Re: [talk-au] Changing speed limits

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Marc Gemis
AFAIK a split is handled correctly in  JOSM, but you have to be
careful when you merge 2 way segments as you advice. Besides making
sure that the tags are the same on both segments, you should also
check whether the relations are the same.


> If there is a route relation on the way, I find using JOSM a bit
> easier to manage relations than iD (default web editor). I assumed
> that JOSM and iD would apply the relation to the new section after the
> split so you shouldn't need to do anything special, but you might want
> to double check this.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Importación de infraestructuras hidráulicas de Tenerife

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Matías h
Ok Javier. Excelente trabajo.

Avisa cuando esté en el gestor.

El 28 mar. 2017 23:10, "Javier Sánchez Portero" 

> Hola.
> Después de haber presentado aquí y en la lista imports las tres
> importaciones basadas en el Plan Hidrológico de Tenerife:
> de_barrancos_de_Tenerife
> de_infraestructuras_hidr%C3%A1ulicas_de_Tenerife
> de_la_red_b%C3%A1sica_de_transporte_de_agua_de_Tenerife
> Si nadie tiene objeciones me dispongo a comenzar el trabajo. Si alguien
> quiere colaborar, en breve estarán publicados los proyectos en el gestor de
> tareas:
> Saludos.
> El 17 de marzo de 2017, 7:59, Javier Sánchez Portero  > escribió:
>> Hola
>> Ya está operativa
>> Si nadie tiene objeciones, me gustaría llevar estas tres propuestas a la
>> lista import, pero antes necesito saber si tengo permiso para usar el
>> gestor de tareas o tengo que buscar un método alternativo.
>> Saludos.
>> El 6 de marzo de 2017, 14:48, Javier Sánchez Portero <
>>> escribió:
>>> Gracias. Corregido el error de etiquetas en la wiki. En el script estaba
>>> bien.
>>> Saludos.
>>> El 6 de marzo de 2017, 13:18, Santiago Crespo >> > escribió:
 Hola Javier,

 Creo que has puesto al revés las etiquetas de las desalinizadoras y las
 plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Las primeras creo que
 deberían ser man_made=water_works y las segundas

 En lugar de poner un enlace a la Wikipedia, creo que sería lo suyo
 enlazar directamente al artículo de la Ley en cuestión:

 Ahora está caída la web de si
 sigue caída en unas horas podrías avisarles (tienes los datos de
 contacto en el WHOIS del dominio).

 Buen trabajo!
 Santiago Crespo

 On 03/06/2017 01:41 AM, Javier Sánchez Portero wrote:
 > Hola
 > Este es el tercer proyecto de importación relacionado con el Plan
 > Hidrológico de Tenerife que tengo previstos.
 > Me gustaría contar con vuestras aportaciones y sugerencias para poder
 > dirigirme luego a la lista imports.
 > Saludos, Javier Sánchez
 > ___
 > Talk-es mailing list

 Talk-es mailing list

> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Changing speed limits

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Andrew Harvey
You'll need to split the way at the point where the speed limit
changes and apply a different maxspeed to each segment. This is how
all maxspeed segments I've seen and mapped are done.

In your second case where they are just in the wrong spot, if it's
only a little bit out you could just move the nodes of the way so that
the change over point is in the right place,  if it's a long way out,
I would split at the correct point and remerge any segments which have
consistent tags.

If there is a route relation on the way, I find using JOSM a bit
easier to manage relations than iD (default web editor). I assumed
that JOSM and iD would apply the relation to the new section after the
split so you shouldn't need to do anything special, but you might want
to double check this.

On 29 March 2017 at 13:29, Graeme Fitzpatrick  wrote:
> G'day all
> What's the best way of changing incorrect speed limits where they're
> currently listed?
> Southbound GC Hwy is shown as 50kph from Goodwin Tce almost as far as George
> St, but it actually changes to 60 outside the Caltex servo on the corner of
> Goodwin Tce (& there must be a lot of people using OSM to nav, as lot's of
> people stay at 50 this whole distance, despite 2-3 60 signs! :-()
> Same thing happens in a couple of places further South along the Hwy in Palm
> Bh where it goes up to 70 then back down to 60 - the changes are on OSM but
> not in the right spot.
> the Hwy is also a bus route so I'm hesitant about just cutting the existing
> road & putting a new spot in to change speed limits?
> Thanks
> Graeme
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

[OSM-talk] Export Tool Community Chat | 30th March

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Mhairi O'Hara
Just a reminder that the Export Tool

community chat takes place at 15:00 UTC on Thursday 30th March. Please sign
up through to participate in the discussion
on the dedicated HOTOSM Slack channel #export-tool.
Kind regards,


*Mhairi O'Hara*
Project Manager

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
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talk mailing list

[talk-au] Changing speed limits

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Graeme Fitzpatrick
G'day all

What's the best way of changing incorrect speed limits where they're
currently listed?

Southbound GC Hwy is shown as 50kph from Goodwin Tce almost as far as
George St, but it actually changes to 60 outside the Caltex servo on the
corner of Goodwin Tce (& there must be a lot of people using OSM to nav, as
lot's of people stay at 50 this whole distance, despite 2-3 60 signs! :-()

Same thing happens in a couple of places further South along the Hwy in
Palm Bh where it goes up to 70 then back down to 60 - the changes are on
OSM but not in the right spot.

the Hwy is also a bus route so I'm hesitant about just cutting the existing
road & putting a new spot in to change speed limits?


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 348

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Jan Macura

2017-03-28 23:12 GMT+02:00 Mikoláš Štrajt :

> > Christian Quest informuje
> ,
> že RTE (francouzský operátor elektrické rozvodné sítě) publikoval všechny
> informace o vedení (nadzemní 45 kV až 400 kV, podzemní apod.) a deklaroval
> je jako otevřená data
> Wow. To mě docela překvapuje. Pokud vím tak ČEZ/ČEPS to odmítl vydat s
> tím, že jsou to strategicky nebezpečné informace.
Fakt? Tak to je dobrej úlet, když vedení VN se normálně eviduje i v KN :-)

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to Create an Android App Using OSM

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Devon Fyson
Is there a reason you wouldn't want to modify or contribute to an existing
open source app?

On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 12:29 PM, Jerome DeBartho  wrote:

> I want to create a voice navigation app for Android phones, using OSM
> data.  Such that the app is confined to a small area say,  a campus with
> the data offline.
> I need help on how to go about it.
> Jerome
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Regexp pour valider un nom de commune française

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Christian Quest
Je ne suis pas chaud pour intégrer des logiques de typographie dans des 
logiques de contrôle de qualité des données.

A mon avis, c'est un traitement à faire en aval si l'on veut une 
impression propre, mais en général les données ne sont pas saisies avec 
ce type de caractères... c'est déjà bien quand on a les accents et pas 
que des majuscules, ne poussons pas le bouchon trop loin ;)

Le 28/03/2017 à 18:01, Charles Nepote a écrit :

Le 28/03/2017 à 17:14, frem a écrit :


J’ajouterais bien l’apostrophe typographique (« ’ », U+2019) qui est 
le caractère que nous devrions utiliser pour les apostrophes 
(recommandation Unicode) et en plus c’est joli  :-) 

*Valides (communes existantes)**

PS : pour les linuxiens, si vous voulez vous extraire de la pauvreté 
typographique de l’AZERTY standard, je vous recommande le disposition 
de clavier « Français (variante) », qui rend disponible, par exemple, 
l’apostrophe typographique avec la combinaison de touche « AltGr + g ».

Merci frem. Je vais l'ajouter par acquis de conscience, sachant aussi 
que certains traitements de texte l'ajoutent automatiquement, non ? 
Des sachants pour confirmer ?


Le 28/03/2017 à 14:32, Charles Nepote a écrit :
Je cherche donc à vérifier a minima la syntaxe d'un nom de commune à 
travers une regexp. J'ai produit la regexp suivante qui passe mes 
tests sauf qu'elle me semble un peu trop permissive. Toute remarque 
ou aide appréciée :)
(J'ai utilisé la forme "extended" qui permet d'étaler la regexp sur 
plusieurs lignes et de la commenter.)

(   # Débute par un article
  Le\ |La\ |Les\ |Los\ |Aux\ |L'
  | # ou
)   # rien

([A-ZÉÇŒÈÎ])# Suivi d'une majuscule

(   # puis ...
 ((-|   #   un trait-d'union ou
  \ |   #   un espace ou
  \ -\ |#   un espace suivi d'un trait d'union 
suivi d'un espace ou

  ')#   une apostrophe
  [A-ZÉÇŒÈÎ])   #   suivi d'une majuscule
 |  #   ou bien
 ('|-|\ |)  #   une apostrophe ou un trait-d'union 
ou un espace ou rien

  [a-zàâéèêëïîÿôûüœç]   #   suivi d'une minuscule
)*  # 0 ou plusieurs fois

(   # terminé par
  \ \([A-Z][a-z]*\) # un espace suivi d'un mot entre 
parenthèse débutant par une majuscule

  | # ou
)   # rien
/gmx# global, multiline, extended

Vous pouvez la retrouver et la tester ici :

Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Attacco di mandata per autopompa

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Alberto
OK, scusate, non avevo visto l'allegato... :)

> Io sostituirei la lancia con una freccia che indica che l'acqua entra

+1  Beh, in effetti la lancia non c'entra nulla con l'attacco di mandata: li si 
innesta solo un tubo che va al camion.
Magari aggiungere anche un volantino all'attacco, ispirandosi a questo cartello 
[1], che avevate già scartato perché troppo dettagliato.

Scusate ma non ho proprio tempo di fare dei disegni di prova, perciò ringrazio 
Simone Girardelli che sta lavorando per noi.



Questa e-mail è stata controllata per individuare virus con Avast antivirus.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Available Building Footprints

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden OSM Volunteer stevea
> On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 11:30 AM, Kevin Kenny  
> wrote:
> As long as the Wiki page is merely identifying this as a potential project 
> that someone might sign up for someday, thatś fine. As it
> stands, it is incoherent as a project proposal.
> Kevin,
> The wiki page was never intended to be a import proposal. It is only access 
> to the data, much like other data that can be found on 

Clifford and Nathan:  Nor did I "misunderstand" or "jump to the conclusion" 
that "the import had already occurred."  Nothing in my post even implied that.

> My hope is that users find the data interesting and use it to build and grow 
> their communities. Not only is the data useful in OSM, it can be used to help 
> other community members learn the policies, tools and techniques to import 
> data properly into OSM, in a way that improves the map. There are even some 
> smaller towns that could be import by a single individual. Certainly not 
> California!

As somebody who has CAREFULLY done imports (both before and after our 
guidelines were published), the most important consideration that I have is 
that the data enter OSM with the utmost, highest possible quality.  This means 
vetting them before, making sure they go in correctly (during) and checking 
after that they entered as intended, among very many other quality-oriented 

> The import guidelines are pretty easy to follow and should be followed. There 
> are a great number of tools that can be used to extract smaller chunks of 
> data such as QGIS and PostGIS as well as python scripts from other imports, 
> like the LA address and building import. The US Tasking Manager is a great 
> tool to use to 1) work small chunks at a time by people with training in how 
> to use JOSM and OSM and 2) a built in validation layer for more experienced 
> mappers to review the work.

Thanks, Clifford, I most certainly agree.  Tools help, yet tools are not all 
there is.  Tools can sometimes be leaned upon too much as a crutch, and data 
imports are not like pulling the trigger on a machine gun, whether to vet, 
upload, or data-check.  Having a practiced eye towards what high quality 
geographic data actually look like (both before and after upload to OSM) is 
absolutely essential to anybody acting in a leadership capacity during an 

Spirited discussion!

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 348

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Mikoláš Štrajt
> Christian Quest informuje
že RTE (francouzský operátor elektrické rozvodné sítě) publikoval všechny
informace o vedení (nadzemní 45 kV až 400 kV, podzemní apod.) a deklaroval
je jako otevřená data

Wow. To mě docela překvapuje. Pokud vím tak ČEZ/ČEPS to odmítl vydat s tím,
že jsou to strategicky nebezpečné informace.



 -- Původní e-mail --
Od: Tom Ka 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic ,
Openstreetmap Slovakia 
Datum: 28. 3. 2017 17:56:50
Předmět: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 348
"Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 348 týdeníku WeeklyOSM:

* Společná konference pro OSM CZ?
* Demo v3.
* Schvalování změn v OSM?
* Opět importy Facebooku.
* HOT a záplavy v Peru.
* Kompatibilita ODbL a CC-BY 4.0

Pěkné počtení ...

Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Importación de infraestructuras hidráulicas de Tenerife

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Javier Sánchez Portero

Después de haber presentado aquí y en la lista imports las tres
importaciones basadas en el Plan Hidrológico de Tenerife:

Si nadie tiene objeciones me dispongo a comenzar el trabajo. Si alguien
quiere colaborar, en breve estarán publicados los proyectos en el gestor de


El 17 de marzo de 2017, 7:59, Javier Sánchez Portero 

> Hola
> Ya está operativa
> Si nadie tiene objeciones, me gustaría llevar estas tres propuestas a la
> lista import, pero antes necesito saber si tengo permiso para usar el
> gestor de tareas o tengo que buscar un método alternativo.
> Saludos.
> El 6 de marzo de 2017, 14:48, Javier Sánchez Portero  > escribió:
>> Gracias. Corregido el error de etiquetas en la wiki. En el script estaba
>> bien.
>> Saludos.
>> El 6 de marzo de 2017, 13:18, Santiago Crespo 
>> escribió:
>>> Hola Javier,
>>> Creo que has puesto al revés las etiquetas de las desalinizadoras y las
>>> plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Las primeras creo que
>>> deberían ser man_made=water_works y las segundas
>>> man_made=wastewater_plant.
>>> En lugar de poner un enlace a la Wikipedia, creo que sería lo suyo
>>> enlazar directamente al artículo de la Ley en cuestión:
>>> Ahora está caída la web de si
>>> sigue caída en unas horas podrías avisarles (tienes los datos de
>>> contacto en el WHOIS del dominio).
>>> Buen trabajo!
>>> Santiago Crespo
>>> On 03/06/2017 01:41 AM, Javier Sánchez Portero wrote:
>>> > Hola
>>> >
>>> > Este es el tercer proyecto de importación relacionado con el Plan
>>> > Hidrológico de Tenerife que tengo previstos.
>>> >
>>> > >> _hydraulic_infrastructures>
>>> >
>>> > Me gustaría contar con vuestras aportaciones y sugerencias para poder
>>> > dirigirme luego a la lista imports.
>>> >
>>> > Saludos, Javier Sánchez
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ___
>>> > Talk-es mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> ___
>>> Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] nejdou nahrávat fotky rozcestníků

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Marián Kyral

-- Původní e-mail --
Od: Zdeněk Pražák 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 28. 3. 2017 19:27:11
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] nejdou nahrávat fotky rozcestníků
"tatáž hláška je i na


To se nedivím, když byl problém na serveru.

Jemně jsem kopnul do Michala, uvolnil tam 20GB. To by nám mohlo na nějakou
dobu vydržet. Mezitím by asi bylo vhodné zavést nějaký monitoring a případné
problémy řešit dříve než nastanou.


