Re: [IxDA Discuss] What are the skills of an Interaction Designer

2009-07-08 Thread Allison McKeever
I would say that you have to be a good listener. Since you will be designing for an audience it will be important to listen to that audience's needs. A good quote I found at a museum in San Francisco reads I would never ask someone what they wanted me to design for them; I would ask them what

Re: [IxDA Discuss] 10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design

2009-01-12 Thread allison
I'm just curious if this was meant to provoke discussion within UX teams, or to inform non-UX folks? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interesting article, Design Anthropology: Response to Yoko Akama

2009-01-12 Thread allison
Hey Jarod, I'm not for or against the arguments on Dori Tunstall's blog, but I'm curious to know your take on how design anthropology vs market research could help designers think about the Japanese mobile phone market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Apple MacBook Wheel

2009-01-07 Thread allison
Actually, there are interfaces that get rid of the keyboard - see speech recognition software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Research Frameworks - Definition, Examples Creation?

2009-01-06 Thread allison
Fred, I'm not sure if what you're asking for are suggestions for research techniques that are currently used to solve specific design problems, or if you are looking to develop your own research method for the sake of developing new knowledge that may or may not resolve a specific design problem?

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Strategic Interaction Design

2009-01-06 Thread allison
My gut response is: You need to know how to learn what you don't know, and then use that information to make something that sells enough to at least pay your stockholders. That may be (really) overly simplistic and I haven't participated in strategy before, but I think the details depend on your

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Forms - selecting a country

2008-12-30 Thread Allison
I don't know what your limitations are, but could you have an auto-complete feature where the user just starts typing and possible countries show up? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Forms - selecting a country

2008-12-30 Thread Allison
Well, I don't really see too many maps on web forms...but, it depends I guess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new Welcome to the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Forms - selecting a country

2008-12-30 Thread Allison Walker
Discuss] Forms - selecting a country To: Allison Cc: Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 2:17 PM -Inline Attachment Follows- I think the challenge of maps is trying to select a small country in size. Try selecting Monte Carlo, the Vatican, St Kits

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction Designers: What is your elevator pitch?

2008-12-22 Thread allison
Dan, are you saying that there is no repeatable process involved in interaction design? The scientific method, if that's what you meant by science, can be repeatedly applied to help explain many occurances in nature, such as gravity or magnetism, or the lifecycle of a star vs the lifecycle of a

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design for impulse Behavior Economics

2008-12-12 Thread allison
I see teaching a person to use less electricity and designing a product to use less electricity as two different things. In the 2nd case, I don't need to change my behavior - now, running the hairdryer and the vacuum don't short my system. I just don't see how interaction designers can, with

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design for impulse Behavior Economics

2008-12-12 Thread allison
Maybe the article wasn't about IxDers changing all aspects of society. It's just that the article didn't read that way, so I was going off of what I read. I agree that IxDers - when they are empowered to do so, should consider knowledge and understanding from these fields related to social pysch

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Design for impulse Behavior Economics

2008-12-11 Thread allison
The article does not pay enough respect to other fields that focus specifically on behavior change management - i.e., public health, change managment, psychology, etc. I also agree that supporting arguments are too scarce to support the author's main argument, that Interaction design can solve the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction Design Career Path

2008-11-26 Thread allison
I'd also like to augment my question by adding, What are the specialist options? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new Welcome to

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction Design Career Path

2008-11-24 Thread allison
In really large companies, at some point you sort of make a decision to either go the specialist route or the generalist route. Does this phenomenon exist in the IxD career path? If so, what are the generalist options? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Where that ACD thing fits

2008-11-13 Thread allison
Ptthh. (Is there a better online way to represent a raspberry?) Pfffttt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new Welcome to the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Where that ACD thing fits

2008-11-12 Thread allison
UX designers may not be able to provide a singular definition of UCD, but I'm not sure that 10 doctors treating cancer would be able to come up with a singular approach to treatment, either. I think it depends on the problem and context (patient and cancer type, stage, funds, etc.), just as for it

