a map feature.  However, I would gladly help set up a
> site for reporting and using OSM as the underlying basemap so you
> could also edit/update the map features in your area of interest as
> well as capture reports in something like Ushahidi.  I’m sure other’s
> in HOT are probably more knowledgeable in what it takes to set one up.
> =Russ
> *From:*Mhairi O'Hara [mailto:mhairi.oh...@hotosm.org]
> *Sent:* Friday, February 19, 2016 7:28 AM
> *To:* OSM Talk; HOT
> *Subject:* [HOT] International Womens Day - Mapping locations and
> dates of incidents on OpenStreetMaps
> Hello,
> Sexual harrassment towards women has been increasing in Bali with a
> number of individuals taking a stand by capturing images to post on
> Facebook to shame and apprehend, and I would like to help assist by
> empowering women to utilise OSM to further highlight and tackle these
> kinds of issues. 
> I am thinking of trying to create some kind of harassment map like
> they have in Egypt (http://harassmap.org 
> ). Ideally I would like to utilise OSM to capture and present this
> data (type of incident and date, etc), but have not been able to find
> an appropriate tag to use. 
> The tag 'incident' has been used in the past, once and perhaps
> unofficially. So I was hoping to get some feedback and suggestions on
> how to approach this. In fact the mapping of this kind of data doesn't
> seem to exist on OSM, but is it something the community might be
> interested in exploring?
> Kind regards,
> Mhairi
> -- 
> Mhairi O'Hara
> Mobile: +62 822 4701 1475
> Email: mhairi.oh...@hotosm.org 
> twitter  | linkedin
>  | facebook
>  | website 
> *Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team *
> *Using OpenStreetMap *
> *for Humanitarian Response *
> *& Economic Development* 

"On ne m’ôtera pas de l’idée que, pendant la dernière guerre mondiale,
de nombreux juifs ont eu une attitude carrément hostile à l’égard du
régime nazi." Pierre Desproges
"I won't be deprived of the idea that, during the last world war, many
Jews had a downright hostile attitude toward the Nazi regime."
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] International Womens Day - Mapping locations and dates of incidents on OpenStreetMaps

2016-02-19 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Hello Mhairi,

For a map of these incidents, on OSM background to locate them, you
could use uMap, eg:

You could report the information related to incidents in the title and
text associated with the markers on the map. It is even possible to
include images, with the appropriate syntax (see the "?" help online)
and links to their online source, eg on Facebook.

uMaps can easily be included in websites.

Feel free to ask if you have any question.

Best wishes,


Le 19/02/2016 15:28, Mhairi O'Hara a écrit :
> Hello,
> Sexual harrassment towards women has been increasing in Bali with a
> number of individuals taking a stand by capturing images to post on
> Facebook to shame and apprehend, and I would like to help assist by
> empowering women to utilise OSM to further highlight and tackle these
> kinds of issues. 
> I am thinking of trying to create some kind of harassment map like
> they have in Egypt (http://harassmap.org
> ). Ideally I would like to utilise OSM to
> capture and present this data (type of incident and date, etc), but
> have not been able to find an appropriate tag to use. 
> The tag 'incident' has been used in the past, once and perhaps
> unofficially. So I was hoping to get some feedback and suggestions on
> how to approach this. In fact the mapping of this kind of data doesn't
> seem to exist on OSM, but is it something the community might be
> interested in exploring?
> Kind regards,
> Mhairi
> -- 
> Mhairi O'Hara
> Mobile: +62 822 4701 1475
> Email: mhairi.oh...@hotosm.org 
> twitter  | linkedin
>  | facebook
>  | website 
> *
> *
> *Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team *
> *
> Using OpenStreetMap 
> for Humanitarian Response 
> & Economic Development* 
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> h...@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

"On ne m’ôtera pas de l’idée que, pendant la dernière guerre mondiale,
de nombreux juifs ont eu une attitude carrément hostile à l’égard du
régime nazi." Pierre Desproges
"I won't be deprived of the idea that, during the last world war, many
Jews had a downright hostile attitude toward the Nazi regime."
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] From osmf-talk: "Balancing the presence of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT US Inc) in the OpenStreetMap Foundation"

2015-12-02 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 25/11/2015 13:10, Dave F. a écrit :
> How do you perceive these "dangers" will manifest themselves?
> Dave F.

Dear OpenStreetMap Community members,

Let me first apologize for writing about topics that usually do not need
to be considered by those who only care about improving this wonderful
common good that is OpenStreetMap. Unfortunately, it has become
necessary because there seems to be a potentially serious threat on what
OpenStreetMap is and will be.

Some might consider this issue to be more specifically appropriate for
the OSMF-talk list, as those with a right to vote on the current
election must be there. However, it is not of concern only to the
registered members of the OSM Foundation, as it might end up impacting
the whole of OSM. It also happens that I have stopped renewing my
membership to the OSMF after an election where a candidate was excluded
from the vote because his views on a controversial subject (related to
license change) were strongly different from those of the majority of
the previous Board. Note that Mr. Maron was already a member of this
outgoing Board, that had a conception of basic democracy different from
mine, according to which it should have been up to the voters not to
vote for a candidate if they didn't agree with his views. So, anyway, I
cannot write to that list.

A recent exchange with some mappers not familiar with what goes on in
HOT US Inc., as well as some of the emails I read on the osmf-talk web
archive, have made me aware that it could be useful to summarize how I
view it after being involved in many crisis activations since Haiti 2010
earthquake, before HOT US Inc. or the h...@openstreetmap.org mailing list
even existed. This might also be seen as another attempt to answer
Frederik's question on osmf-talk : “What should OSMF *not* learn from
HOT?” (Even though I see now that Rod has answered that quite well).

In short, it seems that HOT US Inc., besides its officially started
purpose, and certainly because it views these secondary purposes as
necessary to accomplish it, aims to collect money from donors willing to
support the « humanitarian » use of OSM, and exercise control over the
ways people contribute to these uses. Its reality in practice is thus in
direct opposition to the « support – not control - OSM » motto of the OSMF.

A lesson I remember from my high school philosophy teacher is that you
shouldn't judge a foreign culture based on your values, but on its own.
If I try to apply this guide to HOT US Inc., based on what I think I
know of some US values, that some might even be tempted to consider
universal, or at least broadly admired and shared, here is what I find :

- Democracy : Voting members of HOT US are selected through a strict
cooptation mechanism, with constraints sufficient to ensure that the
initial members keep their dominating influence. This can also be
observed in the result of the votes. Yet some leaders of HOT US
sometimes present themselves as legitimate representatives of the
broader community of OSM/HOT contributors, which is false by construction.

- Free speech : As you probably know, this is protected by the First
Amendment to the US Constitution. Yet in several current cases, it
appears that prominent and legally responsible members of HOT US Inc.
consider that some provisions of the « HOT Code of Conduct » should
prevail on this US constitutional right. You may also have noticed that
I've been submitted to a priori moderation on the h...@openstreetmap.org
mailing list, without notification, and without justification by at
least an example of an inappropriate email, when I became aware of it
and asked for a reason. So the most likely explanation is that Mr. Maron
(who had silently setup this moderation) must have been afraid that I
could ask questions about his conflicts of interest or the cronyism
around him, as I had done on an internal list before. As he is also
moderator of several of the most important OSM mailing lists, including
this “talk” list, this example of abusing of his moderator role to
protect his personal interest could be already in itself worrying to all
those in the OSM community who think that the possibility to exchange
views freely is necessary in a sound community, as now everyone would
have to worry about exposing oneself to such a measure before writing to
the lists.

- Rejection of public lies : Several communications of HOT US Inc., both
internal and external, are in contradiction with facts. They sometimes
combine with the next item, ...

- Prohibition of theft : … to take undeserved ownership and credit on
things done by others (and in particular numerous voluntary mappers
around the World – most of them in non-English speaking parts, or, for
examples on more specific points, what was done with humanitarian
drones, or some satellite imagery to support disaster mapping), and
present them as if they were HOT US's, to justify asking for undue
recognition or funding (including from the pub

[OSM-talk] Post-seism Pleiades images of 3 Afghanistan cities

2015-10-29 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

After the Oct 26 Badakhshan earthquake, Airbus DS has donated access to
Pleiades images of three Afghan cities, Fayzabad, Taloqan and Kunduz,
taken on Oct 28, and acquired within the framework of the International
Charter, Space and Major Disasters.

They have been processed (pansharpening, conversion and color
processing) and set-up on OpenStreetMap France server, and are available
as TMS and WMS.


(for iD, replace "zoom" with "z")

A layer with near infrared band displayed as red is also available:

The WMS access for each is at :

Due in particular to the rushed and difficult treatment conditions,
there is an offset relative to Bing, which should be corrected in your
editor before tracing data for OSM.

They are licensed under the "special web license for OSM", which in
short only allows to use the image to develop derivative works (=
"trace") provided that they are included in OSM database. Full text:

Use "source=Pleiades 20151028, CNES, Airbus DS"

Note that Copernicus Grading Maps of Fayzabad and Taloqan show no
visible damage detected.
In Kunduz, the visible damage to the MSF Hospital is not due to the

Best wishes,


PS : still copying this email to the HOT mailing list, even though it
turns out to be officially considered that this kind of email absolutely
needs a priori moderation there...

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Fwd: Re: [HOT] Cat-5 Hurricane Patricia heading to Mexican Pacific Coast

2015-10-23 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Since some genius lacking conscience apparently decided to put the HOT
mailing list in moderated mode before going to sleep, while Cat-5
Hurricane Patricia just made landfall, I am forwarding the imagery
resource below to this list, in case some mappers of the broad OSM
community feel like contributing to the mapping there.

Best wishes,


 Message transféré 
Sujet : Re: [HOT] Cat-5 Hurricane Patricia heading to Mexican Pacific
Date :  Sat, 24 Oct 2015 01:44:56 +0200
De :Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Pour :  HOT 

(in English below)


El sitio de datos abiertos datos.gob.mx acaba de hacer disponible una
cobertura de imágenes de satélite SPOT 6 y 7, fusionadas a color
natural, con resolución de 1.5 metros de resolución, el cubrimiento
nacional está conformado por 856 imágenes, todas ellas, tienen fecha de
toma entre noviembre de 2014 y junio de 2015. Fuente: Servicio de
Información Agroalimentaria y Pesquera (SIAP). Estación de Recepción
México (ERMEX)
como servicio WMS bajo

Un servicio TMS proxy-cache de esta misma cobertura, (que podría ofrecer
un aceso optimizado), ya está disponible también, con URL para JOSM :

y para iD

La resolución no es tan buena como la de Bing, pero las imágenes son mas
recientes, y podrían ser útil para ver obras o construcción reciente.
Y Rafael hizo un mapa de areas donde falta Bing alta resolución :




Hi All,

The Mexico open data site datos.gob.mx has just made available a SPOT 6
and 7 satellite images cover, merged to natural color, with a resolution
of 1.5 m. The national cover is made of 856 images, taken between
November 2014 and June 2015. Source: Servicio de Información
Agroalimentaria y Pesquera (SIAP). Estación de Recepción México (ERMEX)
as WMS service under

A TMS proxy cache service of this same cover (that could offer an
optimized access) is now available too. Its URL for JOSM is:

and for iD:

The resolution is not as good as the one of Bing high resolution images,
but the images are recent, and could be useful to map recent works or
new buildings.
Also Rafael made a map of areas where Bing high resolution is missing:

Best wishes,


Le 23/10/2015 21:53, OpenStreetMap Mexico a écrit :
> Hi All,
> That's right, any data released by the government in Mexico is open
> data, it's not CC BY, it has it's own terms of use called "Libre Uso
> MX <http://datos.gob.mx/libreusomx/>" which state that the only
> requisite for using the data in this case is attribution, which can
> easily be accomplished by attribution in the source tag of the
> imported data. We've already clarified this with the government and
> with the institution issuing most of the data (INEGI).
> If you want the legal framework go the following government website
> which includes the presidential mandate that backs up what is said
> above (Spanish only), so yes, this one is actually signed by the
> president of Mexico.
> http://www.dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php?codigo=5382838&fecha=20/02/2015
> If still in doubt and for your peace of mind, the actual director of
> the president's office open data initiative, Rodolfo Wilhelmly is also
> on this thread.  
> Best,
> Miriam González
> @mapanauta
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Ortiz, Andres - (p)
> mailto:andr...@telenav.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just to let you know , Mexico’s cartographic data is open data and
> is freely to use, the only requirement is to use attribution in
> the comments when importing it .
> Thanks,
> *Andrés Ortiz Haro*
> * *
> *cid:image001.png@01CCCBC6.EA1CA250*
> *From:*Ian Schuler [mailto:i...@developmentseed.org
> <mailto:i...@developmentseed.org>]
> *Sent:* Friday, October 23, 2015 7:57 AM
> *To:* Pierre Béland
> *Cc:* HOT
> *Subject:* Re: [HOT] Cat-5 Hurricane Patricia heading to Mexican
> Pacific Coast
> I agree that this is an absolutely nonsensical process.
> For government created and licensed data who even has 

[OSM-talk] Mapping high tension power lines in Nepal

2015-05-14 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

As you may know, helicopters play a critical role in bringing help to
Nepalese people affected by April 25 7.8 earthquake, and May 12 7.4
aftershock, with roads blocked or made dangerous by landslides and
unstable terrain.

A USMC helicopter that was taking part in this effort is missing since
May 12. Other helicopters involved in the search and rescue mission
report that: "A primary concern for ongoing search and rescue efforts is
unmarked high tension power lines, which have been reported and bisect
many of the valleys in the search area".

Some high tension power lines have already been mapped
(http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/9lx , passed along to those conducting the
searches). Starting from electrical dams makes it easier to spot them.

If mappers experienced at mapping power lines could give a hand, this
would be great. (Or others willing to learn, like me :) ).

Bing is available for large parts of Nepal. A focus for current search
and rescue effort is around Ghorthali (27.7517 N  86.0342 E) from where
a Nepalese local reported seeing a helicopter crash. But of course high
tension power lines would also be nice to have for Sindhupalchowk,
Dolakha and other affected districts (see

(Please download and upload OSM data often, in case other mappers work
on the same theme).



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [talk-ph] Please sign a petition for more open access to satellite imagery for the Philippines

2013-11-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Yes, we can change the text, to the more mature version, so that both
sites have exactly the same version.

The results of the two can of course be combined roughly with a simple
addition. It doesn't seem that we can access easily the full list of
signatories to check for possible duplicates, but maybe this would be
possible through the support team.



Le 27/11/2013 12:19, Mark Cupitt a écrit :
> Hi Jean-Guilhem
> yes, please leave the change.org <http://change.org> one up, it has
> gone to nearly 120,000 people, it will be very embarrassing if you
> pull it down.
> I guess you can change the text?? and possibly combine the results of
> the two??
> Cheers
> Mark
> Regards
> Mark Cupitt
> "If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence"
> See me on LinkedIn <http://ph.linkedin.com/in/markcupitt>
> *See me on StackExchange
> <http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/17846/mark-c>*
> ===
> The contents of this email are intended only for the individual(s) to
> whom it is addressed and may contain
> confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended
> recipient, you must not disclose, copy, distribute,
> or use the contents of this email. If you have received this email in
> error, please notify the sender immediately and
> delete the email and any attachments.
> ===========
> On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton  <mailto:j...@arkemie.com>> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Sorry about that. The first one was an early working version of
> the text, that got published because of a misunderstanding.
> The one on Avaaz.org has a more mature version of the text, and is
> the one whose address should be promoted.
> We are leaving the link you had online, at least for now, because
> of the signatures that have already been collected there, and in
> case people who got it wanted to sign, but there should be no more
> communication about it, instead please refer to:
> https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/All_satellite_imagery_providers_Philippines_open_the_satellite_images/
> (Even this URL was not perfectly right in my previous mail - extra
> "share" at the end)
> Thank you very much for posting the petition to your many contacts.
> Best regards,
> Jean-Guilhem
> Le 27/11/2013 00:43, Mark Cupitt a écrit :
>> There is two now?? Already one
>> here 
>> https://www.change.org/petitions/satellite-image-providers-release-the-philippines-satellite-imagery-under-a-public-license-for-humanitarian-mapping#description
>> Regards
>> Mark Cupitt
>> "If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence"
>> See me on LinkedIn <http://ph.linkedin.com/in/markcupitt>
>> *See me on StackExchange
>> <http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/17846/mark-c>*
>> ===
>> The contents of this email are intended only for the
>> individual(s) to whom it is addressed and may contain
>> confidential or privileged information. If you are not the
>> intended recipient, you must not disclose, copy, distribute,
>> or use the contents of this email. If you have received this
>> email in error, please notify the sender immediately and
>> delete the email and any attachments.
>> ===
>> On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 1:10 AM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton
>> mailto:j...@arkemie.com>> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> You know how useful the geodata produced by OpenStreetMap
>> contributors
>> is to help the relief effort in the Philippines after typhoon
>> Haiyan.
>> This effort could be even more efficient if more imagery
>> sources had
>> been made available more quickly, and for a longer period of
>> time,
>> especially considering the magnitude of this crisis, and the
>> time that
>> will be needed to recover.

