Re: Sort dateTime Broken in Rev 2.9?

2008-04-14 Thread Peter Reid
Thanks for the idea, unfortunately it still doesn't work even though  
I've changed the sortTable handler to the following:

on sortTable
  set the useSystemDate to true
  set the itemDelimiter to tab
  put the radioPick of group SortOrder into theOrder
  switch the radioPick of group SortColumn
  case 1 -- numbers:
if theOrder = ascending then
  sort lines of field TheTable ascending numeric by item 1 of  

  sort lines of field TheTable descending numeric by item 1 of  

end if
  case 2 -- letters:
if theOrder = ascending then
  sort lines of field TheTable ascending international by item  
2 of each

  sort lines of field TheTable descending international by  
item 2 of each

end if
  case 3 -- dates:
if theOrder = ascending then
  sort lines of field TheTable ascending dateTime by item 3 of  

  sort lines of field TheTable descending dateTime by item 3  
of each

end if
  end switch
end sortTable

In fact now the third column doesn't change at all when sorted in  
either direction.  Previously it changed to an incorrect order, but  
it did change.  Now nothing happens, the table remains the same  
unless I select to sort on the numbers or letters columns which still  
work correctly.  I have run this in debug mode and set the break  
point just before the sort and checked that it is being executed, it  
just doesn't have any effect!


I've found the source of the problem.  In Mac OS X, I had changed the  
time and date display such that the whole of the International  
Formats tab now showed 'Custom' instead of 'United Kingdom'.  I had  
the short date as D/M/ (i.e. no leading zeros for day  month)  
and 12hr clock with lower case am/pm indicators.  This conforms to  
what many people in the UK think of as standard date and time  
indicators.  Unlike what Apple has as defaults for UK date and time  
that are NOT what most people here think of as correct - 24hr clock,  
with capital AM/PM indicators if you switch to 12hr clock.  In  
general people in the UK use 12hr clocks unless they are military  
etc. and tend to use lower case am/pm indicators.  In continental  
Europe, I believe 24hr clocks are more the norm.

Just having a 12hr clock makes the setting 'Custom' instead of  
'United Kingdom' and then Rev's dateTime sort may stop working!!   
What's weird is that I've now set my time prefs back to what I had  
previously (when nothing was happening) and now Rev is working OK.   
It's as if the time/date settings were not being picked up correctly  
by Rev until I changed them.  Rev's dateTime sort now works even  
though the previous changes to the default settings are back in place.

Is there a way to tell Rev to use a specific format for time  date  
(at least for sorting purposes) irrespective of the system settings  
and any default behaviour?  At least I could lock-down its behaviour  
for sorting purposes even if my user has tweaked their time  date  
settings.  The dateFormat function returns the format Rev is using,  
but I don't see how you change this?



On 14 Apr 2008, at 2:25 am, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

 on preOpenStack
  set the useSystemDate to true
  send initRadio to group SortColumn
  send initRadio to group SortOrder
 end preOpenStack

 I'm using a Mac running OS X 10.4.11 in the UK and the test dates  
in the

third column of the table field are all UK format dates.

I think I've found it. You will have to set the useSystemDate every
time in the sort handler. Here is a quote from the docs on

Since the useSystemDate is a local property, its value is reset to
false when the current handler finishes executing. It retains its
value only for the current handler, and setting it in one handler does
not affect its value in other handlers it calls.

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Sort dateTime Broken in Rev 2.9?

2008-04-13 Thread Peter Reid
Has anyone found a problem with sorting using dateTime as the sort  
type with Rev 2.9?

I have a stack which has been running OK with previous Rev releases  
that displays a table with a number of columns containing different  
types of data  Some columns contain text (surnames), some contain  
numbers (staff IDs) and some contain dates (interview date). The user  
clicks on the column heading to sort the table as required, with each  
click reversing the direction of the sort ascending/descending.

With Rev 2.9, the sorting works for the text and numeric columns but  
not the date columns, which contain dates in UK format (DD/MM/).   
If I step through in debug mode the sort command executes, but there  
is no change to the field itself.  The two sort commands I use for  
the date columns are as follows depending on the required sort order:

  sort lines of field Results descending dateTime by item colNo of  
  sort lines of field Results ascending dateTime by item colNo of  

For the text columns, the sort commands are:

  sort lines of field Results descending international by item  
colNo of each
  sort lines of field Results ascending international by item  
colNo of each

For the numeric columns, the commands are:

  sort lines of field Results descending numeric by item colNo of  

  sort lines of field Results ascending numeric by item colNo of each

Only the sorts with 'dateTime' do nothing, the others work fine!  I  
get the same effect if I type the sort command into the message box  
and execute it directly - sort numeric and text work fine, sort  
dateTime does nothing.

Has anyone else had this problem, is it a known bug in Rev 2.9 (I'm  
using Rev under Mac OS X 10.4.11) or is there something extra I have  
to do now to make this work?



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Re: Sort dateTime Broken in Rev 2.9?

2008-04-13 Thread Peter Reid

Thanks for the feedback Sarah.

After sending my previous message I too put together a simple test  
stack which just confirmed that dateTime doesn't work on my system!

My test stack consists of a table field with three columns, the first  
with numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9), the second with letters (a, c, e, x, y)  
and the third with dates (13/1/2008, 23/2/2008, 1/1/2008, 1/4/2008,  
2/2/2008).  I have two radio groups SortColumn: 1, 2 or 3, and  
SortOrder: Ascending or Descending.  When mouseUp is sent to either  
radio group it calls a sortTable handler:

on sortTable
  set the itemDelimiter to tab
  put the radioPick of group SortOrder into theOrder
  switch the radioPick of group SortColumn
  case 1 -- numbers:
if theOrder = ascending then
  sort lines of field TheTable ascending numeric by item 1 of  

  sort lines of field TheTable descending numeric by item 1 of  

end if
  case 2 -- letters:
if theOrder = ascending then
  sort lines of field TheTable ascending international by item  
2 of each

  sort lines of field TheTable descending international by  
item 2 of each

end if
  case 3 -- dates:
if theOrder = ascending then
  sort lines of field TheTable ascending dateTime by item 3 of  

  sort lines of field TheTable descending dateTime by item 3  
of each

end if
  end switch
end sortTable

and the stack starts with:

on preOpenStack
  set the useSystemDate to true
  send initRadio to group SortColumn
  send initRadio to group SortOrder
end preOpenStack

I'm using a Mac running OS X 10.4.11 in the UK and the test dates in  
the third column of the table field are all UK format dates.

The number and letter columns sort correctly, the date column does  
not!  In ascending order, I get the dates in the following order  
23/2/2008, 13/1/2008, 1/1/2008, 1/4/2008, 2/2/2008.  In descending  
order I get: 2/2/2008, 1/4/2008, 1/1/2008, 23/2/2008, 13/1/2008.

So either I'm doing something stupid, missing out something, or  
there's a bug!



On 13 Apr 2008, at 10:26 pm, Sarah Reichelt wrote:
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 8:21 PM, Peter Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Has anyone found a problem with sorting using dateTime as the sort  
type with

Rev 2.9?

 I have a stack which has been running OK with previous Rev  
releases that
displays a table with a number of columns containing different  
types of data
Some columns contain text (surnames), some contain numbers (staff  
IDs) and
some contain dates (interview date). The user clicks on the column  
to sort the table as required, with each click reversing the  
direction of

the sort ascending/descending.

 With Rev 2.9, the sorting works for the text and numeric columns  
but not
the date columns, which contain dates in UK format (DD/MM/).   
If I step
through in debug mode the sort command executes, but there is no  
change to
the field itself.  The two sort commands I use for the date  
columns are as

follows depending on the required sort order:

  sort lines of field Results descending dateTime by item colNo  
of each
  sort lines of field Results ascending dateTime by item colNo  
of each

I just did a quick test and it worked fine for me. Don't forget to set
the useSystemDate to true before sorting.
I presume you are sure the itemDelimiter is set correctly.

If it was working in a previous version, these must have already been
set, so I can't see what might be happening, but sort dateTime does
work for me with 2.9.0.

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Floating Screen Keyboard

2007-08-07 Thread Peter Reid
I'm trying to create a floating screen keyboard application that will  
allow me to use a mouse to type into other applications by clicking  
on the keys in the floating keyboard.  I'm trying to do this on a Mac  
under OS X 10.4.x using Rev 2.8.1.

For example, if I'm using a web browser on a projected image, I might  
be using a mouse only and want to be able to type into the browser  
URL address box.  I have looked a the built-in OS X keyboard viewer  
and it is too small, can't be resized and you can't use it to type in  
capital letters!  This is why I thought I'd see if I could make an  
app in Rev that presented a scalable floating keyboard for mouse  
entry of text.

However, I can't see how I can send individual characters to whatever  
is the currently active window as if they had been typed on the real  

Any suggestions please?


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Re: Memory Problem?

2007-02-06 Thread Peter Reid
I've now managed to use buffered file copying for the problem I  
mentioned previously.  Here is my file copying handler:

on copyAfile  sourceFile, destFolder, fCreatorType
  constant cBffrSize = 10485760 -- copy in 10Mbyte chunks
  set itemDelimiter to /
  put destFolder  last item of sourceFile into destFile

  -- set the Mac OS filetype  create destination file:
  set the fileType to fCreatorType
  open file destFile for binary write
  -- open source file:
  open file sourceFile for binary read

  -- copy the file data:
  put empty into dataBffr
  put false into gotEOF
  repeat until gotEOF
read from file sourceFile for cBffrSize chars
put the result is eof into gotEOF
put it into dataBffr
if dataBffr is not empty then
  write dataBffr to file destFile
end if
  end repeat

  close file destFile
  close file sourceFile

  -- copy Mac OS resource fork info:
  put getResources(sourceFile) into resourceList
  set itemDelimiter to comma
  repeat for each line i in resourceList
put item 1 of i into resType
put item 2 of i into resID
put copyresource(sourceFile,destFile,resType,resID) into junk
  end repeat
  put empty into junk
end copyAfile

The remaining problem I have is that the copied file has the current  
time  date NOT the same time  date as the original file.  If I had  
used the revCopyFile, then the time  date would have been preserved.

Can anyone suggest how I can change the (creation or modified) time   
date on a file so the copies are the same as the originals?

On 4 Feb 2007, at 11:28 am, Peter Reid wrote:

Thanks David  Mark.

I think I'll try the buffered binary writing, as suggested by Mark,  
to see how that works out.  I've seen how fast Rev can do this kind  
of thing before, but not for such large files.  These files are   
Retrospect backup catalogues that I'm copying from the primary back- 
up area into another area for subsequent copying to tape.  In  
total, I have to copy about 85Gb (in about 54 files) from one  
partition to another.  Once in the 2nd partition, Retrospect itself  
copies them to an Ultrium tape drive for off-site storage.

Thanks again, I'll report back on my progress with the buffered  
binary approach.



On 3 Feb 2007, at 5:57 pm, David Bovill wrote:

I don't think this will be a memory problem - more likely an IAC type
problem in that revCopyFile uses AppleScript and the equivalent on  
If the delay between starting the event and completing it is very  
large and

in the mean time you have issued a cue of events - I guess things are
getting clogged. I think the way around it is to figure out a way of
monitoring when the copy has completed and only then issuing the next
revCopyFile command. However I am not sure how you would do this -  
one thing
that you could try as well is to make a zip, issue one copy then  

I'd love to know how you get on as it is a situation that does  
come up from

time to time?

On 3 Feb 2007, at 6:14 pm, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Since Revolution uses AppleScript, a much better way to do this  
task is to open each file for binary read, open a destination for  
binary write, and use a repeat loop to read and write small  
chunks, something like 200K. When done, close both files and  
continue with the next. You will be surprised about the speed and  
if you include a wait command with messages in the repeat loop,  
you have still control over the GUI to show e.g. a progress bar.

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Re: Memory Problem?

2007-02-06 Thread Peter Reid

Hello Mark,

Thanks for the rapid and detailed response.  I'll have a play around  
with the things you suggest.  However, I did try much smaller chunks  
initially (250Kb) but found the external drive which is used to hold  
both partitions (source  destination) went somewhat berserk and the  
copying was considerably slower!  Given that the typical size of each  
backup file being copied is about 1.5Gb, 250Kb chunks would take too  
many cycles.  This is why I increased the chunk size up to 10Mb.

I'll take a look at your AppleScript and shell suggestions for  
setting the dates.

Thanks again.



On 6 Feb 2007, at 11:53 pm, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Hello Peter,

I think that 10MB is quit a big chunk of data. Have you tried  
smaller chunks as well? My experience is that smaller chunks give a  
smoother impression, while they don't slow down copying much.

I added a wait command to your code (see below).

To get and set the modification dates on Mac OS X, use AppleScript.  
To get the modification date (mind line wraps):

tell application Finder to set x to the modification date of file  

To set the modification date:

tell application Finder to set the modification date of file  
System:Users:John:desktop:Untitled.html copy to date 31-10-2007

I believe that the date format needs to be the same as the system  
date if you want to write a date in abbreviated form.

