Re: [fw-general] Modular layout and ACL - how to make it work and make it easy.

2009-08-31 Thread Ralph Schindler
Wow, lots going on here. I'll try to help where I can. I actually blogged about the situation you descibed about blog posts and owners: In that scenario, your assertion would likely be interacting with the database

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Tool and modules

2009-08-31 Thread Ralph Schindler
Thats a good point, can you open an improvement issue for it? Thanks, Ralph iceangel89 wrote: i noticed Zend_Tool still does not handle modules very well. 1. upon creation i think resources.frontController.moduleDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH /modules should be added to application.ini 2.

Re: [fw-general] Problem with setRedirect() -- it's not redirecting

2009-08-31 Thread Ralph Schindler
Hmm. $response-setRedirect() assumes you are providing it a url so its probably best if that were an absolute path. Also, it does not stop the dispatchloop from executing, so you might have to do $request-setDispatched(true); To get a sense of how redirecting is handled, you might want to

Re: [fw-general] Zend Validations not working properly in FastCGI

2009-08-25 Thread Ralph Schindler
Its sounds like your stack might have configuration issues? Is it the same php in both sapis? Are you sure that the configuration file for php in iss and fastcgi are the same, and if they are not, at least configured the same? more info needed, ralph naveed83 wrote: Can anyone please tell

Re: [fw-general] cycle helper doesn't work inside a partialloop

2009-08-25 Thread Ralph Schindler
That is correct, each partial execution gets a clean slate (the view is cloned) so that models can have an assurance of a clean environment. Inside of the script being called by partial() try (instead of using cycle) using the $this-partialCounter variable. If you are using a cycle() to

Re: [fw-general] Handling MySQL replication with Zend_Db_Adapter and Zend_Db_Table

2009-08-25 Thread Ralph Schindler
I too have heard nothing but good things about the proxy solution. Its lightweight, robust, and just works from what I've heard. -ralph till wrote: On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 10:15 PM, wrote: I looked into the mysql proxy solution, but they say it is still very

Re: [fw-general] Limiting one user in zend_auth.

2009-08-25 Thread Ralph Schindler
suggestion will work for what I need to do and sounds simpler with a single point to control the accounts. Thank you very much. On Mar 18, 2009, at 11:40 AM, Ralph Schindler wrote: This will work in MOST cases, but people that are visiting from behind a proxy (or AOL), might appear to come

Re: [fw-general] Using Zend_Db_Select without a db connection

2009-08-24 Thread Ralph Schindler
Hector, what is your use case? I've thought about this a couple of times, and I wonder if having a null adapter as part of the Zend_Db_Adapter would make sense for some use cases. The thing you have to consider is that several adapters do differnet things when it comes to how they quote

Re: [fw-general] Elegant Solution Needed for Preventing Mulitple Logins

2009-08-24 Thread Ralph Schindler
The best way to accomplish this is by using a session storage facility that would allow you to do lookups. When using Zend_Session with the standard data-store of files, its very hard to query the files for APPLICATION layer queries (like how many users are logged in, what are their names).

Re: [fw-general] Why should I use ACL ?

2009-08-24 Thread Ralph Schindler
ACL is like everything else in this regard: It provides you with a set of interfaces and a standard API that you can consume throughout your application when it comes to querying for access control. Imagine this: in one place in your application where you might be doing an SQL lookup to

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Validate_NotEmpty treats objects as empty values

2009-08-19 Thread Ralph Schindler
I think the current behavior is fine. Generally speaking, this validator should not be used with objects. In PHP, all objects are always not empty. In this context, it would be hard for the validator to figure out why you passed it an object in the first place, and to determine what you

Re: [fw-general] Best practice for configuration data

2009-08-19 Thread Ralph Schindler
Inash, J Debord's approach is pretty good, by creating a separate config.ini file, you are effectively splitting the Zend_Application resources from the config values that your models/services, or controller code might use- which is good, b/c then you can see the distinction. The

Re: [fw-general] Zend Studio 7.0 Zend Framework webinar tomorrow!

