http://observer.wunderwood.org/ (my blog)
On May 17, 2019, at 12:20 PM, Bob McGraw K4TAX wrote:
The cables from R T Systems are certainly reliable and affordable as well.
Plus if you have a question, you can call them and they will talk you through
the issue.
Bob, K4TAX
On 5/17/2019 2:
Tongue and cheek, .from what I hear on the bands, pre-distortion
starts with mostly that which comes out of the operators mouth.
Electronics won't improve this artifact.
Bob, K4TAX
On 5/18/2019 11:35 AM, Roger wrote:
As there is a lot of buzz going around with the announced K4 a
For years certain appliances, stoves, clothes dryers, water heaters used
240 volts and the ground was used to supply the 120 volt items as
required. Current electrical code requires L1, L2, Neutral, and
Ground thus 4 wires and not 3.
In some ham amplifiers the fan ran off of the split prima
He never heard the gunshot.
Bob, K4TAX
On 5/19/2019 8:50 AM, Joe wrote:
May I suggest the K4-Spousal-01 option for the K-4?
For an additional charge a $250 gift certificate would be included in
the shipping box. The gift certificate would be made out to the
spouse's name. This gift cer
I looked at the Receiver Test Data from Sherwood Engineering. While it
does show the FTsx101D (corrected) at the top of the list, there are
other radios, models and brands, which show better numbers in other
areas. I'm not knocking any radio, I'm just saying; "one best look
at ALL the numbe
I ordered my K3S with the optional KTCX03-1-F which the description
shows "1 ppm f/w correction to 0.5 ppm, factory installed".
In 3+ years of use, I check the calibration on a monthly basis. I find
it to be always better than +/- 1 Hz at 10 MHz. I have adjusted the
Ref Osc as needed. I fin
Regarding receiver set-up implementation, it is usually best when the no
signal band noise is some 10 dB above the noise floor of the receiver.
Per Sherwood Engineering data, the noise floor for the K3S is -135
dBm. Thus 10 dB above that would be -125 dBm. Now since one can't
change noise f
Why not take the RX OUT of the K3 to a BNC T and the RX IN of the K3
to the other side of the BNC T and with a BNC T in that path, feed that
to the SDR receiver. Then on the K3 press the RX ANT button and both
are fed the entire band from the same antenna and they are protected
during trans
We must realize and understand the e-mail system is not 100%
reliable. At the same time, most e-mail systems do have a provision
to reply to the sender that the message has arrived at the destination.
This still does not assure the message has been read. Another
feature often found is t
Yes that is correct.but one needs to make sure the sound card
calibration is correct.
I prefer to use CW mode with CWT active . Tune the radio to one of the
WWV frequencies. Thn press and release SPOT. This will match the
sidetone to the WWV carrier and adjust the radio to the corr
Glad you found the information of assistance. I suggest a bit longer
warm up than 30 minutes, but for starters, 30 minutes is OK. I usually
go for 1 hr to 2 hrs in a temperature stable environment.
But...that's just me.
Bob, K4TAX
On 5/25/2019 3:19 PM, HB wrote:
I know it is really aggravating but many places offer a reasonable
return policy. If they don't, I won't buy. So..l'd buy one, take it
home, use it for a few days, if it is noisy or doesn't do what you
wish..take it back for a refund. Do watch for "in store credit" on
some merchandis
Based on the Tour of Hara video I saw a few years back, the place is a
fire trap and was filled with junk, pollution, dangerous chemicals, and
garbage just to name a few. Yes it should have been torn down years
ago. Maybe the tornado with move things in that direction and
something decent f
Yes, I've always found hams to be "creative" in many ways. Thanks for
sharing your story.
Bob, K4TAX
On 5/29/2019 9:54 AM, Wayne Burdick wrote:
Bob McGraw (K4TAX) wrote:
Based on the Tour of Hara video I saw a few years back, the place is a fire
trap and was filled with
I suggest using automotive primary wire, #10 AWG for power cables. It
is stranded with much finer / smaller wire than THHN and is much more
flexible than THHN. It does correctly fit the 30 amp PowerPole
connectors thus no splicing is needed or as suggested.
I also recommend not only corre
Sounds as though ALC from the amp is causing the transceiver to step
power. One should NOT use ALC from the L-4B to the K3. The ALC circuit
in the L-4B was designed for exciters which did not have precise power
control. The use of ALC to control power in this configuration is
likely to caus
The KAT500 will sense the RF and apply the previously stored matching
elements for the frequency.
