The Tory World View

2000-04-18 Thread WesBurt
ommitted to the Tory world view that we will continue keep item 1 below the optimum level, just to maximize the return to usury? As John Courtneidge wrote to list [EMAIL PROTECTED] in reply to my previous post, Who Benefits From The Status Quo? The answer to your titled question is: - No-one. Kind regards, Wesburt

Who Benefits From The Status Quo?

2000-04-01 Thread WesBurt
letter to Mr. Wilson Subj: Your responses (both) to "From Red Herrings To A General Solution" Date: 03/20/2000 11:17:15 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Wesburt To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], CC:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/20/2000 11:18:32 AM E CC: Wesburt Douglas, I am beginning to understa

From Red Herrings To A General Solution

2000-03-19 Thread WesBurt
nference on BIG BODY HEURISTICS will step up to the podium and claim that our present condition is the best possible condition and that there is nothing we can do to improve our present condition? Probably all of them, as long as the global model at URL remains a secret of the temple, proscribed for everyone except the WHIPs. Kind regards to the innocents and the DDotSQ, Wesburt

A General Theory or A Red Herring?

2000-03-07 Thread WesBurt
s by explaining the obvious to them. That would only hurt their feelings. I am looking forward to some spirited discussion of this simple idea, before it becomes policy. Kind regards to all, Wesburt

The Simple Solution Again

2000-02-29 Thread WesBurt
y but much more affluent than the former colonies of Spain are today, after a century of struggle under the English/American public policy they learned from the USA a century ago. Think about it, and then talk about it. Its your future, not mine! Kind regards, Wesburt

The Universal Citizen's Income (UCI)

2000-02-24 Thread WesBurt
CI is all that the UK and the US have implemented adequately, two centuries after Pitt, the younger, proposed children's allowances as a practical alternative to the Speenhamland System of wage supplements indexed to the price of a loaf of bread. Think about it, and then talk about it. Its your future, not mine! Kind regards, Wesburt

Re: Usury is a red herring, Date: 02/06/2000 7:11:48 PM EST

2000-02-09 Thread WesBurt
ian DDotSQ. Now, if the American DDotSQ will follow suite, the dialogue can begin on curing what ails us. Kind regards to all, Wesburt

Usury is a redherring

2000-02-06 Thread WesBurt
multiple of today's average income, but the Levites did not need to raise $1,000,000/year to get reelected every two or four years, they were appointed for life. Some things never change. Subj: Subsidiarity and the Basic Income, Date: 01/16/2000 * Tom Christoffel To: Wesburt * John Vandenberg To:

Re: [lets] The Great Usury Debate, Or, When is it Usury?

2000-01-25 Thread WesBurt
the sense of the meeting is favorable, we may all continue to use our accustomed vocabulary without misunderstanding each other. Kind regards, Wesburt

Re: Perception problems at Human Resources Development Canada

2000-01-21 Thread WesBurt
ity of our labor markets and is the only practical alternative to the corruption prone means-tested welfare-state. Wesburt

Your note of 01/16/2000, Re: Subsidiarity and the Basic Income

2000-01-19 Thread WesBurt
itics. Kind regards, Wesburt XXX Begin dialogue XXX Subj:[auspolitics] Educational Allowances Date: 99-11-02 00:52:42 EST From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rhianwen) + Téa-Louise Smith + Rhianwen Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: =?iso-8859-1

Subsidiarity and the Basic Income

2000-01-17 Thread WesBurt
Does this statement imply the Church's approval of a basic income for every person over their whole lifecycle? For children and students only until they enter the workforce? For retired people only, at the expense of families with children? The latter is all that the UK and the US have in place, two centuries after Pitt, the younger, proposed children's allowances as a practical alternative to the Speenhamland System. Think about it, and then talk about it. Its your future, not mine! Kind regards, Wesburt

Re: [auspolitics] Yours of 01/10/2000 10:27:51 AM EST, Re: Theunvisited web ...

