[Fwd: Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?]

2007-10-02 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN
forwarding this for cindy miller, who is having trouble 
posting to list...

[it's in response to melani and I discussing what to do 
about potholes and whatnot]

 Original Message 

From: Cindy Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Philadelphia Managing Director's Office has a
relatively new program called the Eyes and Ears Program.
It's a program that enhances City Code enforcement efforts
in the neighborhoods. If you don't think the city or its
agencies are responding to community concerns in the
following areas: quality of life issues, litter, graffitti.
potholes, abandoned vehicles, trash dumping and vacant
properties -- you can call 215-686-3491 or e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with your complaint.

-- End Original Message ---

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Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread pmuyehara

 I must have missed something before in this discussion.? So Penn owns the 
UCD office space and it also owns the separate PPD space.?? And Penn may or may 
not be charging rent to UCD and PPD?? And UCD may or may not be paying the rent 
for the PPD space to Penn?? No, wait, you're saying UCD does not pay the rent 
for PPD's space right, and also that, if the ministation is in space Penn gave 
to UCD to use without charge, UCD still isn't providing PPD space?
? But the most confusing thing is, if they have two separate spaces, why is 
the Lt. using the UCD business card with the UCD number anyway?? Is his office 
inside UCD's, and the other police personnel are next door at the ministation?
? And please, I understand all of this is a different issue from what 
business card he uses.? On the other hand, makes me wonder if other police 
detailed to this location - the ministation - also have UCD cards instead of 
City cards?




-Original Message-
To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
Sent: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 4:46 pm
Subject: Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

In a message dated 9/30/2007 4:12:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, MLamond writes:

So, what DO you say, Al?? Can yo expand on your earlier statement so there's no 
need to misinterpret it?? What did you mean when you wrote:

You're not that dense, Melani.


I meant what I said... It's not complicated. I provided the people on the 
useful list with the information that Penn owns the property and provides space 
to UCD and the Police Dept. No more, no less.


If you're so fired up to find out whether either or both pay for the space or 
get it free or under some other arrangement, do your own research. All you have 
to do is call Wendell Lewis and ask him, if you're so darn interested in 
finding out (as opposed to nitpicking or stamping your adorable little foot 
while the steam comes out of those cute pixie-like ears).


Personally, I don't care one way or the other. It's not the least bit 
important. What's important is the fact that UCD does not provide the Police 
Dept with the space -- which?was the false assumption someone made that I was 



Always at your service and ready for a dialog.

Al Krigman

See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.


Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! - 

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread MLamond

In a message dated 9/30/07 10:31:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Thanks for refocusing the discussion on the real issue, Karen.
 If the real issue is Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report 
to?, then   Lt. McCurdy answered that question before this ever came up on 
the list, when Bill Brown and I asked at the meeting last week about what 
territory he covered:

He replied that he reports to the 18th District at 55th  Pine.

If the real issue is, what can we fault the UCD for this week, then it's that 
the Lt. has cards he gave out so people know his phone number if they'd like 
his help, and some people on the list think they should be redesigned.  Or 
perhaps people on the list think the police shouldn't be located at 39th  
Chestnut, or the police shouldn't communicate with the UCD.   I'm not sure how 
would most succinctly be framed; surely someone will correct me.   But it seems 
to be about technicalities - I haven't heard anyone say they are outraged that 
a police lieutenant offered to make himself available to hear our needs.

I was involved with Cedar Park Neighbors' board at the point that its 
ministation at the Firehouse, 50th  Baltimore, had failed.   We (CPN's 
members) were paying its bills, such as phone and utilities, but no one was 
ever officially there (though the phone was being used)!   So we had the phone 
turned off and the ministation ceased to exist.   A ministation such as the one 
at the Firehouse was supposed to have had community people staffing it, and 
they were to have contact with the police and have police checking in with them 
- it was not to be staffed full-time by police officers.   As we all know, 
there are a limited number of neighbors who volunteer, and they were choosing 
other volunteer activities - not sitting in a small room attached to the 
Firehouse.   So when there were no community people there, CPN's Firehouse 
was no longer viable.   It is my understanding that the substation at 47th  
Chester, also relying on community volunteers, has had trouble sustaining 
itself because of a lack of participants.   I'm not sure if it is still open, 
despite incredible dedication by its main volunteer, Cindy Preston.

This is a very different model from having a real police substation - or 
whatever technical term it's called - staffed with police officers, like the 
one next door to the UCD.   That station is open all the time, not dependent on 
volunteers.   Isn't this good for our community?

It can be difficult to get the attention of officers at the 18th District's 
55th  Pine location for the less-violent, less serious crimes of the types 
that we have in University City.   Their focus is, understandably, on the very 
serious things that happen, often further west, closer to 55th  Pine.   They 
are less likely to have time to worry about burglaries of leaded glass windows 
on Hazel Avenue or smashed car windows on 46th St., even though these lesser 
crimes, and the muggings and robberies of pedestrians, affect us seriously.   
Lt. McCurdy's office is another resource for us, and its physical location puts 
it in the middle of the action at the end of the district where these crimes, 
though perhaps not life-threatening, are quality of life issues for us.   He 
can bring help to us for our difficulties; he has offered to help.   He has 
given us a phone number and email address where we can reach him.   He spoke up 
himself at the landlord meeting - no one stood him up as a puppet and spoke for 
him or claimed him as theirs.

If people who were not at the meeting want to see his location, his business 
card or the connection between the police and the UCD as poor judgment, 
deceitful, demeaning, a symbolic problem or a power grab, so be it.   But for 
of us who were present for Lt. McCurdy's remarks, we heard a professional 
police officer speak about crime and safety and the resources he had to offer 

Melani Lamond

 See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread Elizabeth F Campion

The symbolic often carries more weight than the actual.

I am grateful for the opportunity to take Philosophy courses and read
I don't always remember to practice what I've learned, but am happy to
know that 
even if the front of the house I see might be Yellowish ferrous
the side might be Salmon colored bricks, and
the back Cedar siding.
Thanks to folks like Al and Karen who help me read between the lines and
anticipate the dangers beneath the surface of our local icebergs.

And thanks to Wilma, whose memories reveal the real.

Thanks also to someone who sent me a forward that made me LOL, and speaks
to problems with perception.
If you don't read me, or don't read forwards, you might miss something
that might brighten and enlighten your day.

Begin forwarded message:

I had a bunch of Canadian dollars I needed to
exchange, so I went to the currency exchange window at the local bank.

Short line.

Just one guy in front of me . . . an Asian guy who was
trying to exchange yen for dollars and he was a little irritated . ..

He asked the teller, Why it change?? Yestoday, I get
two hunat dolla fo yen. Today I get hunat eighty?? Why it change?

The teller shrugged his shoulders and said,

The Asian guy says, Fluc you white people, too!

On Sun, 30 Sep 2007 19:46:07 -0400 KAREN ALLEN [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Whether Penn, UCD or some combination charges the City no rent, market
rent, subsidized rent, or whatever,  that doesn't give UCD the right to
assert authority, whether actual or symbolic, over the personnel and
functions of the Philadelphia Police Department.  One is a non-profit
organization, the other is a branch of municipal government.  To take
this chain of logic to its conclusion is to state or suggest state that
the independence of a branch of municipal government can be redirected to
a private entity merely by providing free or subsidized rent.   

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Kimm Tynan wrote:

Bravo, Wilma.  Beautifully said.  And Karen!


I've been reading all this, and I just want to ask:

why doesn't ucd just go away?

seriously. whether you like or dislike ucd, I'm asking: 
can't we just say to penn and ucd, THANKS, WE'LL TAKE IT 

we live in a great neighborhood. it was true then and it's 
true now. isn't it time for ucd to just go away? how much 
longer do they need to be around? how much longer do we all 
have to be distracted from our making our own neighborhood 
great ourselves?

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger.  -- Tony West
  Ray's falsehoods are more sophisticated,
   more believable -- Tony West

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For more information please visit http://www.messagelabs.com/email 

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Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN


In a message dated 9/30/07 10:31:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thanks for refocusing the discussion on the real issue, Karen.

If the real issue is *Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police 
report to*?, then  Lt. McCurdy answered that question before this ever 
came up on the list, when Bill Brown and I asked at the meeting last 
week about what territory he covered:  

*He replied that he reports to the 18th District at 55th  Pine.*

If the real issue is, what can we fault the UCD for this week, then it's 
that the Lt. has cards he gave out so people know his phone number if 
they'd like his help, and some people on the list think they should be 
redesigned. Or perhaps people on the list think the police shouldn't be 
located at 39th  Chestnut, or the police shouldn't communicate with the 
UCD.  I'm not sure how it would most succinctly be framed; surely 
someone will correct me.  But it seems to be about technicalities - I 
haven't heard anyone say they are outraged that a police lieutenant 
offered to make himself available to hear our needs.

I was involved with Cedar Park Neighbors' board at the point that its 
ministation at the Firehouse, 50th  Baltimore, had failed.  We (CPN's 
dues-paying members) were paying its bills, such as phone and utilities, 
but no one was ever officially there (though the phone was being used)!  
So we had the phone turned off and the ministation ceased to exist.  A 
ministation such as the one at the Firehouse was supposed to have had 
community people staffing it, and they were to have contact with the 
police and have police checking in with them - it was not to be staffed 
full-time by police officers.  As we all know, there are a limited 
number of neighbors who volunteer, and they were choosing other 
volunteer activities - not sitting in a small room attached to the 
Firehouse.  So when there were no community people there, CPN's 
Firehouse ministation was no longer viable.  It is my understanding that 
the substation at 47th  Chester, also relying on community volunteers, 
has had trouble sustaining itself because of a lack of participants.  
I'm not sure if it is still open, despite incredible dedication by its 
main volunteer, Cindy Preston.

This is a very different model from having a real police substation 
- or whatever technical term it's called - _staffed with police 
officers_, like the one next door to the UCD.  That station is open all 
the time, not dependent on volunteers.  Isn't this good for our community?

It can be difficult to get the attention of officers at the 18th 
District's 55th  Pine location for the less-violent, less serious 
crimes of the types that we have in University City.  Their focus is, 
understandably, on the very serious things that happen, often further 
west, closer to 55th  Pine.  They are less likely to have time to worry 
about burglaries of leaded glass windows on Hazel Avenue or smashed car 
windows on 46th St., even though these lesser crimes, and the muggings 
and robberies of pedestrians, affect us seriously.  Lt. McCurdy's office 
is another resource for us, and its physical location puts it in the 
middle of the action at the end of the district where these crimes, 
though perhaps not life-threatening, are quality of life issues for us.  
He can bring help to us for our difficulties; he has offered to help.  
He has given us a phone number and email address where we can reach 
him.  He spoke up himself at the landlord meeting - no one stood him up 
as a puppet and spoke for him or claimed him as theirs.

If people who were not at the meeting want to see his location, his 
business card or the connection between the police and the UCD as poor 
judgment, deceitful, demeaning, a symbolic problem or a power grab, so 
be it.  But for those of us who were present for Lt. McCurdy's remarks, 
we heard a professional police officer speak about crime and safety and 
the resources he had to offer us. 

what you describe here is what kimm pointed out earlier: how 
ucd supplants grassroots efforts.

how are grassroots efforts ever going to grow or thrive if 
ucd is constantly held up as the only alternative? how is 
our relationship with our elected officials (and police) 
improved and strengthened if ucd is constantly placing 
itself between us and them?

ucd has been around for 10 years now. shouldn't ucd have 
been facilitating the growth and viability of our grassroots 
efforts? helping our community organizations be more like 
what good community organizations are (inclusive, 
representative, accountable, transparent)? shouldn't ucd 
have been encouraging a greater, more direct relationship 
between the community with its elected councilwomen and its 

instead, in its 10 years here, ucd has been supplanting 
grassroots efforts, co-opting community organizations, 
inserting itself between ourselves and our citizenship.

in its 10 years here, ucd has been only 

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread Krfapt
In a message dated 10/1/2007 12:11:08 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

why  doesn't ucd just go away?

Because Wendell Lewis, the Flackette, Carolyn Blackwell-Hewitt, and others  
have bigger salaries than they ever dreamed were possible and are fighting  
desperately to hold onto them..  

Al  Krigman
Left of Ivan Grozny

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread MLamond

In a message dated 10/1/07 12:15:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 isn't it time for ucd to just bow out? we'll take it from here.
 In theory, everything you write sounds reasonable, excellent.   

But we've been there, done that, with voluntary community organizations 
(which some on this list criticize as bogus anyway).   It didn't work.   The 
community   organizations were unable to sustain ANY of their police 
over the long term; the one at 44th just north of Walnut ceased to be viable 
also, like the others I mentioned earlier.   Perhaps the problem was, as Kimm 
observed, the attitude of the former police commissioner, but at any rate, the 
UCD didn't close them!   If the community could still keep them going, they 
would be here for us also!   

In addition, townwatch was, and still is, unable to regularly and 
comprehensively patrol the area.   The folks around 46th  Hazel who are 
patrolling their 
block now are already feeling sleep-deprived.   Landlords were, and still 
are, unable to keep their tenants from occasionally leaving trash all over the 
public sidewalks for their neighbors to wade through or clean up.   Clark  
Cedar Park supporters were unable to get sufficient volunteer and City help to 
have clean, safe parks.   It was, and still is, difficult if not impossible for 
each individual neighbor to navigate the bureaucracy, find the correct contact, 
and get the responsible City or State agency to respond to problems such as 
missing sewer covers, dangerous potholes, broken streetlights, dangerous 
abandoned buildings, etc.   I have been there on the boards and among the 
volunteers, along with so many generous, hardworking, overextended UC neighbors 
who gave 
so many volunteer hours, but couldn't do it all.   The UCD exists because 
there was a need for it.   It is a clearing house for many things that we were 
unable to do on our own.

Ray, if can put together a voluntary replacement organization for the UCD, 
available to all in the neighborhood and able to handle all of the things I 
mentioned, I'll agree with you that the UCD has outlived its time.   I look 
forward to your success.

