Re: [Talk-cz] Vyuziti OSM na

2016-02-26 Thread Pavel Zbytovský
Díky, takhle to vypadá fajn.

Přesně přijde mi rozumné, až těch ukázek bude více, tak je posunout na
další stránku. A též třeba vykrystalizuje ta struktura stránky Využití.

Co se týče plánu, přijde mi že už neobsahuje mnoho navíc proti těm
předchozím ukázkám. Ale asi má smysl to pustit ven, aby to předalo
"zprávu", že lze dělat z OSM městské plány, mapy třeba na infopanel na


Dne 27. února 2016 0:29 Pavel Bokr  napsal(a):

> Diky za pristup, popisky jsem aktualizoval. Necitim potrebu do teto
> stranky doplnovat text, mozna treba pozdeji jestli nejak vice
> vykrystalizuje nejaka strukturovanost stranek o vyuziti OSM.
> Myslel jsem ze kdyby se takovych prikladu sebralo vice z ruznych zdroju,
> tak by pak mohly byt na samostatne strance, ktera by mohla byt nejak
> tridena nejprve treba ukazky stylu (ceskych) webovych map, pak ucelove
> vytvarene obecne mapy, ucelove vytvarene tematicke (ci uzeji zamerene mapy
> – treba verejna doprava), pak treba analyzy nad OSM daty apod. Kdybych mel
> nejakou chvilku tak bych mohl neco v tomto duchu zkusit udelat pokud by
> byla k dispozici nejaka neverejna-testovaci (pod)stranka.
> Ze sveho bych mohl formou nahledu dat jeste plan naseho mesta, ven v plnem
> rozliseni jsem ho zatim nepoustel protoze me porad napadaji nejake upravy a
> vylepseni, ale i tohle – nejaky planek obce/mesta se da bez vetsich
> komplikaci v QGISu naklikat (zcela bez psani nejakeho kodu nebo stylu),
> kdyz je na to cas:
> PB
> *From:* Pavel Zbytovský 
> *Sent:* Friday, February 26, 2016 9:57 AM
> *To:* OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> *Subject:* Re: [Talk-cz] Vyuziti OSM na
> Moc hezký, rozhodně bychom to tam měli umístit. Krásně to ilustruje šíři
> použítí OSM.
> Zkusmo jsem tam ty obrázky přidal "do galerie", pokud můžeš uprav ty
> popisky aby vyhovovaly. Stačí klik na nahraný obrázek a uložit. Případně i
> může být vhodné rozšířit ten odstavec textu, ale obrázek za 1k slov, že :-)
> Dal jsem ti práva na editaci stránky - refreshni přihlášení [1] a můžeš
> editovat [2].
> Dík!
> Pavel
> [1]
> [2]
> Dne 26. února 2016 8:16 honny  napsal(a):
>> Ahoj,
>> to je pěkný, to bych taky chtěl umět. :-)
>> Jinak za mě je myšlenka prezentace ruzných využítí vč. ilustrace je
>> fajn, sice člověk něco ví nebo vygooglí, ale mít to na jednom místě
>> jako odpověď na „a k čemu to je?“ je lepší.
>> h.
>> ___
>> Talk-cz mailing list
> --
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Moznost trasovani z cuzk ortofoto

2016-02-26 Thread Marián Kyral
chyba je v jejich licenci. Dle komunikace, kterou jsem s nimi měl, si klidně
můžu odvozovat data do aleluja. Ale nesmím je pak publikovat :-(
Takže s OSM máme smůlu.


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Pavel Bokr 
Datum: 27. 2. 2016 0:40:55
Předmět: [Talk-cz] Moznost trasovani z cuzk ortofoto


uplnou nahodou jsem narazil na to ze existuje source geoportal.cuzk:ortofoto

Je neco noveho s moznosti “obkreslovani” teto mapy (bylo by to super – 
rozliseni, aktualnost..., mam ji v JOSM bohuzel jen jako overovaci) nebo je 
toto nejaka chyba?


Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Govt releases geocoded national address and boundaries datasets

2016-02-26 Thread Andrew Harvey
I would like to see a report which shows the differences between current
OSM and GNAF + Admin Boundaries. I'm interested in putting something
together for this but at bit busy at the moment. If anyone is interested in
this, please let us know what you're up to.

I think ideally it would show what's in OSM but not in GNAF, what's in GNAF
but not OSM and where do the same objects exist in both but not exactly the

On 27 February 2016 at 12:39, Charles Gregory  wrote:

> This could be quite useful!
> Regards,
> Charles / User:Chuq
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
Talk-au mailing list

[Talk-us] (Second attempt) Potential data source: Adirondack Park Freshwater Wetlands

2016-02-26 Thread Kevin Kenny
My apologies if this message turns out to be a duplicate. I mistakenly 
sent it from a mailbox that isn't subscribed to the lists.

Potential data source: Adirondack Park Freshwater Wetlands

This message is a 'trial balloon' for a potential import of (a subset
of) the data in the series of data sets: "Adirondack Park Freshwater
Wetlands," found at
This data set, in addition to indicating marshes, bogs and fens, has
extensive information about open water, with detailed information
about lakes and ponds, permanent, intermittent and ephemeral streams,
falls and rapids. In the area of coverage (the Adirondack Park of New
York State), it is considerably more comprehensive and detailed than,
say, the National Hydrographic Database. My experience, from at least
a few hundred miles of hiking and mapping in the area in question, is
that it is quite close to what one finds with boots, literally, on the
ground - or, more likely, half-sunk in beaver swamp.

I'm aware of the controversial nature of imports, and I'm suggesting
this with some trepidation. Please try to be gentle when you flame me.
I'm willing to take 'absolutely not!' for an answer.

To give a rough visual impression of the extent of the coverage
difference that could be achieved, compare what is OpenStreetMap for a
typical spot today:
with a hiking map that I have rendered from OSM and other layers
(Note that some of the layers I use cannot be shared - or cannot be
shared yet -  under ODBL. The hydrography here, however, is all
derived from either NHD or the Adirondack Park Agency data set. The
use of the two data sets is only part of what gives certain of the
shorelines a 'cubist' look. More significant is that the APA data set
gives typical seasonal high and low water levels, plus extreme
inundation limits if known. This causes a great many watercourses to
have two rendered shorelines, plus perhaps a dashed surround showing
the flood stage. I think that the map at shows how
much this import might help avoid having the Adirondack Park simply be
a blank green area on a regional map.

Now, let me explain how far I am along with following the import
guidelines. (The answer is: not very far yet: it's important to reach
out to the community early.)


1. Familiarity with the basics of OpenStreetMap: I've been mapping off
and on for several years, with my chief interest being sharing data
about hiking trails, parks, nature preserves, and associated
amenities. I believe that I at least know my way around. My biggest
single project was getting the complete centerline of the
Northville-Placid Trail entered and organized into a route relation  . This task involved
conflating several other attempts to enter (or import, badly, from
TIGER) portions of the trail, together with walking all 138 miles (222
km) with a GPS unit to get the tracks that were missing.  I've also
done the boundaries, trail systems and watercourses of a number of my
local nature preserves and forest tracks, such as,,,,  and  . I've learnt in the course
of this some of the basics of conflating data and of managing things
like multipolygon and multilinestring relations. The map at is also largely my doing. I started from Lars
Ahlzen's 'TopOSM,' but I've taken it in a very different direction and
added a couple of dozen layers that he didn't need to work with for
his project. I think that it demonstrates at least basic competency in
Osmosis, Mapnik and PostGIS.

2. Being aware of what can go wrong with imports: I'm acutely aware of
it! I deal with TIGER's hallucinations all the time and I intend to go
to any length to avoid a mess like that.

3. Identiy data I'd like to import: The eighteen files enumerated in
the table at


1. Contact the community.  Hi, there!
2. Discuss plan on imports, talk-us, and the appropriate regional
mailing list: Hi there, again!
3. Be prepared to answer questions: I will surely give it a go! I
don't have all the answers.
4. Review with the assistance of more technically-oriented and
experienced OSM volunteers. I hope this message will put me in touch
with a few. I'm fairly technically oriented myself (I'm a PhD in
computer science), but I surely don't have tremendous depth of
experience with the specifics of OSM's data management.
5. Not import the data without local buy-in. This goes without saying.


I've taken only a few preliminary steps 

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Using SPW PICC layer in josm

2016-02-26 Thread André Pirard
On 2016-02-26 15:23, Thib wrote:
> Hi,
> SPW PICC tiles layer is available in JOSM for mapping Belgian Southern
> area but I can't find enough information about the license terms.
> Is it allowed to :
> - copy (doing"calc") buildings and other objects boundaries (as we do
> with bing tiles)
> - get address house numbers
According to a phone conversation Julien Fastré had with the SPW, what
we are doing is *not* copying the data in their eyes.  (I suppose this
is akin to map licenses often considering the copyright as a right to
reproduce the picture (and wasting paper "you can print...") and not the
right to make measurements on it.
On the other hand, Minister Henry ordered the SPW to free their
geographic data.

The PICC story is a pity.
In 2010, I notified the SPW helpdesk that the PICC server was returning
blank tiles in EPSG:4326 which is practically a requirement for JOSM and
which is served by almost all servers in the world.   No answer.
Later on, I asked to feed this request through our official channel with
the SPW and my insistence was laughed at by Julien Fastré whose own
insistence was "we cannot copy yet".
Now, that bug has finally been fixed.
In short, if the SPW had fixed that bug when I reported it, we would
have enjoyed a 5-year JOSM tagging at a 20 cm precision since what we do
is not copy.  I was able to use the PICC with Mapproxy, I did not
because of the false instructions but yet I have been suspected to be a
copying pirate!
And nowadays, it's a real pity to find most houses and roads at a 2 to 5
m distance of their real location, especially those who were and still
are mapped with other tools than JOSM and PICC. It makes feel like
everything has to be redone again at 20 cm precision..
Making corrections is difficult because I proposed a revision date
tagging that could have been very useful in this case but there was no
interest on the Tagging list and even Marc Gemis was on my tracks to say
it's impossible.
In consequence, if you find the following tag, it means that I have
rectified the geometry.
source=20cm-near PICC 2015  or
Unfortunately, I have made many many untagged corrections.



> I've found some old threads talking about that interesting source but
> no real answer...
> If someone has any information about it, It would be very useful.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Thib
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] comment taguer une particularité locale ? 34

2016-02-26 Thread Philippe Verdy
Le 26 févr. 2016 13:01, "althio"  a écrit :
> Le sujet est intéressant !
> Mais pointu, difficile de trouver les bons tags.
> > landuse=landfill (et oui c'est une décharge historique !)
> Ce n'est pas l'usage actuel, si quelqu'un vient déposer ses déchets ici,
ça ne va pas faire plaisir.
> Donc pas ce tag à mon avis.

