Re: [Vo]:The Washington Times does not attack cold fusion

2009-06-11 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

This is an article about the conflict between the West and some 
radical Muslim movements. The Washington Times is a conservative 

There is no better argument for alternative energy than the 
beneficial effect such technologies would have on U.S. national 
security. If cold fusion or some other inexpensive and unlimited 
energy source were invented tomorrow, the Middle East could return to 
being the cultural and political backwater it was for centuries.

I've sending letters to Amy Klobuchar, our Senator, and our 
Representative Keith Ellison. Senator Klobuchar is on some committee 
which is charged with cleaning up the environment. As for Rep Ellison, 
well he's the right color. In my last letter I told her that if we could 
double the fuel efficiency of the automotive fleet, we could stop 
importing oil. Nothing's happened, why am I not surprised?

We right wingers have this idea that the leftists are attempting to 
collapse the American economy. It's  stupid behavior like which makes us 
believe this.

. Naturally, I hope the end of petro-dollars will reducing funding for 
terrorism! But I do not blame Middle Eastern nations because they 
happen to be sitting on a lot of oil and we have made them extremely 
wealthy. I think that was a misguided thing to do but it was our 
fault, not theirs.

Baloney, they support terrorism because of Islam's desire to impose 
Sahriah Law on the entire world, and what the Qu'ran says about dying in 

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Re: [Vo]:Binary Resonant TC Primary Design

2009-06-10 Thread thomas malloy

Harvey Norris wrote:

this will called 
The Conversion of Time into Energy
As I have mentioned the output energy will be shown by resonant ferrite heating, and the sources of its voltage will be shown to be obtained from a expanded time source made available by air core resonant magnetic mutual induction between phasings where two 

OK, what's the bottom line, did you succeed in harvesting any surplus 

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Re: [Vo]:Possible book of interest to Vorts...

2009-06-10 Thread thomas malloy

The last I heard a patent expires after 20 years.

OrionWorks wrote:

From Mark Iverson:


The Crime of Reason and the Closing of the Scientific Mind
Robert D. Laughlin, Reviewed by Edward Gerjuoy
Basic Books, New York, 2008. $25.95 (186 pp.). ISBN 978-0-465-00507-9


Editorial Reviews

From Publishers Weekly

The provocative premise of this short book is that even as we appear
to be awash in information, governments and industry are restricting
access to knowledge by broadening the concept of intellectual property
to include things as diverse as gene sequences and sales techniques .
According to Laughlin, the right to learn is now aggressively opposed
by intellectual property advocates, who want ideas elevated to the
status of land, cars, and other physical assets so the their


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Re: [Vo]:BAN ON POLITICS still in effect here

2009-06-09 Thread thomas malloy

OrionWorks wrote:

I recall two recent comments of worth:

Harry Veeder wrote:

If political commentary is banned, why not ban religious
commentary as well?

And from Stephen Lawrance:

The specific problem was caused by incontinent spraying of
political issues over every topic which was introduced.


Good advice from Stephen. I should probably do that more often than I
actually do.

My own two cents:

From what I could see the grok persona was using the guise of

wanting to engage in discussions of political ideology primarily as a
preferred weapon of choice in which to slay his perceived enemies. I


Grok also butchered the English language, and refused to correct his 
spelling. He made many inane comments about how societal problems were 
the fault of our capitalist system.

Marxism is a religion and dialectal materialism is it's theology. It 
says that everything has an economic cause, and that men are only 
motivated by economic considerations.It's followers project their own 
bad behavior, by imputing them to others.

I stopped reading his posts last month, and only read what he said when 
he was quoted by other Vortexians.

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Re: [Vo]:BAN ON POLITICS still in effect here

2009-06-09 Thread thomas malloy

Alexander Hollins wrote:

Lets NOT actually discuss the political posts that caused the whole
furor on this list, mmmkay?   That's just throwing gasoline back on
the fire that our good moderator is TRYING to put out.  You want to
discuss grok and his posting habits and politics directly, send it to
B where it belongs PLEASE.

Oh contrare. My posts dwelt with the sciences of epistemology; the study 
of knowledge and praxeology; the study of the root causes of human 
behavior. We just witnessed an example of the sort of rude and obnoxious 
behavior which post modernity has produced in a segment of the 
population who have embraced it's various philosophical elements.

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 6:53 AM, thomas wrote:

OrionWorks wrote:

I recall two recent comments of worth:

Harry Veeder wrote:

If political commentary is banned, why not ban religious
commentary as well?

And from Stephen Lawrance:

The specific problem was caused by incontinent spraying of
political issues over every topic which was introduced.

Good advice from Stephen. I should probably do that more often than I
actually do.

My own two cents:


From what I could see the grok persona was using the guise of

wanting to engage in discussions of political ideology primarily as a
preferred weapon of choice in which to slay his perceived enemies. 

Grok also butchered the English language, and refused to correct his

Marxism is a religion and dialectal materialism is it's theology. It says

I stopped reading his posts last month, and only read what he said when he
was quoted by other Vortexians.



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[Vo]:paper on fuel cells

2009-06-07 Thread thomas malloy

Horace Heffner wrote :

Unless I missed something, there is insufficient information on this  
site to make any kind of determination of the economic viability of  the 

For your edification, here is a paper on fuel cells that I alluded to 

The introductory page is interesting, then jump to page 13 which is a 
discussion of Apollo's fuel cell

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Re: [Vo]:paper on fuel cells

2009-06-07 Thread thomas malloy

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 7, 2009, at 9:37 AM, thomas malloy wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote :

Unless I missed something, there is insufficient information on  
this  site to make any kind of determination of the economic  
viability of  the technology.

For your edification, here is a paper on fuel cells that I alluded  
to previously, 

The introductory page is interesting, then jump to page 13 which is  
a discussion of Apollo's fuel cell

Again, there is no information that permits determination of the  
economic viability or even the safety of the technology in the  
proposed mode of use.

It's perfectly safe if : the fueling station and the vehicles are 
garaged in a fenced yard, attended to by qualified personal, and aren't 
involved in an accident, or a terrorist event.

There is no indication whatsoever that the  technology is or can be 
economically and safely packaged such that  ordinary consumers can 
operate it safely in a residential area.   Further, there is no 
analysis or even indication it is competitive  with alternative 

I saw a mention of how many miles the vehicle could get from a gallon of 
it, but I haven't noticed it again. I can get the amount of energy 
required to make a pound of it.

I consider the note Poisoning by Inhalation completely reversible  
to be ludicrous. Dead is dead. Burned lungs don't become unburned.

I'm reminded of the time that I generated a test tube of NH3 in 
chemistry lab. The instructions said to take a wiff, I took a big nose 
full. It felt like someone had pushed two red hot knitting needles up my 
nose and through my head. The back of my head itched. I bent over double 
in pain. Some asked the teacher, will he die? His responce was, no, I 
think that he'll survive this one two. I had previously gassed myself 
with SO2.

Anhydrous ammonia, which is the kind used for cracking, must be  
stored under pressure, and is much more dangerous than the household  
type ammonia containing chemicals.  Anhydrous ammonia handling is  
relatively safe when done industrially by trained personnel with  
appropriate safety equipment. It is not the kind of thing that should  
be considered safe for general consumer use without extensive  testing.

I've been told that the operators will have to have hasmat licenses.

Even then, passing underwriter's tests, getting their  approval, might 
be nearly impossible. Going from engineer supervised  operation in a 
small population to operation by a vast consumer  public is precisely 
what Murphy invented his law to describe.

I'm going to mention the potential for release in the case of : 
accidents, terrorism, and methamphetamine manufacture, too. Home Land 
Security insists on a chain of custody certificates on it. I've 
contacted both them and Dept of Transportation, inquiring about 
regulations on such a vehicle

Also, I haven't seen any prior reference by you to:

I looked at both papers and they seemed identical.

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[Vo]:Notes on Jack Sarfatti's paper

2009-06-07 Thread thomas malloy


I took some notes on Jack Sarfatti's paper on the Energy of the Vacuum. 
So, hoping that it initiates a discussion: Does anybody understand what 
a nonlocal pair entanglement operator is? What does Bell - basis 
liaisons dangerous, mean?

As I recall, other physicists, Hal Puthoff among them, believe in a flat 
world view which would lead to a false vacuum. Does that mean anything 
to anybody? This view of the world leads one to conclude that M^2  0 
and Beta  0. In Dr. Sarfatti's opinion, the correct view is that of a 
curved world; produces a true vacuum. This results in a different shaped 
curve in which M^2 is  0 and Beta is  0.

This yields an effective potential, in Jack's opinion, to the left we 
have a massive Higgs Oscillator with an amplitude of psi. To the right 
we have a gapless Goldstone Oscillator with a phase of psi. Psi = a 
virtual tachyon.

Einstein's gravity is from modulating phase of psi. The base is on a 
complex plane.

Jack calculates that passing the space time stiffness barrier will 
require an energy of 1 Fermi bend per 4 billion metric tons equivalent 
applied external electromagnetic energy.

Jack contends that Hal Puthoff's ideas on cohering the ZPE are wrong. 
This is the closest that Hal gets to a credit.

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Re: [Vo]:grok is removed temporarily

2009-06-07 Thread thomas malloy

William Beaty wrote:

On Fri, 5 Jun 2009, William Beaty wrote:

To resubscribe, I require that he apologize for his off-topic postings,
reveal his identity, and promise to eliminate all political commentary.

Grok said no thanks, to the above.

I say good riddence to the troll.

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Re: [Vo]:grok is removed temporarily

2009-06-06 Thread thomas malloy

William Beaty wrote:

To resubscribe, I require that he apologize for his off-topic postings,
reveal his identity, and promise to eliminate all political commentary.

I'd like to require him spell properly.

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Re: [Vo]:anomalous DNA changes

2009-06-06 Thread thomas malloy

OrionWorks wrote:

From Thomas:
News in the Now Multi-Dimensionality, ET, Cosmic, Comic, Comet


Ok... at this point it's time to start asking questions like: References please?

I think AC's Childhood's End was more entertaining.

But then, I could well imagine that Vince Dinglelink would have
something interesting to say on the matter. But alas, I've received no
recent entanglements on this subject.

I agree. I've heard the Indigo Children and that some people have 
developed (were born with) an immunity to HIV. These people OTOH, have 
gone totally over the top with the boy whose immune to everything.

As for the Chinese super psychic, I'm reminded of the 1956 science 
fiction novella, The Stars My Destination. BTW I came across a copy of 
the anthology in which it was published in a used book store the other 
day. OTOH, Otto Schmitt told me a story of a boy who claimed to have 

I visited their website. They are totally, out of the box, and 
unapologetically, New Age. Unless someone finds out otherwise, I'm going 
to relegate everything they say to the B S file. Well, not the 
astrology, that worked the time I tried it. I think that their giving 
that dog a Ph D is totally shameless.

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[Vo]:hydrogen storage as anhydrous ammonia

2009-06-06 Thread thomas malloy


We have previously discussed the subject of hydrogen storage and 
utilization. I'm writing to solicit your opinions on this technology. publications. Their plan is to 
recharge the cobalt lead battery, which, AFAIK is a variant of the lead 
acid battery, with the ammonia fuel cell. The literature says that this 
battery has an energy storage capacity in KW / KG comparable to a Li ion 
or a Ni hydride battery, at 20 to 25 cents on the dollar. I'm excited by 
this, and have suggested that they start marketing them.

What I'd like to discuss is the carbon footprint and the cost 
effectiveness of recharging the battery by : A plugging it into the 
grid, or B : using anhydrous ammonia to power the fuel cell. AFAIK, the 
production of anhydrous ammonia requires prying N2 apart. As I recall, 
this requires 14K calories per mol, which is one reason that NO3 based 
explosives work so well. I don't see where that energy is harvested, so 
the cracker should get real hot.

