The Bat and Mac computing

2009-08-16 Thread Achdut18
I am contemplating switching from a Windows machine to a Mac.
However, I will need to run some windows-based software, so I would
get something like VMware's Fusion that would allow me to do this.

Has anyone used The Bat on a Mac, either directly, or using windows
emulation software, such Fusion?  If so, what has been your


Avram Sacks

Using The Bat! 4Ver. 4.0.18 with Windows XP Pro.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

sending mail to groups

2009-08-10 Thread Achdut18
Hi, Everyone,

Is it possible to send mail to a group, using the group name in the
To field, without The Bat expanding all addresses into the field
when sending?  The Help file suggests that this is not possible.  I am
not interested in personalizing the messages (at least, not at the
moment). Rather, I want to know that if I send a mailing, say, to the
Ways and Means committee, can it be sent in such a way that the
recipients will see in the to field Ways and Means Committee
rather than the individual e-mail addresses of each member?

Avram Sacks
using The Bat ver. 4.0.20 on Windows XP Pro, sp2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

cannot open messge base file from networked computer

2009-01-14 Thread Achdut18
Hi, everyone,

Can you help me figure out why a networked computer is unable to open my 
primary account's inbox?

Here is my setup:

Two computers, both running XP Pro, are on a local wireless network (802.11b).  
The desktop is connected to the router by an ethernet cable while the laptop is 
connected wirelessly.  The Bat's mail files reside on the desktop and enabled 
for full file sharing on Windows Explorer. The files are accessed by users of 
both the desktop and the laptop.  Thus it is possible for the laptop user to 
download, read, write, and delete any e-mail. I have twelve e-mail accounts, 
coming from three different mail servers: gmail, a private domain, and my ISP's 
server. Because of the 60 ft, two-floor, distance between the laptop and  the 
router (which cannot be moved), the laptop's connection to the network is slow, 
but it does work.  This setup has worked fine for about five months. FWIW, the 
entire desktop is backed up on an external hard drive, nightly. Three full 
backups are on the external hard drive (full file backups, not imaged). 

However, increasingly, in recent weeks, the laptop occasionally fails to open 
up the inbox of my primary account which comes through the private domain, even 
though it can open up the sent and outbox folders as well as all other 
mailboxes, including those coming from the same server as the inbox of my 
primary account. On the desktop, this inbox is fully accessible, although, 
occasionally it will also appear blank-but I have always been able to repair it 
using the maintenance center.

To try and repair the missing e-mail from my primary account's inbox when 
accessing mail from the laptop I have done the following: On the desktop, I 
opened up the maintenance center and ran a full repair of the entire Mail 
directory (checkmarking check integrity, remove duplicates, and 
compress). I have tried to do the same on the laptop.  However, the 
maintanance center states for the problematic inbox, cannot open message 
base.  I have checked the properties for the inbox while using the laptop to 
confirm that it is the same folder as that accessed by the e-mail client when 
using the desktop.  Can you help me to troubleshoot this further?  

I don't know if file size has anything to do with this, but the inbox .tbb file 
is about 397 MB and the entire inbox is about 2.76GB.  The entire primary 
account is 3.02 GB  (file size is determined by right clicking on the folder in 
Windows Explorer and going to properties.  The file size listings from within 
The Bat do not appear to be reliable.

Any ideas as to what I can do to fix this?

Avram Sacks

running The Bat ver. 4.0.20
on XP Pro SP2

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: cannot open messge base file from networked computer

2009-01-14 Thread Achdut18
Hello tracer,

Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 8:51:57 PM, you wrote in response to my
problem about not being able to open up the message base file from a
networked laptop::

t Sorry to ask but have you run a disk check?

One is running on the laptop at this moment, and one will run on the
desktop after sending this message. However, I did run a disk check
using the XP utility and repaired some bad clusters just a few nights
ago.  Problem presented (again) AFTER the check.

t Second question is if you have a spare Laptop hard disk (or usb disk)
t so that you can see if with another disk drive the problem
t disappears...

No spare.

t Third one is: Is it possible to test laptop out without
t that 60m cable in between... Maybe your network is a bit flaky.

 When I have time I will bring laptop down to desktop and connect via
ethernet cable to router to eliminate network connection issues.

