Re: [ccp4bb] brute force MR

2010-12-08 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 12/07/2010 09:38 PM, Arnon Lavie wrote: Hi there: The situation: We are facing difficult molecular replacement: we believe we have two molecules in the ASU, but phaser/molrep find only one. Using the electron density calculated using this single molecule, we have manually placed the 2nd molec

Re: [ccp4bb] Need no clash evaluation among symmetry mates during refinement

2010-12-08 Thread Eleanor Dodson
As far as I know there are no repulsions restraints applied if the sum of the atoms occupancies is <=1.0. If one atom is fully occupied. and another partial then there will be a restraint. Eleanor On 12/08/2010 04:45 PM, Keitaro Yamashita wrote: Dear Ed, These tables were reported by Refmac5

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Of course metal ions, So4 etc often lie on special positions - the insulin hexamer is generated around Zn atoms on the 3-fold axis. Eleanor On 12/09/2010 01:29 PM, Ian Tickle wrote: Of course it's always possible for an asymmetric molecule (or part of a molecule, such as a side-chain) to lie on

Re: [ccp4bb] Space group vs. gap between Rwork and Rfree?

2010-12-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
That gap isnt surprising given your resolution - indeed anything smaller could be suspicious! eg symmetry equivalent reflections labeled differently.. Eleanor On 12/10/2010 11:17 AM, Petr Kolenko wrote: Dear colleagues, I appreciate any help, or any suggestion with my difficult data. Many tha

Re: [ccp4bb] rmsd calculation for all atoms.

2011-01-01 Thread Eleanor Dodson
compar does this providing the sequence is the same. amd you can get lsqkab to give you the full list but only i think for those atoms you overlap.. eleanor On 12/29/2010 01:52 PM, Michael Swan wrote: Dear all, I am having a bit of trouble finding a program to do an rmsd calculation and give m

Re: [ccp4bb] Do carbon scattering include hydrogen

2011-01-16 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Hmm - there are some hydrogens which are simply not fixable from chemistry, or electron density at low (ie <1.5A!) resolution - any of us who have looked in vain for them can testify to that - and I cant think that it is good to add in scatterers when you dont know where they are. The ones det

Re: [ccp4bb] Refmac: sidechain bond breaks

2011-01-17 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Well - REFMAC and I think other refinement programs simply read in an atom with occupancy 0.00 and write it out again in exactly the same place.. All refinement contributions for atoms both Xray and geometrical are weighted by the atom occupancy so such an atom will not shift. The assumption i

[ccp4bb] phaser MR hiccup

2011-01-17 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Does anyone know where to look for an error when PHASER outputs this message? Eleanor . * *** Phaser Module: AUTOMATED MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT 2.1.4 *** ***

Re: [ccp4bb] So many clashes

2011-01-18 Thread Eleanor Dodson
If your dataextends to 2A resolution I suggest you run Arp-Warp or Buccaneer to rebuild the structure. At that resolution the automated building programd can usually fix errors. At the end use this option to get the new build back to overlap the original csymmatch -pdbin-ref MR.pdb -pdbin arp-

Re: [ccp4bb] Predefining origin for molecular replacement in polar space group

2011-01-20 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 01/20/2011 01:44 PM, Shao-Yang Ku wrote: Dear all, Is there a way to specify (somewhat arbitrarily) a origin for any molecular replacement package (in a polar space group) without resorting to phased translation so that one could more easily compare results from different MR runs? Thanks, Sh

Re: [ccp4bb] Merging statistics and systematic absences

2011-01-24 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I absolutely agree with Phil. However I think it is very important NOT to remove systematic absences before scala. There are many cases of mis-assigned space groups where "systematic absences" are misleading - due to NC translation or bad measurement or whatever Eleanor On 01/24/2011 09

Re: [ccp4bb] How to align electron density maps?

2011-01-31 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Coot does this seamlessly.. Eleanor SSM superpose A to B NCS Maps will generate the map around A over B - or vice versa.. Eleanor On 01/28/2011 06:15 PM, RONG hui Rong wrote: Dear All, I have the problem as follows, but I can not find the corresponding solution. Can somebody give me some su

Re: [ccp4bb] Problem of Refinement and density map

2011-02-07 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Have you checked for twinning? Look at the plots after scala.. Eleanor On 02/07/2011 10:49 AM, Md. Munan Shaik wrote: Dear all, I have a question regarding the refinement and density map. My protein is 261 amino acids long and crystalize very nicely with very high resolution . There is no mul

Re: [ccp4bb] Let's talk pseudotranslational symmetry (or maybe it's bad data).

