Re: BGP EVPN VXLAN for KVM CloudStack

2024-06-12 Thread Wido den Hollander

Op 17/04/2024 om 14:29 schreef Dietrich, Alex:

Hello CloudStack Community,

I am attempting to establish full Layer 3 connectivity between the KVM hosts in 
my CloudStack deployment. I have found a few resources to assist in the 
process, including the script necessary to establish the 
appropriate network bridge configuration for new VXLAN networks. I have been 
able to successfully establish underlay/overlay connectivity between 
top-of-rack and the hypervisors running FRR.

The issue I am running into is how to properly configure the cloudbr interfaces 
to properly support using Layer 3 uplinks, which by their nature are on 
different subnets. Is it not necessary to specify the physical interfaces in 
the bridge? As I understand the operation of a linux bridge, it would not be 
optimal to bridge two interfaces with different IP addresses.

In addition, is it feasible to also use VXLAN for the Public and Management 
traffic? If so, does anyone have any examples how they’ve leveraged that to 
configure the management IP addresses for the KVM hosts?

Yes, we have done so using bridges on VXLAN using systemd-networkd. I 
think it could be good to have a workshop around this at CloudStack 
Conference in Madrid this year.

Does a single cloudbr with the various traffic labels assigned make sense for 
all traffic in the VXLAN use case?

For each new network a bridge is created by, you don't 
need to create one yourself.

Your only create cloudbr1 on top of VXLAN, as we did using systemd-networkd:

root@hv-138-a13-37:/etc/systemd/network# cat*
# Managed by Salt

# Managed by Salt






root@hv-138-a13-37:/etc/systemd/network# cat vxlan*.net*
# Managed by Salt


# Managed by Salt




root@hv-138-a13-37:/etc/systemd/network# ls -al
total 28
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 21  2023 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Apr 21  2023 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  203 Apr 21  2023
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   54 Apr 21  2023 cloudbr1.netdev
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  160 Apr 21  2023
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  126 Apr 21  2023 vxlan100.netdev
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   87 Apr 21  2023

root@hv-138-a13-37:/etc/systemd/network# cat 
/etc/cloudstack/agent/|grep cloudbr1

Hope this helps!



Re: [D] Define a release schedule for the project [cloudstack]

2024-06-12 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user rohityadavcloud edited a comment on the discussion: Define a 
release schedule for the project

Github Discussions isn't the right place to discuss project governance related 
matters, but may be used for discussions and to build initial consensus; it was 
enabled only as a platform to support user-forum interactions. If the intention 
is/was to only build consensus, then fine - but many PMCs and other 
stakeholders aren't on Github. Releases, project policy for changes, 
modernising codebase, I believe there they must be discussed on the dev@ ML. 

Personally, I think we've well-defined project bylaws and release process that 
works for me (and perhaps many of us) and I'm not very interested 'currently' 
to change them, but on convincing arguments I (and others) may participate and 
help support proposed changes. We generally target two major and two minor 
releases every year for the CloudStack project and sub-projects releases are on 
need-basis. However, even if a hard policy of doing X releases a year was there 
- who would enforce them, who would drive them? And what happens if we as 
community miss that, I think there is no way to "ensure" or "enforce" that.

I appreciate the intentions but it's not practical to pull off or to "ensure" 
it happens even if there was any policy, protocol, what have you, in place 
whether it's around releases or disruptive changes.  Nobody is stopping any PMC 
or committers to do a release or lead an initiative; but releases cost time, 
energy and bandwidth, so many of cannot commit full-time on this to "ensure" 
they happen but only make our best attempt. I wouldn't consider if Joao or 
Daniel or others want to do more releases, go make it happen and update

These are whole variety of good remarks and thoughts in some other comments, 
but they don't converge on specific issues related to release schedule. 
However, I sense some new features or improvements can enable better DB 
upgrades via (new) framework/tooling that could assist better release 
management and upgrades. The following is my views on some of the things 

CloudStack indeed can benefit from codebase modernisation, and we're already 
doing that. But it cannot be replaced overnight, such changes can only be 
iterative and discussed on case-by-case basis as a separate 
initiative/proposal/idea. Some changes may be beneficial but we would need to 
be careful with changes that disrupt users upgrades, integrations and 
expectations. Community is generally good at maintenance but not with new 
features or disrupting the codebase in its entirety, which would require 
willingness of sponsors and employers to fund their people's time and bandwidth 
on such projects.

While we're still on 4.x, CloudStack of 2024 isn't same as that of 2012, it's a 
massively different, polished and improved project & product with more room to 
go. I don't think it's a bad thing. With what other opensource communities like 
Python have done with the whole v2 vs v3 transition (and they continue to do 
that within 3.10 and 3.10+), it's much better we don't disrupt the product too 
much for our users. It has both the legacy and pedigree of a product, with its 
features, benefits and issues.

The project is in its plateau of productivity so this isn't surprising we 
aren't changing much, many of us largely users may not want major disruptions, 
for users CloudStack must just continue work and continue to be boring. What is 
practical for the community will most likely happen anyway, we must continue to 
exercise patience, develop soft skills, learn to build consensus and support 
and work with others to make such ideas happen. Coding is a small part in what 
it takes to drive such changes and make them sustainable and acceptable for the 
wider community.

I think any large project such as ours, in however, whatever standards it must 
use is difficult to onboard new developers, we aren't unique in that way. For 
supporting CloudStack development learning/training, we have a [self-learning 
courseware for aspiring developers]( 
That said, I would encourage anything that helps improve CloudStack 
adoptability by developers, but it's the users I tend to include more towards.

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Re: [D] Define a release schedule for the project [cloudstack]

2024-06-12 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user rohityadavcloud edited a comment on the discussion: Define a 
release schedule for the project

Github Discussions isn't the right place to discuss project governance related 
matters, but may be used for discussions and to build initial consensus; it was 
enabled only as a platform to support user-forum interactions. If the intention 
is/was to only build consensus, then fine - but many PMCs and other 
stakeholders aren't on Github. Releases, project policy for changes, 
modernising codebase, I believe there they must be discussed on the dev@ ML. 

Personally, I think we've well-defined project bylaws and release process that 
works for me (and perhaps many of us) and I'm not very interested 'currently' 
to change them, but on convincing arguments I (and others) may participate and 
help support proposed changes. We generally target two major and two minor 
releases every year for the CloudStack project and sub-projects releases are on 
need-basis. However, even if a hard of doing X releases a year was there - who 
would drive them? And what happens if we miss, there is no way to ensure or 
enforce that.

I appreciate the intentions but it's not practical to pull off or to "ensure" 
it happens even if there was any policy, protocol, what have you, in place 
whether it's around releases or disruptive changes.  Nobody is stopping any PMC 
or committers to do a release or lead an initiative; but releases cost time, 
energy and bandwidth, so many of cannot commit full-time on this to "ensure" 
they happen but only make our best attempt. I wouldn't consider if Joao or 
Daniel or others want to do more releases, go make it happen and update

These are whole variety of good remarks and thoughts in some other comments, 
but they don't converge on specific issues related to release schedule. 
However, I sense some new features or improvements can enable better DB 
upgrades via (new) framework/tooling that could assist better release 
management and upgrades. The following is my views on some of the things 

CloudStack indeed can benefit from codebase modernisation, and we're already 
doing that. But it cannot be replaced overnight, such changes can only be 
iterative and discussed on case-by-case basis as a separate 
initiative/proposal/idea. Some changes may be beneficial but we would need to 
be careful with changes that disrupt users upgrades, integrations and 
expectations. Community is generally good at maintenance but not with new 
features or disrupting the codebase in its entirety, which would require 
willingness of sponsors and employers to fund their people's time and bandwidth 
on such projects.

While we've still on 4.x, CloudStack of 2024 isn't same as that of 2012, it's a 
massively different, polished and improved project & product with more room to 
go. It has both the legacy and pedigree of a product, with its features, 
benefits and issues. We do have a well defined project bylaws and release 
process, I think they're enough for now to govern and manage the project going 

The project is in its plateau of productivity so this isn't surprising and many 
of us including users want disruptions, for users CloudStack must just work and 
continue to be boring. What is practical will most likely happen, we must 
continue to exercise patience, develop soft skills, learn to build consensus 
and support and work with others to make such ideas happen. Coding is a small 
part in what it takes to drive such changes and make them sustainable.

Any large project such as ours, in however, whatever standards it must use is 
difficult to onboard new developers, we aren't unique in that way. For 
supporting CloudStack development learning/training, we have a [self-learning 
courseware for aspiring developers]( 

GitHub link:

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Re: VM serialnumber in KVM

2024-06-12 Thread Wido den Hollander

Op 11/06/2024 om 16:29 schreef Francisco Arencibia Quesada:

Good morning guys,

When I run on Windows wmic bios get serialnumber, I receive a blank serial
number, I have tried
running virsh edit VM, and setting :

 Apache Software Foundation
 CloudStack KVM Hypervisor

but still the same.
Any guidance? For us it is important to have the serial number field for
licensing purposes.

Do you want to be able to set the serialnumber manually or could the 
UUID be sufficient here?


Thanks in advance.

Re: [D] Define a release schedule for the project [cloudstack]

2024-06-12 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user rohityadavcloud added a comment to the discussion: Define a release 
schedule for the project

Github Discussions isn't the right place to discuss project governance related 
matters, but may be used for discussions and to build initial consensus; it was 
enabled only as a platform to support user-forum interactions. If the intention 
is/was to only build consensus, then fine - but many PMCs and other 
stakeholders aren't on Github. Releases, project policy for changes, 
modernising codebase, I believe there they must be discussed on the dev@ ML. 

Personally, I think we've well-defined project bylaws and release process that 
works for me (and perhaps many of us) and I'm not very interested 'currently' 
to change them, but on convincing arguments I (and others) may participate and 
help support proposed changes. We generally target two major and two minor 
releases every year for the CloudStack project and sub-projects releases are on 
need-basis. However, even if a hard of doing X releases a year was there - who 
would drive them? And what happens if we miss, there is no way to ensure or 
enforce that.

I appreciate the intentions but it's not practical to pull off.  Nobody is 
stopping any PMC or committers to do a release, but releases cost time, energy 
and bandwidth, so many of cannot commit full-time on this to "ensure" they 
happen but only make our best attempt. I wouldn't consider O If you or Daniel 
or group of other people want to do more releases, go make it happen and update

GitHub link:

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Re: [D] Define a release schedule for the project [cloudstack]

2024-06-12 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user rohityadavcloud added a comment to the discussion: Define a release 
schedule for the project

I wouldn't consider Openstack volunteer-based project. Two major releases a 
year, two minor releases a year is something we already aim for but struggle to 
"ensure" it happens.

Practically as and when you or anybody has an initiative discuss that on dev@ 
ML, build support and consensus and make it happen.

GitHub link:

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Re: [D] Delete Templates from specific secondary storages [cloudstack]

2024-06-12 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user nxsbi edited a discussion: Delete Templates from specific secondary 


 * Other








Unable to delete Template from specific secondary storage from UI. 



I have 2 secondary storage. One is to be retired. I have already moved all 
snapshots to the other one. However, I am not able to delete secondary storage 
because several Templates have been downloaded to both Sec Store. UI does not 
have option to delete Template from specific secondary store, it only deleted 
from the entire Zone. 

How to I do this - is there cloudmonkey option? Or manipulate database? 



Able to delete template for specific Secondary Storage. 


Not able to delete template from specific secondary storage. 

GitHub link:

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Re: [D] Delete Template from specific secondary storage [cloudstack]

2024-06-12 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user DaanHoogland added a comment to the discussion: Delete Template 
from specific secondary storage

@nxsbi , you are right. This would be a good addition. As a workaround you can 
look at template_store_ref. It does not have a removed field but for your use 
case it should, and next some API functionality should be added. 
Please let us know how you fare.

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Re: Quota Tariff Plugin

2024-06-11 Thread Bernardo De Marco Gonçalves

(Resending this one, trying to answer following along the existing thread)

Hello Murilo,

I'm reaching out to inform that I've just opened a PR (#9225 [1]) aimed at
refactoring the Quota tariffs GUI. The proposed changes are designed to
enhance the operator's experience by enabling easier creation, editing,
viewing, and filtering of tariffs based on their names, usage types, and
state (active or removed).

Feel free to review the changes and make suggestions.

Best regards,
Bernardo De Marco Gonçalves (bernardodemarco).


On 2023/11/03 05:16:24 Murilo Moura wrote:
> Guys, is the quota tariff plugin still in development?
> I ask because in version 4.18 I've noticed that the memory tariff, for
> example, isn't being calculated or saved in the cloud_usage table, in
> addition to the error that appears when trying to update a tariff (Unable
> to execute API command quotatariffupdate due to missing parameter name).

RE: Re: Quota Tariff Plugin

2024-06-11 Thread Bernardo De Marco Gonçalves
Hello Murilo,

I'm reaching out to inform that I've just opened a PR (#9225 [1]) aimed at
refactoring the Quota tariffs GUI. The proposed changes are designed to
enhance the operator's experience by enabling easier creation, editing,
viewing, and filtering of tariffs based on their names, usage types, and
state (active or removed).

Feel free to review the changes and make suggestions.

Best regards,
Bernardo De Marco Gonçalves (bernardodemarco).