Re: [OSM-talk] [talk-ph] Please sign a petition for more open access to satellite imagery for the Philippines

2013-11-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Hi Mark,

Sorry about that. The first one was an early working version of the
text, that got published because of a misunderstanding.

The one on Avaaz.org has a more mature version of the text, and is the
one whose address should be promoted.

We are leaving the link you had online, at least for now, because of the
signatures that have already been collected there, and in case people
who got it wanted to sign, but there should be no more communication
about it, instead please refer to:

(Even this URL was not perfectly right in my previous mail - extra
"share" at the end)

Thank you very much for posting the petition to your many contacts.

Best regards,


Le 27/11/2013 00:43, Mark Cupitt a écrit :
> There is two now?? Already one
> here 
> https://www.change.org/petitions/satellite-image-providers-release-the-philippines-satellite-imagery-under-a-public-license-for-humanitarian-mapping#description
> Regards
> Mark Cupitt
> "If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence"
> See me on LinkedIn <http://ph.linkedin.com/in/markcupitt>
> *See me on StackExchange
> <http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/17846/mark-c>*
> ===
> The contents of this email are intended only for the individual(s) to
> whom it is addressed and may contain
> confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended
> recipient, you must not disclose, copy, distribute,
> or use the contents of this email. If you have received this email in
> error, please notify the sender immediately and
> delete the email and any attachments.
> ===========
> On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 1:10 AM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton  <mailto:j...@arkemie.com>> wrote:
> Dear All,
> You know how useful the geodata produced by OpenStreetMap contributors
> is to help the relief effort in the Philippines after typhoon Haiyan.
> This effort could be even more efficient if more imagery sources had
> been made available more quickly, and for a longer period of time,
> especially considering the magnitude of this crisis, and the time that
> will be needed to recover.
> So a petition has been setup, to give a way for the public to show its
> support to this request.
> https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/All_satellite_imagery_providers_Philippines_open_the_satellite_images/share/
> Please sign it, and let the people around you know that they could do
> something useful for the Philippines, and for the victims of future
> major disasters, with a contribution as easy as a signature.
> Best wishes,
> Jean-Guilhem
> ___
> talk-ph mailing list
> talk...@openstreetmap.org <mailto:talk...@openstreetmap.org>
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ph

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Please sign a petition for more open access to satellite imagery for the Philippines

2013-11-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Dear All,

You know how useful the geodata produced by OpenStreetMap contributors
is to help the relief effort in the Philippines after typhoon Haiyan.

This effort could be even more efficient if more imagery sources had
been made available more quickly, and for a longer period of time,
especially considering the magnitude of this crisis, and the time that
will be needed to recover.

So a petition has been setup, to give a way for the public to show its
support to this request.


Please sign it, and let the people around you know that they could do
something useful for the Philippines, and for the victims of future
major disasters, with a contribution as easy as a signature.

Best wishes,


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Feedback from the Red Cross, UN people, and Esri: YOU (OSM) are GREAT!!!

2012-04-11 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Last week, I was at the conference "GIS for the United Nations and the
International Community", a conference organized by UNITAR's Operational
Satellite Application Programme (UNOSAT) and Esri, April 3-5, 2012, at
the World Meteorological Organization, in Geneva, Switzerland.

The main message I'd like to get back to each and everyone of you, from
the almost unanimous feedback I received and witnessed while I was
there, is that OpenStreetMap is rather well known and very much
appreciated among the people who attended the conference. It is
difficult to carry across the kind of recognition and gratefulness that
I felt for the work of OSM volunteers, and no expression can be
exaggerated to convey it. I am not saying that Ban Ki-moon knows about
OSM as much as he probably knows about Google, for instance, but at
least the UN people connected in some (possibly remote) way to GIS know
about it, and some are really well aware of the strengths (and also of
course of the weaknesses) of OSM.

Even in the panel that I attended in the first panel session,
"Geographic Information in Postcrisis - Transition to Stability and
Redevelopment", where OSM was not explicitly on the agenda, it came up
in the knowledgeable and lively discussion that followed, with some
strong opinions expressed about the "commercial" character of the
licence (from the point of view of this mostly humanitarian audience),
and the restrictions it implies, a topic that deserves more development
and to which I'll come back later in another post.

The next day, I was a panelist in "Open Data and the Crowd:
Collaborating for Action", a panel moderated by Ryan Lanclos, Esri,
where I had been invited at the last minute to represent H.O.T. It was a
really very interesting panel, with Lars Bromley, UNITAR/UNOSAT, Jihad
Abdalla, Emergency Officer at UNICEF/EMOPS, Andrej Verity, UNOCHA, and
Frédéric Zanetta, IFRC. UNOSAT had made their own experiments about
crowd-sourcing, and were well aware of its difficulties. I presented OSM
in general, and in particular the remote mobilization for Haiti (with an
extract of Tim Berners-Lee video at TED 2010) followed by field projects
there, with the example of the STM_020 project in Saint Marc, Haiti,
where I had just spent a month (I'll also come back to this later). I
think, judging from later interventions, that I managed to get across
the message that OSM is first of all a community (rather than a
"crowd"). A similar point was also later expressed from the audience,
with someone saying that organizations should "engage" with the "crowd",
not "use" it. In his conclusion, Andrej Verity encouraged the audience
"not to be afraid" to engage "the crowd".
After this panel, my personal feeling was an exhilarating one that
apparently everyone, from the panel and the interventions from the
audience, had a desire to move forward, iteratively improving
cooperation processes, and solving problems as they might arise.

In the next panel that I attended, of particular interest was the
presentation by René Saameli, of the ICRC, of the mapping of Walikale,
DR Congo, to support the Red Cross water supply project there, jointly
by remote OSM volunteers, who digitized the satellite image acquired by
the Red Cross, by local Red Cross representative and correspondents, who
collected field information, like names of streets and suburbs or points
of interest, on Walking Papers (with no need for GPS units - which would
be too costly if this process is to be repeated on a large scale), and
remote OSM volunteers again, who entered WP info into the database, to
produce a complete and accurate map of the town. Analyzes, such as
population repartition estimation based on digitized buildings, could
then also be conducted. The ICRC was so pleased by this project, as well
as previous joint work with OSM (like for mapping Osh in Kirghiztan
during the 2010 troubles there) that he declared that they are preparing
a Memorandum of Understanding with HOT, and envision the possibility to
have volunteers who would be both "Red Cross" and "HOT", as the Red
Cross and OSM are both mainly volunteers movements. Big credit goes to
Frédéric Bonifas for building this trust relationship over the years.
Here is an interview about this collaborative mapping:
Getting closer to the Red Cross and its millions of volunteers
worldwide, for those interested, could be a way to bridge the missing
link between the potential of OSM tools and the (mostly unmapped and
unconnected) local communities of the developing world, where they could
be really useful to make a difference.
And this could also be a popularity boost for OSM, by making lay people
aware of the link between maps and humanitarian action.
Like René said off the record, it could be a reply from "humanitarians
with boots on the ground" to the World Bank/Google agreement that made
some noise earlier this year.

The closi

Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] Bing high resolution coverage extended over Syria

2012-02-17 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

A snapshot comparison of the state of the map of Homs at a week interval:

Thanks to all those who contributed or who are continuing to do so.


Le 11/02/2012 12:40, Joseph Reeves a écrit :
>  Geofabrik are also providing hourly data extracts and Garmin files:
> https://twitter.com/#!/geofabrik/status/167888233416499200
> <https://twitter.com/#%21/geofabrik/status/167888233416499200>
> I don't know how much of a ground concern mapping is, but this is a
> really good thing to see.
> Presumably Homs looks very different now compared to when those aerial
> images were produced - has anyone seen any post-bombardment imagery?
> All best, Joseph
> On 11 February 2012 10:31, Jean-Guilhem Cailton  <mailto:j...@arkemie.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks to its recent extension, Bing high resolution coverage now
> includes, among others, the city of Homs, whose street network is very
> partially mapped in OSM :
> http://ousm.fr/syria/?zoom=14&lat=34.72957&lon=36.7164&layers=00B000TT
> <http://ousm.fr/syria/?zoom=14&lat=34.72957&lon=36.7164&layers=00B000TT>
> Thank you Bing !
> Best wishes,
> Jean-Guilhem
> --
> gpg 0x5939EAE2
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> h...@openstreetmap.org <mailto:h...@openstreetmap.org>
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

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[OSM-talk] Bing high resolution coverage extended over Syria

2012-02-11 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Thanks to its recent extension, Bing high resolution coverage now
includes, among others, the city of Homs, whose street network is very
partially mapped in OSM :


Thank you Bing !

Best wishes,


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Re: [OSM-talk] OrbView-3 is public domain

2012-01-17 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 17/01/2012 12:04, hbogner a écrit :
> Anyone tried processing those imges?


It happens I had just sent a message this morning to the HOT mailing
list about one of these images (of Syria) made available as TMS:


You'll likely be interested by Dražen's answer.

Thank you for giving us the info.

Best wishes,


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[OSM-talk] OpenUnpavedStreetMap coverage extended to Asia and some European countries

2012-01-14 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

The area covered by OpenUnpavedStreetMap now includes all of Asia, and
some European countries: those in Former Yugoslavia, Slovakia, Belarus,
the Baltic countries and Albania. This is in addition to Africa, Latin
America and Oceania that were already covered.

A new domain name, ousm.fr, can now be used as a shorter replacement for
"osm.arkemie.org/ousm" in the previous URLs, such as in the message
quoted below.

Thus the global map is available at:

Views pre-centered for some countries are available, with GeoRSS feeds

or without:

More pre-centered views could easily be added on request.
Zoom level can go up to 21.
The database is updated minutely. You can force re-rendering of a tile
with /dirty at the end of its url.
Please be patient if you are the first to visit an area that has not
been cached yet.

Best wishes,


Le 20/12/2011 16:11, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :
> Hi,
> Knowing whether a road is paved or not is an important information for a
> driver, especially in countries where many roads are unpaved. This
> information can be entered in the OSM database with the surface tag [1],
> but it is not currently rendered in the main maps available on osm.org
> [2]. Seeing it rendered on a map would likely be an incentive for
> mappers to use it, especially beginners.
> A map with a rendering for this, OpenUnpavedStreetMap, is now available
> for Africa, Central and South America, Australia-Oceania (according to
> Geofabrik's definition, which includes Indonesia and Malaysia), and soon
> several Asian countries, including the Philippines (actually the
> countries available as extracts from GeoFabrik, China, India, Pakistan,
> Vietnam, etc.except Japan - considering dataset size). Surfaces tagged
> as "compacted", "gravel", "sand", "dirt", "earth", "ground", "grass",
> "mud"... are also considered as "unpaved", following the wiki page.
> Examples from areas that may be of interest on this list:
> - Port-au-Prince, Haiti:
>  http://osm.arkemie.org/haiti/?zoom=17&lat=18.60871&lon=-72.28598&layers=B0
> - Kigali, Rwanda:
> http://osm.arkemie.org/ousm/?zoom=16&lat=-1.95416&lon=30.08243&layers=B000F
> - one of the examples given by Douglas, in Kampala, Uganda:
> http://osm.arkemie.org/ousm/?lat=0.38093&lon=32.55812&zoom=18&layers=00B0T
> - A page for Colombia, with markers for the GeoRSS feed from la Sala de
> Situación Humanitaria Colombia:
> http://osm.arkemie.org/ousm/colombia/
> Following Humberto's suggestion, flood_prone areas are also rendered
> ("flood_prone=yes" or "flood_prone=label"):
> http://osm.arkemie.org/ousm/colombia/?zoom=16&lat=10.39717&lon=-75.15048&layers=B000FT
> Following a suggestion from Federico, and a need that had also appeared
> for Haiti, next step should be rendering of POIs relevant for
> emergencies, such as health facilities, at lower zoom levels.
> The global URL is:
> http://osm.arkemie.org/ousm/
> OSM.org Mapnik layer is in the menu for easy comparison on the current
> area. A "hybrid map for mappers" - and for soon-to-be mappers who can
> see what might be missing on the map ;) - is available by overlaying a
> transparent version of OpenUnpavedStreetMap with Bing aerial imagery.
> Google satellite imagery is also available as a reminder, by comparing
> imageries location, that it is often advised to adjust Bing offset
> before tracing.
> The database is updated at least daily, and minutely for the next days,
> after the new coverage will have been imported.
> Tiles are available from
> http://osm.arkemie.org/ousm_tiles/${z}/${x}/${y}.png
> http://osm.arkemie.org/ousm_transparent_tiles/${z}/${x}/${y}.png
> The current bandwidth is limited, but if you are interested, let me know.
> Let me know what you think, and if there are features that would be
> interesting for a custom rendering.
> Best wishes,
> Jean-Guilhem
> [1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:surface
> [2] http://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/1447

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Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] Blog Post in the NYT About Turkey Earthquake Work

2011-12-08 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 08/12/2011 08:38, Kate Chapman a écrit :
> Thought I'd pass this along.
> There was a blog post in the New York Times about the mapping in
> Turkey: http://latitude.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/29/navigating-turkey/
> Best,
> -Kate

Thank you Kate.

Maybe this is of general interest and can be copied to the talk list.

"Claiming maps as a right"...


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Re: [OSM-talk] Bing aerial imagery priorities

2011-06-17 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Hash: SHA1

Le 17/06/2011 08:15, Gehling Marc a écrit :

> I would suggest that images are updated from countries that are
currently inan upheaval as Egypt, Tunisia, Libya



High resolution coverage of Libya, Tunisia and Algeria is currently
limited to only a few areas, mainly around capitals. Humanitarians
going to Libya, for instance, are likely to find very limited OSM data
outside of these areas.

Syria has a relatively good coverage, but with holes in populated
areas like Aleppo (largest city) and Homs (3rd largest city).

Coverage of Amman in Jordan is also missing.

Extending coverage of Bangladesh would also be useful for natural
disaster preparedness.

Best wishes,

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Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] Fw: Disaster Preparedness Project

2011-06-07 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

After the recent flood in Haut-Richelieu, Québec, and the request to use
MapOSMatic in this context, it happens that I met Thomas, one of the
developers of MapOSMatic.

When I had asked about this functionality of map booklet, he had told me
that they had started working on this (or on features that would make
this easier, I don't remember exactly) during the Hackfest last August.

Maybe coordinating efforts on this would be the best way to move forward?

By the way, he also told me that he had sent an email reply, that
apparently was moderated on lists he is not a member of, and that I have
not seen. He explained that there was still a lag in the database
updates (after the MapOSMatic database had been down).
About the mapping of a specific area defined by a relation (not
necessarily a city), it might be not be too far from what is done with
administrative boundary ways, but would require a mean to transmit or
specify the desired area.

Anyway Samuel, I invite you to have a look at http://www.maposmatic.org
if you have not already (there seems to be a problem at the moment with
a job over Berlin, hopefully not for long).

Best regards,


Le 07/06/2011 08:51, Samuel Mandell a écrit :
> Essentially what I'm looking for is the ability to produce a
> Thomas-Guide style maps book where a city is broken into printable
> pages (e.g. A6) and at the back would be an index of streets with
> corresponding page and x/y axis information. 
> As mentioned before it would be ideal if this could be automated so
> that all it would need is a city and it would produce the pages.
> Anybody interested in helping create such a system? 
> -Samuel
> On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Dane Springmeyer  > wrote:
> Samuel,
> It seems to me like rendering the actual pages would be easier
> (than actually rendering a large image, then chopping). This
> should also give better results because the scales of things like
> text and lines would look better.
> So, the way I would approach this would be to determine the size
> and extents of each map for each page (ideally automatically).
> Then render each one with Mapnik. So, your ingredients would be a
> width and height in pixels, and bounding box for each page. Then
> write a python script to loop over every page and render a map
> using an OSM stylesheet.
> If you don't have python scripts skills then we can think of
> alternatives, but that would be my first recommendation. Mike
> Migurski, also author of safety maps, has done this with Mapnik
> for printed bike maps of SF, so he could likely advise.
> On Jun 6, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Mikel Maron wrote:
>> Folks, what did we have in place to produce map books?
> Making mapbooks easier to script, via python, with Mapnik has long
> been a goal of mine. 
> But I've not really gotten past proof of concept. One usecase is
> making a map of every "feature" in a dataset that meets some
> criteria. I wrote a script a while ago that demonstrates how to do
> that with mapnik by querying all countries over a given population
> and them rendering a map for each, while painting a special
> outline over their border. Code is
> here: http://mapnik-utils.googlecode.com/svn/example_code/map_sequences/
> and an animated gif to demonstrate what is done is here:
> http://dbsgeo.com/tmp/mapnik_animated.gif
>> Can Mapsomatic easily be modified for different formats/scales?
> It can be done but I've found that hacking around in MapOsMatic
> requires a lot of patience and pretty high python/cairo skill level.
>> http://www.safety-maps.org/ was a recent project to do something
>> similar. I know the developers would be interested to hear more
>> ideas how to make it useful.
> safety-maps are awesome.
>> == Mikel Maron ==
>> +14152835207  @mikel s:mikelmaron
>> - Forwarded Message 
>> *From:* Richard Weait mailto:rich...@weait.com>>
>> *To:* Samuel Mandell > >
>> *Cc:* talk@openstreetmap.org 
>> *Sent:* Mon, June 6, 2011 4:16:08 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [OSM-talk] Disaster Preparedness Project
>> On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 8:12 PM, Samuel Mandell
>> mailto:shmand...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> > I'm designing a project whose goal is to prepare folks in my
>> community for
>> > disasters. An essential part of any disaster kit are maps of the
>> local area
>> > so that when electricity has gone out people can still navigate
>> to specific
>> > areas of the city (for instance to get supplies or medical help).
>> > OpenStreetMap has comprehensive map data for my area (the San
>> Francisco Bay
>> > Area) and I'd like to use the mapping data to create maps for
>> the various
>> > cities to ha

Re: [OSM-talk] Videos

2011-03-16 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 16/03/2011 11:59, Matthias Meißer a écrit :
> Am 16.03.2011 11:07, schrieb Jean-Guilhem Cailton:
>> I have been in touch with CrisisCommons, via their Skype discussion, and
>> they are in the process of setting up a "OSM_101" page ( that will be at
>> http://wiki.crisiscommons.org/wiki/OSM_101  ).
> Hi, I would recommend to keep as much informations as possible on the
> main OSM wiki, to make it easy for every mapper to join in.
> Nevertheless thanks for your work :)
> Concerning the videos, there is already a quite impressive list,
> including HOT focues tutorials:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Video_tutorials

What is needed is a selection among all these materials, organized to be
quickly accessible for CrisisCommons volunteers, and if possible with
well defined and focused tasks.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Videos

2011-03-16 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Hi David,

Where is your first video?