2011-02-09 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Yees - a translation of 0.5 along x means you must consider SGs P212121 and P2 21 21 since the absences will be present (at least at low resolution) with either SG. I dont know how good Phenix would be at distinguishing between z=0.233 and z=0.25 However even if the exact peak is at z0.25, i

Re: [ccp4bb] Let's talk pseudotranslational symmetry (or maybe it's bad data).

2011-02-10 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Pseudo translation doesnt seem too much of a problem if the model is OK. MOLREP uses it within the search, phaser seems not to mind too much for a general translation.. I dont know about pathological cases where the crystal is very near but not quite C centred, ie the translation is quite spec

Re: [ccp4bb] ctruncate - FP=0?

2011-02-10 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Are you sure these are real FP=0 or reflections which werent measured but have been added for completeness of the h k l list. The check is whether the SigF is also 0.00 - in that case they are genuinely missing.. Eleanor On 02/09/2011 11:34 PM, Ed Pozharski wrote: I observe under some conditi

Re: [ccp4bb] help in CONTACT

2011-02-15 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 02/15/2011 04:36 PM, vineet joshi wrote: Dear CCP4ers, Is there any specific way that can help me locate the interactions between ligand (GTP) to any other residue in the protein(GTPase) using CONTACT. And how do I run CONTACT for a number of .pdb files(around 650) in one single step and sepa

Re: [ccp4bb] MR problem in determining the number of identical molecules in ASU

2011-02-16 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Well P4 isnt a subgroup of P43212 - you would need P43 MR programs will often let you test several spacegroups. See Phaser MR or MOLREP - I would try that and choose the best Eleanor On 02/16/2011 02:48 PM, Ting-Wei Jiang wrote: Dear experts, Sorry for a simple question but confusing me

Re: [ccp4bb] MR problem in determining the number of identical molecules in ASU

2011-02-16 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Another cause of difficulty - nothing really to do with the spacegroup selection - is when one copy of the model has much higher B factors than others. Most MR searches assume that the copies contribute more or less equally to scattering. If you assign too high a symmetry this will make MR le

Re: [ccp4bb] strange P21 cell dimensions

2011-02-17 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 02/17/2011 09:35 PM, Peter Grey wrote: Dear CCP4 and XDS users, I have a P21 case with some strange ratios in the cell dimensions : a, b=a, c=1.5a, 90, 105, 90. The native patterson shows a strong peak (40% of origin) at (x,0.5,0) indicating some pseudo symmetry. Such cell dimension and peak

Re: [ccp4bb] .pir file

2011-02-18 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 02/18/2011 07:42 AM, Vellieux Frederic wrote: Arp Warp used to want a blank line between the > MALDH title, and the first line of the sequence.. Not sure if that still holds. Eleanor a> Hi Careina, Just an example of a pir file which I just generated (using Bart Hazes program mcfman):

Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating Difference Maps Between an RCSB data set and an mtz (Different Ligand)

2011-02-28 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Yes - you are. - There are some extra steps. Download pdbs and mtz files csymmmatch -pdbin-ref 1.pdb -pdbin 2.pdb -origin-hand -pdbout 2-to-1.pdb That checks they are on same origin and symmetry equivalent. refmac for 1.pdb refmac for 2-to-1.pdb cad to merge two refmac outputs. You will hav

Re: [ccp4bb] Problem with refinement and positive electron density

2011-03-03 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I think you have been caught by a new REFMAC "feature" which tries to design its own TLS groups including linked H2Os and ligands. Check your tls output records and see what it has clustered into a group.. I am not sure how to disable this - at times I want to override any automatic selection

Re: [ccp4bb] Is there any program for specifically calculating Rvalue in CCP4

2011-03-03 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 03/03/2011 06:13 AM, Ting-Wei Jiang wrote: Dear all experts, I'm trying to calculate R-value (and free R) specifically which is between data and the modified structure(refined by myself without help from any program).I've looked the program for calculating a long while.Actually,I found one n

Re: [ccp4bb] I/sigmaI of >3.0 rule

2011-03-03 Thread Eleanor Dodson
No - and I dont think it is accepted practice now either.. I often use I/SigI > 1.5 for refinement.. Look at your Rfactor plots from REFMAC - if they look reasonable at higher resolution use the data Eleanor On 03/03/2011 11:29 AM, Roberto Battistutta wrote: Dear all, I got a reviewer com