On 2024/04/01 11:36:41 Guto Veronezi wrote:
> Hello Murilo,
> Unfortunately, we could not address all the changes in the 4.19; we are
> expecting everything (tariff management via GUI, Quota GUI rework,
> charts, and so on) to be working on 4.20.
> I'll take note to keep this thread updated with the new changes.
> Best regards,
> Daniel Salvador (gutoveronezi)
> On 3/30/24 15:26, Murilo Moura wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > Yesterday I installed version and noticed that the tariff
> > still has the same problem as before (Unable to execute the
> > quotatariffupdate API command due to the missing parameter name).
> >
> > Is there an estimate of when the quota plugin will be 100% operational?
> >
> >
> > regards,
> >
> > *Murilo Moura*
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Nov 3, 2023 at 9:16 AM Guto Veronezi 
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Hello, Murilo
> >>
> >> There were several improvements on the Quota plugin in 4.18 (and there
> >> are some more to come). One of them was enabling operators to write
> >> rules to determine in which context the tariff will be applied; along
> >> with that, the vCPU, CPU_SPEED, and MEMORY tariffs were converted to
> >> RUNNING_VM tariffs with respective activation rules (it supports ES 5.1
> >> on the JavaSript scripts). You can check issue #5891 [1] and PR #5909
> >> [2] for more information. You can also check this video [3] on YouTube
> >> to get an overview of the new features yet to be ported to the
> >> (though you probably will need to use the automatic subtitles
> >>
> >> Unfortunately, we did not have time to put effort into the official
> >> documentation adjustments, but it is in the roadmap.
> >>
> >> If you have any doubt about how it works or any improvement suggestion,
> >> just let us know.
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> Daniel Salvador (gutoveronezi)
> >>
> >> [1]
> >> [2]
> >> [3]
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 11/3/23 02:16, Murilo Moura wrote:
> >>> Guys, is the quota tariff plugin still in development?
> >>>
> >>> I ask because in version 4.18 I've noticed that the memory tariff, for
> >>> example, isn't being calculated or saved in the cloud_usage table, in
> >>> addition to the error that appears when trying to update a tariff
> >>> to execute API command quotatariffupdate due to missing parameter
> >>>

Re: VM serialnumber in KVM

2024-06-11 Thread Wei ZHOU
I think you can add extraconfig to the vm




On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 4:29 PM Francisco Arencibia Quesada
> Good morning guys,
> When I run on Windows wmic bios get serialnumber, I receive a blank serial
> number, I have tried
> running virsh edit VM, and setting :
> Apache Software Foundation
> CloudStack KVM Hypervisor
> 166f6f56-a8a3-4ab9-82f3-467bf90b0126
> but still the same.
> Any guidance? For us it is important to have the serial number field for
> licensing purposes.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> --
> *Francisco Arencibia Quesada.*
> *DevOps Engineer*

RE: Re: AW: Cloudstack Linstor cant do live vm snapshots?

2024-06-11 Thread test


Libvirt 8.2 has manual snapshot feature.

Will it help for making VM snapshot?

To achieve this such disks can use snapshot mode manual. When a snapshot 
has a disk in manual mode the following happens:

libvirt takes snapshot of the VM memory if requested
If a live snapshot is requested (VIR_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_LIVE) the VM 
runs until the memory snapshot phase completes and is then paused.

Otherwise the VM is paused right away.
Snapshot of disks which are marked for external snapsot is executed
The API return success, the VM is paused.
The user snapshots the externally managed storage
The user resumes the execution of the VM (virsh resume $VM)

On 2023/11/16 08:11:02 Slavka Peleva wrote:

Hi Bryan,

Sorry, I haven't done any research about how to take the memory.
Unfortunately, with the current implementation, I don't think there is 


Best regards,

On Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 9:51 AM Bryan Tiang

> Hi Slavka,
> Thanks! Another question, I understand that Storage-based Instance
> Snapshots on KVM does not support memory snapshot.
> Are there any workaround to allow memory snapshot?
> Still using KVM and Linstor
> Regards,
> Bryan
> On 16 Nov 2023 at 3:21 PM +0800, Slavka Peleva
> , wrote:
> > Hi Bryan,
> >
> > Yes, you need qemu-guest-agent to be installed. This operation creates a
> > volume snapshot for each volume that is attached to the VM while the
> > virtual machine is frozen.
> > Storage-based Instance Snapshots on KVM
> > <
> >
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Slavka
> >
> > On Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 7:47 AM Bryan Tiang
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Hey Swen,
> > >
> > > Thanks for this. But for this to work, we need to make sure each VM
> > > spinner up has the QEMU agent installed, right?
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Bryan
> > > On 10 Nov 2023 at 9:54 PM +0800,, wrote:
> > > > Hi Bryan,
> > > >
> > > > you can use KVM with linstor to do VM snapshots. You just need to
> enable
> > > kvm.snapshot.enabled and kvm.vmstoragesnapshot.enabled in global
> settings.
> > > No NFS storage needed at all.
> > > >
> > > > Regards,
> > > > Swen
> > > >
> > > > -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> > > > Von: Bryan Tiang
> > > > Gesendet: Freitag, 10. November 2023 14:12
> > > > An: Vivek Kumar via users
> > > > Betreff: Cloudstack Linstor cant do live vm snapshots?
> > > >
> > > > Hi Community,
> > > >
> > > > We are using Cloudstack with Linstor. We want to achieve live
> snapshots
> > > as this is an important feature for us (can’t live without it).
> > > >
> > > > But based on the Cloudstack documentation, KVM Supports VM Snapshots
> > > only when using NFS Shared Storage.
> > > >
> > > > Linstor does support NFS, but there are some limitations to it such
> as
> > > not being able to resize the NFS share file (need to create a new NFS
> and
> > > do manual migration).
> > > >
> > > > How are other users overcoming this issue with Cloudstack + Linstor?
> Our
> > > setup details below:
> > > >
> > > > Compute Hypervisor: Ubuntu 20/22 LTS KVM Primary Storage: Linstor Raw
> > > Block Storage
> > > >
> > > > Regards,
> > > > Bryan
> > > >
> > > >
> > >

VM serialnumber in KVM

2024-06-11 Thread Francisco Arencibia Quesada
Good morning guys,

When I run on Windows wmic bios get serialnumber, I receive a blank serial
number, I have tried
running virsh edit VM, and setting :

Apache Software Foundation
CloudStack KVM Hypervisor

but still the same.
Any guidance? For us it is important to have the serial number field for
licensing purposes.

Thanks in advance.

*Francisco Arencibia Quesada.*
*DevOps Engineer*

Re: [PROPOSE] RM for cloudstack-kubernetes-provider v1.1.0

2024-06-11 Thread Rohit Yadav
Thanks Vishesh for volunteering and glad to see a new maintenance release for 
the sub-project.



From: Wei ZHOU 
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2024 16:20
Subject: Re: [PROPOSE] RM for cloudstack-kubernetes-provider v1.1.0

Thanks Vishesh for the volunteering.
There was no cloudstack-kubernetes-provider release in the past 3
years, glad to see there are some new commits in the last weeks. Great
job !

no specific PRs/issues are needed for me.
looking forward to the new release


On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 11:26 AM Vishesh Jindal
> Hi all,
> Cloudstack kuberentes provider is due for a release since the last release 
> was in 2021. I would like to propose myself as a Release Manager for the 
> v1.1.0 release.
> You can check the PRs merged since the last release here: 
> Let me know if there is any specific issue/PR which needs to be addressed. If 
> there are no additional changes, I will cut an RC next week.
> Thanks!
> Vishesh

Re: [PROPOSE] RM for cloudstack-kubernetes-provider v1.1.0

2024-06-11 Thread Wei ZHOU
Thanks Vishesh for the volunteering.
There was no cloudstack-kubernetes-provider release in the past 3
years, glad to see there are some new commits in the last weeks. Great
job !

no specific PRs/issues are needed for me.
looking forward to the new release


On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 11:26 AM Vishesh Jindal
> Hi all,
> Cloudstack kuberentes provider is due for a release since the last release 
> was in 2021. I would like to propose myself as a Release Manager for the 
> v1.1.0 release.
> You can check the PRs merged since the last release here: 
> Let me know if there is any specific issue/PR which needs to be addressed. If 
> there are no additional changes, I will cut an RC next week.
> Thanks!
> Vishesh

[PROPOSE] RM for cloudstack-kubernetes-provider v1.1.0

2024-06-11 Thread Vishesh Jindal
Hi all,

Cloudstack kuberentes provider is due for a release since the last release was 
in 2021. I would like to propose myself as a Release Manager for the v1.1.0 

You can check the PRs merged since the last release here:

Let me know if there is any specific issue/PR which needs to be addressed. If 
there are no additional changes, I will cut an RC next week.



Re: Backup VM on Cloudstack

2024-06-11 Thread Jimmy Huybrechts
Hi Khang,

Once tested let us know how it went, I was looking at this too but got 
misguided I think by the:

To perform backup and restore tasks, Backroll's workers need an access to
the VMs storage and to a backup storage.

I only use local storage so that is not an option.


From: Khang Nguyen Phuc 
Date: Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 04:18
Subject: Re: Backup VM on Cloudstack
Hello everyone,
Thank you for all your answers. I missed a few messages, so I couldn't
reply in time. Thank you, Giles Sirett. I am experimenting with BackROLL
and will review it as soon as possible.
Best Regards,

On Wed, May 29, 2024 at 11:04 PM Jimmy Huybrechts 

> It says:
> To perform backup and restore tasks, Backroll's workers need an access to
> the VMs storage and to a backup storage.
> In case you use local storage for your vm’s it’s pretty useless then?
> --
> Jimmy
> From: Giles Sirett 
> Date: Wednesday, 29 May 2024 at 17:40
> To: 
> Subject: RE: Backup VM on Cloudstack
> Hi Khang
> The dummy provider is just that - it is a dummy provider for testing the
> Backup and Recovery Framework - it doesn’t actually do any backups
> As Joao says - you can use Snaphots
> In terms of non commercial providers for the Backup & Recovery Framework,
> have a look at Backroll
> Kind Regards
> Giles
> -Original Message-
> From: João Jandre Paraquetti 
> Sent: Friday, May 24, 2024 7:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Backup VM on Cloudstack
> Hello, Khang
> If your intention is to backup the VM's volumes, you can use the
> 'Snapshot' feature on KVM, which will create a copy of the volume, this can
> be done while the VM is stopped or running. With the
> `` configuration, the Snapshot will be backed
> up to your secondary storage during the Snapshot process. Thus, if you lose
> your primary storage, your secondary storage will still have backups of
> your VM's volumes.
> Furthermore, version will come with some optimizations of the
> snapshot process, as well as introduce the concept of incremental snapshots
> when using KVM as the hypervisor; which tends to be a lot faster and save
> storage space.
> Best Regards,
> João Jandre.
> On 5/24/24 04:32, Khang Nguyen Phuc wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I'm looking for some advice on solutions for backing up VMs running on
> > KVM in Cloudstack. I found two plugins in the documentation, but they
> > are both paid. I also saw the dummy backup, but introductions to
> > Cloudstack mention that it is only for testing the API's
> > functionality. Can I consider dummy backup as a "native" backup
> > solution for Cloudstack? I see two offerings, 'Gold' and 'Silver,' but
> > there is no information on how many backups it makes or for how long...
> >
> > Can you suggest a backup solution for me or provide clearer
> > documentation about the dummy backup?
> >
> > Thank you very much.
> >

KVM nodes with nested virtualization

2024-06-11 Thread Francisco Arencibia Quesada
Good morning guys,

Has anyone tried to create virtualized KVM nodes with nested virtualization?
If yes, how did you manage to deal with networking in this scenario?

Kind regards

*Francisco Arencibia Quesada.*
*DevOps Engineer*

Re: [D] CloudStack dev setup [cloudstack]

2024-06-11 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user oferchen added a comment to the discussion: CloudStack dev setup

try to update your proprietary dependencies this is required if you use 

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Re: [D] CloudStack dev setup [cloudstack]

2024-06-11 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user rohityadavcloud added a comment to the discussion: CloudStack dev 

@lohitslohit which version of java and MySQL are you running, can you share 
output of `mvn --version` and details about your OS/platform, for example on my 
system it returns:

> mvn --version
Apache Maven 3.9.6 (bc0240f3c744dd6b6ec2920b3cd08dcc295161ae)
Maven home: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/maven/3.9.6/libexec
Java version:, vendor: Homebrew, runtime: 
Default locale: en_IN, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "mac os x", version: "14.5", arch: "aarch64", family: "mac"

GitHub link:

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Re: [D] CloudStack dev setup [cloudstack]

2024-06-11 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user weizhouapache added a comment to the discussion: CloudStack dev 

> Any update on this?

Have you made some changes on the code or settings?

I had the same error in my testing, however, it does not cause any failures.

10:52:51.698 [main] ERROR - Failed to find
> WARNING: Provided file does not exist: 
> WARNING: Provided file does not exist: 
> Initializing database=cloud with host=localhost port=3306 
username=cloud password=cloud
> Running query: drop database if exists `cloud`
> Running query: create database `cloud`
> Running query: CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS cloud@`localhost` 
identified by 'cloud'
> Running query: CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS cloud@`%` identified by 
> Running query: GRANT ALL ON cloud.* to 'cloud'@`localhost`
> Running query: GRANT ALL ON cloud.* to 'cloud'@`%`
> Initializing database=cloud_usage with host=localhost port=3306 
username=cloud password=cloud
> Running query: drop database if exists `cloud_usage`
> Running query: create database `cloud_usage`
> Running query: CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS cloud@`localhost` 
identified by 'cloud'
> Running query: CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS cloud@`%` identified by 
> Running query: GRANT ALL ON cloud_usage.* to 'cloud'@`localhost`
> Running query: GRANT ALL ON cloud_usage.* to 'cloud'@`%`
> Processing SQL file at 
> Processing SQL file at 
> Processing SQL file at 
> Processing SQL file at 
> Processing upgrade:
10:53:28.721 [main] ERROR - Unable to find 
properties file:
[INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.8.2:attach-descriptor (attach-descriptor) @ 
cloud-developer ---
[INFO] No site descriptor found: nothing to attach.
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ 
cloud-developer ---
[INFO] Installing /data/cloudstack/developer/pom.xml to 
[INFO] Total time:  01:13 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-06-10T10:53:45Z


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Re: [D] CloudStack dev setup [cloudstack]

2024-06-11 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user lohitslohit added a comment to the discussion: CloudStack dev setup

@weizhouapache During thre build process I had used `mvn -Pdeveloper,systemvm 
clean install` No error while executing this command. 

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Re: [D] CloudStack dev setup [cloudstack]

2024-06-11 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user weizhouapache added a comment to the discussion: CloudStack dev 

have you built the project successfully before running the command ?
what commands did you run ?

GitHub link:

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Re: [D] CloudStack dev setup [cloudstack]

2024-06-11 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user lohitslohit added a comment to the discussion: CloudStack dev setup

Any update on this?

