Re: office 2004 2008 problem

2008-04-01 Thread David Watkins


Here is another possible solution by installing Office 2008 12.0.1  

You may of course already have installed the update.
Scroll down to:
Microsoft Office 2008 12.0.1: fixes launch, user permission issues

Have a Good Day!
Dave Watkins

-- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
Archives -
Guidelines -
Unsubscribe - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: office 2004 2008 problem

2008-04-01 Thread David Watkins


This can be caused by having a single licence for Office 2008 and  
installing the programs on more than one computer. If your computers  
are  networked together Office will detect hat the program is  
installed on more than one computer and you will normally  get a  
message similar to Your installation is exceeds the number of  
installations permitted etc etc

It does appear however that you can still run Word on the computer  
which the error message appeared as long as you close down the program  
on the other computers.

The above of course may not be the reason why you are having problems  
as it may be something entirely different in your case but I am  
mentioning it so people are aware of what can happen.

Have a Good Day!
Dave Watkins

-- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
Archives -
Guidelines -
Unsubscribe - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 128k Mac software

2006-07-27 Thread David Watkins

 Buy the way isn't there a Mac OS1.0?
 Regards Chris G

Take a look at the following page:

The Macintosh a.k.a. Macintosh 128K

Works with any system from 1.0 through 3.3

Go down the page to the link called:
Mac System 1.0 Headquarters -  where you can download the original  
System 1.0

(Broadband connection not required smile)

Dave Watkins

Re: Eudora help

2006-02-21 Thread David Watkins


On the top menu bar go to: Special - Settings - Styled Text  and  
then choose Send plain text mail only.

Dave Watkins

On 21/02/2006, at 12:06 PM, KEVIN Lock wrote:

Using Eudora 6.2 sponsored mode.

I have just posted to the list regarding Old Mac Computers and my  
message bounced with the  message

' Your message cannot be posted.
 It has the content-type: multipart/alternative,
 and this list accepts plain text only

I haven't changed anything and and cannot see where to revert to  
plain text.

Any ideas for me?

Apple ID passwords

2006-01-16 Thread David Watkins
Just received the following email from [EMAIL PROTECTED], it is as  
received, except for the actual key in the link.

I have not requested a reset of the password or even been in my Apple  
account section for some time so I assume someone has entered my user  
name by mistake.

Probably no harm can be done  but with the scams that are about I  
though I would just ask if anybody is familiar with the way Apple  
deals with there password resets.

Dave Watkins


Dear David Watkins,

To reset your Apple password, please click on the link below or copy  
and paste the address onto your web browser's address window.  Once  
you're on the web page, you will be instructed to enter and confirm  
your new password. 

Please note that this link will expire 3 hours from the time it was  

If you require further assistance in resetting your password, please  

Thank you for contacting Apple.

Re: Pop up error message

2006-01-14 Thread David Watkins
I experienced a similar thing yesterday not long after installing Mac  
OS X 10.4.4 update and Safari Version 2.0.3 (417.8).

In my case it was when viewing a page of search results from Google  
and then when I linked on to the next page of results up came a  
similar message like you mentioned. It was not a pop up window but a  
Google page with the message that it had detected a virus and listied  
links to virus checkers and spyware programs. I did not investigate  
the web page at the time but it appeared to be a genuine Google page  
with their logo on it.

I have a feeling it may have something to do with the shareware  
program Pithlmet which informed me after the loading of the new  
version of Safari that the Pithelmet has not loaded as it is  
incompatible with this version of Safari. I have since removed  
Pithelmet and all associated files that were installed with the program.

Will be interesting to see if the message appears again.

Dave Watkins


On 14/01/2006, at 8:23 AM, Mervyn  Giuliana Bond wrote:

Over the last 5 days or so, regardless of which browser I use, I have  
been getting a pop up menu saying I have a computer error and can  
have a free scan to correct the error.  In trying to close the window  
it takes over my browser window and says to click OK to start the  
free download.  There is a cancel option but after cancelling the  
offer reappears.  I force quit out of the browser to clear the deck.  
Has anyone else experienced this irritation?  What action to stop it?


Repairing permissions via disk utility doesn't seem to work

2005-11-01 Thread David Watkins

ISP iiNet

While replying to the ISP question I thought I would share this bit  
of information I found today after updating to Mac OS X 10.4.3 and  
then running Disk Utility to repair permissions.

It reported a nuuber of permissions were repaired but upon running it  
again it came up with the same list had been repaired, this I  
repeated again and the same list came up.

Went to to find if anybody else was having  
the same problem and found the reason why this is happening. Posting  
the answer here in case others had the same problem.

Basically, if the files are listed in HintFile.plist, everything is  
alright, you will just have to put up with looking at them everytime  
you do a repair permissions.

Look in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskManagement.framework/ 

You'll see all those files listed. These are override settings, which  
tells Disk Utility to ignore the permissions in /Library/Receipts and  
use these instead.

Dave Watkins

Re: Mandurah City Online Payment Page

2005-10-27 Thread David Watkins

If you go to the WC3 Validation page and paste the URL of the web  
page, you will find that there are errors in the page and it is not  
valid XHTML and probably the reason why you cannot access it.

Maybe you could email Mandurah City and point it out to them.

Dave Watkins


On 27/10/2005, at 3:12 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi People,

I've tried accessing this page in safari 2..1  IE 5.2.3 and only get  
a Blank Page.

Could someone please try it for me. I need to pay  Cloe's  
registration :-)


Some easy to use Website Tools

2005-09-16 Thread David Watkins
In response to a couple of recent enquiries about website programs,  
here is a couple of simple and easy ones I use.

