[Therion] Lookup explo-date - avoiding overlying scraps

2024-08-07 Thread Bruce Mutton

I was just experimenting.  Yes, my advice was bad.

I also have a project of many kilometres and 50 years, and was for a while 
creating special submaps for the purposes of exporting maps by chronological 
periods.  As exploration and mapping progressed, it became too labour intensive 
to maintain separate series of maps for both chronology and spatial 
representations.  Maps allow complete renderings of all drawn symbols, but are 
labour intensive.

If lookups could be used it should be trivial to achieve the simple mp-fg 
blocked out type exports regardless of map structures.  Your examples achieved 
this, just with the shadow of any overlying passages.

If Therion could have a special colour definition 'transparent' for map-fg, 
then the lookup band for dates you don't want to render could be set to 
transparent.  This way they would not leave a shadow on passages that are 
rendered.  There is a hint that this may be conceptually possible in the 
Therion Book, page 58.


• colo[u]r   . customize colour for special map items (map-fg, map

bg, ...

For map-bg, you can use transparent to omit page background completely.


So a feature request:

Is it possible to add a special colour for use with map-fg along the lines of 
that for map-bg ie transparent?


This would allow flexibility beyond what the current transparency on/off and 
opacity statements are capable of.  ie completely opaque map-fg rendering at 
the same time as some scrap foregrounds beng completely transparent (invisible).


(There may be some oddities of rendering wrt the differences between pdf 




-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Pavel Herich
Sent: Wednesday, 7 August 2024 19:59
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Lookup explo-date - avoiding overlying scraps


Thank You all,


I did try this Bruce, with opacity 0 there is just blank page left.

I agree, this could be done by customising map structure, but there is need for 
this for 88 km long cave system gradually discovered during 120 years.

I´d like to make a video of discovery progress by each year in Demänovské 
Caves, so it should contain ~100 variations of the overall map...




Dňa 2024-08-06 21:44 Bruce Mutton napísal(a):

> Just a guess.  Try...

> transparency on

> opacity 0


> This may make the white passage invisible, but may also make 

> underlying passages appear to be on top.

> I used to emulate what Pavel is trying to do using purpose-built map 

> definitions, but that is labour intensive.

> Interested to see if lookups can be made to do this.

> Bruce


Therion mailing list

[Therion] Lookup explo-date - avoiding overlying scraps

2024-08-06 Thread Bruce Mutton
Just a guess.  Try...
transparency on
opacity 0

This may make the white passage invisible, but may also make underlying 
passages appear to be on top.
I used to emulate what Pavel is trying to do using purpose-built map 
definitions, but that is labour intensive.
Interested to see if lookups can be made to do this.

-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Pavel Herich
Sent: Tuesday, 6 August 2024 23:59
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: [Therion] Lookup explo-date - avoiding overlying scraps


do you see a way how to avoid certain scrap representation (by transparent 
imprint) in pdf as overlaying part of cave while using lookup (explo-date), as 
can be seen in the middle of map explo-date_1978.pdf?

explo-date_2024.pdf represents the whole cave, in blue is a cave passage 
discovered in 2024, which is overlaying discovery from 1978.

My point is to be able to show the cave as it was known before newest 
discovery, without signs of newer parts...

Lookup is following:

lookup explo-date -title "Postup objavných prác"
  [0.1.1 1977.12.31] [0 0 0 100] "známe oddávna"
  [1978.1.1 1978.12.31] [0 100 100 0] ""
  [1979.1.1 2024.12.31] [0 0 0 0] ""

Many thanks

Therion mailing list

[Therion] group endgroup pairs do not constrain metadata to just the grouped shots

2024-07-26 Thread Bruce Mutton
The Therion Book says that group/endgroup pairs enable the user to make
temporary changes in almost any setting (calibrate, units, sd, data,


This is not in practice the case for date, team, explo-date, explo-team, and
is described in https://github.com/therion/therion/issues/131 

What actually happens is that these entries are applied to ALL of the shots
within the centreline (as far as any outputs report), so they are not
'temporary changes'.  In other words, the effect is the same if the
group/endgroup statements are omitted.  At least as far as I can tell with
limited testing.


If the presence of the group/endgroup has no effect for the above, what
about calibrate, units, sd, etc?


I suggest Therion should throw a warning or error if settings or metadata
applied in a group block will effectively apply to all shots in that




Therion mailing list

[Therion] Looking for TopParser sources

2024-06-17 Thread Bruce Mutton
Kia ora

I'm just putting together a list of links to suggested Therion ecosystem

Notice that the link to a TopParser zip file in the Therion wiki seems to
have broken


I can zip up the files I have, but probably better to link to Andrew's


Bruce Mutton


Therion mailing list

[Therion] A wtherion update

2024-04-22 Thread Bruce Mutton
> I have an update to share regarding wtherion, which you hopefully remember
is my project for a web-based Therion map editor to replace XTherion's map
editing capabilities:

> https://github.com/daem-on/wtherion


> The scope of the project hasn't really changed, but I'd be interested to
work on other projects that plan to replace the whole of XTherion, or even
replace text based editing.


Good to see that this project is continuing.  It would be nice to have a
more capable editor for Therion drawings.

Unfortunately I have not had time to look at this update, but hope to do so
at some stage.


Just a comment regarding the value or otherwise of text-based data files in
relation to Therion.


For me a super-power of Therion/XTherion is the ability to support multiple
simultaneous people editing a dataset at one time, and the ability to
interrogate every saved snapshot for the entire history of a project (for
error tracking and recovery, finding bugs).  Of course these capabilities
are not built into Therion/XTherion, but my understanding is that they are,
by way of version control (Git, bzr, Hg) only possible because:

*   of the text (ascii) based data (.th, .th2) files and
*   a single edit in the drawing editor results in ONLY a single line
changed in the data (.th2) file.


The earlier implementation of WTherion had two characteristics that made it
unsuitable for the ecosystem that I have built up around my Therion usage:

*   a .th2 file loaded into WTherion, saved without making any changes
and exported back to .th2 resulted in a file that had edits on every line.
ie it violated the above requirement that a single entity edit results in a
single line change in the data file, making it 'unhelpful' for version
control (particularly if some are using XTherion and some are using
WTherion), and
*   the WTherion data files 'live' in a browser cache (I think something
like that) so that a project's data is no longer stored as a package in a
single location version control.  Therefore other users and version control
cannot identify when changes have been made to a project, unless all users
are always rigorous about carrying out the extra steps required to export
WTherion data back to the project folder.

I think line point characteristics such as 'altitude .' and possibly others
that I have grwn fond of were not possible in WTherion.


I appreciate WTherion is just starting out, and am hoping that if multi-user
editing and version control compatibility are front of mind during
development they can be accommodated.

I think that retaining the paradigm where drawing is interactive and
compilation of outputs is a batch operation is optimal, so don't see a
particular need to move to more efficient non-text data formats.  This is
right outside of my expertise, and I'm an old dinosaur, so will no doubt
stand corrected.


An editor where I could cut, paste, rotate and scale drawing entities would
be a nice addition to the Therion ecosystem, so keep working on it!



Therion mailing list

[Therion] Geographical Coordinates on grid

2024-04-13 Thread Bruce Mutton
Kia ora Alastair

I have not looked at the specifics that you provided, but off the top of my 


When I was new to Therion, over a decade ago, I expected ‘grid-coords border’ 
to put coordinates on the outermost visible grid intersections around the 
perimeter of an exported pdf.  After some inquiry and experimentation I came up 
with this understanding – it is not typically practicable to achieve this, but 
with some compromise it is sometimes possible.


Therion generates a grid around the cave passage exported, in your example 
below, at 250 m intervals in each cardinal direction.  Since the ‘bordering’ 
grid line will be 250 m (at scale) outside of any cave passage it is unlikely 
it will make it onto the exported pdf, since the displayed map extent around 
the outside of the cave is only a few tens of millimetres.

I have only ever achieved it by having a small grid spacing, and a suitably 
large ‘overlap’ (assuming you are exporting maps rather than atlas’) specified. 
 Try specifying grid at 10 m and overlap at say 30 cm to verify this concept.


It gets even more frustrating if the output is rotated (say using ‘rotate 70’), 
since your exported pdf will have bordering coordinates only where the edge of 
the grid is visible.


If someone has a solution or can come up with a means of labelling specific 
grid intersections, I would be appreciative!


Ngā mihi nui




From: Therion  On Behalf Of A Gott
Sent: Saturday, 13 April 2024 22:40
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: [Therion] Geographical Coordinates on grid


HI Therion users,


I am really struggling to get coordinates to show on the edges of the Plan pdf 
when generated. There has to be something I'm missing! Does anyone have any 
examples where they have implemented coordinates on the border of the PDF so I 
can take a look?


The two models I have tried this on are the Peak speedwell model in Castleton, 
Derbyshire, UK and also the Agua/Naciemiento Model in Tresviso, 
Cantabria/Asturias, Spain


I really would like to see it on the Peak speedwell model and now realise we 
tried it on the Agua model but decided against it due to deadlines. We set a 
deadline for this one, but including the coordinates are a must!


Peak speedwell - 


The things I've tried to include in the above which I hoped would help the 
coordinates to generate, at one point I did get the coordinates to generate 
only on the west side of the pdf, but now it's failing to show anywhere:

page-setup 118.9 84.1 114.9 80.1 1.5 1.5 cm
  overlap 3 cm
  #size   110  75  cm
  size 105 75 cm
grid bottom
grid-coords border
grid-size 250 250 250 m
grid-origin 14865.01 82575.16 193.75 m
I also tried implementing the full grid, in the hope that this would help, but 
also didn't.
  layout custom_grid
##change default cross hair grid to grid
code metapost
  def s_hgrid (expr xpos, ypos, xsize, ysize) =
pickup PenD;
   if ( xpos >=  -xsize ) and ( ypos >= -ysize ):
  draw ( -xsize/2, 0) -- ( xsize/2, 0);
 draw ( 0, -ysize/2) -- ( 0, ysize/2);

For Ref, the Tresviso model, but we wiped any reference to including a grid on 
this one. 



Alastair Gott.

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Metapost for sump/syphon hazard symbol

2024-04-12 Thread Bruce Mutton

I'm looking for a Therion map symbol to emphasize the hazard posed by a
localised low roof in passages (typically 2m to 5m in diameter) that are
usually inaccessible due to water, but in dry conditions appear innocuous to
the unwary.  Currently I'm using an empty placeholder symbol, point
u:sumphazard, but want to upgrade!


I've been using the SBE point danger symbol to identify hazards such as
zones of active passage collapse.

One approach for sumping hazard would be to use the same symbol, and change
the colour to blue, but I would like the distinction to be available for
black and white outputs as well as colour outputs.


Since I'm not very good at metapost, I'm looking to see if anyone has
anything they'd be willing to share, or perhaps write!


What I have in mind is something like an exclamation mark over top of some
water squiggles.  Maybe like one of these?


The links behind the images below might have some useful elements.



Thanks in advance.


Therion mailing list

[Therion] Placing labels or symbols over top of labels

2024-04-12 Thread Bruce Mutton
Hello everyone

Is it possible to draw line arrow (or other symbols) over top of areas
clipped by the 'shadow' of labels?

Or if not, would it be desirable to be able to draw some symbols over top of


One use case would be as below, ensuring the line arrow shown in red below
could extend over the area clipped by the label 'shadow' (which I have
sketched in green).

I could have drawn this example as two labels, thus making the shadow
smaller, but then it is more complicated getting appropriate line spacing if
the map is exported at a variety of scales.


I tried -place top and -place bottom without any luck, then studied how maps
are put together (Therion Book pages 45-47) and realised that only grids,
surface bitmaps and previews are likely to overwrite labels. 



Any suggestions?



Therion mailing list

[Therion] Compilation outcome depends on order of source statements

2024-02-05 Thread Bruce Mutton
Here is an issue that took me too many days to unravel.


The order of source statements in a thconfig affects the outcome of the

I think the problem, or constraint, can be described as:


*   Multi-line source statements must follow all single line source
statements, else not all surveys will not be read correctly, or
*   Single-line source statements that follow a multi-line source
statement will not be read.


For example, a thconfig contains:


source ./Greenlinkcave/INDEXGreenlink.th

source ./swissmaidcave/INDEXSwissMaid.th



#join the two cave surveys without an index file

equate 133@jp.SwissM  I68@s.Greenlink

equate 156@second.SwissM S45@ss.Greenlink

equate 144@jp.SwissM H32@h.Greenlink



source ./middleearthcave/INDEXMiddleEarth.th



#join the two cave surveys without an index file

equate F76@f.MiddleEarth F102@f2.Greenlink



This results in a fatal error:

reading source files ... done

preprocessing database ... done

C:\Program Files\Therion\therion.exe: error --
./middleearthcave/INDEXMiddleEarth.th [24] -- survey does not exist -- 74


Which confused me because each of these would compile alone an in
combination via other thconfig files.

If I changed the order of the source statements, the 'non-existent' survey
would change.


I tried 6.2.0 + fd5c1b6 and 6.17 and 6.13 all with similar effect (although
I'm not that confident because the latter two being 32-bit and toggling
between the 64-bit 6.2.0 variants results in duplicate therion programs on
my Windows machine, thus I'm not sure I have 'clean' installs). 


Too late, I tried putting all the single line sources first, followed by the
multi-line sources, and viola, success.


So this seems like a bug, in that I understand Therion should read all
sources before processing the survey and map input.  With sources, this
seems not to be happening, and Therion is crashing inappropriately if the
sources are not listed in the 'correct' order.




PS: Yes, I know the example above is a rather messy way of treating sources.
I would not usually do this - it is a hack to work around an unfortunate
decision made early in the project history.




Therion mailing list

[Therion] Flush logfile output (PR #541) - Therion log file truncated prematurely

2024-01-10 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Matěj

Limited checking suggests therion.log files created with this commit are 
complete up to the ### end of loop errors ###, although I am expecting scrap 
distortions and CRS transformations, and there are none.

Not sure if this is my oversight or something that should be written and is 
genuinely missing.





From: Matěj Plch  
Sent: Wednesday, 10 January 2024 09:10
To: therion/therion 
Cc: Subscribed 
Subject: [therion/therion] Flush logfile output (PR #541)


Flush logfile output after every write to prevent its truncation.


You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


Commit Summary

*   1fe1274 
  flush logfile output

File Changes 

(1 <https://github.com/therion/therion/pull/541/files>  file)

*   M thlogfile.h 

Patch Links:

*   https://github.com/therion/therion/pull/541.patch
*   https://github.com/therion/therion/pull/541.diff

Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub 
<https://github.com/therion/therion/pull/541> , or unsubscribe 
You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.  
 Message ID: mailto:therion/therion/pull/5...@github.com> >

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Change altitude colours

2023-12-31 Thread Bruce Mutton
Try also


  colour-legend   #specifies whether the legend
colours are presented as a smoothed vertical band or discrete boxes (smooth
applies to altitudes and dates only I think)

  smooth-shading  #specifies whether each scrap is rendered as a
single colour or smoothed in accordance with the altitude/date value at each
survey station)




-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Tarquin Wilton-Jones
via Therion
Sent: Sunday, 31 December 2023 20:26
To: therion@speleo.sk
Cc: Tarquin Wilton-Jones 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Change altitude colours


Hi Paul,


> /colour map-fg altitude/


Yes indeed, you can use a lookup table.





Lookup tables allow you to do specific colouring by maps, or altitude.


I have never tried to use it with smooth colouring though, so have no idea
how it interacts with that setting. I have only ever used it with:

smooth-shading off


Enjoy :)




Therion mailing list

 <mailto:Therion@speleo.sk> Therion@speleo.sk


Therion mailing list

[Therion] scale option for lines

2023-11-06 Thread Bruce Mutton
> Does anybody know another situation where line scale option is relevant?

My understandings and deductions are here
Probably you have all the line scale options now, but there maybe something
more towards the bottom of the page.


Therion mailing list

[Therion] Setting map border framethickness to zero (off) -layout call order inconsistent

2023-11-05 Thread Bruce Mutton
And just noticed this https://github.com/therion/therion/issues/425 

Maybe related?


Sent: Sunday, 5 November 2023 18:52
To: 'List for Therion users' 
Subject: Setting map border framethickness to zero (off) -layout call order


OK, there is some strange behaviour wrt the order of layout processing, or
at least which layout statement prevails in the case of a conflict.

I took the basic rabbit cave example, and modified the thconfig slightly to
give one of the exports conflicting layout calls:




layout LayoutMapBorder

code tex-map



endlayout LayoutMapBorder




layout LayoutRemoveMapBorder

code tex-map



endlayout LayoutRemoveMapBorder


export map -projection extended -output rabbit-xelev.pdf \

  -layout water-blue -layout-map-header 0 0 s -layout-map-header 0 110 sw \

  -layout LayoutRemoveMapBorder -layout LayoutMapBorder


The above export produces a map with header top-left and no border (green
arguments prevail).  If I swap the grey and green layout calls, I get a
header bottom-left and a border (grey arguments prevail).


