Re: Tips for advance use of Vim

2006-08-10 Thread 4mir Salihefendic

I tried adding this as comment but the autoformatting feature i annoying when
trying to post vim commands.
I was to lazy to look for a description how to do pre formatting.. (That's the
downside on wikis.. You have to find out how to do something again and again)

I added it for you. AmiFormat is used as formatting language, check
out a simple reference here:

Thanks for the excellent comment! I didn't know about the glob pattern
- - nor did I check out MRU plugin :) I am definitely going to check
those out and see how I can use them :)


4mir -
/(bb|[^b]{2})/ that is the Question

can we set vim to use magic=very ??

2006-08-10 Thread martin kraegeloh


rtfm didn't help ... I'd like to *always* make my regexes behave like 
perl, but I find no way to set it as a default. will I have to always 
use \v ??
I tend to think that if I can't get vim to do something it's because I 
don't know why, not because it is not possible ... so how do I do this?

cheers, martin
fn:Martin Kraegeloh
adr:;;Am Alten Pfarrhof 24;Oberbergkirchen;;84564;Germany
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:+49 8637 985806
tel;cell:+49 160 98943453

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Tips for advance use of Vim

2006-08-10 Thread Marc Weber
On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 10:22:11AM +0800, Vincent Wang wrote:
> Good idea and I am sure it will help many persons!
> One suggestion, why not put your tips to's tips page and 
> post a notification in this maillist? That will make your tip well 
> archived and easier to reach.

This tip had a specific topic (Workspace efficiency)

This leads me to another idea:
Why not use some kind of wiki where we can write down many tips sorted
by topic? Eg the wiki might have an index like this and much more content..

Working with vim efficiently
oppening/saving files
" don't losse time creating directoryies, let vim create them 
for you!
augroup BufWritePre
  autocmd BufWritePre * if !isdirectory(expand('%:h'))| 
mkdir(expand('%:h'),'p') | endif
augroup end

You accidently edited a file on disk and in vim? No problem: 
diff them:
fun! DiffWithFileFromDisk()
  let filename=expand('%')
  let diffname = filename.'.fileFromBuffer'
  exec 'saveas! '.diffname
  exec 'edit '.filename

managing windows
Insert Code Snippets

moving curosr
(there is - and  why not introduce your own mappings
for k$ or j$? map   o is realy useful,...)
(do a fast mappnig eg  :windcmd w and use
 to go to the next window, you'll need
oonly 2  keys most of the time!)
editing text
searching in text  
(  pipe to | g -
   and use a mapping like this
  " filter lines
  noremap  :exec 'g!/'.input("filter expr 
  " drop lines
  noremap  :exec 'g/'.input("filter expr 
 Now you can see all matches at one glance instead of 
pressing n n over and over again..
Have you ever wondered wether it's faster to use j or use 5j?
reduce  the repetition and hold time of your keyboard and j 
will  be fastter ;)
file-type plugins
use an autocommand like this to automatically resource it:
augroup reloadftplugins
  au BufWritePost ~/.vim/ftplugin/*.vim bufdo let &ft=&ft
augroup end

use a shortcut like this to open the ftplugin file directly (mw 
is  my  shortcut so I can insttall different plugins easily)
  map  :exec 'e 
Tips for working with
xml (content  eg xmllint, completion, dtd <- there was another 
nice tutorial somewhere)
C (tags, templates, .., quickfix)
... It would be nice to create a collection of useful

fun! IfConfirm(confirm_requirement, message, cmd)
if a:confirm_requirement
if !input(a:message.' [y/sth. else]')=='y'
exec a:cmd

" just use exec  DontLoadTwice("scriptname") to not load the 
script twice
fun! DontLoadTwice(name)
  let cmd = "if exists('".a:name."') | finish| let 

" some kind of  ? operator  (then_v and else_v will be 
function! If(condition, then_v, else_v)
  if a:condition
exec a:then_v
exec a:else_v
" usage:
let a=If(condition,thenvalue,elsevalue)

If you think functions like this make your code harder to read
I'd suggest running exuberant-ctags in.vim and using tags or 
the excellent
wherefrom plugin
Why this? It's said that the tim you need to write a program is
proportional to the number of lines you need if you are 
familiar  enough with
the  languge + libs

I don't think this should replace but it might link to the tips/ 
scripts there 
Benefits: Its easier to keep it up to date (on you'll get
still outdated matches..  

Would be a good place?
I've some ideas and scripts I want to share..
some are so small that it's not worth putting them into a tip.
I think it would

Re: can we set vim to use magic=very ??

2006-08-10 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

martin kraegeloh wrote:


rtfm didn't help ... I'd like to *always* make my regexes behave like 
perl, but I find no way to set it as a default. will I have to always 
use \v ??
I tend to think that if I can't get vim to do something it's because I 
don't know why, not because it is not possible ... so how do I do this?

cheers, martin

Only thing I can see is

:map / /\\v
:map ? ?\\v

but that wouldn't solve the case of ex-commands (:s, :helpgrep, 
:vimgrep, etc.) which accept a pattern.

Or else (but I don't recommend it) find where patterns are handled in 
the C code and hack the source.

Best regards,

Patch (Unofficial): Malformed characters in menu and toolbar when using zh_CN.GBK encoding under Linux

2006-08-10 Thread Edward L. Fox

Patch Unofficial
Problem:Menu and toolbar: Doesn't display properly when using
zh_CN.GBK encoding under Linux.
Solution:   Use gb2312 to generate the menu and toolbar to get proper
display, then use cp936 instead of GBK which is a correct alias under
Files:  runtime/menu.vim

*** runtime/menu.vim  2006-04-18 06:06:31.0 +0800
--- ../ 16:21:03.0 +0800
*** 48,53 
--- 48,56 
 " same menu file for them.
 let s:lang = substitute(s:lang, 'iso_8859-15\=$', "latin1", "")
 menutrans clear
+ if s:lang == "zh_cn.gbk" || s:lang == "zh_cn.gb18030"
+ set enc=gb2312
+ endif
 exe "runtime! lang/menu_" . s:lang . ".vim"

 if !exists("did_menu_trans")
*** 1094,1097 
--- 1097,1104 
 let &cpo = s:cpo_save
 unlet s:cpo_save

+ if s:lang == "zh_cn.gbk" || s:lang == "zh_cn.gb18030"
+   set enc=cp936
+ endif
 " vim: set sw=2 :

RE: Tips for advance use of Vim

2006-08-10 Thread SHANKAR R-R66203

I would agree with Marc.
The vim tips currently does not have any structured organisation.
May be, we can organize using wiki.


>-Original Message-
>From: Marc Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:08 PM
>Subject: Re: Tips for advance use of Vim
>On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 10:22:11AM +0800, Vincent Wang wrote:
>> Good idea and I am sure it will help many persons!
>> One suggestion, why not put your tips to's tips page and
>> post a notification in this maillist? That will make your tip well
>> archived and easier to reach.
>This tip had a specific topic (Workspace efficiency)
>This leads me to another idea:
>Why not use some kind of wiki where we can write down many tips sorted
>by topic? Eg the wiki might have an index like this and much more
>Working with vim efficiently
>   oppening/saving files
>   " don't losse time creating directoryies, let vim create
>for you!
>   augroup BufWritePre
> autocmd BufWritePre * if !isdirectory(expand('%:h'))|
>mkdir(expand('%:h'),'p') | endif
>   augroup end
>   You accidently edited a file on disk and in vim? No
>diff them:
>   fun! DiffWithFileFromDisk()
> let filename=expand('%')
> let diffname = filename.'.fileFromBuffer'
> exec 'saveas! '.diffname
> diffthis
> vsplit
> exec 'edit '.filename
> diffthis
>   endfun
>   managing windows
>   Insert Code Snippets
>   moving curosr
>   (there is - and  why not introduce your own mappings
>   for k$ or j$? map   o is realy useful,...)
>   (do a fast mappnig eg  :windcmd w and use
>to go to the next window, you'll need
>   oonly 2  keys most of the time!)
>   editing text
>   searching in text
>   (  pipe to | g -
>  and use a mapping like this
> " filter lines
> noremap  :exec 'g!/'.input("filter
> " drop lines
> noremap  :exec 'g/'.input("filter
>Now you can see all matches at one glance
instead of
>pressing n n over and over again..
>   )
>   Have you ever wondered wether it's faster to use jpressnig this key> or use 5j?
>   reduce  the repetition and hold time of your keyboard
and j
>will  be fastter ;)
>   file-type plugins
>   use an autocommand like this to automatically resource
>   augroup reloadftplugins
> au BufWritePost ~/.vim/ftplugin/*.vim bufdo let
>   augroup end
>   use a shortcut like this to open the ftplugin file
directly (mw
>is  my  shortcut so I can insttall different plugins easily)
> map  :exec 'e
>   Tips for working with
>   xml (content  eg xmllint, completion, dtd <- there was
>nice tutorial somewhere)
>   C (tags, templates, .., quickfix)
>   bash/sh
>   vimhelp
>   vimscripting:
>   ... It would be nice to create a collection of useful
>   functions...
>   fun! IfConfirm(confirm_requirement, message, cmd)
>   if a:confirm_requirement
>   if !input(a:message.' [y/sth. else]')=='y'
>   return
> endif
>   endif
>   exec a:cmd
>   endfun
>   " just use exec  DontLoadTwice("scriptname") to not load
>script twice
>   fun! DontLoadTwice(name)
> let cmd = "if exists('".a:name."') | finish| let
>   endfun
>   " some kind of  ? operator  (then_v and else_v will be
>   function! If(condition, then_v, else_v)
> if a:condition
>   exec a:then_v
> else
>   exec a:else_v
> endif
>   endfunction
>   " usage:
>   let a=If(condition,thenvalue,elsevalue)
>   If you think functions like this make your code harder
to read
>   I'd suggest running exuberant-ctags in.vim and using
tags or
>the excellent
>   wherefrom plugin
>   Why this? It's said that the tim you need to write a
program is
>   proportional to the number of lines you need if you are
>familiar  enough with
>   the  languge + libs
>I don't think this should replace but it might link to the

Re: can we set vim to use magic=very ??