D'accord aussi. Plutôt alors disused:landuse=landfill pour le côté
historique de la chose, avec le préfixe standard.

Il faudra un autre type de landuse=* pour l'usage actuel, ou natural=* si
cela a été nettoyé et remis en état naturel.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [tag] Banche, dubbio

2016-02-26 Thread Carlo Stemberger

Qualcuno ha voglia di intervenire?


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-cz] Moznost trasovani z cuzk ortofoto

2016-02-26 Thread Pavel Bokr
uplnou nahodou jsem narazil na to ze existuje source geoportal.cuzk:ortofoto

Je neco noveho s moznosti “obkreslovani” teto mapy (bylo by to super – 
rozliseni, aktualnost..., mam ji v JOSM bohuzel jen jako overovaci) nebo je 
toto nejaka chyba?

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Vyuziti OSM na

2016-02-26 Thread Pavel Bokr
Diky za pristup, popisky jsem aktualizoval. Necitim potrebu do teto stranky 
doplnovat text, mozna treba pozdeji jestli nejak vice vykrystalizuje nejaka 
strukturovanost stranek o vyuziti OSM.

Myslel jsem ze kdyby se takovych prikladu sebralo vice z ruznych zdroju, tak by 
pak mohly byt na samostatne strance, ktera by mohla byt nejak tridena nejprve 
treba ukazky stylu (ceskych) webovych map, pak ucelove vytvarene obecne mapy, 
ucelove vytvarene tematicke (ci uzeji zamerene mapy – treba verejna doprava), 
pak treba analyzy nad OSM daty apod. Kdybych mel nejakou chvilku tak bych mohl 
neco v tomto duchu zkusit udelat pokud by byla k dispozici nejaka 
neverejna-testovaci (pod)stranka.

Ze sveho bych mohl formou nahledu dat jeste plan naseho mesta, ven v plnem 
rozliseni jsem ho zatim nepoustel protoze me porad napadaji nejake upravy a 
vylepseni, ale i tohle – nejaky planek obce/mesta se da bez vetsich komplikaci 
v QGISu naklikat (zcela bez psani nejakeho kodu nebo stylu), kdyz je na to cas:


From: Pavel Zbytovský 
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 9:57 AM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Vyuziti OSM na

Moc hezký, rozhodně bychom to tam měli umístit. Krásně to ilustruje šíři 
použítí OSM. 

Zkusmo jsem tam ty obrázky přidal "do galerie", pokud můžeš uprav ty popisky 
aby vyhovovaly. Stačí klik na nahraný obrázek a uložit. Případně i může být 
vhodné rozšířit ten odstavec textu, ale obrázek za 1k slov, že :-)
Dal jsem ti práva na editaci stránky - refreshni přihlášení [1] a můžeš 
editovat [2].



Dne 26. února 2016 8:16 honny  napsal(a):


  to je pěkný, to bych taky chtěl umět. :-)

  Jinak za mě je myšlenka prezentace ruzných využítí vč. ilustrace je
  fajn, sice člověk něco ví nebo vygooglí, ale mít to na jednom místě
  jako odpověď na „a k čemu to je?“ je lepší.

  Talk-cz mailing list

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Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2016 + inaugurazione sede

2016-02-26 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 26.02.2016 um 19:10 schrieb Simone Cortesi :
> Wikimedia Italia SAME AS OpenStreetMap Italia

al proposito, ho appena letto delle cose su wikimedia (US suppongo), voi ne 
sapete qualcosa?
e anche

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] JOSM latest et les greffons : incompatibilité de versions

2016-02-26 Thread osm . sanspourriel

Tu dois trouver un canal "béta" sur lequel tu peux pointer sur la 9416.
//Le greffon cadastre-fr requiert la version 9759 de JOSM. Sa version 
actuelle est 9329.//

//Vous devez mettre à jour JOSM pour utiliser ce greffon. /

Heu ça m'apprendra à vouloir rendre service ;-)
référencé dans les notes de versions est arrivé à la 9884.

Donc vas sur et choisis :
Latest development version 
josm-latest.jar ), Ubuntu 
package repository  
and other download  options.


Le 26/02/2016 20:29, Jérôme Seigneuret - a écrit :


Je viens de réinitialiser mon environnement et l'installation de josm.jnlp

j'ai quelques problèmes avec certains greffons:

Le greffon photoadjust requiert la version 9416 de JOSM. Sa 
version actuelle est 9329. Vous devez mettre à jour JOSM pour utiliser 
ce greffon
Le greffon reverter requiert la version 9514 de JOSM. Sa 
version actuelle est 9329. Vous devez mettre à jour JOSM pour utiliser 
ce greffon.

Ducoup pour faire un revert je l'ai dans l'os...

Avez-vous une solution?


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Vandalism

2016-02-26 Thread Dale Kunce
Missing maps reached out to the user today with some guidance and
information that edits are live. We've also cleaned up the offending data.

Well continue to figure out if this was at an event and work to tighten up
any training gaps.

Thanks everyone.
On Feb 26, 2016 4:39 PM, "Mike Thompson"  wrote:

> DWG has been contacted.
> Changeset comment has been entered along the lines Andy suggested.
> I am not at a place at the moment where I can revert, if someone else
> whats to handle that would be great.
> Mike
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 2:27 PM, Andy Townsend  wrote:
>> On 26/02/2016 21:09, Mike Thompson wrote:
>> ...
>> appear to be of very poor quality, or out right vandalism.
>> How should this be handled?
>> In this particular case, the changeset comments suggest it's a remote HOT
>> project ("#hotosm-project-1401#MissingMaps #CHAI Source=WorldView-2,
>> Digital Globe, NextView, 28 Sep 2013"), so I'd probably mention it on the
>> #hot IRC channel.  They may be able to pin down where the edits were made
>> from and work out who the instructors / supervisors of the "missing maps"
>> session was (if it was one of their "group edit" sessions).
>> Notwithstanding "Doodle the Dog", I would cut new mappers a bit of slack
>> though - I'm sure my first 27 edits were a bit rubbish too.
>> On the more general point, especially where mappers don't seem to be
>> "getting the hang of things" after extended periods editing, I'd just try
>> and concentrate on what they need to do to get from where they are to where
>> everyone would like them to be.  This normally means things like "zoom in a
>> bit before editing" and "don't over-trace from aerial imagery if you're not
>> sure what it is".
>> It is difficult though - we have a process for dealing with vandalism
>> (which is thankfully rare) that works well*, but as a project we deal less
>> well with edits that are well-meaning but "just a bit rubbish".  We are
>> getting better though -
>> is full of people being polite, helpful and trying to make especially new
>> users better mappers.
>> Cheers,
>> Andy
>> * as Chris said, email the data working group (which is actually
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Überwachung von Edits eines Users

2016-02-26 Thread mmd


Am 26.02.2016 um 09:23 schrieb Michael Reichert:
> Am 26.02.2016 um 08:50 schrieb Dietmar:
>> gibt es ein OSM-Tool, bei dem ich einen oder mehrere User angeben kann
>> und ich per Mail oder RSS oder sonstwie automatisch informiert werden
>> oder auf einem Blick sehen kann, ob die User in den letzten Minuten und
>> Stunden aktiv sind?
> Die Bearbeitungen eines bestimmten Users kannst du mit folgendem
> RSS-Feed überwachen. Früher, zu Zeiten der alten Website, war der auf
> Benutzerseite verlinkt, heute nicht mehr.

Dieser Link führt irgendwie zur normalen OSM-Seite, zumindest kann
Firefox dort keinen RSS-Feed erkennen. Ich hätte hier eher so etwas

Das war übrigens auch mal Thema im Forum:


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Vandalism

2016-02-26 Thread Mike Thompson
DWG has been contacted.

Changeset comment has been entered along the lines Andy suggested.

I am not at a place at the moment where I can revert, if someone else whats
to handle that would be great.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 2:27 PM, Andy Townsend  wrote:

> On 26/02/2016 21:09, Mike Thompson wrote:
> ...
> appear to be of very poor quality, or out right vandalism.
> How should this be handled?
> In this particular case, the changeset comments suggest it's a remote HOT
> project ("#hotosm-project-1401#MissingMaps #CHAI Source=WorldView-2,
> Digital Globe, NextView, 28 Sep 2013"), so I'd probably mention it on the
> #hot IRC channel.  They may be able to pin down where the edits were made
> from and work out who the instructors / supervisors of the "missing maps"
> session was (if it was one of their "group edit" sessions).
> Notwithstanding "Doodle the Dog", I would cut new mappers a bit of slack
> though - I'm sure my first 27 edits were a bit rubbish too.
> On the more general point, especially where mappers don't seem to be
> "getting the hang of things" after extended periods editing, I'd just try
> and concentrate on what they need to do to get from where they are to where
> everyone would like them to be.  This normally means things like "zoom in a
> bit before editing" and "don't over-trace from aerial imagery if you're not
> sure what it is".
> It is difficult though - we have a process for dealing with vandalism
> (which is thankfully rare) that works well*, but as a project we deal less
> well with edits that are well-meaning but "just a bit rubbish".  We are
> getting better though - is
> full of people being polite, helpful and trying to make especially new
> users better mappers.
> Cheers,
> Andy
> * as Chris said, email the data working group (which is actually
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Vandalism

2016-02-26 Thread Pierre Béland
This is a new user. This Overpass query shows all his edits and let's us 
validate rapidly.
This user edits were done in south-west of Haiti. Buildings, roads and even 
admin level objects were traced. All the buildings and roads I looked at do not 
correspond to objects on the ground. They were traced in wood areas in 

Yes the DWG should look at this.  

  De : Chris Hill 
 À : Mike Thompson ; OpenStreetMap 
 Envoyé le : vendredi 26 février 2016 16h15
 Objet : Re: [OSM-talk] Vandalism
Email the data working group with details they can block 
the user. 
Cheers, Chris (chillly)

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Vandalism

2016-02-26 Thread Andy Townsend

On 26/02/2016 21:09, Mike Thompson wrote:

appear to be of very poor quality, or out right vandalism.

How should this be handled?

In this particular case, the changeset comments suggest it's a remote 
HOT project ("#hotosm-project-1401#MissingMaps #CHAI Source=WorldView-2, 
Digital Globe, NextView, 28 Sep 2013"), so I'd probably mention it on 
the #hot IRC channel.  They may be able to pin down where the edits were 
made from and work out who the instructors / supervisors of the "missing 
maps" session was (if it was one of their "group edit" sessions).  
Notwithstanding "Doodle the Dog", I would cut new mappers a bit of slack 
though - I'm sure my first 27 edits were a bit rubbish too.

