[TMIC] TM and Me Terry Parker

2010-03-10 Thread parkerswebe

Terry had spinal surgery Monday to remove a large calcified disk that was 
compressing his cord @ T12, (not related to his TM). However, the Neurosurgeon 
feels that it MAY increase his mobility! He came home from the hospital last 
night and is doing fairly well, although he certainly feels some pain. This 
morning when he got up he said that the pain he had been feeling for several 
months that radiates from his hip down to his leg is gone!  We are so very 

St. Paddy's Day marks Terry's 10 year un-birthday of TM.  Many of you 
'oldtimers' know, that he had no improvement the first 1.5 years, but very, 
very gradually over the years he improved to where he can now take some steps 
and is completely independent, with the exception of wheelchair dependent.  He 
is still on Gabapentin, Baclofen and 7 mg of prednisone.

Thanks to those of you that sent good wishes, prayers  love!

Sandy Parker


Re: [TMIC] new therapy for paralyzed

2009-10-19 Thread Parkerswebe
Might I suggest you forward this to Dr. Kerr to get his opinion?
Ventura, CA

Re: [TMIC] Rick Steele

2009-09-23 Thread Parkerswebe
Terry and I had the pleasure of meeting Rick at the first TM Symposium we  
went to approx. 8+ years ago.  Since then, we have had several visits with  
he and his partner, Bob, (we live fairly close to one another).  
The last time we had visited their home, they had recently put in the  
redwood paths in their yard to make the slope wheelchair accessible, (which is  
most incredible, by the way).   Terry had not seen the majority of the  yard 
until that time.  He finally got get up to the koi pond and stream  that 
runs down the slope.   Rick was so proud of his home and  overwhelmed that he 
could finally have the run of it once again.
Rick was an extraordinary man and will be greatly missed.  He had a  
beautiful smile, a great sense of humor and a huge heart, just to name a few of 
his wonderful qualities.

Re: [TMIC] Looking for TMr's for support groups

2009-09-14 Thread Parkerswebe
Sandy Parker, Caregiver
Ventura County, CA

[TMIC] Wijits wheelchair modification

2009-08-30 Thread parkerswebe

Are any of you familiar with wijits, using your hands to propel a manual 
w/c??? Since Terry has issues with his shoulders, this may assist him.? Your 
opinion is appreciated.

Sandy Parker


Re: [TMIC] OT/Healthcare

2009-08-03 Thread parkerswebe
Yes, it seems many of us have to fight to get our private insurances to pay 
up!? We had Blue Cross, (a very good policy, I might add), when Terry was first 
DX'd with TM.? They immediately refused all payment, fought me because any 
treatment was in their opinion, experimental.? ie:? Plasmapheresis and Gamma 
Globulin treatments.? 

I didn't give in, I fought back and got the Sec. of the State of Calif. 
involved.? Funny thing about it; they changed their minds after speaking with 

Why do we have to threatened?our insurance companies?to have something paid for 
when we always paid our premiums??

Do we need to have insurance to cover our insurance company if they fail?

-Original Message-
From: Akua a...@artfarm.com
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Mon, Aug 3, 2009 2:24 pm
Subject: RE: [TMIC] OT/Healthcare

Has anyone here seen *any* of the documentaries and news reports on this??
My friends in the?
U.K. and Canada have NONE of the problems with medical care that I have AND 
they don't pay?
through the nose.?
It hurts that I spent tons of money on insurance--- and unlike savings-- I have 
nothing to show for paying into insurance for DECADES-- without a single 
problem, nor a birth. When I retired and I transitioned to COBRA, the fees were 
unbelieveable--- enough to feed a village, larger than my mortgage. I am 
furious--- that as a non smoker, exerciser, vegetarian -- all that money has 
gone pouf!?
and when TM struck me-- I was left destitute. I have no trust of private 
insurance as a part of any health?
care improvement or solution.?
-- ?

Re: [TMIC] Class Reunions (way too honest)

2009-07-02 Thread Parkerswebe

WELL HELL FRIENDS!!!  I  am up to 145lbs (I gained 10lbs). I wear size 10
jeans and really don’t feel  comfortable with my NEW body. I don’t like the
way I look or feel. I do not like  having a belly or the feel of my thighs
rubbing together. You asked for honest  and here it is. Aging is HELL

THAT'S ME IN A NUTSHELL AND I DON'T HAVE  TM!   Yes, I will count my


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Re: [TMIC] Class Reunions (way too honest)

2009-07-02 Thread Parkerswebe

That is so very sweet of you!  I needed that!   The Doc told  me yesterday
that I need to strengthen my core because I am having a lot of back  issues.
 So, my body is out of shape, but that is only temporary   Terry is
always very kind regarding my looks!  He is truly a  sweetheart.


**Dell Summer Savings: Cool Deals on Popular Laptops – Shop

Re: [TMIC] Re: (TMIC) Sex.

2009-06-27 Thread parkerswebe
THAT IS SUCH A FABULOUS STORY, JUDE!? I am so very happy for you and Dave!


-Original Message-
From: heyjude48...@aol.com
To: grace...@gmail.com; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, Jun 27, 2009 1:41 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: (TMIC) Sex.



No need for you to feel funny about posting re:? sex.? I feel the same way as 
you do.