2006-08-10 Thread Peter Hodge
Hi Martin,

Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way to use \v by default for every

It may help to remember that when you have the default 'magic' option set, Vim
only recognizes 5 special characters without backslash:
  [ (if there is a matching ] to make a collection)

Every other special sequence needs a '\'.


> martin kraegeloh wrote:
> all,
> rtfm didn't help ... I'd like to *always* make my regexes behave like 
> perl, but I find no way to set it as a default. will I have to always 
> use \v ??
> I tend to think that if I can't get vim to do something it's because I 
> don't know why, not because it is not possible ... so how do I do this?
> cheers, martin

Send instant messages to your online friends 

[RFC] fising bug wrt '\\ '

2006-08-10 Thread Yakov Lerner

I am about to fix the  bug that is mentioned in the todo.
There is one remaining ambiguity on which I need to consut the
community. The testcase that illustrates the bug is at the end.

First, about the bug that needs to be fixed. It is in handling of \\ when
\\ precedes th whitespace. I was bitten by this bug myself.
Sequence '\ ' is currently [correctly] treated as whitespace that's
embedded in the whitespace. Sequence '\\ ' is [incorrectly] treated
as '\ ' embedded into argument. It shall be treated as '\' then
argument break. (Current incorrect treatment does now allow to
have an argument consisting of single \, or of argument ending
with \).

There is one remaining ambiguity on which I need to consut the
community. It is how to treat \\ (when \\ is not preceding the whitespace).

One possibility is to treat \\ as \\. Second possibility is to treat
\\ as \. I am inclined to first (\\->\\), because (a) it is backward-compatible
and (b) it seems less surprising when \\ is embedded into arguments
containing regular expressions and the like.

What are your opinions on expanding \\ as \\ vs \ in  ?

" XX \\ works, 2 args ('\\')
" XX a bworks, 2 args ('a','b')
" XX a\ b   works, 1 arg ('a b')
" XX a\\b  1 arg ('a\\b')   Shall it be 1 arg('a\b') ?
" XX a\\ b  bug:   1 arg('a\ b') Expected 2 args('a\','b')
" XX a\\  b bug:   2 args ('a\ ','b').   Expected 2 args('a\','b')

command! -nargs=* XX :call Test()
fun! Test(...)
  echo "XX: ".a:0." args("
  let i=1
  let argc=a:0
  while i <= a:0
  echon "'".a:{i}."'"

  if i != a:0 | echon "," | endif

  let i = i + 1
  echon ")"

Re: Re[2]: filename completion and filereadable

2006-08-10 Thread Matthew Winn
On Wed, 9 Aug 2006 23:03:12 -0400, Alan G Isaac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Thu, 10 Aug 2006, "A.J.Mechelynck" apparently wrote: 
> > What is "the raw string notation from Python" ? 
> > IMHO it would only create one additional type of string. We already have 
> > single-quoted 'raw' strings in Vim, yet many people constantly forget 
> > that double-quoted strings in Vim are "cooked". 
> Yes, that is my point:
> Many people forget the difference between single and double 
> quoted strings. Indeed when reading vimscript the difference
> is not immediately obvious (easily forgettable), which is
> unfortunate.
> Taking the Python approach that values explicitness,
> a raw string can be created
> r'like this' or r"like this".

But "..." versus '...' is just as explicit.  It's also something
shared by every Unix shell I've used, along with quite a few other
languages such as Perl.  In fact, apart from Python and XML I can't
think of any languages that don't make a distinction between double
and single quotes, as it's an extremely useful difference and it's
a waste of a limited character set to ignore it.

Matthew Winn

Re[4]: filename completion and filereadable

2006-08-10 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Thu, 10 Aug 2006, Matthew Winn apparently wrote: 
> But "..." versus '...' is just as explicit.

Ah, that explains why the question keeps coming up on this 
list and never in a Python forum ... Or not?

> In fact, apart from Python and XML I can't think of any 
> languages that don't make a distinction between double and 
> single quotes, as it's an extremely useful difference and 
> it's a waste of a limited character set to ignore it. 

Hmm, "I guess you 'never need' nested quotes?"

In any case, I did not suggest changing the current quote
behavior, just adding an additional syntax.

Alan Isaac

Re: fast file locating plugin (like ido.el in emacs)

2006-08-10 Thread Eddy Zhao

Hi Hari:

  I detailed compared ido.el and lookupfile.vim today, below are some
of the ido features that I personally think more convenient than the
lookupfile plugin:

- Ido don't need user to generate & update tagfile (and don't have things
  like LookupFile_MinPatLength and performance balance)

- Ido can locate file by keyword (not regexp). For Example user only need
  to input keyword "c" to locate file "my_" from file "my_",
  "my_",  "my_" in the current directory. User don't need to locate
  file by regexp everytime (though ido DO support regexp based locating, I
  find myself almost never used that feature. User's file locating pattern is
  more keyword based, NOT regexp based !!).

- Ido will automatically complete the filename under the current input
  focus while user is inputing keyword, and at the same time it will show
  other candidate filename list that match the keyword. These two features
  have a lot of advantages:

* User can more quickly detect that the target file is already located
  using the current keyword subset

* User can more quickly detect that no file will be located using the
  current keyword subset (and further-keyword-based-on-that-subset)

* User don't need to press TAB to check the matched filenames, all
   happened automatically

 - Ido can locate file in any directory (not only file in the current
   user only need to prefix directory path, and directory patch could be
   completed by TAB)

 - Ido can highlight the keyword in the matched filenames

 The above features make ido very effecient, could lookupfile be
modified to achieve the same effect?  I think lookupfile is a very
important plugin that could affect the whole vim community's editing
effeciency. If you want to know anything more about ido's feature, pls
let me know, I'll investigate and feedback. And I strongly recommend
you to try ido once.

Thanks for look into that

2006/8/10, Hari Krishna Dara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Wed, 9 Aug 2006 at 10:49pm, Yakov Lerner wrote:

> On 8/9/06, Hari Krishna Dara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am not completely clear on your question. You can always generate a
> > single tag file which includes all the directories that you would visit.
> > Normally, for development branches, this is easy as you can generate the
> > tag file right at the root of the branch, including everything under it.
> > If your usage scenario is such that the directories that you visit are
> > scattered all over the filesystem, then you should still be able to
> > create a command that will build a central tag file for all these
> > directories. The sample find command given can be extended for this
> > case, as the find manual suggests that you can have multiple "paths".
> > Create a script and have it run on demand or through a scheduler.
> Hari, This is certain burden that you place on the users.
> I'd prefer that you had a hotkey such that when you press it
> at the script prompt, script would automatically runs 'find'
> from the current dir to refresh the filelist.
> And if dirlist for current dir does not exist, that it
> create it automatically on the first invocation.
> Yes I am spoiled kid 
> Yakov

Building filelist for large directories takes significant time
(especially on windows, as cygwin find is slow), so running the command
outside in a separate window is preferale, and the script doesn't need
to bother about platform/shell specific issues (like what if cygwin is
not installed?). The plugin is written to be independent of any external
tools, and it uses well known file format (tags) to index filenames.
How you build the index is complete independent, and there is no generic
tool to support it (like ctags). You don't need to even use find to
build this index.

Also, all my scripts that refresh tag files (and even ID database) do
the below trick:

command >
mv tags

The advantage is that while the command is taking a long time to run, I
can continue to work with the old tags file. This flexibility is lost if
your vim session is typed up while the plugin is rebuilding the file.

I don't understand the advantage of having a separate filelist for each
directory (this means, you have to change Lookupfile_TagExpr such that
it looks only into the current directory). I very often move around in
the filesytem (which is why I created PushPop.vim plugin), so the
current directory is kind of relatively insignificant. Isn't it
preferable to have a single list at the root level, though it means
building the list takes longer (but how often do you have the list
changing anyway)? What if you cd into a directory, whose one of the
parents already has the filelist built? Do you still want to build it? I
guess a usage scenario will help me understand the usefulness of this.