Melani Lamond

Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
Urban  Bye, Realtor
3529 Lancaster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
cell phone 215-356-7266
office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
office fax 215-222-1101

 See what's new 
at http://www.aol.com

RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread Andy Frishkoff

Melanie, I don't believe that anyone is outraged that Lt. McCurdy is available 
to help us; however, I think you are missing the main point, which is about 
much more than technicalities.
Imagine that UCD is offering to help the community with real estate issues. UCD 
then persuades you or another licensed real estate agent affiliated with a 
local brokerage to spend time in UCD's office answering real estate questions.  
Your broker gives you permission to do this as its agent, but UCD gives you UCD 
cards with your name and real estate license information, a UCD email and a UCD 
phone number.
My reading of this situation would be that, despite good intentions, you, UCD 
and your broker would be in violation of state real estate ethics laws and 
regulations because UCD is not a licensed branch office of the brokerage.  
These laws and regulations exist in order avoid conflicts of interest and 
confusion for real estate consumers and to make sure that a broker is able to 
supervised and vouch for the activities of its licensed agents.
Many of us view Lt. McCurdy's card as more problematic than my real estate 
analogy because he is a public safety officer with a direct chain of command to 
the police commissioner and the mayor.  There must never be any hint of a 
question of an on-duty police officer having a dual affiliation with a 
non-public entity.  Obviously more so than real estate professionals, police 
officers must make clear that they are here to serve the people and are 
accountable to the people's government.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 11:12:22 -0400Subject: Re: [UC] Who do 
sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] a 
message dated 9/30/07 10:31:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Thanks for refocusing the discussion on the real issue, Karen.KimmIf the real 
issue is Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?, then  
Lt. McCurdy answered that question before this ever came up on the list, when 
Bill Brown and I asked at the meeting last week about what territory he 
covered:   He replied that he reports to the 18th District at 55th  Pine.If 
the real issue is, what can we fault the UCD for this week, then it's that the 
Lt. has cards he gave out so people know his phone number if they'd like his 
help, and some people on the list think they should be redesigned. Or perhaps 
people on the list think the police shouldn't be located at 39th  Chestnut, or 
the police shouldn't communicate with the UCD.  I'm not sure how it would most 
succinctly be framed; surely someone will correct me.  But it seems to be about 
technicalities - I haven't heard anyone say they are outraged that a police 
lieutenant offered to make himself available to hear our needs.I was involved 
with Cedar Park Neighbors' board at the point that its ministation at the 
Firehouse, 50th  Baltimore, had failed.  We (CPN's dues-paying members) were 
paying its bills, such as phone and utilities, but no one was ever officially 
there (though the phone was being used)!  So we had the phone turned off and 
the ministation ceased to exist.  A ministation such as the one at the 
Firehouse was supposed to have had community people staffing it, and they were 
to have contact with the police and have police checking in with them - it was 
not to be staffed full-time by police officers.  As we all know, there are a 
limited number of neighbors who volunteer, and they were choosing other 
volunteer activities - not sitting in a small room attached to the Firehouse.  
So when there were no community people there, CPN's Firehouse ministation was 
no longer viable.  It is my understanding that the substation at 47th  
Chester, also relying on community volunteers, has had trouble sustaining 
itself because of a lack of participants.  I'm not sure if it is still open, 
despite incredible dedication by its main volunteer, Cindy Preston.This is a 
very different model from having a real police substation - or whatever 
technical term it's called - staffed with police officers, like the one next 
door to the UCD.  That station is open all the time, not dependent on 
volunteers.  Isn't this good for our community?It can be difficult to get the 
attention of officers at the 18th District's 55th  Pine location for the 
less-violent, less serious crimes of the types that we have in University City. 
 Their focus is, understandably, on the very serious things that happen, often 
further west, closer to 55th  Pine.  They are less likely to have time to 
worry about burglaries of leaded glass windows on Hazel Avenue or smashed car 
windows on 46th St., even though these lesser crimes, and the muggings and 
robberies of pedestrians, affect us seriously.  Lt. McCurdy's office is another 
resource for us, and its physical location puts it in the middle of the action 
at the end of the district where these crimes, though perhaps not 
life-threatening, are quality of life issues

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN



/isn't it time for ucd to just bow out? we'll take it from here./

In theory, everything you write sounds reasonable, excellent. 

But we've been there, done that, with voluntary community organizations 
(which some on this list criticize as bogus anyway).  It didn't work.  
The community  organizations were unable to sustain ANY of their police 
ministations over the long term; the one at 44th just north of Walnut 
ceased to be viable also, like the others I mentioned earlier.  Perhaps 
the problem was, as Kimm observed, the attitude of the former police 
commissioner, but at any rate, the UCD didn't close them!  If the 
community could still keep them going, they would be here for us also! 

In addition, townwatch was, and still is, unable to regularly and 
comprehensively patrol the area.  The folks around 46th  Hazel who are 
patrolling their block now are already feeling sleep-deprived.  
Landlords were, and still are, unable to keep their tenants from 
occasionally leaving trash all over the public sidewalks for their 
neighbors to wade through or clean up.  Clark  Cedar Park supporters 
were unable to get sufficient volunteer and City help to have clean, 
safe parks.  It was, and still is, difficult if not impossible for each 
individual neighbor to navigate the bureaucracy, find the correct 
contact, and get the responsible City or State agency to respond to 
problems such as missing sewer covers, dangerous potholes, broken 
streetlights, dangerous abandoned buildings, etc.  I have been there on 
the boards and among the volunteers, along with so many generous, 
hardworking, overextended UC neighbors who gave so many volunteer hours, 
but couldn't do it all.  The UCD exists because there was a need for 
it.  It is a clearing house for many things that we were unable to do on 
our own.

Ray, if can put together a voluntary replacement organization for the 
UCD, available to all in the neighborhood and able to handle all of the 
things I just mentioned, I'll agree with you that the UCD has outlived 
its time.  I look forward to your success.

potholes? missing sewer covers? broken streetlights? 
abandoned buildings? missing cats? leaky roofs? missing 
tools? volunteers for the park? for the festival? block 
cleanups? recycling? leaf pickups? safety workshops? 
carpooling? zoning petitions? blessing the animals?

do you honestly think we can't handle it, melani?

if even the traffic on this list is any indication, I think 
we can, and do. without a lot of fuss, without a dire sense 
of panic and fear, without spin or branding or secret 
handshakes. and just think how much more we could accomplish 
if we weren't so divided, if we spent more of our time being 
cooperative rather than contentious.

melani, I know that you, like myself, are one of the 
neighborhood's biggest, most ardent and loyal of champions. 
neither you nor I (nor penn nor ucd) can ever stop talking 
about how wonderful the neighborhood is, how smart and 
dedicated and resourceful the people here are. that old 
song, about how the neighborhood is overcome with problems, 
on the brink of destruction, may have played back in 1997, 
but it's 2007 now. our neighborhood, while not perfect, is 
now alive and well, going strong.

and I'm saying: let's all keep it that way, let's all keep 
going. let's tell penn and ucd we'll take it from here.

(and please, before we can go a step further, you'll have to 
seriously change your mindset, the one implicit in your very 
last sentence. this is not about looking forward to 'my' 
success, but to 'our' success!)

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger.  -- Tony West
  Ray's falsehoods are more sophisticated,
   more believable -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread Brian Siano

potholes? missing sewer covers? broken streetlights? abandoned 
buildings? missing cats? leaky roofs? missing tools? volunteers for 
the park? for the festival? block cleanups? recycling? leaf pickups? 
safety workshops? carpooling? zoning petitions? blessing the animals?

do you honestly think we can't handle it, melani?
What do you mean we? I don't recall you showing up to volunteer in the 
Park or helping out with the festivals.

Or doing much of anything beyond whingeing about UCD's pernicious 

Hearing Ray talk about how we can get the job done is like hearing 
Donald Rumsfeld talk about how effective the U.S. Military is. Sure, 
we get a lot done... but it's not as if we can thank Ray for any of it.

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Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread Frank
So, what you're saying is that anyone who doesn't volunteer at Clark  
Park isn't involved with community activism and has no right to say  
we in community context. Is that correct?

Sleek. Edgy. Infinitely flexible.

On Oct 1, 2007, at 04:25 PM, Brian Siano wrote:

potholes? missing sewer covers? broken streetlights? abandoned  
buildings? missing cats? leaky roofs? missing tools? volunteers  
for the park? for the festival? block cleanups? recycling? leaf  
pickups? safety workshops? carpooling? zoning petitions? blessing  
the animals?

do you honestly think we can't handle it, melani?
What do you mean we? I don't recall you showing up to volunteer  
in the Park or helping out with the festivals.

Or doing much of anything beyond whingeing about UCD's pernicious  

Hearing Ray talk about how we can get the job done is like  
hearing Donald Rumsfeld talk about how effective the U.S. Military  
is. Sure, we get a lot done... but it's not as if we can thank  
Ray for any of it.

You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread Krfapt
In a message dated 10/1/2007 4:32:07 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

What do  you mean we? I don't recall you showing up to volunteer in the 
Park or  helping out with the festivals.

Or doing much of anything beyond  whingeing about UCD's pernicious 

Hearing Ray talk about  how we can get the job done is like hearing 
Donald Rumsfeld talk about  how effective the U.S. Military is. Sure, 
we get a lot done... but it's  not as if we can thank Ray for any of it.

I think you, too, have missed Ray's point. It's about individual  
responsibility, not group participation. I didn't move to this neighborhood, 
nor  do I 
continue to grace it with my presence, because I wanted to belong to a  group. 
The underlying essence of urban life is the inherent benefit of lots of  people 
increasing the likelihood that the things they find important will have  
enough support to survive.
There may be some folks who like to volunteer in the park, for instance,  
because of the enjoyment they get from the camaraderie, the satisfaction of  
knowing they helped plant this or that, the recognition they get from having  
headed up a successful effort, etc. That doesn't make them any better -- or 
 them any more rights vis-a-vis the appropriate utilization of the facility 
than  the person who brings his dog to the bowl or shoots a few hoops but 
doesn't  volunteer or pay dues to FOCP.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread Elliot M. Stern
Frankly speaking, Al, I think Brian understood Ray's point perfectly  
well. You're just lucky he didn't mention you together with Ray.


On 01 Oct  2007, at 5:04 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 10/1/2007 4:32:07 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
What do you mean we? I don't recall you showing up to volunteer  
in the

Park or helping out with the festivals.

Or doing much of anything beyond whingeing about UCD's pernicious

Hearing Ray talk about how we can get the job done is like hearing
Donald Rumsfeld talk about how effective the U.S. Military is. Sure,
we get a lot done... but it's not as if we can thank Ray for any  
of it.


I think you, too, have missed Ray's point. It's about individual  
responsibility, not group participation. I didn't move to this  
neighborhood, nor do I continue to grace it with my presence,  
because I wanted to belong to a group. The underlying essence of  
urban life is the inherent benefit of lots of people increasing the  
likelihood that the things they find important will have enough  
support to survive.

There may be some folks who like to volunteer in the park, for  
instance, because of the enjoyment they get from the camaraderie,  
the satisfaction of knowing they helped plant this or that, the  
recognition they get from having headed up a successful effort,  
etc. That doesn't make them any better -- or give them any more  
rights vis-a-vis the appropriate utilization of the facility than  
the person who brings his dog to the bowl or shoots a few hoops but  
doesn't volunteer or pay dues to FOCP.


See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Elliot M. Stern
552 South 48th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19143-2029
United States of America
telephone: 215-747-6204
mobile: 267-240-8418

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread Wilma de Soto
Dear Melani,

I am sorry you feel the only reason this listserv exists is to find fault
with the UCD.

However, my view is the disparaging of the community efforts who tried their
³damndest² to maintain a neighborhood which they saw abandoned and whole
heartedly with people who said they would help them revitalize the area.

For the record when I was CPN Secretary, I spent a LOT of time at the
Mini-station next to the Firehouse.  I also spent a lot of time with Cindy
Preston at the 12th District Mini-Station and she¹ll tell you so.

I cannot speak for what happened after I moved from Cedar Park to Spruce
Hill in 1994, but I know I did everything I could while I was there to
contribute to the success of the community policing effort.  Perhaps, it was
not enough.

I also take umbrage with certain properties, (which none of us own or have
been associated with), being touted out as  ³supreme examples² of what this
neighborhood was before the UCD came, and how positive changes came about
because of the UCD and ONLY the UCD.

That may make some of our neighbors feel safer with the UCD¹s presence.
However, it certainly does not speak for the area as a whole and belittles
all the work long-time residents did with ALL the community associations AND
the Penn institution trying to preserve the area, now only to see themselves
shut out.

Furthermore,  what bothers me most is when people try to convince me that
gentrification has nothing to do with displacing residents who do not have
access to a powerful institution such as Penn to work on their behalf and at
their behest.

It matters not whether I or anyone else can start another venue who could be
better than the UCD.  What matters is that people who were trying to hold on
to the remnants of their community and worked very, very hard in good faith
with anyone they thought would help them, were not able to get such an
entity to address THEIR needs.

I just want their efforts to be acknowledged and not forgotten.


