Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [tag] musée d'art

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Pieren
2015-01-15 17:17 GMT+01:00 althio althio

La définition actuelle dans le wiki anglais est confuse et
partiellement fausse. En particulier, l'idée qu'un espace affichant de
l'art uniquement serait une gallerie d'art et que le concept de
musée serait réservé aux sciences et à l'histoire... En fait, la
différence entre galerie d'art et musée est la même en anglais et en

 Tandis qu'est réservé aux musées sur d'autres sujets ('scientific,
 historical, cultural') le tag:
 tourism=museum [2]

Si on devait toujours croire ce qui est écrit dans le wiki... (art
gallery)An institution holding art exhibitions (even if they have
museum in the name) 
Donc un musée ne serait pas un musée, même si c'est dans son nom ! Le
cartographe OSM aurait donc la science suffisamment infuse pour dire
que des musées se trompent et usurpent leur titre.

 Mais la documentation en français n'existe pas [1,2] ou donne beaucoup
 moins de détails que la version anglaise. [3,4]

Simplement parce qu'elle n'évolue pas à la même vitesse (ce qui a
parfois du bon, comme ici)

 Et nous avons quelques musées qui ne respectent pas le schéma
 proposé... En fait, tous ceux que j'ai regardé parmi les plus connus à

 Alors quoi ? On boycotte le tag tourism=gallery ? On rectifie ? Osmose ?

Plus simplement, on devra adapter le wiki pour que le tag art
gallery soit utilisé pour les espaces que se déclarent comme
galleries d'art et comme museum les espaces qui se déclarent comme
des musées.

 name=Jeu de Paume [5]

centre d'art d'après wikipedia (art contemporain, photo). -arts_centre

 amenity=arts_centre [6]
 name=Centre Pompidou

L'ensemble mérite le qualificatif de centre d'arts. Mais il faut
affiner dans la cartographie indoor et identifier à l'intérieur les
parties muséals et les galleries séparément comme ci-dessous:

 name=Musée national d'art moderne [7]

 alt_name=Musée du Louvre [8]
 name=Le Louvre


 name=Musée d'Orsay [9]

 name=Musée Rodin [10]

Appliquez la règle du duck tagging ([1]) : si ça ressemble à un
musée, si ça s'appelle un musée, alors tagguez-le comme un musée.



Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] scansione di mappe cartacee

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Il 26/01/2015 22:55, Dario Zontini Gmail ha scritto:
 Ho una domanda che non riguarda direttamente OSM ma penso possa
 essere interessante anche ad altri mappatori.
 Ho notato che ci sono diverse applicazioni (anche di marchi famosi)
 che consentono di georeferenziare scansioni di mappe cartacee. Le
 mie domande sono: 1) se io compero una mappa cartacea coperta da
 copyright (con la scritta tipo: è vietato la ripoduzione...) posso
 in modo legale digitalizzarla con lo scanner, georeferenziarla e
 caricarmela sul pc/smartphone per uso mio personale?

Secondo me no, lo ritengo al pari della copia cd/dvd ad uso personale,
attualmente nel nostro paese non si può.

 2) se  la risposta è: non è legale come mai ci sono siti
 ufficiali che pubblicizzano questa possibilità quando quasi tutte
 le mappe cartacee sono coperte da copyright e quelle liberamente
 utilizzabili come OSM sono già digitali e georeferenziate?
 ciao e grazie

Si potrebbe dire la stessa cosa del software libero :P

Ad ognuno è rimesso il saper valutare fino a che punto vale la pena
infrangere la legge.

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


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Re: [Talk-at] Karte zur Gebäudeabdeckung in Österreich

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Thomas Konrad
Aja, was ich vergessen habe zu sagen: Die Berechnung von vorne ist nicht das 
Problem, schwierig wird es eher, den Abdeckungsverlauf der einzelnen Gemeinden 
/ Bezirke / Bundesländer zu erhalten.

Ad Grenzverschiebung: Überall, wo in dieser [1] Liste Teilung steht, wurde 
die Grenze verschoben.


 Am 27 Jan 2015 um 08:20 schrieb Thomas Konrad
 Hallo Erwin,
 freut mich sehr, dass dich die Auswertung motiviert und die Arbeit 
 Ja, das mit den Gemeindezusammenlegungen ist so eine Sache. Wäre es immer der 
 Fall, dass einfach mehrere Gemeinden zu einer zusammengelegt werden und sich 
 die Grenzen nie verschieben, wäre es verhältnismäßig einfach, die Zahlen 
 umzurechnen. Leider ist das nicht immer genau so der Fall; ich kenne einen 
 Fall dort wo ich her bin, wo auch Grenzen verschoben wurden (Gemeinde Gnas / 
 Da die ursprüngliche Idee der Aufteilung es war, die Abdeckungswerte in 
 verdaubare Häppchen aufzuteilen, sehe ich diese Idee durch die 
 Gemeinezusammenlegung im Grunde nicht verletzt. Aber klar, ganz richtig ist 
 es so natürlich nicht mehr.
 Kurzfristig werde ich es nicht ändern, weil aus meiner Sicht die 
 Verwendbarkeit des Dienstes nicht stark leidet. Aber vielleicht sehe ich mir 
 mittelfristig mal genauer an, wie schwer die Migration wirklich ist :)
 Aja, und sorry für die verspätete Antwort.
 Am 23 Jan 2015 um 11:47 schrieb Erwin Pleyer
 Hallo Thomas,
 ich wende mich vor allem an Dich und Deine tolle Karte der Gebäudeabdeckung 
 in Österreich.
 Ich habe Deine Auswertungen bisher sehr gerne dazu verwendet, kleine 
 Gemeinden mit wenig bis gar keiner Abdeckung zu suchen und die Gebäude 
 anschließend per GeoImage zu erfassen.
 Jetzt hat es ja zum 01.01.15 zahlreiche Zusammenlegungen von Gemeinden 
 Meine Frage nun, wie sieht es aus, kannst Du Deine Auswertungen an die neuen 
 Grenzen anpassen oder ist der Aufwand hierfür zu hoch? Ich kann es nicht 
 abschätzen, würde das Update aus meiner Sicht jedoch sehr begrüßen!
 Sollte es nicht möglich sein, dann Danke ich Dir trotzdem für Deine 
 bisherige Arbeit, war wirklich super.
 Geht es doch, dann freue ich mich schon auf die neuen Listen.
 Grüße aus Kufstein
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Re: [OSM-talk] Addresses interpolation

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Sylvain Maillard

by looking at the point with wrong street name, I can tell you that the
last contibutor is (now) one of the most experienced contributors in France.
I'm not sure where the error come from, but I would say it was one error
among other good changes ;)

I will send him an email about this error ...


2015-01-27 12:48 GMT+01:00 Dmitry Kiselev

 ...and leave that editor free to make the same mistake again and again.
 They probably didn't realise they'd made a mistake, and a friendly note
 from you might stop the problem occurring again.

 Also, while they're correcting the mistake they've made, they may also
 spot places in the same area where the map needs updating. As a remote
 mapper, you're not going to be able to do this.

 That's why using QA tools is fine, but just blindly fixing errors
 without communicating with local mappers doesn't produce the best
 outcome for OSM overall.

 I do understand the urge to fix inconsistencies in the data like this,
 but until every single geographic feature on the face of the Earth is
 represented in OSM somehow, it shouldn't be our highest priority.


 Seems to much extroversive for me.

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Duplicate Ways (or portions of ways)

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Richard Welty

On 1/27/15 11:33 AM, Dave Nesbitt wrote:
Is there a standard way to identify and remove ways that are 
duplicates (or portions which are duplicates)?  These are cases where 
2 ways use the same set of nodes (or similar common subsets of the 
nodes) with very similar attribution.

i'm not sure there's a standard way. i cleaned up a bunch of similar stuff
in the NY 22 corridor a while back, it mostly is a result of multiple
mappers importing duplicative TIGER data back around 2007, followed
by one of the old de-dup bots cheerfully gluing the duplicated nodes
together. if i thought about it i might be able to come up with an overpass
query that would pull these out.

once i identify one, i usually unglue one of the shared nodes, select
one of the resulting 2, move it out so i can then select the way i
propose to delete, and delete it.

when cleaning up NY 22, i sometimes found dupe ways that didn't
have shared nodes. usually one of them was correctly connected
to the surrounding highway network and the other was not; then
it was important to identify the disconnected one and delete it
as there was a lot less cleanup work that way.

whenever you see these, it's important to look at the surrounding
area carefully for other problems. i have seen some very weird ones;
a chunk of I-787 in Albany had a way that wrapped back on itself.
that one had me mystified for a little while. it was tagged oneway
and had directional arrows pointing in both directions in JOSM.


 Averill Park Networking - GIS  IT Consulting
 OpenStreetMap - PostgreSQL - Linux
 Java - Web Applications - Search

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] amenity=bicycle_repair_station :::: only 18 so far

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Goss

With only 50 some nodes, it is hard to argue for rendering.

I don't think rendering is important here. What would be much better is 
a very simple smartphone app just to find the nearest one and then also 
just integrate it in all the existing bicycle maps.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [tag] musée d'art

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Eric Brosselin - Osm


Je trouve la question intéressante.

_Du coup j'ai traduit (il y a déjà quelques jours) les deux pages du 
wiki en français_

La traduction est fidèle  donc avec des contradictions (surtout pour 
gallery) j'assume !

C'est vrai que tout cela est très confus  :

Si on reprend les différentes définitions de Wikipédia on a :

Musée  (avec 6 types de musées)

Musée d'art

Galerie d'art

Il y a aussi Muséum qui en 
français devient un faux ami avec tourism=museum

_Si on voulait respecter le wiki cela donnerait _:

Musées d'archéologie, d'histoire, des sciences et techniques, 
ethnologiques, d'histoire naturelle  === tourism=museum
Musées d'art, Musées des beaux-arts, Musées des arts décoratifs, 
Pinacothèques  === tourism=gallery
Galeries d'art publiques dont le but principal est l'exposition des 
œuvres  === tourism=gallery
Galeries d'art privées dont le but principal est la vente des œuvres  
=== shop=art

Or comme cela a bien été souligné  les musées d'arts (comme les 
pinacothèques par exemple) qui devraient (selon le wiki) être étiquetés 
gallery le sont en museum

Le fait que certains musées aient le mot gallery dans leur nom 
anglais peut ajouter à la confusion. (ex National Gallery)

En anglais le mot gallery est utilisé entre autres pour :

 * An art museum (art gallery)
 * A retail art shop (also often
   known as an art gallery)
 * An exhibition room in a museum

Et en français ce qu'on appelle communément des galeries d'art sont 
des magasins de vente d'art.

Bref ceci explique sans doute cela pour ce qui est de la confusion générale.

/ Plus simplement, on devra adapter le wiki pour que le tag art 
gallery soit utilisé pour les espaces que se déclarent comme 
galleries d'art et comme museum les espaces qui se déclarent comme 
des musées./

L'idéal serait sans doute :

- Musées de tous types : === tourism=museum
- Galeries d'art (au sens espaces d'expositions non permanentes) === 
- Galeries d'art (dont le but principal est la vente des œuvres ) === 

il faudrait donc adapter le wiki en ce sens.
L’usage suivra t-il ?

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Error when Exporting from Share icon

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Peter Wendorff

What if the osm website would allow custom renderings within
predefined zoom levels by default, stitching together existing tiles in
that case, which should require much less resources than a complete
custom render, even when cutting down to non-tile boundaries.

For current browsers it should be possible to do that with javascript at
the browser a well.

If we still want to allow the custom zoom rendering, a fallback to the
current solution might be possible, but a UI that makes clear that some
predefined zoom levels are to be preferred might, I guess, solve most of
our requests by accident as most users probably aren't that specific
in the zoom they query for.

What do you think about that idea?


Am 26.01.2015 um 13:40 schrieb Tom Hughes:
 On 26/01/15 12:00, Paul Norman wrote:
 On 1/26/2015 2:58 AM, Dave F. wrote:
 I don't know when it was last reviewed, but does this error have bit
 of a sensitive trigger? Has the server that runs the process been
 upgraded so it can handle a greater number of requests? If so, could
 the error's cut in point be relaxed?
 The thresholds for each server have been adjusted multiple times and
 will probably continue to be so. Even if the load cutoff is increased
 there will be times when individual render requests are rejected for a
 few days in a row - stylesheet updates being the main one. It is
 considered more important to update the map rendering than to do a
 custom render. Personally I don't have many problems generating a custom
 render from, but I'm on a different timezone and keep different
 hours, which makes it hard to compare. I also get directed to a
 different server much of the time.
 I suspect main difference is that you're hitting orm and Dave is hitting
 yevaud. There is an ops ticket open for our efforts to get yevaud
 upgraded to improve the performance:

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Entscheidungsfindung und Toleranz bei OSM

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Jörg Frings-Fürst

Am Sonntag, den 25.01.2015, 21:24 +0100 schrieb Jörg Frings-Fürst:
 Am Sonntag, den 25.01.2015, 20:08 +0100 schrieb tumsi:
   Naja das löschen hat ja mal schon in größerem Umfang auch in
   Gegend angefangen. :(
  Hier sollte eigentlich das passieren, was sonst auch bei nicht 
  abgesprochen Massenedits/-löschungen passiert: Revert und Sperren
 Das denke ich auch.

So die erst mail an die Data Working Group ist raus.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Pozzo in disuso

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Luca Delucchi
2015-01-26 16:15 GMT+01:00 frasty

 Peccato poi che anche tourism=attraction non venga renderizzato.

Viene renderizzato, ma anche se non lo fosse non sarebbe un grosso
problema, se hai necessità di farlo vedere hai tutti gli strumenti per
renderizzarlo da te ;-)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] scansione di mappe cartacee

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Elena ``of Valhalla''
On 2015-01-27 at 09:06:33 +0100, girarsi_liste wrote:
  2) se  la risposta è: non è legale come mai ci sono siti
  ufficiali che pubblicizzano questa possibilità quando quasi tutte
  le mappe cartacee sono coperte da copyright e quelle liberamente
  utilizzabili come OSM sono già digitali e georeferenziate?
 Si potrebbe dire la stessa cosa del software libero :P

decisamente no: il software libero è perfettamente legale e sfrutta 
le leggi sul copyright per tutelarsi

l'unico caso potenzialmente a rischio è il software libero che tratta 
argomenti potenzialmente a rischio copertura brevettuale, dove a seconda 
delle legislazioni lo stesso programma potrebbe essere o meno legale, 
ma è il programma specifico a non esserlo, non il concetto stesso 
di software libero.

Elena ``of Valhalla''

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] scansione di mappe cartacee

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden emmexx

Il 01/27/2015 10:20 AM, girarsi_liste scrisse:

Io spero invece che buttino fuori gli editori, la SIAE così com'era
concepita è utile, però manca di totale buon senso oggi, per non
parlare dell'arretratezza culturale che sta facendo a nostre spese.

Non so, l'attuale presidente non e' un editore e non ha portato 
sostanziali mutamenti.

Quella degli autori ed editori e' una lobby che notoriamente favorisce 
pochi, i piu' noti e quelli che vendono di piu', a scapito dei piu' 
piccoli. E potente abbastanza da far approvare leggi assurde, non per 
niente molti parlamentari hanno il vezzo di scrivere libri, alcuni 
cantano pure...

