Re: Tiles and JSF Wiki entry

2005-09-19 Thread Rick Reumann
Awesome. Thanks Robert.

( By the way the above URL is really )On 9/18/05, 
Robert Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It was recommended by a few users that a wiki entry be created for myrecent adventures in learning how to use Tiles with MyFaces. See thethread subject [newbie] Forward to launch page if you want all the
gory details. You can find the wiki entry here:'s my first wiki entry, so if you find some mistakes or ways to
improve it, feel free to jump right in or let me know.Thanks again for all who helped me and I hope this helps others./robert-- Rick

Re: [newbie] Forward to launch page

2005-09-17 Thread Rick Reumann
Robert, I haven't figured out Tiles yet with JSF. I got frustrated
trying too many things at once, so I backed out my Tiles stuff and just
tried to get a simple app working first. My next step is to learn
tiles. I have the feeling using Tiles might really complicate the
learning process.
On 9/17/05, Robert Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Wow! I feel like I'm in left field here.Let me back up and tell you what I want to accomplish.I have an existing Struts application which I want to convert to usingJSF. That application uses tiles and prefix mapping. I have the Struts
application set up such that when the user invokes /app/launch, theStruts controller is invoked (prefix mapping for Struts servlet is/app/*), looks up the corresponding action mapping,TilesRequestProcessor resolves the tiles definition then builds my page.
So far, the examples I have provided on this thread use extesionmapping. This is because I started having so much trouble with prefixmapping, that I thought if I could get my example working usingextension mapping, I could simply change the mapping and I would be okay.
So before I waste more bandwidth, I'm going to do some more research,because I obviously don't understand the life cycle.Thanks for all who have helped so far./robertVolker Weber wrote:
 Hi, as i mentioned before: your has to made the redirect/forward link relative. I just check this out with the redirect in my application. Prefixing the redirect url with a '/' results in a
 HTTP Status 404 - /faces/overview/intro.jsp ! If you use absolute url you has to add the application path also. If you know the url you has to type in your browser to get your launch
 page, this is exactly the url to must redirect/forward to! The navigation-rules of your faces-config.xml are not needed for this, just for inner application navigation. Regards
 Rick Reumann wrote:Well I believe your index page of:jsp:forward page=/launch.faces/Is going to try to find /launch.jsp in the root but you don't have
launch there so make it:jsp:forward page=/pages/launch.faces/ and you should be all set.Also this rule:navigation-rule
 navigation-caseto-view-id/pages/launch.jsp/to-view-id /navigation-case/navigation-ruleI don't think will do anything since you don't have a from-outcome
defined, so I'm not sure what the above will ever do. I think you areexpecting the to-view-id to fire based on the forward set up in yourindex, but that's not the case since that forward is going to try to
resolve to a jsp (which doesn't exist in your root).-- Rick

Re: [newbie] How to pass a parameter from one page to another

2005-09-17 Thread Rick Reumann

Martin Marinschek wrote the following on 9/17/2005 12:12 PM:

Very good entry,

the one thing missing IMHO in the end is mentioning setting
preserveDataModel to true on your t:dataTable element. With that, you
can even omit using the t:saveState tag.

Does that only preserve it for the next request? I don't want it 
preserved in Session. If it acts just like saveState, that would be great.


Re: [newbie] Forward to launch page (w/Tiles) [SOLVED]

2005-09-17 Thread Rick Reumann
Yea Robert, PLEASE put your findings in the wiki. An entry on how to
get started using Tiles with JSF would be extremely helpful. I'm going
to be tapping you for tiles help now:) On 9/17/05, Martin Marinschek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:I think something like this belongs onto the Wiki if you can spare the time!
would be great to have this info there ;)regards,Martin

Re: commandLink with action inside Table

2005-09-16 Thread Rick Reumann

Christian Froelich wrote the following on 9/16/2005 5:31 AM:

h:column id=columnBrowsTab1 rendered=#{foo.secondBoolean}

  x:saveState id=listenerObid value=#{listener.obid}/
  x:saveState id=fooObid value=#{foo.obid}/

  h:commandLink id=TMIL action=#{listener.sort} 
 value=#{foo.obid == 'obid'} rendered=#{foo.obid == 'obid'} /  

I'm stabbing in the dark here since this is all new to me also. It 
doesn't look ilke you need to saveState of listener since your rendered 
is only concerned with foo.obid == 'obid'. Try leaving off the first 
saveState and just put:

x:saveState id=foo value=#{foo}/

Maybe you can have more than one saveState on a page and only the first 
one is getting called?

Also make sure the bean backed by foo is serializable (at least I think 
it needs to be for saveState to work).


Re: [newbie] How to pass a parameter from one page to another

2005-09-16 Thread Rick Reumann

Martin Marinschek wrote the following on 9/16/2005 8:25 AM:

A cool MyFaces specific feature is the t:updateActionListener tag - you 
can set a value onto a backing bean if a command has been executed.

I'm very interested in seeing this tag used or some docs on it. I looked 
under the UpdateActionListenerTag docs and  but didn't find anything.

Does one of the MyFaces examples show how it's used?


Re: [newbie] Forward to launch page

2005-09-16 Thread Rick Reumann

Robert Taylor wrote the following on 9/15/2005 6:12 PM:
Greetings, I'm a current Struts user interested in learning and using 
MyFaces and JSF.

My dev. env. consists of Tomcat 5.5.9, MyFaces 1.0.9, JDK 1.4.2, Win2K.

I've configured MyFaces to use Tiles for view-handler.

What I want to do is to have my welcome page (index.jsp), forward to a 
launch page for the application.

In Struts, I would simply use a jsp:forward page=/app/launch/.
In my struts-config.xml file I has an action mapping for action 
path=/launch forward=launch.tile/ which forwarded to a tiles 
configuration which builds the page.

I'm trying to do something similar with JSF, but have been unsuccessful.
I removed the tiles complexity just to see if it would display a 
non-tiles .jsp. My wecome page consists of a single line:

jsp:forward page=/app/launch/.

My faces-context.xml file is as follows:

?xml version=1.0?

!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC
  -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.0//EN; 





How's it going Robert. Good to see you here:)

I'm not totally sure of the interaction/effects of using .faces 
(assuming you have in you web.xml:

  servlet-nameFaces Servlet/servlet-name
but what should work  is

jsp:forward page=/app/launch.faces/


Someone please correct if what I'm doing above is the wrong approach (as 
I'm using it in the online example I wrote and I want to be doing the 
correct thing )

Re: [newbie] How to pass a parameter from one page to another

2005-09-16 Thread Rick Reumann

Thomas Spiegl wrote the following on 9/16/2005 10:14 AM:

If your bean is Serializable use

t:saveState value=#{yourBean} /

That's not what I'm asking though. I'm asking about how to use the 
t:updateActionListener tag. I'm thinking the tag would be used inside of 
a commandLink or commandButton tag and when the action is fired that the 
link or button represents, it will automatically set and bean properties 
of the backing bean backing that action? If so, this would be a SUPERBLY 
nice feature.

Currently, for example if you pass in parameters with a commandLink you 
need to do the following in the resulting action (assuming foo is the 

FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Map map = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
String foo = (String) map.get(foo);

I'm assuming that possibly t:updateActionListener would avoid this 
construct and that if you had a property in the Action called foo it 
would be automagically populated using the tag. This would be very nice 
- so nice, that I think it should be part of standard JSF.

to make yourBean available on next page.

regards, Thomas

On 9/16/05, *Rick Reumann* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Martin Marinschek wrote the following on 9/16/2005 8:25 AM:

  A cool MyFaces specific feature is the t:updateActionListener tag
- you
  can set a value onto a backing bean if a command has been executed.

I'm very interested in seeing this tag used or some docs on it. I looked
under the UpdateActionListenerTag docs and  but didn't find anything.

Does one of the MyFaces examples show how it's used?



Re: [newbie] How to pass a parameter from one page to another

2005-09-16 Thread Rick Reumann

Thomas Spiegl wrote the following on 9/16/2005 11:08 AM:


My answer was related to Esther Leimbeck's question.

When using the updateActionListener nested inside a commandLink, the 
backing bean will automatically be updated.

Have a look at the Master-Detail example:

Awesome! Thanks Thomas! That tag is so cool.

This really is the answer I think to all the questions on this list that 
come up when people are concerned about using request params in command 
links and then having to pull them out of the faces Context.

Instead, this tag should be used imo. Saves lot of time is much cleaner.


Re: [newbie] How to display dynamic content from a database

2005-09-16 Thread Rick Reumann
On 9/16/05, Esther Leimbeck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to write a JSF-application that displays a data-list from a database.
The amount of entries in that list, however, differs.
My question is:
I assume I have to place that data into the backing bean BEFORE the page is rendered. How do I do that? 
I actually have two use cases:
1: Upon its first call, a page has to display such a data list (so
somehow I need to be able to place the data from the database into the
backing bean BEFORE the page is displayed)
Have a backing bean hold on to a Collection (or maybe a bean holding a
Collection). You call a method in that backing bean that populates the
collection when you click on a link or button. The resulting page you
go to then just uses this Collection for the dislay.

2: A page is called by another page which passes a "key" to the new
page. The new page has to then use that "key" to query the database
(Key can be a search criteria or such. It is usually an integer)
How can that be done?
A couple ways. The cleanest solution seems to be using the updateActionListener tag that Thomas just introduced me to.

So for example I have a link in a table that looks like...

t:dataTable var=emp  
t:commandLink action="">

h:outputText value=#{msgs.edit} /

t:updateActionListener property=#{}
value=#{} /

In the backing bean employeeAction there is an employee
reference. Clicking on the link above will set the Id of employee
in my EmployeeAction's 'prepareForEdit' method. It's very nice.

Re: [newbie] Forward to launch page

2005-09-16 Thread Rick Reumann
Well I believe your index page of:

jsp:forward page=/launch.faces/

Is going to try to find /launch.jsp in the root but you don't have launch there so make it:

jsp:forward page=/pages/launch.faces/ and you should be all set.

Also this rule:

  navigation-caseto-view-id/pages/launch.jsp/to-view-id  /navigation-case/navigation-rule

I don't think will do anything since you don't have a from-outcome defined, so I'm not sure what the above will ever do.
I think you are expecting the to-view-id to fire based on the forward
set up in your index, but that's not the case since that forward is
going to try to resolve to a jsp (which doesn't exist in your root).