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Re: [Vo]:anomalous DNA changes

2009-06-06 Thread thomas malloy

OrionWorks wrote:

From Leak:



But, the sodium vapor lamp bit is still a great party trick.  in
puberty i had such excellent control i could point at lights nearby



Na vapor lights fail in that manner.

Anyone know what might cause a flaky CD player to act up by a simple
wave of the hand?

...or can I fantasize myself as a latent Uri Geller in training! 8-0

Uri Geller taught Otto Schmitt to bend spoons. If a human can do that, 
he could make a CD skip. Otto said that you rub the metal until it gets 
soft. I've tried to figure out how to do this. It would be real useful 
in making prototypes. 

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Re: [Vo]:OT: What Trolls can Teach us About Ourselves

2009-06-06 Thread thomas malloy

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

OrionWorks wrote:

Regardless of whether one likes or dislikes interacting with trolls,


Trolls have no interest in balanced discussion, nor in learning from the

I detest all trolls, and that includes Grok, who certainly gave every

Trolls are not spammers, trolls are not scammers, trolls are not
crackpots.  Trolls are vandals: their goal is to break things.  I find
absolutely nothing appealing about that.


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[Vo]:anomalous DNA changes

2009-06-05 Thread thomas malloy News in 
the Now Multi-Dimensionality, ET, Cosmic, Comic, Comet  InterPlanetary 

*Children of the New Dream Interview* with Drunvalo Melchizedek By Diane 

Diane: So Drunvalo...who are these Children of the New Dream that you 
are so excited about?

Drunvalo: Well there are 3 different kinds of children emerging in the 
world today that I have been able to identify. The first are called the 
Super Psychic Children of China. The second are called the Indigo 
Children and the third are called the Children of AIDS.

The first one, the Super Psychics of China, we talked about in the 
Flower of Life seminars. If you remember, the first one was discovered 
in 1984 when a child was found who was psychic beyond belief. 
Researchers conducted every psychic test you could imagine and he was
100% correct every time. You could turn cards over in another room and 
that didn't matter. He could perfectly know what was on the card.

So Omni magazine went to China and wrote an article on this discovery. 
They found one child and then another. When they went in 1984 they 
assumed it was a hoax so they did experiments like putting 100 kids in a 
room and taking a book and randomly pulling out a page. They would 
crumple it up and stick it under their arm. These kids could read every 
word on the page. They did test after test, and the response was 
flawless. The phenomena didn't stop there. These kids are not just in 
China. They have spread all over the world. I personally have been 
talking to parents who ask me, ...what do we do.. I have a kid who 
knows everything? I believe Lee Carroll is calling the children being 
born here in the U.S. the Indigo Children. I personally think the two 
groups are coming from the same source, however, I don't know that for 
sure. There appears to be two separate groups, incredibly psychic and 

It is the third group that I am most interested in - the Children of 
AIDS. About 10 or 11 years ago in the US, there was a baby born with 
AIDS. They tested him at birth and at 6 months and he tested positive 
for AIDS. They tested him a year later and he still tested positive. 
Then they didn't test him again until he was 6, and what was amazing is 
that this test showed that he was completely AIDS free! In fact, there 
was no trace that he ever had AIDS or HIV whatsoever! He was taken to 
UCLA to see what was going on and those tests showed that he didn't have 
normal human DNA. In the human DNA we have 4 nucleic acids that combine 
in sets of 3 producing 64 different patterns that are called codons. 
Human DNA all over the world always has 20 of these codons turned on and 
the rest of them are turned off, except for 3 which are the stop and 
start codes, much like a computer. Science always assumed that the ones 
that were turned off were old programs from our past. I've always seen 
them like application programs in a computer. Anyway...this boy had 24 
codons turned on - 4 more than any other human being. Then they tested 
this kid to see how strong his immune system was. They took a very 
lethal dose of AIDS in a petri dish and mixed it with some of his cells 
and his cells remained completely unaffected. They kept raising the 
lethalness of the composition and finally went up to 3,000 times more 
than what was necessary to infect a human being and his cells stayed 
completely disease free. Then they started testing his blood with other 
things like cancer and discovered that this kid was immune to 
everything! Then they found another kid with these codons turned on - 
then another one then another one - then 10,000, then 100,000, then a 
million of them and at this point, UCLA, by watching world-wide DNA 
testing, estimates that 1% of the world has this new DNA. That breaks 
down to approximately 60 million people who are not human by the old 

Diane: Is this new codon activation found only in newborn children?

Drunvalo: Well, it's mostly children, but now they are finding adults 
with it too - just like the hundredth monkey theory. Now all kinds of 
people are being affected by it and it's spreading fast. Remember, it 
started just 5 years ago with almost no one and now it's spreading - 
just like a disease. It's like an outbreak and this is only the beginning.

The other part of this concerns the new book entitled Cracking the 
Bible Code - which has to do with running the Hebrew Books of the Bible 
through a specialized computer program. If you go to page 164 of this 
book, it shows where these researchers put the word 'AIDS' into the 
program to see what would happen. When they did, the program translation 
provided words like HIV, in the blood, the immune system, death 
- all the things you would think you'd see around the word AIDS, but 
down in the corner was this sentence that they didn't understand and it 
said - the end of disease, and that is what I believe is happening here.

Re: [Vo]:first day in carbon capture

2009-06-04 Thread thomas malloy

Rick Monteverde wrote:

Jed wrote:

If you would like to argue that salt or CO2 in the wrong places in the

wrong amounts are not pollutants, let's see some reasons. 

Hum, I assume the plan is to bury the NH3 (CO2)2. I wonder what happens 
when it gets hot?

Wait a minute! 

- Anthropogenic contributions of CO2 to the atmosphere is warming earth's
climate (and we're at the tipping point 

Hum, it's almost summer here in the great northwest, why am I wearing 
this sweater? Oh yes, that's why they call it climate change.

In your version of a science forum, then
tell us if we can't show evidence that it isn't true, we should basically
just shut up and smell the socialism? 

Ah, the voice of discent!

Ok, I'll play:

- Invisible elves from the Crab Nebula in Orion are controlling the Federal
Reserve Bank from their base on the back side of the moon.

Wrong! There not invisible, haven't you seen the pictures of the Grey 

And that explains
everything that's happened to the US economy lately, as confirmed by
numerous people who have studied these things carefully and can't possibly
be wrong.

There it is. Hmpf. 

I've  just been informed that the money spent so far would have given 
every American $500,000 . Which is one hell of a lot of money, I wonder 
where it all went?

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[Vo]:biological transmutation

2009-06-04 Thread thomas malloy

Taylor J. Smith wrote:

Rick Monteverde wrote:

Jed wrote:

Joking aside,  why is it that so many people refuse
to face the fact that the main reason for our
current economic problems is simple theft?  The
thieves managed to get the law (and the rules)
changed so that they could not be prosecuted.

Theft? The Arabs didn't force us to purchase their oil. If The Oligarchy 
did suppress viable F E technology, then they did something.

that has just suffered a massive embezzlement.

Massive embezzlement, that's it, but if F E technology proves to be 
impossible, then it's just business.

It's hard to run a business without cash or credit.
Fortunately the federal government can just print
money, which they are not doing fast enough.

Crank up those printing presses boys!

On a lighter note, on the subject of long-range
communication for cellular level diffusion,
there is a fascinating article in the May/June
issue (Issue 85) of Infinite Energy, starting
on page 25, titled Experimental observation
and modeling of Cs-137 isotope deactivation and
stable isotope transmutation in biological cells.

I'm sure that the physicist's union, APS, would fail to see this as a 
lighter note. OTOH, based on your synopsis, documented biological 
transmutation occurred, I think that it's great!

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Re: [Vo]:Shanahan goes off the deep end!

2009-06-04 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

William Beaty wrote:

I had a large insight into my own psychology, and theirs.  My inner 
bigot tells me exactly what's going on: CF-haters respond to CF 
supporters in the same way that racists respond to non-whites: with 
intolerance, with very strong feelings of superiority, and with 
buried hatred.  It's definitely an ego thing, but it seems to better 
fit the mold of race hatred.

In the case of the late Douglas Morrison this was literally true. He 
used to publish papers and give lectures about what he called the 
regionalization of results theory. He made the following assertions:

* Nearly all original scientific work has originated in northern 
European nations, or by people who in the US who emigrated from 
northern Europe.

* Cold fusion, which he considered pathological science, had been 
mistakenly replicated only in southern European nations such as Italy, 
or non-European places such as Japan and India.

He had a barrage of statistics to prove this theory, which I called 
his Aryan Science Numerology. He described it in one of his newsletters:

He claims he was greatly astonished but in fact he was going around 
giving lectures about this regionalization theory long before cold 
fusion emerged. Mallove sent me some Morrison lecture announcements he 
dug up.

He was a deceitful, spiteful, mean  wretched person, and racist to 
the core.

Wow, he truely was racist to the core. It's too bad that the Israeli 
Jews weren't doing any LENR research at the time.

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Re: Great biological mystery force Re: [Vo]:GATC and ESP

2009-06-01 Thread thomas malloy

Rhong Dhong wrote:

--- On Sun, 5/31/09, William Beaty wrote:

Good one!  Floating proteins come wiggling in from
afar and find their

I have had the pop-science idea that the reason the proteins, and other bits and pieces, found their mates, and found them so quickly, was that at their scales, just randomly 

I'm a big fan of energy medicine, which a form of energy some times 
called scalar or nonorthogonal. I assume that the target is emiting a 
form of which attracts the requisite pieces, or perhaps vice versa.

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Re: [Vo]:U.Missouri Videos

2009-06-01 Thread thomas malloy
I very much enjoyed the O J Simpson and Al Frankenstein piece. I'm going 
to forward it to the webmaster of Minnesota Democrats Exposed. Thanks 
for the laugh.

OrionWorks wrote:

From: Jed

from Jones

Good! If you could lose the one by Peter Handel I would appreciate it.
That guy irks me to no end. He and Nate Hoffman are the two most annoying


I think you should at least nominate the later two luminous
d-heads for inclusion in one of my favorite online parodies:

... and say, what Bob whatshisname ... you know, the prototypical dick?

An amusing parody on Wikipedia. I had not heard of'em till now. I see
they are equal opportunists. There are entries for both Ann Coulter
and Al Franken.



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Re: [Vo]:Mylow Outted

2009-05-31 Thread thomas malloy

William Beaty wrote:

Anyone want to speculate on *why* people post huge involve hoax videos?
It's not always money, not always disinformation.

I bet it's just plain dishonesty.   Some people are mild psychopaths, and
for them, lying and truth aren't much different.   Genuine discoveries are
hard to do, 

On Sun, 24 May 2009, Terry Blanton wrote:

And it was just phishin' line:

Of course, the MIBs forced his to do it:


If I had a dollar for every time someone has told me, They (The 
Oligarchy) won't allow a F E machine to come to market, I'd have a lot 
more money than I have now. Ed Storms noted that he has yet to have the 
M I B pay him a visit. I'm still looking for a machine which will answer 
Puthoff's One Watt Challenge.

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[Vo]:magnetic motor

2009-05-31 Thread thomas malloy
I have previously heard of this Australian inventor claims that his 
motor produces 24 KW. Has anybody heard anything about him lately?

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Re: Great biological mystery force Re: [Vo]:GATC and ESP

2009-05-31 Thread thomas malloy

leaking pen wrote:

Something to remember. electrons don't actually orbit the nucleus.
they bounce around randomly, perhaps actually appearing and
dissapearing, or, tunneling, within vague cloud like areas known as
orbitals (because of the old Neils Bohr orbital model of the atom. )

Perhaps the nucleus is a toroid and the electrons go through the hole in the center. 