Re: [ccp4bb] Psedo-translation detected

2011-03-14 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 03/12/2011 05:29 AM, Vandu Murugan wrote: Dear all, Recently I collected a data for my 20Kda protein in C2 space group, and ran SFcheck in ccp4 suite. It is giving an indication for pseudo-translation as 'Pseudo-translation is detected: 17.6% Pseudo-translation vector: 0.000 0.00

Re: [ccp4bb] molrep NOSG=-1 (space group checking)

2011-03-16 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I guess the only real choice is P2 21 21 or P21 21 21 - the absences alng h00 could be a result of the pseudo-translation. I cant explain the score - maybe there is something in the documentation? But I am afraid after refinement in P212121 the resultant model is sure to give the best score in

Re: [ccp4bb] PISA server

2011-03-28 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I have found it erratic, and sometimes terribly slow, but that may be due to local network problems.. But it was working last week.. Eleanor On 03/26/2011 05:28 PM, Miri Hirshberg wrote: Sat., March 26th 2011 EBI Dear Dan, I've just checked (Sat. 17:25 British times), and uploading my

Re: [ccp4bb] Comparing conformations using LSQKAB

2011-04-04 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Well - I usually work in confunction with the graphics, so you can look at the regions which differ. I start with the rms difference. If that is > 2, I think there are significant changes. So then you have to decide what Q you are asking, and why. Is it that you want to use a model for Molecul

Re: [ccp4bb] Twinning

2011-04-07 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Yes - that is true. Any crystal might be split, and give diffraction with overlapping lattices- ie show non-merohedral twinning. If you are lucky/careful you might only get a few spots which overlap after integration of one of the lattices- not enough to be detected as "twinning" from the stat

Re: [ccp4bb] Twinning

2011-04-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
That translation is interesting - R3 indexed as hexagonal has a crystallographic translation of 0.667 0.333 0.333, so this one indicated by SFCHECK is related. The twinning is not very severe so it should refine OK from the PHASER solution. Is that so? Eleanor On 04/08/2011 05:50 AM, ka

Re: [ccp4bb] Script / program to change chain ID 's in symmetry mates

2011-04-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 04/08/2011 12:17 PM, krishan wrote: Dear CCP4BB members, We are using a script written in python to generate symmetry mates for a given pdb file using PYMOL. After generating symmetry mates we want to combine all the symmetry molecules in a single PDB file with all the chains having uniqu

Re: [ccp4bb] Assigning secondary structure

2011-04-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 04/08/2011 05:19 PM, Cale Dakwar wrote: Hello all, Given a PDB file of a newly solved protein structure, what is the standard procedure for assigning regions of secondary structure? And by this I mean to ask, how does one decide which residues form beta strands, which alpha helices, and so o

Re: [ccp4bb] Comparing two proteins

2011-04-14 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 04/13/2011 09:18 PM, REX PALMER wrote: Dear All What is the best program to use for comparing two protein structures which are very similar both structurally and wrt aa sequence? ie to get the rms deviations both generally and in selected regions. Rex Palmer Birkbeck College Using CCP4 g

Re: [ccp4bb] AMoRe fails to use model coordinates

2011-04-28 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Hmm - I use this quite a bit. ifier. You cant start Autoamore for a particular model until that has been entered into the model database - the first Q you are asked from the GUI is "Which model?" But you can certainly close the model database once you have entered the model name with a unique

Re: [ccp4bb] mtz2various command line R-free label?

2011-04-29 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I dont know - it works for me.. That is under Fedora x Eleanor mtz2various HKLIN "./ins_pig_zn_T2_hex-unique_refmac1.mtz" HKLOUT "./ins_pig_zn_T2_hex-unique_refmac1.hkl" OUTPUT CNS labin FP=FP SIGFP=SDFP PHIB=PHIC FREE=FreeR_flag end On 04/27/2011 07:26 PM, Kelly Daughtry wrote: Yes,

Re: [ccp4bb] Map correlation coefficient

2011-04-29 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I guess one way would be to seperate coordinates.. But doesnt overlapmap do that by default? Eleanor On 04/21/2011 10:25 PM, Maher Alayyoubi wrote: Hi Everybody, I posted a question earlier on the bulletin regarding how to calculate the map correlation coefficient using Overlapamp or any othe