On 10/1/07 11:12 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 9/30/07 10:31:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Thanks for refocusing the discussion on the real issue, Karen.
 If the real issue is Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report
 to?, then   Lt. McCurdy answered that question before this ever came up on
 the list, when Bill Brown and I asked at the meeting last week about what
 territory he covered:
 He replied that he reports to the 18th District at 55th  Pine.
 If the real issue is, what can we fault the UCD for this week, then it's that
 the Lt. has cards he gave out so people know his phone number if they'd like
 his help, and some people on the list think they should be redesigned.  Or
 perhaps people on the list think the police shouldn't be located at 39th 
 Chestnut, or the police shouldn't communicate with the UCD.   I'm not sure how
 it would most succinctly be framed; surely someone will correct me.   But it
 seems to be about technicalities - I haven't heard anyone say they are
 outraged that a police lieutenant offered to make himself available to hear
 our needs.
 I was involved with Cedar Park Neighbors' board at the point that its
 ministation at the Firehouse, 50th  Baltimore, had failed.   We (CPN's
 dues-paying members) were paying its bills, such as phone and utilities, but
 no one was ever officially there (though the phone was being used)!   So we
 had the phone turned off and the ministation ceased to exist.   A ministation
 such as the one at the Firehouse was supposed to have had community people
 staffing it, and they were to have contact with the police and have police
 checking in with them - it was not to be staffed full-time by police officers.
 As we all know, there are a limited number of neighbors who volunteer, and
 they were choosing other volunteer activities - not sitting in a small room
 attached to the Firehouse.   So when there were no community people there,
 CPN's Firehouse ministation was no longer viable.   It is my understanding
 that the substation at 47th  Chester, also relying on community volunteers,
 has had trouble sustaining itself because of a lack of participants.   I'm not
 sure if it is still open, despite incredible dedication by its main volunteer,
 Cindy Preston.
 This is a very different model from having a real police substation - or
 whatever technical term it's called - staffed with police officers, like the
 one next door to the UCD.   That station is open all the time, not dependent
 on volunteers.   Isn't this good for our community?
 It can be difficult to get the attention of officers at the 18th District's
 55th  Pine location for the less-violent, less serious crimes of the types
 that we have in University City.   Their focus is, understandably, on the very
 serious things that happen, often further west, closer to 55th  Pine.   They
 are less likely to have time to worry about burglaries of leaded glass windows

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-10-01 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Brian Siano wrote:

potholes? missing sewer covers? broken streetlights? abandoned 
buildings? missing cats? leaky roofs? missing tools? volunteers for 
the park? for the festival? block cleanups? recycling? leaf pickups? 
safety workshops? carpooling? zoning petitions? blessing the animals?

do you honestly think we can't handle it, melani?

What do you mean we? I don't recall you showing up to volunteer in the 
Park or helping out with the festivals.

Or doing much of anything beyond whingeing about UCD's pernicious 

Hearing Ray talk about how we can get the job done is like hearing 
Donald Rumsfeld talk about how effective the U.S. Military is. Sure, 
we get a lot done... but it's not as if we can thank Ray for any of it.

as if brian siano knows me personally enough to resort to ad 
hominem statements like these!

as if brian siano knows the 'we' who can or cannot thank me!

I just feel we'ed all over, I do.  bleh.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger.  -- Tony West
  Ray's falsehoods are more sophisticated,
   more believable -- Tony West

You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-30 Thread KAREN ALLEN

In terms of the final question, I guess I would find a bank logo on such a 
card perplexing, rather than sinister.  When there was a mini-station at 47th 
(?) and Chester, did it have its own stationery, or logo, or business cards?  
They, presumably would have represented a “true” grass-roots group.  Suppose 
they had taken on a sponsor—perhaps their landlord, or a bank—would that logo 
have appeared on stationery or cards?
The police are public law enforcement personnel, and they are not supposed to 
be acting as advertisements for private groups.  The police are not supposed to 
be representing a true grass roots group, a sponsor, a landlord, a bank or 
anyone else but the citizens of the government they work for. 
The arrangements wherein private businesses or civic groups fund some aspect of 
police work is not intended to transform the police department into an 
advertising vehicle for the funders. The funders are stepping forward to 
augment police services by providing funding for programs that the police 
department budget would not otherwise allow for. 
Cedar Park Neighbors and the Firehouse Farmers Market sponsored a police 
ministation at 50th and Baltimore in the 1990's (it closed in 1999).  There was 
concern about safety in the area, and CPN wanted bicycle patrols, which the 
18th District didn't have  the funding for.  There was an obvious benefit for 
the market owner, because he had a police presence next door to his business.  
The benefit to CPN was similar:  we were providing a community service by 
creating an additional layer of patrol that we would not have otherwise had. 
The market owner provided the space in a small office next to where the 
Satillite Coffee Shop is now.  CPN paid the bills (utilities, office equipment, 
supplies, etc), provided volunteers to perform non-police functions, and paid 
for uniforms and bikes for the bike officers, which the 18th District detailed 
to the station.  The uniforms we paid for were standard bike police uniforms:  
They did not have any advertising or mention of CPN or of the Market anywhere.  
One other point: any police items we paid for immediately became the property 
of the Philadelphia Police.
Did we make it known that we were funding the ministation? Absolutely.  But we 
did it in our CPN newsletter, UC Review, and in other similar venues.  Did we 
do it by trying to put our name on the station, the Police Officers' uniforms 
or office stationery? Absolutely not! This was not a Little League team where 
Sam's Hardware gets to be emblazoned across the backs of the uniforms.  When 
the Police Officers detailed to that ministation were performing their duties, 
there was nothing to differentiate them from any other Philadelphia Police 
Officer detailed anywhere else.
The police needed a base and funds to operate, and we provided that.  The money 
paid for whatever the Police Department would have normally used in carrying 
out its function.  Whether stationery, uniforms, or anything else that was 
needed, it was the police who made the decisions, not us.  We paid the bills 
and also provided civilian staffing. Beyond that, it was still the Philadelphia 
Police Department, not the Cedar Park Neighbors Philadelphia Police Department, 
or the Firehouse Farmers Market Philadelphia Police Department.   
As for that UCD  business card: The Lieutenant's business card should have been 
a standard City of Philadelphia business card, with the city's seal,  his 
identifying information, address University City Substation, 3942 Chestnut 
Street, City of Philadelphia e-mail address.  That makes it clear that he works 
for the Philadelphia Police Department. UCD's name and logo had no place on 
that business card.  Period. 
I’m straying into the theoretical, which I generally hate on this list—but 
corporate logos on public functions are becoming rather common these days—I saw 
many examples of them on a vacation to Nova Scotia this summer—from signs over 
concession stands to lifeguards tee-shirts.  
I doubt that there were corporate logos on anything connected to the Police 
Karen Allen

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of 
the Philadelphia Police report to?Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 15:09:22 -0400

In terms of the final question, I guess I would find a bank logo on such a card 
perplexing, rather than sinister.  When there was a mini-station at 47th (?) 
and Chester, did it have its own stationery, or logo, or business cards?  They, 
presumably would have represented a “true” grass-roots group.  Suppose they had 
taken on a sponsor—perhaps their landlord, or a bank—would that logo have 
appeared on stationery or cards?
I’m straying into the theoretical, which I generally hate on this list—but 
corporate logos on public functions are becoming rather common these days—I saw 
many examples of them on a vacation

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-30 Thread Wilma de Soto
 carrying out its function.  Whether stationery, uniforms, or anything else
 that was needed, it was the police who made the decisions, not us.  We paid
 the bills and also provided civilian staffing. Beyond that, it was still the
 Philadelphia Police Department, not the Cedar Park Neighbors Philadelphia
 Police Department, or the Firehouse Farmers Market Philadelphia Police
 As for that UCD  business card: The Lieutenant's business card should have
 been a standard City of Philadelphia business card, with the city's seal,  his
 identifying information, address University City Substation, 3942 Chestnut
 Street, City of Philadelphia e-mail address.  That makes it clear that he
 works for the Philadelphia Police Department. UCD's name and logo had no place
 on that business card.  Period.
 I¹m straying into the theoretical, which I generally hate on this list‹but
 corporate logos on public functions are becoming rather common these days‹I
 saw many examples of them on a vacation to Nova Scotia this summer‹from signs
 over concession stands to lifeguards tee-shirts.
 I doubt that there were corporate logos on anything connected to the Police
 Karen Allen
 To: univcity@list.purple.com
 Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?
 Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 15:09:22 -0400
 In terms of the final question, I guess I would find a bank logo on such a
 card perplexing, rather than sinister.  When there was a mini-station at 47th
 (?) and Chester, did it have its own stationery, or logo, or business cards?
 They, presumably would have represented a ³true² grass-roots group.  Suppose
 they had taken on a sponsor‹perhaps their landlord, or a bank‹would that logo
 have appeared on stationery or cards?
 I¹m straying into the theoretical, which I generally hate on this list‹but
 corporate logos on public functions are becoming rather common these days‹I
 saw many examples of them on a vacation to Nova Scotia this summer‹from signs
 over concession stands to lifeguards tee-shirts.
 I think, in the end, I agree that this card was poorly thought out on UCD¹s
 part.  Here¹s wording I would have thought of as more appropriate:
 Lt so and so
 Philadelphia Police Department
 UCD LOGO University City District Police Substation
 (contact information‹email, phone, street address)
 According to:  
 UCD is providing space for a substation serving 25 officers 18 hours a day, 7
 days a week.  
 That¹s a pretty significant investment, although I¹d agree that there¹s no
 question that the University itself gets substantial value out of that
 arrangement, the surrounding neighborhoods do too.
 Would it be even better without the logo?  Sure!  I hate this trend of having
 commercial logos on everything.
 Would it be better if they chopped ³District² out of the name of the
 substation?  Yes, again‹but they are paying the billsŠI suppose it it gets
 too blurry we neighbors would complain that things were being concealedŠ
 Unfortunately, I deleted the text posting of the actual card  the other day,
 so I hope what I¹ve posted isn¹t just what the card actually saysŠ..
 It seems to me that a lot of this comes down to feelings about the difference
 between this particular sponsored police substation, and the similar efforts
 which were presumably more truly grass roots, such as the one at 47th 
 Chester.  I don¹t begrudge the UCD some publicity for providing that space,
 but they do need to be a bit more sensitive, I think.
 Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 12:26 AM
 To: 'UnivCity listserv'
 Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?
 As you said, it is important that the lines of police authority be direct,
 and lead to the civil authorities, and not a private corporation. But that's
 the impression that  business card creates. That card created the impression
 that a ranking Philadelphia Police Officer, a person with the power to
 enforce  the full range of governmental police powers, was himself
 subordinate to a private entity that is not answerable to the public. It also
 created the impression that that entity was itself so powerful that it had
 its own police powers via the officer.
 With public authority, the citizens have the right to vote for those people
 who exercise it, to have oversight of those actions, and to have myriad
 controls in place to assure that actions taken are reflective of the wishes
 of a majority of citizens.  People who have issues with the Police Department

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-30 Thread Krfapt
In a message dated 9/30/2007 12:05:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

The market owner provided the space in a small office next to where the 
Satillite Coffee Shop is now.

Anyway, UCD doesn'tt own the buildings at 3940-42 Chestnut Street. The 
Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania own them. Penn provides space at 
to UCD for office (and bagel distribution) use, and at 3942 Chestnut to the 
City of Philadelphia for police ministation use.
So there isn't even that tenuous connection between Lt McCurdy and UCD.
Rationalization and untenable assumptions by those who want UCD to look like 
heroes, hoping to rid the neighborhood of slumlords and others of the 
benighted unwashed masses, aside, this is more over-reaching on the parts of 
Lewis' minions to insinuate a private layer of government between the people 
and the legitimate authority conferred by:
1.  The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter 
2.  The Pennsylvania Constitution 
3.  The United States Constitution.
They're not going to get away with it. In large part because they're not 
smart enough to do so. And this business with a Philadelphia Police Lieutenant 
being made to look like a UCD flunkie just so they can advance their agenda, is 
an example of how bumbling they really are.
Always at your service and ready for a diatribe -- er, dialog.
Al Krigman

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-30 Thread MLamond

In a message dated 9/30/07 1:04:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Anyway, UCD doesn'tt own the buildings at 3940-42 Chestnut Street. The 
 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania own them. Penn provides space at 
 3940 to UCD for office (and bagel distribution) use, and at 3942 Chestnut to 
 City of Philadelphia for police ministation use.
  So there isn't even that tenuous connection between Lt McCurdy and UCD.
 Provides space, perhaps, but   I think I've read on the list that Penn 
tends to charge high rents.   Are you saying that Penn doesn't charge the UCD 
the police ministation any rent, Al?   Have you verified this?

Melani Lamond

Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
Urban  Bye, Realtor
3529 Lancaster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
cell phone 215-356-7266
office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
office fax 215-222-1101

 See what's new 
at http://www.aol.com

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-30 Thread Krfapt
In a message dated 9/30/2007 3:47:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

Are you saying that Penn doesn't charge the UCD or the police ministation any 
rent, Al?

There you go again Melani. Putting words in someone else's mouth so you can 
then shoot down what you then say is their argument. Very shallow. I didn't say 
this at all, as is plain to see. Why would you say the above? 
I thought, with others, we were through with this when you joined the other 
list and stopped posting here.
Well, welcome back. But try to act more decently than the above implies.
Always at your service and ready for a dialog (where I get to say what I say, 
not what someone else says I say)

Al Krigman

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Fwd: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-30 Thread MLamond

 See what's new at http://www.aol.com

In a message dated 9/30/07 4:08:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 In a message dated 9/30/2007 3:47:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
  Are you saying that Penn doesn't charge the UCD or the police ministation 
 any rent, Al?
  There you go again Melani. Putting words in someone else's mouth so you can 
 then shoot down what you then say is their argument. Very shallow. I didn't 
 say this at all, as is plain to see. Why would you say the above?
  I thought, with others, we were through with this when you joined the other 
 list and stopped posting here.
  Well, welcome back. But try to act more decently than the above implies.
  Always at your service and ready for a dialog (where I get to say what I 
 say, not what someone else says I say)
 Al Krigman
So, what DO you say, Al?   Can yo expand on your earlier statement so there's 
no need to misinterpret it?   What did you mean when you wrote:

In a message dated 9/30/07 1:04:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Anyway, UCD doesn'tt own the buildings at 3940-42 Chestnut Street. The 
 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania own them. Penn provides space at 
 3940 to UCD for office (and bagel distribution) use, and at 3942 Chestnut to 
 City of Philadelphia for police ministation use.
 So there isn't even that tenuous connection between Lt McCurdy and UCD.

Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
Urban  Bye, Realtor
3529 Lancaster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
cell phone 215-356-7266
office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
office fax 215-222-1101
2006 recipient of the Greater Philadelphia Association of Realtors awards:
- Diamond award for over $8 million in sales, and
ALL SIX of the West Philadelphia awards:
- Top Lister
- Top Seller
- Top Overall Combined Volume
- Top Listing Units by Area
- Top Selling Units by Area
- Top Overall Combined Units by Area

 See what's new at http://www.aol.com
---End Message---

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-30 Thread Krfapt
In a message dated 9/30/2007 4:12:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, MLamond writes:

So, what DO you say, Al?  Can yo expand on your earlier statement so there's 
no need to misinterpret it?  What did you mean when you wrote:

You're not that dense, Melani.
I meant what I said... It's not complicated. I provided the people on the 
useful list with the information that Penn owns the property and provides space 
to UCD and the Police Dept. No more, no less.
If you're so fired up to find out whether either or both pay for the space or 
get it free or under some other arrangement, do your own research. All you 
have to do is call Wendell Lewis and ask him, if you're so darn interested in 
finding out (as opposed to nitpicking or stamping your adorable little foot 
while the steam comes out of those cute pixie-like ears).
Personally, I don't care one way or the other. It's not the least bit 
important. What's important is the fact that UCD does not provide the Police 
with the space -- which was the false assumption someone made that I was 

Always at your service and ready for a dialog.

Al Krigman

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-30 Thread MLamond
In a message dated 9/30/07 4:55:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I meant what I said... It's not complicated. I provided the people on the 
 useful list with the information that Penn owns the property and provides 
 space to UCD and the Police Dept. No more, no less.
So it appears that you have nothing to substantiate your claim that...

In a message dated 9/30/07 1:04:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 ...So there isn't even that tenuous connection between Lt McCurdy and UCD.
...that tenuous connection in your earlier email being who provides the 
space, when the provider, in the way you were using the word, would actually be 
the entity absorbing the cost for the space, right?   If we don't know if 
Penn is giving it to the police for free, or UCD is renting it and giving it to 
the police for free, or if the police are paying their own rent - then we don't 
know what the connection is between UCD and the police station, although 
you've stated that there isn't one.   

You were attempting to lead your readers to a conclusion without actually 
having the facts necessary to reach the conclusion.   And as usual, you were 
happy to resort to ad hominem attacks to change the subject when I asked 
questions.   Whenever you present distorted statements or unsupported 
conclusions as 
fact on this list, it is likely that I'll question them.

A careful reader, 
Melani Lamond

Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
Urban  Bye, Realtor
3529 Lancaster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
cell phone 215-356-7266
office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
office fax 215-222-1101

 See what's new 
at http://www.aol.com

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-30 Thread MLamond

In a message dated 9/30/07 5:46:05 PM, Krfapt writes:

 In a message dated 9/30/2007 5:43:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
  A careful reader,
  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  That's even funnier than the post itself.
You're grasping at straws, Al.

Melani Lamond

Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
Urban  Bye, Realtor
3529 Lancaster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
cell phone 215-356-7266
office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
office fax 215-222-1101

 See what's new at http://www.aol.com

RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-30 Thread KAREN ALLEN

If we don't know if Penn is giving it to the police for free, or UCD is 
renting it and giving it to the police for free, or if the police are paying 
their own rent - then we don't know what the connection is between UCD and 
the police station, although you've stated that there isn't one.  
Whether Penn, UCD or some combination charges the City no rent, market rent, 
subsidized rent, or whatever,  that doesn't give UCD the right to assert 
authority, whether actual or symbolic, over the personnel and functions of the 
Philadelphia Police Department.  One is a non-profit organization, the other is 
a branch of municipal government.  To take this chain of logic to its 
conclusion is to state or suggest state that the independence of a branch of 
municipal government can be redirected to a private entity merely by providing 
free or subsidized rent.   

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 17:34:10 -0400Subject: Re: [UC] Who 
do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] a 
message dated 9/30/07 4:55:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I meant what I said... It's not complicated. I provided the people on the 
useful list with the information that Penn owns the property and provides space 
to UCD and the Police Dept. No more, no less.So it appears that you have 
nothing to substantiate your claim that...In a message dated 9/30/07 1:04:24 
...So there isn't even that tenuous connection between Lt McCurdy and 
UCDthat tenuous connection in your earlier email being who provides the 
space, when the provider, in the way you were using the word, would actually be 
the entity absorbing the cost for the space, right?  If we don't know if Penn 
is giving it to the police for free, or UCD is renting it and giving it to the 
police for free, or if the police are paying their own rent - then we don't 
know what the connection is between UCD and the police station, although 
you've stated that there isn't one.  You were attempting to lead your readers 
to a conclusion without actually having the facts necessary to reach the 
conclusion.  And as usual, you were happy to resort to ad hominem attacks to 
change the subject when I asked questions.  Whenever you present distorted 
statements or unsupported conclusions as fact on this list, it is likely that 
I'll question them.A careful reader, Melani LamondMelani Lamond, Associate 
BrokerUrban  Bye, Realtor3529 Lancaster Ave.Philadelphia, PA 19104cell phone 
215-356-7266office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113office fax 
215-222-1101**See what's new at 

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-30 Thread Kimm Tynan
 The police needed a base and funds to operate, and we provided that.  The
 money paid for whatever the Police Department would have normally used in
 carrying out its function.  Whether stationery, uniforms, or anything else
 that was needed, it was the police who made the decisions, not us.  We paid
 the bills and also provided civilian staffing. Beyond that, it was still the
 Philadelphia Police Department, not the Cedar Park Neighbors Philadelphia
 Police Department, or the Firehouse Farmers Market Philadelphia Police
 As for that UCD  business card: The Lieutenant's business card should have
 been a standard City of Philadelphia business card, with the city's seal,
 his identifying information, address University City Substation, 3942
 Chestnut Street, City of Philadelphia e-mail address.  That makes it clear
 that he works for the Philadelphia Police Department. UCD's name and logo had
 no place on that business card.  Period.
 I¹m straying into the theoretical, which I generally hate on this list‹but
 corporate logos on public functions are becoming rather common these days‹I
 saw many examples of them on a vacation to Nova Scotia this summer‹from signs
 over concession stands to lifeguards tee-shirts.
 I doubt that there were corporate logos on anything connected to the Police
 Karen Allen
 To: univcity@list.purple.com
 Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?
 Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 15:09:22 -0400
 In terms of the final question, I guess I would find a bank logo on such a
 card perplexing, rather than sinister.  When there was a mini-station at
 47th (?) and Chester, did it have its own stationery, or logo, or business
 cards?  They, presumably would have represented a ³true² grass-roots group.
 Suppose they had taken on a sponsor‹perhaps their landlord, or a bank‹would
 that logo have appeared on stationery or cards?
 I¹m straying into the theoretical, which I generally hate on this list‹but
 corporate logos on public functions are becoming rather common these days‹I
 saw many examples of them on a vacation to Nova Scotia this summer‹from
 signs over concession stands to lifeguards tee-shirts.
 I think, in the end, I agree that this card was poorly thought out on UCD¹s
 part.  Here¹s wording I would have thought of as more appropriate:
 Lt so and so
 Philadelphia Police Department
 UCD LOGO University City District Police Substation
 (contact information‹email, phone, street address)
 According to:  
 UCD is providing space for a substation serving 25 officers 18 hours a day,
 7 days a week. 
 That¹s a pretty significant investment, although I¹d agree that there¹s no
 question that the University itself gets substantial value out of that
 arrangement, the surrounding neighborhoods do too.
 Would it be even better without the logo?  Sure!  I hate this trend of
 having commercial logos on everything.
 Would it be better if they chopped ³District² out of the name of the
 substation?  Yes, again‹but they are paying the billsŠI suppose it it gets
 too blurry we neighbors would complain that things were being concealedŠ
 Unfortunately, I deleted the text posting of the actual card  the other day,
 so I hope what I¹ve posted isn¹t just what the card actually saysŠ..
 It seems to me that a lot of this comes down to feelings about the
 difference between this particular sponsored police substation, and the
 similar efforts which were presumably more truly grass roots, such as the
 one at 47th  Chester.  I don¹t begrudge the UCD some publicity for
 providing that space, but they do need to be a bit more sensitive, I think.
 Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 12:26 AM
 To: 'UnivCity listserv'
 Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report
 As you said, it is important that the lines of police authority be direct,
 and lead to the civil authorities, and not a private corporation. But that's
 the impression that  business card creates. That card created the impression
 that a ranking Philadelphia Police Officer, a person with the power to
 enforce  the full range of governmental police powers, was himself
 subordinate to a private entity that is not answerable to the public. It
 also created the impression that that entity was itself so powerful that it
 had its own police powers via the officer.
 With public authority, the citizens have the right to vote for those people
 who exercise it, to have oversight of those actions, and to have myriad

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-30 Thread Kimm Tynan
Thanks for refocusing the discussion on the real issue, Karen.

On 9/30/07 7:46 PM, KAREN ALLEN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If we don't know if Penn is giving it to the police for free, or UCD is
 renting it and giving it to the police for free, or if the police are paying
 their own rent - then we don't know what the connection is between UCD and
 the police station, although you've stated that there isn't one.
 Whether Penn, UCD or some combination charges the City no rent, market rent,
 subsidized rent, or whatever,  that doesn't give UCD the right to assert
 authority, whether actual or symbolic, over the personnel and functions of the
 Philadelphia Police Department.  One is a non-profit organization, the other
 is a branch of municipal government.  To take this chain of logic to its
 conclusion is to state or suggest state that the independence of a branch of
 municipal government can be redirected to a private entity merely by providing
 free or subsidized rent.
 Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 17:34:10 -0400
 Subject: Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?
 To: univcity@list.purple.com
 In a message dated 9/30/07 4:55:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I meant what I said... It's not complicated. I provided the people on the
 useful list with the information that Penn owns the property and provides
 space to UCD and the Police Dept. No more, no less.
 So it appears that you have nothing to substantiate your claim that...
 In a message dated 9/30/07 1:04:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 ...So there isn't even that tenuous connection between Lt McCurdy and UCD.
 ...that tenuous connection in your earlier email being who provides the
 space, when the provider, in the way you were using the word, would actually
 be the entity absorbing the cost for the space, right?  If we don't know if
 Penn is giving it to the police for free, or UCD is renting it and giving it
 to the police for free, or if the police are paying their own rent - then we
 don't know what the connection is between UCD and the police station,
 although you've stated that there isn't one.
 You were attempting to lead your readers to a conclusion without actually
 having the facts necessary to reach the conclusion.  And as usual, you were
 happy to resort to ad hominem attacks to change the subject when I asked
 questions.  Whenever you present distorted statements or unsupported
 conclusions as fact on this list, it is likely that I'll question them.
 A careful reader,
 Melani Lamond
 Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
 Urban  Bye, Realtor
 3529 Lancaster Ave.
 Philadelphia, PA 19104
 cell phone 215-356-7266
 office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
 office fax 215-222-1101
 See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-29 Thread Krfapt
In a message dated 9/28/2007 8:58:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I know  why AL is making this fuss

Apparently, Melani has transferred her telepathic reception powers to you.  
I'll have to get out the lead-lined helmet I put away when I thought Melani had 
 deserted us bagel-and-schmerkase types for the tea-and-crumpets set over at  

Al  Krigman
Left of Ivan Grozny

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-29 Thread Krfapt
In a message dated 9/29/2007 9:42:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

Yeah, Al.  THANKS for exhuming Melani and company on our public forum.

We were doing just fine while they were over at UCBurghars .  They’re back 
with a vengeance!

Well, Wilma, they are annoying, what with their negativism toward open 
discussion, personal attacks, nonsequitors, and so on. And the solid citizens 
enjoyed the respit from their mean-spiritedness toward others with legitimate 
viewpoints, however acrimoniously expressed, with which we may not have 
concurred,. However, they are part of the community so we shouldn't say things 
make them feel unwelcome. You know, diversity and all; it doesn't just mean 
race, religion, and national origin but includes the anointed as well as the 
benighted and so forth. Besides that, I wouldn't want to sentence even my most 
outspoken and misguided critics to the benzoic sulfinide induced boredom of 
Anyway, the three meaningless personal attacks on me yesterday gave me a good 
laugh, as they should you.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-29 Thread Wilma de Soto
I agree.  With liberty and justice for all.  Just kidding, folks!

Seriously, I never really wanted them to leave and felt bad they thought
they HAD to leave, whatever affiliation or persuasion they might be.

No matter what we are all neighbors, here.

On 9/29/07 10:22 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 9/29/2007 9:42:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
 Yeah, Al.  THANKS for exhuming Melani and company on our public forum.
 We were doing just fine while they were over at UCBurghars .  They¹re back
 with a vengeance!
 Well, Wilma, they are annoying, what with their negativism toward open
 discussion, personal attacks, nonsequitors, and so on. And the solid citizens
 have enjoyed the respit from their mean-spiritedness toward others with
 legitimate viewpoints, however acrimoniously expressed, with which we may not
 have concurred,. However, they are part of the community so we shouldn't say
 things that make them feel unwelcome. You know, diversity and all; it doesn't
 just mean race, religion, and national origin but includes the anointed as
 well as the benighted and so forth. Besides that, I wouldn't want to sentence
 even my most outspoken and misguided critics to the benzoic sulfinide induced
 boredom of sweetbarkingcheese.com.
 Anyway, the three meaningless personal attacks on me yesterday gave me a good
 laugh, as they should you.
 See what's new at AOL.com http://www.aol.com?NCID=AOLCMP0030001170  and
 Make AOL Your Homepage
 http://www.aol.com/mksplash.adp?NCID=AOLCMP0030001169 .

RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-29 Thread Bill Sanderson
In terms of the final question, I guess I would find a bank logo on such a
card perplexing, rather than sinister.  When there was a mini-station at
47th (?) and Chester, did it have its own stationery, or logo, or business
cards?  They, presumably would have represented a true grass-roots group.
Suppose they had taken on a sponsor-perhaps their landlord, or a bank-would
that logo have appeared on stationery or cards?


I'm straying into the theoretical, which I generally hate on this list-but
corporate logos on public functions are becoming rather common these days-I
saw many examples of them on a vacation to Nova Scotia this summer-from
signs over concession stands to lifeguards tee-shirts.  