When electrons are shared in a chemical bond, they bounce back and
forth between the filled orbitals of the paired atoms, spending
weekends with daddy and weeks with mommy (mommy being the most
electronegative of the pair, if they arent the same atom)  Now, this
fact, based on the distances involved in chemical bonds, means that


what a classic Generation X analogy!

but it might be.  (Favorite chem teacher ever.  Was not afraid to say,
I don't know. )

wonderful teacher

might that form of electron tunneling be your radio signal?  jumping
to orbitals that are the exact same energy, because its the same
element at the same energy state?

Why not, radio waves are electromagnetic radiation, ditto for light. .

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[Vo]:Jack Sarfatti' paper on the ZPE

2009-05-31 Thread thomas malloy
Someone mentioned the Sarfatti name, and I Goggled Jack. The paper goes 
along like a standard scientific treatise and then suddenly he throws in 
some totally off the wall gibberish about UFO's traveling through worm 
holes. I've heard that Jack and Hal Puthoff don't get along. He 
criticized Hal, but didn't put him in the credits.

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[Vo]:Thesitv evolutionary site

2009-05-30 Thread thomas malloy
An interesting site which makes the case for thestic evolution.

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Re: [Vo]:Compression and LENR?

2009-05-29 Thread thomas malloy

OrionWorks wrote:

From Harry Veeder


Suppose a loaded palladium rod was bent.
Would the region of the rod in compression
yield more LENRs?


A follow-up.

What if the loaded palladium rod was subjected to ultra-sound
frequencies. Could certain frequencies resulting in enhanced kinetic
interaction (and compression) lead to enhanced fusion reactions?

It would seem that such speculation would seem to lead squarely into
the realms of sonofusion and Taleyarkhan's work.

Don't forget the Paintelli Patent.

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[Vo]:letter to William J Broad

2009-05-26 Thread thomas malloy

William J Broad
New York Times

Dear Mr. Broad;

Someone posted your article on the National Almost Ignition Facility on 
Vortex-L, scientific anomalies. I appreciate your mentioning the 
reservations that some people have regarding this boondoggle. The 
physics establishment, P E, has done their best to squander as much 
taxpayer money as possible on technology, which some of us believe is a 
dead end. One of the Vortexians, Ed Storms, retired from Los Alamos 
National Laboratory, has written about a problem called the first 
wall. Dr. Storms argument is that, even if they can succeed in getting 
more energy out than they put in, they have no idea how to solve the 
first wall problem. He is of the opinion that there is no solution to 
the first wall problem.

I would also like to mention my pet peeve, that there are several 
alternative approaches to the problem of finding a pollution free source 
of energy. The P E, and their union the American Physical Society, has 
done their best to strangle all of these technologies in their cradle. 
We, researchers in these technologies, have be self funding, while the P 
E continues pushing ahead down the dead end road, paving it with 
government money.

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Re: [Vo]:Zitter and ZPE

2009-05-24 Thread thomas malloy

Horace Heffner wrote:

Epigenetics crosses multiple generations.  It may play a significant  
role in what makes a chicken a chicken. The chicken is more than its  
DNA.  The chicken may in significant part be the egg, and the  
mother's egg, etc.

Interesting article Horace. In particular I noticed the mention of Junk 
DNA. It's like me taking a machine, which I don't understand, apart and 
then labeling some of the parts as junk. It has been suggested that 
perhaps some of the information encoded in the DNA is in the folding.

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[Vo]:letter to Shirley Jackson

2009-05-21 Thread thomas malloy


What you you think of this letter?

Shirley Jackson, Ph D
President Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Dear Dr. Jackson;

I saw a broadcast of your address at the Bakken Museum on Twincities 
Public Television. You seem interested in innovation, so there are some 
matters that I'd like to bring to your attention.

There is a basis in theoretical physics to believe that the zero point 
energy could be cohered to provide a pollution free source of energy. 
The quantum theorist Hal Puthoff of has coauthored a 
series of articles which were published in Physical Review. They 
speculate about the interaction of the ZPE and matter. It appears that 
the effect can be optimized by use of torsion field physics of Nicloi 

Despite well documented replication of anomalous energy, in these 
experiments, the American Physical Society treats this technology like 
it doesn't exist. We have to self fund our experimental activities. 
Worse, there is also a well documented pattern of suppression of this 
technology. I will probably have to leave America in order to bring this 
technology to the market.

I find this behavior inexplicable given the opposition which has been 
raised to our continued poisoning of the atmosphere with carbon dioxide. 
It's clear to me that we need a Manhattan Project sized effort in order 
to stop this poisoning of our environment. I have attempted to get a 
commitment from President Obama putting his administration on record as 
opposed to the continued suppression, in vain. It would seem to me that 
this is the least that they could do.

Given your involvement with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, I'd also 
like to mention the suppression of the use of induced nuclear reactions. 
The website, has over 3000 papers, some in the form of 
synopsis, others in the form of a .pdf document. I realize that the 
experimental results are difficult to reproduce, and that so far, no 
usable energy has been produced. However in the 60 minutes segment on 
cold fusion the APS's representative took the standard party line, 
about not seeming to care about the experimental results, his mind 
having previously been made up.

It's clear to me that if, following the experiment; you extract a metal 
which wasn't there before, and that metal has an isotopic spectrum 
containing a large amount of 2%'ers, isotopes which occur in nature in 
concentrations of less than 3%, that is anomalous. This anomaly doesn't 
seem to be clear to either Dr. Robert Park, or Dr. Zimmerman. While Dr. 
Park was initially reported to be contrite, following the 60 Minutes 
broadcast. Later he was later back spouting the party line, of voodoo 
science. Why am I not surprised? this is the APS's business as usual.

I noted what appeared to be your support for that boondoggle at Yucca 
Mountain. I can just imagine the streaks of protest that would result if 
you attempted to bury that waste in the layer of basalt in northern 
Minnesota. I don't blame the people of Nevada one little big for 
opposing it. Particularly since the technology to render it 
nonradioactive was demonstrated over ten years ago.

Dr. Park has yet to repent of his attacks on Dr. Randall Mills of Black 
Light Power, which in my opinion were as the basis of the recension of 
BLP's patent. This despite BLP's having sold licenses for it's technology.

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Re: [Vo]:another better battery.

2009-05-20 Thread thomas malloy

Michel Jullian wrote:


In reply to  Michel Jullian's message of Tue, 19 May 2009 15:31:41 +0200:

Still, the figure is amazing. A 52 kWh battery would only weigh
52000/2600= 20 kg, ~10 times less than Eestor's EESU of the same
capacity is supposed to weigh  :)

I've been researching the lead cobalt alkaline battery, which has an 
energy density of 109 watt hours per kilogram. According to the 
patentee, this is similar to the lithium ion or metal hydride batteries. 
The energy density that you're talking about is 20 times that.

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Re: [Vo]:Mengoli paper

2009-05-10 Thread thomas malloy

Harry Veeder wrote:

2009/5/7, Jed Rothwell

I wrote:

This is rather frustrating to me. Here we have a

drop it down a well, because practically no one
is going to pay that kind of money for information on cold fusion.

Have they considered selling a CD version or making it available for

On that note, let me emote. Ed Storms sent me a list of papers on 
isotopic ratios. Specifically the 2%ers isotopes which occur in 
concentrations of less than 3% in nature. If you do an experiment, and 
then discover a metal which wasn't there before, and a large amount of 
it is a 2%er isotope, that should tell you something, unless your name 
is Parksie of course.

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Re: [Vo]:Wind energy breakthrough

2009-05-04 Thread thomas malloy

grok wrote:

Isn't there research on (tough!) materials which absorb hi-energy/
hi-intensity photons from across the relevant spektrum, directly into
their electron structures..?

--Mike Carrell:
Mills has explored many schemes for extracting energy from the plasma,
and has a patent for one which I consider unfeasible. In one
experiment, two probes are inserted into the plasma. If one proble is


Surely there has to be a method to sweep the plasma around and drink all
that energy up -- good, down to the last drop. Why not place rotating

Kiril Chukanov has some novel ideas in that respect. See

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[Vo]:Energetics' Newsletter

2009-05-01 Thread thomas malloy

Energetics Technologies wrote:

*/60 Minutes/** – “Cold Fusion is Hot Again”*

*/An Energetics Technologies Update/*

May 1, 2009

On April 19, 2009, CBS News program /60 Minutes/ broadcast a story 
entitled, /‘Cold Fusion is Hot Again’/.

*/According to Alison Godfrey, CEO of Energetics Technologies LLC, one 
of the three laboratories profiled in the report, the response has 
been nothing short of extraordinary: /*

“It’s not just the email and phone calls.

We carefully monitor ‘cold fusion’ internet searches leading to our 
company website.

Within minutes of the broadcast we began getting thousands of visitors 
from over 70 countries.

We see blogging all over the world discussing the science.

/60 Minutes/ was right. Cold Fusion is definitely hot again.”

In the broadcast, reporter Scott Pelley profiled three laboratories, 
each conducting research in the field of low energy nuclear reaction 
(LENR), historically referred to as cold fusion:

· *Energetics Technologies *a New Jersey based company with research 
facilities in Omer, Israel

· *SRI International *of Menlo Park, California* *

· *ENEA, *the Italian National Agency for New Technologies* *

* *

*_Godfrey points out that the broadcast did not clarify an important 
relationship between these labs_**:*

“Viewers may have been left with the perception that these 
laboratories conducted their own research.

*/What wasn’t made clear is that Energetics Technologies pioneered the 
LENR process profiled on the program, which was then successfully 
replicated by both SRI and ENEA. /*

One of the hallmarks of breakthrough science and technology is 
independent replication.

Working closely with SRI and ENEA, our scientists have achieved that 
with historic results.**

/60 Minutes/ obtained an internal document from the Defense Advanced 
Research Project Agency,

known as DARPA, which according to the broadcast,

/“concludes that there is ‘no doubt that anomalous excess heat is 
produced in these experiments’”./

The DARPA memorandum specifically referred to the results of the DARPA 
funded */SRI replication/*/,/ and to the */ENEA/ /replication/* of the 
research pioneered by Energetics Technologies.

/60 Minutes/ also brought Rob Duncan, Vice Chancellor of Research at 
the University of Missouri, to the Energetics Technologies laboratory 
in Israel, where Professor Duncan concluded,

I found that the work done was carefully done, and that the excess 
heat, as I see it now, is quite real.

Says CEO Godfrey, “We are proud that our company has achieved landmark 
and historic research that has been replicated by two of the most 
prestigious independent laboratories in the world,

and reviewed by DARPA and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory.

We face the challenge of finding new sources of clean, renewable energy.

It’s important that the public know that great strides are being made 
in this exciting field of science.”

*For More Information*


*Media contact:*

*/Rick Kramer Media LLC/*

Main - (856) 810-0303

Email –

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Re: [Vo]:MIBs Miffed at Mylow Minderbinder's Magnetic Motor

2009-04-30 Thread thomas malloy

Jones Beene wrote:

- Original Message 

From: Terry Blanton

Can't even trust your own lawyer.

That little detail is far easier to believe than a lawyer who makes house calls to an underemployed truck driver, who cannot even remember the lawyer's name. 

Hey, doofus - who did you write the check to, or was the legal work 'pro bono'  

Can you spell 'gullible'?


Yossarian, esq.   legal counsel to MMM Inter-prizes


One of the Vortexians calculated that even if we mined all the neodymium 
in the crust and fabricated it into magnets, and build magnetic motors, 
they would at best provide 10% of our present energy consumption. OTOH, 
if the MIB come knocking on my door, well I'll keep you posted.