Bob, K4TAX
On 6/1/2019 8:37 AM, Michael Gillen via Elecraft wrote:
Greetings all and thank you for a great list with lots of great information!
Help me understand something on the KAT500. I
the other station OFF. I'm sure there
are other ways to do this but mine works for me.
Bob, K4TAX
On 6/1/2019 11:18 AM, Nr4c wrote:
The KAT500 has no clue what provides the RF when sensing the Freq.
Sent from my iPhone
...nr4c. bill
On Jun 1, 2019, at 11:18 AM, Bob McGraw K4TAX
I operate my KAT500 in the MANUAL mode all of the time. To do the
training, I select the ANT of choice, apply about 10 watts of RF and
press TUNE on the KAT500. Then move to the next frequency on the same
band and do the same thing. On 160M I resolve a match every 25 kHz.
On 80M I resolv
>From your earlier with the tuner and amp not switching, I would connect the
>cable ACC direct to the amp from the radio. If the amp switched then issue is
>with the tuner. If the amp doesn't switch this points to the radio.
Recheck all of your CONFIG settings in the radio.
Looks like a call
OK thanks for that bit of info. Since the KAT500 and KPA500 do not
switch to 40M or 160M, I find it odd that both boxes exhibit the same
symptoms. I'd check to see that RF is actually getting to the KPA500
and KAT500 on those 2 bands. If no RF or inadequate RF level then they
won't switch.
I use PF1 to switch between front mike input, no bias, and rear mike
input with bias.
Bob, K4TAX
On 6/3/2019 1:53 PM, Rick WA6NHC wrote:
On 6/3/2019 11:32 AM, Dave New, N8SBE wrote:
Yes, but can you have a dynamic mic plugged into one and an electret mic
plugged in the other?
Yes! Or
If you look at the jumper configuration in Fig 2 & 3 of the Signalink
USB documentation, you can insert the capacitor, in place of the
jumper, between the MIC pin on JP1 and the corresponding Mic Input
terminal on JP1. A 0.1 mfd 50 V disk ceramic should be very
adequate. That will block th
I can't emphasize this enough. BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP the configuration
on a regular basis using the K3 Utility. When things get screwy and
weird, one has a way to step back to "when things worked". Much like
the RESTORE feature on the computer. The K3 Utility makes this easy
to do a
I noticed when working the 6M contest today, I observed a band of noise
on my P3. It always tracks above the frequency about 20kHz at the
lower edge. The width of the band of noise is about 35 kHz. As I
tune, the band of noise stays relative to the tuned frequency, thus
moving up or down
Yes, yes, and yes. One can download the Receiver Test Report and
import it into an EXCEL file. That will then allow one to sort on 1 or
2 or 3 or more different criteria.
The 2 kHz Narrow Spaced number, to me, is not as important as some other
numbers. It is nice to have a radio, K3S, th
I'm using an Astron SS-30M with very satisfactory results.
Bob, K4TAX
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 9, 2019, at 9:52 AM, Peter Dougherty wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to find a power supply to power the K3s that is completely
> silent. I've owned an Astron RS-35M, which was great until
I find Mark's point very important. Obtain and use a supply which is
more than adequate for the service or load. Thus a 25 amp supply
feeding a radio drawing 20+ amps will need lots of cooling. This is
not the way to do it. Get a 50 amp supply for a radio drawing 20+ amps
and the fan(s)
I've been running Window 10 Pro since the initial release. I am very
pleased with it in all aspects. Yes, I did have a learning curve
initially, but I've found every piece of software and hardware runs
flawlessly. Most of the issues were my lack of knowledge and
understanding on how thi
The Signalink USB has a monitor jack. Thus one can plug in headphones on the
back of the unit. And using a 0.1 cap in place of the internal jumper in the
unit eliminates the need to turn off bias.
Seems all of your concerns are resolved.
Bob, K4TAX
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 9, 2019, at
Thanks for reporting your findings and correction. It seems so many
folks will post a question, receive an answer and solution, and are
never heard from again. Sharing makes us all better informed.
Bob, K4TAX
On 6/11/2019 8:16 PM, Gerry Miller wrote:
I've found a good source for power supply wire for the DC connections.
Automotive primary wire, #10 AWG. This wire is made using many small
strands which make it very flexible. Various colors are available. I
use Red {DC Pos}, Black {DC Neg} and White {equipment bonding wire}.
