Re: [Vo]:Strange position of heater in mini-Rossi device

2011-04-21 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-21 21:37, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I do not know what to make of it.

Maybe I'm looking too much into it, but I often wonder if the name 
Energy Catalyzer chosen by Rossi isn't itself a hint regarding the 
internal reactor construction. Given that his English language skill 
isn't very great, trying to read into his mind I would guess he thought 
of the Italian word catalizzatore, also commonly used in Italy to 
refer to catalytic converters (short form: cat) found in modern 

If this is the case, following the same concept (while not being exactly 
the same as the powder/catalyst is not in direct contact with water and 
pressurized hydrogen is used), inside the reactor there would be a 
conduit for the water to flow (or many smaller conduits for larger water 
heating efficiency), while the catalyst would be, sealed in the cavity 
around it, which would make the heater placement logical.

A twist to this is that perhaps the reactor isn't filled with powdered 
catalyst, but following the catalytic converter concept, the catalyst is 
embedded on the reactor internal walls not in contact with water, maybe 
machined to increase surface roughness and therefore surface area.

This might also explain why:
- Rossi mentioned often that at the end of its life cycle, the reactor 
portion of an E-Cat must be replaced completely with a new one.

- The inside of the reactor is apparently complex

However, this is just my speculation.


Re: [Vo]:Strange position of heater in mini-Rossi device

2011-04-21 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-21 22:49, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

The exterior copper pipe lining/jacket which encases the external
reactor torus wall might assist in the transfer of reactor heat to
the adjacent flowing water. If the reactor torus had been built
entirely outside of the copper tubing holding the flowing water only
the internal torus wall of the reactor would be able to transfer
heat to the adjacent water. The external wall of the torus
configuration would not be able to transfer ANY of its heat to the
flowing water.

I suspect the electric heater is not there to heat water, but to heat 
hydrogen and increase its pressure inside the reactor and therefore 
controlling the reaction together with water flow (which cools the 
reactor). Once the Ni-H reaction starts, water is heated by it.

Increasing heater power and decreasing water flow probably stimulate 
Ni-H reaction, and vice-versa.


Re: [Vo]:Rai News 24 the inquiry on LENR

2011-04-17 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-17 07:13, Peter Gluck wrote:

Grazie.  a Vi prego- la seconda parte?
It was very well organized and had logical fluency...

Part 1:

Part 2:


Re: [Vo]:Rai News 24 the inquiry on LENR

2011-04-17 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-17 15:15, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Is there no mention of Rossi? That's ungracious. He is the reason they
have gained credibility with the public, and they are being interviewed
on TV.

There was absolutely no mention of him, but from what I've read around 
it appears this was due to an agreement made beforehand as the next 
episode of that TV program on the LENR issue will be entirely dedicated 
to Rossi's E-Cat.


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-16 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-15 23:46, Jed Rothwell wrote:

You could also add this important piece of information:

* * *

Is it in general possible to regulate the power output of the E-cat in a 
continous way and if yes in what limits about? Is it done by regulating 
the H2 – pressure or can it be achieved by adjusting the preheating input?

April 16th, 2011 at 10:36 AM

1- Yes, from 0 through 100%
2- Adjusting the preheating input
Warm Regards,

* * *


Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi, the father of “Ni-H Cold-Fusion [English translation]

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-15 03:01, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I assume this part is accurately translated:

So there were two parallel lines of research: on one side, the
deuterium and palladium people, who never got anything . . .[...]

Yes, it is. Several people on discussion boards I read on the matter 
have criticized that excerpt from the original audio interview for the 
same reasons (and also, because in my opinion it reinforces skeptics' 
argument that FP' experiments were a scam. Many still think that).


Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi, the father of “Ni-H Cold-Fusion [English translation]

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-15 16:04, Jed Rothwell wrote:

But Peter Gluck wrote: . . . one word is missing: 'technological.'

What do you mean by missing word? Did Focardi say this and it is
missing from the translation? Or did he fail to say this and he should

He didn't say that in the interview and in retrospect he should have.
I don't believe he really thinks there haven't been positive results 
from Pd-D LENR research, he was more referring to their scale. In that 
sense he is somewhat right that the difference between those and 
his/Rossi's is so large that in practical terms other researchers 
haven't got anything so far.

You see that he is outspoken and he says all kinds of things, including
stuff better left unsaid. Maybe he was just exaggerating, or mouthing
off. It is hard to believe he does not know there have been positive
results from palladium.

It was a very informal interview on a local radio station (located in 
Bologna) with people that he already knew and already invited him a few 
times in the past months. Focardi probably didn't expect that an 
international audience would dissect it word by word, so he spoke 
without filters as he, reportedly, usually does.


Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi, the father of “Ni-H Cold-Fusion [English translation]

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-15 21:07, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I am surprised no one else has picked up on this. This part of the
Focardi interview is likely to put the President of Greece and the Min.
of Energy in the hot seat:


Does it? Personally when I heard that in the original audio I assumed 
what Focardi said was a huge simplification of what actually went on 
between Stremmenos and the Greek government. But you're right, I guess 
the press would like to hear the details about that.

By the way, I think that has something to do with Nickel mining, of 
which Greece is number 1 in Europe (excluding Russia). Having nickel 
powder production on site where it's produced would be quite convenient, 
I suppose, and I guess special permits would be needed. If Rossi's 
reactor will be successful, expanded Nickel mining alone would bring a 
lot of needed new jobs that the government might want to regulate. Also 
if this will actually happen, the Greek government might want to tax 
nickel used in E-cat power production to account for the loss of 
revenues due to the decrease of hydrocarbon usage. Maybe this is what 
Focardi was referring about in a few words.

There has been a post about that on Passerini's blog last week, with a 
nice and in my opinion informative discussion among users (in Italian 
only, unfortunately):


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-15 23:46, Jed Rothwell wrote:


Good job!

I'll try collecting other questions/answers from various posts in 
Rossi's blog. I'll post them in this thread unsorted.

By the way, I think the question/answer date is important and should not 
be taken out of context. The E-Cat apparently continuously evolved over 
time since January.


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-15 23:46, Jed Rothwell wrote:

The 1 MW (thermal) device will be made of many smaller ones ganged
together. It was originally planned to be made up of ~130 10 kW units,
where 30 were held in standby to replace or augment older ones as the
power decreased. They now plan to use ~300 units.

Originally there were even less units planned:

* * *

Andrea Rossi
March 26th, 2010 at 9:36 AM

Yes, we are making a 1 MW power reactor constituted by 50 modules of 20 
kw each[...]

* * *


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-15 23:46, Jed Rothwell wrote:

The effect can be quenched with the following methods:


Inject N to displace the H.

Recently he added:

* * *

2. I’ve read that you once had to stop the machine by insufflating 
nitrogen and that the E-cat has to be steered or controlled by 
electricity. What would happen if there’s a break in the supply of 
electricity ? would it then be necessary to stop the machine, and if so, 
how? Is there a need for an alternative supply of electricity to step 
in, in form of a (rechargeable) backup battery, in such situations? And 
would it be a safety step to replace the hydrogen tube with a nitrogen 
ditto in order to stop the process by an automatic valve which opens up 
when needed ? for ex if the machine becomes overheated?