2009-08-19 Thread Ralph Schindler
Have a look on this page: -ralph Cameron wrote: On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote: -- Joseph Crawford

Re: [fw-general] Handling MySQL replication with Zend_Db_Adapter and Zend_Db_Table

2009-08-19 Thread Ralph Schindler
I agree, the mysql proxy is generally the best place to start. Since it sits inline, and it understands SQL, there is no need to parse/regex each statement to figure out which connection to use based on its context. In addition, mysql proxy would be far better with respect to performance than

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Tool not working with symbolic links in include_path

2009-08-16 Thread Ralph Schindler
Could someone enlighten me why they are skipped? Early on, we found that symbolic links were actually causing issues for several people that were using them. The IncludePathLoader is definitely not the best solution for people who don't manage whats in their include_path, or for people

[fw-general] Reducing Open Issues in Acl, Auth, CodeGenerator, Db, Reflection Tool

2009-08-16 Thread Ralph Schindler
/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=truetype=1type=4type=2type=11type=21pid=1status=1status=3status=4component=10407component=10408component=10380sorter/field=issuekeysorter/order=DESCsorter/field=votessorter/order=DESC Thanks in advance everyone! Ralph Schindler

Re: [fw-general] ZF Download 1.9.1

2009-08-13 Thread Ralph Schindler
This happens. Generally, our process for launching a new version of ZF takes a few hours from start to completion. You probably saw this during the beginning of the phase of deploying the new packages. Think of it like DNS, sometimes the full updates doesnt hit all of the proper servers

Re: [fw-general] 1.9.x blues (was: [fw-general] Zend_Search_Lucene broken after upgrade to 1.9.0)

2009-08-13 Thread Ralph Schindler
Ralf, hard to diagnose from the backtrace, it looks like you were overriding Zend_Search_Lucene with Interpersonal_Search_Lucene, whats going on in the constructor there? Till, are you using Zend_Applicaiton? What does the Zend_View boostrapping look like if not? -ralph till wrote: On

Re: [fw-general] Zend Tool errors on Windows after upgrading to 1.9

2009-08-11 Thread Ralph Schindler
Please checkout the 1.9.1 packages, I think there is a fix in place for this, if not PLEASE let me know.. The issue is: and Thanks! -ralph admirau wrote: Fix for this bug is described here:

Re: [fw-general] Session save path causes exception

2009-08-11 Thread Ralph Schindler
Do you have auto_start set to 1 on the server by chance? -ralph Joó Ádám wrote: Hi, I have an action and a view helper both checking Zend_Auth::getInstance()-hasIdentity() and if it’s true, then setting $this-session to / returning the object with user data, respectively. After setting

Re: [fw-general] Zend Framework 2.0

2009-08-11 Thread Ralph Schindler
I for one can say that the road to 2.0 will not be a short road. Lots of considerations will go into 2.0, especially since we've learned SO MUCH from the entirety of the 1.0 branch. There are plenty of components that simply put, need a rewrite. Reasons for rewrite could range far and wide:

Re: [fw-general] Unit Testing ZFW

2009-08-11 Thread Ralph Schindler
Are you testing trunk? Are you using the standard TestConfiguration.php.dist file? Are you enabling any exotic components that are disabled by default? Where is it dying? I would try commenting out the test run for the larger components first (Zend_Pdf, Zend_Memory, Zend_Search) to see if

Re: [fw-general] Correct use of Autoload

2009-08-05 Thread Ralph Schindler
Now to my problem. I would like to use my Model Classes without a Prefix. At this Time I use for example: AR_User::find(); But I want to use it like this: User::find(); How do I need to setup the Autoloader to meet my needs? Autoloading does not do namespacing or aliasing, it merely

Re: [fw-general] Re: Domain Driving Design - Guidance needed

2009-08-05 Thread Ralph Schindler
While those are good books, the bible (so to speak), in the OO domain has typically been for application architectures. It gives a good overall understanding of the responsibility of code, and the interaction of reusable object oriented code. I'll let

Re: [fw-general] Looping through a class with Zend_Reflection_Class::getMethods()

2009-08-05 Thread Ralph Schindler
It sounds as if a hasDocblock() method needs to be added. Please add this to the issue tracker and assign to me, I can do this soon. Feel free to supply a patch :) -ralph Abraham Block wrote: I'm trying to write an action helper which uses docblocks as an annotation, but if I loop through

