First JDBC tomcat app

2006-02-24 Thread David McMinn
I'm stepping through the example Professional Apache Tomcat 5 book by Wrox in 
Chapter 14 - I have set up the mysql database and confirmed it works and set up 
the tomcat server and confirmed that I can see my index.jsp page. When I try to 
go to http://localhost:8070/jsp-examples/wroxjdbc/JDBCTest.jsp
  I get a standard The page cannot be displayed page.
  I've included all my steps below. Anyone that can help is most appreciated. 
Thanks in advance.Dave
  Steps I have done
  1) Created a DB called everycitizen and a table called test with a column 
called pk. Created user everyuser w/ a password and granted Select privileges 
to that user.
  2) Copied the mysql-connector-java-3.1.12-bin.jar into 
  3)Added the following to the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml just before the 
/Host tag. Password is blotted out.
 !-- added by DM 2/22/2006 --
  Resource name=jdbc/WroxTC5 auth=Container type=javax.sql.Datasource
  username=everyuser password=everypass maxActive=20 maxIdle=3 
  4) Added the following to the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/jsp-examples/WEB-INF 
web.xml file at the bottom just before the /web-app entry after the last 

  5) Added the JDBCTest.jsp file and the errorpg.jsp file to 
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/jsp-examples/wroxjdbc directory. I created the wroxjdbc 
folder. The JDBC Test is:
  %@ page errorPage=errorpg.jsp
 javax.naming.Context %
   h1JDBC JNDI Resource Test/h1
  InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
  DataSource ds = (DataSource)initCtx.lookup(java:comp/env/jdbc/WroxTC5);
  Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
  Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
  ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(select * from test;);
  table width = '600' border='1'
th align='left'/th
   while (
trtd %=rset.getInt(0)%/td/tr
   % } 
  and the errorpg is:
   %@ page isErrorPage=true %
  h1 An error has occurred /h1
  %= exception.getMessage() %

Re: why use mod_jk?

2006-02-24 Thread Bill Barker

Brad O'Hearne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 After wasting time trying to configure mod_jk, I thought I'd just wipe my 
 mind free and just play dumb for a moment. If Apache can proxy requests 
 using mod_proxy, what is the benefit of using mod_jk as an integration 
 technique between httpd and tomcat, if integration is *not* in-process, 
 which I understand is not recommended for Tomcat 5.5?

Actually, in-process with mod_jk is only supported (and, I use the term 
lightly :) for TC 3.3.x.  For any higher versions it doesn't work at all.

You've managed to grasp the deep, dark plan of the Tomcat developers:  It is 
expected that people will migrate to mod_proxy_ajp with Httpd 2.2+, and 
mod_jk is expected to move to supporting IIS/SunOne only (and, the later 
only if somebody steps up with interest :).


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Re: why use mod_jk?

2006-02-24 Thread Mladen Turk

Brad O'Hearne wrote:
After wasting time trying to configure mod_jk, I thought I'd just wipe 
my mind free and just play dumb for a moment. If Apache can proxy 
requests using mod_proxy, what is the benefit of using mod_jk as an 
integration technique between httpd and tomcat,

Faster up to 50% over mod_proxy by using constant connection pool.
Uses AJP protocol (binary HTTP)
Load balancing
Graceful shutdown of nodes in the cluster
Hot standby
Domain model clustering

if integration is *not* 
in-process, which I understand is not recommended for Tomcat 5.5?

In-process integration is bad idea because most modern web servers
offer so called master-child mechanism, where the master process
monitors the child and recycles it in case of error.
If you put JVM inside web server process address space then you'll
be not able to have load balancing and multiple backend servers, and
if some cgi script kills your web server child process, it will kill
your application server as well.

Apache is using multiple child processes for serving requests, and
that would mean that you would need that many JVM instances.
Prefork mpm or Apache 1.3 creates a separate process for each client
connection, so for 100 concurrent client connections you would
end up with 100 JVM instances.

That's the reason why JNI was usable only on Windows or Netware which
mpm's have a single child process. Even on those, things like
MaxRequestsPerChild 1 would try to kill the Tomcat after each 1000
requests. Since it would try to start a new instance befor killing the
old one, you'll end up in server crash.

So, totally unusable. Having process separation between web and
application server rises both stability and overall security.


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Re: why use mod_jk?

2006-02-24 Thread Brad O'Hearne
mod_proxy_ajp? Yet another twist. Its just hard for me to believe that 
how do I integrate tomcat and apache httpd? is such a mystery / 
unknown. This seems like it would be question #1 on any Tomcat FAQ.

So where can I found out more about mod_proxy_ajp. Is there a Tomcat 
resource which explains the configuration of it?


Bill Barker wrote:

Brad O'Hearne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

After wasting time trying to configure mod_jk, I thought I'd just wipe my 
mind free and just play dumb for a moment. If Apache can proxy requests 
using mod_proxy, what is the benefit of using mod_jk as an integration 
technique between httpd and tomcat, if integration is *not* in-process, 
which I understand is not recommended for Tomcat 5.5?


Actually, in-process with mod_jk is only supported (and, I use the term 
lightly :) for TC 3.3.x.  For any higher versions it doesn't work at all.

You've managed to grasp the deep, dark plan of the Tomcat developers:  It is 
expected that people will migrate to mod_proxy_ajp with Httpd 2.2+, and 
mod_jk is expected to move to supporting IIS/SunOne only (and, the later 
only if somebody steps up with interest :).



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Re: why use mod_jk?

2006-02-24 Thread Bill Barker

Brad O'Hearne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 mod_proxy_ajp? Yet another twist. Its just hard for me to believe that 
 how do I integrate tomcat and apache httpd? is such a mystery / unknown. 
 This seems like it would be question #1 on any Tomcat FAQ.

 So where can I found out more about mod_proxy_ajp. Is there a Tomcat 
 resource which explains the configuration of it?

Nope, since it all under the Httpd project :).  You can start with:, and then move on to

The simplest configuration looks like:
  ProxyPass /myapp ajp://localhost:8009/myapp


 Bill Barker wrote:

Brad O'Hearne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

After wasting time trying to configure mod_jk, I thought I'd just wipe my 
mind free and just play dumb for a moment. If Apache can proxy requests 
using mod_proxy, what is the benefit of using mod_jk as an integration 
technique between httpd and tomcat, if integration is *not* in-process, 
which I understand is not recommended for Tomcat 5.5?

Actually, in-process with mod_jk is only supported (and, I use the term 
lightly :) for TC 3.3.x.  For any higher versions it doesn't work at all.

You've managed to grasp the deep, dark plan of the Tomcat developers:  It 
is expected that people will migrate to mod_proxy_ajp with Httpd 2.2+, and 
mod_jk is expected to move to supporting IIS/SunOne only (and, the later 
only if somebody steps up with interest :).


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Re: context.xml: ClassNotFoundException

2006-02-24 Thread Tremal Naik
2006/2/23, Caldarale, Charles R [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Can you verify that the following does not exist:

 where [hostname] is usually localhost?

the file exists, but it's identical to the one I put in my app
META-INF. Even if I delete it, it's re-created.


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Some Questions about SingleSignOn Valve

2006-02-24 Thread frank . schaare
i?ve tried to use the SingleSignOn Valve which works fine for the Tomcat Host.
Now, i?d like to authentificate against an external (Apache) Application. My

1.: i found an article that ssoValve writes Cookies to store remoteUser
information. I searched for that Cookie which should be named something like
'JSESSIONIDSSO' but didn?t found anything. Is that Cookie always written or is
URLRewriting also used by Tomcat ?

2.: Then, i tried to store my own remoteUser information in a xml-file.
Therefore, i need to filter the j_security_check action. Unfortunately, my
Tomcat 5.0.28 does not filter the j_security_check, it seems to be exceptet
from the filterChain aaarrgh...
What are my options now ? How do i put SessionID and remoteUser into that file ?

I appreciate any suggestion, url, pdf etc that will help me out.

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Re: Changing content of response on canceled basic authentication

2006-02-24 Thread Oliver Schoenwald

Hello David,

this solved my problem! Now my site works as wanted.

Thank you very very much,

Oliver Schoenwald

David Delbecq schrieb:

put your response.setHeader(WWW-Authenticate,Basic
realm=\MySystem\); insode your error page instead of authentification
servlet. (I guess sendError() clear all headers)

Oliver Schoenwald a écrit :


Hello fellow tomcat users,

I'm running Tomcat 5.5.4 with Apache 2.0.54 and mod_jk.
The system uses basic authentication to serve certain pages
for authenticated users.

One of my users said that if he enters my system and is
being asked to authenticate via that popup-windows, he
sometimes hits the cancel-button of that popup-window.
After that he his shown a page that seems to be generated
from tomcat:

HTTP Status 401 - unauthorized

*type* Status report

*message* _unauthorized_

*description* _This request requires HTTP authentication (unauthorized)._

Apache Tomcat/5.5.7

The users said (and I concur) that this page is not only too technical,
but it doesn't contain any informations for users that have forgotten
their passwords or have to apply for their own account.

Recently I tried out to set the error-page in web.xml for
response-code 401
to show a certain page with infos about forgotten passwords and how to
apply for a new
account, but after I restarted the server noone was able to login any
Whenever someone tried to open one page that required authentication,
the defined error-page for error 401 was shown and no authentication
was passed to the client.

Here some internas about my application:

My web application is handling authentication internally, meaning I don't
use an authentication realm in web.xml. A central Controller-Servlet (the
one and only servlet of the whole web application, viva MVC) decides when
a certain request requires authentication. When the requires
credentials are
not already part of the request, the Controller-Servlet sends the
as response using the Servlet-API:

response.setHeader(WWW-Authenticate,Basic realm=\MySystem\);

Note: response is the HttpServletResponse-Object.

When no error-page for error 401 is defined in web.xml that works

Here my questions:
Can I configure tomcat properly without changing its code to send another
authentication required-page instead of the defaut error-content?

Thank you in advance,

Oliver Schönwald


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Shared Lib files

2006-02-24 Thread Amar
  I been using shared lib directory for mail.jar and activation.jar for
mailing through java method. It was working fine when tomcat was running on
port 8080. after few days i redirected to tomcat using apache_mod_jk2 file.
then tomcat was now not recognizing those lib files. when i kept those lib
file in application web-inf/lib directory. It again working fine.
 did this happen because of mis-configuration of some file when i
redirected using mod_jk2 connector. What i think is application is not able
to load shared library file through mod_jk2. Help in this reagard whould be
a great help.

Thanks and regard

Tomcat servlet load handling

2006-02-24 Thread foo shyn

I face problems when Tomcat is facing heavy load for a particular servlet. I
got a servlet which serves a large amount of data to users. When a
particular number of users is accessing this servlet, others failed to reach
it (receive nothing until the connection timed out). If they access other
servlets on the same Tomcat there won't be any problem.

My Questions are: Is it that the Tomcat have any settings to allow how many
users to be able to access a servlets at the same time? or is it that my
Servlets need to follow certain coding pattern? What would prevent the users
from accessing the Tomcat's servlet when other's running it as well?

I'm running on Tomcat 4.1 with J2SDK 1.4.2

Any opinions and feedbacks are welcomed.


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Tomcat IP and Session ID's

2006-02-24 Thread Paul Roberts

I have a question regarding IP address and session ID's.

If a user on IP Address 1 connects to the Tomcat server and is given
session ID A, what happens if that session ID is hijacked by someone on
IP address 2 and then used for a further request. How would the
different version of Tomcat react to this, if at all. Specifically does
Tomcat hold a relationship between IP address and session ID which is
checked on each subsequent request.

Are you using the latest version of MSN Messenger? Download MSN Messenger 
7.5 today!

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Re: Multiple webapps using one war file

2006-02-24 Thread David Delbecq
While it is possible to put some of the librarie out of .war, inside
common, you must be aware of side effects. Libraries like struts are not
designed to run  multiple context within a given classloader (The
servelt, for example, can only be instanciated once). I don't know for
Hibernate and for etc :)

Also, you could take a look at .ear if you need to play with a common
part and multiple .war. But tomcat does not deploy .ear, you must use a
full featured J2EE container for this.
Mikolaj Rydzewski a écrit :


 I've got rather complex web application (struts, hibernate, etc) which
 runs on Tomcat. There is a need to deploy this webapp for various
 customers. The only difference between them is the database they
 connect to, well, almost the only one ;-)

 Is there any way to reuse one war file and map it to several contexts?
 I could give application's parameters (like jndi connection uri )
 within context.xml descriptor. Every deploy takes several MB of
 memory, and it's a waste to have hibernate and required jars five
 times in memory.

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Re: Multiple webapps using one war file

2006-02-24 Thread Danny Lee

I have the same situation as you,

right now working on admin interface, which actually does a lot of same 
stuff as a web app (most of the Hibernate stuff / persistance manager 
classes/ lot of business logic).

But after lot of thinking, I supose it's not a good idea to share the 
stuff, becouse:

1) It's quite hard to implement clean.
2) You can't separate the logic later.

If it's really so, that you only have different DB's, just use only one 
App and some sort of parameter, to choose the right DB in each case. It

have to be quite easy with Hibernate.


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Re: First JDBC tomcat app

2006-02-24 Thread Robert Taylor

What do the logs say?
Have you tried connecting to MySQL outside of Tomcat?
Does that work?
Can you get the page to display without the JDBC stuff in it?


