Detailed OFBiz Accounting Tutorial Available

2021-10-21 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

A while ago I put together a detailed accounting tutorial as an appendix for my 
Getting Started with Apache OFBiz Accounting book. Someone asked me about it 
recently and I have decided to give the tutorial to the project as part of the 
overall documentation. It was written in 2014 so the screenshots will look a 
bit different and some things may have changed but taking a quick look through 
I still think it could be useful to the community. 

I have loaded it onto the wiki here

Happy reading and I hope it helps give people a bit more understanding of the 
accounting setup.


Re: Tax exemptions / price including tax

2018-07-31 Thread Sharan Foga
(re-sending this message as my first response didn't get through again :-)

Hi Frank

I'm caught up with some other tasks at the moment so don't have time to respond 
fully. I think that the best next step would be to create a JIRA ticket on our 
issue tracker. You can add all the main details and examples from this 
discussion and also any attachments. This will help us understand the issue 
using some real data and fix it properly.

We can continue the discussion in the ticket itself or on the dev mailing list 
if fixing it is going to have a significant impact.


On 2018/07/31 10:02:41, Frank Herrman  wrote: 
> In adition to my last e-mail I just found out that it still is not working as 
> expected, even when I use prices excl. taxes. I dived into the code and found 
> in applications/order/groovyScripts/entry/ the function 
> that gets the price on line 2401 (public static BigDecimal 
> getOrderItemSubTotal(GenericValue orderItem, List adjustments, 
> boolean forTax, boolean forShipping))
> The first line gets the unit price from an order item 
> (orderItem.getBigDecimal("unitPrice");), which always includes taxes. Now I 
> believe the real issue is that it should store the price excl. taxes in the 
> line item as well. But this affects probably a lot of sections of the system. 
> To test it I tried to divide the unitPrice by 1.21 in that function. This did 
> return the right price and right total, but the tax exempt was of course 
> still calculated based on the price of 20 euro excl. taxes (which is 4.20 
> euros instead of 3.47 euros).
> Anyway, maybe not the right discussion for the user list, but there really is 
> something wrong here. It doesn't seem to be a configuration error.
> Kind regards,
> Frank
> Op 30-07-18 11:35 heeft Frank Herrman  geschreven:
> Hi Sharan & others,
> I have set it up like this now:
> * All product prices are connected to the Dutch tax authority, no tax 
> rate set. Tax included = Y
> * I have created 2 tax authorities for The Netherlands and Belgium, 
> connected to the same party ('belastingdienst', dutch authority)
> * The Dutch tax authority has the tax set up to 21% sales tax for both 
> countries
> * The Belgium customer is set up to have a tax exempt for BE and 
> 'belastingdienst'
> When I look in the prices table of the database I see this:
> (don't know if images get stripped out, so just 
> pasted a link)
> This is correct for price without tax and the tax amount.
> When I create an order within Ofbiz I still get this:
> Which is incorrect (tax exempt is correct, but the amount of 4.20 and the 
> final price of 20 is not). It seems the system keeps using the 'price' column 
> in the database instead of the calculated prices and adds tax to it. Other 
> then that it seems the tax exempt functionality is working as expected now.
> I just created a script that checks all prices if some of them are set to 
> Tax included = Y. If that is the case it will set it to 'N' and set the price 
> field to the price excl. VAT. It is not a nice solution, but this makes it 
> easier to maintain and solves my issues for now.
> Kind regards,
> Frank
> Op 29-07-18 15:57 heeft Sharan Foga  geschreven:
> Hi Frank
> The options I gave were workarounds for if you needed to get 
> something up and running quickly. I agree with you that long term we need to 
> solve it properly. 
> Analysis Needed
> ==
> Why doesn't the include tax in price flag work properly for Tax 
> authority setup?

Re: Tax exemptions / price including tax

2018-07-29 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Frank

The options I gave were workarounds for if you needed to get something up and 
running quickly. I agree with you that long term we need to solve it properly. 

Analysis Needed
Why doesn't the include tax in price flag work properly for Tax authority setup?

>From my perspective I also see two requirements (so happy to get your feedback 
>and anyone else's too :-). 

Requirement 1:
Using your example as the use case - we need to be able to flag that a Belgian 
customer is liable for tax in the Netherlands. Note this applies in the case 
where it is B2C because the Belgian customer needs to pay Dutch tax. So for a 
Sales Order from a Belgian customer there needs to be line calculated for Dutch 
tax using the Dutch tax rate.

I think the nexus flag in the Tax Authority parties tab is supposed to be used 
for this but it's not working as such because in OFBiz now the tax calculation 
for the Sales Order is based on the customer delivery address. 

Requirement 2:
Again using your example as the use case - we need to be able to flag that a 
Belgian customer is exempt from being taxed by the Dutch Tax Authority. Note 
this applies in the case where it is B2B where the Belgian customer is a 
company/business.  So for a Sales Order from a Belgian customer there needs to 
be a line on the Sales order saying that the order is exempt from Dutch tax and 
the amount that has been exempted.

The exempt flag in the Tax Authority parties tab is supposed to be used for 
this but it's not working as such because in OFBiz now the tax calculation for 
the Sales Order is based on the customer delivery address.

Please feel free to comment or give me any feedback on any of these points.


On 2018/07/29 12:51:18, Frank Herrman  wrote: 
> Hi Sharan,
> Thank you very much for your reply, this really helps me. The difficulty with 
> entering prices excluding VAT for the store managers is that you want to have 
> commercial sales prices. You rather sell your product for 9.95 euro's then 
> for 10.13 euro's for example. So if you have to enter prices excluding VAT 
> you need to keep your calculator with you. That is not very user-friendly.
> Your second option, defining the tax authority for every product does sound 
> like a good solution. I might create a script even to set it automatically if 
> the store managers forget about it. From what you are saying (and I already 
> was thinking) we don't really need the Belgium tax authority. We don't pay 
> taxes in Belgium, just in the Netherlands. We should get the exempt working 
> for the B2B customers on the Dutch authority.
> I will be playing around and let you know what solution worked for us. I am 
> also willing to provide input for Jira or even in code, just need to find my 
> way around the standards first ;-). Thanks again.
> Kind regards,
> Frank
> Op 27-07-18 16:18 heeft Sharan Foga  geschreven:
> Hi Frank
> There are a few things to cover here so I’ll answer what I can.
> * Including VAT in Product Prices *
> In general for Sales Orders - the tax setup and flow for OFBiz is mainly 
> based on the US system where the product pricing does not include sales tax 
> (or VAT). The Sales Tax (or VAT) is calculated once you have selected where 
> the order will be shipped to. OFBiz uses the shipping address to define which 
> Tax Authority to use to calculate the tax.
> That being said there are some ways around it.
> 1.  You can setup your product pricing to exclude VAT. This means that it 
> will be added back into the Sales Order when it is created. 
> 2. You can setup your product price inclusive of VAT then add the tax 
> authority at the product pricing level (so in the Price tab for the actual 
> Product). Add the Tax Authority, and set the include tax in the price. Don’t 
> include a rate at this level because (OFBiz will ignore it!). The tax rate is 
> taken from the main Tax Authority setup.
> What this will do – is that it will assume that the tax is already 
> included in the product price so at Sales Order entry it will separate it 
> out. So if you set the product price at 100 Euros and have created the Dutch 
> Tax Authority using 21%  then at Sales Order Review you should get an 
> adjustment line showing the 17.36 Euros VAT. (Which is 21% VAT on 82.64, and 
> 82.64+17.36 = 100)
> What I found was missing was that it doesn’t add the VAT adjustment into 
> the VAT Total as part of the Sales Oorder summary. The adjustment message 
> actually says

Re: Tax exemptions / price including tax

2018-07-27 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Frank

There are a few things to cover here so I’ll answer what I can.

* Including VAT in Product Prices *

In general for Sales Orders - the tax setup and flow for OFBiz is mainly based 
on the US system where the product pricing does not include sales tax (or VAT). 
The Sales Tax (or VAT) is calculated once you have selected where the order 
will be shipped to. OFBiz uses the shipping address to define which Tax 
Authority to use to calculate the tax.

That being said there are some ways around it.

1.  You can setup your product pricing to exclude VAT. This means that it will 
be added back into the Sales Order when it is created. 

2. You can setup your product price inclusive of VAT then add the tax authority 
at the product pricing level (so in the Price tab for the actual Product). Add 
the Tax Authority, and set the include tax in the price. Don’t include a rate 
at this level because (OFBiz will ignore it!). The tax rate is taken from the 
main Tax Authority setup.

What this will do – is that it will assume that the tax is already included in 
the product price so at Sales Order entry it will separate it out. So if you 
set the product price at 100 Euros and have created the Dutch Tax Authority 
using 21%  then at Sales Order Review you should get an adjustment line showing 
the 17.36 Euros VAT. (Which is 21% VAT on 82.64, and 82.64+17.36 = 100)

What I found was missing was that it doesn’t add the VAT adjustment into the 
VAT Total as part of the Sales Oorder summary. The adjustment message actually 
says VAT not added to totals! (So that is a potential fix that needs to be 

3. We can look for someone to volunteer to do some more analysis on why the 
include tax in price flag on the Tax Authorities are not working.

If you need to get up and running quickly then options 1 and 2 should help.

* Tax Exemptions *

This is interesting because OFBiz has some functionaliy that calculates tax 
exempt amounts based on the flags set for the customer in the Tax Authority 
Parties tab.  For Purchase Order it calculates and displays the exempt tax 
amounts– but for Sales Order it seems to be a bit different.

So what is happening with your setup is that you have created a Dutch Tax 
Authority and a Belgian Tax Authority, so when you create a Sales Order, OFBiz 
is looking at the delivery address and then using the Tax Authority linked to 
the delivery location to calculate the taxes. (I think Belgium has 21% VAT 
too!).  This means that if you have a Belgium customer, OFBiz ignores the Dutch 
Tax Authority and is using the Belgian one on your order. 

The quickest way to stop VAT being calculated on the Belgian customer order is 
to remove the Product Rate from the Belgian Tax Authority and setup the Product 
Pricing to not include VAT.
OFBiz will then simply use the Product Price and if it is already exclusive of 
VAT, it will be fine. (If it is inclusive of VAT then you will have to do a 
customisation  to adjust it).

I've included some responses to your questions below:

On 2018/07/24 08:38:48, Frank Herrman  wrote: 
> Hello there,
> Currently I am trying to find a way to implement tax exemptions. I have found 
> multiple discussions about this issue which is common in Europe. We want to 
> sell from The Netherlands to Belgium. When we sell to other businesses there 
> we do not have to charge the VAT (21%). This post brought me close:
>  (especially the part after ‘secondly’), but it is still not working. While 
> typing this e-mail I reproduced all my steps and even got a bit further ahead.
> The things I did so far:
>   *   I created two parties, the Dutch and Belgium tax authorities. I went to 
> accounting->tax authorities to make them tax authorities within Ofbiz for the 
> two beforementioned countries. I have set ‘require tax id for exemption’ to 
> ‘N’ for testing purposes (want to make sure this is not the issue).
>   *   In the product rates tab for the Dutch authority 
> (/accounting/control/EditTaxAuthorityRateProducts?taxAuthPartyId=BELASTINGDIENST=NED)
>  I have added Value Added Taxes of 21% for each of my stores.
>   *   In the Parties tab (still of the Dutch tax authority) I connected the 
> Belgium Party with ‘Is exempt’ set to ‘Y’.
> Still no luck, it keeps charging 21% VAT when I create an order within Ofbiz.
> Then I tried to connect the party to the Belgium tax authority and set ‘is 
> exempt’ to ‘y’ as well. Now when I placed an order I got a really nice 
> overview:
> Adjustment: Sales Tax  Jurisdiction: Belgium [BEL] Rate: 21% Customer Tax ID: 
> FODFINANCIEN Exempt Amount: 4.2
> The grand total was still the original amount including VAT (20 euro’s in 
> this case). It should have charged 16,53 euro while the exempt is 3,47 euro. 
> So it seems to ignore the fact that the price includes VAT already. That 

Re: Tax exemptions / price including tax

2018-07-27 Thread Sharan Foga
(Sending this message again as my first message didn't get through!)

Hi Frank

Thanks very much for providing all these details. VAT and Sales Tax setup in 
OFBiz can sometimes  seem to be a little temperamental :-)

I’ll try duplicating a simple version of your setup on a clean OFBiz install 
and let you know what happens.


On 2018/07/24 08:38:48, Frank Herrman  wrote: 
> Hello there,
> Currently I am trying to find a way to implement tax exemptions. I have found 
> multiple discussions about this issue which is common in Europe. We want to 
> sell from The Netherlands to Belgium. When we sell to other businesses there 
> we do not have to charge the VAT (21%). This post brought me close:
>  (especially the part after ‘secondly’), but it is still not working. While 
> typing this e-mail I reproduced all my steps and even got a bit further ahead.
> The things I did so far:
>   *   I created two parties, the Dutch and Belgium tax authorities. I went to 
> accounting->tax authorities to make them tax authorities within Ofbiz for the 
> two beforementioned countries. I have set ‘require tax id for exemption’ to 
> ‘N’ for testing purposes (want to make sure this is not the issue).
>   *   In the product rates tab for the Dutch authority 
> (/accounting/control/EditTaxAuthorityRateProducts?taxAuthPartyId=BELASTINGDIENST=NED)
>  I have added Value Added Taxes of 21% for each of my stores.
>   *   In the Parties tab (still of the Dutch tax authority) I connected the 
> Belgium Party with ‘Is exempt’ set to ‘Y’.
> Still no luck, it keeps charging 21% VAT when I create an order within Ofbiz.
> Then I tried to connect the party to the Belgium tax authority and set ‘is 
> exempt’ to ‘y’ as well. Now when I placed an order I got a really nice 
> overview:
> Adjustment: Sales Tax  Jurisdiction: Belgium [BEL] Rate: 21% Customer Tax ID: 
> FODFINANCIEN Exempt Amount: 4.2
> The grand total was still the original amount including VAT (20 euro’s in 
> this case). It should have charged 16,53 euro while the exempt is 3,47 euro. 
> So it seems to ignore the fact that the price includes VAT already. That 
> seems to be the bigger issue.
> So some things I don’t get:
>   *   How come that it does something different when I connect the party to 
> the Belgium tax authority (exempt=y) then to the Dutch authority (exempt=y)?
>   *   In the product pricing I can set the tax authority, tax rate and if 
> prices include VAT (set to Y of course). Do I need to set that if I set the 
> VAT percentage in the Tax Authority? I tried adding and removing it, didn’t 
> make any difference.
>   *   How can I make sure prices are including taxes? I checked the store 
> settings, but couldn’t find anything usefull there. The stores are connected 
> to the Dutch tax authority. ‘Show prices with VAT tax included’ is set to ‘N’ 
> but does not make any difference (seems to influence webshop only, but I’m 
> not using Ofbiz for that). The only thing I’m not sure about is ‘Prorate 
> Taxes’, I don’t know what it means since English is not my native language. 
> Changing it did not make any difference though.
>   *   The difference between sales taxes and VAT within Ofbiz. Somehow it is 
> now showing my VAT tax rules as ‘sales tax’ where it was VAT before. I like 
> sales tax better since it is also showing in the grand total (as it should), 
> but still I’m not sure why it switched from VAT to Salex tax when I was 
> messing around with the tax authorities.
> Thank you for reading this far and hopefully someone can shed some light on 
> the pricing/VAT system. It seems really powerfull, but I’m a bit lost.
> Best regards,
> Frank

OFBiz Blog - May and June 2018 Updates

2018-07-17 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

We have a double dose of project news this month and have included the updates 
for both May and June the links below:

May -   

June -

As usual thanks and kudos to Michael, Jacques and Pranay for their continued 
support in helping put it together.


Re: RE: Adding Actual Labor to Manufacturing Process

2018-06-05 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi James

As mentioned I think the Cost Component Calculation is what you need and yes it 
can be setup via the UI in quite a few places:




You can specify the fixed and variable parts of the calculation. If you need 
something a bit more specific then you can code a calculation and then link 
that coded calculation into the Cost Component Calculation. (See GEN_COST_CALC 
as an example using a mixture for fixed and bespoke calculation).

You can add costs such as labour at various places (eg Routing Task) need to be 
linked to a Cost Component Calculation rather than just a rate. You can also 
add a labour cost to the actual product itself in Catalog manager

and then use the button at the bottom of the screen to auto calculate an 
estimate of it.

So in general yes, you can setup and estimate the production costs including 
labour etc but I think there might be something missing. I haven’t tested 
intensely in manufacturing but even when I had setup additional costs,  so far 
I have never been able to get anything other than the actual material costs to 
come on a production run. (I'm talking about the Actual Costs tab linked to an 
individual production run). 

This could be missing setup or just that the tests I’ve done so far are not 
comprehensive enough. 


On 2018/06/05 11:42:46,  wrote: 
> Thanks Yashwant!  Is there a UI to set up CostComponentCalc and
> WorkeffortCostCalc or is this something that has to be setup with
> webtools?
>  Original Message 
> Subject: Re: Adding Actual Labor to Manufacturing Process
> From: Yashwant Dhakad 
> Date: Mon, June 04, 2018 9:46 pm
> To:
> Hi James,
> You need to setup CostComponentCalc and WorkEffortCostCalc entities data
> for cost calculation and you can find the demo data in
> AccountingDemoData.xml file at line no 3060.
> And createProductionRunTaskCosts service is used for cost calculation.
> Once
> you create CostComponentCalc data and link this entity with your task
> ie WorkEffortCostCalc
> entity and when your task is completed then actual material cost
> automatically created.
> Thanks & Regards
> --
> Yashwant Dhakad
> On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 3:50 PM  wrote:
> > Anyone familiar with the manufacturing process and how to add labor to
> > the costs of a manufactured item.
> >
> >  Original Message 
> > Subject: Adding Actual Labor to Manufacturing Process
> > From: 
> > Date: Tue, May 29, 2018 5:02 pm
> > To:
> >
> > Is there a way in ofbiz to add the actual labor utilized to calculate
> > the costs of a manufactured item? If so is this done in the production
> > process or is it generic on the catalog? Also is there a way in the
> > catalog to utilize the true costs either manufactured costs or Moving
> > Average from the financials as a base price that can be utilized for
> > creating price rules?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > James
> >

OFBiz Blog – April 2018 Update

2018-05-20 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

A brief summary of our project news for last month can be found in our monthly 
blog update at the link below:

Thanks very much to Michael,  Jacques and Pranay for their continued support in 
providing feedback and help to prepare it.


Re: Check Register

2018-04-29 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi James

Yes the system does handle cheque runs. You create a payment group in 
Accounting, add the outgoing payments and then print the cheques.

OFBiz uses the payment id to generate the cheque and that in turn is linked to 
the invoice. I think by default the printed cheque summary includes which 
invoice is being paid so the data is available.

