Re: apache royale and Node js

2022-03-22 Thread Roman Isitua
>From my responses inline.

On Tue, 22 Mar 2022, 12:07 Harbs,  wrote:

> On Mar 22, 2022, at 12:35 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> I recently stumbled upon the below links
> It looks pretty interesting. As I look to bring new front end developers
> to join my team. Using royale with a  node js compiler might be a good
> option. Since most front end developers have no back end experience so
> tools like maven, ant might be an obstacle to rapid adoption.
> I have the following questions to ask
> 1. Royale cli integration supports hot deployment. i.e. Listens to the src
> folder. When any file changes, it will recompile the app and reload the
> browser to show the updated application.)
> Is this supported when using maven ? If yes. how ?
> It is a major productivity booster.
> I’m not sure exactly what’s supported using the cli. It’s a node module.
> I’m not sure how to run node commands from Maven.
> Josh is in the processing of adding “watching” features to the Royale
> compiler directly. When he’s done it should be possible to compile an app
> and then as you save changes to your project, an incremental compilation of
> the changes will automatically be run. Since it’ll be a native to the
> compiler, it should run from Maven mcuh as you do today. Not sure about
> Live Reload though. I imagine we’ll have to figure that out when we get
> there...

Roman: This will be a very cool addition.

> 2. I have started using spectrum UI components. Spectrum is a stand alone
> royale library. How can I make the Spectrum.swc available to the royale
> node js module ?
> I have been a back end developer for most of my career so I only recently
> entered the terrain of front end development with html, javascript and css.
> Spectrum is strictly front-end. It might be possible to use node modules
> which emulate the browser, but I imagine you’ll run into issues.
> Why would you want to use Spectrum on the back-end?
> For Node projects, I’d expect to stick to Native AS3 and Node APIs — not
> browser ones.

Roman: let me clarify.

I have done a simple helloworld using royale and node. I noticed that it is
possible to use modules like basic and jewel because they are bundled with
the npm packaged distribution of royale.

As Spectrum is not part of the royale distribution since it is a standalone
library. I am just wondering how spectrum can be packaged just like the
others for use in a royale project that uses node instead of maven.

For example, for maven all I had to do was to install it locally using a
script similar to this

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=Spectrum.swc
-DgroupId=com.unhurdle.spectrum -DartifactId=Spectrum -Dversion=0.0.1
-Dpackaging=swc -Dclassifier=js -DcreateChecksum=true

Then register the dependency as a pom. I want to believe it should be
possible to do same with npm.

apache royale and Node js

2022-03-22 Thread Roman Isitua
I recently stumbled upon the below links

It looks pretty interesting. As I look to bring new front end developers to
join my team. Using royale with a  node js compiler might be a good option.
Since most front end developers have no back end experience so tools like
maven, ant might be an obstacle to rapid adoption.

I have the following questions to ask
1. Royale cli integration supports hot deployment. i.e. Listens to the src
folder. When any file changes, it will recompile the app and reload the
browser to show the updated application.)

Is this supported when using maven ? If yes. how ?

It is a major productivity booster.

2. I have started using spectrum UI components. Spectrum is a stand alone
royale library. How can I make the Spectrum.swc available to the royale
node js module ?

I have been a back end developer for most of my career so I only recently
entered the terrain of front end development with html, javascript and css.


Re: Royale support for progressive web apps (pwa)

2022-03-22 Thread Roman Isitua
I will be interested in accessing features like camera (to take pictures)
or even geolocation via the html5 (javascript) api.

The below is a list of what is supported today in android phones. IOS
supports a smaller subset.

In absence of documentation for the "full" integration, I can look at the
existing examples you listed (JQuery, MDL). For the "none" integration, I
stumbled on this example below

Is this what you mean by "none" integration ?

On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 5:34 PM Alex Harui  wrote:

> Responses inline…
> *From: *Roman Isitua 
> *Reply-To: *"" 
> *Date: *Saturday, March 19, 2022 at 9:07 PM
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: Royale support for progressive web apps (pwa)
> Actually the goal is to be able to leverage the new browser api's.
> AJH:  OK, but in what way?  That’s why I’m asking about the 3 levels of
> integration. One way to think of it is as a spectrum where on the “none”
> end, the goal is to re-use as much example code from MDN and other JS
> sources as possible.  Then their recipes for how to install and setup and
> their “Getting Started” examples have a better chance of working, but yoo
> don’t get to use MXML or type-checking.  At the “full” end, you’ll probably
> end up writing a “Getting Started” for Royale that leverages MXML.  Which
> should reduce the steps and amount of typing to get the example up and
> running.
> Is there online Documentation about the three levels of integration that
> you just listed ?
> AJH:  There is a need for documentation in many areas, including this
> Or at least if you can point to some simple examples in the royale sdk
> that use the three ways of integration that will be helpful. I can study
> the source code and learn how it is done.
> AJH: .  Most of the SWCs for 3rd party libraries in frameworks/libs, like
> CreateJS, JQuery, Material, are full integration SWCs because the goal was
> to use MXML as much as possible.  ACE might be the middle.  There won’t be
> frameworks/libs SWCs for “none” integration as then you would code directly
> against the typedefs SWCs and not use MXML at all.
> Last question, (since you mentioned air.) Does royale support deploying to
> adobe air for mobile devices ? If yes. How can I leverage air mobile sdk
> functionality in a royale app.
> AJH: Theoretcially, Royale can output running SWF code, and we have one
> automated test that proves that some basic functionality works, but I don’t
> think most components currently work as well on SWF.  AIR supposedly has a
> JS engine, but I haven’t tried it.  And then there are desktop runtimes for
> JS that are similar to AIR like Electron and I think some Cordova-related
> options ,and I think someone recently got Royale working in Electron.
> HTH,
> -Alex
> On Sun, 20 Mar 2022, 00:23 Alex Harui,  wrote:
> (If you read my thoughts in the “Implementing JS Renderer” thread, you can
> skip the next 6 paragraphs)
> AFAIK, there is no current "Royale way" of creating PWAs.   However, the
> whole point of Royale is to improve developer productivity for common
> patterns.  New patterns become popular every day and it is "just" a matter
> of identifying what parts of those patterns can be made easier via
> declarative syntax (MXML) or strong typing (AS) and updating Royale
> accordingly.
> And while the Basic and especially MXRoyale and SparkRoyale libraries are
> intended to emulate Flex patterns.  There is no requirement for all SWCs to
> emulate Flex patterns.  New patterns might require more compiler changes,
> but are possible.
> Also, IMO, there are 3 "levels" of Royale integration for external
> libraries:  Full, partial, and none.  Full integration generally involves
> wrapping external in AS classes.  Most of the current SWCs do that.  An AS
> Class is instantiated and its APIs do things to some JS library.  That
> generally provides the most developer productivity because the library
> supports MXML (no constructor parameters, more get/set APIs instead of
> functions/methods) and AS (strong typing).  However, that means more code
> runs since you are essentially wrapping a library in a library.
> Partial integration involves creating a few AS classes to talk to the JS
> library.  I think the ACE SWC does is an example of partial integration.
> And "none&q

Re: Royale support for progressive web apps (pwa)

2022-03-19 Thread Roman Isitua
Actually the goal is to be able to leverage the new browser api's.

Is there online Documentation about the three levels of integration that
you just listed ?

Or at least if you can point to some simple examples in the royale sdk that
use the three ways of integration that will be helpful. I can study the
source code and learn how it is done.

Last question, (since you mentioned air.) Does royale support deploying to
adobe air for mobile devices ? If yes. How can I leverage air mobile sdk
functionality in a royale app.

On Sun, 20 Mar 2022, 00:23 Alex Harui,  wrote:

> (If you read my thoughts in the “Implementing JS Renderer” thread, you can
> skip the next 6 paragraphs)
> AFAIK, there is no current "Royale way" of creating PWAs.   However, the
> whole point of Royale is to improve developer productivity for common
> patterns.  New patterns become popular every day and it is "just" a matter
> of identifying what parts of those patterns can be made easier via
> declarative syntax (MXML) or strong typing (AS) and updating Royale
> accordingly.
> And while the Basic and especially MXRoyale and SparkRoyale libraries are
> intended to emulate Flex patterns.  There is no requirement for all SWCs to
> emulate Flex patterns.  New patterns might require more compiler changes,
> but are possible.
> Also, IMO, there are 3 "levels" of Royale integration for external
> libraries:  Full, partial, and none.  Full integration generally involves
> wrapping external in AS classes.  Most of the current SWCs do that.  An AS
> Class is instantiated and its APIs do things to some JS library.  That
> generally provides the most developer productivity because the library
> supports MXML (no constructor parameters, more get/set APIs instead of
> functions/methods) and AS (strong typing).  However, that means more code
> runs since you are essentially wrapping a library in a library.
> Partial integration involves creating a few AS classes to talk to the JS
> library.  I think the ACE SWC does is an example of partial integration.
> And "none" means that you are writing code that pretty much calls the
> typedefs directly.
> As you can hopefully see, there is a tradeoff between how much work you
> put into wrapping up external libraries and how easy it is to then write
> code against it.  If you only need to do something once, then it might be
> easier to just hack something to talk to the typedefs.
> Specific to PWAs, I am definitely not an expert on PWAs, but IMO, the link
> posted was for an example of some of the related PWA APIs but didn’t really
> produce anything Progressive.  Reading the MDN articles on PWAs was a bit
> more informative, especially about the two places where the word
> “Progressive” showed up, which was 1) providing progressively more
> functionality based on device capability, and 2) progressively loading the
> application.
> I could argue that Flex and Royale already provide a way of creating PWAs,
> but don’t use the new browser APIs.  AIR-based apps, for example, provide
> offline capabilities.  Proper use of view states provide a different way of
> managing what UI is presented to the users.  And modules provide a way to
> progressively load your app.  What is missing might be capability
> detection, although some of that may already be available by detecting OS
> or via some Cordova libraries.
> But if the goal is to leverage these new browser APIs in Royale, then it
> comes down to picking the level of integration and creating any wrapping
> code if desired.  It would be interesting to see if Royale view states and
> MXML would make it much more efficient to create PWAs.  However, I don’t
> have the time to work on that these days.
> My 2 cents,
> -Alex
> *From: *Roman Isitua 
> *Reply-To: *"" 
> *Date: *Monday, March 14, 2022 at 11:17 AM
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: Royale support for progressive web apps (pwa)
> Yes. It should be in a similar section to where cordova is.
> On Mon, 14 Mar 2022, 12:23 Andrew Wetmore,  wrote:
> Roman, when you get this sorted out, let's figure out where in the
> documentation we should explain how to use Royale to create progressive web
> apps. I presume it would go alongside explaining how to prepare a Royale
> app for use with Cordova to achieve a similar goal.
> a
> On Mon, Mar 14, 2022 at 8:16 AM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
> One question.
>  At which point in the code should the below actionscript code b

Re: Royale support for progressive web apps (pwa)

2022-03-14 Thread Roman Isitua
Yes. It should be in a similar section to where cordova is.

On Mon, 14 Mar 2022, 12:23 Andrew Wetmore,  wrote:

> Roman, when you get this sorted out, let's figure out where in the
> documentation we should explain how to use Royale to create progressive web
> apps. I presume it would go alongside explaining how to prepare a Royale
> app for use with Cordova to achieve a similar goal.
> a
> On Mon, Mar 14, 2022 at 8:16 AM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
>> One question.
>>  At which point in the code should the below actionscript code be added.
>> Is it in the sp:Application (assuming I am using spectrum) area ? I.e In
>> the fx script portion of the mxml ?
>> On Mon, 14 Mar 2022, 08:45 Roman Isitua,  wrote:
>>> Wow ! I will definitely try this and provide an update on the outcome.
>>> On Mon, 14 Mar 2022, 08:42 Harbs,  wrote:
>>>> Yes.
>>>> You can put that in a script tag in the html.
>>>> Here’s an ActionScript equivalent of that code:
>>>> if ("serviceWorker" in window.navigator) {
>>>>   window.addEventListener("load", function():void {
>>>> window.navigator.serviceWorker
>>>>   .register("/serviceWorker.js")
>>>>   .then(function(res):void{trace("service worker registered")})
>>>>   .catch(function(err):void{trace("service worker not registered:
>>>> "+ err)})
>>>>   })
>>>> }
>>>> If there’s no typedef support for serviceWorker you might need to use:
>>>> window.navigator[“serviceWorker”]
>>>> On Mar 14, 2022, at 1:00 AM, Roman Isitua 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> From the tutorial the code to register the service worker is as follows:
>>>> if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
>>>>   window.addEventListener("load", function() {
>>>> navigator.serviceWorker
>>>>   .register("/serviceWorker.js")
>>>>   .then(res => console.log("service worker registered"))
>>>>   .catch(err => console.log("service worker not registered", err))
>>>>   })
>>>> }
>>>> To implement the main entry point js file was modified.
>>>> So your saying it possible to do same in the index.html or
>>>> actionscript  ?
>>>> If yes my next question is how ?
>>>> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 20:19 Harbs,  wrote:
>>>>> If you want it to work offline with Cache, you will need a service
>>>>> worker, but that is a _SEPARATE_ js file. You don’t need to modify the 
>>>>> main
>>>>> JS file.
>>>>> You do need to register the service worker, but that can be done
>>>>> either in the index html file, or in your ActionScript code.
>>>>> On Mar 13, 2022, at 8:24 PM, Roman Isitua 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> From the below link
>>>>> The following steps are to be done to convert an app to pwa
>>>>> 1. Create a manifest.json file.
>>>>> 2. Modify the index.html file to reference the manifest.json.
>>>>> 3. Implement a ServiceWorker.js file. This will be in the same root
>>>>> folder as the generated main entry point js file.
>>>>> 4. Register the ServiceWorker.js file by modifying for the generated
>>>>> entry point js file.
>>>>> If I am coding my web app using plain html, css and javascript it will
>>>>> not be a problem doing the above 4 tasks. But as I am using royale task
>>>>> three and four look challenging. I think the royale sdk and compiler might
>>>>> need to be tweaked to support those tasks.
>>>>> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 19:04 Harbs,  wrote:
>>>>>> No. Why would you need to modify the js file?
>>>>>> On Mar 13, 2022, at 7:

Re: Royale support for progressive web apps (pwa)

2022-03-14 Thread Roman Isitua
It works. Thanks Harbs.

The following steps are to be done to convert an app to pwa
1. Create a manifest.json file. Place it in the root folder in
src/main/resources where the index template html file is.

2. Modify the index template html file to reference the manifest.json.

3. Implement a serviceWorker.js file. This will be in the same root folder
in src/main/resources

4. In the main mxml file of the project create an init method then add the
below snippets

if ("serviceWorker" in window.navigator) {
.then(function(res):void{trace("service worker registered")})
.catch(function(err):void{trace("service worker not registered: "+

Then compile the project and deploy to the web server.  Once you launch the
url the web browser will ask you if want to install it as an app. If you
click yes, it will install the app locally and put an icon for launching it.

On Mon, 14 Mar 2022, 12:51 Harbs,  wrote:

> I’d add it to the init stage of the application.
> Actually, in ActionScript, you can get rid of the “load” event listener:
> if ("serviceWorker" in window.navigator) {
>   window.navigator.serviceWorker
> .register("/serviceWorker.js")
> .then(function(res):void{trace("service worker registered")})
> .catch(function(err):void{trace("service worker not registered: "+
> err)})
> }
> On Mar 14, 2022, at 1:14 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> One question.
>  At which point in the code should the below actionscript code be added.
> Is it in the sp:Application (assuming I am using spectrum) area ? I.e In
> the fx script portion of the mxml ?
> On Mon, 14 Mar 2022, 08:45 Roman Isitua,  wrote:
>> Wow ! I will definitely try this and provide an update on the outcome.
>> On Mon, 14 Mar 2022, 08:42 Harbs,  wrote:
>>> Yes.
>>> You can put that in a script tag in the html.
>>> Here’s an ActionScript equivalent of that code:
>>> if ("serviceWorker" in window.navigator) {
>>>   window.addEventListener("load", function():void {
>>> window.navigator.serviceWorker
>>>   .register("/serviceWorker.js")
>>>   .then(function(res):void{trace("service worker registered")})
>>>   .catch(function(err):void{trace("service worker not registered: "+
>>> err)})
>>>   })
>>> }
>>> If there’s no typedef support for serviceWorker you might need to use:
>>> window.navigator[“serviceWorker”]
>>> On Mar 14, 2022, at 1:00 AM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>>> From the tutorial the code to register the service worker is as follows:
>>> if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
>>>   window.addEventListener("load", function() {
>>> navigator.serviceWorker
>>>   .register("/serviceWorker.js")
>>>   .then(res => console.log("service worker registered"))
>>>   .catch(err => console.log("service worker not registered", err))
>>>   })
>>> }
>>> To implement the main entry point js file was modified.
>>> So your saying it possible to do same in the index.html or actionscript
>>> ?
>>> If yes my next question is how ?
>>> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 20:19 Harbs,  wrote:
>>>> If you want it to work offline with Cache, you will need a service
>>>> worker, but that is a _SEPARATE_ js file. You don’t need to modify the main
>>>> JS file.
>>>> You do need to register the service worker, but that can be done either
>>>> in the index html file, or in your ActionScript code.
>>>> On Mar 13, 2022, at 8:24 PM, Roman Isitua 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> From the below link
>>>> The following steps are to be done to convert an app to pwa
>>>> 1. Create a manifest.json file.
>>>> 2. Modify the index.html file to reference the manifest.json.
>>>> 3. Implement a ServiceWorker.js file. This will be in the same root
>>>> folder as the generated main entry point js file.
>>>> 4.

Re: Royale support for progressive web apps (pwa)

2022-03-14 Thread Roman Isitua
One question.

 At which point in the code should the below actionscript code be added. Is
it in the sp:Application (assuming I am using spectrum) area ? I.e In the
fx script portion of the mxml ?

On Mon, 14 Mar 2022, 08:45 Roman Isitua,  wrote:

> Wow ! I will definitely try this and provide an update on the outcome.
> On Mon, 14 Mar 2022, 08:42 Harbs,  wrote:
>> Yes.
>> You can put that in a script tag in the html.
>> Here’s an ActionScript equivalent of that code:
>> if ("serviceWorker" in window.navigator) {
>>   window.addEventListener("load", function():void {
>> window.navigator.serviceWorker
>>   .register("/serviceWorker.js")
>>   .then(function(res):void{trace("service worker registered")})
>>   .catch(function(err):void{trace("service worker not registered: "+
>> err)})
>>   })
>> }
>> If there’s no typedef support for serviceWorker you might need to use:
>> window.navigator[“serviceWorker”]
>> On Mar 14, 2022, at 1:00 AM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> From the tutorial the code to register the service worker is as follows:
>> if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
>>   window.addEventListener("load", function() {
>> navigator.serviceWorker
>>   .register("/serviceWorker.js")
>>   .then(res => console.log("service worker registered"))
>>   .catch(err => console.log("service worker not registered", err))
>>   })
>> }
>> To implement the main entry point js file was modified.
>> So your saying it possible to do same in the index.html or actionscript  ?
>> If yes my next question is how ?
>> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 20:19 Harbs,  wrote:
>>> If you want it to work offline with Cache, you will need a service
>>> worker, but that is a _SEPARATE_ js file. You don’t need to modify the main
>>> JS file.
>>> You do need to register the service worker, but that can be done either
>>> in the index html file, or in your ActionScript code.
>>> On Mar 13, 2022, at 8:24 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>>> From the below link
>>> The following steps are to be done to convert an app to pwa
>>> 1. Create a manifest.json file.
>>> 2. Modify the index.html file to reference the manifest.json.
>>> 3. Implement a ServiceWorker.js file. This will be in the same root
>>> folder as the generated main entry point js file.
>>> 4. Register the ServiceWorker.js file by modifying for the generated
>>> entry point js file.
>>> If I am coding my web app using plain html, css and javascript it will
>>> not be a problem doing the above 4 tasks. But as I am using royale task
>>> three and four look challenging. I think the royale sdk and compiler might
>>> need to be tweaked to support those tasks.
>>> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 19:04 Harbs,  wrote:
>>>> No. Why would you need to modify the js file?
>>>> On Mar 13, 2022, at 7:47 PM, Roman Isitua 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> So I am free to modify the generated entry point js file as well ?
>>>> This does not really look like an ideal solution because each time I
>>>> recompile the project the generated js file will be overwritten. An ideal
>>>> solution will be to add support for it in royale sdk.
>>>> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 18:36 Harbs,  wrote:
>>>>> It shouldn’t be any different than a regular web app.
>>>>> You can add whatever you want to the template index.html file.
>>>>> On Mar 12, 2022, at 11:53 AM, Roman Isitua 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I just stumbled on a tutorial on how to create a pwa app using plain
>>>>> html, javascript and css (i.e. no framework).
>>>>>  I am now forced to ask the question. How can i do this in royale ?
>>>>> Here is the link
>>>>> How can I register all the generated javascript files ?
>>>>> Is modifying the main entry point js file in my royale project allowed
>>>>> ? From the tutorial this file will need to be modified to register the
>>>>> service worker.
>>>>> Has someone created a pwa in royale before ?
>>>>> Pwa's are rapidly being adopted it will be nice if I can package my
>>>>> responsive web application to be a pwa with little effort.
>>>>> Regards,

Re: Royale support for progressive web apps (pwa)

2022-03-14 Thread Roman Isitua
Wow ! I will definitely try this and provide an update on the outcome.

On Mon, 14 Mar 2022, 08:42 Harbs,  wrote:

> Yes.
> You can put that in a script tag in the html.
> Here’s an ActionScript equivalent of that code:
> if ("serviceWorker" in window.navigator) {
>   window.addEventListener("load", function():void {
> window.navigator.serviceWorker
>   .register("/serviceWorker.js")
>   .then(function(res):void{trace("service worker registered")})
>   .catch(function(err):void{trace("service worker not registered: "+
> err)})
>   })
> }
> If there’s no typedef support for serviceWorker you might need to use:
> window.navigator[“serviceWorker”]
> On Mar 14, 2022, at 1:00 AM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> From the tutorial the code to register the service worker is as follows:
> if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
>   window.addEventListener("load", function() {
> navigator.serviceWorker
>   .register("/serviceWorker.js")
>   .then(res => console.log("service worker registered"))
>   .catch(err => console.log("service worker not registered", err))
>   })
> }
> To implement the main entry point js file was modified.
> So your saying it possible to do same in the index.html or actionscript  ?
> If yes my next question is how ?
> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 20:19 Harbs,  wrote:
>> If you want it to work offline with Cache, you will need a service
>> worker, but that is a _SEPARATE_ js file. You don’t need to modify the main
>> JS file.
>> You do need to register the service worker, but that can be done either
>> in the index html file, or in your ActionScript code.
>> On Mar 13, 2022, at 8:24 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> From the below link
>> The following steps are to be done to convert an app to pwa
>> 1. Create a manifest.json file.
>> 2. Modify the index.html file to reference the manifest.json.
>> 3. Implement a ServiceWorker.js file. This will be in the same root
>> folder as the generated main entry point js file.
>> 4. Register the ServiceWorker.js file by modifying for the generated
>> entry point js file.
>> If I am coding my web app using plain html, css and javascript it will
>> not be a problem doing the above 4 tasks. But as I am using royale task
>> three and four look challenging. I think the royale sdk and compiler might
>> need to be tweaked to support those tasks.
>> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 19:04 Harbs,  wrote:
>>> No. Why would you need to modify the js file?
>>> On Mar 13, 2022, at 7:47 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>>> So I am free to modify the generated entry point js file as well ?
>>> This does not really look like an ideal solution because each time I
>>> recompile the project the generated js file will be overwritten. An ideal
>>> solution will be to add support for it in royale sdk.
>>> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 18:36 Harbs,  wrote:
>>>> It shouldn’t be any different than a regular web app.
>>>> You can add whatever you want to the template index.html file.
>>>> On Mar 12, 2022, at 11:53 AM, Roman Isitua 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I just stumbled on a tutorial on how to create a pwa app using plain
>>>> html, javascript and css (i.e. no framework).
>>>>  I am now forced to ask the question. How can i do this in royale ?
>>>> Here is the link
>>>> How can I register all the generated javascript files ?
>>>> Is modifying the main entry point js file in my royale project allowed
>>>> ? From the tutorial this file will need to be modified to register the
>>>> service worker.
>>>> Has someone created a pwa in royale before ?
>>>> Pwa's are rapidly being adopted it will be nice if I can package my
>>>> responsive web application to be a pwa with little effort.
>>>> Regards,

Re: Royale support for progressive web apps (pwa)

2022-03-13 Thread Roman Isitua
>From the tutorial the code to register the service worker is as follows:

if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
  window.addEventListener("load", function() {
  .then(res => console.log("service worker registered"))
  .catch(err => console.log("service worker not registered", err))

To implement the main entry point js file was modified.

So your saying it possible to do same in the index.html or actionscript  ?

If yes my next question is how ?

On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 20:19 Harbs,  wrote:

> If you want it to work offline with Cache, you will need a service worker,
> but that is a _SEPARATE_ js file. You don’t need to modify the main JS file.
> You do need to register the service worker, but that can be done either in
> the index html file, or in your ActionScript code.
> On Mar 13, 2022, at 8:24 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> From the below link
> The following steps are to be done to convert an app to pwa
> 1. Create a manifest.json file.
> 2. Modify the index.html file to reference the manifest.json.
> 3. Implement a ServiceWorker.js file. This will be in the same root folder
> as the generated main entry point js file.
> 4. Register the ServiceWorker.js file by modifying for the generated entry
> point js file.
> If I am coding my web app using plain html, css and javascript it will not
> be a problem doing the above 4 tasks. But as I am using royale task three
> and four look challenging. I think the royale sdk and compiler might need
> to be tweaked to support those tasks.
> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 19:04 Harbs,  wrote:
>> No. Why would you need to modify the js file?
>> On Mar 13, 2022, at 7:47 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> So I am free to modify the generated entry point js file as well ?
>> This does not really look like an ideal solution because each time I
>> recompile the project the generated js file will be overwritten. An ideal
>> solution will be to add support for it in royale sdk.
>> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 18:36 Harbs,  wrote:
>>> It shouldn’t be any different than a regular web app.
>>> You can add whatever you want to the template index.html file.
>>> On Mar 12, 2022, at 11:53 AM, Roman Isitua 
>>> wrote:
>>> I just stumbled on a tutorial on how to create a pwa app using plain
>>> html, javascript and css (i.e. no framework).
>>>  I am now forced to ask the question. How can i do this in royale ?
>>> Here is the link
>>> How can I register all the generated javascript files ?
>>> Is modifying the main entry point js file in my royale project allowed ?
>>> From the tutorial this file will need to be modified to register the
>>> service worker.
>>> Has someone created a pwa in royale before ?
>>> Pwa's are rapidly being adopted it will be nice if I can package my
>>> responsive web application to be a pwa with little effort.
>>> Regards,

Re: Royale support for progressive web apps (pwa)

2022-03-13 Thread Roman Isitua
I think it is worth it. Lot of big software houses are adopting pwa's.  E.g
ms outlook is now a pwa app.