Re: [newbie] How to pass a parameter from one page to another

2005-09-16 Thread Rick Reumann
On 9/16/05, Martin Marinschek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you like it,you might want to document it ;)

Created a wiki entry here on it, plus some other techniques. I'm sure I
made some mistakes so any corrections welcome.
-- Rick

Re: commandLink with action inside Table

2005-09-15 Thread Rick Reumann

Mike Kienenberger wrote the following on 9/15/2005 12:18 PM:

Take a look at this thread for both a discussion on the situation and
solutions.  Note that the earlier part of the thread didn't address
the real issue, so I started you somewhere in the middle.[EMAIL 

Rick was going to write a wiki entry on the situation, but I don't
think he's done so yet.

Basically, you need to preserve the value of rendered to the next request.
Using the t:saveState component is one way to do this.

Yes, I am going to make a wiki entry this. The reason I didn't reply 
immediately is that he mentioned he was using session scope for his 
backing bean. I'm guessing now that both the foo bean and listener 
bean both aren't in session scope.

Christian, I'm guessing that listener is not being preserved so if you 
preserve listener or listener you should be all set:

t:saveState id=listener value=#{listener}/

(just perserving obid of listener should work also:
t:saveState id=obid value=#{listener.obid}/)

If foo isn't being preserved (I think you said it was in Session 
scope), you'll need to save that state also. I haven't looked into using 
t:saveState for more than one object though.


Looking at CarSort example.. will it work with ListDataModel?

2005-09-13 Thread Rick Reumann
I currently have a DataTable built from a ListDataModel that takes my 
List. I want to implement column sorting, so I'm just beginning to look 
at the Car sort example of MyFaces.

Will the sort work on the front end if you use a ListDataModel vs a 
direct List in your DataTable?


t:column width issue, was: Re: Looking at CarSort example.. will it work with ListDataModel?

2005-09-13 Thread Rick Reumann

Mathias Brökelmann wrote the following on 9/13/2005 11:32 AM:

Yes it should work.

This is odd. I'm using the nightly build of myfaces-all, but when the 
table resorts it doesn't produce the 'width' attribute on the td:

t:column width=280

Before clicking on a column to sort, the table correctly generates a td 
width=280, after clicking on a column to sort, the width is no longer 
present in the generated source.

Any ideas what could be going wrong?


Re: Looking at CarSort example.. will it work with ListDataModel?

2005-09-13 Thread Rick Reumann

Mathias Brökelmann wrote the following on 9/13/2005 11:32 AM:

Yes it should work.

Things are also getting really screwed up after a sort takes place and 
then I try to get a handle the row selected by doing...

this.employee = 

After a sort takes place, I am no longer able to get the correct row 
that is selected.

I am even using two methos now in my EmployeesListBean:

public ListDataModel getEmployeesModelSorted()  {
sort(getSort(), isAscending());
return model;

 public ListDataModel getEmployeesModel()  {
 //don't sort here since this method gets called from EmployeeAction
return model;

The JSP is using:

t:dataTable var=emp

the sort method, sorts just like it does in the car example, but I also 
am reinitializing the Model...

Collections.sort(employees, comparator);
 //repopulate DataModel, since we just sorted
 model = new ListDataModel( employees );

The regular getEmployeesModel() method doesn't call the sort method so I 
thought that would mean I'd be able to get a handle to the correct row 
selected by the user, but something isn't working correctly.


Re: Looking at CarSort example.. will it work with ListDataModel?

2005-09-13 Thread Rick Reumann

Rick Reumann wrote the following on 9/13/2005 2:57 PM:

Mathias Brökelmann wrote the following on 9/13/2005 11:32 AM:

Yes it should work.

Things are also getting really screwed up after a sort takes place and 
then I try to get a handle the row selected by doing...

this.employee = 

Narrowing this down a bit more. I notice the above is always grabbing 
the 'last row' in the DataModel, regardless of which one is selected. So 
after a sort and you click on the edit button on the row, it will 
bring back the last row regardless of which one is clicked on from...

h:commandLink value=#{msgs.edit} 

prepareForEdit() has the
this.employee = 

After a sort takes place, I am no longer able to get the correct row 
that is selected.

I am even using two methos now in my EmployeesListBean:

public ListDataModel getEmployeesModelSorted()  {
sort(getSort(), isAscending());
return model;

 public ListDataModel getEmployeesModel()  {
 //don't sort here since this method gets called from EmployeeAction
return model;

The JSP is using:

t:dataTable var=emp

the sort method, sorts just like it does in the car example, but I also 
am reinitializing the Model...

Collections.sort(employees, comparator);
 //repopulate DataModel, since we just sorted
 model = new ListDataModel( employees );

The regular getEmployeesModel() method doesn't call the sort method so I 
thought that would mean I'd be able to get a handle to the correct row 
selected by the user, but something isn't working correctly.


Re: Looking at CarSort example.. will it work with ListDataModel?

2005-09-13 Thread Rick Reumann
Removing preserveState='true' from the DataTable seemed to fix the 

Rick Reumann wrote the following on 9/13/2005 3:08 PM:

Rick Reumann wrote the following on 9/13/2005 2:57 PM:

Mathias Brökelmann wrote the following on 9/13/2005 11:32 AM:

Yes it should work.

Things are also getting really screwed up after a sort takes place and 
then I try to get a handle the row selected by doing...

this.employee = 

Narrowing this down a bit more. I notice the above is always grabbing 
the 'last row' in the DataModel, regardless of which one is selected. So 
after a sort and you click on the edit button on the row, it will 
bring back the last row regardless of which one is clicked on from...

h:commandLink value=#{msgs.edit} 

prepareForEdit() has the
this.employee = 

After a sort takes place, I am no longer able to get the correct row 
that is selected.

I am even using two methos now in my EmployeesListBean:

public ListDataModel getEmployeesModelSorted()  {
sort(getSort(), isAscending());
return model;

 public ListDataModel getEmployeesModel()  {
 //don't sort here since this method gets called from EmployeeAction
return model;

The JSP is using:

t:dataTable var=emp

the sort method, sorts just like it does in the car example, but I 
also am reinitializing the Model...

Collections.sort(employees, comparator);
 //repopulate DataModel, since we just sorted
 model = new ListDataModel( employees );

The regular getEmployeesModel() method doesn't call the sort method so 
I thought that would mean I'd be able to get a handle to the correct 
row selected by the user, but something isn't working correctly.


Re: Looking at CarSort example.. will it work with ListDataModel?

2005-09-13 Thread Rick Reumann

Rick Reumann wrote the following on 9/13/2005 3:47 PM:
Removing preserveState='true' from the DataTable seemed to fix the 

However I'm still having the problem where

t:column width=280 is not being preserved after the resort 
(attribute width not shoing up in source code)


Possible Bug in nightly build - t:column width attribute?

2005-09-13 Thread Rick Reumann

Not sure if this is a bug or something odd with my code..

Using the nightly myfaces-all build from 9/11, if I have:

t:column width=300


t:column style=width:300px;

Both will render correctly on the first display of the page.

However, I've impelemented some column sorting, similar to the MyFaces 
Car sort example, and when the page reloads after clicking on a column 
heading, the style attribute is generated just fine, but the width 
attribute is not generated at all.

Seems odd that the style attribute works but the width does not. This 
seems like a bug, doesn't it?


How to set the width of just one column in dataTable

2005-09-12 Thread Rick Reumann
Say I have 10 columns in a table. I need to set the width of just the 5 
column. It seems like I'd have to make up classes for each column (or at 
least the first 4) just so that I can define a style for the 5th column 
to give it a width? Shouldn't h:column except a style attribute so I 
can manually set a particular column's style?

According to the spec for columnClasses on dataTable:

Comma-delimited list of CSS style classes that will be applied to the 
columns of this table. A space separated list of classes may also be 
specified for any individual column. If the number of elements in this 
list is less than the number of columns specified in the columns 
attribute, no class attribute is output for each column greater than 
the number of elements in the list. If the number of elements in the 
list is greater than the number of columns specified in the columns 
attribute, the elements at the posisiton in the list after the value of 
the columns attribute are ignored.


Re: How to set the width of just one column in dataTable

2005-09-12 Thread Rick Reumann

Mathias Brökelmann wrote the following on 9/12/2005 4:47 PM:

Use t:datatable and a for the 5th column t:column width=xyz

You have to use the latest nightly to work with t:column. You can also
define style or styleClass for t:column

Awesome Mathias! Exactly what I was hoping to be able to do. Be great 
when this make into the release build as well.


How to setup and display non-error messages

2005-09-09 Thread Rick Reumann
I'm looking in the section of Core JSF on messages but I don't see
how to create a typical Your update of John Doe was Successful type
of message to be used on a JSP.

How do you accomplish this with JSF/MyFaces? 

It seems like h:message and h:messages is really only geard for error
type messages, but what about standard success type message?

Actually, I don't even see how to set up error messages. For example
if I make a call to some backend procedure and want to display a
failure message, how do I do this?



Re: How to setup and display non-error messages

2005-09-09 Thread Rick Reumann
Mike, could you explain more the concept of the
optionalRelatedComponentReference - what would be an example of its
usage? Since I'm new, I haven't run across using the
ComponentReference.getClientId construct yet.

(note: gmail might be adding my gmail address as the reply-to address
instead of the list, and I have no idea why - so if someone replies to
this make sure it has the list address. Anyone else besides Mike and I
noticing gmail doing this?)

On 9/9/05, Mike Kienenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 h:messages globalOnly=true showDetail=true/
 h:message for=optionalRelatedComponentId showDetail=true/
 FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
 new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WHATEVER,
 messageSummary, messageDetail));
 optionalRelatedComponentReference.getClientId(facesContext) can be
 replaced with null if you want a global message.
 On 9/9/05, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm looking in the section of Core JSF on messages but I don't see
  how to create a typical Your update of John Doe was Successful type
  of message to be used on a JSP.
  How do you accomplish this with JSF/MyFaces?
  It seems like h:message and h:messages is really only geard for error
  type messages, but what about standard success type message?
  Actually, I don't even see how to set up error messages. For example
  if I make a call to some backend procedure and want to display a
  failure message, how do I do this?


Re: render based on user and his/her roles

2005-09-09 Thread Rick Reumann
Why don't you have your backingBean also have a handle to some kind of
Session based object that has the userRoles etc. Then when you call
backingBean.render() , render could then just check what it needs from
that bean?

