Re: DynBat ...

2005-02-12 Thread David Boggon

Hi Mark,

at 9:37 AM (my time) on Saturday 12/2/05 you wrote:

MP> I only took a quick look at the page (didn't try DynBat), but, unless I am
MP> mistaken, it writes to the registry (it doesn't overwrite "regular TB!"'s
MP> keys).

This isn't clear from the Googlised translation, you're right. Page
three of the DynaBat details seems to give a pretty clear outline of
what it does when it opens and closes, however. We need a more
intelligent translation ; )

Page 1 of the DynBat details page (here in original):

says of the benefits of DynBat over The Batch:

> * DynBat bring along its own Registry
> * DynBat secures existing Registryinformationen
> * DynBat does not overwrite existing TheBat! Registrierungsinformationen
> Somt can be used USB stick an installation also at a PC, on that
> already TheBat! one installed.

Perhaps that answers your question.

MP> What happens when you use the USB-stick on another computer, then? Does it
MP> leave traces in the registry there too?

The page mentioned above (in Google-speak) says:

> Which procedures run off, after TheBat! one terminated?
> * The Registry safety devices become rotary secured
> * from tb4.reg tb5.reg becomes.
> * from tb3.reg tb4.reg becomes
> * etc. etc..
> * the same applies to the BayesFilter Registry files (bf4.reg becomes 
> bf5.reg, etc..)
> * The Registry of TheBat! to "tb1.reg" one exports
> * The Registry of BayesFilter is exported to "bf1.reg"
> * The two Registry keys are removed
> * If safety devices of existing Registry keys were made before these are 
> now repaired.
> * DynBat is terminated now likewise.

The Batch also deletes its traces (from the readme file):

> After installing The Batch!, when you want to run The Bat!, you
> double-click on "thebatch.exe" and that loads your The Bat! settings
> from "1.reg" to the registry and starts "thebat.exe". When you exit
> The Bat! the loader saves the settings to "1.reg" and deletes the
> settings in the registry, leaving the computer without trails of The
> Bat! (unless you made The Bat! the default email manager).

But 'The Batch', according to Thomas, doesn't have the functionality
of DYnBat in terms of BayesIT, and various registry details I don't
understand (see the details page of dynbat). Though it seems you can
have a local version to TB installed on the machine you run DynBat
without it interfering.

Would be good to hear from someone who's using it ?





Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field.
I'll meet you there.
  - Rumi

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Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

DynBat ...

2005-02-11 Thread David Boggon

Has anyone any on the list any experience of using TB! from a USB
drive using Thomas's DynBat?

My German isn't great and I wanted to be sure before I try it out.

see here for a translated page

or here for the original

Basically you have a full installation on the USB drive yes? and I
guess you need to synchronise between the home installation and the
USB, assuming of course you wanted two.

So what does DynBat actually do?

Does TB maintain full functionality?





Carbon dioxide levels are the highest for 55 million years, when no
ice was present on the planet and sea levels were 110 mtrs higher.
  - Sir David King, UK chief scientific adviser (Guardian Weekly 23/7/04)

Using V on Windows 2000

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Recycle Bin in TB directory ??

2004-10-24 Thread David Boggon

Hi Mary,

you wrote:

MB> Good. That probably will solve any problems you were having.

Yes I hoped it will. Thanks Mary...





Using V on Windows 2000


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Re: Programing post of a mail...

2004-10-24 Thread David Boggon

Hi WilWilWil,

you wrote:

W> Example : I write an email today but want that this mail is
W> sent to the person it is addressed to the wednesday 27 October at
W> 8:00 AM !

Of course the scheduler allows you to do this, though you would have
to either put the message in a QT or create a special template inside
the scheduler, as far as I know ...





Using V on Windows 2000


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Recycle Bin in TB directory ??

2004-10-24 Thread David Boggon

Hello Mary,

you wrote:

MB> I scoured the whole thing--looked under MAIL, looked under the
MB> separate accounts. Just don't see it.

The folder is in my _Program Directory_ (Program Files|The Bat|Recycle
Bin) no the mail directory, if this is different for you. I have very
different locations for my mail directory and program directory

MB> I have no idea how this got configured in this way for you.

Actually I think I may do. I was experimenting with test filters some
time ago that attempted to send old attachments from my 'sent mail'
archive folder to the recycle bin. I don't know how, but the filter
must have created this folder ... all the files were moved there
('modified') on the same date, suggesting this is the case.

The sorting office does allow you to select the Recycle Bin as target
for extracted attachments from messages, yet running the filter
'catches' messages without actually moving the attachments to the
recycle bin. They remain with the messages and don't appear in the RB.

I just ran the filter manually again and this is what happened ... no
more files were sent to the TB Program Dir Recycle Bin though, so
perhaps that came in to existence when I was first mucking around with
the filter set up.

The messages filtered have had attachments stored separate from
message bodies. I've since swapped back to embedding.