So yes, a list of all cheques printed should be available in each payment 


On 2018/04/27 17:30:42,  wrote: 
> Is there a check register functionality in ofbiz.  We need to check the
> checks printed by the system and what checks go with what
> payments/vendor invoices.  Does the system also handle check runs?  So
> in a check run I can see all checks issued in the run so we can export
> all checks in the run into excel?
> Thanks,
> James

Re: RE: Closing Period

2018-04-23 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Moatasim

Were there any changes or transactions showing in the GLAccountHistory for 
those expense accounts? This is supposed to record the opening and closing 


On 2018/04/22 06:54:31, Moatasim Al Masri  wrote: 
> Hi
> Anybody can describe  and help ??
> Best Regards,
> Moatasim L. Al-Masri
> Program Manager
> [Description: Logo for Office-4]
> [Description: bi email-3-02]
> P.O.Box 3516 Amman, 11821
> The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
> Tel. +962 (6) 556 2620
> Mob (Jordan).   +962 79 5426384
> [Description: bi email-3-04]
> [Description: bi email-3-05]
> /biict
> @biict
> Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
> Mob (KSA).+966 55 7885607
> From: Moatasim Al Masri
> Sent: Sunday, April 8, 2018 2:08 PM
> To: '' 
> Subject: Closing Period
> Hi
> I have one period FY2017 [2017-01-01 TO 2017-12-31], so we need to close this 
> period, when I closed it ,the system generate one GL transaction with two 
> lines:
>   1.  Gl Account Type = Retained EarningsDR
>   2.  Gl Account Type = Profit LossCR
> But what our accountant needs to this GL transactions should be as :
>   1.  Gl Account Type = Retained EarningsDR
>   2.  Gl Account Type = Expense   CR
>   3.  Gl Account Type = Expense   CR
>   4.  Gl Account Type = Expense   CR
>   5.  Gl Account Type = Expense   CR
>   6.  Gl Account Type = Expense   CR
>   7.  Gl Account Type = Expense   CR
>   8.  Gl Account Type = Expense   CR
>   9.  Gl Account Type = Expense   CR
>   10. 
> That to be all expense starts zeros in the bigning 2018, is it right ?, and 
> how we can configure in ofbiz if there is suitable solution ?
> Best Regards,
> Moatasim L. Al-Masri
> Program Manager
> [Description: Logo for Office-4]
> [Description: bi email-3-02]
> P.O.Box 3516 Amman, 11821
> The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
> Tel. +962 (6) 556 2620
> Mob (Jordan).   +962 79 5426384
> [Description: bi email-3-04]
> [Description: bi email-3-05]
> /biict
> @biict
> Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
> Mob (KSA).+966 55 7885607

Re: [MODERATE EMAIL] Wiki edit request

2018-04-17 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Mathieu

No worries. Normally when people request access to our wiki, if they don’t have 
an ICLA then I send them the link to the contributors page to take a look at 
because it includes a link to the discussion about introducing it, when it was 
introduced (in November 2014)  and what it means to sign an ICLA.  A link to 
the original discussion link is here :

I’ll try and explain from my perspective. The details on the wiki are an 
important part of the project just like the OFBiz code. Everything we do as a 
project is done under the Apache Licence which simply means it open and free 
for anyone to use. Signing an ICLA means that you understand that anything you 
contribute  (or want to contribute) is done so under the Apache Licence and 
that you are happy to do this.

As Jacques mentioned, for the notification, once the ICLA is filed, the PMC 
gets an notification directly from the secretary

Hope this helps


On 2018/04/17 09:55:57, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote: 
> Hi  Mathieu,
> Le 17/04/2018 à 11:33, Mathieu Lirzin a écrit :
> > Hello Sharan,
> >
> > Sharan Foga <> writes:
> >
> >> I couldn't find your name in the list of people who have an
> >> ICLA. Please can you complete one. We ask all contributors to complete
> >> one before we give access to our wiki.
> > Indeed I was unaware of this requirement.  Maybe the wording in [1]
> > should be changed to make it clear that signing an ICLA is a
> > requirement.  Additionally it would be nice it was giving some
> > information regarding the license upon which wiki contributions are
> > made.
> Obviously it's ASL2 since you send your ICLA to the ASF ;)
> > While I have no problem signing an ICLA, I found it a bit surprising to
> > have such requirement for editing a wiki.  Do you know the rationale of
> > this?
> I also then wondered about that. But I guess Sharan can explain that.
> >> You can find details of how to do it on our contributors page:
> >>
> >>
> > I will send my ICLA to <> soon.
> >
> > Do you need some kind of notification when this is done?
> >
> > [1]
> Actually no, we (PMC in private ML) receive this information by the secretary
> Jacques
> >
> > Thanks.
> >

Re: [MODERATE EMAIL] Wiki edit request

2018-04-17 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Mathieu

I couldn't find your name in the list of people who have an ICLA. Please can 
you complete one. We ask all contributors to complete one before we give access 
to our wiki. 

You can find details of how to do it on our contributors page:


On 2018/04/17 07:33:11, Mathieu Lirzin  wrote: 
> Hello,
> Deepak Dixit  writes:
> > Your email has been moderated, please subscribe mailing list 
> >
> Done.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Mathieu Lirzin
> GPG: F2A3 8D7E EB2B 6640 5761  070D 0ADE E100 9460 4D37

OFBiz Blog - March 2018 Update

2018-04-16 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

You can find the details of our monthly blog update at the link below::

Thanks to Michael,  Jacques and Pranay for their continued support in 
reviewing, providing feedback and helping preparing it.


Re: AW: Financial transaction - accounting transactions

2018-03-22 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Ingo

I think you might be focussing on the money part too much rather than the 
accounting part. If you issue an invoice to a customer for 1000 Euros and they 
pay 1000 Euros based on that invoice, then it needs to be officially recorded 
that they paid all of it. 

What you need to do is what I would call a sort of an invoice match followed by 
a payment breakdown (and at the moment you are missing the invoice match and 
are just doing the payment breakdown)

To fix it, you could look at matching the invoice with the customer paid amount 
(including the bank fees) before you process the bank fees transaction. So 
effectively you are re-creating the true customer payment, then doing the 
transaction to deduct the bank fees afterwards.


On 2018/03/22 09:54:07, Ingo Wolfmayr <> wrote: 
> Hi Sharan,
> the fee has already been taken out and the whole processing is done manually. 
> Invoice is created via import.
> Payment is created and assigned. --> Invoice paid.
> Move fee from "bank glaccount" to "bank charges glaccount".
> I do not want the invoice with an open amount in the system (write off), as 
> the customer paid 100%. If there is another way I would be happy if you can 
> share it.
> Thanks a lot !
> Best regards,
> Ingo
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Sharan Foga <> 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 21. März 2018 22:00
> An:
> Betreff: Re: Financial transaction - accounting transactions
> Hi Ingo
> So you've setup a financial account to mirror you bank account and when the 
> customer payment comes in, it already has the fees taken out? Or does the 
> whole customer amount come into the account as one figure and then the bank 
> takes out their fee? 
> Also are you manually depositing (i.e creating deposits) for customer 
> payments or are you letting OFBiz automatically do it when the customer pays?
> Either way - I'll take a look and get back to you.
> Thanks
> Sharan
> On 2018/03/21 10:33:30, Ingo Wolfmayr <> wrote: 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have a question regarding financial transaction, in detail the service 
> > "postFinAccountTransToGl".
> > 
> > When I create a "deposit" or a "withdraw" it creates the same accounting 
> > transactions except changing the type of accounting transaction.
> > 
> > Maybe I missunderstand the financial transactions. This is what I am trying 
> > to do:
> > A customer made a payment 100$. The bank subtracts a fee from my account 
> > 5$. I thought by making a transaction "withdraw" I could submit the fee to 
> > the appropriate glaccount and subtracting it from the financial account 
> > (2nd part is fine).
> > Goal:
> > Debit: 5$ Fees
> > Credit: 5$ Bank
> > 
> > Current situation:
> > Credit: 5$ Fees
> > Debit: 5$ Bank
> > 
> > Creating a deposit creates the same financial transactions.
> > 
> > When I create an adjustment with a negativ amount, the glaccounts are on 
> > the right side, but the value is negativ, which at the end leads to the 
> > same result.
> > 
> > I would be glad if someone could help me on this.
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > Ingo
> > 

Re: Outgoing payment to financial account?

2018-03-21 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Ingo

Is there a reason why you need to use a financial account for this? Or will a 
billing account do? (Because at first glance it sounds like billing account 
might be able to do this easier than a financial account.)


On 2018/03/21 15:25:26, Ingo Wolfmayr  wrote: 
> Hi,
> is it possible to have a "customer return invoice" with an outgoing payment 
> to the financial account as a customer credit. I have the following case:
> - Invoice 1000€
> - Incoming Payment 1000€
> - Return Invoice 1000€
> - Outgoing Payment 200 €
> - 800 € should stay as credit as a new invoice for the customer has been 
> created with 800€ to be paid.
> The return invoice cannot be closed until the outgoing payment matches the 
> invoice amount - same with the 2nd invoice.
> Thanks for any hint!
> Best regards,
> Ingo

Re: Financial transaction - accounting transactions

2018-03-21 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Ingo

So you've setup a financial account to mirror you bank account and when the 
customer payment comes in, it already has the fees taken out? Or does the whole 
customer amount come into the account as one figure and then the bank takes out 
their fee? 

Also are you manually depositing (i.e creating deposits) for customer payments 
or are you letting OFBiz automatically do it when the customer pays?

Either way - I'll take a look and get back to you.


On 2018/03/21 10:33:30, Ingo Wolfmayr  wrote: 
> Hi,
> I have a question regarding financial transaction, in detail the service 
> "postFinAccountTransToGl".
> When I create a "deposit" or a "withdraw" it creates the same accounting 
> transactions except changing the type of accounting transaction.
> Maybe I missunderstand the financial transactions. This is what I am trying 
> to do:
> A customer made a payment 100$. The bank subtracts a fee from my account 5$. 
> I thought by making a transaction "withdraw" I could submit the fee to the 
> appropriate glaccount and subtracting it from the financial account (2nd part 
> is fine).
> Goal:
> Debit: 5$ Fees
> Credit: 5$ Bank
> Current situation:
> Credit: 5$ Fees
> Debit: 5$ Bank
> Creating a deposit creates the same financial transactions.
> When I create an adjustment with a negativ amount, the glaccounts are on the 
> right side, but the value is negativ, which at the end leads to the same 
> result.
> I would be glad if someone could help me on this.
> Best regards,
> Ingo

Re: [DOC] Documentation Mentors

2018-03-21 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Badar

I've spoken to Swapnil (Mane since we have more than one!:-) and he is willing 
to help you and be your mentor. 


On 2018/03/14 20:24:25, Badar Ali <> wrote: 
> Dear Sharan,
> Hoping your good. I am unable to add my status as "Writer" in front of my 
> name column in Doc. team list. I am getting this notification, "
> Access to add and change pages is restricted. See: 
> Wiki access - OFBiz Project Open Wiki - Apache Software 
> ...<>
> Due to spam, the infrastructure team has restricted the access to all ASF 
> Confluence open wikis (Confluence is shared by all ASF projects). If you want 
> to add or edit ...
> ". Sorry it's my first time so don't know how things work. I also want a 
> Mentor.
> Regards,
> Badar Ali.
> From: Sharan Foga <>
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 8:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: [DOC] Documentation Mentors
> Hi All
> One of the things we want to introduce for the documentation work is ensuring 
> that we have some experienced OFBiz people working with people that are new 
> or less experienced.
> Being a Mentor
> =
> At the moment Michael and myself have indicated that we are available to be 
> documentation mentors. The main role will be to :
> - help the documentation contributor you are mentoring get started
> - provide general background OFBiz help and support
> The objective is to give  the newer people more confidence so they can pick 
> up and work on any of the documentation tasks.
> I can see in our team list that there are a few other experienced OFBiz 
> people :-) , so if you are willing to help out someone new then please add a 
> Yes to the ‘Willing to be a Mentor” column.
> Finding a Mentor
> ==
> Those of you who would like a mentor then please edit the Documentation Team 
> wiki page and put ‘Need a Mentor’ in the Mentor column next to your name. 
> We will then try and allocate someone to you.
> I know that not everyone will want or need a mentor, but it's good o have the 
> option.
> Thanks
> Sharan

Re: Financials ->Month End Close Procedures

2018-03-21 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi James

You don’t need to buy my book, to find out about this. :-) 

I’ve gone through the main process below with some links to the screens in 
our demo.
So the main things you need are:

Time Periods

To make sure that your time periods (monthly ones are setup). The last time I 
checked OFBiz still needed the periods to be setup a bit like this

Start Date 1 January 20XX End Date 1 February 20XX because the comparison for 
whether a transaction is within the range is a less than comparison. So setting 
the period end date to 31st January 20XX will miss the transactions for the 
31st January. 

Make sure the period is active

GL Account Type Defaults Account Mapping

You need a mapping to make sure that:
- ‘Profit Loss ‘ GL account type is mapped to your account for Net Income 
- 'Retained Earnings' GL account type is mapped to your account for Retained 

Month End Closing

To close the month simply close the time period and Period closing accounting 
transaction should automatically be created and posted  (Do this in the company 
settings not at the global GL accounts level)

Period Closing Accounting Transaction
To find the Period Closing Transaction, go to 

Re-opening a Closed Period
You used to be able to do this via the Edit Custom Time Period screen

but that is no longer the case. 

The workaround is to edit Time Period entity record to make it active. There is 
a flag that indicates whether the period is active or not – just change it.

- Reverse the accounting transaction for the original period closing. (Just go 
into the original accounting transaction and use the Revert option)
- Do your accounting adjustments 
- Close the period again

I think that having the ability to re-open a closed Time Period is a something 
that is quite useful so would probably suggest that we look at re-implementing 
something  that does this.

I hope this helps and if anyone else has other ideas or suggestions then please 
feel free to add your feedback.

On 2018/03/20 13:17:56,  wrote: 
> Can someone point me in the right direction for Month End Close
> Accounting Procedures in Ofbiz.  As well how to re-open a closed period?
> Thanks,
> James

Re: [MODERATE EMAIL] Re: OFBiz Documentation Team Volunteers Needed

2018-03-16 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Rebecca

Welcome to our community!  Thank you for being interested in helping out with 
our documentation effort and I'll add you to the documentation team list. We 
have a wiki page setup at the link below

So please take a look through it and come back with any questions.

BTW if you are still having issues with your installation, please give us more 
details so that we can help you. (Which version of OFBiz, What you process you 
used to install etc)


On 2018/03/16 06:22:03, Deepak Dixit <> wrote: 
> Hi Rebecca Johnson,
> Your email has been moderated, Please subscribe mailing list
> Thanks & Regards
> --
> Deepak Dixit
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Rebecca Johnson <>
> To: "" <>
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2018 05:48:06 +
> Subject: Re: OFBiz Documentation Team Volunteers Needed
> Count me in.
> On 2018/02/08 10:04:57, Aditya Sharma <> wrote:
>  > Hi Sharan,>
>  >
>  > Please count me in.>
>  >
>  > Thanks and Regards,>
>  >
>  > *Aditya Sharma* | Enterprise Software Engineer>
>  > HotWax Commerce <> by HotWax Systems>
>  > <>>
>  >
>  > <>>
>  >
>  > On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 2:25 PM, Olivier Heintz <>
>  >> wrote:>
>  >
>  > > Hi Sharan,>
>  > >>
>  > > please add me to the list,>
>  > >>
>  > > I have start to play with the new tools>
>  > > I have convert some docbook file to asciidoc with docbookrx tools
> and make>
>  > > modification on help data to use the html generated files in the
> ofbiz>
>  > > help, it's work's ;-)>
>  > > If needed, I can convert all docbook files to asccidoc>
>  > >>
>  > >>
>  > > Regards,>
>  > >>
>  > >>
>  > >>
>  > > Le 07/02/2018 à 14:32, Sharan Foga a écrit :>
>  > > > Hi Everyone>
>  > > >>
>  > > > (Trying again as my first post didn't reach this list)>
>  > > >>
>  > > > If you have read the latest project blog post then you will have
> seen a>
>  > > section about the discussions that have been happening on our
> development>
>  > > list about the new proposed OFBiz documentation framework.>
>  > > >>
>  > > >>
>  > > >>
>  > > > It is based on asciidoc and will be able to generate
> documentation in>
>  > > various formats. This means that we can start to consolidate our
> OFBiz>
>  > > documentation within OFBiz itself and adapt it to any new releases.>
>  > > >>
>  > > > Feedback to the proposal have been very positive and once the
> code is>
>  > > moved into our current trunk we will need to start some
> documentation work.>
>  > > We will be looking for volunteers to become part of a documentation
> team>
>  > > that will work on reviewing the documents we already have in the
> wiki and>
>  > > other sources, then help to re-structure them to fit into the new>
>  > > documentation framework model.>
>  > > >>
>  > > > Being involved with documentation is a good way to learn OFBiz :-)>
>  > > >>
>  > > > So if you are interested in being part of the OFBiz documentation
> team>
>  > > then please respond to this message and I will add you to the list.>
>  > > >>
>  > > > Thanks>
>  > > > Sharan>
>  > > >>
>  > >>
>  > >>
>  >

Re: [DOC] Documentation Mentors

2018-03-14 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Bader

Thanks for your message. The problem you are having is related to not being 
setup as a contributor. Have you completed an ICLA? If not then you can find 
more information about it at the link below:

Essentially completing and sending in the form means that you are happy that 
everything you contribute is subject to the Apache license. Once you have 
completed this form, we can update your permissions so that you can edit our 
wiki pages.

I'm signed up as a mentor a couple of people :-)  so I will take a look and see 
who else could be available to help you as a mentor.


On 2018/03/14 20:24:25, Badar Ali <> wrote: 
> Dear Sharan,
> Hoping your good. I am unable to add my status as "Writer" in front of my 
> name column in Doc. team list. I am getting this notification, "
> Access to add and change pages is restricted. See: 
> Wiki access - OFBiz Project Open Wiki - Apache Software 
> ...<>
> Due to spam, the infrastructure team has restricted the access to all ASF 
> Confluence open wikis (Confluence is shared by all ASF projects). If you want 
> to add or edit ...
> ". Sorry it's my first time so don't know how things work. I also want a 
> Mentor.
> Regards,
> Badar Ali.
> From: Sharan Foga <>
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 8:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: [DOC] Documentation Mentors
> Hi All
> One of the things we want to introduce for the documentation work is ensuring 
> that we have some experienced OFBiz people working with people that are new 
> or less experienced.
> Being a Mentor
> =
> At the moment Michael and myself have indicated that we are available to be 
> documentation mentors. The main role will be to :
> - help the documentation contributor you are mentoring get started
> - provide general background OFBiz help and support
> The objective is to give  the newer people more confidence so they can pick 
> up and work on any of the documentation tasks.
> I can see in our team list that there are a few other experienced OFBiz 
> people :-) , so if you are willing to help out someone new then please add a 
> Yes to the ‘Willing to be a Mentor” column.
> Finding a Mentor
> ==
> Those of you who would like a mentor then please edit the Documentation Team 
> wiki page and put ‘Need a Mentor’ in the Mentor column next to your name. 
> We will then try and allocate someone to you.
> I know that not everyone will want or need a mentor, but it's good o have the 
> option.
> Thanks
> Sharan

Re: Hipchat Room

2018-03-12 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Craig

I'm not sure what the issue is, perhaps related to the Stride change over etc. 
Anyway I've sent you an invitation for the room so let's see if that works.


On 2018/03/12 19:27:06, Craig Parker <> wrote: 
> I installed hipchat according to the directions on their site (added apt 
> repo, installed, ended up with hipchat4) and throwing 
> into the "Enter your team's server address" box didn't work. I tried 
> prefacing that with an http://, and then https://, and still get the 
> "Not a valid hipchat server" message.
> On 03/12/2018 01:15 PM, Sharan Foga wrote:
> > Hi Craig
> >
> > Do you mean ? Try that and see if it works. If not them 
> > you will need to be invited to be part of a room to be able to use 
> > application.  I’m the OFBiz HipChat room admin so let me know.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> >
> > On 2018/03/12 15:54:22, Craig Parker <> wrote:
> >> What's the hipchat server address? I'm trying to join with the actual
> >> hipchat application, instead of on a webpage, and it doesn't like
> >>
> >>
> >> Also, as I understand it, these folks are wanting to move all their
> >> hipchat customers to Stride. Is this a problem on the horizon?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>

Re: Hipchat Room

2018-03-12 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Craig

Do you mean ? Try that and see if it works. If not them you 
will need to be invited to be part of a room to be able to use application.  
I’m the OFBiz HipChat room admin so let me know.


On 2018/03/12 15:54:22, Craig Parker  wrote: 
> What's the hipchat server address? I'm trying to join with the actual 
> hipchat application, instead of on a webpage, and it doesn't like 
> Also, as I understand it, these folks are wanting to move all their 
> hipchat customers to Stride. Is this a problem on the horizon?

[DOC] Moving Discussions to Dev List

2018-03-12 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

As mentioned in one of the other threads, we will be moving all the discussions 
about documentation onto our dev mailing list because our documentation work 
will be improving and developing the project.

Documentation messages will be prefixed with [DOC] in the subject line to make 
it easier for people to filter the relevant messages.

If you are a documentation team member then please subscribe to the dev mailing 
list. You can do this by sending a message to :

(BTW if you want to unsubscribe from a mailing list for example our dev list 
you simply send a message to

All future documentation team communications will be on the dev list - so see 
you on the other list. :-)


[DOC] Documentation Mentors

2018-03-12 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

One of the things we want to introduce for the documentation work is ensuring 
that we have some experienced OFBiz people working with people that are new or 
less experienced.

