Position of windows...

2000-01-01 Thread Fred Weissman

I'm another new user of TheBat, and I have a question about the positioning
of TheBat's windows.  Specifically, the editing window.

I do -not- run Bat in maximized window mode, preferring to have "medium"
size windows open, so I can have access to other things on my desktop.  No
matter where the editing window is positioned when I close it, it reopens
towards the upper left of my desktop.  Sometimes in the extreme upper left
corner, and sometimes just up in that vicinity.  It -rarely- opens up
exactly where it was when I shut it.

Any suggestions for keeping it's position in one place?
I've heard from two other new users that this happens to them also, so I'm
fairly certain this is a "feature" of TheBat.


I remember the last words my father said to me before he died, "Be
careful with that gun son, I think the safety is off"

[EMAIL PROTECTED]www.phred.net/~phred

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Re[2]: Sticky Send/Fetch Windows Positions ?

2000-01-01 Thread Nick Andriash

Hello Marck,

Saturday, January 01, 2000, 11:04:14 AM, you wrote:

MDP Sadly,  no.  It  is  an  option  to  remember  the  positions  of  the
MDP Sending/Receiving progress windows.

Thanks  for  responding Marck... yes, that is sad indeed. I wonder why
they  would  think  people  would  want  a 'feature' like that, and to
further include it in the options? Who cares?

Best regards,

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Re: Problem With Sounds

2000-01-01 Thread Rob

Hello all,

on Sat, 1 Jan 2000, at 11:29:22 local time (GMT -0800), Nick wrote:

 all these problems... spelling dictionaries, and now with sounds.

what's the problem with the dictionaries ??

 Can  someone  tell  me what the default setting is there so that I can
 hear the incoming mail sound 24 hours a day?


using The Bat! 1.38e

... The sooner you fall behind, the more time you'll have to catch up.

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Re: Problems With Spell Checking

2000-01-01 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hi Nick,

On  01 January 2000  at  11:17:00 GMT -0800 (which was 19:17 where I
live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote and made these points:

NA I can't remember having an option during the install as to what
NA Dictionary I could use, but I'm going to re-install the Program to
NA see if that is true.

It  is  a *very* long time since I installed TB :-) and I really don't
remember  what  selections were available for spelling at the point of
installation. I do remember something about the international language
pack helping out with dictionaries, however.

NA When I check my Spelling Options, I seem to have the choice of US
NA English or British...

... and I, being English, choose option 2 which works perfectly for me

NA then there is a double line, after which I can choose American,
NA British or Australian.

I  haven't  seen  an  Australian  one  anywhere  myself.  I  only have
"American English (CSAPI)" and "British English" below a *single* line
at this position. I don't use either of these.

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
www: http://www.silverstones.com
Using The Bat! 1.38e
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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Re[4]: Sticky Send/Fetch Windows Positions ?

2000-01-01 Thread Nick Andriash

Hello Carsten,

Saturday, January 01, 2000, 11:27:27 AM, you wrote:

CD Well,  actually,  I  do! ;] I have two accounts and prefer to have the
CD send/receive windows showing up off to the side and next to each other
CD because  it  keeps  my  screen less cluttered and I like seeing how my
CD mail download is progressing.

CD Probably not very important, but I like it.

I  stand  corrected then. :o) Myself, I would prefer to have that kind
of  notification  in  the  task bar at the bottom of the page, or some
less  intrusive  postion  than in the middle of your page. Actually, I
find it quite disruptive where it is, so I will use their 'feature' to
put  in in a corner somewhere. I realise now why they've included that
option. :o)


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Re[2]: Problem With Sounds

2000-01-01 Thread Nick Andriash

Hello Rob,

Saturday, January 01, 2000, 11:45:08 AM, you wrote:

R what's the problem with the dictionaries

Well, if I choose the built-in British Dictionary, almost every word I
type  has the wavy red line under it... it's almost as if there are no
words  at all in the British Dictionaries database. Spellling mistakes
like  this  are  caught,  but  the  suggested word is "Telling" of all
things. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it's suggested
list of alternate words.