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Tool (1.9.0) doesn't create project

2009-08-04 Thread Ralph Schindler
Are you running this command in an empty directory? It also might appear that your include_path might include your wordpress directory? can you do php -i | grep include_path I think that might help figure out if yoru include_path is dirty. -ralph Mario Guenterberg wrote: Hi... I try to

Re: [fw-general] List all modules, controllers or actions

2009-08-04 Thread Ralph Schindler
. After that, if you want the actions, reflection is the best way to go: looking for any methods that are public and end in 'Action'. Hope this helps, Ralph Schindler admirau wrote: Is there any chance to list all modules, controllers or actions used in project, or do I have to parse all the files

Re: [fw-general] Unit Testing ZFW

2009-08-03 Thread Ralph Schindler
FWIW, on the command line, the best way I think to find out where your php is expecting an ini file is: /etc# php -i | grep -i configuration Configuration File (php.ini) Path = /etc Loaded Configuration File = /private/etc/php-cli.ini -ralph Pádraic Brady wrote: For example, under Ubuntu

[fw-general] Zend_Acl fixes in trunk for assertions ZF-1721 ZF-1722

2009-07-31 Thread Ralph Schindler
-4460 * Assertion implementation does not receive ACL query parameters. * Inheritage of roles: rules are checked by parent roles Thanks! Ralph Schindler

Re: [fw-general] Re: [fw-auth] Zend_Acl fixes in trunk for assertions ZF-1721 ZF-1722

2009-07-31 Thread Ralph Schindler
Awesome! Well, I plan to close these issues by the end of the day (or weekend) assuming no one else pipes up about how well the solution works :) -Ralph Abraham Block wrote: Seems to work like a champ, Ralph! On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Ralph Schindler

[fw-general] Re: [fw-mvc] - Where to put common DB calls

2009-07-29 Thread Ralph Schindler
Typically, DB related calls are a subset of the responsibilities of your model since the domain model is typically closely related to your data model. If you have some domain specific queries that you need to run, it might make sense to make a model specifically for them, and pass the object

Re: [fw-general] Seperate action to proccess a form

2009-07-27 Thread Ralph Schindler
_forward will return back to the Action Controller, but will actually create a new instance of the action controller to utilize. At this point you have a couple of options: * use some sort of application registry to house your form object * use a static member of your ActionController class

Re: [fw-general] Model, Mapper and DbTable

2009-07-27 Thread Ralph Schindler
Modeling is not a silver bullet, and as such, the organization of the files can vary depending on how complex or simple your models are. This is exactly why the Model Autoloader can accept new rules, so that your application layer code can be organized in the best possible way, while being

Re: [fw-general] Command line options with Zend_Tool

2009-07-27 Thread Ralph Schindler
This area of development has been left open so that we can better understand how developers intend how to use it. I notice you have both client and action specific options available. There are a few questions: * where and how do you anticipate recieving and utilizing the values from these

Re: [fw-general] Command line options with Zend_Tool

2009-07-27 Thread Ralph Schindler
Excellent, we can review your solution as a prototype and see how it fits best in Zend_Tool. Can't wait to see it, I am glad to start seeing people extending and understanding the Zend_Tool internals :) Let me know help you'll need, if any to implement your features. -ralph Christoph Dorn

Re: [fw-general] Why is Zend_CodeGenerator Messing Up the Code Formatting in an Existing File?

2009-07-23 Thread Ralph Schindler
Can you file an issue in the issue tracker and document you use case? I will address it before 1.9 drops. Thanks! -ralph Nomolos Sharpe wrote: Hi All, I am using the Zend_CodeGenerator to (ofcourse) generate code, when the class I am generating doesn't exist everything works as expected.