On 9/9/05, Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a page, I need to render a UICompont based on user and his/her roles. 
 For example, 
   h:commandLink value=Edit action=Edit rendered=#{backingBean.render}
 In the backingBean boolean render() method, user/roles can be obtained from
 request. But it needs to know the command id or name to figure out(based on
 authorization policy) if the user is allowed to perform the action. If not,
 the commandLink should not be rendered. 
 The backing bean method is not allowed to pass parameters. It is not ideal
 for each command to have one backing bean method such as boolean
 What is the way to accomplish this? Thanks for ideas!  Dave
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 


[OT] testing gmail reply-to. Ignore.

2005-09-09 Thread Rick Reumann
Just a test to see how gmail is setting up the reply-to address. Please ignore. 


understanding the impact of 'rendered'

2005-09-09 Thread Rick Reumann
I am trying to use the rendered attribute to decide whether to display 
an insert button or a save button (in reality they will end up both 
saying just save, but the action associated with them is different). 
Here is how I have the buttons set up:

h:commandButton type=submit id=insert value=INSERT THIS EMPLOYEE 
action=#{employeeAction.insertAction} rendered=#{not 

h:commandButton type=submit id=update value=#{} 

The buttons render exactly as expected - Insert button shows up when 
it's an insert being done, save being shown when it's an update. The 
poblem is I have no idea why the insertAction method is not firing 
when I use the rendered attribute! If I remove rendered so that I have...

h:commandButton type=submit id=insert value=INSERT THIS EMPLOYEE 
action=#{employeeAction.insertAction} /

inertAction will fire just fine.

What has me more stumped is that the updateAction *does* work fine with 
the rendered attribute. What is causing the insertAction to be messed up 
when I use 'rendered' ?


Re: understanding the impact of 'rendered'

2005-09-09 Thread Rick Reumann

CONNER, BRENDAN (SBCSI) wrote the following on 9/9/2005 3:28 PM:

It would be interesting to see whether reversing the order of your
buttons results in the reverse outcome.  In other words, if you specify:

then it would be interesting to see if that makes the update action
inoperable.  If that is the case, then something is being rendered even
for the unrendered button that is somehow messing up how the page gets
submitted for the rendered button.

It's just so weird. I pasted the form I have here:

I removed all buttons so that I only have this one:

h:commandButton type=submit id=insert value=INSERT THIS EMPLOYEE 

Click on above button, page just reloads. insertAction not reached.

If I remove the rendered:

h:commandButton type=submit id=insert value=INSERT THIS EMPLOYEE 

Click on above button, insertAction *is* reached.

I'm baffled.


Re: understanding the impact of 'rendered'

2005-09-09 Thread Rick Reumann

CONNER, BRENDAN (SBCSI) wrote the following on 9/9/2005 4:00 PM:

Can you take out the globalOnly attribute in your h:messages tag in
your JSP?  Maybe it's getting some error which is causing the form to be

I commented that out and still not getting insertAction to be hit.

Doesn't 'rendered' just decide whether or not to display the component? 
I can't see why using the rendered attribute would cause the action 
event to not fire when the button is clicked?

Unless maybe like Mike was possibly eluding to - that when the form 
submits it tries to see if the rendered value is still true (and 
possibly in this case it isn't?). If that's the case I don't really 
understand the logic behind implementing it that way. But I'm not sure 
that's the problem though.

- Brendan

-Original Message-
From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 2:56 PM

To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: understanding the impact of 'rendered'

CONNER, BRENDAN (SBCSI) wrote the following on 9/9/2005 3:28 PM:

It would be interesting to see whether reversing the order of your
buttons results in the reverse outcome.  In other words, if you


then it would be interesting to see if that makes the update action
inoperable.  If that is the case, then something is being rendered


for the unrendered button that is somehow messing up how the page


submitted for the rendered button.

It's just so weird. I pasted the form I have here:

I removed all buttons so that I only have this one:

h:commandButton type=submit id=insert value=INSERT THIS EMPLOYEE 

Click on above button, page just reloads. insertAction not reached.

If I remove the rendered:

h:commandButton type=submit id=insert value=INSERT THIS EMPLOYEE 

Click on above button, insertAction *is* reached.

I'm baffled.


Re: understanding the impact of 'rendered'

2005-09-09 Thread Rick Reumann

Mike Kienenberger wrote the following on 9/9/2005 4:26 PM:

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.
At the start of every phase for every component, the result of
isRendered() is computed.  If it's false, nothing happens during that

Ok thanks, I'll have to play around with that and figure out then how I 
make sure


remains true.

Personally I don't find that behavior that diserable but I'm sure there 
is a reason for it. When you see rendered, I would think one is simply 
going to think Here's the condition to decide whether this component is 
visible or not, but obviously there is more to it than that.


Re: understanding the impact of 'rendered'

2005-09-09 Thread Rick Reumann

CONNER, BRENDAN (SBCSI) wrote the following on 9/9/2005 5:03 PM:

I think the key here is that the rendered condition is checked *after*
the button has been clicked, and, if you haven't saved the state of the
bean that contains the boolean value, it will get re-initialized with
null values (and false values) when it is referenced and the decision is
made to create the action button component.

Yes. Agreed that is what is happening. I'm curious, however, to learn 
*why* this is the behavior (checking the rendered condition after the 
click) for actions on buttons. The recommended way to decide whether to 
display a button or not seems to be to use the 'rendered' condition, yet 
now you also have to remember to save the state.

I have a serious question, if you didn't have MyFaces saveState how in 
the world would one deal with this? I wouldn't want to be forced to give 
my whole backing bean session scope just to be able to hide or show a 
button on a form based on some condition.

I'll have to add this to the wiki. I'm sure someone else is going to get 
burned on this 'rendered' behavior.

Thanks for all your help (and patience:) Mike and Brendan. You've kept 
me somewhat sane throughout this learning process.


Re: Best way to use object properties from a List to create Select Items?

2005-09-08 Thread Rick Reumann

 BTW, the List (or, more generally, the Collection) is assumed to contain
 SelectItem instances.

Ok, I guess I'll have to make methods to covert my Collections to new
Collections/Maps or probably just convert them to a SelectItem[]

This is one area that I believe will/should need to be addressed
moving forward. Often times Collections are brought back from backend
methods that are already in place and the developers are forced to
use. It's now pretty a much a pain to have to call
dackend.getAnimals(),  backend.getEmployees(),
backend.getCollectionOfFooBars(), only to have to then convert that
Collection into something that can be used nicely by the front end for
select options.

When I finally get up to speed with this stuff, I'll see if I can help
contribute a tag to help.

I'm also having trouble with commandLink within dataTable

2005-09-07 Thread Rick Reumann
My commandLink will work when it's outside of the dataTable, but when
it's within the dataTable it is not working (it just refreshes the
same page, minus the model data, and doesn't even hit the action
method in the backing bean).

I have...

x:saveState id=employeesListBean value=#{employeesListBean}/
h:dataTable var=emp value=#{employeesListBean.employeesModel} 
h:commandLink value=#{msgs.edit} action=#{employeeAction.prepareForEdit}/

If I also add 

h:commandLink value=#{msgs.edit} action=#{employeeAction.prepareForEdit}/
outside of the dataTable the prepareForEdit method is hit.

What do I need to do to get my commandLink working from within the
dataTable without using a Session scoped bean or preserveDataModel ? I
thought the x:saveState would do the trick?


Re: I'm also having trouble with commandLink within dataTable

2005-09-07 Thread Rick Reumann
It's inside a column:

  h:commandLink value=#{msgs.edit}
  h:commandLink value=#{msgs.delete}

On 9/7/05, Mike Kienenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's probably the case, but is your h:commandLink is inside a column
 or facet?   I don't think it can be a direct child of dataTable.
 On 9/7/05, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My commandLink will work when it's outside of the dataTable, but when
  it's within the dataTable it is not working (it just refreshes the
  same page, minus the model data, and doesn't even hit the action
  method in the backing bean).
  I have...
  x:saveState id=employeesListBean value=#{employeesListBean}/
  h:dataTable var=emp value=#{employeesListBean.employeesModel} 
  h:commandLink value=#{msgs.edit} 
  If I also add
  h:commandLink value=#{msgs.edit} 
  outside of the dataTable the prepareForEdit method is hit.
  What do I need to do to get my commandLink working from within the
  dataTable without using a Session scoped bean or preserveDataModel ? I
  thought the x:saveState would do the trick?


Re: I'm also having trouble with commandLink within dataTable

2005-09-07 Thread Rick Reumann
By the way, when I give my emloyeeListBean session scope things work
fine, so I'm guessing maybe it's the way I'm using x:saveState?

x:saveState id=employeesListBean value=#{employeesListBean}/

Does it matter where that x:saveState is located? I have it directly
beneath my imports...

%@ taglib uri=; prefix=f %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=h %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=c %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=x%
x:saveState id=employeesListBean value=#{employeesListBean}/

On 9/7/05, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's inside a column:
   h:commandLink value=#{msgs.edit}
   h:commandLink value=#{msgs.delete}
 On 9/7/05, Mike Kienenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It's probably the case, but is your h:commandLink is inside a column
  or facet?   I don't think it can be a direct child of dataTable.
  On 9/7/05, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   My commandLink will work when it's outside of the dataTable, but when
   it's within the dataTable it is not working (it just refreshes the
   same page, minus the model data, and doesn't even hit the action
   method in the backing bean).
   I have...
   x:saveState id=employeesListBean value=#{employeesListBean}/
   h:dataTable var=emp value=#{employeesListBean.employeesModel} 
   h:commandLink value=#{msgs.edit} 
   If I also add
   h:commandLink value=#{msgs.edit} 
   outside of the dataTable the prepareForEdit method is hit.
   What do I need to do to get my commandLink working from within the
   dataTable without using a Session scoped bean or preserveDataModel ? I
   thought the x:saveState would do the trick?


Error message stating something other than Value..

2005-09-07 Thread Rick Reumann
At one point when I first looked at MyFaces I remember seeing a way to
provide an arg so that a required message wouldn't read:

name:Value is required.

Instead I want to see Name is required

Instead of age: Specified value is not a valid number.

I'd like to see...

Age must be a valid number

Does MyFaces have a way to provides this? I couldnt' find anything
here but might just
be overlooking it.



MyFaces equivalent of using JSTL 'if' and choose/when within JSF compoents?