I  must  having  something  amiss  in  my  installation,  because this
wouldn't  be  tolerated  by  anyone,  but  I don't know what I've done
wrong, or how to correct the problem.

Right  now,  I  have  to go back and correct almost 98% of the words I
just  typed,  because  they have those wavy red lines underneath them.
Very  frustrating indeed!! What is worse, is that it doesn't even pick
up the REAL spelling mistakes most of the time.


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Re[3]: Move to Folder command

2000-01-01 Thread Syafril Hermansyah

On  Sat,  1  Jan  2000  19:54:35  +0100 GMT your local time, which was
Sunday,  January  02, 2000, 01:54:35 [GMT+0700] my local time, Carsten
Dreesbach told to the list, and this is my reply :

 is  it  just  me  or does the Move to Folder command not work? Or am I
 just too stupid to use it!? ;]

[ ... ]

CD Ah,  sorry,  forgot  to specify: Move to Folder does not work if I
CD open the message, then select the command from the Message menu in
CD the editor window. Does that work for you?

Confirm, not working in my Win98 here.

Kind Regards,


Opinions expressed are only mine
Name: Syafril Hermansyah  
Company : Duta Integrasi Pratama - Indonesia  
Voice   : (62) (21) 385-1600 / 351-8446   
Fax to  : (62) (21) 351-9241 

Created : Sunday, January 02, 2000, 02:22:51 (GMT +07:00)

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Re[2]: Problems With Spell Checking

2000-01-01 Thread Nick Andriash

Hello Carsten,

Saturday, January 01, 2000, 10:59:51 AM, you wrote:

CD Well,  you  can select the language you check for in the Spell Checker
CD menu  under Language. It keeps the last language you selected. Failing
CD that,  are  you  sure you installed the dictionary? I seem to remember
CD that there was an option which dictionaries you want to install, don't
CD remember exactly though, I'm kinda new to TB! myself... ;]

I  can't  remember  having  an  option  during  the install as to what
Dictionary I could use, but I'm going to re-install the Program to see
if  that is true. When I check my Spelling Options, I seem to have the
choice  of US English or British... then there is a double line, after
which  I  can choose American, British or Australian. The problem with
choosing  any  one of those bottom three... the checker never picks up
an any mistakes... even glaring :o) spelling missttaakes. You see,
it never caught those.

The  only  one  I  can  use  with  any degree of efficiency, is the US
English at the top of the list, but I'm from Canada, and prefer to use
the International English or Canadian/British Dictionaries.

The  whole  Dictionary  thing  for  me seems really messed up, and I'm
going  to try for a re-install and see if that helps. While I do that,
I'll keep an eye open for an option to choose a Dictionary. Thanks for
trying to help.


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Feature Request

2000-01-01 Thread Jim

Hello ,

  Where do I send a feature request to. I have a real need to be able
  to edit the subject line that is displayed in the message lists.

  For example: I get a message back from a supplier with a subject
  like  "Quote 13-57555"   I would like it to change it to something
  like  "Quote 13-57555 Client Name NF 5000"

  I can do this in Eudora and Outlook 2000.

--  Best regards, Jim

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Re: Sticky Send/Fetch Windows Positions ?

2000-01-01 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hi Nick,

On  01 January 2000  at  10:37:32 GMT -0800 (which was 18:37 where I
live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote and made these points:

NA Can  someone  elaborate on what the above subject means? I cannot find
NA anything  in  the  Help  File on it,

It  is  a  new  feature  introduced in 1.38. The Help file lags behind
somewhat :-).

NA I was hoping it was a feature that would allow the window created
NA for a new message, could be placed in a specific postion on your
NA screen, and made to "Stick" to that position from that point on.