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Zdeněk Pražák 
Datum: 28. 3. 2017 19:22:33
Předmět: [Talk-cz] nejdou nahrávat fotky rozcestníků

"chtěl jsem nahrát několik fotek rozcestníků přes ale
nejde mi to - objevuje se hláška error:nepodařilo se uploadnout soubor
Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Cleaning Spam

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Andy Townsend

On 28/03/2017 21:37, Andrew Hain wrote:
Are the spammers the same or different people and have they been 
active elsewhere?

If I had to guess, I'd say "same".  Although I've not been directly 
involved in investigating them, I believe that the account information 
is different in each case, but they're "similar enough" to suggest a 
common factor.

They've been pretty active in the US, and a check of 
usually finds messages from people to spammers saying "I reverted this 

Best Regards,


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Available Building Footprints Date: March 28, 2017 at 2:06:33 AM PDT

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Clifford Snow
On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 10:43 AM, Frederik Ramm  wrote:

> This is where I have violently disagreed with Denis and his team in the
> past and still do; in my eyes, the *hard* work starts once the data has
> been prepared and converted and set up, because *then* I want people
> familiar with the area to load the data, compare it with what's there,
> NOT blindly delete what's there, cross-check with aerial imagery and so on.

Violently? Really? Actually all parts are equal important. Do a poor job
creating data to be imported will only result in poor data imported into
OSM. Equally important as you point out is the physical import which should
always be more than copy paste.

> In my eyes, all the data preparation is peanuts, and the real value is
> added to the import at the upload stage. This is where it is decided
> whether this import will be successful or rubbish. A sad example for a
> rubbish import is almost all of CanVec, which tends to be uploaded by
> people who think that the "hard work" is already done by those who
> prepared the data, and that all that is left for them is hitting the
> upload button in JOSM.

Why bring up CanVec?

> While a task manager can help, it tends to invite contributions by
> people who are not at all local to the area just to "colour it green".
> This is undesirable in my opinion.

I have to disagree with you. Using the Tasking Manager with newer mappers
is a good thing. That's how we build more experience mappers for the
future. If the preparation for the import is done well, newer mappers
should be able to learn how to do a quality import. That newer mapper
learns new tools and gains confidence to be valued contributor. The TM
validation layer then allows us to give feedback to not only the new
mapper, but also back to the originator.


OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk] Fwd: [Wiki-research-l] Research Scientist position at WMF

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Pine W
Forwarding in case there are statisticians or scientists in OSM that would
be interested in this job posting.


-- Forwarded message --
Hi all,

The Research team at the Wikimedia Foundation has just opened a full-time
research scientist position
In the past years, the team has worked on a variety of projects, including:
building ML-based scoring systems for Wikipedia and Wikidata

, recommendations systems for article creation
to detect harassment and personal attacks
and more. we are looking to add one more full-time role to our team to
expand our research capacity and strengthen our collaborations with
academia and industry.

If this is the kind of job you're interested in, please consider applying.
If you know people in your network who may be a good fit, please encourage
them to apply.


Leila Zia
Senior Research Scientist
Wikimedia Foundation
talk mailing list

[Talk-us] Fwd: [Wiki-research-l] Research Scientist position at WMF

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Pine W
Forwarding in case there are statisticians or scientists in OSM that would
be interested in this job posting.


-- Forwarded message --
Hi all,

The Research team at the Wikimedia Foundation has just opened a full-time
research scientist position
In the past years, the team has worked on a variety of projects, including:
building ML-based scoring systems for Wikipedia and Wikidata

, recommendations systems for article creation
to detect harassment and personal attacks
and more. we are looking to add one more full-time role to our team to
expand our research capacity and strengthen our collaborations with
academia and industry.

If this is the kind of job you're interested in, please consider applying.
If you know people in your network who may be a good fit, please encourage
them to apply.


Leila Zia
Senior Research Scientist
Wikimedia Foundation
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Available Building Footprints

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Clifford Snow
On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 11:30 AM, Kevin Kenny 

> As long as the Wiki page is merely identifying this as a potential
> project that someone might sign up for someday, thatś fine. As it
> stands, it is incoherent as a project proposal.

The wiki page was never intended to be a import proposal. It is only access
to the data, much like other data that can be found on

My hope is that users find the data interesting and use it to build and
grow their communities. Not only is the data useful in OSM, it can be used
to help other community members learn the policies, tools and techniques to
import data properly into OSM, in a way that improves the map. There are
even some smaller towns that could be import by a single individual.
Certainly not California!

The import guidelines are pretty easy to follow and should be followed.
There are a great number of tools that can be used to extract smaller
chunks of data such as QGIS and PostGIS as well as python scripts from
other imports, like the LA address and building import. The US Tasking
Manager is a great tool to use to 1) work small chunks at a time by people
with training in how to use JOSM and OSM and 2) a built in validation layer
for more experienced mappers to review the work.


OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Cleaning Spam

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Andy Townsend

On 28/03/2017 18:12, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:

Anyone got any ideas what's going on with this object: ? It seems to have
been spammed twice by two different US cleaning companies in the last

In this case I'm guessing it's a word match on "Cleaning" in the name.  
I've also seen examples where a street name has been changed to a spam 
POI based on the name.

Best Regards,


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Available Building Footprints

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Kevin Kenny
On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 1:46 PM, Nathan Mixter  wrote:
> Denis was right on with his response, and those are the type or responses
> that we need if ... and I do say if ... this project is to move forward.
> There are several hurdles in using this data, one being the size and scope.
> That is why the wiki page was created was to hash out the best way to
> proceed from people who have successfully done large scale imports. The data
> can't be reviewed effectively as one big file. The project is still young,
> and before we can even post on the imports list we need to have a procedure
> in place.
> Let's continue to pool resources and add ideas and suggestions to the wiki
> page as we look into the possibility of importing this data. Looking forward
> to hearing what others have to say and the ideas we can come up with
> together.

You correctly observe that the first job is to get the data split into
manageable pieces so that people can review the data quality and the
extent to which it's duplicative of what's already there. A bad import
is worse than no import, and an import that overwrites the hard work
of local mappers is many times as bad - it loses good data, brings in
bad data, and risks losing good mappers, which dries up future good

I've done at most 'medium-scale' imports (a few hundred or a few
thousand multipolygons, representing boundaries of things like parks
and forests). Even with those, I found that raw shapefiles and
conversion to .OSM format was totally inadequate. The approach I took
was to pour the shapefiles into PostGIS using ogr2ogr, and then
preprocess the data there (making topology consistent, simplifying
ways, . I was then able to break things into manageable pieces,
produce individual .OSM files, and start the hard work of
conflation. For the "New York State DEC Lands", the import turned into
nearly 1500 separate changesets, and a few of those were pretty
unmanageable (Saranac Lakes Wild Forest took hours to conflate, with
all the shoreline.)

I would think that someone who is not fluent enough with some
geospatial database (PostGIS, SpatiaLite, Oracle Spatial, ArcGIS's
homegrown database, whatever...) is probably a poor choice of
individual to lead a major import.  If tasks are to be effectively
subdivided, someone needs to work out how the data are partitioned,
both from the spatial perspective (political boundaries?  census
enumeration districts? Groups of city blocks?) and the technological
perspective. (How is the split to be done? How are things patched
together at the margins? How are preëxisting data identified as
candidates for conflation? How is inconsistent topology to
be addressed?) Someone who cannot work with this sort
of file merely because of its size is likely not to have the
background to do these other tasks competently.

These tasks must be done by the project leader or a trusted delegate.
They cannot simply be farmed out to the community - or rather, farming
them out will succeed only if someone in the community steps forward
to do them, becoming de facto the project leader.

As long as the Wiki page is merely identifying this as a potential
project that someone might sign up for someday, thatś fine. As it
stands, it is incoherent as a project proposal.

(And for what it's worth, I most assuredly am not a suitable candidate.
I lack experience with coordinating or performing a large-scale import.
While I like to flatter myself that the imports I've done were done
with at least minimal competence, I'm surely not qualified to jump
to one this huge.)

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: questio su agrari abbandonati

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Il 28/03/2017 20:10, ha scritto:
> OK, Grazie
> semplicemente essendo il frutteto circondato dai quattro lati dal bosco,
> ed essendo stato abbandonato, la vegetazione naturale riprende il suo spazio.
> solamente che i tempi della natura sono un pò ...lunghi.
> dall'alto vedi chiome verdi, ma dal basso vedi tutt'altra storia

Non credo, di solito si distingue frutteto da bosco. puoi darmi
il link alla zona? giusto per curiosità.  :)

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] R: Re: questio su agrari abbandonati

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden
OK, Grazie

semplicemente essendo il frutteto circondato dai quattro lati dal bosco,
ed essendo stato abbandonato, la vegetazione naturale riprende il suo spazio.
solamente che i tempi della natura sono un pò ...lunghi.
dall'alto vedi chiome verdi, ma dal basso vedi tutt'altra storia

Messaggio originale
Data: 28-mar-2017 18.23
Ogg: Re: [Talk-it] questio su agrari abbandonati

Il 28/03/2017 14:14, ha scritto:
> Salve 
> questio.
> 1 - un frutteto dentro un bosco.
> 2 - e costituice per i locali un chiaro punto di riferimento
> 3 -ma essendo abbandonato, il bosco se ne sta appropriando.
> 4 - oggi su bing si vede solo bosco.
> ora se utilizza abandoneted:landuse non si renderizza nulla, si vedrebbe il 
> bosco con un buco. ma non srebbe corretto
> vorrei utilizzare il tag per i terreni a riposo, quando meno al rendering 
> sarebbe verde su verde
> ma non ricordo più qual'è...
> avete qualche idea?
> Grazie in anticipo   

Non si capisce lo stato attuale, è o non è bosco ora?

Per com'era si può forse pensare a old:landuse=orchard

oppure abandone:landuse=orchard.

Non si mappa per il rendering, e soprattutto per far piacere a chi
guarda e non si trova.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Available Building Footprints Date: March 28, 2017 at 2:06:33 AM PDT

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Frederik Ramm

On 03/28/2017 05:48 PM, Denis Carriere wrote:
> Instead of having tons of different people trying to attempt loading all
> of these 8 Million buildings, 


> After all the "hard work" is done.. you can simply add those
> small chunks of data with JOSM using any Tasking Manager 

This is where I have violently disagreed with Denis and his team in the
past and still do; in my eyes, the *hard* work starts once the data has
been prepared and converted and set up, because *then* I want people
familiar with the area to load the data, compare it with what's there,
NOT blindly delete what's there, cross-check with aerial imagery and so on.

In my eyes, all the data preparation is peanuts, and the real value is
added to the import at the upload stage. This is where it is decided
whether this import will be successful or rubbish. A sad example for a
rubbish import is almost all of CanVec, which tends to be uploaded by
people who think that the "hard work" is already done by those who
prepared the data, and that all that is left for them is hitting the
upload button in JOSM.

While a task manager can help, it tends to invite contributions by
people who are not at all local to the area just to "colour it green".
This is undesirable in my opinion.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Available Building Footprints

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Frederik Ramm

On 03/28/2017 11:06 AM, Nathan Mixter wrote:
> California has more than triple the amount of data available than any
> other state. Importing it will be no small task but doing it in chunks
> by several people will make it manageable.

I know that singling you out borders on the impolite but I can't resist
on this occasion. I haven't analysed data in the US systematically but I
have had very many cases where I looked at an area in the US and thought
to myself "uh, someone has imported individual plot boundaries here", or
"uh, this funny landuse origami here seems to be totally out of touch
with imagery" and then when I looked at who was behind that, it turned
out to be another nmixter import.

Over the years, you have imported a lot of stuff into OSM that probably
would not stand up to scrutiny in an import review like we do them
today. The thought of you leading any kind of major import attempt in
the US fills me with dread.

Now maybe I'm doing you injustice and you are having second thoughts
about some of the things you did in the past. That would of course be
great. I do remember at least one discussion in which you agreed to
revert a particularly broken landuse import that a couple of your
countrymen complained about but I don't know how rare an exception that was.

If I had a choice, I would much prefer if you could apply your time to
revisiting the data you have imported over the years, and check whether
that data stands up to today's quality expectations, and whether it is
worth keeping at all.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Attacco di mandata per autopompa

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Il 28/03/2017 19:56, Dario Zontini ha scritto:
> Io sostituirei la lancia con una freccia che indica che l'acqua entra
> Dario Zontini

L'avevo pensata, ma mi pareva troppo generico e confuso.

Ho pensato anche ad un guizzo emesso da una lancia con freccia che ne
indicava la direzione, ma anche qui occupava troppo spazio.

Attendo ancora qualche intervento, semmai modifico e poi vedo di
inserire nella pagina proposed.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-us] Building Footprints in CA

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Brian M Hamlin
Hi All -
  I have been working with 2D building footprints from LA and other counties 
here in Berkeley on a research project,
using a PostGIS/GDAL stack and a libosimum tool, among others.. 
The project is broadly named  "California OpenData ECN" .. I am committed to an 
open data process. Not much more to say at this moment,
but I am reading this and want to contribute in some way, when thats possible. 
Brian M Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Attacco di mandata per autopompa

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Dario Zontini
Io sostituirei la lancia con una freccia che indica che l'acqua entra

Dario Zontini

Inviato da Samsung Mobile

Il 28 Mar 2017 19:24, "girarsi_liste"  ha scritto:

> Il 27/03/2017 22:55, Daniele Forsi ha scritto:
> > Il 27 marzo 2017 22:50, Alberto ha scritto:
> >
> >> @ Simone, purtroppo l'allegato non è arrivato...
> >
> > come no? A  me è arrivato e si trova anche nell'archivio della lista
> >
> >
> Ebbene? questo silenzio mi fa pensare ad uno schifo.. :)
> --
> Simone Girardelli
> _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
> |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Available Building Footprints

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Nathan Mixter
Steve, I'm not sure how or why you are jumping to the conclusion that
because a wiki page was created that somehow means the import has already
occurred. Your impulsive reaction and rants are unwarranted and
unappreciated. No one has said anything about importing other than raising
the possibility.

The page was created by another user who was listing the data sets
available. I simply added another section on the page to break apart the
California areas into cities so they can be reviewed further. The page
clearly states that the import procedures need to be followed and I don't
have any plans to import the data now and I don't think anyone else does

Denis was right on with his response, and those are the type or responses
that we need if ... and I do say if ... this project is to move forward.
There are several hurdles in using this data, one being the size and scope.
That is why the wiki page was created was to hash out the best way to
proceed from people who have successfully done large scale imports. The
data can't be reviewed effectively as one big file. The project is still
young, and before we can even post on the imports list we need to have a
procedure in place.

Let's continue to pool resources and add ideas and suggestions to the wiki
page as we look into the possibility of importing this data. Looking
forward to hearing what others have to say and the ideas we can come up
with together.