 I don't know if file size has anything to do with this, but the
 inbox .tbb file is about 397 MB and the entire inbox is about
 2.76GB.  The entire primary account is 3.02 GB  (file size is
 determined by right clicking on the folder in Windows Explorer and
 going to properties.  The file size listings from within The Bat
 do not appear to be reliable.

t Do you really need all that data permanently accessible???

Well, the message file (the .TBB file?) itself is only 394 MB.
However, there are a bunch of other files, each with 393 to 486 MB. I
don't know what they are, but they are listed as:

bat275c.tmp  393MB
messages.bck   446 MB
messages.bk0   486 MB
messages bk1   392 MB
messages bk2   392 MB
messages bk3   393 MB
messages ib0 17kb
messages ib1 18 kb
messages ib2 17kb
messages ib3 17kb
messages ibk 17kb
messages.tbb 394 MB
messages.tbi1 MB
part0001.bin  1 MB
part0002.bin  5 MB
part0003.bin  500 kb

I am assuming all of the bk files are backup files.  They all have
different dates.I could delete all but the most recent one, but I am
not sure that would solve my problem.

Avram Sacks

Running The Bat ver. 4.0.18 on XP Pro sp2

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

How to recover missing inbox mail on 2nd computer

2008-12-18 Thread Achdut18
Hi, everyone.

This is a great list and I am hoping that someone can help me recover missing 
inbox mail on one of two computers. I use The Bat on two computers, a desktop 
and a laptop. The two computers are connected on  a network through a wireless 
router. The Bat was originally installed on the desktop. This summer, I 
installed The Bat on the laptop but set up account preferences such that all 
mail data remains on the desktop. In other words, both the laptop and the 
desktop read, download and edit mail from files that reside on the desktop. 
Essentially, the desktop functions as a mail server for both the desktop and 
the laptop.

I have 13 mail accounts and all appear on both machines.  My primary account, 
the one that I use for personal correspondence to family and friends, has about 
2100 messages in it and occupies about 450,000MB of space.  Yesterday, 
something happened during an operation (either download, or exit) that resulted 
in all mail disappearing from the inbox of my primary e-mail account on both 
machines, except that one message did remain on the desktop.  When I tried to 
open the message, the maintenance center opened up and prompted me for repair 
of the mail accounts. I selected the inbox for the account with missing mail, 
and after the process ran, the missing mail--apparently all of it--returned.  

I was not so fortunate with the laptop.  I tried to use the maintenance center 
to restore the lost mail, but the process finished without recovering any mail. 
 When I look in Account/properties, the pop up dialogue box automatically 
points to the same data file that is used by the desktop; however, there is 
something going on that is keeping me from seeing the e-mail, even though that 
same file does allow me to view the e-mail on the desktop.  

Can anyone give me a step-by-step procedure that will restore the missing mail 
on to my desktop?

Thanks, in advance, for your help.

Avram Sacks

Using The Bat ver. 4.0.20 on XP Professional SP2 on both laptop and desktop

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Fwd: How to recover missing inbox mail on 2nd computer - problem solved!

2008-12-18 Thread Achdut18
Moments after sending the e-mail, copied, in part, below, I returned to the 
errant inbox, only to see it populate with the missing messages right before my 
eyes.  This is curious since it did not so populate after running the 
maintenance center process.  However, after going to a different account and 
then clicking back, something was triggered that allowed the list to populate. 
(By the way, in the last line of my first note, I referred, in err, to the 
desktop; I had meant to write Can anyone give me a step-by-step procedure that 
will restore the missing mail on to my laptop?

Hopefully, that advice will no longer be needed.

Avram Sacks

Using The Bat ver. 4.0.20 on XP Professional SP2 on both laptop and desktop

This is a forwarded message
From: Achdut18
Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 3:17:19 AM
Subject: How to recover missing inbox mail on 2nd computer

===8==Original message text===
Hi, everyone.

This is a great list and I am hoping that someone can help me recover missing 
inbox mail on one of two computers. ***


Can anyone give me a step-by-step procedure that will restore the missing mail 
on to my desktop?

Thanks, in advance, for your help.

===8===End of original message text===

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Seeing double: Home networks and The Bat!