On the more general point, especially where mappers don't seem to be 
"getting the hang of things" after extended periods editing, I'd just 
try and concentrate on what they need to do to get from where they are 
to where everyone would like them to be.  This normally means things 
like "zoom in a bit before editing" and "don't over-trace from aerial 
imagery if you're not sure what it is".

It is difficult though - we have a process for dealing with vandalism 
(which is thankfully rare) that works well*, but as a project we deal 
less well with edits that are well-meaning but "just a bit rubbish".  We 
are getting better though - is full of people being 
polite, helpful and trying to make especially new users better mappers.



* as Chris said, email the data working group (which is actually
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Vandalism

2016-02-26 Thread Mike Thompson
Chris, Andy,

Thanks!  I haven't found any valid edits from this user.  He/she has been
tagging any patch of bare ground as building=house.  In some cases there
might be a building inside that bare patch of ground (difficult to tell
with the imagery), but in most cases there is nothing.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 2:13 PM, Andy Townsend  wrote:

> On 26/02/2016 20:55, Mike Thompson wrote:
>> Should I just manually delete, or would it be better for someone to do a
>> revert.
> In a a case where someone has made a few valid edits and then something
> that obviously isn't, I'd personally start with something like "I think you
> may have left your keyboard unattended and your seven-year-old brother has
> been playing".  It's an (artificial) way of saying "this is not OK" without
> saying "you did a bad thing". I'd add this publically to the changeset
> discussion so everyone can see what's happening.  I'd then go on to explain
> why it's not OK to do things like this in OSM, and to point to places where
> it might be OK (like OpenGeoFiction, though I'm not sure they're big on
> pictures of animals).
> I'd also check the previous edits, to make sure that there was nothing
> hidden in there that was also dodgy, and I'd revert the dodgy stuff.  It
> looks like a straight revert should work here (JOSM revert plugin*).
> Cheers,
> Andy (SomeoneElse, a member of the DWG, but all of the above is doable
> without any DWG "special powers").
> * a slight caveat applies at the moment - when I last looked, the latest
> version of JOSM's reverter plugin didn't work with the tested version of
> JOSM.  If prompted to update plugins by JOSM don't, and you should be OK.
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Vandalism

2016-02-26 Thread Chris Hill
Email the data working group with details they can block 
the user. 
Cheers, Chris (chillly)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Vandalism

2016-02-26 Thread Andy Townsend

On 26/02/2016 20:55, Mike Thompson wrote:

Should I just manually delete, or would it be better for someone to do 
a revert.

In a a case where someone has made a few valid edits and then something 
that obviously isn't, I'd personally start with something like "I think 
you may have left your keyboard unattended and your seven-year-old 
brother has been playing".  It's an (artificial) way of saying "this is 
not OK" without saying "you did a bad thing". I'd add this publically to 
the changeset discussion so everyone can see what's happening.  I'd then 
go on to explain why it's not OK to do things like this in OSM, and to 
point to places where it might be OK (like OpenGeoFiction, though I'm 
not sure they're big on pictures of animals).

I'd also check the previous edits, to make sure that there was nothing 
hidden in there that was also dodgy, and I'd revert the dodgy stuff.  It 
looks like a straight revert should work here (JOSM revert plugin*).


Andy (SomeoneElse, a member of the DWG, but all of the above is doable 
without any DWG "special powers").

* a slight caveat applies at the moment - when I last looked, the latest 
version of JOSM's reverter plugin didn't work with the tested version of 
JOSM.  If prompted to update plugins by JOSM don't, and you should be OK.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Vandalism

2016-02-26 Thread Mike Thompson
So far all of the edits by user:

appear to be of very poor quality, or out right vandalism.

How should this be handled?

On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 1:55 PM, Mike Thompson  wrote:

> Should I just manually delete, or would it be better for someone to do a
> revert.
> Mike
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Pozvánka na 125. sraz OpenAlt - Praha |

2016-02-26 Thread Ladislav Nesnera
Díky za optání. Vyzvěděl jsem u pražské větve a byli dost nadšeni,
hlavně z hubu. Prý nějaký domácí rentgen, bio kit kde si rozmotávali
DNA, Teslův transformátor
, ..
V Hubu i hospůdce cca 11 lidí

Na OSM prý nedošlo a pokud tam nějaký osmák byl, pak v hlubokém utajení ;-D

On 25/02/16 14:03, Pavel Zbytovský wrote:
> Jaký byl openalt - řešilo se něco ohledně OSM?
> Dne 24. února 2016 17:00 Marián Kyral  > napsal(a):
> No nějak jsem to zazdil. Asi to bude až příští týden (sic tam bude
> zby-cz hodně chybět)
> Marián
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Ladislav Nesnera >
> Komu: 8 list  >
> Datum: 24. 2. 2016 16:44:56
> Předmět: [Talk-cz] Pozvánka na 125. sraz OpenAlt - Praha |
> Ahoj
> Neb jsem v únorovém vlákně "OSM hospůdka Praha" nepostřehl
> závěr kdy a kam, přihřál bych na poslední chvíli openaltí
> polívčičku -
> Hackerspace Brmlab  za vizitu stojí.. ;-)
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk] Vandalism

2016-02-26 Thread Mike Thompson

Should I just manually delete, or would it be better for someone to do a

talk mailing list

[Talk-es] Datos de la poblacion La Vajol

2016-02-26 Thread Xavier Barnada
Hola lista,

He estado revisando los datos de la poblacion "La Vajol" [1] y me he
encontrado con que hay datos importados que a mi criterio no aportan nada o
son incorrectos .
Algunas de las cosas que he detectado son por ejemplo bosques con adress
,landuse=residential + name=parcela,poligonos con la misma geometria

Des de mi punto de vista no veo possible corregir estos problemas y otros
que seguramente haya sin perder datos  de la importacion.

Asi que cual deberia ser la forma de proceder sobre esta poblacion?

Muchas gracias
Talk-es mailing list

[talk-latam] SemaniarioOSM # 291 en Espaol esta online

2016-02-26 Thread Manfred A. Reiter
Hola, el semanario Nr291, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el
mundo de openstreetmap
está en línea en español

Los articulos más destacados de esta edición # 291 son:

   - Usuario Arun Maharajan escribió un artículo en el diario pidiendo
   información sobre la forma de proceder con la cartografía de las empresas
   más pequeñas y ...
   - Sajjad Anwar de Mapbox escribió un Blog sobre el Mapeo de transporte
   público en Bangalore ...
   - Robert Wittaker resume: Progreso de Herramientas para el Mapeo en las
   Escuelas y Mappa Mercia describe “Cómo poner una escuela en OpenStreetMap“.
   - Como parte de las actividades en conmemoración del 37º Aniversario de
   la independencia de Santa Lucía el próximo 22 de febrero ...
   - Adam Franco publicó una herramienta, Curvature, que analiza la
   geometría (radio de las curvas) de las carreteras en OSM y produce
   superposiciones KML en todo el mundo codificadas por colores que los
   motociclistas y otros entusiastas de la conducción pueden ...

... y mucho mas ;-)

weeklyOSM en Español esta producido por:

## Manfred Reiter
talk-latam mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] RUIAN - příliš mnoho podlaží (aneb Utajený Manhattan)

2016-02-26 Thread Petr Vejsada

to nejsou žádné mrakodrapy, to jsou přízemní domky. Opravdový mrakodrap mají 
kousek od Temelína,

:) (2571 pater)


Dne Pá 26. února 2016 14:27:37, Jan Martinec napsal(a):

> celkem náhodou jsem v mapě našel tuhle skupinu mrakodrapů v Praze na
> Košíku:

Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] JOSM latest et les greffons : incompatibilité de versions

2016-02-26 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret

Je viens de réinitialiser mon environnement et l'installation de josm.jnlp

j'ai quelques problèmes avec certains greffons:

Le greffon photoadjust requiert la version 9416 de JOSM. Sa version
actuelle est 9329. Vous devez mettre à jour JOSM pour utiliser ce greffon
Le greffon reverter requiert la version 9514 de JOSM. Sa version
actuelle est 9329. Vous devez mettre à jour JOSM pour utiliser ce greffon.

Ducoup pour faire un revert je l'ai dans l'os...

Avez-vous une solution?

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa OSM sul sito del Comune di Milano

2016-02-26 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 26/02/2016 20:18, Francesco Pelullo ha scritto:
> Io non lo sapevo:
> Ciao
> /niubii/

È la prima volta che vedo una mapa google senza attribuzione. :),9.1976138,13z

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Mappa OSM sul sito del Comune di Milano

2016-02-26 Thread Francesco Pelullo
Io non lo sapevo:

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [tag] Banche, dubbio

2016-02-26 Thread Carlo Stemberger
Rilancio ulteriormente...

Ne approfitto per mettere il link all'attuale regola CartoCSS:

Credo che le modifiche da apportare siano mettere "brand" al posto di
"name" alla1655, e eliminare da 1656 a 1658. Che dite?

Buona serata!

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2016 + inaugurazione sede

2016-02-26 Thread Simone Cortesi
2016-02-26 19:24 GMT+01:00 girarsi_liste :
>> Anche Wikimedia Italia si sposta qui:
> Cioè si sposta un'altra volta a Milano o è sempre la sede citata in
> lista Wikimedia?
> Sono particolarmente disorientato dalla tua ultima risposta.

Quando avevo scritto alcuni mesi fa avevamo semplicemente annunciato
il trasloco...adesso lo facciamo davvero.

WMI e OSM si spostano da Monza a Milano (zona navigli)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2016 + inaugurazione sede

2016-02-26 Thread Fabrizio Tambussa
Il 26/Feb/2016 19:18, "girarsi_liste"  ha scritto:
> Il 26/02/2016 19:10, Simone Cortesi ha scritto:
> > 2016-02-26 19:03 GMT+01:00 girarsi_liste :
> >> Ma non è Wikimedia Italia la rappresentante di OSM it?
> >>
> >> Oppure ho capito tutt'altro?
> >
> > Wikimedia Italia SAME AS OpenStreetMap Italia
> >
> > sono la stessa cosa, due nomi diversi.
> >
> E come mai due sedi diverse?

Volevano fare una relation anziché un singolo POI ;)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2016 + inaugurazione sede

2016-02-26 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 26/02/2016 19:19, Simone Cortesi ha scritto:
> 2016-02-26 19:16 GMT+01:00 girarsi_liste :
>>> Wikimedia Italia SAME AS OpenStreetMap Italia
>>> sono la stessa cosa, due nomi diversi.
>> E come mai due sedi diverse?
> Anche Wikimedia Italia si sposta qui:

Cioè si sposta un'altra volta a Milano o è sempre la sede citata in
lista Wikimedia?