On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 20:56 Andrew Wetmore,  wrote:

> Is it worth enhancing Royale to support that out of the box?
> On Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 4:20 PM Harbs  wrote:
>> What is the gain of adding the .json file and all that?
>> 1. You can make a web app look like a native mobile app.
>> 2. It can work while your mobile device is off line (as long as you cache
>> all the necessary data).
>> On Mar 13, 2022, at 9:18 PM, Andrew Wetmore  wrote:
>> What is the gain of adding the .json file and all that? Doesn't a Royale
>> app compiled for use with JS files run just fine without further
>> modification on a web page?
>> On Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 3:26 PM Roman Isitua 
>> wrote:
>>> From the below link
>>> The following steps are to be done to convert an app to pwa
>>> 1. Create a manifest.json file.
>>> 2. Modify the index.html file to reference the manifest.json.
>>> 3. Implement a ServiceWorker.js file. This will be in the same root
>>> folder as the generated main entry point js file.
>>> 4. Register the ServiceWorker.js file by modifying for the generated
>>> entry point js file.
>>> If I am coding my web app using plain html, css and javascript it will
>>> not be a problem doing the above 4 tasks. But as I am using royale task
>>> three and four look challenging. I think the royale sdk and compiler might
>>> need to be tweaked to support those tasks.
>>> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 19:04 Harbs,  wrote:
>>>> No. Why would you need to modify the js file?
>>>> On Mar 13, 2022, at 7:47 PM, Roman Isitua 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> So I am free to modify the generated entry point js file as well ?
>>>> This does not really look like an ideal solution because each time I
>>>> recompile the project the generated js file will be overwritten. An ideal
>>>> solution will be to add support for it in royale sdk.
>>>> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 18:36 Harbs,  wrote:
>>>>> It shouldn’t be any different than a regular web app.
>>>>> You can add whatever you want to the template index.html file.
>>>>> On Mar 12, 2022, at 11:53 AM, Roman Isitua 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I just stumbled on a tutorial on how to create a pwa app using plain
>>>>> html, javascript and css (i.e. no framework).
>>>>>  I am now forced to ask the question. How can i do this in royale ?
>>>>> Here is the link
>>>>> How can I register all the generated javascript files ?
>>>>> Is modifying the main entry point js file in my royale project allowed
>>>>> ? From the tutorial this file will need to be modified to register the
>>>>> service worker.
>>>>> Has someone created a pwa in royale before ?
>>>>> Pwa's are rapidly being adopted it will be nice if I can package my
>>>>> responsive web application to be a pwa with little effort.
>>>>> Regards,
>> --
>> Andrew Wetmore
>> Editor, Moose House Publications <>
>> Editor-Writer, The Apache Software Foundation <>
> --
> Andrew Wetmore
> Editor, Moose House Publications <>
> Editor-Writer, The Apache Software Foundation <>

Re: Royale support for progressive web apps (pwa)

2022-03-13 Thread Roman Isitua
>From the below link

The following steps are to be done to convert an app to pwa
1. Create a manifest.json file.

2. Modify the index.html file to reference the manifest.json.

3. Implement a ServiceWorker.js file. This will be in the same root folder
as the generated main entry point js file.

4. Register the ServiceWorker.js file by modifying for the generated entry
point js file.

If I am coding my web app using plain html, css and javascript it will not
be a problem doing the above 4 tasks. But as I am using royale task three
and four look challenging. I think the royale sdk and compiler might need
to be tweaked to support those tasks.

On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 19:04 Harbs,  wrote:

> No. Why would you need to modify the js file?
> On Mar 13, 2022, at 7:47 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> So I am free to modify the generated entry point js file as well ?
> This does not really look like an ideal solution because each time I
> recompile the project the generated js file will be overwritten. An ideal
> solution will be to add support for it in royale sdk.
> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 18:36 Harbs,  wrote:
>> It shouldn’t be any different than a regular web app.
>> You can add whatever you want to the template index.html file.
>> On Mar 12, 2022, at 11:53 AM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> I just stumbled on a tutorial on how to create a pwa app using plain
>> html, javascript and css (i.e. no framework).
>>  I am now forced to ask the question. How can i do this in royale ?
>> Here is the link
>> How can I register all the generated javascript files ?
>> Is modifying the main entry point js file in my royale project allowed ?
>> From the tutorial this file will need to be modified to register the
>> service worker.
>> Has someone created a pwa in royale before ?
>> Pwa's are rapidly being adopted it will be nice if I can package my
>> responsive web application to be a pwa with little effort.
>> Regards,

Re: Royale support for progressive web apps (pwa)

2022-03-13 Thread Roman Isitua
So I am free to modify the generated entry point js file as well ?

This does not really look like an ideal solution because each time I
recompile the project the generated js file will be overwritten. An ideal
solution will be to add support for it in royale sdk.

On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 18:36 Harbs,  wrote:

> It shouldn’t be any different than a regular web app.
> You can add whatever you want to the template index.html file.
> On Mar 12, 2022, at 11:53 AM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> I just stumbled on a tutorial on how to create a pwa app using plain html,
> javascript and css (i.e. no framework).
>  I am now forced to ask the question. How can i do this in royale ?
> Here is the link
> How can I register all the generated javascript files ?
> Is modifying the main entry point js file in my royale project allowed ?
> From the tutorial this file will need to be modified to register the
> service worker.
> Has someone created a pwa in royale before ?
> Pwa's are rapidly being adopted it will be nice if I can package my
> responsive web application to be a pwa with little effort.
> Regards,

Royale support for progressive web apps (pwa)

2022-03-12 Thread Roman Isitua
I just stumbled on a tutorial on how to create a pwa app using plain html,
javascript and css (i.e. no framework).

 I am now forced to ask the question. How can i do this in royale ?

Here is the link

How can I register all the generated javascript files ?

Is modifying the main entry point js file in my royale project allowed ?
>From the tutorial this file will need to be modified to register the
service worker.

Has someone created a pwa in royale before ?

Pwa's are rapidly being adopted it will be nice if I can package my
responsive web application to be a pwa with little effort.


Re: Spectrum UI components

2022-02-28 Thread Roman Isitua
So that I am clear about what you said. By cherry pick you mean take what
you just did on the royale spectrum source and apply it locally (on my pc)
on the spectrum 0.9.8 source ?

In other words what do you mean by cherry pick ?

On Mon, 28 Feb 2022, 10:14 Harbs,  wrote:

> Spectrum Menus are a bit non-standard when it comes to data. It expects an
> IMenuItem. If it’s a plain object, the text is set to the label or text
> property of the object and the rest of the menu properties are inferred as
> well. The original object is *replaced* with a MenuItem if the original is
> not an IMenuItem.
> We are using spectrum based on royale 0.9.8 with this commit id "024b730"
> In other words we are not on version 0.9.9-snapshot?
> You can cherry-pick the change.
> On Feb 28, 2022, at 10:44 AM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> Is there a label property ? That allows us to specify the field in our
> data object to be used ?
> Also, How can we access this latest change ?
> We are using spectrum based on royale 0.9.8 with this commit id "024b730"
> In other words we are not on version 0.9.9-snapshot?
> On Mon, 28 Feb 2022, 09:38 Harbs,  wrote:
>> How can I use an arrayList of data objects instead ?
>> >> dataProvider=“{myArrayListProvider}"/>
>> The spectrum combobox also doesn't have a change attribute. How do you
>> execute an event on selecting from the list.
>> It looks like we forgot to add Event metadata for that.
>> Fixed.
>> On Feb 27, 2022, at 2:48 AM, Timothy Tokmang Wang 
>> wrote:
>> The spectrum combobox also doesn't have a change attribute. How do you
>> execute an event on selecting from the list.
>> On Sun, Feb 27, 2022 at 12:28 AM Roman Isitua 
>> wrote:
>>> How can I populate a spectrum combo box dynamically ? I intend to use an
>>> array list of data objects ?
>>> For spectrum List (sp:List) the following can be used
>>> >> labelField="description"
>>>   dataProvider="{newMenuItemList}" change="onSelectMenu(event)">
>>> From the royale spectrum show case the code snippet was used.
>>> In the above example a static fx array was used. How can I use an
>>> arrayList of data objects instead ?
>>> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 5:21 PM Roman Isitua 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Understood. Thanks.
>>>> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 5:14 PM Harbs  wrote:
>>>>> On Jan 12, 2022, at 6:08 PM, Roman Isitua 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> What is the purpose of   ?  since it
>>>>> was no longer necessary
>>>>> It’s necessary in Royale Basic to use ArrayLists.
>>>>> In Spectrum, there’s a default ListModel which correctly handles both
>>>>> both Array and ArrayList data.
>>>>> Also, another question
>>>>> which will you recommend one uses ? why should one choose Array over
>>>>> ArrayList or ArrayList over Array.
>>>>> Array is simpler. There’s less overhead. If you have data which
>>>>> doesn’t change, use Array.
>>>>> If you need the list to update when data changes, use ArrayList.

Re: Spectrum UI components

2022-02-28 Thread Roman Isitua
Is there a label property ? That allows us to specify the field in our data
object to be used ?

Also, How can we access this latest change ?

We are using spectrum based on royale 0.9.8 with this commit id "024b730"

In other words we are not on version 0.9.9-snapshot?

On Mon, 28 Feb 2022, 09:38 Harbs,  wrote:

> How can I use an arrayList of data objects instead ?
> > dataProvider=“{myArrayListProvider}"/>
> The spectrum combobox also doesn't have a change attribute. How do you
> execute an event on selecting from the list.
> It looks like we forgot to add Event metadata for that.
> Fixed.
> On Feb 27, 2022, at 2:48 AM, Timothy Tokmang Wang 
> wrote:
> The spectrum combobox also doesn't have a change attribute. How do you
> execute an event on selecting from the list.
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2022 at 12:28 AM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
>> How can I populate a spectrum combo box dynamically ? I intend to use an
>> array list of data objects ?
>> For spectrum List (sp:List) the following can be used
>> >   dataProvider="{newMenuItemList}" change="onSelectMenu(event)">
>> From the royale spectrum show case the code snippet was used.
>> In the above example a static fx array was used. How can I use an
>> arrayList of data objects instead ?
>> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 5:21 PM Roman Isitua 
>> wrote:
>>> Understood. Thanks.
>>> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 5:14 PM Harbs  wrote:
>>>> On Jan 12, 2022, at 6:08 PM, Roman Isitua 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> What is the purpose of   ?  since it was
>>>> no longer necessary
>>>> It’s necessary in Royale Basic to use ArrayLists.
>>>> In Spectrum, there’s a default ListModel which correctly handles both
>>>> both Array and ArrayList data.
>>>> Also, another question
>>>> which will you recommend one uses ? why should one choose Array over
>>>> ArrayList or ArrayList over Array.
>>>> Array is simpler. There’s less overhead. If you have data which doesn’t
>>>> change, use Array.
>>>> If you need the list to update when data changes, use ArrayList.

Re: Spectrum UI components

2022-02-26 Thread Roman Isitua
How can I populate a spectrum combo box dynamically ? I intend to use an
array list of data objects ?

For spectrum List (sp:List) the following can be used



>From the royale spectrum show case the code snippet was used.



In the above example a static fx array was used. How can I use an arrayList
of data objects instead ?

On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 5:21 PM Roman Isitua  wrote:

> Understood. Thanks.
> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 5:14 PM Harbs  wrote:
>> On Jan 12, 2022, at 6:08 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> What is the purpose of   ?  since it was
>> no longer necessary
>> It’s necessary in Royale Basic to use ArrayLists.
>> In Spectrum, there’s a default ListModel which correctly handles both
>> both Array and ArrayList data.
>> Also, another question
>> which will you recommend one uses ? why should one choose Array over
>> ArrayList or ArrayList over Array.
>> Array is simpler. There’s less overhead. If you have data which doesn’t
>> change, use Array.
>> If you need the list to update when data changes, use ArrayList.

Re: Talk on Royale

2022-01-26 Thread Roman Isitua
I have a question to ask regarding the load time of the spectrum browser
(it's really fast) when compared to the demo spectrum app I deployed
online. I will ask my question on another thread shortly.

On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 1:34 PM Harbs  wrote:

> Reaction was positive. Not sure I convinced anyone to switch, but the more
> word gets out, the better…
> I added some comments to give a better picture of performance gains. Not
> sure why it’s not showing up.
> Here’s what I added:
> I did not do a very good demonstrating the performance benefits of Roylae
> in the talk. I put some better numbers together:
> *Minimal app*
> js 17KB gzipped
> html 444 bytes unzipped
> html 270 bytes gzipped
> css ... depends on what you put there
> load times:
> 95 ms document load event
> 100 ms onload event
> 109 ms for FP, FCP and LCP
> So we’re talking less than 20KB of data TOTAL and about 100ms load time
> for a simple app.
> *Spectrum Browser*
> js 204 KB gzipped
> html 5,632 bytes unzipped
> html 863 bytes gzipped (with references to 64 external css files)
> load times
> 275 ms FP FCP
> 281 ms doc load
> 330 ms LCP
> 343 ms onload
> This *easily* beats Google’s optimal load times of less than 1/2 second.
> In fact you need to try VERY HARD to build a Royale app which takes longer
> than 1/2 second to load.
> Here’s a breakdown of the load time of the Spectrum Browser:
> The bulk of the load time is due to the loading of Adobe’s Spectrum CSS.
> Some of things I’d like to do is add a Semantic-UI component set and create
> a tutorial on using Tailwind CSS with Royale. A build process which
> generates optimized external CSS would do wonders for load times...
> The first 159 ms was evaluating css files. I’m loading 64 css files from
> Adobe, so that takes time. If I cared, this can probably be optimized a lot.
> Evaluating and building html dom tree took 94 ms. Of that, evaluating the
> script took 65 ms. Not sure why that took so long.
> The actual running of the code which builds the DOM took 27 ms.
> Recalculate style took 20 ms. If I decided that was too long, I could
> delay loading some of the content pretty easily which would speed this up.
> All in all, I don’t feel that a 204KB js file (with zero other
> dependencies) and a 300-350 ms load time is something that needs further
> optimization. If I did, Royale supports modules. I could probably use
> modules to cut down the JS size and the load times to less than half. Not
> worth it IMO.
> Like I mentioned in the talk, switching routes generally takes about 20ms.
> That’s about a frame rate of about 60 fps to switch routes. That’s insanely
> fast if you stop to think about it...
> I hope that does a better job of demonstrating the performance benefits of
> Royale.
> On Jan 26, 2022, at 9:11 AM, Yishay Weiss  wrote:
> Nice presentation. Too bad there wasn’t a Q What was the reaction?
> *From: *Harbs 
> *Sent: *Tuesday, January 25, 2022 1:57 PM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Talk on Royale
> I recently gave a talk on Royale to a local group in Jerusalem. Please
> excuse the poor delivery. I was recovering from Covid and a flu. ;-)
> I went a bit into strands, beads and performance.
> I used the router classes as an example of MXML and Royale features.
> It might be of interest. There will be some colloquial terms you might not
> recognize, but it should all be understandable...

Re: Talk on Royale

2022-01-26 Thread Roman Isitua
This is nice. I have bookmarked this link and will watch it.

On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 12:56 PM Harbs  wrote:

> I recently gave a talk on Royale to a local group in Jerusalem. Please
> excuse the poor delivery. I was recovering from Covid and a flu. ;-)
> I went a bit into strands, beads and performance.
> I used the router classes as an example of MXML and Royale features.
> It might be of interest. There will be some colloquial terms you might not
> recognize, but it should all be understandable...

Re: Spectrum UI components

2022-01-12 Thread Roman Isitua
Understood. Thanks.

On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 5:14 PM Harbs  wrote:

> On Jan 12, 2022, at 6:08 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> What is the purpose of   ?  since it was no
> longer necessary
> It’s necessary in Royale Basic to use ArrayLists.
> In Spectrum, there’s a default ListModel which correctly handles both both
> Array and ArrayList data.
> Also, another question
> which will you recommend one uses ? why should one choose Array over
> ArrayList or ArrayList over Array.
> Array is simpler. There’s less overhead. If you have data which doesn’t
> change, use Array.
> If you need the list to update when data changes, use ArrayList.

Re: Spectrum UI components

2022-01-12 Thread Roman Isitua
The base component for the mxml is a FlexContainer.

I have attached it to this mail. You can have a look.

On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 4:19 PM Harbs  wrote:

> How are you assigning the ArrayList? What’s the base component for the
> You might need to add ContainerDataBinding.
> On Jan 12, 2022, at 5:08 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> I have tested it again. No errors.
> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 3:54 PM Harbs  wrote:
>> Do you get an error of some kind?
>> On Jan 12, 2022, at 4:29 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> Sorry, what I meant to say is that the arrayList does not render.
>> For example when I use Array as follows
>>   > "description" dataProvider="{menuItemList}"
>> The side menu renders
>> However, when I use array List as follows
>>   > "description"
>>   dataProvider="{newMenuItemList}" change="onSelectMenu(event)">
>> it does not render. see Below
>> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 3:18 PM Harbs  wrote:
>>>  It's not working.
>>> What’s not working?
>>> Did I apply it correctly ?
>>> Looks like it.
>>> Another question, which one do you use for your apps in production ?
>>> I usually use Arrays. The css code was copied from one of my apps which
>>> uses an ArrayList in a Spectrum List..
>>> On Jan 12, 2022, at 4:00 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>>> I have attempted the second approach. It's not working. I am not sure I
>>> am applying it correctly. See how I defined it.
>>>   >> "description"
>>>   dataProvider="{newMenuItemList}" change="onSelectMenu(event)">
>>> Note: in the commented out code above, I supplied an array. It works
>>> fine.
>>> Did I apply it correctly ?
>>> Another question, which one do you use for your apps in production ?
>>> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 2:09 PM Harbs  wrote:
>>>> Any one of those three should work.
>>>> On Jan 12, 2022, at 3:09 PM, Harbs  wrote:
>>>> CSS:
>>>> #uploadsList{
>>>>   IBeadModel:
>>>> ClassReference("org.apache.royale.html.beads.models.ArrayListSelectionModel");
>>>>   IDataProviderItemRendererMapper:
>>>> ClassReference("org.apache.royale.html.beads.DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayList");
>>>> }
>>>> MXML:
>>>> ActionScript:
>>>>   addBead(new ArrayListSelectionModel());
>>>>   addBead(new DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayList());
>>>> On Jan 12, 2022, at 2:44 PM, Roman Isitua 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> How can this be applied let say for example on an sp:List ? As a bead ?
>>>>  Let's say I want to use arrayList  as data provider.
>>>> On Wed, 12 Jan 2022, 13:41 Harbs,  wrote:
>>>>> Yes.The default IDataProviderItemRendererMapper is
>>>>> DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayData.
>>>>> If you are using collections you should
>>>>> use DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayList or
>>>>> DataItemRendererFactoryForCollectionView instead.
>>>>> HTH,
>>>>> Harbs
>>>>> On Jan 12, 2022, at 1:35 PM, Roman Isitua 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hence the reason, I need to confirm from Harbs the array data type
>>>>> that is supported in spectrum.

Re: Spectrum UI components

2022-01-12 Thread Roman Isitua
I have tested it again. No errors.

On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 3:54 PM Harbs  wrote:

> Do you get an error of some kind?
> On Jan 12, 2022, at 4:29 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> Sorry, what I meant to say is that the arrayList does not render.
> For example when I use Array as follows
>"description" dataProvider="{menuItemList}"
> The side menu renders
> However, when I use array List as follows
>   dataProvider="{newMenuItemList}" change="onSelectMenu(event)">
> it does not render. see Below
> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 3:18 PM Harbs  wrote:
>>  It's not working.
>> What’s not working?
>> Did I apply it correctly ?
>> Looks like it.
>> Another question, which one do you use for your apps in production ?
>> I usually use Arrays. The css code was copied from one of my apps which
>> uses an ArrayList in a Spectrum List..
>> On Jan 12, 2022, at 4:00 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> I have attempted the second approach. It's not working. I am not sure I
>> am applying it correctly. See how I defined it.
>>   > "description"
>>   dataProvider="{newMenuItemList}" change="onSelectMenu(event)">
>> Note: in the commented out code above, I supplied an array. It works
>> fine.
>> Did I apply it correctly ?
>> Another question, which one do you use for your apps in production ?
>> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 2:09 PM Harbs  wrote:
>>> Any one of those three should work.
>>> On Jan 12, 2022, at 3:09 PM, Harbs  wrote:
>>> CSS:
>>> #uploadsList{
>>>   IBeadModel:
>>> ClassReference("org.apache.royale.html.beads.models.ArrayListSelectionModel");
>>>   IDataProviderItemRendererMapper:
>>> ClassReference("org.apache.royale.html.beads.DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayList");
>>> }
>>> MXML:
>>> ActionScript:
>>>   addBead(new ArrayListSelectionModel());
>>>   addBead(new DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayList());
>>> On Jan 12, 2022, at 2:44 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>>> How can this be applied let say for example on an sp:List ? As a bead ?
>>>  Let's say I want to use arrayList  as data provider.
>>> On Wed, 12 Jan 2022, 13:41 Harbs,  wrote:
>>>> Yes.The default IDataProviderItemRendererMapper is
>>>> DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayData.
>>>> If you are using collections you should
>>>> use DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayList or
>>>> DataItemRendererFactoryForCollectionView instead.
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Harbs
>>>> On Jan 12, 2022, at 1:35 PM, Roman Isitua 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hence the reason, I need to confirm from Harbs the array data type that
>>>> is supported in spectrum.
>>>> On Tue, 11 Jan 2022, 21:33 Maria Jose Esteve, 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> From what I see in the "" code it allows Object, IArray
>>>>> and IArrayList.
>>>>> Hiedra
>>>>> *De:* Roman Isitua 
>>>>> *Enviado el:* martes, 11 de enero de 2022 20:40
>>>>> *Para:*
>>>>> *Asunto:* Re: Spectrum UI components
>>>>> It is now displaying. The issue was not related to the sp:List as I
>>>>> initially thought.

Re: Spectrum UI components

2022-01-12 Thread Roman Isitua
I have attempted the second approach. It's not working. I am not sure I am
applying it correctly. See how I defined it.



Note: in the commented out code above, I supplied an array. It works fine.

Did I apply it correctly ?

Another question, which one do you use for your apps in production ?

On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 2:09 PM Harbs  wrote:

> Any one of those three should work.
> On Jan 12, 2022, at 3:09 PM, Harbs  wrote:
> CSS:
> #uploadsList{
>   IBeadModel:
> ClassReference("org.apache.royale.html.beads.models.ArrayListSelectionModel");
>   IDataProviderItemRendererMapper:
> ClassReference("org.apache.royale.html.beads.DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayList");
> }
> ActionScript:
>   addBead(new ArrayListSelectionModel());
>   addBead(new DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayList());
> On Jan 12, 2022, at 2:44 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> How can this be applied let say for example on an sp:List ? As a bead ?
>  Let's say I want to use arrayList  as data provider.
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2022, 13:41 Harbs,  wrote:
>> Yes.The default IDataProviderItemRendererMapper is
>> DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayData.
>> If you are using collections you should
>> use DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayList or
>> DataItemRendererFactoryForCollectionView instead.
>> HTH,
>> Harbs
>> On Jan 12, 2022, at 1:35 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> Hence the reason, I need to confirm from Harbs the array data type that
>> is supported in spectrum.
>> On Tue, 11 Jan 2022, 21:33 Maria Jose Esteve,  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> From what I see in the "" code it allows Object, IArray and
>>> IArrayList.
>>> Hiedra
>>> *De:* Roman Isitua 
>>> *Enviado el:* martes, 11 de enero de 2022 20:40
>>> *Para:*
>>> *Asunto:* Re: Spectrum UI components
>>> It is now displaying. The issue was not related to the sp:List as I
>>> initially thought.
>>>   >> "description" dataProvider="{menuItemList}"
>>> I changed the parent component from flex container to group. Though that
>>> had nothing to do  with the issue I was having.
>>> My current question
>>> is Array data type the only collection class that is supported in
>>> spectrum ?
>>> On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 6:30 PM Roman Isitua 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying to populate my first List  for some reason it is
>>> not being populated. Here is my code snippet.
>>>   >> "{newMenuItemList}"
>>>   labelField="description" change="onSelectMenu(event)"/>
>>> I have the following questions
>>> 1. what is the expected data provider ? Array,
>>> or org.apache.royale.collections.ArrayList ?
>>> I have tried both none of them works.
>>> 2.  Did I register data binding correctly ?
>>> The above ui is wrapped by a FlexContainer.
>>> my data source is supposed to be an arrayList of data transfer objects
>>> (MenuItemDTO) with get set functions for each field.
>>> On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 5:47 PM Harbs  wrote:
>>> Use a 
>>> > On Jan 8, 2022, at 4:34 PM, Roman Isitua 
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hi Harbs,
>>> >
>>> > I am trying to create a login form. How do I hide the password in
>>> >
>>> > 
>>> >
>>> >  could it be that it does not support password hiding ? Do I have to
>>> resort to using royale basic text field ?

Re: Spectrum UI components

2022-01-12 Thread Roman Isitua
How can this be applied let say for example on an sp:List ? As a bead ?

 Let's say I want to use arrayList  as data provider.

On Wed, 12 Jan 2022, 13:41 Harbs,  wrote:

> Yes.The default IDataProviderItemRendererMapper is
> DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayData.
> If you are using collections you should
> use DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayList or
> DataItemRendererFactoryForCollectionView instead.
> HTH,
> Harbs
> On Jan 12, 2022, at 1:35 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> Hence the reason, I need to confirm from Harbs the array data type that is
> supported in spectrum.
> On Tue, 11 Jan 2022, 21:33 Maria Jose Esteve,  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> From what I see in the "" code it allows Object, IArray and
>> IArrayList.
>> Hiedra
>> *De:* Roman Isitua 
>> *Enviado el:* martes, 11 de enero de 2022 20:40
>> *Para:*
>> *Asunto:* Re: Spectrum UI components
>> It is now displaying. The issue was not related to the sp:List as I
>> initially thought.
>>   > "description" dataProvider="{menuItemList}"
>> I changed the parent component from flex container to group. Though that
>> had nothing to do  with the issue I was having.
>> My current question
>> is Array data type the only collection class that is supported in
>> spectrum ?
>> On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 6:30 PM Roman Isitua 
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to populate my first List  for some reason it is not
>> being populated. Here is my code snippet.
>>   > "{newMenuItemList}"
>>   labelField="description" change="onSelectMenu(event)"/>
>> I have the following questions
>> 1. what is the expected data provider ? Array,
>> or org.apache.royale.collections.ArrayList ?
>> I have tried both none of them works.
>> 2.  Did I register data binding correctly ?
>> The above ui is wrapped by a FlexContainer.
>> my data source is supposed to be an arrayList of data transfer objects
>> (MenuItemDTO) with get set functions for each field.
>> On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 5:47 PM Harbs  wrote:
>> Use a 
>> > On Jan 8, 2022, at 4:34 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Harbs,
>> >
>> > I am trying to create a login form. How do I hide the password in
>> >
>> > 
>> >
>> >  could it be that it does not support password hiding ? Do I have to
>> resort to using royale basic text field ?

Re: Spectrum UI components

2022-01-12 Thread Roman Isitua
Hence the reason, I need to confirm from Harbs the array data type that is
supported in spectrum.