David McMinn wrote:

I'm stepping through the example Professional Apache Tomcat 5 book by Wrox in 
Chapter 14 - I have set up the mysql database and confirmed it works and set up 
the tomcat server and confirmed that I can see my index.jsp page. When I try to 
go to http://localhost:8070/jsp-examples/wroxjdbc/JDBCTest.jsp
  I get a standard The page cannot be displayed page.
  I've included all my steps below. Anyone that can help is most appreciated. Thanks in advance.Dave
  Steps I have done
  1) Created a DB called everycitizen and a table called test with a column called pk. Created user everyuser w/ a password and granted Select privileges to that user.

  2) Copied the mysql-connector-java-3.1.12-bin.jar into 
  3)Added the following to the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml just before the 
/Host tag. Password is blotted out.
 !-- added by DM 2/22/2006 --

  Resource name=jdbc/WroxTC5 auth=Container type=javax.sql.Datasource
  username=everyuser password=everypass maxActive=20 maxIdle=3 
  4) Added the following to the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/jsp-examples/WEB-INF web.xml file at the bottom just before the /web-app entry after the last env-entry. 


  5) Added the JDBCTest.jsp file and the errorpg.jsp file to 
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/jsp-examples/wroxjdbc directory. I created the wroxjdbc 
folder. The JDBC Test is:

  %@ page errorPage=errorpg.jsp
 javax.naming.Context %
   h1JDBC JNDI Resource Test/h1
  InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
  DataSource ds = (DataSource)initCtx.lookup(java:comp/env/jdbc/WroxTC5);
  Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
  Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
  ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(select * from test;);
  table width = '600' border='1'
th align='left'/th
   while (
trtd %=rset.getInt(0)%/td/tr
   % } 

  and the errorpg is:

   %@ page isErrorPage=true %
  h1 An error has occurred /h1
  %= exception.getMessage() %

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RE: AccessLogValve - tomcat 5.0.x logging to syslog?!

2006-02-24 Thread Becker, Thomas, VF-Group
Hey Tim,

Thanks a lot. Yes it's a unix system. But I'll probably try then to
write my own AccessLogValve implementation. No clue, if my skills are
sufficient, but I can at least try.

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2006 12:51
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: AccessLogValve - tomcat 5.0.x logging to syslog?!

You'd need to implement your own access log valve class to write to
OR if you are using a Unix system you *might* be able to try this

1) Create a named pipe (using mkfifo)
2) Configure AccessLogValve to NOT rotate and use that named pipe
3) Run a program which reads from the fifo and writes to syslog, for
example, this tiny perl script:

use Sys::Syslog;
open(FIFO, $myFifoFile) ||die this won't be pretty, $!;
while(FIFO) {
system('logger', '-t', 'tomcat', '-p', '', $_); }


Becker, Thomas, VF-Group wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 I've searched the internet and experimented around getting the 
 I want to have tomcat logging it's access log to syslog.
 I already successfully have catalina.out and all the server's logs 
 written through log4j, which makes logging to syslog quite easy.
 Only the AccessLogValve is causing me headaches. I don't have any idea

 anymore on how to get it logged through l4j or directly to syslog.

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Re: Tomcat IP and Session ID's

2006-02-24 Thread Danny Lee

Well In my situation it just works,
if you copy something like


in another browser - nothing happens ;) I don't know why, but I like it. 
 I use cookies for session management, couse I need them in some other 


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RE: Tomcat IP and Session ID's

2006-02-24 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Paul Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I have a question regarding IP address and session ID's.
 If a user on IP Address 1 connects to the Tomcat server and is given
 session ID A, what happens if that session ID is hijacked by 
 someone on
 IP address 2 and then used for a further request. How would the
 different version of Tomcat react to this, if at all. 
 Specifically does
 Tomcat hold a relationship between IP address and session ID which is
 checked on each subsequent request.

No.  In fact, Tomcat should not do so - some users access Web servers
via a farm of proxy servers, and different servers in the farm (with
different IP addresses) might make different requests for the same user,
even when that user is loading (say) images on a single page.

If you want to prevent hijacking of session IDs, the session must be
over HTTPS, not HTTP.

- Peter

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RE: Need help with click streams

2006-02-24 Thread Tim Lucia
Tomcat has an access log mechanism, aka access valve.  This will log what
URLs are requested, which may or may not be what the user clicked, of

 -Original Message-
 From: S, Ashwath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 1:26 AM
 Subject: Need help with click streams
 I need to extract the click Stream logs from tomcat. Is this 
 possible?? I would like to know who's clicked what, when and 
 how many times. I need these stats for analytic purposes...
 Ashwath S
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RE: Tomcat servlet load handling

2006-02-24 Thread Tim Lucia
It is the Connector element which you need to adjust, i.e., up the
maxThreads value.


 -Original Message-
 From: foo shyn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 6:05 AM
 Subject: Tomcat servlet load handling
 I face problems when Tomcat is facing heavy load for a 
 particular servlet. I got a servlet which serves a large 
 amount of data to users. When a particular number of users is 
 accessing this servlet, others failed to reach it (receive 
 nothing until the connection timed out). If they access other 
 servlets on the same Tomcat there won't be any problem.
 My Questions are: Is it that the Tomcat have any settings to 
 allow how many users to be able to access a servlets at the 
 same time? or is it that my Servlets need to follow certain 
 coding pattern? What would prevent the users from accessing 
 the Tomcat's servlet when other's running it as well?
 I'm running on Tomcat 4.1 with J2SDK 1.4.2
 Any opinions and feedbacks are welcomed.
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Page not recompiling after being touched

2006-02-24 Thread Robert Taylor


I'm running Tomcat 5.5.15 on Win2k.
I have an Ant script which I used to start and stop tomcat and I pass it 
a customized server.xml file. My Context is not embedded in server.xml 
but rather in a separate context.xml file under /META-INF directory in 
my web app.

The server.xml file sets my host appbase to be a target directory 
created during my build process. I can get tomcat started, and display 
my web app, but if I modify a page in that target directory, Tomcat is 
not picking them up until I stop and start it.

Is there some attribute I need to set in order for Tomcat to pick up 
changes to .jsp pages in the target directory at run time?

Below are relative portions of my server.xml and context.xml docs:

Server port=@SERVER_PORT@ shutdown=SHUTDOWN
  Service name=@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Connector port=@SERVICE_CONNECTOR_PORT@ maxHttpHeaderSize=8192
   maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443
   connectionTimeout=2 disableUploadTimeout=true /

Engine name=@[EMAIL PROTECTED] defaultHost=localhost
  Host name=localhost appBase=@APP_BASE@
deployOnStartup=true autoDeploy=false /

Context override=true

Any advice or RTFM would be appreciated.


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Re: why use mod_jk?

2006-02-24 Thread Jess Holle

If you're using Apache 1.3.x or 2.0.x, mod_jk is pretty simple overall.

No, you don't want to even try in-process stuff and, yes, if you have a 
firewall in between Apache and Tomcat that drops idle connections you 
should read carefully (this is covered by the docs).

The only big complaint I have is that the mod_jk docs don't make it 
terribly clear (or didn't last I checked) exactly how to set jvmRoute in 
Tomcat and how extraordinarily critical this is when doing load 
balancing.  The Tomcat docs don't make this terribly clear either -- 
apart from a comment in server.xml.  Most everyone I know who tries 
mod_jk load balancing gets hung up on this one point unless/until I give 
them a detailed explanation.  Apart from the lack of clear/obvious 
information on this in the mod_jk docs (which should include it 
considering most folk won't think to check both mod_jk and Tomcat docs), 
this is actually very simple as well, though.

I am looking forward to mod_proxy_ajp as it is supposed be a tiny bit 

Jess Holle

Brad O'Hearne wrote:
mod_proxy_ajp? Yet another twist. Its just hard for me to believe that 
how do I integrate tomcat and apache httpd? is such a mystery / 
unknown. This seems like it would be question #1 on any Tomcat FAQ.

So where can I found out more about mod_proxy_ajp. Is there a Tomcat 
resource which explains the configuration of it?


Bill Barker wrote:

Brad O'Hearne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

After wasting time trying to configure mod_jk, I thought I'd just 
wipe my mind free and just play dumb for a moment. If Apache can 
proxy requests using mod_proxy, what is the benefit of using mod_jk 
as an integration technique between httpd and tomcat, if integration 
is *not* in-process, which I understand is not recommended for 
Tomcat 5.5?


Actually, in-process with mod_jk is only supported (and, I use the 
term lightly :) for TC 3.3.x.  For any higher versions it doesn't 
work at all.

You've managed to grasp the deep, dark plan of the Tomcat 
developers:  It is expected that people will migrate to mod_proxy_ajp 
with Httpd 2.2+, and mod_jk is expected to move to supporting 
IIS/SunOne only (and, the later only if somebody steps up with 
interest :).



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I got an error on import org.apache.xpath recompiling with Tomcat5 and JDK5

2006-02-24 Thread Wentink, Marc
Dear Group, 

Which jars am I missing, and were can I find them when I got an error on import 

I am trying to move from jdk1.4 and Tomcat4, to jdk5 and Tomcat5

I have installed Tomcat Core version:

I have changed my CLASSPATH to: C:\Program 

My common lib contains:

C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-5.5.15\common\libls
commons-el.jar   jasper-runtime.jar   naming-factory.jar
jasper-compiler-jdt.jar  jsp-api.jar  naming-resources.jar
jasper-compiler.jar  naming-factory-dbcp.jar  servlet-api.jar

Recompiling my java source containing a servlet gives me the following error:

[javac] E:\cvs\projecten\java\pdfgen\src\net\antonius\pdfgen\ 
package org.apache.xpath does not exist
[javac] import org.apache.xpath.*;

I did not have the error with Tomcat4, JDK1.4 and a classpath including 
servlet.jar from Tomcat4.

Should I have installed another distribution of Tomcat5.5 ? One containing the 
jars I am missing?

Kind Regards, and my appriciation in advance,
Marc Wentink

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RE: Tomcat IP and Session ID's

2006-02-24 Thread Paul Roberts

Thank you.
I was wondering, over and above encrypting the communications channel how 
does HTTPS help to prevent session ID hijacking?


Paul Roberts.

From: Peter Crowther [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Tomcat IP and Session ID's
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 11:51:44 -

 From: Paul Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have a question regarding IP address and session ID's.

 If a user on IP Address 1 connects to the Tomcat server and is given
 session ID A, what happens if that session ID is hijacked by
 someone on
 IP address 2 and then used for a further request. How would the
 different version of Tomcat react to this, if at all.
 Specifically does
 Tomcat hold a relationship between IP address and session ID which is
 checked on each subsequent request.

No.  In fact, Tomcat should not do so - some users access Web servers
via a farm of proxy servers, and different servers in the farm (with
different IP addresses) might make different requests for the same user,
even when that user is loading (say) images on a single page.

If you want to prevent hijacking of session IDs, the session must be
over HTTPS, not HTTP.

- Peter

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RE: I got an error on import org.apache.xpath recompiling with Tomcat5 and JDK5

2006-02-24 Thread Wentink, Marc

Just read some more documentation and it seems the whole java xml xpath libs 
changed from jdk 1.4 to jdk5, right? So a servlet doing something with XML 
would have to be rewritten totally and could better just stay on Tomcat4 and 

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Re: I got an error on import org.apache.xpath recompiling with Tomcat5 and JDK5

2006-02-24 Thread David Delbecq
You are missing the xalan jars:

btw, you should not have your compilation depends on any tomcat lib,
unless you are building specific tomcat extensions (like realms)

Wentink, Marc a écrit :

Dear Group, 

Which jars am I missing, and were can I find them when I got an error on 
import org.apache.xpath?

I am trying to move from jdk1.4 and Tomcat4, to jdk5 and Tomcat5

I have installed Tomcat Core version:

I have changed my CLASSPATH to: C:\Program 

My common lib contains:

C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-5.5.15\common\libls
commons-el.jar   jasper-runtime.jar   naming-factory.jar
jasper-compiler-jdt.jar  jsp-api.jar  naming-resources.jar
jasper-compiler.jar  naming-factory-dbcp.jar  servlet-api.jar

Recompiling my java source containing a servlet gives me the following error:

[javac] E:\cvs\projecten\java\pdfgen\src\net\antonius\pdfgen\ 
package org.apache.xpath does not exist
[javac] import org.apache.xpath.*;

I did not have the error with Tomcat4, JDK1.4 and a classpath including 
servlet.jar from Tomcat4.

Should I have installed another distribution of Tomcat5.5 ? One containing the 
jars I am missing?

Kind Regards, and my appriciation in advance,
Marc Wentink

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RE: Need help with click streams

2006-02-24 Thread Duan, Nick
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-Original Message-
From: Tim Lucia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 7:31 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Need help with click streams

Tomcat has an access log mechanism, aka access valve.  This will log
URLs are requested, which may or may not be what the user clicked, of

 -Original Message-
 From: S, Ashwath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 1:26 AM
 Subject: Need help with click streams
 I need to extract the click Stream logs from tomcat. Is this 
 possible?? I would like to know who's clicked what, when and 
 how many times. I need these stats for analytic purposes...
 Ashwath S
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RE: Tomcat servlet load handling

2006-02-24 Thread Duan, Nick
I assume that your web app was dealing with a backend database.  In that
case, it is quite possible that your JDBC data source is running out of
connections.  So the timeout is not necessarily caused by the servlet,
but by the connection pool.  One option is to increase the number of
connections in the connection pool.  8 out 10 times this can be the


-Original Message-
From: foo shyn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 6:05 AM
Subject: Tomcat servlet load handling


I face problems when Tomcat is facing heavy load for a particular
servlet. I
got a servlet which serves a large amount of data to users. When a
particular number of users is accessing this servlet, others failed to
it (receive nothing until the connection timed out). If they access
servlets on the same Tomcat there won't be any problem.