2008-09-19 Thread Achdut18
Roelof Otten's advice on Sept 16 about how to enable multiple users on a pc to 
use the same mail directory made me think that the same advice would work for 
multiple computers on a home network.  So, following that advice I was able to 
get The Bat! on our wireless laptop to see, store, and download the same e-mail 
seen, stored, and downloaded by the desktop (on whose hard drive the mail 
directory resides.)  Unfortunately, if mail is downloaded on computer A, while 
TB is open on computer B, or vice versa, a subsequent download by the second 
machine will result in TWO copies of each newly downloaded e-mail appearing on 
the second machine.  However, if TB is first closed and then opened, the newly 
downloaded mail will magically without duplicates.

Can anyone help me fix this?

Avram Sacks
Using TB ver. 4.18 on Windows XP Pro SP2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Seeing double: Home networks and The Bat!

2008-09-19 Thread Achdut18
Hello Roelof,

Friday, September 19, 2008, 4:17:54 PM, you wrote in response to my query about 
duplicate messages being downloaded to a laptop on a homework that has just 
been set up as the second networked computer to have TB! running:

RO You wouldn't have configured that TB leaves the mail on the server for
RO some time, would you? Otherwise messages that are downloaded will be
RO deleted by the server.

Yes!  That must be it.  I had been leaving it on the server for 14 days after 
download.  I just changed the setting and I would imagine that what you 
suggested is correct.  No time to test at the moment, but I bet that that is it!

As always, 




Avram Sacks
using The Bat! 4.0.18 on Windows XP Pro sp2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

moving mail account from one user acct to another user acct

2008-09-16 Thread Achdut18
Hi, everyone, 

How does one move a mail account from one user to another?  Here are the 

Let's say there are two users, A and B, on a computer, each with their own 
Windows account.  Each has administrator privileges and can access the other 
account.  User B has always had The Bat! running and has, say, five different 
mail accounts within The Bat!  User A had always used The Bat! by logging in to 
user B.  However, one week ago, a sixth, separate mail account was created for 
user A within User A's Windows account in a copy of The Bat! that was 
created within A Windows account.  Only that one mail account appears within 
that running of The Bat!  All other mail accounts, but not the newly created 
account for User A appear within the instance of The Bat! that runs within B's 
Windows account. After one week, user A decided that she would prefer to have 
her separate mail account as part of the list found on The Bat! running within 
B's Window account and no longer wishes to have that separate mail account 
running in The Bat! within her own Window's account.

What is the best way to move that account?  Can I move it from within Windows 
Explorer from one copy of The Bat! to another?  Is there a more elegant way?  
If trying to do this would create more problems, such as conflict errors, etc., 
I can just delete the account from The Bat! running in A's Window account and 
re-create it in The Bat! running within B's user account since there is only 
one mail message that would be lost, and the message is not critical. However, 
I would like to know if there is a more elegant method for future reference, as 
well.  Also, it would keep me from having to reset all of the account 
properties if I could do it more elegantly.


Avram Sacks

The Bat Home Edition ver. 4.0.18 on Windows XP Pro, SP2.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Synchronization revisited (or two user synchronization)

2008-04-11 Thread Achdut18
Hi, everyone,

First, I would like to thank everyone who responded to my queries about 
synchronization of two separate installations of The Bat. The help and 
information provided by the moderators and other list members on this, and 
other questions, is invaluable.

After posting my original query about how to synchronize The Bat on two 
separate computers, I went back through my personal archive of Bat mail and 
read every post on synchronization since January 2002.  (As an aside: as a 
testament to The Bat's speed and functionality, I was able to quickly sort and 
pull up every message that had the letter grouping sync anywhere in the 
message.  Since the search was on my hard drive, this search took not more than 
a minute or two, at most. From past experience, I know that it would have taken 
me 15-20 minutes to perform the same search at my office, where all mail is in 
Outlook on a heavily used server located across the country.) It seems to me 
that in most situations involving synchronization that were discussed on the 
list, there is a single user. Thus, synchronizing two computers to the most 
recent file is not an issue.  However, where, as in my case, there are TWO 
users on two separate computers, true synchronization is more difficult since 
the more recent file may not necessarily include actions performed on the other 
computer. A clear example is where user A downloads e-mail on to computer A and 
then deletes some of it.  User B subsequently downloads e-mail on to computer B 
and deletes none, but is likely to delete what A deleted, only at a later time. 
 If synchronization occurs prior to when B deletes the same mail that A 
deleted, I think most synchronization programs would restore to A the mail that 
had already been deleted on A if synchronization goes from B to A.  On the 
other hand, if it goes from computer A to B, then the same problem can also 
occur, depending upon who downloaded and deleted first.  Unless a 
synchronization program is able to identify which e-mails have already been 
read and deleted, there is great potential for the mail box on A, in my 
example, to become clogged with mail copied from computer B that user A had 
already deleted on computer A.  In order for both computers to be up to date, I 
would want to synchronize, automatically, overnight.  (Which can be done with 
3rd party software, I don't know if it can also be done with The Bat's own 
synchronization program.) 