Re: [ccp4bb] phenix.real_space_correlation vs overlapmap

2011-05-10 Thread Eleanor Dodson
This may be too late to be of use, but as one of the authors of the sfall/overlapmap system.. sfall does generate a coded map which flags every grid point with a unique ID of the nearest atom, ie one which is unique providing there are not too many atoms - it is adequate for most molecules tho

Re: [ccp4bb] High B-factor for metal

2011-05-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 05/11/2011 10:30 AM, wrote: Dear users, I have refined a structure in R3 with cadmium bound to it, which was present in the crystallization condition. There are 2 chains in the asu. The structure is twinned. R and Rfree is around 22% and 28%. One of the cadmiu

Re: [ccp4bb] how convert SF to intensities

2011-05-13 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 05/12/2011 08:13 PM, Fulvio Saccoccia wrote: Dear ccp4 users, I need to generate intensities from a model (.pdb). That is, I think that a correct procedure could be to convert model to structure factor and then obtain intensities squaring the SF. Does anyone know how can I do? Thanks in advan

Re: [ccp4bb] problem with LIBCHECK

2011-05-22 Thread Eleanor Dodson
If you have model coordinates for your CSA, I send those to the PRODRG server and let it generate a REFMAC style dictionary. You will need to make sure it is labelled as a peptide - cf the standatd residue cif files to see how to do that.. Then you need to enter the LINKR record into the pdb fi

Re: [ccp4bb] how to remove part of data with bad signal to noise ratio

2011-05-23 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I dont think there is an Rfree problem.. At 2.7A you expect quite a big difference between R and Rfree Reducing the resolution will a) probably makethe Rfree/R difference greater, and b) degrade the quality of your maps and model. Eleanor On 05/21/2011 02:28 AM, Seema Mittal wrote: Hi Ethan,

Re: [ccp4bb] do we have to exclude Rfree columns when generating the real space density maps?

2011-05-24 Thread Eleanor Dodson
The default output for REFMAC Missing Data: For those reflections where the FP are missing, mFo is set equal to dFc. Hence the terms become FWT=dFC and DELFWT=0.0. the Rfree reflections are counted as "missing" hence there shouldnt be any bias intoroduced towards those Fobs assigned as free

Re: [ccp4bb] Problems in refinement

2011-05-26 Thread Eleanor Dodson
How very odd! I have no ideas on the Zn phenonema - what do the R factor plots look like against resolution - is there some aberrant reflection which was part of the FreeR set? The theory is that excluding 5% of the data should not affect the model seriously at all.. Re the 2nd point. Two

Re: [ccp4bb] confused about ncs in this xtal and local correlation maps with maprot.

2011-05-29 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I havent used maprot for years. COOT does it very quickly and automatically. But it is tricky to get the matrices correct - can you give some more details and I will try to help Eleanor On 05/27/2011 11:33 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote: Hi all I was just fiddling around with ncs and maps, so I tr

Re: [ccp4bb] 回复:Re: [ccp4bb] High resolution + low resolution data sets from one crystal

2011-05-31 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Use the GUI Just feed the 2 sca files into pointless - choose one as the reference - it really shouldnt match which.. pointless will check the indexing is consistent, then give you an output file with the two sets merged and sorted together, with different batch numbers assigned. scala wil

Re: [ccp4bb] finding NCS in water

2012-04-23 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Simplest is to submit your current structure to PDBe - they have software which moves all waters to lie close to protein. However the waters IDs don't help you know if A OH 123 matches B OH 123 for example. The very old utility water tidy tries to give meaningful names to your waters, but those nam

Re: [ccp4bb] Refmac and sigma value

2012-04-27 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Two points. 1) the fit to ideal geometry as flagged in coot validation does not guarantee a correct model - the best model should be the one that fits the experimental data best, without having unlikely geometry. You could easily get a model with perfect geometry which was incorrectly placed in the

Re: [ccp4bb] negative density at some places in the side chain of residues

2012-04-27 Thread Eleanor Dodson
What I would do - not net ideal! 1) the ASP looks in the wrong place - shift it into green density and one OE is probably a water.. 2) MET notoriously hard to model - I suspect there often are multiple conformations.. And of course at some wave lengths the S contribution should be down weighted by