ANy thoughts on all of this would be appreciated...





Using V on Windows 2000


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Recycle Bin in TB directory ??

2004-10-24 Thread David Boggon

Can anyone tell me how the 'recycle bin' in TB Program Directory works?

Only just noticed it exists. It is used for attachments (in mine,
mainly sent msgs attachments), but how do these get here and why? And
how long do they stay?






Using V on Windows 2000

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: column settings that don't set

2004-10-19 Thread David Boggon

Hi Mary,

you wrote:

MB> There's no use for future new users of The Bat! to be plagued by
MB> this behavior.

Indeed. I admire your drive ... I'll do my best to remember ...





Using V on Windows 2000


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: column settings that don't set

2004-10-19 Thread David Boggon

Hi Mary,

you wrote:

MB> Please support my report to BugTracker on this problem at:


I'm not registered to use BugTracker. When I have time I'll try and
remember to do so...





fossil fuels are SO twentieth century

Using V on Windows 2000


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: column settings that don't set

2004-10-19 Thread David Boggon

Hi Mary,

you wrote:

MB> Depends. Are you running v. 3.0 or v. 3.01 (v.

V, so my signature tells me : )





Using The Bat! on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: column settings that don't set

2004-10-19 Thread David Boggon

Hi Marck,

you wrote:

MDP> All of the settings you are trying to affect are governed by view
MDP> modes.

Ah, so it's the 'No View Mode' / 'Set-up columns ...' method that
doesn't work. ('Set-up columns' is in the right click menu of the
column headers in the message list window).

My columns are nicely set now, thankyou Marck. I hope that unlike Mary
pre V3 the view modes work for me. But this is still a bug, yes? or
does the 'set-up columns' feature have a different purpose?





Using The Bat! on Windows 2000
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Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

column settings that don't set

2004-10-19 Thread David Boggon

This is a dead annoying problem:

My column settings in the message list window won't stay how I set them.

Inboxes from which I've banished the TO field have it return and
instead the FROM field disappears; an account in which a few folders
are threaded also threads the TRASH folder and INBOX which have not
been set to thread; folders that have been customised return to
default column settings.

I have tried several times going through all my folders and resetting
the columns the way I want them, but the problem reoccurs. I've also
tried using the 'copy column settings to' feature with unpredictable

This problem has been around since V2.11, from memory, and hasn't
resolved with the new versions.

Is there likely to be a corrupted file or a 'create random column
settings at startup' checkbox that I've missed somewhere in prefs?

Any assistance would be appreciated.




Using The Bat! on Windows 2000
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Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: scheduling the running of filters

2004-10-14 Thread David Boggon

Hi Allie,

you wrote:

AM> It remains manual for now.

It occurred to me I could schedule sending myself a regular 'trigger'
message and have the receipt of it trigger the running of a filter
... at least in theory ... yet to try ... IMAP filters I _still_ find


David Boggon



The UN estimates that the world's poorest countries are denied
$700 billion because of unfair trade rules.
(source: Christian Aid)

Using The Bat! on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

scheduling the running of filters

2004-10-13 Thread David Boggon

Hello All,

Would I be right in assuming that there is no way to _schedule_ the
running of a manual filter?

My IMAP trash folder needs occasional purging, and this occurred to me
as a way of doing it. TB scheduler doesn't seem to support running a

Interested if anyone else has a way of doing the above ... also
occasionally moving (according to age) messages from an IMAP folder
into a (common) local folder, without having to run a manual filter,
that is.





Naked people have little or no influence in society.
  - Mark Twain

Using The Bat! on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Plug-ins

2004-07-08 Thread David Boggon

Hi Feli & others,

in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:

FW> have a look at or

um, my German isn't what it used to be ... how comes there isn't an
equivalent site in English? could the authors stretch to a translated




Indigenous Australian infants die at almost three times the rate of other Australian 

(source: ANTaR 2004)

Using The Bat! 2.11 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

lost key and checksum codes

2004-06-07 Thread David Boggon

After trying to upgrade to v2.11.02 from v2.11 TB started playing up,
so I've gone back to v2.11

Trouble is my registration details have been re-set, and TB is telling
me I'm on a trial period.

I've lost my archived message telling me the new key and key checksum
codes for v2.??(I think due to losing archived messages through TB
IMAP filtering problems), and my hard copy is on the other side of the

Is anyone aware how to get these codes back electronically, either
from RitLabs or from my hard drive?

with thanks,


David Boggon


Using The Bat! 2.11 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: v2.11, IMAP & auto-filtering

2004-06-02 Thread David Boggon

Hi Christopher & others,

in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:

CB> ...But the message is NOT moved to the destination folder. It
CB> simply stays where it is, and is not marked as read.