It will also help if someone can explain how the emacs tool behaves in
this regard. Does it use a file index and if so how does it bu

Re: filename completion and filereadable

2006-08-10 Thread Alexander 'boesi' Bösecke

Am 10.08.2006 16:02:54 schrieb Alan G Isaac:

> On Thu, 10 Aug 2006, Matthew Winn apparently wrote: 
> > But "..." versus '...' is just as explicit.
> Ah, that explains why the question keeps coming up on this 
> list and never in a Python forum ... Or not?
> > In fact, apart from Python and XML I can't think of any 
> > languages that don't make a distinction between double and 
> > single quotes, as it's an extremely useful difference and 
> > it's a waste of a limited character set to ignore it. 
> Hmm, "I guess you 'never need' nested quotes?"

As an additional note not especially related to ViM - with '...' and
"..." you have 2 kind of strings. But how do you express unicode-strings?
Use `...` or something like that? And what happens, when in the future
there will be a 4. string-type? With the syntax of python that's no

cu boesi
A Achkatz'l ofm Baam
des hot a schins Laam
braucht keen Pfenng Gald
un freit sich of dr Walt

changed-yet-not-saved-lines highlighting feature

2006-08-10 Thread Eddy Zhao


 Very often, I open a lot of files to edit. When I exiting vim, vim
prompt me to save every file which contain changes not saved yet. So,

 - Is there plugin that could highlight the
changed-yet-not-saved-lines (possibly with yellow background), so that
I could easily locate and check those changes and decide whether to
save it or not.

 - Furthermore, is there plugin that could highlight the
changed-and-saved-lines in a vim session in the file (possibly with
green background), so that I could easily audit all changes of a file
in a vim edit session.

  BTW, this feature is borrowed from a commercial editor I tried
sometime ago, and find very useful when editing a lot of source code


Re: Internet based .vim and .vimrc

2006-08-10 Thread Robert Hicks

Mike Bradley wrote:

I would like to be able to open up a vim instance from
anywhere with my vim settings.

One way I can think to do this is by editing my .vimrc
file to load my colors, plugings, autoloads etc. and
then putting all those files on the internet so that I
can source it from anywhere.

However, is there a way to do this without changing my
.vimrc?  Could I just put my .vim folder and my .vimrc
on the internet and run something like: "source
http:/path/to.vimrc | source http:/path/to/.vim"?

Thanks for the help.

To help with searches, I'll add the words: roaming
profile setup network web

If you want to do that...why not do a simple script to fetch them and 
cache them where they need to go? You would only have to do this one 
time or any time you make changes to the master copies. Not as fancy, 
but it will work.


Re: changed-yet-not-saved-lines highlighting feature

2006-08-10 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 8/10/06, Eddy Zhao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


  Very often, I open a lot of files to edit. When I exiting vim, vim
prompt me to save every file which contain changes not saved yet. So,

  - Is there plugin that could highlight the
changed-yet-not-saved-lines (possibly with yellow background), so that
I could easily locate and check those changes and decide whether to
save it or not.

  - Furthermore, is there plugin that could highlight the
changed-and-saved-lines in a vim session in the file (possibly with
green background), so that I could easily audit all changes of a file
in a vim edit session.

   BTW, this feature is borrowed from a commercial editor I tried
sometime ago, and find very useful when editing a lot of source code

You can invoke vimdff to see differences. That requires temp copying:
1. :!cp % %.orig
   :diffsplit %.orig
   :vert diffsplit %.orig
It would be more convenient if :vimslpit allowed diff of the current buffer
with original file on disk directly, but as far as I can see it
doesn't allow it,
you need to copy the file. It's not that bad, can be assigned to a macro:
   :nmap  :!cp % %.orig:vert diffsplit %.orig

2. :w! %.tmp
   and invoke 'vimdiff file file.tmp' in the other window

3. Less sophisticated method of revewing the changes:
:w !diff -u - %
(NB you must have space between 'w' and '!'). It does not highlight any
lines but it's simple an it let you review your changes.


Re: changed-yet-not-saved-lines highlighting feature

2006-08-10 Thread Tim Chase

  - Is there plugin that could highlight the
changed-yet-not-saved-lines (possibly with yellow background), so that
I could easily locate and check those changes and decide whether to
save it or not.

I've done something like this in the past that is roughly like:

:below vert new
:r #
:set nomodified

which brings the new version and old version into Vim's diffing 
abilities...I suppose this could be mapped to make it a one-shot. 
  (the "set nomodified" should prevent Vim from griping when you 
try to close the window containing the contents read from the disk)

  - Furthermore, is there plugin that could highlight the
changed-and-saved-lines in a vim session in the file (possibly with
green background), so that I could easily audit all changes of a file
in a vim edit session.

Can't say I've heard of anything like this, but I too have seen 
something like it in other editors (a red-line in the margin for 
changes...displayed as another color after the file has been 
saved so you can still track the original file, and discern what 
changes have or haven't been saved).  A handy feature to be long as it can be turned off. :)


Re: can we set vim to use magic=very ??

2006-08-10 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

martin kraegeloh wrote:

rtfm didn't help ... I'd like to *always* make my regexes behave like 
perl, but I find no way to set it as a default. will I have to always 
use \v ??
I tend to think that if I can't get vim to do something it's because I 
don't know why, not because it is not possible ... so how do I do this?

Do you happen to use any plugins?  This sort of thing would likely break 
any that use search, etc - ie. a lot of them.

Chip Campbell

Show/Hide Split Windows

2006-08-10 Thread Steve Amerige

Hi all,

The ability to split windows is an absolute essential; however, there are times when I want to focus on one buffer in one window and 
hide all of the other windows.  But, I don't know of any show/hide feature that hides all windows but the current window.  As a 
workaround, I resize all of the windows to give maximum space to the window I want to see, but this then makes me resize all of the 
windows again when I want to restore the windows.

So, by any chance, is this a feature that is already implemented and I don't 
know of it?

Or, can it be put on a wishlist?  If so, here's how I imagine it could work:

Some keystroke does the toggle for show/hide inactive windows (non-current windows).  Also, a statusline entry is available that can 
be used as a visible reminder that the inactive windows are hidden.


Steve Amerige
Adobe Systems Incorporated 

delete lines

2006-08-10 Thread Ben lemasurier

Hey everyone,

Is there a way to make it so that when I am editing something like this:

function foo() {

And then I decide that I want to remove $blah2, so I start to press
backspace from here:

fucntion foo() {
   $blah2; <- cursor here

and then when I get to the beginning of the line, it stops. Can I make
it so that it will follow up to the end of $blah on the previous line?



Re: delete lines

2006-08-10 Thread Tim Chase

And then I decide that I want to remove $blah2, so I start to press
backspace from here:

fucntion foo() {
$blah2; <- cursor here

and then when I get to the beginning of the line, it stops. Can I make
it so that it will follow up to the end of $blah on the previous line?

Sounds like you want to tweak your 'backspace' option.

:set backspace

should tell you what it currently is.

:help 'backspace'

should describe what's available in how backspace behaves with 
regards to various conditions.

You likely want to have a line in your vimrc that looks something 

set backspace=indent,eol,start

that will allow you to backspace over all three categories of 
things that might not otherwise be backspace-over-able. :)


RE: delete lines

2006-08-10 Thread Max Dyckhoff
The problem is your setting of backspace. It sounds like currently bs is
equal to "indent,start" or something similar. You need
"indent,start,eol". The easiest way to do this is simply put this in
your .vimrc file:

:set bs=2

That should do it!


> -Original Message-
> From: Ben lemasurier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 10:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: delete lines
> Hey everyone,
> Is there a way to make it so that when I am editing something like
> function foo() {
> }
> And then I decide that I want to remove $blah2, so I start to press
> backspace from here:
> fucntion foo() {
> $blah;
> $blah2; <- cursor here
> }
> and then when I get to the beginning of the line, it stops. Can I make
> it so that it will follow up to the end of $blah on the previous line?
> thanks!
> Ben

Re: delete lines

2006-08-10 Thread Christian J. Robinson
Today (Thu, 10 Aug 2006), Ben lemasurier wrote:

> And then I decide that I want to remove $blah2, so I start to press
> backspace from here:
> fucntion foo() {
>$blah2; <- cursor here
> }
> and then when I get to the beginning of the line, it stops. Can I
> make it so that it will follow up to the end of $blah on the
> previous line?

Try ":set backspace+=eol" -- see ":help 'backspace'".