Re: [fw-general] Models as Singletons

2009-07-21 Thread Ralph Schindler
I might live with that. So what are the main pros using singletons? - Is there performance gain or memory savings or something like that? For all intents and purposes, no. Especially since you are in the web environment, application runtime is extremely short (on the order of the length

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Application and Unit Testing with phpunit make inlude_path growth without limits

2009-07-21 Thread Ralph Schindler
First, instead of using __construct(), use setup() and teardown() Those are documented here: Next, if you find the PHP state is not getting reset for certain values, in your teardown, you can always do

Re: [fw-general] redirect infinitive loop

2009-07-20 Thread Ralph Schindler
That would do it. In general, I would try not to do too much logic inside the magic __call() method of an action controller. __call() should be reserved for when you are trying to catch actions for action controllers that were not 'explicitly' defined. By default, without __call(), you'll

Re: [fw-general] Zend include_path problem on PC

2009-07-20 Thread Ralph Schindler
You should be able to see if the ini file is actually being loaded in the phpinfo() by looking up at the top of the phpinfo(). It would say something like these: * Configuration File (php.ini) Path * Loaded Configuration File * (and sometimes) Scan this dir for addition It sounds as if your

Re: [fw-general] Problem with Zend_Tool Custom Provider - Fails When Passing Multiple Parameters

2009-07-20 Thread Ralph Schindler
This is a feature, but there might be a fix for it in newer releases. Basically, the console client tries to use the first letter as the short option. In the case of test2(), you are using 't' twice. I try to name them so that the variable names begin with different letters. If you'd like,

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Acl When / Where to check your ACL?

2009-07-17 Thread Ralph Schindler
FYI, if you havent seen this already, its definitely worth a look: There are a couple of PDF's linked in there, the most helpful being the main one about the dispatch cycle. Cheers! ralph Jon Lebensold wrote: It's postings like this that keep me on the

[fw-general] Zend_Db_Table concrete instantiation

2009-07-15 Thread Ralph Schindler
Hello all! I have commited to trunk a new feature for Zend_Db_Table that will be in ZF 1.9. That feature is the ability to use concrete instantiation on tables. What does that mean? It means this is possible: $authorTable = new Zend_Db_Table('author'); $authors = $authorTable-fetchAll();

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Acl::add() may not accept extended classes

2009-07-14 Thread Ralph Schindler
Hmm, are you sure that you are loading the correct object? Where is this code located? I notice that it implements Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface, but there is already a class called Zend_View_Helper_Navigation being loaded by the framework already right? Where is your custom code being stored?

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Acl::add() may not accept extended classes

2009-07-14 Thread Ralph Schindler
is in the application/views/helpers folder??? Hmm. Nice catch Ralph. Thanks. J On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 5:41 PM, Ralph Schindler wrote: Hmm, are you sure that you are loading the correct object? Where is this code located? I

Re: [fw-general] escaping for zend_db

2009-07-14 Thread Ralph Schindler
use this one: $selectObj-where('name LIKE ?', '%' . $var . '%'); but if you must quote on your own: $selectObj-where('name LIKE ' . $adapter-quote('%' . $var . '%')); With parameterization, you should not need to quote/escape things on your own (unless for some reason you want to have the

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Acl::add() may not accept extended classes

2009-07-14 Thread Ralph Schindler
('controller', $controller)); break; default: return null; } } } On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Ralph Schindler wrote: The question becomes what do you want to hide

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Db_Table: Having one single class for intersection tables

2009-07-13 Thread Ralph Schindler
This is difficult in the current iteration of Zend_Db_Table since Zend_Db_Table's only use case requires each table name to implemented as a class that extends Zend_Db_Table. In ZF 1.9, I have implemented a feature where Zend_Db_Table can be used as a concrete instance. When this drops,

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Service_Twitter - status/tweet ids integer overflow

2009-07-12 Thread Ralph Schindler
I think this has been solved in trunk and will be included in the next mini release. If you see any issues with trunk currently, please file an issue :) -ralph Саша Стаменковић wrote: Wow, looks like long should be used instead int, right? Regards, Saša Stamenković On Sun, Jul 12, 2009

Re: [fw-general] $_GET params with ZF

2009-07-12 Thread Ralph Schindler
$_GET is a PHP languages level interface into retrieving HTTP GET parameters, so yes, they have to be passed as GET params which means via the url and after a ?. In ZF, you are able to pass parameters on the url in specific known locations. See:

Re: [fw-general] Zend Framework Custom Builds

2009-07-12 Thread Ralph Schindler
Well, we have a PEAR channel for distributing ZF as a singular package. From what I know, we are still undecided and do not plan on addressing distribution of components on an individual basis. From a maintenance standpoint, we would not be able to maintain multiple

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Tool does nothing / Zend Framework on MAMP / Mac

2009-07-11 Thread Ralph Schindler
Do you have display_errors and display_startup_errors on? If so, do they show any errors? I am betting there is something funky going on in your include_path. I am working on some settings that will fix these sorts of issues on systems where include_paths might include some, rather-

Re: [fw-general] A simple idea...