The best solution would be IMAP.  But, my mail file is already at 2.6 GB.  
Although gmail would accommodate this, not all of my mail is through my g-mail 
account. Personal and business mail is through a private domain on another 
server, and for security purposes, I am uncomfortable with leaving personal and 
business correspondence on an outside server. (The provider has a 1 GB limit 
for their most expensive option--too small for my purposes, anyway.) That leads 
me back to POP3.  Since I don't know how a synchronization program could keep 
track of which mail has already been deleted on a computer and keep from 
copying back to that computer such mail from the other computer, it seems to me 
that the next best solution would be to do what a few here have suggested, 
which is to download e-mail separately on to both computers, but BCC any mail 
sent in order to make sure that each computer has on it all sent mail from both 
computers.  This means that read/unread identifiers for a given message will 
not be identical on both machines, and, it also means that some mail deleted on 
one, may not be deleted on the other.  This is not perfect, but it isn't 

If I BCC to myself every sent e-mail from each of my accounts, that leads to 
two questions:

1. Is it possible to program The Bat to automatically BCC to myself every 
e-mail sent?

2. Since BCC'ing to myself every e-mail sent will create duplicates of that 
e-mail on the originating computer, what rule or filter can I create that will 
automatically delete the BCC'd item from the originating computer.  There 
appears to be no BCC field in the filter's parameters.

Moderators:  Are these questions more appropriate for TBTECH?  If so, I'll join 
and post there.

Avram Sacks

Using The Bat ver. 4.0.18 on XP Professional SP2

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Synchronization revisited (gmail/imap/pop)

2008-04-11 Thread Achdut18
For those who have been following this thread, in a post that I just sent, I 
concluded that where two users are involved, the best synchronization solution 
appeared to me to be that I should allow mail to remain on the server for a 
period of time, perform separate downloads on each computer, and BCC to myself 
every piece of outgoing mail.

Unfortunately, I have just discovered that while this works for the servers on 
which I have non-gmail accounts, this is not working with my g-mail accounts.  
Even though I have set account properties in The Bat on BOTH computers to leave 
mail on the server for 14 days, the first computer to download from the gmail 
server, is the one that gets the mail since the last download by either of the 
two computers. The second computer to download will only pick up newer mail, 
and not the mail downloaded by the first computer. I checked my gmail settings 
and discovered that I have IMAP enabled for each of my g-mail accounts and 
nothing is checked in the POP download section of the settings area.  Since I 
only keep listserv mail in gmail, I never want that mail deleted from the gmail 
servers.  So, how should I configure those settings so that The Bat will be 
able to download the mail to both computers?

Avram Sacks
Using The Bat ver. 4.0.18 on XP Pro sp2

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Test - please delete

2008-04-11 Thread Achdut18
This is a test, only.  Please delete.

Avram Sacks

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Test 5

2008-04-11 Thread Achdut18
This is a test.  Please delete

Avram Sacks

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Fwd: Synchronization revisited (gmail/imap/pop)

2008-04-11 Thread Achdut18
Hi, Stuart,

From: Stuart Cuddy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On  Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 1:04 PM Stuart Cuddy wrote:

 A reminder of what Achdut18 typed on:
 Friday, April 11, 2008 at 12:54:10 GMT -0500

A Even though I have set account properties in The Bat on BOTH
A computers to leave mail on the server for 14 days, the first computer to
A download from the gmail server, is the one that gets the mail since the last
A download by either of the two computers. The second computer to download will
A only pick up newer mail, and not the mail downloaded by the first computer. I
A checked my gmail settings and discovered that I have IMAP enabled for each of
A my g-mail accounts and nothing is checked in the POP download section of the
A settings area.  Since I only keep listserv mail in gmail, I never want that
A mail deleted from the gmail servers.  So, how should I configure those
A settings so that The Bat will be able to download the mail to both computers?