Sono particolarmente disorientato dalla tua ultima risposta.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Facebook can map more of Earth in a week than we have in history

2016-02-26 Thread Marcos Oliveira
Não consigo ver como é que vai conseguir distinguir "landuses", nem
florestas ou ervas rasteiras.

Duvido também que saiba mapear endereços ou lojas ou o nome de rodovias e
para onde elas vão.

Para não falar da quantidade de erros que vão certamente surgir que vão
requerer anos para validar.

É uma boa ferramenta, mas não irá bastar. Talvez seja muito boa para quem
goste de mapas recheados, mas são as pessoas apenas que o podem tornar útil.

Obrigado pela partilha, Gerald.
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2016 + inaugurazione sede

2016-02-26 Thread Simone Cortesi
2016-02-26 19:16 GMT+01:00 girarsi_liste :
>> Wikimedia Italia SAME AS OpenStreetMap Italia
>> sono la stessa cosa, due nomi diversi.
> E come mai due sedi diverse?

Anche Wikimedia Italia si sposta qui:


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2016 + inaugurazione sede

2016-02-26 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 26/02/2016 19:10, Simone Cortesi ha scritto:
> 2016-02-26 19:03 GMT+01:00 girarsi_liste :
>> Ma non è Wikimedia Italia la rappresentante di OSM it?
>> Oppure ho capito tutt'altro?
> Wikimedia Italia SAME AS OpenStreetMap Italia
> sono la stessa cosa, due nomi diversi.
E come mai due sedi diverse?

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2016 + inaugurazione sede

2016-02-26 Thread Simone Cortesi
2016-02-26 19:03 GMT+01:00 girarsi_liste :
> Ma non è Wikimedia Italia la rappresentante di OSM it?
> Oppure ho capito tutt'altro?

Wikimedia Italia SAME AS OpenStreetMap Italia

sono la stessa cosa, due nomi diversi.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] API Behavior

2016-02-26 Thread Simon Poole
Am 26.02.2016 um 18:09 schrieb Richard Welty:
> the problem is that detecting the condition is pretty expensive.
> consider long, straight boundaries that pass through your
> bounding box. the search to find these segments of ways
> might have to range out pretty far.
Pretty far == the whole dataset/the world

Naturally that is simply the extreme case.

 I always recommend to add a node even in completely straight lines
every couple of dozens of meters/yards to be on the safe side and to
keep everything editable.

Forgetting the extreme case, maybe we should have some kind of bounding
box based index for ways and relations (note we don't use PostGIS and it
wouldn't actually help in this case, so this would have to be home grown
in some form), naturally calculating the bounding box would make many
operations that are now very cheap rather expensive.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Josm latest et cadastre

2016-02-26 Thread Stéphane Péneau

Super ! Je n'ai plus qu'à la récupérer lorsqu'elle sera dispo.
Merci de t'en être occupé.


Le 26/02/2016 18:23, Plop76 a écrit :

Stéphane Péneau a exposé le 26/02/2016 :

Hello !

Suis-je le seul à avoir des plantages de Josm latest dès que je 
charge une couche tms cadastre ?

Je n'ai pas de problème avec la version tested.



J'ai signalé le bug et ça a été corrigé dans la révision 9883 :

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2016 + inaugurazione sede

2016-02-26 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 26/02/2016 18:11, Simone Cortesi ha scritto:
> Ciao a tutti,
> il 21 maggio OpenStreetMap Italia inaugura la sua sede.
Ma non è Wikimedia Italia la rappresentante di OSM it?

Oppure ho capito tutt'altro?

A parte questo non posso esserci, mi spiace.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] RUIAN - příliš mnoho podlaží (aneb Utajený Manhattan)

2016-02-26 Thread Jan Martinec
O počet konkrétních podlaží mi až tolik nejde, na to nástroj je - spíš o
to, že má RÚIAN nějaký bug, kterým tuto chybu generuje v *každé* novostavbě
o dvou a více vchodech. Mám podezření, že takových bude ještě mnohem více v
celkovém součtu podlaží < 20, ale tam už mi z OSM lezou i legitimní
šestnáctipatrové budovy (nad těch 20 podlaží je to jen lépe vidět, protože
i v Praze je takových budov ve skutečnosti jen hrstka).

Dne 26. 2. 2016 17:50 napsal uživatel "Mirek Dlask" :

> Ahoj,
> reklamační formuláře jsou zde.
> Nezkoumal jsem to, ale zdá se,že zrovna počet podlaží se reklamovat nedá.
> Dne 26. února 2016 14:27 Jan Martinec  napsal(a):
>> Ahoj,
>> celkem náhodou jsem v mapě našel tuhle skupinu mrakodrapů v Praze na
>> Košíku:
>> - podle dat nejvyšší budovy v ČR.
>> Pohledem do RÚIANu je evidentní, co je špatně - 9 podlaží krát 8 vchodů
>> vedle sebe je 72 podlaží nad sebou :D
>> Z Overpassu Turbo mi vylezla celkem slušná hromada takových mrakodrapů, a
>> drtivá většina je v Praze:
>> [out:json][timeout:25];
>> // gather results
>> (
>>  // 20-99
>>  way["building:levels"~"^[3456789][0-9]$"]({{bbox}});
>> );
>> // print results
>> out body;
>> >;
>> out skel qt;
>> Něco jsem nahlásil na , ale zdá se mi, že tohle není
>> překlep - že to bude nějaká chyba v algoritmu při zadávání nových staveb (s
>> více vchody - všechno jsou to novostavby v posledních cca pěti letech) do
>> RÚIANu: že to dopočítá podlaží součtem všech podlaží u vchodů. Kam
>> reportovat takový problém, věděl by někdo?
>> (A ještě detail: mám zmínit ve wiki na Cs:RUIAN/chyby
>> ?Teď to vypadá, že se mají reportovat tam, o vím jen z
>> talk-cz)
>> Mějte se,
>> Honza Piškvor Martinec
>> ___
>> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2016 + inaugurazione sede

2016-02-26 Thread Claudia Mocci
Spero di poterci essere, almeno per portare una piccola rappresentanza
degli OSMers Sardi!
Grazie per la comunicazione

Il giorno 26 febbraio 2016 18:19, Volker Schmidt  ha

> Bello, ma io sarò all'estero a questa data. Pecato, mi sarebbe piaciuto
> essserci.
> Volker
> 2016-02-26 18:11 GMT+01:00 Simone Cortesi :
>> Ciao a tutti,
>> il 21 maggio OpenStreetMap Italia inaugura la sua sede.
>> Ci sembrava carino organizzare non solo una festicciola per tale
>> occasione, ma anche di sfruttare la giornata per fare un incontro
>> degli utenti OSM.
>> Stiamo partendo in questi giorni con l'rganizzazione (e questa è la
>> prima comunicazione ufficiale della cosa), ma intanto potete segnarvi
>> data e luogo.
>> DATA: 21 maggio 2016
>> LUOGO: Via Bergognone angolo Via Tortona, Milano
>> OSM:
>> Che ne dite?
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list


 Claudia Mocci

Skype : clamocci
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Josm latest et cadastre

2016-02-26 Thread Plop76

Stéphane Péneau a exposé le 26/02/2016 :

Hello !

Suis-je le seul à avoir des plantages de Josm latest dès que je charge une 
couche tms cadastre ?

Je n'ai pas de problème avec la version tested.



J'ai signalé le bug et ça a été corrigé dans la révision 9883 :

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2016 + inaugurazione sede

2016-02-26 Thread Volker Schmidt
Bello, ma io sarò all'estero a questa data. Pecato, mi sarebbe piaciuto


2016-02-26 18:11 GMT+01:00 Simone Cortesi :

> Ciao a tutti,
> il 21 maggio OpenStreetMap Italia inaugura la sua sede.
> Ci sembrava carino organizzare non solo una festicciola per tale
> occasione, ma anche di sfruttare la giornata per fare un incontro
> degli utenti OSM.
> Stiamo partendo in questi giorni con l'rganizzazione (e questa è la
> prima comunicazione ufficiale della cosa), ma intanto potete segnarvi
> data e luogo.
> DATA: 21 maggio 2016
> LUOGO: Via Bergognone angolo Via Tortona, Milano
> OSM:
> Che ne dite?
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Josm latest et cadastre

2016-02-26 Thread Stéphane Péneau

Hello !

Suis-je le seul à avoir des plantages de Josm latest dès que je charge 
une couche tms cadastre ?

Je n'ai pas de problème avec la version tested.


Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] OSMIT 2016 + inaugurazione sede

2016-02-26 Thread Simone Cortesi
Ciao a tutti,
il 21 maggio OpenStreetMap Italia inaugura la sua sede.

Ci sembrava carino organizzare non solo una festicciola per tale
occasione, ma anche di sfruttare la giornata per fare un incontro
degli utenti OSM.

Stiamo partendo in questi giorni con l'rganizzazione (e questa è la
prima comunicazione ufficiale della cosa), ma intanto potete segnarvi
data e luogo.

DATA: 21 maggio 2016
LUOGO: Via Bergognone angolo Via Tortona, Milano

Che ne dite?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] API Behavior

2016-02-26 Thread Richard Welty
On 2/26/16 12:01 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:
> It’s an API limitation. If no node is within the bbox the API has no way of 
> knowing there should be something there. I don’t believe there is a different 
> workaround from the one you already suggest yourself, but I would be happy to 
> be wrong (as I too find this an unfortunate limitation).
the problem is that detecting the condition is pretty expensive.
consider long, straight boundaries that pass through your
bounding box. the search to find these segments of ways
might have to range out pretty far.


 Averill Park Networking - GIS & IT Consulting
 OpenStreetMap - PostgreSQL - Linux
 Java - Web Applications - Search

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-br] Facebook can map more of Earth in a week than we have in history

2016-02-26 Thread Gerald Weber
Parece que ganhamos competição:

boa leitura e bom final de semana

Talk-br mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Trage wegen reports about a project of

2016-02-26 Thread Marc Gemis
In Dutch:

In French:


Talk-be mailing list

[Talk-us] API Behavior

2016-02-26 Thread Mike Thompson
When using the standard API to download an area to edit (through JOSM) it
seems that if a way runs through the bounding box you provide the API, but
doesn't have any nodes in that bounding box, it will not be returned.  This
can result in collecting the same data a second time because the first
instance is not returned.

1) Is this a JOSM issue or an API issue?
2) Is there any work around other than to download using a larger bounding
box and hope that the way in question references at least one node in that
bounding box?