2009-07-11 Thread Ralph Schindler
This is effectively a named registry. I advocate the usage of named registries as a way to be able to group instances together into collections at named locations. You could similarly, do this with your own class: class My_Application { static function get($name); static function

Re: [fw-general] No one must be using Zend_Db_Table_Abstract ?

2009-07-11 Thread Ralph Schindler
What is the issue number? debussy007 wrote: Hi, I submitted, it seems to me, an important bug in the issue tracker a year ago regarding Zend_Db_Table_Abstract Please read below : Hi, When inserting or fetching in a DB, the where condition must be of the following syntax (when using an array):

Re: [fw-general] Zend Framework Custom Builds

2009-07-10 Thread Ralph Schindler
I would actually take an automated approach first, by scanning the code for markers that identify classes in other packages. This could either by by scanning for class names or, currently, looking for require statements (although those will prob. go away in 2.0). -ralph Саша Стаменковић

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Db_Table Relationships

2009-07-06 Thread Ralph Schindler
In situations where I have auxiliary and/or errata tables (basically a 1-1 relationship), I would look into peering to those rows via the findParentRow($parentTable) method rather than finding as a DependentRowset.

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Db_Table Relationships

2009-07-06 Thread Ralph Schindler
:19 PM, Ralph Schindler wrote: In situations where I have auxiliary and/or errata tables (basically a 1-1 relationship), I would look into peering to those rows via the findParentRow($parentTable) method rather than finding as a DependentRowset.

Re: [fw-general] Re: [fw-auth] Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable with MySQL View

2009-07-06 Thread Ralph Schindler
Ok, a few notes: * your _initAuth() boostrapper should probably be more concerened with createing a Zend_Auth instance instead of a Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable. The reason being is that the Adapter_DbTable is only needed during the AuthController::identifyAction(), its never really needed

Re: [fw-general] Re: Re: re[fw-general] gistry question

2009-07-06 Thread Ralph Schindler
Nothing is keeping you from creating a DomainModel that either uses a service layer OR directly ties to DbTable (via composition) to persist your data. A skeleton I like to use for this type of integration is something similar to this: class Person { protected $_row = null; static

Re: [fw-general] ZF 1.8 Webinar

2009-07-02 Thread Ralph Schindler
In the mean time, my slides are available: Cheers, Ralph mbneto wrote: I am not sure if I am not following the right person but how about announcing the availability of the recorded sessions with twitter? - Regards.

Re: [fw-general] Zend_CodeGenerator_Php_Property Array

2009-07-01 Thread Ralph Schindler
had checked ;) Really thanks! Does it will be include in the next release/mini release? 2009/6/30 Ralph Schindler Not sure if you had checked the issue tracker, but this has been implemented :) -ralph CocoRambo wrote

Re: [fw-general] view/model/controller code generator for Zend?

2009-06-30 Thread Ralph Schindler
Have you had a look at Zend_Tool? Also check out the basic usage here: Hope this helps, Ralph jarthel wrote: Hello.

