Re: Why do people stick to The Bat! when they switch to Linux?

2012-07-03 Thread Lynn
On 7/3/2012, you wrote:


> Are such mail clients really so poor as to merit keeping a Windows
> client on a Linux machine?


The  only mail client which comes anywhere near to TB! for
Linux  is Thunderbird ... and those of us who have used it
aren't impressed.

I  have been told that clients like Claws and Sylpheed can
be customized by scripting ... which is great, if you have
been  using  LInux  long  enough to be a script wizard. If
not, they are very nearly unusable.

Seriously, there is no serious free mail client for Linux.
There are a couple of commercial clients I haven't tested,
but  I've  tried all the free offerings I could find. Some
of  them  won't  even  load  ...  if  anyone  knows  of  a
*functional*  Linux client I've missed, I'll start testing

Gnome and KDE have clients, but the KDE client is a poor
effort to out outlook outlook, and I have been totally
unable to figure out how to configure it for multiple
accounts. If it recognizes them at all it dumps them all
into one inbox. It is also painfully slow. I don't use
Gnome,  so  on that YMMV, and no, I don't propose to go to
Gnome for one app, period, endit.

A TB! port to Linux would be wonderful, but I don't know
how many among the Linux community would be willing to buy
a mail client.

I would, of course  ;-)

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

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Re: Messages getting through?

2012-05-29 Thread Lynn
On 5/29/2012, you wrote:

> I do see the flags, not the mug. As far as I can see in rogues.msl file,
> :Hawthorne: is your rogue Lynn_Turriff.jpg and will only be seen (on the
> headers pane, not in your signature) if you include the X-Rogue: header
> in your messages.

If the flags are visible, the mug should be possible .. so
I'll have to dig around.

Unfortunately my schedule this week is insane, and it will
probably be the weekend before I will have digging time.

Is  South African beer nice? I should see if there are any
importers  ... don't think I've ever had any South African
beer ... :-)

Best -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Messages getting through?

2012-05-29 Thread Lynn
On 5/29/2012, you wrote:

>> Eleventeen virtual beers earmarked for you - sorry to also
>> be too far away to send them for real!

> UPS, DHL, etc. do exist ;-)

They  do  ...  but  do  they ship alcohol at all? If so it
would have to go surface ... you could wait a LONG time!


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

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Re: Messages getting through?

2012-05-28 Thread Lynn
On 5/28/2012, you wrote:

> It may be due to extracting some ZIP file(s) in the wrong place in the
> past. (Selecting, or not, the 'Use folder names' option if using WinZIP
> to extract).

> The C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Images folder should *ONLY* contain three
> folders and three *.msl files, namely:
>  Default 
>  pcwimages
>  rogues
>  default.msl
>  pcwsmileys.msl
>  rogues.msl

> If you do not have any of the msl files, look in the corresponding
> folder and see if it is there. If so, move¨or copy it to 'Images' folder.

> If you have all or some of the msl files in 'Images', look inside the
> corresponding folder and see if there is a newer version there. If so,
> move or copy the newer version to Images folder.

Thank  you  for  this!  It  may (or may not) be the solution to my
problem, but I have somethng to look for!

Eleventeen virtual beers earmarked for you - sorry to also
be too far away to send them for real!

Best -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Messages getting through?

2012-05-28 Thread Lynn
On 5/28/2012, you wrote:

> As mentioned in the previous reply I can see Lynn's flags now thanks to your
> help. However, when I add :usflag: to my sig (as it is here) I do not see the
> flag, only the :usflag: rougemoticon (if that's what it's supposed to be
> called.) Do you suppose it has to be sent and received before it will appear? 
> I
> guess I'll find out.

Still not seeing flags nor mug shots.

BUT  ...  later  I will dig around in the folders, and see
what  is  and  is  not  there.  I suspect I don't have the
requisite folders ...

Best -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

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Re: Messages getting through?

2012-05-28 Thread Lynn
On 5/28/2012, you wrote:

> Options/Preferences/Viewer/Editor/HTML Viewer/'Use smiley icons in HTML
> viewer' makes a difference, it should be ticked. Then, what I suggest in
> my previous message works.

It's checkede here, but as I said before, no flags, no mug
shots -

But  it  may  have  something  todo  with  running in Wine
here. Do you see my flags/mug shot?

Best -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Messages getting through?

2012-05-27 Thread Lynn
On 5/27/2012, you wrote:

>> Anyway, have you tried right clicking on your message and, in the
>> context menu, making sure 'Use Plain Text Viewer' is NOT selected and
>> that 'Smilies' IS selected? It does make a difference.

> It was because I thought/understood you could not see them yourself.

I'm not sure I've ever been able to see them myself - am I
supposed  to be able to? That is, am I supposed to see the
flags and my mug shot in *my own* messages on the list?

I  do know that when I first set them up, others could see

It  happens  that  I'm  not seeing any of those from other
posters, either.

As  I'm running in Wine under Linux now, I'm not sure it's
going to be possible ... do you, or anyone else, know?

ta -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Messages getting through?

2012-05-27 Thread Lynn
On 5/27/2012, you wrote:

>> It's  nice  to  know  that.  The  flags  and  my  mug shot
>> disappeared  a  couple  of  upgrades  ago, and I never got
>> around to figure out why they no longer worked.

> I can see both the US flag and the Canada flag but not :Hawthorne:, so
> maybe it's not in the list anymore for some reason.

> Anyway, have you tried right clicking on your message and, in the
> context menu, making sure 'Use Plain Text Viewer' is NOT selected and
> that 'Smilies' IS selected? It does make a difference.

OK ... did that ... result ..?

tia :-)

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Messages getting through?

2012-05-26 Thread Lynn
On 5/26/2012, you wrote:

> However, Lynn, I still can't see the images defined in your sig. Again I 
> stress,
> it's probably something here that I don't have set correctly.

I'm  pretty  sure  it's something at my end, but I haven't
had  the  time  to dig around and figure it out. If anyone
has any ideas, I'll be glad to hear them, though.

Thanks again!

Best -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Messages getting through?

2012-05-26 Thread Lynn
On 5/26/2012, you wrote:

> Thank you Lynn. I appreciate the response.

> Also, just as an aside, your sig (:Hawthorne:
> :usflag: :canadaflag:) does not expand into your
> Rougemoticon, the US flag and the Canadian flag.
> Judging by how much luck I'm having getting things
> to work correctly on my end, it may just be a
> problem here although I do see other peoples
> pictures so I'm wondering why yours is absent.
> Your comely countenance does appear in the
> complete list of Roguemoticons at
> however.

It's  nice  to  know  that.  The  flags  and  my  mug shot
disappeared  a  couple  of  upgrades  ago, and I never got
around to figure out why they no longer worked.

I'm  now  running  TB!  in  Wine/Linux,  and  have  bigger
problems  to deal with :-) I would like to get those back,
but ... one day, eh?

> If I've created a concern for you where none
> should exist, my apologies.

No  worries  ... I hope to get them back eventually, but I
suspect it's going to mean a reinstall at the least, and I
haven't  got  to  it  yet. It's nice to know that it's not
only me who can't see them, though, so thanks!

Best  :-)

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Messages getting through?

2012-05-26 Thread Lynn
On 5/26/2012, you wrote:

> Can anyone see this message?