AppleScript used by Revolution to copy modification dates:

on copyDate theSourceFile,theDestinationFile
  if char 1 of theSourceFile is ~ then delete char 1 of  
  if char 1 of theDestinationFile is ~ then delete char 1 of  

  put tell application 'Finder'  cr  ¬
  set myDate to the modification date of POSIX file '/users/   
$USER  theSourceFile  '  cr  ¬
  set the modification date of POSIX file '/users/  $USER   
theDestinationFile  ' to myDate  cr  ¬

  end tell into myScript
  replace ' with quote in myScript
  do myScript as AppleScript
  return the result
end copyDate

usage of the copyDate command:

copyDate ~/desktop/Untitled.html,~/desktop/Untitled.html copy
put the result

Note that the file paths need to be absolute file paths.

Unfortunately, I expect that using AppleScript to set modification  
dates may bring you back to the original problem, which was caused  
by AppleScript locking up Revolution. A better alternative might be  
to use a shell command, but I haven't looked into that yet. There  
is a command line utility (GetFileInfo) included in Apple's  
developer CD, which may be able to do the job.




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Op 6-feb-2007, om 23:24 heeft Peter Reid het volgende geschreven:

I've now managed to use buffered file copying for the problem I  
mentioned previously.  Here is my file copying handler:

on copyAfile  sourceFile, destFolder, fCreatorType
  constant cBffrSize = 10485760 -- copy in 10Mbyte chunks
  set itemDelimiter to /
  put destFolder  last item of sourceFile into destFile

  -- set the Mac OS filetype  create destination file:
  set the fileType to fCreatorType
  open file destFile for binary write
  -- open source file:
  open file sourceFile for binary read

  -- copy the file data:
  put empty into dataBffr
  put false into gotEOF
  repeat until gotEOF
read from file sourceFile for cBffrSize chars
put the result is eof into gotEOF
put it into dataBffr
if dataBffr is not empty then
  write dataBffr to file destFile
end if
wait 0 millisecs with messages -- increase number for more control  
over GUI

  end repeat

  close file destFile
  close file sourceFile

  -- copy Mac OS resource fork info:
  put getResources(sourceFile) into resourceList
  set itemDelimiter to comma
  repeat for each line i in resourceList
put item 1 of i into resType
put item 2 of i into resID
put copyresource(sourceFile,destFile,resType,resID) into junk
wait 0 millisecs with messages -- increase number for more control  
over GUI

  end repeat
  put empty into junk
end copyAfile

The remaining problem I have is that the copied file has the  
current time  date NOT the same time  date as the original  
file.  If I had used the revCopyFile, then the time  date would  
have been preserved.

Can anyone suggest how I can change the (creation or modified)  
time  date on a file so the copies are the same as the originals?

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Re: Memory Problem?

2007-02-04 Thread Peter Reid

Thanks David  Mark.

I think I'll try the buffered binary writing, as suggested by Mark,  
to see how that works out.  I've seen how fast Rev can do this kind  
of thing before, but not for such large files.  These files are   
Retrospect backup catalogues that I'm copying from the primary back- 
up area into another area for subsequent copying to tape.  In total,  
I have to copy about 85Gb (in about 54 files) from one partition to  
another.  Once in the 2nd partition, Retrospect itself copies them to  
an Ultrium tape drive for off-site storage.

Thanks again, I'll report back on my progress with the buffered  
binary approach.



On 3 Feb 2007, at 5:57 pm, David Bovill wrote:

I don't think this will be a memory problem - more likely an IAC type
problem in that revCopyFile uses AppleScript and the equivalent on  
If the delay between starting the event and completing it is very  
large and

in the mean time you have issued a cue of events - I guess things are
getting clogged. I think the way around it is to figure out a way of
monitoring when the copy has completed and only then issuing the next
revCopyFile command. However I am not sure how you would do this -  
one thing
that you could try as well is to make a zip, issue one copy then  

I'd love to know how you get on as it is a situation that does come  
up from

time to time?

On 3 Feb 2007, at 6:14 pm, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Since Revolution uses AppleScript, a much better way to do this  
task is to open each file for binary read, open a destination for  
binary write, and use a repeat loop to read and write small chunks,  
something like 200K. When done, close both files and continue with  
the next. You will be surprised about the speed and if you include  
a wait command with messages in the repeat loop, you have still  
control over the GUI to show e.g. a progress bar.

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Memory Problem?

2007-02-03 Thread Peter Reid
I've a program written in Rev 2.7.4 running under Max OS X 10.3.9  
Server which copies 50+ backup files from one partition of a FireWire  
drive to another using the revCopyFile command.  The size of each  
backup file varies from 350Mb up to 7Gb.  During the copy process a  
log is written to a text file, showing the start time of the session,  
the details of each file copied and the end time of the session.   
Each file is copied one after another with the log entry being added  
after each file has been copied.  The program always copies all files  
and the log file is complete with both session start and end time.   
However, once the copying is finished (taking some 90 minutes or so  
overnight), my Rev program is now frozen, not responding to any mouse  
clicks or attempts to open any of its menus (the Mac is otherwise  
working OK, no other problems with any other running programs).  This  
means using the Apple menu Force Quit... after every run of the  
program.  This program is supposed to run in the background all the  
time monitoring other activities and then doing the copying of the  
backup files overnight, but can't be used this way as it's always  
frozen after the copying!!

I deliberately used the revCopyFile command instead of the put URL  
command because of the advantages listed on the Rev help:

However, the revCopyFile command provides certain advantages. It  
copies file attributes (such as file type) and Mac OS resource  
forks along with the file. It also does not require reading the  
entire file into memory, so even extremely large files can be copied.

According to the above from the help, memory shouldn't be a problem.   
However, the symptoms seem to be of a memory problem.

Any suggestions please?


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Re: QT and standalones -- incompatible?

2006-05-05 Thread Peter Reid

Hi Robert

Are you trying to do this on a Mac running OS X?  If so the problem 
could be to do with the way OS X application packages work - an 
application package is really a folder. If you get the current folder 
relative to the stack within the development environment and then try 
the same when running as a standalone, you'll find a significant 

For example, I have a small stack called SoundTest.rev that looks for 
a folder called Sounds at the same level in the filing system, i.e. 
in the same parent folder:


In the development environment I can locate the content of the Sounds 
folder as follows:

  put the filename of this stack into gSoundPath
  set itemDelimiter to /
  put Sounds/ into the last item of gSoundsPath

My global variable gSoundsPath now has the path to the contents of my 
Sounds folder.

However, if this were saved as a standalone application, then I'd 
find the following folder structure:

  Sounds (my original folder)  (my standalone program, which is an OS X 'package')
SoundTest  (the real standalone program!)

When I get the 'filename' of SoundTest this time, I get the path down 
to SoundTest inside the MacOS folder (which is inside the Contents 
folder, which is inside the package/folder).

The solution is to change the script above to cater for running in 
both the development environment and as a standalone application as 

  put the filename of this stack into gSoundPath
  set itemDelimiter to /
  if the environment is development then
  put Sounds/ into the last item of gSoundsPath
  put Sounds/ into item -4 to -1 of gSoundsPath
  end if

Now my global variable gSoundsPath has the path to the contents of my 
Sounds folder irrespective of wether my stack is running in the 
development environment or as a standalone application!

I hope the above helps.



I can not develop a standalone on one computer that will play a QT movie
(Movie on another computer. I have determined the absolute file
path to the player (with QT file) using

put the defaultFolder  /  Movie into movieName
set the fileName of player Play to movieName

The file path is correct on any computer, but the movie won't play. It plays
just fine using the stack file, but not with the corresponding standalone.
The Movie is included in the standalone package/folder with the

Robert E. Ball, PhD
Distinguished Professor, Emeritus
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: QT and standalones -- incompatible?

2006-05-05 Thread Peter Reid

Hi Bob

You're welcome.  I've had many very helpful suggestions from this 
list, so it's only right that I chip in with some help as well!

This list is the BIGGEST selling point for Rev - fast help from 
friendly people, what more can a stressed out programmer ask for!!



Hello Peter, and thank you for responding -- and quickly, too. Yes, I am
working on a Mac, but I want to develop a standalone for Windows as well.

I thought I was doing what you suggested with the script in the openCard

put the defaultFolder  /  Movie into movieName
set the fileName of player Play to movieName

I put the fileName of player Play into a field so I can take a look at it,
and I thought it gave me the absolute path to the .mov file regardless of
the computer. In the Mac application package, it starts with /Users/ and
ends with MacOS/Movie

However, I am missing the Contents folder ahead of the MacOS folder in the
fileName. I thought the default folder would be the application folder, but
apparently it isn't. I can see in the finder window that I am missing this

You have been very helpful. I will add the folders ahead of the MacOS
folder. Thanks so much.

The people on this list are invaluable. RunRev should pay you.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Changing the screen resolution...

2006-04-07 Thread Peter Reid
I've just been trying to follow Ken's advice below (using cscreen 
with OS X 10.4.x) but I'm struggling with getting the syntax right 
for the shell() command.

I have placed the cscreen binary file into a folder support that is 
at the same level as my Rev stack (i.e. into the folder 
/Users/peter/Desktop/screen sizer/support).

if I put

  /Users/peter/Desktop/screen sizer/support/cscreen

into a variable theCmd and execute:

  put shell(theCmd) into theResult

it works fine and returns the current display resolution details etc.

However, if I put

  /Users/peter/Desktop/screen sizer/support/cscreen -x 1600 -y 1200 -s 1

into a variable theCmd and execute:

  put shell(theCmd) into theResult

I get the result:

/bin/sh: line 1: /Users/peter/Desktop/screen sizer/support/cscreen -x 
1600 -y 1200 -s 1: No such file or directory

I don't seem to be able to pass parameters to cscreen. Any 
suggestions about how to fix my syntax please?!


On 3/8/06 8:05 PM, Sarah Reichelt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a way so that I can change the resolution of the screen using a
 script in metacard itself.?

 On Mac OS X, you can use the cscreen shell command. I don't know if
 there is an equivalent for Windows or Linux.

Actually this is something that I have in my Scripter's Scrapbook (not Linux

Mac OS 9
Using Jon's Commands to change screen resolutions in OS 9:

Mac OS X
The place to download 'cscript', a command-line utility for OS X that can
retrieve info about screens and to change their properties (including

or to directly download 'cscript':

You can use one of three third-party command line executables (MultiRes,
Resolution Changer, or VidRes):

(For more information, see

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Changing the screen resolution...

2006-04-07 Thread Peter Reid

Thanks Ken, just the ticket!



On 4/7/06 2:37 PM, Peter Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I get the result:

 /bin/sh: line 1: /Users/peter/Desktop/screen sizer/support/cscreen -x
 1600 -y 1200 -s 1: No such file or directory

The problem is you have a space in your path that needs to be escaped. Try

put /Users/peter/Desktop/screen\ sizer/support/cscreen -x 1600 -y 1200 -s
1 into tCmd
get shell(tCmd)

Here's a general purpose function you can use to format paths for use with
Unix (and Windows for that matter):

function stsFormatPath pPath,pPlatform
  -- assumes a full /-delimited path
  switch pPlatform
  case MacOSX
  case Unix
put \  space  quote  '`!;()[]?#$^*= into tSpecialChars
repeat for each char tChar in tSpecialChars
  replace tChar with (\  tChar) in pPath
end repeat
  case Win32
set the itemDel to /
put item -1 of pPath into tFile
put \/:*?  quote  | into tSpecialChars
repeat for each char tChar in tSpecialChars
  replace tChar with (-) in tFile
end repeat
put tFile into item -1 of pPath
replace / with \ in pPath
  end switch
  return pPath
end stsFormatPath

Have fun!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
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MIDI-USB Input Rev Media?

2006-03-12 Thread Peter Reid
I'm thinking of doing a project with my son that involves connecting 
an electronic drum kit up to his iBook (running OS X 10.4.x) via a 
USB-MIDI interface.  What he wants to do is sense drum beats and 
display different images and play different sounds based on what drum 
pads the user strikes. In particular, he wants to sense a drum beat 
and use that as a trigger to change the images on display and 
stop/start different sound tracks.

Firstly, can anyone point me in the right direction for sensing the 
drum input via a USB-MIDI adapter.

Secondly, could this project be done using the new Rev Media product? 
I have a full Enterprise licence, but my son doesn't have a licence 
for Rev and yet he'd like to be involved in the actual programming. 
So he'll need a Rev licence as well.  As he's a student, he hasn't 
got a lot of spare cash and so Rev Media would be ideal, rather than 
having to buy Rev Studio (there doesn't seem to be a single-user 
educational price for Studio).  However, can this be done with Rev 
Media or are there too many restrictions for this type of project?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
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Re: [OT] .ds_store Messing Up ZIP

2006-01-03 Thread Peter Reid


Try the free program FinderCleaner which is able to clean (remove!) 
the following:

- .DS_Store files
- Resource forks
- FBC files
- .Trashes

Here's the description from the ReadMe:

What is it?
FinderCleaner is a small application that helps you when you share 
volumes or folders with Windows users (or any other OS for that 
matter), for example USB memory sticks. FinderCleaner deletes some 
files and folders invisible to Mac users but visible to Windows users 
so Windows users don't get stuck with annoying files that have no use 
to them. Mac users need not to worry about deleting these files 
because the volume will still work as usual. Note that you cannot 
move files to the trash on the selected volume after running this app 
until you eject and mount it again. You can still delete files but 
you will be warned that they will be deleted immediately. This app 
may also be of use when you have trouble with devices like mp3 
players or mobile phones that have trouble with Mac OS specific files.

What does it exactly do?
FinderCleaner removes the following files and folders:
Resource forks.
FBC files.