Andrea Rossi
March 30th, 2011 at 7:00 PM

Dear Mr Ake Ostlund:
1- when the powder has to be changed, as you correctly suggest, the 
hydrogen tube has to be disconnected
2-I neve insufflated Nytrogen. That info was wrong. If there is a black 
out, the E-Cat automatically stops, for lack of current: it is 
intrinsecally safe

Warm Regards,

* * *

Ok, I'll post all of these in a list later, not going to create a new 
post each time, although I'm tempted.


Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-16 00:37, Jed Rothwell wrote:

This was either a misunderstanding or he has retracted it. It is not
important. The purpose of the list is to present an up-to-date
description of what Rossi now thinks, not to hold him to previous
statements or find out how often he has changed his mind.

Fair enough.

I'm not sure if I will be able to send them, but what follows is a 
series of text files containing raw question/answers I found relevant 
from Rossi's blog up to the JANUARY 15th FOCARDI AND ROSSI PRESS 
CONFERENCE post, which will take alone some dedicated work to process 
entirely (you used part of that for the list in the opening post).

By the way, what caught my attention in particular is that it appears 
that the reactor shielding is made of lead and boron, not lead only, but 
that might be outdated information.


Andrea Rossi
April 16th, 2010 at 8:27 AM

Gent. Sig. Luca:
Se non ci fossero radiazioni gamma, non potrebbe funzionare il reattore: 
lfenergia si ottiene proprio in virtuf della generazione di raggi gamma e di 
altre reazioni descritte nel mio brevetto. Quello che ha detto il Prof. 
Focardi, che in base ad un contratto che abbiamo con lfUniversitaf di Bologna 
ha controllato le radiazione residue nellfambiente, ef, appunto, che non ci 
sono radiazioni residue fuori dal reattore. Tali misurazioni, ovviamente, sono 
state necessarie al fine di certificare la sicurezza dellf reattore sia sotto 
il profilo della protezione individuale, sia della protezione ambientale. Il 
grosso vantaggio di questo apparato ef che non usa materiale radioattivo e non 
lascia residui radioattivi, ne come rifiuti solidi, ne come emissioni 
La ringrazio per la Sua apprezzata attenzione e Le porgo cordiali saluti,
Andrea Rossi


Giancarlo Rossi
June 19th, 2010 at 3:49 PM

Gentile Prof. Andrea Rossi

Sono un semplice appassionato, vorrei porre qualche domandac

1) State usando qualche isotopo particolarmente pesante del Nichel (Nichel-64 
che dicono costi 100.000 dollari per 5 grammi?)

2) State usando DEUTERIO oppure se ho ben capito IDROGENO ?

3) Utilizzate forse il LITIO come gcatalizzatoreh della reazione.


Giancarlo Rossi

(Ma non era meglio se svolgeva queste ricerche in Giappone o in Cina, paesi 
assolutamente privi di risorse e di lobby assassine?)

Andrea Rossi
June 20th, 2010 at 2:52 AM

Gent. Sig. Giancarlo Rossi,
Grazie per la Sua attenzione; ecco le risposte:
1-No, usiamo Ni nella sua composizione isotopica naturale
3-Non posso dare informazioni in merito ai catalizzatori
4- Nella mia vita ne ho passate di tali, che ormai non mi impressiono piu di 
5- Ho la fortuna di potere lavorare negli USA, e Le assicuro che, almeno dal 
mio punto di vista, non esiste Paese migliore al mondo
Cordiali saluti,
Andrea Rossi


Andrea Rossi
April 6th, 2011 at 5:43 AM

Dear Mr M:
We have contacts in the whole world, but our commercial operations will begin 
in November, after the start up of our 1 MW plant in Greece.
Thank you for your kind considerations,
Warm regards,
Warm Regards,


John Fisher
March 16th, 2010 at 12:29 PM

As I understand it you can control the rate of energy production in the nickel 
by adjusting the hydrogen pressure, and this method was used to maintain 
constant output power during the periods of energy measurement. Is this correct?

Andrea Rossi
March 16th, 2010 at 2:16 PM

Actually, is more complex. You are asking confidential issues. Sorry.


Andrea Rossi
March 26th, 2010 at 9:28 AM

A module with a power of 20 kw has a volume of 20 liters and weights 30 kg. 
Bigger powers are made with more modules, because for safety reasons I prefer 
to add up series and parallels with the cooling fluids , not with the reactors, 
to maintain small energy reactors.
Andrea Rossi


Andrea Rossi
March 26th, 2010 at 9:36 AM

Yes, we are making a 1 MW power reactor constituted by 50 modules of 20 kw 
each: I prefer for safety reasons to add series and parallels with the cooling 
fluids, not making bigger reactors, to maintain small and well tested reactors 
which we learnt perfectly to control. Soon wefll put in operation the first 
section of the 1MW plant, in the USA and when we will have everything well in 
operation we will communicate the data. We want not to make press conferences 
if we have not an industrial plant operated not by us, as it has been up to 
now, but by the very high level 

Re: [Vo]:Notes on Rossi device

2011-04-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-16 01:36, Jones Beene wrote:

Yes. Do not delete this ! It is important.

Add this one to the growing 'contradictions' list, because I am sure that at
one time he said he can operate the device for a period of time with no
electrical input.

How can it then be possible to shut down automatically with no current
unless you flush with N ?  ... and Terry is correct: the tank is labeled as
nitrogen. Surely he is not so careless (miserly) as to fill this tank with
H2 to cut cost ?

By shutting down hydrogen supply, as Focardi said in his latest 
interview. After hydrogen pressure decreases by a certain amount the 
reactor supposedly stops working by itself.

P.S.: By the way, did my other email containing a long list of questions 
and answers by Rossi reach the group?


Re: [Vo]:What Rossi Says list

2011-04-14 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-14 01:16, Jed Rothwell wrote:

[...] We could organize this info in a Wiki, with categories: Materials,
Operation method, Performance characteristics . . . [...]

This is a good idea and I was thinking exactly about it yesterday when I 
sent that list to the group. The end result should be interesting. If 
there's enough interest I might even resume my information collecting 
task from JONP.

By the way, all info previously listed was from the JONP thread:

from page 1 to page 8. There are loads of information in older threads 
too, in which for some reason from time to time questions from new users 
and answers by Rossi appear. I know that well because I enabled RSS 
feeds for new comments on that blog. There's definitely more activity 
than meets the eye.

In order to get RSS feeds for JONP thread comments you have to append 
feed=rss2 to thread URLs. For example:


Re: [Vo]:Rossi addresses Ni enrichment issue

2011-04-14 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-12 17:00, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I do not think he is more unwilling than usual.

Sorry for replying here only now.

The reason behind what I've written is that I'm noticing as time passes 
that the amount of Can't answer and Already answered answers on his 
blog has been increasing as of late. The latter especially looks like a 
convenient way to avoid addressing new issues to me.

From now on I think people should try focusing on ineludible simple 
single questions. We should also watch for deletion of older answers 
that might have given too much information (and regarding this I'm 
realizing just now that I should have kept them all copy / pasted in a 
safe place as they appeared on his blog).


