Re: Calling all people are using Apache OFBiz!

2010-03-24 Thread Michael Brohl
Hi Tim,

Lynx Consulting GmbH / Agrenon GmbH has several projects and websites 
running on OFBiz and we are developing products for our consulting 
We are planning to promote this some more and are currently working on the 

I will provide them a soon as we have finished this process.

Thanks and regards,


Please excuse the lengthy signature, we are currently working in a 
solution to get rid of the automatic creation of it.

Michael Brohl
Bereichsleitung Consulting eCommerce
Lynx-Consulting GmbH
Johanniskirchplatz 6
33615 Bielefeld
Fon: +49 521 5247-0
Fax: +49 521 5247-250
Mobil: +49 160 36 64 918

Company and Management Headquarters:
Lynx-Consulting GmbH, Johanniskirchplatz 6, 33615 Bielefeld, Deutschland
Fon: +49 521 5247-0, Fax: +49 521 5247-250,

Court Registration: Amtsgericht Bielefeld HRB 35946
Chief Executive Officers: Karsten Noss, Dirk Osterkamp

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From:   Tim Ruppert
Date:   24.03.2010 01:01
Subject:Re: Calling all people are using Apache OFBiz!

Is there really no one else out there who's using OFBiz and would like to 
help push this section of the site forward?


Re: A Question of Partial Delivery and Order Completion

2012-03-02 Thread Michael Brohl
Hi Alex,

have a look at the subscription mechanism in OFBiz:



Am 02.03.2012 22:26, schrieb Alex Redinger:

 I am looking at possibly using OFBiz to track insertion orders for online
 ads.  Initial exploration suggests that there isn't really much in the way
 of tracking or reporting against partial completion of an order.

 That is to say,  I can't see a way to reasonably store that, for a given
 time frame, I have delivered X number of impressions for Campaign Y of
 insertion order Z, at the cost of $A, and have this reflected in the order

 Does anybody have any insight as to how I could implement this with the
 existing model and services?  I expect that some amount of extension will
 be necessary, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel more than I need to.


How to include ftl from another module using a variable?

2012-06-14 Thread Michael Brohl

I want to include a freemarker template using the #include / 
directive from another module.
The template path is given to the including ftl (in module1) through a
screen variable in the form component://module2/path/to/ftl/name.ftl.
The variable is named myTemplate.

#include myTemplate

Freemarker cannot find the template because is searches for
Is there a way to avoid that component://module1/includes/ is used as
the base?

I tried
#include / + myTemplate

to give Freemarker a hint for an absolute path but it says

Error rendering included template at location
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad component location
[component://component://module2/path/to/ftl/name.ftl]: base location
missing slashes [/component://module2/path/to/ftl/name.ftl], first=0,
second=-1; should be like: component://{component-name}/relative/path

Any hints?

Thanks and regards,


Re: How to include ftl from another module using a variable?

2012-06-20 Thread Michael Brohl
Hi everyone,

do you have any hint for me on this issue?
Or is this simply not possible?

Thanks and regards,



 I want to include a freemarker template using the #include / 
 directive from another module.
 The template path is given to the including ftl (in module1) through a
 screen variable in the form component://module2/path/to/ftl/name.ftl.
 The variable is named myTemplate.

 #include myTemplate

 Freemarker cannot find the template because is searches for
 Is there a way to avoid that component://module1/includes/ is used as
 the base?

 I tried
 #include / + myTemplate

 to give Freemarker a hint for an absolute path but it says

 Error rendering included template at location
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad component location
 [component://component://module2/path/to/ftl/name.ftl]: base location
 missing slashes [/component://module2/path/to/ftl/name.ftl], first=0,
 second=-1; should be like: component://{component-name}/relative/path

 Any hints?

 Thanks and regards,





Re: Not official Apache OFBiz web site

2014-02-20 Thread Michael Brohl
Hi Jacques,

there's not enough space for the statement in german and english on the
twitter account so I changed it to english.

Thanks and regards,


Am 20.02.2014 23:58, schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
 Hi Michael,
 Thanks, it's never too late to do good. I know you are only writing in
 German on both site and Twitter account, though could it be possible to
 have the same sentence in English on the Twitter account?
 BTW well done for the German Apache feather logo. This way, I think,
 since you don't reuse an Apache logo, things are clear.
 Don't worry for it has been done, though it's at the left
 bottom and not much visible. Maybe you could explain to Prof. Dr. Lutz
 Prechelt that it should be better at top AND bottom?
 Hans is responsible for, the Thai version visible also on this
 site and a number of Twitter accounts.
 Le 20/02/2014 23:19, Michael Brohl a écrit :
 Hi Jaques,

 please excuse the late response to your request.

 We have added the sentence  you stated below in english an german on
 our site www.ofbiz.bizand in german on .
 I hope that this will meet the requirements of the ASF.

 The netherland sites and are not related to us so we can't
 change them.

 I will try to contact the owner to change the site.

 Sorry for any inconvenience and many thanks for your work on the ofbiz

 Kind regards,

 *Michael Brohl*

Aw: Re: Actionable tasks of the week - volunteers?

2014-03-25 Thread Michael Brohl
Hi Jacopo,
I will try to resolve issue OFBIZ-5543.



 Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. März 2014 um 07:31 Uhr
 Von: Jacopo Cappellato
 Betreff: Re: Actionable tasks of the week - volunteers?

 A quick summary on the status of the work done so far:
 OFBIZ-5543: no one is working on this. volunteers?
 OFBIZ-5565: no one is working on this. volunteers?
 OFBIZ-5589: Mandeep is working on it
 OFBIZ-5590: Mandeep is working on it
 OFBIZ-5551: Paul is discussing the ticket with the reporter
 OFBIZ-: Nicolas is working on it
 OFBIZ-5559: Pierre tested it and has provided positive feedback; Pierre also 
 filed a new ticket for additional enhancements OFBIZ-5592: any volunteer to 
 review this new ticket? These two ones may be good for the trunk; if there 
 are committers with a free slot please feel free to commit and resolve the 
 OFBIZ-5553: completed; feedback from Deepak, Jensing; committed by Jacques

Re: Setting Ofbiz with Enterprise Service Bus

2015-02-04 Thread Michael Brohl
As an addition to my previous email and in reference to my statement or 
JMS we have modified the JMS/Service functionality in OFBiz.: it is not 
necessary to modify OFBiz here, you can use OOTB OFBiz to get things 

We have just written a simplified service to get rid of OFBiz specific 
code/service parameters such as userLogin, timezone etc. because they 
are not needed for calls to non-OFBiz systems.



Hi Jean-Luc,

we have some experience with OFBiz connected to Apache Camel with 
Apache ServiceMix for integration.
We use REST endpoints and JMS/ActiveMQ to connect OFBiz to the ESB. 
For JMS we have modified the JMS/Service functionality in OFBiz.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Setting Ofbiz with Enterprise Service Bus

2015-02-04 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Jean-Luc,

I will try to give you a brief overview about our OFBiz/ESB integrations.

We have different interfaces to/from OFBiz, depending on the steps which 
are needed to process the data between OFBiz and other systems.

We have interfaces through REST, FTP to the outside world with different 
data formats (XML, CSV, EDI). These formats are transformed to a main 
house format and transported to OFBiz.

The REST endpoints are provided by the ESB (camel-jetty), not OFBiz 
directly. This is to decouple the systems in case the server setting 
will be more decentralized in the future.

For the REST endpoints we mainly have two paths:
- directing the request directly to OFBiz with url rewriting in Apache 
(for data which comes in the house format and need no processing 
(request - camel-jetty - Apache - OFBiz)
- directing the request and the data to an ActiveMQ endpoint for further 
processing (request - camel-jms - [different processing steps, 
enrichment, transformations etc.] - camel-jms - OFBiz)

For the FTP endpoints we have one main path (file - camel-file - 
camel-jms - [different processing steps, enrichment, transformations 
etc.] - camel-jms - OFBiz)

The data path from OFBiz to other systems is through JMS (OFBiz 
jms-service - camel-jms - [further processing] - [several endpoints]

The main paths contain several content based routers and different 
processors to enhance the data. I think this would blow this overview a 
little bit.

So OFBiz ist addressed in two ways: through normal https requests and 
through JMS. https should be clear.

For JMS, OFBiz already has a mechanism for sending and receiving JMS 
messages, used for the distributed cache clear.

Calling a service through JMS ist configured in the serviceengine.xml. 
The JMS message contains a service context map which is sent in the 
message body:

!-- Config of output channel to send service calls via JMS --
jms-service name=outputChannel send-mode=all
   server jndi-server-name=default jndi-name=ConnectionFactory 
topic-queue=ofbizServiceOutbound type=queue username=xxx 
password=xxx listen=false/


The service to call another service through JMS (or just send some data 
to a queue) is configured as follows:

!-- services.xml --
!-- Dummy service to demonstrate the way to call a service of the ESB 
component by sending a JMS message formed by this service definition --
service name=dummyCallEaiService engine=jms 
location=outputChannel invoke=dummyService descriptionSend a JMS 
message to an EAI queue to call an ESB service/description
   attribute name=parameter type=String mode=IN optional=false 
allow-html=any / /service

The main elements are:

defines the JMS service engine to call a service, a JMS message is 
generated instead of calling an OFBiz service

specifies the queue to send the message to (configured above)
that's the name of the remote service to call (if any) or just some 
identifier for the message content to decide where to route the message 
or how to transform it

The way to call an OFBiz service through JMS is as follows

!-- JMS Service Queue/Topic Configuration --
!-- Config of input channel to receive service calls via JMS --
jms-service name=inputChannel send-mode=none
   server jndi-server-name=default jndi-name=ConnectionFactory 
topic-queue=ofbizServiceInbound type=queue username=xxx 
password=xxx listen=true/


This is the configuration for the JMS provider at the ESB side.

The other JMS configurations take place in the


# register some queues in JNDI using the form
# queue.[jndiName] = [physicalName]
queue.ofbizServiceInbound = ofbizServiceInbound
queue.ofbizServiceOutbound = ofbizServiceOutbound

Now OFBiz listens to the configured queues.

To call an OFBiz service through JMS, we simply put a service context 
map in the body of the message and send it to the queue. We have a camel 
processor which takes the original data and wraps it in the service 
context map, specifying the OFBiz target service to call. No decision 
logic necessary at the OFBiz side.

Hope that helps to get things running on your side.



Good morning Michael
This is Jean-Luc you have answered in the ofbiz forum.
I am trying to to precisely what you have mentioned but I am using 
jboss Fuse esb and ServiceWorks.

But I can not find any any doc in this area.
Is it possible that you help me with some documents ? some small 
example of:
 REST endpoints and JMS/ActiveMQ to connect OFBiz to the ESB. For JMS 
we have modified the JMS/Service functionality in OFBiz.

I will be very grateful so I can start.

kind regards
Dr Jean-Luc

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Setting Ofbiz with Enterprise Service Bus

2015-01-28 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Jean-Luc,

we have some experience with OFBiz connected to Apache Camel with Apache 
ServiceMix for integration.
We use REST endpoints and JMS/ActiveMQ to connect OFBiz to the ESB. For 
JMS we have modified the JMS/Service functionality in OFBiz.



I am trying to set up bf with Enterprise Service Buss
But I will like to hear if anybody has experiences of setting up bf or
Ofbiz with ESB of any type I am interested in how that was done.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Setting Ofbiz with Enterprise Service Bus

2015-01-29 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Jean-Luc,

thank you for mails. I'm currently in a project and have no time to 
answer your questions immediately, sorry.

I will try to write the main aspects down over the weekend and hope this 
will help you.

For further discussion, please use the original mailing list so we can 
share with the community.

Thanks and regards,


Am 29.01.15 um 09:07 schrieb Jean-Luc Sylvestre:

Good morning Michael
This is Jean-Luc you have answered in the ofbiz forum.
I am trying to to precisely what you have mentioned but I am using 
jboss Fuse esb and ServiceWorks.

But I can not find any any doc in this area.
Is it possible that you help me with some documents ? some small 
example of:
 REST endpoints and JMS/ActiveMQ to connect OFBiz to the ESB. For JMS 
we have modified the JMS/Service functionality in OFBiz.

I will be very grateful so I can start.

kind regards
Dr Jean-Luc

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Confluence contributor access

2015-03-15 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Jaques, Pierre, Sharan,

thanks for letting me in and welcoming me as a contributor.
I just mailed my ICLA to the ASF.



Am 13.03.15 um 09:53 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi Michael

Welcome and thanks for becoming an OFBiz contributor.

Have you completed an Individual Contributor Licence Agreement (ICLA)? If
not, then details of what it is and how to do this are on the wiki page.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: OFBiz and Dutch Postalcode integration

2015-03-09 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Pierre,

that sounds interesting!

Is this supposed to be shared with the community?
Will it work for other countries as well?

Thanks and regards,


Am 09.03.15 um 13:44 schrieb Pierre Smits:

Hi all,

I feel proud to be able to announce that we have successfully integrated a
rest service delivering validated address details on approx 8.000.000 in
the Netherlands.

With this function contact mechanism for all kinds of physical addresses
can be validated and enriched with additional information like e.g.
latitude and longitude data, governmental ids and more.

Correct registration of physical addresses is key with respect to delivery
of documents and shipments. Yet errors are easily made resulting in
incorrect deliveries and potential delays with respect to e.g. payment of
invoices. Over 13.000 addresses change weekly as a result of municipal
reclassification, completion of construction, split up/mergers of existing
homes and the renaming of streets, cities and counties.

Our new integrated function allows Dutch users to only submit a postal code
and a house number and validated address details like street name, house
number additions, municipality, province, addres type, purpose and more are
returned for acceptance.

For more information feel free to contact me directly.

Best regards.

Pierre Smits

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Confluence contributor access

2015-03-12 Thread Michael Brohl


can you please add my confluence username mbrohl to the contributors list?

Thanks and regards,


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: OFBiz Twitter Account

2015-03-25 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

don't know who owns this account but maybe would be better to aim on?



Am 25.03.15 um 17:40 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi All

Does anyone own (or knows who owns!) the following twitter account.

I'd like to find out if we could ask to use it for the project.


View this message in context:
Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Experiences using OFBiz with MS SQL

2015-03-02 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Pierre, all,

just a brief overview: they are a registered cooperative (e.G.) and use 
OFBiz as a B2B sales- and portal solution. They offer a web based 
solution for their own customers (retailer and warehouses) based on 
OFBiz' ecommerce module, integrated with their order management. The 
portal provides financial data, invoice check and claim processes with 
integration to SAP.

The solution is running for some time now, I think I had my first 
project there around mid 2003 :-)



Am 27.02.15 um 10:36 schrieb Pierre Smits:

Hi Michael,

Could you elaborate a bit on how OFBiz fits in their architecture (e.g.
purpose wise)?

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

Services  Solutions for Cloud-
Based Manufacturing, Professional
Services and Retail  Trade

On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 10:21 AM, Michael Brohl

Hi Taher,

MS SQL is not open source. The OFBiz solution has a long history and they
started with SAPDB because it was available for them at the time (they use
SAP as ERP). There are several issues with this setting so they setup a
project to change. They wish to change to MS SQL because their operations
department has the know-how to operate this database.