I have been in touch with CrisisCommons, via their Skype discussion, and
they are in the process of setting up a "OSM_101" page ( that will be at
http://wiki.crisiscommons.org/wiki/OSM_101 ). You are welcome to chime
in if you want, like anyone else, as they are of course looking for input.

To make sense out of the wiki page, it might be useful to combine or
relabel the current "On-the-ground" and "Remote mapping" sections.

Best wishes,


Le 16/03/2011 10:28, osmli...@dellams.fastmail.fm a écrit :
> Hi Kate
> I have been doing some work on more general Potlatch2 tutorial videos. 
> However, only the first one is ready - POIs.
> I would be happy to spend some time doing a more rough and ready video 
> specifically for these volunteers. However, someone else would need to 
> clarify what it needed to cover, e.g., which editor, which imagery, what to 
> map, etc. I myself have not been involved in the Japan HOT effort as yet, as 
> I could not work out from the wiki page what was useful for remote mappers to 
> do. 
> Best wishes
> David

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Crisis mapping - assistance requested for infrastructure mapping in Tohoku/Japan

2011-03-15 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
For those that would not be aware of it, there is a bilingual wiki page:

Best wishes,


Le 15/03/2011 17:18, Tomomichi Hayakawa a écrit :
> Now we are mapping around tsunami/earthquake afflicted area.
> Broad area has affected, so we need help to create base map.
> Please help us.
> There are some high-resolution  Bing area around tohoku.
> Aomori, Hachinohe, Sanriku (Kamaishi to Miyako),
> Sendai, Kurihara, ichinoseki,Oou, Hanamaki, Morioka, Iwaki ...etc
> Here is a Bing-area map on google map.
> http://maps.google.co.jp/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&brcurrent=3,0x34674e0fd77f192f:0xf54275d47c665244,0&msa=0&ll=39.491324,141.152344&spn=3.598772,6.421509&z=8&msid=214659934638657454830.00049e3467120e402f8cb
> Till new imagely will come, we are trying to create base map
> as fare as we can.
> Thanks.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Libya: wiki updated, with humanitarian mapping needs

2011-03-01 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

The wiki page for Libya has been updated, and now includes, in
particular, the mapping needs expressed by a major international
humanitarian organisation:




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Re: [OSM-talk] Bilingual Libya map for HOT

2011-02-28 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 28/02/2011 22:32, Stephan Knauss a écrit :
> Hi,
> as I had been asked if it's possible to have a bilingual map of Libya
> to support humanitarian aid, here it is:
> http://libya.osm-tools.org/
> Stephan
> ___

Great Stephan, many thanks!

Would it be possible for it to use name:en and name:ar (at least when
both are available)?

(Currently, variations are visible depending on what was entered  in

And thus tools that are not multilingual could still use ad-hoc "name").

Thanks again!


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Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] Nametagging: Local script versus "international" latin script (for Libya)

2011-02-28 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 28/02/2011 13:27, Jean-Marc Liotier a écrit :
> Reading http://taginfo.openstreetmap.de/keys/int_name#values suggests
> that what "international name" actually means is the romanized version
> of the local name - which may differ from the English name.
> "Romanized version of the local name" makes more sense to me than just
> "international name". Anyone else here who thinks that is would make a
> better definition of int_name ?

I do. And also it seems it would be more used, and useful, in practice.

>> Steve, (about Ṭarābulus) that's an idea, though it does not fit the wiki
>> definition. At least, that's a way of storing it. A name:xyz where xyz
>> would mean romanized Arabic would be better, in principle. (But there
>> does not seem to be a recognized code for it).
> Which romanization standard should be used ?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Arabic#Comparison_table
> It looks like no standard dominates. Let's hope we'll find a way to
> avoid OSM edit wars about romanized Arabic...

Let's just discuss it here if the need appears. :)


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Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] Nametagging: Local script versus "international" latin script (for Libya)

2011-02-28 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 28/02/2011 11:33, Jean-Marc Liotier a écrit :
> Jean-Guilhem Cailton wrote:
>> It would not solve the problem for all tools, of course. For example,
>> MapOSMatic of Tripoli apparently uses the name field. So my
>> recommendation, given the feedback received so far, would still be to
>> use Latin + Arabic in the name field.
> Do that if it is the most expedient way to satisfy the requirements of
> users... But isn't it recommended to also use the tags that will let
> people generate maps in a specific language ?

Of course, that goes without saying. (But thanks for reminding it).
> By the way, for latin script names, should we use int_name, name:en or
> both ?

name:en has the advantage of specifying the language, and can thus also
be used by language specific renderings (or not used, depending on their

I would also use int_name only if it differs from name:en (can't think
of an example right now), or if what is meant is really "Internationally
known as".

Of course, if they are different and if your question is about the Latin
part in name tag, I guess int_name should have precedence, in the
framework of international humanitarian intervention.

What do you think?

Steve, (about Ṭarābulus) that's an idea, though it does not fit the wiki
definition. At least, that's a way of storing it. A name:xyz where xyz
would mean romanized Arabic would be better, in principle. (But there
does not seem to be a recognized code for it).
Is int_name used by any renderer?


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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] Nametagging: Local script versus "international" latin script (for Libya)

2011-02-28 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 28/02/2011 01:00, Stephan Knauss a écrit :
> On 27.02.2011 21:14, Jean-Guilhem Cailton wrote:
>>> Maybe I can convince german community member Stephan Knauss to join
>>> the HOT team as he set up great bilingual maps like
>>> http://thaimap.osm-tools.org or http://iran.osm-tools.org
> Would it help to have bilingual rendering? I think porting a map
> similar the Iran one should be done quite easy. It already has
> bilingual names and font adjustments to improve readability of the map.
> Currently the minutely diff update is tailored to the thaimap. With
> some rework I guess it should be possible to enable the minutely diff
> also for Libya. Until then a manual daily update is the thing I can
> offer.
> Would this be of any help? Please let me know.
> Stephan

Of course, this would help. Please go, ahead. The progressive deployment
and generalization of such tools will facilitate proper  handling of
several languages.

It would not solve the problem for all tools, of course. For example,
MapOSMatic of Tripoli apparently uses the name field. So my
recommendation, given the feedback received so far, would still be to
use Latin + Arabic in the name field.

Regarding readability of the map, I'd like to raise the issue of place
definition and rendering (city/town/village...) The global convention is
based on uniform population numbers. (> 10 / > 1 / ...). While
these may be well suited for densely populated countries, like United
Kingdom or Germany, coupled with the current renderings, it produces
maps that look "empty" (compared with other providers) in other
countries. Typically in Libya, with its large desert areas (but also in
France, for example).

For roads, for example, the convention can be adapted to the local
context. "An unpaved surface is not considered a road" in GB, for
example, but in other countries this might be the standard surface.

Similarly, it might be appropriate to define local conventions (on a
country by country basis, for example) for the urban fabric.

Maybe your tool, specific to a country, can make it possible to
experiment on the rendering of places.

In the meantime, maybe the global definition could be applied to Libya
with some flexibility. For example, a city of slightly less than 100 000
inhabitants, or a town of slightly less than 10 000 inhabitants, but
isolated in the desert, might be bulged to the upper "OSM standard"
category, (which would then actually better match the semantics). It
would thus be given a chance to appear "on the radar", which might not
be the case otherwise. At least, this is what I confess of doing sometimes.

The population field could of course be a useful information for this issue.

Best wishes,

pgp 0x5939EAE2

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] Nametagging: Local script versus "international" latin script (for Libya)

2011-02-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Thanks Claudius for bringing this up here.

I am the Arabic-illiterate you got in touch with. I had also gotten in
touch previously with Esperanza36 on this same subject.

Also addressing this to the talk list, since some of the mappers
involved in the current Libya effort may very well be only there, as
well as some of the relevant technical competencies.

In fact, my main point was that paper maps are essential in field
deployments. GPS maps might also be useful. And of course, the standard
OSM online renderings should not be forgotten.

I think we all agree that, normally, "name=" data should be in the local

The question of the tools has been raised recently. As far as I know, it
does not seem to be perfectly solved for renderings on all devices yet,
nor everywhere.

For example, wikimedia tools server ( http://toolserver.org/~osm/locale/
) provide online maps that use a chosen language when it is available.
Unfortunately, from what I saw using it for Egypt, it seems that it is
not updated very frequently, which makes it ill-suited for the current
emergency mapping effort.

In this crisis context, my personal, maybe naive, take at this has been
to use both Arabic and Latin alphabets in the name tag when I added new
features, including even new Libyan cities that were missing. They get
rendered quickly in the standard OSM renderings, Mapnik and Osmarender,
and my guess is that they also get printed properly in most likely settings.

Esperanza36 mentioned  problems regarding GPS maps with 2 alphabets.

What are your experiences about this, regarding technical solutions and
best compromise for usability in crisis context?

Keeping in mind that a crisis is generally not the best time to deploy
new tools.

Maybe we should keep this focused on Libya for now, otherwise the
situations might be so diverse that the discussion might become
difficult to follow.

If a consensus rule emerges, it would then be possible to normalize the
current practices to it, which would improve the rendered maps of Libya
(currently a bit messy). (I.e. all names in Latin+Arabic, or in Arabic

Best wishes,


Le 27/02/2011 13:39, Claudius Henrichs a écrit :
> Hi there HOT team,
> I recently got in touch with a fellow mapper who had added "Tripoli"
> to the name-tag in addition to the local used arabic script during his
> participation in his H.O.T. remote mapping efforts. His argument was
> that he like many others who want to help can't read arabic and many
> other tools like emergency frameworks rely on the mapnik rendering.
> The first point (illiteration in certain scripts of the world)
> probably applies to 40% (just a guess) of populated surface of the
> earth so I guess this questio is quite relevant. I would like to get
> some insight on the second point he made. Maybe you can shed some
> light on this:
> 1) Do emergency relief organistions rely on the default Mapnik rendering?
> 2) Are there frameworks in place to help them quickly generate
> English-labelled maps of a certain area or even better bilingual ones?
> 3) What's the general recommendation you give for HOT mapping efforts
> regardings the main name-tag?
> I don't want to see the naming efforts of the Iranian mapping
> community being countered by some well-intended addition of English
> names once we have the next earthquake there. I think no one
> wants to rename a chinese province affected by the next flooding for
> the same reason.
> Maybe I can convince german community member Stephan Knauss to join
> the HOT team as he set up great bilingual maps like
> http://thaimap.osm-tools.org or http://iran.osm-tools.org
> Regards,
> Claudius
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> h...@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

pgp 0x5939EAE2

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Does Libya deserves emergency mapping?

2011-02-25 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
There has been a confirmation that a major international humanitarian
organisation (other than the Red Cross) is looking into using OSM for
its deployment in Libya.


Le 24/02/2011 17:09, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :
> Of course yes, Libya does deserve emergency mapping.
> This had been discussed in the H.O.T. mailing list, but making the
> broader audience here aware of it could indeed be helpful. See the
> thread starting at:
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/hot/2011-February/000547.html
> Calls for help have been made from Libya to humanitarian NGOs. The Red
> Cross, for example, has planned missions to Libya. They can usually
> use OpenStreetMap maps, when they are of sufficient quality.
> This might be a problem currently with OSM data for Libya. The
> positive side is that it should be relatively easy to improve it very
> significantly.
> There is indeed now high resolution Bing imagery of Tripoli, Benghazi
> and Khoms areas. (Sometimes, very high resolution). Roads and streets
> can be traced in these areas.
> I am not aware of other high resolution imagery currently available.
> Public domain maps from the Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
> could also be useful, for example for tracing roads in combination
> with medium resolution imagery, in areas where only Landsat imagery is
> available, from Yahoo or Bing (I've found Yahoo version more readable
> in some places). Or for locating place names - Wikipedia can also be
> very useful for finding the current names from the old Italian names.
> http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/libya.html
> The hashtag #OSMapLibya had been proposed for mapping coordination via
> the Twitter social network, with the intent of eliciting local
> knowledge, and pointers to OpenStreetBugs for easy input, but this
> hasn't taken so far.
> The #hot IRC channel on irc.oftc.net is of course available for chatting.
> Thanks. Best wishes,
> Jean-Guilhem
> Le 24/02/2011 16:10, Ch. Rogel a écrit :
>> Being not involved in Lybian events, except by political interest, I
>> find it strange that no move for an emergency mapping has risen yet
>> as it has for Ivory Coast.
>> Same problem : no international call for helping populations, but a
>> predictable disaster.
>> Mapping Tripoli, Benghazi and Khoms from Bing is possible and enough
>> former inhabitants have fled to our countries.
>> Is there any other imagery?
>> A few information here :
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Libya
>> Ch Rogel
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
>> talk@openstreetmap.org
>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
> -- 
> Jean-Guilhem
> pgp 0x5939EAE2
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

pgp 0x5939EAE2

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Does Libya deserves emergency mapping?

2011-02-24 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Of course yes, Libya does deserve emergency mapping.
This had been discussed in the H.O.T. mailing list, but making the
broader audience here aware of it could indeed be helpful. See the
thread starting at:

Calls for help have been made from Libya to humanitarian NGOs. The Red
Cross, for example, has planned missions to Libya. They can usually use
OpenStreetMap maps, when they are of sufficient quality.

This might be a problem currently with OSM data for Libya. The positive
side is that it should be relatively easy to improve it very significantly.

There is indeed now high resolution Bing imagery of Tripoli, Benghazi
and Khoms areas. (Sometimes, very high resolution). Roads and streets
can be traced in these areas.

I am not aware of other high resolution imagery currently available.

Public domain maps from the Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection could
also be useful, for example for tracing roads in combination with medium
resolution imagery, in areas where only Landsat imagery is available,
from Yahoo or Bing (I've found Yahoo version more readable in some
places). Or for locating place names - Wikipedia can also be very useful
for finding the current names from the old Italian names.

The hashtag #OSMapLibya had been proposed for mapping coordination via
the Twitter social network, with the intent of eliciting local
knowledge, and pointers to OpenStreetBugs for easy input, but this
hasn't taken so far.

The #hot IRC channel on irc.oftc.net is of course available for chatting.

Thanks. Best wishes,


Le 24/02/2011 16:10, Ch. Rogel a écrit :
> Being not involved in Lybian events, except by political interest, I
> find it strange that no move for an emergency mapping has risen yet as
> it has for Ivory Coast.
> Same problem : no international call for helping populations, but a
> predictable disaster.
> Mapping Tripoli, Benghazi and Khoms from Bing is possible and enough
> former inhabitants have fled to our countries.
> Is there any other imagery?
> A few information here :
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Libya
> Ch Rogel
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

pgp 0x5939EAE2

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Why no link from osm.org to osmbugs.org?

2011-02-19 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 19/02/2011 19:27, Dave F. a écrit :
> On 19/02/2011 17:30, Richard Mann wrote:
>> There's probably some good reason, but why isn't there a link from
>> osm.org to report a bug?
> Could it be because not many people use it?
> I still don't understand why, in a collaborative project, that osmbugs
> is used as a record to get other people to amend missing items
> "Feel free to put the modifications you would like to see on
> OpenStreetMap  on the map."
> That is from the front page. To me, it goes against the way OSM is
> meant to work; if you want to see modifications to OSM then do it
> yourselves.
> Much more useful is the likes of Keepright which can flag up fixme tags.
> Dave F.