Sadly,  no.  It  is  an  option  to  remember  the  positions  of  the
Sending/Receiving progress windows.

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
www: http://www.silverstones.com
Using The Bat! 1.38e
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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Re: Feature Request

2000-01-01 Thread Syafril Hermansyah

On  Sat,  1  Jan  2000  12:35:58  -0600 GMT your local time, which was
Sunday,  January 02, 2000, 01:35:58 [GMT+0700] my local time, Jim told
to the list, and this is my reply :

J Where do I send a feature request to. I have a real need to be able
J to edit the subject line that is displayed in the message lists.

J For  example:  I  get a message back from a supplier with a subject
J like  "Quote  13-57555"  I  would like it to change it to something
J like "Quote 13-57555 Client Name NF 5000"

You  means  change  the  subject in reply editor mode (it should be no
problem) or in message list on folder ?

Kind Regards,


Opinions expressed are only mine
Name: Syafril Hermansyah  
Company : Duta Integrasi Pratama - Indonesia  
Voice   : (62) (21) 385-1600 / 351-8446   
Fax to  : (62) (21) 351-9241

Created : Sunday, January 02, 2000, 02:00:32 (GMT +07:00)

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Re: Feature Request

2000-01-01 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hi Jim,

On  01 January 2000  at  12:35:58 GMT -0600 (which was 18:35 where I
live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote and made these points:

J Where do I send a feature request to.

You  might  use  the  Help  /  Feedback  / Suggestions option for this

J I have a real need to be able to edit the subject line that is
J displayed in the message lists.

I can only think of two ways of doing this for the moment:

  1) Export the message to a text file, edit the subject, re-import.
  2) Forward the message to yourself changing the subject en-route.

These methods will both alter date stamps.

Alternatively,  use  filtering  and  folder organisation to categorise

It  may  well  be that features such as message annotation and subject
modification  will be a part of the forthcoming V2, expected ... well,
when the guys at RITlabs are ready to let us have a look. :-)
Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
www: http://www.silverstones.com
Using The Bat! 1.38e
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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Re: Problems With Spell Checking

2000-01-01 Thread Carsten Dreesbach

Hash: SHA1

Hey Nick,

Saturday, January 01, 2000, 7:01:55 PM, you wrote:

NA Does  anyone know if there is a way to make the British Dictionary the
NA default  Dictionary  for  TB?  I've  got  Word  2000 installed, but TB
NA doesn't  seem  to  recognise  it,  and  the built-in Dictionary in TB
NA underlines  in  red,  every  single word I type... it acts as if there
NA isn't one word in it's database.

Well,  you  can select the language you check for in the Spell Checker
menu  under Language. It keeps the last language you selected. Failing
that,  are  you  sure you installed the dictionary? I seem to remember
that there was an option which dictionaries you want to install, don't
remember exactly though, I'm kinda new to TB! myself... ;]

- --

Carstenmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Today's hidden secret:

Oxymoron: Almost exactly

 Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A
 on an Athlon 500 MHz, 256 MB RAM, 10 GB U2W HDD, TNT2U

Version: PGP 6.5i


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Re[2]: Move to Folder command

2000-01-01 Thread Carsten Dreesbach

Hash: SHA1

Hey Januk,

Saturday, January 01, 2000, 3:43:24 AM, you wrote:

 is  it  just  me  or does the Move to Folder command not work? Or am I
 just too stupid to use it!? ;]

JA Works fine for me.  I right clicked on the message, selected move to
JA folder and then selected the appropriate folder.  Lo and behold, the
JA message was moved correctly.  The same thing happened when I tried
JA using ctrl-v.

JA What steps are you trying? Are you sure that the message pane is the
JA selected pane?

Ah,  sorry,  forgot to specify: Move to Folder does not work if I open
the  message,  then  select  the  command from the Message menu in the
editor window. Does that work for you?