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Re: Backup VM on Cloudstack

2024-06-10 Thread Khang Nguyen Phuc
Hello everyone,
Thank you for all your answers. I missed a few messages, so I couldn't
reply in time. Thank you, Giles Sirett. I am experimenting with BackROLL
and will review it as soon as possible.
Best Regards,

On Wed, May 29, 2024 at 11:04 PM Jimmy Huybrechts 

> It says:
> To perform backup and restore tasks, Backroll's workers need an access to
> the VMs storage and to a backup storage.
> In case you use local storage for your vm’s it’s pretty useless then?
> --
> Jimmy
> From: Giles Sirett 
> Date: Wednesday, 29 May 2024 at 17:40
> To: 
> Subject: RE: Backup VM on Cloudstack
> Hi Khang
> The dummy provider is just that - it is a dummy provider for testing the
> Backup and Recovery Framework - it doesn’t actually do any backups
> As Joao says - you can use Snaphots
> In terms of non commercial providers for the Backup & Recovery Framework,
> have a look at Backroll
> Kind Regards
> Giles
> -Original Message-
> From: João Jandre Paraquetti 
> Sent: Friday, May 24, 2024 7:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Backup VM on Cloudstack
> Hello, Khang
> If your intention is to backup the VM's volumes, you can use the
> 'Snapshot' feature on KVM, which will create a copy of the volume, this can
> be done while the VM is stopped or running. With the
> `` configuration, the Snapshot will be backed
> up to your secondary storage during the Snapshot process. Thus, if you lose
> your primary storage, your secondary storage will still have backups of
> your VM's volumes.
> Furthermore, version will come with some optimizations of the
> snapshot process, as well as introduce the concept of incremental snapshots
> when using KVM as the hypervisor; which tends to be a lot faster and save
> storage space.
> Best Regards,
> João Jandre.
> On 5/24/24 04:32, Khang Nguyen Phuc wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I'm looking for some advice on solutions for backing up VMs running on
> > KVM in Cloudstack. I found two plugins in the documentation, but they
> > are both paid. I also saw the dummy backup, but introductions to
> > Cloudstack mention that it is only for testing the API's
> > functionality. Can I consider dummy backup as a "native" backup
> > solution for Cloudstack? I see two offerings, 'Gold' and 'Silver,' but
> > there is no information on how many backups it makes or for how long...
> >
> > Can you suggest a backup solution for me or provide clearer
> > documentation about the dummy backup?
> >
> > Thank you very much.
> >

CloudStack as a Service

2024-06-10 Thread Felipe Rossi
Hi Everyone,

We are developing a strategy to deploy 4 Regions in The World to community
use your on premise infrastructure to be orchestrated remotely via
CloudStack as a Service.

We are deploying Regions in Brazil, EUA, Europe and India Initially.
Today we already have this model working in Brazil with some companies with
100% of success.

In this project in no is a non-profit project to meet the demands of
clients who require orchestration delivered by a specialized team.

For customers who want to evolve with a paid level of support, it can be
contracted and in addition they can overflow the hiring of resources within
the available regions/zones.

We are planning to create an ecosystem of company maintainers that can
deliver together in this project global scale solutions of white label
services using cloudstack platform.

For people that have some interest in participating in this and companies.
Please answer this email and maintain community email in CC to
accelerate the evolution of CloudStack delivering a new model to market.

If you would like to understand details of the project, feel free to
contact us to discuss and present the model.

Best Regards,
Felipe Rossi
CEO Founder


[image: mobilePhone] 45 3326-4568  <45%203326-4568>| 45 99116-0094
[image: emailAddress]
[image: website]
[image: address] Rua Plínio Salgado 433, Neva, Cascavel - PR

Management Interface on a VLAN for XCP-NG

2024-06-09 Thread Marty Godsey
I found this issue on the Github site:

The issue was closed because it was a duplicate:

But there has not been any movement on this since Jan 2021. Is this something 
that is still marked to be added?

RE: [Proposal] Storage Filesystem as a First Class Feature

2024-06-06 Thread Alex Mattioli
Fair points, thanks for the input.



-Original Message-
From: Wido den Hollander  
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 4:38 PM
To:; Wei ZHOU 
Cc: Wei Zhou ; Abhisar Sinha 
Subject: Re: [Proposal] Storage Filesystem as a First Class Feature

Op 06/06/2024 om 11:26 schreef Wei ZHOU:
>> @Wei Zhou If the network into which the StorageVM runs IPv6 (as per your 
>> implementation of IPv6) it should automatically get an IPv6 IP, correct?
> yes,it should get Ipv6 addr advertised by cloudstack VR. 
> we need to make sure IPv6 is enabled in the storagefs vm (Ipv6 is 
> disabled by default in systemvm template as far as I know), and proper 
> firewall rules are applied.

Don't forget that you also need to make sure that your NFS /etc/exports file 
contains the IPv6 addresses of VMs who want to mount it. Otherwise it still 
doesn't work.

>> @Wido den Hollander @Wei ZhouHow much effort do you guys thing it would it 
>> take to add support to VirtioFS?  I'm not super aware of it, what would the 
>> benefits be? (I've quickly looked at Wido's links, but I rather get info 
>> from you guys directly).
> I see the benefits . However I do not know a strong use case of it.
> maybe @wido can advise ?

I haven't used it before because the support in Qemu + Libvirt is fairly new. 
The main benefit is that the end-user never has access to the NAS or storage 
network. The VM doesn't know if it's NFS or CephFS underneath, it simply has a 
filesystem. This takes away a lot of configuration inside the VM or needed 
software (CephFS drivers).

It adds additional security since the VM doesn't need to be able to talk to the 
storage device(s), only the hypervisors do this.

In the future Virtio-FS maybe gets support for rate limiting or other features. 
I personally think this is the way forward.

I would at least make sure it's understood that it exists and the code already 
takes this into account without making it a proper implementation from day one.

You would need to mount the FS on the hypervisor and then re-export it to the 
VM. This requires hooks to be executed for example.


> On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 11:01 AM Alex Mattioli 
>  wrote:
>> @Wei Zhou If the network into which the StorageVM runs IPv6 (as per your 
>> implementation of IPv6) it should automatically get an IPv6 IP, correct?
>> @Wido den Hollander @Wei ZhouHow much effort do you guys thing it would it 
>> take to add support to VirtioFS?  I'm not super aware of it, what would the 
>> benefits be? (I've quickly looked at Wido's links, but I rather get info 
>> from you guys directly).
>> Cheers
>> Alex
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Wei ZHOU 
>> Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 10:50 AM
>> To:
>> Cc: Abhisar Sinha 
>> Subject: Re: [Proposal] Storage Filesystem as a First Class Feature
>> Hi Wido,
>> Thanks for your feedback.
>> It is a great idea to support virtio-fs. We could add VIRTIOFS as a valid 
>> value of enum ExportProtocol, and implement it in a separate plugin in the 
>> future.
>> Have you tested virtio-fs before ? Could you share more info if possible?
>> - is it supported by libvirt-java ?
>> - does it support hot plug or hot unplug ?
>> I agree with you that we should consider IPv6 (ip and firewall rules) in 
>> storagefs vm.
>> cc
>> Kind regards,
>> Wei
>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 6:43 AM Wido den Hollander  
>> wrote:
>>> Op 04/06/2024 om 06:04 schreef Abhisar Sinha:

 I would like to propose supporting storage filesystem as a first-class 
 feature in Cloudstack.
 The File Share can be associated with one or more guest networks or vpc 
 tiers and can be used by any VM on the network in a shared manner. It is 
 designed to be resizable and highly available. This feature can later be 
 used as integration endpoints with the CSI driver, go-sdk, Terraform, 
 Ansible and others.

 The draft functional spec is here :

 Looking forward to your comments and suggestions.

>>> I think this is great! Especially the Storage VM. Few things to keep 
>>> in
>>> mind:
>>> - Have we thought about passthrough of FileSystems coming from the 
>>> HV and being passed through to the VM [0]
>>> - The StorageFsVm, can we make sure it supports IPv6 from the start, 
>>> best would be if it. Make sure all the code at least supports this 
>>> for ACLs and such. The VM itself should obtain an IPv6 address when 
>>> possible and open the proper ports in it's firewall
>>> Wido
>>> [0]:
>>> -
>>> -

Re: [Proposal] Storage Filesystem as a First Class Feature

2024-06-06 Thread Wido den Hollander

Op 06/06/2024 om 11:26 schreef Wei ZHOU:

@Wei Zhou If the network into which the StorageVM runs IPv6 (as per your 
implementation of IPv6) it should automatically get an IPv6 IP, correct?

yes,it should get Ipv6 addr advertised by cloudstack VR.
we need to make sure IPv6 is enabled in the storagefs vm (Ipv6 is
disabled by default in systemvm template as far as I know), and proper
firewall rules are applied.

Don't forget that you also need to make sure that your NFS /etc/exports 
file contains the IPv6 addresses of VMs who want to mount it. Otherwise 
it still doesn't work.

@Wido den Hollander @Wei ZhouHow much effort do you guys thing it would it take 
to add support to VirtioFS?  I'm not super aware of it, what would the benefits 
be? (I've quickly looked at Wido's links, but I rather get info from you guys 

I see the benefits . However I do not know a strong use case of it.
maybe @wido can advise ?

I haven't used it before because the support in Qemu + Libvirt is fairly 
new. The main benefit is that the end-user never has access to the NAS 
or storage network. The VM doesn't know if it's NFS or CephFS 
underneath, it simply has a filesystem. This takes away a lot of 
configuration inside the VM or needed software (CephFS drivers).

It adds additional security since the VM doesn't need to be able to talk 
to the storage device(s), only the hypervisors do this.

In the future Virtio-FS maybe gets support for rate limiting or other 
features. I personally think this is the way forward.

I would at least make sure it's understood that it exists and the code 
already takes this into account without making it a proper 
implementation from day one.

You would need to mount the FS on the hypervisor and then re-export it 
to the VM. This requires hooks to be executed for example.


On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 11:01 AM Alex Mattioli

@Wei Zhou If the network into which the StorageVM runs IPv6 (as per your 
implementation of IPv6) it should automatically get an IPv6 IP, correct?

@Wido den Hollander @Wei ZhouHow much effort do you guys thing it would it take 
to add support to VirtioFS?  I'm not super aware of it, what would the benefits 
be? (I've quickly looked at Wido's links, but I rather get info from you guys 


-Original Message-
From: Wei ZHOU 
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 10:50 AM
Cc: Abhisar Sinha 
Subject: Re: [Proposal] Storage Filesystem as a First Class Feature

Hi Wido,

Thanks for your feedback.

It is a great idea to support virtio-fs. We could add VIRTIOFS as a valid value 
of enum ExportProtocol, and implement it in a separate plugin in the future.
Have you tested virtio-fs before ? Could you share more info if possible?
- is it supported by libvirt-java ?
- does it support hot plug or hot unplug ?

I agree with you that we should consider IPv6 (ip and firewall rules) in 
storagefs vm.

Kind regards,

On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 6:43 AM Wido den Hollander  

Op 04/06/2024 om 06:04 schreef Abhisar Sinha:


I would like to propose supporting storage filesystem as a first-class feature 
in Cloudstack.
The File Share can be associated with one or more guest networks or vpc tiers 
and can be used by any VM on the network in a shared manner. It is designed to 
be resizable and highly available. This feature can later be used as 
integration endpoints with the CSI driver, go-sdk, Terraform, Ansible and 

The draft functional spec is here :

Looking forward to your comments and suggestions.

I think this is great! Especially the Storage VM. Few things to keep

- Have we thought about passthrough of FileSystems coming from the HV
and being passed through to the VM [0]
- The StorageFsVm, can we make sure it supports IPv6 from the start,
best would be if it. Make sure all the code at least supports this for
ACLs and such. The VM itself should obtain an IPv6 address when
possible and open the proper ports in it's firewall




CSEUG Germany - Frankfurt, September 12th

2024-06-06 Thread Ivet Petrova
Hi all,

I am writing to remind that on September 12th, we will be having the CloudStack 
EU User Group, organised and hosted by proIO in Frankfurt, Germany.
The CFP is now open and will close on August 2nd:
Please, submit a talk on the form above. All talks - from user stories to 
technical presentations and workshops are welcome. However considering this is 
a 1-day event, there is limited capacity for speakers, so ensure you submit a 
talk fast.

Also you can register for the event here:

Best regards,


Re: Upcoming CloudStack Upgrade: Seeking Insights and Experiences

2024-06-06 Thread Alex Mattioli
Hi Ahmed,

The single most important piece of advice I can give you is to make a copy of 
your ACS database, load it on a lab MySQL server, setup your current version of 
ACS and then run the upgrade in your lab with  the production database. That 
will help avoid most issues.



From: Azmir Ahmed 
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 12:39 PM
Cc: Product Development | BEXIMCO IT 
Subject: Upcoming CloudStack Upgrade: Seeking Insights and Experiences

Dear CloudStack Users/Team,

We are planning to update our CloudStack environment from version 4.17.x to
4.19.x. Additionally, we are using a Ceph storage cluster for our storage
solution. If anyone has faced challenges or has suggestions based on real
experiences, please share your insights.

*Upgrade Details:*

   - *Current CloudStack Version:* 4.17.x
   - *Target CloudStack Version:* 4.19.x
   - *Storage Solution:* Ceph storage cluster

Your feedback and any advice on potential challenges or best practices
would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
*Azmir Ahmed*
Manager, Product Development
IT Division

Bangladesh Export Import Company Ltd.
Level-8, SAM Tower, Plot #4, Road #22, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212,Bangladesh
Tel: +880 9609 000 999, +880 2 5881 5559, Ext: 14193, Fax: +880 2 9895757
Cell:+880 1787680841, Email:, Web:

Upcoming CloudStack Upgrade: Seeking Insights and Experiences

2024-06-06 Thread Azmir Ahmed
Dear CloudStack Users/Team,

We are planning to update our CloudStack environment from version 4.17.x to
4.19.x. Additionally, we are using a Ceph storage cluster for our storage
solution. If anyone has faced challenges or has suggestions based on real
experiences, please share your insights.