Please think about the beginners for a second...
About all the people who are more used to reading maps than making them.
About the people who use GPS units to find their way around, and are
willing to go out of their way to report an error in the data.

My first "input" to OSM was through OpenStreetBugs.

After I had seen that the POI in question was "recorded", it encouraged
me to delve more into OSM, and the second POI that I input was through

Think also that there are countries where the number of active mappers
is closer to 10 than to 1000, and where local knowledge would be very

Best regards,


PS : It is not because you do not to see the point of something that it
does not have a point for someone else.

pgp 0x5939EAE2
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] walking-paper is down?

2010-11-25 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


The site is on, but I can't get a print either. With two trials, waiting 
for more than 40 and 20 minutes. Not trying more, to avoid causing a DDOS.

Best regards,


Le 25/11/2010 11:08, Chris Browet a écrit :

Looks fine to me:

- Chris -

2010/11/25 ouɐɯnH mailto:fredyriv...@gmail.com>>

we are using walking-paper to map the flood crisis in Colombia, we
have generated some wp but never displayed so that they can print.

Anyone know anything?

is urgent for us




talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] River system analysis tool for Haiti

2010-10-23 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


Jocelyn has setup a page showing the tributaries network for Haiti, 
updated from hourly updates if all works well:


For waterways to appear in it, they have to be represented by relations, 
and tagged according to the scheme described in:


i.e. with tributaries appearing as members of the destination relation, 
with role=tributary, and being themselves relations if they have their 
own tributaries.

(I have just learned how to add a relation as member of another relation 
in JOSM:
- double click the tributary relation in the relations panel, it should 
appear in pink in the main editing area;

- single click the destination relation;
- click on the "Modify relation" button).

It is also considered to maybe adapt the page
(originally authored by Sly, and currently using ways only, not relations)
to build the network from topology information and display it in a table.

Many thanks to Jocelyn (and Frodrigo for discussion).


News from biosurveillance do not sound good, with
"Confirmation of Cholera at Multiple Sites in Port au Prince"

An extract from yesterday IFRC Information bulletin:
"A team of epidemiologists from the Department of Public Health and 
Population (MSPP) was mobilized to
Artibonite to analyze samples taken from several patients to identify 
the causative agent of the acute
diarrhoea outbreak. As a result of these analyses, the Ministry 
confirmed that Vibrio cholerae is causing the

outbreak and that the source of the contamination is the river."

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] River system analysis tool for Haiti

2010-10-22 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


With the cholera epidemic in Haiti, in the midst of the major rainy 
season, it might be useful to have an analysis tool for the river 
system, such as the one that is available for France at:

http://jocelyn.alwaysdata.net/osm/suivi-affluents.html ,
which gives a synthetic view of the tributary connections and relationships.

His author, Jocelyn, agrees, and says that it just requires an osmosis 
postgresql database of Haiti, and that his scripts should run as they are.

Would such a database be already setup somewhere ?

His scripts are available at


init.sql adds the necessary view, and maj.sh should be run (with 
adaptation) at each postgresql database update. suivi-affluents.php 
generates the web page.

For mappers, it could be an opportunity to review the waterway system in 

Best wishes,


For those interested, information about the epidemic is available at

 Message original 
Sujet:  Re: Suivi des cours d'eau pour Haïti ?
Date :  Sat, 23 Oct 2010 00:48:29 +0200
De :Jocelyn Jaubert 
Pour :  Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Copie à :   sly (sylvain letuffe) 


Le 23 octobre 2010, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :

 Vous serait-il possible d'adapter vos outils pour Haïti ? (ou au
 moins l'un deux, peut-être celui de Jocelyn qui semble moins lié au
 Sandre (mais je n'ai qu'une vue superficielle), et donne une bonne
 vision synthétique des affluents).

Aucun souci pour adapter les scripts: il faut juste une base de donnée
postgresql osmosis de Haiti, et les scripts que j'ai fait devrait
marcher tels quels.

Je verrais demain dans quel mesure je peux mettre une bdd de Haiti sur
une machine disponible, mais l'idéal serait que cette bdd soit déjà en
place quelque part.

Pour info, mes scripts sont dispo sur

Il faut lancer init.sql pour rajouter la vue nécessaire, et maj.sh (en
adaptant) à chaque mise à jour de la base de donnée postgresql. Le
script suivi-affluents.php est celui qui génére la page web.

Bonne idée en tout cas,

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Fwd: Re: [talk-ph] Typhoon forecast over Northern Luzon

2010-10-18 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

 Message original 
Sujet:  Re: [talk-ph] Typhoon forecast over Northern Luzon
Date :  Mon, 18 Oct 2010 14:13:58 +0800
De :maning sambale 
Pour :  Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Copie à :   HOT , talk...@openstreetmap.org

At the moment this the best that we can.  Please trace large rivers
(from Landsat):

Chico River Basin
Vintar Laoag River

I will update the list soon.

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 7:30 AM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton  wrote:


 - "Potentially catastrophic Super Typhoon Megi approaching the Philippines"

 - From http://www.pagasa.dost.gov.ph/:
 Hourly Update on Typhoon "JUAN"
 As of 6:00 a.m., today (Monday, 18 October 2010), Typhoon "JUAN" was located
 at 190 km East of Tuguegarao,Cagayan. (17.5°N, 123.5°E) with maximum
 sustained winds of 225 kph near the center and gustiness of up to 260 kph.
 Moving West Southwest at 19 kph. Estimated central pressure: 922 hpa.

 - NOAA numerical weather model, as shown by zyGrib, forecast that typhoon
 trajectory should sweep over Northern Luzon.

 Certainly, Mappers from the Philippines could say better what could be of

 It seems that OSM map of the potentially affected area contains many towns
 without connecting roads (http://osm.org/go/42hNR6-- ). It is difficult to
 trace them without more imagery than is available now (I've let our contact
 at Spot Image know about this), but we could already use Landsat to map
 rivers (as heavy rains are forecast, and flash floods possible).

 Best wishes,


 talk-ph mailing list

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Crowd Sourcing Location of Flood Affect Villages in KP Pakistan

2010-08-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


I've found one approximate match in GNS so far (Mota- Kha-n Darra for 
requested Mota Khan
Danda), if that source may help (http://geonames.nga.mil - it is 
compatible with OSM, unlike geonames.org).

Best wishes,


(present on #hot and #osm IRC channels, on oftc.net)

 Message original 
Sujet: 	[CrisisMappers] Crowd Sourcing Location of Flood Affect Villages 
in KP Pakistan

Date :  Fri, 27 Aug 2010 02:32:01 +1000
De :Shoaib Burq 
Répondre à :crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Pour : 	crisismapp...@googlegroups.com, crisiscomm...@googlegroups.com, 
Kashif Rasul 

Hi everyone,

I have setup a public google spreadsheet of flood affected villages in 
Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa at http://bit.ly/pkflood_kp

We desperately need these villages geocoded. This information will be 
used to conduct things like helli-drops, providing medical aid and 
sending doctors or other personnel to villages worst affected.

Can I ask anyone with some time on their hands to start by

1. checking http://www.geonames.org/advanced-search.html? for the 
village. If a location is found add it to the latitude and longitude. If 
you feel the need to verify the location from a second independent 
source check another geocoder as well.

2. verifying  it from second source
I have set up openlayers here with the geonames embedded in it: 
I will try to turn this into a proper mashup so that searches appear on 
the map tomorrow - that way we can see our search on the map

3. Feel free to suggest improvement and also share with anyone you know 
who can assist

Shoaib Burq
skype: spatialgoat

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] Pre-disaster imagery of Pakistan Floods now available from SPOT

2010-08-19 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Great news ! Thank you very much Spot Image and CNES !

Here is a WMS GetMap request url that can be pasted in JOSM with 
wmsplugin (in WMS / rectified image... / Custom background):


(and it works better for me if I select WGS84 / EPSG:4326 projection in 
JOSM. Look around Nowshera and Attock to see images).

Thanks again.


Le 19/08/2010 22:36, Mikel Maron a écrit :

HOT, all,

Positive news from SPOT that their pre-disaster imagery of the flood 
affected area of Pakistan is now available for use in OSM.

The WMS url is 
Before using the imagery, please review the legal agreement at 
Note that SPOT has authorized use in JOSM, Merkaartor, and Viking, but 
not Potlatch (I wasn't given a reason).

Hopefully this imagery proves useful in the base map. Please 
distribute this information to any interested mappers.

We're still working on other imagery sources, especially post-flooding.


== Mikel Maron ==
+254(0)724899738 @mikel s:mikelmaron

- Forwarded Message 
*From:* Jean-Francois (Jeff) Faudi 
*To:* nicolas chavent ; Mikel Maron 

*Sent:* Thu, August 19, 2010 7:28:29 PM
*Subject:* Pre-disaster imagery for Pakistan floods

Hi Nicolas and Mikel,

Here is a WMS to a pre-disaster mosaic of the area : 
It is rather old imagery (2008) but it is SPOTMaps specification, 
meaning that the horizontal accuracy is usually better than 7 m. 
(fully compatible with GPS)

Here is the license aggreement that users must accept and that 
specifically states that the extracted vectors can be integrated in 
OSM database. Any other uses are not permitted.


If you want to use the imagery with a larger group of people, the 
server might not be fast enough. Tell me and I will migrate the 
imagery to another.

Hope this helps. Tell me is this is usable for HOT.


Jean-Francois FAUDI, Spot Image, Web and E-business
Email : jean-francois.fa...@spotimage.fr 
 – Web Site : 
Phone : +33 5 62 19 43 34 – Fax : +33 5 62 19 43 43 – GSM : +33 6 13 
64 03 06

>> Before printing, think about the environment

HOT mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] Humanitarian Presets in French (assistance needed)

2010-06-16 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Hi Kate,

A translation proposal is now in github, under a fork at :

I have assumed that, like the "key=..." content, the "values=..." was 
not to be translated, for interoperability (it was sometimes already in 
French). Please let me know if this assumption was wrong.

Nice to be able to contribute to help Haiti remotely again.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Karachi

2010-06-02 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

 Message original 
Sujet:  [CrisisMappers] Karachi
Date :  Wed, 2 Jun 2010 06:41:05 -0700 (PDT)
De :Chris 
Répondre à :crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  CrisisMappers 

by most forecasts is about to get slammed with a major cyclone...

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"CrisisMappers" group.
To post to this group, send email to crisismapp...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

Time to complete a recent project of the week ?


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Guatemala

2010-05-31 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


There is high resolution Yahoo imagery available for the area north-east 
of the Pacaya volcano, and Guatemala city, and GPS tracks...

(By the way, it seems that natural=volcano does not render in Mapnik).

Best wishes,


 Message original 
Sujet:  [CrisisMappers] Guatemala
Date :  Sun, 30 May 2010 16:42:37 -0700 (PDT)
De :Chris 
Répondre à :crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  CrisisMappers 

Lots of activity going on now regarding the recent volcano eruption,
and flooding from tropical storm Agatha.

Look for more updates on Reliefweb  ( 
), UN-SPIDER, and other usual places.

Chris Nicholas

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"CrisisMappers" group.
To post to this group, send email to crisismapp...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Heads up to all crisis mappers

2010-05-23 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Hi Paul,

Old US maps of the area are available there :

Professor David Petley's blog is very interesting :

This subject was mentioned on HOT list :

Mapping of the area could certainly be improved, including upstream of 
the landslide dam. And David Petley has estimated that a catastrophic 
breach could have consequences down to the Tarbela dam.

Unfortunately, there does not seem to be many OSM-compatible sources 
available, beside Landsat and the above maps.

With best wishes,


Le 23/05/2010 19:55, paul youlten a écrit :
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/may/23/wave-threat-himalayan-lake-pakistan
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=36.3166809082031&lon=74.7999000549316&zoom=12
> Is there anything we could do now - just in case?
> PY
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] volcano craters in auckland - possibly out of copyright map

2010-05-20 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

With PicLayer JOSM plugin, you can view the image as an underlay, move 
it and rescale it to fit (at least locally and approximately) existing 
OSM map data. (Use F1 to get help window).



Le 20/05/2010 06:57, Robin Paulson a écrit :
> i found a map on wikipedia from 1859, which i would assume makes it
> out of copyright and thus far game for copying data into osm
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:AucklandMapHochstetter1859.JPG
> if so, what would be the best way to view it as an underlay, for
> adding volcanoes to the map database?
> cheers
> ___

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] "Haiti: CrisisMapping the Earthquake" by Jeffrey Johnson, John Crowley and Schuyler Erle

2010-04-02 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Sorry for cross-posting, but I think this remarkable presentation does 
deserve to be widely seen (and also beyond OSM):

"Haiti: CrisisMapping the Earthquake" by Jeffrey Johnson, John Crowley 
and Schuyler Erle, at Where 2.0 2010:

Video: http://where.blip.tv/file/3432824/

(And also http://en.oreilly.com/where2010/public/schedule/detail/13201 , 
e.g. for the slides in pdf).

Many thanks to Jeffrey, John and Schuyler.




talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [Fwd: [OSM-talk-fr] OSM for the blind et wheelchairdriver'osm]

2010-03-17 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


Forwarding from talk-fr, and attempting to translate, with adaptation:

Best regards,




Do you know who manages the updating of these maps, for the last update 
was in January 2010?
I have added a lot of data that could be shown over the Mont de Marsan 
area (in south western France).

Thanks in advance

 Message original 
Sujet : [OSM-talk-fr] OSM for the blind et wheelchairdriver'osm
Date :  Wed, 17 Mar 2010 11:33:23 +0100
De :Jean-luc Vigneron 
Répondre à :Discussions sur OSM en français 
Pour :  

Savez vous qui gère la mise à jour de ces cartes, car la dernière date 
de janvier 2010.
J'ai rajouté de nombreuses données pouvant y prendre place sur Mont de 

PS: Je ne parle Anglais que sous la torture et encore... tapez fort.
Merci d'avance
Talk-fr mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tile caching (osm startpage)

2010-03-05 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Hi Bernhard, all,

Very interesting proposal.

I think people in a position to do so should give attentive 
consideration to your situation, facing Internet infrastructure 
limitations in a developing country. (Beside your personal situation and 
dedication which would certainly deserve a "veteran's medal for OSM 
cause" if such a thing existed - or does it exist yet ?).

I imagine that the largest number of potential users of OSM in the world 
must be facing similar technical conditions (based on population numbers).

So your forced rest time in Phnom Penh could be an opportunity for OSM 
to tune its offer for this majority of mankind.

Crisis situations could also benefit from progress in this area. For 
example, I was in contact via irc last night with someone in Concepción, 
Chile, who only had a very weak intermittent wifi connection to a remote 
hot spot (and could not move because of curfew).

This could be an opportunity for osm start page and basic services 
(MapOSMatic, Walking Papers, OpenStreetBugs, etc...) to improve 
themselves if possible, for people who, on average, might not have an 
understanding of technical problems as insightful as yours.

Kind regards,


Bernhard zwischenbrugger a écrit :
> Hi all
> I'm sitting in Phom Penh and have very slow internet.
> The tiles come in very very slow.
> I'm working on a new javascript map...
> full story: http://www.mail-archive.com/d...@openstreetmap.org/msg10669.html
> The internet is too slow here for developing, so I had to install a 
> local image proxy.
> Now it's fast as hell. It's faster than at home.
> If a tile is changed I will see the old version for a long time.
> But it's fast and usable.
> Google Cache Time:
> Cache-Control: public, max-age=  //feels like one month (I 
> didn't calculate)
> OSM Cache Time:
> eTag (no cache)
> - Story
> In many countrys (like cambodia) the ping is very long. It can be easily 
> some seconds.
> osm.org is slow slow slow.
> It takes long time until all the tile for the osm startpage are loaded.
> But then the problem starts.
> Every move I make on the map is s slow.
> Even if I was looking at the same spot on the map a couple of days ago.
> For visitors of osm.org a good caching is important.
> For editors of osm.org it's important to have the newest version of the 
> tiles.
> For visitors (not logged in) there could be a diffent caching than for 
> editors (logged in).
> Caching is important if you sit somewhere in a developig country with 
> slow internet connection.
> Implementation
> Tileserver visiter
> cache.openstreetmap.org
> Tileserver editor
> tiles.openstreetmap.org
> The Servers should deliver headers for long and short caching time.
> The map for logged in users should load images from
> tiles.openstreetmap.org.
> (extensible rules...)
> Never mind, I was just thinking about that and want to distribute it.
> Wish you a nice day
> Bernhard
> --OSM:
> HEAD http://a.andy.sandbox.cloudmade.com/tiles/cycle/17/37480/50153.png
> 200 OK
> Cache-Control: max-age=440434
> Connection: close
> Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2010 14:37:11 GMT
> ETag: "d096ddafba32c0da609007e224530ccd"
> Server: Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu)
> Content-Length: 45409
> Content-Type: image/png
> Expires: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 16:57:46 GMT
> Client-Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2010 14:37:11 GMT
> Client-Peer:
> Client-Response-Num: 1
> HEAD "http://mt1.google.com/vt/lyr...@118&hl=de&x=3&y=6&z=4&s=Galileo";
> 200 OK
> Cache-Control: public, max-age=
> Connection: close
> Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2010 14:45:02 GMT
> Server: maptiles-versatile
> Content-Length: 19810
> Content-Type: image/png
> Client-Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2010 14:45:02 GMT
> Client-Peer:
> Client-Response-Num: 1
> X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
> X-XSS-Protection: 0
> Sorry, I posted something similar bevor:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/talk@openstreetmap.org/msg23461.html
> Bernhard
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-cl] Nuevo capa / new layer

2010-03-04 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


Están acá :

(mas detalles en el wiki


que necesitaría mostrar nuevos conjuntos de datos).