2000-01-11 Thread WesBurt
Princess Diana, GET OVER IT. And, try to add to the topic, something that I missed. Have a nice day. Wesburt

Yours of 01/10/2000 10:27:51 AM EST, Re: The unvisited web site

2000-01-10 Thread WesBurt
I arrived at in 1994. Thanks again, Ed, for the words of encouragement. I am going to copy this note to my copy list, just to see how many of my favorite mail lists are still distributing my posts in Y 2,000. Kind Regards, Wesburt

Re: My post, The Market Price Noosphere Of A Free Society, again

2000-01-07 Thread WesBurt
Hi folks, Here's the second of three you missed. Yours for the New Year, Wesburt ~ Subj:Re: My post, "The Market Price Noosphere Of A Free Society" Date: 01/04/2000 11:54:38 AM Eastern Standard Time From: WesBurt CC: W

Two Articles of Economic Rights Responsibilities, again

2000-01-07 Thread WesBurt
Hi folks, Here's the third of three you missed. Yours for the New Year, WesBurt ~ Subj: Two Articles of Economic Rights Responsibilities Date: 01/05/2000 10:25:39 AM Eastern Standard Time From: WesBurt CC:WesBurt BCC: deleted by WSB Hi

The Market Price Noosphere Of A Free Society, again

2000-01-07 Thread WesBurt
Hi folks, Here's one of three you missed. Yours for the New Year, Wesburt ~ Subj:The Market Price Noosphere Of A Free Society Date: 01/02/2000 4:57:27 PM Eastern Standard Time From: WesBurt CC: WesBurt BCC:deleted by WSB : To: A few friends

In response to recent postings on a new mail list

1999-12-22 Thread WesBurt
3 A Psalm of David 1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. snip ~~ 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for I have illuminated the valley before me. snip ~~ 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Kind regards and Merry Christmas to Clint, Lisa, Ed, Russell, and many others, Wesburt

Re: please clarify Simple Solution

1999-12-18 Thread WesBurt
REAL WORLD, 1996. Don't presume to explain figures 7-9 to your local village idiot or your sixth grade children. You would only hurt their feelings. Your presumption would suggest you were making sport of their limited intellects by explaining the obvious to them. I am looking forward to more spirited comments on the simple solution, on list Kind regards, Wesburt

The Simple Solution, again and again

1999-12-14 Thread WesBurt
again" to list [EMAIL PROTECTED] Begin 30 months old post Subj: The Simple Solution, again Date: 97-06-13 13:47:20 EDT From: WesBurt To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CC: WesBurt ~ My recent vacation provided an opportunity to watch prominent members of our cognitive elite for a

Mail Lists Response to Paine's AGRARIAN JUSTICE on the Internet

1999-11-30 Thread WesBurt
orgot about. Begin record copy of mail lists responses to latest Wesburt post Subj: Paine's AGRARIAN JUSTICE on the Internet Date: 11/29/1999 2:36:03 PM EST From: Wesburt To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CC: Wesburt BCC:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/29/1999 2:41:23 PM EST (5 min.) BCC:[EMAIL PROTE

Paine's AGRARIAN JUSTICE on the Internet

1999-11-29 Thread WesBurt
E PROPOSED PLAN INTO EXECUTION, AND TO RENDER IT AT THE SAME TIME CONDUCIVE TO THE PUBLIC INTEREST." Two hundred years of hard experience have not added very much to what he said in "Agrarian Justice" and in his 1792 "The Rights Of Man, Part Second." Thanks again, Bill, for bringing this URL to our attention. Kind Regards, Wesburt

Who Cares?-5

1999-11-27 Thread WesBurt
men? Looking forward to receiving more of that "hard to get" Swiss data. I remain, Sincerely yours, Wesburt

Who Cares?-4

1999-11-10 Thread WesBurt
10:34:01 PM EST you, [EMAIL PROTECTED], write: Begin Measday note, including two (WSB: comment WSB) s by Wesburt Dear Mr Burt, Intrigued by your thesis. (WSB: In an earlier post I stated my thesis this way: "So I am free to speak my mind, as if I were independently wealthy, on

Who cares?-3

1999-11-01 Thread WesBurt
it, or at least talk about it. What have they got to lose except their unsustainable current degenerative trends? Please find below the full text of Christoph Reuss' second "second opinion" with one comment inserted by wesburt in the format (WSB: comment. WSB). Begin Christoph Reuss' sec

Who cares?