[Vo]:Hanno Essén: follow up experiment next week

2011-04-14 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

Hello group,

In answer to a question from a concerned person regarding water flow 
measurements during the last Rossi E-cat test/demonstration, Hanno Essén 
added, perhaps unconsciously, that there will be a follow-up experiment 
next week. Here's the original email as posted by him on an italian 
discussion forum (some personal info omitted):

* * *

I remember clearly that there was no adjusting of the pump during the
experiment. There was a tank of distilled water on the floor below the
pump. Unfortunately its refilling and weight etc were not checked.
These things will be better checked in a follow up experiment next week.

Best regards
Hanno Essén

Citerar xx x @:

 Dear Prof. Hanno Essén,
 since there wasn't a flowmeter recording the flow some skeptics
 here in Italy claims that the water flow was changed during the
 test, from 6.47 kg/h to 3 kg/h during the kick observed at 60
 degrees and another half at around 97 degrees.
 Do you remember if there was a water tank around the pump, the size
 of the tank and how many times was refilled? It's possibile to
 exclude a 3 kg/h flow because the water level of the tank was
 consistent with a 6 kg/h flow?
 Thank you.

Hanno Essén
Docent Studierektor
KTH Mekanik

* * *


Re: [Vo]:Hanno Essén: follow up experiment next week

2011-04-14 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-14 21:33, noone noone wrote:

What forum was this on?

This one:

There are a few regularly updated threads scattered around there about 
Rossi's E-Cat.


Re: [Vo]:take a look to 22passi...

2011-04-14 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-14 22:02, Peter Gluck wrote:

interesting anti E-cat at Daniele's blog..

Here's a link to his blog (in Italian) for the clueless:

By the way, I've read much worse things (mean, irrational, plain 
ignorant, etc) around from people discrediting Rossi's work. General 
news mainstream websites (there are some which featured one or two 
stories about the E-Cat) also generally contain marvelous examples of 
that among user comments.

That shows how regarded is cold fusion outside certain small groups, 
though. Hopefully this will change if the E-Cat will prove to work as 
intended without leaving any room for doubt.


Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Hanno Essén: follow up experiment next week

2011-04-14 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-14 22:16, noone noone wrote:

I found it!

Mind if I post the link?

It's a public website after all, go ahead.


[Vo]:Sergio Focardi, the father of “Ni-H Cold-Fusion [English translation]

2011-04-14 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

Hello group,

A human translation in English of the interview to Sergio Focardi linked 
here several days ago has been posted on Daniele Passerini's 22passi blog:

By request of the original interviewers and because the translation 
itself, in addition to being quite lengthy might still be subject to 
small changes, I'm not copy/pasting it here this time. Excerpts of it 
for discussion purposes should be ok, though.


Re: [Vo]:What Rossi Says list

2011-04-13 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-13 23:00, Jed Rothwell wrote:

This was formerly titled What We Know from Rossi. It is a list of major
assertions made by Rossi and others, mainly Rossi in his blog

You made me remember that a few weeks ago I started writing down (or 
more like, copy/pasting) a list of questions answered by Rossi on his 
blog, but eventually dropped the task as I realized it would have been a 
huge deal of work. Anyway this is what I ended up with. I hope somebody 
else more determined or with more free time than me will pick this up 
and continue what I started (which includes arranging questions/answers 
in a more coherent manner, fixing typos and wording, etc):


how much nickel is used? If the nickel is spread on the tungsten: how 
much is the estimation about the power released by the system for unit 
of surface or unit of volume?

Dear Enrico: we estimate the consumption of Ni and H has been in the 
order of picograms.

We do not use W.

* * *

What is the ratio of hydrogen isotope to metal atoms you reach at your 
preferred operating level?

This information is confidential. I am very sorry, but our patent is 
still pending, therefore there will be some data that we cannot release, 
to avoid heavy legal issues with our licensees.

* * *

It is unclear from the translation as to the amount of H2 consumed. Next 
big future has a picture of your apparatus and I can see the pressure 
gauge on the H2 tank but no flowmeter on the H2 line.

So my question is what was the gas cylinder pressure before the demo and 
after the demo?

Your question is important. The pressure of Hydrogen gas in the tank 
before the test was 80 bars and at the end of the test was 80 bars. The 
consumption of Hydrogen is in the range of picograms, not enough to 
determine a delta P in the tank.

* * *

1) What is the evidence for copper production?
2) Is there any evidence for isotopic anomalies?
3) How is the power switched on and off?
4) Is there evidence of consumption of a fuel?

What you are requesting is contained in our patent application. Other 
Scientists already have reached the effect using the informations 
contained in the patent application, which is published also on the 
Journal Of Nuclear Physics.

But you must be careful about this: this work must be done only in 
professional laboratories and with respect of all the safety 
requirements. Hydrogen is highly explosive and nickel powder is very 
toxic. To make such experiments without the necessary experience and 
professional instrumentation can be lethal.

* * *

How much Ni is in the cell?
How much total energy, heat and radiation, is produced per hour for a 
gram of Ni?

Are some other elements used to facilitate the reactions?
How small can a working cell be made ? for instance, for home power 
units buried in the yard?

In the cell there are several milligrams of Ni
To make 10 kWh/h the consume of Ni and H is in the order of several 
picograms, but considering that not all the Ni in the reactor reacts, 
the actual consumption, to make 10 kWh/h is of about 0,1 g of Ni and 
0,01 g of H
Yes, other elements are used, upon which we have to maintain 
confidentiality until the patent pending becomes a patent
The dimensions of a unit like the one you are thinking of, of course not 
considering the authorization issues, could be about one cm 50 x 100 x 
50 with the present technology.

* * *

One picogram is 1/1000 of a billionth of a gram. Why do you refer to 
picograms as they are many orders of magnitude smaller than grams?

According to your figures (.1 g per 10 kwh), 1 Kg of Nickel would 
deliver 10 kW for 10 000 hours, roughly 14 months. Is this correct?

You are correct, but I distinguished between the mass of Ni which reacts 
and the mass of Ni that you need in the reactor to obtain that the 
necessary mass reacts. The efficiency is very low, due to the 
probabilistic issue.

* * *

We hear a pulsating sound in the video of the operating catalyzer. What 
is causing the sound?

The sound ( kind of tac, tac, tac…) is made by the water pump, which is 
a precision dosator .

* * *

Can you simply state what the Watts IN are versus Watts OUT?
Can you turn off the input current? Does the reaction become 

Watts in: 400 wh/h
Watts out: 15,000 wh/h
Yes, we can turn off the input current, but we prefer to maintain a 
drive and the reasons 

Re: [Vo]:Rossi E-Cat CATALYST Speculation Thread

2011-04-13 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-13 23:25, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I do not understand what this means. Someone should please rewrite
works in a homogeneous phase with nickel powder. Does that mean the
powder is homogeneous? What is a homogeneous phase?

Maybe he meant this:


Re: [Vo]:Rossi addresses Ni enrichment issue

2011-04-12 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-12 16:25, Jed Rothwell wrote:

As I said to Jones Beene, Rossi is often secretive. You might say he is
openly secretive, meaning he makes no bones about the fact that he is
hiding information. That is partly what he did in his response to me, below.