Yes.  I  have  one from you on the 25th, too. I don't keep
all, so don't know about others -

Best -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Strange error message

2012-03-24 Thread Lynn
On 3/24/2012, you wrote:

> I'm not sure whether it will help you, but I experience the same problem
> although under different circumstances.

> I run Mozy as an online backup system, and when it is running, it seems to
> lock my message files (although it is not supposed to). If I download email
> while the backup is running, I get a similar message about not being able to
> store message, with the same sort of file name. These files also disappear so
> that I am unable to do something constructive like manually import them at a
> later time.

> Perhaps something is preventing access to the message files of this particular
> account?

Well,  you  are the first who has seen anything like this,
so it is encouraging from that point of view.

I   can't   imagine  what  it  might  be  here,  though  -
particularly  since  only  ONE  account is being affected.
The others are fine.

But ... I will poke around. That sounds like it *might* be
a clue!

Many thanks for the input!

Best -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Strange error message

2012-03-23 Thread Lynn
On 3/23/2012, you wrote:

> I guess they aren't created in the first place. You could try if
> ProcessMonitor works on Wine. Then you could monitor The Bat! and
> check which files it attemps to write and if there are any error
> messages.

I'll see what I can find.

> As the other accounts work and these are POP3 as well check for any
> differences in the account settings. Mainly the Options where the home
> directory is set might be of interest.

All  at  default ... the only real differences (apart from
transport) are in the security - this account has less.

But   ...   I'll  look  them  over  again,  and  check the

There has to be SOMETHING.

Thanks for the input -

Best -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Strange error message

2012-03-23 Thread Lynn
On 3/23/2012, you wrote:

L>>>>> The  messages  are:  FETCH - could not store message (file
L>>>>> name-c:\users\lynn\temp\bat*.tmp) String looks like hex, 4
L>>>>> characters.
>> So .. no one has any idea at all why this is happening?

> No, sorry. On Windows I'd continue looking on what files TheBat is
> trying to write, but I have no idea how to do that with Linux.

> (As usual, with Windows, you get service. With Linux, you're on your
> own. )

Yeah,  I  know  -  except  it is a TB! message, internally
generated, not a Linux or Wine message. So .. I really had
hoped someone would recognize it :-/

The  frustrating  thing  (apart  from  the  other accounts
working  perfectly),  is that these bat*.tmp files seem to
be  deleted  immediately  after  the  failed  fetch ..  so
apparently  the  evidence is being destroyed! That is, the
directory  is  empty  ...  clearly it has a nice, reliable
cleanup routine going here :-)

Best -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Strange error message

2012-03-22 Thread Lynn
On 3/22/2012, you wrote:

>> ???  You  are  WAY  ahead  of me here. I looked at the man
>> page, but ... Just do chmod 777 in that directory?

> I  would  TRY  that. I may be way off base and if it still won't write
> after  doing that it is something else for sure (Just remember the old
> settings so you can go back to where you were)

Right. Will give it a shot.

Desperate times call for desperate measures ;-)

Thanks -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Strange error message

2012-03-22 Thread Lynn
On 3/22/2012, you wrote:

>> On 3/22/2012, you wrote:

>>>> On 3/22/2012, you wrote:

L>>>>>>> The  messages  are:  FETCH - could not store message (file
L>>>>>>> name-c:\users\lynn\temp\bat*.tmp) String looks like hex, 4
L>>>>>>> characters.

>> [snip begging]

>>>> tia - 

>>> What are the permissions on that folder?

>> The same as the others - default.

>> If you mean the account folders ..?

>> Thanks -

> c:\users\lynn\temp\ is that set so the program to write to it.

I  don't   know   about   the  program,  but  *I* have all
permissions.  And the other accounts are working fine.

In fact, I was messing around with Wine, trying to get
something else to run, and when I reopened TB!, it was
showing new messages in bold. I knew it should be doing
something to show new messages, but I couldn't remember

Unfortunately I have no clue what I did :-/

> This is just a thought - I am NO expert.

Any thoughts are welcome. Seriously, I'm totally stumped.

> CHMOD it to 755 (or better to test)

???  You  are  WAY  ahead  of me here. I looked at the man
page, but ... Just do chmod 777 in that directory?

Again, thanks .. 

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Strange error message

2012-03-22 Thread Lynn
On 3/22/2012, you wrote:

>> On 3/22/2012, you wrote:

L>>>>> The  messages  are:  FETCH - could not store message (file
L>>>>> name-c:\users\lynn\temp\bat*.tmp) String looks like hex, 4
L>>>>> characters.

[snip begging]

>> tia - 

> What are the permissions on that folder?

The same as the others - default.

If you mean the account folders ..?

Thanks -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Strange error message

2012-03-22 Thread Lynn
On 3/22/2012, you wrote:

L>>> The  messages  are:  FETCH - could not store message (file
L>>> name-c:\users\lynn\temp\bat*.tmp) String looks like hex, 4
L>>> characters.

So .. no one has any idea at all why this is happening?


> Unless  the  fact  that the POP server is defined as an ip
> would be causing a problem?

This is not it, fwtw.

> There is an exceptions log, if that would be of use?

Does anyone have an idea where I can go or who I can ask?

The  message  is  being  generated  in TB!, surely someone
knows something?

tia - 

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Strange error message

2012-03-17 Thread Lynn
On 3/17/2012, you wrote:

> I too have switched my systems from Windows to Linux (using Xubuntu
> 10.04.4) and am still using TB! but not via Wine, which I've never
> installed. Instead, I installed Oracle's VirtualBox program, created
> virtual machines, loaded my Windows into the VMs, and run TB in that
> virtual machine.

> Given adequate RAM (I'm running 2 GB) and CPU (hyperthreaded Pentium 4
> here) performance of TB! is equal to what it was under native WinXP, and
> there's no problem of compatibility at all. Setting up the virtual machine
> took a little time, particularly in the area of making sure the internet
> connections worked properly, but once established, it runs error-free.

That sounds VERY attractive, but at this stage of the game
I don't have the first clue how to begin.

I  expect  I  do have the resources; I'm running on a Dell
Inspiron laptop with a 2Gz dual core Pentium CPU and 4G of

> An additional advantage is that I can access TB! from any machine on my
> LAN, via the RDP server built into VirtualBox. In fact I'm posting this
> reply from another box using that capability.

I  don't  actually need that capability, but I can see how
it might be useful to some.

And  maybe  it  would run some apps I'd like to keep which
(according  to  the  Wine community) do NOT run in Wine. I
really  need to be able to run Corel, too; Inkscape does a
lot, but not everything I need.

Where Linux is concerned, I am truly 'only an egg'. I will
eventually get up to speed, but I don't suppose it will
happen overnight.

Thank  you for offering another option, though. I am happy
to  run  with native applications if they can use my data,
but  there  are  some  things  that  just don't seem to be
available,  so it will be necessary to keep some Win apps.
I'll keep this, and I may come back to you.

Best -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Strange error message

2012-03-17 Thread Lynn
On 3/17/2012, you wrote:

L>> The  messages  are:  FETCH - could not store message (file
L>> name-c:\users\lynn\temp\bat*.tmp) String looks like hex, 4
L>> characters.

> Is TheBat perhaps writing a cache file named "bat!.tmp", which
> contains a non-low-ASCII character, which fails on Wine?

That   could   be,  but  I  have  no idea how to find out.
There  is  no  such  file that I can find in any directory
under TheBat!, or under Wine that has a .tmp extension.