2005-09-05 Thread Rick Reumann
If I'm using a DataTable or any of the other JSF/MyFaces components
that iterate over a collection, how do I do custom logic based on info
in some other backing bean (for example a backinBean in session
scope)?  I'm looking for what gives me the nice c:if c:choose/when
logic from within JSF components?



Re: looking for a little crud sample

2005-09-02 Thread Rick Reumann
Interesting, notice how the approach in the tutorial uses commandLink
with the parameters being passed in the link. It makes a lot of sense
to me to do it this way, but it seems that JSF doesn't really
encourage the applications to be designed this way. Notice how you
have to do this kind of stuff...

 * Get the session map of the external context
Map session = 

 * Find the UIParameter component by expression
UIParameter component = (UIParameter)

On 9/2/05, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks! I look foward to checking this out.
 On 9/2/05, hicham abassi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There is what i need :
  For others who need to begin with crud app ;)
  2005/9/2, hicham abassi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   I have problems to design a little crud into jsf.
   I don't know how to pass from listPage to editPage.
   Can someone explain the best way to pass id from a datatable to
   another page for editing, or give me url for a little crud.
  hicham ABASSI


Re: saveState confusion/question

2005-09-01 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/31/05, Mike Kienenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How's it breaking?  The little info that you've provided seems fine.

What's not working is when I get to the 'saveAction' method of my
backingBean the 'id' of the Employee object in my backingBean
(EmployeeAction) is null. I would think that if I did saveState on the
whole EmployeeAction class on the JSP that the id would be there in
the same Employee object that is able to output the id fine in a
hidden field.

 However, you might find it more efficient to do this since you're
 doing the same thing with an hidden field.
 x:saveState id=employee value=#{}/

But what if I potentially wanted to prreserve a bunch of properties,
not just id? Wouldn't it make sense to saveState on the whole


Re: more on architecture really confused on something (shocker:)

2005-09-01 Thread Rick Reumann
On 9/1/05, Zhong Li [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Back to  the topic, the key thing is  if you want use JSF, you have to keep
 database operation far from JSF beans.  

I agree totally, but this doesn't help much with this question too much. 

I'm using a ListDataModel just to display the stuff in the the table
since everyone seemed to agree that using DataModel and getting out
the selected row is better than my initial plan to simply pass the
id/primary key from a commandLink on the row you want to click on.


I'm confused what you are stating, do you not use the DataModel
approach? How do you get from your master list of items to the edit
detail page?

Thanks and a best practice question in regard to set up of backing bean Actions

2005-08-31 Thread Rick Reumann
Thanks everyone for your help with the crud demo app I've been working
with. (Special thanks to Brendan for his fine Car example code that
he posted in another thread).

I want to start out on the right foot doing things in a 'correct' way
before I get into some bad practices.

Currently, I have a list of employees in a table you click on the
employee and a backing bean method gets the correct row, grabs the id,
gets the true larger Employee object back, then forwards to an
Employee form where you can edit the employee info.

What I'm debating about his how to best set up the backing bean that
supports the 'save' of this form. Currently it's part of an
EmployeeAction object and the pertinent code looks like:
private EmployeeVO employee = new EmployeeVO();
private EmployeesListBean empListBean;

public EmployeesListBean getEmployeesListBean() {
return empListBean;

public void setEmployeesListBean(EmployeesListBean empListBean) {
this.empListBean = empListBean;

public EmployeeVO getEmployee() {
return employee;

public void setEmployee(EmployeeVO employee) {
this.employee = employee;

public String prepareForEdit() {
this.employee =
//get Employee from backend
this.employee = EmployeeService.getEmployee( employee.getId() );
log.debug(returned employee = +employee );
return success;

public String saveAction() {
//need way to tell update vs insert ?
log.debug(In saveAction );
return success;

The prepareForEdit method is called from a link next to the name of
each employee on the employees.jsp. After clicking the link the
success result will navigate you to emloyeeForm.jsp...

The part I'm not so sure about is the setup of the EmployeeAction..
I'm having to initialize EmployeeVO employee = new EmployeeVO(); 
because if I don't have this, I'll end up with conversion errors since
the employee is null when the form submits. Is it better to not create
this new instance and maybe use saveState on the form instead?

Also on the form I'm doing...

h:inputText value=#{}/

I like the above since it saves me from having to add extra set/gets
in my EmployeeAction class to deal with the EmployeeVO nested inside
of EmployeeAction.However maybe there are some major drawbacks to
doing it that way I've implemented it?

Thanks for any comments.

Re: url query string parameters as input to JSF action - not possible??

2005-08-30 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/30/05, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Why, out of curiousity, do you insist on getting your hands dirty with low
 level HTTP protocol details like dynamically constructing URL patterns? 
 Why, out of curiousity, do you insist on using GET queries (and thereby
 throw away nearly the entire JSF lifecycle)?

For the record it was Mirek who was proposing that, I'm too new to
claim that is what needs to be done. I only concern myself with it
because I haven't received a reply on how to deal with this question
that I asked a couple of times:

I'm still a bit confused on how you deal with links that go to backing
bean methods for standard links/buttons. As an example, imagine the
header on a page...

John Doe[edit user] [logs for user] [user summary]  [look up company]
1455 some address[edit address]
Somewhere, state, 12456

The example above is a bit exaggerated, but the point is the links(or
even buttons) would have to access methods in all different kinds of
backing beans.

I'm curious how to handle the above with JSF? I'm not trying to be
difficult and I'm working dilligently at trying to grasp the concepts,
but most of the examples do not address these common issues. You see
links on 99.999% of the sites out there - from products you click on,
to going to other sections of web sites. I don't think I'm that off
base to expect the issue to be addressed a bit - maybe the wiki
addresses it, and I missed it? I'm sure I'm missing a simple basic JSF
concepts, but I know I'm not the only one that is confused on the
issue. It's not that I or probably the others want to use get
parameters - we are probably just too ignorant to know of the correct
JSF way to do it. I think all we are doing is asking for how to best
handle the situation with JSF, not that we truly want to force a
square peg into a round hole.

  Let the application deal with application level things like components
 (hidden or not as need be), not implementation details.  Like any other
 technology, JSF will be intuitive if you use it the way it's intended -- and
 it won't be if you don't.


  Isn't more intuitive semantically meaningless, if we all can't even agree
 on what intuitive means?  :-)

Fair enough. I should have qualified. One of the problems I'm
realizing quite quickly with JSF is that it really tries to remove the
user from having to deal with the whole servlet model and I understand
how that could be a great thing. By intuitive I should have clarified
that I meant in regard to the frame-of-reference coming from standard
servlet/JSFprogramming. With Struts, once you realize that an Action
class is really just a Servlet, you are back in the realm of dealing
with Request/Session etc. With Struts you also seem to be able to ease
into the process more gradually. Other than using the struts html:form
tag, you can skip using most tags if you wanted. You could just
standard html input tags. As you get more comfortable with the
framework you can add more and more features. With Struts, viewing the
html source generated also is pretty easy to see if things 'look as
you'd expect.'  With JSF, looking at the generated source code doesn't
seem to help me very much.  I'm all for learning JSF though. I'm by no
means saying that Struts is better, or JSF is better, or .NET is
better. I'm going to plug away to learn this technology.


Concerning DataModel usage plus overhead?

2005-08-29 Thread Rick Reumann
I haven't really used the DataModel class yet, but as described by
Brendan in another thread, I have a couple of questions about the
concepts behind it...

First a simple example...

Want to display on a page a list of employees. User should be able to
click on employee and brought to an edit page to edit the employee.

My question in a previous thread was how to best accomplish this. I
figured a simple link passing in an ID would make the most sense,
but it seems like there was recommendations to use a dataModel. But say
my initial ist was...



1) I want to click on one of those names and edit the user. This
initial collection of employees shouldn't contain the full employee
info - its just name and ID. It's way too much overhead to pull back
the full employee information at this stage, so all I have as a name
and an ID.

2) Why would I want to really save the state of this tableData in this
case using t:saveState since I really don't care about this list
anymore once the name is clicked. I'm going to be brought to a totally
new editEmployee screen and no longer need this collection around. When
I want the updated list I should get it from the backend again.

Please someone help me understand how to best accomplish what I want to
do. It seems like such an easy concept but yet I haven't seen a good
explanation or an example (granted I don't have the O'Reilly book, from
what seems to be described I'm not certain that example will be what I
want either).

Thanks so much.

-- Rick

Re: url query string parameters as input to JSF action - not possible??

2005-08-29 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/28/05, Sverker Abrahamsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm new to JSF so this may be a stupid question but 
I've been reading a lot of tutorials and parts of the spec and come to the 
conclusion that JSF only support forms with method=post. The only motivation 
for that I've seen is that its unpure to let a HTTP GET request change server 

Strictly follwing that means however that it's not 
possible to make url's that uses query string to send data directly into an JSF 
action, something which is very common today. I.e. look at the JCP site which 
uses url's like this: 
leads to JSR 252 which is forJSF 1.2).

I guess maybe I'm running into the same question. I'll repost my question which I think is related to the above:

I'm still a bit confused on how you deal with links that go to
backing bean methods for standard links/buttons. As an example, imagine
the header on a page...

John Doe [edit user] [logs for user] [user summary] [look up company]

1455 some address [edit address] 

Somewhere, state, 12456 

The example above is a bit exaggerated, but the point is the links
would have to access methods in all different kinds of backing beans.
If I use commandLink for those links and provide f:param with the
appropriate vars, will the backing bean called automatically be
populated with those vars (assuming the backing bean has the same
matching member variables)? ( Similar to the same way in Struts calling
an action from a link with get params attached will populate the
backing ActionForm?) or do I need to manually pull these params from
the request?

Sounds like from what you are stating Sverker that JSF doesn't support the above very well?


Re: url query string parameters as input to JSF action - not possible??

2005-08-29 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/29/05, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
That is indeed a GET request.You can fire a GET request at a JSPpage just fine (including query parameters) ... the thing you give upis state restoration, since your request won't include any stateinformation.

But what's the most efficient way to handle this in a JSF backing bean? In other words are you forced to have to do...

FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Map reqParams = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
String fooBar = (String)reqParams.get(fooBar);

Isn't there a way to make sure the property of my backingBean, in this
case fooBar, is populated automatically after clicking on a link that
is to handle this Request where fooBar is passed as a parameter of
the URL? (In a similar way an ActionForm property is set that backs an
Action in Struts?)
-- Rick

Re: Concerning DataModel usage plus overhead?