Optionally FinderCleaner can eject the volume in a way where the 
above mentioned files will not be created on eject. Ejecting in the 
Finder will at least recreate some of the mess you just cleaned.

You can download it from the usual places including:



I've been plagued by this enough that I thought I would ask...

For me, creating simple ZIP archives on Mac systems that contain a few files
is usually straightforward.  However, I often find that when the ZIP
archives starts to contain nested subfolders, I often wind up with invisible
.ds_store files that corrupt the archive when it comes time to decompress on
Windows systems.  The only recourse seems to be to move folders over to
Windows, delete any .ds_store files, and compress there.

Is there any Mac utility out there that allows one to poke around inside a
ZIP archive to delete these extraneous .ds_store files?  Or even better,
some way to tell Stuffit to ignore/delete these files in the first place?

Other suggestions welcome.

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
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Handling HTML Form POST in Rev?

2005-10-13 Thread Peter Reid
Can anyone provide some guidance on how I'd go about handling a POST 
from and HTML form?  I'm trying to produce a simple form handling 
application in Rev using AltBrowser to provide the display of the 
form.  However, I've no idea how I can get Rev to receive the POSTed 
form.  I want this to run as a standalone app without the need for a 
local web server.  So my user would fill in a form on screen which 
has been designed using standard HTML, click on the Send button and 
my Rev app would receive the content of the form.

Any ideas, guidance etc. please?
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
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Re: FileType

2005-10-13 Thread Peter Reid

If you download and use the free utility called TinkerTool (currently v3.61):

you can change the screen capture format to any 
BMP, GIF, PSD, SGi, TGA!  So you can have almost 
any flavour of graphic file from an OS X 10.4 
screen grab.

Alternatively, you can use variants of the normal 
screen grab shift+cmd+3 and selection grab 
shift+cmd+4 to put the grabbed info into the 
clipboard instead of creating a new file.  The 
variants are ctrl+shift+cmd+3 and ctrl+ 
shift+cmd+4.  I often use these variants to grab 
into the clipboard and then paste into 

where I can do further manipulation and then save 
in any of an enormous number of different graphic 
file formats.



Hi Yves,

With Capture (shipped with Mac OS Tiger):
Type: PNGf
Creator: prvw (preview/aperçu)

Le 13 oct. 05 à 12:31, Yves COPPE a écrit :

Hi list

With mac OSX 10.4.2, the screen capture has changed of fileformat
Before, in the previous mac OS X(Panther) it was a .pdf file
Now it's a .png file

Can you tell me what's the typefile of the 
image file created with a screen capture ?

Thank you



Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

So Smart Software

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Handling HTML Form POST in Rev?

2005-10-13 Thread Peter Reid

Hi Dan

I'm trying to produce a generic forms handler that can be used by 
people running surveys. Rather than try to make a generic forms 
design tool completely in Rev I thought I'd take advantage of the 
ease with which you can design forms in HTML.  Then capture the Send 
and parse and e-mail the info returned.  I could distribute the Rev 
forms app with an associated HTML file and the Rev app would be used 
to complete the form and send an e-mail of the results to a 
designated address.

The idea came from doing a similar thing with web pages on a 
university web site that used a cgi to e-mail the results and where I 
use a Rev app to analyse those results.

The problem is that I can't guarantee access to a web server with cgi 
on it in the variety of situations where I want to deploy these 
forms, so I thought I'd try to build the minimum web server 
functionality (enough to handle the form content) into my Rev app 

OK it may be a daft idea but it seemed worth investigating!


I'm probably missing something here, but if you're not building a 
Web application that runs on a Web server, why are you using a 
browser and HTML at all? A browser's only job, really, is to provide 
an interface between a user desktop and information stored on a Web 
server. (Yeah, I know it *can* be used for other things, but they're 
not its natural function.)

Assuming I'm just not completely wacko here (and there's always that 
possibility), this seems like a job for Revolution all by its 
lonesome. Create the form as a set of fields and other input 
controls in a Rev stack.

On Oct 13, 2005, at 2:33 AM, Peter Reid wrote:

I want this to run as a standalone app without the need for a local 
web server.  So my user would fill in a form on screen which has 
been designed using standard HTML, click on the Send button and 
my Rev app would receive the content of the form.

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
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Re: Handling HTML Form POST in Rev?

2005-10-13 Thread Peter Reid


Thanks for the feedback, which of your apps would you recommend for 
the simplest guidance on this?


if you're trying to build a little webserver in Rev, well, that is 
pretty easy, I have many versions of webserver built in rev running 
fine. Just log into my user space in RevOnline under soapdog and 
fetch your code! by the way, it's easy to parse forms submited too...


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
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Re: AppleScript - Silent Running?

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Reid
Er, what's not true - that you're forced to see FM Pro do its 
stuff when using AppleScript or that you need activate at the 
start of each script?  I'm happy to believe the latter isn't 
required, but I don't think it helps since if this is left out I 
still see FM Pro screens flashing away.  However, I'm fairly 
convinced of the former!

What happens if you start your script with:

tell application FileMaker Pro

'hide' is not a supported AppleScript command for FileMaker.  In fact 
I don't think it's an application command at all.  The way I make 
FileMaker hide itself using AppleScript is by using the Finder 
instead as follows:

   tell application Finder
  set visible of application process FileMaker to false
   end tell

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
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Re: AppleScript - Silent Running?

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Reid

I used to use FMkr to export data called by Applescripts, but user interface
was no concern since this was a server.
Does the FMkr database have to be on the same Mac?  Being frontmost will not
be an issue in that case.

I don't think you can AppleScript an app on another Mac, I think it 
only works on the local system.

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
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Re: AppleScript - Silent Running?

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Reid

Just did a few simple tests, yes it can be scripted while minimized. There
were a few things I had to do when scripting a hidden window that I do not
have to do when scripting a minimized window, so this looks like a good

 I used to use FMkr to export data called by Applescripts, but user interface
 was no concern since this was a server.

Doubtful. There is no way to get data from FileMaker Server, assuming  you
are talking about days before Filemaker 7. Maybe you're just talking about
Filemaker client with nobody operating it.

 Does the FMkr database have to be on the same Mac?  Being frontmost will not
 be an issue in that case.

That is probably doable.

I have done some more experiments and found that most of my 
AppleScripts work fine when hidden and without 'activate'.  The 
exception is when I open the database initially.  So I now use the 
following AppleScript for the purpose:

   tell application FileMaker Pro 7
   end tell

   tell application Finder
  set visible of application process FileMaker to false
   end tell

This opens FileMaker and the required database and then uses the 
Finder to hide FM Pro.  From then on all my other AppleScripts 
accessing FM Pro operate silently, with no obvious activity from FM 

By the way, the method I use with AppleScripting is to have a text 
file containing all the scripts which is loaded into an array at 
start time such that each script is a separate element indexed by 
script name.

If anyone is interested in my FM Pro scripting and the associated Rev 
scripting, then contact me off list for a copy.

Thanks to everyone for their contributions.
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
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Building Standalones with Panther/Tiger

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Reid
I'm using Rev 2.6 (build number 108) to build standalone Apps using 
both Mac OS X 10.3.9 (Panther) and 10.4.2 (Tiger).  However, the 
standalones only work on Macs with the same OS X as they were built 

So a Panther-built standalone will run on a Panther Mac but not a 
Tiger Mac and a Tiger-built standalone will run on a Tiger Mac but 
not a Panther Mac!!

Is this a known problem (with a prospective fix??) or is there 
something I can do about it?

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
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Re: Building Standalones with Panther/Tiger

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Reid
I haven't observed that problem here. I routinely build apps on 
Tiger and deploy on Panther. Could you give us more details about 
the app you're trying to build?


I'm building an app that uses AppleScript to control an FM Pro 
database on the same machine.  I'm not using any external or special 
resources of any kind.

When I double-click on a Panther-built copy on a Tiger machine the 
dock twitches briefly as if it's about to show the program icon and 
then nothing.  If I build the standalone on the Tiger system and 
double-click again it opens normally!

I get exactly the same effect the other way round on a Panther 
system, i.e. trying to run a Tiger-built copy.

Both the Tiger and Panther app packages contain:

and the file sizes are identical.

If I run my Rev stack from within Rev itself, it works identically, 
without any problems, on both Tiger and Panther.  It's only as a 
standalone that I get this behaviour?!

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
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Re: AppleScript - Silent Running?

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Reid

At 7:38 am -0700 22/9/2005, Jim Ault wrote:

you are correct about the 'server'.. it was a headless client that fed data
and processed reports for the office, running a FMkr client app.
Applescript coordinated the email, web, FMkr, Excel, and Word apps to
produce an integrated solution without regard to screen flashing and user

Jim Ault

At 7:58 am -0700 22/9/2005, Jim Ault wrote:

google   applescript remote   a bunch of links, some rather old.

'Tell' blocks can accept URLs in the 'machine' parameter, allowing
AppleScript control of remote applications via TCP/IP as of OS 9 in Nov '99

You can run a remote Applescript in Terminal
Check out the 'osascript' shell command. [several topics]
Controlling Your Mac with AppleScript and Java
A tutorial on how to use AppleScript and Java together to automate your ...
 the power of AppleScript to make a remote control center for any
AppleScriptable apps

Jim Ault

Thanks for the links, I'll do some digging around!


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
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Re: Building Standalones with Panther/Tiger

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Reid
Stupid question: How do you transfer the apps from one computer to 
the other? Are you using stuff-it to pack it before transfer? Have 
you tried a memory stick or CD-R with an uncompressed app? I have 
seen that behaviour with a broken stuff-it version before 
(Jaguar/Panther in that case).

All the best,


Direct network connection - I have a PowerMac G4 running Tiger and a 
PowerBook 15 running Panther on the same network.  My development 
system is the PowerMac G4, but my main client is still on Panther so 
I keep my PowerBook on that.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
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Re: Building Standalones with Panther/Tiger

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Reid

I have seen this before and it is a permissions problem caused (as
Malte suggests) by copying an uncompressed app from one computer to
another. The system version has nothing to do with it as far as I
know. Panther  Tiger both have built-in compression. Right-click
(control-click) on the application and choose Create archive... to
make a zip file that can easily be transferred.


Interesting!  I just connected From my Tiger-PowerMac to my 
Panther-PowerBook over my network and created a zip archive using the 
OS X built-in facility, then dragged it to a folder on my 
Tiger-PowerMac, unzipped it and it worked!

Is this a Mac OS X thing or a Rev thing?  I haven't seen this 
behaviour with other software I move by dragging across a network 

When both the PowerMac and PowerBook were Panther, I don't think I 
saw this problem with Rev either??


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list
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AppleScript - Silent Running?

2005-09-20 Thread Peter Reid
I'm using AppleScript to access a local FileMaker Pro 7 database 
under OS X 10.3/10.4 from my Rev stack.  This works fine except 
there's an awful lot of screen flashing going on - i.e. every time 
I use some AppleScript to access the FM Pro database, FM Pro becomes 
visible and is the front application.  The user sees my Rev window 
initially, then flashes of the FM Pro user interface and finally the 
Rev window again!

I use AppleScript to send hide yourself to FM Pro whenever 
possible, but this doesn't help when I'm trying to access the 
database since I have to start my AppleScripts with 'activate'.

Can anyone suggest a way of accessing the FM Pro database silently, 
i.e. with no screen activity from FM Pro itself?

By the way, I've ended up using AppleScript to interface with FM Pro 
as I failed to get a free ODBC solution for OS X (Panther  Tiger). 
Can anyone suggest a free (or very low cost) workable ODBC solution 
for FM Pro 7, or any other connection technology or approach?!.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
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Re: AppleScript - Silent Running?

2005-09-20 Thread Peter Reid

Geoff Canyon:
You could use the built-in web interfaces. I believe FileMaker can 
supply HTML or XML. This has the advantage of being silent as you 
say, and cross-platform.

With v7 FileMaker Pro standard edition no longer supports HTML/XML 
nor the older CDML.  You have to buy one of the expensive version to 
get this functionality!

Bruce Robertson:
FileMaker 7 comes with free xDBC connectivity out of the box, though there
are updaters which you should get at the FileMaker download page.

I tried this before moving to AppleScript and couldn't get it to 
work.  I couldn't connect to the FM Pro database using other tools, 
not just Rev!  I did send an e-mail to the list to ask for advice 
about getting Rev to access FM Pro using ODBC but got no replies.  I 
believe Daniel Wenger had also asked for help with this on this list 
and got no replies either!  This is why both he and I independently 
decided to use AppleScript instead.  If someone can give us full 
details of how to use ODBC with Rev and FM Pro under OS X 
Panther/Tiger, I'd be delighted to give it a try!

  I use AppleScript to send hide yourself to FM Pro whenever
  possible, but this doesn't help when I'm trying to access the
  database since I have to start my AppleScripts with 'activate'.

Bruce Robertson:
Not true.

Er, what's not true - that you're forced to see FM Pro do its stuff 
when using AppleScript or that you need activate at the start of 
each script?  I'm happy to believe the latter isn't required, but I 
don't think it helps since if this is left out I still see FM Pro 
screens flashing away.  However, I'm fairly convinced of the former!


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list
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Rev On Top?

2005-08-25 Thread Peter Reid
I have a Rev stack that uses AppleScript to access a FileMaker Pro 
database.  However, I often find that the FMPro window remains on top 
and I have to manually bring my Rev window to the front.  I have 
tried using the go this stack command to bring Rev to the top but 
it doesn't work.