It seems to be deleting it after the fact.

But  what  I  really  don't  understand  is  why  this  is
happening  in  *this* account, but not in the others. They
are  all  defined  as POP. The others have more security on
them, but that's the only difference I can see.

Unless  the  fact  that the POP server is defined as an ip
would be causing a problem?

There is an exceptions log, if that would be of use?

> What file system are you using in Wine?

I don't know how to find that out, either.

I have left the Wine configuration strictly alone, because
I don't understand any of it's controls. The only thing I
changed on it was to stipulate Win7 as the OS. On looking
again, I can't find anything in the config that stipulates
a file system.

L>> Oh  ... I'd like to know whether TB! is a 32 bit or 64 bit
L>> app - I looked on the site, but couldn't find it. tia.

> It's 32 bit.


And  thanks  for  asking questions I can't answer, but can
seek  answers  for :-) Eventually I'll learn this stuff. I
learned DOS with a much more limited background :-)

Best -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Strange error message

2012-03-17 Thread Lynn

Hi Batters -

I  recently  migrated from Win7 to Linux. I fully expected
to  have  to  give  up  TheBat!  after  all these years of
dependency, but I was thrilled to find it loaded perfectly
in Wine (v1.3.30, if anyone is interested). I loaded up my
isp  account  and  my  several gmail accounts, and held my
breath  and pushed the fetch button. They all responded as
expected.  I  tested  send,  and  had  transport  in  both
directions. Home free, right?

Then I tried to load my personal account from my personal
mail server, which runs Dovecot. I loaded it up, and when
I told it to fetch, nothing happened. I loaded it to POP,
like the others. On doing some testing, I found to my fury
that Thundebird fetched it fine.

I. Can't. Live. With. Thunderbird. Especially not when all
the rest of the accounts work fine in TB!.

There are 1,900+ messages parked on that server, and
apparently TB! can see them, because it counts them off as
it goes, but it doesn't bring them to the inbox.

The  error messages show in the bottom log bar, but not in
the account log.

The  messages  are:  FETCH - could not store message (file
name-c:\users\lynn\temp\bat*.tmp) String looks like hex, 4

And,  when  it  is  finished  not fetching the messages it
counts off:

FETCH - Failed to store all received the messages into the message base. 
Downloaded 1956 messages, stored 0 message(s).

I'm  stumped.  My  Linux  mentors are stumped. I know that
RitLabs does't support Linux or Wine, but this seems to be
a TB! error. And I know that there are a few rogue batters
who are successfully running TB! in Wine.

And I'm praying to the cyber gods that there is at least
ONE person here, or perhaps someone who can point me to
someone, or a place, where I can find out how to fix this.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can shed some light - .

Oh  ... I'd like to know whether TB! is a 32 bit or 64 bit
app - I looked on the site, but couldn't find it. tia.

Best -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *   OpenSuse 12.1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: IMAP again

2009-06-23 Thread Lynn


s> When you right click on the account in the tree view (the root node,
s> above the Inbox), there's an option synchronize all folders. That
s> might be what you're looking for. I don't dare to click on it right
s> now to test this, though.

Thanks, simbabque. Since I have nothing much to lose, I'll give it a

I've discovered another problem here, which is that none of the changes
made to the folders on the server seem to be updating in TB! - which
means I will likely have to delete the accounts and start again :-/

I don't know what's going on here, but I haven't installed the new
version of TB!  yet- do you, or anyone, know if anything was tweaked
which might affect this in a positive way?

And while I'm ranging afield a bit here, is anyone running Windows 7,
and is it playing nicely with TB!?

tia again - 

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.2.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

IMAP again

2009-06-22 Thread Lynn
Hi Batters -

Well, it never ends, does it? Something else I can't figure out here.

Some of these accounts I've inherited (a volunteer thing, for those who
missed my first pleas for help) have well over a hundred folders in
them, and because the organization just migrated all their mailboxes to
a different server and 'tweaked' some of the settings (thanks guys - But
I really was thrilled to find that they'd actually dl'ed TB!  and
installed it so they could put config instructions on their support
Wiki) - nonetheless, I have had to delete all the accounts and reinstall
them to bring the inboxes in.

OK, that was no big deal, but now I find myself setting the sync for all
these folders one at a time because I can't figure out a way to tell the
whole list just to set all folders for full sync. Hundreds of them, no

I *must* be missing something here, surely??? Is there no way just to
check the little boxes for all the folders in one fell swoop and tell
them to be full sync??

tia -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.2.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: IMAP directories

2009-05-21 Thread Lynn


L>> Can anyone think what happened to these two directories and how I can
L>> retrieve them? I'm sure this is mindlessly simple, but I can't figure it
L>> out.

SC> Right  click  on  the  account  name  and select Manage IMAP Folders. Once 
SC> select  Reset  list.  You  can  then  select  how you want to manage each 
of the
SC> folders.

Hi Stuart -

That did it. I knew I must be missing something obvious!


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

IMAP directories

2009-05-21 Thread Lynn

Hi all -

I recently acquired some mail accounts which need to be IMAP, which I
don't ordinarily use, so really have no clue about.  They came in to TB
very easily, but I'm having a directory problem I can't figure out.

One of them has a lot of directories and subdirectories, but nothing
that worked for what I needed to do, and I made, from TB, two new
directories. They appeared on the list, and when I went to the web
interface to check them, they were there. So far, so good.

Then next time I opened TB, they were conspicuously absent, there are
mails there I need to keep, and I need to move more mails into them.

Can anyone think what happened to these two directories and how I can
retrieve them? I'm sure this is mindlessly simple, but I can't figure it


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Spaces between sentences

2009-05-21 Thread Lynn


TF> BTW we actually tried to buy a mechanical typewriter for the office,
TF> but it took a while until we found one. And it was a lot more
TF> expensive than an electric typewriter. So we bought the electric
TF> typewriter, and it is now standing idle as our accountant prefer to
TF> fill in the T/T forms by hand rather than with the electric one.

They are hard to find. But sometimes necessary -

I will tell a typewriter story on the other list :-)

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Spaces between sentences

2009-05-19 Thread Lynn



"It is generally accepted that the practice of putting two spaces at the
end of a sentence is a carryover from the days of typewriters with
monospaced typefaces.  Two spaces, it was believed, made it easier to
see where one sentence ended and the next began.  Most typeset text,
both before and after the typewriter, used a single space.

"The only time more than 1 space was used in a line of type was when we
had to justify the line to the full margins." — Madisonhank, describing
typesetting before digital type

Today, with the prevalence of proportionally spaced fonts, some believe
that the practice is no longer necessary and even detrimental to the
appearance of text."

TF> Thanks Bob, this seems to support my case.

Or not :-)

YMMV :-) 

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Periods in TB editor

2009-05-18 Thread Lynn


BR> I have since read that the new standard (from Microsoft, anyway) is
BR> that a single space between sentences is preferable.

That, right there, should be reason to make the double space between
sentences the default!

I was taught to double space after periods too, but when it became
possible to have proportional type on typewriters, this double space
went away.  Typesetters don't use double spaces.  Most people choose
proportional fonts in word processors, so don't use the double space.

So .. it's more a monospace font/typewriter thing than an general rule.

But I agree that it is more pleasing visually, and therefore probably
makes your message more readable when using monospace fonts.

