Re: need help - a negative, later positive - ?

2005-04-07 Thread Nina
many from it's benefits, but isn't that the way it is in the human world as well? I'm hoping the costs will come down, maybe when it's finally approved. Nina Susan Loesch wrote: You know, I tend to wish that, too. Gloria and I are part of the same rescue group and we both are really

Re: need help - a negative, later positive - ?

2005-04-07 Thread Nina
is in desperate need. Nina Susan Loesch wrote: You're right, it is the same way. I hope our vet will go ahead with the paperwork - and maybe we can find a way to come up with some $$.I sometimes wonder if it would be better to take in fewer animals and be able to concentrate more time

Re: OT: help me, please

2005-04-07 Thread Nina
:// Good luck, hope he shows up soon, Nina Hideyo Yamamoto wrote: Nina, may I have a phone number of the animal spiritual person you mentioned to me about before? There is a boy kitty who has been missing since last Saturday he is a stray kitty, and has been injured me

Re: Brissle Update - Good News and Bad News

2005-04-07 Thread Nina
tastes just vile. I just spent $86 bucks on some the other day, and the reaction from my girls was so bad, (even with adding banana flavor to cut the bitterness), I'm back to the pills. I'm pulling for you and Brissle, Nina Melbeach wrote: Thanks Michelle! Something told me you'd straighten me out

Re: need advice for Kurt

2005-04-08 Thread Nina
for Gypsy. Good luck with Kurt, I hope he makes a quick recovery. Nina maca cats wrote: thank for all the advice and good thoughts. latest news are it was not diabetes, but IBD. This I feel I can handle a little better, and even though the crisis is not finished, I see more light at the end

Thanks Everyone (for my Jazz)

2005-04-10 Thread Nina
). I so hope Barbara decides to keep him. I can just imagine the tendrils of understanding spreading to everyone, one owner and one vet at a time. It's just inspiring. I didn't expect to be posting so soon, but I just had to tell you how much you guys mean to me. Nina


2005-04-12 Thread Nina
to suggest, my brain is really fried right now, but I just wanted you to be aware of this. Nina Barbara Baass wrote: *Brenda,* *I am amazed that your kittty is still around and that non of the others came up positive. I know now through all the messages that I have been receiving that I can not have

Re: URGENT on Michael's behalf

2005-04-12 Thread Nina
with all my heart that you get them very soon. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Mike-- I've only caught bits and pieces of this thread...but judging by the symptoms that you've listed, it sounds like your little guy has lymphoma (FeLV+ cats are notoriously prone to cancer)...and seeing that it's

Re: Dox and VO - Michael and his baby

2005-04-12 Thread Nina
be loved. Nina Michael Cameron wrote: It seems stitches condition is continuing to degrade. he has lost all appetite and and i didn't see him drinking any water. I have tried a few different dry foods, to include the treats he loves so much, but to no avail. his breathing seems to be stable

Re: OT: Wisconsin cat hunting: bad and good news!

2005-04-13 Thread Nina
Unbelievable. What universe is this? I think I better get my head out of the sand. I didn't even know these people existed. How can there be 6,830 of them? BONNIE J KALMBACH wrote: The bad news is that the advisory vote on the resolution to make cats an unprotected species won, but the

Re: Hello everyone, long time since I've been here

2005-04-14 Thread Nina
to take them, at least temporarily to buy them some time in finding homes? Have the local TV/Newspapers been notified of this story? People always seem to come out of the woodwork when it hits the news. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That may be a possibility. I just used and chose

Re: fwd of Best guest speaker about FELV

2005-04-15 Thread Nina
on him/her until he gets everything processed. Nina Hideyo Yamamoto wrote: Michelle, I am so glad that you are on line - I am on the way to the vet to ask her to write me a VO request letter for me - I wanted to make sure that I know the process correctly - The vet will write a letter

Re: fwd of Best guest speaker about FELV

2005-04-15 Thread Nina
benefit from it before a vet would write a prescription for it. Nina Hideyo Yamamoto wrote: Do you know if VO has been approved in Japan? I think it was originally developed in Japan as a research treatment for FIP - If so, I am wondering if I can have my family send it to me- -Original

Michael, how are you and Stitches?