Can anyone suggest how I can make sure my Rev window is on top/in front?



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Re: Rev On Top?

2005-08-25 Thread Peter Reid

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.  Here's what I've found:

1) If you use the SystemWindow property, then the Rev window stays on 
top at all times, it doesn't just pop to the top - this was too much 
for my particular purpose on this occasion.

2) Using AppleScript, you can tell an application such as FileMaker 
Pro to hide itself:

  tell application Finder
set visible of application process FileMaker to false
  end tell

3) Using AppleScript, you can tell an application to activate itself 
and come to the top at this moment (but not permanently):

  tell application MyApp
  end tell

I found the best result was obtained by using both solutions 2) and 
3) above, i.e. tell FileMaker Pro to hide itself and then tell my Rev 
app to pop to the top so it came in front of any open Finder windows. 
If I only hide FMPro, then I find my Rev app can be behind Finder 
windows.  If I only bring my app to the top, there's a chance that 
the FMPro windows can still appear in front!

Thanks again.

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
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2005-07-11 Thread Peter Reid
Can anyone advise me on how I can access a FileMaker Pro 7 database 
from Rev 2.6 (under OS X 10.3.8)?  I have tried installing ODBC 
support but whenever I try to connect I get revdberr,invalid 
database type returned as the error!


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
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Menus Driving Me Nuts!

2005-06-27 Thread Peter Reid
Well I've spent about 4 hours trying to get consistent cross-platform 
behaviour for two small projects without success!  I've looked 
through the lists for help about menus and tried various suggestions 
but without success.

I have a simple menu structure with a File Edit Help menu bar.  All 
I want is the following:

1) in the development environment on my Mac (OS X 10.3.9, Rev 2.6 
build 108), I want to see proper Mac menus (at the top of the screen) 
with my stack window showing just the objects I expect and no sliding 
or cropping and no blank space at the top where a Win menu bar would 
be displayed

2) in the standalone Mac app, I expect the same as above

3) in the standalone Win app, I expect the normal Windows behaviour, 
i.e. the window is slightly higher with the menu bar at the top and 
the remaining objects slid down the screen to accommodate it

It seems that instead of the above I can get the following, depending 
on what tricks I try:

a) standalone Mac app is fine but standalone Win app has no menu bar

b) standalone Win app is fine but standalone Mac app has lost the 
bottom of its window

c) standalone Win app is fine but standalone Mac app has Win-sized 
window with a blank space at the top where the menu bar would be and 
everything else moved down

The only way I've had some limited success is if I explicitly fix the 
window height in my preOpenStack handler.  Not only is this yuk, it's 
not fully reliable either!
I have tried completely removing and remaking the menus (several 
times), but nothing works consistently.

Also, how come both Mac and Win apps end up with a 'Quit' option in 
the File menu when the Win standard is 'Exit'?  Of course I can fix 
this with code, but why should I have to, surely you should be able 
to expect standard behaviour for each platform?

In the end I got most of what I want using the following script 
inside my preOpenStack handler (not nice or obvious but it does 

  if the platform is MacOS then
if the environment is not development then
  put the height of this stack into theHeight
  set the editMenu of this stack to false
  show group menuBarName
  set the height of this stack to theHeight + the height of group 

end if
set the editMenu of this stack to false
put the height of this stack into theHeight
show group menuBarName
set the height of this stack to theHeight + the height of group menuBarName
  end if

I really can't believe how unreliable and torturous it is trying to 
get standard cross-platform menus.  Every time I start a new short 
project, I spend more time trying to sort out the menus than I do 
completing the rest of the project!  It's now got to the point where 
I'm considering jumping ship to REALbasic for small projects has 
I'm so fed up with this fight every time - it's making small projects 
uneconomical with Rev.

Please can someone tell me how to get some reliable sanity into the 
menu process!

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
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Printing Causes Rev Standalone to Crash

2005-06-27 Thread Peter Reid
I'm printing a large number of cards (100-150 cards, each landscape 
A4) using something like:

   open printing with dialog
repeat with x = 1 to cardsToPrint
  print card x
end repeat
   close printing

However, it gets to the last card and then crashes both Rev and also 
any standalone I've built doing the same thing.  I've tried both Rev 
2.5.1 and Rev 6 (under Mac OS X 10.3.9) and get the same result. 
I've tried a Print Preview and a Print to PDF and both crash out of 
Rev/standalone!  If I do Print Preview, I get nothing after the 
crash.  If I do Print to PDF, I get an incomplete damaged PDF file.

The 100-150 cards are actually groups of 4-5 cards with their content 
being changed and then printed. Basically they are customer records, 
each of 4-5 pages and I'm trying to print a batch of customers in one 
go, either directly to the printer or to a PDF file such that the 
user only has to set the paper size/orientation once and the output 
options (one/two sided, to print/PDF) once rather than for each 
customer in a batch (a batch can be 15-25 customers at a time).

This looks like a memory problem to me, but I don't know whether 
there's anything I can tweak to make it go away.

Alternatively, is there anyway to set up multiple print runs (i.e. 
multiple open printing - close printing cycles such that I can 
get the user to answer the final print dialog just the once and carry 
over the settings into each subsequent cycle?

Any suggestions please?

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
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Re: Printing Causes Rev Standalone to Crash

2005-06-27 Thread Peter Reid
I'm printing a large number of cards (100-150 cards, each landscape 
A4) using something like:

   open printing with dialog
repeat with x = 1 to cardsToPrint
  print card x
end repeat
   close printing

However, it gets to the last card and then crashes both Rev and 
also any standalone I've built doing the same thing.  I've tried 
both Rev 2.5.1 and Rev 6 (under Mac OS X 10.3.9) and get the same 
result. I've tried a Print Preview and a Print to PDF and both 
crash out of Rev/standalone!  If I do Print Preview, I get nothing 
after the crash.  If I do Print to PDF, I get an incomplete damaged 
PDF file.

A few weeks ago, someone reported crashes when printing large 
numbers of cards/pages. Can you split your print job into smaller 
batches? Also, make sure that you aren't trying to print a card that 
doesn't exist.


Unfortunately I have the requirement to be able to ether print to 
paper or to PDF and if I split into smaller batches, I'll end up with 
a separate PDF file for each batch.  Also, it only prints the cards 
it's got.

Do you know if this is already a bugzilla report (crashing when 
printing large number of pages) or should I file it?

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Re: File Associations Auto-Open with OS X

2005-05-11 Thread Peter Reid
Hi Thierry
Thanks very much for an excellent solution - just the job!
With best regards
Add the following handler to the main stack script:
on appleEvent pClass, pID, pSender
  switch pClass  pID
  case aevtodoc
request appleEvent data  -- extract the path of the file to open
-- put here the code to process the file
pass appleEvent
  end switch
end appleEvent
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Table Field Docs?

2005-05-10 Thread Peter Reid
Hi Frank
Thanks for the response.  Unfortunately your recommendations only 
work for ordinary fields not table ones.  The problem is that when 
you start editing into cells, the field text property is clearly NOT 
being used to hold the edited cells.  From other messages on the list 
it seems that hidden data structures are used for this.

This is why I'm after some documentation - how to I get at the hidden 
data structure to read/write/empty under script control?

put tableContent into field Table Field -- put data into complete table
put field Table Field into tableContent -- get complete table data
- clear a table
put empty into field Table Field
- address individual cells for reading/writing
set the itemDelimiter to tab   -- 
the lines in a table field have the columns separated by tabs

put 6 into item 5 of line 7 of field Table Field   -- row 7, column 5
put item 3 of line 2 of field Table Field into mycell   -- row 2, column 3
- fix the number of columns when tabbing across
not sure what you mean by this one?
- have table column headings that scroll as the data table scrolls
Hmm, you could put the headings in another table immediately above 
the one they belong to, set the tabStops the same, eliminate the 
scrollbars, make it non-editable, and put a bit of code in the main 
field (Table Field) to keep the horizontal scrolling in sync.  I 
did something like this with an experimental stack I had started at 
one point.

Then you could format the other table field however you want.
Yep, I've done this use-another-table-for-the-headings trick but it's 
clunky and I hoped that a spreadsheet like object might actually 
support proper column headings?!

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Table Field Docs?

2005-05-10 Thread Peter Reid
Hi All
Thanks for all the responses to this.
Looking at Chris' stuff below it seems clear that the table field is 
very much a project in progress!

I think I'll keep well away from it for now as it looks far too flaky 
for reliable use. Once RunRev have a fully worked out table object, 
then I'll jump back in again as it's something I'd really like to 
take advantage of - but it's got to be solid and require no more than 
a reasonable amount of coding support as well.

Cheers for now (watching this space...)
at this address below is a collection of notes I put together on doing
tables. it is not exhaustive but will get you going.
   go stack url;
i think the key thing is knowing when you must use the rev functions (hidden
in the frontscript) to access the table versus accessing the field directly
i wrote this a few years ago and apologize for the lazy scripting conventions
BTW the other way to do tables is to use the AltBrowser (see
and do it in good ol' HTML !
In a message dated 5/10/05 2:46:58 AM,
Is there anyone on the list (or better still from RunRev) who can provide
more comprehensive documentation for table fields
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Table Field Docs?

2005-05-10 Thread Peter Reid
I think flaky is right if you look at Chris' stuff - you can see that 
the bottom right corner cells are unusable since clicking into them 
causes unwanted scrolling down and/or right!

I don't know if would be correct to call it flaky as much as 
undocumented. It might work incredibly well. It might work perfectly 
if we knew how to do it right. So I'll wait for Eric's demo stack.

At 9:12 PM +0100 5/10/05, Peter Reid wrote:
Hi All
Thanks for all the responses to this.
Looking at Chris' stuff below it seems clear that the table field 
is very much a project in progress!

I think I'll keep well away from it for now as it looks far too 
flaky for reliable use. Once RunRev have a fully worked out table 
object, then I'll jump
use-revolution mailing list

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

File Associations Auto-Open with OS X

2005-05-10 Thread Peter Reid
I've got a standalone developed with Rev 2.5.1 that I want to 
associate with a particular file extension for both OS X and Windows. 
On both platforms I can specify that all files with the extension 
.xyz is to be opened by a particular program.  This works fine with 
Windows, but not with OS X (v10.3.9 by the way, in case it's 

In my preOpenStack handler I'm looking at the $0, $1 parameters and 
find that $1 is set to the name of the file I double-clicked on 
(.xyz) for Windows but is empty for OS X.  So with OS X when the user 
double-clicks a .xyz data file, it opens my standalone OK but not the 
file itself.

Is there a known solution for this for OS X so my users can simply 
double-click a file to cause it to open my standalone AND THEN the 
file they clicked on?

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

Table Field Docs?

2005-05-09 Thread Peter Reid
I'm very keen to use table fields but need to know how to load and 
unload a complete table field quickly and efficiently.  I've seen 
some of the earlier messages which mention revReadCellValue, 
revWriteCellValue, cREVTable[], revDisplayFormattedData, but NO 
complete documentation for how to manipulate and display table fields.

It is somewhat of a cheat to claim that Rev supports Spreadsheet 
fields (see for 
the claims)
but then doesn't provide ANY documentation for how to actually use 
them apart from when attached to database queries!!  Moreover, if you 
try to apply general field manipulation techniques things go really 
weird with edited cells still containing old values, etc.

Specifically, I want to be able to:
- load/unload a complete table in one go
- clear a table
- address individual cells for reading/writing
- fix the number of columns when tabbing across
- have table column headings that scroll as the data table scrolls
and I need proper documentation (or even SOME documentation!!) in 
order to do this.

Is there anyone on the list (or better still from RunRev) who can 
provide more comprehensive documentation for table fields, so I can 
REALLY use them?!

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Multiple Line SQL for MySQL?

2005-04-02 Thread Peter Reid
I use an alternative trim function that operates faster and removes 
excess space between words as well as at the start  end:

function trim pText
  put empty into tNew
  repeat for each word w in pText
put w  space after tNew
  end repeat
  delete last char of tNew
  return tNew
end trim
Hi Sarah
Thanks for the tips etc. things seem to be moving along with the 
MySQL-based project now.

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Multiple Line SQL for MySQL?

2005-03-29 Thread Peter Reid
Hi Sarah
Thanks for the response below.  In the end, I had done something similar:
function execSQLsequence dbID,dbSQL
  -- execute a sequence of SQL commands
  put unwrappedSQL(dbSQL) into theSQL
  repeat for each line i in theSQL
revExecuteSQL dbID, i
put the result into theResult
if theResult is not a number then
  return theResult
end if
  end repeat
  return empty
end execSQLsequence
function unwrappedSQL wrapped
  -- ignore blank  comment lines, unwrap multiple lines into single lines
  put empty into unwrapped
  put empty into thisCmd
  repeat for each line i in wrapped
if i is not empty and char 1 to 2 of i is not -- then
  put trimmed(i) after thisCmd
  if last char of i = ; then
put thisCmd  return after unwrapped
put empty into thisCmd
  end if
  put i  return after unwrapped
end if
  end repeat
  if thisCmd is not empty then
put thisCmd  return after unwrapped
  end if
  return unwrapped
end unwrappedSQL
function trimmed theText
  -- remove leading  trailing spaces
  put 1 into startCh
  put length(theText) into lenText
  put lenText into endCh
  repeat for each char c in theText
if c  space then
  exit repeat
end if
add 1 to startCh
  end repeat
  repeat with c = lenText to startCh step -1
if char c of theText  space then
  put c into endCh
  exit repeat
end if
  end repeat
  return char startCh to endCh of theText
end trimmed
The execSQLsequence function can be used with a dump file produced 
by phpMySQL or mysqldump to reload a database or individual tables.