Danilo Lacoste a écrit :

¿como puedo acceder / descargar esta información?

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Bruce Willett  wrote:


I just uploaded 2 more datasets Region 9 and the comuna of Nueva Imperial in
zipped geodatabase.


Bruce D. Willett
GIS Specialist  Punta Arenas, Chile
bdwil...@n2.net www.n2.net/bdwillet

Photo log: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bdwillet/

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress
can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

"La Civilización de un pueblo se mide por la
forma que tratan a los animales". Gandhi

Disclaimer: Opinions stated herein are mine, mine,
mine, all mine and not those of anybody else

Talk-cl mailing list


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [Fwd: [HOT] [Fwd: Re: Geospatial Support for Chile]]

2010-03-04 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
(Forwarding to talk, since nobody seems to be answering on either HOT or 


 Message original 
Sujet : [HOT] [Fwd: Re: Geospatial Support for Chile]
Date :  Thu, 04 Mar 2010 07:58:07 +0100
De :Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Pour :  h...@openstreetmap.org

 Message original 
Sujet : Re: Geospatial Support for Chile
Date :  Wed, 3 Mar 2010 18:26:49 -0300
De :Julio Costa Zambelli 
Pour :  Bruce Willett 
Copie à :   
Références : 


About ChileAyuda, I went there yesterday and convinced them to put 
OpenStreetMap back as the default layer of their Ushahidi implementation 
(they had changed it for Google Maps). They agree to change it on the 
condition that I give them some support with that and get a custom 
render (with more "attractive" colours that the one from the OSMF). I am 
looking now for help on getting that custom render (like a CloudMade 
Custom Style render) done but with a quick update cycle like the OSMF 
Mapnik one. Otherwise we will not see the results of the fast mapping 
efforts that we are going to do in the following days an weeks. If 
someone has any idea to solve this I will really appreciate it.

They have space, resources, good contacts, etc. I am not going to lie to 
you, they do not look like "Geo-geniuses" but they are doing their best 
effort to help. Customizing Ushahidi, creating new layers for different 
topics, etc. and have lots of volunteers doing other stuff for the 
www.chileayuda.com <http://www.chileayuda.com> website. Also there is 
people involved with their project that can give good exposure to any 
related event, for example: the idea of training the earthquake affected 
area natives living in Santiago on how to use Potlatch to include things 
that they know in OpenStreetMap.


Julio Costa
OpenStreetMap Chile

HOT mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Rapideye gives Chile sat images to OSM

2010-03-03 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Jochen Topf a écrit :
> Rapideye gives Chile sat images to OSM
> The german satellite company Rapideye has released satellite images for the
> areas in Chile affected by the earth quake to OpenStreetMap. The images are
> copyrighted but can be used to add data to OSM.
> For information on how to include these images into JOSM and Potlatch see
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/2010_Chile_earthquake/Imagery_and_data_sources#RapidEye
> Jochen
This is very good news, Jochen !

Thank you Rapideye !


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] Maps for the floods following Xynthia storm in France

2010-03-03 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Pieren a écrit :
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 1:51 PM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton <mailto:j...@arkemie.com>> wrote:

Also, I have doubts about the compatibility of the source with OSM
tracing ("copyright SERTIT 2010").

I also have strong doubts about this source license. Please check the 
compatibility with OSM before announcements, not after.



There had been requests for info on this subject.

This was a follow up to these.

Can't one can mention a general interest information without implying 
that it has to be entered into OSM ?

(People might have other uses for these maps. And I assume everybody can 
read the copyright of a document if the intended use requires it).

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [HOT] Maps for the floods following Xynthia storm in France

2010-03-03 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


I am not used to doing this, and, unfortunately, I have other obligations.

Maybe someone could jump in ? (There are lat/lon marks on the sides of 
the map).

Also, I have doubts about the compatibility of the source with OSM 
tracing ("copyright SERTIT 2010").

And I do not know whether this is a critical need. (My understanding 
from the news is that the situation is under control).



jamesmikedup...@googlemail.com a écrit :

if you can rectify those, I will host them on my server.
we need to have some coordinates of the pixels and the latlong

Can you produce a geotiff, I will setup a mapserver.

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 10:21 AM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton <mailto:j...@arkemie.com>> wrote:


SERTIT has put online maps for the floods that followed Xynthia
storm in


Best regards,


HOT mailing list
h...@openstreetmap.org <mailto:h...@openstreetmap.org>

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [Fwd: Re: Collective assessment of need for public high-res imagery of Chile]

2010-03-03 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


 Message original 
Sujet : 	Re: Collective assessment of need for public high-res imagery 
of Chile

Date :  Wed, 03 Mar 2010 10:04:44 +0100
De :Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Pour :  crisismappers-ch...@googlegroups.com
Copie à :   crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Références : 	<4b8debbe.4030...@arkemie.com> 


Thank you for your answer.

David Stevens a écrit :


Let me put forward a few more ideas on top of what Chris put forward.

First of all I do want to confirm that we know how relevant the work 
carried out within CrisisMappers is. Here at UN-SPIDER there are 
several of us following closely the postings. Having said that I do 
question how much of the relevant analysis and map products actually 
were used/are being used by the UN and other responding agencies on 
the ground in Haiti (here I am thinking specifically of the map 
We have an on-going effort to help disseminate the use of OSM to 
Haitians and relief workers on the ground, through diaspora and involved 

We are also involved in the Haiti Health Facilities Working Group, led 
by PAHO (Pan-American Health Organisation) and HHS (US Department of 
Health and Human Services).
We will be evaluating this next week when we meet with the Civil 
Protection Agency in PaP. My view is that the UN should have used it 
more and there is a need to integrate more closely. We have a 
UN-SPIDER International Workshop in Bonn in October and we will take 
the opportunity of this international gathering of experts to evaluate 
exactly that (among other topics): how can we as UN build upon wider 
opportunities including CrisisMappers.

Then regarding access to imagery Chris correctly pointed out that all 
imagery is being made available for free use by Chilean institutions 
as well as all NGOs and international organisations directly 
supporting these institutions We list the imagery on our webpage


We also list the updated target areas for imagery and also the list of 
Chilean institutions that are coordinating the efforts. Notice that 
Chile has designated specific people to coordinate this international 

If anyone on this list is directly supporting the efforts at the 
request of the Chilean government and does not have access to the 
resources listed on the webpage then please send me an email 
(david.stev...@unoosa.org <mailto:david.stev...@unoosa.org>) so we can 
help get access.
The problem from OpenStreetMap point of view is that this policy hinders 
OSM involvement in the relief effort. (As explained by Mikel elsewhere 
in this group).

After seeing the usefulness of OSM effort in Haiti, it is difficult to 
witness this passively.

In turn I will prepare a list of the known ongoing efforts which we 
know have started and post this list. Two such efforts is G-MOSAIC and 

Chile is a different working environment but also an opportunity for 
this wider international community to have a stronger impact in the 
decision process as long as we can ensure that the work carried out is 
done closely with a Chilean institution involved in the response.
OSM is fortunate to have an active community in Chile, that had already 
achieved a remarkable quality of mapping. We are actively working with 
them, and trying to support them as best we can.

Finally I do want to point out that the norm is not to have access to 
free imagery for wider public use. Right now we at UN-SPIDER are 
looking at getting imagery for two other disasters which are not 
receiving wide attention: the landslide in Uganda and the emerging 
situation in Kiev with possible record floods over the next couple of 
There are, for instance, very significant OSM mapping efforts going on 
in Albania and Kosovo. Flooding in Albania resumed, after the initial 
January event. More imagery would have been nice there too.

If the information you have access to makes you think that OSM 
volunteers efforts would be useful in specific parts of the World, 
please let us know. I am sure there is enough variety within the OSM 
community to find interests for collaborating on various events and 

And one last final input: once you have an assessment which will 
definitely show how useful public access to free imagery is in 
supporting response efforts we will be the first to work with you to 
raise awareness of the need to wide access to imagery for any disaster 
(and not just the ones that hit the media attention)

This is exactly what we are trying to achieve.



David Stevens
Programme Coordinator
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Vienna - Austria
Tel. ++43-(1)-26060-5631 - Skype: tazarkount
Mobile +43 - 699 1459-5631 -  E-Mail david.stev...@unoosa.org 

[OSM-talk] Maps for the floods following Xynthia storm in France

2010-03-03 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

SERTIT has put online maps for the floods that followed Xynthia storm in 


Best regards,


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Evaluación colectiva de la necesidad de acceso público a imágenes de alta resolución de Chile

2010-03-02 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Queridos todos,

Proveedores de imágenes de satélite están aparentemente conservando 
imágenes de alta resolución de Chile fuera de acceso público.

Éste es un intento de evaluación colectiva de necesidad.

Basándose en su conocimiento de la situación en Chile, y, posiblemente, 
en su experiencia de cartografía de Haití gracias a la disponibilidad 
pública de imágenes de alta resolución allá,

¿podría escribir su testimonio o evaluación de la necesidad de la 
disponibilidad pública de imágenes de alta resolución de Chile?

Piense que usted está escribiendo para un periodista así que:

- Intenta que sea breve, porque él (o ella) es a menudo de prisa,

- Sea simple, porque él puede no ser un especialista de cartografía o de 
imágenes de satélite,

- Da ejemplos o hechos específicos.

- Indica de donde escribe, y si tiene calificaciones profesionales 

Envía por favor su evaluación de necesidad también a 
h...@openstreetmap.org y a crisismappers-ch...@googlegroups.com.



Imágenes relacionadas al terremoto de Chile que actualmente pueden ser 
utilizadas por OpenStreetMap:


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Collective assessment of need for public high-res imagery of Chile

2010-03-02 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Dear all,

Satellite image providers are apparently holding off high-res images of 
Chile from public access.

This is an attempt at a collective assessment of need.

Based on your knowledge of the situation in Chile, and possibly of your 
experience mapping Haiti thanks to publicly available high-res imagery,

could you please write up your testimony or assessment of need for 
public high-res images of Chile ?

Think that you are writing for a journalist so:

- try to keep it short, because he (or she) is often in a hurry,

- be simple, because he may not be a specialist of mapping or of 
satellite images,

- give specific examples or facts.

Send your assessment of need to h...@openstreetmap.org and 
crisismappers-ch...@googlegroups.com .



Chile earthquake imagery that can currently be used by OpenStreetMap for 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Fwd: Re: Open Imagery for Chile]

2010-03-01 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Dear Julio, (it's easier for me to write in English, since you understand)

David writes:

"Having said that we do see that imagery will be available for wider use 
in Chile as well. "

My understanding, in this context, is that "wider use" would likely 
include tracing by OSM.

(But no specific imagery is mentioned)

It would probably be best to ask him (and/or specific imagery sources) 
for clarification, and also how the source image would be available.

Getting in touch with Chile institutions ONEMI and SNIT would certainly 
be a good thing ("any effort should be centred on their needs and 
guidance"). I see there is a contact at ONEMI for the Charter at:


I have heard that Chile has now decided to accept the help of the 
international community. This would be a way people from abroad could 
contribute, along with fellow Chile citizens, like those whose effort 
you are organising.



Julio Costa Zambelli a écrit :

(In English after the break...)

Estimado Jean-Guilhem,

En la misma linea de las preguntas de Mikel (No me quedo del todo 
claro con la respuesta de David), ¿Tienes alguna claridad sobre la 
liberación de la licencia de GeoEye una vez que sus imágenes estén 
disponibles? (Obviamente la frase: "5 disasters since Haiti and none 
of them received the same attention and dedication as Haiti" me preocupa)

El resto de las imágenes ya disponibles están bien, pero la alta 
resolución es muy necesaria para avanzar en el trazado y etiquetado de 
todos los pueblos de la zona afectada.

Gracias todos por su ayuda y cooperación.


Julio Costa
OpenStreetMap Chile


Dear Jean-Guilhem,

In the same line of Mikels questions (I did not see it clear on Davids 
response), Are you clear on the liberation of GeoEyes data license 
once their imagery is available? (Obviously the phrase "5 disasters 
since Haiti and none of them received the same attention and 
dedication as Haiti" concerns me)

The already available images are alright, but high resolution imagery 
is quite necessary to trace and tag all the towns on the affected area.

Thank you all for your help and cooperation.


Julio Costa
OpenStreetMap Chile

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 2:47 PM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton <mailto:j...@arkemie.com>> wrote:


Imágenes satélite de Chile post-evento están disponibles. Ver

para detalles.



 Message original 
Sujet : Re: Open Imagery for Chile
Date :  Mon, 1 Mar 2010 17:58:36 +0100
De :David Stevens 
Répondre à :crisismappers-ch...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  Mikel Maron 
Copie à :   
Références :<68743.49937...@web56506.mail.re3.yahoo.com>


I wanted to put forward some info and help build upon your proposal.

First of all I do want to say that UN-SPIDER is a UN Programme
that has been specifically mandated by all UN Member States to
help all countries as well as regional and international
organisations to access and use space-based information. It is an
interesting mandate because it means ensuring access and use as
well as building capacity. We don't produce maps. We ensure end
users and their partners are able to do it and use it for decision
making. The fact we have the mandate means we work closely with
the government institutions responsible for emergency response and
disaster risk management and also with partners supporting these
end users. More importantly after the response phase is gone and
the media chasers have packed their bags and gone after another
spotlight we continue working with the Government as in the case
in Haiti: our work begins now as we help the Civil Protection
Agency rebuild and get ready including for the next hurricane season.

We are a Cooperating Body for the United Nations to the
International Charter which means whenever the UN is involved in
an emergency response we activate the International Charter as has
been the case for both Haiti and Chile.

The Charter does not make the imagery data available but only the
end products. In some mega disasters imagery does become available
for free as was the case during the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and
the Haiti earthquake. We are working to ensure that imagery

[OSM-talk] [Fwd: Re: Open Imagery for Chile]

2010-03-01 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


Imágenes satélite de Chile post-evento están disponibles. Ver
para detalles.



 Message original 
Sujet : Re: Open Imagery for Chile
Date :  Mon, 1 Mar 2010 17:58:36 +0100
De :David Stevens 
Répondre à :crisismappers-ch...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  Mikel Maron 
Copie à :   
Références :<68743.49937...@web56506.mail.re3.yahoo.com>


I wanted to put forward some info and help build upon your proposal.

First of all I do want to say that UN-SPIDER is a UN Programme that has 
been specifically mandated by all UN Member States to help all countries 
as well as regional and international organisations to access and use 
space-based information. It is an interesting mandate because it means 
ensuring access and use as well as building capacity. We don't produce 
maps. We ensure end users and their partners are able to do it and use 
it for decision making. The fact we have the mandate means we work 
closely with the government institutions responsible for emergency 
response and disaster risk management and also with partners supporting 
these end users. More importantly after the response phase is gone and 
the media chasers have packed their bags and gone after another 
spotlight we continue working with the Government as in the case in 
Haiti: our work begins now as we help the Civil Protection Agency 
rebuild and get ready including for the next hurricane season.

We are a Cooperating Body for the United Nations to the International 
Charter which means whenever the UN is involved in an emergency response 
we activate the International Charter as has been the case for both 
Haiti and Chile.

The Charter does not make the imagery data available but only the end 
products. In some mega disasters imagery does become available for free 
as was the case during the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and the Haiti 
earthquake. We are working to ensure that imagery becomes a bit more 
widely available and not only for mega disasters. We have been involved 
and supported 5 disasters since Haiti and none of them received the same 
attention and dedication as Haiti.

Having said that we do see that imagery will be available for wider use 
in Chile as well. We have updated the info on what is being made 
available on our webpage


Two requests

First if the crisismapper community could help us include info on 
available imagery and geospatial data that would help. I know there are 
several other portals as well with similar info but for sure our end 
users do access the UN-SPIDER Knowledge Portal first. Please feel free 
to replicate the info we have on other portals as well. We would 
appreciate a link to our portal. And we will ensure we include a link to 
the other portals. Please send us any info to include to the following 
e-mail: space...@unoosa.org 

Then regarding the mapping support for Chile we are open for 
suggestions. In Chile there are strong and efficient government 
institutions in place, both ONEMI and SNIT, and any effort should be 
centred on their needs and guidance.