On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 9:23 AM, OSM Volunteer stevea <> wrote:

> I couldn't agree more, Denis.  The only thing that this (poorly
> named/indexed in OSM's wiki) "Available Building Footprints" page mentions
> about importing is "Any import of these building footprints must strictly
> follow the import guidelines."  Well, then, please do so!  I'm not saying
> that this built-in-the-last-week wiki isn't informative, for what it is, it
> is.  However, it is not an import project (yet), and while Nathan implies
> these data (data are plural) SHOULD be imported, he has not taken the time
> nor effort to correctly turn these into a real import project (posting to
> the imports list, following our "five steps...").
> Nathan just emailed me to say that he couldn't open the Bay Area shapefile
> either, saying he split it apart with QGIS.  He continues "Even though I
> split the file into different areas that file still seems to be the same
> size as the original. It's almost like the other data is still there even
> though it shows only the Bay Area shapes. Maybe some one else has a better
> way to split up the file. The Bay Area data all runs together so it is hard
> to see where natural splits occur. Maybe you (stevea) or some one else will
> have better luck trying to split it."  This does not bode well for someone
> who wants to lead or contribute to an import.  (Nathan, Nathan, Nathan...).
> Nathan and I have become friends, we met eight years ago in OSM, go on
> many hikes and camping trips together, he comes to my house parties and we
> further collaborate via email.  I have worked with Nathan on numerous
> import tasks, noted in our Santa Cruz County wiki page, including the major
> (now in version 3) import of Santa Cruz County landuse areas and the
> Monterey County California Farmland import.  The first one was nearly a
> disaster:  it took me four years to manually untangle Nathan's mess/data
> upload crashes and finally supersede with v3.  The Monterey County import
> was a constant struggle of "throttling down" Nathan's constant instinct to
> "spill buckets of import paint quickly and with little regard for data
> quality" until I hardcore task-managed the project between the two of us
> over months of careful project husbandry so it eventually became a sane and
> high-quality import of which we can both be proud.  Nathan is also
> notorious for, let's be candid, "making a mess of California's Central
> Valley" which, even to this day, I am not sure he has fully cleaned up.
> Nathan, I do not say these things lightly in a public forum like talk-us,
> but it appears that you are yet again taking a cavalier and hair-trigger
> approach to doing a major (MAJOR!) import in California.  If you wish to do
> so, please learn from your past that this is a tremendous effort, bigger by
> an order of magnitude or more than anything you have attempted to import
> before, listen to friends of yours like me and Denis (below) and bite off
> only as much as you can chew, with the technical, social and OSM community
> skills needed that it takes to complete such an endeavor.  We are asking
> you to please do it right this time, if indeed you feel that you can and
> will.  There are many, many tasks ahead if you wish to see these data in
> OSM and not even the first tasks of what would encourage me to say I see a
> high quality data import ahead have happened yet, save for posting the
> data.  THAT is often the first step of a hasty, poor (and ultimately
> redacted) data 

Re: [Talk-cz] nejdou nahrávat fotky rozcestníků

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Zdeněk Pražák
tatáž hláška je i na


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Zdeněk Pražák 
Datum: 28. 3. 2017 19:22:33
Předmět: [Talk-cz] nejdou nahrávat fotky rozcestníků

"chtěl jsem nahrát několik fotek rozcestníků přes ale
nejde mi to - objevuje se hláška error:nepodařilo se uploadnout soubor
Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Attacco di mandata per autopompa

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Il 27/03/2017 22:55, Daniele Forsi ha scritto:
> Il 27 marzo 2017 22:50, Alberto ha scritto:
>> @ Simone, purtroppo l'allegato non è arrivato...
> come no? A  me è arrivato e si trova anche nell'archivio della lista

Ebbene? questo silenzio mi fa pensare ad uno schifo.. :)

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-cz] nejdou nahrávat fotky rozcestníků

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Zdeněk Pražák
chtěl jsem nahrát několik fotek rozcestníků přes ale
nejde mi to - objevuje se hláška error:nepodařilo se uploadnout soubor___
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-GB] Cleaning Spam

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
Anyone got any ideas what's going on with this object: ? It seems to have
been spammed twice by two different US cleaning companies in the last


Robert Whittaker;
width="46" height="29" style="width: 46px; height: 29px;" />
target="_blank" style="color: #4453ea;">

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] STRAVA heatmap non funziona

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Il 28/03/2017 18:14, Marco ha scritto:
> A me sembra che vada a momenti; un po' va un po' no. Da qualche giorno
> ormai. (io parlo del livello su iD)

Confermo, neanche su Josm funziona, da errore Http quelchelè.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] StyleSheet for Outdoors Rendering

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Gregrs
Hash: SHA1

Hi Graham,

>I want to produce some large (A3 sized at least) printable maps for
>outdoors use. It is actually to show the route of a cross country race,
>so I want to show fences, gates stiles, embankments, steps, as well as
>land cover and contour lines / hill shading (but not distractions like
>admin boundaries)
>Is there a published carto style available that will show these sort
>of things available that I could use as a basis for this, rather than
>start from scratch? (maybe, but I'm not sure if that
>shows field boundaries etc?)

I made a start on a carto style for outdoor use in GB at 1:25k scale but
there is still some way to go. You're welcome to have a look, though:

If nothing else, it might give you some ideas about adding contour lines
using OS Terrain 50 data and perhaps grid lines using Charles Roper's
1km grid shapefile.

>Last time I did this sort of thing I used a simple python script
>called - is that still the best thing to use or has
>something else taken its place?

I find Nik4 ( useful, and if you
don't want to integrate contours and grid lines using Mapnik, you
might also be interested to know that QGIS can add the latter
with some flexibility. I also wrote the script (see which you may find useful
if you're using the OSGB projection.

Best wishes,

- -- 
Twitter: @gregrs_uk
PGP key ID: 64907C8A 
Fingerprint: EBD1 077F CCDD 841E A505 3FAA D2E8 592E 6490 7C8A

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [OSM-dev-fr] [OSM-talk] landuse=farm bientôt retiré du rendu standard

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Verdy
Cela concerne aussi place=farm qui est une alternative à
place=isolated_dwelling pour les lieux-dits ?
Sachant qu'on peut mettre un place=* sur une surface, cette surface
pourrait aussi être un landuse=farmyard, mais qui n'a pas nécessairement un
nom de lieu-dit, alors qu'un place=* a nécessairement un name=* pour
indiquer un toponyme.

Alternative alors: la surface en landuse=farmyard, le noeud toponymique en

(Il y a encore des fermes aujourd'hui inhabitées, landuse=farmyard reste
approprié tant que ce n'est pas reconverti en batiments résidentiels ou
industriels ou services (autre valeur de landuse=*, mais son noeud
place=isolated_dwelling doit être changé en place=locality si c'est
maintenant inhabité et devenir place=isolated_dwelling, voire hamlet si
c'est reconverti en logements).

2017-03-28 17:10 GMT+02:00 althio :

> Le tag landuse=farm sera bientôt retiré du rendu standard de
> [openstreetmap-carto sur GitHub
> Il est maintenant suggéré de choisir un des tags plus explicites,
> typiquement landuse=farmland ou landuse=farmyard ou autre landuse=*
> ...
> Pas d'éditions automatiques bien sûr ! Vous pouvez tomber sur des
> reliquats de CLC - Corine Land Cover.
> Dans quelques jours les éléments landuse=farm ne seront plus visibles,
> les trous dans la carte rendue seront des bonnes indications des zones
> à travailler.
> Bonnes balades cartographiques à la campagne !
> -- althio
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: nebulon42 
> Date: 22 March 2017 at 13:56
> Subject: [OSM-talk] Upcoming removal of landuse=farm in the standard style
> To: osm-talk ,
> Dear all,
> at openstreetmap-carto - the standard style on - a change has
> been merged
> ( to drop
> rendering of landuse=farm. There was overall consensus that this tag is
> deprecated and its usage steadily declined over the last years, but
> there are still around 340 000 uses. See
> and
> for details.
> This change will make it into the next release, but there is no release
> date yet. You might want to change cases of landuse=farm in your area to
> either landuse=farmland or landuse=farmyard before that. Please don't do
> any automatic re-tagging though. After the release empty spots will make
> it easier to clean up the remaining uses of this tag.
> Michael
> ___
> talk mailing list
> ___
> dev-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk] How to Create an Android App Using OSM

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Jerome DeBartho
I want to create a voice navigation app for Android phones, using OSM
data.  Such that the app is confined to a small area say,  a campus with
the data offline.
I need help on how to go about it.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Available Building Footprints

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden OSM Volunteer stevea
I couldn't agree more, Denis.  The only thing that this (poorly named/indexed 
in OSM's wiki) "Available Building Footprints" page mentions about importing is 
"Any import of these building footprints must strictly follow the import 
guidelines."  Well, then, please do so!  I'm not saying that this 
built-in-the-last-week wiki isn't informative, for what it is, it is.  However, 
it is not an import project (yet), and while Nathan implies these data (data 
are plural) SHOULD be imported, he has not taken the time nor effort to 
correctly turn these into a real import project (posting to the imports list, 
following our "five steps...").

Nathan just emailed me to say that he couldn't open the Bay Area shapefile 
either, saying he split it apart with QGIS.  He continues "Even though I split 
the file into different areas that file still seems to be the same size as the 
original. It's almost like the other data is still there even though it shows 
only the Bay Area shapes. Maybe some one else has a better way to split up the 
file. The Bay Area data all runs together so it is hard to see where natural 
splits occur. Maybe you (stevea) or some one else will have better luck trying 
to split it."  This does not bode well for someone who wants to lead or 
contribute to an import.  (Nathan, Nathan, Nathan...).

Nathan and I have become friends, we met eight years ago in OSM, go on many 
hikes and camping trips together, he comes to my house parties and we further 
collaborate via email.  I have worked with Nathan on numerous import tasks, 
noted in our Santa Cruz County wiki page, including the major (now in version 
3) import of Santa Cruz County landuse areas and the Monterey County California 
Farmland import.  The first one was nearly a disaster:  it took me four years 
to manually untangle Nathan's mess/data upload crashes and finally supersede 
with v3.  The Monterey County import was a constant struggle of "throttling 
down" Nathan's constant instinct to "spill buckets of import paint quickly and 
with little regard for data quality" until I hardcore task-managed the project 
between the two of us over months of careful project husbandry so it eventually 
became a sane and high-quality import of which we can both be proud.  Nathan is 
also notorious for, let's be candid, "making a mess of California's Central 
Valley" which, even to this day, I am not sure he has fully cleaned up.

Nathan, I do not say these things lightly in a public forum like talk-us, but 
it appears that you are yet again taking a cavalier and hair-trigger approach 
to doing a major (MAJOR!) import in California.  If you wish to do so, please 
learn from your past that this is a tremendous effort, bigger by an order of 
magnitude or more than anything you have attempted to import before, listen to 
friends of yours like me and Denis (below) and bite off only as much as you can 
chew, with the technical, social and OSM community skills needed that it takes 
to complete such an endeavor.  We are asking you to please do it right this 
time, if indeed you feel that you can and will.  There are many, many tasks 
ahead if you wish to see these data in OSM and not even the first tasks of what 
would encourage me to say I see a high quality data import ahead have happened 
yet, save for posting the data.  THAT is often the first step of a hasty, poor 
(and ultimately redacted) data import.  You have had opportunity after 
opportunity to do data imports into OSM and should be able to learn that there 
is a correct way to do it:  the only way to do it.

The next place I hope to read anything about this is on the imports list.


> On Mar 28, 2017, at 8:48 AM, Denis Carriere  wrote:
> Instead of having tons of different people trying to attempt loading all of 
> these 8 Million buildings, we shoul collectively start an import proposal 
> (OSM wiki, draft a plan, set up tasking managers, pre-process data, host 
> entire dataset, etc...).
> The best/easiest solution we (OSM Ottawa) did for importing 1M+ buildings was 
> to convert the data into GeoJSON and then convert them into VectorTiles using 
> Tippecanoe [0] and host them using our own custom server (Micro Data Service 
> [1]) which hosts those vector tiles into OSM & GeoJSON. After all the "hard 
> work" is done.. you can simply add those small chunks of data with JOSM using 
> any Tasking Manager by adding the URL [2] in Extra Instructions. An example 
> of a final OSM tile would look like this [3] which would be ready to import 
> (semi-manually).
> There's also integration with QA-Tiles [4] to prevent loading any duplicate 
> data (this feature requires continuously loading the most current QA-Tile 
> during the import process).
> Summary: Before anyone attempts to import this data, we need to create a plan 
> first. I'm more than willing to help out, but this would be a large task and 
> would need to be done collectively as a 

Re: [Talk-it] questio su agrari abbandonati

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Il 28/03/2017 14:14, ha scritto:
> Salve 
> questio.
> 1 - un frutteto dentro un bosco.
> 2 - e costituice per i locali un chiaro punto di riferimento
> 3 -ma essendo abbandonato, il bosco se ne sta appropriando.
> 4 - oggi su bing si vede solo bosco.
> ora se utilizza abandoneted:landuse non si renderizza nulla, si vedrebbe il 
> bosco con un buco. ma non srebbe corretto
> vorrei utilizzare il tag per i terreni a riposo, quando meno al rendering 
> sarebbe verde su verde
> ma non ricordo più qual'è...
> avete qualche idea?
> Grazie in anticipo   

Non si capisce lo stato attuale, è o non è bosco ora?

Per com'era si può forse pensare a old:landuse=orchard

oppure abandone:landuse=orchard.

Non si mappa per il rendering, e soprattutto per far piacere a chi
guarda e non si trova.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Pražské OSM setkání

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Pavel Zbytovský

připomínám zítřejší setkání. Už je nás 7 :-)
Prosím, napište do [2] i pokud přijde možná -- jinak nebudou židle a budou
se na nás zle koukat.

Mějte se

On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 6:25 PM Pavel Zbytovský  wrote:

> Ahoj,
> naplánovali jsme s Mariánem pražské setkání OSM v Café Sicily [1].
> Probereme akutální věci okolo osmcz a osm obecně :-)
> Budete vítání ve středu 29.3. v 18:00.
> *Prosím potvrďte účast zde: *[2]  (ať máme dost židlí)
> Pavel
> [1]
> [2]
> [3] Google event:
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] STRAVA heatmap non funziona

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Marco
A me sembra che vada a momenti; un po' va un po' no. Da qualche giorno 
ormai. (io parlo del livello su iD)

Il 28/03/2017 17:21, Davide Mangraviti ha scritto:

Non so se avete notato ma da due giorni non funziona il servizio Strava
Heatmap, ne su ID, e chiaramente neanche il livello layer su JOSM

speriamo che lo sistemino presto

Ciao a tutti

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Regexp pour valider un nom de commune française

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Charles Nepote

Le 28/03/2017 à 17:14, frem a écrit :


J’ajouterais bien l’apostrophe typographique (« ’ », U+2019) qui est 
le caractère que nous devrions utiliser pour les apostrophes 
(recommandation Unicode) et en plus c’est joli  :-) 

*Valides (communes existantes)**

PS : pour les linuxiens, si vous voulez vous extraire de la pauvreté 
typographique de l’AZERTY standard, je vous recommande le disposition 
de clavier « Français (variante) », qui rend disponible, par exemple, 
l’apostrophe typographique avec la combinaison de touche « AltGr + g ».