On Tue, 11 Jan 2022, 21:33 Maria Jose Esteve,  wrote:

> Hi,
> From what I see in the "" code it allows Object, IArray and
> IArrayList.
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* martes, 11 de enero de 2022 20:40
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Spectrum UI components
> It is now displaying. The issue was not related to the sp:List as I
> initially thought.
>"description" dataProvider="{menuItemList}"
> I changed the parent component from flex container to group. Though that
> had nothing to do  with the issue I was having.
> My current question
> is Array data type the only collection class that is supported in spectrum
> ?
> On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 6:30 PM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to populate my first List  for some reason it is not
> being populated. Here is my code snippet.
>   labelField="description" change="onSelectMenu(event)"/>
> I have the following questions
> 1. what is the expected data provider ? Array,
> or org.apache.royale.collections.ArrayList ?
> I have tried both none of them works.
> 2.  Did I register data binding correctly ?
> The above ui is wrapped by a FlexContainer.
> my data source is supposed to be an arrayList of data transfer objects
> (MenuItemDTO) with get set functions for each field.
> On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 5:47 PM Harbs  wrote:
> Use a 
> > On Jan 8, 2022, at 4:34 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> >
> > Hi Harbs,
> >
> > I am trying to create a login form. How do I hide the password in
> >
> > 
> >
> >  could it be that it does not support password hiding ? Do I have to
> resort to using royale basic text field ?

Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)

2022-01-12 Thread Roman Isitua
Thanks for the update.

I will pull the release modules branch source,  build and test again.

One question what compilation options should be used for this test ? Load
externs, externs, link report ?

 Which options should be applied for the main and which option should be
used for the module ?

>From your mail below I can see that a new option have been added so I need
clarity on this before I proceed with this test.

On Wed, 12 Jan 2022, 09:04 Alex Harui,  wrote:

> I pushed a ReleaseModules branch in royale-compiler and royale-asjs.
> These changes cause the royale-asjs/examples/royale/ModuleExample release
> version to work.
> The big challenge is that it turned out there is a fair amount of
> infrastructure that is not exported/public.  The Language utilities,
> ROYALE_CLASS_INFO, the superclass_ property, cssData and others are going
> to get renamed.  And thus renamed differently in the main app vs the module.
> That’s why the current compiler’s strategy was to try to copy the renaming
> map from the main app to the module, but it didn’t always work.  There
> seems to be a bug in the Closure Compiler that a set of externs causes the
> compiler to mis-handle package-paths.  Also, it meant that the module
> contained its own copy of most of the infrastructure
> The new compiler strategy is a bit more like the old Flex module
> strategy.  The module tries to not contain a copy of code that already
> exists in the main app.  Some of the goog/base.js stuff still gets copied
> though.  Then because we avoid renaming more things, the module can
> reference the shared infrastructure in the main app.
> The new compiler detects if what is being compiled is a loader of modules
> (because it is generating an externs-report) or is a Module and prevents
> renaming of Language APIs, modified base.js to not rename the superClass_
> property used for calling super() and a few other things.  In addition, I
> added a -prevent-rename-object-keys compiler option that works as a
> post-processor.  It scans the js files being copied into bin/js-debug and
> adds quotes around things.
> By making these changes, I was able to get the closure compiler to
> mis-handle the packages in a more predictable way, so another thing the new
> compiler does is post-process the output file to remove the incorrect
> package code.  The incorrect code would re-init package paths like “org” or
> “org.apache.royale”.
> Anyway, give it a try and see if it works.  Probably we’ll find out there
> is more infrastructure that needs to not be renamed, but I think this has a
> better chance of working as we aren’t blocked by the compiler outputting
> bad code.  Many months ago I tried to understand how why the Closure
> Compiler output bad code, but ran out of time.
> Another difference is that the new compiler strategy doesn’t use custom
> overrides of Closure Compiler passes which was fragile and will make it
> easier to upgrade to newer versions of Closure Compiler.
> HTH,
> -Alex
> *From: *Alex Harui 
> *Reply-To: *"" 
> *Date: *Wednesday, January 5, 2022 at 9:53 AM
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> I probably won’t have time to really dig into this until the weekend.  It
> is looking like the Closure Compiler gets confused when presented with
> externs for the same package tree that the module is generating new classes
> for.
> -Alex
> *From: *Roman Isitua 
> *Reply-To: *"" 
> *Date: *Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 1:57 PM
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> Okay. I knew I was missing something.
>  I will test again when the update for load-externs is available.
> On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 6:02 PM Alex Harui  wrote:
> Essentially, -externs-report is for the Closure (JS) Compiler.
> -link-report and -load-externs (one leading ‘-‘) is for the Royale Compiler
> to tell the Royale Compiler what classes to feed to the Closure Compiler.
> Both contain the same data (the set of classes used in the main app), just
> formatted differently and used differently.
> The –externs option for the Closure Compiler then tells the Closure
> Compiler not to look for classes in the set of files it is supposed to
> minify.
> So, you have the right settings for the main app, but for the module, it
> should be:
> *-js-compiler-option=--externs extrep.txt; -loa

Re: Spectrum UI components

2022-01-11 Thread Roman Isitua
It is now displaying. The issue was not related to the sp:List as I
initially thought.



I changed the parent component from flex container to group. Though that
had nothing to do  with the issue I was having.

My current question

is Array data type the only collection class that is supported in spectrum

On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 6:30 PM Roman Isitua  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to populate my first List  for some reason it is not
> being populated. Here is my code snippet.
>   labelField="description" change="onSelectMenu(event)"/>
> I have the following questions
> 1. what is the expected data provider ? Array,
> or org.apache.royale.collections.ArrayList ?
> I have tried both none of them works.
> 2.  Did I register data binding correctly ?
> The above ui is wrapped by a FlexContainer.
> my data source is supposed to be an arrayList of data transfer objects
> (MenuItemDTO) with get set functions for each field.
> On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 5:47 PM Harbs  wrote:
>> Use a 
>> > On Jan 8, 2022, at 4:34 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Harbs,
>> >
>> > I am trying to create a login form. How do I hide the password in
>> >
>> > 
>> >
>> >  could it be that it does not support password hiding ? Do I have to
>> resort to using royale basic text field ?

Re: Spectrum UI components

2022-01-11 Thread Roman Isitua

I am trying to populate my first List  for some reason it is not
being populated. Here is my code snippet.


I have the following questions
1. what is the expected data provider ? Array,
or org.apache.royale.collections.ArrayList ?
I have tried both none of them works.

2.  Did I register data binding correctly ?
The above ui is wrapped by a FlexContainer.

my data source is supposed to be an arrayList of data transfer objects
(MenuItemDTO) with get set functions for each field.

On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 5:47 PM Harbs  wrote:

> Use a 
> > On Jan 8, 2022, at 4:34 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> >
> > Hi Harbs,
> >
> > I am trying to create a login form. How do I hide the password in
> >
> > 
> >
> >  could it be that it does not support password hiding ? Do I have to
> resort to using royale basic text field ?

Re: Creating and using spectrum composite components

2022-01-08 Thread Roman Isitua
I will raise the pull request. Thanks.

I guess a temporary work around will be to wrap the card around a container

I just did that and it worked.

Is a container the best component to use as a wrapper ?

On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 5:52 PM Harbs  wrote:

> Card subclasses SpectrumBase.
> To do what you want, it should subclass Spectrum Group. That’s an
> oversight.
> Please make a PR. :-)
> On Jan 8, 2022, at 6:49 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> I have a simple spectrum view that references a container as follows
> The SignInForm contains the definition of the sp:Card in a separate
> SignInForm.mxml file.
> I noticed that royale does not render the card. However, if I do this
> I have to place the full definition of the sp:Card in the sp:Container for
> it to be rendered.
> The disadvantage of this is that I cannot define large complex composite
> components in separate mxml files and reference them in the main view mxml.
> I am able to do this using jewel or material design. It is a very useful
> feature.
> Any ideas ? Can this be done using spectrum ?

Re: Creating and using spectrum composite components

2022-01-08 Thread Roman Isitua

On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 5:58 PM Harbs  wrote:

> pull requsest.
> On Jan 8, 2022, at 6:55 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> Pardon my ignorance, what is a PR ?
> On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 5:52 PM Harbs  wrote:
>> Card subclasses SpectrumBase.
>> To do what you want, it should subclass Spectrum Group. That’s an
>> oversight.
>> Please make a PR. :-)
>> On Jan 8, 2022, at 6:49 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> I have a simple spectrum view that references a container as follows
>> The SignInForm contains the definition of the sp:Card in a separate
>> SignInForm.mxml file.
>> I noticed that royale does not render the card. However, if I do this
>> I have to place the full definition of the sp:Card in the sp:Container
>> for it to be rendered.
>> The disadvantage of this is that I cannot define large complex composite
>> components in separate mxml files and reference them in the main view mxml.
>> I am able to do this using jewel or material design. It is a very useful
>> feature.
>> Any ideas ? Can this be done using spectrum ?

Re: Creating and using spectrum composite components

2022-01-08 Thread Roman Isitua
Pardon my ignorance, what is a PR ?

On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 5:52 PM Harbs  wrote:

> Card subclasses SpectrumBase.
> To do what you want, it should subclass Spectrum Group. That’s an
> oversight.
> Please make a PR. :-)
> On Jan 8, 2022, at 6:49 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> I have a simple spectrum view that references a container as follows
> The SignInForm contains the definition of the sp:Card in a separate
> SignInForm.mxml file.
> I noticed that royale does not render the card. However, if I do this
> I have to place the full definition of the sp:Card in the sp:Container for
> it to be rendered.
> The disadvantage of this is that I cannot define large complex composite
> components in separate mxml files and reference them in the main view mxml.
> I am able to do this using jewel or material design. It is a very useful
> feature.
> Any ideas ? Can this be done using spectrum ?

Creating and using spectrum composite components

2022-01-08 Thread Roman Isitua
I have a simple spectrum view that references a container as follows

The SignInForm contains the definition of the sp:Card in a separate
SignInForm.mxml file.
I noticed that royale does not render the card. However, if I do this









I have to place the full definition of the sp:Card in the sp:Container for
it to be rendered.

The disadvantage of this is that I cannot define large complex composite
components in separate mxml files and reference them in the main view mxml.

I am able to do this using jewel or material design. It is a very useful

Any ideas ? Can this be done using spectrum ?

Spectrum UI components

2022-01-08 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi Harbs,

I am trying to create a login form. How do I hide the password in

 could it be that it does not support password hiding ? Do I have to resort
to using royale basic text field ?

Re: Setting up spectrum

2022-01-07 Thread Roman Isitua
Thanks for this info. I will ask questions whenever the need arises.

On Fri, Jan 7, 2022 at 10:33 AM Harbs  wrote:

> One question, since spectrum is not part of the royale sdk, is there an as
> doc for spectrum  ?
> I like looking api doc to understand how to use ui components (properties,
> beads, e.t.c )
> No. Sorry. I’m not very good about writing docs. :-(
> (If you’re inclined I’d love to get PRs to fix that up…)
> Here’s the basics:
> 1. Most of Spectrum does not use model and view. The exception is
> components which take dataProviders. (The view is pretty much handled by
> Adobe’s CSS.)
> 2. The source of SpectrumBrowser should give you a pretty good idea of
> what properties the components have.
> 3. I was pretty good about using [Inspectable] metadata, so your IDE (i.e.
> VS Code) should give you hints in MXML about what legal values for
> properties are.
> 4. Spectrum favors baking functionality in over beads.
> 5. Icons are specified using strings which applies named SVG symbols using
> “use” elements.
> Feel free to ask me questions...
> On Jan 7, 2022, at 9:42 AM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> Thanks.
> I showed my colleague the spectrum demo. He was impressed. He is UI
> designer. We want to try it out.
> One question, since spectrum is not part of the royale sdk, is there an as
> doc for spectrum  ?
> I like looking api doc to understand how to use ui components (properties,
> beads, e.t.c )
> On Fri, 7 Jan 2022, 08:26 Harbs,  wrote:
>> That’s right. There’s only one swc. Spectrum does not support swf.
>> Spectrum.swc is for js.
>> You need to manually copy the css files and use an html template files
>> like you have in the SpecturmBrowser project.
>> The easiest way to do that is to just copy the assets and template from
>> there.
>> On Jan 7, 2022, at 8:53 AM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> Harbs I have been able to build the Spectrum project using ant. I used
>> the binary release of 0.9.8 to achieve this.
>> I have a question, in the target folder I can see only one file
>> (Spectrum.swc). I was expecting to see three files. One Spectrum.swc and
>> two others namely. One for js and another for swf.
>> Can I use the Spectrum.swc in my js project ? Or is there a problem with
>> the build process ?
>> On Wed, 5 Jan 2022, 17:39 Harbs,  wrote:
>>> Sorry for the trouble. I don’t use Maven, so I don’t have a Maven build
>>> in Spectrum.
>>> You can feel free to make a PR with a Maven config to build it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Harbs
>>> On Jan 5, 2022, at 4:33 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>>> I commented it out. It did not work. I had to comment on another area
>>> with a similar message.
>>> The current error
>>> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum>ant
>>> Buildfile: C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
>>>  [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8
>>> check-compiler-home:
>>> check-transpiler-home:
>>> check-compiler:
>>> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml:78:
>>> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\${ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME}\lib
>>> does not exist.
>>> Note: I built the royale sdk using maven.
>>> I have compared this maven built royale 0.9.8 sdk with the 0.9.7 binary
>>> distribution I downloaded months ago when I started learning royale. I
>>> noticed the 0.9.7 binary has a lib folder
>>> (C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js-swf\royale-asjs\js\lib)  where the
>>> compc.jar and mxmlc.jar files are located. But the maven built 0.9.8 does
>>> not have a lib folder in that location. (Even after executing mvn clean
>>> install)
>>> I guess I should consider building the 0.9.8 with ant ? I hope there
>>> will be no issues building the same sdk with maven and then ant ?
>>> On Wed, Jan 5, 2022 at 7:41 AM Yishay Weiss 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I don’t know why that check was necessary in the original build, but it
>>>> seems it isn’t for the spectrum one. Roman, you can just remove this line
>>>> [1] from build.xml and I think it should work.
>>>> [1]

Re: Setting up spectrum

2022-01-06 Thread Roman Isitua

I showed my colleague the spectrum demo. He was impressed. He is UI
designer. We want to try it out.

One question, since spectrum is not part of the royale sdk, is there an as
doc for spectrum  ?

I like looking api doc to understand how to use ui components (properties,
beads, e.t.c )

On Fri, 7 Jan 2022, 08:26 Harbs,  wrote:

> That’s right. There’s only one swc. Spectrum does not support swf.
> Spectrum.swc is for js.
> You need to manually copy the css files and use an html template files
> like you have in the SpecturmBrowser project.
> The easiest way to do that is to just copy the assets and template from
> there.
> On Jan 7, 2022, at 8:53 AM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> Harbs I have been able to build the Spectrum project using ant. I used the
> binary release of 0.9.8 to achieve this.
> I have a question, in the target folder I can see only one file
> (Spectrum.swc). I was expecting to see three files. One Spectrum.swc and
> two others namely. One for js and another for swf.
> Can I use the Spectrum.swc in my js project ? Or is there a problem with
> the build process ?
> On Wed, 5 Jan 2022, 17:39 Harbs,  wrote:
>> Sorry for the trouble. I don’t use Maven, so I don’t have a Maven build
>> in Spectrum.
>> You can feel free to make a PR with a Maven config to build it.
>> Thanks,
>> Harbs
>> On Jan 5, 2022, at 4:33 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> I commented it out. It did not work. I had to comment on another area
>> with a similar message.
>> The current error
>> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum>ant
>> Buildfile: C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
>>  [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8
>> check-compiler-home:
>> check-transpiler-home:
>> check-compiler:
>> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml:78:
>> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\${ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME}\lib
>> does not exist.
>> Note: I built the royale sdk using maven.
>> I have compared this maven built royale 0.9.8 sdk with the 0.9.7 binary
>> distribution I downloaded months ago when I started learning royale. I
>> noticed the 0.9.7 binary has a lib folder
>> (C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js-swf\royale-asjs\js\lib)  where the
>> compc.jar and mxmlc.jar files are located. But the maven built 0.9.8 does
>> not have a lib folder in that location. (Even after executing mvn clean
>> install)
>> I guess I should consider building the 0.9.8 with ant ? I hope there will
>> be no issues building the same sdk with maven and then ant ?
>> On Wed, Jan 5, 2022 at 7:41 AM Yishay Weiss 
>> wrote:
>>> I don’t know why that check was necessary in the original build, but it
>>> seems it isn’t for the spectrum one. Roman, you can just remove this line
>>> [1] from build.xml and I think it should work.
>>> [1]
>>> >>
>>> *From: *Harbs 
>>> *Sent: *Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:07 AM
>>> *To: *
>>> *Subject: *Re: Setting up spectrum
>>> It’s checking for compiler-mxmlc.jar in the lib directory in
>>> ROYALE_HOME. Are you missing that for some reason?
>>> I’m not sure why it’s checking for that instead of compc.jar which is
>>> what it should actually be using.
>>> It was copied from the build.xml files used in the framework compile.
>>> Maybe Alex or Josh (or Greg?) can comment on that.
>>> > On Jan 4, 2022, at 11:54 PM, Roman Isitua 
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > I am trying to build royale spectrum from source using ant.
>>> >
>>> > I get the below error
>>> >
>>> > C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum>ant
>>> > Buildfile:
>>> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
>>> >  [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8
>>> >
>>> > check-compiler-home:
>>> >
>>> > C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml:90:
>>> ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME must be set to a folder with a lib sub-folder
>>> containing compiler-mxmlc.jar such as the compiler folder in
>>> royale-compiler repo or the root of a Royale SDK
>>> >
>>> > Total time: 0 seconds
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > I have set the ROYALE_HOME correctly.
>>> >
>>> > How can I set ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME ? What is the correct path ?
>>> >
>>> > I built my royale sdk from source.
>>> >
>>> > Regards,
>>> >
>>> >

Re: Setting up spectrum

2022-01-06 Thread Roman Isitua
Harbs I have been able to build the Spectrum project using ant. I used the
binary release of 0.9.8 to achieve this.

I have a question, in the target folder I can see only one file
(Spectrum.swc). I was expecting to see three files. One Spectrum.swc and
two others namely. One for js and another for swf.

Can I use the Spectrum.swc in my js project ? Or is there a problem with
the build process ?

On Wed, 5 Jan 2022, 17:39 Harbs,  wrote:

> Sorry for the trouble. I don’t use Maven, so I don’t have a Maven build in
> Spectrum.
> You can feel free to make a PR with a Maven config to build it.
> Thanks,
> Harbs
> On Jan 5, 2022, at 4:33 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> I commented it out. It did not work. I had to comment on another area with
> a similar message.
> The current error
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum>ant
> Buildfile: C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
>  [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8
> check-compiler-home:
> check-transpiler-home:
> check-compiler:
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml:78:
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\${ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME}\lib
> does not exist.
> Note: I built the royale sdk using maven.
> I have compared this maven built royale 0.9.8 sdk with the 0.9.7 binary
> distribution I downloaded months ago when I started learning royale. I
> noticed the 0.9.7 binary has a lib folder
> (C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js-swf\royale-asjs\js\lib)  where the
> compc.jar and mxmlc.jar files are located. But the maven built 0.9.8 does
> not have a lib folder in that location. (Even after executing mvn clean
> install)
> I guess I should consider building the 0.9.8 with ant ? I hope there will
> be no issues building the same sdk with maven and then ant ?
> On Wed, Jan 5, 2022 at 7:41 AM Yishay Weiss 
> wrote:
>> I don’t know why that check was necessary in the original build, but it
>> seems it isn’t for the spectrum one. Roman, you can just remove this line
>> [1] from build.xml and I think it should work.
>> [1]
>> >
>> *From: *Harbs 
>> *Sent: *Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:07 AM
>> *To: *
>> *Subject: *Re: Setting up spectrum
>> It’s checking for compiler-mxmlc.jar in the lib directory in ROYALE_HOME.
>> Are you missing that for some reason?
>> I’m not sure why it’s checking for that instead of compc.jar which is
>> what it should actually be using.
>> It was copied from the build.xml files used in the framework compile.
>> Maybe Alex or Josh (or Greg?) can comment on that.
>> > On Jan 4, 2022, at 11:54 PM, Roman Isitua 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > I am trying to build royale spectrum from source using ant.
>> >
>> > I get the below error
>> >
>> > C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum>ant
>> > Buildfile:
>> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
>> >  [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8
>> >
>> > check-compiler-home:
>> >
>> > C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml:90:
>> ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME must be set to a folder with a lib sub-folder
>> containing compiler-mxmlc.jar such as the compiler folder in
>> royale-compiler repo or the root of a Royale SDK
>> >
>> > Total time: 0 seconds
>> >
>> >
>> > I have set the ROYALE_HOME correctly.
>> >
>> > How can I set ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME ? What is the correct path ?
>> >
>> > I built my royale sdk from source.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> >
>> >

Re: Setting up spectrum

2022-01-05 Thread Roman Isitua

On Wed, 5 Jan 2022, 17:44 Maria Jose Esteve,  wrote:

> Both constructs coexist with the code in their respective directories.
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* miércoles, 5 de enero de 2022 17:41
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Setting up spectrum
> Yes. I use windows that will be nice.
> You can send it.  Thanks.
> So one question if Build the sdk with maven and I proceed to build with
> ant they won't be any problems ? Where does the ant output go to ?
> On Wed, 5 Jan 2022, 17:37 Maria Jose Esteve,  wrote:
> Hi, I compile with ant and maven, I found it was the best for debugging,
> do you want me to send you my build bat? Do you use windows?
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* miércoles, 5 de enero de 2022 15:34
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Setting up spectrum
> I commented it out. It did not work. I had to comment on another area with
> a similar message.
> The current error
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum>ant
> Buildfile: C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
>  [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8
> check-compiler-home:
> check-transpiler-home:
> check-compiler:
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml:78:
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\${ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME}\lib
> does not exist.
> Note: I built the royale sdk using maven.
> I have compared this maven built royale 0.9.8 sdk with the 0.9.7 binary
> distribution I downloaded months ago when I started learning royale. I
> noticed the 0.9.7 binary has a lib folder
> (C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js-swf\royale-asjs\js\lib)  where the
> compc.jar and mxmlc.jar files are located. But the maven built 0.9.8 does
> not have a lib folder in that location. (Even after executing mvn clean
> install)
> I guess I should consider building the 0.9.8 with ant ? I hope there will
> be no issues building the same sdk with maven and then ant ?
> On Wed, Jan 5, 2022 at 7:41 AM Yishay Weiss 
> wrote:
> I don’t know why that check was necessary in the original build, but it
> seems it isn’t for the spectrum one. Roman, you can just remove this line
> [1] from build.xml and I think it should work.
> [1]
> *From: *Harbs 
> *Sent: *Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:07 AM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: Setting up spectrum
> It’s checking for compiler-mxmlc.jar in the lib directory in ROYALE_HOME.
> Are you missing that for some reason?
> I’m not sure why it’s checking for that instead of compc.jar which is what
> it should actually be using.
> It was copied from the build.xml files used in the framework compile.
> Maybe Alex or Josh (or Greg?) can comment on that.
> > On Jan 4, 2022, at 11:54 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> >
> > I am trying to build royale spectrum from source using ant.
> >
> > I get the below error
> >
> > C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum>ant
> > Buildfile: C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
> >  [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8
> >
> > check-compiler-home:
> >
> > C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml:90:
> ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME must be set to a folder with a lib sub-folder
> containing compiler-mxmlc.jar such as the compiler folder in
> royale-compiler repo or the root of a Royale SDK
> >
> > Total time: 0 seconds
> >
> >
> > I have set the ROYALE_HOME correctly.
> >
> > How can I set ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME ? What is the correct path ?
> >
> > I built my royale sdk from source.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >

Re: Setting up spectrum

2022-01-05 Thread Roman Isitua
I don't mind building royale with ant even if it is for the purpose of
building spectrum.

Once I have the spectrum swc file, I can install it locally with maven then
register it as a dependency in my maven based project.

On Wed, 5 Jan 2022, 17:39 Harbs,  wrote:

> Sorry for the trouble. I don’t use Maven, so I don’t have a Maven build in
> Spectrum.
> You can feel free to make a PR with a Maven config to build it.
> Thanks,
> Harbs
> On Jan 5, 2022, at 4:33 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> I commented it out. It did not work. I had to comment on another area with
> a similar message.
> The current error
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum>ant
> Buildfile: C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
>  [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8
> check-compiler-home:
> check-transpiler-home:
> check-compiler:
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml:78:
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\${ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME}\lib
> does not exist.
> Note: I built the royale sdk using maven.
> I have compared this maven built royale 0.9.8 sdk with the 0.9.7 binary
> distribution I downloaded months ago when I started learning royale. I
> noticed the 0.9.7 binary has a lib folder
> (C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js-swf\royale-asjs\js\lib)  where the
> compc.jar and mxmlc.jar files are located. But the maven built 0.9.8 does
> not have a lib folder in that location. (Even after executing mvn clean
> install)
> I guess I should consider building the 0.9.8 with ant ? I hope there will
> be no issues building the same sdk with maven and then ant ?
> On Wed, Jan 5, 2022 at 7:41 AM Yishay Weiss 
> wrote:
>> I don’t know why that check was necessary in the original build, but it
>> seems it isn’t for the spectrum one. Roman, you can just remove this line
>> [1] from build.xml and I think it should work.
>> [1]
>> >
>> *From: *Harbs 
>> *Sent: *Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:07 AM
>> *To: *
>> *Subject: *Re: Setting up spectrum
>> It’s checking for compiler-mxmlc.jar in the lib directory in ROYALE_HOME.
>> Are you missing that for some reason?
>> I’m not sure why it’s checking for that instead of compc.jar which is
>> what it should actually be using.
>> It was copied from the build.xml files used in the framework compile.
>> Maybe Alex or Josh (or Greg?) can comment on that.
>> > On Jan 4, 2022, at 11:54 PM, Roman Isitua 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > I am trying to build royale spectrum from source using ant.
>> >
>> > I get the below error
>> >
>> > C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum>ant
>> > Buildfile:
>> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
>> >  [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8
>> >
>> > check-compiler-home:
>> >
>> > C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml:90:
>> ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME must be set to a folder with a lib sub-folder
>> containing compiler-mxmlc.jar such as the compiler folder in
>> royale-compiler repo or the root of a Royale SDK
>> >
>> > Total time: 0 seconds
>> >
>> >
>> > I have set the ROYALE_HOME correctly.
>> >
>> > How can I set ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME ? What is the correct path ?
>> >
>> > I built my royale sdk from source.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> >
>> >

Re: Setting up spectrum

2022-01-05 Thread Roman Isitua
I guess. I noticed that it downloads updates for 0.9.9-snapshot whenever i
do mvn clean install.