Being a Mentor
At the moment Michael and myself have indicated that we are available to be 
documentation mentors. The main role will be to :

- help the documentation contributor you are mentoring get started
- provide general background OFBiz help and support

The objective is to give  the newer people more confidence so they can pick up 
and work on any of the documentation tasks.
I can see in our team list that there are a few other experienced OFBiz people 
:-) , so if you are willing to help out someone new then please add a Yes to 
the ‘Willing to be a Mentor” column.

Finding a Mentor
Those of you who would like a mentor then please edit the Documentation Team 
wiki page and put ‘Need a Mentor’ in the Mentor column next to your name. 
We will then try and allocate someone to you. 

I know that not everyone will want or need a mentor, but it's good o have the 


Re: [Documentation Team] Workflow and Process Ideas

2018-03-12 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

Thanks for the feedback and comments. Based on this I will run through actions 
for the next steps:

Allocating Mentors
Yes I see this as a good next step. So will start a thread about it

Moving to the Dev list 
Yes we do need to move over to the development list as the documentation 
becomes part of the development of the project. I like the idea of prefixing 
messages with [DOC] so that people can easily see it and filter I also think 
its a little early to setup a completely new mailing list, let’s see how we 
work on the Dev list. I will post a thread about this.

Actually once we start using Jira – most of that traffic will flow into the 
notifications mailing list. And for people actually working on  or watching a 
particular issue.,  will get notified immediately if there are any comments or 
changes. This means that any ongoing conversation around a Jira moves into the 
Jira itself which makes sense as it will become part of the task and work 
history .

Slack Etc
As Jacques and others mentioned. We have the HipChat room which can be used for 
collaboration but any discussions or decisions need to be on the mailing list.

Creating Umbrella tasks in Jira
I think rather than one single overarching documentation Jira task, we can 
create each guide as an umbrella task similar to what  I’ve done with the 
Human Resources Guide. I think it would be better to use our Documentation wiki 
page to track which guides are in missing or still being worked on.

So let’s move along to the next step :-)


On 2018/03/09 11:29:28, Rajesh Mallah  wrote: 
> no probs , shall wait ;-) and live with the ML.
> On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 4:27 PM, Jacques Le Roux <
>> wrote:
> > Hi Mallah,
> >
> > I already gave you my opinion:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > It did not change since ;)
> >
> > Jacques
> >
> >
> >
> > Le 09/03/2018 à 10:34, Rajesh Mallah a écrit :
> >
> >> Hi Jacques ,
> >>
> >> +1 for some kind of realtime chat channel.
> >>
> >>
> >> pls re-consider a slack channel . Its free for opensource projects
> >> and its modern.
> >>
> >> slack(or any realtime chatroom) != synchronous communication.
> >> personal freedom always prevails.
> >>
> >> slack has tons of feature over hipchat and seeing the kind of traffic we
> >> have
> >> in this ML , imho its a good fit.
> >>
> >> Also the quantum of effort to compose and send an email to ML is far more
> >> than a short reply over slack. We see so many new comers adopting ofbiz
> >> who have questions whose answers are short and can be suitably handled
> >> over
> >> chat.
> >>
> >>
> >> regds
> >> mallah.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 2:24 PM, Jacques Le Roux <
> >>> wrote:
> >>
> >> Le 09/03/2018 à 01:43, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :
> >>>
> >>> and maybe even
>  Skype for quick simple tips or so.
>  If really necessary I'd prefer the OFBiz HipChat room which is a bit
> >>> more
> >>> "official".
> >>> But, as Michael reminded, the ASF mantra for communication is "if it did
> >>> not happen on the list it didn't happen at all". This for at least
> >>> obvious
> >>> historical and research reasons. For now the dev seems indeed the best
> >>> place.
> >>> As Craig suggested,  a preface like [DOC] would fit.
> >>>
> >>> Jacques
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >

Re: multi tenant setup help

2018-03-12 Thread Sharan Foga
Thanks Rajesh

This is a great article and excellent resource. We definitely need to include 
this in our documentation effort. :-)


On 2018/03/11 20:51:11, Rajesh Mallah  wrote: 
> Hello Everyone/ Taher  ,
> I have put together a detailed instruction steps for newbies here:
> regds
> mallah.
> On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 3:29 PM, Rajesh Mallah 
> wrote:
> > Hello Everyone/Taher ,
> >
> > i have been able to setup multi-tenant using various sources of
> > information.
> >
> > Thanks for the tips/help.
> >
> > regds
> > mallah.
> >

[Documentation Team] Workflow and Process Ideas

2018-03-08 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

I’ve started putting some ideas together about a suggested process for 
managing the flow of the documentation work using Jira. Essentially we want to 
make it as simple as possible for people to contribute.

There is a small diagram using the HR Guide as an example to show the folder 
structure we are looking to implement. I've split the process into various 
steps with some simple descriptions of what would need to be done. 

I’m going to be unavailable for the next few days but wanted to start this 
conversation. I'm hoping that people will take a look what I've started, and 
then also add their comments, ideas and improvements :-)

Looking forward to your feedback.


Re: Notes from OFBiz Documentation Skype Call : 27th February 2018

2018-03-07 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

A minor correction. Allan Zarsuela also attended the meeting he was missed out 
of the attendee list (Sorry Allan!).  I've updated the wiki page to include him.


On 2018/02/28 14:55:38, Michael Brohl <> wrote: 
> Hi Sharan, all,
> great stuff! I just want to thank everyone who attended the meeting and 
> put this together!
> I'll provide more feedback in the coming days.
> Regards,
> Michael
> Am 28.02.18 um 15:43 schrieb Sharan Foga:
> > Hi Everyone
> >
> > Thank you everyone who attended and please see below for the details I 
> > captured  from the Skype call yesterday to help kickstart our 
> > documentation effort.
> >
> > *Skype Call to Kickstart OFBiz Documentation Effort*
> > *Date*: 27th February 2018 at 14.00 (UTC+1)
> >
> > _*Agenda*_
> >
> >  * Introductions
> >  * Technical Environment Overview
> >  * Collaboration Environment
> >  * Next Steps and Actions
> >
> > _*Introductions*_
> >
> >  * 8 people attended the call.- Olivier Heintz, Tim Boyden, Arthur
> >    Marquez, Tarun Thakur, Bader Ali, Taher Alkhateeb, Jacopo
> >    Cappellato, Sharan Foga
> >  * Main objective were to discuss how to kick off the OFBiz
> >    Documentation effort
> >
> > _*General Overview*_
> >
> >  * We went through a bit of an overview of the project and the
> >    background regarding OFBiz documentation.
> >  * Initially the project had implemented docbook but this used XML and
> >    had a large complex vocabulary, that made it not easy for people to
> >    use.It also wasn't very adaptable as a generic documentation tool
> >  * After many discussions on the dev list we decided to adopt asciidoc
> >    because it was a lot simpler to use.
> >      o Writing asciidoc is a lot like normal writing in English, which
> >        will allow people with little or no technical knowledge the
> >        ability to contribute
> >      o there was already a lot of documentation about how to use it
> >      o it has different publishing options (html, PDF etc) and so can
> >        in future be integrated with our online help
> >
> >  * The purpose of the documentation project is divided into 3 areas
> >      o   to provide comprehensive documentation for all of OFBiz
> >      o to be a tool for one source publishing to multiple outputs
> >      o to integrate with the online help
> >
> >  * Everyone that can help with this effort will add value. We have a
> >    variety of people from different backgrounds that will make the
> >    documentation richer and based on practical experience.
> >
> > *_General Guidelines_*
> >
> >  * Want to try and avoid copy and paste patterns and make documentation
> >    modular, so that we write it once and re-use in many places
> >
> >
> >  * Focus on more topic based documentation to help users achieve
> >    something so they can get started quickly
> >
> >
> >
> >  * Need to keep an open mind as this documentation effort will be an
> >    evolution. We wont get it right first time and there will be several
> >    iterations where we change content multiple times
> >  * Documentation can't work without content so our first key focus
> >    should be to get as much content into the framework as possible
> >    (knowing that it maybe updated and evolve as we go)
> >  * The PoC documentation framework that we will use is neutral so we
> >    can make the documentation as detailed as we want
> >  * The documentation will be in English only at this stage. Once we
> >    have a completed English manual, we can look at other languages and
> >    perhaps these can be provided via a plugin...
> >  * Put together some getting started guidelines that will be a
> >    reference. It could include roles and responsibilities and also an
> >    overview of the end to end process flow to get some documentation
> >    submitted
> >
> > _*Design*_
> >
> >  * Documentation that we will be working on writing will be essentially
> >    2 top level parts
> >      o Framework Guide (technical / developer)
> >      o Core Applications (user)
> >
> >  * Documentation for plugins will be managed separately and so each
> >    plugin will have its own documentation. (NOTE: this means that each

OFBiz Blog – Febraury 2018 Update

2018-03-07 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

You can find the details of our monthly blog update at the link below::

Our blog updates are a collaborative effort, so thanks Pranay, Michael and 
Jacques for their continued help in reviewing, providing feedback and helping 
preparing it.


Re: OFBiz Talks for Apachecon NA in Montreal?

2018-03-04 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Allan

That’s great to hear that you are interested in attending Apachecon. The ASF 
has a Travel Assistance Committee (TAC) that offers funding to people involved 
with Apache projects who want to attend Apachecon.   You can find details of 
how to apply at the links below:
Just for information in the past I have applied for and received TAC funding to 
attend Apachecon and it was a fantastic  experience. You can read about my TAC 
story at link below:

So at the moment, I’m not sure if there has been any submissions for OFBiz 
presentations for Apachecon yet which is why I started the thread. (I'm trying 
to encourage some :-)


On 2018/03/04 05:24:12, Allan Zarsuela <> wrote: 
> Hi Sharan! I am interested in Apache Con as an assistant of OFBiz
> presenters. Can I join? If possible, can I avail of financial assistance
> from the sponsors for the travel expenses?
> On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 3:48 PM, Sharan Foga <> wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > Over the last few years at Apachecon our project has sometimes had enough
> > submissions to be allocated an OFBiz track. You can see details of our
> > participation in the past conferences section on the events page
> >
> >
> >
> > An example of one of our tracks is as follows:
> >
> >
> > OFBiz+Track+@+Apachecon+EU+2016
> >
> > Apachecon NA is going to be in Montreal in September and the CFP is open
> > until the end of March. Is anyone interested in or planning to submit
> > anything?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> >
> >
> -- 
> *Allan L. Zarsuela*
> *Software Engineer*
> Cellphone number: +971-5221-40525

Re: Selling and Buying In Differnt Units of Measurements

2018-03-02 Thread Sharan Foga

On 2018/03/01 12:33:42, James Yong  wrote: 
> Hi James,
> You are doing a debulk of the inventory item. I have used the following 
> approach for one closed-sourced project.
> You will need to implement a batch quantity attribute that is tied to a 
> particular Bill of Material (BOM). 
> So when we have a BOM A for Product B with batch quantity 12, this means a 
> production run with BOM A will produce 12 items of Product B.
> Using your example, we have 2 different products. One is 'GZ-1000 x 1', 
> another is 'GZ-1000 x 12'. 
> You set up a BOM for 'GX-1000 x 1' with a batch quantity of 12, and requiring 
> 'GZ-1000 x 12' as material.
> Then do a production run to debulk.

Nice tip James and something that can be done without any code changes.  I 
think it would be good to capture creative solutions like this! 


> Regards,
> James Yong
> On 2018/02/28 16:37:35,  wrote: 
> > 
> > Can ofbiz buy in one unit of measure and sell in another unit of
> > measure.  For example:
> > 
> > 1 Buy product GZ-1000 in case quantity in which each case includes 12
> > eaches
> > 
> > So I buy quantity of 1
> > 
> > However when I receive it since I sell it in eaches ...I receive
> > quantity of 12
> > 
> > Is there a way of doing this without having to have to different
> > products?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > James
> > 

OFBiz Talks for Apachecon NA in Montreal?

2018-03-01 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

Over the last few years at Apachecon our project has sometimes had enough 
submissions to be allocated an OFBiz track. You can see details of our 
participation in the past conferences section on the events page

An example of one of our tracks is as follows:

Apachecon NA is going to be in Montreal in September and the CFP is open until 
the end of March. Is anyone interested in or planning to submit anything? 


Documentation Team – Existing OFBiz Human Resources Guide

2018-03-01 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

Following on from the Skype call this week, one of the things mentioned was to 
look at getting the whole documentation team working together on our first 
guide so we can all define the process and also learn the steps involved in 

During the call I mentioned that we have a complete guide for the OFBiz Human 
Resources module already written so we could use this as our first 
collaboration example.  So if you want to start getting familiar with it,, you 
can take a look using the following link.

So just to clarify -  the task will not be to simply copy and paste this into 
the new OFBiz documentation framework, we will be using the existing guide to 
help us define and create modular documentation that will become our new Human 
Resource Guide stored within the code of our releases.


Notes from OFBiz Documentation Skype Call : 27th February 2018

2018-02-28 Thread Sharan Foga

Hi Everyone

Thank you everyone who attended and please see below for the details I 
captured  from the Skype call yesterday to help kickstart our 
documentation effort.

*Skype Call to Kickstart OFBiz Documentation Effort*
*Date*: 27th February 2018 at 14.00 (UTC+1)


 * Introductions
 * Technical Environment Overview
 * Collaboration Environment
 * Next Steps and Actions


 * 8 people attended the call.- Olivier Heintz, Tim Boyden, Arthur
   Marquez, Tarun Thakur, Bader Ali, Taher Alkhateeb, Jacopo
   Cappellato, Sharan Foga
 * Main objective were to discuss how to kick off the OFBiz
   Documentation effort

_*General Overview*_

 * We went through a bit of an overview of the project and the
   background regarding OFBiz documentation.
 * Initially the project had implemented docbook but this used XML and
   had a large complex vocabulary, that made it not easy for people to
   use.It also wasn't very adaptable as a generic documentation tool
 * After many discussions on the dev list we decided to adopt asciidoc
   because it was a lot simpler to use.
 o Writing asciidoc is a lot like normal writing in English, which
   will allow people with little or no technical knowledge the
   ability to contribute
 o there was already a lot of documentation about how to use it
 o it has different publishing options (html, PDF etc) and so can
   in future be integrated with our online help

 * The purpose of the documentation project is divided into 3 areas
 o   to provide comprehensive documentation for all of OFBiz
 o to be a tool for one source publishing to multiple outputs
 o to integrate with the online help

 * Everyone that can help with this effort will add value. We have a
   variety of people from different backgrounds that will make the
   documentation richer and based on practical experience.

*_General Guidelines_*

 * Want to try and avoid copy and paste patterns and make documentation
   modular, so that we write it once and re-use in many places

 * Focus on more topic based documentation to help users achieve
   something so they can get started quickly

 * Need to keep an open mind as this documentation effort will be an
   evolution. We wont get it right first time and there will be several
   iterations where we change content multiple times
 * Documentation can't work without content so our first key focus
   should be to get as much content into the framework as possible
   (knowing that it maybe updated and evolve as we go)
 * The PoC documentation framework that we will use is neutral so we
   can make the documentation as detailed as we want
 * The documentation will be in English only at this stage. Once we
   have a completed English manual, we can look at other languages and
   perhaps these can be provided via a plugin...
 * Put together some getting started guidelines that will be a
   reference. It could include roles and responsibilities and also an
   overview of the end to end process flow to get some documentation


 * Documentation that we will be working on writing will be essentially
   2 top level parts
 o Framework Guide (technical / developer)
 o Core Applications (user)

 * Documentation for plugins will be managed separately and so each
   plugin will have its own documentation. (NOTE: this means that each
   specialpurpose application will have its own)
 * We can make use of a structure of hidden vs published documents. We
   can create multiple modular topic related files in a hidden
   directory and then include whatever topics we need in the published
 * The header offset option allows us to publish each application as a
   separate guide (e.g accounting guide, manufacturing etc) rather than
   all of the application
 * We can look at other published guides to help us see what good
   documentation looks like e.g

*_Documentation Tools_*

 * We can use our existing JIRA to track the documentation work. This
   means that people can pick up a Jira ticket to work on.
 * Some tools were suggested for people who wanted to start writing
 * asciidocfx :
 * eclipse plugin for asciidoc :
 * Also many modern editors will also be OK (e.g. atom etc)


 * We discussed the idea of providing mentors for people to get
   started. Some people are new to OFBiz and need some guidance to help
   them get going.
 * Suggestion is that the more experienced OFBiz people volunteer to
   help others get up to speed
 * Mentors can create some example documents for new contributors to
   use or learn from. They can also create a documentation structure
   for applications with empty files that contributors can work on to

_*Suggested Process*_

 * Work

Re: [SKYPE CALL] Confirmation of Date and Time for Documentation Call

2018-02-27 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

Huge thanks very much to everyone who participated in the Skype call today. 
It's great to meet new people in the community wanting to help out and 
I'll write up the notes from the meeting and  post them here and on the wiki.


On 2018/02/27 11:30:18, Taher Alkhateeb <> wrote: 
> Hi Sharan,
> On my part, the agenda of items i'd like to discuss includes:
> - an overview and orientation of the documentation framework
> - some guidelines and recommendations for technical writing
> - OFBiz specific design considerations
> - Tools and resources
> In a sense, my agenda is a bit abstract because perhaps setting the ground
> work would help in elaborating and brainstorming once people understand
> exactly how their ideas should fit within the framework.
> On Feb 27, 2018 2:13 PM, "Sharan Foga" <> wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> >  have a few ideas, I wanted to share in preparation for the call too (and
> > I'm in agreement with Michael and Taher's suggestions so far) :
> >
> > - To get started we need to focus on co-ordination, structure and
> > organisation (we have a lot of people wanting to contribute but their
> > efforts need to be co-ordinated
> > - We need a visual high level plan (see example roadmap above) so that
> > everyone can quickly see progress and main milestones
> > - We need to define the scope of the effort (maybe do this by saying what
> > we are not going to do??, eg. not an FAQ, not a tutorial, not a use case,
> > not a cookbook) so will be feature documentation (i.e. describing what we
> > have available)
> > - We can look at using JIRA as main co-ordination and tracking tool. We
> > could look at using a new label eg 'documentation' in conjunction with the
> > existing components. Maybe update workflow to have a new QA status ?
> > Is the assumption that the work will be done in the trunk ? (since 17.12
> > branch already created). This will mean that it become part of the 18.xx
> > branch. Do we look at backporting to 17.12 ???
> > - Look at some ways to get started working together. One idea could be
> > that we all work together creating the documentation for one component (My
> > suggestion would be HR since a complete HR manual already exists. It will
> > need a full review and maybe rewrite in parts but the main content is
> > already there. Each person could be allocated an area and be responsible
> > for submitting a patch
> >
> > These are some of my brainstorming ideas :-) and I look forward to
> > chatting with those of you planning to be on the call later today.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> >
> >
> > On 2018/02/24 15:32:04, Taher Alkhateeb <>
> > wrote:
> > > it would've been great if you could join us. One of the points I had
> > > in my agenda is to suggest having the experienced people in the team
> > > volunteer for mentorship to anyone wanting it from the documentation
> > > team. This would help put structure and coordinate efforts in this big
> > > team of contributors.
> > >
> > > So in reply to your thoughts above, yes I believe you and the other
> > > experienced developers would be instrumental in coordination and
> > > provision of structure for the rest of the team. My role would perhaps
> > > mostly be to update the documentation system code as per the evolving
> > > needs of the documentation team and to help with any technical /
> > > support issues.
> > >
> > > On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 6:06 PM, Michael Brohl <>
> > wrote:
> > > > Hi Sharan, all,
> > > >
> > > > I most likely cannot attend the Skype call so I will add some thoughts
> > here.
> > > >
> > > > I think we should set up a small documentation quality team which is
> > > > responsible that the documentation send in by contributors is of good
> > > > quality, consistent and (mostly) error free. This team should also
> > propose
> > > > the structure of the documentation and maybe add the empty .adoc files
> > and
> > > > includes to lead the way for contributors.
> > > >
> > > > I'd volunteer to be part of this team.
> > > >
> > > > It could also be a good idea to track who is working on a piece of
> > > > documentation to avoid double work and encourage collaboration between
> > > > contributors interested in the same topic(s). I think this might 

Re: [SKYPE CALL] Confirmation of Date and Time for Documentation Call

2018-02-27 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

 have a few ideas, I wanted to share in preparation for the call too (and I'm 
in agreement with Michael and Taher's suggestions so far) :

- To get started we need to focus on co-ordination, structure and organisation 
(we have a lot of people wanting to contribute but their efforts need to be 
- We need a visual high level plan (see example roadmap above) so that everyone 
can quickly see progress and main milestones
- We need to define the scope of the effort (maybe do this by saying what we 
are not going to do??, eg. not an FAQ, not a tutorial, not a use case, not a 
cookbook) so will be feature documentation (i.e. describing what we have 
- We can look at using JIRA as main co-ordination and tracking tool. We could 
look at using a new label eg 'documentation' in conjunction with the existing 
components. Maybe update workflow to have a new QA status ?
Is the assumption that the work will be done in the trunk ? (since 17.12 branch 
already created). This will mean that it become part of the 18.xx branch. Do we 
look at backporting to 17.12 ???
- Look at some ways to get started working together. One idea could be that we 
all work together creating the documentation for one component (My suggestion 
would be HR since a complete HR manual already exists. It will need a full 
review and maybe rewrite in parts but the main content is already there. Each 
person could be allocated an area and be responsible for submitting a patch

These are some of my brainstorming ideas :-) and I look forward to chatting 
with those of you planning to be on the call later today.