Re: [fw-general] isDefaultTableAdapter and Zend_Db_Table_Abstract

2009-06-30 Thread Ralph Schindler
Silly question, but do you have the rest of the parameters set? Minimally these two: resources.db.adapter = ? resources.db.params.dbname = ? Also, what version of ZF is this? -ralph Terre Porter wrote: Hey all, I seem to not be able to get the default table adapter to load when accessing

Re: [fw-general] Zend_CodeGenerator_Php_Property Array

2009-06-30 Thread Ralph Schindler
Not sure if you had checked the issue tracker, but this has been implemented :) -ralph CocoRambo wrote: It's done! I create the issue Thanks 2009/6/10 iceangel89 yay great! Ralph Schindler-2 wrote: I should be able

Re: [fw-general] Zend_CodeGenerator_Php_Property Array

2009-06-09 Thread Ralph Schindler
ah, you are correct, can you log an issue in the isssue tracker and assign to me? Effectively, we need to add type support to the php class properties, should be easy to accomplish. Right now its assuming everything is a string. I should be able to tackle this soon. -ralph CocoRambo

Re: [fw-general] Add Zend Tools to existing project

2009-06-01 Thread Ralph Schindler
Not in this iteration, but its high on my priority list. This is encapsulated in the ability to import and/or sync existing resources into a project. Part of syncing requires that we are able to auto-detect what the context of a resources is (is it a controller? an ini file? etc). After I

[fw-general] Persistent connections

2009-06-01 Thread Ralph Schindler
If anyone is interested, I have a patch that adds persistent connection support to both PDO and Oracle in Zend_Db_Adapter. Please try it out if you can. The patch is located in this issue: Thanks! -ralph

Re: [fw-general] ZF CLI slow

2009-06-01 Thread Ralph Schindler
The Mac I/O system is notoriously slow. Unfortunately, Zend_Tool needs You must mean windows ;) I've never seen any slowness in my I/O on mac, after all, it is a BSD variant (and Unix certified). :) to scan all class files in your include_path to determine what classes it can consume --

Re: [fw-general] ZF CLI slow

2009-06-01 Thread Ralph Schindler
allow this path to be specified (or additional paths specified) in the .zfproject.xml file. This would also allow for project-specific providers. This is actually a chicken-egg problem. The .zfproject.xml file is not loaded until all of the providers have been loaded, specifically the

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Db -- ezcDbHandler wrapper for ezcWorkflow

2009-05-26 Thread Ralph Schindler
I have not seen ezcWorflow and this storage mechanism you describe, but this is what I can tell you. If you are talking about sharing a connection between Zend_Db adapters, then more than likely, you'll have to extend one of the adapters to be able to accept a connection (this would do

Re: [fw-general] Zend Tool Error (?)

2009-05-20 Thread Ralph Schindler
You must also have the ZF tests inside your include_path. I know about this issue and am finding a way to not include the tests directory in the loader if its present. In the mean time, simply remove the tests from the include_path. -ralph SirEdward wrote: I upgraded to 1.8.0 recently and

Re: [fw-general] Handling exceptions inside front controller plugins

2009-05-20 Thread Ralph Schindler
I use controller plugin for authentication and noticed that if an exception is thrown inside, the action is still executed (throwExceptions = false, my It depends on what you are hooking into ultimately. Authentication/Authorization stuff should generally happen in preDispatch() since this

Re: [fw-general] create project from .zfproject.xml

2009-05-20 Thread Ralph Schindler
I will be working on this feature after the bughunt we are currently doing. This feature (now that people have had a chance to play with Zend_Tool) it top priority. If there is not already a feature request for this in the issue tracker, can you add one? -ralph Mike Wright wrote: Hi all,

Re: [fw-general] current state of Zend_Tool and modular apps, true or false?

2009-05-20 Thread Ralph Schindler
Sorry david, must have got lost in the shuffle. True or false:: there is no way to create a multi-module project right out of the gate using 'zf create project ' Yes, in 1.8.1 there is the 'create module' command. Until you need it, the modules directory is not created. True or

Re: [fw-general] zf create view error.