Vabbe', siamo OT.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Indian OSM server

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Arun Ganesh

 2. An OSM installation for editing India data.

 Nowhere on the list has anyone talked about such a separate OSM
installation, so we should probably put that idea to rest once for all. We
are not going to fork the database.

What we are looking for is just a homepage for OSM customized for Indian
users with our own tiles,  maybe something on the lines of and

The boundaries remain a big reason to have our own tiles. All this takes is
changes to the stylesheet, not the data itself.

 Arun Ganesh
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Comment afficher les noms de lieux en français sur toute la planète ?

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Vincent de Château-Thierry

 De: Ab_fab
 Pierre a répondu à ta question.
 Pour aller un peu plus loin, voila un outil qui vise à faciliter
 l'ajout des noms de lieu en français (*) partout dans le monde.

Il y a aussi cette carte qui met en oeuvre le concept : (mais à 
l'instant je n'obtiens pas de tuiles).


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Indian OSM server

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Arun Ganesh
The longer term vision is to have tiles available in regional languages,
but first step, our own tileserver!

Unless maybe, someone has some good ideas on how we can have Hindi or
Bengali maps without taking the trouble to set up our own tileserver. This
is probably the time to speak up.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Arun Ganesh

 How are we going to keep data in sync between this instance / fork and
 main OSM?

 No, we are not going to do something silly like fork the osm database. We
 only replicate it and host customized map tiles with the visual changes we

 My suggestion is to just maintain a daily updated copy of the Asia data

 Sorry to be the old goat here, but I still don't believe this is a
 great idea. What is the main purpose of this?

 The main purpose is to have customized map tiles for India.

  Arun Ganesh

 Arun Ganesh
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] scansione di mappe cartacee

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Luca Delucchi
2015-01-26 22:55 GMT+01:00 Dario Zontini Gmail
 Ho una domanda che non riguarda direttamente OSM ma penso possa essere
 interessante anche ad altri mappatori.

 Ho notato che ci sono diverse applicazioni (anche di marchi famosi) che
 consentono di georeferenziare scansioni di mappe cartacee. Le mie domande
 1) se io compero una mappa cartacea coperta da copyright (con la scritta
 tipo: è vietato la ripoduzione...) posso in modo legale digitalizzarla con
 lo scanner, georeferenziarla e caricarmela sul pc/smartphone per uso mio

direi che è legale, alla fine la stai utilizzando te.

 2) se  la risposta è: non è legale come mai ci sono siti ufficiali che
 pubblicizzano questa possibilità quando quasi tutte le mappe cartacee sono
 coperte da copyright e quelle liberamente utilizzabili come OSM  sono già
 digitali e georeferenziate?

se non fosse legale anche questi siti infrangerebbero la legge. cosa
che può capitare

 ciao e grazie


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Indian OSM server

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Ishan Chattopadhyaya
On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Arun Ganesh

 On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 1:45 PM, Shekhar Krishnan

 Johnson has access to the same server where OHM is hosted, known as
 hackercoop, which is a community server provided courtesy of Topomancy
 (which is me, Schuyler Erle and Tim Waters).

 Since most if not all of the required stack is already installed and
 configured for it shouldn't be too hard to
 setup there. Johnson will need guidance from
 Sanjay or Sajjad.

 If we have consensus on this can we start setup?

 Lets consider the lack of opposition as silent nods in agreement. I'm
 ready to take care of the mapnik xml.

+1 to Arun on silent nods in agreement :-) My suggestion would be to use
a different server than OHM, if possible, so that one service doesn't
disrupt the other under any circumstances. Also, so that it is possible to
setup a new server (.in) from scratch later, for purposes of failover)
without too much manual intervention later.

If such a server is not available, we can discuss raising funds for the
maintenance of a server. However, even a VM on the OHM server might help us
get through in the beginning?

 Satyakaam, you can ping and point the nameservers at the hackercoop box
 (on which you should also have an account, send keys to Sanjay if not).



 On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Arun Ganesh

 On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 12:26 PM, satyaakam goswami

 Via Topomancy, Sanjay Bhangar and I have a server with ample speed and
 space to host and related projects for at least one
 year. We are providing the same service to OpenHistoricalMap.

 lets talk about it , OpenHistoricalMap is something interesting would
 like to learn more about it .

 OHM info and mailing list:

 Meanwhile, lets start on OSM India. Johnson has already taken the first
 steps, looking forward to hearing from him.

 -Satya | |​

 Talk-in mailing list

  Arun Ganesh

 Talk-in mailing list


 Shekhar Krishnan
 Topomancy LLC

 Talk-in mailing list

  Arun Ganesh

 Talk-in mailing list

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Indian OSM server

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Sanjay Bhangar
Hey all,

Sorry to be the old goat, but can't continue to have my silence being
inferred as agreement :/

These are the same tired questions i have been asking since the
beginning, but have not received a satisfactory answer, so shall ask
them again.

How are we going to keep data in sync between this instance / fork and main OSM?

+ I agree with Ishan that we should not host this and OHM on the same
box. Another VM or so is okay, but should not be in the same
environment, for sure. We need to figure out how best to do this. It
maybe non-trivial to setup a VM on the running OHM box, so we may need
another VM / dedicated box for this.

Sorry to be the old goat here, but I still don't believe this is a
great idea. What is the main purpose of this? From what I gather, the
main purpose seems to be to host an instance of OSM that shows
boundaries of India that comply with Indian law, so that OSM can be
used by Indian services without being in contravention of the law. I
find this to be an unfortunate political reality, but a good reason.
Just, unfortunately, once we fork OSM data, it is going to be
possibly non-trivial to continually merge in changes from OSM. And
worse, if we plan to do writes to our instance, merging those back
with the main OSM seems non-trivial as well. Unless we have thought
these issues through and have very clear answers and solutions to
this, I think it is highly dangerous to fork the OSM data without a
clear plan on how we plan to handle merges.

I'm unfortunately not an OSM hacker myself, so don't have clear
answers, but from speaking to people who have more experience with the
OSM stack, this seems like a non-trivial problem to solve. And unless
we have a plan to solve this problem, I can't really get behind such a
proposal / idea.

Anyways, this email was mostly just so my silence doesn't get
registered as agreement :) - hopefully someone who knows more than I
do can respond with how we plan to manage this.

Thank you,

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 2:11 PM, Shekhar Krishnan wrote:
 The OHM server is very low traffic as it is a niche project. For that
 matter, so is OSM India. If we need a dedicated box, I'll get one via
 Topomancy or Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education in Mumbai.

 The question of hosting should not delay us.

 w.r.t. Paul Norman's point, agreed that what we are doing here is different
 in nature from OHM. My only point was that the stack installed on the server
 is similar, not the nature of the services. My bad wording.

 If anyone else in the OSM community on this list or elsewhere disagrees,
 speak now. Else the silent nods in agreement shall be taken as an okay to
 go ahead with setup of

 I spoke with both Satyakaam and Arun yesterday.

 Satya has agreed to manage the install and config and Arun will then guide
 us on next steps. Johnson is too busy with other work right now and Satya is
 ready and reliable to manage services.

 Thanks to H.S. Rai for kicking off this thread!



 On 01/27/15 14:02, Ishan Chattopadhyaya wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Arun Ganesh wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 1:45 PM, Shekhar Krishnan wrote:

 Johnson has access to the same server where OHM is hosted, known
 as hackercoop, which is a community server provided courtesy
 of Topomancy (which is me, Schuyler Erle and Tim Waters).

 Since most if not all of the required stack is already installed
 and configured for it shouldn't be
 too hard to setup there. Johnson will
 need guidance from Sanjay or Sajjad.

 If we have consensus on this can we start setup?

 Lets consider the lack of opposition as silent nods in agreement.
 I'm ready to take care of the mapnik xml.

 +1 to Arun on silent nods in agreement :-) My suggestion would be to
 use a different server than OHM, if possible, so that one service
 doesn't disrupt the other under any circumstances. Also, so that it is
 possible to setup a new server (.in) from scratch later, for purposes of
 failover) without too much manual intervention later.

 If such a server is not available, we can discuss raising funds for the
 maintenance of a server. However, even a VM on the OHM server might help
 us get through in the beginning?

 Satyakaam, you can ping and point the nameservers at the
 hackercoop box (on which you should also have an account, send
 keys to Sanjay if not).



 On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Arun Ganesh wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 12:26 PM, satyaakam goswami wrote:


Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: Re: [Imports] amenity=bicycle_repair_station :::: only 18 so far

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Paul Johnson
On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 1:40 PM, SomeoneElse wrote:

 On 26/01/2015 19:19, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:

 2) Nobody seems to mind if a school POI is off by 30 meters.  But the
 people do seem to care for bicycle repair stations.

 Citation needed, I think.  That may be true in the US (were schools
 imported there?) but I'd be very surprised if in the UK there were many
 school POI nodes (of which there are still a few) that were actually
 outside the school grounds.  A quick peek at a couple of areas in the UK in
 taginfo (including ones with fewer local mappers) suggest most schools are
 mapped as areas, and I'd expect them to be as accurate the aerial imagery
 locally, which is certainly better than 30m.

Schools were imported (from GNIS), as far as I can tell.  Sadly apparently
the government doesn't even know it's own territory that well, so nodes for
some schools (and churches, and airfields, and post offices, and similar
amenities) that were removed (or destroyed through some means, or in the
case of many, especially remote, post offices, just plain *abandoned*, but
left standing) years to decades before the imported data was generated
ended up in OSM.  Go back a few years and the situation was far worse, I'm
sure TIGER import considered harmful should bring plenty of calls for a
wide-scale revert.
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] accesso percorsi interni a villaggio turistico

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Aury88
dipende da caso a caso cioè ci sono percorsi messi a disposizione dal resort
per permettere l'accesso alla spiaggia anche ai non però quello
che intendi tu è quello che intendo io io ho usato il tag
access=customers...non so se sia giusto ma josm lo conosce e mi sembra sia
abbastanza diffuso

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Re: [Talk-it] scansione di mappe cartacee

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Il 27/01/2015 10:06, emmexx ha scritto:
 Oltretutto vorrei vedere chi viene a controllare se hai fatto la
 copia e ce l'hai sul tuo smartphone. La SIAE?

No, però questo autorizza te a compiere un'eventuale illecito?

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] scansione di mappe cartacee

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Il 27/01/2015 10:17, emmexx ha scritto:
 Prima o poi si riuscira' a chiudere il baraccone SIAE...

Io spero invece che buttino fuori gli editori, la SIAE così com'era
concepita è utile, però manca di totale buon senso oggi, per non
parlare dell'arretratezza culturale che sta facendo a nostre spese.

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mancanza attribuzione

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Alberto Nogaro
-Original Message-
From: Simone Cortesi []
Sent: sabato 6 dicembre 2014 23:54
To: openstreetmap list - italiano
Subject: Re: [Talk-it] Mancanza attribuzione

Oggi ho provato a telefonare all'ufficio PR che cestisce il sito web, 
essendo sabato non ha risposto nessuno. Riprovero' lunedi'.

Ho visto solo ora la image of the week [1], grande Simone! Considerata la 
visibilità che ci offre, propongo come task della settimana il controllo della 
corretta mappatura delle stazioni dei Carabinieri.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Comment afficher les noms de lieux en français sur toute la planète ?

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Verdy
J'oubliais aussi de dire que même si des tas de pays n'ont pas de noms
définis spécifiquement en français, il ya tout de même des normes
internationales pour au moins les translittérations latines (romanisations)
de la toponymie, utilisables par défaut sauf en cas d'usage local d'autres

La Russie par exemple n'utilise pas les translitérations officielles de
l'écriture latine vers l'écriture cyrillique, mais des approximations très
discutables de la phonétique, souvent erronée d'ailleurs et sans usage
autre que celui qui a été créé entièrement par quelques contributeurs trop
zélés de Wikipédia qui ne savent pas lire correctement le français, et même
pleines d'incohérences, mélant traductions avérées pour certains noms, et
transcriptions phonétiques hasardeuses pour les noms composés).

Mais en français pour les villes russes (ou bulgares, serbes, ukrainiennes,
macédoniennes, tadjikes, mongoles...), on tend à utiliser les noms d'usage
connus, sinon des romanisations à peu près officielles (notamment les
romanisations turques) sans trop vouloir calquer de façon approximative et
incohérente les noms officiels russes en cyrillique.

On pourrait croire que Wikipédia (du fait de sa grande visibilité sur le
web) crée l'usage, mais il n'est pas le seul loin de là et il y a de
longues traditions d'usages multiples dans la littérature, les médias. Et
même nos collectivités françaises préfèrent s'entendre sur les
translittérations arabes ou cyrilliques et ne comptent pas du tout suivre
l'usage actuel de Wikipédia qui n'a fait strictement aucune recherche pour
attester les graphies. Cela veut-il dire qu'on doit exclure les
translittérations venues de Wikipédia ? non car sinon on n'a pas encore
d'autres sources référencées (mais elles existent ailleurs que le seul web
public) et même dans ce cas il restera encore des variantes orthographiques
parmi de nombreuses autres sources (pas toujours francophones mais calquées
directement de médias américains en anglais, espagnol ou portugais ou de
médias russes et arabes diffusés dans ces langues et réutilisées aussi
telles quelles en français, attention toutefois elles ne persistent pas
longtemps une fois passée l'actualité).

Cependant pour les pays dont les langues officielles ne sont pas
romanisées, il y a presque toujours des romanisations très développées,
visant essentiellement l'anglais avec quelques rares extensions (telles que
les diacritiques pour voyelles longues en japonais, hindi). Certaines
règles de romanisation strictes ne sont pas toujours observées
(romanisations de certaines consonnes arabo-persanes, cyrilliques, ou
suppression des diacritiques). Ces romanisations officielles sont sensées
être utilisées aussi dans les pays dont la langue officielle est romanisée
et normalisée mais qui ne sont pas nécessairement non plus l'anglais, mais
des adaptations sont également faites (par exemple pour le français dont
l'orthographe note par des digraphes les voyelles nasales et différencie
les e), parfois plusieurs selon les sources et époques (même si on tend
de plus en plus à utiliser les romanisations utilisant des diacritiques non
utilisés dans l'orthographe française, par exemple les signes de voyelles
longues et brèves, ou la non réutilisation de l'apostrophe quand elle ne
marque pas l'élision mais une consonne sourde mais pas muettes, basées
sur les signes de l'API).

Des romanisation officielles sont utilisées souvent dans les pays
multilingues ayant l'anglais comme langue nationale ou régionale (ou de
facto mais pas officielle) ou comme langue internationale (par exemple pour
nommer les ports et aéroports ainsi que leurs principales subdivisions
parfois jusqu'à 2 ou 3 niveaux). On ne peut pas s'attendre toutefois à les
trouver partout au niveau le plus fin (par exemple les noms d'entreprises
et les lieux-dits et villages qui ne sont pas des subdivisions
administratives avec une administration ou un conseil local). C'est le cas
de la Chine (le système officiel Pinyin est normalisé et constitue même une
méthode de saisie pour entrer les noms écrits en sinogrammes, il est
préféré aux autres romanisations qui peuvent encore être utilisées
cependant à Hong Kong, Macao, Taïwan ou Singapour).