On Wed, 5 Jan 2022, 17:40 Maria Jose Esteve,  wrote:

> One detail... If you are building the SDK from the repo your version is
> 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT right?
> Hiedra
> *De:* Maria Jose Esteve 
> *Enviado el:* miércoles, 5 de enero de 2022 17:37
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* RE: Setting up spectrum
> Hi, I compile with ant and maven, I found it was the best for debugging,
> do you want me to send you my build bat? Do you use windows?
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* miércoles, 5 de enero de 2022 15:34
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Setting up spectrum
> I commented it out. It did not work. I had to comment on another area with
> a similar message.
> The current error
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum>ant
> Buildfile: C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
>  [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8
> check-compiler-home:
> check-transpiler-home:
> check-compiler:
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml:78:
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\${ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME}\lib
> does not exist.
> Note: I built the royale sdk using maven.
> I have compared this maven built royale 0.9.8 sdk with the 0.9.7 binary
> distribution I downloaded months ago when I started learning royale. I
> noticed the 0.9.7 binary has a lib folder
> (C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js-swf\royale-asjs\js\lib)  where the
> compc.jar and mxmlc.jar files are located. But the maven built 0.9.8 does
> not have a lib folder in that location. (Even after executing mvn clean
> install)
> I guess I should consider building the 0.9.8 with ant ? I hope there will
> be no issues building the same sdk with maven and then ant ?
> On Wed, Jan 5, 2022 at 7:41 AM Yishay Weiss 
> wrote:
> I don’t know why that check was necessary in the original build, but it
> seems it isn’t for the spectrum one. Roman, you can just remove this line
> [1] from build.xml and I think it should work.
> [1]
> *From: *Harbs 
> *Sent: *Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:07 AM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: Setting up spectrum
> It’s checking for compiler-mxmlc.jar in the lib directory in ROYALE_HOME.
> Are you missing that for some reason?
> I’m not sure why it’s checking for that instead of compc.jar which is what
> it should actually be using.
> It was copied from the build.xml files used in the framework compile.
> Maybe Alex or Josh (or Greg?) can comment on that.
> > On Jan 4, 2022, at 11:54 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> >
> > I am trying to build royale spectrum from source using ant.
> >
> > I get the below error
> >
> > C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum>ant
> > Buildfile: C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
> >  [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8
> >
> > check-compiler-home:
> >
> > C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml:90:
> ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME must be set to a folder with a lib sub-folder
> containing compiler-mxmlc.jar such as the compiler folder in
> royale-compiler repo or the root of a Royale SDK
> >
> > Total time: 0 seconds
> >
> >
> > I have set the ROYALE_HOME correctly.
> >
> > How can I set ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME ? What is the correct path ?
> >
> > I built my royale sdk from source.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >

Re: Setting up spectrum

2022-01-05 Thread Roman Isitua
Yes. I use windows that will be nice.

You can send it.  Thanks.

So one question if Build the sdk with maven and I proceed to build with ant
they won't be any problems ? Where does the ant output go to ?

On Wed, 5 Jan 2022, 17:37 Maria Jose Esteve,  wrote:

> Hi, I compile with ant and maven, I found it was the best for debugging,
> do you want me to send you my build bat? Do you use windows?
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* miércoles, 5 de enero de 2022 15:34
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Setting up spectrum
> I commented it out. It did not work. I had to comment on another area with
> a similar message.
> The current error
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum>ant
> Buildfile: C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
>  [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8
> check-compiler-home:
> check-transpiler-home:
> check-compiler:
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml:78:
> C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\${ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME}\lib
> does not exist.
> Note: I built the royale sdk using maven.
> I have compared this maven built royale 0.9.8 sdk with the 0.9.7 binary
> distribution I downloaded months ago when I started learning royale. I
> noticed the 0.9.7 binary has a lib folder
> (C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js-swf\royale-asjs\js\lib)  where the
> compc.jar and mxmlc.jar files are located. But the maven built 0.9.8 does
> not have a lib folder in that location. (Even after executing mvn clean
> install)
> I guess I should consider building the 0.9.8 with ant ? I hope there will
> be no issues building the same sdk with maven and then ant ?
> On Wed, Jan 5, 2022 at 7:41 AM Yishay Weiss 
> wrote:
> I don’t know why that check was necessary in the original build, but it
> seems it isn’t for the spectrum one. Roman, you can just remove this line
> [1] from build.xml and I think it should work.
> [1]
> *From: *Harbs 
> *Sent: *Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:07 AM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: Setting up spectrum
> It’s checking for compiler-mxmlc.jar in the lib directory in ROYALE_HOME.
> Are you missing that for some reason?
> I’m not sure why it’s checking for that instead of compc.jar which is what
> it should actually be using.
> It was copied from the build.xml files used in the framework compile.
> Maybe Alex or Josh (or Greg?) can comment on that.
> > On Jan 4, 2022, at 11:54 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> >
> > I am trying to build royale spectrum from source using ant.
> >
> > I get the below error
> >
> > C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum>ant
> > Buildfile: C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
> >  [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8
> >
> > check-compiler-home:
> >
> > C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml:90:
> ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME must be set to a folder with a lib sub-folder
> containing compiler-mxmlc.jar such as the compiler folder in
> royale-compiler repo or the root of a Royale SDK
> >
> > Total time: 0 seconds
> >
> >
> > I have set the ROYALE_HOME correctly.
> >
> > How can I set ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME ? What is the correct path ?
> >
> > I built my royale sdk from source.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >

Re: Setting up spectrum

2022-01-05 Thread Roman Isitua
I commented it out. It did not work. I had to comment on another area with
a similar message.

The current error

Buildfile: C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
 [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8




does not exist.

Note: I built the royale sdk using maven.

I have compared this maven built royale 0.9.8 sdk with the 0.9.7 binary
distribution I downloaded months ago when I started learning royale. I
noticed the 0.9.7 binary has a lib folder
(C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js-swf\royale-asjs\js\lib)  where the
compc.jar and mxmlc.jar files are located. But the maven built 0.9.8 does
not have a lib folder in that location. (Even after executing mvn clean

I guess I should consider building the 0.9.8 with ant ? I hope there will
be no issues building the same sdk with maven and then ant ?

On Wed, Jan 5, 2022 at 7:41 AM Yishay Weiss  wrote:

> I don’t know why that check was necessary in the original build, but it
> seems it isn’t for the spectrum one. Roman, you can just remove this line
> [1] from build.xml and I think it should work.
> [1]
> *From: *Harbs 
> *Sent: *Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:07 AM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: Setting up spectrum
> It’s checking for compiler-mxmlc.jar in the lib directory in ROYALE_HOME.
> Are you missing that for some reason?
> I’m not sure why it’s checking for that instead of compc.jar which is what
> it should actually be using.
> It was copied from the build.xml files used in the framework compile.
> Maybe Alex or Josh (or Greg?) can comment on that.
> > On Jan 4, 2022, at 11:54 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> >
> > I am trying to build royale spectrum from source using ant.
> >
> > I get the below error
> >
> > C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum>ant
> > Buildfile: C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
> >  [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8
> >
> > check-compiler-home:
> >
> > C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml:90:
> ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME must be set to a folder with a lib sub-folder
> containing compiler-mxmlc.jar such as the compiler folder in
> royale-compiler repo or the root of a Royale SDK
> >
> > Total time: 0 seconds
> >
> >
> > I have set the ROYALE_HOME correctly.
> >
> > How can I set ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME ? What is the correct path ?
> >
> > I built my royale sdk from source.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >

Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)

2022-01-04 Thread Roman Isitua
Okay. I knew I was missing something.

 I will test again when the update for load-externs is available.

On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 6:02 PM Alex Harui  wrote:

> Essentially, -externs-report is for the Closure (JS) Compiler.
> -link-report and -load-externs (one leading ‘-‘) is for the Royale Compiler
> to tell the Royale Compiler what classes to feed to the Closure Compiler.
> Both contain the same data (the set of classes used in the main app), just
> formatted differently and used differently.
> The –externs option for the Closure Compiler then tells the Closure
> Compiler not to look for classes in the set of files it is supposed to
> minify.
> So, you have the right settings for the main app, but for the module, it
> should be:
> *-js-compiler-option=--externs extrep.txt; -load-externs linkrep.txt;*
> However, even that won’t work today, as the Royale Compiler is not
> handling -load-externs on the JS prep for Closure Compiler.  I have some
> local changes to the compiler that mixes most of it, but am facing issues
> with how Closure handles package paths.  If that can be resolved, then we
> have a good chance of things working.
> -Alex
> *From: *Roman Isitua 
> *Reply-To: *"" 
> *Date: *Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 12:39 AM
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> Thanks for the update.
> I attempted the following:
> 1. In the main application, I use the following setting:
> *-externs-report=extrep.txt;  -link-report=linkrep.txt;*
> 2. In the module I use the following
> *-js-compiler-option=--externs extrep.txt;
> -js-compiler-option+=--load-externs linkrep.txt;*
> The main application compiles successfully, I get a compilation error with
> the module
> "--load-externs" is not a valid option
> Sample usage: --compilation_level (-O) VAL --externs VAL --js VAL
> --js_output_file VAL --warning_level (-W) [QUIET | DEFAULT
> Run with --help for all options and details
> Internal error: java.lang.NullPointerException
> I don't think I am using this option correctly.
> .
> On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 8:44 AM Alex Harui  wrote:
> I found some time to investigate.  The -externs-report option is mostly
> working correctly, but other compiler changes are needed to try to avoid
> duplicate code in the module.  I might have time to investigate more this
> coming weekend.  It does appear that if we can correctly reference the
> app’s class from the module that it will work.  The Closure Compiler let me
> compile the module after I externalize and avoid requires on everything in
> the main app’s externs report and -js link report, but the references in
> the module have collapsed packages which is either incorrect or aliases
> need to be created.
> However I think this new approach has a better chance of working than
> trying to match renaming tables.
> -Alex
> *From: *Alex Harui 
> *Reply-To: *"" 
> *Date: *Monday, January 3, 2022 at 2:30 PM
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> The -externs-report option should be similar to the -link-report option.
> It takes a filename.  The compiler should output the classes used in the JS
> compile into that file.  To use externs, I think you don’t need to prevent
> renaming in the application as long as public variables are exported.  I
> think you specify -externs-report when compiling the application.
> You may also need to output a -link-report from the application as well.
> I think you then specify the externs-report file as an -externs for the
> -js-compiler-options when compiling the module.  And maybe also specify the
> -link-report output as a -load-externs in the same way it was used when
> compiling Flex modules.  The goal for the module is, like Flex, to not have
> any classes in the module that exist in the main ap

Setting up spectrum

2022-01-04 Thread Roman Isitua
I am trying to build royale spectrum from source using ant.

I get the below error

Buildfile: C:\Users\nyemi\git\spectrum\spectrum-royale\Spectrum\build.xml
 [echo] ROYALE_HOME: C:\ROYALE\apache-royale-0.9.8


ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME must be set to a folder with a lib sub-folder
containing compiler-mxmlc.jar such as the compiler folder in
royale-compiler repo or the root of a Royale SDK

Total time: 0 seconds

I have set the ROYALE_HOME correctly.

How can I set ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME ? What is the correct path ?

I built my royale sdk from source.


Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)

2022-01-04 Thread Roman Isitua
Thanks for the update.

I attempted the following:

1. In the main application, I use the following setting:
*-externs-report=extrep.txt;  -link-report=linkrep.txt;*

2. In the module I use the following

*-js-compiler-option=--externs extrep.txt;
-js-compiler-option+=--load-externs linkrep.txt;*

The main application compiles successfully, I get a compilation error with
the module

"--load-externs" is not a valid option
Sample usage: --compilation_level (-O) VAL --externs VAL --js VAL
--js_output_file VAL --warning_level (-W) [QUIET | DEFAULT
Run with --help for all options and details
Internal error: java.lang.NullPointerException$CompilerOptionsParser.getOptions(

I don't think I am using this option correctly.


On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 8:44 AM Alex Harui  wrote:

> I found some time to investigate.  The -externs-report option is mostly
> working correctly, but other compiler changes are needed to try to avoid
> duplicate code in the module.  I might have time to investigate more this
> coming weekend.  It does appear that if we can correctly reference the
> app’s class from the module that it will work.  The Closure Compiler let me
> compile the module after I externalize and avoid requires on everything in
> the main app’s externs report and -js link report, but the references in
> the module have collapsed packages which is either incorrect or aliases
> need to be created.
> However I think this new approach has a better chance of working than
> trying to match renaming tables.
> -Alex
> *From: *Alex Harui 
> *Reply-To: *"" 
> *Date: *Monday, January 3, 2022 at 2:30 PM
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> The -externs-report option should be similar to the -link-report option.
> It takes a filename.  The compiler should output the classes used in the JS
> compile into that file.  To use externs, I think you don’t need to prevent
> renaming in the application as long as public variables are exported.  I
> think you specify -externs-report when compiling the application.
> You may also need to output a -link-report from the application as well.
> I think you then specify the externs-report file as an -externs for the
> -js-compiler-options when compiling the module.  And maybe also specify the
> -link-report output as a -load-externs in the same way it was used when
> compiling Flex modules.  The goal for the module is, like Flex, to not have
> any classes in the module that exist in the main app.  Then it doesn’t
> matter about class renaming within the release-mode JS file.
> HTH,
> -Alex
> *From: *Roman Isitua 
> *Reply-To: *"" 
> *Date: *Monday, January 3, 2022 at 12:37 PM
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> I can confirm that classes are being renamed in both files.
> I have attempted your suggestion i.e. removing variable maps and property
> maps then use
> -externs-report;-export-public-symbols=true;-prevent-rename-public-symbols=true;
> I get the below error
> command line Error: configuration variable 'externs-report' expected 1
> argument(s), got 0.
> I cannot find any documentation on how to use the -externs-report
> argument.  What does it do ? and what are the acceptable values ?
> Regards,
> On Sun, Jan 2, 2022 at 9:06 AM Alex Harui  wrote:
> Hi Roman,
> It might be more complicated.  The settings are probably doing something
> since you reported that the error occurred in the app vs the module
> depending on the settings.
> I went back and looked at the original module example in
> examples/royale/ModuleExample and was surprised there weren’t more compiler
> settings.  I thought we’d found a way to externalize the main app’s code
> for the module.  Because if both the app and module have a copy of
> SimpleCSSValuesImpl or any other class that both JS files use, there could
> be issues as to which one gets loaded (maybe both) and what export aliases
> are 

Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)

2022-01-03 Thread Roman Isitua
I can confirm that classes are being renamed in both files.

I have attempted your suggestion i.e. removing variable maps and property
maps then use

I get the below error

command line Error: configuration variable 'externs-report' expected 1
argument(s), got 0.

I cannot find any documentation on how to use the -externs-report argument.
What does it do ? and what are the acceptable values ?


On Sun, Jan 2, 2022 at 9:06 AM Alex Harui  wrote:

> Hi Roman,
> It might be more complicated.  The settings are probably doing something
> since you reported that the error occurred in the app vs the module
> depending on the settings.
> I went back and looked at the original module example in
> examples/royale/ModuleExample and was surprised there weren’t more compiler
> settings.  I thought we’d found a way to externalize the main app’s code
> for the module.  Because if both the app and module have a copy of
> SimpleCSSValuesImpl or any other class that both JS files use, there could
> be issues as to which one gets loaded (maybe both) and what export aliases
> are pointing to.  Sounds like changing settings affected whether the
> aliases pointed at module code vs app code.
> I thought we were using similar settings to what we used for SWF where the
> module would not contain a copy of SimpleCSSValuesImpl so it would use the
> one loaded by the main app, but I didn’t see those settings.  We might need
> to make that work because otherwise I think static initializations won’t do
> the right thing.  Or maybe we’ve figured out that it is simpler just to
> write defensive code that doesn’t get broken.  But also, if the module has
> its own copy of code already loaded by the main app, that’s sort of a waste
> of bytes.  Maybe there was a minification issue with not having the module
> link in classes already linked into the main app.  I see an -externs-report
> option in the compiler but the example doesn’t seem to use it.
> You should be able to scan the JS files and see if a class is in both
> module and app and if it is getting renamed.
> I don’t know if I will have time to investigate further.  The currently
> recommended options for modules involving variable maps and property maps
> may need to be abandoned in favor of externs and preventing renames.
> -Alex
> *From: *Roman Isitua 
> *Reply-To: *"" 
> *Date: *Saturday, January 1, 2022 at 3:02 AM
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> Alex, thank you for your detailed analysis of the error log.
> I agree with you that the best strategy is to prevent renaming of
> public/exports used by the module. I have tried different options to
> prevent renaming
> It appears none of them stops this. From my observation, it appears that
> this default options below
> -export-public-symbols=true;-prevent-rename-public-symbols=true;-prevent-rename-public-instance-accessors=true;
> Only seem to affect the main application (main module) but have no effect
> on the other modules even though I ensured they were applied in
> their respective module pom. I came to this conclusion when I decided to
> turn set -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false
> I noticed that I got the same error but this time around in the main
> module.
> Uncaught TypeError: this.rb[(intermediate value).Kd(...)] is not a function
> at HN.iI.send (FrontEnd.js:970)
> at nI.EH.Ea (FrontEnd.js:880)
> at ON.q6 (FrontEnd.js:1815)
> at TN.L2 (FrontEnd.js:2034)
> at hF.Xf (FrontEnd.js:2063)
> at lF.kb (FrontEnd.js:1233)
> at lF.Vf (FrontEnd.js:1224)
> at cF.O (FrontEnd.js:659)
> at cF.M.w (FrontEnd.js:661)
> at gQ.mA.M (FrontEnd.js:241)
> FrontEnd.js maps to in my application and is the entry point
> of the application. This confirms that -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false
> has
> an effect on the main module but no effect on other modules even though
> they were applied in the respective module pom's.
> Maybe there are other options I am overlooking.
> On Sat, Jan 1, 2022 at 9:31 AM Alex Harui  wrote:
> In case it helps, the minification (variable renaming) mechanism is
> essentially guaranteed to cause problems in modules.  The Closure Compiler
> basically takes variables, sees if it is worth renaming it, then gives it
> the name ‘a’, then ‘b’, and so-on, (it skips a few letters, IIRC), then

Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)

2022-01-01 Thread Roman Isitua
I am using maven modules in a hierarchy as well. Mine is like


I think the main difference between yours and mine is that I am using
j:ModuleLoader at runtime to load a module when a side menu is clicked.

On Sat, Jan 1, 2022 at 4:02 AM Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:

> I think, as Greg says, "after 3 McAllan I can only have faith" , we are
> having a misconception
> If you are using j:ModuleLoader, you are using runtime module loading,
> like we used to do in Flex is that right? This is different from Maven
> modules.
> Maven modules are somewhat different, although conceptually they are
> similar. Imagine a "library" that is composed of different
> "sub-libraries/modules", each of them could be a module, swc, configured in
> a pom. In my case, I have a main pom (I think your SpacioFM2) that contains
> 2 sub-modules the application and the library. In the module "royaleapp"
> are all the "views" and in the library there is a module for each
> logical/conceptual entity I need: For example, I have a module that is
> "royalecomponents", another one that is "royaledto", another one
> "royaleproducts", etc... etc. 
> In my main pom I have configured the following modules: royeleapp and
> royalelibs
> royaleapp
> royalelibs
> In the royalelibs pom I have configured different modules:
> royalecustomtheme
> royaleecharts
> royalejscalendar
> royalecomponents
> royaleinspiretree
> royalearq
> royaledto
> royalecommons
> royaleconfig
> royaleconfigsystem
> royalesproducts
> …
> When I refer to the Maven modules I mean these, the ones that are between
>  in some of the pom's.
> I don't know if I have explained myself well Roman
> Overview.mxml where is it located in your pom's hierarchy? In the lib
> (royalelibs)?
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2021 19:41
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> I have tested on both. The error log is the same.
> I don't understand your second question. Kindly clarify ?
> I followed strictly the approach used for loading modules here in this
> example.
> This is the only method I know for loading modules. If there is another
> method please share.
> On Fri, 31 Dec 2021, 19:14 Maria Jose Esteve,  wrote:
> @Roman, which branch did you compile the SDK from, ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO
> or develop?
> Could you pass the Overview.mxml view to the main application? (to rule
> it out)
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2021 17:56
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> I have tried tracing where the errors are happening whenever I test the
> release version
> Uncaught TypeError: Ql.valuesImpl.init is not a function
> at (Overview.js:846)
> at Function.ep.generateMXMLProperties (Overview.js:795)
> at Hr.Sp.generateMXMLAttributes (Overview.js:599)
> at new Hr (Overview.js:864)
> at PN.M.loadHandler (FrontEnd.js:2042)
> 9Overview.js:173 Uncaught TypeError: this.createElement is not a function
> at $B.V (Overview.js:173)
> at new $B (FrontEnd.js:2430)
> at EP.convert (FrontEnd.js:2430)
> at Zy (FrontEnd.js:261)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.Uy (FrontEnd.js:121)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.Sy.b (FrontEnd.js:117)
> The highlighted code in red is declared as follows in the Overview.mxml
> (maven module)
> The j:valuesImpl points to the following code in jewel Module.js
> /**
>  * @nocollapse
>  * @export
>  * @type {org.apache.royale.core.IValuesImpl}
>  */
> org.apache.royale.jewel.Module.prototype.valuesImpl;
> org.apache.royale.jewel.Module.prototype.set__valuesImpl = function(value)
> {
>   org.apache.royale.core.ValuesManager.valuesImpl.init(this);
> };
> it appears this fu

Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)

2022-01-01 Thread Roman Isitua
Alex, thank you for your detailed analysis of the error log.

I agree with you that the best strategy is to prevent renaming of
public/exports used by the module. I have tried different options to
prevent renaming
It appears none of them stops this. From my observation, it appears that
this default options below


Only seem to affect the main application (main module) but have no effect
on the other modules even though I ensured they were applied in
their respective module pom. I came to this conclusion when I decided to
turn set -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false

I noticed that I got the same error but this time around in the main module.

Uncaught TypeError: this.rb[(intermediate value).Kd(...)] is not a function
at HN.iI.send (FrontEnd.js:970)
at nI.EH.Ea (FrontEnd.js:880)
at ON.q6 (FrontEnd.js:1815)
at TN.L2 (FrontEnd.js:2034)
at hF.Xf (FrontEnd.js:2063)
at lF.kb (FrontEnd.js:1233)
at lF.Vf (FrontEnd.js:1224)
at cF.O (FrontEnd.js:659)
at cF.M.w (FrontEnd.js:661)
at gQ.mA.M (FrontEnd.js:241)

FrontEnd.js maps to in my application and is the entry point of
the application. This confirms that -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false has
an effect on the main module but no effect on other modules even though
they were applied in the respective module pom's.

Maybe there are other options I am overlooking.

On Sat, Jan 1, 2022 at 9:31 AM Alex Harui  wrote:

> In case it helps, the minification (variable renaming) mechanism is
> essentially guaranteed to cause problems in modules.  The Closure Compiler
> basically takes variables, sees if it is worth renaming it, then gives it
> the name ‘a’, then ‘b’, and so-on, (it skips a few letters, IIRC), then
> moves on to ‘aa’, and ‘ab’, etc.  The odds that the compiler will encounter
> the same variables in the same order when compiling an app and one or more
> modules is close to zero.
> I did some work to try to dump the mapping of the renamed variables in the
> main app and use that when compiling the modules.  It was working for a
> while, then some code was added to the framework that started fooling the
> Closure Compiler.  I spent some time trying to fix the Closure Compiler,
> but ran out of time.  Meanwhile, Josh was adding more control over renaming
> so I moved on to other things.
> IMO, the best strategy to take would be to try to control what gets
> renamed.  All public/exports from the app that are used by the module
> should not be renamed.  That will definitely make the app and modules
> bigger, but unless the Closure Compiler folks become interested in
> runtime-loaded modules, it is challenging for the Royale compiler to allow
> aggressive renaming.
> I think what is going on with the exceptions below is that exporting
> doesn’t really prevent renaming.  It only sets up an externally-visible
> alias to a renamed variable.  Especially for static members.  So it isn’t
> sufficient to export public variables, the code within the module must not
> let the Closure Compiler think that the intra-module references can be
> renamed, in this case, from SimpleCSSValuesImpl to QI
> I don’t know the renaming options we’ve added to the Royale Compiler, so I
> don’t know if there is an option to control that.  I think there is a way
> to convince the Closure Compiler to not rename SimpleCSSValuesImpl because
> I’ve seen other class names not get renamed.
> HTH,
> -Alex
> *From: *Roman Isitua 
> *Reply-To: *"" 
> *Date: *Friday, December 31, 2021 at 10:42 AM
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> I have tested on both. The error log is the same.
> I don't understand your second question. Kindly clarify ?
> I followed strictly the approach used for loading modules here in this
> example.
> This is the only method I know for loading modules. If there is another
> method please share.
> <>
> On Fri, 31 Dec 2021, 19:14 Maria Jose Esteve,  wrote:
> @Roman, which bra

Re: Release compilation does not work: maven modules and crux

2021-12-31 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi Maria,

Just a clarification. I am using maven modules in my application. I have a
hierarchy of pom's as well.

I tried to follow the below royale example strictly.

I am also using crux as well.

It is good to note that royale modules were working for you before. It
means something changed recently for it  to stop working.