2005-04-15 Thread Nina
Michael, What's the word on Stitches? I've been thinking of you guys and sending healing thoughts his way. Have you been to see him? Nina Michael Cameron wrote: I took stitch to the cats only vet here in Columbus for one last shot. I have been giving him water with vitamins for the past 2 days

Re: For Nina

2005-04-17 Thread Nina
something concrete to treat. Thanks for the good will Kerry, Nina MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote: Message Dear Nina I only just read your complete email (the part to Michelle). I want you to know I'm sending many good, healing thoughts your way for Gypsy and Jazz, and Zevontoo. It's clear

Re: For Nina

2005-04-17 Thread Nina
a reprieve from responsibility! Just give me some sedating meds, a window with a view of trees and squirrels and I could sit happily babbling! Nina catatonya wrote: Nina, A big DITTO from me. Take some time for yourself. Someone just sent me a link to flower essences for when you are stressed out

Re: vegetarian pet food

2005-04-17 Thread Nina
breast and liver was the only thing that had any effect on her symptoms, the change was slight, but it did get better. When I began adding the Instincts TC (pre-packaged ingredients to add to muscle meat to make it nutritionally complete), she was back to square one. Nina catatonya wrote: Patti

Re: fwd of Best guest speaker about FELV

2005-04-18 Thread Nina
Michelle, I did speak to Hideyo and gave her my vet's phone number. I'm so glad to hear Pepsi is hanging in there. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hideyo, sorry I just got this email now. Did you get the packet from Nina's vet? I don't think my vet used it, but it is the easiest way to go. Your

Re: new addition

2005-04-18 Thread Nina
, but PLEASE, this sort of "support" does not help. I'm very fortunate to have the husband that I do, actually I'm very smart to have picked so wisely, (not without experiencing some real humdingers for comparison!) Please let us know how Puss acclimates, Nina catatonya wrote: Hi a

Re: get out the tissues!

2005-04-18 Thread Nina
I'll have to read it later, just about anything gets me crying these days! Thanks for the warning! Nina catatonya wrote: Jul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: "Jul" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 04:27:39 - Subject: [kittycityrescue] Fwd

Re: allergies/overgrooming

2005-04-18 Thread Nina
I'm glad DD is home safe and sound. You're such a good mom. Shouldn't the Benadryl help either way? I have a client with a Lab with allergies that takes Benadryl, she says it mellows him out, (and if you'd met this dog, you'd know what a feat that is!). Nina catatonya wrote: DD came

Re: feline leukemia:my preciuos son shorty isnt doing very goodat all! what c...

2005-03-30 Thread Nina
sources of information and support. God bless your little family. Keep us posted on how you guys are doing. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If he is having trouble breathing and he is FeLV+ chances are he has mediastinal lymphoma, which is a type of cancer, or severe anemia. There are things you can do

Re: Brissle crashing again, bloodwork looks grim.

2005-04-23 Thread Nina
it doesn't, but I have the words and the animals don't. I just don't feel like I have a choice, I have to try. Nina Melbeach wrote: Jenn, I thought about that after the last transfusion. My vet mentioned that they had a cat on hand for doing transfusions. What an awful fate! Spending your life

Re: Turn for the worse

2005-04-25 Thread Nina
. Does Roxie have any other symptoms associated with FelV? Does she have the tell-tale gingivitis that so many of our angels get? How old is she? Many blessing to you and your Roxie and thank you for the good news. Nina Lisa Roberts wrote: Well, good news. Roxie seems to be much better. She had

Roxie's turn around

2005-04-25 Thread Nina
for those angels! Nina Lisa Roberts wrote: Hi Nina, Thanks so much for your reply. We found out that Roxie was positive back in January. She wasn't sick, but her brother Ollie had been very sick (diarreha, vomiting, very lethargic) and our vet tested him and he was positive. So, of course we

Re: relative merits of Doxy and Clavamox?

2005-04-25 Thread Nina
in tune with me and I was a total wreck. Nina MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote: Dear all I guess I'm trying to educate myself today--does anyone know why a vet would choose to prescribe one over the other--I've been prescribed Doxi and Clavamox at different times by different vets for the same problem--URIs

Re: relative merits of Doxy and Clavamox?

2005-04-25 Thread Nina
by the lady that read Gypsy and Zevon for me. I'll let you know if I have any breakthroughs! Nina MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote: Thanks Nina. I never realized that antibiotics could be given longterm. It's wonderful that it's having such a positive effect on Grace. Yes, I'm sure you're right

Re: possible treatment for FeLV?