2005-08-29 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/29/05, Kevin Galligan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you use the standard dataTable, you have tokeep your values in session between the time you show the list and whenthey click on the value.If you get the values from the db each time,you open the possibility that the index will have changed, and the
selected value will be incorrect.If you keep the values in session,its keeping a lot of data around, and you need to explicitly code a refresh.
To me the above is just really goofy. Unless, there are security
constraints to me it makes sense to get the item you want back based on
some key. Maybe for example you are looking at a list of care models on
a page, then you want to see the details of the car. It makes most
sense to me to click on the car model passing the id of the model you
want, you look up the model and you pass it back. When you need the
list of cars back, get a fresh set from the backend. If you need
caching, cache at the persistence layer.

I don't see the advantage of saving the state of a DataModel, but I'm
new to all of this, so maybe I'll see the light at some point.


Re: Concerning DataModel usage plus overhead?

2005-08-29 Thread Rick Reumann

you could do your own parameter passing. It's just that JSF offers the 
DataModel abstraction such that, whenthe userclicks on your link, 
your program just has to askDataModel for rowIndex to locate the row that 
was selected. It's designed to simplify your coding.
Where should I look for a good of this? Also does it work when you need
access to the DataModel from a different backing bean that created the
DataModel? For example... 

h:dataTable var=emp value=#{employees.employees}  !--
employees is a backing bean that will generate a DataModel of
'employees' --

Now I want a link in on row that will call employee.edit that will go
to backing bean and enter the 'edit' method where I can
pull out the 'id' that is is found in the bean for the current row of
my DataModel. How do I get a handle to this DataModel from a totally
different backing bean then the one that created the DataModel?

thanks for the help
-- Rick

using browser back button with MyFaces examples creates problems..

2005-08-29 Thread Rick Reumann

Load up exmaples http://localhost:8080/myfaces-examples/home.jsf ,
click on examples -- components -- Master Detail example. 

click Austria

use browser back button

Select another menu option like Selectboxes 

use browser back button

Click on Master Detail example --- result ugly error:(-- Rick

Re: Concerning DataModel usage plus overhead?

2005-08-29 Thread Rick Reumann

set up employee to have a managed reference toemployees. Then, once 
control reaches Employee.edit(),its reference to employees will have been 
set up already by JSF.

But employee has its managed bean reference to employee
( The edit is a method in
not in (EmployeesAction is the one that generated
the initial DataModel).. 

Are you saying 'employee' can have a managed reference to both
EmployeesAction AND EmployeeAction? I didn't know you could have a
single reference with more than one backing bean associate to it?


Re: Concerning DataModel usage plus overhead?

2005-08-29 Thread Rick Reumann
 I probably just got confused by your naming convention.  Can you repeat your
 question with clearer names? 
Sure. Let me change the names and concepts..

First page you come to is a list of cars on cars.jsp. Cars is
populated as DataModel from  There is a managed
bean reference for the name cars to
CarsListAction has a method getCars which returns this DataModel. On
cars.jsp you have...

h:dataTable var=car value=#{} 

Another managed bean: has CRUD methods. In this case
getCar which is supposed to get a Car back from the backend based
on 'carID.

I want to be able to click on car from the list on cars.jsp and hit
the getCar' method in my bean and forward to a
carForm.jsp that lets me edit the car. If I use a DataModel with this
I'm assuming I'll need to get a handle to the DataModel from my but the DataModel was set up in CarsListAction.

Re: Concerning DataModel usage plus overhead?

2005-08-29 Thread Rick Reumann
Actually, the MyFaces master/detail example source code is shedding
some light on some things. Rather than me waste more of your valuable
time, let me fart around with that code and see if I can tweak mine to
use a similar concept. Thanks for your help and patience so far.

 Can you send a snippet of your faces-config.xml showing your managed
 bean definitions and your navigations, just to make sure I have the
 picture right?
 - Brendan
 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 3:24 PM
 To: MyFaces Discussion
 Subject: Re: Concerning DataModel usage plus overhead?
  I probably just got confused by your naming convention.  Can you
 repeat your
  question with clearer names?
 Sure. Let me change the names and concepts..
 First page you come to is a list of cars on cars.jsp. Cars is
 populated as DataModel from  There is a managed
 bean reference for the name cars to
 CarsListAction has a method getCars which returns this DataModel. On
 cars.jsp you have...
 h:dataTable var=car value=#{} 
 Another managed bean: has CRUD methods. In this case
 getCar which is supposed to get a Car back from the backend based
 on 'carID.
 I want to be able to click on car from the list on cars.jsp and hit
 the getCar' method in my bean and forward to a
 carForm.jsp that lets me edit the car. If I use a DataModel with this
 I'm assuming I'll need to get a handle to the DataModel from my but the DataModel was set up in CarsListAction.


Re: Concerning DataModel usage plus overhead?

2005-08-29 Thread Rick Reumann
Thanks Brendan! This below looks wonderful. At home now and no time to
try it, but will tomorrow from work.

By the way, does the O'Reilly book present something like the below? 
This is the exact kind of example that I think would be very useful to
see in a mini-demo-app.

 Sounds good.  Judging from what I understand about your e-mail, I'd
 define something like:
 (I'm calling your data bean carListBean, rather than carListAction, just
 for my own clarity.)
 Then, as you point out, you'd have a dataTable entry like
 h:dataTable value=#{carListBean.carModel} var=car
 h:commandLink action={carAction.getCar}
 Then, in your getCar() method, you'd have something like:
 public  String getCar() {
 Car selectedCar = (Car)
 Hope that helps.
 - Brendan
 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 4:02 PM
 To: MyFaces Discussion
 Subject: Re: Concerning DataModel usage plus overhead?
 Actually, the MyFaces master/detail example source code is shedding
 some light on some things. Rather than me waste more of your valuable
 time, let me fart around with that code and see if I can tweak mine to
 use a similar concept. Thanks for your help and patience so far.
  Can you send a snippet of your faces-config.xml showing your managed
  bean definitions and your navigations, just to make sure I have the
  picture right?
  - Brendan
  -Original Message-
  From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 3:24 PM
  To: MyFaces Discussion
  Subject: Re: Concerning DataModel usage plus overhead?
   I probably just got confused by your naming convention.  Can you
  repeat your
   question with clearer names?
  Sure. Let me change the names and concepts..
  First page you come to is a list of cars on cars.jsp. Cars is
  populated as DataModel from  There is a managed
  bean reference for the name cars to
  CarsListAction has a method getCars which returns this DataModel. On
  cars.jsp you have...
  h:dataTable var=car value=#{} 
  Another managed bean: has CRUD methods. In this case
  getCar which is supposed to get a Car back from the backend based
  on 'carID.
  I want to be able to click on car from the list on cars.jsp and hit
  the getCar' method in my bean and forward to a
  carForm.jsp that lets me edit the car. If I use a DataModel with this
  I'm assuming I'll need to get a handle to the DataModel from my but the DataModel was set up in CarsListAction.


Re: Dealing with links/buttons to fire off an action? confusion on how to set this up

2005-08-27 Thread Rick Reumann
Thanks Brendan, the description of using t:saveState sounds great. I look forward to trying it out shortly. 

I'm still a bit confused on how you deal with links that go to
backing bean methods for standard links/buttons. As an example, imagine
the header on a page [..]=links...

John Doe [edit user] [logs for user] [user summary] [look up company]
1455 some address [edit address] 
Somewhere, state, 12456 

The example above is a bit exaggerated, but the point is the links
would have to access methods in all different kinds of backing beans.
If I use commandLink for those links and provide f:param with the
appropriate vars, will the backing bean called automatically be
populated with those vars (assuming the backing bean has the same
matching member variables)? ( Similar to the same way in Struts calling
an action from a link with get params attached will populate the
backing ActionForm?) or do I need to manually pull these params from
the request?

Thanks for all your help.On 8/26/05, CONNER, BRENDAN (SBCSI) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

t:saveState is trivially simple to use, but it's a Godsend. 
Wherever you want the state of a bean to be maintained across requests, just 
declare the bean with request scope andput a t:saveSave 
value=#{myBean} on the pages that use it. The bean's state will be 
maintained until control reaches a page that doesn't have a t:saveState 
declared for it, at which point it will go away 

wherever you need to maintain the state of a bean for more than one request (but 
don't need it for the entire session), stick in a t:saveState tag for 
all pages that use it, and you're set.

If you 
do this, and you follow Mike Kienenberger's suggestion to access the DataModel 
object that backs the dataTable component(illustrated in the O'Reilly book 
JavaServer Faces, pp. 175 - 179), you're all set; you don't need to 
pass any parameters through the request.

the DataModel object also is explained in the book CoreJavaServer Faces 
(Geary, Horstmann), pp. 185 - 201.


  -Original Message-From: Rick Reumann 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 4:41 
  PMTo: MyFaces DiscussionSubject: Re: Dealing with 
  links/buttons to fire off an action? confusion on how to set this 
  On 8/26/05, CONNER, 
However, I believe that, 
using this mechanism, there's no real way to get around usingsomething 
liket:saveState or having a session-scoped bean. Just 
out of curiosity, what is the objection to using 
  Well I haven't gotten that far in my learning to have touched 
  upon t:saveState. Was actually just more curious in general of how you deal 
  with cases where you would typically want to use requestParams attached to a 
  url link. -- Rick 

-- Rick

Re: How to call a method in the backing bean from a JSF page

2005-08-26 Thread Rick Reumann
I did it by just making the managedBean name the same as the jsp. So in your case:

On 8/26/05, Saul Qunming Yuan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This sounds like it may work for me. I never used Shale, so how do I mapthe backingbean from fooBar to fooBar.jsp as you mentioned below? inface-config.xml?thanks. On 8/24/05, Saul Qunming Yuan 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks for your response. I guess I didn't make me clear here. My question is how to call a method in the backing bean from a JSF page without
 rendering out anything to the screen. I would suggest using Shale with JSF. Use the Shale jars and then have your backing bean implement a ViewController (I just extend
 AbstractViewController), and then you'll have several nice methods you can override. One is called prerender(). So if you map this backingbean to the correct path, for example fooBar, when 
fooBar.jsp is called the prerender method is invoked. That's the ultra simplified explanation and since I'm new to this, others (Craig) will probably elaborate more. It's really useful though for exactly what you want.
 -- Rick-- Rick

Dealing with links/buttons to fire off an action? confusion on how to set this up

2005-08-26 Thread Rick Reumann
I was wondering how to d something that I would think would be a common
situation, yet I'm not finding any examples at the moment...

scenario:... list of employees. You want to be able to click on one of
the employees and go to an editEmployee backing bean method that
would retrieve the employee based on the id of the employee in the list.