Here is a segment of the handler I use for restoring data to MySQL. 
This takes the file produced by mysqldump and re-instates it. 
tRestore is a variable containing the text data.

get offset(;  cr, tRestore)
if it = 0 then exit repeat
put char 1 to it of tRestore into tSQL
delete char 1 to it of tRestore
get doSQLexecute(tSQL, tID)
if it is not a number then
  answer error Error restoring from backup.  cr  it  cr  
tSQL as sheet
  exit to top
end if
  end repeat

I have a doSQLexecute function that is just a wrapper for the 
revExecuteSQL command. I realize that you didn't want to have to do 
this, but it is really quite fast.

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Running MySQL Utility Commands on Remote Server

2005-03-29 Thread Peter Reid
Hi Sarah
Thanks again for another of your responses below.
I assumed that the MySQL utility programs could be used only where 
the rest of MySQL had been installed.  From what you're saying, these 
utilities are completely standalone and independent of any other 
material installed as part of the MySQL server.  Is this the case, or 
does it mean that MySQL has to be installed on each client system as 
well, not to function as a local MySQL server, but simply to provide 
support for the utilities?

I do this by including a copy of mysqldmp in with the application. 
In Standalone setttings, in the Copy file section, add the mysqldump 
file to the list and it will automatically become part of your 
application and be useable by the app. With OS X, it is inside the 
bundle. For testing purposes, I put a copy of mysqldump in the 
folder with the stack file.

Here is the script I use:
  put the fileName of stack MailOpener into tPath
  set the itemDel to /
  put mysqldump into last item of tPath
  put '  tPath  ' --host='  dbAddr  \
  ' MailingList names address flags topics deletions into tCmd
  put  --user='  dbUser after tCmd
  put ' --password='  dbPass after tCmd
  put ' -a -l -r '  tFile  ' after tCmd
  get shell(tCmd)
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

Running MySQL Utility Commands on Remote Server

2005-03-26 Thread Peter Reid
I'm developing a MySQL-based Rev application with the MySQL server 
running on a server system on the local network which is accessed by 
client systems running my Rev application.

In order to do various forms of database maintenance (dumping, 
importing copying, etc.) I need to be able to use not just the MySQL 
server commands but also the MySQL utility commands such as 
mysqldump.  In particular, I'd like to be able to dump the structure 
and contents of a database on the server into a local file (as a SQL 
script) on the client system.

If the MySQL server were running on the same machine as the Rev app, 
then I'd just use the shell() feature.  However, the Rev app will be 
on a client machine and the MySQL server will be on a different 
machine on the network.  So does anyone know how I can use the shell 
commands with the remote server machine?

Alternatively, does anyone have potted MySQL Rev solutions that 
support copying, importing, exporting databases, etc?

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

Multiple Line SQL for MySQL?

2005-03-23 Thread Peter Reid
Does anyone know whether Rev supports multiple-line SQL command 
execution with MySQL?

I have a Rev 2.5.1 project that is trying to create and populate a 
new database based on an existing template database.  I have used 
phpMyAdmin to dump a SQL script to a text file from a template 
database containing the SQL commands to construct all the tables and 
data I require.  However, I can't find a way of sending this script 
to MySQL using Rev? (I can read the file into a text container, but I 
can't feed this to the MySQL server using the revDB support commands 
and functions).

If I use revExecuteSQL command (or equivalent function 
revdb_execute), I can send a single SQL command only.  If I try to 
use this inside a repeat for each... loop to work through a text 
object that contains multiple commands, then I hit a problem with any 
commands that have been laid out across several physical lines (as 
you get from phpMyAdmin dumps!).

I really don't want to have to parse the SQL dump statements myself 
and convert each long multi-line command into a long single-line 
command just so I can use revExecuteSQL!  Nor do I want to use a 
shell() command as this is a client-server application with the code 
running on a client and the MySQL server running on a server on the 
same local network.

Any suggestions please?!
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Multiple Line SQL for MySQL?

2005-03-23 Thread Peter Reid
Hi Frank
The following is a fragment of the SQL script produced by a 
phpMyAdmin dump for a table called actionees:

-- Table structure for table `actionees`
CREATE TABLE `actionees` (
  `Actionee` varchar(20) default NULL,
  `Fullname` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `tOrder` smallint(3) default NULL,
  `ActioneeID` mediumint(5) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`ActioneeID`),
  KEY `tOrder` (`tOrder`)
-- Dumping data for table `actionees`
INSERT INTO `actionees` VALUES ('User', 'User', 70, 1);
INSERT INTO `actionees` VALUES ('Other', 'Other', 500, 6);
INSERT INTO `actionees` VALUES ('RA', 'Risk Assessor', 10, 7);
If you copy and paste this into the SQL web page of phpMyAdmin, you 
can execute it to rebuild the table in the same or a new empty 
database.  The only thing you need to add is a COMMIT command at 
the end.

Similarly, if you open up a Terminal session for MySQL and type 
commands in across a number of lines, it's not a problem - a command 
doesn't end until MySQL sees the ; at the end.

So it seems that MySQL is not the problem, the problem is feeding 
such a script to MySQL using the revDB library!  At present the only 
way I can see of sending this to MySQL from Rev is to unwrap 
multi-line commands (such as the CREATE TABLE command above) so they 
are on a single line terminated with ;.  Of course this can be done 
(tedious but straightforward) but is it really necessary, am I 
missing something obvious?

No clue for MySQL, but I can tell you that it definitely supports 
multi-line SQL commands with PostgreSQL, while the docs tell you 
that it may not support them for all database types.  MySQL may not 
support this (my understanding is that the database server will need 
to have support for it, as Rev itself does not parse the statements 
-- can anyone confirm?)

On Mar 23, 2005, at 6:45 AM, Peter Reid wrote:
Does anyone know whether Rev supports multiple-line SQL command 
execution with MySQL?

I have a Rev 2.5.1 project that is trying to create and populate a 
new database based on an existing template database.  I have used 
phpMyAdmin to dump a SQL script to a text file from a template 
database containing the SQL commands to construct all the tables 
and data I require.  However, I can't find a way of sending this 
script to MySQL using Rev? (I can read the file into a text 
container, but I can't feed this to the MySQL server using the 
revDB support commands and functions).

If I use revExecuteSQL command (or equivalent function 
revdb_execute), I can send a single SQL command only.  If I try to 
use this inside a repeat for each... loop to work through a text 
object that contains multiple commands, then I hit a problem with 
any commands that have been laid out across several physical lines 
(as you get from phpMyAdmin dumps!).

I really don't want to have to parse the SQL dump statements myself 
and convert each long multi-line command into a long single-line 
command just so I can use revExecuteSQL!  Nor do I want to use a 
shell() command as this is a client-server application with the 
code running on a client and the MySQL server running on a server 
on the same local network.

Any suggestions please?!
- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Creating MySQL Databases

2005-03-21 Thread Peter Reid
Here is my script for creating a new database. It connects directly 
to the myslq database as root (or any user that has the right 
privileges) and sends the create database command to that. I have 
only done it on a local database, so you will need to change the 
value for dbAddr.

I don't know how to rename a database, but if you can find the SQL 
command to do it, then I would hope that this technique would work 
for that as well.

Here's what I do (extract) to create MySQL databases from within
runrev. Send the commands to a text file, then execute the MySQL
client using the text file as a command script:
-Mark Wieder
Hi Sarah  Mark
Thank you both for your code fragments which are very helpful. 
However, the problem I have is how to address the MySQL server on a 
different system, not the one the Rev program is running on.

If my Rev program were running on the same system as the MySQL server 
then I might send mysql  createDB.sql as a shell command. 
However, the mysql command only exists on a different system on my 
local network (IP, say) whilst I'm running the Rev 
program on my local system (IP, say). So the problem is 
that mysql is actually /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql on 
whilst createDB.sql is actually /Users/fred/Documents/creatdb.sql 
on  How do I construct the shell command in this 

Just a thought here, but if my Rev program is actually on the server 
system (in /User/dbuser/Documents/ say) and the user executes it 
directly from there whilst remote-connected to the system as 
dbuser, will this all work as if the MySQL server and the rev 
program were all running locally?  (My understanding is that if you 
execute a program on a remote system, then it's actually running in 
the memory of your system, not the remote one??).

By the way, all this cross-system addressing messiness is hidden for 
the SQL commands that Rev supports, which is why it would have been 
nice if it supported database creation and status listing (so you can 
list existing databases, etc.).  The main reason I'm using MySQL is 
for a client-server application, which is why this sort of detail 
would be better encapsulated within the Rev SQL database support!

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Creating MySQL Databases

2005-03-21 Thread Peter Reid
Hi Mark
Thanks for the detailed response and explanation, it makes things a 
lot clearer.  However, I can't see how I can get non-query results 
back from the MySQL server.  In particular, I want to get a list of 
current databases, but when I use (from Sarah's suggestion):

  put root into dbUser
  put mysql into dbName
  put localhost into dbAddr
  put  into dbPass  -- no password for root as yet
  put revOpenDatabase(MySQL,dbAddr,dbName,dbUser,dbPass) into dbresult
  if dbResult is not a number then
answer error dbResult as sheet
exit to top
  end if
  put dbResult into dbID
  revExecuteSQL dbID, dbSQL
  put the result into sqlResult
the result is empty even though there are 4 databases and I establish 
the connection on localhost using the root account. (I can confirm 
that the 4 databases exist and can be seen using root with no 
password by using phpMyAdmin).  I'm doing this early development on 
the same system as the MySQL server and so your comment about remote 
use of the root account isn't relevant as yet.

The client/server aspect of MySQL and similar databases is all
encapsulated in the revOpenDatabase function - and there is no
difference utilising the database functions whether you specify
'localhost' as the address or an IP address of a remote machine - the
underlying database libraries take care of all the nitty-gritty of
sending commands and receiving data.
The only requirement that Revolution puts upon you when connecting is
that you have to connect to an existing database (you can't have a
database-less connection) - but this isn't an issue because all MySQL
databases have a 'mysql' database in which all the meta-data is stored.
(Or you can just create a dummy database to connect to)
Once you have connected, you can issue any SQL command you require -
assuming the user you connected to the database with has appropriate
privileges (MySQL has a reasonable fine-grained set of these).
In particular, Sarah's suggestion is probably the best way to create
databases - however, as I recall, the default setup of MySQL prohibits
access to the root user from anywhere but 'localhost' - so you will
probably want to set up another user, usable more widely and endowed
with 'create database' permissions.
The thing to remember about SQL is that it is 'closed' in the sense that
everything that the databases allow you to do can be done in SQL and
uses the standard database abstractions of cursors, tables and columns.
For example, MySQL has a 'SHOW DATABASES' command that will return a
table with one column ('Databases') containing the list of databases
visible to the current user. Analogously, there is a 'SHOW TABLES'
command that returns a list of tables in the current database.
Similarly there are commands such as 'GRANT' and 'REVOKE' (with suitable
unrememberable subsequent syntax) for granting and revoking access
permissions for users.
Warmest Regards,
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Creating MySQL Databases

2005-03-21 Thread Peter Reid
Hi Mark
Just the job thanks!  I had assumed that revDataFromQuery had to be 
used with table results rather than for general purposes - my 

Hi Peter,
revDB offers three methods of executing SQL commands:
  1) revExecuteSQL
  2) revQueryDatabase
  3) revDataFromQuery
revExecuteSQL should be used when the SQL statement you are executing
does not return any data - e.g. CREATE DATABASE, CREATE TABLE, UPDATE
etc. - in this case the value returned will be the number of rows
affected by the query (or zero, if this is not applicable).
revQueryDatabase creates a 'cursor' that allows you to iterate through
the result one by one and is best used when you are iterating through
large amounts of data, or data that contains arbitrary text or binary
data. (There are a number of commands/functions that operate on cursors
- have a look in the docs for more info).
revDataFromQuery returns all the data from a query as a string that you
can then process. It is ideal when you are requesting relatively small
amounts of data. The syntax is:
  revDataFromQuery(columnDelimiter, rowDelimiter, id, SQL)
And it returns a string in which each row is separated by rowDelimiter
and each column within each row is separated by columnDelimiter. For
example, the command you probably want to use is something like:
  put revDataFromQuery(tab, return, dbId, SHOW DATABASES) \
into sqlResult
Which should give you a returned-delimited list of databases :o)
Warmest Regards,
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Creating MySQL Databases

2005-03-21 Thread Peter Reid
Thanks Trevor, I have located and downloaded a copy.
On Mar 20, 2005, at 4:05 PM, Peter Reid wrote:
You mention Trevor's libDatabase - where can I get hold of this, it 
could be very helpful?
All of my Revolution resources are available here:
The posted version is 1.4.5.  One of these days I am going to 
release version 2 of the library.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Creating MySQL Databases

2005-03-20 Thread Peter Reid
I'm just starting a project using MySQL for the first time.  Having 
looked at the Rev 2.5.1 documentation, I'm happy enough that I can 
access and update MySQL databases as required.  However, what I can't 
see is how I can create and carry out basic administration of NEW 

My project involves my users being able to create a new database to 
support work for a particular client.  Each new database will be 
based on a template database which consists of 23 tables - 17 
pre-loaded with standard data and 6 empty tables that will hold 
client-specific information during use.  The MySQL server will be 
running on a networked Mac OS X system (possibly Server X 10.3, but 
also possible just standard OS X 10.3), accessible to all users 
within the organisation.

