[Ontbirds] Western Meadowlark (Ottawa area)

2011-07-24 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The Western Meadowlark is still present at the corner of Upper Dwyer Hill Road and Panmure in the community of Panmure today, Sunday. I had to wait 50 minutes before it showed itself. At 4:50pm I saw a meadowlark fly in from the field and land on a post along Upper Dwyer Hill

[Ontbirds] White-Faced Ibis still there (Ottawa area)

2011-07-07 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: White-Faced Ibis still present as of late today. After calling a number of times, the ibis took to the air at 7:14pm, circling above and eventually headed due east. Also seen at the same location was an American Bittern, Green Heron, Great Blue Heron and a Northern Harrier. T

[Ontbirds] Cedar Waxwings (Ottawa)

2011-03-18 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: A flock of Cedar Waxwings flew over the Hilda Road feeders late today. The leucistic redpoll is still coming to the feeders as of late today. Thanks. W. Hum. www.pbase.com/golfpic Directions. Head west along Carling to Rifle Road. Turn right on Rifle and right again on Lo

[Ontbirds] Variety of Redpolls (Ottawa)

2011-03-18 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders. Still a number of redpolls coming to the feeder on Hilda Road including a leucistic one seen a couple of times this week including late Wednesday when I last saw it. Looking at sightings on eBirds (Ontario) I see a couple of Hoary's still being reported this week at the same fe

[Ontbirds] Northern Hawk Owl (Low, Quebec) Goldeneyes (Ottawa)

2011-02-27 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The Northern Hawk Owl I first reported a couple of months ago was seen preening atop its favourite perch next to Chemin Neely in Low, Quebec. Locally, a dozen or more Common Goldeneyes gave great views on the weekend just behind the Rideau Tennis Club at the bottom of Donald Str

[Ontbirds] Snowy Owl (Amherst Island)

2011-02-21 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: Not much hawk activity on Amherst Island, from what I could see anyway. But there were a few. The owl woods seemed quiet too but did notice some fresh whitewash so likely owls are around but a quick check didn't reveal any on Sunday. However, many people did get closeup looks

[Ontbirds] Northern Shrike (Ottawa)

2011-02-13 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: A smaller flock of Bohemian Waxwings (yesterday, there were 200+ birds) were seen flying over the Hilda Road feeder area today but did not see any of them land. I understand the Bohemian Waxwings have been in the general area for at least the last five days. The visiting North

[Ontbirds] Common Redpolls (Ottawa) Northern Hawk Owl (Low, Quebec)

2011-01-23 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The hawk owl was seen again Saturday in Low, Quebec. It doesn't seem to perch by the road like in weeks past. People searched for it early morning today for a couple of hours but it was not found. I got there mid-morning and after some time looking for it, the owl flew out an

[Ontbirds] Northern Hawk Owl (Low, Quebec)

2011-01-07 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The Northern Hawk Owl in Low, Quebec was active late today at the exact same location along chemin Neely just after the bridge. I last saw it catch a large rodent near the river on the left side of the road. Perched there atop a tall tree overlooking the wintry landscape and r

[Ontbirds] Northern Hawk Owl (Low, Quebec) Correction

2011-01-02 Thread Ott User
That should be turn RIGHT onto Neely from McDonald. - Original Message - From: "Ott User" To: Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 5:15 PM Subject: [Ontbirds] Northern Hawk Owl (Low, Quebec) Hi Ontbirders: A Northern Hawk Owl has been in Low, Quebec since December 18th, 20

[Ontbirds] Northern Hawk Owl (Low, Quebec)

2011-01-02 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: A Northern Hawk Owl has been in Low, Quebec since December 18th, 2010 (first reported on a Quebec birding website). The owl was actively hunting this morning when I arrived moving from tree to tree. On at least four occasion it hovered right in front of me as it determined if

[Ontbirds] Possible Hoary Redpoll (Ottawa)

2010-12-29 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: Dropped by the Hilda Road feeders late today and see the number of redpolls have increased to well over a dozen...perhaps even twenty birds. One of them stood out from the rest. It had that "pushed in face" appearance, undertail coverts look to be white, bit of a frosty appear

[Ontbirds] Northern Hawk Owl (Deep River)

2010-12-19 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: I revisited Deep River today and met up with someone else from the Ottawa area who used to live in the Deep River area. While my motivation for going back was to check on another sighting, we both were interested in the Hawk Owl especially him as it's sort of a nemesis bird (b