On 2018/02/24 15:32:04, Taher Alkhateeb <> wrote: 
> it would've been great if you could join us. One of the points I had
> in my agenda is to suggest having the experienced people in the team
> volunteer for mentorship to anyone wanting it from the documentation
> team. This would help put structure and coordinate efforts in this big
> team of contributors.
> So in reply to your thoughts above, yes I believe you and the other
> experienced developers would be instrumental in coordination and
> provision of structure for the rest of the team. My role would perhaps
> mostly be to update the documentation system code as per the evolving
> needs of the documentation team and to help with any technical /
> support issues.
> On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 6:06 PM, Michael Brohl <> 
> wrote:
> > Hi Sharan, all,
> >
> > I most likely cannot attend the Skype call so I will add some thoughts here.
> >
> > I think we should set up a small documentation quality team which is
> > responsible that the documentation send in by contributors is of good
> > quality, consistent and (mostly) error free. This team should also propose
> > the structure of the documentation and maybe add the empty .adoc files and
> > includes to lead the way for contributors.
> >
> > I'd volunteer to be part of this team.
> >
> > It could also be a good idea to track who is working on a piece of
> > documentation to avoid double work and encourage collaboration between
> > contributors interested in the same topic(s). I think this might be Jira
> > with a main task containing the main "rules" of documentation and several
> > subtasks for each topic.
> >
> > I suggest to have also a process to move documentation from the Wiki to the
> > documentation in the repository. We should make sure that we do not have
> > different documentation in both places. If someone is working on a topic he
> > also could search the Wiki for it and try to merge/move it where applicable.
> >
> > Moved/merged documentation from the Wiki should then be moved to an adoc
> > Attic until everthing is cleared and the community agrees to remove it from
> > the Wiki.
> >
> > We should also define which contents should be in the repository and what
> > the Wiki should contain or be linked to.
> >
> > These are my first thoughts, happy to get some feedback and news from the
> > Skype call.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Michael Brohl
> > ecomify GmbH
> >
> >
> > Am 21.02.18 um 09:21 schrieb Sharan Foga:
> >
> >> Hi All
> >>
> >> Thanks for all the feedback received about the documentation effort. It is
> >> great to see so many people wanting to be involved as part of the team.
> >> Based on the feedback I've seen so far I would like to confirm the date and
> >> time of the Skype call next week to kick start the documentation effort.
> >>
> >> The call will be on Tuesday 27th February at 14.00 (UTC+1)
> >>
> >&g

Re: [SKYPE CALL] Confirmation of Date and Time for Documentation Call

2018-02-22 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Wai

If you would like to attend the call, then please let me have your Skype 
address (you can email it to me) and I will add you to the group. At this 
stage, because we have a big group,  I prefer to have the details of the people 
who are planning to actually be on the call.


On 2018/02/21 20:02:52, Wai  wrote: 
> What is the skype address to use?
> --
> Sent from:

Re: [SKYPE CALL] Confirmation of Date and Time for Documentation Call

2018-02-22 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Arthur

I've added you to the Skype group.


On 2018/02/21 20:33:57, Arthur Marquez  wrote: 
> *marquez.brasil*
> *Arthur Marquez*
> *1-701-872-4471 : Office*
> *1-818-919-5452 : Mobile*
> *Farmers Union Oil Company of Beach ND*
> *Farmers Union Propane, C3H8*
> *90 NE 1st St.*
> *Beach ND 58621*
> * *
> On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 1:02 PM, Wai  wrote:
> > What is the skype address to use?
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Sent from:
> >

[SKYPE CALL] Confirmation of Date and Time for Documentation Call

2018-02-21 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

Thanks for all the feedback received about the documentation effort. It is 
great to see so many people wanting to be involved as part of the team. Based 
on the feedback I've seen so far I would like to confirm the date and time of 
the Skype call next week to kick start the documentation effort.

The call will be on Tuesday 27th February at 14.00 (UTC+1) 

See below for what this time is for other UTC times

   UTC-5 (New York, Boston): 08.00
   UTC+1 (Czech Republic, Germany, France, Italy) : 14.00
   UTC+2 (South Africa): 15.00
   UTC+3 (Kuwait) : 16.00
  UTC+5 (Pakistan) : 18.00  
  UTC+5.5 (India) : 18.30

Please remember that anyone and everyone can join the team at any time and you 
don't need to be an expert in OFBiz to contribute to it. In fact I think that 
people new to OFBiz have a unique perspective and can let us know if what has 
been written is easy to understand!

If you can't make the call, then don't worry as we will be writing up the notes 
about what was discussed and post the details to the mailing list. 


Re: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team

2018-02-21 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Badar

Yes I will confirm the meeting time in another email, but looking at 14.00 
(UTC+1) I see that Pakistan Standard Time is UTC+5 so it will be  is 18.00 not 


On 2018/02/20 10:22:32, Badar Ali <> wrote: 
> Dear Sharan,
> I love to work with you guys. I am ready for skype call. Let me recall the 
> time and date. Are you going to have a meeting with me on Tuesday 27th 
> February at 14.00 (UTC+1) which is 4.00 pm according to Pakistan time?
> Regards,
> Badar Ali
> ____
> From: Sharan Foga <>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 2:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team
> Hi Badar
> Welcome and thanks for wanting to help out with our documentation effort. 
> I've added you to our team list on our wiki.
> We are planning a skype call next week and are just deciding on a date and 
> time and so far my proposal for Tuesday 27th February at 14.00 (UTC+1) seems 
> to be acceptable, so if you are interested, you are also welcome to join the 
> call.
> Thanks
> Sharan
> On 2018/02/20 09:18:23, Badar Ali <> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Apachian,
> >
> > I am newbie regarding Documentation work. I want to be part of this amazing 
> > team and want to learn from you. Kindly Tell me how can I be part of this 
> > team?
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Badar Ali
> >
> > 
> > From: Olivier Heintz <>
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 1:51 PM
> > To: OFBiz User
> > Subject: Re: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team
> >
> > me too.
> >
> > Le 19/02/2018 à 17:39, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :
> > > I am fine with this time or anytime decided by the community, I have a
> > > flexible schedule.
> > >
> > > On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 11:55 AM, Sharan Foga <> wrote:
> > >> Hi All
> > >>
> > >> I've taken a look at the meeting times based on the timezones currently 
> > >> listed in documentation team table. We have a wide range of locations 
> > >> (UTC -5 to UTC+5.5) so it's not going to be perfect timing for everyone. 
> > >> Looking at the possible combinations, I've come up with a two options 
> > >> for a call time.
> > >>
> > >> Call Time Option 1
> > >> ===
> > >>   UTC-5 (New York, Boston): 08.00
> > >>   UTC+1 (Czech Republic, Germany, France) : 14.00
> > >>   UTC+2 (South Africa): 15.00
> > >>   UTC+3 (Kuwait) : 16.00
> > >>   UTC+5.5 (India) : 18.30
> > >>
> > >> Call Time Option  2
> > >> 
> > >>   UTC-5 (New York, Boston): 09.00
> > >>   UTC+1 (Czech Republic, Germany, France) : 15.00
> > >>   UTC+2 (South Africa): 16.00
> > >>   UTC+3 (Kuwait) : 17.00
> > >>   UTC+5.5 (India) : 19.30
> > >>
> > >> My schedule is pretty full this week with not much availability so would 
> > >> prefer to move the call out to next week. I think it will also give us a 
> > >> bit more time for preparation. So looking at next week, the 3 dates I 
> > >> would suggest are:
> > >>
> > >> - Tuesday 27th February 2018
> > >> - Wednesday 28th February 2018
> > >> - Thursday 1st March 2018
> > >>
> > >> My preferred date and time would be :
> > >>
> > >> - Tuesday 27th February at 14.00 (UTC+1)
> > >>
> > >> Please let me know if this would work for you all and if not then please 
> > >> suggest your potential alternative.
> > >>
> > >> As usual, all feedback and comments welcome! :-)
> > >>
> > >> Thanks
> > >> Sharan
> > >>
> > >> On 2018/02/14 08:22:03, Sharan Foga <> wrote:
> > >>> Hi Everyone
> > >>>
> > >>> I'd like to organise a call with all the volunteers interested in being 
> > >>> part of our OFBiz documentation team.
> > >>>
> > >>> We need to discuss how we can plan and organise ourselves to  get this 
> > >>> work started. It will also give people some background informa

Re: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team

2018-02-21 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Allan

Thanks for the information and I've added you to the Skype group.


On 2018/02/21 07:49:43, Allan Zarsuela <> wrote: 
> Hi Sharan,
> Thank you for adding me in the list. I am available on Tuesday Feb. 27
> UTC+3 (Kuwait) : 16.00
> My skype: allan.l.zarsuela
> On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 11:12 AM, Sharan Foga <> wrote:
> > Hi Allan
> >
> > Welcome!  People can join the documentation effort (and any other of our
> > community tasks( at any time and there are always places for people to help
> > out :-).
> >
> > I have added your name to the team list on the wiki.
> >
> >
> >
> > If you'd like to join the Skype call next week, please let me have your
> > skype account name (you can email me offline if you prefer) and I will add
> > you to the group.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> >
> > On 2018/02/21 05:21:30, Allan Zarsuela <> wrote:
> > > Hi Sharan,
> > >
> > > I would like to volunteer for the documentation team if there is still an
> > > available slot. Thanks!
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 2:22 PM, Badar Ali <>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Dear Sharan,
> > > >
> > > > I love to work with you guys. I am ready for skype call. Let me recall
> > the
> > > > time and date. Are you going to have a meeting with me on Tuesday 27th
> > > > February at 14.00 (UTC+1) which is 4.00 pm according to Pakistan time?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Regards,
> > > >
> > > > Badar Ali
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > From: Sharan Foga <>
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 2:59 PM
> > > > To:
> > > > Subject: Re: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team
> > > >
> > > > Hi Badar
> > > >
> > > > Welcome and thanks for wanting to help out with our documentation
> > effort.
> > > > I've added you to our team list on our wiki.
> > > >
> > > >
> > Documentation+Team
> > > >
> > > > We are planning a skype call next week and are just deciding on a date
> > and
> > > > time and so far my proposal for Tuesday 27th February at 14.00 (UTC+1)
> > > > seems to be acceptable, so if you are interested, you are also welcome
> > to
> > > > join the call.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks
> > > > Sharan
> > > >
> > > > On 2018/02/20 09:18:23, Badar Ali <> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Dear Apachian,
> > > > >
> > > > > I am newbie regarding Documentation work. I want to be part of this
> > > > amazing team and want to learn from you. Kindly Tell me how can I be
> > part
> > > > of this team?
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Regards,
> > > > >
> > > > > Badar Ali
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > From: Olivier Heintz <>
> > > > > Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 1:51 PM
> > > > > To: OFBiz User
> > > > > Subject: Re: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation
> > Team
> > > > >
> > > > > me too.
> > > > >
> > > > > Le 19/02/2018 à 17:39, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :
> > > > > > I am fine with this time or anytime decided by the community, I
> > have a
> > > > > > flexible schedule.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 11:55 AM, Sharan Foga <>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > >> Hi All
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >> I've taken a look at the meeting times based on the timezones
> > > > currently listed in documentation team table. We have a wide range of
> > > > locations (UTC -5 to UTC+5.5) so it's not going to be perfect timing
> > for
> > > > everyone. Looking at the possible combin

Re: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team

2018-02-20 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Allan

Welcome!  People can join the documentation effort (and any other of our 
community tasks( at any time and there are always places for people to help out 

I have added your name to the team list on the wiki.

If you'd like to join the Skype call next week, please let me have your skype 
account name (you can email me offline if you prefer) and I will add you to the 


On 2018/02/21 05:21:30, Allan Zarsuela <> wrote: 
> Hi Sharan,
> I would like to volunteer for the documentation team if there is still an
> available slot. Thanks!
> On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 2:22 PM, Badar Ali <> wrote:
> > Dear Sharan,
> >
> > I love to work with you guys. I am ready for skype call. Let me recall the
> > time and date. Are you going to have a meeting with me on Tuesday 27th
> > February at 14.00 (UTC+1) which is 4.00 pm according to Pakistan time?
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Badar Ali
> >
> >
> > 
> > From: Sharan Foga <>
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 2:59 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team
> >
> > Hi Badar
> >
> > Welcome and thanks for wanting to help out with our documentation effort.
> > I've added you to our team list on our wiki.
> >
> >
> >
> > We are planning a skype call next week and are just deciding on a date and
> > time and so far my proposal for Tuesday 27th February at 14.00 (UTC+1)
> > seems to be acceptable, so if you are interested, you are also welcome to
> > join the call.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> >
> > On 2018/02/20 09:18:23, Badar Ali <> wrote:
> > >
> > > Dear Apachian,
> > >
> > > I am newbie regarding Documentation work. I want to be part of this
> > amazing team and want to learn from you. Kindly Tell me how can I be part
> > of this team?
> > >
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Badar Ali
> > >
> > > 
> > > From: Olivier Heintz <>
> > > Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 1:51 PM
> > > To: OFBiz User
> > > Subject: Re: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team
> > >
> > > me too.
> > >
> > > Le 19/02/2018 à 17:39, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :
> > > > I am fine with this time or anytime decided by the community, I have a
> > > > flexible schedule.
> > > >
> > > > On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 11:55 AM, Sharan Foga <>
> > wrote:
> > > >> Hi All
> > > >>
> > > >> I've taken a look at the meeting times based on the timezones
> > currently listed in documentation team table. We have a wide range of
> > locations (UTC -5 to UTC+5.5) so it's not going to be perfect timing for
> > everyone. Looking at the possible combinations, I've come up with a two
> > options for a call time.
> > > >>
> > > >> Call Time Option 1
> > > >> ===
> > > >>   UTC-5 (New York, Boston): 08.00
> > > >>   UTC+1 (Czech Republic, Germany, France) : 14.00
> > > >>   UTC+2 (South Africa): 15.00
> > > >>   UTC+3 (Kuwait) : 16.00
> > > >>   UTC+5.5 (India) : 18.30
> > > >>
> > > >> Call Time Option  2
> > > >> 
> > > >>   UTC-5 (New York, Boston): 09.00
> > > >>   UTC+1 (Czech Republic, Germany, France) : 15.00
> > > >>   UTC+2 (South Africa): 16.00
> > > >>   UTC+3 (Kuwait) : 17.00
> > > >>   UTC+5.5 (India) : 19.30
> > > >>
> > > >> My schedule is pretty full this week with not much availability so
> > would prefer to move the call out to next week. I think it will also give
> > us a bit more time for preparation. So looking at next week, the 3 dates I
> > would suggest are:
> > > >>
> > > >> - Tuesday 27th February 2018
> > > >> - Wednesday 28th February 2018
> > > >> - Thursday 1st March 2018
> > > >>
> > > >> My preferred date and time would be :
> > > >>
> > > >&

Re: Skype Account Needed for Documentation Team Call

2018-02-20 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Tarun

I've added you to the Skype documentation group.


On 2018/02/20 15:27:56, Tarun Thakur <> wrote: 
> Hi Sharan
> Hope you're doing well. Please add me too to the group.
> Skype id: singhbutes
> *Thanks & Regards*,
> [image: Inline image 2]
> *Tarun Singh Thakur *| *Business Development Executive*
> Mobile: +91-8826544218
> www.*karyonsolutions*.com | *Building the Nucleus*
> On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 8:12 PM, Sharan Foga <> wrote:
> > Hi Badar
> >
> > I've added you to the skype group.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> >
> > On 2018/02/20 10:23:58, Badar Ali <> wrote:
> > > Dear Sharan,
> > >
> > > My email:
> > >
> > > My skype: baddaralishah
> > >
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Badar Ali
> > >
> > > 
> > > From: Sharan Foga <>
> > > Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 3:15 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Skype Account Needed for Documentation Team Call
> > >
> > > Hi All
> > >
> > > I'm starting a new thread as I need some information from the people who
> > want to be on the documentation team call.  I have created a skype group
> > for the call and the team, so now need to add the skype account names of
> > everyone who wants to participate.
> > >
> > > A few of you I already have :-) and I am tracking who has been added in
> > a new column on our Documentation Team wiki page.
> > >
> > >
> > OFBiz+Documentation+Team
> > >
> > > So for those who have a blank entry in skype column, please can  you
> > send me (offline if preferred) your skype account name so that I can add
> > you to the call group.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Sharan
> > >
> > >
> >

Re: Skype Account Needed for Documentation Team Call

2018-02-20 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Badar

I've added you to the skype group.


On 2018/02/20 10:23:58, Badar Ali <> wrote: 
> Dear Sharan,
> My email:
> My skype: baddaralishah
> Regards,
> Badar Ali
> ____
> From: Sharan Foga <>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 3:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: Skype Account Needed for Documentation Team Call
> Hi All
> I'm starting a new thread as I need some information from the people who want 
> to be on the documentation team call.  I have created a skype group for the 
> call and the team, so now need to add the skype account names of everyone who 
> wants to participate.
> A few of you I already have :-) and I am tracking who has been added in a new 
> column on our Documentation Team wiki page.
> So for those who have a blank entry in skype column, please can  you send me 
> (offline if preferred) your skype account name so that I can add you to the 
> call group.
> Thanks
> Sharan

Skype Account Needed for Documentation Team Call

2018-02-20 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

I'm starting a new thread as I need some information from the people who want 
to be on the documentation team call.  I have created a skype group for the 
call and the team, so now need to add the skype account names of everyone who 
wants to participate. 

A few of you I already have :-) and I am tracking who has been added in a new 
column on our Documentation Team wiki page.

So for those who have a blank entry in skype column, please can  you send me 
(offline if preferred) your skype account name so that I can add you to the 
call group.


Re: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team

2018-02-20 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Badar

Welcome and thanks for wanting to help out with our documentation effort. I've 
added you to our team list on our wiki.

We are planning a skype call next week and are just deciding on a date and time 
and so far my proposal for Tuesday 27th February at 14.00 (UTC+1) seems to be 
acceptable, so if you are interested, you are also welcome to join the call.