Re: [ccp4bb] Ligand geometry

2012-04-29 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I think you will find the dictionaries for coot and refmac are different.. REFMAC default dictionary will $CLIBD/monomers/n/NAD.cif Good knows where coot finds its dictionaries - Paul? 1) check the REFMAC restraints in that dictionary are sensible - spec, are the planes and chiral centres as

Re: [ccp4bb] Suggestions for solving a structure with 8-10 copies per asymmetric unit

2012-05-01 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Well - I have found lots of molecules but usually not in a single run. The first thing to think about is: is this likely to be a dimer? trimer? tetramer? Things to consider - a) any non-cryst translation? b) tthe self rotation might give a clue - c) is the model a multimer, c)what do the biochemist

Re: [ccp4bb] data backup

2012-05-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Is there a fix for this? It has been a perennial request for some time.. eleanor On 9 May 2012 10:53, sonali dhindwal wrote: > Dear All, > > I want to take the backup of all my data which i have refined using CCP4. > Can you please guide if I copy all the ccp4 data folders and then transfer > to

Re: [ccp4bb] Difficult dataset and refinement--P422? I422?Twinning?

2012-05-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I would proceed in I422 and refine to get a decent model anyway. I presume you have one molecule in that asymmetric unit? You don't give the pointless stats on the merging of symmetry equivalents. That would help decide whether the I point group is the more likely. The pseudo translation peak in P

Re: [ccp4bb] Baverage calculation

2012-05-16 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Baverage gives you a plot of B value against residue number and chain ID - that would allow you to visually see which parts of each structure are best ordered. If you have run TLS refinement and NOT used TSLANL to add the anise and individual contributions to B then the plot will give you the devia

Re: [ccp4bb] How to refine CNS output file in refmac

2012-05-16 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Those error messages are warnings - not fatal errors - there must be something else reported in the log file to cause that. But as Garib says DNA "standard" names vary according to program and year - see if your atom names are those in the $CLIBD/monomers/g/GUA.cif That is where REFMAC will find

Re: [ccp4bb] dm: Error in opening input map file.

2012-05-16 Thread Eleanor Dodson
It is a long time since I did this, but don't you need just one master mask - then that is converted using your rotation matrix to mask the related part of the structure ? Eleanor Dodson On 15 May 2012 15:56, Yu Feng wrote: > Dear De-Feng Li, > > Thank you for your reply. Actua

Re: [ccp4bb] dm: Error in opening input map file.

2012-05-17 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Yu > > > On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 8:26 AM, Eleanor Dodson > wrote: > >> It is a long time since I did this, but don't you need just one master >> mask - then that is converted using your rotation matrix to mask the >> related part of the structure ? >&

Re: [ccp4bb] question on metal refinement in a protein structure

2012-05-17 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I am not familiar with CNS restraints, but whatever the program restraints are - if you do a omit map, or just set the occupancies of the metal and its surroundings to 0.00 and do a few cycles of refinement, I believe any model bias will disappear and what you see will be pretty accurate descriptio

Re: [ccp4bb] question on metal refinement in a protein structure

2012-05-17 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 17 May 2012 21:27, Eleanor Dodson wrote: > I am not familiar with CNS restraints, but whatever the program restraints > are - if you do a omit map, or just set the occupancies of the metal and > its surroundings to 0.00 and do a few cycles of refinement, I believe any > mod

Re: [ccp4bb] Serine

2012-05-22 Thread Eleanor Dodson
lovely density - i would like to know what % of series have multiple conformations - it would need a survey I guess of PDB depositions, not just coordinates, but checking maps.. Eleanor On 21 May 2012 22:21, Uma Ratu wrote: > Thank you All for you inputs. > > Uma > > On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 5:

Re: [ccp4bb] to determine missing atoms and residues in a PDB file

2012-05-31 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Do you have the SEQRES residues? If these are properly generated, that should be a complete list of what is in the crystallisation, and any missing residues will just not be there in the pdb. Any program which displays residue properties by number will show these up. Try the validation in coot - de

Re: [ccp4bb] P4132 vs. F23

2012-05-31 Thread Eleanor Dodson
You need to say what the cell dimensions are for these 2 options.. Eleanor On 29 May 2012 15:59, Andrey Lebedev wrote: > Hi Mike. > > I would be more careful about "incorrect" space group. Yes, sometimes > auto-indexing gives strange results. > However, in your case two sets of crystals differ

Re: [ccp4bb] ligand geometry evaluation

2012-05-31 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Well - I am not familiar with the PHENIX dictionary but you are right; if you restrain metal bond distances the structure will reflect the restraints but if you don't restrain the distances then the respective gradients for a light atom and a heavy one can produce some very odd and unrealistic resu

Re: [ccp4bb] Fun Question - Is multiple isomorphous replacement an obsolete technique?