You need to recreate those accounts in The Bat as IMAP accounts. Then you can do
what is the best way to go anyway. IMAP rules. (When it works right). :)

OK.  I just tried to reset the protocol for this acccount from POP3 to IMAP4. 
However, the Bat produced an error message that said:  Cannot change protocol 
to IMAP4. Create a new account instead.

Well, I don't want to create a new account. This account is subscribed to over 
a half a dozen listservs.  If I have to change the account, that means 
rejoining each of these listervs, changing filters, etc. Is there an easier way 
to do this?

Note also Dwights reply that you don't need to keep all you files on the IMAP
account. You can download to your hard drive and archive them, then delete them
off the IMAP server. BTW, I actually find that The Bat's IMAP seems to work best
for me with my Gmail account.

OK.  I am not understanding something.  I thought the whole point of IMAP was 
that you LEFT mail on the server so that it was accessible to multiple 
computers.  Besides, I want to be able to access this mail via a web browser 
when I am not tethered to one of my computers.

Avram Sacks
using The Bat ver. 4.0.18 on Windows XP Pro, sp2

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Best way to use The Bat on two home computers?

2008-04-01 Thread Achdut18
Hi, everyone.

On Sunday, March 30, 2008, 4:53:35 PM, Thomas  wrote:

DH Synchronisation is a three step process and so you don't want to be doing 
this on a
DH daily basis.

A Is it really that involved?

TF This is how I have been synchronising for years:

TF Each outgoing mail is BCC'ed to myself. This way, not only the
TF incoming but also the outgoing mails are on each computer on which I
TF check them.

TF TB! is on each computer is set to leave messages on the server, albeit
TF it is possible to set one computer to a number of days ...

TF IMAP or webmail are no option for me due to unreliable and somewhat
TF slow internet connections. ...

After thinking through, further, about how I want to use the laptop and 
desktop, it makes most sense to me to have mail on BOTH machines so that when I 
travel with the laptop, I am not confined to just whatever mail happens to be 
on the server.  It also makes sense that I not use IMAP for several reasons:  
difficulties reported by some people, a friend who owns a computer 
repair/consulting business recommends against it, and I have found that the 
server-based e-mail system we use at the office (where we have T3 lines!!!) is 
often painfully slow.

That brings us to the question of synchronization.  Although The Bat offers a 
synchronization feature; after reading about this in the Help Topics, I assume 
that the feature only works if I have The Bat set up in IMAP, rather than POP3. 
 Is this correct?

If that is so, then, if I want to be able to download messages on the laptop as 
well as the desktop in a POP3 environment, I would have to be willing to live 
with not being able to see on one computer, what messages were read or not read 
on the other.  Is that correct?  

Alternatively, could I set up The Bat on the laptop, but have it point to the 
mail directory on the desktop where the messages are kept, and merely copy that 
directory to my laptop when I travel with it, which is only a few times a year? 

If the answer to this is yes, how do I make an installation of The Bat on the 
laptop point to the mail directory on the desktop?

Would this, then, obviate the need to blind BCC myself on every message sent 
from the laptop?   

And, if I do that, will downloads initiated from the laptop place mail in the 
mail directory on the desktop so long as I have the laptop's installation of 
The Bat point to the Mail folder located on the desktop?


Avram Sacks
Using The Bat 4.0.18 on Windows XP Pro SP2.

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Best way to use The Bat on two home computers?

2008-03-30 Thread Achdut18
Hello Dwight,

Friday, March 28, 2008, 5:58:31 PM, you wrote:

DAC There is no reason why one cannot collect one's mail on both the 
DAC laptop and the desktop. Saves lots of trouble. Just need to bcc 
DAC yourself.  

DAC Better yet, switch to IMAP and leave POP behind. You'll be glad you 
DAC did.

I don't use IMAP--at least not yet.  If I understand it correctly,
with IMAP, I would leave all of my mail on my ISP's server, and both the
desktop and laptop could simultaneously access the mail.  However,
it seems to me that this would be constrained by how much space I am
permitted to have on the ISP's mail server. My mail folder occupies
about 635 MB of space. I also don't like the idea of leaving personal
mail on an outside server.

After reading all of the posts on this subject, It seems to me that I
could do the following: download mail to either the laptop or the
desktop, but then use the synchronization feature of The Bat to make
sure that both machines have the same mail on their hard drives.
Would this also work to automatically copy to the laptop all of the
mail on the desktop, the first time I invoke synchronization on the


Avram Sacks

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Best way to use The Bat on two home computers?