So why are these layouts treated differently?

Is it that layouts that contain tex are treated differently to layouts that
do not?





Sent: Friday, 3 November 2023 08:17
To: 'List for Therion users' mailto:therion@speleo.sk> >
Subject: Setting map border framethickness to zero (off)


I have just now solved this problem.  The error status must have been some
combination of setting \framethickness to 0mm and the order in which I was
calling layouts, although I cannot pin down why this would be the case.
Anyway, setting \framethickness to 0mm does now remove a frame that was
previously set in my project.

The key to solving the problem as to why \framethickness was not responsive
to a second call was that I was mistaken in my belief as to the order of
layout calls in export commands.

I always assumed the second layout called would be the second layout
processed.  Alas it seems to be the other way around and layouts in export
commands are processed in reverse order.

eg like this:

  export map -projection plan \

  -layout LayoutProcessedLast   \ 

  -layout LayoutProcessedFirst   \

 -output ../Output/CavePlan.pdf


At least that is what I deduce from the behaviour where there are
conflicting \framethickness statements.

Except I think I have evidence that for some layout content it is the other
way around.

Anyone else have any insights as to the order of layout processing in export




Sent: Monday, 30 October 2023 12:15
To: 'List for Therion users' mailto:therion@speleo.sk> >
Subject: Setting map border framethickness to zero (off)


Good morning

Probably a simple tex question.


I often use this code to create a border around an exported map:

code tex-map



>From time to time (in the same compilation run) I insert one exported map
into another using map-image and usually the inserted map should not have a

To date I have always arranged my layouts so that \framethickness is
undefined while the initial map is exported, THEN set to 0.5 mm for the
second map export.


It occurred to me that with my project arrangment it would be more
convenient to set the border to 0.5 mm (in a global layout) and THEN reset
it to zero or undefined in a layout specific to only one of the exports.

I have tried these two options:


code tex-map



code tex-map



The first causes error (pdftex exit code 1) and the second draws a 0.5 mm
border around both maps.


How should I 'turn off' a map border if \framethickness has already been




Therion mailing list

[Therion] Setting map border framethickness to zero (off) -layout call order inconsistent

2023-11-04 Thread Bruce Mutton
OK, there is some strange behaviour wrt the order of layout processing, or
at least which layout statement prevails in the case of a conflict.

I took the basic rabbit cave example, and modified the thconfig slightly to
give one of the exports conflicting layout calls:




layout LayoutMapBorder

code tex-map



endlayout LayoutMapBorder




layout LayoutRemoveMapBorder

code tex-map



endlayout LayoutRemoveMapBorder


export map -projection extended -output rabbit-xelev.pdf \

  -layout water-blue -layout-map-header 0 0 s -layout-map-header 0 110 sw \

  -layout LayoutRemoveMapBorder -layout LayoutMapBorder


The above export produces a map with header top-left and no border (green
arguments prevail).  If I swap the grey and green layout calls, I get a
header bottom-left and a border (grey arguments prevail).


So why are these layouts treated differently?

Is it that layouts that contain tex are treated differently to layouts that
do not?





Sent: Friday, 3 November 2023 08:17
To: 'List for Therion users' 
Subject: Setting map border framethickness to zero (off)


I have just now solved this problem.  The error status must have been some
combination of setting \framethickness to 0mm and the order in which I was
calling layouts, although I cannot pin down why this would be the case.
Anyway, setting \framethickness to 0mm does now remove a frame that was
previously set in my project.

The key to solving the problem as to why \framethickness was not responsive
to a second call was that I was mistaken in my belief as to the order of
layout calls in export commands.

I always assumed the second layout called would be the second layout
processed.  Alas it seems to be the other way around and layouts in export
commands are processed in reverse order.

eg like this:

  export map -projection plan \

  -layout LayoutProcessedLast   \ 

  -layout LayoutProcessedFirst   \

 -output ../Output/CavePlan.pdf


At least that is what I deduce from the behaviour where there are
conflicting \framethickness statements.

Except I think I have evidence that for some layout content it is the other
way around.

Anyone else have any insights as to the order of layout processing in export




Sent: Monday, 30 October 2023 12:15
To: 'List for Therion users' mailto:therion@speleo.sk> >
Subject: Setting map border framethickness to zero (off)


Good morning

Probably a simple tex question.


I often use this code to create a border around an exported map:

code tex-map



>From time to time (in the same compilation run) I insert one exported map
into another using map-image and usually the inserted map should not have a

To date I have always arranged my layouts so that \framethickness is
undefined while the initial map is exported, THEN set to 0.5 mm for the
second map export.


It occurred to me that with my project arrangment it would be more
convenient to set the border to 0.5 mm (in a global layout) and THEN reset
it to zero or undefined in a layout specific to only one of the exports.

I have tried these two options:


code tex-map



code tex-map



The first causes error (pdftex exit code 1) and the second draws a 0.5 mm
border around both maps.


How should I 'turn off' a map border if \framethickness has already been




Therion mailing list

[Therion] Setting map border framethickness to zero (off)

2023-11-02 Thread Bruce Mutton
I have just now solved this problem.  The error status must have been some
combination of setting \framethickness to 0mm and the order in which I was
calling layouts, although I cannot pin down why this would be the case.
Anyway, setting \framethickness to 0mm does now remove a frame that was
previously set in my project.

The key to solving the problem as to why \framethickness was not responsive
to a second call was that I was mistaken in my belief as to the order of
layout calls in export commands.

I always assumed the second layout called would be the second layout
processed.  Alas it seems to be the other way around and layouts in export
commands are processed in reverse order.

eg like this:

  export map -projection plan \

  -layout LayoutProcessedLast   \ 

  -layout LayoutProcessedFirst   \

 -output ../Output/CavePlan.pdf


At least that is what I deduce from the behaviour where there are
conflicting \framethickness statements.

Except I think I have evidence that for some layout content it is the other
way around.

Anyone else have any insights as to the order of layout processing in export




From: Bruce Mutton  
Sent: Monday, 30 October 2023 12:15
To: 'List for Therion users' 
Subject: Setting map border framethickness to zero (off)


Good morning

Probably a simple tex question.


I often use this code to create a border around an exported map:

code tex-map



>From time to time (in the same compilation run) I insert one exported map
into another using map-image and usually the inserted map should not have a

To date I have always arranged my layouts so that \framethickness is
undefined while the initial map is exported, THEN set to 0.5 mm for the
second map export.


It occurred to me that with my project arrangment it would be more
convenient to set the border to 0.5 mm (in a global layout) and THEN reset
it to zero or undefined in a layout specific to only one of the exports.

I have tried these two options:


code tex-map



code tex-map



The first causes error (pdftex exit code 1) and the second draws a 0.5 mm
border around both maps.


How should I 'turn off' a map border if \framethickness has already been




Therion mailing list

[Therion] Setting map border framethickness to zero (off)

2023-10-29 Thread Bruce Mutton
Good morning

Probably a simple tex question.


I often use this code to create a border around an exported map:

code tex-map



>From time to time (in the same compilation run) I insert one exported map
into another using map-image and usually the inserted map should not have a

To date I have always arranged my layouts so that \framethickness is
undefined while the initial map is exported, THEN set to 0.5 mm for the
second map export.


It occurred to me that with my project arrangment it would be more
convenient to set the border to 0.5 mm (in a global layout) and THEN reset
it to zero or undefined in a layout specific to only one of the exports.

I have tried these two options:


code tex-map



code tex-map



The first causes error (pdftex exit code 1) and the second draws a 0.5 mm
border around both maps.


How should I 'turn off' a map border if \framethickness has already been




Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] -flip horizontal and line numbering

2023-10-22 Thread Bruce Mutton
Not able to test just now, but think I noticed the same thing some time ago.I 
recall it took me a few attempts to understand what was happening. Would likely 
stall an inexperienced user. As with Martin, the durable solution I came up 
with was to name each station to be joined. Inconvenient when it is as plain as 
start and end. Long term I think changing the behaviour so that flipping does 
not renumber line points would be desirable. Might break some of my outputs, 
but then joining flipped and unflipped scraps is not that common. A possibly 
similar or related issue I assume was already resolved. Search on github for 
closed issues 'flip'.BruceSent from my Galaxy
 Original message From: alastair gott 
 Date: 23/10/23  05:09  (GMT+12:00) To: Therion 
Mailing List  Subject: [Therion] -flip horizontal and line 

Hi Therion people,

I've just noticed that flipping an extended elevation scrap using “-flip 
horizontal” it changes the numbering of the lines points on the th2 file when 
the file is processed by the config file. 

I was trying to line join the top line of one elevation survey with the top 
line of another survey using "join linetop@normal:end linetop@flipped:0" as the 
“normal:end” line was accidentally drawn clockwise and “flipped:0” was drawn 
 it makes sense that end and zero were the join points

However when the file was run it was necessary to change it to be "join 
linetop@normal:end linetop@flipped:end" to
 get the two lines to join, it's not a problem, just something I wasn't aware 



Sent from Outlook for iOS

Therion mailing list

[Therion] 'Colour by error' is not displayed by Aven if 'flags duplicate' is applied to leg in Therion

2023-10-08 Thread Bruce Mutton
Not sure if this is a Survex Aven issue or an issue with the way Therion
parses data to a *.3d file, or indeed whether it is because I’m using an old
version of Aven.


I was surveying fore-sight back-sight pairs, first time in a cave for
ages...  so initially made a naïve oversight:

- forgot to make the backsight legs duplicate, thereby almost doubling the
calculated cave length.


In the entrance area of this (tourist) cave there is a big steel gate and
overhead 240 v power wires some 15 – 20 m away.  This led to 10-15 deg
errors when outside the cave or some 4 m inside of the gate.  We abandoned
any hope of a compass survey outside the cave.  Interestingly the
powered-down cables in the cave seemed to have minimal if any effect on
bearings.  So I was using Aven to visually characterise the degree of
misclosure on each fore-sight back-sight pair.  ie Colour by error gave me
nice dark blue 1x sd errors inside and lighter blue 3x sd errors near the
entrance and outside.


So far, so good.

Then I realised that I needed to make the back-sight legs duplicate.

But now Aven does not display the duplicate legs as being part of a loop, so
I lose the very useful ability to quickly visualise all of the loops and
their relative quality.


In hindsight I have noticed that Aven misses plotting of loop closure sd of
isolated legs for years, and I could not figure out why. I wonder if that is
also related to a flags issue?

And wondering if this is considered a bug?  ie display of loop status by
Aven should override Therion flags status (duplicate, approximate, surface


therion 6.1.8 (2023-06-14)

Survex 1.4.1  > I’m using this cos the next version broke display of colour
by error for Therion exported 3d files (I forget the reason now – maybe it’s
been fixed since…)




Therion mailing list

[Therion] Therion error - a software BUG is present

2023-10-05 Thread Bruce Mutton

I attempted to equate a pair of stations to close a large loop in an
otherwise well behaved but complex model, and suddenly Therion reports a
software BUG.

About to post this message, and noticed that I had this same issue 11 years
ago https://www.mail-archive.com/therion@speleo.sk/msg03641.html although
that time the culprit was thdb1d.cxx:2290.  I think it was associated with
some 'no-survey' statements, but I am not sure.

Any ideas?



>From therion.log .

  2024.1.1  22.6293

scanning centreline tree ... done

searching for centerline loops ... done

calculating station coordinates ... 

C:\Program Files (x86)\Therion\therion.exe: error -- a software BUG is
present (D:/a/therion/therion/thdb1d.cxx:2418)

writing xtherion file ... done

Therion mailing list

[Therion] A puzzle in Loch

2023-08-16 Thread Bruce Mutton
> One thing that strikes me is that the spike is not horizontal.  It angles 
> upward by about 20 degrees. 
Hi Bill
If it helps (unlikely), I have had a project where the Loch model has (had) 
just such a spike, one hundred or so metres long, angling about 20 deg upwards. 
 For more than 10 years the model had this spike, and from time to time I tried 
to troubleshoot it without luck.  I have had other similar cases as well. I 
looked up some outputs compiled January this year - it seems this spike is no 
longer present.  So there must have been a change in the algorithm in recent 
years to resolve this.  There has been no survey or drawing activity in that 
part of the cave or model since about 2008-2010, but I concede that edits more 
than 100 m away (from the spike) in the model could possibly have had some 
I notice that other Loch rendering artifacts seem to have been resolved also. 

Are you using a recent version of Therion?
I'm using 6.1.8, but unsure what it would have been in January.


Therion mailing list

[Therion] Invalid length reading error reported due to (valid) scrap definition

2023-08-06 Thread Bruce Mutton
OK, found it.  It was as I suspected a missing endcentreline in the file
called by an input statement immediately preceding the statement 'input

So my mistake, I did not check as well as I thought I had.

I wonder if Therion could check for endcentreline statements (where they
might normally be expected) and if not found by the end of a file, then
issue a warning "missing endcentreline in file xxx.th".





From: Therion  On Behalf Of Bruce Mutton
Sent: Monday, 7 August 2023 15:36
To: 'List for Therion users' 
Subject: [Therion] Invalid length reading error reported due to (valid)
scrap definition



I have a perplexing error, this time around after a complicated git merge,
and I have had similar on one occasion a while back.

I think I resolved by omitting the file, which is not really a resolution.
This time I need a better solution!


On compiling a thconfig I get an error:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Therion\therion.exe: error -- 11-DeerPlan.th2 [8] --
invalid length reading -- -projection


The start of file 11-DeerPlan.th2 is like this:


encoding  utf-8

##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -160.83 -127.28 965.01 763.65

##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 200

##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {502.386220472 1 1.0} {626.342677165 11.8}
ptopoDeer/11-Deer_p.xvi 0 {}




scrap 11-DeerPlan-s1 -projection plan -station-names []@11 -author
2023.02.26 "B Mutton" -copyright 2023 NZSS -scale [0 0 787.4 787.4 0 0 10 10


point 10.25 711.5 label -text "Deer Pot" -align l -scale xl


point 186.25 712.5 anchor -align r


This is a well established scrap in a well established file in a well
established project and both of the parent branches compiled without issue
through many editing and versioning iterations.  Comparison with both of the
parent git branches do not suggest any changes that should trigger such an
error - at least I have not found it yet. 

I have checked this file and all calling it for closed blocks (scrap
endscrap, map endmap, centreline endcentreline, survey end survey etc)
because long ago Therion used to complain in a similar manner if such blocks
were not closed (reporting survey data type error due to a drawing file
error - illogical).


Since this is the second time in a month I've experienced this type of
'illogical' error after nothing like it for years, I'm wondering if anyone
else has, or has a clue as to what might be happening?





therion 6.1.8 (2023-06-14)

Windows 10 Home 22H2

GitHub desktop 3.2.7 (x64)

TortoiseGit 2.14.0

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Invalid length reading error reported due to (valid) scrap definition

2023-08-06 Thread Bruce Mutton

I have a perplexing error, this time around after a complicated git merge,
and I have had similar on one occasion a while back.

I think I resolved by omitting the file, which is not really a resolution.
This time I need a better solution!


On compiling a thconfig I get an error:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Therion\therion.exe: error -- 11-DeerPlan.th2 [8] --
invalid length reading -- -projection


The start of file 11-DeerPlan.th2 is like this:


encoding  utf-8

##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -160.83 -127.28 965.01 763.65

##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 200

##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {502.386220472 1 1.0} {626.342677165 11.8}
ptopoDeer/11-Deer_p.xvi 0 {}




scrap 11-DeerPlan-s1 -projection plan -station-names []@11 -author
2023.02.26 "B Mutton" -copyright 2023 NZSS -scale [0 0 787.4 787.4 0 0 10 10


point 10.25 711.5 label -text "Deer Pot" -align l -scale xl


point 186.25 712.5 anchor -align r


This is a well established scrap in a well established file in a well
established project and both of the parent branches compiled without issue
through many editing and versioning iterations.  Comparison with both of the
parent git branches do not suggest any changes that should trigger such an
error - at least I have not found it yet. 

I have checked this file and all calling it for closed blocks (scrap
endscrap, map endmap, centreline endcentreline, survey end survey etc)
because long ago Therion used to complain in a similar manner if such blocks
were not closed (reporting survey data type error due to a drawing file
error - illogical).


Since this is the second time in a month I've experienced this type of
'illogical' error after nothing like it for years, I'm wondering if anyone
else has, or has a clue as to what might be happening?





therion 6.1.8 (2023-06-14)

Windows 10 Home 22H2

GitHub desktop 3.2.7 (x64)

TortoiseGit 2.14.0

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Big room multiple scraps - How to join

2023-08-04 Thread Bruce Mutton
Hi Bill
That is generally what I do.
Depending on the arrangement of the images you might be able to leave some or 
most of them visible if you change the stacking order.  Experiment with the 
Top, Up, Down, Bottom buttons.