Cependant ces romanisation des sinogrammes sont complexes à faire dans le
sens inverse de celui de la méthode de saisie (le pinyin n'est pas sans
ambiguïtés car cela utilise un dictionnaire proposant ensuite plusieurs
sinogrammes proches, composés par un radical clé une clé donnant un
phonogramme approximatif et quelques autres traits spécifiques). Il y a
tellement d'exceptions que des dictionnaires officiels de toponymes locaux
ont aussi été développés par les collectivités.

Ce même système est utilisé aussi mais de façon moins normative au Japon
pour la romanisation des kanjis; mais en essayant d'être aussi compatible
avec la romanisation des kanas (qui sont historiquement des sinogrammes
ultra-simplifiés, à usage phonétique mais codant des syllabes avec de

Re: [Talk-at] Karte zur Gebäudeabdeckung in Österreich

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Thomas Konrad
Aja, was ich vergessen habe zu sagen: Die Berechnung von vorne zu beginnen ist 
natürlich kein Problem; die Herausforderung ist es eher, den Abdeckungsverlauf 
aller Gemeinden Bezirke / Bundesländer zu erhalten.

Ad Teilung alter gemeinden: Dort, wo in dieser [1] Liste Teilung dabeisteht, 
haben sich die Grenzen verschoben.


 Am 27 Jan 2015 um 08:20 schrieb Thomas Konrad
 Hallo Erwin,
 freut mich sehr, dass dich die Auswertung motiviert und die Arbeit 
 Ja, das mit den Gemeindezusammenlegungen ist so eine Sache. Wäre es immer der 
 Fall, dass einfach mehrere Gemeinden zu einer zusammengelegt werden und sich 
 die Grenzen nie verschieben, wäre es verhältnismäßig einfach, die Zahlen 
 umzurechnen. Leider ist das nicht immer genau so der Fall; ich kenne einen 
 Fall dort wo ich her bin, wo auch Grenzen verschoben wurden (Gemeinde Gnas / 
 Da die ursprüngliche Idee der Aufteilung es war, die Abdeckungswerte in 
 verdaubare Häppchen aufzuteilen, sehe ich diese Idee durch die 
 Gemeinezusammenlegung im Grunde nicht verletzt. Aber klar, ganz richtig ist 
 es so natürlich nicht mehr.
 Kurzfristig werde ich es nicht ändern, weil aus meiner Sicht die 
 Verwendbarkeit des Dienstes nicht stark leidet. Aber vielleicht sehe ich mir 
 mittelfristig mal genauer an, wie schwer die Migration wirklich ist :)
 Aja, und sorry für die verspätete Antwort.
 Am 23 Jan 2015 um 11:47 schrieb Erwin Pleyer
 Hallo Thomas,
 ich wende mich vor allem an Dich und Deine tolle Karte der Gebäudeabdeckung 
 in Österreich.
 Ich habe Deine Auswertungen bisher sehr gerne dazu verwendet, kleine 
 Gemeinden mit wenig bis gar keiner Abdeckung zu suchen und die Gebäude 
 anschließend per GeoImage zu erfassen.
 Jetzt hat es ja zum 01.01.15 zahlreiche Zusammenlegungen von Gemeinden 
 Meine Frage nun, wie sieht es aus, kannst Du Deine Auswertungen an die neuen 
 Grenzen anpassen oder ist der Aufwand hierfür zu hoch? Ich kann es nicht 
 abschätzen, würde das Update aus meiner Sicht jedoch sehr begrüßen!
 Sollte es nicht möglich sein, dann Danke ich Dir trotzdem für Deine 
 bisherige Arbeit, war wirklich super.
 Geht es doch, dann freue ich mich schon auf die neuen Listen.
 Grüße aus Kufstein
 Talk-at mailing list
 Talk-at mailing list
Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Pozzo in disuso

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden cascafico
voschix wrote
 si tratta di un pozzo o di una ghiacciaia? Normalmente una ghiacciaia non
 un pozzo e vice versa. Se pozzo: è un ex-pozzo senza acqua o un pozzo
 attivo?Hai una foto dell'oggetto? Sono curioso.
 Sicuramente non è un historic=monument.
 Mi vien in mente historic=ice_house o un historic=water_well (ex-pozzo) o
 man_made=water_well (ancora funzionante)

In effetti potrebbe essere solo estensione italiana quella di pozzo come
speleologico  ecc. 

Mi rendo conto che assegnargli historic=*water*_well sia sbagliato; però
piuttosto che ice_house, visto che nel mondo ce ne sono solo 6, perchè non
inaugurare un historic=ice_well? Conterrebbe l'informazione sull'aspetto.

Un articolo descrittivo [1] ne riporta una foto panoramica



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Re: [Talk-in] Indian OSM server

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Sajjad Anwar
Hello everyone,

Just to piggyback on what Sanjay posted and from my experience having setup
and managed few clones of OpenStreetMap infrastructure - are we clear on
why we are doing this?

I think we are mixing two different approaches here -
1. An OSM tile server specific to India data.
2. An OSM installation for editing India data.

These are entirely different and solves different problems. The amount of
work involved in setting up and managing is not trivial, so we want to be
very clear about this.

A tile server is fine and from what I recall, Johnson already setup one. We
need to make sure that the replication with the OSM master database is
setup correctly, with an optimum interval, to make sure we don't miss out
on updates.

Also, I recommend setting up this on a different server and not share
resources with other apps/projects.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 2:36 PM, Sanjay Bhangar

 Hey all,

 Sorry to be the old goat, but can't continue to have my silence being
 inferred as agreement :/

 These are the same tired questions i have been asking since the
 beginning, but have not received a satisfactory answer, so shall ask
 them again.

 How are we going to keep data in sync between this instance / fork and
 main OSM?

 + I agree with Ishan that we should not host this and OHM on the same
 box. Another VM or so is okay, but should not be in the same
 environment, for sure. We need to figure out how best to do this. It
 maybe non-trivial to setup a VM on the running OHM box, so we may need
 another VM / dedicated box for this.

 Sorry to be the old goat here, but I still don't believe this is a
 great idea. What is the main purpose of this? From what I gather, the
 main purpose seems to be to host an instance of OSM that shows
 boundaries of India that comply with Indian law, so that OSM can be
 used by Indian services without being in contravention of the law. I
 find this to be an unfortunate political reality, but a good reason.
 Just, unfortunately, once we fork OSM data, it is going to be
 possibly non-trivial to continually merge in changes from OSM. And
 worse, if we plan to do writes to our instance, merging those back
 with the main OSM seems non-trivial as well. Unless we have thought
 these issues through and have very clear answers and solutions to
 this, I think it is highly dangerous to fork the OSM data without a
 clear plan on how we plan to handle merges.

 I'm unfortunately not an OSM hacker myself, so don't have clear
 answers, but from speaking to people who have more experience with the
 OSM stack, this seems like a non-trivial problem to solve. And unless
 we have a plan to solve this problem, I can't really get behind such a
 proposal / idea.

 Anyways, this email was mostly just so my silence doesn't get
 registered as agreement :) - hopefully someone who knows more than I
 do can respond with how we plan to manage this.

 Thank you,

 On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 2:11 PM, Shekhar Krishnan
  The OHM server is very low traffic as it is a niche project. For that
  matter, so is OSM India. If we need a dedicated box, I'll get one via
  Topomancy or Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education in Mumbai.
  The question of hosting should not delay us.
  w.r.t. Paul Norman's point, agreed that what we are doing here is
  in nature from OHM. My only point was that the stack installed on the
  is similar, not the nature of the services. My bad wording.
  If anyone else in the OSM community on this list or elsewhere disagrees,
  speak now. Else the silent nods in agreement shall be taken as an okay
  go ahead with setup of
  I spoke with both Satyakaam and Arun yesterday.
  Satya has agreed to manage the install and config and Arun will then
  us on next steps. Johnson is too busy with other work right now and
 Satya is
  ready and reliable to manage services.
  Thanks to H.S. Rai for kicking off this thread!
  On 01/27/15 14:02, Ishan Chattopadhyaya wrote:
  On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Arun Ganesh wrote:
  On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 1:45 PM, Shekhar Krishnan wrote:
  Johnson has access to the same server where OHM is hosted, known
  as hackercoop, which is a community server provided courtesy
  of Topomancy (which is me, Schuyler Erle and Tim Waters).
  Since most if not all of the required stack is already installed
  and configured for it shouldn't be
  too hard to setup there. Johnson will
  need guidance from Sanjay or Sajjad.
  If we have consensus on this can we start setup?
  Lets consider the lack of opposition as silent nods in agreement.
  I'm ready to 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Comment afficher les noms de lieux en français sur toute la planète ?

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Ab_fab
Bonjour Lionel,

Pierre a répondu à ta question.
Pour aller un peu plus loin, voila un outil qui vise à faciliter l'ajout
des noms de lieu en français (*) partout dans le monde.

Bonne journée

(*) ou dans une autre langue

Le 26 janvier 2015 22:27, Lionel Allorge a
écrit :


 Est-il possible de faire afficher les noms de lieux en français sur toute
 planète lorsque l'on navigue sur OSM ?

 Merci d'avance.

 Bonne continuation.

 Lionel Allorge
 April :
 Lune Rouge :
 Wikimedia France :
 « Par temps calme, n'importe qui peut gouverner un navire »
 Publilius Syrus

 Talk-fr mailing list

Il n'y a pas de pas perdus, Nadja
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Indian OSM server

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden H.S.Rai
On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 5:34 PM, Paul Norman wrote:

 Doing what they are doing on an openstreetmap-based domain
 would be highly misleading.

Why it could be misleading. OSM's current data will be used with custom style.


Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] scansione di mappe cartacee

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Aury88
girarsi_liste wrote
 Hash: SHA1
 Il 26/01/2015 22:55, Dario Zontini Gmail ha scritto:
 Secondo me no, lo ritengo al pari della copia cd/dvd ad uso personale,
 attualmente nel nostro paese non si può.

A me invece sembra di ricordare che la copia  privata in Italia sia legale
se hai comprato l'originale...è il motivo per cui quelli della SIAE mettono
la tassa chiamata Equocompenso su qualsiasi memoria digitale o analogica
venduta nel nostro paese.
sempre che naturalmente non sia esplicitato che le copie di backup, anche se
regolari detentori del bene copiato, non vietino questa pratica (o magari
per evitare ciò mettono il DRM)...questo per musiche-film-ebooknon so
per le mappe

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Re: [Talk-it] scansione di mappe cartacee

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Il 27/01/2015 09:23, Aury88 ha scritto:
 A me invece sembra di ricordare che la copia  privata in Italia sia
 legale se hai comprato l'originale...è il motivo per cui quelli
 della SIAE mettono la tassa chiamata Equocompenso su qualsiasi
 memoria digitale o analogica venduta nel nostro paese. sempre che
 naturalmente non sia esplicitato che le copie di backup, anche se 
 regolari detentori del bene copiato, non vietino questa pratica (o
 magari per evitare ciò mettono il DRM)...questo per
 musiche-film-ebooknon so per le mappe

Dunque, non sono giurista (e manco mi ci perdo), leggendo su wikipedia
l'equo compenso [0], è imposto solo sui device e supporti digitali in
fase di acquisto, non già comprati a suo tempo (da quanto ho capito

La copia privata (in Italia)[1], sulla base di quanto citato nel
secondo link alla seguente sezione [2], mi sembra di capire che il
diritto d'autore prevale sulla copia privata, per cui se io faccio una
copia, anche se è digitale, sempre copia è.




- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] scansione di mappe cartacee

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden emmexx

Il 01/27/2015 09:52 AM, girarsi_liste scrisse:

Dunque, non sono giurista (e manco mi ci perdo), leggendo su wikipedia
l'equo compenso [0], è imposto solo sui device e supporti digitali in
fase di acquisto, non già comprati a suo tempo (da quanto ho capito

La copia privata (in Italia)[1], sulla base di quanto citato nel
secondo link alla seguente sezione [2], mi sembra di capire che il
diritto d'autore prevale sulla copia privata, per cui se io faccio una
copia, anche se è digitale, sempre copia è.

Qui pero' stiamo parlando di una mappa cartacea di cui fare una 
scansione, cioe' una copia, per proprio uso. Non di violare DRM o altro 
copiando mappe digitali (o cd/DVD).

Oltretutto vorrei vedere chi viene a controllare se hai fatto la copia e 
ce l'hai sul tuo smartphone. La SIAE?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] scansione di mappe cartacee

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Riprendo, perchè facendo ricerca, sempre alla stessa pagina linkata,
mi era sfuggito questo particolare, sempre che oggi vada ancora bene,
e posto la citazione da wikipedia [0]:

Per quanto riguarda la riproduzione cartacea, questa è regolata
nell'art 68[1], che la permette se effettuata a mano o con mezzi di
riproduzione non idonei a spaccio o diffusione dell'opera nel
pubblico; con la legge n. 248 del 18 agosto 2000 ne viene però
permessa la riproduzione personale attraverso fotocopia se in misura
non superiore al 15% dell'opera.


- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] scansione di mappe cartacee

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden emmexx

Il 01/27/2015 10:09 AM, girarsi_liste scrisse:

No, però questo autorizza te a compiere un'eventuale illecito?

Evidentemente no ma notoriamente le leggi inapplicabili restano inapplicate.

Qui c'e' tutto quello che dice la siae sulle fotocopie:

Supporti magnetici.

Nel caso si memorizzassero alcuni testi, in particolare quelli più 
richiesti dagli studenti, su supporti magnetici (anche a mezzo scanner) 
per la successiva stampa che i singoli interessati, sempre nel rispetto 
del limite del 15%, dovessero poi richiedere, i testi verrebbero 
illecitamente riprodotti dal centro per intero contrariamente alle 
disposizioni di legge. Come ci si deve comportare?

La legge sul diritto d'autore non consente la riproduzione digitale (ad 
es. da supporto cartaceo a file digitale, ottenuta mediante 
scannerizzazione) che deve essere sempre autorizzata dall'editore. Anche 
la successiva riproduzione da file a carta non è consentita.

Carte geografiche.

Le carte geografiche sono soggette all'applicazione della legge?

Se fanno parte di un volume o di un fascicolo di periodico, possono 
essere riprodotte nel limite del 15% e previo pagamento dei diritti.

Non sono liberamente riproducibili se non fanno parte di un volume o di 
un periodico.

Prima o poi si riuscira' a chiudere il baraccone SIAE...


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Indian OSM server

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Arun Ganesh
 How are we going to keep data in sync between this instance / fork and
 main OSM?

No, we are not going to do something silly like fork the osm database. We
only replicate it and host customized map tiles with the visual changes we

My suggestion is to just maintain a daily updated copy of the Asia data

Sorry to be the old goat here, but I still don't believe this is a
 great idea. What is the main purpose of this?

The main purpose is to have customized map tiles for India.

 Arun Ganesh
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Imports] amenity=bicycle_repair_station :::: only 18 so far

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Peter Wendorff

Adding option 4, already used on many other imports:

Use some externa repository for manual checkup, as done e.g. for fuel
stations [1], where the list of fuel stations was spread via wiki and
some other tool I don't recall exactly.

This allows to verify the progress (let importing users add a link to
the objects after their import), and it allows to verify the data. I
remember we checked most of the items on different sources as well, like
websites and aerials (you see fuel stations on imagery usually).