By the way, I'm under the impression that Rossi has been made aware of 
public technical discussions about his invention and on websites and 
mailing lists like Vortex (or perhaps he even reads them himself), as 
recently (since the last few days) he started showing more signs of 
unwillingness to discuss about those details on his blog than usual.

Maybe he's inadvertently (and dangerously to his patent) disclosed too 
many hints so far.


Re: Fwd: [Vo]:Rossi E-Cat CATALYST Speculation Thread

2011-04-11 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-11 23:04, Axil Axil wrote:

-- Forwarded message --


This is an extremely interesting, well thought post; you're definitely 
onto something. Iron oxide (=rust) would also be quite cheap to add to 
nickel power which is consistent to what we've read so far on charge 
(powdered nickel + catalyzer) costs.


Re: Fwd: [Vo]:Rossi E-Cat CATALYST Speculation Thread

2011-04-11 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-11 23:57, Axil Axil wrote:

The following speculation is offered as a springboard for discussion as
regards to the chemical and physical processes that underlie the Rossi
reactor. This is another attempt to connect the dots. 

I haven't seen that part appear here.

Should I sent it again?

I think you should, but try joining all parts together first, so that 
there will be only one single post.


Re: [Vo]:E-cat facebook page

2011-04-10 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-10 19:11, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I have never looked at a Facebook page before. It seems chaotic, no
better than Rossi's blog.

What is it with modern programmers that they cannot organize and
categorize information? I think they depend too much on search tools
such as Google.

I don't use Facebook either.

However, that is not much more than an unofficial Rossi E-Cat fans' 
page, as far as I can see. Other Facebook groups about other topics 
have a similar layout, which means that it probably can't be improved 
(although the content could). At least it can help raise public 
awareness about Rossi's invention.

On the other hand, Rossi's JONP blog, which is based on the WordPress 
CMS (Content Management System, a kind of software infrastructure for 
building websites), could be extensively improved in accessibility, 
looks and functionality with existing free plug-ins/addons, so little to 
minimal programming skills would be required. There are many websites 
based on WordPress that look nice and are well organized.

Maybe this is currently not Rossi's top priority, though.


[Vo]:Sven Kullander's additional comments on Rossi's Energy Catalyzer

2011-04-09 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

Hello group,

I just found this in the comments section in the Swedish edition of Ny 
Teknik's last article on Rossi's Energy Catalyzer (by the way, lots of 
information and interesting insights can be found there!):–-en-stor-bluff-eller-helt-ny-fysik/

It apparently contains a comment by Sven Kullander himself. Let's see 
what Google Translate yields in english:

Short link:

Entire text copied/pasted below. Sven Kullander's personal comments 
further below:

* * *

Rossi energy catalyst - a big hoax or new physics?

It has called me to comment on what the new technology called Rossi's 
energy catalyst and it will be a pleasure to do it because I have to 
pick up my skills from the time when I was doing research on various 
nuclear reactions. There will be a fairly detailed review.

First I would like to mention that Professor Sven Kullander, who is 
chairman of the Royal. Energy Sciences committee, since the beginning of 
the year also is a professor emeritus of my research team at Uppsala 
University. He sits in the room next to mine so the discussion of 
Rossi's experiment was an issue every time we met in recent weeks. I 
always try to be as critical as possible while it is exciting to be 
pretty close to the center of something that is either a fake or 
something new and exciting. There are many scientists who criticize Sven 
that he even has sexual relations with the experiment, but as scientists 
we have a responsibility to investigate the alleged phenomenon is real 
or a hoax. The fact that Sven has been involved is quite natural since 
he is chairman of the KVA's energy committee and if anyone thinks that 
he has accepted the results when they have completely wrong, but by 
getting the present and look to open a position to confirm or reject. As 
a researcher, you want an explanation on what is happening and right now 
we do not see any explanation of the knowledge we currently have on the 
chemistry and physics. It may be entirely new physics that must be 
explained or a scam that must be disclosed. Here you can read the trip 
report that Sven Kullander written .

The biggest problem is that there is a black box in the center of the 
plant and Rossi refuses to open the lid before he has a patent on the 
invention. He is an engineer, a skilled engineer, and he is thinking 
like an engineer. As a researcher, it gives priority to fame and fortune 
and research results are published for all to read and understand. Of 
course there is the opportunity to do some measurements and determine 
certain parameters, but the heart of the plant are embedded in a sheath 
of lead, and blyhöljet is the black box. Sven and I talked about the 
experiment before he left for Italy and today we again discussed what 
they saw and recorded. To calculate how much energy it takes to heat 
water to boiling point and how much energy it takes to evaporate the 
water belongs to elementary thermodynamics that produced energy are OK. 
It is time to look at the black box.

When Rossi was in Uppsala for a few weeks ago he brought with him two 
samples. One was the nickel powder so that it looks like before it is 
placed in the black box and the second was a test which reportedly had 
been fuel in the energy catalyst for two and a half months. Energy 
effect during the time stated and the total amount of energy can be 
calculated. Researchers at Angstrom has examined what the spent fuel 
contained in addition to nickel and it was concluded that there was 10% 
copper and the isotope ratios of copper was about the same as in natural 
copper, 70/30. Known chemical reactions can not explain the amount of 
energy measured. A nuclear reaction can explain the amount of energy, 
but the knowledge we have today says that this reaction can take place. 
It's time to pick up my core physical skills.

Nickel is an element with 28 protons and the number of protons 
determines the charging that the nucleus has, +28. Hydrogen has the 
charge +1 and Coulumbkraften make that two positively charged particles 
repel each other. This means that in a test where there are hydrogen and 
nickel and in which hydrogen is the thermal energy so it can not be a 
nuclear reaction. The energy is measured can be explained by a nuclear 
reaction, but the knowledge we have about nuclear reactions to end the 
nuclear reactions that can explain the amount of energy. It is this fact 
that makes many are critical of Sven Kullander that he even cares about 
Rossi. Those of you who have followed my struggle for Peak Oil know that 
I am not afraid of a challenge, but then I am a nuclear physicist, I 
must be critical and take out everything that shows that 

Re: [Vo]:Sven Kullander's additional comments on Rossi's Energy Catalyzer

2011-04-09 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-09 12:51, Göran Crafte wrote:

google-translation of the Swedish text that There are many scientists
who criticise Sven that he even has sexual relations with the
experiment! The Swedish word which is used in the text is beblanda
which should be translated to mix with or interfere with rather than
has sexual relations with!

Oh my goodness!
I should have checked better before copy/pasting or at least only 
provide Google Translate links. Unfortunately posted messages can't be 
deleted. I'll remember about possible issues with machine translations 
next time by only providing links to them.

Thanks for the important correction,

Re: [Vo]:Rossi says we have signed a contract

2011-04-09 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-08 23:20, Jed Rothwell wrote:

On April 8, Rossi wrote in his blog: . . . yesterday we signed a very
important contract in the USA.