Also I u
I run WSJT-X V2.xxx with my K3S and have no issues with other applications,
port sharing as such. Only use one USB cable between the radio and computer.
I've found the more applications one runs, then one WILL have more problems.
Thus the question "has one made their system overly complex?"
Regarding "heavy gauge wire", I suggest one measure the voltage drop
using a DVM connected direct between the power supply Pos terminal and
the radio Pos terminal. Likewise do the same for the Neg DC line.
Put the radio in CW mode and close the key for rated output. If one
finds more tha
The Noise Blanker only affects repetitive pulse noise such as ignition
type noise. Lightning and atmospheric is random noise. As to the Noise
Reduction, I find that use of the Attenuation and RF Gain control is far
superior to using DSP systems. Also remember it is Noise Reduction and
not noi
I just completed update of this Windows 10 Pro system, 1809 update.
Checked to see if WSJT-X communicated between the computer and radio and
find all is well. No issues, sound card both ways is correct and with
my K3S works as it should. I didn't have to change anything. Also
checked HRD
With stations running 100 watts or less and reasonable antenna
separation, I've found no reason for a Receiver Input Protector.
Although, it might be a good idea to circumvent a "screw up" by an
operator. I've seen some mighty strange things done by knowledgeable
hams at Field Day.
>From experience, I find running any audio level at 100% is usually an
>indication that the levels throughout the "system" are not correctly balanced.
With my version of Windows 10 Pro the SPKR level runs 30% to 35%. With the
radio and or the Signalink the PWR slider on WSJT-X is 50 to 60% o
nown that K3 transceivers have built in bandpass
> filters. As far as I'm aware their performance characteristics have
> never been published, hence our preference to also also use external
> bandpass filters.
> 73
> Frank
which we
> (CW) were obliged to share a trailer.
> I tried a TRP-150 for the first time on the air this morning and a station in
> Michigan detected no clicks, truncating, or other aberrations.
> We'll see.
> 73,
> Kent K9ZTV
gain if he wanted to make any contacts. It took three
steps of backing down his gain to get him to reasonable copy. He was
over 10 db weaker but suddenly started running stations.
Cranking the knob to 11 is, as you say, totally counterproductive.
Dave AB7E
On 6/14/2019 10:52 AM, Bob
David et al;
My statement is almost word for word from the Elecraft K3 manual. And
some from work done by Art Collins and company at Collins Radio. They
prescribed the function of a Noise Blanker as follows:
"The following operational requirements were kept in mind:
1. Reduction of igniti
Very good info to know. Thanks for sharing.
Bob, K4TAX
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 14, 2019, at 5:58 PM, Wes wrote:
> In an earlier post I asked for help from the collective wisdom of this group.
> In response I received a lot, some via the reflector, some privately. I
> would like
When running multiple HF transmitters simultaneously its wise to:
- avoid multi-band antennas, or
- use external bandpass filters, or even better
- avoid multi-band antennas and use bandpass filters
- Original Message -
From: "Bob McGraw K4TAX"
To: donov
d. We couldn’t operate CW on the same band even
though there was no problem caused by his SSB signal.
Victor 4X6GP
On 14 Jun 2019, at 20:52, Bob McGraw K4TAX wrote:
So was the issue the result of poor shielding and connectors of cables inside
the trailer or actual antenna separation? That would
From a source and a friend of mine, KE4PT.
F Y I -
In article by two well-known radio amateurs, “Tuning Electrically Short
Antennas for Field Operation,” appeared in Microwave Journal. Authored by QEX
Editor Kai Siwiak, KE4PT, and award-winning researcher Ulrich Rohde, N1UL, the
You need to back down the level out of the computer. Also the PWR level in the
software, which is actually audio level , needs to be backed down. This
should allow you to run the Line Gain at 25 to 35. Never run any of the
controls or levels at maximum or near minimum. Mid range is best an
As I've written in the past, there are 3 places which affect the audio
levels. As a good rule, all three need to be adjusted and all about
the same value. Thus the computer SPKR level needs to be about 30% to
40%, the WSJT-X PWR slider about 30% to 40% and the radio line gain
about 30% to
The company for which I previously worked designed and built recording
studio consoles. In order to eek out every bit of noise, that is
achieve the lowest noise floor, it was necessary to crimp and then
solder the lugs on the power supply cables on both ends. Crimping was
only OK and was don
6/16/2019 6:04 PM, Bob McGraw K4TAX wrote:
Also if you use your computer for other "sound" activities, any
change made from that activity may or will change other
things. Just understand how things works and expect to quickly
be able to make adjustments with good understanding as t
First the ALC indication should be, no must be, 4 bars solid and the
5th bar flickering. To monitor your signal, use the MON function of
the K3S. It should sound VERY clean. If there is buzz, growl, humm or
anything besides pure tone, there are issues to be resolved. Check all
Perhaps you have a recent configuration backup. Load that into your K3.