One last useful info: UN-SPIDER is implemented by the United Nations 
Office for Outer Space Affairs. We are part of the UN Secretariat and we 
are the UN Office responsible for promoting the access and use of 
space-based technologies and solutions. Space is our business and our 



David Stevens
Programme Coordinator
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Vienna - Austria
Tel. ++43-(1)-26060-5631 - Skype: tazarkount
Mobile +43 - 699 1459-5631 -  E-Mail david.stev...@unoosa.org 

On 28 February 2010 06:25, Mikel Maron > wrote:


   Can we replicate the true environment of sharing that began in the
   response to Haiti?

   We are all at ready to respond once we hear the needs for Chile. OSM
   is ready to map, CrisisCamps are planned, there is an OSM Chile
   community who we are trying to get through to.

   Simply, we need imagery we can use. I was hoping this would be an

   issue we all could discuss in the next few months, but now the need
   is urgent.
   The basic question ... will licensing allow use of the raw imagery
   data for response?

   * DigitalGlobe, GeoEye: Are acquisitions planned yet? Will license
   terms be dropped again?

   * Google: If you post imagery, can you make sure OSM has an
   exception to the non-commercial clause?

   * UN Charter: Any possibility of sharing imagery with volunteer groups?

   * Chris Schmidt/Schuyler Erle: Would you be ready to process imagery

   All ... any other sources or thoughts?


   == Mikel Maron

Re: [OSM-talk] Xynthia storm/ flooding in france kills over 50

2010-03-01 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


In this case, from what I know, it is the "SAFER" European project which 
has been activated.


Map products, when ready, should be available there :


Best regard,


jamesmikedup...@googlemail.com a écrit :

The International Charter aims at providing a unified system of space 
data acquisition and delivery to those affected by natural or man-made 
disasters through Authorized Users. Each member agency has committed 
resources to support the provisions of the Charter and thus is helping 
to mitigate the effects of disasters on human life and property.

When it is activated, they will post highres images of the affected areas.

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 11:25 AM, Frederik Ramm > wrote:


Emilie Laffray wrote:
> In the current case, it is very unlikely that there would be a
> activation.

What charter are both of you talking about, who decides when it gets
"activated", and what prerequisites and consequences are there
such activation?


talk mailing list

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-cl] Chile Datasets Imports, Mapping

2010-03-01 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

I guess, you could keep on as you have done, starting with the hardest 
hit areas, weighted by population, with less communications, and with 
lighter data files...

(Santiago for instance is very populated, but, if you have a lot of 
detailed data, could also be very long to upload...)

 From Wikipedia :
Araucania region (IX region) population: 870 000
O'Higgins region(VI region) pop. : 780 000
Valparaiso region (V region) pop. : 1 540 000
Santiago metropolitan region pop. : 7 000 000
(you guys know geography further South better than I do)

Seeing on 
that 541 of 708 known deaths took place in Maule region, but also in 
other places that Concepcion was seriously damaged, my guess would be 
that regions further South, and farther away from Santiago, will be 
reached later or with more difficulty by relief support. So I'd guess 
it'd be interesting to upload Araucania Region data next, if you have some.

Roads possible for relief support would also probably be useful.

Of course, everybody is welcome to chime in, especially if you have 
information, or have been following the local news (I haven't yesterday, 
only on Saturday).

Sebastian, I think it is a good idea to help Bruce with your bandwidth 
if it is possible.



Bruce Willett a écrit :
> Hi,
> This has been uploaded.  I have other stuuf I could upload but don't 
> know what is best.
> caio,
> bruce
> .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:..:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:
>  Bruce D. Willett
> GIS Specialist  Punta Arenas, Chile
> bdwil...@n2.net www.n2.net/bdwillet
> Photo log: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bdwillet/
> "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress
> can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
> "La Civilización de un pueblo se mide por la
> forma que tratan a los animales". Gandhi
> Disclaimer: Opinions stated herein are mine, mine,
> mine, all mine and not those of anybody else
> .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:..:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:
> On Sun, 28 Feb 2010, Turismo Aonikenk Ltda. - Sebastian Borgwardt wrote:
>> Hola Bruce,
>> Is this the data you said you'd upload:
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/2010_Chile_earthquake/Imagery_and_data_sources#Willett-Nicholas_data_sets
>> Can anyone please comment, if this data is what we're looking for? 
>> The reason I'm asking is that Bruce and I are both in Punta Arenas. 
>> The internet connection down here is not realy the fastest (256k 
>> upload). Bruce has a lot of data. I could go to his house, take some 
>> data back to my house and could help uploading, but we need more info 
>> on what we need.
>> Estos son los datos que has dicho que estaras subiendo:
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/2010_Chile_earthquake/Imagery_and_data_sources#Willett-Nicholas_data_sets
>> Alguien puede decirnos, si estos datos son lo que estamos buscando? 
>> La razon de porque pregunto es que Bruce y yo estamos en Punta 
>> Arenas. La coneccion de internet no es la mas rapida (256k subida). 
>> Bruce tiene muchos datos. Yo podria ir a su casa a buscar datos y 
>> ayudar en subirlos, pero necesitamos saber mas sobre lo que necesitamos.
>> Sind das die Daten, die Du upgeloadet hast?
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/2010_Chile_earthquake/Imagery_and_data_sources#Willett-Nicholas_data_sets
>> Kann uns jemand mitteilen, ob dies die Art Daten sind, wie wir 
>> suchen? Ich frage, da Bruce und ich beide in Punta Arenas sind. Die 
>> Internetverbindung hier unten ist nicht wirklich die schnellste (256k 
>> Upload). Bruce hat jede Menge Daten. Ich könnte zu ihm gehen, Daten 
>> mit zu mir nach Hause nehmen und beim Upload helfen, aber wir 
>> brauchen mehr Info zu den Daten, die wir brauchen.
>> Saludos,
>> Sebastian
>> Bruce Willett schrieb:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am uploading another set now since last night, could e a while 
>>> though, annotation, rds curvas, hidro, all of the region of Maule - 
>>> (talca)
>>> .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:..:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:
>>>  Bruce D. Willett
>>> GIS Specialist  Punta Arenas, Chile
>>> bdwil...@n2.net www.n2.net/bdwillet
>>> Photo log: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bdwillet/
>>> "The greatness of a nation 

[OSM-talk] Chile Datasets Imports, Mapping

2010-02-28 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

As some parts of Chile are already well mapped, and before 
post-earthquake satellite imagery become available, OSMers with 
experience in data import might want to have a look at the existing 
datasets :

Mappers might want to have a look at the information for mapping damages 
available from various sources on :

Best regards,


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap + Ushahidi-Chile in the works + partnerships

2010-02-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Do you have ideas of things to do / tasks ?

I think satellite imagery should be available "soon" for tracing.

Do you guys know the impacted area ?

Maybe you could plan some kind of work plan for volunteers to help ?

(e.g. with a wiki page, or a shared spreadsheet on Google Doc)

How to split the work ? By area ?

What would be priority themes ?

Locate damages announced in the news ? (Damaged roads, collapsed 
bridges, maybe damaged buildings ? )

How to coordinate ? talk-cl (OSM specific), crisismappers-chile (more 
general, e.g. also including Ushahidi), osm-talk (to get general OSM 
attention) ?

Is there an IRC channel ?

(The most relevant I am aware of might be #crisiscommons on irc.rhok.org

Of course, there is also #osm on oftc.net, for OSM stuff)


(puedo hablar espanol o traducir si es mejor /
I can help translating to / from Spanish)

Toulouse, France
OpenStreetMap volunteer
(Experience with Haiti mapping - especially regarding health facilities, 
PAHO (Pan American Health Organization) Master List, etc.
professionally works with satellite images - research and software 
development for image analysis, segmentation...)

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Media monitoring sources for Chile]

2010-02-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

 Message original 
Sujet : [CrisisMappers] Media monitoring sources for Chile
Date :  Sat, 27 Feb 2010 08:27:38 -0500
De :Patrick Meier (CrisisMappers) 
Répondre à :crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  crisismappers 
Copie à :   crisismappers-chile 

Hi All,

If you know of good media sources (Twitter, blogs, online news, etc) for 
Chile, feel free to add them to this Google Doc:


Also, in an effort not to clog the main CrisisMappers Google Group, 
we've launched CrisisMappers-Chile:


Please join for any CrisisMappers actions related to Chile.

Thank you,

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[OSM-talk] [Fwd: [CrisisMappers] CrisisCamp Task in Support of Chile]

2010-02-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

 Message original 
Sujet : [CrisisMappers] CrisisCamp Task in Support of Chile
Date :  Sat, 27 Feb 2010 08:08:22 -0500
De :Heather Blanchard 
Répondre à :crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  CrisisCommons 


Patrick from Ushahidi has asked if CrisisCamp volunteers could scrape/ 
search the internet for news items and place in this Google Doc.  
Currently they are creating a new instance of Ushahidi for Chile and  
this information will be directly inputed as the information was from  


This can be done at today's camps as well as virtually. Of course we  
really need translators as well as many of the inputs will be in  

We will have a All Camp call at 11AM EST to go over what we know right  
now and how CrisisCommons might help in the coming hours and days.

Here is a place on the wiki to update and the call in information: 

mobile - 703-593-3823

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[OSM-talk] [Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Updating - Tsunami Warning - Hawaii - Evacuations to begin at 06h]

2010-02-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

 Message original 
Sujet : 	[CrisisMappers] Updating - Tsunami Warning - Hawaii - 
Evacuations to begin at 06h

Date :  Sat, 27 Feb 2010 08:06:05 -0500
De :Hal Newman 
Répondre à :crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Références : 	<545792.72700...@web23205.mail.ird.yahoo.com> 

Oahu Civil Defense officials say they will begin evacuating coastal 
areas and residents living in flooding areas beginning at 6 a.m. Civil 
defense officials have posted a map on their website. A map for 
evacuation zones for all counties can also be found on the white pages 
phone book. However, residents statewide should prepare in case of a 
tsunami. The state is under a tsunami warning following a 8.8 magnitude 
earthquake that struck Chile. Click here for the evacuation map for 
Oahu: http://www.pdc.org/DisasterInfo/Tsunami/OahuEvacMaps.html

Be well. Practice big medicine .


Hal Newman

Managing Partner, TEMS

T: 514-697-1470

E: hnew...@tems.ca 

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[OSM-talk] [Fwd: RE: [CrisisMappers] 8.8 Earthquake Concepcion, Chile]

2010-02-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

 Message original 
Sujet : RE: [CrisisMappers] 8.8 Earthquake Concepcion, Chile
Date :  Sat, 27 Feb 2010 01:43:43 -1000
De :John Livengood 
Répondre à :crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  
Références : 	<545792.72700...@web23205.mail.ird.yahoo.com> 

Reports coming in highlight a significant tsunami was generated.  Impact
to Hawaii would be 11:19am HST.  

8.8 Earthquake assessment
Initial reports ~50 confirmed dead;
Population; Shaking Felt
3,000,000; Severe
9,772,000;  Strong - Very Strong

Concepcion with a population of 650k or more has initial reports of
severe to catastrophic damage.  Very limited communication with this
region so far.  Santiago is experiencing moderate to heavy damage
depending on the structure type.  Some reports of collapsed structures.
Power is out in most of the capital.  Starting to come back in areas
already though.  Debris and damaged roads are making travel difficult.
Airport is shut down while structural assessments are being conducted. 

There is a major bridge connecting the north & south near the city of
Talco.  Reports have the bridge as being destroyed.  

John Livengood
Pacific Disaster Center

-Original Message-
From: crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:crisismapp...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Gavin Treadgold
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2010 1:28 AM
To: crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [CrisisMappers] 8.8 Earthquake Concepcion, Chile

Wow - my timing on the NZ threat couldn't have been worse! Just after my
email went out, we had update 3.

#ChileQuake National Warning: Potential threat to NZ Update 3

00:12HRSNZDT 28 February 2010
The magnitude of the Chile quake has been confirmed as 8.8. A local

tsunami has been confirmed with the highest recorded wave measuring

The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM) and GNS

science advisors have been closely monitoring the situation following
the above quake to assess any potential tsunami threat to NZ. Based on
current information MCDEM has issued a National Warning: Potential
Threat to NZ. There is a possible marine threat along the East coast of
the North Island and South Island and Chatham Island at level 1 (0.2 to
1 metre) .The earliest possible arrival times for NZ are 07:05 on Sunday
28 Feb at Chatham Island

On 2010-02-28, at 00:19 , John Crowley wrote:


Highest wave height at 2.34m at Talcahuano, CL (near Concepcion):

 ---  - --  -  ---  -

 IQUIQUE CL   20.2S  70.1W  0906Z   0.27M /  0.9FT  72MIN

 ANTOFAGASTA CL   23.2S  70.4W  0941Z   0.49M /  1.6FT  52MIN
 ARICA CL 18.5S  70.3W  1007Z   0.94M /  3.1FT  44MIN
 DART LIMA 32412  18.0S  86.4W  0941Z   0.24M /  0.8FT  36MIN

 CALDERA CL   27.1S  70.8W  0843Z   0.45M /  1.5FT  20MIN

 TALCAHUANO CL36.7S  73.4W  0653Z   2.34M /  7.7FT  88MIN
 COQUIMBO CL  30.0S  71.3W  0852Z   1.32M /  4.3FT  30MIN
 CORRAL CL39.9S  73.4W  0739Z   0.90M /  2.9FT  16MIN

 SAN FELIX CL 26.3S  80.1W  0815Z   0.53M /  1.7FT  08MIN

 VALPARAISO CL33.0S  71.6W  0708Z   1.29M /  4.2FT  20MIN


On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 6:10 AM, Gavin Treadgold 


On 2010-02-27, at 22:14 , John Crowley wrote:
> Initial tsunami reports are 1.29m height in Valparaiso. Estimated

time of arrival at Easter Island at 1052z. Might be a marker for a wider

From the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management in NZ -

we're not expecting a tsunami based on current reports.

22:22HRSNZDT 27 February 2010
The magnitude of the Chile quake has been confirmed as 8.8. A local

tsunami has been confirmed with the highest recorded wave measuring
1.29m. There's still no threat to New Zealand. New Zealand scientists
are continuing to monitor the situation.

Cheers Gav

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[OSM-talk] [Fwd: Re: [CrisisMappers] 8.8 Earthquake Concepcion, Chile]

2010-02-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

 Message original 
Sujet : Re: [CrisisMappers] 8.8 Earthquake Concepcion, Chile
Date :  Sat, 27 Feb 2010 04:13:11 -0500
De :Eduardo Jezierski 
Répondre à :crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Copie à :   Axel von Matern 
Références : 	<545792.72700...@web23205.mail.ird.yahoo.com> 

pls update http://wiki.crisiscommons.org/wiki/Chile/2010_2_27_Earthquake

On Sat,Feb 27, 2010, at 4:07 , M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

I am collecting raw Twitter data - last I saw on Twitter, cell phones weren't 
working but a fair amount of other comms infrastructure is working. I've seen 
livestream links on Twitter, for example.
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." ~ Paul Erd?s

Quoting Axel von Matern :

USGS reports 8.8 magnitude earthquake near Concepcion, Chile.  Tsunami warnings 
issued in Chile and Peru.

/Axel von Materm

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Eduardo Jezierski, InSTEDD, VP of Engineering
skype: eduardojezierski
twitter: @edjez
mobile: +1 425 269 8378
Iridium +88 16 32 51 61 85

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Re: [OSM-talk] Serious consideration of "Newbie Editor"

2010-02-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :

Roy Wallace a écrit :

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 7:11 AM, silversurfer  wrote:

There is a similar concept on http://ae.osmsurround.org/. It is called OSM
Amenity Editor.

Wow, that's great! How did I not know about this editor? :S

Liz, how does this compare to what you had in mind? Too simple? I
think it would be very handy to add the ability to name/rename roads,
but other than that, this looks great... I only had a quick look -
does hitting "Save" actually save the changes to OSM?

I tried to save a change to a POI in my neighborhood, I was offered to 
enter my OSM id/password, but then there was an error and the change 
was apparently not entered.

Also, while trying to correct the "amenity=..." tag value, I had the 
nice surprise to be offered possible values, apparently with their 
current frequency in the data base.

This does look like a nice basis, maybe indeed with the added ability 
to name/rename roads.

... and add street numbers ?
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Serious consideration of "Newbie Editor"

2010-02-25 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Roy Wallace a e'crit:

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 7:11 AM, silversurfer  wrote:

There is a similar concept on http://ae.osmsurround.org/. It is called OSM
Amenity Editor.

Wow, that's great! How did I not know about this editor? :S

Liz, how does this compare to what you had in mind? Too simple? I
think it would be very handy to add the ability to name/rename roads,
but other than that, this looks great... I only had a quick look -
does hitting "Save" actually save the changes to OSM?

I tried to save a change to a POI in my neighborhood, I was offered to 
enter my OSM id/password, but then there was an error and the change was 
apparently not entered.

Also, while trying to correct the "amenity=..." tag value, I had the 
nice surprise to be offered possible values, apparently with their 
current frequency in the data base.

This does look like a nice basis, maybe indeed with the added ability to 
name/rename roads.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Thoughts on OSM design, and looking forward and back

2010-02-24 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Thanks a lot Steve, for underlining the need to improve the experience 
of new visitors.