2012-06-12 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Why would anyone ignore the anomalous data they had collected? It will always help the phasing, and decide the hand for you.. Eleanor On 6 Jun 2012, at 03:55, Stefan Gajewski wrote: > Hey! > > I was just wondering, do you know of any recent (~10y) publication that > presented a structure sol

Re: [ccp4bb] pROBLEM IN RUNNING dm

2012-06-18 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Well - I guess you need to check the input mtz file. do mtzdmo this.mtz and check that the columns you have selected are present and have non-zero values. You need a FOM there. Eleanor On 14 Jun 2012, at 12:58, Appu kumar wrote: > Hello Dear all > I am trying running

Re: [ccp4bb] NCS rotamers

2012-06-20 Thread Eleanor Dodson
If you use the " superpose mo;lecules" task, using LSQKAB , and fit molecule A over molecule B say, asking for all atoms to be fitted, you will get a list of large deviations for main and side , which should include all those residues with side chains in different rotamers. Eleanor On 20 June

Re: [ccp4bb] Tool for calculating RMSD

2012-06-20 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Beware do ing this - you may just find the coordinates are on a different origin or a different symmetry equivalent. Eleanor On 20 June 2012 09:20, Mark J van Raaij wrote: > LSQKAB ("superpose" in CCP4i GUI) also outputs in its log-file the > translation parameters and rotation matrix it used to

Re: [ccp4bb] Mlphare problem

2012-06-20 Thread Eleanor Dodson
You can View input command file, when working from the GUI. Could you cut and paste this into your message - obviously some inmportant parameter is not set, but I cant tell which without seeing that file. Eleanor On 20 June 2012 05:25, Appu kumar wrote: > Thank you for your reply, > I am run

Re: [ccp4bb] protein interaction motif databases

2012-06-20 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Try emailing ebi - they have some sophisticated search tools to do things like this.. Eleanor On 19 June 2012 17:26, stanley5101 wrote: > Hi, > Is there such a database that will allow me to search for particular > structural motifs involved in protein interactions. For example: search > for

Re: [ccp4bb] pROBLEM IN RUNNING dm

2012-06-20 Thread Eleanor Dodson
, then the input data IS sorted, and converted to the standard asymmetric unit. Eleanor Dodson On 18 June 2012 14:28, Eleanor Dodson wrote: > Well - I guess you need to check the input mtz file. > do mtzdmo this.mtz and check that the columns you have selected are > present and have

Re: [ccp4bb] help regarding structure solution - high R values after MR

2012-06-22 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I wonder if this could have happened here? Some one in the lab has yet again been trapped by a "feature??" of REFMAC. Say your MR solution is found to be in P21212 after you searched various orthorhombic SFs, but the input MTZ file has the space group still listed as P222 (i.e. the point gr

Re: [ccp4bb] Phaser Fatal runtime error.

2012-06-27 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I suspect you didn't request the FreeR assignment on the TRUNCATE interface? This calls amongst other programs, CAD and CAD makes sure that the reflection list is unique and that it is in a standard asymmetric unit. Most people do it by default so don't hit these problems... I suggest you just

Re: [ccp4bb] SCALA keywords for merging Scalepack (no merge original index) data ?

2012-07-04 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I use the GUI with most of the defaults , and just ask for SCALES constant And anomalous on of course but that is by default in SCALA .. Eleanor On 3 Jul 2012, at 16:43, Phil Jeffrey wrote: > I'm not exactly a Scala veteran so am looking for advice as to what would be > the best way to run Sc

Re: [ccp4bb] Does anyone have used DelPhi to calculate the Electrostatic potentials of DNA ?