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[Vo]:Patterson Interview

2009-04-30 Thread thomas malloy


Several months ago I found Robert Patterson through an Internet search 
for Schauberger technology. In this clip Sterling Allen interviews him. 
While I find his energy antenna and wireless transmission of energy 
interesting, what I'd really like to get your opinion on is the lifter 
technology, so when you have 35 minutes, watch this.

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Re: [Vo]:[OT] H1N1 Synchronicity

2009-04-30 Thread thomas malloy

Mark Iverson wrote:

I think I figured it out... Grok is not a real person.  
It’s a mediocre computer sci student's implementation of the Turing Test!

Barely passing grade if you ask me.

But it'd probably keep the shrinks busy for a few hours.


IMHO, Grok is living proof of what Michael Savage, host of the Savage 
Nation radio show, contends, liberalism is a mental disorder. He is 
also proof that leftists view everything through the lens of, economics 
being the root cause of everything.

His creative spelling is one manifestation of the leftist belief that 
they have a right to change the English language to fit their ends. 
Their most important end is usually the advancing of their political 

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Re: [Vo]:[OT] H1N1 Synchronicity

2009-04-30 Thread thomas malloy

OrionWorks wrote:

Thomas sez:

IMHO, Grok is living proof of what Michael Savage, host of
the Savage Nation radio show, contends, liberalism is a
mental disorder.

That's quite a bit of analysis there, Thomas.

thank you.

Pray tell, what have you pinned as the true root cause of everything?


And what's your solution?

A Torah Observant theocratic monarchy.

His creative spelling is one manifestation of the leftist belief 

I noted your comment on the 150,000,000 dead people Grok. Marxism and 
Fascism are opposite sides of the same totalitarian coin. Hitler 
conducted a sacrifice to his god, of followers of the G-d of Israel, 
14,000,000 total. Stalin worshiped the image he saw in the mirror. The 
Oligarchy which put them both in power has pumped your head full of 
s__t. They have convinced you that more of what hasn't previously worked 
is just what the world needs. The return of the king is imminent, but 
not upon us. IOW, you still have time to repent, or you can burn.



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Re: [Vo]:[OT] H1N1 Synchronicity

2009-04-30 Thread thomas malloy

Harry Veeder wrote:

- Original Message -
From: OrionWorks
Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009 12:39 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] H1N1 Synchronicity

Thomas sez:

IMHO, Grok is living proof of what Michael Savage, host of
the Savage Nation radio show, contends, liberalism is a
mental disorder. He is also proof that leftists view
everything through the lens of, economics being the root
cause of everything.

I suppose it was a liberal that said Love of money is the root of all

What you say is true. If you take some of R Yeshua's quotes you can make 
him out to be a socialist. Jim Wallis of Sojourner's magazine is great 
hand to do that.

If you ignore that Yeshua was Torah Observant, it's just amazing what 
you can justify using the red letters. BTW, I regard Wallis and his ilk 
as a wolves in sheep's clothing. My Rabbi and I agree that a wolf which 
as learned to take on the affectations of a sheep is the most dangerous 
animal in the woods.

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Re: [Vo]:[OT] H1N1 Synchronicity

2009-04-29 Thread thomas malloy

OrionWorks wrote:


Grok sez to Terry:

On the contrary -- capitalism very much DOES relate to fascism. NOST

Ah, I see another informative political lecture is about to ramp up
for our viewing pleasure... or perhaps not.

In terms of pleasurability, Grok is right up there with a Roman flagilation.

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Re: [Vo]:What's New Friday Apr, 24, 2009

2009-04-27 Thread thomas malloy

Harry Veeder wrote:

WHAT’S NEW   Robert L. Park   Friday, 24 Apr 09   Washington, DC

Parksie pontificated, or should I say bloviated.


Technology, according to 60 Min correspondent Scott Pelley.  An APS 
statement issued Wed. says this is totally false, and the APS does not 
endorse the cold fusion claims on 60 Min.  (Aside:  This morning I 
I should watch the video on the 60 Min web site one more time. Drat!  
took it off.  No matter, there’s a full transcript.  Uh oh!  The part 
CBS says the APS picked Rob Duncan to look into the ET SuperWave is 
CBS can change history?  My God, time travel!  Now that is powerful.)

I think it's obvious that the endorsement of the APS is not in the same 
league as heating water, which is what SWF proposes to do. True to form, 
Parksie attaches more significance to the former rather than the latter, 
why am I not surprised?

Opinions are the author's and not necessarily shared by the
University of Maryland, but they should be.

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Re: [Vo]:Tribute~2-Hawking~*~Newton left hitch-hiking~;-) ConceptCraft Prospectus: Quantum-Gravionic Point-Lead Focused Hyper-GravThrust

2009-04-25 Thread thomas malloy

Harbach Jak wrote:

~*~NEWTON is LEFT HITCH-HICKING~*~Einstein  Hawking  Feynman brought 
us here*

Anita @ Boeing Phantom Works:  Since 'Spooky action @ Distance' is a 
Proven;  and Russia has created a functional
IN SHORT:  Parallel-adjacent AEXO-DarkSpace is indeed TACHYON-FIELD SPACE.

Really interesting post Jack! I'd love to read about it.

YOU WROTE///Jack--
There's a lot of theory here.  What are the goes-intos and 
goes-out-ofs for this propulsion system?  Using Einstein, do we 
still need some Newton to move a spacecraft from one place to another?

If Danny Wu is not talking to you /or if you are not in the loop nor 
on the RD team then I understand that you're playing 'catch-up' 
here.  Chief-Scientist/Project Coodinator Danny Wu/Phantom Works is 
the 'go-to guy' in your immediate chain of command.  Check it out.

I clicked on the above link and it opened into a Window's Live site, 
what's up with that?

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Re: [Vo]:60 Minutes, Orion Works, Jed, Jones

2009-04-21 Thread thomas malloy

Mike Carrell wrote:

Guys, heads up, it is going to get interesting.

The 60 minutes piece is a turning point worthy of celebration.

Both technologies also point to a new era of physical understanding of 
the world. Sorting all this out will keep generations of grad students 
busy as the old guard of doubters gradually die off.

Meanwhile the Jokers in the game will be an empowered EPA, and DOE, 
whose regulatory empires will be challenged.

Stay tuned.

Then there are the other horses in the race. There are various other 
methods of cohering the ZPE. Given LENR's problems with reproducibility, 
and BLP's need for sophisticated reactors, which limit it's use to 
industrial facilities, I wouldn't count the out.

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Re: [Vo]:Energetics Technology website features 60 Minutes preview

2009-04-17 Thread thomas malloy

OrionWorks wrote:

Jed sez:

What does Chubb's theory entail?

It involves a bunch of deuterons with overlapping wave functions,
which lose their identity and begin acting as one, sort of like

For more information, see Scott  Talbot Chubb's papers.


Ah, yes. The HK Hare Krishna hypothesis. Atoms loosing their
identity. That's as good an explanation as any I've heard! ;-)

Sounds more like a Bose Einstein Condensate to me.

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Re: [Vo]:It will be ironic if 60 Minutes has a major effect

2009-04-17 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

Terry Blanton wrote:

But the need was not as great as it is now.  We have always said, on
this list, that $5/gal oil would make a difference.  IMO, it has.

In that sense it is unfortunate that the price is back to $2.

Don't worry, $5 / gallon gas will be back.

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Re: [Vo]:It will be ironic if 60 Minutes has a major effect

2009-04-17 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

thomas malloy wrote:

Don't worry, $5 / gallon gas will be back.

What makes you think so? Do you expect the economy will recover soon, 
and the price will rebound?

The great inflation has just begun. However I think that the economy 
will rebound.

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[Vo]:The latest round in the AGW debate

2009-04-14 Thread thomas malloy


Yesterday Dennis Prager announced that Ian Plimer's new book on AGW will 
be available next month. It took some searching, but here is the link,

Hum, I wonder if Google blocked this link? I did a second search on Yahoo.

Those of you who are AGW advocates, Nick, et al, will find this site 
more to your liking, . I noticed that Ted, The Mouth 
of the South, Turner has a video link on this site. Hum, I wonder is he 
will put up some venture capital to help with FE machine development? I 
think that I'm going to ask, but I'm not going to hold my breath

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Re: [Vo]:A simple solution to reduce deforestation in developing countries

2009-04-12 Thread thomas malloy

Terry Blanton wrote:

Have I written an untruth?

I am a trader. I earn what I get in trade for what I produce.

Good come back!

I ask for nothing more or nothing less than what I earn.

You don't steal, or force other people to do business with you.

Force is the great evil that has no place in a rational world. 

Bravo! The way for any of the Socialists systems to work of coercion.

Yet you have allowed your world to be run by means of force,
by men who claim that fear and joy are equal incentives, but that fear
and force are more practical.


grok wrote:

As the smoke cleared, Terry Blanton
mounted the barricade and roared out:

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 9:17 AM, grok wrote:

You can try all the mockery you want, fella. Worx on Fox News too, I
understand. Maybe you people understand a few things abouyt fyzix -- and
maybe you don't -- but you know jackshit about politix, that's pretty

Clear?  Clearly I was in error since bots can spell.

I understand one thing about politics.  It churns.


ad hominem argumentation: the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Terry's criticisms of your ideas are based on your twisted view of 
reality Grok, deal with it! You have the misguided idea that everything 
has a based on economics, and that the economic system will function on 
demand. You seem to be blind to the spiritual forces which control the 

The most misguided aspect of your ideas is that you fail to see that the 
abuses, which you so rightly decry, are a product of the Oligarchy, 
which has fostered them. Wake up, you're one of the bots who are 
promoting their Globalist Socialist agenda.

Did I spell 'scoundrel' correctly, sirrah..?


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Re: [Vo]:A simple solution to reduce deforestation in developing countries

2009-04-10 Thread thomas malloy

Terry Blanton wrote:

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:31 PM, grok wrote:

The U.S. petit-bourgeoisie have a hyper-trophied view of their place in
the Universe (given the totalitarian mass-media environment which bathes
them in relentless distortions of Reality, 24/7).

You are a bot, right?  If not, you are one really funny guy.  My Lenin
and Marx are named John and Groucho (You're only as old as the women
you feel.)

Grok the Bot, that would be funny if: he didn't take himself so 
seriously. If my arguments have run off him like water off of a duck. If 
there were'nt thousands more like him.

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[Vo]:Parksie on C F

2009-03-31 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

Someone with the pen name nextbigfuture who I believe is Brian Wang 
wrote an excellent response to Sharon Begley's

I just need to clarify, when did Parksie make his act of contrition?

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Re: [Vo]:crazy

2009-03-29 Thread thomas malloy

Rhong Dhong wrote:

--- On Sat, 3/28/09, Kyle Mcallister wrote:


Until that clean country air was polluted with ash
from 6+ million souls. If O as you call him, or any
other American politician for that matter, wishes to
follow the trail of the NSDAP, I will never cease to
oppose them. Thus, I am part of the solution.

If you mean the German civilians who were incinerated by the Allied 'area 
bombing', I agree. A terrible crime.

No, we mean the 14 million European civilians who were murdered by the Nazis

Did they all start goosestepping? I don't understand why you equate national 
service with nazis.

The Liberal's ideas parallel Hitler's, that's why

but don't drag in the poor old nazis. Haven't they been pilloried enough for 
the past 70 years?

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

These days, if you free spirits, you independent thinkers, want to say 'I do 
not like X', it seems you are programmed like a machine to add: 'X is a nazi'.

If the shoe fits wear it.


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Re: [Vo]:Fascism in the Near Future -was: Crazy?

2009-03-29 Thread thomas malloy

Mark S Bilk wrote:

On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 12:06:30AM -0500, thomas malloy wrote:

As for space travel, IMHO, a launch platform  

If that's true, a lot of money could 

Perhaps they could, but they won't.