Merci frem. Je vais l'ajouter par acquis de conscience, sachant aussi 
que certains traitements de texte l'ajoutent automatiquement, non ? Des 
sachants pour confirmer ?


Le 28/03/2017 à 14:32, Charles Nepote a écrit :
Je cherche donc à vérifier a minima la syntaxe d'un nom de commune à 
travers une regexp. J'ai produit la regexp suivante qui passe mes 
tests sauf qu'elle me semble un peu trop permissive. Toute remarque 
ou aide appréciée :)
(J'ai utilisé la forme "extended" qui permet d'étaler la regexp sur 
plusieurs lignes et de la commenter.)

(   # Débute par un article
  Le\ |La\ |Les\ |Los\ |Aux\ |L'
  | # ou
)   # rien

([A-ZÉÇŒÈÎ])# Suivi d'une majuscule

(   # puis ...
 ((-|   #   un trait-d'union ou
  \ |   #   un espace ou
  \ -\ |#   un espace suivi d'un trait d'union 
suivi d'un espace ou

  ')#   une apostrophe
  [A-ZÉÇŒÈÎ])   #   suivi d'une majuscule
 |  #   ou bien
 ('|-|\ |)  #   une apostrophe ou un trait-d'union ou 
un espace ou rien

  [a-zàâéèêëïîÿôûüœç]   #   suivi d'une minuscule
)*  # 0 ou plusieurs fois

(   # terminé par
  \ \([A-Z][a-z]*\) # un espace suivi d'un mot entre 
parenthèse débutant par une majuscule

  | # ou
)   # rien
/gmx# global, multiline, extended

Vous pouvez la retrouver et la tester ici :

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Regexp pour valider un nom de commune française

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Charles Nepote

Le 28/03/2017 à 14:47, Philippe Verdy a écrit :

Il manque sans doute des majuscules accentuées (ÂÊ).

Oui bien vu, c'est une erreur de m part.

Tu peux toujours essayer avec la liste complète des communes et tenter 
un rapprochement, une requête Overpass sur les relation 
admin_level=8/9 (prendre en compte peut-être à part Wallis-et-Futuna 
qui n'a pas de communes mais des districts et villages, pour la 
Polynésie je pense qu'on a déjà les noms de communes et îles toutes 
présentes après en avoir fait le tour exhaustivement, mais si tu 
t'intéresses juste aux communes, la liste en outre-mer n'est pas aussi 
longue qu'en métropole). Après ça il y a des noms de quartiers et 
d'anciennes communes fusionnées au niveau 10.
Alors moi je suis vraiment nul en requête Overpass mais preneur d'une 
liste en CSV.

Concernant la fin (entre parenthèse) cela semble trop restrictif aussi 
de se limiter à l'alphabet de base sans accent et un seul mot.
La fin c'est Christian Quest qui me l'a soufflée pour gérer les deux 
seuls cas :

* Château-Chinon (Campagne)
* Château-Chinon (Ville)
(qui sont une hérésie, soit dit en passant).
Je pourrais en effet étendre aux capitales accentuées et lettre 
accentuées mais aussi, pourquoi-pas, aux noms composés, etc. Pourquoi ne 
pas continuer à mettre n'importe quoi dans les parenthèses ? On pourrait 
légitimement avoir :

**Château-Chinon - Ville Magne du Rotrou (Saint Martin et Villedieux)**
Un cas purement théorique mais une telle horreur est tout à fait 
possible si l'on tient compte des conneries précédentes. Je fais donc le 
pari, plus ou moins risqué, que les deux exemples tordus de 
Château-Chinon ne se reproduiront pas à brève échéance.


Le 28 mars 2017 à 14:32, Charles Nepote > a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

Un peu hors-sujet mais ça pourrait aider les outils de contrôle
qualité d'OSM.
Dans les divers outils et process informatiques il n'est pas
toujours possible d'aller appeler la BAN pour vérifier le nom
d'une commune.
Je cherche donc à vérifier a minima la syntaxe d'un nom de commune
à travers une regexp. J'ai produit la regexp suivante qui passe
mes tests sauf qu'elle me semble un peu trop permissive. Toute
remarque ou aide appréciée :)

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 348

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Tom Ka
Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 348 týdeníku WeeklyOSM:

* Společná konference pro OSM CZ?
* Demo v3.
* Schvalování změn v OSM?
* Opět importy Facebooku.
* HOT a záplavy v Peru.
* Kompatibilita ODbL a CC-BY 4.0

Pěkné počtení ...

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Available Building Footprints Date: March 28, 2017 at 2:06:33 AM PDT

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Denis Carriere
Instead of having tons of different people trying to attempt loading all of
these 8 Million buildings, we shoul collectively start an import proposal
(OSM wiki, draft a plan, set up tasking managers, pre-process data, host
entire dataset, etc...).

The best/easiest solution we (OSM Ottawa) did for importing 1M+ buildings
was to convert the data into GeoJSON and then convert them into VectorTiles
using Tippecanoe [0] and host them using our own custom server (Micro Data
Service [1]) which hosts those vector tiles into OSM & GeoJSON. After all
the "hard work" is done.. you can simply add those small chunks of data
with JOSM using any Tasking Manager by adding the URL [2] in Extra
Instructions. An example of a final OSM tile would look like this [3] which
would be ready to import (semi-manually).

There's also integration with QA-Tiles [4] to prevent loading any duplicate
data (this feature requires continuously loading the most current QA-Tile
during the import process).

*Summary: *Before anyone attempts to import this data, we need to create a
plan first. I'm more than willing to help out, but this would be a large
task and would need to be done collectively as a group.


*Denis Carriere*
*GIS Software & Systems Specialist*

On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 11:00 AM, OSM Volunteer stevea <> wrote:

> Hi Nathan:
> I've got pretty beefy hardware, but the "Bay Area" shapefile pointed to by
> your recent post chokes my JOSM to a gasping strangle:  >3.7 million
> objects?!  These need to be broken up further to smaller files, to either
> the county level or even smaller to a sub-county level, in a sane way.  You
> may as well save them as .osm files (and host them on some other place
> besides a Microsoft cloud), as shapefiles still remain a "foreign" (though
> importable) format within OSM.
> SteveA
> California
> > On Mar 28, 2017, at 5:00 AM, wrote:
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-it] STRAVA heatmap non funziona

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Davide Mangraviti
Non so se avete notato ma da due giorni non funziona il servizio Strava
Heatmap, ne su ID, e chiaramente neanche il livello layer su JOSM

speriamo che lo sistemino presto

Ciao a tutti

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] [OSM-talk] landuse=farm bientôt retiré du rendu standard

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden althio
Le tag landuse=farm sera bientôt retiré du rendu standard de
[openstreetmap-carto sur GitHub]

Il est maintenant suggéré de choisir un des tags plus explicites,
typiquement landuse=farmland ou landuse=farmyard ou autre landuse=*
Pas d'éditions automatiques bien sûr ! Vous pouvez tomber sur des
reliquats de CLC - Corine Land Cover.

Dans quelques jours les éléments landuse=farm ne seront plus visibles,
les trous dans la carte rendue seront des bonnes indications des zones
à travailler.

Bonnes balades cartographiques à la campagne !

-- althio

-- Forwarded message --
From: nebulon42 
Date: 22 March 2017 at 13:56
Subject: [OSM-talk] Upcoming removal of landuse=farm in the standard style
To: osm-talk ,

Dear all,

at openstreetmap-carto - the standard style on - a change has
been merged
( to drop
rendering of landuse=farm. There was overall consensus that this tag is
deprecated and its usage steadily declined over the last years, but
there are still around 340 000 uses. See and for details.

This change will make it into the next release, but there is no release
date yet. You might want to change cases of landuse=farm in your area to
either landuse=farmland or landuse=farmyard before that. Please don't do
any automatic re-tagging though. After the release empty spots will make
it easier to clean up the remaining uses of this tag.


talk mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Regexp pour valider un nom de commune française

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden frem


J’ajouterais bien l’apostrophe typographique (« ’ », U+2019) qui est le 
caractère que nous devrions utiliser pour les apostrophes 
(recommandation Unicode) et en plus c’est joli  :-) 

*Valides (communes existantes)**

PS : pour les linuxiens, si vous voulez vous extraire de la pauvreté 
typographique de l’AZERTY standard, je vous recommande le disposition de 
clavier « Français (variante) », qui rend disponible, par exemple, 
l’apostrophe typographique avec la combinaison de touche « AltGr + g ».

Le 28/03/2017 à 14:32, Charles Nepote a écrit :
Je cherche donc à vérifier a minima la syntaxe d'un nom de commune à 
travers une regexp. J'ai produit la regexp suivante qui passe mes 
tests sauf qu'elle me semble un peu trop permissive. Toute remarque ou 
aide appréciée :)
(J'ai utilisé la forme "extended" qui permet d'étaler la regexp sur 
plusieurs lignes et de la commenter.)

(   # Débute par un article
  Le\ |La\ |Les\ |Los\ |Aux\ |L'
  | # ou
)   # rien

([A-ZÉÇŒÈÎ])# Suivi d'une majuscule

(   # puis ...
 ((-|   #   un trait-d'union ou
  \ |   #   un espace ou
  \ -\ |#   un espace suivi d'un trait d'union 
suivi d'un espace ou

  ')#   une apostrophe
  [A-ZÉÇŒÈÎ])   #   suivi d'une majuscule
 |  #   ou bien
 ('|-|\ |)  #   une apostrophe ou un trait-d'union ou 
un espace ou rien

  [a-zàâéèêëïîÿôûüœç]   #   suivi d'une minuscule
)*  # 0 ou plusieurs fois

(   # terminé par
  \ \([A-Z][a-z]*\) # un espace suivi d'un mot entre 
parenthèse débutant par une majuscule

  | # ou
)   # rien
/gmx# global, multiline, extended

Vous pouvez la retrouver et la tester ici :

Contributeur OpenStreetMap .
Retrouvez aussi une partie des contributeurs OpenStreetMap de la Vienne 
aux permanences de l’APP3L .

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Available Building Footprints Date: March 28, 2017 at 2:06:33 AM PDT

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden OSM Volunteer stevea
Hi Nathan:

I've got pretty beefy hardware, but the "Bay Area" shapefile pointed to by your 
recent post chokes my JOSM to a gasping strangle:  >3.7 million objects?!  
These need to be broken up further to smaller files, to either the county level 
or even smaller to a sub-county level, in a sane way.  You may as well save 
them as .osm files (and host them on some other place besides a Microsoft 
cloud), as shapefiles still remain a "foreign" (though importable) format 
within OSM.


> On Mar 28, 2017, at 5:00 AM, wrote:

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Scotch Corner (A1 - J55) near Darlington

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Jones, Luke (KEU.FXT)
Thanks for looking into this, Chris.

I completely missed that misspelling when I was looking into the root cause of 
my specific routing issue.

From: Chris Hill []
Sent: 28 March 2017 15:23
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Scotch Corner (A1 - J55) near Darlington

Looks like a typo. a road providing the link, northbound A1 to the roundabout 
was tagged as trunk link (missing underscore). I have changed that.


Chris Hill (chillly)

On 28/03/2017 15:07, Jones, Luke (KEU.FXT) wrote:
Good afternoon,

The above-mentioned junction was amended last 
night in such a way that 
there is no longer a valid route from the A1 Northbound to the A66 Westbound. 
Could I ask that someone with local knowledge could have a look and see if 
these changes are valid?

As I understand it, the A1 in this area is being upgraded to a triple-lane 
motorway and it’s possible that this is a temporary thing.


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This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email service.
For more information please visit
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Scotch Corner (A1 - J55) near Darlington

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Dave F

Sorry. Misread. Ignore,

On 28/03/2017 15:16, Dave F wrote:

Are you saying the tertiary route & roundabout is not valid?


On 28/03/2017 15:07, Jones, Luke (KEU.FXT) wrote:

Good afternoon,

The above-mentioned junction was amended last night 
 in such a way that 
there is no longer a valid route from the A1 Northbound to the A66 
Westbound. Could I ask that someone with local knowledge could have a 
look and see if these changes are valid?

As I understand it, the A1 in this area is being upgraded to a 
triple-lane motorway and it’s possible that this is a temporary thing.



This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email service.
For more information please visit

Talk-GB mailing list


Talk-GB mailing list

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Scotch Corner (A1 - J55) near Darlington

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Chris Hill
Looks like a typo. a road providing the link, northbound A1 to the 
roundabout was tagged as trunk link (missing underscore). I have changed 

Chris Hill (chillly)

On 28/03/2017 15:07, Jones, Luke (KEU.FXT) wrote:

Good afternoon,

The above-mentioned junction was amended last night 
 in such a way that 
there is no longer a valid route from the A1 Northbound to the A66 
Westbound. Could I ask that someone with local knowledge could have a 
look and see if these changes are valid?

As I understand it, the A1 in this area is being upgraded to a 
triple-lane motorway and it’s possible that this is a temporary thing.



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Scotch Corner (A1 - J55) near Darlington

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Dave F

Are you saying the tertiary route & roundabout is not valid?


On 28/03/2017 15:07, Jones, Luke (KEU.FXT) wrote:

Good afternoon,

The above-mentioned junction was amended last night 
 in such a way that 
there is no longer a valid route from the A1 Northbound to the A66 
Westbound. Could I ask that someone with local knowledge could have a 
look and see if these changes are valid?

As I understand it, the A1 in this area is being upgraded to a 
triple-lane motorway and it’s possible that this is a temporary thing.



This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email service.
For more information please visit

Talk-GB mailing list

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Scotch Corner (A1 - J55) near Darlington

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Jones, Luke (KEU.FXT)
Good afternoon,

The above-mentioned junction was amended last 
night in such a way that 
there is no longer a valid route from the A1 Northbound to the A66 Westbound. 
Could I ask that someone with local knowledge could have a look and see if 
these changes are valid?

As I understand it, the A1 in this area is being upgraded to a triple-lane 
motorway and it’s possible that this is a temporary thing.


This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email service.
For more information please visit
Talk-GB mailing list

[talk-ph] just some stuff

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden OSM

I've just  found some stuff that may be  really interesting for you, it is 
really  cool) Take a  look


talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Regexp pour valider un nom de commune française

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Verdy
Il manque sans doute des majuscules accentuées (ÂÊ).

Tu peux toujours essayer avec la liste complète des communes et tenter un
rapprochement, une requête Overpass sur les relation admin_level=8/9
(prendre en compte peut-être à part Wallis-et-Futuna qui n'a pas de
communes mais des districts et villages, pour la Polynésie je pense qu'on a
déjà les noms de communes et îles toutes présentes après en avoir fait le
tour exhaustivement, mais si tu t'intéresses juste aux communes, la liste
en outre-mer n'est pas aussi longue qu'en métropole). Après ça il y a des
noms de quartiers et d'anciennes communes fusionnées au niveau 10.
Concernant la fin (entre parenthèse) cela semble trop restrictif aussi de
se limiter à l'alphabet de base sans accent et un seul mot.