On 2018/02/20 09:18:23, Badar Ali <> wrote: 
> Dear Apachian,
> I am newbie regarding Documentation work. I want to be part of this amazing 
> team and want to learn from you. Kindly Tell me how can I be part of this 
> team?
> Regards,
> Badar Ali
> From: Olivier Heintz <>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 1:51 PM
> To: OFBiz User
> Subject: Re: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team
> me too.
> Le 19/02/2018 à 17:39, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :
> > I am fine with this time or anytime decided by the community, I have a
> > flexible schedule.
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 11:55 AM, Sharan Foga <> wrote:
> >> Hi All
> >>
> >> I've taken a look at the meeting times based on the timezones currently 
> >> listed in documentation team table. We have a wide range of locations (UTC 
> >> -5 to UTC+5.5) so it's not going to be perfect timing for everyone. 
> >> Looking at the possible combinations, I've come up with a two options for 
> >> a call time.
> >>
> >> Call Time Option 1
> >> ===
> >>   UTC-5 (New York, Boston): 08.00
> >>   UTC+1 (Czech Republic, Germany, France) : 14.00
> >>   UTC+2 (South Africa): 15.00
> >>   UTC+3 (Kuwait) : 16.00
> >>   UTC+5.5 (India) : 18.30
> >>
> >> Call Time Option  2
> >> 
> >>   UTC-5 (New York, Boston): 09.00
> >>   UTC+1 (Czech Republic, Germany, France) : 15.00
> >>   UTC+2 (South Africa): 16.00
> >>   UTC+3 (Kuwait) : 17.00
> >>   UTC+5.5 (India) : 19.30
> >>
> >> My schedule is pretty full this week with not much availability so would 
> >> prefer to move the call out to next week. I think it will also give us a 
> >> bit more time for preparation. So looking at next week, the 3 dates I 
> >> would suggest are:
> >>
> >> - Tuesday 27th February 2018
> >> - Wednesday 28th February 2018
> >> - Thursday 1st March 2018
> >>
> >> My preferred date and time would be :
> >>
> >> - Tuesday 27th February at 14.00 (UTC+1)
> >>
> >> Please let me know if this would work for you all and if not then please 
> >> suggest your potential alternative.
> >>
> >> As usual, all feedback and comments welcome! :-)
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Sharan
> >>
> >> On 2018/02/14 08:22:03, Sharan Foga <> wrote:
> >>> Hi Everyone
> >>>
> >>> I'd like to organise a call with all the volunteers interested in being 
> >>> part of our OFBiz documentation team.
> >>>
> >>> We need to discuss how we can plan and organise ourselves to  get this 
> >>> work started. It will also give people some background information about 
> >>> what can be done.
> >>>
> >>> Taher, who has worked on implementing the documentation framework into 
> >>> the OFBiz code, would also like to talk to the team and explain some of 
> >>> the technical details that could affect how we plan and manage the work.
> >>>
> >>> So I'd like to invite all of our documentation team volunteers (and also 
> >>> anyone else from the community who is interested) to a Skype call.
> >>>
> >>> If you would like to attend then please add your location and timezone to 
> >>> the table so that I can find a suitable time for everyone. (See link 
> >>> below)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Even if you are not currently on the list of documentation volunteers but 
> >>> would like to attend, please add your details.
> >>>
> >>> I was originally thinking of a Hangout but I've read that the limit for a 
> >>> hangout is 10 (and we have 16 people in the list:-) so Skype is going to 
> >>> be a better solution.
> >>>
> >>> As always, feedback welcome and please don't forget to add your name and 
> >>> details if you'd like to attend.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks
> >>> Sharan
> >>>

Re: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team

2018-02-19 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

I've taken a look at the meeting times based on the timezones currently listed 
in documentation team table. We have a wide range of locations (UTC -5 to 
UTC+5.5) so it's not going to be perfect timing for everyone. Looking at the 
possible combinations, I've come up with a two options for a call time.

Call Time Option 1
  UTC-5 (New York, Boston): 08.00
  UTC+1 (Czech Republic, Germany, France) : 14.00
  UTC+2 (South Africa): 15.00
  UTC+3 (Kuwait) : 16.00
  UTC+5.5 (India) : 18.30

Call Time Option  2

  UTC-5 (New York, Boston): 09.00
  UTC+1 (Czech Republic, Germany, France) : 15.00
  UTC+2 (South Africa): 16.00
  UTC+3 (Kuwait) : 17.00
  UTC+5.5 (India) : 19.30

My schedule is pretty full this week with not much availability so would prefer 
to move the call out to next week. I think it will also give us a bit more time 
for preparation. So looking at next week, the 3 dates I would suggest are:

- Tuesday 27th February 2018
- Wednesday 28th February 2018 
- Thursday 1st March 2018

My preferred date and time would be :

- Tuesday 27th February at 14.00 (UTC+1) 

Please let me know if this would work for you all and if not then please 
suggest your potential alternative.

As usual, all feedback and comments welcome! :-)


On 2018/02/14 08:22:03, Sharan Foga <> wrote: 
> Hi Everyone
> I'd like to organise a call with all the volunteers interested in being part 
> of our OFBiz documentation team.
> We need to discuss how we can plan and organise ourselves to  get this work 
> started. It will also give people some background information about what can 
> be done.
> Taher, who has worked on implementing the documentation framework into the 
> OFBiz code, would also like to talk to the team and explain some of the 
> technical details that could affect how we plan and manage the work.
> So I'd like to invite all of our documentation team volunteers (and also 
> anyone else from the community who is interested) to a Skype call.
> If you would like to attend then please add your location and timezone to the 
> table so that I can find a suitable time for everyone. (See link below)
> Even if you are not currently on the list of documentation volunteers but 
> would like to attend, please add your details.
> I was originally thinking of a Hangout but I've read that the limit for a 
> hangout is 10 (and we have 16 people in the list:-) so Skype is going to be a 
> better solution.
> As always, feedback welcome and please don't forget to add your name and 
> details if you'd like to attend.
> Thanks
> Sharan

Re: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team

2018-02-15 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Tim

I just received the ICLA confirmation and I have set you up with edit access to 
our Wiki so you can login and add the timezone details to the documentation 
team page.

You also have contributor access in our JIra issue tracker

to assign yourself any documentation tasks that you will be working on. :-)


On 2018/02/15 08:19:11, Sharan Foga <> wrote: 
> Hi Tim
> That's great! I've added your confluence id to the documentation team wiki 
> page and as soon as the ICLA confirmation through (it normally a day or so) I 
> will update your wiki and Jira access.
>  While we are waiting for that - what is your timezone? (so I can take 
> account of it when organising the call)
> Thanks
> Sharan
> On 2018/02/14 20:31:06, Timothy Boyden <> wrote: 
> > Hi Sharan,
> > 
> > 
> > I have submitted my ICLA and I have signed up for Confluence. My Confluence 
> > username is: trboyden
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > 
> > Tim Boyden
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > From: Sharan Foga <>
> > Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 3:22 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team
> > 
> > Hi Everyone
> > 
> > I'd like to organise a call with all the volunteers interested in being 
> > part of our OFBiz documentation team.
> > 
> > We need to discuss how we can plan and organise ourselves to  get this work 
> > started. It will also give people some background information about what 
> > can be done.
> > 
> > Taher, who has worked on implementing the documentation framework into the 
> > OFBiz code, would also like to talk to the team and explain some of the 
> > technical details that could affect how we plan and manage the work.
> > 
> > So I'd like to invite all of our documentation team volunteers (and also 
> > anyone else from the community who is interested) to a Skype call.
> > 
> > If you would like to attend then please add your location and timezone to 
> > the table so that I can find a suitable time for everyone. (See link below)
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Even if you are not currently on the list of documentation volunteers but 
> > would like to attend, please add your details.
> > 
> > I was originally thinking of a Hangout but I've read that the limit for a 
> > hangout is 10 (and we have 16 people in the list:-) so Skype is going to be 
> > a better solution.
> > 
> > As always, feedback welcome and please don't forget to add your name and 
> > details if you'd like to attend.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> > 

Re: Aw: Re: Re: Re: webshop - selecting an item

2018-02-15 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Siegfried

I've included some responses inline

On 2018/02/14 16:29:49, "Siegfried Theobald" <> wrote: 
> Hi Sharan,
> thanks for your help.
> The settings have been ok, but I found out, that the webshop cannot process 
> selling prices in Euro.
> If I switch to Dollar, I can select the item.

The default currency is related to the main company setup. If have installed 
OFBiz with the demo data, then all the setup is based on the main organisation 
having USD as its main currency. So the products default currency will be USD 
too. You can specify prices in multiple currencies for the same product, and 
depending on the customer's currency it can select the correct price. 

As an example look at the price setup for product GZ-1000 in the demo data.

The demo data also includes a customer called Eurocustomer that has a default 
currency of Euro, so if Eurocustomer buys product GZ-1000 it should give the 
Euro price.

> Do you or anyone else know, what I have to do, so that the webshop will 
> accept Euro as a currency? 

What I think you are asking is can OFBiz be setup to have Euro as the default 
currency for the webshop and the answer is yes.  Essentially what you need to 
do is when you setup the main company, you need to specify the default currency 
to be Euro. The places it needs to be done are in Party Manager

Also in the accounting setup (look for Base Currency)

And the e-commerce webstore (expand the localisation section)

> Next question is how to finish such a sale with the webshop.
> I assigned the sale to a customer and used the check out and after that the 
> bill has been paid cash.
> Everything seems to be fine, but I cannot find any sale in the sales report 
> or a stock movement concerning the sold item.

If you did the order via the webshop then you will need to login to the OFBiz 
backend applications to see the business side of the sale.

So if you login to Order Manager (using id admin and password ofbiz)

you should see by default any sales made that day. You can use the Order List 
or Find Order options to locate and orders made 

> After the payment, the screen did not changend,  but eventually this ist 
> normal.
> It seems for me, that anything is still not ok.

This is an example of a completed Sales Order from the demo data

Actually in this case, it demo receiving a credit card payment but you can see 
the main details and flow of product from inventory, to shipping and invoicing.

> General question.
> Eventually, I will start a business using ofibz.
> The functionalities of ofbiz, described on the Apache website fit to my 
> requirements.
> Therefore I am trying to run the most important processes with ofibz in order 
> to find out, if the system works to my confidence.
> As I regularly come to a point, where my work does not go on, I am looking 
> for a possiblity to speed up this evaluation process.
> The most important issues are for me at the moment:
> master data management

By master data do you mean things like product setup, warehouse /inventory 
locations, customers and suppliers?


Suppliers process flow to inventory etc. This is all in OFBiz, you would just 
need to specify what you want and how you want to set it up

> ecommerce

e-commerce was the first main OFBiz application so has a lot of functionality, 
and there are lots of customers using it. Perhaps some other members of the 
community could respond here to tell you their experiences.

> Do you have an idea?

I hope the things I've mentioned above help.


> Thank you
> Best regards
> Siegfried
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2018 um 08:49 Uhr
> Von: "Sharan Foga" <>
> An:
> Betreff: Re: Aw: Re: Re: webshop - selecting an item
> Hi Siegfried
> I'm not sure what is happening that it won't let you search for the product 
> id and without your actual setup it will be difficult to replicate.
> For the pricing - it maybe that you don't have a List Price setup for the 
> product. I think you need to have a List Price setup as this is the main 
> price used to calculate any discounts or promotions. When you create a price 
> for a product the default price type is the Default Price not the List Price.
> You can have multiple prices on

Re: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team

2018-02-15 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Tim

That's great! I've added your confluence id to the documentation team wiki page 
and as soon as the ICLA confirmation through (it normally a day or so) I will 
update your wiki and Jira access.

 While we are waiting for that - what is your timezone? (so I can take account 
of it when organising the call)


On 2018/02/14 20:31:06, Timothy Boyden <> wrote: 
> Hi Sharan,
> I have submitted my ICLA and I have signed up for Confluence. My Confluence 
> username is: trboyden
> Thanks,
> Tim Boyden
> From: Sharan Foga <>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 3:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: [SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team
> Hi Everyone
> I'd like to organise a call with all the volunteers interested in being part 
> of our OFBiz documentation team.
> We need to discuss how we can plan and organise ourselves to  get this work 
> started. It will also give people some background information about what can 
> be done.
> Taher, who has worked on implementing the documentation framework into the 
> OFBiz code, would also like to talk to the team and explain some of the 
> technical details that could affect how we plan and manage the work.
> So I'd like to invite all of our documentation team volunteers (and also 
> anyone else from the community who is interested) to a Skype call.
> If you would like to attend then please add your location and timezone to the 
> table so that I can find a suitable time for everyone. (See link below)
> Even if you are not currently on the list of documentation volunteers but 
> would like to attend, please add your details.
> I was originally thinking of a Hangout but I've read that the limit for a 
> hangout is 10 (and we have 16 people in the list:-) so Skype is going to be a 
> better solution.
> As always, feedback welcome and please don't forget to add your name and 
> details if you'd like to attend.
> Thanks
> Sharan

Re: OFBiz Documentation Team Volunteers Needed

2018-02-14 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Jacques

No problem and I usually post an update for the mailing list for offline 
meetings and calls (because if there is no record of it on the mailing list - 
it didn't happen - right? :-)


On 2018/02/14 16:45:11, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote: 
> Hi Sharan, Taher, All,
> Could we have a small summary of the discussion for the persons who will not 
> be able to be present?
> Thanks
> Jacques
> Le 14/02/2018 à 08:53, Sharan Foga a écrit :
> > Hi Taher
> >
> > Good idea! I remember we had one to help kickstart the refactoring and it 
> > worked well.
> >
> > It's probably going to have to be a Hangout since Skype has stopped working 
> > for me.
> > I will start a new thread asking our documentation team people to highlight 
> > their timezone  so we can start planning for the call.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> >
> >
> > On 2018/02/13 19:58:51, Taher Alkhateeb <> wrote:
> >> Hi Sharan, all
> >>
> >> There are many details to discuss and some technical issues that I need to
> >> explain, so perhaps a skype voice conference could help kickstart this task
> >> and get everyone on the same page?
> >>
> >> Cheers
> >>
> >> Taher Alkhateeb
> >>
> >> On Feb 13, 2018 1:25 PM, "Sharan Foga" <> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Thanks Guilio - I will add you to the list.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks
> >>> Sharan
> >>>
> >>> On 2018/02/13 09:24:30, Giulio Speri - MpStyle Srl <
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>> Hi Sharan,
> >>>>
> >>>> I would like and I would be very happy to take part of this team if it's
> >>>> not too late.
> >>>> I'll do my best to contribute.
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks very much,
> >>>>
> >>>> Giulio
> >>>>
> >>>> 2018-02-13 9:29 GMT+01:00 Sharan Foga <>:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Hi All
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Wow! – thanks everyone for such a great response.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It's nice to see that we have people in the community that are ready
> >>> and
> >>>>> willing to help :-)  And don't worry if you don't think you know very
> >>> much
> >>>>> – we will all learn something as part of the process. This is 
> >>>>> exactly
> >>> what
> >>>>> being part of a community is about!
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I have created a new wiki page called Documentation Team
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>> OFBiz+Documentation+Team
> >>>>> that is a little empty at the moment, but we can use it to brainstorm
> >>>>> ideas and plan our work.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> One of the first things that all of you will need to do, is to ensure
> >>> that
> >>>>> you are setup as an OFBiz Contributor. You can find out how to do this
> >>> at
> >>>>> the link below:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Apache+OFBiz+Contributors
> >>>>>
> >>>>> So if you haven't done so already, please get an ICLA completed and
> >>> then
> >>>>> we be able to setup the access you will need for our wiki and also our
> >>> Jira
> >>>>> Issue tracking system.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I'm really looking forward to working with you all.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thank
> >>>>> Sharan
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On 2018/02/07 13:32:56, Sharan Foga <> wrote:
> >>>>>> Hi Everyone
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> (Trying again as my first post didn't reach this list)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> If you have read the latest project blog post then you will have
> >>> seen a
> >>>>> section about the discussions that have been happening on our
> >>> development
> >>>>> list about the new proposed OFBiz documentation framework.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> It is based on asciidoc and will be able to generate documentation in
> >>>>> various formats. This means that we can start to consolidate our OFBiz
> >>>>> documentation within OFBiz itself and adapt it to any new releases.
> >>>>>> Feedback to the proposal have been very positive and once the code is
> >>>>> moved into our current trunk we will need to start some documentation
> >>> work.
> >>>>> We will be looking for volunteers to become part of a documentation
> >>> team
> >>>>> that will work on reviewing the documents we already have in the wiki
> >>> and
> >>>>> other sources, then help to re-structure them to fit into the new
> >>>>> documentation framework model.
> >>>>>> Being involved with documentation is a good way to learn OFBiz :-)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> So if you are interested in being part of the OFBiz documentation
> >>> team
> >>>>> then please respond to this message and I will add you to the list.
> >>>>>> Thanks
> >>>>>> Sharan
> >>>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> Giulio Speri
> >>>>
> >>>> *Mp Styl**e Srl*
> >>>> via Antonio Meucci, 37
> >>>> 41019 Limidi di Soliera (MO)
> >>>> T 059/684916
> >>>> M 334/3779851
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>

Re: OFBiz Documentation Team

2018-02-14 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Vikram

Welcome and thanks for wanting to help contribute to the project. Yes you can 
be part of the team:-)  I will add your name to the documentation team list on 
the wiki.

If you don't already have a confluence id for our wiki, then it would be good 
if you could create one. Also we like all our contributors to have an ICLA 
filed with Apache and you can find details of what an ICLA is and what you need 
to do at the link below.

If you have any other questions, please  post a message on this mailing list.


On 2018/02/13 20:12:05, Vikram Gupta  wrote: 
> Good Day,
> please let me know if I can be part of documentation team, I am currently
> working in java technology and was going through the available
> documentation of OfBiz from past 1 month.
> Thanks
> Vikram
> 0027 823833120
> Durban, South Africa

[SKYPE CALL] Initial Call to Kickstart Documentation Team

2018-02-14 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

I'd like to organise a call with all the volunteers interested in being part of 
our OFBiz documentation team.

We need to discuss how we can plan and organise ourselves to  get this work 
started. It will also give people some background information about what can be 

Taher, who has worked on implementing the documentation framework into the 
OFBiz code, would also like to talk to the team and explain some of the 
technical details that could affect how we plan and manage the work.

So I'd like to invite all of our documentation team volunteers (and also anyone 
else from the community who is interested) to a Skype call.

If you would like to attend then please add your location and timezone to the 
table so that I can find a suitable time for everyone. (See link below)

Even if you are not currently on the list of documentation volunteers but would 
like to attend, please add your details.

I was originally thinking of a Hangout but I've read that the limit for a 
hangout is 10 (and we have 16 people in the list:-) so Skype is going to be a 
better solution.

As always, feedback welcome and please don't forget to add your name and 
details if you'd like to attend.


Re: OFBiz Documentation Team Volunteers Needed

2018-02-13 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Taher

Good idea! I remember we had one to help kickstart the refactoring and it 
worked well.

It's probably going to have to be a Hangout since Skype has stopped working for 
I will start a new thread asking our documentation team people to highlight 
their timezone  so we can start planning for the call.


On 2018/02/13 19:58:51, Taher Alkhateeb <> wrote: 
> Hi Sharan, all
> There are many details to discuss and some technical issues that I need to
> explain, so perhaps a skype voice conference could help kickstart this task
> and get everyone on the same page?
> Cheers
> Taher Alkhateeb
> On Feb 13, 2018 1:25 PM, "Sharan Foga" <> wrote:
> > Thanks Guilio - I will add you to the list.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> >
> > On 2018/02/13 09:24:30, Giulio Speri - MpStyle Srl <
> >> wrote:
> > > Hi Sharan,
> > >
> > > I would like and I would be very happy to take part of this team if it's
> > > not too late.
> > > I'll do my best to contribute.
> > >
> > > Thanks very much,
> > >
> > > Giulio
> > >
> > > 2018-02-13 9:29 GMT+01:00 Sharan Foga <>:
> > >
> > > > Hi All
> > > >
> > > > Wow! – thanks everyone for such a great response.
> > > >
> > > > It's nice to see that we have people in the community that are ready
> > and
> > > > willing to help :-)  And don't worry if you don't think you know very
> > much
> > > > – we will all learn something as part of the process. This is exactly
> > what
> > > > being part of a community is about!
> > > >
> > > > I have created a new wiki page called Documentation Team
> > > >
> > > >
> > OFBiz+Documentation+Team
> > > >
> > > > that is a little empty at the moment, but we can use it to brainstorm
> > > > ideas and plan our work.
> > > >
> > > > One of the first things that all of you will need to do, is to ensure
> > that
> > > > you are setup as an OFBiz Contributor. You can find out how to do this
> > at
> > > > the link below:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Apache+OFBiz+Contributors
> > > >
> > > > So if you haven't done so already, please get an ICLA completed and
> > then
> > > > we be able to setup the access you will need for our wiki and also our
> > Jira
> > > > Issue tracking system.
> > > >
> > > > I'm really looking forward to working with you all.
> > > >
> > > > Thank
> > > > Sharan
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On 2018/02/07 13:32:56, Sharan Foga <> wrote:
> > > > > Hi Everyone
> > > > >
> > > > > (Trying again as my first post didn't reach this list)
> > > > >
> > > > > If you have read the latest project blog post then you will have
> > seen a
> > > > section about the discussions that have been happening on our
> > development
> > > > list about the new proposed OFBiz documentation framework.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > It is based on asciidoc and will be able to generate documentation in
> > > > various formats. This means that we can start to consolidate our OFBiz
> > > > documentation within OFBiz itself and adapt it to any new releases.
> > > > >
> > > > > Feedback to the proposal have been very positive and once the code is
> > > > moved into our current trunk we will need to start some documentation
> > work.
> > > > We will be looking for volunteers to become part of a documentation
> > team
> > > > that will work on reviewing the documents we already have in the wiki
> > and
> > > > other sources, then help to re-structure them to fit into the new
> > > > documentation framework model.
> > > > >
> > > > > Being involved with documentation is a good way to learn OFBiz :-)
> > > > >
> > > > > So if you are interested in being part of the OFBiz documentation
> > team
> > > > then please respond to this message and I will add you to the list.
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks
> > > > > Sharan
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Giulio Speri
> > >
> > > *Mp Styl**e Srl*
> > > via Antonio Meucci, 37
> > > 41019 Limidi di Soliera (MO)
> > > T 059/684916
> > > M 334/3779851
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

Re: Aw: Re: Re: webshop - selecting an item

2018-02-13 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Siegfried

I'm not sure what is happening that it won't let you search for the product id 
and without your actual setup it will be difficult to replicate.