Am 27.02.15 um 10:04 schrieb Taher Alkhateeb:

  Hi Michael,

Out of curiosity, why would the client gravitate to an open source
sitting on a proprietary database? Especially given that they are

Taher Alkhateeb

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Experiences using OFBiz with MS SQL

2015-02-27 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi all,

we are about to migrate a customer using OFBiz with an older MaxDB 
(SAPDB) to use MS SQL as the customer's preferred target database.

Do you have experience running OFBiz with a MS SQL database in production?
Any incompatibilities, disadvantages or problems?

Thanks for sharing you experiences,
kind regards,


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Experiences using OFBiz with MS SQL

2015-02-27 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Jaques,

thank you! Most of the hits are quite old but maybe there are some good 



Am 27.02.15 um 09:53 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:

Hi Michael

I have no production experience with MS SQL, but here is a markmail 
search which might help you 


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Experiences using OFBiz with MS SQL

2015-02-27 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Taher,

MS SQL is not open source. The OFBiz solution has a long history and 
they started with SAPDB because it was available for them at the time 
(they use SAP as ERP). There are several issues with this setting so 
they setup a project to change. They wish to change to MS SQL because 
their operations department has the know-how to operate this database.


Am 27.02.15 um 10:04 schrieb Taher Alkhateeb:

Hi Michael,

Out of curiosity, why would the client gravitate to an open source solution
sitting on a proprietary database? Especially given that they are migrating!

Taher Alkhateeb

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: delete product

2015-01-30 Thread Michael Brohl


there are foreign key constraints from other tables (I guess product 
keywords). You first have to delete the product_keyword entities 
relating to your product before you can delete your product.



Am 30.01.15 um 09:16 schrieb

Hi All,

I tried to create some test products (just product_id
and description and a user defined PRODUCT_TYPE_ID
FLEAMARKETITEM)  using  a simple method.

ofbiz now gives me an error when deleting them.

Pressing delete-button the data engine says:

Delete failed (write error): org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException:
org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException: Exception while deleting
the following entity:
[GenericEntity:Product][productId,fleamarket(java.lang.String)] (SQL
Exception while executing the following:DELETE FROM OFBIZ.PRODUCT WHERE
PRODUCT_ID=? (DELETE on table 'PRODUCT' caused a violation of foreign
key constraint 'PROD_KWD_PROD_NEW' for key (fleamarket). The statement
has been rolled back.)) (Exception while deleting the following entity:
[GenericEntity:Product][productId,fleamarket(java.lang.String)] (SQL
Exception while executing the following:DELETE FROM OFBIZ.PRODUCT WHERE
PRODUCT_ID=? (DELETE on table 'PRODUCT' caused a violation of foreign
key constraint 'PROD_KWD_PROD_NEW' for key (fleamarket). The statement
has been rolled back.)))

Also I tried with SQL:

SQL Exception while executing the following:DELETE FROM PRODUCT WHERE
violation of foreign key constraint 'PROD_KWD_PROD_NEW' for key
(fleamarket). The statement has been rolled back.)

So it seems I can't delete these items. What is going wrong?
How can I reset the entity state to correct relations?

Thank you!

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Please add me to list

2015-04-29 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Karen,

you are already using the right list, welcome!

Please give us some more details what you are trying to achieve. Which 
datafiles do you want to write?


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 29.04.15 um 01:05 schrieb Karen Kramer:

Hi, I am trying to use OfBiz to write some datafiles without using the complete 
project.Hoping to get help. I've built 2 of the and base and then 
got the google HashMap stuff and still having trouble initializinga class.May I 
join a usergroup?Karen Kramer  

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Congratulations Welcome

2015-05-18 Thread Michael Brohl

Congratulations to all new Committers, keep up the good work!

@Pierre: out of curiosity: where did you get the information about new 
committers? I haven't found an official announcement from the PMC.


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 18.05.15 um 09:40 schrieb Pierre Smits:

Hi all,

Please join me in congratulating and welcoming Divesh Dutta on becoming the
latest committer of the project.

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

Services  Solutions for Cloud-
Based Manufacturing, Professional
Services and Retail  Trade

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Welcome to our new committers

2015-05-19 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Jaques,

yes, it's weird and feels a little strange.

But anyway, thank you and the others for the welcome. I'm looking 
forward to a good collaboration.

Thanks and regards,

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 19.05.15 um 08:52 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:


I find weird to welcome new committers before it's officially 
announced but since we have already a commit and a lot of comments, I 
think it's time to congratulates you new committer, welcome on board :)


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: How should new committers handle backporting?

2015-05-19 Thread Michael Brohl

+1, very helpful, just trying it out.

would be a better place, or we would add a link to one of the pages.

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 19.05.15 um 15:38 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
Maybe we should add it at 


Le 19/05/2015 14:19, Pranay Pandey a écrit :

Thanks Jacopo, its a good OFBiz Committers Guide.

Best regards,

Pranay Pandey
HotWax Systems
skype: pranay.pandey
cell: +91 982.603.5576

On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

Hi Christian,

On May 19, 2015, at 3:37 AM, Christian Carlow


Should committers download the entire ofbiz repository to help with
it is easier if you keep the trunk and the release branches in 

svn folders (i.e. different checkouts); for example:

mkdir ofbiz
cd ofbiz
svn co trunk
svn co
svn co
svn co
svn co website

you will end up with the following folder layout:

Then you can setup, with your favorite IDE, one project for each.

Is there a standard procedure new committers should follow
for backporting?
Only bugs should be backported to active release branches (if they 

also there); it is not mandatory that you do but it is very much
Here is a simple workflow to backport a commit to a branch.
1) commit the fix to trunk and note down the commit id; e.g. rev 12345
2) go to the release branch you want to backport to; e.g. cd
3) run the following script (the script will apply the commit to your
local release branch):
./tools/ merge 12345
4) run the tests with:
./tools/ test
5) it is also a good idea to start the instance and test manually
6.a) if tests are unsuccessful, abort the process and clean your local
release branch:
./tools/ abort
6.b) if tests are successful, and you want to commit the backport:
./tools/ commit

  I was going to test my new committer privilege by
applying my OFBIZ-6387.patch.  Should I apply it to the release 


That is probably not a bug but it is a small change and could be a good
chance to practice with the above process, so please do if you like.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Welcome to our new committers

2015-05-20 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Ashish,

thank you for taking the time to update the committers list!

Can you please edit the mail addresses in a way that they are not 
readable by bots so easily and without mailto links? See examples in the 
older entries.

Currently it seems I have not the permissions to do it myself, no edit 
button there.

Thanks and regards,

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 20.05.15 um 12:42 schrieb Ashish Vijaywargiya:

Hello Team,

I went ahead and added all the new committers information here -

Company and Country specific information may be wrong or outdated. In both
column I filled up information based on my knowledge and took references
from LinkedIn. So please feel free to update the information if it seems


Kind Regards
Ashish Vijaywargiya
HotWax Systems - est. 1997

On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Sharan-F wrote:

Congratulations and welcome to all our new committers!


View this message in context:
Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Welcome to our new committers

2015-05-20 Thread Michael Brohl


I have removed all new committers from the contributor's page.


Am 20.05.15 um 13:34 schrieb Jacopo Cappellato:

On May 20, 2015, at 12:42 PM, Ashish Vijaywargiya wrote:

Hello Team,

I went ahead and added all the new committers information here -

Company and Country specific information may be wrong or outdated. In both
column I filled up information based on my knowledge and took references
from LinkedIn. So please feel free to update the information if it seems

Please also remove your record from the contributors' page.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: SPAM/ Re: Welcome to our new committers

2015-05-20 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Mark,

this is a community list where alle the communication and collaboration 
takes place, besides development in
Normally the traffic is not that high and we should not limit 
colaboration and interpersonal communication here, as long as it is 
related to the community.

To keep your inbox clean you could configure a filter and sort the 
mailing list mails out in a subfolder. That's how i manage the traffic 
of several open source community lists.


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 20.05.15 um 14:09 schrieb Mark Schneider:

Hi guys

For days I am getting a lot of messages Re: Welcome to our new 
For me they are quite useless and a kind of SPAM. Can we limit the 
amount of such mails, please?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards, Mark

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: How should new committers handle backporting?

2015-05-21 Thread Michael Brohl
Yes, that's right. I'll handle the update on the Wiki, place it on the 
committers page you suggested and see if I can place a link on the other 
page when it fits.


Am 21.05.15 um 09:53 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
I mean contributors don't need to backport (COMMIT) patches from OFBiz 
trunk to OFBiz branches...


Le 21/05/2015 09:33, Pierre Smits a écrit :

Please remember that committers are contributors with privileges. So
wouldn't it concern them?

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

Services  Solutions for Cloud-
Based Manufacturing, Professional
Services and Retail  Trade

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 9:21 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

I don't think contributors are really concerned, will you handle the 



Le 19/05/2015 15:52, Michael Brohl a écrit :

+1, very helpful, just trying it out.


would be a better place, or we would add a link to one of the pages.

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 19.05.15 um 15:38 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:

Maybe we should add it at 



Le 19/05/2015 14:19, Pranay Pandey a écrit :

Thanks Jacopo, its a good OFBiz Committers Guide.

Best regards,

Pranay Pandey
HotWax Systems
skype: pranay.pandey
cell: +91 982.603.5576

On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

  Hi Christian,

On May 19, 2015, at 3:37 AM, Christian Carlow

  Should committers download the entire ofbiz repository to help 


it is easier if you keep the trunk and the release branches in
svn folders (i.e. different checkouts); for example:

mkdir ofbiz
cd ofbiz
svn co trunk
svn co
svn co
svn co
svn co website

you will end up with the following folder layout:

Then you can setup, with your favorite IDE, one project for each.

  Is there a standard procedure new committers should follow

for backporting?

Only bugs should be backported to active release branches (if they
also there); it is not mandatory that you do but it is very much
Here is a simple workflow to backport a commit to a branch.
1) commit the fix to trunk and note down the commit id; e.g. rev 

2) go to the release branch you want to backport to; e.g. cd
3) run the following script (the script will apply the commit to 

local release branch):
./tools/ merge 12345
4) run the tests with:
./tools/ test
5) it is also a good idea to start the instance and test manually
6.a) if tests are unsuccessful, abort the process and clean your 

release branch:
./tools/ abort
6.b) if tests are successful, and you want to commit the backport:
./tools/ commit

I was going to test my new committer privilege by

applying my OFBIZ-6387.patch. Should I apply it to the release

That is probably not a bug but it is a small change and could be 
a good
chance to practice with the above process, so please do if you 



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Re: Extending OrderHeader, and the finalizeOrder process

2015-06-18 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Forrest,

I'd suggest to use OrderAttribute to store custom data for the order.


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 18.06.15 um 16:30 schrieb Forrest Rae:

Hans, thanks for the reply.

I do agree with you that invoice is a better place for this data, I 
can change the entity I'm extending.  Still, I would like to capture 
this data at order entry, and I'm wondering about best way to do that 
given the design of the order entry process.  It's my understanding 
that invoices aren't created until an order is approved.

Hmmm, Perhaps I could capture this data as part of a custom order 
approval process?


On 6/17/15 11:01 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:

Isn't the invoice you want follow up for payment?


On 18/06/15 12:38, Forrest Rae wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I'm wondering about best practices here, and want to avoid going down a
route that might lead to pain and suffering.

I need to track three custom pieces of data per sales order. This data
is used for contacting the customer for payment.  One piece of data 
is a

purchase order number, then there are two others that are tracking
numbers specific to the customer's payment system.  This data is
required to be not-null.

I've extended OrderHeader.  Problem is, the order entry screens will
fail at the end, because of the not-null constraint.  (I added the
constraints manually, due to a bug OFBIZ-6493)

I started digging into the finalizeOrder request chain.  I'd like to
capture these three pieces of data on the setBilling screen that is 

of finalizeOrder chain.  It appears I'd need to do some pretty heavy
lifting to augment this process, including modifying the ShoppingCart
class, etc.

Obviously someone has had to do this before, so just wondering if there
are any best practices to avoid modifying the Java classes.


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Re: OFBiz Community Day - 20th June 2015

2015-06-11 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

yes, I meant the reorganisation task, thanks for the clarification and 
additional info.


Am 11.06.15 um 09:39 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi Michael

I'm guessing you mean the Applications re-organisation?  If so then here is
the background.

The idea for including this was raised in in a discussion about on Addons on
the Dev list. It's a big thread but here is the link.

In response Jacopo mentioned that

/*Some time ago I proposed to move all entity definitions from the
applications components into a separate one; this component could also
contain crud/generic services: in this way it will be easier to deploy the
framework+data-model without the user interfaces that are not as generic and
universal as the data model is. In my opinion this would be a good step in
the right direction and it would be very easy to implement. */

I then suggested that if it was straightforward and would bring OFBiz some
benefits then we could add it to the task list for our next  Community Day.

I know Jacopo's response was very positive - which is why I added it to the
draft list but if there is still needs to be some more discussion or
consenus reached then we have a week or so to decide whether to inlcude it
or not. It's just a draft list - so I expected to get some feedback about
the content!

I'll raise a thread on the Dev list about it inlcuding it for the Community
day - and then we can see whether there is consenus or not.

The other topics - Website Update, Online Help and Wiki Documentation have
been discussed under other threads so I think these have eneough consenus to
begin working on them.


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Re: OFBiz Community Day - 20th June 2015

2015-06-10 Thread Michael Brohl

Just forgot this:

We are planning to contribute some fixes and enhancements on community 
day. Will there be a new sprint in Jira to structure these issues?


Am 10.06.15 um 22:44 schrieb Michael Brohl:

Hi Sharan,

thanks for putting this together and making the community day more 
organised than before.

I've studied the proposed tasks and wonder if there is consensus for 
taking these steps right now? Isn't it a bit too early to take these 
steps at the next community day?

I'm not against it, I'm just unsure if I missed something.

Thanks and regards,


Am 10.06.15 um 20:47 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi Everyone

Don't forget that we have our second Community Day coming up soon on 
June.  For details about what our Community Days are please read our 

page below

If you would like to participate then please start thinking about 
what area

or task you'd like to work on.

After our last Community Day we surveyed participants and their feedback
highlighted that it would be good to have some collaborative 
organised tasks
to work on so I've created a wiki with some possible ideas. Please 
feel free

to add more. 

If you are interested in helping out with any of the proposed tasks then
please respond to this thread or via a comment on the wiki page itself.

I'll be sending out another reminder next week.

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Re: OFBiz Community Day - 20th June 2015

2015-06-10 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

thanks for putting this together and making the community day more 
organised than before.

I've studied the proposed tasks and wonder if there is consensus for 
taking these steps right now? Isn't it a bit too early to take these 
steps at the next community day?

I'm not against it, I'm just unsure if I missed something.