More info:

* * *

Dr Rossi,

Are you able to tell us any more regarding the nature of the contract 
you mentioned was signed in the USA yesterday? Can you perhaps indicate 
whether this was a contract from a customer to manufacture supply e-cats 
or if this was with a supplier for materials? Any information would be 
appreciated as there is growing excitement around the commercial rollout 
of your technology.

Many Thanks,

(Editor)- Free Energy Truth

* * *

Andrea Rossi
April 9th, 2011 at 7:56 AM

Dear Craig:
The Customer of us is a kind of Customer you need to have a written 
authorization of to talk about him. In due time we will make a joint 
communication. We will manufacture together a network of plants to sell 
the energy. I am very happy for this, because I am extremely indebted 
with the USA, where I got my rebirth, and we will make here new jobs and 
a useful work, so I will give back part of the help I got, as it is my 
duty. I always give back what I get, turned into energy. It’s my job.

Warm Regards,

* * *


Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi interviewed (not yet in english!)

2011-04-09 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-06 18:51, SHIRAKAWA Akira wrote:

Hello group,

A *very* interesting (revealing many previously unknown details, to tell
the truth I'm not sure if he was supposed to disclose them all)
three-part audio interview in italian to Sergio Focardi by a local web
radio has been submitted here:

An Italian transcription of the interview has been posted on Daniele 
Passerini's 22passi blog:

Google translation in English:

While we wait for a human translation in English that is supposed to be 
posted on that blog at a later time, I can help translating in a more 
readable form the more obscure passages of the machine translation, in 
case there are any (I haven't checked yet).


Re: [Vo]:Rossi says we have signed a contract

2011-04-09 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-09 17:37, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Ah. Now he says he will not be able to announce the identity of the
customer for months.

More related info. It looks like we'll have to wait until October, after 

* * *

1) You told us that you have signed a contract with a new US partner 
with whom you want to sell energy in the US. Do you want to sell heat, 
electricity, or both?

2)Is your new partner a public traded company so that I can buy shares 
of them?

3)You told us that you made your modules smaller (10 kw to 4.5 kw) 
because of safety. Now for your modules are safer, can we expect that 
heating systems for heating normal houses are sooner available than before?

* * *

Andrea Rossi
April 9th, 2011 at 3:07 PM

Dear Mr Erwin Hergen:
1- both
2- By October we will make a joint press conference
3- Maybe, yes, but the issue in this case is Authorizations.

* * *


Re: [Vo]:Ongoing Rossi Blog stuff

2011-04-08 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-05 20:51, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

Rossi continues to answer and/or avoid answering questions.

I find this of interest too:

[...] The walls of the reactor are made of stainless steel, copper 
free. Yes, I have understood why scaling up we have more difficulties to 
have a flat curve of Delta T. Also the theory is consolidating. I am 
learning a lot in this period, I learnt a lot from the Professors of The 
Universities of Bologna, Stockolm and Uppsala ( in alphabetic order, of 
course) and from the People of DOE and DOD in the USA. From them there 
is really to learn. They say 10-20 words and from those words I get a 
universe of informations. In these last 2 months we made substantial 
evolution, after every test I redesigned and remade the reactors. Today 
I am in the USA factory of Leonardo Corporation where I signed a 
contract of tremendous importance. As soon as I will be allowed to 
announce it, believe me, it will be extremely important.

So, reportedly, he is still in the process of improving his reactors 
(that's a good thing) and has just made an important agreement with a 
currently unknown (to us) entity. I wonder what could it be. It sounds 
like we will find out soon, anyway.


Re: [Vo]:Are you falling for it?

2011-04-08 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-08 14:03, Terry Blanton wrote:

energy.  All they suffered was heartbreak.  Then comes the final
tragedy:  the professor has contracted a terminal disease.

It may sound like a joke, but Focardi did really contract cancer several 
years ago. He has recovered from it completely, however.


Re: [Vo]:Rossi says we have signed a contract

2011-04-08 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-08 23:20, Jed Rothwell wrote:

On April 8, Rossi wrote in his blog: . . . yesterday we signed a very
important contract in the USA.


On March 23rd he wrote this:

[...] Also in the USA we are making tests with an extremely important 
Customer preparing a similar plant in the USA which will be, very 
likely, our second job.

So they made tests with this important client, then finally an agreement 
was reached yesterday. Interesting. It's a pity that information on 
Rossi's blog is so scattered and badly organized, but I guess that might 
be intentional too.

Also it's unlikely that we would have known unless people continued 
asking questions (and Rossi answering them in addition to including 
other interesting tidbits. He never takes the initiative on this matter).


Re: [Vo]:Rossi says we have signed a contract

2011-04-08 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-09 00:40, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I do not think so. I believe I know Rossi well enough to say that the
scattered and poorly organized nature of his web site is not intentional.

He is not the blog webmaster. He did not develop it. So we can't blame
the structure on him. But he does not see anything wrong with it. I
agree it fits his personality.

Personally, even without trying to invest too much time organizing 
content, I would have put a section for general discussion, one strictly 
for submitted papers and related messages, and a proper blog- (or even 
twitter-) like one for E-cat news entries, development status reports, 
future plans written by Rossi himself. I hope he or his IT experts are 
reading this.


By the way, you do not need a search box. It is handy, but you
can restrict a Google search to one web site with an advanced search
or by using a search term such as:

Yes, I use this trick often, but the caveat is that it doesn't work on 
pages not indexed by Google.

By the way, maybe it's off-topic here, but I'll take the chance to ask 
you a question on something you wrote on a few hours ago on another forum:

Some people have speculated that Rossi would not allow tests except in his 
presence. He already did allow such tests. He even paid for such tests! He is 
now back in Florida and test are continuing at U. Bologna.

Do you have access to inside information? I thought the RD agreement 
with the University of Bologna was still on hold due to legal / 
bureaucracy issues, at least as far as I can read between the lines in 
info posted on Passerini's blog, whom is some sort of insider himself.


[Vo]:Swedish physicists on the E-cat: “It’s a nuclear reaction” / The used powder contains ten percent copper

2011-04-06 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

Hello group,

A detailed and quite long (even too much to post here completely) 
english article on Rossi's Energy Catalyzer has been posted today on Ny 
Teknik. Here's its summary:

In a detailed report, two Swedish physicists exclude chemical reactions 
as the energy source in the Italian ‘energy catalyzer’. The two 
physicists recently supervised a new test of the device in Bologna, Italy.

It's actually a two part article. The second part should prove quite 
interesting and revealing. I'll copy and paste that here, but be sure to 
check out the rest in the link above as well:

* * *

Analyses of the nickel powder used in Rossi’s energy catalyzer show that 
a large amount of copper is formed. Sven Kullander considers this to be 
evidence of a nuclear reaction.

For copper to be formed out of nickel, the nucleus of nickel has to 
capture a proton. The fact that this possibly occurs in Rossi’s reactor 
is why the concept of cold fusion has been mentioned – it would consist 
of fusion between nuclei of nickel and hydrogen.

A term that many consider to be more accurate, however, is LENR, Low 
Energy Nuclear Reaction.

Ny Teknik: For how long has the powder supposedly been used in the process?