*Upgrade Details:*

   - *Current CloudStack Version:* 4.17.x
   - *Target CloudStack Version:* 4.19.x
   - *Storage Solution:* Ceph storage cluster

Your feedback and any advice on potential challenges or best practices
would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
*Azmir Ahmed*
Manager, Product Development
IT Division

Bangladesh Export Import Company Ltd.
Level-8, SAM Tower, Plot #4, Road #22, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212,Bangladesh
Tel: +880 9609 000 999, +880 2 5881 5559, Ext: 14193, Fax: +880 2 9895757
Cell:+880 1787680841, Email:, Web:

Re: [Proposal] Storage Filesystem as a First Class Feature

2024-06-06 Thread Wei ZHOU
> @Wei Zhou If the network into which the StorageVM runs IPv6 (as per your 
> implementation of IPv6) it should automatically get an IPv6 IP, correct?

yes,it should get Ipv6 addr advertised by cloudstack VR.
we need to make sure IPv6 is enabled in the storagefs vm (Ipv6 is
disabled by default in systemvm template as far as I know), and proper
firewall rules are applied.

> @Wido den Hollander @Wei ZhouHow much effort do you guys thing it would it 
> take to add support to VirtioFS?  I'm not super aware of it, what would the 
> benefits be? (I've quickly looked at Wido's links, but I rather get info from 
> you guys directly).
I see the benefits . However I do not know a strong use case of it.
maybe @wido can advise ?

On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 11:01 AM Alex Mattioli
> @Wei Zhou If the network into which the StorageVM runs IPv6 (as per your 
> implementation of IPv6) it should automatically get an IPv6 IP, correct?
> @Wido den Hollander @Wei ZhouHow much effort do you guys thing it would it 
> take to add support to VirtioFS?  I'm not super aware of it, what would the 
> benefits be? (I've quickly looked at Wido's links, but I rather get info from 
> you guys directly).
> Cheers
> Alex
> -Original Message-
> From: Wei ZHOU 
> Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 10:50 AM
> To:
> Cc: Abhisar Sinha 
> Subject: Re: [Proposal] Storage Filesystem as a First Class Feature
> Hi Wido,
> Thanks for your feedback.
> It is a great idea to support virtio-fs. We could add VIRTIOFS as a valid 
> value of enum ExportProtocol, and implement it in a separate plugin in the 
> future.
> Have you tested virtio-fs before ? Could you share more info if possible?
> - is it supported by libvirt-java ?
> - does it support hot plug or hot unplug ?
> I agree with you that we should consider IPv6 (ip and firewall rules) in 
> storagefs vm.
> cc
> Kind regards,
> Wei
> On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 6:43 AM Wido den Hollander  
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Op 04/06/2024 om 06:04 schreef Abhisar Sinha:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I would like to propose supporting storage filesystem as a first-class 
> > > feature in Cloudstack.
> > > The File Share can be associated with one or more guest networks or vpc 
> > > tiers and can be used by any VM on the network in a shared manner. It is 
> > > designed to be resizable and highly available. This feature can later be 
> > > used as integration endpoints with the CSI driver, go-sdk, Terraform, 
> > > Ansible and others.
> > >
> > > The draft functional spec is here :
> > >
> > > ystem+as+a+First+Class+Feature
> > >
> > > Looking forward to your comments and suggestions.
> > >
> >
> > I think this is great! Especially the Storage VM. Few things to keep
> > in
> > mind:
> >
> > - Have we thought about passthrough of FileSystems coming from the HV
> > and being passed through to the VM [0]
> > - The StorageFsVm, can we make sure it supports IPv6 from the start,
> > best would be if it. Make sure all the code at least supports this for
> > ACLs and such. The VM itself should obtain an IPv6 address when
> > possible and open the proper ports in it's firewall
> >
> > Wido
> >
> > [0]:
> > -
> > -
> >
> >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Abhisar
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >

RE: [Proposal] Storage Filesystem as a First Class Feature

2024-06-06 Thread Alex Mattioli

@Wei Zhou If the network into which the StorageVM runs IPv6 (as per your 
implementation of IPv6) it should automatically get an IPv6 IP, correct?

@Wido den Hollander @Wei ZhouHow much effort do you guys thing it would it take 
to add support to VirtioFS?  I'm not super aware of it, what would the benefits 
be? (I've quickly looked at Wido's links, but I rather get info from you guys 



-Original Message-
From: Wei ZHOU  
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 10:50 AM
Cc: Abhisar Sinha 
Subject: Re: [Proposal] Storage Filesystem as a First Class Feature

Hi Wido,

Thanks for your feedback.

It is a great idea to support virtio-fs. We could add VIRTIOFS as a valid value 
of enum ExportProtocol, and implement it in a separate plugin in the future.
Have you tested virtio-fs before ? Could you share more info if possible?
- is it supported by libvirt-java ?
- does it support hot plug or hot unplug ?

I agree with you that we should consider IPv6 (ip and firewall rules) in 
storagefs vm.

Kind regards,

On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 6:43 AM Wido den Hollander  
> Op 04/06/2024 om 06:04 schreef Abhisar Sinha:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I would like to propose supporting storage filesystem as a first-class 
> > feature in Cloudstack.
> > The File Share can be associated with one or more guest networks or vpc 
> > tiers and can be used by any VM on the network in a shared manner. It is 
> > designed to be resizable and highly available. This feature can later be 
> > used as integration endpoints with the CSI driver, go-sdk, Terraform, 
> > Ansible and others.
> >
> > The draft functional spec is here : 
> >
> > ystem+as+a+First+Class+Feature
> >
> > Looking forward to your comments and suggestions.
> >
> I think this is great! Especially the Storage VM. Few things to keep 
> in
> mind:
> - Have we thought about passthrough of FileSystems coming from the HV 
> and being passed through to the VM [0]
> - The StorageFsVm, can we make sure it supports IPv6 from the start, 
> best would be if it. Make sure all the code at least supports this for 
> ACLs and such. The VM itself should obtain an IPv6 address when 
> possible and open the proper ports in it's firewall
> Wido
> [0]:
> -
> -
> > Thanks,
> > Abhisar
> >
> >
> >
> >

RE: [Proposal] Storage Filesystem as a First Class Feature

2024-06-06 Thread Alex Mattioli
Hi Wido,

The StorageVM will receive an IP from the Isolated network (or VPC tier) it 
belongs to. If that network is setup for IPv6 (or dual-stack), then the 
StorageVM will use IPv6. 

Regarding file system pass through, that's definitely an possible enhancement 
for a future version, we'd like to keep this one as simple as we can for now.



-Original Message-
From: Wido den Hollander  
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 6:43 AM
To:; Abhisar Sinha 
Subject: Re: [Proposal] Storage Filesystem as a First Class Feature

Op 04/06/2024 om 06:04 schreef Abhisar Sinha:
> Hi,
> I would like to propose supporting storage filesystem as a first-class 
> feature in Cloudstack.
> The File Share can be associated with one or more guest networks or vpc tiers 
> and can be used by any VM on the network in a shared manner. It is designed 
> to be resizable and highly available. This feature can later be used as 
> integration endpoints with the CSI driver, go-sdk, Terraform, Ansible and 
> others.
> The draft functional spec is here : 
> tem+as+a+First+Class+Feature
> Looking forward to your comments and suggestions.

I think this is great! Especially the Storage VM. Few things to keep in

- Have we thought about passthrough of FileSystems coming from the HV and being 
passed through to the VM [0]
- The StorageFsVm, can we make sure it supports IPv6 from the start, best would 
be if it. Make sure all the code at least supports this for ACLs and such. The 
VM itself should obtain an IPv6 address when possible and open the proper ports 
in it's firewall



> Thanks,
> Abhisar

Thanks for CoC EU

2024-06-06 Thread Ivet Petrova
Hi Rich, Brian, Ryan, Pedro and I hope I am not missing someone :)

On behalf of the Apache CloudStack community, I would like to thank you for the 
organisation and having our project at the Community Over Code EU.
It was great to meet the ASF community and interact with other projects. I hope 
we also managed to present good our project and the CloudStack Community.
Hope to see you all soon!

Best regards,


H10 Tribeca Hotel and other hotels- CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2024

2024-06-06 Thread Ivet Petrova
Hi all,

I am writing to share that we have agreed with the H10 Tribeca Hotel in Madrid 
to be the official accommodation for all people, who would like to book a room 
for the yearly CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2024.

If you would like to stay at the same place as the other event attendees, 
please book a room there. The prices for the hotel fluctuate on a daily basis, 
and we agreed for a fixed price of 175 EUR for a twin room with breakfast 
However, I would suggest you check what price the hotel will offer without and 
with promo code and then make the final booking to get the best price.
The team at ShapeBlue and a few other people already booked our rooms there.

In terms of the booking, I would like to remind the event agenda:
Nov 20 - Hackathon
Nov 21 - official event opening, talks, workshops, drinks in the eveing
Nov 22  - talks, workshops, event closes.

Other hotels, which are nearby the event space Orense 34 
( are:
1. AC Hotel Aitana
2. NYX Madrid
3. Canopy by Hilton Madrid Castellana
4. Espahotel Plaza Basílica
5. Hotel Luze Castellana

Best regards,


Re: System VM static IPs

2024-06-05 Thread Nischal P
Hi Jimmy and Marty

I am sorry about that, please let me know if you can access these links.

1. To Add IPs Tab

2. Setting reservation

Please let me know if you have any questions about this.

Thanks & Regards

On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 3:11 PM Jimmy Huybrechts 

> Hi Nischal,
> You’re pictures are not working.
> --
> Jimmy
> From: Nischal P 
> Date: Wednesday, 5 June 2024 at 06:30
> To: 
> Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> Hi Marty
> There is an option from the UI also that I just remembered, When you go to
> the Zones > Physical Network > network Name > Traffic Types Then Add IP
> Range for Public IPs
> [cid:ii_lx1bx2301]
> Please select Option of Set Reservation and SystemVMs which will enable
> reserving IP for SSVM and CPVM.
> [cid:ii_lx1bvqhz0]
> On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 2:42 AM Marty Godsey>> wrote:
> No worries, Wei. I do think it would be an excellent feature request, but
> it’s not a “deal killer” or causing any harm; it’s just kind of annoying at
> times. 
> And creating a separate dedicated IP range, on the surface, would just be
> more work than it is worth at this point.
> From: Wei ZHOU>>
> Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 4:48 PM
> To: <
> Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> the content is safe.
> As Nischal said, currently ACS does not reserve IPs for system vms. The
> workaround is, create or dedicate a public Ip range (with at least 2 IPs)
> to system vms.
> I think it is a valid feature request to reserve IPs (not ip range) for
> system vms. But we also need to consider what if some users want to change
> the system vm IPs (to a random public ip or specific public ip)
> -Wei
> On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Marty Godsey>> wrote:
> > Hello Nischal,
> >
> > That’s why I ask about reservations; it doesn’t. For example, I destroyed
> > and recreated a console proxy yesterday, and when it was recreated, it
> > grabbed another IP. I am 100% confident that the IP that it just had
> about
> > 30 seconds prior was not taken by a customer.
> >
> > This is a install. If this is not normal behavior, where can I
> > look to troubleshoot this?
> >
> > From: Nischal P>>
> > Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 9:51 AM
> > To: <
> > Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> > WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> > click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> > the content is safe.
> >
> >
> > Hi Wei,
> >
> > We won't be able to reserve for specific systems, but we do reserve 2 IPs
> > which would be used for SSVM and CPVM, the only thing we follow is that
> we
> > Destroy 1 systemVM at a time so that it would take the same IP each time.
> >
> >
> > Thanks & Regards
> > Nischal
> >
> > On Tue, 4 Jun, 2024, 3:49 pm Wei ZHOU,>> wrote:
> >
> > > This should works.
> > > I am wondering if we can reserve specific IP for system vms, like ACS
> > does
> > > for virtual routers.
> > >
> > > -Wei
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Nischal P>> wrote:
> > >
> > > > HI Marty
> > > >
> > > > You could technically reserve the IPs for System VMs to grab the IPs
> > > using
> > > > the DB, by updating the table  user_ip_address
> > > >
> > > > update user_ip_address set forsystemvms=1 where
> > > > public_ip_address='';
> > > >
> > > > Please remember if you reserve more  IPs for SystemVms they may pick
> up
> > > any
> > > > in that reserved list.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Thanks & Regards
> > > > Nischal
> > > >
> > > > On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 12:18 PM Marty Godsey  > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > When the system vms boot they are given an IP like
> > > >
> > > > > Is this able to be changed.
> > > > > 
> > > > > From: Wei ZHOU
> >>
> > > > > Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 1:29:40 AM
> > > > > To:
> > > > > Cc: Marty Godsey>>
> > > > > Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
> > not
> > > > > click links or open 

Re: [D] Centralised logging via rsyslog [cloudstack]

2024-06-05 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user DaanHoogland added a comment to the discussion: Centralised logging 
via rsyslog

@soreana should/can we mark this for 4.16?

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Re: [D] Centralised logging via rsyslog [cloudstack]

2024-06-05 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user soreana added a comment to the discussion: Centralised logging via 

@rhtyd good  :+1: 
Sorry for late, we got a lot of issues recently, I can't find a room to work on 
this pr. Maybe next week 爛 

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Re: [D] Centralised logging via rsyslog [cloudstack]

2024-06-05 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user rohityadavcloud added a comment to the discussion: Centralised 
logging via rsyslog

Removing 4.16 milestone as PR has no milestone; let's move this back if the 
milestone tagging changes.

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Re: [D] Centralised logging via rsyslog [cloudstack]

2024-06-05 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user soreana added a comment to the discussion: Centralised logging via 

No, they are legitimate requirements :D

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Re: [D] Centralised logging via rsyslog [cloudstack]

2024-06-05 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user soreana added a comment to the discussion: Centralised logging via 

@DaanHoogland Honestly, it took a lot of time to apply the changes you required 
to merging this pr. I discussed it with my colleagues, and we concluded that it 
isn't our priority now. We focused on other stuff. It is still in our backlog, 
and we planned to work on it next quarter.

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Re: [D] Centralised logging via rsyslog [cloudstack]

2024-06-05 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user rohityadavcloud added a comment to the discussion: Centralised 
logging via rsyslog

I think it's possible to do this as part of a custom systemvm.iso where you can 
bake-in your deployment specific option. Any further update on this @soreana or 
we can close the issue?