Using phpMyAdmin, YourSQL and MySQL 4.0.24 (under Mac OS X 10.3.8), 
I've been able to create a template database with all the tables and 
standard data in place.

However I can't see how I can code in Rev to carry out basic database 
- create new database (as a copy of a template database)
- rename a database
- delete a database
- dump a database
- reload a database from a dump

Obviously, I could send a series of shell commands, using MySQL in 
batch mode.  However, why I can't I do the above using the Rev 
database library?  Also, if I have to use the shell function, how can 
I do this to the MySQL server running on a different system over the 
local network? (i.e. the program is running on one system whilst 
creating and managing a database on a different system across the 
local network).

Note that whilst I can use phpMyAdmin to do all the database admin, 
my users CAN'T!  They need simple Create DB, Rename DB type 
actions, which is why I'm trying to include these in my Rev project!

Any advice, help please?
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Creating MySQL Databases

2005-03-20 Thread Peter Reid
I recommend that you check your SQL database documentation for there 
are SQL function for creating databases and stuff like that. 
phpMyAdmin does nothing but serve as front-end for the MySQL system, 
all it does is to pipe commands to the server. I'll sum some URLs 
below that point to good parts of documentation where you can find 
what you need: This will 
show how to inspect your databases and how to start using them.   -- This 
presents the commands to create a database.  -- this is 
just a cool thing to load raw text files in your database.  -- this will cover 
your desires for dumping and restoring :D

Sorry but I did not find anything on renaming databases... but you 
can dump them, change the SQL with a simple replace oldname with 
newname in the SQLConteainer then, execute that SQL, then delete 
the old database, it will solve your problem

Also if you're fiddling with SQL and Rev, check Trevor's 
libDatabase, it's an amazing lib.

Thanks for the response and the links.
I realise that I can do all I want directly through a command 
interface and that phpMyAdmin simply takes advantage of the features 
built into MySQL.  What I can't see is how I can encapsulate this 
into a Rev program, particularly one that will be running on a system 
that is NOT the host for the MySQL server but on the same local 

If my Rev program were running on the system acting as the MySQL 
server host, then I could use the shell() function controlling the 
MySQL server in command line mode.  However, my program will not be 
on the same system, so I don't see how I can build this into the 

It seems that the Rev support for SQL databases assumes that 
databases are pre-existing and managed externally. Rev seems to 
provide all the commands you need to read from and update SQL 
databases, but not the commands to create and manage them.

On the renaming front, I had assumed that phpMyAdmin did a dump  
reload with new name to accomplish this.  as you say, database 
renaming doesn't seem to be a native feature of MySQL (and several 
other SQL databases I believe).

You mention Trevor's libDatabase - where can I get hold of this, it 
could be very helpful?

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Interactive Site listing CGI

2005-02-07 Thread Peter Reid
Hi Peter,
I think this is a case where one can transplant
regular Transcript into the rev-cgi arena. From a
recent post :
Of course in that script you can skip the folders, if
you're not looking to make available the files in the
So you'll end up with something like :
on startUp
  ## STEP 1 :: read the arguments
  # read the query string passed from the webserver
  put $QUERY_STRING into tQueryStringA
  # turn it into an array for convenient access
  split tQueryStringA using  and =
  # make sure to URLDecode the arguments
  put the keys of tQueryStringA into tArgNames
  repeat for each line tArgName in tArgNames
put URLDecode(tQueryStringA[tArgName]) \
into tArgumentsA[URLDecode(tArgName]
  end repeat
  ## STEP 2 :: read the files
  # now that we have our arguments, move on to the dir
  set the defaultDirectory to tRootDir  \
  # read all the files in the chosen directory
  put the files into tFiles
  ## STEP 3 :: build the file list as an HTML page
  # you will want to change the formatting
  put htmlhead into tBuffer
  put titleDirectory Contents/title after \
  put /headbody after tBuffer
  put h1Directory Contents :  \
  tArgumentsA[directory] after tBuffer
  put /h1hr / after tBuffer
  # loop over the files
  repeat for each line tFile in tFiles
put a href=  quote  \
URLEncode(tArgumentsA[directory])  /  \
URLEncode(tFile)  quote   after tBuffer
put tFile  /abr / after tBuffer
  end repeat
  put hr //body/html after tBuffer
  ## STEP 4 :: send the result to the webserver
  # start with the headers
  put Content-Type: text/html  cr
  put Content-Length:  the length of tBuffer
  put cr  cr  tBuffer
  # end of the cgi-script
end startUp
Hope this gets you closer to your solution,
Jan Schenkel.
Thanks Jan, I'll see where this takes me.
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Interactive Site listing CGI

2005-02-06 Thread Peter Reid
Does anyone have a bit of Rev CGI that will display a folder/file 
list of a specified web site that allows the user to traverse the 
filing system?

I'd like to produce a simple intranet site that stores a collection 
of folders containing images that the end user can traverse and view 
as and when required.  This will be on a Mac running OS X 10.3.7.

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Long Filenames in OS X?

2004-09-12 Thread Peter Reid
Thanks for the link Jan but I can't find the Rev bugdatabase, it 
doesn't seem to be available anymore?  Does anyone know where I can 
find the bug database so I can look up Jan's bug reference?

 When I use the drag  drop with a long filename under OS X (Rev
2.5build2), the filename is truncated and converted into one that is
31 characters long.  This was the limit with OS 9 files but not with
OS X files!
Anyone got any idea how I get full length file names?
see (don't know it that URL is still correct, but the bug number is 1659)
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Long Filenames in OS X?

2004-09-11 Thread Peter Reid
When I use the drag  drop with a long filename under OS X (Rev 
2.5build2), the filename is truncated and converted into one that is 
31 characters long.  This was the limit with OS 9 files but not with 
OS X files!

Anyone got any idea how I get full length file names?
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

RE: AVI/WMV Playback Control?

2004-03-10 Thread Peter Reid
Peter, I used MCI with MetaCard a long time ago and it worked; it allows
you to play from a position to another position, so it may be a good
approach for you. Scott Rossi has a reference at his site:

Although this doesn't help on the Mac...

Ken Ray
Thanks for the link Ken.  Do you have any simple MC/Rev coding 
examples of the use of this stuff?  Also, do you know if the linked 
document is still reliable (for current Windows) given that it is 
dated 1991 and refers to OS/2 as well as Windows?!

I'm OK with the Mac side as I simply use the Rev QT facilities.  I 
switch the code according to current platform during execution - if 
Win do this otherwise to that!

This works fine as long as the overall approach is broadly the same, 
i.e. a video clip viewing area within a Rev window.  However, if I 
were to use altBrowser that Chipp mentions, then the interface model 
changes significantly, with the Mac and Win user interfaces being 
significantly different.  In this case, I'd rather switch to the 
browser model for both platforms since they would then remain 
essentially the same.  I'd need a Mac version of altBrowser in order 
to do this of course!


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

RE: AVI/WMV Playback Control?

2004-03-10 Thread Peter Reid
I use mci to record and play audio (wave files) on Windows XP using 
MC. It still works perfectly in 2004. In MC you use get 
mciSendString()  For instance:

put open  quote  orglyd  quote  type waveaudio alias 
myAudio into tstring
get mciSendString(tstring)

get mciSendString (status myAudio length)

There are two stacks in the Developers area: mciSendString and 
mciMidi. These may put you on the right track.

Signe Marie Sanne
Thanks Signe.  Please could you give me the link to the developers 
area, it's so long since I've been to the MC site, I don't have the 
link anymore and it's not referenced directly on the site itself!


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: AVI/WMV Playback Control?

2004-03-09 Thread Peter Reid
Hi Claude

Thanks for the suggestion.

On a windows computer, you are sure that Internet Explorer AND the 
Flash plugin are installed, they are standard media facilities in 
I dont remember exactly, but i believe that Internet Explorer is 
delivered with Flash plugin 4. You have to check that by your 
True, this is what I mean about the standard Windows install - it 
isn't standard and is likely to be an old version!!

If you use altBrowser.dll from altuit, you can display a flash movie 
within a html page directly in Revolution. For me it works perfectly.

I use altBrowser to replace the player object and sometime even the 
field object (when i need a better typographical layout than with a 
field but i dont need interactivity with the content of the field).

You have nothing to install, just reference the dll in your stack 
and deliver the dll in the same folder as your stack.

Of course the interactivity must be programmed in the flash movie 
because there is no communication between the flash movie and your 

Thanks for the tip.  However, I'd need a Mac version as well (which 
is under consideration, but NOT under development as far as I know). 
Also, it's not clear how much it would cost to deploy a single 
program to many 100s of users at a corporate client location, would 
this cost me $30/$45 per seat?  The web page:

doesn't really give such licensing details.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: AVI/WMV Playback Control?

2004-03-09 Thread Peter Reid
I don't understand -- Flash displays video, so why would your clips have to
be separate from your app?


Scott Rossi
As I understand it, I'd have to launch the Flash standalone player in 
order to play Flash clips from Rev.  Rev itself ONLY supports Flash 
IF you have QuickTime, which is my problem - corporate world's total 
aversion to installing QuickTime!!  If I launch a separate player 
then is can appear anywhere on screen obscuring my Rev window and I 
can't control it or determine its progress.

Also, if you play a Flash file (swf) directly from Rev, you can't 
control it in the same way as a QT file - no easy stop/start/drag 
etc.  However if you make a QT file with an EMBEDDED Flash track, 
then you get the benefits of Flash with the controllability of QT! 
This works VERY well.  I have a single QT clip with three embedded 
tracks - Flash video, QT sound, QT text caption.  I can now 
enable/disable any of these to provide whatever combination is 
required.  Unfortunately all this good stuff ONLY works with QT, 
which my corporate clients won't install!!


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: AVI/WMV Playback Control?

2004-03-09 Thread Peter Reid
OK but what I'm saying is, if you're at the mercy of your corporate client,
why not create the entire set of media and deliver in Flash, using one
(Flash) player.
Sure it might be easier to use Rev, but from what you're describing it
sounds like that's not an option for you.

Scott Rossi
The main app has quizzes and questionnaires, data written back to a 
corporate database, printing of certificates and feedback forms etc, 
password controlled user access with use look-up from corporate 
database, user tracking over years, etc. So the video clips are just 
a part of the product, the rest of which definitely needs Rev-type 
capabilities - straight Flash isn't good enough for everything, only 
the media stuff. I just wish I could get past the corporate white 
stick that stops them seeing anything other than vanilla Microsoft 

I haven't completely dismissed the idea of a floating media window 
using the standalone Flash player, but it's definitely not my first 
choice and will be a much harder sell to the client who's funding 
this product development!


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: AVI/WMV Playback Control?

2004-03-09 Thread Peter Reid
That's my fault. With altBrowser, you pay only once and you can 
distribute it with any of your standalones as many times as you like 
royalty free. The only thing we ask is you not 'resell' it to other 
developers -- they should purchase their own copy:-) I need to put a 
real license up there.

Thanks Chipp, that makes it clear, all I need now is a Mac version ;)

Best regards

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

WMV Playback?

2004-03-08 Thread Peter Reid
I'm trying to support a Win client who doesn't have (and won't have!) 
QuickTime installed.  Whilst AVI files run fine through Rev (I'm 
using v2.1.2) they are much bigger and poorer quality than WMV files. 
However, when I try to play back WMV files from Rev I get 
intermittent results - sometimes it plays back OK and other times I 
get messages such as could not create movie reference.  Selecting 
an AVI file always works, but not a WMV file - even the same file 
will work sometimes and not others??!  I have set the dontUseQT to 
true to prevent QuickTime being used in the stack.

Any ideas please?
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: AVI/WMV Playback Control?

2004-03-08 Thread Peter Reid
As far as I know, control over video is pretty minimal if you don't use QT
so I don't believe you can do what you want without QT.  I may be wrong but
I've run into the same issue you describe.

Scott Rossi
Hmm, thanks Scott for the feedback.

Has anyone had any success using the MCISendString feature of Rev to 
control playback of a videoclip under Win without using QuickTime?

All I'm looking for is simple stop/start/pause, go to start/end, and 
drag positioning. With my current set up I have a to-start, to-end 
and play/pause buttons together with a scrollbar that shows current 
position during playback and allows me to drag to any position from 
start to end but NOT restart at the dragged position.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] Cross Mac Platform Text Editing

2004-02-19 Thread Peter Reid
When moving text files created or modified with TextEdit on Mac OS 
10.2 to Mac OS 9, I find no OS 9 text editing app that will open 
them, even those stored as plain text.

How do other deal with this?  Is there a recommended cross Mac 
platform text editor?  [Preferably something without Microsoft in 
its pedigree.]

Rob Cozens
I use free BBEdit Lite which, whilst being technically 
discontinued, is still available for download at:

and works well with Mac OS Classic up to and including Mac OS 9.2.2 
and also with Mac OS X from 10.1 to 10.3.2!

Of course, the full BBEdit is very good, but also expensive at $179.