Should get you back to a working radio.
Bob, K4TAX
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 18, 2019, at 12:19 PM, Jim Rhodes wrote:
> OK, I have done some fat fingered thing to my K3. For years I have been
> running RTTY in FS
Here is a paper on the topic. This covers the correct procedure.
Bob, K4TAX
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 20, 2019, at 8:38 AM, John Oppenheimer wrote:
> Using DL1 with O
To evaluate speech use a pink noise source. That is the standard source signal
for acoustic measurements.
Bob, K4TAX
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 20, 2019, at 10:34 AM, John Oppenheimer wrote:
> Hi Don,
>> On 6/20/19 9:21 AM, Don Wilhelm wrote:
>> John,
>> That connection is OK if
I respectfully disagree on Drake receivers and EF Johnson transmitters
as boat anchors. My finding is there no suitable place on either one
to which one can attach a length of rope, hence becoming an anchor
line. Therefore, neither are considered to be a boat anchor.
Bob, K4TAX
On 6/
There is w too much of that on the air today. I'll be glad to
see the day in which Riley Hollingsworth gets the VM program up and
Bob, K4TAX
On 6/24/2019 1:59 PM, Ken G Kopp wrote:
Such offensive behavior is an age-old ploy to maintain a clear frequency,
especially wh
The WSJT-X software does have a provision for the correct Field Day
exchange found under the Advanced tab. I worked several stations on
FT-8 and also on FT-4 with the latest version. Most activity was on
FT-8 of which a lot was found on 6M. There are a few issues with RC-7
for FT-4. The
On Jun 25, 2019, at 12:48 PM, Bob McGraw K4TAX wrote:
The WSJT-X software does have a provision for the correct Field Day exchange
found under the Advanced tab. I worked several stations on FT-8 and also on
FT-4 with the latest version.Most activity was on FT-8 of which a lot was
25, 2019, at 3:12 PM, Bob McGraw K4TAX wrote:
You can find the latest version {2.0.1} of WSJT-X here:
The pulsating is the result of the refresh rate of the display and the
1500 Hz tone. Change the TUNE tone to a non- 500 Hz interval such as
1250 Hz. or 1700 HZ as such. Yes, in FLDIGI the TUNE tone is a single
frequency you have selected on the waterfall scale or in the box at the
bottom of
(pulsating). I always felt there was something intermittent but now I
know. The issue is simply where I chose to test. I'd have never
figured that out.
Thanks and 73!
Kev N4TT
On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 4:17 PM Bob McGraw K4TAX <mailto:rmcg...@blomand.net>> wrote:
The puls
If you run the K3 Utility and the KPA500 Utility, download the latest
from Elecraft and install same. Also while you have those utilities up
and running, do a back-up of each. The current version for the
KPA500 is 1.54 and for the K3S is 5.67 for the MCU. I'd say both of
your items are
Some years ago when operating HF packet in S. FL., I built an antenna
switching arrangement which would take the error signal from my PK-232,
count the errors and at some point switch to the other antenna. One
antenna was an 80M inverted V, the other was a Butternut vertical
mounted over a sa
Indian Chief said; "White man stupid. Thinks he can cut 12" off of
one end of his blanket, sew it on the other end, and have a longer blanket".
Bob, K4TAX
On 6/27/2019 3:26 PM, Logan R Zintsmaster wrote:
Amateur astronomers refer to Advanced Time as Darkness Wasting Time.
Logan, KE7AZ
Well written generic paper for operation of FT-8 and other digital
signals of like mode. It does not totally nor correctly apply to
Elecraft radios as power management is handled by a totally different
means. And those means and methods suggested in this paper are not
applicable to Elecraft
Since it is only to be used not mobile, I would not add a fuse to the
power cord. It only adds a few tenths ohms but it still is added R
that isn't needed.
As to ICOM, any radio that is used mobile should be fused in the DC Pos
and DC Neg leads.