1999-10-26 Thread WesBurt
untries I have seen are in black Africa, a fact white protestant workaholics are blinded to by convention, cuture and circumstance. a Swiss citizen ~~ Subj: Yours of 99-10-20 18:19:18 EDT, Re: Welcome to America, III Date: 99-10-20 20:22:47 EDT From:

Welcome to America, III

1999-10-13 Thread WesBurt
ED] Dear Mr. Anonym ("WesBurt" doesn't look like a human name) I just want to let you know that I'm not interested in lowering my taxes (simply because I prefer not to pay any taxes at all) or in raising my income (according to you, I'm already making top $$$ by writing books about

Two ways to lower your taxes and raise your income

1999-10-05 Thread WesBurt
~~~ P.S. (99-10-04) Those visual aids, Figures 7, 8, and 9, constitute a micro-model of industrial society and are now available at URLs: and 3142/IR/items/19990119WesBurtFig7-9B.gif, thanks to Derek Darves and Ian Ritchie. WesBurt

Requirements For An Efficient Market, fourth time

1999-09-28 Thread WesBurt
is the visible tip of the iceberg. Cheers, WesBurt Begin three year old post January 31, 1995 Subject: #173, Requirements For An Efficient Market To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] A few will find the subject of this letter somewhere between unnecessary and anathema. The many who are educated

Welcome to America

1999-09-23 Thread WesBurt
uture.html I have taken the liberty of adding your address to my copy list. Let me know if you want to be removed. Kind regards, WesBurt

Ends of Globalization, II

1999-09-22 Thread WesBurt
s, Diana G. Collier, and John Courtneidge because they teach me what I need to know. Kind regards, WesBurt XXX 1 XXX Subj:Re: The ends of globalization Date: 99-09-20 07:10:30 EDT From: [EMAIL

The common denominator of social reform.

1999-09-02 Thread WesBurt
wider participation in the search for the common denominator of social reform. Kind regards, WesBurt Begin last two paragraphs and four replies My Figure 1 of the Global Model at shows that only the U.S. and the U.K. implement the first rule at 50%

Re: Reform

1999-08-30 Thread WesBurt
expenses, makes the laws. Maybe these two rules would make sense to the public, if enough reformers could agree on them and talk them up. When these two rules are followed, every thing else is easy in the corporation. Regards, WesBurt

Ideas Have Consequences, after they converge to a general theory.

1999-08-23 Thread WesBurt
ore than one slow-witted, inarticulate, old mechanical engineer to put our largest industrial society in a proper conceptual framework so that each of us can see it whole and know why it operates with 4-10% unemployment, 2-3%/year inflation, and a 5% of GNP deficiency of purchasing power in the lower half of the workforce. Remember, by your silence on this issue, you encourage folks to believe that you are a Determined Defender of the Status Quo. Looking forward to more traffic at those three web sites, WesBurt

Less Social Science, more sixth grade arithmetic.

1999-08-04 Thread WesBurt
low $63,000/year. This writer, as you know, is now enjoying the only stage of the UBI which the U.S. establishment has allowed to be established in the United States. End Bertrand Russell's four stage UBI, as embellished by WesBurt Now let's repair to the "only technically valid globa

The natural structure of capitalism?

1999-07-07 Thread WesBurt
ssive amounts of wealth, much like a cow that can continually be milked. There is no social benefit to this, no moral value that can be extrapolated from this, it just is a nice byproduct of a system design." WesBurt writes in reply: What to me is surprising is the failure, of the intellectua

social technology and global models

1999-07-05 Thread WesBurt
wn at, nor defend it as effectively as I do. Your detailed review of the model was most helpful, and sincerely appreciated. Regards, WesBurt Begin excerpt from a six month old post Subj: The Whole Divine Law (Fig7-9b.GIF) Date: 99

FAQ:Economics, a

1999-07-03 Thread WesBurt
list. Below are my, lengthy as usual, answers to those three questions. ~~ `1, To: WesBurt, From: Paul Dumais, Q: you wrote: (WSB: Yves, you have covered every aspect of our global problematique except for the most important possibility

Which way?

1999-06-09 Thread WesBurt
on of its children would put all two hundred nations on the path to becoming a Switzerland. Would the Swiss vote for that? Think about it, and then talk anout it. I might be mistaken! Kind regards, WesBurt

Macro Micro Models of a Nation, III

1999-06-05 Thread WesBurt
. of Economics, could not refuse. The offer read: If this does not illuminate the forward from Harry Pollard, let me know who Harry Pollard is and what the forward consisted of, and I'll do my best to close the gap. Sincerely, WesBurt ~~ Prof. Foldvary replied, WesBurt: Harry