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: IMAP question

2009-05-16 Thread Lynn


JF> Yes, i have 8xPOP and 1xIMAP running, just create a new Account with

Yes, it went beautifully! Very easy!


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: IMAP question

2009-05-16 Thread Lynn


DAC> yes. start, i think, it's been ages since i did this, by creating a 
DAC> new account, and pick imap, then it's just a matter of knowing 
DAC> addresses for your servers, etc.

It was just that simple, and didn't even make me chase server info! I
love it when things work so beautifully!


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: IMAP question

2009-05-16 Thread Lynn


SC> Are  you  talking about accessing the same accounts as IMAP and POP or some 
SC> and  some  POP. The latter is possible for sure.


Yes, I am and I did and it was simple and is working beautifully.

This is why I won't give up TB :-)

Thanks  -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

IMAP question

2009-05-15 Thread Lynn

Hi Batters -

I need to access some IMAP accounts, but all my current accounts are

Is it possible to do both?

tia -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: New Message Window

2009-05-01 Thread Lynn


JK> Not, and never, selected here and nevertheless behaving well :)

Just one of those things you need to check if things are going wrong, I

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: New Message Window

2009-04-30 Thread Lynn


M> Open Editor and in View menu check if 'Store window position' is 
M> selected.

It wasn't before, it is now, must have been checked in the old version,

Thanks a million, it was very annoying!

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New Message Window

2009-04-30 Thread Lynn


MH> Why is it that when you click a email link in your browser - and The
MH> Bat opens up with a new message - that the new message window is not
MH> pushed to the front (the main Bat window is on top and you have to
MH> click the new message button on the taskbar to bring it to the front)?
MH> On a related subject, why does the tab (shift+tab) combo not move back
MH> to the subject field when you are in the text area of the new message
MH> window? Tab after all moves from the address field to the subject
MH> field and then to the text field, but shift+tab does not go back to
MH> the subject and address fields.

These are interesting questions.

I would add this one - why is it in this latest release that when the
compose window appears it is dropped down so that the bottom part of the
window is hidden by the task bar? By bottom part I mean not only the
status bar of the window itself, but also the sig and taglines?

It didn't used to behave this way; the whole window was visible. I
thought I'd get used to having to keep pushing the thing up, but I'm not

tia ...

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Sig lines

2009-04-21 Thread Lynn


RP> Go to:
RP> Options/Preferences/Viewer-Editor/Profile  Layout,  then in the Item window
RP> choose 'Signature text' and then choose the font details you want.

The best thing about this - well, it may actually be just a really nifty
bonus, but I'm thrilled - is that not only are my sigs now readable, but
so are yours!

Is this cool or what?  :-)

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Can I make folder creation default to NOT show unread messages in Mail Ticker?

2009-04-21 Thread Lynn


P> There's another thing, which I may or may not have remembered correctly, but
P> didn't the early TB! versions have an entry for New Message in the
P> Right-Click context menu for folders? I seem to remember that, but maybe I'm
P> mistaken and confusing it with something else. Regardless, that's something
P> I'd like to see added under the 'New' context menu sub-menu...because out of
P> habit I seem to look there first to create a new message when a folder is
P> highlighted.

I think you are right. I have more than once right clicked on a folder
for a new message, kind of reflexively, and been surprised to find no
message option there.

Now you have to select the folder and click on the feather. I have
learned (mostly) to do it that way.

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Sig lines

2009-04-21 Thread Lynn


RP> Go to:
RP> Options/Preferences/Viewer-Editor/Profile  Layout,  then in the Item window
RP> choose 'Signature text' and then choose the font details you want.

You have my undying gratitude! Thank you so much! 

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Sig lines

2009-04-20 Thread Lynn


JK> As for the reason it's so light, that's just developers' choice of
JK> colors -- no significant reason of which I'm aware! Fortunately TB!
JK> has lots of configuration options so we can disagree with their choices...

This is exactly what I want to do! But .. how?

It's no consolation that your sig is as invisible as mine! I'd like mine
to be visible!

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Sig lines

2009-04-20 Thread Lynn

Hi all -

I see a few of you have managed to make your sig lines visible, and I
would very much like to know how this is done. I have been through
everything I can find, but as soon as I hit the space at the end of the
--, zip, everything becomes too light to be read by human eyes.

I don't need to know the reason for this (though I admit that my chronic
state of pathological curiosity has been triggered), but I would REALLY
like to know how to fix it.


tia -


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Log backups, was CA certificate issue

2009-04-20 Thread Lynn


t> Do me a favour and winrar the 2 files properly,

You'd better define 'properly', if you want them done some particular
way :-)

This is an XP Pro system, btw ..

t> Keep an eye how long it takes to make and check a backup and what
t> sizes are in both cases as I would like to know if its worth doing!
t> If compacted files are much smaller and you have seen the size you
t> know likely what happens with one month of data. As said compress
t> them properly and watch security settings and then see how big it
t> becomes. Check they are all accessible

The first date on that smtp.log file was somewhere in 2006, I think -
not a typical period for a single logfile. The POPlog is over 3 *GIG*,
and though I'm pretty sure I can rar it, I'm not certain I can load it
into an editor. That's kind of a big file.

Anyway, fwiw, the smtp.log started out at 315,567kb, and rar'ed down to
159,975, that's with 'normal' compression. I haven't messed with
Winrar's config for a while, and it's probably not far off the defaults,
if any changes were made at all. Took about 45 minutes, give or take. Is
that any help?

t> After you have done the backup one time and its worth it,
t> consider buying a kingmax memory stick and run on there. Current last sticks 
t> big enough to probably store at least a year of data.!! Obviously: watch 
t> I  think  there  will be a significant reduction in file size... Note make 
t> month  a  backup and store for that month!! One you start doing it you will 
t> your own methods to save time! But remember ALWAYS make sure to have 1 
t> copy  of  the  data!!!  And keep the month's separate as if you need the lot 
t> likely havent got the disk-space to expand them!!

I still can't think why I'd need more than a month's worth of log,
really. On this particular occasion we needed about 8 hours worth, to
identify a server error, and that's the kind of thing I'm likely to need
it for I'd think.

Seriously, why would I need more?



:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: CA certificate issue

2009-04-19 Thread Lynn


t> Zip  or rar it before you keep it as these files are mainly that big as its 
t> text

Unless you can think of a reason why I would need more than a month's
worth of log, I was just going to dump them on a rotating basis. That
is, on the 1st of the month I will go and rename the current file, and
dump last month's files.

If you think I need more, then yes, I can rar them.



:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[3]: CA certificate issue

2009-04-19 Thread Lynn


rr> Open the help file. Look at the "Privacy and Security" tab. Open it
rr> then go to "S/Mime" and open it. Then open "certificate management"
rr> and go from there. It works for me.

Do you mean the 'tools' menu?

That's the only one I can find with a 'privacy and Security' tab.

When I go to it, the flyout offers:

Verify Signature - (with shortcut) greyed out.
Decrypt  - (with shortcut) greyed out.
Import key/certificate - greyed out.
Decrypt and save - (with shortcut) greyed out.

Then a spacer, and

File encrypt/sign  (with shortcut) Not greyed out
File decrypt/verify (with shortcut) Not greyed out.