[Ontbirds] Northern Hawk Owl (Deep River) : Correction

2010-12-17 Thread Ott User
Oops. I was half asleep when I sent the email this morning. There is no varied thrush in Deep Riverit's at that other location. I'll take this opportunity to give more detail about the Hawk Owl. Pretty much as you drive into town along hwy 17, scan the wires on the left side. The owl sp

[Ontbirds] Northern Hawk Owl (Deep River)

2010-12-17 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The Northern Hawk Owl was still at the same location in the town of Deep River yesterday (Thursday, Dec.16th) hunting from the wires. It always hunts from the same side of Hwy 17. When you see the habitat you'll know why. I have a feeling this owl will be there all this winte

[Ontbirds] Bohemian Waxwings 200-300 (Ottawa)

2010-11-29 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The large flock of Bohemian Waxwings I found last Friday (likely same flock that Don Wigle reported at a nearby location same day) is still being seen at both the Fletcher Wildlife Gardens and the adjacent Arboretum. Although the flock numbers between 200 to 300 birds, they oft

[Ontbirds] Snow Buntings, Fox Sparrow (Ottawa)

2010-10-24 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The precipitation held off for much of the day with the occasional drizzle came and went quickly. Fox sparrows can still be seen on the Jack Pine Trail along with the usual birds. There are up to 2 dozen Snow Buntings on Petrie Island. This is the exact same spot as yesterday

[Ontbirds] Bonaparte's Gulls (Ottawa)

2010-09-11 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirder's: There were 5 Bonaparte's Gulls seen close to shore just east of Andrew Haydon Park on saturday afternoon. From what I could tell anyway, the plumage on some looked to be first winter birds. Also at the same location were 5 Semi-Palmated Plovers, a few Least and Semi-Palmated S

[Ontbirds] Bairds Sandpipers (Ottawa)

2010-09-02 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The small flock of Baird's Sandpipers east of Andrew Haydon Park reported by Patrick Blake the other day is still present and has increased to 10. They were seen around noon and again late this afternoon just before the rain. A number of Kildeer were also present and at least 1

[Ontbirds] Shorebirds (Ottawa) and Black Chipmunk

2010-09-01 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: Several Baird's Sandpipers have been seen in the Andrew Haydon Park area for several days now (seen off and on). Late last week about 6 Sanderling were in the same area for a couple of days (seen off and on). On a particularly windy day last week, I saw 10 Semi-Palmated Plovers

[Ontbirds] East end Ottawa birds and Long-eared Owls - (Ottawa)

2010-06-27 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: A return trip to Petrie Island in Ottawa's east end saw a family of Brown Thrashers, Least and Great-Crested Flycatchers, Catbirds, at least 2 Kingbirds, Hairy Woodpecker, Yellow Warblers, Song Sparrows, adult and juvenile Robins, Eastern Phobe but no Black Tern this time (doesn'

[Ontbirds] Black Tern - (Ottawa)

2010-06-25 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: While birding the east end of Ottawa today, I saw Black Tern on Petrie Island. Other birds sighted in the east end include Brown Thrashers, couple of flycatchers, Catbirds, Kingbirds, a juvenile Hairy Woodpecker, number of Yellow Warblers and Song Sparrows. Several families of

[Ontbirds] Hawk Owl (Moose Creek east of Ottawa)

2010-02-21 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The Northern Hawk Owl at Moose Creek gave great views last weekend and once again this afternoon. It was seen flying around and perched on wooden poles right by the road on Valley Street. Afternoons have been very good for seeing this owl right by the road. Look on both sides

[Ontbirds] Hawk Owl (Perth area near Cobden) additional info

2010-02-05 Thread Ott User
From Chris' previous report. "It is almost always seen at the top of a deciduous tree within 100 metres of civic address 1261 Snake River Line, but across the road." - Original Message ----- From: "Ott User" To: "Ontbirds" Sent: Saturday, February

[Ontbirds] Hawk Owl (Perth area near Cobden)

2010-02-05 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: Took a drive out to the Perth area on friday, January 5th to see the Northern Hawk Owl first reported by Chris Michener. The owl was where Chris had reported it and was sitting on top of a pole when I saw it. The owl then flew to some trees. Looks like someone else may have r

[Ontbirds] Snowy Owls (Casselman area)

2010-01-24 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: Another great winter for owls. Took a quick spin out to the Casselman area late today. Saw 3 Snowy Owls off exit 58 via the 417. One along Concession 20 and 2 on Concession 19. On the way back to Ottawa, a juvenile Snowy Owl was perched on a lamp post right at the exit 66 of

[Ontbirds] Boreal Owl on Amherst Island.