Thanks and regards,


Am 10.06.15 um 20:47 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi Everyone

Don't forget that we have our second Community Day coming up soon on 20th
June.  For details about what our Community Days are please read our wiki
page below

If you would like to participate then please start thinking about what area
or task you'd like to work on.

After our last Community Day we surveyed participants and their feedback
highlighted that it would be good to have some collaborative organised tasks
to work on so I've created a wiki with some possible ideas. Please feel free
to add more.

If you are interested in helping out with any of the proposed tasks then
please respond to this thread or via a comment on the wiki page itself.

I'll be sending out another reminder next week.


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Re: Webtools Users and Permissions

2015-06-17 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Gabrielle,

please have a look at the Party Manager, where you can add new users, 
logins, set their security groups and permissions etc.



Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 17.06.15 um 16:00 schrieb Gabrielle C. Nguyen:


I would like to create new users within Webtools. Ideally, they can login and 
have access to specific areas (CMS editor) only.

Is this possible to create new users? So far, I cannot seem to find a way to do 
so. If so, is it possible to give these users access permissions?

Any tips?

Thank You,


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Re: Running ofbiz on a AWS EC2 micro instance

2015-05-27 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Christopher,

this is a very low traffic scenario you described so I think you can run 
OFBiz on this instance. You may have to tweak some configurations to 
match your available memory (Java memory sizes, OFBiz cache etc.).


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 27.05.15 um 05:42 schrieb Christopher Smith:

My use case is the following.

I want to setup a eCommerce site for the dairy farmer coop that I belong to.

There will be 10 - 15 items for sale
There will be 25 user accounts
Every 2 weeks, the users will enter their orders, one per user is expected
The orders will be fulfilled every two weeks
I expect to use PayPal as the payment processor.
The ability of a user to have a standing order is strongly desired.

I'd like to run on an EC2 micro instance. 1 GB ram, 1 CPU.
How much storage would such a low volume site require?
How well would ofbiz run on such a small instance with the projected low

I think I could convince the coop to spring for the $6.50/month

The next instance size would likely be pushed back and the google docs
spread sheet ordering would be kept.

Thanks for your thoughts

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Re: Error in start

2015-06-01 Thread Michael Brohl


it seems the port 10523 is in use by another process. Please check and 
close this process or start OFBiz with a port offset ( e.g. 
-Dportoffset=1 ).

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 01.06.15 um 13:09 schrieb syed_aqib:

I am getting this error please help using configuration file org/ofbiz/base/start/
Set OFBIZ_HOME to - C:/apache-ofbiz-13.07.02
Exception in thread main org.ofbiz.base.start.StartupException: Couldn't
e server socket(/
 at org.ofbiz.base.start.Start$AdminPortThread.init(
 at org.ofbiz.base.start.Start.createListenerThread(
 at org.ofbiz.base.start.Start.init(
 at org.ofbiz.base.start.Start.main(
Caused by: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
 at Method)
 at Source)
 at Source)
 at Source)
 at Source)
 at Source)
 at org.ofbiz.base.start.Start$AdminPortThread.init(
 ... 3 more

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Re: [DISCUSSION] OFBiz Online Documentation

2015-05-27 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

I had not the time to think more about your proposal but I can quickly 
answer your followup questions, see inline...

Am 27.05.15 um 15:34 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi All

I'm still looking for some community feedback on this proposal and approach
and now I have a couple of extra questions.

To any OFBiz Service providers out there – how do you manage the online help
when you install or implement OFBiz? (Is it left as it is, do you remove it
or do you create some new online help?)
In most of our projects, the existing online help is not used at all. 
The nature of our projects are mostly eCommerce and portal systems with 
another ERP backend like SAP. So the OFBiz backend is either not used at 
all or only a small part is used. We do trainings with the end users 
then and sometimes write some kind of manual which describes the backend 
use in context to the customer specific processes.

I think there was only one project in the past 13 years which used the 
online help with partly modified texts.

To the general community at large - what is the overall feeling about
extracting the online help, updating it and then packaging it as a separate
project deliverable that can be easily integrated back into OFBiz?
Mmmhh, we have to make sure that the contents of the online help are in 
sync with the development and that it is easily editable for project 
specific changes. Then I'm fine with it.

I'm focussing on the approach first. I think that once we have had the
discussion about that and reach a concensus can we start discussions around
the technology and options to achieve it.



Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [DISCUSSION] OFBiz Online Documentation

2015-05-28 Thread Michael Brohl


do you mean this Prezi from Jad El Omeiri?

Am 28.05.15 um 16:52 schrieb Todd Thorner:

I'm pretty much sitting this one out (seems to have jumped right into
the tech selection and I don't understand OFBiz well enough yet to be
useful as a writer-contributor so I wouldn't be able to offer much
quality input), but for what it's worth the most important
considerations for a typing architecture are:

1. The project's business needs (e.g. No XML files!)
2. Making sure the single-sourced files can be puked out into as many
useful end user formats as possible (e.g. context-sensitive help, wiki,
3. Making sure a maximum number of writer-contributors can hit the
proverbial ground running without needing to learn new processes

One thing I can offer for now is editing skills, but that involves
potential toe-stepping.  Perhaps I could transform that solid Prezi
presentation into Sozi format so its SVG output could be embedded into
any OFBiz web page.  If the original author is cool with that (can't
remember who it was), let me know.

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Re: [MARKETING] Updating our OFBiz Website

2015-05-26 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

thanks for driving this forward! See my comments inline.


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 26.05.15 um 10:09 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi All

I'd like to start a discussion about changing and updating our main project
website. We have had our current side for quite a while now and I think that
it would be good to update it.

Here are some of my initial thoughts

1. Our logo takes up less space now and we have a lot of space at the top so
perhaps we could look at moving the navigation bar into this area


2. A lot of the links on the right hand side could be moved into a drop down
navigation bar to give us more space
Mmhh, not sure if this should be done because if you put the links into 
a dropdown element they are out of sight, you have to open the dropdown 
to see what's in it. Do we need more space?

3. The site itself contains a lot of words which I think makes it hard for
visitors to see what is important
I think the problem is not the number of words, which are not bad for 
SEO, but the structure of the texts. We could restructure them to have 
some kind of landing page for different subjects and related sub pages 
with more detailed texts on the subject.

4. If we want to focus on potential visitor types (e.g. developers and
business users) then we need to adapt the website and highlight what would
interest them and encourage them into trying OFBiz
Yes, a first step could be to identify user groups, their use of OFBiz 
and maybe some different uses cases.

5. At the moment he biggest thing we highlight is downloading OFBiz (yet why
would someone download if they are not sure that it meets their needs).
6. On my version of linux (14.04 LTS) the webpage doesn't fill the screen
(I'm not sure if that is just me!)
We should definetely make the new website responsive, that means it 
should look good and have a good usability on all devices (monitors, 
smartphones etc.)

7. We have links to two versions of OFBiz demos (do we really need 2?)
without any instructions for users as to what they need to do. If for some
reason they are logged out they have no instructions how to log in again.
We could add some funtionality in demo mode: specify the demo user 
login directly on the login screen and provide a link to a demo page 
on the website where the demo is explained.

8. The 'News' section is very static and gets out of date quickly. We have
resurrected our blog so perhaps it would be better to replace this with a
blog feed instead.

+1 That's enough news together with the twitter feed.

What do people think? I'm happy to hear any other ideas that people may

If feedback is positive then I'd like to start work on a new draft website
that could be presented to back the community. Only if accepted will we do
the changeover.

Overall, a +1 from me.

Also I'm not a graphical person or a website designer so would be looking
for some volunteers to help me put this together.
Let's do the conceptual work first, I think we can provide some help on 
this when we have the requirements clear.


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Re: [MARKETING] Updating our OFBiz Website

2015-07-28 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

I would like to help you on this task.

I'll put some ideas together in the next couple of days and post it 
here, or do you have other plans to organize this?


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 28.07.15 um 09:06 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi All

Is anyone available to help me start putting together some ideas or examples
of what our new OFBiz website main page could look like ?


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Re: [MARKETING] Updating our OFBiz Website

2015-07-28 Thread Michael Brohl
I totally agree with that point with an addition - the business *and* 
technical stuff must be presented in a clear and easy to find way.

We don't know who is looking at the site and for what purpose so 
everything should be covered:

- the CEO/CFO who is looking for a new platform wants to see features, 
licenses, references who is using OFBiz, service providers etc., 
everything you need to decide if OFBiz is for you on the business level 
and which risks and chances it brings

- the CIO and his staff who has the task to evaluate new platforms for 
his company, he needs some of the above but also some more technical 
informations like architecture, used frameworks, documentation etc. to 
decide if the platform is also fitting to the company system landscape, 
the know-how of his staff etc.

- the developer who is searching for technical documentation, data 
models, API, best practices etc.

- the user who is searching for user centric documentation, best 
practices and help

I think the main page should include these entry points with easy to 
understand titles.

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 28.07.15 um 10:14 schrieb Adrian Crum:
It would be nice if our site update targeted end users - with links to 
the existing developer-centric content.

Our site appeals to geeks, not to CFOs or CEOs - those who need to 
make platform decisions. Maybe we should rethink our presentation to 
the outside world.

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 7/28/2015 12:06 AM, Sharan-F wrote:

Hi All

Is anyone available to help me start putting together some ideas or 

of what our new OFBiz website main page could look like ?


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Re: uiLabelMap

2015-08-04 Thread Michael Brohl
I recommend using ant create-component, this will create a new 
component in hot-deploy with all necessary files and folders and 
prevents you from the complexity of an existing component.


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 04.08.15 um 19:40 schrieb damon henry:

I have a custom app that I am building.  I started with an existing app which I 
copied to hot-deploy and have been modifying as needed.  I'm having a hard time 
figuring out where uiLabelMap is being loaded from.  My app is still utilizing 
the properties in the original component for it's uiLabelMap values, and I 
would like it to point to the ones in the new component I am modifying.  Can 
someone point me in the right direction?  If it matters, it is the Warehouse 
component that I started with.

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Re: [MARKETING] Who Owns the OFBiz Youtube Channel ?

2015-11-12 Thread Michael Brohl

Why not just contact ?

Pierre seems to already be in the circles of this account.



Am 11.11.15 um 12:44 schrieb Pierre Smits:

If this is a proper YouTube channel, then it might be associated with a
Google+ account. Maybe you could find out who owns the Google+ account, to
have yourself and/or others added as manager.

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

*OFBiz Extensions Marketplace*

On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Sharan-F  wrote:

Hi Todd

Yes - I think that would be the best solution if we cant get access to the
original one.


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Re: Notes from OFBiz Workshop at Apachecon Core EU 2015

2015-10-11 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

thank you very much for putting this together, much appreciated!



Am 11.10.15 um 21:43 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi All

Thanks to everyone that participated in the OFBz Workshop at Apachecon ; It
was good to meet each other and also talk about what you feel is important .
We had representation from France, UK, Italy, Czech Republic, Germany,
Netherlands, USA, South Africa and Thailand so shows that we are truely

I've done an initial draft of the notes from the meeting.
There was a lot of interaction and discussion and these notes only summarise
the main points so am happy to get any updates, corrections, or omissions.
The last topic regarding Automated Testing got a bit too technical for me so
I wasnt able to capture the details very well, so would someone else be
willing to help complete this?

Please also remember that the workshop was only informal and as usual all
proposals that came out of the meeting need to be raised and discussed on
our mailing lists ;


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Re: Is it possible to upgrade OfBiz from 11.04.06 to 13.07.02.

2015-10-12 Thread Michael Brohl
It depends where you've made changes. If you have all changes or 
additional features in your hot-deploy folder, just copy them in a fresh 
13.07.02 installation and see if there are conflicts with used API and 
changed business logic.

You can expect some because 11.04.06 is years old and there were a lot 
of changes.

Personally, I would go with the 14.12.01 release branch, it's 
stabilizing and you don't have to do as much upgrade work later.

I can't say much about BigFish but I assume that it is located in the 
hot-deploy folder as well and the update instruction assumes you only 
have BigFish installed. Just keep your own extensions.

Hope that helps,


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 12.10.15 um 09:01 schrieb Barou:

I am experimenting with ofbiz  for some weeks now I have done some coding in
Apache apache-ofbiz-11.04.06.
I want to know if I can upgrade it to OFBiz 13.07.02.
As I am experimenting I came a cross to an implementation of ofbiz called
But when I look at how that also can be upgrade from one version to an other
is not very practical.
specifically this point :
Update existing instance Instructions:Delete "hot-deploy" directory from the
INSTALL-DIRECTORY. Also delete *INSTALL-DIRECTORY*\themes\osafe_theme.
I am not ofbiz expert but if I delete my hot-deploy directory I will delete
all my own extension.
Can some body clarified to me how I upgrade ofbiz from one version to a
higher version ?

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Re: Apachecon EU 2015: Thanks!

2015-10-06 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Julien,

sounds like a lot of fun, thanks for sharing :-)


Am 06.10.15 um 07:27 schrieb Julien NICOLAS:


It was a pleasure for me as well !

I met very good people and was proud to be there.
I've recovered (in both way for me, thanks to the 50cl beer for 1€.) 
and spend very good time, especially on Thursday when Gil join the 
commiters. We drank for him, for the community, for the software, for 
the ApacheCon and for the Budapest Police forces as well, that needs 
12 cars, 24 policemen and 3 ambulances to manage 1 drunk guy...

All conference was very interesting (I must confess that I was a 
little sick for Sharan conference on Friday morning, I had a tomahawk 
planted in my head... but it was black and yellow ;) )
I like to see that Hans and Nathan are working in quite same way using 
Git and Dockers for production process.

We discuss about OFBiz GUI and I'll start to open again this topics 
soon and I think it will be a new start for this part. I think that 
the topics will be a long one with a lot of email :D

This meeting was very good to understand each other. All discussions 
were faster than in the mailing list and I'm quite sure that it will 
be easier to understand an idea than sending hundred of emails.
I look forward the next meeting to see more people and define more new 
projects with OFBiz !

Thank you for this, I'll remember it "for a long time" !


Le 04/10/2015 16:00, Sharan-F a écrit :

Hi All

I’m still recovering (not in the hangover sense!) from the great time 
I had
in Budapest with everyone. It was really good to be there and meet, 
chat and
generally hang out. There were a few surprises for me including 
seeing OFBiz
Committer Gavin Mabie there all the way from South Africa! It also 
was good

to see Rupert Howell and also Simon from Stannah.

This year all presentations in the OFBiz track were done by people whose
first language was not English and once again I was very, very 

I think that we have a few jokers in our community  – for example 
took a picture of Julien during his UX Design presentation when the 

was blank! (BTW if you haven’t seen the OFBiz photos from Apachecon then
please take a look at the Twitter feed.)

Our presentation attendance numbers were good :  Jacopo (17), Hans (14),
Youssef (17), Gil (16), Nathan (20) and Julien (15).  My talk got 12 but
mainly thanks to the OFBiz guys!

All the talks were very good and I especially liked Youssef’s demo of 

Asterisk PBX integration for OFBiz where it even recorded the phone

On Friday morning we ran an informal OFBiz group discussion to talk 
any points that people saw as important. These could then be raised 
on the
mailing lists for further discussions within the community.  I think 
some really good ideas and suggestions came up and I’ll write up the 

that I made and add them to the wiki.