I'm used to doing this with a simple link John Doe a href="" /setUpForEdit?employeeID=4355Edit/a
With JSF I'm not so sure about how to do this. My JSF
book mentions briefly about passing in f:param in commandLink but
doesn't show how to retrieve this param.

As a side note I find this very interesting, I was testing by using a
DataTable and providing a commandLink next to each employee for each

h:commandLink value=Edit action="">
 f:param name=empID value=#{}/

One of the odd/interesting things is that when I cycle through and
print out the Request parameters I noticed that I'm getting a single
parameter (assuming a map) that actually has the Employee info that I'm
concerned with (2nd one):

8/26/05 02:28:55 PM DEBUG net.reumann.Employee editAction - param = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/26/05 02:28:55 PM DEBUG net.reumann.Employee editAction - param = id: 3, name: Rachel, age: 26
08/26/05 02:28:55 PM DEBUG net.reumann.Employee editAction - param = /employees.jsp

That second enry *does* correspond to the button I clicked but not sure
how I'm supposed to get a handle to the id (actually I'm not even sure
how the heck that got into the request based on the commandLink I set

Also the f:param empID is *not* seen as a request parameter when I loop over them.

What is the typical procedure for providing a link or button to click
on that isn't part of a form but should fire off an action method that
will look up something based on parameter(s) ?

Re: Dealing with links/buttons to fire off an action? confusion on how to set this up

2005-08-26 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/26/05, Patel, Hitesh (Exchange) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You can pass the parameter as you have
done and get the value of the parameter as follows

would guess this common to have to use? I would think it would be, and
find it a bit odd that there isn't a more convenient way to get the
params. Granted I can probably make a helper method to do the above. 

I know that in many of my apps I have cases where you'll click on a
link or button in order to get to a different populated screen based on
an id or some other var(s). For example in one app there are a lot of
page that on the top of the page it displays the user you are looking
at and provides a few convenience buttons next to the name for viewing
'summary' 'user logs' etc - which are just links that execute actions
and the appropriate information is pulled back based on some params
passed through the link. -- Rick

Re: Dealing with links/buttons to fire off an action? confusion on how to set this up

2005-08-26 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/26/05, Mike Kienenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You can also use dataTable.getRowData(), provided your model data isconsistent, and then you don't need to create or pass a parameter.public void editRecord(ActionEvent event){dataStore.editRecord
Can you explain this a bit more? For example will it matter if another
user ends up going to the same JSP and has a 'different' view of the
dataTable while I'm working with it in the editRecord method above? I
would think that it wouldnt' matter but just double checking.
-- Rick

Re: Dealing with links/buttons to fire off an action? confusion on how to set this up

2005-08-26 Thread Rick Reumann
However, I believe that, using this mechanism, there's no real way to get 
around usingsomething liket:saveState or having a 
session-scoped bean. Just out of curiosity, what is the objection to using 

Well I haven't gotten that far in my learning to have touched upon
t:saveState. Was actually just more curious in general of how you deal
with cases where you would typically want to use requestParams attached
to a url link. 
-- Rick

Re: How to call a method in the backing bean from a JSF page

2005-08-25 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/24/05, Saul Qunming Yuan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks for your response. I guess I didn't make me clear here. My questionis how to call a method in the backing bean from a JSF page withoutrendering out anything to the screen.

I would suggest using Shale with JSF. Use the Shale jars and then have
your backing bean implement a ViewController (I just extend
AbstractViewController), and then you'll have several nice methods you
can override. One is called prerender(). So if you map this backingbean
to the correct path, for example fooBar, when fooBar.jsp is called
the prerender method is invoked. That's the ultra simplified
explanation and since I'm new to this, others (Craig) will probably
elaborate more. It's really useful though for exactly what you want.
-- Rick

I know annoying when someone posts a stacktrace, but any help ?

2005-08-25 Thread Rick Reumann
I feel stupid posting this, but his stack trace doesn't seem to help me
pinpoint why my navigation to a follow up page after a backingbean
method is invoked is not working. (I've checked the spelling this time,
and the employeeForm.jsp is in the root dir)...







Method that is' being called:

public String retrieveEmployeeAction() {
 log.debug(in retrieveEmployeeAction());
 //get Employee from backend = Rover;
 this.age = new Integer(25);
 return success;

After the above method fires, I get the nice 500 errorI have no idea why. (Couple notes... the 
backing bean method first called is returning success and 
employeeForm.jsp is spelled correctly and does exist)...

2005-08-24 18:05:27 StandardWrapperValve[Faces Servlet]: 
Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception

javax.faces.FacesException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No 
WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered?


at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.phase(

at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(

at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(


Caused by: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: 
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No WebApplicationContext found: no 
ContextLoaderListener registered?

at com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl.getValue(

at com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl.getValue(







 ... snip

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No WebApplicationContext 
found: no ContextLoaderListener registered?






at com.sun.faces.el.impl.NamedValue.evaluate(


at com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl.getValue(

... 43 more

-- Rick

Re: I know annoying when someone posts a stacktrace, but any help ?

2005-08-25 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/25/05, David Haynes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Rick Reumann wrote: I feel stupid posting this, but his stack trace doesn't seem to help me pinpoint why my navigation to a follow up page after a backingbean method is invoked is not working. (I've checked the spelling this
 time, and the employeeForm.jsp is in the root dir)... navigation-ruleDon't you need a from-view-id here?

I've tried it with that and without it. Same problem. (I thought you
don't have to use from-view-id - at least the book I'm using it shows
it both ways? Concept of global forwards)
-- Rick

Re: I know annoying when someone posts a stacktrace, but any help ?

2005-08-25 Thread Rick Reumann
Currently I'm just trying to see if I can get to a blank page without errors so I just have...

%@ taglib uri= prefix=f %
%@ taglib uri= prefix=h %
%@ taglib uri= prefix=c %

But I've tried other things.. just blank, just one word, just
f:view /f:view and tried with my actual form that I
wanted between the h:form tags.

I'm wondering if the problem is because I'm using all the shale jars
from the struts-shale-usecases example but I'm not setting up a bunch
of the other configs I see under web-xml that are in that example (ie
chain-config.xml, dialog-config.xml, etc). I wasn't sure what the
minimal jars I needed to use Shale and the ViewController were so I
just included them all (I tried removing the Spring ones and the
application wouldn't start up).On 8/25/05, CONNER, BRENDAN (SBCSI) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

you wrap your JSF code in f:view.../f:view?


  -Original Message-From: Rick Reumann 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 
  9:01 AMTo: MyFaces DiscussionSubject: I know annoying 
  when someone posts a stacktrace, but any help ?I feel 
  stupid posting this, but his stack trace doesn't seem to help me pinpoint why 
  my navigation to a follow up page after a backingbean method is invoked is not 
  working. (I've checked the spelling this time, and the employeeForm.jsp is in 
  the root dir)...navigation-rule 
  /navigation-rule Method that is' being called:public 
  String retrieveEmployeeAction() 
  { log.debug(in 
  //get Employee from backend = 
  Rover; this.age = new 
  Integer(25); return 
  success; }After the above method fires, I get 
  the nice 500 errorI have no idea why. (Couple notes... the backing bean method 
  first called is returning success and employeeForm.jsp is spelled 
  correctly and does exist)...2005-08-24 18:05:27 
  StandardWrapperValve[Faces Servlet]: Servlet.service() for servlet Faces 
  Servlet threw exception javax.faces.FacesException: 
  java.lang.IllegalStateException: No WebApplicationContext found: no 
  ContextLoaderListener registered? at 
   snip Caused by: 
  javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No 
  WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered? 
  ... snip Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No 
  WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered? 
  ... 43 more -- Rick 

-- Rick

Re: I know annoying when someone posts a stacktrace, but any help ?

2005-08-25 Thread Rick Reumann
I do have the shale fliter in place and it is working because the
prerender is being called in my backingBean that extends
AbstractViewController. I did have the clay.jar in my lib and no config
set up for it, but I removed that jar and I'm still getting the same

The current jars I have in my web app lib are:

On 8/25/05, Gary VanMatre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Make sure that you have the ShaleApplicationFilter in your web deployment descriptor (web.xml). This guy registers theShalePhaseListener that fires some of the livecycle events on the view controller. !-- Shale Application Controller Filter --
 filter  filter-nameshale/filter-name  filter-class   org.apache.shale.faces.ShaleApplicationFilter  /filter-class /filter !-- Shale Application Controller Filter Mapping --
 filter-mapping  filter-nameshale/filter-name  url-pattern/*/url-pattern /filter-mappingYou
might not need the shale-clay.jar archive. It is optional and you
won't need this stuff if you are not using it (in your web.xml).  !-- Clay Configuration Resources --  context-param   param-nameclay-config-files/param-name   param-value/WEB-INF/clay-
config.xml/param-value  /context-param  !-- Clay template suffix override, default is .clay --  context-param   param-nameclay-template-suffix/param-name
   param-value.html/param-value  /context-param !-- Clay Configuration Listener -- listener   listener-classorg.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayConfigureListener
/listener-class /listener servlet-mapping  servlet-namefaces/servlet-name  url-pattern*.html/url-pattern /servlet-mapping
Gary-- Forwarded message --From:Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:MyFaces Discussion 
users@myfaces.apache.orgDate:Thu, 25 Aug 2005 15:22:57 +Subject:Re: I know annoying when someone posts a stacktrace, but any help ?Currently I'm just trying to see if I can get to a blank page without errors so I just have...

%@ taglib uri= prefix=f %
%@ taglib uri= prefix=h %
%@ taglib uri= prefix=c %

But I've tried other things.. just blank, just one word, just
f:view /f:view and tried with my actual form that I
wanted between the h:form tags.

I'm wondering if the problem is because I'm using all the shale jars
from the struts-shale-usecases example but I'm not setting up a bunch
of the other configs I see under web-xml that are in that example (ie
chain-config.xml, dialog-config.xml, etc). I wasn't sure what the
minimal jars I needed to use Shale and the ViewController were so I
just included them all (I tried removing the Spring ones and the
application wouldn't start up).On 8/25/05, CONNER, BRENDAN (SBCSI) 

you wrap your JSF code in f:view.../f:view?