Losing the desire for sex as well as the physical ability (all the dust balls 
and spider webs) inside there makes me feel much less than a woman than I 
certainly used to.? However,


Something happened this week that surprised the heck out of me and Dave.? We 
went out, after a couple of years, and sought out my previous hairstylist, 
found her and I had my hair colored blond and then highlighted on top of that 
and Dave got his cut which blended the white in so that it looked very nice on 
him.? We both found ourselves looking better, feeling like dressing better...he 
shaved and I put on make-up for the first time in a long time.? It is really 
nice to feel pretty again for Dave and he says he feels the same way.? It made 
us have feelings that we hadn't had in a long while and as the saying goes, 
where there is a will, there is a way.


So, without going into details, a good time was had by all and now I find 
myself keeping up with my makeup and making an effort to get dressed and get 
out of bed, which does take some effort.


Well, my dear friend, you take care...don't let yourself get too far down 
today, and remember that Pam is all around you all of the time as I feel her 
near my side especially when I am working on a project I know that we both 
would enjoy doing together.


I love you,



In a message dated 6/24/2009 6:48:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
grace...@gmail.com writes:

I can't believe?that I am going to reply to this, as it's an issue that I just 
try hard to avoid, but.?okay, so here goes.? During my first NMO hit, I 
lost all feeling *there*.? At first?I was hopeful that it would slowly come 
back, but my second bad hit sealed the deal.? I can remember lying in my 
hospital bed trying to get up the nerve to speak with my doc about it.? Finally 
one day I mentioned it in passing, but didn't really press the matter---I was 
too embarrassed.? Later that night,?one of my neuro nurses came in to sit and 
talk with me about the disease, as I was her first NMO patient.? We talked a 
lot about nerves and nerve damage, and as I was very savvy re: the implications 
of having relapsing NMO, we spoke freely.? (She's amazing, and I've since had 
her as?my nurse in the?neuro ward, many times.)? Finally, I just took a big 
swallow and blurted it out.? She told me the truth, that?in my case it was 
unlikely that?feeling would return, but that one?should still k!
 eep?hoping that one day there would be some increase in sensation.? She was 
correct---I have been numb from my sensory level downwards since 2005.? Most of 
my body still feels as if it has been shot up with Novocaine.??


Anyways, I?was shell shocked and actually mourned the loss.? To lose something 
that is so integral to one's life, is a violation of sorts.? It was bad enough 
that?I had?no control over my other bodily functions,?but the loss of physical 
sexuality was adding insult to injury.? I felt as if I had lost my 
*person-hood*, and had suddenly become androgynous.? I still fight those 
feelings, and yes, sometimes I still cry about it.? Sexual contact offers an 
intimacy like no other.? Some of us are more sexual than others, and the loss 
can often be the cruelest cut of all.??


These days I try hard not to ever even think about it.??Whenever I do, I become 
extremely angry at what I perceive to be the unfairness of it all, and I lose 
sight of what I do still have.? I should be very grateful for every day that I 
draw a breath---unfortunately, sometimes the negative feelings get the better 
of me.??For me, it's been a tough loss to deal with.


Okay, signing off?before?I totally embarrass myself.



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Re: [TMIC] Need your prayers

2009-06-22 Thread Parkerswebe
I am SO VERY sorry for your husband.  I must be blunt  here:  that is very 
selfish of your daughter.  This is the day every  Dad looks forward to, to 
give his little girl to the one she  loves.my husband would be 
devastated!  She needs a  dose of reality.  Who is paying for the wedding 
**Make your summer sizzle with fast and easy recipes for the 
grill. (http://food.aol.com/grilling?ncid=emlcntusfood0004)

[TMIC] Re: weaning off of Tyenol?

2009-06-20 Thread parkerswebe
We purchase them at Trader Joe's, ( I don't believe they are national, yet), $8 
for 100? 

-Original Message-
From: bobby jim elbobber...@earthlink.net
To: parkersw...@aol.com
Sent: Sat, Jun 20, 2009 5:28 pm
Subject: Re: weaning off of Tyenol?

Ah yes, milk thistle.?? We take that here as well, among other herbs and 


Regards,??? BobbyJim

From: parkersw...@aol.com??? To: wolft...@optonline.net ; 
tmic-l...@eskimo.com Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 2:54 PM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] weaning off of Tyenol?

Terry takes many meds and use to have an elevated liver count.? Since he 
started taking the herb,?Milk Thistle, is count is down below normal.? 

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Wolfthal wolft...@optonline.net? To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Fri, Jun 19, 2009 6:30 pm Subject: [TMIC] weaning off of Tyenol?

Hi all,?
Because I haven't been able to get my pain treated properly, I've been taking?
Tylenol Extra Strength w/Acetaminophen for a long time. I don't take it every?
day, but regularly. I take the bare minimum dose, usually no more than one a?
day. I have not had liver probems, but recently, new warnings have come out?
about long term use of acetaminophen. So I am cutting my usage down. Just?
wondering if there is a proper 'weaning off' of meds like Tylenol? I tried?
going cold turkey, but that didn't work. I will ask my doc about this also,?
just wondered if there's a basic weaning off rule.?
PS: My Mom turned 86 today! Amazing lady! I made her some Josh Groban,?
Michael Buble, and Billy Joel cd's, and gave her flowers. :)?