Photo Gallery, take a look at:

Galerie runs on Mac OS X (10.2 to 10.4).

It is free, easy and friendly to use use and generates a gallery  
direct from photos you select in iPhoto. Lots of different templates  
available so you can choose one that suits your taste.

Content Management, take a look at:


This one is Open Source, you can use on your own web space from your  
ISP as it does not require SQL to be installed and is ideal for small  
commercial or private sites. One of the websites I look after has  
over 300 pages and it handles it well. Also has the added advantage  
that if you have a little website knowledge you can have it up and  
running in 15 minutes without having to go through a 3 months  
learning curve. Again, plenty of different templates available.

You can see both these programs in action at:


Dave Watkins 

Re: Ethernet Linking

2005-08-29 Thread David Watkins

On 29/08/2005, at 5:41 PM, Warwick L Smith wrote:

A call to Apple Support pointed me to Macintosh: How to Create a Small
Ethernet Network but the  
link is



Give the link another try as it worked for me and directed me  
automatically to;

Dave Watkins

Re: Mail-Checking Hypertext Links

2005-08-08 Thread David Watkins

Try this, do a control + click (right click with a 2 button mouse) in the body 
of the new message then choose 'Edit Link' in the contextual menu. Now type or 
paste the URL in the box and and click ok, it will insert the it as an active 
link which you can try out before sending the message.

Dave Watkins

At 9:39 AM +0800 1/8/05, Ronda Brown said:
Hello WAMUGgers,

You used to be able to check hypertext links in an email before sending it.
You could save the email as a 'Draft'  then click on the web link to check it 
was correct.

In Mail v2.0.2  Tiger OSX10.4.2   I am unable to do this.
Is there anyway to do this please?


Mailing List Etiquette

2005-05-22 Thread David Watkins


I really enjoy picking up tips and leraning from the many people who  
contribute to the list. However, in recent times that it is extremely  
difficult sometimes to find a couple of lines of text some one has  
replied with amongst maybe a hundred lines of quoted text. Below are  
a few tips which I've taken from the Usenet Mailing List Etiquette  
FAQ which you may consider adopting.

Dave Watkins


Taken from the Usenet Mailing List Etiquette FAQ

When replying, should I quote the previous message?

Most certainly. You should always provide some context to your  
replies so that people who may not have been following the thread  
closely, or who have other things on their minds will easily be able  
to determine what you're talking about.

However, when quoting, be very careful to edit the quoted sections  
down to the bare minimum of text needed to maintain the context for  
your reply. There is very little on a mailing list that is more  
annoying than paging through a few pages of quoted text only to read  
a few lines at the end. Also be careful that you clearly indicate  
what text you're quoting (as opposed to what you're writing), and if  
possible, cite the author of the original text.

If your mail program wants to attach the whole message you're  
replying to on the end of your replies, please do not let it do this  
if you can possibly avoid it. It is a good thing to include excerpts  
from previous messages with your replies to maintain a logical flow  
of discussion, but it is almost always a bad thing to include the  
entire text of a message being replied to, be it at the start or end  
of your reply.

Apache Web Serving

2005-02-25 Thread David Watkins

If you want to get going on serving web pages directly from your
Mac, you will find many articles on the O'Reilly Network webpages
very informative and easy to follow.

Dave Watkins

Re: Windows to OSX networking

2005-02-17 Thread David Watkins

Just a couple of things that you have not mentioned but you
probably have done. First make sure you have Windows Sharing
active in the Sharing preferences and the other one is to reboot
the PC after you have done any configurational changes on that

Dave Watkins

At 9:52 AM +0800 17/2/05, Paul Kitchener wrote:
 Hi wamug

 I'm stumped!

 I know I have done this before but I cant seem to do it now :(

Hide Your IPod, Here Comes Bill

2005-02-02 Thread David Watkins
Apple's music player apparently is wildly popular on Microsoft's
campus. Thousands of Microsofties own the devices, to the great
irritation of management. By Leander Kahney.,2125,66460,00.html

Dave Watkins

Re: How to view .ht files?

2005-02-01 Thread David Watkins

I use Interarchy as my FTP client and it has an option to switch to
viewing .files in the preferences, I can also view the contents and
edit the files using the BBEdit tools without downloading the file.

As I have the Fetch program I thought I would see if I was able to
see any .files, but no I couldn't and I could not find any options
in the program to do this.

One thing to remember if you do get access to the .files and you
want to download them to edit or whatever, you will have to
temporary rename the file by getting rid of the . if you are
using OS X as the .files will otherwise also be invisible on your

Dave Watkins

At 4:52 PM +0800 1/2/05, John Reed said:

 Hi wamuggers

 I have a password protected site on a linux server which uses .htaccess and
 .htpasswd files - only problem is when I log into the site with fetch I
 can't see them - any clues how I can make them accessible?

Re: Hiding email address

2004-12-11 Thread David Watkins
Here is an excellent program which I have used for years and it is free.


How does it work? SpamStopper encodes the text of your email
address so that it no longer looks like an email address in your
HTML, which makes all the current harvesting spambots ignore it
when they scan internet pages. Basically, indexing spiders look for
certain email address-identifying characters, and SpamStopper makes
it so that those characters aren't displayed - it's pretty much
that simple.

All you have to do with the SpamStopper application is enter your
email address and optionally specify the email subject and link
text you would like to be displayed. Then you just click the
Convert button and you get the encoded output - ready to copy and
paste into your site creation tool of choice.