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Using SPW PICC layer in josm

2016-02-26 Thread Glenn Plas
Reading their license, this is not open data as they restrict the reuse
and retain the right to change the license later.  This data should not
be used at all imho.  Now my french isn't that great on the legal
vocabulary notes, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't look good
to me:

For data to be OSM-fit, you need a compatible license like GRB and AGIV

So, unless someone claims i'm wrong, we should not use this at all, if
you do... and a claim is made, that data will be removed from OSM by
analysing the user names involved and their changesets.

I'll be ignoring Lionel's follow-up and act like I didn't read it at all ...


On 26-02-16 14:23, Thib wrote:
> Hi,
> SPW PICC tiles layer is available in JOSM for mapping Belgian Southern
> area but I can't find enough information about the license terms.
> Is it allowed to :
> - copy (doing"calc") buildings and other objects boundaries (as we do
> with bing tiles)
> - get address house numbers
> I've found some old threads talking about that interesting source but no
> real answer...
> If someone has any information about it, It would be very useful.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Thib
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] RUIAN - příliš mnoho podlaží (aneb Utajený Manhattan)

2016-02-26 Thread Mirek Dlask
reklamační formuláře jsou zde.
Nezkoumal jsem to, ale zdá se,že zrovna počet podlaží se reklamovat nedá.

Dne 26. února 2016 14:27 Jan Martinec  napsal(a):

> Ahoj,
> celkem náhodou jsem v mapě našel tuhle skupinu mrakodrapů v Praze na
> Košíku:
> - podle dat nejvyšší budovy v ČR.
> Pohledem do RÚIANu je evidentní, co je špatně - 9 podlaží krát 8 vchodů
> vedle sebe je 72 podlaží nad sebou :D
> Z Overpassu Turbo mi vylezla celkem slušná hromada takových mrakodrapů, a
> drtivá většina je v Praze:
> [out:json][timeout:25];
> // gather results
> (
>  // 20-99
>  way["building:levels"~"^[3456789][0-9]$"]({{bbox}});
> );
> // print results
> out body;
> >;
> out skel qt;
> Něco jsem nahlásil na , ale zdá se mi, že tohle není
> překlep - že to bude nějaká chyba v algoritmu při zadávání nových staveb (s
> více vchody - všechno jsou to novostavby v posledních cca pěti letech) do
> RÚIANu: že to dopočítá podlaží součtem všech podlaží u vchodů. Kam
> reportovat takový problém, věděl by někdo?
> (A ještě detail: mám zmínit ve wiki na Cs:RUIAN/chyby
> ?Teď to vypadá, že se mají reportovat tam, o vím jen z talk-cz)
> Mějte se,
> Honza Piškvor Martinec
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Using SPW PICC layer in josm

2016-02-26 Thread lionel bulpa
Pour être honnête, je l'utilise déjà, je ne contribue que de temps en temps et 
mes contributions sont basé sur PICC. Je ne connais pas bien les licences etc 
mais je supposais que si le fond de carte était proposé dans JOSM, cela 
signifiait que nous pouvions l'utiliser.
Si ce n'est pas le cas, merci de m'en informer 
Lio :)

Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 15:23:51 +0100
Subject: [OSM-talk-be] Using SPW PICC layer in josm

SPW PICC tiles layer is available in JOSM for mapping Belgian Southern area but 
I can't find enough information about the license terms.
Is it allowed to :- copy (doing"calc") buildings and other objects boundaries 
(as we do with bing tiles)- get address house numbers
I've found some old threads talking about that interesting source but no real 
If someone has any information about it, It would be very useful.
Thanks in advance.Regards,

Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] comment taguer une particularité locale ? 34

2016-02-26 Thread Nicolas Moyroud
En anglais heap = "tas, amas" donc je ne vois pas en quoi heap_type 
serait spécifiquement pour les carrières !
Effectivement sur le wiki man_made=spoil_heap est indiqué comme "pile de 
rochers/caillous retiré lors d'une extraction minière". Dans le cas des 
clapas on n'est pas dans l'exploitation minière, mais le processus de 
création du truc n'est pas loin d'être le même !

Sinon en effet le :fr serait indispensable.
spoil_heap:fr=clapas ça peut le faire, mais pourquoi pas 
heap_type:fr=clapas également...


Le 26/02/2016 14:21, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :
C'est pour les carrières ton truc... clapas n'est pas un terme anglais 
donc ça n'a rien à faire dans heap_type (et ne passera pas le stade de 
la propos ainsi. C'est qu'un avis)

*spoil_heap:fr=clapas*  peut-être? En tous cas c'est ok mais que pour 
les tas de pierre. Si c'est sous la forme de mur non car c'est à 
employer comme polygone uniquement.

Sinon on peut aussi dans ce cas détailler la provenance du tas de 
pierre de part son activité humaine. Dans le cas du wiki c'est une 
activité minière. Sinon il faut ajouter une activité agricole pour le 
cas de @sebas. Et dans la cas d'un phénomène géologique rester sur 

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

I've been in Fiji 8 times, quite a number.

English is equally official together with Fijian and Hindi. It's in
their Constitution.

Therefore, I don't see the controversy.

Most place names are Fijian names (Hindi ethnic people came to Fiji on
the times of British colonization). Fijian is written with latin letters.

The examples given by Jean-Guilhem are representative of Fijian
writting, that should be followed. The old topo maps names aren't
written following the Fijian writting conventions, but the pure English.
You can add as old_name:en=* if you like, but I would add old_name better.

Have a nice weekend,


On 26/02/16 10:16, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> 2016-02-26 10:05 GMT+01:00 Jean-Guilhem Cailton  >:
> > are these names English or fiji or hindi?
> >
> > cheers
> > Martin
> >
> They are "name" found in reports from Fijian officials or medias - that
> apparently use English, an official language in Fiji (I haven't seen
> Fijian news reports in other languages - yet) - and often found in the
> "name" tag in OSM in Fiji. And in 1944 US topo maps for "old_name".
> I find it problematic to make remote edits based on foreign maps and add
> names in a foreign language as main names, although because of
> colonization this foreign language is apparently used as lingua franca.
> I see this as kind of ungoing colonization, where I'd actually expect
> people use names in their first language to refer to the places they
> live. From a quick internet search it appears that English isn't the
> first language for a vast majority of people living in Fiji. My
> suggestion is to use the tags name:en and old_name:en for names and old
> names in English.
> Cheers,
> Martin
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mappa dei vini, Openwines

2016-02-26 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
mah... lo sfondo OSM duplica l'informazione vigneti...

Che ne dite di questa?

Il giorno 26 febbraio 2016 12:03, Martin Koppenhoefer <> ha scritto:

> visto che anche qui si parlava in passato dei vigneti e di una possibile
> mappa dei vini, segnalo questo progetto francese:
> ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-cz] RUIAN - příliš mnoho podlaží (aneb Utajený Manhattan)

2016-02-26 Thread Jan Martinec

celkem náhodou jsem v mapě našel tuhle skupinu mrakodrapů v Praze na
- podle dat nejvyšší budovy v ČR.
Pohledem do RÚIANu je evidentní, co je špatně - 9 podlaží krát 8 vchodů
vedle sebe je 72 podlaží nad sebou :D

Z Overpassu Turbo mi vylezla celkem slušná hromada takových mrakodrapů, a
drtivá většina je v Praze:

// gather results
 // 20-99
// print results
out body;
out skel qt;

Něco jsem nahlásil na , ale zdá se mi, že tohle není
překlep - že to bude nějaká chyba v algoritmu při zadávání nových staveb (s
více vchody - všechno jsou to novostavby v posledních cca pěti letech) do
RÚIANu: že to dopočítá podlaží součtem všech podlaží u vchodů. Kam
reportovat takový problém, věděl by někdo?

(A ještě detail: mám zmínit ve wiki na Cs:RUIAN/chyby ?Teď
to vypadá, že se mají reportovat tam, o vím jen z talk-cz)

Mějte se,
Honza Piškvor Martinec
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New users and P2

2016-02-26 Thread ael
On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 11:23:34AM +, David Woolley wrote:
> On 25/02/16 17:04, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
> >User can also enter relevant POIs like stiles, gates etc when they are
> >encountered.
> This might have been a good idea in the early days, when most mapping used
> GPS and most mapping was onto an empty map.  These days, I think it would
> just cause problems as it would probably delay the proper association of the
> GPS tracks with, more accurate, aerial imagery data, and would not properly
> account for features that had already been mapped, but possibly on a
> different, or more accurate datum.

While there are many pretty awful gps devices out there, some consumer
gps units can be fairly accurate if used with an understanding of the
technology. I am not happy with the suggestion that aerial imagery is 
more accurate for all the well known reasons of alignment and parallax.
I keep having armchair mappers fouling up accurately surveyed data
with near nonsense, and it is very demotivating.

I sometimes wonder if a source tag indicating some notion of accuracy 
would help, although I am not sure how that could be objective unless it
was using diffferential gps. But my experience of many armchair mappers
is that they just ride roughshod and ignore source tags and the like.
To be fair, the editors don't help with this, and it can be tedious and 
time consuming to review the history of everything before modification.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] comment taguer une particularité locale ? 34

2016-02-26 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret
C'est pour les carrières ton truc... clapas n'est pas un terme anglais donc
ça n'a rien à faire dans heap_type (et ne passera pas le stade de la propos
ainsi. C'est qu'un avis)

*spoil_heap:fr=clapas*  peut-être? En tous cas c'est ok mais que pour les
tas de pierre. Si c'est sous la forme de mur non car c'est à employer comme
polygone uniquement.

Sinon on peut aussi dans ce cas détailler la provenance du tas de pierre de
part son activité humaine. Dans le cas du wiki c'est une activité minière.
Sinon il faut ajouter une activité agricole pour le cas de @sebas. Et dans
la cas d'un phénomène géologique rester sur *natural=scree*

2016-02-26 14:08 GMT+01:00 Nicolas Moyroud :

> Bonjour,
> Une proposition pour les clapas :
> man_made=spoil_heap
> material=dry_stone
> heap_type=clapas
> Voir :
> Nicolas
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Richard
On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 08:49:39AM +0100, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> sent from a phone
> Am 26.02.2016 um 07:08 schrieb Mateusz Konieczny :
> >> Note that names currently in use are often a simplified form of these
> >> "old" names, and that it is straightforward to recognize current names
> >> in old names.
> >> 
> >> For example, on Koro Island, here is a list of correspondences old
> >> name
> >> - current name:
> >> Kande - Kade
> >> Nambuna - Nabuna
> >> Nangaindamu - Naqaidamu
> >> Sinuvatha - Sinuvaca
> >> Namathu - Namacu
> >> Mundu - Mudu
> are these names English or fiji or hindi?

it is close to irrelevant what language they are. Those are different
transcriptions which may have spelling errors/oddities but generaly 
reflect the localy used names. Errors can be corrected anytime when 
a better spelling becomes known.