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Re: [D] Centralised logging via rsyslog [cloudstack]

2024-06-05 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user rohityadavcloud added a comment to the discussion: Centralised 
logging via rsyslog

I think it may be possible via some log4j config?

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Re: [D] Centralised logging via rsyslog [cloudstack]

2024-06-05 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user soreana added a comment to the discussion: Centralised logging via 

@DaanHoogland When do you planned for 4.16 release?

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Re: [D] Centralised logging via rsyslog [cloudstack]

2024-06-05 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user DaanHoogland added a comment to the discussion: Centralised logging 
via rsyslog

tnx for your efforts @soreana , i'm marking it as unplanned for now, feel free 
to come back at any time of your convenience.

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Re: [D] Centralised logging via rsyslog [cloudstack]

2024-06-05 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user soreana added a comment to the discussion: Centralised logging via 

I asked our PO. We made a story to work on that. :)

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Re: [D] Centralised logging via rsyslog [cloudstack]

2024-06-05 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user DaanHoogland added a comment to the discussion: Centralised logging 
via rsyslog

@soreana are you still planning for this?

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Re: [D] Centralised logging via rsyslog [cloudstack]

2024-06-05 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user DaanHoogland added a comment to the discussion: Centralised logging 
via rsyslog

this summer somewhere.

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Re: [D] Centralised logging via rsyslog [cloudstack]

2024-06-05 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user DaanHoogland added a comment to the discussion: Centralised logging 
via rsyslog

> @DaanHoogland Honestly, it took a lot of time to apply the changes you 
> required to merging this pr. I discussed it with my colleagues, and we 
> concluded that it isn't our priority now. We focused on other stuff. It is 
> still in our backlog, and we planned to work on it next quarter.

btw, i hope they didn't sound unreasonable!?

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[D] Centralised logging via rsyslog [cloudstack]

2024-06-05 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user soreana created a discussion: Centralised logging via rsyslog

 * Feature Idea


It can be merge to 4.14


Used Ubuntu 18:04 as a host for management server and KVM Hypervisor.


Hello Cloudstack community. There is a systemvm remote logging feature 
proposal. It enabled administrator to access systemvm's log file through 
management server. I think it would be interesting for other as well. To better 
explaining my setup I depicted the configuration in below picture.

![Cloudstack Centralized 

In this case rather than downloading log file manually from systemvms, they 
will be available automatically through management server.


Below are configuration files for hypervisor, management server and sytemvms.


Below 4 lines have to uncommented in rsyslog configuration file on each 
hypervisor in `/etc/rsyslog.conf`

input(type="imtcp" port="514")

input(type="imudp" port="514")

Adding below file on each hypervisor to export logs from hypervisor to 
management server.

# cat /etc/rsyslog.d/00-fwd.conf
if ($fromhost-ip startswith '169.') then {
*.* @:514

 Management Server

Just like hypervisors, below 4 lines have to uncommented in rsyslog 
configuration file on management server in `/etc/rsyslog.conf`

input(type="imtcp" port="514")

input(type="imudp" port="514")

Add below file on management server

# cat /etc/rsyslog.d/00-remote.conf
$template remote-incoming-logs,"/var/log/rsyslog/%HOSTNAME%/syslog"
$template remote-incoming-logs-combined,"/var/log/rsyslog/remote"
if ($fromhost-ip startswith '10.' or $fromhost-ip startswith '172.') then 
if ($fromhost-ip startswith '10.' or $fromhost-ip startswith '172.') then 
& ~ 


`00-fwd.conf` file should add on each systemvm as well to export logs from 
systemvms to hypervisors.

# cat /etc/rsyslog.d/00-fwd.conf
*.*  @

`49-cloud.conf` file should add on each systemvm. This file describes the logs 
that eventually sent to a management server

 # cat /etc/rsyslog.d/49-cloud.conf
$InputFileName /var/log/cloud.log
$InputFileTag cloud
$InputFileStateFile stat-file1-cloud
$InputFileSeverity info 
$InputFileFacility local7 
$InputFilePollInterval 1 
$InputFilePersistStateInterval 1 
Need to uncomment below lines if they are commented in /etc/rsyslog.conf

$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 3914


Management server store systemvm's logs in /var/log/rsyslog//syslog

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Re: System VM static IPs

2024-06-05 Thread Jimmy Huybrechts
Hi Nischal,

You’re pictures are not working.


From: Nischal P 
Date: Wednesday, 5 June 2024 at 06:30
Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
Hi Marty

There is an option from the UI also that I just remembered, When you go to the 
Zones > Physical Network > network Name > Traffic Types Then Add IP Range for 
Public IPs


Please select Option of Set Reservation and SystemVMs which will enable 
reserving IP for SSVM and CPVM.

On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 2:42 AM Marty Godsey>> wrote:
No worries, Wei. I do think it would be an excellent feature request, but it’s 
not a “deal killer” or causing any harm; it’s just kind of annoying at times. 

And creating a separate dedicated IP range, on the surface, would just be more 
work than it is worth at this point.

From: Wei ZHOU>>
Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

As Nischal said, currently ACS does not reserve IPs for system vms. The
workaround is, create or dedicate a public Ip range (with at least 2 IPs)
to system vms.

I think it is a valid feature request to reserve IPs (not ip range) for
system vms. But we also need to consider what if some users want to change
the system vm IPs (to a random public ip or specific public ip)


On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Marty Godsey>> wrote:

> Hello Nischal,
> That’s why I ask about reservations; it doesn’t. For example, I destroyed
> and recreated a console proxy yesterday, and when it was recreated, it
> grabbed another IP. I am 100% confident that the IP that it just had about
> 30 seconds prior was not taken by a customer.
> This is a install. If this is not normal behavior, where can I
> look to troubleshoot this?
> From: Nischal P>>
> Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 9:51 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> the content is safe.
> Hi Wei,
> We won't be able to reserve for specific systems, but we do reserve 2 IPs
> which would be used for SSVM and CPVM, the only thing we follow is that we
> Destroy 1 systemVM at a time so that it would take the same IP each time.
> Thanks & Regards
> Nischal
> On Tue, 4 Jun, 2024, 3:49 pm Wei ZHOU, 
>>> wrote:
> > This should works.
> > I am wondering if we can reserve specific IP for system vms, like ACS
> does
> > for virtual routers.
> >
> > -Wei
> >
> >
> > On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Nischal P 
> >>> wrote:
> >
> > > HI Marty
> > >
> > > You could technically reserve the IPs for System VMs to grab the IPs
> > using
> > > the DB, by updating the table  user_ip_address
> > >
> > > update user_ip_address set forsystemvms=1 where
> > > public_ip_address='';
> > >
> > > Please remember if you reserve more  IPs for SystemVms they may pick up
> > any
> > > in that reserved list.
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks & Regards
> > > Nischal
> > >
> > > On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 12:18 PM Marty Godsey 
> > >>> wrote:
> > >
> > > > When the system vms boot they are given an IP like
> > >
> > > > Is this able to be changed.
> > > > 
> > > > From: Wei ZHOU>>
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 1:29:40 AM
> > > > To: 
> > > >>>
> > > > Cc: Marty Godsey>>
> > > > Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
> not
> > > > click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and
> > know
> > > > the content is safe.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > When system vms are destroyed, ACS will recreate new system vms.
> Mostly
> > > > new vms will get the same IPs. However, if the IPs are allocated
> during
> > > the
> > > > period, new vms will get different IPs.
> > > >
> > > > In this case, If users do not use wildcard DNS, they have to update
> the
> > > > DNS records.
> > > >
> > > > -Wei
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Wido den Hollander  >
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Op 04/06/2024 om 06:29 schreef Marty Godsey:
> > > > Hello All,
> > > >
> > > > I want the system VMs always to grab the same IP.  Is 

Re: System VM static IPs

2024-06-04 Thread Nischal P
Hi Marty

There is an option from the UI also that I just remembered, When you go to
the Zones > Physical Network > network Name > Traffic Types Then Add IP
Range for Public IPs

[image: image.png]

Please select Option of Set Reservation and SystemVMs which will enable
reserving IP for SSVM and CPVM.
[image: image.png]

On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 2:42 AM Marty Godsey  wrote:

> No worries, Wei. I do think it would be an excellent feature request, but
> it’s not a “deal killer” or causing any harm; it’s just kind of annoying at
> times. 
> And creating a separate dedicated IP range, on the surface, would just be
> more work than it is worth at this point.
> From: Wei ZHOU 
> Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 4:48 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> the content is safe.
> As Nischal said, currently ACS does not reserve IPs for system vms. The
> workaround is, create or dedicate a public Ip range (with at least 2 IPs)
> to system vms.
> I think it is a valid feature request to reserve IPs (not ip range) for
> system vms. But we also need to consider what if some users want to change
> the system vm IPs (to a random public ip or specific public ip)
> -Wei
> On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Marty Godsey  wrote:
> > Hello Nischal,
> >
> > That’s why I ask about reservations; it doesn’t. For example, I destroyed
> > and recreated a console proxy yesterday, and when it was recreated, it
> > grabbed another IP. I am 100% confident that the IP that it just had
> about
> > 30 seconds prior was not taken by a customer.
> >
> > This is a install. If this is not normal behavior, where can I
> > look to troubleshoot this?
> >
> > From: Nischal P 
> > Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 9:51 AM
> > To: 
> > Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> > WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> > click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> > the content is safe.
> >
> >
> > Hi Wei,
> >
> > We won't be able to reserve for specific systems, but we do reserve 2 IPs
> > which would be used for SSVM and CPVM, the only thing we follow is that
> we
> > Destroy 1 systemVM at a time so that it would take the same IP each time.
> >
> >
> > Thanks & Regards
> > Nischal
> >
> > On Tue, 4 Jun, 2024, 3:49 pm Wei ZHOU,  wrote:
> >
> > > This should works.
> > > I am wondering if we can reserve specific IP for system vms, like ACS
> > does
> > > for virtual routers.
> > >
> > > -Wei
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Nischal P  wrote:
> > >
> > > > HI Marty
> > > >
> > > > You could technically reserve the IPs for System VMs to grab the IPs
> > > using
> > > > the DB, by updating the table  user_ip_address
> > > >
> > > > update user_ip_address set forsystemvms=1 where
> > > > public_ip_address='';
> > > >
> > > > Please remember if you reserve more  IPs for SystemVms they may pick
> up
> > > any
> > > > in that reserved list.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Thanks & Regards
> > > > Nischal
> > > >
> > > > On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 12:18 PM Marty Godsey 
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > When the system vms boot they are given an IP like
> > > >
> > > > > Is this able to be changed.
> > > > > 
> > > > > From: Wei ZHOU 
> > > > > Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 1:29:40 AM
> > > > > To: 
> > > > > Cc: Marty Godsey 
> > > > > Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
> > not
> > > > > click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and
> > > know
> > > > > the content is safe.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > When system vms are destroyed, ACS will recreate new system vms.
> > Mostly
> > > > > new vms will get the same IPs. However, if the IPs are allocated
> > during
> > > > the
> > > > > period, new vms will get different IPs.
> > > > >
> > > > > In this case, If users do not use wildcard DNS, they have to update
> > the
> > > > > DNS records.
> > > > >
> > > > > -Wei
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Wido den Hollander
>  > >
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Op 04/06/2024 om 06:29 schreef Marty Godsey:
> > > > > Hello All,
> > > > >
> > > > > I want the system VMs always to grab the same IP.  Is this
> possible?
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > What is it that you want to achieve exactly? Why do you want/need
> > this?
> > > > >
> > > > > Wido
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

Re: System VM static IPs

2024-06-04 Thread Marty Godsey
No worries, Wei. I do think it would be an excellent feature request, but it’s 
not a “deal killer” or causing any harm; it’s just kind of annoying at times. 

And creating a separate dedicated IP range, on the surface, would just be more 
work than it is worth at this point.

From: Wei ZHOU 
Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

As Nischal said, currently ACS does not reserve IPs for system vms. The
workaround is, create or dedicate a public Ip range (with at least 2 IPs)
to system vms.

I think it is a valid feature request to reserve IPs (not ip range) for
system vms. But we also need to consider what if some users want to change
the system vm IPs (to a random public ip or specific public ip)


On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Marty Godsey  wrote:

> Hello Nischal,
> That’s why I ask about reservations; it doesn’t. For example, I destroyed
> and recreated a console proxy yesterday, and when it was recreated, it
> grabbed another IP. I am 100% confident that the IP that it just had about
> 30 seconds prior was not taken by a customer.
> This is a install. If this is not normal behavior, where can I
> look to troubleshoot this?
> From: Nischal P 
> Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 9:51 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> the content is safe.
> Hi Wei,
> We won't be able to reserve for specific systems, but we do reserve 2 IPs
> which would be used for SSVM and CPVM, the only thing we follow is that we
> Destroy 1 systemVM at a time so that it would take the same IP each time.
> Thanks & Regards
> Nischal
> On Tue, 4 Jun, 2024, 3:49 pm Wei ZHOU,  wrote:
> > This should works.
> > I am wondering if we can reserve specific IP for system vms, like ACS
> does
> > for virtual routers.
> >
> > -Wei
> >
> >
> > On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Nischal P  wrote:
> >
> > > HI Marty
> > >
> > > You could technically reserve the IPs for System VMs to grab the IPs
> > using
> > > the DB, by updating the table  user_ip_address
> > >
> > > update user_ip_address set forsystemvms=1 where
> > > public_ip_address='';
> > >
> > > Please remember if you reserve more  IPs for SystemVms they may pick up
> > any
> > > in that reserved list.
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks & Regards
> > > Nischal
> > >
> > > On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 12:18 PM Marty Godsey  wrote:
> > >
> > > > When the system vms boot they are given an IP like
> > >
> > > > Is this able to be changed.
> > > > 
> > > > From: Wei ZHOU 
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 1:29:40 AM
> > > > To: 
> > > > Cc: Marty Godsey 
> > > > Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
> not
> > > > click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and
> > know
> > > > the content is safe.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > When system vms are destroyed, ACS will recreate new system vms.
> Mostly
> > > > new vms will get the same IPs. However, if the IPs are allocated
> during
> > > the
> > > > period, new vms will get different IPs.
> > > >
> > > > In this case, If users do not use wildcard DNS, they have to update
> the
> > > > DNS records.
> > > >
> > > > -Wei
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Wido den Hollander  >
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Op 04/06/2024 om 06:29 schreef Marty Godsey:
> > > > Hello All,
> > > >
> > > > I want the system VMs always to grab the same IP.  Is this possible?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > What is it that you want to achieve exactly? Why do you want/need
> this?
> > > >
> > > > Wido
> > > >
> > >
> >

Re: System VM static IPs

2024-06-04 Thread Wei ZHOU
As Nischal said, currently ACS does not reserve IPs for system vms. The
workaround is, create or dedicate a public Ip range (with at least 2 IPs)
to system vms.