You can also double-right-click an image to allow you to drag it to another 
location before you start drawing.  This can avoid the 'problem' of images 
overlapping each other.  However doing this is likely counter-productive for 
the work flow we are discussing in this thread.

As another aside, if you insert .png format images with a transparent 
background, the problem of one image obscuring another is greatly reduced.  I 
don't have any experience with how these survive export to .th2 or .xvi, so not 
sure how relevant this is here.


-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Bill Gee
Sent: Saturday, 5 August 2023 08:44
To: Therion Mail List 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Big room multiple scraps - How to join

Hmmm  I think I get it.  The xvi file consists of three images. 
When I set it as the background for a drawing window, there are four entries in 
the background list.  They are the file name and each of the images it 
contains.  The file name holds the centerline and each image holds one drawing.

To draw on top, uncheck visibility for all but one of the images.  Draw on 
that, then make it invisible and turn on another image.  Add to the drawing, 
then repeat for the third background.

Is that the basic process?

Screen shot attached.

Bill Gee

On 8/4/23 14:53, Bruce Mutton wrote:
>  > The problem is the sketches are not transparent enough to use.  The 
> only part of the sketch that has any visible drawing on it is for the 
> last scrap mentioned in the map statement of the .th file.  The other 
> drawings are not visible.
> Bill
> Select the image, untick visibility
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion@speleo.sk
> https://mailman.speleo.sk/listinfo/therion

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Big room multiple scraps - How to join

2023-08-04 Thread Bruce Mutton
> The problem is the sketches are not transparent enough to use.  The only part 
> of the sketch that has any visible drawing on it is for the last scrap 
> mentioned in the map statement of the .th file.  The other drawings are not 
> visible.



Select the image, untick visibility


Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] How to add 1.5 x linefeed to a text string

2023-08-03 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Tarquin
I am able in my bumbling way to work with metapost and tex, but my use case
here does not warrant that and feels better suited to using standard
features.  I'll leave this one for now.

Possibly there is a case for a <1.5br> control to compliment the existing
etc in some future update.


-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Tarquin Wilton-Jones
via Therion
Sent: Friday, 4 August 2023 09:21
To: therion@speleo.sk
Cc: Tarquin Wilton-Jones 
Subject: Re: [Therion] How to add 1.5 x linefeed to a text string

> Could not make that work.  No errors, Therion just echos what is typed 
> in the text string.

I only ever used it directly in the metapost (it's in my code for creating
custom labels). In the .th, Therion turns everything into
\char103 escape sequences. In the metapost, you have more control.

I don't know of a way to inject tex control characters directly from a .th
but I have no doubt someone else on this mailing list will know a lot more
than me.

You could create custom labels with your own string replacement to add your
own control character, like  instead of , but that only works for
symbols. Not sure how to do that for strings in the cave info.
Therion mailing list

Therion mailing list

[Therion] How to add 1.5 x linefeed to a text string

2023-08-03 Thread Bruce Mutton
>> I'm wondering if there is a way to add a 1.5x  linefeed to text 
>> strings in Therion?

>Not sure if there is a proper way, but you can just put tex into the text
input in xtherion, right? If so, you could try foo \thtinysize 
\thnormalsize bar

Could not make that work.  No errors, Therion just echos what is typed in
the text string.
Some examples of what I tried...

-text "25 <\thtinysize> P" -scale l
-text "25 \thtinysize P" -scale l
map-comment "NZVD2016 / New Zealand Vertical Datum 2016 \thtinysize This
map represents..."

Perhaps there is a way to force interpretation of part of a text string as a
tex control?


Therion mailing list

[Therion] How to add 1.5 x linefeed to a text string

2023-08-03 Thread Bruce Mutton
Good evening

I'm wondering if there is a way to add a 1.5x  linefeed to text strings
in Therion?


I can make the same effect using the tex parameter \medskip as demonstrated
in the Therion \legendcontent routine.

But sometimes it would be nice to do it in drawing labels and in strings
such as map-comment, were it is not practicable to use tex.


As in this example:


The text highlighted yellow is a map-comment, like this:

  map-comment "NZVD2016 / New Zealand Vertical Datum 2016 \ 

This map represents Deer Pot on the day it was connected to ."


. and the vertical 1.5x linefeeds are embedded in the \legendcontent tex.


I want to add an extra half  space between the two yellow lines.  The
only way I can think of is a bit of a hack.

map-comment "NZVD2016 / New Zealand Vertical Datum 2016 \ 

This map represents Deer Pot on the day it was
connected to."


but it does not work!  It seems that a  and a 'space' does not render as
anything other than the highest character on the line, regardless of the
'size' of the break. 


Any ideas?


Regards Bruce

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Big room multiple scraps - How to join

2023-08-02 Thread Bruce Mutton
As Tarquin points out, looks to me like scraps with openings wider than the
scrap is long.  The solution is invisible walls along the interior joins.
Another thing to check is that all the walls have the correct orientation -
all the left-side yellow ticks point to the interior of the passage (if not
for pdf outputs, it still helps for models).
And that wall -outline is set correctly to out, in or none.


-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Bill Gee
Sent: Thursday, 3 August 2023 03:28
To: Therion Mail List 
Subject: [Therion] Big room multiple scraps - How to join

Hello everyone - I am having a problem getting Therion to understand how to
join several scraps to make a large room.  The working map is at


Take a look at the east part of the map in an area called Grand Canyon. 
This is really one large room, though we did not realize that when we
started sketching several years ago.  Now I have at least three different
pieces of sketch to try and fit together.

As you can see, there is a large triangle in the center which Therion thinks
is not cave.  There are also some part which are outside the cave, but are
considered by Therion to be inside.

All of the joins in here are using line-to-line.  I named the lines, then
created "join" statements specifying the two lines and which points on those
lines to join.  Therion is happy with that, and the wall that it draws is a
fair depiction of the area.  The problem is that much of the interior is
getting lost.

I have not tried to use plain joins of the scraps - joins which do not
specify the lines.  I suspect that would not change much.

I have already drawn some of this area three times.  It is extraordinarily
complicated due to multiple levels, especially along the east side.  We
thought for a long time that the east side was separate passages, but it is
really just a complicated pile of big breakdown blocks.

I really REALLY do not want to go back and make one huge sketch of the
entire room.  That would take several days.

What can I do to convince Therion where the cave really is?  Can I put in
some invisible walls (subtype hidden)?


Bill Gee
Therion mailing list

Therion mailing list

[Therion] map colour usage description in Therion Book

2023-07-09 Thread Bruce Mutton

Just now I was having difficulty remembering how to colour a particular map
a specific colour, different to the colour scheme applied to most of the
maps being output.  My first challenge was to figure out that this could
only be done via 'select' in a thconfig, and not within the definition of a

I think that the Therion Book could do with a small edit to clarify usage of
'select map  -colour [r g b]'.

The Therion book says.


Description: A map is a collection of .



. colo[u]r   set the map colour; this option overrides the automatic
choice when the layout specifies colour map-fg [map].


>From that I had the incorrect impression that specifying a colour when
selecting a map for output would always override.  What I have found is that
this is only sometimes true.


Map select colour overrides when.

colour map-fg [r g b]

colour map-fg scrap

colour map-fg map


Map select colour does not override when.

colour map-fg altitude

colour map-fg topo-date

colour map-fg explo-date


For (sub)maps where there is no date set, the map select colour will be
shown, otherwise select map  -colour [r g b] has no effect.


So I suggest an edit to the Therion Book along the lines of.


Description: A map is a collection of .



. colo[u]r   set the map colour when selecting a map; this option
overrides the specified colour palette when the layout specifies colour
map-fg [map], [scrap] or [].  It has no effect when the layout
specifies colour map-fg [altitude].  It has no effect when the layout
specifies colour map-fg [topo-date] or [explo-date], for the scraps whose
associated surveys have dates assigned.


I have not assessed how this plays out with lookups
<https://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/examples#colour_palette_scales_-_lookups> ,
but I imagine they should not have any different impacts to those described






Therion mailing list

[Therion] Statistics on surveys of a network

2023-05-10 Thread Bruce Mutton
MS Outlook blocks attachments with extension .py
Perhaps you can repost after changing the extension to .txt?

-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Philippe Vernant
Sent: Wednesday, 10 May 2023 20:54
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Statistics on surveys of a network

Hi guys,

Thanks for the answers. I wrote a python script. It is far from being
elegant but it does the job. I attach it to this message in case it can be
helpful to some of you.



Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] map-comment

2023-04-03 Thread Bruce Mutton
Check in the Therion Book and wiki for quite a lot of other options. Bruce 
Sent from my Galaxy
 Original message From: Erik Meitner  
Date: 4/04/23  11:00  (GMT+12:00) To: therion@speleo.sk Subject: [Therion] 
map-comment Hi folks,Is there any way to create a multi-line map-comment? An 
example assuming "\n" does what I want:   map-comment "Line one.\nLine 
two."Would create:Line one.Line 
two.Thanks!Erik___Therion mailing 
Therion mailing list

[Therion] 2 Map-connection issue - Going to four levels - Offset tests SAMD-ITF-IS example

2023-03-23 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Martin

So we now have confirmation of the same inconsistent map-connection
behaviour, relative to offset level, across three different ways of managing
surveys and maps:

*   Separate surveys and maps (Martin's example, Therion best practice)
*   Maps defined in surveys (My example from 2022, TopParser, Sexy Topo
*   Maps defined separate to surveys, but then included in next-level
surveys (My usual practice)


Suggests to me that the inconsistent map-connection behaviour is not related
to how surveys and maps are managed, but is rather a built-in characteristic
of Therion behaviour.

Tarquin mentioned that he could not replicate this inconsistent behaviour.
Now that we have teased out the problem some more, can you confirm that you
were testing the same issue Tarquin?




From: Therion  On Behalf Of Martin Sluka via
Sent: Friday, 24 March 2023 08:28
To: List for Therion users 
Cc: Martin Sluka 
Subject: Re: [Therion] 2 Map-connection issue - Going to four levels -
Offset tests SAMD-ITF-IS example



23. 3. 2023 v 20:13, Bruce Mutton mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz> >:


One more question.

I presume you have strict separation of surveys and maps in this dataset, as
demonstrated here
https://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/faq#how_to_arrange_the_maps and
<https://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/s_m> https://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/s_m ?



I use it as preferred method. 



Therion mailing list

[Therion] 2 Map-connection issue - Going to four levels - Offset tests SAMD-ITF-IS example

2023-03-18 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Martin

The definition shows just first level offsets. Taken together with the submap 
naming and the image of the map itself, I deduce that:

- map s11-20 contains a second level offset.

- map s19-24-25 contains a second and third level offset.  This is the one that 
I am unsure as to whether or not it displays the bug I have proposed.  
Hopefully I have identified them correctly in the image below.

- none of the other maps include an offset. modrovska_s12-21.map seems to 
include two maps, but they have not been offset from each other.



1.  Can you supply the map definitions for modrovska_s19-24-25.map, and any 
submaps it might contain, down to scrap level?
2.  Can you change the offsets for the submaps below 
modrovska_s19-24-25.map so they do not line up with each other? 

I am suspicious that the map-connection line that I have highlighted in light 
blue shows that the bug I describe is present in your example.  ie The 
intermediate offset level (light blue map) map-connection line reverts to 
originating from the top-level map, and not from its direct parent.  But I 
cannot be sure without the above two bits of information.


Also, another variable.  I presume from our correspondence over the years that 
it is likely that this dataset maintains complete separation of maps from 
surveys.  ie There are no survey objects that have map objects defined within 

That will be interesting regardless of whether this dataset manifests this 
‘bug’ or not.


Thanks for your effort.



From: Therion  On Behalf Of Martin Sluka via Therion
Sent: Thursday, 16 March 2023 22:33
To: List for Therion users 
Cc: Martin Sluka 
Subject: Re: [Therion] 2 Map-connection issue - Going to four levels - Offset 
tests SAMD-ITF-IS example


Definition of that map:


map modrovska_plan.map -title "Modrovská jaskyňa"






  modrovska_s12-21.map [-18 10 m] below


  modrovska_s27.map #Mostová sieň


  modrovska_s26.map [10 -5 m] below

  modrovska_s16.map [25 10 m] below


  modrovska_s11-20.map [-7 -5 m] below


  modrovska_s19-24-25.map [0 -10 m] below

  modrovska_s13.map [-10 5 m] below

  modrovska_s28.map [-2 -9 m] below


  modrovska_s14.map [14 -3 m] below


  modrovska_s15.map [1 -22 m] below

  modrovska_s22.map [-20 0 m] below



15. 3. 2023 v 19:56, Bruce Mutton mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz> >:


Interesting Martin

Your example mostly demonstrates one level of offset, but it goes to two levels 
bottom-left (to blue to purple), and apparently three levels at the bottom (to 
green to blue to dark blue).  However looking closely it seems that the 
map-connection line to blue goes directly from yellow (ie not from green).  If 
this is the case there are two scenarios: 

Scenario 1 - based on the map-connection line I have highlighted, both the 
green and blue are first-level offsets.  I may be mistaken as the image is not 
sufficiently clear.

If it is two levels of offset, then that is not sufficient to trigger the ‘bug’ 
David and I have described.

If it is three levels of offset, then you have somehow managed to avoid the 
‘bug’ and the map-connection lines/points are coincidentally on the same 


Scenario 2 – is that this example demonstrates the ‘bug’ described, if not 
particularly clearly.  My synopsis of the bug was “the line created by point 
map-connection is only correctly originating from its parent map at the most 
deeply nested level of offset and at the 1st level offset.  At all other 
(intermediate) offset levels, the map-connection line reverts to originating 
from the top-level map, and not from its direct parent.”


So Martin, if you could perhaps clarify.  I suggest adding a horizontal 
component to the light blue map in my snip above, and confirming whether the 
map offsets are two or three level.

If it is two level, it does not test the bug. If it is three level and there is 
no ‘bug’, the map connection line, blue to dark blue, should radiate from blue 
and not from yellow.



I’ll respond to your message later – off to work now!





From: Therion mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk> > 
On Behalf Of Martin Sluka via Therion
Sent: Wednesday, 15 March 2023 23:08
To: List for Therion users mailto:therion@speleo.sk> >
Cc: Martin Sluka mailto:martinsl...@mac.com> >
Subject: Re: [Therion] 2 Map-connection issue - Going to four levels - Offset 
tests SAMD-ITF-IS example


Just a sample. Colorised by altitude.




Therion mailing list
 <mailto:Therion@speleo.sk> Therion@speleo.sk


Therion mailing list

[Therion] 3 Map-connection issue - effect of map-level

2023-03-18 Thread Bruce Mutton
Hi Tarquin

Yes, I added a lot of tedious detail to 
https://github.com/therion/therion/issues/412 some time ago.

I suggest ignoring most of the information I posted in there and skipping right 
to the last post I made on 11 July 2022.

The images from that particular example are from a project that is modelled 
directly on what I understand is the typical UK usage of Therion, as resulting 
from TopParser and SexyTopo exports - that first level maps are defined 
directly in the corresponding survey.

The images in my earlier posts (Laghu) are from a project modelled on my so far 
preferred paradigm, where first level maps are defined outside of the 
corresponding survey, but are subsequently included in the parent (ie whole 
cave) survey.

The behaviour I observe with respect to this matter is identical for both 
Therion project configurations.


I’d probably need to see some actual map definition examples and resulting 
outputs, Tarquin, each having map-connection points/lines in each sub-map so 
that I can understand how you have made it work (or not)   ;‑)


For starters, lets see if Martin S can provide a bit more detail on his example.





-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Tarquin Wilton-Jones via 
Sent: Thursday, 16 March 2023 00:51
To: therion@speleo.sk
Cc: Tarquin Wilton-Jones 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Re : 3 Map-connection issue - effect of map-level


Hi David


> Thks a lot for your answer that seems to confirm thé bug, i saw thé 

> same Behavior as Bruce discribed with acuracy in my project.

> I will remove thé connection point on thé faulty level replaced by an 

> arrow line. Less clean but more logical.


As I said in my previous emails (our different thread "Map connection issue" 
from 2 years ago), I only ever use 2 levels, and it works perfectly.  And it 
also worked when I tried to expand it into more levels. We discussed what I do 
there, that made it work correctly:



I thought Bruce prepared some samples that made it go wrong, so that a bug 
could be filed.






Therion mailing list

 <mailto:Therion@speleo.sk> Therion@speleo.sk


Therion mailing list

[Therion] Remove little text in global export & offseted map

2023-03-13 Thread Bruce Mutton
David, Tarquin

I think we discussed the map-connection offsets last year, without real 

I couldn’t find them in the mail-archive just now, so I’ll send my posts again 
in the hope that they describe the problem and present results of some 
experimentation that defines somewhat the parameters of the problem.

Stand by.