Dave Watkins

At 1:55 PM +0800 11/12/04, P.Bull wrote:
 While we are on the subject I remember a posting years ago that had a clever
 way to hide an email address displayed on a web site. Since leaving iinet
 the amount of spam on my personal account has dropped but I get heaps from
 my web site address. Does anyone know or remember how to disguise an address
 from the robots?
 Peter Bull

Re: Genealogy Software for Windows XP

2004-12-03 Thread David Watkins

The latest Windows Personal Ancestral File 5.2  program has just been
updated and can be downloaded from the LDS site for free.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Follow the link which says Download Products then on to Software
Downloads - Free.

Do not be put off by the name of the organization. The program is
very good and will fill the needs of most people.

Dave Watkins

At 8:41 AM +0800 2/12/04, Ronda Brown said:

 Hello Guys,

 Please forgive me for posting such a subject  yuk  Windows XP,
 I hate anything Windows with a passion!
 But, I have a friend who is from 'The dark Side' (yeah, I know I should
 get rid of her),
 who wishes to research her family history.
 She has seen my  'Reunion 8' which is the best Genealogy software
 program for Macs.

 I understand that 'Family Tree Maker' is the best for Windows.
 Does anyone know if this is correct please?

Re: Question for those on iiNet Broadband...

2004-11-28 Thread David Watkins
You will find that you can access the DSL-300 configuration by any
browser on your Mac using the address of providing you
have un checked 'Connect by PPPoE in Network preferences.

Also, you will find that you can connect to iiNet Broadband by
again having the above un checked and then moving to the TCP/IP
section and changing Configure 'Using PPP' to 'Using DHCP' as it
will then make the connection automatically.

If you find any of the above does not work then try it again after
disconnecting the power to the modem for about 20 seconds in order
to reset it and then giving it time to establish the connection

Dave Watkins

At 6:17 PM +0800 27/11/04, Diana  Graham Stevens wrote:
 Shay Telfer wrote:

 Open the Terminal (in your Utilities folder). Type
 and hit the return key. Assuming that's the IP address of your
 router on the local LAN (it should be the number next to 'Router' in
 the TCPIP pane of your Network Preferences panel). Although I
 suspect the DSL300 doesn't work like that as it's a modem, not a
 If that doesn't work you may need an appropriate serial cable and
 USB-serial adapter such as a keyspan.

 Thanks Shay. If we have another disconnect I shall attach the modem
 directly to the PC and give it a go. If that doesn't work I can use
 the Toshiba laptop but I shall have to find a serial cable.

 We are also considering buying a new combined modem-router, less junk
 on the desk and I am  told if we ever get ADSL2 the present setup
 won't work.


Re: Help for Help

2004-10-01 Thread David Watkins

Had the same problem as yourself, I am running OS X 10.3.5.
Repairing permissions did not solve it so I ran Cocktail 3.4.9 and
went to the Pilot tab and ticked all the tasks that are listed,
once it was completed and the system restarted all was well again.

Dave Watkins

At 6:01 AM +0800 1/10/04, Adam Lippiatt said:


 Every time I open the help viewer, it starts up but then immediately
 crashes (OS10.3).  I have repaired the disk and also rebuilt the
 directories using Disk Warrior, but that has not helped.  Just
 wondering if anyone knows what the next step should be (system
 reinstall - or can you somehow replace individual programs)?



Re: Any idea how to open a .wps file

2004-08-16 Thread David Watkins

It is as Daniel said a MS Works file. If you are still having
problems opening it you can send it to me, I should be able to open
it in MS Office I have installed on my PC and convert it into a Mac
readable document for you.

Dave Watkins

At 9:01 PM +0800 16/8/04, Matt Falvey said:

 Hi, I have been sent a family tree document with an ending .wps, does
 anyone know if any of the standard applications on an iMac are capable
 of opening it?

 I have tried to get the person to resend it as either an RTF or PDF but
 they are not computer savvy and I know very little about window to try
 and direct them.

 If the iMac apps are not likely to open it could SKS who has the
 ability to open and return it, do it for me if I forward it to them?


 Matt Falvey

Re: Scrabble

2004-06-12 Thread David Watkins

Take a look at Wordsmith which is a similar game to Scrabble

Dave Watkins

Re: Panther and classic

2004-05-02 Thread David Watkins

The following may be of interest to you, these ebooks will answer
all the questions and are a good reference guide to keep. Upgrading
to Panther has a section about installing OS 9 before or after
installing OS X. Will cost you US$5, well worth the investment.

Dave Watkins


Take Control 50% Off Sale for TidBITS 14th Anniversary -- While we
were in Hawaii last week for my sister's wedding, TidBITS
celebrated 14 years of continuous publication. Who knew a teenage
electronic publication could throw such a big party while its
parents were away? Anyway, we're marking the occasion officially
this week with a half-off sale on our Take Control ebooks about Mac
OS X 10.3 Panther. If you've been hesitant to upgrade from Jaguar,
if you'd like to customize Panther to make it work exactly the way
you want, if users and accounts in Mac OS X befuddle you, or if you
want to make sure you're using the best and most secure methods of
sharing files, our ebooks not only contain the information you need
now, but also include free minor updates. Through Friday,
30-Apr-04, use coupon code CPN40426TB14 to take 50 percent off your
entire order, whether you order a single ebook or all four. [ACE]

A consideration regarding first post moderation

2004-04-13 Thread David Watkins
The moderating of the the first post by a subscriber appears to be
creating more problems than it is trying to solve and maybe it
would be worth turning that feature off.