My Questions are: Is it that the Tomcat have any settings to allow how
users to be able to access a servlets at the same time? or is it that my
Servlets need to follow certain coding pattern? What would prevent the
from accessing the Tomcat's servlet when other's running it as well?

I'm running on Tomcat 4.1 with J2SDK 1.4.2

Any opinions and feedbacks are welcomed.


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RE: Tomcat IP and Session ID's

2006-02-24 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Paul Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I was wondering, over and above encrypting the communications 
 channel how does HTTPS help to prevent session ID hijacking?

To my knowledge, it doesn't (better heads than me may wish to contradict
me here).  But keeping a randomly-generated session ID encrypted during
communication is exactly as strong as keeping (say) your credit card
information, or your bank account login and password encrypted across
the wire.  It's pretty clear that most organisations are willing to
trust SSL for financial information; if you are doing something that
requires higher security than that, you'll want to investigate
additional mechanisms such as client certificates.

- Peter

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RE: Tomcat IP and Session ID's

2006-02-24 Thread Tim Lucia
By encrypting the entire conversation, including the cookies.  Remember that
SSL is wrapped around http, otherwise we could support multiple named
virtual hosts using SSL.

-Original Message-
From: Paul Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 9:23 AM
Subject: RE: Tomcat IP and Session ID's

Thank you.
I was wondering, over and above encrypting the communications channel how
does HTTPS help to prevent session ID hijacking?


Paul Roberts.

From: Peter Crowther [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Tomcat IP and Session ID's
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 11:51:44 -

  From: Paul Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I have a question regarding IP address and session ID's.
  If a user on IP Address 1 connects to the Tomcat server and is given 
  session ID A, what happens if that session ID is hijacked by someone 
  on IP address 2 and then used for a further request. How would the 
  different version of Tomcat react to this, if at all.
  Specifically does
  Tomcat hold a relationship between IP address and session ID which 
  is checked on each subsequent request.

No.  In fact, Tomcat should not do so - some users access Web servers 
via a farm of proxy servers, and different servers in the farm (with 
different IP addresses) might make different requests for the same 
user, even when that user is loading (say) images on a single page.

If you want to prevent hijacking of session IDs, the session must be 
over HTTPS, not HTTP.

   - Peter

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Re: why use mod_jk?

2006-02-24 Thread Brad O'Hearne


Thanks for the reply. Responses below:

On Feb 24, 2006, at 6:51 AM, Jess Holle wrote:

If you're using Apache 1.3.x or 2.0.x, mod_jk is pretty simple  

No, you don't want to even try in-process stuff and, yes, if you  
have a firewall in between Apache and Tomcat that drops idle  
connections you should read carefully (this is covered by the docs).

The only big complaint I have is that the mod_jk docs don't make it  
terribly clear (or didn't last I checked) exactly how to set  
jvmRoute in Tomcat and how extraordinarily critical this is when  
doing load balancing.  The Tomcat docs don't make this terribly  
clear either -- apart from a comment in server.xml.  Most everyone  
I know who tries mod_jk load balancing gets hung up on this one  
point unless/until I give them a detailed explanation.  Apart from  
the lack of clear/obvious information on this in the mod_jk docs  
(which should include it considering most folk won't think to check  
both mod_jk and Tomcat docs), this is actually very simple as well,  

None of the configuration steps in and of itself are difficult.  
Building mod_jk is not difficult. Editing configuration files is not  
difficult. Its after you've put it all together, exactly as noted on  
a hodge-podge of Googled URLs, and it doesn't work, and one cryptic  
line in a log file, and the right connections not being made between  
apache and tomcat, which send you into hours of trial and error. With  
regards to your comments above, I didn't tangle with load balancing  
at all, and apache and tomcat reside on the same box, no firewall  
between them. Yes, you'd think this would be simple.

I am looking forward to mod_proxy_ajp as it is supposed be a tiny  
bit faster.

You say you are looking forward to mod_proxy_ajp -- does this mean  
its not available yet, or you just aren't using it yet? While I am  
glad to learn now of mod_proxy_ajp, I guess this kind of adds to my  
frustration a bit -- what is the way to go now and why: mod_proxy_ajp  
or mod_jk?

Thanks for your help.


Jess Holle

Brad O'Hearne wrote:
mod_proxy_ajp? Yet another twist. Its just hard for me to believe  
that how do I integrate tomcat and apache httpd? is such a  
mystery / unknown. This seems like it would be question #1 on any  
Tomcat FAQ.

So where can I found out more about mod_proxy_ajp. Is there a  
Tomcat resource which explains the configuration of it?


Bill Barker wrote:

Brad O'Hearne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news: 

After wasting time trying to configure mod_jk, I thought I'd  
just wipe my mind free and just play dumb for a moment. If  
Apache can proxy requests using mod_proxy, what is the benefit  
of using mod_jk as an integration technique between httpd and  
tomcat, if integration is *not* in-process, which I understand  
is not recommended for Tomcat 5.5?

Actually, in-process with mod_jk is only supported (and, I use  
the term lightly :) for TC 3.3.x.  For any higher versions it  
doesn't work at all.

You've managed to grasp the deep, dark plan of the Tomcat  
developers:  It is expected that people will migrate to  
mod_proxy_ajp with Httpd 2.2+, and mod_jk is expected to move to  
supporting IIS/SunOne only (and, the later only if somebody steps  
up with interest :).



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Which direction: mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp? (was: why use mod_jk?)

2006-02-24 Thread Brad O'Hearne
I suppose this question deserved its own thread. Before I spend any  
more time trying to get this configured, I would like to know what is  
the best way to proceed: mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp?



On Feb 24, 2006, at 7:49 AM, Brad O'Hearne wrote:


Thanks for the reply. Responses below:

On Feb 24, 2006, at 6:51 AM, Jess Holle wrote:

If you're using Apache 1.3.x or 2.0.x, mod_jk is pretty simple  

No, you don't want to even try in-process stuff and, yes, if you  
have a firewall in between Apache and Tomcat that drops idle  
connections you should read carefully (this is covered by the docs).

The only big complaint I have is that the mod_jk docs don't make  
it terribly clear (or didn't last I checked) exactly how to set  
jvmRoute in Tomcat and how extraordinarily critical this is when  
doing load balancing.  The Tomcat docs don't make this terribly  
clear either -- apart from a comment in server.xml.  Most everyone  
I know who tries mod_jk load balancing gets hung up on this one  
point unless/until I give them a detailed explanation.  Apart from  
the lack of clear/obvious information on this in the mod_jk docs  
(which should include it considering most folk won't think to  
check both mod_jk and Tomcat docs), this is actually very simple  
as well, though.

None of the configuration steps in and of itself are difficult.  
Building mod_jk is not difficult. Editing configuration files is  
not difficult. Its after you've put it all together, exactly as  
noted on a hodge-podge of Googled URLs, and it doesn't work, and  
one cryptic line in a log file, and the right connections not being  
made between apache and tomcat, which send you into hours of trial  
and error. With regards to your comments above, I didn't tangle  
with load balancing at all, and apache and tomcat reside on the  
same box, no firewall between them. Yes, you'd think this would be  

I am looking forward to mod_proxy_ajp as it is supposed be a tiny  
bit faster.

You say you are looking forward to mod_proxy_ajp -- does this  
mean its not available yet, or you just aren't using it yet? While  
I am glad to learn now of mod_proxy_ajp, I guess this kind of adds  
to my frustration a bit -- what is the way to go now and why:  
mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk?

Thanks for your help.


Jess Holle

Brad O'Hearne wrote:
mod_proxy_ajp? Yet another twist. Its just hard for me to believe  
that how do I integrate tomcat and apache httpd? is such a  
mystery / unknown. This seems like it would be question #1 on any  
Tomcat FAQ.

So where can I found out more about mod_proxy_ajp. Is there a  
Tomcat resource which explains the configuration of it?


Bill Barker wrote:

Brad O'Hearne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news: 

After wasting time trying to configure mod_jk, I thought I'd  
just wipe my mind free and just play dumb for a moment. If  
Apache can proxy requests using mod_proxy, what is the benefit  
of using mod_jk as an integration technique between httpd and  
tomcat, if integration is *not* in-process, which I understand  
is not recommended for Tomcat 5.5?

Actually, in-process with mod_jk is only supported (and, I use  
the term lightly :) for TC 3.3.x.  For any higher versions it  
doesn't work at all.

You've managed to grasp the deep, dark plan of the Tomcat  
developers:  It is expected that people will migrate to  
mod_proxy_ajp with Httpd 2.2+, and mod_jk is expected to move to  
supporting IIS/SunOne only (and, the later only if somebody  
steps up with interest :).



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RE: Which direction: mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp? (was: why use mod_jk?)

2006-02-24 Thread Fenlason, Josh
That depends if you want to use Apache 2.0.x, Apache 2.2.x, or some
other web server (i.e. IIS).  If you're planning on using Apache 2.2.x,
mod_proxy_ajp is the way to go.  For anything else, mod_jk is the way to

 -Original Message-
 From: Brad O'Hearne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 9:02 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Which direction: mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp? (was: why 
 use mod_jk?)
 I suppose this question deserved its own thread. Before I spend any  
 more time trying to get this configured, I would like to know 
 what is  
 the best way to proceed: mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp?
 On Feb 24, 2006, at 7:49 AM, Brad O'Hearne wrote:
  Thanks for the reply. Responses below:
  On Feb 24, 2006, at 6:51 AM, Jess Holle wrote:
  If you're using Apache 1.3.x or 2.0.x, mod_jk is pretty simple
  No, you don't want to even try in-process stuff and, yes, if you
  have a firewall in between Apache and Tomcat that drops idle  
  connections you should read carefully (this is covered by 
 the docs).
  The only big complaint I have is that the mod_jk docs don't make
  it terribly clear (or didn't last I checked) exactly how to set  
  jvmRoute in Tomcat and how extraordinarily critical this is when  
  doing load balancing.  The Tomcat docs don't make this terribly  
  clear either -- apart from a comment in server.xml.  Most 
  I know who tries mod_jk load balancing gets hung up on this one  
  point unless/until I give them a detailed explanation.  
 Apart from  
  the lack of clear/obvious information on this in the mod_jk docs  
  (which should include it considering most folk won't think to  
  check both mod_jk and Tomcat docs), this is actually very simple  
  as well, though.
  None of the configuration steps in and of itself are difficult.  
  Building mod_jk is not difficult. Editing configuration files is  
  not difficult. Its after you've put it all together, exactly as  
  noted on a hodge-podge of Googled URLs, and it doesn't work, and  
  one cryptic line in a log file, and the right connections 
 not being  
  made between apache and tomcat, which send you into hours of trial  
  and error. With regards to your comments above, I didn't tangle  
  with load balancing at all, and apache and tomcat reside on the  
  same box, no firewall between them. Yes, you'd think this would be  
  I am looking forward to mod_proxy_ajp as it is supposed be a tiny  
  bit faster.
  You say you are looking forward to mod_proxy_ajp -- does this  
  mean its not available yet, or you just aren't using it yet? While  
  I am glad to learn now of mod_proxy_ajp, I guess this kind of adds  
  to my frustration a bit -- what is the way to go now and why:  
  mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk?
  Thanks for your help.
  Jess Holle
  Brad O'Hearne wrote:
  mod_proxy_ajp? Yet another twist. Its just hard for me to 
  that how do I integrate tomcat and apache httpd? is such a  
  mystery / unknown. This seems like it would be question 
 #1 on any  
  Tomcat FAQ.
  So where can I found out more about mod_proxy_ajp. Is there a  
  Tomcat resource which explains the configuration of it?
  Bill Barker wrote:
  Brad O'Hearne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news: 
  After wasting time trying to configure mod_jk, I thought I'd  
  just wipe my mind free and just play dumb for a moment. If  
  Apache can proxy requests using mod_proxy, what is the benefit  
  of using mod_jk as an integration technique between httpd and  
  tomcat, if integration is *not* in-process, which I understand  
  is not recommended for Tomcat 5.5?
  Actually, in-process with mod_jk is only supported (and, I use  
  the term lightly :) for TC 3.3.x.  For any higher versions it  
  doesn't work at all.
  You've managed to grasp the deep, dark plan of the Tomcat  
  developers:  It is expected that people will migrate to  
  mod_proxy_ajp with Httpd 2.2+, and mod_jk is expected to 
 move to  
  supporting IIS/SunOne only (and, the later only if somebody  
  steps up with interest :).
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Re: 5.5.x Connector no className attribute?

2006-02-24 Thread Xavier Toth
Thanks for the clarification!

On 2/23/06, Bill Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yup.  You can no longer overload the Connector.  In any case, it would be
 difficult to try (since the core code now knows about the Connector), and
 there really isn't much of a use-case for it (since the Connector is just
 there as a bridge between the core Catalina code and the ProtocolHandler,
 and really doesn't do very much on its own :).

 Pretty much anything useful that you'd ever want to override would be done
 in the ProtocolHandler.  You can do this by specifying
 protocol=com.myfirm.mypackage.MyProtocolHandler on the Connector /
 element (the values 'HTTP/1.1' and 'AJP/1.3' are just there to specify

 Xavier Toth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I don't see className as an attribute can connector behavior no longer be

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Re: why use mod_jk?

2006-02-24 Thread Brad O'Hearne

Question below:

On Feb 24, 2006, at 2:05 AM, Bill Barker wrote:

Brad O'Hearne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
mod_proxy_ajp? Yet another twist. Its just hard for me to believe  
how do I integrate tomcat and apache httpd? is such a mystery /  

This seems like it would be question #1 on any Tomcat FAQ.