- Christian

  "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
   safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -- Ben Franklin
Christian J. Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   PGP keys: 0x893B0EAF / 0xFB698360

Re: Show/Hide Split Windows

2006-08-10 Thread striker
Yes there is a way in Vim without additional plugins.  Take a look  
at :help :mksession and :help :mkview
The way I use it is to set up 3-4 open windows with the files I  
frequently visit.  Then

 :mksession myview.vim
Then when I want to go back to that configeration I use:
:so myview.vim


On Aug 10, 2006, at 1:44 PM, Steve Amerige wrote:

Hi all,

The ability to split windows is an absolute essential; however,  
there are times when I want to focus on one buffer in one window  
and hide all of the other windows.  But, I don't know of any show/ 
hide feature that hides all windows but the current window.  As a  
workaround, I resize all of the windows to give maximum space to  
the window I want to see, but this then makes me resize all of the  
windows again when I want to restore the windows.

So, by any chance, is this a feature that is already implemented  
and I don't know of it?

Or, can it be put on a wishlist?  If so, here's how I imagine it  
could work:

Some keystroke does the toggle for show/hide inactive windows (non- 
current windows).  Also, a statusline entry is available that can  
be used as a visible reminder that the inactive windows are hidden.


Steve Amerige
Adobe Systems Incorporated

RE: Show/Hide Split Windows

2006-08-10 Thread Max Dyckhoff
I personally have never found the need to actually hide the other
windows, but I do always keep the current window maximised. One way to
do this is to set wh=10, but this kills the quickfix window. If you
use the quickfix window a lot (that's the one which shows compile errors
or grep results), then I have a little function that I use. It is hugely
personalised and I am sure there are better ways to do it, but here it
is for posterity, and perhaps you can modify it to do what you want:

function! WinEnter()

if (getwinvar(0, '&buftype')=="quickfix")

let retcmd=winnr()."wincmd w"
wincmd b

if (getwinvar(0, '&buftype')=="quickfix")
wincmd _
exec "copen"
wincmd p
let sizecmd="resize ".winheight(0)
exe retcmd
exe sizecmd
exe retcmd
wincmd _


au! WinEnter*call WinEnter()
set wh=1

> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Amerige [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 10:44 AM
> To:
> Subject: Show/Hide Split Windows
> Hi all,
> The ability to split windows is an absolute essential; however, there
> times when I want to focus on one buffer in one window and
> hide all of the other windows.  But, I don't know of any show/hide
> that hides all windows but the current window.  As a
> workaround, I resize all of the windows to give maximum space to the
> window I want to see, but this then makes me resize all of the
> windows again when I want to restore the windows.
> So, by any chance, is this a feature that is already implemented and I
> don't know of it?
> Or, can it be put on a wishlist?  If so, here's how I imagine it could
> work:
> Some keystroke does the toggle for show/hide inactive windows
> windows).  Also, a statusline entry is available that can
> be used as a visible reminder that the inactive windows are hidden.
> Feedback?
> Thanks,
> Steve Amerige
> Adobe Systems Incorporated

Re: delete lines

2006-08-10 Thread Meino Christian Cramer
From: "Christian J. Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: delete lines
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 12:00:45 -0600 (MDT)


> Today (Thu, 10 Aug 2006), Ben lemasurier wrote:
> > And then I decide that I want to remove $blah2, so I start to press
> > backspace from here:
> > 
> > fucntion foo() {
> >$blah;
> >$blah2; <- cursor here
> > }
> > 
> > and then when I get to the beginning of the line, it stops. Can I
> > make it so that it will follow up to the end of $blah on the
> > previous line?
> Try ":set backspace+=eol" -- see ":help 'backspace'".
> - Christian
> -- 
>   "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
>safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -- Ben Franklin
> Christian J. Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>PGP keys: 0x893B0EAF / 0xFB698360

is it also possible to enable the backspace key in normal mode --
the delete key is working in normal, so why should I miss the 
backspace key ?



Re: delete lines

2006-08-10 Thread Tim Chase

is it also possible to enable the backspace key in normal mode --
the delete key is working in normal, so why should I miss the 
backspace key ?

:nnoremap  X

(all typed literally with greater-than and less-than signs included)

should do the trick.


Re: Show/Hide Split Windows

2006-08-10 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Steve Amerige wrote:

The ability to split windows is an absolute essential; however, there 
are times when I want to focus on one buffer in one window and hide 
all of the other windows.  But, I don't know of any show/hide feature 
that hides all windows but the current window.  As a workaround, I 
resize all of the windows to give maximum space to the window I want 
to see, but this then makes me resize all of the windows again when I 
want to restore the windows.

So, by any chance, is this a feature that is already implemented and I 
don't know of it?

Perhaps ZoomWin will do what you want...

Type   ctrl-w o  to toggle between maximizing one window and restoring 
to all.   By maximizing, I mean that the current
window will take over the entire display, not leaving a lot of status 
bars around.

Chip Campbell

Re: delete lines

2006-08-10 Thread Meino Christian Cramer
From: Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: delete lines
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 13:22:27 -0500

> > is it also possible to enable the backspace key in normal mode --
> > the delete key is working in normal, so why should I miss the 
> > backspace key ?
> :nnoremap  X
> (all typed literally with greater-than and less-than signs included)
> should do the trick.
> -tim

with this I cannot cross lines (delete $ between line  and line
 coming from line  while backspacing and it is not possible to
delete the last (or in other words the first char after ^ ) char of a

...and after a while the cursor jumps:

Suppose there are lines n til n+5

all lines are filled with ascii-chars.

enter normal mode

goto line 's $

Hit backspace until there is one char /undeleteabnle this way) left
goto line 's $ 
hit backspace
--> the cursor jumps to the last (one and only lonely) char in line

damn is that complicate to use backspace in vim...hadn't exspected
that... ;)

Any other trick ?


Re: filename completion and filereadable

2006-08-10 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Alan G Isaac wrote:
On Thu, 10 Aug 2006, Matthew Winn apparently wrote: 

But "..." versus '...' is just as explicit.

Ah, that explains why the question keeps coming up on this 
list and never in a Python forum ... Or not?

In fact, apart from Python and XML I can't think of any 
languages that don't make a distinction between double and 
single quotes, as it's an extremely useful difference and 
it's a waste of a limited character set to ignore it. 

Hmm, "I guess you 'never need' nested quotes?"

In any case, I did not suggest changing the current quote
behavior, just adding an additional syntax.

Alan Isaac

No, in Vim v7, 'I don''t need nested quotes.' because a pair of single 
quotes within a single-quoted string means a single single-quote at that 
point in the resulting string. In pre-v7 Vim, I could have used string 
concatenation, which is less elegant, but works too.

Best regards,

Re: Show/Hide Split Windows

2006-08-10 Thread Rodolfo Borges

On 8/10/06, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Type   ctrl-w o  to toggle between maximizing one window and restoring
to all.   By maximizing, I mean that the current
window will take over the entire display, not leaving a lot of status
bars around.

Actually,  Ctrl-w o  will close all other windows.
You can't get back to them using  Ctrl-w o  again

Rodolfo Borges

RE: Show/Hide Split Windows

2006-08-10 Thread Max Dyckhoff
He means when using the script that he wrote and which he was discussing
in the same email, which remaps ctrl-w o to do something else.


> -Original Message-
> From: Rodolfo Borges [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:43 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Show/Hide Split Windows
> On 8/10/06, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Type   ctrl-w o  to toggle between maximizing one window and
> > to all.   By maximizing, I mean that the current
> > window will take over the entire display, not leaving a lot of
> > bars around.
> Actually,  Ctrl-w o  will close all other windows.
> You can't get back to them using  Ctrl-w o  again
> --
> Rodolfo Borges

Re: changed-yet-not-saved-lines highlighting feature

2006-08-10 Thread Marc Weber
On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 11:02:50PM +0800, Eddy Zhao wrote:
> Hi,
>  Very often, I open a lot of files to edit. When I exiting vim, vim
> prompt me to save every file which contain changes not saved yet. So,
>  - Is there plugin that could highlight the
> changed-yet-not-saved-lines (possibly with yellow background), so that
> I could easily locate and check those changes and decide whether to
> save it or not.
>  - Furthermore, is there plugin that could highlight the
> changed-and-saved-lines in a vim session in the file (possibly with
> green background), so that I could easily audit all changes of a file
> in a vim edit session.
>   BTW, this feature is borrowed from a commercial editor I tried
> sometime ago, and find very useful when editing a lot of source code
> files.

I would have proposed using the  diff commands, too..
(See DiffWithFileOnDisk in my privious post.)
Perhaps it would be better to save to tempname() because those files
will be deleted automatically..

Another waay  would be : do u until vim no longer shows the modified tag
;)  u will also show you what you've done.

Marc Weber

Re: can we set vim to use magic=very ??