  -Original Message-From: Rick Reumann 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 
  9:01 AMTo: MyFaces DiscussionSubject: I know annoying 
  when someone posts a stacktrace, but any help ?I feel 
  stupid posting this, but his stack trace doesn't seem to help me pinpoint why 
  my navigation to a follow up page after a backingbean method is invoked is not 
  working. (I've checked the spelling this time, and the employeeForm.jsp is in 
  the root dir)...navigation-rule 
  /navigation-rule Method that is' being called:public 
  String retrieveEmployeeAction() 
  { log.debug(in 
  //get Employee from backend = 
  Rover; this.age = new 
  Integer(25); return 
  success; }After the above method fires, I get 
  the nice 500 errorI have no idea why. (Couple notes... the backing bean method 
  first called is returning success and employeeForm.jsp is spelled 
  correctly and does exist)...2005-08-24 18:05:27 
  StandardWrapperValve[Faces Servlet]: Servlet.service() for servlet Faces 
  Servlet threw exception javax.faces.FacesException: 
  java.lang.IllegalStateException: No WebApplicationContext found: no 
  ContextLoaderListener registered? at 
   snip Caused by: 
  javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No 
  WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered

Re: I know annoying when someone posts a stacktrace, but any help ?

2005-08-25 Thread Rick Reumann
Thanks Craig. That was the problem.On 8/25/05, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 8/25/05, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 8/25/05, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I do have the shale fliter in place and it is working because the prerender  is being called in my backingBean that extends AbstractViewController. I did  have the clay.jar in my lib and no config set up for it, but I removed that
  jar and I'm still getting the same error:(  See my response on the Struts user list. ContextControllerLIstener is a Spring Framework thing, used to initialize the Spring BeanFactory (in a webapp, that's a
 WebApplicationContext).If you're using the Spring integration you need to register this listener in web.xml (like the use cases app does).If you're not using the Spring integration, you shouldn't need
 to -- that's a Shale bug if it blows up in that case. CraigOne more note -- if you're not using the Spring integration, you'llwant to remove shale-spring.jar and all the other Spring related jars.
Craig-- Rick

Any implementations of DataTable let you use a Map?

2005-08-25 Thread Rick Reumann
Are there any components that let me build a DataTable from a Map?
(currently it's sort of a pain having to covert my Map to a List to be
used by the DataTable).
-- Rick

Re: confusion on best practices in regard to a VO in BackingBean

2005-08-24 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/24/05, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You could also use a facade pattern.We have one in our Struts appand we're planning on keeping the facade when we move to JSF.Before you had ...Facade::getInvoiceInvoiceForm::setInvoice, etc.
InvoiceAction::executeNow you have ..Facade::getInvoiceInvoiceBacker::getInvoice

I'm a bit confused about what you mean in the above. Are you
registering more than one managed bean in reference to an Invoice? My
concern is that getInovice can either mean 'perform some business
action to retrieve an invoice (maybe based on an id) OR getInvoice
can me simply get the existing reference to an invoice for use on a
form. I'm not sure how your facade pattern here addresses the issue.

I think I'm going to try the getInvoiceAction getInvoice and use
one backing bean with an InvoiceVO nested inside although I like
the idea of keeping the backing bean and vo as separate managed beans.
I don't really know enough about how managed beans work in order to
accomplish this later approach. I'll ask my question in reply to that
e-mail vs asking it here.

Re: confusion on best practices in regard to a VO in BackingBean

2005-08-24 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/24/05, David Haynes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Rick Hightower does this in his Clearing the FUD about JSF has the XyzBeand and XyzController with the controller containing:
XyzBean xyzBean = new XyzBean();and then supporting the methods etc. via xyzBean.method() calls. HisController is your Action.See his extremely fine articles for more details.

No offence, but I've looked at that article and it doesn't even remotely address what this thread is asking about

My question was in reference to using two managed beans one as your typical action/controller and one as your value object.

Even discarding this question and going back to the original question,
Hightower's article does not address the issue at hand. In case some
have lost the initial thread question...

Imagine you need to perform tasks on an Employee - saveEmployee,
getEmployee, etc. Yet, after getting an employee from the backend, you
will then also need a reference to this employee object that you
returned from the backend for use on your page. Someone previously
mentioned use getEmployeeAction (does the business delegate call) and
getEmployee (returns the instance of the Employee object from your
backing bean). Hightower's example is dealing with a calculator and
performing calculator operations - not returning a cacluator for use in
the view..

I really wish there was a simple example dealing with CRUD stuff. I'm
in the process of writing one, but I'm surprised there isn't one out
there already. 
-- Rick

Re: confusion on best practices in regard to a VO in BackingBean

2005-08-24 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/24/05, David Haynes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm confused here. If the EmployeeBean object is embedded in theEmployeeController and all the methods of EmployeeBean are available viathe EmployeeController, why do you need the EmployeeBean directly?

Well for example after you used your backing bean to get an employee
(getEmployee method?), you would then want to display the employee name
on the page.. so you might have...

But that above would attempt to call 'getEmployee' which, if where my
initial confusion on 'best practice' came from since 'getEmployee'
could either mean 'get me the instance of the employee object from my
backing bean' or 'call some backend method to get me an instance of the
employee from the backend.' 
-- Rick

Re: confusion on best practices in regard to a VO in BackingBean

2005-08-24 Thread Rick Reumann
Our CalculatorBean would be a simple JavaBean containing firstNumber,secondNumber, and result.Our CalculatorAction class would have a field called calcBean (and itsgetter and setter), which is set by JSF, plus the methods add() and
multiply().(Note that, since the reference to calcBean is a managedreference, CalculatorAction does *not* instantiate calculatorBeanitself.)The JSP would then refer to #{calcBean.firstNumber},#{calcBean.secondNumber
}, #{calcBean.result}, #{calcAction.add}, and#{calcAction.multiply}.

Ok, I really like this, but help me out with trying to understand a
totally noob concept... to help me relate, lets change the above to an
Employee and an EmloyeeAction...

First what I want to accomplish...

I'm on a JSP and I'm viewing a list of employees. I click on a button
next to the employee that should bring me to an 'editEmployee' screen
after looking up the employee from backend based on id.

Clicking on the button should call the EmployeeAction backing bean
and retrieve an Employee (which using your scenario would also be a
managed bean). The Employee object is returned from the
EmployeeAction's 'getEmployee' method. 

We now foward on to the 'employeeForm.jsp'

*Which backing bean am I now to use on this employeeForm.jsp* and how
does it manage to get a handle to the Employee that we just returned
from our EmployeeAction if we are using request scoped managed beans? 

There seems to be black-box stuff going on that I'm unclear about. I'm
used to stuffing the Employee object into the request in my Action
(struts terms), so I'm having trouble grasping how my resulting page is
going to have access to this employee object that was just returned in
my managed EmployeeAction bean?

Thanks so much for the help so far.

Re: confusion on best practices in regard to a VO in BackingBean

2005-08-24 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/24/05, David Haynes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[in employeeBackingBean]...EmployeeBean eb = new EmployeeBean();...public String getName() {return eb.getName();}...So, all the elements of the EmployeeBean are available via the
employeeBackingBean in an unambiguous way. Or am I still missing the point?

Funny, I was just going to reply that I bet that is the way to handle
this (when using the combined action/value object wrapped up into one
managed bean concept). Thanks for clarifying this.

I will, however, be interested in the other replies on how you this
gets handled when you keep them as separate managed beans (
EmployeeAction and Employee ). 

Thanks again for your patience with me on this. It's 'slowly' starting
to click. I feel like an old dog trying to learn new tricks:)
-- Rick

Does a doc exist describing the MyFaces features?

2005-08-24 Thread Rick Reumann
Someone mentioned using x:dataList in place of JSTL for each. I'm
curious, is there a document that shows a list of all the different
features MyFaces supplies? I know the MyFaces example app shows a lot
(maybe all?), but it would be nice to see all these features and a
quick example of usage in a single pdf or doc. (Trust me not
complaining if one doesn't exist, was just curious if there was one
floating around somewhere). Thanks.-- Rick

Re: confusion on best practices in regard to a VO in BackingBean

2005-08-24 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/24/05, David Haynes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So, if you have already created an instance of employeeBackingBean (andit is defined as having a session scope), it should be available for allsubsequent pages in the session.

Correct. But I wouldn't think I'd need to have to give my backing bean
session scope in order to accomplish this. Using Struts as an example,
if I'm in my Action responsible for getting an Employee from the
backend and I then shove it request scope, the Employee is now
available on the resulting page that I forward to. I'm still a bit
stumped how this is accomplished with JSF without using Session scoped
backing beans. To reiterate the flow ...

employees.jsp - user clicks on edit employee link (passing in employee id)

backing bean getEmployeeAction method called returning an employee
object from backend. (For simplicity lets just assume Employee object
is in this EmployeeBackingBean). 

navigation rule has us now forward to the employeeForm.jsp which
should be autopopulated with the Employee information we returned in
our backing bean. Can all of this be done with Request scope? I would
think it should since it's pretty basic CRUD UI flow in applications.


was Re: confusion on best practices in regard to a VO in BackingBean

2005-08-24 Thread Rick Reumann

(BTW, if you need 
something more than request scope but less than session scope, use the handy 
t:saveState tag that MyFaces gives you to carry along the bean for as 
many pages as you need to. Then you can simply declare it with request 

Wow! That sounds like a killer tag!  I look forward to checking that out.

Thanks everyone for your help.
-- Rick

Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?

2005-08-24 Thread Rick Reumann
I'm sort of stumped since the error logs aren't revealing much to me.

I'm just working on page flow test and I'm on 'emloyees.jsp' and I'm
clicking on a button that should access another managed bean and then
forward me to 'employeeForm.jsp'. Error first then some relevant souce
code to follow:

2005-08-24 16:29:05 StandardWrapperValve[Faces Servlet]: Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception
javax.faces.FacesException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Unrecognized Content Type.
 at com.sun.faces.context.ExternalContextImpl.dispatch(
 at com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl.renderView(
Caused by: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Unrecognized Content Type.
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.doHandlePageException(
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(
 at org.apache.jsp.employees_jsp._jspService(

faces config


jsp:forward page=/employees.faces/

//dataTable listing employees
h:commandButton value=test action="">


//the retrieveEmployeeAction below is getting hit since the log message is showing up
public String retrieveEmployeeAction() {
 log.debug(in retrieveEmployeeAction());
 //get Employee from backend = Rover;
 this.age = new Integer(25);
 return getEmployeeSuccess;

never getting here.