- --

Carstenmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Today's hidden secret:

This is an answer given by an 11-year-old on a science exam:

A permanent set of teeth consist of eight canines, eight cuspids, two
molars and eight cuspidors.

 Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A
 on an Athlon 500 MHz, 256 MB RAM, 10 GB U2W HDD, TNT2U

Version: PGP 6.5i


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Problems With Spell Checking

2000-01-01 Thread Nick Andriash

Does  anyone know if there is a way to make the British Dictionary the
default  Dictionary  for  TB?  I've  got  Word  2000 installed, but TB
doesn't  seem  to  recognise  it,  and  the built-in Dictionary in TB
underlines  in  red,  every  single word I type... it acts as if there
isn't one word in it's database.

I've  imported British.tlx from Eudora, but I'm wondering if I have to
import  British.clx  as  well?  I'd  much  rather  choose  the British
Dictionary  that the help file tells me comes with the Program, but as
I said, there doesn't seem to be any words in it's database. I seem to
be  able  to  choose my British Dictionary I imported from Eudora, but
only  on  a  message to message basis... I cannot seem to set it up as
the default.

Any  help  greatly  appreciated...  or  help  pointing me in the right



N.J. (Nick) Andriash
PGP Keys available from KeyServers

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Re[2]: Y2K

2000-01-01 Thread Syafril Hermansyah

On  Fri,  31  Dec  1999  17:05:13 -0700 GMT your local time, which was
Saturday,  January  01, 2000, 07:05:13 (GMT+0700) my local time, Keith
Russell told to the list:

KR Hey, Syafril, I watched the performance from Indonesia this morning
KR (my time). It was impressive!

Thank you.
My  ISP  plan  to upgrade his bandwith from "symetric" 5 MB (around 10
MB)  to  "asymetric" 16 MB (around 32 MB) start from 1 January 2000 (I
doubt  if  he  already  done  it),  and  because  my Server in his NOC
(Network  Operation  Center),  so  the  performance  of my Server also

This  month  my  server  will  change the connection, from 10BaseT HUB
connection to 100BaseT Switch, also I 'll upgrade the HDD and RAM (now
using  IDE  4  GB  and  128 MB RAM) to SCSI and 256 MB RAM, I hope the
performance will increase.

KR Still 1999 for nearly 7 hours here

I think you're pass the Y2K now :-)

Kind Regards,


Opinions expressed are only mine
Name: Syafril Hermansyah  
Company : Duta Integrasi Pratama - Indonesia  
Voice   : (62) (21) 385-1600 / 351-8446   
Fax to  : (62) (21) 351-9241 Att. : Syafril Hermansyah-000FAX 

Created : Sunday, January 02, 2000, 00:58:51 (GMT +07:00)

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Re: Y2K

2000-01-01 Thread Adam Golebiowski

Syafril wrote:

SH Happy New Year to you all from Indonesia

Polish servers also passed :)
yeah! internet is working, irc is working - yeah!
y2k bug doesn`t exist.. :)

/Adam +[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.zielonka.prv.pl/  \
| "Chiquita"  | IRC: G_ADam   @#Zielonka   #klub  @#radiostacja|
\ Go³êbiowski + PGP key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=SEND%20PGP /

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Re[2]: Feature Request

2000-01-01 Thread Jim

Hello Syafril,

Saturday, January 01, 2000, 1:03:12 PM, you wrote:

SH On  Sat,  1  Jan  2000  12:35:58  -0600 GMT your local time, which was
SH Sunday,  January 02, 2000, 01:35:58 [GMT+0700] my local time, Jim told
SH to the list, and this is my reply :

J Where do I send a feature request to. I have a real need to be able
J to edit the subject line that is displayed in the message lists.

J For  example:  I  get a message back from a supplier with a subject
J like  "Quote  13-57555"  I  would like it to change it to something
J like "Quote 13-57555 Client Name NF 5000"

SH You  means  change  the  subject in reply editor mode (it should be no
SH problem) or in message list on folder ?