As well as discussions, networking and teambuilding happening between 
OFBiz group, we also did some networking with other Apache projects – 

example Jacopo met up with the main Freemarker Committer who lives in
Budapest. One of the outcomes was that he mentioned that the Freemarker
community would be happy to get input from the OFBiz community for 

features or improvements for Freemarker.

Once again a big thank you to everyone who took part, presented or 
helped in
anyway. I hope you all enjoyed the experience - I know that I did. 
Let’s do

it again next year!


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Re: [MARKETING] Who Owns the OFBiz Youtube Channel ?

2015-11-13 Thread Michael Brohl


have you tried to send the channel owner a message?

Just log in to Google, call and 
use the Message Button left to "Featured Channels".



Am 13.11.15 um 11:48 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi Pierre / Michael

Over the last few weeks I've tried to find out who is the Googe+ manager is
and have contacted the people who set up the channel originally but the old
passwords or logins dont work as it was pre-google+.

Anil mentioned that he did login in 2014 but the login details he sent me
dont work anymore. I think it is linked a Google+  account because I've
tried to reclaim it as the manager using the old logins but I cant. So I
think this means that someone already is the manager - but I dont know who.

Also my understanding is that Google wont give out the information about who
the channel manager is so at the moment I'm a bit stuck. If anyone else has
any other ideas then please go ahead otherwise I think we've lost it and
will have to set up an new one.


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Re: OFBiz Extensions Marketplace (OEM) - progress

2015-09-13 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Pierre,

I very much like the idea of a community driven marketing initiative and 
I appreciate your efforts on this. It could be a great opportunity for 
the community members to present their skills and solutions and show the 
users what's possible to do with OFBiz outside the standard funtionality.

As you might be aware, there was another initiative by Hans with a 
similar approach, see . As far as I see, this approach 
never gained significant success and it seems dead for a few years now 
(at least the latest news is from 2012).

My theory is, and I might be totally wrong with it, that this is caused 
by the fact that the platform is in the hands of a single company and 
primarily used to promote this company itself. This seems to be the plan 
of your approach also, your companies and trademarks are placed 
prominently at the starting page, using adserver links etc..

I think this approach goes in the wrong direction and won't get enough 
acceptance and support by the community to be successful.

From my perspective, the right approach would be to develop and host 
such a site in the hands of the community, just like the OFBiz official 
website and demo sites. It should be a neutral place where every 
contributor and service provider has the same space to present his 
services and solutions. It must be assured that the platform is 
supported over a long time and that the community can decide which way 
to go with it.

I think the risk to have it in the hands of a single person or company 
is too high to spent significant time and effort in it.

This is just my thought of the current state of the initiative and maybe 
I misunderstood the approach. My apologies if that's the case.

Maybe I'm right and you think over the approach. Any thoughts of you and 
the other community members are very welcome, I'm curious what you think.

Kind regards,

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 13.09.15 um 10:28 schrieb Pierre Smits:

The correct url for a sneak peek into the OFBiz Extensions Marketplace is

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

*OFBiz Extensions Marketplace*

On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 10:24 AM, Pierre Smits <>

Hi all,

While the development of the OEM is moving forward at a steady pace, I am
pleased to be able to provide a sneak peek into the preliminary website.
Please visit for a impression.

Please be advised that it is still work in progress and that the actual
theme and user experience might be subject to change.

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

*OFBiz Extensions Marketplace*

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Re: [MARKETING] OFBiz New Website Structure Proposals – Feedback Required

2015-09-16 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

many thanks for your work on this, it's much appreciated!

Unfortunately, I had not the time to look at it but I hope to find an 
hour in the next days before the OCD. Just to inform you that there's 



Am 16.09.15 um 09:14 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi Everyone

I’m still looking for some feedback on the revised website structure

I was hoping to get some feedback in time to see if we could start doing
some work on the Website update for the Community Day on Saturday.


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Re: Apachecon EU 2015: Thanks!

2015-10-04 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

thank you very much for the summary - for me who was not there it is 
quite interesting to read the impressions and stories from the attendees 
and it quite motivates me be part of it next year.

Would be fine to read more from the attendees (hint, hint :-) )

Thank you all for being such great representers of the project. You've 
transported a good vibe and I feel that the process of building a strong 
community is on a good way, maybe better than ever before!


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 04.10.15 um 16:00 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi All

I’m still recovering (not in the hangover sense!) from the great time I had
in Budapest with everyone. It was really good to be there and meet, chat and
generally hang out. There were a few surprises for me including seeing OFBiz
Committer Gavin Mabie there all the way from South Africa! It also was good
to see Rupert Howell and also Simon from Stannah.

This year all presentations in the OFBiz track were done by people whose
first language was not English and once again I was very, very impressed!

I think that we have a few jokers in our community  – for example someone
took a picture of Julien during his UX Design presentation when the slide
was blank! (BTW if you haven’t seen the OFBiz photos from Apachecon then
please take a look at the Twitter feed.)

Our presentation attendance numbers were good :  Jacopo (17), Hans (14),
Youssef (17), Gil (16), Nathan (20) and Julien (15).  My talk got 12 but
mainly thanks to the OFBiz guys!

All the talks were very good and I especially liked Youssef’s demo of the
Asterisk PBX integration for OFBiz where it even recorded the phone

On Friday morning we ran an informal OFBiz group discussion to talk about
any points that people saw as important. These could then be raised on the
mailing lists for further discussions within the community.  I think that
some really good ideas and suggestions came up and I’ll write up the notes
that I made and add them to the wiki.

As well as discussions, networking and teambuilding happening between the
OFBiz group, we also did some networking with other Apache projects – for
example Jacopo met up with the main Freemarker Committer who lives in
Budapest. One of the outcomes was that he mentioned that the Freemarker
community would be happy to get input from the OFBiz community for potential
features or improvements for Freemarker.

Once again a big thank you to everyone who took part, presented or helped in
anyway. I hope you all enjoyed the experience - I know that I did. Let’s do
it again next year!


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Re: Photos from ApacheCon EU 2015

2015-10-04 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Christian,

many thanks for sharing!



Am 04.10.15 um 22:42 schrieb Christian Geisert:


ApacheCon EU 2015 in Budapest was a great conference. Here are a few
photos I took there :


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Ofbiz files and images upload services

2015-10-02 Thread Michael Brohl

Of course, please have a look at the Content Manager.

Just search for "upload" in 

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 02.10.15 um 12:11 schrieb Barou:

I will like create a service to upload files and image in ofbiz
is there a place in ofbiz code one can look for inspiration ?

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Re: Error was: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "tablename" already exists

2015-09-23 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi  Derek,

I guess your relation name/fk-name  is the same as your table name, 
that's not allowed. You might want to provide your entity definition so 
we can see what's wrong with it.

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 23.09.15 um 08:13 schrieb Derek Lew:



I have created a new entity, but everytime I am getting the following error,
how do I set it in such a way that it will check if the entity is there and
don't create anymore?

Error was: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "tablename"
already exists


Best regards.
Derek Lew 刘绍雄


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [MARKETING] OFBiz New Website Structure Proposals – Feedback Required

2015-09-18 Thread Michael Brohl



Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 17.09.15 um 08:37 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:

Le 17/09/2015 08:33, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :

Thanks for the great effort Sharan.

I think we should find better terms for "Customers" and "Patrners": 
theese two don't apply well to an open source project and community 
and are more suited for a company site.

Users and Service Providers as we already use for "decades ;)" ?


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Re: Adrian Crum

2016-01-11 Thread Michael Brohl

Very good ideas, +1!


Am 11.01.16 um 18:50 schrieb Nicolas Malin:

Thanks Jacques for the wiki update and Pierre for your memorial.

The release 15.12 has been created the the 31/12/15, so the 14.12 move 
logical as the stable branch. It contains many adrian's latest work so 
it came as a tribute. We can dedicate the 14.12 on the download page 
on release description.


Le 11/01/2016 18:00, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

Thanks to all for your comments and thoughts!

Pierre Smits suggested and got published this text

I will simply add that Adrian was also a Commons committer.
He "adopted the abandoned Apache Commons Convert project in April 
2010, and I made it the home of a Java data-type conversion framework 
[he] developed for the Open for Business project."
This will be done shortly

I will also add a Memorial section in our wiki PMC/Committers page 
with a link to the official ASF memorial page for Adrian

I don't know yet how to pass our condolences to his family and 
friends but I will try something

We still need to decide about a dedicated releases named on Adrian as 
a tribute



Le 11/01/2016 11:07, Gavin Mabie a écrit :


On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 9:57 AM, Julien NICOLAS 




Le 09/01/2016 16:14, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

Le 09/01/2016 13:59, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

In the PMC private ML Nicolas (Malin) suggested that we should do
something official in Adrian's memory.

How to pay homage to Adrian for the hight work he did. So I ask 
you, do

we can/want/have the possibility to tribute him?

It's possible regard to the ASF ? By Internet site, ofbiz release

dedicate, any other ideas ?

I wish advise his family also by official condolences

(slightly modified by me to report here)

I proposed that at least we create a new section (hoping that it 

not fill too quickly :/ ) at 

Forgot to say, I have asked on PMC private ML to people who 
English is

mother tongue to propose a title for this section. Any suggestion is
welcome, it's embarrassing but I fear my English is not good 
enough, thanks!


For now I simply greyed Adrian's line and put a small comment.




Le 05/01/2016 09:04, Pierre Smits a écrit :

Hi all,

With sadness in my heart I inform you that on January 1st Adrian 
passed away peacefully. Adrian was hospitalised in December of 
last year

due to suffering from a double pneumonia. He died while being kept

I wish his loved ones, relatives and friends strength in these 


Best regards,

Pierre Smits

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Re: Reminder: OFBiz Community Day 2 - 18th June 2016

2016-06-18 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Divesh,

you'll have to add the issues to the Community Day Sprint, see the link 
Sharan provided.


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 18.06.16 um 22:53 schrieb Divesh Dutta:

Hi Sharan,

All the work done in community day today will automatically be counted in
or we have to tag the tickets in some way so that they get counted ?

Divesh Dutta.

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 3:52 PM, Sharan Foga <> wrote:

Hi Eveyone

A final reminder that we have our second OFBiz Community Day for 2016
tomorrow. For the ones who are keen and to help take account of the
different timezones, I have started the Jira Sprint today so please add any
tasks you want to work on into it.

The Jira Sprint is called “Community Day 2 – 2016'

Please note that you can still add tasks to the sprint while it is in
progress. I'll look to close off the sprint early next week so that it can
include any work that overflows from the weekend.

Remember that all contributions are welcome, however small and it all


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Re: [MARKETING] New Version of Updated OFBiz Logo

2016-06-23 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

I like the new logo, it looks modern and (for people with a longer OFBiz 
history) retro at the same time :-)

Well done!


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 23.06.16 um 17:16 schrieb Sharan Foga:

Hi Everyone

I've got an example of a proposed updated OFBiz logo to share with everyone.

In fact there are two of them, one with the word Apache and one without. I've 
uploaded the sample logo here and it's the first one (i.e. the top line) with 
the white background that we are looking at.

For those who recognise it – we've gone a bit retro and picked up this circle 
icon from the original OFBiz logo when the project first came to Apache. 
Instead of using the original blue colour, we've incorporated the same (orange, 
red and purple) colour scheme as the new Apache feather.

We've also changed the OFBiz lettering to orange as it seemed to go well with 
the new Apache colours.

For information we've also included some examples of what it would look like on 
different coloured backgrounds with white and black lettering.

Anyway please take a look and let me have your comments and feedback.


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Re: Adding products to a Catalog, and drowning in terminology.

2016-03-10 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Ged,

just a brief reponse regarding the data volume and performance: we have 
worked on projects with millions of unique products to be navigated, 
searched and filtered in OFBiz without any problems of that kind. The 
caching mechanisms in OFBiz are working very well.

The database used was mySQL.

Regards and welcome to the community,


Am 08.03.16 um 19:01 schrieb G.W. Haywood:

Hi there,

First post to this list.  I'd like to contribute to the project. When
I have things clear in my mind (if I ever get that far) I propose to
write some user documentation.  As you all know, it's badly needed.


I gained my first class honours engineering degree in 1976.  I'm very
confortable coding in C, C++, Perl and even assembler.  But I detest
Java so I don't think I'll be doing much coding for the OfBiz project.

I have a couple of businesses which might possibly benefit from OfBiz.
To begin with I'm trying to get a demonstration eCommerce site running
for one of them.  The site is running, I've given it some personality,
but as yet it has no products.  I'm using OfBiz 13.07.02 and the Derby
database at present but I plan to migrate to MySQL or PostgreSQL when
I've got to grips with the basics.

There are tens of thousands of products to import, a minimum of 40,000
up to a maximum of about 200,000 from over a thousand manufacturers if
OfBiz will cope with it - that's one of the things I want to find out.
On a 2.5GHz dual Opteron with 16GByte ECC RAM running over the local
Ethernet I'm afraid it looks rather slow at the moment.  Usually it
will take several seconds to render a page and sometimes it will take
of the order of ten seconds.

Immediate problem:

I've spent almost two weeks reading the revised volume 1 of the Data
Model Resource Book and about how to import products from data files,
and I'm not a lot clearer about it now than I was when I started out.
Most of the time I seem to be going around in circles reading the same
incomplete, out of date, inconsistent and confusing notes which very
often contain links to pages or even Websites which no longer exist.

Following this document: 

I have set up a new Catalog - or at least I think I have.  But that's
as far as I've been able to go following the text.  In particular, the
section entitled "Category Setup" is a masterpiece of confusion. The
concepts of the relationships of a Category to a Product, to a Catalog
and to each other are not clear to me.  The section "Category Setup"
suggests that one should give descriptions to the Categories, but as I
have no clear idea yet what they're for, I'm able to describe them
only as "A Sort Of Category".  To a novice like me, the administration
interface offers no help, and to the extent that it's possible is even
more confusing than the Business Setup Guide.

My main concern is if I get it wrong at this stage, but ultimately do
manage to import a couple of hundred thousand products, that I'll just
have to do it all over again after fixing my Categories.


Please would someone explain to me in simple English what a Category
is for, why I need to create four or more of them, what I need to do
with them after I create them, and exactly how that should be done?

What is a Browse Root Category (and why is it called that)?

Why should I want one?

Why does one Category have to be a child of another?  What is the
significance of this parentage?

Why is the child of the Browse Root Category described as a "top-level
browse Category" when (since it's a child of the Browse Root Category)
it seems it's not at the top level?  What is the name of this child?
Others seem to have names, but not that one.

Are the Promotions, "All Products" Category, Default Search, Purchase
Allow and View Allow categories children of the Browse Root Category
as well or are they children of the apparently unnamed and mis-described
top-level browse Category?  And are there really only two of them there:
Promotions and "All Products"?  If so, why are they seemingly pressed
into service for other purposes, and does that not run counter to the
data model ethos?