2009-12-30 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: I knew my day was off to a good start when the first owl I saw in the Jack Pine plantation was a Northern Saw-Whet Owl perched at eye level out in the open. And there it remained well into the late afternoon. Someone also reported another Saw-Whet owl in the owl woods. Not f

[Ontbirds] Possible Boreal Owl (Amherst Island)

2009-12-29 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: While browsing a web gallery, I came across a photo of a Boreal Owl taken in the owl woods on Amherst Island. The photo was dated December 29, 2009. Now, I normally don't make an Ontbirds report based on a photo I've seen posted online. It is always possible the date could be

[Ontbirds] Two dozen Wild Turkeys (Ottawa)

2009-12-27 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: There were 24 Wild Turkeys along Earl Armstrong road south of the Ottawa airport late this afternoon. They were in a group of 10 and 14. Have a safe holiday season and happy birding. Thanks. W. Hum www.pbase.com/golfpic ___

[Ontbirds] Barred Owls (Presqu'ile)

2009-11-29 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: A trip to Presqu'ile this weekend showed that there are still numbers of Barred Owls to be seen. Not much of a change in this regard from the previous week. Closer to home there are still plenty of Lesser Scaup and 3 male Green-winged Teal in the western

[Ontbirds] Barred Owls (Presqu'ile)

2009-11-22 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The number of Barred Owls mentioned in Fred Helleiner's latest report warranted a visit to Presqu'ile Provincial Park this weekend. And I was not disappointed. Without much effort, I was able to find 6 Barred Owls on Sunday. One alert Barred Owl was perc

[Ontbirds] Blackpoll Warbler - Ottawa

2009-11-14 Thread Ott User
Hi. The Blackpoll Warbler reported on November 7th was still at the exact same location this morning near the lighthouse at Dick Bell Park. Next door at Andrew Hatdon Park there are now 36 Lesser Scaup mostly female and least one male. There are also 3 male Green-winged Teal. Two of the

[Ontbirds] Brant - Ottawa

2009-11-10 Thread Ott User
Hi. Worked all day so not much birding to be done. However, on the way home saw a Brant feeding on the grass on the south side of Riverside a bit before Data Road and the Billings Bridge Plaza. Of course I couldn't look around to see if there were more than one. May be worth checking ou

[Ontbirds] Blackpoll Warbler - Ottawa

2009-11-08 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: Thanks to a heads-up from Chris Bruce I headed to the lighthouse at Dick Bell Park to check out the Blackpoll warbler first reported by Jeff Skevington yesterday. I found the warbler busily catching various insects including what looked like a spider between its beak in the pho

[Ontbirds] Long-eared Owls (Amherst Island) and a few local Ottawa birds

2009-10-25 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders. My second trip back to Amherst Island this morning since early January 2009. Quick trip through the owl woods produced a few Long-eared owls in the usual locations. A couple of chickadees followed me into one area and quickly changed their vocalization. Sure enough, perched in

[Ontbirds] Long-tailed Duck (Ottawa)

2009-10-19 Thread Ott User
Hi. The Long-tailed duck reported earlier today was still swimming in one of the ponds at Andrew Haydon Park very late today. In addition, there are a couple of Pintails, Green-wing Teals and 3 Brant still at the park. Gulls were seen dive-bombing the Long-tailed duck when it ventured ou

[Ontbirds] Saw-whet Owl (Amherst Island)

2009-10-19 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: Weather on Sunday was lovely with plenty of sunshine. A trip through the owl woods saw a large flock of noisy Grackles. Also seen were brown creeper, hermit thrush, Kinglets (both Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned), Redtail Hawk, 1 Saw-whet owl (there might

[Ontbirds] Greater White-Fronted Goose (Ottawa)

2009-10-14 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: A late day stop at Andrew Haydon Park turned out to be a good idea. Ran into 2 people photographing at one of the ponds. Barb Robertson and Colleen Murray directed my attention to a Greater White-Fronted Goose just to the left. It was feeding with many of

[Ontbirds] Mud Lake (Ottawa) Kinglets and Blue-Headed Vireo

2009-10-08 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: It was a lovely day to be outdoors. Late today there were numerous (seemed like they were everywhere) Kinglets, both Golden-Crowned and Ruby-Crowned on top of the ridge at Mud Lake. In addition, I saw a Blue-Headed Vireo also atop the ridge. Happy birding.