Re: [TMIC] Transverse Myelitis Network

2009-06-15 Thread Parkerswebe
VERY well said, Debbie!
**Download the AOL Classifieds Toolbar for local deals at your 

Re: [TMIC] Accessibility Relationships

2009-06-15 Thread Parkerswebe
Add to the list of complaints:  Have you noticed that at many hotels,  the 
ADA rooms are furthest from the elevators?  And yes, you are lucky if  they 
have ADA rooms on the first floor.  Also, the rooms often  face the parking 
lot and seldom the garden, pool or view?   Is this discrimination?  I feel 
it is.
At some commercial stores or restaurants we have had to get Terry through  
the kitchen or the back door to get to the bathroom. In one instance, we had 
to  go two buildings down!   In passing, I mentioned this to a Civil  
Rights attorney I know and he said, lawsuit.  We haven't pursued that, of  
course.  This friend has filed many suits against large hotel chains, music  
festivals, etc., as they are hardly ADA compliant.  He himself is  disabled and 
knows first hand the discrimination.  I am not saying  whatsoever that 
every place discriminates, not by a long shot.  But many  business owners are 
not very aware of the disadvantages that people in  wheelchairs are faced with.
That's my tangent for the day.  As a wife of a TM'er, if I have  time 
tomorrow, I will try to address the relationship issue.   
**Download the AOL Classifieds Toolbar for local deals at your 

[TMIC] (no subject)

2009-04-20 Thread Parkerswebe
Hi Everyone,  
I was un-subscribed for awhile when we decided to run away to Mexico  for a 
week last month and just got back on board today.
I hope everyone is doing well.   How is our Jude? (Make  mental note to 
self to write her privately)
It's very hot here today. Spring has not completely sprung here in Ventura, 
 yet the heat of the summer is upon us with a vengeance as of yesterday.  
99  degrees. I was SO looking forward to Spring...  I hope it reappears  
Terry is having some difficulties and at long last, gets his second  
(complete) shoulder replacement tomorrow.  He is looking forward to  it, but 
the recovery as he will be down to one limb, (so to speak), until he  has the 
mobility back in it. Hopefully he'll be pain free once he's  recovered, too.
I will keep you posted.  As always, I am so glad you are in my  life!
Sandy Parker
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[TMIC] This wonderful group!

2009-01-28 Thread Parkerswebe
I just want to say as I sit here in the background  lurking, that I LOVE the 
friendships that everyone has developed here.  I  LOVE that each of you (AND 
me) can count on one another.  Many of you have  been thru a lot lately:   
hospitalizations, deaths, illnesses,  etc.  There are so many strong shoulders 
lean on in this group and we  are all very bless to have one another in our 
lives.  I most certainly  count myself among those blessed!
Sandy  Parker
**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

[TMIC] Happy Thanksgiving

2008-11-27 Thread Parkerswebe
XOXO Sandy
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Re: [TMIC] Anybody else been there?

2008-11-20 Thread Parkerswebe
First off, Jude suffers so much and what she wrote is so  selfLESS.   She is 
always thinking of someone else.   We  love you Jude!
As a caregiver I will put my 2 cents in.   I SO sympathize with  the daily 
pain that goes with TM.  I KNOW, but I don't FEEL the pain.   I know it because 
Terry is so very articulate about it, and it pains me  emotionally to see such 
horrific pain.   I think all of you that know  me and how I react to him and 
With that said, this is what we need  occasionally:  Just need a little 
sympathy and for you to tell us that you  are sorry we are in pain.  We just 
need a 
little validation that our  pain still matters.  Pain is relevant to each 
individual.   We  can't take that away.  UNLESS you live with a chronic 
complainer, of  course!  I try not to complain because my pain, (2 or 3 
partially  and 
2 complete herniated discs and rheumatoid arthritis), is minimal  relative to 
Terry's.  But it is MY pain and it does hurt at  times.   So, when those of us 
that complain minimally, give us a  minute, tell us your sorry for our pain, 
and wait for a little bit if you need  sympathy for your pain.  A few short, 
sweet words go a long way! 
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[TMIC] Re: Terry walking

2008-11-20 Thread Parkerswebe
Leila, ( I love your name)!
I asked Terry what he feels has made him take all these steps recently and  
he can't really pinpoint one thing.  His muscles definitely atrophied, but  he 
has begun to rebuild them a bit.  He had GREAT LEGS!  He doesn't do  PT accept 
in the summer in a pool.  He can completely walk in a pool.   He has this 
buoyant waist belt that assists him so he can go the distance.  
I feel some of the reason he was able to take these steps is that he is  
always in and out of his wheelchair, he stands a lot cooking and gardening 
the wheelchair for balance if needed.   I also think if he didn't have  
shoulder issues, he would have been able to use a walker or crutches much 
sooner  or 
more often.   His arms became his legs and now his shoulders are  shot thanks 
to osteonecrosis (prednisone induced).  One shoulder  replacement and 1 other 
surgery on each shoulder.  His other shoulder needs  to be replaced.
I'm wondering why you don't have a firm DX??  The gradual  deterioration 
sounds more like MS to me.  I am no doctor, tho.Have they done a brain MRI? 
I'm so sorry for your decline.   As  everyone says here, keep up the PT!!  And 
we need to continue to push for  stem cell research!

Dear  Sandy,  

Thank you so much for telling about Terry walking. This is a beautiful  

If you have time, please tell me how you kept his muscles from getting  
atrophied all those years. Any special exercises?