2005-04-25 Thread Nina
Thanks Hideyo, I'll take a look. Nina Hideyo Yamamoto wrote: Sorry, here's the link -Original Message- From: Hideyo Yamamoto Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 3:19 PM To: '' Subject: RE: possible treatment for FeLV? Hi, I

Re: Help! Vaccine Reaction?

2005-04-25 Thread Nina
will understand? P.S. Why would your vet think that vomiting undigested food warrants a precautionary deworming? Next time I'd have a fecal test done to check for parasites. Vomiting could indicate all sorts of things, I don't think I've ever heard it being indicative of worms though. Nina

Re: A/D cannned food from vet clinic

2005-04-27 Thread Nina
to the list. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You can buy the oral feeding syringes online here: A good thing to keep on hand, for sure! Jenn


2005-04-27 Thread Nina
take her place in your heart and you won't let Sugar push her from your lap again. Let us know what happens. Nina tamara stickler wrote: Its amazing how sensitive they can be. She may be keeping Sugar from using the box, because Sugar kept her from your lap. (They are more complicated

Re: For Jenn: relative merits of Doxy and Clavamox?

2005-04-27 Thread Nina
I've begun to put Grace's Dox in a small gel cap, (even the smallest gel cap I could find is too big, I trim it with a scissors first), then cover it with a drop of salmon oil to make sure it's slippery. So far, it seems to be working. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Doxicycline definitely

Re: For Jenn: relative merits of Doxy and Clavamox?

2005-04-27 Thread Nina
Hey Kerry, I got the gel caps from Whole Foods. The first time I went to buy them they didn't have any small ones, so I re-used the ones from my Co-Q10. Nina MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote: Thanks Michelle and Nina--can I ask where you buy the gel caps? Kerry -Original Message- From: [EMAIL

Nina and Gypsy/Calcium Carbonate for baby food

2005-04-28 Thread Nina
they are getting a balanced diet when feeding baby food. Nina The other thought is just to get her on one diet and stick with it but syringe feed her. I usually use Wellness plain chicken for my syringe feeding although I am not sure how Wellness will do with her diarrhea. About 5% of cats with diarrhea do

Re: I'm scared for Grace - dilated left pupil

2005-04-28 Thread Nina
Thanks Michelle for that ray of hope. I'm trying not to panic. Before my animals started getting sick, I was so calm in crisis conditions. That's all shot to h**l now. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Nina, I think it could be a sign of something serious, but I also seem to remember someone

Re: I'm scared for Grace - dilated left pupil

2005-04-28 Thread Nina
I forgot to mention that my vet also said that this is not unheard of with FelV kitties. Nina

Re: My Baby Kitten DIED

2005-04-28 Thread Nina
is not for sissies. Nina Barb Moermond wrote: Tad, I am so sorry - the loss of a youngster can hit very hard. My stepdad rescued a kitten he saw thrown from a truck, it's sibling didn't make the landing, and she died less than a week later - tiny little thing, just barely a handful - from

Re: I'm scared for Grace - dilated left pupil

2005-04-29 Thread Nina
Thanks Joan, that's good to hear. My internist is going to try to squeeze me in this weekend, but thanks to you guys I'm not quite so nervous anymore. Joan Doljan wrote: Nina, I had a cat that had the same symptoms. I paid a lot of money for a number of tests and all turned out OK


2005-04-29 Thread Nina
something they're interested in. Nina Cherie A Gabbert wrote: I have had Cleo since Nov 04 and no she never did this before, but she came from my moms house. The last new addition was at the end of March so I do not think it is that, but since then all has been ok, she is sleeping in my chair right now

Re: I'm scared for Grace - dilated left pupil

2005-04-29 Thread Nina
Thanks Tamara for all the personal experience about this. The reason I started to panic, was because Grace's littermate, Molly, (the 2nd in the litter to pass), had a tumor behind one of her eyes. A concussion had not occurred to me, but the way she's been acting lately, it could be. Nina

Nut jobs and Bed Mice

2005-04-29 Thread Nina
d, staring intently at the smooth cover and doing her grumble-under-her-breath vocalization, then she'll look at me, then back at the covers. She'll keep it up until I get on my hands and knees and stick my hand under the covers, and the game is on! Nina MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote: Message Ye

Re: What would we do without the list?