For the pricing - it maybe that you don't have a List Price setup for the 
product. I think you need to have a List Price setup as this is the main price 
used to calculate any discounts or promotions. When you create a price for a 
product the default price type is the Default Price not the List Price.

You can have multiple prices on the product but you will need a product list 

Try adding a List Price for your product and see if that helps.


On 2018/02/13 18:22:58, "Siegfried Theobald" <> wrote: 
> Hi Sharan,
> no problem and thanks for the information, which helped me one step further.
> It is now possible to select the item, but not by using the ID. I have to 
> select the item by using the product name.
> Now there is another problem.
> The system says, that there is no selling price available and for this reason 
> the selected item cannot be displayed in the cart.
> I am wondering, because I have assigned a selling to this item.
> https://localhost:8443/catalog/control/EditProductPrices?productId=10001
> Do you have another idea, what I probably have forgotten to do?
> Thank you
> Best regards
> Siegfried
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 13. Februar 2018 um 13:44 Uhr
> Von: "Sharan Foga" <>
> An:
> Betreff: Re: Aw: Re: webshop - selecting an item
> Hi Siegfried
> Sorry I misunderstood your problem. If you have a product that has enough 
> stock but you can't see it on the ecommerce store then the product hasn't 
> been added to the default search for the webstore.
> You can have lots of products but you don't want to sell them all to 
> customers so you can select which ones customers can see on the store.
> Here are the categories and you will see that one of them is the default 
> search
> So add your product to the default search category. You can do it in the 
> following screen for your product.
> and see if appears.
> Thanks
> Sharan
> On 2018/02/13 12:28:48, "Siegfried Theobald" <> wrote:
> > Hi Sharan,
> >
> > thanks for your reply.
> > I changed the parameter, but it did not help.
> >
> > Are there any requirements to items, in order to get them available in the 
> > web-pos-application?
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> > Best regards
> >
> > Siegfried
> >
> >  
> >  
> >
> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 13. Februar 2018 um 11:43 Uhr
> > Von: "Sharan Foga" <>
> > An:
> > Betreff: Re: webshop - selecting an item
> > Hi Siegfried
> >
> > I think you will need to set the product so that it can be sold even when 
> > you don't have enough inventory. I think you can set it on the following 
> > page:
> >
> >[]
> >
> > Click the plus sign next to Inventory and set the 'Require Inventory' to be 
> > N.
> >
> > See if that helps.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> >
> > On 2018/02/13 10:35:57, "Siegfried Theobald" <> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi all,
> > >  
> > > I am using ofbiz 16.11.04.
> > > I have created a customer and have chosen him in order to sell and item.
> > > The item has a sufficient stock quantitiy (assigned to the Web Store 
> > > Warehouse ), but cannot be selected using the product search.
> > >  
> > > What I have to do, to make it possible to sell this item?
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > >  
> > > Siegfried
> > >  
> > >  
> > >
> >

Re: Aw: Re: webshop - selecting an item

2018-02-13 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Siegfried

Sorry I misunderstood your problem. If you have a product that has enough stock 
but you can't see it on the ecommerce store then the product hasn't been added 
to the default search for the webstore.

You can have lots of products but you don't want to sell them all to customers 
so you can select which ones customers can see on the store.

Here are the categories and you will see that one of them is the default search

So add your product to the default search category. You can do it in the 
following screen for your product.

 and see if appears.


On 2018/02/13 12:28:48, "Siegfried Theobald" <> wrote: 
> Hi Sharan,
> thanks for your reply.
> I changed the parameter, but it did not help.
> Are there any requirements to items, in order to get them available in the 
> web-pos-application?
> Thank you
> Best regards
> Siegfried
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 13. Februar 2018 um 11:43 Uhr
> Von: "Sharan Foga" <>
> An:
> Betreff: Re: webshop - selecting an item
> Hi Siegfried
> I think you will need to set the product so that it can be sold even when you 
> don't have enough inventory. I think you can set it on the following page:
> Click the plus sign next to Inventory and set the 'Require Inventory' to be N.
> See if that helps.
> Thanks
> Sharan
> On 2018/02/13 10:35:57, "Siegfried Theobald" <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >  
> > I am using ofbiz 16.11.04.
> > I have created a customer and have chosen him in order to sell and item.
> > The item has a sufficient stock quantitiy (assigned to the Web Store 
> > Warehouse ), but cannot be selected using the product search.
> >  
> > What I have to do, to make it possible to sell this item?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >  
> > Siegfried
> >  
> >  
> >

Re: webshop - selecting an item

2018-02-13 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Siegfried

I think you will need to set the product so that it can be sold even when you 
don't have enough inventory. I think you can set it on the following page:

Click the plus sign next to Inventory and set the 'Require Inventory' to be N.

See if that helps.


On 2018/02/13 10:35:57, "Siegfried Theobald"  wrote: 
> Hi all,
> I am using ofbiz 16.11.04.
> I have created a customer and have chosen him in order to sell and item.
> The item has a sufficient stock quantitiy (assigned to the Web Store 
> Warehouse ), but cannot be selected using the product search.
> What I have to do, to make it possible to sell this item?
> Thanks.
> Siegfried

Re: OFBiz MRP & Manufacturing: subcontract-work

2018-02-13 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Giulio

(I'm still having intermittent issues responding to this mailing list! So am 
sending this response again)

I'm glad that my book was helpful!

So yes you can allocate a specific routing task to a party (so this could be an 
external contractor). If you simply want to send them the wood and then book it 
into stock when it comes back (or give them access to the system to book it in 
when they are finished), that works.

It also depends on how you want to track the costs of their work. Do you want 
to track their work costs as part of the production process ? (so you can 
estimate what their bill will be?) or do you trust them to bill you correctly 
for the work they do?

If you want to track the potential costs as part of the production run then you 
could look at setting up some costing that is based on the time spent for the 
routing (e.g. rate per minute or hour etc). As part of completing their work, 
they would need to record how much time they spent working on it.

You could then use the estimated cost to cross check against the actual invoice 
sent by the subcontractor.

Hope this helps.


On 2018/02/13 09:18:42, Giulio Speri - MpStyle Srl  
> Hello everyone!
> I'm writing because I would need some clarifications about MRP and
> Manufacturing, in particular with the process of subcontract-working.
> I read Sharan's book on the argument, it's really well made, but I would
> need some extra details.
> Reading the book I understood that, in the process of manufacturing a
> finished good (a table for example), a list of task can be set up, each
> representing a specific step required to make the finished good.
> Now, I am focused on that tasks that can be subcontracted to an external
> worker.
> Using the example of building a table:
> one of the tasks of the process, could be my company X that supplies wood
> to an external worker Y, that cut it and give back to me the finished
> wooden board.
> Then my company can proceed with the other manufacturing tasks.
> At the end, the external worker Y should bill the total cost of his working
> process to my company X.
> Is that correct or I missed something?
> Has anybody had to handle sub-contract work with an external supplier with
> OFBiz in a similar scenario?
> Thanks in advance to all for help,
> Kind Regards,
> Giulio
> -- 
> Giulio Speri
> *Mp Styl**e Srl*
> via Antonio Meucci, 37
> 41019 Limidi di Soliera (MO)
> T 059/684916
> M 334/3779851

Re: OFBiz Documentation Team Volunteers Needed

2018-02-13 Thread Sharan Foga
Thanks Guilio - I will add you to the list.


On 2018/02/13 09:24:30, Giulio Speri - MpStyle Srl <> 
> Hi Sharan,
> I would like and I would be very happy to take part of this team if it's
> not too late.
> I'll do my best to contribute.
> Thanks very much,
> Giulio
> 2018-02-13 9:29 GMT+01:00 Sharan Foga <>:
> > Hi All
> >
> > Wow! – thanks everyone for such a great response.
> >
> > It's nice to see that we have people in the community that are ready and
> > willing to help :-)  And don't worry if you don't think you know very much
> > – we will all learn something as part of the process. This is exactly what
> > being part of a community is about!
> >
> > I have created a new wiki page called Documentation Team
> >
> >
> >
> > that is a little empty at the moment, but we can use it to brainstorm
> > ideas and plan our work.
> >
> > One of the first things that all of you will need to do, is to ensure that
> > you are setup as an OFBiz Contributor. You can find out how to do this at
> > the link below:
> >
> >
> > Apache+OFBiz+Contributors
> >
> > So if you haven't done so already, please get an ICLA completed and then
> > we be able to setup the access you will need for our wiki and also our Jira
> > Issue tracking system.
> >
> > I'm really looking forward to working with you all.
> >
> > Thank
> > Sharan
> >
> >
> > On 2018/02/07 13:32:56, Sharan Foga <> wrote:
> > > Hi Everyone
> > >
> > > (Trying again as my first post didn't reach this list)
> > >
> > > If you have read the latest project blog post then you will have seen a
> > section about the discussions that have been happening on our development
> > list about the new proposed OFBiz documentation framework.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > It is based on asciidoc and will be able to generate documentation in
> > various formats. This means that we can start to consolidate our OFBiz
> > documentation within OFBiz itself and adapt it to any new releases.
> > >
> > > Feedback to the proposal have been very positive and once the code is
> > moved into our current trunk we will need to start some documentation work.
> > We will be looking for volunteers to become part of a documentation team
> > that will work on reviewing the documents we already have in the wiki and
> > other sources, then help to re-structure them to fit into the new
> > documentation framework model.
> > >
> > > Being involved with documentation is a good way to learn OFBiz :-)
> > >
> > > So if you are interested in being part of the OFBiz documentation team
> > then please respond to this message and I will add you to the list.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Sharan
> > >
> >
> -- 
> Giulio Speri
> *Mp Styl**e Srl*
> via Antonio Meucci, 37
> 41019 Limidi di Soliera (MO)
> T 059/684916
> M 334/3779851

Re: [Documentation] test conversion from docbook to asciidoc

2018-02-13 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Olivier

Thanks for already getting started!

You are right that there is a lot of information in the online help that could 
help us with the general documentation. So just to be clear, we are not looking 
to update the online help at this stage, but only use the content from it that 
will help us create OFBiz documentation that includes a complete User and 
Technical Guide.

We have quite a bit of documentation sitting in our one of our old workspaces:

so rather than mess up the wiki that Michael has organised into a very nice 
structured format we could use the OFBENDUSER workspace instead. All the 
documentation in the OFBENDUSER workspace needs to be reviewed anyway and part 
of it was linked to the online help system too. So this could be a way of 
centralising everything we are going to work on and review in one place.

There are a few things that the Documentation Team will need to discuss, things 
like  the organisation, planning, communication etc - but let's get the basic 
setup stuff done first, then we can start talking about how to approach it all 


On 2018/02/11 11:42:16, Olivier Heintz  wrote: 
> Hi Jacques,
> I have tested docbookrx convertion with HELP_ACCOUNTING_agreements.xml and 
> the files mentioned in it and generate html with ./gradlew 
> publishDocumentation
> All the generated files seem correct, adoc and html.
> When it will be a place (choosen by Documentation Team) to put files to work 
> on, I will put them.
> In the generate file HELP_ACCOUNTING_agreements.html, there is no anchor 
> defined and we will need it if we need contextual link,
> so now, I will try to find the good asciidoc syntax for that.
> Olivier
> Le 10/02/2018 à 11:21, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
> > Hi Olivier,
> >
> > I read at that
> > "This converter is far from perfect at the moment and some of the 
> > conversion is done hastily. The plan is to evolve it into a robust library 
> > for 
> > performing this conversion in a reliable way."
> >
> > The last version of Pandoc (2.1.1) supports conversion from docbook to 
> > asciido. I have tried it but it seems not all is supported for instance 
> > using 
> > HELP_ACCOUNTING_agreements.xml (picked by chance)
> >      pandoc -f docbook -t asciidoc HELP_ACCOUNTING_agreements.xml -o 
> > test.txt
> > in
> >      applications\accounting\data\helpdata
> >
> > I get this:
> > <<
> > Agreements.
> > ---
> >
> > An agreement is a way of recording a business arrangements or contract
> > that your business makes with other companies or individuals. Common
> > examples include Payment Terms (where you allow a customer up to 30 days
> > to pay you) or Prompt Payment Discounts (where you offer a reduction on
> > the amount owing if your customer pays you before a certain date)
> >
> > It can be used for the following:
> >
> > * Defining Payment Terms for Customers or Suppliers
> > * Defining Sales Commissions
> > * Setting up Prompt Payment Discounts
> > * Setting up Price Lists (NOTE TO DO: Need to investigate how this logic
> > overlaps with PRICE RULES in Catalog Manager)
> > * Defining Late Fee Penalties
> > * Defining preferred freight carriers or specific codes to be used
> >  >>
> >
> > At 1st glance the text is limited in width to something like 72 chars I 
> > guess/hope this can be changed.
> > And the included/linked documents are not  present.
> > And yes, asciidoc can link
> >
> >
> >
> > Could you please try the same with docbookrx to see if we get something 
> > better?

Re: OFBiz Documentation Team Volunteers Needed

2018-02-13 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

Wow! – thanks everyone for such a great response.

It's nice to see that we have people in the community that are ready and 
willing to help :-)  And don't worry if you don't think you know very much – 
we will all learn something as part of the process. This is exactly what being 
part of a community is about!

I have created a new wiki page called Documentation Team

that is a little empty at the moment, but we can use it to brainstorm ideas and 
plan our work.

One of the first things that all of you will need to do, is to ensure that you 
are setup as an OFBiz Contributor. You can find out how to do this at the link 

So if you haven't done so already, please get an ICLA completed and then we be 
able to setup the access you will need for our wiki and also our Jira Issue 
tracking system.

I'm really looking forward to working with you all.


On 2018/02/07 13:32:56, Sharan Foga <> wrote: 
> Hi Everyone
> (Trying again as my first post didn't reach this list)
> If you have read the latest project blog post then you will have seen a 
> section about the discussions that have been happening on our development 
> list about the new proposed OFBiz documentation framework.
> It is based on asciidoc and will be able to generate documentation in various 
> formats. This means that we can start to consolidate our OFBiz documentation 
> within OFBiz itself and adapt it to any new releases.
> Feedback to the proposal have been very positive and once the code is moved 
> into our current trunk we will need to start some documentation work. We will 
> be looking for volunteers to become part of a documentation team that will 
> work on reviewing the documents we already have in the wiki and other 
> sources, then help to re-structure them to fit into the new documentation 
> framework model.
> Being involved with documentation is a good way to learn OFBiz :-)
> So if you are interested in being part of the OFBiz documentation team then 
> please respond to this message and I will add you to the list.
> Thanks
> Sharan

OFBiz Documentation Team Volunteers Needed

2018-02-07 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

(Trying again as my first post didn't reach this list)

If you have read the latest project blog post then you will have seen a section 
about the discussions that have been happening on our development list about 
the new proposed OFBiz documentation framework.

It is based on asciidoc and will be able to generate documentation in various 
formats. This means that we can start to consolidate our OFBiz documentation 
within OFBiz itself and adapt it to any new releases.

Feedback to the proposal have been very positive and once the code is moved 
into our current trunk we will need to start some documentation work. We will 
be looking for volunteers to become part of a documentation team that will work 
on reviewing the documents we already have in the wiki and other sources, then 
help to re-structure them to fit into the new documentation framework model.

Being involved with documentation is a good way to learn OFBiz :-)

So if you are interested in being part of the OFBiz documentation team then 
please respond to this message and I will add you to the list.


OFBiz Blog – December 2017 and January 2018 Update

2018-02-06 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

We have a double blog update this time :-). 

Details from December including a list of all the code changes can be found at 
the link below:

A summary of our January activities as well as code changes can be found at the 
link below:

As usual, our blog updates are a collaborative effort and I would like to thank 
Pranay, Michael and Jacques for their continued help in reviewing, providing 
feedback and helping preparing it.


Re: Need help adding a GL account

2018-01-07 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Blake

I've only just seen this message.

You can create your chart of accounts with an blank OFBiz install and seed 
data.  Please see below for some documentation that myself and Craig Parker are 
working on that should help you.

Note that even though the screen says it is in 'Edit mode' it is actually in 
Add mode so will add new accounts. 

I've included some instructions of how to setup the basic 5 main account types 



So the first step we need to do is create a Chart of Account Master template in 

-Select “Accounting” from the Applications drop down menu 
-Select “Global GL Settings” from the Accounting Manager drop down menu 

(Default screen should be a blank chart of accounts)

-Click the “Navigate Accounts” button

An 'Edit GL Account' window will be displayed and the default is Add Mode. 

Create the main Assets account:
-Select “Not Applicable” for GL Account Type Id
-Select “Asset” for GL Account Class Id
-Select “Money” for GL Resource Type Id
-Enter “ASSETS” in GL Account Code (NOTE: You might want to give this a 
code. Using a code will help you structure the account hierarchy in the order 
you want it to be displayed. Using text defaults to alphabetical order)
-Enter “Assets” in Account Name 
-Click “Add”

Create the Liabilities main account
Make sure you are still in Add mode or Click “Navigate Accounts” again 
(NOTE: If you do a change and you are in update mode, it will update the 
account that you were previously working on rather than create a new one!)

-Select “Not Applicable” for GL Account Type Id
-Select “Liability” for GL Account Class Id
-Select “Money” for GL Resource Type Id
-Enter “LIABILITIES” in GL Account Code 
-Enter “Liabilities” in Account Name
-Click “Add”

Create the Owner Equities main account
Make sure you are still in Add Mode or Click “Navigate Accounts” again

-Select “Not Applicable” for GL Account Type Id
-Select “Equity” for GL Account Class Id
-Select “Money” for GL Resource Type Id
-Enter “OWNER EQUITIES” in GL Account Code 
-Enter “Owner Equities” in Account Name 
-Click “Add”

Create the Revenues main account
Make sure you are still in Add Mode or Click “Navigate Accounts” again

-Select “Not Applicable” for GL Account Type Id
-Select “Revenue” for GL Account Class Id
-Select “Money” for GL Resource Type Id
-Enter “REVENUES” in GL Account Code 
-Enter “Revenues” in Account Name 
-Click “Add”

Create the Administrative Expenses main account
Make sure you are still in Add Mode or Click “Navigate Accounts” again

-Select “Not Applicable” for GL Account Type Id
-Select “Selling, General or Administrative Expense” for GL Account Class Id
-Select “Money” for GL Resource Type Id
-Enter “Administrative Expenses” in Account Name 
-Click “Add”

On 2017-12-30 00:14, Blake McBride  wrote: 
> Greetings,
> Just started looking at ofbiz.  I created a blank system after a cleanAll
> with:
> ./gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=seed,seed-initial" loadAdminUserLogin
> -PuserLoginId=admin
> I then went in and created my main company via Party / Main / Create New
> Party Group.
> I am now trying to add a GL account. I am going to Accounting / Global GL
> Settings / Navigate Accounts. The label "Gl Account Id" has no
> field/control next to it. If I fill out the remainder of the fields and
> click "Add" it tells me missing parameter createGlAccount.glAccountId. I
> can't figure out how to put an Id there since there is no control / entry
> field.
> Sure appreciate any help.
> Blake McBride

Some Information for Creating Modular Documentation

2017-11-15 Thread Sharan Foga

Hi All

(I'm resending this message as the original message I sent this morning 
didn't get through to the mailing list. I seem to have an intermittent 
problem with posting somehow ;-)

I recently interviewed Robert Kratky, a Technical Writer from Red Hat 
about his presentation on documentation at the Open Source Summit in 
Prague a few weeks ago. He has some good advice for us and anyone 
looking at writing good documentation. His talk was about how to move 
from feature based documentation (which is what we have tended to do) to 
more user story based documentation that is driven more by how our users 
use the software.