Le 28 mars 2017 à 14:32, Charles Nepote  a écrit :

> Bonjour à tous,
> Un peu hors-sujet mais ça pourrait aider les outils de contrôle qualité
> d'OSM.
> Dans les divers outils et process informatiques il n'est pas toujours
> possible d'aller appeler la BAN pour vérifier le nom d'une commune.
> Je cherche donc à vérifier a minima la syntaxe d'un nom de commune à
> travers une regexp. J'ai produit la regexp suivante qui passe mes tests
> sauf qu'elle me semble un peu trop permissive. Toute remarque ou aide
> appréciée :)
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Regexp pour valider un nom de commune française

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Charles Nepote

Bonjour à tous,

Un peu hors-sujet mais ça pourrait aider les outils de contrôle qualité 
Dans les divers outils et process informatiques il n'est pas toujours 
possible d'aller appeler la BAN pour vérifier le nom d'une commune.
Je cherche donc à vérifier a minima la syntaxe d'un nom de commune à 
travers une regexp. J'ai produit la regexp suivante qui passe mes tests 
sauf qu'elle me semble un peu trop permissive. Toute remarque ou aide 
appréciée :)
(J'ai utilisé la forme "extended" qui permet d'étaler la regexp sur 
plusieurs lignes et de la commenter.)

(   # Débute par un article
  Le\ |La\ |Les\ |Los\ |Aux\ |L'
  | # ou
)   # rien

([A-ZÉÇŒÈÎ])# Suivi d'une majuscule

(   # puis ...
 ((-|   #   un trait-d'union ou
  \ |   #   un espace ou
  \ -\ |#   un espace suivi d'un trait d'union 
suivi d'un espace ou

  ')#   une apostrophe
  [A-ZÉÇŒÈÎ])   #   suivi d'une majuscule
 |  #   ou bien
 ('|-|\ |)  #   une apostrophe ou un trait-d'union ou 
un espace ou rien

  [a-zàâéèêëïîÿôûüœç]   #   suivi d'une minuscule
)*  # 0 ou plusieurs fois

(   # terminé par
  \ \([A-Z][a-z]*\) # un espace suivi d'un mot entre parenthèse 
débutant par une majuscule

  | # ou
)   # rien
/gmx# global, multiline, extended

Vous pouvez la retrouver et la tester ici :

J'ai listé ci-dessous des cas de tests invalides, théoriques et valides.

A  Ville
Nouvelle  Ville
A' Ville
Nouvelle' Ville
A- Ville
Nouvelle- Ville
Nouvelle-es- Ville
Saint-Martin-es- Ville
A  a
A  A

*Théoriques ???**
*A A

*Valides (communes existantes)**
Le Mans
La Celle-Saint-Cloud
Le Pont-de-Beauvoisin
Hitiaa O Te Ra
Château-Chinon (Campagne)
Château-Chinon (Ville)
La Chapelle du Lou du Lac
Saint-Thégonnec Loc-Eguiner
Val d'Arcomie
Ance Féas
Le Bas Ségala
Le Haut Soultzbach
Bairon et ses environs
Dhuys et Morin-en-Brie
Parves et Nattages
Haut Valromey
Saint Paterne - Le Chevain
Pont de Montvert - Sud Mont Lozère
Saint Géry-Vers
Villages du Lac de Paladru
Bagnoles de l'Orne Normandie
Cœur de Causse
Beauce la Romaine
Les Hauts d'Anjou
Les Pechs du Vers
Segré-en-Anjou Bleu
Ingrandes-Le Fresne sur Loire
Montrichard Val de Cher


Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] questio su agrari abbandonati

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden



1 - un frutteto dentro un bosco.
2 - e costituice per i locali un chiaro punto di riferimento

3 -ma essendo abbandonato, il bosco se ne sta appropriando.

4 - oggi su bing si vede solo bosco.

ora se utilizza abandoneted:landuse non si renderizza nulla, si vedrebbe il 
bosco con un buco. ma non srebbe corretto
vorrei utilizzare il tag per i terreni a riposo, quando meno al rendering 
sarebbe verde su verde
ma non ricordo più qual'è...

avete qualche idea?

Grazie in anticipo   

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] multipolygon source tags preferred method

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Michał Brzozowski
I, for one, use source tags extensively when tracing from multiple
sources, e.g. when I trace buildings from a county's WMS layer, but
supplement it with Bing / Geoportal when for whatever reason a
building is omitted from the WMS. Using separate changesets for
different sources seems pretty overcomplicated, especially when I
would leave them open.
For quite a long time people doing address imports in Poland use
source:addr, so any POI added to address nodes or any building traced
don't create ambiguity.


On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 12:27 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer
> 2017-03-27 23:17 GMT+02:00 Warin <>:
>> Source tags on features within the OSM data base have not been depreciated
>> to my knowledge
> let's say it like this: their use is discouraged, because the concept
> doesn't work for OSM.
> You can see this reflected here:
> Cheers,
> Martin
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] multipolygon source tags preferred method

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 28 Mar 2017, at 13:21, nwastra  wrote:
> Thanks for the link Martin.
> It is well written and helps me a great deal on this matter.

although you can put source tags on objects, there's much more sense* to adding 
the "bezier=yes/no" tag on ways, and nearly nobody does the latter:



* because it is the only way to tell whether a way has straight edges or is the 
approximation on a curve.
example: this lake would look very different if the edges were meant to be 
curves (as is frequent with lakes):
similarly kerbs can be angled or rounded, etc.___
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] spolecna konference osgeo, wikimedia, osm

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Ladislav Nesnera
Shrnu pro ty, co neusledovali vývoj:

  * Wikimedia.CZ probere na své schůzce a dá vědět
  * prožene přes svůj bord
  * - včera pár lidí využilo návštěvu Pavla Zbytovského v Brně a
prohodilo k tomu pár slov, o která se jistě vzápětí podělí
  * OpenAlt, z.s. - se zájmem vyčkává


On 23.3.2017 17:34, Jachym Cepicky wrote:
> ja to předložím jako téma na  board,
> díky za shrnutí
> j
> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017, 08:56 Ladislav Nesnera  > wrote:
> Bylo by dobré, aby to byli lidi, co jsou opravdu ochotni do akce
> investovat čas a úsilí. Snad při zvažování pomůže "trocha" zákulisí:
>   * termín - první listopadový víkend
>   * ekonomika
>   o prostory -
>   + kapacitu areálu jsme zatím nevyčerpali, ale
> přednáškovky si objednáváme všechny (= Déčka, Éčka a
> Fka). Na workshopy bereme Áčka
>   + neb je Studentská unie FITu spolupořadatel a FIT
> partner, je nájem 0,-Kč, ale platíme energie, úklid,
> personál co běhá kolem nahrávací techniky. Největší
> položka - 70 tisíc
>   o další náklady jsou:
>   + ubytování lektorů + oběd a občerstvení, trička
>   + totéž pro organizátory (většinou místní = bez
> ubytování, přespolní často přednášejí)
>   + propagace
>   + zpracování a zveřejnění záznamů (závisí na rozsahu
>  a
> loni to na sebe vzalo
> , zhruba 20 tisíc)
>   + celkově jsme tedy na cca 140 tisících (viz.
> transparentní účet
> )
>   o příjmová část je od partnerů viz.
> 11 let se nám daří
> vyhnout se účastnickému vstupnému a chceme u toho zůstat
>   * organizace
>   o obsah
>   + alespoň půl roku před začneme oslovovat přednášející
> formou CFP
> .
>   + za doby LinuxAltu jsme nechali 2 měsíce předem
> veřejnost odhlasovat, co z nabídky má zaznít, program
> byl měsíc předem
>   + přechod LinuAlt > OpenAlt si vynutil větší
> dramaturgický zásah, neb přibyly tématické okruhy
>  a bylo
> potřeba přednášející aktivně vyhledat. Šli jsme tedy
> cestou garantů témat a na nich bylo pokrytí novinek,
> důležitého dění a trendů, osobností a dramaturgie
>   + napříč týmem se doladily časové a prostorové možnosti,
> celková dramaturgie
>   + hlasování jsme tedy vypustili, ale na jeho obnovení
> jsme připraveni byť patrně díky přetlaku konferencí a
> velikosti areálu nám poslední 2-3 roky naplnění
> kapacity +/- přirozeně vychází
>   o vyhledávání partnerů
>   + vytipovávat, předjednávat mohl kdokoliv
>   + finální dohoda šla většinou přes vedení spolku
>   + na komunikaci, zajištění na místě (stánky) a
> pohlídáním plnění dohod je potřeba člověk
>   o propagace
>   + lákadel spousta, populace stejná tudíž velmi důležitá část
>   + mám za naši největší slabinu - prostory i obsah by
> snesly min o 1/3 větší účast
>   + obnáší vše od webu přes články, plakáty, sociální sítě
> po rozhlas a TV
>   + široký záběr je výhodou i nevýhodou
>   + i tady je dobré, aby celek někdo koordinoval, hlavně
> co se načasování týče
>   o na místě
>   + dohled v místnostech (uvedení přednášejících,
> pohlídání časů, občerstvení, funkčnost nahrávání, ..)
>   + info a organizační servis pro přednášející a partnery
>   + registrace účastníků
>   + fotodokumentace
>   + drobnosti typu směrovky, parkování, rozvrhy, plánky,
> kvíz, ..
> Příležitostí přiložit ruku k dílu je tedy spousta (a to výčet
> určitě není úplný), ale chce to odpovědné lidi, neb každý výpadek
> = problém pro zbytek týmu.
> Díky okruhům je konfera na prolínání témat/komunit/organizací
> připravena a byl to i sledovaný záměr přechodu LinuxAlt > OpenAlt.
> Výše uvedené berte jako nástin, ať se je při debatě od čeho
> odpíchnout. Pořád mám za dobrý plán, aby si jednotlivá uskupení
> uvnitř zvážila, zda do společné akce jít či ne, za jakých podmínek
> a prostřednictvím 

[OSM-talk] multipolygon source tags preferred method

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden nwastra
Thanks for the link Martin.
It is well written and helps me a great deal on this matter.
> On 28 Mar 2017, at 8:27 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer  
> wrote:
> 2017-03-27 23:17 GMT+02:00 Warin < 
> >:
> Source tags on features within the OSM data base have not been depreciated to 
> my knowledge
> let's say it like this: their use is discouraged, because the concept doesn't 
> work for OSM.
> You can see this reflected here: 
> Cheers,
> Martin
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] [Belgium] OSM + OsGeo

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Jonathan Beliën
As promised, I added the next OSGeo Dev Evening to the Maptime Belgium chapter 


Your events will now automaticaly appear in OpenStreetMap Belgium calendar 

Still in development though ^^ 


Jonathan Beliën



De : Belgium [] De la part de Maelle 
Envoyé : dimanche 26 mars 2017 23:49
À : Jonathan Beliën 
Cc : OpenStreetMap Belgium ;
Objet : Re: [Belgium] [OSM-talk-be] OSM + OsGeo


Thanks Joost for you email and Jonathan for your enthusiasm ! :-)

I support your two propositions and we will certainly speak about these during 
the AG (and/or the OSGeodevEvening). By the way if some of you are free, they 
are more than welcome: it will be this Wednesday March 29th at 17:30 (building 
D, room DC6.126,.Campus Solbosch, Université libre de Bruxelles Avenue Franklin 
D. Roosevelt 50 - 1050 Bruxelles).

Cheers and I am pleased to strengthen our collaboration, 



2017-03-26 21:57 GMT+02:00 Jonathan Beliën  >:

Could not have said it better !

As I use OSGEO tools and OpenStreetMap database on a daily basis, I could not 
be more happy if the two of us join our forces !

Maë//e told us you use you wiki page for your events :
If you agree, I'll add your OSGEOBE events to Maptime Belgium 
( starting by next OSGEODevEvening !

And I could help with events about web cartography (OpenLayers, Leaflet, 
MapServer, ...).


Le 26-03-17 à 21:15, joost schouppe a écrit :



Even though we're natural partners, we don't do that much together. After the 
National Mapathon, Jonathan, Maelle and myself had a few beers and a long talk. 
It convinced me that we could do more.


I would like to propose two things:


- at OSM Belgium, we use Meetup [1] to organize all our events. But we publish 
all of them at our Maptime [2] page too. How about we share the Maptime page to 
announce both OSM and OsGeo events?


- Maptime is actually supposed to be about easy events where you actually learn 
to do some webmapping. For example, learning how to make a Leaflet map. We 
would like to organize a little event where you can learn how to build a simple 
map with Overpass-Turbo [3], Umap [4] or Mapcontrib [5]. All very userfriendly, 
but still quite powerful. I think it would be an excellent thing to do 
together, because we could recruit people that tend more towards 
data-collection for OpenStreetMap Belgium and those that are more interested in 
open source software for OsGeo.


Also, I think it would be very fun to do.


Because it is within the scope of the Maptime project, we could get Free Pizza 
(sponsored by Carto, former CartoDB). Who doesn't like free pizza?


Anyway, share your thoughts, and efforts :)










Joost Schouppe

OpenStreetMap   | Twitter 
  | LinkedIn 
  | Meetup 


Talk-be mailing list


Belgium mailing list




Coordinatrice du stage SIG Libres ARES

Université Libre de Bruxelles - 
IGEAT (CP 130 / 03)

Campus du Solbosch
Av. F. D. Roosevelt, 50
B-1050 Bruxelles
Tél.: 02/650.68.14 Fax: 02/650.50.92 Local: DB6.143

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] multipolygon source tags preferred method

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-03-27 23:17 GMT+02:00 Warin <>:

> Source tags on features within the OSM data base have not been depreciated
> to my knowledge

let's say it like this: their use is discouraged, because the concept
doesn't work for OSM.
You can see this reflected here:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Tag Aide aux sans-abri et autres

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden althio
Je pense aussi que "Key:social_facility" est la bonne base de départ.

Peut-être qu'il ne faut pas utiliser "amenity=social_facility" car il
ne s'agit pas de la fonction première du lieu.
Les constructions "social_facility=*" et "social_facility:for=*" sont
à mon avis particulièrement adaptées.
Il faut certainement innover pour le reste :

et puis aussi pour la santé :

-- althio

2017-03-24 23:57 GMT+01:00 Philippe Verdy :
> Egalement:
> Key:social_facility
> Le 24 mars 2017 à 23:55, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
>> A voir avec Key:community centre
>> Le 24 mars 2017 à 23:51, Donat ROBAUX  a écrit :
>>> Bonjour,
>>> Vous le savez peut-être que des initiatives en faveur des SDF se
>>> développent ca et là.
>>> Je pense notamment au café ou baguette suspendu
>>> (
>>> Ou encore à l'initiative Le Carillon (
>>> qui propose aux commerçants volontaires pour apporter une petite aide aux
>>> SDF de coller une petite affiche sur leur devanture?
>>> Y a-t-il un tag pour distinguer ses magasins?
>>> Donat
>>> Garanti sans virus.
>>> ___
>>> Talk-fr mailing list
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tasmanian Vegetation

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Phil (The Geek) Wyatt
Looks like they have the required permissions for the SE of Tassie according to 


Maybe they just didn't get around to the full import


From: Warin [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: [talk-au] Tasmanian Vegetation


Suggest mapper as they added the 
south west data.