When using antiquated topographic maps I would sure add a note where 
that data comes from.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 26.02.2016 um 13:23 schrieb Jean-Guilhem Cailton :
> Maybe you'll agree that a geographical database with names for villages, even 
> in what you consider to be "English", can be more useful than one without - 
> which is the current situation in many parts of Fiji?

yes, I do agree, I just say if you're not on the ground (can't verify if 
they're the local default name), you should put them under name:en

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] comment taguer une particularité locale ? 34

2016-02-26 Thread Nicolas Moyroud


Une proposition pour les clapas :

Voir :


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New users and P2

2016-02-26 Thread David Woolley

On 26/02/16 12:44, Chris Hill wrote:

I disagree. GPS traces can only be found by being on the ground. Aerial
imagery is useful but being there and seeing what is really on the
ground is still the gold standard in my view. Aerial imagery is not
guaranteed to be well aligned, is guaranteed to be be steadily more and
more out of date and gives no clue about what signs say. Mapping by
surveying gives such a good understanding of what is really there that
it is the best way to integrate your new stuff and perhaps correct what
may have been added by the folks who have gone before.

The proposal appeared to be for a tool that only used the GPS traces and 
went straight from them to the database.  My point is that these days 
you need to integrate the GPS traces with the aerial imagery and with 
what is already mapped.

If you don't integrate with the aerial imagery, you will end up with a 
feature with large errors which won't get corrected for a long time 
because people will assume that they do account for all data sources.

If you don't integrate with existing features, you will end up with 
topological errors and possible duplication.

Whilst the GPS tagged ground survey is important, it needs to be 
integrated with the other sources and the only current way of doing that 
well involves the use of wetware and tools that show the other resources.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] comment taguer une particularité locale ? 34

2016-02-26 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret
Le 26 février 2016 à 12:59, althio  a écrit :

> Le sujet est intéressant !
> Mais pointu, difficile de trouver les bons tags.
> En effet...

> landuse=landfill (et oui c'est une décharge historique !)
> Ce n'est pas l'usage actuel, si quelqu'un vient déposer ses déchets ici,
> ça ne va pas faire plaisir.
> Donc pas ce tag à mon avis.

+1 le landuse décrit un usage actuel et un pierrier (comme j'en ai parlé à
la dernière réunion) n'est pas un déchet au sens propre mais plutôt le
résultat d'un épierrement agricole ou d'un phénomène géologique. Un déchet
nécessite une transformation pour être réutilisé ou n'est tous simplement
pas réutilisable. Qui plus est, il résulte d'un produit transformé et non
d'un matériau brut. La c'est pas le cas.

> > building:material=dry_stone
> "building" concerne les bâtiments.
> Cette version me paraît plus adaptée :
> material=dry_stone

ou barrier=wall + wall=dry_stone

Là le problème c'est que barrier=wall est normalement en linéaire et qu'un
clapas peu avoir une étendu très large comme des tas de pierre qui dans ce
cas sera apparenté à natural=scree

barrier, c'est un élément linéaire. Franchissable ou nom suivant sa
hauteur. Quand au wall, c'est un élément monté de manière vertical quelque
soit le matériaux (bois, pierre, métal...)

si c'est un clapas d'ordre géologique, comme le clapas de Thubiès,
natural=scree est à employer et c'est ce que préconise @althio

> natural=shingle
 non car ce sont des alluvions

non car ce sont des barres rocheuses (type escalades)

>  on est plutôt dans un mur érigé, cela s'applique : barrier=wall +
> wall=dry_stone
> Ok

> Bien sûr, ce n'est pas uniquement naturel, c'est aussi la main de l'homme.
> Il faudrait peut-être remplacer ou combiner avec du man_made=* mais quoi ?
> man_made = scree ?
non il faut pas forcément voir ça comme cela mais comme natural=water sinon
on mettrait aussi man_made=water+ water=pond

> loc_name=clapas
> loc_name est pour un nom de lieu spécifique, pas pour un nom générique.
> par exemple : loc_name="Clapas du Berger"

> par contre, c'est possible dans une note : note:FR=clapas

En effet, mais plutôt qu'in note:FR c'est pour donner des infos pour les
contributeurs en langage français (FR en capital c'est pour la langue. de
plus c'est pas l'usage sauf si l'objet est dans un pays non francophone et
que l'on veut mentionner l'info car l'on ne parle pas la langue locale. Sur
le territoire le tag note: doit être dans la langue locale)... Donc c'est
pas adapté. Et pas exploitatble pour une Umap par la suite

Le truc c'est de mettre le nom fr sur le tag correspondant
natural:fr=clapas ou wall:fr=clapas au même titre que cela devrait être
fait pour les Capitelles (et c'est ce qui existe pour les classifications
 des écoles ou des collectivités françaises par exemple )

Cela met aussi en avant le problème sur l'usage du terme *:loc comme
building:loc qui n'est pas décrit et ne correspond à rien dans la wiki
(pour le moment car nom décrit et nom soumis à vote...)
Le terme "loc" est employé en préfixe sur les références et les noms
respectivement notés loc_name et loc_ref.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New users and P2

2016-02-26 Thread Marc Gemis
But a gate is some kind of important nagivational point.
I'm pretty sure that when someone removes a bench in my hometown, it
will take me a pretty long time to notice.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 1:42 PM, Andy Townsend  wrote:
> On 26/02/2016 07:59, Marc Gemis wrote:
>> How do you detect that stuff is gone ? I'm thinking of benches,
>> waste-bins, telephones, etc. All those little things that are not or
>> hardly visible on aerial imagery ?
>> Do you constantly look at the screen of your smartphone or GPS to see
>> whether there is such a "small" thing mapped ?
> The maps I use on both the phone and the Garmin try and make the sorts of
> small things that I'm interested in fairly obvious (on Garmin maps I use the
> Garmin Office "G" symbol for gates, for example, and the map I use on the
> phone goes up to z20 overzoomed to z21, so it's easy to see small details
> there too, and read the text on a small screen).
> I still end up marking that (e.g.) "there is a bus stop here" and getting
> home and finding that it's already mapped, though :)
> Cheers,
> Andy

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New users and P2

2016-02-26 Thread Chris Hill

On 26/02/16 11:23, David Woolley wrote:

On 25/02/16 17:04, Nick Whitelegg wrote:

User can also enter relevant POIs like stiles, gates etc when they are

When user returns home, track simplification algorithm used to make a
way from the GPX trace and tags it with the tags equivalent to the 
ROW type.

User downloads data from OSM and algorithms are used to auto-join the
user's new ways to existing ways where appropriate (or alternatively,
the user does this manually)

This might have been a good idea in the early days, when most mapping 
used GPS and most mapping was onto an empty map.  These days, I think 
it would just cause problems as it would probably delay the proper 
association of the GPS tracks with, more accurate, aerial imagery 
data, and would not properly account for features that had already 
been mapped, but possibly on a different, or more accurate datum.

I disagree. GPS traces can only be found by being on the ground. Aerial 
imagery is useful but being there and seeing what is really on the 
ground is still the gold standard in my view. Aerial imagery is not 
guaranteed to be well aligned, is guaranteed to be be steadily more and 
more out of date and gives no clue about what signs say. Mapping by 
surveying gives such a good understanding of what is really there that 
it is the best way to integrate your new stuff and perhaps correct what 
may have been added by the folks who have gone before.

Cheers, Chris (chillly)

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New users and P2

2016-02-26 Thread Andy Townsend

On 26/02/2016 07:59, Marc Gemis wrote:

How do you detect that stuff is gone ? I'm thinking of benches,
waste-bins, telephones, etc. All those little things that are not or
hardly visible on aerial imagery ?
Do you constantly look at the screen of your smartphone or GPS to see
whether there is such a "small" thing mapped ?

The maps I use on both the phone and the Garmin try and make the sorts 
of small things that I'm interested in fairly obvious (on Garmin maps I 
use the Garmin Office "G" symbol for gates, for example, and the map I 
use on the phone goes up to z20 overzoomed to z21, so it's easy to see 
small details there too, and read the text on a small screen).

I still end up marking that (e.g.) "there is a bus stop here" and 
getting home and finding that it's already mapped, though :)



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 26/02/2016 12:26, Martin Koppenhoefer a écrit :
> 2016-02-26 12:09 GMT+01:00 Jean-Guilhem Cailton  >:
> I might agree with your political preoccupation. However, I don't
> think
> that this crisis is the right time to change established OSM practice
> for Fiji.
> acting like this will just establish this questionable practise more
> and more, and next time someone raises the issue it will be even
> harder to discuss alternatives, "because it has always been done like
> this and is very established". If you don't agree with adding "en" to
> the key for English names, please at least add Fijian and Hindi names
> with the same priority (where they exist), i.e. also in the general
> name tag like it is done in all multilingual areas.
> Cheers,
> Martin

Martin, you are very welcome to contribute to the naming effort, for
example if you are aware of usable sources for Fijian and Hindi names.

Maybe you'll agree that a geographical database with names for villages,
even in what you consider to be "English", can be more useful than one
without - which is the current situation in many parts of Fiji?

Best regards,


"On ne m’ôtera pas de l’idée que, pendant la dernière guerre mondiale,
de nombreux juifs ont eu une attitude carrément hostile à l’égard du
régime nazi." Pierre Desproges
"I won't be deprived of the idea that, during the last world war, many
Jews had a downright hostile attitude toward the Nazi regime."
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] comment taguer une particularité locale ? 34

2016-02-26 Thread althio
Le sujet est intéressant !
Mais pointu, difficile de trouver les bons tags.

> landuse=landfill (et oui c'est une décharge historique !)

Ce n'est pas l'usage actuel, si quelqu'un vient déposer ses déchets ici, ça
ne va pas faire plaisir.
Donc pas ce tag à mon avis.

> building:material=dry_stone

"building" concerne les bâtiments.
Cette version me paraît plus adaptée :

Voir aussi la collection des natural=* :

Je suppose que l'on est plutôt dans :
*natural* scree

Appelé aussi pierrier ou clapier.
Si on est plutôt dans un mur érigé, cela s'applique : barrier=wall +

Bien sûr, ce n'est pas uniquement naturel, c'est aussi la main de l'homme.
Il faudrait peut-être remplacer ou combiner avec du man_made=* mais quoi ?
man_made = scree ?

> loc_name=clapas

loc_name est pour un nom de lieu spécifique, pas pour un nom générique.
par exemple : loc_name="Clapas du Berger"
par contre, c'est possible dans une note : note:FR=clapas

Ce ne sont que quelques idées.
Des choses similaires dans d'autres endroits et pays, et des photos,
pourraient aider.