I think, in the end, I agree that this card was poorly thought out on UCD's
part.  Here's wording I would have thought of as more appropriate:


Lt so and so

Philadelphia Police Department


UCD LOGO University City District Police Substation

(contact information-email, phone, street address)

According to:


UCD is providing space for a substation serving 25 officers 18 hours a day,
7 days a week.  


That's a pretty significant investment, although I'd agree that there's no
question that the University itself gets substantial value out of that
arrangement, the surrounding neighborhoods do too.  


Would it be even better without the logo?  Sure!  I hate this trend of
having commercial logos on everything.

Would it be better if they chopped District out of the name of the
substation?  Yes, again-but they are paying the bills.I suppose it it gets
too blurry we neighbors would complain that things were being concealed.


Unfortunately, I deleted the text posting of the actual card  the other day,
so I hope what I've posted isn't just what the card actually says...


It seems to me that a lot of this comes down to feelings about the
difference between this particular sponsored police substation, and the
similar efforts which were presumably more truly grass roots, such as the
one at 47th  Chester.  I don't begrudge the UCD some publicity for
providing that space, but they do need to be a bit more sensitive, I think.





Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 12:26 AM
To: 'UnivCity listserv'
Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report


As you said, it is important that the lines of police authority be direct,
and lead to the civil authorities, and not a private corporation. But that's
the impression that  business card creates. That card created the impression
that a ranking Philadelphia Police Officer, a person with the power to
enforce  the full range of governmental police powers, was himself
subordinate to a private entity that is not answerable to the public. It
also created the impression that that entity was itself so powerful that it
had its own police powers via the officer.  
With public authority, the citizens have the right to vote for those people
who exercise it, to have oversight of those actions, and to have myriad
controls in place to assure that actions taken are reflective of the wishes
of a majority of citizens.  People who have issues with the Police
Department have recourse through the elected government.   That is the
problem with UCD:  it is a private entity that has taken on governmental
functions, but who is it answerable to?  This past year, they wanted the
power to tax, the ultimate government power.  But who elected those who made
the crucial decisions that governed that proposal?  How were those slated to
be taxed represented in ithe creation of the proposal?
Which members of the public elected the UCD administration?  How do we
remove or replace their administration if we the public deem them to be
unresponsive to our needs?  They do what many think are good deeds, but what
exernal controls exist to make sure that what they do are of actual benefit
to the many, and what does the public do if not? 
RE:  I really don't see the fact that the guy has a printed business card
carrying a UCD logo, and identifying him (correctly)  as a Philadelphia
police officer-to be anything sinister or confusing.
You may say what's the big deal?  It was just a business card, and UCD paid
for the cards. Think of it this way:  would your impression be different if
the names and logos of a Wachovia or a Citizens Bank appeared on that
Karen Allen

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-29 Thread Frank
The most disturbing part, to me, is the UCD phone number and  
extension on the card. The police substation has its own phone number  
but UCD and Lt. McCurdy are suggesting we call *UCD* for law  
enforcement issues. That's just creepy.

I notice UCD isn't inserting themselves in the SEPTA/Chester Ave./ 
Belgian Block controversy, though.

Sleek. Edgy. Infinitely flexible.

On Sep 29, 2007, at 03:09 PM, Bill Sanderson wrote:

In terms of the final question, I guess I would find a bank logo on  
such a card perplexing, rather than sinister.  When there was a  
mini-station at 47th (?) and Chester, did it have its own  
stationery, or logo, or business cards?  They, presumably would  
have represented a “true” grass-roots group.  Suppose they had  
taken on a sponsor—perhaps their landlord, or a bank—would that  
logo have appeared on stationery or cards?

I’m straying into the theoretical, which I generally hate on this  
list—but corporate logos on public functions are becoming rather  
common these days—I saw many examples of them on a vacation to Nova  
Scotia this summer—from signs over concession stands to lifeguards  

I think, in the end, I agree that this card was poorly thought out  
on UCD’s part.  Here’s wording I would have thought of as more  


Lt so and so

Philadelphia Police Department

UCD LOGO University City District Police Substation

(contact information—email, phone, street address)


According to:  http://www.ucityphila.org/ucd_programs/public_safety/ 

UCD is providing space for a substation serving 25 officers 18  
hours a day, 7 days a week.

That’s a pretty significant investment, although I’d agree that  
there’s no question that the University itself gets substantial  
value out of that arrangement, the surrounding neighborhoods do too.

Would it be even better without the logo?  Sure!  I hate this trend  
of having commercial logos on everything.

Would it be better if they chopped “District” out of the name of  
the substation?  Yes, again—but they are paying the bills…I suppose  
it it gets too blurry we neighbors would complain that things were  
being concealed…

Unfortunately, I deleted the text posting of the actual card  the  
other day, so I hope what I’ve posted isn’t just what the card  
actually says…..

It seems to me that a lot of this comes down to feelings about the  
difference between this particular sponsored police substation, and  
the similar efforts which were presumably more truly grass roots,  
such as the one at 47th  Chester.  I don’t begrudge the UCD some  
publicity for providing that space, but they do need to be a bit  
more sensitive, I think.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner- 

Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 12:26 AM
To: 'UnivCity listserv'
Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police  
report to?

As you said, it is important that the lines of police authority be  
direct, and lead to the civil authorities, and not a private  
corporation. But that's the impression that  business card creates.  
That card created the impression that a ranking Philadelphia Police  
Officer, a person with the power to enforce  the full range of  
governmental police powers, was himself subordinate to a private  
entity that is not answerable to the public. It also created the  
impression that that entity was itself so powerful that it had its  
own police powers via the officer.

With public authority, the citizens have the right to vote for  
those people who exercise it, to have oversight of those actions,  
and to have myriad controls in place to assure that actions taken  
are reflective of the wishes of a majority of citizens.  People who  
have issues with the Police Department have recourse through the  
elected government.   That is the problem with UCD:  it is a  
private entity that has taken on governmental functions, but who is  
it answerable to?  This past year, they wanted the power to tax,  
the ultimate government power.  But who elected those who made the  
crucial decisions that governed that proposal?  How were those  
slated to be taxed represented in ithe creation of the proposal?

Which members of the public elected the UCD administration?  How do  
we remove or replace their administration if we the public deem  
them to be unresponsive to our needs?  They do what many think are  
good deeds, but what exernal controls exist to make sure that what  
they do are of actual benefit to the many, and what does the public  
do if not?

RE:  I really don’t see the fact that the guy has a printed  
business card carrying a UCD logo, and identifying him (correctly)   
as a Philadelphia police officer—to be anything sinister or  

You may say what's

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-29 Thread Krfapt
In a message dated 9/29/2007 3:58:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

The most disturbing part, to me, is the UCD phone number and extension on the 
card. The police substation has its own phone number but UCD and Lt. McCurdy 
are suggesting we call *UCD* for law enforcement issues. That's just creepy.  

I notice UCD isn't inserting themselves in the SEPTA/Chester Ave./Belgian 
Block controversy, though.

Like getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar? Or, the bagel and 
muffin box?
Always at your service and ready for a diatribe -- er, dialog.

Al Krigman

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-28 Thread KAREN ALLEN

I believe that a number of members of Penn’s police force are also 
Philadelphia police officers
Those beliefs and suspicions are incorrect.  Police officers cannot work for 
two different police departments at the same time. Penn Police and the 
Philadelphia Police are two separate police departments. They have overlapping 
jurisdictions insofar as the Penn Police patrol area falls within the Phila. 
Police Dept's 18th District.  Sharing the same patrol area does not mean that 
the two departments are one and the same.  
The Lieutenant in question has one job title, that of being a Lieutenant of the 
Philadelphia Police Department. He is an Officer employed by the City of 
Philadelphia. He is detailed to a Philadelphia Police substation on premises 
donated by the University City District.  This arrangement is similar to the 
former Police Substation at 50th and Baltimore donated by the then-operater of 
the Firehouse Farmer's Market [now Dock Street] and paid for by Cedar Park 
Neighbors, and the current Squirrel Hill Substation operated at 46th and 
Chester.   Although private and community entities provided the money and 
premises in order for the substations to operate, no one dared suggest that 
doing so made the Police Officers detailed to those substations the employees 
or subordinates of those non-police entities.  
Being detailed to the substation donated by UCD does not make the Lieutenant an 
employee of the University City District, any more than being detailed to the 
sports complex would make him an employee of the Eagles or the Phillies.  
It is deceitful of UCD and demeaning to the Lieutenant to make it appear that 
the Lieutenant is subordinate to UCD administration, rather than being the 
Commander of a Philadelphia Police Substation that happens to be supplied by 
UCD. He is responsible to the Philadelphia Police chain of command, not to 
Lewis Wendell or UCD.  It is a deliberate blurring of authority that further 
creates the impression that UCD is a governmental entity in and of itself, with 
authority over everything in this area, including the duly sworn officers of 
the Philadelphia Police Department.
Karen Allen
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of 
the Philadelphia Police report to?Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 23:57:27 -0400

I believe that a number of members of Penn’s police force are also Philadelphia 
police officers.  I suspect that they are clear on the lines of authority, that 
card notwithstanding.  Presumably the officer in question has two job titles, 
and chose the more impressive of the two to put on the card.
I think this is a long standing arrangement, and presumably the University and 
the Philadelphia police department both find it to their advantage.
I really don’t know more than this—asking the officer in question directly 
would probably get more useful information.
He can be reached at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED], or 215 243 0555, extension 241.

Thursday, September 27, 2007 9:58 PMTo: 'University City List'Subject: RE: [UC] 
Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?
The card was not for a Lieutenant of the University of Pennsylvania Police 
department. It was for a Lieutenant of the PHILADELPHIA Police Department.   
The PHILADELPHIA Police Department and its employees are not employees of Penn, 
the Penn Police, or of UCD. It is a governmental agency of the CITY OF 
PHILADELPHIA, wholly supported by and answerable to the citizens of 
Philadelphia and its elected representatives, and NOT to UCD.  Having a UCD 
business card with the name of a ranking member of the PHILADELPHIA Police 
Department mentioned in small letters symbolically, if not actually, subjects 
the Lieutenant to the perception that he is nothing more than a subordinate of 
UCD and its administrators, and that UCD has authority in Philadelphia Police 
matters which supercedes that of the Lieutenant's actual employer, the citizens 
and elected representatives of the City of Philadelphia. Karen AllenFrom: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: UnivCity@list.purple.com Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn 
officers of the Philadelphia Police report to? Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 17:50:37 
-0400  I'm a little startled at all the posters here for whom this 
information here seems to be new.  I don't think much has changed in the way 
Penn's police force has worked in many years.  Nothing I've read here 
differs from what I understood about their police force when I moved into the 
neighborhood about 35 years ago.  Somehow, I can't read the wording on that 
card as some new sign of decline in democracy, but then I've always had a 
sunny disposition.   You are receiving this because you are subscribed 
to the list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see 
http://www.purple.com/list.html. From: [EMAIL

Landlord meeting [was: Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-28 Thread MLamond
In a message dated 9/28/07 4:31:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 It is deceitful of UCD and demeaning to the Lieutenant to make it appear 
 that the Lieutenant is subordinate to UCD administration, rather than being 
 the Commander of a Philadelphia Police Substation that happens to be supplied 
 by UCD. He is responsible to the Philadelphia Police chain of command, not to 
 Lewis Wendell or UCD.  It is a deliberate blurring of authority that further 
 creates the impression that UCD is a governmental entity in and of 
 itself, with authority over everything in this area, including the duly sworn 
 of the Philadelphia Police Department.
I'd like to add more information on the landlord meeting that Al Krigman (but 
not Karen Allen) attended on Wednesday morning.   I was there also.   I think 
that perhaps Al's information may have provided a somewhat skewed version of 
the proceedings and unnecessarily fanned the anti-UCD flames on the list.   At 
any rate, there's no reason not to have more than one report, right?

Just before the meeting began, Al helped himself to his hosts' bagel  cream 
cheese breakfast, and kindly offered me some advice when I picked up two 
bite-sized muffins for myself: If you eat those, sweetheart, you'll get fat.

UCD sent out the invitations to area landlords and provided space for the 
meeting.  Lindsay Johnston of Common Ground Realtors chaired it, assisted by 
Penn's Off Campus Living Office Director Miki Farcas, who has organized 
meetings for landlords who use OCL's services for many, many years.   Her 
office doesn't have a conference room, so the meetings have always had to be 

An agenda had been distributed in advance, and speakers talked about various 
topics, including: 
rental rates and trends in UC (Miki Farcas), 
crime and fire safety (Lt. McCurdy and others), 
the Rental Suitability Act (Marcia Nelson, City of Philadelphia, LI Dept.), 
UCD initiatives (Carolyn Hewson).
Also, UCD's new director of Operations, Clean  Safe, Dexter Bryant, was 
introduced.   Perhaps that will be of more interest to the UC list than Lt. 
McCurdy's contact information.   If anyone is interested, I can tell you a 
more about him.   Let me know.

We all listened to the various speakers, asking questions and making comments 
as we chose, sometimes telling them something THEY didn't know!   At the end, 
Lindsay asked if we'd like to have future meetings, and the consensus was 
that we would; the next one will be planned for January.

Minutes from the meeting were delivered via email yesterday.   Here's the 
section on Lt. McCurdy:

Lt. John McCurdy of the Philadelphia Police Department introduced himself 
as a 22-year veteran of the PPD and explained the UCD sub-station co-located 
with UCD’s administrative offices.  He distributed his business card and 
encouraged those present to contact him directly to report problems 
([EMAIL PROTECTED], 215/387-3942), emphasizing that requests for 
assistance should go to 911.  He said that problems could be reported by phone, 
writing, or by email.  He distributed and discussed 15 tips to help apartment 
residents maintain a safe environment. He clarified that the UCD sub-station 
covers Powelton Village and extends west to 50th Street.  
 The requirements for fire safety can conflict with those for security. For 
instance, LI does not permit deadbolts that require a key to operate because 
they are dangerous in case of fire.  LI mandates that all rooms in which 
people sleep have egress through the windows, precluding the use of bars.  
Apartments is using screens that increase security but which can be opened in 
the event of fire.  Strollers and bicycles are often kept in hallways for 
security reasons, but this blocks or impedes passage in emergency situations.
 UCD staff offered to poll landlords to identify common issues such as bike 
storage to determine whether there might be vendors of products such as bike 
pods that could help ameliorate challenging issues.   
 The police encourage the use of cameras for security, and rental insurance 
for tenants.
 PPD is aware of the recent upsurge in theft of architectural elements such 
as leaded glass from buildings and plain clothes burglary teams are deployed to 
address this and related concerns.  Brass exterior connections are also being 
stolen for scrap metal.  The police will perform safety audits at the request 
of landlords or tenants.