From: Therion  On Behalf Of david Le berre via 
Sent: Tuesday, 14 March 2023 03:12
To: therion@speleo.sk
Cc: david Le berre 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Remove little text in global export & offseted map


Dear Tarquin


Thanks a lot for your answers

min-symbol-scale m  => works well eventhough as you mentionned wall disapearred 
! fortunatly I have colored surfaces everywhere and except cross-over section 
that I will re-scale manually the rest is really correct!


I try to be more clear on my second topic, the problem is that the connection 
arrow between offsetted map sometimes skipped the N+1 map to be connected 
directly to the N+2 map:



1 - (level N+2) Global map: MAP 1 


2- (level N+1) offsetted network below from MAP1= MAP2

=> map connection point arrow of MAP2 goes from its shadow on MAP1 to MAP2  
=> ok


3-  (level N) offsetted network below from MAP2= MAP3


2 cases:


3.1 MAP3 is built by scrap   S1 S2 etc

=> ok map connection point arrow goes from MAP3 to its shadow on MAP2 and 
then idem from MAP2 to MAP1 => clean


3.2 MAP3 is built by other MAP (level N-1)

=> Ko map connection point arrow goes directly to shadows on MAP1 skipping 
its shadow on MAP2


I hope it is more clear, if not I'll send you tonight a better description with 
picture. the problem is that in case there are several map to offset the 
rendering at the end is unclear except if you keep all your rmap at the level 1 
(ex level of MAP2) but in that case you can not follow easely the real path in 
your cave.


Not sure it is better :)














Le lundi 13 mars 2023 à 11:56:31 UTC+1, Tarquin Wilton-Jones via Therion 
mailto:therion@speleo.sk> > a écrit : 



Hi David,


> My survey is quite huge and I need to export different scales

> In the biggest I would like to remove all little object and particularly

> text from the export to make it more understandable.


Yes, but also no:



layoutstandards.txt has some metapost code that can hide small text

labels. *BUT* the way it works is to physically measure the size of the

text label. So if - for example - you have something like this:


point 740.0 918.5 label -scale xl -text [foobar] -align left


The linebreak in there makes the rendered text block taller than one

line of text would be. The metapost code does not understand that, so it

assumes it must be a large text size, and it allows it to render.


(Yes, it would be possible to make the code check only the first text

character, but that is not as easy as you might think, since the first

character can be a linebreak, or formatting.)


You can also use this layout option:

min-symbol-scale M

but that affects all symbols at once, and you need to remember that all

lines have a default size, even if you did not explicitly set one!


Therion really, really needs to have a setting like this:

min-symbol-scale point label M

* wishes *


> *2- Offseted map:*


> this topic is known but I would like to know if there were some progress?


> Some under-level of offsetted map refers directly to the initial shadow

> when using connection map point.


Sorry, I do not understand this question, could you perhaps explain in

more detail?






Therion mailing list

Therion@speleo.sk <mailto:Therion@speleo.sk> 


Therion mailing list

[Therion] Mapiah and WTherion

2022-09-14 Thread Bruce Mutton
I've been dabbling with WTherion, and while it is progressing well and
looking very good in many respects, it is flagged as a sort term interim
project (on Matrix <https://app.element.io/#/room/> ) and I see some
high-level challenges:

*   it seems a document must be saved in three places for it to be an
enduring part of a mapping project:

*   a browser cache (required, and visible only to a particular browser
on a particular device)
*   a json file (if you want to store or share the document (presumably)
without loss of fidelity)
*   a th2 file (if you wish to compile the document using Therion)

*   In a multi-user project, unless everyone uses the workflow [WTherion
open json, edit, export th2, compile Therion] there will be loss of
ie if some users choose [XTherion open th2, edit, compile Therion] then the
WTherion users must 'know' to import from th2.  This will result in loss of
fidelity, especially where there are xvi files in the th2.


For me multi-user and version-controlled storage are prerequisites for any
mapping projects, and because it seems for most users, (readers of this
forum excepted of course) both Therion and version control are significant
challenges, any drawing editor should fit seamlessly into the existing
Therion environment.  Most likely this means it should read and write th2
files natively.


Please tell me if I am wrong.  As a self-taught dabbler I am only too happy
to be shown the error in my thinking.


Anyway, I got to thinking about Mapiah.

I think the development for Mapiah is here and was last updated in February?

I installed 0.0.3 and it looks like it is still in the very early stages.
Is it still under consideration for further development?



Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] More on showing only some cross-sections

2022-09-01 Thread Bruce Mutton
> Is there a list of the predefined contexts and groups?

>From the Therion Book (pg 53), group may be one of the following: 
all, centerline, sections, water, speleothems, passage-fills, ice,
sediments, equipment.
text, cave-centreline, surface-centreline

...depending on the context.


Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] filtering for export continuation-list

2022-08-25 Thread Bruce Mutton
Like this

https://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/drawingchecklist#points and scroll down to point 


-text "Description" -attr who "M Name" -attr what climb -attr priority low 
-attr ref plan # -explored 8.0m 

'who' is the person(s) who identified the the item, or the person assigned to 
resolve the issue.
'what' can be rift|climb|pitch|squeeze|tight|sump|rock-pile or whatever you 
like. (I'm thinking of using it as a 'to do' list so I could add, for example 
'priority' can be any number, text phrase or be omitted,
'ref' is intended to indicate where the data entry to this point is made, ie 
plan|elev|centreline, where  = ext for extended elevation, or, say 
090 for the direction of a projected elevation, or centreline if it is in the 
.th file (Therion does not yet report the location of this information, so 
manually entering it helps down the track when you want to make edits and 

For more explanation follow the link.






From: Therion  On Behalf Of A Gott
Sent: Thursday, 25 August 2022 08:11
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: [Therion] filtering for export continuation-list


HI Therion friends,


A friend posed an interesting question on a data set we hold in Therion. We 
have entered a lot of leads (point continuation's) in both elevation and plan 
th2 files. we have come to export these and have found that they are both 
coming out together, with neither being an exact copy of each other it's hard 
to tell them apart.


Is there any way you can filter the "export continuation-list" to only output 
plan continuations?


At present for a workaround, I have suggested exporting to .txt and copy and 
pasting into excel, so that the list can be filtered.


is it possible to filter prior to export? (if not, would it be possible to 
include an extra column on the export to show which projection the continuation 
was noted in, eg. plan, extended, elevation [90] - so this can then be filtered 
in excel/a database).


I note that even when using a select from the map structure, therion still 
defaults to looking at the full .th dataset.




Alastair Gott.

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Export centerline and LR (plan) UD (section)

2022-08-22 Thread Bruce Mutton

Looks like you answered your question.  You have an xvi that displays left and 
right dimensions.

If you want these to be visible in other formats, such as pdf, then you need to 
set a map foreground colour that differs from the background colour.

The simplest way to do this is something like this in your layout.


colour map-fg [97 86 38] # yellow brown


Possibly you can do it directly in the export statement.  Maybe something like 
this (pg 61 of more or less current Therion Book – I’m not certain of the 


export map -projection plan \

  -layout-colour map-fg [97 86 38] \

 -output hhh.pdf




From: Therion  On Behalf Of Razvan Dumbrava via 
Sent: Tuesday, 23 August 2022 00:03
To: therion@speleo.sk
Cc: Răzvan Dumbravă 
Subject: [Therion] Export centerline and LR (plan) UD (section)




Is there any possibility to export (in any format) the centreline and the LR 
(for plan)?


The data for centreline is 


units length meters

units compass clino degrees

data normal from to length compass clino

0 1 1.21 137.1 -12.8

1 2 8.75 33.3 1.8


and the data for LRUD is separate, like this:


units left right up down meters

data dimensions station left right up down


25 1.23 16.71 16.71 1.43

10 3.72 6.73 6.73 1.67

5 1.32 4.86 4.86 1.06



When i use 


export map -projection plan \

 -output hhh.xvi


It exports someting like this, with 2 LR in every station...




Răzvan Dumbravă


raz...@yahoo.com <mailto:raz...@yahoo.com>  



Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Label and passage height colours

2022-08-01 Thread Bruce Mutton
I’m sorry Paul, I’m still inside a Covid cloud it seems.  

-context works with symbol-show and symbol-hide but not with symbol-colour, so 
it is not a solution to your problem.




From: Therion  On Behalf Of Paul Rowe
Sent: Monday, 1 August 2022 18:41
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Label and passage height colours


Hi Bruce,

Yes, I was wanting to change a specific instance. These are great tips. 


Using the colour of another point type that I'm not using, then changing the 
context for other specific points, would be a simple hack that I think would 
cover me.





On Mon, 1 Aug 2022 at 18:12, Bruce Mutton mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz> > wrote:

Hi Paul

If you are asking if it is possible to change the colour of a specific instance 
of a particular type of generic object, I think the answer is no, unless you 
modify the metapost definition for the generic object to allow attributes such 
as colours to be parsed. 

If you want all of a generic object type to be a colour, then use a layout 
statement something like:

symbol-colour point label 


Easy hacks to mimic the first question include…

Use point remark and set its colour to something striking with:

symbol-colour point remark 

You can change the fonts to add or remove emphasis.


Or use -context to make the label inherit colour as though it were another type 
of symbol…

  point label   -text “label text” -context point anastomosis


  symbol-colour point anastomosis 

I suspect not all point types work with -context, so you may have to hunt 
around to find one that works.




From: Therion mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk> > 
On Behalf Of Paul Rowe
Sent: Monday, 1 August 2022 15:30
To: List for Therion users mailto:therion@speleo.sk> >
Subject: [Therion] Label and passage height colours


Is it possible to change the label and/or passage height colours for specific 
points? I couldn't see a way of doing this.



Paul Rowe

Therion mailing list
Therion@speleo.sk <mailto:Therion@speleo.sk> 

Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Label and passage height colours

2022-07-31 Thread Bruce Mutton
Hi Paul

If you are asking if it is possible to change the colour of a specific instance 
of a particular type of generic object, I think the answer is no, unless you 
modify the metapost definition for the generic object to allow attributes such 
as colours to be parsed. 

If you want all of a generic object type to be a colour, then use a layout 
statement something like:

symbol-colour point label 


Easy hacks to mimic the first question include…

Use point remark and set its colour to something striking with:

symbol-colour point remark 

You can change the fonts to add or remove emphasis.


Or use -context to make the label inherit colour as though it were another type 
of symbol…

  point label   -text “label text” -context point anastomosis


  symbol-colour point anastomosis 

I suspect not all point types work with -context, so you may have to hunt 
around to find one that works.




From: Therion  On Behalf Of Paul Rowe
Sent: Monday, 1 August 2022 15:30
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: [Therion] Label and passage height colours


Is it possible to change the label and/or passage height colours for specific 
points? I couldn't see a way of doing this.



Paul Rowe

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Map-connection issue

2022-07-09 Thread Bruce Mutton
> But I just tested it done with multiple levels, and my offset arrows still 
> work, so I cannot reproduce the behaviour you described. It is always the 
> inner-most offset (so to speak) that creates the arrow. At least with my 
> stuff - you doubtless have much more complex stuff than me.


...mumbles "must be something I'm doing", and "I was trying to keep my data 
structure simple".

Obviously I failed on the simple bit.


Clutching at straws - I wonder if it because I define lowest level maps outside 
of the survey they are associated with?


map 5-HawkesPlan -projection plan




map 5-HawkesPlanCL -projection plan

  5 # a map containing only the survey centreline



survey 5 -title "5-Hawkes"


  #survey data here


endsurvey 5


A crude attempt at trying to bisect to a possible cause:

*   I'm guessing Tarquin defines his maps INSIDE lowest level surveys 
(survey 5 in the above example), rather than outside as I have done above.
*   David, I wonder which approach you use?  Low level maps defined inside 
or outside of the low level survey?

Regardless of the outcome of this quiz it won’t necessarily point to a correct 
reason, because there are other characteristics of project setup that could 
affect the answers (relationship of these low level surveys and maps to the 
surveys and maps that collect together the whole cave).



Therion mailing list

[Therion] Remove symbols from legend

2022-07-09 Thread Bruce Mutton
> Can p_u_foo be hidden from the legend?

Some examples.  Statements need to be in thconfig outside of layouts.

#symbols removed from legends
text en "point u:foo" ""

text en "point station:temporary" ""

text en "line wall:bedrock"  ""
text fr "line wall:bedrock"  ""
text mi "line wall:bedrock"  ""

text en "line border:visible" ""
text en "line border:temporary"   ""
text en "line border:presumed"    ""
text en "line rock-edge"  ""

text en "area bedrock"""
text en "point stalactites"  ""
text en "point stalagmites"  ""


Therion mailing list

[Therion] Extend start control, a possible bug and a feature request

2022-07-03 Thread Bruce Mutton
I'm working on an extended elevation for a short cave that has 10 loops and
I'm having trouble getting the extended elevation that I would like.  I
suspect that it would be easier if I placed the extend statements in each of
the survey data centrelines where the legs are enumerated, but instead I am
trying to put the extend statements in a separate file dedicated to extended
development (described in https://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/extend )


So I may be the author of my own torment.  

Anyway I persist; I may have found a bug and I have a request to augment the
'log extend' feature:


The bug - Extend appears to (re)START at the end of splay shots #432

The feature request - Can log extend echo status for legs that have been
hidden #433 <https://github.com/therion/therion/issues/433> 




Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] new Therion 6.1.0

2022-06-20 Thread Bruce Mutton
> Just got around to updating, using the standard "Windows installer" on the
Therion download page. In this release, I have been getting this error on
Windows 10 when trying to run Loch:
> This doesn't sound like something wrong on my machine, but I would have
expected someone else to mention it already if it was wrong with the Therion
release. Did I miss something?
Same, although I only got it twice, and then not again.  
Mind you I frequently reinstall the therion-setup-msys2 via the GitHub
Actions workflow artifacts.
I had not associated the error specifically with the download page route and
had it pegged as a mystery to watch for...

Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Is copying supposed to be done in reverse?

2022-06-20 Thread Bruce Mutton
Ha!  It was the great Tarquin who provided me with insight one year ago

Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Is copying supposed to be done in reverse?

2022-06-20 Thread Bruce Mutton
Hi Tarquin

I have occasionally had unexpected behaviours due to conflicting layout
calls, and came up with the recipe here for hierarchy and order of calls
some time ago


As far as I am aware, the last called layout or statement always wins.
Certainly since I started using the recipe I have not noticed any problems,
and my layouts occasionally have conflicting parameters for a particular
setting (which is why I originally had problems - I was not rigorous about
call order).


Seems to conflict with your experience, maybe mine are simpler?

(I don't see an endlayout for your layout third - could that be something)



Therion mailing list

[Therion] extend start mysteries

2022-06-12 Thread Bruce Mutton
Hello again

I notice that the extend log sometimes includes many START statements.  I
can understand why the algorithm needs to reset itself once it gets to the
end of a branch, and then backtracks all the way back to the original start,
having generated all of the side passages on that branch on its way.  At
this point it needs to decide where to start again.

This suggests to me that the user should be able to influence the subsequent
start stations, so long as they study carefully where the first branch
development is finally exhausted.


However, I notice that if I specify multiple start statements, only one of
them is ever used.  What is going on here, and can the user influence
subsequent start stations?


In addition some of the start stations appear to be splay stations.  Since
in general splay stations are not considered part of the primary survey leg
centreline structure, surely this is some kind of bug?


Here is an extract from an extend log.


START 3.67@3.Hawkes

START -@2.Hawkes

RIGHT 2.29@2.Hawkes






Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] looking for code metapost for area Blocks

2022-05-30 Thread Bruce Mutton
Hello Gilbert
Here is a link to the instructions for extracting the metapost used by your
Therion installation.


-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Gilbert (liste)
Sent: Tuesday, 31 May 2022 06:13
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: [Therion] looking for code metapost for area Blocks


I'm looking for the code metapost for area blocks,

I want to custumize it in my survey. I found several exemple for area and
lines, but not the specific "area blocks".

Can you send it to me or send the url web page where we can find it ?



Therion mailing list

Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] New default settings and recent proj changes

2022-04-28 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Martin

That all makes sense now.  Strange how my Windows search could not find the 
folder even though I was explicitly searching for it.

All sorted out now.



From: Therion  On Behalf Of Martin Budaj
Sent: Thursday, 28 April 2022 08:32
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: Re: [Therion] New default settings and recent proj changes


Hi, it should be in C:\Users\\AppData\Local\proj


See also https://proj.org/resource_files.html#user-writable-directory


Implementing delete/redownload would be problematic (but proj is smart enough 
to download again if the remote grid file gets updated;)




On Wed, Apr 27, 2022, 21:33 Bruce Mutton mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz> > wrote:

Hi Martin
eaec752 looks like it should provide clarity.
I would like to be able to compile a dataset that activates this code (for
curiosity and maybe user testing), but it seems now that 'my therion' has
downloaded the transformation grid once, it resides somewhere on my machine
(I cannot manually find it though).  It seems like it has downloaded the
entire NZTM grid (as the documentation says it would) and so any locally
compiled cave dataset no longer needs to download the grid (which in the
normal course of events is good).  I have compiled therion datasets for
caves in other parts of the world, but none have triggered this code.  I
presume the grids they use are already built-in by default.