Yes can confirm filtering is still not working properly in v2.11 IMAP.
Although messages filtered from my IMAP folders seem to disappear

'Re-filtering' my IMAP trash folder into a common trash folder with
the filter below:

Name: Purge Trash
Active: 1
Target: \\\Trash
CopyFolder: none
MainSet: 00@
Actions: faDelServer,faoAdvOlder
AgeOlder: 5

Does 'catch' them, though they are not moved but simply dissappear
from TB and are marked as deleted on the server. This has been the
case with two other test filters designed to move messages from IMAP
folders into common 'Archive' folders.

NB filter did not 'catch' anything at all when synchorisation method
was 'headers only'. Only fully synchronised messages seem to be caught
in filter.

This mirrors other behaviour in TB IMAP, when, for example, trying to
move a message manually between folders or delete it (at least on my
machine) the message needs to be fully downloaded.

Could this be a factor in your filter not moving messages?


David Boggon



If you would know what the Lord God thinks of money,
you have only to look at those to whom he gave it.
  - Morris Bearing

Using The Bat! 2.11 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.11.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Marck's SpamCop filters : (

2003-11-21 Thread David Boggon

Hi Antje,

at 12:55 PM (my time) on Friday 21/11/03 you wrote:

AL> However, as soon as I have the filter for the autoresponders process
AL> these mails to open the several browser windows following the links
AL> provided in each of the mails, each browser window displays the same
AL> content, ie. each is only processing the first spam mail of all that I
AL> had submitted. Strangely enough, this also happens when I manually
AL> open the links provided in the SpamCop mails.

This is also what happens at this end.

Now I wonder if it is a Mozilla problem rather than a TB problem ... I
think you're using Mozilla aren't you?

I have noticed this kind of behaviour elsewhere with Mozilla, though I
haven't looked into it yet.

For the sake of completion ... the issues which began this thread have
been resolved. For a reason unknown to me the filters I had set up
(both the account based one and the common folder based one) kicked in
straight away when TB started the next day. Both filters are now
working perfectly except for the problem above. I don't have a DOS
window problem.

AL> I really think SpamCop is a great thing, so I do want this to work
AL> ;-))

Yes and so are these filters ... thanks Marck!




Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Marck's SpamCop filters : (

2003-11-18 Thread David Boggon

Hi Marck,

Thanks for your reply.

at 8:27 PM (my time) on Tuesday 18/11/03 you wrote:

MDP> I just tested it here and it seems to work well.


MDP> And this filter is in the sorting office of the appropriate
MDP> account? This looks very much like what I have here and a quick test
MDP> shows mine still working.

Yes, I have the filter in 'read messages' and the source folder is the 'junk
mail' folder within this account. (I have been testing the filter on
previously received junk that I have moved back to the inbox and
re-marked as junk [and read])

There are some check boxes I don't understand in the 'options' tab of
the sorting office... like "Check the selected message against this
rule" and "Regular expressions", both of which are unchecked.

MDP> While the contents of this filter look right, it's not going to
MDP> work. Common folders do not have an associated sorting office from
MDP> which to summon a hotkey sorting office filter.

Well I have a sorting office for common folders into which I pasted
the filter I listed in my last post, and it worked i.e. it caught the
selected message from my common junk folder, wrote it to the
'export.txt' file, and then moved the original message to my common
trash folder. And it did it on a hotkey :  ) Is this unexpected?

As I said I just can't get it to create a message. Just been playing
with filter settings to try to get it to work and no joy.

Here is the latest copy of the filter from the /account/ sorting office:

Name: Submit spam to SpamCop
Active: 1
Source: \\\$JUNK$
Target: \\\Trash
CopyFolder: none
MainSet: 40.
NewTemplate: %put\3D\27C:\5Ctemp\5Cexport.txt\27\0D\0A
ExtFile: C:\temp\export.txt
AddAddrItems: afiFrom,
DelAddrItems: afiFrom,
HotKey: 49375
SizeBigger: 0
SizeSmaller: 0
AgeOlder: 0
AgeNewer: 0
InAddrPos: 0
OutAddrPos: 0
KillMethod: 0
SaveTemplate: \0D\0A
SysSound: 0
SoundTime: 0:00-0:00
AllowTime: 0:00-0:00


David Boggon



The United States produces one quarter of the world's carbon dioxide emissions.
(source: Guardian Weekly)

Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Delete from Server

2003-11-18 Thread David Boggon

Hi Stuart,

at 2:17 PM (my time) on Tuesday 18/11/03 you wrote:

SC> I would like to be able to set it up so that the spam I receive
SC> when I am reading email with The Bat! will be deleted from the
SC> server after it is marked read in the Junk folder.

SC>   I have tried using a filter, but have had no luck. Any ideas.

Have you tried using a filter evoked from a hotkey that filters for a
@ in the kludges from your junk mail folder? I haven't tried it, but
can't see why this wouldn't work.

What filter have you tried?





"The Israeli soldiers came and opened fire in our neighbourhood. The younger
children were screaming so we tried to get away. When we went back there was
nothing left of my house. There was nothing left of my neighbourhood."