Lt. McCurdy offered repeatedly to make himself available to help with 
problems that are not 911 issues.   I don't think that anyone attending the 
was confused about who he worked for or reported to.   We only had questions 
about the territory.   Landlord Bill Brown asked him if he handled problems in 
Powelton (he said yes), and I asked how far west he covers.   He replied that 
he covers to 50th St. and beyond, since he works out of the 18th 

RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-28 Thread Bill Sanderson
Thanks for correcting my understanding, which was incorrect.


I still find the tenor of this discussion perplexing.  I really don't see
the fact that the guy has a printed business card carrying a UCD logo, and
identifying him (correctly)  as a Philadelphia police officer-to be anything
sinister or confusing.  I know why AL is making this fuss, but I find the
level of your ire about this somewhat unexpected--


You said:


It is a deliberate blurring of authority that further creates the
impression that UCD is a governmental entity in and of itself, with
authority over everything in this area, including the duly sworn officers of
the Philadelphia Police Department.


I don't read it that way-I read the card as stating that he's a Philadelphia
Police Officer (if it really mattered, I would want to see a badge
anyway)-and that the UCD paid for printing the card, as well as providing
the office space, phone, and email addresses. 


So-our viewpoints differ-I do see the UCD as helpful rather than
controlling or taking over. 


When it comes to police activities, I'd agree that it is pretty important
that the lines of authority be direct, and lead to the civil authorities,
and not a private corporation.


Have you had experiences in that specific area-police activity-that you see
as examples of the UCD overstepping a boundary?



Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 4:29 PM
To: UnivCity listserv
Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report


I believe that a number of members of Penn's police force are also
Philadelphia police officers
Those beliefs and suspicions are incorrect.  Police officers cannot work for
two different police departments at the same time. Penn Police and the
Philadelphia Police are two separate police departments. They have
overlapping jurisdictions insofar as the Penn Police patrol area falls
within the Phila. Police Dept's 18th District.  Sharing the same patrol area
does not mean that the two departments are one and the same.  
The Lieutenant in question has one job title, that of being a Lieutenant of
the Philadelphia Police Department. He is an Officer employed by the City of
Philadelphia. He is detailed to a Philadelphia Police substation on premises
donated by the University City District.  This arrangement is similar to the
former Police Substation at 50th and Baltimore donated by the then-operater
of the Firehouse Farmer's Market [now Dock Street] and paid for by Cedar
Park Neighbors, and the current Squirrel Hill Substation operated at 46th
and Chester.   Although private and community entities provided the money
and premises in order for the substations to operate, no one dared suggest
that doing so made the Police Officers detailed to those substations the
employees or subordinates of those non-police entities.  
Being detailed to the substation donated by UCD does not make the Lieutenant
an employee of the University City District, any more than being detailed to
the sports complex would make him an employee of the Eagles or the Phillies.

It is deceitful of UCD and demeaning to the Lieutenant to make it appear
that the Lieutenant is subordinate to UCD administration, rather than being
the Commander of a Philadelphia Police Substation that happens to be
supplied by UCD. He is responsible to the Philadelphia Police chain of
command, not to Lewis Wendell or UCD.  It is a deliberate blurring of
authority that further creates the impression that UCD is a governmental
entity in and of itself, with authority over everything in this area,
including the duly sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police Department.
Karen Allen

To: univcity@list.purple.com
Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 23:57:27 -0400

I believe that a number of members of Penn's police force are also
Philadelphia police officers.  I suspect that they are clear on the lines of
authority, that card notwithstanding.  Presumably the officer in question
has two job titles, and chose the more impressive of the two to put on the


I think this is a long standing arrangement, and presumably the University
and the Philadelphia police department both find it to their advantage.


I really don't know more than this-asking the officer in question directly
would probably get more useful information.


He can be reached at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED], or 215 243 0555, extension



Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 9:58 PM
To: 'University City List'
Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report


The card was not for a Lieutenant of the University of Pennsylvania Police
department. It was for a Lieutenant of the PHILADELPHIA Police Department

RE: Landlord meeting [was: Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-28 Thread Bill Sanderson
Thanks for a much more useful summary of the meeting than Al provided, even 
though you could have left some of that detail out.

(as I recall, neither you nor Al are likely to be described as fat)



Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 6:33 PM
To: univcity@list.purple.com
Subject: Landlord meeting [was: Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the 
Philadelphia Police report to?


I'd like to add more information on the landlord meeting that Al Krigman (but 
not Karen Allen) attended on Wednesday morning.  I was there also.  I think 
that perhaps Al's information may have provided a somewhat skewed version of 
the proceedings and unnecessarily fanned the anti-UCD flames on the list.  At 
any rate, there's no reason not to have more than one report, right?

Just before the meeting began, Al helped himself to his hosts' bagel  cream 
cheese breakfast, and kindly offered me some advice when I picked up two 
bite-sized muffins for myself: If you eat those, sweetheart, you'll get fat.

UCD sent out the invitations to area landlords and provided space for the 
meeting.  Lindsay Johnston of Common Ground Realtors chaired it, assisted by 
Penn's Off Campus Living Office Director Miki Farcas, who has organized 
periodic meetings for landlords who use OCL's services for many, many years.  
Her office doesn't have a conference room, so the meetings have always had to 
be held elsewhere.  

An agenda had been distributed in advance, and speakers talked about various 
topics, including: 
rental rates and trends in UC (Miki Farcas), 
crime and fire safety (Lt. McCurdy and others), 
the Rental Suitability Act (Marcia Nelson, City of Philadelphia, LI Dept.), 
UCD initiatives (Carolyn Hewson).   
Also, UCD's new director of Operations, Clean  Safe, Dexter Bryant, was 
introduced.  Perhaps that will be of more interest to the UC list than Lt. 
McCurdy's contact information.  If anyone is interested, I can tell you a 
little more about him.  Let me know.

We all listened to the various speakers, asking questions and making comments 
as we chose, sometimes telling them something THEY didn't know!  At the end, 
Lindsay asked if we'd like to have future meetings, and the consensus was that 
we would; the next one will be planned for January.   

Minutes from the meeting were delivered via email yesterday.  Here's the 
section on Lt. McCurdy:

Lt. John McCurdy of the Philadelphia Police Department introduced himself as 
a 22-year veteran of the PPD and explained the UCD sub-station co-located with 
UCD’s administrative offices.  He distributed his business card and encouraged 
those present to contact him directly to report problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED], 
215/387-3942), emphasizing that requests for immediate/emergency assistance 
should go to 911.  He said that problems could be reported by phone, in 
writing, or by email.  He distributed and discussed 15 tips to help apartment 
residents maintain a safe environment. He clarified that the UCD sub-station 
covers Powelton Village and extends west to 50th Street.  
The requirements for fire safety can conflict with those for security. For 
instance, LI does not permit deadbolts that require a key to operate because 
they are dangerous in case of fire.  LI mandates that all rooms in which 
people sleep have egress through the windows, precluding the use of bars.  
Campus Apartments is using screens that increase security but which can be 
opened in the event of fire.  Strollers and bicycles are often kept in hallways 
for security reasons, but this blocks or impedes passage in emergency 
UCD staff offered to poll landlords to identify common issues such as bike 
storage to determine whether there might be vendors of products such as bike 
pods that could help ameliorate challenging issues.   
The police encourage the use of cameras for security, and rental insurance for 
PPD is aware of the recent upsurge in theft of architectural elements such as 
leaded glass from buildings and plain clothes burglary teams are deployed to 
address this and related concerns.  Brass exterior connections are also being 
stolen for scrap metal.  The police will perform safety audits at the request 
of landlords or tenants.

Lt. McCurdy offered repeatedly to make himself available to help with problems 
that are not 911 issues.  I don't think that anyone attending the meeting was 
confused about who he worked for or reported to.  We only had questions about 
the territory.  Landlord Bill Brown asked him if he handled problems in 
Powelton (he said yes), and I asked how far west he covers.  He replied that he 
covers to 50th St. and beyond, since he works out of the 18th District at 55th 

So, the good news is that Lt. McCurdy is another resource we all have when we 
need help from the police.  He didn't restrict his contact information to those 
present; he offered it to all

Re: Landlord meeting [was: Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-28 Thread pmuyehara

Your minutes and Al's posts don't disclose whether Al or anyone else asked the 
Lt. why he was using a UCD card.  Did anyone actually ask him or better yet, 
criticize him directly?




-Original Message-
To: univcity@list.purple.com
Sent: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 6:32 pm
Subject: Landlord meeting [was: Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the 
Philadelphia Police report to?

In a message dated 9/28/07 4:31:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It is deceitful of UCD and demeaning to the Lieutenant to make it appear that 
the Lieutenant is subordinate to UCD administration, rather than being 
the Commander of a Philadelphia Police Substation that happens to be supplied 
by UCD. He is responsible to the Philadelphia Police chain of command, not to 
Lewis Wendell or UCD.  It is a deliberate blurring of authority that further 
creates the impression that UCD is a governmental entity in and of itself, with 
authority over everything in this area, including the duly sworn officers of 
the Philadelphia Police Department.

I'd like to add more information on the landlord meeting that Al Krigman (but 
not Karen Allen) attended on Wednesday morning.   I was there also.   I think 
that perhaps Al's information may have provided a somewhat skewed version of 
the proceedings and unnecessarily fanned the anti-UCD flames on the list.   At 
any rate, there's no reason not to have more than one report, right?

Just before the meeting began, Al helped himself to his hosts' bagel  cream 
cheese breakfast, and kindly offered me some advice when I picked up two 
bite-sized muffins for myself: If you eat those, sweetheart, you'll get fat.

UCD sent out the invitations to area landlords and provided space for the 
meeting.  Lindsay Johnston of Common Ground Realtors chaired it, assisted by 
Penn's Off Campus Living Office Director Miki Farcas, who has organized 
periodic meetings for landlords who use OCL's services for many, many years.   
Her office doesn't have a conference room, so the meetings have always had to 
be held elsewhere.   

An agenda had been distributed in advance, and speakers talked about various 
topics, including: 

rental rates and trends in UC (Miki Farcas), 

crime and fire safety (Lt. McCurdy and others), 

the Rental Suitability Act (Marcia Nelson, City of Philadelphia, LI Dept.), 

UCD initiatives (Carolyn Hewson).    

Also, UCD's new director of Operations, Clean  Safe, Dexter Bryant, was 
introduced.   Perhaps that will be of more interest to the UC list than Lt. 
McCurdy's contact information.   If anyone is interested, I can tell you a 
little more about him.   Let me know.

We all listened to the various speakers, asking questions and making comments 
as we chose, sometimes telling them something THEY didn't know!   At the end, 
Lindsay asked if we'd like to have future meetings, and the consensus was that 
we would; the next one will be planned for January.    

Minutes from the meeting were delivered via email yesterday.   Here's the 
section on Lt. McCurdy:

Lt. John McCurdy of the Philadelphia Police Department introduced himself as 
a 22-year veteran of the PPD and explained the UCD sub-station co-located with 
UCD’s administrative offices.  He distributed his business card and encouraged 
those present to contact him directly to report problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED], 
215/387-3942), emphasizing that requests for immediate/emergency assistance 
should go to 911.  He said that problems could be reported by phone, in 
writing, or by email.  He distributed and discussed 15 tips to help apartment 
residents maintain a safe environment. He clarified that the UCD sub-station 
covers Powelton Village and extends west to 50th Street.  


 The requirements for fire safety can conflict with those for security. For 
instance, LI does not permit deadbolts that require a key to operate because 
they are dangerous in case of fire.  LI mandates that all rooms in which 
people sleep have egress through the windows, precluding the use of bars.  
Campus Apartments is using screens that increase security but which can be 
opened in the event of fire.  Strollers and bicycles are often kept in hallways 
for security reasons, but this blocks or impedes passage in emergency 


 UCD staff offered to poll landlords to identify common issues such as bike 
storage to determine whether there might be vendors of products such as bike 
pods that could help ameliorate challenging issues.   


 The police encourage the use of cameras for security, and rental insurance for 


 PPD is aware of the recent upsurge in theft of architectural elements such as 
leaded glass from buildings and plain clothes burglary teams are deployed to 
address this and related concerns.  Brass exterior connections are also being 
stolen for scrap metal.  The police will perform safety audits at the request 
of landlords or tenants.