On 28-Mar-17 11:12 AM, Karl Howard wrote:



I have been pointed in this direction in relation to my query in OpenStreetMap 

I hoping that someone here will be able to assist me with the following query;


“When viewing the Map of Tasmania, Australia the vegetation follows an 
unnaturally straight line down the middle of the land mass. If I had to guess 
it appears to be cut off at the boundary of the potential source file ( 
Tasmania south east).

How can this be remedied? It appears too complex to fix manually and seems to 
require reprocessing of the original source data, can anyone point me to 
someone who can help?”




Talk-au mailing list


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-03-28 11:39 GMT+02:00 Max1234Ita :

> Decisamente, credo, bisognerebbe implementare una sorta di periodo di
> tirocinio obbligatorio per gli utenti neofiti, che so, ad esempio, durante
> il promo mese di attività, restrizione dell'area geografica su cui operare,
> un limite massimo di oggetti per changeset, un numero limitato di upload al
> giorno; il tutto "sotto supervisione" (ad esempio si potrebbe assegnare al
> nuovo arrivato un "buddy", un compagno più esperto, come avviene in certe
> Aziende all'arrivo di un neo-assunto); qualcosa del genere, ecco, non credo
> che le possibilità scarseggino.

non becchi uno come select con questo sistema. Lui sta lavorando
tantissimo, sicuramente convinto di fare del bene. L'unico modo è
convincerlo, per esempio ad usare JOSM (così potrebbe utilizzare le
ortofoto migliori).

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Waterford Greenway

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Richard Fairhurst

Hello talk-ie,

I see you have a lovely new cycle route, the Waterford Greenway:

The mapping is a bit, shall we say... confused?

Quite a lot of the route in OSM seems to be ways which were formerly a 
preserved railway and have now had the tag 'highway=cycleway' added - 
but most of the old railway tags have been left, so we have the 
entertaining situation of an electrified cycleway with a loading gauge. 
I suspect there might be one or two sections where the cycleway actually 
isn't really there.

And then there's the route relations - oh boy. Random relations have 
been created, ways added to a 'superroute' relation, route relation tags 
added to ways, etc. etc. etc. It's all a bit of a horlicks albeit 
evidently one created with good intentions.

I've fixed a few obvious connectivity howlers, but it really needs a 
thorough tidy-up, and it would be better coming from someone local (or, 
at least, in the same country). In theory all the ways should be part of 
two relations (NCN relation 6686612, ICN relation 6641108) and should, 
obviously, connect with nearby roads where appropriate.


Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Max1234Ita
Tutto ciò mi fa venire in mente alcuni versi di Giorgio Gaber:
In questa allegra esibizione
ognuno é artista come può come gli viene
Immergersi in un computer e rincoglionirsi con un bel giochino
un video pieno di ostacoli senza fine.

E intanto i barbari
arrivano i barbari..."/

Decisamente, credo, bisognerebbe implementare una sorta di periodo di
tirocinio obbligatorio per gli utenti neofiti, che so, ad esempio, durante
il promo mese di attività, restrizione dell'area geografica su cui operare,
un limite massimo di oggetti per changeset, un numero limitato di upload al
giorno; il tutto "sotto supervisione" (ad esempio si potrebbe assegnare al
nuovo arrivato un "buddy", un compagno più esperto, come avviene in certe
Aziende all'arrivo di un neo-assunto); qualcosa del genere, ecco, non credo
che le possibilità scarseggino.

E' vero che una forma di controllo del genere potrebbe far scappare molti
aspiranti mappatori occasionali, ma se l'alternativa è avere sempre più
Pasticcioni che rovinano il lavoro degli altri, forse è ancora il male

Ma di queste cose non si parla ogni tanto anche a livello internazionale? Mi
pare strano che questo problema riguardi solo noi della Community italiana.


View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-03-28 10:32 GMT+02:00 Davide Sandona' :

> Questa mattina si è messo a cambiare nomi delle strade: ai nomi corretti
> si è messo ad aggiungere i ref delle strade provinciali, ad esempio:
> name=Via Trecenta --> name=Via Trecenta - SP11

in ogni caso di potenziale problema, commentate le relative changeset.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Alessandro Palmas

>> Quindi vuoi dire che sta disallineando le geometrie?
> E' esattamente quello che sta facendo. Inoltre, sta aggiungendo i campi
> ref
> delle strade provinciali ai nomi delle strade [1], ma ho motivo di
> ritenere
> che tali ref li stia prendendo da Google Map oppure Bing Map, poiché nel
> changeset che vi ho linkato il campo ref non era presente originariamente,
> ed essendo lui un non-local non ha modo di saper quel dato (ho controllato
> anche Mapillary, e quella zona non è coperta...).
> [1]

Ho commentato anch'io un suo changeset.
Riusciresti a girare la sua risposta al DWG? Oltre ad azioni sbagliate
anche il tono della risposta è irrispettoso della comunità italiana, manco
fosse l'unico possessore della verità.

Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Marché public données OSM

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Antoine Riche
L'aspect de l'argent pose évident question : le donneur aura une 
exigence de résultat quant aux données. Pour OSM il ne peut pas s'agir 
d'une simple prestation de production et de mise en qualité de données, 
pour moi le "livrable" est tout autant le lien avec la communauté que 
les données.

Même si à ma connaissance ce genre de prestation n'a jamais été fait à 
cette échelle, ce n'est pas une première. Suite à la cartographie 
notamment indoor des gares de Paris pour SNCF Transilien, nous 
(Carto'Cité) effectuons un suivi régulier des modifications des données 
des 380 gares d'Ile-de-France. Outre le suivi technique, une part de 
notre travail consiste à contacter les contributeur.rice.s pour 
expliquer le référentiel disponible sur le Wiki et autres conseils, 
généralement bien reçus. Dans un souci de transparence, nous avons pour 
cela créé un compte (transilien_cartocite). J'aurais probablement dû en 
parler plus tôt sur Talk-fr (voilà, c'est fait ;-) et nous prévoyons de 
présenter les différents aspects de ce travail à SOTM-FR.


Le 28/03/2017 à 10:32, HELFER Denis (SNCF RESEAU / SIEGE SNCF RESEAU / 

J’entends bien.

Je crois juste que cela démontre, y compris pour le STIF, qu’il y a 
encore un saut culturel à faire.

Il y a néanmoins des progrès accomplis et il faut déjà se réjouir 
qu’un institutionnel investisse autant d’argent.

*De :*Florian LAINEZ []
*Envoyé :* mardi 28 mars 2017 10:22
*À :* Discussions sur OSM en français
*Objet :* Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Marché public données OSM

Le 28 mars 2017 à 09:43, HELFER Denis (SNCF RESEAU / SIEGE SNCF RESEAU 

Maintien de la qualité des données au sein d’OSM, c’est pas
suffisant ?

pas d’inquiétudes, c'est surement juste une question de vocabulaire. 
Pour les grosses boites, "modération" est ce qu'on appelle le QA;)


*Florian Lainez*


Ce message et toutes les pièces jointes sont établis à l'intention 
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ce message n'étant pas assurée sur Internet, la SNCF ne peut être 
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contenu. Toute publication, utilisation, reproduction, ou diffusion, 
même partielle, non autorisée préalablement par la SNCF, est 
strictement interdite. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire de ce 
message, merci d'en avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur et de le détruire.

This message and any attachments are intended solely for the 
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their contents whose accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed 
over the Internet. Unauthorized use, disclosure, distribution, 
copying, or any part thereof is strictly prohibited. If you are not 
the intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender 
immediately and delete it.

Talk-fr mailing list

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Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Available Building Footprints

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Nathan Mixter
California has more than triple the amount of data available than any other
state. Importing it will be no small task but doing it in chunks by several
people will make it manageable. The buildings in the Bay Area alone in the
file stretch from Clear Lake way down to Hollister and run along the coast
in Santa Cruz all the way up the East Bay. Several other large cities and
areas are included in the data. There have been several imports of
buildings here in California and many people have put in a lot of work
tracing individual buildings. This data will tie in those imports and will
be a valuable addition. I broke the data apart further by region along with
the status of buildings in the areas on the main wiki page at, and
there is a place for users to express interest. I would love to hear
further thoughts on this data set particularly on the data in California.
All the best,

Message: 4
> Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2017 19:34:21 +
> From: Eric Ladner 
> To: Clifford Snow , Brad Neuhauser
> Cc: Rihards , talk-us 
> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Available Building Footprints
> Message-ID:

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Davide Sandona'
> Quindi vuoi dire che sta disallineando le geometrie?

E' esattamente quello che sta facendo. Inoltre, sta aggiungendo i campi ref
delle strade provinciali ai nomi delle strade [1], ma ho motivo di ritenere
che tali ref li stia prendendo da Google Map oppure Bing Map, poiché nel
changeset che vi ho linkato il campo ref non era presente originariamente,
ed essendo lui un non-local non ha modo di saper quel dato (ho controllato
anche Mapillary, e quella zona non è coperta...).



Il giorno 28 marzo 2017 10:41, Alessandro Palmas <> ha scritto:

> Negli ultimi 15 giorni ha compiuto 554 upload tutti col commento 'trace'
> Già questo dovrebbe far suonare un campanello d'allarme: come si può
> monitorare la sua attività basandosi sul commento del changeset? Questa è
> già una cosa non in linea con la policy di OSM
> > ieri sera si è messo a mappare nella zona di Bagno di Po. Tuttavia si è
> > messo ad allineare le geometrie con le nuove immagini Bing, le quali
> erano
> > precedentemente ben allineate con dati GPS/PCN2012. Gli ho scritto un
> > messaggio privato ieri notte, ma non ha risposto Ora sta mappando
> alla
> > grande
> >
> Quindi vuoi dire che sta disallineando le geometrie? Se non risponde ai
> messaggi e continua a mappare inizierei a commentare i changeset, così ne
> rimane traccia.
> Ma sti tizi non hanno di meglio da fare?
> Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Marché public données OSM

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Verdy
Un prestataire peut répondre en créant un serveur avec une API dont les
données ont subi une étape de prévalidation afin de pouvoir intervenir
directement sur des aberrations. Il lui faudra mettre en place toute une
batterie d'outils (ce qu'a fait MapBox en créant une base dérivée, mais au
prix de mises à jour différées).
Là je pense surtout qu'il s'agit d'une question d'image: OSM est plus connu
que les SIG publics et plus visible. Ce qui est demandé est d'avoir
quelqu'un capable d'intégrer correctement dans OSM les mises à jour
publiques pour que ces données ne restent pas seulement dans les SIG et
prennent du retard avant d'être intégrées et visibles dans OSM.
Les indicateurs de qualité sont pourtant possibles même avec la base OSM
non modifiée, mais ça demande un développement d'une base de données
parallèle pour faire un suivi. Le prestataire en plus n'a pas besoin de
suivre le monde entier, juste la zone demandée, et développer ou utiliser
les outils de veille qualité et identifier les problèmes. La mesure de
qualité peut être les outils de rapprochements (comparables à ceux
développés pour BANO) mais d'autres sont certainement à écrire pour fournir
ces mesures et aider à définir des seuils de qualité. Le SIG du STIF founit
des données avec des mesures quantitatives, et des outils comme
OverpassTurbo peuvent faire des recherche dans OSM. Les rapprochements
peuvent indiquer les différences et les mesurer. Pour faire ensuite le
travail de correction, il faudra des outils d'importation et respecter les
règles communes et définir ce qui est acceptable comme différences. Le
prestataire aurait intérêt d'ailleurs à mettre ses outils QA à disposition
de la communauté pour que ces corrections soient aussi discutées
collectivement et ne passent pas comme des imports en masse.

Le 28 mars 2017 à 10:05, Jean-Marc Liotier  a écrit :

> On Tue, 28 Mar 2017 07:43:05 +
> PERFORMANCE)"  wrote:
> >
> > Extrait du DCE :
> >
> > De plus, la diversité de la qualité des contributeurs entraîne une
> > information renseignée parfois inexacte ou incomplète. La volonté du
> > STIF est de mandater un prestataire en charge de modérer les données
> > renseignées sur OSM par des contributeurs externes.
> >
> > Maintien de la qualité des données au sein d’OSM, c’est pas
> > suffisant ?
> Les clients expriment généralement le besoin d'avoir quelqu'un sur qui
> taper en cas de problème et par conséquent ils désignent leur
> prestataire comme responsable des données. Le prestataire a tout
> intérêt à améliorer la qualité en amont, au sein d'Openstreetmap - mais
> du point de vue du client Openstreetmap n'existe pas et le prestataire
> est l'unique fournisseur de données dont il est réputé contrôler la
> qualité.
> En pratique et dans l'état actuel d'Openstreetmap j'imagine mal le
> client pénaliser le prestataire pour une boite aux lettres manquante ou
> un défaut de capitalisation dans le nom d'un restaurant... J'imagine que
> la clause a plutôt pour but de s'assurer que le planet béni par le
> prestataire ne contient pas un highway=primary gonadomorphe recouvrant
> la région.
> Je serai le prestataire, je demanderai quand même de définir un petit
> peu plus précisément les indicateurs de qualité retenus pour mesurer
> l'exécution du contrat.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Alessandro Palmas
Negli ultimi 15 giorni ha compiuto 554 upload tutti col commento 'trace'
Già questo dovrebbe far suonare un campanello d'allarme: come si può
monitorare la sua attività basandosi sul commento del changeset? Questa è
già una cosa non in linea con la policy di OSM

> ieri sera si è messo a mappare nella zona di Bagno di Po. Tuttavia si è
> messo ad allineare le geometrie con le nuove immagini Bing, le quali erano
> precedentemente ben allineate con dati GPS/PCN2012. Gli ho scritto un
> messaggio privato ieri notte, ma non ha risposto Ora sta mappando alla
> grande

Quindi vuoi dire che sta disallineando le geometrie? Se non risponde ai
messaggi e continua a mappare inizierei a commentare i changeset, così ne
rimane traccia.
Ma sti tizi non hanno di meglio da fare?

Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Marché public données OSM

J’entends bien.
Je crois juste que cela démontre, y compris pour le STIF, qu’il y a encore un 
saut culturel à faire.
Il y a néanmoins des progrès accomplis et il faut déjà se réjouir qu’un 
institutionnel investisse autant d’argent.

De : Florian LAINEZ []
Envoyé : mardi 28 mars 2017 10:22
À : Discussions sur OSM en français
Objet : Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Marché public données OSM

Le 28 mars 2017 à 09:43, HELFER Denis (SNCF RESEAU / SIEGE SNCF RESEAU / DT GE 
> a écrit :
Maintien de la qualité des données au sein d’OSM, c’est pas suffisant ?

pas d’inquiétudes, c'est surement juste une question de vocabulaire. Pour les 
grosses boites, "modération" est ce qu'on appelle le QA;)


Florian Lainez
Ce message et toutes les pièces jointes sont établis à l'intention exclusive de 
ses destinataires et sont confidentiels. L'intégrité de ce message n'étant pas 
assurée sur Internet, la SNCF ne peut être tenue responsable des altérations 
qui pourraient se produire sur son contenu. Toute publication, utilisation, 
reproduction, ou diffusion, même partielle, non autorisée préalablement par la 
SNCF, est strictement interdite. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire de ce 
message, merci d'en avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur et de le détruire.
This message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressees and are 
confidential. SNCF may not be held responsible for their contents whose 
accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed over the Internet. Unauthorized 
use, disclosure, distribution, copying, or any part thereof is strictly 
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please 
notify the sender immediately and delete it. 
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Davide Sandona'
ha appena risposto: vi copio il mio messaggio originale.