Re: [IxDA Discuss] What to choose? (technical writer or technical tester)

2008-11-09 Thread allison
Ali, It seems like you know that you want to take the second job, but maybe need to have a reason to turn down a better on-paper offer...? I think you should go with whatever your gut is telling you. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new

Re: [IxDA Discuss] What to choose? (technical writer or technical tester)

2008-11-09 Thread allison
Question for everyone else, though: how can Ali, and others in the position, continue to build the type of experience that will help him move into an interaction design position in the future? While I do understand the advice of everyone above, at the end of a stint as a techwriter, aren't you

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is simplicity the answer? I am with John Maeda on this one.

2008-11-03 Thread allison
Would a better term be elegant? Elegance is the attribute of being unusually effective and simple...Some westerners associate elegance with simplicity and consistency of design, focusing on the main or basic features of an object, its dignified gracefulness, or restrained beauty of style.

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Can an interaction designer creat (great) interaction without (great) visual design skills?

2008-10-29 Thread allison
user experience is primarily visually driven...then visual skills are important to think through and design the interaction How do visual skills help you think through and design interaction? In my art class, we talk about weight, line, mass (etc)...but no one interacts with our artwork, except

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Can an interaction designer creat (great) interaction without (great) visual design skills?

2008-10-28 Thread allison
Ah, but the question was (I think) whether they have great interactions even if they don't have great visual design. I understood the question to be 'Can the designer create great interaction without great visual design skills?' This seems like a difficult question to answer objectively

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Can an interaction designer creat (great) interaction without (great) visual design skills?

2008-10-28 Thread allison
that there is a strong dependency on how/if the interaction will work Rein, what do you mean by this? I'm under the impression that how/if the interaction will work would be the main focus of an interaction designer's job... This statement sort of sounds like, well, it's not...?? . . . . .

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Can an interaction designer creat (great) interaction without (great) visual design skills?

2008-10-27 Thread allison
Yes, unless the people doing the hiring have confused interaction design with visual design. However, you will probably be better off (and more marketable) if you know about visual design, but I see it as more akin to having understanding something about programming (or whatever medium you're

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Can an interaction designer creat (great) interaction without (great) visual design skills?

2008-10-27 Thread allison
As a side note, I recently met with a recruiter for an interaction design job. In the job description they asked for people who could research requirements/competitors, define the behavior of XYZ in wireframes and written documentation, and conduct user testing, etc. However, for all practical

Re: [IxDA Discuss] What to teach interaction design students

2008-10-27 Thread allison
Not sure how this would shake out in terms of actual classes but from the student perspective, I would say that the highest priorities while in school are: learn fundamentals that will be useful regardless of how you choose to specialize (25%), expand your mind by learning about the obscurities of

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Ivrea Legacy ... Its like impressive

2008-10-27 Thread allison
Slightly off topic...(apologies)... Ivrea was financially out reach for me a few years ago, but I'm considering [EMAIL PROTECTED] for next fall. If there are any, I'd be interested in hearing from alums, or others with insights into the program. My biggest concern is the practicality of its

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Can an interaction designer creat (great) interaction without (great) visual design skills?

2008-10-27 Thread allison
Here are things in my apartment that I interact with that do not really have (great) visual designs: Microwave Digital display on my stove DVR/cable menu DVD/VHS player TV menu iPod - maybe the one exception...but really it's mostly text mp3 player alarm clock Here's stuff at work: Printer/Copy

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interface Design vs Interaction Design

2008-10-21 Thread allison
Jack, I don't think you shirk away from your education. Just because I have never seen or studied germs doesn't mean I should stop washing my hands. Yes, in some cases a disconnect exists between academic research and general practice, probably in all fields, and probably especially in one

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interface Design vs Interaction Design

2008-10-21 Thread allison
I agree with Will's argument that interaction design, whatever the final definition eventually comes out to be, can be more than what we think of as a standard interface. In his description, I did not see a civil engineer any more than I see in the description of an interface/interaction designer