[Ontbirds] Mud Lake (Ottawa)

2009-10-04 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The ridge at Mud Lake this morning saw a number of Ruby-Crowned Kinglets but by far the most abundant species were White-Throated Sparrows. Many were feeding on berries. A Northern Flicker was also seen perched atop the ridge. An adult Coopers Hawk flew by

[Ontbirds] Mud Lake (Ottawa)

2009-10-02 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: A visit to Mud Lake mid-morning saw numbers of Ruby-Crowned Kinglets, Northern Parulas and Yellow-Rumps all visible from the road on the ridge side. Also, one Hermit Thrush. Quick walk around Andrew Haydon Park but did not see the Brant which had been a fix

[Ontbirds] Birds and item found (FWG) Ottawa

2009-09-10 Thread Ott User
Hi. Casual visit to the Fletcher Wildlife Gardens in Ottawa found female rose-breasted grosbeaks, female and male cardinals, numbers of american goldfinch (one appeared to be feeding a young one), catbird, bluejay and saw just one hummingbird (I wasn't looking for it at the time, it just sh

[Ontbirds] Brant (Ottawa)

2009-08-16 Thread Ott User
Hi. Just a heads up the Brant is still at Andrew Haydon Park. It's a regular there and can be easily seen feeding along with the geese. Thanks. W.H. www.pbase.com/golfpic Directions: >From Ottawa head west along Carling and go past Richmond Road. Continue on >Carling and take the en

[Ontbirds] Loggerhead Shrike release (Breckenridge, Pontiac - Quebec)

2009-08-13 Thread Ott User
Hi. This was posted recently on a Quebec birding site. Thought I would share given how close Breckenridge in the Pontiac, Quebec is to the Ontario border especially the Ottawa area. Thanks. --

[Ontbirds] Brant and Green-wing Teal (Ottawa)

2009-07-31 Thread Ott User
Hi. The Brant can be seen regularly at Andrew Haydon Park feeding along with the geese. I could be wrong but have a feeling the Brant will be there for quite some time yet. At least until they start using dogs to chase the geese away. This is expected to start later in August when the m

[Ontbirds] American Bittern (Dunrobin)

2009-05-12 Thread Ott User
I must have just missed Pat :) In addition to the aforementioned birds of which this nature area is known for, I heard the constant low booming call of the American Bittern and saw a few Wilson's Snipes flying around and calling often. Bring bug spray as the mosquitoes are around. American B

[Ontbirds] Snowy Owls (Ottawa)

2009-04-05 Thread Ott User
Hi. Two Snowy Owls can still be seen in the east end of Ottawa. A male Snowy Owl was seen along Frank Kenny between French Hill and Wall road both Saturday and Sunday. A heavily barred female Snowy Owl was perched in the field along Wall road between Frank Kenny and Trim road. Thanks.

[Ontbirds] Bohemian Waxwings (Ottawa)

2009-03-29 Thread Ott User
Hi. Bohemian Waxwings are still around. There were a dozen at the Brittania Conservation area on Saturday. In addition to eating berries, it looked like some were hawking for insects although from ground level I didn't see any insects despite the very mild temps. Apparently, I had just m

[Ontbirds] Hoary Redpoll, Great Gray Owls and Hawk Owl (Ottawa)

2009-02-08 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: Saw and photographed a Hoary Redpoll at the Hilda Road feeders on Saturday, February 7th. A flock of 4 to 5 dozen Redpolls were feeding along with a few Pine Siskins. More Pine Siskins joined in later. Although the bird I saw looked like a Hoary, there h

[Ontbirds] Bohemian Waxwings (Ottawa)

2009-02-01 Thread Ott User
A flock of 100+ Bohemian Waxwings descended on the Hilda Road feeders in the Shirley's Bay area on Saturday feeding on the many berries there. There were Bohemian Waxwings everywhere it seemed. They stayed for much of the day just feeding from tree to tree and offering great close-up looks.