I think it is a valid feature request to reserve IPs (not ip range) for
system vms. But we also need to consider what if some users want to change
the system vm IPs (to a random public ip or specific public ip)


On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Marty Godsey  wrote:

> Hello Nischal,
> That’s why I ask about reservations; it doesn’t. For example, I destroyed
> and recreated a console proxy yesterday, and when it was recreated, it
> grabbed another IP. I am 100% confident that the IP that it just had about
> 30 seconds prior was not taken by a customer.
> This is a install. If this is not normal behavior, where can I
> look to troubleshoot this?
> From: Nischal P 
> Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 9:51 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> the content is safe.
> Hi Wei,
> We won't be able to reserve for specific systems, but we do reserve 2 IPs
> which would be used for SSVM and CPVM, the only thing we follow is that we
> Destroy 1 systemVM at a time so that it would take the same IP each time.
> Thanks & Regards
> Nischal
> On Tue, 4 Jun, 2024, 3:49 pm Wei ZHOU,  wrote:
> > This should works.
> > I am wondering if we can reserve specific IP for system vms, like ACS
> does
> > for virtual routers.
> >
> > -Wei
> >
> >
> > On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Nischal P  wrote:
> >
> > > HI Marty
> > >
> > > You could technically reserve the IPs for System VMs to grab the IPs
> > using
> > > the DB, by updating the table  user_ip_address
> > >
> > > update user_ip_address set forsystemvms=1 where
> > > public_ip_address='';
> > >
> > > Please remember if you reserve more  IPs for SystemVms they may pick up
> > any
> > > in that reserved list.
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks & Regards
> > > Nischal
> > >
> > > On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 12:18 PM Marty Godsey  wrote:
> > >
> > > > When the system vms boot they are given an IP like
> > >
> > > > Is this able to be changed.
> > > > 
> > > > From: Wei ZHOU 
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 1:29:40 AM
> > > > To: 
> > > > Cc: Marty Godsey 
> > > > Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
> not
> > > > click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and
> > know
> > > > the content is safe.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > When system vms are destroyed, ACS will recreate new system vms.
> Mostly
> > > > new vms will get the same IPs. However, if the IPs are allocated
> during
> > > the
> > > > period, new vms will get different IPs.
> > > >
> > > > In this case, If users do not use wildcard DNS, they have to update
> the
> > > > DNS records.
> > > >
> > > > -Wei
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Wido den Hollander  >
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Op 04/06/2024 om 06:29 schreef Marty Godsey:
> > > > Hello All,
> > > >
> > > > I want the system VMs always to grab the same IP.  Is this possible?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > What is it that you want to achieve exactly? Why do you want/need
> this?
> > > >
> > > > Wido
> > > >
> > >
> >

Re: Removing limit from network offering

2024-06-04 Thread Daan Hoogland
are you talking about network rate limit? what is the value now (both
in the UI and in the DB)? I think  the value for unlimited is 0, but
this is not relevant. You need to set it in the zone settings not in
the global settings. But I tried it and that does not give the output
I expect in the UI or the API, so I think you found a bug. (if this is
what you are referring to.

On Mon, Jun 3, 2024 at 8:25 PM Marty Godsey  wrote:
> Is there a way to remove the limit from a networking offering? I do not want 
> it limited at all. I tried putting in a -1 in the global settings and the 
> individual offering, which did not work.


Re: System VM static IPs

2024-06-04 Thread Marty Godsey
Hello Nischal,

That’s why I ask about reservations; it doesn’t. For example, I destroyed and 
recreated a console proxy yesterday, and when it was recreated, it grabbed 
another IP. I am 100% confident that the IP that it just had about 30 seconds 
prior was not taken by a customer.

This is a install. If this is not normal behavior, where can I look to 
troubleshoot this?

From: Nischal P 
Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

Hi Wei,

We won't be able to reserve for specific systems, but we do reserve 2 IPs
which would be used for SSVM and CPVM, the only thing we follow is that we
Destroy 1 systemVM at a time so that it would take the same IP each time.

Thanks & Regards

On Tue, 4 Jun, 2024, 3:49 pm Wei ZHOU,  wrote:

> This should works.
> I am wondering if we can reserve specific IP for system vms, like ACS does
> for virtual routers.
> -Wei
> On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Nischal P  wrote:
> > HI Marty
> >
> > You could technically reserve the IPs for System VMs to grab the IPs
> using
> > the DB, by updating the table  user_ip_address
> >
> > update user_ip_address set forsystemvms=1 where
> > public_ip_address='';
> >
> > Please remember if you reserve more  IPs for SystemVms they may pick up
> any
> > in that reserved list.
> >
> >
> > Thanks & Regards
> > Nischal
> >
> > On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 12:18 PM Marty Godsey  wrote:
> >
> > > When the system vms boot they are given an IP like
> >
> > > Is this able to be changed.
> > > 
> > > From: Wei ZHOU 
> > > Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 1:29:40 AM
> > > To: 
> > > Cc: Marty Godsey 
> > > Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> > >
> > >
> > > WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> > > click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and
> know
> > > the content is safe.
> > >
> > >
> > > When system vms are destroyed, ACS will recreate new system vms. Mostly
> > > new vms will get the same IPs. However, if the IPs are allocated during
> > the
> > > period, new vms will get different IPs.
> > >
> > > In this case, If users do not use wildcard DNS, they have to update the
> > > DNS records.
> > >
> > > -Wei
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Wido den Hollander 
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Op 04/06/2024 om 06:29 schreef Marty Godsey:
> > > Hello All,
> > >
> > > I want the system VMs always to grab the same IP.  Is this possible?
> > >
> > >
> > > What is it that you want to achieve exactly? Why do you want/need this?
> > >
> > > Wido
> > >
> >

Re: System VM static IPs

2024-06-04 Thread Nischal P
Hi Wei,

We won't be able to reserve for specific systems, but we do reserve 2 IPs
which would be used for SSVM and CPVM, the only thing we follow is that we
Destroy 1 systemVM at a time so that it would take the same IP each time.

Thanks & Regards

On Tue, 4 Jun, 2024, 3:49 pm Wei ZHOU,  wrote:

> This should works.
> I am wondering if we can reserve specific IP for system vms, like ACS does
> for virtual routers.
> -Wei
> On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Nischal P  wrote:
> > HI Marty
> >
> > You could technically reserve the IPs for System VMs to grab the IPs
> using
> > the DB, by updating the table  user_ip_address
> >
> > update user_ip_address set forsystemvms=1 where
> > public_ip_address='';
> >
> > Please remember if you reserve more  IPs for SystemVms they may pick up
> any
> > in that reserved list.
> >
> >
> > Thanks & Regards
> > Nischal
> >
> > On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 12:18 PM Marty Godsey  wrote:
> >
> > > When the system vms boot they are given an IP like
> >
> > > Is this able to be changed.
> > > 
> > > From: Wei ZHOU 
> > > Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 1:29:40 AM
> > > To: 
> > > Cc: Marty Godsey 
> > > Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> > >
> > >
> > > WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> > > click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and
> know
> > > the content is safe.
> > >
> > >
> > > When system vms are destroyed, ACS will recreate new system vms. Mostly
> > > new vms will get the same IPs. However, if the IPs are allocated during
> > the
> > > period, new vms will get different IPs.
> > >
> > > In this case, If users do not use wildcard DNS, they have to update the
> > > DNS records.
> > >
> > > -Wei
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Wido den Hollander 
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Op 04/06/2024 om 06:29 schreef Marty Godsey:
> > > Hello All,
> > >
> > > I want the system VMs always to grab the same IP.  Is this possible?
> > >
> > >
> > > What is it that you want to achieve exactly? Why do you want/need this?
> > >
> > > Wido
> > >
> >

Re: System VM static IPs

2024-06-04 Thread Marty Godsey
I would rather not modify the database for something like this. Although I 
would like to see it, it’s not worth modifying the database directly.

Thank you for the responses, everyone.

From: Wei ZHOU 
Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 6:19 AM
Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

This should works.
I am wondering if we can reserve specific IP for system vms, like ACS does
for virtual routers.


On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Nischal P  wrote:

> HI Marty
> You could technically reserve the IPs for System VMs to grab the IPs using
> the DB, by updating the table  user_ip_address
> update user_ip_address set forsystemvms=1 where
> public_ip_address='';
> Please remember if you reserve more  IPs for SystemVms they may pick up any
> in that reserved list.
> Thanks & Regards
> Nischal
> On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 12:18 PM Marty Godsey  wrote:
> > When the system vms boot they are given an IP like
> > Is this able to be changed.
> > 
> > From: Wei ZHOU 
> > Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 1:29:40 AM
> > To: 
> > Cc: Marty Godsey 
> > Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> >
> >
> > WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> > click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> > the content is safe.
> >
> >
> > When system vms are destroyed, ACS will recreate new system vms. Mostly
> > new vms will get the same IPs. However, if the IPs are allocated during
> the
> > period, new vms will get different IPs.
> >
> > In this case, If users do not use wildcard DNS, they have to update the
> > DNS records.
> >
> > -Wei
> >
> >
> > On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Wido den Hollander 
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> > Op 04/06/2024 om 06:29 schreef Marty Godsey:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > I want the system VMs always to grab the same IP.  Is this possible?
> >
> >
> > What is it that you want to achieve exactly? Why do you want/need this?
> >
> > Wido
> >

RE: [Proposal] Storage Filesystem as a First Class Feature

2024-06-04 Thread Alex Mattioli
That's a major technical debt that should have been addressed years ago. Am 
glad to see it is being addressed now.



-Original Message-
From: Abhisar Sinha  
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 6:04 AM
Subject: [Proposal] Storage Filesystem as a First Class Feature


I would like to propose supporting storage filesystem as a first-class feature 
in Cloudstack.
The File Share can be associated with one or more guest networks or vpc tiers 
and can be used by any VM on the network in a shared manner. It is designed to 
be resizable and highly available. This feature can later be used as 
integration endpoints with the CSI driver, go-sdk, Terraform, Ansible and 

The draft functional spec is here :

Looking forward to your comments and suggestions.



Re: System VM static IPs

2024-06-04 Thread Wei ZHOU
This should works.
I am wondering if we can reserve specific IP for system vms, like ACS does
for virtual routers.


On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Nischal P  wrote:

> HI Marty
> You could technically reserve the IPs for System VMs to grab the IPs using
> the DB, by updating the table  user_ip_address
> update user_ip_address set forsystemvms=1 where
> public_ip_address='';
> Please remember if you reserve more  IPs for SystemVms they may pick up any
> in that reserved list.
> Thanks & Regards
> Nischal
> On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 12:18 PM Marty Godsey  wrote:
> > When the system vms boot they are given an IP like
> > Is this able to be changed.
> > 
> > From: Wei ZHOU 
> > Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 1:29:40 AM
> > To: 
> > Cc: Marty Godsey 
> > Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> >
> >
> > WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> > click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> > the content is safe.
> >
> >
> > When system vms are destroyed, ACS will recreate new system vms. Mostly
> > new vms will get the same IPs. However, if the IPs are allocated during
> the
> > period, new vms will get different IPs.
> >
> > In this case, If users do not use wildcard DNS, they have to update the
> > DNS records.
> >
> > -Wei
> >
> >
> > On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Wido den Hollander 
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> > Op 04/06/2024 om 06:29 schreef Marty Godsey:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > I want the system VMs always to grab the same IP.  Is this possible?
> >
> >
> > What is it that you want to achieve exactly? Why do you want/need this?
> >
> > Wido
> >

Re: System VM static IPs

2024-06-04 Thread Nischal P
HI Marty

You could technically reserve the IPs for System VMs to grab the IPs using
the DB, by updating the table  user_ip_address

update user_ip_address set forsystemvms=1 where

Please remember if you reserve more  IPs for SystemVms they may pick up any
in that reserved list.

Thanks & Regards

On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 12:18 PM Marty Godsey  wrote:

> When the system vms boot they are given an IP like
> Is this able to be changed.
> From: Wei ZHOU 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 1:29:40 AM
> To: 
> Cc: Marty Godsey 
> Subject: Re: System VM static IPs
> WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> the content is safe.
> When system vms are destroyed, ACS will recreate new system vms. Mostly
> new vms will get the same IPs. However, if the IPs are allocated during the
> period, new vms will get different IPs.
> In this case, If users do not use wildcard DNS, they have to update the
> DNS records.
> -Wei
> On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Wido den Hollander 
> wrote:
> Op 04/06/2024 om 06:29 schreef Marty Godsey:
> Hello All,
> I want the system VMs always to grab the same IP.  Is this possible?
> What is it that you want to achieve exactly? Why do you want/need this?
> Wido

Re: System VM static IPs

2024-06-04 Thread Marty Godsey
When the system vms boot they are given an IP like Is 
this able to be changed.

From: Wei ZHOU 
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 1:29:40 AM
Cc: Marty Godsey 
Subject: Re: System VM static IPs

WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

When system vms are destroyed, ACS will recreate new system vms. Mostly new vms 
will get the same IPs. However, if the IPs are allocated during the period, new 
vms will get different IPs.

In this case, If users do not use wildcard DNS, they have to update the DNS 


On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Wido den Hollander  wrote:

Op 04/06/2024 om 06:29 schreef Marty Godsey:
Hello All,

I want the system VMs always to grab the same IP.  Is this possible?

What is it that you want to achieve exactly? Why do you want/need this?


Re: System VM static IPs

2024-06-03 Thread Wei ZHOU
When system vms are destroyed, ACS will recreate new system vms. Mostly new
vms will get the same IPs. However, if the IPs are allocated during the
period, new vms will get different IPs.