I actually found this before writing  and should have mentioned it
probably, but the more things I looked at the more muddled I got. It
looks like the options I need are greyed out, and I don't know why or
how to fix it.

There must be a way to do this!

I thought my sig had my system stuff in it, but it's a WinXP Pro laptop,
updated to the minute, with TB Pro 4.1.11  Ask for more if you need it.

Don't know what to do next!

Thanks, though.


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: CA certificate issue

2009-04-19 Thread Lynn


t> How  big is the file? And WHAT log-file, they aren't all the same... Notepad 
t> be a solution, otherwise wordpad and there are lots of other programs...

No, no, it was actually 355  *meg*, but I did fix that in the end. It
did load into GVim, and in a few days I will just blow it away and save
the week as bak, and start another one.

And I won't let it get that big again. The POP log is *3.5GIGS*! lol
Its fate will be the same :-)

Thanks :-) 

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Skip logfile fixed

2009-04-18 Thread Lynn


L> And .. this is embarrassing, but does anyone have a suggestion as to how
L> to read a 355k logfile? We'd like to see what's in it today since the
L> smtp function quit, but GVim stopped responding when I tried to scroll
L> to the end of it, and I'm going to give JEdit a try, but .. looks bad,
L> you know?

L> Yes, hereafter I will start a new one on the first of every month, but I
L> didn't realize it was just getting bigger and bigger. I figured there
L> was a limit on it. Silly me. I must have set that up in a different app.

This has been dealt with. and that was 355Meg .. !! and GVim did the
deed in the end; I think I ws rushing it.

The certificate is still very much at issue though. 

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

CA certificate issue

2009-04-18 Thread Lynn

Hi all -

I'm having a problem getting a CA certificate imported/installed,
whatever it is you do with these things. Can't find anything in the
config or help files at all. Can someone shed some light?

And .. this is embarrassing, but does anyone have a suggestion as to how
to read a 355k logfile? We'd like to see what's in it today since the
smtp function quit, but GVim stopped responding when I tried to scroll
to the end of it, and I'm going to give JEdit a try, but .. looks bad,
you know?

Yes, hereafter I will start a new one on the first of every month, but I
didn't realize it was just getting bigger and bigger. I figured there
was a limit on it. Silly me. I must have set that up in a different app.

Anyway, the cert is really the thing, I think, and I'd really appreciate



:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Disabling spam filter

2009-01-27 Thread Lynn


SC> If you are referring to the URL manager then you can disable it entirely or 
SC> it up as needed.

I was, yes.

SC> To  open  it  click  on  the  earth  icon  on the header bar and select 
Show URL
SC> Manager.  There  you can de-select the show this window automatically check 
SC> This will cause TB to ignore HTML pictures and act like TB used to.

I discovered this accidentally a few minutes after I answered the last
mail. At least I found the checkbox; I'm not seeing an earth icon.
Perhaps I have an alternate skin or toolbox option?

SC> You can also open this same window when you receive an email you want to 
see the
SC> pictures  in  and allow them for that email. This usually lets all pictures 
SC> that emailer through from that point on.

If I can find it again now that I've got it turned off, I'll explore it
further, but maybe I'll just leave it turned off :-)

SC> I hope this is what you meant, if not please ignore me altogether. ;>)

No, no, thanks very much! I was feeling really stupid, which of course
adds to the aggravation! I'm much more mellow now that the thing is
turned off! lol!

And as a nice little bonus, while I was scanning those hundreds of
messages trying to find a reference to the thing, I discovered I could
pipe my gmail messages to TB. I went and did it - easiest config I've
ever done, barring TB's basic configs - and that's working too.

This is unquestionably the best support group on the net! Thanks to all
who've replied!


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Disabling spam filter

2009-01-27 Thread Lynn


DC> you can always just allow everything

I am thinking that will have to be it, and I'm sure I won't have to wait
long before I see it again. I haven't even been able to find a
way to bring the wretched thing up independently! I didn't think I was
any stupider than usual, but I've really had it up to here with the

Thanks, though -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Disabling spam filter

2009-01-27 Thread Lynn


RO> You're  talking  about  the  Download  URL  manager, that isn't a spam
RO> filter, but gives you the possibility to configure from what sites you
RO> want to see the pictures and from what sites not.
RO> Don't  select the individual messages, but their root when choosing to
RO> allow or block.

Many have several roots, as many as 5 on the worst. And it is evident
that they change the content from mailing to mailing, so that one
determination is not enough. EBay notices frequently have several; since
various items/vendors are involved, how could they be the same? Should I
have to allow every vendor notification they send out??? I've been
fighting the thing ever since I installed that version. I can't believe
I'm the only user with this issue!

RO> AFAIK You can't disable the feature.

No offense, but I really, really, hope you are wrong. But .. thanks


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Disabling spam filter

2009-01-27 Thread Lynn

Hi -

Since I upgraded the last time, this spam device has driven me bonkers.
I have just scanned over 800 messages here, and haven't found a fix, and
can only hope I haven't missed it. Thanks be that Batters are so good
about subject lines!

If the thing can't be disabled altogether, is it at least possible to
tell it to block or permit domain names? This business of
allowing/blocking each individual gif or jpg is totally insane! They
change with every mailing on much of this stuff, and filtering on those
defeats the purpose entirely!

TIA, and sorry for the desperation, but it takes me longer to mess
with that than to delete the spam!


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Bad msi header

2006-05-23 Thread Lynn


L> Hi all -

L> When I recently received notification of the new TB pro release,
L> I went and dl'ed it, and on trying to install it found it
L> returned a 'can't read file header' 'unknown file format' error.

L> This was TheBat! v3.80.06 - I re dl'ed it a couple of times, and
L> then found TheBat! v3.80.03, and dl'ed it with the same result.

L> Anybody know what is going on here?

L> I was rather hoping it would fix my AB, which is still
L> misbehaving.

Never mind, sending the query fixed it :-) It also loaded the AB,
which may mean that is fixed too ..

Thanks :-)

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Bad msi header

2006-05-23 Thread Lynn
Hi all -

When I recently received notification of the new TB pro release,
I went and dl'ed it, and on trying to install it found it
returned a 'can't read file header' 'unknown file format' error.

This was TheBat! v3.80.06 - I re dl'ed it a couple of times, and
then found TheBat! v3.80.03, and dl'ed it with the same result.

Anybody know what is going on here?

I was rather hoping it would fix my AB, which is still

tia ..

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Disappearing AB

2006-02-12 Thread Lynn

Sunday, February 12, 2006, 1:53:37 AM, you wrote:

RO> In the AB:
RO>   File -> Open address book... -> Browse to your .abd file

Uh oh ... error:

Access violation at address 0092A1A5 in module "thebat.exe'. read
of address 0004

Wouldn't load it ...

So ... now what?

Thanks, though!

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 3.65.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Disappearing AB

2006-02-11 Thread Lynn

Hi Batters -

Gotta little problem here. Took the Christmas opportunity to
upgrade to TB Pro, and in January sometime installed it.

All seemed well, until I tried to access the AB. Oops .. nothing

I have been backing up with the batch file, and as I haven't been
terribly conscientious about it, figured I could probably recover
it from that. I shifted the thebat.abd out of the archive back to
the Mail directory, which is where it seemed to be living, but
still have no address book.

Apparently there are other files which have to go with it, or
that's what I'm guessing.