2005-04-29 Thread Nina
, informative and supportive. I think we should all get together, pool our money and buy a huge piece of property and start a commune, (with really high walls!). Much love to all of you, Nina

Re: O.T, - Please vote for Jada

2005-04-29 Thread Nina
Jada is in the running! I just voted again and it seemed to register. Bumper's out in front right now. Jada's too dignified to wear a silly collar! Nina Doljan, Joan wrote: Message Thank you to everyone who is voting for Jada. I am not sure if you can vote more than once

Harbour needs a home

2005-04-30 Thread Nina
, I just know it. I'll be praying for the two of you. Let us know what happens. Nina

Re: Dexamethasone side effects?

2005-04-30 Thread Nina
Kyle, I don't have anything to add, I just wanted you to know that I'm with the two of you in spirit and praying for you guys. Nina Melbeach wrote: Okay I'm a little relieved. It turns out that it was depomedrol that Brissle was given. I read it takes about 3 days to take effect. Yesterday

Re: my two newest rescues

2005-04-30 Thread Nina
, maybe fish or liver; flat dish opposed to bowl? I've been through it with Gypsy trying to get her to eat! BTW, thank you for sharing your closet/isolation unit idea with us. I've been looking at my closet in the master bedroom all morning thinking how I might convert it for my leaky bottom girl. Nina

Re: my two newest rescues

2005-04-30 Thread Nina
;wild" diet as possible, hence their being such big fans of raw. Nina Tad Burnett wrote: Perhaps this is a good time to ask a question that I have... People on this group have recomended the Liver Shake... Basicaly equal volume of liver and V8 tomato juice I gave it to Baby Kitte

Re: OT: Staff take more time off for ill pets than relatives

2005-04-30 Thread Nina
as that. I'm sure it's difficult in many ways, but when your head exhaustedly hits the pillow at night it must be very rewarding to know you've made a quality difference in people's lives. Thank you Mary Christine for your contribution to the planet, Nina TenHouseCats wrote: i'm trained as a grief

Nutrigest ingredients

2005-04-30 Thread Nina
might be interested. Nina Nutri-Gest Rx vitamines Inc. Larchmont NY 10538 Robert J. Silver DVM Ingredients: Probiotic Cultures500 mil viable cells L. Glutamine200 mg Cats Claw 150 mg N-acetyl D glucosmine150mg Calcium Pantothenate 100mg

Re: OT: Staff take more time off for ill pets than relatives

2005-04-30 Thread Nina
I think I've changed my mind. Maybe I don't want to see that list after all. I forget how insensitive some well meaning people can be! Nina Gloria B. Lane wrote: WOW - right. When my boyfriend died in 1994, after being ill with cancer for a year and a half, a couple of people suggested

Re: my two newest rescues

2005-05-02 Thread Nina
as a foster. You folks may remember my looking for a home for him. Well, he found one, mine! Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Guess what?! When I just checked on them, the plate of soft food I had left was GONE! At least one of the ATE! Whoo-hooo! I'm going to put another plate of food


2005-05-02 Thread Nina
with these guys. At the first sign of illness, you have to jump on it fast and aggressively. We've talked quite extensively about different ways to help entice a kitty to eat. Let us know if you want some suggestions. I'm sending good thoughts and prayers to you and Mikey for a speedy recovery. Nina

Mikey - Holistic remedies

2005-05-02 Thread Nina
to be swallowed or chewed, they're supposed to melt under your tongue. Nina Hideyo Yamamoto wrote: Hi, Leah, Try to use the remedy called Pustilla - When my ginger (FeLV+) had a fever, this worked like a miracle and also some others - If the fever just started, you might want to try aconite first

Re: Mikey - Holistic remedies (link to remedies)

2005-05-02 Thread Nina
/remedy.htm#keynotes Nina Hideyo Yamamoto wrote: And, also, they are not supposed to eat food for 15 mins. Prior/after giving the remedy - if you give a dose, and it does not work, you might try the 2nd after 12 hours, and if it doesn't - try the next remedy.