- Ehad Abu Taha after Israeli incursion into Rafah refugee camp 10/03
(source: Guardian Weekly)

Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Marck's SpamCop filters : (

2003-11-18 Thread David Boggon

I have been trying to set up Marck's SpamCop filters to automatically
submit mail to SpamCop on a hotkey command.

Trouble is I can't get it to create a message.

The spam gets exported, is sitting there in the temp folder, and the
original message moved to the trash folder, but no message is created.

I've tried using the filter in an account-based Junk mail folder, and
in a common folder (using the 'active account' macro in the 'create
message' template) but with no joy in either case.

Is there not an issue in that the option to 'export the message to a
file' option in the sorting office is /after/ the 'create message for'

Below are the filters I'm using. I would be grateful if someone with
this working could have a look.



This is the filter from the account-based sorting office:

Name: Submit spam to SpamCop
Active: 1
Source: \\\Inbox
Target: \\\Trash
CopyFolder: none
MainSet: 40.
NewAddr: submit...[EMAIL PROTECTED]
NewTemplate: %put\3D\27C:\5Ctemp\5Cexport.txt\27\0D\0A
ExtFile: C:\temp\export.txt
AddAddrItems: afiFrom,
DelAddrItems: afiFrom,
HotKey: 49375

and this is the filter from the common folder:

Name: Submit spam to SpamCop
Active: 1
Source: \\\$JUNK$
Target: \\\Trash
CopyFolder: none
MainSet: 40.
NewAddr: submit...[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ExtFile: C:\temp\export.txt
AddAddrItems: afiFrom,
DelAddrItems: afiFrom,
HotKey: 49375


David Boggon


Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: "Anti-SPAM plug-in learning engine"

2003-11-18 Thread David Boggon

Hi Phil,

at 10:02 AM (my time) on Tuesday 18/11/03 you wrote:

P>  I don't seem to be able to find this thread!

OK here it is ... a little hidden if you were looking for 'spam
plugins' or similar.

The thread is called 'IMAP status, Bayesit alternatives'

You may need to manipulate this link to get it on one line.

Basically, a Bayes spam filter can be downloaded from

The read me file gives instructions on how to install it in TB. (You
only need the TBB file from the ZIP file (TBB is the file extension
for TB plugins) ... the rest can be discarded, apart from the read me
file, of course.

If you want more help follow the link above to the archive thread.

hope this helps




Our intellect is a feeble and dependent thing,
a plaything ... of our impulses and emotions.
  - Freud

Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: bayes & spamcop

2003-11-17 Thread David Boggon

Hi Paul,

at 7:03 PM (my time) on Monday 17/11/03 you wrote:

PC> here is the spamcop filter web page, just copy & paste into your
PC> filters, making the appropriate modifications for accounts & folders..






The UN estimates that the world's poorest countries are denied
$700 billion because of unfair trade rules.
(source: Christian Aid)

Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: bayes & spamcop

2003-11-17 Thread David Boggon

Hi Paul,

at 12:39 PM on Sunday 16/11/03 you wrote:

PC> JUNK folder, it is so easy to just open that folder and CTRL-ALT-S the
PC> messages to spamcop all at once.

What does the above shortcut do for you? and how have you configured
TB to send mail to SpamCop?





16% of the world's population control 80% of the world's GDP (gross domestic product).
(source: World Bank, UNHDR 2003)

Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: "Anti-SPAM plug-in learning engine"

2003-11-17 Thread David Boggon

Hi Phil,

at 12:41 PM on Monday 17/11/03 you wrote:

P>   I've just upgraded to V2.01.3. The help file mentions "Anti-SPAM
P>   plug-in learning engine" but doesn't appear to give any further
P>   details - like where is it, how does one use it, etc.?

You can find an answer to your questions in the archives[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

There was discussion about a week or two ago concerning the BayesIT
plugin which works well at this end. The thread also contained
instructions on how to get the plugin working.





More than one in four of the world's adults cannot
read or write ... 2/3's of these are women.

Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: The Bat! is No.1 in my book.

2003-11-17 Thread David Boggon

Hi Simon,

at 9:41 AM on Monday 17/11/03 you wrote:

S> And  after  this  explanation  I've  just  realised that what you were
S> asking  me  to  explain  was  an  error.  Doh! Ah well, I'll send this
S> anyway. Someone else might find it useful...well you never know.

Yes I found it helpful Simon. I can't keep up with TB's keyboard

BTW are you using Xray to edit your headers ... just curious





What is now proved was once only imagined.
  - William Blake

Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: %WRAPPED macro question

2003-11-12 Thread David Boggon

Hi Robin,

RA>%Prefix(": ",%QInclude(wrap))%-

Yes that works an absolute treat  thankyou!

ps I have not come across the %_Wrap_Text= macro before ... I have the
complete list of macros  where is that one hidden?




