axis 2 and jdk 1.5

2006-10-08 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi I am just wondering if there is any dependency of axis 2 on jdk 1.5. I have tried axis successfully in jdk 1.5 env but not sure if it works in a jdk 1.4.x environment. My concern is mainly with the QName class which is ofcourse used heavily by axis and the contructor has changed a bit with

Re: axis 2 and jdk 1.5 [corrected]

2006-10-08 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
jdk 1.4 does not have that class - but the jaxrpc.jar has that class and since any appserver has that jar in their class path it creates a conflict. So I guess the only way of getting around that is adding the new QName class in the lib/ext dir - right? Is there any other issues that I should be


2006-09-13 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi as per the sample service dd below I can have an actionMapping element for my operation in the dd. Now can I map multiple actions to one operation. like multiple actionMapping elements for one operation element in the service dd. I guess a schema for the service xml would have been good

[Axsi2] multiple soapactions mapping to a single operation?

2006-09-13 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi as per the sample service dd below I can have an actionMapping element for my operation in the dd. Now can I map multiple actions to one operation. like multiple actionMapping elements for one operation element in the service dd. I guess a schema for the service xml would have been good

Re: [Axis2] response element name with RPCMessageReceiver

2006-07-10 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
this is because there is no way to reflect on the return variable inside a method in java- at least to the best of my knowledge. Anamitra Kinichiro

Re: [Axis2] REST invocation problem

2006-06-30 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
I have exactly the same error - I was abt to file a jira - seems like a bug in the REST implementation of axis2. Can anyone confirm if this is a bug? thanks Anamitra Fabien Couble

[Axis2] rest question

2006-06-27 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi As per the axis2 doc it seems that if I want to do a POST rest service - the only way axis runtime would detect which method to delegate the call to is from the name of the top level element in the http message body XML - right? I have a service whose method definition is like public

Re: [Axis2] rest question

2006-06-27 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi Anne I am sorry - I probably didnt get the answer. I have a service class that has 2 methods - public OMElement dothis(OMElement om1) public OMElement dothat(OMElement om2) Now for this service there will be one REST endpoint address - right? then my question is given my payload xml - how

Re: Axis2 dynamic undeployment

2006-06-22 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi Deepal I will try the nightly build and let you know - do I need to set the hotupdate to true for this [dont think so] - pls let me know. thanks Anamitra Deepal Jayasinghe

[axis2] axis 2.1

2006-06-21 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi With all these bug fixes thats getting done - is there any date for axis2.1 release? Or do we keep downloading the latest nightly build? I am little nervous to download a nightly build mainly because of the stability factor. thanks Anamitra -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 See

[axis2] axis not able to resolve wsdl schema http ref

2006-06-21 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi I am deploying my service by creating a aar file and that has both the wsdl and the services.xml in it. I am using the RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver and my wsdl contains a http ref to the schema and it give the error below. But if the schema file is included this works fine. Any pointers to

[Axis2]wrong schema type generated for byte[] parameter type

2006-06-20 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi This is my 3rd post regarding this topic and havent received any response yet. Axis2 wsdl generated from a service operation signature containing byte[] as a parameter is - xsd:byte minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=unbounded which is not right and the correct representation should be xsd:base64Binary.

[Axis2]ServiceClient and http basic auth

2006-06-20 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi I am not sure how I can set http basic auth header user/pword using ServiceClient. It seems thats the api I should be using for axis2 instead of Jax-rpc Call as ServiceClient has apis to engage the axis 2 modules which I need. I know that the recommended approach is to use the UsernameToken

[Axis2]is this [bug] already fixed?

2006-06-19 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi I was trying a 2 way encryption between a client and my service and the call ended with an exception as below. The client to server goes fine and the error comes when the server is sending back the encrypted response back to the client. The tcp mon shows a SignatureConfirmation element in the

Re: [Axis2]wsdl schema type generation bug with byte[]- More bugs??

2006-06-15 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi Deepal Any update on the byte[] side? If this is a bug should I go ahead and create a JIRA. thanks Anamitra Deepal Jayasinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Axis2 dynamic undeployment

2006-06-14 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi Michele thanks for the response. unfortunately I am using Weblogic 9.1 as my app server and not sure what the equivalent would be for those attributes. I am not sure why the axis is not looking into the services folder [where I deployed my service aar] and undeploying the service if I delete

Re: [AXIS2] encryption issues [Interesting findings]- bug registered

2006-06-09 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
done AXIS2-811 - let me know if I cna help in any other way to get this resolved as quickly as possible. thanks Anamitra Ruchith Fernando

Re: [Axis2]wsdl schema type generation bug with byte[]- More bugs??