2009-05-14 Thread Ralph Schindler
Hey Wenbert, I can reproduce, can you log this in the issue tracker? Thanks, Ralph wenbert wrote: Hello, I have managed to create a project and controllers. But when I create a view I get this error: -bash-3.00$ create view Please provide a value for $controllerName zf order Please

Re: [fw-general] RFC: ZendX_Doctrine

2009-05-12 Thread Ralph Schindler
Yeah, this is more or less what you'd need to implement. Off the top of your head, can you think of what development time tasks should be exposed? What will the tool be doing for the developer? -ralph Matthew Lurz wrote: I think a Zend Tool Project Provider is what I may be looking for

Re: [fw-general] Drop-in module proof of concept

2009-05-11 Thread Ralph Schindler
Jason, Do you plan on updating this to use the 1.8 featureset? Particularly Zend_Application and the Module Bootstrapping capabilities? The module bootstrapping capabilities will alleviate any of the include this code in your bootstrap portions of the setup process. -ralph

Re: [fw-general] A question about bootstrapping modules

2009-05-08 Thread Ralph Schindler
Or am I completely missing the point of Zend_Application and is there already a better way of doing this? You already identified the way to do this: controller plugins. Matthew is right, controller plugins are the ideal way to hook into the dispatch cycle with runtime logic. Another

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Db_Table

2009-05-08 Thread Ralph Schindler
This is also subject to change. Currently there is an issue in the issue tracker that I am taking on currently: Effectively, the new code will make it possible to use Zend_Db_Table in a concrete way.. this is opposed to the current methodology

Re: [fw-general] New to zend world, need some guidance..

2009-05-08 Thread Ralph Schindler
The only challenge is deciding how you want to rewrite urls (if you are using Zend_Controller_Front). Depending on what version of IIS you are working with, you have different options. More documentation on that subject can be located here:

Re: [fw-general] overriding .htaccess for a specific module

2009-05-05 Thread Ralph Schindler
You are in a difficult situation. I tried to add an .htaccess file for the partners module with the following content: .htaccess files cannot use the 'Location' directive, thus you will not be able to match based off the route php_flag file_uploads On php_value memory_limit 200M php_value

Re: [fw-general] Compile to improve performance

2009-05-05 Thread Ralph Schindler
admirau wrote: Doctrine provides nice option to compile most important classes into one big file, stripping comments etc. to reduce server operations. This option for ZF would be nice. That is not a technique we generally suggest for a performance improvement. Ideally, you could be using an

Re: [fw-general] Big session problems - Zend_Auth

2009-05-05 Thread Ralph Schindler
? Is there any place they might be getting set into the session somehow? -ralph lund.mikkel wrote: Ralph Schindler-2 wrote: Perhaps try looking in the AuthController (or wherever Zend_Auth has stored the identity.) In most cases, an object of type Member was stored, and on each future request

Re: [fw-general] Big session problems - Zend_Auth

2009-05-04 Thread Ralph Schindler
Perhaps try looking in the AuthController (or wherever Zend_Auth has stored the identity.) In most cases, an object of type Member was stored, and on each future request, that class must be loaded before the session data can be unserialized. Eitehr that, or somewhere else, an object of type

Re: [fw-general] zend_application db resource configuration

2009-05-04 Thread Ralph Schindler
but i want my db queries to return objects, tried things like: resources.db.params.FetchMode = Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ; resources.db.params.setFetchMode = Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ; resources.db.params.FetchMode = FETCH_OBJ; resources.db.params.FetchMode = Zend_Db:FETCH_OBJ; but nothing works ... does

Re: [fw-general] Zend Framework - Slower

2009-05-04 Thread Ralph Schindler
Hi, try looking through the performance enhancement guide first: Also ensure you are using an op-code cache of some sort, like apc or zend optimizer. -ralph iceangel89 wrote: i noticed that my Zend Framework application is slower than

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Tool customization

2009-05-03 Thread Ralph Schindler
Yes, my plan for this week is to get out both module support as well as custom profile support. I will drop a note to the list when its ready to test from trunk/ -ralph admirau wrote: I'm creating projects using Zend_Tool provided with ZF 1.8. How change default view suffix to .xhtml

Re: [fw-general] Creating a Tool that Calculates Simple Moving Average

2009-05-03 Thread Ralph Schindler
This is probably something you want to ask the #php chat room on the freenode IRC. This list is specfically for Zend Framework help. -ralph salmarayan wrote: Hi.. I'm creating a tool that calculates the simple moving average for stocks the Application is simple The user chooses a stock and

Re: [fw-general] zf command won't work if I have ZF in the PHP include path

2009-04-30 Thread Ralph Schindler
I have added the following symbolic links: /usr/share/php/Zend = /usr/share/zend-framework/1.8.0b2/library/Zend/ /usr/local/bin/zf - /usr/share/zend-framework/1.8.0b2/bin/ Early on, we found a problem with having links in the include_path so at current, they are not supported at