BTW, isn't it interesting that the name I S S, could be pronounced 
as Isis, eh? Ditto for Intercollegate Socialist Society.

Seems like Isis is a pretty nice Goddess -- the ideal mother 
and wife, matron of nature and magic, Goddess of motherhood 
and fertility:

Yup, that just goes to show that you've drunk the Oligarchy's cool aide.

Compare that with the characteristics of Jehovah, basically 
a genocidal psychopath:

You have to look at the fruits of the two systems. One produced free 
societies where minorities had rights, the other produced an unbroken 
succession of dictatorships.

As to socialism, in actual democratic socialism, 

Never has worked, never will work.

where 5% of the population 
has 95% of the wealth.  Social Democracy seems to work pretty well


The all have Oligarchys. Liberalism destroys humans humanity. They 
become narcissists whose only concern is their next vacation, or 
satisfaction of what ever thrill appeals to them. Now they've elected a 
pathological narcissist President. He will do his best to destroy 
America. Whether this is by design or from insanity makes no difference.

Mark S Bilk wrote:

that the purpose of the corps is to protect national security.  
Protect it against what?   

President Obama is doing his best to bring in the New World Order.  

The bankers have total control over the issuing of credit, and so 
will revive the economy to some degree if they choose.  They also

That's manipulating the currency, which never has produced wealth, and 
never will produce wealth. What it does is milk out the wealth from the 
hands of the middle class. When they run out of money, the economy will 

The physical evidence proves that in 2001 the World Trade Center was 

You've gone off the deep end here Mark. 

Thomas, you have omitted the references I gave containing the 
evidence that proves my assertions:

I reject some of your conclusions because even a small conspiracy is 
difficult to cover up. It also absolves the Islamists of complicity, an 
example of a conclusion which I reject.

When was the last time you heard of a Christian sucide bomber? Any  

But Christians  have murdered 
many tens of millions of people.

Calling yourself a Christian means nothing. Taking up your cross and 
following Rabbi Yeshua, the Torah Observant Jew, OTOH, that's an 
entirely different matter.

Here's a fascinating trailer for you to enjoy. The characters are real,  

Interesting.  Alex Jones sells videos on this type of subject:

Alex chronicles the same world that I am. He's a conservative Catholic. 
While Alex and I have our differences theologically, we basically agree, 
see the last paragraph.

Mildly interesting.  Is there some NWO connection you meant me 
to see?

It's the occult. Considering you're misguided remarks in the previous 
letter, I'm not surprised that you can't see the connection. Helena 
Roerich translated the works of Helena Blavatsky , who was a founder of 
the Theosophical Society. They had a direct connection to Tibetan 
mysticism. They channeled ascended masters, that means disembodied 
entities. Ditto for Lenin, who said that there are two sorts of people 
who support us, those who understand who god is, and the useful idiots. 
The second Russian Revolution was financed by a New York venture 
capitalist, Herbert Walker. His grandson was George Herbert Walker Bush. 
But what I'd really like to draw your attention to is the writings of H 
P Lovecraft. He talks about a monstrous race of super intelligent beings 
who mean to destroy humanity. The Wikipedia article mentions Lovecraft's 
mentioning Roerich's paintings in his writings.

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Re: [Vo]:Fascism in the Near Future -was: Crazy?

2009-03-29 Thread thomas malloy

Kyle Mcallister wrote:

--- Mark S Bilk wrote:

Compare that with the characteristics of Jehovah,
a genocidal psychopath:


But Christians (the quotes indicating those who
disobey Jesus' 
teachings of kindness, love, peace, etc.) and

Zionist Jews have
plenty of _homicide_ bombers among them.  They have
many tens of millions of people, far more than have

the Moslems.

I'd have pretty much diametrically disagreed with
these parts of your post, until I ended up reading
this Judges 11:29-40

This (and things like it) were never taught in
churches, back when I actually used to go to them.

Ditto for Judaism, the Midrash says, Jephthah acted improperly, he 
wasn't permitted to sacrifice his daughter, Phineas, the high priest, 
should have intervened, but he didn't and as a result both were punished.

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Re: [Vo]:toroid hho

2009-03-28 Thread thomas malloy

Zachary Jones wrote:

nice show

Why does the gas production rotate?

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Re: [Vo]:Bob Park now calls it unimportant science.

2009-03-28 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

Steven Krivit wrote:


I share your amazement. Generally the prediction goes that they
never concede, they take their views with them to the grave.

When I first heard that Voodoo Bob conceded reality of LENR behind
closed doors at a DoE meeting on Dec. 12, 2006 I tried to contact
him. He avoided me. Can't say I blame him.

It must be a bitter pill indeed. Long time Vortexians will recall my 
poem, Parksie's Damn Dam. Tom Valone recommended that Eugene Mallove 
publish it, which he did. Thus making me a published poet. I'm 
anticipating telling this story to Leon. He was involved in a start up. 
They had hired a former chemical engineering professor, Howard. He did 
his best to assure the principals that F E machines were impossible. He 
had previously promised to zap me with a stun gun if I mentioned F E 
machines just one more time. On seeing my poem Howard expressed sympathy 
for Parksie about being lampooned by Malloy's poem. This is the same man 
who refused to read Randall Mill's book, after his suspicion that, 
Malloy brought this around, were confirmed. Revenge is a dish best 
served cold.


Those spicy citations you state below...are they Parksie or Petey?

The stuff about rooting out? That was Park, at the APS. It was a 
memorable talk. I once had an audio recording but it is gone. I 
described it briefly in my Titanic paper and in some letters at the 
time. He started by

I'm confused, you mention a 2006 date, is this the latest development, 
or has there been a recent update?

Zimmerman stood by and said nothing. I noticed his badge before the 
talk, and afterward I went up to him, introduced myself and asked who 
did you say you work for again and can I take a photo. He said I am not

The video that you mention, is I assume the one where the man's wife 
catches him in bed with another woman, and he asks her who are you going 
to believe, me or your lying eyes? I wonder is there is a video clip of 
him saying that?

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Re: [Vo]:Crazy?

2009-03-28 Thread thomas malloy

Rhong Dhong wrote:

I don't know why people are getting worked up about O's national service proposal: 

Americans need to get in line, toe the line, keep quiet, and obey orders. That 
sort of discipline would do wonders for them.

O's proposal is a step in the right direction.


Seig Heil


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Re: [Vo]:Fascism in the Near Future -was: Crazy?

2009-03-28 Thread thomas malloy

Mark S Bilk wrote:

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 07:29:08AM -0700, Kyle Mcallister wrote:

Since there's apparently little to no interest in
learning what I found re: the Morton effect, or what
I've done/am doing with Laithwaite's inertial
propulsion work, 

Kyle, I haven't read all of your posts, but if you achieve 
positive results in any alternative physics areas, by 
all means tell us (and post the complete details of the 
apparatus to hundreds of lists, in order to preserve your 
life).  And if you're in need of advice regarding such 
experiments, this is certainly the place to ask for it.


Have you read my letter, Stop the Suppression of Clean Energy?

As for space travel, IMHO, a launch platform which combined the Cook 
Inertial Propulsion system and Schauberger's Repulsine would reduce the 
energy required by a factor of ten. The Oligarchy knows about both 
technologies, and they just used the Space Shuttle to haul material to 
the Space Lab again. BTW, isn't it interesting that the name I S S, 
could be pronounced as Isis, eh? Ditto for Intercollegate Socialist Society.

What will those orders be?  Obama has said several times
that the purpose of the corps is to protect national 
security.  Protect it against what?  

President Obama is doing his best to bring in the New World Order. 
America is an impediment to this agenda. The Oligarchy have done their 
best to bring about it's collapse. Now BHO can argue that he was just 
doing what he was programed to do, because he went to college. But the 
course of action that he is pursuing, borrowing and spending yourself 
rich never has worked, and IMHO, never will work.

The physical evidence proves that in 2001 the World Trade 
Center was destroyed by explosives and thermite (which Arabs 

The 1993 truck bombing of the WTC was completely instigated 
by the FBI, using an Egyptian and an Israeli spy to infiltrate 

You've gone off the deep end here Mark. It true that the Islamist 
hijackers carried out their action coincident with the American radar 
system being turned off, and certain people kept it from being turned 
back on again. They were, just following orders, of course. My point is 
that this is the simplest solution. In order to maintain secrecy, 
everyone has to have plausible denabilty.

When was the last time you heard of a Christian sucide bomber? Any 
person or group of Christians who advocated such a course would be 
roundly condemed by every Christian organization. Islam has jihad built 
into it's theology.The Oligarchy has taken advantage of this. Both ideas 
come from a common root.

Here's a fascinating trailer for you to enjoy. The characters are real, 
the facts, well perhaps they're true too. Just the sort of movie that 
I'd like to make.

BTW, do a search for Nicolas Roerich, read the Wikipedia article on him, 
notice the connection to H P Lovecraft.

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[Vo]:Muller Power

2009-03-26 Thread thomas malloy
I visited the site. I sent Mrs. Miller a letter in which 
I raised the dreaded self powering issue and mentioned Puthoff's  one 
watt challenge. I wonder, what does Mark Goldes think about this?

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Re: [Vo]:ref QED

2009-03-25 Thread thomas malloy

Jones Beene wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Horace Heffner 


In fact, some molecular orbitals exist in a figure 8 configuration, where

the center of the 8 is the nucleus, thus guaranteeing constant nuclear

[JB:] Understanding the figure 8 configuration is perhaps the most important
basic challenge in QM and it can also be said that most theorists are simply
not up to the task.

I've seen a model of the atom which has the nucleus as a torroid and the 
electrons going through the center of it.

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[Vo]:The Mueller Motor

2009-03-24 Thread thomas malloy


I read the first chapter of this book. It talks about the Mueller Motor. 
I corresponded with Mr. Mueller in the '90's I didn't heard any more 
from him. The book mentions the use of his motor as a generator for wind 
machines. This is an application, which is so obvious, that the failure 
of anyone to do anything about makes me question the veracity of his 

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[Vo]:Quad S

2009-03-24 Thread thomas malloy
A mental control system, patented by the American Arny. This will make 
Grok throw out his T V set.

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Re: [Vo]:Red Letter Day

2009-03-23 Thread thomas malloy

Jones Beene wrote:

Unfortunately, here on a wayward planet formerly ruled and nearly bankrupted by a Confederacy of 
hawkish Dunces - we cannot quip you've come a long way, baby ... more like you've 
come the wrong way, baby 

Just remember Jones, there really are people who want to take over the 
World, and an Oligarchy who has.

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[Vo]:LENR makes the BBC headlines

2009-03-23 Thread thomas malloy

BBC does LENR, see

I sent this feedback, It's about time, there's only been 3000+ papers 
published, see

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Re: [Vo]:Inflation Ho!

2009-03-19 Thread thomas malloy

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

Jed Rothwell wrote:

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

Obama's mega plan, and Bush's not-quite-so mega plan before it,
involved nothing more than transferring a couple trillion dollars from
taxpayers and bondholders to banks and related businesses.

Transferring is the wrong word. It involved lending the money, at
interest. In the case of AIG the government has taken ownership of 80%
of the company. (In my opinion it should have taken large chunks of the
other banks.)

I'm not so sure about taking large chunks of the banks.

I cannot pretend to understand this bailout.  However, one thing seems
clear:  When it looked like Citibank and BOA were going to be
nationalized, the stock market went into a full power dive.

The AIG money is going to pay their policy holders for the money that 
they lost on bad loans. You may not like what Bush did with his bail 
out, but the economy has only contracted 10%.

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[Vo]:Bob Boyce Interview

2009-03-17 Thread thomas malloy

Interesting but long winded 

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Re: [Vo]:A Sliceo'Time, Formally: 3-D Time

2009-03-17 Thread thomas malloy

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

OrionWorks wrote:

On a more serious note,

What are the prevailing arguments in regards to determining the
smallest slice of time?