In this case, If users do not use wildcard DNS, they have to update the DNS


On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Wido den Hollander  wrote:

> Op 04/06/2024 om 06:29 schreef Marty Godsey:
>> Hello All,
>> I want the system VMs always to grab the same IP.  Is this possible?
> What is it that you want to achieve exactly? Why do you want/need this?
> Wido

Re: System VM static IPs

2024-06-03 Thread Wido den Hollander

Op 04/06/2024 om 06:29 schreef Marty Godsey:

Hello All,

I want the system VMs always to grab the same IP.  Is this possible?

What is it that you want to achieve exactly? Why do you want/need this?


System VM static IPs

2024-06-03 Thread Marty Godsey
Hello All,

I want the system VMs always to grab the same IP.  Is this possible?

Removing limit from network offering

2024-06-03 Thread Marty Godsey
Is there a way to remove the limit from a networking offering? I do not want it 
limited at all. I tried putting in a -1 in the global settings and the 
individual offering, which did not work.

Re: [D] Provide the option of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks, [cloudstack]

2024-06-03 Thread Marty Godsey
It would be amazing to be able to hide disabled offerings (network, compute, 

Also, it would it be an easy method to just have it as permission. Something 
like “Ability to see hidden offerings”?

I know you can get more complicated, but this could be a starting point.

From: alexandremattioli (via GitHub) 
Date: Monday, June 3, 2024 at 3:00 AM
Subject: Re: [D] Provide the option of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 
networks, [cloudstack]
WARNING: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

GitHub user alexandremattioli added a comment to the discussion: Provide the 
option of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks,

@kiranchavala  I'm struggling to see the use case.
Is the idea to disable a network so no new VMs can use it?

GitHub link:

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ACS at CoC In Bratislava

2024-06-03 Thread Ivet Petrova
Hi all and good morning from lovely Bratislava!
This week our community is at Community Over Code in Bratislava and today we 
are having a whole bunch of sessions in our dedicated track.
If you are here, please stop by and say hi. Ensure you visit the talks and the 
poster session.

If someone wants to meet for an informal get-together/coffee/beers, we are more 
than happy to meet.

Best regards,


Re: [D] Provide the option of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks, [cloudstack]

2024-06-03 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user DaanHoogland added a comment to the discussion: Provide the option 
of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks,

@alexandremattioli can you comment
@kiranchavala I see some discrepancies in your description, though I think 
there is some merit to this issue. Can you check and improve it?

GitHub link:

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To unsubscribe, please send an email to:

Re: [D] Provide the option of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks, [cloudstack]

2024-06-03 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user shwstppr added a comment to the discussion: Provide the option of 
disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks,

@kiranchavala and others If I'm understanding it right I guess we are mixing 
listall functionality with displaynetwork functionality.
`displaynetwork` param description says `an optional field, whether to the 
display the network to the end user or not.`
It is an admin only parameter to allow making network not viewable to the end 

Later admin can list such networks using API, passing the same network:
> list networks displaynetwork=false filter=name,displaynetwork,
  "count": 1,
  "network": [
  "displaynetwork": false,
  "name": "hidden-nw"
Also, Kiran there is no param `name` in listNetworks API.

IMO, list* apis should list all resources **for root admins** irrespective of 
the value of displaynetwork, displayvm, displayvolume fields but we have 
prevented that for all types of accounts for a long,

GitHub link:

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Re: [D] Provide the option of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks, [cloudstack]

2024-06-03 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user alexandremattioli added a comment to the discussion: Provide the 
option of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks,

@kiranchavala  I'm struggling to see the use case.
Is the idea to disable a network so no new VMs can use it?

GitHub link:

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To unsubscribe, please send an email to:

Re: [D] Provide the option of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks, [cloudstack]

2024-06-03 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user weizhouapache added a comment to the discussion: Provide the option 
of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks,

> yes @weizhouapache ,
> to allow to undo the on-display flag, we must display it, so an exemption to 
> the non-display directive must be defined to do that. A trivial solution is 
> the non-display networks are visible to admins, but then again they would 
> have to not see them during deploy... I think this is overcomplicated for 
> what we are trying to achieve for the user.

we could add a switch button next to the "Projects". this is only for root 
admins, and applies on other resources (volumes, vm, etc) as well. 
for the non-display networks, since they are not displayed, they should not be 
in the list of networks in vm deployment.

GitHub link:

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To unsubscribe, please send an email to:

Re: [D] Provide the option of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks, [cloudstack]

2024-06-03 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user kiranchavala added a comment to the discussion: Provide the option 
of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks,

@alexandremattioli @DaanHoogland @weizhouapache 

>From the Ui point of view

As an admin user from the UI if I can disable "Display network"  for a 
particular network.  The admin user must also have the option to enable the 
"Display network" back.

The bug related to the issue is 

Steps to reproduce the bug.

1.  Create a isolated network 

cmk >  create network name=test 

2.  Execute list networks

cmk>  list networks name=test

The output is displayed correctly

3. Update the network to disable the "Display network" 

cmk >update network displaynetwork=false 

4. Execute the list network api call again 

cmk > list networks name=test
cmk > list networks listall=true

No response

5.  Create a new network  say test2

cmk >  create network name=test2 

6. Execute the list network api call again name as test

cmk > list networks name=test

The api response displays that of test2 network which is incorrect


  "count": 1,
  "network": [
  "account": "admin",
  "acltype": "Account",
  "broadcastdomaintype": "Vlan",
  "canusefordeploy": true,
  "cidr": "",
  "created": "2024-02-09T10:08:33+",
  "details": {},
  "displaynetwork": true,
  "displaytext": "kiranisoaltednet2",
  "dns1": "",
  "dns2": "",
  "domain": "ROOT",
  "domainid": "6bd03bc7-c649-11ee-a7b4-1e006b0003e2",
  "egressdefaultpolicy": false,
  "gateway": "",
  "hasannotations": false,
  "id": "abd4fd9c-7e9b-4662-b413-df55d0c76921",
  "ispersistent": false,
  "issystem": false,
  "name": "test2",

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Re: [D] Provide the option of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks, [cloudstack]

2024-06-03 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user weizhouapache added a comment to the discussion: Provide the option 
of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks,

display or not-display, not enable/disable, right ?

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Re: [D] Provide the option of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks, [cloudstack]

2024-06-03 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user DaanHoogland added a comment to the discussion: Provide the option 
of disabling/Enabling Shared/Isolated/L2 networks,

yes @weizhouapache ,

to allow to undo the on-display flag, we must display it, so an exemption to 
the non-display directive must be defined to do that. A trivial solution is the 
non-display networks are visible to admins, but then again they would have to 
not see them during deploy... I think this is overcomplicated for what we are 
trying to achieve for the user.

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Re: IaC with cloudstack

2024-05-31 Thread Ricardo Pertuz
We save it in an gitlab project, every project has a terraform state option


Ricardo Pertuz

On 31 May 2024 at 9:15 AM -0500, Francisco Arencibia Quesada 
, wrote:
> Thank you all for your feedback. I'm using Terraform, and it works like a
> charm.
> I have another question: where are you saving the tfstate file, and how are
> you handling locking?
> In AWS, I used to save it in a versioned S3 bucket and DynamoDB for locking.
> Best Regards
> On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 6:25 PM Fred Newtz  wrote:
> > Well, CloudStack is not like Terraform. You can use Terraform to manage
> > CloudStack though. There are plenty of other benefits you get out of a
> > CloudStack deployment, like some network automations depending on your
> > deployment model and hardware used. But it is a Cloud Management
> > Platform. Designed to be installed on BareMetal. It is a combination of a
> > Hypervisor and similar to OpenStack. But could easily be compared to AWS,
> > Azure and GCP as well. It is all designed to be running on your own
> > hardware, so it is not an automation framework.
> >
> > Good luck,happy to answer any other questions around automation you might
> > have.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Fred
> >
> > On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 11:56 AM Francisco Arencibia Quesada <
> >> wrote:
> >
> > > Good morning guys,
> > >
> > > If anyone is successfully using Ansible or Terraform to manage IaC, I
> > would
> > > appreciate any feedback. Personally, I would go for Terraform/OpenTofu,
> > but
> > > I would like to hear about your experience with CloudStack. I have used
> > > Terraform for AWS in the past.
> > >
> > > Thank you all in advance.
> > >
> > > Best Regards
> > >
> > > --
> > > *Francisco Arencibia Quesada.*
> > > *DevOps Engineer*
> > >
> >
> --
> *Francisco Arencibia Quesada.*
> *DevOps Engineer*

Re: [D] CloudStack Dev Setup. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user rohityadavcloud added a comment to the discussion: CloudStack Dev 

@lohitslohit you're better off following this
The upstream docs website is outdated and we need to improve it. Ubuntu 18.04 
isn't support yet, it might still work OK as a dev-testing host though, I would 
recommend that you use/try 22.04 or 20.04.

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Re: [D] Bash script to install CloudStack [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user rohityadavcloud added a comment to the discussion: Bash script to 
install CloudStack

Thanks for sharing! I'm trying to build this: and I might steal 
something from these scripts :) 

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Re: SAML Auth

2024-05-31 Thread Rohit Yadav
Hi Marty,

Currently it's not support on per-domain basis. It's either globally enabled or 
not, however, you can add/authorise accounts against a SAML IDP in specific 
domain(s). All users will see the single-sign on tab on the UI when logging in, 
but only those who have SAML/SSO access will be able to use that.



From: Marty Godsey 
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2024 19:55
Subject: SAML Auth

Can SAML be enabled on a per-domain basis?

Re: IaC with cloudstack

2024-05-31 Thread Francisco Arencibia Quesada
Thank you all for your feedback. I'm using Terraform, and it works like a

I have another question: where are you saving the tfstate file, and how are
you handling locking?

In AWS, I used to save it in a versioned S3 bucket and DynamoDB for locking.
Best Regards

On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 6:25 PM Fred Newtz  wrote:

> Well, CloudStack is not like Terraform.  You can use Terraform to manage
> CloudStack though.  There are plenty of other benefits you get out of a
> CloudStack deployment, like some network automations depending on your
> deployment model and hardware used.   But it is a Cloud Management
> Platform.  Designed to be installed on BareMetal.  It is a combination of a
> Hypervisor and similar to OpenStack.  But could easily be compared to AWS,
> Azure and GCP as well.  It is all designed to be running on your own
> hardware, so it is not an automation framework.
> Good luck,happy to answer any other questions around automation you might
> have.
> Thanks,
> Fred
> On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 11:56 AM Francisco Arencibia Quesada <
>> wrote:
> > Good morning guys,
> >
> > If anyone is successfully using Ansible or Terraform to manage IaC, I
> would
> > appreciate any feedback. Personally, I would go for Terraform/OpenTofu,
> but
> > I would like to hear about your experience with CloudStack. I have used
> > Terraform for AWS in the past.
> >
> > Thank you all in advance.
> >
> > Best Regards
> >
> > --
> > *Francisco Arencibia Quesada.*
> > *DevOps Engineer*
> >

*Francisco Arencibia Quesada.*
*DevOps Engineer*

CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2024 - Sponsorship

2024-05-31 Thread Ivet Petrova
Hi all,

We are few months away from the CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2024, which 
will happen in Madrid, Nov 20-22.
Currently, we are searching for companies, who would like to support the 
CCC2024 as event sponsors. Supporting the project and the event specifically, 
enable the whole community to get together and enjoy three days of interactive 
sessions, hackathon, workshops and meetings.
Depending on the sponsorship level, you can benefit from:
- booth on place at the conference
- branding and brand awareness opportunities
- speaking opportunities
- option to make a lot of new connections and follow up.

Our sponsorship packages are available here:

Currently we have as confirmed sponsors ShapeBlue, LINBIT, StorPool, proIO, 

Best regards,


Re: [D] Support for Autoscale, using VNF in L2 Networks. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user btzq added a comment to the discussion: Support for Autoscale, 
using VNF in L2 Networks.

@weizhouapache traffic mirroring is a great tool but it doesnt allow for taking 
action against malicious traffic. 

Would Option 1 be more straightforward to implement? And in this option, i 
suppose assigning a public ip to the vnf should not be an issue. 

But how would the traffic then get send back to the virtual router?

And how would the virtual router recognise the vnf as the new default gateway?

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Re: [D] Support for Autoscale, using VNF in L2 Networks. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user DaanHoogland added a comment to the discussion: Support for 
Autoscale, using VNF in L2 Networks.

this seems like a discussion that ccan lead to several implementation 
ideas/issues. I'm converting it to a discussion.

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Re: [D] Support for Autoscale, using VNF in L2 Networks. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user btzq added a comment to the discussion: Support for Autoscale, 
using VNF in L2 Networks.

@weizhouapache , ive updated the diagram to reflect Option 1 better. 
Is my understanding right?

![Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 11 57 21 

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Re: [D] Support for Autoscale, using VNF in L2 Networks. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user weizhouapache added a comment to the discussion: Support for 
Autoscale, using VNF in L2 Networks.

> Hi @weizhouapache ,
> Allowing VNF to be the LB Provider would be great, but come to think of it, i 
> think it will pose a challenge because Cloudstack will need to recognise the 
> different metrics that the VNF outputs for Scale Up, Scale Down etc.
> If Autoscale relies on Virtual Router for now, then would this suggestion 
> below be easier to implement instead?
> ![Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 1 58 27 
> pm](
> In this diagram:
> * No change to the way Autoscaling works is required.
> * Virtual Router just needs to be allowed to route incoming traffic from the 
> internet, to the VNF.
> * VNF will then return the traffic back to Virtual Router.
> * Any VNF can be used as its just routing of traffic.
> I believe a UI is needed to specify the conditions in which the Virtual 
> Router will route the traffic to the VNF. I think basic conditions will do, 
> as the more advanced stuff will be done by the VNF.

currently Autoscaling supports 5 counters, see
the cpu/memory usage are fetched from hypervisor
the network/lb metrics are fetched from virtual routers.
for now, cloudstack does not get metrics for Autoscaling from other sources.

it looks like you need a feature like traffic mirroring.

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Re: [D] Support for Autoscale, using VNF in L2 Networks. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user btzq added a comment to the discussion: Support for Autoscale, 
using VNF in L2 Networks.