On Friday, February 26, 2016,  wrote:

> Bonjour
> Je contribue depuis peu
> j'espère ne pas faire de bêtise concernant un très beau élément paysagé
> dans ma région
> il s'agit des clapas
> en suivant un glossaire sur le wiki (
> je l'ai tagué:
> landuse=landfill (et oui c'est une décharge historique !)
> building:material=dry_stone
> loc_name=clapas
> voir le rendu sur OSM :
> est-ce que je suis en train de faire une erreur ? (au quel cas je
> corrigerai biensûr)
> comment taguer cela ? Merci bonjour chez vous, Sebas
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New users and P2

2016-02-26 Thread Philip Barnes
On Fri Feb 26 11:23:34 2016 GMT, David Woolley wrote:
> On 25/02/16 17:04, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
> >
> > User can also enter relevant POIs like stiles, gates etc when they are
> > encountered.
> >
> >
> > When user returns home, track simplification algorithm used to make a
> > way from the GPX trace and tags it with the tags equivalent to the ROW type.
> >
> >
> > User downloads data from OSM and algorithms are used to auto-join the
> > user's new ways to existing ways where appropriate (or alternatively,
> > the user does this manually)
> This might have been a good idea in the early days, when most mapping 
> used GPS and most mapping was onto an empty map.  These days, I think it 
> would just cause problems as it would probably delay the proper 
> association of the GPS tracks with, more accurate, aerial imagery data, 
> and would not properly account for features that had already been 
> mapped, but possibly on a different, or more accurate datum.
PROW mapping still requires good gps traces, such mapping simply cannot be done 
using aerial imagery alone. 

Whilst my experienced countryside eye can spot a gate used by farm vehicles, 
there is no way to tell if a hedge/fence crossing in a stile,  gate or kissing 
gate without an on the ground survey. 

Any tools which help mapping these can only be a good thing. 

Phil (trigpoint)
Sent from my Jolla
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-02-26 12:09 GMT+01:00 Jean-Guilhem Cailton :

> I might agree with your political preoccupation. However, I don't think
> that this crisis is the right time to change established OSM practice
> for Fiji.

acting like this will just establish this questionable practise more and
more, and next time someone raises the issue it will be even harder to
discuss alternatives, "because it has always been done like this and is
very established". If you don't agree with adding "en" to the key for
English names, please at least add Fijian and Hindi names with the same
priority (where they exist), i.e. also in the general name tag like it is
done in all multilingual areas.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New users and P2

2016-02-26 Thread David Woolley

On 25/02/16 17:04, Nick Whitelegg wrote:

User can also enter relevant POIs like stiles, gates etc when they are

When user returns home, track simplification algorithm used to make a
way from the GPX trace and tags it with the tags equivalent to the ROW type.

User downloads data from OSM and algorithms are used to auto-join the
user's new ways to existing ways where appropriate (or alternatively,
the user does this manually)

This might have been a good idea in the early days, when most mapping 
used GPS and most mapping was onto an empty map.  These days, I think it 
would just cause problems as it would probably delay the proper 
association of the GPS tracks with, more accurate, aerial imagery data, 
and would not properly account for features that had already been 
mapped, but possibly on a different, or more accurate datum.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 26/02/2016 12:12, Mateusz Konieczny a écrit :
> On Fri, 26 Feb 2016 10:01:40 +0100
> Jean-Guilhem Cailton  wrote:
>> For names used in news or social media reports, you can find their
>> location using (...) and Bing
>> (or other allowed satellite imagery).
> AFAIK only Bing satellite imagery is on suitable license. And satellite
> imagery is totally useless for purposes of linking names and
> settlements. 
> AFAIK names and other elements on Bing maps may not be legally copied
> to OSM.

Hi Mateusz,

There are other providers who allow their imagery to be used for OSM
mapping, like Mapbox for example, or major satellite imagery providers
directly, specially in times of crises.

Satellite imagery is useful in connection with roughly georeferenced AMS
maps to check the accurate location of settlements.

I was specifically referring to Bing imagery.

Best regards,


"On ne m’ôtera pas de l’idée que, pendant la dernière guerre mondiale,
de nombreux juifs ont eu une attitude carrément hostile à l’égard du
régime nazi." Pierre Desproges
"I won't be deprived of the idea that, during the last world war, many
Jews had a downright hostile attitude toward the Nazi regime."

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Fri, 26 Feb 2016 10:01:40 +0100
Jean-Guilhem Cailton  wrote:

> For names used in news or social media reports, you can find their
> location using (...) and Bing
> (or other allowed satellite imagery).

AFAIK only Bing satellite imagery is on suitable license. And satellite
imagery is totally useless for purposes of linking names and

AFAIK names and other elements on Bing maps may not be legally copied
to OSM.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mappa dei vini, Openwines

2016-02-26 Thread Francesca Valentina
grazie progetto stupendo.

Il giorno 26 febbraio 2016 12:03, Martin Koppenhoefer <> ha scritto:

> visto che anche qui si parlava in passato dei vigneti e di una possibile
> mappa dei vini, segnalo questo progetto francese:
> ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] mappa dei vini, Openwines

2016-02-26 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
visto che anche qui si parlava in passato dei vigneti e di una possibile
mappa dei vini, segnalo questo progetto francese:

Talk-it mailing list

[OSRM-talk] New URL syntax

2016-02-26 Thread Roberto Angeletti
Hello all,

I created a plugin for QGIS, named GEarthView, that publishes gis data in
In published window I inserted a link to OSRM, to display the same also in
your service.
But, I notiched that your URL changed.

My old URL was:,14.744792046=1784084387

 Now I use:,14.744792191===en

Where can I find a documentation of parameters ?

Thank you for any info


OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-02-26 10:38 GMT+01:00 Jean-Guilhem Cailton :

> Apparently your point of view about "ungoing colonization" is not shared
> by Fidjian officials, news media, nor by OSM mappers of Fiji so far.

I'm all but well informed about the current situation in Fiji (I just read
the Internet, haven't been there), still I am not at all surprised about
this. I wrote using English as primary name seemed to me kind of an act of
ongoing colonization / suppression by the west, and you reply: officials
and the official media don't share this view. Seriously?

Anyway, what I have learned in my short research was that using English
seems to be seen (or is advocated) as anti-suppression, because it is
neither Fijian nor Fiji Hindi but is foreign to either ethnicity and
therefor not privilegizing one of them, at least officially.

Have you had a look about the representation of the different ethnities
among the Fiji Officials and news media? Are you aware that there is very
low diffussion of media in general (3 daily newspapers and 2 weekly ones,
51 daily copies per 1000 inhabitants, tv since 1991 and just one tv station
which is operated by the government), 55.000 internet connections, 102.000
phone connections, 109.000 cell phones, 541.000 radios and 91.000 tv sets
for a population of 890.000 (numbers might be outdated, from Wikipedia:de).

I wonder if there is a climate in Fiji where you could agree to my view
without fear of suppression. I don't know how many OSM Mappers mapping in
Fiji are actually residents there, and to which ethnicity the belong to,
but you can see from international reports on the country, e.g. amnesty
international or freedomhouse, that it isn't easy to express opposition to
the official view, and that at least the traditional media can't write
whatever they like (e.g. "There were no confirmed reports of government
restrictions on private discussion on political matters or other sensitive
topics in 2014. Personal blogs and other forms of social media, both for
and against the interim government, operated with relative freedom, unlike
traditional media.", freedomhouse, 2015)

Anyway, I only asked to add English names with an "en" postfix, not to
refrain from adding them.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] SotM 2016 Accomodation

2016-02-26 Thread Christine Karch

good news from the State of the Map. We made a great deal with the
Brussels Booking Desk to provide reduced hotel rates for State of the
Map 2016 in Brussels. It is simple to book through the dedicated
reservation website:

Ticket sales will start in March with early bird tickets. Visit our
website and sign up for the newsletter to stay up to date:


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Importare dati da Qgis a Jsom

2016-02-26 Thread Giovanni Berti

Ho provato diverse volte ma ottengo sempre un crash con minidump.
Uso QGIS is 2.12.3. e plugin Dxf2Shp Versione 0.1
Giovanni Berti
Il 25/02/2016 16:31, Cascafico Giovanni ha scritto:

Se installi il plugin "opendata" per josm, con quest'ultimo puoi 
aprire anche gli shp venerato da qgis


Il 25/feb/2016 10:11 "girarsi_liste" > ha scritto:

Il 25/02/2016 09:20, mircozorzo ha scritto:
> Ciao, la domanda è mal posta?
> Mirco

Forse la domanda sarebbe, qual'è il formato migliore per esportare
vettoriali/geodati da Qgis ed essere letti integralmente da Josm?

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 26/02/2016 10:16, Martin Koppenhoefer a écrit :
> 2016-02-26 10:05 GMT+01:00 Jean-Guilhem Cailton  >:
> > are these names English or fiji or hindi?
> >
> > cheers
> > Martin
> >
> They are "name" found in reports from Fijian officials or medias -
> that
> apparently use English, an official language in Fiji (I haven't seen
> Fijian news reports in other languages - yet) - and often found in the
> "name" tag in OSM in Fiji. And in 1944 US topo maps for "old_name".
> I find it problematic to make remote edits based on foreign maps and
> add names in a foreign language as main names, although because of
> colonization this foreign language is apparently used as lingua
> franca. I see this as kind of ungoing colonization, where I'd actually
> expect people use names in their first language to refer to the places
> they live. From a quick internet search it appears that English isn't
> the first language for a vast majority of people living in Fiji. My
> suggestion is to use the tags name:en and old_name:en for names and
> old names in English.
> Cheers,
> Martin

Apparently your point of view about "ungoing colonization" is not shared
by Fidjian officials, news media, nor by OSM mappers of Fiji so far.

Best regards,


"On ne m’ôtera pas de l’idée que, pendant la dernière guerre mondiale,
de nombreux juifs ont eu une attitude carrément hostile à l’égard du
régime nazi." Pierre Desproges
"I won't be deprived of the idea that, during the last world war, many
Jews had a downright hostile attitude toward the Nazi regime."
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] OSM hospůdka Praha

2016-02-26 Thread Ladislav Laska
+1 za kulový blesk (nevadí mi PP, rád zaplatím bitcoinem, ale mám chuť na dobré
pivečko :-)).