So where can I found out more about mod_proxy_ajp. Is there a Tomcat
resource which explains the configuration of it?

Nope, since it all under the Httpd project :).  You can start with:, and then move  
on to

The simplest configuration looks like:
  ProxyPass /myapp ajp://localhost:8009/myapp

Ok, I understand what it is trying to do here. But I assume there is  
a connector that has to be loaded in Tomcat to enable listening for  
the ajp protocol on port 8009, no? Is there documentation about this  



Bill Barker wrote:

Brad O'Hearne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

After wasting time trying to configure mod_jk, I thought I'd  
just wipe my
mind free and just play dumb for a moment. If Apache can proxy  
using mod_proxy, what is the benefit of using mod_jk as an  
technique between httpd and tomcat, if integration is *not* in- 

which I understand is not recommended for Tomcat 5.5?

Actually, in-process with mod_jk is only supported (and, I use  
the term
lightly :) for TC 3.3.x.  For any higher versions it doesn't work  
at all.

You've managed to grasp the deep, dark plan of the Tomcat  
developers:  It
is expected that people will migrate to mod_proxy_ajp with Httpd  
2.2+, and
mod_jk is expected to move to supporting IIS/SunOne only (and,  
the later

only if somebody steps up with interest :).



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RE: I got an error on import org.apache.xpath recompiling with Tomcat5 and JDK5

2006-02-24 Thread Marc Wentink

 You are missing the xalan jars:

Yes, and they add the libs removed in JDK1.5 for compiling a servlet under 

 btw, you should not have your compilation depends on any tomcat lib,
 unless you are building specific tomcat extensions (like realms)

I understand this is a jdk1.4 to jdk5 issue, nothing todo with Tomcat libs. I 
stay with my Tomcat Core version. 

The Xalan jar seem to work fine so far, so I thank you very much. 

Kind Regards,
Marc Wentink

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Re: Which direction: mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp? (was: why use mod_jk?)

2006-02-24 Thread Brad O'Hearne


Thanks a lot for your answer. I am using Apache 2.2.x. Now onto my  
next question. Bill Barker suggested the httpd.conf / mod_proxy_ajp  
directive side of the equation. Doesn't there have to be a connector  
in tomcat's server.xml which will allow listening for the ajp  
protocol? Is there documentation on this somewhere?


On Feb 24, 2006, at 8:07 AM, Fenlason, Josh wrote:

That depends if you want to use Apache 2.0.x, Apache 2.2.x, or some
other web server (i.e. IIS).  If you're planning on using Apache  
mod_proxy_ajp is the way to go.  For anything else, mod_jk is the  
way to


-Original Message-
From: Brad O'Hearne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 9:02 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Which direction: mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp? (was: why
use mod_jk?)

I suppose this question deserved its own thread. Before I spend any
more time trying to get this configured, I would like to know
what is
the best way to proceed: mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp?



On Feb 24, 2006, at 7:49 AM, Brad O'Hearne wrote:


Thanks for the reply. Responses below:

On Feb 24, 2006, at 6:51 AM, Jess Holle wrote:

If you're using Apache 1.3.x or 2.0.x, mod_jk is pretty simple

No, you don't want to even try in-process stuff and, yes, if you
have a firewall in between Apache and Tomcat that drops idle
connections you should read carefully (this is covered by

the docs).

The only big complaint I have is that the mod_jk docs don't make
it terribly clear (or didn't last I checked) exactly how to set
jvmRoute in Tomcat and how extraordinarily critical this is when
doing load balancing.  The Tomcat docs don't make this terribly
clear either -- apart from a comment in server.xml.  Most


I know who tries mod_jk load balancing gets hung up on this one
point unless/until I give them a detailed explanation.

Apart from

the lack of clear/obvious information on this in the mod_jk docs
(which should include it considering most folk won't think to
check both mod_jk and Tomcat docs), this is actually very simple
as well, though.

None of the configuration steps in and of itself are difficult.
Building mod_jk is not difficult. Editing configuration files is
not difficult. Its after you've put it all together, exactly as
noted on a hodge-podge of Googled URLs, and it doesn't work, and
one cryptic line in a log file, and the right connections

not being

made between apache and tomcat, which send you into hours of trial
and error. With regards to your comments above, I didn't tangle
with load balancing at all, and apache and tomcat reside on the
same box, no firewall between them. Yes, you'd think this would be

I am looking forward to mod_proxy_ajp as it is supposed be a tiny
bit faster.

You say you are looking forward to mod_proxy_ajp -- does this
mean its not available yet, or you just aren't using it yet? While
I am glad to learn now of mod_proxy_ajp, I guess this kind of adds
to my frustration a bit -- what is the way to go now and why:
mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk?

Thanks for your help.


Jess Holle

Brad O'Hearne wrote:

mod_proxy_ajp? Yet another twist. Its just hard for me to


that how do I integrate tomcat and apache httpd? is such a
mystery / unknown. This seems like it would be question

#1 on any

Tomcat FAQ.

So where can I found out more about mod_proxy_ajp. Is there a
Tomcat resource which explains the configuration of it?


Bill Barker wrote:

Brad O'Hearne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:

After wasting time trying to configure mod_jk, I thought I'd
just wipe my mind free and just play dumb for a moment. If
Apache can proxy requests using mod_proxy, what is the benefit
of using mod_jk as an integration technique between httpd and
tomcat, if integration is *not* in-process, which I understand
is not recommended for Tomcat 5.5?

Actually, in-process with mod_jk is only supported (and, I use
the term lightly :) for TC 3.3.x.  For any higher versions it
doesn't work at all.

You've managed to grasp the deep, dark plan of the Tomcat
developers:  It is expected that people will migrate to
mod_proxy_ajp with Httpd 2.2+, and mod_jk is expected to

move to

supporting IIS/SunOne only (and, the later only if somebody
steps up with interest :).



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Re: Tomcat native library not found on - Solaris

2006-02-24 Thread Zorro3692
Hi Chuck,
Thanks  for your reply. 
I have the stable 5.5.15 exe for Win32 installation and the bin does not  
contain tcnative-1.dll! Any other way to obtain it?
Thanks and regards,

RE: Tomcat native library not found on - Solaris

2006-02-24 Thread Crompton, SY \(Shirley\)

Just downloaded one today from myself.


-Original Message-
Sent: 24 February 2006 15:18
Subject: Re: Tomcat native library not found on - Solaris

Hi Chuck,
Thanks  for your reply. 
I have the stable 5.5.15 exe for Win32 installation and the bin does not  
contain tcnative-1.dll! Any other way to obtain it?
Thanks and regards,

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Issue with ajp13 socket after tomcat shutdown

2006-02-24 Thread Joey Geiger

After I manually shutdown tomcat ( the ajp socket seems
to stay open for an extended period of time. If I attempt to restart,
I get the following output in catalina.out. The problem is that ajp13
should be listening on 8889, but this port is never released, and for
some odd reason, it decides to move up one. If I shutdown again, it
will switch the port to 8891. I noticed another thread in the
archives that discussed a similar problem, but the solution was for
the apr connector.

The ports do release after a waiting period, but this isn't helpful
during development, and I think it might also be the cause of a few
errors with tomcat restarting on it's own. (The site seems unavailable
but it's just not listening on the correct port)

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Subject: RE: Re: Re: APR Connector Shutdown Problem
From: Fenlason, Josh jfenlason () ptc ! com
Date: 2006-01-31 22:45:57
I added the following line to
tomcat-native.1.1.1/jni/native/src/network.c (added at line 388):
apr_socket_opt_set( s, APR_SO_REUSEADDR, 1 );
But I'm still running into the same problem.

Feb 24, 2006 9:29:02 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener 
INFO: The Apache Portable Runtime which allows optimal performance in 
production environments was not found on the java.library.path: 

Feb 24, 2006 9:29:03 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO: Initialization processed in 1190 ms
Feb 24, 2006 9:29:03 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
INFO: Starting service Catalina
Feb 24, 2006 9:29:03 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/5.5.12
Feb 24, 2006 9:29:03 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost start
INFO: XML validation disabled
AbandonedObjectPool is used 

  LogAbandoned: false
  RemoveAbandoned: true
  RemoveAbandonedTimeout: 300
Feb 24, 2006 9:29:30 AM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
INFO: Port busy 8889 Address already in use
Feb 24, 2006 9:29:30 AM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
INFO: JK: ajp13 listening on /
Feb 24, 2006 9:29:30 AM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
INFO: Jk running ID=1 time=0/170  config=null
Feb 24, 2006 9:29:30 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 27445 ms

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Re: Tomcat native library not found on - Solaris

2006-02-24 Thread Zorro3692
Is that only for Solaris? Will it work with WinXP professional?
In a message dated 2/24/2006 10:22:17 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  


Just downloaded one today from  myself.


RE: Tomcat native library not found on - Solaris

2006-02-24 Thread Crompton, SY \(Shirley\)


There is one for windows 32 bit OS:
Have a look at the link.



-Original Message-
Sent: 24 February 2006 15:26
Subject: Re: Tomcat native library not found on - Solaris

Is that only for Solaris? Will it work with WinXP professional?
In a message dated 2/24/2006 10:22:17 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  


Just downloaded one today from  myself.


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RE: Issue with ajp13 socket after tomcat shutdown

2006-02-24 Thread Fenlason, Josh
Take a look at this thread to fix this problem.

 -Original Message-
 From: Joey Geiger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 9:24 AM
 Subject: Issue with ajp13 socket after tomcat shutdown
 After I manually shutdown tomcat ( the ajp socket 
 seems to stay open for an extended period of time. If I 
 attempt to restart, I get the following output in 
 catalina.out. The problem is that ajp13 should be listening 
 on 8889, but this port is never released, and for some odd 
 reason, it decides to move up one. If I shutdown again, it 
 will switch the port to 8891. I noticed another thread in the 
 archives that discussed a similar problem, but the solution 
 was for the apr connector.
 The ports do release after a waiting period, but this isn't 
 helpful during development, and I think it might also be the 
 cause of a few errors with tomcat restarting on it's own. 
 (The site seems unavailable but it's just not listening on 
 the correct port)
 Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
  Subject: RE: Re: Re: APR Connector Shutdown Problem
  From: Fenlason, Josh jfenlason () ptc ! com
  Date: 2006-01-31 22:45:57
  I added the following line to  
 tomcat-native.1.1.1/jni/native/src/network.c (added at line 
 388):  apr_socket_opt_set( s, APR_SO_REUSEADDR, 1 );  But 
 I'm still running into the same problem.
 Feb 24, 2006 9:29:02 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener 
 INFO: The Apache Portable Runtime which allows optimal performance in 
 production environments was not found on the java.library.path: 
 Feb 24, 2006 9:29:03 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
 INFO: Initialization processed in 1190 ms
 Feb 24, 2006 9:29:03 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
 INFO: Starting service Catalina
 Feb 24, 2006 9:29:03 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
 INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/5.5.12
 Feb 24, 2006 9:29:03 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost start
 INFO: XML validation disabled
 AbandonedObjectPool is used 
LogAbandoned: false
RemoveAbandoned: true
RemoveAbandonedTimeout: 300
 Feb 24, 2006 9:29:30 AM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
 INFO: Port busy 8889 Address already 
 in use Feb 24, 2006 9:29:30 AM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
 INFO: JK: ajp13 listening on /
 Feb 24, 2006 9:29:30 AM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
 INFO: Jk running ID=1 time=0/170  config=null
 Feb 24, 2006 9:29:30 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
 INFO: Server startup in 27445 ms
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Re: why use mod_jk?

2006-02-24 Thread Jess Holle

Brad O'Hearne wrote:
I am looking forward to mod_proxy_ajp as it is supposed be a tiny bit 

You say you are looking forward to mod_proxy_ajp -- does this mean 
its not available yet, or you just aren't using it yet? While I am 
glad to learn now of mod_proxy_ajp, I guess this kind of adds to my 
frustration a bit -- what is the way to go now and why: mod_proxy_ajp 
or mod_jk?
mod_proxy_ajp is only for Apache 2.2 and higher.  We're still in the 
process of moving to 2.2.

2.2.0 seems good, though, so you could jump right to it if you don't 
have other issues.

Jess Holle

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Re: why use mod_jk?

2006-02-24 Thread Jess Holle

Brad O'Hearne wrote:
Ok, I understand what it is trying to do here. But I assume there is a 
connector that has to be loaded in Tomcat to enable listening for the 
ajp protocol on port 8009, no? Is there documentation about this 
From Tomcat's side of the connection there is no difference to speak of 
between mod_proxy_ajp and mod_jk.

Jess Holle

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Re: Issue with ajp13 socket after tomcat shutdown

2006-02-24 Thread Joey Geiger
The problem is the same as I'm running into, but I'm not using APR as 
you can see by my log trace

INFO: The Apache Portable Runtime which allows optimal performance in 
production environments was not found on the java.library.path: 


Fenlason, Josh wrote:

Take a look at this thread to fix this problem.


-Original Message-
From: Joey Geiger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 9:24 AM

Subject: Issue with ajp13 socket after tomcat shutdown

After I manually shutdown tomcat ( the ajp socket 
seems to stay open for an extended period of time. If I 
attempt to restart, I get the following output in 
catalina.out. The problem is that ajp13 should be listening 
on 8889, but this port is never released, and for some odd 
reason, it decides to move up one. If I shutdown again, it 
will switch the port to 8891. I noticed another thread in the 
archives that discussed a similar problem, but the solution 
was for the apr connector.