Kullander: The powder has reportedly been used for 2.5 months 
continuously with an output of 10 kW (according to Rossi). It 
corresponds to a total energy of 18 MWh, with a consumption of up to 100 
grams of nickel and two grams of hydrogen. If the production had been 
done with oil, two tons of oil would have been required.

Ny Teknik: What analyses have you done on the powders?

Kullander: Element analysis and isotopic analysis. At the Ångström 
Laboratory in Uppsala, Sweden, element analysis has been made using 
X-ray Fluorescence (XRFS). Dr. Erik Lindahl undertook the investigation. 
At the Biomedical Center in Uppsala, both element analysis and isotope 
analysis has been done through Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass 
Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Associate Professor Jean Pettersson has made the 

Ny Teknik: What results have you obtained from the analyses?

Kullander: Both measurements show that the pure nickel powder contains 
mainly nickel, and the used powder is different in that several elements 
are present, mainly 10 percent copper and 11 percent iron. The isotopic 
analysis through ICP-MS doesn’t show any deviation from the natural 
isotopic composition of nickel and copper.

Ny Teknik: How do you interpret the results?

Kullander: Provided that copper is not one of the additives used as 
catalyst, the copper isotopes 63 and 65 can only have been formed during 
the process. Their presence is therefore a proof that nuclear reactions 
took place in the process. However, it’s remarkable that nickel-58 and 
hydrogen can form copper-63 (70%) and copper-65 (30%). This means that 
in the process, the original nickel-58 should have grown by five and 
seven atomic mass-units, respectively, during the nuclear transmutation. 
However, there are two stable isotopes of nickel with low concentration, 
nickel-62 and nickel-64, which could conceivably contribute to copper 
production. According to Rossi copper is not among the additives. 100 
grams of nickel had been used during 2.5 months of continuous heating 
with 10 kW output power. A straightforward calculation shows that a 
large proportion of the nickel must have been consumed if it was 
‘burned’ in a nuclear process. It’s then somewhat strange that the 
isotopic composition doesn’t differ from the natural.

Ny Teknik: What further analyses are you planning?

Kullander: We have not planned anything definite. If it’s possible to 
refine the isotopic measurements, further isotopic measurements would be 
important mainly to get a better accuracy in the field of 60 to 65 
atomic mass units. We have also discussed with Rossi installing an 
energy catalyzer at a laboratory in Uppsala to perform more detailed 
measurements. These could be part of a scientific collaboration with the 
Bologna University.

* * *

Furthermore, for those interested (I know there are many italian readers 
following this mailing list) The whole Ny Teknik article has been 
translated by Daniele Passerini on his 22Passi blog, here:


[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Swedish physicists on the E-cat: “It’s a nuclear reaction” / The used powder contains ten percent copper

2011-04-06 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-06 13:51, Terry Blanton wrote:

Ah!  Piccys of naked ECats!

In the technical report itself there are even more pictures of them:


[Vo]:Sergio Focardi interviewed (not yet in english!)

2011-04-06 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

Hello group,

A *very* interesting (revealing many previously unknown details, to tell 
the truth I'm not sure if he was supposed to disclose them all) 
three-part audio interview in italian to Sergio Focardi by a local web 
radio has been submitted here:

At the moment there is no transcript available yet, so unfortunately a 
Google translation isn't possible yet either. I expect one to appear 
very soon (for example on Passerini's blog). I'll try to translate it in 
English as soon as possible when that happens.

Some interesting bits of information that caught my attention (as an 
appetizer for when a full transcript will be posted)

- Focardi-Rossi's paper was first submitted to, but was 
rejected (to Focardi's disdain, since they are known to publish almost 
everything). As a result of this, Rossi decided to create his own 
journal to publish it there. Apparently Rossi does not like much that 
people know this.

- Focardi doesn't know the exact composition of the catalyser used in 
the reactor (in addition to nickel powder) or what it does exactly but 
he suspects that it's a chemical compound promoting nickel's adsorption 
of hydrogen in atomic form rather than molecular.


Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi interviewed (not yet in english!)

2011-04-06 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-06 18:58, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

Maybe something got lost in the translation here, but find it
surprising that Focardi apparently doesn't know the composition of the
catalyzer used in Rossi's reactor. Are we to assume Rossi hasn't told

I'm quite sure Focardi told that he doesn't know the composition (nor he 
wants to know - he added). By catalyzer I mean the unknown compound 
which enhances the nickel-hydrogen reaction.


Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi interviewed (not yet in english!)

2011-04-06 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-06 19:10, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

Really! Does he say why he doesn't want to know?

The only speculation that makes any sense to me might be for personal
safety reasons.

He doesn't, and I don't think he seriously means that either, but maybe 
he simply doesn't want to jeopardize the patenting process of Rossi's 
reactor and/or Rossi's current temporary advantage over any possible 
emerging competitor.

Perhaps the catalyzing compound is so important for the macroscopic 
excess energy to occur that even he isn't allowed to know what is it 
about (I find this hard to believe though).

By the way, I forgot to add it in the opening post, but he also said 
that they don't use natural uranium (or any other radioactive material 
either - as Rossi has repeatedly written all along).


Re: [Vo]:How small Rossi devices might be ganged together

2011-04-06 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-06 22:06, Jed Rothwell wrote:

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I think ganging together many small
Rossi devices will call for some complicated engineering. Perhaps it
will slow down the development of the 1 MW reactor. I'm sure that 100
units can be coordinated but it may take a team of engineers some time
to design such a system.

According to Rossi's latest plans, the megawatt reactor is going to be 
made of not 100, but 300 smaller units similar in size to those seen in 
photos featured in today's technical report by Essen and Kullander.

[...] According to Rossi, a total of 300 reactors connected in series 
and parallel, will be used in the installation. Originally 100 reactors 
of the version that delivered 10 kW of power during earlier trials, were 
supposedly planned for the one-megawatt installation. Rossi still 
expects the inauguration to take place in October 2011. [...]

Personally I see this as a weak point and source of possible delays. 
It's going to be a complex and expensive system. Maintenance is also 
going to be a mess, assuming it's like that of an individual module, 
scaled 300x. Can you imagine replacing the nickel charge to each modular 
unit every 6 months?

Seeing that 10 kW modules have the potential for more than 100 kW of 
thermal power as reported by Levi during the February 18 hours test, 
personally I would have tried to sort out reliability problems in order 
to limit their total number in the megawatt plant to 25-30. That would 
be, in my opinion, much more compact and manageable in many ways.

But I'm not the inventor after all.


Re: [Vo]:Swedish physicists on the E-cat: It's a nuclear reaction / The used powder contains ten percent copper

2011-04-06 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-04-06 23:01, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

Seems new to me.
Proper link to the relevant bit:


Re: [Vo]:Rossi radio interview

2011-03-29 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-03-29 15:56, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Steve Krivit's Rossi Portal has two new items. A short article and audio
interview from a radio station:

And a transcript from that broadcast audio track:

I do not know if this is a complete transcript. I do not understand
parts of it because of the limitations of Google translate. (I must say
though, Google translate has made vital contributions to the progress of
cold fusion lately.)