He whose face gives no light, shall never become a star.
  - William Blake

Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: %WRAPPED macro question

2003-11-12 Thread David Boggon

Hello Chris,

C>   You really should use a right angle bracket (>). It is standard
C>   across e-mail clients and operation systems.

Thanks but I'm asking about TB's macro's rather than about standards
for reply prefixing.


David Boggon


Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

%WRAPPED macro question

2003-11-11 Thread David Boggon

Can anyone tell me:

I'm trying to set up a top-posting reply template that wraps original
text and adds a ': ' prefix before each line. Like this

: sample text

I am using Andrew Perevodchik's macro plug-in and this is the
expression I've come up with:


Now, everything works fine except that the prefix is inserted before
each line of the /original/ message, not the newly wrapped message.

Can anyone tell me how to get it before each line of the newly wrapped message?

Also I can't get the %WRAPPED macro to work otherwise. The expression


just doesn't wrap the text

Am I doing something wrong?




More than 3.5 million children across sub-Saharan Africa have lost both parents to AIDS
(source: UN 2003)

Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Exhange/IMAP and mail management

2003-11-10 Thread David Boggon

Hi Peter,

on 10/11/03 you wrote:

PF> Since I don't have access to the server, I need to make TB behave with
PF> the Exchange server and not the other way round.

PF> Hints?

Sorry no. Out of my depth now, I'm afraid.




Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Exhange/IMAP and mail management

2003-11-10 Thread David Boggon

Hi Peter,

on 10/11/03 you wrote:

PF> * TB wants to save drafts in the IMAP "Outbox" folder which leads to
PF>   problems, as Exchange cannot seam to handle that. I cannot specify
PF>   a Drafts folder in TB.

I have the Drafts folder on my server set to synchronise with the
Outbox in TB which works fine for me (well, apart from the usual IMAP
issues with TB)

PF> * TB does not seem to update and compress the folders continously, I
PF>   need to do that manually to get rid of "ghost" messages.

PF> * I cannot get filters to work. There is no problem when I
PF>   "re-filter"but the Inbox filters do not work automatically.

Yes both these issues are just the way it is with TB and IMAP at the
mo, sorry to say. I hope they will be rectified in future versions.

Any news on this from the Betas?




Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
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Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: IMAP Status, BayesIt alternatives

2003-11-10 Thread David Boggon

Hi tb,

tko> First, Is TB IMAP known to be buggy? I've done a small amount of
tko> testing and there has been erratic behaviour, TB freezing and confusion.

Yes the IMAP at my end, while not exactly buggy, is
nevertheless unsatisfactory, at least in terms of the regular
filtering functions (they don't work) and maintenance options which
don't seem to be fully operational (yet). It took me a little while to
get it going right and it still occasionally plays up. I have
experienced once or twice a kind of freezing, but restarting TB fixed
it straight away.

tko> I dropped K9 in favor of BayesIt (because I was going to use IMAP), but have
tko> learned I did so prematurely. I like the idea of an integrated plugin, but
tko> BayesIt is not ready for my use (blank dialogs, freezing, bugs).

And yes I also had freezing problems with the Bayesit plugin and had
to drop it.




Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2003-10-22 Thread David Boggon

Hi Steve,

on 22/10/03 you wrote:

ST>   Two questions:  1)  what do these numbers mean?  2) How do I purge
ST>   messages marked for deletion?

The 1st number is the number of messages in the folder on the server.

The second  number is the number of messages in the
folder on The Bat!

Yes, I'd also have thought they'd be the other way 'round.

It seems IMAP doesn't 'delete' messages from folders in the same way
as we expect. Deleting a message leaves it in the folder but marks it
for deletion. It is only removed when the Trash folder on the server
is emptied, or the folder is purged in the Bat (see next paragraph).

In the Bat the option Folder>Purge & Compress works for me to put
these numbers right, if you know what I mean ... to fully synchronise
and purge messages marked for deletion on the server.

A week or so ago I was asking if this purging could be automated and
by the looks of it it can't yet : (

FYI... the FAQs at Fastmail have a wealth of information about IMAP.
They are also a magnificent mail server, with filtering options the
likes of which are only bettered by TB. This means that all your basic
filtering can be done well enough on the server, getting round at
least some of the filtering probs you mentioned earlier.


David Boggon


More than 3.5 million children across sub-Saharan Africa have lost both parents to AIDS
(source: UN 2003)

Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: New Version Spotted 2.01.3

2003-10-20 Thread David Boggon

Hi Steve,

on 20/10/03 you wrote:

ST> Where is it?

I installed the new version but for some reason the old the_bat.exe
was left in the folder.

I manually extracted the new exe and replaced in the program file and
v2.01.3 now works fine


David Boggon


More than 3.5 million children across sub-Saharan Africa have lost both parents to AIDS
(source: UN 2003)

Using The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: IMAP purging & compressing

2003-10-17 Thread David Boggon
Hello Jonathan,

JA> Account, Properties, then Mail Management, then "IMAP Fine-Tune" then
JA> check the box "compress folders when switching to another folder".