Am 26.01.2015 um 19:14 schrieb Dave Corley:
 Message: 5
 Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 18:27:43 +0100
 From: JB
 To:,  OpenStreetMap
 talk mailing list
 Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] [Imports] amenity=bicycle_repair_station 
 only 18 so far
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
 Le 26/01/2015 17:59, Jo a écrit :
  It would indeed be preferable to use OSM Notes for that purpose.
 Ho crap. Instead of importing 500 low-quality POI, just import 500
 low-quality notes…
 So that only the notes DB is a dump, but not the main one.
 Sorry for the bad energy, but please do not consider the note feature as
 a second level one. And for the fun, please close the 10 closer to your
 location :-)
 As I see it there are 3 options here
 1. Do an import, but its not accurate enough for an import - 500 POI's
 will never be fully vetted. 
 2. Add a note so that someone can map it either from imagery or a ground
 survey - 500 notes will get checked by individual mappers. 
 3. Do nothing, stick the data in a drawer and never use it - 500 pieces
 of data never get used by anyone
 To me the only logical choice is #2 when you data is not accurate enough
 for an import but the data itself is useful and something which is wanted 
 All that is needed is a disclaimer added to the note something to the
 effect of This note is based off an inaccurate source. The bicycle
 repair station is located somewhere within 30 meters of this note. If
 you can easily identify the station, please map it and close this note.
 If note, please add a comment saying it needs a ground survey. 
 This doesn't need to be very complicated. 
 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.27.0

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Matthijs Melissen
Dear all,

Today, v2.27.0 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet has been
released and rolled out to the servers.

Changes include:

* The following tags are now rendered: amenity=food_court,
amenity=doctors, natural=scree, natural=shingle, natural=bare_rock,
leisure=water_park, leisure=miniature_golf.
* The tags leisure=golf_course is now rendered with an icon.
* The following tags are no longer rendered: natural=desert,
military=barracks, and landuse=field are no longer rendered. The tags
natural=sand, landuse=military, and landuse=farmland might in some
cases be replacements.
* New icons for amenity=pharmacy, amenity=atm, amenity=bank,
shop=bakery, and amenity=cinema.
* Slightly improved icon for amenity=hospital, tourism=museum,
amenity=recycling, tourism=camping, leisure=playground, places of
* Private leisure=playground and amenity=recycling are now rendered transparent
* Prison areas are now rendered.
* Various bug fixes.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

-- Matthijs

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[Talk-it] Se modifico una mappa vettoriale su dati OSM, sto modfiicando i dati?

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Forsi

se estraggo delle way da OSM e le trasformo in un formato vettoriale
che poi modifico manualmente e alla fine stampo su carta, secondo
secondo sto modificando i dati sottostanti per cui scattano gli
obblighi della ODbL di condividere le modifiche, al di là della
rappresentazione grafica che è chiaro se la faccio da zero, posso
distribuirla con la licenza che mi pare?

Le modifiche che ho in mente sono la cancellazione di certe strade che
non mi interessano e lo spostamento di altre per rendere più visibili
certi POI, cioè magari cambio sia la topologia che le proporzioni e
quindi faccio modifiche che non devo riportare in OSM altrimenti
danneggio la mappa.

Daniele Forsi

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzfrage: Zuarbeit für Papierkarte

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Thomas Wedekind
Am Tue, 27 Jan 2015 15:46:48 +0100 schrieb Manuel Reimer

 Warum nicht lieber die OpenStreetMap-Daten
 ergänzen/vervollständigen und dann selber eine Karte rendern?

Ich (Kollege des OP, am Projekt beteiligt) will mal die beabsichtigte
Arbeitsweise etwas anders erläutern. Bin selber Mapper, wenn auch
meist nur mit Kleinkram.

Die genannte Karte gibt es, Datenstand 2005-2007, erstellt als
zweijähriges ABM-Projekt mit etlichen Mannmonaten reiner
Recherchearbeit. Wobei das darin abgebildete Radroutennetz oft
willkürlich nach unserem System ausgewählt ist, es gibt nicht nur
benannte Radrouten, sondern auch ausgewählte Strecken im allgemeinen
Straßen- und Wegenetz. (Falls jemand die ADFC-Regionalkarte von der
BVA kennt, die es für unsere Gegend nicht mehr gibt: so ähnlich. Man
könnte auch versuchen, das aus der offiziellen TK25 oder TK10 oder
deren Webderivaten abzulesen, aber die ist z.T. hoffnungslos veraltet
und hat viele Informationen nicht.)

Die Personaldecke und Arbeitszeit für eine komplette Feldrecherche
der Änderungen (alles weitestgehend abfahren) haben wir nicht mehr,
wir haben jetzt bezahlte Vollzeitjobs. Die Idee war/ist daher: alle
in der Karte nach damaligem Stand erfasste Radrouten mit OSM
vergleichen, die Änderungshistorie des entsprechenden OSM-Objektes
ansehen. Wenn bei den interessanten Merkmalen (bei Straßen/Wegen:
Oberflächenzustand, ansonsten das Vorhandensein, z.B. Rastplatz,
Kneipe...) keine Differenz: abhaken. Wenn Differenz: Historie
ansehen - wenn Änderung relativ neu und nachvollziehbar kommentiert:
OSM-Stand wandert in unsere Karte. Wenn Differenz unklar und
Historie unergiebig: hinfahren, Iststand aufnehmen, der dann sowohl
in OSM wandert, als auch in die Karte. Es wird also nichts rein
technisch übernommen, alles geht durch den Kopf des Bearbeiters als
Filter. Das Ganze dann mit einem Malprogramm gezeichnet, das ist
ein konservativer Kleinverlag als Partner. Die kennen das Wort
Datenbank nur am Rande, soweit ich weiß.

Für uns wäre diese Arbeitsweise neu, und wir wissen nicht, wieviel
Nutzen nun jede Seite (das OSM-Projekt und unseres) ziehen kann.
Direkt nach dem Lizenzwechsel wären wir da zu 90% die Gebenden
gewesen; große Flächen des kartierten Gebiets waren da praktisch weiß
(die Zuarbeiten einiger Fast-Profi-Mapper, die große Flächen allein
abgearbeitet haben, waren da aus der Datenbank geflogen). Das ist nun
nicht mehr so, aber OSM dürfte schon profitieren (Qualitätssicherung
in gut gemappten Gebieten ist ein Problem; mache ich ja selber zu
99%, wenn ich Differenzen finde; gibts hier um mein Haus herum schon

So, bitte kommentieren...

Gruß, Th. W.

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-GB] Disclaimer

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Neil Matthews
Do we need an OSM disclaimer -- I've just had a mail from a gentleman 
enquiring why an underground powerline 
was drawn on OSM -- as he didn't want to buy a house on top of it and 
Western Power told him the powerline couldn't be there! I think he 
joined OSM just to message me?!?

As it happens I think I may have modified one end to change the overhead 
route adjacent to it -- and when I checked the history I can see that I 
didn't draw in the original version of the underground powerline.

I was very tempted to reply with the following disclaimer:
Caveat emptor; the presence/absence of any or all of the following items 
on OpenStreetmap should not be considered definitive: power lines, 
plague pits, mines, flood planes, mobile phone masts -- but all 
contributions on these and other topics to OpenStreetmap are warmly 

Unfortunately, I took the easy way out and merely referred him to his 
solicitor and surveyer :-(

I suspect he might have been more upset if he was selling...

Neil (ndm)

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Disclaimer

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Pmailkeey .
On 28 January 2015 at 01:13, Neil Matthews wrote:

 Do we need an OSM disclaimer -- I've just had a mail from a gentleman
 enquiring why an underground powerline
 way/127968407/history#map=17/51.50283/-2.55462 was drawn on OSM -- as he
 didn't want to buy a house on top of it and Western Power told him the
 powerline couldn't be there! I think he joined OSM just to message me?!?

 I suspect he might have been more upset if he was selling...

 Neil (ndm)

 Talk-GB mailing list

What if a driver has an accident and says I got the map from OSM and it
states this is a primary route - so I expected it to have been suitable for
my journey.' ?

Why doesn't OSM seem to care about the quality of the mapping - marking
roads arbitrarily to someone else's classifications rather than as per what
appears on the ground ?

@millomweb -
For all your info on Millom and South Copeland
via *the area's premier website - *

*currently unavailable due to ongoing harassment of me, my family, property

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzfrage: Zuarbeit für Papierkarte

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Reimer

On 01/27/2015 11:29 AM, Erik Heinz wrote:

Die Verwendung von OSM-Daten gemeinsam
mit Daten, die eine andere Lizenz haben oder haben sollen, ist damit nicht

Doch. Ist möglich. Lösungsmöglichkeiten (unter anderem die richtige 
Liste für deine Fragen) wurden genannt.

Wir werden also wohl oder übel die Arbeit nochmal machen müssen.

Warum nicht lieber die OpenStreetMap-Daten ergänzen/vervollständigen und 
dann selber eine Karte rendern?

Oder war die Idee hier nur von OpenStreetMap zu profitieren indem die in 
OSM erfassten Wege mit proprietären Daten zusammengeworfen werden? In 
dem Fall: Ja, das ist aus gutem Grund so nicht gewünscht. Wenn schon, 
dann bitte die eigenen Wege unter ODbL stellen. Ggf. in einem offenen 
Format (GPX, ...) damit es ein anderer in OSM übernehmen kann.



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Informacije za planinarska društva i suradnja s Hrvatskim planinarskim savezom

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Janko Mihelić

Drago mi je da se javlja inicijativa sa strane planinara.

Razmišljao sam o kontaktiranju HPS-a  par puta, ali sam dobio utisak da oni
ne bi prepustili svoje podatke. A uz to, dobili smo dopuštenje sa stranice da ucrtamo sve podatke od tamo, što je već puno.
Mislim da bi bilo dobro ucrtati i kontrolne točke raznih obilaznica.

Naravno, dobiti podatke sa HPS-a bi bilo sjajno, oni imaju i informacije o
opremljenosti planinarskih kuća što je jako vrijedan podatak. Mogu ih ja
kontaktirati pa ćemo vidjeti. Možeš i ti ako misliš da će pomoći što si
član planinarskog društva. Treba nam njihov službeni mail da nam dopuštaju
da koristimo njihove podatke u OpenStreetMapu.

Što se tiče edukacije, bilo bi dobro prevesti par wiki članaka koji govore
o planinarskoj temi, i da se dogovorimo oko tagova koje ćemo koristiti.

Janko Mihelić, Janjko u OSM-u
Dana 27. 1. 2015. 13:13 osoba Weigand Petar
napisala je:


 već dugo vremena pratim talk-hr, ali nikako da se uključim u nešto, a
 konačno se u mom planinarskom društvu malo pokrenula priča o korištenju
 OSMa pa smo nedavno imali u sklopu jednog orjentacijskog seminara i kratki
 doticaj o OSMu.

 Sada smo pokrenuli priču o organiziranju kratkog tečaja korištenja OSMa.
 Ako bude dovoljno zainteresiranosti nakon toga bi napravili i neki
 napredniji tečaj o tome kako kontribuirati u OSM i sl.

 Prije sam pronašao nešto promotivnog OSM materijala pa sam to podijelio po
 društvu pa me zanima imate li još nešto što bi mi pomoglo u organiziranju
 ovakvog tečaja/seminara? Bilo kakve ideje su dobro došle.

 Btw pričao sam i s nekima iz HPSa (krovni planinarski savez u RH) da li su
 imali kakvih kontakata s OSMom, ali nisam baš primjetio da su kvalitetno
 upućeni. Na njihovom webu ima dosta službenih informacija o koordinatama pl
 domova, kuća pa i planinarskih puteva i staza. Je li netko njih
 kontaktirao? Rekli su mi da bi mi mogli dati pristup u njihove podatke koje
 valjda ne treba crawlati s weba.

 Petar Weigand
 Talk-hr mailing list

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Indian OSM server

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden H.S.Rai
On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 3:42 PM, Arun Ganesh wrote:

 The boundaries remain a big reason to have our own tiles. All this takes is
 changes to the stylesheet, not the data itself.


I am unable to get message which caused this confusion.

We intend to have only tile server.


Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Indian OSM server

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Sanjay Bhangar
Hey hey,

Many apologies for the confusion there, then - I think I was half
remembering conversations from some time ago where that was the plan.
If the plan is just to mirror the OSM data and provide alternate
styles more appropriate for India and localized, let's rock on :)

I guess we still need a server for this, though, as people have
rightly pointed out, its probably not a good idea to co-host with OHM.

Thanks - and sorry again for the confusion :) - great to know that the
boundary issue can also be managed with styles alone, that sounds


On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 8:27 PM, H.S.Rai wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 3:42 PM, Arun Ganesh wrote:

 The boundaries remain a big reason to have our own tiles. All this takes is
 changes to the stylesheet, not the data itself.


 I am unable to get message which caused this confusion.

 We intend to have only tile server.


 Talk-in mailing list

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [tag] musée d'art

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Verdy
La différence entre galerie d'art et musée ne tient pas aux sujets exposés
mais au fait qu'une galerie est surtout une surface d'expositions d'œuvres
appartenant à des tiers (louées par la galerie qui fait payer les entrées,
ou bien mises en vente par les propriétaires et artistes/producteurs) et
qu'elle ne dispose pas de ses propres collections. Elle détermine un thème
d'exposition et en fait la publicité comme les musées.

Les musées acquièrent en revanche des œuvres, soit pour les exposer, soit
pour les conserver, soit pour les louer à d'autres musées ou galeries d'art
qui cherchent à enrichir leur thématique. Parfois les musées revendent
leurs œuvres mais ce n'est pas leur but, les musées sont d'abord des
conservateurs. Ils n'exposent pas tout

Au contraire des galeries qui n'ont aucun intérêt à avoir des œuvres non
exposées ou qui ne se vendent pas : elles les restituent en fin d'expo; et
n'en louent aucune (sauf exception temporaire à une autre galerie pour les
réexposer chez elles après). Et même dans certains cas leur seul but est de
louer leur salle d'exposition pour des artistes et producteurs souhaitant
vendre leurs œuvres (la vente n'est que rarement faite par la galerie mais
par des salles de vente, sauf si les oeuvres sont exposées avec leur prix
déjà fixés par les vendeurs et affichés.

Les musées aussi louent parfois certaines de leurs salles comme ils louent
des œuvres (et font des échanges avec d'autres musées pour les besoins de
leurs expos) mais très temporairement pour abonder à leur budget de
fonctionnement et de restauration des œuvres (cas fréquent pour le Palais
de Versailles ou le Louvre pour des conventions et séminaires de prestige,
ou pour le cinéma).