This is my translation of the italian transcript (which appears to be 
completed - I listened to the audio interview) posted on Passerini's 
22passi blog. Since I'm a bit in hurry I haven't checked it for errors, 
so you are free to perform corrections as fit. Enjoy!


After the test at Bologna - which has been the last test performed on a 
laboratory module - we started the production of the industrial plant, 
which is a thermal 1 Megawatt power plant, that will be inaugurated at 
around end October 2011, so at the moment we are completely focused on 
this. Therefore our next step will the the presentation of a 1 MW 
industrial plant working at one of our clients.

The prototype you showed here in Bologna seemed like - how could we say 
- it could have been suitable for home use. Why have you decided instead 
to start with a plant of bigger dimensions?

Well, it's a matter of authorizations. To serve industrial clients, the 
module demonstrated at Bologna is too small, in other words it has a too 
small energy production; however since the 1 MW plant is nothing but a 
collection of several 10 kW modules, it's easy to reach industrial-level 
energy needs. Now, to obtain authorizations to install and operate an 
industrial-type plant is much easier than doing the same for a home-use 
plant, because in a factory a plant has to be operated and controlled by 
professionals - therefore laws expect that a there is a skilled and 
expert person responsible for the plant, and this is true for every kind 
of industrial plant - while at a consumer level the 
authorization/certification process is much longer and complex, because 
when a home use plant is sold, it's expected that it's sold to people 
who don't have the expertise and aren't absolutely suppoed to know all 
the technical instructions, etc., and this is the reason.

Very clear. Among other things we've read in an interview from a swedish 
magazine - a chat interview - that you are also ready to work with 
Sweden, with swedish businessmen.


So, we were wondering why not in Italy. Why not at Bologna, the city 
where among other things you showed your invention.

Yes, look - among other things, with the University of Bologna we also 
made a research and development agreement - we don't have anything 
against Italy - I am italian by the way - but it's clear that I have to 
go where there specific interest.

So, regarding this, given the nature objectively revolutionary of the 
prototype demonstrated, a pair of things have come into our minds. 
There's not much discussion about it even though you publicly showed it; 
or better, there's quite some discussion - a bit on the internet - but 
not that much, in journalistic terms we can say that the debate at the 
moment is confined to a very small circle.


...what do you think about this? Don't people believe you? Do they think 
that - let me put double quotes to the words - you are a charlatan ? 
Is this the reason why there's not much discussion about it?

No, I don't think so. My opinion is that this is an extremely new 
technology and therefore, once a very experimental university-level 
demonstration has been made, a practical industrial application is 
necessary before there can be a more widespread, specific interest about 
it. So this is why at the moment we are exclusively focused on the 
development of our first industrial plant.

You effectively said that your road is that of commercial plants because 
that way you can have better control. What are the risks of your 
technology? Current news tell us of risks due to classic power plants 
[nuclear fission]; alarming news are coming from Japan, and same from 
Germany (Merkel said stop to two plants)... in short, in addition to 
an exit strategy from oil economy, there are talks from an exit strategy 
from old style nuclear technology. What kind of problems could your 
technology show?

The fundamental thing is that we don't use radioactive materials and 
that we don't have as a result of our operativity radioactive waste from 
the reactor. There aren't emissions of any kind and by the environmental 
point of view this technology doesn't cause problems of any kind.

Engineer, do you feel a bit like a 21st century Marconi at the moment?

Not at all, see: at the moment I only feel like a person woking 

Re: [Vo]:OT: google trends

2011-03-29 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-03-30 03:38, Harry Veeder wrote:

The decline in cold fusion google searches has leveled off...

I've been keeping track of that too. This query is interesting as well, 
it shows that interest about Rossi's E-Cat is not short lived, actually 
it's quite steady over time, maybe growing:

Alexa site traffic comparison shows interesting data too:


Re: [Vo]:CERN Researchers and Focardi Rossi Cold Fusion Cell

2011-03-19 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

On 2011-03-19 20:04, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Rossi tells  IE, “We are making a thorough series of tests with the
University of Bologna, which will be 12 months long with a reactor in
operation 24 hours per day. During this year we will make a long theory
of measurements and tests, also in collaboration with CERN researchers.
A report will be made at the end of the 12 months of measurements.”

To be fair, that is what Rossi says.

Rossi says many things. He's very talkative (excluding technical 
details), however what he says does not always turn out to be 100% 
accurate. CERN might only be indirectly or very loosely involved with 
this matter, if even at all, if the quoted text above is to be taken 
very literally (for example, former CERN researchers, or researchers who 
happen to work or having recently worked at CERN, but that won't 
participate in E-Cat tests/research on behalf of CERN).

Some time back Rossi also said, as far as I remember, that agreements 
were made with the Bologna University to test his reactor and perform 
related research. However at at that time only proposals were made, 
according to a reader of Passerini's 22Passi blog who contacted them 

I would really prefer to read directly from the interested parties about 
their involvement, and not only from A.Rossi.


[Vo]:More questions to Rossi from Ny Teknik

2011-03-18 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

Hello group,

Have a look here:

Many interesting additional questions from Ny Teknik readers have been 
recently answered by Rossi, regarding his E-cat.


[Vo]:Rossi's E-Cat: modulable output or not?

2011-03-15 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

Hello group,

Have a look here:

[...] Is it easy to adjust the output power of that unit or is it just “on” or 
“off” 10 kW?

Andrea Rossi
March 14th, 2011 at 2:16 PM

Dear Mr Mats Heijkenskjold:
Yes, you can adjust it, by means of a potentiometer .

Compare with this:

Andrea Rossi
January 21st, 2011 at 3:44 AM

Dear Mr Di Stefano:
1-The output of a single module is not modulable. The output of combined 
modules is modulable turning on/off one or more modules [...]

This seems to be contradicting information.
I wonder if there have been actual changes or if Rossi is deliberately 
spreading misleading information.


[Vo]:February 13th A. Rossi interview from 22passi blog

2011-02-16 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

Hello group,

Daniele Passerini from 22passi blog interviewed again Andrea Rossi on 
February 13th. This is the original link:

And this is an English translation courtesy of PESN, edited by Hank 
Mills from a Google translation:

* * *

Energy Catalyzer:
Lets get some clarity.

Last Monday I had the opportunity to meet Ing. Andrea Rossi for a second 
interview, this time face to face, in order to collect new details about 
his invention. I have recorded over 30 minutes of questions and answers 
that in the days following the interview I summarized in the following 
text. On the basis of a gentleman's agreement I also was given a number 
of clarifications, off record and confidential, which reinforce my 
belief that people - and there are many- that think this has something 
to do with a hoax are like a half mule and half ostrich.

22PASSI - Congratulations Mr. Rossi, the news of the invention of the 
E-Cat has been prominent in Greece where the Newco that assumes 
responsibility for it's production and marketing, Defkalion Green 
Technologies of Athens, is located. I imagine that Prof. Christos E. 
Stremmenos has to be played as a sponsor, who was an opponent of the 
regime of the colonels, former Ambassador of Greece to Rome, Professor 
of Physics at the University of Athens, and practically a national hero 
in Greece. In Italy the media have largely ignored the news and 
discussed it only on the web, often bitterly. The questions that I'm 
inspired to ask address the doubts and criticisms that I have picked up 
on the internet. For example, a very controversial question is if the 
E-Cat can be considered safe.