So for the sake of curiosity, is it possible to get Therion to delete an
existing (previously downloaded) grid and so subsequently trigger the need
to download it and test the eaec752 change?  Will using cs-def to set a null
string for NZTM force it to be downloaded again? Or will it cause
proj-missing-grid to behave as though it is set to ignore (even if download
is specified)?  Asking before trying it in case I end up breaking something
that is hard to fix!


Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] New default settings and recent proj changes

2022-04-27 Thread Bruce Mutton
Hi Martin
eaec752 looks like it should provide clarity.
I would like to be able to compile a dataset that activates this code (for
curiosity and maybe user testing), but it seems now that 'my therion' has
downloaded the transformation grid once, it resides somewhere on my machine
(I cannot manually find it though).  It seems like it has downloaded the
entire NZTM grid (as the documentation says it would) and so any locally
compiled cave dataset no longer needs to download the grid (which in the
normal course of events is good).  I have compiled therion datasets for
caves in other parts of the world, but none have triggered this code.  I
presume the grids they use are already built-in by default.

So for the sake of curiosity, is it possible to get Therion to delete an
existing (previously downloaded) grid and so subsequently trigger the need
to download it and test the eaec752 change?  Will using cs-def to set a null
string for NZTM force it to be downloaded again? Or will it cause
proj-missing-grid to behave as though it is set to ignore (even if download
is specified)?  Asking before trying it in case I end up breaking something
that is hard to fix!


-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Martin Budaj
Sent: Wednesday, 27 April 2022 18:23
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: Re: [Therion] New default settings and recent proj changes

Good idea! The latest commit provides additional information about downloads
now. Caching is more tricky: we just enable it and Proj then downloads just
small parts of grids relevant to your area and stores them in its database
without letting you know what exactly got downloaded.


On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 9:43 PM Bruce Mutton  wrote:
> Thanks Martin
> A suggestion below.
> therion 6.0.6+14fac78 (2022-04-26)
>   - using Proj 9.0.0, compiled against 9.0.0
> initialization file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Therion/therion.ini
> reading ... done
> configuration file: thconfig-GLMESM_System5000Map.thc
> reading ... done
> reading source files ... downloading the grid 
> https://cdn.proj.org/nz_linz_nzgd2kgrid0005.tif... done
> saved/cached grid file: C:\path\ nz_linz_nzgd2kgrid0005.tif
> done
> Bruce

Therion mailing list

[Therion] New default settings and recent proj changes

2022-04-26 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Martin

That helps a lot.  I wonder if therion.log could echo the destination folder 
for downloaded files?

(I could not find it on my machine)

A suggestion below.


therion 6.0.6+14fac78 (2022-04-26)

  - using Proj 9.0.0, compiled against 9.0.0

initialization file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Therion/therion.ini

reading ... done

configuration file: thconfig-GLMESM_System5000Map.thc

reading ... done

reading source files ... downloading the grid 
https://cdn.proj.org/nz_linz_nzgd2kgrid0005.tif... done

saved/cached grid file: C:\path\ nz_linz_nzgd2kgrid0005.tif





From: Therion  On Behalf Of Martin Budaj
Sent: Wednesday, 27 April 2022 05:24
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Problem with new default settings and recent proj changes


On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 11:45 AM Bruce Mutton mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz> > wrote:

I am a little confused, as Therion automatically downloaded the grid and yet my 
therion.ini does not have any of the proj-auto or proj-missing-grid settings 
mentioned in the 14fac78 Therion Book pg 86-87, which raises for me many 
questions.  I assume the functionality of those ini statements is now 
superseded by the proj.ini that is now present in the install folders (as you 
described as "use the best transformation and download the grids if needed") 
and that the Therion Book is yet to be updated?


Indeed, thbook needs an update. Now, proj-auto is 'on' by default and 
proj-missing-grid is 'download'.


Or maybe I am not looking I the correct place for the ini files that Therion is 
actually using?


If the setting is missing in therion.ini, therion just uses the defaults. You 
can always override them in the therion.ini file.


Can Therion be run without having internet access (or without first having had 
internet access for a particular survey dataset at some previous time)?


Definitely. With the new defaults, it would attempt to download the grid (only 
if proj can't find it locally) and end with an error message if there is no 
internet connection.


You can do either of these:


* change the proj-missing-grid setting to warn, e.g. (this prints a warning 
stating which grid you need to download manually, then download it and put 
somewhere where proj finds it)

* set proj-auto off (this is the old behaviour where proj doesn't look for the 
optimal transformation)

* get online, run therion once, and the grids would be reused in the subsequent 
runs without internet connection


 In the attached file, do the transformations marked [no] and [yes] relate to 
whether they are used or not?


All listed transformations are used. AoU: [no] or [yes] indicates, whether proj 
optimised a transformation for your particular area (defined by the fixed 
stations in your data set) [yes] or not [no].


And presumably the accuracies listed are the estimated accuracies?


Yes, estimated by proj.


Can I use proj-missing-grid to improve the accuracy of my example further or is 
4m accuracy the best I am likely to get for this particular dataset?


Sure, the accuracy when using grids should be in centimeters. It's interesting 
that in your log file the grid is downloaded (twice!) but not actually used by 
proj, it would be worth investigating why.


Anyway, for cases when you think you can do better than proj (including using a 
grid file), you can use 'cs-trans' to define a custom transformation between 
two coordinate systems; see an example in thbook. Probably your local GIS 
community has already defined such transformations; in the case of Slovakia, 
our cartographic office published such a list for QGIS users, which can be 
easily adopted for therion.



Therion mailing list

[Therion] Updated XTherion editor side panel adjustment

2022-02-28 Thread Bruce Mutton

There are a number of size settings listed in the default xtherion.ini:

## size of point

# set xth(gui,me,point,psize) 4


## size of line point

# set xth(gui,me,line,psize) 3


## line width

# set xth(gui,me,line,width) 3


## size of line control point

# set xth(gui,me,line,cpsize) 4


Adjusting these did occur to me, but I was being lazy and asking first, rather 
than experimenting.  I was hoping to keep the small size but have a large snap 

A comment in the ini file says there are many variables that have not been 
listed in the default ini files.  So thought I may as well ask.


I will have a play with the settings above next time I have a drawing session.





-Original Message-
Cc: Tarquin Wilton-Jones 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Updated XTherion editor side panel adjustment


On 28/02/2022 01:12, Bruce Mutton wrote:

> I expect there may be a variable I

> could edit in XTherion.ini (or is  XTherion.new.ini, there seems to be 

> one of each) that will increase the snapping distance.



It does not appear to be a snapping distance, per se. It appears to snap to the 
points when your cursor is over the top of whatever point you are trying to 
snap to. So the "distance" is basically "the point icon's size". That means 
that to change it, you would need to change the size of the point icon 
(normally a circle, but a triangle in the case of station points).


Though maybe there is some scaling option somewhere for that.


Therion mailing list

 <mailto:Therion@speleo.sk> Therion@speleo.sk


Therion mailing list

[Therion] Updated XTherion editor side panel adjustment

2022-02-27 Thread Bruce Mutton
I’m liking the (slightly) new look XTherion.

Just one thing, with the smaller and finer linework and points, and I guess a 
not so large 4K monitor, shaky hands and poor eyesight,  I’m finding it quite 
hard to reliably get my cursor close enough to existing points for it to snap 
onto them.  I expect there may be a variable I could edit in XTherion.ini (or 
is  XTherion.new.ini, there seems to be one of each) that will increase the 
snapping distance.

If so, what is the variable name?  (and how to use?)




From: Therion  On Behalf Of Bruce Mutton
Sent: Wednesday, 23 February 2022 20:53
Subject: Re: [Therion] Updated XTherion editor side panel adjustment missing


OK, therion-setup-msys2-3f54ee7 is good.


Therion mailing list

[Therion] Ukraine

2022-02-24 Thread Bruce Mutton
I am sure there are people on this list that are more than a little affected
by the invasion of Ukraine.

While lucky enough to be far away, I am shocked and am thinking of you, my
friends, and how I might help in some small way.


Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Updated XTherion editor side panel adjustment missing

2022-02-22 Thread Bruce Mutton
OK, therion-setup-msys2-3f54ee7 is good.



From: Therion  On Behalf Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Wednesday, 23 February 2022 20:33
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Updated XTherion editor side panel adjustment missing


Thanks Bruce for finding out, I have forgotten, there is a menu item for 
switching panels and I was too lazy to change .ini file to test it.


It should be fixed now.




On Wed, 23 Feb 2022 at 08:08, Bruce Mutton mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz> > wrote:

Thanks Stacho

That is so so much better.  What I have secretly wished for, for many years!


Both 3f4366c and 683b226 have problems when menu Window.Switch Panels is used 
to put the control panel on the left-hand side.

A screenshot here from the earlier 3f4366c, although 683b226 does the same sort 
of thing.

The adjustable panel moves, and is adjustable, but the controls do not.  Same 
for the text editor, map editor and compiler windows.


I am not so worried, as I’m used to it on the right-hand side, but I suppose a 
fix is the right thing to do!




From: Therion mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk> > 
On Behalf Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Wednesday, 23 February 2022 07:59
To: List for Therion users mailto:therion@speleo.sk> >
Subject: Re: [Therion] Updated XTherion editor side panel adjustment missing


Hi Bruce,


I have tried a more standard solution (commit 
 683b226) - an adjustment line alongside the whole screen. It should be 1.5mm 
thick (according to OS-supplied resolution). Does that solve the problem?



Therion mailing list
Therion@speleo.sk <mailto:Therion@speleo.sk> 

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Updated XTherion editor side panel adjustment missing

2022-02-22 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Stacho

That is so so much better.  What I have secretly wished for, for many years!


Both 3f4366c and 683b226 have problems when menu Window.Switch Panels is used 
to put the control panel on the left-hand side.

A screenshot here from the earlier 3f4366c, although 683b226 does the same sort 
of thing.

The adjustable panel moves, and is adjustable, but the controls do not.  Same 
for the text editor, map editor and compiler windows.


I am not so worried, as I’m used to it on the right-hand side, but I suppose a 
fix is the right thing to do!




From: Therion  On Behalf Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Wednesday, 23 February 2022 07:59
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Updated XTherion editor side panel adjustment missing


Hi Bruce,


I have tried a more standard solution (commit 
 683b226) - an adjustment line alongside the whole screen. It should be 1.5mm 
thick (according to OS-supplied resolution). Does that solve the problem?



Therion mailing list

[Therion] Updated XTherion editor side panel adjustment missing

2022-02-21 Thread Bruce Mutton
The new look (v 6.0.5) XTherion editor seems to be missing the small button
control that allows resizing of the side panel.

I often like to make it quite large when editing objects with a long options



Is resizing of the panel still available and I'm just not seeing it, or is
it perhaps a bug?

Therion 6.0.5

Windows 10 Home v 21H1 9043.1526



Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] new Therion 6.0.5

2022-02-20 Thread Bruce Mutton
“Could someone maybe explain what the difference is between 3D and LRUD 

I get how 3D probably works based on the rendered 3D view of the cave.  But how 
can the LRUD thing work when I only use splays instead of LRUD? Does it just 
pick some particular or average splay and use it as a LRUD measurement? The 
results are so vastly different.”


My inference is that if you enter LRUD for a piece of passage, that is used to 
calculate volume, and if you have splays, those are used.  Hence the result 
just follows the type of data entered.  My datasets usually result in one or 
the other being zero, because they only have either splays or LRUD.  Some 
datasets have only a few LRUD and many kilometres of splays.  These naturally 
(and presumably appropriately) report volumes with orders of magnitude 



Therion mailing list

[Therion] Delete documents in Therion wiki Media Manager

2022-02-18 Thread Bruce Mutton
Just been doing a little maintenance, and this document is no longer
required on the Therion wiki, and is no longer referenced by any wiki pages
as far as I can tell.


I couldn't figure out how to remove or delete it.

If someone has additional privileges, or knows how, feel free to delete it.



Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Hide symbols within certain maps/subsurveys

2022-01-20 Thread Bruce Mutton
This sort of thing can be done, perhaps not completely, with surface and
cave centreline component visibility.
There is an old conversation about it somewhere, but I cannot find it just
Something like:
  symbol-hide group cave-centreline #1. hides all centrelines, incl
station-names - clears the canvas
  symbol-show point cave-station  #2. set up for identifying
cave-stations to show/hide

  symbol-show point station:fixed  #3. actually show/hide
(cave-)stations of mark ...
  symbol-show point station:painted #3. 
  symbol-show point station:natural  #3.
  symbol-hide point station:temporary #3. 

   #then could carry on to specify surface...
   symbol-hide group surface-centreline  # etc.

The lines annotated 1 to 3 work just fine, but I'm not sure I've managed to
get that refined control over both surface and cave centrelines at the same
This is not really what you were asking, but maybe there is a clue.

Otherwise perhaps it can be done using custom attributes for the objects?
It was suggested to me once, but it seemed labour intensive so I never tried


-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Tarquin Wilton-Jones
via Therion
Sent: Tuesday, 18 January 2022 21:58
To: Therion 
Cc: Tarquin Wilton-Jones 
Subject: [Therion] Hide symbols within certain maps/subsurveys

Hi folks,

I have a survey of a cave and its surrounding surface area, including all
the little caves in the area. So you can basically get an overview of the
area, see the surface streams and sinks.

Normally, I want the cave survey to be on its own, showing the cave's
features, passage names, fill areas, boulders, water flow, etc.. But when I
show the area overview, all those features become unimportant, and most
labels should be hidden (only the cave names are important).

When showing an overview though, I still want to show the surface labels,
slopes, cliffs, water flow, arrows, borders, etc.

Does anyone have a nice way to hide almost all symbols within one
map/subsurvey (the cave), while showing them all within other maps (the
surface)? Does Therion have a dedicated way to do this that I missed?


Therion mailing list

Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Handling of tape and backtape in survey data

2021-12-30 Thread Bruce Mutton
I just checked on my little experiment of some years ago, and I
misrepresented it.

> PocketTopo automatically detects backsights if they are taken immediately
after a foresight.  So the software handles the station naming, no user
intervention required.  
That much is true. You end up with something like:
1.4 splays
1.4 1.5 shot
1.4 1.5 shot
1.4 1.5 shot

1.5 1.4 shot # for back shots it will recognise 1 or more shots within
tolerance as 'back legs', so you can do as many as you want, I think
1.5 1.4 shot
1.5 1.4 shot

1.5 splays
1.5 1.6 shot etc

>While I processed the only survey I ever did this way with Therion...
Not true.  I did not bother parsing the data from PocketTopo, as the passage
ends were too far apart to consider digging, and so no point to mapping with
Therion (we already have an older map).

Never the less, I am almost curious to see what TopParser and Therion does
with it.  Lots of loops and doubled survey length I expect.  Maybe I will
process it one day.

You mention that SexyTopo deals with this by treating the backsight as a
splay.  Does it detect and label this splay as a backleg if it is within
tolerance for the previous leg?  I think it should (similarly to
PocketTopo).  While I don't tend to use backsights as a rule, there is that
1 in 100 occasion where I do consider it, and I expect that the field
software should automatically detect this and number the shot/leg
accordingly.  In a generic sense, rigorous foresight//backsight/splay is a valid survey protocol (along with variations
of that).


Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Handling of tape and backtape in survey data

2021-12-30 Thread Bruce Mutton
> instead Toporobot just generates a new station for the backsite.

PocketTopo automatically detects backsights if they are taken immediately after 
a foresight.  So the software handles the station naming, no user intervention 
required.  While I processed the only survey I ever did this way with Therion, 
it never made it into the main cave dataset and so I didn't get as far as 
checking the survey length was correct (or doubled).  I'm pretty sure it would 
be correct though.  It was only done to find a reasonably precise gap in an 
'almost looped' passage.  The gap was too big to dig so we lost interest and I 
haven't drawn the enhanced accuracy map yet.  It is at the bottom of my 
priority list.
The exercise was also helpful to gauge the frequency and size of 
foresight/backsight mismatch with 'three-shot' disto readings.  My conclusion: 
a few instances that may be of interest occur, but not enough to ever bother 
actually taking all those backsights.  Have never done a backsight since.
Our disto driven loop closures are typically 0.5% (I like to think) but a bad 
one will be 1.0%.  Compared to our pre-disto loops over a decade ago which were 
typically 2% and a good one 1%.  Although I prefer to think in Survex's 
standard deviation approach to loop closure, which tells a different story 
about which loop is good and which not...

Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Migovec Github survey data project

2021-12-21 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Rhys, good to meet you.

Your answer explains the gap I detected.

I recall small groups of cavers bent over a large table drawing on film with 
ink pens.  Thirty years ago.  We haven’t managed to duplicate the physicality 
and sociability since, but at least since we found version control just over a 
decade ago we can have a few people working on the same project, even if it is 
usually alone and one at a time.  And we don’t have to unclog pens.