On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 08:39:46AM +0100, Jan Martinec wrote:
> Jo, akorát před vchodem vždycky stojí hlouček vyhnanců. Kuchyně je taková
> česko-německá, tak akorát k pivu - ale to fakt nevím, jak bych otagoval ;)
> Honza P.M.
> Dne 26. 2. 2016 8:31 napsal uživatel "Pavel Zbytovský"  >:
> > Prý Kompletně nekuřácké restaurace, tak to beru. Za mě dobrý :)
> > pá 26. 2. 2016 v 8:14 odesílatel Marián Kyral  napsal:
> >
> >> Ahoj
> >> -- Původní zpráva --
> >>
> >> Od: Pavel Zbytovský 
> >> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> >> Datum: 26. 2. 2016 8:07:18
> >> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] OSM hospůdka Praha
> >>
> >> Tak všichni už za hlasovali, a kupodivu ve středu 9.3. v 18 mohou úplně
> >> všichni. Tedy Pražská hospoda je domluvená.
> >>
> >> Jestli nejste proti, pustil bych to jako event na Facebooku a twitteru
> >> Osmcz, A podle počtu potom za rezervujeme místo. Mluvil jsem včera se
> >> správcem paralelní polis, že by to tam asi šlo. Jak se na to tváříte?
> >> Nebude nám chybět večeře?
> >>
> >>
> >> Mně asi bude. A co pivo?
> >>
> >> Nezkusíme ten Kulový blesk, jak psal Honza?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Marián
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> P.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> čt 25. 2. 2016 v 14:04 odesílatel Pavel Zbytovský 
> >> napsal:
> >>
> >> Jak to vypadá?
> >> Láďo Lásko + Petře Morávku, zkuste ještě doplnit [1] ten další
> >> týden...třeba středa 9.3... což?
> >>
> >> P.
> >>
> >> [1]
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Talk-cz mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Talk-cz mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-cz mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >

> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

S pozdravem Ladislav Láska  
Katedra Aplikované Matematiky, MFF UK   tel.: +420 739 464 167

Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] comment taguer une particularité locale ? 34

2016-02-26 Thread sebas

Je contribue depuis peu
j'espère ne pas faire de bêtise concernant un très beau élément paysagé 
dans ma région

il s'agit des clapas
en suivant un glossaire sur le wiki 
je l'ai tagué:

landuse=landfill (et oui c'est une décharge historique !)

voir le rendu sur OSM :
est-ce que je suis en train de faire une erreur ? (au quel cas je 
corrigerai biensûr)

comment taguer cela ? Merci bonjour chez vous, Sebas

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-cz] OT: Re: Vyuziti OSM na

2016-02-26 Thread Pavel Bokr

to je pěkný, to bych taky chtěl umět. :-)

predpokladam ze to miri k sitove analyze. V ESRI ArcGISu jsem na to uz davno 
prisel pres pokus omyl, ale priznam se ze v otevrenem GISu jsem musel 
googlit, kdyz jsem si rikal ze neco takoveho musi taky umet. Umi to GRASS a 
da se to tedy udelat i pres GRASS plugin v QGISu. Ja jsem k tomu vyguglil 
tohle a podle toho to delal:
viz sekce Creating service areas


-Původní zpráva- 
From: honny

Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 8:16 AM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Vyuziti OSM na


to je pěkný, to bych taky chtěl umět. :-)

Jinak za mě je myšlenka prezentace ruzných využítí vč. ilustrace je
fajn, sice člověk něco ví nebo vygooglí, ale mít to na jednom místě
jako odpověď na „a k čemu to je?“ je lepší.

Talk-cz mailing list 

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-02-26 10:05 GMT+01:00 Jean-Guilhem Cailton :

> > are these names English or fiji or hindi?
> >
> > cheers
> > Martin
> >
> They are "name" found in reports from Fijian officials or medias - that
> apparently use English, an official language in Fiji (I haven't seen
> Fijian news reports in other languages - yet) - and often found in the
> "name" tag in OSM in Fiji. And in 1944 US topo maps for "old_name".

I find it problematic to make remote edits based on foreign maps and add
names in a foreign language as main names, although because of colonization
this foreign language is apparently used as lingua franca. I see this as
kind of ungoing colonization, where I'd actually expect people use names in
their first language to refer to the places they live. From a quick
internet search it appears that English isn't the first language for a vast
majority of people living in Fiji. My suggestion is to use the tags name:en
and old_name:en for names and old names in English.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 26/02/2016 08:49, Martin Koppenhoefer a écrit :
> sent from a phone
> Am 26.02.2016 um 07:08 schrieb Mateusz Konieczny :
>>> Note that names currently in use are often a simplified form of these
>>> "old" names, and that it is straightforward to recognize current names
>>> in old names.
>>> For example, on Koro Island, here is a list of correspondences old
>>> name
>>> - current name:
>>> Kande - Kade
>>> Nambuna - Nabuna
>>> Nangaindamu - Naqaidamu
>>> Sinuvatha - Sinuvaca
>>> Namathu - Namacu
>>> Mundu - Mudu
> are these names English or fiji or hindi?
> cheers 
> Martin 

They are "name" found in reports from Fijian officials or medias - that
apparently use English, an official language in Fiji (I haven't seen
Fijian news reports in other languages - yet) - and often found in the
"name" tag in OSM in Fiji. And in 1944 US topo maps for "old_name".



"On ne m’ôtera pas de l’idée que, pendant la dernière guerre mondiale,
de nombreux juifs ont eu une attitude carrément hostile à l’égard du
régime nazi." Pierre Desproges
"I won't be deprived of the idea that, during the last world war, many
Jews had a downright hostile attitude toward the Nazi regime."

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Names for Fiji

2016-02-26 Thread Jean-Guilhem Cailton
Le 26/02/2016 07:08, Mateusz Konieczny a écrit :
> On Fri, 26 Feb 2016 02:02:23 +0100
> Jean-Guilhem Cailton  wrote:
>> Note that names currently in use are often a simplified form of these
>> "old" names, and that it is straightforward to recognize current names
>> in old names.
>> For example, on Koro Island, here is a list of correspondences old
>> name
>> - current name:
>> Kande - Kade
>> Nambuna - Nabuna
>> Nangaindamu - Naqaidamu
>> Sinuvatha - Sinuvaca
>> Namathu - Namacu
>> Mundu - Mudu
> Is there any reliable method without copyright problems to check
> whatever given name should go into name or old_name tag?

Hi Mateusz,

Thank you for your interest.

For names used in news or social media reports, you can find their
location using public domain AMS map (and possibly old_name) and Bing
(or other allowed satellite imagery).

Mappers wishing to help add names in OSM for Fiji can contact me, and
I'll share access to a spreadsheet where we collect place names that are
missing in OSM, and that we come across in news or social media reports.

Best wishes,


"On ne m’ôtera pas de l’idée que, pendant la dernière guerre mondiale,
de nombreux juifs ont eu une attitude carrément hostile à l’égard du
régime nazi." Pierre Desproges
"I won't be deprived of the idea that, during the last world war, many
Jews had a downright hostile attitude toward the Nazi regime."

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Überwachung von Edits eines Users

2016-02-26 Thread Michael Reichert
Hallo Dietmar,

Am 26.02.2016 um 08:50 schrieb Dietmar:
> gibt es ein OSM-Tool, bei dem ich einen oder mehrere User angeben kann
> und ich per Mail oder RSS oder sonstwie automatisch informiert werden
> oder auf einem Blick sehen kann, ob die User in den letzten Minuten und
> Stunden aktiv sind?

Die Bearbeitungen eines bestimmten Users kannst du mit folgendem
RSS-Feed überwachen. Früher, zu Zeiten der alten Website, war der auf
Benutzerseite verlinkt, heute nicht mehr.

Bei WhoDidIt kannst du dir einen persönlichen Feed anlegen. WhoDidIt
beachtet aber nur Änderungen an Nodes.

Viele Grüße


Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Domain abzugeben

2016-02-26 Thread Stephan Knauss


könnte vielleicht für die OSM Freiberufler hier interessant sein.

Ich habe die Domain "". Da ich mit OSM kein Geld verdiene 
ist mir die für den Einsatzzweck den ich dafür noch hätte zu teuer geworden.

Ich finanziere ja schon jetzt recht viel aus eigener Tasche.

Wer Interesse daran hat die Domain direkt zu übernehmen sollte sich die 
nächsten Tage mal bei mir melden. Eine finanzielle Anerkennung die den 
Betrieb meines Servers unterstützt sollte dann aber drin sein.

Alternativ: einfach etwas warten und die Domain regulär registrieren in 
der Hoffnung dass niemand schneller ist.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New users and P2

2016-02-26 Thread Marc Gemis
How do you detect that stuff is gone ? I'm thinking of benches,
waste-bins, telephones, etc. All those little things that are not or
hardly visible on aerial imagery ?
Do you constantly look at the screen of your smartphone or GPS to see
whether there is such a "small" thing mapped ?



On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 6:28 PM, Andy Townsend  wrote:
> On 25/02/2016 17:04, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
> One thought I've had for a long time (and have probably mentioned in the
> past) is a walkers' editor (app rather than web-based). To be used something
> like:
> User goes for walk and records GPX trace, following this sort of pattern.
> Each time the type of right of way changes, the user selects a high level
> type ("Public Footpath", "Public Bridleway" etc in the UK) together with
> optional surface tags.
> User can also enter relevant POIs like stiles, gates etc when they are
> encountered.
> When user returns home, track simplification algorithm used to make a way
> from the GPX trace and tags it with the tags equivalent to the ROW type.
> User downloads data from OSM and algorithms are used to auto-join the user's
> new ways to existing ways where appropriate (or alternatively, the user does
> this manually)
> That's not a million miles from the way that I map right now, albeit without
> the benefits of an "app" as such:
> I record a GPS trace (on a Garmin) with numbered waypoints in it.  The
> symbols for the Garmin waypoints "mean" something, so the "boat ramp" symbol
> means "public right of way".  If it's a bridleway I'll add "BR" to the
> comment on the Garmin.  If more text is needed (e.g. the name of a shop I've
> created a waypoint for) I'll create an line in an email to myself, the start
> of which is the Garmin waypoint number and the rest of which is the comment.
> When I get home I'll split the individual traces out programmatically, merge
> the comments from the email into the GPX file (likewise) and upload to OSM.
> I'll then edit in OSM using the uploaded trace directly (using P2 - JOSM
> can't process waypoints in a way that's useful to me).  Usually the
> combination of new GPS trace, previous GPS traces, Bing imagery, OS OpenData
> StreetView imagery and my recollection is enough to figure out where the
> path should go, but none of those (unless there are really _lots_ of old GPS
> traces) are good enough on their own.
> On an introductory level, I can definitely see the benefits of something
> that can suggest to people "here are the other attributes of $thing that
> you've just added", like iD does, and like Kort does/used to do (see
> ).
> Cheers,
> Andy
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

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