Lt. McCurdy

RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-28 Thread KAREN ALLEN

As you said, it is important that the lines of police authority be direct, and 
lead to the civil authorities, and not a private corporation. But that's the 
impression that  business card creates. That card created the impression that a 
ranking Philadelphia Police Officer, a person with the power to enforce  the 
full range of governmental police powers, was himself subordinate to a private 
entity that is not answerable to the public. It also created the impression 
that that entity was itself so powerful that it had its own police powers via 
the officer.  
With public authority, the citizens have the right to vote for those people who 
exercise it, to have oversight of those actions, and to have myriad controls in 
place to assure that actions taken are reflective of the wishes of a majority 
of citizens.  People who have issues with the Police Department have recourse 
through the elected government.   That is the problem with UCD:  it is a 
private entity that has taken on governmental functions, but who is it 
answerable to?  This past year, they wanted the power to tax, the ultimate 
government power.  But who elected those who made the crucial decisions that 
governed that proposal?  How were those slated to be taxed represented in ithe 
creation of the proposal?
Which members of the public elected the UCD administration?  How do we remove 
or replace their administration if we the public deem them to be unresponsive 
to our needs?  They do what many think are good deeds, but what exernal 
controls exist to make sure that what they do are of actual benefit to the 
many, and what does the public do if not? 
RE:  I really don’t see the fact that the guy has a printed business card 
carrying a UCD logo, and identifying him (correctly)  as a Philadelphia police 
officer—to be anything sinister or confusing.
You may say what's the big deal?  It was just a business card, and UCD paid for 
the cards. Think of it this way:  would your impression be different if the 
names and logos of a Wachovia or a Citizens Bank appeared on that card? 
Karen Allen

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of 
the Philadelphia Police report to?Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 20:56:09 -0400

Thanks for correcting my understanding, which was incorrect.
I still find the tenor of this discussion perplexing.I know why AL is 
making this fuss, but I find the level of your ire about this somewhat 
You said:
“It is a deliberate blurring of authority that further creates the impression 
that UCD is a governmental entity in and of itself, with authority over 
everything in this area, including the duly sworn officers of the Philadelphia 
Police Department.”
I don’t read it that way—I read the card as stating that he’s a Philadelphia 
Police Officer (if it really mattered, I would want to see a badge anyway)—and 
that the UCD paid for printing the card, as well as providing the office space, 
phone, and email addresses. 
So—our viewpoints differ—I do see the UCD as “helpful” rather than 
“controlling” or “taking over.” 
When it comes to police activities, I’d agree that it is pretty important that 
the lines of authority be direct, and lead to the civil authorities, and not a 
private corporation.
Have you had experiences in that specific area—police activity—that you see as 
examples of the UCD overstepping a boundary?

Friday, September 28, 2007 4:29 PMTo: UnivCity listservSubject: RE: [UC] Who do 
sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?
I believe that a number of members of Penn’s police force are also 
Philadelphia police officers Those beliefs and suspicions are incorrect.  
Police officers cannot work for two different police departments at the same 
time. Penn Police and the Philadelphia Police are two separate police 
departments. They have overlapping jurisdictions insofar as the Penn Police 
patrol area falls within the Phila. Police Dept's 18th District.  Sharing the 
same patrol area does not mean that the two departments are one and the same.   
The Lieutenant in question has one job title, that of being a Lieutenant of the 
Philadelphia Police Department. He is an Officer employed by the City of 
Philadelphia. He is detailed to a Philadelphia Police substation on premises 
donated by the University City District.  This arrangement is similar to the 
former Police Substation at 50th and Baltimore donated by the then-operater of 
the Firehouse Farmer's Market [now Dock Street] and paid for by Cedar Park 
Neighbors, and the current Squirrel Hill Substation operated at 46th and 
Chester.   Although private and community entities provided the money and 
premises in order for the substations to operate, no one dared suggest that 
doing so made the Police Officers detailed to those substations the employees 
or subordinates of those non

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-27 Thread Krfapt
In a message dated 9/26/2007 7:20:23 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

According to Google, Lieutenant John McCurdy has been a distinguished  Police 
Officer for 22 years and a Lieutenant.  Nothing to be sneered at  to be sure.

The point I was making was that this Philadelphia police officer was  
identifying himself with a standard-issue UCD business card. Fostering the  
that UCD has responsibility for the police powers of a bona fide  government 
His use of these cards, rather than City of Philadelphia identification, is  
poor judgement on his part -- a distinguished officer though he may be.
I seriously doubt that the Police Commissioner will take this  lightly.
UCD's providing of these cards to him is one more step -- admittedly small,  
but a step nevertheless -- in that organization's attempts to create a level 
of  authority in the neighborhood between the citizens and their duly 
constituted  government.  

Al  Krigman
Left of Ivan Grozny

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-27 Thread KAREN ALLEN

THANK YOU so much for your eloquent analysis.  The Philadelphia Police is 
answerable to the PEOPLE of Philadelphia and their ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES, not 
to UCD.  I think that it's outrageous that a Philadelphia Police Lieutenant 
would be reduced, symbolically, at least, to being a mere staffer at a 
501(c)(3) nonprofit.  Who is the Lieutenant answerable to:  Lewis Wendell
This illustrates the issue that  has been at the core of my opposition to the 
NID/BID:  that UCD has been trying to insert itself between the citizens of 
West Philadelphia and our governmental institutions, and wants to  become an 
unelected, unaccountable quasi-government answerable only to Penn. They want to 
tax us.  They want to control the Police Department.  What's next---foreign 
Karen Allen 

Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 23:07:59 -0400From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [UC] Who do 
sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
fumingSeveral years ago, I was involved with an effort through Philadelphia 
Interfaith Action (PIA) to establish community policing pilot projects in four 
target areas in the city, one of which included part of western University City 
and Southwest Philly below Kingsessing Avenue.  The model had proven very 
successful in other cities including NYC.  It combined beat cops walking a beat 
in order to truly know and develop relationships with the community, with a 
Community Policing Team of community members who would commit to be in close 
relationship with the officers.  The Community Policing Team’s job was twofold. 
 One, to support the beat cops by providing info, introducing them to others, 
and providing moral and political (small, generic, nonpartisn  “p”) support for 
their work.  Team members were expected to communicate with the officers on a 
very regular, ideally daily, basis (like, the cops wold stop at each Team 
member’s house as they made their rounds each day.)  Second, the Team was 
supposed to hold the beat officers accountable to the community through regular 
Team meetings.Sounds great, huh?  Not to then Commissioner Neal.  Now, I, and 
you, dear reader, have to take all of this with a grain of salt.  Neal was the 
most USELESS, spineless, gutless, ballless, visionless (have I covered the 
entire anatomy yet?), (OOPS!  I forgot BRAINLESS) do-nothing, nobody, 
yesman-to-his-political-masters bureaucrat police commissioner that I have seen 
in over eighteen years of living and organizing in this city.That said, Neal 
freaked at the idea.  The part of Al’s post that most resonated with me was his 
comment that “One would think that sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police 
Department, regardless of where they went in the morning to report for work, 
operated through the Department's highly structured and ostensible chain of 
command.”  The analysis that we developed in our strategy meetings was that the 
police department is structured and organized along military lines, and our 
proposal to have cops in a close, accountable relationship with lowly community 
residents was phenomenally threatening to that hierarchical organization and 
structure.Not everyone in the PD opposed it.  Neal’s two top deputy 
commissioners were supportive.  One was a lamebrain, but the other (I forget 
their names) was one of Timoney’s colleagues in NYC.  Bratton, maybe?  He had 
worked with the NYC project and based on his experience was extremely 
supportive.The local effort failed for reasons other than The Commish’s 
opposition.  The other three pilot projects eventually got off the ground, 
after bitter warring and only with a great deal of hostility from Neal.  I 
don’t recall how things went elsewhere, but Logan was one of the pilot projects 
that got off the ground, and I remember the reports at our citywide strategy 
meetings – the beat cops were thrilled, the community was seeing results.I 
eventually left PIA over unrelated issues, and I’m not sure it exists anymore, 
so I guess even where the effort was launched, it may have ultimately failed 
for reasons other than its intrinsic merits.But, after all that – and even 
acknowledging the difference that a change in commissioners might make . . . . 
The idea of a Philly PD lieutenant with an office in the UCD and giving out 
cards as if he is UCD staff??  HELLO, folks!  Pardon my French, but would 
you wake the f*** up?  UCD is a wholly unaccountable, totally 
non-community-based, totally non-grassroots animal.  And the Philly PD will 
house their officers there, and allow them to distribute UCD business cards 
(Al, you better be 101% correct about your information)?  Why the *%$ is that 
officer not in Cedar Park Neighbors’ office, giving out CPN’s business card?  
Too narrow?  What about the University City Community Council?  I don’t know if 
it even still exists.  And let me clarify – I share a good deal of the 
skepticism that Ray and Glenn and Wilma regularly express on this list

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to? - Not You

2007-09-27 Thread Craigsolve
In a message dated 9/27/2007 10:50:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

UCD ...  They want to tax us.  They want to control the Police Department.   
What's next---foreign policy???

When will you people rollover and accept - you are foreign to the  PennWay?
Perhaps Brian's earlier gem needs only a little bit of tweaking:
In a message dated 9/27/2007 9:29:08 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  


... think it's cute to push their filthy things on  others.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to? - Not You

2007-09-27 Thread Elizabeth F Campion

Finally, even though I was born in West Philly, I have become a stranger
in a strange land.
It helps to understand this when I am stumped by the imposed culture.

Thanks Al, Karen and Kimm for casting some light on the paths not taken.


On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:38:49 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In a message dated 9/27/2007 10:50:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
UCD ... They want to tax us.  They want to control the Police Department.
 What's next---foreign policy???

When will you people rollover and accept - you are foreign to the
Perhaps Brian's earlier gem needs only a little bit of tweaking:
In a message dated 9/27/2007 9:29:08 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

... think it's cute to push their filthy things on others.

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-27 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Kimm Tynan wrote:



And that, in a nutshell (was that a nutshell?) is why I see UCD and the 
NID or BID as such a threat to this community.  Because UCD/the 
NID/theBID/ are not at all grassroots, and they supplant true grassroots 

yes, that's it, in a nutshell.

supplanting. co-option.

and while some of us have been persistently pointing that 
out and opposing it, others of us have been just as 
stubbornly allowing it, encouraging it.

and that is how ucd creates divisiveness in the community.

and now we have a penn-branded listserve, and now we have a 
ucd-branded local police.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger.  -- Tony West
  Ray's falsehoods are more sophisticated,
   more believable -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-27 Thread anm
Just out of curiosity, since I postdate UCD in West Philly, what grassroots
organizations were supplanted and coopted by UCD when it got started?



 Kimm Tynan wrote:
  And that, in a nutshell (was that a nutshell?) is why I see UCD and the
  NID or BID as such a threat to this community.  Because UCD/the
  NID/theBID/ are not at all grassroots, and they supplant true grassroots

 yes, that's it, in a nutshell.

 supplanting. co-option.

 and while some of us have been persistently pointing that
 out and opposing it, others of us have been just as
 stubbornly allowing it, encouraging it.

 and that is how ucd creates divisiveness in the community.

 and now we have a penn-branded listserve, and now we have a
 ucd-branded local police.

 [aka laserbeam®]
 [aka ray]
It is very clear on this listserve who
 these people are. Ray has admitted being
 connected to this forger.  -- Tony West
Ray's falsehoods are more sophisticated,
 more believable -- Tony West

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 For more information please visit http://www.messagelabs.com/email
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 list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
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RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-27 Thread Bill Sanderson
I'm a little startled at all the posters here for whom this information here
seems to be new.

I don't think much has changed in the way Penn's police force has worked in
many years.

Nothing I've read here differs from what I understood about their police
force when I moved into the neighborhood about 35 years ago.

Somehow, I can't read the wording on that card as some new sign of decline
in democracy, but then I've always had a sunny disposition.

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RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-27 Thread KAREN ALLEN

The card was not for a Lieutenant of the University of Pennsylvania Police 
department. It was for a Lieutenant of the PHILADELPHIA Police Department. 
 The PHILADELPHIA Police Department and its employees are not employees of 
Penn, the Penn Police, or of UCD. It is a governmental agency of the CITY OF 
PHILADELPHIA, wholly supported by and answerable to the citizens of 
Philadelphia and its elected representatives, and NOT to UCD.  Having a UCD 
business card with the name of a ranking member of the PHILADELPHIA Police 
Department mentioned in small letters symbolically, if not actually, subjects 
the Lieutenant to the perception that he is nothing more than a subordinate of 
UCD and its administrators, and that UCD has authority in Philadelphia Police 
matters which supercedes that of the Lieutenant's actual employer, the citizens 
and elected representatives of the City of Philadelphia.
Karen AllenFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: UnivCity@list.purple.com Subject: 
RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to? Date: 
Thu, 27 Sep 2007 17:50:37 -0400  I'm a little startled at all the posters 
here for whom this information here seems to be new.  I don't think much has 
changed in the way Penn's police force has worked in many years.  Nothing 
I've read here differs from what I understood about their police force when I 
moved into the neighborhood about 35 years ago.  Somehow, I can't read the 
wording on that card as some new sign of decline in democracy, but then I've 
always had a sunny disposition.   You are receiving this because you are 
subscribed to the list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive 
information, see http://www.purple.com/list.html. From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: UnivCity@list.purple.com Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the 
Philadelphia Police report to? Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 17:50:37 -0400  I'm a 
little startled at all the posters here for whom this information here seems 
to be new.  I don't think much has changed in the way Penn's police force has 
worked in many years.  Nothing I've read here differs from what I understood 
about their police force when I moved into the neighborhood about 35 years 
ago.  Somehow, I can't read the wording on that card as some new sign of 
decline in democracy, but then I've always had a sunny disposition.   
You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the list named 
UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see 

RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-27 Thread Bill Sanderson
I believe that a number of members of Penn's police force are also
Philadelphia police officers.  I suspect that they are clear on the lines of
authority, that card notwithstanding.  Presumably the officer in question
has two job titles, and chose the more impressive of the two to put on the


I think this is a long standing arrangement, and presumably the University
and the Philadelphia police department both find it to their advantage.


I really don't know more than this-asking the officer in question directly
would probably get more useful information.