Bob, K4TAX
On 7/1/2019 3:45 AM, David W
Oh my. It seems that folks keep designing good stuff, circuits,
software,radios and the like, and for economic reasons end up with
Chinese manufacturing some of the boards or assemblies. It doesn't
take them long to figure out what makes it tick and end up with a clone
available at 1/2 the
Bob, K4TAX
On 7/1/2019 4:35 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:
That is quite generous of you, and all those who provide public domain
Each of those software packages you mention run on a computer, and are
a complete package within itself. That is different than a situation
Sounds like the power from the K3 is too high. Should be about 25 or
so watts. Actually, 20 watts drives my KPA500 to 500 watts output on
all bands. I trust the SWR as seen by the amplifier is 1.5:1 or less.
Do you get any FAULT LED indications on the KPA500? You can use the
KPA500 Utility
A clue. at 500 watts with the KPA500 there is an issue. At 50 watts
using just the K3 there is no reported issue. What's the difference?
RF field strength. Sounds like it might be and RFI issue.
Check all PL-259's and make sure they are VERY TIGHT. Check jumper
cables, between each
I've found that all USB cables are not created equal. Some are
apparently better shielded than others. I tried and replaced 3 or 4
different ones / brands / lengths, in the same location and
configuration {between my K3S and my laptop} before I found one that did
not cause the WSJT-X softwar
First, check all power connections. And if your radio is powered
through a DC distribution strip, my suggestion is to not use the strip
for the radio power. In other words, connect the radio power cable
direct to the power supply. Also shorten the power cable to be more
convenient and ha
These are available and are adequate for general ham radio use. They are
$10.21 each + $3.50 shipping. Worth having just to look at.
Make sure you balance the station receive performance with that of the 1
KW amp. Power is easy to generate. Low noise receive performance is
a challenge. Start with a mast mounted low noise preamp, then low loss
feedline such as 7/8" hard-line, and such. Remember, loss in the
feedline add
A bandpass filter is designed for optimum rejection and pass frequencies
only when operated at 50 ohms. Thus both ends of the filter need to see
50 ohms. If the antenna has a SWR issue, no matter how small, it is not
likely 50 ohms. And if one uses the transceiver internal ATU to the
input o
I would remove Microham and connect the USB cable directly from the radio to
the computer. Then set the audio CODEC as found under the Setup menu of
The SPKR level on the computer should be about 30%, the PWR slider on WSJT
about 50% and the K3S Line Gain at 25 to 30. This should
I did look at the parameters of my KPA500 this morning. In STBY the HV
is 75.4 and in OPER at 500 watts out, CW mode, key closed the HV is 63.7
and current is 10.5 amps. Amp is operated from a 240 volt source.
Bob, K4TAX
On 7/7/2019 6:20 AM, Mark Murray via Elecraft wrote:
For Doug, K
These cables, like many cables with connectors will accrue connector
oxidation. Often the oxidation is such that it prevents a very low
level signal from passing. The solution for many instances is simply
to clean connectors.
My approach is to use a Q-Tip, apply your favorite contact cleane
It is silver sulfide {tarnish} which is semiconductor and will therefore
conduct electricity, but will reduce the surface conductivity. To what
extent will depend on the thickness of the tarnish. Surface tarnish
will not affect bulk conductivity unless the "bulk" thickness is very
Don't confuse compression and clipping. Compression reduces dynamic range
while clipping sets a hard ceiling and does generate distortion. Compression
used correctly does not generate distortion.
Bob, K4TAX
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 12, 2019, at 4:00 PM, Wes wrote:
> What distor
First, how have you determined that you will need EQ for AM? With the
stock SSB filter you won't get AM to sound good. And with the 6 kHz AM
filter, that depends largely on the type of mike being used and your
mike technique. I use the same mike and mike technique and EQ for SSB
as I do for
In that configuration there are 3 specific places where adjustments are
needed for transmit levels. Left click on the SPKR icon in the lower
right side of the computer display. Set that slider to a value between
30 and 50. That controls the transmit audio via the software. And in
0.1. is good enough for me.
> - pjd
> -Original Message-
> From: Bob McGraw K4TAX
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 7:24 PM
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net; li...@w2irt.net >> Peter Dougherty
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] FT8 TX levels = no power
What is the Line gain on the radio?
My values:
For transmit:
Computer SPKR level @ 30 or -18 dB
WSJT-X PWR at mid scale, thus Transmit Digital Gain is -17.3 dB
K3S Line gain at 25.