Very interested in your custom point map-connection by the way.



From: Therion  On Behalf Of Rhys Tyers
Sent: Tuesday, 21 December 2021 12:08
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Migovec Github survey data project


Hey, I work on this repository. Thank you for your kind words.


We use github as a convenient means to collaborate amongst ourselves and host 
data but I guess we differ from an open source software project in that there's 
not much point in accepting outside contribution as only people who attend our 
expedition are generally interested in drawing our survey!


We generally collaborate by running a meeting via voice chat and drawing survey 
as a social activity, emulating how we drew before Therion.


Theoretically we could use pull requests and issues to work on our data but as 
we are normally talking to eachother as we draw it is just easier to push what 
each person does sequentially to master, relying on git to avoid messing 
anything up. 


Also most of our contributors are science students and while they have a 
familiarity with git they normally haven't really used it for collaboration in 
the same way someone working in software would.


As for the broken thconfigs the answer is similar, that the current drawers 
know which ones work and it's a bit fluid so we haven't bothered documenting it.


Half the reason it exists in it's current format is that I do work in software 
so I tend to maintain all the extraneous git cruft as my armchair caving while 
other people focus on the _actual_ work of drawing stuff 😁


If you do have any questions about it feel free to email me or Imperial caving.




On Sun, 19 Dec 2021, 11:38 Benedikt Hallinger, mailto:b...@hallinger.org> > wrote:


no specific info on the exact project, but generally you could open a issue 
ticket there and ask your very question. Each project may have its own rules.


But most commonly it works this way:

- you clone the repo at github (so its public)

- you make a new branch and do your stuff

- you then open a pull request against the upstream repo

- someone there inspects it and if it is accepted, will merge

- done


Am 19.12.2021 um 00:43 schrieb Bruce Mutton mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz> >:

Not directly a Therion question.

I’ve been loosely following the progress of 
https://github.com/iccaving/migovec-survey-data a couple of years, but only 
recently started migrating some projects of my own to git.

 So thought I’d dispense with just admiring the outputs and fork the migovec 
repository to do a deep dive learn from the apparent masters…

The README.md is exemplary, but the section on ‘How to contribute’ seems to be 
missing a most important thing – how do contributors interact with other 
contributors and the repository?  The lack of issues and forks that similar 
sized GitHub projects have suggests I’m missing something obvious.  I know 
Therion pretty well, passible on version control but only just cutting my teeth 
on git and GitHub.

 I found a simple problem in some thconfigs that causes Therion to crash and 
exit, and located the cause in the history.  I could potentially fix it, make a 
pull request, but as I have only studied the migovec structure for literally 10 
minutes, any ‘fix’ I work on will take me a while and be bound to be error 
prone.  Better for me just to point out the problem.

 Anyone here know how the iccaving migovec Therion team communicates or would 
one of them on this list be able to PM me?


Therion mailing list
Therion@speleo.sk <mailto:Therion@speleo.sk> 

Therion mailing list
Therion@speleo.sk <mailto:Therion@speleo.sk> 

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Migovec Github survey data project

2021-12-18 Thread Bruce Mutton
Not directly a Therion question.

I've been loosely following the progress of
https://github.com/iccaving/migovec-survey-data a couple of years, but only
recently started migrating some projects of my own to git.


So thought I'd dispense with just admiring the outputs and fork the migovec
repository to do a deep dive learn from the apparent masters.

The REDME.md is exemplary, but the section on 'How to contribute' seems to
be missing a most important thing - how do contributors interact with other
contributors and the repository?  The lack of issues and forks that similar
sized GitHub projects have suggests I'm missing something obvious.  I know
Therion pretty well, passible on version control but only just cutting my
teeth on git and GitHub.


I found a simple problem in some thconfigs that causes Therion to crash and
exit, and located the cause in the history.  I could potentially fix it,
make a pull request, but as I have only studied the migovec structure for
literally 10 minutes, any 'fix' I work on will take me a while and be bound
to be error prone.  Better for me just to point out the problem.


Anyone here know how the iccaving migovec Therion team communicates or would
one of them on this list be able to PM me?



Therion mailing list

[Therion] A little French in XTherion English language text editor

2021-12-13 Thread Bruce Mutton
Answered my questions.

Ticking the box makes the data table cycle through the from and to station

Unticking the box makes the data table omit the from and to station boxes
from the data entry cycle.



From: Therion  On Behalf Of Bruce Mutton
Sent: Tuesday, 14 December 2021 19:41
To: 'List for Therion users' 
Subject: [Therion] A little French in XTherion English language text editor


First time I have manually entered survey data into XTherion for years.

A mysterious French prompt has appeared - I think it is a toggle forcing
XTherion to ask for station names.

Except that ticked or unticked there seems to be no difference in behaviour 



Is there meant to be a tick box?  What should it do? And perhaps an English
translation in the next release?



Therion mailing list

[Therion] A little French in XTherion English language text editor

2021-12-13 Thread Bruce Mutton
First time I have manually entered survey data into XTherion for years.

A mysterious French prompt has appeared - I think it is a toggle forcing
XTherion to ask for station names.

Except that ticked or unticked there seems to be no difference in behaviour 



Is there meant to be a tick box?  What should it do? And perhaps an English
translation in the next release?



Therion mailing list

[Therion] Therion] Get shortest route

2021-11-29 Thread Bruce Mutton
This was discussed in 2008 in Therion circles.
To be really useful, the user should be able to specify multiple stations,
with the algorithm finding the shortest centreline distance along the
centreline network that passes through all of the specified points.

Outputs to list as noted by Benedikt below, pdf and aven/Loch models.


-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Olly Betts
Sent: Sunday, 28 November 2021 07:57
To: Benedikt Hallinger 
Cc: therion@speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] Get shortest route

On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 05:10:18PM +0100, Benedikt Hallinger wrote:
> i would want to get some advanced statistics regarding lengths in a very
big cave (130km/Hirlatz).
> Basicly i want to supply two stations and get the following data for the
shortest path:
> - length of shots
> - cumulated height for shots going upwards
> - cumulative depth for shots going downwards
> - optionally it would be cool to be able to somehow visualize the 
> route in aven/loch, or in a therion map output
> Is this possible already?

I don't think so.

Someone was working on it, but I guess it didn't come to anything as that
was 2016:


Therion mailing list

Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Rock border not creating boulders with smooth altitude shading

2021-11-14 Thread Bruce Mutton
I'm with you Tarquin.
See my other message (some reason it has not turned up in
Seems like it is intentional, but it is more complicated than that.
This page describes

I had always thought double rendered translucent objects where the
intention, but seems they are not.
I would vote for making it an option (not withstanding what you actually see
will depend on the viewer used).


-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Tarquin Wilton-Jones
via Therion
Sent: Monday, 15 November 2021 09:19
To: Therion 
Cc: Tarquin Wilton-Jones 
Subject: [Therion] Rock border not creating boulders with smooth altitude

Hi folks,

I feel like I must have missed some email about this; surely someone will
have noticed before...

Boulders. They are made from line rock-border, which will create a shaded
boulder when closed.

Make an area of water. Create a line rock-border half-way into the water,
and half out of the water, but still in the passage. The boulder is the same
colour as the background. Translucent, sitting on top of the water.

Set this:
color map-fg scrap

Still works the same.

Now set this:
color map-fg altitude

The boulder loses its colour, and is nothing more than a thick line, so it
stops looking like a boulder.

Set this, and the boulder returns to being a boulder:
smooth-shading off

Is this an intentional change, a known limitation, or a bug?


Therion mailing list

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Is survey -namespace off and sometimes on possible in same survey project?

2021-11-14 Thread Bruce Mutton
>>Em domingo, 14 de novembro de 2021 às 2:10 AM, Bruce Mutton 
>> escreveu:

>> Just a quick question before contemplating the migration of a large (more 
>> than 70 km and many caves) dataset to Therion.
>> The dataset has unique station names, so in Therion speak, every survey 
>> would have -namespace off set.

>Sorry for the slightly off topic reply but AFAIU your dataset having station 
>unique names allows you to set -namespace off which could save some work but 
>you don't have to and as you already know that some other parts of your 
>dataset needs -namespace on, why bother with -namespace off?

Because the existing dataset that it is proposed to migrate (using a custom 
- is large with many surveys and sub-surveys
- Therion implicitly defaults to -namespace on for every single survey
- with that setting, survey stations, although unique across surveys, cannot be 
seen unless a namespace is specified
- therefore it will not compile until -namespace off is set in each relevant 
survey and sub-survey.

A decade ago, before I was particularly aware of 'survey -namespace', I 
migrated this same dataset, and not being aware I could turn it off, had to 
manually equate stations to join all the surveys, and equate loops where they 
involved more than one survey.  I only did half of it before I got fed up.  I 
realise now that -namespace off is the solution, and that it can be put in the 
custom script.
But in the meantime I have some native Therion sub-projects that I want to 
merge into the migrated project, that, of course, use and rely on the implicit 
default of -namespace on because the stations are not unique (each survey has 
the station sequence 1 2 3 4 ...).  I do not have an appetite to manually make 
these stations unique, even using -station-names to modify them it will be too 

Hence I am testing the idea of projects where some surveys have -namespace on 
and some -namespace off.
I could modify one of my existing projects to see what happens, but before 
doing that I am interested to find out if others have experience with this 


Therion mailing list

[Therion] Is survey -namespace off and sometimes on possible in same survey project?

2021-11-13 Thread Bruce Mutton
Just a quick question before contemplating the migration of a large (more
than 70 km and many caves) dataset to Therion.


The dataset has unique station names, so in Therion speak, every survey
would have -namespace off set.

I have never used this setting, but do not anticipate any problem so long as
every survey has -namespace off set.


The trick is that there are two caves that have been processed from the very
start with Therion (using the default -namespace on, of course) and one of
the large caves has a currently 'not-incorporated' section of Therion
namespaced data.  None of this Therion data is currently incorporated in the
large dataset.  There will probably be more namespaced data in future.  


So my question is:  Can we have an integrated Therion project where some
surveys have -namespace on and some with -namespace off?


I imagine this will work, but having never tried it I am cautious about
diving into such a large undertaking, in case it is doomed to failure
because of a requirement for significant manual intervention (I did that for
30 km of the system, but I have lost enthusiasm for that).




Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Minimum symbol scale

2021-10-28 Thread Bruce Mutton
> Andrew (or perhaps this is Bruce's originally) has a partial solution in
if abs(llcorner txt - ulcorner txt ) > 3pt:

I borrowed from Thomas Holder

Good luck with your quest Tarquin.

Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Therion Github plan

2021-10-13 Thread Bruce Mutton
Oops, a free or paid plan?


From: Therion  On Behalf Of Bruce Mutton
Sent: Thursday, 14 October 2021 08:02
To: 'List for Therion users' 
Subject: [Therion] Therion Github plan


Just curious

Is the Therion repository on Github <https://github.com/pricing>  supported
by a free or a pain plan?


Therion mailing list

[Therion] Therion Github plan

2021-10-13 Thread Bruce Mutton
Just curious

Is the Therion repository on Github <https://github.com/pricing>  supported
by a free or a pain plan?


Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Selecting map defined with preview only causes error

2021-10-04 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Stacho

That is a good solution.  It is appropriate that previews are ignored when 
calculating map extents.


My experimental use case was to have a generic preview only map that I could 
then select in tandem with (non-previewed) maps, with the extents determined by 
the (non-previewed) maps.  It was an idea to allow further ‘modularisation’ and 
standardisation of my datasets.


It is easy to arrange map definitions to give the same effect, just have to 
make sure there is a non-previewed map in each.


And as you suggest, a ‘preview’ that contributes to map extent definition can 
be emulated with map-fg and hiding all symbols.


Impressed by the time and effort you are putting in.

Much appreciated.



From: Therion  On Behalf Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Tuesday, 5 October 2021 10:16
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Selecting map defined with preview only causes error


Hi Bruce,


thanks for pointing it out. I have tried to allow map containing only previews, 
but there were apparently a lot of subsequent issues with its zero dimensions. 
Normally, previews are ignored when calculating the extent of a map. So I have 
modified the error message according to your suggestion. 


I assume the same map can be generated using a single map-fg color and hiding 
all symbols. Or am I missing something?




On Mon, 4 Oct 2021 at 06:54, Bruce Mutton mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz> > wrote:

Hello Team


I think this may be a bug.

Selecting a map with only previews inside of it is causing an error, where 
possibly it should not.

And if it is by design that it triggers an error, then the message it gives is 
not helpful.  A better message would be “map cannot contain only previews”


The error message.

therion.exe: error -- GreenlinkArea/INDEXGLMESM_System.th [164] -- incompatible 
map projection -- SwissM_PlanMap@GLMESM_system


The map definition.

  map GLMESMPreviewOnlyMap -projection plan

preview below SwissM_PlanMap@GLMESM_system  #map

preview below DwarfsDoorPlanMap@GLMESM_system   #map

preview below MiddleEarthPlanMap@GLMESM_system  #map

  endmap GLMESMPreviewOnlyMap


The maps all have -projection plan explicitly defined, and the error is 
unchanged if I remove the projection option from the definition above.


The thconfig.

select QEII-01GreenLinkPlanCL

select QEII-01GreenLinkPlan

select GLMESMPreviewOnlyMap


I have selected three maps, two contain valid maps, and one contains only 
previews.  If I remove one of the ‘preview below’ statements preceding any of 
the previewed maps, the project compiles as expected.

If I try to type the preview below directly into the thconfig, there is an 
error also, but I suspect this might be by design.


Using 6.0.3, but am not assuming this was introduced recently.  I have never 
tried it before.




Therion mailing list
Therion@speleo.sk <mailto:Therion@speleo.sk> 

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Selecting map defined with preview only causes error

2021-10-03 Thread Bruce Mutton
Hello Team


I think this may be a bug.

Selecting a map with only previews inside of it is causing an error, where
possibly it should not.

And if it is by design that it triggers an error, then the message it gives
is not helpful.  A better message would be "map cannot contain only


The error message.

therion.exe: error -- GreenlinkArea/INDEXGLMESM_System.th [164] --
incompatible map projection -- SwissM_PlanMap@GLMESM_system


The map definition.

  map GLMESMPreviewOnlyMap -projection plan

preview below SwissM_PlanMap@GLMESM_system  #map

preview below DwarfsDoorPlanMap@GLMESM_system   #map

preview below MiddleEarthPlanMap@GLMESM_system  #map

  endmap GLMESMPreviewOnlyMap


The maps all have -projection plan explicitly defined, and the error is
unchanged if I remove the projection option from the definition above.


The thconfig.

select QEII-01GreenLinkPlanCL

select QEII-01GreenLinkPlan

select GLMESMPreviewOnlyMap


I have selected three maps, two contain valid maps, and one contains only
previews.  If I remove one of the 'preview below' statements preceding any
of the previewed maps, the project compiles as expected.

If I try to type the preview below directly into the thconfig, there is an
error also, but I suspect this might be by design.


Using 6.0.3, but am not assuming this was introduced recently.  I have never
tried it before.




Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Existing xvi background images not visible in XTherion Map Editor, insertion causes error

2021-09-16 Thread Bruce Mutton
> thanks a lot for finding out and reporting.

Introducing “Rob Davies”.  After a quick spin through, it looks like 23b301e is 

Thanks for the speedy turnaround Stacho.




Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Elevation scrap distortion with survex 3.d import

2021-08-25 Thread Bruce Mutton
> One last question. If I wanted to try a projected elevation (to remove the
extra complexity of the extending process) how do I specify the projection

> An angle seems to be a parameter in a scrap '-proj elevation' definition,
but what determines what angle the _centreline_ is viewed from? 


> I cannot specify an angle in the top level 'export map' command:

> export map -proj elevation -layout local -o "elv.pdf"




All the projected elevation objects (scraps, maps and exports) need to have
the projection angle specified.  Specifying nothing will result in a
projection looking at bearing zero (north).


ie export map -proj [elevation 042 deg] -layout local -o "elv.pdf"

or export map -proj [elevation 042] -layout local -o "elv.pdf".  Therion
defaults to degrees I think.


In XTherion it is like this.


Therefore if using degrees, you have the option of drawing up to 360 unique
projected elevations.



Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] cannot load thconfig in xtherion

2021-08-23 Thread Bruce Mutton
If there is a vote going on extensions, I'd go for .thc rather than .thconfig, 
but I guess it is not so important.

-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Tarquin Wilton-Jones via 
Sent: Monday, 23 August 2021 20:37
To: therion@speleo.sk
Cc: Tarquin Wilton-Jones 
Subject: Re: [Therion] cannot load thconfig in xtherion

On 23/08/2021 09:29, Martin Sluka via Therion wrote:
> BTW, using for project “foo" name “foo.thconfig" is not a bad idea.