This is right on spot with what we have been feeling regarding Haiti. 
Now that OSM is indeed the best map in Haiti, there is a kind of special 
responsibility that comes with this: let potential users know about OSM, 
and actually use it, and then maybe for some of them help improve it.

(Just as an example (I don't mean that these specific points are 
especially important), there was a few days ago a little discussion 
about some Haiti thematic maps 
and their coupling with OpenStreetBugs. See e.g.:
http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ht/2010-February/000244.html )

I am thinking of two concrete ways we could contribute to this effort:
- Localization. For instance, help adapting OpenStreetBugs and 
translating it in Haitian Creole, and maybe also the front page and a 
few others.
(How do we do this ? For OSB, I see 
http://github.com/emka/openstreetbugs/tree/master/locale/. Is it enough 
to supply an osb.ht.json file ?)

- Get feedback from potential new users. Maybe, without going as far as 
a formal study like the one you quoted for Wikipedia 
(http://usability.wikimedia.org/wiki/UX_and_Usability_Study ), by 
organizing one or several hand-on sessions with a few potential 
users/contributors, possibly with a video recording of their reactions, 
questions, etc...
Do you think this would be useful ?


Toulouse, France

P.S.: also, thanks a lot for your article "OpenStreetMap - The Best Map" 
(http://opengeodata.org/openstreetmap-the-best-map). I really enjoyed 
reading it, and I think it makes a lot of sense.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-legal-talk] Are we strict enough with imports ?

2010-02-11 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Emilie Laffray a écrit :

On 11 February 2010 12:24, Frederik Ramm > wrote:


Ok, but please do not forget that in crisis situations (e.g. Haiti), 
there could be people dying while the "deliberation" would be taking 

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: RE: [Fwd: [Fwd: [URGENT] person trapped in a rubble + 350 people starving in Guibert off of Kenscoff 67. From :Re: [CrisisMappers] KML of food/water alerts from SMS's]]]]

2010-01-28 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

 Message original 
Sujet : 	Re: [OSM-talk] [Fwd: RE: [Fwd: [Fwd: [URGENT] person trapped in 
a rubble + 350 people starving in Guibert off of Kenscoff 67. From :Re: 
[CrisisMappers] KML of food/water alerts from SMS's]]]

Date :  Thu, 28 Jan 2010 13:01:30 +0100

Pour :  Emilie Laffray 
Copie à : 	Ed Loach , Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
, talk...@openstreetmap.org, OSM-talk 
, OSM-emergency ,
Références : 	<4b616d3d.7030...@arkemie.com> 

Emilie Laffray a écrit :

On 28 January 2010 11:27, Ed Loach <mailto:e...@loach.me.uk>> wrote:


> Could anyone explain where the "Guibert" closest to
> Kenscoff (that I also put on ose.petschge.de
<http://ose.petschge.de>) comes
> from in OSM map ? I can't find an object corresponding
> to it, nor its source.

If you mean the one returned in the namefinder in the Geonames
section, it isn't in OSM, but is in Geonames.

The Haiti 1:50k maps surround that point by Obléon, Grand Place and
Carrefour Beraque and I think Grand Place is the one most likely to
refer to Guibert, though of the three is the only one of those three
not currently added from the 1:50k maps (Haiti-tlm-50)

Perhaps someone else can say whether we can add geonames.org
<http://geonames.org> place
details (CC-BY) to OSM?

geonames.org <http://geonames.org> is not necessarily a good source of 
data. Most points come from the US government in the first place: 
http://earth-info.nga.mil/gns/html/index.html . I thought it was 
previously evaluated as not good enough for OSM.

Emilie Laffray

Thanks Emilie.

I copied your comment to the "Guibert" point in OSM-Emergencies 


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [Fwd: RE: [Fwd: [Fwd: [URGENT] person trapped in a rubble + 350 people starving in Guibert off of Kenscoff 67. From :Re: [CrisisMappers] KML of food/water alerts from SMS's]]]

2010-01-28 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

The State department has forwarded to the US embassy.

Also, Yves Pierre, a Haitian from Toulouse has forwarded ' au réseau de 
l'"/*association des hommes et des liens*/" à Port-au-Prince '

(to the network of "association men and links" in Port-au-Prince).

According to my World clock, the sun should soon rise in Haiti.

Could anyone explain where the "Guibert" closest to Kenscoff (that I 
also put on ose.petschge.de) comes from in OSM map ? I can't find an 
object corresponding to it, nor its source.



 Message original 
Sujet : 	RE: [Fwd: [Fwd: [URGENT] person trapped in a rubble + 350 
people starving in Guibert off of Kenscoff 67. From :Re: [CrisisMappers] 
KML of food/water alerts from SMS's]]

Date :  Thu, 28 Jan 2010 03:20:37 -0500
De :Haiti Earthquake 
Pour :  Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Références :<4b61323d.6050...@arkemie.com>


Thank you for the information that you provided.  I have forward your 
email to the embassy.

Rescue efforts remain underway in Haiti. The Embassy is working to 
locate and ascertain the welfare of U.S. citizens as quickly as 
possible; however, communications remain extremely difficult. For 
further general information, please see the State Department's Consular 
Affairs website at www.travel.state.gov <http://www.travel.state.gov/>. 

Haiti Taskforce

*From:* Jean-Guilhem Cailton [mailto:j...@arkemie.com]
*Sent:* Thursday, January 28, 2010 1:44 AM
*To:* Haiti Earthquake
*Subject:* [Fwd: [Fwd: [URGENT] person trapped in a rubble + 350 people 
starving in Guibert off of Kenscoff 67. From :Re: [CrisisMappers] KML of 
food/water alerts from SMS's]]

Please help if you can,


 Message original 

*Sujet : *

[Fwd: [URGENT] person trapped in a rubble + 350 people starving in 
Guibert off of Kenscoff 67. From :Re: [CrisisMappers] KML of food/water 
alerts from SMS's]

*Date : *

Thu, 28 Jan 2010 07:28:15 +0100

*De : *

Jean-Guilhem Cailton  <mailto:j...@arkemie.com>

*Pour : *

ha...@ushahidi.com <mailto:ha...@ushahidi.com>

 Message original 

*Sujet : *

[URGENT] person trapped in a rubble + 350 people starving in Guibert off 
of Kenscoff 67. From :Re: [CrisisMappers] KML of food/water alerts from 

*Date : *

Thu, 28 Jan 2010 07:14:45 +0100

*De : *

Jean-Guilhem Cailton  <mailto:j...@arkemie.com>

*Pour : *

crisismapp...@googlegroups.com <mailto:crisismapp...@googlegroups.com>

*Copie à : *

Ashirul Amin  
<mailto:ashi...@crisismappers.net>, Simcha Levental  

*Références : *


Did anybody hear about the current situation in Kenscoff ? :

Urgent: person trapped in a rubble + 350 people starving in Guibert off 

of Kenscoff 67

Urgent: person 

trapped in a rubble + 350 people starving in Guibert off of Kenscoff 

67SMS Id: 1392Wed, 20 

Jan 2010, 08:21· Mwen se altidor 

edlie.map mande ?d pou moun damien ki vreman nan bezwen.centre flore 

pourma.se d? do unibank damien.lakou brenn.tanpri souple sove vi yo. 

 My name is Altidor Edie I am Asking for a person call Damien 

that is in great need at the centre Flore that at the back of the 

unibank please come and save him  Category: 1c. People 



67 KI GEN NOU 350 ki sinistre tanpri reponn nou n ap peri anba grangou 

 Digicel please we\'re asking for any kind of help for 

Guibert which is in Kenscoff 67, we are 350 victims we are dying of 

hunger.  Category: 4d. Food distribution I am Jn alix 

Paul,responsible of Esprit de Verite Minister, at Kenscoff 67. I need 

supplies to help people in the Area.· moyen transpo pa nou  send 

transport for us please  Category: · moyen transpo pa nou merci 

paske wap pran ka nou  The person would like a mode of 

transportation  Category: 5. Other

Could anybody check the status of this on the ground ?

Source : Ushahidi

See also : http://ose.petschge.de/



Patrick Meier (CrisisMappers) a écrit :

Hi All,

Attached is the first pass at a KML of food/water alerts from SMS's 

received via Ushahidi. Use the time slider to visualize from where 

these alerts originate over time. The data is current through 8pm 

January 26th.




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[OSM-talk] [Fwd: [Fwd: [URGENT] person trapped in a rubble + 350 people starving in Guibert off of Kenscoff 67. From :Re: [CrisisMappers] KML of food/water alerts from SMS's]]

2010-01-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

 Message original 
Sujet : 	[Fwd: [URGENT] person trapped in a rubble + 350 people starving 
in Guibert off of Kenscoff 67. From :Re: [CrisisMappers] KML of 
food/water alerts from SMS's]

Date :  Thu, 28 Jan 2010 07:16:59 +0100
De :    Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Pour :  crisismapp...@googlegroups.com

 Message original 
Sujet : 	[URGENT] person trapped in a rubble + 350 people starving in 
Guibert off of Kenscoff 67. From :Re: [CrisisMappers] KML of food/water 
alerts from SMS's

Date :  Thu, 28 Jan 2010 07:14:45 +0100
De :Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Pour :  crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Copie à : 	Ashirul Amin , Simcha Levental 

Références :<760c80041001270715h56a3240o7052806078c53...@mail.gmail.com>

Did anybody hear about the current situation in Kenscoff ? :

Urgent: person trapped in a rubble + 350 people starving in Guibert off 
of Kenscoff 67

Urgent: person 
trapped in a rubble + 350 people starving in Guibert off of Kenscoff 
67SMS Id: 1392Wed, 20 
Jan 2010, 08:21· Mwen se altidor 
edlie.map mande ?d pou moun damien ki vreman nan bezwen.centre flore 
pourma.se d? do unibank damien.lakou brenn.tanpri souple sove vi yo. 
 My name is Altidor Edie I am Asking for a person call Damien 
that is in great need at the centre Flore that at the back of the 
unibank please come and save him  Category: 1c. People 
67 KI GEN NOU 350 ki sinistre tanpri reponn nou n ap peri anba grangou 
 Digicel please we\'re asking for any kind of help for 
Guibert which is in Kenscoff 67, we are 350 victims we are dying of 
hunger.  Category: 4d. Food distribution I am Jn alix 
Paul,responsible of Esprit de Verite Minister, at Kenscoff 67. I need 
supplies to help people in the Area.· moyen transpo pa nou  send 
transport for us please  Category: · moyen transpo pa nou merci 
paske wap pran ka nou  The person would like a mode of 
transportation  Category: 5. Other

Could anybody check the status of this on the ground ?

Source : Ushahidi

See also : http://ose.petschge.de/



Patrick Meier (CrisisMappers) a écrit :

Hi All,

Attached is the first pass at a KML of food/water alerts from SMS's 
received via Ushahidi. Use the time slider to visualize from where 
these alerts originate over time. The data is current through 8pm 
January 26th.

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Re: [OSM-talk] Worldbank-image 23/23 Jan

2010-01-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Jan Tappenbeck a écrit :
> Hi !
> did anybody know more details about the area of the worldbank-image form 
> 23. and 24. january ??
> regards Jan :-)
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
and similar threads there.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Fwd: Re: Coordination for Haiti Mapping]

2010-01-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Jean-Marc Liotier a e'crit:

Frederik Ramm wrote:


I think it is time for an osm-haiti mailing list - or if every OSMer 
helping in Haiti is already on crisismappers, then that's ok too, we can 
then simply stop crossposting and forwarding everything here.

I would rather say osm-crisis or osm-relief - keep it general so that it
will reach motivated individual next time such an emergency arises.

I think that it would be nice that Haiti rebuilding effort be supported 
by a osm-haiti.

Which should not prevent an osm-crisis to be created as well, as a 
framework for future crisis, and an open complement to CrisisMappers.

Best regards,

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] talk-haiti@ mailing list (was Re: [Fwd: Re: Coordination for Haiti Mapping])

2010-01-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Sam Vekemans a écrit :

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 9:31 AM, Colin Marquardt 
mailto:cmarq...@googlemail.com>> wrote:

2010/1/27 Adrian Brain mailto:adrianpbr...@yahoo.co.uk>>

> Perhaps osm-humanitarian to cover future uses?

I'd vote for this name, because "osm-relief" could be read as
"osm-contours" or something topographical like that.

+1 for a talk-ha...@openstreetmap.org 
 mailing list.
And a osm-humanitarian@ list,  having the google group is fine, But 
it's outside the osm-system so it's a bit harder to follow.

I'd also go for a osm-contours mailing list, while where at it since 
contour mapping is slightly beyond the scope of OSM, but used for OSM 


And where should cell coverage go ?

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [Fwd: [Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Mapping Radio and TV Stations _ Help needed!]]

2010-01-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Attached kmz can be found there


 Message original 
Sujet : 	[Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Mapping Radio and TV Stations _ Help 

Date :  Wed, 27 Jan 2010 09:59:08 +0100
De :Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Pour :  OSM-talk 

For info

 Message original 
Sujet : [CrisisMappers] Mapping Radio and TV Stations _ Help needed!
Date :  Wed, 27 Jan 2010 09:33:12 +0100
De :Sandra Sudhoff 
Répondre à :crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  

Dear All,

Together with IMS (International Media Support) we have been mapping
radio and TV stations in Haiti in cooperation with Internews and AMARC.
The file is meant to give a general overview. I believe there will be a
more detailed assessment + map on a subset of the stations compiled and
distributed by Internews soon.

Please find the kmz (compressed kml) attached. It requires you to have
Google Earth installed and a stable internet connection, as the kmz
contains a network link to Google Spreadsheets where we host the data to
ensure timely updates. (You just need to refresh the link)
It can also be downloaded from here:

We need help with the following stations, as we are not able to locate

Commercial Stations Indigene, 109, Lalue ???
Commercial Stations Kadans FM, no address
Commercial Stations Maxima, no address
Commercial Stations Nouvelle Generation, Tel:
509-256-0940;509-256-0941;509-256-0947, Postal add: Delmas 64, No. 6,
Community Stations  Voix de l'Estère, L'Estère,
Community Stations  La Voix de l'île, Cité Bourgeoise, Anse à
Galets, Ile de la Gonâve
Community Stations  Voix Evangélique de la Tortue, Pagne, Ile de la
Community Stations  Communauté Nord'Oues, no address,
Print Media Haiti Progress, no address
Print Media Le Matins, no address
Print Media Le Moniteur, no adress

Some of the almost 200 points are only approximated; if you happen to
know exactly where they are, we would appreciate if you could let us

Also any status update would be good, as for most we do not know whether
they are still operational. 

Thanks a million!


180, rue du Genevois
73000 Chambery
+49 175 505 6413 (cell)
+33 4 79 26 28 82 (CartONG office line)

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talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [Fwd: Re: Coordination for Haiti Mapping]

2010-01-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Note to administrator : would it be possible to raise the size limit for 
this crisis situation ?

This message bounced for being 46605 b with a limit of 40 kb

Preparing pointers to attachments does not seem to me to be the best use 
of my time either (I had rather be mapping, for instance)


 Message original 
Sujet : Re: [OSM-talk] Coordination for Haiti Mapping
Date :  Wed, 27 Jan 2010 17:15:11 +0100
De :Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Pour :  Shadrock Roberts 
Copie à :   talk@openstreetmap.org
Références :


I have proposed
"Project Management" in Task/Ideas

and a shared spreadsheet

I am aware of the osm-matrix (don't know how it works), but if i had to 
organize a group / groups, i think the flexibility of live shared 
spreadsheet would be nice.

I don't know about the OSM quality process either.

Who has experience in organizing and coordinating mapping ?

How to hierarchically structure the work ? Along Areas first, Themes first ?


Shadrock Roberts a écrit :
I have a group of volunteers who will be mapping on Jan. 30 and am 
1.) If there is any more up-to-date needs for mapping than the general 
requests on the wiki;
2.) If there are any plans to develop a more comprehensive ticketing 
system than what is suggested on the wiki (essentially monitoring 
CrisisMappers); and
3.) What is the best way to avoid duplicating efforts? I am aware of 
two other groups that may be mapping this weekend and would like to 
find a way to coordinate among groups.

This is my first posting so I apologize if this isn't the appropriate 
forum. I've been doing my best to come up to speed via the wiki and 
the listserv but I've still got a long way to go...

Shadrock Roberts

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [Fwd: [Fwd: [CrisisMappers] KML of food/water alerts from SMS's]]

2010-01-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


This kml includes SMS alerts in PaP, Leogane, Grand Goave, Petit Goave, 
and a few in Jacmel.

Likely rejected from OSM-talk (size), available at


 Message original 
Sujet : [Fwd: [CrisisMappers] KML of food/water alerts from SMS's]
Date :  Wed, 27 Jan 2010 16:34:02 +0100
De :    Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Pour :  OSM-emergency 

 Message original 
Sujet : [CrisisMappers] KML of food/water alerts from SMS's
Date :  Wed, 27 Jan 2010 10:15:28 -0500
De :Patrick Meier (CrisisMappers) 
Répondre à :crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  crisismappers 
Copie à : 	Ashirul Amin , Simcha Levental 

Hi All,

Attached is the first pass at a KML of food/water alerts from SMS's 
received via Ushahidi. Use the time slider to visualize from where these 
alerts originate over time. The data is current through 8pm January 26th.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
Groups "CrisisMappers" group.