You can listen to the interview at the link below:

Please take a look at his presentation

and also at the github repo with some guidelines for writing modular 

So as our community continues in its documentation efforts I'd like to 
highlight that anyone can contribute and help by letting us know how you 
are using OFBiz and what are your main user stories.


OFBiz Blog – October 2017 Update

2017-11-14 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

We just keep on doing stuff :-) Yet again our community has been extremely busy 
and we've tried to capture it all in our regular monthly blog update available 
at the link below:

As always thanks and kudos to Michael, Pranay and  Jacques for their help with 
reviewing and  preparing the content.


Is website 16.11 stable release demo down?

2017-11-09 Thread Sharan Foga

I was just trying the stable demo from our website link it seems to be down at 
the moment. It is showing a Tomcat error, The trunk and 13.07 demos seem to be 
working fine. 


[MARKETING] Promoting OFBiz at Open Source Summit in Paris

2017-10-23 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

The ASF has been given ½ day track at the Open Source Summit in Paris on 6th 
December. I put out a call for presentations (French or English speaking) on 
the ComDev mailing list and we have an OFBiz presentation from Olivier Heintz 
on the list so wanted to mention it here.

Details about the event can be found on the Comdev wiki at the link below:

I will also be at the event helping to run the Apache booth for the 2 days of 
the conference and I also see Nereide listed as one of the exhibitors list 
(Nicolas, Julien, Gil ?) so we have 3 ways at the conference that people can 
find out about OFBiz. (Me, Olivier and Nereide :-)

The conference is a free event for anyone wanting to come along. If anyone 
wants to help out on the Apache booth then please let me know. Is anyone else 
from the community  planning to be there ?


Re: OFBiz Users in Africa

2017-10-18 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Kwadwo

Welcome to our community!  

Please feel free to post any questions and people will respond and try to help 
you. I've included the link below to our Technical Documentation that may help 
to get you started.

If you have a specific issue then the more details you can give us – the 


On 2017-10-16 19:24, Kwadwo Boahen <> wrote: 
> Sharan,
> I am from Ghana and looking to use Ofbiz but have some challenges getting
> started.
> In-fact I just bought your getting started with apache ofbiz accounting
> book for version 13.07.
> I will love to collaborate with others.
> Any training out there to help people understand the architecture? I am
> especially interested in the content management and entity engine to start
> with.
> Thanks
> On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 9:24 AM, Sharan Foga <> wrote:
> > Hi Gavin
> >
> > No worries and sorry for the delayed response (I was away for the last few
> > days myself!). I've sent you an email with the contact details and hope
> > this one works out.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> >
> > On 2017-10-12 08:05, Gavin Mabie <> wrote:
> > > Hi guys
> > >
> > > I'me here.  Apologies - I've been extremely busy and haven't had time to
> > > service the mailing lists recently. I'm very wary about following up on
> > > these kind of requests, simply because I'm yet to encounter someone in
> > the
> > > region who is committed to invest time, energy and resources into a huge
> > > project like Ofbiz. Most are looking for quick turnaround times - which
> > is
> > > not possible with Ofbiz.  Zimbabwe is particularly challenging since they
> > > have all sorts of problems with multiple currencies (the use the UD$,
> > ZIM$
> > > and ZAR).  Having said that - you are welcome to refer them to me Sharan.
> > >
> > > Regards
> > >
> > > Gavin
> > >
> > > On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 11:56 AM, Sharan Foga <> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi Jacques
> > > >
> > > > I responded to this a couple of days ago but for some reason it didn't
> > > > come through - so am resending.
> > > >
> > > > They are in Harare, Zimbabwe and I did contact Gavin but didn't get a
> > > > response so he might be away.  I'm also interested to see if we do
> > have any
> > > > community members in the region...
> > > >
> > > > Thanks
> > > > Sharan
> > > >
> > > > On 2017-10-09 11:50, Jacques Le Roux <>
> > wrote:
> > > > > Le 09/10/2017 à 11:12, Sharan Foga a écrit :
> > > > > > Hi Everyone
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I've received an email from someone based in Africa who is looking
> > to
> > > > get started with OFBiz and promote its use for small businesses there.
> > Do
> > > > we have any existing African users in our community that would be
> > > > interested in collaborating on this? (If so I will pass on the contact
> > > > details).
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thanks
> > > > > > Sharan
> > > > > >
> > > > > Hi Sharan,
> > > > >
> > > > > Apart Gavin Mabie and people in Magreb I don't know any people. I was
> > > > once (in 2008) approached to make a training session in Cameroon but
> > it was
> > > > a
> > > > > scam to get pro forma invoices I think
> > > > >
> > > > > So it really depends on the location of your contact...
> > > > >
> > > > > Jacques
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

Re: OFBiz Users in Africa

2017-10-11 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Jacques

I responded to this a couple of days ago but for some reason it didn't come 
through - so am resending.

They are in Harare, Zimbabwe and I did contact Gavin but didn't get a response 
so he might be away.  I'm also interested to see if we do have any community 
members in the region...


On 2017-10-09 11:50, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote: 
> Le 09/10/2017 à 11:12, Sharan Foga a écrit :
> > Hi Everyone
> >
> > I've received an email from someone based in Africa who is looking to get 
> > started with OFBiz and promote its use for small businesses there. Do we 
> > have any existing African users in our community that would be interested 
> > in collaborating on this? (If so I will pass on the contact details).
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> >
> Hi Sharan,
> Apart Gavin Mabie and people in Magreb I don't know any people. I was once 
> (in 2008) approached to make a training session in Cameroon but it was a 
> scam to get pro forma invoices I think
> So it really depends on the location of your contact...
> Jacques

OFBiz Blog – September 2017 Update

2017-10-11 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

Once again our community has been very busy and we've tried to capture it all 
in our regular monthly blog update available at the link below:

As always thanks very much to Michael, Pranay and  Jacques for their help with 
reviewing and  preparing the content.


Re: need help in overriding GL account for certain sales invoice items.

2017-10-09 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Rajesh

The Global template is the master and the organisation GL settings are the 
overrides. In some cases such as the one you found, there isn't a way to set 
the value in the organisation settings so it needs to be done at the master 
template level. 


On 2017-10-08 06:45, Rajesh Mallah  wrote: 
> Hi  ,
> I was able to assign the GL ACCOUNT from
> "Global GL Settings" => "INVOICE ITEM TYPE"
> this solved the problem with resorting to any hackery.
> regds
> mallah.
> On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 7:30 PM, Rajesh Mallah 
> wrote:
> > UPDATE: { correction }
> >
> > it was possible to add override for
> >
> >  "INV_FPROD_ITEM   "Invoice Finished Good Item(Sales)"
> >
> > only for ITM_PROMOTION_ADJ  it is a problem as it does not appear in
> > the dropdown for "Invoice Item Type"  in
> >
> > Org GL account settings -> "Setup" -> "GL Account Defaults" -> "Sales
> > Invoice"
> >
> > regds
> > mallah.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 6:59 PM, Rajesh Mallah 
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Hi ,
> >>
> >> We had to manually add the following overrides for invoice_item_type_id
> >> in
> >> Entity invoice_item_type_gl_account
> >>
> >> ITM_PROMOTION_ADJ   "Invoice Item Promotion(Sales)"and
> >> INV_FPROD_ITEM   "Invoice Finished Good Item(Sales)"
> >>
> >>
> >> to temporarily solve it.
> >>
> >> shall keep posted
> >>
> >>
> >> regds
> >> mallah.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 4:16 PM, Rajesh Mallah 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Everyone ,
> >>>
> >>> Hope everything is going great .
> >>> I had to take a temporary detour from the
> >>> OfBiz implementation project , now back to it.
> >>>
> >>> I had created a new Chart of Accounts (COA) for my organisation
> >>> and trying to setup using exclusively the new (COA). I have been
> >>> mostly successful but when
> >>>
> >>> I am trying to "Quick Ship Entire Order" after following steps:
> >>> (1) placing an order from the ecommerce.
> >>> (2) "Receive Payment" in Order screen
> >>>
> >>> I get an error of FKEY violation which demands that the combination of
> >>> (gl_account_id , organisation_party_id) should be present in the
> >>> gl_account_organisation.
> >>>
> >>> > excerpt of error
> >>> (ERROR: insert or update on table "acctg_trans_entry" violates foreign
> >>> key constraint "accttxent_glacog"   Detail: Key (gl_account_id,
> >>> organization_party_id)=(41, 1) is not present in table
> >>> "gl_account_organization".)). Rolling back transaction.
> >>> <<
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> considering the document
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> 4.5+Sales+Invoice
> >>>
> >>> I have already added override entries (based on new COA)
> >>> for all global entries that referred to "41" , Invoice Discount
> >>> (Sales)
> >>> But instead of using the overridden one it tends to use the original
> >>> ones.
> >>>
> >>> As evident i have not included items of demo COA into the new
> >>> INTERNAL_ORGANISATION that i created.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> any help is solicited.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> regds
> >>> mallah.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >

OFBiz Users in Africa

2017-10-09 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

I've received an email from someone based in Africa who is looking to get 
started with OFBiz and promote its use for small businesses there. Do we have 
any existing African users in our community that would be interested in 
collaborating on this? (If so I will pass on the contact details).


Re: [MODERATE EMAIL] Importing POS component to OFBiz v16

2017-10-09 Thread Sharan Foga

One option could be to wait for the integration of the the cash / webpos 
application mentioned by Jinghai


On 2017-10-09 10:45, Jacques Le Roux  wrote: 
> Hi user,
> it's certainly possible but nothing is guaranteed
> The POS component has been deprecated and is no longer supported
> Jacques
> Le 09/10/2017 à 08:50, Deepak Dixit a écrit :
> > Hi User,
> >
> > Your email has been moderated, please subscribe mailing list
> >
> >
> > Thanks & Regards
> > --
> > Deepak Dixit
> >
> >
> >
> > -- Forwarded message --
> > From: "" 
> > To: 
> > Cc:
> > Bcc:
> > Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2017 11:03:34 -
> > Subject: Importing POS component to OFBiz v16
> > Hi, is it possible to import POS component from OFBiz v12 to v16? Please
> > guide me on this.
> >

OFBiz Blog - August 2017 Update

2017-09-18 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

Lots of things have been happening on the project and our regular monthly blog 
update is now available at the link below:

As always thanks very much to Michael, Pranay and  Jacques for their help with 
reviewing and  preparing the content.


Free ebook- Manufacturing 5-Step Guide

2017-09-18 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

A few years ago I created a short free ebook (39 pages) with a simple tutorial 
for Manufacturing. Although it is for a previous OFBiz version I think it could 
still be useful so have uploaded it to our wiki.


Our New OFBiz Website is Live!

2017-08-30 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

A quick note to let you all know that our new OFBiz website is live! Huge, huge 
thanks and kudos to everyone who contributed ideas, gave feedback and supported 
the effort.



Re: Getting Started with Apache OFBiz Accounting , downloadable ?

2017-08-25 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Rajesh

Thanks for being interested in my book. I have had feedback from a few people 
about having copies available online or for download, so am in the process of 
organising something for that.

This book is a few years old and was based on 13.07 and so does need a little 


On 2017-08-25 04:02, Rajesh Mallah  wrote: 
> Hi ,
> Is there any place where I can buy
> "Getting Started with Apache OFBiz Accounting"  and download ?
> LULU seems to be printing on demand and shipping.
> is there any easier/quicker way to get it?
> regds
> mallah.

Re: creating new facility in Ofbiz

2017-08-25 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Rajesh

Myself and Craig Parker are working through, testing and documenting the 
process of getting OFBiz up and running with the seed data, so I completely 
agree that this option needs to be available for our user community.

As we come across any functionality that breaks with the seed data loads we 
will create a Jira. 


On 2017-08-25 10:53, Rajesh Mallah <> wrote: 
> Hi Rishi / List members,
> My problem is eventually sorted out and of course there are multiple
> solutions and approaches. part of the solution is also the fact that I
> have become less fussy about some of the demo data that will
> stick around.
> I 'settled' with loading the demo data but omitting few transactional
> data that were showing up in AR and AP and balance sheets. Even if
> some demo data sticks around i feel its harmless.
> (of course i will take steps to change the passwords , as described in
> docs)
> @Rishi ,
> thanks for understanding and supporting the concern of no being able
> to start with seed,seed-initial.
> Also a big thanks to the everyone in community for being supportive
> to newbies.
> (
> Gripe: I wish there were a slack channel for ofbiz , it would have been so
> much more fun ;-)
> )
> regds
> mallah.
> On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 2:06 PM, Rishi Solanki <>
> wrote:
> > Rajesh,
> >
> > You will need to list out all the data you want to override. And then start
> > copying the selective data for edition.
> >
> > Please see response inline.
> >
> >
> > Rishi Solanki
> > Sr Manager, Enterprise Software Development
> > HotWax Systems Pvt. Ltd.
> > Direct: +91-9893287847
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 8:59 PM, Rajesh Mallah <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Rishi ,
> > >
> > >
> > > Firstly , Thanks for the response.
> > >
> > > There in total 36 Demo Data files.
> > > If i delete records in some xml and there is a (fkey) reference to
> > > the deleted record in some other xml how does the system behave ?
> > >
> >
> >
> > I wanted to say, copy the files in your custom component, edit the data as
> > per your requirement and add new reader to load that data. While copying
> > the data you need to be selective on what data you want in your system.
> >
> >
> > > lets consider  the id "DemoSupplier" which is present in
> > PartyDemoData.xml
> > > as well as  DemoPaymentsInvoices.xml
> > >
> > > $  grep DemoSupplier `cat list`
> > >
> > > *./party/data/PartyDemoData.**xml:  *   > > statusId="PARTY_ENABLED"/>
> > > *./accounting/data/**DemoPaymentsInvoices.xml: *> > acctgTransId="8005" acctgTransEntrySeqId="2"
> > > acctgTransEntryTypeId="_NA_" partyId="DemoSupplier"
> > > roleTypeId="BILL_FROM_VENDOR" glAccountTypeId="ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE"
> > > glAccountId="21" organizationPartyId="Company" amount="33.99"
> > > currencyUomId="USD" origAmount="33.99" origCurrencyUomId="USD"
> > > debitCreditFlag="C" reconcileStatusId="AES_NOT_RECONCILED"/>
> > >
> > > suppose i delete DemoSupplier from PartyData and forget to delete in
> > > DemoPaymentsInvoices , will it not
> > > be an issue ?
> > >
> > >
> >
> > References in other entity will effect for sure. All general db practices
> > applicable here as well.
> >
> >
> > >
> > > I still feel an enduser should be able/allowed to bring the instance to a
> > > usable form starting from seed,seed-initial (
> > > which are maintained along with code)
> > >
> >
> > Big +1 for this, and it should work how you are expecting. I remember
> > Sharan Foga also faced similar issue in past.
> >
> > Community, I feel we should proceed to fix the behavior mentioned here. I
> > completely agree on seed and seed-initial data should be enough to bring
> > the instance usable. Please let me know if agree then will log jira ticket
> > for the same. Thanks!
> >
> >
> > >
> > > In my case certain functions of the software were failing in doing so
> > which
> > > is the reason i took the other route.
> > >
> > > Regds
> > > mallah.
> > >
> >

OFBiz Blog - July 2017 Update

2017-08-14 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

Our regular monthly blog update is now available at the link below:

As always thanks very much to Michael, Pranay and  Jacques for their help with 
reviewing and putting it together.


Re: I add a pragmatic technical documents

2017-06-29 Thread Sharan Foga

Hi Vy

First of all thank you for taking the time to create this document. I'm 
sure that it will be very useful to others!

I've moved your document to our OFBiz FAQ / Tips and Tricks page (see 
link below)

If you'd like to get access to our wiki then please take a look at our 
contributors page as it describes what you need to do.

Any questions then please let me know. And thanks again for your 


On 2017-06-29 06:14 (+0200), Donhu Vy  wrote:
> I wrote something at here:

> Please arrange it in correct position. (Because I haven't 
permission). Thank you!


Re: Product Type That Won't Pick Inventory and Creates One Invoice

2017-06-29 Thread Sharan Foga

Hi James

Sorry if this message is duplicated, I've tried sending it a couple of 
times to the mailing list but for some reason hasn't got through.

How about looking at it from another angle?

In OFBiz there is a configuration file. (You can 
find it in applications/accounting/config/ I 
think the default setting is that OFBiz creates an invoice per shipment 
and perhaps the different product types that you want are creating 
multiple shipment groups and therefore multiple invoices..

See below for an extract of the default settings
/*# create invoice per shipment = Y Invoice per order = N */
Perhaps changing the setting to create.invoice.per.shipment=N and 
Invoice.per.order=Y and trying with a finished and digital good could 
give you the result you need.


On 2017-06-28 16:35 (+0200),  wrote:
> I have been trying to figure out if there is a way to have an order with
> an Item (Finished Good) that requires picking/packing in warehouse as
> well as an item that does not require picking/packing in which after the
> system goes through the packing process it creates One invoice for both
> items.
> I have tested the following product types
> Service - Creates separate invoice and requires to perform the service
> manually and then manually invoice the service
> Digital Good - Auto Creates 2 Separate Invoices
> Finished/Digital - Requires picking/packing of both items in warehouse.
> Any suggestions to accomplish this?
> Thanks,
> James

Re: ofbizsetup webapp status. Was [Re: How to add company to OFBiz?]

2017-06-27 Thread Sharan Foga
I think it could be nice to keep it and tidy it up. (so +1 from me)

Party Manager fits with some of it I think (creating company and customer etc)  
but maybe not all, because if I remember correctly it also sets up a first 
product too, and maybe warehouse so sounds a bit more like a type of general 
setup wizard...


On 2017-06-27 14:26 (+0200), Michael Brohl <> wrote: 
> +1 for maintaining it.
> I think this could be integrated in the Party Manager instead of being a 
> separate component.
> Regards,
> Michael
> Am 27.06.17 um 14:09 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
> > Sharan, All,
> >
> > I think it's good to have such end users documentation. I just thought 
> > that this is related with the ofbizsetup webapp (in commonext).
> >
> > I was just wondering about its status. I just checked with trunk at 
> > https://localhost:8443/ofbizsetup/control/main. It seems to still be 
> > there but needs more work (eg nothing in SetupData.xml)
> >
> > Are we interested in maintaining it? Or should we only refer to end 
> > users documentation and put this webapp and related files in Attic?
> >
> > Maybe we can have both, but then ofbizsetup needs clear specs and 
> > eventually a good implementation.
> >
> > Jacques
> >
> >
> > Le 27/06/2017 à 12:01, Sharan Foga a écrit :
> >> Hi Vy
> >>
> >> I've started writing some How to documentation about this. It will be 
> >> especially for people who have installed OFBiz without any of the 
> >> demo data so the main setup like Company does not already exist.
> >>
> >> It isnt finished  but the main steps 
> >> should be:
> >>
> >> 1. Create an new party group (Note that you can enter the Party ID so 
> >> you can call it Company)
> >> 2. Add an address and address purposes (You will need at least a 
> >> primary address)
> >> 3. Add the role 'internal organization' as the main role
> >> 4. In Accounting / Organisation GL Settings click the 'Create New 
> >> Accounting Company' then 'Setup' next to your company (then you 
> >> should be able to setup your chart of accounts and account mappings)
> >>
> >> You might also need to make sure that you have at least some accounts 
> >> in your global GL settings template before you try creating the 
> >> accounting company...
> >>
> >> After that you should be able to setup the accounting preferences, 
> >> setup the chart of account you want, and the account mappings.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Sharan
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 2017-06-27 11:22 (+0200), Donhu Vy <> wrote:
> >>> It is too old, out of date. I can't follow.
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>> From: Daniel Coric <>
> >>> Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 4:04:11 PM
> >>> To:
> >>> Subject: Re: How to add company to OFBiz?
> >>>
> >>> Hi Vy,
> >>>
> >>> there is a wiki page "How to Setup a Company".
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Hope this help.
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>> Daniel
> >>>
> >>> On 2017-06-27 10:26 (+0200), Donhu Vy <> wrote:
> >>>> Sample database has a company with internal departments. I deleted 
> >>>> it. How to add a company to this?
> >>>> (Screenshot: 
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >

Re: How to add company to OFBiz?