I need it changed in the message list folder.

Best regards,

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Re: Problem With Sounds

2000-01-01 Thread Rob

Hello all,

on Sat, 1 Jan 2000, at 12:01:37 local time (GMT -0800), Nick wrote:

 Well, if I choose the built-in British Dictionary, almost every word I
 type  has the wavy red line under it... it's almost as if there are no
 words  at all in the British Dictionaries database.

is that after the normal TB install or did you install the International
language pack (or whatever it's called) ??
i have the pack and British English works just fine - it even caught
'british' ; with capital B it's OK ... ;)

using The Bat! 1.38e

... The only problem with mornings is that they happen too early in the day.

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Re: (No Subject)

2000-01-01 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Tim,

Saturday, January 01, 2000, 5:47:17 AM, you wrote:


 I'm a new user of The Bat! and I'd like to import my archived emails
 from my old email client into The Bat.  However, my old email client
 only has two export options: to save each invididual message as a text
 file (which although I could then import each individual message into
 The Bat!, there are over 5,000 of them - not an appealing task); and
 to save all the messages with headers into one text file, with each
 message '!# rmail' separated.  Is there a way to import this text file
 into The Bat?

What e-mail program are you importing from? Is it not listed in the
import mail box wizard? (In case you don't know, go into Tools -
Import Messages - Mailbox Import Wizard.) If your old mail program is
listed there, it is extremely easy and efficient to convert. If not,
others have posted their solutions. :)

Good luck.

Thanks for writing

 Using The Bat! 1.38e
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re[3]: Y2K

2000-01-01 Thread tracer

Hello Syafril Hermansyah,
On Sun, 2 Jan 2000 01:09:32 +0700 GMT your local time,
which was Sunday, January 02, 2000, 1:09:32 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Syafril Hermansyah wrote:

Syafril This  month  my  server  will  change the connection, from 10BaseT HUB
Syafril connection to 100BaseT Switch, also I 'll upgrade the HDD and RAM (now
Syafril using  IDE  4  GB  and  128 MB RAM) to SCSI and 256 MB RAM, I hope the
Syafril performance will increase.
I would recommend first adding the ram and then seeing what happens.
You need 2 drives anyway and if you want more speed, you could be
better off buying some UDMA 66 drives and a new board then buying the
scsi drives of high speed. Latest AOPEN can do almost any chips (with
risercards) and runs about S$150.
A friend just got one and while the setting up took him a bit of time,
it now runs a coppermine 500 at 700, UDMA drives run about
16mb/sec Board will also run a celeron /P2 so its a nice way to
upgrade and MUCH cheaper then high speed scsi!
Donot forget you need at least 2 drives anyway

KR Still 1999 for nearly 7 hours here

Syafril I think you're pass the Y2K now :-)
yes, friend had compaq 496, dos doesnt like 2000 but windows happily
tells him it is...

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.38e 

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Re: Feature Request

2000-01-01 Thread tracer

Hello Jim,
On Sat, 1 Jan 2000 12:35:58 -0600 GMT your local time,
which was Sunday, January 02, 2000, 1:35:58 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Jim wrote:

Jim Hello ,

Jim   Where do I send a feature request to. I have a real need to be able
Jim   to edit the subject line that is displayed in the message lists.

Jim   For example: I get a message back from a supplier with a subject
Jim   like  "Quote 13-57555"   I would like it to change it to something
Jim   like  "Quote 13-57555 Client Name NF 5000"
would the quote 13-57555 be unique???
I mean any chance that a patch utility run over the mailbox could
modify unintended  messages and keeping in mind it will modify ANY
string like that found in all likely hood?

Jim   I can do this in Eudora and Outlook 2000.