For receive:
Microphone (USB Audio CODEC) = @ 27 or -10 dB
K3S Line Out = Normal 010
These values abo
Yes as I wrote earlier there are 3 places which are "in series" if you
will, that affect the audio level to the radio. In order: (a) Windows
SPKR level. (b) WSJT-X PWR slider, (c) K3S Line Gain.
I don't know anything about TX audio processing changes and I don't find
it a challenge or any dif
I would first reboot the computer a couple of times. Then go to the
Windows Update application and run it. Take all the defaults and let it
"do its thing". A failed update will leave lots of fragments and crap
in the computer.
Also I suggest, as I do, run an application that gets rid of t
Here is the link to the app that I use. Take the FREE download.
Bob, K4TAX
On 7/20/2019 10:18 AM, Clay Autery wrote:
jv16.org < The Registry Cleaner, et al. that I use.
Clay Autery, KY5G
(318) 518-1389
I agree with Don and Joe. One of my radios some 10 years ago had the
feature. It could be turned on or off. Yet some really didn't like it
and some thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. To me, my
K3S in its present configuration fits ALL of my needs.
Bob, K4TAX
On 7/20
I used a RSP-1 {SDR Play} on the IF output of my K3S before I purchased
my P3. I used HDSDR and OmniRig as the controlling software. I was
very pleased with its performance, ease of use, and ease of configuration.
Bob, K4TAX
On 7/22/2019 8:31 AM, Conrad PA5Y wrote:
Hi Raj the Perseus
I agree that Bird dummy loads are some of the best. Be sure to get one rated
for at least your maximum power anticipated. And do allow a margin of safety.
I use 2x, thus for 100 watts I use a 250 watt rated load.
I purchase all of my power measurement equipment from NM3E.COM.
Bob, K4TAX
Since power meter systems are calibrated at a known impedance {usually
50 ohms}, and they are voltage sensing devices, any deviation from the
calibration value will introduce an error in power indication. It just
depends on how precise one prefers to be with power measurements.
100 watts into
ure. You can precisely calculate power.
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jul 23, 2019, at 9:38 AM, Bob McGraw K4TAX wrote:
>> Since power meter systems are calibrated at a known impedance {usually 50
>> ohms}, and they are voltage sensing devices, any deviation fro
First make sure the radio is correct on all WWV frequencies. I use CW mode
and Auto Spot. That will get to within 2 Hz or better. Adjust the Ref freq to
Then you can calibrate the P3 to the radio.
No tuning or listening for zero beat required.
Bob, K4TAX
Sent from my iPhone
Just checked my K3S and P3 using WWV 5.0 MHz and 15.0MHz. The error
indicated on the radio is 1 to 2 Hz low. The P3 is correct for both
frequencies with a Ref Cal value of -55 for both frequencies.
My K3S calibration method uses CW mode, with CWT active and press SPOT.
That will zero the ra
Just shows HOW IMPORTANT keeping a current back-up file becomes. Glad
that resolved the issue.
Bob, K4TAX
On 7/27/2019 8:23 AM, Mpridesti via Elecraft wrote:
Although I was unable to exactly determine the source of failure, by using the
Restore K3 Configuration button and use a previou
Is there an ATU involved? If so , the TX signal and RX signal are then common
to the path through the ATU.
I don't think the RX signal goes through the 100W PA.
Also consider the antenna port switching. That is common to both RX and TX
signal paths.
Bob, K4TAX
Sent from my iPhone
> On A
F Y I - I pass along from another source.
Bob, K4TAX
I am beginning, rather belatedly, to understand the source of the many
users reporting low Tx audio levels with the 64-bit MS Windows version
of WSJT-X. I stated above that "Pwr" slider in WSJT-X directly controls
the Windows audio mix
Just curious on my part, with my K3S I ran FT-8 for about an hour making
1 contact after another on 20M. Power output was set to100 watts
although the external powers meters (2 different ones) show a bit more
than 100 watts. Started with PA temperature at 36°C and never saw it
go over 50°C.
Are these values on a dummy load or feeding the KAT500 or antenna direct?
I just quickly checked my KPA500 into a dummy load at 500 watts output.
The currents run from 14.0A on 20M to a low of 11.5A depending on
band. This is done with 500 watts output as shown on my Bird 43 and
From another source. F Y I --
Bob, K4TAX
An article by two well-known radio amateurs, “Tuning
Electrically Short Antennas for Field Operation,” appeared in
Microwave Journal. Authored by QEX Editor Kai Siwiak, KE4PT,
and award-winning researcher Ulrich
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