2006-08-10 Thread martin kraegeloh

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

martin kraegeloh wrote:

rtfm didn't help ... I'd like to *always* make my regexes behave like 
perl, but I find no way to set it as a default. will I have to always 
use \v ??
I tend to think that if I can't get vim to do something it's because 
I don't know why, not because it is not possible ... so how do I do 

Do you happen to use any plugins?  This sort of thing would likely 
break any that use search, etc - ie. a lot of them.

hmmm ... true. but wouldn't it be nice if vim eventually treated the 
quasi-standard as default? even java understands regexes in the meantime ;-)
I personally find it hard to quote things to make them regain their 
special meaning. I would suggest that this be at least considered, and 
if vim switched the default behaviour the plugin authors would fix this 
once ...

anyway, thanks for all responses,


Chip Campbell

fn:Martin Kraegeloh
adr:;;Am Alten Pfarrhof 24;Oberbergkirchen;;84564;Germany
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:+49 8637 985806
tel;cell:+49 160 98943453

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Show/Hide Split Windows

2006-08-10 Thread Steve Amerige

Hi Chip,

Perhaps ZoomWin will do what you want...

Thank you for this... it's just what I was hoping for!  And, thanks for the 
other responses.  It shows how great Vim is!

Steve Amerige
Adobe Systems Incorporated

Re: Show/Hide Split Windows

2006-08-10 Thread Kim Schulz
On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 11:43:56 -0700
"Max Dyckhoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> He means when using the script that he wrote and which he was
> discussing in the same email, which remaps ctrl-w o to do something
> else.

and it works perfectly :-) Use it a lot here. 

Kim Schulz| Private :
+45 5190 4262 | Sparetime:

Re: filename completion and filereadable

2006-08-10 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Alexander 'boesi' Bösecke wrote:


Am 10.08.2006 16:02:54 schrieb Alan G Isaac:

On Thu, 10 Aug 2006, Matthew Winn apparently wrote: 

But "..." versus '...' is just as explicit.
Ah, that explains why the question keeps coming up on this 
list and never in a Python forum ... Or not?

In fact, apart from Python and XML I can't think of any 
languages that don't make a distinction between double and 
single quotes, as it's an extremely useful difference and 
it's a waste of a limited character set to ignore it. 

Hmm, "I guess you 'never need' nested quotes?"

As an additional note not especially related to ViM - with '...' and
"..." you have 2 kind of strings. But how do you express unicode-strings?
Use `...` or something like that? And what happens, when in the future
there will be a 4. string-type? With the syntax of python that's no

cu boesi

What happens in the future when there's a 4th string type? The whole 
point of this argument is to show you that there's even no need for a 
3rd one.

If the script is in Unicode, I can enter any character into a 'raw' or 
"cooked" string, using digraphs, a keymap, or the method described under 
":help i_CTRL-V_digit". No problem. To describe, in a non-Unicode 
script, strings containing Unicode codepoints not available in the 
script's encoding, I would have to use a "cooked" string with \u or 
maybe \ in it, where every h is a nybble, or else (for 
one or a few particular codepoints) move them to a data item at the 
start of the script, using for instance 'let s:bom = "\uFEFF"' then use 
string concatenation elsewhere in the script. This only shows that when 
describing strings containing non-Latin characters, Latin1 is not the 
best encoding for the script (and BTW, the ":scriptencoding" command may 
come in handy if the script is neither in Latin1 nor in UTF-8 with BOM.)

Best regards,

Re: Show/Hide Split Windows

2006-08-10 Thread cga2000
On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 02:42:57PM EDT, Rodolfo Borges wrote:
> On 8/10/06, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Type   ctrl-w o  to toggle between maximizing one window and restoring
> >to all.   By maximizing, I mean that the current
> >window will take over the entire display, not leaving a lot of status
> >bars around.
> Actually,  Ctrl-w o  will close all other windows.
> You can't get back to them using  Ctrl-w o  again
Immediately went to check that.  How stupid of me not to have tried it,
I thought.  Well unfortunately all I got was an error - Ye already have
only one window.


Could this be scripted -- using the error code from the failed C-O
attempt to "restore" the previous layout?

1. When in split mode:

   . Vim saves screen layout -- size, position, etc.
   . Vim hides all buffers save the current one
   . Vim maked the current buffer stretch to occupy entire window

2. When not in split mode:

   . Vim checks whether there's is a "previous" split mode
   . If so, Vim restores the previous layout
   . If not, displays error message

Would be very cool, afaic me having to look for and then memorize
yet another mapping.


I use :unhide N but it's usually a pain restoring the layout via C-W +
{H/J/K/L} and then having to resize the sub-windows.  But then, I'm no
unhide master.



Re: delete lines

2006-08-10 Thread Tim Chase

:nnoremap  X

with this I cannot cross lines (delete $ between line  and line
 coming from line  while backspacing and it is not possible to
delete the last (or in other words the first char after ^ ) char of a

Something perhaps like

:nnoremap  i

might do the trick.  One edge-case I found with this one is if 
you're on a blank line and use backspace, you delete the 
backspace, but end up on the last character of the previous line, 
thus if you have


with the cursor on the "X", and hit backspace, you end up on top 
of the "d" on the previous line (rather than "after" it).  Thus, 
hitting backspace again will leave you with "abd" instead of 
"abc" as one would normally want.

Haven't yet found a good solution to that one.


Re: changed-yet-not-saved-lines highlighting feature

2006-08-10 Thread Bob Hiestand

On 8/10/06, Marc Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 11:02:50PM +0800, Eddy Zhao wrote:
> Hi,
>  Very often, I open a lot of files to edit. When I exiting vim, vim
> prompt me to save every file which contain changes not saved yet. So,
>  - Is there plugin that could highlight the
> changed-yet-not-saved-lines (possibly with yellow background), so that
> I could easily locate and check those changes and decide whether to
> save it or not.
>  - Furthermore, is there plugin that could highlight the
> changed-and-saved-lines in a vim session in the file (possibly with
> green background), so that I could easily audit all changes of a file
> in a vim edit session.
>   BTW, this feature is borrowed from a commercial editor I tried
> sometime ago, and find very useful when editing a lot of source code
> files.

I would have proposed using the  diff commands, too..
(See DiffWithFileOnDisk in my privious post.)
Perhaps it would be better to save to tempname() because those files
will be deleted automatically..

I think Tim's method is better in that it doesn't require a file at
all.  Depending on personal preference, it might be better to
explicitly make the diff buffer a scratch buffer, in something like
the following:

command! -nargs=0 ShowDifferences
 \ let ShowDifferencesOriginalBuffer=bufnr('%')
 \|execute 'bufdo diffoff'
 \|execute 'buffer' ShowDifferencesOriginalBuffer
 \|unlet ShowDifferencesOriginalBuffer
 \|below vert new
 \|set buftype=nofile noswapfile bufhidden=wipe
 \|r #

There's a little extra there to clear diff mode from other buffers to
avoid including more than the two intended buffers in the diff mode.

Re: fast file locating plugin (like ido.el in emacs)

2006-08-10 Thread Hari Krishna Dara

I had some trouble but I was able to try ido.el. At first, emacs that
came with cygwin didn't start at all, even when I had X running, so I
downloaded it separately from I installed ido.el directly under
lisp directory, as I don't know how to put it in a user directory. Next
I had trouble understanding how to invoke it. Once I figured out that I
need to use M-x, I was able to try it. See below for my response.

On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 at 10:38pm, Eddy Zhao wrote:

> Hi Hari:
>I detailed compared ido.el and lookupfile.vim today, below are some
> of the ido features that I personally think more convenient than the
> current
> lookupfile plugin:
>  - Ido don't need user to generate & update tagfile (and don't have things
>like LookupFile_MinPatLength and performance balance)

As I explained before, the basic lookup mode is designed to be a lookup
in a full index. However, the plugin comes with a few other means to
lookup, and a generic extension mechanism to add more means. The version
I attached with my previous email includes a new mode which works
similar to ido.el.

>  - Ido can locate file by keyword (not regexp). For Example user only need
>to input keyword "c" to locate file "my_" from file "my_",
>"my_",  "my_" in the current directory. User don't need to locate
>file by regexp everytime (though ido DO support regexp based locating, I
>find myself almost never used that feature. User's file locating pattern
>more keyword based, NOT regexp based !!).

This is totally in the control of the new function that I added (see
below for an improved version), and I think it already behaves this way.
It may interpret some characters as filename-wildcards, as recognized by
glob(), so we might need to protect them (but there are not many of

>  - Ido will automatically complete the filename under the current input
>focus while user is inputing keyword, and at the same time it will show
>other candidate filename list that match the keyword. These two features
>have a lot of advantages:
>  * User can more quickly detect that the target file is already located
>using the current keyword subset
>  * User can more quickly detect that no file will be located using the
>current keyword subset (and further-keyword-based-on-that-subset)
>  * User don't need to press TAB to check the matched filenames, all
> happened automatically

I think all this is covered.

>   - Ido can locate file in any directory (not only file in the current
> directory,
> user only need to prefix directory path, and directory patch could be
> completed by TAB)

Covered as well.

>   - Ido can highlight the keyword in the matched filenames

This can't be done, as I am using the Vim7 completion popup, and it
doesn't support highlighting. However, I worked around by wrapping the
pattern with asterisks (in the new function below), so it kind of works,
though not that easy to read.