Yes, I'm unsure exactly what that does because it has no noticeable
effect ... it certainly doesn't purge the folders, which is what I'm

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[3]: IMAP purging & compressing

2003-10-16 Thread David Boggon

DB> Otherwise things aren't quite as smooth and seamless in
DB> the bat as with POP3, (as far as I'm concerned after a few days)
DB> mainly because of the synchronisation process

I also can't get a simple message filter to work properly.

A move filter to take particular messages to the inbox of another
account is simply creating a double of the message in the IMAP account
(and not moving it)

Does this sound like a (reportable) bug?


David Boggon


Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: IMAP purging & compressing

2003-10-16 Thread David Boggon
Hello John,

JM> What is IMAP, how does one happen to get this type of email account
JM> instead of a regular pop account?

I'm sure many people on this list could explain IMAP better than I.
I've also read helpful introductions to IMAP on the web by typing in
 into google.

Basically IMAP is a protocol which, rather than simply allowing a
single-stream download from an inbox to a mail client, allows you to
maintain the same folder structure, and exactly the same message
store, between your mail client and your mail server.

This basically means that your account as it appears on the bat will
be replicated on the server so that when you log into its
web-interface you will have things exactly the same as at home.

One can also easily just download message headers, etc

I have just switched to Fastmail, which looks impressivly reliable as
a mail server, but I know myrealbox also hosts IMAP accounts.

I guess it's most helpful if you need to use the web interface of your
server a lot. Otherwise things aren't quite as smooth and seamless in
the bat as with POP3, (as far as I'm concerned after a few days)
mainly because of the synchronisation process, and, as I said in my
original post, IMAP accounts need to be purged for moved and deleted
mesages on the server to be finally sorted out of the folders they are
coming from. AT the moment I can have up to 5 numbers in the
Unread and Total columns combined of the message tree because the tree tells
you how many messages in the folder on the bat and on the server.
These figures don't match (between the bat and the server) until you purge the folder.

But I hope the bat's IMAP will improve ... being the new protocol it
will doubtless become more widely used. It has already improved a
great deal in v2.01. It is now fully functional, it could just do with
some refining.


David Boggon


Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: v2.01 crash & burn

2003-10-16 Thread David Boggon
Hello Roelof,

RO> Try to disable the corrupted IMAP account in the registry.

I don't know how to do that, but I managed to sort it out by juggling
backups that I had made regularly while reconfiguring, restaring TB
firstly with the data folder removed.

When I renamed my IMAP account it seems the account mail store wasn't
renamed properly, which caused it to get confused.

Incidently, how does one disable an account from the registry?


David Boggon


Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

IMAP purging & compressing

2003-10-16 Thread David Boggon


I'm busy exploring the nuances and virtues of IMAP and TB!

Is it true that there is no way to have all
folders purged & compressed automatically while one is working in an
IMAP account?

As messages are deleted and moved between folders on TB! it gets
difficult to know exactly what's actually in them!

I've tried all apparent automatic settings in the account properties
and folder properties but nothing seems to have the same functionality
as 'purge & compress' in the folder menu

with thanks,
David Boggon

Using The Bat! 2.01 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: v2.01 crash & burn

2003-10-16 Thread David Boggon

For the sake of completeness there was a corrupted IMAP account.

It became corrupted when trying to rename it.

Seems a more complicated procedure than for POP accounts


David Boggon


Using The Bat! 2.01 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: thebat.exe 100% CPU usage ... please help!

2003-09-25 Thread David Boggon

Hi Mark,

MW> the real problem was the OS.

Thanks for your reply.

Interesting to hear it was the OS. For the record, I dumped the
Bayesit SPAM plugin and TB came good.


David Boggon


Using The Bat! 2.00.6 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

thebat.exe 100% CPU usage ... please help!

2003-09-23 Thread David Boggon

thebat.exe has been using close to 100% CPU for a few days now.

I have no idea how to go about remedying this. Have tried going to
v2.00.6 from v2.00 and there has been no change.

This is also on the back of one of my accounts suddenly refusing to
create messages a few days ago (the command causing the bat to hang and 100% CPU
usage). The account issue has been resolved by starting the account
from scratch.

I would be grateful for advice. v2.00 was behaving just fine for a few
weeks, then this.

Should I try re-installing?

... or go back to v1.62?


David Boggon


Using The Bat! 2.00.6 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: account suddenly won't create messages

2003-09-18 Thread David Boggon

ps that includes creating a message in another account and then
switching the active account through the options menu.

The Bat! just freezes, and the hard drive starts running.

This account has worked flawlessly for 5 months since creation.

David Boggon


Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

account suddenly won't create messages

2003-09-18 Thread David Boggon

Grateful for help 

One of my 6 accounts suddenly refuses to create messages (new, reply,
forward, redirect).