The ports do release after a waiting period, but this isn't 
helpful during development, and I think it might also be the 
cause of a few errors with tomcat restarting on it's own. 
(The site seems unavailable but it's just not listening on 
the correct port)

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

 Subject: RE: Re: Re: APR Connector Shutdown Problem
 From: Fenlason, Josh jfenlason () ptc ! com
 Date: 2006-01-31 22:45:57
 I added the following line to  

tomcat-native.1.1.1/jni/native/src/network.c (added at line 

388):  apr_socket_opt_set( s, APR_SO_REUSEADDR, 1 );  But 
I'm still running into the same problem.

Feb 24, 2006 9:29:02 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener 
INFO: The Apache Portable Runtime which allows optimal performance in 
production environments was not found on the java.library.path: 

Feb 24, 2006 9:29:03 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO: Initialization processed in 1190 ms
Feb 24, 2006 9:29:03 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
INFO: Starting service Catalina
Feb 24, 2006 9:29:03 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/5.5.12
Feb 24, 2006 9:29:03 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost start
INFO: XML validation disabled
AbandonedObjectPool is used 

   LogAbandoned: false
   RemoveAbandoned: true
   RemoveAbandonedTimeout: 300
Feb 24, 2006 9:29:30 AM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
INFO: Port busy 8889 Address already 
in use Feb 24, 2006 9:29:30 AM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init

INFO: JK: ajp13 listening on /
Feb 24, 2006 9:29:30 AM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
INFO: Jk running ID=1 time=0/170  config=null
Feb 24, 2006 9:29:30 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 27445 ms

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RE: Which direction: mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp? (was: why use mod_jk?)

2006-02-24 Thread Fenlason, Josh
The following connector exists in the Tomcat 5.5.15 OOTB server.xml.
!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
Connector port=8009 
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443
protocol=AJP/1.3 /
I think that is all you need on the Tomcat side.

 -Original Message-
 From: Brad O'Hearne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 9:14 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Which direction: mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp? (was: 
 why use mod_jk?)
 Thanks a lot for your answer. I am using Apache 2.2.x. Now onto my  
 next question. Bill Barker suggested the httpd.conf / mod_proxy_ajp  
 directive side of the equation. Doesn't there have to be a connector  
 in tomcat's server.xml which will allow listening for the ajp  
 protocol? Is there documentation on this somewhere?
 On Feb 24, 2006, at 8:07 AM, Fenlason, Josh wrote:
  That depends if you want to use Apache 2.0.x, Apache 2.2.x, or some 
  other web server (i.e. IIS).  If you're planning on using Apache
  mod_proxy_ajp is the way to go.  For anything else, mod_jk is the  
  way to
  -Original Message-
  From: Brad O'Hearne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 9:02 AM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Which direction: mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp? (was: why use 
  I suppose this question deserved its own thread. Before I 
 spend any 
  more time trying to get this configured, I would like to 
 know what is
  the best way to proceed: mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp?
  On Feb 24, 2006, at 7:49 AM, Brad O'Hearne wrote:
  Thanks for the reply. Responses below:
  On Feb 24, 2006, at 6:51 AM, Jess Holle wrote:
  If you're using Apache 1.3.x or 2.0.x, mod_jk is pretty simple 
  No, you don't want to even try in-process stuff and, yes, if you 
  have a firewall in between Apache and Tomcat that drops idle 
  connections you should read carefully (this is covered by
  the docs).
  The only big complaint I have is that the mod_jk docs 
 don't make it 
  terribly clear (or didn't last I checked) exactly how to set 
  jvmRoute in Tomcat and how extraordinarily critical this is when 
  doing load balancing.  The Tomcat docs don't make this terribly 
  clear either -- apart from a comment in server.xml.  Most
  I know who tries mod_jk load balancing gets hung up on this one 
  point unless/until I give them a detailed explanation.
  Apart from
  the lack of clear/obvious information on this in the mod_jk docs 
  (which should include it considering most folk won't 
 think to check 
  both mod_jk and Tomcat docs), this is actually very 
 simple as well, 
  None of the configuration steps in and of itself are difficult. 
  Building mod_jk is not difficult. Editing configuration 
 files is not 
  difficult. Its after you've put it all together, exactly 
 as noted on 
  a hodge-podge of Googled URLs, and it doesn't work, and 
 one cryptic 
  line in a log file, and the right connections
  not being
  made between apache and tomcat, which send you into hours 
 of trial 
  and error. With regards to your comments above, I didn't 
 tangle with 
  load balancing at all, and apache and tomcat reside on 
 the same box, 
  no firewall between them. Yes, you'd think this would be simple.
  I am looking forward to mod_proxy_ajp as it is supposed 
 be a tiny 
  bit faster.
  You say you are looking forward to mod_proxy_ajp -- 
 does this mean 
  its not available yet, or you just aren't using it yet? 
 While I am 
  glad to learn now of mod_proxy_ajp, I guess this kind of 
 adds to my 
  frustration a bit -- what is the way to go now and why: 
  mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk?
  Thanks for your help.
  Jess Holle
  Brad O'Hearne wrote:
  mod_proxy_ajp? Yet another twist. Its just hard for me to
  that how do I integrate tomcat and apache httpd? is such a 
  mystery / unknown. This seems like it would be question
  #1 on any
  Tomcat FAQ.
  So where can I found out more about mod_proxy_ajp. Is there a 
  Tomcat resource which explains the configuration of it?
  Bill Barker wrote:
  Brad O'Hearne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news: 
  After wasting time trying to configure mod_jk, I thought I'd 
  just wipe my mind free and just play dumb for a moment. If 
  Apache can proxy requests using mod_proxy, what is 
 the benefit 
  of using mod_jk as an integration technique between httpd and 
  tomcat, if integration is *not* in-process, which I 
  is not recommended for Tomcat 5.5?
  Actually, in-process with mod_jk is only supported (and, I use 
  the term lightly :) for TC 3.3.x.  For any higher versions it 
  doesn't work at all.
  You've managed to grasp the deep, dark plan of the Tomcat
  developers:  It is expected that people will migrate to 
  mod_proxy_ajp with Httpd 2.2+, 

Re: Which direction: mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp? (was: why use mod_jk?)

2006-02-24 Thread Chris Lear
* Brad O'Hearne wrote (24/02/06 15:14):
 Thanks a lot for your answer. I am using Apache 2.2.x. Now onto my  
 next question. Bill Barker suggested the httpd.conf / mod_proxy_ajp  
 directive side of the equation. Doesn't there have to be a connector  
 in tomcat's server.xml which will allow listening for the ajp  
 protocol? Is there documentation on this somewhere?

In fact, the
page is a good place to go for a lot of things. I generally find tomcat
documentation hard to read and hard to understand (I find httpd.conf
much more to my taste), but it's generally possible to get there in the
end, and better than following half-baked how-tos.

The server.xml that ships with tomcat has an ajp connector by default, I

By the way, I had a very similar battle getting mod_jk going, except
that once I found that mod_proxy_ajp only worked in a version of apache
I wasn't using, and that mod_jk2 was obsolete (whereas mod_jk wasn't),
and I made the choice of mod_jk, setting it up wasn't actually too bad.

However, I've found that a large POST to a web page through mod_jk can
get mangled (and the mod_jk debug log simply doesn't show chunks of it),
whereas direct to tomcat works fine. So I slightly mistrust ajp. There's
not much documentation on the protocol, and what exists suggests that
not very many people in the world really know what's going on with it.


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Re: why use mod_jk?

2006-02-24 Thread Jim Jagielski

On Feb 24, 2006, at 10:11 AM, Brad O'Hearne wrote:

Question below:

On Feb 24, 2006, at 2:05 AM, Bill Barker wrote:

Brad O'Hearne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
mod_proxy_ajp? Yet another twist. Its just hard for me to believe  
how do I integrate tomcat and apache httpd? is such a mystery /  

This seems like it would be question #1 on any Tomcat FAQ.

So where can I found out more about mod_proxy_ajp. Is there a Tomcat
resource which explains the configuration of it?

Nope, since it all under the Httpd project :).  You can start with:, and then move  
on to

The simplest configuration looks like:
  ProxyPass /myapp ajp://localhost:8009/myapp

Ok, I understand what it is trying to do here. But I assume there  
is a connector that has to be loaded in Tomcat to enable listening  
for the ajp protocol on port 8009, no? Is there documentation about  
this anywhere?

On the Tomcat side, there is no difference (really) between
whether the web server is using mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp.
Both use AJP for the link, so you'd use the AJP connector.

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Re: Tomcat native library not found on - Solaris

2006-02-24 Thread Zorro3692
Hi Shirley,
That was it! Thanks a lot.
In a message dated 2/24/2006 10:30:51 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  


There is one for windows 32 bit  OS:
Have a look at the  link.



-Original  Message-
Sent: 24  February 2006 15:26
Subject: Re: Tomcat  native library not found on - Solaris

Is that only  for Solaris? Will it work with WinXP  professional?


In a message dated 2/24/2006  10:22:17 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  


Just downloaded one today from   myself.


number of established connections keep growing

2006-02-24 Thread Victor Granic

I'm running Tomcat 5.0.28 on a Windows 2000 server.  Tomcat is wrapped
using the Java Service Wrapper.  All connections to the Tomcat service
come from a proxy running apache+mod_jk on linux.

Problem:  The number of ESTABLISHED connections continue to grow on the
Windows server until users are unable to access the web site.  I can
see that at any given time on the proxy there are really only around 20
established connections to the Tomcat service but running netstat on
the Windows machine displays close to 200 connections with the proxy in
the established state.

I found this issue posted to the list in the past but no definitive
solutions were mentioned.  I don't want to increase some TCP connection
limit or tomcat cache size, I'd like to understand what's preventing
those connections from being torn down properly.  If it's a bug that's
fixed in 5.5, that would be good to know.  I even noticed one thread
where the same problem was experience on a linux machine so it may be
that it's not specific to Tomcat on Windows.

Any insight is greatly appreciated.



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After adding mod_jk, tomcat won't shutdown cleanly

2006-02-24 Thread Brad O'Hearne
Ok, it appears I may have mod_jk running properly. However, now when I 
try to shutdown tomcat, I get the following:

Using CATALINA_BASE:   /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12/temp
Using JRE_HOME:   /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_10
Created MBeanServer with ID: 1f436f5:1099d0fba63:-8000:cvs.cvs:1

But it never returns. It just sits there, indefinitely. The java process 
never quits, and is still hung out there. My erver.xml is below. Is 
there a known problem with shutdowns after adding mod_jk? Any workarounds?



Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN

   !-- Comment these entries out to disable JMX MBeans support used
   for the administration web application --
   Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener /
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener /

ener /


   !-- Global JNDI resources --

   !-- Test entry for demonstration purposes --
   Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer 

   !-- Editable user database that can also be used by
   UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users --
   Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
   description=User database that can be updated and saved
   pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /


   Service name=Tomcat-Apache
   Connector address=
   protocol=AJP/1.3 /

   Engine name=engine_appserver

   Host name=cvs.adeq.lcl
   deployXML=false /

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Re: Tomcat documentation

2006-02-24 Thread Mark Thomas
Brad O'Hearne wrote:
 Suppose I wanted to completely rewrite (or write) 100% of the Tomcat
 documentation. Other than reading source code, are there any other
 resources (design docs, diagrams, etc.) available to use as reference or
 is this information just held inside the heads of developers?

The last one is very much under development.


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Re: The bottomless pit of mod_jk

2006-02-24 Thread Mark Thomas
Brad O'Hearne wrote:
 Is there an official Tomcat resource which tells how to configure mod_jk
 on the most recent version of Tomcat and Httpd?


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Re: Page not recompiling after being touched

2006-02-24 Thread Mark Thomas
Robert Taylor wrote:
 Context override=true

If you use antiResourceLocking, modified JSPs are not detected. This
is in the docs. See


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Re: number of established connections keep growing

2006-02-24 Thread Mladen Turk

Victor Granic wrote:


I'm running Tomcat 5.0.28 on a Windows 2000 server.  Tomcat is wrapped
using the Java Service Wrapper.  All connections to the Tomcat service
come from a proxy running apache+mod_jk on linux.

Problem:  The number of ESTABLISHED connections continue to grow on the
Windows server until users are unable to access the web site.

This is because mod_jk uses constant connection pool, and once
when the connection is established it stays open for the
server lifetime.
The reason why connections are growing is because the Apache will
create up to MaxClient connections.
Also if you have a firewall between mod_jk and Tomcat that tends
to cut the inactive connections, the Tomcat connection will be
half-closed. Apache will reconnect and your connection count will

The solution is to set the connectionTimeout in server.xml
that will close the inactive connections. This number should be
large, like 10 ... 30 minutes, so that performance doesn't suffer.


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default Tomcat 5.5 won't shutdown cleanly (Was: After adding mod_jk, tomcat won't shutdown cleanly)

2006-02-24 Thread Brad O'Hearne
I guess I have to alter my original assertion. Vanilla tomcat 5.5 isn't 
shutting down cleanly (default server.xml). Are there known causes for 
this? Anything in particular that I need to check?


Brad O'Hearne wrote:

Ok, it appears I may have mod_jk running properly. However, now when I 
try to shutdown tomcat, I get the following:

Using CATALINA_BASE:   /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12/temp
Using JRE_HOME:   /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_10
Created MBeanServer with ID: 1f436f5:1099d0fba63:-8000:cvs.cvs:1

But it never returns. It just sits there, indefinitely. The java 
process never quits, and is still hung out there. My erver.xml is 
below. Is there a known problem with shutdowns after adding mod_jk? 
Any workarounds?



Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN

   !-- Comment these entries out to disable JMX MBeans support used
   for the administration web application --
   Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener /
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener /

ener /


   !-- Global JNDI resources --

   !-- Test entry for demonstration purposes --
   Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer 

   !-- Editable user database that can also be used by
   UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users --
   Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
   description=User database that can be updated and saved
   pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /


   Service name=Tomcat-Apache
   Connector address=
   protocol=AJP/1.3 /

   Engine name=engine_appserver

   Host name=cvs.adeq.lcl

   deployXML=false /

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Re: Tomcat 4 - Disable low level cipher

2006-02-24 Thread Mark Thomas
Bill Barker wrote:
 Urm, I think you're dreaming of TC 3 or 5 ;-).
 TC 4 only allows a limited set of the possible Coyote-SSL settings, and 
 ciphers isn't one of them (mostly from lack of interest from anybody to port 
 the forward-all-attributes logic to TC 4 :).

Sorry, I could have sworn this was in 4 as it was pretty much the
first thing I ever contributed. I'll add this (forward all attributes)
to my list of things to do in 4.1.32


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Re: Reading Data Form MS -execel 2003- in java

2006-02-24 Thread Glen Mazza

Really?  I'm seeing SVN commits on its source code still:


David Thielen wrote:

One note on POI. It is a good product and works but it is also abandon-ware
- there has been no new development on it for years.

Thanks - dave

David Thielen

-Original Message-
From: Vincent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:00 PM

To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Reading Data Form MS -execel 2003- in java

yeah , definally POI

On 2/23/06, Bill Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

Hi Forum,
Did anyone used java program to read data from microsoft excel ?
Can any one give me pointers where to look for this ??

Birendar Singh Waldiya
Tata Consultancy Services Limited

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RE: default Tomcat 5.5 won't shutdown cleanly (Was: After adding mod_jk, tomcat won't shutdown cleanly)

2006-02-24 Thread Fenlason, Josh
Are you using the native apr connector?

 -Original Message-
 From: Brad O'Hearne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 11:50 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: default Tomcat 5.5 won't shutdown cleanly (Was: 
 After adding mod_jk, tomcat won't shutdown cleanly)
 I guess I have to alter my original assertion. Vanilla tomcat 
 5.5 isn't 
 shutting down cleanly (default server.xml). Are there known 
 causes for 
 this? Anything in particular that I need to check?
 Brad O'Hearne wrote:
  Ok, it appears I may have mod_jk running properly. However, 
 now when I
  try to shutdown tomcat, I get the following:
  Using CATALINA_BASE:   /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12
  Using CATALINA_HOME:   /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12
  Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12/temp
  Using JRE_HOME:   /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_10
  Created MBeanServer with ID: 1f436f5:1099d0fba63:-8000:cvs.cvs:1
  But it never returns. It just sits there, indefinitely. The java
  process never quits, and is still hung out there. My erver.xml is 
  below. Is there a known problem with shutdowns after adding mod_jk? 
  Any workarounds?
  Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN
 !-- Comment these entries out to disable JMX MBeans support used
 for the administration web application --
 className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener /
  className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener /
  ener /
 !-- Global JNDI resources --
 !-- Test entry for demonstration purposes --
 Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer
 !-- Editable user database that can also be used by
 UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users --
 Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
 description=User database that can be updated and saved
 pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /
 Service name=Tomcat-Apache
 Connector address=
 protocol=AJP/1.3 /
 Engine name=engine_appserver
 Host name=cvs.adeq.lcl
 deployXML=false /
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Re: default Tomcat 5.5 won't shutdown cleanly (Was: After adding mod_jk, tomcat won't shutdown cleanly)

2006-02-24 Thread Brad O'Hearne
Vanilla Tomcat (with the jdk1.4 compatibility jars added), and vanilla 
server.xml. Apache httpd isn't even started yet. I just installed a 
fresh copy of  Tomcat direct from the tar file, and  while it starts up, 
shutdown hangs.


Fenlason, Josh wrote:

Are you using the native apr connector?


-Original Message-
From: Brad O'Hearne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 11:50 AM

To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: default Tomcat 5.5 won't shutdown cleanly (Was: 
After adding mod_jk, tomcat won't shutdown cleanly)

I guess I have to alter my original assertion. Vanilla tomcat 
5.5 isn't 
shutting down cleanly (default server.xml). Are there known 
causes for 
this? Anything in particular that I need to check?


Brad O'Hearne wrote:


Ok, it appears I may have mod_jk running properly. However, 

now when I

try to shutdown tomcat, I get the following:

Using CATALINA_BASE:   /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12/temp
Using JRE_HOME:   /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_10
Created MBeanServer with ID: 1f436f5:1099d0fba63:-8000:cvs.cvs:1

But it never returns. It just sits there, indefinitely. The java
process never quits, and is still hung out there. My erver.xml is 
below. Is there a known problem with shutdowns after adding mod_jk? 
Any workarounds?



Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN

  !-- Comment these entries out to disable JMX MBeans support used
  for the administration web application --

className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener /

className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener /

ener /


  !-- Global JNDI resources --

  !-- Test entry for demonstration purposes --
  Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer

  !-- Editable user database that can also be used by
  UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users --
  Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
  description=User database that can be updated and saved


  pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /


  Service name=Tomcat-Apache
  Connector address=
  protocol=AJP/1.3 /

  Engine name=engine_appserver

  Host name=cvs.adeq.lcl

  deployXML=false /



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Re: first jdbc tomcat application

2006-02-24 Thread Glen Mazza

David McMinn wrote:

  When I try to go to http://localhost:8070/jsp-examples/wroxjdbc/JDBCTest.jsp
  I get a standard The page cannot be displayed page.

Port wrong?  It is 8080 by default.


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RE: The bottomless pit of mod_jk

2006-02-24 Thread Sheets, Jerald
Not only that:

Tomcat:  The Definitive Guide by Jason Brittain and Ian F. Darwin  ISBN:


Professional Apache Tomcat 5 by a whole bunch of contributors (:P)
ISBN: 0-7645-5902-8

Jerald Sheets
Systems Administrator
The Weather Channel Interactive


-Original Message-
From: Mark Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 12:41 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: The bottomless pit of mod_jk

Brad O'Hearne wrote:
 Is there an official Tomcat resource which tells how to configure 
 mod_jk on the most recent version of Tomcat and Httpd?


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RE: first jdbc tomcat application (UNCLASSIFIED)

2006-02-24 Thread Samara, Fadi N Mr ACSIM/ASPEX
Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

That's what I was thinking, but it could easily be changed and he indicated
that he was successfully able to bring up Tomcat's index page.
So I am not sure this is an issue.


-Original Message-
From: Glen Mazza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 1:07 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: first jdbc tomcat application

David McMinn wrote:
   When I try to go to
   I get a standard The page cannot be displayed page.

Port wrong?  It is 8080 by default.


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RE: first jdbc tomcat application

2006-02-24 Thread David McMinn
8070 works - i changed because i had a conflict w/ 8080 -
  Based on Roberts response (below) - I've narrowed it down to this statement 
in the jsp
  Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
  Unfortunately the logs don't say anything - I just get a page not found. If I 
take that out (and all subsequent jsp) it works fine. So right up to that point 
the jsp page renders fine - When I include that one more line, it blows up. I'm 
still looking but if someone knows please chime in. Thanks,
  What do the logs say?
Have you tried connecting to MySQL outside of Tomcat?
Does that work?
Can you get the page to display without the JDBC stuff in it?


  Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

That's what I was thinking, but it could easily be changed and he indicated
that he was successfully able to bring up Tomcat's index page.
So I am not sure this is an issue.


-Original Message-
From: Glen Mazza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 1:07 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: first jdbc tomcat application

David McMinn wrote:

 When I try to go to
 I get a standard The page cannot be displayed page.

Port wrong? It is 8080 by default.


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Re: mod_rewrite losing session

2006-02-24 Thread Pete Lamborne

Hey Tim,
Thanks for the great response.  At least I know that I'm not missing 
something really obvious.

I wonder if we could configure Tomcat to write the cookie without the 

Or if there is some other mechanism in httpd.conf that we could use to 
control how the cookie gets set...

I find it hard to believe that alot of people have not run into this 
issue yet.  Maybe everyone's still using mod_jk and have not migrated to 
mod_proxy_ajp yet...


Tim Lucia wrote:

Yes.  I posted a similar question not long ago.  I wanted to know how to
preserve the session under exactly this case (my specific need was to have a
version in the Tomcat path, but hide that context / version from the user.)

I can tell you why it's NOT preserving it.  Tomcat sets the cookie
JSESSIONID for, path /tomcatWebappName/someServlet.
The browser sees the cookie for that path on the response (check - it is
set).  You then ask for /someServlet and there is no cookie with that path
(the hosts match, of course) and so the browser does not send the cookie
along.  No cookie (JSESSIONID), no session.


P.s. see


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:21 PM

To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_rewrite losing session

Hi all,
I am having a problem when using mod_rewrite to hide the Tomcat 
webapp/context name, where it spawns a new session with each request.

I am using apache2.2 and mod_proxy_ajp to dispatch the request and 
tomcat 5.5.9

So if I try to send this URL:


with mod_rewrite, it's a new session with every request.

Any ideas?

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Re: default Tomcat 5.5 won't shutdown cleanly (Was: After adding mod_jk, tomcat won't shutdown cleanly)

2006-02-24 Thread Brad O'Hearne

No worries. /etc/hosts issue.


Brad O'Hearne wrote:

Vanilla Tomcat (with the jdk1.4 compatibility jars added), and vanilla 
server.xml. Apache httpd isn't even started yet. I just installed a 
fresh copy of  Tomcat direct from the tar file, and  while it starts 
up, shutdown hangs.


Fenlason, Josh wrote:

Are you using the native apr connector?


-Original Message-
From: Brad O'Hearne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, 
February 24, 2006 11:50 AM

To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: default Tomcat 5.5 won't shutdown cleanly (Was: After 
adding mod_jk, tomcat won't shutdown cleanly)

I guess I have to alter my original assertion. Vanilla tomcat 5.5 
isn't shutting down cleanly (default server.xml). Are there known 
causes for this? Anything in particular that I need to check?


Brad O'Hearne wrote:


Ok, it appears I may have mod_jk running properly. However, 

now when I

try to shutdown tomcat, I get the following:

Using CATALINA_BASE:   /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.12/temp
Using JRE_HOME:   /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_10
Created MBeanServer with ID: 1f436f5:1099d0fba63:-8000:cvs.cvs:1

But it never returns. It just sits there, indefinitely. The java
process never quits, and is still hung out there. My erver.xml is 
below. Is there a known problem with shutdowns after adding mod_jk? 
Any workarounds?



Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN

  !-- Comment these entries out to disable JMX MBeans support used
  for the administration web application --

className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener /

className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener /

ener /


  !-- Global JNDI resources --

  !-- Test entry for demonstration purposes --
  Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer

  !-- Editable user database that can also be used by
  UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users --
  Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
  description=User database that can be updated and saved


  pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /


  Service name=Tomcat-Apache
  Connector address=
  protocol=AJP/1.3 /

  Engine name=engine_appserver

  Host name=cvs.adeq.lcl

  deployXML=false /


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Re: number of established connections keep growing

2006-02-24 Thread Victor Granic
--- Mladen Turk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Victor Granic wrote:
  I'm running Tomcat 5.0.28 on a Windows 2000 server.  Tomcat is
  using the Java Service Wrapper.  All connections to the Tomcat
  come from a proxy running apache+mod_jk on linux.
  Problem:  The number of ESTABLISHED connections continue to grow on
  Windows server until users are unable to access the web site.
 This is because mod_jk uses constant connection pool, and once
 when the connection is established it stays open for the
 server lifetime.
 The reason why connections are growing is because the Apache will
 create up to MaxClient connections.

That's true.  Most of the time the proxy has around 20 established
connections to Tomcat.  The number of connections is probably growing
during times of high traffic and they close when they become unused. 
But, why aren't the sockets closing on the Tomcat server?

 Also if you have a firewall between mod_jk and Tomcat that tends
 to cut the inactive connections, the Tomcat connection will be
 half-closed. Apache will reconnect and your connection count will

I do have a firewall between mod_jk and Tomcat but it has been
configured with very high inactivity timeouts so I don't think it is
interfering with the persistent connections from the proxy.  On the
proxy server I see fully established connections to Tomcat and on the
Tomcat server I see those same fully established connections and an
additional 150 or more stale established connections.  They could very
well be in a half open state.  But why?  Why didn't they close when the
FIN was received/sent?  A 18 hour tcpdump on either side of the
firewall shows that FIN/ACKs are being sent and received by both the
proxy and Tomcat server.

 The solution is to set the connectionTimeout in server.xml
 that will close the inactive connections. This number should be
 large, like 10 ... 30 minutes, so that performance doesn't suffer.

It looks like this parameter is not set for the active connector. 
Tomcat documentation states that the default is 60 seconds.  I'm
wondering if it's possible that in reality, if it's not set then a
timeout will never be reached which could be the cause of my problem.  

I'm a little confused by you're recommendation since it is a far
greater timeout than the default and the main issue is that these
half-closed connections are lingering and multiplying, effectively
rendering the service unavailable after a few days.  Would a lower
timeout be a better cure?


Thanks for the helpful response Mladen!


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Re: Someone successfully Installed Tomcat as Windows Service with StartMode=java or StartMode=exe?