Les musées ont aussi des activités de promotion de l'art et d'incitation à
la création d'où aussi des salles d'activités pour écoles et assos, ou pour
les copistes, et parfois de façon quasi-permanente, ou la formation aux
métiers d'art (par exemple le Centre Pompidou surtout pour les arts
vivants, le Louvre pour les copistes et l'initiation aux arts graphiques;
et de nombreux musées sur le territoire pour les métiers d'art; souvent
couplés à des ateliers de production et de restauration). Ce type de
promotion est presque inexistant pour les galeries qui sont surtout là pour
exposer des œuvres terminées (ou alors des œuvres inachevées dont les
artistes cherchent des mécènes pour les continuer) avec peu de formation et
peu d'activité de création sur place; ou juste de façon temporaire couplée
à une expo sur le même thème, elles ont peu d'ateliers ou les ateliers sont
privés ou loués aux créateurs et n'ont pas de thématique désignée, mais
souvent séparés en un établissement séparé. Les galeries sont faciles à
créer dans beaucoup d'endroits (on en trouve grandes boutiques comme la
Fnac, et même dans les centres commerciaux Carrefour, Leclerc)

Il y a en fait la même différence qu'entre les archives, bibliothèques et
médiathèques d'une part (musées), et les librairies, bouquinistes et
salles de spectacle d'autre part (galeries). Ou entre les écoles et
universités (publiques ou conventionnées) d'une part (musées), et les
centres de séminaires qui là encore louent leurs salles et n'emploient même
aucun professeur ou orateur (galeries). L'activité pédagogique et de
recherche peut être présente partout mais pas de façon permanente dans les
galeries et pas organisée des programmes permanents ou à terme assez long
(sur une ou plusieurs années). Les galeries sont des coquilles
videsaccueillntes peut-être mais vides quand même.

Galeries et musées existent aussi sur le net. Mais en fait on trouve
surtout des galeries avec des œuvres ou copies d'œuvres en vente ou
destinée à la promotion de leurs auteurs ou d'autres produits (et cela
inclue les réseaux sociaux).

Le 27 janvier 2015 14:03, Pieren a écrit :

 2015-01-15 17:17 GMT+01:00 althio althio

 La définition actuelle dans le wiki anglais est confuse et
 partiellement fausse. En particulier, l'idée qu'un espace affichant de
 l'art uniquement serait une gallerie d'art et que le concept de
 musée serait réservé aux sciences et à l'histoire... En fait, la
 différence entre galerie d'art et musée est la même en anglais et en

  Tandis qu'est réservé aux musées sur d'autres sujets ('scientific,
  historical, cultural') le tag:
  tourism=museum [2]

 Si on devait toujours croire ce qui est écrit dans le wiki... (art
 gallery)An institution holding art exhibitions (even if they have
 museum in the name) 
 Donc un musée ne serait pas un musée, même si c'est dans son nom ! Le
 cartographe OSM aurait donc la science suffisamment infuse pour dire
 que des musées se trompent et usurpent leur titre.

  Mais la documentation en français n'existe pas [1,2] ou donne beaucoup
  moins de détails que la version anglaise. [3,4]

 Simplement parce qu'elle n'évolue pas à la même vitesse (ce qui a
 parfois du bon, comme ici)

  Et nous avons quelques musées 

Re: [Talk-hr] Oznake name, brand, operator

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden hbogner

Bila je diskusija oko ovog što sam rekao za banke.
Bilo je riječi da je Intesa Sanpaolo samo vlasnik a da nije brand.

Ja tvrdim suprotno, da nisu samo vlasnik, nego i brand.
Evo zašto.

Oni su bili PBZ brand dok ih Intesa Sanpaolo nije kupila i stavila svoj
logo i svoj naziv.
Ako primjećuješ reklame tipa:
Privredna banka Zagreb, članica grupe Intesa Sanpaolo.
I kod njih na web to stoji. Također svoj logo su zamjenili sa logom
Intesa Sanpaolo.

Ista stvar je i sa Zabrebačkom bankom.
Preuzeli su logo i pišu da su članica UniCredit grupe

Dakle, nose naziv kao i prije, ali se oglašavaju sa nazivom i članstvom 
u većoj grupaciji čiji su logo preuzeli kao svoj.


On 01/26/2015 11:13 PM, hbogner wrote:

Evo i primjer za banke:

brand=Intesa Sanpaolo
name=Privredna banka Zagreb
operator=Privredna banka Zagreb

Ime može sadržavati i naziv poslovnice, ali operator svuda treba biti isti.
Brand je Intesa Sanpaolo, jer su oni vasnici banke i dosta je bitno jer
na bankomatima banaka koji su članice istog branda uglavnom nema naknade
za podizanje.

Talk-hr mailing list

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wohnpark als Relation

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Markus Straub

OK, ihr habt mich überzeugt - residential-Fläche it is.
Jetzt frag ich mich allerdings was kaputt ist - die building=apartments 
werden nicht mehr gerendet. Wieso?

Help :)


On 2015-01-26 21:31, Martin Vonwald wrote:

Am 26. Januar 2015 um 21:19 schrieb Friedrich Volkmann

On 26.01.2015 20:23, Stephan Bösch-Plepelits wrote:
 Wär das nicht ein typischer Fall für eine site-relation?

Nein, denn It is not necessary or appropriate to use a relation
when all
the elements contained within the boundary of the site belong to the
and no elements beyond that boundary do belong.


Wenn alles innerhalb eines zusammenhängenden Gebietes liegt, reicht eine
einfache Fläche. Keep it simple!

Wenn etwas auf mehrere Gebiete verteilt ist, kann die site-Relation Sinn
machen - vorausgesetzt es gibt keine andere Möglichkeit die
Zusammengehörigkeit der Teilgebiete festzulegen bzw. zu erkennen.


Talk-at mailing list

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Pozzo in disuso

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Damjan Gerl
Salve a tutti! Credo che cascafico intendesse le ghiacciaie storiche 
(usate cento anni fa, d'inverno le riempivano di ghiaccio e lo coprivano 
con la paglia/foglie, mentre poi d'estate vendevano il ghiaccio) che 
sono già in osm qui [1], anche se credo taggate in modo non proprio 
giusto. Purtroppo non riesco a trovare nessuna foto mia (mi pare di 
averle fotografate qualche volta), ma qui un bel articolo con foto [2] 
(già linkato da cascafico!), oppure una foto qui [3].

Credo che la proposta migliore sia proprio:
magari con qualche info su diametro e profondità



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Quay

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Jean-Marc Liotier
(This discussion originated on talk - crossposted to tagging on 
Malcolm's suggestion)

On 26/01/2015 21:16, Malcolm Herring wrote:

On 26/01/2015 19:23, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote: 
mentions that a quay will normally be tagged as part of the 
coastline natural=coastline. Apart from that I found no clue 
anywhere else about how a quay should be tagged... Am I missing 
something ? Considering how well-used man_made=pier is, I am 
surprised that quays get such scant attention. man_made=quay anyone ? 
To quote the IHO dictionary: quay. A WHARF approximately parallel to 
the SHORELINE and accommodating ships on one side only, the other side 
being attached to the SHORE. It is usually of solid construction, as 
contrasted with the open pile construction usually used for PIERS.

So yes, your reasoning is correct  that section of the coastline that 
forms the quay could indeed be tagged man_made=quay.

Yes, this is about what I had in mind:
- Either take a section of natural=coastline and overload it with 

- Or draw a dedicated man_made=quay way on top of a natural=coastline

I have no idea which one would be best. I lean towards the first one for 
easier editing - ways exactly on top of each other are difficult to select.

talk mailing list

[talk-ph] ESSC and OSM in 2015

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden maning sambale
Dear everyone,

As most of you know, ESSC [0] the Institute, I work for has been
actively using and supporting OpenStreetMap in the Philippines.
Specifically, we implemented a LGU capacity-building using OSM for DRR
in Pampanga. Another support we provided over the years was the use of
our office facilities for OSM related events.

This year, we intend to continue to work with the OSM-PH community in
using OSM data in several of our mapping engagements. We are still in
the conceptualization and planning stage, but what I can tell you is
that we will continue contributing OSM data and tools in our DRR
related projects in Central Luzon, Eastern Visayas and Mindanao.  Our
priority is for local DRR stakeholders to use and contribute to OSM to
enhance its DRRM capacity.

As always, we will try to engage both the local community (we are
engage with) and of course, this awesome volunteer community.  If
there are any specific concerns over how we use OSM data (copyright
issues, bad edits, undiscussed tagging), please let us know.


In behalf of ESSC


talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Nouvelles communes vectorielles (était Osmose)

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Pierre-Yves Berrard
Le 26 janvier 2015 20:38, Jérôme Amagat a écrit :


 Pas lié à osmose :
 A quoi ça sert maxspeed=FR:urban au lieu de maxspeed=50?

 le fichier n'est plus mis à jour depuis un mois : normal, pas normal ou
 c'est juste qu'au cadastre ils sont encore en vacances?

Une grosse fournée vient d'arriver : environ 2500 communes nouvellement
vectorisées (si mes calculs sont bons).

Le détail par département :
  DEP-  NB COM  76 339  80 329  70 279  65 248  61 206  55 151  77 143  78
118  66 107  67 94  71 88  95 87  81 85  83 65  91 58  57 44  89 42  64 1
69 1  82 1  94 1  Total 2487

Bon import semi-automatique à tous ! (et surtout une bonne santé)

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzfrage: Zuarbeit für Papierkarte

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole

Wenn ich eine halbwegs verlässliche Auskunft zu einer Lizenzfrage
bekommen möchte, frage ich den Lizenzgeber, nicht eine x-beliebige

Fragen sollten an gehen

Zusätzliche Guidelines zur Lizenz (die in diesem Fall vermutlich die
Fragen schon beantworten) finden sich hier:


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Oznake name, brand, operator

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Fiki
hbogner hbogner@... writes:

 Kad unosimo podatke trebali bi unijeti sve.
 Ovako neke stvari imaju samo oznaku brand, a neke samo operator.
 To sam primjerio kod nekih benzinskih postaja, bankomata i banaka.

 Example gas station
  name=Tankstelle an der Eisenbahnbrücke (Name of the specific gas 
  brand=BP Brand of the gas station
  operator=Max Müller operating company / individual

Znači, primjer INA-e bi onda bio: 

brand: INA
operator: INA
name: Bjelovar-motel

i svi ostali detalji?

Sad sam se uhvatio INA-e, isprintao liste radi lakšeg praćenja (ima 
nekih 300 postaja)
Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Indian OSM server

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Ravi Kumar
Create a stylesheet, that will do.. 

On Tue, 1/27/15, Arun Ganesh wrote:

 Subject: Re: [Talk-in] Indian OSM server
 To: OpenStreetMap in India
 Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 2:12 AM
 2. An
 OSM installation for editing India data.
 on the list has anyone talked about such a separate OSM
 installation, so we should probably put that idea to rest
 once for all. We are not going to fork the
 What we
 are looking for is just a homepage for OSM customized for
 Indian users with our own tiles,  maybe something on the
 lines of
 The boundaries remain a big reason
 to have our own tiles. All this takes is changes to the
 stylesheet, not the data itself.
 Arun Ganesh (planemad)
 -Inline Attachment Follows-
 Talk-in mailing list

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Adding OSM based local/POI search in modRana

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Fabri

Ma come si fa a cercare
un poi con due tag? esempio il benzinaio col tag gpl?

penso che non si possa (niente nella documentazione sul wiki e non
trova niente cercando lpg o fuel:lpg) e questo mi sembra che escluda
l'uso di Nominatim

Che altro si potrebbe usare? Una query ad overpass api che restituisce i 
benzinai col gpl in un certo raggio di distanza?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzfrage: Zuarbeit für Papierkarte

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole

Am 27.01.2015 um 12:40 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
 danke für den Link, die Seite kannte ich noch nicht.

Siehe auch
Mail von Michael Collinson vom 7. April.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Addresses interpolation

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Dmitry Kiselev

 Have you asked cquest, the editor who created it? They're the best 
 person to answer this question.

I have a validator or at least addr:interpolation parser, so I have a lots of 
examples like this 
made by different editors. 

So, if it's not an local trait, it's much more easy for me to just fix them.
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzfrage: Zuarbeit für Papierkarte

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Erik Heinz
On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 01:50:59PM +0100, Christoph Hormann wrote:
 Aber Vorsicht, wenn man nicht-OSM-Daten so anpasst, dass sie zu den 
 OSM-Daten passen oder OSM-Daten an die sonstigen Daten, zum Beispiel 
 indem man einen Radweg entlang einer Straße geometrisch mit dieser 
 Straße synchronisiert oder vermeidet, dass ein Radweg an einem Seeufer 
 über das Wasser gezeichnet wird dann greift eventuell share-alike - das 
 ist aber nicht wirklich klar.  Wenn eine solche Anpassung eine 
 substantielle Korrektur der Daten darstellt, sollte im Sinne der ODBL 
 share-alike greifen, wenn es sich nur um eine darstellungsspezifische 
 Generalisierung handelt dann eher nicht.

Danke für die beiden Antworten. Wie die Lizenz gemeint ist, ist mir jetzt
einigermaßen klar.

Die share-alike-Klausel scheint mir allerdings für klassische Kartographie,
jenseits simpler Visualisierung von GIS-Datenbanken, ziemlich problematisch.
Da gibt es nämlich keine unabhängige Sammlung von Datenbanken, sondern alles
wird irgendwie aneinander angepasst, im Interesse eines schönen und
übersichtlichen Kartenbildes. Damit sind alle Daten voneinander abhängig und
share-alike greift für alle Daten. Die Verwendung von OSM-Daten gemeinsam
mit Daten, die eine andere Lizenz haben oder haben sollen, ist damit nicht

Dazu kommt, dass es offenbar Interpretationsspielraum gibt. Das ist ein
juristisches Minenfeld, auf das man sich nicht begeben will. 

Wir werden also wohl oder übel die Arbeit nochmal machen müssen.

Danke und Gruß,

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzfrage: Zuarbeit für Papierkarte

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Martin Vonwald
Am 27. Januar 2015 um 11:29 schrieb Erik Heinz

 Wir werden also wohl oder übel die Arbeit nochmal machen müssen.

Frage: wäre es denn besser, wenn (jeder) Kartenverlag seine eigenen Daten
einfach mit OSM-Daten verbessern dürfte ohne irgendetwas zurückzugeben und
das ganze dann (teuer?) verkauft?

Alles kann man nicht haben: wenn man sich Geld sparen und OSM-Daten zum
Verbessern der eigenen Daten verwenden will, muss man eben etwas
zurückgeben. Ist das unfair?

Beste Grüße,
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [Tagging] Deprecation of associatedStreet-relations

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Pieren
Je dois dire qu'en suivant de loin cette conversation, je bois du
petit lait. J'avais à plusieurs reprises par le passé signaler ici que
ces relations étaient loin de faire l'unanimité. Le fait même que 50%
de ces relations soient concentrées dans un seul pays, la France, est
en soit une anomalie. Le syndrome du village gaulois sans doute.
Je ne vais pas revenir sur les avantages et inconvénients de chacune
des méthodes. Mais je voudrais encore une fois insister sur le fait
qu'aucun logiciel d'aide à l'import ne devrait favoriser une méthode
en particulier en laissant le libre choix aux participants. Et aussi,
j'aimerais que certains évitent de passer d'un modèle à l'autre en
masse sur de grandes villes comme j'ai déjà pu malheureusement le


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Addresses interpolation

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Jonathan Bennett
On 27/01/2015 10:24, Dmitry Kiselev wrote:
 Have you asked cquest, the editor who created it? They're the best
 person to answer this question.
 I have a validator or at least addr:interpolation parser, so I have a
 lots of examples like this
 made by different editors.
 So, if it's not an local trait, it's much more easy for me to just fix them.

...and leave that editor free to make the same mistake again and again.
They probably didn't realise they'd made a mistake, and a friendly note
from you might stop the problem occurring again.

Also, while they're correcting the mistake they've made, they may also
spot places in the same area where the map needs updating. As a remote
mapper, you're not going to be able to do this.