I have:

run the maintenance centre
purged and compressed the folders
deleted and restored the account (using v. recent settings)
tried using blank templates

and no success !?

any suggestions to save me from having to start from scratch?

many thanks,
David Boggon


"When we feel strongly about something we will lead, even if no one is following us"
- US Secretary of State Colin Powell (Wall Street Journal 27/01/03)

Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: When can i usae specials-mark as junk

2003-09-16 Thread David Boggon

Hi Rene,

on 16/9/03 you wrote:

CT> Please note that the specials only work if there is an anti
CT> spam plugin active in the bat ( options / preferences / anti spam
CT> ...)

Does that include Bayesit? There is no info in the help file about the
'mark as junk' setting.


David Boggon


Developed nations constitute only 20% of the world's
population, yet consume 86% of the world's goods.
(source: UNHDR 2000/2001)

Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: wrapping cookies problem

2003-09-11 Thread David Boggon

Hi Mark,

you wrote:

MA> Try with the quotes the other way round!

MA> %WRAPPED="%COOKIE='t:\the bat\quotes.txt'"

yes have ...

Just found the problem ... the file-path had run on to 2 lines ...
putting it back solved the problem.

David Boggon


Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

wrapping cookies problem

2003-09-11 Thread David Boggon

Trying to wrap cookies using the following macro:

%WRAPPED='%COOKIE="C:\Program Files\The

but all I get is the following where the cookie should be:

Cannot open file "C:\Program Files\The

Take away the [%WRAPPED=''] and it works fine.

can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong...

following Gerd's advice on the archives at:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg57790.html


thanks in advance,
David Boggon


Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?

2003-09-09 Thread David Boggon

TF>>> Your choice is costing me money.
D>> And exactly how much extra is it costing you?

BBTE> Does it matter? Doing something that you know costs someone else money is
BBTE> rude, even if it's no more than one cent.

I regret the tone of my reply (D) above. Certainly in some parts of
the world this may be a very real issue. I wanted to defend myself
against TF who seemed to be accusing me of costing him money, which I
am not.

My point was that one should look at the facts, and discern the best
course of action to take based on those facts, rather than evoking
arguments to rationalise one's prejudicial viewpoint.

As my last contribution to this thread, I just want to say I have
found the discussion informative, but that I do not wish to be
identified (demonised) as someone who advocates HTML...I sense a lot
of strong feeling on the list about this. I do advocate informed
choice. Since coming to TB! I have been somewhat converted to plain text
myself, and like many who have contributed, find it more than adequate
for most of my mail. It still seems obvious to me that Ritlabs is making a
judgement about HTML in the way it has configured TB!, and if this is
a considered stance based on the principal of the thing, I applaud it


David Boggon


Developed nations constitute only 20% of the world's
population, yet consume 86% of the world's goods.
(source: UNHDR 2000/2001)

Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?

2003-09-09 Thread David Boggon

Hi Thomas,

on 9/9/03 you wrote:

>> My point is freedom of choice

TF> Your choice is costing me money.

And exactly how much extra is it costing you?

TF> so why do you advocate HTML mails?

I never said I did.


David Boggon


The UN estimates that the world's poorest countries are denied
$700 billion because of unfair trade rules.
(source: Christian Aid)

Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?

2003-09-09 Thread David Boggon

Hi Marck,

on 9/9/03 we wrote:

AM>>> I hate when HTML mail forces me to read it with a particular
AM>>> font and font size.

MDP> Precisely.

D>> Well yes, that's precisely my point.

MDP> It's not. It's the opposite of your point!

My point is freedom of choice

D>> TB too makes it difficult for people to exercise the choice of
D>> HTML over plain text, for those prefering HTML who are also
D>> responsible users.

MDP> On the whole, no. Most people who write HTML mail do so to impose
MDP> formatting and presentation on the recipient. That is already an
MDP> abuse of responsibility.

With respect, the way a thing is presented is never usually the responsibility
of the person to whom it is presented. We are always presenting
ourselves and what we do in a particular way, whether we (or anyone
else) likes it or not. The power the recipient has is in choosing to
receive it or not.

This seems like a complex issue, and I appreciate the technical
background to it, but the widespread usage and general appeal of HTML
messaging means it isn't going to go away in a hurry.

The more relevant question, which Allie has just alluded to, seems to
me how we can make HTML-type mailing better, addressing the issues some of
us have raised here.


David Boggon


Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?

2003-09-09 Thread David Boggon

Hi Allie,

DB>> I can make plain text messages look OK in TB! but I'm aware whenever I
DB>> send mail that the P.T. usually looks pretty dreadful on recipient's
DB>> machines.

AM> Would you explain this further?

I was thinking back to my Outlook Express days ... plain text messages
looked, well, plain. I either didn't know or didn't care that I could
configure the display font, and the different colours for lines of reply which TB
is capable of was not so in OE, for instance.