On Fri, 31 Dec 2021, 00:35 Maria Jose Esteve,  wrote:

> Hi Greg, yes.
> I did a production deployment over 6 months ago and it worked. I had in
> mind to look for "that point" in the repository and maybe it's already
> time... I don't usually give up, but I lack the knowledge to solve this,
> I'm bugging and bugging Harb and I've done 100 tests without success.
> Right now I'm debugging App.js, as suggested by Harb, and what I've
> discovered so far is that "other models", also located in the modules [1]
> of my library, are loaded correctly (crux)
> [1] I don't use modules like Roman, I use Maven modules and, like you, I
> have a hierarchy of pom's
> Hiedra
> *De:* Greg Dove 
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2021 23:23
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> Sorry I have not been following these threads in detail because I have
> been (and am currently still) on vacation.
> AFAIK royale modules are not reliable in release mode. I don't know anyone
> who has had experience otherwise. I did try testing them some time ago and
> that was my experience, and I believe we had similar feedback from others
> in the community (who were early users) that it was working for them in the
> debug build, but not the release build.
> Perhaps it can work in very simple cases in release builds, but beyond
> that I think the work on them is not complete. If there are others in the
> community whose experience is different and can confirm that things are
> working for them in release builds, please let us know.
> Maria, it is also possible that in your case, that use of Crux inside
> modules is another layer of complexity in release mode, because I did not
> test that when I did the original work on Crux. Was this working at some
> point in the past and it has now stopped working?
> On Fri, Dec 31, 2021 at 11:10 AM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
> Yes.
> On Thu, 30 Dec 2021, 23:03 Harbs,  wrote:
> Did you apply the input_file options to the module?
> On Dec 30, 2021, at 11:42 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> I have applied the js compiler option as follows
> -source-map=false;;-js-default-initializers=true;-js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true;
> -js-compiler-option=--variable_map_output_file
> gccvars.txt;-js-compiler-option+=--property_map_output_file gccprops.txt
> I get the same error as before when attempting to launch the jewel module.
> Same error trace.
> Uncaught TypeError: cm.valuesImpl.init is not a function
> at Rr.Mr.yl (Overview.js:786)
> at (Overview.js:736)
> at Rr.hq.generateMXMLAttributes (Overview.js:546)
> at new Rr (Overview.js:804)
> at LN.J.loadHandler (FrontEnd.js:1967)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
> at oM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1640)
> at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
> at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
> at oM.J.handleMouseOver (FrontEnd.js:1640)
> at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
> at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
> at oM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1640)
> at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
> at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
> at oM.J.handleMouseOver (FrontEnd.js:1640)
> at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
> at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeErro

Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)

2021-12-30 Thread Roman Isitua

On Thu, 30 Dec 2021, 23:03 Harbs,  wrote:

> Did you apply the input_file options to the module?
> On Dec 30, 2021, at 11:42 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> I have applied the js compiler option as follows
> -source-map=false;;-js-default-initializers=true;-js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true;
> -js-compiler-option=--variable_map_output_file
> gccvars.txt;-js-compiler-option+=--property_map_output_file gccprops.txt
> I get the same error as before when attempting to launch the jewel module.
> Same error trace.
> Uncaught TypeError: cm.valuesImpl.init is not a function
> at Rr.Mr.yl (Overview.js:786)
> at (Overview.js:736)
> at Rr.hq.generateMXMLAttributes (Overview.js:546)
> at new Rr (Overview.js:804)
> at LN.J.loadHandler (FrontEnd.js:1967)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
> at oM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1640)
> at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
> at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
> at oM.J.handleMouseOver (FrontEnd.js:1640)
> at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
> at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
> at oM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1640)
> at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
> at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
> at oM.J.handleMouseOver (FrontEnd.js:1640)
> at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
> at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
> at oM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1640)
> at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
> at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
> at oM.J.handleMouseOver (FrontEnd.js:1640)
> at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
> at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
> at oM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1640)
> at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
> at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
> at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> 3Overview.js:56 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined
> (reading 'prototype')
> at P (Overview.js:56)
> at SG.convert (FrontEnd.js:904)
> at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
> at HTMLElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
> at HTMLElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 6:56 PM Harbs  wrote:
>> 1. I’d get rid of the agressive minification options. It will likely
>> cause issues. If you get it to work without those options, you can try to
>> add them back in and see if it still works.
>> 2. You seem to be missing the compiler options explained here:
>> For a pom, it would look something like this (adjust your paths to match
>> your setup):
>> Main app:
>> -source-map=true;-js-compiler-option=--variable_map_output_file
>> gccvars.txt;-js-compiler-option+=--property_map_output_file
>> gccprops.txt
>> Module:
>> -source-map=true;-js-compiler-option=--variable_map_input_file
>> ../../../../../MainApp/bin/js-release/gccvars.txt;-js-compiler-option+=--property_map_input_file
>> ../../../../../MainApp/bin/js-release/gccprops.txt
>> On Dec 30, 2021, at 7:43 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> I think it will be better for me to share my pom's that way you can see
>> all the compilation options used.  The pom for the parent (FmClient2), the
>> MainApp and one module (Overview) have been attached to this email.
>> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 6:22 PM Harbs  wrote:
>>> Roman, can you share your full compiler options?
>>> I decided to remove the below settings completely

Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)

2021-12-30 Thread Roman Isitua
Kindly clarify what you mean by "no 1. Get rid of aggressive mimification
options " ? Which of the options are aggressive  ?

I will apply no 2 and revert with my findings.

On Thu, 30 Dec 2021, 18:56 Harbs,  wrote:

> 1. I’d get rid of the agressive minification options. It will likely cause
> issues. If you get it to work without those options, you can try to add
> them back in and see if it still works.
> 2. You seem to be missing the compiler options explained here:
> For a pom, it would look something like this (adjust your paths to match
> your setup):
> Main app:
> -source-map=true;-js-compiler-option=--variable_map_output_file
> gccvars.txt;-js-compiler-option+=--property_map_output_file
> gccprops.txt
> Module:
> -source-map=true;-js-compiler-option=--variable_map_input_file
> ../../../../../MainApp/bin/js-release/gccvars.txt;-js-compiler-option+=--property_map_input_file
> ../../../../../MainApp/bin/js-release/gccprops.txt
> On Dec 30, 2021, at 7:43 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> I think it will be better for me to share my pom's that way you can see
> all the compilation options used.  The pom for the parent (FmClient2), the
> MainApp and one module (Overview) have been attached to this email.
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 6:22 PM Harbs  wrote:
>> Roman, can you share your full compiler options?
>> I decided to remove the below settings completely
>>> -export-public-symbols=false
>>> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false
>>> -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false
>>> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false
>>> I enabled the below settings
>>> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true;
>>> -js-default-initializers=true
>>> The release version starts up
>> Hiedra, that’s great!
>> On Dec 30, 2021, at 7:15 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> Yes. I am testing with the sdk compiled on branch ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO
>> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 6:10 PM Maria Jose Esteve 
>> wrote:
>>> Roman, are you testing with the SDK compiled from the Harb branches,
>>> ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO, or from develop?
>>> Hiedra
>>> *De:* Roman Isitua 
>>> *Enviado el:* jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2021 16:52
>>> *Para:*
>>> *Asunto:* Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
>>> I decided to remove the below settings completely
>>> -export-public-symbols=false
>>> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false
>>> -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false
>>> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false
>>> I enabled the below settings
>>> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true;
>>> -js-default-initializers=true
>>> The release version starts up
>>> However, the moment I launch a module. I get the below error
>>> It appears to be failing when I launch the "*Overview*" module
>>> (by clicking the Overview side menu).
>>> So my current observation is that by retaining only two settings
>>> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true;
>>> -js-default-initializers=true
>>> The release module starts up but the app fails whenever I launch a
>>> module.
>>> The smallest size settings in the documentation do not work. The app
>>> does not start up.
>>> -export-public-symbols=false
>>> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false
>>> -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false
>>> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false
>>> The error trace is below
>>> Uncaught TypeError: cm.valuesImpl.init is not a function
>>> at <http://wr.r

Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)

2021-12-30 Thread Roman Isitua
I think it will be better for me to share my pom's that way you can see all
the compilation options used.  The pom for the parent (FmClient2), the
MainApp and one module (Overview) have been attached to this email.

On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 6:22 PM Harbs  wrote:

> Roman, can you share your full compiler options?
> I decided to remove the below settings completely
>> -export-public-symbols=false
>> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false
>> -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false
>> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false
>> I enabled the below settings
>> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true;
>> -js-default-initializers=true
>> The release version starts up
> Hiedra, that’s great!
> On Dec 30, 2021, at 7:15 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> Yes. I am testing with the sdk compiled on branch ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 6:10 PM Maria Jose Esteve 
> wrote:
>> Roman, are you testing with the SDK compiled from the Harb branches,
>> ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO, or from develop?
>> Hiedra
>> *De:* Roman Isitua 
>> *Enviado el:* jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2021 16:52
>> *Para:*
>> *Asunto:* Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
>> I decided to remove the below settings completely
>> -export-public-symbols=false
>> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false
>> -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false
>> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false
>> I enabled the below settings
>> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true;
>> -js-default-initializers=true
>> The release version starts up
>> However, the moment I launch a module. I get the below error
>> It appears to be failing when I launch the "*Overview*" module
>> (by clicking the Overview side menu).
>> So my current observation is that by retaining only two settings
>> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true;
>> -js-default-initializers=true
>> The release module starts up but the app fails whenever I launch a module.
>> The smallest size settings in the documentation do not work. The app does
>> not start up.
>> -export-public-symbols=false
>> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false
>> -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false
>> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false
>> The error trace is below
>> Uncaught TypeError: cm.valuesImpl.init is not a function
>> at <> (Overview.js:792)
>> at (Overview.js:743)
>> at Wr.lq.generateMXMLAttributes (Overview.js:551)
>> at new Wr (Overview.js:810)
>> at QN.J.loadHandler (FrontEnd.js:1978)
>> 3Overview.js:56 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined
>> (reading 'prototype')
>> at P (Overview.js:56)
>> at VG.convert (FrontEnd.js:910)
>> at ny (FrontEnd.js:250)
>> at HTMLElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>> at HTMLElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
>> FrontEnd.js:1649 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>> at sM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1649)
>> at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>> at ny (FrontEnd.js:250)
>> at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>> at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
>> FrontEnd.js:1649 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>> at sM.J.handleMouseOver (FrontEnd.js:1649)
>> at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>> at ny (FrontEnd.js:250)
>> at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>> at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
>> J.handleMouseOver @ FrontEnd.js:1649
>> ny @ FrontEnd.js:123
>> ny @ FrontEnd.js:250
>> iy @ FrontEnd.js:125
>> b @ FrontEnd.js:121
>> FrontEnd.js:1649 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>> at sM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1649)
>> at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>> at ny (FrontEnd.js:250)
>> at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>> at H

Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)

2021-12-30 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi Harb,

Thanks for your response. I have gone through the documentation. I will do
my test again starting with the smallest size option and share my findings.


On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 10:59 AM Harbs  wrote:

> Sorry for my deal in responding.
> Let’s take a step back.
> I’m not sure how you are compiling your modules. I just added some content
> to the module documentation page which explains what compiler options you
> need while compiling modules. (It still needs some editing.)
> Are you using those options?
> On Dec 29, 2021, at 2:19 AM, Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:
> Hi, Let me join you with these tests
> @Harb, I have compiled the SDK from this branch, 
>  and when running in debug I get this error:
> Message on the PURGE CONSOLE is displayed:
> Cannot convert  org.apache.royale.reflection.beads.ClassAliasBead  to IBead
> Message in the IDE Window:
> Se produjo una excepción: TypeError: Cannot convert [object Object] to
> IBead
>   at (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/core/ElementWrapper.js:114:11
> )
> at (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/core/HTMLElementWrapper.js:43:65
> )
> at (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/jewel/Application.js:246:10
> )
> at App.App_loadXML (http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/App.js:1681:25
> )
> at
> (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/events/EventDispatcher.js:97:23
> )
> at (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/library/closure/goog/events/eventtarget.js:381:26
> )
> at
> (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/events/EventDispatcher.js:72:37
> )
> at (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/net/URLLoader.js:169:12
> )
> Call stack:
> [INFO] Executing MXMLC in tool group Royale with args: [
> -load-config=D:\Develop_Royale\Projects\WinPlusWebSuite\royaleapp\royalelogin\target\compile-app-config.xml,
> -js-default-initializers=true,
> -source-map=true,
> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true,
> -keep-as3-metadata+=Inject,Dispatcher,EventHandler,Event,PostConstruct,PreDestroy,ViewAdded,ViewRemoved,Bindable,Transient,
> -keep-code-with-metadata=Inject,
> -show-binding-warnings=false,
> -export-public-symbols=false,
> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false,
> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false,
> -js-output=D:\Develop_Royale\Projects\WinPlusWebSuite\royaleapp\royalelogin\target\javascript,
> -compiler.targets=JSRoyale,
> D:\Develop_Royale\Projects\WinPlusWebSuite\royaleapp\royalelogin\src\main\royale\App.mxml
> The release execution does not change, the error is the same as before
> (SDK compilation from the develop branch):
> Se produjo una excepción: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable
> com.iest.winplusweb.models.MasterConfigSystemModel is not defined.
>   at yR (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:3605:1771)
> at Mya (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:3343:365)
> at AR.J.usa (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:434:441)
> at GFa.J.fromTypeDefinition (
> http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:5706:139)
> at Function.YT.getTypeDescriptor (
> http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:4570:820)
> at Function.fX.constructBean (
> http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:2336:472)
> at r$.J.initialize (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:5041:66)
> at OW.J.init (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:950:452)
> at OW.J.u (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:951:454)
> at $$.J.addBead (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:357:549)
> The main difference:
> project compiled from "SDK-develop" runs fine in js-debug and gives error
> in js-release and, compiled from "SDK-ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO" does not
> launch because of conversion error.
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* martes, 28 de diciembre de 2021 15:55
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
> @Harb
> I have checked out the feature/ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO branch and compiled
> asjs and compiler. 

Re: Load time is very slow

2021-12-28 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi Maria,

Prior to starting this mail discussion "Load time is very slow". I can
confirm I have only been compiling in debug mode. My target\javascript\bin\
only had js-debug. It was after I upgraded my royale sdk from 0.9.7 to
0.9.8 that I compiled in release mode.

On Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 2:24 PM Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:

> Hi, @Roman, I think you are doing a double compile can it be? My times are
> the same as yours and I always compile in debug and release.
> Look at your target folder " target\javascript\bin\" and if you have two
> folders: js-debug and js-release you are compiling always double.
> In my case, the architecture of my project as well as the Maven
> compilation files (pom.xml) were provided by an external company (we didn't
> know anything about Maven or Royale at that time) and I understand that
> this formula was chosen to show us the options we had.
> A priori and without doing any test as Harb has done, I think that
> modularity gives us the advantage of compiling parts of the code once and
> not compiling them again if they are not modified. So far WITH MY
> COMPILATION TIMES, sometimes more than 1 minute, this is fundamental. But
> of course, now we have the problem of minification of the modules and it is
> really a serious problem because it is impossible for us to deploy in
> production.
> I will try to separate the compiación realese with a profile and if I
> succeed I will pass it to you @Roman.
> @Harb what do you mean by compiling the ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO branch?
> Hiedra
> *De:* Harbs 
> *Enviado el:* lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2021 18:32
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
> That doesn’t sound right.
> Are you sure you’re compiling debug and not release? That sounds like
> release build times.
> On Dec 27, 2021, at 3:31 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>  Wow ! You are using a workstation with a bleeding edge processor.
>  I just compiled my app now. It took 44 seconds. (First compilation after
> ide start up.) Subsequently compilations are usually 19s to 20s.
>  My application code base is very very small compared to yours.  As we
> continue to add functionality, I expect the compile times to rise.

Re: Load time is very slow

2021-12-27 Thread Roman Isitua
I will try this and revert back to you.

One question, how do i get my application project to use this branch of
apache royale  ?

My project is maven based.

On Mon, 27 Dec 2021, 18:47 Harbs,  wrote:

> The build instructions should be the same.
> checkout the branch in both royale-compiler and royale-asjs and rebuild
> the same way you normally do.
> This git command should check out the branch.
> git checkout feature/ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO
> If it doesn’t work, details on what happens should help us fix it.
> On Dec 27, 2021, at 3:37 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> Would definitely not mind trying this out.
> I have built 0.9.8 from source before following the instructions here
> I checked out the branch "develop" and built the source.
> My app uses maven.
> How can I test this out ?

Re: Load time is very slow

2021-12-27 Thread Roman Isitua
Would definitely not mind trying this out.

I have built 0.9.8 from source before following the instructions here

I checked out the branch "develop" and built the source.

My app uses maven.

How can I test this out ?

On Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 2:12 PM Harbs  wrote:

> Yes. I made some changes which I’m hoping might help for modules.
> On Dec 27, 2021, at 3:06 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> What feature are you referring to here ? Minification of modules ? Please
> clarify.
> On Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 1:44 PM Harbs  wrote:
>> If you could try out the feature/ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO branch and let me
>> know if that helps, it would be very helpful.
>> You need to pull that branch both for royale-compiler and royale-asjs.
>> On Dec 27, 2021, at 2:04 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> So I definitely need to figure out how to get modules working with
>> minification.
>> I have also been following the threads on the developer list on
>> minification.

Re: Load time is very slow

2021-12-27 Thread Roman Isitua
On Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 2:11 PM Harbs  wrote:

> Compile times of debug builds should be very fast. What compile times are
>> you seeing?
>   What I mean is that, if we develop the entire application using only
> one module, as we add new functionality, compile times will continue to
> increase.
>   With the modular approach, functionality is divided into modules.
> modules can be compiled independently thereby reducing compile times.
>   Correct me if my understanding is wrong.
> I have an application which has an estimated 300,000 lines of code in
> close to 1400 classes. Debug compile times are generally less than 10
> seconds.
> That said, I’d like for us to add incremental compiles which should make
> updates basically instant.

   Wow ! You are using a workstation with a bleeding edge processor.

 I just compiled my app now. It took 44 seconds. (First compilation after
ide start up.) Subsequently compilations are usually 19s to 20s.

 My application code base is very very small compared to yours.  As we
continue to add functionality, I expect the compile times to rise.

My laptop specs

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz   2.59 GHz
Installed RAM 12.0 GB (11.9 GB usable)

My team members' specs are slightly lower than this.

I am currently using version 0.9.8.

Re: Load time is very slow

2021-12-27 Thread Roman Isitua
What feature are you referring to here ? Minification of modules ? Please

On Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 1:44 PM Harbs  wrote:

> If you could try out the feature/ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO branch and let me
> know if that helps, it would be very helpful.
> You need to pull that branch both for royale-compiler and royale-asjs.
> On Dec 27, 2021, at 2:04 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> So I definitely need to figure out how to get modules working with
> minification.
> I have also been following the threads on the developer list on
> minification.

Re: Load time is very slow

2021-12-27 Thread Roman Isitua
Find my responses below

On Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 1:40 PM Harbs  wrote:

> On Dec 27, 2021, at 2:04 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> - compile times. With modules as I am adding new features to the app,
> compile times will not be affected too much.
>  This is very useful for my small team. We are not using the latest
> workstation with bleeding edge processors. My laptop uses
> a 2017 core i7 processor. My other team members have slightly lower specs
> than mine. So compile time is something that we
> are mindful of.
> Compile times of debug builds should be very fast. What compile times are
> you seeing?

  What I mean is that, if we develop the entire application using only one
module, as we add new functionality, compile times will continue to
  With the modular approach, functionality is divided into modules. modules
can be compiled independently thereby reducing compile times.
  Correct me if my understanding is wrong.

> If compile times are slow, we should work on fixing that...
> - modules make it easier to share development tasks.
> Why? We don’t have issues sharing tasks on the same application. I’d like
> to understand better why this is an issue for you.

How do you load and unload screens (as a result of side menu click's)
without using modules ? Maybe if I see a working example, I can re-evaluate
my approach. Note: some side menus will initiate screens that implement
Multi Step forms.

> I want to believe there will be performance benefits as well. e.g. faster
> load times and memory e.t.c

> I don’t think there will be. I think the opposite might be true.


Re: Load time is very slow

2021-12-27 Thread Roman Isitua
I guess I am in the same situation as you. I am using modules in my app. I
am using modules for two main reasons.
- compile times. With modules as I am adding new features to the app,
compile times will not be affected too much.
 This is very useful for my small team. We are not using the latest
workstation with bleeding edge processors. My laptop uses
a 2017 core i7 processor. My other team members have slightly lower specs
than mine. So compile time is something that we
are mindful of.

- modules make it easier to share development tasks. I want to believe
there will be performance benefits as well. e.g. faster load times and
memory e.t.c

As internet speeds in my region are not very fast, deploying the release
version of my app is the only option.

So I definitely need to figure out how to get modules working with

I have also been following the threads on the developer list on

On Fri, Dec 24, 2021 at 6:28 PM Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:

> Js-release loads immediately! Very fast.
> I also have the minification problem with Maven modules. It's something I
> was investigating these days ago, on the dev list there are several threads
> about it. In the next few days, I will come back to this because my
> application has a lot of Maven modules and I can't get the release version
> to work.
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2021 17:13
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
>   Just want to provide an update.
> I successfully upgraded to version 0.9.8. I have deployed the js debug and
> js release respectively. There is a major difference in load times.
> This is a very interesting observation.
> I intend to use maven modules. I have noticed that modules do not work in
> the js release version. I think it is still related to mimification.
> Any idea what compiler settings will correct this ?
> I am using the below
> -source-map=false;  -js-default-initializers=true;
> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true; -export-public-symbols=true;
> I will now resume work on upgrading to 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT.
> I have attached the poms for the three maven project to this mail.
> Regards,
> On Fri, Dec 24, 2021 at 11:14 AM Piotr Zarzycki 
> wrote:
> Maybe in your pom you are trying to use swf dependency. Show us your whole
> pom - best would be some link to file if possible. Be careful with
> sensitive info cause it’s a public list.
> Maria,
> He is using Maven so SDK and build is the one which he indicates trough
> dependencies.
> On Fri, 24 Dec 2021 at 10:35, Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:
> Hi,
> This error tells me that you have dependencies to swf artifacts but your
> SDK "surely" is JS Only can it be?
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2021 9:59
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
> I have started the upgrade to  0.9.9-SNAPSHOT
> I am getting the following error
> Could not resolve dependencies for project com.spacio:spacio_as3:swc:1.0:
> The following artifacts could not be resolved:
> org.apache.royale.framework:Core:swc:swf:0.9.9-SNAPSHOT,
> org.apache.royale.framework:Reflection:swc:swf:0.9.9-SNAPSHOT,
> org.apache.royale.framework:Network:swc:swf:0.9.9-SNAPSHOT:
> org.apache.royale.framework:Core:swc:swf:0.9.9-SNAPSHOT was not found in
> during a
> previous attempt. This failure was cached in the local repository and
> resolution is not reattempted until the update interval of apache-snapshots
> has elapsed or updates are forced
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 8:48 PM Maria Jose Esteve 
> wrote:
> Roman, I see you use mx. In version 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT MX has been separated
> into two different projects: MXRoyaleBase and MXRoyale (The first contains
> all the classes that are not visual, and the second the visuals).
> You say you are using Materials, so I guess you are not using the MX
> visual controls; you will have to change MXRoyale to MXRoyaleBase and also
> remove
> "-compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=MXRoyale-0.9.7-js.swc:defaults.css;"
> because you don't need it anymo

Re: Load time is very slow

2021-12-24 Thread Roman Isitua
  Just want to provide an update.

I successfully upgraded to version 0.9.8. I have deployed the js debug and
js release respectively. There is a major difference in load times.

This is a very interesting observation.

I intend to use maven modules. I have noticed that modules do not work in
the js release version. I think it is still related to mimification.

Any idea what compiler settings will correct this ?

I am using the below

-source-map=false;  -js-default-initializers=true;
-js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true; -export-public-symbols=true;

I will now resume work on upgrading to 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT.

I have attached the poms for the three maven project to this mail.


On Fri, Dec 24, 2021 at 11:14 AM Piotr Zarzycki 

> Maybe in your pom you are trying to use swf dependency. Show us your whole
> pom - best would be some link to file if possible. Be careful with
> sensitive info cause it’s a public list.
> Maria,
> He is using Maven so SDK and build is the one which he indicates trough
> dependencies.
> On Fri, 24 Dec 2021 at 10:35, Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This error tells me that you have dependencies to swf artifacts but your
>> SDK "surely" is JS Only can it be?
>> Hiedra
>> *De:* Roman Isitua 
>> *Enviado el:* viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2021 9:59
>> *Para:*
>> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
>> I have started the upgrade to  0.9.9-SNAPSHOT
>> I am getting the following error
>> Could not resolve dependencies for project com.spacio:spacio_as3:swc:1.0:
>> The following artifacts could not be resolved:
>> org.apache.royale.framework:Core:swc:swf:0.9.9-SNAPSHOT,
>> org.apache.royale.framework:Reflection:swc:swf:0.9.9-SNAPSHOT,
>> org.apache.royale.framework:Network:swc:swf:0.9.9-SNAPSHOT:
>> org.apache.royale.framework:Core:swc:swf:0.9.9-SNAPSHOT was not found in
>> during a
>> previous attempt. This failure was cached in the local repository and
>> resolution is not reattempted until the update interval of apache-snapshots
>> has elapsed or updates are forced
>> On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 8:48 PM Maria Jose Esteve 
>> wrote:
>> Roman, I see you use mx. In version 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT MX has been separated
>> into two different projects: MXRoyaleBase and MXRoyale (The first contains
>> all the classes that are not visual, and the second the visuals).
>> You say you are using Materials, so I guess you are not using the MX
>> visual controls; you will have to change MXRoyale to MXRoyaleBase and also
>> remove
>> "-compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=MXRoyale-0.9.7-js.swc:defaults.css;"
>> because you don't need it anymore.
>> Let us know how it works for you.
>> Hiedra
>> *De:* Roman Isitua 
>> *Enviado el:* jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021 18:36
>> *Para:*
>> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
>> Thanks. I will update my pom with this.
>> I will try the 0.9.9-snapshot and revert.
>> Regards,
>> On Thu, 23 Dec 2021, 18:30 Maria Jose Esteve,  wrote:
>> I have like this the artifact download, when I want to force it I change
>> "updatePolicy" to "always":
>> apache-release
>> true
>> **
>> daily
>> false
>> apache-snapshots
>> false
>> true
>> daily

Re: Feliz Navidad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2021-12-24 Thread Roman Isitua
Merry Christmas Everyone !

On Fri, Dec 24, 2021 at 4:31 PM Hugo Ferreira 

> Feliz Natal de Portugal :)
> Maria Jose Esteve  escreveu no dia sexta, 24/12/2021
> à(s) 14:43:
>> Feliz Navidad, Bon Nadal,  Joyeux Noël, Feliz Natal, Frohe Weihnachten,
>> חג מולד שמח!!!
>> Merry Christmas!!!
>> :**
>> Hiedra

Re: Load time is very slow

2021-12-24 Thread Roman Isitua
I have started the upgrade to  0.9.9-SNAPSHOT

I am getting the following error

Could not resolve dependencies for project com.spacio:spacio_as3:swc:1.0:
The following artifacts could not be resolved:
org.apache.royale.framework:Core:swc:swf:0.9.9-SNAPSHOT was not found in during a
previous attempt. This failure was cached in the local repository and
resolution is not reattempted until the update interval of apache-snapshots
has elapsed or updates are forced

On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 8:48 PM Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:

> Roman, I see you use mx. In version 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT MX has been separated
> into two different projects: MXRoyaleBase and MXRoyale (The first contains
> all the classes that are not visual, and the second the visuals).
> You say you are using Materials, so I guess you are not using the MX
> visual controls; you will have to change MXRoyale to MXRoyaleBase and also
> remove
> "-compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=MXRoyale-0.9.7-js.swc:defaults.css;"
> because you don't need it anymore.
> Let us know how it works for you.
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021 18:36
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
> Thanks. I will update my pom with this.
> I will try the 0.9.9-snapshot and revert.
> Regards,
> On Thu, 23 Dec 2021, 18:30 Maria Jose Esteve,  wrote:
> I have like this the artifact download, when I want to force it I change
> "updatePolicy" to "always":
> apache-release
> true
> **
> daily
> false
> apache-snapshots
> false
> true
> daily
> always
> daily
> newer
> Hiedra
> *De:* Piotr Zarzycki 
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021 18:10
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
> 0.9.8 - is official stable release
> 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT - is nightly build
> You do not have to build out of sources in order to have maven artifacts -
> they are stored in maven apache central. It means if you set version in pom
> to 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT - artifacts will be downloaded once a day during first
> build.
> There is a way of forcing downloading artifacts on every build, but I have
> never used that option. Usually that first build and downloaded artifacts
> once is enough.
> czw., 23 gru 2021 o 17:57 Roman Isitua  napisał(a):
> I have downloaded 0.9.8 sdk though I am yet to switch to it. I pulled the
> source from git then built it using maven.
> So how can I access the latest sdk ? i.e. 0.9.9 is it in the official
> distribution ?
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 5:37 PM Maria Jose Esteve 
> wrote:
> I have recorded a gif for you to see it yourself [1], about 6 seconds, it
> is not very fast but considering that you are using js-debug, I see it
> acceptable.
> Regarding the sdk change... in principle where you have the literal
> "0.9.7" you should put "0.9.8" are you using the official distribution?
> There are many changes from 0.9.7 to 0.9.8 and even more in 0.9.9 which is
> the current one. I advise you to change it to I can help you to
> debug the bugs you get, I also use Maven.
> [1]
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021 17:23
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
> Thanks. My team is very new to royale. We have no prior adobe flex
> experience. We are using royale material d

Re: Load time is very slow

2021-12-23 Thread Roman Isitua
Thanks. I will update my pom with this.
I will try the 0.9.9-snapshot and revert.