Re: I need ideas on best brand of carrier for feral

2005-05-03 Thread Nina
I'm betting the house-call vet you've used will prescribe you some. Will they let you touch their ears? I'm pretty sure you can get Ace in a transdermal. Nina MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote: Thanks Chris--I'll look into this ace promezine that you mention. I haven't had luck with Rescue Remedy

Re: Mikey

2005-05-04 Thread Nina
. I'm so sorry. I know too well that there's nothing anyone can say at a time like this to ease your burden of grief. Give Bubba a kiss from me, and know we're all thinking about you. Nina Wolf, Leah R. wrote: Dear Everybody, This is to let you know that Mikey has joined his brothers in cat

Re: Two Door Deluxe Pet Porters for Cats/Kerry

2005-05-04 Thread Nina
from you. It will also help them get used to the fact that when you move, it's not always a bad thing! Nina MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote: Message Thanks Nina--it's funny, they'll come up really close to me, touch me, when I'm sitting still as a statue, butthe second I even slightly move

Re: I need ideas on best brand of carrier for feral

2005-05-04 Thread Nina
Ha! Flavia is your target, she's the one that's going to give in first. Nina MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote: Touch their ears? That just in itself would be a champagne-popping event. Nah, I just have to move my little finger half an inch and they're gone. Outa there. The only means of touching them

Re: Two Door Deluxe Pet Porters for Cats/Kerry

2005-05-04 Thread Nina
aking a complete fool" of yourself made me laugh. I've been known to slink to the ground and slowly roll, belly to the sky, arms outstretched, enticing anyone who might be interested to come closer and check out the extremely large ungraceful cat! Nina TenHouseCats wrote: one of the things i le

Re: I need ideas on best brand of carrier for feral

2005-05-05 Thread Nina
hese cases, peaceful assisted passing isn't a more "humane" alternative. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In a message dated 5/5/2005 9:28:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Ive always thought that the people who trained or so mistreated these dogs

Re: I need ideas on best brand of carrier for feral

2005-05-05 Thread Nina
for those who are left to languish without any contact whatsoever. Thank you and the your fellow volunteers for your unselfish efforts to help these unfortunate and troubled souls. Nina Rachel wrote: Nina - I volunteer with a rescue group and in my 4 years with them we have made the decision

Re: I need ideas on best brand of carrier for feral

2005-05-05 Thread Nina
, but it does help if it's the same times each day. Nina Karolyn Lount wrote: Hi, For the IV's, shots and examination you may want to try a Squeeze Cage. If you can get the cat into a Trap then you can transfer it to the Squeeze Cage. If you put newspaper under the bottom of the trap you can keep a cat

Re: I need ideas on best brand of carrier for feral

2005-05-07 Thread Nina
I'm going to let the Dogs may be more trainable, but cats are head and shoulders above them in the IQ department. slide. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear Tonya: Cats are MUCH more adept at picking up our thoughts and energy than we are...they don't have to study and relearn telepathic

Re: Need prayers and advice for Ginger

2005-05-07 Thread Nina
Michelle, Do you have any animal toothpaste in the house? That must have some antibacterial agents in it of some sort. If it tastes good, I'd think about diluting it and using a Qtip to clean her teeth instead of stressing her further with something that might work better, (thank you Barbara

Re: Re AKIRA need prayers...

2005-05-08 Thread Nina
Lisa, I logged on hoping to see some news about Akira. What's happening with her? Nina

Re: Need prayers and advice for Ginger

2005-05-08 Thread Nina
I just remembered something else Gypsy would eat when she would only take liquids. I mixed up some KMR and mixed in some salmon oil. She'd lap that up when she wouldn't eat anything else. Nina

[Fwd: [FelineIBD] Warning: Lilies dangerous to cats!]

2005-05-08 Thread Nina
Remember how I was just saying there's nothing poisonous in my back yard? Surprise! This was just posted on my IBD list, thought I'd pass it on. Nina ---BeginMessage--- This was in the newspaper a couple of days ago. (U.K) Thought I better send it out! Cat owners warned over killer

Re: Welcome back Barbara

2005-05-09 Thread Nina
animals to a lab for testing! I'm glad Tom is back safe with you, (at least for now). Nina Barbara Baass wrote: Thanks Kerry, No, their yard was not cat proof. I am beginning to think it is meant for him to be here. I love Tom to death, but I aslo worry about my 4 non-positive ones gettting

Re: Akira

2005-05-09 Thread Nina
girl. Travel light and bright on your journey sweet Akira. Much love to you and your family, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thank you everyone for all your prayers, Akira is resting peacefully on my bed right now, very calm and sereneshe is dyingwe have decided to let her go

Re: Advice for a Newbie Appreciated

2005-05-09 Thread Nina
a prayer that Tessa has a speedy recovery from her URI. It sounds like she chose well, when she chose you. Nina Jennifer Korin wrote: Hi! I hope it's okay to just jump in here. I found this mailing list while searching for information about FeLV. About three weeks ago, I adopted a 6 month old