That's why using QA tools is fine, but just blindly fixing errors
without communicating with local mappers doesn't produce the best
outcome for OSM overall.

I do understand the urge to fix inconsistencies in the data like this,
but until every single geographic feature on the face of the Earth is
represented in OSM somehow, it shouldn't be our highest priority.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzfrage: Zuarbeit für Papierkarte

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Bernd Wurst

Am 27.01.2015 um 11:29 schrieb Erik Heinz:
 Die share-alike-Klausel scheint mir allerdings für klassische Kartographie,
 jenseits simpler Visualisierung von GIS-Datenbanken, ziemlich problematisch.
 Da gibt es nämlich keine unabhängige Sammlung von Datenbanken, sondern alles
 wird irgendwie aneinander angepasst, im Interesse eines schönen und
 übersichtlichen Kartenbildes. 

Wie schon gesagt wurde, ist jede Aussage hier auf der Mailingliste nur
eine Einzelmeinung und keine rechtsverbindliche Aussage.

Meinem Verständnis nach ist es aber so, dass grundsätzlich nur einer
Lizenzbestimmung unterliegt was *veröffentlicht* wird. Wird nachher nur
ein derived work, also die Papierkarte, weitergegeben, dann macht die
Lizenz hier keine Vorschriften und mischt sich nicht ein.

Nur grade im Bereich der digitalen Verarbeitung und Weitergabe gibt es
eben oft den Fall, dass die Daten verändert und dennoch maschinenlesbar
weiter gegeben werden. Und für diese Fälle greift dann die

Die ODbL ist also für diesen Zweck nicht problematisch sondern grade
dieser Fall ist doch eine große Errungenschaft der neuen Lizenz
gegenüber der alten.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzfrage: Zuarbeit für Papierkarte

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 26. Januar 2015 um 13:50 schrieb Christoph Hormann

 Ansonsten sieht das aus wie ein Fall für:

 also: was auch immer an Radwegen (oder auch Anderem) mit Daten vom
 selben Typ aus OSM kombiniert wird, muss share-alike sein, andere, von
 den Radwegen unabhängige Elemente wie zum Beispiel Gebäude, Gewässer
 etc. nicht.

danke für den Link, die Seite kannte ich noch nicht. Da werden neue
Konzepte eingeführt (Feature Type), die die ODbL nicht erwähnt, und die
auch nicht weiter definiert werden (das einzige was sich findet sind ein
paar Beispiele, aus denen mir noch nicht klar wird, wie sich die Feature
Types voneinander abgrenzen, also ab wann man von einem andere Feature Type
spricht, und wann es noch derselbe ist).

Grundsätzlich halte ich es nicht für völlig unproblematisch, wenn die ODbL
Guidelines herausgibt, die Implikationen haben könnten, die dem Text der
ODbL widersprechen bzw. ihn ergänzen oder einschränken, da diese
Modifikationen nicht durch das Lizenzabkommen der Mapper mit der OSMF
gedeckt sind (CT).

Die Idee, es gäbe voneinander unabhängige Objekte, kann man sicherlich
oft bestreiten, vielleicht gibt es aber auch wirklich gelegentlich völlig
voneinander unabhängige Features.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzfrage: Zuarbeit für Papierkarte

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Erik Heinz
On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 11:51:47AM +0100, Martin Vonwald wrote:
 Frage: wäre es denn besser, wenn (jeder) Kartenverlag seine eigenen Daten
 einfach mit OSM-Daten verbessern dürfte ohne irgendetwas zurückzugeben und
 das ganze dann (teuer?) verkauft?
 Alles kann man nicht haben: wenn man sich Geld sparen und OSM-Daten zum
 Verbessern der eigenen Daten verwenden will, muss man eben etwas
 zurückgeben. Ist das unfair?

Da bin ich ganz Deiner Meinung. Nur sehe ich im konkreten Fall keine
praktikable Lösung. Das ist allerdings nicht das Problem von OSM.

Insofern: von mir aus EoD.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Addresses interpolation

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Dmitry Kiselev

...and leave that editor free to make the same mistake again and again.
They probably didn't realise they'd made a mistake, and a friendly note
from you might stop the problem occurring again.

Also, while they're correcting the mistake they've made, they may also
spot places in the same area where the map needs updating. As a remote
mapper, you're not going to be able to do this.

That's why using QA tools is fine, but just blindly fixing errors
without communicating with local mappers doesn't produce the best
outcome for OSM overall.

I do understand the urge to fix inconsistencies in the data like this,
but until every single geographic feature on the face of the Earth is
represented in OSM somehow, it shouldn't be our highest priority.


Seems to much extroversive for me.
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzfrage: Zuarbeit für Papierkarte

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Michael Kugelmann

Am 27.01.2015 um 11:29 schrieb Erik Heinz:

Die share-alike-Klausel scheint mir allerdings für klassische Kartographie,
jenseits simpler Visualisierung von GIS-Datenbanken, ziemlich problematisch.
bitte keine Lizenzdiskussion hier. Die SA hat sehr wohl ihre mehr als 
berechtigten Gründe in sehr vielen FLOSS Projekten [1] und wurde im Zuge 
der Lizenzumstellung der OSM-Daten von CC-by-SA zu ODBL durch eine 
Meinungsumfrage durch eine Mehrheit bestätigt.

Erläuterung zum Hintergrund von [1]: die kostenlose Arbeit von vielen 
Freiwilligen soll z.B. nicht durch $evil-company$ in Ihre Projekte 
integriert werden ohne der Community etwas zurück zu geben (bei 
Änderungen/Erweiterung/) oder die Daten jederzeit nutzen/updaten zu 
können (bei unveränderter Verwendung von z.B. OSM-Daten als Kartendaten).


PS: persönliche Aussage die für mich gilt: ich wäre nicht beim Projekt 
aktiv wenn es keine SA geben würde!

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-hr] Informacije za planinarska društva i suradnja s Hrvatskim planinarskim savezom

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Weigand Petar

već dugo vremena pratim talk-hr, ali nikako da se uključim u nešto, a
konačno se u mom planinarskom društvu malo pokrenula priča o korištenju
OSMa pa smo nedavno imali u sklopu jednog orjentacijskog seminara i kratki
doticaj o OSMu.

Sada smo pokrenuli priču o organiziranju kratkog tečaja korištenja OSMa.
Ako bude dovoljno zainteresiranosti nakon toga bi napravili i neki
napredniji tečaj o tome kako kontribuirati u OSM i sl.

Prije sam pronašao nešto promotivnog OSM materijala pa sam to podijelio po
društvu pa me zanima imate li još nešto što bi mi pomoglo u organiziranju
ovakvog tečaja/seminara? Bilo kakve ideje su dobro došle.

Btw pričao sam i s nekima iz HPSa (krovni planinarski savez u RH) da li su
imali kakvih kontakata s OSMom, ali nisam baš primjetio da su kvalitetno
upućeni. Na njihovom webu ima dosta službenih informacija o koordinatama pl
domova, kuća pa i planinarskih puteva i staza. Je li netko njih
kontaktirao? Rekli su mi da bi mi mogli dati pristup u njihove podatke koje
valjda ne treba crawlati s weba.

Petar Weigand
Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzfrage: Zuarbeit für Papierkarte

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 27. Januar 2015 um 12:38 schrieb Bernd Wurst

 Meinem Verständnis nach ist es aber so, dass grundsätzlich nur einer
 Lizenzbestimmung unterliegt was *veröffentlicht* wird. Wird nachher nur
 ein derived work, also die Papierkarte, weitergegeben, dann macht die
 Lizenz hier keine Vorschriften und mischt sich nicht ein.

die ODbL definiert ein produced work, und wenn man ein solches auf Basis
einer ODbL Datenbank (collective / derivative) veröffentlicht, dann muss
man die db auch zugänglich machen (bzw. den Prozess, wie man darauf
gekommen ist) und sagen, dass das work auf dieser db beruht.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Nouvelles communes vectorielles (était Osmose)

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Pierre-Yves Berrard
Euh, rectification.

C'est juste les nouvelles communes qui ont dû créer un décalage dans mon

Désolé pour la fausse joie, vous pouvez retourner à une activité normale.


Le 27 janvier 2015 12:04, Pierre-Yves Berrard
 a écrit :

 Le 26 janvier 2015 20:38, Jérôme Amagat a écrit


 Pas lié à osmose :
 A quoi ça sert maxspeed=FR:urban au lieu de maxspeed=50?

 le fichier n'est plus mis à jour depuis un mois : normal, pas normal ou
 c'est juste qu'au cadastre ils sont encore en vacances?

 Une grosse fournée vient d'arriver : environ 2500 communes nouvellement
 vectorisées (si mes calculs sont bons).

 Le détail par département :
   DEP-  NB COM  76 339  80 329  70 279  65 248  61 206  55 151  77 143  78
 118  66 107  67 94  71 88  95 87  81 85  83 65  91 58  57 44  89 42  64 1
 69 1  82 1  94 1  Total 2487

 Bon import semi-automatique à tous ! (et surtout une bonne santé)


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Nouvelles communes vectorielles (était Osmose)

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Jean-Baptiste Holcroft
Pas de chomage technique pour autant, il reste quand même beaucoup à
importer !
En allant sur et en sélectionnant le calque
QA cela permet de trouver hyper facilement.

Jean-Baptiste Holcroft

Le 27 janvier 2015 12:12, Pierre-Yves Berrard
 a écrit :

 Euh, rectification.

 C'est juste les nouvelles communes qui ont dû créer un décalage dans mon

 Désolé pour la fausse joie, vous pouvez retourner à une activité normale.


 Le 27 janvier 2015 12:04, Pierre-Yves Berrard a écrit :

 Le 26 janvier 2015 20:38, Jérôme Amagat a écrit


 Pas lié à osmose :
 A quoi ça sert maxspeed=FR:urban au lieu de maxspeed=50?

 le fichier n'est plus mis à jour depuis un mois : normal, pas normal ou
 c'est juste qu'au cadastre ils sont encore en vacances?

 Une grosse fournée vient d'arriver : environ 2500 communes nouvellement
 vectorisées (si mes calculs sont bons).

 Le détail par département :
   DEP-  NB COM  76 339  80 329  70 279  65 248  61 206  55 151  77 143
 78 118  66 107  67 94  71 88  95 87  81 85  83 65  91 58  57 44  89 42
 64 1  69 1  82 1  94 1  Total 2487

 Bon import semi-automatique à tous ! (et surtout une bonne santé)


 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzfrage: Zuarbeit für Papierkarte

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Manfred A. Reiter
Hallo Simon,

dann lass ihn doch bitte nicht im Regen stehen, mit den Verweisen, sondern
sage es ihm doch halt in Gottes Namen, wenn er auch hier auf einer
x-beliebigen Mailingliste nachfragt.

Du kannst doch nicht erwarten, dass jeder direkt die richtige Adresse zur
Hand hat.

Ja, ich bin von diesen juristischen Diskussionen mehr als genervt ...
Warum? Lies ... und ja ich verstehe das eine oder andere Argument von denen

... aber müssen wir denn nun auch so bürokratisch eine freundliche Frage an
diese Liste mit Links beantworten. ... Das verstehe ich wiederum nicht. ;-)

* heute eingetroffen ***

Sehr geehrter Herr Reiter,

danke für Ihre Anfrage. Da das Apotheken-A eine geschützte Marke ist, die
nur von Apotheken genutzt werden darf, lautet unsere Antwort wie folgt:

1. Eine Genehmigung zur Nutzung des Apotheken-A als Eye-Catcher und in
Verbindung mit Ihrem Logo ist nach den Vorgaben unserer Markensatzung nicht
möglich. In diesem Zusammenhang darf das Apotheken-A nicht verwendet werden.

2. Die Verwendung des Apotheken-A zur Kennzeichnung von einzelnen Apotheken
auf einer Karte ist grundsätzlich möglich. Dabei muss sich die Darstellung
des Apotheken-A an die Vorgaben unserer Markensatzung halten.Das
Verbandszeichen darf nur in der beim Deutschen Patentamt gemeldeten Form
und Farbe (großes, rotes, gotisches A; Farbe: HKS 13) *auf weißem Grund*mit
in weißer Ausführung eingezeichnetem Arzneikelch mit Schlange verwendet
werden. Die Benutzung des Zeichens ist überdies nur in Alleinstellung
möglich. Unzulässig ist insbesondere jede Verbindung mit anderen Worten,
Bildern, Zeichen, Marken oder Logos, einschließlich der Darstellung als
Bestandteil des Wortes „Apotheke“, sowie die Ausgestaltung mit
Schattierungen, Überlappungen oder als Hologramm, Prägezeichen oder
Wasserzeichen. Der starke Wiedererkennungswert des Symbols soll nicht durch
Abweichungen von der vorgegebenen grafischen Gestaltung verwässert und
dadurch angreifbar werden.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Apotheken-A in Alleinstellung dargestellt
werden muss. Die Darstellung auf Ihrer Karte in einem Kreis wäre dabei
zulässig. Allerdings ist das darin enthaltene Apotheken-A nicht korrekt
abgebildet. In der Anlage finden Sie ein entsprechendes Muster.

Gerne können Sie uns eine überarbeitete Version Ihrer Karte zur Genehmigung
zukommen lassen.


## Manfred Reiter - -
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Disclaimer

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Marc Gemis
Do you think Google will be held responsible for this :

Or would TomTom pay the expenses of this lady :

Blaming the fault on technology is all to simple. In the end you stay
responsible for your (driving) actions.



On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 3:15 AM, Pmailkeey .

 On 28 January 2015 at 01:13, Neil Matthews wrote:

 Do we need an OSM disclaimer -- I've just had a mail from a gentleman
 enquiring why an underground powerline
 way/127968407/history#map=17/51.50283/-2.55462 was drawn on OSM -- as he
 didn't want to buy a house on top of it and Western Power told him the
 powerline couldn't be there! I think he joined OSM just to message me?!?

 I suspect he might have been more upset if he was selling...

 Neil (ndm)

 Talk-GB mailing list

 What if a driver has an accident and says I got the map from OSM and it
 states this is a primary route - so I expected it to have been suitable for
 my journey.' ?

 Why doesn't OSM seem to care about the quality of the mapping - marking
 roads arbitrarily to someone else's classifications rather than as per what
 appears on the ground ?

 @millomweb -
 For all your info on Millom and South Copeland
 via *the area's premier website - *

 *currently unavailable due to ongoing harassment of me, my family,
 property  pets*


 Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-it] Rilevamento automatico segnali stradali Mapillary

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden John Doe  cosa ne
pensate? se Mapillary permettesse anche l'import automatico su OSM dei
segnali stradali rilevati sarebbe spettacolare.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Pozzo in disuso

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Federico Cortese
On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Luca Delucchi wrote:
 2015-01-27 16:54 GMT+01:00 frasty

 Però su mapnik non mi pare così, es:

 io lo vedo...
 guarda questo

Prima il poligono tourism=attraction veniva renderizzato con
riempimento di colore lilla/rosso, dopo l'ultimo aggiornamento invece
i poligoni non vengono più renderizzati, viene visualizzato solo
l'eventuale name in rosso, come negli esempi proposti, anche se in
quei casi si tratta solo di nodi. Per rendersene conto basta dare uno
sguardo alla zona del Colosseo a Roma, che prima era tutta rossa, o ai
trulli di alberobello, il cui poligono tourism, non avendogli
assegnato nome, non viene nemmeno percepito su mapnik:


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzfrage: Zuarbeit für Papierkarte

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Erik Heinz
On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 04:41:17AM +0100, Bernd Wurst wrote:
 Als nächster Schritt wird das Radwegnetz aus OSM heraus gefiltert und
 zusammen mit wasauchimmer als Papierkarte gesetzt und gedruckt.