He can be reached at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED], or 215 243 0555, extension



Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 9:58 PM
To: 'University City List'
Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report


The card was not for a Lieutenant of the University of Pennsylvania Police
department. It was for a Lieutenant of the PHILADELPHIA Police Department. 
 The PHILADELPHIA Police Department and its employees are not employees of
Penn, the Penn Police, or of UCD. It is a governmental agency of the CITY OF
PHILADELPHIA, wholly supported by and answerable to the citizens of
Philadelphia and its elected representatives, and NOT to UCD.  Having a UCD
business card with the name of a ranking member of the PHILADELPHIA Police
Department mentioned in small letters symbolically, if not actually,
subjects the Lieutenant to the perception that he is nothing more than a
subordinate of UCD and its administrators, and that UCD has authority in
Philadelphia Police matters which supercedes that of the Lieutenant's actual
employer, the citizens and elected representatives of the City of
Karen Allen   

 To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
 Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report
 Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 17:50:37 -0400
 I'm a little startled at all the posters here for whom this information
 seems to be new.
 I don't think much has changed in the way Penn's police force has worked
 many years.
 Nothing I've read here differs from what I understood about their police
 force when I moved into the neighborhood about 35 years ago.
 Somehow, I can't read the wording on that card as some new sign of decline
 in democracy, but then I've always had a sunny disposition.
 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
 list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

 To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
 Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report
 Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 17:50:37 -0400
 I'm a little startled at all the posters here for whom this information
 seems to be new.
 I don't think much has changed in the way Penn's police force has worked
 many years.
 Nothing I've read here differs from what I understood about their police
 force when I moved into the neighborhood about 35 years ago.
 Somehow, I can't read the wording on that card as some new sign of decline
 in democracy, but then I've always had a sunny disposition.
 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
 list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-27 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN


lt. mccurdy has a ucd email address? and does that phone number ring at 
ucd's offices?



Lt. John McCurdy
Commanding Officer, UCD / Philadelphia Police
   Substation, x241

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Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-27 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Bill Sanderson wrote:

He can be reached at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED], or 215 243 0555, extension

lt. mccurdy has a ucd email address? and does that phone 
number ring at ucd's offices?

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger.  -- Tony West
  Ray's falsehoods are more sophisticated,
   more believable -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-27 Thread Frank
That is UCD's number. Their web site says Lt. John McCurdy,  
Commanding Officer, UCD / Philadelphia Police Substation, x241. That  
says to me that he's the Commanding Officer of UCD AND the Police  
Substation. Why does UCD need a Commanding Officer? The UCD Police  
substation number is listed as 215 243 0667 on the Problem Landlords  
 Tenants page.

Sleek. Edgy. Infinitely flexible.

On Sep 28, 2007, at 12:33 AM, UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN wrote:

Bill Sanderson wrote:
He can be reached at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED], or 215 243 0555,  


lt. mccurdy has a ucd email address? and does that phone number  
ring at ucd's offices?

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger.  -- Tony West
  Ray's falsehoods are more sophisticated,
   more believable -- Tony West

You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

[UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-26 Thread Krfapt
One would think that sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police Department,  
regardless of where they went in the morning to report for work, operated  
through the Department's highly structured and ostensible chain of  command.
I discovered this morning that this may not be the case. Or, at least, that  
the people at UCD and the police officer who has a desk at the UCD  
administrative building, don't necessarily think so.
I attended a meeting at which Lieutenant John McCurdy made a short  
presentation, then handed out business cards so people would know how to 
contact  him.
Only, they weren't Philadelphia Police Department business cards. In fact,  
they weren't City of Philadelphia business cards in any form.
They were (you guessed it) standard UCD business cards with lt. john  
mccurdy/city of philadelphia police department (all in lower case, as shown)  
the name and position of a UCD employee would normally go.
This is a serious, if symbolic problem. Especially given that many people  in 
this area think UCD has already usurped too many powers that it should not  
have, given it's accountability only to its primary patrons. And use of this  
business card by a sworn City of Philadelphia police officer with extraordinary 
 powers obfuscates the fact that the chain of command and  responsibility 
goes right up through the ranks at 55th  Pine through the  Police 
City Council, and the Mayor -- without a nod to anybodyat  UCD. It is totally 
Lt McCurdy is probably guilty of nothing more than extremely poor  judgement. 
Wendell Lewis and the others who make the decisions at UCD are more  likely 
guilty of at least trying to obfuscate their actual role in the  neighborhood, 
and perhaps of making yet another subtle power grab.  

Always at  your service  ready for a dialog,
Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident  and housing provider

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-26 Thread Jim Cummings
Who do sworn officers of the Penn Police report to? You know those
people who can give tickets and make arrests around UC?
Jim Cummings


 One would think that sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police Department,
 regardless of where they went in the morning to report for work, operated
 through the Department's highly structured and ostensible chain of command.

 I discovered this morning that this may not be the case. Or, at least, that
 the people at UCD and the police officer who has a desk at the UCD
 administrative building, don't necessarily think so.

 I attended a meeting at which Lieutenant John McCurdy made a short
 presentation, then handed out business cards so people would know how to
 contact him.

 Only, they weren't Philadelphia Police Department business cards. In fact,
 they weren't City of Philadelphia business cards in any form.

 They were (you guessed it) standard UCD business cards with lt. john
 mccurdy/city of philadelphia police department (all in lower case, as
 shown) where the name and position of a UCD employee would normally go.

 This is a serious, if symbolic problem. Especially given that many people in
 this area think UCD has already usurped too many powers that it should not
 have, given it's accountability only to its primary patrons. And use of this
 business card by a sworn City of Philadelphia police officer with
 extraordinary powers obfuscates the fact that the chain of command and
 responsibility goes right up through the ranks at 55th  Pine through the
 Police Commissioner, City Council, and the Mayor -- without a nod to
 anybodyat UCD. It is totally unacceptable.

 Lt McCurdy is probably guilty of nothing more than extremely poor judgement.
 Wendell Lewis and the others who make the decisions at UCD are more likely
 guilty of at least trying to obfuscate their actual role in the
 neighborhood, and perhaps of making yet another subtle power grab.

 Always at your service  ready for a dialog,
 Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident and housing provider

 See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Jim Cummings

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Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-26 Thread Jim Cummings
Right and they are responsible to the Trustees of the University of
Pennsylvania, I suppose. Does that scare anyone?

 It is my understanding that the Penn Police Department is a real police 
 department independent of the Philadelphia Police Dept.. So are Temple's and 
 the Housing. Authority police.  If I remember right, Penn's dept is the 5th 
 largest in the state.


 Andrew Frishkoff
 Neighborhood Economic Development Director
 Philadelphia Neighborhood Transformation Initiative
 1515 Arch Street, 12th Floor
 Philadelphia, PA 19102

 215-683-2026 - phone
 215-683-2015 - fax

 - Original Message -
 From: Jim Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 09/26/2007 01:35 PM
 Cc: UnivCity@list.purple.com
 Subject: Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

 Who do sworn officers of the Penn Police report to? You know those
 people who can give tickets and make arrests around UC?
 Jim Cummings

  One would think that sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police Department,
  regardless of where they went in the morning to report for work, operated
  through the Department's highly structured and ostensible chain of command.
  I discovered this morning that this may not be the case. Or, at least, that
  the people at UCD and the police officer who has a desk at the UCD
  administrative building, don't necessarily think so.
  I attended a meeting at which Lieutenant John McCurdy made a short
  presentation, then handed out business cards so people would know how to
  contact him.
  Only, they weren't Philadelphia Police Department business cards. In fact,
  they weren't City of Philadelphia business cards in any form.
  They were (you guessed it) standard UCD business cards with lt. john
  mccurdy/city of philadelphia police department (all in lower case, as
  shown) where the name and position of a UCD employee would normally go.
  This is a serious, if symbolic problem. Especially given that many people in
  this area think UCD has already usurped too many powers that it should not
  have, given it's accountability only to its primary patrons. And use of this
  business card by a sworn City of Philadelphia police officer with
  extraordinary powers obfuscates the fact that the chain of command and
  responsibility goes right up through the ranks at 55th  Pine through the
  Police Commissioner, City Council, and the Mayor -- without a nod to
  anybodyat UCD. It is totally unacceptable.
  Lt McCurdy is probably guilty of nothing more than extremely poor judgement.
  Wendell Lewis and the others who make the decisions at UCD are more likely
  guilty of at least trying to obfuscate their actual role in the
  neighborhood, and perhaps of making yet another subtle power grab.
  Always at your service  ready for a dialog,
  Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident and housing provider
  See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

 Jim Cummings
 You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
 list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

Jim Cummings

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list named UnivCity. To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-26 Thread Wilma de Soto
At FIRST, I thought you were mentioning Officer Gerry McLaughlin.

According to Google, Lieutenant John McCurdy has been a distinguished Police
Officer for 22 years and a Lieutenant.  Nothing to be sneered at to be sure.

The UCD Quest Newsletter was the main source for this information when I
consulted Google.


On 9/26/07 1:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 One would think that sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police Department,
 regardless of where they went in the morning to report for work, operated
 through the Department's highly structured and ostensible chain of command.
 I discovered this morning that this may not be the case. Or, at least, that
 the people at UCD and the police officer who has a desk at the UCD
 administrative building, don't necessarily think so.
 I attended a meeting at which Lieutenant John McCurdy made a short
 presentation, then handed out business cards so people would know how to
 contact him.
 Only, they weren't Philadelphia Police Department business cards. In fact,
 they weren't City of Philadelphia business cards in any form.
 They were (you guessed it) standard UCD business cards with lt. john
 mccurdy/city of philadelphia police department (all in lower case, as shown)
 where the name and position of a UCD employee would normally go.
 This is a serious, if symbolic problem. Especially given that many people in
 this area think UCD has already usurped too many powers that it should not
 have, given it's accountability only to its primary patrons. And use of this
 business card by a sworn City of Philadelphia police officer with
 extraordinary powers obfuscates the fact that the chain of command and
 responsibility goes right up through the ranks at 55th  Pine through the
 Police Commissioner, City Council, and the Mayor -- without a nod to anybodyat
 UCD. It is totally unacceptable.
 Lt McCurdy is probably guilty of nothing more than extremely poor judgement.
 Wendell Lewis and the others who make the decisions at UCD are more likely
 guilty of at least trying to obfuscate their actual role in the neighborhood,
 and perhaps of making yet another subtle power grab.
 Always at your service  ready for a dialog,
 Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident and housing provider
 See what's new at AOL.com http://www.aol.com?NCID=AOLCMP0030001170  and
 Make AOL Your Homepage
 http://www.aol.com/mksplash.adp?NCID=AOLCMP0030001169 .

Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-26 Thread Kimm Tynan

Several years ago, I was involved with an effort through Philadelphia
Interfaith Action (PIA) to establish community policing pilot projects in
four target areas in the city, one of which included part of western
University City and Southwest Philly below Kingsessing Avenue.  The model
had proven very successful in other cities including NYC.  It combined beat
cops walking a beat in order to truly know and develop relationships with
the community, with a Community Policing Team of community members who would
commit to be in close relationship with the officers.  The Community
Policing Team¹s job was twofold.  One, to support the beat cops by providing
info, introducing them to others, and providing moral and political (small,
generic, nonpartisn  ³p²) support for their work.  Team members were
expected to communicate with the officers on a very regular, ideally daily,
basis (like, the cops wold stop at each Team member¹s house as they made
their rounds each day.)  Second, the Team was supposed to hold the beat
officers accountable to the community through regular Team meetings.

Sounds great, huh?  Not to then Commissioner Neal.  Now, I, and you, dear
reader, have to take all of this with a grain of salt.  Neal was the most
USELESS, spineless, gutless, ballless, visionless (have I covered the entire
anatomy yet?), (OOPS!  I forgot BRAINLESS) do-nothing, nobody,
yesman-to-his-political-masters bureaucrat police commissioner that I have
seen in over eighteen years of living and organizing in this city.

That said, Neal freaked at the idea.  The part of Al¹s post that most
resonated with me was his comment that ³One would think that sworn officers
of the Philadelphia Police Department, regardless of where they went in the
morning to report for work, operated through the Department's highly
structured and ostensible chain of command.²  The analysis that we developed
in our strategy meetings was that the police department is structured and
organized along military lines, and our proposal to have cops in a close,
accountable relationship with lowly community residents was phenomenally
threatening to that hierarchical organization and structure.

Not everyone in the PD opposed it.  Neal¹s two top deputy commissioners were
supportive.  One was a lamebrain, but the other (I forget their names) was
one of Timoney¹s colleagues in NYC.  Bratton, maybe?  He had worked with the
NYC project and based on his experience was extremely supportive.

The local effort failed for reasons other than The Commish¹s opposition.
The other three pilot projects eventually got off the ground, after bitter
warring and only with a great deal of hostility from Neal.  I don¹t recall
how things went elsewhere, but Logan was one of the pilot projects that got
off the ground, and I remember the reports at our citywide strategy meetings
­ the beat cops were thrilled, the community was seeing results.

I eventually left PIA over unrelated issues, and I¹m not sure it exists
anymore, so I guess even where the effort was launched, it may have
ultimately failed for reasons other than its intrinsic merits.

But, after all that ­ and even acknowledging the difference that a change in
commissioners might make . . . . The idea of a Philly PD lieutenant with an
office in the UCD and giving out cards as if he is UCD staff??  HELLO,
folks!  Pardon my French, but would you wake the f*** up?  UCD is a wholly
unaccountable, totally non-community-based, totally non-grassroots animal.
And the Philly PD will house their officers there, and allow them to
distribute UCD business cards (Al, you better be 101% correct about your
information)?  Why the *%$ is that officer not in Cedar Park Neighbors¹
office, giving out CPN¹s business card?  Too narrow?  What about the
University City Community Council?  I don¹t know if it even still exists.
And let me clarify ­ I share a good deal of the skepticism that Ray and
Glenn and Wilma regularly express on this list of the local (and nonlocal)
civic institutions.  But, hell, I¹ll prefer them anyday to the
Penn-manufactured, corporate-beholden animal that is UCD.  If they can
control the police, then they are not the benign street sweepers/garbage
collectors/light installers that hey are characterized as.

In summary - my anger is twofold.  One is that the Philly PD has entered
into a relationship with a wholly nongrassroots organization like the UCD
when it fought tooth-and-nail a similar relationship with a grassroots
community organization.  Some of that can be attributed to a change in
leadership.  But a lot of it is, I think, revealing ­ a relationship with
UCD is less threatening than a relationship with community people is.
Second, this is a perfect example of the ³astroturfing² that folks have
complained about.  The UCDs and Manayunk Development Corporations and
countless CDCs ­ the business and landlord and corporate interested entities
­ supplant the true, community driven, grassroots, representative