2012-07-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 11 Jul 2012, at 03:36, dengzq1987 don't understand the question really. What DELPHI do you mean? Many programs output DELPHI (refmac, SigmaA etc ) and they are usually used as input to a difference map using FFT Eleanor > Hi all, > recently,I want to use DelPhi to calculate the Electros

Re: [ccp4bb] Chiral volume outliers SO4

2012-07-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Well - the problem may well be here - in the REFMAC dictionary (see $CLIBD/monomers.s.SO4.cif ) the chiral volume calculation uses at the order of the O numbering around the S atom . So if your O numbering is not right handed you will have the chiral volume calculated as positive, not negative. T

Re: [ccp4bb] question on merging multiple data

2012-07-16 Thread Eleanor Dodson
All this is best done from the GUI - pointless will sort out batch numbers, check indexing etc.. But you still have to identify any rogue batches, and decide on when to jettison the data st.. The Sigma level is related to the number of observations of each reflection, so this will decrease as th

Re: [ccp4bb] Regarding refinement in Refmac5

2012-07-19 Thread Eleanor Dodson
It isn't that your space group is wrong, but are you sure that your mtz file has that space group in its header? MR will test all possible alternatives - in this case P3121 or P3221 - but won't change the symmetry information in the input mtz. You need to do that with a utility like mtzutils h

Re: [ccp4bb] Alternative conformation of Phe and Tyr?

2012-07-27 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Don't forget you will need to adjust the contour level to see something with occupancy 0.3 - easily done with coot eleanor On 27 Jul 2012, at 11:25, Steiner, Roberto wrote: > Or refine the occupancies with Refmac... > > Roberto > > From my iPhone > > On 27 Jul 2012, at 11:04, "Tim Gruene" wro

Re: [ccp4bb] manipulation of water molecules in pdb files

2012-07-30 Thread Eleanor Dodson
The old fashioned water tidy will try to assign matching (non-standard) names to matching H2Os which is useful for analysis of structural waters, but cannot be deposited. I think coot has a tool to move waters to be near the protein but maybe that isn't all you want. Why not start deposition and

Re: [ccp4bb] refinement of ligands

2012-07-30 Thread Eleanor Dodson
What do you mean - running REFMAC directly on the output file? Are you sure you have the same space group given in the mtz file and the PDB file? If the MR has placed your structure in P32 say, nd the input mtz has SG P31, you need to change the mtz header to include the now-known SG. There are

Re: [ccp4bb] refmac5.7 refine pesudo-translational symmetry

2012-08-01 Thread Eleanor Dodson
l not be applied > > > > > > PS: I have used phenix.xtrige and found the p-value of > > pseudo-translational ncs is very little, which indicates the exist of > > the pseudo-translational ncs. And no twin found in this dataset. > > > > Now the problem is two in t

Re: [ccp4bb] pseudo translational symmetry

2012-08-03 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Brilliant illustration - even in 3D! eleanor On 3 Aug 2012, at 14:01, Laurie Betts wrote: > I couldn't resist this shot. It might not make the cut.but > >

Re: [ccp4bb] Pairwise distance calculation

2012-08-05 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I am surprised if the numbers are wrong, maybe your chosen superposition isn't the same as that used for superpose - there are 2 methods available - are you using the secondary structure matching, or the assigned residue match? Eleanor dodson On 5 Aug 2012, at 15:17, Zhou, Tongqing (NI

Re: [ccp4bb] refining large region with multiple conformers

2012-08-08 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Lijun Liu 's suggestion is sensible. And is there any possibility of twinning? But I always thought that at least in REFMAC all A conformations were restrained as a set, and ditto for B C etc. So if the documentation is to be believed an A chain would be restrained as a unit. I don't think

Re: [ccp4bb] CC1/2, XDS and resolution cut off

2012-08-08 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Like Ian, I tend to use as much data as is reasonable - but it is useful to look at the Rfactors plot again resolution in REFMAC output. If this shoots sky high at the limit, the data is probably not very useful in refinement or map calculation (and will automatically be down-weghted by the M

Re: [ccp4bb] Process multiple data sets

2012-08-08 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Before any further attempts you must check that the crystals have the same unit cell volume. I usually do this using matthewscoeff from the GUI ( By the way why isn't the volume automatically written into the mtz header asap!!!) If the cell volumes differ by as much as 5% no reindexing or any

[ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] CC1/2, XDS and resolution cut off

2012-08-08 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Begin forwarded message: > From: Eleanor Dodson > Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] CC1/2, XDS and resolution cut off > Date: 8 August 2012 10:10:55 GMT+01:00 > To: Marcus Fislage > Cc: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK > > Like Ian, I tend to use as much data as is reasonable - but it is use

Re: [ccp4bb] having difficulties with ammonium ion

2012-08-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
These are the atom names you should have in your monomer. No mention of H_N4 there.. NH4 HN4HH 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 NH4 N NNT1.000 -0.5810.302 -0.782 NH4 HN3HH 0.000 -1.2321.041 -