2006-02-24 Thread Sebastian Himberger

Hi Mladen,

thanks very much for the response! I had the last week much work to do 
but todady i took some time to test out the solution on my local Windows 
XP SP1 box. I'm sorry to say that i didn't got it working. Here are the 

Windows XP SP1
JDK 1.5
Tomcat 5.5.15

I switched the mode to Java using the Tomcat-GUI.
I've used the following arguments in the Startup-Arguments Tab:

-classpath C:\Programme\Tomcat5.5\bin\bootstrap.jar

After starting the service i get the following windows exception from 
Service Runner:

szAppName : tomcat5.exe szAppVer : szModName : 
szModVer : 5.1.2600.1106 offset : 234c

I also tried setting -LogLevel=debug but this also reveals no more 
informations. The service log says:

[2006-02-24 20:08:10] [info] Debuging Service...
[2006-02-24 20:08:10] [info] Starting service...
[2006-02-24 20:08:20] [info] Running Service...
[2006-02-24 20:08:20] [info] Run service finished.
[2006-02-24 20:08:20] [info] Procrun finished.

Do you have any more ideas how i can track down the problem? Shall i 
write to the Commons-Daemon Mailing list?

I've additionally tried setting the JavaHome in the arguments field.
I took a short look at the commons-daemon sourcecode but since i'm no 
C-expert (escpecially on windows) it would take me much time to get into 
this topic.

If there's a way i can provide more information to solve this issue 
please let me know.

But anyway, thanks very much for your answer.

best regards

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tomcat catalina.out getting bombed with debug messages on maven-proxy deploy

2006-02-24 Thread Brad O'Hearne
I have a vanilla installation of Tomcat 5.5 (with logging added, and rootLogger set to level INFO), which starts up cleanly, 
and writes maybe 15 lines to catalina.out -- no more. I then deploy the 
maven-proxy-webapp.war, and catalina.out gets immediately bombed with 
DEBUG level messages. It appears that most of the messages are coming 
from the commons.digester and digester packages. Does this problem lie 
in Tomcat, or in the web app? How do I filter the LOG level for this 



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RE: tomcat catalina.out getting bombed with debug messages on maven-proxy deploy

2006-02-24 Thread Rob Gregory
Please post your file - it sounds like your root logger is
too general.


-Original Message-
From: Brad O'Hearne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24 February 2006 19:35
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: tomcat catalina.out getting bombed with debug messages on
maven-proxy deploy

I have a vanilla installation of Tomcat 5.5 (with logging added, and rootLogger set to level INFO), which starts up cleanly, 
and writes maybe 15 lines to catalina.out -- no more. I then deploy the 
maven-proxy-webapp.war, and catalina.out gets immediately bombed with 
DEBUG level messages. It appears that most of the messages are coming 
from the commons.digester and digester packages. Does this problem lie 
in Tomcat, or in the web app? How do I filter the LOG level for this 



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RE: Someone successfully Installed Tomcat as Windows Service with StartMode=java or StartMode=exe?

2006-02-24 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Sebastian Himberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: Re: Someone successfully Installed Tomcat as Windows 
 Service with StartMode=java or StartMode=exe?
 I switched the mode to Java using the Tomcat-GUI.

I can only get the service to run if the startup and shutdown modes are
both jvm, not Java.

 - Chuck

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Re: tomcat catalina.out getting bombed with debug messages on maven-proxy deploy

2006-02-24 Thread Brad O'Hearne

Here is my file:

log4j.rootLogger=INFO, R
log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %t %c - %m%n, R

It was my understanding the under the rules of Log4j inheritance, all 
loggers would inherit from the first non-null ancestor starting with the 
parent and working toward the root. I believe that this means that I 
should only be getting INFO level messages, no?


Rob Gregory wrote:

Please post your file - it sounds like your root logger is
too general.


-Original Message-
From: Brad O'Hearne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24 February 2006 19:35

To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: tomcat catalina.out getting bombed with debug messages on
maven-proxy deploy

I have a vanilla installation of Tomcat 5.5 (with logging added, and rootLogger set to level INFO), which starts up cleanly, 
and writes maybe 15 lines to catalina.out -- no more. I then deploy the 
maven-proxy-webapp.war, and catalina.out gets immediately bombed with 
DEBUG level messages. It appears that most of the messages are coming 
from the commons.digester and digester packages. Does this problem lie 
in Tomcat, or in the web app? How do I filter the LOG level for this 



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mod_jk set up, running, no errors in log, but no connections between Tomcat / httpd

2006-02-24 Thread Brad O'Hearne
Well, it appears I have Tomcat and httpd set up and running mod_jk 
without any errors in the logs. I have used the tomcat auto-config for 
mod_jk, and httpd is including it into the httpd.conf file. Logs look 
clean. But mod_jk.log is completely empty, and when I do a netstat, I 
see the following:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] jk]# netstat -vatn | grep 80
tcp0  0*   LISTEN
tcp0  0*   LISTEN
tcp0  0*   LISTEN

The first and second lines are obviously Tomcat listening for shutdown 
and ajp connections, and the third one is apache listening for http. But 
I thought (based on several documents I read online) that I was supposed 
to see connections between tomcat and apache. Is this correct? If so, 
where should I be looking next to debug, as I see no errors in the logs?


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RE: mod_jk set up, running, no errors in log, but no connections between Tomcat / httpd

2006-02-24 Thread Earnie Dyke
Depends on the log level and whether or not you have acutally hit a page that 
is picked up by mod_jk.


-Original Message-
From: Brad O'Hearne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 3:33 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_jk set up, running, no errors in log, but no connections
between Tomcat / httpd

Well, it appears I have Tomcat and httpd set up and running mod_jk 
without any errors in the logs. I have used the tomcat auto-config for 
mod_jk, and httpd is including it into the httpd.conf file. Logs look 
clean. But mod_jk.log is completely empty, and when I do a netstat, I 
see the following:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] jk]# netstat -vatn | grep 80
tcp0  0*   LISTEN
tcp0  0*   LISTEN
tcp0  0*   LISTEN

The first and second lines are obviously Tomcat listening for shutdown 
and ajp connections, and the third one is apache listening for http. But 
I thought (based on several documents I read online) that I was supposed 
to see connections between tomcat and apache. Is this correct? If so, 
where should I be looking next to debug, as I see no errors in the logs?


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Re: Tomcat 5.5.15 Clustering ?

2006-02-24 Thread Filip Hanik - Dev Lists
APR is not yet planned for the clustering component. but is on the to do 
waitForAck is not related to APR, its a NIO problem between Java and 
your OS platform.


David Avenante wrote:

Ok so question .. if I configure my tomcat with apr (Apache Portable
it's isue be solved ?

I've listen that futur version of Tomcat will embed APR as natif and i can
run Tomcat
without apache in fronted with same performance and with support of other
scripring language like PHP 

Is it true ? ;)

On 2/17/06, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

you're welcome, glad I could help.

there is one problem that you have on your linux box, NIO is not working
so disabling acknowledgements solved that problem (waitForAck=false)


David Avenante wrote:

OK i continu to explore this multicast problem on my boxes

So what i've learn 

I learn that it's right to develop J2EE application on Linux.
I can see very quickly problem that i can find in production


i'm sure on windows all my problemes was be masked.

It's improve my knlowledge of Linux system and network.

It's fun for a developper like me too learn about system.
Now i need to modifiy my real application to support clustering.

Thank you again ;)

On 2/17/06, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Perfect David, and as far as I can tell, the latter sequence that you
present, clustering and session replication is working just fine.
now, obviously your system is not setup correctly to bind an interface
to the multicasting, so don't do it if it works without it.
so what have you learned? :)


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Re: Someone successfully Installed Tomcat as Windows Service with StartMode=java or StartMode=exe?

2006-02-24 Thread Sebastian Himberger


I can only get the service to run if the startup and shutdown modes are
both jvm, not Java.

 - Chuck

that's working for me too, but according to the docs running the service under 
a different user required the use of java. At least: says it so.

best regards

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error-page for nonexistent context

2006-02-24 Thread Paul Singleton

(I am required to anonymiee a Tomcat 5.5 server from hackers
trying to discover its version etc.)

If I put this in conf/web.xml


*and* put an anon_error.jsp in every web app, then I can
replace the built-in error page.

But where will Tomcat look for /anon_error.jsp when a
(page within a) nonexistent context is requested?

Paul Singleton

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RE: mod_rewrite losing session

2006-02-24 Thread Tim Lucia
Happens with mod_jk -- I am using that as well.  The issue is security.  You
(and I) are seeking to violate the rules, to a degree, and therein lies the

I suspect you can write a filter, that on the way out, replaces the
setCookie header with path=/ where path=/someContext, but I haven't tried it
yet.  I was hoping for a plugin or configuration option way of doing it.

Since I got no (helpful) response last time, and nobody has chimed in this
time, I don't think it is readily doable.


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 1:41 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_rewrite losing session

Hey Tim,
Thanks for the great response.  At least I know that I'm not missing
something really obvious.

I wonder if we could configure Tomcat to write the cookie without the

Or if there is some other mechanism in httpd.conf that we could use to
control how the cookie gets set...

I find it hard to believe that alot of people have not run into this issue
yet.  Maybe everyone's still using mod_jk and have not migrated to
mod_proxy_ajp yet...


Tim Lucia wrote:

Yes.  I posted a similar question not long ago.  I wanted to know how 
to preserve the session under exactly this case (my specific need was 
to have a version in the Tomcat path, but hide that context / version 
from the user.)

I can tell you why it's NOT preserving it.  Tomcat sets the cookie 
JSESSIONID for, path /tomcatWebappName/someServlet.
The browser sees the cookie for that path on the response (check - it 
is set).  You then ask for /someServlet and there is no cookie with 
that path (the hosts match, of course) and so the browser does not send 
the cookie along.  No cookie (JSESSIONID), no session.


P.s. see


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:21 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_rewrite losing session

Hi all,
I am having a problem when using mod_rewrite to hide the Tomcat 
webapp/context name, where it spawns a new session with each request.

I am using apache2.2 and mod_proxy_ajp to dispatch the request and 
tomcat 5.5.9

So if I try to send this URL:


with mod_rewrite, it's a new session with every request.

Any ideas?

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Re: Page not recompiling after being touched

2006-02-24 Thread Robert Taylor
Mark, thanks so much. I've been over the docs so many times, but I 
missed this tidbit.


Mark Thomas wrote:

Robert Taylor wrote:

Context override=true

If you use antiResourceLocking, modified JSPs are not detected. This
is in the docs. See


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Re: mod_rewrite losing session

2006-02-24 Thread Filip Hanik - Dev Lists
The easiest thing would be to tell Tomcat to always use / as a path 
for the JSESSIONID cookie.

that should take care of it.

Tim Lucia wrote:

Happens with mod_jk -- I am using that as well.  The issue is security.  You
(and I) are seeking to violate the rules, to a degree, and therein lies the

I suspect you can write a filter, that on the way out, replaces the
setCookie header with path=/ where path=/someContext, but I haven't tried it
yet.  I was hoping for a plugin or configuration option way of doing it.

Since I got no (helpful) response last time, and nobody has chimed in this
time, I don't think it is readily doable.


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 1:41 PM

To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_rewrite losing session

Hey Tim,
Thanks for the great response.  At least I know that I'm not missing
something really obvious.

I wonder if we could configure Tomcat to write the cookie without the

Or if there is some other mechanism in httpd.conf that we could use to
control how the cookie gets set...

I find it hard to believe that alot of people have not run into this issue
yet.  Maybe everyone's still using mod_jk and have not migrated to
mod_proxy_ajp yet...


Tim Lucia wrote:

Yes.  I posted a similar question not long ago.  I wanted to know how 
to preserve the session under exactly this case (my specific need was 
to have a version in the Tomcat path, but hide that context / version 

from the user.)
I can tell you why it's NOT preserving it.  Tomcat sets the cookie 
JSESSIONID for, path /tomcatWebappName/someServlet.
The browser sees the cookie for that path on the response (check - it 
is set).  You then ask for /someServlet and there is no cookie with 
that path (the hosts match, of course) and so the browser does not send 
the cookie along.  No cookie (JSESSIONID), no session.


P.s. see


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:21 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_rewrite losing session

Hi all,
I am having a problem when using mod_rewrite to hide the Tomcat 
webapp/context name, where it spawns a new session with each request.

I am using apache2.2 and mod_proxy_ajp to dispatch the request and 
tomcat 5.5.9

So if I try to send this URL:


with mod_rewrite, it's a new session with every request.

Any ideas?

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Problem with getting ppt file from tomcat JSP server via https/SSL

2006-02-24 Thread Chris Lott


Summary: Please tell me what headers Tomcat sets when it serves out a 
plain file, and how I can control those headers.

Long version:

I'm using Tomcat 5.0.28 for a small webapp.  It sits behind Apache,
which does SSL and forwards requests to Tomcat via mod_jk.

Anyhow, in the documentation area for my webapp users I tossed a few
HTML files and power-point files, and added links on JSP pages right to
those files.  Clicking on the links to the HTML works fine, the tomcat
server pushes them across wonderfully.  The problems arise when an IE
user clicks on a link to a powerpoint file.  (It works fine in Firefox.)

I first had to extend web.xml for the appropriate mime-type.  This is
documented partly in Tomcat bugzilla bug # 27617 (and I'm trying to get
that reopened).  That change got me one step farther, but there are
still problems.

It appears that IE 6 is very sensitive to Cache-Control headers.  Here
are some links that get into the problem:;en-us;812935

The workarounds suggested by the sites above focus on removing or
altering the Pragma and Cache-Control headers.  I'd like to do that, but
cannot find anything about doing that on a default basis.  Sure, I can
set/remove headers on a JSP response object, but in the case of a simple
file, I'm not coding a JSP page nor manipulating any response object.

Finally my questions: I believe that Tomcat sets headers when it shovels
out a file.  Is that right?  If so, how can I control what headers are set?