>   The above features make ido very effecient, could lookupfile be
> modified to achieve the same effect?  I think lookupfile is a very
> important plugin that could affect the whole vim community's editing
> effeciency. If you want to know anything more about ido's feature, pls
> let me know, I'll investigate and feedback. And I strongly recommend
> you to try ido once.
> Thanks for look into that
> Eddy

Replace the s:LookupWalk function in the plugin/lookupfile.vim with
the one below and try it out. Let me know if this meets your needs. If
you read a bit about Vim scripting basics, you can start playing around
with this function to make the matches look better (e.g, if '/' should
be separate or as part of 'abbr'). See help on |complete-items| on how
the map works.

function! s:LookupWalk(pattern)
  " Determine the parent dir.
  let parent = matchstr(a:pattern, '^.*/')
  let pattern = strpart(a:pattern, len(parent))
  let files = glob(parent.((pattern != '') ? '*'.pattern.'*' : '*'))
  let fl = split(files, "\")
  let entries = []
  for f in fl
let word = isdirectory(f)?f."/":f
let fname = matchstr(f, '[^/]*$')
call add(entries, {
  \ 'word': word,
  \ 'abbr': fname,
  \ 'menu': substitute(fname, '\V'.pattern, '*&*', ''),
  \ 'kind': (isdirectory(f)?'/':' '),
  \ })
  return entries


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Omnicompletion top window

2006-08-10 Thread Panos Laganakos


I'd like to know if there's a way to get rid of the top horizontal
window that appears while we're using omnicompletion.

Right now, after I Ctrl_X Ctrl_O and find the one I want I just type
it. While the balloon list disappears the horizontal window with the
info stays, so I have to

Ctr_W k

to get rid of it. Is there a faster way to make it go away once I'm
done with completion?

Panos Laganakos

RE: Search and Replace with a Regular Expression

2006-08-10 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
>>I agree with Chip and have a recommendation.  Since you have been  
>>using Vim, Perl will be much easier to learn.

>>When I first began studying programming Perl was over my head and  
>>seemed very difficult.

>I found it incredibly easy to learn Perl.  I was faced with a large
>data-reformatting program written in uncommented C that needed to be
>adapted to a new input format.  I started to work on it but it soon
>became clear that fixing the program would take a couple of weeks.
>I had vague memories of a language named Perl that was good for that
>sort of text processing, so at the weekend I went into London, bought
>the Camel book, skimmed through it on the train home, went into work
>on Monday and rewrote the entire application in Perl.  Not only did it
>take me less than half the time to rewrite the code as it would have
>taken to fix it, but the Perl version ran three times faster than the
>original C.

And quite likely, a 'lex' script would be able to do the same in about
half as many lines, and taken half that time to do it.  :D

'lex' rules!

Re: delete lines

2006-08-10 Thread Jochen Baier

Zitat von Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

:nnoremap  X

with this I cannot cross lines (delete $ between line  and line
 coming from line  while backspacing and it is not possible to
delete the last (or in other words the first char after ^ ) char of a

Something perhaps like

:nnoremap  i

might do the trick.  One edge-case I found with this one is if you're 
on a blank line and use backspace, you delete the backspace, but end 
up on the last character of the previous line, thus if you have


with the cursor on the "X", and hit backspace, you end up on top of 
the "d" on the previous line (rather than "after" it).  Thus, hitting 
backspace again will leave you with "abd" instead of "abc" as one 
would normally want.

Haven't yet found a good solution to that one.



you may try my script:


it will enable Return,Backspace,Del,Space and Tab key in Normal mode.

regards jochen

Re: Tips for advance use of Vim

2006-08-10 Thread 4mir Salihefendic

I don't think this should replace but it might link to the tips/ 
scripts there
Benefits: Its easier to keep it up to date (on you'll get
still outdated matches..

IMO this is an excellent idea. I am a web developer and willing to help.


4mir -
/(bb|[^b]{2})/ that is the Question

Unwanted leading spaces in reltimestr()

2006-08-10 Thread Bill McCarthy
Hello Vim List,

The function reltimestr() return a string which may have
leading spaces.  Is that a bug or a feature?

A workaround for this is:

function Reltimestr(t)
return matchstr(reltimestr(a:t),'[0-9.]\+')

Best regards,

Re: Show/Hide Split Windows

2006-08-10 Thread cga2000
On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 03:28:22PM EDT, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
> cga2000 wrote:
> >On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 02:42:57PM EDT, Rodolfo Borges wrote:
> > 
> >>On 8/10/06, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>   
> >>>Type   ctrl-w o  to toggle between maximizing one window and restoring
> >>>to all.   By maximizing, I mean that the current
> >>>window will take over the entire display, not leaving a lot of status
> >>>bars around.
> >>> 
> >>Actually,  Ctrl-w o  will close all other windows.
> >>You can't get back to them using  Ctrl-w o  again
> >>
> >Immediately went to check that.  How stupid of me not to have tried it,
> >I thought.  Well unfortunately all I got was an error - Ye already have
> >only one window.
> Please look at the rest of my email concerning the ZoomWin plugin.  It 
> what makes  ctrl-w o  do the
> trick mentioned above.  And, of course, there's always my website 
> (
> where I keep the latest versions (albeit perhaps still alpha/beta-ish) 
> of my plugins.

This is weird .. I got the message you are referring to after I posted
mine .. although the one I was replying to was posted later to the list.

Thanks much for taking the trouble to write this reminder.  The plugin
does exactly what I want.



Re: Patch (Unofficial): Malformed characters in menu and toolbar when using zh_CN.GBK encoding under Linux

2006-08-10 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Edward L. Fox wrote:

> Patch Unofficial
> Problem:Menu and toolbar: Doesn't display properly when using
> zh_CN.GBK encoding under Linux.
> Solution:   Use gb2312 to generate the menu and toolbar to get proper
> display, then use cp936 instead of GBK which is a correct alias under
> Linux.
> Files:  runtime/menu.vim
> *** runtime/menu.vim  2006-04-18 06:06:31.0 +0800
> --- ../ 16:21:03.0 +0800
> ***
> *** 48,53 
> --- 48,56 
>   " same menu file for them.
>   let s:lang = substitute(s:lang, 'iso_8859-15\=$', "latin1", "")
>   menutrans clear
> + if s:lang == "zh_cn.gbk" || s:lang == "zh_cn.gb18030"
> + set enc=gb2312
> + endif
>   exe "runtime! lang/menu_" . s:lang . ".vim"
>   if !exists("did_menu_trans")
> ***
> *** 1094,1097 
> --- 1097,1104 
>   let &cpo = s:cpo_save
>   unlet s:cpo_save
> + if s:lang == "zh_cn.gbk" || s:lang == "zh_cn.gb18030"
> +   set enc=cp936
> + endif
> +
>   " vim: set sw=2 :

The menu.vim file should never change 'encoding'.  It should load menus
that are appropriate for the current 'encoding' and language.

If the intention is to have the default for 'encoding' use something
specific in $LANG then this must be done in enc_locale() in src/mbyte.c

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
102. When filling out your driver's license application, you give
 your IP address.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

RE: Patch (Unofficial): Malformed characters in menu and toolbar when using zh_CN.GBK encoding under Linux

2006-08-10 Thread Max Dyckhoff
Bram, you have an overflow in your signature :)


> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:44 PM
> Subject: Re: Patch (Unofficial): Malformed characters in menu and
> when using zh_CN.GBK encoding under Linux
> --
> hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
> 102. When filling out your driver's license application, you give
>  your IP address.

Re: using syntax match two time in one line? fst blocks snd?

2006-08-10 Thread Marc Weber
> I am assuming that you have output like this:
>   ---
>   | Field1 | Field2 | Field3 | Field4 | ... |
>   ---
>   | Value1 | Value2 | Value3 | Value4 | ... |
>   ---
Exactly !
> In which case you might want to try something like this:
>   syntax match Border '^-\+$'
>   syntax match Border '^|' nextgroup=Col1
>   syntax match Col1 '[^|]\+|' contained nextgroup=Col2
>   syntax match Col2 '[^|]\+|' contained nextgroup=Col3
>   syntax match Col3 '[^|]\+|' contained nextgroup=Col4
>   syntax match Col4 '[^|]\+|' contained [ ... etc ... ]
>   syntax match Border "|" contained containedin=Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4
>   hi link Border Error
>   hi link Col1 Macro
>   hi link Col2 Type
>   hi link Col3 Statement
>   hi link Col4 String
>   [ ... etc ... ]
> This should highlight each column in a different color for you.  In case this
> doesn't help you, the following might help you:

Unfortunately it took till now to discover you mail ;)

I ended up trying this:

hi def link Color1 Comment
hi def link Color2 Function
hi def link Color3 Label
hi def link Color4 Define
hi def link Border Error
hi def link DummyColor Underlined