2006-06-08 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi Depal I am sorry that was my bad - I was not using the stubs and I was posting the xml directly inside xmldata element without escaping it. But that still leaves the byte[] issue standing. Why do you think axis is generating the binding as xs:element minOccurs=0 type=xs:byte name=xmldata

Re: [AXIS2] encryption issues [Interesting findings]

2006-06-07 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
ok done the test 1dropped the file [the zip file that u gave me] and renamed it to jar in my repository/services folder 2started the weblogic 9.1 server [with the bcjar file no more in the system classpath] 3got this error ogic Server with Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Version 1.5.0_04-b05 from

[Axis2]wsdl schema type generation bug with byte[]

2006-06-07 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi I have a service with an operation whose signature reads like this public String processData(String ifaceName, String extsysName, byte[] xmldata) when I deploy this service the wsdl generated will show the schema element as below. The byte[] data type has been represented as

Re: [Axis2]wsdl schema type generation bug with byte[]- More bugs??

2006-06-07 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi This is in contunuation of the prev mail. I changed my method signature to take in String instead of byte[] public String processData(String ifaceName, String extsysName, String xmldata) and the schema generated was as below xs:element name=processData - xs:complexType

Re: [AXIS2] encryption issues [Interesting findings]

2006-06-05 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
I will be more than happy to test that. Just FYI - I engaged rampart in the global level [ie axis2.xml] and not per service [ie not in service.xml]. Also I have canged the axis2.xml.path and the axis2.repository.path in the web.xml to point to a folder in my drive. I have the modules under

Re: [AXIS2] encryption issues [Interesting findings]

2006-06-04 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi Ruchith thanks for your response. I did some more experiments and here are the findings. Firstly after ur mail I downloaded the bcprov-jdk15-133.jar - that seemed the latest. Just FYI -- Previously I was using the bcprov-jdk13-132.jar with jdk 1.5. I am running the server in Weblogic 9.x which

[AXIS2] encryption issues

2006-06-02 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi I am trying to test the Axis 2 WS Security features and I have engaged the rampart module. I have tested the signature and the usernametoken profile so far but having issues with the Encrypt action. I have 2 key stores one for the client and another for the server. I have added the server

Re: Use axis2 to call bpel

2006-05-10 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
with the limited experience that I have with oracle bpel engine - if you do not provide a soapaction the oracle bpel engine which is hosting your process web service will default the soapaction to orabpel and will try to find that binding - which obviously does not exist. You have to look at ur

Re: SOAP Wizard improvements

2006-05-08 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
try XMLBeans []. thanks Anamitra

client_config.wsdd and -Daxis.ClientConfigFile

2006-02-15 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
[EngineConfiguration instance] thanks Anamitra - Forwarded by Anamitra Bhattacharyya/MRO on 02/15/2006 09:27 AM - Werner Dittmann

Re: client_config.wsdd and -Daxis.ClientConfigFile

2006-02-15 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
of the client instances can have their own config [EngineConfiguration instance] thanks Anamitra - Forwarded by Anamitra Bhattacharyya/MRO on 02/15/2006 09:27 AM - Werner Dittmann Werner.Dittmann@

Re: client_config.wsdd and -Daxis.ClientConfigFile

2006-02-15 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
instances can have their own config [EngineConfiguration instance] thanks Anamitra - Forwarded by Anamitra Bhattacharyya/MRO on 02/15/2006 09:27 AM - Werner Dittmann Werner.Dittmann@

Re: client_config.wsdd and -Daxis.ClientConfigFile

2006-02-15 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Anamitra - Forwarded by Anamitra Bhattacharyya/MRO on 02/15/2006 09:27 AM - Werner Dittmann Werner.Dittmann@ To [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/15/2006 03:39 cc

xml instance from an xml schema

2005-11-28 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi just wondering if anyone knows abt any tool that can generate a xml instance from an xml schema. I have downloaded suns XML Instance generator and that seems pretty old [dated 2003] and I am having lots of issues using that. If anyone knows of any java libraries available - it would of great

Re: Dynamic stubs

2005-07-20 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
you might want to look at the Call api - which works without generating stubs. Whenever you are into stubs you loose the dynamism. Anamitra Roland Carlsson

StAX implementation

2005-07-13 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
Hi All Just wondering - which StAX implementation is AXIS 2 using. I saw that the AXIOM model implementation is based on StAX . Is the stax implmenetation with the Axis 2 war distribution or we have to add that separately? thanks Anamitra

Anamitra Bhattacharyya is out of the office.

2005-04-20 Thread Anamitra . Bhattacharyya
I will be out of the office starting 04/20/2005 and will not return until 04/21/2005. I will respond to your message when I return.