Hello select,
> Please, stop immediatly your mapping action in the [Po region](
> You are moving the geometry accordingly to the new Bing imagery: this
> imagery is affected by an offset of several meters in respect to real
> world. This introduce a consistent error in the map, making it unreliable.
> You are not allowed to move correctly-placed-geometry based on this
> imagery!
> I understand your need to map, but your edits are not making the map any
> better. On the contrary, you are ruining other mappers work, who went out
> on the territory and took the time to map it with GPS devices and precision.
> Recently your name popped out in the italian mailing list: your worklow is
> flawed and you don't respect the community opinions. Data Working Group
> have already been notified of your bad mapping actions, and you received a
> temporary block. Previously you've been instructed to properly comment your
> changesets, but you refuse to do it. "trace" is not a proper comment: we
> aren't able to understand what the hell you are doing.
> Given these reasons I'll revert your changesets. If you don't reply to
> this message, explaining why you map the way you do, I'll ask DWG to block
> you permanently.

Questa è stata la sua risposta:

> "You are moving the geometry accordingly to the new Bing imagery"
> this is a crazy acusation ... I traced perfectly valid elements of the map
> in the Po area according to the bing map underline in ID
Questa mattina si è messo a cambiare nomi delle strade: ai nomi corretti si
è messo ad aggiungere i ref delle strade provinciali, ad esempio:
name=Via Trecenta --> name=Via Trecenta - SP11


Il giorno 28 marzo 2017 10:21, Davide Sandona' 
ha scritto:

> ieri sera si è messo a mappare nella zona di Bagno di Po. Tuttavia si è
> messo ad allineare le geometrie con le nuove immagini Bing, le quali erano
> precedentemente ben allineate con dati GPS/PCN2012. Gli ho scritto un
> messaggio privato ieri notte, ma non ha risposto Ora sta mappando alla
> grande
>  Virus-free.
> <#m_-5257189848948484050_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> Davide.
> Il giorno 28 marzo 2017 09:24, Martin Koppenhoefer  > ha scritto:
>> sent from a phone
>> On 28 Mar 2017, at 08:13, ""  wrote:
>> Per ora è bloccato
>> era bloccato, appena legge il messaggio del DWG si sblocca(al meno che
>> non viene bloccato definitivamente), qui successo 3 giorni fa
>> Ciao, Martin
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Drei Tage mit dem Plug-In Hybrid

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Max
Herzlichen Dank für die übersichtliche Zusammenstellung zum Thema. Hat 
mich bislang als nicht betroffenen wenig interessiert und ist wohl 
deshalb an mir vorbei gegangen.

On 2017년 03월 28일 05:57, Harald Hartmann wrote:

Alles in allem: das Thema Elektromobilität ist wirklich noch sehr
ausbaufähig in Deutschland.

Jepp, alles bekannt, wurde auch bereits im Forum mehrfach diskutiert:
- Bitte amenity=charging_station rendern [1]
- Wie Ladestationen (amenity=charging_station) für Autos erkennen? [2]
- etankstellen - Hilfe bei der Datenerfassung [3]


Für OSM stellt sich hier die Frage:
Wie bildet man das sinnvol ab? Welche tags werden hier gesetzt?

Und für die OSM daten-konsumenten:
Wie gestaltet man die User-Experience für jemanden, der die nächste
Ladestation sucht und dann da auch laden will?

Da es ja gleich mehrere Variablen sind - könnte auch schon in OsmAnd
langsam eng werden für einen eigenen Filter (den man aber selbst
irgendwie zusammenbauen müsste) - eventuell durch eine Spezial-App ...
die wird es aber erst geben, wenn genug brauchbare Daten zum Filtern da
sind :-/ (Henne-Ei-Problem)

Es braucht also am Anfang genug Enthusiasten, die so etwas einpflegen
... übrigens die Autogas-Fahrer haben ähnliche Probleme. Und auch für
normale Tankstellen gibt es immer wieder mal Wünsche nach einer
Wochenaufgabe [5]


In dieser Diskussion wurde auch beschrieben, wie die gerade aktuell ohne
irgendeine App trotzdem deine passenden Ladestationen (wenn denn schon
alle Daten da wären) finden könntest: einfach eine entsprechende
Overpass Abfrage schreiben ;)

Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Marché public données OSM

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Florian LAINEZ
Le 28 mars 2017 à 09:43, HELFER Denis (SNCF RESEAU / SIEGE SNCF RESEAU / DT

> Maintien de la qualité des données au sein d’OSM, c’est pas suffisant ?

pas d’inquiétudes, c'est surement juste une question de vocabulaire. Pour
les grosses boites, "modération" est ce qu'on appelle le QA;)


*Florian Lainez*
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Davide Sandona'
ieri sera si è messo a mappare nella zona di Bagno di Po. Tuttavia si è
messo ad allineare le geometrie con le nuove immagini Bing, le quali erano
precedentemente ben allineate con dati GPS/PCN2012. Gli ho scritto un
messaggio privato ieri notte, ma non ha risposto Ora sta mappando alla




Il giorno 28 marzo 2017 09:24, Martin Koppenhoefer 
ha scritto:

> sent from a phone
> On 28 Mar 2017, at 08:13, ""  wrote:
> Per ora è bloccato
> era bloccato, appena legge il messaggio del DWG si sblocca(al meno che non
> viene bloccato definitivamente), qui successo 3 giorni fa
> Ciao, Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmAnd+ in oferta su Play a 3,69€

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Cascafico Giovanni
Il 28/mar/2017 09:33, "Regina Phalange"  ha scritto:
> A titolo informativo e sperando di non avere l'effetto contrario, c'è
> sempre la possibilità di usare la versione completa (OsmAnd~) compilata
> da F-Droid ed effettuare una donazione libera in Bitcoin
>, sfuggendo così al lock-in di Google.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Marché public données OSM

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Vincent de Château-Thierry

> Extrait du DCE :
> De plus, la diversité de la qualité des contributeurs entraîne une
> information renseignée parfois inexacte ou incomplète. La volonté du
> STIF est de mandater un prestataire en charge de modérer les données
> renseignées sur OSM par des contributeurs externes .
> Il n’y a que moi qui trouve cela « border line » ?
> Maintien de la qualité des données au sein d’OSM, c’est pas suffisant ?

J'ai tiqué comme toi mais parce que je trouve ça illusoire de se poser en 
modérateur au sens habituel du terme, à savoir un intermédiaire qui 
valide/invalide les ajouts de chacun. J'ai plutôt envie d’interpréter ce 
paragraphe en :
"mandater un prestataire pour faire du contrôle qualité et harmoniser les 
données, en s'inspirant des contrôles et processus disponibles dans des 
d'outils tels qu'Osmose"


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden gianfranco g
Attenzione stamani Select é molto attivo.

On 28 Mar 2017 08:25, "Martin Koppenhoefer"  wrote:

> sent from a phone
> On 28 Mar 2017, at 08:13, ""  wrote:
> Per ora è bloccato
> era bloccato, appena legge il messaggio del DWG si sblocca(al meno che non
> viene bloccato definitivamente), qui successo 3 giorni fa
> Ciao, Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Marché public données OSM

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Jean-Marc Liotier
On Tue, 28 Mar 2017 07:43:05 +
> Extrait du DCE :
> De plus, la diversité de la qualité des contributeurs entraîne une
> information renseignée parfois inexacte ou incomplète. La volonté du
> STIF est de mandater un prestataire en charge de modérer les données
> renseignées sur OSM par des contributeurs externes.
> Maintien de la qualité des données au sein d’OSM, c’est pas
> suffisant ?

Les clients expriment généralement le besoin d'avoir quelqu'un sur qui
taper en cas de problème et par conséquent ils désignent leur
prestataire comme responsable des données. Le prestataire a tout
intérêt à améliorer la qualité en amont, au sein d'Openstreetmap - mais
du point de vue du client Openstreetmap n'existe pas et le prestataire
est l'unique fournisseur de données dont il est réputé contrôler la

En pratique et dans l'état actuel d'Openstreetmap j'imagine mal le
client pénaliser le prestataire pour une boite aux lettres manquante ou
un défaut de capitalisation dans le nom d'un restaurant... J'imagine que
la clause a plutôt pour but de s'assurer que le planet béni par le
prestataire ne contient pas un highway=primary gonadomorphe recouvrant
la région.

Je serai le prestataire, je demanderai quand même de définir un petit
peu plus précisément les indicateurs de qualité retenus pour mesurer
l'exécution du contrat.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] multipolygon source tags preferred method

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Martin Raifer
> I didn't know that iD doesn't allow you to set the source on the changesets 
> as somebody mentioned. If that is true, I see this as a shortcoming of iD 
> that should be fixed.

iD has changeset tag editing since a few weeks (which allows anyone to
set the changeset's source tag). It just waits to be rolled out on with the next minor release of iD. See

On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 9:25 AM, Jochen Topf  wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 10:41:38AM +0200, Jochen Topf wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 03:56:43PM +1000, nwastra wrote:
>> > I am unsure what is the preferred way or best practice to tag the source 
>> > for multipolygons.
>> > I currently put the source on the relation with all the rest of the tags, 
>> > and only adding tags to individual ways or inner polygons if they are also 
>> > part of a seperate entity like a fence or a body of water. I also include 
>> > the source with the uploaded change-set. This would seem to be ok when 
>> > adding a new mp relation.
>> >
>> > Should the source also be added to all the individual ways that make up 
>> > the outer and inner boundaries of each polygon?
>> > Is this also the preferred way when adding a new large mp relation that 
>> > does not currently exist?
>> >
>> > When replacing individual ways or splitting and altering part of a way 
>> > with updated data, adding the new source tag to those new ways would seem 
>> > best practice or is it sufficient to added the source to the change-sets 
>> > alone?
>> >
>> > Is the most sensible way to initially add the source tags to the relation 
>> > and change-set upload alone and from then on as individual parts are 
>> > amended, to add the source to just the updated/corrected ways and the 
>> > change-set on upload?
>> >
>> > I have not come across guidance for this on the wki yet.
>> Putting the sources on the objects has been deprecated for a while. The
>> source should be put on the changeset only. If you are doing edits that
>> involve several different sources, it is best to split the changes up
>> into different changesets. Of course this is not always possible, then
>> you can also put several sources in the changeset source tag.
>> Adding the source to the objects was deprecated, too fined-grained
>> source tagging simply doesn't make much sense. We can not track every
>> source for every node, way, or relation or the parts of them for every
>> tiny change that somebody does. In the end most data will have multiple
>> sources and figuring out what came from what can only be done going
>> through the changeset tags, not by looking at the tags on the data
>> itself.
> I probably shouldn't have used the word "deprecated", because there is
> no mechanism in OSM do deprecate anything. This is more "common
> practice" really. Martin has already described why source tags on
> objects don't work well. In theory they might or might not be a good
> idea, but in practice we have seen in OSM that they don't work. The
> source tag is just not updated in a way that makes it useful. Since we
> introduced changesets, we can do better: We put the actual data into OSM
> objects, but the meta-data that describes the why and how of the mapping
> we put into the changesets. (I didn't know that iD doesn't allow you to
> set the source on the changesets as somebody mentioned. If that is true,
> I see this as a shortcoming of iD that should be fixed.) This has the
> added benefit of putting the meta-data that is seldomly used on the
> changesets keeping the actual OSM objects lean and mean.
> Now regarding the splitting up of changesets for different sources. If
> you are doing different things this absolutely makes sense and, I would
> argue, is even necessary to be able to add good changeset comments,
> which you should always do. So if you come back from a mapping survey
> and add the data you collected outside with source "survey" and then go
> to a different part of the planet and add a few things from "bing",
> those should be two changesets. Of course, if you add the geometry of a
> road from Bing and the name from your survey, it makes total sense to
> add the source "bing;survey" or something like it.
> As always, there are few hard-and-fast rules in OSM. That's good because
> everbody can decide for themselves which arguments they find convincing
> and which advice to follow. So if you want to keep adding "source" tags,
> that's fine, too.
> Jochen
> --
> Jochen Topf  +49-351-31778688
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Marché public données OSM

Extrait du DCE :

De plus, la diversité de la qualité des contributeurs entraîne une information 
renseignée parfois inexacte ou incomplète. La volonté du STIF est de mandater 
un prestataire en charge de modérer les données renseignées sur OSM par des 
contributeurs externes.

Il n’y a que moi qui trouve cela « border line » ?
Maintien de la qualité des données au sein d’OSM, c’est pas suffisant ?


De : Donat ROBAUX []
Envoyé : lundi 27 mars 2017 14:06
À :
Objet : [OSM-talk-fr] Marché public données OSM


Un marché public vient d'être lancé par le STIF (Syndicat des transports IdF) 
concernant l'acquisition et maintenance de données vélo sur OpenStreetMap. Cela 
peut intéresser les entreprise de l'écosystème OSM.

Ce message et toutes les pièces jointes sont établis à l'intention exclusive de 
ses destinataires et sont confidentiels. L'intégrité de ce message n'étant pas 
assurée sur Internet, la SNCF ne peut être tenue responsable des altérations 
qui pourraient se produire sur son contenu. Toute publication, utilisation, 
reproduction, ou diffusion, même partielle, non autorisée préalablement par la 
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This message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressees and are 
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use, disclosure, distribution, copying, or any part thereof is strictly 
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please 
notify the sender immediately and delete it. 
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] multipolygon source tags preferred method

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Jochen Topf
On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 10:41:38AM +0200, Jochen Topf wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 03:56:43PM +1000, nwastra wrote:
> > I am unsure what is the preferred way or best practice to tag the source 
> > for multipolygons.
> > I currently put the source on the relation with all the rest of the tags, 
> > and only adding tags to individual ways or inner polygons if they are also 
> > part of a seperate entity like a fence or a body of water. I also include 
> > the source with the uploaded change-set. This would seem to be ok when 
> > adding a new mp relation.
> > 
> > Should the source also be added to all the individual ways that make up the 
> > outer and inner boundaries of each polygon? 
> > Is this also the preferred way when adding a new large mp relation that 
> > does not currently exist?
> >   
> > When replacing individual ways or splitting and altering part of a way with 
> > updated data, adding the new source tag to those new ways would seem best 
> > practice or is it sufficient to added the source to the change-sets alone?
> > 
> > Is the most sensible way to initially add the source tags to the relation 
> > and change-set upload alone and from then on as individual parts are 
> > amended, to add the source to just the updated/corrected ways and the 
> > change-set on upload?
> > 
> > I have not come across guidance for this on the wki yet.
> Putting the sources on the objects has been deprecated for a while. The
> source should be put on the changeset only. If you are doing edits that
> involve several different sources, it is best to split the changes up
> into different changesets. Of course this is not always possible, then
> you can also put several sources in the changeset source tag.
> Adding the source to the objects was deprecated, too fined-grained
> source tagging simply doesn't make much sense. We can not track every
> source for every node, way, or relation or the parts of them for every
> tiny change that somebody does. In the end most data will have multiple
> sources and figuring out what came from what can only be done going
> through the changeset tags, not by looking at the tags on the data
> itself.