Indeed. It makes your code more portable, since Windows doesn't show a "what do 
you want me to do with this 'thconfig.[nothing]' file that has no mimetype 
data?" dialog. Grr.
Therion mailing list

Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Therion 6.0.1 colour processing problem

2021-08-21 Thread Bruce Mutton

It seems my current version of that file/layout doesn’t use transparent colours 
– I haven’t updated that wiki post for some years.


I vaguely recall some discussion about transparent colours when differing 
colour models were introduced, but such things are above my knowledge level.

A clue on top of page 57 of the Therion book.


smooth-shading  . set the mode of smooth scrap backgroud shading.
By default, altidute and depth colour is interpolated across the scrap the 
quick way.
Some issues are present if transparent symbol colours are used. More precise 
should be added in the future. If off, scrap is filled with single colour.


On the other hand, your code is missing a ; 

What happens if you add one like this?

def_transparent_rgb (tr_color_sump_bg, .44, .81, .92); %transparent version


Or you could just delete the entire line, assuming you have not used 
tr_color_sump anywhere.


Hope that helps.




From: Therion  On Behalf Of A.M. van Rosmalen
Sent: Saturday, 21 August 2021 19:53
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: [Therion] Therion 6.0.1 colour processing problem


Hi there,

Since I upgraded to the last version of Therion (6.01) on Windows my
maps refuse to compile even though they used to compile just fine
before and still compile under the previous version (on a Linux

Specifically this piece of code in LayoutStandards.thc drafted by
Bruce Mutton found here:

  code metapost
  %these colours affect fills, not the linework
!color colour_water_bg; %! forces interpretation as metapost
colour_water_bg := (0.82,.93,.95);  %light blue
!color colour_sump_bg;  %! forces interpretation as metapost
def_transparent_rgb (tr_color_sump_bg, .44, .81, .92) %transparent version
colour_sump_bg := (.44,.81,.92);%dark blue

%these colours affect the linework
!color colour_rope;  %! forces interpretation as metapost
colour_rope :=  (0.35,0.75,1.0);%blue

Gives the following error message:

>> def_transparent_rgb
! Isolated expression.

l.6979 def_transparent_rgb (
tr_color_sump_bg, .44, .81, .92) %transparent ve...
I couldn't find an `=' or `:=' after the
expression that is shown above this error message,
so I guess I'll just ignore it and carry on.

! Extra tokens will be flushed.

l.6979 def_transparent_rgb (
tr_color_sump_bg, .44, .81, .92) %transparent ve...
I've just read as much of that statement as I could fathom,
so a semicolon should have been next. It's very puzzling...
but I'll try to get myself back together, by ignoring
everything up to the next `;'. Please insert a semicolon
now in front of anything that you don't want me to delete.
(See Chapter 27 of The METAFONTbook for an example.)

I tried adding some := and =, but this just leads to the following
error message:

>> def_transparent_rgb
>> (tr_color_sump_bg,0.44,0.81,0.92)
! Equation cannot be performed (numeric=cmykcolor).

l.6980 colour_sump_bg
  := (.44,.81,.92);%dark blue
I'm sorry, but I don't know how to make such things equal.
(See the two expressions just above the error message.)

! Extra tokens will be flushed.

l.6980 colour_sump_bg
  := (.44,.81,.92);%dark blue
I've just read as much of that statement as I could fathom,
so a semicolon should have been next. It's very puzzling...
but I'll try to get myself back together, by ignoring
everything up to the next `;'. Please insert a semicolon
now in front of anything that you don't want me to delete.
(See Chapter 27 of The METAFONTbook for an example.)

Any ideas how to fix this?



Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Plan gridline colour changes unpredictably

2021-08-11 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Martin

Highlights the dangers of absorbing a language by osmosis.  A false sense of 

I’ll try that out and see how it works.


Out of interest I went back over old maps to check the colour of my gridlines.  
Until a few weeks ago I only ever used the default rgb colour model, and even 
now I only specify rgb, but occasionally force Therion to convert by specifying 
a cmyk colour model.  I found that I actually got a random section of the two 
gridline output colours over previous years.  My excuse for not picking it as a 
Therion behaviour is that I routinely use a number of pdf viewers and printers. 
 They all present line thicknesses and colours slightly differently. Especially 
Sumatra pdf compared to most others.





From: Therion  On Behalf Of Martin Budaj
Sent: Wednesday, 11 August 2021 07:23
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Plan gridline colour changes unpredictably




0.5white doesn't work in CMYK properly (it's equivalent to 0.5*(0,0,0,0) = 
(0,0,0,0) = white)

0.1black doesn't work in RGB (it's 0.1*(0,0,0) = (0,0,0) = black)


So your formula produces 50% gray in RGB and 10% gray in CMYK. No idea why you 
got 10% gray in some RGB setups, some test data would be needed.


To get 10% grey colour you need to use 0.1[white,black] which works in all RGB, 
CMYK and Grayscale.






On Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 11:29 AM Bruce Mutton mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz> > wrote:



I have in my layout some metapost code to redefine the plan gridlines, used 
without apparent problem for perhaps 10 years.  It includes a colour 


withcolor 0.1black+0.5white;


Mostly they come out like this, very light grey.  This example is exported 
using colour-model cmyk, but most of the time using colour-model rgb it looks 
exactly the same, in my current project (only variables are colour map-fg, some 
map previews on or off and the colour model).


For some reason, in my current project, if I use colour-model rgb for a 
particular output variant, I get a much darker gridline, as below.  Other 
variants with rgb, the colour of the gridline matches the first example.


Any hints as to why the difference?

I might have expected this to occur with the new cmyk colour model, but it does 

So far it has only happened with in a single specific case when using the rgb 
colour model.  I’ll watch for more cases…



Therion mailing list
Therion@speleo.sk <mailto:Therion@speleo.sk> 

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Plan gridline colour changes unpredictably

2021-08-10 Thread Bruce Mutton


I have in my layout some metapost code to redefine the plan gridlines, used
without apparent problem for perhaps 10 years.  It includes a colour


withcolor 0.1black+0.5white;


Mostly they come out like this, very light grey.  This example is exported
using colour-model cmyk, but most of the time using colour-model rgb it
looks exactly the same, in my current project (only variables are colour
map-fg, some map previews on or off and the colour model).


For some reason, in my current project, if I use colour-model rgb for a
particular output variant, I get a much darker gridline, as below.  Other
variants with rgb, the colour of the gridline matches the first example.



Any hints as to why the difference?

I might have expected this to occur with the new cmyk colour model, but it
does not.

So far it has only happened with in a single specific case when using the
rgb colour model.  I'll watch for more cases.



Therion mailing list

[Therion] Graphic tablet with XTherion

2021-08-08 Thread Bruce Mutton
After many many years  XTherioning with a mouse, I think I might try a
graphic tablet for drawing with XTherion, and maybe soon, Inkscape.


Do I need anything fancy, or will the simplest do?


One of these? https://www.huion.com/pen_tablet/Inspiroy/H430P.html 



Therion mailing list

[Therion] using revise to set a map colour, and

2021-08-04 Thread Bruce Mutton

I'm trying to force the colour of a particular submap, either from a
thconfig or from within a layout.

The thconfig route gives an error - unknown configuration command

The layout route gives an error - unknown option


Tried using these two syntax, and variously swapping '-colour' and 'colour'
to no avail.


   revise 97-HectorsWetPlan@MiddleEarth 

 colour [5]



   revise 97-HectorsWetPlan@MiddleEarth -colour [5]


I see here <https://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/develop?s%5b%5d=revise>  that a
revise bug was fixed in 5.4.1 that prevented it working outside of a survey
context, but maybe something has reverted?

More likely I am missing something?


I can do this.

select  97-HectorsWetPlan@MiddleEarth -colour [100 0 0] #red


.and it works in part - the map is exported, but it is not coloured red.
Instead it is coloured according to a banded altitude lookup that I have
activated.  My understanding is that colouring a map explicitly should
override 'colour map-fg' specifications, including lookups.

I tried changing the order of selects to see if that would place one map
over top of the other, but no change.

I have previously coloured specific maps successfully (possibly without
lookups), although I have not gone back to see exactly how I set those up.


So is there a problem with some lookup colour palettes overriding explicit
map colour specification?


BTW, there is a diagram somewhere that shows the contexts/object model
hierarchy of a therion dataset.  Can someone point it out to me? (Perhaps it
should be in the Therion Book).







Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Therion 6.0.0 altitude colour legend feedback

2021-07-22 Thread Bruce Mutton
>On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 12:08 PM Bruce Mutton <mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz> > wrote:

The new colourbar misses out the top colour (red), and generally biases the 
colours on the colourbar too far up relative to the labelled altitudes (a bug).


>Hi, this should be fixed in the latest commit in the master branch. The issue 
>was present when exporting multiple maps in one thconfig file. Thanks to Bruce 
>for sending me the problematic data set.



Looking good.  I haven’t broken it yet :)

Thanks for your hard work Martin.




Therion mailing list

[Therion] GitHub Windows installer

2021-07-15 Thread Bruce Mutton

>You need to get the windows installer from GitHub now, as we no longer build 
>windows binaries on our server. The new links are in the Downloads section of 
>the Therion web page


>For example start here: 


>This page lists all automated jobs run by GitHub Actions for commits in the 
>master branch. Click on a commit you are interested in (the links are next to 
>the green check marks). 

>Then look for a section "Artifacts" at the bottom of the page, containing a 
>link to a zip package therion-setup-*. The zip archive contains therion 
>installer (exe) and the thbook in PDF format (the link is clickable only if 
>you are logged in).




Thanks Martin.  That was what I needed :)

Therion mailing list

[Therion] GitHub Windows installer

2021-07-15 Thread Bruce Mutton
> You need to get the windows installer from GitHub now, as we no longer build 
> windows binaries on our server. The new links are in the Downloads section of 
> the therion web page.



I’m logged in and on the installer page.  Nothing on the help page jumps out at 
me about building or compiling the code.

I’m going to need some pointers please.



Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Some metapost symbols defined so they cannot be scaled

2021-06-29 Thread Bruce Mutton
> In my actual use case I have a plan and elevation at differing layout
scales exported to the same pdf.  I want these symbols to output the same
(unscaled) size and for some reason the size differs by the ratio of the
layout scales (I had thought that layout scales were meant to ensure text
and symbol size were constant irrespective of layout scale, but the text and
symbol sizes in fact differ unless I compensate by symbol scaling). 

> I cannot help thinking I am making some illogical brain-fade error in


I was forgetting about fonts-setup and the differing default font sizes
Therion has for different scales.

I typically use a layout that sets scales 1:500 and 1:1000 to use the same
(bigger) font values than the Therion defaults.  In this particular case I
did not use that custom layout and so the difference surprized me.

Therion's default initialise definition copied below also has differing
values for u:, v: and w: at different scales.  This then affects line
thicknesses and symbol sizing, which looks a bit odd when they are side by
side on the same page.  So while I am comfortable messing with Therion's
font sizes in my custom layout, I may just leave the symbols alone on the
basis that I may dig a bigger hole for myself.




def initialize (expr sc) =


  if unknown BaseScale: BaseScale = sc; fi;

  optical_zoom := BaseScale/sc;


if BaseScale <= 1:   % 1:100

u:=14bp; v:=14bp; w:=12bp;


elseif BaseScale <= 2:   % 1:200

u:=12bp; v:=12bp; w:=12bp;


elseif BaseScale <= 5:   % 1:500

u:=10bp; v:=10bp; w:=12bp;



u:=7bp; v:=14bp; w:=10bp;




u := optical_zoom * u;

v := optical_zoom * v;

w := optical_zoom * w;


defaultscale := 0.8 * optical_zoom;


def PenA = pencircle scaled (u/10) enddef;

def PenB = pencircle scaled (0.7*u/10) enddef;

def PenC = pencircle scaled (0.5*u/10) enddef;

def PenD = pencircle scaled (0.35*u/10) enddef;

def PenX = pencircle scaled (1.2*u/10) enddef;


legend_scale := 3.14*u;




From: Therion mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk>
> On Behalf Of Bruce Mutton
Sent: Monday, 28 June 2021 10:54
To: 'List for Therion users' mailto:therion@speleo.sk> >
Subject: [Therion] Some metapost symbols defined so they cannot be scaled


I've just noticed that some metapost symbols are coded so that they ignore
scaling options xs, s, l, xl.

For example point dig is positioned but not rotated or scaled.


def p_dig_UIS (expr pos,r,s,al) =

U:=(.4u, .5u);

T:=identity aligned al shifted pos;

thfill ((-.075u,-.5u){down} .. {up}(0.075u, -.5u) -- (0.075u, .15u) --
(0.3u, 0.15u) -- (0.3u, 0.5u) --

(-.3u, .5u) -- (-.3u, .15u) -- (-.075u, .15u) -- cycle) rotated 45;



Point camp is similar.

I can understand why it is not ideal to allow these to be rotated, and
usually they should be inserted unscaled.  However it is possible to have
big, small, major, minor camps and digs that one might want to symbolise
with size.

In my actual use case I have a plan and elevation at differing layout scales
exported to the same pdf.  I want these symbols to output the same
(unscaled) size and for some reason the size differs by the ratio of the
layout scales (I had thought that layout scales were meant to ensure text
and symbol size were constant irrespective of layout scale, but the text and
symbol sizes in fact differ unless I compensate by symbol scaling). 

I cannot help thinking I am making some illogical brain-fade error in


A similar symbol, danger, is coded to enable scaling.  It works, in that I
can make them bigger or smaller with for example -scale l, so the solution
appears obvious.


picture SBE_danger_raw;

SBE_danger_raw := image(

  fill (331,489)..controls (330,489) and (328,489)..(326,488)

 --(291,422)..controls (291,422) and

 ..controls (291,417) and (294,414)..(297,413)

 --(365,413)..controls (369,414) and

 ..controls (371,422) and (371,422)..(371,423)

--(336,488)..controls (335,489) and

 ..controls (331,489) and (331,489)..(331,489)

 --cycle withcolor red;

  fill (336,427)..controls (336,430) and (334,432)..(331,432)

 ..controls (328,432) and (326,430)..(326,427)

 ..controls (326,424) and (328,422)..(331,422)

 ..controls (334,422) and (336,424)..(336,427)


[Therion] Minimum symbol scale

2021-06-28 Thread Bruce Mutton
Yes, I wouldn't mind some more refinement.
Here are my comments from a while back (some of which may have been resolved 
[Therion] min-symbol-scale and fonts-setup 
[Therion] scaling line ornamentation - metapost 
[Therion] next level therion symbol strategy 

Not much help, but hopefully adding something meaningful to the conversation.


-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Tarquin Wilton-Jones via 
Sent: Tuesday, 29 June 2021 01:40
To: Therion 
Subject: [Therion] Minimum symbol scale

Hi folks,

There is a setting:
min-symbol-scale M

That allows you to hide all symbols of S or XS scale. That's useful when you 
want to show only the most important symbols in a low resolution survey.

But is there a way to control this differently only for certain symbols?
Eg. I want to be able to hide all "point label" symbols of scale M-XS but I 
don't want all my cave walls or breakdown choke symbols to disappear (which are 
at the default M scale).

Essentially I want something like this:

min-symbol-scale point label L
min-symbol-scale point anchor:foo M

Some of this I can of course do with MetaPost. But labels (the thing I care 
most about) don't allow you to easily redefine the MetaPost macro ... or at 
least the syntax is so weird that I don't understand it.

Thanks for any advice.

Therion mailing list

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Some metapost symbols defined so they cannot be scaled

2021-06-27 Thread Bruce Mutton
I've just noticed that some metapost symbols are coded so that they ignore
scaling options xs, s, l, xl.

For example point dig is positioned but not rotated or scaled.


def p_dig_UIS (expr pos,r,s,al) =

U:=(.4u, .5u);

T:=identity aligned al shifted pos;

thfill ((-.075u,-.5u){down} .. {up}(0.075u, -.5u) -- (0.075u, .15u) --
(0.3u, 0.15u) -- (0.3u, 0.5u) --

(-.3u, .5u) -- (-.3u, .15u) -- (-.075u, .15u) -- cycle) rotated 45;



Point camp is similar.

I can understand why it is not ideal to allow these to be rotated, and
usually they should be inserted unscaled.  However it is possible to have
big, small, major, minor camps and digs that one might want to symbolise
with size.

In my actual use case I have a plan and elevation at differing layout scales
exported to the same pdf.  I want these symbols to output the same
(unscaled) size and for some reason the size differs by the ratio of the
layout scales (I had thought that layout scales were meant to ensure text
and symbol size were constant irrespective of layout scale, but the text and
symbol sizes in fact differ unless I compensate by symbol scaling). 