It's only bound waves which are quantized.

So, an electron traveling along the X axis can apparently be found at
any location on the axis -- 3, 2.5, pi, whatever.  It can apparently

My late friend, and some time physics tutor, Frank Meyer, who used to be 
president of the organization promoting Reciprocity, was fond of saying, 
time is not a dimension, it is a continuum. Some one posted a website 
with photos showing Bosivert Gaps. Frank said that they were in keeping 
with his understanding of physics, reality is discontinuous.

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Re: [Vo]:CBC Radio show:Science and Common Sense

2009-03-15 Thread thomas malloy

grok took another big drink of the cool aide and wrote:

our senses, Sajay Samuel says, we have no basis on which to question
science. He argues for a revival of common sense.

What we all require is a revival of _dialectical_ sense. 

Dialectical thinking says that truth is relative. It says that words 
mean what the speaker wants them to mean. Consequently the Constitution 
can be a living document, meaning that it is OK to abridge someone's 
freedom of speech or religion because someone else finds their speech or 
ideas hateful. Dialectical thinking is the predominate world view in the 
western world, which is a major reason for it's continued deterioration.

Dialectic thinking leads to  the victim having a compartmentalized mind. 
Meaning that they can have different ideas in different parts of their 
mind. Another aspect of this is communitarian thinking, victims of this 
are unable to think on their own, preferring to follow the herd.

The religious embodiment of dialectic thinking is syncranistic 
pantheism, all religions are OK, except for those which advocate 
absolute transcendent truths. Those are denigrated as hateful.

Dialectical thinking is the opposite of didactic thinking. Didactic 
logic is the basis of science. Various Vortexians have raised the 
possibility of a conspiracy to account for some of the events associated 
with the various threads.

IMHO, Grok has raised the underlying issue; the mechanism by which the 
Oligarchy has twisted the minds of the vast majority of the population. 
It is this twisting which accounts for the insanity we are witnessing.

But such a revolution in thinking won't be happening while the
capitalists control our money 

By focusing on capitalists you are ignoring the real issue, Grok. That 
being the Oligarchs. They exist across the spectrum of societies; from 
ones where free enterprise is allowed America, to ones where it isn't, 
Soviet Union, and the ones in between, which have private ownership, but 
public control.

Private ownership of the means of production is a very efficient means 
of producing goods and services. In order to find a system like the one 
that the Soviets had superior, you just need to ignore all of the 
unpleasant consequences which it produced for the poor schmoes who lived 
under it, and the Oligarchs (aparchecks) who controlled it.

compartmentalization, with everyone
'encouraged' to know only what they need to know. And most of them don't
need to know.

Dialectic thinking leads to the compartmentalized thinking that you 
decry Grok, for you to believe otherwise just shows that you've been 
drinking the Oligarchy's cool aide.

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Re: [Vo]:I told you it was cold

2009-03-14 Thread thomas malloy

OrionWorks wrote:

Thomas sez:


According to a news report I just heard, Minnesota had a record low for
March 12 this morning in Embarass.

Haven't you also agreed with the assessment that there is a warming
trend occurring? Isn't the argument about who or what is causing the
prolonged warming trend?

The Sun has an eleven year cycle. We're now at the bottom, Solar 
Quiesence. Having this coincide with a very cold winter fits with the 
solar driven model. Ditto for Horner's contention that global 
temperature has been decreasing for the past eight years.

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Re: [Vo]:Energetics Technology website

2009-03-14 Thread thomas malloy

OrionWorks wrote:

From Jed:

What does the Vort Collective think? Is there reason to remain
hopeful, or is this just, well, another dog and pony show?

I think that the Super Wave Theory is great! I assume that it relates to 
the use of multiple harmonics. I've been fascinated with Dale Pond's 
research into the area, see . Does Super Wave's website go 
into that detail?

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Re: [Vo]:I told you it was cold

2009-03-13 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

thomas malloy wrote:

According to a news report I just heard, Minnesota had a record low 
for March 12 this morning in Embarass.

You do realize, I hope, that this has no bearing whatever on the 
validity of global warming observations.

You do realize, I hope, that this has been an ongoing pattern this year.

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Re: [Vo]:I told you it was cold

2009-03-13 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

thomas malloy wrote:

Finally, I believe global warming is thought to produce temperature 
extremes including colder than normal temperatures in winter.

That's why they call it Climate Change, it covers them either way.

It only covers them if the climate is, in fact, changing. It has to 
change in either direction, or in both directions in different 
seasons. If the average for winter is no colder than it was 50 or 100 
years ago, and summer is no warmer, that means they are wrong. The 
test they face is just as rigorous and easy to verify as it would be 
if the change is only in one direction, so they are not covered in 
any sense.

That was brilliant Jed. I laughed more at it, than I did at Steven's 
silly poem.

According to Christopher Horner, the AGW advocates have doctored the 
data to support the warning hypothesis, you OTOH, contend that the 
warming effect is real . . .

Naturally I am assuming that they did not doctor the data. If they 
did, then the effect is not real.

How open minded of you Jed. I may just have to procure a copy of 
Horner's book just to ascertain the veracity of his claims.

However, as I said before, I think it is extremely unlikely that they 
doctored the data and yet none of the conspirators has revealed that fact.

But it has been revealed, Horner's book is but one,of several which make 
the aforementioned claim.

Tens of thousands of people would have to be in on the conspiracy and 
I think it is impossible for so many people to keep a secret.

If the Horner, et al, are correct, there are a few well placed people 
beating the drum, and a lot of other people cowered into silence.

From what I know of human nature I suppose the likelihood of this is 
zero to 8 or 10 decimal places. I am surprised that you or anyone else 
takes this hypothesis seriously.

IMHO, the truth is right in front of you.

If there were only a few dozen people involved in the conspiracy, then 
it would be plausible that the data has been diddled with.

Unless we're right of course, and it's a conspiracy of tens of 
thousands, done in plain sight.

See my next post

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[Vo]:come April 8!

2009-03-13 Thread thomas malloy
It will come as no surprise to people who have experienced winter here 
in the great frozen north, that the Mississippi River is frozen over at 
the Port of St. Paul. It has just been announced that the shipping 
season will begin later than normal. The latest that shipping has ever 
begun is April 7.

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Re: [Vo]:Red Hot Lies

2009-03-12 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

thomas malloy wrote:

And if you believe that, you will also believe that Martin 
Fleischmann, Stanley Pons, Ed Storms, Mike McKubre and ~2,000 
professional scientists are engaged in a massive deception to 
convince the world that cold fusion is real by publishing fake data.

Non sequitur

Not at all, but I did not explain what I meant as clearly as Stephen 
A. Lawrence did:

The notion that thousands of climate experts are engaged in a massive 
fraud is preposterous beyond words. It is conceivable that they are 
wrong, but absolutely, positively out of the question that they are 
engaged in fraud or that

The point of my posting these reports is that there is a dissident group 
of planetary scientists who question AGW. You won't hear their voices in 
the main stream media because it is controlled by the Oligarchy. Prager 
has attempted to remedy this, by providing them with a forum.

As for media complicity, Horner mentioned My Weekly Reader (Scholastic 
Publications) and National Geographic. Which have continued to publish 
this fiction and feed the hysteria. Horner mentioned several instances 
of their doctoring the data and graphs in order to support their agenda.

As for corporate complicity, Horner recounted his experiences with Enron 
which was counting on something like this.

As for global cooling. The earth, and the rest of the planets were 
warming up, then we went into a period of solar quiescence, and 
(according to him) the planet started cooling. We just had a really cold 
long winter, OTHO, it seems that other areas are hotter than usual.

Perhaps I'll hear the interview again and I'll take notes, or one of you 
can read his book.

Albert Gore (of all people!) is masterminding them.

Algore is a major player in this, but a mastermind he isn't. As for 
keeping secrets, we (conspiracy theorists) have known about the 
Oligarchy and the mechanisms which have allowed them to accomplish their 
evil ends. Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow was written 20 years ago, 
nothing significant has been added since then. It (our knowledge) hasn't 
made any difference.

I don't don't have a high opinion of Algore. Leftists are smart enough, 
but they have an insanity which makes them  unable to see the error of 
their ways. Specifically, they seem unable to overcome the effects of 
this insanity, even in the face of the fact that their ideas have never 
worked, and that they destroy the population's humanity.

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[Vo]:I told you it was cold

2009-03-12 Thread thomas malloy
According to a news report I just heard, Minnesota had a record low for 
March 12 this morning in Embarass.

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[Vo]:alkalinize or die

2009-03-12 Thread thomas malloy 

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[Vo]:Red Hot Lies

2009-03-11 Thread thomas malloy


Dennis Prager just interviewed Christopher Horner, the author of Red Hot 
Lies. The thesis of his book is that the Oligarchy is planning making a 
lot of money off of the AGW hysteria. The inconvenient truth is that 
the Earth has been cooling off since 1998. Mr. Horner began by 
explaining how the AGW promoters have falsified data which conflicts 
with their assertions. He concluded his remarks by mentioning that 
Algore has a $300 million budget and that various media organs are 
complicit in promoting this hysteria. 

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Re: [Vo]:Red Hot Lies

2009-03-11 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

thomas malloy wrote:

Dennis Prager just interviewed Christopher Horner, the author of Red 
Hot Lies. The thesis of his book is that the

And if you believe that, you will also believe that Martin 
Fleischmann, Stanley Pons, Ed Storms, Mike McKubre and ~2,000 
professional scientists are engaged in a massive deception to convince 
the world that cold fusion is real by publishing fake data.

Non sequitur

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Re: [Vo]:Lots of people reading Claytor today

2009-03-10 Thread thomas malloy

thomas malloy wrote:

grok wrote:

Your posts show that you think that everything has an economic
basis,  Grok. This is a result of the aforementioned cool aide
which was served  to you, during your education, by the
Oligarchy, which you willingly  drank. Most likely paid for
(willingly) by your parents.

You're the one who's been to Jonestown, Malloy.
That was a CHURCH, I believe.

That's a cheap shot, Grok. To paraphrase the late science fiction 
author L Ron Hubbard. I'm sick of writing S F and getting paid by the 
word for my efforts. I'm going to start a church. Scientology is the 

We have previously discussed The Occultic Origins of America's Space 
Program. Since you missed it, I will synopsize. The man who founded 
General Dynamics was Jack Parsons. Jack was a student of Alister 
Crowley and a practitioner of magik. Two of his best pals were L Ron 
Hubbard and Robert Heinlein. Do an Internet Search, the story is well 
worth reading.

BTW, if you want to talk about a religion, consider Leftism.

The works of the academic Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for

I've got the book somewhere here. Never read it. My tastes lean
more towards Marx, Lenin and Trotsky -- the Unholy Troika from
the Pits of Hell themselves.

That figures. FYI, they were mere pawns. Although Lenin clearly 
understood things. To paraphrase, there are two types of people who 
support us, those who know who god really is, and useful idiots.

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[Vo]:EEStor inventor

2009-03-08 Thread thomas malloy
I just talked to a F E researcher. The inventor of EEStor's 
ultracapacitor has gone missing.

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Re: [Vo]:Energy News of the Weird: Denmark tilting at windmills

2009-03-07 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:

The problem most likely is perhaps the utility has too large a
base load supply, coal or nuclear, which is unresponsive to load

Pumped water storage for hydroelectricity is an efficient solution to 
this problem. The liquid battery sounds good too. A million European 
electric cars charging up at night with smart meters would be a great 
way to make use of excess electric power from wind turbines.

Or electrolyzers, eh?