Can someone solve the mystery? I don't want to back up again
until I've recovered it - lots of stuff in there that would be a
pain to recover; it's an OLD db ...


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is 3.65.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: List of fixes in 3.1

2004-10-14 Thread Lynn


BM> You need to create the lists yourself.

BM> First go to Options/Preferences/Anti-spam, click on
BM> BayesIt! and click Configure.

'K, thanks. I knew the config stuff was there somewhere, but
didn't select the plugin, so it was greyed out .. doh!

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: List of fixes in 3.1

2004-10-14 Thread Lynn


G> I saw a mail on this list form someone who only received 2% of his mails not
G> from this list, just imagine how much less processing time is needed if
G> this list was in his white list.

I was trying to find the BayseIt lists, because I've just
upgraded to the new version, which also seems to have upgraded
Bayesit, but couldn't find them .. could you refresh my memory? I
*know* I've been there before ...


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[4]: Purge unread messages?

2004-10-07 Thread Lynn


KV> Select the mails, or all mails and Ctrl+M. No read, no headache

No, but they'd still be sitting there ... I'm not so
obsessive as some people are (my husband, say) about
cleaning out my mail, but I hate for it to just pile up


L>> I  suspect the reason we don't have one is that it's really kind of
L>> counter-intuitive  ...  it's  not really obvious that someone might
L>> want to dump just the *unread* messages.
KV> Yes. But, as always, there are solutions.

Surely .. as it stands, I highlight the lot and delete
them, but a few times I've fatfingered something and lost
stuff I *did* want to keep and all .. would be neater to
have a button to push, eh?


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC4

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Purge unread messages?

2004-10-07 Thread Lynn


L>> It would be kind of nice to be able to right click on the
L>> folder and just do 'delete unread messages' ... I suspect
L>> the reason we don't have one is that it's really kind of
L>> counter-intuitive ... it's not really obvious that someone
L>> might want to dump just the *unread* messages.

MB> Do you know how to write a feature request at Bugtracker's Wish List?

If the link on the beta page works, I expect I can figure
it out :-)

MB> If you wrote one and posted the URL here (probably you should
MB> cross-post to tbbeta, too) I would put a note to support it.

OK ...

MB> Once or twice in the past I dumped an entire folder by moving its
MB> contents to Trash and then deleting the folder and emptying the Trash.
MB> But that was in an effort to straighten out a corrupted jumpy folder
MB> and I had already copied all the messages to the new folder I had set
MB> up to contain them.

Yes .. 'empty folder' ... if it worked like that, except
just to delete unread messages, it would save some aggro.

It would be a convenience more than a necessity, but still
would be nice ..


MB> So, I don't need the feature. But I'd be willing to support it for
MB> your needs.

Thanks :-) I think there are a couple of other people who
might like it too -

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC4

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Re[2]: Purge unread messages?

2004-10-05 Thread Lynn


MB> I don't want to do this. But aren't the settings in
MB> Folder/Properties/Keep messages in the base for ( ) days and
MB> Folder/Properties/On exit remove old messages
MB> the settings you are looking for?

Well, no, because sometimes I don't need something like
that for weeks, or days at least .. lol But when the
traffic gets heavy on some of the lists, and it looks like
being an all day project just to get all the mail read
once, then I sometimes have to do a triage thing :-)

It would be kind of nice to be able to right click on the
folder and just do 'delete unread messages' ... I suspect
the reason we don't have one is that it's really kind of
counter-intuitive ... it's not really obvious that someone
might want to dump just the *unread* messages.

But sometimes that's what it takes to get from here to
there :-)

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC4

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Re[2]: Rogues

2004-10-05 Thread Lynn


LG> Because the .MSI references a relative path to the Rogues images.
LG> TheBat! looks for the .MSL files in the images directory. We decided a
LG> while back to put images related to each .MSL file in their own
LG> directory so that one, it looks neater than having the images folder
LG> jam packed with tons of images, and two, so that if two images were
LG> named the same but from different .MSLs, they wouldn't overwrite each
LG> other.

Sounds reasonaable enough .. wonder how the file got
misplaced to begin with?

Ah those mysterious computers .. :-)

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC4

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Re[2]: Purge unread messages?

2004-10-05 Thread Lynn


TN> For deleting *unread* messages, you have to open the account
TN> properties and check if under Mail
TN> Management\Deletion the checkbox
TN> "Purge Unread Messages" is activated.

Hmmm .. but I don't want to do it as a matter of course; I
only want to do it a couple of times a week, when I get
too far behind ...

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC4

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Re: Purge unread messages?

2004-10-05 Thread Lynn


ÖH> It would be nice of old messages just disappeared out of the
ÖH> folder after a certain time, read or not. Preferably by some
ÖH> automated process, like a filter or a setting in folder
ÖH> properties. Have I missed some simple setting?

This *would* be useful .. I could certainly use it too!

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC4

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Re[2]: Rogues

2004-10-04 Thread Lynn


L>> Somehow, the 'rogues.smi' file got into the \rogue folder,
L>> but it was supposed to be in the *image* folder!

RO> Darned, you mean I created that web page for nothing?

No, I just went and looked ... but I wonder why mine
wouldn't work with the rogues.msi file in the rogues
folder; as soon as I moved it to the 'images' folder, you
came in fine ...

RO> I hadn't read this message, but only (one of) your
RO> message(s) to Mary and decide to visualize it over
RO> here:

RO> Gotto see whether I can get it in the wiki, in that
RO> case it hasn't been completely for nothing.

Glad to help, any time!

I won't charge you for using my pic, either  :rofl:

tnx :-)

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC3

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-04 Thread Lynn


MB> No, no! It's just beginning. Now you need to create a Lynn Avatar and
MB> upload it to the
MB>  page!

I'm not sure the world is ready for a Lynn avatar .. I
think you should settle for the Hat! :rofl:

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Re[2]: Rogues

2004-10-04 Thread Lynn


L>> Always something  

MB> You just have an extra letter in the   handle.  

:lol: .. thanks .. fixed now, I believe ..

tnx again!

:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Re[2]: Rogues

2004-10-04 Thread Lynn


MB> Hooray for heroic fellow-batter Lynn!  

MB> Lynn, where is Roelof's beer?

I just sent a few cases up for the whole group, and a vat
of coffee for the teetotalers! 

I do thank you all!

:Hawthorne: :usaflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-04 Thread Lynn


MB> I am almost desperate enough to suggest that you send Leif a Private
MB> Mail about this.

No need .. *and* I managed to successfully subscribe to
the beta list, *and* (ta da!) I finally found out what was
wrong with the templates!

I do want to thank you, and all the rest of the crew who
pitched in on this - it's been fun, but I'm glad the
party's finally over!

:batbeer: and :batcoffee: all around!

:Hawthorne: :usaflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC3

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Re[2]: Rogues

2004-10-04 Thread Lynn


MCR> I don't think you can send a message written in RTF to the list. I did
MCR> that twice by mistake and they both came
MCR> returned saying the "content
MCR> was not appropriate".

Yes, I think that's true .. it's one of the reasons why I
really don't want to mess with it; what I wasn't sure of
in that comment, I think, was whether the smiley would
come through, or just the handle.

It would be nice if the editor choice was more flexible,
so you could choose the editor for the folder .. I think
that's come up before.

MCR> At first I didn't understand what was happening, but
MCR> I then I figured it out: it was not the content, it
MCR> was the format.