On Thu, 23 Dec 2021, 18:30 Maria Jose Esteve,  wrote:

> I have like this the artifact download, when I want to force it I change
> "updatePolicy" to "always":
> apache-release
> true
> **
> daily
> false
> apache-snapshots
> false
> true
> daily
> always
> daily
> newer
> Hiedra
> *De:* Piotr Zarzycki 
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021 18:10
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
> 0.9.8 - is official stable release
> 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT - is nightly build
> You do not have to build out of sources in order to have maven artifacts -
> they are stored in maven apache central. It means if you set version in pom
> to 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT - artifacts will be downloaded once a day during first
> build.
> There is a way of forcing downloading artifacts on every build, but I have
> never used that option. Usually that first build and downloaded artifacts
> once is enough.
> czw., 23 gru 2021 o 17:57 Roman Isitua  napisał(a):
> I have downloaded 0.9.8 sdk though I am yet to switch to it. I pulled the
> source from git then built it using maven.
> So how can I access the latest sdk ? i.e. 0.9.9 is it in the official
> distribution ?
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 5:37 PM Maria Jose Esteve 
> wrote:
> I have recorded a gif for you to see it yourself [1], about 6 seconds, it
> is not very fast but considering that you are using js-debug, I see it
> acceptable.
> Regarding the sdk change... in principle where you have the literal
> "0.9.7" you should put "0.9.8" are you using the official distribution?
> There are many changes from 0.9.7 to 0.9.8 and even more in 0.9.9 which is
> the current one. I advise you to change it to I can help you to
> debug the bugs you get, I also use Maven.
> [1]
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021 17:23
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
> Thanks. My team is very new to royale. We have no prior adobe flex
> experience. We are using royale material design.
> How many seconds does it take to load at your end ?
> I will check my internet access speed but I have to get the app to load
> with the internet access speed I am using. Most users will likely be using
> similar internet
> connections.
> I am using maven. To perform an upgrade to version 0.9.8 is it as simple
> as changing the version number in my pom to  0.9.8 ?
> Also, is there a major performance improvement in load time in the newer
> version ?
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 5:10 PM Maria Jose Esteve 
> wrote:
> Hi Roman, I like the design you have chosen, it looks great.
> It doesn't take me 20 seconds to load, are you sure it's not a question of
> your access?
> I see you are still connected to SDK 0.9.7, couldn't you get it to work
> with the latest one?
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021 16:22
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Load time is very slow
> Hi Everyone,
> I am currently working on an app. The app is still in development. I have
> deployed it to a test server online.
>  The app can be access on this url below
>  I noticed that the app loading time is slow. It takes up to 20 seconds to
> load the application. I have checked to 

Re: Load time is very slow

2021-12-23 Thread Roman Isitua
I have downloaded 0.9.8 sdk though I am yet to switch to it. I pulled the
source from git then built it using maven.

So how can I access the latest sdk ? i.e. 0.9.9 is it in the official
distribution ?

On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 5:37 PM Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:

> I have recorded a gif for you to see it yourself [1], about 6 seconds, it
> is not very fast but considering that you are using js-debug, I see it
> acceptable.
> Regarding the sdk change... in principle where you have the literal
> "0.9.7" you should put "0.9.8" are you using the official distribution?
> There are many changes from 0.9.7 to 0.9.8 and even more in 0.9.9 which is
> the current one. I advise you to change it to I can help you to
> debug the bugs you get, I also use Maven.
> [1]
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021 17:23
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
> Thanks. My team is very new to royale. We have no prior adobe flex
> experience. We are using royale material design.
> How many seconds does it take to load at your end ?
> I will check my internet access speed but I have to get the app to load
> with the internet access speed I am using. Most users will likely be using
> similar internet
> connections.
> I am using maven. To perform an upgrade to version 0.9.8 is it as simple
> as changing the version number in my pom to  0.9.8 ?
> Also, is there a major performance improvement in load time in the newer
> version ?
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 5:10 PM Maria Jose Esteve 
> wrote:
> Hi Roman, I like the design you have chosen, it looks great.
> It doesn't take me 20 seconds to load, are you sure it's not a question of
> your access?
> I see you are still connected to SDK 0.9.7, couldn't you get it to work
> with the latest one?
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021 16:22
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Load time is very slow
> Hi Everyone,
> I am currently working on an app. The app is still in development. I have
> deployed it to a test server online.
>  The app can be access on this url below
>  I noticed that the app loading time is slow. It takes up to 20 seconds to
> load the application. I have checked to see other royale apps
> e.g the adobe spectrum demo, jewel tour de jewel demo and the mdl example
> demo. Those apps load much faster.
> My maven compilation settings is as follows
>; royale.showbindingWarnings>
> -source-map=true; royale.sourceMapSettings>
> -js-default-initializers=true; royale.jsDefaultInitializers>
> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true; royale.jsDynamicAccessUnknownMembers>
> JSRoyale
> true
> -compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=MXRoyale-0.9.7-js.swc:defaults.css; royale.mxroyale.css>
> I will like to ask what could be the reason for the slow load times ?
> As the app is currently in development is there a need to compile to
> release mode to get fast load times ?
> The file size of the debug version is currently 7mb. I am deploying it in
> a spring boot embedded tomcat server.
> Any ideas ? I would like to tackle this early in the development phase.
> Regards,
> Roman,

Re: Load time is very slow

2021-12-23 Thread Roman Isitua
Unfortunately the js release version does not work. So I am yet to test it.
It compiles but when running it I get an error which I have no idea how to
debug since the code is mimified.

Here is the log

FrontEnd.js:1491 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined
(reading 'generic')
at gy (FrontEnd.js:1491)
at cQ.o (FrontEnd.js:2003)
at cQ.B (FrontEnd.js:2003)
at uQ (FrontEnd.js:2064)
at SA (FrontEnd.js:2062)
at dz (FrontEnd.js:2065)
at SQ.DN.N (FrontEnd.js:1640)
at new SQ (FrontEnd.js:2156)
at index.html:33
gy @ FrontEnd.js:1491
cQ.o @ FrontEnd.js:2003
cQ.B @ FrontEnd.js:2003
uQ @ FrontEnd.js:2064
SA @ FrontEnd.js:2062
dz @ FrontEnd.js:2065
DN.N @ FrontEnd.js:1640
SQ @ FrontEnd.js:2156
(anonymous) @ index.html:33

Any idea how to debug js release code ?

For this app, I wrote two stand alone libraries that are registered as
maven dependencies in the main application. I think this error is from one
of the stand alone libraries. Is there some setting I need to change when
compiling those libraries for js release ?

Note: js debug works fine, no error at all.

On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 5:36 PM Piotr Zarzycki 

> Hi Roman,
> Definitely change SDK to newest one - there is a lot improvements. In case
> of your test I think you should use what was produced in bin/js-release -
> does that version load 20 second ?
> If you are using Maven it should be a matter of changing version in pom.
> Thanks,
> Piotr
> czw., 23 gru 2021 o 17:23 Roman Isitua  napisał(a):
>> Thanks. My team is very new to royale. We have no prior adobe flex
>> experience. We are using royale material design.
>> How many seconds does it take to load at your end ?
>> I will check my internet access speed but I have to get the app to load
>> with the internet access speed I am using. Most users will likely be using
>> similar internet
>> connections.
>> I am using maven. To perform an upgrade to version 0.9.8 is it as simple
>> as changing the version number in my pom to  0.9.8 ?
>> Also, is there a major performance improvement in load time in the newer
>> version ?
>> On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 5:10 PM Maria Jose Esteve 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Roman, I like the design you have chosen, it looks great.
>>> It doesn't take me 20 seconds to load, are you sure it's not a question
>>> of your access?
>>> I see you are still connected to SDK 0.9.7, couldn't you get it to work
>>> with the latest one?
>>> Hiedra
>>> *De:* Roman Isitua 
>>> *Enviado el:* jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021 16:22
>>> *Para:*
>>> *Asunto:* Load time is very slow
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> I am currently working on an app. The app is still in development. I
>>> have deployed it to a test server online.
>>>  The app can be access on this url below
>>>  I noticed that the app loading time is slow. It takes up to 20 seconds
>>> to load the application. I have checked to see other royale apps
>>> e.g the adobe spectrum demo, jewel tour de jewel demo and the mdl
>>> example demo. Those apps load much faster.
>>> My maven compilation settings is as follows
>>>;>> royale.showbindingWarnings>
>>> -source-map=true;>> royale.sourceMapSettings>
>>> -js-default-initializers=true;>> royale.jsDefaultInitializers>
>>> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true;>> royale.jsDynamicAccessUnknownMembers>
>>> JSRoyale
>>> true
>>> -compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=MXRoyale-0.9.7-js.swc:defaults.css;
>>> I will like to ask what could be the reason for the slow load times ?
>>> As the app is currently in development is there a need to compile to
>>> release mode to get fast load times ?
>>> The file size of the debug version is currently 7mb. I am deploying it
>>> in a spring boot embedded tomcat server.
>>> Any ideas ? I would like to tackle this early in the development phase.
>>> Regards,
>>> Roman,
> --
> Piotr Zarzycki

Re: Load time is very slow

2021-12-23 Thread Roman Isitua
Thanks. My team is very new to royale. We have no prior adobe flex
experience. We are using royale material design.

How many seconds does it take to load at your end ?

I will check my internet access speed but I have to get the app to load
with the internet access speed I am using. Most users will likely be using
similar internet

I am using maven. To perform an upgrade to version 0.9.8 is it as simple as
changing the version number in my pom to  0.9.8 ?

Also, is there a major performance improvement in load time in the newer
version ?

On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 5:10 PM Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:

> Hi Roman, I like the design you have chosen, it looks great.
> It doesn't take me 20 seconds to load, are you sure it's not a question of
> your access?
> I see you are still connected to SDK 0.9.7, couldn't you get it to work
> with the latest one?
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021 16:22
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Load time is very slow
> Hi Everyone,
> I am currently working on an app. The app is still in development. I have
> deployed it to a test server online.
>  The app can be access on this url below
>  I noticed that the app loading time is slow. It takes up to 20 seconds to
> load the application. I have checked to see other royale apps
> e.g the adobe spectrum demo, jewel tour de jewel demo and the mdl example
> demo. Those apps load much faster.
> My maven compilation settings is as follows
>; royale.showbindingWarnings>
> -source-map=true; royale.sourceMapSettings>
> -js-default-initializers=true; royale.jsDefaultInitializers>
> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true; royale.jsDynamicAccessUnknownMembers>
> JSRoyale
> true
> -compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=MXRoyale-0.9.7-js.swc:defaults.css; royale.mxroyale.css>
> I will like to ask what could be the reason for the slow load times ?
> As the app is currently in development is there a need to compile to
> release mode to get fast load times ?
> The file size of the debug version is currently 7mb. I am deploying it in
> a spring boot embedded tomcat server.
> Any ideas ? I would like to tackle this early in the development phase.
> Regards,
> Roman,

Load time is very slow

2021-12-23 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi Everyone,

I am currently working on an app. The app is still in development. I have
deployed it to a test server online.

 The app can be access on this url below

 I noticed that the app loading time is slow. It takes up to 20 seconds to
load the application. I have checked to see other royale apps
e.g the adobe spectrum demo, jewel tour de jewel demo and the mdl example
demo. Those apps load much faster.

My maven compilation settings is as follows;



I will like to ask what could be the reason for the slow load times ?

As the app is currently in development is there a need to compile to
release mode to get fast load times ?

The file size of the debug version is currently 7mb. I am deploying it in a
spring boot embedded tomcat server.

Any ideas ? I would like to tackle this early in the development phase.



Re: Global data transfer objects in a crux app

2021-12-01 Thread Roman Isitua
I have started development using crux with modules. My current observation
is that crux initialize classes defined in the beans.xml of the child

To share data between modules e.g. parent and child are recently discovered
the local shared object functionality.  I tried it, it works.

You comments raises a few concerns for me namely:

1. Are you suggesting I should not make the app multi module ? If yes what
is the alternative ?

2. What's the difference between debug and release builds ?

3. Can I run the app in production using the debug builds ? The app will be
in testing phase and beta phase for a while before being released.

On Wed, 1 Dec 2021, 20:58 Greg Dove,  wrote:

> It is fair to say that Crux has not been tested with modules. But also
> current modules support is not yet reliable and needs additional work
> (community contributors are definitely welcome) - they might work for debug
> builds, but they are not currently a working solution for release builds.
> On Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 7:03 AM Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> My application is  multi module and crux based. In my main module, I have
>> a class ConfigData that holds app configuration.  The ConfigData class is
>> declared in the crux beans.xml file.  This class is initialized during
>> application start up. A call to a web service fetches the data and
>> populates this class.
>>  Whenever the app switches modules from the main module (i.e. parent crux
>> module) to another module ( i.e. a child crux module), I notice that the
>> configData instance is null. This happens even when I have injected the
>> configData instance in the class that uses configData..
>> So my questions are:
>> 1. How can an instance initialized in a parent crux module be referenced
>> in a child module ?
>> 2. How can I share data between modules in a crux app ?
>> Regards,

Global data transfer objects in a crux app

2021-12-01 Thread Roman Isitua
My application is  multi module and crux based. In my main module, I have a
class ConfigData that holds app configuration.  The ConfigData class is
declared in the crux beans.xml file.  This class is initialized during
application start up. A call to a web service fetches the data and
populates this class.

 Whenever the app switches modules from the main module (i.e. parent crux
module) to another module ( i.e. a child crux module), I notice that the
configData instance is null. This happens even when I have injected the
configData instance in the class that uses configData..

So my questions are:

1. How can an instance initialized in a parent crux module be referenced in
a child module ?

2. How can I share data between modules in a crux app ?


Re: referencing a class from a sibling module

2021-12-01 Thread Roman Isitua
It appears the only way out is to create a stand alone royale library.

I will create the library implement the classes I need then declare the
library as a dependency in every module that needs it.

If there is an alternative way of achieving this will appreciate if someone
can share with me.


On Thu, 25 Nov 2021, 20:17 Roman Isitua,  wrote:

> I am working on a maven based multi module royale project. The project
> uses crux. I created some classes in the main module. These classes were
> declared in my crux config. I want to reference these classes in the child
> module.
> How can I register the main module as a dependency to the child module ?
> I need to do this so I can reference these classes in the child module.
> Regards,

Re: [EXTERNAL] Configuring rpc end points in royale

2021-11-26 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi brian,

just to let you know that I am still interested in the nginx option. Of
course at your own convenience.

On Thu, 25 Nov 2021, 20:53 Roman Isitua,  wrote:

>  I have never heard of the tool before. I will look it up.
> Thanks
> On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 8:42 PM Greg Dove  wrote:
>> Slightly off topic (not nginx-related):
>> I understand that you want this specific solution with nginx for the
>> setup that you have, and maybe you don't need anything more than that.
>> But I tend to work on lots of different client projects, and use a more
>> general approach that works in all cases, just in case it is helpful to
>> know about:
>> I use the Charles (CharlesProxy) tool with 'map-local' feature so I don't
>> usually need gulp or nginx or other local solutions. This lets me test
>> local builds against remote production sites, dev sites or whatever else I
>> need to do.
>> I've been doing that for over 10 years now (it was something like 50 USD
>> and has been regularly updated over the years), and it adapts very well to
>> various circumstances. It also has good inspection support for amf, json,
>> xml etc in the http logging which can always be helpful.
>> Just in case that's of interest...
>> On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 2:41 AM Roman Isitua 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Brian,
>>> I am still having issues setting up nginx.
>>> My development environment is as follows
>>> I have a blazeds endpoint  running on tomcat that can be accessed via
>>> this url
>>> http://localhost:8080/myblazeds/messagebroker/websocket-amf
>>> During development, I can run royale using the maven embedded tomcat
>>> plug in
>>> mvn tomcat7:run
>>> Once the app is running, I can access the url using this
>>> http://localhost:8082/MainApp/index.html
>>> In my remote endpoint configuration, I usually hard code the full url
>>> (including localhost and port no) to blazeds.
>>> Based on your recommendation I configured a relative url part for my
>>> remote end point.
>>> /myblazeds/messagebroker/websocket-amf
>>> This works if I copy the royale js files to my spring boot web resource
>>> folder. i.e. I bundled the royale app as part of the spring boot
>>> application.
>>> I want to keep the
>>> 1. front end and back end separate.
>>> 2. Use the relative endpoint url.
>>> 3. Use nginx to proxy the front end request to the back end.
>>> I have installed nginx. and tried your earlier configuration. It is not
>>> working. I am using a windows pc.
>>> Regards,
>>> On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 11:07 AM Roman Isitua 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I have gone through the below. The only section that is not clear is
>>>> the section
>>>> alias "/some/path/to/src";
>>>> Am I expected to put the file path to the src folder that contains the
>>>> royale mxml and actionscript code  of my project ?
>>>> On Mon, 22 Nov 2021, 23:37 Brian Raymes, 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Glad it worked! If you need any assistance setting it up, let me know.
>>>>> Here’s the basic server block I use to make it work, if others are
>>>>> interested:
>>>>> server {
>>>>> listen 80;
>>>>> location / {
>>>>> # don't cache it
>>>>> proxy_no_cache 1;
>>>>> # even if cached, don't try to use it
>>>>> proxy_cache_bypass 1;
>>>>> root "/some/path/to/royale/target/javascript/bin/js-debug";
>>>>>     # This try_files allows you to reach local stuff first before
>>>>> going to the @remoteserver, such as the /src location below
>>>>> try_files $uri $uri/ @remoteserver;

Re: [EXTERNAL] Configuring rpc end points in royale

2021-11-25 Thread Roman Isitua
 I have never heard of the tool before. I will look it up.


On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 8:42 PM Greg Dove  wrote:

> Slightly off topic (not nginx-related):
> I understand that you want this specific solution with nginx for the setup
> that you have, and maybe you don't need anything more than that.
> But I tend to work on lots of different client projects, and use a more
> general approach that works in all cases, just in case it is helpful to
> know about:
> I use the Charles (CharlesProxy) tool with 'map-local' feature so I don't
> usually need gulp or nginx or other local solutions. This lets me test
> local builds against remote production sites, dev sites or whatever else I
> need to do.
> I've been doing that for over 10 years now (it was something like 50 USD
> and has been regularly updated over the years), and it adapts very well to
> various circumstances. It also has good inspection support for amf, json,
> xml etc in the http logging which can always be helpful.
> Just in case that's of interest...
> On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 2:41 AM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
>> Hi Brian,
>> I am still having issues setting up nginx.
>> My development environment is as follows
>> I have a blazeds endpoint  running on tomcat that can be accessed via
>> this url
>> http://localhost:8080/myblazeds/messagebroker/websocket-amf
>> During development, I can run royale using the maven embedded tomcat plug
>> in
>> mvn tomcat7:run
>> Once the app is running, I can access the url using this
>> http://localhost:8082/MainApp/index.html
>> In my remote endpoint configuration, I usually hard code the full url
>> (including localhost and port no) to blazeds.
>> Based on your recommendation I configured a relative url part for my
>> remote end point.
>> /myblazeds/messagebroker/websocket-amf
>> This works if I copy the royale js files to my spring boot web resource
>> folder. i.e. I bundled the royale app as part of the spring boot
>> application.
>> I want to keep the
>> 1. front end and back end separate.
>> 2. Use the relative endpoint url.
>> 3. Use nginx to proxy the front end request to the back end.
>> I have installed nginx. and tried your earlier configuration. It is not
>> working. I am using a windows pc.
>> Regards,
>> On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 11:07 AM Roman Isitua 
>> wrote:
>>> I have gone through the below. The only section that is not clear is the
>>> section
>>> alias "/some/path/to/src";
>>> Am I expected to put the file path to the src folder that contains the
>>> royale mxml and actionscript code  of my project ?
>>> On Mon, 22 Nov 2021, 23:37 Brian Raymes, 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Glad it worked! If you need any assistance setting it up, let me know.
>>>> Here’s the basic server block I use to make it work, if others are
>>>> interested:
>>>> server {
>>>> listen 80;
>>>> location / {
>>>> # don't cache it
>>>> proxy_no_cache 1;
>>>> # even if cached, don't try to use it
>>>> proxy_cache_bypass 1;
>>>> root "/some/path/to/royale/target/javascript/bin/js-debug";
>>>> # This try_files allows you to reach local stuff first before
>>>> going to the @remoteserver, such as the /src location below
>>>> try_files $uri $uri/ @remoteserver;
>>>> }
>>>> location /src {
>>>> alias "/some/path/to/src";
>>>> }
>>>> location @remoteserver {
>>>> # Development Servers
>>>> proxy_pass http://path/to/dev/server;
>>>> # Test, other, etc
>>>> #proxy_pass http://something/else/

referencing a class from a sibling module

2021-11-25 Thread Roman Isitua
I am working on a maven based multi module royale project. The project uses
crux. I created some classes in the main module. These classes were
declared in my crux config. I want to reference these classes in the child

How can I register the main module as a dependency to the child module ?
I need to do this so I can reference these classes in the child module.


Re: [EXTERNAL] Configuring rpc end points in royale

2021-11-25 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi Brian,

I am still having issues setting up nginx.
My development environment is as follows

I have a blazeds endpoint  running on tomcat that can be accessed via this


During development, I can run royale using the maven embedded tomcat plug in

mvn tomcat7:run

Once the app is running, I can access the url using this


In my remote endpoint configuration, I usually hard code the full url
(including localhost and port no) to blazeds.

Based on your recommendation I configured a relative url part for my remote
end point.

This works if I copy the royale js files to my spring boot web resource
folder. i.e. I bundled the royale app as part of the spring boot

I want to keep the
1. front end and back end separate.
2. Use the relative endpoint url.
3. Use nginx to proxy the front end request to the back end.

I have installed nginx. and tried your earlier configuration. It is not
working. I am using a windows pc.


On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 11:07 AM Roman Isitua  wrote:

> I have gone through the below. The only section that is not clear is the
> section
> alias "/some/path/to/src";
> Am I expected to put the file path to the src folder that contains the
> royale mxml and actionscript code  of my project ?
> On Mon, 22 Nov 2021, 23:37 Brian Raymes,  wrote:
>> Glad it worked! If you need any assistance setting it up, let me know.
>> Here’s the basic server block I use to make it work, if others are
>> interested:
>> server {
>> listen 80;
>> location / {
>> # don't cache it
>> proxy_no_cache 1;
>> # even if cached, don't try to use it
>> proxy_cache_bypass 1;
>> root "/some/path/to/royale/target/javascript/bin/js-debug";
>> # This try_files allows you to reach local stuff first before
>> going to the @remoteserver, such as the /src location below
>> try_files $uri $uri/ @remoteserver;
>> }
>> location /src {
>> alias "/some/path/to/src";
>> }
>> location @remoteserver {
>> # Development Servers
>> proxy_pass http://path/to/dev/server;
>> # Test, other, etc
>> #proxy_pass http://something/else/;
>> }
>> }
>> Brian
>> *From:* Roman Isitua 
>> *Sent:* Monday, November 22, 2021 1:45 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [EXTERNAL] Configuring rpc end points in royale
>> Thank you very much Brian. It worked.
>> I would like to know how I can set up a local instance of Nginx that
>> proxies to my backend. I see a lot of benefits in having this capability.
>> Regards,
>> On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 8:43 AM Roman Isitua 
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for this response. I will certainly try the below configuration
>> and revert.
>> However, I want  to understand your usage of nginx.
>> My approach is to develop on my local machine then deploy to test server
>> then test there.
>> If I understood you correctly, you are deploying the front end in your
>> local machine however you are using nginx to route traffic to your test
>> server ?
>> I would appreciate if you have links on how to do this. Sounds
>> very interesting.
>> On Tue, 26 Oct 2021, 23:15 Brian Raymes, 
>> wrote:
>> Correct, remove the hostname and IP from your configuration and it will
>> infer it at runtime. FYI, I’m using crux as well, although, I have mine
>> configured a bit differently.
>> Example for you:
>> >
>>  endpoint="messagebroker/websocket-amf
>> <http://localhost:8080/messagebroker/websocket-amf>"
>>  destination="genericService">

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Crux - ItemRenderer

2021-11-24 Thread Roman Isitua
Your solution worked. Good to know that I can enable crux work in a pop up.

Thanks Brian.

On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 10:59 AM Roman Isitua  wrote:

> Thanks for sharing this. I will try your suggestion and revert back to you.
> One question I have now is must the modal property be set to true for crux
> to work in the pop up ?
> I think in my use case the modal property is false. I will check and
> revert
> On Mon, 22 Nov 2021, 23:29 Brian Raymes,  wrote:
>> To make Crux work within popups, simply dispatch the ADD_BEAN event for
>> the content before opening it. For example:
>> var somePopupContent:SomePopupContent = new SomePopupContent();
>> dispatchEvent(new BeanEvent(BeanEvent.ADD_BEAN, somePopupContent));
>> var popup:PopUp = new PopUp();
>> popup.modal = true;
>> popup.content = somePopupContent;
>> addElement(popup);
>> = true;
>> Then, before closing, remove it:
>> dispatchEvent(new BeanEvent(BeanEvent.REMOVE_BEAN, this));
>> dispatchEvent(new Event('closePopUp'));
>> Hope this helps.
>> Brian
>> *From:* Roman Isitua 
>> *Sent:* Monday, November 22, 2021 12:33 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: Crux - ItemRenderer
>> I can confirm that crux setter injection does not work inside pop up. The
>> work around I have come up with is to do the setter injection in the parent
>> view then pass the variable to my pop.
>> By setter injection I mean,
>>  [Inject( source = "acctController.estateSearchList", bind = "true" )]
>> public function setEstateSearchList(val:ArrayList):void
>> {
>>  trace(" injected estateSearchList. hurray !! ");
>> this.estateSearchList = val;
>> trace(" estateSearchList has been set ! ");
>> }
>> However, I have noticed this style of injection works
>>   [Inject]
>> public var configData:ConfigData;
>> Regards,
>> On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 1:07 AM Greg Dove  wrote:
>> I can't say for certain Maria, because it's been some time since I used
>> Crux.
>> Are your renderers in the main app, or are they in a popup? Crux may not
>> work inside a popup, without some tweaking and tuning for JSStageEvents,
>> iirc.
>> Beyond that I think Crux is not particularly suitable for ItemRenderers.
>> At least I would personally try to avoid using it in this case, unless the
>> renderer count is always relatively low.
>> One of the key differences between the JS implementation vs. the Flash
>> implementation is when the bean setup is run to support processing the
>> view. This is triggered by 'addedToStage' event, which does not have
>> directly comparable support in the browser.
>> JSStageEvents bead creates a simulated 'addedToStage' event. But the way
>> that works is asynchronous (delayed) compared to the way it works in flash
>> (which is synchronous) as soon as the renderer is added to the stage. So
>> that is one possible reason for things not working the same, because often
>> the code that is creating the renderers is also explicitly running code in
>> the newly created renderer instance (like setting data and possibly other
>> calls). It might be doing this after it has been 'addedToStage' and there
>> is no chance for the PostConstruct method to run first, because it would be
>> delayed. But if PostConstruct is never running at all then it could be
>> related to use in a Popup.
>> Another thing to check is to make sure the package filtering on the
>> JSStageEvents is not excluding your renderers from having the simulated
>> events being created.
>> On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 11:51 AM Maria Jose Esteve 
>> wrote:
>> Hi, Is there any explanation for the fact that "[PostConstruct]" does not
>> work in the itemrenderers?
>> Thx.
>> Hiedra

Re: [EXTERNAL] Configuring rpc end points in royale

2021-11-23 Thread Roman Isitua
I have gone through the below. The only section that is not clear is the

alias "/some/path/to/src";

Am I expected to put the file path to the src folder that contains the
royale mxml and actionscript code  of my project ?