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[Vo]:Incremental nuclear threat increase

2009-03-06 Thread thomas malloy
Dennis Prager just reported that the Taliban has taken over an area of 
Pakistan one hour north of the capitol. 

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[Vo]:threat of nuclear war is low

2009-03-04 Thread thomas malloy

grok wrote:

As the smoke cleared, Jed Rothwell
mounted the barricade and roared out:

I think there is no chance North Korea or Iran will use a weapon. They
know they would be annihilated if they did. They may seem kind of crazy
to us,
... right.
And you all seem crazy to the rest of the planet too.
Kim Jung Il is the despot king of a medieval nation, not a modern

leader. His aggression toward us has nothing to do with us.

The hell it doesn't. Your ruling-class and its stooges still haven't 

yet paid for their crimes against the korean people

Yah like freeing them from that evil lunatic.

He does not fear invasion. He uses other countries and threats against
them as a form of political theater within North Korea, as a way to
gain advantage and crush his internal enemies.

Not quite true. Your side does indeed threaten REAL invasion. This just
doesn't happen to appear to be imminent.

Fear invasion? He's the one planning on invading South Korea!


This resembles what some far right U.S. leaders did during the 
latter  stages of the cold war. I doubt that many of them actually 
feared Russia or worried that Russia might invade Western Europe.

There was ZERO chance the Soviets were going to do what the U.S./NATO

Maybe you haven't heard Jed, The Russians are continuing to build 
Typhoon class submarines. Did you sleep through  last summer? Does the 
word Georgia, the country not the state bring back any memories?

I doubt many Republican leaders
today seriously believe that Obama is a socialist, but some of their
followers believe this, and it is politically useful for them to say

I think that he's a Socialist, and Newsweak agrees with me

Of course they don't believe this. Point is that the Republicans are
liars, thieves and mass murderers -- hell, just like the Democrats -- and
will say absolutely anything, if they think it will get them something.

And on that we could likely agree 100%.

Both R and D are lairs and thieves.That doesn't change the fact that we 
live in a dangerous world which is full of people who want to impose the 
sort of dystopia that Orwell wrote about. Part of the problem is that 
Jed and Grok have been drinking of  the Communitarian cool aid. I just 
listened to John Leoffler deliver a lecture on the subject see,

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Re: [Vo]:Author believes energy breakthroughs have been suppressed

2009-03-04 Thread thomas malloy

OrionWorks wrote:

Some follow-up comments

I presume this was from Jed, though I have not received the actual post:

Finally, as for grok's most recent contributions, predictably he felt
compelled to say something that he felt was presumably witty about
this extremely contorted subject. I wish grok would post something
useful or informative. Continuing to post judgmental opinions

Grok is a classic example of what happens when you drink way too much of 
the Oligarchy's cool aide. As for you Steven, you may have noticed that 
link I posted that starts with the , If you want to 
understand the effects on the human brain of the aforementioned 
beverage, and the origins of this mind melting concoction, I strongly 
suggest that you spend an hour listening to Mr. Loeffler.

Thomas Malloy, Grog Baiter-in-chief

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[Vo]:water fueled furnace

2009-03-03 Thread thomas malloy
Any body up for doing a prototype?

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Re: [Vo]:Replications of zero current electrolysis

2009-03-02 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

J. Klum wrote:

Vortex mired down in political  involvements . . .

Nuclear war seems a lot less likely now than it used to, which tells 
that things don't always go to hell in a handbasket, and people are 
not always as bad as they can be. That is worth remembering in a crisis.

What planet are you living on Jed? Did you hear the news? Pakistan (100 
nukes) is being over run by Al Queda, Iran has enough material to build 
one, and they just launched a satellite.

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[Vo]:The coming of Maitraya

2009-03-02 Thread thomas malloy
Ten years ago I heard about Benjamin Creme on C to C AM. Some people 
believe that Maitraya, the man he is introducing, is the Anti Christ. As 
this ad makes clear, he is jumping through all the hoops.

Then there is this clip which shows a strange star over Moscow

Just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder,
Any of you people think that square object in the center of what I 
assume is a light in the sky is anomalous?

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Re: [Vo]:The key to self-sufficient Energy

2009-02-28 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

Rick Monteverde wrote:

2. It promotes economic growth according to Keynesian theory.

Let's agree to disagree on that point.

We don't disagree. You say the Keynesians are wrong and I say I don't 
have a clue if they are right or wrong. I am not taking their side. I 
am just reported what they say. Obama is definitely one of them. He 
has said so on many occasions. So was FDR.

You're absolutely right Jed, both presidents were Keynesian's. It's not 
that it can't work in theory, the problem is getting it to work in 
practice. If the money from the Porkulus had been spent on funding 
venture capital projects, and if they had teams of people with business 
startup experience picking them, then it might have produced economic 
growth. Unfortunately a significant amount of the money was used to 
provide pork pies for the various left wing special interest groups who 
elected them. Well to the victor belongs the spoils.


What if it had a few hundred million earmarked for LENR research?
I'd have a terrible time going against it, but I know I should.
It's supposed to be an emergency stimulus response.

Well, as long as the few hundred million for LENR goes into the 
pockets of Americans, and is used to buy American-made lab equipment, 
that would make it a stimulus according to the Keynesian theory. It 
does not really

If the money were to be spent on research, and that research were to 
prove fruitful, then it could produce economic growth. Of course this 
fanciful scenario assumes that there were venture capital available to 
capitalize these inventions. It also assumes that there were no 
Oligarchy determined to suppress the technology, and destroy America, 
and that there were no scientific establishment who were either in 
collusion with the aforementioned Oligarchy, or blindly protecting their 
favorite paradigms. Well, you know what happens when you assume, eh?

So-called boondoggles or pork fail in category 3. They produce no 
benefit. But, as I said, WWII produced

The original boondoggles were creations of WPA (whittle, piss and argue) 
workers, who spent their time creating them. WW II produced lots of 
savings, which were then spent to satisfy pent up demand.

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Re: [Vo]:OT - The Rapture

2009-02-26 Thread thomas malloy

OrionWorks wrote:

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for taking the time to express your POV on this interesting subject.

I enjoyed your dry sense of humor, rare that it was, that occasionally
poked through the rhetoric and ideology.

IMHO, your sense of humor is very wise. Hopefully there may come a
time when you may allow yourself to listen to the essence of this vast
reservoir of wisdom that is within Y_u, within us A_l.

Well just keep this in mind, the world's condition continues to 
deteriorate, and time will not be yours for ever.

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Re: [Vo]:OT - The Rapture

2009-02-26 Thread thomas malloy

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

leaking pen wrote:

My thought has always been, if god created man in his own image, and
man is inherently sinful...

No, no, you don't have that right.

I agree, it was Lucifer's rebellion that brought sin into the world.

God created the angels, the Nephilim, and the human race, but His track

Now, I said God wasn't real great at this creation thing; it wasn't just
this mess-up with Lucifer which leads to that conclusion.  Consider the
Nephilim.  They were, as far as one can tell, an early experiment in
creation and they went seriously wrong.  This is alluded to in Genesis,

The way we interpret Genesis 6 is that the Sons of the Lords took on 
fleshly bodies and helped themselves to the daughters of men. In order 
to do this they had to give up their home in heaven.

The fathers were sinful, the children were worse. The records say that 
the children the Nephilim were cannibals and worse. So G-d imprisoned 
them until the Day of Judgment.

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Re: [Vo]:OT - The Rapture

2009-02-26 Thread thomas malloy

leaking pen wrote:

why would god create a tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the
ability to tell the difference between, if evil did not yet exist?

Good question, I wonder what the Zohar has to say about it.

Also, theres no good quote showing that satans fall DEFINATELY
happened after man was created, no?

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:04 AM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

There are some of us who believe that the world is old, millions, 
perhaps hundreds of millions of years old. Then there is the matter of 
the planet that might have been where the asteroids are today. IMHO, 
planets don't disintegrate, just the opposite. The late astrophysicist, 
Tom Van Flanderan authored a book on the exploding planet hypothesis.

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Re: [Vo]:Hundreds of billions for alternative energy, nothing for cold fusion

2009-02-26 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

thomas malloy wrote:

Contact Minnesota's Senator, Amy Klobuchar. She read my letter on 
stopping the suppression . . .

I will send her a version of my letter to Obama, which is here:

Excellent paper Jed, but it's President Obama.

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Re: [Vo]:OT - The Rapture

2009-02-26 Thread thomas malloy

leaking pen wrote:

Are you suggesting that the 4th planet is what happened the first time
Satan got uppity?

He was a murder from the beginning.

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Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-25 Thread thomas malloy

Jones Beene wrote:

*From:* Stephen A. Lawrence

Let me remind these John Galt, Rush Bimbo wannabes that if the Christ 
were alive today - he most assuredly would not only be strongly 
socialistic, much more strongly to the left than anyone in the Obama 
camp, but closer to full Communistic in his economic leanings and in

I disagree with you Jones. The essence of any of the varieties of 
socialist regimes is the use of the power of the state, ie, force. This 
is anathema to the Bible. Richard Macaulay are G-d fearers, and we both 
support free market economics. The vast majority of people whose faith 
is based on the Bible are conservative.

Socialism is, IMHO, an attempt on the part of sinful man to reproduce 
the sort of world order that the Bible talks about. That's why it has 
never worked, and never will work.

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Re: [Vo]:OT - The Rapture

2009-02-25 Thread thomas malloy

OrionWorks wrote:

Hi Thomas,

You have stated most succinctly that in order to be accepted in what

Believe, be baptized, follow the 10 commandments, love your fellow man
as your self. That is the minimum.

Another distinguished Vort member, Leak, has already responded with
what Jesus had to say on this subject.

As for my personal thoughts on the matter I would like to point out a
few things you previously stated:

A Holy G-d is obligated, because he is holy, to bring about
the expiation of sin from the world. I'd love to do something

Perhaps I misunderstood your use of the wording here because I find it
odd to claim G-d is obligated to do anything. If he/she is

It has to do with his nature, of which Kodeshim (holiness) is an 
integral part.  BTW, the Hebrew text makes it plain that G-d is a 
plurality of personages (see the three pillars of the Medatron in the 
Zohar) at least one of which is male. The Holy Spirit, OTOH, is female. 
Also consider this, what to you think would happen if the human race, in 
it's present sinful condition, got loose in the galaxy?

But that's really not what I want to discuss. You state: ... this
expiation will require blood shed, if I were to do that, I would be a
bigger murder than Joseph Stalin.

Those are heavy words, Thomas. Such a statement causes me to wonder
how you are able to personally reconcile what is considered to be one

Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.

of G-d's most important commandments, which you clearly state is,

Nazis attempted to do to the Jews during
WWII? If this is a fairly accurate assumption on my part I find myself

Lucifer delights in producing counterfeits of G-d's plans. the Nazi's 
were honoring the gods that they worshiped, the pagan pantheon. As for 
innocent blood being required for the expiation of sin, explaining that 
is beyond my pay grade.

Is it because He is the
ultimate Boss, and what the Boss sez and wantz ...the Boss getz?

Rank has it's privileges. I see it in the light of a chemist doing what 
is necessary in order to make the reaction go in the desired way.

The way you seem to be describing G-d's mysterious ways, I can't help
but point out something obvious: What kind of example is G-d setting
for his beloved creations if it is so written that he so commands his

I'm assuming that Lucifer's rebellion was a necessary element in the 
plan. It seems that beings who have free will, can choose to follow 
Kodeshim or not. It's kind of like destructive testing under load. It 
appears that is the only way in which he can differentiate between the two.

perform the
necessary ...blood shed himself - presumably to set things right in
this world.

On that note, let me mention Isaiah 63. Our eschatologists put that at 
end of the Tribulation, where Yeshua deals with a remnant of Edom which 
has survived the ordeal which has afflicted the rest of the world.