I have TM or possibly MS, not sure, since five years, gradual  deterioration, 
now in wheelchair, unable to stand since two years. I am not  paralyzed 
though. I do exercises daily with legs and arms. I am using an  electronic lift 
transfers and I have a caregiver day and night. I wish to  know what to do to 
start walking again. I believe it is possible. Your letter  gives me renewed 

I would love to know what Terry did to start walking, something that  would 
help others. 

Please write!

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[TMIC] Anybody else been there?

2008-11-20 Thread Parkerswebe
Oh Jan!  You just always brighten my day.  You seem like you are  always so 
positive and under duress from TM!   Thank you so  much.  Wow!  I've become 
active again on the forum. We go thru those lulls where some things don't 
always pertain.  
This forum has helped me so much, (I am sure I have said that many  times).
xoxo Sandy

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[TMIC] running over toes

2008-11-20 Thread Parkerswebe

**One site has it all. Your email accounts, your social networks, 
and the things you love. Try the new AOL.com 
I just returned from the market and while there I encountered a man that  
winced very badly.  I said to him, you look like you hurt.  He said  he ran 
over his BROKEN TOE and it hurt so bad.  I couldn't help but crack  up after 
conversations we have had here today!
**One site has it all. Your email accounts, your social networks, 
and the things you love. Try the new AOL.com 
---End Message---

Re: [TMIC] Support Group Meetings

2008-11-19 Thread Parkerswebe
What a great guy your husband is, Debbie!  You are right that it  is 
important as a caregiver to go to support meetings.   It gives one  a much 
knowledge of the effects of TM.  Not to mention, you meet  the greatest people!
**One site has it all. Your email accounts, your social networks, 
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2008-11-18 Thread Parkerswebe
Toyota also gives a $1000 to equip a vehicle you buy from  them.
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2008-11-17 Thread Parkerswebe
8 1/2 years + with TM for Terry and he just spontaneously walked at our  
friends house the other last night. (Our friend being follow TM-er Rick  
He stands up from his wheelchair all the time and cooks, gardens,  etc.  He 
sometimes walks up stairs with the support of the banisters and  has taken a 
few steps unassisted before.  But, last night he just got up  and walked 
any support or assistance for a total of perhaps 40  steps!   He was quite 
well balanced, all things  considered.   
My suggestion to him was to get out the walker and the arm crutches and  
clean off the cobwebs and start practicing more at home.   It's just  amazing 
much progress Terry has made.  He's so determined and has such  a good 
attitude through all his pain.
For those of you that went from a wheelchair to walking or walking with  
assistance, what helped you?   Any advise is greatly  appreciated!
Sandy Parker
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2008-11-17 Thread Parkerswebe
I had some thoughts after I wrote about Terry's walking.   With  all the 
research that I have done on TM, I have read that it is unlikely that he  
have this much recovery so far down the road, (8 1/2 years).I guess each 
case is so individualized, that anything is possible?   Regardless, I am very 
happy for every little bit of progress he makes.
Thank you, all of you.  You know that I came  into this group for support as 
a caregiver to seek any information that I could  get to help Terry.  It has 
been amazing how much  support  I have gotten from many of you  over the years. 
  I have been so blessed to meet so many wonderful  people.  You have all 
been MY cheerleaders!
Love Sandy
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Re: [TMIC] California Fires

2008-11-16 Thread Parkerswebe
I live here in So Cal., East Ventura County.  We are about 20 miles  from the 
Sylmar fire.  It is so terribly hot and windy now.  Optimum  conditions for 
the fires, unfortunately.  Yes, smoke fills the air.   We went to Rick Steeles 
home a few days ago.  The last fire came  right to his property line.  They 
were lucky to have a home to come home  to.  Let's hope the weather changes 
very, very soon.
Sandy Parker
**Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news  

Re: [TMIC] Guidelines

2008-10-24 Thread Parkerswebe
Well said, Mindy the Artist!
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Re: [TMIC] age related tm

2008-06-09 Thread Parkerswebe
Terry's butt went numb first, also...

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[TMIC] age at incident

2008-06-05 Thread Parkerswebe
Terry was 55 and hit at T-7.
He is still taking 7 mg of steroids a day.  No cataracts, but his  bones have 
deteriorated.  He will be going in for his second shoulder  replacement soon.

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch Cooking with 
Tyler Florence on AOL Food.  

Re: [TMIC] Thanks to the list/understanding TM

2008-04-16 Thread Parkerswebe
My Dear Friends,
Thanks to all of you for your kind words.  Thank you to the  fellow 
caregivers who are committed to helping their spouses/sig others to have  a 
quality of life, for being in their lives and staying put!Aren't 
suppose to be 50/50???   I am sorry for  those that aren't.   Terry gives so 
much to me; why would I not give  so much in return?
Some of you old timers (on this site), know there have been struggles with  
this life and Terry's TM.  But, obviously nothing insurmountable.
I will say that I was SO PISSED OFF (can I say that here?) at his  wheelchair 
initially.  I took my anger out on his wheelchair every  time I had to get it 
in or out of the trunk of my car.  I would cuss that  SOB, (can I say that 
here?) out!  I hated it!  That's what I  hated! I didn't hate the damn (can I 
say that here?) TM.  I hated that damn  (can I say that here?) wheelchair!  
rigid piece of crap, (can I say  that here)?   I can actually feel my anger 
right now as I write  this.  However, I feel it with a smile on my face as that 
was so very long  ago.  TM has allowed me to grow and become a  better 
person.  It's OK now and he has a great wheelchair that's very easy  to get 
of the car. One flip of the backrest and I grab it and swing  it into the back 
of the little (non gas guzzler), SUV.   (OK, so I  rambled)...
Aloha for now, my friends!