2008-03-30 Thread Achdut18
Hello Doug,

Sunday, March 30, 2008, 3:31:59 PM, you wrote:

DH Hello Achdut18,

DH Sunday, March 30, 2008, 7:25:17 AM, you wrote:

A After reading all of the posts on this subject, It seems to me that I
A could do the following: download mail to either the laptop or the
A desktop, but then use the synchronization feature of The Bat to make
A sure that both machines have the same mail on their hard drives.
A Would this also work to automatically copy to the laptop all of the
A mail on the desktop, the first time I invoke synchronization on the
A laptop?

DH Synchronisation is a three step process and so you don't want to be doing 
this on a
DH daily basis.

Is it really that involved?

DH The solution I have used for a long time was to use TheBat Voyager on a 
memory stick.
DH  I could carry it with me between work and home.

But, I don't want to carry it with me so much, as I want to use it at home, in 
two different offices, on two different computers (the main or desktop 
computer and the second or laptop computer

DH  I've stopped using Voyager for now until version 4 is released.

It is released because I just installed it!
DH  Then I will probably
DH  continue with Voyager after I get the tiniest USB device I can find.  
Since I have a
DH  small laptop, I don't want something big sticking out the side of it.  But 
DH  is by far the best way to keep email with you no matter what machine 
you're on.

But, I don't see that working for me so much if I already have two computers 
linked together on a network.


Avram Sacks
Using (finally!) The Bat on Windows XP Pro SP2

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

cleaning up old folders; .TBB .TBI files

2007-07-08 Thread Achdut18
Hi, everyone, I am in the process of cleaning up old mail files, and
in some cases I have deleted a folder and all of its contents within
the TB mail client; however, in Windows Explorer, I can still see the
folder as a subdirectory within The Bat! file directory. Those folders
contain messages.tbi and messages.tbb. Are these some kind of back up
files? If so, is it possible to safely delete these files and the
parent folder without causing the program to choke or be stuck? None
of the mail being deteleted is anything for which I would ever want to
go back and dig up.

 Chicago, IL

Current version is 3.99 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

mailing to a group name

2006-11-26 Thread Achdut18
How do I send e-mail to a group with only the group name showing up in
the to field?  I set up, as a folder in my address book, a group of
26 addresses. The folder is named cub scout pack.  When I send a
mailing to everyone in the folder, I would like for recipients to see
only the name of the folder cub scout pack, without seeing the
e-mail addresses to which the mailing is going. Is this possible? I
couldn't find an explanation for this in the help files.


Avram Sacks
(Still) using The Bat ver. 1.62r on XP professional

Current version is 3.85.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: setting up a super inbox

2005-08-01 Thread Achdut18
Hello Mary and everyone else who responded to my initial Q about
setting up a super inbox that would hold all the inbox mail of
several different e-mail accounts. Clearly this can be accomplished
with both common as well as virtual folders. But, not for those among
us tenaciously holding on to ver. 1.62r. Those of us living in the
past must settle for the common folder. However, for my purposes, a
virtual folder would have been the way to go as it would insure that
replies would reflect the account that received the message to which I
would be replying. It also would avoid adding unnecessary bytes of
data to be stored to the pc's hard drive. I was all set to upgrade in
order to get some virtual folders, until Mary wrote (at 7:56 a.m. on
Monday, August 1):

MB be aware that major changes to
MB the User Interface have happened and that there's a bit of a learning
MB curve. Further, some parts of those UI changes are still a work in
MB progress, which complicates the learning curve a bit more.

Ok. That didn't phase me. But then, she wrote:

MB NB: If you are one who uses many filters or many keyboard shortcuts,
MB you should be aware that those are not conserved in the upgrade. They
MB will have to be redone, and with the new methods provided in the new
MB User Interface.

That phased me.  I have dozens of folders into which mail is being
sorted. The thought of spending time rekeying all those filters gives
me pause. I will have to upgrade, but not at the moment as I just
don't have the time to do all that rekeying.

Once again, thanks to everyone for your suggestions and input.

Avram Sacks

using The Bat ver. 1.62r on MS XP pro.