I cannot help thinking I am making some illogical brain-fade error in


A similar symbol, danger, is coded to enable scaling.  It works, in that I
can make them bigger or smaller with for example -scale l, so the solution
appears obvious.


picture SBE_danger_raw;

SBE_danger_raw := image(

  fill (331,489)..controls (330,489) and (328,489)..(326,488)

 --(291,422)..controls (291,422) and

 ..controls (291,417) and (294,414)..(297,413)

 --(365,413)..controls (369,414) and

 ..controls (371,422) and (371,422)..(371,423)

--(336,488)..controls (335,489) and

 ..controls (331,489) and (331,489)..(331,489)

 --cycle withcolor red;

  fill (336,427)..controls (336,430) and (334,432)..(331,432)

 ..controls (328,432) and (326,430)..(326,427)

 ..controls (326,424) and (328,422)..(331,422)

 ..controls (334,422) and (336,424)..(336,427)

 --cycle withcolor white;

  fill (335,464)..controls (336,466) and (332,466)..(331,466)

 ..controls (330,466) and (327,466)..(327,464)

 --(330,436)..controls (330,435) and

 ..controls (332,435) and (332,435)..(332,436)

 --cycle withcolor white;

  currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-(llcorner
currentpicture)-(urcorner currentpicture - llcorner currentpicture)/2)
scaled (u / max((xpart urcorner currentpicture) - (xpart llcorner
currentpicture), (ypart urcorner currentpicture) - (ypart llcorner



def p_danger_SBE(expr pos, theta, sc, al) =

  T := identity rotated theta aligned al scaled sc shifted pos;

  thdraw SBE_danger_raw;



What do people think of changing the point symbol metapost definitions so
that they can all be scaled?



Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] xtherion - Multiple background sketches

2021-06-22 Thread Bruce Mutton
>> Handling of transparency is probably a feature of the image 
>> library rather than xTherion.

>I don't think the standard JPEG format supports transparency.

Correct, jpg does not support transparency, so you must use png to have any 
hope of achieving a transparent background to an image.


Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] xtherion - Multiple background sketches

2021-06-21 Thread Bruce Mutton
> 2) Is there a way to make images transparent?

Have half a memory that I made the background transparent in a png 'background 
image' (using an external editor), and XTherion honoured the transparency.  Or 
am I making that up?

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Two extended profiles for same survey

2021-06-16 Thread Bruce Mutton
>Can you do this in a thconfig:

>source "cave.th"
>source "extend1.th"

>where cave.th contains the cave survey data, and extend1.th contains the 
>"extend" commands?
>I would imagine that to do it, you would need to re-enter the original survey, 
>which is not permitted.

Multiple source files are fine.  I have a project (more than one?) where I do 
this routinely.  It is a nice way to toggle the scope of a compile up or down 
without having to dig into maps.  I have not used it specifically for extended 
elevations, but there is no reason I can think of that would preclude this use. 
 It might even be a great way of doing it.
There is no reason you would need to re-enter survey data for this to work, and 
as you imply it would be extremely bad form to do so.


Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Two extended profiles for same survey

2021-06-16 Thread Bruce Mutton
Hi Roger
As Tarquin mentioned, it is quite easy, although it may take some work to 
convert an existing project.  I only export one extended profile shape per 
compiler run, but it might be possible to export multiple profiles per compile 
- conceptually it should work, maybe there is some detail that complicates 
Full description on the wiki https://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/extend
The second option that Tarquin describes is set out towards the bottom of that 
I have one master configuration file that I manually tweak depending on the 
output and extended profile I want.  An alternative would be to have a thconfig 
for each extended profile (but I think that is harder to manage over the longer 
term-too much duplication).


-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Roger Schuster
Sent: Thursday, 17 June 2021 05:06
To: therion@speleo.sk
Subject: [Therion] Two extended profiles for same survey

Hello cavers,

assume there are survey shots like this





(the numbers are the station names) forming a cross-shaped survey. I want to 
draw two extended profiles along the legs 0-1-2 (hiding stations
3 and 4) and 3-1-4 (hiding stations 0 and 2). This means the station names 
required for the "extend hide" directives are mutually exclusive. 
Is it possible to work around this problem?

Thanks in advance!



Therion mailing list

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Main route through a cave

2021-06-13 Thread Bruce Mutton
> I would have thought the easier way would be a "flags" switch that could do 
> it for you. "flags mainroute". It wouldn't even be an estimate. Maybe some of 
> the Survex folks on this list could shed some light on how feasible that 
> would be. Might require a Survex modification though.

How about as a concept?


where you can define one or more named routes in the survey network by setting 
a name then a list of two or more stations that Therion then consecutively 
finds the cumulative shortest surveyed route between.  Maybe it could tack on 
to the loop detection routine.

Therion could then export these as a table in cave-list or survey-list, or it 
could be its own 'route-list'.  Statistics could include total length, altitude 
gain and loss, altitude range, altitude difference.
A debug option could enumerate every survey station along the route Therion has 
For visualising would need to highlight the route Therion has chosen in Aven or 
in Loch.


Therion mailing list

[Therion] Main route through a cave

2021-06-13 Thread Bruce Mutton
> I am surveying a cave that could be best described as an insanity of hidden 
> routes.
> When you go through the cave, it feels easy. You follow the obvious route... 
> This means that the survey is harder to navigate than the cave itself.

Welcome to my world.  Have not solved the problem yet but it is one I will need 
to come back to when we finish surveying.
Where there are multiple levels it is relatively easy just by having a map per 
level and offsetting them.  Maybe preview above/below the secondary passages to 
maintain context.
Where there is frequent interconnection of say 5 levels, as we have in a few 
places, it becomes a nightmare.  Especially when there are no blank places to 
offset the passages to.
Andrew's suggestion of a 'main route map' is what we have considered, but have 
not figured out how to do this without either duplicating map structures or 
rebuilding our entire map structure.  Neither sounds like fun.
Axel's suggestion of a special line type for plotting the track you take 
through the cave is a partial solution, where the offsetting is not too 
complex.  I have a least one example where I think our map will still be 
unintelligible.  That perhaps points to my choice of map subdivision being 
suboptimal I suppose.


Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] sort drawings authors

2021-05-29 Thread Bruce Mutton
Yes Phil

This functionality was added earlier this year (or was it last year?)


Here is a standard layout that I use.  The comments should give you a clue as 
to functionality.


layout LayoutStatisticsNormal 

#---  List all participant statistics in order of 
contribution but without detail

  statistics explo all  # all/off/number   # names of 
explorers, or 'number' most significant explorers

  statistics explo-length hide  # on/hide/off# on=sort by length 
and show, hide=and hide, off=alpha-sort

  statistics topo all# all/off/number   # names of 
survey team members 

  statistics topo-length hide   # on/hide/off # on=sort by length 
and show, hide=and hide, off=alpha-sort

  statistics carto all   # all/off/number   # names of 
scrap authors 

  statistics carto-count hide# on/hide/off# on=sort by count 
and show, hide=and hide, off=alpha-sort

  statistics copyright all# all/off/number   # names of scrap 

  statistics copyright-count hide # on/hide/off# on=sort by count and 
show, hide=and hide, off=alpha-sort

endlayout LayoutStatisticsNormal


There is information in the Therion Book pages 55 and 56.

You may need to update to a more recent version if it is not in your Therion 




-Original Message-
From: Therion  On Behalf Of Philippe Vernant
Sent: Sunday, 30 May 2021 09:25
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: [Therion] sort drawings authors




Is there a way to have the authors of the scraps sorted by the number / length 
of drawings instead of alphabetical order? I’ve been looking in the thbook but 
could not find anything on that question.






Therion mailing list

 <mailto:Therion@speleo.sk> Therion@speleo.sk


Therion mailing list

[Therion] XTherion background image control and bitmap file size question

2021-05-13 Thread Bruce Mutton
> Have you tried export of background sketches from therion as .xvi?

> Martin


You mean like this? https://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/outputs#map_th2_therion 

Although I put together that wiki page, I had forgotten this possibility, don’t 
think I have ever done it with sketches turned on.  I think this is what you 
were referring to Alistair?

So XTherion can scale, rotate and morph images.  It is just an indirect process.

Hopefully I will remember it for next time it comes up.




12. 5. 2021 v 22:36, Bruce Mutton mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz> >:

Thanks for your replies Paul, Alastair and Axel,

I was hoping to draw out discussion on basic image manipulation functions in 
XTherion and maybe to inspire someone to work on developing those.  Maybe I 
have been successful but it is far too soon to tell.


Paul, yes, scale and rotation control both for XTherion background images and 
exported map-images would be great.


Alistair, Paul, my reason for wanting similar sized (scales) images in my th2 
file was not so much to join them for the purposes of contiguous scrap drawing, 
but to avoid the need to zoom in or out when moving from one scrap to another.  
It also allows copying (with a text editor) drawing objects, then using 
Xtherion to move one of them from one scrap to another – useful for coincident 
lines on adjacent scrap boundaries and other things. Most of the time I avoid 
joining up background images, as for me Therion’s superpower is allowing the 
user to work on small easily manageable bits of information, then joining them 
up at compilation time.


Axel.  Yes, the Inkscape Plugin.  I was excited about this when Thomas first 
posted it.  I managed to parse a th2 file to InkScape, but then I was so lost 
that I got no further.  Could not parse the th2 file back out to Therion, so I 
gave up at that point.  I recognise the potential, but I am lacking knowledge 
and experience in the basics of image manipulation software.  Maybe one day I 
will learn how to use Inkscape, Illustrator, GIMP, CoralDraw etc…


I managed to enlarge my png image 3.5 x while reducing it from 600 kB to 500 kB 
using more or less default export settings in GIMP), so my miserly tendencies 
are satiated for now.

I am working on my next question now…




From: Therion mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk> > 
On Behalf Of Bruce Mutton
Sent: Friday, 7 May 2021 08:14
To: 'List for Therion users' mailto:therion@speleo.sk> >
Subject: [Therion] XTherion background image control and bitmap file size 



I am wondering if XTherion can scale background images, or if anyone has hints 
on scanned image settings that generate a larger background image, that is 
economical on bytes?


Back story:

I created a multi-level survey (shaft system in cave) with PocketTopo, rather 
than creating many small survey files to keep each level separate.

At home I printed the PocketTopo bitmap, then sketched over three of the four 
main levels that I now want to draw with Therion.

Then I created an xvi with TopParser (I chose my usual export settings, and of 
course maybe I could have chosen better settings).


You can see the xvi and some drawing directly on that xvi in the image below.

You can also see the three 100 dpi png background images that I imported into 

The three images are much smaller than the xvi and while it so happens the zoom 
range is such in XTherion that I could easily draw my scraps over them, I would 
like all four scrap background to be a similar size.  It just makes life easier 
into the future that way.

I am a novice when it comes to bitmap manipulation, but I managed to use GIMP 
to scale up one of the images about 3.5 times.  You can also see that in the 
image below.  It is about the same size as the xvi which is what I am after 


My frustration is that the original png images are all about 600 kB and the 
enlarged image is about 3000 kB.  I am a miser and I would like to minimise 
bloat in my project repository.


Can we scale the image in XTherion, using the original smaller file as the 
permanent source?

Or are there tricks to enlarging the png image while maintaining a modest file 

I am aware that jpg will likely compress to fewer bytes, and will try that 
unless it becomes too blurry.




It looks like XTherion th2 file header has some unused controls. I could not 
find any documentation on this, so I have deduced the format as follows…


##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {x coord visibility[0=off, 1=on] gamma} {y 
coord {}} filename and path  {< 
unknown empty variable >}


Maybe there is scope for scaling and rotation of images by XTherion in here? !!


Sample of th2 file header


##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {1386.441811022 1 1.0} {844.524488189 
7.14} ptopo/7-Laghu_p.xvi 0 {}

##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {1893.842519685 1 1.0} {1306.5748031498001 

[Therion] pdftex error introduced after c43b32a (2021-03-08)

2021-04-24 Thread Bruce Mutton
Hi Martin


Not sure if this is a problem related to recent code changes, but if it is
not, I am unsure what I did to create it, as I haven't changed anything at
my end as far as I know.

A subset of this project has been compiling fine, but when I try to compile
a larger section I get the error below with f02bd7a, and all the versions I
have saved, until c43b32a (2021-03-08) which is the last good one that will
compile it.  It reports itself in logs incorrectly as therion 5.5.7+67fffb0


I have not done any other investigation yet, but expect that you might be
able to track something down based on the above and the snip from my f02bd7a
log file as below.






[3060] [3061] [3062] [3063] [3064] [3065] [3066] [3067] [3068] [3069] [3070]

[3071] [3072] [3073] [3074] [3075] [3076] [3077] [3078] [3079] [3080] [3081]

[3082] [3083] [3084] [3085] [3086] [3087] )

Here is how much of MetaPost's memory you used:

840264 strings using 21320784 characters

14137540 bytes of node memory

1900 symbolic tokens

11i,82n,36p,1657b,5f stack positions out of 16i,98n,45p,1853b,6f

3104 output files written: data.1 .. data.4017



 end of metapost log file 

converting scraps ... done

making map ... done

 pdftex log file #

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020/W32TeX)
(preloaded format=pdftex 2020.6.19)  25 APR 2021 16:55

entering extended mode


(./data.tex (./th_enc.tex) (./th_texts.tex) (./th_resources.tex

(c:/Program Files (x86)/Therion/texmf/tex/glyphtounicode.tex))

(./th_fontdef.tex{c:/Program Files (x86)/Therion/texmf/fonts/pdftex.map})


Normal \count register pool exhausted, switching to extended pool.)

(./th_pagedef.tex (./th_legend.tex)

! Undefined control sequence.

 ...rr \hbox {\pdfrefxform \THXBaaabdaa 


\rlap #1->\hbox to\z@ {#1

 \hss }

l.6886108 \PBcorr{2560.04}{2665.28}{\THXBaaabdaa}


The control sequence at the end of the top line

of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have

misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct

spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,

and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.


! Missing number, treated as zero.



\rlap #1->\hbox to\z@ {#1

 \hss }

l.6886108 \PBcorr{2560.04}{2665.28}{\THXBaaabdaa}


A number should have been here; I inserted `0'.

(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,

look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)


! pdfTeX error (ext1): cannot find referenced object.



\rlap #1->\hbox to\z@ {#1

 \hss }

l.6886108 \PBcorr{2560.04}{2665.28}{\THXBaaabdaa}



Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:

5700 strings out of 94623

61269 string characters out of 1150079

1760549 words of memory out of 6587292

7351 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+5

21229 words of font info for 66 fonts, out of 100 for 2000

1416 hyphenation exceptions out of 5000

12i,5n,9p,459b,73s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,1p,20b,5s

!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!


# end of pdftex log file #

C:\Program Files (x86)\Therion\therion.exe: error -- pdftex exit code -- 1

writing xtherion file ... done

Therion mailing list

[Therion] XVI output misaligned (rotated) from original TopoDroid sketches

2021-04-24 Thread Bruce Mutton

I expect this looks like something that is controlled at the TopoDroid end of 
the process.

Maybe try asking on a TopoDroid forum?




From: Therion  On Behalf Of Paul Rowe
Sent: Wednesday, 21 April 2021 09:49
To: List for Therion users 
Subject: Re: [Therion] XVI output misaligned (rotated) from original TopoDroid 


Hi Bruce,

No, it's not magnetic declination. There is a fixed station in the survey for 
the entrance, and for this lat/long the declination is 20.5 degrees.


You can see an example here, with the green splay generated from the TopoDroid 
sketch and the grey splay coming from the exported XVI layer:


The XVI difference is -1.1 degrees. That's about the difference between true 
north and grid north at this location on the NZGD2000 maps. I have tried 
exporting using 'north grid' and 'north true' but that hasn't made a difference.


Not sure if anyone has tried generating an XVI and putting it under the 
TopoDroid sketch to compare them?







On Wed, 21 Apr 2021 at 08:19, Bruce Mutton mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz> > wrote:

Hi Paul

The misalignment is not matching the magnetic declination by any chance?

Or the difference between a manual declination setting in either application 
and an automatically calculated declination based on a cs setting?


I have not used TopoDroid since it was able to export sketches, so not much 
help, and have forgotten much of what I did know anyway.




From: Therion mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk> > 
On Behalf Of Paul Rowe
Sent: Tuesday, 20 April 2021 10:43
To: List for Therion users mailto:therion@speleo.sk> >
Subject: [Therion] XVI output misaligned (rotated) from original TopoDroid 



I'm just trying out TopoDroid for the first time as the source for scraps in 
Therion. I can view the th2 scraps in Therion and can see the stations and 


However, if I then output to XVI and add the XVI as a background image in 
Therion, the XVI is misaligned. The scale is correct and I just manually move 
the background XVI image to line up with one of the stations in the scrap. The 
XVI layer is rotated slightly (1 or 2 degrees) and then doesn't line up across 
the rest of the sketch imported from TopoDroid.


Has anyone run into this? I thought it might be a difference between true north 
and grid north, but exporting to XVI with north set to true or grid doesn't fix 
the issue.


The XVI layer isn't strictly necessary as the stations and splays are already 
visible in the TopoDroid sketch output. It does make me worry that there's some 
underlying problem though that I need to fix.



Paul Rowe

Therion mailing list
Therion@speleo.sk <mailto:Therion@speleo.sk> 

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