If a week or more can go by where the first postings can go by
before it is looked at, this only causes frustration and the result
of test messages being posted by people.

In my case I recently subscribed with a new address and it was
frustrating that two messages did not appear for some time.

Please Consider my suggestion.

Dave Watkins

Re: Pagemaker 6.52 Cannot open file

2004-04-12 Thread David Watkins

Have you installed something new on your computer recently. The
reason why I ask you that is that I was having similar problems
with Apple Works.

While looking ay the web pages of MacCentral the other day, there
was the mention of the Trojan Horse and a few lines down for a try
out for Virex anti virus software, so I thought why not give it a

Next day, after hours of frustration trying to find the Apple Works
problem I got rid of the Virex software and all was working fine

Dave Watkins

At 5:05 PM +0800 12/4/04, Mike Murray said:

 Hi muggers

 Any Pagemaker experts out there?

 I've been working on a document for just about a day when I suddenly
 had a series of error messages (including something about hyperxxx
 parameters), then I can't save because disk full (which it wasn't).
 Then the program quit. I now find that the file (which I'd been saving
 regularly) won't open. It looks normal, right icon etc. When I try to
 open it, I get the message Cannot open file Error 8009:16404

 And did I back it up before all this happened? Did I hell.

 Mac Ti Powerbook system 10.2.8 (but I'd rebooted and was working in
 system 9.2.2), Adobe Pagemaker 6.52

 Any advice? Or do I have to start again???

Re: Personal Web Sharing

2004-04-10 Thread David Watkins

This can happen if you have edited your httpd.conf file and in
doing so you have made a mistake somewhere. The Sharing preferences
assumes a valid configuration file. To check your configuration for
correctness, enter httpd -t in a terminal, if there is an error
you will be told the line number where the problem is.

Dave Watkins

At 10:52 AM +0800 10/4/04, Callum Prior said:

 Hi all,

 I'm having trouble reactivating Web Sharing.

 After selecting it and clicking start a Web Sharing starting up
 message appears, Personal Web Sharing greys out, and nothing happens.
 Anyone have any ideas?

 10.3.3 Dual 1Ghz G4, 768 Mb DDR SDRAM, 40Gb free space.



Re: Eudora failure to highlight

2004-02-02 Thread David Watkins
Generally the problem when Eudora misbehaves is that it has a
corrupted Eudora Settings file.

You will find your 'Eudora Settings' file inside your Eudora
folder. Try by closing down the Eudora program and moving the
'Eudora Settings' file out of the Eudora folder, then when you
re-start the Eudora program again it will create a new Settings
file. If all is working working ok after doing that you can trash
the old Settings file.

As you will have to put all your personal details back into the
Settings file I would suggest that you first make a note of your
SMTP and Mail servers and also have your password available.

Dave Watkins

At 12:16 PM +1100 2/2/04, Tom Lewis wrote:
 Yes, same problem with mine.

 Maybe there is a virus on the loose which affects Eudora???

 I had a look at the forum emails as suggested by Bob - many thanks - but no
 fixes available as yet.

Re: More than coincidence???

2004-01-29 Thread David Watkins

It sounds very much like the latest virus outbreak and not spam.

Here is a little information for you below. If you only only use a
Mac and not Windows you have nothing to fear from it, but they are
a nuisance.

Dave Watkins

W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] is a High-Outbreak mass-mailing worm flooding
email servers worldwide. When run, the worm steals email
addresses from the infected machine and also automatically
generates random email addresses for propagation. This email
generation engine is similar to technologies spammers use to
generate addresses for spam email campaigns.

Learn More about W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Re: PM7200 USB or not to USB

2004-01-22 Thread David Watkins

Try Charles Taylor at

He is a authorised Apple reseller, selling new and second hand Macs
from a shop in Midland. You will find him very good at offering
advice on what will or will not work with older Macs, he also
generally has in stock memory and cards to suit most Macs, if not
he would be able to source it for you.

Dave Watkins

At 11:35 AM +0800 22/1/04, Brad Helden wrote:
 Can anyone tell me if it is possible (and to what cost outlay) to put
 some sort of USB card or connector to a PM7200 so I can use a scanner
 and digital camera?

 Also does anyone have any RAM for sale for the aforementioned machine
 (size and cost)?


Re: Is iiNet Broadband OK?

2004-01-14 Thread David Watkins

I would recommending that you go with iinet for your broadband
connection. The connection has been 100% reliable for me with no
glitches at all. Like you, I have been with them since they started
up in Hillarys

No matter what you buy in the world you will always hear someone
advise against it. Ask your self why iinet have been so successful
in the market place.

Dave Watkins

At 12:44 PM +0800 14/1/04, Rod Blitvich wrote:
 Hi WAMUGers
 I have been away for the last 6 months and have just re-subscribed.

 I am considering upgrading my dial-up connection to Broadband.
 I am looking at iiNet's Blink 512 lite.

 I have searched your archives and found a warning from Matthew H against

 Any advice regarding Braodband/Mac/iiNet etc would be gratefully appreciated

 I have been with iiNet since they were in a garage in Hillarys and would
 like to stay with them if possible.

 Rod Blitvich

Re: Is iiNet Broadband OK?

2004-01-14 Thread David Watkins

Since I own a Mac and use a good ISP, I have no need to ring the support line.

Nearly did not send the above statement, was thinking the dog may
come back and bite me, I will take the chance. smile


 Might pay to make a quick call to one of the isp's support lines then to
 iiNets to compare before your sign up :)


Re: Limitations on Converting to PDF in OS X?