[Ontbirds] Boreal Owl (Ottawa)

2009-01-27 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: Had great looks at the Boreal Owl first reported on Sunday by Don Wigle (spotted by Beth Wigle). A number of people were already watching it late this afternoon when I arrived. The owl was perched in the open right by the road. Someone mentioned having wa

[Ontbirds] 3 Great Gray Owls (Ottawa) added note

2009-01-25 Thread Ott User
All 3 Great Gray Owls were seen late this afternoon, Sunday. I counted all 3 to make sure one hadn't flown to another perch. Happy birding. - Original Message - From: "Ott User" To: Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 7:58 PM Subject: [Ontbirds] 3 Great Gray Owls

[Ontbirds] 3 Great Gray Owls (Ottawa)

2009-01-25 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: Thanks to Bruce DiLabio's Ontbirds alert of a Great Gray owl along Thomas A. Dolan drive in the Dunrobin area, I had a suspicion of its location because at least one Great Gray owl was found there during the Great Gray owl irruption four winters ago. Then J

[Ontbirds] The passing of Kathy Nihei

2009-01-16 Thread Ott User
Hi. I have been informed that "an online book of condolences has been set up at www.ottawacitizen.com. Access it at the World of Birds webpage by opening the main story and looking for the related link off to the right." Or click on the following link. Thanks. http://www.ottawacit

[Ontbirds] (Ottawa) Hawk Owl on Grandview

2009-01-16 Thread Ott User
Hi. The Grandview street Hawk Owl has been a very reliable bird to see and it was perched on top of a tall tree late today at its usual location at end of Hastings and Grandview. It must have flown off later as I did not see it on my return trip. Also keep an eye out for the Northern Mock

[Ontbirds] (Ottawa) Pine Siskins, Redpolls, Bohemian Waxwings and Northern Mocking Bird

2009-01-10 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: A small number of Pine Siskins along with a couple of Common Redpolls and American Goldfinches were seen at the Hilda Road feeders this morning. Also present were Hairy, Downy and a Pileated Woodpecker. Late today, a flock of Bohemian

[Ontbirds] Great Gray Owll (Luskville, Quebec)

2009-01-01 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The Great Gray Owl first reported on December 25th by Marie Hélène Giguère is still at the same location on the left side of de la Sapinière (near the creek is a good spot to see it). It was seen late today near the tall line of trees in the distance (binocu

[Ontbirds] Northern Hawk Owl (Ottawa)

2008-12-30 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: I'm following up with this email only because the Hawk Owl's behaviour today was very much different from that of yesterday. Although it was seen early in the morning (based on a couple of people who were there), the Hawk Owl pretty much rested for most of t

[Ontbirds] Northern Hawk Owl (Ottawa)

2008-12-29 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The Hawk Owl at the end of Grandview road in Ottawa's west end was very active this morning. The owl was continuously flying to and from various perches near the homes (basically the backyard of the houses along Grandview) that line the NCC land. The Hawk

[Ontbirds](Correction) Northern Hawk Owl calling (Ottawa)

2008-12-12 Thread Ott User
Oops. That should be turn right on Grandview from Carling westbound. - Original Message - From: Ott User To: ontbirds@hwcn.org Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 5:47 PM Subject: Northern Hawk Owl calling (Ottawa) Hi Ontbirders: The Hawk Owl at the

[Ontbirds]Northern Hawk Owl calling (Ottawa)

2008-12-12 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The Hawk Owl at the end of Grandview road in Ottawa's west end was still there late today. That may not be a surprise but it was calling the whole time I was there observing it with another birder. Now that was totally unexpected. I was under the impresson

[Ontbirds]Northern Hawk Owl (Gatineau, Quebec)

2008-12-11 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: Had part of the day off so paid the Northern Hawk Owl in Gatineau another visit. The Hawk Owl isn't as particular now to a previous "favourite" perch after the recent snowfall. It is moving around a bit more but still in the same general location. Apparent

[Ontbirds] Northern Hawk Owl (Gatineau, Quebec), Snowy owls (Ontario)

2008-12-08 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: There certainly seems to be a lot of owl reports this Fall. The Northern Hawk Owl I first read about on a Quebec Bird Report website and later by Peter Hall via Ontbirds is still very much at the location just off Hurtubise street in Gatineau, Quebec this we

[Ontbirds]Snowy Owl (Ottawa)