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listings at AOL Autos.  

Re: [TMIC] Thanks to the list/understanding TM

2008-04-15 Thread parkerswebe
I don't have TM, my husband does, (8 years now).  Therefore, I will try to 
speak from the standpoint of understanding.   However, I don't FEEL his pain, 
but I SYMPATHIZE with his pain.  I sympathize with; his daily issues, his 
paralysis, his complaints, his clonus, his feeling of inadequacies, his 
feelings of frustration and pain over sexual dysfunction and bladder 
dysfunction, his loss of his past life and of OUR past lives.  I LISTEN to 
him.  I AM THERE FOR HIM.  I encourage him, I apologize for his pain and 
anything that will make him understand that I UNDERSTAND to a degree. But, I 
don't think anyone can FULLY understand unless they have TM.  He knows I 
understand more about TM than many.  But, as they say, unless you can walk the 
walk.. I, more than likely, will never walk that walk.

I love him, I am committed to him and I will continue to do my best to 
understand TM thru his eyes.  He is very detail oriented about it - so that in 
itself, helps me understand better.

Anyone with a disease such as TM, needs someone to listen to them with 
compassion in their heart.  I will always do my best to be that person.

Sandy Parker

Has anyone ever figured out how to make non TM'rs understand what we go thru 

If so plase sare the secret!

-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:36 pm
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Thanks to the list.

Has anyone ever figured out how to make non TM'rs understand what we go thru 

If so plase sare the secret!



Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 3:30 PM
To: Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Thanks to the list.


   That's the best thing about this list.Everyone knows how it feels to have 
tm;it's not something that a regular person understands.

    Cheryl in Easthampton,Mass.

Robert Pall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would just like to thank all of the people on the list who responded to me in 
the past few weeks. It helped me thru a difficult time! 

I have been married for 38+ years and my wife has no idea what I go through on 
a daily basis….nor do my children, my relatives and my friends. Only the people 
on the list truly understand what it is like to get sick and never get better! 
Only the people on the list relate to terms such as banding, pins  needles, 
freezing/burning etc. Only the people who have TM can truly relate to TM and 
how (in my case) in just a few hours my life changed for the worse. 

    I am sorry I and all of you have TM…but I am extremely grateful for the 
people on the list who always find the time to help!  THANK YOU ALL!

Rob in New Jersey  

between -00-00 and -99-99  


2008-04-02 Thread Parkerswebe
Terry's immune system has improved over the past few  years.  Initially after 
TM, he would get a cold which would last several  weeks, as well as 
bronchitis for 3 mos. We were very careful as to who he  was exposed to.   Now, 
I am 
catching everything that goes around, and  his effects are minimal, even as we 
have the 3 little grandkids around  who constantly have colds, etc.!  

**Planning your summer road trip? Check out AOL Travel Guides.

[TMIC] Terry's Anniversary

2008-03-17 Thread Parkerswebe
St. Patty's Day marks 8 years since Terry was DX'd w/TM.   We  will celebrate 
with Corned Beef and Cabbage washed down with the  traditional Irish Drink, 
Overall, he's doing phenomenal, especially considering how acute he was  back 
then.   Seems to be continually improving and determined to walk  without 
assistance before long!
Happy St. Patty's  Day!
Sandy  Terry

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Finance.  (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf000301)

Re: [TMIC] Listening, attention, and solitude

2008-03-06 Thread parkerswebe

Attention??? Drifting off?? Solitude??? Huh, what were you talking about??? 
I don't have TM but I have all these other issues at the fantastic age of 54.?? 

I agree with Tracey:? too much going on everyday.? Life has gotten too 
complicated.? I long for the?yesterdays?of the simple things? The one thing 
that we are attempting to teach our grandkids, is that play isn't TV, computers 
or other screen time.? It is the out of doors, the homemade magic wands, 
digging in the soil, watching the ants march, flying a kite, playing tag, 
enjoying the flight of the ?hummingbirds, listening to the songs of the 
canary's, or Ava Doodle's (granddaughter), favorite tune from the 1950's: 
Bushel and a Peck.?? She thinks this song was written for her because, (you 
mature ones will know this), it says, doodle, doodle, doodle, doodle,doodle, 
doodle, doodle, doodoodoo...

The Simple Things.


Re: [TMIC] Hello from Jude

2008-02-22 Thread parkerswebe

OH JUDE!? YOU ARE EVER THE DIPLOMAT!?? In all your current distress, you are, 
(as always), thinking of others.?? 

What you said came our beautifully!?? I so wished we were hearing more from 
you, but I understand things are difficult for you right now.


You are always close to my thoughts and I hope and pray *(to whomever it may be 
that I pray to), that you will get healthy and come home very soon.

Love you, Jude!

Practice Random Acts of Kindness? 

More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail!

More new features than ever.  Check out the new AOL Mail ! - 

Re: [TMIC] Symposium in Anaheim

2008-02-19 Thread Parkerswebe
Terry and I will be attending and look forward to seeing some of our old  
friends as well as getting acquainted with new ones!
Sandy Parker

**Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.  


2007-12-19 Thread parkerswebe
Hello My Friends!


You are never far from my thoughts even though I am no longer on the list 
chatting back  forth.?Life,?for me, is very busy these days.? No excuse, but 
that's how it is.?