2017-06-27 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Vy

I've started writing some How to documentation about this. It will be 
especially for people who have installed OFBiz without any of the demo data so 
the main setup like Company does not already exist.

It isnt finished  but the main steps should be:

1. Create an new party group (Note that you can enter the Party ID so you can 
call it Company)
2. Add an address and address purposes (You will need at least a primary 
3. Add the role 'internal organization' as the main role
4. In Accounting / Organisation GL Settings click the 'Create New Accounting 
Company' then 'Setup' next to your company (then you should be able to setup 
your chart of accounts and account mappings)

You might also need to make sure that you have at least some accounts in your 
global GL settings template before you try creating the accounting company...

After that you should be able to setup the accounting preferences, setup the 
chart of account you want, and the account mappings.


On 2017-06-27 11:22 (+0200), Donhu Vy  wrote:  
> It is too old, out of date. I can't follow.
> From: Daniel Coric 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 4:04:11 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How to add company to OFBiz?
> Hi Vy,
> there is a wiki page "How to Setup a Company".
> Hope this help.
> Regards,
> Daniel
> On 2017-06-27 10:26 (+0200), Donhu Vy  wrote:
> > Sample database has a company with internal departments. I deleted it. How 
> > to add a company to this?
> > (Screenshot: 
> >
> >

Paris Open Source Summit ?

2017-06-23 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

Does anyone have any experience of the Paris Open Source Summit?

I seem to remember that some of our OFBiz France community mentioning it or 
attending it in the past.

I'm investigating if it could be a good event for Apache to go to and for 
projects to maybe submit presentations, so am wanting to find out as much 
information as I can.


Re: Cash Register App?

2017-06-14 Thread Sharan Foga

The login details are mentioned below but will repeat them here:

Login Username: demo
Password: metasolo

Click on the globe in the top right hand corner to change the language from 
Chinese. :-)


On 2017-06-13 16:11 (+0200), wrote: 
> Is there a login name/pass for demo?
> - Original Message -From: Shi Jinghai To: 
> user@ofbiz.apache.orgSent: Tue, 13 Jun 2017 05:36:36 - (UTC)Subject: Re: 
> Cash Register App?
> Hi Jacques,
> Updating the status of our new webpos development, we have just released the 
> new webpos implemented with AngularJS and 
> OpenAPI:
> username: demopassword: metasolo
> Hope you like it.
> Regards,
> Shi Jinghai
> -邮件原件-发件人: 发送时间: 
> 2017年3月28日 17:41收件人: user@ofbiz.apache.org主题: Re: Cash 
> Register App?
> Hi Jacques,
> Sorry for my late reply. A hard question and difficult to reponse.
> Currently, our WebPOS implement is not perfect. We plan to use AngularJS 
> rebuild it completely and make it look just the same as our Android POS. This 
> will take us a month.
> After this change, we'll try to improve the OFBiz WebPOS with AngularJS. This 
> would take place in about 2 months.
> Kind Regards,
> Shi Jinghai
> -邮件原件-发件人: Jacques Le Roux 
> [] 发送时间: 2017年3月14日 
> 18:20收件人: user@ofbiz.apache.org主题: Re: Cash Register App?
> Hi Jinghai,
> Are there improvements that could be contributed?
> Jacques
> Le 14/03/2017 à 08:39, Shi Jinghai a écrit :> I have a webpos in 
> production:>> Username: demo> 
> Password: metasolo>> Sorry it's in Chinese. The English version is not 
> ready.>> -邮件原件-> 发件人: Jacques Le Roux 
> []> 发送时间: 2017年3月14日 14:16> 
> 收件人:> 主题: Re: Cash Register App?>> Hi,>> 
> There was one, it was the POS. It has been pushed to Attic 
>  I have not used the webpos application myself but it's supposed to be the 
> POS replacement>> 
> (admin/ofbiz)>> Jacques>>> Le 14/03/2017 à 03:09, a 
> écrit :>> Hi,>> >> Browsing through some of the setup for the demo data, I'm 
> wondering if there is a specific app which would demonstrate what a salesman 
> at a cash register might use for a retail customer in the st
 ore buying something? There seems to be a lot of ability to add and set up the 
store and various products, but I'm wondering if there is something 
specifically representing an actual in-store sale? Is there a simple default?>> 
>> Thanks!

Re: Cash Register App?

2017-06-13 Thread Sharan Foga
Thanks Jacques - yes that is a lot better!


On 2017-06-13 14:00 (+0200), Jacques Le Roux <> 
> Sharan,
> You can (partially but enough) change to English by using the globe symbol on 
> top of screen :)
> Jacques
> Le 13/06/2017 à 13:41, Sharan Foga a écrit :
> > Hi Shi
> >
> > Wow! Nice work! I don't understand Chinese but it looks amazing. It would 
> > be great to have an up to date  POS application for OFBiz. I'm sure that we 
> > already have users looking for something like this.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> >
> > On 2017-06-13 10:56 (+0200), Shi Jinghai <> wrote:
> >> It's in my open plan. I wish we can contribute it back to OFBiz before the 
> >> end of 2017.
> >>
> >> -邮件原件-
> >> 发件人: Jacques Le Roux []
> >> 发送时间: 2017年6月13日 14:47
> >> 收件人:
> >> 主题: Re: Cash Register App?
> >>
> >> Thanks Jinghai,
> >>
> >> I just tried it and apart an initial new browser windows creation with a 
> >> message from Firefox when checking out (you have to confirm to FF it's OK, 
> >> at least with my FF config) it worked quite well
> >>
> >> But I guess it's not planned to be contributed, right?
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >>
> >> Jacques
> >>
> >>
> >> Le 13/06/2017 à 07:36, Shi Jinghai a écrit :
> >>> Hi Jacques,
> >>>
> >>> Updating the status of our new webpos development, we have just released 
> >>> the new webpos implemented with AngularJS and OpenAPI:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> username: demo
> >>> password: metasolo
> >>>
> >>> Hope you like it.
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>>
> >>> Shi Jinghai
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> -邮件原件-
> >>> 发件人:
> >>> 发送时间: 2017年3月28日 17:41
> >>> 收件人:
> >>> 主题: Re: Cash Register App?
> >>>
> >>> Hi Jacques,
> >>>
> >>> Sorry for my late reply. A hard question and difficult to reponse.
> >>>
> >>> Currently, our WebPOS implement is not perfect. We plan to use AngularJS 
> >>> rebuild it completely and make it look just the same as our Android POS. 
> >>> This will take us a month.
> >>>
> >>> After this change, we'll try to improve the OFBiz WebPOS with AngularJS. 
> >>> This would take place in about 2 months.
> >>>
> >>> Kind Regards,
> >>>
> >>> Shi Jinghai
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> -邮件原件-
> >>> 发件人: Jacques Le Roux []
> >>> 发送时间: 2017年3月14日 18:20
> >>> 收件人:
> >>> 主题: Re: Cash Register App?
> >>>
> >>> Hi Jinghai,
> >>>
> >>> Are there improvements that could be contributed?
> >>>
> >>> Jacques
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Le 14/03/2017 à 08:39, Shi Jinghai a écrit :
> >>>> I have a webpos in production:
> >>>>
> >>>> Username: demo
> >>>> Password: metasolo
> >>>>
> >>>> Sorry it's in Chinese. The English version is not ready.
> >>>>
> >>>> -邮件原件-
> >>>> 发件人: Jacques Le Roux 
> >>>> []
> >>>> 发送时间: 2017年3月14日 14:16
> >>>> 收件人:
> >>>> 主题: Re: Cash Register App?
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> There was one, it was the POS. It has been pushed to Attic
> >>>>
> >>>> tic-POS
> >>>>
> >>>> I have not used the webpos application myself but it's supposed to be
> >>>> the POS replacement
> >>>>
> >>>> (admin/ofbiz)
> >>>>
> >>>> Jacques
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Le 14/03/2017 à 03:09, a écrit :
> >>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>  
> >>>>> Browsing through some of the setup for the demo data, I'm wondering if 
> >>>>> there is a specific app which would demonstrate what a salesman at a 
> >>>>> cash register might use for a retail customer in the store buying 
> >>>>> something? There seems to be a lot of ability to add and set up the 
> >>>>> store and various products, but I'm wondering if there is something 
> >>>>> specifically representing an actual in-store sale? Is there a simple 
> >>>>> default?
> >>>>>  
> >>>>> Thanks!
> >>>>>
> >>

Re: Accounting seed data for Canada

2017-06-13 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Parminder

As far as I know I don't think we do (but maybe we have a Canadian user that 
has already setup OFBiz that can respond to you :-)

Otherwise our main demo accounting master template is US based but can be 
tailored or even replaced with whatever you need.

I'm not sure what the Canadian requirements are but if you are talking about 
grouping of accounts into a specific coding structure for reporting then 
perhaps take a look at USTaxAccountGroups.xml (extracted a few lines from the 
file we include with OFBiz below) and create a Canadian version

Another option could be to include a categorisation on the GL Account itself..

Hope this helps.


On 2017-06-12 23:18 (+0200), "Parminder S. Lehal"  wrote: 
> Is there accounting seed data available for Canadian CRA including GIFI
> codes?

Re: Cash Register App?

2017-06-13 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Shi

Wow! Nice work! I don't understand Chinese but it looks amazing. It would be 
great to have an up to date  POS application for OFBiz. I'm sure that we 
already have users looking for something like this.


On 2017-06-13 10:56 (+0200), Shi Jinghai  wrote: 
> It's in my open plan. I wish we can contribute it back to OFBiz before the 
> end of 2017.
> -邮件原件-
> 发件人: Jacques Le Roux [] 
> 发送时间: 2017年6月13日 14:47
> 收件人:
> 主题: Re: Cash Register App?
> Thanks Jinghai,
> I just tried it and apart an initial new browser windows creation with a 
> message from Firefox when checking out (you have to confirm to FF it's OK, at 
> least with my FF config) it worked quite well
> But I guess it's not planned to be contributed, right?
> Thanks
> Jacques
> Le 13/06/2017 à 07:36, Shi Jinghai a écrit :
> > Hi Jacques,
> >
> > Updating the status of our new webpos development, we have just released 
> > the new webpos implemented with AngularJS and OpenAPI:
> >
> >
> > username: demo
> > password: metasolo
> >
> > Hope you like it.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Shi Jinghai
> >
> >
> > -邮件原件-
> > 发件人:
> > 发送时间: 2017年3月28日 17:41
> > 收件人:
> > 主题: Re: Cash Register App?
> >
> > Hi Jacques,
> >
> > Sorry for my late reply. A hard question and difficult to reponse.
> >
> > Currently, our WebPOS implement is not perfect. We plan to use AngularJS 
> > rebuild it completely and make it look just the same as our Android POS. 
> > This will take us a month.
> >
> > After this change, we'll try to improve the OFBiz WebPOS with AngularJS. 
> > This would take place in about 2 months.
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> >
> > Shi Jinghai
> >
> >
> > -邮件原件-
> > 发件人: Jacques Le Roux []
> > 发送时间: 2017年3月14日 18:20
> > 收件人:
> > 主题: Re: Cash Register App?
> >
> > Hi Jinghai,
> >
> > Are there improvements that could be contributed?
> >
> > Jacques
> >
> >
> > Le 14/03/2017 à 08:39, Shi Jinghai a écrit :
> >> I have a webpos in production:
> >>
> >> Username: demo
> >> Password: metasolo
> >>
> >> Sorry it's in Chinese. The English version is not ready.
> >>
> >> -邮件原件-
> >> 发件人: Jacques Le Roux []
> >> 发送时间: 2017年3月14日 14:16
> >> 收件人:
> >> 主题: Re: Cash Register App?
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> There was one, it was the POS. It has been pushed to Attic 
> >>
> >> tic-POS
> >>
> >> I have not used the webpos application myself but it's supposed to be 
> >> the POS replacement
> >>
> >> (admin/ofbiz)
> >>
> >> Jacques
> >>
> >>
> >> Le 14/03/2017 à 03:09, a écrit :
> >>> Hi,
> >>> 
> >>> Browsing through some of the setup for the demo data, I'm wondering if 
> >>> there is a specific app which would demonstrate what a salesman at a cash 
> >>> register might use for a retail customer in the store buying something? 
> >>> There seems to be a lot of ability to add and set up the store and 
> >>> various products, but I'm wondering if there is something specifically 
> >>> representing an actual in-store sale? Is there a simple default?
> >>> 
> >>> Thanks!
> >>>
> >>

Re: GL Defaults

2017-06-12 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Craig

I think what you are looking for are called GL Account defaults in OFBiz and 
they can be configured and mapped using the standard OFBiz user screens. 

The GL Account defaults are codes that describe a transaction or part of a 
transaction and allow you to specify which GL account (within your chart of a 
account) the transactions will be posted to.

You can find them via the following links in the OFBiz Menu structure:

1. Select Accounting
2. Select Organisation GL Settings
3. Click Setup (for the company)
4. Click GL Account Defaults

On the GL Accounts defaults screen, you can click the various links and see the 
mapping used for the demo data.

I think there are some setup parameters to control the automatic posting  (as 
not everyone might want to automatically post everything). By default our OFBiz 
demo is setup to automatically post all transactions to based on these settings.

Hope this helps.


On 2017-06-10 03:47 (+0200), Craig Parker  wrote: 
> I'm tooling around the demo site and don't see what I'm looking for. 
> I've called them "GL Defaults" for years, but maybe they're called 
> something different in OFBiz...
> When some action occurs (AR payments on account, bank deposits, company 
> vehicle repair bills) is there an application that lets you set which GL 
> account gets credited/debited by default?

Any OFBiz Spanish Users or Service Providers ?

2017-06-09 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi All

Last week at the Open Source Expo in Madrid I got a few queries about OFBiz as 
I'd brought a few stickers to give away at the event. I spoke to a few people 
about it but was limited by my lack of Spanish! 

Someone has now followed up by asking about for more information about OFBiz so 
I'm looking for any OFBiz users or service providers based in Spain (or perhaps 
even simply Spanish speaking ones wherever you are!) that I can put them in 
contact with.


OFBiz Blog - May 2017 Update

2017-06-09 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

Our regular monthly blog update is now available at the link below:

As always thanks very much to Michael and  Jacques for their help putting it 
together and reviewing it. 


ApacheCon Keynote on Digital Psychometrics

2017-06-08 Thread Sharan Foga

Hi Everyone

If you haven't seen the ApacheCon Miami keynote on Digital Psychometrics 
from Sandra Matz then I'd strongly recommend it. I found it very 
entertaining and surprising especially if you use Twitter or Facebook.


Re: Return to Vendor

2017-06-06 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi James

I haven't taken a look at returns for while but I think your description is 
generally correct. For the customer side, there is definitely an automated 
receiving as well as a manual process that follows this flow. For the return to 
vendor, my feeling is that it is more manual but you can still achieve the same 

There are probably some setup decisions you need to make about how you are 
fulfilling the customer orders and linking them back to the original vendor. 
For example do you have one vendor for a specific product or multiple vendors 
for the same product? 

If I get some time,  I'll see if I can run through your scenario just to 
confirm what's already there.


On 2017-05-31 04:36 (+0200),  wrote: 
> In the Ofbiz Return to Vendor process is there an actual pick process to
> ship the product back to the vendor.  The process would be as follows:
> 1. Customer Returns a product and a RMA created in OfBiz.
> 2. UPS/Fedex Return Label emailed to customer
> 3. Product Comes back into warehouse and received into a Receiving Bin
> and a serial number is associated with the return
> 4. The Purchase Order to the Vendor that the product was originally on
> must be identified.
> 5. Return to Vendor is Created.
> 6. Return goes to ready to ship status
> 7. System reserves the actual product with serial number from the
> Receiving Bin
> 8. Product is picked/packed/shipped
> 9. Return to Vendor is updated and applicable credit draft is created in
> the system
> 10. When vendor actually issues credit the credit draft is added to the
> system
> 11. Process complete
> Is this the way Ofbiz handles Return to Vendor?  If yes Great!  If not
> how does it handle it today?
> Thanks,
> James

ApacheCon Miami

2017-05-23 Thread Sharan Foga

Hi Everyone

I've finally got back home after being at ApacheCon in Miami last week. 
As usual ApacheCon is an amazing and intense event where you meet so 
many people in such a short space of time.

This ApacheCon was especially busy for me which is why I haven't been so 
active on our lists. As well as my presentation, I was invited to 
participate on a panel. Generally I help out with the Barcamp and the 
ASF booth and this time I also went around with my recorder doing some 
interviews for Feathercast. I still have a little jetlag but came back 
knowing even more people than before!

If you don't know about Feathercast then please take a look.

All the slides from the ApacheCon presentations should be available from 
the Linux Foundation website.

I understand that all presentations were audio recorded and the keynotes 
and some selected presentations were video recorded. Details of all the 
video sessions can be found at the link below.

BTW – my presentation was video recorded (and yes I was very nervous! 
;-)) so if you'd like to see it then it is on Youtube here..

It would be great to see more of our community at these events so I hope 
that we can get our community together at a future ApacheCon or other 
meetup event.

I will be at the OpenExpo in Madrid next 
week, so if anyone is going to be there then please drop by the ASF 
booth to say Hi or Hola!


OFBiz Blog - April 2017 Update

2017-05-05 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

Our monthly blog update is now available at the link below:

Thanks very much to Michael and  Jacques for their help putting it together and 
reviewing it. 


[MARKETING] OFBiz is now on Facebook!

2017-04-13 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

The project now has a facebook page!

We will be using it to promote the project and link in to our other social 
media marketing tools like Twitter and Youtube. Please support the project by 
liking and following us.

This will be our official page. Please note that there is also an autogenerated 
facebook page for our project because people were looking for us on it and 
couldn't find us! So please move over to our new page.

Thanks to everyone that worked together to get this setup, especially Swapnil 
for coming up with the idea and Deepak for setting it up.

If you have any ideas about how we can use our social media to improve our 
marketing and communication efforts then please let us know.


[MARKETING] What about an OFBiz Meetup in Atlanta around 9th – 11th June 2017?

2017-04-10 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

Is anyone interested in attending an OFBiz meetup in Atlanta around the weekend 
of 9th – 11th June, 2017?

Paul Mandeltort, whose company uses OFBiz for everything is a main sponsor for 
a Pinball Expo in Atlanta

and has suggested the idea of organising an OFBiz meetup there too. The main 
idea is to get people who are using OFBiz together talking to each other. All 
we would need is a meeting room for a ½ day to 1 day and then afterwards could 
maybe relax by playing some pinball :-)

Organising meetups like this could be an interesting way to link our OFBiz 
meetup locations and groups with some of our user companies. 

What do people think?


OFBiz Blog - March 2017 Update

2017-04-06 Thread Sharan Foga
Hi Everyone

Our monthly blog update is now available at the link below:

Kudos and thanks goes out again to Michael and Jacques for their help reviewing 


Re: Any interest in an OFBiz User Conference?

2017-03-30 Thread Sharan Foga
Thanks very much for the feedback Paul and I totally agree with you although it 
sounds like not many people from the community are interested at the moment. 
Even so I'd still like to have a go at trying to organise something just as a 
proof of concept. :-)


On 2017-03-17 00:11 (+0200), Paul Mandeltort <> wrote: 
> I think this would be far more beneficial - you could easily spend an entire 
> conference on just OFbiz alone from the business perspective. 
> Could have tracks on data integration, dev ops, networking, server 
> optimization, dockerizing stuff, migrating to cloud services, user feedback, 
> etc. And of course networking. 
> —P
> > On Mar 16, 2017, at 2:27 AM, Sharan Foga <> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Everyone
> > 
> > I'm posting a message here to see if there is any interest in organising an 
> > OFBiz user conference. Our project doesn't currently hold any meetups at 
> > all and we generally only meetup at Apachecon if we have an OFBiz track 
> > included.
> > 
> > For Apachecon NA 2017 , unfortunately no OFBiz related talks were selected 
> > but I'm wondering if OFBiz users would like to have our own conference 
> > which would be something more tailored to OFBiz.
> > 
> > I did start a thread on our dev list but am also asking here to get 
> > feedback from our user community too.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > What do people think?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Sharan

  1   2   >