ROSSI - The 10-kW modules we produce are safe and for years now we have 
been testing and using them with no problems. All possible measures of 
radiation from the reactor have been taken and the modules have always 
demonstrated the utmost safety. We control it as we want, switching it 
on and switching it off and we get power on and power off. It can never 
exceed a certain power because we have designed it so that there can be 
no Nickel-Hydrogen reaction above the safety limits and, above all, 
there is no radiation outside of the reactor significantly over the 
background level. It is true that with our current state of knowledge we 
do not know what would happen if we started scaling up the reactor from 
10KW to 1000KW. In fact, we take care not to do so. To obtain higher 
power production we combine the modules in series and parallel, as if 
they were batteries. A 10 KW reactor connecting in parallel increases 
the amount of energy produced at a constant temperature and putting them 
in series multiplies the amount of energy produced at increasing 
temperature, because you multiply the TD. Combining the two 
architectures, parallel and series, you can get what you want and stay 
strictly in the same safety parameters.

22PASSI - We always talk about thermal power, right?

ROSSI - yes, when converting to other forms of energy there will be a 
loss of efficiency. In the Carnot cycle efficiency is usually between 
30% and 35% depending on the efficiency of the system, this means that 
if we convert 1MW of thermal power we can get 300-350 kW electric and 
thermal energy.

22PASSI - Then we could produce both heat and electricity at the same time..

ROSSI - With the Carnot cycle this is so. Of course nothing is created 
and nothing is destroyed: the energy balance should be 100. However, if 
out of 100KW of heat 35 KW of heat was converted into electricity and 
the other 65KW of heat remained, then you would lose a few percentage 
points in conversion. In summary, if the E-Cat provides only thermal 
power directly, only a heat exchanger is needed and you're done. If you 
need electricity only a portion of the thermal energy can be transformed 
into electricity, but you will also have the heat that remains.

22PASSI. Then a small village of 50-100 families with a 1 MW unit could 
be made more energy independent in terms of heating and electricity.

ROSSI. Ah yes, this certainly.

22PASSI - If I understand correctly, once enough power is given to the 
reactor to ignite (in Bologna there was talk of 1-2kW), in this setup 
the machine might operate autonomously, without a power outlet or 
battery as the power input (on the order of 0.4 kW / h) is well within 
the approximately 3.5 kW electricity obtainable.

ROSSI - Certainly. There remains, however, the problem of the drive 
(control system) that is still a little more complex: each reactor has 
implemented an electrical drive for safety reasons and much be attached 
to a current line. Precisely because of these controls, we can ensure 
that there are no safety problems inherent in our E-Cat from 10 kW, as 
well in our unit from 1MW, consisting of 100 reactors from 10kW each of 
which has its 

[Vo]:A.Rossi interview from 22passi blog - english translation

2011-01-28 Thread SHIRAKAWA Akira

Original link:

This is my human translation. Enjoy!

Energy catalyzer:
It works and it's not cold fusion

Interview to Eng. Andrea Rossi

22PASSI. Good day Eng. Rossi, I thank you for accepting this interview. 
Everybody are asking themselves how you did manage to perfect your 
Energy Catalyzer. Somebody even suspects that you stole the idea, for 
example, from Professor Piantelli from the University of Siena, who in 
the '90 worked together with Prof. Focardi on cold fusion research. 
Could you explain us where, why, how and where you started working to 
this project?

ROSSI. I started in 1987. As facts show, my process strongly differs 
from previous efforts: nobody has managed to manufacture a working 
device so far. Facts count, not words.

22PASSI. 1987 means two years before the strongly disputed Fleischmann 
and Pons experiment; recently you stated that it's not proper to define 
as cold fusion the reaction occurring in your catalyzer and that it's 
more correct, at the moment, to generically define it weak nuclear 
reaction, in other words low energy or LENR. Are you telling us that you 
went on a different road, parallel to that of cold fusion research?

ROSSI. Exactly. In fact, mine is not cold fusion, but weak energy 
nuclear reactions. Fleischmann and Pons did heavy water electrolysis 
with a palladium cathode and platinum anode. I don't do electrolysis, I 
don't use either platinum or palladium and I use temperatures that 
manage to melt nickel.

22PASSI. The idea that you've built something which works, even without 
a scientific theoretic model, frightens some regarding the safety of 
such device. What could you tell use regarding it? I imagine that you 
have some idea of what happens in the catalyzer even if you're unable to 
prove it, right?

ROSSI. Yes, I have a very precise idea and I think I've understood 
perfectly the mechanism, but to explain it it's necessary that the 
patent gets approved. For now we can demonstrate that the reactors work, 
and that they do not emit radiations, in addition of being able to be 
utilized without risks. The rest will come over time.

22PASSI. Regarding the patent, on the Internet it can be read that the 
request was made on behalf of your wife. Why?

ROSSI. I'm sorry, but I don't see how this has something to do with 
scientific research.

22PASSI. Could you clarify the role that you and Prof. Focardi have 
regarding the apparatus development?

ROSSI. I've invented the method and the apparatus. Prof. Focardi had a 
fundamental role as a consultant, according to a definite agreement. He 
gave important contributions during the experimental phase, on the 
research method and on security systems, thanks also to his deep 
experience with nickel-hydrogen reactions.

22PASSI. What is the role of the University of Bologna regarding the 
apparatus you're about to patent?

ROSSI. With the University of Bologna we made a research agreement which 
will be extended in order to study radiations and to research and 
develop certain particulars.

22PASSI. Clearly once the catalyzer will be commercialized, there won't 
be trade secrets anymore. Will you allow independent laboratories to 
check the inside of the device only after that, or will that happen before?

ROSSI. We have to build plants that will need to honor warranties made 
during the agreement phase. Clients will have to follow instructions for 
safety reasons too. That being said, clients will be free to perform any 
test they wish with their plants, as long as they honor their 
agreements. It's clear, though, for us to renounce to trade secrets, 
that the patent, currently pending, will have to be accepted. If it 
won't, we'll keep trade secrets for obvious reasons.

22PASSI. Many doubt your credibility, due to the Omar-Petroldragon 
scandal from the '90s. On your site you provide an explanation of the 
events which frees you completely from any blame, pointing that the 
judicial documents confirm that you have nothing to do with the 
environmental pollution and fraud accusations. Why then didn't you bring 
a lawsuit to the Italian State in order to obtain a compensation, given 
the huge economic (and image) losses you've had?

ROSSI. The answer to this question is thoroughly described in the website. I don't want to answer that here 
briefly: who is interested to that matter should read carefully what 
I've written on my website.

22PASSI. Among those who believe that the Energy Catalyzer works, 
there's doubt that it could be subject to cover-ups. There are fears 
that who currently controls the energy market (fossil fuels and uranium) 
would be willing to pay you enormous amounts of money in order to keep 
your invention locked in a safe.

ROSSI. They will have to step over my dead body. This technology is the 
meaning of my professional life and the reason of my