2004-01-06 Thread David Watkins
Curiosity got the better of me as well.

Created a 166 page pdf document from a BBEdit text document. The
newly created pdf document opened and displayed all pages just fine
in Acrobat Reader 6 and Preview 2.1

Using OS X 10.3.2

David Watkins

We've come a long way

2003-09-12 Thread David Watkins
This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously
considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of
no value to us.
Western Union, internal memo, 1876

Everything that can be invented has been invented.
Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 1899

I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.
Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943

Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.
Popular Mechanics, 1949

I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked
with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is
a fad that won't last out the year.
The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957

There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.
Ken Olson, President, Chairman and Founder of Digital Equipment
Corporation, 1977

640k ought to be enough for anybody.
Bill Gates, Co-Founder and CEO of Microsoft, 1981

Re: Password problem and iiNet

2003-09-11 Thread David Watkins

I go along with everything you say about iiNet and overall have not
missed a beat with them. I was one of their first customers they
ever had, joining them in 1994. Gone through all the changes of Mac
OS systems, started with them using would you believe syestem 6 and
a 14400 modem. (Wowwhat a difference using OS X and Broadband)

Back to iiNet, well they are not perfect like the rest of us but I
do honestly believe they do a good overall job and with them being
one of the bigger ISP's you are going to hear more complaints about
them than any one else.

There are hundreds of different reasons why one can have a bad
connection to an ISP and of course the easy way out is to say it is
their fault.

I find if I have a problem with anything to do with a Mac be it
regarding the internet or using software, you will generally find
that some one has had the same problem before you and by doing a
search through google their is a good chance you find an answer.

Dave Watkins

At 1:47 PM +0800 11/9/03, Mark Scholmann said:

 From a PC user point of view...

 Is there something different in the PPP specs on new Macs or something to
 do with the way data is transmitted/received (character set?, etc) ?

 I only ask, as I notice the bagging of iiNet on this list, but have to say
 that after 7-8 years with them (on both Mac and PC) I can not say I have
 ever encountered more than a reasonable period of down time due to some
 specific reason.  In the past 4 years I have had only a handful of engaged
 signals (20 at most), with connection times ranging from 8 hrs - 70+ hrs.

 I have an old dinosaur Mac 8100/110 , which I occassionally fire up to do
 some things, and the connection still works on a Motorola 28K modem using
 the old (original) PPP scripts.

 I have friends with iMac's and a Mac laptop (ibook?), and I have helped
 them connect to iiNet, with no problems of what I read on this list ?

 I understand that the Support call centre may not always appreciate the Mac
 Surely, there must be a simple reason for the connection issues ?... well,
 certainly not ones that result in you having to purchase a Net Friendly
 Fridge to get on line ?


 Mark Scholmann

Re: Word Problem

2003-09-10 Thread David Watkins

EMF is an Enhanched Media File (Windows) and  your MS Word 2001
obviously has not got the capabilities of converting it.

You will find in general that Mac Word will do a reasonable job
converting normal Windows Word documents but as soon as some form
of graphic is included into it more often than not you might as
well forget even trying.

Dave Watkins

At 12:17 AM +0800 10/9/03, Alex Novakovic said:

 Hi Peoples

 I am having trouble opening  printing a Word doc that I have
 received as an attachment (Using MS Word 2001, Mac OS8.6)

 The document opens but within a few seconds it shows in the bottom
 bar a process called Converting EMF and then hangs the computer
 forcing me to reboot.  Can anyone please enlighten me on what is
 happening and any way of getting around it?

 I have tried to pre-empt the converting emf process by doing a Comm P
 before it appears in the bottom bar but all that did was to now give
 me a type 3 error.

 Many thanks in advance,


Re: Explorer settings

2003-09-05 Thread David Watkins

I had the same thing happening with me. I found by quitting the
program as soon as I made any changes and then restarting it again
it was then holding them. Make sure you browser is not used in any
way prior to quitting it after you have made the changes.

Could be that I was just lucky and it was something else but it is worth a try.


At 2:16 PM +0800 5/9/03, Severin Crisp said:

 I find that IE constantly reverts settings to default, cache drops
 back to 10MB, Auto Fill profile is lost and so on.  This happens in
 the absence of anything else untoward, apparently.
 Any comments welcomed!
 Severin Crisp

Re: One nail to go...

2003-08-29 Thread David Watkins
Not really bad news in my opinion!

These days you can pick up good second hand PC for a few hundred
dollars and you will get far better performance than using
emulation on a Mac.

Networking a PC to a Mac is is easy to do with Mac OS X, you can
even share your Mac internet connection with the PC without too
much trouble and access those sites which I hear Mac people are
having problems with. Also has an additional benefit, you can use
the PC as a backup destination for for your Mac.

In this changing world of computers I do believe you will see the
end of Windows emulation before too long but it is not really a
concern anymore for Mac users.

Dave Watkins

At 8:21 AM +0800 28/8/03, Peter Hinchliffe said:

 Bad news from MacCentral this morning.

 A few months ago, FWB announced a MacOS X version of RealPC would be
 forthcoming. This now appears to have been vaporware. Check out the
 above link for the full story.

 Even worse, Micro$oft have announced that the current version of VPC
 will not run on the G5 at all. The code in the G4 upon which certain
 routines rely is not there in the G5, so those areas of VPC need to be
 re-written. I'm waiting for the day when they announce that it's no
 longer in their interests to do so...

 Anyone tried Bochs?

 Peter Hinchliffe

Re: iMac wanted

2003-08-07 Thread David Watkins
You could try Charles Taylor at:

He always has a good selection of second hand Macs for sale at a
reasonable price.

Charles recently opened a small shop on The Crescent, Midland
opposite the cinemas.

Dave Watkins

At 9:37 AM +0800 7/8/03, Lloyd White said:

 I have a relative who wants an  iMac,  preferably slot loading. Just wants
 to use it for word-processing and email. Would need a suitable printer as
 well if possible.
 She is looking for cheap and reliable. Probably OS 9 would be suitable.

 Anything out there?

 I would sell her mine but I am not ready to upgrade just yet.


 Lloyd White

Re: Eudora Problem,...very confusing

2003-08-01 Thread David Watkins

If you have not already tried it, I would suggest you 'Check Mail
Specially' which gives you the option to delete all messages on the
server (be sure). If you hold down the option key as you go to the
to File  Check Mail you will find that' Check Mail' has now
changed to 'Check Mail Specially.

Dave Watkins

At 12:25 AM +0800 1/8/03, Daniel Kerr said:

 Hi All.

 I am stumped. Everything has been working fine up to about 3 days ago, when
 Eudora seems to have packed a sad.

 It went to check the email and then it said
 Checking mail...
 Peeking at message 1...

 It sits there for about 5 minutes or so, before it gives some other message,
 ie server isn't responding, there is something wrong with your network
 protocols, I need a holiday,...things like that.

 I have logged onto webmail for my site and there isn't anything there.

 I can check email in Entourage and Apple Mail and it collects and sends
 correctly for my domain. I have emailed my domain host and they checked the
 settings, gone through it all, reset my mailbox but still no joy.

 I have erased every spec of Eudora then reinstalled a fresh copy downloaded
 off the net. Even with no email put back and setup with the basic of
 settings I still get exactly the same error!

 Yes I know I could use another email client,...but I really really like this

 So I'm stumped. Searching the Eudora support website turned up nothing. A
 quick google search also turned up no results.

 I know there are a few Eudora users on WAMUG, so am hoping someone might
 know what I am overlooking!

 Any help appreciated.

 Machine specs - G4 DP1.25, Mac OS 10.2.6, Eudora 6.0b24

 Thanks in advance!

 Kind Regards
 Daniel Kerr

Re: Mac OS X OpenOffice

2003-07-31 Thread David Watkins

It is getting close to a gig with the supporting applications
needed, unless my mathematics are not what they used to be. The
following is taken from the Open Office Read Me file. 1.0.3 Mac OS X (X11) requires the following to run:
Mac OS X 10.2 or higher or Darwin 6.0 or higher.
256 MB of memory to get decent performance. 512 MB recommended.
300 MB free hard drive space for
600 MB additional hard drive space for installation of auxiliary
applications required to run
1 GB additional free space on your System drive for use as swap
space during installation and execution.
XFree86/XDarwin or Apple X11, dlcompat, ESP-Ghostscript 7.05,
fondu, and libfreetype 6.2+. The installer will attempt to detect
whether you are missing any of these required components and
install them for you.
G4/400 or higher recommended

Dave Watkins

At 1:17 PM +0800 31/7/03, Onno Benschop wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 18:29, David Watkins wrote:
 Thanks to all for your comments about OpenOffice.

 Certainly got a cross section of views which is what it is all about.

 Considering the it is going to take up nearly a gig of my hard
 drive a gig?

 I don't think so.

 Onno Benschop

Re: Running a script on startup

2003-07-30 Thread David Watkins

I would imagine you would be able to start a script at startup by
dragging it into your Login items within the System Preference.

Dave Watkins

At 8:57 AM + 30/7/03, Trevor Lee said:


 I would like to know where in OSX (10.2.6) one would place a script
 to run on startup.

 I tried to look for something along the lines of /etc/rc2.d
 or /usr/local/etc/rc.d etc as found in most flavours of UNIX.

 Some pointers would be greatly appreciated.


 Trevor Lee

Re: Mac OS X OpenOffice

2003-07-30 Thread David Watkins
Thanks to all for your comments about OpenOffice.

Certainly got a cross section of views which is what it is all about.

Considering the it is going to take up nearly a gig of my hard
drive and that I have MS Office on my PC, I will continue dragging
files through the little network I have. If I did not have the PC
with Office there is no doubt I would have given it a try.

Well, I know where to come for an opinion next time I'm thinking of
getting a new program.

Thanks againDave

Mac OS X OpenOffice

2003-07-28 Thread David Watkins
I was looking at the downloads that were available on the wamug
site and I and noticed that OpenOffice was there.

As it is a fairly big download at 170 MB, I thought I would ask the
opinion of those who have tried it out to give me some feedback as
to if it is worth getting.

Dave Watkins

Re: pdf files etc

2003-07-15 Thread David Watkins

There is also a similar product which I use to do the same job and
have found to be excellent.


Dave Watkins

Monitor Problems

2003-07-12 Thread David Watkins

Here I have two queries, any advice would be appreciated.

I have an Apple 17-inch Studio Display CRT with my G3 using OS X
10.26 Going back to the computer after leaving it running but idle
for a few hours. The screen was black and the power button light
flashes contentiously from green to red. Did the usual things like
restart and check all the connections but still no picture and the
power button light continues to flash. Is this the the mark of a
dead monitor?

As I also have a 17-inch ADI monitor I connected this to the
machine and all is working alright as far as the picture on the
screen. As the resolution of 640 X 480 automatically came in to use
I decided to change it with everything being far too big for me to
view. I went to the Display preferences to change the resolution
but found the only one available is 640 x 480. I have used this
same monitor on this machine previously using OS 9 and I had no
problems changing the resolution. Can anybody give me some advice
if I can change the resolution using the ADI monitor and OS X?

Dave Watkins

Re: Network OSX10.2 - Window Me

2003-07-06 Thread David Watkins
Networking to a PC can be a little difficult if you have not done
it before and it is almost impossible to explain everything by an
e-mail as it is a big subject, below are some guide lines that may
help you. You can also go to the website
and have a read over a few things there, if all this fails I think
you may have to call someone in to help you.



The following steps will help you configure the Windows 2000 and
Macintosh machines with the minimum configuration necessary for it
to work properly.

- Right click on My Network Places and select Properties
- Right click on the Local Area Connection and select Properties
- Get the properties for TCP/IP
- Enter the IP address and the subnet mask
- Leave the Default Gateway blank
- Select the Advanced button
- On the DNS tab, verify that the DNS server address is blank
- On the WINS tab, verify that the WINS server address is blank and
that Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP is selected
- Click OK
- Install File and Print Sharing for Microsoft Networks
- Close all windows
- Right Click on My Computer
- Select Properties
- Click on the Network Identification tab
- The name of the computer will be Windows and the workgroup will
be Workgroup
- Close everything and restart
- After restarting, right-click in the middle of the desktop and
choose New - Folder
- Right-click on New Folder and select Sharing
- Select Share this folder and then click OK

Macintosh OS 8.6 - 9.x
- Open the TCP/IP control panel
- Connect Via - Ethernet, Configure - Manually
- IP address, subnet mask
- Make sure there is no router or name server address and no search domains
- Close TCP/IP and save the changes
- Open the NetBIOS control panel
- The name will be Macintosh and the workgroup will be Workgroup

Macintosh OS X
- Open the Network preference in the System preferences
- Show - Built in Ethernet, Configure - Manually
- IP address, subnet mask
- Make sure there is no router or name server address and no search domains
- Click 'Apply Now' and close the Network preference
- Select the Finder and on the menu bar select Go - Connect to
server to browse the network

Re: Network OSX10.2 - Window Me

2003-07-05 Thread David Watkins

I have Mac with 10.2 connecting ok with Windows 98 via ethernet so
you should be able to do it with out any problems.

Not knowing what your configurations are on each Machine it is hard
to answer why you can't get it to work.

Are you familiar with what basic configurations are required for
your Windows machine, if not I could dig up some details and send
them to you. From memory the Help section on your Mac gives some
details of how to go about it.

Dave Watkins.

At 10:59 PM +0800 5/7/03, Mervyn  Giuliana Bond said:

 I have be trying to link my iMac running OSX10.2 to a laptop running
 Windows Me using a crossover ethernet cable and have come to the
 conclusion that the highly promoted simple connectivity of OSX 10.2
 only works if one is connecting to a PC that is running on XP. Is
 this conclusion accurate?

 If so, can I use the cross-over ethernet cable configuration to link
 to the Window Me laptop in some way that doesn't involve using the
 internet or a significant outlay on new software?

 Suggestions please.


Re: Is this a spam scan?

2003-06-21 Thread David Watkins
I was getting a lot of spam with multiple iinet address and it got
me thinking how they were getting them. Had a look around their web
pages and they had a page in the members section where you could
search all the people who were members and obtain their e-mail
address. The results came out at 20 at a time, for instance if I
put dav in the search box, I was given 20 iinets e-mail addresses
beginning with dav.

I notified iinet of this and at they eventually took the search
facility away. That was only about a month ago so there are plenty
of people who retrieved thousands of iinets e-mail addresses this

I would advise anybody who has a web address with iinet and is
listed in the Zoo database, is to cancel your listing in the Zoo.

All iinets e-mail addresses are tied with your web address unless
you have your own domain name. For instance if your web address is
members/ I know your e-mail address is


At 7:34 PM +0800 21/6/03, KEVIN Lock wrote:
 Just received this and it looks to me like a programme designed to
 hit an ISP with possible email addresses.

 Is that so

From: Emile Gill [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Family tree program

2003-06-16 Thread David Watkins

If it is an actual Reunion file you have the only way to read it
would be through the Reunion program. If it is a gedcom file
exported from the Program you will be fine.

All Family Tree Genealogy programs have the ability to export and
import what they call a gedcom file (.ged) which are
interchangeable on both the Mac and Windows platforms. A gedcom
file is a database file but specific for use with genealogy

In other words if some one sends you a gedcom file you will be able
to read it on any Genealogy program regardless if it Mac or PC

Without going to the expense of buying a latest commercial product
like Reunion with all the great features. You can purchase a copy
of Mac 'Personal Ancestral File 2.3.1' for US$10. It runs on Mac
OS 7 onwards and does the job very well, I've used it for years.

I do have the Reunion program, so if you can't get the file in the
gedcom format I would be able convert it for you.

Dave Watkins

David Watkins WebSite

At 1:00 PM +0800 16/6/03, Steven Tan wrote:
 hi all,

 I am looking for an old mac family tree program to read the files
created by it. I think it might be called Reunion or something.

 Please contact me off list if you know of anything.



Re: Publisher files on a Mac?

2003-06-11 Thread David Watkins

If the person who sent you the Publisher file is a PC user and has
the Publisher program he can save it in RTF format which of course
you can then save as a Word document.

If you still have problems and the file is not personal then send
me the file and I will do the conversion for you on my PC.


At 6:49 PM +0800 10/6/03, Phillip McGree wrote:

 Anyone know of any ways of opening up a Microsoft Publisher file on a Mac?