2008-11-22 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: This morning there was a Snowy Owl sitting in the middle of a field along Frank Kenny road just past French Hill road. It was there pretty much all day in the same spot as I saw it later in the day when I returned. It chose one of the few lighter areas (eit

[Ontbirds]Great Egret (Ottawa)

2008-10-20 Thread Ott User
Hi. A lingering Great Egret was still at the pond along Earle Armstrong Road near High Road. A Great Egret has been seen at this pond off and on now for at least a month. Some days I see it and some days I don't (even when I walk out to check). Late today it was busily feeding at the po

[Ontbirds]Northern Goshawk and Green-winged Teals (Ottawa)

2008-10-11 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: I was at the Jack Pine Trail early this morning. About a dozen (mostly, if not all) Green-Winged Teal were at the main pond along the inner loop. The Green-Winged Teals have been there for at least a couple of weeks now. There are a number of males in the

[Ontbirds]Ottawa (Update: American White Pelican)

2008-09-02 Thread Ott User
Hi. Just want to provide an update on the American White Pelican that has been seen at the Moodie Drive Quarry pond since the evening of August 11th. I saw it last Friday, August 29th. It was flying over the quarry pond at 12:30pm. It stayed at the pond. Before heading off to Mont

[Ontbirds]Ottawa (Update: American White Pelican)

2008-08-28 Thread Ott User
Hi. There's something in the air as I have been sneezing and eyes itching all this week. Must be the ragweed. Just a quick note. The American White Pelican is still present at the Moodie Drive Quarry pond. I stopped by the pond sometime between 12 and 12:30pm today. I was told by a cou

[Ontbirds]Ottawa (American White Pelican and Great Egret)

2008-08-24 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The American White Pelican is still at the Moodie Drive Quarry Pond this afternoon. It seemed contentedly perched right next to the Cormorants grooming itself. Also at the same location is a Great Egret feeding directly across from the gate. This was at 3:

[Ontbirds] Ottawa (American White Pelican, Peregrine, Hooded Mergansers)

2008-08-22 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: After a visit to the Jack Pine Trail late today I dropped by the Moodie Drive Quarry Pond. Tony Beck was already there and informed me the American White Pelican was on the (its usual) island just hidden in the tall grass. I had a look through his scope and

[Ontbirds] Ottawa (juvenile Black-legged Kittiwake and American White Pelican)

2008-08-13 Thread Ott User
Hi. Went to look for the American White Pelican after noon and did not see it. Returned later in the day after 5pm. Still no Pelican. The juvenile Black-legged Kittiwake was there. Had a good look at a Red-necked Phalarope through Tony Beck's scope. My 8x42 binocular just didn't cut i

[Ontbirds] Ottawa (juvenile Black-legged Kittiwake and American White Pelican)

2008-08-12 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: The American White Pelican and at least one juvenile Black-legged Kittiwake were still present at the Moodie Drive Quarry pond as of 11:30am. The Kiitiwake was flying around and the Pelican was still busy feeding when I left. A few terns were seen as well.

[Ontbirds]Update on Niagara Falls Peregrine falcons

2008-07-15 Thread Ott User
Just a heads up. I understand there have been technical problems with an email server. If you happen to receive other copies of this email at a later date, please disregard. Hi Ontbirders: Just an update on the family of 4 Peregrine Falcon young at Niagara Falls, Canad

[Ontbirds]Cooper Marsh

2008-06-30 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: Just to follow up on an earlier report by Pat on birding the Cooper Marsh. Spent some time this afternoon birding Cooper Marsh. Heard quite a number of Virginnia Rail while walking along the boardwalk. Saw at least two to three and one walked across the bo

[Ontbirds]Ottawa - Few Spring birds and Snowy Owl update

2008-04-09 Thread Ott User
Hi. Just a follow-up to my last email regarding the Snowy Owls east of Casselman. A good indicator of Spring is that the 3 Snowy Owls that have become a regular fixture in the area the last several months appear to have left. For the past 2 - 3 months, 3 Snowy Owls had staked out territory

[Ontbirds]Ottawa - Snowy Owls and other birds (slight correction)

2008-03-31 Thread Ott User
rd to find as you can see a number of cars parked along the road (see Ottawa directions below) on most nice days during the week in the very late afternoon (4 - 5 pm). Since this could be the last chance to see the owls, thought I'd share. Thanks. - Original Message - From:

[Ontbirds]Ottawa - Snowy Owls and other birds

2008-03-31 Thread Ott User
Hi Ontbirders: It was only fitting light snow was forecast early in the morning on this last day of March. It's changing to rain later in the morning. 4 Snowy Owls are still east of Casselman as of yesterday, March 30th. Another person told me he has seen as many as 5 to

[Ontbirds]Ruffed Grouse, Merlin and Hoary Redpoll

2008-01-05 Thread Ott User
Hi OntBirders: The tame Ruffed Grouse continues to show. Early morning is the best time to see it at the corner of Hilda and Lois (Shirley's Bay area). When I arrived there later in the morning, 8-10 photographers were already there taking photos of the Ruffed Grouse (s

[Ontbirds]Bald eagle but no Barred Owl (Ottawa)

2007-12-30 Thread Ott User
birding. - Original Message - From: "Ott User" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "ontario birds" Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 7:12 PM Subject: Ruffed Grouse, Hoary Redpoll and Merlin (Ottawa) Hi OntBirders: The tame Ruffed Grouse continues

[Ontbirds]Ruffed Grouse, Hoary Redpoll and Merlin (Ottawa)

2007-12-30 Thread Ott User
Hi OntBirders: The tame Ruffed Grouse continues to show at the Hilda Road feeders and areas nearby. Although I was not there when the Ruffed Grouse visited near the feeders mid-morning, I heard all about it from those who were there. It is so tame it followed a birder a

[Ontbirds]Ruffed Grouse (Ottawa) and birds of prey

2007-12-29 Thread Ott User
Hi OntBirders. The Ruffed Grouse was at the Hilda Road feeders again today. Just like the previous 3 days, it showed up in the early afternoon (1:00 pm this time). It didn't stay as long as on previous visits. The feeders weren't as active as on other days. Earlier in

[Ontbirds]Ruffed Grouse (Ottawa)

2007-12-28 Thread Ott User
Hi OntBirders: Just thought you might be interested to know that a rather tame Ruffed Grouse has been visiting the Hilda Road feeders at Shirley's Bay. It was seen yesterday and today (early afternoon) feeding right along with the mourning doves, blue jays, chickadees,

[Ontbirds]Barred Owl (Ottawa)

2007-12-15 Thread Ott User
Hi. Late this afternoon a Barred Owl was seen perched in the open along the west side of Rifle Road (earlier in the day a number of Bohemian Waxwings were seen feeding along the shoulder of Rifle Road). Also earlier in the afternoon a few birders and I were treated to the sight of 2 Barre

[Ontbirds]]Snowy Owl near Ste-Rose east of Ottawa

2007-12-08 Thread Ott User
Hi. The dark Snowy Owl reported originally by Jacques Bouvier (assuming it's the same one) was spotted again along Ste-Rose on Friday, Dec. 7th. Photo linked below (was taken from far away so the quality is not too good). A flock of roughly 30+ Horned Larks was seen along the same stretch

[Ontbirds](Ottawa) Dark-eyed Junco 'Oregon form'

2007-11-25 Thread Ott User
Hi. The Dark-eyed Junco 'Oregon form' originally reported (assuming this is the same one) by Bev McBride on Nov. 12th is still at the Fletcher Wildlife Gardens (FWG) late this afternoon. Link to photo below (taken in low light so excuse the less than ideal quality). It was seen late this

[Ontbirds]Amherst Island owls

2007-11-22 Thread Ott User
Hi. I wanted to add that a trip to Amherst Island last weekend found 4 - 5 Long-eared Owl in the owl woods. In addition to other birds, I watched as a Northern Harrier dove to the ground and flew off with a sizeable rodent in its talons. It was followed by another Northern Harrier which

[Ontbirds]Quick trip around Amherst Island

2007-11-11 Thread Ott User
Hi. Took a quick trip to Amherst Island on Saturday, Nov. 10th. Didn't see many hawks although there were some including a Northern Harrier flying over water along the South Shore Road. There was a very active Northern Shrike just up the road from the KFN property. It would perch on the

Re: [Ontbirds]Ottawa area - Cattle Egret

2007-10-22 Thread Ott User
Took a quick drive over to Milton Road after work to check on the reported Cattle Egret. Present were a number of horses including a gray donkey and even a Vietnamese Pot-bellied pig (someone on the property pointed it out to me actually) but no Cattle Egret unfortunately. The people around th