Re: Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?

2005-08-24 Thread Rick Reumann
How embarrassing:) It's been a long day. 

I wonder how much time I've lost of my life based on stupid typos:) Sad
thing is I must have starred at the code a million times.
On 8/24/05, Matt Blum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Did you copy and paste out of those files? If so, you have
several typos: empoloyees.jsp and empoloyeesForm.jsp in the

-MattOn 8/24/05, Rick Reumann 
I'm sort of stumped since the error logs aren't revealing much to me.

I'm just working on page flow test and I'm on 'emloyees.jsp' and I'm
clicking on a button that should access another managed bean and then
forward me to 'employeeForm.jsp'. Error first then some relevant souce
code to follow:

2005-08-24 16:29:05 StandardWrapperValve[Faces Servlet]: Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception
javax.faces.FacesException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Unrecognized Content Type.
 at com.sun.faces.context.ExternalContextImpl.dispatch(
 at com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl.renderView(
Caused by: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Unrecognized Content Type.
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.doHandlePageException(
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(
 at org.apache.jsp.employees_jsp._jspService(

faces config


jsp:forward page=/employees.faces/

//dataTable listing employees
h:commandButton value=test action="">


//the retrieveEmployeeAction below is getting hit since the log message is showing up
public String retrieveEmployeeAction() {
 log.debug(in retrieveEmployeeAction());
 //get Employee from backend = Rover;
 this.age = new Integer(25);
 return getEmployeeSuccess;

never getting here.

-- Rick

Re: confusion on best practices in regard to a VO in BackingBean

2005-08-24 Thread Rick Reumann
On 8/24/05, Slawek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
but Rick says in his article that:view is only jsp page, controler is backing bean and model has businesslogic
I take it by article you mean 'e-mail post' ? I don't think I posted
any comments on JSF architecture since I obviously am just learning it


Re: Populating a web page?

2005-08-23 Thread Rick Reumann
I think this is where something like Shale will help - having your
backingBean implement ViewControlloer You would use
the prerender() method to populate your form with what you needed. I'm
new to all of this (JSF/Shale) but in the process of trying to get
something like this to work.On 8/23/05, albartell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The way I do it is to have page1.jsp make a call to a backing bean methodthat fills global variables with data. Note that my backing beans that do
this are defined in the session scope. Another way to do it would be to passthe necessary information via the f:param tag.You can imbed that tagwithin a commandLink, for instance, and when the user clicks the button the
appropriate action method will be executed, and in that action method youcan retrieve the value passed on f:param.HTH,Aaron Bartell-Original Message-From: Bjørn T Johansen [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 3:27 AMTo: users@myfaces.apache.orgSubject: Populating a web page?In Struts I can use the action method to call some method to get the data
and populate the form, but what is the best way of doing this in myfaces(JSF)?I.e I am on one page and going to another, but before rendering the otherpage I need to get some data from a database...
Regards,BTJ-Bjørn T Johansen[EMAIL PROTECTED]
---Someone wrote:I understand that if you play a Windows CD backwards you hear strangeSatanic messagesTo which someone replied:It's even worse than that; play it forwards and it installs Windows
- Rick

Having trouble with JSTL inside JSF

2005-08-23 Thread Rick Reumann
I understand the below won't work as is without the backing bean put in
scope with a useBean construct...but I'm more curious why I can not get
c:out to evaluate (or really I should also just be able to use ${..}
without the c:out since using tomcat5). What I end up getting is the
literal text ${status.index} being displayed. I've tried with
commons-el.jar and without and the same result:( 

%@ taglib uri= prefix=f %
%@ taglib uri= prefix=h %
%@ taglib uri= prefix=c %
 c:forEach items=${employeeBacking.employees} var=emp varStatus=status
 c:out value=${status.index}/br/

confusion on best practices in regard to a VO in BackingBean

2005-08-23 Thread Rick Reumann
For sake of this discussion imagine a case where user needs to click on a button to get and invoice based off an invoice ID.

Now coming from struts I'm used to going to a 'getInvoice' dispatch
method which would return to me an Invoice object (after making a
backend call) and then that Invoice would be stuffed into the request
for use on the page we forward to.

With JSF, I'm assuming you'd typically want an InvoiceBackingBean and
nested in there possibly an Inovice value object? So then on a JSP
you could have
This would obviously mean your InvoiceBackingBean would need a
getInvoice method that would return the instance of the Invoice
object in the backing bean. 

Where I'm now confused is what do you call the actual action method in
your BackingBean that would do the true get (dao/service/delegate
call) that would populate the Invoice object in the backing bean.
Aren't you going to run into some odd naming conventions? Do you
make another method called retrieveInvoice ? So looking at the
backingBean you'll have getInvoice - returns the invoice object in
backing bean, and then you'll also have retrieveInvoice - which is
what your forms will call when submitted to populate the actual invoice
in the backing bean?

How do you gurus handle this?-- Rick

Re: confusion on best practices in regard to a VO in BackingBean

2005-08-23 Thread Rick Reumann
As another alternative, the practice we've been following is to have anXyzAction class and a separate XyzBean class.The Action class has amanaged reference to the Bean class and has all the logic in it.The
Bean class is just a straight JavaBean and contains all the data neededby the JSF page.

In the above case wouldn't you need to end up registering both
XyzAction and XyzBean as managed beans? It would seem like you would
have to. I guess not a big deal, but you'd end up with double the
number of typical backing beans.
-- Rick

feel like an idiot... basic tiles question

2005-08-19 Thread Rick Reumann
Man, this is annoying since I know this has to be simple. I'm looking
at both the Core JSF book and the MyFaces tiles example application.

How is the definition name in your tiles defiition related to your 'to-view-id'? 

I don't see this documented anywhere. For example in the MyFaces tiles example a to-view-id looks like:


And for a tile definition I see:

definition name=/page2.tiles extends=layout.example 

What are the rules in how this tile definition is picked up? I see
other examples (ie Geary's book) he doesn't use *.tiles in his
definition, so I'm missing the logic in how this definition gets
picked up? In Struts it's easy since that definition name must match
the String in mapping.findForward that I call from my Actions.
-- Rick

Re: scope for backing beans

2005-02-14 Thread Rick Reumann
Craig McClanahan wrote the following on 2/11/2005 11:45 AM:
My recommendation is to use request scope for backing beans in a JSF
application, storing stuff in session and appiication scope only where
it's needed:
* Session scope for per-user state that changes, or for
  passing data across requests (as an alternative to having
  to save and restore the data yourself).
* Application scope for caching things like arrays of SelectItems
  that back a dropdown list, but are shared across all users.
I haven't had much luck with the later situation for application scope. 
I do use Application scope for such things as having a Constants Map in 
scope that the front end might need access to, but for drop down lists 
unless it's 'definitely' not going to change I don't like application 
scope since any changes to the backend database aren't going to be 
picked up until the server restarts. I tend to opt now for making calls 
to the persistence layer to re-get my Lists that I need again. This lets 
the persistence layer worry about caching if it needs to. Sure a method 
call will be more expensive than using a list or array already in 
applicaiton scope, but to me it's a fair trade off. I've been burned too 
many times thinking this list of options will never change and sure 
enough someone makes a change to the backend and it's not reflected by 
your app and then you get the annoying phone calls:)


Re: scope for backing beans

2005-02-14 Thread Rick Reumann
Sean Schofield wrote the following on 2/14/2005 11:23 AM:
With the application scope beans in JSF I have been toying with the
idea of using them instead.  I was thinking that it might be possible
to invalidate the bean (by setting the value to null) whenever a new
item is added.  I haven't worked out the details yet but thread safety
is an issue that jumps to mind.  Also, you'd have to have make sure
that you were listening to every possible point where the list might
That last part is the tricky part. It's super easy if you know the data 
will only be altered by your web application. If that is the case you 
can forget even using application scoped items and simply use iBATIS for 
your persistence framework (uses regular SQL). It has some great caching 
mechanisms to handle the issues you are concerned with. For example 
whenever an update operation is performed (by calling your defined 
update procedure in an xml doc) you could set a flag in the udpate 
procedure that will clear the cache of other queries. The bottom line, 
though, is this is all nice, but everywhere I have worked the data often 
changes from some other point other than your web app. This is where it 
gets very ugly. What are you going to do when some other external 
procedure updates your backend data? Accounting for those entry points 
can be a  royal pain.


Re: Plans to include at least parts of MyFaces into JSF?

2005-01-12 Thread Rick Reumann
Sean Schofield wrote the following on 1/12/2005 11:12 AM:
There is also a JSF mailing list on Sun's java forums that seems to
have some of the spec people lurking around. 
It still amazes me that there is no regular mailing list for JSF. I hate 
those forum approaches. Email is so much more conveinient.

I almost decided to give up on JSF because of what I thought were
unworkable omissions.  At the last minute, the folks on this list
persuaded me that we could try and meet the short comings through the
myfaces implemenation.  So that's what I'm doing now and I'm
encouraged by what I am learning about JSF as I go.  Its very powerful
and very extensible.  So yes, there will be lots of things in myfaces
that are not supported elsewhere, but JSF does make it easy to provide
these add ons.
True, but had you not been diligent enough to look elsewhere (MyFaces) 
you mention you might have given up. I was in the same boat. JSF might 
lose some good people that just don't have the time or energy to look 


Re: Tiles Performance

2005-01-11 Thread Rick Reumann
Martin Marinschek wrote the following on 1/11/2005 11:40 AM:
Interesting - we just got an OutOfMemoryException and sluggish
performance in our application when we were rendering 4000+ Data rows
in a datatable. 
Just a heads-up, do NOT use SiteMesh in it's current state if you are 
going to return very large pages that have to be decorated. I switched 
from using Tiles to Sitemesh and overall I really like Sitemesh, but I 
had to chuck it out since there is the potential for very large pages to 
cause out of memory issues. The problem is the whole output is stored in 
a buffer before it's decorated and then flushed. Storing a huge amount 
of data in even a StringBuffer could cause a problem if you don't have a 
lot of RAM.