" add display option
function! AddColumnSynMatches()
  let colors = ['Color1','Color2','Color3','Color4']
  let sep='[|\t]' " tab or |
  let non_sep='[^|\t]'
  let sep='[|\t]'
  let start_line='^\s*'
  let dummyColor="Ignore"
  let color_list=join(colors,',')
  " This is used to start the chain using nextgroup=colors[0]
  exec 'syn match '.dummyColor." '".start_line."' nextgroup=".colors[0].' 
  for i in range(0,2) "len(colors)-1)
let color = colors[i % len(colors)]
let next_color = colors[(i+1) % len(colors)]
let regex=non_sep.'\+'.sep
exec 'syn match '.color." '".regex."' containedin=foo nextgroup=".next_color
echo 'syn match '.color." '".regex."' containedin=foo nextgroup=".next_color
  echo "done"
  " This border idea is from Peter
  exec 'syntax match Border "|" contained containedin='.join(colors,",")

call AddColumnSynMatches()
" outdated
command! InsertTestline normal oabcdefgh

But   I can't see why it does'nt work.

  exec 'syn match '.dummyColor." '".start_line."' nextgroup=".colors[0].' 

starts highlighting the line. nextgroup tells vim to start with Color1

  for i in range(0,2) "len(colors)-1)
let color = colors[i % len(colors)]
let next_color = colors[(i+1) % len(colors)]
let regex=non_sep.'\+'.sep
exec 'syn match '.color." '".regex."' containedin=foo nextgroup=".next_color
echo 'syn match '.color." '".regex."' containedin=foo nextgroup=".next_color

This should add support for 3 columns (use len(colors)-1 to support as much as 
you have RAM..
contained=foo should ensure that they don't start on their own (because foo
isn't defined and nextgroup overrides this behaviourr anyway)
But all I can see is the line beeing highlighted in Error (the color  of the
dummy start line syntax area)

Try it out by using 

Do you see what I've done wrong?

Marc Weber

Re: Tips for advance use of Vim

2006-08-10 Thread Vincent Wang

Marc Weber wrote:

On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 10:22:11AM +0800, Vincent Wang wrote:

Good idea and I am sure it will help many persons!
One suggestion, why not put your tips to's tips page and 
post a notification in this maillist? That will make your tip well 
archived and easier to reach.

This tip had a specific topic (Workspace efficiency)

This leads me to another idea:
Why not use some kind of wiki where we can write down many tips sorted
by topic? Eg the wiki might have an index like this and much more content..

Working with vim efficiently
oppening/saving files
" don't losse time creating directoryies, let vim create them 
for you!
augroup BufWritePre
  autocmd BufWritePre * if !isdirectory(expand('%:h'))| 
mkdir(expand('%:h'),'p') | endif
augroup end

You accidently edited a file on disk and in vim? No problem: 
diff them:
fun! DiffWithFileFromDisk()
  let filename=expand('%')
  let diffname = filename.'.fileFromBuffer'
  exec 'saveas! '.diffname
  exec 'edit '.filename

managing windows
Insert Code Snippets

moving curosr
(there is - and  why not introduce your own mappings
for k$ or j$? map   o is realy useful,...)
(do a fast mappnig eg  :windcmd w and use
 to go to the next window, you'll need
oonly 2  keys most of the time!)
editing text
		searching in text  
			(  pipe to | g -

   and use a mapping like this
  " filter lines
  noremap  :exec 'g!/'.input("filter expr 
  " drop lines
  noremap  :exec 'g/'.input("filter expr 
 Now you can see all matches at one glance instead of 
pressing n n over and over again..
Have you ever wondered wether it's faster to use j or use 5j?
reduce  the repetition and hold time of your keyboard and j 
will  be fastter ;)
file-type plugins
use an autocommand like this to automatically resource it:
augroup reloadftplugins
  au BufWritePost ~/.vim/ftplugin/*.vim bufdo let &ft=&ft
augroup end

use a shortcut like this to open the ftplugin file directly (mw 
is  my  shortcut so I can insttall different plugins easily)
  map  :exec 'e 
Tips for working with
xml (content  eg xmllint, completion, dtd <- there was another 
nice tutorial somewhere)
C (tags, templates, .., quickfix)
... It would be nice to create a collection of useful

fun! IfConfirm(confirm_requirement, message, cmd)
if a:confirm_requirement
if !input(a:message.' [y/sth. else]')=='y'
exec a:cmd

" just use exec  DontLoadTwice("scriptname") to not load the 
script twice
fun! DontLoadTwice(name)
  let cmd = "if exists('".a:name."') | finish| let 

" some kind of  ? operator  (then_v and else_v will be 
function! If(condition, then_v, else_v)
  if a:condition
exec a:then_v
exec a:else_v
" usage:
let a=If(condition,thenvalue,elsevalue)

If you think functions like this make your code harder to read
I'd suggest running exuberant-ctags in.vim and using tags or 
the excellent
wherefrom plugin
Why this? It's said that the tim you need to write a program is
proportional to the number of lines you need if you are 
familiar  enough with
the  languge + libs

I don't think this should replace but it might link to the tips/ scripts there 
Benefits: Its easier to keep it up to date (on you'll get
still outdated matches..  

Would be a good place?
I've some ideas and scripts I want to share..
some are so small that it's not worth putting them into a tip.
I think it would be also go

_vimrc in fedora core 5

2006-08-10 Thread Vu The Cuong
Currently I'm using win XP.
I just install dual OS with fedora core 5 and I installed vim 7
mannually from source. installation successful.
I created .gvimrc in my home folder and I put gvimrc.vim.example in to
this folder but vim seems not detected this file.
Could anyone tell me what's the exact name of this file under linux?

Re: failure notice

2006-08-10 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi vimmers,

Sorry for sending this mail for the second time because my previous
mail with attachment was rejected by the mail daemon. :-(

On 8/11/06, Bram Moolenaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The menu.vim file should never change 'encoding'.  It should load menus
that are appropriate for the current 'encoding' and language.

But gvim doesn't support an encoding named 'gbk'. If the system
encoding is 'gbk', the menu and toolbar get malformed. In the past two
years (or more), all gvim users in mainland China should add the
following two lines in their .vimrc if they are using Linux with GBK

set enc=cp936
so $VIMRUNTIME/delmenu.vim
so $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim

That's why I had wanted to change the encoding value in menu.vim. :-)

If the intention is to have the default for 'encoding' use something
specific in $LANG then this must be done in enc_locale() in src/mbyte.c

I modified mbyte.c, added "gbk" as an alias of "cp936", then the
menubar was displayed properly with the unmodified menu.vim. But there
is still some problem with the toolbar - every last character of the
tooltip becomes two question marks. I'm trying to debug the code and
will send you another patch as soon as I solve the problem. Hope you
can offer me some hints, too. :-)



Edward L. Fox

Re: _vimrc in fedora core 5

2006-08-10 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Vu The Cuong wrote:

Currently I'm using win XP.
I just install dual OS with fedora core 5 and I installed vim 7
mannually from source. installation successful.
I created .gvimrc in my home folder and I put gvimrc.vim.example in to
this folder but vim seems not detected this file.
Could anyone tell me what's the exact name of this file under linux?

Under Linux, Vim will read:
 1) $HOME/.vimrc and if not found, $HOME/_vimrc
 2) only in GUI mode: $HOME/.gvimrc and if not found, $HOME/_gvimrc

These are files, not folders. If you want to use the example scripts, I 
recommend to source (using ":source" or ":runtime") them than copy them: 
that way, if ever there is a bugfix to them you won't be stuck with the 
older version.

Under Windows, the searching order is reversed (underscores first, then 
dots). Thus, on a dual-boot system, if your HOME folder is the same, you 
can have a single vimrc called either .vimrc or _vimrc provided that 
there is no file by the other name; or one for Linux with a dot and 
another one for Windows with an underscore.

Personally I don't use the gvimrc; I have built my own vimrc around the 
line "runtime vimrc_example.vim" which invokes the example script. Most 
user settings go after that line; a ":language messages" command (if 
any) goes before it if it is to set the languages for the menus.

The reason is I find it easier to maintain a single rc file; any 
settings peculiar to gvim or to console vim can be wrapped as follows

if has("gui_running")
" settings for gvim
" settings for console Vim

Even if you prefer to have a separate gvimrc, remember that gvim also 
reads the vimrc; so if you have settings in the vimrc which are for 
"console Vim" only you will still have to wrap them in "if ! 

After looking at what there is in the gvimrc_example, I don't miss it. 
Some settings (such as "set ch=2 hlsearch") I have set in my vimrc so 
Console Vim and gvim behave identically; ":set mousehide" isn't 
necessary since it is the default; and whatever colors displease me I 
have changed in a small colorscheme named almost-default.vim. As for the 
'guifont', the example given in a comment won't work on all systems; I 
use, in my vimrc, a snippet of code similar to what is mentioned under 
":help setting-guifont", but slightly more complicated because there is 
still a version of kvim (gvim for kde) on this system, and that requires 
a 4th 'guifont' format.