Of course I already have categories in the existing product data, and
they don't map well to those suggested in "Category Setup", as they're
more in the nature of sections and sub-sections in a paper catalogue.
I don't know if the concept of an OfBiz Category resembles my concept
of a category - note that I've used a small 'c' in my own categories
for that reason.  To begin with, can I simply not have any Categories
at all, and then add my own categories after importing the products?

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Re: New ASF Members from the OFBiz Community!

2016-03-30 Thread Michael Brohl

My congratulations to you Sharan and Jacques, you deserve it!



Am 30.03.16 um 10:14 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi All

Some great news. Two people from our Community (Jacques Le Roux and myself)
have become Apache Software Foundation members. Membership is by invitation
only so it's a real honour to be invited.

For those who are not familiar with what an ASF member is – I've copied the
current definition from the ASF site below.

“An ASF member is a person who was nominated by current members and elected
due to merit for the evolution and progress of the foundation. Members care
for the ASF itself. This is usually demonstrated through the roots of
project-related and cross-project activities. Legally, a member is a
"shareholder" of the foundation, one of the owners. They have the right to
elect the board, to stand as a candidate for the board election and to
propose a committer for membership. They also have the right to propose a
new project for incubation. The members coordinate their activities through
their mailing list and through their annual meeting. “

So my congratulations goes out to Jacques (Felicitations!) :-)


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ApacheCon EU 2016 dates, location and event website

2016-05-19 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi everyone,

the ApacheCon EU will be in Seville, Spain from November 16. - 18. 2016, 
you will find informations and newsletter subscription here:

I will see if I can be there this time.


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [MARKETING] New OFBiz Logos - Feedback Required

2016-07-14 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

I find it a bit difficult to see through the different options we now 
have with the logo proposals.

Would it be possible to embed them in a simple web page and give them 
clear names or numbers?

We also had another proposal with the disc and gradient, very similar to 
option 3. Is this now out of discussion or are the new 4 logos additional?

That said, from the 4 new logos my votes are:

Option 1: -1

Option 2: -1

Option 3: +1

Option 4: 0

Out of this vote but to be clear:

Option 5 (the gradient thing): +2 :-)
(i also liked the different background color variants, we should have 
these variants to use them for differnt purposes like slides, website, etc.)


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 14.07.16 um 09:50 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi Everyone

We've done some more work on some potential logos and have come up with 4
new ideas. I'm  aware that our scope has crept a little but the overall goal
is the same – to find a new logo that the community like so if you are
reading this message then your opinion counts!

Hans / Pierre – I know that you both strongly expressed a preference for the
old logo with the 'registered trademark' symbol but I think that more people
wanted us to correct name and capitalise the  'OFB' so that is what we have

*Option 1 *
This option uses a mixture of blue and orange with the word Apache on the

*Option 2*
This option is similar to the first option and uses a mixture of blue and
orange with the word Apache on the right.

*Option 3*
This option uses a mixture of blue and orange with our original project
circle logo.

*Option 4*
This  option uses blue and the Apache feather across the 'O'.

Please take a look at each of the options and let me have your feedback and
comments. Please also highlight which (if any) is your most preferred


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Re: [MARKETING] New OFBiz Logos - Feedback Required

2016-07-15 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

that's why I'd like to have the logo and several specified and 
consistent variants for different purposes.

We can define the CI so that web always uses the logo with gradient, 
prints use the logo without gradient etc.

For a vote, we should have a website/Wiki page which shows all variants 
with distinct names or numbers to avoid errors.

Thanks for your work on this,


Am 15.07.16 um 09:29 schrieb Sharan Foga:

Hi Michael

I also really liked the colour gradient one but Julien highlighted that he 
thought that it  would be difficult to print.

Anyway I'm going to leave this thread open over the weekend and will see what 
other comments and feedback we get.

Personally I agree with Jacques in the sense that we will probably need to have 
some type of vote on it.


On 2016-07-14 21:36 (+0200), Michael Brohl <> wrote:

Hi Sharan,

I find it a bit difficult to see through the different options we now
have with the logo proposals.

Would it be possible to embed them in a simple web page and give them
clear names or numbers?

We also had another proposal with the disc and gradient, very similar to
option 3. Is this now out of discussion or are the new 4 logos additional?

That said, from the 4 new logos my votes are:

Option 1: -1

Option 2: -1

Option 3: +1

Option 4: 0

Out of this vote but to be clear:

Option 5 (the gradient thing): +2 :-)
(i also liked the different background color variants, we should have
these variants to use them for differnt purposes like slides, website, etc.)


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 14.07.16 um 09:50 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi Everyone

We've done some more work on some potential logos and have come up with 4
new ideas. I'm  aware that our scope has crept a little but the overall goal
is the same – to find a new logo that the community like so if you are
reading this message then your opinion counts!

Hans / Pierre – I know that you both strongly expressed a preference for the
old logo with the 'registered trademark' symbol but I think that more people
wanted us to correct name and capitalise the  'OFB' so that is what we have

*Option 1 *
This option uses a mixture of blue and orange with the word Apache on the

*Option 2*
This option is similar to the first option and uses a mixture of blue and
orange with the word Apache on the right.

*Option 3*
This option uses a mixture of blue and orange with our original project
circle logo.

*Option 4*
This  option uses blue and the Apache feather across the 'O'.

Please take a look at each of the options and let me have your feedback and
comments. Please also highlight which (if any) is your most preferred


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Re: [MARKETING] New OFBiz Logos - Feedback Required

2016-07-19 Thread Michael Brohl

Sounds good, thanks Sharan!

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 19.07.16 um 12:06 schrieb Sharan Foga:

Hi Everyone

As we've had a few different opinions I think it will be good to organise a 
simple community survey with links to the options. That way people can vote and 
hopefully we can get the most preferred.

Whatever is selected, I think we'll need two versions of the logo, one with the 
word 'Apache' and one without, as I think it's important that our website 
includes the Apache version as recognition and support for Apache.  We then 
have the choice to use what we prefer on any marketing materials (eg. 
Brochures, leaflets, stickers etc)

So I will propose the following next steps

- I will put together a survey with links to all these various options 
(including the existing) and will open it up for a community vote.

   -  I will also add some fields to the survey so that people can add comments 
about what they like and don't like. (e.g they might like the design but not 
the colour etc)

I'm hoping that after the survey we will have enough feedback to work with and 
get things moving again.

So please give me a day or so to put it together and I'll post the link to the 
survey / vote here and the dev list.


On 2016-07-15 11:18 (+0200), Michael Brohl <> wrote:

Hi Sharan,

that's why I'd like to have the logo and several specified and
consistent variants for different purposes.

We can define the CI so that web always uses the logo with gradient,
prints use the logo without gradient etc.

For a vote, we should have a website/Wiki page which shows all variants
with distinct names or numbers to avoid errors.

Thanks for your work on this,


Am 15.07.16 um 09:29 schrieb Sharan Foga:

Hi Michael

I also really liked the colour gradient one but Julien highlighted that he 
thought that it  would be difficult to print.

Anyway I'm going to leave this thread open over the weekend and will see what 
other comments and feedback we get.

Personally I agree with Jacques in the sense that we will probably need to have 
some type of vote on it.


On 2016-07-14 21:36 (+0200), Michael Brohl <> wrote:

Hi Sharan,

I find it a bit difficult to see through the different options we now
have with the logo proposals.

Would it be possible to embed them in a simple web page and give them
clear names or numbers?

We also had another proposal with the disc and gradient, very similar to
option 3. Is this now out of discussion or are the new 4 logos additional?

That said, from the 4 new logos my votes are:

Option 1: -1

Option 2: -1

Option 3: +1

Option 4: 0

Out of this vote but to be clear:

Option 5 (the gradient thing): +2 :-)
(i also liked the different background color variants, we should have
these variants to use them for differnt purposes like slides, website, etc.)


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 14.07.16 um 09:50 schrieb Sharan-F:

Hi Everyone

We've done some more work on some potential logos and have come up with 4
new ideas. I'm  aware that our scope has crept a little but the overall goal
is the same – to find a new logo that the community like so if you are
reading this message then your opinion counts!

Hans / Pierre – I know that you both strongly expressed a preference for 
old logo with the 'registered trademark' symbol but I think that more people
wanted us to correct name and capitalise the  'OFB' so that is what we have

*Option 1 *
This option uses a mixture of blue and orange with the word Apache on the

*Option 2*
This option is similar to the first option and uses a mixture of blue and
orange with the word Apache on the right.

*Option 3*
This option uses a mixture of blue and orange with our original project
circle logo.

*Option 4*
This  option uses blue and the Apache feather across the 'O'.

Please take a look at each of the options and let me have your feedback and
comments. Please also highlight which (if any) is your most preferred


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Re: [DISCUSSION] Anticipate the end of life of the 13.07 branch and backport some non-bug related changes to the 14.12 and 15.12 branches

2016-06-30 Thread Michael Brohl

Great idea, +1

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 30.06.16 um 09:05 schrieb Sharan Foga:

Thanks for the response -Jacopo. (You posted a minute before I did!)

Anyway I think that I might have an idea that could solve our problem – let's 
just leave 14.12 and 15.12 as unreleased branches.

The jar issue is only an issue if we want to convert the unreleased branches 
into a release. Unreleased they can contain the jar files and the special 
purpose components etc – but if we want to release them then we need to fix 
the jar file problem before it can be released.

Christian mentions that people are using the unreleased branches, so by leaving 
them unreleased, we are actually giving our users something that can help them 
move from 13.07.

So I suggest that we seriously consider leaving 14.12 and 15.12 as unreleased 

For the next point – I think our next release should be the 16.x – so that 
means that we are not backporting any changes and can take a branch directly 
from the trunk once the gradle changes have been applied.

Comments anyone?


On 2016-06-30 07:25 (+0200), Jacopo Cappellato 
<> wrote:

On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 11:49 AM, Christian Geisert <> wrote:

My proposal is to release 14.12 ASAP, after that dropping 13.07 and then
trying to do a release 16.x with Gradle. And a release of 15.12in
between wouldn't be bad either ;)

Thank you Christian.
Your proposal makes sense but the problem is that we will not be able to
release (14.12, 15.12 etc...) until we have removed all the jars from the
distribution, and implementing this in the branches will require some
layout changes that will bring instability: the releases will be delayed
regardless and if we want to implement two different mechanisms for
downloading the jars for 14.12 vs the trunk and 16.x etc... than the
codebases will become rather different and more difficult to maintain; and
the extra effort will have to be backed up by the interested users. We have
to consider these aspects and do a reality check on resources before moving
in any direction.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [DISCUSSION] Anticipate the end of life of the 13.07 branch and backport some non-bug related changes to the 14.12 and 15.12 branches

2016-06-29 Thread Michael Brohl

Thanks Christian, for this proposal.

I think this would be the best way to go and protect all user who relied 
on the release branches as base of their projects.



Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 29.06.16 um 11:49 schrieb Christian Geisert:

While replacing Ant with Gradle sounds like a good plan, I don't think
it's a good idea to backport these changes. Seriously, when implementing
OFBiz at a customer the only sane choice is to use a release branch
(even if there is no release yet). The point of a release is to have a
stable codebase, and porting the Gradle stuff (including changes in
startup etc.) to the release branches will cause instability.
Additionally, It will take quite some time before these changes will be
done in trunk. Releasing 14.12 and 15.12 without the changes and then
later doing a minor release with the changes would be bad.

My proposal is to release 14.12 ASAP, after that dropping 13.07 and then
trying to do a release 16.x with Gradle. And a release of 15.12in
between wouldn't be bad either ;)


Am 28.06.2016 12:26, schrieb Jacopo Cappellato:

Hi all,

as you may know we are working at migrating the build scripts of the OFBiz
trunk from Ant to Gradle.
Together with this important change we are also modifying, for policy
reasons, the way we distribute the external dependencies (i.e., the jar
files needed by OFBiz): the required jars will be downloaded at build time.
Since these changes are not bug fixes, the current plan is to do these
changes only in the trunk and do not backport them to the active branches,
that are currently:

* 13.07
* 14.12
* 15.12

However, we will still have to modify these branches by removing the
external jar files and download them using Ivy.

The first concern is that we will have to work on and stabilize two fronts:
Ivy for the 3 current release branches and Gradle for the trunk and the
future branches.
The second concern is that, as a consequence, we will have, for several
years, significant differences in the setup/build steps between the old
releases and the new ones that could cause confusion and regressions when
bugs are backported.

We have already issued 3 releases from the 13.07 branch and we have a
tentative plan to issue one more release around February 2017 that would be
the last release of this series.
As regards 14.12 and 15.12 branches, no releases have been issued yet.

Based on these details I would like you to consider the following decisions:

1) anticipate the end of life of the release branch 13.07 at now; we would
not issue the fourth release as initially planned
2) once stabilized, backport to 14.12 and 15.12 all the changes required to
build the system and download its dependencies with Gradle

Please express your opinion on each of them separately, since they are
independent (i.e., you could agree/disagree on the first/second/both).



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: OFBiz Community Days 2017

2017-02-01 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

maybe we should just call them Community Days also for the single event. 
Let's say "Community Days February 2017" instead of "Community Day 
February 2017". It's more correct and sounds better than "... Weekend".

What do you think?



Am 01.02.17 um 16:12 schrieb Sharan Foga:

Hi Jacques

I suppose technically we already have a 'Community Weekend' as the Jira sprints 
include the Friday before and generally finish on the Tuesday afterwards. It 
sounds like what you are suggesting is just a rename.

I must admit that from a language perspective Community Day sounds nicer to me 
than Community Weekend but if people are keen to change it to make it clearer 
to the community then it's an easy thing to do.


On 2017-02-01 14:04 (+0100), Jacques Le Roux  

Hi Sharan,

With Nicolas and Michael we evoked the possibility to have "Community Weekends for 2017" 
rather than "Community Days for 2017".

I suggested they could start Friday morning and end Tuesday evening

What do you think?


Le 31/01/2017  11:58, Sharan Foga a crit :

Hi All

Please see below for the proposed dates for the Community Days for 2017.

- Saturday 18th February
- Saturday 20th May
- Saturday 19th August
- Saturday 18th November

You will see that I'd like to move the dates out a little. This is mainly 
because our final Community Day tends to happen around the Christmas holidays 
when so not many people are available.

I've also updated our Community Days wiki page

What do people think ?


On 2017-01-23 10:37 (+0100), "Sharan Foga" wrote:

Hi Everyone

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Community Days held last year. I'd 
like to get some feedback from the community to find out if people still think 
having these are a good idea and want to continue them for 2017.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: OFBiz Community Days 2017

2017-01-26 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

sorry for the late reply (and thanks Nicolas for the reminder :-) ).

+1 to continue the Community Days in 2017.

I have to agree with Nicolas, it's hard to manage participation at the 
weekend but I will try to be there.

Maybe we should call it "Community Weekend" instead of "Community Day"?