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Re: [OSM-talk] [CrisisMappers] Re: FW: World Bank, GFDRR, RIT, ImageCAT Remote Sensing Mission to Haiti - Status Report - 23 January 2010

2010-01-27 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


For your location use :


(works for me)


Margie Roswell a écrit :

This does not load the satellite image in potlatch.

Nor this URL (different lat-long, found in on the wiki page)

nor this (which I think should be centered around Leogane),:

Eventually I'll switch to JOSM, which I know has more capacity, but
I'm 80% on creating a how-to-load-haiti-data-onto-garmin-gps video,
and 20% (when rendering video) on OSM mapping, leaving no time for the
JOSM learning curve.

In any case, I know eventually persistance will pay off:
Can you (or someone) provide an openstreetmap.org URL that will load
the worldbank-23 imagery into potlatch?


P.S. Longtime GIS person here, but never needed satellite data for
anything. so, out of my element, and (obviously) continuing to ask for
help. I'm motivated by that sms post from Leogane that said "we need
help, we're dying." Day four, of trying to map there... Sorry for
asking so many times... that's the motivation, in any case!

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 7:15 AM, crschmidt  wrote:

On Jan 26, 6:26 pm, Margie Roswell  wrote:

still no luck:

I added this URL to the wiki, but I'm not getting the 


As I said, you needed a set of tiles. What Chris gave you was a
screenshot of the coverage for the data, as you could see by pasting
it into a browser.

Contrary to my earlier statement, I did end up making the 23rd imagery
a different layer.

URL In Potlatch: 

This imagery has also been integrated into the mosaic of haiti

-- Chris

Am I at the wrong lat/long? or is it something else?




On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 5:10 PM, Chris  wrote:

typo in last note:http://maps.geography.uc.edu/~cgn/RIT-WASP-23rd.jpg


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Re: [OSM-talk] Haiti feedback from IFRC

2010-01-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Jean-Guilhem's embedded low tech translator says that means:

"Did you ask back whether Kjeld can let tracks of the trip come around 
here sometimes ?"

(sharing, even if OSMers had understood from the word "Tracks" and the 
context alone) :)

Thank you, Goethe Institut :)

(all mistakes mine, of course :(


Margie Roswell a écrit :

Google translator says that means:
"You once inquire back if Kjeld us back tracks from the rides may be coming?"
(I'm sure Google translator isn't the ultimate authority on this, but
I was just curious, and am sharing what I found.)

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 12:24 AM, Jan Tappenbeck  wrote:

HI !

hast Du mal zurückgefragt ob Kjeld uns ggf. Tracks von den Fahrten
zukommen lassen kann ??

Gruß Jan :-)

Am 26.01.2010 20:12, schrieb Frederik Ramm:


received the following from Kjeld Jensen, who is with the IT&
Telecom Emergency Response Unit of the Red Cross:

 Original Message 
Subject: Haiti maps
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 11:01:48 -0500

Hello guys,

I just wanted to let you know that your work on improving the Haiti maps
is really appreciated here. A few days ago I installed a version on my
Garmin Oregon GPS and the result is impressive. It has already saved me
and my driver from getting lost twice, and the alternative would have
been long delays. In the coming days I will try to update our Red Cross
relief GPS receivers with your map.


Again thanks a lot guys, we are really running fast here in Haiti trying
to help the people here, and your work makes it easier. Keep up the good

Best Regards
 Kjeld Jensen, Red Cross (IFRC)


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talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [Fwd: [CrisisMappers] World Bank, GFDRR, RIT, ImageCAT Remote Sensing Mission to Haiti ‐ Status Report ‐ 25 January 2010]

2010-01-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Forwarding. Full message, including stripped flight plan figure, can be 
found on :



 Message original 
Sujet : 	[CrisisMappers] World Bank, GFDRR, RIT, ImageCAT Remote Sensing 
Mission to Haiti ‐ Status Report ‐ 25 January 2010

Date :  Tue, 26 Jan 2010 19:39:26 -0500
De :sg...@worldbank.org
Répondre à :crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  undisclosed-recipients:;

*World Bank, GFDRR, RIT, ImageCAT Remote Sensing Mission to Haiti ‐ 
Status Report ‐ 25 January 2010 *

Another excellent day of imaging for the RIT sensor system. The intent 
today was to collect high resolution LIDAR over the fault line. After 
completing several lines at the western end of the fault, heavy clouds 
moved in. At this point the crew transitioned to the contingency plan of 
completing the Leogane area as shown in the Figure.

*Future Flight Plans*
Tomorrow, we will focus on the fault line for the USGS (red area in 
Figure 1). This collect will be optimized for very high resolution LiDAR 
(5 pts/m2) which means operating at an altitude of about 6,500 ft. This 
will result in a color camera resolution 30 cm or larger. However, there 
is little in the way of populated areas along the fault itself. We have 
moved our operating base to Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic which 
greatly enhances our ability to cover Haitian targets.

Additional targets have been assigned to cover damage areas around 
Jacmel, Petit Goave, Fermate and Kenscoff. These areas are shown in the 
colored boxes in Figure 2. These areas will require one additional day 
of flying (Wednesday). The aircraft and crew will then begin their 
return to the US Wednesday night. Complete coverage will be contingent 
on weather conditions.

*Data Processing and availability*
Data are posted for 1/21 & 1/22; data processing & QC for 1/23 is near 
completion. Data from 1/25, 1/26, and 1/27 will be delivered to 
Rochester on 1/28 when the aircraft returns.

As we explained yesterday, we are trying to disseminate the data as 
quickly as possible and are enormously grateful to everyone who is 
helping with this. Patience is still needed though. Currently we are 
trying to get it out through: Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, USGS, ERDAS, 
Virtual Disaster Viewer (VDV) at University at Buffalo, UN-SPIDER 
(hosted at RIT) and the very impressive http://hypercube.telascience.org 
 site. There has been a very high 
amount of outgoing server traffic particularly to the USGS. It is 
difficult to determine the exact amount of data delivered to these 

The data can be easily viewed at: http://smal.in/haitirit_data 

- Expand the "Hi Res Aerials Image" tab on the left
- Check or un-check the three aerial imagery choices under this tab - 
RIT's data are displayed as "Worldbank"
- Scroll around the data by "grabbing" the imagery (left-mouse click) 
and dragging the mouse around while keep the left mouse button pressed.

- Zoom in and out using the mouse wheel.
- You can view the various type of collects by switching the check boxes 
on the left

Stuart P. D. Gill
Disaster Risk Management
Sustainable development
Latin America & Caribbean
The World Bank
1818 H St NW
Washington DC

+1 202-4580859

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[OSM-talk] [Fwd: New ALOS imagery]

2010-01-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

After a quick look with JOSM:

Three of the four new images available are :
- ALOS/Pan-Sharpened

They cover an area whose South-Western (bottom-left) corner includes 
Jacmel (not for Pan-Sharpened), and that extend well beyond Port-au-Prince.

The fourth image is :

It has lower resolution and covers a very wide part of the peninsula 
West (left) of Jacmel and Grand Goave.

It is a radar image. Thus it is cloudless and shows shaded relief.

THANK YOU JAXA / ALOS / SpotImage (Distributor) !

See also:
for a technical description of the satellite

Could someone knowledgeable please create the boundary images in the wiki ?


 Message original 
Sujet : [OSM-talk] New ALOS imagery
Date :  Tue, 26 Jan 2010 18:23:59 +0100
De :Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Pour :  OSM-talk 

I see in


that new ALOS imagery is available.

(Duplicating here in case someone is not looking at the wiki, but 
checking his or her mail)


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talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Re: [CrisisMapper s] Re: World Bank, GFDRR, RIT, ImageCAT Remote Sensin g Mission to Haiti ‐ Status Report ‐ 24 January 2010]]

2010-01-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


I don't know what is available to you in Potlatch when you press B. (Do 
you have any choice ?)

If there is no ambiguity (because only the World Bank's has covered the 
area where you are working on, not Google's), I guess you can use this 
in this case. (Hoping it'll get fixed in the backend later) Especially 
as the World Bank has made their data public domain, they probably would 
not mind such a remotely possible mis-sourcing.

Note that I cannot advise on OSM policy here. (Which seems to be 
reflected in the wiki).

I think that the other way around (tagging as WB's a G's source) would 
very clearly be against OSM policy, since Google has not made their data 
public domain, but given OSM permission to use for tracing.

Short answer : Yes.

(Otherwise use Manual Tagging.)

Toulouse, France

 Message original 
Sujet : 	Re: [Fwd: Re: [CrisisMappers] Re: World Bank, GFDRR, RIT, 
ImageCAT Remote Sensing Mission to Haiti ‐ Status Report ‐ 24 January 2010]

Date :  Tue, 26 Jan 2010 12:12:34 -0500
De :    Margie Roswell 
Pour :  Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Références :<4b5f1e82.9050...@gmail.com>

sorry, I don't understand what you mean.

Is pressing B (to make 
source=http://filename-like-google-201001-17..jpg) okay? It's so easy, 
that it's my strong preference. (I don't have paste problems in potlatch.)

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] New ALOS imagery

2010-01-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
I see in


that new ALOS imagery is available.

(Duplicating here in case someone is not looking at the wiki, but 
checking his or her mail)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [CrisisMappers] Re: World Bank, GFDR R, RIT, ImageCAT Remote Sensing Mission to Haiti ‐ Status Report ‐ 24 January 2010

2010-01-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton


It seems i can't figure out how to cut and paste, or forward, from the 
crisismappers googlegroups archive, but in an earlier post on this 
thread, or a closely related thread, crschmidt wrote that he was going 
to integrate aerial imagery within the same layer, as it becomes available.

Thus the WMS layer name is not going to change, and you should not rely 
on it for a date.

I would advise to use the WMS layer name itself as a logically 
equivalent reference for source=*, until (or unless) a better practice 
is formulated.


Margie Roswell a écrit :

This is 
still the 1-22 imagery. Can you send a note to the list when the new
jpg is available?

I'm striving to map the camps and tents in the Léogâne area



On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 10:04 AM, crschmidt  wrote:


On Jan 26, 9:58 am, Margie Roswell  wrote:

Hi, so I gather from this that the new hi-res aerial image will be 
athttp://smal.in/haitirit_dataonce it's available.


Still not sure how to go from that to Potlatch.

There is a 'layers list' option in that interface, which takes you to
http://hypercube.telascience.org/haiti/layers.html , with a list of
layers and Potlatch example URLs.

Also, for folks choosing to use the "B" command in Potlatch to fill in
the source field (which fills in the source URL), will the file be
named in such a way as to signal pretty well that it's WorldBank, with
the associated date?

The URL is 
, so I guess that's up to you whether that's good enough.

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[OSM-talk] OSM Project Management

2010-01-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Seeing all the tasks in the wiki, from Task/Ideas to Mapping, and trying 
to think about how to organize the development of "Lifesaver App", I 
recalled Project Management stuff.

I have created a shared spreadsheet, with an embryo of hierarchical 
structures, to keep track of :
- What : Product Breakdown Structure (PBS)
- How : Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- Who : Organisation Breakdown Structure (OBS)

Those are standard notions in that field.

The document is open in read/write access to anybody accessing it thru 
the link :

To illustrate with an example, I have used the "Lifesaver App" subproject.

As you can see, there is a parallel numbering between the sheets, for 
easy cross-referencing.

Regarding sheet Who (OBS), I suggest using verbs and tense, as a simple 
form of project activity tracking.

Of course, feel free to extend, improve and reorganize as need arise.

I hope this will be useful to organize and coordinate the tasks.

Best regards,


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [Fwd: [Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Fwd: Some Twitter Search data]]

2010-01-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
If anybody could map the tweets, I bet it would give an indication of 
actual post-earthquake cell coverage, wouldn't it ?

(Which is a big request, of course.)

Thanks a thousand, M. Borasky !


 Message original 
Sujet : [OSM-talk] [Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Fwd: Some Twitter Search data]
Date :  Tue, 26 Jan 2010 08:59:29 +0100
De :    Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
Pour :  OSM-talk 
Copie à :   M. Edward (Ed) Borasky 

Forwarding to OSM-talk.


 Message original 
Sujet : [CrisisMappers] Fwd: Some Twitter Search data
Date :  Mon, 25 Jan 2010 23:25:03 -0800
De :M. Edward (Ed) Borasky 
Répondre à :crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  crisismapp...@googlegroups.com, personfin...@googlegroups.com
Références :

-- Forwarded message --
From: *M. Edward (Ed) Borasky* mailto:zzn...@gmail.com>>
Date: Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 11:12 PM
Subject: Some Twitter Search data
To: crisiscamp...@googlegroups.com 
<mailto:crisiscamp...@googlegroups.com>, crisisfil...@googlegroups.com 
<mailto:crisisfil...@googlegroups.com>, swiftri...@googlegroups.com 

I just ran a backsearch using Twitter Search with a geo focus of a 
circle of radius 210 km around the epicenter of the quake. This gets the 
westernmost tip of Haiti, but includes some of the Dominican Republic. 
Eventually I'll be coding the Streaming API version of this, but there 
aren't enough geotagged tweets yet to make it worth doing.

What did I get? 7500 tweets total - the earliest was from "Thu, 21 Jan 
2010 20:46:12 +". I don't know if that's because Twitter wasn't 
functional before that or for some other reason. Twitter Search normally 
goes back at least a week, and it can go back longer. Of those 7500 
tweets, only 93 were geotagged. I've left the data in JSON format, UNIX 
line endings. I have a script that converts them to CSV, but it needs to 
be enhanced to include the geotagging data when it exists. I'm in no 
hurry to do that, since my understanding is that the various projects 
are directly integrating Twitter data. The file is


It's about 3.7 megabytes.

I also got a list of tweet counts for all the users represented in the 
search result. If a user is in this list, they either sent a geotagged 
tweet from inside the search circle, or Twitter thinks their profile 
location is inside the search circle. That file is


There are 579 users in that list. That's not a horrendous number to 
expect human curation on at this stage of the game, and if anyone so 
desires, I can pull their profiles into a spreadsheet and even download 
their most recent 3200 tweets. ;-)

Please feel free to forward this to anyone you thing would be 
interested. I'm going to see if anyone on the main "CrisisMappers" 
mailing list has an interest.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

"I've always regarded nature as the clothing of God." ~Alan Hovhaness

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

"I've always regarded nature as the clothing of God." ~Alan Hovhaness
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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To post to this group, send email to crisismapp...@googlegroups.com.
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[OSM-talk] [Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Fwd: Some Twitter Search data]

2010-01-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Forwarding to OSM-talk.


 Message original 
Sujet : [CrisisMappers] Fwd: Some Twitter Search data
Date :  Mon, 25 Jan 2010 23:25:03 -0800
De :M. Edward (Ed) Borasky 
Répondre à :crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  crisismapp...@googlegroups.com, personfin...@googlegroups.com
Références :

-- Forwarded message --
From: *M. Edward (Ed) Borasky* mailto:zzn...@gmail.com>>
Date: Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 11:12 PM
Subject: Some Twitter Search data
To: crisiscamp...@googlegroups.com 
, crisisfil...@googlegroups.com 
, swiftri...@googlegroups.com 

I just ran a backsearch using Twitter Search with a geo focus of a 
circle of radius 210 km around the epicenter of the quake. This gets the 
westernmost tip of Haiti, but includes some of the Dominican Republic. 
Eventually I'll be coding the Streaming API version of this, but there 
aren't enough geotagged tweets yet to make it worth doing.

What did I get? 7500 tweets total - the earliest was from "Thu, 21 Jan 
2010 20:46:12 +". I don't know if that's because Twitter wasn't 
functional before that or for some other reason. Twitter Search normally 
goes back at least a week, and it can go back longer. Of those 7500 
tweets, only 93 were geotagged. I've left the data in JSON format, UNIX 
line endings. I have a script that converts them to CSV, but it needs to 
be enhanced to include the geotagging data when it exists. I'm in no 
hurry to do that, since my understanding is that the various projects 
are directly integrating Twitter data. The file is


It's about 3.7 megabytes.

I also got a list of tweet counts for all the users represented in the 
search result. If a user is in this list, they either sent a geotagged 
tweet from inside the search circle, or Twitter thinks their profile 
location is inside the search circle. That file is


There are 579 users in that list. That's not a horrendous number to 
expect human curation on at this stage of the game, and if anyone so 
desires, I can pull their profiles into a spreadsheet and even download 
their most recent 3200 tweets. ;-)

Please feel free to forward this to anyone you thing would be 
interested. I'm going to see if anyone on the main "CrisisMappers" 
mailing list has an interest.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

"I've always regarded nature as the clothing of God." ~Alan Hovhaness

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

"I've always regarded nature as the clothing of God." ~Alan Hovhaness
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
Groups "CrisisMappers" group.

To post to this group, send email to crisismapp...@googlegroups.com.
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