Current version is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: setting up a super inbox

2005-07-31 Thread Achdut18
Hello Greg,

To recap, my original question was on how to set up a super inbox
that would contain within it, duplicates of inbox mail for several
different e-mail accounts. Mary Bull suggested a common inbox,
others suggested a virtual inbox.  That seemed appealing to me
because it would not take up additional disk space; however you and
other have said my version of The Bat (1.62r) lacked virtual folder
capability.  (Perhaps a reason for me to finally upgrade, eh?)

On Saturday, July 30, 2005, 10:30:45 AM, you wrote:

GS Not to put a damper on your potential solution, but I don't believe
GS virutual folders existed until after v1. I am looking at your
GS signature line:

What is a common folder and how does it differ from a virtual

If the common folder is a real folder into which mail is
filtered, then, I would have to go back to my original thought of
deleting mail from the common folder after so many days. I would
assume that unlike a virtual folder, mail deleted from the common
folder would not result in the same item being deleted from the
original inbox that it was in. What return address does a reply from
when sent from within a common inbox?


Avram Sacks

Current version is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: setting up a super inbox

2005-07-31 Thread Achdut18
Hello Thomas,

A What is a common folder and how does it differ from a virtual
A folder?

TF That is something which was introduced in the 2.x series.
TF With v1.x, you have only really one option:
TF Create a dummy account and copy to the inbox of that one.

I can actually create a common folder with my version--1.62r. That
option is under folder and new common folder. What I want to know

How do common folders differ from virtual ones?

For example if I remove old messages from the common folder, will
the original message remain in the original folder's inbox even if
the copy is removed from the common folder that I designate to be a
super inbox.

Avram Sacks
Chicago, IL

Current version is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

copying filters between mail accounts

2005-07-04 Thread Achdut18
Hi, everyone.  Is it possible to copy filtering rules from one mail
account to another mail account,or, must I recreate the individual
rules for each filter in the second mail account?

Avram Sacks
Chicago, IL
using The Bat ver. 1.62r on Windows XP Professional

Current version is 3.5.25 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: copying filters between mail accounts

2005-07-04 Thread Achdut18
Hello Roelof,

In response to my query about copying filtering rules from one mail
account to another mail account, you wrote:

RO Depends on what you want to do.
RO When it's just a few filters you can copy them one at a time and paste
RO them to your new account.

I only want to copy a few of the filters from the old account to the
new account. I will be dumping most of the remaining filters along
with the old account.  However, how do I copy them one at a time and
paste them into the new account?  The only copy option on the window
for the filter, places a second copy of the same filter within the
same account. Is copying and pasting filters a functionality available
only on higher versions of The Bat?  (I am using ver. 1.62r).

Avram Sacks
Chicago, IL
using The Bat ver. 1.62r on Windows XP professional ver 5.1, SP2

Current version is 3.5.25 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

strange error messages upon execution of altF2

2005-07-04 Thread Achdut18
Hi, everyone.  Now that I have several e-mail accounts from which to
download e-mail, I have begun using the altF2 command, which
downloads e-mail for all accounts.  Unfortunately, I have experienced
an application crash about 1/10 of the time when this command is
executed.  I have received two different types of error messages in
pop-up windows:  1. System error. Code: 6.  The handle is invalid.
2. External exception C008.

Does anyone know why this is happening?

Avram Sacks
using The Bat ver. 3 on Win XP professional ver. 5.1, sp2

Current version is 3.5.25 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

transport setting variations among ISPs

2005-07-03 Thread Achdut18
Hi everyone.

Thanks to all who gave advice about setting up transport settings on
The Bat for gmail.  In the process of reorganizing my e-mail accounts
by setting up several gmail accounts, several private domain accounts,
and enabling The Bat to access long-standing accounts at
that I previously accessed only through webmail, I have discovered
that different transport settings are required.

Whereas RCN and Comcast use ports 25 and 110, have regular
connections for both outgoing and incoming mail, and do not require
SMTP authentication for sending mail and only regular authentication
for receiving mail, in order to send mail through my private domains,
I must set the send mail settings to Secure to regular port
(STARTTLS) and must set the authentication settings to Perform SMTP
Authentication (RFC 2554) and Use settings of mail retrieval.
G-MAIL not only requires the secure to regular port setting for
sending mail, but also requies the use of different ports for both
sending and receiving mail and also requires the secure to
dedicated port (TLS) setting in order to receive mail.

Can anyone explain both the technical and practical (functional)
difference between these settings and why these differences exist?


Avram Sacks
Using The Bat ver. 1.62r on XP professional

Current version is 3.5.25 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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