Best regards,


Am 23.01.17 um 10:37 schrieb Sharan Foga:

Hi Everyone

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Community Days held last year. I'd 
like to get some feedback from the community to find out if people still think 
having these are a good idea and want to continue them for 2017.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: send events from ofbiz

2017-02-20 Thread Michael Brohl
Do you want to actively send out events to another system or will the 
external system request information from your OFBiz instance?


Am 20.02.17 um 10:01 schrieb Milan Agatonovic:

Thank you, the external system (event receiver) can support anything,
simply because it still doesn't exist :)
I am looking for the easiest, least to code at ofbiz end, preferably
"enable by configuration" way where the "aggregated view / event" will be
sent out.
Any example out there?

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 9:51 AM, Vogelsme  wrote:

That is actually exactly what we do in our larger environments.
Outgoing requests are all routed via ActiveMQ/Camel.
For incoming SOAP requests we use the ofbiz-mechanism; for REST we use
apache wink (that we have integrated into OFBiz as a hot-deploy module).

View this message in context: http://ofbiz.135035.n4.nabble.
Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: createComponent task not in ofbiz16.11

2017-02-19 Thread Michael Brohl

Just checked it also:

./gradlew createPlugin -PpluginId=ofbizdemo

./gradlew ofbiz

Did not reload data, so cannot login, but get a login screen and no errors.

I vaguely remember we had a similar report some time ago but cannot find 
it in dev, user mailing lists or Jira.




Am 19.02.17 um 15:47 schrieb Taher Alkhateeb:

gradlew createPlugin -PpluginId=ofbizdemo followed by gradlew cleanAll
loadDefault and then started ofbiz and went to /ofbizdemo .. I login and
then get redirected to an empty page. Nothing crashed on screen. This is on

On Feb 19, 2017 5:35 PM, "mike Butler"  wrote:

Changed local to Germany. Same problem.

Have you got the same problem when createPlugin in trunk?  Just to exclude
any problem on my local machine.

Sent from Mail for
Windows 10

From: Taher Alkhateeb
Sent: 19 February 2017 14:51
Subject: Re: createComponent task not in ofbiz16.11

hmm, then there is a bug elsewhere I think. Try changing the locale, would
that work? if yes, then file a new issue in

On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 4:46 PM, mike Butler 

Hi Taher

Tried trunk as well – still get the same “locale [en_GB]” error displayed
in the browser when running https://localhost:8443/ofbizdemo (which
defaults to https://localhost:8443/ofbizdemo/control/main
So that is working ok)

Simple command: gradlew createPlugin -PpluginId=ofbizdemo
Restarted ofbiz : gradlew ofbiz : then the above url -> locale [en_GB]
error screen
Stopped ofbiz: then gradlew cleanAll loadDefault: gradlew ofbiz:  same
locale [en_GB] error screen
Would be interesting to see if you get the same.

Sent from Mail for
Windows 10

From: Taher Alkhateeb
Sent: 19 February 2017 09:28
Subject: Re: createComponent task not in ofbiz16.11

Hello Mike,

What was the command you used to create the plugin? I ran the command in
trunk and see the new webapp working fine.


Taher Alkhateeb

On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 8:35 PM, mike Butler 

Thank Jacques

Created plugin OK.
Ran gradlew  cleanAll loadDefault
Ran gradlew ofbiz

All OK however when running https://localhost:8443/


I get error:

org.apache.ofbiz.widget.renderer.ScreenRenderException: Error


screen [component://common/widget/CommonScreens.xml#login]:
org.apache.ofbiz.widget.renderer.ScreenRenderException: Error


screen [component://ofbizdemo/widget/CommonScreens.xml#main-


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find resource bundle
[OfbizdemoUiLabels] in the locale [en_GB] (Could not find resource


[OfbizdemoUiLabels] in the locale [en_GB]) (Error rendering screen
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find resource bundle
[OfbizdemoUiLabels] in the locale [en_GB] (Could not find resource


[OfbizdemoUiLabels] in the locale [en_GB]))

Any ideas how to fix?

Sent from Mail for
Windows 10

From: Jacques Le Roux
Sent: 18 February 2017 13:23
Subject: Re: createComponent task not in ofbiz16.11

There is also this wiki page mostly based on the main but


some migration advices and such


Le 18/02/2017 à 12:45, mike Butler a écrit :

Great. Thanks

Sent from Mail for

Windows 10

From: Taher Alkhateeb
Sent: 18 February 2017 12:35
Subject: Re: createComponent task not in ofbiz16.11

Yeah the plugins should probably replace hot-deploy but in your


This is still on-going in trunk.

The detailed documentation that you need is available in at


top level directory.

On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 2:27 PM, mike Butler <>


Thanks for prompt reply

Are plugins intended to replace hot-deploy components or will
createComponent be reintroduced.

What is the format for createPlugin task.  Nothing found in user

Sent from Mail for
Windows 10

From: Taher Alkhateeb
Sent: 18 February 2017 12:08
Subject: Re: createComponent task not in ofbiz16.11

Hello mike. Yeah the alternative is to call the task createPlugin.



do the same thing but create the 

Re: send events from ofbiz

2017-02-20 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Milan,

I think it mostly depends on the capabilities of the systems you want to 
connect to.

You can use REST services with data represented in JSON if the external 
system supports it.

If you want to use Java messaging, please refer to 
where I have tried to describe how it can be implemented.

Bilgin's Camel endpoint for OFBiz is another option if you are using 
camel in your environment.

Best regards,

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 20.02.17 um 09:33 schrieb Milan Agatonovic:

I am working with a large instance of OFBIZ and trying to find the best way
to send events outside: http, message queue (whatever).
The examples of the events are:
- new order, product catalog update, etc

The idea that is very close to what I need is
but I'd like to hear what others think and whether there is better, more
"ofbizy" way to do this?

Thank you,

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Braintree (updated PayPal) integration?

2017-02-14 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Paul,

this is great news and I believe this would be a valuable contribution.

Please refer to 
where Steve Dankanich lately announced to work on PayPal integration also.

Best regards,


Am 13.02.17 um 19:44 schrieb Paul Mandeltort:

Hey guys, anyone using the PayPal integration currently? The existing OFBiz 
integration is based on the ancient API.

We’ve been investigating and the new Braintree API, acquired by PayPal, is very 
modern, keeps CC data on Paypal’s side which greatly simplifies PCI Compliance, 
and makes a great universal payment infrastructure for e-commerce focused 
businesses. It would integrate nicely with OFbiz 16.xx’s new architecture.

I’m looking for other companies interested in getting this going, and for 
potentially sharing resources to get this back into OFbiz so everyone can 

This would also smooth OFbiz adoption.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Proposal: sending the specialpurpose/oagis component to Attic

2016-09-23 Thread Michael Brohl




Am 23.09.16 um 10:44 schrieb Jacopo Cappellato:

Hi all,

my proposal is to remove the "oagis" specialpurpose component from the
trunk and record the event in our Attic page [*].
If we will do this, the consequence will be that the component will no more
be available in future releases: if you are using it, or plan to use it,
speak up now! :-)
Otherwise, its source code and interesting concepts will be always
available in our source repository and interested parties could easily
retrieve its sources following the instructions in our Attic page.
The main motivation for this proposal is because of the tricky license of
the XML schema files under specialpurpose/oagis/dtd/
These files are an old and unmaintained version and we could not upgrade
them because since their inclusion in OFBiz the newer versions have been
re-licensed under an incompatible license. Even in they current license,
they require special handling and mention in our LICENSE file and,
considering the complexity of the subject, and the fact that the component
has never attracted much attention (based on the questions or contributions
received in the years), I think it would be safer if we remove it from the

Kind regards,



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Community Day 17th September - Sprint Report

2016-09-25 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Sharan,

thank you for putting the report together!

About counting I see some problems:

1. you cannot assign a task to a new sprint if it is already assigned to 
an earlier sprint (or I haven't found it). I had several of these issues 
this time.
We'll need a process to remove an issue from a sprint if it is not 
finished or add to an additional sprint.

2. Issues with subtasks count as one (see issue 8044 and it's 18 
subtasks) as Jacques also mentioned.

3. I wasn't able to put issue OFBIZ-8118 and it's 8 subtasks to the sprint.

All in all, I guess we have a multiple count of 19 achieved during the 
community day(s), I think it comes close to the number of commits we 
have recorded.

Thanks and regards,

Am 24.09.16 um 13:13 schrieb Sharan Foga:

Hi Everyone

First of all a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the OFBiz Community 
Day last weekend. I saw that during Saturday there were at least 103 OFBiz commits 
and the top 5 committers on SVN that day were all OFBiz ones! (Michael, Pranay, 
Arun, Jacques & Gils).

Our committers can't do their work without the help and support from the rest 
of the community so thanks to everyone that contributed. It all counts!

I've closed the Jira Sprint the report details can be found at the link below:

(NOTE: If you worked on an issue and it isn't appearing in the report, then it 
may not have been added to the sprint.)

The report shows that 19 issues were closed or resolved, another 9 others were 
worked on. I suspect that the actual work effort was a lot higher than this 
based on the commit figures alone so if we want to continue to use the Sprint 
Report to track our progress we may need to ensure that everyone knows when and 
how to add Jira issues to a current sprint.

Thanks to everyone for a great effort and I hope everyone is looking forward to 
the next Community Day on 17th December.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Docs

2016-12-09 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Craig,

I would say that this documentation does not help very much to get OFBiz 
running on Linux. The
biggest part (1.) is not related to OFBiz and the other parts are way to 
brief to help new users. 
will suit you better, I think, even if it's also brief and misses 
in-depth configuration like ajp connection between Apache and OFBiz, 
virtual host configurations etc..

We are currently undergoing bigger changes so our documentation is not 
up to date in several parts, especially the build, start and runlevel parts.

We are working on this. I'll try to get some step-by-step documentation 
together but it will take some time.

Hope to work on this on our community day on Dec. 17th.


Am 09.12.16 um 04:28 schrieb Craig Parker:

Jacques, I'm in. Chromium is a total nut job about certificates lately...

So, is this:

the preferred method of getting ofbiz up and running now? There was a 
Clifford Williams that sent an email to the list on 11/22 and he 
mentioned a doc, but I'm not sure if this was the one.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Docs

2016-12-09 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Craig,

any help is appreciated, thank  you!



Am 09.12.16 um 16:44 schrieb Craig Parker:
Well, I keep going in fits and starts, but was hoping once I got 
rolling to be helping Sharon out with docs.

On 12/09/2016 04:36 AM, Michael Brohl wrote:

Hi Craig,

I would say that this documentation does not help very much to get 
OFBiz running on Linux. The
biggest part (1.) is not related to OFBiz and the other parts are way 
to brief to help new users. 
will suit you better, I think, even if it's also brief and misses 
in-depth configuration like ajp connection between Apache and OFBiz, 
virtual host configurations etc..

We are currently undergoing bigger changes so our documentation is 
not up to date in several parts, especially the build, start and 
runlevel parts.

We are working on this. I'll try to get some step-by-step 
documentation together but it will take some time.

Hope to work on this on our community day on Dec. 17th.


Am 09.12.16 um 04:28 schrieb Craig Parker:
Jacques, I'm in. Chromium is a total nut job about certificates 

So, is this:

the preferred method of getting ofbiz up and running now? There was 
a Clifford Williams that sent an email to the list on 11/22 and he 
mentioned a doc, but I'm not sure if this was the one.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: OFBiz no start

2017-01-11 Thread Michael Brohl
I vaguely remember that this was discussed either in the mailing list or 
in the Jira issues for the Gradle migration, but have no time for 
further research at the moment.


Am 11.01.17 um 09:57 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:

Hi Michael,

You said "This has already been addressed but no solution is ready at 
the moment to show 100% after startup."

Do you have a reference about this work? I think we should definitely 
try to see if it's possible or not


Le 08/01/2017 à 10:33, Michael Brohl a écrit :

Hey Max,

thanks for the report. The Gradle status line is a bit misleading 
here. OFBiz is fully started and should be usable for you, as the log 

2017-01-06 19:08:19,773 |main |CatalinaContainer |I| 
Started Apache Tomcat/8.0.39
2017-01-06 19:08:19,773 |main |ContainerLoader   |I| 
Started container catalina-container
2017-01-06 19:08:19,773 |main |ContainerLoader   |I| 
Starting container birt-container
2017-01-06 19:08:19,774 |main |BirtContainer |I| 
Start BIRT container
2017-01-06 19:08:19,819 |main |BirtContainer |I| 
Startup BIRT platform
2017-01-06 19:08:30,441 |main |BirtContainer |I| 
Create factory object
2017-01-06 19:08:30,570 |main |BirtContainer |I| 
Create report engine
2017-01-06 19:08:32,012 |main |BirtContainer |I| BIRT 
supported formats: xlsx, postscript, docx, pptx, pdf, ppt, 
xls_spudsoft, doc, html, odp, xls, odt, ods
2017-01-06 19:08:32,014 |main |ContainerLoader   |I| 
Started container birt-container

This has already been addressed but no solution is ready at the 
moment to show 100% after startup.



Am 08.01.17 um 02:21 schrieb Max Peak:

Hi all,

My installation of OFBiz hangs during startup. No msg, just hangs at 

CPU usage for this process drops from 99% to 0% at this point.

On console: right after the bit about BIRT filetypes, then BIRT 

loaded, then hang.

Pertinent logfiles:

Test system:

Gateway box, Celeron CPU, 2.2Ghz, 1.3 Gbit mem

FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p1

Openjdk version 1.8.0_102

Openjdk RE 1.8.0_102-b14

Openjdk Server build 25.102-b14

OFBiz release16.11 installed by svn

Thanks in advance,


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Starting OfBiz at boot

2016-12-02 Thread Michael Brohl
Sorry for hijacking this thread, I will open a new thread in the dev 
list for this.

Please do not answer here for the documentation topic.



Am 02.12.16 um 11:00 schrieb Michael Brohl:
We should indeed have an additional Wiki page where the deployment, 
running and hosting informations for releases 16.x + are documented.

Which brings me to an idea: we should see if we can reorganise the 
documentation to have an entry point by release/version so that all 
informations are consistent within a release. We may have other 
impacting changes in the project and we should enable users to easily 
find all informations.

That would be a good start for contributors who want to contribute 
apart from code.



Am 02.12.16 um 09:41 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:


Could you tell us what you used in May (OFBiz version, scripts 
changes, etc.)

This is order to amend 
if needed (I guess it's needed ;))



Le 02/12/2016 à 04:34, Craig Parker a écrit :
I got this going finally back in May, but downloaded 16 tonight and 
can't fire it up. Here's how I got there a few months back...

On 05/03/2016 09:43 PM, Craig Parker wrote:

I've been following along on this site: 

and can /etc/init.t/ofbiz start/stop/restart as root, but it won't 
fire up at boot. Before I edited /etc/init.d/ofbiz, there was a 
line that said "OFBIZ_USER=ofbiz" When I tried, as root to run 
/etc/init.d/ofbiz start, I'd get an error:

Starting OFBiz: failure

Only users root or ofbiz should start/stop the application

Like I said, I can start it now manually as root, but it won't fire 
up as boot. In /var/log/boot.log, I see that same error, except now 
it says "...Only users root or root..."