Re: for Barbara (Baass) re unsubscribe

2005-05-10 Thread Nina
*I have not been any where over night for 7 years. There is just not any one to trust conpletely.* Oh yeah Barbara, it sounds like Tom has steered you to the right group of people! You're definitely one of us! Nina Barbara Baass wrote: *Problem is that I don't have family here and few friends

Re: Innova EVO, anyone else made the switch yet? (OT)

2005-05-10 Thread Nina
better about feeding dry to my other furballs though. If your bald food-allergy cat, (poor baby), is allergic to grain, then it makes sense that he's (?) doing better. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have just completed the switch-over to the new Innova EVO cat food, and I think they really

Re: Advice for a Newbie Appreciated

2005-05-10 Thread Nina
what kind of cold-blooded person would dump a box of 2 1/2 week old babies. How much trouble is it to let mom take care of them until they're weaned? After I found out about the FeLV, I figured Momma must have died. So sad. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks!! I try. Not easy

Re: Need prayers and advice for Ginger

2005-05-10 Thread Nina
Michelle, What happened with Ginger at the internist's yesterday? Sending healing prayers to Ginger, Fern and Pepsi, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thank you! I put it on my list to ask the internist tomorrow! Michelle

Re: for Barbara (Baass) re: going out of town

2005-05-10 Thread Nina
MC, 'Nepotic', what a smarty pants you are! :) Nina TenHouseCats wrote: you're very observant--i totally missed that nepotic connection! On 5/10/05, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Terri, Do I have this right? You are married to your sister's husband's brother? Do you happen to be sets of twins

Re: for Barbara (Baass) re: going out of town

2005-05-10 Thread Nina
Ha! English is such a difficult language! Nina Terri Brown wrote: My sister is not married to my brother-in-law. I see why you would think that though by the way I wrote that! They'd kill each other. They get along fine, but they would never have made it as a couple

Re: Need prayers and advice for Ginger

2005-05-10 Thread Nina
Oh poor Ginger! 10 teeth all at once. Are they keeping her dopey on pain meds? Wasn't Belinda just saying how one of her positives had most of her teeth removed, recovered and has been doing fine ever since? Come on Ginger, stay strong baby. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The internist

Re: possibly-positive pregnant girl needs foster

2005-05-12 Thread Nina
wish I had the room, resources, energy, time etc. to help this girl and her babies. Please let us know what happens to her. Bless you and this rescue for being there when others can't or won't. Nina TenHouseCats wrote: a michigan rescue group is swamped right now with mamas and kittens, mamas

Re: OT--have to share my vet clinic news

2005-05-13 Thread Nina
Kerry! That's wonderful news. I'm so pleased to hear you won't be having to visit that clinic anymore, and one of your favorite vets will be making house calls for a while! You can bet you won't be the only client that creep is losing. Thanks for sharing. Nina MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote

Re: Ginger

2005-05-13 Thread Nina
down you and make you hold still. Since I'm not, you'll have to take care of yourself. Honestly Michelle, you're stressing the whole house out, do your animals a favor as well as yourself and take a couple of deep breaths. Blessing and love to you Michelle, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Re: Ginger

2005-05-13 Thread Nina
it works with all forms of blood parasites. Nina

Re: Ginger

2005-05-13 Thread Nina
by their less than enthusiastic response. Surprised, that is, until I go inside and take a look in my much neglected mirror! Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I decided to take a shower and brush my teeth and generally try to appear human, maybe even straighten up the house that has turned

[FelineIBD] Gypsy Update

2005-05-16 Thread Nina
I just posted this to my IBD group and, since you've all been so kind to have shown concern for Gypsy, I thought I'd let you folks know what's going on as well. Nina Hi Everyone, Here's a brief update on my trials and tribulations with Missy-Thang Gypsy. Let's see, I think it was last

Re: OT: Cardiomyapathy

2005-05-16 Thread Nina
about them yet. Please let us know what you find to help him, (I'll try to do some looking too), my thoughts and prayers are with you guys. Nina Belinda Sauro wrote: Hi All, Took my Joey in for an echo on his heart, his heart murmur is getting louder so my vet wanted him to get an echo