Yes. Now all I have to figure out is how to get two flags
to show in the signature!

Always something :-)

:Hawthorne: :usaflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Re[2]: Rogues pics & New SS url ..

2004-10-04 Thread Lynn


MB> Now that the wiki Bat documentation pages are launched and now that
MB> all the hard time we had with the Roguemoticon and PCWSmiley Smileys
MB> zip files over the weekend seems to past--Leif believes he has fixed
MB> the code, and I've been monitoring closely all day and I believe he
MB> has fixed it, also--

Actually, the wiki is a lot more important than the
rogues, so I'm glad his attention was there ...

You knew it had to be some dumb thing, it was, and now I,
too, can move on to something more important!

:Hawthorne: :usaflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC3

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Re[2]: Rogues

2004-10-04 Thread Lynn


RO> | 
RO> |   Unzip it to the 'Images' directory that's in your TB! installation
RO> |   directory: C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Images
RO> |   You  should  now  have a directory called 'rogues' containing many
RO> |   images  as well as the file 'rogues.msl' in your Images directory.
RO> |   Go into the preferences, and bring up the View/Editor options. Now
RO> |   hit  Shift-CTRL-Alt-T  while  TB!  is in
RO> focus. This will re-fetch
RO> |   TB!'s smiley set from disk and load the new images.
RO> `-

Yes!! I've got a rogue! Hi Roelof!

Somehow, the 'rogues.smi' file got into the \rogue folder,
but it was supposed to be in the *image* folder!

It works!

:Hawthorne: :usaflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC3

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Re: Rogues

2004-10-04 Thread Lynn


JG>   I can also see that with some people their picture shows up even
JG>   though I can't see the :xxx: bit in their
JG> email. e.g. Thorvald (like
JG>   the hat!) has a picture but no :xxx: whereas Lynn has a :Hawthorne:
JG>   in her sig, although interestingly her picture isn't showing.

I think this depends on which viewer/editor you use .. I
am viewing w/rtf, but composing w/txt.

Maybe I should try composing w/rtf, but I can't imagine
that that would make what I can *see* any different ..

JG> Is there a 'howto' for this, I'm not sure I've
JG> understood it at all!

I *know* I haven't understood it all! rotfl

:Hawthorne: :usaflag: :canadaflag:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC3

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-04 Thread Lynn


MB> Maybe she just needed to close and re-launch The Bat! We haven't heard
MB> from her yet, this morning.

No, I've been running late, but after I checked the
'X-roges' in the 'view' menu (main window), I not only
restarted TB, I rebooted the system .. and still no rogues


A :batbeer: to the person who can figure out what I have
to do to see the rogues without going to PCWize!

(I can't recall if I have to be using the RTF
editor for that to work, but the offer is sincere!)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC3

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Re[2]: Rogues pics & New SS url ..

2004-10-04 Thread Lynn


MB> Look down your long list of choices. Be sure X-Rogues is checked.

It is ...

MB> Your screen shot with Jürgen Haug's message in focus in the Preview
MB> Pane does not show the line (in my set-up it appears right below the
MB> "Follow up:" line) for "X-Rogue:". If you check "X-Rogues" in "View
MB> Folder/View/Message Headers" a line will appear and if it is my
MB> message that is in focus it will say:

MB> X-Rogue: :mary:

Yes, it does now ... however, you must not be a rogue,
because I can't see you! lol!

Nor any rogues :-(

BTW, I replaced the screen shot with a jpg, as Jurgen
pointed out to me that someone using a dialup could wait a
*long* time for that bmp to load .. so the link is now

And in a minute I will shuffle a new screen shot over
there, so you can see what it looks like now ...


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC3

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-03 Thread Lynn


JH> Hello Lynn,

JH> Sunday, October 3, 2004, 10:32:31 PM, you wrote:

>> Sunday, October 3, 2004, 1:21:13 PM, you wrote:

JH>>> could you maybe upload a screenshot of your TB!
JH>>> screen somewhere and give us the URL. Sometimes
JH>>> looking at something helps a lot  

>> Which TB screen(s) do you want?

>> I'll do *anything*! lol!

JH> I'd just like to see your normal TB! Screen, when
JH> you're looking at the preview pane and all that. That
JH> place where you're supposed to see the rogues. Just to
JH> get an idea what we are all talking about...

OK .. screen shot ...

Hope it helps ... :-)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC3

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-03 Thread Lynn


JH> I'd just like to see your normal TB! Screen, when
JH> you're looking at the preview pane and all that. That
JH> place where you're supposed to see the rogues. Just to
JH> get an idea what we are all talking about...

OK. I'll post the url as soon as I figure out what it is

tnx ...


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC3

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-03 Thread Lynn

Sunday, October 3, 2004, 3:39:58 PM, you wrote:

RO> I suppose she unchecked the option to be visible on the web page.
RO> There are more who made that choice.

I'm not sure I did ... I thought I checked *everything*!
lol! .. notify me when there are new ones, etc ..

OK .. I went to see if the site was up, and it looks like
it is. I'm there now ... I have the new file, but I dont
know if it's the *latest* ... However, I'm going to try
it, in hope that maybe there was something wrong with the
other file, which was causing the problem.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[4]: Rogues pics

2004-10-03 Thread Lynn

Sunday, October 3, 2004, 3:33:06 PM, you wrote:

Lynn>> Which TB screen(s) do you want?

Lynn>> I'll do *anything*! lol!


Well ...?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-03 Thread Lynn

Sunday, October 3, 2004, 2:04:38 PM, you wrote:

PC> we can't get that file, today the web site has been down just about all
PC> day.. I keep trying!!!

Yes, I posted that before the other stuff came through,
but it seems they've been mirrored now!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-03 Thread Lynn

Sunday, October 3, 2004, 1:31:57 PM, you wrote:


ASK> ...I mean... its there, so use it.  

Thanks. I've done all that already, though .. :-(


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-03 Thread Lynn

Sunday, October 3, 2004, 1:21:13 PM, you wrote:

JH> could you maybe upload a screenshot of your TB!
JH> screen somewhere and give us the URL. Sometimes
JH> looking at something helps a lot  

Which TB screen(s) do you want?

I'll do *anything*! lol!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-03 Thread Lynn

Sunday, October 3, 2004, 1:16:06 PM, you wrote:

MDP> So it's none of that

Guess not ...

L>> And I did actually check all those things in case I missed
L>> something earlier ...

L>> No rogues  

MDP> I have no idea what's wrong here.

Well, I'm bummed. If you don't know ...

L>> There is, at the right hand end of the view pane, a ? and something
L>> else that I can't identify .. it is not, however, a pic.

MDP> That's a PGP validity check icon.


MDP> ... because you don't have my public PGP key I guess.

That would probably explain it.

I think I'll take my hat and go home ... lol!

tnx .. I'm sure something will pop up and I will get it
working, but it's a disappointment.

But I'll be back later!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-03 Thread Lynn

Sunday, October 3, 2004, 7:38:37 AM, you wrote:

TF> A wild (and probably unreasonable) guess is that the other pictures
TF> are somewhere else. I've seen weirder things.

Possibly those who can't see me haven't got the latest
rogue file .. ?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-03 Thread Lynn

Sunday, October 3, 2004, 4:11:36 AM, you wrote:

PC> He also needs the view set to Rich Text,
PC> and a right-click under the headers for sender photo, display.