What'd I miss? I'm running Ubuntu Server 14.04 just using the 
default built in database at the moment.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Starting OfBiz at boot

2016-12-02 Thread Michael Brohl
We should indeed have an additional Wiki page where the deployment, 
running and hosting informations for releases 16.x + are documented.

Which brings me to an idea: we should see if we can reorganise the 
documentation to have an entry point by release/version so that all 
informations are consistent within a release. We may have other 
impacting changes in the project and we should enable users to easily 
find all informations.

That would be a good start for contributors who want to contribute apart 
from code.



Am 02.12.16 um 09:41 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:


Could you tell us what you used in May (OFBiz version, scripts 
changes, etc.)

This is order to amend 
if needed (I guess it's needed ;))



Le 02/12/2016 à 04:34, Craig Parker a écrit :
I got this going finally back in May, but downloaded 16 tonight and 
can't fire it up. Here's how I got there a few months back...

On 05/03/2016 09:43 PM, Craig Parker wrote:

I've been following along on this site: 

and can /etc/init.t/ofbiz start/stop/restart as root, but it won't 
fire up at boot. Before I edited /etc/init.d/ofbiz, there was a line 
that said "OFBIZ_USER=ofbiz" When I tried, as root to run 
/etc/init.d/ofbiz start, I'd get an error:

Starting OFBiz: failure

Only users root or ofbiz should start/stop the application

Like I said, I can start it now manually as root, but it won't fire 
up as boot. In /var/log/boot.log, I see that same error, except now 
it says "...Only users root or root..."

What'd I miss? I'm running Ubuntu Server 14.04 just using the 
default built in database at the moment.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: OFBiz Blog - December 2016 Update

2017-01-05 Thread Michael Brohl

Thanks, Jacques.

I can definitely say that consistent, equal commit messages (using the 
same words for the same kind of change) and the commit message template 
usage really help to lower the burden.

So thanks to everybody who is taking care for the quality of his commit 
messages :-)



Am 05.01.17 um 21:25 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:

Le 05/01/2017 à 20:07, Sharan Foga a écrit :

Hi Everyone

Our monthly blog update is now available at the link below

As usual a huge thank you to Michael and Jacques for their help in 
reviewing it and putting it together!


Thanks Saran,


I'm not sure how much more work it is to have things grouped by theme 
but it really helps reading!


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: OFBiz no start

2017-01-08 Thread Michael Brohl

Hey Max,

thanks for the report. The Gradle status line is a bit misleading here. 
OFBiz is fully started and should be usable for you, as the log states:

2017-01-06 19:08:19,773 |main |CatalinaContainer 
|I| Started Apache Tomcat/8.0.39
2017-01-06 19:08:19,773 |main |ContainerLoader   
|I| Started container catalina-container
2017-01-06 19:08:19,773 |main |ContainerLoader   
|I| Starting container birt-container
2017-01-06 19:08:19,774 |main |BirtContainer 
|I| Start BIRT container
2017-01-06 19:08:19,819 |main |BirtContainer 
|I| Startup BIRT platform
2017-01-06 19:08:30,441 |main |BirtContainer 
|I| Create factory object
2017-01-06 19:08:30,570 |main |BirtContainer 
|I| Create report engine
2017-01-06 19:08:32,012 |main |BirtContainer 
|I| BIRT supported formats: xlsx, postscript, docx, pptx, pdf, ppt, 
xls_spudsoft, doc, html, odp, xls, odt, ods
2017-01-06 19:08:32,014 |main |ContainerLoader   
|I| Started container birt-container

This has already been addressed but no solution is ready at the moment 
to show 100% after startup.



Am 08.01.17 um 02:21 schrieb Max Peak:

Hi all,


My installation of OFBiz hangs during startup. No msg, just hangs at 91%.

CPU usage for this process drops from 99% to 0% at this point.

On console: right after the bit about BIRT filetypes, then BIRT container
loaded, then hang.


Pertinent logfiles:


Test system:

Gateway box, Celeron CPU, 2.2Ghz, 1.3 Gbit mem

FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p1

Openjdk version 1.8.0_102

Openjdk RE 1.8.0_102-b14

Openjdk Server build 25.102-b14

OFBiz release16.11 installed by svn


Thanks in advance,



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: To become a contributor

2016-12-19 Thread Michael Brohl

Welcome, Archana!

Happy contributing,


Am 19.12.16 um 07:00 schrieb Archana Asthana:


Please register me as a contributor.

Name : Archana Asthana
Username : archana.asthana
Email :

Please Find the link attached, reflecting my name.

Thanks and Regards,

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Log Monitoring tool / server with OFBiz

2017-04-04 Thread Michael Brohl
Hi Sakthivel,

We are monitoring our production servers with Zabbix ( 
It's not only for log monitoring but also for the JVM via JMX, the database, 
network, Apache Webserver metrics etc..

Best regards,


> Am 04.04.2017 um 19:57 schrieb Sakthivel Vellingiri :
> Hi, Sorry for the blast,
> Any recommendations on Open Source Log Monitoring tool/ server that you are
> using in Production with Ofbiz for real-time error monitoring &
> notifications.
> Going thru past history, it appears ASF Infra was using Nagios until 2014
> time frame, Not sure if an alternative tool is used currently?
> Appreciate any pointers.
> regards

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Default key size

2017-04-06 Thread Michael Brohl

Thanks Paul,


> Am 06.04.2017 um 19:59 schrieb Paul Mandeltort :
> While I don’t know the details of your application, sounds like you are 
> trying to hardcode a join into the ProductID primary key which is just going 
> to lead you to a world of pain down the road. 
> OFbiz supports composite/compound primary keys which in many cases eliminates 
> the need for an arbitrary unique identifier. 
>  OFbiz uses these extensively in 
> sub entities. Look in the entity reference (/webtools/control/entityref) 
> you’ll see the primary keys in red. 
> The supplierProduct entity is already setup with a composite primary key 
> OOTB. 
> Product.ProductID-PartyID-MOQ-Currency guarantees uniqueness within the 
> entity. 
> Why crap up your Product entity with redundant information that should be 
> kept in the supplier table? Products should be things that are, to an 
> end-user, unique. A hardware store, for example, sells framing 2x4’s from 
> thousands of suppliers, but the same end-user Product number is applied to 
> them. Under your proposed data import integration, you’ll have to maintain 
> descriptions, titles, content, pricing, associations, variants, etc FOR EVERY 
> SUPPLIER.  You’ll go insane. 
> Need to select, delete, etc all your products from a supplier? Just do the 
> simple joined query: 
> SELECT FROM supplierProduct WHERE 
>supplierProduct.productId=1 AND
> That’s the same. 
> supplier.productManufacturerCode is currently not part of the SupplierProduct 
> composite key but you could make it one if you’d like. 
> The 20 character limit is there for a reason - IDs (such as productId) are 
> used in MANY areas of Ofbiz, including forms like invoices, sales orders, 
> purchase orders, barcodes, receipts, etc, so having a known sane limit there 
> enables consistency throughout the business processes.  I wouldn’t mess with 
> it. 
> You gotta remember that Ofbiz is far from “finished”, In many areas, 
> human-readable values are “encoded” into ID fields as a shortcut to avoid 
> creating lookup entities for that information and to simplify programming for 
> things that only ever have a handful of values in the entity like with the 
> roleTypeId=“INTERNAL_ORGANIZATIO” that was mentioned originally, 
> As a general rule, if you find yourself trying to change the framework for 
> your convenience, take a real good hard look as to why you’re doing that.  
> Every time I try to take shortcuts with the data model because I’m too lazy 
> to get my data cleaned up to fit it, I ALWAYS regret it,100% of the time, 
> often years later. 
> Hope that helps!
> —P
>> On Apr 6, 2017, at 12:34 AM, Mike  wrote:
>> Apologies for the absurd reference.  Certainly the screen real estate is
>> the biggest issue.  Sure, it is nice to display primary keys within 20
>> characters...
>> But let me give you a working example.  In fact, this was a real issue with
>> me, considering the import of products.  Sure, I could have assigned a
>> non-meaningful sequential number, but I like real reference, like a part
>> number or UPC code.  In my case, multiple suppliers may carry the same UPC,
>> so I elected to create the primary key as "SUPPLIER_CODE-UPC".  This way I
>> can always work on a set of P/Ns from a given supplier.  So, the primary
>> key becomes: "1-798936836182", already 18 characters.
>> > > productCategoryId="10002"...
>> > > > > > > > > contentId="1-798936836182Den" ...
>> > contentIdTo="1-798936836182Den"/> ...
>> > dataResourceId="1-798936836182Len" ...
>> > > contentId="1-798936836182Len" ...
>> > ...etc...
>> And this is a relatively short part number sequence.  If I WANT to pad
>> extra info into the primary key.. for MY convenience, I don't have to worry
>> about the import failing due to a 20 character limit somewhere.
>> In addition, setting up the data import as above allows me to quickly blow
>> away the product, because all primary keys on all affected tables were
>> created using a consistent pattern.
>> That is all that I am saying.  Once you set up a database, you have to to
>> live with it.
>> On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 3:12 PM, Scott Gray 
>> wrote:
>>> Perhaps lookup performance isn't the only consideration?
>>> A few things come to mind:
>>> - screen realestate when PKs need to be displayed
>>> - bandwidth for syncing to slaves and transporting data to/from the client
>>> - file size for export/import be it XML or whatever
>>> Given that PKs shouldn't perform any function beyond guaranteeing
>>> uniqueness within a given table, and that we use numeric sequences for
>>> nonstatic tables, I struggle to see where it makes sense to use anything
>>> bigger than 20 

Re: REST Tutorial Not Working on Latest Version 16.11 Released

2017-08-11 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Allan,

the mentioned tutorial is deprecated as stated in the information box on 
top of the article.

Apache Wink is retired and there were several API changes recently. It 
is not recommended to follow this tuturial.

Best regards,

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 10.08.17 um 10:24 schrieb Lanzjess:

I am following the REST tutorial
but still fails for Latest Version 16.11 Released.

LocalDispatcher dispatcher =

The above code in class PingResource  is not working. Currently, the class
GenericDispatcher is private as well as its constructor.
package restcomponent;
import java.util.Map;

import javolution.util.FastMap;
import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;

import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.DelegatorFactory;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericDelegator;
import org.apache.ofbiz.service.GenericDispatcher;
import org.apache.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException;
import org.apache.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher;
import org.apache.ofbiz.service.ServiceUtil;

public class PingResource {

 public Response sayHello(@PathParam("message") String message) {
 GenericDelegator delegator = (GenericDelegator)

 LocalDispatcher dispatcher =
 Map<String, String> paramMap = UtilMisc.toMap( "message", message );
 Map<String, Object> result = FastMap.newInstance();

 try {
 result = dispatcher.runSync("ping", paramMap);
 } catch (GenericServiceException e1) {
 Debug.logError(e1, PingResource.class.getName());
 return Response.serverError().entity(e1.toString()).build();
 if (org.apache.ofbiz.service.ServiceUtil.isSuccess(result)) {

 return Response.ok("RESPONSE: *** " + result.get("message") + "
 if (org.apache.ofbiz.service.ServiceUtil.isError(result) ||

ServiceUtil.isFailure(result)) {
 // shouldn't ever get here ... should we?

 throw new RuntimeException("Invalid ");

View this message in context:
Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Integration Issues(REST/SOAP) for the latest version 16.11 release in SVN

2017-08-11 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Allan,

to find the best solution, it would be helpful to know your requirements 
for the interface between your system and OFBiz.

In some cases, it might be a good solution to have an asynchronous 
interface like a file import (e.g. if you have thousands of payment 
infos in a short amount of time, or if you want to be able to preserve 
and reimport your data in case of failure, etc.).

In other cases, a web service interface like REST or a messaging 
solution like JMS can be helpful. It depends on your requirements and 
environment parameters...

It's easy to provide your own services as REST services taking JSON data 
from a specific URL, read, parse and convert it and call the standard 
services to write data to the OFBiz database. You don't necessarily need 
a REST framework for this (although it would be great if we have a 
standard OFBiz way to deal with REST).

I think connecting to a legacy db (which should be read only if updated 
from other applications than OFBiz) is uncommon in your case. You would 
have to monitor the legacy db or put some ECA's/triggers on it to be 
noticed about the changes and write the data to the OFBiz database on 
these events. For my taste it would tie the systems together instead of 
having them loosely coupled.

Best regards,

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 10.08.17 um 08:12 schrieb Allan Zarsuela:

Hi OFBiz Dev/Admin Team,

Good day! Currently, most of my concern is to integrate our company system
OFBiz Accounting module. I am following the tutorial but I am currently
experiencing bugs/bottlenecks such as in connecting to a legacy db and the
the SOAP RPC example integration with LifeRay(https://cwiki.apache.
I am missing the correct jars. As I see there are deprecated tutorials, I
don't know which one will fit the release 16.11 svn release. For this, I
created an issue in which is

Now, I am trying the REST approach in

As a summary, I am passing payment info from a separate JSF application
towards OFBiz Accounting module. So as I look in the OFBiz documentation,
there are several ways... 1. By reading XML file 2. Via connecting to a
legacy db 3. By SOAP RPC 4. Via REST. So the tutorials from 2,3,4 methods
are very limited and missing details. And I don't know even it works in the
latest version of 16.11 updated svn link.

Platform Summary:

Eclipse Oxygen(OFBiz)
Netbeans IDE(Remote Application/Our PrimeFace-JSF application)
Ubuntu 16.04
For SOAP RPC client :

I hope you can help me find the necessary tutorial for the integration.
Thanks a lot!


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: OFBiz Blog - June 2017 news update

2017-07-11 Thread Michael Brohl

Of course it's Pranay, sorry for the typo...


Am 11.07.17 um 21:48 schrieb Michael Brohl:

Hi Everyone,

our regular monthly blog update is just published at the link below:

Many thanks to Sharan, Jacques and Praney for their help putting it 
together and reviewing it.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

OFBiz Blog - June 2017 news update

2017-07-11 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Everyone,

our regular monthly blog update is just published at the link below:

Many thanks to Sharan, Jacques and Praney for their help putting it together 
and reviewing it.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: estimate the delivery date

2017-07-10 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Nicolas,

I'm not sure.. while there are corresponding fields (estimatedStartDate, 
estimatedArrivalDate) in the ShipmentRouteSegment entity and some 
functionality using WorkEfforts, there seem to be no business logic to 
calculate it on base of e.g. facility location and destination.

I think that this will need data provided by the shipping provider as a 
base to do calculations. You need to know the route points, the 
estimated time between them and the route the shipment will take. 
Everything dependend on the shipping provider.

It would be an interesting functionality for OFBiz but I don't think 
that we already have it OOTB.



Am 10.07.17 um 18:06 schrieb Nicolas Malin:

Hello every one,

Currently I try to calculate the delivery date as information during 
the order creation process between two country but I didn't found any 
good method from the OFBiz standard like ShimpentMethodType 
association with Geo or something like that.

Do you have any feedback on the same or near problematic ?