Best regards,

Re: Patch (Unofficial): Malformed characters in menu and toolbar when using zh_CN.GBK encoding under Linux

2006-08-10 Thread Jürgen Krämer


Max Dyckhoff wrote:
> Bram, you have an overflow in your signature :)
> Max
>> -Original Message-
>> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:44 PM
>> Subject: Re: Patch (Unofficial): Malformed characters in menu and
> toolbar
>> when using zh_CN.GBK encoding under Linux
>> --
>> hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
>> 102. When filling out your driver's license application, you give
>>  your IP address.

from another mail by Bram:

| 257. Your ``hundred-and-one´´ lists include well over 101 items,
|  since you automatically interpret all numbers in hexadecimal
|  notation. (hex 101 = decimal 257)


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

Re: fast file locating plugin (like ido.el in emacs)

2006-08-10 Thread Eddy Zhao

Hi Hari:

 I tried the new plugin. Excellent! Exactly what I want. There are
several missing features I think could make lookupfile even more
effecient & useful. Can you evaluate these features also ?

- include opened buffer as matching target (ido feature)

- order matching files by mru first, file already visible in the frame
  at end (ido feature)

- one enter keystroke will open the first matching file in the matching
  list (this scenario happens frequently, ido feature)

- backspace will delete the directory path back to previous path
  delimiter (filename is still deleted char-by-char, ido feature)

- default searching directory is based on file most recently used

- open the lookup window and pressing tab (no keyword is entered
  yet) will display files in the current directory (and buffers
  currrently opened)

- double ESC could close the lookup window

- prefix filename with ">" (or something else) will searching file
  recursively in the current directory

- provide option to filter out some of the files when matching
  (eg. *.o, *.so ... )

- using "[]" instead of "**" to enclose pattern in the matched filename

Thanks for looking into this

2006/8/11, Hari Krishna Dara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I had some trouble but I was able to try ido.el. At first, emacs that
came with cygwin didn't start at all, even when I had X running, so I
downloaded it separately from I installed ido.el directly under
lisp directory, as I don't know how to put it in a user directory. Next
I had trouble understanding how to invoke it. Once I figured out that I
need to use M-x, I was able to try it. See below for my response.

On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 at 10:38pm, Eddy Zhao wrote:

> Hi Hari:
>I detailed compared ido.el and lookupfile.vim today, below are some
> of the ido features that I personally think more convenient than the
> current
> lookupfile plugin:
>  - Ido don't need user to generate & update tagfile (and don't have things
>like LookupFile_MinPatLength and performance balance)

As I explained before, the basic lookup mode is designed to be a lookup
in a full index. However, the plugin comes with a few other means to
lookup, and a generic extension mechanism to add more means. The version
I attached with my previous email includes a new mode which works
similar to ido.el.

>  - Ido can locate file by keyword (not regexp). For Example user only need
>to input keyword "c" to locate file "my_" from file "my_",
>"my_",  "my_" in the current directory. User don't need to locate
>file by regexp everytime (though ido DO support regexp based locating, I
>find myself almost never used that feature. User's file locating pattern
>more keyword based, NOT regexp based !!).

This is totally in the control of the new function that I added (see
below for an improved version), and I think it already behaves this way.
It may interpret some characters as filename-wildcards, as recognized by
glob(), so we might need to protect them (but there are not many of

>  - Ido will automatically complete the filename under the current input
>focus while user is inputing keyword, and at the same time it will show
>other candidate filename list that match the keyword. These two features
>have a lot of advantages:
>  * User can more quickly detect that the target file is already located
>using the current keyword subset
>  * User can more quickly detect that no file will be located using the
>current keyword subset (and further-keyword-based-on-that-subset)
>  * User don't need to press TAB to check the matched filenames, all
> happened automatically

I think all this is covered.

>   - Ido can locate file in any directory (not only file in the current
> directory,
> user only need to prefix directory path, and directory patch could be
> completed by TAB)

Covered as well.

>   - Ido can highlight the keyword in the matched filenames

This can't be done, as I am using the Vim7 completion popup, and it
doesn't support highlighting. However, I worked around by wrapping the
pattern with asterisks (in the new function below), so it kind of works,
though not that easy to read.

>   The above features make ido very effecient, could lookupfile be
> modified to achieve the same effect?  I think lookupfile is a very
> important plugin that could affect the whole vim community's editing
> effeciency. If you want to know anything more about ido's feature, pls
> let me know, I'll investigate and feedback. And I strongly recommend
> you to try ido once.
> Thanks for look into that
> Eddy

Replace the s:LookupWalk function in the plugin/lookupfile.vim with
the one below and try it out. Let me know if this meets your needs. If
you read a bit about Vim scripting basics, you can start playing around
with this function to make the matches look better (e.g, if '/' should
be separate or as part of 'abbr'). See help on |com

Re: changed-yet-not-saved-lines highlighting feature

2006-08-10 Thread Eddy Zhao

Seems vim still lack of these two features.

Thanks everybody

2006/8/11, Bob Hiestand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 8/10/06, Marc Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 11:02:50PM +0800, Eddy Zhao wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >  Very often, I open a lot of files to edit. When I exiting vim, vim
> > prompt me to save every file which contain changes not saved yet. So,
> >
> >  - Is there plugin that could highlight the
> > changed-yet-not-saved-lines (possibly with yellow background), so that
> > I could easily locate and check those changes and decide whether to
> > save it or not.
> >
> >  - Furthermore, is there plugin that could highlight the
> > changed-and-saved-lines in a vim session in the file (possibly with
> > green background), so that I could easily audit all changes of a file
> > in a vim edit session.
> >
> >   BTW, this feature is borrowed from a commercial editor I tried
> > sometime ago, and find very useful when editing a lot of source code
> > files.
> I would have proposed using the  diff commands, too..
> (See DiffWithFileOnDisk in my privious post.)
> Perhaps it would be better to save to tempname() because those files
> will be deleted automatically..

I think Tim's method is better in that it doesn't require a file at
all.  Depending on personal preference, it might be better to
explicitly make the diff buffer a scratch buffer, in something like
the following:

command! -nargs=0 ShowDifferences
  \ let ShowDifferencesOriginalBuffer=bufnr('%')
  \|execute 'bufdo diffoff'
  \|execute 'buffer' ShowDifferencesOriginalBuffer
  \|unlet ShowDifferencesOriginalBuffer
  \|below vert new
  \|set buftype=nofile noswapfile bufhidden=wipe
  \|r #

There's a little extra there to clear diff mode from other buffers to
avoid including more than the two intended buffers in the diff mode.

RE: _vimrc in fedora core 5

2006-08-10 Thread Vu The Cuong
Thanks you for quick answer 

-Original Message-
From: A.J.Mechelynck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 12:22 PM
To: Vu The Cuong
Subject: Re: _vimrc in fedora core 5

Vu The Cuong wrote:
> Currently I'm using win XP.
> I just install dual OS with fedora core 5 and I installed vim 7 
> mannually from source. installation successful.
> I created .gvimrc in my home folder and I put gvimrc.vim.example in to

> this folder but vim seems not detected this file.
> Could anyone tell me what's the exact name of this file under linux?
> Thanks

Under Linux, Vim will read:
  1) $HOME/.vimrc and if not found, $HOME/_vimrc
  2) only in GUI mode: $HOME/.gvimrc and if not found, $HOME/_gvimrc

These are files, not folders. If you want to use the example scripts, I
recommend to source (using ":source" or ":runtime") them than copy them:

that way, if ever there is a bugfix to them you won't be stuck with the
older version.

Under Windows, the searching order is reversed (underscores first, then
dots). Thus, on a dual-boot system, if your HOME folder is the same, you
can have a single vimrc called either .vimrc or _vimrc provided that
there is no file by the other name; or one for Linux with a dot and
another one for Windows with an underscore.

Personally I don't use the gvimrc; I have built my own vimrc around the
line "runtime vimrc_example.vim" which invokes the example script. Most
user settings go after that line; a ":language messages" command (if
any) goes before it if it is to set the languages for the menus.

The reason is I find it easier to maintain a single rc file; any
settings peculiar to gvim or to console vim can be wrapped as follows

if has("gui_running")
" settings for gvim
" settings for console Vim

Even if you prefer to have a separate gvimrc, remember that gvim also
reads the vimrc; so if you have settings in the vimrc which are for
"console Vim" only you will still have to wrap them in "if ! 

After looking at what there is in the gvimrc_example, I don't miss it. 
Some settings (such as "set ch=2 hlsearch") I have set in my vimrc so
Console Vim and gvim behave identically; ":set mousehide" isn't
necessary since it is the default; and whatever colors displease me I
have changed in a small colorscheme named almost-default.vim. As for the
'guifont', the example given in a comment won't work on all systems; I
use, in my vimrc, a snippet of code similar to what is mentioned under
":help setting-guifont", but slightly more complicated because there is
still a version of kvim (gvim for kde) on this system, and that requires
a 4th 'guifont' format.

Best regards,