We are doing well these days.? Terry is down to his ol' slim self after packing 
on those 50+ steroid pounds.? He looks wonderful and feels quite well despite 
it all.? He still has his typical pain issues associated with?TM, but manages 
to endure it all.? His shoulders have never recovered as well as he would have 
hoped from the surgeries and replacement.? He certainly has his ups and downs 
and is still wheelchair dependent.? However, he loves to show off that he can 
stand and walk many steps at certain times, particularly when a friend or 
family member comes to visit.?? He just LOVES to stand up and give big hugs!?? 
Awh, the great pleasures of life!?? 


Our 3 little grandkids continue to delight us on almost a daily basis.? The 
happiness they alone give, is the most grateful and precious gift of all.??? 


I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday whether it be Christmas, Hanukkah, 
Kwanzaa (or none of the above), and a very Happy and HEALTHY New Year!


LOVE Terry  Sandy Parker

More new features than ever.  Check out the new AOL Mail ! - 

Re: [TMIC] grocery delivery - Akua

2007-06-13 Thread Parkerswebe
You may also consider posting a bulletin at your  apt. asking for free 
assistance in grocery shopping, etc.  Haven't  most of us needed and given help 
many times in our lives?  Many people  within your building may be willing to 
help. They must go to the grocery  store for themselves anyway, one must 
 Our local senior  (over 55 y/o), communities offer all sorts of free 
assistance by willing  neighbors simply by phoning.
Sandy  Parker
PS:  Hi everyone - miss you  all!   Keep up the great help that you give to 
one  another.  We are quite well and extremely busy with life.  Terry TOOK  20 
STEPS recently!!!  He's on a mission  He has his issues, of  course.  But, 
that fantastic optimism keeps him plugging  along!

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

[TMIC] Grocery Delivery

2007-06-13 Thread Parkerswebe
pulling foot out of mouth  :)

I guess no one is listening!
I outlined the contacts made in the building and with the  organizations 
DESIGNATED to support
the  disabled.

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

Re: [TMIC] TM question from Sally!

2007-01-22 Thread Parkerswebe
Jenna  Sally, 
My husband has had TM for almost 7 years and Jenna, I agree with you  100%. 
Lessen your burdens by hearing (or envisioning), waves crashing on  the shore, 
the roar of a river or the trickling of a stream, leaves blowing in  the wind, 
a watercolor sunset, the sound of a child's laughter, a friends  
compassionate voice.   I continue to count my blessings as although it  is 
difficult on me 
at times, it is much more difficult on my  husband.   
I think, would I be upset if he took a jab w/o consulting me?I don't 
think so as I feel he knows what's best for his body and if he had  adverse 
effects, he would figure out the next course of action.
Just my humble opinion.

Dear Sally,
Being a caregiver is one of the hardest jobs you will have in your  life.  
Being a caregiver for a husband makes it even harder.  
Do something for yourself today...even if it is only for a few  minutes.  
Have a piece of chocolate, watch the leaves blowing in the  wind, what works 
for me is to get to some water and just watch it.   Whether it is the 
ocean(my favorite), a river, small stream and even a  fountain.  Just picture 
frustrations, burdens and problems flowing  away.  I know this might sound 
crazy, but it really does help me.
Let us know how you are doing!
You will be in my prayers today...Jenna


[TMIC] (no subject)

2006-12-22 Thread Parkerswebe
 Terry  Sandy  Parker
Warmed up to 56 degrees  now; up from 32 the past few mornings!
Chilly for SoCal and  counting our blessings!

[TMIC] Bone Density

2006-10-30 Thread parkerswebe

WE WERE TOLD AT THE BEGINNING OF TM by Terry's internist, that the worst thing would be the steroids and the list would be longer than his arm. So, he wanted to get him off it asap. We never saw that internist again and of the other 8-10 doctors he saw, they all failed to mention this and we "forgot" with all the other "crap" TM put us through. 1 1/2 year into it, he had a bone density test and it showed osteoporosis in his hips and was started on Fosamax.

It now has led to osteonecrosis and hehadhis shoulder replaced last week due to it and his other shoulder will be replaced in two months.He also has osteonecrosis in the knee and ankle. Ironically, his hips have improved somewhat. 

Sometimes going through the trauma of a new disease, we are not always self-informed or we just don't "hear" everything the doc'stell us, as unfortunately was our case.Shouldn't itbe up to our doctor to monitor us and order a bone density test and keep ordering them to see if there is bone depletion to avoid the obvious if we are on steroids? 

Incidentally, it's one weeksince Terry had the replacement and he is doing PHENOMENAL! He's just amazing! Of course the first5 days were very difficult, but as of Friday night, he bounced back. He evenBBQ'd a steak last night and made some wonderful greenbeans with almonds. I have always been the souz chef and am glad to be back in that position after just a few meals that I had to prepare.


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Re: [TMIC] Rush Limbaugh/OT...or maybe not really OT

2006-10-28 Thread Parkerswebe

I am very far from being a bleeding heart liberal, unbeknownst to 
you. I am a conservative by nature. I won't bore you with the 
details. It is just IN MY OPINION, Limbaugh is a hypocrite when he can be 
excused for HIS ADDICTIONS, yet he can play on someone else's disability. 
That's where I draw the line. Incidentally, according to MJFox, 
hewas on MEDS during the commercial and he said he never knows 
where he will be while under the meds and therefore cannot dictate when and how 
his disease will effect him under the circumstances.