Das geht nicht automatisch. Der Radroutenlayer wird in Handarbeit an die
Karte angepasst. Aus kartographischen Gesichtspunkten, und weil die Karte
als historisch gewachsenes Produkt keine triviale Projektion hat.

Der bearbeitet Radroutenlayer stellt die Datenbank dar, die share-alike zu
veröffentlichen wäre. Nur ist dieser Layer kein horizontal layer mehr
(siehe, sondern
verknüpft mit den restlichen Daten der Karte, und für sich genommen auch
wertlos. Somit müssten ALLE Daten, die zur Produktion der Karte dienen,
share-alike veröffentlicht werden.

Und das geht nicht, aus verschiedenen Gründen.

Somit können wir keine OSM-Daten verwenden. Das ist schade, aber es ist so.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Who's Using OSM - Super Bowl Central

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Hans De Kryger
Awesome find! Thanks Greg!




On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 3:52 PM, Greg Morgan wrote:

 As soon as I saw the email I knew what was up. The 2015 Super Bowl
 Experience is in Downtown Phoenix. The Valley Metro transportation
 group is using MapBox/OSM tiles for detours and such

 Those years of enjoyable lunch time surveys is paying off!


 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Informacije za planinarska društva i suradnja s Hrvatskim planinarskim savezom

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Weigand Petar
Pozdrav i hvala na dobrodošlici,

ja sam član HPD Željezničar, a tu je član i Alan Čaplar koji je ujedno i
jedna od glavnih ličnosti u HPSu pa mislim da bi mogao preko njega puno
toga progurati. Jel ima neki predložak za mail gdje bi mu kratko opisao što
to znači da ćemo koristiti njihove podatke? Kad sam mu bio to spomenuo
prije, njima je problem da ne bi oni bili odgovorni ako dođe do nekih
grešaka u OSMu pa da se na temelju toga netko npr izgubi negdje nasred
Velebita pa da ispadne da je kriv njihov podatak. Pretpostavljam da ima
neki disclaimer kojim oni nisu odgovorni za to što je netko preuzeo
podatke od njih i naveo ih kao izvor? Ako ima tako nešto, samo malo ljepše
napisano, to bi bilo super.
Ako netko od vas hoće direktno kontaktirati HPS, slobodno pošaljite mail na i referencirajte se na mene. Alan je i glavni urednik,
a rekao mi je da oni sve podatke o npr pl.domovima imaju u nekim Excelicama
na dropboxu i da nije neki problem to shareati.

Osim što bi se mogli preuzeti podaci od njih, oni bi mogli i povratno
dobiti odličan servis za sve svoje potrebe. Npr prikaz svojih podataka na
OSM kartama, a ne Googleu i sl. To im lako i ja napravim...

Što se tiče tečaja, danas se nalazimo u društvu oko tog pitanja pa ćemo
složiti neki pregled kako bi ta predavanja mogla izgledati. Za sad je ideja
napraviti prvo predavanje s kojom ćemo ljude probati navući na samo
korištenje OSM podataka (priprema rute na + OsmAnd za ) kako bi
ih zainteresirali za to da i sami kontribuiraju nazad na OSM ili da sami
pripreme svoje karte, slože offline tileove i td. Ako interes bude dobar,
iduće predavanje bi napravili o osnovama kontribuiranja u OSM, a nakon toga
kako koristiti npr maperritive ili ubaciti OSM layere u Google Earth i sl.

Janko, vezano za tagove koje bi koristili, možeš mi poslati neki link na
koje wikie si mislio? Ovo predavanje će biti u sklopu alpinističkog odsjeka
pa mi najzanimljivije izgleda: , a naravno za opće
planinarske stvari: .

2015-01-27 16:35 GMT+01:00 hbogner

 Pozdrav i dobrodošao

 nikad nije kasno za uključiti se, bitno je početi.

 Drago mi je da se i kod planinara pokrenula priča o korištenju OSM-a,
 biciklisti su krenuli prije godinu dana u aktivno sudjelovanje. Planinari i
 biciklisti su vrlo poželjan segment korisnika jer često idete onuda kud
 većina nas nemože/nestigne jer smo limitirani javnim prijevozom,
 automobilima, ili jednostavno manjkom vremena za šetnju/vožnju.

 Samo naprijed sa organiziranjem tečaja za korištenje i uređivanje OSM-a.

 Što se tiče materijala može se koristiti
 koji smo preveli na hrvatski. Nadam se da će to pomoći.

 Što se tiče kontakta, ja sam bio u kontaktu sa jednim planinarskim
 društvom u Zagrebu, te HGSS-om, prije 2-3 godine.
 Oni su započeli priču otome da karte moraju biti točne na metar da bi
 imali točan položaj u svom GPS uređaju, te da mora biti neka odgovorna
 osoba koja će garantirati točnost karata.
 Brzo sam odustao zbog pomanjkanja vremena za detaljno objašnjenje principa
 rada GPS-a te principa zajedničkog rada na karti.

 Ako imaju podatke i spremni su ih podjeliti to je super.

 Hrvoje Bogner

 On 01/27/2015 01:12 PM, Weigand Petar wrote:


 već dugo vremena pratim talk-hr, ali nikako da se uključim u nešto, a
 konačno se u mom planinarskom društvu malo pokrenula priča o korištenju
 OSMa pa smo nedavno imali u sklopu jednog orjentacijskog seminara i kratki
 doticaj o OSMu.

 Sada smo pokrenuli priču o organiziranju kratkog tečaja korištenja OSMa.
 Ako bude dovoljno zainteresiranosti nakon toga bi napravili i neki
 napredniji tečaj o tome kako kontribuirati u OSM i sl.

 Prije sam pronašao nešto promotivnog OSM materijala pa sam to podijelio po
 društvu pa me zanima imate li još nešto što bi mi pomoglo u organiziranju
 ovakvog tečaja/seminara? Bilo kakve ideje su dobro došle.

 Btw pričao sam i s nekima iz HPSa (krovni planinarski savez u RH) da li su
 imali kakvih kontakata s OSMom, ali nisam baš primjetio da su kvalitetno
 upućeni. Na njihovom webu ima dosta službenih informacija o koordinatama
 domova, kuća pa i planinarskih puteva i staza. Je li netko njih
 kontaktirao? Rekli su mi da bi mi mogli dati pristup u njihove podatke
 valjda ne treba crawlati s weba.

 Talk-hr mailing list

Petar Weigand
Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] GNIS POI populations

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Greg Morgan
On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 2:29 AM, Paul Norman wrote:
 On 1/13/2015 5:34 AM, Minh Nguyen wrote:

 It looks like most of the place=city/town/village/hamlet POIs from GNIS
 are tagged with 2000 Census populations in the population tag. These
 population tags allow renderers to label places with font sizes
 corresponding to population, which is a pretty common use case.

OSM Inspector[1] has a nice tool to check issues with these
city/town/village/hamlet  POIs.  I updated a bunch of the POIs in
Arizona to the 2010 numbers.  I see that some mappers changed the
values to the estimated value.  Another mapper would change it back to
the 2010 actual numbers.  I have don't have an issue with the
mechanical edits unless the edits would remove gnis id tags or other
useful data.  Just as with the manual edits both the estimated value
and actual 2010 values were close enough.  They correctly raised the
value closer to the 2010 number from the 2000 number.

 Although I somewhat like the idea of updating the population tags, I think
 we should give higher priority to fixing their tagging. When I did some
 cleanup of Washington place=city POIs I found that I ended up retagging
 most, deleting many, and only a few were place=city.

Deleting?  I question this.  I am not in favor of it.  I think there
is a mismatch between rural America and Metro America areas.  I have a
sense that Metro mappers have a lower value of some POIs that are
essential to rural areas. Vicksburg Junction[2] could be a possible
deletion target.  I am not sure if there is an actual boundary for the
area. Cleator Arizona[3] is another example.  People live there with
real addresses even though it looks like a ghost town.  The best I
could do is make a residential landuse area. There are any number of
small named areas from the Census that are significant names that the
locals use. How do you know that you are not deleting valuable named
data?  Moreover, you can query on Moon Valley Arizona and find a
well known area in metro Phoenix.  Sure someday that POI can be made
into an area.  I have wondered what kind of a polygon would be the
correct one for this area. There's no real legal boundary for the
area.  I have already had to dig that POI out of the trash bin once.

Finally, why would you want to dash the hopes of a new mapper[1]?  I
shared the excite with a mapper as he talked about his recent project.
He had just put in the Phoenix Urban Planning Villages or whatever
they are called.  Now you can look for alhambra arizona and find one
of these areas as a POI.  I am afraid that his victory would fall prey
to your deletions.  If you don't know the area or are not sure, then
just leave it alone.

A mechanical edit for populate is safe.  I just don't agree with the
deletion idea!





Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] fun with tagging: it's a raceway and an airstrip

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Minh Nguyen

On 2015-01-15 20:36, Paul Johnson wrote:

Given that aeronautical features and road vehicle features have
different namespace, tag it as runway and raceway?   This is a
surprisingly common arrangement in the ground truth and plays a
prominent role in the original, US, AU (and very probably, all)
versions of Top Gear.

The Transportation Research Center is an automotive proving ground in 
Central Ohio, used by the National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, Honda, and others. [1] It's currently tagged as a 
landuse=industrial area [2] with lots of highway=raceways traversing it. 
There's also an aeroway=aerodrome POI imported from GNIS. [3] TRC does 
have an FAA code [4], but I can't find any indication that it's actually 
used as an airfield.

TRC would make for a great emergency landing site -- could that be why 
it's in the FAA's database as an operational private airport? I could 
give it some ad-hoc tag like aeroway:emergency=aerodrome, but in that 
case any sufficiently straight stretch of an Interstate might qualify.

I just think it would be misleading for TRC to come up in Nominatim 
searches for airports. Then again, such a search would turn up so many 
cornfields doubling as private airstrips (with improbable names like 
Nulltown Wingnuts and Hallelujah) that maybe it wouldn't matter. :-)



Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mapas Afetivos usando OSM

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Tarcisio Oliveira

Consertado. Já atribuíram os créditos.

On 26-01-2015 14:20, Vitor George wrote:
Comuniquei um dos responsáveis pelo projeto, que me disse que vão 
fazer a atribuição.

2015-01-25 16:39 GMT-02:00 Arlindo Pereira

Ah sim, eu só tinha visto o mapa na home. Sim, aí claramente é o OSM.

2015-01-25 16:32 GMT-02:00 Marcelo Pereira

Acessando esta página em específico ( ) vê-se que
usaram o mapa do OSM ( comprovei verificando o desenho do mapa
aqui em Recife ) sem atribuição de créditos.

Em 25 de janeiro de 2015 15:20, Arlindo Pereira escreveu:

Também não vi relação deste projeto com o OSM.

2015-01-24 0:48 GMT-02:00 Alexandre Magno Brito de

Não consegui navegar o mapa. Parece só arte. No código
há chamadas para Mapbox. Mas será mesmo do
OpenStreetMap? Como usa?

Alexandre Magno

Em 23 de janeiro de 2015 20:09, Edil Queiroz de Araujo escreveu:

Conheci agora esse projeto, usa Leaflet mas não dá
créditos ao OSM. Pode ser uma situação semelhante
a que estamos vendo na lista recentemente...
Anda não entrei em contato com eles.

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Talk-br mailing list


São Pedro recebe Seu Lunga no céu perguntando:
 Morreu, Seu Lunga? 
Não, vim passar o Natal!

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mancanza attribuzione

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Alberto Nogaro
-Original Message-
From: girarsi_liste []
Sent: martedì 27 gennaio 2015 10:40
Subject: Re: [Talk-it] Mancanza attribuzione

Hash: SHA1

Dalle mi parti le stazioni sono fuori di buoni 10/200 mt su quella mappa.

Si, ho visto un puntatore fuori anche un paio di km abbondanti. Inoltre mi 
sembra che il loro rendering non visualizzi l'icona con le manette quando la 
stazione è mappata come area.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Imports] amenity=bicycle_repair_station :::: only 18 so far

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden colliar
Am 27.01.2015 um 08:43 schrieb Paul Johnson: On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at
11:27 AM, JB wrote:

 Le 26/01/2015 17:59, Jo a écrit :

 It would indeed be preferable to use OSM Notes for that purpose.

 Ho crap. Instead of importing 500 low-quality POI, just import 500
 low-quality notes…
 So that only the notes DB is a dump, but not the main one.
 Sorry for the bad energy, but please do not consider the note
 feature as a second level one. And for the fun, please close the 10
 closer to your location :-)

 If there was high quality information to be had, it'd be in the map
 already instead of a note...notes have information that need a little
 more polish before it's usable data.  I don't see an issue with throwing
 a few dozen extra notes around when we have field QA tools like Osmand
 that make finding them in the field easy.


as far as I understand it these POIs where collected by some crowed and
every one could have opened this note by him-/herself without Bryce as

In future it would be much better if the person who is collecting the
data, simply openes a note. E.g. this way we hopefully would not have to
search on the other side of the street as the note is often better
placed regarding geometry.

cu fly

Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Monter ou descendre les calques uMap

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden althio
 [peut-être un peu HS, mais je ne vois pas où demander de l'aide ailleurs…]

Un autre lieu possible :

 Comment peut-on monter ou descendre de niveau d'affichage un calque dans
 uMap ? (pour éviter que des données secondaires cachent les données

Je crois que ce n'est pas possible de choisir l'ordre des claques et je ne
connais pas de méthode pour contourner cette limitation.

 Autre question, moins importante : peut-on changer le style des
étiquettes ?

Je ne crois pas.
On peut changer le style des icones, si les étiquettes sont visibles ou
non, le contenu des bulles popup.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Pozzo in disuso

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2015-01-26 16:42 GMT+01:00 Volker Schmidt

 si tratta di un pozzo o di una ghiacciaia? Normalmente una ghiacciaia non
 è un pozzo e vice versa. Se pozzo: è un ex-pozzo senza acqua o un pozzo
 attivo?Hai una foto dell'oggetto? Sono curioso.


 Sicuramente non è un historic=monument.


 Mi vien in mente historic=ice_house o un historic=water_well (ex-pozzo) o
 man_made=water_well (ancora funzionante)


suppongo che si tratta di qualcosa del genere?

oltre ad ice house un tag potrebbe essere anche historic=ice_pit / ice_well
/ ice_mound (a secondo della forma specifica).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Nouvelles communes vectorielles (était Osmose)

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Vincent de Château-Thierry

 De: Jean-Baptiste Holcroft
 Le 27 janvier 2015 12:12, Pierre-Yves Berrard  a écrit :
 Euh, rectification.
 Le 27 janvier 2015 12:04, Pierre-Yves Berrard  a écrit :
 Une grosse fournée vient d'arriver : environ 2500 communes
 nouvellement vectorisées (si mes calculs sont bons).