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Transaction timeouts

2017-07-10 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Max,

you can make use of TransactionUtil, see WebToolsService#entityExportAll 
for an example.

The main pattern is

// start transaction

boolean beganTx = TransactionUtil.begin();

// iterate through generic values and store them, count numberWritten


   // commit after 500 values

   if (numberWritten % 500 == 0) {
   beganTx = TransactionUtil.begin();

// commit remaining values


Hope that helps,


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 10.07.17 um 22:47 schrieb Max Peak:

Greetings all,


I have a groovy script ( not a service) that collects (scrapes) data,
processes, and submits to db. If there are too many records, no error is
thrown but transaction timeout causes no records committed.

Is there a way to call forced commits occasionally during execution to clear
and reset the transaction queue?


Thanks a bunch


Max Peak


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Error message! Need assistance!

2017-07-13 Thread Michael Brohl


Am 13.07.17 um 09:43 schrieb harry mead:

Hi Michael,

What question was that sorry ?


Sent from my iPhone

On 13 Jul 2017, at 08:02, Michael Brohl <> wrote:


that's exactly what the error message says.

Please answer my questions I sent you yesterday here in the mailing list so 
that we can spot what's going wrong.



Am 13.07.17 um 00:46 schrieb harry mead:
It can't be that I've ran out of memory! It's impossible,
Is there no other reason?

Sent from my iPhone

On 12 Jul 2017, at 23:39, Paul Mandeltort <> wrote:

You’re probably running out of memory. Is your server running on a toaster?

On Jul 12, 2017, at 4:53 PM, harry mead <> wrote:

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: harry mead < <>>
Date: 12 July 2017 at 20:49:32 BST
To: " <>" < 
Subject: Error message! Need assistance!


When trying to create a sales order I run into this error,

when it does go through it completely crashes my ubuntu server and I have to 
restart it to get back in,

Can you please help to resolve this issue

many thanks,


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Error message! Need assistance!

2017-07-13 Thread Michael Brohl


that's exactly what the error message says.

Please answer my questions I sent you yesterday here in the mailing list 
so that we can spot what's going wrong.



Am 13.07.17 um 00:46 schrieb harry mead:

It can't be that I've ran out of memory! It's impossible,
Is there no other reason?

Sent from my iPhone

On 12 Jul 2017, at 23:39, Paul Mandeltort  wrote:

You’re probably running out of memory. Is your server running on a toaster?

On Jul 12, 2017, at 4:53 PM, harry mead  wrote:

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: harry mead >
Date: 12 July 2017 at 20:49:32 BST
To: " " >
Subject: Error message! Need assistance!


When trying to create a sales order I run into this error,

when it does go through it completely crashes my ubuntu server and I have to 
restart it to get back in,

Can you please help to resolve this issue

many thanks,


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Add Tax in AP invoice

2017-07-13 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Moatasim,



Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 13.07.17 um 08:13 schrieb Moatasim Al Masri:

Hi Deepak

Thank you for your email, but unfortunately I dont know how to apply patch !!

Is there manual how can apply?

-Original Message-
From: Deepak Nigam []
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: Add Tax in AP invoice

Hi Moatasim,

Please have a look in the following issue also.

Thanks & Regards


Deepak Nigam

Technical Consultant/Team Lead

Hotwax Systems<>

On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 7:35 AM, Paul Foxworthy 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Moatasim,
The issue is probably
relevant to this.
Paul Foxworthy
On 10 July 2017 at 18:02, Paul Foxworthy 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Moatasim,
Yes, there's a bug with the accounting transactions for sales tax and
VAT. If you look closely at the GL transactions, you'll see they
don't balance, and that's why they've been added to the suspense
journal. I have worked through fixing this for our own Bonsai ERP
product. I will write up what I've done and create a Jira, probably next 
Paul Foxworthy
On 6 July 2017 at 20:58, Moatasim Al Masri 
<<>> wrote:

I tried to add sales tax in AP invoice with press Add tax button in
invoice menu, but when I pressed ready to post, I found the totals
credit not equal total debit, and also the transaction go to suspense journal.
Kindly see attachment.
[image: screen]

Coherent Software Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 2773
Cheltenham Vic 3192
Phone: +61 3 9585 6788 <+61%203%209585%206788>

Coherent Software Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 2773
Cheltenham Vic 3192
Phone: +61 3 9585 6788

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Add Tax in AP invoice

2017-07-13 Thread Michael Brohl

Ah, sorry, did not read it carefully enough.

To apply a patch: 
(I'll add it to our Wiki)

In Eclipse: right click the project -> Team / Apply patch

If you copy the patch link from Jira before, Eclipse automatically 
recognise it an put the link automatically.


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 13.07.17 um 10:55 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:

Hi Moatasim, Michael,

Michael, Moatasim is looking for how to apply a patch. I don't think 
your link will help him (it's more for contributing a patch, the title 
is misleading)

Moatasim, to learn how to apply a patch I'd Google for it. We normally 
create patches from the OFBiz root directory, so apply from there.



Le 13/07/2017 à 09:10, Michael Brohl a écrit :

Hi Moatasim,



Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 13.07.17 um 08:13 schrieb Moatasim Al Masri:

Hi Deepak

Thank you for your email, but unfortunately I dont know how to apply 
patch !!

Is there manual how can apply?

-Original Message-
From: Deepak Nigam []
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: Add Tax in AP invoice

Hi Moatasim,

Please have a look in the following issue also.

Thanks & Regards


Deepak Nigam

Technical Consultant/Team Lead

Hotwax Systems<>

On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 7:35 AM, Paul Foxworthy 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Moatasim,
The issue is probably
relevant to this.
Paul Foxworthy
On 10 July 2017 at 18:02, Paul Foxworthy 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Moatasim,
Yes, there's a bug with the accounting transactions for sales tax and
VAT. If you look closely at the GL transactions, you'll see they
don't balance, and that's why they've been added to the suspense
journal. I have worked through fixing this for our own Bonsai ERP
product. I will write up what I've done and create a Jira, 
probably next weekend.

Paul Foxworthy
On 6 July 2017 at 20:58, Moatasim Al Masri 
<<>> wrote:

I tried to add sales tax in AP invoice with press Add tax button in
invoice menu, but when I pressed ready to post, I found the totals
credit not equal total debit, and also the transaction go to 
suspense journal.

Kindly see attachment.
[image: screen]

Coherent Software Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 2773
Cheltenham Vic 3192
Phone: +61 3 9585 6788 <+61%203%209585%206788>

Coherent Software Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 2773
Cheltenham Vic 3192
Phone: +61 3 9585 6788

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Fwd: MODERATE for

2017-07-12 Thread Michael Brohl


please provide some more information:

1. which version do you use?

2. how did you install OFBiz, how did you prepare it with (demo)data?

3. what is the console log output (I cannot read it in the video you 
posted on facebook).

Also, please have in mind that OFBiz is developed and managed by 
volunteers and answers to your questions might take some time.


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 12.07.17 um 22:48 schrieb Michael Brohl:

Hi Harry,

Your email has been moderated please subscribe to the mailing list.


 Weitergeleitete Nachricht 
Betreff: MODERATE for
Datum: 12 Jul 2017 19:49:59 -

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[MODERATED] OFBiz Contributor

2017-07-12 Thread Michael Brohl


your email has been moderated, please subscribe to the mailing list.


 Weitergeleitete Nachricht 
Betreff:MODERATE for
Datum:  12 Jul 2017 20:56:36 -

--- Begin Message ---
I wish to become a contributor to wiki. Username is

*Adam Stevenson*
(630) 234-9118
--- End Message ---

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Mailing Lists Survival Guide

2017-07-04 Thread Michael Brohl
For the mentioned guide see


Am 04.07.17 um 17:04 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:

Hi All,

I'd not say that the OFBiz user ML is a "Large Mailing List" but I 
think that Bertrand's "Large Mailing Lists Survival Guide" is worth to 
read, notably when you follow a lot of other MLs.

I also suggest that we put a reference to this guide in



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Documentation gradlew loadAll vs gradlew loadDefault

2017-06-27 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Tore,

I guess you are on a release version? The documentation you mentioned is 
for the trunk version as stated in the information box on top of the page.

You'll find the docs for 16.11 in


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 27.06.17 um 19:15 schrieb Tore Van Grembergen:

Dear All,

on the below pages it mentions that the default data needs to be 
loaded via gradlew loadAll, 

however i think it needs to be gradlew loadDefault.

If I execute /gradlew loadAll I get

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Task 'loadAll' not found in root project 'ofbiz'

Kind regards


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: email Configuration

2017-08-18 Thread Michael Brohl

Could be a problem with the SSL certificate, have you checked the logs?

And maybe the port is wrong if you don't use gmail?



Am 18.08.17 um 15:07 schrieb

# -- mail notifications enabled (Y|N)

# -- redirect all mail notifications to this address for testing

# -- the default mail server to use

# -- SMTP Auth settings
# -- Additional Required Fields needed for Gmail and other non
traditional smtp servers
# -- These added fields also work for Yahoo business mail for instance
# -- Gmail smtp port can be either 465 or 587
# -- Gmail requires StartTLS

# -- Gmail requires a JSSE socket factory, the following socketFactory
settings will override JavaMail's default socketFactory settings
# -- Port needs to be the same as mail.smtp.port
#--Fallback [true|false] determines whether you will allow a non secure
connection if you are unable to get a secure one



 Original Message 
Subject: Re: email Configuration
From: Giulio Speri - MpStyle Srl 
Date: Thu, August 17, 2017 2:32 pm

Hi James,

Could you share your email smtp settings in file?


Il 17/Ago/2017 22:13,  ha scritto:

Team - I am having a difficult time trying to configure email smtp. It
works for gmail but it will not work for go daddy or Office 365
exchange. Anyone else experience this problem and how did you solve it?



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: OFBiz performance enhancement

2017-05-18 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Giulio,

have you already considered the production setup guide in [1]?

If yes, we will need some more information as there are many possible 
performance issues (network, configuration etc.).

Best regards,

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH


Am 18.05.17 um 11:37 schrieb Giulio Speri - MpStyle Srl:

Hello everyone,

I would like to ask you some suggestion on improving performances of our
eCommerce site
We're monitoring our jvm  with NewRelic tool and response times are quite
good, and the server on which ofbiz run has minimal cpu/ram usage, but
customers often complains slowness in page loading.

Which components of OFBiz should we change or on which other aspects should
we work on to get better performances (eg: database, catalina servlet
container, Tomcat..) ?

​Thank you in advance,


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Service dispatcher threw an exception: Cannot find service location class

2017-06-12 Thread Michael Brohl

Hi Daniel,

that's great!

The necessary steps can be found here:



Am 12.06.17 um 13:54 schrieb Daniel Coric:

Hi Michael,

I see now, using 'Pony Mail', that there is no attached file in my message. 
Probably not possible - I didn't know it, I'm sorry.  I have used an email 
client to attach the file and reply and I can also see it and open it in our 
correspondence - in both of my email clients, desktop and phone.

Nevertheless, I would like to contribute and I'm gonna take the necessary steps 
to register myself as a contributor.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Service dispatcher threw an exception: Cannot find service location class

2017-06-09 Thread Michael Brohl

I guess there is a typo somewhere so that the class cannot be found. No chance 
to diagnose without all information/ the full code. If you can make a patch of 
your setting against the release version we might find the error.


> Am 09.06.2017 um 22:22 schrieb
> Hi Jacques,
> yes, this solved the problem with the 'GenericDelegator ERRORs'.
> Unfortunately, the problem with the 'Cannot find service 
> [createOfbizDemoByJavaService] location class 
> (' is still there.
> I think, someone of you, experienced OFBiz-guys, should really check out 
> this tutorial 
> with the fresh 'svn co release16.11'... for the sake of all newcomers. :)
> The newest 'error.log' - follows.
> Regards,
> Daniel
> 2017-06-09 20:52:34,397 |http-nio-8443-exec-8 |TransactionUtil |E| 
> Rollback Only was set when trying to commit transaction here; throwing 
> rollbackOnly cause exception
> javax.transaction.RollbackException: Unable to commit: transaction 
> marked for rollback
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.transaction.manager.TransactionImpl.commit(
> ~[geronimo-transaction-3.1.1.jar:3.1.1]
> at 
> org.apache.geronimo.transaction.manager.TransactionManagerImpl.commit(
> ~[geronimo-transaction-3.1.1.jar:3.1.1]
> at 
> org.apache.ofbiz.entity.transaction.TransactionUtil.commit(
> [ofbiz.jar:?]
> at 
> org.apache.ofbiz.entity.transaction.TransactionUtil.commit(
> [ofbiz.jar:?]
> at 
> org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.event.JavaEventHandler.invoke(
> [ofbiz.jar:?]
> at 
> org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.event.JavaEventHandler.invoke(
> [ofbiz.jar:?]
> at 
> org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.control.RequestHandler.runEvent(
> [ofbiz.jar:?]
> at 
> org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.control.RequestHandler.doRequest(
> [ofbiz.jar:?]
> at 
> org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.control.ControlServlet.doGet( 
> [ofbiz.jar:?]
> at 
> org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.control.ControlServlet.doPost( 
> [ofbiz.jar:?]
> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( 
> [javax.servlet-api-3.1.0.jar:3.1.0]
> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( 
> [javax.servlet-api-3.1.0.jar:3.1.0]
> at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
> [tomcat-catalina-8.0.42.jar:8.0.42]
> at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
> [tomcat-catalina-8.0.42.jar:8.0.42]
> at 
> org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter( 
> [tomcat-embed-websocket-8.0.39.jar:8.0.39]
> at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
> [tomcat-catalina-8.0.42.jar:8.0.42]
> at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
> [tomcat-catalina-8.0.42.jar:8.0.42]
> at 
> org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.control.ContextFilter.doFilter(
> [ofbiz.jar:?]
> at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
> [tomcat-catalina-8.0.42.jar:8.0.42]
> at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
> [tomcat-catalina-8.0.42.jar:8.0.42]
> at 
> org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.control.ControlFilter.doFilter(
> [ofbiz.jar:?]
> at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
> [tomcat-catalina-8.0.42.jar:8.0.42]
> at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
> [tomcat-catalina-8.0.42.jar:8.0.42]
> at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
> [tomcat-catalina-8.0.42.jar:8.0.42]
> at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
> [tomcat-catalina-8.0.42.jar:8.0.42]
> at 
> org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(
> [tomcat-catalina-8.0.42.jar:8.0.42]
> at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke( 
> [tomcat-catalina-8.0.42.jar:8.0.42]
> at 
> org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke( 
> [tomcat-catalina-8.0.42.jar:8.0.42]
> at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
> [tomcat-catalina-8.0.42.jar:8.0.42]
> at 

Re: Service dispatcher threw an exception: Cannot find service location class

2017-06-12 Thread Michael Brohl

Thanks, Daniel,

you are now added to the Confluence contributors list.



Am 12.06.17 um 16:49 schrieb Daniel Coric:

Hi Michael,

I have uploaded ICLA, my Confluence username is "dcoric".


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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