This, (stem cell research), should be a bi-partisan 
issue, period. Both parties bash each 
other continually and stoop to all levels to get their parties 

sandy my daughter was a Rush hater and a bleeding heart liberal 
  also. About seven years ago I asked her to listen to him for 2 weeks. 
  She said that she couldn't because of the way he talked about 
  femnatzis.You called him a hypocrite and I don't understand how you say 
  that epically if you don't listen.For some reason she decided to 
  listen she has now completely turned around and became a 
  republican. Again her roots are not believing in abortion,and epically 
  not allowing the government to take you money. For many of us who have tmic 
  children know how expensive it has been. 

[TMIC] Terry's Surgery

2006-10-24 Thread Parkerswebe

Just a little update on my honey; the surgery yesterday 
seemed to go well and they replaced just the ball and not the socket. They had 
to do a lot of grinding of bones in order to do so – but apparently it’s less 
invasive and should last him forever. 
The surgeon wants to do the 
other shoulder in two months. 

Today, HE'S CRANKY AND WANTS TO COME HOME! What a surprise. 
You know how hospitals are? No place to rest or get healthy. 
Even though it's in his chart that he is paralyzed with Transverse 
Myelitis, the nurses haven't taken time to read it, (I 
had to tell the first two nurses as well as place a call last night), and it's 
led to some issues with the meds he needs to take. 
ARRGH! He has been w/o water somuch and it's not 
like he can get up and get his own!!! And now his shoulderis 
draining fluid and blood more than what they expected and it may be of 
concern.The surgery center 
was wonderful, but I’m not pleased, (nor is he), with the nursing care on his 

this point, he is supposed to be released tomorrow, but we have to confirm the 
approval for the bed/lift  nursing in order for him to be released 
know his routine well and can take care of him better at home, but with some 

Thank you so very much for all your calls, emails, prayers, VISITS and 
thoughtfulness. I would write individually, but I am very far behind at work and 
need to play catch up.

If you want to cheer him up, he’s a White Memorial in L. A., (323) 
268-5000, Room 4513.

Xoxo Sandy

[TMIC] Newbies, update, etc.

2006-10-10 Thread Parkerswebe

As Bob Cook said, when some of us first 
come on to the TM site, we are looking for answers. I had been 
lurking for a while before I submitted my first question years back, (OK, what 6 
years now??) Anyway, you oldies will definitely remember Tom, Big Tom, who 
could be a smart ars. Well, he slammed me down with one of my first emails 
about herbs, milk thistle, in particularly. I was appalled at how he made 
me feel like a moron. The truth is, my theory about milk thistle was 
right and I stand by it. But, that isn't the point. It's just 
that HE made me feel like an idiot and I didn't belong and I almost 
unsubscribed. But, I found out I did belong, and EVERYBODY 
BELONGS!!!  I don't write much 
these daze, (very busy with work/home/family), but my heart is with all 
of you that have been kind to me and Terry over the years and we are like old family 
regardless of what we talk about. Idle chatter is necessary in everyday 
life. Doesn't it sometimes help to keep us sane?

Since I am now chatting, I'll update 
you on a couple of things. Terry has to have both shoulders 
replaced due to the osteonecrosis. He DOESNOT have it in his hips, 
as one Ortho had thought. He had surgery on both shoulders last year 
and they obviously haven't held up well thanks to the continued prednisone 
treatment. His first replacement is on the 23rd and he'll stay in the 
hospital a few days. The Doc has ordered a hospital bed, lift and nursing 
care, (yes, if Medicare will allow...), and 6 weeks of not using that arm in the 
least. But, he's looking forward to it as it always pops out of 
place and is chronically painful. We have to see how his recovery is on 
this one before we schedule the next. But, we are very 
optimistic! He's fantastic, otherwise, lost weight, happy and 

So, this weekend will be our last 
travels for a bit. We are driving to June Lake in the Sierras for a 2 night stay and 
we’ll fish, take plenty of autumn photos, eat, drink and, and and... 
And then on to Yosemite for a night at The 
Ahwahnee Hotel. It's a magnificent trip and for those of you that haven't 
been to the Sierras, it is a wonderland of beauty! I'll take requests on 
sending you photos. You know how I like to share my pictures! Baby pictures, anyone??? The babies are fantastic, 
incidentally. Love them so very 

While I am writing this novel, I would 
like to comment on some of the topics of late: 

LIKE! It's easier on some people. At least she is writing and sharing!

ALTON - Your shoulders and driving – sounds 
like surgery - it's awful, isn't it?Terry slides intothe 
car, I put in his manual wheelchair and he must use a hand brake because his 
foot doesn't know how to move over to the brake, like some of you 
mentioned. I am so glad, tho, to hear your grandson is doing 
well! Bless you!

JUDE - You have NEVER been a 
beetch! Not to me, at least!

VICKI - I hope things are 
going better...



And to therest of you that may 
still be reading this long email - miss you all and hope you and yours are doing 
well. I have a couple of issue, but very minor and ain't gonna 
Sandy Parker

Re: [TMIC] Flying

2006-07-19 Thread parkerswebe

Put your wings on and fly to Bob's BBQ, Jude! If it were that easy 

Terry gets uncomfortable flying and has difficulties if it's a long flight. In particular; getting to the bathroom. We usually just use our true kindness along with his disabilities and approach the friendliest flight attendent and ask to be upgraded so that he's in a row directly behind or in front of the bathroom. First class is great for coach fare! It happens 90% of the time! Also, he makes sure he has meds on board in case of discomfort. Since there is no smoking on board, MedMari is out of the question..