[Ontbirds]Snow Goose blue morph (Ottawa)

2007-09-23 Thread Ott User
Hi. At Ottawa Beach this morning there were 3 Snow Geese swimming with a flock of Canada Geese. Both yesterday and friday there were several American Golden Plovers at Ottawa Beach. However, the interesting sighting for me this morning (11:30am) was the blue morph Snow Goose on the mudfl

[Ontbirds]Greater White-fronted Goose (Ottawa)

2007-09-14 Thread Ott User
Hi. While at Andrew Haydon Park this morning (Sept. 14th) Tony Beck saw a Sandhill Crane fly over at 10:30am followed by the Greater White-fronted Goose with some Canada Geese at 10:45am. Tony said the White-fronted Goose landed on the river side near the shore. http://www3.sympatico.ca/b

[Ontbirds]2 Snow Goose at Ottawa Beach / shorebirds

2007-09-10 Thread Ott User
Hi. Sure glad I took the day off today, Monday, September 10th. Headed down to Ottawa Beach at Andrew Haydon Park. Ran into Tony Beck scoping out the birds. Tony Beck spotted a Ruddy Turnstone in a small flock of shorebirds that flew close to where we were standing. Unfortunately, I wa

[Ontbirds]Found: 1 bird guide at Shirley's Bay (Ottawa)

2007-09-08 Thread Ott User
Hi. Found one bird guide at Shirley's Bay, Ottawa. Please contact me if it is yours. Thanks. ___ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial birding organization. Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBI

[Ontbirds]Great Egret and Turkey Vultures

2007-09-05 Thread Ott User
Decided to check out Andrew Haydon Park and Ottawa Beach after work. There was one Great Egret feeding in the mud flat area at AHP bordering Dick Bell Park (same place where three Great Egrets were spotted a few days ago). The highlight for me was the dozen or more Turkey Vultures flying over

[Ontbirds]3 Great Egrets and some shorebirds

2007-09-03 Thread Ott User
Hi. Three Great Egrets were present at the far west end (drier mud flat area close to Dick Bell Park) of Andrew Haydon Park this morning. These three could be the same ones (what are the odds of them flying in threes?) reported a week ago at the Bruce Pit. In addition, birders and photograp

[Ontbirds]Great Egret (Ottawa)

2007-05-28 Thread Ott User
The Great Egret originally reported by JoAnne McDonald 2 days ago is still at the reported location. Saw it on Sunday and later in the day Monday, May 28th. In the same area was a Great Blue Heron and a Green Heron along with about a dozen or so Ring-billed Gulls actively fishing. On Sunday

[Ontbirds]Leucistic Robin in Kanata (follow-up)

2007-04-08 Thread Ott User
Just a follow to Lynn Hardy's report from April 6th about a leucistic (partial albino) Robin she found in the west end of Ottawa. Took a drive up there just before noon today and easily relocated the leucistic Robin feeding on the grass along Parkway road along with many other Robins and Starl

[Ontbirds]Update: Snowy Owl (Ottawa East)

2007-03-29 Thread Ott User
. - Original Message - From: "Ott User" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 10:35 PM Subject: Snowy Owl (Ottawa East) A Snowy Owl can still be seen in a field on the east side of Frank Kenny just south of French Hill. Due to the lack of snow cover

[Ontbirds]Snowy Owl (Ottawa East)

2007-03-28 Thread Ott User
A Snowy Owl can still be seen in a field on the east side of Frank Kenny just south of French Hill. Due to the lack of snow cover the owl was very conspicuous while perched on the ground. Later in the evening the Snowy Owl was found along Wall road between Trim and Frank Kenny. It was activel

[Ontbirds]Hawk Owl and some Snowies

2007-02-12 Thread Ott User
The Hawk Owl is still up near Low, Quebec. Went to see it this past Sunday. I have been up there several times now and it can often be seen not far from the road (McDonald and Legault) perched in a tall tree. It seems to be easier to find the Hawk Owl these days than when it was first reported

[Ontbirds]Cattle Egret Update - (east of Ottawa)

2006-10-06 Thread Ott User
The weather in Ottawa, Ontario was great again today. I decided to take a quick trip to Casselman to have another look at the Cattle Egret. I arrived there after 12:30pm. The Cattle Egret was once again found feeding near the few horses on the farm at 545 Route 500, North of Casselman. After

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