On Mon, 22 Nov 2021, 23:37 Brian Raymes,  wrote:

> Glad it worked! If you need any assistance setting it up, let me know.
> Here’s the basic server block I use to make it work, if others are
> interested:
> server {
> listen 80;
> location / {
> # don't cache it
> proxy_no_cache 1;
> # even if cached, don't try to use it
> proxy_cache_bypass 1;
> root "/some/path/to/royale/target/javascript/bin/js-debug";
> # This try_files allows you to reach local stuff first before
> going to the @remoteserver, such as the /src location below
> try_files $uri $uri/ @remoteserver;
> }
> location /src {
> alias "/some/path/to/src";
> }
> location @remoteserver {
> # Development Servers
>     proxy_pass http://path/to/dev/server;
> # Test, other, etc
> #proxy_pass http://something/else/;
> }
> }
> Brian
> *From:* Roman Isitua 
> *Sent:* Monday, November 22, 2021 1:45 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [EXTERNAL] Configuring rpc end points in royale
> Thank you very much Brian. It worked.
> I would like to know how I can set up a local instance of Nginx that
> proxies to my backend. I see a lot of benefits in having this capability.
> Regards,
> On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 8:43 AM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
> Thanks for this response. I will certainly try the below configuration and
> revert.
> However, I want  to understand your usage of nginx.
> My approach is to develop on my local machine then deploy to test server
> then test there.
> If I understood you correctly, you are deploying the front end in your
> local machine however you are using nginx to route traffic to your test
> server ?
> I would appreciate if you have links on how to do this. Sounds
> very interesting.
> On Tue, 26 Oct 2021, 23:15 Brian Raymes,  wrote:
> Correct, remove the hostname and IP from your configuration and it will
> infer it at runtime. FYI, I’m using crux as well, although, I have mine
> configured a bit differently.
> Example for you:
>  endpoint="messagebroker/websocket-amf
> <http://localhost:8080/messagebroker/websocket-amf>"
>  destination="genericService">
> Then, what I do, is set up my nginx proxy to forward traffic to my test
> server. Have the forward include the “spaceiofm”. Then, your code is
> deployment agnostic.
> Hope that helps. Let me know if you need more concrete examples.
> Brian
> *From:* Roman Isitua 
> *Sent:* Monday, October 25, 2021 12:25 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [EXTERNAL] Configuring rpc end points in royale
> Hi Brian,
> Thanks for your response. Though I am still not clear how your suggestion
> will work. Formy app I am using crux. There is a beans.xml file where I
> configured my remote end points as follows
>  endpoint="
> http://localhost:8080/messagebroker/websocket-amf;
>  destination="genericService">
> When running the program on my development pc my server is localhost. So
> it works fine. When I deploy to the test server, the above configuration
> will not work. I have to adjust the ip address to be something like this
>  endpoint="
>  destination="genericService">
> If I do this, it works.
> My guess is that there should be a way to configure the end point such
> that it defaults to the server host name without any configuration.
> Regards,

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Crux - ItemRenderer

2021-11-23 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi maria,

>From what you shared I think the only difference is the modal property.

I will have to confirm this. I will revert.

On Tue, 23 Nov 2021, 10:04 Maria Jose Esteve,  wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Maybe we are missing something and, perhaps, it would be "interesting" to
> investigate a bit more "when we have time to dedicate to it".
> First I want to say that "there was a time" when this was happening to me:
> crux did not work directly in a PopPup and I had to activate and deactivate
> it manually, as Brian says, BUT at a certain point "it started to work" and
> nowadays it still works for me ☹
> I briefly describe the components and the calling method:
>- Component to display in the PopUp (= SomePopupContent, from Brian's
>   - 
>- I define injections as follows:
> [Inject(source="shellModel", required="true")]
>public var
> shellModel:ShellModel;
>… source="shellModel", Corresponds to the localId of the
> model defined in the BeanProvider, inside App.mxml
>- Example of Call (the view from where the call is made also has
>injected models)
> private var popupAux:PopUp;
> public function showPopUpForm():void
> {
> var contentPopup:PermissionsPopUp;
> contentPopup = new PermissionsPopUp();
> = "vContentXX";
> contentPopup.description = "Level: " + tCodigo.text +
> " - " + tDescription.text;
> if(_currentResponsiveSize == ResponsiveSizes.PHONE)
> contentPopup.percentWidth = 80;
> else
> contentPopup.width = 500;
> contentPopup.percentHeight = 80;
> contentPopup.readOnly = (primaryModel.currentGrState
> != UtilConstants.GRSTATE_EDITING);
> contentPopup.addEventListener("closePopUp",
> onPopUpClose);
> if(!popupAux)
> {
> popupAux = new PopUp();
> popupAux.modal = true;
> popupAux.content = contentPopup;
> addElement(popupAux);
> }
> else
> {
> popupAux.content = contentPopup;
> }
> }
> if(!
> = true;
> }
> Why does it work? I don't know ☹... Roman could you compare this example
> with your completed code?
> Hiedra
> *De:* Brian Raymes 
> *Enviado el:* lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2021 23:29
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: Crux - ItemRenderer
> To make Crux work within popups, simply dispatch the ADD_BEAN event for
> the content before opening it. For example:
> var somePopupContent:SomePopupContent = new SomePopupContent();
> dispatchEvent(new BeanEvent(BeanEvent.ADD_BEAN, somePopupContent));
> var popup:PopUp = new PopUp();
> popup.modal = true;
> popup.content = somePopupContent;
> addElement(popup);
> = true;
> Then, before closing, remove it:
> dispatchEvent(new BeanEvent(BeanEvent.REMOVE_BEAN, this));
> dispatchEvent(new Event('closePopUp'));
> Hope this helps.
> Brian
> *From:* Roman Isitua 
> *Sent:* Monday, November 22, 2021 12:33 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: Crux - ItemRenderer
> I can confirm that crux setter injection does not work inside pop up. The
> work around I have come up with is to do the setter injection in the parent
> view then pass the variable to my pop.
> By setter injection I mean,
>  [Inject( source = "acctController.estateSearchList", bin

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Crux - ItemRenderer

2021-11-23 Thread Roman Isitua
Thanks for sharing this. I will try your suggestion and revert back to you.

One question I have now is must the modal property be set to true for crux
to work in the pop up ?

I think in my use case the modal property is false. I will check and revert

On Mon, 22 Nov 2021, 23:29 Brian Raymes,  wrote:

> To make Crux work within popups, simply dispatch the ADD_BEAN event for
> the content before opening it. For example:
> var somePopupContent:SomePopupContent = new SomePopupContent();
> dispatchEvent(new BeanEvent(BeanEvent.ADD_BEAN, somePopupContent));
> var popup:PopUp = new PopUp();
> popup.modal = true;
> popup.content = somePopupContent;
> addElement(popup);
> = true;
> Then, before closing, remove it:
> dispatchEvent(new BeanEvent(BeanEvent.REMOVE_BEAN, this));
> dispatchEvent(new Event('closePopUp'));
> Hope this helps.
> Brian
> *From:* Roman Isitua 
> *Sent:* Monday, November 22, 2021 12:33 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: Crux - ItemRenderer
> I can confirm that crux setter injection does not work inside pop up. The
> work around I have come up with is to do the setter injection in the parent
> view then pass the variable to my pop.
> By setter injection I mean,
>  [Inject( source = "acctController.estateSearchList", bind = "true" )]
> public function setEstateSearchList(val:ArrayList):void
> {
>  trace(" injected estateSearchList. hurray !! ");
> this.estateSearchList = val;
> trace(" estateSearchList has been set ! ");
> }
> However, I have noticed this style of injection works
>   [Inject]
> public var configData:ConfigData;
> Regards,
> On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 1:07 AM Greg Dove  wrote:
> I can't say for certain Maria, because it's been some time since I used
> Crux.
> Are your renderers in the main app, or are they in a popup? Crux may not
> work inside a popup, without some tweaking and tuning for JSStageEvents,
> iirc.
> Beyond that I think Crux is not particularly suitable for ItemRenderers.
> At least I would personally try to avoid using it in this case, unless the
> renderer count is always relatively low.
> One of the key differences between the JS implementation vs. the Flash
> implementation is when the bean setup is run to support processing the
> view. This is triggered by 'addedToStage' event, which does not have
> directly comparable support in the browser.
> JSStageEvents bead creates a simulated 'addedToStage' event. But the way
> that works is asynchronous (delayed) compared to the way it works in flash
> (which is synchronous) as soon as the renderer is added to the stage. So
> that is one possible reason for things not working the same, because often
> the code that is creating the renderers is also explicitly running code in
> the newly created renderer instance (like setting data and possibly other
> calls). It might be doing this after it has been 'addedToStage' and there
> is no chance for the PostConstruct method to run first, because it would be
> delayed. But if PostConstruct is never running at all then it could be
> related to use in a Popup.
> Another thing to check is to make sure the package filtering on the
> JSStageEvents is not excluding your renderers from having the simulated
> events being created.
> On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 11:51 AM Maria Jose Esteve 
> wrote:
> Hi, Is there any explanation for the fact that "[PostConstruct]" does not
> work in the itemrenderers?
> Thx.
> Hiedra

Re: Crux - ItemRenderer

2021-11-22 Thread Roman Isitua
I can confirm that crux setter injection does not work inside pop up. The
work around I have come up with is to do the setter injection in the parent
view then pass the variable to my pop.

By setter injection I mean,

 [Inject( source = "acctController.estateSearchList", bind = "true" )]
public function setEstateSearchList(val:ArrayList):void
 trace(" injected estateSearchList. hurray !! ");

this.estateSearchList = val;

trace(" estateSearchList has been set ! ");

However, I have noticed this style of injection works

public var configData:ConfigData;


On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 1:07 AM Greg Dove  wrote:

> I can't say for certain Maria, because it's been some time since I used
> Crux.
> Are your renderers in the main app, or are they in a popup? Crux may not
> work inside a popup, without some tweaking and tuning for JSStageEvents,
> iirc.
> Beyond that I think Crux is not particularly suitable for ItemRenderers.
> At least I would personally try to avoid using it in this case, unless the
> renderer count is always relatively low.
> One of the key differences between the JS implementation vs. the Flash
> implementation is when the bean setup is run to support processing the
> view. This is triggered by 'addedToStage' event, which does not have
> directly comparable support in the browser.
> JSStageEvents bead creates a simulated 'addedToStage' event. But the way
> that works is asynchronous (delayed) compared to the way it works in flash
> (which is synchronous) as soon as the renderer is added to the stage. So
> that is one possible reason for things not working the same, because often
> the code that is creating the renderers is also explicitly running code in
> the newly created renderer instance (like setting data and possibly other
> calls). It might be doing this after it has been 'addedToStage' and there
> is no chance for the PostConstruct method to run first, because it would be
> delayed. But if PostConstruct is never running at all then it could be
> related to use in a Popup.
> Another thing to check is to make sure the package filtering on the
> JSStageEvents is not excluding your renderers from having the simulated
> events being created.
> On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 11:51 AM Maria Jose Esteve 
> wrote:
>> Hi, Is there any explanation for the fact that "[PostConstruct]" does not
>> work in the itemrenderers?
>> Thx.
>> Hiedra

detect user activity

2021-11-18 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi Everyone,

How can I track user activity ? I want to automatically log out the user
after some time if there is no activity. e.g. to set a time out expiration
of 2 minutes

I have researched how this is done using adobe flex.

I tried porting to royale but it is not working.

How can I track user activity in royale ?


Re: New ExternalJS project in royale-asjs\frameworks\projects

2021-10-31 Thread Roman Isitua
This looks interesting.

I have the following questions :

1. Which royale ui libraries are this components based on ? E.g jewel,
material design (mdl ) ?

2. I am using material design (mdl) for a project.  Can I use this
components below with material design ?

The components I am referring to are
1. Jscalendar.
2. Royale e chart.
3. Inspire tree.

On Mon, 25 Oct 2021, 11:00 Alina Kazi,  wrote:

> Hello,
> I and Maria have developed some external js libraries.
> One of them is InspireTree which we are currently working on.
> I have pasted the image link below to see how functional it is:
> InspireTree is a strong JS library and we have created multiple beads to
> make it as dynamic as it can be. Multiple types of trees can be created
> with this InspireTree customized library and the behaviour would also be
> dynamic based on the type of the tree.
> I need Vote to add a library to Royale SDK containing external JS
> libraries.
> A new project on path royale-asjs\frameworks\projects named as some
> JSExternsRoyale or JSExtern or any suitable name.
> We have some ready to use external js
> libraries(Royale-echarts,Virtual-Select,jsCalendar..) that we will
> contribute to the SDK and others can contribute other ExternalJS ready to
> use in the SDK.
> This would be very useful for new users and existing users of Apache
> Royale.
> Please Vote.
> Thanks and Best Regards,
> Alina Kazi

Re: [EXTERNAL] Configuring rpc end points in royale

2021-10-31 Thread Roman Isitua
Thanks for this response. I will certainly try the below configuration and

However, I want  to understand your usage of nginx.

My approach is to develop on my local machine then deploy to test server
then test there.

If I understood you correctly, you are deploying the front end in your
local machine however you are using nginx to route traffic to your test
server ?

I would appreciate if you have links on how to do this. Sounds
very interesting.

On Tue, 26 Oct 2021, 23:15 Brian Raymes,  wrote:

> Correct, remove the hostname and IP from your configuration and it will
> infer it at runtime. FYI, I’m using crux as well, although, I have mine
> configured a bit differently.
> Example for you:
>  endpoint="messagebroker/websocket-amf
> <http://localhost:8080/messagebroker/websocket-amf>"
>  destination="genericService">
> Then, what I do, is set up my nginx proxy to forward traffic to my test
> server. Have the forward include the “spaceiofm”. Then, your code is
> deployment agnostic.
> Hope that helps. Let me know if you need more concrete examples.
> Brian
> *From:* Roman Isitua 
> *Sent:* Monday, October 25, 2021 12:25 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [EXTERNAL] Configuring rpc end points in royale
> Hi Brian,
> Thanks for your response. Though I am still not clear how your suggestion
> will work. Formy app I am using crux. There is a beans.xml file where I
> configured my remote end points as follows
>  endpoint="
> http://localhost:8080/messagebroker/websocket-amf;
>  destination="genericService">
> When running the program on my development pc my server is localhost. So
> it works fine. When I deploy to the test server, the above configuration
> will not work. I have to adjust the ip address to be something like this
>  endpoint="
>  destination="genericService">
> If I do this, it works.
> My guess is that there should be a way to configure the end point such
> that it defaults to the server host name without any configuration.
> Regards,
> On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 8:49 PM Brian Raymes 
> wrote:
> Hi Roman,
> I do this by running a local instance of Nginx that proxies to my backend
> (or wherever you need as it’s easily changeable).
> As for RPC configuration, I have mine all set relatively, as-in, simply:
> AMFChannel("my-amf", "messagebroker/amf");
> This way, they always look local, but proxy through Nginx to any server I
> need throughout the development/test process.
> By doing it this way, I never have to modify a build. They just work in
> call cases, whether that be local for development, or remote when deployed.
> If you need any config assistance for Nginx, let me know.
> Regards,
> Brian
> *From:* Roman Isitua 
> *Sent:* Monday, October 18, 2021 9:23 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Configuring rpc end points in royale
> Hi,
> In an app, I am working on. I am using rpc based end points to access my
> back end. On my development machine I use localhost. I intend to start
> deploying the the app to a test server for testing. I realise that each
> time, I do a deployment to the test server, I have to remember to switch
> from local host to the ip address of the test server. I do this via the
> beans.mxml configuration files. (I am using crux). Sometimes I forget to do
> this,  so I have to redeploy again.
> My question is, is there a better way to configure my rpc end points such
> that I don't have to be changing ip addresses of the rpc end points in the
> beans.mxml file ?
> Once testing is done, the app will be moved to production, again, ip
> addresses will change.
> What is the best practice for configuring rpc end points in royale ?
> Is there a way to store deployment environments specific configurations  ?
> Regards,

Re: [EXTERNAL] Configuring rpc end points in royale

2021-10-25 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi Brian,

Thanks for your response. Though I am still not clear how your suggestion
will work. Formy app I am using crux. There is a beans.xml file where I
configured my remote end points as follows



When running the program on my development pc my server is localhost. So it
works fine. When I deploy to the test server, the above configuration will
not work. I have to adjust the ip address to be something like this;


If I do this, it works.

My guess is that there should be a way to configure the end point such that
it defaults to the server host name without any configuration.


On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 8:49 PM Brian Raymes 

> Hi Roman,
> I do this by running a local instance of Nginx that proxies to my backend
> (or wherever you need as it’s easily changeable).
> As for RPC configuration, I have mine all set relatively, as-in, simply:
> AMFChannel("my-amf", "messagebroker/amf");
> This way, they always look local, but proxy through Nginx to any server I
> need throughout the development/test process.
> By doing it this way, I never have to modify a build. They just work in
> call cases, whether that be local for development, or remote when deployed.
> If you need any config assistance for Nginx, let me know.
> Regards,
> Brian
> *From:* Roman Isitua 
> *Sent:* Monday, October 18, 2021 9:23 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Configuring rpc end points in royale
> Hi,
> In an app, I am working on. I am using rpc based end points to access my
> back end. On my development machine I use localhost. I intend to start
> deploying the the app to a test server for testing. I realise that each
> time, I do a deployment to the test server, I have to remember to switch
> from local host to the ip address of the test server. I do this via the
> beans.mxml configuration files. (I am using crux). Sometimes I forget to do
> this,  so I have to redeploy again.
> My question is, is there a better way to configure my rpc end points such
> that I don't have to be changing ip addresses of the rpc end points in the
> beans.mxml file ?
> Once testing is done, the app will be moved to production, again, ip
> addresses will change.
> What is the best practice for configuring rpc end points in royale ?
> Is there a way to store deployment environments specific configurations  ?
> Regards,

Configuring rpc end points in royale

2021-10-18 Thread Roman Isitua

In an app, I am working on. I am using rpc based end points to access my
back end. On my development machine I use localhost. I intend to start
deploying the the app to a test server for testing. I realise that each
time, I do a deployment to the test server, I have to remember to switch
from local host to the ip address of the test server. I do this via the
beans.mxml configuration files. (I am using crux). Sometimes I forget to do
this,  so I have to redeploy again.

My question is, is there a better way to configure my rpc end points such
that I don't have to be changing ip addresses of the rpc end points in the
beans.mxml file ?

Once testing is done, the app will be moved to production, again, ip
addresses will change.

What is the best practice for configuring rpc end points in royale ?

Is there a way to store deployment environments specific configurations  ?


Re: crux not injecting model in view

2021-10-06 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi Maria,

Unfortunately, I don't read Spanish yet. 

To work around this issue I had to revert to version 0.9.7. I did not use
the maven archetype. I used the attached maven pom template that Piotr gave
me a while ago. Since then I have not had issues with crux or databinding.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 10:25 AM Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:

> @roman, ¿has podido solucionar esto? ¿te funciona el binding? ¿podrías
> compartirlo?
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* martes, 21 de septiembre de 2021 9:40
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: crux not injecting model in view
> Interesting investigation. I have studied the examples to see if there is
> a difference in configuration between the example and my code. For now I am
> yet to see a difference. When I re implemented the code on royale 0.9.7 it
> worked. I agree further analysis is required.
> On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 1:32 AM Maria Jose Esteve 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have compiled the examples with SDK 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT, SDK 0.9.8 and SDK
> 0.9.7 and the binding works in all three (There is some anomaly in
> CruxGitHubCommitLogViewer but I didn't think it was relevant for these
> tests).
> Hiedra.
> *De:* Maria Jose Esteve 
> *Enviado el:* lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2021 12:30
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* RE: crux not injecting model in view
> Hi Roman,
> If you compile and run the crux SDK examples, does the binding work in
> 0.9.8? (I can't test it now)
> If it works, maybe the problem requires further analysis.
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2021 12:23
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: crux not injecting model in view
> I have logged the issue here
> On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 7:21 AM Yishay Weiss 
> wrote:
> Can you please report [1] that bug?
> [1] Issues ( <>
> *From: *Roman Isitua 
> *Sent: *Saturday, September 18, 2021 11:21 PM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: crux not injecting model in view
> I got it to work on *royale version 0.9.7*.
> I corrected a mistake I was making as follows
>  // [Inject( source = "lovController.lovBO._lovs2", bind = "true" )]
> [Inject( source = "lovController.genericLovs", bind = "true" )]
> I was  using
> [Inject( source = "lovController.lovBO._lovs2", bind = "true" )]
> instead of
>  [Inject( source = "lovController.genericLovs", bind = "true" )]
> However, I must add that the above change does not work on *royale 0.9.8*.
> I tested it again. it still does not work.
> I will have to port my work from royale 0.9.8 to 0.9.7.
> Regards,
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 8:37 PM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
> Just an update on this issue. I implemented the above using royale 0.9.8.
> I decided to try the same thing on royale 0.9.7. It is still working
> however I can see a log message that is not available when running on 0.9.8
> Here it is
> *warning: no describeType entry for 'lovBO' on non-dynamic type
> 'LovController'*
> What is the meaning of this warning ?  From the log below it is clear the
> setter injection failed. Hence the reason the dropdown is not being
> populated.
> InjectProcessor set up [Inject(
> source="logInController.logInParams", bind="true" )] on Bean{ source:
> [object Object], name: null }
> * warning: no describeType entry for 'lovBO' on non-dynamic
> type 'LovController' Uncaught Error: Unexpected
> result*
> at
> org.apache.royale.crux.processors.InjectProcessor.addPropertyBinding
> (
> at org.apache.royale.crux.processors.InjectProcessor.setUpMetadataTag
> (
> at
> (
> at org.apache.royale.crux.BeanFactory.setUpBean (
> at

Session (time out) expiry

2021-10-06 Thread Roman Isitua
I am coming from a server side java ui framework background e.g. JSF, ZK

Royale is a client side UI framework. I will like to know how to implement
session expiry.

I want to

1. Detect that the session has expired.

2. Log out the user and switch the view to the log in view so that the user
has to log in.

3. How can I configure session expiry ? Blazeds ? Or it has to be done
client side. How ?


Re: Royale with Material design lite

2021-09-29 Thread Roman Isitua
Interesting. Thanks for this information. I will definitely investigate

On Wed, 29 Sep 2021, 08:43 Harbs,  wrote:

> AN alternate to pagination is infinite scrolling which we have here:
> Basically, you listen to the scrollEnd event and load more content. Make
> sure you append to the dataProvider rather than replace it…
> On Sep 28, 2021, at 3:31 PM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
> I intend to fetch data from a table with a huge number of records. Is
> there support for data pagination in a material design table ?
>  Also do I need to write some extra code for the remote object ?
> Regards,
> Roman.
> On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 10:51 AM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
>> Okay.
>> On Mon, 13 Sep 2021, 10:31 Harbs,  wrote:
>>> It’s not built by or published to Maven. You can include a SWC in any
>>> project.
>>> On Sep 13, 2021, at 11:41 AM, Roman Isitua 
>>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for sharing Harbs.
>>> This is another impressive ui library.
>>> Just one observation. It appears not to have support for maven. Is this
>>> correct ?
>>> Regards,
>>> On Mon, 13 Sep 2021, 08:49 Harbs,  wrote:
>>>> On Sep 13, 2021, at 10:22 AM, Piotr Zarzycki 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Harbs I believe you have some links and examples - you did that
>>>> implementation - I'm just mentioning that cause it could be a good addition
>>>> for evaluation for you. ;)

Re: Royale with Material design lite

2021-09-28 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi Piotr,

Thanks. So I have to improvise. A while ago Maria shared this link with me.


It is jewel based. I am yet to run the example but I have had a look at the
code. It looks like something I can work with.
However, since it is jewel based is it possible to combine a jewel
component like this with material design components ?


On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 1:44 PM Piotr Zarzycki 

> Hi Roman,
> In Royale there is no pagination, but if you find in a native version of
> Material pagination like support for components you can probably adjust
> stuff nad have it. Otherwise you will have to use some external JS data
> grid/table
> Thanks
> Piotr
> wt., 28 wrz 2021 o 14:32 Roman Isitua  napisał(a):
>> I intend to fetch data from a table with a huge number of records. Is
>> there support for data pagination in a material design table ?
>>  Also do I need to write some extra code for the remote object ?
>> Regards,
>> Roman.
>> On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 10:51 AM Roman Isitua 
>> wrote:
>>> Okay.
>>> On Mon, 13 Sep 2021, 10:31 Harbs,  wrote:
>>>> It’s not built by or published to Maven. You can include a SWC in any
>>>> project.
>>>> On Sep 13, 2021, at 11:41 AM, Roman Isitua 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for sharing Harbs.
>>>> This is another impressive ui library.
>>>> Just one observation. It appears not to have support for maven. Is this
>>>> correct ?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> On Mon, 13 Sep 2021, 08:49 Harbs,  wrote:
>>>>> On Sep 13, 2021, at 10:22 AM, Piotr Zarzycki <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Harbs I believe you have some links and examples - you did that
>>>>> implementation - I'm just mentioning that cause it could be a good 
>>>>> addition
>>>>> for evaluation for you. ;)
> --
> Piotr Zarzycki

Re: Royale with Material design lite

2021-09-28 Thread Roman Isitua
I intend to fetch data from a table with a huge number of records. Is there
support for data pagination in a material design table ?

 Also do I need to write some extra code for the remote object ?



On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 10:51 AM Roman Isitua  wrote:

> Okay.
> On Mon, 13 Sep 2021, 10:31 Harbs,  wrote:
>> It’s not built by or published to Maven. You can include a SWC in any
>> project.
>> On Sep 13, 2021, at 11:41 AM, Roman Isitua  wrote:
>> Thanks for sharing Harbs.
>> This is another impressive ui library.
>> Just one observation. It appears not to have support for maven. Is this
>> correct ?
>> Regards,
>> On Mon, 13 Sep 2021, 08:49 Harbs,  wrote:
>>> On Sep 13, 2021, at 10:22 AM, Piotr Zarzycki 
>>> wrote:
>>> Harbs I believe you have some links and examples - you did that
>>> implementation - I'm just mentioning that cause it could be a good addition
>>> for evaluation for you. ;)

Re: crux not invoking event handler method

2021-09-22 Thread Roman Isitua
I am using maven for dependency management. I created a multi module maven
project with a client side and server side.
The client side is apache royale project that was created using the
following archetype

mvn archetype:generate   -DgroupId=""
-DarchetypeVersion="0.9.7"   -DinteractiveMode=false

After adding crux dependencies and creating the relevant configurations
e.g. Beans.xml

I compile using "mvn clean install" this compiles the project to the target

The server is a spring based project that uses spring boot and blazeds.
I added a mvn script to copy the compiled client side project to the server
project so I can run it the spring boot way

mvn spring-boot:run

Find attached the asconfig.json and client side pom. Everything else
appears to work fine except the event handler method not being invoked.