I probably shouldn't have used the word "deprecated", because there is
no mechanism in OSM do deprecate anything. This is more "common
practice" really. Martin has already described why source tags on
objects don't work well. In theory they might or might not be a good
idea, but in practice we have seen in OSM that they don't work. The
source tag is just not updated in a way that makes it useful. Since we
introduced changesets, we can do better: We put the actual data into OSM
objects, but the meta-data that describes the why and how of the mapping
we put into the changesets. (I didn't know that iD doesn't allow you to
set the source on the changesets as somebody mentioned. If that is true,
I see this as a shortcoming of iD that should be fixed.) This has the
added benefit of putting the meta-data that is seldomly used on the
changesets keeping the actual OSM objects lean and mean.

Now regarding the splitting up of changesets for different sources. If
you are doing different things this absolutely makes sense and, I would
argue, is even necessary to be able to add good changeset comments,
which you should always do. So if you come back from a mapping survey
and add the data you collected outside with source "survey" and then go
to a different part of the planet and add a few things from "bing",
those should be two changesets. Of course, if you add the geometry of a
road from Bing and the name from your survey, it makes total sense to
add the source "bing;survey" or something like it.

As always, there are few hard-and-fast rules in OSM. That's good because
everbody can decide for themselves which arguments they find convincing
and which advice to follow. So if you want to keep adding "source" tags,
that's fine, too.

Jochen Topf  +49-351-31778688

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmAnd+ in oferta su Play a 3,69€

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Regina Phalange
Il giorno lun, 27/03/2017 alle 16.06 +0200, Alessandro ha scritto:
> Buongiorno,
> anche oggi ho visto che costa 3,69€

A titolo informativo e sperando di non avere l'effetto contrario, c'è
sempre la possibilità di usare la versione completa (OsmAnd~) compilata
da F-Droid ed effettuare una donazione libera in Bitcoin, sfuggendo così al lock-in di Google.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 28 Mar 2017, at 08:13, ""  wrote:
> Per ora è bloccato

era bloccato, appena legge il messaggio del DWG si sblocca(al meno che non 
viene bloccato definitivamente), qui successo 3 giorni fa

Ciao, Martin 

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] covered=yes

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden jabali
Bonjour Jean-Yvon,

Pour moi shelter = objet donc la vocation première(amenity) = abri. ça peut
aller de l'abri simple parc, bus --> petite cabane de berger en dur.
(shelter_type= basic_hut)

covered=yes/no est une description suplémentaire d'un objet à priori
quelconque dont la vocation premiere n'est pas un abri.( parking velo ,
station service.. arrêt de bus)
=> présence ou non d'un toit.
description d'un objet sous un building=roof par exemple.

Un arrêt de bus ( public_transport=platform v2 ou  highway=bus_stop v1) est
d'abord l'endroit ou l'on attend un bus.
si celui-ci possède une petite cabane dédiée pour abriter shelter=yes
si celui-ci se trouve sous une avancée de batiment covered=yes

Cette nuance se retrouve +- d'ailleurs ici

donc pour moi, sur ton exemple se serait:
gauche : covered=yes
droite : shelter=yes

View this message in context:
Sent from the France mailing list archive at

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Obcasne neprekreslovani uzivatelskeho rozhrani JOSM?

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden majka
Máš dost paměti pro Javu? Pokud jsi pod Windows, skus spustit z příkazové
řádky - zůstane ti otevřené okno na pozadí, kde je vidět, co tomu drhne,
resp. co zrovna JOSM dělá. Podle mého něco nestíhá, a jako první bych
podezřívala tu paměť. Občas tam probíhají chybové hlášky, které JOSM jinak
ignoruje a normálně běží dál.

Pokud by to byly jenom vynechávané dlaždice na pozadí, bylo by dobře
pročistit nakešované dlaždice, ale to se ukazuje trochu jinak, nebo to, že
nestíhá stahování na pozadí - což je často můj případ.


2017-03-28 8:16 GMT+02:00 Dalibor Jelínek :

> Ahoj,
> netušíte někdo, proč se mi občas nechce překreslit uživatelský interface
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Obcasne neprekreslovani uzivatelskeho rozhrani JOSM?

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Petr Schönmann
Tohle se mi kdysi s nějakou Javou 6 dělo taky. Pomohl mi prikaz java
-server -jar -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false josm-tested.jar ted uz na 8cce to
nedela a poustim josm jen s parametrem -server. W10x64
d:\openstreetmap>java -version
java version "1.8.0_121"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode)

Ladítko je
--debug :)

út 28. 3. 2017 v 8:16 odesílatel Dalibor Jelínek 

> Ahoj,
> netušíte někdo, proč se mi občas nechce překreslit uživatelský interface
> Některé kusy prostě zůstanou černé – viz obrázek.
> Pak s oknem musím něco dělat, abych ho donutil k překreslení.
> Jě to věc JOSM? Javy? Windows?
> Je někde nějaké přepínatko/ladítko, co by to vyléčilo?
> S díky,
> Dalibor
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
S pozdravem
Petr Schönmann
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Re: ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Fabrizio Tambussa
Qui l'elenco dei nodi che ha cancellato negli ultimi 15 giorni:

e quello delle way:

Giudicate voi

Il 28 marzo 2017 08:13,  ha scritto:
> Buongiorno,
> ma l'Utente Pasticcione dopo il ban c'è o ci fa?
>  ho già dovuto correggere sull'Etna a livello di tag, stavolta ho inserito
> anche i perchè nelle discussioni
> Capirà?
> e spazia dalla provincia di ferrara, a caltanissetta a catania
> Boh...
> Messaggio originale
> Da:
> Data: 24-mar-2017 12.15
> A: 
> Ogg: Re: [Talk-it] ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione
> Ho scritto io al data working group, dicono che in molti hanno chiesto di
> tenerlo sotto controllo e che potrebbe essere lo stesso che utilizza questo
> altro account
> Per ora è bloccato
> Il 22/03/2017 12:11, Marco ha scritto:
> Ciao, almeno a te ha risposto, io ho commentato due changeset ma non sembra
> aver intenzione di rispondermi.
> Franco, scrivi al data working group, spiega brevemente la situazione e
> provvederanno loro a richiamarlo ed eventualmente fare il revert di qualche
> suo changeset.
> Il 21/03/2017 21:53, Alfredo Gattai ha scritto:
> l'utente e' "select" ho provato a contattarlo ma mi ha dato sostanzialmente
> del burocrate e sostiene che OSM e' una mappa e quindi di fatto mappa per il
> rendering facendo cose tipo mettere le note dentro name ed altre amenita'
> del genere.
> Credo che ci voglia il DWG ma non essendo io della zona non ho molti esempi
> da fare.
> 2017-03-21 11:28 GMT+01:00 Marco :
>> chi è il mappatore in questione?
>> Vedere che qualcuno fa modifiche alla mappa, peggiorandola, è frustrante,
>> anzi, fa proprio incazzare quando la cosa si protrae a lungo. Gli hai
>> scritto spiegando che sta modificando in peggio la mappa? hai commentato
>> qualche suo changeset?
>> Scrivigli, se risponde cerca di fargli capire il problema, se non risponde
>> scrivi al data working group e passa a loro la palla.
>> Per tenere sotto controllo l'area usa uno strumento tipo questo
>> ci vuole pochissimo a capire chi e cosa è stato modificato nell'area e
>> diventa facile capire chi contattare e come sistemare
>> Il 21/03/2017 10:00, ha scritto:
>> Buongiorno,
>> avendo una certa conoscenza dellEtna Orientale volevo metterla
>> disposizione di OSM, ma contro utenti che non conoscendo i luoghi si mettono
>> a modificare quello o quell'altro senza sapere cosa stanno facendo non si
>> può niente.
>> Quindi chiuderò la core zone cosa che stimo avverrà in un paio di giorni e
>> vi auguro buona fortuna
>> FrancoLI
>> Messaggio originale
>> Da:
>> Data: 20-mar-2017 18.22
>> A: 
>> Ogg: [Talk-it] ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione
>> Buongiorno,
>> è ritornato l'Utente Pasticcione!
>> ed ha modificato in maniera minimale stavolta, l'area sommitale
>> vulcanica!!
>>  il Mongibello Recente è l'area dei Crateri Centrali,  e l'area
>> cartografata in OSM è l'area di rischio vulcanico con criticità ordinaria,
>> per questo quell'avvertimento
>> e qui tutto il malloppone
>> mentre questo è il sito della Protezione Civile Nazionale
>> Perdonate se sarò prolisso, ma l'Etna rimane sempre un vulcano attivo ed
>> una montagna alpina e questo non va dimenticato.
>> salve
>> FrancoLI
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[Talk-cz] Obcasne neprekreslovani uzivatelskeho rozhrani JOSM?

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Dalibor Jelínek

netušíte někdo, proč se mi občas nechce překreslit uživatelský interface

Některé kusy prostě zůstanou černé - viz obrázek.

Pak s oknem musím něco dělat, abych ho donutil k překreslení.

Jě to věc JOSM? Javy? Windows?

Je někde nějaké přepínatko/ladítko, co by to vyléčilo?


S díky,



Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-it] R: Re: ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden

ma l'Utente Pasticcione dopo il ban c'è o ci fa?
 ho già dovuto correggere sull'Etna a livello di tag, stavolta ho inserito 
anche i perchè nelle discussioni
e spazia dalla provincia di ferrara, a caltanissetta a catania

Messaggio originale


Data: 24-mar-2017 12.15


Ogg: Re: [Talk-it] ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione


Ho scritto io al data working group, dicono che in molti hanno
  chiesto di tenerlo sotto controllo e che potrebbe essere lo stesso
  che utilizza questo altro account

Per ora è bloccato

Il 22/03/2017 12:11, Marco ha scritto:

  Ciao, almeno a te ha risposto, io ho commentato due changeset ma
  non sembra aver intenzione di rispondermi.

  Franco, scrivi al data working group, spiega brevemente la
  situazione e provvederanno loro a richiamarlo ed eventualmente
  fare il revert di qualche suo changeset.


  Il 21/03/2017 21:53, Alfredo Gattai
ha scritto:

l'utente e' "select" ho provato a contattarlo ma
  mi ha dato sostanzialmente del burocrate e sostiene che OSM e'
  una mappa e quindi di fatto mappa per il rendering facendo
  cose tipo mettere le note dentro name ed altre amenita' del
  Credo che ci voglia il DWG ma non essendo io della zona
non ho molti esempi da fare.

  2017-03-21 11:28 GMT+01:00 Marco :


chi è il mappatore in questione?

Vedere che qualcuno fa modifiche alla mappa,
  peggiorandola, è frustrante, anzi, fa proprio
  incazzare quando la cosa si protrae a lungo. Gli hai
  scritto spiegando che sta modificando in peggio la
  mappa? hai commentato qualche suo changeset?

Scrivigli, se risponde cerca di fargli capire il
  problema, se non risponde scrivi al data working group
  e passa a loro la palla.

Per tenere sotto controllo l'area usa uno strumento
  tipo questo;
  ci vuole pochissimo a capire chi e cosa è stato
  modificato nell'area e diventa facile capire chi
  contattare e come sistemare


  21/03/2017 10:00,
  ha scritto:





avendo una certa conoscenza dellEtna Orientale
volevo metterla disposizione di OSM, ma contro
utenti che non conoscendo i luoghi si mettono a
modificare quello o quell'altro senza sapere
cosa stanno facendo non si può niente.

Quindi chiuderò la core zone cosa che stimo
avverrà in un paio di giorni e vi auguro buona


 Messaggio originale


  Data: 20-mar-2017 18.22


  Ogg: [Talk-it] ritorna l'Utente Pasticcione






è ritornato l'Utente Pasticcione!

ed ha modificato in maniera minimale
stavolta, l'area sommitale vulcanica!!

 il Mongibello Recente è l'area dei Crateri
Centrali,  e l'area cartografata in OSM è
l'area di rischio vulcanico con criticità
ordinaria, per questo quell'avvertimento

e qui tutto il malloppone

Re: [Talk-at] Adressdaten des BEV

2017-03-28 Diskussionsfäden Thomas Konrad
>> Bei von-bis Hausnummern wird z.B. „17-19 ,alle ungeraden Zahlen des 
>> Intervalls“ eingetragen (manuell zu korrigieren).

Ist korrigiert!

> On 28 Mar 2017, at 07:57, Thomas Konrad  wrote:
> Hallo!
>> Bei Dörfern ohne benannte Straßen wird der Ortsname in addr:street statt 
>> addr:place geschrieben (das kannst Du natürlich nicht steuern). In addr:city 
>> steht der Gemeindename, was oft, aber nicht immer eine gute Idee ist 
>> (manchmal ist die Katastralgemeinde gebräuchlicher). 
> Das hätte eigentlich schon so sein sollen [1] [2], durch einen Bug im Plugin 
> ist der Adresstyp aber falsch gesetzt worden. Ist jetzt gefixt [3]. Danke für 
> den Hinweis!
>> Bei von-bis Hausnummern wird z.B. „17-19 ,alle ungeraden Zahlen des 
>> Intervalls“ eingetragen (manuell zu korrigieren).
> Richtig, das werde ich in der Datenbank korrigieren.
> LG
> Thomas
> [1] 
> [2] 
> [3] 
>> On 26 Mar 2017, at 21:44,  wrote:
>> Hallo Thomas,
>> tolle Sache, danke! 
>> Ich würde es  praktisch finden, wenn das Plugin die Adresse nicht gleich 
>> überschreibt (zum Überprüfen schon eingetragener Adressen).  Ist aber Luxus.
>> Ein paar Anmerkungen zur Verwendung: 
>> >> (nebulon42) Meiner Erfahrung nach haben die BEV-Adressen je nach Gemeinde 
>> >> durchaus einige Fehler. Manche Gemeinden sind nur als >> grottenschlecht 
>> >> bezüglich Datenqualität zu bezeichnen. Also lieber drei Mal hinschauen.
>> Kann ich nur bestätigen.
>> Bei von-bis Hausnummern wird z.B. „17-19 ,alle ungeraden Zahlen des 
>> Intervalls“ eingetragen (manuell zu korrigieren).
>> Bei Dörfern ohne benannte Straßen wird der Ortsname in addr:street statt 
>> addr:place geschrieben (das kannst Du natürlich nicht steuern). In addr:city 
>> steht der Gemeindename, was oft, aber nicht immer eine gute Idee ist 
>> (manchmal ist die Katastralgemeinde gebräuchlicher). 
>> Bei Multipolygonen muss man jedenfalls aufpassen, dass die Adresse nicht 
>> schon in der Relation steht (mit Ctrl+Shift+B kann man in JOSM die Tags vom 
>> Umriss in die Relation verschieben).
>> LG
>> Wolfgang
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