I use TextPad on the PC, which costs a very reasonable $29, and can 
be downloaded from:

BBEdit (Lite or Full) and TextPad cope well with Mac, PC and Unix text files.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Launching in OS X Problems

2004-02-16 Thread Peter Reid
Thanks Ken.  Your suggestion worked, but it needed a slight change:

put open -a  quote  gWindowsMediaPlayer  \
quote  quote  gClipFile  quote into tCmd
get shell(tCmd)
I had to add the  -a after the open command to ensure the Windows 
Media Player (WMP) opened a file that is currently set to default to 
opening with QuickTime (QT).  Without the -a BOTH WMP and QT open 
up! (There was a missing quote  as well but I assume this was a 
simple copypaste slip).

Use the shell command open that you can run through Terminal. The
basic syntax at the command line is:
  open pathToApp pathToDoc

So here's the code I used (watch wrapping):

  on mouseUp
put open  quote  /Applications/Windows Media Player/Windows
Media  \
  quote  /Applications/Windows Media Player/sample.asf  quote
into tCmd
get shell(tCmd)
  end mouseUp
Works like a charm...

Ken Ray
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Launching in OS X Problems

2004-02-14 Thread Peter Reid

Did anyone get a solution to launching programs under OS X?  I'm 
using Rev 2.1.2 with OS X 10.3.2 and trying to launch the three 
media players: Flash, RealOne and Windows Media Player with relevant 
media files.  Only the Flash one works!

I've tried using:

   launch mediafile with mediaPlayer

(where mediaPlayer is the full path to the Windows Media Player, say)

If I try this in the Message box, I get the error no such program. 
But if I omit the mediafile from the launch command:

   launch mediaPlayer

then it works fine, i.e. it opens the player (but doesn't play 
anything of course!).  This is true for both Windows Media Player and 
RealOne Player, both of which are carbonised by the look of it (they 
are .app bundles, with embedded Contents/MacOS etc.) unlike the Flash 
Player which seems to be a native app.

I even tried to use AppleScript instead:

put tell application   quote  Windows Media Player  quote 
 return \
  open   quote  mediafile  quote  return \
end tell  return into theScript
do theScript as AppleScript

but this just opens the Windows Media Player without playing the media file.

I want to be be able to make my Rev app like a video jukebox that 
handles the three  formats by opening the relevant player in its own 

Any ideas please??

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OS X Standalone Prog Folder Problem?

2004-02-10 Thread Peter Reid
Hi Rob

Thanks for the tip, that's sorted the problem!  I've now put this 
together into a single handler that returns both the program path and 
the application name:

on getProgPath @thePath, @theFileName
  set the itemDelimiter to .
  put (the platform is MacOS and item 1 of the systemVersion = 10) 
into itsOSX
  put the filename of this stack into thePath
  set itemDelimiter to /
  if Mac is in the platform and itsOSX and \
the environment is not development then
delete item -3 to -1 of thePath
  end if
  put last item of thePath into theFileName
  delete last item of thePath
  put / after thePath
end getProgPath

Just in case anyone else has the same problem and wants a potted solution!

I'm using Rev 2.1.2 under Mac OS X 10.3.2 to build an app.  If I 
run the app inside the development environment, or as a standalone 
Classic app, then it works fine.  However, if I run the OS X app 
built at the same time, then it fails to locate the support folder 
and files in the same folder as the app.
Hi Peter,

Welcome to the wonderful world of Mac OS X application bundles.

Control click on your OS X stabdalone + select Package Contents 
reveals a folder, Contents

Inside Contents are:
A folder, Resources, containing--
A folder, Mac OS, containing--
Revolution [your standalone]
So if your standalone on other platforms expects to find the support 
folder in the same folder in which the standalone resides, your 
folder must be in the Mac OS folder on OS X.

I deal with this by using a generalized search handler that looks 
for support folders in both locations...among others.

Rob Cozens
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OS X Standalone Prog Folder Problem?

2004-02-09 Thread Peter Reid
Hmmm.  Thanks for the thought, but why does it WORK inside the 
development environment under OS X?  I would have thought that it 
would fail BOTH as a standalone AND in the development environment 
under OS X??  My folder structure is:

   Standalone App
   support folder
  support files
I've used this approach for ages, including with projects using 
earlier versions (v1.1.1) of RunRev under OS X, and not had this 
problem before.  It seems as though something has changed or there is 
a bug?!

Just a thought, My classic apps have a data folder with the .rev 
file in it. Could that be where your file path starts? If so it is 
one level deeper than your OSX app. I had a similar problem with an 
autorun win cd and ended up having to put the media at the root 
level for OS9 and OSX but also have it available one level deep for 
the win file. In future projects I will know this and always put my 
media at least one level deep in separate folders. i.e.:



On Feb 9, 2004, at 1:15 PM, Peter Reid wrote:

I'm using Rev 2.1.2 under Mac OS X 10.3.2 to build an app.  If I 
run the app inside the development environment, or as a standalone 
Classic app, then it works fine.  However, if I run the OS X app 
built at the same time, then it fails to locate the support folder 
and files in the same folder as the app.

Any suggestions please, this was meant to be a quick rehosting as 
part of a general upgrade from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X, but currently 
my client will have to run the app in Classic mode as the OS X 
version doesn't work!
Thomas J. McGrath III
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Cladding C Libraries for Rev use?

2003-10-06 Thread Peter Reid
At 9:37 PM -0600 10/5/2003, Alex Rice wrote:
Peter, you can email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask for the Externals 
SDK, or look for it on

You can also download it from
Jeanne DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
Thanks Alex  Jeanne.  I'll take a look at what's available.

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Cladding C Libraries for Rev use?

2003-10-05 Thread Peter Reid
My older son is at a university that provide a range of functions for 
programming in the form of C libraries.  Can anyone tell me what's 
involved in creating some suitable cladding around such libraries so 
the functions can be called from Rev?

My son has his own licence for Rev 2.0.3, so any solutions would need 
to work for that version of Rev if possible.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Connecting to PostgreSQL DB?

2003-08-26 Thread Peter Reid
Alex  Pierre

Thank you both for guiding the blind!  You were both correct, I 
needed to enable the tcpip_socket option.  However, despite several 
pg_ctl reload attempts, the running copy of PostgreSQL wouldn't 
listen on port 5432.  In the end I rebooted my iMac (acting as a db 
server) and restarted a new session of PostgreSQL.  this sorted it!

I can now connect using Rev 2.1 as well as using the admin tools I mentioned.

Thanks again.

Best regards


Make sure that pgsql is indeed running on port 5432. I could be 
wrong, but I think the default installation of pgsql runs with 
tcp/ip socket off, and only running a local unix domain socket. 
Opening the daemon on 5432 requires explicit configuration in 
postgresql.conf. see also pg_hba.conf.

You can try telnet localhost 5432 to see if there is anything 
listening on that port and rule out whether it's a firewall issue or 
just nothing is listening on 5432.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

Have an eye on your ../pgsql/data/postgresql.conf file and do test in
the first lines of it by activing the TCP/IP connection and so :

 #   Connection Parameters
 #tcpip_socket = false
 tcpip_socket = true
 #ssl = false

 #max_connections = 32
 #superuser_reserved_connections = 2
 #port = 5432
 port = 5432
Bests Regards, Pierre
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilité
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Will Panther have IE by default?

2003-08-22 Thread Peter Reid
MS has also stopped developing IE for Windows as a standalone 
application.  All new developments will be as part of an integrated 
browser feature in the next generation versions of Windows.  MS will 
not issue any new installers for IE beyond IE 6 SP1 for Windows - 
existing Windows (98, 98SE, ME, NT, 2000, XP) users will not get any 
newer version either!!

So Mac users aren't being treated any differently by comparison to 
users of any existing version of Windows, only by comparison to users 
of new (unavailable as yet) versions of Windows!


PS please stop sending styled e-mail to the list (in OS X Mail: 
Fonts  Colors prefs panel, turn on Use fixed-width font for plain 
text messages and in Composing prefs, set format to Plain Text)

MS has stopped IE development for MAC...

- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Rob Gould
To: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]use-revolution use-revolution
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 12:07 AM
Subject: OT: Will Panther have IE by default?
I've been working on a Revolution app that controls IE on Mac OS X 
using Applescript.  Can anyone tell me if the Panther OS will have 
IE as part of the default install?  I realize that Safari will be 
the default web-browser, but I just need to see if IE will at 
least be available.
Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: building a font picker

2003-07-19 Thread Peter Reid
But what are the CE fonts?
Central European fonts, i.e. those based on Cyrillic characters 
rather than the usual Roman characters.  If you install additional 
font support in Mac OS 9 for languages such as Russian, Polish, etc. 
then these fonts appear.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Building serious scientific applications with RunRev...

2002-11-08 Thread Peter Reid
This autumn I started my PhD on Colour Imaging Science at the Derby
University, UK. A requirement at the institute is knowledge of MatLab and
C - MatLab for modeling and C for compiling applications. MatLab I know,
so that's ok - but now I have to learn C on top of all the other things I
have to do.

So my question is the following: Could Revolution (since I'm already
familiar with it and like it!) be a substitute for C when developing
scientific applications? Typical needs would be the ability to read,
manipulate, display and output different types of image data, Possibility to
compute Matrix, Fourier and Polynomial algorithms etc.

I'm also curious to know if any other list members have developed scientific
applications with RunRev, and in particular - since it's in my line of
interest - Imaging, Psychophysical, or Colour related applications.

I've used RunRev to produce a data manipulation tool for my wife 
carrying out chemistry research at Loughborough University, UK.  In 
addition, I used RunRev to produce a tool to capture data from an 
analytical chemistry instrument (a diode array detector for an HPLC) 
and output it in a form suitable for importing into Excel.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: ODBC Drivers for Fm Pro 5.5 II?

2002-05-22 Thread Peter Reid

You can use FileMaker Pro web companion to  exchange  data between FMP
and Rev either on the local network or on the internet.

Normally, all you have to do  (after  setting up web companion) is to send

  put http://folderInPath/folderWithResponseFile/FMPro; into theURL
  put urlDecode(it)

Response file contains tags (FMP files)  you want to receive in
following  format

First Name:  [FMP-field:Students::First Name] -- for related field
Last Name:  [FMP-field: Last Name] -- for normal field.

Refer to FMP CDML Reference.fp5 database for more details. Use LINK
forms of CDML syntax.
You  can  do all kind  of things with this... update, delete, add
records, find records etc

Please excuse my ignorance, but I'm not sure how to apply your advice 
above!  I'm trying to test this under the following circumstances on 
my small LAN:

- Win XP Pro PIII-700 laptop (IP address
- running FM Pro 5.5 with Web sharing enabled
- simple db file called job.fp5 with two fields: JobCode and JobDesc
- db layouts Fullinfo and Table
- response file: C:\fmformat.html
- fmformat.html content:

JobCode: [FMP-field: JobCode]
JobDesc: [FMP-field: JobDesc]

- Mac OS X (10.1.4) G4/733 running Rev 1.1.1
- able to connect to server FM Pro using IE 5.1 with URL of
- tried following handler:

   on GetWeb
 put; into theURL
 post -db=Job.fp5-lay=Table-format=fmformat.html-findAll to URL theURL
 put urlDecode(it)
   end GetWeb

All I get back in the message box is an HTML formatted error message that says:

   window.errObj = { code: 400, reason: 0, cause: //FMPro HTTP/1.1 }


   err400: Bad Request\r\rThe server could not process your request 
due to a syntax error.

It seems to locate the response file OK, but not understand its content??

Any ideas please?

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
use-revolution mailing list

ODBC Drivers for Fm Pro 5.5?

2002-05-21 Thread Peter Reid

Does anyone know where I can get installers for ODBC drivers to 
support accessing FileMaker Pro 5.5 databases using Rev 1.1.1?  I'm 
looking to access FM Pro dbs from Win 32, Mac Classic and Mac X 


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
use-revolution mailing list

COM Port Handshaking

2002-04-12 Thread Peter Reid

I'm trying to connect to some analytical equipment and extract data 
from its RS232C port.  I've got comms working but it's clearly not 
handshaking since some commands don't get through properly and some 
data coming back is incomplete.

Can someone tell how to set up a PC COM port for hardware or software 
handshaking.  Any other advice or examples of COM port working would 
be appreciated.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Comparisons with Flash MX?

2002-03-27 Thread Peter Reid

Thanks for the feedback Troy, could I just ask for a bit more detail:

MX is very weak when it comes to system level operations and use 
and/or management of local files. It has no ability to talk with 

I haven't got MX yet (my upgrade is in the post!) but one of my 
customers reckons he can save local data on a client machine, not 
just return it to a server? Does this ring true with you?

Of course, it is useful for Flashy little presentations and 
interactives - but NOT programs.

I know, I HATE all those Web sites dripping with useless Flash presentations!

It also continues to suffer from file size limitations. After 4-5 
meg ... it's done.

In what way is 4-5 meg a limit - you can't make files larger or they 
simply don't work??

Basically MX is Flash 5 with some fundamental productivity 
enhancements (which should have existed all along.)

MX is now a better tool than Flash was. It certainly does not 
compete with Rev for overall power. The two applications are on 
different planes. Rev builds applications. MX builds interactives. 
Both Director and iShell still build more powerful interactives 
(bordering on applications) than MX does.