[IxDA Discuss] Firefly

2008-09-05 Thread Allison Tynan
Hi we are looking at purchasing Firefly - wondering if anyone has any experience of this product. Feedback would be much appreciated. I'm currently waiting for the trial version. KRs Allison

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Creating a UI Spec Document Template

2008-08-28 Thread allison
Jamie, have you tried/used Visio? Besides it's general ubiquity, I guess I don't see the benefit of PowerPoint... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Master of Arts OR Master of Science

2008-07-16 Thread allison
@ David S. - Yes, syllabi is a word. @ Dave M. - Thank you for that explanation. I stand corrected. It was a very lucid description of the value of studio courses, which I will slap my hand for implying were not worthwhile experiences. If I'm ever living in the NY area, I'll look up those

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Master of Arts OR Master of Science

2008-07-11 Thread allison
Two suggestions/hints... Talk to an academic advisor at each of the schools to get their opinion on the courses that would be fit for all of your future interests. They will also have info on the careers of the alumni, so you can see the types of jobs that graduates have been able to get

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA Curriculum (Was: Importance of Masters Degree for IxD Professionals)

2008-07-02 Thread Allison
Very nice. Well done! For the US, these classes would probably need a little more research/theory focus, and also to add the studio section as Dave suggests, to be competitive with other Master's programs. But, it could stand on its own as a separate option, depending on what the students

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Using Laban Movement Analysis for Interaction Design

2008-06-24 Thread Allison
I haven't studied Labanotation (yet!) but I have studied Alexander technique and dance. In my experience, most people without training in movement do not really have a conscious understanding of what their body is doing in space. So, if you were going to build something based on a

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Relocating - Was: Importance of Masters Degree for IxD Professionals

2008-06-24 Thread Allison
No, I wasn't comparing the financial difference between relocating for school vs. relocating for work. Not everyone gets financial assistance when relocating, and some moving costs are unrecoverable, but it's not like when you get there you have no job at all. No, in asking the question I was just

Re: [IxDA Discuss] [iXDA Discuss] on masters programs ..

2008-06-23 Thread Allison
I applied to Domus Academy and was accepted about 2 years ago. Unfortunately, I couldn't attend due to my being broke. Their classes are in English. Now that I've been working, I would like to apply again. but my CPU doesn't seem to be able to handle all the Flash on their website. :( For the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA Curriculum (Was: Importance of Masters Degree for IxD Professionals)

2008-06-23 Thread Allison
I really like Jeff's suggestions for courses. I went the University of Cincinnati (CCM) and had many friends in the design college. Their degree programs are almost all 5 years and are not hard sells to incoming students because those students have been in art classes for most of their high

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Importance of Masters Degree for IxD Professionals

2008-06-23 Thread Allison
Rich, I think you have a very good point - from what *I* see, the tradesman/maverick/rock star is how I see immediate advancement in this field. Adam, if you went back to school at this point in your career I don't see that it would be that useful for you to advance your career, unless you were

Re: [IxDA Discuss] worth reading: The Nature of Design Practice and Implications for Interaction Design Research

2008-06-02 Thread Allison
Itamar, I'm happy to see you post this article to the list. I'm curious to know your opinion. The statement that science is not the best place to look for approaches and methods on how to approach design complexity, is provacative, however practically speaking I don't know what this means in

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Usability = Predictability

2008-05-25 Thread Allison
The best answer? Women. (Crass, perhaps, but funny. Apologies.) I counter that Men are predictable but not usable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new

Re: [IxDA Discuss] KABK Netherlands and other IxD schools

2008-03-19 Thread Allison
Also, there was this Business Week article a little while ago. report -- d-schools_special report -- d-schools If you follow the Read this Article link eventually you can find a sortable list of all the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] straw poll: best messaging user experience

2007-10-11 Thread allison
My preference is to use Gmail because it let's me use POP to access it from my home computer through Thunderbird or with my BlackBerry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new