Even the type safety check that is done on the event handler works. i.e. if
I misspell the event handler class name. I get a crux related error at run

On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 2:07 PM Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:

> Roman,
> How do you compile ? asconfigc, mvn, …? Can you send pom.xml,
> asconfig.json, ...?
> Thx
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2021 11:47
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* crux not invoking event handler method
> Hi Everyone,
> I created a new royale project on version 0.9.7. I am able to inject
> models into view. I have created my first custom event with its
> corresponding
> event handler method in the controller.
> When I dispatch the event crux does not invoke my event handler method
> What is frustrating is the fact that there is nothing displayed in the log.
> No error messages. The event handler method is not being invoked.
> I have attached my program source code. I have looked at the royal crux
> examples over and over. I can't seem to see the difference between the
> example code and mine.
> Regards,.
> Regards,
>; xmlns:xsi="; xsi:schemaLocation=";>





crux not invoking event handler method

2021-09-22 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi Everyone,

I created a new royale project on version 0.9.7. I am able to inject models
into view. I have created my first custom event with its corresponding
event handler method in the controller.
When I dispatch the event crux does not invoke my event handler method

What is frustrating is the fact that there is nothing displayed in the log.
No error messages. The event handler method is not being invoked.

I have attached my program source code. I have looked at the royal crux
examples over and over. I can't seem to see the difference between the
example code and mine.



Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: crux not injecting model in view

2021-09-21 Thread Roman Isitua
Interesting investigation. I have studied the examples to see if there is a
difference in configuration between the example and my code. For now I am
yet to see a difference. When I re implemented the code on royale 0.9.7 it
worked. I agree further analysis is required.

On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 1:32 AM Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have compiled the examples with SDK 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT, SDK 0.9.8 and SDK
> 0.9.7 and the binding works in all three (There is some anomaly in
> CruxGitHubCommitLogViewer but I didn't think it was relevant for these
> tests).
> Hiedra.
> *De:* Maria Jose Esteve 
> *Enviado el:* lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2021 12:30
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* RE: crux not injecting model in view
> Hi Roman,
> If you compile and run the crux SDK examples, does the binding work in
> 0.9.8? (I can't test it now)
> If it works, maybe the problem requires further analysis.
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2021 12:23
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: crux not injecting model in view
> I have logged the issue here
> On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 7:21 AM Yishay Weiss 
> wrote:
> Can you please report [1] that bug?
> [1] Issues ( <>
> *From: *Roman Isitua 
> *Sent: *Saturday, September 18, 2021 11:21 PM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: crux not injecting model in view
> I got it to work on *royale version 0.9.7*.
> I corrected a mistake I was making as follows
>  // [Inject( source = "lovController.lovBO._lovs2", bind = "true" )]
> [Inject( source = "lovController.genericLovs", bind = "true" )]
> I was  using
> [Inject( source = "lovController.lovBO._lovs2", bind = "true" )]
> instead of
>  [Inject( source = "lovController.genericLovs", bind = "true" )]
> However, I must add that the above change does not work on *royale 0.9.8*.
> I tested it again. it still does not work.
> I will have to port my work from royale 0.9.8 to 0.9.7.
> Regards,
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 8:37 PM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
> Just an update on this issue. I implemented the above using royale 0.9.8.
> I decided to try the same thing on royale 0.9.7. It is still working
> however I can see a log message that is not available when running on 0.9.8
> Here it is
> *warning: no describeType entry for 'lovBO' on non-dynamic type
> 'LovController'*
> What is the meaning of this warning ?  From the log below it is clear the
> setter injection failed. Hence the reason the dropdown is not being
> populated.
> InjectProcessor set up [Inject(
> source="logInController.logInParams", bind="true" )] on Bean{ source:
> [object Object], name: null }
> * warning: no describeType entry for 'lovBO' on non-dynamic
> type 'LovController' Uncaught Error: Unexpected
> result*
> at
> org.apache.royale.crux.processors.InjectProcessor.addPropertyBinding
> (
> at org.apache.royale.crux.processors.InjectProcessor.setUpMetadataTag
> (
> at
> (
> at org.apache.royale.crux.BeanFactory.setUpBean (
> at
> (
> at
> (
> at org.apache.royale.crux.BeanFactory.setUpEventHandler
> (
> at
> (
> at
> (eventtarget.js:372)
> at
> org.apache.royale.crux.beads.JSStageEvents.org_apache_royale_crux_beads_JSStageEvents_mutationDetected
> (
> I have attached the complete log to this mail
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 7:44 PM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
> Thanks for he

Re: crux not injecting model in view

2021-09-20 Thread Roman Isitua
I have logged the issue here

On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 7:21 AM Yishay Weiss  wrote:

> Can you please report [1] that bug?
> [1] Issues ( <>
> *From: *Roman Isitua 
> *Sent: *Saturday, September 18, 2021 11:21 PM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: crux not injecting model in view
> I got it to work on *royale version 0.9.7*.
> I corrected a mistake I was making as follows
>  // [Inject( source = "lovController.lovBO._lovs2", bind = "true" )]
> [Inject( source = "lovController.genericLovs", bind = "true" )]
> I was  using
> [Inject( source = "lovController.lovBO._lovs2", bind = "true" )]
> instead of
>  [Inject( source = "lovController.genericLovs", bind = "true" )]
> However, I must add that the above change does not work on * royale 0.9.8*.
> I tested it again. it still does not work.
> I will have to port my work from royale 0.9.8 to 0.9.7.
> Regards,
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 8:37 PM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
> Just an update on this issue. I implemented the above using royale 0.9.8.
> I decided to try the same thing on royale 0.9.7. It is still working
> however I can see a log message that is not available when running on 0.9.8
> Here it is
> *warning: no describeType entry for 'lovBO' on non-dynamic type
> 'LovController'*
> What is the meaning of this warning ?  From the log below it is clear the
> setter injection failed. Hence the reason the dropdown is not being
> populated.
> InjectProcessor set up [Inject(
> source="logInController.logInParams", bind="true" )] on Bean{ source:
> [object Object], name: null }
> * warning: no describeType entry for 'lovBO' on non-dynamic
> type 'LovController' Uncaught Error: Unexpected
> result*
> at
> org.apache.royale.crux.processors.InjectProcessor.addPropertyBinding
> (
> at org.apache.royale.crux.processors.InjectProcessor.setUpMetadataTag
> (
> at
> (
> at org.apache.royale.crux.BeanFactory.setUpBean (
> at
> (
> at
> (
> at org.apache.royale.crux.BeanFactory.setUpEventHandler
> (
> at
> (
> at
> (eventtarget.js:372)
> at
> org.apache.royale.crux.beads.JSStageEvents.org_apache_royale_crux_beads_JSStageEvents_mutationDetected
> (
> I have attached the complete log to this mail
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 7:44 PM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
> Thanks for helping out.
> I forgot to attach the GenericLOV source code.
> Find attached to this email.
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 6:48 PM Maria Jose Esteve 
> wrote:
> Hi Roman,
> I saw your previous code and now I will see this one you attach. I will
> try to help you BUT I don't know if I will be able to because although I
> use Crux and amf my implementation is different from yours and I don't
> control all the concepts (my original project was set up by a Royale expert
> company).
> I'll let you know if I get something.
> Hiedra.
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2021 18:37
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* crux not injecting model in view
> I intend to populate a jewel drop down with data from the server. I have
> configured the controller and service in the Beans.xml file.
> From the logs injection happens.
> However, I have observed that the model is not injected into the view.
> Any ideas ?
> My code is implemented as follows
> LovBO
>  public class LovBO
>   /**

Re: crux not injecting model in view

2021-09-20 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi Yishay Weiss,

The link you shared is broken. Can you share another link so I can report
the bug ?

On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 7:21 AM Yishay Weiss  wrote:

> Can you please report [1] that bug?
> [1] Issues ( <>
> *From: *Roman Isitua 
> *Sent: *Saturday, September 18, 2021 11:21 PM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: crux not injecting model in view
> I got it to work on *royale version 0.9.7*.
> I corrected a mistake I was making as follows
>  // [Inject( source = "lovController.lovBO._lovs2", bind = "true" )]
> [Inject( source = "lovController.genericLovs", bind = "true" )]
> I was  using
> [Inject( source = "lovController.lovBO._lovs2", bind = "true" )]
> instead of
>  [Inject( source = "lovController.genericLovs", bind = "true" )]
> However, I must add that the above change does not work on * royale 0.9.8*.
> I tested it again. it still does not work.
> I will have to port my work from royale 0.9.8 to 0.9.7.
> Regards,
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 8:37 PM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
> Just an update on this issue. I implemented the above using royale 0.9.8.
> I decided to try the same thing on royale 0.9.7. It is still working
> however I can see a log message that is not available when running on 0.9.8
> Here it is
> *warning: no describeType entry for 'lovBO' on non-dynamic type
> 'LovController'*
> What is the meaning of this warning ?  From the log below it is clear the
> setter injection failed. Hence the reason the dropdown is not being
> populated.
> InjectProcessor set up [Inject(
> source="logInController.logInParams", bind="true" )] on Bean{ source:
> [object Object], name: null }
> * warning: no describeType entry for 'lovBO' on non-dynamic
> type 'LovController' Uncaught Error: Unexpected
> result*
> at
> org.apache.royale.crux.processors.InjectProcessor.addPropertyBinding
> (
> at org.apache.royale.crux.processors.InjectProcessor.setUpMetadataTag
> (
> at
> (
> at org.apache.royale.crux.BeanFactory.setUpBean (
> at
> (
> at
> (
> at org.apache.royale.crux.BeanFactory.setUpEventHandler
> (
> at
> (
> at
> (eventtarget.js:372)
> at
> org.apache.royale.crux.beads.JSStageEvents.org_apache_royale_crux_beads_JSStageEvents_mutationDetected
> (
> I have attached the complete log to this mail
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 7:44 PM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
> Thanks for helping out.
> I forgot to attach the GenericLOV source code.
> Find attached to this email.
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 6:48 PM Maria Jose Esteve 
> wrote:
> Hi Roman,
> I saw your previous code and now I will see this one you attach. I will
> try to help you BUT I don't know if I will be able to because although I
> use Crux and amf my implementation is different from yours and I don't
> control all the concepts (my original project was set up by a Royale expert
> company).
> I'll let you know if I get something.
> Hiedra.
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2021 18:37
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* crux not injecting model in view
> I intend to populate a jewel drop down with data from the server. I have
> configured the controller and service in the Beans.xml file.
> From the logs injection happens.
> However, I have observed that the model is not injected into the view.
> Any ideas ?
> My code is implemented as follows
> LovBO
>  public class LovBO

Re: crux not injecting model in view

2021-09-20 Thread Roman Isitua
Yes. That was my observation. I couldn't get the model binding on the views
to work. I replicated the same functionality on royale 0.9.7 and it worked.


On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 8:49 AM Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:

> I can't get the model binding on the views to work, however, the
> dispatchers that are launched from the view does reach the controller. I
> don't know what is happening?
> if someone had a moment and could look at it? I will continue testing this
> afternoon, when I finish my workday.
> Hiedra
> *De:* Maria Jose Esteve 
> *Enviado el:* domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2021 16:15
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* RE: crux not injecting model in view
> Hi Roman,
> I created a Jewel+crux project with the sdk archetypes [1]. Then, I added
> your files and completed with some other...
> The truth is that with all your tests it was complicated for me to know
> what I was doing  so I isolated a small MVC.
> I couldn't finish the tests because I still can't connect to the backend
> you sent me in a previous query (
> http://132...:8080/messagebroker/websocket-amf). Could you download the
> project and make a first check with your localhost?
> Let me know what results you get and we'll continue from this point.
> [1]
> Hiedra.
> *De:* Maria Jose Esteve 
> *Enviado el:* sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2021 19:48
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* RE: crux not injecting model in view
> Hi Roman,
> I saw your previous code and now I will see this one you attach. I will
> try to help you BUT I don't know if I will be able to because although I
> use Crux and amf my implementation is different from yours and I don't
> control all the concepts (my original project was set up by a Royale expert
> company).
> I'll let you know if I get something.
> Hiedra.
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2021 18:37
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* crux not injecting model in view
> I intend to populate a jewel drop down with data from the server. I have
> configured the controller and service in the Beans.xml file.
> From the logs injection happens.
> However, I have observed that the model is not injected into the view.
> Any ideas ?
> My code is implemented as follows
> LovBO
>  public class LovBO
>   /**
>  * The [Dispatcher] metadata tag instructs Crux to inject an event 
> dispatcher.
>  * Event's dispatched via this dispatcher can trigger event mediators.
>  */
> [Dispatcher]
> public var dispatcher : IEventDispatcher;
>   [Inject( "lovService" )]
>   public var lovService:RemoteObject;
>   [Inject]
>   public var serviceHelper:ServiceHelper;
>   public var _lovs:Array;
>   public var _lovs2:ArrayList;
> LovController
>  public class LovController
>  [Inject]
>  public var lovBO:LovBO;
>//  [Bindable]
>  public var genericLovs:ArrayList;
>public function LovController()
>trace('  -- LovController -- ');
>  * [PostConstruct] methods are invoked after all dependencies are 
> injected.
>  * In this example, we set up a default user after the bean is 
> created.
>  */
> [PostConstruct]
> public function fetchLovs() : void
> {
> trace(' -- [PostConstruct] fetch lovs country prefix  -- ');
> //genericLovs = lovBO.lov2;
> lovBO.lov2;
> }
> Beans.xml
> The application.mxml
> xmlns:js="library://"
> xmlns:j="library://"
> xmlns:crux="library://"

Re: crux not injecting model in view

2021-09-20 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi Maria,

I am yet to deploy this current project online. Hence you will not get any

On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 3:15 PM Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:

> Hi Roman,
> I created a Jewel+crux project with the sdk archetypes [1]. Then, I added
> your files and completed with some other...
> The truth is that with all your tests it was complicated for me to know
> what I was doing  so I isolated a small MVC.
> I couldn't finish the tests because I still can't connect to the backend
> you sent me in a previous query 
> (http://132...:8080/messagebroker/websocket-amf).
> Could you download the project and make a first check with your localhost?
> Let me know what results you get and we'll continue from this point.
> [1]
> Hiedra.
> *De:* Maria Jose Esteve 
> *Enviado el:* sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2021 19:48
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* RE: crux not injecting model in view
> Hi Roman,
> I saw your previous code and now I will see this one you attach. I will
> try to help you BUT I don't know if I will be able to because although I
> use Crux and amf my implementation is different from yours and I don't
> control all the concepts (my original project was set up by a Royale expert
> company).
> I'll let you know if I get something.
> Hiedra.
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2021 18:37
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* crux not injecting model in view
> I intend to populate a jewel drop down with data from the server. I have
> configured the controller and service in the Beans.xml file.
> From the logs injection happens.
> However, I have observed that the model is not injected into the view.
> Any ideas ?
> My code is implemented as follows
> LovBO
>  public class LovBO
>   /**
>  * The [Dispatcher] metadata tag instructs Crux to inject an event 
> dispatcher.
>  * Event's dispatched via this dispatcher can trigger event mediators.
>  */
> [Dispatcher]
> public var dispatcher : IEventDispatcher;
>   [Inject( "lovService" )]
>   public var lovService:RemoteObject;
>   [Inject]
>   public var serviceHelper:ServiceHelper;
>   public var _lovs:Array;
>   public var _lovs2:ArrayList;
> LovController
>  public class LovController
>  [Inject]
>  public var lovBO:LovBO;
>//  [Bindable]
>  public var genericLovs:ArrayList;
>public function LovController()
>trace('  -- LovController -- ');
>  * [PostConstruct] methods are invoked after all dependencies are 
> injected.
>  * In this example, we set up a default user after the bean is 
> created.
>  */
> [PostConstruct]
> public function fetchLovs() : void
> {
> trace(' -- [PostConstruct] fetch lovs country prefix  -- ');
> //genericLovs = lovBO.lov2;
> lovBO.lov2;
> }
> Beans.xml
> The application.mxml
> xmlns:js="library://"
> xmlns:j="library://"
> xmlns:crux="library://"
> xmlns:config="*"
> xmlns:views="*"
> initialize="setUp;initApp(event);">
> eventPackages="*"
> viewPackages="*"
> />
> MainView.mxml ( I have attached the complete source for the MainView.xml.
> and the other classes)
> xmlns:j="library://"
> xmlns:js="library://"
> xmlns:html="library://"
> initComplete="initCompleteHandler(event)"
> xmlns:views="*"
> >

Re: crux not injecting model in view

2021-09-18 Thread Roman Isitua
I got it to work on *royale version 0.9.7*.

I corrected a mistake I was making as follows

 // [Inject( source = "lovController.lovBO._lovs2", bind = "true" )]
[Inject( source = "lovController.genericLovs", bind = "true" )]

I was  using

[Inject( source = "lovController.lovBO._lovs2", bind = "true" )]

instead of

 [Inject( source = "lovController.genericLovs", bind = "true" )]

However, I must add that the above change does not work on *royale 0.9.8*.
I tested it again. it still does not work.

I will have to port my work from royale 0.9.8 to 0.9.7.


On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 8:37 PM Roman Isitua  wrote:

> Just an update on this issue. I implemented the above using royale 0.9.8.
> I decided to try the same thing on royale 0.9.7. It is still working
> however I can see a log message that is not available when running on 0.9.8
> Here it is
> *warning: no describeType entry for 'lovBO' on non-dynamic type
> 'LovController'*
> What is the meaning of this warning ?  From the log below it is clear the
> setter injection failed. Hence the reason the dropdown is not being
> populated.
> InjectProcessor set up [Inject(
> source="logInController.logInParams", bind="true" )] on Bean{ source:
> [object Object], name: null }
> * warning: no describeType entry for 'lovBO' on non-dynamic
> type 'LovController' Uncaught Error: Unexpected
> result*
> at
> org.apache.royale.crux.processors.InjectProcessor.addPropertyBinding
> (
> at org.apache.royale.crux.processors.InjectProcessor.setUpMetadataTag
> (
> at
> (
> at org.apache.royale.crux.BeanFactory.setUpBean (
> at
> (
> at
> (
> at org.apache.royale.crux.BeanFactory.setUpEventHandler
> (
> at
> (
> at
> (eventtarget.js:372)
> at
> org.apache.royale.crux.beads.JSStageEvents.org_apache_royale_crux_beads_JSStageEvents_mutationDetected
> (
> I have attached the complete log to this mail
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 7:44 PM Roman Isitua 
> wrote:
>> Thanks for helping out.
>> I forgot to attach the GenericLOV source code.
>> Find attached to this email.
>> On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 6:48 PM Maria Jose Esteve 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Roman,
>>> I saw your previous code and now I will see this one you attach. I will
>>> try to help you BUT I don't know if I will be able to because although I
>>> use Crux and amf my implementation is different from yours and I don't
>>> control all the concepts (my original project was set up by a Royale expert
>>> company).
>>> I'll let you know if I get something.
>>> Hiedra.
>>> *De:* Roman Isitua 
>>> *Enviado el:* sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2021 18:37
>>> *Para:*
>>> *Asunto:* crux not injecting model in view
>>> I intend to populate a jewel drop down with data from the server. I have
>>> configured the controller and service in the Beans.xml file.
>>> From the logs injection happens.
>>> However, I have observed that the model is not injected into the view.
>>> Any ideas ?
>>> My code is implemented as follows
>>> LovBO
>>>  public class LovBO
>>>   /**
>>>  * The [Dispatcher] metadata tag instructs Crux to inject an event 
>>> dispatcher.
>>>  * Event's dispatched via this dispatcher can trigger event 
>>> mediators.
>>>  */
>>> [Dispatcher]

Re: crux not injecting model in view

2021-09-18 Thread Roman Isitua
Just an update on this issue. I implemented the above using royale 0.9.8.

I decided to try the same thing on royale 0.9.7. It is still working
however I can see a log message that is not available when running on 0.9.8

Here it is

*warning: no describeType entry for 'lovBO' on non-dynamic type

What is the meaning of this warning ?  From the log below it is clear the
setter injection failed. Hence the reason the dropdown is not being
populated. InjectProcessor set up [Inject(
source="logInController.logInParams", bind="true" )] on Bean{ source:
[object Object], name: null }

* warning: no describeType entry for 'lovBO' on non-dynamic
type 'LovController' Uncaught Error: Unexpected
at org.apache.royale.crux.processors.InjectProcessor.addPropertyBinding
at org.apache.royale.crux.processors.InjectProcessor.setUpMetadataTag
at org.apache.royale.crux.BeanFactory.setUpBean (
at (
at org.apache.royale.crux.BeanFactory.setUpEventHandler

I have attached the complete log to this mail

On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 7:44 PM Roman Isitua  wrote:

> Thanks for helping out.
> I forgot to attach the GenericLOV source code.
> Find attached to this email.
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 6:48 PM Maria Jose Esteve 
> wrote:
>> Hi Roman,
>> I saw your previous code and now I will see this one you attach. I will
>> try to help you BUT I don't know if I will be able to because although I
>> use Crux and amf my implementation is different from yours and I don't
>> control all the concepts (my original project was set up by a Royale expert
>> company).
>> I'll let you know if I get something.
>> Hiedra.
>> *De:* Roman Isitua 
>> *Enviado el:* sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2021 18:37
>> *Para:*
>> *Asunto:* crux not injecting model in view
>> I intend to populate a jewel drop down with data from the server. I have
>> configured the controller and service in the Beans.xml file.
>> From the logs injection happens.
>> However, I have observed that the model is not injected into the view.
>> Any ideas ?
>> My code is implemented as follows
>> LovBO
>>  public class LovBO
>>   /**
>>  * The [Dispatcher] metadata tag instructs Crux to inject an event 
>> dispatcher.
>>  * Event's dispatched via this dispatcher can trigger event 
>> mediators.
>>  */
>> [Dispatcher]
>> public var dispatcher : IEventDispatcher;
>>   [Inject( "lovService" )]
>>   public var lovService:RemoteObject;
>>   [Inject]
>>   public var serviceHelper:ServiceHelper;
>>   public var _lovs:Array;
>>   public var _lovs2:ArrayList;
>> LovController
>>  public class LovController
>>  [Inject]
>>  public var lovBO:LovBO;
>>//  [Bindable]
>>  public var genericLovs:ArrayList;
>>public function LovController()
>>trace('  -- LovController -- ');
>>  * [PostConstruct] methods are invoked after all dependencies are 
>> injected.
>>  * In this example,

Re: crux not injecting model in view

2021-09-18 Thread Roman Isitua
Thanks for helping out.

I forgot to attach the GenericLOV source code.

Find attached to this email.

On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 6:48 PM Maria Jose Esteve  wrote:

> Hi Roman,
> I saw your previous code and now I will see this one you attach. I will
> try to help you BUT I don't know if I will be able to because although I
> use Crux and amf my implementation is different from yours and I don't
> control all the concepts (my original project was set up by a Royale expert
> company).
> I'll let you know if I get something.
> Hiedra.
> *De:* Roman Isitua 
> *Enviado el:* sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2021 18:37
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* crux not injecting model in view
> I intend to populate a jewel drop down with data from the server. I have
> configured the controller and service in the Beans.xml file.
> From the logs injection happens.
> However, I have observed that the model is not injected into the view.
> Any ideas ?
> My code is implemented as follows
> LovBO
>  public class LovBO
>   /**
>  * The [Dispatcher] metadata tag instructs Crux to inject an event 
> dispatcher.
>  * Event's dispatched via this dispatcher can trigger event mediators.
>  */
> [Dispatcher]
> public var dispatcher : IEventDispatcher;
>   [Inject( "lovService" )]
>   public var lovService:RemoteObject;
>   [Inject]
>   public var serviceHelper:ServiceHelper;
>   public var _lovs:Array;
>   public var _lovs2:ArrayList;
> LovController
>  public class LovController
>  [Inject]
>  public var lovBO:LovBO;
>//  [Bindable]
>  public var genericLovs:ArrayList;
>public function LovController()
>trace('  -- LovController -- ');
>  * [PostConstruct] methods are invoked after all dependencies are 
> injected.
>  * In this example, we set up a default user after the bean is 
> created.
>  */
> [PostConstruct]
> public function fetchLovs() : void
> {
> trace(' -- [PostConstruct] fetch lovs country prefix  -- ');
> //genericLovs = lovBO.lov2;
> lovBO.lov2;
> }
> Beans.xml
> The application.mxml
> xmlns:js="library://"
> xmlns:j="library://"
> xmlns:crux="library://"
> xmlns:config="*"
> xmlns:views="*"
> initialize="setUp;initApp(event);">
> eventPackages="*"
> viewPackages="*"
> />
> MainView.mxml ( I have attached the complete source for the MainView.xml.
> and the other classes)
> xmlns:j="library://"
> xmlns:js="library://"
> xmlns:html="library://"
> initComplete="initCompleteHandler(event)"
> xmlns:views="*"
> >

crux not injecting model in view

2021-09-18 Thread Roman Isitua
I intend to populate a jewel drop down with data from the server. I have
configured the controller and service in the Beans.xml file.
>From the logs injection happens.

However, I have observed that the model is not injected into the view.

Any ideas ?

My code is implemented as follows


 public class LovBO

 * The [Dispatcher] metadata tag instructs Crux to inject an
event dispatcher.
 * Event's dispatched via this dispatcher can trigger event mediators.
public var dispatcher : IEventDispatcher;

  [Inject( "lovService" )]
  public var lovService:RemoteObject;

  public var serviceHelper:ServiceHelper;

  public var _lovs:Array;

  public var _lovs2:ArrayList;


 public class LovController
 public var lovBO:LovBO;

   //  [Bindable]
 public var genericLovs:ArrayList;

   public function LovController()
   trace('  -- LovController -- ');

 * [PostConstruct] methods are invoked after all dependencies
are injected.
 * In this example, we set up a default user after the bean is created.
public function fetchLovs() : void

trace(' -- [PostConstruct] fetch lovs country prefix  -- ');

//genericLovs = lovBO.lov2;



The application.mxml;



MainView.mxml ( I have attached the complete source for the MainView.xml.
and the other classes);




Populate a drop down in a crux app

2021-09-17 Thread Roman Isitua
Hi Everyone,

I have created a model class to fetch a list of values from my back end then
configured it as follows in the Beans.xml:


In my MainView.xml

I injected it as follows


My drop downlist was configured to have a data provider


When I run the application the drop down list is not populated.

Any idea what I am missing  ?

LovModel2 has it's own dependencies which have been injected. I can see log
messages to confirm this.
However, there are no log messages to show that LovModel2 was injected into

I might be wrong but it appears that crux did not inject lovModel2 into
MainView.xml hence the reason the drop down is not populated.

I tried to follow the crux based todo mvc as much as possible.

I have attached my configuration.


Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

  1   2   >