At my shop, we use Rev, MX, and iShell - depending on the project 

I've only used Flash 4 for animations as part of CBT packages (NOT 
for Web sites!) and not used the scripting side at all.  I tend to 
use Rev (or MetaCard in the past) for most other things.

My client is looking to develop web-based information capture and 
advice using anything from desktops, to laptops and PDAs as the 
client.  He had been considering Java, but has been tempted by Flash 
MX.  He thinks it will provide a richly interactive front end for his 
data capture (into back end databases using XML etc.) and for 
displaying his advisor information, all from inside a browser window.

Any additional comments/thoughts?


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: revGOURL in O.S. Windows

2002-03-14 Thread Peter Reid

the problem is that I'm not able to open into a browser an html page
stored on my hard disk with:

revGoURL file:testhtml.htm

and also


does not work under Windows environment!

In my tests these commands open only the browser...


Which version of Rev are you using?  I found this is a problem with 
Rev 1.0 and Win NT, 2k, XP but not Win 95, 98, ME.  Rev 1.1 fixes the 
problem for all versions of Windows.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Problem with Launch Command

2002-02-21 Thread Peter Reid

On 21/2/02 9:40 am, Peter Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribed:

  Whilst Ben's idea looks good, it only provides a Mac solution, not a
  Windows one, so I put this to one side for now until I've exhausted
  any dual platform solutions.  Also, I have a slight concern about
  using AppleScript as to whether I can absolutely rely on the Mac
  users' system having the full AppleScript support installed?

The concern is only the same as having to wonder whether Quicktime is
installed before playing a movie.  But to check it is easy:

Open preopenstack
   if AppleScript is not in the alternateLanguages then
 answer Applescript needs to be installed for this program to function.
   end if
End preopenstack

OK Ian, I agree the AppleScript worry is not a big issue!  However, 
it still leaves Windows!!

The ext_appsOpen() function in the current Externals collection for 
Mac OS Classic  X lists all open programs.  So it should be possible 
to detect whether some form of Acrobat viewer is already open on the 
Mac.  Once again, this leaves Windows to be solved!


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
use-revolution mailing list

Cross-platform Open Default Acrobat Viewer

2002-02-21 Thread Peter Reid

Thanks to advice from others on this list, I now have a 
cross-platform (Mac OS Classic, Mac OS X, Windows) solution to 
opening the default Acrobat viewer application such that it can stay 
open in the background and open successive Acrobat files by the use 
of the launch sample.pdf with acrobatViewer command.

The following is the stack script of my mini app that launches the 
default Acrobat viewer and then quits leaving the viewer running:

constant \
 cSamplePDF = sample.pdf, \
 cXexternalsStack = xExternals.rev, \
 cClassicExternalsStack = ClassicExternals.rev

on preOpenStack
   global gAcrobatViewer, gProgPath
   -- find current program folder:
   put the fileName of this stack into gProgPath
   set itemDelimiter to /
   delete last item of gProgPath
   put / after gProgPath

   if Win is in the platform then
 -- find default Win Acrobat viewer:
 put word 1 to -2 of \
 into gAcrobatViewer
 -- find default Mac Acrobat viewer:
 -- activate appropriate Externals:
 put the systemVersion into sysVers
 set itemDelimiter to .
 if item 1 of sysVers = 10 then
   start using stack (gProgPath  cXexternalsStack)
   start using stack (gProgPath  cClassicExternalsStack)
 end if
 -- get path of Mac Acrobat viewer:
 set itemDelimiter to gModuleListSep
 put gProgPath  cSamplePDF into samplePDF
 put ext_doctoapp(samplePDF) into gAcrobatViewer
   end if

   -- open default Acrobat viewer  quit:
   if the environment is not development then
 launch gAcrobatViewer
   end if
end preOpenStack

This uses the Externals that can be downloaded from the RunRev web site at:

The two stacks named in the constants section (xExternals.rev and 
ClassicExternals.rev) are empty except that they have had the 
relevant version of the Mac Externals installed into them.  Note that 
you MUST be running Mac OS Classic when installing the Classic 
Externals and running Mac OS X when installing the X Externals.  If 
you attempt to open the wrong Externals for the current OS, Rev will 
crash out!

For Windows, the mini app simply interrogates the registry to get the 
details of the default Acrobat viewer app.  For the Mac, the above 
starts using ... the externals stack which is appropriate for the 
currently running version of Mac OS and then uses the 
ext_docToApp() function to get the name of the default Acrobat 
viewer.  For this to work you need to supply the name of an existing 
Acrobat file - sample.pdf.

So, I have the following files in the same folder:

AcrobatLauncher.exe - Win standalone Acrobat Launcher (1.6Mb)

AcrobatLauncherClassic  - Mac OS Classic standalone Acrobat Launcher (3.9Mb)

AcrobatLauncherX- Mac OS X standalone Acrobat Launcher (2.4Mb)

ClassicExternals.rev- Rev stack containing Mac OS Classic 
Externals (52Kb)

xExternals.rev  - Rev stack containing Mac OS X Externals (52Kb)

Sample.pdf  - tiny Acrobat file, content is irrelevant (72Kb)

My main app uses similar code to the above to determine the path of 
the default Acrobat viewer app for use with the launch command.

Note that using the ext_appsOpen() function in the Mac Externals, 
it's possible to check whether an Acrobat viewer app is already 
running prior to running AcrobatLauncher.  Unfortunately, I still 
don't know how to do the same thing for Windows as yet.

Thanks to everyone who's contributed to this, I hope the above is of 
help to anyone else trying to do the same thing (or something similar 
with launching of apps).


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
use-revolution mailing list

Problem with Launch Command

2002-02-20 Thread Peter Reid

I'm trying to open Acrobat files from my stack developed using Rev 
1.1.1B1 on a Mac.

If I open Acrobat Reader outside of my stack and then get my stack to 
open a series of Acrobat files using the launch xxx.pdf with 
gAcroReader command, then everything works fine; each file opens as 
a new window inside the currently running Acrobat Reader.  However, 
if the reader is not running initially, then opening the first 
Acrobat file within my stack by using the launch command causes it 
to refuse to open any more Acrobat files until the original Reader is 
killed and then a new invocation is run using the next launch 

This is NOT what I want as it means the user waiting for the Acrobat 
Reader to be killed and then relaunched for each document.  Also, 
it means the user can't have more than one Acrobat document open at 
the same time.

Any suggestions as to how I overcome this problem?


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Opening Acrobat Files

2002-02-19 Thread Peter Reid

Hi Klaus

Thanks for the feedback.

1) how do I open Acrobat Reader under Windows, only when necessary 
for a given PDF file? If I query the registry and then use the 
launch command, this will open a fresh copy of Acrobat Reader for 
every file I try to open I think, instead of re-using any currently 
open copy of the Reader!

Sorry, dunno...

But this has been on the list some time ago. you could find it in 
the archives...

The list shows how to find the application but not how to open 
additional files within the currently running application!

2) how do I get the path to Acrobat Reader on the Mac into a Rev 
variable so I can use the launch command? (more generally, how do 
I get results back from an AppleScript script?)

Did you check the new (!) and free externals for Mac (AND OS X) on 
the RR website.

They do exactly what you are looking for... :-)

Well, yes and no!  The externals allow you to find the name of the 
application for use in a launch command but don't help with the 
problem of opening an additional PDF file once the Reader is open.

So, using the Externals for the Mac and querying the registry for 
Win, I now have the following situations.

With Windows:

a) launch PDF file with Acrobat Reader, with Reader currently NOT 
running - opens Reader and displays PDF file

b) launch PDF file with Acrobat Reader, with Reader currently running 
- opens fresh copy of Reader and displays PDF file - now have TWO 
copies of the Reader running!

With Mac:

a) launch PDF file with Acrobat Reader, with Reader currently NOT 
running - opens Reader and displays PDF file

b) launch PDF file with Acrobat Reader, with Reader currently running 
- nothing happens, it won't open a new Reader (which is good), but 
also won't open 2nd PDF file either (which is bad)!

The only solution I have is to kill any currently running Acrobat 
Reader and then allow a new one to open.  However this is not very 
neat, slow (the user has to wait for program launch each time) and 
doesn't allow the user to have more than one PDF file open at a time!

The old MetaCard Externals Collection worked just as I liked it for 
both Mac and Win, only opening the application if it wasn't already 
running, otherwise opening additional documents within the currently 
running application.

One other comment/question about the Externals - how do I include 
BOTH Mac OS Classic and Mac OS X versions of the external functions 
for building standalone programs?


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Detecting Network Running

2002-02-19 Thread Peter Reid

   I'm trying to figure out a method of checking whether the currently
  running standalone app developed in Rev is running from a local or
  network drive.  I want to be able to licence my software separately
   for local vs network use.
   Anyone got any suggestions for both Mac and Windows?

Not both, but one: on the Mac, you can use AppleScript to ask the Finder to
inspect the local volume attribute, eg
 tell application Finder
 get the local volume of disk Macintosh HD
 end tell

On Windows... no idea.

   Ben Rubinstein   |  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks Ben - one down, only one to go!


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Version checking

2002-02-18 Thread Peter Reid

At one point in my app I need to compare the vale of qtversion() with a
string containing a version number. I thought this would be straightforward
enough, but it seems not.

If my string contains 5.0.2 and I compare it to qtversion, I don't get
sensible results, even though qtversion seems to be returning 5.0.2, or at
least something that looks like it. It's looking like there's a type
conversion problem or something. What am I doing wrong?


I use the following handler for QuickTime version checking in my stacks:

on checkForQuickTime
   constant cQTversionNeeded = 4.1
   put qtVersion() into theQTvers
   set itemdelimiter to .
   if item 1 to 2 of theQTvers  cQTversionNeeded then
 answer warning This program needs QuickTime   cQTversionNeeded  \
  or later show video clips.  return  return  \
 Quit this program or Continue for now without video clips? \
 with Quit or Continue (no videos) titled Unable to Show 
Video Clips
 if it is Quit then
 end if
   end if
end checkForQuickTime

I tend to check major.minor version numbers only since the third 
version level (the 2 in 5.0.2) is rarely necessary.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
use-revolution mailing list

Network Access Problem

2002-01-13 Thread Peter Reid

Using Rev 1.0.1 I've developed a dual Mac/PC CD-ROM product that 
launches Acrobat to display a range of Acrobat files and the 
QuickTime Player for a series of QT movies.  This works fine with 
both Mac and Windows systems when run locally.  However, if I mount 
the CD-ROM on one system and make it a shared resource, things go 
wrong with access across the network.

If I try activating my code to launch and display Acrobat files or 
QuickTime Player and QT files, nothing happens if the CD-ROM is being 
accessed over the network (even if the files are small).  However, if 
I simply open a window to display the actual Acrobat and QuickTime 
files and then double-click them open it works fine!

The network is reasonably fast (10/100 Ethernet) and whilst some 
files are very large (100Mb QT movies), others are very modest 
(175k-6.5Mb Acrobat files, plus 4.5Mb-30Mb QT files).  It seems to be 
a problem with both the Rev Player object (for QT movies) and the 
ext_openFile command from the original Externals Collection.

Any ideas about how I can get this to work over the network as well 
as locally or is this a bug in Rev?


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Is Rev ready for commercial applications?

2002-01-10 Thread Peter Reid

As someone who has worked extensively with Hypercard, Supercard, OMO, and
Toolbook, I'm impressed with Rev so far. It seems to have lots of potential.
1.1.1 appears much more stable.

We're considering coming out with a CD based on Rev very shortly. Our
product is mostly data, so the interface work can go very quickly.

The big question: can 1.1.1 be used for a commercial product? Will this
version time out or is it good to go? Can we expect a product built on a Mac
using relatively simple Rev features to work reliably on Windows (if not

We appreciate any feedback on these issues.

I've just released a dual platform CD-ROM developed using Rev 1.0. 
Rev 1.1 was still in beta testing and had a couple of show stoppers 
(for my project) which have been resolved in Rev 1.1.1.  If you're 
interested in finding out a bit about the project (learning to draw 
and earn money from cartoons!), take a look at the following web site:

The cartooning course consists of 10 modules in Acrobat (launched by 
the Rev program on the CD), 32 mins of QT video (displayed within the 
Rev program screens using the Player object), 180+ cartoons with 
explanations and 60 tips in a pop-up window.  Total size is about 
580Mb on a hybrid CD-ROM that runs on Macs and Windows PCs. Even 
though Rev 1.0 didn't allow me to produce a native Mac OS X version, 
the classic version runs fine under Mac OS X as well as Mac OS 8/9 

The only problem I have is that under Win NT/2000/XP the Rev 1.0 
revGoURL didn't work fully - it opens a browser, but doesn't actually 
go to the URL!  This is fixed in Rev 1.1.1.  Otherwise it runs fine 
on Macs (PPC), Win 95/98/98SE/ME as well as Win NT/2000/XP.  As the 
GoURL feature is a very minor aspect of CD-ROM we're not rushing to 
replace the initial stock run just for this tiny blip!



use-revolution mailing list

Re: standalone issues

2001-12-19 Thread Peter Reid

I would like to make some application icons for windows.  Since I am a Mac
person I know much about Win Icons.

What are their general dimensions?
What format should the be in?  BMP, GIF, JPEG?
Other general information I could use re win icons?

I too develop on a Mac for Mac  Win and use IconoGrapher (shareware, 
$15 from ) which 
handles all forms of Mac icons and Windows icons as well.

Thanks for your help.



Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
use-revolution mailing list