Re: [ccp4bb] phaser with MR------search ensemble

2012-08-15 Thread Eleanor Dodson
The ensemble should be a set of coordinates Eleanor On 15 Aug 2012, at 04:42, 李华 wrote: > Dear ccp4er, > I try to use Phaser MR to solve a structure. A mtz file from oasis was > used as a ensemble. All of the parameters containing protein MW, nucleic acid > MW, extent of X, Y, Z and center

Re: [ccp4bb] wilson B and ARP/wARP

2012-08-26 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I haven't seen that message, but I think you could provide Arp/Warp with the model, plus the original data, and it would probably work. Eleanor On 25 Aug 2012, at 16:38, Ben wrote: > I recently processed a dataset in HKL2000, imported the scaled data to mtz > format in CCP4, and obtained a mol

Re: [ccp4bb] Negative electron Density for Zinc

2012-08-29 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I wish I could give a sensible explanation, but this feature is very common with heavy atoms. Possible problems. The default wavelength for all atomic scattering functions is Cu Ka - you can see the formula used and details in the file $CLIBD/atomsf.lib. The atomic scattering values are much t

Re: [ccp4bb] scala & scaleit problems - GUI bug???

2012-09-06 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Like Tim says SORTMTZ expects a different format used for unmerged reflection lists. And I think this space in the filename causes the SCALEIT problem - linux operating systems often treat spaces as filename terminators.. But the " … " marks around a file name are meant to override the space

Re: [ccp4bb] Program for map rotation

2012-09-20 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Why don't you calculate the FFT over the whole asymmetric unit? That is the FFT default I think Eleanor But I think the COOT option works too, but it will also require that your input map covers the asymmetric unit. Eleanor On 19 Sep 2012, at 23:25, Niu Tou wrote: > Dear colleagues, > > Is

Re: [ccp4bb] Maprot question.

2012-09-26 Thread Eleanor Dodson
You could use COOT to do the map rotation - then the parameters seem to work The conventions should be the same. I thought but I can't really speak for COOT. If you look at the CCP4 documentation for MAPROT, and use the Superpose molecules GUI task to fit A to B using lsqkab - that gives you a ma

Re: [ccp4bb] On maps and doubts

2012-10-09 Thread Eleanor Dodson
This is interesting. In principle m and D should provide an optimum map, and at high resolution they do a reasonable job. The answer about occupancy is a good point. You don't say what resolution your data is at, but maybe it is rather low? I suspect that below ~ 3A the estimates of both m and

Re: [ccp4bb] restrain range for ligand

2012-10-15 Thread Eleanor Dodson
, and I would hesitate to alter those unless yu have special knowledge. Eleanor Dodson On 15 Oct 2012, at 12:36, Danilo Belviso wrote: > Hi! Does anybody know which is the range is used by REFMAC to vary bond > distances, angles, and torsions of a ligand molecule during a refinement > pr

Re: [ccp4bb] Twinned Data - more information

2012-10-23 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Or put all files into pointless.. It will read XDS and do the indexing checks Eleanor On 19 Oct 2012, at 12:45, vellieux wrote: > Well, the first thing I note is that P6(3) is a polar space group. > > Hence what I would do myself is the following: > > take your crystal 'number 1' (as a referen

Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4superpose_only superpose interesting residues

2012-10-25 Thread Eleanor Dodson
You can use superpose LSQKAB to fit various residues by number.. Eleanor On 24 Oct 2012, at 23:59, WENHE ZHONG wrote: > Dear members, > > I have one difficult task on hand and would like to ask for your advice. > > I want to superpose two enzyme structures just based on several residues > (e

Re: [ccp4bb] Compounded problems for molecular replacement

2012-10-27 Thread Eleanor Dodson
You don't say whether you have any indication of non cryst translation or likely dimer NC axes? The self rotation can help sometimes to select likely pairings - for instance if one (or both) domain(s) is forming a dimer. Eleanor On 26 Oct 2012, at 13:43, Bosch, Juergen wrote: > We had rece

Re: [ccp4bb] adding some user-defined graphical objects in a PDB file (and displaying them)

2012-10-27 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I don't quite understand this - you can use an editor to add any coordinates you like in the correct "atom" format to a pdb. (Don't think you can deposit them though!) Then a program like coot can be tricked into thinking the monomer CUB say is to be displayed in any style it supports. Elean

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