To me, such divine privilege does not come off as a perception of an
all-knowing, wise, and loving G-d. 

If he can tell which sentient, free willed entities will fail the test 
without testing, then G-d has gone to a lot of trouble for nothing. Also 
there is the matter of the Wheat and the Tares. Lucifer spread his seed 
into the same field. I assume that he had to be allowed to do so, since 
G-d was being fair with him.

Certainly NOT a Role Model to
emulate! Rather, it seems more to be the perception of egotistical
hypocrite known to have proclaimed: BELIEVE IN ME And while you
are believing in me: Do as I say, not what I personally do.

You clearly don't understand Kodeshim. Ditto for the nature of the 

Jed, I ain't no atheist myself, but right now I do think I would
prefer the company of a gathering of atheists. Would you please put in
a good word for me? ;-)

The Council of the Ung-dly, Psalm 1, will take in anyone.

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Re: [Vo]:Hundreds of billions for alternative energy, nothing for cold fusion

2009-02-25 Thread thomas malloy

Jones Beene wrote:

Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Where does that conclusion come from?

Well, I am not so naive as to believe that the wording of a funding 
act will magically change ingrained opinions at the highest level, but 
you should read closely the wording the American Recovery and 
Reinvestment Act 
which became law on 17 February 2009.

AKA, the Porkulus. It's intention was to grease the palms of the various 
left wing special interest groups which put the present government in 
power. BTW, Nancy Polisi included some provisions which enriched her 
husband, well why not? Rank has it's privileges, and to the victor 
belong the spoils, eh?

I suspect that Pelosi, in particular, will have an open-ear to rooting 
out deliberate attempts to prevert the obvious intent of this 
important legislation. Park may still have some kind of a diminishing jo

My answer is that the people who believe as we do, need to start calling 
into radio shows, and other public venues, telling people to do an 
Internet Search under suppression and Zero Point Energy, and see what 
comes up. That and use the term poisoning the atmosphere with CO2. BTW, 
Sterling Allen put me in touch with Dr. Theodore Loder, aero2012. 
science adviser. We had a nice talk. I proposed the same idea to him.

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Re: [Vo]:Hundreds of billions for alternative energy, nothing for cold fusion

2009-02-25 Thread thomas malloy

Jed Rothwell wrote:

Jones Beene wrote:

I suspect that Pelosi, in particular, will have an open-ear to 
rooting out deliberate attempts to prevert the obvious intent of this 
important legislation.

If anyone could get through to Pelosi with a letter suggesting that 
she consider funding cold fusion, she would give the letter to a 
scientific advisor. Dollars to doughnuts that advisor would glance at 
the letter for a moment, see t

Contact Minnesota's Senator, Amy Klobuchar. She read my letter on 
stopping the suppression, and she is on a committee charged with 
cleaning up the environment. I would suggest that someone with Ed 
Storms' credentials talk to her about the LENT reactor's radioneuclide 

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Re: [Vo]:OT - The Rapture

2009-02-24 Thread thomas malloy

Harry Veeder wrote:

- Original Message -
From: thomas malloy

grok wrote:

Hash: SHA1

As the smoke cleared, OrionWorks
mounted the barricade and roared out:

I think one of my main objections to the concept often described as
The Rapture is that for many it would seem to imply that there is
absolutely nothing any of us can do about the human condition, 

comingBiblical Events.

Everybody has a basic human right to their beliefs, certainly -- 

Please provide a concrete example of how secular humanism is denying you
the right
to practice *your* religion.

It hasn't happened here yet because we have freedom of speech, at the 
moment. However the Hate Speech Legislation is moving through the 
congress. It will criminalize telling homosexuals that they are living 
in impenitent sin, and will burn in hell as a result. This element of 
the progressive agenda has already come to Canada. I listened to a woman 
tell how her ministry was destroyed by a Canadian bureaucrat because she 
said the aforementioned NO NO. Ditto for protesting at abortatoriums, 
which has so far only been restricted, but which faces further 

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Re: [Vo]:OT - The Rapture

2009-02-24 Thread thomas malloy

OrionWorks wrote:

Hi Thomas,

You brought up many interesting issues for which most are ripe for
comment. I will try to restrain myself and endeavor to remain on-topic
of this OT subject thread: The Rapture.

I asked:

I'm puzzled, Thomas. What are your criteria for qualification for
rapture status?

You replied with:

You need to believe and follow a path of righteousness.

...along with:

Unless you believe and pursue righteousness you will be excluded.
Your good deeds are as filthy rags in the sight of the L-rd.

What are some of these righteous activities that must be believed in
and pursued?


Believe, be baptized, follow the 10 commandments, love your fellow man 
as your self. That is the minimum.

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[Vo]:disturbing the vacuum

2009-02-23 Thread thomas malloy

John Berry wrote:

Hmmm, ok excuse me but I have not looked at your work before despite 
being aware of it.

My own research is into the aether (or void as Frank Wilczek calls his 
model of much the same spatial substance) has lead me to recognize 
that by moving the aether and disturbing it sufficiently causes it to 

The paper below was written by a team of physicists who replicated the 
Bedini Machine. Having determined that it works, they speculate about 
how, and where the energy comes from. I'm looking for people who can 
carry on an intelligent conversation about this. Check out the author's 
work on the Atomic Precision website.


Spin Connection Resonance in the Bedini Machine

from *,4515.msg113072.html#msg113072*:
This is a paper on a Bedini replication by doctorate level physicists. 
They found that it worked as claimed. The physics have been worked out 
to engineering level. It is overunity and it does not violate 
conservation of energy. *Spin Connection Resonance in the Bedini Machine* - by Myron W. Evans 
(Civil List Scientist, Treasury), H. Eckardt, C. Hubbard, J. Shelburne, 
Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies (AIAS) ( **, **)

I have been following Einstein Cartan Evans unified field theory for 
over a year now. It is being widely accepted in the industrial physics 
community of working scientists, but the academic community will not 
accept it because it steps on some pet 20th century theories, I.E. no 
black holes and no big bang, no need for dark energy or dark matter. It 
explains all available empirical observations and experimental data for 
any branch of physics in a 4d general relativity geometrical model, so 
no need for extra dimensions or string theory ( which has never produced 
anything useful anyway) . However ECE has been developed and tested with 
super computers and is rigorously mathematically correct. All of the 
well proven laws of classical and quantum physics are recovered as 
special limits of ECE theory.

The kicker is that ECE predicts the ability to extract energy from space 
time both gravitationally and electromagnetically thru spin resonance 
connections. The physical laws involved are of the same mathematical 
structure as the Coulomb, Ampere-Maxwell, Faraday and Gauss laws of 
classical electrodynamics with added terms to define the spin connections.

The Bedini motor properly configured produces such a spin resonant 
connection within the target battery itself. The battery self charges 
from a spacetime connection. The motor simply produces the resonance 
conditions necessary for this to take place, it does not supply charge 
current to the battery.

..from *,4515.msg113072.html#msg113072*
Yes they replicated the Bedini patent plans. Understand that this is a 
greater than 100% COP device, like a heat pump it requires energy input 
from an isolated source to modulate a larger output from another 
discrete source. Space time is the relativity theory term for this 
source of primordial charge density that is an inherent property of the 
universe. Other theories might call this  Aether or  Gamma and Beta 
Atmospheres.  The Bedini motor will not work if connected in a direct 
loop to its own battery source. However it will charge multiple target 
batteries which can then be used to power other devices as well as be 
swapped out to run the motor. But the motor and charge circuits must be 
isolated and the charger side is not grounded except through the 
batteries in circuit. There is no earth ground involved.

the charge circuit is only over 100% COP over a very narrow range of 
resonant interactions that actually occur within the battery itself. The 
output loop and the battery form a resonant tank circuit. Adding any 
external load will change the resonant condition. The charged battery 
has to be removed from the charger circuit and utilized to drive a 
separate discrete load to realize the gain.

Look at the Bedini circuit diagram. The output circuit is inductively 
isolated from the input circuit. The circuit possesses all of the 
characteristics of a simple RCL oscillator. The battery itself has 
resistance capacitance and inductance properties. A gel cel is a lead 
acid battery and for some reason the lead acid chemistry;topicseen# 
lends itself to resonance connections in a practical relatively low 
frequency range. That other battery chemistries don't work illustrates 
the quirky nature of the physics involved. There would be a whole set of 
different resonances for different materials, many of which would not 
fall into practically achievable 

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread thomas malloy

grok wrote:

Hash: SHA1

As the smoke cleared, John Berry
mounted the barricade and roared out:

I think that it is clear to everyone that socialism, communism in
anything like the form that we have seen in the past is not what anyone
is talking about, not even the theory/ideals of Marxism would have any

List hypocrisy and trolling for Ayn Rand aside -- guess what? Reality
doesn't much care what you and your friends think, fella. 

I really hate to break this to people here, but the future has *always*
been with Socialism -- 

Grok, You are, IMHO, either totally misguided, or one sick individual. socialism's agenda is the destruction of the individual. What I liked about Randian Philosophy was the celebration of the triumph of the individual against the collective. 

Even fascism.
Which is the immediate goal of the Rightwing of the U.S. ruling-class,

What you ignore is that fascism is socialism with private ownership. It 
is a more efficient production system, but it has no difference 
fundamentally between fascism and socialism. Both destroy the individual 
for the good of the collective.

You north americans and brits are about to find out the very real limits
of capitalism -- and all its support structures (like your totalitarian
mass-propaganda media,

Calling the economic system in America and Britain  capitalism may fit 
with your agenda Grok, but the truth is that neither country has had 
free enterprise capitalism in the last 100 years.

for instance). And liberals and even neocon-
fascists can burble-on about the new green economy all they want, too:
your very REAL collective problem _remains_ the capitalist mode of
production itself -- 

People have certain wants and needs, the limited amount of free 
enterprise that we have here meets those needs much better than the 
collectivized system that the Russians had.

as the entire Planet has just found out, and can
clearly see for itself right now. 

The entire planet is riddled with collectivism, where does this place 
where capitalism is practiced exist? What is it that the entire planet 
has found out? The fact that collectivism has failed every time it's 
been tried clearly isn't one of them.

This misguided idea is apparently the basis of your belief that America 
is particular is a bastion of free enterprise capitalism. You are right, 
we have a ruling elite, Oligarchy, which is promoting the sort of 
dystopia which Orwell and Huxley wrote about in 1984 and Brave New 
World. If you truely believe that this is a good thing, then you are 
indeed sick.

'Atlantis' indeed...Beam me up.

Another interesting comment. You may have heard that certain Christians 
believe that one of these days a trumpet is going to blow, and they are 
going to vanish. Well I'm one of them. That's why I'm not just too 
concerned about the world's continuing to deterioration. The main reason 
is that I've realized over the past 1/2 century that there's nothing I 
can do about it.

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Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread thomas malloy

grok wrote:

Gawd... if I got a slip of Monopoly money for every time I've had
socialism/communism -- or capitalism -- patiently explained to me (or
not) by a petit-bourgeois, I'd never have to buy toilet paper ever

Stick to tinkering in your garages, guys.

Given how full of s-it you are Grok, that would talk a lot of T P.

Any body who thinks that the world is a better place because of 
increasing socialist tinkering in the economy is either insane, or so 
full of chutzpah that he is experiencing a willful suspension of 
disbelief. IMHO, world would be a better place if we techies ran it, I 
doubt that even a committee of all of us could make a bigger mess of 
things than people with legal degrees have.

Speaking of serendipity, Hugh Hewitt just had an investment guy on. He 
attributed the Stock Market's free fall to capital going on strike 
because of the crazy regulatory environment created by the Demoncratic 
controlled congress. Rather like Atlas Shrugged he continued.

I'm Petite Bourgeois, and proud of it.

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