C'est beaucoup plus modeste hélas, mais le réveil des communes nouvellement 
vectorisées a bien eu lieu hier [1] pour 2015.
Et en page 20 de ce doc : une liste (à 
droite) des communes pour lesquelles on n'a pas fini d'attendre le passage en 


[1] :

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] scansione di mappe cartacee

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Dario Zontini
Ho controllato una cartina cartacea acquistata da poco ed è riportato 
E' vietata la copia con qualsiasi mezzo, su qualsiasi supporto compresa 
la digitalizzazione e l'uso dei dati per sistemi di navigazione non 

Stando a questa frase non ci sono possibilità di digitalizzare

Dario Zontini

-- Messaggio originale --
Da: Elena ``of Valhalla''
Inviato: 27/01/2015 10:25:21
Oggetto: Re: [Talk-it] scansione di mappe cartacee

On 2015-01-27 at 09:06:33 +0100, girarsi_liste wrote:

  2) se la risposta è: non è legale come mai ci sono siti
  ufficiali che pubblicizzano questa possibilità quando quasi tutte
  le mappe cartacee sono coperte da copyright e quelle liberamente
  utilizzabili come OSM sono già digitali e georeferenziate?
 Si potrebbe dire la stessa cosa del software libero :P

decisamente no: il software libero è perfettamente legale e sfrutta
le leggi sul copyright per tutelarsi

l'unico caso potenzialmente a rischio è il software libero che tratta
argomenti potenzialmente a rischio copertura brevettuale, dove a 

delle legislazioni lo stesso programma potrebbe essere o meno legale,
ma è il programma specifico a non esserlo, non il concetto stesso
di software libero.

Elena ``of Valhalla''

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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Pozzo in disuso

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Volker Schmidt
 suppongo che si tratta di qualcosa del genere?

 Un (ex-)Eiskeller (come da wikipedia tedesca) è esattamente quello che si
trova qua nel Veneto praticamente nel parco di ogni Villa.
Normalamnte sono tumuli sopra un pozzo del tipo jazere. Ne ho visti dove
il ghiaccio si buttava da sopra, ma l'accesso per prendere era laterale.
Vedi anche e
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Informacije za planinarska društva i suradnja s Hrvatskim planinarskim savezom

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden hbogner

Pozdrav i dobrodošao

nikad nije kasno za uključiti se, bitno je početi.

Drago mi je da se i kod planinara pokrenula priča o korištenju OSM-a, 
biciklisti su krenuli prije godinu dana u aktivno sudjelovanje. 
Planinari i biciklisti su vrlo poželjan segment korisnika jer često 
idete onuda kud većina nas nemože/nestigne jer smo limitirani javnim 
prijevozom, automobilima, ili jednostavno manjkom vremena za šetnju/vožnju.

Samo naprijed sa organiziranjem tečaja za korištenje i uređivanje OSM-a.

Što se tiče materijala može se koristiti koji smo preveli na hrvatski. Nadam se 
da će to pomoći.

Što se tiče kontakta, ja sam bio u kontaktu sa jednim planinarskim 
društvom u Zagrebu, te HGSS-om, prije 2-3 godine.
Oni su započeli priču otome da karte moraju biti točne na metar da bi 
imali točan položaj u svom GPS uređaju, te da mora biti neka odgovorna 
osoba koja će garantirati točnost karata.
Brzo sam odustao zbog pomanjkanja vremena za detaljno objašnjenje 
principa rada GPS-a te principa zajedničkog rada na karti.

Ako imaju podatke i spremni su ih podjeliti to je super.

Hrvoje Bogner

On 01/27/2015 01:12 PM, Weigand Petar wrote:


već dugo vremena pratim talk-hr, ali nikako da se uključim u nešto, a
konačno se u mom planinarskom društvu malo pokrenula priča o korištenju
OSMa pa smo nedavno imali u sklopu jednog orjentacijskog seminara i kratki
doticaj o OSMu.

Sada smo pokrenuli priču o organiziranju kratkog tečaja korištenja OSMa.
Ako bude dovoljno zainteresiranosti nakon toga bi napravili i neki
napredniji tečaj o tome kako kontribuirati u OSM i sl.

Prije sam pronašao nešto promotivnog OSM materijala pa sam to podijelio po
društvu pa me zanima imate li još nešto što bi mi pomoglo u organiziranju
ovakvog tečaja/seminara? Bilo kakve ideje su dobro došle.

Btw pričao sam i s nekima iz HPSa (krovni planinarski savez u RH) da li su
imali kakvih kontakata s OSMom, ali nisam baš primjetio da su kvalitetno
upućeni. Na njihovom webu ima dosta službenih informacija o koordinatama pl
domova, kuća pa i planinarskih puteva i staza. Je li netko njih
kontaktirao? Rekli su mi da bi mi mogli dati pristup u njihove podatke koje
valjda ne treba crawlati s weba.

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Pozzo in disuso

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden frasty
Luca Delucchi wrote
 2015-01-26 16:15 GMT+01:00 frasty lt;


 Peccato poi che anche tourism=attraction non venga renderizzato.

 Viene renderizzato, ma anche se non lo fosse non sarebbe un grosso
 problema, se hai necessità di farlo vedere hai tutti gli strumenti per
 renderizzarlo da te ;-)

Però su mapnik non mi pare così, es:

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Pozzo in disuso

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Luca Delucchi
2015-01-27 16:54 GMT+01:00 frasty

 Però su mapnik non mi pare così, es:

io lo vedo...
guarda questo


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] accesso percorsi interni a villaggio turistico

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden frasty
Aury88 wrote
 dipende da caso a caso cioè ci sono percorsi messi a disposizione dal
 resort per permettere l'accesso alla spiaggia anche ai non
 però quello che intendi tu è quello che intendo io io ho usato il tag
 access=customers...non so se sia giusto ma josm lo conosce e mi sembra sia
 abbastanza diffuso

Si, in effetti access=customers anche secondo me è forse più corretto. Mi
chiedo però se non sia meglio mappare come access=private dato che servizi
di routing che si basano su  grasshhopper   e 
mapquest   (forse altri?) considerano ways
access=customers come normalissime strade pubbliche. Può capitare infatti
che la via più corta per arrivare ad una destinazione pubblica (magari
proprio una spiaggia) sia calcolata passando da strade con tag
access=customers quando invece ci sono altre vie più lunghe ma totalmente
pubbliche. Penso che si debba partire dall'assunto che chi calcola il
percorso non sia cliente, a meno che non venga indicato come punto di
partenza o di arrivo una way già taggata come access=customers.
Magari è una semplificazione che effettuano i vari sistemi di routing a cui
non dare troppo peso e quindi in questo caso meglio Don't map for the
routing alla stregua di Don't map for the renderer? 

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Verdy
Pourquoi les jonctions aux aires de service des autoroute ne sont pas aussi
des voies de service du même type que l'aire de service ? alors qu'elles
n'ont rien de commun avec les voies d'autoroute (même si en partie elles
sont encore en sens unique, il y a encore des priorités et des courbes
importantes et une vitesse réduite).

Parlez-vous juste des voies d'accélération ou de décélération à sens unique
où la vitesse réduite ne peut s'appliquer immédiatement (mais commence une
centaine de mètres après la bifurcation pour les sorties ou même avant sur
une ou toutes les voies même si on n'emprunte pas la sortie), et le sens
unique prend fin peu après mais un péage n'arrête pas non plus une
autoroute certaines étant gratuites.

Des limites réduites existent aussi pour les arrivées aux aires de péage ou
sur certaines sections urbaines et sur les embranchements d'autoroutes; ça
reste des autoroutes, mais les motorway link peuvent exister sur les
croisements d'autoroutes (bretelles qui relient une autoroute à une autre
où là aussi la vitesse est plus limitée).

Même raisonnement pour les voies de connexion aux stations services sur les
voies express (primary_link et secondary_link exclus)

Les *_link doivent reilier deux routes du réseau public principal de type
motorway, trunk, primary, secondary ou tertiary) et cela devrait aussi
exclure les résidentielles (la bretelle est aussi résidentielle) et autres
routes et rues de desserte locale infracommunales ou petites routes
anciennes suivant juste une frontière intercommunales ou vers quelques
fermes ou hameaux ou habitats isolés (unclassified), chemins aménagés en
dur non destinés aux véhicules motorisés hors desserte locale limitée et
réservée par signalisation d'exception (path, footway, cycleway,
busway...), pistes et sentiers ou traces d'une ancienne route partiellement
détruite ou barrée par obstacles infranchissables mêle en vélo (track)

Le 27 janvier 2015 08:38, Romain MEHUT a écrit :

 Le 26 janvier 2015 23:04, Frédéric Rodrigo a
 écrit :

 pour l'erreur types de routes
 beaucoup des erreurs sont des motorway_link arrivant sur
 highway=service sur les aires d'autoroute. Est ce vraiment une

 ça ne devrai pas être des motorway_link

 Et donc cela devrait être?
 Quelqu'un a un exemple d'aire d'autoroute taguée correctement?



 Talk-fr mailing list

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Re: [Talk-hr] Novi set upita za banke i naftne kompanije

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden hbogner
Dobili smo dopuštenje za korištenje podataka o Hypo bankomatima i 
Poslao sam novi upit hoće li nam dostaviti export tih podataka ili 
moramo kopirati sa weba.

Čekamo odgovor.

On 01/25/2015 03:20 AM, hbogner wrote:

Kontaktirane su sljedeće banke:

Te sljedeće naftne kompanije:

Zamolili smo ih podatke o njihovim objektima u nekom prostornom zapisu.

Čekamo njihove odgovore.

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Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Duplicate Ways (or portions of ways)

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Mike Henson
to identify use this:


On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 10:33 AM, Dave Nesbitt wrote:

 Is there a standard way to identify and remove ways that are duplicates
 (or portions which are duplicates)?  These are cases where 2 ways use the
 same set of nodes (or similar common subsets of the nodes) with very
 similar attribution.

 Examples I found in a Pennsylvania extract (just a few of many cases):

 I've been away from the OSM world for a bit so pardon me if I missed prior
 discussion on this topic.

 David Nesbitt

 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Duplicate Ways (or portions of ways)

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Frederik Ramm

On 01/27/2015 05:33 PM, Dave Nesbitt wrote:
 Is there a standard way to identify and remove ways that are duplicates
 (or portions which are duplicates)?  

The OSM inspector displays overlapping roads (but not other overlapping

There's also ways to download OSM inspector information through a WFS
interface (see OSM wiki) should you want to somehow post-process that

I'd like to think that fixing these might make a good MapRoulette
challenge but then not all editors are equally suited to deal with such
problems. I usually fix these problems manually in JOSM (where the
middle mouse button lets you select between several features under the

Not automatic fix has ever been proposed and it would probably be very
difficult to do it right.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] learnosm prijevod gotov

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden hbogner

Preveli smo početnička uputstva

Sad bi bilo ok prevesti i detalje o uređivanju

LearnOSM repozitorij forkan u osm-hr, dio koji bi trebalo prevesti je:


Talk-hr mailing list

[Talk-us] Duplicate Ways (or portions of ways)

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Dave Nesbitt
Is there a standard way to identify and remove ways that are duplicates (or
portions which are duplicates)?  These are cases where 2 ways use the same
set of nodes (or similar common subsets of the nodes) with very similar

Examples I found in a Pennsylvania extract (just a few of many cases):

I've been away from the OSM world for a bit so pardon me if I missed prior
discussion on this topic.

David Nesbitt
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [tag] musée d'art

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden althio
Salut Pieren et Phillippe,

Je suis d'accord sur la confusion, pour la définition et pour l'utilisation.

@ Pieren
 Plus simplement, on devra adapter le wiki pour que le tag art gallery
soit utilisé pour les espaces que se déclarent comme galleries d'art et
comme museum les espaces qui se déclarent comme des musées.

Je crois que que le filet a encore des trous trop gros avec cette
Exemple sur Londres, National Gallery [1,2] ? Dirais-tu gallery? Je
penche encore pour museum.
D'après la communauté anglaise (à l'origine du tag) : tourism=gallery
D'après le nom : Gallery
D'après le site de l'institution : exhibitions, collections, paintings...
On dirait qu'ils évitent le terme museum ;)
D'après wikipedia-FR : un musée situé à Londres
D'après wikipedia-EN : an art museum ... fourth most visited art museum in
the world, after the Musée du Louvre, the British Museum, and the
Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Pour ta proposition du Jeu de Paume en amenity=arts_centre... Je préfère
toujours tourism=museum.
Je vois cet espace comme un lieu d'expositions, pas de créations ou de

Pour poursuivre l'investigation, voici d'autres éléments :
Il n'y a pas d'icône ou de rendu spécial pour tourism=gallery dans les
différents rendus, ce qui peut expliquer un certain désintérêt (osm-carto,
osm-fr, HOT).

Contre-exemples déjà cités à Paris, mais aussi à New-York.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art [3] tourism=museum museum=art
Museum of Modern Art [4] tourism=museum
et à Londres (Tate Modern, British Museum).

Une bonne partie des tourism=gallery de Paris [12] ressemblent plutôt à des
galleries privées, alors que leur tag devrait être selon toute
vraisemblance shop=art.

Le vote de la proposition n'était pas vraiment franc. [13]
Au global je trouve que 4 ans après la mise en service, ce tag est ignoré,
mal compris ou mal utilisé.

* * *
En résumé :
Il y a une divergence entre les recommendations du wiki et les tags actuels.
tourism=gallery est actif depuis 4 ans.
tourism=gallery n'a pas réussi à convertir les musées d'art (beaucoup de
faux négatifs qui restent en tourism=museum)
tourism=gallery est utilisé pour les galleries de vente (beaucoup de faux
positifs qui devraient être shop=art)

* * *

Quelques données taginfo:

tourism=museum 48 000 [5] musées sur tous sujets, incluant en minorité l'art

tourism=gallery 1 000 [6] dont des galleries privées, plutôt orientées vers
la vente ?

avec tourism=museum
- museum=* 204 [7]
- - museum=art 17
- - museum=gallery 6
- museum_type=* 154 [8]
- museum:genre=* 4 [9]
- - museum:genre=arts_gallery 3
- - museum:genre=art_gallery 1
- museum:art=yes 1 [10]
- museum:type=* 1 [11]

* * *

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Duplicate Ways (or portions of ways)

2015-01-27 Diskussionsfäden Greg Morgan
On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 10:40 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 On 01/27/2015 05:33 PM, Dave Nesbitt wrote:
 Is there a standard way to identify and remove ways that are duplicates
 (or portions which are duplicates)?

 The OSM inspector displays overlapping roads (but not other overlapping

The trifecta of tools I use are geofabrik, KeepRight[1], and
ItoWorld[2].  The KeepRight doubled places check box may work.  I have
several boxes checked.  It is amazing how many things you actually
break without intending to do so.

 Each of the tools has advantages or different perspectives of the
problem. If I get bored with a theme of features that I am mapping, I
will often switch to one these to tools.  Some of the problems are
nice mental challenges.

ItoWorld is nice for several reasons but I don't think ItoWorld will
answer you question.  One, ItoWorld has a great TIGER fixup map.  Two,
where cartographers display the same road work over and over again,
there's some maps that show interesting data that mappers have mapped.
Seeing your work displayed is more inspiring that hearing about how a
data consumer will use the data. Oh to have a the useful Tiles@Home
butt ugly rendering back!  Tiles@Home = a mapper's map but I digress.



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