Jim --  Best regards, Jim

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.38e 

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Re[4]: Move to Folder command

2000-01-01 Thread tracer

Hello Syafril Hermansyah,
On Sun, 2 Jan 2000 02:25:14 +0700 GMT your local time,
which was Sunday, January 02, 2000, 2:25:14 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Syafril Hermansyah wrote:

Syafril On  Sat,  1  Jan  2000  19:54:35  +0100 GMT your local time, which was
Syafril Sunday,  January  02, 2000, 01:54:35 [GMT+0700] my local time, Carsten
Syafril Dreesbach told to the list, and this is my reply :

 is  it  just  me  or does the Move to Folder command not work? Or am I
 just too stupid to use it!? ;]

Syafril [ ... ]

CD Ah,  sorry,  forgot  to specify: Move to Folder does not work if I
CD open the message, then select the command from the Message menu in
CD the editor window. Does that work for you?

Syafril Confirm, not working in my Win98 here.
I would imagine that moving an OPEN message is kind of a potential
disaster... besides a programming nightmare.
Files being moved while open is like someone removing the chair you
are going to sit on without you checking if its still there

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.38e 

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Re: Problem With Sounds

2000-01-01 Thread tracer

Hello Nick Andriash,
On Sat, 1 Jan 2000 11:29:22 -0800 GMT your local time,
which was Sunday, January 02, 2000, 2:29:22 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Nick Andriash wrote:

Nick Hi There,
I've put zeros in
Nick those  boxes...  thinking  that would allow for sounds 24 hours a day,
Nick but I may have wrongly indicated NO sounds whatsover.
you did...

Nick Can  someone  tell  me what the default setting is there so that I can
Nick hear the incoming mail sound 24 hours a day? Thanks very much for your
Nick help.

Nick Nick

Nick ==
Nick N.J. (Nick) Andriash
Nick PGP Keys available from KeyServers

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.38e 

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Re: Move to Folder command

2000-01-01 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello tracer,

Saturday, January 01, 2000, 6:56:48 PM, you wrote:
 I would imagine that moving an OPEN message is kind of a potential
 disaster... besides a programming nightmare.
 Files being moved while open is like someone removing the chair you
 are going to sit on without you checking if its still there

True, but then why offer the option if it doesn't work?

Thanks for writing

 Using The Bat! 1.38e
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re[2]: Feature Request

2000-01-01 Thread Jim

Hello tracer,

Saturday, January 01, 2000, 8:53:04 PM, you wrote:

Jim   For example: I get a message back from a supplier with a subject
Jim   like  "Quote 13-57555"   I would like it to change it to something
Jim   like  "Quote 13-57555 Client Name NF 5000"
t would the quote 13-57555 be unique???
t I mean any chance that a patch utility run over the mailbox could
t modify unintended  messages and keeping in mind it will modify ANY
t string like that found in all likely hood?

I don't want it to be some sort of patch/batch routine. I want to put
the cursor on the displayed subject line and change THAT messages
displayed subject to whatever I want.  I don't care if it changes the
actual subject line, I just want to be able to change what is
displayed. It really would be useful to me.

Best regards,

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URLs to Netscape via TheBat

2000-01-01 Thread Fred Weissman

When I position the cursor over a URL in TheBat (1.38e), it changes to a
nice blue arrow.  This indicates to me that it recognizes it as a URL.  I
double-click on the URL and nothing happens.  I assume it should launch
Netscape and head out to the site in question.  Am I missing something

Not related, but confusing...

In the message editor, when I am finished, I hit F2 to send the missive to
the Outbox queue.  When I hit SHIFT-F2, a little window comes up asking me
if I want to send the message.  I assume it means right now.  I have a
friend who is using the same version of Bat as I am, and his F2 and
SHIFT-F2 actions are reversed.  Even as listed in the dropdown menu.
Can anyone shed some light on this one?


Forgive me if I bite your head off; I was led to assume you weren't
using it in the first place.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]www.phred.net/~phred

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