I suspect the workaround may be do put a little JSP page in place that
adjusts the headers and somehow dumps out the content of the file, but
ugh, I'm don't like the sound of all that complexity.

Please reply (cc me directly if you don't mind), thanks in advance!


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Re: mod_rewrite losing session

2006-02-24 Thread Pete Lamborne

Anyone know the quick and easy way to do this?

Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:

The easiest thing would be to tell Tomcat to always use / as a path 
for the JSESSIONID cookie.

that should take care of it.

Tim Lucia wrote:

Happens with mod_jk -- I am using that as well.  The issue is 
security.  You
(and I) are seeking to violate the rules, to a degree, and therein 
lies the


I suspect you can write a filter, that on the way out, replaces the
setCookie header with path=/ where path=/someContext, but I haven't 
tried it

yet.  I was hoping for a plugin or configuration option way of doing it.

Since I got no (helpful) response last time, and nobody has chimed in 

time, I don't think it is readily doable.


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, February 
24, 2006 1:41 PM

To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_rewrite losing session

Hey Tim,
Thanks for the great response.  At least I know that I'm not missing
something really obvious.

I wonder if we could configure Tomcat to write the cookie without the

Or if there is some other mechanism in httpd.conf that we could use to
control how the cookie gets set...

I find it hard to believe that alot of people have not run into this 

yet.  Maybe everyone's still using mod_jk and have not migrated to
mod_proxy_ajp yet...


Tim Lucia wrote:


Yes.  I posted a similar question not long ago.  I wanted to know 
how to preserve the session under exactly this case (my specific 
need was to have a version in the Tomcat path, but hide that context 
/ version 

from the user.)

I can tell you why it's NOT preserving it.  Tomcat sets the cookie 
JSESSIONID for, path 
The browser sees the cookie for that path on the response (check - 
it is set).  You then ask for /someServlet and there is no cookie 
with that path (the hosts match, of course) and so the browser does 
not send the cookie along.  No cookie (JSESSIONID), no session.


P.s. see



-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:21 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_rewrite losing session

Hi all,
I am having a problem when using mod_rewrite to hide the Tomcat 
webapp/context name, where it spawns a new session with each request.

I am using apache2.2 and mod_proxy_ajp to dispatch the request and 
tomcat 5.5.9

So if I try to send this URL:


with mod_rewrite, it's a new session with every request.

Any ideas?

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RE: Hotspot_compiler for tomcat as win service?

2006-02-24 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Caldarale, Charles R 
 Subject: RE: Hotspot_compiler for tomcat as win service?
 Some experimentation shows that either the -XX options aren't 
 really getting picked up, or the output from the same is 
 getting thrown away. (E.g., I tried -XX:+TraceClassResolution
 and couldn't find the output in any of the log files.) Hmmm...
 More research required.

Finally got some time to play with this a bit more.  The -XX options are
handled properly by the tomcat5w.exe, but you have to set the logging
level to Info or better to see any of the output, such as that from
-XX:+PrintGCDetails.  Any such JVM-generated messages go into
jakarta_service_*.log by default.

 - Chuck

P.S.  Don't set -XX:+TraceClassResolution if you want the server to come
up in your lifetime...

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JNDI Datasource Problem

2006-02-24 Thread lee hwaying
ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter - Cannot create JDBC driver of class '' for 
connect URL 'null'

I still get the above error in Tomcat 5.5.15 after doing the below. Please 

web.xml :




C:\apache-tomcat-5.5.15\conf\server.xml :
!-- Global JNDI resources --

   !-- Test entry for demonstration purposes --

   Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer value=30/

   !-- Editable user database that can also be used by
UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users --

   Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
  description=User database that can be updated and saved

 pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /

Resource auth=Container name=jdbc/galleryDB type=





Context debug=0 displayName=gallery path=/gallery docbase=C:\apache-

tomcat-5.5.15\webapps\gallery  reloadable=true

 !-- Link to the user database we will get roles from --
 ResourceLink name=jdbc/galleryDB global=galleryDB


Please help

many thansk

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Re: mod_rewrite losing session

2006-02-24 Thread Mark Thomas
Tim Lucia wrote:
 And how would one do that?  The cookie JSESSIONID is automagically
 maintained for you. 
 -Original Message-
 From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 4:50 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: mod_rewrite losing session
 Anyone know the quick and easy way to do this?
 Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
The easiest thing would be to tell Tomcat to always use / as a path 
for the JSESSIONID cookie.
that should take care of it.

You want emptySessionPath


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Tomcat Administration Package installation

2006-02-24 Thread nguessan
Hi All,

I know that this is a very basic question, but I could not find any
instruction on Tomcat's web site. I have Tomcat 5.5.15 installed on
Windows 2003; it is not bundled with the Tomcat Administration Package
anymore. I have downloaded the Administration Package. It is the In which exact directory should I unbundle
the file? The full path to my Tomcat installation is:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5

Thank you in advance for your help.


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RE: Tomcat Administration Package installation

2006-02-24 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 Subject: Tomcat Administration Package installation

 I have downloaded the Administration Package. It is the

That's the name of the main Tomcat download, not the admin package,
which is in

 In which exact directory should I unbundle
 the file? The full path to my Tomcat installation is:
 C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5

Once you get the proper .zip file downloaded, unzip it in the same place
as the main Tomcat download.  They use the same directory structure.

You might want to consider installing Tomcat in a path without any
spaces in the directory names - this has been known to cause problems in
the past.

 - Chuck

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Re: Tomcat Administration Package installation

2006-02-24 Thread Mark Thomas
 I have downloaded the Administration Package. It is the In which exact directory should I unbundle
 the file?

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5


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RE: mod_rewrite losing session

2006-02-24 Thread Tim Lucia
Excellent, thank you.  How did I miss that the first time I asked this
question?  And nobody pointed it out that time.  Convenient it came up
again, I guess.


If set to true, all paths for session cookies will be set to /. This can be
useful for portlet specification implementations, but will greatly affect
performance if many applications are accessed on a given server by the
client. If not specified, this attribute is set to false.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 6:01 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: mod_rewrite losing session
 Tim Lucia wrote:
  And how would one do that?  The cookie JSESSIONID is automagically 
  maintained for you.
  -Original Message-
  From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 4:50 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: mod_rewrite losing session
  Anyone know the quick and easy way to do this?
  Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
 The easiest thing would be to tell Tomcat to always use / 
 as a path
 for the JSESSIONID cookie.
 that should take care of it.
 You want emptySessionPath
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Tomcat Administration Package installation - Fixed - Thank You

2006-02-24 Thread nguessan
Thanks Mark and Chuck for your help!

  Original Message 
 Subject: Re: Tomcat Administration Package installation
 From: Mark Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, February 24, 2006 6:12 pm
 To: Tomcat Users List
  I have downloaded the Administration Package. It is the In which exact directory should I unbundle
  the file?
 C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5
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JSP with use beans calls do not work

2006-02-24 Thread Claudio Veas
Hello list, I m really new to tomcat ,I have the following problem recently
I tried to resume my practices on JSP on my tomcat server but I seem to have
a problem and I do not know what it is. Every time I try to run a JSP with a
usebean it shows me this error 
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /colors/controlguardo.jsp(1,1) 

Bye the way I tried with new examples but the I tried with some of the ones
that were already 
tested and functioning and it didnot work either. One other thing my .class
files are in 
C:\Archivos de programa\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\common\classes
Anyway when they used to work they were in the same place but maybe I have
done something wrong that 
is making the server work wrong or al least not the way I want it to work. 
Any Ideas will be wellcome thanks for your attention 
Claudio Veas

Re: tomcat catalina.out getting bombed with debug messages on maven-proxy deploy

2006-02-24 Thread Glen Mazza

Brad O'Hearne wrote:
This is a real incredible nuisance. It appears that Tomcat is using 
java.util.logging, so I altered all the log levels in 
conf/ to WARNING, and I'm still getting DEBUG messages 

Since you're using java.util.logging, have you tried the within the JAVA_HOME/jre/lib directory?  That might work.


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Re: first jdbc tomcat application

2006-02-24 Thread Glen Mazza

David McMinn escribió:
  Unfortunately the logs don't say anything - I just get a page not found. If I take that out (and all subsequent jsp) it works fine. So right up to that point the jsp page renders fine - When I include that one more line, it blows up. I'm still looking but if someone knows please chime in. Thanks,

OK, then, perhaps the error page to forward to *that you have defined in 
 the webapp's web.xml file) doesn't exist.  TC is trying to forward to 
that error page, can't find it, and hence returns the page not found error.


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Re: [HELP] Forcing Context Reload (watched resource) via Java Code

2006-02-24 Thread Glen Mazza

Rob Gregory escribió:

Hi All


I'm using Tomcat 5.5.9 on Java 1.5.under mixed OS's. 



The question is one of forcing a context/webapp reload via java code - is
this possible? I know adding a watched resource or adding a new lib triggers
a reload (so hopefully to trigger this via code is possible).

Could the Ant manager commands be an option (they have deploy, undeploy, 
etc., tasks) for you?


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Re: JSP with use beans calls do not work

2006-02-24 Thread umesh balasubramaniam
could you please post your jsp code?


On 2/24/06, Claudio Veas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello list, I m really new to tomcat ,I have the following problem
 I tried to resume my practices on JSP on my tomcat server but I seem to
 a problem and I do not know what it is. Every time I try to run a JSP with
 usebean it shows me this error

 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /colors/controlguardo.jsp(1,1)

 Bye the way I tried with new examples but the I tried with some of the
 that were already
 tested and functioning and it didnot work either. One other thing my
 files are in
 C:\Archivos de programa\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat
 Anyway when they used to work they were in the same place but maybe I have
 done something wrong that
 is making the server work wrong or al least not the way I want it to work.
 Any Ideas will be wellcome thanks for your attention
 Claudio Veas

Re: error-page for nonexistent context

2006-02-24 Thread Glen Mazza

Paul Singleton wrote:

(I am required to anonymiee a Tomcat 5.5 server from hackers
trying to discover its version etc.)

If I put this in conf/web.xml


*and* put an anon_error.jsp in every web app, then I can
replace the built-in error page.

But where will Tomcat look for /anon_error.jsp when a
(page within a) nonexistent context is requested?

e.g., http://localhost:8080/skldjfha ?

Then I think you would want to alter the conf/web.xml for the 
DefaultServlet[1], placing the error-page/ element you have defined 
above in that file.



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question about redirect and session management

2006-02-24 Thread coco nut
I have question about http redirect and the way tomcat manage sessions. I 
have two servers, S1 and S2. The user is already connecting to S1 (I have a 
session in S1 with the user already), then he goes to S2 (have  a session in 
S2 as well).

On S2, he clicks on a link which redirects to a page on S1. The issue here 

1. If S1 and S2 uses the same port number (e.g. 8080), I can get back the 
same session of the user in S1 when I receive the redirect on S1.

2. If S1 and S2 uses different port numbers (e.g. 8080 on S1, and 9090 on 
S2), when a redirect comes in on S1, I can never get the same session. I get 
a totally new session.

Why? What's the issue here? Could someone enlighten please?

Thanks a lot.


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Re: Java Question

2006-02-24 Thread Mehdi Tahanizadeh
agar ke momkene moshkeleto kamel tozih bede ta age kari az dastam bar miyad
barat anjam bedam.

On 2/24/06, Ramin Farhanian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- Andrew English [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Is there anyway to check this theory?
  -Original Message-
  From: Peter Crowther
  Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:22 AM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: RE: Java Question
   From: Andrew English
   I have looked for the filenames.* on all the
   including the linux
   ones and not come up with anything except for
  what's on the
   two servers.
  I suspect an operations issue.  Has someone
  configured a revision
  control system (such as CVS or Subversion) on the
  production server,
  such that it does nightly checkouts of the 'known
  good' content, to
  assist in staging content from the development to
  the production server?
- Peter
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Re: JNDI Datasource Problem

2006-02-24 Thread umesh balasubramaniam
Try using connector/J and the configuration below:
  Resource name=jdbc/galleryDB auth=Container type=

ResourceParams name=jdbc/galleryDB


On 2/24/06, lee hwaying [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter - Cannot create JDBC driver of class '' for
 connect URL 'null'

 I still get the above error in Tomcat 5.5.15 after doing the below. Please

 web.xml :




 C:\apache-tomcat-5.5.15\conf\server.xml :
 !-- Global JNDI resources --

 !-- Test entry for demonstration purposes --

 Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer value=30/

 !-- Editable user database that can also be used by
  UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users --

 Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
description=User database that can be updated and saved

   pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /

 Resource auth=Container name=jdbc/galleryDB type=





 Context debug=0 displayName=gallery path=/gallery

 tomcat-5.5.15\webapps\gallery  reloadable=true

   !-- Link to the user database we will get roles from --
   ResourceLink name=jdbc/galleryDB global=galleryDB


 Please help

 many thansk

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Re: Reading Data Form MS -execel 2003- in java

2006-02-24 Thread Prashant Saraf
it does using xml and java
there are some ocx and dll are there which u add to ur excel file,

On 2/24/06, Glen Mazza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Really?  I'm seeing SVN commits on its source code still:


 David Thielen wrote:

  One note on POI. It is a good product and works but it is also
  - there has been no new development on it for years.
  Thanks - dave
  David Thielen
  -Original Message-
  From: Vincent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:00 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: Reading Data Form MS -execel 2003- in java
  yeah , definally POI
  On 2/23/06, Bill Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi Forum,
 Did anyone used java program to read data from microsoft excel ?
 Can any one give me pointers where to look for this ??
 Birendar Singh Waldiya
 Tata Consultancy Services Limited
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