Many end users don't know enough/have enough time/have the inclination
to delve into the plain text display settings of their client, and so
plain text messages with fixed width fonts and no bold & italics and
font sizes/colours look very plain indeed beside their HTML

AM> The problem with HTML mail is its overwhelming abuse. The ability to
AM> make it the default editor encourages such abuse.

Hmmm. While some people who use HTML mail may abuse it, it is the
spammers etc themselves who are at fault, not HTML, I think.

AM> I hate when HTML mail forces me to read it with a particular font and font
AM> size.

Well yes, that's precisely my point. TB too makes it difficult for
people to exercise the choice of HTML over plain text, for those
prefering HTML who are also responsible users.

But this is a political issue as well as a preferential one.

Having said all this, if it really is an issue of principle, I applaude
TB! for not selling out. The purist attitude to me does seem a little
groupy, though ... and I wonder how sustainable it is in reality.


David Boggon


Narcissism is a necessary transitional phase during the consolidation of the ego.
  - Eric Neumann

Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?

2003-09-09 Thread David Boggon
Am I missing something, or is it not possible for the HTML editor in
v2.00 to be set as the default?

I was expecting much fuller HTML editing support in v2.00 ... i.e.
HTML default editor & HTML templates.

I don't want to open a can of worms here (or maybe I do) but what
is wrong with using HTML in email? what is behind TB's relegation of
HTML to the backburner?

I've heard the purists talk of 'bloatmail'/bandwidth issues, but why
is this such an issue?

Surely the enormous formatting flexibility available with HTML email outweighs
the bandwidth issue. After all, we're not on the brink of bandwidth
rationing, are we? I appreciate some of us pay for the bandwidth we
use, but text only HTML emails will use a negligible amount of
extra bandwidth compared to plain text ones. Isn't this correct?

Is it a reaction to the practices of spammers & the influence of MS? or
something more technical?

I can make plain text messages look OK in TB! but I'm aware whenever I
send mail that the P.T. usually looks pretty dreadful on recipient's

woops! ... gone a bit OT.


David Boggon


The International Centre for Nonviolent Communication:

Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Two thougths

2003-09-08 Thread David Boggon

Hi Joan,

on 8/9/03 you wrote:

JJ>   The  release  of  v2 seems premature. Should the name be changed to
JJ>   The Bug?

I suspect you're seeing a disproportionate number of bug messages.

The upgrade functionality has not really impacted on my usage of the
bat to justify the upgrade cost, however.

David Boggon


Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: adding attachments list on msg send

2003-09-08 Thread David Boggon

Hi Joseph,

Thanks for your reply.

on 8/9/03 you wrote:

JN> the next best thing I've found is to create a short QT
JN> that can be typed in the message at the end, before sending.

Yes of course. I had not thought of adding the text to the macro,

JN> %IF:"%ATTACHMENTS"!="":"Attached file(s): %ATTACHMENTS."

There is a much longer QT on the FAQ page:
which purports to do the same thing. I don't really understand regex and so I
can't decipher the difference.

JN> unless there is a way to do exactly what you--and I and no doubt others--are
JN> looking for

... I guess, theoretically at least, one could set up an outgoing mail
filter that intercepted the message and created a new one adding the
ATTACHMENTS macro onto the original mail.

Do the outgoing mail filters ~catch~ mail before they are

Has anyone ever tried this?


David Boggon


Tyranny cuts off the singer's hand
But the voice from the bottom of the well
Returns to the secret springs of the earth
- Pablo Neruda

Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

adding attachments list on msg send

2003-09-08 Thread David Boggon

Is there a way to add a quick template to a message at the time it is sent to
the outbox (ie after the message has been finished)?

I want to use the %ATTACHMENTS macro to list attached files
automatically, but I don't attach files until I'm just about to send

Outgoing mail filters don't seem to provide that functionality.

thanks in advance,

David Boggon

Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: System tray icon

2003-09-07 Thread David Boggon
Hi Günter,

on 7/9/03 you wrote:

GM> Since installing V2, the system try icon is no longer
GM> animated when there's unread mail - I'm sure the bat used to flap
GM> in V1.62.

I had a similar problem with v1.62. The icon was unpredictable in its
behaviour, sometimes working, sometimes not, when it should have been.
It started out of the blue, I must say, and seemed to largely resolve
itself toward the end of my 1.62 days. V2.00 has been fine so far.

Good Luck!


David Boggon

Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: mailto: execute malfunction

2003-06-11 Thread David Boggon

n>Make sure that you have enabled one account as being the default one for
n>mailto: URLs (Account, Properties, General, on the bottom is a checkbox,
n>enable it).

 Yes I have one account set as mailto: default however the problem


Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Virus Scan msg on mail check - Exploit-MIME.gen.exe

2003-06-10 Thread David Boggon

Hi Daniel

D>Which version of McAfee Virus Scan are you using?


Thanks for the info. I've found the message on my server and deleted

Won't excluding the bat*.temp files within McAffee cause an infection
if I do receive dodgy mail?


Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information: