Re: Adieu

2012-06-27 Thread Matt Huitson
Hi all,

I'm not sure that the attitude expressed by Peter and Eugene is one of 
expecting others to subsidise their Mac support.  I think there is a valid 
expression here that many long time members of the list (myself included), who 
over the journey have offered more replies/answers than questions, will now no 
longer be able to contribute unless they become a financial member.  Paying a 
fee to request support is one thing, paying a fee to offer a solution is quite 

The committee's decision is based on the need to "give value to those who pay 
the WAMUG subscription", which I guess is fair enough.  The risk you run here 
is that you will actually devalue the membership through the potential loss of 
your knowledge base that contributes to the list.  You also run the risk of 
"making a rod for your own back" in that the success of the list becomes ever 
more reliant on a smaller cohort of good folk to answer all queries.  What 
happens when those people move on, or contribute less due to other commitments? 
 An open list encourages perpetuity.

Anyway, theses points have probably all been raised by the committee and the 
decision has been reached.  I do wish the WAMUG list well, I hope it continues 
to serve as an effective User Group.

Regards, Matt

Matt Huitson
IT Manager
School of Psychology
IT Manager
Faculty of Life and Physical Sciences
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Work +61 8 6488 2507<>

On 28/06/2012, at 8:20 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

I agree Tim.

I also have only been to one WAMUG meeting, but I have been a financial member 
of WAMUG for years. The financial members of WAMUG have made it possible for 
WAMUG and the mailing list to continue.
Without the financial members there would not be WAMUG or the mailing list!

I also know that times are tough and trying to make our money go around is 
difficult. But that is for the individual person to decide; if they don't use 
the mailing list to ask for support and feel they cannot afford the $30, that 
is their choice to make.

The level of support and information that is given on our mailing list for an 
annual fee of $30 is more than reasonable. A consultant will charge that for 
one email support issue.

I am disappointed in some members attitudes that they expect the support, but 
expect others to pay to keep that support possible.

The committee has taken a long hard time to make this decision and I applaud 
their decision.

Sent from Ronni's iPad

On 28/06/2012, at 7:15 AM, Tim Law>> wrote:

Since I bought my first Mac in 1989, I've attended one WAMUG meeting.

But I've learned heaps from receiving the list emails, and been able to ask a 
question or two over the years. For me WAMUG IS the email list.

I agree with Carlo, and the minimal cost is completely reasonable to receive 
reliable accurate info and feedback. This is unlike other non computer forums 
that I participate in where users are all amateurs and their contributions are 
only as accurate as their experiences.

I urge caution for the committee providing free access based on requests from 
members. If it is based on the applicants ability to add value to the list, 
then that is one matter, but to make assessment on income is likely to get 
bogged down in value judgements, comparisons between applicants and other messy 
things, all for such a small amount of money.

I think it's a shame that people are seeing this small fee as a reason to exit 
the list. We live in a user pays world, I support the committees decision.


Sent from my iPad

On 27/06/2012, at 23:06, cm>> 

Hi Peter and Eugene and other list members,

We list followers are really grateful for your contributions over the years and 
we contributors are honoured to have been able to help you out on other 
occasions. I just wanted to let you know that there is no need at all to end 
your connection with WAMUG. You will still be able to read any and all posts to 
the list, and you will still continue to receive WAMUG emails to your inbox 
unless you choose to stop them. Also if you ever happen to be passing through 
Perth, meetings are open to all and we would love to see you there.

The decision to allow posting to only members was not made lightly. Running the 
list has a very real cost, both financial and in the time of contributors, 
fairness dictates that those who pay the membership fee are entitled to use the 
service above other persons who join, post a random question or put up for sale 
a piece of equipment, and then disappear. Sadly neither of you, Peter and 
Eugene, are anywhere near to this category of user so I have two solutions to 
suggest. Firstly remember that the WAMUG membership fee is less than a 

Re: iPhone ios4 random restarts during calls

2010-06-30 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,

Just a quick followup on the random reboots during calls. I visited the Perth 
Genius Bar today with my (still under warranty) symptomatic phone and was 
issued a replacement model (3GS iOS3.1.3) without too much hassle.  The staff 
member ran some diagnostics and attempted to replicate the problem by calling 
my phone. Although it didn't fail during that 6 minute call (for me reboots 
have varied between 5-20 minutes into a call), the staff member was satisfied 
enough with my knowledge/attempted solutions to have me sign a report and then 
issue a replacement on the spot.  

My advice to others considering a similar approach would be to book an 
appointment ahead of schedule.  There were plenty of store walk-ins looking for 
a variety of help, but those of us with appointments took precedence.  

Although I'm pretty sure I own Macs that are older than even the most elderly 
looking Genius at the Bar, I'd say Apple would be reasonably content with the 
level of service I witnessed during my 30 minute visit.  Some room for 
improvement, but generally not too bad.


> On 29/06/2010, at 12:34 PM, Glenn Nicholas wrote:
>> Hi Wamug, 
>> I recently updated my iPhone 3GS to ios 4 late last week. The update 
>> completed normally.
>> Since the update I've had about 4 situations where the iPhone just drops out 
>> mid call and goes to restart mode ie. black screen with the Apple logo in 
>> the middle, and a minute or two later the desktop reappears.
>> I'm running  iPhone Version 4.0 (8A293), which iTunes reports as being the 
>> latest version.
>> One other small issue I've noticed is the Add Call function. I can establish 
>> a call with Caller 1, then press the + (Add Call) button on the iPhone and 
>> call Caller 2. However after I do that, the Merge button isn't active, only 
>> the Swap. So the Add call isn't really working, it just puts a call on hold 
>> while calling another. I haven't used this function for ages, but I presume 
>> this used to work before ios 4.
>> Any one else experiencing this or have an idea for a resolution?
>> Glenn Nicholas
>> OM4 ::

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Re: iPhone ios4 random restarts during calls

2010-06-28 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Glenn,

I've experienced the mid-call reboot too. There's an Apple Discussion thread 
about it here,:

Seems to be across carriers (and countries). Some are reporting Apple are 
replacing phones under warranty with iOS3 versions and instructing users not to 
upgrade to iOS4.

FWIW I have a 3GS with Optus. See page 12 of the thread above which makes 
mention of a possible iOS4 conflict with Optus sim cards.


On 29/06/2010, at 12:34 PM, Glenn Nicholas wrote:

> Hi Wamug, 
> I recently updated my iPhone 3GS to ios 4 late last week. The update 
> completed normally.
> Since the update I've had about 4 situations where the iPhone just drops out 
> mid call and goes to restart mode ie. black screen with the Apple logo in the 
> middle, and a minute or two later the desktop reappears.
> I'm running  iPhone Version 4.0 (8A293), which iTunes reports as being the 
> latest version.
> One other small issue I've noticed is the Add Call function. I can establish 
> a call with Caller 1, then press the + (Add Call) button on the iPhone and 
> call Caller 2. However after I do that, the Merge button isn't active, only 
> the Swap. So the Add call isn't really working, it just puts a call on hold 
> while calling another. I haven't used this function for ages, but I presume 
> this used to work before ios 4.
> Any one else experiencing this or have an idea for a resolution?
> Glenn Nicholas
> OM4 ::

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Re: WARNING ... Safari beta users

2009-06-08 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,

Also, just a heads up for those of you currently using Safari 3  
plugins like Sogudi and AcidSearch:  If you upgrade to Safari 4 and do  
not first uninstall/remove these plugins you will most likely find  
that Safari 4 refuses to launch.  Depending on where you installed  
(for one user or all), removing the following folders should get  
Safari 4 up and running again:

~/Library/Application Support/SIMBL

Sogudi is no longer supported, hence it will not work with Safari 4.  
The best alternative I have found is Keywurl, although at time of  
writing it appears to be awaiting an upgrade to coincide with this  
latest Safari 4 release.


Matt Huitson
School of Psychology
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Work +61 8 6488 3269

On 09/06/2009, at 2:04 PM, Greg Manzie wrote:

Hello Everyone

I just successfully installed Safari 4 on a G4 400 running 10.4.11.  
I used software update and had no problems.


Greg Manzie

Glyde Gallery Conservation
Conservators, Consultants and Picture Framers
for Museums, Art Galleries and Collectors

5 Glyde Street
Mosman Park
Western Australia 6012

ABN 89 154 124 265

Phone   (08) 9383 3929
Mobile  0448 844 381
0438 833 144

On 09/06/2009, at 1:42 PM, Robert Howells wrote:

Hello list

Just a warning for those on the list who have   NOTupgraded to   
OS  10 .5.7

IF you are usingSafari 4 Beta ( as I am )  on OS 10.5.6 or  
theNEWSAFARI 4  installer willNOT   let you instal  
unless you have 10.5.7

SO if you wish to continue to use Safari 4 Beta do NOT delete it in  

of   installing  the   New   Safari 4 .

Have fun then


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Re: Domain Name problem

2008-10-21 Thread Matt Huitson
If you think it is an issue with your IP's DNS server, try entering a  
public DNS server address in your network preferences.  A google  
search should turn up a host of free public DNS servers, but for  
starters try one of those listed here: < 

Regards, Matt.

Matt Huitson
School of Psychology
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Work +61 8 6488 3269

On 22/10/2008, at 8:56 AM, Skehan Adrian wrote:

Great stuff!  When I was at school they decided that I was better  
off working in the College garden rather than attending Latin  
classes ,  I must admit I enjoyed the garden more.




On 22/10/2008, at 11:49 AM, Martin Hill wrote:

On 22/10/2008, at 8:30 AM, Skehan Adrian wrote:
On the matter of the Nullabor typo, I believe it is an aboriginal  
name and I don't think they were big on Latin.

Actually apparently the Aboriginal name for the area is 'Oondiri'  
meaning 'the waterless'.   :-)

According to the Britannica Concise Edition:
"The name Nullarbor is derived from the Latin nullus arbor ("no  

and Wikipedia:
"The Nullarbor Plain is part of the area of flat, almost treeless,  
arid or semi-arid country immediately north of the Great Australian  
Bight. The word Nullarbor is derived from the Latin nullus for  
'nothing' or 'no one' and arbor for 'tree', and is pronounced "NULL- 
uh-bore" (IPA: /ˈnʌləbɔr/)."

Thankfully Latin was a type of dancing style by the time I went  
thru school!  :-D


On 22/10/2008, at 10:52 AM, Neil Houghton wrote:

Hi Reg,

on 21/10/08 8:15 PM, Reg Whitely at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Hi All

Have a look at

From one who was educated by the Jesuits, put the Latin 'nullus'  

arbor' together for 'no'  'tree'.

Latin is a bit of a sore point with me! At Grammar school, I was  
into the "bright" stream and had to sit through the Latin classes  
whilst my
"dull" mates were building a Mirror sailing dinghy in the  
carpentry class!

I have to say, I hardly felt privileged by the selection!

Perhaps we now have 'Nullus Arbor', or 'Null' Arbor', or  

and then the language could degenerate further to 'N'arbor' or
even ... NAB?

Yes, well, as a NAB shareholder, I must concede that the amount  
of trees
that must go into their annual reports and other paperwork  
generated could

well qualify them for the alternative expansion of NAB!

Sorry for hijacking your thread Adrian!

Have fun,

Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063


On 21/10/2008, at 7:57 pm, Neil Houghton wrote:


Well it's changed from Nullabore to Nullabor - so now it's
consistent across
your site.

However, as John said, I always thought the strictly correct
spelling was
Nullarbor (as in - no trees).

However, Nullabor does also seem to be in common usage.

Google gives:

247,000 hits for Nullarbor

92,300 hits for Nullabor

Take your pick  :)


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

on 21/10/08 7:45 PM, Skehan Adrian at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks to all for the responses, unfortunately I am unable to  
it on any of the 4 machines available to me where I am at  
present.  I
have corrected the Nullabor spelling via iWeb and it appears  
to have
uploaded the correction OK.  If anyone who has been able to  
get in

could have another look and confirm that the correction has
uploaded I
will appreciate it, it will also serve to confuse me even more.




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Martin Hill

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Re: New Safari soon?

2008-09-18 Thread Matt Huitson
An update may or may not be imminent, but Safari 3.1.2 still works  
with paypal.  Just click the "cancel" button instead of the "ok"  
button on the warning dialogue box and proceed as normal.  According  
to paypal, Safari is prone to phishing attacks.  Plenty of stories on  
the web as to whether or not that is true.

On 19/09/2008, at 8:29 AM, Paul Weaver wrote:

I predict there will be a new version of Safari soon.  I just went to
make a an eBay payment via Paypal and the current Safari 3.1.2
version is no longer being accepted by the payment stream.  I had to
use Firefox instead.  The Paypal popup notice also suggested Internet
Explorer.  Could there even be a revival of IE in the wind?  The
Google browser for Macs is coming soon too.

Cheers, Paul.

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Re: iPhones and Westnet

2008-08-12 Thread Matt Huitson
Yep.  No problems for browsing.  I don't use my westnet email so  
haven't added that as an account on the phone, though I could test it  
out if you are wanting setup feedback.


On 12/08/2008, at 5:24 PM, Malcolm Burtenshaw wrote:

Speaking of Westnet...

Anyone with an iPhone on Westnet at the moment?


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Re: 10.5 Screen Sharing to Windows

2008-06-16 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Paul,

On 16/06/2008, at 7:08 PM, Paul K wrote:

Now I see the easiest place to type this is Finder > Go (menu) >
Connect to Server.. > vnc://your.pc's.ip.address

An even easier way is to create a shortcut link using Safari.  Simply  
enter "vnc://your.pc's.ip.address" into the address bar of Safari, but  
don't hit enter.  Now drag and drop the blue globe icon in the address  
bar to the desktop and it should create  a "vnc-- 
your.pc's.ip.address.inetloc" file. Double clicking this file will  
then launch screen sharing directly with the machine in question. You  
can edit the name and generic icon of this inetloc file to make it a  
bit easier on the eye if need be, and of course it can always be moved  
to another folder. Note this works with both PC and Mac screen sharing  

Regards, Matt

Matt Huitson
School of Psychology
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Work +61 8 6488 3269

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Re: leopard query requests

2008-01-21 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Ed,

Look under View -> Show View Options.  Make sure "Show Icon Preview"  
is unchecked.

Cheers, Matt.

On 22/01/2008, at 10:36 AM, Chris Burton wrote:

Hi Ed

thanks very much for your response. I see from their website that it  
focuses on Adobe products and Im not sure it will help to change all  
icons in the Finder. What I have noticed is that when I do a 'Get  
Info' on say an excel file, there is still the original icon in the  
top bar of the Get info window but not in the Preview section.? The  
same for Word or a Pdf? In addition when I copy one of the files  
from its folder and place it on the desktop it becomes represented  
by the app icon!

Also after going to a folder that I had transfered from my other  
MacBook (that has Tiger) all original icons on the files are  
systematically replaced with the new 'first page icon' in a matter  
of seconds, so there must be some process going on that may be  

The reason Im interested in reverting back to the original icons is  
that it is easier for me to see what file Im looking for at a  
glance. My work involves mainly writing reports (Word), analysis of  
data (Excel) and reading papers (Pdfs) so it really helps to see them.

thanks again for any advice here

kind regards


On 22/01/2008, at 6:41 AM, Edward wrote:

The plugin, sneekpeek, may solve the problem.

On 22/01/2008, at 8:20 AM, Chris Burton wrote:

Hi WA Muggers

I have recently made the move to 10.5 on a MacBook Pro and have a  
couple of issues I cant resolve and would appreciate some help

Firstly I have not been able to print using my small Lexmark x1100  
inkjet series printer/scanner that previously worked well with  
10.4.9. I have checked the Lexmark website and followed their  
suggestion to obtain the right driver by loading them from the  
10.5 CD. The only one that I found was Gutenprint v5.1.3 however  
it does not print or even talk to the printer. Has anyone been  
able to get the correct driver?

The second issue with 10.5 is its 'look and feel' in Finder using  
the column view. Is it possible to change this so that I can see  
all my working files with their application icon rather than the  
first page? For example the excel and word icons or the Acrobat  
Reader icon rather than the first page of each file which I cant  
actually read and dont know what sort of file it is until I check  
its extension? I have tried to find somewhere within the help and  
options but with no success.

thanks for any help with with these requests

kind regards to all



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Re: ARD 3 control computer over Internet

2007-10-18 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Ronni,

Possibly depends on the brand/model of ADSL modem, but in my  
experience the factory default settings typically close these ports  
to external traffic.  So, yes, in order for you to gain ARD access  
you will more than likely need to have your sister forward those  
ports to the iBook.

Regards, Matt.

Matt Huitson
School of Psychology
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Work +61 8 6488 3269

On 18/10/2007, at 2:14 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi WAMUGers,

I have Apple Remote Desktop 3.1 installed on my MacBook Pro OSX10.4.10
and I am able to control other computers on my Airport Extreme  
802.11n Network.

I want to connect to my sister's G4 iBook OSX10.4.10 via the Internet.
She has a Airport Express Network.

I've sent her instructions how to create a new Account for me-  
'Remote Admin'- and turn on 'Apple Remote Desktop' in System  
Preferences > Sharing.

As we are both using Airport to connect to the Internet, and  
turning on 'Apple Remote Desktop' in System Preferences opens Ports  
3283 & 5900, I presume I only need to know her IP Address for me to  
connect to her iBook using ARD 3.
Is this correct, or will I also have to open these ports on her  
ADSL Modem?

Many thanks for any advice.



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Re: Firewire Connection

2007-09-04 Thread Matt Huitson

Try a complete power-down as described here:

Cheers, Matt.

On 04/09/2007, at 8:18 PM, Matt/Kath wrote:

Would appreciate any advice on the following...
I am trying to transfer video from Cannon MV700i to imovie via  
firewire 6 pin. Have had no problems previously but this time it is  
saying that there is no camera connected.
I have switched cameras, changed cable, switched ports, repaired  
permissions, run disk warrior and macjanitor, rebooted -all without  
success. My external hard drive (which is also connected via  
firewire) when turned on does not appear on the desktop. USB cables  
and ports are all working fine. Problem is only with firewire.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: How to copy data from PowerBook G3 running OS9 ?

2007-09-03 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Steven,

Are you able to ping the IP address of the G3 from your MacBook Pro?   
If so, and establishing an AFP connection is proving elusive, perhaps  
try ftp.  That it,s set up an ftp server on the G3 and see if you can  
connect using an ftp client on the MacBook.  Versiontracker should be  
able to provide both server and client software options.

Hope this helps,


On 03/09/2007, at 9:08 PM, Robert Howells wrote:

On 03/09/2007, at 8:01 PM, Steven wrote:

Happy try any other tips, but seeming like I might have to drop it  
in to an

Apple Store! :-(

don't give up yet !

Bob, to answer your query, in OSX mode the 'About This Computer'  

shows Memory 160MB, Processor 233 MHz, PowerPC G3. More info reveals
PowerBook G3 series (version = 2.2).

Regards, Steven

OK , I think I have found it in Mac Tracker :

PowerBook G3  Wallstreet introduce May 1998 , Maximum OS 10.2.8 ,
Original OS was  Mac OS 8.0

Ethernet  10Base T
Scsi external HDI 30

I am out of my depth here , but if it is Ethernet 10Base-T it is  
probably not compatible with Ethernet 10-100

on later Macs !

Scsi HDI-30 needs a special cord if I remember correctly  ...  
Somebody on list may still have one ,,

and I have a PM 7600 that would connect to that if it's needed


On 3/9/07 7:42 PM, "Robert Howells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So have you resolved your needs ,
or are you in need of some intense assistance ?


Should be able to make that Powerbook work !  What model / year of
manufacture is it ?

The MacTracker info seems to say the actualPowerbookswere  
Pre G3

but this could have been upgraded with a special .

On 02/09/2007, at 4:05 PM, Steven wrote:

Hoping someone can please give me some tips on how to copy data  
from a

PowerBook G3 to my MacBook Pro?

I understand the PowerBook has OSX installed, but it doesn¹t seem
to boot up
with OSX  it only seems to boot up with OS 9.2.2. Even then, bombs
and what
not appear on start up, unless I boot up with Extensions off. The
is basically a piece of cr*p, but all I want to do is save the data
from the
hard disk.

The PowerBook has no USB or FireWire port, but it does have an
port. I've connected the two machines via ethernet cable, but then
what do I
do? If I click on the Network icon on my MacBook Pro, I don't  
see the


Grateful for any suggestions.

Regards, Steven

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Re: ABC radio

2007-04-12 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Severin,

To play via iTunes you need to determine if the radio station  
provides an "mp3 stream".  ABC radio streaming information can be  
found here:

It would appear that only a select few ABC stations currently provide  
mp3 streams.  To listen via iTunes, click on the "mp3 stream" link  
and once the .m3u link downloaded, double click it and it should load  
and play via iTunes.

Another useful list of radio stations is provided by Internode:  

Hope this helps,


On 12/04/2007, at 8:37 PM, Bill Cole wrote:

Hi Severin,
I run an G5 imac, ( itunes 7.1.1 ) I run  
"Triplej 2" " abc classic fm 2" and a few others through Itunes,  
"time" plays continuously,  all I did was search the itunes Library  
under " Radio " and dragged them over to my Playlist. it takes a  
moment or two to buffer at the start, other than that I have had no  
trouble, ( I also have Real Player but don't use it for this. Hope  
this is of some use, ( I'm just an oldie with no Tech experience )

On 12/04/2007, at 5:39 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:

Is it possible to set up ABC radio, particularly Radio National  
and Classic FM to play via iTunes rather than Real Player?

Severin Crisp

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Re: Synergy - any feedback?

2007-02-27 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Neil

Yep, have used Synergy for some time.  Currently have 3 machines  
(Vista, OSX and Windows Server 2003) all using the one bluetooth  
keyboard/mouse.  Worked fine with XP too.  Clipboard can be a bit hit  
and miss, but generally it works very well.  Since upgrading to Vista  
I think I have noticed the screen savers now sync as well, albeit I  
don't use this feature.

Regards, Matt.

On 27/02/2007, at 1:32 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:

Has anyone tried this? Good/bad feedback?

Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between  
computers with different operating systems, each with its own  
display, without
special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers  
on their

desk since each system uses its own monitor(s).

Redirecting the mouse and keyboard is as simple as moving the  
mouse off the
edge of your screen. Synergy also merges the clipboards of all the  
into one, allowing cut-and-paste between systems. Furthermore, it  
screen savers so they all start and stop together and, if screen  
locking is

enabled, only one screen requires a password to unlock them all.

They do say:

The Mac OS X port is incomplete. It does not synchronize the  
screen saver,
only text clipboard data works (i.e. HTML and bitmap data do not  
work), the
cursor won't hide when not on the screen, and there may be  
problems with mouse

wheel acceleration. Other problems should be filed as bugs.

I just came upon this today & haven't seen anything about it before  
- though
Googling came up with half a million results! - haven't got time to  
go there

just now ;)

So I thought I'd just check out the WAMUG feedback?


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Fax: +61 8 9841 6137

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Re: Connecting PowerBook to Television or VCR

2004-09-01 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Michael,

I've experienced this error when hooking up my Pismo 500 for TV DVD 
playback.  I confess I haven't searched extensively for the cause, 
however I tend to find it most often occurs when you simply insert the 
DVD and allow it to launch the default Apple DVD player for you.  
Having the DVD player software already launched "before" you insert the 
DVD seems to reduce the likelihood of this error occurring.  Failing 
that, try using another player (e.g VLC) to control the DVD playback.



Matt Huitson
School of Psychology
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Work +61 8 6488 3639

On 01/09/2004, at 11:54 AM, Michael Hawkins wrote:

According to the manual that came with my G3 PowerBook 400, the laptop 

be connected to a TV, VCR, or other video device.

I want to play a DVD on my laptop and display it on the screen as well 
as on
a TV. When I tried it yesterday, I kept getting an insufficient memory 

message. DVD player was the only thing running.

The computer has 640 mb ram and is running OS 10.3.5. In addition to 
in Panther I also tried to run DVD player in Classic, but it seems 
that the

is not supported on a G3 PowerBook.

Can anyone offer any suggestions? Or has Apple removed functionality.

Thank you,

Michael Hawkins.

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Re: Fink mirror

2004-04-07 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Matt,

Yeah the wamug mirror was the first place I looked, but I couldn't seem 
to find the approx 16MB 0.7.0 installer I was after.  Maybe I missed it 
amongst the nested directories.  I shall look again if you suggest it 
can be found there.

Thanks, Matt.

On 07/04/2004, at 11:32 AM, Matthew Healey wrote:

On 07/04/2004, at 9:59 AM, Matt Huitson wrote:

Hi all,

Anyone know of a mirror on aarnet that has fink 0.7.0?

Why not have a look around

It's on WAIX.

- Matt


 Matt Healey[EMAIL 

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Fink mirror

2004-04-07 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,

Anyone know of a mirror on aarnet that has fink 0.7.0?

Thanks, Matt
Matt Huitson
School of Psychology
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Work (08) 9380 3639
Mobile 0414 294 770

Very neat software - teleport

2004-02-19 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,

Have more than one Mac on your network?  Sick of having multiple mice 
and keyboards?  Check this piece of handy software:

A preference pane that allows you to use one mouse and keyboard to 
control multiple macs - all done via Rendezvous.  No messy cables or 
switch boxes required.

Neat stuff.

Regards, Matt

Matt Huitson
School of Psychology
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Work (08) 9380 3639
Mobile 0414 294 770

Re: Is it just me, or does Networking in 10.3 suck!

2003-12-17 Thread Matt Huitson


Common factor here is starting to sound like the Powerbook.  Networking 
on my home system at the moment blows hard in one direction - that is, 
I can connect from my iMac to my Powerbook just fine, but attempting 
the connection in the opposite direction is fraught with difficulty.  I 
can see the iMac, it will prompt me for, and accept, my password and 
will even display the shared partitions, but clicking on them informs 
me that the "volume cannot be found".  Rebooting, etc does not solve 
the problem.  Obviously I can live with the hassle of a one-way 
connection, but...

Roll on 10.3.2.

Regards, Matt.
Matt Huitson
School of Psychology
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Work (08) 9380 3639
Mobile 0414 294 770

On 17/12/2003, at 12:38 PM, Steve Fellows wrote:


this definitely seems to be the case

I use a Powerbook between here and work, moving between Ethernet and 
airport networks. If I change from Ethernet to airport, I either need 

sleep the machine or restart it to see the changed interface.

a lovely feature


-Original Message-
From: Rod Lavington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 17 December 2003 12:11 PM
To: WAMUG Mailing List
Subject: Is it just me, or does Networking in 10.3 suck!

Hi All!

I have been having a couple of problems with 10.3 and
networking.  Specifically, when I take my laptop to work
and plug into the ADSL router (which is just running a
DHCP server), I have to restart both the modem and the
iBook to get the internet up and running.  I have no
prblems getting an IP address from the router, but getting
the net seems to be painful.

Anybody else had issues with networking in 10.3?  It
worked pretty darn good in 10.2, so I hope they haven't
changed things for the sake of change!

Merry Christmas to everyone on the list, and have a great
New Year!



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Powerbook Batteries

2003-12-13 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,

If you are in the market for a new battery for your Powerbook then 
Newertech might be worth a look:


A range of Lithium-Ion batteries for models dating back to the 1998 
Wallstreet, all of which are advertised to be of higher capacity than 
the batteries originally shipped with each model.

Regards, Matt.
Matt Huitson
School of Psychology
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Work (08) 9380 3639
Mobile 0414 294 770

Problem mounting Panther install disc on iMac 400

2003-12-03 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,

Machine specs: iMac 400DV, 640MB previously running 10.3

Today I tried inserting my retail version Panther install disc 1 into 
the slot loading CD drive on the machine above.  Disc refuses to mount. 
 Can hear the CD drive chugging and groaning, but it refuses to mount 
and causes the "spinning ball of death" for Finder.  Holding down the 
f12 key I can eventually force the disc to be ejected.  Whack the disc 
into the attached firewire burner and it mounts successfully.  Try the 
disc in my Powerbook and it mounts successfully. Try rebooting the iMac 
but still the install disc refuses to mount from the slot CD.  I try a 
few other CDs and the machine has no problem mounting 10.2, 9.1 or 
audio discs from this drive.

I had been planning to do a fresh install on this machine again anyway, 
so I drop in my 10.2 install disc, launch disk utility and erase the 
system partition.  Insert the panther install disc and reboot, but 
again the CD drive just chugs away and refuses to boot from the Panther 

Anybody have a clue as to what the problem is and how to solve it?  I 
had no problem installing Panther on this machine previously using 
these discs.

Any help much appreciated,


Matt Huitson
School of Psychology
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Work (08) 9380 3639
Mobile 0414 294 770

Re: Vanishing disk space

2003-11-28 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Severin,

I found a handy little utility called "Whatsize" (check versiontracker) 
that will quickly sort through your hard drive and list directories in 
order of size.  I forget exactly which subdirectory it was, but using 
this utility I found a temporary file hidden away on one of my 
partitions that was in-excess of 3Gig.  It has recently been upgraded 
for use with Panther so give it a whirl and it may help you track down 
the disk hog.

Hope this helps.


On 28/11/2003, at 11:05 AM, Severin Crisp wrote:

My G4/400 running Panther 10.3.1 has an internal 20GB hard drive where 
all the current stuff lives.  Periodically I peel off the junk to make 
space as it fills up.
I notice today that if I total the visible bits there seems to be 
about 4GB missing according to the stated available free space.  I 
would expect a little bit but 4GB seems excessive for hidden caches 
and the like.  I regularly run Panther Cache Cleaner and Disk Warrior 
as maintenance and have no evidence of malfunction.
Can anyone point me in the direction of finding and reclaiming these 
lost gigabytes.

Severin Crisp

Matt Huitson
School of Psychology
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Work (08) 9380 3639
Mobile 0414 294 770

[no subject]

2003-11-25 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,

Anyone know if there are local distributors for these backpacks?

Cheers, Matt

Matt Huitson
School of Psychology
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Work (08) 9380 3639
Mobile 0414 294 770

Re: portable TV/DVD player

2003-11-22 Thread Matt Huitson

Not sure it is overly helpful, but came across this today:

On 22/11/2003, at 1:17 PM, Tom Lewis wrote:

I posted recently on this subject, looking for something that could be 
in a car...not a laptop because getting something with a DVD drive in 

condition would probably be expensive.

I've found a Voxson portable combination.  It has a 7" screen, runs on
batteries or AC - 12v and 240 vac - and headphones can be attached.  

Smith are advertising them for $498.  Harvey Norman also have something
similar with a 6" screen.

Does anyone have any experience with these?

Tom Lewis, in beautiful Jervis Bay, NSW, Oz

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WAMUG server errors (was wamug mail - multiple repeats)

2003-10-27 Thread Matt Huitson

On Monday, October 27, 2003, at 11:34  AM, Richard Kay wrote:

When I think about it ... I copied a paragraph of text from the 
BigPlod Support Page and pasted it into my message of reply to Neil.

I wonder if that caused the problem? Maybe what I was pasting was more 
than plain text or at least interpreted by the mail software as more 
than plain text? Does that make sense?

I've recently experienced similar errors with the wamug server when 
using Mail and copy 'n' paste from a supposed "plain text" file.  At 
first I suspected some rich text formatting had sneaked into the email 
so I set about trying to weed it out.  After MUCH trial and error, it  
appeared the server was having problems with my automated signature 
(the text only bit beginning with the "" that can be seen at 
the bottom of this email too).  When I dropped the signature the email 
went through.  Interestingly, when I sent another post later in the day 
which also contained the signature, the server had no problems 
accepting it.  No way though could I get the server to accept the 
message which had BOTH the copy 'n' paste text AND the signature.  I 
must have tried a dozen or more times with various snipped and edited 
versions.  I can't offer an explanation as to why this was the case and 
I realise it probably doesn't offer much in the way of an answer to 
your post,  but personally, I simply added it to the ever growing pile 
of weirdness I have witnessed since upgrading to 10.2.8.  I can't wait 
to pick up my copy of Panther and be rid of this final 10.2 version.

Regards, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

St George Bank & Safari

2003-10-17 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,

Am considering establishing some accounts with St George Bank.  Have 
just taken a quick browse of their website and was greeted with an 
error when attempting to reach the login page using Safari, which to 
paraphrase, suggests that only IE5 is supported in 10.2.

Anyone on the list currently with this institution care to confirm this 
for me (either via the list or direct to me if you prefer)?  At other 
institutions in the past (e.g. Westpac) I found bypassing a certain 
front page actually enabled me to use Safari to perform my online 
banking requirements, even when Safari was not listed as a supported 
browser.  Has anyone been able to likewise get Safari to work with the 
St George website?

BTW, the wamug site (and archives) was down when I just attempted to 
search the database for relevant posts.

Thanks, Matt

A David Jones Apple

2003-10-01 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi All,

According to the David Jones catalogue which lobbed in my mail box 
today, Apple computers and accessories are now available at the Hay 
Street store (only).  Prices on advertised items (G4 iMacs, iPods, 
iBook and AlBook) appear to be slightly above those listed at, albeit that the exact specs are not outlined in much 
detail in the catalogue.  At least it may be something of remote 
interest amongst the inevitable pile of junk mail awaiting you this 

Regards, Matt.

Re: Keeping track of your dynamic IP address

2003-07-25 Thread Matt Huitson
On Friday, July 25, 2003, at 09:16 AM, Onno Benschop wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 19:48, Matt Huitson wrote:
>> My purpose for doing this was to be able to remote connect to my home
>> machine from work (using ssh). Having DNSUpdate log the IP of my home
>> machine on an external (password protected) site meant I could check 
>> it
>> from any machine at any time.
> While this *may* work for some, you need to also know that it will not
> work - unless the DNSUpdate software creates a tunnel from their 
> machine
> to your machine - if you are behind a firewall.

Fair point Onno. I don't run a firewall myself, and certainly won't 
profess to be across the intricacies of your rather neat setup. But I 
thought the least I could do was to do a bit of follow up on the 
firewall issue. I sent off a query to the creator of DNSUpdate and he 
was kind enough to reply very promptly. He writes:

"Since the daemon is not a real server (except locally for the 
application that configures it) and just a client that does some HTTP 
request to the outside, the firewall should not prevent DNSUpdate from 
running. However, DNSUpdate uses an Apple function to test if the 
network is reachable and this function seems to fail if a firewall 
catches ICMP (if I remember correctly)."

Perhaps someone with more experience with firewalls, possibly your good 
self Onno, might like to further comment on the implications of his 
reply? I have also snipped a little piece from the creator's FAQ, 
which speaks about the setting of the host interface for different 
internet configurations. It may be of interest to those using routers 
or proxies:

You have to configure the Host interface depending on how you are 
connected to the Internet:
Basically, the Default Interface will select the active interface 
defined in the Network Preferences (if this interface changes, the 
DNSUpdate daemon will note it and change accordingly).
With your internal modem (with your nomal phone line): use Internal 
With a cable modem via your built-in ethernet card or you're directly 
connected to the Internet: use Built-in Ethernet
Via DSL/ADSL with PPPoE: user ADSL PPPoE Interface
If you're behind a router: use External
If you're behind a router and a proxy: use External (bypassing Proxy)
Normally, External (bypassing Proxy) will always work. That's your last 
chance. If nothing works, then your connection is not supported, 
contact the author.

Cheers, Matt

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Keeping track of your dynamic IP address

2003-07-24 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,

If you have a dynamic IP address (i.e you have a dialup or dynamic ADSL 
account) and you are looking for a way to keep track of your address 
across reconnections, then what follows might be of interest.

Step 1: Go to <> and register yourself a 
hostname. These guys allow you to register five host names for free 
which is pretty cool. They offer about 20 different domain names to 
choose from (e.g.,, 
etc). In the account details for your hostname there is provision for 
you to be able to assign an IP address.

Step 2. Download and install DNSUpdate 2.6 on the machine you wish to 
track the IP of (<>) . This is a free 
OSX app designed by a third party to specifically make use of this IP 
assigning feature provided by DNSUpdate runs as a daemon, 
silently checking the IP address of the machine in the background. If 
it detects a change it will then automatically log in to your account and update the IP details for your machine.

Step 3. To get the IP address of your home machine you simply log into 
your web account from any other machine and check the IP 
address listed. Simple.

My purpose for doing this was to be able to remote connect to my home 
machine from work (using ssh). Having DNSUpdate log the IP of my home 
machine on an external (password protected) site meant I could check it 
from any machine at any time. The more popular use of this IP updating 
tool however is probably by those who want to set up their own website 
on a home machine with a dynamic IP address. If you have this daemon 
installed then you can effectively have your newly created hostname 
(e.g always point to your home computer.

Anyway, I hunted high and low for various ways of achieving the same 
result. There are other ways of doing it (using terminal based mailing 
scripts to mail the IP to oneself, for instance) but I found this to be 
pretty simple, quick to set up, and free. Thought it may be of use to 

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation whatsoever with or the 
dude/dudette who wrote DNSUpdate.

Regards, Matt

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

Re: Battery Problem Fixed

2003-07-24 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,

On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 04:25 PM, tmharding wrote:

I have found through this error that not all service centres are

Winthrop have proven to me that slow and steady wins the race. They
will now keep my business and more importantly my referrals.

Interesting. Particularly in light of the other current thread 
"applecentres in wa" on this mailing list. I make no bones about the 
fact that I have regularly looked to this list as a guide to where in 
Perth to take b0rked machines, buy hardware/software/peripherals, etc. 
In doing so I understand that I am usually only getting one side of the 
customer-retailer interaction. However, I am of the opinion that you 
see enough reports in this mailing list to get a pretty good feel for 
what you can expect from certain retailers/service centres in this 
city. Granted the perception may still be inaccurate, but from a 
personal perspective I will admit to having overlooked my nearest Apple 
centre in favour of another due to better word of mouth reports posted 
to this list. Perhaps more importantly, having found the service at 
this distant store to be all that it was reported I have since made it 
my first (and often only) port of call, and gladly spruke it's cause to 
all Mac users I know. My point is, I wonder what percentage of WAMUG 
subscribers are of the same philosophy? And if the percentage is high, 
whether the word of mouth value of this list is fully appreciated by 
the Apple retailers in this city? It just strikes me that in such a 
small market, word of mouth must play a pretty big part in determining 
where people are taking their business in Perth. Given the names I 
often see reply to this list I suspect that at least some of the 
retailers are cognizant of the feedback given here, in which case I 
have often wished I had a dirty great "I subscribe to the WAMUG list" 
sticker emblazoned across the machines I have had to put in for 
service. :)

I want to point out that I am by no means advocating that this list 
become a regular posting venue for consumer experience with Apple 
retailers. Just that in cases where an initial problem posted to this 
listed is eventually remedied by a visit to one of these stores that it 
is particularly insightful when people include a BRIEF account of their 
consumer experience along with the solution to their problem. I think 
feedback of this sort can only serve to help both sides - better 
service for the WAMUG customer and better patronage for the retailer.

Regards, Matt

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

Executing tasks when modem detects ring

2003-06-26 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi All,

I'm looking into setting up some automated processes (applescripts) to 
will fire off when the modem on my OSX box detects a ring. At this 
stage I'm not having much luck tracking down information on how to link 
them to the ring detection. If anyone can direct me to any OSX 
software, or better yet, an applescript which executes something when 
the modem detects a ring I'd be most appreciative.

Cheers, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

Re: G5's

2003-06-18 Thread Matt Huitson
The only caveat to this discussion would be impending announcements 
from the horse's mouth itself - and with Apple's WWDC just 5 days away 
I'd be postponing any hardware purchases till I heard what Steve puts 
on the table at San Francisco.


On Wednesday, June 18, 2003, at 10:15 AM, Greg Hosking wrote:

If you wait for the next new thing you'll never ever buy a computer

i'd have to agree with this. i remember 2 years ago there was the
promise of the first firewire multichannel audio interfaces coming out,
i was thinking of waiting for such beasts, but decided to go for a PCI
solution that was working & proven at the time. It took over a year for
the firewire models to come out on full production. SO glad i didn't
wait... for a YEAR!


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Re: finder key command - "bring all to front" clarification

2003-06-06 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Greg,

In addition to the advice from Shay and Martin, might I also suggest 
you take a look at a shareware app called "App Switcher" (check 
versiontracker). I use it as part of my reassignment of the 
application-shifting key combo from Command-Tab to Opt-Tab. A neat 
extra feature of this app is that it has a preference you can select to 
"Keep applications' windows in same layer (like MacOS9)". If selected, 
this option will bring all windows of an application to the front upon 
switching ala pre OSX versions of the Mac operating system. If you can 
live with changing your application shifting key combo to either 
opt+tab or ctrl+tab (currently the only options available in version 
0.9.8 of this app) then this might be one solution worth considering.

Regards, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

On Friday, June 6, 2003, at 10:57 AM, Greg Hosking wrote:

On Friday, June 6, 2003, at 10:35 AM, Shay Telfer wrote:

Hi All, looking for a way to make the menu item "Bring All to Front" 

key command, especially in the finder, but hopefully one that would
apply to any currently active App.

Searching Mac Help, Apple support & Google turned up ZERO, which
surprised me for such an much-used function!

Command-Tab (or command-shift-tab) until the Finder or whatever App
you want to 'bring all to front' is highlighted in the dock.

thanks Shay, but perhaps i should clarify:

running several applications, i might wanna switch to the finder to
drag a file onto a relevant application/document, but when i switch to
the finder, the windows/documents of various application remain in
front of open finder windows, which i want to drag files from. (so I
then hide all applications, switch back to the original app to show it,
then switch back to the finder to perfom the task)

This might sound petty, but in programs like golive & photoshop i am
constantly moving between finder & the app to add files. (In OS 9, as
soon as you change to the finder, all windows come to the front)


Re: key commands

2003-05-29 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Greg,

As far as I am aware, there are a couple of different ways to achieve 
what you are asking and the one for you may depend on how brave you are 
feeling this morning:

a) One solution I have seen involves using the terminal and a 
Hex-editor to modify the localized.rsrc file in the See 
the following link: 

b) If you are proficient with Interface Builder (free with Developer 
Tools) you can look into modifying the mainmenu.nib for the Finder. I 
forget exactly where this .nib is located in the system directory, but 
I'm sure a google search will help you track it down.


c) Perhaps the most user friendly option is to take a look for 
shareware/freeware apps at versiontracker like Keyboard Maestro, which 
amongst other things allow you to assign or reassign various functions 
to keyboard shortcuts at both a global and individual application (in 
your case Finder) level.


On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 11:19 AM, Greg Hosking wrote:

Can someone point me to any information about OSX finder key commands,
especially the ability to change them!!

so many of the finder commands conflict with critical software, it's
very frustrating. Even F14 & F15 are permanently tied to screen
brightness... why?! why not just make them brightness keys?!

anyway, cheers for any help


Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

Re: Safari and banks

2003-05-29 Thread Matt Huitson

On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 09:41 AM, brett curtis wrote:

Yes, I could get into my Westpac, but not do anything as buttons didn't
respond. I sent a report to safari.


Safari does seem to have trouble with the main menu buttons on the 
front page of the Westpac site (, which in effect 
prevents one from navigating to their log-in page. However, it you 
bypass the front page by directing Safari straight to the log-in page 
<> you should find that you can enter your 
details and access your accounts. From this point I concur with Keith 
in that I find I can use pretty much all the Westpac features, except 
the "pay anyone" option.

I also find that the accounts page does not size properly (i.e is much 
wider than it should be). Occasionally this leads to some strange 
button behaviour where clicking on the centre of a button fails to 
produce a result. In these instances I find that clicking closer to 
the left hand edge of the button solves the problem. I presume this is 
something to do with the page sizing issue?

Cheers, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

Re: How to save Video Clip From iTunes4?

2003-05-06 Thread Matt Huitson

Check out the following:

Regards, Matt.

On Monday, May 5, 2003, at 09:54 PM, Matthew Healey wrote:

On Monday, May 5, 2003, at 06:54 PM, Mark McLen wrote:

Hi everyone,

Is anyone know how to save video clip from iTunes4
after finish download and played on iTunes4.



I don't know if iTunes caches the file anywhere, but I think Apple's
intention was to not allow you to save the clip locally. You could
always have a look around /tmp and see what you can pull up.

- Matt

Re: Apple CD store reviews

2003-05-02 Thread Matt Huitson

Excerpt from <>:

"Note : Be sure to make regular backups of your music files (in your 
iTunes Music folder) by copying them to an external hard disk or other 
media. If your hard disk becomes damaged or you lose any of the music 
you've purchased, you'll have to buy any purchased music again to 
rebuild your library. You can also make an audio CD of the songs you 
purchase so you can listen to them in a consumer CD player. "

(Courtesy of posting @

Cheers, Matt

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: application switcher OSX

2003-04-22 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Greg,

Assuming you are using Jaguar (10.2 and above), there is a freeware 
utility called PullTab 1.0 (see versiontracker) which allows you to 
reclaim command-tab from the dock. You will also need to have 
Unsanity's Application Enhancer installed (also @ versiontracker). 
Note that PullTab is NOT an application switcher in itself. It just 
turns off this feature of the dock. If you still want to be able to 
switch between applications using a different key combo you will need 
to install an application switcher (e.g App Switcher, or LiteSwitch).



On Tuesday, April 22, 2003, at 10:10 AM, Greg Hosking wrote:

Hi All

wondering if anybody knows a way to change the 'command-tab' key
command for switching between applications? This is also the command
for changing tools in quarkXpress, illustrator etc, major conflict!
Checked Help, wamug archives, apple support to no avail


Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

Nifty iPod accessory

2003-03-26 Thread Matt Huitson

Want to play your iPod through your car stereo? One solution might be:

Cheerio, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

Handy addition for T68i

2003-03-11 Thread Matt Huitson

For those lucky enough to own a T68i phone:

Came across this handy little addition which allows the remote control 
of various apps (e.g. iTunes, DVD player, Powerpoint) from your phone.


Haven't tried it myself so cannot comment on functionality, etc.

Cheerio, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

Re: Changing default display arrangement

2002-12-11 Thread Matt Huitson

Thanks Shay.

I received some helpful advice on this problem from another list and so 
far the solution offered seems to be holding. Essentially it involved 
changing the permissions of the offending plist to "read only". 
Apparently this is a technique others have used with some success with 
various temperamental preference settings. I've attached the steps I 
took below because they may prove of general use to others who are 
experiencing similar problems with preferences that refuse to stick.

NB: Changing the permissions of such plists may mean that you are also 
unable to make changes to other related preference settings, so just by 
mindful of the plist you are working with.

Step 1: Open display preferences
Step 2: Make the change to desired setting.
Step 3: Go to Finder, and select "Find" from the File menu (Command F)
Step 4: Enter "plist" as the file name, and select "today" in the date 
modified option
Step 5: In the result window find the most recently modified plist. In 
my case it turned out to be


Step 6: Navigate to this plist in Finder, select it, and Get Info on 
this file (Command I)
Step 7: Under the "Ownership and Permission" settings adjust the Access 
privileges to "Read only" for the file

That's it. So far so good for my problem. Your milage may vary with 
related preference setting problems.

Regards, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

On Wednesday, December 11, 2002, at 09:27 AM, Shay Telfer wrote:

Hi all,

I often attach a second monitor to my Pismo (OSX 10.2.2) and prefer to
have the extra monitor to the left of my powerbook screen. The 
"arrangement" setting in the display prefs always places the monitor 
the right. If I switch back to using just the one screen for a 

then reconnect the second monitor, my preference for "leftness" isn't
stored. It is becoming annoying having to manually change my display
arrangement each time I switch between single and dual screens. 

come across a hint which indicates how to permanently modify the
default arrangement setting?

Hmmm... it should be remembering where your monitor is...

If you're feeling daring you could try removing


Have fun,

Changing default display arrangement

2002-12-10 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,

I often attach a second monitor to my Pismo (OSX 10.2.2) and prefer to 
have the extra monitor to the left of my powerbook screen. The default 
"arrangement" setting in the display prefs always places the monitor on 
the right. If I switch back to using just the one screen for a period, 
then reconnect the second monitor, my preference for "leftness" isn't 
stored. It is becoming annoying having to manually change my display 
arrangement each time I switch between single and dual screens. Anyone 
come across a hint which indicates how to permanently modify the 
default arrangement setting?

Regards, Matt

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

Re: 35mm Slide (Film) Scanners

2002-12-03 Thread Matt Huitson

On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 04:09 PM, Jon Hunter wrote:

The Canon d660u has a slide/film scanning head. Support for 9 but not
10 yet.

And from what I have read/been told by Canon, I wouldn't hold my breath 
waiting for OSX drivers either.

Matt. (Owner of a redundant Canon d660U scanner and Canon inkjet 
printer since converting to OSX - b Canon!)

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

Re: Copy and paste in 10.2.1

2002-09-24 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Peter and list,

The most common posting I have seen related to this topic concerns copy 
and pasting from Pre 10.2, it seems that pasted text from 
Mail included invisible text preceding the target text. I am lead to 
believe that in 10.2 the "improvement" is that at least you can see the 
extra character(s). In any case, people should be aware of this fault, 
particularly when copying passwords from Mail to browsers, etc.

Enjoy your day,


Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

On Tuesday, September 24, 2002, at 09:10 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

An annoying little quirk has appeared since I installed MacOS 10.2. In
most (not all!) cases where I have to copy text information from one
document to another, the pasted text is preceded by a question mark.
This most often happens when copying between applications, rather than
within documents, or between documents within the same app.

Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

Peter Hinchliffe
Apwin Computer Services FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Western Australia Phone (618) 9332 6482 Fax (618) 9332 0913

Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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Re: 10.2 modem connection preference

2002-09-18 Thread Matt Huitson

*Selected editing of two previous posts

My problem: the PPP system preference which should allow my
modem connection to remain active between logouts does not appear to 


From Andrew:

There appear to be some problems with recent G4 Mac internal modems
(including the iMac flat screen), and also (separate from the first
issue) problems with Telstra in particular under Mac OS X prior to

Yep I found the Apple KB reference to this, but I failed to find any 
specific reference to G3 models such as my iMac or Pismo. Perhaps in 
10.2 it is a new problem. I'd be interested to hear from anyone with a 
similar setup who can confirm or refute such behaviour.

From Shay:

So you're saying that the "Disconnect when user logs out" in the PPP
options window is *un*checked?

Yep. No amount of checking and unchecking appears to rectify the 

I get a previously unseen error message (thoughtfully replicated in 
about 6

different languages) informing me that I must restart my computer

Use the Console utility to check to see if there's anything obvious
in there, or check out the file /Library/Logs/panic.log which should
provide some info.

Nothing unusual in the Console logs of either machine that I could see. 
The panic log on the Pismo had the following (Please let me know if 
this suggests a possible solution, as I lack the skills to interpret 
such info):

panic(cpu 0): We can't get a mutex interlock lock on mutex_lock

Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
0x0008593C 0x00085D6C 0x00028B8C 0x0008D58C 0x11C7A6D8 
0x11C76564 0x11C75AB4 0x11C6BE1C
0x11C6B4E4 0x11C6A2F8 0x000BCC64 0x001CE9E0 0x001CEAE0 
0x00203A1C 0x00092830 0x00410041

Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (sv=0x11C27000)
PC=0x9000B6AC; MSR=0xD030; DAR=0x11D253CD; DSISR=0x4200; 
LR=0x628C; R1=0xB5B0; XCP=0x0030

(0xC00 - System call)

Thanks, Matt

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

10.2 modem connection preference

2002-09-18 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,

After a brief search of the usual haunts, I can't seem to find a 
reference to this problem and would value confirmation of it's 
existence on someone else's system, or directions to a URL of 
relevance. My problem: the PPP system preference which should allow my 
modem connection to remain active between logouts does not appear to be 
working. On my iMac 400 DVD, I am disconnected before logout is 
completed, whilst on my Pismo 500, and this is more alarming, I get a 
previously unseen error message (thoughtfully replicated in about 6 
different languages) informing me that I must restart my computer 
immediately. Any thoughts?

TIA, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770

Re: MP3 music servers

2002-07-25 Thread Matt Huitson

On Thursday, July 25, 2002, at 11:38 AM, Brett Carboni wrote:

> On 25/7/02 11:21 AM, "Greg Hosking" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi All, where do folks go for "music sharing" now that Audio Galaxy seems 
>> to
>> have suffered the same fate as Napster?
>> Greg
> There *is* Limewire, although I can't recommend it. Slow in interface and
> download speed and I think it opens you to 'hacking' (OS9.2.2). I had
> problems after using it on a few occasions. (Although in this area I have
> limited knowledge).

For peer to peer sharing, try "Acquisition", a Gnutella client which I find 
much better than Limewire (arguably the worst bit of software I have come 
across in a long time). I run it in OSX...not sure if it functions in Classic 
as well. As always, versiontracker is ur friend.


Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Keynote

2002-07-18 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,

So anyone who attended the viewing like to pass comment on the quality/performance 
of the streaming video. I trust it was run using Quicktime6?

A couple of friends in Europe reported drop outs at various stages of the 
broadcast using Q6. Any similar experiences here? Apparently the apple servers 
were also struggling. Guess everyone had to have their copy of iTunes3 as 
soon as it was available. Reports I have received are very encouraging for 
this update.

Cheerio, Matt

On Wednesday, July 17, 2002, at 11:33 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

Thanks everyone for a great night..

The Stream was far better this time :)

Scott Palmer

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Re: ipod help

2002-06-22 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Nat (and list),

Don't have an ipod so can't verify the following user comments I saw on the 
web. Might be worth a try though:

"Apple hides all the MP3 files on the iPod. Sometimes that is annoying. I 
discovered that when you drag the iPod icon into the OmniWeb screen, it shows 
all your hidden MP3's! This doesn't work with IE or Netscape. I am not sure 
about Mozilla."

"nope it doesn't work with mozillaand just a note to get a song off of 
the ipod control-click it in omniweb and select "download""

HTH, matt.

On Wednesday, June 19, 2002, at 08:11 PM, Nathalie Collins wrote:

Hi All:

I am experimenting with my new ipod and I cannot find the answer to this do I get songs FROM the ipod TO the computer. I know how to
do it the other way around, but I searched help all over the place and can'
find away to get songs onto my machine.

The reason I want to do this is that I synched my ipod and then accidentally
deleted all the songs off my machine. They are saved in the ipod somewhere,
so I would like to transfer a copy back.

Nathalie Collins
Post Office Box A176
Australind WA 6233

Phone/Fax: (08) 9796 0509
Mobile: 043 989 1997

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Re: Hypercard! :))

2002-06-19 Thread Matt Huitson

On Wednesday, June 19, 2002, at 06:05 PM, Kevin Phyland wrote:

> 2. Is there a more recent program that is as easy to write code for as 
> HyperCard or (even more unlikely) is there a program that will do what 
> HyperCard did/does that is cross-platform?

Metacard is what you are after.

Cross platform and inherits about 90% of the Hypercard language. Let me 
know if you have any specific problems with syntax in this language.

Cheerio, Matt
Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Western Power ISP?

2002-06-18 Thread Matt Huitson
Did I hear correct? Are Western Power rolling out "super" cable in 
suburbs south of the river? According to 7 news this evening, happy 
residents can expect speeds 150 times faster than a normal modem 
connection. Did someone forget to carry the one, perhaps. :/

Cheerio, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Quicktime 6 and MPEG-4

2002-06-11 Thread Matt Huitson
Hi all,

Before I go ahead and do the same, I'd be interested to learn from 
anyone who has installed Quicktime 6 and the MPEG-4 decoders on OSX as 
to whether there are any teething problems. Web reports seem pretty 

TIA, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Applescript wierdness

2002-06-03 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,
Spent some time late this arvo trying to figure this one out, but 
couldn't find a decent explanation. I have been tinkering around with 
Applescript (Script Editor 1.7, on OSX 10.1.4, Pismo 500, 384Meg), 
trying to write some rather simple code. Ran into a number of different 
problems, but the one which was most unusual was the inability of the 
script editor to record scripts. At its very basic, I tried the 

1) clicked "record" in the script editor
2) switched to desktop by clicking on it
3) created a new folder
4) clicked back to the script editor
5) clicked "stop"
Result: nothing listed in the script window!
What's up with that?

Things worth mentioning:
1)The finder dictionary is listed amongst those apps in script editor 
which are scriptable.
2)This behaviour was replicated on an Imac DV 400 and a TiBook, all of 
which run OSX installed from the same cd.
3) I downloaded and installed the latest applescript (1.8.2b3) with no 
improvement. NB: the script editor still lists as version 1.7 after 
4) When I boot into OS9 on the Imac and record the above listed actions, 
the script records no problem.
5) Running a manually entered script to create a new desktop folder 
achieves the desired result in OSX.
6) If I click record, launch ITunes (from dock or by doubleclicking 
app), click stop, nothing is recorded. However, quiting ITunes will be 

Can anyone shed some light on this? Everything I came across on the web 
suggests Applescript is fully functional in OSX. Have I missed 

Also, does someone know how to list the frontmost application in 
Applescript? I have tried the following without success:

return name of current application
return name of frontmost application

The closest I have come is to get a list of all open (non-hidden) 
applications using:

tell application "Finder"
return name of every process whose visible is true
end tell

TIA, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

Re: G4 for sale on ebay, but is it the owner selling ?!

2002-05-15 Thread Matt Huitson
On Wednesday, May 15, 2002, at 12:36 PM, Bob Howells wrote:

This might be quite genuine but ...

Hi Bob,

Don't know about this particular item, but there have been a LOT of 
fraudulent Mac items (most commonly G4 Powerbooks) on offer @ebay of 
late. Scam involves buyer sending monies via cheque, money order etc 
but no item is sent in return. Not long ago I received official 
confirmation from ebay about this behaviour after inquiring about one 
particular item. To paraphrase - for those looking to purchase through 
ebay (and other auction sites), be very wary of sellers who do not have 
a seller rating (and/or are newly listed sellers) and do not offer 
direct deposit as a means of payment (i.e accept payment via 
cheques,COD,money order only). Not a fool proof method of identifying 
fraudulent items, but I have seen quite a number of G4's advertised 
recently under similar conditions which have been suspicious to say the 
least. One ebay member (possibly an official) known as "royslavin", has 
even been tracking some of these items and placing ridiculous bids (i.e 
>AU$10,000) as a means of protecting other bidders.

As usual, always try and get as much info about the item and seller 
prior to bidding and if things smell fishy then keep your money in your 
pocket (and pass on your suspicions to ebay).

Cheerio, Matt

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Jaguar preview

2002-05-07 Thread Matt Huitson

On Tuesday, May 7, 2002, at 12:07 PM, Shay Telfer wrote:

> Except that I don't really class
> * A chat client
> * An address book that's already there (but has no developer
> documentation so no-one can use it. Although there is a WWDC session
> this week).
> as major improvements.

Well perhaps not these features, but reported changes to Finder, 
Sherlock (which from my angle appears to BE Watson), printing (e.g. USB 
printer sharing), improved screen drawing, smoother access to non Mac 
networks and Quicktime improvements seem to me a significant step in the 
right direction. Yes, perhaps these changes include things which should 
have been part of earlier releases, but as they weren't, I would class 
them as significant improvements to the current system. Certainly they 
will only serve to further enhance my current experience with OSX (he 
smilingly says as he ponders the passing of yet another month without 
having to force-reboot his much used OSX-running-Pismo).

OS9 is dead. Viva OSX ;)


P.S. Shay, what other improvements would you like to see in the next 

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Jaguar preview

2002-05-07 Thread Matt Huitson
For those interested,

The next major release of OSX (code named Jaguar) has been previewed. 
Looks like we can look forward to some major improvements.


Cheers, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: OS X on a G3 233MHz

2002-04-08 Thread Matt Huitson
Thanks to all who have taken the time to drop me a line and report their 
experience with running OSX on machines < 333MHz. I have to say that 
the response to date has been fairly equivocal in terms of positive vs 
negative performance evaluations. Just to help my decision, I wonder 
whether someone would mind commenting on the following -

Before posting my initial request for feedback, I tried dropping my 10G 
OS X-only hard drive from my Pismo 500 Mhz into the 233MhZ Wallstreet 
(256Mhz) I am considering upgrading. The result: well, system 
performance was rather sluggish - perhaps even to the point where I 
would probably consider not upgrading the machine. Is such a method of 
"hot-swapping" the hard drives likely to provide an accurate assessment 
of system performance? From what I can tell, there are no firmware 
upgrades required for this machine before installing OS X. Are there 
other issues associated with the disk swap which may be impacting on the 
speed? (NB The extent of my speed appraisal involved tinkering around in 
Finder and running MS Word for OS X.)



Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

On Saturday, April 6, 2002, at 09:55 AM, Matt Huitson wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'd appreciate some feedback from anyone currently running (or with
> prior experience of running) OS X on a G3 233 Mhz processor. Just a
> brief word or two on general speed of system would suffice. Additional
> comments on how MS Office X performs would be a bonus. Happy for them
> to be sent direct to me if you prefer.
> TIA,
> Matt.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Weird Internet Sharing Problem

2002-04-08 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Greg,

> It also reads some web sites but not others.Eg, no 
> problem,
> times out.

Do you have any special cookie settings in place which may be 
restricting access to some sites?

Just a thought.


Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

OS X on a G3 233MHz

2002-04-06 Thread Matt Huitson
Hi all,
I'd appreciate some feedback from anyone currently running (or with 
prior experience of running) OS X on a G3 233 Mhz processor. Just a 
brief word or two on general speed of system would suffice. Additional 
comments on how MS Office X performs would be a bonus. Happy for them 
to be sent direct to me if you prefer.


Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Appleworks file problem

2002-04-03 Thread Matt Huitson
Not sure if this will directly solve your problem, but I think I recall 
seeing an update for Appleworks at versiontracker this morning. May be 
worth a look to see if it provides some respite.


On Wednesday, April 3, 2002, at 11:43 AM, Daniel Forsdyke wrote:

Hi muggers

I am in the middle of creating a document using appleworks 6.2 (Int Eng)
and am currently having two problems. The document is only 11 pages
long and was originally imported from a Microsoft Word file, using
iCWord 2.1

BJC3000 and OSX

2002-03-30 Thread Matt Huitson
For those of you running OSX with a previously unsupported Canon BJC3000 
printer, there is an unofficial hack available through versiontracker 
this morning which supposedly provides a solution. As yet there are no 
reviews, and I will have to wait till after work to verify it myself, 
but the blurb states that it is a hack for the S400 printer driver 
(which is available from Fingers crossed this does the 
job and I can be rid of OS9 for good. If anyone has a chance to trial 
it today drop me a line off list.

Regards, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: BJC3000 and OSX

2002-03-27 Thread Matt Huitson
Happy to report that this hack worked a treat. For detailed 
instructions on how to apply the changes go to:

In brief, the procedure is as follows (NB the instructions recommend 
logging in as root before proceeding):

1) Delete the /Library/Printers/Canon directory on your OSX drive
2) Reboot your mac
3) Install the S400 printer driver (available from site)
4) Download the PMS.tgz and BJPrinterUtility from

For parsimony, the next steps involve subdirectories in the folder 

5) Replace the S400PM.plugin in subdirectory /PM with the one in the 
PM.tgz bundle
6) Replace the BJPrinterUtility.framework in folder 
/Frameworks/BJPrinterUtility.framework/Versions/A with the downloaded 
7) In folder /Resources/icons, duplicate the s400.icns and rename it 
8) Reboot.
9) Open Print Center and add your BJC3000 printer.

Hopefully you will now be able to print direct to your BJC3000 printer. 
I'm presently looking at some hacks which allow other brand USB printers 
to be shared across a network. If I work out to to share this model I 
will be sure and post it.

HTH, Matt.

On Wednesday, March 27, 2002, at 08:28 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I do have a few clients who have BJC 3000s, so I'll be looking forward
> to helping to get them working with MacOS X. Please keep us informed
> with your progress, or otherwise.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Fwd: BJC3000 and OSX

2002-03-26 Thread Matt Huitson
Sent this off this morning but for some reason it doesn't appear to have 
made it through to the list. In any case I'll try again. Please 
forgive if this is a double post.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Matt Huitson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue Mar 26, 2002 09:28:45 AM Australia/Perth
> To: wamug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: BJC3000 and OSX
> For those of you running OSX with a previously unsupported Canon 
> BJC3000 printer, there is an unofficial hack available through 
> versiontracker this morning which supposedly provides a solution. As 
> yet there are no reviews, and I will have to wait till after work to 
> verify it myself, but the blurb states that it is a hack for the S400 
> printer driver (which is available from Fingers crossed 
> this does the job and I can be rid of OS9 for good. If anyone has a 
> chance to trial it today drop me a line off list.
> Regards, Matt.
> Matt Huitson
> Dept. of Psychology
> University of Western Australia
> Nedlands, WA 6097
> Western Australia
> work: 61 89 380 3639
> mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


2002-03-19 Thread Matt Huitson
Last week I came across the freeware product MacJanitor whilst 
downloading another product from the website listed below. MacJanitor 
allows OSX users to manually run those system maintenance tasks (cron 
etc) which are typically scheduled to run automatically in the wee hours 
of the morning - a legacy of the Unix underpinnings of OSX. As I run 
OSX on a Pismo, I don't often leave my machine on overnight so these 
tasks don't usually get a chance to run. I have to say that after 
executing this freeware app my machine does seem to be running a 
fraction smoother. Perhaps coincidence (or placebo), but I thought I 
would just pass it on
in case it may benefit other users who don't run their machines 24/7.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Help for MacOS X install

2002-02-26 Thread Matt Huitson
I don't have a precise solution to Mike's particular problem, however if 
it were me, I would switch partitions - that is, I'd install OSX on the 
3Gig partition and OS9 on the 2G. I originally installed OSX on an 
approx 2G partition on my Powerbook only to quickly discover that space 
on this partition was at a premium. Got to the stage where certain 
updates refused to install due to a lack of free space (some of which I 
am sure were demanding more free space than they actually needed given 
the minor changes they performed, nevertheless without adequate room the 
updates refused to install). Ended up having to reformat my whole 
drive only a few months after the original install. Pain in the 
backside you might want to avoid.

On Tuesday, February 26, 2002, at 08:34 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> This is on behalf on list member Mike Seymour. He rang me last night
> with this problem, bu I couldn't come up with any clever solutions.
> Mike has a G3 B/W, and has set up his 6Gb HD with two partitions, one
> about 3 Gb and one about 2Gb. He has installed MacOS 9.1 on the 3Gb one,
> and MacOS X on the other.
> The problem is this: he is running MacOS X 10.0, but all attempts to
> upgrade to 10.1 result in a kernel panic. He has erased the partition
> and done a fresh install several times, all to no avail.
> MacOS X 10.0 is running with no real problems, except that he can't send
> email, which is why I'm writing this on his behalf.
> Anyone have any helpful suggestions? Please reply to the list if you do
> (not privately to me, so that Mike can see them).
> --
> Peter Hinchliffe
> Apwin Computer Services FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
> Perth, 
> Western Australia Phone (618) 9332 6482 Fax (618) 9332 0913
> Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Got a Question? Try searching the WAMUG list archives first at
> <>
> To unsubscribe from the WAMUG e-mail list, send e-mail from this 
> account to
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to 

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Subject: USB - PS/2 adaptor

2002-02-12 Thread Matt Huitson

On Tuesday, February 12, 2002, at 10:45 AM, Mark Secker wrote:

> Given that Macs are PS2 "challenged" I'm unaware if anyone has
> written a virtual PS2 port driver or a PS2 mouse driver for the MacOS.

Yeah I figured that Overdrive X probably wasn't specifically designed to 
handle a USB - PS/2 change up.
My best search efforts for products of similar ilk revealed a couple of 
products at:

The Microspeed version advertised on this site looks very close to the 
adaptor I have, and in the blurb it says

"Fully compatible with Windows 98, 98SE, ME, 2K & XP and Mac OS 8.6 and 

So I went to their web site ( 
but couldn't find any Mac drivers for this product, let alone OSX 
versions. In fact I'm not even sure it is Mac compliant.

I then tried the piengineering product (, 
which also claims " For virtually all desktop and laptop systems - Win 
98 /SE /ME /2K /XP /CE (!) /Linux, HP Unix and Sun OS w/USB /Apple 
iMac & Mac OS 8, 9 & OS X". However, I could only find what appears to 
be an OS8.6 extension.

Finally, I tried the Belkin product, (, but it 
appears to be plug-n-play.

Gave up after this and got on with using the trackpad :)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

USB - PS/2 adaptor

2002-02-11 Thread Matt Huitson
I was wondering whether anyone knows of a driver for OSX (10.1.2) which 
might allow a PC PS/2 mouse to be connected to my Pismo via a newish 
PS/2-USB adaptor I picked up from work? Unfortunately no idea what 
brand the adaptor is - black USB plug, grey cable, purple PS/2 plug, if 
that helps - and was most likely purchased for use with a PC. I tried 
USB Overdrive X 10.0.0b2 without success, and a search for similar 
adaptor products failed to find an OSX driver (or indeed the exact 
adaptor itself). Is this setup even possible?

Pismo (500, 384Meg, 10.1.2)

Cheers, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Posting Guidelines - v0.3

2002-02-08 Thread Matt Huitson

On Wednesday, February 6, 2002, at 03:33 PM, Doug Wilson wrote:

> on 6/2/02 3:26 PM, Darren Kam at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> It's all good, but I do find it difficult to conform to:
>>> 4. You put your response *below* the quoted part.
>> I often don't do this because I assume that people are already 
>> following the
>> thread, and just want to see my response at a quick glance. Right or 
>> wrong,
>> it's just personal preference.
> I wish people would read the RCF. It's more than just a personal 
> preference.
> It's the way things are supposed to be done.
> RFC 1855, Netiquette Guidelines
> <>

Sorry Doug but I beg to differ. The RFC is merely a set of guidelines, 
and to quote from the RFC itself:

"This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any kind."

"This document provides a minimum set of guidelines for Network
Etiquette (Netiquette) which organizations may take and adapt for
their own use."

Very good guidelines I agree, but I'd draw short of saying that it is 
the way things are supposed to be done.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: 10.1.2, logout and internet connect via modem

2002-02-05 Thread Matt Huitson
Hi all,
Given the current climate regarding correct netiquette and posting 
guidelines to WAMUG, I have decided to refloat a question I posted on 
Saturday (to which I received zero responses) in case my failure to 
state that I had first searched the usual web haunts without success 
(e.g. google, WAMUG archives, knowledge base) may have contributed to 
the lack of response. Still finding no reports of this problem 
elsewhere, I wonder whether there is someone on the list running 10.1.2 
and a ppp connection via modem would mind confirming whether their menu 
status icon exhibits similar behaviour to that outlined below - making 
sure, of course, that the "Disconnect when user logs out" option is 
unchecked in the ppp options of the Network preference. Else, if 
someone can point me to a url that I may have missed in my search, or 
suggest a possible solution that would also be appreciated.
I reformatted my drive and fresh installed 10.1.2 so I'm a little 
perplexed as to what may be the cause of this behaviour.

Thanks again,


On Saturday, February 2, 2002, at 10:58 AM, Matt Huitson wrote:

> Since upgrading to 10.1.2 I have noticed that if I logout then re-login 
> whilst connected to the web via modem, the modem status menu icon acts 
> as though I am no longer connected (i.e the icon has the shaded grey 
> connection link, the "modem" menu item reads idle and "connect" is 
> shown in the menu). This is despite the fact that the connection is 
> still active - as I wish it to be having set the preference for it in 
> the ppp options. Is this a known bug?
> (Pismo 500, internal modem)
> Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

10.1.2, logout and internet connect via modem

2002-02-02 Thread Matt Huitson
Since upgrading to 10.1.2 I have noticed that if I logout then re-login 
whilst connected to the web via modem, the modem status menu icon acts 
as though I am no longer connected (i.e the icon has the shaded grey 
connection link, the "modem" menu item reads idle and "connect" is shown 
in the menu). This is despite the fact that the connection is still 
active - as I wish it to be having set the preference for it in the ppp 
options. Is this a known bug?

(Pismo 500, internal modem)


Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

OS X and IPNetRouter: IPNetShareX now available.

2002-01-24 Thread Matt Huitson
Was searching through the WAMUG archives on alternatives for 
IPNetRouter on OS X. I came across several posted solutions but 
none that mention IPNetShareX. This is just to advise that 
IPNetShareX is an OS X version of IPNetRouter and is available 
from Sustainable Softworks (creators of IPNetRouter). Appears 
they have bought out gnat and intend developing the software 
further. Latest beta version is free from

or through versiontracker. Intend testing it this evening but 
GUI looks straight forward.

Cheerio, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

P.S Handy OSX Finder tip

2001-12-13 Thread Matt Huitson
Oh, forgot to mention that option- double clicking on the widget 
will limit the resize to only the column of interest.


Got a Question? Try searching the WAMUG list archives first at

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Handy OSX Finder tip

2001-12-13 Thread Matt Huitson
Came across this rather handy OSX Finder tip posted today - in 
column view if you double click on one of the resize widgets the 
columns will automatically resize to the width of the longest 
filename. The subtleties of this OS are most enjoyable.

Cheerio, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

Re: Mac OS X Date & Time problems

2001-11-18 Thread Matt Huitson
A post @ macosxhints today offers a solution to the US date 
display in the menu bar. Involves some terminal use, so may not 
be for the faint hearted. Haven't got round to trying it myself 
yet, but will do so soon. Not sure if the hack will alter the 
scheduling problems with Quicken however.

Cheerio, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

On Friday, November 16, 2001, at 09:51 AM, Brian Poleykett wrote:

(3) Pull-down date menu from the menu bar clock DOES NOT obey this. It
persistently shows the date in US format.

Re: Mac OS 10.1.1 available

2001-11-15 Thread Matt Huitson
After unsuccessfully trying to install 10.1.1 through Software Update I 
was pleased to see versiontracker provide a direct link to a compressed 
.dmg. I downloaded and installed this version and I now have a copy of 
the .dmg for my backups. FWIW, I did have some trouble with the install 
process in that the 10.1.1 installer refused to recognise my OSX 
partition (it was greyed out) . I had to download and install the 
Security Update and Installer Update (in that order) before the 10.1.1 
installer would recognise my OSX partition. Reports of this problem can 
be found at macfixit and apple knowledge base and appear to be 
independent of the .dmg available through versiontracker.


On Thursday, November 15, 2001, at 09:39 AM, Jon Hunter wrote:

We use VicomSoft RapidCache as part of the Vicom suite and this works
well for all internet downloads including Software Updates on both 9 and

On Thursday, November 15, 2001, at 08:43 , Andrew Nielsen wrote:

Or have a mechanism
whereby the updates could be locally cached. I don't know that squid
will cache it effectively because I am not certain the URL for the
Akamai download is necessarily identical for all computers requesting
it from the one organisation. Maybe someone who's got the time to
spare could do some testing on that.


Jon Hunter

Manager IS&T
mob:0413 484 208
direct: 08 9288 8511

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Mac OS 10.1.1 available

2001-11-14 Thread Matt Huitson
First time I have tried to use Software Update and am experiencing some 
teething problems with it. I shall persist, but in the mean time can 
someone inform me how Software Update works? Does Software Update 
download a compressed file or disk image of the installer thus allowing 
one to archive it for future reference, or is it the case that it 
downloads and installs all in the one go? I'm hoping it is the former.

TIA, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

Re: Mac OS 10.1.1 available

2001-11-14 Thread Matt Huitson
Software Update is not showing the 10.1.1 update for me. I suspect it 
may be due to the proxy settings used as part of my internet 
connection. Is there a direct URL for this download package (couldn't 
seem to find one @ Apple site), or is the whole idea of Software Update 
that access to OS revisions can only be freely acquired via its use?

Cheerio, Matt.

On Wednesday, November 14, 2001, at 06:31 AM, T May wrote:

Mac OS 10.1.1 is available via software update.

Remember it's a Mac OS X software install so better do a full backup 
(or at

least as much of a backup as possible) before letting it rip ;-p


Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

Window switching in OSX

2001-11-12 Thread Matt Huitson
Not sure whether this is common knowledge to other OSX users (I'm yet to 
see it documented on sites I regularly visit at least) but I've 
discovered that one can switch between open windows WITHIN a given 
application by simultaneously pressing the Command + tilde (~) keys. 
This, of course, is different to Command + Tab which allows you to 
switch between open applications. Works for most applications I have 
tried (e.g. terminal, textedit, Omniweb, Explorer etc). Doesn't seem to 
work for MS Word Beta, which for me at least is consistent with MS 
Office, older MacOS's and various shareware programs that enabled 
similar features. More surprising, however, is that it doesn't work in 
Finder: this particular key mapping corresponds to "Go to folder". Have 
yet to find a key mapping which does the job in Finder. Anyone know the 
solution? Handy shortcut to know in this new age of windowing where 
all open windows of an application no longer become front-most should 
one be clicked (I like this feature by the way).

Cheerio, Matt

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

Partition names under 10.1

2001-10-28 Thread Matt Huitson
One of the 4 partitions I have on my HD is named "Applications". I have 
just discovered (through trying to debug why I couldn't get an script to work properly via Terminal) that 10.1 appears, by 
default, to assign "system" owner and "wheel" group privileges to this 
partition. I don't have access to the web right now to confirm whether 
this is a known issue, but I suspect it has something to do with 
"Applications" being one of the default folder names on the OSX 
partition . Can anyone verify this? Are there certain partition names 
one should avoid using under 10.1? The work around I use is to simply 
select "ignore privileges" in the Getinfo panel. Interestingly, when I 
do so I am prompted with an Authenticate dialogue, which informs me that 
I need admin details to make changes to autodiskmount. This only 
appears for the "Applications" partition: my other non-system partition, 
"Documents" does not do this. After entering these details, closing and 
relaunching GetInfo, the privileges of the partition then change to 
those of my normal user profile. I have tried clicking "Apply to all 
folders" at this point, but unchecking the "ignore settings" button, 
quitting and relaunching GetInfo, returns the privileges to system and 

FWIW, I discovered this issue after decompressing a .gzip file on this 
partition, then trying to run an program from the resulting 
output. Terminal refused to let me access the file, saying permission 
was denied, even though I was using admin level access through sudo. 
After discovering the strange privilege settings of the partition I 
tried "ignoring" them but was still refused access to the 
Only after re-decompressing the original file, with privileges 
"ignored", could I successfully run the install binary.

Not likely to be a common problem for most I know, but a lesson in how 
file permissions can restrict the execution of things under OSX 
nonetheless. Depending on what the group has to say, it may also prove 
useful to those who like to partition their HD and give common names to 
their volumes.

Cheerio, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

Re: OS 10.1 with no internet connection

2001-10-22 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Stephen,

Not sure whether it is a related problem to the one I reported a while 
back, but when faced with a similar situation of "No dial tone 
detected", the only solution I found was to change the dial tone on the 
phone. I do this by diverting calls to my mobile. If you are with 
Telstra, and have a mobile, try entering *21(mobile number)#. Note, 
your mobile need not be with Telstra for this function to work. You can 
also, of course, divert to another land-line number if you prefer. 
Entering #21# will cancel the diversion. Perhaps not the solution you 
are after, but trying it may at least help qualify the problem a little 

Cheerio, Matt.

On Monday, October 22, 2001, at 08:36 AM, Stephen Chape wrote:

When Internet Connect tries to connect the message is "No dial tone
detected, please check phone line connection & try again". I can hear 

tone for about 3 to 4 seconds then it stops.


Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

Re: recent folders

2001-10-15 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi Gary,

BeHierarchic is a shareware control panel (see versiontracker for latest 
version) which can be used to manage items under the Apple menu. 
Amongst its list of features is the option to have a recent folders link 
under the apple menu. As always, be sure and browse the "read me" file 
before installing, as from memory I think it requires you to deselect 
some of the default extensions which normally control the Apple menu 



Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

On Monday, October 15, 2001, at 03:54 PM, gary dorn wrote:

I am usin Os 8.6
We have recent items,   recent applications and recent servers.
I need a recent folder one,
Is there one in there/ out there somewhere that some one knows about.
Please let me know.

OSX review in today's West: You just have to laugh!

2001-10-06 Thread Matt Huitson

Hi all,

Most long term subscribers to this list would no doubt recall the 
occasional thread that has appeared bemoaning the, at best, naive and 
ill-informed, and at worst, biased and paranoid review of all things Mac 
that often appear in our local paper (The West Australian). Well in the 
spirit of past editorial dribble published in this rag, today's effort 
is one for the dais.

For those that missed it, Nick Miller in today's edition of the 
classifieds offers a review of OSX 10.1. Now if you can get passed the 
opening line:

(quote) "OSX was one of the biggest disappointments in Apple's recent 

then you'll eventually stumble across this little gem:

(quote) "I haven't seen 10.1 in action, but reports from beta testers 

Now to be fair the review is, generally, favourable, but come on, a 300 
word review of a product you haven't even seen first hand. Do me a 
favour! Would take an hour at most to drop by your local apple reseller 
for a demo.

I guess though that would be too much to ask.

Cheerio, Matt

(running 10.1 and loving it).

Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770