 I've been forwarded such a file with the request of converting it
to a word file.


Re: Word and invisible garbage

2003-06-06 Thread David Watkins

Sounds very much like a problem I had with an earlier version of MS
Word. It turned out after investigation that it was a security
problem in the earlier versions of Word but was fixed in versions
after Word 98.

Has the file some how gone through a Word 98 or earlier program? If
so go and have a look at the following web page which explains it

Dave Watkins

At 6:20 PM +0800 6/6/03, Bill Parker wrote:
 Here's a challenging question - I think.

 I am using MS Word 2001 for the Macintosh. I receive all manner of
 Word docs from all over Australia and NZ, normally without problem.

 Recently I have been writing a couple of largish business
 plans/agreements with two colleagues. In one case - the agreement, I
 was setting up a TOC and tidying it up. Saved it and noticed that it
 was 1500K - way too big for a 28 pp document. Opened it up in
 BBEditLite and found an absolute mass of garbage, two repetitions
 of the text complete with all the track changes that had been made
 over some months.

 No matter what I did (except to save as a Text file and then do all
 the style re-setting over), no re-saves would reduce the size nor
 get rid of the garbage.

 Sent it to one colleague who uses a late version of Word on a PC.
 Got it back, still contains some remnants of garbage but now down to

 Is there something the are missing? Failing to do? Is one of my
 colleagues' machine doing a corruption? Is this symptomatic of
 conflicts between older versions of Word and crossing PC-MAC


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Re: PDFs from OSX to PCs

2003-05-07 Thread David Watkins

I can't fully grasp what you mean by the difference of sending the
file as an attachment to an e-mail and sending it as an attachment
through your mail facility.

Receiving a file attachments on a PC is pretty much the same as a
Mac and you should be able to save the file without opening it.
There is however a security option on Windows PC Outlook Express
which if checked prevents attached files being opened and saved
that could be a potential virus.

A couple of things you also need to do when sending a file to a PC
user is to make sure it has a suffix on the end which in this case
is .pdf, the other thing is to make sure that you have the method
of encoding is set at Apple Double (MIME).

If you still have problems send me more exact information and I
will help you out the best I can.

Dave Watkins


At 10:08 PM +0800 6/5/03, Mervyn  Giuliana Bond wrote:

 Using the Print Centre facility in OSX with Appleworks I have saved a
 document as a pdf file and sent it as an attachment to an email from
 Eudora to a person running Office 2000 on a PC. He has to open it
 first before he can save it. To me this seems appropriate BUT if I
 send it as an attachment through the mail facility at my ISP he can
 save the document and open it later. I thought my version of Eudora
 might be the problem so I upgraded, and the same occurs.

 Could someone who is across both platforms offer an explanation, please.
 Science teaches that we must see in order to believe, but we must
 also believe in order to see.

Date Time Problem

2003-03-21 Thread David Watkins

I remember in the past reading references to the date and time
problem with OS X. A friend of mine has e-mailed me to see if a
solution has been found. He has updated to 10.2.4 but the date is
still reverting back to 1969.

I am still using OS 9 myself so I am unable to advise him

Can anybody offer any known solutions please.

Dave Watkins

Re: Browser Problems

2003-01-29 Thread David Watkins

Had the same problem myself a little while ago and tried numerous
things to try and stop it happening.

It all seemed to come right once once I deleted all the cookies
from the preferences section which I had picked up on my web
travels. Not sure if that was the real reason or it was due to
something else I did but I think it may be worth a try.

Dave Watkins


At 7:06 PM +0800 29/1/03, Rod Blitvich wrote:

 Dear WAMUGers

 I am having problems with my browser.
 I frequently get the message The Specified server could not be found
 If I re-enter the URL 3 or 4 times, it eventually connects.
 Sometimes Sleeping the mac then reawakening it also works.

 Usually I am using the Airport.
 Although these problems are happening with my browser, my email works fine
 all the time.

 PowerBook G4
 OS 10.2.3
 Internet Explorer 5.2.2

 Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated please.


Re: WWW Site Weirdness

2002-10-17 Thread David Watkins

Noticed that is has a lot of Java script on the web page.

May be worth checking that you have the latest version of Mac OS
Runtime For Java for OS 9, which should be 2.2.5 and is available
from the Apple website.

Dave Watkins

Antony N. Lord wrote:

 A friends site fails to load on
 several machines here all running IE and OS 9.x

 Can some people check to see if this works from their machine - and
 if not suggest why?

 My machines simply try downloading a file called and fail to open it.

 Is this something (else) evil to IE (5.1.6) - I notice Netscape works
 but iCab also barfs...

 Cheers, Antony.
David Watkins WebSite

Re: Virus flood

2002-04-25 Thread David Watkins

The worse thing you can do is send these PC virus attachments
back, you are only making matters worse. Unfortunately you are
receiving these attachments from people who are not aware that
they are sending them.

They receive a virus themselves and it corrupts and infests
their system and then uses the e-mail addresses they have in
their address book to resend it else where. They will not harm
your Mac as it is unable to read them, what ever you do don't
transfer them to a PC to view them if you have one of them as

Dave Watkins


At 11:18 PM +0800 25/4/02, Daniel Forsdyke wrote:


 That is quite nasty!

 Keep up the good work.


 Phillip McGree wrote:

Nah, don't trash PC viruses keep 'em!

Wait a few months, and then send them back. With a note
saying, hi, you sent me this a while ago but I could never
open it on my Macintosh. Perhaps you could try it on your PC?