Hi @weizhouapache , 

Allowing VNF to be the LB Provider would be great, but come to think of it, i 
think it will pose a challenge because Cloudstack will need to recognise the 
different metrics that the VNF outputs for Scale Up, Scale Down etc. 

If Autoscale relies on Virtual Router for now, then would this suggestion below 
be easier to implement instead?

![Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 1 58 27 

In this diagram:
- No change to the way Autoscaling works is required. 
- Virtual Router just needs to be allowed to route incoming traffic from the 
internet, to the VNF. 
- VNF will then return the traffic back to Virtual Router.
- Any VNF can be used as its just routing of traffic.

I believe a UI is needed to specify the conditions in which the Virtual Router 
will route the traffic to the VNF. I think basic conditions will do, as the 
more advanced stuff will be done by the VNF.

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Re: [D] Support for Autoscale, using VNF in L2 Networks. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user weizhouapache added a comment to the discussion: Support for 
Autoscale, using VNF in L2 Networks.

> @weizhouapache actually in my diagram above, im suggesting to not use VNF to 
> provide Autoscaling Feature. Let the current logic work as is.
> The end result we are trying to achieve is to implement some sort of security 
> implementation from the internet, just before it gets distributed to the VMs 
> in the VPC.
> * Internet -> VNF -> Virtual Router -> Autoscale Grousp (Ideal Scenario)
> But this is not possible because the default gateway must be the Virtual 
> Router.
> So in my diagram, i was suggesting another way to achieve that is by having 
> the Virtual Router, route traffic to the VNF. VNF will then return the 
> traffic after processing. Then, the Router can continue to distribute the 
> traffic to whichever services need it via the existing logic (Eg. Autoscaling)
> The implementation would look like this.
> * Internet -> Virtual Router -> VNF -> Virtual Router -> Autoscale Groups

the second option looks like
not exactly the same
If you have full control on the virtual router and VNF, you can do PoC by some 
manual changes.
I have no idea if it is possible.

option 1 make more sense to me. the public Ip needs to be associated to the VNF.

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Re: [D] Support for Autoscale, using VNF in L2 Networks. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user weizhouapache added a comment to the discussion: Support for 
Autoscale, using VNF in L2 Networks.

Currently the autoscale feature has dependency on loadbalancing service. For 
now it only works with isolated networks or vpc with lb.
Do you want VNF to be working as the LB provider in the isolated network with 
VR( as source nat) ?

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Re: [D] Support for Autoscale, using VNF in L2 Networks. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user btzq added a comment to the discussion: Support for Autoscale, 
using VNF in L2 Networks.

@weizhouapache actually in my diagram above, im suggesting to not use VNF to 
provide Autoscaling Feature. Let the current logic work as is. 

The end result we are trying to achieve is to implement some sort of security 
implementation from the internet, just before it gets distributed to the VMs in 
the VPC. 

- Internet -> VNF -> Virtual Router -> Autoscale Grousp (Ideal Scenario)

But this is not possible because the default gateway must be the Virtual 

So in my diagram, i was suggesting another way to achieve that is by having the 
Virtual Router, route traffic to the VNF. 
VNF will then return the traffic after processing. Then, the Router can 
continue to distribute the traffic to whichever services need it via the 
existing logic (Eg. Autoscaling)

The implementation would look like this.

- Internet -> Virtual Router -> VNF -> Virtual Router -> Autoscale Groups

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Re: Experience on GPU Support?

2024-05-31 Thread Bryan Tiang
Hi All,

Thanks so much for the insights, it’s really eye opening.

Im wondering, is vGPU for KVM possible? And does it only work with NVIDIA 
cards? Or has anyone successfully integrated AMD MI300X before (using vGPU KVM)?

On 12 Mar 2024 at 3:54 AM +0800, Pierre-Luc Dion , wrote:
> There is no issue delivering VM with passthrough GPU with CloudStack, We've
> been doing this using XenServer as hypervisor. It requires an enterprise
> license from Citrix to enable the GPU and vGPU support features.
> As we don't use KVM , I can't say much about it.
> there is some limitation delivering GPU/vGPU to VMs, on XenServer you can
> only share a single GPU per VM in passthrough, so if your server have 4 GPU
> cards, you can have 4 VMs with passthrough GPU. 1 VM can support multiple
> vGPU, not sure for the count.
> If you plan to deploy vGPU , you also need the RTX driver installed on the
> hypervisor, and licensing service in order to deliver the vGPU. vGPU
> definition and naming seams standard across hypervisors depending on the
> GPU model.
> I would think that you can deliver GPU in passthrough for H100 GPU,
> will know more later this year. What would you like to deliver from single
> H100 per VMs?
> Extending vGPU support in cloudstack is easy:
> Offering can be created for GPU passthrough that are not listed, this is
> mostly for CloudStack UI to list available GPU during compute-offering
> creation.
> On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 9:04 AM Ivan Kud  wrote:
> > Another way to deal with it is to use KVM agent hooks (this is my code
> > implemented specifically to deal with GPUs and VM-dedicated drives):
> >
> >
> >
> > You can implement the logic in Groovy to modify XML during the start to
> > support extra devices out of CloudStack management.
> >
> > On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 2:36 PM Jorge Luiz Correa
> >  wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Bryan! We are using here but in a different way, customized for our
> > > environment and using how it is possible the features of CloudStack. In
> > > documentation we can see support for some GPU models a little bit old
> > > today.
> > >
> > > We are using pci passthrough. All hosts with GPU are configured to boot
> > > with IOMMU and vfio-pci, not loading kernel modules for each GPU.
> > >
> > > Then, we create a serviceoffering to describe VMs that will have GPU. In
> > > this serviceoffering we use the serviceofferingdetails[1].value field to
> > > insert a block of configuration related to the GPU. It is something like
> > > " ...  ... address type=pci" that describes the PCI bus
> > > from each GPU. Then, we use tags to force this computeoffering to run
> > only
> > > in hosts with GPUs.
> > >
> > > We create a Cloudstack cluster with a lot of hosts equipped with GPUs.
> > When
> > > a user needs a VM with GPU he/she should use the created computeoffering.
> > > VM will be instantiated in some host of the cluster and GPUs are
> > > passthrough to VM.
> > >
> > > There are no control executed by cloudstack. For example, it can try to
> > > instantiate a VM in a host when a GPU is already being used (will fail).
> > > Our management is that the ROOT admin always controls that creation. We
> > > launch all VMs using all GPUs from the infrastructure. Then we use a
> > queue
> > > manager to run jobs in those VMs with GPUs. When a user needs a dedicated
> > > VM to develop something, we can shutdown a VM already running (that is
> > part
> > > of the queue manager as processor node) and then create this dedicated
> > VM,
> > > that uses the GPUs isolated.
> > >
> > > There are some possibilities when using GPUs. For example, some models
> > > accept virtualization when we can divide a GPU. In that case, Cloudstack
> > > would need to support that, so it would manage the driver, creating the
> > > virtual GPUs based on information input from the user, as memory size.
> > > Then, it should manage the hypervisor to passthrough the virtual gpu to
> > VM.
> > >
> > > Another possibility that would help us in our scenario is to make some
> > > control about PCI buses in hosts. For example, if Cloustack could check
> > if
> > > a PCI is being used in some host and then use this information in VM
> > > scheduling, would be great. Cloudstack could launch VMs in a host that
> > has
> > > a PCI address free. This would be used not only for GPUs, but any PCI
> > > device.
> > >
> > > I hope this can help in some way, to think of new scenarios etc.
> > >
> > > Thank you!
> > >
> > > Em qui., 22 de fev. de 2024 às 07:56, Bryan Tiang <
> > >>
> > > escreveu:
> > >
> > > > Hi Guys,
> > > >
> > > > Anyone running Cloudstack with GPU Support in Production? Say NVIDIA
> > H100
> > > > or AMD M1300X?
> > 

Re: [D] CloudStack Dev Setup. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user lohitslohit added a comment to the discussion: CloudStack Dev Setup.

okay. But during the dev environment setup. I had executed the 

`mvn -Pdeveloper,systemvm clean install`

Given in this docs
But I had faced issue given below

[INFO] Building Apache CloudStack Plugin - ACL Project Role Based [47/143]
[INFO] [ jar ]-
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ 
cloud-plugin-acl-project-role-based ---
[INFO] Deleting 
 (includes = [target, dist], excludes = [])
[INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.1.0:check (cloudstack-checkstyle) @ 
cloud-plugin-acl-project-role-based ---
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x7fa68994f0ad, pid=20757, tid=20783
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (11.0.19+7) (build 
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (11.0.19+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu118.04.1, 
mixed mode, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, g1 gc, linux-amd64)
# Problematic frame:
# V  []  void 
 int, int)+0xcd
# Core dump will be written. Default location: Core dumps may be processed with 
"/usr/share/apport/apport -p%p -s%s -c%c -d%d -P%P -u%u -g%g -- %E" (or dumping 
to /home/lohit18/OpenSource/cloudstack/Org/cloudstack/core.20757)
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /home/lohit18/OpenSource/cloudstack/Org/cloudstack/hs_err_pid20757.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
Aborted (core dumped)

How to fix this issue.

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Re: [D] CloudStack Dev Setup. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user lohitslohit added a comment to the discussion: CloudStack Dev Setup.

okay @weizhouapache 

How to check the JVM heap size?
I am using the ubuntu 18.04. Is it okay to use 18.04

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Re: [D] CloudStack Dev Setup. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user sureshanaparti added a comment to the discussion: CloudStack Dev 

Hi @lohitslohit Can you try with mbx-based env, details here:

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Re: [D] CloudStack Dev Setup. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user weizhouapache added a comment to the discussion: CloudStack Dev 

> @weizhouapache  Again I had tried to run the same cmd. but I got amother 
> error. 
> ```
> [INFO] Apache CloudStack Developer Tools .. SUCCESS [  0.014 
> s]
> [INFO] Apache CloudStack apidocs .. FAILURE [  7.339 
> s]
> [INFO] Apache CloudStack marvin ... SKIPPED
> [INFO] Apache CloudStack DevCloud4  SKIPPED
> [INFO] Apache CloudStack DevCloud-KVM . SKIPPED
> [INFO] 
> [INFO] 
> [INFO] Total time:  54:46 min
> [INFO] Finished at: 2024-05-25T19:59:23+05:30
> [INFO] 
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec 
> (compile) on project cloud-apidoc: Command execution failed.: Process exited 
> with an error: 1 (Exit value: 1) -> [Help 1]
> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e 
> switch.
> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
> read the following articles:
> [ERROR] [Help 1] 
> [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the 
> command
> [ERROR]   mvn  -rf :cloud-apidoc
> lohit18@lohit18-Standard-PC-Q35-ICH9-2009:~/OpenSource/cloudstack/Org/cloudstack$
> ```
> How to get the jvm size ? 
> I am using the ubuntu 18.04. Is it okay to use 18.04 

As I remember, this is caused by a missing program (I forget its name), you can 
check the output of the compilation

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Re: [D] CloudStack Dev Setup. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user lohitslohit added a comment to the discussion: CloudStack Dev Setup.

@weizhouapache  Again I had tried to run the same cmd. but I got amother error. 

[INFO] Apache CloudStack Developer Tools .. SUCCESS [  0.014 s]
[INFO] Apache CloudStack apidocs .. FAILURE [  7.339 s]
[INFO] Apache CloudStack marvin ... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache CloudStack DevCloud4  SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache CloudStack DevCloud-KVM . SKIPPED
[INFO] Total time:  54:46 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-05-25T19:59:23+05:30
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec 
(compile) on project cloud-apidoc: Command execution failed.: Process exited 
with an error: 1 (Exit value: 1) -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e 
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn  -rf :cloud-apidoc

How to get the jvm size ? 
I am using the ubuntu 18.04. Is it okay to use 18.04 

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Re: [D] CloudStack Dev Setup. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user weizhouapache added a comment to the discussion: CloudStack Dev 

> okay. But during the dev environment setup. I had executed the 
> `mvn -Pdeveloper,systemvm clean install`
> Given in this docs 
> But I had faced issue given below
> ```
> [INFO] Building Apache CloudStack Plugin - ACL Project Role Based 
> [47/143]
> [INFO] [ jar 
> ]-
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ 
> cloud-plugin-acl-project-role-based ---
> [INFO] Deleting 
> /home/lohit18/OpenSource/cloudstack/Org/cloudstack/plugins/acl/project-role-based
>  (includes = [target, dist], excludes = [])
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.1.0:check (cloudstack-checkstyle) @ 
> cloud-plugin-acl-project-role-based ---
> #
> # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
> #
> #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x7fa68994f0ad, pid=20757, tid=20783
> #
> # JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (11.0.19+7) (build 
> 11.0.19+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu118.04.1)
> # Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (11.0.19+7-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu118.04.1, 
> mixed mode, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, g1 gc, linux-amd64)
> # Problematic frame:
> # V  []  void 
> objArrayOopDesc::oop_iterate_range(G1ScanEvacuatedObjClosure*,
>  int, int)+0xcd
> #
> # Core dump will be written. Default location: Core dumps may be processed 
> with "/usr/share/apport/apport -p%p -s%s -c%c -d%d -P%P -u%u -g%g -- %E" (or 
> dumping to /home/lohit18/OpenSource/cloudstack/Org/cloudstack/core.20757)
> #
> # An error report file with more information is saved as:
> # /home/lohit18/OpenSource/cloudstack/Org/cloudstack/hs_err_pid20757.log
> #
> # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
> #
> #
> Aborted (core dumped)
> ```
> How to fix this issue.

jvm heap size?

pls: ubuntu 18.04 is eol.

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Re: [D] CloudStack Dev Setup. [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user weizhouapache added a comment to the discussion: CloudStack Dev 

> okay @weizhouapache
> How to check the JVM heap size? I am using the ubuntu 18.04. Is it okay to 
> use 18.04

export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx4096m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1024m"
then run the maven command
it may be not needed, as your build already passed. 
the error with `apidocs` project is not caused by java settings or any java 

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Re: [D] KVM not listing Unmanaged Instances [cloudstack]

2024-05-31 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user andrijapanicsb added a comment to the discussion: KVM not listing 
Unmanaged Instances

Please read the documentation. It lists's only stopped VMs and it requires 
listen_tcp=1 in the libvirtd config

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