Macro Micro Models of a Nation, II

1999-06-03 Thread WesBurt
My apologies if you receive multiple copies of this post. My server faltered on the attached file three times. You can view Fig7-9B.GIF at URL WesBurt ~~~ To: Fred Foldvary, Prof. of Economics, and subscribers to several mail lists

Macro (Fig4B.Gif) Micro (Fig8Gif) Models of a National Economy

1999-06-01 Thread WesBurt
ly to stabilize our own national economy and then the global economy, being only the sum of the several national economies, will be stable and prosperous. But the DDotSQ say, "only over my dead body." Oh well? Kind regards, WesBurt

The Global Model, again

1999-05-24 Thread WesBurt
t global currancy, with perhaps an adequate family allowance as the fall-back position. Then, the great majority of parenting households in the U.S.A. would be able to manage their costs as easily as Gay, Lesbian, and Celibate households manage their costs under our present public policy. Lets hear from all the DDotSQ who want to be on the winning side of this "debate among friends." Kind regards to all, WesBurt

The Global Model, III

1999-05-24 Thread WesBurt
. More than any contemporary religion or ideology, it is the common cause of mankind. And its proper application, or neglect, may be traced throughout our recorded history, even after that history has been fiddled with by Greeks, Romans, or members of Oxford for 2500 years. Kind regards to all, WesBurt

Your marxist analysis of the war in Kosovo

1999-04-28 Thread WesBurt
To: Ted Grant and Alan Woods, and others Gentlemen, Your marxist analysis of the war in Kosovo at URL was well done, and I thank Eva Durant for posting the URL to e-mail list [EMAIL PROTECTED], where it attracted my attention. But there is yet

The Ownership Solution, again

1999-04-28 Thread WesBurt
To: A few friends and many Devious Defenders of the Status Quo (DDotSQ) on several mail lists in the English speaking countries. Hi Folks, I forgot to extend the distribution of yesterday's post to Jeff Gates, see below. WesBurt Begin yesterday's post to Jeff Gates Subj: The Ownership


1999-04-21 Thread WesBurt
of the general theory may not be your cup of tea. The following two year old note may help to break the silence on this topic by providing a consistent set of macro data for the U.S. economy, which data is typical in structure for any industrial economy. WesBurt begin note of 97-04-06 Subj

Fwd: apologise and clarification wrong placed e-mail

1999-04-20 Thread WesBurt
ely, Wesley S. Burt ~~~ begin forwarded message ~ In a message dated 99-04-20 09:52:44 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Burghard Ilge dear all, my direct posting to WesBurt was based on wrong assumptions and I have to appologise for my inappropriate reaction. I read

Re: wrong placed e-mail

1999-04-19 Thread WesBurt
Burghard Ilge, In your message of 99-04-19 11:03:39 EDT, just 44 minutes after I posted my note on family policy to Penny L Cairns, you wrote: Dear WesBurt, Even though your mailing was not a comercial one your posting to [EMAIL PROTECTED] would have to be regarded as spamming since it has

Re: (Fwd) family policy

1999-04-19 Thread WesBurt
of eleven pages while connected to the URL. Kind regards, WesBurt

Changes to the Global Model, since the 1994 update.

1999-04-12 Thread WesBurt
Wilson, Bob McDaniel, and others for keeping the dialog alive while I was trying to think of something new to say about the only technically valid Global Model on the internet. LET'S hear from the lurkers, innocents, and frequent posters on the several e-mail lists. Kind regards, WesBurt

Re: Global Model, Yours of 99-03-08 12:24:43 EST

1999-03-09 Thread WesBurt
To: Frequent posters, lurkers, innocents on several mail lists, and Sam Cole. Sam, you wrote: Wesburt Ian Miles forwarded your email about global models. You may be interested in the downloadable global model on my web site at It is an "

The Global Model at URL .,F-W

1999-03-06 Thread WesBurt
Dear Lurkers on list Future-Work, Here is a recent post, prior to my rejoining list Future-Work, which will help fill the silence which has settled on the list's frequent posters. Cheers, WesBurt Begin recent post Subj: The Global Model at URL . Date: 99

CIA Handbook for International Economic Statistics:

1999-03-04 Thread WesBurt
on the effective presentation of graphical material and led me to another useful source of economic data, samples of which follow Mike's note. Kind regards, WesBurt Begin Mike's note ~~ Subj:Re: A Robust Global Model for grades K-12 Date: 99-02-26 22:53:30