I did this too ... no joy :-(

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-03 Thread Lynn

Sunday, October 3, 2004, 1:26:24 AM, you wrote:

MDP> For you to see other peoples' images you have to:

MDP> 1) Download the file.


MDP> 2) Unzip it to the TB program files folder as
MDP> follows:
MDP>a) The images live in images/rogues


MDP>b) The rogues.msl file lives in images


MDP> 3) Enable header view (View .. Message header ..
MDP> Show)


MDP> 4) Enable "Sender photo" in the header pane
MDP> pop-up menu


MDP> 5) Either: Presss Ctrl-Alt-Shift-T or restart TB
MDP> to reload the

Check. Actually, to be absolutely sure, I did both.

And I did actually check all those things in case I missed
something earlier ...

No rogues :-(

There is, at the right hand end of the view pane, a ? and
something else that I can't identify .. it is not,
however, a pic.

If I click on it, no matter what message is loaded, I get
a message in a little window, to this effect (it is
actually formatted with headings and so on):

signer unknowninvalidunknown signature format.

And I see that since I clicked on the ?, it has been
replaced by an X ...

MDP> And that's it. Anybody else have any gotchas about
MDP> this side of getting rogues visible?

Since they are clearly seeing my great hat, this is
definitely the issue! lol!

thanks ..



[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 9:13:23 PM, you wrote:

MCR> This is how I have mine:

MCR> Header Fields  RFC NameAddress list 
MCR> Editor  Scroll
MCR> X-Rogue:   X-Rogue No   
MCR> Yes No

Thanks Christina .. I changed my headers to that
configuration, and now I have a scroll bar on my header
pane, and a separate box that looks like it *might* hold a
pic, but still no pic :-(


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 7:52:56 PM, you wrote:

PO> It needs some more work, setting up/enabling the
PO> header field. Did you find it on Marck's page yet?

Not yet ... I know there must be a link to it somewhere, I
think he has a lot of macros, too, doesn't he? But I can't
find the mail with the link in it :-(

PO> If not, when my time allows, I'll try to spend some
PO> time to add instructions to the WIKI pages later on.
PO> G'night for now ;)

G'night! That would be great .. tnx!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 7:40:28 PM, you wrote:

MCR> I forgot to mention in the last post that you
MCR> should also add the
MCR> X-Rogue item to your Header Fields.

AHA! OK .. I did that; hopefully I did it correctly.

I expect I will have to restart TB, will do that now.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 7:34:29 PM, you wrote:

MCR> I had the same problem some time ago, and they told
MCR> me you had to put this line in your template. It
MCR> worked.

It's in there ... :-(


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 6:30:14 PM, you wrote:

PO> Not when you have an X-Rogue header in emails you
PO> send. See the other reply.

Yes, I did, and I thought Mark had the url in his sig
file, but I was wrong :-(


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 6:28:22 PM, you wrote:

PO> Naw, that's not what I meant. But hey, I'm Dutch ;)

Oh, well, that would certainly explain it .. I'm Canadian!


PO> Have a look at the headers of my email, the X-Rogue
PO> header field.

OK, I found it 'X-Rogue: :Peter_Ouwehand:' ... however, I
have no earthly idea how you got it there :-)

PO> Of course, the (TB) recipient already needs to have
PO> the appropriate picture available in order to display
PO> it. I.e. just adding  X-Rogue won't
PO> magically show  rogue.

OK, mine are apparently where they belong ...

PO> If I'm not mistaken, Marck has some explanation on how
PO> to configure it on his site, can't remember the exact
PO> location though.

Ah .. OK. Maybe I can figure that out. But you have to
remember here; I'm Canadian :-)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 6:11:10 PM, you wrote:

MDP> The header pane is the area in which pictures
MDP> would show.

They're turned on .. the 'show' option is checked .. is
that what you wanted to know?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 5:27:07 PM, you wrote:

PO> Options | Preferences | Viewer/Editor -> Use smiley
PO> icons...

OK, that's still checked ...

I use the PTV; is that the problem?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

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Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 5:25:57 PM, you wrote:

PO> For those of us who are using PTV, your rogue ain't
PO> visable because you
PO> don't have the X-Rogue header in your email.

OK, I lost you here, too .. as nearly as I can tell,
headers are on (right click on header pane, select, etc ..
headers are checked to 'show'), but I'm not finding a
reference to x-rogue header anywhere in the configs.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 4:39:12 PM, you wrote:

MDP> ... and (dumb question time) you have headers
MDP> turned on?

I'm sure it's not a dumb question, but I don't honestly
know ... if you mean rfc headers, no; I only turn them on
when I need to track something. Do you mean that if I want
to see the rogues I'm talking to, I have to have the rfc
headers turned on? That would mean for the *whole*
account, not just this list!

Tell me it ain't so!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: OT: Hard Drive partitioning [was Re: Replace Inbox Folder manually?]

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 1:58:28 PM, you wrote:

MB> Oh, I am so tempted! But what if I destroy it?

If someone is familiar with the distribution you have, and
says it will safely partition your drive, then I expect it

Most of the distros really do help you set the stuff up
automagically, easily and safely.

But being a belt and suspenders person, you'll do a
*complete* data back up before you start, right?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Replace Inbox Folder manually?

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 1:45:12 PM, you wrote:

MB> So, write directly to Marck D. Pearlstone about it.
MB> Either start a new
MB> thread here with that subject line, or send him a PM.

MB> He has the capability to fix it for you manually.

'K, thanks


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: OT: Hard Drive partitioning [was Re: Replace Inbox Folder manually?]

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 1:41:35 PM, you wrote:

MB> So--could I be Geek enough to have a dual-boot set-up?

MB> Naah. Fantasy, I guess. :)

Sure you could .. it's really not that hard - the easiest
way would be to get Partition Magic, because that lets you
see what you're doing, sort of .. well, this is kind of OT
- email me privately if you like .. if you can .. rotfl!

Really, it's easy ... and I've never had a problem with
PM; been running it since v1.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Replace Inbox Folder manually?

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 1:06:44 PM, you wrote:

MB> Marck? I can't figure out whether she's putting me on, or
MB> not? Help?

Not at all ... I built the account to have access to the
betas, tried to sign up for the list, and the next day I
got a 'no access' notice ... there's nothing wrong with
the beta page account though .. that's working fine.

MB> Speaking to the Roguemoticons thread, Lynn, I see you,
MB> and you are quite spiffy in that hat! :)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Rogues pics

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 12:26:59 PM, you wrote:

MDP> Right click in the header area and select the "Sender
MDP> photo" options as needed.

That's checked ...

MDP> Also, make sure you have downloaded the
MDP> file and unpacked according to the instructions on
MDP> the PCWize site.

It's in \The Bat!\Images\rogues

Obviously I'm missing something :-(


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Replace Inbox Folder manually?

2004-10-02 Thread Lynn

Saturday, October 2, 2004, 11:44:38 AM, you wrote:

MB> I think in this one instance, cross-posting would be
MB> forgiven, because you are praising v. 3.x so, when
MB> others took a very disparaging attitude.

I'm using a beta, and would be *delighted* to praise it,
but when I tried to subscribe to TBBeta, I got a sharp
note back saying I wasn't qualified to subscribe :-)

I can't figure out where I went wrong .. lol!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

TBv.3.0.1 RC1

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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