Jenn - the question of euthanasia

2005-05-17 Thread Nina
and let our opinions be known. No shrinking violet me, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've not been responding with any suggestions so far, because I'm probably in the minority in my opinion, but I think she is suffering needlessly, and that HUMANE euthanasia would be the kindest thing for her

Re: Ginger is eating with Periactin

2005-05-18 Thread Nina
I would absolutely postpone the ultrasound. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Last night I got the Vix vaporizer working (Ginger still is sniffly) and gave her periactin for the first time, not expecting much because I have never found periacting (cyrpoheptadine) to get cats or dogs eating. An hour

Re: stitch

2005-05-19 Thread Nina
suffering and help him to cross, it's one last gift you can give him that we can't give our human loved ones. God bless you and comfort you in your grief. Much love, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: unfortunately stitch did not respond to the CCNU. it has been a little over 27 hours and he continues

Here's a nice story for you

2005-05-19 Thread Nina
a little prayer she survives the night and however long it takes her to learn to fly properly. The danger is far from over for her, I feed ferals in my front yard. Got to go, she just tried to fly and is sitting in a heap at the foot of the tree! Nina

Re: Here's a nice story for you

2005-05-20 Thread Nina
and alert. Are you praying that Mom and Dad get over their cautiousness and come take care of Junior? Please do. My cats are none to happy about my not letting them out, Ursula is probably going to start spraying any minute. Thanks for caring enough to respond, I'll keep you posted, Nina

Re: Here's a nice story for you-my Grandma's crows

2005-05-20 Thread Nina
of your baby! It's really hard for me to watch. She's back down in the box again. I can't stand anything, especially a baby, being hungry! Nina Jen Meyer wrote: When my Mom was a kid, her Dad and brothers used to bring home baby crows as pets (obviously not encouraged now-a-days)! They would keep

Way OT - Tyson skateboarding

2005-05-24 Thread Nina
was making that really fun noise!) Love you guys, Nina Title: Tyson's Pictures and Movies Pictures Movies of Tyson Skating These pictures capture Tyson skating near the Huntington Beach Pier in October 2003 (photography courtesy of Rick

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Nina
what sort of deplorable circumstances could lead someone who, (one would hope), was trying to help, to these dire straights. Not everyone will be able to muster compassion for the humans involved, but we all are heartsick over what the innocents suffer. Nina Mia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My

Re: Jersey

2005-05-24 Thread Nina
in the archives and we'll post more about it. FelV is a devastating diagnosis, but our angels can and do lead happy healthy lives, (although usually shorter ones). I'm glad you found this group, keep us informed about the two of you. Nina stany petrov wrote: Hi Belinda, Thanks for the information

Re: what they do

2005-05-25 Thread Nina
in fur is not just for their benefit, but infinitely more so, for ours. Nina Jamie Laws wrote: I just read Lisa's post about little Akira and was struck by something she said. The part about what they teach us. The "why me, why this cat" will drive you insane. I mean you just love th

Hair loss and Pred

2005-05-25 Thread Nina
about the hair loss, but I've always gotten such good information from you guys, I thought you might have some insights. Nina

Re: Hair loss and Pred

2005-05-25 Thread Nina
Thanks MC. Poor little thing doesn't look scary enough, now she has to lose her hair too? It does grow back, right? Nina TenHouseCats wrote: yep, it's definitely a known taking it, in my experience, rather than following discontinuing it--someone else may know more about

Re: emergency advice on starved cat needed

2005-05-25 Thread Nina
that, with your help, she'll pull through. Keep us posted. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If they do not eat for more than 48 hours, they are at risk of getting fatty liver disease (hepatic lipidosis) but do not necessarily get it. If they get it, they do not want to eat because they are nauseous

Re: emergency advice on starved cat needed

2005-05-25 Thread Nina
of some Sub Q fluids for her. You can order them on-line of course, but maybe a vet will take pity on you and help you out without charging you an arm and a leg. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks Michelle. I don't have any sub-q fluids here, or I would do it. She is eating on her own from

Re: Jersey

2005-05-26 Thread Nina
Stan, A water fountain is a good way to get a cat to drink more. There are quite a few to choose from. Here's a link to a couple from KV vet supply:

Re: emergency advice on starved cat needed: UPDATE

2005-05-26 Thread Nina
their food anyway. I knew that little urchin was going to worm her way into your hearts! Thanks for the update. Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks to everyone for all the advice. I called my vet today (the better one), and told them what I had, and what I was doing, and they said without

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