I have read that flying can be hard on we TM'ers. Have any of you experienced exaggerated pain or any other difficulties while in airplanes traveling in the wild blue yonder?

Thinking about how to get to the Bar-B-Que!


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2006-07-13 Thread Parkerswebe


  Latest flyer I've seen. Same pretty picture, 
  but until we find her everyone will continue be be asked to PLEASE forward 
  this. Again and again. She has got to be 

The above is from Renee Fox's family 
member and she and her family have been friends of ours for over 23 
years. PLEASE pass this along to everyone on your email 
list. The family needs to know something, anything. You don't 
need to check it on "snopes", Iassure you it's no 


[TMIC] Terry's 6 year anniversary

2006-03-17 Thread Parkerswebe

Today, St. Paddy's day, is the day Terry was DX'd 6 years 
ago. His progress has been great, considering he wasjust this 
side of a quad in those days and now has gained so much mobility. Of 
course, he has many side effects from steroids and other issues. But, 
healthy otherwise!

In discussing it last night, he said it's been the worse 6 years of his 
life, yet he found out how strong we BOTH were emotionally. We rose to the 
occasion and that is what we will toast tonight over our dinner of corned beef 
and cabbage!

Tomorrow we are going to Las Vegas for 3 days and celebrating our 14 year 
wedding anniversary. We will see Cirque du Soleil and savor every 
precious moment yet to come in our lives!


Re: [TMIC] Dana Reeve

2006-03-07 Thread Parkerswebe

I'm so very sad about Dana Reeve's death. It is indeed a sad 
day. She was such a wonderful role model and truly a 


[TMIC] Osteonecrosis

2006-02-01 Thread Parkerswebe

Thought it was time for 
another update on Terry as he has had a bit of problems in the past 
year. Those of you may remember that he had surgery on both 
shoulders and it seems his bones are continuing to deteriorate thanks to the 
long term continued use of steroids. 

When TM hit him in March of 
2000, his internist said the first thing they needed to address is the long term 
affects of steroids and how to get him off them. He was at 150 mg daily 
decreased to 7 mg daily for the past 1 1/2 years + or -. He "crashes" if 
he goes any lower. The pay off has come and unfortunately it may be 
at a big expense. He now has fairly severe OsteoNecrosis, (his bones 
are "dying" as no blood supplyis getting to them),in both shoulders, 
right ankle and left femur. He goes for yet another MRI and CT on 
Wednesday. After his Orthopedic reviews the reports, he is contacting 
aProfessorat the Mayo Clinic for his advice. In my research, 
90% of people with ON have it in their hips, (not Terry), and less than 3% have 
it 2 or more places. TM, now ON, both rare.

You can't stop living your 
life but how much more can ones body take? You just try and try to be 
optimistic and hopeful, and then you're thrown back down into the 

I know there are a few of 
you out there that have been on steroids for a long period of time and what are 
your side effects?

Sorry it’s so long…(I could 
go on and on, too). I felt a need to share this with you as I don't feel my 
shoulders are as big as they use to be


[TMIC] Lyrica (Tequila)

2006-01-12 Thread Parkerswebe

That is the best med for Terry... Helps me a bit, too, (when 
he's suffering)...


[TMIC] Shellfish vs TM

2006-01-12 Thread Parkerswebe

Perhaps he has acquired an 
allergic reaction to that type of shellfish, which is not uncommon. Terry 
eats shellfish frequently without any adverse reactions, particularly if he 
kills the parasites with tequila



Perhaps he has acquired an allergic reaction to that type of 
shellfish, which is not uncommon. Terry eats shellfish frequently without 
any adverse reactions, particularly if he kills the parasites with 


---End Message---

[TMIC] Survey..... Prednisone/bone density/surgery, etc.

2005-12-28 Thread Parkerswebe

I would like to take a short independent private survey regarding bone 
density as Terry has had two shoulder surgeries since the onset of TM and now is 
possibly going to have to have shoulder replacement. He also has issues 
with his knee, which may require surgery. We won't go into his hips right 
now... He's now down to 7 mg prednisone daily, Imuran and a myriad 
of other meds.

How many of you have had broken bones, surgeries, bone 
density issues, etc., and what do you attribute this to. Such as; 
medications, being ill-balanced, being not ambulatory OR? What meds? 
Prednisone, Imuran or ?

You can email me privately and if anyonewould like, I can also 
emailthe responses and/orresults. 

Thank youvery much for your help!

Sandy Parker

[TMIC] flu shot

2005-11-09 Thread Parkerswebe

Terry was ambivilent in the past to get the flu shot and it has been on 
ongoing debate here at the TM site. However,this year his Neuro highly 
recommended it. He got it a couple of weeks ago and hopefully will avoid 
the flu this year. I should get one too, but they are limited in our area 
to those that are older, younger or like Terry, with some "disease" or 


2005-10-25 Thread Parkerswebe

Sometimes under these circumstances, food is 
comfort. That's about all Terry had to look forward to 
in the beginning of this CRAP. So, everyone bought food to him at 
the hospital during his 2 months or so he was captive. Five years 
later, he's lost over 1/2, (20lbs)of the weight he'd gained and he's 
gained about 3/4 of his strength back!