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Tool: zf create action doesn't work

2009-04-27 Thread Ralph Schindler
Can you try r15204 from trunk? I think all these problems are solved now :) -ralph Mario Guenterberg wrote: On So, Apr 26, 2009 at 08:54:26 +0100, Rob Allen wrote: Hi, Using svn trunk (revision 15159) Anyone else seeing this problem with zf create action: $ zf create project zftest

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Tool: zf create action doesn't work

2009-04-27 Thread Ralph Schindler
Hey Rob, can you try r15204 in trunk? -ralph Rob Allen wrote: On 26 Apr 2009, at 16:44, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote: Basically, with the advent of Zend_Application, we don't need to use require_once statement within our controllers (since autoloading is on by default). The trick, then,

Re: [fw-general] ZF1.8dev - Zend_Tool Error

2009-04-25 Thread Ralph Schindler
Are you using trunk or from the 1.8 branch? -ralph iceangel89 wrote: i am getting An error has occured: File D:\Projects\ZendStuff\application\controllers\IndexController.php must be r equired before it can be reflected when i try zf create project D:\Projects\ZendStuff i am using ZF1.8dev

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Tool failure in 1.8b1

2009-04-24 Thread Ralph Schindler
This was fixed in trunk (new features inside the zf.php) I am documenting then now, but try out whats in trunk and see if it fixes your issues -ralph Tim Fountain wrote: On 23/04/2009, *Ralph Schindler* wrote: hmm, well

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Tool failure in 1.8b1

2009-04-24 Thread Ralph Schindler
This too has been fixed in trunk give it a try and let me know if you see any other issues. -ralph maff wrote: Rob Allen-3 wrote: Hi, I've just downloaded 1.8b1 and am getting this with Zend_Tool: $ zf create project zf-app-test Fatal error: Class 'Zend_Controller_Action' not found in

Re: [fw-general] ZF (Zend_Tool)

2009-04-24 Thread Ralph Schindler
This has been fixed in trunk now, go ahead and give it a whirl.. I will merge all my changes to 1.8 branch by the end of the weekend -ralph Elvin Şiriyev wrote: Hi, is there any useful documentation about zf command? $ alias zf=/home/../ZendFramework-1.8.0b1/bin/ $ zf show version Zend

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Tool failure in 1.8b1

2009-04-23 Thread Ralph Schindler
How did you install ZF? Is it on your include_path? -ralph Rob Allen wrote: Hi, I've just downloaded 1.8b1 and am getting this with Zend_Tool: $ zf create project zf-app-test Fatal error: Class 'Zend_Controller_Action' not found in

Re: [fw-general] Zend_Tool failure in 1.8b1

2009-04-23 Thread Ralph Schindler
is that it worked fine with the alpha release. Regards, Rob... On 23 Apr 2009, at 15:00, Ralph Schindler wrote: How did you install ZF? Is it on your include_path? -ralph Rob Allen wrote: Hi, I've just downloaded 1.8b1 and am getting this with Zend_Tool: $ zf create project zf-app-test

Re: [fw-general] PEAR Channel Server

2009-04-16 Thread Ralph Schindler
I started to work on that, but realized how expansive the spec was and decided to use Chiara. There is actually a PHP53 only implementation which i think the PEAR group is moving towards, and its pretty much in line with what you are describing. Its called SimpleChannelServer and is being

Re: [fw-general] Limiting one user in zend_auth.

2009-03-18 Thread Ralph Schindler
using a single username logged in and before  I expose the accounts to the public I need a way to manage that. I am attempting to use as much of the Zend framework throughout the system as I can. On Mar 17, 2009, at 4:32 PM, Ralph Schindler wrote: If you are using Zend_Auth, check out

Re: [fw-general] Limiting one user in zend_auth.

2009-03-17 Thread Ralph Schindler
the sessions check to see that account johndoe is not logged in more then once at one time. How would I go about doing this with zend _auth? -- Ralph Schindler Software Engineer | Zend Framework|

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